
Distinctive Gifts for Your Family and Friends
Item # 1
Holiday Favorites
- 2 CD Set Music CD by Eddie Blazonczyk
and the Versatones performing favorite
American and Polish Christms music. This
double CD set features 6 new koledy.
For Your Polish Wigilia....
Item # 7 Christmas Wafer / Oplatek
Large Authentic Packaged Christmas
Wafers in Wigilia Designed Envelopes
Package includes (3)
white and (1) pink. $2.75
Mazowsze Sings Koledy.....
Item # 8 Dried Mushrooms
Use there famous “borowiki’
dried Polish mushrooms for
your holiday soup, “kapusta”
or other special dishes. 1.8
ounces (dried) $12
Wigilia Items
Plan a Polish Wigilia Christmas Eve Dinner
with these traditional items.
Item # 2 Mazowsze
Sings Koledy - The
world famous Polish National Song and Dance
Ensemble performs all
your favorite Polish
Christmas Carols on
this beautifully produced
CD. $18
Item # 3
“Polska” Baseball Cap
Show your Polish Pride with this Red and
White “Polska” Baseball Cap with regal
Polish Eagle embroidered in silver thread;
gold crown. Adjustable to various sizes.
Item # 4 Polska Scarf Keep warm this winter and
cheer-on your favorite
team with this 58” red and
white scarf made in
Poland. $17
Item # 9 Wigilia Items Selected especially for our Members!
We’ve gathered the best of Polish sweets to guarantee that your
Christmas will be special! Gift box includes: Plums in Chocolate
(6.7 oz), Wedel Milk Chocolate (3.5 oz), Polish Wildberry Jam (9.9
oz), Turon Gingerbread Heart Cookies, Krowki Creme Fudge,
“Winter Fantasy” Polish fruit tea (25 tea bags), Cafe Prima, Polish
Coffee (250 gr.), plus a Polish Language Christmas Card and
small Oplatek Wafer. $35
Item # 5 Ceramic“Polska
” Coffee Mug - (left) Show
your Polish Pride with this
red mug with white regal
Polish Eagle. $8
Item # 6
2011 Poland Calendar features beautiful
scences of Polish landmarks and countryside. $16
Item # 10
The Vigil of Christmas
(left) An illustrated
anthology containing a
overview of Polish, Slovak and Lithuanian
Christmas Eve traditions. Presents a rich
resource of background
material and holiday
recipes. 124 pages softbound. $12
Place your order on line at:
Polish Fairy Tales and Legends.
Written in both Polish and English
and beautifully illustrated, these
books are perfect holiday gifts for
the children in your family.
# 11 The Wawel Dragon and Snow
White $12
# 12 King Popiel and the Mice, The
Fisherman and the Golden Fish,
Little Red Riding Hood. $12
Step Out in Style with our Exclusive
Polish Falcons of America Polo Shirt
Item #PFA 101
Polish Falcons of America
Polo Shirt - (right) Heavy weight Ultra
CottonTM Short sleeve. Available in
Sizes Medium through XXL.
Charcoal color. $20
Item # 16 Holiday Gift Box Selected especially for our Members!
We’ve gathered the best of Polish sweets to guarantee that your
Christmas will be special! Gift box includes: Plums in Chocolate
(6.7 oz), Wedel Milk Chocolate (3.5 oz), Polish Wildberry Jam (9.9
oz), Turon Gingerbread Heart Cookies, Krowki Creme Fudge,
“Winter Fantasy” Polish fruit tea (25 tea bags), Cafe Prima, Polish
Coffee (250 gr.), plus a Polish Language Christmas Card and small
Oplatek Wafer. $35
Item # 13 Tort Wedlowski (photo
below) A classic Polish chocolate
confection. Layers of thin praline
filled wafers, hand made and
luxioriously hand decorated
with dark chocolate. 14.8 oz $8
Item # 17 Treasured Polish
Recipes for Americans A perennial favorite featuring 475
popular Polish recipes tailored for
the American cook. Contains
recipes for holidays, including
Item # 14 Polish Eagle
Easter and Wigilia. 169 pages
Christmas Tree Ornament
hardbound. $15
Handpainted in Poland $36
Item # 15 Ptasie Mleczko (left) Poland’s all-time
favorite Holiday Treat. Milk chocolate covered
marshmallow creams that are as light as a feather.
14.8 oz $15
Item # 18 Klenoty - Chocolate Jewels bon-bons filled with a variety of cream, nut,
coffee and nougart centers.
Specially packaged
for the Holidays.
Item # 19 Glass Coffee Mug with
Wycinanki Folk Design $8
Place your order on line at:
Final Expense Insurance
PFA National Sales Director
John Denning
Have you always wanted to know more about the benefits of Final Expense
Insurance, but perhaps you were not quite sure where to start?
First, let me explain a little bit about what exactly this type of insurance is for
those that may not be all that familiar with it. Final expense insurance is a special type of insurance that one can purchase so that when they pass away
someday, their funeral and burial expenses will all be taken care of by the insurance company. This insurance can also be used to help pay off any medical
bills or other debts that you may leave behind after your passing. There are a
wide variety of benefits to purchasing this type of insurance. For starters, just
think about what peace of mind it would give both you and your family knowing
that your final expenses will all be taken care of. After all, I am sure that you
wouldn't want your loved ones to experience a great deal of stress because of
having to scramble to try to scrape a lot of money together for your funeral expenses as well as to pay off any debts that you still owe. As it is, your death
would undoubtedly already be an extremely difficult time for them since they
would, of course, be grieving over the loss of you. However, if you purchase
final expense insurance, then at least your loved ones wouldn’t have to contend with added financial stress at the time of your death.
Another benefit to signing up for insurance for your final expenses is that a
portion can also be used as a way to give a charitable gift to someone. Perhaps the Polish Falcons Scholarship Fund or another charitable cause. If so,
then you can use part of your insurance to give this organization some money.
I'm sure they would be appreciative of your kind gesture. Your final expense insurance can also be used as a way to leave money behind for your grandchildren or other family members. One great use of this kind of insurance would
be to help start a college fund for your grandchildren such as a Coverdell policy from the Polish Falcons. This would be an excellent way to ensure that they
will have a bright future ahead of them!
Final expense life insurance truly is a
worthwhile investment. Should you decide to
go ahead and purchase it, it will almost certainly bring great peace of mind to both you and your loved ones. The fact is
that everyone is going to die one day; however the most important fact is that
we do not know when this will happen. So many people have been meaning to
buy life insurance but never get around to it. It was sad when I recently received a call from a son who wanted to know if his father ever purchased insurance from me because he had just passed away. The son explained that he
found my flyer among his father's paperwork. I sadly had to let the son know
that his father did not purchase insurance. His son explained that he was not
sure how he was going to pay for his father's funeral and was hoping that he
did purchase the insurance. This is only one example of so many people who
wanted to purchase insurance but just never got around to purchasing it. Another example is of young couple that I had spoken to briefly about life insurance and how it would be imperative for them to buy insurance since they
were young and healthy. They agreed but put it off. I received a call from the
wife and she explained that her husband was recently diagnosed with lung
cancer. She now wanted to purchase insurance for her family. I had to explain
to her that it was not possible. Life insurers will not offer insurance to someone
who is undergoing treatment for lung cancer.
I want you all to remember that you should purchase insurance before you
need it because it may be too late to purchase it when you truly do need it!
The Polish Falcons will be offering a Final Expense Policy very soon.
For Information call John Denning the National Sales/Marketing Director at
1-800-535-5029 or email me at [email protected]
Name _________________________________________________________________
In order to guarantee delivery
before Christmas, all orders must
be received before December 17.
Address ________________________________________________________________
City _________________________________ State ___________ Zip ______________
Daytime Phone ______________________ Evening Phone ______________________
E-mail Address _________________________________________________________
Item Number / Description
Size (if ordering shirts) Color
Shipping Charges
Shipping (See chart at right)
• Orders for items not listed in this
advertisement will be returned.
• We cannot process your order until your
check clears. Orders received without proper
payment will be returned. Please do not send
cash by mail.
• You will be contacted by telephone if ordered
items are sold out.
• All items are shipped via U.S. Postal Service
Priority Mail with delivery confirmation.
Please make checks or money orders payable to “Polish Falcons of America.” Do not send cash. Order form and check
must be sent to the following address: Polish Falcons of America, 381 Mansfield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15220-2751.
Questions on your order should be directed to Jim Orkwis, 800-535-2071.
Total Order
$ 00.01 - $ 39.99..............................$ 7.95
$ 40.00 - $ 69.99..............................$ 8.95
$ 70.00 - $ 99.99..............................$ 9.95
$ 100.00 - $ 199.99..........................$ 11.95
$ 200.00 and up................................$ 14.95
• Orders received after December 17 will be
returned unprocessed.
• All items are shipped from the Polish Falcons
of America headquarters.
Orders processed in 1-2 days.
Most orders delivered within 7-12 working days.
Avoid delays. Order early.
Polska Szkola
continued from page 11
Dodie Piersielak
National Cultural Commissioner
Searching the Internet I found a wonderful site that had information on Polish
Traditions. The following is by Jeffery Roberts and Klasa Doroslych that I would
like to share with you.
St. Andrew's Night, November 30th (Noc Sw. Andrzeja -or Andrzejki)
In Poland, fortune telling sets the mood for this evening of merriment which
might be the theme for an autumn social gathering. Single girls pour hot melted
wax into a bowl of cold water, and the hardened wax is then held up to the light.
The shadow it casts on the wall is said to reveal the girls' marriage prospects: if
its shape resembles something used by a man, she will marry within a year. The
shadow may also contain a clue to who the future husband might be (traits, interest, occupation). Another traditional pastime is for the girls to toss their shoes to
the middle of the floor. The first shoe to go over the threshold is that of the girl
who will marry the earliest. Fortune telling, singing, and general merriment might
round out this thoroughly enjoyable evening.
Can you believe next month is December? It is time to start planning your Wigilia dinner. I think my favorite Wigilia dish is herring. Over the years, I have tried
and enjoyed several different ways to prepare herring. I would like to share with
you my favorite.
Pickled Herring with Sour Cream
6 pickled herring, drained
1 large onion, peeled & chopped
4 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
1 apple, cored & cut into chunks - leave skin on
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 cup sour cream
1 clove garlic, crushed
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
2 tbsp chopped fresh dill or parsley
Cut herring into large chunks. Mix herring with onion, egg, apple, & lemon
juice. In a separate bowl, combine sour cream, garlic, salt, and pepper. Add to
herring mixture and mix well. Sprinkle with dill or parsley. Makes 4 to 6 servings.
Druhna Dodie Piersielak
National Cultural Commissioner
Nest 610 in Erie, PA will hold its yearly
meeting, nomination and election of 2011
officers at 5:00 p.m. on December 5.
All Members are asked to attend.
tion and all of our members, friends and Polish School parents
who attended the affair. Thanks to our organizing committee of
Frank and Regina Grodzki, Elizabeth and Zygmunt Nowosielski,
Henry and Wieslawa Roszkowski, Greg and Lillian Czechowicz,
Halina Stepien and Wlodzimierz Karausz. Special thanks to our
Polish School director Lucyna Lis and members of the Parents
Committee Jolanta Maziarz, Barbara Porter and Joanna Karczewska. Thank you to all our Polish School teachers, especially
Elizabeth Laskowski and Barbara Maciorowska, who prepared
the student program and all of the parents who assisted in the
performance. We also thank our Polish School students who participated and exhibited their talents and showed pride in their Polish heritage.
The Nest 946 Polish Language School has been in existence
since 1985. The school began at the initiative of Nest 946 members Frank and Regina Grodzki and Greg and Lillian Czechowicz
– with twelve children taught in a one room classroom in a small
bungalow at the Polish Falcon Camp Polanka in Hillsborough by
our first teacher Mrs. Danuta Jankowska. It was registered with
the Polish Supplementary School Council of America, Inc. which
continues to set the curriculum and provide guidance and educational support. Originally the school was free to all Polish Falcon
and Nest 946 members and totally financed by Nest 946. In
1988, the school named it’s first director, Mrs. Anna Grochocka,
who led the school until Mrs. Lis took over in 2003. Over the
years, the number of students and teachers increased steadily
and admission was open to everyone. Today, the school is self
sustaining with a small tuition paid by students while Polish Falcon members receive a tuition discount. Nest 946 still provides financial assistance and continues to be the school’s sponsor and
The school currently consists of 140 students and 12 teachers
in classes from kindergarten to a post-high school class. It uses
classrooms in two local parishes. The majority of classes are held
at St. Mary’s of Czestochowa parish in Bound Brook, NJ while
three classes are held in nearby Manville, NJ at the Sacred Heart
All teachers are highly qualified with many years of teaching
experience. They participate in conventions and conferences in
cooperation with other schools. Eighth grade graduates each
year join the Polish Regents Exam. Our students take part in annual literary, recitation and art competitions organized by the Polish Supplementary School Council of America and have won
many awards.
The purpose of school is to maintain and nurture our Polish
heritage – to familiarize children and young people with the
wealth of the language of their ancestors, Polish literature and
culture, and it’s rich history and geography. An indispensable task
of the school is also the shaping and keeping alive our Polish traditions and customs that build national identity and heritage and
serve to maintain future ties with Poland.
Since the beginning, school teachers and students together
with Nest 946 officers and members participate in the annual Pulaski Day Parade in New York City. Since 2006, our school presents a Polish Christmas Tree as a participant in the International
Festival of Christmas Trees, organized by the Hungarian-American Museum in New Brunswick, NJ.
The school has a very active Parents Committee which works
very effectively under the leadership of Mrs. Jolanta Maziarz.
Each year, the school organizes a Valentine’s Day Dance at the
Polish Falcon Camp Polanka with all proceeds going to support
the school. Nest 946 works closely with the school’s director,
teachers, and parents committee and has been the sponsor of
the school since its inception, participating in it’s management
and financing. In it’s 25 years of existence, the school has always
produced an awareness of the importance of it’s existence for the
sake of future generations of Polish-Americans here in the United
Submitted by
Druh Greg Czechowicz
Nest 946