Liberty and Democracy


Liberty and Democracy
The Birth Cantra! fiealeir.
Ta l
h - .. .
anfl ljemocracY
lly F. W. Stella Erotane
IlWilRD CitnPff'lTE&.,S LESSO^\to the world roday, is revolt against a swperficially ratianalized *nd, inxlle*tualizeli.
to a peculiar degree,the dir*ct expressicncf his own lifa; this reaclion is sho*'r most signi$cantly too, i$ hk ireat"
;:ersor:ality, ag revealed in the art of life, as ryell as in literatlrre. i Lliink rorle ftrlrorlq orlr grclicst, leaelies *ncl
helps us
rr'ith s,ch an inlimate antl in,.li'itlLraltouch, *irif
. Iri* versat.ility
appeals til r:n unusuelly varied collectia,n cf human tlpes"
His social *ressageis unmistakatrli, ilefinite eind funriomental:
it ir a mes*"ageof .*incerity iin Cariyle's phrase, verarityl a,n&
spontnneity, and it aiso inclutles a gracious balanee and propcrti*n, a fine discrimin:tion bcrrreen esserrtials *nrl ,ronessentials, on cquipoise of inclividual and social rights, cf
L o d ; ' ,n r i n d a n d s f i 1 i 1 .
ment of all poyclric and emotisnal problems-in
bis pre.
occupatio:r wiih tLs tlro grest n'innponderabie*'o r':ligisn sadi
I ove.
A born psychic,*ihorsever little his early trrining aad *avironment permitted rhir faculty to develop)-he
kn*.#s the
value of *te intuitian rchich most loen igncre and depreciate.
lle says;
"Do not pay too rauch sttention to tis ryanderir"rs lu*atic
u'When you
bave trained it, infcrued it, made it cle*r"
Perha;:rs to Lhe general ;rublic, ldward Carpenier i* best decisive,and your fle:ril:le instrunent'a*d icol,
lir:*r.n as the practi*il ns weil :rs theoretical, enporellt *f reai
do not then reverse the crder, and becorne thc mere
a r i d r t ' l i o l c s c . , r sL ier n p l i f t c r r i o ' , : I l r f e , r v i t h i i s i n c s r i n r c b l e faruaus attendani and exhiiritor *i its acrobalic feat-*, llke
ec{jrlornv of lirne, en{rgv and raatelini tesources. A reel :imp" a kaeper wiro sirolss off a monkey."
lilication, this: not the tirridly prctenti,rus alfectation rrhich
{"Toaard's Dertocrac'y" Part IY)
il.5. S;rlt hLrsso r-.{lectivelv
scourged,in a recclt critiujsm of
Perhap*, ;lnd iieble to :ui*interprt:t$aioll
critic:. :trrd an a:ttrretic and hum*rous simpl.i$ca" and abuse? Yetn what empty acaderaic shorvs and *xe:cises,
tiol, uL:t a ruarria for seif.nrr.rrti{icrtion,cr a potilit'ely pcr. wha! pampousnpinched, efiscerated blmanily, in xigs, rol:es
vr:rtcri reii-.h in srlrralor ald torrnent, such ag iras unquesliorrand oll tlie paraphernalia of authoritt, must have proarpttd
al'l't- anin:ilted ceriain ,a-rcetics:Chrisijan *ncl cther, No: iI
{..arpenter's refiexion !
i l r r : l e . l { . ; { . 5 e l L ) i t i s " L . L et r i u m p h o i $ * r : * i r r e t a s t e o v € r
PORTION OF his delightful autobiography "!Iy llays
t;"*tliti*nal liibit."
its ;ucer:ssis rnanifc-*tirr Carpenter'si;r- rfHE
and, flresms," dealing wirh his experieneesat Cambridge,
l*llectual clnrity and aler!-ne-cs,
and ihe capacity for sr:stajned
.and varied elTort, rrhir:h carries him through such an *steni;h" is an inyaluable commerltsry on this poem, and his rvhsle
attitude respecting education and religion.
!:rg nuraber of beneficcnt activilies.
Carpenier is a student of the araotional life and ttature of
Carpcnter has li:l orily tlespi.sedhunbug ,:,nd.the ,,uphols.
tcr,v" and nu.ritrug paral:hernllia of uscless*rial r,r-hich humanity; and an untirirg and most redoubtabie champion
,i:iogsarrd i,ci;orrs lirirrc: he hes renaunced fhem, He has r"rf the right sf tie em*ticns to recogniti*n and dev*l*pm*nt
given e rr'oririerfultlcnron;traiion of rhe possibilitiesof rvhole. in arry sane social crder. He bas an 'i-:rluitive *nders:anding
someRcs$! relin*::r*nt lrnrl r.l}iciency in the art of 1{ausehold of, aad s,vmpathy with the wilder and more pri-:*itive mrlnii{anr:gen:eui, rghicL are being devcloprd aad adapt*d to social fsstalioas of wcnder, a$e, &nd lcve; he is an:icug to r;ndernggd-r,itr miury :ncilest yci delermirr,:d co-operativc antl com. $tarA talher tbsn to €t)&d.e&n. I{e has studied love'* social
valuc a* ry*1i ss the huge gemut al its iudividual l*riatioss.
nrrrrrrl c-rperirncnls,
The essay* on the relations of tbe :excs, in "Lo$e's damtng
OF |ltril gors hantl ir: hantl wit.h labor. Car. ai Age" rre egually baianced and profaund, In "7'exerds
ireritcl rlevoted hin:eif ll nu .rgc {39) rvhen maoy men D*rnocra,cy" are solrre af the ln*si beautiful love poems ever
to fre;ir iil,.:aseud habits, 1o acquiring rvritlsn: for inslance:
riil1 rrt nrrrliet"gordenin* nld n:an*;r1 .lvork, in rlose ccrutact '"'{{h*
sl*ll canrmantl tke Heart' with its aeatirs i.*ragery;
rvith tlrc plirrritive life ,.lf the ,.,ril arrd rlerlher. I.Ie has told
rgl,o chained Thee in ?hir body?
u:. L,.rrvlris,:ieal nocrn "' l)cn,:trarlv" .wa.. rvrit.Lr:n
rrho lnuazlerl ihee, to drive
in lhc i'len ::ir; this inlluencc 1:ervlrl*s lli his work, e^ g., '"iiri:
crnnk nrachine,
Lhe u.llrles,rrrrcuess
anil gclirin,: acnse cf ',y,tr:rl*rald spar:c,
"'fh*u rranderer ,:f the woods,
0f i-abt,r ilseli,
" n i r i , h i s , r r i rr l , r i i J . r l , ' : r L l r
"No l-'etterthan a turnspit?"
alrrj resurre,:tiorr,in Lir,:ihirrg r-rcr[ed."
Arrtl thror:rghor;rthis work, he grospr and porlray* love's
hc hes spol*:n excellertl-.;, li* iurs rrnplu;ized lhe reed {.rr jnfilite plasticity as well ag its hasie polter.
v;:iicly of ci:,:upation; for so:li-.iitiugl:arnluuir:iuEas *,eli ;rs
Tire nr:'1llct of any huntane underitar:ding and expansion
; 1 i , 1 1 1 , 1l,r1- .1i .r rt ,r f h i n gp e r : l l ; . r i i v r : : : ; : r f r t 3 s i ri l.iri ). ir r r i : i i r i l l . r . , , i ; t l . ',i' , ilc,ssibi[lit:s in o::r :rstrj;u *l *,iucati'rn* irr; srli
{t .,.,r :
; ' ,
our preent societyin
y ::r:i,..i""^., id..* and prohibiri;;; ;;;;;."*"
to,and therefore
obsolete,,tiff ..f".",
or p lys, to meet realiries;
it *u.ii;;;".
Fx$, retognize tliat
love is, as we have ;;td;;
and ,i", l"-*""",'u*r,o*
gr uausual may
be the circumsta""_,
upp"r,",r, a._""a"'"lj Lasto --b€
society with the, utmosi respect
und ,.".rrn.".i
,T:_Tgj- -:^1"-*''
whorras#;-;#-*;ln t nesiected
if.he haddonenoihins
H.1has betped;;;;;"#',""li"ution
, ."has-to
;'is;orc of **"
dream the tarpossibl" !Jr"_,
p,a,*. "inil*",,-*."arways
n*::l"t:^ Ty
;; ;; ;;;;, *"i,