Aramid fibers enhancing elastomer properties - SGF
Aramid fibers enhancing elastomer properties - SGF
Aramid fibers enhancing elastomer properties Sveriges Gummitekniska Förenings vårkonferens 10-11 april, 2013 Malmö Ko Arts Technical Sales Manager Teijin Aramid BV Teijin’s high performance fibers Aramid fibers Twaron polyparaphenylene terephthalamide Sulfron Technora co-poly- (paraphenylene/3,4’oxydiphenylene terephthalamide) Teijinconex poly- (metaphenylene isophthalamide) Why use aramid short fibres in rubber compounds? • • • • • • • • Anisotropy Increase green strength Increase modulus Increase abrasion resistance Increase cut/tear resistance Lower coefficient of friction Lower noise generation in dynamic applications Lower hysteresis and therefore lower heat build up in the compound leading to a longer service life (especially for thick sections) Teijin Aramid’s short fibers • Twaron® : • Chopped fibers (1, 3 & 6 mm) • Dip-chopped fibers (1, 3 & 6 mm) • Pulp • Twaron ® D3500 (new!) • Technora® • Chopped fibers (1, 3 & 6 mm) • Dip-chopped fibers (1, 3 & 6 mm) • Teijinconex® • chopped fibers (1, 3, 6 mm) • dipped chopped fibers (1, 3, 6 mm) • Sulfron® Twaron Twaron will fibrillate and break; mind this aspect during processing Technora Technora gets kink bands, hardly fibrillate or break EFFECTS OF PULP, CHOPPED AND DIP CHOPPED ARAMID FIBER EPDM Formulation Compounds BC1 BC2 BC3 (phr) (phr) (phr) Ingredients Control 3 mm Technora CF 3 mm Technora DCF Keltan 578 100 100 100 Corax N660 70 60 60 Sunpar 2280 10 10 10 ZMMBI-50 1.5 1.5 1.5 Naugard 445 1.5 1.5 1.5 Technora CF, 3 mm 10 Technora DCF, 3 mm 10 Cure recipe Sulfur Perkadox 14-40 Kdp Total (in phr) 0,31 0,31 0,31 9 9 9 192.3 192.3 192.3 Influence on Tensile properties Machine Direction 24 Control (BC1) 3 mm Technora CF (BC2) 3 mm Technora DCF (BC3) 20 Cross Machine Direction 24 20 Cross-machine direction 16 Stress (MPa) 16 Stress (MPa) Control (BC1) 3 mm Technora CF (BC2) 3 mm Technora DCF (BC3) Machine direction 12 12 8 8 4 4 0 0 0 50 100 150 Strain (%) 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 Strain (%) 200 250 300 Influence on Tear (trouser) BC1 BC2 BC3 Control 10 phr Technora 3 mm CF 10 phr Technora 3 mm DCF [N] 9.3 40.8 40.8 [kN/m] 4.5 19.7 19.5 [N] 10.1 33.4 42.5 [kN/m] 4.8 16.1 20.3 Compounds Properties Average Force (F) MD Tear strength Average Force (F) CMD Tear strength Influence on Abrasion (other compound) • • • Twaron Technora Control CF 3 mm : 130 mm3 CF 3 mm : 100 mm3 : 170 mm3 (> 10 mm3 is significant, apart from approximately 10% spread, 80 mm3 is extreme low) Twaron will fibrillate more than Technora Abrasion “on end” abrasion (iso 4649, meth A) New! - Twaron D3500 Twaron D3500: aramid pulp masterbatch. A reinforcement additive for rubber compounds. Product details: Product form Colour Specific gravity Twaron pulp type p – aramid pulp Matrix : : : : : : Granules Yellow 0.980 g/cm3 1095 40 wt % 60 wt % Twaron D3500 is easily dispersible in rubber compounds. New! - Twaron D3500 Short fibers and pulp Short fibers 0.1 – 0.3 m2/g Fiber length 1 – 6 mm Pulp 7 (type 1095) – 14 m2/g (type 1091) Fiber length 1 - 2 mm New! - Twaron D3500 Mixing and Compounding of Twaron D3500: Dosage 2 – 10 phr. Twaron D3500 contains 30 % oil. Consider to compensate for this amount of oil in the compound formulation. E.g., For 5 phr of Twaron D3500, 1.5 phr of oil could be reduced. No specific temperature requirements for mixing. Can be used in any type of compounds. Mixing scheme Time Action 0 min Rubber 1/2 min Carbon black or Silica + Twaron D3500 + Rest 2 min Oil 4 min Sweep 5 min Dump the compound New! - Twaron D3500 Test results Model apex formulation Ingredients (Phr) SMR-10 Corax N330 Corax N550 Nytex 840 ZnO Stearic acid Sunolite 240 6 PPD TMQ Cofill 11/gr* Twaron D3500 (Pulp MB) Insoluble Sulfur CBS PVI/CTPI HMTA (Hexa-80) Total (phr) *Cofill 11/gr: 50% resorcinol on 50% silica carrier ** corrected for 5 phr pulp Control 100 35 30 5 10 2 2 2 1 6 0 6.5 1.0 0.1 1.8 202.4 Twaron D3500 100 35 30 5 10 2 2 2 1 6 12.6** 6.5 1.0 0.1 1.8 215.0 New! - Twaron D3500 Hardness New! - Twaron D3500 Tensile Strength (machine direction) • Hot air aging, 72 hrs, 100 °C New! - Twaron D3500 Tensile Strength (cross-machine direction) • Hot air aging, 72 hrs, 100 °C New! - Twaron D3500 Tear Strength (Crescent type) New! - Twaron D3500 SUMMARY • Twaron D3500 is an aramid pulp masterbatch • A reinforcing additive in rubber compounds • Gives strong increase in low elongation modulus • Dispersion of Twaron D3500 is very important to achieve good properties EFFECTS OF SULFRON Sulfron® Sulfron is based on Twaron, which is modified by chemicals. polyparaphenylene terephthalamide Sulfron D3001 Sulfron D3515 – new grade Sulfron reduces hysteresis in carbon black filled compounds. Sulfron can be used in CB filled compounds. Most pronounced effects are seen in NR based compounds. Main Sulfron® effect 0,220 0,200 0,180 loss factor (tan d) 0,160 0,140 0,120 0,100 0,080 0,060 0,040 0,020 Dynamic strain: 2 % Frequency: 10 Hz 0,000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 o Temperature ( C) Adding Sulfron® to a compound improves hysteresis because tan δ reduction! Sulfron D3515 – new grade Based on aramid pulp masterbatch Granular shaped Contains 40 % aramid pulp (type 1095) Easily disperses in rubber compounds Reduces hysteresis ( tan d at rolling conditions) Mixing recommendations Sulfron has to be added together or just after carbon black addition. The compound temperature has to be kept in the range of 145 – 160 °C for about 1.5 – 2 min. The optimum dosage can vary depending on formulation. However, it is most usually around 1.5 – 2 phr. Natural rubber (NR) based tread formulation Ingredients Natural rubber Butadiene rubber Carbon black N234 Nytex 840 Zinc Oxide Stearic acid Sunolite 240 6 PPD TMQ Sulfron D3001 Sulfron D3515 Sulphur TBBS TOTAL Control 80 20 50 5 4 2 2 2 1 0 0 1,75 1,5 169,25 Phr Sulfron D3001 Sulfron D3515 80 80 20 20 50 50 5 5 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 0 0 2 1,75 1,75 1,5 1,5 171,25 171,25 Mooney Viscosity Temp req. Time req. Test type Rotor Initial ML [°C] [min] [MU] [MU] Control 100 5 "visc" "large" 86 53,7 S3001 100 5 "visc" "large" 84,9 51,3 S3515 100 5 "visc" "large" 87,2 51,7 Control 150 30 0,5 5,03 4,23 6,21 9,79 0,23 1,9 1,67 0,066 0,58 S3001 150 30 0,5 5,52 4,72 6,58 9,15 0,21 1,83 1,62 0,07 0,63 S3515 150 30 0,5 5,7 4,96 6,77 9,33 0,21 1,88 1,67 0,072 0,65 Cure Characteritics Temp req. Time req. Osc. angle ts2 t5 t50 t90 ML MH Delta S RH tRH [°C] [min] [°] [min] [min] [min] [min] [Nm] [Nm] [Nm] [Nm/m] [min] Dynamic mechanical analysis Temperature (°C) Frequency (Hz) Storage modulus (E') Loss modulus (E'') Tan d % reduction Tan d Tan d DMTA Control Sulfron D3001 60 60 10 10 6,7855 6,517 0,9497 0,7896 0,13995 0,12115 13 Sulfron D3515 60 10 6,6755 0,7865 0,1178 16 Tensile strength [Mpa] Elongation at break [%] Tear strength [kN/m] Control 29 554 114,4 S3001 27,5 515 121,3 S3515 26,9 494 100 Reduction in tan d (60°C, 10Hz and 2% DSA) 25 20 Reduction in tan d [%] 15 10 5 0 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 Dump temperature [°C] -5 155 160 165 Effect of Sulfron with different loadings N234 0,18 0,17 Control 0,16 1 phr Sulfron D3515 0,15 A Tan d 0,14 2 phr Sulfron D3515 B 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,1 47 50 N234 content [phr] 53 56 31 Effect of Sulfron with different loadings N234 - Din Abrasion A B Sulfron D3515 Conclusions Sulfron in NR model compound shows: Improvement of: Hysteresis (tan δ) a slight effect on cure, processing and mechanical properties. Examples of applications that could benefit from Sulfron: • Tires • Conveyor Belts • Vibrational dampers
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