Vertical Is The New Horizon


Vertical Is The New Horizon
Nicholas Petty, MLA
March 4 2008
Advances in scientific understanding
Advances in building materials and technologies
The widespread dissemination of ecologically and
environmentally-focused construction practices
Diminished or limited availability of green space
and attendant vegetation; the direct result of
human encroachment and subsequent development
Definitions & Potential Issues
The term “vertical gardening” is self-explanatory
Redundancy of the term “vertical gardening”
Verticality in the garden (an intrinsic property)
- versus ! Vertical gardening (a product of modern necessity)
Where (and to whom) does it belong?
Continuity of a historical practice
- versus -
The modern transcendence of those very same
practices under a revised paradigm
Vertical Gardening v1.0
Temple and “hanging gardens”
from Assyrian Palace at
Nineveh (C8-7 BCE)
House of Octavius Quartio, or
the “Miniature Villa,” at
Pompeii (c. 79 CE)
Garden painting from a
tomb at Thebes, Egypt
(1570-1070 BCE)
Vertical Gardening v1.1
Woodcut image of from
Hypnerotomachia Poliphilli
(1499 CE)
Pavillon de Treillage at
Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam
(mid-C18 CE)
Goldstone Gardens, Beverly
Hills, CA. Designed by
Garrett Eckbo (1948)
Modern Initiators
Safra Bank Headquarters. Sao Paolo, BRA. Roberto Burle Marx (1982)
“The starting premise [for bioclimatic architecture] is that
vegetation is an important indigenous aspect of place
and should therefore be an important regionalist design
factor, besides being ecologically vital. It might also be
argued that vegetation (and other biotic components of
the location) needs to be introduced into the built
environment in far greater abundance than is currently
common.” -Kenneth Yeang, Architect
Menara Mesiniaga. Kenneth Yeang (1992)
Century Times
Space is at a high premium
The Greater London Authority estimates that
approximately 1/3 of urban centers are now
comprised of vegetation
Building upward rather than outward has become a
universally adopted strategy
Available vertical surface area in cities may exceed
available horizontal surfaces (including rooftops)
Vertical living. Why not vertical gardening?
Century Times
The Urban Heat Island Effect
Consider: a main function of urban vegetation is to harness heat energy to
power the all-important processes of evapotranspiration, thereby achieving a
cooling effect. More vegetation = cooler temperatures. Easy enough.
Century Times
Air Quality Concerns: SO2, NO2, CO2, etc.
Consider: active plant tissue can absorb many of the deleterious chemical
compounds that have become increasingly abundant in the atmosphere
throughout the 20th century and into the present
Century Times
Loss of Habitat
Not an exclusively Modern
development, however . . .
Exponential growth patterns
have exacerbated conditions
Eradication of vegetation has
displaced countless species
Re-integration cannot restore
native habitats, but . . .
Can potentially provide refuge
for migratory birds and
invertebrate species
Biodiversity = A good thing
In Plainly Human Terms
The absence of vegetation can have a profoundly
negative effect upon one’s overall quality of life
Physical comfort
Personal Health
Psychological Effects
Heat stress; absence of
shade; respiratory irritation
Asthma; cardiopulmonary
disease; cancer
Heating and cooling costs;
potential building damage
Depression, lack of stimulation
Los Angeles, CA. A genuine postmodern hellhole
Psychological Effects
Numerous scientific studies have described a natural human
proclivity towards “natural” scenery in which vegetation is
present – particularly in urban settings where the immediate
environment is otherwise devoid of such luxuries
After all, the urban experience is relatively novel to humans
The reintroduction of
vegetation can restore:
! Variety/complexity
! Softening effect
! Depth
! Pattern
! Prospect-refuge*
Aesthetic Implications
Implausible becomes plausible
-Luigi Serafini, The Codex
Seraphinianus (1976)
“This was truly the
regime of the
vertical . . .”
-Jules Verne, 20,000
Leagues Beneath the
Sea (1870)
Aesthetic Implications
Metaphor becomes reality
Henri Rousseau, The Dream (1910)
Marches Des Halles Plant Wall, Avignon, FRA (2006)
Aesthetic Implications
The medium as a commentary upon the medium
Jackson Pollock, Lavender Mist (1950)
“Emphasize the medium and its
difficulties, and at once the purely
plastic, the proper, values of visual
art come to the fore.”
P. Blanc, Planting plan for Dimanche Residence (2006)
Aesthetic Implications
Plants as a truly living medium
Implies a constant state of fluctuation
! Accordingly, the composition is always changing
! Never the exact scene twice
Trivalent message regarding time
Linear time – endless stream; we are all voyagers
! Cyclical time – death and renewal; seasonal flux
! Imminent time – ephemeral; transitory; fleeting
An Intricate Series of Spectrums
reality; cliché
metaphor; fantasy
For Those Who Prefer Circles
- Or Even -
Or perhaps abandon the sphere concept altogether?
Policy and Procedure
Seattle Green Factor (Ordinance 122311)
Emphasizes maximization of vegetative potential of urban
rights-of-way for businesses using a pro-rated menu of
planting strategies
Curious omission of parking structures in the DPD ordinance
LEED Information
Sustainable Sites Credit 7.1
Water Efficiency Credits 1.1, 1.2
Water Efficient Landscaping (1 to 2 points)
Energy and Atmosphere Credit 1
Landscape Design That Reduces Urban Heat Islands, Non-Roof (1 point)
Optimize Energy Performance (1 to 10 points)
Innovation in Design Credits 1-4
Innovation in Design (1 to 4 points)
Why Parking Structures?
Necessary evil
Space is at a premium; beats the alternative;
importance of the automobile is not on the wane
Point sources for pollution
Concentrated output of gaseous pollutants,
particulate matter, and nasty residues
Banal or obtrusive appearance
See Necessary Evil (above). ; purely functional;
failure to coincide in with surroundings
High visibility
Massive storage capacity required to make
venture a worthwhile effort; cars are large, no?
Innovative efforts underway
Santa Monica Civic Center Parking Structure
How Can This Be Accomplished?
Vertical gardening must be carried out on a
site-specific basis; many factors involved
! This is particularly the case with regards to
extant structures; pre-established program
Plants can only be controlled to a certain point
Façade Greening
Enabled by specifically designed support
structures that allow for vertical vegetative
coverage via the controlled growth of
climbing and cascading species
Both a continuation of historical practices and
their transcendence via modern technology
It is all about letting the plants do the
work for you given the proper
Implies a comprehensive understanding
of climbing species and their character
Unique qualities of climbers are ideal
Buffer is the critical feature that
avoid a plant-entangled nightmare
Façade Greening
Façade Greening:
Steel Cable
Able to support tremendous
weight loads; warping possible
Can be oriented vertically,
horizontally, or in combination
Anchoring devices are critical
Plant weight
! Offset distance from the wall
! Wind shear/precipitation load
! Type of surface
MFO Park
Burkhardt + Partner
Raderschall Landschaftsarkitektnen
Zurich, Switzerland
Façade Greening:
Steel Mesh
Able to span wide distances with few
anchoring breaks
Able to conform to the contours of a
structure with proper tensioning
This pliability may prove detrimental
under stress from certain climbers
Façade Greening:
Steel Trellis Systems
Typically rigid standardized units
minor customization is clearly possible
Can be configured en masse to comprise
a much larger system
Limited options in terms of manufacturers
Façade Greening:
Façade Greening:
Elevated Planters
Sometimes there is no planting
space available at all
One may also require coverage at
the upper recesses of a structure
What do you do then?
The integration of elevated planters
demands specific considerations
Low-weight planter
Low-weight planting medium
Appropriate structural support
Harbor Day School
Corona Del Mar, CA
Façade Greening:
G-Sky Vine Container
Responds to situations in which natural
soil is unavailable or coverage may be
desired at an untenable height
5’x3’ single-screen trellis units
Mounted upon steel frame
Offset from wall varies
May not be suitable
1’ deep planter with green roof mix
Catwalk for maintenance may be included
Available irrigation system
Living Walls
More celebrated approach
Composed of pre-vegetated
panels or integrated fabric systems
attached to wall
! Soil-based
! Hydroponic
Indoor/outdoor flexibility
Instantaneous results
Wider plant selection vs. vines
Experimental nature
! Certain systems have been
patented and are thereby
unavailable for public use
Centre Commercial Quatre Temps Plant Wall, Paris
Mur Vegetal
Creator: Patrick Blanc
Combines keen botanical
understanding with hydroponic
growth methods
Simple yet ingenious layout
Debuted at Charmont-Sur-Loire
in 1994 to instant acclaim
Double-layered polyamide felt
Thin, rigid PVC backing
Metal support structure
Thickness: ~13 mm.
Musee de Quai Branly, Paris
Mur Vegetal
Lightweight composition
~30 plants/m2
Limited maintenance (apparently)
Fully patented
~30 kg/m2 (inc. plants)
Protection against dilletantism?
Approaches the realm of fine art
Illustrious collaborations
Eduard Francois
Renzo Piano
Jean Nouvel
Creator: Copijn L.A.s (NED)
Modular components
Steel mesh anchored to building
Sheilding plate/external pane
Metal frame
Felt-covered plastic slots
Plants in small containers
Grid-like geometric appearance
versus mur vegetal
Swaths the entire structure upon
which it has been implemented
at Sportzplaza Mercator
Sportzplaza Mercator, Amsterdam
G-Sky Green Wall Panels
Cost Considerations
There is no universal formula given the distinct
qualities of a given project; However, one must
always take these factors into account:
Project Size
Site Conditions and Access
Design Team Cost
Cost of Installation Labor
System Type
Local availability of materials
Support Structure Location
Project Timeline
Building Location
Types of Plants Used
Design Complexity
(standard vs. custom)
Short and Long-Term
Putting It All To Work
In what manner can these methods be applied
to extant parking structures in Athens, GA?
North Campus Parking Deck
College Avenue Parking Deck
North Campus
Parking Deck Stats
• 60,000+ sf
• 1157 Spaces
• 8 levels
North Campus Parking Deck
Existing Configuration (East Façade)
(A) Aluminum band, (B) aluminum fin, (C) ramps, (D) concrete support columns,
(E) primary support channel, (F) secondary support channel, (G) aluminum
grillework, (H) platform
Existing Configuration (East Façade)
(A) Aluminum band, (B) aluminum fin, (C) ramps, (D) concrete support columns,
(E) primary support channel, (F) secondary support channel, (G) aluminum
grillework, (H) platform
Light availability
! Weight/support
! Two-sidedness
! Height of structure
Façade Greening
Plant delivery
Plant selection
Proposed Configuration (East Façade)
Proposed Configuration (East Façade)
Steel tube extensions with steel
channel beam
Groupings of Greenscreen
modular trellis units
1’-9” offset
Steel tube/plate anchor
52’-6” in height
Mounted on steel channels via
Greenscreen mounting clip
Steel cables running from soil
Duckbill anchor
Jaw-and-jaw turnbuckle
Existing Configuration (West Façade)
(A) Aluminum band, (B) aluminum grillework, (C) secondary support channels,
(D) masonry wall, (E) concrete support columns, (F) primary support channel,
(G) storefront, (H) entrance
Existing Configuration (West Façade)
(A) Aluminum band, (B) aluminum grillework, (C) secondary support channels,
(D) masonry wall, (E) concrete support columns, (F) primary support channel,
(I) Stair/elevator facility
Existing Configuration
(West Façade)
Proposed Configuration (West Façade)
Proposed Configuration (West Façade)
Totals: North Campus Parking Deck
Goal: to achieve at least 1/3 vegetative
coverage upon acceptable surfaces
East Façade: ~35,000 sf
Introduced vegetation: ~16,000 sf
! 47% coverage achieved
West Façade: ~21,000 sf
Introduced vegetation: ~8,000 sf
! 38% coverage achieved
College Avenue
Parking Deck Stats
• 18,000+ sf
• 370 Spaces
• 7 levels*
College Avenue Parking Deck
Existing Configuration (East)
Few continuous surfaces
Ventilation concerns
architectural program
No available soil at
ground level
Elevated Façade
Greening Program
Existing Configuration (East Façade)
Proposed Overlay (East)
Use of Greenscreen modular
trellises in custom configuration
Superior conduit for plants
Containers may mitigate growth
Access from individual levels
Proposed Section-Elevation (East)
Proposed Section-Elevation (East)
College Avenue West
“Throw-away” facade
11,000 sf bare expanse of
concrete nothingness
Narrow planting area
between structure and
adjacent building is available
Proposed Additions
Vegetative Overlay
and Digital Rendering
Totals: College Ave Parking Deck
East/North Façades: ~24,000 sf *
Introduced vegetation: ~13,000 sf
! 54% coverage achieved
West Façade: ~11,000 sf
Introduced vegetation: ~11,000 sf
! 100% coverage achieved
A brief word from Kenny Powers:
Well, that’d be all
fine and dandy if
we were all in the
South, but we ain’t.
What about
Chicago, genius?
Kenny Says: What about Chicago?
A Few Mitigating Factors
It’s cold
! Near limitless vertical
surface area available
Local Implications
Living wall systems may be better off
indoors, unless there is a localized
heat source to keep roots from
freezing and constant watering
Façade greening may be the more
viable approach where there are a
number of hardy climbers that are
well suited for the task.
Fewer varieties than elsewhere
Represents ideal environment, in terms
of vertical presence, architectural
history, Olympic bid, UHC, etc.
Homegrown Talent
Pritzker Family Children’s
Museum, Lincoln Park Zoo
! Built in 2004
! 4,000 SF installation
! Cost: $7800
System: 4 mm. stainless
steel cables mounted and
secured perpendicular to
one another via cross
! Decorcable International
Vitis riparia (hybrid)
Homegrown Talent
“Living Canvas”
Utilizes lightweight planting
medium and dripline irrigation
2’ x 2’ modular units
Cost: ~$47/SF
Geared towards indoor use
Produced by UHC’s own Mike
Repkin in 2008
Satisfies inner biophiliac
Improves localized air quality
Exciting projects on the horizon
Homegrown Talent (Plants)
Variety, No. Quality, yes.
Parthenocissus tricuspidata,
Boston Ivy, Clinging, 50-60’
Parthenocissus quinquefolia,
Virginia Creeper, Clinging, 20-50’
Hydrangea petiolaris,
Climbing Hydrangea, Clinging, 50-80’
Hedera Helix,
English Ivy, Climbing, 60-90’
Polygnum aubertii,
Silver Lace Vine, Twining, 25-35’
Clematis terniflora,
Sweet Autumn Clematis, Twining, 20-30’
Campsis radicans,
Trumpet Vine, Twining/Climbing, 30-50’
Vitis spp., Wild Grape, Twining, Varies
Prospects: Parking Decks
Prospects: Private Homes
By adding variety and texture to an otherwise pedestrian exterior, the
integration of vertical gardening measures can vastly improve the appearance
of Chicago’s dearth of pseudo-modern homes (or any home, for that matter),
while generating vital energy savings that make the investment worthwhile.
Prospects: Railroad Corridors
Seriously, how
ubiquitous is the
above scene in
Prospects: B-Dale Trail
It’s all about control
Greatest potential lies in urban areas
Benefits need to be quantified to a greater extent
Public perception may be critical in making the case
Extant projects versus new projects
Until such undertakings are implemented at a widespread level,
observation will be difficult
One can assume a positive effect, nonetheless
Far easier to integrate into new construction
Extant structures far more prominent in number
May engender a new functionality in architecture
Horticultural understanding is critical
! Varies from region-to-region
! More information is going to be necessary to ensure future success
Maintenance issues
! Vertical gardening implies constant care
! May breed a new type of gardener; highly skilled labor
Cross-pollination of ideas
! Vertical gardening has yet to be claimed
! Collaboration is critical and will facilitate propagation
This practice is still in its nascent stage
! New innovations will become readily available soon