July 17, 2016 - St. Thomas Aquinas Parish


July 17, 2016 - St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish & School
955 Alton Road
East Lansing, MI 48823
Office Phone: 517.351.7215
School Phone: 517.332.0813
July 17, 2016
St. John Church & Student Center
327 MAC Avenue
East Lansing, MI 48823
Office Phone: 517.337.9778
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Weekend Mass Times
Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am,
Noon & 7:00 pm
Weekday Mass Times
Monday – Friday 6:30 am
Weekday Mass Times
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 12:15 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 3:00-4:00 pm & following
the 4:30 pm Mass
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
11:00 am - Noon
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 17, 2016
next Sunday, July 24, at Patriarche Park , across from
STA, from Noon to 3:00pm. The Knights of
Columbus will be providing lunch!
Fr. Mark’s Remarks
As the summer continues, we are
prayerfully planning all of our
ministries for the fall. Our parish
school, campus ministry at Michigan
State University, and the numerous
ministries that serve our
preschoolers through the senior members of our
parish are ready to grow with our East Lansing
Catholic Community!
Have a blessed week!
Third Thursdays
Join us July 21 at 6:00pm
In Fr. Mac Hall at STA
FRIENDSHIP - Lots of all of this
at our Third Thursday in
July. We'll meet from 6:00pm-8:00m on Thursday,
July 21 down in Fr. Mac Hall for "fun and games"
Catholic-style. There will be lots of playing and a
little learning, with games such as "Jeopardy", "Wheel
of Fortune" and a Scavenger Hunt adapted for the
All the ministries that we provide at St. Thomas
Aquinas Parish/ St. John Church and Student Center
would not be possible without your financial and
prayerful support.
Recently, all registered parishioners received a
personal letter from me in the mail regarding our
2016/2017 parish budget. In the letter, I indicated
that July 1 marked the beginning of the fiscal year,
which ends on June 30, 2017. The budget was
developed collaboratively for this fiscal year by staff,
our parish Finance Council and myself.
Come enjoy a free meal of Bell's Pizza and salad, win
some great prizes and meet some other parishioners!
People of ALL ages are welcome!
To maintain and grow our presence in and service to
the East Lansing Catholic Community, the Finance
Council has recommended to me a 3% increase of
our budgeted offertory over the last fiscal year. As
your pastor, I am asking you to prayerfully consider
increasing your tithe to cover our parish costs.
Contact Dian in the Formation Office to let us know
you are coming, so we'll have plenty of pizza.
[email protected] or 351-5460.
Currently underway and continuing over the next few
years, we will be updating our aging heating and
cooling systems at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, our
Parish School and St. John Church. These projects will
cost more than one million dollars and will be funded
from parish reserves, which represent your
generosity from the past and the good stewardship of
our leadership team. There will not be a parish
capital campaign for the heating and cooling projects. I
only ask for your support for the increased offertory
for 2016/2017 and the Diocesan Capital Campaign
that will be announced in the coming months.
12th Annual Parish Picnic
Sunday, July 24, Noon to 3:00pm
In Pariarche Park
Come and enjoy grilled hamburgers and hot dogs,
and lemonade. Cookies will be provided by the
Rosary Altar Society.
Join us for a fun day at the playground, including
face painting, three legged races, water balloon
throw and even a visit from Sparty!
Thank you for your generosity. Be assured of my
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
Free will donations accepted!
Looking forward to seeing you all at the parish picnic
Actual through July 3, 2016
Budgeted through July 3, 2016
Please Note: The fiscal year began 7/1/2016. Offertory
consists of cash and checks given at Mass, electronic giving
from Parishioner checking and credit cards, and stock gifts.
Christian Service - Matthew 25
July 3: Volunteers of America will receive
$1,886 in support of the shelter, food, and other
vital services they provide for homeless persons in
our community.
Something NEW
is Coming on October 21
to the Huntington Club in Spartan Stadium at MSU.
This will be One Night, Once a Year,
for ALL parish ministries.
July 17: Mission Appeal at STA/SJSC:
Fr. Twizerimana Alphonse will be speaking about
the desperate needs to support economically
vulnerable students, as well as establishing a school
library and research room for information technology
at St. Jerome, a Catholic boarding school located in
To find out how you can get involved, contact Denise
Zakerski at St. John at [email protected].
Take Me Out to the Ball Game!
Join us Friday, August 5
at the NEW Cooley Law
School Stadium for the
annual Vocations
Night. Come support
vocations with
Catholics from around
the Diocese of Lansing.
Special guests include
sisters, priests and more.
Fr. Georges Bidzogo will present information
about needs of St. Peters Parish in Durban, South
Africa, where they support people from various
countries of Africa running away from violence, war,
political and economic instability.
July 24: Centro Santa Catalina: Centro Catalina
serves impoverished women and children in the
border town of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. The Centro
provides assistance to meet emergency medical and
food needs.
Tickets are $13. You can pay in either office.
(Check is preferred). Free inflatables outside the
stadium from 5:00-6:00pm. First pitch is at 7:05pm.
There will be fireworks after!
Thank you for your generosity!
By purchasing a ticket you will be helping some 400
children, seminarians, sisters, postulates, and novices
attend the game as well!
Lansing Catholic High School Subsidy
If you have a student or students attending Lansing
Catholic High School for the 2016-2017 school year
and you are interested in receiving the parish
subsidy, please contact Keith Tharp for further
information at [email protected].
Join Us in Prayer!
The subsidy is not automatically given. You
must apply for the subsidy. The deadline to
request the subsidy is August 31, 2016.
Parish 75th Anniversary
Intercessory Prayer Intentions
for the current month can be found on
our website www.elcatholics.org.
Record your extra time Praying online
or log your time and put it in the
collection basket!
St. John Student Center - Home of the
Catholic Spartans
Katie Diller - [email protected]
Director of Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry 101
The retreat program at St. John has a long history- in fact, many MSU alumni tell stories about meeting their
spouses on "Weekends in Christian Living" in the 1970's and1980's. This year, we will offer four retreats:
Freshman Ignite
This early fall event is actually held at St. John Student Center, but is
a retreat from dorm life for Freshman. The student team is made of
sophomores who help students encounter Christ in the midst of
their transitions to college life, and to encounter our wonderful
parish community and the opportunities we offer for spiritual
growth and service.
Fall & Spring Retreats
These retreats are the big blockbusters of the year. We welcome
about 100 undergraduates on each retreat, usually at Bethany House
in DeWitt, MI. We have developed a 3-year catechetical cycle that
helps students grow in relationship with Christ and learn about
prayer, saints and the sacramental life. This year, Fr Ryan will be
leading our Junior/Senior retreat team!
Upperclassmen Discernment Retreat
This program was new last year- sponsored in part by a grant from
the Lilly Foundation and with assistance from the Diocesan
Vocations Team.
This is a special getaway for Juniors and Seniors to help them
prepare for life's big decisions: discerning graduate school or the job Fr. Dan with the Spring Retreat Team.
market, exploring God's call to married life, priesthood, or
consecrated life, and more. Last year we explored personal charisms through the Called & Gifted Spiritual Gift
Inventory and learned Ignatian Discernment Techniques!
How you can help:
 Snacks - we will need a lot of snacks for Freshman Ignite! 18 year olds can really mow down the chips and
cookies... if you would be interested in donating snacks for this event, contact Katie!
 Student fees do not support the entire cost of our retreats. The real cost of an off-site retreat per student is
about $130, but every year, generous parishioners and alumni help us keep the student fees to less than half
that amount.
Donations to the retreat program or support for students in financial need are always appreciated! Email
[email protected] if you can help.
Summer Spirituality - ages 18-24 - Wednesdays at 7:30pm downstairs SJSC
email [email protected] for more info.
Monday, July 18
Summer Mass & Potluck
DVD Series “ Saying Yes!
Discovering & Responding to
God’s Will in Your Life” Continues
Monday, July 18, 7:00pm
Everyone is invited to come and enjoy
the 12:15pm Mass at St. John on
Monday, July 18. After Mass, the
Senior Ministry will be hosting a potluck
lunch downstairs in McDevitt Hall.
Session 6: “Wrestling with God”
What is God asking of me? How do I know if this is
really of God and not simply my imagination?
Discerning God's will is an ongoing process—not a
static one-time decision! This video is packed with
concise counsel and real-life examples, unlocking the
benefits of the ancient practice of discernment.
Albert Haase reminds us that each of us is called to
speak an ever deepening yes to God with our lives.
If you would like to join us, please contact either
office so that we will know what you are bringing! It
is always a fun meal with people of all ages.
Bring your families, bring your friends!
Parents’ Baptism Seminar
Thursday, July 28, 7:00pm
Feel free to join us even if you have missed the
previous sessions – you are always welcome to
borrow the DVD! We are meeting in the Baraga
Room at STA for our final session on Monday
evening, 7:00-8:30pm, on July 18.
Are you interested in having your
child baptized? Has someone asked
you to be a godparent? Our next
baptism preparation session for
parents and godparents of infants or young children to
baptize will take place on Thursday evening, July
28, 7:00-9:00pm at St. Thomas Aquinas Church.
Please contact the Catholic Formation Office if you
plan to attend (351-5460 or [email protected]).
Baptism registration forms are available through the
parish offices at both sites and online at our parish
web site www.elcatholics.org.
JustFaith Information Sessions
Sunday, August 14
Scripture repeatedly calls us to care for the widows,
the orphans and the strangers. Who are these people
in our world today? What does my Catholic faith say
about my relationship with them? Come and
encounter your faith in a way that challenges your
perceptions and how you are to live as a Catholic
Christian in today’s world.
A Warm Welcome….
To new members of our Parish family
during the month of June!
Permanent Community
A new JustFaith group is forming to begin in September!
Please join us on Sunday, August 14, either at
STA, 10:00-11:00am, in the Baraga Room or at
SJSC, 11:00am-Noon in the Library (Room 12)
for an opportunity to learn more about JustFaith.
Participants from past years’ groups will be on hand to
share their experience and answer any questions!
For more information, please contact Paul Charette
at [email protected] or Al Weilbaecher at
[email protected] or 351-5460.
David, Melanie, and Eliana Nebbeling
Robert Erhard, Donna D’Angelo, Erik Erhard
Louis and Elizabeth D’Angelo
Paul, Cammie, Sadie, Margaret, Patrick,
and James Wollner
Margaret Sullivan
Kelly and Bailey Kendrick
Thomas and Carla Shilts
Yes! We're meeting this summer, and
as befits the summer, it's a more
relaxed and fun version of YG. Our
chief goal for summer is to grow in
faith, and in our love of Christ. Our
"theme" for the summer is FAITH STORY - each
week we have a guest who tells us about their
relationship with God and how this relationship has
changed the trajectory of their lives. This week we
welcome Jeremy Dowsett. Jeremy grew up
Catholic, but fell away from the Church and became
a pastor in an Evangelical Church, working actively
with the poor in downtown Grand Rapids. How and
why did God bring him back the Catholic Faith?
GRADER? It is important for first
graders to be enrolled in Religious
Education classes during the
upcoming school year, in order for them to be
appropriately prepared for Sacramental Preparation
during their second grade year. What do first graders
learn? Well, the best way to put it is that they learn,
in a systematic way, the basics of our Faith.
They learn about the Trinity, Creation, Jesus and what
he did and taught, and our Salvation. All of these
ideas are a necessary foundation for learning about
the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
If you do not have older children, please contact Dian
in the Formation Office, so we can send registration
materials to your home. Call 351-5460 or email
[email protected]
Come hear all about it this coming Wednesday
evening, from 6:30-8:30pm. We provide dinner!
Don’t forget, you are more than welcome to bring a
friend. Call Annie with questions: 763-4954 (c) or
email [email protected].
Do you have a rising second grader who has not had
any formal religious education? Please contact Mrs.
Kitching as soon as possible to discuss the options by
calling 351-5460, ext. 325 or you can email her at
akitching@elcatholics. org.
EDUCATION - During the school year we will be
offering two other opportunities besides our main
Sunday evening Youth Group from 4:30-6:00pm.
Sunday mornings there will be a video based session
called "Opening the Word" to examine the Sunday
readings (10:05-10:55am) as well as a Thursday
Evening Bible Study (7:00-8:30pm). We hope one or
more of these options will work for you and your teen!
“What Catholics Should Know
About Islam”
Limited copies of this informative
booklet were available at our
Hesburgh Lecture in April.
Additional copies are now available in
our formation racks or by contacting
the parish offices. This booklet, written by Sandra
Toenies Keating, is distributed by the Knights of
Columbus and is a wonderful resource on Islam:
was mailed to all families of students
graduating from 8th grade this past
year. Sometimes we miss people, though,
so if you do not receive information, please contact
our office! Call Dian at 351-5460 or email
[email protected]. For more information about
our program look at the Religious Education blog
(Small Things): http://elcatholicsre.blogspot.com/
St. Andrew Dung Lac’s 9th Annual Festival
1611 West Oakland Ave. Lansing, MI. 48915
Entertainment, Food, Drinks, Games,
Outdoor Games for Kids, Free Admission,
Public Welcome.
Friday July 22 through Sunday July 24
For further information 517-580-7557
“The purpose of this booklet is to give a basic
overview of the origins of the religion of Islam and its
early history as well as some of the central beliefs and
practices of Muslims. In addition, several recent
statements made by the Roman Catholic Church
concerning its relationship to Muslims are presented
here. This pamphlet makes no attempt to cover
every aspect of Islamic beliefs, or of Catholic doctrine
on other religions. Rather, it is intended to be an
introduction to what every Catholic should know
about Islam in order to more fully live Church
teaching and to understand events occurring in the
world today.”
Faith Sharing Questions For Next Sunday:
For Women of All Ages
Who Wish to Serve the Church
We invite you to prepare for next Sunday’s liturgies
by reflecting on the Gospel reading for that Sunday:
Please come to pray the Glorious
Mysteries of the Rosary on
Wednesday, July 20, at 10:00am
in the Cana Chapel at STA.
Luke 11:1–13 “If you then…know how to give good
gifts to your children, how much more will the Father in
heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?”
 Can I trust that God has the big picture in mind
when he answers?
 Who or what do I find difficult to accept or
All are invited to join the members
of the Rosary Altar Society, especially
those who have a special intention. We will include
all requests in our prayers. All Are Welcome. We
hope that you will plan to attend.
For Further Reflection
“Bringing Home the Word” is a monthly newsletter
subscribed to by our parish offering reflections on the
Sunday readings. You can access and download it
from on our parish website (www.elcatholics.org) on
the Adult Faith Formation page, or we are happy to
email it to you monthly upon request. (Contact Al at
[email protected].)
Opening the Word is a video program offering
prayer and insights on the Sunday Scriptures and is
available through FORMED, to which our parish has
subscribed. You can access it by registering at
FORMED.org and using our parish access code:
07838b Enjoy this video program, and many more
wonderful resources at FORMED.org!
Don’t Miss This Event
JULY 30, 2016 10:00am-3:00pm
Sponsored by Lansing Catholic HS
Looking for a unique shopping event? Planning a day
out for the family? You don’t want to miss this!
St. Vincent DePaul
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus affirms
that to be a disciple we must also sit
at his feet and listen to him. St.
Vincent de Paul taught that it is only
in prayer that we can give selfless loving service to
those who are poor.
The Flea On Marshall is an organized open air market
where vendors sell their antiques, collectibles, and
more. Visitors can find a piece or entire collection
of that something special they’ve always been looking
for (antiques, crafts, household items, toys, books,
and more). The Flea is easy to reach and navigate.
There are clean indoor bathrooms and concessions
This week, please say a special prayer each day for
the poor and forgotten in our parish.
For more information go to thefleaonmarshall.com.
You can also register as a vendor: $25 per vendor
space (equal to 2 parking spaces) or $30 after July 16.
A limited number of 8 foot tables are available to
rent for $10. If you have any questions, contact
[email protected].
Prayers for the
Sick & Deceased
Please pray for the sick and
the homebound, especially
Tom Russell, Ed Parsons, Pam Czubak, Barb Benington,
John Russell, Tom Jones, Jamie Mitchell, and those
listed in our Book of Prayer.
We pray for our beloved departed, especially Philip
Duane LaFave.
Proceeds from The Flea On Marshall benefit the
Performing Arts program at Lansing Catholic HS by
helping to pay for new instruments and a trip to NYC.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
This past Tuesday the inquirers and
their sponsors learned about the
Mass. There are four main movements
in the Mass. First, we gather, coming
from many places and circumstances. The opening
song unites us in a joyful spirit. We praise God
through the singing of the Glory to God and the
priest collects all our intentions in the opening prayer.
Does your company offer paid time off for
volunteering? Do you have teens or young adults
whose athletic teams or youth organizations are
looking to give back this summer? As we
experience an increase in refugee arrivals this
summer, we are looking for volunteers to assist
with housing setups, donation pick-ups, and
donation organization. Individuals need to have
the physical ability to move furniture and to carry
at least 50 pounds.
Second, we listen to the Word of God. There are
three readings which usually include one from the Old
Testament, one from the epistles of the New
Testament, and the third from one of the
Gospels. The homily which follows breaks open
these readings and applies them to our daily
lives. This is followed by our statement of beliefs as
found in the Creed. The movement concludes with
the prayers of the faithful.
To learn more, please contact John Karasinski,
Associate Director of Marketing & Community
relations at (517) 323-4734 Ext. 1202 or at
[email protected].
Third, the assembly responds. Our gifts of bread,
wine, and our monetary offerings are brought to the
altar. These gifts symbolize the offering of our lives to
God. During the Eucharistic Prayer our gifts of bread
and wine are changed into the body and blood of
Christ and offered to God. We then recite the
Lord's Prayer and exchange the sign of peace as an
indication of our willingness to be one with the Body
of Christ. Then we come forth to share in the body
and blood of Christ, God's greatest gift to us. This
movement concludes with a prayer.
“Volunteers Needed”
Outreach Mass Viewing Information
The Outreach Mass airs every Sunday at 6:00am and
10:00am on WLAJ-TV - Lansing, ABC 53. It airs on
WBSF-TV - Flint, CW 46, every Sunday at 10:00am.
You can listen to the Radio Outreach Mass on Good
Shepherd Catholic Radio in Jackson Sundays at noon
and 7:00pm, and Sundays at 11:00am on WJIM Radio
AM 1240. Please invite someone unable to attend
Mass to join us in this celebration.
Fourth, the assembly goes forth. The concluding rite
includes a blessing and a dismissal which sends us
forth to live out the implications of what we have just
done in the Mass. We are meant to be the Body of
Christ in the world, back in the many places and
circumstances from which we gathered.
Thank you for your support of this
evangelical ministry!
A Tribute
from a Grateful Nation
For more information, watch “Walk Through The
Mass”, Episode 3 of Symbolon 2 on FORMED. In
addition to the parts of the Mass, this episode talks
about what we can do to get “more” out the Mass.
Presented by Gorsline
Runciman Funeral Homes
Thursday, August 4
7:00 pm at STA
If you have been thinking about exploring your
interest in the Catholic Church, or if you know
someone who has mentioned this possibility, call Pete
Ries at 517-351-5460, ext. 1328 or e-mail him at
[email protected].
Scripture Readings for the week are
available on our website, elcatho-
Featured Guests
Gene L. Wriggelsworth, Ingham County Sheriff
Ken Beachler, U.S. Navy Public Affairs, Retired
Rev. Mark Inglot, Chaplain ELPD
Rev. Doug Bradshaw, Chaplain, LFD
Events In our Parish
Mass Intentions
Monday, July 18, 2016
Centering Prayer (SJSC)
“Saying Yes” DVD Series (STA)
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Faith Sharing Group (STA)
3rd Order Dominican Meeting (STA)
RCIA Inquiry (SJSC)
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Rosary Altar Society Rosary (STA)
Youth Group (STA)
Korean Prayer Group (STA)
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Third Thursday (STA)
Friday, July 22, 2016
Monday, July 18, 2016
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
George Caruso req. by Nancy Passanante
12:15pm (St. John)
Gloria Spagnuolo req. by Jean Underhill & Margaret Bouska
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Sharon Slee req. by Nancy Passanante
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Len Oliver req. by Lou Anna Simon
12:15pm (St. John)
Charmaine Moses req. by Maurice Moses
Thursday, July 21, 2016
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Paul V. Gadola Jr. req. by Friday Breakfast Group
Friday, July 22, 2016
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Johnathon Mitchell Arthur Kerr req. by Larry & Gail Meyer
12:15pm (St. John)
Int. of Pam Czubak req. by Natalie Zoeller
Saturday, July 23, 2016
4:30pm (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Bill Berardo req. by Lee & Cindy Lemon
Sunday, July 24, 2016
8:00am (St. John)
People of the Parish
9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Daisy Angell req. by Jenn and Jonie Angell-Manley
10:00am (St. John)
Elizabeth & John McGraw
req. by Kevin & Sharon McGraw
11:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Mary Kato req. by Family
12:00pm (St. John)
Rodriguez Family Special Intention req. by Sohed Rodriguez
7:00pm (St. John)
Karin Aditjandra req. by Denise Waytes
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Food Cupboard Opens (SJSC)
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Parish Picnic—Patriarche Park
75th Anniversary,
Honoring our Past,
Inspiring our Future
Remembering Our Priests
in Our Hearts and in Our Prayers…
Fr. Francis J. Zipple
Parochial Vicar SJSC 1957-1958
Pastor SJSC 1966-1971
Born July 17
Fr. Thomas D. Nenneau
Parochial Vicar STA 1984-1985
Born July 21
Bishop James S. Sullivan
3rd Pastor STA, 1978-1985
Born July 23
The 7th Annual Camino of St. James 8K/5K
runs and Kids Races is coming Sunday, August 14.
Come out and support St. James, the International
Outreach, and St Vincent Catholic Charities by either
participating as a runner or walker in the races or as a
volunteer to help out on race day. Registration forms
for the race are available in the gathering space or you
can sign up online www.caminostjames.com or
www.runsignup.com. If you would like to volunteer,
please contact Dodi Smith @ [email protected].
Corn Roast
The annual St. Casimir Corn Roast Festival will be
held August 12, 13, & 14. Please join us for great food,
that famous corn on the cob, beer tent, dancing, raffles and children’s games. Be sure to purchase your
$20.00 raffle ticket for a chance to win $5,000. Don’t
miss this great family event! For more information,
please call 482– 1346 or see stcas.org.