Iskandar Malaysia Eco-Life Challenge Workbook


Iskandar Malaysia Eco-Life Challenge Workbook
Iskandar Malaysia
Eco-Life Challenge
School Name:
Group Name:
Teacher's Name:
Hello Children...
Malaysia is blessed with all the natural resources and beautiful environment. However,
recent years there are reports stating that global warming is happening due to human activities.
It has negative impact on our environment as well as our daily life.
To address this problem, our country has joined many other countries in the world to
reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), which is the main
cause of global warming. Iskandar Malaysia is moving towards to become a Low Carbon Society.
Using this Eco-Life Challenge workbook, let’s learn ways to reduce carbon emission and protect
our Earth together with our family before it is too late for the future generation.
You will work in a group of 5 (different races in a group) to complete this workbook. Most
of the pages must be completed individually except some pages marked with “GROUP WORK”
can be completed in one of the members’ workbook. You will compete with other groups to win
this Eco-Life Challenge Competition. The winner group must have most sections completed from
all members honestly, reduce the usage of water and electricity at home of all members, and
give correct answers to pages 7-9 and 20, and creative answers to pages 21-23.
Malaysia mempunyai sumber semula jadi dan alam sekitar yang indah. Tetapi,
kebelakangan ini banyak berita tentang pemanasan global akibat aktiviti manusia telah
dilaporkan. Ini memberi kesan yang negatif kepada kehidupan seharian kita.
Bagi mengatasi masalah ini, negara kita telah bergabung dengan negara-negara lain
bagi mengurangkan gas ‘rumah hijau’, khususnya gas karbon dioksida (CO2), yang merupakan
punca utama pemanasan global. Iskandar Malaysia sedang menuju ke Masyarakat Karbon
Rendah. Dengan menggunakan buku kerja Eco-Life Challenge ini, mari kita mempelajari cara
untuk mengurangkan pengeluaran karbon dan melindungi Bumi kita bersama-sama keluarga
kita sebelum ianya terlambat untuk generasi akan datang.
Anda akan berkerja dalam kumpulan yang terdiri daripada 5 orang ahli (pelbagai
kaum) untuk melengkapkan buku kerja ini. Kebanyakan muka surat perlu dilengkapkan secara
individu kecuali beberapa muka surat yang ditandakan “KERJA KUMPULAN” yang boleh
dilengkapkan dalam buku kerja salah seorang ahli kumpulan. Anda akan bersaing dengan
kumpulan lain untuk memenangi pertandingan Eco-Life Challenge ini. Kumpulan yang menang
mesti melengkapkan semua bahagian dengan jujur (semua ahli), mengurangkan penggunaan
air dan elektrik di rumah setiap ahli kumpulan, memberikan jawapan yang betul dalam muka
surat 7-9 dan 20, serta jawapan yang kreatif dalam muka surat 21-23.
Acknowledgement to SATREPS
SATREPS (Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development) is a
Japanese government program that promotes international joint research targeting global
issues. Global Challenges cannot be met by a single country or region acting on its own, so
engagement by international community is essential. To address these issues, SATREPS
works through three to five year projects involving partnerships between researchers in
Japan and in developing countries. SATREPS projects are expected to lead to outcomes
with potential for practical utilization, and to enhance research capacity in developing
country. The program is a collaboration between two Japanese government agencies: Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).
Published by Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. VOL1 : SEPT 2013.
No portion of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the written permission of the publisher. Every effort has been made to ensure that the
information contained herein is correct at the time of publication. Designed by The Iskandarian / True Soul Media PLT
To the teachers...
Malaysia has pledged a 40% reduction of its greenhouse gases (GHG) emission
by year 2020 (based on 2005 emission baseline). Iskandar Malaysia, through creating
a Low Carbon Society, has joined the effort to reach the goal. “Children’s Eco-Life
Challenge” is one of the many programmes that work towards realizing the vision, as well
as contributing to the global effort in addressing global warming.
Though this is conducted as a competition, through this “Children’s Eco-Life
Challenge” workbook, teachers play an important role in raising the awareness about
the effects of our daily lifestyle on the environment, and instilling low carbon practices
among children. So, teachers must take this opportunity to discuss the issues through
this workbook in classes with the students.
Contents | Kandungan
Eco-Life Check
What is Low Carbon Society
What is Global Warming Steps for Eco-Life (Try as much as you can)
Step 1: To Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
◊ To check how electricity is used in your house
• Challenge 1 : To check electricity and water usage
• Challenge 2 : To check how your family moves around
◊ To check your daily cooking
◊ To check the waste generated in your house
◊ How do we separate our waste
Muka Surat
Step 2: To Select/Choose
◊ To look for environmental labels
Step 3: To Change
◊ To look for renewable energy in Malaysia
• Challenge 3 : Using renewable energy at school
◊ To identify plants around us
◊ To understand about Eco-Life
Everyone needs to try! | Mari mencuba!
How to do “Eco-Life Check” | Bagaimana membuat semakan Eco-Life
1. Before you start this Eco-Life workbook, mark in
column 1 using the numbers on the right.
Sebelum memulakan buku kerja, tandakan dalam
petak 1 menggunakan nombor di sebelah.
2. After you have completed this Eco-Life workbook,
mark in column 2 using the numbers on the right.
Setelah tamat buku kerja ini, tandakan dalam
petak 2 menggunakan nombor di sebelah
Eco Life
Shut down TV when you do
not watch it.
1 Menutup TV apabila tidak
4: I always do it | Sentiasa buat
3: I can mostly do it all the time
Hampir sentiasa buat
2: I can do half of the time
Kadang-kala buat
1: I could not do it | Tidak buat
0: Not applicable/ not related
Tidak berkaitan
You are wasting electricity when you are
sleeping or reading books while turning on
the TV.
Anda membazir elektrik apabila
membiarkan TV dibuka semasa tidur
atau membaca buku.
Turn off lights in a room
2 where no one uses the room.
If you change your light into LED, you
save 90% maximum of electricity per
light bulb.
Lampu LED mampu menjimat
sehingga 90% penggunaan elektrik.
Do not use too much of air
3 conditioner.
You better use fan instead of air conditioner.
Adalah lebih baik menggunakan
kipas daripada hawa dingin.
Menutup lampu apabila
meninggalkan bilik.
Tidak membiasakan diri
menggunakan hawa dingin.
Be careful in setting the temperature of air conditioner.
4 Memberi perhatian kepada
suhu hawa dingin.
Close refrigerator soon after you
use it. Do not open it when not necessary.
Tidak membuka pintu peti sejuk
sesuka hati.
Iron many clothes at one
Gosok banyak baju sekaligus.
You must set the air conditioner no
lower than 24◦C.
Adalah lebih baik menetapkan suhu
hawa dingin tidak rendah dari 24C.
Use flask bottle to keep water cool. You
do not need to open refrigerator.
Gunakan botol tahan sejuk untuk
simpan air sejuk daripada sentiasa
buka peti ais.
Heating the iron takes a lot of energy!
Memanaskan seterika menggunakan
tenaga yang banyak!
Do not leave water running
when brushing teeth.
7 Tidak membiarkan air
mengalir ketika gosok gigi.
12 litre of water (24 of 500ml bottles)
comes out per minute from tap water.
12 liter air (24 botol 500ml)
keluar setiap minit dari pili air.
Washing school shoes using pail
8 instead of running water.
Washing shoes with running water for 5
minutes equals to 60 litres of water.
Membasuh kasut di bawah air paip
yang mengalir selama 5 minit
membazir 60 liter air.
Bring my own bag (eco bag)
9 for shopping.
8 billion of plastic bags are produced
and used in Malaysia every year.
8 billion beg plastik dihasilkan setiap
tahun di Malaysia.
Membasuh kasut dengan baldi,
bukan air paip yang mengalir.
Membawa beg sendiri apabila
Collect plastic bags for other
10 Simpan beg plastik untuk
Plastic bags can be reused.
Beg plastik boleh digunakan semula.
kegunaan lain.
Use notebooks with recycled11 mark.
Menggunakan buku nota
yang bertanda kitar semula.
Reuse unused side of paper.
12 Menggunakan semula kertas
yang kosong di belakang.
Bring water bottle, instead of
buying drinks.
13 Bawa botol air sendiri
daripada membeli.
Paper is made from trees. Trees are
chopped off to make paper!
Kertas diperbuat daripada pokok.
Pokok diterbang untuk buat kertas.
There are still space to write or draw
on paper which had been used one side!
Masih ada ruang kosong untuk
2 vending machines consume same
volume of electricity of 1 house.
2 buah mesin air menggunakan
elektrik seperti sebuat rumah.
Separate waste and recycle
14 them.
Newspapers are to be recycled.
Surat khabar lama boleh dikitar
Use bicycle or walk for short
15 distance.
Bicycle and walking does not generate
CO2 like cars.
Basikal dan berjalan tidak
menghasilkan CO2 seperti kereta.
Asingkan bahan buangan dan
kitar semula.
Gunakan basilkan atau
berjalan jika jarak pendek.
Leave no food. Do not waste
16 food.
Tidak membazirkan makanan
Discuss with your family
17 about environmental issues.
Bincang dengan keluarga isu
alam sekitar.
Malaysian throws away 15,000 tonnes
of uneaten food every day (year 2013).
Rakyat Malaysia membuang
15,000 ton makanan setiap hari
(tahun 2013).
Discuss with your family.
Perbincangan dengan
keluarga adalah penting
untuk kesedaran
What is Low Carbon Society (LCS)?
A Low Carbon Society is a society where the people live a simple but high quality
life, by emphasizing on family or community ties, and in harmony with nature, with
minimum emission of CO2.
There are three principles of LCS:(i)
Carbon minimization in all sectors
All sectors minimize their CO2 emission, including transport, industry, residents (consumer), agriculture and so forth.
(ii) Towards a simpler lifestyle that realise richer quality of life
Society forgo mass consumption and place more value on family, health and interaction with nature to build a higher quality of life
(iii) Coexistence with nature
Human are a part of the global ecosystem. As such, we need to maintain and restore rich and diverse natural environment, in order to achieve a LCS by securing CO2 absorption to adapt to global warming.
As children, the future leaders, we need to learn to uphold these principles to
create a beautiful, harmony and comfortable place to live in the future.
Apa itu Masyarakat Rendah Karbon atau Low Carbon Society (LCS)?
Masyarakat Rendah Karbon merupakan masyarakat di mana penduduknya
mengamalkan cara hidup yang sederhana tetapi berkualiti tinggi dengan
mentitikberatkan hubungan masyarakat dan harmoni bersama alam sekitar bagi
mengurangkan pengeluaran gas karbon dioksida.
Terdapat tiga prinsip LCS:(i)
Pengurangan karbon dalam semua sektor
Semua sektor mengurangkan pengeluaran CO2, termasuk sektor pengangkutan, industri, penduduk, pertanian dan sebagainya.
Ke arah cara hidup yang sederhana dan kesedaran hidup berkualiti tinggi
Masyarakat menghentikan penggunaan besar-besaran dan meletakkan lebih nilai ke atas keluarga, kesihatan dan interaksi dengan alam semula jadi bagi membina hidup yang lebih berkualiti
(iii) Hidup bersama alam semula jadi
Manusia merupakan sebagaian daripada ekosistem global. Kita perlu memerlihara alam semula jadi yang kaya dan pelbagai untuk mencapai LCS supaya CO2 dapat diserap.
Sebagai kanak-kanak, andalah pemimpin masa depan. Kita perlu belajar dan
mendukung prinsip ini bagi mewujudkan tempat tinggal yang indah, harmoni dan
selesa untuk masa depan.
What is Global Warming?
Apakah itu Pemanasan Global?
1 What has happened to the Earth?
Apa yang berlaku kepada Bumi?
□Case1: Ice dissolved, causing the rise of water levels
Group Work
Kerja Kumpulan
and sinking of islands
□Kes 1: Ais cair, menyebabkan paras air laut naik dan
tenggelamkan pulau
Global warming will cause melting of ice on Antarctica and
Himalaya Mountains and rise of sea level. This may cause
islands in South Pacific Ocean sink under the sea water.
Pemanasan global menyebabkan ais di Kutub Selatan dan
Gunung Himalaya cair dan meningkatkan paras air laut.
Ini boleh menyebabkan pulau-pulau di Lautan Pasifik Selatan tenggelam di bawah air laut.
What are other cases about Global Warming?
Apa lagi contoh kes kesan Pemanasan Global?
►Paste some pictures and write something about them!
►Lekatkan gambar dan terangkan mengenainya!
Iceberg melting in Antarctica
Ketulan ais cair di Kutub
Group Work
Kerja Kumpulan
2 Global Warming is in progress!
Pemanasan Global semakin meningkat!
The global average temperature had risen by 0.75C in
100 years (1906-2005). In Malaysia, it had risen by
0.5~1.5C (1961~2007). Scientists predict that the global
average temperature will rise by 6.4C at maximum which
can cause serious damage on the nature and human.
Suhu purata global telah meningkat sebanyak 0.75◦C dalam masa 100 tahun (1906-2005).
Di Malaysia, ianya meningkat sebanyak 0.5-1.5 ◦C (1961-2007). Saintis menjangkakan
peningkatan maksimum sebanyak 6.4C
yang boleh membawa kerosakan serius kepada
alam dan manusia.
3 How does global warming happen?
Bagaimana pemanasan global berlaku?
◊ Paste some diagrams to help you explain it.
◊ Lekatkan gambar untuk membantu penerangan anda.
4 What causes global warming?
Apa yang menyebabkan pemanasan global?
◊ Write down the causes of global warming and paste related
◊ Tuliskan sebab pemanasan global dan lekatkan gambar yang
Group Work
Kerja Kumpulan
5 How Low Carbon lifestyle help to prevent global warming?
Bagaimana Gaya Hidup Rendah Karbon boleh menghalang pemanasan global?
◊ Write down how people leading a Low Carbon Lifestyle helps to address global warming.
◊ Tuliskan bagaimana Masyarakat Rendah Karbon dapat membantu menangani pemanasan global.
Step 1:
Langkah 1:
◦Let’s check what are the items which use
Step 1 : Reduce
Langkah 1:
electricity at home
Mari semak barang apa di rumah yang menggunakan
1 Let’s draw the items/ appliances in your house which uses electricity. Write and circle
the total unit(s) of that item in your house.
Mari melukis alat elektrik di rumah anda. Tulis dan bulatkan bilangan unit.
2 In your house, how many items are there which uses electricity?
Di rumah anda, berapa jumlah alat yang menggunakan elektrik?
Let’s write down what you have noticed or found.
Tuliskan apa yang telah anda peroleh.
Challenge 1
Cabaran 1
Try to check the electricity and water bills
Cuba semak bil elektrik dan air
◦Check how much electricity and water your family uses
Preparation:Electricity bill. Water bill
How to check:Write up the volume of usage of electricity and water
1 Write which month
2 Write the volume of usage and payment amount of this month
3 Write the volume of usage and payment amount of next month
How to calculate:Find the difference between the two months (usage and payment amount)
Has the usage increased or decreased? Has the payment amount increased or decreased?
◦Semak berapa banyak elektrik dan air yang digunakan oleh keluarga anda
Persediaan:Bil elektrik, bil air
Semakan:Tuliskan jumlah penggunaan elektrik dan air.
1 Tuliskan bulan
2 Tuliskan jumlah penggunaan dan bayaran pada bulan ini
3 Tuliskan jumlah penggunaan dan bayaran pada bulan depan
Kiraan:Cari perbezaan kedua-dua bulan (jumlah penggunaan dan bayaran)
Adakah penggunaan meningkat atau menurun? Adakah bayaran meningkat atau menurun?
Paste your electricity
bill here
Lekatkan bil elektrik
anda di sana
Month | Bulan:
Lekatkan bil elektrik anda di sini!
Paste your electricity bills here!
Paste your electricity
bill here
Lekatkan bil elektrik
anda di sana
Month | Bulan:
Meningkat atau
Increase or
elektrik pada
( )
Electricity usage
for the month
elektrik pada
( )
Electricity usage
for the month
Paste your water
bill here
Lekatkan bil air anda
di sana
Month | Bulan:
Lekatkan bil air anda di sini!
Paste your water bills here!
Paste your water
bill here
Lekatkan bil air anda
di sana
Month | Bulan:
Meningkat atau
Increase or
Penggunaan air
pada bulan
( )
Water usage for
the month
Penggunaan air
pada bulan
( )
Water usage for
the month
Challenge 2
Cabaran 2
Moving Around
◦Check your family’s vehicle(s)
Semak kenderaan keluarga anda
◊ How many vehicle(s) does your family use? Write the number in the
◊ Berapa banyak kenderaan keluarga anda gunakan? Tuliskan bilangan
dalam bulatan.
◊ Put the picture(s) of your vehicle(s) here.
◊ Letakkan gambar kenderaan anda di sini.
◦Check how your family moves around using a vehicle
Semak bagaimana keluarga anda bergerak menggunakan kenderaan
Choose one vehicle at home. We will check how it is used for one week.
Pilih satu kenderaan di rumah. Kita akan semak bagaimana ia digunakan dalam seminggu.
The model of the vehicle chosen is
Model kenderaan yang dipilih adalah
Write down the dates you start and end of the checking. Start:
Tuliskan tarikh mula dan akhir semakan ini.
Record the mileage of the vehicle at the beginning of the day and by the end of the day.
Write down where the vehicle has travelled.
Rekodkan perbatuan kenderaan di awal hari dan akhir hari pada satu hari. Tuliskan ke
mana kenderaan tersebut telah jelajah.
Eg.: Monday
Start Mileage
End Mileage
Where the vehicle went?
Perbatuan Mula
Perbatuan Akhir
Ke manakah kenderaan ini?
Home -> school -> work ->
school -> home
■ Suggest how you can save fuel and reduce carbon emission.
Cadangkan bagaimana anda boleh jimatkan petrol dan kurangkan karbon.
◦Let’s check our daily cooking
Mari semak masakan harian kita
Be mindful of the following | Berikan perhatian kepada perkara berikut:
When shopping | Ketika membeli-belah:
□ Do you bring you own eco bag (recycled bag)? | Adakah anda membawa beg eco?
□ Walk or use bicycle to the shop | Berjalan atau menggunakan basikal ke kedai
□ Choose/ select the food with less packaging | Pilih makanan yang kurang bungkusan
Choose/ select local products/ vegetable | Pilih produk/sayuran tempatan
When cooking |Ketika memasak:
□ Close the water tap after washing vegetable | Tutup pili air selepas membasuh sayuran
Do not cut off too much of vegetable | Tidak membuang terlalu banyak sayuran
Do not turn up the gas too much | Tidak menggunakan terlalu banyak gas
Put cover over the pan when boiling food | Menutup periuk ketika mendidihkan makanan
When cleaning dishes | Ketika membasuh:
□ Firstly clean dishes by using used cloth or newspapers before you wash dishes and use less dish cleaner
Membersihkan pinggan menggunakan kain terpakai atau suratkhabar sebelum membasuhnya dan menggunakan sedikit cecair pembersih
◊ How many shopping / eco bags your family has?
◊ Keluarga anda mempunyai berapa beg beli-belah / eco?
◊ Paste picture(s) of the shopping bag(s) you always use!
◊ Lekatkan gambar beg beli-belah yang anda sentiasa gunakan!
◦Let’s check the waste in my daily life
Mari semak sisa buangan harian anda
1 Items that become
Barang buangan
Eg. Tissue paper
Cth. Kertas tisu
Eg. Clothes
Cth. Baju
2 I wonder why it was thrown
Kenapa ianya dibuang
3 If it is likely to be
reduced, write down your
Cadangkan cara
untuk kurangkan
penggunaannya jika ada
After used to clean the table, it
becomes dirty
Use table cloth to clean
the table
I no longer wear them because
the size has become smaller
● Donate them to others Selepas cuci meja, ia menjadi
Tidak muat lagi untuk dipakai
Gunakan kain lap untuk
bersihkan meja
Dermakan kepada orang
lain yang memerlukan
● Make bags using it
Jadikannya beg
*Ask your family! | Tanya keluarga anda
◦Identifying recyclable symbols | Kenali simbol kitarsemula
■ Let’s write down where do you usually find these symbols.
Tuliskan di mana anda biasa menjumpai simbol di atas.
◦Do you know where we should put the recyclables?
Tahukah anda tong kitarsemula yang mana patut kita letakkan barang-barang
◊ Colour the recycling bins according to their uses
◊ Warnakan tong kitarsemula berdasarkan penggunaannya
■ Let’s write down what items cannot be thrown inside each bin
Tuliskan barang yang tidak boleh dibuang ke dalam tong di atas
• Tissue paper | Kertas
• Mirror | Cermin
• Paint Container | Tong
Step 2:
Langkah 2:
◦Are the things you buy and use eco-friendly?
Adakah barang yang dibeli mesra alam?
◊ Let’s look for environmental labels around you. Write down where
you found them.
◊ Mari cari label mesra alam di sekeliling anda. Tulis di mana anda
Did you find any other labels?
Ada jumpa simbol lain?
Draw the label | Lukiskan label
Meaning of the label | Makna label
Where did you find it? | Di mana
ianya dijumpa?
■ Let’s write down what you have noticed or found.
Tuliskan apa yang telah anda peroleh.
Group Work
Kerja Kumpulan
Step 3:
Langkah 3:
Renewable energy sources in Malaysia
What is the natural energy? | Apakah sumber tenaga semula jadi?
Energy from sun, wind, water or natural power is said to be natural energy. Using
such natural resources does not cause any depletion of resources such as oil or coal,
nor CO2 emission.
Tenaga dari matahari, angin, air atau kuasa alam adalah tenaga semula jadi.
Penggunaan sumber ini tidak menyebabkan kekurangan sumber seperti minyak atau
arang, dan mengurangkan pengeluaran CO2
◊ Let’s look for renewable energy sources that can be found in Malaysia. Paste the pictures and write where we can find them!
◊ Mari cari sumber tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui di Malaysia. Lekatkan gambar dan tulis di mana anda menemuinya!
Challenge 3
Cabaran 3
Using Renewable Energy
Menggunakan Tenaga Boleh Diperbaharui
◦How can your school use renewable energy?
Bagaimana sekolah anda boleh menggunakan tenaga boleh
◊ Draw your school using renewable energy in the box below:
◊ Lukiskan sekolah anda menggunakan tenaga boleh diperbaharui
di dalam petak dibawah:
Describe your design above | Jelaskan rekaan anda di atas
◦What plants do we have around us?
Apakah tumbuhan yang ada di sekeliling kita?
◊ Paste pictures of plants that you can find at home or at school. Name
◊ Lekatkan gambar tumbuhan yang dapat anda cari di rumah atau
sekolah. Namakannya.
Why are plants important to the environment? | Kenapa tumbuhan penting untuk alam
Draw a diagram to explain photosynthesis | Lukiskan gambar untuk jelaskan proses fotosintesis
How does photosynthesis relate to Low Carbon Society? | Bagaimana fotosintesis dikaitkan
dengan Masyarakat Rendah Karbon?
◦What is Eco-Life? | Apa itu Cara Hidup Eco?
◊ What do you understand about ‘ECO-LIFE’?
◊ Apa yang anda faham tentang ‘ECO-LIFE’?
◊ How can we save energy usage at home and at school?
◊ Bagaimana kita dapat menjimatkan penggunaan tenaga di rumah
dan sekolah?
◊ Now you know that living an Eco-Life is important to save the Earth. You want to tell
your family to live an ‘Eco-Life’ too. How will you do it?
◊ Kini anda telah tahu gaya hidup Eco-Life adalah penting untuk selamatkan Bumi.
Anda ingin memberitahu keluarga anda untuk mengamalkannya. Bagaimana akan
anda lakukannya?
RAMSAR sites in Iskandar Malaysia
The RAMSAR Convention of Wetlands is an intergovernmental treaty that
promotes the conservation and wise use of wetlands through local and national
actions and international cooperation.
There are three RAMSAR sites in Iskandar Malaysia. They are Pulau Kukup
(647 ha), Sungai Pulai (9,126 ha) and Tanjung Piai (526 ha). One hectare (ha) is
slightly larger than one football field (0.82 ha).
These three RAMSAR sites consist of mangrove forest, intertidal mudflats,
seagrass beds as well as inland freshwater riverine forest. The area supports
many animals such as the Flying Fox, Smooth Otter, Bearded Pig, Long-tailed
Macaque, Mangrove Blue Flycatcher and Mangrove Pitta which are nearthreatened and vulnerable in the IUCN Red List.
These sites are important in severe flood prevention and control (shoreline
stabilization), as wind-breaker, a breeding ground for fisheries, and also a
popular site for eco-tourism.
Children’s Eco-Life Challenge is the
program which started in Kyoto in 2005.
I (Eco-chan, City of Kyoto mascot) am
very glad to hear that friends of
Iskandar Malaysia are going to carry out
“Eco-Life Challenge” this time.
This research activity was supported