What was the impact of the Japanese invasion of Manchuria?


What was the impact of the Japanese invasion of Manchuria?
What was the impact of the Japanese invasion of Manchuria? 2-­‐3 Background •  Poli?cal Instability in China •  Growing na?onalism in J and C •  Great Depression crippled Japan •  Japan sought new markets and access to resources to make up for losses Mukden incident September 1931 •  Explosion in Manchuria @ railroad where may Japanese na?onals lived and worked, Japan made $$$ here •  J accused C of sabotage and aNack by C military •  C accused J of blatant agression Mukden •  Many historians Japan carried out the aNack as a pretext to full scale war •  J commander in Korea had no orders from Tokyo but sent troops to destroy all Chinese authority in the region. •  Officially, Japan denounced the seizure but news at home aroused Na?onalism •  Many Chinese civilians were lost in indiscriminate killings Manchuria & the L.O.N. •  By February 70k troops outside of Shanghai •  China appeals to the league of na?ons for help •  Japan claimed self-­‐
defense...? •  Ought to have been cut and dry... A superior military had occupied another member state Failure to act •  Depression in Europe kept concerns in the domes?c sphere •  Britain had trading interest in the Far-­‐East and feared Japanese aggression •  B only naval base in Singapore under construc?on •  US was not a member of the league •  Some sympathe?c ci?ng Chinese na?onalism slowing response The LyNon Enquiry •  Commission to inves?gate •  Government and Military showed differing coopera?on •  Concluded that J had special interest but had not acted in self-­‐defense •  Rejected use of force and suggested withdrawal of troops and recogni?on of c sovereignty LyNon •  Report approved by all members of council but 1? •  J argued that LON members themselves had used force in China •  Japan refused to compromise and withdrew from LON •  No further ac?ons or sanc?ons Results •  Historians debate if this ruined the authority of the LON •  Balance of power in region changed and J overcame washington agreement and LON •  First link in chain to WWII? •  Distance was not as damaging because it was outside of Europe