Ralph H. Houghton


Ralph H. Houghton
Ralph H. Houghton
A Catalog of Engraving Services
May 2004
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................ 2
CUSTOM DESIGN ENGRAVING ................................................................................... 4
Introduction.................................................................................................................. 4
Templates.................................................................................................................... 4
Profiling Templates .................................................................................................. 4
General Templates................................................................................................... 5
Classic Templates.................................................................................................... 5
Levels of Detail ............................................................................................................ 5
Level I ...................................................................................................................... 5
Level II ..................................................................................................................... 5
Level III .................................................................................................................... 5
Levels of Detail and Finished Size............................................................................... 6
Template Materials ...................................................................................................... 6
Tracing Lines ............................................................................................................... 6
Classic Templates ........................................................................................................... 7
Description................................................................................................................... 8
Pricing.......................................................................................................................... 8
Local Commercial ........................................................................................................... 9
Description................................................................................................................... 9
Pricing.......................................................................................................................... 9
Engraving Time............................................................................................................ 9
Artwork ........................................................................................................................ 9
Trademarks ................................................................................................................... 10
Description................................................................................................................. 10
Restrictions................................................................................................................ 10
Pricing........................................................................................................................ 10
Artwork ...................................................................................................................... 10
Sailing ........................................................................................................................... 11
Description................................................................................................................. 11
Pricing........................................................................................................................ 11
School Mascots............................................................................................................. 12
Description................................................................................................................. 12
Pricing........................................................................................................................ 12
Swapmeet Templates.................................................................................................... 13
Description................................................................................................................. 13
Pricing........................................................................................................................ 14
XXX Templates.......................................................................................................... 14
Decoratives ................................................................................................................... 15
Description................................................................................................................. 15
Pricing........................................................................................................................ 15
Proof Tracings............................................................................................................... 16
Using Classic Templates ........................................................................................... 18
GENERAL ENGRAVING............................................................................................... 20
Introduction................................................................................................................ 20
Services..................................................................................................................... 20
Policy ......................................................................................................................... 21
Equipment ................................................................................................................. 21
RUBBER STAMP SERVICE ......................................................................................... 23
Introduction................................................................................................................ 23
Services..................................................................................................................... 23
Equipment ................................................................................................................. 23
HOT STAMPING SERVICE .......................................................................................... 24
Introduction................................................................................................................ 24
Services..................................................................................................................... 24
Equipment ................................................................................................................. 24
APPENDIX 1 – NEW HERMES FONT GUIDE ............................................................. 25
APPENDIX 2 – NEW HERMES TYPE FONT ASSORTMENTS ................................... 30
Custom Design Engraving (CDE) is a sole proprietorship dedicated to specialty
engraving projects and the production of manual engraving machine templates
designed to fit any manual engraving machine on the market, past or present. My work
will also include a few items from the industrial tool and die engraving category such as
Mylar stencils used in electrolytic etching tasks.
I will also be preparing a number of master pattern sets for creating type fonts not
available currently available such as the Cherokee Syllabary and unusually decorative
fonts. There are thousands of True Type and Post Script type faces available. One of
the services I propose to provide is creating template sets of commonly used phrases
made in coordinated type faces.
CDE was originally established in Tampa Florida in 1974 for the same kind of work
described above. At that time, I was an active duty U. S. Air Force serviceman and
subject to many movements.
The tracks on the templates I make fit one of two profiles. New Hermes style templates
use a 20° cutter with a .020” tip. Gorton style templates use a 45° cutter with a .010” tip.
The primary differences are that smaller, more detailed templates may be created in
the Gorton style and the style is used on nearly all industrial grade pantographs. By
changing the tracing pins on your engraving machine, either profile may be used. The
New Hermes style is used on several different machines. If you need a special tracing
profile, you simply need to define and request it.
The copy slides for New Hermes style type fonts may be mounted on most industrial
grade machines and New Hermes style fonts employed for engraving. However, the
reverse is not generally true. The only way to use industrial fonts on a New Hermes
machine is to use double coated tape such as 3M #410 which is available in 1 or 2” rolls
from most industrial supply houses.
Profiling Templates
Any template may be configured for
profiling. Profiling is a procedure
where the core internal image for a
project is engraved first followed by a
final cut using a line completely around
the image in which the cutter is set to
cut completely through the material.
General Templates
Most custom templates for business logos and trademarks are made with only the
image of the logo in the template. The size of the template blank is determined by the
level of detail in the image being engraved.
Classic Templates
Classic Templates follow one of several series of subject medallions used by trophy and
plaque suppliers to dress up their products. Each template has a double ring to allow
for profiling.
Custom templates will be priced on a relative level of complexity which corresponds to
the length of time required to prepare the template. Shown below are examples of the
three levels I will use to make this determination. Your engraving time will vary
significantly between the three levels and your subsequent finished work pricing should
be adjusted accordingly.
Level I
The template on the left is my family coat of arms as used by Thomas Houghton in the
early 1600s. The detail in this template is reduced from a much more detailed
photograph of the original. Templates in this category are made on blanks larger than
6” square Plexiglas and the time to engrave finished work is significantly higher than the
other two levels. Generally speaking, it takes over 30 minutes to trace one of these
Level II
The center template is an example of what I consider a Level II template with engraving
times between 15 and 30 minutes. Most Classic Templates fall into this category.
Level III
These templates are simple designs which may be engraved in under 15 minutes.
Level I
Level II
Level III
This is an example of the size and detail which may be achieved by using the Gorton
style of tracing profile on a New Hermes ILK II small form pantograph. The pattern used
in the right image was about 4” wide and the one on the left was about 1 ½“. The tiny
image on the left is at the limits of most manual engraving machines on the market
The majority of templates are cut in 1/8” thick clear Plexiglas with centerlines scribed for
easy alignment with manual engraving machines. Pricing in this catalog are based on
use of Plexiglas as the primary material. Brass is also available for those requiring it.
Templates may also be engraved on Gravoply or lamacoid (bakelite) sign stock. Call
for specific pricing. As a guide, brass will cost about 10% more while lamacoid or
gravoply will be priced out at 10% less than Plexiglas. Template thickness will be kept
to 1/8” for lamacoid stock due to its brittle nature. Brass and gravoply will be 1/16”
unless specified otherwise.
Tracing lines making up the template image are engraved to a depth of .025 to .030” to
provide a more positive feel for engravers, especially new engravers who have a
tendency to “slip” frequently. New Hermes type and template stock generally were
engraved at .020” and resulted in frequent slips at the production speeds often required
in trophy and plaque shops.
When the image being traced is complex, the .025 depth will be the norm, while simpler
designs can safely be cut to the .030” depth.
Most of these designs follow the catalog of Classic Medallics struck medallions. The
Classic Template design includes a 5” pattern engraved to New Hermes format track on
a 6” clear Plexiglas blank. Each template has a center point (shallow dot) where
possible and a scribed centerline for easy alignment with your copy table. The blanks
are not beveled and do not fit any known New Hermes type holder. The images may be
engraved with or without the outer rings.
This size arrangement allows engraving on a full range of metal disks from 2” to 7/8”.
The smallest image on the newer New Hermes Gravographs at 7:1 is 5/8”. At 6:1 on
the older machines, the image is about 7/8”.
In addition to metal discs, the templates all have a double ring for use in making profiled
disks within the range of your pantograph. The internal ring and image are engraved
first into the surface. The final cut uses a cutter depth setting which goes completely
through the plastic. The starting point is ALWAYS at the lower left as the engraving
operator faces the machine. The reason will be obvious if the wrong location to start the
cut is used – a small nick in the profiled piece will appear on the finished piece.
Classic Templates provide a good answer for small engraving shops that do not have
funds to support sufficient inventories of the Classic Medallic medallions in each of three
sizes and gold, bronze, and silver forms. A competitor of the Classic Medallic series
provides their medals as an enameled version in gold or silver and generally in the
same sizes. Where possible, the finished results using the real Classic Medallic coined
inserts is preferable to an engraved result, however, the engraved form is feasible for
end customers that are cost conscious. Also please note: templates do NOT count as
inventory for tax purposes where the struck metal inserts do.
Pricing on these templates is set at $12 each, plus shipping and MI sales taxes where
Customized pricing is $20 if the request follows this design. The finished template is 5”
with two sets of rings with the legend as shown. Most of the images in this catalog may
be rendered into this form except for the more complex designs.
Contact Custom Design Engraving for other customization pricing.
These and trademark templates are
normally the highest priced of all
templates when you send off for quotes
because they are of limited use. The
expenses for these are usually born by
the end customer as an ”art or setup”
fee. The template is retained by the
servicing engraving shop. There are
rare occasions where the image owner
purchases their own templates for
quality control purposes.
Contact Custom Design Engraving for a
quote. Prices will vary from $75 to $200
depending on the complexity of the
design. Quotes will be provided in writing
for negotiation with your customers.
Some templates require a significant
amount of engraving time and your
finished work should be priced
Vector art files are preferred and in the
WMF format. Other formats may be converted up to a point. Some conversions are
not satisfactory for this purpose. The images must be enlarged to hand cut engraving
size; however, it is best if you furnish current vector art files from your local customer to
be sure the most current artwork is used.
These templates vary in size to accommodate the level of detail. Specify your
maximum size or indicate the specific engraving machine the template will be used on.
These are in New Hermes standard tracing pin style.
Many of these designs are trademarks with significant restrictions on their use. It is
your responsibility to contact trademark owners prior to using ordering any of these for
specific work to determine any restrictions. It is wise to get written authorization to use
the trademark for local work. Please submit a copy of any written authorizations
obtained with your order.
All trademark templates will be engraved at a minimum of $75. CDE reserves the right
to refuse trademark template orders.
I have sources for over 10,000 trademarks in vector form; however, it is best if you
furnish current vector art files from your trademark owner to be sure the most current
artwork is used.
A number of these were engraved from engineering drawings for the specific model of
sail boat belonging to an owner member in a sailing club. Two were just because I like
sailing craft.
Pricing for these as special orders are $35 each, you furnish the artwork in the form of a
factory design sheet or by supplying the URL for an internet source for the image
The bottom line shows how these may be customized for specific schools. The finished
templates follow the Classic Template design being engraved to an overall size of 5” on
a 6” Plexiglas blank. Simple customizing is in the form of adding an outer ring set with
upper and or lower text.
Simple designs where the pattern is already cut are available at $12 each plus shipping
and MI taxes where applicable. The price is $18 for a first time template if a design is
submitted under this classification that has not been previously cut.
Simple customized templates are $12 in addition to the base price.
The bottom line shows how these may be customized for specific schools. The finished
templates follow the Classic Template design being engraved to an overall size of 5” on
a 6” Plexiglas blank. Simple customizing is in the form of adding an outer ring set with
upper and or lower text.
Simple designs where the pattern is already cut are available at $12 each plus shipping
and MI taxes where applicable. The price is $18 for a first time template if a design is
submitted under this classification that has not been previously cut.
Simple customized templates are $12 in addition to the base price. This customizing
consists of installing a double set of rings with text for a specific organization.
I have a collection of 35-40 templates I made for a motorcycle club in Tamps which
qualify as X Rated. I will send a separate catalog of available templates on request.
Decorative designs are used when laying out various presentation awards and special
jewelry engraving projects. There are very few of these available from New Hermes. It
is our intent to make a very wide array of designs available for manual machine
engravers to help compete for work. There are several hundred corners and line divider
decorative designs available from the various vector graphics clip art collections.
Single designs where the pattern is already cut are available at $8 each plus shipping
and MI taxes where applicable. The price is $14 for a first time template if a design is
submitted under this classification that has not been previously cut.
Special sets of decorative designs will be engraved at 5” lengths on 6” Plexiglas and
offered at a significant savings. They will be offered in sets of 5 or 6.
These plates contain images from templates proving their suitability for sale. This is an
internal quality control measure to insure all templates work as advertised on the
engraving machines they were intended for.
The first five show commercial local and military work done mostly in Tampa Florida.
The majority of my template work was done for Brown’s Trophies for resale to their
remote customers.
Raised disks in color – 7/8” to 2”
Shows range of sizes and customization
More examples
I do not propose to compete with local trophy and jewelry shops for routine engraving.
CDE is primarily interested in highly customized work which would not be possible
I envision a mix of highly customized work in the industrial and general engraving areas
where special techniques, not normally found in trophy and jewelry shops, would be
required such as very tiny work on charms and a limited amount of industrial type work
such as Mylar electrolytic stencils and some panel work. Specific services might
Ultra miniature finished work
Plaques with nonstandard materials and vintage style layouts
Crystal – hand and machine cut
Cutter grinding services
Limited machine repairs and modifications
Inside ring engraving
Supply small quantities of cut to size metal, bakelite or plastic engraveables
Sales of used engraving equipment - limited
Provide training for engravers
o Extending beyond basic equipment
o Cutter grinding (advanced)
o Job setup and alignment
o Using templates larger than copy slides
Gun engraving (machine only)
Rubber stamp molds
Need bigger New Hermes machine for these.
Pattern was longer than rifle.
Should I sell a local business template to a sign, trophy or jewelry shop, I will not
engage in competitive work which might preclude the shop from return on investment in
the template. This is limited to those services and products normally sold by the firm
and customized by use of the templates. I will provide quotes for work using the
templates which might be beyond the capabilities of these shops. For example, most
trophy and jewelry shops do not provide rubber stamp or hot stamping services to their
CDE work is based on a floor model industrial 2 dimensional engraving machine. I own
an Alexander pantograph and a Deckel cutter grinder. The Deckel prepares both
carbide and high speed steel single lip cutters commonly found on New Hermes
engraving machines – manual and computer controlled.
CDE also has several New Hermes type pantographs to field test all templates prior to
shipping. This provides clean tracing lines so the template is ready to use when
I do not propose to compete with local retail sales shops for routine rubber stamps.
CDE is primarily interested in highly customized work which would not be possible
Any pattern I have templates on may be engraved into a simple mold from which rubber
stamps may be produced. Rubber stamp services I will provide include the following:
Address stamps which include special designs
Specialty stamps for swapmeet venders, in resale bulk quantities
CDE equipment for rubber stamp production includes only a small Warner Electric
Company vulcanizing press; however, it is fully capable of making limited qualtities of
rubber stamp dies within the size range up to 3” by 5” from engraved molds.
This capability was purchased primarily to apply business information to the templates
created here. A complete range of hot stamping service is available: however, I
generally keep no stock of things such as napkins, matchbooks and other items
normally personalized with these machines.
Hot stamping services I will provide on request include the following:
Book marking for private scrapbooks, homemade bookbinders, wedding albums
and similar work
Pencils (need to order holder)
Leather products (requires special 24 kt gold foil)
CDE has a nearly complete Howard Personalizer Model #45 hot stamping machine with
the capacity for using dies up to 5” wide. A limited number of type fonts are available.
Custom logos will need to be sent out to have cast dies made. Art and setup charges
will apply to this type of work. I have a stock of various colors of film.
The following four pages were passed out as free handouts at product fairs where New
Hermes had display tables set up. They were created on clear overhead transparency
film and used for quickly determining finished engraving sized. There were so popular,
venders on Ebay are offering several of them for sale. They are provided for you here
in this document free of charge – as New Hermes originally intended them. Simply get
some overhead transparency material suitable for laser jets and copiers and either print
from an electronic version of this catalog or photocopy them on a copier using the
transparency film.
Contact me if you would like a full copy of the 1968 catalog these came from. This
document provides an interesting comparison for the original font prices as well as a
guide for Ebay bidding. Remember current pricing of these fonts will be based on 2004
dollar value rather that what the dollar was worth in 1968. I also have catalogs from
Bellco and Alfred Harbish – two other sources of type and templates.
This is the definitive word on the composition of each font sold by New Hermes. It
applied to all fonts sold after 1968 as well. This chart may be used to determine the
extent of missing pieces in used font sets and to tell which set it was.