

Materialist, cultural and
biologica I theories on
whyVanomami make
R. Ikian Forgwon
Unl'"Cf'ity. "",,'ark
'e< <1«_.
lbtf, 110\', b«n thtt< ptUn>ty onthropcIOfII<.oII""P«"_ on why
_10 make _: _ I .... ""lOurol, ."d b!~. Each ha<. i<>n@lti>to<yof
to tho Y...,,,....,... Thl> """'" oo",k\<n lh<st ttl,... >1 [<1, .. ,;..,., FI..t. "
.~ lI>o MOO.: ,
mot.n..l ... ..-.;><leI, 'M wlIoIlI>oy.,., ~«l to "
So«>oo . H '"""""'" trIO!'< N1,ut>l <xp~ o/f....d by .. vonJ 60ld _
...... ,
<onciooi"l! ,ho< ><><n< m ll1h ' bo ,ynt.... ....:l Wlth. mal<1'iallJl
...,." 1mU:in<H>b .. , Finally.• '""8' of hypot_ '0"""-1111 _~ ~l<pooJ"o.'IS'"
, " " " _ """ 100M '0 bo dln<tI}' romradktod by y..,."....,.. "hnosnphy. ...,. ,/
,h. w<rl< 0/ NapoIooo C"-!!,..,....
0<" "
KeyWord s
b!oIog)' • culture ' mo,<rlaIIsm ' <l'1ooo') • 1O>rlaro ' y....,.,...,..
WM mould b< thorougtlly In"'l'og;I(<<I. M.ny '1 .... 'io'" call for IUl.W""". But tho question of qu",tion. i, tho, po;><d in Illl ""chan!!" bc.w_ E!n"'in and F",ud, 'Why warr
(Froud , 1964). What m.k .. peopJ.. "" occa.ion, wHUng to kill ott.. " deliotd as
.n<mle!l Tn. anthropology of war has off.....:! many an_", [0 that que<tlon , In'lO""
Ing a hugo ,..ng< oIoxplanot"'Y ""n.b ... , But ""'.. tl>< 1"" 30 yo.... or so. thr.. broad
. It..-natlves 110"" ,morg<d In the fi<ld: maIOti.Ii .. , cultural, _
biologloal (H.." 1m).
Mmri.li" " planat;"n> ... war ,.. foll()Wln~ self Im ..... l, an eff"" 10 """ naln or
ImpIX"'. malerill condition ..... Mgt>«! In varletl .. of ocologi«ll Ih«><y."d confllctoriont«l appw..,hts 10 5OCiocuitural "",,'uti<>n. That I. wilt", my own .ppn;>o<oo to w>r
bogan. bu, whot I will describe h.... i<
tdmitt«l ly Idiooyncratk tum of ,hat pompe<o
ti ..... Cultural opproacoo hold thot wor i< tilt >cling oul or vatu"" '00 boli,r, charoct<1'l<1ie or . "",tieul.,. group, with exphcotlOru ,.nglng from 'lmp ~ lIotlnlfS of elkit«l goals
to d<me Iltr"",,,", utk d«(.mll'UCti",u. Biological p<r>p«tIveo """n thot war Is chosen
l>ecaoue in "". spec .... ovoI",ionuy hisrory • penchan, lOr rolkc!i,.. viQknu ..,Iu"ad
<h< likdihood of pa<>ing >10", g< ..... di"""ly, borond ... y Cl>fUid<r.otiow of "",,<ri:d
""'l-b.:ill! """ .q;,,,dlas 01 atI<w:oI niua. ~ 01 such di""'W"'t . """"" lOr 11<1
10", mish' bd 10 despair >!>out pf'OSl'<"'S lOr ,hco.uiaI ~, for P"""idin&
~nI1 ............. , ,, the bi~ qua<ion. Bu, it is "'" tha. theo""ioJ 01 ........ ;,... ~..,,""'.bc com·
p>red and evaI",,,ed .. "'pl.n..io .... j.... th .. ,bey ...ually "n ..... Mud. mo ... rom'
o>only. • odtolar pf<><1lI.J on< .heory """ diuniso<o o' igoo ... the oI ....... ci""," 11K
dilK .... , ,heoretial currena ,hen continue in theirown. odf~ w:>.y.
"The cue of V~i' warM olKn: an "PPOn"n' l)' ro do betta. A people and
1""cn1 familia, '" all an,htop<>lopsu. if is dlfIlatIt to cood"", any g<»<nl diocusoioft of
""" without coruidcring the YaJ>OfJWni. D<:uiIed, obund.nt. crhnognphic &nd historial documcn"'fion is ... i!..ble. V. nomami ..... rhK ..... <h< crucible in which d.. mos,
ron.~41 oco\oV<ol hypo<h .. is on ..... , ...... devtlopcd ... d t<>fed: .he 'protein
bypothcsU·. Tlut theory is evaI ... ted in p.rno.., publica.""" (~ 1989• . 198%.
19950: ~9-53), in which 1 "'mdudt: that ~ 01 <h< KIarioruhil'" i. pooi... te rorrea,
but tha. i. does not .. pl.>in ....... ~ .,., ,I>t !"",tin hyp<>thaU led me to dndop
.hcrrntti>"C ma'criolist "I'I'roodta ro V. nomuni .... rhK. Bu. th.u ...... !,,"cn1 Iw
lik<wi,. been .he focus 01 atI,uroI .nd bioLogic;d ,heooia. It is this ronYngCD« of
al"m"iva that led to th .. I"'f'<"
I Iu"" emplo)oed twO disrincti .... overlappi"'.nd romplcm<nUty .~ ....... «1
undcmondina Von.omomi warM. 0 ........ ~ in. p<io< in_~;"n of ....
on the I'ocific Nonh ..... Co.uf (Faguoon. 19M.). 10. "..,.. g<nerol hypotl>c>is (m-gu'
oon, 19Mb, 3741, 1990: 29) is that ....... ooxur wh ... ,I..,.. who dcc;do m;);tary rolicy
bcIicv. it will ....... <h<i. mat<.w in ......... My ugum<nt is that thc acruail"'" un:;nS of
~thcing - f'<riodo olin .. "",
or od;,.ivc calm, wfIo • •<ocb. wt.o is .. todcd .... d wb<n
_ is Wldcn=td>bIc .. cll"o ... ro
or imp""'" tn2l<ri:d tUtun.....,.,.. i~ his,,,.;..
ally d..ntin~ «tndirions. Informant> did not itI« that they wac n><><iv1t..d .0 ~ for
thes< ......,.... but .hi< ...... inrcrred r",m .I>t oawll""fC,n of who ~.<>dtcd .. I>om. and
"""'n .... in&.U reported a><S of wu. Th .. 1 all ... crit; bdLlviorol opp-m.o wu,
y~~.""",,; W.nfo"" II PoI;~ Hw.., (Faguoo ... 1m •. heteaftc. yw, . nd _)0 .....
1998: Stcd. 1998) "I'Plia this approach ro the Vonomami. I. compiles "'"7 <q><>rted
QIC ofV.......... m; ..,,, ...... ffOm V.......... ond B=ll. tn>p$ ,I>tm ogoi ...... """nsnuc.ofWcstcm impinganrtt. on thcj. lands, and <St2bIiJbes. cbr t<mporol ond Jp>tW
«tnnca;"": .... " IKcok O<It .. moment> of majot chang< in the We>tem p<ao<n<:C. Com·
.... i.;,.. in.e ...... in org;o.td to po<f<SSK" • • nd
orw"'an nunur"".u.ed~.
most "".ably "cd tools, .. pl.>ios this OOftncaion... they do other major 0Spccts of
poIi,icoI ..... ory. including villot<: MsKming. ropuJ..,ion ........."""'... all;,,,,, ... ooiotlalism. and non·1cthoI combors. "TItis inuoduad
circub.ed in advonocc of
dirca Wdlcrn O>fttaCf, .......,Ju.;""''''''' Y.nonurni .... bsistence. Cutting ,ook topidly
became criticol mon:!t of prodlKtion .• nd tnndOrm<d in.avmagc stJu<tIOre in ..... y
,ho< ~ .. ,..d .., rem. h.,.,j)i,;.., .. ...,II .. clooe a11;,1I«O.
1bc 1ik<lihood of W2f erupting in.~.. aKa ;. d<<<rmined by the Jp>t41 di.<tribution
ond ''''''''nt of W...... n goodo .",;lable. pi ... &em...If<ai.ng miliury "'~ng.h, 1"".icuhrlymo.gu .... Nowu" prcdic...d what tbcrc •• • g<»<nl oaJcil)' and "" new ><>uta
of lfl<omlng W",,,,,, g<><><h. Of wh.n W.... m goo<!' .re abundant !IJld coming In
th" 'hey connot bo monopol~ . Whm W.. t"'" goo<! • ....,
through.., many
unequally dlstrtbu!«I and lho possosoon do "'" h.w. . ub:n.n' ''' 1 mllltory .dvantag••.
,hey will bo ...!dod. Whon good. "'" unequally dlS,rlbuted and tho p<>S><»On 1Ja", wch
odVaTIlag< •• 'hey will U'" I"",. In v>riou. w:ay. '0 <l<t.,. competitors. Whm good> ....,
unequ.lIy dl.tribu ted but tho ~ h"", '" mL>Ch thot 'hoy can trad< <><1' largt q uon·
UU ... which ", ... ny n ....... 'hoy "'ill 01.., """" . ho tguns. they will ",tahlWl peacoful
... 1>lion> with the ir ""tghbon, O lt.n, ,he>< newly d<p<ndon' ""Ighbor> will thon mid
II"Q\'p f" , t !>or <><1' - poten tially dan!:"rou, <ompeti''''' - ",,,,,,tin\« wl!!l
, upl"''' 01 tho locol group .. ,ho W""",II ""'IU . W" Is n>O>' likoily .. 0 <Hul, of . ffilj<J<
""'''i'' in t!>o sou,..,.. of W.st"'" good> - 0 ""'" In'""Ion. 0 r<ioca!!on , or • wtlhd ..",,!.
Contrary '0 I"'pular I~. Y">OffiOml 10.... ....,
interminabt.. and activo figh'l,,!!
r.,dy 1.", mor< ,han tv.'o y...... By that time , by m"""men, '" oIlion«, !Om< new
""oommod.tion w ill be mod. , ChonS'" In W."ern 10ur= do.tabill .. o.lstlng ... Iotion·
"'Ips .• nd ",,10 ones .... ott.., 1<>rgM t hrough [orr .... pocWly who", ,ho 'Iolenee Ihresh·
old ha, 1>o<n I""",red ,
Tho I"'liticol charael", ofYonom oml .1I1arIc<. may be <onH.1 or .. utm<ly """" Th.
1m" often tip ,,,,er iniO war. Th..., lIfO the c","" w!>on.n 1=11 or a fight """,. wornln
.... lollowed by bIood.n.d. Th....1$ of foclon det.,.,.,i". Ir.e lone of an 0I11ar1c<, Or..
iI ,he How Itr1d ..". 01 Irnding ....1 W."om goo<! •. If trod. CQ<"I'QII." t l><"""l_ Iuo.. a
rich JOUI"OO of now 1fOO<\l, t l><y quickly pM> them on. ond may ov<n . Uow good friend>
the goJdon ge<><. In.., u.aIlU", in f>OISOS>lons.re
extraction of
direct oro<»
middlemon btnt/ilS IrO<Tl 0111 .. iJ "mp<red by e",y I"m •. Thoy . ...
",tlngy'. S<mnd iJ lhe ablllty to .pply foret. wll kll i~lf h., four major dlm<rulo",' poo.
"",Ion of >hotguru. acU"" .upport of ..... Idenl W.. terner (t>oth of which f""" OU'!""I
'iI~). num ber of fight.,.., from a ,Ul.age.nd .ilI",.nd ... loti"" f.ro<i'y of individUAl
ward "" (both of which tend to f"", l ho .. away from t t-.< o ut!"",,). A combl""tion 01
the>< four del"ml .... Ih.... Lotl". rnilitol)' ,,~th of I"'IOnlioi oppo .... n" .• nd Ih.t
d<I«ml .... wt-.<th" 0"" will ,Iolt. ",ar, or.ho<1 of that. how much CO<f"C'" p r =
lOll! b< btW8ht 1o bnr wilhin on ongoing oIl1onc<. Tho Ih l,d ",t of foctors;, til< ron·
or oppoUUon of " ode illt.,.~5t. In I ~iculor . it""lion. If group B !!<" It.
machew from 'illag< A, ar-.:l 1'*"'" them 0I0n8 10 C. B wllI,u pp"" A ir groop X tri ..
to mU1C1< It ....1 of lI. Ioc1tion , but oppo>< any .!fort to .. tablilh • dlrecl chan",,1
bet,..",,, A and C.
The.. co",ider.tloll>. and othe .. 10 b< dl>cus>ed .hor,ly. ~.ploln why w.r iJ ""I)' likoly
or .... 1)' unlik. ly in • partlcul.tr or-.. and Urn< .• 00 which loc.1 groups .... lik.ly to be
goo<! friend •• ",,,,,.,I .,,,,m;",,, Of ><>m<thing In bel,...,,,. But 100.. foclon do not ""p t.in
why on< particular group declO<. 1><1"'.... roughly boIiInCM "ptloru to figh t or 10 flee.
or why of two potenllal alltes or .n<rnlo>, 0'"" iJ .. IOClo<l. U ..... lly. not oIwaY'. 1m. ~
chole .. I" b< mode. DecI,I(",....,.rd1na .... r among Y.nomoml..-e commonly lhe .... ult
of long p"lod. of public dt.<u"1on .nd .rg<l,,"," I. In I'o'h iolt
try 10 <.. at • • ron·
"""u' by moldlna p"lUptioru and invoking v.lu ... Lt."""".,~ per>W<!ed. 0' ..,1 •• r-.:l
that .flee" whol t. do"" """I. So,,",umes ~oclslon. """ 10 be mad< In on !rut."I.
without .. floction. ar-.:l thor< r>:>nnatl ... oxpoctoUons wUl ploy an lmpo"ant mi •.
O:a. iooully • • ingJe ;ndi'iduaJ will t ok •• p«<lplt.oto act. wllld> "''' off bloody 00"",·
q""""" for tho group. I" ,he><
CQ<n monly held ""lues ond tndlvldUoli p<HOnalltkol
.... ctitlC" lor uno:\entonding the pro<e<o !.;wing [0 war. Within the <l<tt'IDllnl>t1c "ruet"", of ,Ile mo<I<l. this" <Ie", ly dofined .pace lor .gency. _n free will.
That i, tho lr..o.y. Mo.t of YWi. I'='"nt.tlon of ",",van' ovI<i<nc<. It [, ImJ>05>lbl<
to ,ummarl..
three Ilu oorod page< of det.i~ hi<1ork.1 l'<'ComtnJctlom and
. n>.Iy!.I._ By the end of port II. IO.'hl<h coven the lh ..... (<>r £oJ Y'''''momi poop!.. who
'f><>k "'hor than Y..-.omamD (th< foeu. of Chagnon", ,-"",h), I boll ..... It .. ,.bli'~ ""
thot "''''' typi<.olly occur In times and pl.ac<. of. major chang< In II>< W .. tem ~.
tnCt . • no;! " . " ... without thaI. It i. the rich . thnognophy of the Y,,,,,,,,,,mo. "J><Cially
In the Orlnoco-Mavoca ....,a , ,",-her. d<!.>!!
<Iown to person.li,i .. and . vm rorlV'<fsatiol1>, that 1 b,d;"". confirm, the apJaFM'Jon of tn.t rolocld<n«,'" doscrlbed t>ert.
But tllat. of roun<. I> for 011><" to Judgo.
My ><cond ,pf'l'»<h (F"8mon, 2000.) to Yanomaml wanor. 1< [ocu"'; ope< lficolly
on Y.norrumo 'poal<ors OfO<Ind ,he ronfi""nct of tho Orinoco .00 Mavoca rt",,,, tho.<
Lob<1ed 'fI<ru' by Chagnon II96Saj . Thl> .mploy> 0 modifitd IIttsion of Harris'. (1979)
I'Tin<iplo of inf~tru"u,.J do'<Tmlnbm. Slmpllfi<d. Inf,><trll<tu ... Includ .. a poople',
<lemograp/llc characteristics, their eroJogicaJ ",I.tiom. tIl<ir toch nology. and their baolc
p.att ... n. of La!xJ<. Structure .lIoompo&<' "", .. I <>rpnizotion, 1'<OflOffik:>. and polltl""_
Sup<rOt,ucturo IncludH p.att .. ns of p')'Chology. .... I" •• nd bolief'Y'''rm. and Ioc.ol
led&". I ha,. propo;>«l (1995b) • J>fOSI"amotk mOOificatlon of Hat,I" princlpl.
a'Ol<II fOduClioni,m by gi'i"8 """'" a",onomy '0 .truct,,", .nd llUJ><f'tructu ,. and
"'ploo= It> functionalist. >dop .. tlonlst orlent-atlon wllh. I""", on history'OO I!g<fl<y.
IUth... ,h.n ... king to <xpWn overyth tng wlth d_, ",f... nce
Inf'a>tructtm!. tho 1<"1_
poortl .. >cl><mo l> rHOoc'pt"alizo<l as. nost<d hl. ",,,,l1y of progre>!i""ly """" I1mltlng
Abotractly. ttoo .",11" !>tgl", by idrntifying a ••" of lnfrntructuc.t! "",lab"". and ,ho
" ... of thoso "..M.b"" thot .... posiled OS IIoving lin . ff«, - vi. u..i, tnfi""nc. (){\ nu"'lally ",U-int<-=ted octo<> - on behavior ",Lated to tho phenomena to lot ""pl.i""d, Il1
thi' ""'" ""iotiom In tho pn>etle< of W'U, T.K<n t"!l .. ...,., the .t. te. of these ,anabl..
i>«"'i<\e on u"""rlying .pocificotion of tho kJoo of ooclal ",latlomhlp' tho, will exl",
<1<lImitlnS or co""u-alnlnjl thom wit hin un.in rang... n,., p""<fn 01 octual "",tal In",..
achorn, whlen comJ>ri'" ·"ru<'u,,' .... ba>od on &"norallnf""truc'ural condi.ions _ tho
""..Ilabllity of "'IOU",", tho potentiol. 01 t« hnotogy. t ho sedont1>m . nd scale of populatlorn , <te, - 100 by the 'J"'CI~cally w... nl.ted oonstr. lnt> J"" not<d. S!ructura l
. l'tma,i_ of socW. """nomic. politl<:lli, and mllitory ",latloru.,... limited to .... Lative ly
narrow ,an&" of p""'ibllltl .. by t ))no conditions of mIIt<ri.ol .. 1>ton~, Y<t <tructural
do"",l", 110," tholr own tnt",nal dyrwnta .nd In'01">Ctio",. not rtdll<ibl. [0 tnfra >tJueturoi rondltlontng, Tho op"rotlon of dlr«tly cotUtralned and ... latively . utonomous ,><i.bl .. and pn>C<>><> J><Od~' ••" of ",ai-world pos,lbIIlU .. foc mU;t..--y 000
",IaU:d ""t\orl" Simtlarly. tho realm of ideas . oo di>posltlorn thot Is , up"r<tructure opor-.,.. within tho .x",Ung ",oIitl« of g.nor:ot ond w.""$J"'Cific p.attffns of infras.ructu ... and
wue.yre , but oJso h .. H, own .utonomy and Intogrlty, .nd It'" by following jlI"QCOSSI!$
. t th'" level tha' the .n.lyst g.ts ,Ioses •• o .e.ual """;';0 '" to.14ft kUHng,
In .pplying thi> ,pf'l"OCh.o til< Ortnoco-Movaca Yanomamo, tl>< point Is.o ""pi"",
• thr.. -way nlatlonship oorw"",
IOCII cuitu"" and W... .,.., conuet. Th'" Ibn..
out and tnf""", the fI'lO<'O focusod Iss .... of tl>< rr.><l<1 or Yonomami WM 1Xro=nc-.,
oIlowin;! gr •• tor .rticulation with au...- th<oc<tlcal opproache., It highlig)'ts • ~
Important ,h""""ld <II",,, as c.,....;llllon, o.t"-;o<>ted in ,II< Orinoco·M,V>C,I O<'N, It
tQQk ml>Ch ~ to ,ton raid ing than .t oth" time> ""d p"""'" Aoo lI.nobles US to ur\Ger,taoo b<"<r otn., vIol.nu b<sl<i<!. war _ ,)1 t il< pouooing motch<>, wU.·bN,lng> . • oo
oth .. moyn.m thot mad< tI><>< poop!. ' pp<1lf to b< fi.ru.
Staning with inlro.;truttu",. in addition to the Introdoctlon of W~ .. m good. '00
" ..I tools . I,..dy dlsc",oed , 0100 factors ""' ... ha_ing • prolouoo Impooct In tho
Orlnoco-MavOC>. ~ . t tho ...,... Ume. directly .ff",.ing the kioo 01 _ ..I ... latlomhll"
that would .. l1t, Introdoced .pkkmlc dl",.".. d . lmed mony IIv.. , s.J);lnoring family
had to b< I"K'Orutltuted ImmedLat.ty f"" lif.
OlTonS"mmt> built ov<r mony y ....~.
<0 continue. G.me okpl.tion d id "'"'U', and although it 00.. not .. plain _ . It did 1..<1
to • b.... kdown of th, r«lproc.>l iharlng of ...,.at that po-evlou'ly n.1d communit;""
IOgeth". D >OSe wno mor>Oj>OUud W.,t",,,,,, could no' tr<k or ...!ocate vlllag.. beeause
that W<l<.L1d.n<! their control . .., tn. basI< me,hod of defUl ing conflict by w.lkl ng .way
f<om It was .... goted. All of th i, led to an ext ... ""iy 'Mmtc .Itu.atlon In whLeh vlol<nu
b<t""",n lndivldu.al men.oo ",om,n wlth!n a vill"8" 1>«...... c<>mrr<>n p~ , in ,talk con·
t"", to oth" Yonomam! communlt\<> not '" d luupted if"".11 this, Forgy",n, 2C1OOal.
But tho = t Imponrnt Wr»tructuflll condition f", und<r."t\<j lng woe was the,--j
fot , . nd u r'lO<JU>lov. il.bility of. "",I tool •. 1u. conto<t~. thl1 dete' m lned 'hal ,
<lfuctu,ally, • gro.. lnequ. llty _k>ped b<\w"'n local groo l" with good '"""'" <0
W., .. m "'ppU..... ""d too.. who relIed on ch. l", of middl<men trod.,.,. Now n>dilll pat ·
ttIn> of ...,h' ng< ,""..,Ioped «nlt11ng on too.. Yonomam t at tache<! to • m ission or othor
W .... '" <>utpo<t . with
fo< til< CharKttf of In .. rvlllago U... Too..
who <ould dbtrlbult W....'" goodi ga"" up making tn.I' own l,b<.-·!nten,i"" product>
(... rown.ad>. «Jr-aro. ho m mocl: •• etc.), and nbt.ined thorn irultod from otll..... Too..
... klng good trod< oonrwcUoIU to w<ll'pla«d middlemen coded WOm<n for rmniag< ,
so there ..... , flow of ",o""n to vtllag.. around w.o.tern outpo<ts. a .\<j • cline of "'"
, .. 10 Imbol.no:e , "'11~' "''PI", 01 womtn at tho «n .. r and • """Ity .. the .ruh of trade
mann, l" &10. >«vLee become ,lmllarly un bal~, Tho.. with . good ouUId< con ·
,,",tlon paid It off with W, ...m good., while m", who morritd into mlddl<man groul"
<ndurtd protnKted and <>p«lally ontroUS so-rvl'ude. Pollllcol allia"" .. arose upon t hl1
fouooot io n of trad< and tnl<rIDalTilIg<. and '" did ,,'ar, Raid!ng, In
f,..,.",. w"
dlr«ttd ....tablbhlng. protecting. 0< b .... klng mKldl<mon cont rol O'lff 0CCt» to W ... ·
,mon. includIng ~I,",nt onthropologl,U,
T hose "'uctutOl chong .. d...nni~ chong<:> in . u !"'rnructUf"<. & 1"ln8 Yanomam l
..-.J.,." '""'" harn<>,.,.j to mak. m<oning'oo motivation 'pp<optLa,. pn!..-ailins ""oc'
,u.-.I condition" Heightened mal< oggrn> i"''''''' boca"",. l'«1ulr<ment ,,'n.n '" many
. mployed v!ol.",o. Ao<;u .. tI"", of cow.rdice wtre ultd in hofV1g"'" of ... Ioctant w..-·
,ion , Tn. idiom. of lmult, """ng<. ond sorc'ry ""'''' I>rwgh' Into any sHuation of con·
flict, to focu, n<gativ< <>pin ion on the .""my.... Ignlng bl.me f"" blood.he<! on them
.nd ",. klng • tOid ln lO 0 mo",1 duty. All 01 th"", .... de<ply "",.nlngfu l r"" ,he
Vanomamo .• 00 Wlquostlo""bly mot;v,," action , but thoy "'""lIy .... ""t mo<i< an 1>"",
until two I"",,! gr""l" al ...""y "'" on I1o>tll. tor"",. Even mythology CNngtd. Orir.oco.
M. vac. V.t>Omamo " n of ,he blood of . wouootd moon r.lIlng to .. nh ond making
mm fim •. 0 " ory . Wnt In othe, r<glC>IU
Besid. ,n. ge .... ",1 tone of in"'l"""na1 _;01<""", tho", ....... pod.lly markN! ass""
,Ion of mon 'g.llrut wo"",n , not fou nd among OIho< V.t>Omam!. !nf""tru<:turally, tn.
""'jo' conseQl""""
>«I<ntlm1 of village< oround W«I,,", oU'poWl changW f"m. le l, bor, dro"iully =lup
Ing ti>e wide·spottrum gathmng 01 wom<n In n»bU. !!fOUl". and turning th<m in.o
h.nJlen of
nd fi...wood. Struct urally, tilt h igh Itvel of Ioul worr"", f.vor<d
deveJopm<nl 01 vi"local fra tem&l int.,..,! gr<>U!". ond tho '<rJ unw;ual numb<r of w<>"'en
marrl<d Into mlddletl"Wl vlll. ges locktd the <:u<tnmary pr<>te<tion of ",.leIm, male kin.
FiruJly. war ltoel! f", ..,...; cIoml~ng men .nd "'1oIl ....,y OCCOptlng wom.n - al"""-'8h
th. lat'..- poin t h'" t-n ~"" in oom< d<5CrlpUon> - bKau>< i! w.. ,ho men woo
pw,,,,'«1 w.,.,...n from othe< moln. Au me.. ton, Oct· .... lated chang.. dimln!YI«l til<
nat". of wo"",n , and In tho <11""". of vIolen«, encouraged tru,oJity ogairut them.
Thi. coocJud", p"""nutlon of my two approaches 10 y • ...,"'.ml wart."" The following two so<tion ..... this tMory and Yonomllmi rthnogr. phy to conslde, . ey 1'0'''1> ["
two dlff"ent . nthropologJoal P'''f><''U"", on wa<.
w.,. . •
The ""'" COmmon ant hropological oxpla .... t1on of~ I" hat I... an "p<e$$1or> of. p«r'
ticu", cultur., with ·cultu,..' he", mtMIt in the =trict<d ",rue of ,ymOOllo b<U"r.YSlOm •.
Count! ... 01<1<, ,thnog ... phl... ttribute W", ",.tlOr-of-f>ctly to • list of ,licit"; cultur:al
"'iono!.. - all quos" fo< ",,,,,og<. P""<ttg<. traphleo. "'porn.tura] I"""ff. <te. Val .....
",Ugi"'" oon<t pdon,. 0< w<>rld vi...." that tncoutog< Will" ",moU""" !\ave been tal«n .,
• 81""n , somotl""" .. pt.ined by 0< ",!at"; to ot oo- lrutltutioru 0< roOOIUoru. Curnolly.
ho"""neutk or IntMp..." I.. oppr<>oches to non-... ..
thot goal>. conduct.
000 m .. nins mould he ... n within th.1ogJ"" ofbroadt-l cultu ...1 u~_ing> .
C ultur:ol .pp«>;lChes h. "" mlnydi=t . pplk.Uoru to Yanomarnl warr~ , .nd
thl> gtnmJ ptf>f'K'lve "'I"=nl> til< m<»t
<hol!."1!< to tho modd. t haV't
..-gut<! . Four "",ht(>pologim _ Bruce Alhert. N.po1<on Chagnon. K.nt>tlh Good , .nd
]acqut> Lirot - and john Pe" .. (. mbstono'y
",dologist) . elOCh wi th e" ernl""
fie ld exporl<n<t. h'"" "'n>i<l<.-.d my .>:plan.Uon In ",1>11on to V. nomaml <u]{u.-. , ond
found 1\ w:anting. To some d<gret. obje<tioru may ",fl«t a ",JllC~ to """opt tho Idea
t h.at the 1"'!eIl« of outside oboer>~ l""lf rnoy <onlUbu" to political vtolonc •. bur thot'o
.... d • ..-Iy <ubotanUI'< 'I>oo<fl.lcall ...... lnvo/Vt<i .
n,., moot <l<tal~ d".U,ns' corntS from
(1998 : 207 - 20). !'em-. firnh tho 1<1<.
lhat Y,,,o,,,.,nl raided to <>brain .. ",,1100], I> valki foc tho U"'" up '0 ' he f<>und ing ofhl>
ml"lon . but no' .ppll<obio lhe<t.fror. (An O<ioqu.le ""PO'''' '0
would '"'lull"< far
'00 much ~ for thl> POP<'. bu, tho ...arl<, Ii r<r".-.d to my 1',<,1"", ""1)'>1> of ,hose
"" n l> !F"gmon . 1995.: 139- 461.) The ottocl.-.. thot OCCUlT";
tho ml",lan fOUnding
ho OtlriboJt<> to ..... plcton> of "''''''Y. on .mpl>asl, on rwtn&. for physicoJ and .uptmatur-ol injury• • >alorl»lion 0( male oggm.>i.... """, and ronfront.. ton. and. wUh al l of that.
an """"phot'o afrumor. d«tpll<>n. and d~,,,,", th .. rna. ", poliUcai ",I.>Uo.-.. t _Of p<rp<tually on the brink of,..a,. Thl> I. not dl>5imlllo, to fae,,,,, ,trfl>ed by Chagnon In many
writing< (t. g. 1988). although p"", d l><:ount< the moU"" of ""pturing "",men.' nd 10 ......
out tho iOCk>bioiogy. Lirot and Albro-t .1>0 .mp/=IH tI.. lmpon.nce of Idea .bout
!KICUfy on<!
with p" ... icul.. ,I..,,, to be dixLl>St'Cl <hortly. Finally. Good (Good
with Chanoff. 1991 ; Good. 1999) ...... " t !\at . ""iety of .uch """ivotioru rontr1t.u"
to Y.,..,,,,.ml "..,.,-..... "'hkh ho
c.lnot b< rtdu=:! to any or-.. gool; Ju", as
Chagnon (1996; 21 &--19) n..,,~ that It I> on oo:umuJation of 1"'.-.0".1 , individual
motivatia",. rath" than one group policy. thot add " p to . d«liion to ... Id.
w.rf."' .......
1 <nllJ'dy .gr« that many culturally comlltul<d [><t""pllo ... . n<! motl .. Uons go in,o
.ny raid (_ F..-g...."" 1984b: 41). but .... the!< usuallyopont lng In . '}'".mlc way. In
eOoc<f! with WKl<rlylng motorial Int .....ts. In this COSO structur<d by ''''' di>tribut ion of
W.... m good, (... F<Tgu>on. 19950: 364 - 5. 2000: 222---«). Individual gr«..,,,,.,, and
".. an" arlso In tl>< rou .... of d.ily life, TIl< q.....,Uon ts why do '''''so only """",tf",,", ln"n' ify to 'Il< f'Oln t of w .... b<t~n two or mor< roll<ctl.IlI~. of lndividu.lo. W;tchcnlft
..... plciom , wt f'Iov< long known (... Morwlek. 1970) typically.,.. not random. bu'
... floct «btlng bad f".lIns" Among Y.nomom!. moom for w;ing .-. .... ng< exbt , latmtly,
In "irtcclly ""Of)' d l=tlon. but are act<d on only ",,,,.times. E.... n soriou,ly bad b<f'Io.ior may b< tol<r .. <d from 8"n<1"OUS b<rdocton '" loyal .111 .. , but mInor affronts can
load to
08.im, .tingy explOit'" or domondlng """ldoC<. Flgh" can ..-upt ove'
• groat ""1<ty of .....
because in 0 " ... ined ... I.,iomh ip .,.,n , trivial <light ca n stand
for th< whoi<, ond It I> til< whoi< ...1lIt1oruhlp tha , b at Us,,", In . "empting to J u>tify
the profoundly an ti-soellli beh.vior of wor to ono=ll or to otll<". ma .. r1oI
Invariably b< couch«! In .. nru of the hlgheot applicable moral princip .... AC<U>atloru
of """"y make 'them' t l.. . ~ ; inv""otion> of """,n8" mo ' o '",' r1ghtoo= Ap~al>
to bra"",), or d,nlgntlom of cow"'dlc ..... 1"'.... to bring 0lher3 tl~, Th ul ,ho ..1e
'-'I!WflS fo< . war cannot b<....,<>«1 by omlc ,licitation, but by .... mlnlng b<f'IoviorI'o'ho mack! whom. ond when,
do tr""""nd ony comi<i<-ratlon of ma"r1oI goln ...
Som<1 I.,,.. ...,11",",,1$ of
wn.n • highly unu>uaI . lougl".< of [><t .... p:s • <l<>z<n ""0 go"".n inordina .. n umoo- of
individuals a [Ommen foc", of v"ng'""'" (F<rguson , 19950: 354) , Sometime. ponlcky
..... pici<m' of wilolla-aft do ~Im mer< colculatod ""Imoot!!••• OS "'hon IUS'
numbo" "'" f"l1«1 by now .r.:) torrifying re"".. (Forguson. 2()()()..; 224) , &t the!< .",
" « pHonal .ituatiom, On the oth<, Iwld , 11 1 _ "v..-y c.".....,,,,,, ,I,., rumor.nd
ml>tru>t e",,'. ' "'..... "fOG of war' in whkh indivk/ual ocu CoIn i<od to 0"" or another
pattffi1 of .UIa""o or rok/lng, Thl,. "'p<e1ally. I> ",I>< ... I ... 0 rol. for '~r<:y' sp<eific
individual. m.klng choke> that determine til< octml (0<1"" of "",nU - but In a cont""t
.00 Ivi,h ap'iorn t .... t ....
by t he "..t<d h itr1l"'hy 01 (orutraln" dl!cu»<d In
the fi", "",Ion (Forgu",n. 1995.0 : 226--9 , 335-6).
Lizot (1994: 229--32. 238 n , 25). following UVI-Stro .... (1943). gl...... cultu ...1
!nto<l""'tatlon •• t<uc", ... list. and mor< ....n i.. , 1w1>t, w." doe> not.",.)]y nO<d . sop'
.... " .. pw..t!on . he
b<oou .. toking ....... nge is, like trado, mo ... ly one of ><v",,1
form> of oxclwlg<. !!<",,,n<d by til< ruling principle of re<lprooity. War.nd ~l!Cefu l
!n..rOOW"O<.,.. 'both t he .. 0 .. "jl<'Wioo 01 the ><>clal "ructu", ... nothing """" th>n
two modal1l1<' (LI:r.ot , 1994 : 232), Thl>" how tl .. Y. nomami 'h ink .bout it. t.. I","".
while ""'t!goling my onll)">i. foc b<1ng ·ontl ... ly for-. I8J1· to tt-",m (lJUlt , 1994: 238). But
th<.-. 1> abundant <Iocum. manon. In my ond n .. "y other~ . that Yonomaml do not
think of. condition of ongoing clNdly vloi<nc< .. ',t.. ..",,' .. times wi,hout it , .00
make greot effom 10 ovoid suclt
E""n If one think> of war and ~ac . ... "'.",Iy
. I'orn't< .,>O<I.lltlos. one ">till I<!l with th< question of why a ,wltch from one '0
. nothe, ""CUf$, which Llwt "nnot o.pl. in
Probably th< mo>t sophisticated culturtl opproo<h 10 Y• .-.om.aml warf, .... one ron,imn, Wit~ CUrrtnt he,,,,,,,,,,,,;c tm.rn, has b«n IUgg<>tod by Aloo-t (ISS9 , l WO) . who
Iw ilio mad, .."",I"" ",udy of ..,tom . nd southorn Yamm.ml hl>tory and of thotr
,,,,,nging oon'''' p tualiza'ion of rontoet (Albft-t. 1985. 1988). " Ibm I> Opt " to the ..11o"",
of We.,,<n g<>o<i... I<.o<llng \0 1.... lmen.ification of ,aiding (in R.bbm. 1998: 138 n ,
!OJ , but hI> own .",,1)"1> !!"'" ."'w r.. .... He ..--guo< (An,.". 1990: 561-2) that
Y,,..,,..,.ml conctptualiu , ond "" oct ou t. w., through romplu cul tu ...1 oo",,"lJctlons
lnl'OMng cIa"lficat!Q<u of so<lai and """ ...1 di ..."'c•• idea> . bout ph)"lcal and "'po-m.>t·...."tial ronura l "&8 ... "lon •• nd • pottem of 'ymbol ie ond rttual "cl,.ng",
,tlt~ tI"" dlmen,.,,,, of .... rr.... ". social "'stit ution' and any .,..1)'>1> th., I.."", t .... m
<>ut '" Inc""'p.,t<. Im po""'w..d, Urol (1994: 228 n, 25)
~ pointN but
.Imll" rritiwm of my
boing diVQT"(N from t.... Yonomaml', way of t hinking
I ao;,,",pt this Cf!lIeUm. If such dl"",,,.iM. w..--. gi,rn mono . tt<n llon, my work would
bo more ro mpl,t< , ...
1.",,1 of .. pl,,""t"')' ,"",Iu,ion. and cwtoinly tTlCU mUnN
tho mean ing> Yonomaml ,hornsol,., aluch
.",nt!. Howtvtr. for und«St,ooi"!l
in • """""rarj", p""p<ctlv<. weh locol kr>OW~!I" u not ...... \tl;ol.
highly particular conc'plualhatiom through wh ich Yonomaml
Notwlt lutandlng
1>0>-. d...I, with tho <ntl" >ituotlon of ront.>ct. tholf poHllcal ...._
..-. ""fJ much
within "'gul;Jr pontmoton fo< i,.,igenow poop" t ........... Id 0\'«, In my 'low. ,..."...1
')"tem, "'" 'br<>Ught oI""g' by changing ,,,,,,erial Inl< ........ J'r"" iding t.... mNm for
thinking obout """ntiob lOT ph)"I<.>I'Ur\'j>a] In t<rm. attun<d to .. l,tlng cullu ... , My
eXf>OCt.,lon t. t""t. with petfoct dat • • ,... ,,"'Quid . . . Y.nomaml und<=<ltng> 0I-.11t O\'e!
tim< and ,"ibored to pMtlrular ca>e>, fo llow ing 01-.111. In tilt "',,,',.. and ro'" of We>1.",
good. ond milit"')' boll!r>Ce>, But 1t I> tho rulruml "'_ that irn\>uo< the cold tondrik of
,--l with bubbling hot meaning, A theore1tcal "me for t .... fut u ... I> • beuer uf\dor·
uandtnB of how the P'"'tleo! and .ymbolic .ni<ul.1", and map" Nch other-. Wh< .....
Alben argu .. thot our tasl< mc.,ki be to ·un ... ",,1 ,he ,f>OCjfic cuitu ral oon>1""," [1nV<l].",j
jn warI..-.] befo ... ",wliY'ing tho non-cultunol focton that may be InV<l\.",j in octu ol w",'
(I SOO: 562) , I think Il,.",.. pmg ..... will co",", by >toning .. both .nd> ond working
towanl tho midd le,
n.... .'"
,....-k ..
A varioty of O'>'..-Iapping .ppr<>Khes ""'mpl to explain war au ....... It ofbloJosicolattribu'" ocqu lted 'ho"oug./l ""'u ... 1 .. l""tion durin8 h uman evol ution. including so<loIlioJogy, ovolutto.-..ry pS),<hology, and oppliC3tions from ....,]u tlo""'fJ eroJogy. prlmatology,
. ,., othology. Tho ~ p ro"",1tI"" unlUng ,II th ... i. tha, peopl" OCtively ""k to
promo« the "'pTooucth '. "-'= of thom><l~ OM their genetle ",lo,i, .. - dire<:tiy,
.bove and be)'O'" t.... i, c<>r>eem wtth mat.,1al welt-beIng - ond ....... an ovol.",j upo<·
Ity 1O . ct l'IoIontly 0 ,,,, tn groups l<:M.. rd ,hat ond , Tho Yonomaml provide.,., .cld te>t
Ie... 'lli:h 'pproad.., to Wllr bKouo< Cho!!non I. one of the I<.o<ll.-..a t!>tori... in thot areo.
" nd his long-term , omply funded ...... "'h ho. produ<<<I .norm"", "mOlm" of data.
Th", it l> irontc that. on point aft .. potnt . tho Y.nomaml cut p""'i<l<. d""i'i ....... futa"on of , ...... posiUM •. To .... bl;,), thi. poin t Ill<l<O firmly. t .... following ,.f,,,. lIons ""HI
"ly al"""t . nllrely on tho wfitln&> of Cr..gnon him><lf.
Con"ory to poptJlar w-.de",tandlngo. and t ho ...."loru of leading ovolutionary P'Ychologi>" !...d. C",mld.. (quoted In Clbbono. I ~3: 987) .00 Oo, ld Bu", (1994: 219) ,
tht Y,,,,,,,",ml do "'" go to war to captu re women - which C",mld.. olalnu to be lhe
""', re""", ' 0 figh' from > .-.ptOduc.l .... p""f>OCti" ond tho evol utbon.ofJ!>til> f"" t ho
origin.> 01 war. Chagnon (l S68a, 123) ".tes In ' he fi"t lOnd tvtfJ) edition of Ya_roo
,h.t 'f....... Ids.,.. In;tI>ted ""Ioly with tho Intontion of coplu rtng women'. Rec.ntly. ho
wroto (1996: 222) to corr«:t mlsint0'l... tatt", .. o(YarlOma "", wart... that are 'dofin l,.!y
not tru<', " " Ing: 'Thelr ."""" . .... not in ltl.ted 0< Intended to coptu ... remal<. from
.".ml..•. although wOm<n may t.. coptu ..... <>n • raid If t ht opJ>O<tunlty pr ... n u 11..1f.
r"'toad . Ch'gnon', orgument
been that WM't..gin '" conflicu b< ......n men
W<>m<n .• nd th<n "",cD'ltinutd out of .-.veng. (Chagnon. 1988: 986) . Y. t pt<»<d to clarily
thi> po:!ition by oth.r anthropoloskol In=Ug.ators of ".,.,. at • School of American
Re ... rch Ad""nced Semi".,. (... H . .., 1990: McCaulry. 1990). Chagnon retr<ated to •
much leu owenl", Jl"D'Uion. In tho paper thot c..,.., out of that O<mlrur (ClIognon . 1990. :
82: olso ... 1996: 2 19) . ho merely olal= that In tho rompl<x in lOl"J'<f"'nal I1h t <><I<, tha l
proced< any war. 11 I, common to find some that involve ... or marriage ("conflict> of
... productiv< Int<1".,1I'j. Soch ronfllcu c..... lnly ..1st . YWcompll.. .....,... . ""mpl.. of
thtm than . ny ~Iouo sou"",. But they .~ mt~ly non·pr<dlcUv< ...gudlng war. In
foct th. two , ltu .. l"", th" C hagnon himself (1 990.: 906-7. 104) cho .. to IIlwtrat< hI>
orgum<nt invol.... . conflict OYN wom<n that did _ Iud to. war. and a war thot did
OCCUr bu , did _ in",!>·. any pr<!«di"l! confllc' of th., n.tlll'<. W hen conflict> <Wt,
"""",n Or< .I' Wlted In ron t." . the ",ioU"" intensity ond .lruotu rt 01 t ho.. ronfllcu • • nd
whotl....- 0< not th<y k od to war. Of< llifg<1y d."rmlned by foct.,... """"i. ted wit h
W.. tem rontact (... Fe",""'n, 1988: 148-52, 1995.: 355--S. 2<XXlo : 220--1).
Chagn<>n (1979; 128. 1987: 29) hn at]!uod th.,
consclou~y or unoorndouoly
t.-.o ~ tholr .nvimn"",nt to milk. docl>lons thot moxlm lu thrlr ",prod\lCt!~ 'uccess and
The positi<>n I> douded by .... m ingly rontrodlctory for m ul" "'", tho(
"'prodL>Ct l.. Olld ""mat lc objt<tlv ...... (0.) . Il.....
or (b) ul'imo... nd proxlmat<
gool. (1988: 985 , 1989: 567-8. 199Oa: 79. 81) . EI,I....- woy, U.. bot.tom Ii"" .. tho ......:
if CltagM n I. right . octi...., participation in ___ should payoff with more off,p<l ng _ .nd
th l' ls .~'I y "'110, I>e cl.lms to prove in I very wi<l<ly clt<d artlcl< tn tho p ,m al 5cknct
(1988) . H.", ht prO\'I"'" rutl«l", showing (hOt ~nckats _ men who h."" undergo"" a
rit",,1 purlficotlon required aft., participating In a killing - 00 •• mot'< wl\"" ""d chll·
d",n t han nc>n-unckalc AI\>ut (1 989: 638 , 1\190: 559--60) and Lirot (1 989 , 331
immediat<ly ch.Il<ng«! tho m<onlng Ch.agnon g.a,'. to u''''''al .. . .... lid mark., of
octlli<lly having killed , nother per>on. Chagnon (I99Ob: 49- 50) "'pl1<d tha, the way ho
ooll«t<d do.. , It I•. My o"'n criticism hn been of th< ,,",btit, ","m" lv .. (Fer-gwon.
19890.1995.: 35B---<i2) . ... prodoctd ho.-..
V""b r,
s-,., C,-"", 1988: 989
No" ·",,o.tal•
N""""'of A"'''I"
olf.....1nC numb<,,,r
~,9 1
N"mbHof A" ' ag'
numbo. of
off'p rinl
o[t.p" ".
~, 19
',. ,
In d lx=lng thes< " .t!sUeo In • ta,." publl<;atio<l, C""gnon (1990,: 95) claim> thot
ul>lil<a/J h."" <>v'" thr« tim.... tTWly ch Ud"n It< non-ul>lil<.." of tht ",mt..,. (e.g,
ul>lil<al,'eo",pared to .IO",...go non-unollai, ha.., ",.. r twice .. many wi".. and over th ,...
tlmt'It<manychlld ... n' 1"lso ... C~, 1992.: 205, 1992b: 39-40. 1997: 2051) , Th!s
'th"" tI"","' many" fig"'" I, rep<"od og.>ln "nd agoln by ot her p'ythologiCAl D.rwinim (e,g, Ghiglieri, 1999: 144: Low, 21)J(): 226: Plnk..-, 1997: 510: Wranglwn and P.,.,_
",n . 1996: &8). But ., \he tobl. """,," , the th ...... fold diff... nce i, for attmon, ",gordl=
01" 'g< , .nd i.! d"" pn'mmfyto the foct that the vast major1ty ofU'" )'Clung.., men \>a""
no e"Udrtn ""0 .... not uI>IiI<al, (If Chagnon had indudod mol .. from 15 to 19 ynn
old, unollaiJ might . pproo<h havl"l! fh'< tin ..... ,,,,,ny ch ild,..".) Abo<tt 70 p<r "''' of
th"t i"'"l!lned odvantagt evaponotes when t ho oomf'U11on I> I'>1thln the .arne "8< cottgOt)'.
EWIl the ad\"Olltal!< tho, rt,,,,,,ns i.! ... ggetoted,
within e.>ch "8" c"'<gory, tho "'IT!<
" latlonililp with "8" will <xl,," . 31-yt" r--old man 1'>111 be I... lik. ly to be unolral. and
lm lih ly to no, .. ., many child"", ... 40-y..r-old man. Ind«<!. Chagnon (l99Ob; 50
n , 1) >eknowledges that the fi .... men l;"t«l .. uooluJiJln th. 2G---U-ytar--Q1d cot<goty,
'may, In f. ct . I>< 25 Y"" old 01 old.,.
E",n without the", ron-.ctl<>ru for "8< , ,I>< .ignlfi<=e< of """ing PM'icipa ,«I In.
killing for "prod""""" oua." dL»ipal<' furthor, !><cau",.ll ,he headmen .... In ,r..
wl<'lralrolumn (Chagnon. 19BB : 988) , and Ills an ..lorn of Anw:onl"" <th OOS"'phy
that hEod ""'n tend to ho .. mo" wi .... thon other m<n (Cla>tr-... 1989: 32). Re>poOOIng '0 this poln' . Chagnon (1989: 566) reanaly>:ed the dota taldllj! the ho. d"",n o ut.
Thl> r«luc«l !he """IaUon be'..... n VI>""dl .ta" ... nd 8,..,er "produCIi" 'OCC<S> to
• " . ,i,tical ~1",lQmhlp" th. 0.05 lev<1of .lgnlik2nc • .
"'" ",'on. " .. lslia l "'prod""'i" O<hoontog< lor ul>lil<";' ls . X!r-<rn<ly doub'ful. ~I""n
' Il< f. " ,h.t these ftg u .... , for ....
never e.plair-..d , indud< only , , - chJldJrn ..t fali1<f>~stilIIMng.' ,1-1< tlmtof enume.--.Uon, Ch~non hirrutlf h .. " .. «1 (\988: 985)
,hat Y>.nOmIOmo ""'ltillj! rev,ng< .• ,....Y' hop<
dl'potch !he ocIgl.-.al kill"'. My rocon"ructions -II""" lhat
O<It of E!ght """"" indlvidual """ I<"d<" Wff< 'horn><l"", klHed
In war, with til< ",r..rtwocomlng und ... protection " f W.. tt"..." (Fergwon, 1995,, : 361) .
Flen:e men ofton die young, K<q>ing in mind thot Chagnon',data, with headmen f"" loro<!
out. >how dt mo>t • ,<atl"l<;al advo" tal!< for living unoltail, it ... rru ¥<ry po«lble that<lImimting those
In w¥ from the samp!< hn """""",,!he actual 'rtpro<IucttV< od, .. ntage'
h.r., ."d that non-ur><>t/al "'joy I\"at" Iff"lm< "productl'" ."""... ,han unol<ai< I"
""""'.. 10 this crltklsrn (Ferguson, J 9890), Chagnon (1989 : 566) .nnouncod ,hat he
then had the ""' ....ry data to ",ttl. Ihoissue .• nd would publish it wr..n It ..... naly>:ed.
Th.t Willi 11 yun ago, ond It ha> not . pp<..-«ly.:t . Unlil , " nd unless , it _ , th<r-. i> no
<"'pldeal'wlldation for the d alm trnt .mong t he Yo"""",rnl. takl"l! the rlsks of pa ...
tlclpotillj! In wor I<ad, to gr-<-ot<r llf.timo ... prod""Uve ,uceess.
Bo>i<\e< ChagtlOTl', own thoory, mony ot her <volutionary biology «pl"natiOns of war
ore fol"l1<d by Y.,..,maml material. C""'i<lor Ii"t t ho P"'·.min<nt <VDlutlonary I"ychology th<orl>l, on homicide. Margo WIIs<m and M.rtl" Doly. who refer to Chagnon',
work f.-.q u. ntly, n..y "'ll'" (WU><ln ond Daly. 1985: D.ry.nd Wnwn , 1988: 168-71)
that compt-tltlon for tOprod""U" t 'ucc .. , l! grnot""
young mole<, " nd ,ha, thl,
M< 1«1 to.n <1'O1~ prodl>p"'lUon 10 u .. vlole-nce. Tho ir prlrrwy dot. ,," i> homk ld<
T"" In D.trolt and Conoci.o , wher< the p<ak of ho micIde offt.-.dors is belween the ag<>
of 20 a nd 29 , O/eoo .... thq do not claim thot homicld< ronf." reproductl.e
, ill<d
'""",,y, ~~, "U,.,., II. , t~1s I,
exp<ession 01. Yw"lt m.le sy<Xlrome' lhol «iSIS bec<lu ..
thot W1< lhe ca>e In the .. olutlonary history of human , Iolenee,' po tn1 «hoed by wrlghl
(1994: 262) , M.,.,hner and M""'hntr (1 998: 22- 3) follow Doly ond W i"""', .nd
edlyeil. Chagnon (1988) , 10 clai m Ih .. all war is drlven by rej>roducli""ly..menled ."''''
SlrMng by 'n ..1es between Ihe .g.. of approxlmalely 15 ond 25- 30'_ Chognon', statl,tlc>
contrad ict this lde.o, A maximum of 6 pe< cenl .• <Xl .. noted Nrl t<r p=lbly~, of the
men In hi> sample of bet"..,." 20.<Xl 24 yea" old had pon t<ipa~ In a homlclde, .OO
on ly 12 P'" cenl oilhe c"...,~b>ed ClI10goties for 20- 30 yoa ... old had dono so, I'I~ 62
por <ent of the men over 40......" unok~l. Chagnon also tell> '" (196&: 115. 129-30)
Ihol)'OU"It men ..... likely 10 ovoid phy>iuJ conlrontati"",. _ " r.oidlng ,..ru... and be
",Iuctonl toatuock at the ta.>1 mtnute, On 0 rold . young men or" kept from t he ma .. dmger
by olde< men, and.,-., ollowed 10 ret1.., fi,... AmonS the Yonomaml. the ( r.o..n ",empl.v
of OY' .. ol~tioo>ry past. kill ..... .... (by Ioc.ol ".nd. rd.) m lddl.·'ged married men,
hypothe.l. on a ' U<peCled oorollMy of w"-' among the
Doly ond W lbon .. so
Y.T",m.,.,i: infanticide. A, I> well known . r.mm inf,nticid . WM UWJed to be a ron ""I""nce 01 WN. whl<h aggravated adult female saortity (CMgnon. 19£8.0: 74-5, 1972:
273: D lva],.nd Ham" 1976) (In pte_Iou, d~ion., I ronclud. th> t Ihe,. i> """'"
evkl<nce of "" :moc!.>tion , but the ""t~ 01 t he lin k and Its
lI 989b: 253-5, 1995.: 3521,) But D.lyond Wiro., (1988; H , 85) off...- an . nti",lydifferonl po»poctlv. <"",Isto"t wlth thoi, Int.rest In ,Iole",. lnfl k;ted by .tep ·po"," ts on IMeir
gonotlnlly u,..-.,loted dopendonu: thot Yanomoml mon woo ocq ulre wl,'O< woo alreody
ha,. chUdron d."",nd that they be pul to death (. cI. ;m "'pute<! in P;n k...-, 1991: 433).
The", Is f>O . uggesllon of thi> proctlco In .Il< .. par ... d""""'lom of Inf.ntk1de by Chognon
(1966: 53-7. 1968a: 74- 5, 1968b: 139-~O, 1972: 273, 1973: 134: Chogf>On et . 1.. 1979:
300(5). Man recently, , long the ." no Ii".., Sa"", Hnly (HI99: 237-42) compo'"'
Y.nom.ml (and by ",o",ton, humanily) to lnl.ntl<id al mon~<)'" by c!tlng H.1erItt
Val,ro'",crount of> , laughter of ch ildren by .-.1de" (Blocca, 197 L 34-7) , But occordl"lt
to Chagnon, this i. '"" for ,., the .. nior author Is al'ncomed. a uniquo ... nt: he has novo,
h, .ru 01 • • imilO!' in"or.te an)""1le.-. in the trib<' (CMgnon et .1 .. 1979 ; 304),
PrIITll!tologl" Rkhard Wnnghom (1999) off", on e.plan.ation .......!ng that bot h
chimpanzee . nd humm mal .. ha,·•• g<net lcally rooted t<ndency to raid 000 k1l1
mom"",, of nt tghborlog gr<>up. wh<n (aj
""to of Int"ll""'p h.,.tlllly.nd (b)
om group has RICh ~J>On d"anc o!n 1lrmgth thot It con fOid with Impunity. with f>O
fear of kw<O (1999: l. 12) . I'mbably f.... 4rtthropaJogi.t> would ta~. """" with the likeUhood of an .ttack uno", t..... ,Irtu""tanc ... Tilt ,<"""Ions W",,,sh.m tIoos no<
add, ... art: 001'1 you g<t (.). . nd ooW com mon I. (b)7 TIl< Yanoma.,, 1 .ro the only
'p«lfic people noted ",'00.. ",Idlng Is >aid to be ',tI"iltlns1y .Imtl.v· to ch lmponue ron flict pa"..-n, obse...-ed at Combe in TOJWIJli. (1999: 23: Wr-ongham .00 Pe,.""n. 1996 :
64- 72). Bul tho ,Imll>.fi ty" only ,up.tlk!.>l. Th. polrollh'll of bo<de<s, Which Wrong·
hom ..Y'1.I 'an intrlrnic com ponent of hi> mod.l (1 999 ; 7). Is obsent omons Yanomunl:
and Clulsnon (196&' 130-3) , os "",II os • ......-yo". elot woo h .. d i>CUMed Y.noITll!m i
'aidlns. documents great dang<!" ap«:tJJbk for rald<n. both on the raid l""lf, .nd in
til< Ii~elihood of m"i.lion. Thu, who' i, really "'i king .'" the dlmrtnc.s bet~n
Combe <htmpanue and Yanom.oml vIolen<:< , Wrangham ond Peto""", (1()96: 69)
" knowledg. th>t dllf.",rxe. do exl>t. but ...,,,t thot thi> ',..".jn't blind '" to wcommon
threod., Like Y.nomamo ,iliog<O, <h imp""""" oommun itie • ..-. kin!l1 ip IP""I" '-«l on
oggttg.al .. of c",""ly related mal .. ..,.., unrelated r<mol .. who h.~ <ml!!",llil rrom Olllo<
klmhlp groul,i. Unfonun.a1<ly for thls!l>0S4 (olso set Wrangh.m 3l1d Pet...,.,n. 1996:
65-6). It misronmue, Y.nom...., i marriage practlc ...
Chagnon (196& : 6!}-73)
<leoclibes In <leUl!!. In h .. ptt·socloblol<>gk.1 Wrillng'. ,ho pr.r.rena""" typlc.ol ]>Iu em
a lor wom<n to malTY within th,I, own "ULoge.
Sociobiology founder E.O. Wibon. In a ~t WIdely occl.!med booJ< . cOl!! in ..... to
his omli"cl.lm (1 978: 101- 11 ) that: . T=itoria"xpanrJon ~nd~by Irlbes ond
th<!, modern oqulval.nto tho nation ,tole, 1> . cultural u nl...,,,,,1" (Wioon. 1998: 185.
empha:!!1 In ortgln.al). Wll>on .... written <,".nol""ly on tho Y.noma"",. including t l><
introoliCtion to tho trade ver>lOl1 of
whero he >OJ"> t n.t In being ·fitn:.ly COm·
bat!"" ond terrltori ... . tt.ry .-.pns<nt "tt.e cond ition! undeT wh ich til< human m ind
...<>h·ed biologic.lly during deep hl""'Y· (1992; 1><-.), But In on< of h I< fusl !>Ublicot ioru
on tt.e Yanom.roo , Ch.gnon (1968b: I 10) wrote reg. rd ing tIl<lr wllff.re: •thronilktJ ar.
_ Inif;atM ()r p.rpetlHttM ...,.th "rrltorl~! p in 1M ~n ob}<dlvel)l""""""l""""· (emp,,",," in
orig!nal). Chagnon·, <tudtnt H.meo (1983: 42Q.-3) ).,1<, took up the qu .. tlon of tOm·
totI.ollty agoln. >p<e!ficaUy !n ... f ...."'" to hu" ting lond •• and c. "", to til< sam< (ondu, le","
Founding figur .. In <""lutlo",')" t»ycOO!osy (_ Horgan . 1999; 161- 13) • ./ohn
Tooby and Led. Co.mld<s (1 988) , arg'" that the ,bll ity or hum.I\> and • row other
.poeles to cooP'"'>te in ·coolitionol ogg=IOI1' Is ba<ed upon 0 ·D"""ln l.n al8Qrifhm· t hat
malt.. tho risks r.p""\o,>cU".ly worthwl1 il<. Thi' ·rI.k contfllCt of w",· In"ol, .. th ....
OK .... ')" I. " u,...; ·choat"" 0< non-part icipant> must be identified . nd excluded ('"
punished), 10.10<"0 gen .... Uy. the coolition I> not
unl< .. tho ~ic!par\" .......
or punWled In proponlon to tho """ tt.ey hove run. ond In proportion to how ImponanI thoir contril>ution _ to >uce,:,,· jJ988: 5) . Tho Yonomamo "'~ tho on ly specific
<thnognophic ~ they cit. In tl, i, paper. lor imta""" to make tho poin t that tho ·c"'t
of enfOl'C.mon" 01 thl' ront'"""t waul<! be prohibiti .... to get "",n to attack do« kin
(1988: 9 , l>ut .... I" ..), But tt.ry proII!de no clta'ions thot Indic.ot. tt.e ·oont,Kt· i. In
eff""l al all.mong YlJ'IOmllmO , and Ch.gnon·fWriting. ihow thot III< not . So in , particuLarly int...... h".,.·village pounding ma tch. wlltn on< ,Ide was lruing, the il. >c:I"..an
·recrulted ' young and old men "'00 hod otood .. Ide to st.p u p. l>ut t~ ",tired aft"
one blow (Chagnon. !968.: 119), Or wlltn 0 raiding party left to .ttack .nother village,
m<n began to trk);l< baclt It.e ,Oty ne>:1 day. retgning""'" f.. t .nd up«t 'toma<hs
(19680; !30) , And wl1m on< village was under threat from .." ....1 'ilbg<>. m<n f, om
Wlll1\o'OI,OO gro<JPS joined In the ",1<1> be<:a"", they .,too<! • good chance 01 ' b<iucti,'8
w<>men ",hil. being rolotl><1y Immu"" to !>Un ltl .....1<1>· (Chagnon. 1968.: 41), So
·choa,,,,,' abound . and ""'" who take m lnlmoi li'k> .... rroo to.nUo offwi.11 the prime
''''f>'Oductl,....",.. <d.
R. PIHlI Show and Yuwo Wong (1981 , 1989) offer a sociobiologicalkln ..I<ctlon model
of w.... arguing thot til< ·g.netIc J<ed. of w.,lllft· .... ""'P""""i in on evolved tendency
."",ard in·sro<Jp amity ond out-group .nmlty. beginn ing with crust.,... 01 kin and ""'tend·
Ing up through trlbe>.nd natlol\>. Thoir ",1< <v!de""" for this pr«/!ctlon (Sh, w ond
Wong. 1989: 33-~) at It> roo"" Chagnon.nd Bugos'. (1919) onaiy>l. 0/ til< ge_ic
rotatedn.., of two ,id<s in 0 wild oIt<r<"ion - .1>0 recounted In the educational film
n. Ax Fighl- whe", It Is <hown ,h.. the m.n on.Kl1 .ide ar. ~/!y (1979; 222)
"",re c)os.]y ",loted '0 eoch orhe, than to men on t l>< otl>et .1<10. Thl. condu'ion wilt"
tv.'o local grwp$ fight "'0\I1d h. <dly surprise
anthropologlsls. but the >tgn lfico"".
of ,I>< find ing ond ,I>< ",I, of kin ",1«1Ion In .Iolen'
qu«, Ion2b"" gl .... n
,h...l«ti.i,y of tho I"'rticulor co .. , Finding> would ,xpt'<tab&diIT... If I, WOlI OC"'" who",
• dMIIon of """ grwp went oo;ot '0 join '1><1, former ..... ml.. in atta<king '11<iT kin, ..
occurI'«! In tho war that Chagnon oboo.-;l (1968a: ] 20),
But"""" fundarnon'oIly, W"", hI< turn to >OCIoblology, Ch>gnon (196& : 59-67)
"pN ,edly dismiMed tho .ignilicllOCO of gonoti< ",Ioted""" .mong "",n In conflict,
T11< ffiOII t bitter fighting. In fact. ,. k.. ploc. b<tw.." .-.-..mbonof dlff.... nt >'1 11>8"" who
ore ",I."", to ..en othtf asno'icOlly." Tho kinsh ip ti<> b<,w..n agnat .. woo Ii.. In
the sam, vlll>g ..... lIhwl .. quit. wu k _, _Tho rol.lloruhlp ""'ween, man an<! h i.
brotll"" 01 .ppro.tmotoly tho sa"", ago .... go"""'ly not .m1cabl< (1968.: 66-7)
A~.ln, vU~ politic.< "'" ouch that ,..,Hom of agnat ic solidarity coun, fo< ,'et'y IItt'"
oomf'U'ed tho opportun l,m choracwtzlng In"'r-vUlogo "lat loru;hlp<, , Th", two
group< Ilnked by agnall< lies may be nn neutrill tonn> wltll each ot11<r•• nd 0"" of
the group< may b< oc1l.dy conducting 0 ",or 'gah ..., 0 group ,lIied w;tIl the ",he<-,
Yet tho 0""' group will not be compelled '0 , Id< "1th I" asno«< in the "ruggl., and
might ......n t2h ,Id .. with the """lIor., Oipecl'lIy If m.rriago obligotKm, .,.ist
bet ..... n tIl.m, (Chognon. 1969b: H3)
Th"" whon tho Monou-,.,' w.", raldod In ... tIIIM Ion for '11<1, 0"'" raid ,
of ,h • .-.-..n
who >hot and kUled tho Monou-terl hoM:lonan we", h i' d;u.olficalOlY bo'<>Ihoro, II;>, i.,
"",mbor> of tho sa"", 'II""'I!'" (1968a: 126), ond .Imlla!' killing< occurred In .."",, 1otllt<
in,,,,ne .. (1 9680: 59),
FInally. ,1><.-. I. c~ "ural 'p<eu<!ospecl<>tion' , tl>o ide.l that .""m l.. ..-. _n .. 10>0 than
hu""", and thort1o!'< """"pUbI< to klll, po>lt"'. by ElbI-Elboof.ld' (1979: 109 - 11),
which .. clruoly "''''ted 10 tho .;.,..... that poopI. ho...., "",1.«1 to go to war against "~.,,
and ",hor> who.ro cul'urally d lff".~ , from tl><m .. l_ IF"", 199213: 16-17 ; Gh ig lirn.
1999: 211-12) , In =ponoo, 0"" might .Imply no'" that most Yanomaml warf. ..
In""", .. kUllng "'he<- Y,,,,,,,,,,ml , ond Y.nomami ,,,,nsl .... as ' hu mon i><lng'" But rno<'<
than that, in Chagnon', """m 'Chron lc Probl."... In Un<Itnwoolng Trtbal Violence.nd
W. rf!ll", I>< writ",;
0"" of 'M mos, serious sou", .. of conf"''''n;' tho arul mption that. In til. p,lml""" wo.-ld,
betw ..n ,orr;lorlally defined enUt"," t ho , ..-. potiticolly Ind.pond"" of .... h othtf
WOl'S In t ho primltl.. world ha~ _p roo .., usu, lIy
in"'lv«l "V"lit i'" conflict! botWNn ;l1di.iduab who know ..ch otho, ond ha .. OX<>
g,IOO fo, p<r>omal "aooru __ , In r.hor', much of the fightlo8 In "primiti", ... ..-' "
p«><ml! 1. oont<ncl<" oft.n know ...u, om",. ,,~lI, (Chagnon, ]996: 218-19)
w,," ,til,'
Such ..
1<1<"". ,uggu" ,h., p<eudospe<l<>tlon" " p<eu<I"'''''plon",jon of war,
Th. p"«n nlal q ..... Uon I., why <10 poople make "',,1 But t ha t IImpJ. q ..... 'lon ma.'"
complexity, Tn. .. Of< m:rny "why. to pond", Why do huITWl b<lng. ",moUm<. think
!l b worth risking IIf. to klll othrn1 Why do YonorJlMI1l fight .. thoy do, oomporm to
<>thor <thntJgnphic ~1 Why;" it tho, in ........ Yanomaml " ...... Ind pIac ..,lhoro b.
lot of war, Ind In othtts, no",,) Why <10 «<taIn local group<, <V<fllndivldU>lo. _
.u>clt =toln othrnll'l ... thoro "'" otho< .. Lat«l I><hovlon to I>< upl .. nod, fro m vUlag<
",location to wlfo-bo.ting. Tho two m>tOf'ioJI,U .pproo<oo I pc=t t..", r<Jl«"'n' In
.ffort to d<v<k>p co~t. fully 'J>OClf'iod theory wh ic h .. Iat .. '0 , II tho:!<! " .... lIom, wl'l'
d ..r jl<Odl<tI..... peculio..... , .." SUppoo'te<.lln ••)'>t ...... tlc way by empirical .... Id<nu
Th<n th<.-< ...., cultural oppn»<m. Compo.-m my awn. four point> <on I>< mad<,
(I) f'.t .... dolm> tho, competition over
II""'ds ..pial .... _ up to
. fl....
"'" I""'ndl"ll of hI< ,nl .. l0", whffi cultunl rn_ ~....,... oxplanatolJ, In nt'l d ..l,
wtth thos< case> In I ""y tho, I I><li ........_
. In _""",, "unO 01 P....,:. point>, ond
ll>ope to ~ In <!will '" h1 ..... "" .."1"" critlquo In lutu", wori< ori..,'od ........ to
oc'uol ca><s, But til< fact that....., <.an get down '0 orgul"8 . bout mol, 'J>OClfic Incld.nt>
1:1 In Im!""I.,,, d ..... lop"'.'" In 1...1f. (2) s....-l fioldworktr> clo lm that Yanomaml
..... f...., In foc' b ,II< ",."....100 of • vaMly ofopeclfic rultW'ol valu«. wch .. '1= f""
"""ng< "" "",,,,,n . I '8~ tho, thos< .... Involvod. bu, ... th<", '"' rw<ly wfllclrn'
groundi for ...,v on
own, ond """" t)"l>lully .. part 01 . rultunlly 1n1<gnlt«l """1... ,Iona! P'K~ grnundod In di>po<ttl .. In 0-.... "".,m;n, (3) Urot Ind "",""lolly
Albert ""'''' ,II< euo tho, my "f>Il"OOCI> 1.14 to conold .. odooq .... "'ly tho ~tlcs of
Y.,..,m&mI wuf..... tho Lay<n 01 moanl,,!! tho, ofl'«t 1Ct\on, ! ICUpI th" critlc"m "
""lid, but ... such .ymbollC 01>1>0.-.,1"". as buHding on practical m.,<>101 (nl.,.." .
In...,.....!ng thot ....y ope ... an ..,en"" f()f produ.ctt .. 'l'ntl>«l' of .... «rUI'" and ,ymbolic .pproo< ...... (4) llw' lObo odvanc .. a mor< oggre»i ... Id ..lb! >g<ndo. <laImlng I,
b Idus. _slt"""","1 pradl<al!U... lhot .. plain both " .... and peoa1'ul ",LaU""" H ....
our undontandln8' .... In dltKt contndlClIon_
With bIotostaJ .. p1.an.atlom of YanotrW1ll "wf.... l ... bs ground for rompltm<nWily. My obJe<tk>nl '" thl' I.......n« ..., nLJI In "'" nat ..... of!ho, thoory, "'though I "" •
.. Inly do 1Ia... obJt<Iion •• lot'S 'hoot II""" (.... Forxuson , 2000b) . Rothe< U .. ,ho I""
thot blologlslk <><pl .... 'lons .f< 110 c"'" ....... "y dl<ectly ront"",IctNi by Y.nomam l data.
<v<n from "'" .."...,-c ...... Chagnon. ","" woold I>< "I"",od to I'fU"Ide
for ,ho«
pr,ooltlono. V.no ..... m l <10 no< .tart ....... to .. pt"", w........... _ Who, .... Int"P'''e<.I ..
'r<productlve ronIlict .. bot ..... n m<n <I'm" """""" preado only !Om< im,"""", of .... r.
and then as ""1)/ one of ""'''y issues. \oI!t~ « ..... I)e;"!!,....,... prt<Ilc"'" 01 OdUO) 'Iolena.
No ",,1<I<nct "'pport> ,ho cor.ciu.ton t1ut Yanornoml m<n In<~ lif"" .... r<produ.cti"" .ucc .... by portlcipat"'8 In I killing: th<y ........ lik~!y I"",,,, It. VOU"8 unmornod
chUdl.... moles.", minor pl~ in Y• ...,mami ........ which .... typically d..:lde<.I on .nd
COrrle<.l OUt by mld~I.·~ mt!1 with <hl\d1"en. The", I, no bub I"" Implyitlg . pall.,..,
01 Yancmaml mal« r«jtilrlng "'" death of prrol<>w chlldr." brought !n'o I mMIiog<,
Yanon>aml mdinS do<> not ..... mblt, but dir«:tly.:ontR5l..1n crt, laII wo),> ..i , h ''''kilnS'
po"....... of Combo chlmpooUHS. V.nom• ..,1 _ f.... b no! about tomto<}', No ·D ....
wlnlan >lgoctthm' ope ... t« to ... Wlrd '-:! p. rtlclpant> and
'd.... t<n· In
Yonomaml ....If..... qUI t< "'" <>ppo>lt • . y......... mI conflku",~I""" do but "'.....1.....
do ,.,.,.. panollollln<!! of gont"tlc ... latlon,hlp. but ",hnogrophlc ovI~ >how> that blood
tI ..
IInlt If any <ff<CI1n shaping chokes ofwhlCh . 1de to ,uppon. 'Cultural p>rudo."""lOtIon' I, """. foc!a- In w .... betw .. n y."",namlgroops, All lOVthe<. It IS Iwd to
1""8"'" ........ w~ . th<>r<lu&h InvoIld.itlofl of .... ' pp"""'h thin whot Chagnon',
own w"tlng> do '0 blologl,Uc .. planatle.... of 1'0'21". Unfoundod 'P«"I.,'on bIo>ed .,.,
imaginary """rution.., ",.nan", will "ett help u, u nd<~tand th< why< of w....
_'y of .ppllod to tho f><Opl< dliI u.. ,''' ,or"". Y"""numo dW!V'>I .. II>< ",..,0m moot I.nguage group. incrud ing t he
'Yonomomi' and 'YanomarJ»' .", two of •
cmsed in Ih i' 'rlle"" • f><Opie wI><>
.rt dl,idod into foor 0.- fi"" di>tinot languog<". ru
f><O pl. "OOlod by NapoJoon Chagnon and o t""" oraund ,he confl ... "", of tho
Mavoc.o and Onnoco Ii.... ", Yllr<>momi designot ... I..-ge' cultUfll! or <thnlc cat<gory.
<nc""'paull'l! olI of tho lang\l.il!< gtOups. Including Y.noma,no, 50""""" Nin.m, and
Albof1. Bnxc (1985) Tomps <W ung. "mpI (lt$Cffldm: &pmmW!on <It '" malad",
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