Westminster Presbyterian Church


Westminster Presbyterian Church
Montreat Speaker to Lead
125th Anniversary Worship
estminster welcomes The Rev.
Dr. Thomas K. Tewell to lead
us in worship on Sunday, October 14 as we celebrate our 125th anniversary.
An ordained Presbyterian Minister
for more than 35 years, Tom has served
congregations in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and New Providence, New Jersey, as
well as the 5,100- member Memorial Drive
Presbyterian Church in
Houston, Texas and the
Avenue Presbyterian
Church in New York
Tom is in demand
to speak at conferences
and in congregations across America and
he has taught seminars on preaching,
leadership and stewardship at numerous theological seminaries and divinity schools, including Princeton, Drew,
Pittsburgh, San Francisco and Fuller, and
served as a Trustee of Princeton Theological Seminary for 15 years. He will be
a featured speaker at the 2012 Montreat
Institute for Church Leadership conference, “Leading with Bold Imagination”
beginning October 15.
Currently, Tom serves as the Executive Director of Faith-Based Ministries
for the CF Foundation in Atlanta, Georgia. One of the programs he coordinates
is the Macedonian Ministry Program,
where Tom and other pastoral leaders mentor pastors in leadership, preaching, fundraising and church renewal.
Westminster member Anne Turnage,
a longtime friend of the Tewells, says
“What a treat for our church to have Tom
Tewell as preacher for our 125th anniversary. My husband and
I were privileged to
work with Tom for several years at Memorial
Drive Presbyterian in
Houston. Tom is one
of our denomination’s
outstanding pulpiteers.
Every Sunday I found
his messages warm, inspiring, nourishing and
Anne will always be thankful for
Tom’s leadership in helping get CanCare
of Houston started as a faith-based cancer
“Tom heard my vision for helping
cancer survivors get quality life,” recalls
Anne, “and when an anonymous gift was
given to the church to start a new ministry,
Tom called and said ‘I think this is an answer
to prayer. I believe it is for you to start this new
cancer ministry.’”
Tom invited five strong, outstanding
church leaders to be on the first CanCare
continued on page 5
What’s Inside
September 2012
Staff News
One Great
of Service
Meet the 2013
Campaign Chairs
Calendar and
and an insert featuring the
W.E.L.L. offerings for
Fall 2012
The Pastor’s Column
Life’s Passages
James Andrew Diekman,
son of Amanda and Brian Diekman,
grandson of Steve Earp
and Donna Earp
Lucy Katherine Barr,
granddaughter of Ann Barr
…that a steamy summer seems to be, thankfully, running out of steam! Not
so your church! We have a fantastic stream of events planned for the fall and we
want our congregation to be totally engaged. Yes, this is an interim period. Yes,
the Pastor Nominating Committee is working diligently toward the calling of a
new Head of Staff. However, in the meantime, we are “one body in Christ” with
a vibrant ministry that cannot be put on the back burner for one minute! It’s full
steam ahead, Westminster!
We will celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the founding of Westminster
on Sunday, October 14. Such an event demands a special occasion! We will
have one worship service that day in the Grimsley High School auditorium. We
are honored to have as our preacher, on this birthday celebration, the Rev. Dr.
Tom Tewell, who, during his 35 years of ministry, has pastored churches from
Manhattan to Houston and places in between. A highly sought-after preacher
and teacher, Tom currently serves as Executive Director of Faith-Based Ministries for the Cousins Foundation and Director of Macedonian Ministries for the
Presbytery of Greater Atlanta. What an amazing opportunity for all five of our
worshipping venues to unite as one ... it will be a great day!
Speaking of great days, there will be plenty of them this fall! For starters,
One Great Weekend of Service, our annual opportunity as a congregation to
make a difference in the lives of those in and around our community, will take
place September 29-30. You will be hearing much more about the great variety
of work projects being planned for your participation.
W.E.L.L. (Westminster: Eat. Learn. Live.) kicks off the fall series on September 12 with a broad range of offerings that you can read about in this newsletter insert. As the W.E.L.L. program draws to a close in November, there is
something extra-special to look forward to: Westminster’s All-Church Weekend
at Montreat – “A Mountain of Dreams and Visions.” You do not want to miss
what promises to be an exciting and enriching experience for people of all ages.
If you have not registered, please do so today by contacting suzanne.andia@
As your pastors, we marvel at the many ways God’s Spirit moves this community to learn, to pray, to serve, to care, to worship and to grow. It is our great
joy to walk the journey alongside you and to experience the depths of God’s
love and take in the wideness of God’s grace and mercy together. Don’t miss
all the opportunities this fall to perhaps discover God in fresh ways for yourself
and those you love.
Faithfully yours,
2 Westminster Presbyterian Church
Anne Bulla,
August 6, 2012
Miles and Shirley Bowker,
70 years on July 25
Bob and Ann Brown,
50 years on September 9
Westminster Staff News
ne of the joys and challenges of
having a large staff is the inevitable
coming and going of colleagues as
lives and circumstances change. This summer, we experienced a number of shifts in
our staff. While we are saddened to say farewell to several good folks who have made
important and meaningful contributions to
Westminster’s ministry, we are heartened
to know of each person’s sense that God
is leading them in new directions. At the
same time, we are grateful that God has led
other gifted and capable people to continue
the work and ministry of our congregation.
Following is more specific information regarding these changes to the staff:
Anne Hendrix joined the church staff in
2000 as Director of Fellowship. She served
in that position for three years, and in 2003,
she moved to the position of Director of National and International Outreach. During
her tenure, she planned
and participated in numerous domestic and
international trips. She
organized successful
Mission Auctions each
year and, more importantly, helped equip
many in our congregation to be Christ’s hands and feet
continued on page 7
One Great Weekend of Service
Volunteer Spotlight: Steve Fricke
n your next visit to the Friendly
campus, take an extra minute
to walk down the second floor
hallway. As you come to the large tile
mosaic of the world, stop to really look
at the collection of photos outside the
church offices. Westminster - Beyond
These Walls, the caption reads. Each
photo represents an area of giving, an
act of service to others in our community nearby or far away.
Now, picture yourself in one of
those frames. What would you be doing?
For veteran One Great Weekend
of Service volunteer Steve Fricke, he’s
helping the less fortunate in our midst.
“It’s amazing how giving to others
makes you feel so good inside,” says
Steve. “Being involved with One Great
Weekend allows me to give back.”
Joining with others from Westminster, Steve has painted bathrooms and
a hallway for an adult day care facility,
built a fence used for horse riding at a
rehabilitation center and has scratched
the earth, weeding and landscaping for
non-profit locations and our own Westminster campus. “Each experience I’ve
had with One Great Weekend has been
really good. The interaction with all the
people is great; it’s wonderful to have
the opportunity to spend extra time and Service experience can make a difference
get to know Westminster people outside of in someone else’s life. And at most, make
a huge difference in your own.
As we near fall and the date of this
year’s One Great Weekend service project, there are many opportunities for particiOne Great Weekend of Service
Whether you
Saturday & Sunday September 29 & 30
enjoy clean-up, painting,
landscaping, cooking or
sewing - there are plenty
of projects that need volunteers. No experience
needed! Sign up as a family or with a small group
to work side-by-side and
shoulder to shoulder,
spreading Gods’ love beyond our walls.
Steve, an avid Notre
Sign up through the church website
Dame fan, is again gearor by calling the church office.
ing up to serve. “It’s only
three to five hours of my time. I get as
much out of volunteering as I do watching
a Fighting Irish football game! It’s that rewarding,” he says.
Reflect again on your own personal
picture of service. What image will your
frame hold? The time commitment is nomDid you know that Westminster has a
bead ministry that provides $15,000 of
inal but the benefits to our community and
support to the New Life Homes
congregation are great. At the very least,
orphanage in Nyeri, Kenya?
your few hours of One Great Weekend of
Amani Bead
Local Outreach Efforts, May – July 2012
# of volunteers # of people served
Habitat Build
The Zeba-Bilgo family
Habitat Lunch Ministry
Mobile Meals
Weaver House Breakfast
Pathways Dinner
Partnership Village Lunch
Senior Wheels
In addition, we collected $1,342.00 in June for our “Pennies for Hunger” collection.
There is much being done to help many in our community.
If you would like to learn more or participate in these or other local
outreach efforts, please contact Ann Comfort in the church office.
Did you know that we have to make and
sell 750-twenty dollar Amani Bead
items to meet our goal?
How can you help? Join us for our next
Amani Bead Workshop.
Saturday, September 15
9 a.m. – Noon
Redington House
The workshop project for September will
be making our beautiful Amani (Peace)
Candles. You are always welcome to work
on your own project during this time.
We look forward to seeing there.
For more information, please contact
Rhonda Horney at 254-7985 or
[email protected].
Where Is Your Treasure?
Marie Wood and Jim Wilkie Lead 2013 Stewardship Campaign
Welcome New Members!
arie Wood
Wilkie accepted the task of leading our 2013 Stewardship campaign because
their hearts are truly in
the ministries and missions of Westminster.
As a result, they are
led to share their passion and enthusiasm
with the congregation.
Jim and Marie feel this
highlighted scripture
verse from Luke expresses well that our
generosity is a matter of
the heart and they have
chosen it as the theme
for this year’s stewardship focus.
calist. Jim’s daughter Ashley, age 12, is also
Marie and her husband, Tom, have a singer, participating in the Youth Band.
been at Westminster for 12 years. They However, Jim himself grew up and was
are the parents of Thomas, a recent col- very active in a Presbyterian church in New
lege graduate; Ben, a student at NC Jersey. He sang in a choir starting at age 5
State; and Turner and Isuntil high school graduation. He
abel, both in high school.
also participated in the youth proMarie has served as an
gram there and ran several youth
elder and has been active
programs in high school.
in youth and women’s
Jim is excited to help lead
ministries as well as misthe effort at Westminster of ension trips and projects.
couraging generosity to change
treasure is,
Serving among the youth
lives. He says “I feel like God led
there will
especially inspires and
me to Westminster and it is here
challenges her to grow in
I have rediscovered my Chrisyour heart
her faith. Her enthusiasm
tian life. So when I was asked by
be also.”
for Westminster and her
someone meaningful to our family
faith are contagious.
if I would serve as co-chair for the
When agreeing to
Stewardship campaign, I felt this
co-chair this year’s camwas one way to express my gratiLuke 12:34
paign she said, “Stewardtude for my church family.” Jim
ship is a form of worship.
currently serves on the AdminisI feel as a community of
tration and Finance Committee, as
believers, we are called
an usher and communion server
to give of our time, spiriand most recently participated in
tual gifts, and money.” Marie is eager a Westminster mission trip to Texas.
to help inspire meaningful ways for our You will be hearing more from Marie
congregation to more fully live in to this and Jim in the coming weeks. In the meanunderstanding of stewardship.
time they ask that you begin to prayerfully
Jim is sometimes known best as consider “Where is YOUR treasure?”
“Pamela’s husband,” a worship band vo-
4 Westminster Presbyterian Church
Sheryl Pike
209 Lindley Road, #10
Greensboro, NC 27410
Joined: July 21
The Linn Family
Angie, Erik, Lucas and Garrett
8218 William Wallace Drive
Summerfield, NC 27358
Joined: August 5
Vance Whitcomb
4410 Graham Road
Greensboro, NC 27410
Joined: August 5
The Meier Family
Leigh Ann, Karl, Ryne and Aiden
6093 Grinsted Court
Greensboro, NC 27455
Joined: August 19
W.E.L.L. Offerings
for Fall 2012
The following classes will be offered as a part of the
Wednesday night W.E.L.L. program at Westminster.
Three-week session: September 12, 19, 26
6:30 – 7:30 pm
“Discovering Westminster: Past, Present, Future” – This offering is particularly aimed at new members and visitors who would like to know more
about the PCUSA in general and Westminster in particular, but is open to all
interested persons. We will look at Reformed Theology and major beliefs,
as well as structure and organization. Perhaps of greatest interest will be a
look back at Westminster’s 125-year history, its present day ministries, and a
glimpse into the future. Led by Larry Hooker and Wilson Davis.
“Parables: Told by Jesus and about Jesus” – This study will take a close
look at the use of parables in the Bible, their meaning and our understanding
of them. We will examine how and why Jesus used the parable as his chosen
teaching tool for urging his followers to probe, question, and debate the issues
of religious faith, as well as social, political, and economic traditions of their
day. Led by Butch Sherrill.
Ten-week session: September 12 – November 14
6:30 – 7:30 pm
“The Power of God at Home: Nurturing Our Children
in Love and Grace” – Based on the book by J. Bradley Wigger, this study will provide a biblical model and
practical suggestions for helping the entire family become
aware of God’s presence in everyday life. Participants
will consider how homes are the places where some of the
deepest, most important learning takes place. This study
is focused for parents and those who provide care for children and youth. Led by Mark Brainerd.
“Amani Bead Crafts” – The Amani bead workshop will engage participants
in using beautiful beads from Africa to make a variety of jewelry and craft
items in preparation for the Alternative Giving event in December. 100% of
the sales goes to the Amani Children’s Foundation. Led by Rhonda Horney.
W.E.L.L. Fellowship Meals
Join us for a home-cooked meal
with friends, from 5:30 to 6:25 pm
before your class. Meal reservations are required and can be made
1) on the Worship Response Card,
2) through the church website, or
3) by calling the church office by
noon on the preceding Monday.
Look for the current menu and
signups in the Take Note and on
the church website weekly. Price is
$3 for adults and children.
Children @ the W.E.L.L.
Our children 5th grade and younger
will be studying stories of
CELEBRATION in the Bible. As
we are in our Season of Celebration
and our 125th anniversary, the
children’s games and activities will
look at Biblical stories of celebration, too.
And in keeping with this spirit of
celebration, all K-5 children are
invited to participate in the
Celebration Children’s Choir,
which will be featured at Westminster’s
125th Anniversary Celebration
service on October 14. Rehearsals
will begin on September 12 at 6:00
pm in the children’s choir room
(106) and will continue for the first
five weeks of W.E.L.L.
Middle School Activities
Dinner at 5:50 - 6:30 in the
Fellowship Hall. Price is $3.
Program: 6:30 - 7:30 in the
Youth House
The program will focus on Art &
Soul, an Arts Integrated Resource
Book and Bible Study. Each week,
youth will focus on a different
part of worship in a hands-on and
engaging way.
The next series of W.E.L.L. classes will begin on October 5.
Adult Sunday School Class Offerings
9:30 am
Cornerstone Class – Room 100
The Cornerstone Class will begin a study on September 9 entitled “From Christ to Constantine: The Trial and Testimony of the Early Church.” The first three centuries were decisive for
Christianity when the very existence of the church was threatened by opponents who wanted to destroy it. This study will consider the lives of the early believers who sustained the
growth of the church. Please contact Shuford Wall ([email protected]) or Wilson Davis
([email protected]) for more information.
Covenant Class – Room 200
The Covenant Class will engage in Bible study by using the Feasting on the Word curriculum that follows the Lectionary scripture readings. This popular new resource offers adults
an opportunity to engage in a discussion-oriented Bible study. Contact Jennie Betton
([email protected]) for more information.
Fellowship Class – Room 201
The Fellowship Class will begin a study of a book of the Old Testament. Come join in a rich
and meaningful Bible Study and discussion. Contact Pam Simpson ([email protected])
for more information.
Gateway Class – Room 203
The Gateway Class uses the Presbyterian curriculum Present Word. The study this fall uses
selected texts from Hebrews to help learners build a definition of faith, and continues the study
of faith through the lens of the early church by drawing on texts from the Acts of the Apostles.
Contact Mary Eagle ([email protected]) for more information.
11:00 am
Carpe Diem Class – Room 204
The Carpe Diem Class will seek to unlock and understand the symbolism and meaning
of the book of Revelation by using the Efird Bible Study materials on Revelation. A video
presentation each session by Dr. Mickey Efird of the Duke Divinity School sets the stage
for discussion of this fascinating last book of the New Testament. Contact Mike Maynard
([email protected]) for more information.
Seekers Class – Room 203
The Seekers Class will begin a study of “Why? Making Sense of God’s Will” by Adam Hamilton. The study looks at commonly-asked questions by Christians including “Why do the innocent suffer?”, “Why do my prayers go unanswered?” and “Why can’t I see God’s will for my
life?” There is an accompanying book, so if you plan to attend please contact Ginger Craig at
540-8336 or [email protected] to obtain a book.
Disciple Bible Studies: 32-week in-depth exploration of the Bible
“Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study” Disciple I is an in-depth study of scripture covering major themes from Genesis to Revelation. The focus of the Disciple experience is to develop
and nurture Christian disciples and leaders through Bible study. The class will meet on Tuesday
mornings beginning September 11. Cost for the student workbook is $35 per person. Led by
Mike Maynard ([email protected]) and Bill Wardlaw ([email protected]).
“Into the Word Into the World” Disciple II is an in-depth study of scripture with emphasis on
four books of the Bible – Genesis, Exodus, Luke and Acts – with eight lessons for each book.
Connections are made to other parts of Scripture through reading and study assignments. The
class will meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Cost of the student workbook is
$35 per person. Led by Dale Sprinkle ([email protected]) plus one additional leader.
Night Owls Study
Join the Night Owls study this fall as they consider “What’s So Amazing About Grace”, an
award-winning book by Philip Yancey. Yancey explores God’s amazing grace while challenging Christians to become living answers to others who wish to know more about grace. This
11-week study begins Wednesday, September 5, at 7:45pm in Room 201. For more information
contact Celeste Wall ([email protected]) or Butch Sherrill ([email protected].)
Women’s Studies
Tuesday Evening Bible Study:
Beth Moore’s “Daniel: Lives of Integrity,
Words of Prophesy” is a 12-week study of
the prophet Daniel who faced unbelievable
pressures to compromise his faith, to live
in a hostile culture, and to confront temptations and threats. Today, believers in Jesus
Christ face many of the same trials. Join us
in this faith-building study of prophecy and
learn how to live with integrity in today’s
self-absorbed society. This study begins on
September 11 from 6 - 8 pm in Room 201.
To sign up, contact Jan Green at jgreen@
Thursday Morning Bible Study:
Beth Moore’s “David, Seeking a Heart Like
His” is an 11-week study assuring us that
God will never give up on us. Explore how
David’s life proves this promise to be true
in this examination of the “man after God’s
own heart,” David. You’ll want to be just like
him at times and nothing like him at others.
If you’ve ever experienced doubts, temptations, losses, family problems, or personal
inconsistencies, this study is for you! This
study begins September 6 from 9:30 - 11:30
am in Room 201. To sign up, please contact
Beth Riddle at [email protected].
Women’s Circles
Westminster offers two Women’s Circle
Bible studies; one evening study and one
morning study. This year both groups will
study “Dispatches to God’s Household: The
General Epistles.” The six books of the
New Testament explored in this study - 1
and 2 Peter, 1–3 John, and Jude - teach us
what it means to live in community, what it
means to belong to the household of God.
A subset of New Testament letters known
as the General Epistles, these letters were
written to be shared and read aloud in early
Christian communities. Each Circle meets
monthly the second week of the month. If
you are currently not a member of a Circle
and would like to join one, please contact
Suzanne Andia in the church office at 2993785 x130, or at [email protected].
Tom Tewell - continued from page 1
Board of Directors and he served on the Board as well. Twentytwo years later CanCare still serves several thousand cancer
survivors in Houston.
“Personally I don’t want anyone to miss meeting his lovely
wife - and my good friend - Suzanne. We all are in for a memorable and inspiring celebration.”
Mark Brainerd has known Dr. Tewell for nearly 30 years.
Mark says, “Tom helped our family through a very difficult
time in the mid-1980s. I have considered him a friend and mentor from that time forward.”
Mark has had the opportunity to hear Tom speak on numerous occasions and is pleased to have him join us for our anniversary celebration. “Tom is a dynamic speaker and preacher.
His sermons are heartfelt, engaging and challenging. We are
in for a treat as we welcome Tom and Suzanne to share this
important occasion with us.”
Make your plans to join us Sunday, October 14, at 10:30
am at the Grimsley High School Auditorium as we worship and
celebrate as one congregation at one time and in one place.
Anniversary Celebration Coming October 14
By now, you know that Westminster
is marking a big birthday this year. On
October 14, we’ll celebrate 125 years of
mission and ministry. Leading our efforts in preparing for
this special day is Laura Ellison. Her
commitment to and appreciation of
Westminster led her to accept serving as
chair of Westminster’s 125th Anniversary Celebration. Laura, her husband
Mike, and sons Sam, Charlie, and Henry
have been at Westminster for 9 years, but
Laura knows the importance of acknowledging and celebrating the many years of
the church’s long and rich history.
She and her committee are eagerly planning a day of worship, fellowship, food and
fun at Grimsley High School on October 14
beginning at 10:30 am. It will be a day where
the entire congregation can worship and be together for the first time since the last Renewal
Weekend in 2007. Lunch will be catered by
Café Pasta on the Grimsley campus following
worship. In addition to great food and fellowship, our children will be constructing a time
capsule and the entire congregation will have
a hand in constructing three art pieces to be
displayed in each of our worship spaces to
commemorate the occasion.
It is remarkable to consider the vision of the 85 individuals who met and
orgainzed Westminster on October 12,
1887, and the thousands who have carried forward its ministry and mission
during the past 125 years. You, too, are
a part of that history and because of you,
others will celebrate God’s goodness and
Westminster Presbyterian Church for
generations to come. Please mark your
calendar for an amazing day of worship
and fellowship.
financial update
Operating Budget:
July 2012
Budgeted Actual Revenue
Revenue less Expenses
($ 12,966)
YTD (Through 7/31/12)
125 Years of Ministry and Mission
On September 27, 1994, the 20th
anniversary of the J.O.Y. (Just Older
Youth) lunch was celebrated. The
J.O.Y. group lunch was begun by the
Women of the Church in 1974 under the leadership of Ann Jones and
continues to meet monthly 38 years
later. The next J.O.Y. lunch will be
Tuesday, September 25, 2012.
$ 42,357
($ 96,485)
$ 998,149
8, 238
Thank you for your response to God’s grace through your
financial gifts. If you have any questions regarding your
statement or pledge, please contact
Jan Swanton in the church office.
September Calendar and Announcements
Weaver House
We cook and serve breakfast at the
Greensboro Urban Ministry Weaver
House Shelter the first Sunday of each
month. Our next day to cook and serve
will be Sunday, September 2, at 7:00
am. This is a great outreach activity
for children and youth and a great way
to teach them how to “give back.” For
more information contact Melissa Carter at 665-9540 or Ann Comfort at 2993785, ext. 114.
Men’s Breakfast
On Saturday September 8, the Men’s
Chefs return for the first Men’s Breakfast of the fall. Invite a friend and come
for breakfast at 8 am in the Fellowship
Hall of the Friendly Avenue Campus for
a terrific meal. The featured speaker this
month is our own Drew Phelps, who has
recently returned from an 11-month mission trip with The World Race. Signups
are available via the worship response
card and the church website.
Kickoff for Youth and Children
Sunday afternoon, September 9, 3:30 5 pm will be the SUNDAE ON SUNDAY event. All of Westminster’s children, youth and their parents are invited
to a fun day of games. We will take a
look at the year ahead, and ice cream
will be served. Plan now to join in the
festivities of kicking off a new year of
church activities!
The Tuesday Evening Circle will meet at
the home of Mary Hibbard, 3410 Crosstimbers Drive on September 11 at 7
The Wednesday Morning Circle will
meet on September 12 at 10 am in Room
100 at the Friendly Avenue Campus.
6 Westminster Presbyterian Church
Adult Tennis Social
Mark your calendars for a great afternoon
of tennis and fellowship! Westminster’s
adult tennis social will be from 2 pm to 4:30
pm on Sunday, September 16, at Hamilton
Lakes Swim & Tennis Club. All levels of
play are welcome. Cost is $5 per person.
Contact Suzanne Andia to sign up in the
church office 299-3785 or suzanne.andia@
J.O.Y. Luncheon (Just Older Youth)
Please join us at noon on September 25 in
the Fellowship Hall of the Friendly Avenue
Campus for our monthly J.O.Y. (Just Older
Youth) lunch and program. Enjoy a wonderful homemade meal and have fellowship
with Westminster friends. This month Elizabeth Hudson, Editor of Our State Magazine, will be our speaker. If you are not currently on the reservation call list and would
like to attend please call Suzanne Andia at
299-3785 x 130 for a reservation.
Drivers Needed
The Senior Wheels Medical Transportation
Program provides rides for ambulatory seniors age 55+ to and from non-emergency
medical appointments in Guilford
County. On the fourth Monday of
every month, a dedicated group of
Westminster members volunteer in
this rewarding capacity. Nancy Clark,
Westminster’s Senior Wheels coordinator, is in need of more drivers. If
you would like to volunteer or receive
more information, please contact Nancy Clark at [email protected] or 2920188 or Ann Comfort in the church
office. Third Graders Receive Bibles
Our 3rd graders will receive their Bibles this year as usual, BUT there will
be nothing “usual” about the activities
around this! Beginning September 30,
all of our 3rd graders are encouraged
to attend Church School at Friendly for
four special Sundays. On October 14,
as a part of our church’s celebration of
our 125th anniversary, the 3rd graders
will receive their Bibles in this special
service. Watch for a special emailing,
but put September 30 and October
Sundays on your family calendar.
It was an historical week in so
many ways! We had throngs of
children, lots of water, loads of
learning and a great volunteer director! Dana Resler watched over
more than 80 youth and adult volunteers and more than 180 children
in Vacation Bible School and Outrageous Outreach as they explored
“Clean Water for All of God’s
Children.” Dana did an amazing
job of organizing and sharing her
vision and making the faith come
alive through her contagious enthusiasm. Dana, we thank you for
a great highlight of our summer!
Westminster Staff News - continued from page 2
in places both near and far.
Anne’s last day on staff was July 20.
Anne will be missed on staff, but we are
grateful she will continue to be an active part
of our congregation. Please express your appreciation to Anne for her leadership and the
many ways she has shared her heart and contributed to the ministry of Westminster.
Effective August 28, 2012, Ann Morris
became Director of National and International
Outreach. Ann brings a passion for outreach,
having most recently traveled to south Texas
this summer with one of
our mission teams to improve the lives of those in
an impoverished area of
immigrant families along
the U.S.-side of the border. She is an experienced
world traveler, including a recent building
trip to Honduras with Habitat for Humanity
in 2011. Ann has also participated in and led
projects for One Great Weekend of Service
and has been involved in our communitybuilding efforts over the years in the Eastside
Park community in east Greensboro.
Ann is experienced in organization and
management, having worked as Managing
Editor of Greensboro’s News & Record,
among other positions in varying organizations. She is an effective communicator and
gifted writer. Ann brings a confidence and
clarity of purpose to this ministry position. Her
creative vision will complement Westminster’s
ministry as together we reach to the future.
Since January 2011, Jonathan Emmons
brought effective leadership and considerable
talent to Westminster’s music ministry as Director of Traditional Music. During his time
with us, Jonathan created opportunities for
children and youth to sing,
for youth and adults to ring
handbells and for the congregation as a whole to experience excellent music
through his work with our
talented Chancel Choir and
newly-formed Westminster Chamber Singers. His gifts and presence
will be greatly missed. Jonathan’s last Sunday
with Westminster was August 26. Our heartfelt
prayers and blessings go with him.
As we say good-bye to Jonathan, we
welcome Kevin Neel as Interim Director
of Traditional Music. Kevin’s first Sunday in
worship is September 2. A 2012 graduate of
Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music
with a Bachelor’s degree in Music-Organ Performance and a Minor in Choral Conducting,
Kevin is from Fort Mill, SC,
and grew up in Unity Presbyterian Church in Fort Mill.
He most recently served
as Organist/Pianist at First
Christian Church in Bloomington, IN., as well as the
Co-Director of the Symphonic Bells of Bloomington.
Kevin will serve as interim director of the
Chancel Choir, organist and handbell director. For those interested in handbells, be on the
lookout in the near future for information in
Take Note about rehearsals. The Chancel Choir
meets each Wednesday night at 7:30 pm in the
Choir Room on the Friendly Avenue campus,
and Kevin looks forward to meeting current
and new choir members.
Chris Hutchinson joined the staff on
August 27 as the new Children’s Music Director. Chris comes from the
United Methodist tradition, having grown up as
one of four daughters of a
United Methodist minister. A native of Charlotte,
Chris came to Greensboro
when her father served
as the Greensboro United Methodist District
Superintendent. After graduating from Page
High School, she earned her Bachelor’s of Music Education degree from Greensboro College
and a Master’ s of Music Education degree
from UNC-G.
Chris has served as a teacher in Alamance
and Guilford counties. While teaching in Alamance County, Chris pursued and obtained
Levels 1, 2, and 3 of her Orff-Schulwerk certification with the University of Memphis and
UNC-G. While teaching, she also served as the
children’s choir director at Front Street United
Methodist Church in Burlington and as interim
children’s choir director at First Presbyterian
Church in Greensboro. In 2002 she attained
her National Board Certification in Music Education.
Chris retired from public school teaching in
2007, and has enjoyed more time with her extensive and well-traveled family and part-time
work at Daisy’s Designer Alley. However, she
found that her heart has never really left music
education. So she is thrilled to, once again,
be working with children in the church music
field at Westminster Presbyterian.
In May of 2009, Marti Reed Hazelrigg
was hired as Consultant for Youth Ministry,
including responsibilities in children’s ministry. She was brought to
Westminster to offer vision, provide committee
structure and to help build
sustainable youth and
children’s ministry. During the last three years,
her title changed, but she
remained committed to
providing leadership in equipping young
people and adults to grow in their faith. Marti recently discerned that the time had come
to more fully live out her ordination vows
in a broader pastoral role through preaching,
leading worship and administering the sacraments.
Marti’s resignation was effective August
10. We are grateful for the many gifts Marti
shared with our youth and our entire congregation. Elizabeth Bengtson, Youth Ministry
elder says, “Youth Ministry is in a better place
than it was three years ago. Marti connected
us with the happenings in youth ministry nationwide, thereby challenging us to successful new approaches in programming.”
The Session has voted to call a congregational meeting following the worship
services the weekend of September 15/16
for the purpose of electing an Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC). The
APNC will be responsible for determining
and recommending to the congregation an
individual to be called to Westminster as the
Associate Pastor for Youth. If you would like to
recommend members to be considered by the
Nominating Committee to serve on the APNC,
please contact Cam Creech or Ann Barr.
The church staff, the Youth Ministry
committee and Human Resources Committee are diligently working together to
ensure adequate staffing and continuity in
our youth ministry program in the interim.
Please keep our youth and their families
in your prayers. Please also remember in
prayer our youth leaders and Youth Ministry
committee during this time of transition.
One Church. Two Locations.
Westminster Presbyterian Church is a Christ-Centered Community of Faith
that prayerfully seeks God’s direction as we provide opportunities for
spiritual growth and expression through worship, education and servanthood,
responding with God’s love and compassion to the needs of the world.
next issue:
Marie Wood and Jim Wilkie express their thoughts on
“Sharing Your Treasures” as we begin our stewardship
focus in October.
2013 Stewardship
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Deadline September 12 - October newsletter mailed September 26
Deadline October 17 - November newsletter mailed October 31