The Lord`s Prayer The Apostles` Creed


The Lord`s Prayer The Apostles` Creed
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father" who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy
Name. Th~' kingdom come. Thy will be done, On
earth as it il' in heaven. Give us this day OUT daily
bread. And for~~wc us our trespasses, As we forgive
those who trespass a~ainst us. And lead us not into
temptation. But deliver us from evil. For thine is
the kingdom. and the power, and the glory, for ever
and ever. Amen.
The Apostles' Creed
believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of
heaven and earth:
And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: Who
was conceived by the 1I0ly Ghost. Born of the Virgin
~ Iar\": Suffered under Pontius Pilate. Was crucified,
dead. and buried: He descended into hell; The third
day he rose again from the dead: lIe ascended into
heaven, And sitleth on the right hand of God the
Father Almighty: From thence he shall come to
judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost: The holy Catholtc
Church: The Communion of Saints: The Forgiveness
of sins: The Resurrection of the body: And the Life
everlasting. Amen.
1:0,0 Di 0 DLJ
1<)5 1
O'f I CI 0 ' T ill PlI, lS l ll iN G B I SIIOP
NEW YORK 10, N. Y.
june S. lQSl
T his Prayer I300k is sent by the Church to
the men and women of t he Armt:d f"orcl's. with
the assurance of the affection. the deep inter(:st
and the praY'.!n; of thc Church pt..·ople at home
for Cod's blessing upun you. \\c follow all that
you do and are with gra ttt ude. )'Iay this book
be a reminder of your dcdKation in Bapti~m to
he Christ's faithfu l sold ier and sen'ant to vour
life's end. You wlil find these prayt.:r", h~:mns
and Bihle reading" a da lly <;ource of "ptntual
~trength and courage.
PTc$i(lillg Biy,hop
The Protestant Episcopal Church
III lhe l'nitcd States of America
Sl'll\ln·,\L C()~!\ l l·:-:I(J'
II OLY B,\I'TI";~1
13.\PT[~\1 "
P SAI.;\I<';
B IBLE HI· ·\ 1)1:\(;";
hDEX m l In!:""
I:-.m~x OF PRA YEH~
An Order of Worship
The LORO is in his hol\" temple: let all the earth
keep silence before him. !lab . ii. 20.
I was glad when they said unto me, We will go into
the house of the LOIw. Psalm cxxii. I.
Let the words of mv mou t h, and the meditation of
my heart. be alway acceptable in thy sight. 0 LORn.
my strength and my redeemer. Psalm xix. 14.
o send out thy light and thy truth, that they may
lead me, and bring me unto thy holy hill, and to lhy
dwelling. Psalm xliii. 3.
Grace be unto you, and peace. from God our Father,
and from thc Lord Jesus Christ. Phil. j. 2.
I believe in God thc Father Almighty, Maker of
heaven and earth:
And in J esus Christ his onl\' Son our Lord: \rho was
conceived bv the lIo!\' Ghost. Horn of the Yirgin
Man: Suffered under 'Pontius Pilate. Was crucified.
dead. and buried: li e descended into hell; The third
day he roc;c again from the dead: li e ascended into
heaven .."nd sitteth on the right hand of God the
An Order of Worship
An Order of Worship
Father Almight\· From thence he shall come to judge
t he quick and the d(·ad.
I believe in the Ilolv Ghost: The holy Catholic
C hurch: The Communion of Saints: The Forgiveness
o f sins: The Hburrcl'tion of the body: And the Life
everlasting. Amen.
of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ ; fo r the means
of grace, and (or the hope of glory. And, we beseech
thee, give us that due sense of all thy mercies. that
our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful: and that
we show forth thv praise. not only with our lips, but
in our livt.'S, by giving up our selves to thy service.
and by walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all our days: through Jesus Christ our Lord . to
whom. with thee and the lIoly Ghost. be all honour
and glory. world without end. -Amell.
AI/' If /"
The Lord be with \'ou.
And with thy spirit.
,Uinis./er. Let us pray.
o Almight\, Father,
Lord of heaven and earth. we
confess that \\'c have sinned against thee in thought.
word, ancl cited. I lave mercy upon us, 0 God, after
lhy great goodness; accordmg to the multitude of
thy mercies, do Clwar our offences and cJe,mse us from
our sins; flJr Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.
The Almighlv and merciful Lord grant you Abso·
lution and Ih'ml'>Sion of all your sins. true repentance.
amendment of lifl'. and the grace and cO!1solation of
his IIoly ~pirit. .·lmel/.
PH.\ YEHS (to be chosen by tht' )'Iil;i"ter)
A GE:'\"EnAL TJI.\:";K ~G I\'I :\(;
Almight~· Cod. Father of all men:i(·s. we. thine
um. . orthy st:rY~!I1ts. do give OWl: 1l10~1 hun"ble a:ld
hearty thanks for all tin- J.~oodness and loYing-kindness
to us, and to all men. \\ c hless thee for our creation,
pre:;erv::Jtion, <lnd all the blessings of this life: but
above all. for thine inestimabie love in the redemption
Our Father. who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy
Name. T hy kingdom come. Thy will be done. On
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forg ive
those who trespass against us. And lead us not into
temptation, l3ut deliver us from evil. For thine is the
kingdom. and the IXHver. and the glory, for ever and
evcr .. \mcil.
2 Cor. xiii. q.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of
God. and the fellOWShip of the Holy Ghost, be with
us all evermore. Amen.
The LenD bless us, and keep us. The LORD mah
his face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us
Thl.' LOlw lift up his counlenance upon us, and give
us peace, both now and evermore. Amen.
The Order for
The Administration of the Lord's Supper
Hol y Communion
11 Allh( Cvmmlmion·lnnf llit' Iloly Table ;hall hcJt'( u/Xm il a fair u'h,1c
lin(II dath. A lid lilt Pr;(.I/, _'/I.I"ding rr;'""'llly bt'jOT( Iii, Ilviy ]',;hI(,
sh(11I <u" Ih, 1..,('11"'" PM.I'lT D1ld lIu Colial foJ/(Yl/ml:, Iht Pro/,It' knulIIrg; bill Ihl' I.AJr(/'s /"<1)'(1' ma), lit omzlled "I tilt d,urdlOn (iflht PfltSI.
Our Father. who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy
Name. Thy kingdom corne. Thy will be done, On
ea rth as it IS heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses. As we fo rgive t hose who
trespass against us. And lead us not into tempta tion.
But deliver us from eviL Amen .
The Collee/.
Almighty God. unto whom all hearts are open. all
desires known. and from whom no secrets are hid:
Cleanse the t houghts of our hearts bv the inspiration
of thy lI oly Spirit. that we may perfectly love thee,
and worthily magnify thy holy :\'ame; t hrough Christ
our Lord. Amm.
TIt(II Itl.lll (/:( Pri!' I, Iljrll'",1.! 10 til!' P",p/(, rtj,(ar« di<lill(/I~' Tif( 1'(11
Comm'lmlm(1lH; ami I/It Pro,.I,. <1.11 kll('(I,IIt:, "hall. 1.1/1" nt'l'y Com·
IIIIHldmnll, uIk God mrrn'for lit!'ir ITIl>l<gr!'HIOff.· frx Iht" Ilm( pa.\I. und
~"uCt" 10 ku/' tilt" lilt.!" for Int' III/It 10 coml'
And Non;, 1"11.11
,/I fl'irl'afl,lfg
Tire 1'1'11 CommallJmt/IJs. Ihe Pri(st
may omlllhul pUff of (hI' CommllnJmnll ~llic/1 15 IlIlti.
TIr( J)U(llogur. ml.l)' b(Qlllillrd./,fot·idt'dil.h1' .'uld Illll'llsl ontSunday in
tlldl Im»!lll. I~ul N" OT~;.l'itlll 'whtntt'ff II ,$ 0"'11/(.1. 1Ir( P"(,I/ .(hull sa)
IIII' .':iummllry of the Law, bt'grllning. Hear what our Lord J esus Christ
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
The Decalogue.
Honour thy fa ther and thy mother:
God spake these words. and said:
I am the LOim th\" God: Thou shalt have none other
gods but me.
Lord. IIm'l' mercy upon
kU/J this lou'.
ond incline our hearts to
for I thrLolI.!) thy G0(1 am a j(';],l'Il!~r.od. and \'isit the sins of
the fathers lIpon Ihe rhildn·n, mHo the third and fourth gen<.:r,liO!l of tl'<;lll that h"l<.: 111('; and ~IIOw IlIcrcy unto thousands
in tI,e]lI 11\,,\ lo\'e me and k('('p Ill)' COll1malldment~.
that thy days may be lon~ in the land which the LOII.D thy
God gh'el h thee.
Lord. Izau mercy llpon
keep this law.
It$ ,
and incline our Ileart s to
Thou shalt do no murder.
Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven image.
ncr the likeness of any thing that is in heaven aoove.
or in the earth beneath. or in the water under the
earth; thou shalt not bow down to them, nor worship
Lord. ho/'(' mercy
us. and incline
hearls to
keep this l(llf.
Thou shalt not take the Name of the LORD thy
God in vain:
for till' LOI/.Owill nnt hnld him guild("lS, that taketh his r\ame
Lord. Iwt'e mercy upon
keel) this lalt'.
li S,
and hlciine
hearts to
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Lord, have mercy upon U~. alld il1cline our hearts to
keep this law.
Thou shal t not steal.
Lord, have merc), upon us. and incline ullr hearts to
keep this law.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Lord, have mercy upon
keep this law.
and incline
hearts to
Lord, hare mercy upon
keep this law.
and iI/cline our hearts to
Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath·day.
Six thou labour. ami <\"<111 that thou hast todo;bul
l he Sl'venth un)' I ~ lhe ~aLh.lh ',f the LOl.:l) thy God. In it
thou l'halt do no mnmlt'r(,j "",,rk; 111<'u. and thy son. and thy
daught('T. thy mall·~CI"\·'Ult. and II,}" r"aid·scrvan t. thy cattle,
and the Slrall!!:er lhat i· .... ithin tl,y I!;\IC·S. For in si x day~ the
LolI.o made he<\\"en and earlh. Ihe !<I.'a, and all that in them is,
and fC:ted lhcscy('nlh day: whcrdorc the LOJlD blessed the
sev('lllh day and hallowed it.
Lord, have mercy upon us, atld i"cline our hearts to
HttP this fall'.
Thou shall not covet
thy n('ighh01... r"s houS('. thou ~I.all r:"l o.,.-.·t 1i:r "':ll.:hbour ~
wit'~., n"r hi~ sen.·ant. nor hi~ maid. n{1f hl3 "x. I\o r lm.;t.~. nor
any thing lh,~t i!> hi".
Lord, hm'e mercy upon Wi, and l('Tile all Ouse Ihy
Ollr hemfs, we beseech fhee.
iaws in
• Tht'll ma.\' lilt Prin.1 say.
lI ear what our Lord Jesus Christ saith.
Thou shalt love the Lord th\' God \\'ith aU thy
heart, and with all thy soul. and with all thy mind.
This is the firs t and great commandment. And the
Holy Communion
second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbour
as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the
Law and the Prophets.
~ J/~t.
'f tht
Irulh ht(1I omilltJ. shall bt: said,
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ. /tal'e mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
• 1'1..,,, t/it l"it51 ma)' su)'.
o Almightv
Lord. and everlasting God. vouchsafe,
we beseech tl;ee, to dirc/.:t, sanctify, and govern, both
our hearts and bodies. in the ways of thy laws. and in
t he works of thv commandments; that, through thy
most mighty protection, both here and ever. we may
be preserved in body and soul; through our Lord and
Saviour J esus Chrisl. Amen.
• 11"( Ihal/Ix said.
The Lord be with you.
And with thy spirit.
Al il/isler. Let us pray.
t Thm sJralll/rr
1";(" _'IIY till Coliul "/ Ih~ Day. "nd a/I" Ihe Colltel
Iht M,NH/tT appollllr.1 ~/1t:lI ,rlld Ihe/:PlI.llt,firs/l"aYlng. The Epl!!C:le
is wrill('n in tlie
Epi ~tle
he~JI<III <ny.
,. HtTe may be sung a
of - . h4"gmning at the-Verse. Th e
lIere endeth th(' Epistle.
or an AIIII'NII.
,. Then alllht Prople .I/,m./,ng, /h~ JII,,£~/tT appoinled shall uad Iht
GwPd. firSI .11I),' ''g. TIlt' H oly Go!:pell~ written in the-Chapter
of - . beginning
Holy Communion
111 Then shall« slli,1 I;,e Crtld commonly (aU~J Ihe 'yiUllt,
else I~
APOSII~s' C,uJ; but the Crud mil)' bt omllleJ. 'f ,I halh «en•. sout
.mme.l.aldy bt/ore III .Hornlng /'m)tT; I'rocukJ. Thill Ihe ,\ IUPlt
Crud 'h,,11 b~ 'aid on ChTl.'im,H VII),. £a,ltT /)IlY. II S'~"SIOIi Day,
IIhil-uIIJIl)'. IIml '/'''1111), Sunduy.
I believe in one God the Father Almighty. Maker
of heaven and earth, And of all things visible and
And in one Lord Jesus Christ. the only-begotten
Son of God; Begotten of his Father before all \\ orlds .
God of God. Light of Light. \'erv God of very God.
Begotten. not made: fieing of one suh~tan("c \\ith the
Father; By whom all things wt're made: Who for us
men and for our salvation came down from heaven.
And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of t~l: \'irgin
Mary, And was made man: And wa~ crun[lcd also
for us under POlllius Pilate; He suffered ;:lIld was
buried: And the third da\' he rose again according to
the Scriptures: And ascended into heaven, And ~itteth
on the right hand of the Fatlu.:r: And ht'_ sh all come
again. with glory. to judge both the qUIck and the
dead; Whose kingdom shall have no end.
And I believe in the Hoi\' Ghost. The L,ord. and
Giver of Life. \\"110 proceooeth from the Father and
tht, ~n: Who with the Father and the ~n together is
worshippt.'CI and glorified; \\'ho spake by t!lC ': rophets:
And I believe one Catholic and Apostohc Church: 1
acknowledge one Baptism for the remj,;,;ion of sins:
And I look for the Rc~urrc("tion of th.: dead: And the
Life of the world to come. Amen.
"1 IItTe shall be saId.
Glory be to thee. 0 Lord .
'HlIlIvr dr.:/tlTrd IW/" IH~ Prop!r 71'Htllllol_v n an. or FH 'Ii~" Days,
lilt U'uk f/lJkf7l'III~ 10 bt oo_<tTuo!; arlo! (If <XCII 'If'" be) shall
b, !:.11~~ of Ih~ ("01ll1llUniOIl, lI",i of tlte B,'IIII vf .I1£llrll/lClly,
-,) A
lid a/ItT Ihe Gospel
be said.
P raise be t o thee. 0 Ch rist .
olld O/Oliter mall"s
IN pubil ,it,d.
111 1/v,. rrr immrdi'lltiv afl" Ih~ Cretd, mflV be said lire Bidding Prayf'.
or otller IIl1lhorlud praytrs and Inl"aSSIOII~.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
• Then JolllJU:tlh Iht SantCll lVla It'ilich, Ihe l'flest, u·hen Ihere is 4
Communion, shall Ttl""'!! /0 /lIt Ihll"y T<lbie,an.i btgin Ih~ 0fft7luy,
,<a)'ing (»It 01' nKJrt of thtlt .'it,,/nuts /oIloIl'Hlg, as ht Ihmktlh ,nost
inspire continually the Universal Church with the
spirit of truth, unity, and concord: And grant that
all those who do confess thy holy Name may agree in
the truth of thy holy Word, and live in unit~t and
godly love.
We beseech thee also, so to direct and dispose the
hearts of all Christian Rulers, that the\' rna,· trulv
and impartially administer justice. to the punishment
of wickedness and vice, and to the maintenance of
thy true religion. and virtue.
Give grace. 0 heavenly Father. to all Bishops and
other Ministers. that they rna\', both bv their life
and doctrine. set forth th\: true 'and lively\Vord. and
rightly and duly administer thy holy Sacraments.
And to all thy People give thy heavenly grace; and
especially to this congrega!.ion here present; that. ·.';ith
meek heart and due reverence, they m.:ly hear. and
receive thy holy Word: truly serving thee in holines.;
and righteousness all the days of their life,
And we most humbly beseech thee. of thy goodlle&..;,
o Lord. to comfort and succour all those who. in this
trar;silory life. are in trouble, sorrow. need. sicknes,;,
or any other adversity .
And we also bless th\' hoi\' :\ame for all tin- servant s
dep~uted this life in til)'"h and fear: beSt:echin~ thcC!
to grant them continual growth in thy love and serv·
ice, and to give us grace so to follow their good e:,·
amples, that with them we may be partakers of til;'
heavenly kingdom. Grant this, 0 Father. for Jesus
Christ's sake, our only ~Iediator and Advocate. Amell,
"1 Thrn fhalllitt I'rllst say 10 u·!/() (;()ltlt to raell'( tht JJuJy enm-
Hemember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he
said. It is more blcSSl:d to give than t o receive.
Acts xx. 3S·
Thine. 0 LOlm, is the greatness, and the power, and
the glory, and the victory. and the majesty: for all
that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine
is the kingdom, 0 LonD. and thou art exalted as head
above all. I Chroll. xxix. I J.
All things come of thee, 0 LORD, and of thine own
have we given thee. I Chroll. xxix. 14·
' " And l'\on:. 1'1'01111.(." '\rulnlu,1 mn_v be IHid on any a/ht! O(C(lsjon
of Publ" lro>"slup It'linl f,u Offe''''/I., of Iht Fp!ple aft 10 be rletlflu.
Tht ntlunns. Chltr,h·w(/rdl">~l. or Mil" fil ,,"sons oPf>oi>Jltd 1m 111.11
purpult. JII.III rtHu·t llit ..11m' Jilf tiM Poor. alld olha Offel'lngs of
Iht P'<J(>I,. Ifl a '/aOI! Ji,nnl In bt (>rulluid by lilt P';'I'II; and rcur·
tllliv b-i"l( ,III') JIP' J'II(-t.llhl) sil{lll j",mbly prestnl anJ piau il u/)01l
Iht lloh r~lbl'
• Amllh, J'flt,1 .(ilolllh(1l off,.,. /HId s/.all plau upon the lIdy Table,
I/;t fj,ea'/ all.llht 11"1I1e.
.l "d uht,. lilt .llm\ <.IN.I (lllalcOtH 'Irt htill!! nuitw 0''',[ pr.". e.:I,.t, thert
m.r: bt IHI$: ,J Ihm". (If an O,rrtnr,· ..In;h",,, iN Ihe v..,,,,do .f lIoJy
....'Tlpr"'t ",. "J li,t" !~\J: of (''''mnl'''' }"<.IvtJ, tHIda IIIl ,lnt,;III'" 11 tht
• JJat tht Priest II, '.~ u,k Iht . urd Inltru~'inn~ of Iht COn~Tl"6<l/wn
i''' <lIIV u/r,) ha;'( ,It t>r./ lite f',.;\rr' of the Church
Thtn sil<lllthe I'fie I.,\"
Let us pray for the \\I'ole state of Christ's Church.
AlrPi~hty and everliving C(I(}, who by thy holy
Apostle hast t:lU~ht us to make /Jrayers, and supplications, and to ~ive thanks for al men; \Ve humbly
hesc('~h the!.· most mercifullv to accept our [alms and]
lJblal1ons. and to ~('~I.'ive these our prayers. which we
offer unto thy DIVine ]\.JaJesty; beseeching thee to
Ye who do truly and earnestly repent you of your
sins. and are in love and charity with your neigh-
Holy Communion
Hol v Communion
bours. and intend to lead a new life, following the
commandm('nts of God. and walkin{{ from henceforth
in his hoi\' ways: Draw nl'ar with faith. and take this
hoh' ~acramen-t to vour comfort: and make vour humblc' confe~sion to Almighty Cod, dt\'outly kneeling.
Come unto me. all ye that travail and are heavy
laden. and I will refresh \·ou. 51. ,\Iall. xi. 2M.
So God lov(;d the world, that he gave his only·
begotten Son. to tht: end that all that believe in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life. 5t. jolm
iii. 16.
• Thl'rl "I"lithi' GI''l~'11 ('o)!ft ;"" I.. 't· ,I... I '/;;(' ['ri(,1 ,H' t .,tI llill'(
u'ilu G't mw./..d I"~ 1'((1'/;'( 1,:.- !lilly ('",.,,.,,,nicm, /nwl'>l.\ klltei,,,,,
Almi,ghty God. Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Maker of all things. Jud )!t' of all men; \Yc acknowJed,l!;e and bc\\ail our manifold sins and wickedness,
Which we. from lime Lo lime. most grievously have
commiltt'd. Bv thought, word. and dLed. Against thy
Divine l\lajcsly. Provoking: most Justly thy wrath
and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent,
And arc h('artily sorry for these our misdoings; 'I'hl.!
rememhrance of them j" grievou<; unto us; The burden
of them is intolerable. Il ave mercy upon us. 1 lave
mercy upon us, most merciful Father; For thy Son
our Lord J esus Christ's sake. Forgive us all that is
past: And gran t that we mCl\' c\'er hereafter Serve and
plea~c thee In newness of lift,. To the honour and glorv
of thy Ncmle; Through Jestls Christ our Lord. A'men.
Tilt'! ,/:)/1 air ]";r I (tj,
lIIb In Iht /'top/t,
I lear also what ~aint Paul sa.ith.
This is a true s3\·ing. and worthy of all men to be
recciv(.'(1. That Chdst Jesus came 'into the world to
~vc sin ners. 1 Tim. i. 15·
Ilear also what Saint John saith.
If anv man sin, we have an Advocate with the
Father. - J esus Christ the ri~hteous; and hc is the
Propitiation for our sins. 1 51. John ii. I. 2.
. ' .I/Ifr u'/Il,h tht Prit,1 ,J"dl prr"uJ. \(,)'m~,
Lift up \'our hearts.
\Ye lift thcm up unto the Lord .
Priest. Let us givc thanks unto our Lord God.
.'lllS/l'er. It is meet and right so to do .
• 1IlSll'eT.
II It' i/ I:r /lr prr till) ,1,lIIJ up, IJIW lunl'
Almight:' God, (Jur 1ll'<I\'enk Father. who of his
great mercy hath promised forgiv(l1ess of sins to all
those who with hearty n.'p<'ntancc ~lIld true faith turn
unto him: Have merc\' UPOIl you; pardon and deli\'er
you from all your sins: confirm and stn.;ngthen yOU
in all goodne~s; and bring you to everlasting fife;
through J esus Christ our Lord. Amen,
• Thr., ,hIJIlI!:r I'rif'( .<".\',
.Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Christ
s.uth unto all who truly turn to him.
• '/'I,,,,
I, .!I :ht /'n .. 1111'" to lilt lIeJy To,/.I .... !IId '~I.\'.
It is very meet. right. and our bounden duty, that
we should at all times. and in all places. give thanks
unto thec, 0 Lord. Ilol\' Father. Almight\'. Evt'rlasting God.
"". <' ./mll fl~/1)1I' lilt Pmf'rr Prrj,,(f, aaord."Ii!" I" tlu IInlt.
J/ I/,ne be
allv .1f'tClul/y upp(M"ed; OT rile ,mm(dwlr/\' .,hull bt s",,1 or qm!! by
Ihe /'nt.ll,
Therefore with Angels and Archangels. and with
all the company of heaven. we laud and magnify
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
th)' glorious name;
evermore praising thee. and
God of hosts, Heaven and ea rth are .' PnutondPeopk
full of t hy glory: Glory be to thee. 0 Lord 1\lost H', h
Amen .
g .
Clmlsn lAs
l.;f!<m Chn'im(H OilY, and
.1t'!'CII dll."J (J!la.
Because thou did st gi~e Jesus Christ, thine onl '
Son. t? be born as at thIs time for us: who bv th~
operation of the l loly Ghost. was m;)de ve~ -'man
of the ,substance of thE! \'jrgin l\lary his moth~r' a d
tha~ wIthout srot of sin, to make us clean from all s~n.
1 hercfore with Angels. etc.
• ["POlllile 1~",phU/n. IJnd 'CUll ""y u/ltr.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord; who. in substance
of,our m~rtal flesh. manifested forth his glory; that he
m" 'hght bnng us out of darkness into his own glorious
Ig t.
Therefore with Angels. etc.
PUR WICATIO~. A~:\"Ul"CIAT IO~, A~D TRA:,,\S",j Ii"".
L'INn lilt I'r,JIII
of /I It
. ,
P lUIfi fall(>n. """uncia/iun. anJ Trau.lfigu,a_
th~:~~Usste in t : Mystery of the Word made flesh.
to give the~~~\\'le~;~(I~~I~tg\~r~l!~etl~~ ~,ur hear rhts.
Son J esus Christ our Lord. e ace 0 t y
Therefore with Angels. etc.
"l lJ/Xm F...lSttT Day. and ,lass af/tr.
But chieny are we bound to praise thee for the
glorious Resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ our
Lord: for he is the verv Paschal Lamb, which was
offered for us, and hatl~ taken awav t he sin of the
world; who by his death hath destroyed death. and
by his rising to life again hath restored to us everlasting life,
Therefore with Angels. etc,
"1 1)(XJn I SCf1uion D(lY. mId
da)'s (If/fr,
Through thy most dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ
our Lord: who. after his most glorious Resurrectioll.
manifl'Slly appeared to all his Apostles. and in their
sight a'>Cf'Ildcd up into heaven. to prepare a place for
us: that where he is. thither we might al::;o ascend,
and reign with him in glory.
Therefore with Angels, etc.
.. L'POII II'lljtqmda)" and ,j.T d,IY~ aftcr.
Throu~h ]l.'sus Christ our Lord: accordin.e; LO whose
most true promi<;e. the Hoi\' GhOSl came down as at
this time from heaven, lighting upon the disciples. to
teach tl1('01, and to lead them into all truth: giving
them bolclnl'ss with fervent zeal constantly to preach
the Gospel unto all nations: whereby we have been
brought {Jut of darkness and error into the clear light
and true knowledge of thee, and of thy Son J esus
Thcrdore with Angels. etc.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
TIU:-':ITY SUl'·.:D,\Y
'IT Cpon Ih, Ft<Jlt of Trltti(\' onl.\',
\\"ho. with thine only-hegotten Son. and the Holy
Ghost. art one God. olle Lord . in T rinitv of Persons
and in Cnit\, of Substa nce. For that which we believe
of thy glor~'. 0 Father, the same we believe of the
Son. and of the Iloh- Ghost. without any diJlerencc
of inequality.'
T herefore with Angels. etc.
Ur 1/11-
For the precious death and merits of thy Son J esus
Christ our Lord. and for the sending to us of the
Holv Ghost. th e Comforter; who are one with thee in
th\' 'Eterna l Godhead.
Therdorc with Angels. etc.
Who. in the multitude of th\" Saints. hast COIll.
passed us aixIllt with so great cloud of \\itnbse:;;
that we, rejoicing in their f('lIo\\'ship. rnm' run with
patience the race that is set bdorc us, and, together
with them, may rcccin the crown of glory that fadeth
not awa\',
Therdore with Angels and Archangels, and with
all t,he compan\' of hl'~l\'cn, we laud and magnify thy
glonous Nam(': evermore praising thee, and sa\'ing,
llOL) , 1I0Ll, 1I0 L y, Lord
God of hosts. Il eaven a nd earth · 1'rit.\la,rdPtop/t
are full of lhy glory: Glory be to thee, 0 Lord Most
High. Amen.
'\"] II'hrn Iht 1',ir<l. sia nding /Jrjurr Il:t Iloly Tab/t, hall! so OfJutd Ih~
IJrtad tlmi irlllt. Ihdl ht 111<1)' u·,11! l/it ,110ft Ttdd,ntH (md dru ncy
tilt lin,,,/ Mj()U Ih, Prop/t. tlmf Illlu Iht Cup mlo hl_. ham/I. h~
shull ,fa), Iht Prtlytr oj Con,u'tlllOn, as follo-.L'tlh.
All glory be to thee. Almi,ghty God . our ~eave~ly
Father, for that thou. of th\' tender mercy. dldst give
thine onl\' Son J esus Christ to suffer death u pon the
Cross for'our redemption; who made there (by his one
oblation of himself once offered) a full. perfect. and
sufficient sacrifice, oblation. and satisfac tion, for the
sins of t he whole world; and did institute. and in his
holv Gospel command us to continue. a 'perpetu~l
memorv of that his precious death and sacnfIce. untIl
his COOl ing again: For in the night in (<I) Ifm Iht
which he was bclraved. (a) he took Prir,1 is 10 lake
I'alen InlO
l3read ·, and when he had z.,rriven t hanks , l/it
his hamfs.
(b) he brake it. and gave it to his dis- (b) AIllI hm 10
ciples, saying. T ake, eat. (c) th is is.~)' brt,'k lilt Uread.
Body, which is given for you: Do tillS 10 (c) .11ll1 hm to
remembrance of me. Li kewise, after ~'a1151~'ea7fft~'d.
supper. (d) he took the Cup: and when (d) lim ht IS
he had given thanks. he gave it to then:t' :~:~7,~:I~~~d~~
sayi ng, Drink yc all of t his: for (e) this (d . I n<l hm
is my Blood of the l'\ew T estamen t. he il 10 lay his
which is shed for vou. and for mam'. ~.,::: ~::d In
for t he remission of sins; 00 this, as u·hlCh Ihat IS
oft as vc shall drink it, in remembrance g:;!~~::all~d.
of me:
Wherefore. 0 Lord and hea.venly The Oblation.
Father. according to the institution of
thy dearly beloved Son our Saviour J esus Chnst. we,
thy humble servants, do celebrate and make here. before th y Divine t\ lajesty. with these th y holy gIfts,
which we now offer unto thee. the memorial thy Son
hath commanded us to make: having in remembrance
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
his blessed passion and precious death, his mighty
rtsurrection and glorious ascension; rendering unto
thee most hearty thanks for the innumerable benefits
procured unto us by the same.
glory be unto thee. D Father Almighty, world with·
out end. Amen,
And now, as our Saviour Christ hath taught us. we
are bold to say.
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy
Name. Thy kingdom com~, Thy \\:ill be done. <?n
earth as it is in heaven. Give us thiS day our dally
bread. And forgive usour trespasses. As \\e ,forgive those
who trespass against us. And,lead us n?t I~to tem~ta­
tion. But deliver us from eVIL For thme IS the kmgdom. and the power. and the glory, for ever and ever,
And we most humbly beseech thee. The /ncocatioll.
o merciful Father. to licar us; and. of
thy almight y goodness. vouch<;afe to bless and sanctify.
with thy \ford and lI uJy ~pirit. these thy gifts and
creatures of bread and winc; that we, receiving them
arcording to thy Son our Saviour Jesus ChrisCs holy
institution, in n.:mt.'lllbrance of his death and passion.
may be partak<:rs of his most blessed Body and Blood.
And we earnestl:; desire thy fatherly goodness,
mercifully to accept this our sacrifice of praise and
thanksgiving: most humbly beseeching thee to gran t
that. bv the merits and death of tin' Son Jesus Christ,
and th~ough faith in his blood. we: and all thy whole
Church. may obulin remission of our sins, and all
other benefits of his passion. And here we afTer and
present unto thee. 0 Lord. our selves. our souls and
bodies. to be a reasonable, holy, and living sacrifice
unto thee; humbly ix'st't!ching thee, that we, and all
others who shall be partakers of this 1101), Commun.
ion. ma~' worthily receive the most precious Body and
Blood of thy Son Je~us Christ. be filled with th\' grace
and heavenlv benediction, and made olle body with
him. that he rna\' dwell in us. and we in hin;. And
-althou.~h we are unworthy, through our manifold sins.
to ofTer unto thee any sacrifice; yet we beseech thee
:0 accept this our bounden duty and service: not
weighing our merits. but parduning our ofTences.
through J esus Christ our I.ord:. hy whom, and with
whom, in the unity of the lIoly Ghost, all honour and
Thor ,hull Ih( ]>"(,11, knrl'lim: dO'U'n 01 Ihl' u.,rJ'_\ Tahl(, <a.v. ,n Ih ..
'IIII'll of ( u-/:o _./ralf ftUIt'e tht Commumon, till;' Pr<J),a fallen,v·
We do not presume to come to thi~ thy Tahle.
D merciful Lord. trusting in our own nghteousness,
but in thy manifold and great mercies. We are not
worthy SO much as to gather up the crumbs under thl
Table, But thou art the same Lord. whose proper~y IS
alwa\"s to have mercy: Grant us therefore. gracl?us
Lord. so to cat the flesh of thy dear Son Je~us Chnst.
and to drink his blood, that our sinful ixxites ma~' be
made dean by his body. and our souls washed through
his most precious blood. and that we may evermore
dwell in him. and he in us. ,lmen,
/ltft '''<.IV bt' .'Img u lIymn.
Tht'" shall/hl l'rrtst firsl rt'ui!'t' Iht Hol\" Commlmion III boll! Itind!
lI.m<dl mlJ p.ncud to dt/ir(7' IJrt<umt 10 lilt: BHhops. Pflt<l~o Ol'!(
DraWl/50 ill like mM/Ilt?", (If any bt: prt~tnl.) and, aflt?" Ih'll, W Ihe
Prof'lr (1/.<0 ,II ord(7'. 11I1(lI~tlTholltls, all dt:rolltly knu/lng. A lid. suffi"tlll opprwlunily .<11<111 hI: glrt'll 10 those prtsenl /0 roll/mulllwlt,
And u·hen he dr/,urrlh Ih~ }J,rad, he shall say.
The Body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was
given for thee. preserve thy body and soul unto ever-
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
lasting life. Take and eat this in remembrance that
Christ died for thee. and feed on him in thy heart by
faith. with thanksgiving.
. - .1 lid Iht .!II,,, 11"
,dr!i:tutl; 111(' ClOP <iI,,1l sUY.
The Blood of our Lord J esus Christ. which was shed
for thee, preserve thy body and soul unto everlasting
life. Drink this in remembrance that Christ's Blood
was shed for thee, and be thankful.
If lilt ((m'({Tulrd Ilrtad
HI/If /,/
all hart communi·
(AJlt<l. (hI' }'''/I/ 1.' III wlI'nT,lIt mo,t, dUUTJlII1I 10 tht Form btfort
pU'fTlbt,{; hf'~J ""'11;; al . . \11 1..:1<lI r 1.0:: t" th('", .. \lmighty (;,>11. lind trl.d.
,,·jll, IlIrlf U'.,r,k LI.Lrt.Lk,'r, "f Ills IIH,4
Un,l;- and lllood.
Wlltl! all ira,'( ({)mmumr</Ir.f, lilt i'n,',f <hall rdunl 10 tltt Lr:!rJ's
Tabir, ImJ ,("tirmlly riu,r U,.OIl IIlt'/1<11 nmalllt/ll of lilt wnsu'a/td
Eie"'01/I. 'O'I'trllll: Ihelllml willi a/air lillt" do/h.
Theil shull Ihe l'fI('1
Let us pray.
Almighty and everliving God, we most heartily
thank thee. for that thou dost vouchsafe to feed us
who have dulv received these holv mysteries, with
the spiritual foOd of the most precious BOdy and Blood
of thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ: and dost assure
us therebv of thy favour and goodness towards us:
and that ' we are very members incoqx>rate in the
m\'stical bod\' of thv Son. which is the blessed company of all faithful people; and are also heirs through
hope of thy ever1astin~ kingdom. by the merits of his
most precious death and pa ssion. And we humbly ocseech thee. 0 heaven Iv Father. so to assist us with thy
grace. that we may continue in that holy fellowship.
and do all such good works as thou hast prepared for
us to walk in: through Jesus Christ our Lord, to
whom. with thee and the lIoly Ghost, be all honour
and glory, world without end. Amen.
~ ThaI
shall bt
.~a.d lilt
Gloria In txtd5i5. all \I(III,iillg. or some proptr
Glor\' bf' to God on high. and on earth peace.
good will towards men. '\'e praise thee. ~'·e bless thee,
we worship thet.:, we ~lorify thee. \\e ~we than~~ to
thee for thy great ~Iory, 0 Lord God. hem'enly h.lI1g.
God the Father All1li~hty.
o Lord. the onlv-begotten Son. Jesus Chnst; 0
Lord (;od. Lamb />f God, Son of the F3thcr. that
takest awa\" the sins of the world. hm'e mercy upon
us. Thou that takest away the sins of the ~\·orld. receive (lUI' pra:'cr. Thou that sittest at the nght hand
of God the Father, have mercy ulx>n us.
For thou onlv arl hoI\": thou onl\" arl the Lord;
thou onlY, 0 CI1!'ist. with the 11011' Ghost, art most
high in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
,/"1"'11. Iht Pffl,~/r kllu/il1g,litr J'nt'l (/J;r nIl/lOp
,'It<l/llr/llttm .I(,~'!rl ",·,11: lillI Ilit: 'lIIg.
he br ,."Iml)
The Peace of God. which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and ~lin,ds in the kno::'ledge
and love of God, and of IllS Son J esus Chnst our
Lord: And the Blessing of God .Almighty, the Father.
the Son. and the 1I0ly Ghost. be amongst you, and
remain with you always. Amen.
,. In Iht /lb'rna of a rTlt I. d Vlo.J(otl m<1Y
unlo 1/:( r",l ,,/ lilt (;u ('ti.
ullihal is bt/arraf'f'Qtnltd
L'",m I/'r .\u".I.l\"f all,1 (,Ilia ll"h /)<1.\'5. (tIum~h Ihr~r 1I'."""trmml
or Co.'HIIIIII"'II.) mill or <dl'! "l! 111<11
,1f'(><lrIlUd all/:( '- "mmUlllOn.
U1110 Ihr rlhl 0/ I/It (;o<f,tl. omdudwR 1/·111t Ihe HI(\'rll~.
"if An,/./ any 0/ Ihe
(OIl'uy"lrd [{rraJ
1.I'lnt .emalll a/la tlu Com..mllio" .1 ,I/mil Iwl be tmnrJ (!III "f the (hl",h; 1I1111/le.\llIlI'l(r and
OIher C~mml"II {<l"IS 5/.all. ,mmrJlalely afler I/re HlesslIIg, r('".'(Ttnlly
tal and drink the same.
Holy Communion
If amon, those u:ho umrt /I) Ix l"l~t(jk"< of the lloiy Communion,
'he .I"mst~ .lh.}11 kn"I(' dny '0 be un uttll and nOlorIOU,\ roo'il Ijur,
or to h,wt' Jont IHly ·wr(m.: to I:" "riRlrbou,. by 1l.'()I'd 0,. dud, .'01 111,11
Ihe Cong't;:"lr,'" III Ihuth), G,ff,",!,,}: 1i(,h<1!l lI<it'rrll-r him, 1111.1/
hi' prt,um~ /1,>( /0 (om" /0 IIII'
TiJbf... 1'1111/ he hare opf'IIly
Jtdurr.J Imn~tff to hult truly 't/lnut.l dUll umn-.. /td his /orm,.,.
t:T:if life. /h,'1 Ihe ClmKrtg"lion nItl.\' Iht'rtby ~ suli<]ieJ: a1l<1 that I,e
1. .Jth urompcn.<ed the "",11(\ /0 ~l'Iwm /;( h'llh '/(me UTa>!!!; or 01
ie,ul ,(ullJr( hIm elf kJ Ix III luff pllr"l}(I't so 10 do, as SOOH <II he amt'e11lwtlyITUJY·
'" The same (}I'd" shall lilt
!(T U't ~i:1: Iho<r. btlu:ixl u·hvm he
puuil1tlh /'I1{Iilce und hlJl~td 10 rrr"n. ",,' <"iftfllZg /lInn 10 be (IIlTlakers of tht Lord'J 1'11/:11(, '''lIrl hi kll'~( I-',,'m 10 IN re[OnClI ..d. And
if Offt of Iht /Iurl"" .I'd III ra'''mu, t>t C"'llnllo/('II'gi('tfrom Ih .. bnilam
of hlS btu'l all Ihlll Ihe IAiJa Imlh I'(.,~'J\\", <l~'l!Il$1 hrlll, and hi
makt OmeltJI fur thai u:h(ltlr! he him tlf /;<1lh offndtd: and Iht ()/htf
pa,jy 'It'ill Irot be pcnllmJ ..rl I" a fI' 'ily rlllll\', bUI
Itill i" h,>
f'O'It'II • .iIIt'i 1 (HId maiirt: Ih, ,l1ml<l" '" Iha' (II·· .. vughllO atlmillht
pt"ilenl ttr.w»! 10 Iht I/()ly CommuniulI, lind "ell hI"' Ihal II· Dbs/inule. 1"Ol:idtd, TiI<l1 n'tTy ,l1illlll(1' .,." 'tpel/,,,!! II'I,V, liS I:i haem
specIfied, shall be obliged 1(1 fwe II" <I(({)UItI of Ihe S<lmt to Iht Ordln{l' Y,
wilillll faurlttll days afler, uj Iht /arliltSI,
~'·"'II,\\"" .\"[) I'~:-.n\ \1..,'
1/111,.. \1' ..... L\.\'(l,\
!u./ ,""wd,~." 111.1./:"'"
.. 01 .... 1'11./11,' 111.1,1:,'",1
j". \.1:('111
(IIHI ... r.IIA .... lU)
H:8 11
1 ~:~. ],;
1 ('('rinlhiall~~;l
S-t. )I.,tth,·\, 21 I I \
Sc \l.ltthl'" ] 1:2 1H
:1'J 211
l::it. J"hll 1
1I,·br.'",1:1 13
1:11 15
\cb i:'."{)O
1 St. Johnl:l 10
St. J"II11] ] 11
SLLuk"2:1 II
... T'" rJ;/'i J/ •..\
r /la, !fJ)
"'l.lll//\(/Ir, !'iJ
nfl', flOI.)
( 1~.\rS (p,', !I)
1<1 s:w,I.,), 'I//a (·1",
11/<1' /J'I,I
J flr, CfNCr.lIl '-"'I() \
/1/.-tIlH/. .... rU<llI./'
I j{"\"elatioll 11:1
SLJohllZl:I'1 J.'
Sc\].!UI ... ,,2
St .\1.·Uh,·" 1 III 2,
_'",I .... ""./,Iy ,Ijl(' ('lin '
St. \I.lul,l·w ,":19-- 21
n,t 1·.p,r/r,"'.I' U<ll~ f)r
I,: ,... ""
<Ilia 1':plpJr",,',
.'1'" i".': .,1;,
.;,./ .... "".1",
St \1..lUIl .." ;>:1-11
'sl. Lukl' 1: 11- 51
:-"1 .\I.llk 1:1 II
<JjIO 1.1'11'11
i{"LI1.H'~ 1,":](,
'..,"'I.ld-,'.,fla I.
:,11, ... ",,14/ '.dlol I/·,:.HI (,,,I
M/. "'/II1/,/. "fla I. 1['""", I ~I
PJ<F /.I __\tJ'.s
J ,lin .\:l-l'I
SlJ"hn!:\ il
SL \1.Ltll ...,,».::
~l. \L,lt!.\·" : ':' I ,',
St. \I.,td •.:" ~1:li
.... rtl"~"r\jlll.; SImd IY
...·('''I,·t\I''hl .... ''n./'I A
Il",Iinthiall~I}:ZI D
!'I . .\1"tth!'" 2('1 1(,
2C .. rin]iL;;o1lo I] :1') 31 St. Luk. l\ I I"
II ,intILiall,11:1 I,; SI Luk"II':1i ~1
J"...J!: l! I;
/".\ullliu)" 1n
!n'J .... ''''JIJ.I III Un:
lC·,rll1th"tn~":1 III
J Tlw~ ..... LI'>lII'HI_~ \-1)
"'/''''''"'/<1 nlLnll
.Jlh ,"';"nI/a" wl.tlll
lIlI Su nd,;_" III /~'rI
EpJI<"_J.II1~ _,:!
(',II.( l iall~I:11
St \bttl,('\\6:1t> ~I
Sl .\I,lltl,,·\\ ';:1 II
:-.t. \L..uhe\\ 1.':21
S' L ukl'll:II'lb
S,- j o)1116:1'11
11 ,"htl'\\',I):11 I.';
St. john
I'I,ill]lpl.lII. 1;:; II
St. \latthew 17: 1 .'-1
St. \ ];,rk 11:1 72
St. i'lialk 15:1 39
St.Luke21:1 il
Mh ,"',m,lay illlL"r (P<llm
HOII'/".\' bd,,'(
1'l<t,dIJY bcf<""/~-d 'In
,' -(<fnt,day />cjor( I~<ld(r
J'/rufld,IY /Jcj(Jrt J'A /"
[",d,dl (j.l.l 1"
1"i;dI51):.;' 11
I "'bre\\'~ 9: 16 18
(.11 <11111<1.1')
Go,./ /;n d<lY
~",I" I~:'ol
J l olI,{ay /I'I/~",t" lLrrk
Tut,J".\' III/;U la II ,.,.k
15/ ,\UII'/II.1' ,,/In I .• , It'r
!1'l,1.'>I<II'/U.\'u!l.., /., :.-r
1.,I ..... u ndu.l,tl!/c, r.1 /(r
-Ilh ,\alld",- ,/fl" L" :a
.ilh ."un 1./.1 "f:,., 1 .• / Ifr
11:2; 21,'St l .uke2.1:1 19
Sl. j"lm 1.\ : 1 15
111·bn·,,·IO;1 2.'
St.john!'):1 .Ii
I Sl. P('("r 3:1. 22
: SL .\I.ltthl'w 27:5ib<,
(',,1., ·'.\lIS .1:1 I
SLj"lm!I):1 II)
I( .,riml,l .• l, ':1>
St. \1.\rk 111:1 1:1
k(. HI:.l! I;
\d !l:lh It
St.Lul.:~·!I:.;b 48
I St. j. ,Iu. ~: I 11!U:1? 13
1St,!', to'! 2: I') 1
:->tJ.,hn 111;11 Ib
[St.\ ',·tnl:11 1;
St, }.)m ltJ:!b-!l
1SL j "lm I():.- I."
!->('rt'~I:l, 11
1<"1:1.1110>1 ';/"'./<1
.'[·...cJ-..\' .... /< ) \'1'1 1}f~
St.john 15 :26-27,
](.:1 ·4
.\l·t-2:1 II
I C"rinthian,s 11 1 14
.H ulld<l)" ill 11'1,,1 lor !If''k \ds 10:.11 11:\
T"t:5J"YI"lrllllqorllf"~ \(\.'1:11 I;
SLjohnll:IS-J I
SLLuk('II;9 U
SL J "lm J:16 21
St. j ohn 10 :1 10
LESTES\r -1.'0.\
I'h lI"cdllc J,n
S('''lJAY" .... '-U 1.. 1:; ... 11\-AI.....
Table of Epistles and Gospels
Table of Epistles and Gospels
Rt'\'\'1ation I: I II
I Sl. },hn .1:1,1-21
1St. ''.'l'' -"::' II
R,un"", X: I X· 2.\
1 St. 1'c"tl"f.\:X I,;
Mil ,"'''11.1''''11/1" Tnllrl~
R('11lan~ h:.I· II
7t1z .... 'md"y "fl(1' -r,i'lIl.\
Roman"h:ltj 2.1
1111 .... ,m./")'4Irr T"mly
!{"III,\n~ X:12 Ii
/JI/l .... u",Ju.\' <l/ur Fri/lily
I (" 'rint l.ian~ \0: I I;
//JIll .""111<1<1.1' "/Itr "[",i"i/\ 1 C"rintlli,l11~ \2;1 I I
J 1111 ,"'u'ld"y<l/ltr T"mt.\' I C"rin\l.iall~ 1.:' :1 I I
UIII S u.~I<lyd/l(r [ Ti mty 2 C"rinthi;.11~.l : 1-9
13111" O,<I(I.\' ,,/Irr Tn ltil \' (~,j1.l \ ian~ .1 : 1() 22
1-1111"'101.1" v (I/Ier Tn ll il.\' ( ;ala tian~ 5: I () - H
!JIll .... I,I/t/,'v<l/Irr T rinity (; ab \ idll~ 6: II - HI
St. Luke 1{>:19-JI
St Lllkl'14:16---2~
:->l. Lukl' \.,:1
""11111)'."" 111</<1.'
1 'I .... 'I."/".\' ,,/Irr Tr,mlv
!nJ SIHlJ,n-"jlrr '/r inil,,'
3r,1 ''-u"d.,~· ,If:rr Trlml\"
4th ";""'/"-,"<I//(r·/ ""II.\'
.~I;I .... :m,/'(\',dl(T "[".",il
III/II .... ,I11,/"y ,I/U, 'frililly )
,1:!+ 21
I itll .... '01,1'/, Il/ur rn nih E]lhl'\~ ~: 1 ()
I ,1t/1\,,,,,1,IY '1/1(1' Tri"lt.\ 1 C"rinthiat\~ 1;~··8
!/l11i ,"" ' '''/<I.\' Il/Irr T"II,!\
!I I .... ,, "'/, ' .\'<l/Irr /',,,uh'
!!.I./ ,"'lw,t.l\' <l/Irr Inm/.'
!3rd .... un./".\ <l/Irr 'j·r,ml.,·
! 1111 .... " lId,zS<J!ltr In "it)"
Fht: .':;un.l,,) ,\t1'1 iu/QTr
Epll<'~bn~ .';I~·
..I dlt,,1
JlOL r 1>.1 1'....
..1 ",Jftlt' tilt
P hili1)I)i:ln~
I ;.1 II
P hilippian~ J: I 'i 21
Col",~i:ln~ 1:,-11
St . .\ l at t hcw 6 :24J4
51. Lukl:,:! ! 17
Sl.l.ul.:,'II:l 1 1
St. :'I l atth~'w 12:.\--\---46
Sl. \l .. ul\O'\\, '):1 8
St. :'II.ltt!.l'W H: I 1 \
Sl. j "hn 1:16.,·1
St . .\Iatt he" 1!l:11 V;
~"Itt hew
ll:15· 22
St. ).]auhc\\, 9;18-26
J l'h'TIli;\1o 1\:-
St, J ohn 6:~· H
l{"n"Ul~ W:9 11
St. :'I latthew 4:18-11
! !t'hr~\\~
SI. j .,hn 10:11 ,11
5 1, 'J"hmfl,H 11z( A pO'llt
(/)t( !t)
/(I n
Luk,' .':1
:c.l \1.,ttln'" .'dO 26
Sl. ~ I .\rk !U
St ~!.,tt)l\''' li:15
~t. L ukl'I':11 3l
SL L uke 1'): II
~L Luke IX:') ).I
St,:'II,lrk 7:3 1 J'i
S t. L ul.:l' 10;23 J'i
St. L uk,'17 :1 11 <)
I /,,)'llr
(,\'UI· . .10)
Tilt ("" rr
1/1 \. 11:1
(Jail !;j
\~t·') I l!
T ht Pre t.u,I/1<)/1 uf( IIn'l
w lir( Jrmplr(/rb!)
). I.IJac!1l31
"';1 . .I/alllll'l\' Ilzr \ pUIII,
(Ftb. :N)
\c\ ~ I 1.'i-16
St \l a U he" 19:2; JU
SL L ukt· !:ll 10
St. :'I !d U lww I I
:is- 30
SI '!l.I"
Table of Epistles and Gospels
~'IJ 1'1'_"111 I I '
Spiritual Communion
(;, "'I'~_I
Fht' _I "11I1II(lU:"", vf "I'/.'t'
'ilt'",tcl \
. 1... ,iah i:W-I.~
..... t. _lIurk /ht F:fU"~,1r I
I pr. 2:;)
EJlllt~ian'-I:, 10
-'I. I'hi/;(> md SI. Jilin<
1 (lQsr/t'- 11111' I)
:-;'t. j.tl11(''' 1:1 11
....·1. H"rn<lbd.' Ii" II p, II,
(J""f II)
If un U'I)' '''11'/(1)' ,JI "Ou. f).IY "f Ol>lijlulivlI ('u Tuhlt 41'/_.
H."I." fM II:" .I/,)!ul>i( o/n./ 1"'111";'"1>/,, Ft>,,,,, in Ih, f''''1/ ,,1Ir1 oJ
lilt> /'rll .... tr '{{'okl, .va .. urt prr;'I'I/U'/ from mllkrN~ .\'Im. ('om",,,·
"""'. ",ukr 41'1 /lei ('f ..... plnl .. '11 CommuJllon. ufla /hr /(lIII''''i,,[:
j"llIIi":I- 11
-t Kuul '/0:.-11, (Hid I<lY:
St. 1-'hn 11:1- U
In t he name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
tilt! Ilo!)' Ghost. Amen,
St. john 1-':12 1(0
St. Juhn /I'I(>/i<1
(J1t~U 2-t)
.'1. /'r/" lilt c\f>o<I{(
(JUII( 2fJ)
St. Lukl' ] :20
\ds12:1 II
II!: 1 ( 19
SI. illm,,' lilt.1 /><)II/t
FruII.V1KurulJ(m ,oj
("iln.,' (.114;:. 6)
~r I','{('r I:U IS
'I, Il.zrlhnlomt'1f' lilt' ,-1 rIO
lit (_Iu/:. l-t)
~'I, .1/ UI/!:t'1l·. A f"Hlit 'PI'/
f;',m"tii,1 (.... (f'I . .?1I
St Luk<: 9:21l- ,It,
Sl \.uke!2:!I;I)
1 I,
St. :"o lanl"-,, Pi I '"
'I. '"14k, l/jr E:'ungrli I
ITim"lh~ 1:5 ]~
.'il \L<ttl!('w !();21~ 21-
'''''-''''('1' mid SI. Jul/t.
. I /><,<r/r 1O(I.ln
EplH' ... i.ln, 2:11) 12
I{n-,.J,.tion ;:J
I ....UIII/' , 1M"
IId'H'\\~ 11:1
f-'(J"I oj {ht /}rriiw!j"n ·,f
St Luk"W:1 ;
II/Suinl" /)uy(SfY.'. J)
I'ht J-.",Iorr
Stj"hn ]":1; 2;
Sl \!-tUIll'",":1 ]2
\la1(I1(-1I 2":tl 1,1
St \Ictllhl'\\ 21:12-lr
(.11 II"
\n 1,:11
/'i;t ROi:llli,m f).;",
1·:,,·;'i,·13[:1." ,1
1,"!tf'o/'/('II(t1'a;'(Jr<! -tl [)"U«''''I\<,my IILli
I II, 2;
111/;( 1;"',,11 ofllil l)t,/-1
[:I,J ... ~i,tI1, :20 ;,
IT!!,' ",1"1\,,1'"
h:I( II-
:--t Luk,·II:-'-I.;
St ~l"tlJww ,:;:1,
St \1..ltl"·\\/J:2:; II
St \["Ulle'w i'J:l h
St j.,11!1 6:,;; ]f!
'1'''''1 'rllI/l;'r ('01/1'(1 for lIu da.\'. Ih( 1:."i<llt, uud {ht 11 oJy Go.qrl .
/111<1 .IUY
Ihr Xicent Crud.
one Cod the Father Almighty. :t>.Iaker
of heaven and earth, And of all things visible and in·
And ill one Lord Je ~us Chn~t, t he onh--bq?;ottcn
Son of Cod; Bego tten of I lis Father before-all worlds,
God of God. LIght of Light, ,"cry God of very God:
Begotten. not made; Bei ng of one substa nce WIth the
Father: By whom all things \\'cre made: Who for us
men and for our !;alvation came down from hcavl'n.
and was UlcarnalC by the Hol y Ghost of the \-Irgin
:t>. lan', and \\as made man: And was crucified also for
us uilder Ponti us Ptlate; lIe suffered and was buried:
And the third day Il l' rose again according to the
~rriptures: And ascended into heaven. And silteth ?n
the righ t hand of the Father: And he shall come agam,
with glory. to judge both the quick and the dead:
Whose kingdom shall have no end.
And I believe in the Holy Ghost, The Lord, and
Giver of Life. Who proceedeth from the Father and
the Son; Who WIth the Father and the Son together
is worshipped and glorified; \\"ho spake by the Prophets: .\nd I believe one Catholic and Apostolic Church:
bclil:VC 111
Spiritual Communion
Spiritual Communion
I acknowledge one Baptism for the n'mission of sins:
And I look for thc Hcsurrcction of tht; dead: And t he
Life of the world to come. Amen.
I lear alw what Samt Paul <.:aith.
TIli s I"; a tnll' &'lying. and worthy of all men to hc
H'Cl'I\'('d. That Christ Jl:~US l:3111C mto till' world to
~ I n "lillie,,,. J Tim. i. I S·
I il'ar al....:) what ~airlt John "<l.ith.
I t am' mall <';Ill. we han' an AdvOC'--lte \\ Ith th!.'
Falhcr ..Il-sus Christ tht.' Righteous: and lie IS till'
Prop:liatlf)fl for (Iur .;ins. J Sf. jolin ii. 1.2.
T hl'n·fore With Ant:ds and ;\rchan~d<;. and with
all the companv of heani1. we laud and ma~'nify Thy
~Ioriolls Name; evermore pr:us1l1g Tht'e. and ~ayll1).!'.
I JULY, HOL Y. IIOLY, Lord God of hosts. ~h:aven
and earth art.' full of Th~' glor~': Glorv be to Thee, 0
I.ord l\los t I ligh. Amen.
Alnllghty C(xi. Fathtr of our Lord Jesus Christ .
of all things. J udge of all men: \\ c ackno\yJedgc
and bewail our mUlllfold Sill'> and wickedness. \\"ll1cl1
we, from time to t ime, most gm.'\·ously have committed, By thought. \\-orc!. and dccd. Against Thy
Divine 1\laJcsty. ProYo].:in,!.! mo~t justly Thv \Hath
dnd indignation agam"t us. \\ t do carncstl~: repent,
And arc heartily sorry for t hese our misdomgs: The
remembrance of t hem is grievous unto us; The burden
of them is inlokrablc. Il avc mercy upon us. Have
mercy upon us, Illost merciful Father: For 'I'll\' Son
our Lord .J (,SllS Christ's sake. Forgive us all that is
past; And grant that wc may ever hereafter Serve
and please T hee I n nC\\'ne~s of life, To tI le Ilonour and
glory of Thy !"\amc: T hrough Jesus Christ our Lord.
• ' Tlltn Jay.
The Almighty and merciful Lord, grant me pardon
and absolution o f all Ill\' SinS. Amen.
R((Id Ih( (f)IIl!(I~lal'i( It Nil . j'rt!ulf'. and Sancho.
Ilear what comfortahle words our Saviour Christ
saith unto all who t ruk turn to 11 1111
Come unto i\tc, all \'c that traVail and arc heavy
laden, and I wlil refresh \'ou. 51. Ma lt. xi. 2~.
So God loved t he world. that He gave IIi s only.
begotten Son, to the end that all that believe in lIim
should not perish. but have everlasting life. SI. John
iii . 16.
• rhol·'"y·
In union. 0 Lord. with the fai t hful at CVt;rv altar
of Th\' C1nm:h, where the llolv Euchari<.;t is nO\\ IX'in},!
cciehratt'd. I dt;~lf(' to ofler t hL'e praise and thanl, ,,$.(iv111g. I present to Tht'l' my soul 311d lx)d~' With th t
earnc.;l wish that 1 nUl\' ,-!lw3\'s be umted to Thct',
;\nd "illl:e I can not nO\~' recei,:c T hee SaC r3Illelltalh·.
I bc:;ccch Thee to come spi ntual\\, into my heart. I
unite Ill""cif to T hl·('. and embran: Thee with all Ull'
affl'l.:Lioll" of 11l\' soul. Let Ilflt hing cY('r separate Thcc
from 1l1l'. ), lay' I hvc and die 111 T hy lun.::. Amt..11.
II .1(.,' m"/II(l11 III "".}il<lliUII upo" Ihf /'/(/ In./! (;, d
ti'<11 1ft "111 Ifl' i )111.\_I;,~"tlnl .... 011 IlIi( Ih( 1, "rl f lor I'''''.
I\allr II,,' I.,'r.r~ I'Fu.'rr <"Id IIjl(r"<1r,/ .'11,1
l\1~1\ t he gum.; of our Lord Jesus Chn'it. ,mel th e
01 (;od. anel the fellO\\shlp of the 11 01\ (;ho~t. be
me always. Amen.
The Ministra tion of
Holy Baptism
71lt II"I! In ,,/. 'rr' I'Mlll ,11.:11 {'fltn tJ./mOnll/1 Iht p(,~f'I(
Ihul tlrt,'" .Irf,f ""/ lilt H,'(ll"" of Ihtl' Ch,ldr..,•. und Ih,,1 r,
I' ,nc> I «(JJI:~'I<{/II Ilwl l>dl'lI'lII ,i;",'/,/ f,t atimilll'lrrrd rtf'''''
"'Uld,1\ lind '1I1'" 1101., /)",>-<. Sr::erlht/r". If 11("«(-,11) IU
'fIJ I"", I>a/'li.'''' mJ~' 1>£ 'ldmllli.\i(ud UP011 (111)' otlur dOIY· A lid
011,,) Il, 'holll ;1',1'>1 1/;(111 thili. t.l,rpi for IIrgrlll (<1"'1:. lilt.' _Iuk
""lin hll:'( Iilti, Child'e', I>'Jf'li~l'j i" Ihor 11",,,,-
"I Fhrrr ,/,./11 '" /" r ,,'fry \I"lr-dlllo1 10 lor baf>li:td. 11'1>", Ihrl'
(,III br /la,/. 1.. '(, (;odjulhrr.l IHI.! Gilt Gudmol/'rr; all./ for ,,·rr.,tOlloi/{. U:l (;,,,if,aha "lid /«'() (;odm,;lhrrs; <HI./ '','''"/., _,hal/lot
IJdmillrd 1;1 Sf'",r."" if il/'( ,/tlir,d
\I ii,,: tilat "ri' Chii,/rtu 10 be b";f'li~f,J, Iii,. PoI"lIls or Spml'<lrl
,iI,tll ':/:'t knr,:,'/ed,:t l/z"rrnl I" III~" .lflnl'la . . Inri Ih,,! lilt
(,'v<I/<Jihn' '''I.! (;".1",,,lila.'. 1111.1 Ihe l't"p/( ~"/Ih Iii, Chl/drtll
lUI< I I" r(,III.\' ,II /I,' FOIII, r11/:,-r illl",(,/ioll(l." '111~r /I" ';((<>11'/
,-" nil al ,II or 11111;': " , I'~,(nlll~ I'r,/.w" or <11 "lCit olirer lim, <I' Ihr
I/IIII'la ,II,//I,lt'{I"IIII.
11'/)(11 </"\' 'I"h /',.""", ,I "re 01 "{Iff
(In 10 br b'I{lII~td.
1',.11« ;,.,i/ lit, ,,1,01 ", the .li illi,la; 111<11 ,I ,/ut" "If( m.J.\'
Ihti, "''''HUII''Jli,,''. ;,'hl' Iii'" h{ ,ul/i(i ••;II\' ill-
limrl .
hr /'IA'OI
Iruel,,'" III Ih, Prill(lplel "r I;:t Chn li,,>1 Rt/i.:i""' <III i Ih,l/
1/1,/\ /-, td;, ,:(,f I" p"{"'" li'on d:( . 111/" / ',,,\,(,
<1 11 ,/
i'" Ii (r('ai~il1~ jlh, ho/v ".Ii .,,,110 I.
III.! ",,, ... tiloll </f /,11' li".e 01 I/'( /1.,tli III of (!I'II \'l ldl,lha(
,iHllli,... pre '/'11 Ilh him <ll II" Full! <llie. 1/10'0 11",lIlt."t .
"tIl<' .\fu'i .'a, hll:·I/'I.~ , ,m, 10 ;/" F"nl. :,'lIltil i 1/',,, /<> / .... fill,,1
-"r ... lI'aUf, '/:<JII 'I)' UI f"l/mi'tlli. Iht Peotlc <lll l"IIJI.z~.
a rlli
Il ath thi~ Child ( P('Tson) been already baptized.
• If liIt.I' UII.'il'tr. :\0: Ihtl1 shall tI. t .l!n,;'ltr ff(>("ud a' fol/o;er/I!
Ikarly belov(:d. f()rCl~much as Ollr ~aviollr Chn :-> !
Nime can ent(:r into the kingdom of Cod. exccpt
he he rcgrllerclt(:d and born anew of \Yater and of till'
~ atth.
Huly Baptism
Holv Baptism
lIol~' Cho~t; I bcsced\ YOli to call upon God the
Fatht!r. through uur Lord Jesus Chri~t. that of Ius
bounteous mercy hI.! wlil grant to this Child (tlJis I'. T.'on) that \dlich by nature he cannol ha\"c; that III
ma\" he haptll.(:d \\Jth \\"at<.'f and the lIol ... Chost.
and n:Clwcd mto Chn~t's hoh" Church. and-be made
a lInng III( mIll r of th~ ";;IIl1l'.
o f such i<.; the klll.gdom 01 Cod. \'crily I say unto you.
\\'ho<;()t,:\'l'r shall not recel\'c the kll1.gdom of God a .. a
lillic chIld, he shall not enter therein. And he t)ok
thelll lip III hI:'. Clrms. put his hando; upon thl:!m. and
/:,,1/ !/:(' .lIulI'II"
J.el us pray.
Almighty and Immortal (;od. the aid of all who
need, the helper of all \\ ho JiCI' to tilt,\.! for ~un:our. the
life of those \\110 bdil'v('!, :md t he rCSlIrrt:ctlon of the
dead; \\'1.' callujxJI1 thee for lhis Child (this tl1\" SUl'(III/) , thall/I', cOining to thy holy Baptism, n~a\ rc(t.:l\,C remission of sm. b\' spIritual regeneration," Hccci\'c him, 0 Lord, as thou hast promised by tin" \\'1.'11bclovt.:d Son. sa\'in~ .. hk. and yc shall haH':: seck. and
yc shall tind: kil(Kk. ~ll1d it ~hall be opened unto nlli.
So gi\'c now unt<) u~ who <l~k: let liS who seck, iind:
open lilt..: gate unto us who knock; that lki::; Child
(Ihi::; thy 50('(11/1) m;lY cnJoy the l'Vl'rla~ling bel1edl(tton of thy hC<l\Tnly wa ..hll1,~. :tnd ma\' come to the
l'lcrnal klllgdom wluch tholl hast pronuSI..'d b\' Christ
(JUr Lord, . l l11tll.
. - Thtn lilt lIilll,la <11,,/1 sa.'" as follOtttlh,
Ilear thc word~ of the Gospel. \Hlllen bv Saint
:'-.lark,1I1 till' tenth Chapter. :.H the thirtl('ntll \'erSt',
They brou~ht youn,l: clulclren to Christ. that he
should touch thelll: and hiS disClpks rebuked tho:->l'
that brought them. But when Jesus saw it. he wa~
much di .. pJeased. and sald unto them. Suffer the Ilttlt
chJldn.:n to come unto Illt-:, <mel forbid them not: fm
hlt·"' ...... ,d Illt'll
Ile<lr till word" of till' Go;:.pd. \\nttcn hy Salllt
John. in tilt' third Chapter. at til(' fir-;;t \'cr'>c .
Then.: \\":1<; a mall of the Pharisee:" naJm:d Nicodl'I1WS. a ruler of thc .Je\\'s: thc same came to Jesus h~'
night. and saiel unto hllll. Rabbi. wc know th::st tholl
art a teacher come from Cod: for no Illan can do th<':1;l'
mlnh,-its that thou doest, except (;00 be \\,lth. hl1n
J tSUS answered and said unto him. \'enly. venh'. I
S<I\· unto the('. E xcept a man be horn again. he cannot
s<.:~' tilt' kin.~dom of God. NKodemus 'ialth unto hml.
Il o\\' can <l man be born when he is old? can hc enter
l ht' sccond time mto hi" mother'" womb. and be oorn?
J(..... Il'i an<;,\H'r<.:d. \'l'nl~' \·crily. I say untothcl'. E\(cp'
a man 1)(' horn of water and of the Splrll. Ill' cannot
('ntl"! the kingdom of Cod. That whu.:h i" horn of ile<.;h
io; nl"~h: and that which is born of the Spirit is Sptrlt.
~ I an'cl not that I said unto thec. Yc must lx' horn
again. Tile wind blo,,"cth where It listcth. and thou
hcan.:"l the sound thueof. but canst not tell whence
it cO!lwth. and whither it gOl'tll: so is l'\Try (me th;lt
i.., \)()rn of the Spirit.
.. (lr
I lear the words 01 the (;O:;PI'\' written b\ Saint
:l\ )aUltc\\. III the tWl'nt.\'-el~hth Ch3pkr. atti1l' t.:1~ht­
l'cnlh \'erse.
Je~us callle and "pakc unto t1ll'm, saying, All power
is given unto nl<" mill'aven and III earth, Co \'c therefore. and make diSCIples of all nations. baptl~lng them
Holy Baptism
the name of the Father. and of the Son. and of the
I IDly Ghost: tcadllng them to observe all things wh3tsoeVl'r I have commanded vou: and. 1o. I am ,\ ilh YOU
alwa,v. even unto the end
the world.
I!ellllill J/,m'lo ~".\.
And now. bemg JX'rsundcd of t he good \,ill of our
IW3venlv Father toward litis Child (this l'fL~(i1l). dedared by his Son Jc~us Christ; let us f;:uthfulh' and
devoutly give thanks unto hllll, <llld s:J.y
Almighty and evcriastlllg God. hen\,- • .IflUi la atld
enly Father, \\'c give thc:;e humble I'forlt'.
thank'i. That tJUjU ha~l vOla.:hsafcd t,) call us To the
knowkdgc of thy grael" and faith in thee: innca:;e
thiS imow\cc\gc. And cOllfirm tillS f£llth in us en;nnore.
Civc t hy Il o!y Splnt to tI;i.~ Child (this thy SUI'IlIll).
That he mav be i:k)rn ~ll.(aJ!\, ,\nd be made w/ lit ir 01
e\'er1a~ting ~;:!lvation; T hrough our Lord Je~lI'i C1lrl~t.
Who Ji\'dh and n:I,~Jldll with thee aud the same I lolv
SpIrit, .:\ow and for ever. Aml:n,
w,'IIMe!.. ;"".III(_lIi"il" iI,,{{ 'r",kIO,
G"df"t/;(r ,,,,,1 (;,,,Im,,t/,,,, ''Illli '"i,,_
Of 11I1(1I.'h.(I';trl
D earl~' bdo\'ed, .H' haw hrouc;ht Ihis Child here
to be bapU ztrl; H' have pra~- " d that our Lord Jesus
Chnst \\(luld vouch"afe to recein him. to n.:lea<:l· him
fr~ml sin. !.o <;;U1ctlfy him with the !Ioly Cho~t. to gi\'e
Itt/II the kmgdolll of heavcn. and Lvcrbstirg life.
1>o<;t thou. lIll'refon:. in Ow name of this Child.
fI'nounCl: the ell'\'!! and .111 his ,,-orb;. the vain P()IllP
and glnr\' of the world. \\'Ith all COHt(JUS dl':--in:s of the
o.;ame. and tht, sinrul dl'sin's of the !1L'sh. so that thou
wilt not follow. nor lx' It'd bv them?
, ln~//'fr. J n'WlIH1Ce t hcnl all: and. by Ceers help.
\\ ill ('IHleavou r not to !(,!lo\\' , nor he led 'bv t!wm .
Holy Baptism
A1im'ster_ !Jost thou believe all the Articles of the
Christian Faith. as contained in the Apostles' Creed?
lns/ffT. I do.
Mini:-ila. \Yilt thou be baptized in this Fai th ?
. I n,\!nr T hat is In\, desire.
,\Jini"ll'f. Wilt thoti then obedtentk kt..'cp Cod'..;
hoI\" \\'111 and commandment". and waik in the same
aU Ull' dm's of th" life?
. 1ml(,(
1 will. b" Cod's hdp_
,\filli,ln, Ilavmg -now_ in thl' Il~l.lne of this Child.
made tht.·,;c promi<;<.:s, wilt thou n\">() on thy part t ah
hecd that this Chilci learn the Creed. the Lord's
Pr:1\ cr. and the Ten Commandments. and all othl'r
thirl~s which a Christian ought to know and h{'\lL'YL'
to hIS sOlll's hl:alth?
Answer. I will. b\' God's help ,
/\/u//\ln. \Vilt thou take heed that this Child. ~,
soon ;]'i sulh.:wntl\' lllstructed. be brought to till'
13lslHJp to hL' con!irmed by him?
. 1m/tH. I ",til. God bemg m~ helper.
,,,,,11 "'1 i'l
.I( I II'rf (,'r \,:":,, :Iu .\1,,,i "/ 'ilull ",M"
r. /};r /'''''(,)1. I. " b".~·i~,J al1 """ing Iii, qllr '
r :..... /11 rf (
\\ell~Bdo\'l.'d. YOU have come luther deslnn,g to
reel·in: hoi\' Bar)ti"m. \\ e have prayed that our
Lord .II. us'Chnst would ,-ouc:-tsafc lo receive you.
1 to rdC,N! you irom sin, to :>an~lIfy you WIth the
I J lol\' (;110:'1. to gIve you the kll1gdom of heaven.
and- en:ria"tlllg 111i.:.
! J)ost thou renounce the deyll and all his wort".
I the \'~rn pomp and ,glory of the world. wIth .•Ill
\ co\"(,;t~)US deSIres of the same. and the sll1ful deSires
01 the n(·sh. :-;0 that thou wilt not iollow, nor be led
b\- tll"m?
Holy Baptism
Holy Baptism
renounce lhem all; and, b," God\;
help. will endeavour not to follow, nor
led by
Minister. Do~t thou believe III Jesus the Chn-,t,
thc Son of the Llvmg Cod?
I do.
,Hil/isler. I)ost thou accept him . and desire to
follow hun as tin !'avlour and Lord?
. in sll'n. I do.
.\Iinistn. I.)o-;l thou believe all thc Articles of
the Christian Faith, as contained in the Apo~lll'~'
ilnswer. I do.
l\finistcr. Wilt thou bl.' baptized in this Faith?
iln.'ill'tr. ThaL IS IllV desire.
Minister. Wilt thou'then obediently keep God's
holy will and commandments, and walk in the ~ame
all the davs of tllv life?
Ails/err: I wi I!'. b,v God's help.
• Thol In./Ilth, 1I1",./a <ay,
o i\lcrciful Cod. grant
that like as Chri,;t died and
rose again. so (ltis Child (litis thy Seruml) ma\' die to
"m and n-;c to nc\\ lIe')s of IEfe, limen.
Grant that all slIlful affections mav die in him and
that all t1.1in~s belonging- to the Spirit may liv~ and
grow III hUll, ...111101.
Crant that he may have power and strcngth to ha\'e
victory. and to triumph. agmnst thc dcvil. the world,
and the flesh, , l mO/.
Grant that whosocver is here dcdicated to thet: bv
our office and ministrv. may also be cndued with
he2.vcnly virtues. and everlastingly rewarded. through
thy merc),. 0 blessed Lord God. who dost live. and
go\'ertl all things. world Without end. Amen.
."ints/u. The Lord be with
And with thy spIrit.
J/ini:>!u. Lift up your he:uts,
.lnslefT, \\ c lift them up unto the Lord,
.Him·:stfr. Lct us give thank" unto our Lord God,
me('t and nght
to do.
• 7 j'r'. I,,, lIilli.ln 1; ... 1/ d.
II is \'t rv Ilwet. right. and our bounc\('n dut". that
wc sh0uld' give thanks unto thce. 0 Lord: 11011'
FaLll('r . . \Imight\". E\'Crlasting God. for that th\'
dearly beloved ~In .Iesu"- Christ. for the for.~I\,l'Il(,s"
of our sins. did siwd out of his mo<;t precious !'Idc ho~h
waler and blood: and ga\'c commandment to hi.;
disciples, that they should go teach all nation... and
bapti;;e them In t he Name of the Father, and of till'
Son. and of the lIoll,' Ghost. Regard. we beseech tlH'e.
the 'luppiications o'f thy colH;regatlon: sancUf.v tillS
Water to the mVi'>tical wa"hinQ" aW<l\' of sin: and grant
that Ihis Child (this th~' SUf(II,I). no\\" to be baptized
thl'rl·lil. ma~' rl't.:el\'e the fulness of tin' grace, and evcr
remalll In till: number of th\' faithful children: t hrough
the same J l'~US Christ our 'Lord. to whom, with thet".
in the unn.\' of thl' Iioly ~rlrit, be all honour and
glof\', no\\' and ('vcr1l1orc . .4ml'u,
/i.,11 Il.'r .Ih),i 1fT
~,'\·Ir.lhr (;("lllllIll'~'
I.• ,I! (,rkr til( CJ::!J ,do hi Gnu. IInJ
G... d Go.!",,,lh,.,,.
• .\./.II;,tl1. II,WlllIg
11,/1(1 01. ,r(fl/.\". 1"
.( CI"ld ,,(",., them. I.,' Ii;"ll di,. him ill II.,
1.//: r"""r ',.;!n ...... ,," 1:'111,
"I.' /I/g.
N. I baptize thee In the :-Jame of the Fathcr. and of
the Son, and of the lloly Ghost. Amcn.
I~I'! XOll-:. TII,/I illllr /'rnml (11 bt bGf>l;~rd ht 1111 ..1./"/1, tilt
1/IIIIIla ,I",I/I.;kl IInll /Iv tI;r h<llld. alld .,hall /Ilk Ih( 1I·"II(.,.lf.'
l/r, Yl1mr. ulld I:.'tll .,h,/Ii dIp hl/n III lilr 11'1lI..r, or ,.01" Willa
<'t,·., him. Il<i1l" IlIr ,'.Hlle fvrm o/lt·ord.<.
Holy Baptism
Holy Baptism
We Receive this Child (Pcrwn) into the congrcgatllm of Christ's flock: and do
hm with the sign of the Cross in token
that hcrcafll'r lu "hall not be ashamed
to confess the f<11th of Christ crucified,
and manfully to right undt.: r Ill'; banner,
"crt rh(
lIini,/(r 'hall
w"lutl C, ....s.
(/;( Child's
r i'a.(,,,',)
against si n, the \\orld, and the devil;
and to continue Chri"l's f;:Ulhfu\ soldier and servant
unto his liCc's end. Amen.
. ' 1'''1'' h,/II 1/" 1/,,"' in ,,'y,
Seeing now. dead \' hl'iovcd brethren, that fhis
Child ({hi.~ P ersonl is ·r('.~('ncratl'. and grafted inlo the
body of Christ's Church. let uc; give thanks unto Almighty Cod for ti1l'Sl' ]v'ncfit,,; and wilh one accord
make our prayer" unto 111111. that this Child (this Person) Illay lead the rc..;t of his ltfe Jccordl!\~ to thi..,
, fht" 1/.,/11 lit <lid.
Our Father. who art In heaven. Iiallowcd bc thy
~alllc. Thy kmgdom come. Th~' will be done. On earth
as it is in heaven. Civc us this dar our dailv bread
.\nd forgwc us (JUr tn:sp<l!'>';e!'>, A!'>
forgi\'c Lllosc who
tn'!'>pa<;s ag<linst U~. ·\nd lead us not into temptation.
But deliver us from eVIl. For thine is the kmgdom, and
the power, and th(' glon·. for ever and ever. Amen.
" nun ,'hulllht .lfi '1I 1In say.
We yield thee heany thanks. most merciful Father.
that it hath pleased thee to regenerate this Child (tJli.~
thy Serl'ollf) with thy IJol~' Spirit. to receive him for
thine own Child. ,mel to incorporate him into thy' hoh-
Church. Anel humbly wc beseech thee to gr;)nt. that
he. being d(;ad unto sin. Illay li\'c unto righteousncss.
and bcin~ buri(;d with Christ in his death, may 301"0
be /)ortoker of his rcsurn:ction; so that finalh-, wLth
the re~idlLc of thy holy Church, he may be an i;i/u ri/or
of thint' ev:.oria,>lmg kingdom: through Christ our
I.ord . . 111iUJ.
. ' 1/.'(/) II.t .\flui·lor .lhull udd.
The Almighty Cod. the Father of our Lord Jcsu:-;
Christ. of whom the whole family in heaven and earth
IS named: Crant you to be strengtlH'ned with might
b.v hi~ ~pirit in the inner man: that. Christ d\\"coJling
in vour he;\rts bv faith. yl' may be filled with all thl'
j\liil(' .... of (;od. :1111111.
{ l i n ' trlfl,.,11 IIJ,II
bl' /i,t
,-I '-v
. L'{"II. II",
b'If'li~e.t .
.dum/,I fir "mfi'IIIrt!
I" ,1 ,I/Irr I,;. }-;'I/'1i.<m ,,-\ (flOll'l'ninlliy
""i\' h,' u'/ml/l,'.11U till' fir;') C"m"'" "i(,,,
1i1!1I I, ... r
/OldY /U"
Bap tism in Extremi s
I f a dying comrade has not been and wants
tl) Ix'; anc\110 Cllaplain is \'."ithin reach: yOIi call baptizl'
\-our fril'nd. Pour a httl..: water on the brow (or amotiH.'f place if brow is hurt or bandaged) ~ times, S3):.
hi" first name. as "John" and thi,;:
I baptize tlH'~ in the
of the F:1t111'r. and of thl'
Son. and of the 1101\' Ghost. Amen.
Sign him With tht' "ip"1l of the cross ;:l11d ~a\' till' Our
"'flt/Ilr .
If \'our comradl.' (;\.;pircs,
owr him:
thi.,; Commendation
J)epart. () Chri<.;tlan soul. out of this \H)rld.
In UK' l'\amc 01 Cod the Father :\Jmighty who
created tlWl'.
In the :\amc of jesus Christ who redeclllcd the ..:.
In thl' Kame oj the HoI\" Cho:-;t who s.:"1nctifie-. thl'('
:-"1<1\" th~' rt.'<;t hI.! thi:; cla,\" in plm:e, ;lIld thy d\\"l'Ilill.~·
place in the I'aradi"l: of God.
(Cl\'\.' Chaplmn the facts. when you can.)
The Way of Penitence
"Confession is good for the sou\." So runs the
am:il'nt proverb, the crystallized vcrdil't of human
j ust as the first Slcp in bodily healing is to relieve
tl'll"ion tlnd di~hargl' pOlson~. "() the ::-pirit of m~l!l
mu'>t have relief by tel1in~ his troubh:s to soml'Ol1'.'.
The flnal .. ~ml'olw" is a\\\"<1\"s God. But most of us
fllld that a sympathetic human !i'ill-l1cr helps us to
tel! Gud.
Tlll'fcfo["c the Church, while provldlllg a confessiomd moml"nt in all her regular services, abo say~
t!trough hVf pri('~t:
., If theft' be any of you who h.\· this (gcneral) mean<;
GIIl110t (!uict his own ("ol\"Licncc, but rcquirctil furtill'!
coml(lrl or COllll~l'l. ILL him com..! to Illl:. or to some
o t her )'llIIistu of Cod'" Word. ami open his grief.··
(FIOII/ all nl/m/alioll a/ltr IIIf Commllllion OJ)ia, Book
I~f (.11111111011 l'I(1YI r, /m'...l' 8.\).
The Church III ord:lin!!ll! Ill[ priests says in Chri<>t '.,
:\"amc to tlll'lll: "\yho~..; ~in" thou clost forgivl', thl'y
are forgiven."
l'poll the IH.' xt page we ~iH; for those \\ ho cle"irc to
u~c it tile mam part of a more formal and yet \,lr~
IIllimate type of confession. 13cmg pri\'ate <!nd stricll~'
confident ial, It is not in the Pran.'r Book, but has bt:l.'11
u<>t:d from ancient times, For t!lt.' "Ie!,; room, this form
is shortt:lIcd hen.:.
This forlll of c(mf('s.~i(/11 rfquins /)fiNICY 1I'/IIIilfT in
a ell/neil. home, IwsjJilal, or other place. 11 is /lsually
hf.';[ 10 (/rrall.~e lI'illl lite clfrl!Y ill ad/'al/((, jm llli~ ."T/·Ll
The \Val' of Penitence
The Way of Penitence
in. III/I allY ,,,il.\/ i,~ ruuly and ll'illin;!, III ilia, (I cfln·
if there is elf/! T':/ IIC)'.
TIl(' .1el all/'ay., /)Il!,ins l/'ilJi (J Rlf."sin.~ fllr It'llirl; /hc
POIilOlI a.~k.~.
to alllho..c who with hearty repentnnce and true faith
turn unto him; Ila\'c mercy upon you: pardon and
ddiv\.:f vou from all your sins; confirm and :.trengthul
you in {til goodncs!>; and bring you to cverlasting life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
C/w/)/ain. Till' l.ord he in thy heart and upon thy
hp.. , that so thou Ilwn .... t \\onillh- confe:->.s all tlw SinS.
1';'('1/. a/lI'ay,'i. the Blcs$iWI,:
ff~"iun (II/ till' -'fIllT (~I Ihr IIIfII/lflil
in the :\~me of the I'~:ll!l('r, :lnd of lhe ~n. and'of thc
lIoly Ghost. ,\men.
Pfllihnl. I wnrl:s,:, 10 (;()d\!mH~hlv; the Father. the
~OJl, and lhe lIol\' ChosL that' I i1aYC sinned very
much ill thought. word. and deed, bv mv own fault.
. \nd c"pccially I fl'l1ll'mhcr these ':>in~; . .
(thai' are
willoriants oj /he above. The j)Ulih lit
tlltll _,Ia/u; /II(' s/)u'lji(
Tiliumoer. (/nd ..;,}wuld
(lie )o!l/JI/'IIIJf,:)
Pmilt lit For thc"C and all 11l": other sins. whidl I
cannot now remember. I am very sorry. I promise to
do bcll<:r. Ilx'g Cod t.l forgi\'c me; and you. Chaplam,
to g!VI.! m<: penance. ;H.IV1CC: and absolution .
. liler fhl' IIninterTII/)lu/ rOIlJt~:;joll. 1111: (/wl)/ain lIIay
'md it lIef/Jjul to q/If~fiol/ the /)wifellt. so that atilice
about pussiblt rr/mmlioll. or reslitutioll. or hOi/' 1(1 face
/11/' fu(ure mort s/lcCfs.\j'ully may be ginn.
Then S011l1 form (~,- /)OIuna is git'nI. This is not a
pcnalty bul .~ome /I,',ful act Iflticll aids tilt pUlilUlI 10
1I/al.:.. ouflnm! ulIboJimw{ uf his contrite pur/Iv:>£.
1'111.11 Ihe elw/)/oill girl'., lIll' .1hsolulioll ill these /tords
i/'itll llif .,igll of Ihe Cros.':
.\B~OLl,T10;'\i . •
Tlu a.',WlOlIC€ oj God's jorgirwl'Ss.
Chaplaill. Almighty (~od. our heavenly Father. who
of his gn.'at mercy hath promi5Cd forgiveness of ~ins
Chaplain. The hk's:-=ing of God Almighty. the
Father. the Son, and the lloly GhO~L be UIXll1 thec
;md rcmall1 with thee always .. \l11en.
Go (or. Abide) in IKace; the Lord hath put away
all th\' sins .
1;-..: TilE !\ l oR:\!KG
Into th\" hand ... 0 God, I commend Ill\'self tiu~ dm-.
Let th~' prL'-(;Jlce be with me ~\·t.'n to its' clo!'.C. th:lt ~It
night I may again gin: th:mks unto tht:c;
Jesus Chri-;l our Lord .. 111/(1/ .
Grallt. () l.'1n.\, tliat I may not be ashamed to COllfess thL' faith of Christ cri!C:flcd. and m.mfu\ly to
f'tgll l uncler his bmmer against sin, the world, and t:ll'
devil. ~l!1d to continue Christ's faithfu l soldier <mel
SlTY:1ll1 unto my life's end . .. llIIen .
Deft-nel, 0 Lord. this til\' Chile! with th \' heavenly
grace; that I ma\" wntinl1l: thin'.' for (;n:r~ :md dai\"
incrl'<I';c ill til,' 1l,)ly ~pirit more ,mel more, until "
(Ollle unto t;I\' eVl'ria'itl11.1!; kin,c:d(\I11 . ..111101
.\T :\'IG!!T
() LI)rd . ~upport LIS a\l the d:l .... long. u'lul the shadows k-n.,:tilcll and the ('\'cHin? coml':O: and the btl!;y
world i.., hll~;I'l'd. ~!I~d the fc\"t:r 01 life is ov~r. and our
\\ork is dlHlc. Thul in tin" n1UC\' rrant US:l o.:af~ lodg-mg. and a hol~' rcst. and pcact: 'at the lu..;t, .lmw
'I'll\' CIKi of peace hlm:;elf sanctify ml' \Vhf)II\'. and
may my "'pirit ,mel :o:oul and body bt' pn's('rwd Ultlfl'
wiOu/t't hlaml' at tilt.: coming of our Lord Jt ..,u~ Cllri~t.
Abide with U~, 0 Lord, thi" nig-hl, and with all tilt,
sick and sorrowful, the forsaken and \YI.,:ar\,. to
!;{n'tH.:tht'1l and to cheer , and to give rest. , Ime,i.
_ Thine is the da~·. 0 Lord. and thin(' the night:
(Jrant that tlh: "1:11 of nghteousness ma\' abide in our
hearl'>. lO dnH away tilt' darkness of evil thou,l{hts;
throu!!:h Jl'.~U'" Chrl"'l our Lord. Amm.
. 0 Lord, i.(lwr 01 mUl, \\-ho forgin;-;t us our sins:
Cleanse us of all that I" ha"c or sL:i!ish. and make u:-;
to bl' in all tbings thy "ernUlts. and the Ines"><.'l1g:cr:o:
of thy lo\'(' .. 111100'.
Crant. 0 Lord. that \\"l' Inm" meet all dillicultiu;
and tl'll1J1tatilJ~l" \\lthy stcdfaslhc:trt, ill thl: stn..'ngth
of tin" mciwdhn,l! "pm!.
valley of the !-.hadnw of death. forsake us llot; for tllY
~al1ll"s saki', . 111/01.
Deepen and quicken in 11~. 0 (~od. a Sl'l1<:l' of tl1\
PreSUK('. and make u'> to know and kd that thou art
mort' rlad\- to teach and to ,c-i\'e th;1:1 \\l' to (l~k or to
learn: throu-.:,h J('..;us Chri:-:t our Lord . . l}}l(l/.
o most IlH_:rciful H..:dellller. Fri..:nd. and Brother.
\ Iay 1 knl)\\' thee more cit-ark.
).tay I lo\'e thee more <.karh·:
).tay I follow 1h('(; mon.: nl'~lrk ,tIllOl.
o Sa ... iour of the world. who h\' til\' Cross and
pn;dou~ Blood lla'it redeemed U'>: Save .t:'>, and help
us. \H.' humbh· l)l'~el'ch tJwe. 0 Lord . . b;un.
Cm '!~C11
J am in thy hol~ Ilou~e. Iklp me to keep
~lly thoughts
111 my heart.
on thee. that I may hear thee
through Jcsus Christ. Amm.
1I0ly :';pml we may worthily approach these sacred
lllYsteries and offer ourselves to thee in :l11'iwenng
love. throuJ,:h Jt:sus Christ our Lord . . 1I11U/,
ArTER ClIl'RCIl SEHrlel':
0 (;od. frolll the darkness of soul which
sccth thee not, and from the loneliness of hcnrt which
hcarl'th not th~' voice. and through life ,md ill l!1l'
lnelLl1l' our hcmts. 0 Cod, that by the grace of lhy
, 1 11//11.
~Illeld liS,
o Lord.
.I\s watchmcn look for the morning. so do we look
for thec. 0 Christ. Come with the dawnin~ da~'. and
make th\'scif known to us in the breakin~ of Bread,
for thou 'art our Cod for ever and ever. .lmeu .
Sancl!!",O Lord, \X)th our coming in and our going
forth: al1<1 grcmt that when we leave thy 1I0use we
mav 110t leave th\' PrcS(;l1cc, hut be thou eycr ncar
unto u~ and kcq) us near unto thee, throur,::h Jesus
Christ our Lord .. \ 11/0/,
A'\ .\IT Ill" .\JXJH.\TJO;";
\\'orth, art thOll, 0 God, to receive the honour and
the power: for thou didst create all thin~~. and be·
cau"e of thy will thl'\' an- and were cft.:!a led.
(aory lit
0 Cm/.
Cion· to tilee. 0 Christ. who didst redcl'lll with tin·
loye men of ewry kmdrl'd and tongue and ,x:oplc and
na t ion.
Glory h( 10 till e, 0 Chris!.
Clory to thee. 0 JIoly Spinto for th: work in the
Church. which will not cease until thou ha~t made
of all mankind one family. to the pr:11"": and glory of
Glory In 10 Ilia, 0 lioly S/Jiril.
and multiply upon us thy mercy; that, thou ~ing
our ruler and guide, we may so pass through tJlll1~.:;
temporal. that we fmally loSe !~ot the things eternal.
Grant this, 0 hcavcnly Fathu, for the sake of Je"us
Chri<.;lour Lord. ,1mI'll.
Grant us, 0 Lord. III all our duties thy help. in all
our perplcxiuC5 ,thy counsel. in all OUf' dangers thy
protection. and In all our sorrows thy rC~lCC; for thc
sakI.! uf Jeslls Chri~l our Saviour. Amen.
Grant to us, Lord, we bescech thee. the spirit to
think and do a\wavs such things as are rit,:ht; that
we, who cannot do anythmg that I:;; !!ood \\"ithout
thee. may hI' thet' be l'lwbk·d to live according to thy
will; through Jesus Chrio.;t our Lord. Amen.
o God.
forasmuch as \\ 11hout thee wc arc not able
to please thee; i\lcrcifuJ\~' grant that thy lIoly SPIt'lt
may In all thing" direct and rule our hearts: through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amell.
o Ahl11ghty and most mc:rcifui God, of thy bounti-
ful goodncc;s keep liS, \H: Ix'secch thee, from all things
that may hurl us; that we, bClllg r~ady both in body
and soul. may cheerfully accomphsh those things
which tll(!ll cOlllmandcst: through Jc~us Christ our
Lord. 1111(/1.
\\'c beseech thee. Almighty God. look upon the
heart v de:;;ires of thv humble St,.'n..-a!ll:;;. and stretch
forth 'the right hand of thy Majesty. to be our defence
against all our enemies; through Jesus Christ our
Lord .. 1I11fll.
FOR All) ,\(;,\I:"':-IT PEHIL~
Lighten our darkness. we bcsce~h thee. 0 Lord;
and by thy great Illt.:rcy defL'nd us from all perils and
dangers of thi" night; for the lon~ of thy only Son,
our SaVIour, Jesus Chri:.t. Amw.
Fon Goo's l\IERCY
o God,
the protector of all that tru~t in thee, without whom nothing is :.trong. nothing is holy; Increase
Cod .. \uthor of the world'" jov. Bearcr of the
world's pam; At the heart of all our' trouble and sorrow let unconquerable ,(~Iadness dwell; through our
Lord and SavIOur Jesu" Christ. Amm.
FOI~ TilL CO\rp.\~ro;';:-;H!p OF' CIIR[";T
blcs<;.Cd Chri",t. who didst draw ncar to t!lv
(ll<.;ciples as they walked to.~cther by the way ~1:ld
wt.'re sad; So dr<l\\ ncar to us as we Journey alon.1!: ollr
dally way. Open to u,:; thc IIh:aning of lif~. and reVl".!!
lh)self as our strength and our compalllon; as thou
art our Lord and Saviour evermore. Amm.
Grant us, 0 Lord. to pass this day in gladness and
peace, without gll~mb1i~g a.nd without stain;,
reaching the evenude VIctOriOUS ~over all temptatIon,
we may praise thee. tl~e eternal Go~. who art bltsscd.
and dost govern all things, world Without end. :lmOl.
<;acrifice and service; lor our Church, reverence and
devoLLon; and III cverythLllg make us true to thee;
tnrough th~· Son. our ~:J.\"iom Jesus Chri."t. .1111Ul.
o God, who knowc'>t how etten we sin against thee
with our ton.~tll·";: kl'('P us free from all untruc, unkind, irn.:n.:fL'nt O[ unclean words: consecrate our
spel'ch to lh,v sen-icc: and keep us often sill'nt. that
our hl'art" may speak to thl"\! and may'll for thy
voice; through Jc!'us Chri:-\t our Lord . .1I1lUl.
FOI( TIIO~E \ \" E Lm E
Almighty Gorl. we cntru~l all who arc dear to us to
th~' ncvl'r-failing em: and JOVL!. for this life and tile
lift: to cOllle: knowing that thou art doing for them
better thll1~s than we can desire or pray for; through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Grant, 0 Lord, to those
counlr\" who have left wives
stcdfa~t loyalty through al\
that returning at kngth to
know the JO), of unbroken
Chri'it our Lord. Anull.
in the service of their
and children at home, a
the days of separation,
their, beloved they ma~'
fidelity; through Jesus
Teach us. good Lord. to serve thee as thou dcscrVC:il: to give and not to count the cost; to fight
and not to het;d tl.c wound,,: to toil and nln to seck
for rt',;t. to labour and not to ask for an\" reward,
save that of kno\\ ing that we do thy will; through
Jesus Christ our Lord . .rimtn.
Almighty God. grant us thy gift of loyalty. For our
homes. give u!' love and obedience; for our countrv.
() Thou. who art heroic low: Keep alive in our
hearts that adventurous spirit which makes men scorn
the wav of !'afetv. 'iO that thv will be done. For SO
only. Ci Lord. shall we be worthy of those courageous
"0uls who in every age have ventured all in obedience
to thy call: throug-h Jesus Christ our Lord. ,1mnl.
o Cod.
Who rulest t he world from everlastmg to
everlasting: Speak to our hearts when courage lails,
and we famt (or fear; when our love grows cold, and
there is distre~s of nations upon thc earth. Keep uS
resolute and stedfast 111 the things that cannot be
"haken. abounding in hope and knowing that our labor
is not in vall1 in thee. Deepen our faith in thine
l'lernal pur(X>sc; renew in us that love which never
fails; and make us to lift up our eyes to hehold. beyond the thll1gs which are seen and temporal. the
t1ung"i which are unseen and eternal. We ::lsk all in the
Nam...: of Jesus Christ our Lord . . 1men.
!\krcilul God. in who>;c dear Son wc have redemption, even the forgiveness of ."ins; give us such strong
belief in this the only power that can abolish evil
that we shall be enabled to forgive our enemies; and
grant us grace not only to forgive but to accept forglvcm!s'i through Christ. the crucilied . ..1men.
With thy heavcnly grace; strengthen them In tht!r
tnal'5 and temptations: give them courage to fa~e the
perils that bc:)(.'t them; and hdp them to know til::tt
none can pluck out of thy hand those who put t hclr
trust 111 thl!e; through Jesus Christ our Lord . . \mO/.
Eternal God. we comm('nd to t h\' fatherh' care
'-til tho'>C who arc enil"ted III the Anlled Forn.'s. In
time of preparation grant that disciplmc and tr.limn~
Illa\' fit them WOrlluiv to serve our countr\'. and III til..:
da~~ of strife guide and sustain thcm in upholdlll.~ the
caw-:.c of Juslice and freedom: till'Ollgh Jesus ('hn~t
our Lord. Amfll.
iIea\'enly Fath<:r, on a day of battle 1 commit my·
"elf body and soul to thy keeping. W hen I am in peril
of life gin: me cour:.lg<: to do my duty. \\"hcn I am
kmpted to sin give me strength to [(''''1'4. If I am sick
or \lolluded grant me healing. If I fall, of tby mt.'rc~
receive me to th~·sclf. forgiving me all my "ins. Hies,",
all who arc IlL'ar and dear to me and kL'Cp thcm III thy
fathl'rly can..:, And in lhy good providence, out of thi~
evil bring a lasting peace; through Jesu s Christ f)ur
Lord. /bum.
Fcw TilE i\'ATlO;\
o ctl'rnal C()c\, through whose mighty power our
fathers WOIl their liberties of old; Grant. wc bt'scech
t hec. that we and all thc people of this land may have
,grace to maintain these liberties in righteousness and
peace: thlOugh Jl:SU'; Christ our Lord. Amell.
F OH ALL l:~ TlIJi. SLl{\ICJi. OF CH'R COl':\T!<Y
o Almlg:htv
Lord GCI(:\. who neither slumberest nor
~k'q"'c!'>t: I'rolcd and a'>"ISt. we Uc~eech thee. all those
who at home or abread. br land. b,' sea. or III ttl' air.
an.: ~t:r\'J:·.~ thl:-' country. that they: bt.:in,Q: anl'cG \\Ith
th.\· ddLll<; . nl.1~· bl' pre~'l:r\'t:d cwrmon: in 211 perils:
:1m] h._ _ l.l ....: filled with \\ is(IOIll and girded \\ Ith ;;tn.:ngth.
m~l~ do thur duty
thy hunour ,mct glory; through
JI..'~lh Christ our Lord . . 1m!!!.
Il cavl'llly Fatl;er. we commend to thy gracious
care and kCl'ping all the Illen and '\OlTIl'n in our Armed
ForcL's at h01l1{, and ahro3d. Ddcnd them day by d~ly
FOI~ SElnILD1E:-.J ,\'\l) S!~:{\ !C[~\\·U.\IE:-':
Almighty I-'athlT. wc commit to thy lovmg care ;111
tho\ie s~n'!C(;nll:n and scryiu:womc!I upon whose
faithfulness the '.\~lfare of our .. \rIlll'd Foret:,; dl..'jll'nds.
In thl' fuliliment of their d'.ltH.:S gwe tlwm patience.
lo\'alty. <mel courag(': am! .(!rant that thost:: who arc
sustallH:d bv ti1(,lr toil m:\\' rel11('mbl'r them with
gralltuck: tllrougil J.:su.: Christ our Lord. ImOl.
Fo,{ TilE A:{\lY
o LNd (;od ot'
I lusts. ~trl'tch forth. W~ nr~l\ thl'('.
thllll' almi~lllv <lrlll to strcn(TtilC'!1 and PI'ot',:ct till'
soldH:rs of our count ry. SU~)port them 10 till' da~- o!
battl<'. and in the tnlles of rcst and !:'.:lining L.l'e]>
thel11 s.:lf~ frolll all ('vil; end".1c tlkm with cCllra.(:c mid
IO~·ill!.\·: and grallt tb.;:t in ,!II thinl;s tht'~' m~\\' ~;t'rvl'
without rcpro:l~h: throu~~ Jesus Chri~t om L\lrd.
1O/( II.
FOR TilE ;"\\\ Y
o eternal
Lord Cod. who :11onc "prl'ade:-.t out the
and ruh:~t the ra(!ing: of the sea; YOllch"afe
to taKe into thy aimi,ght\- and most graciolls proLL,('lion our countrv'" i'\<l\'\" , and all who :-l'rvc thefein.
PreSl:rvt! tht.:m lrom the' dangers of the sea. and from
the violence of the ...:!lemv: that the\' may he a safeguard unto the Lnilcd ~tatcs of Alncn~iL and a Sl'cunty for such as pass on the seas U{Xl1l their lawful
()("casions: lhal tht: inhabitants of our land Illa\- III
peace and qUlL'tncss Serve th(:(' our (,od. to the glonof thy l'\'~1Ilw: through Jeslls Chri;;t our Lord. Amell.
F Oil THE ,\\1{ FOHO:
o Lord God of liost". who stretchest out the heavens
like a curt::sin: \\al<.:h over and protect. we pray tilcl'.
the airmen of our country as they fly upon their
appoinu:d lasl,,;. Cn'!! them courage as the\' face the
foe, and skiH in the performance of their dut\". ~ustain
them with tllv Everlasting Arms. l\Iav thv hand lead
them and th~: right hand hold thcm up Lhia they may
return to till' eartll with a grateful <.;('n';(' of th~: mercy;
throu~h JI.'SU~ Chri<;.l our Lord . . tl1ltll.
o Eternal
Fathu. we commend to til\" protection
and care the members of the .i\larine Corps. GUIde and
dir . .'<:t them in the defense of our countrv and in the
maintenance of iu<;tice among nations. t 'rotect thtm
in the hour of d~ngcr. Crant that wherever the\' serve
they may he 10\·:-t1 to tlwir hi~h tradItions and "that at
all times they may put their trust in thee: through
Jesu s Chri<.;t Oll r Lord . .. tIllNI.
o Lord, who of old didst still t he raging of the sea,
wateh over, we beseech thee. the men of the Coast
Guard as thl')' !;ali tllX)!l their missions of hclpfulm.'ss
and succour. Grant them courage and skLlI and 11 safe
return. and a grateful scnsc of thv mere\' toward them·
through the sallle Jest!", Chri;;;t
Lord. Amen.
FOR Till:. ':\lEIH.. IIAXT l\lAHIi\E
Almighty (~od, who raiseth the wind and who makdh the storm a Cilhn. \\·c pray thee for thy blessing
upon the se<llm:n 01 the I\lerchant I\iarine, l:rant that
they th,H go down to the sea in ships, that do busillc"s
in great waters, may sec thy works, 0 Lord. and thy
wonders LIl the dl..'ep. Pre"erve thl..'lll fr,)m all peril,
lx)th of Ixxly and of soul. both at Sl..'3 and <lshore; and
.~i\'t.: them a heart to praise th\" holY name: through
jesus Christ our Lord .. \mw. "
FOR ell \1'1. \1:\'"' 1:\ T!II"
\1\\lED PI)I.U·>
U!t..·sscd Lord, who didst commi.<..;]on lhy d]~iples
to con LlIlue lhl.: work \\hl\:h the Fathu sent thee mto
lhl" world. to do, support. we b~~"eech tlwc, with thy
Holy Spin!. those who mLlllst{;r III the .\rmed Forces
of our Cuulltry. Give thl·1ll grace that they may both
b\" their life and doctrinc. set forth tILv true and
!i:'·dy word, and rightly and duly admini~ier thy holy
S"H.:ralll{;nt<;. Strengthen them in their tc:nptattons
anc! make them courageous in the penis of their calling, that tht'y may glonfy thee before all men; and do
th011 hold them eva in thy gracious keeping; through
.h'su..; Chnst our Lord. Amen.
Fon Tllo~l:: \\'110 ~II~ISTErt TO THE
.:.trcngth; that upholding what is right, and followlIl$!
what is true, they may obey thy holy will and fulfil
th), divine purpo<;c; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
o merciful God. whose blessed Son went about
dOing: good: l'phold with thy strength and grace
those who do service to the wounded and the Sick:
grant to the minbtcrs of thy gospt.oi faith~ulncss and
love. to the phYsicians and surgeons wisdom and
"kill. to the nurSes ~\"Inpathy and patience: and we
bc:'.\!cch thee to protect and bles:; them in all dangers.
anxH.:tlcs, and labours: through Jesus Christ our Lord
• III/til,
FOI1 TilE PHE~II)1'::\T OF THE l·;-...·ITED STATE~.
AND /\1.1. [;..,: Cl\'IL .\l'TIIOHITY
Almighty God. who~{; kingdom is c\'crlasting and
power infinite; IIave men:y upon tills whole land;
and ~o rulr the hearts 01 Lin" -.;crvants 'I HE PRESiDE:,\T OF TI IE \ ';-'; lTED STATES, The COl'ernor 0)
{fJi~ StaIr, •• n<1:tll oth~rs in tluthoril\"" that the\'" kilO\\,JlW \\'ho~t: milli..,tcr,\ they aft" mav alx)\'c all thi!l~s ~('k
lin" l.ullour and glor.v: ~lHd that "we and all the Pcople,
du"tv con..,idcrin~ whose authority they hear. mm·
fait"hfulh- (lnd ol:) I'dicnth' honour them. accordin~ to
thv bll''''~l'd ,rord ,md ordinance; through J(:su~ Christ
o11r Lord who with thee and the lIo!\" Ghost liveth
a;1d rl'ign~th evt'r, one God, worid without end" Am(ll.
fOI( Tllo"~ 1:-\ ..\t TIIORITY
Lord God Almight\", guide. we pra~' thce, all
t/l(JSl' to whom thou hast commItted the government
of this nnllon, and grant to them al this time special
gi Its of wisdutn "!lei understand mg. of counsel and
God. the King of rightcousne5.."i. lead us, we
pray thee. in ways of justice and peace; inspircu~ to
hreak down all tyranny and oppression, to gam for
l'v<:ry man his due rcward, and from every man Ius
dw..: ~ervice; th<1t each may live for all and all m<1\·
care for each. in JcsusThrist our Lord. Amen.
o God, who scest that in this warf<1re we arc seek:nc:
tu ~\.!rv{! tl11.:e. and yet in the ,,"aging of it must needs
do many things lh~lt arc an offence a.e:ainst thy lovl.:.
hCl:ause of the fradty of our nature" Accppt WI,; pnJ"
tilet'. our impeded offering. Arm liS with thy ~pirit
that our warf<.lll.! may further the victory of thy jll~tiCl'
.mel truth; through Jeslls Christ our Lord, ,1111('1/"
Almighty Gorl. from whom all thoughts of truth and
peace procced: Kindlc. we pray thee. in thc hearts of
all men the true love of peJ.ce, and guide with thy
"tron~ and. pcClcl'ful wiwom those who take counsel
for the Il(lUOIIS of the earth. that in tranqUIllity thy
kmgdom Illay go forward, till the earth shall be filkd
with the knowledge of thy love; through Jesus CI1n~t
our Lord, Amw.
Goel. who hast made of one blood all nations of
nl('11 for to dwell on the face of the \\"hole earth. and
dldst send th~' blcs"l'd ~m to preach peace to them
that arc far off alld to till'm that are ni~h: Crallt that
all men l'vtrvwiwrt' m~\\ seek aft!.:r thct.' and lind thee.
Culdt.'. "l'lx'Sl..l'ch thcl'", th ... :'\alion,:, of the world mto
the way of JU:-.tILC m:d truth. and establl..;1\ amUIl,f.!
them tb;.t j'C<l(C \\!m:h j" the fruit of rightc()uslll's:-;,
that they Illay bccome the Kingdom of our Lord and
Sa\'iour J{'~1.1''' Chn..,t. .'imtH.
Eternal (;od. in whoS<.: pcrkcl kmgdom no sword
is dr3wn but the s\\'ord of nghteollsne:-;s. and no
strength lmown but the strength of love: So guide
and iJl~PI1T, \\'(' pm\' th('(', tilt: \\'ork of all "ho seck
t!t\' klllgc\ot!l. thut till' nat inns may find their s('cunl~'
11,)t in lorn' of (tnns but in that perf;.:ct love which
casteth out fto~lr. ;md in that fello\\'ship revealed to us
by thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen,
people. but the greater good of the security and peace
and unity of all mankind. that so thy Kingdom may
be advanced in the earth; through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amell.
Almighty God, by whose grace we look for the day
wlh:n nation shall not any more lift up sword against
nalion, and will'1l men ... halt li\'e without fear in secUrity and peace. grant to us in this time of strife
the Will to labur for Ik'-lCC even while our sword h
drawn to resist tile ()ppres~r, Let not the eVIl we
oppo~c turn us from our puq)()5e to achlc\'e unity
and concord among the nations of the earth. to thy
honor ~lOd glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord,
Fon TilE l·r..;ITED NAT10r..;S
Almighty God. \\'e pray thee to glllde by thy 1I0ly
Spirit the CounCil and the ASSC'mbly of the l 'nited
Nation!>. Civt' to them a right judgment in .111 things.
and tlw \\"111 to <'('l·k not onl~' the welfare of their o\\'n
FOR TilE \\·ou;.mED
o Lord. we pray thee to have merc), upon all who
arc this day wounded and suffering. Though kindred
and friends be far away, let thy grace be their comfort. Rai<:.e them to health again. if it be thy good
pleasure; but chiefly give them patience and faith
III thee; through J esus Christ our Lord. Amen.
o l leavenly Father. we beseech thee to have mercy
uJXln all thy children who are living in mental darkness. Heston! them to strength of mind and cheerfulness of spirit, and give them health and peace; through
Jesus Christ our Lord. AmOl.
\\'e beseech thee, 0 God. for all prisoners and captives. and aJl who sufTer from oppression. that thou
will mamfest thy merc), toward them. and make the
heart of man merciful as thine o\\'n, through Jesus
Christ our Lord. 1\11101.
lIave compassion, 0 most merciful Lord. on all
who nrc lonc\\' and de!';()\atc. De thou their Comforter
and Friend; give them such earthly solace as thou
scest to be best for them: and bring them to the fuller
knowledge of thy love; for the sake of Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen.
li ves in the service of our country. Redeem . we pra~'
thee. the pam of t heir bereavement. that knowing
the ir loss to be the price of our freedom . t hey nl<l~
remember t he gratitude of the nation for which the\'
~avc so costly a saCri fice. And grant. 0 Lord, that
these dead shall no t have died in vain. and that out
of the distrcs,> of thi S present age there may arise <1
new and better world III which thy Will shall rule.
to the honor of th~' Son. our Saviour Jesus Christ.
o ble~d Lord. who thyself didst undergo the pain
suffermg of the Cross; l 'phold. we beseech thee.
with thy proml'iCd gIft of strength all those of OUf
~rcthrcn who arc sulTcring for t heir faith In t hee.
Granl that 111 the midst of all persecutions the\" mav
hold fast by this faith. and that from t heir stcdfaslncss
thy Church may gn)\\ 111 grace and we ourselves in
perseverance. to t he honor of t h\' f'\ame. who with
tI~e Fallwr and the 1101), Ghost art one (;od. world
without end .. lmw.
FOil Ol'R E ;-';E;"lIES
world, our Redeemer. whose lo\'e
embraces al l mankind. we hear thy prayer from tht
Cro~s: .. Father, forgive them. for they know not what
they do." Forgive. 0 Lord, those who have poured
Oll t the mnocent blood and caused suffer ing in tht
world, l\ lay our prayers be for them a mmistry of
reconcilia tion. \\c ask it in thine own Name, AlIIot,
o Saviour of the
FOI{ T i lE DYI:-:G
L'ntn ( :<?d's gracIous mercy and protection we com·
Tlllt you: I he Lord bl~ss you and keep YOLI. The Lor d
make IllS f?CC to shme upon rOll . and be graCious
unto rOll. I he Lord lift up hIS countenance upon VOll,
and give you peace. both now and evermore .. t;l/w.
Almight,\' God, we remember this dar before thee
thy. faithful ser\'ant (S. ), and we pnl" thee tll .. t.
hanng opened to him the gates of larger life, thou
Wilt reet.'I\'C him more and more into thy joyful .:;en·ice;
that II( ma~' Will. with thee and th\' serva nts evcn'·
where. the ('lernal netory: through' Jesus Christ our
Lord ... 1111(11.
T he grace of our Lord Jesus Chri~t. and the love
of God. and t he fellowship of the Ii oly Chost. be with
u~ evermore, Amell,
T he Lord bless 1I'> and keep us. T he Lord makc h is
face to shine upon us. a nd be grac ious unto us. T he
Lord lift up hiS countenance upon us. and give UI:
peace. tl1I5 ni~ht and evermore, Amfll .
FOH TIIO~E \\1-10 I\JuL'R;-';
Almighty God. who didst orfer tlw onl\' Son to be
ma?c perfect through suffering. and to \\'m our sal·
vatlon by endUring the cross; sustain with thy healing
power all those \\'hose loved ones have given their
Into thy hands. 0 Father. I commend this dav
(this night) my home. my famil~', and all who m'e
dear, to me. Bless them with the knowledge of thy
co.nlll1ua\ p,rcscncc. uphold them in all carcs and
trials: sustam them with thv power; and grant that
drawing ~ea~cr to thcc and to each other. we ll1a~
ever rejoice In the fellowship of those who trust
thy goodness and thy love; through Jesus Chnst our
Lord. Amm.
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel
of the ungodly. nOf standeth in the way of sinners.
nor sittelh in the seat of the scornful.
2 J3ut his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in
his law doth he meditate day and night.
.) And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers
of water. that bringeth forth his fruit in his season:
his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he docth
shall prosper .
.1 T he ungodlv are not so: but aTe like the chaff
which the wind driveth away.
S Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the
Judgment. nor sinners in the congregation of the
6 For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous:
but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
t LORD. who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who
shall dwell in thy holy hill?
2 lie that walketh uprightl~r, and worketh righteousness. and speaketh the tru th in his heart.
3 lie /110/ backbiteth not with his tongue. nor docth
evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against
his neighbour.
4 In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but
he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that
sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.
S lie tllal putteth not out his money to usury.
nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth
these things shall never be moved.
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the
firmament sheweth his handvwork .
. 2 Day unto day uttercth' speech. and night unto
flight shewcth knowledge.
:~ 7~here is no speech nor language, ll'lrere their
vOice IS not heard.
4, Their line is gone out through all the earth, and
their words to the end of the world. In them hath he
set a tabernacle for the sun.
S Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his
chamber. alld rejoiceth as a strong man to run a
6 Ilis going forth is from the end of the heaven,
and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing
hid from the heal thereof.
i The law,of the LORD is per~ect. converting the
soul: the teslimony of the LORD IS sure, making wise
the simple.
8 The statutes of the LonD are right. rejoicing the
heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure. enlightening the eyes.
9 ~rhe fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever:
the Judgments of the LORD OTe true and righteous
10 1\ lore to be desired are they than gold. yea, than
much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the
11 Moreover by them is thv servant warned: and
in keeping of them titere is great reward,
12 Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me
from secret falllts,
: 13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous
SinS; let them not have dominion over me: then shall
I be upright. and I shall be innocent from the grcat
14 Let thc words of m\' mouth. and the meditation
of my heart. be acceptable III thy sight. 0 LORD. m~'
,trength. and my redeemer.
I T he LORI) i~ my shepherd: I shall nol want.
2 lie makcth me to lie down in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside the still watcrs.
-' li e re!ltoreth m\' soul: he leadeth me in thc path:;
of ri~hleOll"l1eSS for'his name's sake.
4 Yea. though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death. I will fear no evil: for thou art with
me; th\' rod and til\' stall the\' comfort me .
.'i Ti'loll pn.'paresl a table bCfore me in the presence
of mine enemies: thou anointest Il1V head with oil:
my l:UP runneth ov<.'r.
(J ~urcly goodness and mcrc~' shall follow me all
the daYS of nl\' life: and I will dwell in the house of
the L<ilw for ever.
PS.\L\I -l3
Judge me. 0 God. and plead my cause agamst
an ungodly nation: 0 de\tver me from the deceitful
and unjust man.
1 For thou art the God of my strength: why dost
thou ca<;l mc off? why go I mourning bt..>causc of tht:
oppression of the enemy?
3 0 send out thy light and thy truth:.lct them lead
mc; let them bring me unto thy holy lull. and to thy
4 Then will I go unto the altar of God, unto God
Ill~' exceeding joy: yea. upon the harp will I pnlisc
llll'l'. 0 (~od my God.
5 Why art thou cast down. 0 m,' soul? and ",h\' art
thou disquieted within me? hope'in God: for I 'shall
yet praise him, II'lio is the health of mv countenance,
and my God.
1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present
help in trouble.
2 Therefore will not we fcar, though the earth be
removed, and though the moulllc'1ins be carried into
the midst of the sea;
J Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled.
I/Jollp,h the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.
4 There is a river. the streams whereof shall make
glad the city of God. the holy place of the tabernacles
of the most lIigh.
S God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved:
God shall help her. omt thai right early.
6 The heathen raged. the kingdoms were moved:
he uttered his voice. the earth melted.
i The L anD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob
is our refuge.
S Come, behold the works of the LonD. what
desolations he hath made in the earth.
\) I Ie maketh wars to cease unto the end of the
earth; he breakcth the bow, and cutteth the spear In
sunder : he burnelh the chariot in the fire.
10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be
exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the
11 The L anD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob
is our refuge.
P S.'\L~I
I I1ave mercy upon me, 0 God, according to thy
lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of til\'
tender mercies blot out my tran"'gressions.
2 Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and
cleanse me from nw sin.
3 For I acknowiedge my transgressions: and my
sin is ever 1x:fore me.
.t Agamst thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done
1~lis evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justi~
fled when thou spe<lkest, and be clear when thou
5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did
my mother conceive me.
'() Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts:
and in the hidden IJart thou shalt make me to know
7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash
me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
8 .I\lake me to hear joy and gladness; thaI the bones
which thou hast broken may rejoice.
\) I IIdl' thy face from my sins. and blot out all mine
1m qUI lies.
10 Create in me a clean heart. 0 God; and renew a
nght spin t Within mc.
II Cast me not away from thy presence; and take
not Ul\' hoi\" splflt from me.
12 He<.;torc IInto mc the JOY of thy salvation: and
uphold me willi Illy frl:!e spint.
13 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways: and
sinners shall be converted unto thee.
l-l Deliver me from bloodguiltmess, 0 God, thou
God of my salvat ion: and my tongue shall sing aloud
of thy nghtcousness.
<? Lord. opcnthou
my lips: and my mouth shall
lorth t hy praise.
16 For thou deSlresl not sacrifkc: else would I
give.. it: thou dcl~).!htc st not in burnt offering.
II The sacnflces of God are a broken spirit : a
broken and contntc heart. 0 God. thou wilt not
18 Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: blilid
thou the walls of Jer usalem.
19 Then shal t thou be pleased with the sacrifices
of righteousness. with burnt offering and whole
burnt offering: then shall they olTer bullocks upon
tllln/.' altar.
I Give the king thy Jud,(,rtncnts. 0 God. and thy
righteollsness unto the king's son.
2 li e shaH Judge th~' people with righteousness. and
thy poor with Jud,e:mcnt.
,; The mounlaills shall bring peace to the people,
and the httle lulls. bv nghteousness.
4 lie shaH Judge the poor of the people, he shall
"-an the clllidren of the need\', and shall break in
pieces the oppres"ior.
5 They shall fcar thee as long as the sun and moon
endure. throu t.::hou t all generations.
6 lie shall come down hke ram upon the mown
grass: as showl:rs Ihut water the earth.
i In his <la.\'::; shall the nghteous flounsh: and
abundance of peace w long as the moon cndun:th,
X li e shall have dominion also from sea to sea and
from the river unto the ends of the earth,
() They that dwell 10 the wilderness shall bow
before 111m: and lu,> enemil''':i shall iJck the dust
10 The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall
bring presents: the king"> of Sheba and Scba shall
offer gifts.
11 Yea. all kin~s shall fall down before him: all
nations ">hall serve him.
12 For he shall deliver the need v when he crieth;
the poor also. and him that hath no helper.
13 lIe shall spare the poor and ne(..'Ciy. and shall
save the souls of the need\'.
1-1- I Ie shall redeem their soul from deceit and
violence: and precious shall their blood be in his si~ht.
IS And he shall live. and to him shall be given of
thl' gold of Sheba: pnwer also shall be made fo r him
con tll1ually: and daily shall he be praised.
J() There 5hall be an handful of corn in the earth
upon the top of the mountains: the fruit thereof
shall shake Itke Lebanon: and they of the city sll,!!l
floLJrio;h like grass of the earth,
1i I lis name shall endure fOl ever: his name shall
be contillued as long as the sun: and men shall be
blessed in hun: All nations shall call hun blessed.
I ~ Blesscd be the LORD God. the God of Israel.
who onl~' docth wondrous thin,gs.
1(1 And blessed be his glorious name for ev(:r:
and let the whole earth be filled It'ith his glory;
A·mell. and A·lllen,
1 110w amiable
P SAD.I 8.t
are thy tabernacles. 0 LOlw of
l 1\ 1)' soullongeth. yea, even faintcth for the courts
of the LOR]): my heart and Ill\' flesh crieth out for the
It\,1l1g God.
.3 \'1..';\. the sjxtrrow hath found an house, and the
swallow a nest for herself, where ~hc rnav Jav her
,'ollng, el'CII thine altars. 0 LOIw of hosts. "my "K in g,
and m\" God.
-t 13icsscd are the\- that dwell in tin" house: they
will be still prai"in~ th(;c.
S Blessed is the 01<l1l whose strene;th i.~ in thee;
111 who'>C heart are the \\an 01 thon.
6 Who pa~illg through" the valley of Baea make
It a well; the ram ai-..o flllcth the pools.
i They go from strcn.{~lh to strength. ct'ny one
of litem in Zion appcarcth hdorc Cod.
~ 0 LonD God of hosts. ht.:ar 111\' prayer: give car,
God of jacoh.
I) Behold. 0 Cod our shield. and look upon the
face of thine anOInted.
1() For a day in tllV courts is better than a tholls,tnd.
I had nlthcr he a d(~)rkccper in the house oi my God,
than to dwell in the knts of wickedness.
t 1 For the LORI) God is a sun and shield: the LOlm
will give grace and Rlory: no good tliilIg will he
withhold from them that walk uprightly.
12 0 LOlW of ho<.;ts, blessed is the man that
trusteth III thee.
P ~.\U.I 9 1
H e that dwelleth in the secret place of the most
lligh shall <lblde undt.T the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will S<I~' of the LOlm. lie i:; my refuge and my
fortress: m\· God: 1I1 Ium will I trust.
3 Surcir" he shall deliver thee from the snare of the
fowler. wid from the noisome pestilence.
-l li e shall cover thee ,,!th his feathers, and under
hIS wing ... shalt thou trust: his truth shall be lily shield
and buckler.
5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night.
lIor for the arrow llial Oleth b,' da\':
6 Sor for the pestilence lhul \\~dkl'lh in darkncs<.;:
nor for the dc::.truction Ihal \\'astcth at noonda\'.
7 "\ thou~lIld shnll fall at tin· side. and tell tholl"and at th~' right hand: but it- shall not com~ nigh
~ 0111\' with thine e,'es shalt thou behold and see tht'
reward (if tI,t,; wlcked.~) Because thou hast made the LORD. I~'hiclt is Ill"
rdugt'. ('I'CI/ the most Hi~h. thy habItation;
10 There shall no evil bebll thee. neither shall an\'
plague come nigh thy dwelling.
II For he shall gi\'e his angels charge over thee, to
keep thee in all thv wm·s.
12 TI\('\' "l!;:\ll bear tilee up in /luir hands. lest tholl
da1ih til\' foot against a stonc.
U T i)()u shalt tread 1IlXlil the lion and adder:
the young lion and the dragon shall thou tramplt·
undcr feet.
I·t 13ecausc he hath set his love upon me. thercfon'
WIll I deliver him: I will set him on high. bccau<;c ht·
hath known mv name.
I ~ I Ie shall'c~lll upon me. and I will answer him
I /I"ill bl with hun in trouble; I will deliver hun, and
honour him.
16 With long life will I satish· him. and shew him
my -;alv;nion.
I 0 come, let us <:ing unto the LOIm: let us make a
joyful noise to the rock of our salvation,
2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving. and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.
3 For the LanD is a great God, and a great King
above all gods.
-l In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the
strength of the hills is his also.
5 The sea ;s his. and he made it: and his hands
formed the dry land.
o 0 come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel
before the LORD our maker.
7 For he ;.~ our God: and we aTe the people of his
pasture. and the sheep of his hand. To day if yc will
hear hiS VOICe,
8 Il arden not your heart. as in the provocation.
and as ill the day of temptatlon in the wildcrncss:
I) \\,hen your "fathers l<.!mptcd me, proved me. and
saw mv work.
10 I;--ortv years long was I grieved with tltis generation, and i<lid, It is a people that do err in their heart.
and they have not known my ways:
I! L:nto whom I SWClrc in my wrath that they
should not enter mlO my rc!>l.
lOsing unto the LOlwa new < sing unto the
Lcmn. all the (,~Irth.
2 Sm.~ unto the !.olm. ble~s his name; shew forth
his salvatIon from dav to dav.
.~ Dedan: hi ... ,glory among"the heathen. his wondl'rs
amon~ all people.
-i For the L(Jlm i.\ .~rea t. and greatly to bl' prai:-;L'<i:
he i,\ to IX! ft'arl'd above all gods.
.:i For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the
LOIm made the heavens.
6 IJonour and majesty ar£' before him: strength
au III IllS sanctuarL
i Give lll1tO till' LOlW. 0 vc 'kindrcds of the people.
give unto the !.OIW glory ;1I1d strength.
x Give unto the LORD the glory due IIn/o his name:
bnng an offering. and com~ II1to hiS courts.
t) 0 worship the LOIm III the beauty of holmess:
fear before him, all the earth.
I() Sav among the heathen Ihal the LOim reigneth:
the world also shall he established that it shall not be
moved: he ... hall Judge the people rightt!ously.
11 Let the heavens rejOIce. and let the earth be
glad: let the sea roar. and thl' fulness then...,?f.
12 Let the field be Jodul. and all that IS then:m:
then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice
13 Before the LOIm: for he cometh, for he cometh
to judge the earth: he shall j~dge. the world With
righteousness. and the people With hIS truth.
P~ ..\DI
1 l\lakl- a joyful noise unto the LORD. all ye hind ....
2 Serve the LOIm with gladness: come before III">
presence with smgmg.
.,. .
, I,now ye thalthe LOim he IS (,od: If IS he that
hath made
and not we ourselves: /I'e (Ire his peopll'.
and the sheep of hi ... pasture .
... Enter mto his gates With thanksgiving. anti into
h i" courts with praise: be thankful unto him . (lml
ble .. ..; his name .
5 For the LORD is good: his mercy is everlasting;
and his truth {;lldurelh to all generations.
Bless thc LORD, 0 mv soul: and all that is witlun
me. bless his holy name ..
1 Bless thc LOIW, 0 my soul. and forget not all his
P salms
3 Who forgiveth aU thine imquities; who healeth
all thy diseases;
-I- Who rcdecmcth thy life from destruction: who
crowncth thee with loving-kindness and tender mercies;
5 Who satisficth thy mouth with good things: so
that thy youth is renewed like the cagle's.
6 The LonD exccu leth righteousness and judgment
for all that are oppressed.
7 lie made known his ways unto 1\ 105c5. his acts
unto the children of Israel. '
8 The LOIm is merciful and gracious. slow to anger,
and plenteous in mercy.
9 li e will 110t always chide: neither will he keep
his anger for evcr.
10 li e hath not dealt with us after OUf sins: nor
rewarded us according to our iniquities.
11 For as the heaven is high above the earth. so
grea t is hi~ mercy toward them that fear him.
12 As far 3S the east i" from the west. so far hath
he removed our transgressIons from us.
1,) Li ke as a father piticth his children. so the
LOlw pltieth them that fear him.
14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembcrcth
that we are dust.
15 , Is for man. his days art as grass: as a flo\\'er
of the field. <;0 he 1I0urishcth.
16 For the wind passcth over it, and it is gone;
and the place thereof sh:-tll know it no more.
1i But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting
to everlasting upon them tlmt fear him. and his
righlt.'Ousness unto chlldren's children:
I g To such as keep his covenant. and to thosc that
remember his commandments to do them.
t <) The LORD hath prepared his throne in the
heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over aiL
20 Bless the LORD. ye his angels. that excel In
strength, that do his commandrnents. hearkening unto
the voice of his word.
21 Bless \'C the L ORD, all ye his hosts:ye ministers
of his, that do his pleasure.
21 Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of Ius
dominion: bless lhe LORn. 0 my soul.
9 Wherewithal shall a ~'oung man clcanse his way?
hv taking heed thcrffo according to lhy word.
• 10 With my whole heart have I soughllhcc: 0 let
me not wander from thy commandmcnts.
II Thy word have I hid in mine heart. that 1
might not si n against thee.
12 I31essed art thou. 0 LotIO: teach mc thy statutes.
H \\'ith my lips havc I declared all the judgmcnts
of th\' mouth.
1,1' I havt' rejoiced in thc way of thy tcstimonies,
3" milch (IS in all riches.
t'=; I will meditate in thy precepts. and have respect
unto thy ways.
ICI 1 will delight myscH In thy statutcs: I will not
forget thy word.
P SADI 111
I I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from
whence cometh my help.
2 !\ly help comfflt from the LOHD, wInch made
heaven and earth.
J li e will not suffer thy foot to be moved; he that
keepcth thee will not slumber.
-I Behold. Ill' that Kt..>epeth Israel shall neither
nor sleep.
50 The L?HD is thy keeper: the LOim is thy shade
upon thy nglll hand.
6 The SUIl shall not sm ile thee b\' da'- nor the
moon bv night.
i Thl' U'.HW shall preserve thee from all evil: he
shall preserve thy sou\.
X .Th~ LOHD shall preserve thy going out and tllY
commg JI1 from this tunc forth. and even for ever.
now rnav ' ''rael sav:
had not
oren the LORn who was on our side
when men rose up against us:
3 Then tl1('j' had swallowed us up quick. when their
wrath W3S kmdled .. gamSl us:
-I Th en the waters had overwhelmed us the stream
had gone over our !;Qui:
5 Then thc proud watl;rs had gone over our soul.
Blcs~ Dr the
If it had lin/ h(,01 the LOJm who was on
2 If
4 BUl there is forgiveness with thee. that thou
ma\'est be feared .
.~ I Walt for the LOim. m\' soul doth wail. and in
his word do I hope.
6 :\I\' soul wailt/II for the Lord more than the"t hat w;ltch for the morning: I soy. more tholl the}'
that watch for the morning,
7 Let I<;ral'i hope in the LORD: for with the LOIH)
then is merc\'. and \\'lth him is plenteous redemptIOn.
8 And he 'shall redeem Israel from all hi~ iniqUities.
who hath not given us
(I S
prey to their teeth.
i Our soul IS escaped as a bird out of the snare of
th~ fowlers: (h~ Sflare is broken. and we are escaped.
X Our help 1.~ III the name of the LonD, who made
heaven and eanh.
P SAU,I 130
lOut of the depths have I cried unto thee. 0 LORD.
2 LOI{J~. hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive
to the vOice of my supplications.
3 If thou. U)!{t), shouldest mark iniquities. 0 LORD.
\\'ho shal l stand ?
Prai c:e \,e the LOIw. Praise God in his S<lIll.:tuarY:
praise him In the firmament of his power.
2 Ilraisc him for his mighty acts: praise him a(:(ord·
ing to his excellent greatness.
3 Pra] sc hUll \\,] th the sound of the trumpt:l: praIse
hun WIth the p-.<lllt:ry and harp,
.J 11ra]se hIm \\ ]th the timbrel and dance: praise \U111
with stringed in-.truments and org<ln~,
:. Prai<:;c him upon the loud cymbals: pr~lI<:.e hun
upon the high sounding c~·mhak
(, Let tvcry thmg that hath breath praise thc LOHn.
I)rai'ic yc tht LORI).
Bible Readings
Come now. and let us reason together. saith th('
LORO: though your sins be as scarlet. they shall be .J~
\\ hite as snow; though they be red like crimson. the)
shall be as wool. Isaiah 1:18
Fear thou not: for I am with thee: be not dismayed:
for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea. I will
help thee: yea. 1 will uphold thee with the right hand
of Illy righteousness. Isaiah.p:1O
Look unto me. and be ye saved. all the ends of the
earth: for I am God, and there is none else. I saia"
45: 22
li e hath shewed thee, 0 man, what is good; and
what doth the LoRD require of thee. but to do justly.
and to love mercy, and'to walk humbly with thy God?
lIIicah 6:8
For the Son of man is come to seek and to save
that which was lost. Luke 19:10
This is a faithful &'1ying, and worthy of all accepta·
tion, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save
sinners; of whom I am chief. I Timolhy 1:15
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are
heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for
I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest
unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy. and my burden is light.
II :28-30
9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in. he
shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and fmd
Bible Readings
Bible Readings
10 The thid cometh not, but for to steal. and to
kill. and to destroy: I am come that they might have
life. ;md that they might ha\'e il more abundantly.
til am the good shepherd: the good shepherd
giveth Ius ltfe for the sheep. John 10:<) II
1 Ld not n)ur heart be troubled: ve believe in
God. believe also III me.
2 In Ill\' Father's house are mam' mansions: if it
!are not
I would have told you. i go to prepare a
place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for YOll, I will
come again. and receive you unto myself; that where
I am. 111fT( vc mm- be also.
-I And wflithcr', go ye know. and the wa:' ye know.
John q:l -I
23 But the hour cometh. and now is. when the
true worshippers shall worshIp the Father in spirit
and in truth: for the Father scckcth such to worship
3() As It i:> wnlten. For th\' sake wc are hilled all
the day long; \\c are accou'nted as sheep for the
3i Kav. m all these things we are more than c()nqucrors lhrough Illm that loved us. .
3R For I am persuaded. that neither death. nor
life. nor angtis. nor prmclpaiities. nor powers. nor
thlll.l{S present, nor thmgs to come.
N i'\or height. nor depth. nor any other creature.
shall Ix: abk· to ~epiJrate us from thc 100'c of (,od.
\\ luch IS III Chn.;;t Jl!SUS our Lord. Romall;:; ~ :35 ,W
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must
worship him LIl spirit and in truth. john 4 :23.:Q
11 This i') my commandment. That ye love one
another. as I h;n'e loved \'OU.
13 Crcater lo\'{; hath
man than this. that a man
lay down Iw; lift· [or his friends. john 1'=;:12.1.)
.n Thc~c things I han spoken unto \·ou. that in
me ye Illight have peace. In the world ~:e shall han!
tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome
the world. joltll '():,U
i\ 101m TIIA:'\ COi\Ql: EHOHS
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
shall tnbulatlf)J1. or distress. or persecution. or famine,
or nahcdness, or peril. or sword~
28 IJast thou not known? hast thou not heart!
that the everlasting God. the LOIW, the Creator of the
ends of the earth. fainteth not, neither IS wcary~
Ihere is no scan.:hing of hiS understanding.
29 lie givelh power to the falllt; and to them Ihal
htllf 110 might he Illcreaseth strength.
30 Evcll the youths shall fanlt and be \\o.!ary. and
the \'OUIl,,! men ~hall utterl\' fall:
.; i l3ut the\' tlwt WiJlt upon the LOlw shall rene\\
Ihcir str. . ngtll; the\' shall mount up With wmgs 3S
eagles; the\' shall run. and not be \\'ear~'; allll the\'
shall \\alk"~lIld not famt. haiah 40:2S 3 1
Tm: PRIZE-\\'!:\:\ER
2·\ K no\\ ye not that the\' which run in a ran.! run
all. hut onc rccciveth the prize? So run. that ~"l' may
obtain. I COIilllliialls 9:24.
Bible Readings
Bible Readings
. 25 And eV,cry ma~ that striveth for the mastery
IS tem~rate In all thmgs. Now they do it to obtain a
corruptIble crown; but we an incorruptible.
26 I therefore so run. not as uncertainly; so fight I.
not as one that beateth the air:
27 But I keep under my body. and bring it into
subjection: Jest that by any means, when I have
preached to others. 1 myself should be a castaway.
I Corin/idons 9:2.J- 27
3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: [or their's is the
kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be
5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the
6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after
righteousness: [or they shall be flllcd.
7 Blessed aTe the merciful: for they shall obtain
8 Blessed art the pure in heart: for they shall see
9 Blcssed are the peacemakers: for they shall be
callcd the ch ildren of God.
10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for
righteousness' sake: for their's is the kingdom of
11 Blessed are ye, when 11Ien shall revile vou, and
pt!rsecutc yOll, and shall say all manner of evlI against
you falsely. [or my sake.
12 Hejoice. and be exceeding glad: for great is your
reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets
which were before you.
IJ Ye are the Salt of the earth: but if the salt
have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it
is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out.
and to be trodden under foot of men.
14 Ye arc the light of the world. A city that is set
on an hill cannot be hid.
15 Neither do men light a candle. and put it under
a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light
unto all that arc in the house.
16 Let your lighl so shine before men, that they
may see your good works, and glorify your Father
WhICh is in heaven. Matthew 5:1-16
. ,4 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say. Re·
5 Let your modemtion be known unto all men. The
Lord is at hand.
6 Be careful for nothing: but in every thing by
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your
requests be made known unto God.
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through
Christ Jesus.
8 Finally. brethren. whatsoevcr things are true,
~vhatsoever things (~re honest, whatsoeyer things aTt
Just, whatsoever thmgs are pure, whatsoever things
art lovely. whatsoever things are of good report; if
there be any virtue. and if there be any praise, think on
these things. PhilifJ/>iolls 4:4- 8
I An~ seein~ the multitudes, he went up into a
mountam: and when he was set, his disciples came
unto him:
2 And be opened his mouth, and taught them,
Bible Readings
Bible Readings
nor yet for your body. what ye shall put on. Is not
the life more than meat, and the body than rai·
26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not,
neither do they reap. nor gather into barns; yet your
heavenly Father feedeth them, Are ye not much better
than they?
27 Which of you by taking thought can add one
cubit unto his stature?
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider
the lilies of the field. how they grow; they toil not,
neither do they spi n :
29 And yet I say unto you. That even Solomon
in all his glory was not arrayed like one of lhese.
30 Wherefore. if God so clothe the grass of the
field, which to day is. and to morrow is cast into the
oven, sholl he not much more clothe you, 0 ye of little
31 Thcrefore take no thought. saying. What shall
we eat? or, What shall we drink? or. Wherewithal
shall we be clothed?
32 (For arter all these things do the Gentiles
seek:) for your heavenh' Father knoweth that yc
have need or all these t hi-ngs,
33 l3ut seck ye first the kingdom of God, and his
righu_'Ousness; and all these things shall be added
unto you.
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for
the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. MaUll(;/('
6:25 34
S And when tholl praycst. thou shalt not be as
the hypOCrites (HI": for they love to pray ,>tanding in
the synagogues and in the corners of the streets. that
the\' mav be !'<.'t.'11 of men. \'crilv I sa\' unto "OU.
The\' ha~c th(!ir reward.
6 'But thou. when thou prayesl. enter into thy
clo~l. and when thou hast shut thy door. prm' to
thv Father whICh is in secret: and thv Father w']lIch
seet h in secret shall reward thee openly.
7 Hut when yc pr<ly. usc not vain repetitions. as
the heathen dll: for thev think that the\' shall be
hC<lrd for their much speaking.
~ Be not yc lhcrdorc like unto them: for your
Father knoweth what things yc have need of. before
vc ask him.
I) After this manner therefore pray yc: Our Father
which art in heaven, Iiallowcd be Un' name.
\0 Thy kingdom come. Thy will 6c done in earth.
as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this da\' our dally bread.
11 i\nd forgive
our dcb'ts. as we forgive our
13 And lead us not into temptation. but deliver
us from evil: For thine is thc kmgdom. and thc power.
and the glor\'. for ever. Amen.
J..i For If' ye forgive mcn thcir trespasses. \'our
heavenl~' Father \\'111 also forglvc you:
But If ye forgIve not men their trespasses,
neitlwr will your Father forgIve your trespasses.
.\IallllCll t 6:S 12
TilE F,\TIII-:I{'S !\.ISGDO;"1
25 Therefore I 5.:1.y unto you. Ta\,e no thought for
your life. what ye shall cat. or what ye shall drink;
11 And he said, A certain man had two sons:
12 And the younger of them said to his father,
Bible Readings
Bible Readings
Father. give me the portion of ~oo.d~ that falleth to
me. And he divided unto them Ills hvmg.
13 And not many davs after the younger son
gathered all to~ethcr, and took ~is journey int~ a
far country. and there wasted IU5 substance with
riotous living.
I.J And when he had sfX'nt all. there 3f(?se a mighty
famine in that land; and he began to be In want.
15 And be: went and Joined himself to a citizen of
that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed
16 And he would fain have filled his belly with
the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave
unto him.
1i And when he came to himself. he said, Bow
many hired servants of my. falh~r's have bread
enough and to spare, and I pensh wHh hunger:
18 I will arise and go to my father. and wlil say
unto him. Father, I have sinned against heaven, and
before thee,
19 And am no more worthy to be called thy son:
make me as one of thy hired servants.
20 And he arose. and came to his father. But when
he was yet a great way off, his father ~w him. and
had compassion. and ran. and fell on IllS neck. and
kissed him.
21 And the son said unto him. Father, I have
sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no
more worthy to be called thy son.
22 But the father said to his servants, Bnng forth
the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on
his hand. and shoes on his feet:
23 And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it;
and let us eat. and be merry:
24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again:
he was lost. and is found. And they began to be merry.
9 And he spake this parable unto ~Lrtain which
trusted in themselves that they were righteous. and
despised others:
10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the
onc a Pharisee. and the other a publican.
11 The l ~hari~ce stood and prayed thus with
himself, God, I thank thee. that I am not as other
men aTe. extortioners, unjust, adulterers. or even as
this publican.
12 I fast twice in the week. I give tithes of all that
I possess.
13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not
lift up so much as his eyes unto heavtn. but smote
upon his breast. saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.
H I tell you, this man went down to his house
justified ralher than the other: for everyone that
e:talteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbletl}
himself shall be exalted. Luke 18:9-q
16 For God so loved the world. that he gave his
only be~otlen Son. that whosoever .beli~veth in him
should not perish. but have everlasttng hfe.
1i For God sent not his Son into the world to
condemn the world; but that the world through him
might be saved.
18 lie that believeth on him is not condemned:
but he that believeth not is cOfldemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only
begot ten Son of God.
19 And this is the condemnation. that light is come
Bible Readings
Bible Readings
into the world. and men loved darkness rather than
light. because their deeds were evil.
20 For ever\' one that doeth evil hateth the light.
neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light.
that his deeds may be made manifest. that they are
wrought in God. john 3: 1621
11 When I was a child, I spake as a child. I undL'rstood as a chIld. I thought as a child: but when I became a man. I put away childish things.
11 For now we sec through a glass. darkly: but
then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall
I know even as also I am known.
13 And now abldl'th faith. hope. charity, thc<:e
three: but the greatest of these I::; charity. I Corinthian::; 13 I 13
1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and, of
angels. and have not charit{. I am become as soundmg
brass, or a tinlding cymba .
2 And though I hiive the f!.ift of prophecy, and un·
dersland all mysteries, and all knowledge; and tho~gh
I have all faith. so thal I could remove mountams,
and have not charity. I am nothing.
3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the
poor, and though I give my body to be burned. and
have not charity. it proflteth me ~ot~ing.
4 Charity suITereth long, and IS kmd; chanty en·
vieth not; charity vaunteth not itself. is not puffed up.
S Doth not behave itself unseemly. seeketh not her
own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil:
6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity. but rejoiceth in the
i Beareth all things, believeth all things. hopeth
all things. endureth all things.
S Charilv never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, thev"shall fail: whether there be tongues. they
shall cease; whether there be knowledge. it shall vanish
9 For we know in part. and we prophesy in part.
10 But when that which is perfect is come, then
that which is in part shall be done away.
TilE A!~;"!Ol·R OF GOI.)
JO Fmally. my brethren. be strong in the Lord.
and 1Il thc Ix-mcr of his might.
II Put on the whole armour of God. that ye may
be able to stand agmn'\t the wiles of the devil.
11 For wc wrestlc not against flesh and blood, but
again'il prHll..:!palilles, against powers. against the
rull'r~ of the darkness of this world. agaill':it splrllual
wickedness in high jJlac(.~.
13 \\'hereforL' take unto YOU the whole armour of
Cod. that \'l' Illm' be able'to withstand in the evd
da\·. and ha\'l!u! done all, to stand.
'1 I Stand tlwrdore. having your loms gIrt about
with lruth, and hanng on the brea'>tplate of nghtL"Ousnl's,;,:
1.1 .\nd your kct shod \~ Ith the prt'pmation of the
gospel of p('acc~
]{, Above all. laking the shield of faith, wherewith
\"L' shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the
I i And take the helmet of 8.:'l.h'3tion, and the
.;,word of the Spirit. which is the word of God:
1~ Praving always with all prayer and supplication
in the Spirit, and watchmg thereunto with all perseverance and suppilcatton for all samt,;;:
Bible Readings
Bible Readings
19 And for me, that utterance may be given unto
me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known
the mystery of the gospel,
20 For which 1 am an ambassador in bonds: that
therein I may speak boldly. as I ought to speak.
Ephesia'ls 6:10-20
7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted
loss for Christ.
8 Yea doubtless. and I count all things bitt loss
for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus
nw Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all
th-ings, and do coun L them bill dung, that I may win
9 And be found in him, not having mine own right.
eousness, which is of the law, but that which is through
the faith of Christ, the righteousness \'ihich is of God
by faith:
to That I may know him. and the power of his
resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being
made conformable unto his death;
Ii I f by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
i2 Not as though I had already attained, either
were alreadv perfect: but I follow after, if that 1 may
apprehend tha t for which also I am apprehended of
Christ Jesus.
13 Brethren. I count not myself to have apprehended: but litis one thing I do, forgetting those
things which are behind, and reaching forth unto
those things which are before.
i4 I press toward the mark for the prize of the
high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3 :7-1 4
43 And in the midst of them there was a youn g
man of a high stature. taller than all the rest. and
upon even· one of their heads he set crowns, and wa~
more exalu.:d: which I marvelled at Rfeatly.
44 So I ashd the angel, and said. Sir. what are
45 I Ie answered and said unto me. These he they
that have put off the mortal dothin.\:!;. and put on
the immortal, and have confessed the name of God.
now are they crowned. and receive palms.
46 Then said I unto the angel. What young person
is it that crowneth them. and giveth them palms in
their hands?
47 So he ~lI1s\\"ered and said unto me, I t is the Son
of God. whom thev have confessed in the world. Theil
began I greatly to"commend them that stood so stimy
for the name of the Lord.
48 Then the angel said unto me. Go thy way, and
tell mv people what manner of things, and how grt:at
wonders of the Lord thy God. thou hast seen. II Esdras z:-t3 48
16 Do not err, my beloved brethren.
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from
above. and cometh down from the Father of lights. with
whom is no variableness. neither shadow of turning.
1R Of his own will begat he us with the word of
truth, that we should be a kind of flrstfruits of his
19 Wherefore. my beloved brethren. let every man
be swift to hear. slow to speak. slow to wrath:
2U For the wrath of man worketh not the rightl"ousness of God.
-------- -
~ --~----- -
Bible Readings
Bible Readings
2 t Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity
of naughtiness. and receive with meekness the engrafted word. which is able to save your souls.
22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers
only. deceiving you r ow n selves.
23 For if any be a hearer of the word. and not a
doer. he is like unto a man beholding his natural face
in a glass:
2-l For he bcholdeth himself. and goeth his way,
and straightway forgcueth what manner of man he
12 Saying. Amen: Blessing. and glory. and \\;sdom. and thank sgiving:. and honour. and JXlwer. and
might. be unto our God for ever and eYer. Amen.
\.' And one of the eldus ans\\ered. saying unto
me. \\"h a t arc these \\ hich are arran;d in white
robc'i? and whence came the\'?
Jl And I said unto him. -Sir. thou knowesl. And
he !)aid to me. These are the\" w}lich came out of
great trihulation. and have washed tlll'ir robes. and
made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
1.; Therefore are the\" before the throne of God.
and serve him day and' night in his temple: and he
that si tteth on the throne shall dwell among them .
10 They shall hunger no more. neither thirst any
more; neither shall tile sun light on them. nor ,my
1i For the Lamb which is in the midst of tI l('
throne shall feed them. and shall lead them unto
living: fountains of waters: and God shall wipe awa)
all tears from their eyes. Ret'elatio'l 7:9- 17
25 For whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty. and con tinucth therein, he being not a forgetful
hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be
blessed in his deed.
26 If any man among you seem to be religious,
and bridlt:th not his tongue, but deceiveth his own
heart. this man's religion /$ vain.
27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the
Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in
t heir amiction. and to keep himself unsJXltted from
the world. james 1:,6 27
9 After this I beheld. and. 10. a great multitude,
which no man could number. of all nations, and
kindn'ds. and people. and tongues. stO<X.i before the
throne, and before the Lamb. clothed with white
robes. and palms in their hands:
10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation
to our God which sitte th upon the throne, and unto
the Lamb.
11 And all the angels stood round about the throne.
::tnd about the elders and the four beasts. and fell
bdore the throne o n their faces. and worShipped God,
H ymns *
o saving \"ictirn. opening wide
The gate of heaven to man below.
OUf foes press on from every side.
Thine aid supply, thy strength bestow.
2 All praise and thanks to thee ascend
For evermore, blest One in Three;
o grant us life that shall not end,
In our true native land with thee. Amen.
(4 )
I need thee every hour,
Most ~raciousJ Lord;
No tender voice like thine
Can peace afford.
I med thee, 0 I need t/tee .
El'try hour I lieu' thee;
o bless me 11O/{',
my Sat'iour,
/ come 10 thee!
2 I need thee every hour;
Stav thou near by;
T emp'lations lose their power
When thou art nigh.
1 need thee. 0 I ,lecd thee.
Et'ery hour I need thee;
o bless me now, my Saviour,
I come to thee!
• Kumb('rs in p:uentll("$('R indicate the nUmiJ('r of the hymn
"1 Th~' \Ya)'~id<' ilrlllll;t1, pllhli~hed by Tht, Furward Muv("II\("!ll.
41 l ::i,Lall\Ore Street. Cirlcinn<lti ~. Ohio,
2 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day;
Earth's joys grow d im , its glories pass away.
Change and decay in all around 1 see;
o thou who changest not, abide with me.
3 I need thee every hour
In joy or paino;
Come qukkly and abide.
Or life is vain.
n~ed Iliff. 0
I need thee,
EI'( ry /tour J 1/fed thee;
o bif:ss me nO/(l, my Saviour,
J come fo thee.'
4 I fear no foe. with thee at hand to bless:
Ills have no weight. and tears no bitterness.
Where is deatll 's sting? where, grave. thy victory?
1 triumph still, if t hou abide with me.
4 I need thee everv hour'
T each me thy' will; •
And lhy rich promises
In me fulfil.
1 IIced l/tee. 0 I need thee.
t;eery hour I need thee;
bless me I/o/C, my Saviour,
I come 10 tllce!
I need thee every hour
Most 1101y Or1c;
o make me thine indeed.
Thou blessed Son!
11It' IIOIf ' ,
my Saviour ,
I Cume to thee!
S I loki thou thy cross before my closing eyes:
Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies:
I leaven 's morning breaks, and earth' s vain shadow'i
In life, in death, 0 Lord, abide with me, Amen.
I need titfe. 0 I need thee,
Ern)' hour I nee(llhee;
o bless
3 I need th), presence every passing hour;
What but thy grace can foil the tempter's power?
Who. like t hyself, my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine. Lord. abide with me .
Amen .
Abide with me: fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens: Lord. with me abide:
When other helpers fail. and comforts flee,
H elp of the helpless. 0 abide with me.
Sun of mv soul. thou Saviour dear,
It is not night if thou be near;
o ma\' no ear th-born cloud arise
To hide thee from thy servan t's eyes.
2 When the so ft dews of kindly sleep
1\ ly weary eyelids gently steep,
Be my last thought. how sweet to rest
For ever on my Saviour's breast .
3 Abide with me from morn till eve,
For without thee I cannot live;
Abide with me when night is nigh,
For without thee I dare not die.
4 I f some poor wandering child of thine
Have spurned to·dav the voice divine
Now, , L.ord. the gr~Cious work begin; •
Let hun no morc he down in sin.
S \Yalch b~ the sick: enrich the JX>Of
\\ ilh blessings from thy boundless store;
B~ c~~r\' m?urner's sk'Cp lo-night,
LIke \o(<.Iot s slumbers. pure and light.
Through the long: night 'T;atches.
f\.l<l~' thine angels spread
Their white 200n me.
Watching round my bed.
6 " 'hen the morning wakens,
Then mav I arise
Pure. and fresh. and sinless
In thy hoh' eyes. An',en,
6 Come near and bless us when we \vake
Ere through the world our way we tak~
Till in the Ocean of lhv love
We lose ourselves in heaven above. Amen.
Now the day is over
l':ighl is draWing ~igh.
Shadows of the evening
Sleal across the sky.
2 Jesus, give the weary
and sweet repose;
\\ Ith thy tenderest blessing
1\ lay our eyelids close.
3 Grant to little children
\'isions bri~hl of thee;
Guard the sailors tossing
On the deep. blue sea.
4 Comfort every sufferer
WatChing late in pain;
Those who plan some evil
From their sin restrain.
( 11 )
Guide me, 0 thou great Jehovah.
Pih;:rim through this barren land.
I am w<::ali.. but thou art might\';
Iiolt: OIl: \,,'ith thy powerful l~and.
2 Open now the cn'stai fountains
\\ hence the living waters now;
Let the l icr~'. cloudy pillar
Lead r:lC all my journe...· through.
3 Feed mc with the heaveniv manna
In this harren wildernes's:
Be mv sword. and sh ield. and banner.
Be'the Lord my Righteousness.
4 When I tread the verge of Jordan,
Bid IllV anxious fears subside:
Death of death, and hell's destruction,
Land me safe on Canaan's side. Amen,
o little town of Bethlehem,
o come, all ye faithful.
How still we see thee lie!
Above t·l1y deep and dreamless sleep
The silent sta rs go by;
Yet in thy dark streets sh ineth
The everlasting Light:
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are mel in thee to-night.
2 For Christ is born of Mary.
And gathered all above.
While mortals sleep. the angels keep
Their watch of wondering lo\'c.
o morning stars, together
Proclaim the hoi v birth!
And praises sing t o" God the King.
And peace to men on earth.
3 How silenti", how silentlv
The wondrous gift is gl~en !
So God imparts to human hearts
The blessings of his heaven.
No ear may hear his coming,
)Jut in this world of si n,
Where mt.'ek souls will receive him, still
The dear Christ enters in.
4 o hal)' Child of Bethlehem!
Descend to us, we pray;
Cast out our si:1 and enter in,
Be born in us to-dav.
\\'c hear the Christmus an~els
The great glad tid ings tell;
come to us, abide with us,
Our Lord Emmanuel! Amen.
Joyful and triumphant.
come \'c to 13cthlehem;
Con1c aad behold him
Born the King of angels;
o come, let us adore him,
o come, let us adore him.
come, let us adore him. Christ the Lord.
o come ye, 0
God of God.
Light of Li~hl,
Lo! lie abhors not the Virgin's womb:
Very God,
Begotten. not created;
o come, let us adore him. etc,
Sing. choirs of angels,
Sing in exultation,
Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above;
Glory to God
In the highest:
o come. let us adore him. etc.
Yea, Lord. we greet thee.
Born this hapey mo.rning;
Jesus, to thee be gory gIVen;
'Word of the Father.
Now in flesh appearing;
o come. \et us adore him, etc. Amen,
Silent night. holy night.
All is calm. all is bright
Round yon virgin mother and child.
lIolv infant so tender and mild.
Sleep in heavenly peace.
2 Silent night, holy night,
Shepherd::; quake at the sight.
Glories ~ t rl'am from heaven afar,
IIeavenly hosts sing alleluia;
Christ, the Saviour, is born!
3 Silent night . holy night.
Son of God, Jove's pure light
Hadianl beams from thy holy face,
\\'ith the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord, at thy birth. Amen.
How firm a foundation. ve saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in his excellent word!
,rhal more can he say than to VOli he hath said,
You who unto J esus ror refuge have fled?
2 "Fear not. J am with thee; 0 be not dismayed!
I. I am thy God. and will still gin thee aid:
I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to
Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand .
3 "When through the deep waters I call thee to go,
The rivers of woe shall not thee overflow;
For I will be with thee. thy troubles to bless,
And sancti(v to thee thy deepest distress.
4 "When through flerv trials thy pathway sh~1l lie.
f\.l\' grace. all·suflkient. shall be thy ~upp!y.
Tile flame shall not hurt t hee; I onl: desl~n
Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.
S " The soul th3t to Jesus hath fled for repose,
I will not I will not desert to his foes:
That soul. t hough all het! shall endeavo~. to shake,
I'll never, no, never, no. never forsake. Amen.
In the cross of Christ I glory, .
TI)\\'erin~ o'er the wrecks of tlme;
All the light of sacred story .
Gathers mund its head subli:ne.
2 When the woes of life o'ertake me.
I lopes deceive, and fears annoy,
Never shall t he cross forsake me:
Lo! it glows with peace and joy.
3 \\'hen the sun of bliss is beaming
Ligh t and love upon my wa\',
From the cross the radiance !'trcaming,
Adds new luster t o the day.
4 Bane and blessin~, pain and pleasure.
By the cross are sanctified;
Peace is there that knows no measure,
Joys that through all time abide,
S I n the cross of Christ I glorv,
Towering o'er the wrecks'of time;
All the ligh t of sacred story .
Gathers round ib head subhme. Amen,
3 But the pains which I Ie endured.
Our salvation have procured;
Now above the sky IIc 's King.
Where t he angels ever sing .
(30 )
\\"hco I SUfVCV the \'\'ondrous cross
On, ,,;hieh till': Prince of glon' died,
:\J" richest g~m I count but loss.
And pour conltmpt on all my pride.
<\ Sing we to Ollr God above
2 Fo~bid i,t. Lord. that I should boast.
Save III the uoss of Christ. mv God'
All the V<l1I1 thlllg$ that charm
I s<icnficc them to his blood.
Praise eternal as His love:
Praise lIi m all ye heavenly host,
Father, Son. and 1I01\' Ghost.
Afieluia! Amen.
Sc~, from I its head. lIi s iwnds, lIi s feet.
,Sor:ow and love flnw mingled down!
I) lei (! er such love and sorrow meet.
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
·l \Yt..rc the whole realm of nature mine
That wcrt' a tnbuLc far too small; ,
Love so amazing. so divine.
Demands my "ou\. my life, my all. Amen.
OUf triumphant hoh- d:w.
Who did once upon the Cros.<;,
l l ymn~
(3 ! )
The strife is o·cr. the battle done.
The vidon' of life is won:
The song
triumph has begun.
1 The powers of death have done their \\'or';l.
But thrist their legions hath dispersed:
Let shout of holy joy outburst.
(33 )
Jesus Chri<.;t is ris'n todav.
~uncr to
redeem our loss.
of, praise then let us sing
U~to ChriSt. our he3\'enly King.
:\ ho endured the Cross and grave.
SlIlIH..'rs to redeem and save.
" The three sad days arc quickly sped .
li e rises glorious from the dead:
All glory to our riscn Head!
4 lie c10scd the yawning gates of hell.
The bars from heaven's high portals feU;
Let hymns of praise his triumphs tell!
S Lord! by the stripes which wounded T hee.
From deatll's dread sting Thy servant~ free.
That we may live and si ng to T hee .
Alleluia! Amen.
our time, 0 Lord.
'1'1) all the peoples J\:<lCC:
ll'acc surLly hased uIYln Thv Will
,\nd bUilt 111 rightcotlsnt''';S. Th~' po\\'('f alone can break
T!ll' fd ten; that ench;tin
The !'Orclv "tnckL'!1 soul of life.
And mal-.~ it Ii\" .... ag311l.
Too long mj'<trust and tear
J lave j,vid Out :'(lub in thrall:
S\\"UP lhrnul'il t!~e l:arth. i-CLn breath of il(:a\Tn.
And ~)und a nobler cal! ~
Come, as ThOll did'll of old,
III love SI) ~I\·~!t lha: men
Shall CJ<;,t ,l..,idc all other god;:;,
.\nd turn to ThLl ahain:
3 O. sll<dl
never J.::·arn
The truth all tllnc has tall.~ht.­
That wilhout God a" .!rdllICCl
Our building comes to naught?
l.ord. help us, and in-,pirc
Our hearts and lins. that we
l\lay build. with all Th~' wondrous gifts,
A Kingdom ll1t::et for Thee.
.J. Peace in our time, 0 Lord,
To all the IX'{)p:e~ Peace!
Peace that shall crown ;1 glad ncw world,
And make for life's increase.
LIving Christ. who fltilJ
J)ost all our burdens sharc.
Come now and reign within thc hcarts
Of all men {'vl'rywiwrc!
as 13m. withollt onc plea.
But that Thy blood \Vas sl1t'd for me,
And that T110u hidd''''t 1111.' cOllle to Thcr,
L:ll:lb of Cod. I come. I comc.
1 Just as I am, and waltmg not
To rid mr <:oul of Ollt' dark hlot.
To Thn" \\"l1ose blood (;aJi d,.'ansc each spot.
Lamh of God. I comc.
3 Ju<.;t as I an;, though losscd ahout
\\ Ith mall\' 3. (onl1l(t, mZlIl\' a doubt,
Fig!.tings and fcars \\ lthm, Without.
Lamb of Cod. I ml11~.
4 Ju"t a~ I nm. IYl()r. \\Tl'I(i}(:d. hlmd:
Si.ght. ric he", healing of the mind,
YC;l, all I necd, in Tht'e to find,
() Lamb of Cod, I come.
J u<;t
as 1 am: Thou wlit rL'CCI\'C,
\\"Ilt \\clcomc . pardon, deanSt'o relieve.
BI.'C<Ju<;c Thy promise I believe,
Lamb of God. I comc.
6 Just as I am. Thv 10\'\.: unknown
li as broken cver\' barrier down:
l'\ow to be Thine. 'lea, Thine alonc .
Lamb of God. I 'come. Amcn.
Il o}\,. I-\o\'l. Iiolv ! L.ord Cod Ahnightv!
t hc morning our song shall "risc to Thee:
I lo\v, I lolv. ll oh·! merCiful and mlghtv!
C"od in threc ~Persons, blessed Trinity.
H vmns
(I ol~',
(I oly. IIo1y1 All the saints adore Thee.
Casting down their golden crowns around the
4 \\,hen we at death mll~t part.
:\'ot like the world '5. our pain:
l3ut one in Chri<;t, and one in heart,
\Yc part to meet again.
glassy sea;
and seraphim falling down before Thee.
Which wert. and art. and evermore shalt be.
S From sorrow. lOil. and pam.
1101\', Iiolv. Ilol.,.,! though the darkness hide Thee.
Though'the c):c of sinful man Thy glory may not
\nd ~in, we shall be free:
And perfect lo\'e and fricnd~hip reign
Throug!\out l'temity. Amen.
Onk Tholl art holy: there is none beside Thee,
p'crfecl in power. in love, and purity.
I 1101\', Iioly. ll ol)'! Lord God Almighty~
A'II Thy works shall praise Thy Kame. in earth.
and sky. and sea; .
Iioir. Iioly, IIo1v1 melufu\ and 1l1lghty!
C'od in Three "\:rsons, blessed Trinity. Amen.
(4 1)
l3lcsl be the tic that binds
Our hearts in Jesus' Jove:
The fcllowshlJ> of Christian minds
Is like to that above.
2 Before our Father's throne
\\'c pour united prayers:
Our fears, our hopes, our aims arc one;
Our comforts and our cares.
" \Ye share our mutual woes,
Our mutual burdens bear:
And often for each other flows
The sympathizmg lear.
faith looks up to thee,
Tilou I.amb of Cal\'ary,
Saviour divinc!
:\0\\ hear me whilc I pray:
TaKe all my guilt away:
() let me from this dav
Be wholly thinl', •
),b,\' til\" rich grace impart
:--trcngtil lO my fainting heart.
),I\" zeal in~pire:
As thou hast died for me,
ma\" 111\' love to thee
Pun:,' \\·arm. and changeless he.
A l!ving: fire.
" ,,'hlll' !tfe's dark mazc I tread,
And griefs around mc sprcad,
l3e thou my guide:
BId darkness turn to day:
\\'ipe sorrow's tears away:
~or let me ever stray
From thee a<;ide!
Il I
I 12
4 \rhen cnd'i lift's transient dream.
When dcath's cold. sullen stream
Shall 0 'cr me roll;
Blest Saviour, then in love.
Fear and di<;lrust remove:
o bear me ~afc above.
A ranwmcd soul! Amen.
(·13 1
All hail the power of Jesus' Kame!
Let angd'i prostrate fall;
Bring forth the fO,val ciladcm,
And crown hun Lord of all!
2 Crown him. vc martvrs of our God,
\\ho from"his alta"r call:
Extol lhl' Stl'm-of-Jes:-;c's rod,
And crown hllll Lord of all!
IIail him. the I lelr of David's line,
Whom I )aVld, Lord did call;
The (;od IIlcarnatc! i\ l an divine!
And crown him Lord of all ~
Let everv kmdred. ever\, t ribe,
13cforc him prostrate 'call!
To him all majest y ascribe.
And crown him Lord of all! Amen.
(44 )
God moves In a mysterious wa\'
I lls wonders to Perform:
l ie plant s I lis footsteps in the sea.
And ndes upon the storm.
2 Decp in unfathomable mines.
With nevcr failing skill,
li e treasures up I lis brigh t designs,
And \\'orks ll is sovereign will.
J Yc fearful sain t s. fresh courage take:
T he clouds vc so much drcad
Arc big with rllCrcy. and shall break
I n blessings on your head.
4 Judge not the Lord Ly feeble sense,
l3ut trust Hllll for II is grace;
Behind a frowning providence
l ie hides a smiling face.
4 Yc seed of I<.;raers choscn race,
Ye ran<.;oml'd of the (;:tIl.
lIali hUll who "m'es you b.'.. his gmce,
And crown lum Lord of all!
S I lis purposes will ripen fast.
l lnfoldll1g every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet" will be the nower.
5 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget
Thc wormwood and the gall.
Go, spread your troph ies at his feet.
And crown him Lord of all!
6 Blind unbelief is sure to err.
And scan I I is work in vain:
God is lI is own interpreter.
And Il l' will make it plain. Amen.
] 13
( 15)
2 Other refuge have I none.
Hangs my helpless soul on thee;
Leave. ah! leave me not alone.
Still suppor t and comfort me!
All my trust on thee is staved;
AII -m\' help from thee I "bring;
Cover Ill\' defenceless hcad
With the shadow of t hy wing.
Rock of
ddt for me,
Ld Ill!' hide mn;clf in thee:
Let the \\atl,;[ ilild the blood
From thy sIde. a healing i100d.
Lie of :;.i ri the double cui·c.
Save from wrath. and ma:,e me pure.
2 Should
tears for
Plenteou s grace with thee is fou~d.
Grace to cleanse from every sm;
Let t he healing streams abound,
l\lake and keep me pure within.
T hou of life the fountain art.
Frech' let me take of thee:
Sprin~ thou up within my heart.
Hise to all etcrnit~,. Amen.
Should 111\' zeal no languor know.
All for Sill could not atone,
Thou must save, and thou alone:
I II Ill\' lwnti no price I hrill~,
Simply to Uw cross I cling.
3 \\'Iule I draw thi s fleeting breath.
Wht.!11 mine crelids close in death ,
When I risc
worlds unknown.
And behold thee on thy throne,
Rock of ages, cleft for'me.
Let me hide myself in thee. Amen.
o Love that wilt not let me go,
I rest mv wean' soul in thee:
1 give thee ba..:l~ thc hfe I owc,
That III thmc ocean depths its flow
i\ lay richer, full er be.
n Ligh t that followest all my way,
Jesus. Lover of Ill\' soul.
Let me to til\' Ilosom nv.
While the nearer waters roll.
While the tempest still IS high:
I hell' Ille, 0 Illy Saviour. hide.
Till the storm of life be past:
Safe into the haven guide.
o receive m\, soul at last~
I vicki m\' flickering torch to thec:
'\Iv 'hear t rcston.;s Its borrowed ra\'.
T liat in th ... sunshi ne's blaze its day
i\lay brighter. fairer be.
,) () Jo\' that scekest me th rough pain.
I cannot dose my heart to thcc
t trace thc rainbow through thc ram.
And feel the promise is not vain
T hat morn shall learless he.
-t 0
em"" that Iiftl'.;,l up mv head,
I dare nol a'Sk to II~' [rom thee:
11m' 111 dust life',; .~Iory dead.
And from the ~rollnd there blossoms red
Life that shall cndlc:,;s be. Amen.
1 Ii
For all the samB who from their labors rcst.
Who Thee b\" fatth before the world confcs:-ed.
Th\" name. 0 Jesus. Ix! forcver ble..;1.
Alleluia! .\lldul:I'
1 Thou W<lst tht'lr Hock. thcir FortH.'''!'>. and tllcLr
Thou. Lord. thclr Captain in the well-fotl.gllt light.
Thou. in the darkness drear. their own true Ij~llt
There's <l widene'Ss in God's mere\"
Like the Wlcll'I1CS';' of the sea; ,
Thcrc~s a kindness III his Justice,
\\'hICh IS more limn liberty.
There is welcome for the sin;lcr.
And, more graces for the good;
There IS mercy \\,Ith the SavIour;
Th(,fC is IH:aling in IllS blood.
o may TIl\" soldiers,
faithful. true. and bold,
Fight as t!1C <.;aints who nobly fo\!~ht of old.
And \\ In with them the victor's crown of gold.
o blest communion.
fel!owship divine!
\\'e feebly struggle. they in glory shine:
Yet all arc one in Thee, for all are Thine.
2 There is no place where earth's sorrows
Arc morc kit than up in heaven;
There is no place where earth's failings
Have such kllldly Judgment giHIl.
There IS plcnllful redemption
In the blood that has bl't.:n shed;
There IS JOv for all the members
I n the sorrows of the Ilead.
And \\'hl:1l tht.: strife is fierce. the warfare long.
Steals on the car the distant triumph son.g,
And hearts arc brave again. and arms arc strollg
3 For the love of God is broader
Than the mC<lsurc of m~l.11·s mind;
And the heart of the Eternal
Is 1110St mfinitely kind.
I f our love wcrc but more simple.
\\ e should take hlln at his word;
And our lives \vould be all sunshine
1n tht.: sweetness of the Lord.
The .goldt'n evening brightens In the wcst;
Soon. soon to fatthful warriors c0111eth rest;
Swcet IS the calm of Paradise the blest.
From earth's wide bounds. from ocean's fartlle..;t
Through gates of pearl streams in the countless ho!.t.
Singing to Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Al!clu ial Amen.
3 Jcsus calls us from the worship
Of the vam world's golden store:
From cach idol that would keep us,
Sa~'lI1g, "Chnstian. love :\le more."
I love Thy kingdom. Lord.
The house of Thlllc abode.
The Church our blest Redeemer saved
Wit h I lis own precious blood.
<I I n our JOYs and in our sorrows.
1 For her my tears shall falL
For her m y prayers ascend;
To her my carcs and toils be gin·n.
Til l tolls and cares shall end.
S J esll'i calls us: bv Thy mercies,
Saviour, make LIS hear Thy call.
Clve our heart s to Thine obedience.
Scrvc and love Thee best of all. Amen.
Beyond my highest joy
I prize her heavenly ways.
ll er sweet commUlllon, solemn vows,
I IeI' hymns of love and praise.
.. J esus, Thou Frif.!nd divine.
Our Saviour and our King.
Thy hand from enr\' snare and foe
Shall grC<lL dcilver"ancc bring.
S SUfe as Thy truth shall lasL
To Sion shall be given
The brightest glor ies earth can Yield.
And brighter bliss of heaven. -Amen
I bn; of to il ,md hour" of case.
SIlIi I k calls, in C2rcs and plea ... ures.
.. That wc love I ilm more than these."
Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult
Of our life's wild. rc:-.tless sca,
Da\' bv day Ills SWCCl voice soundcth.
Saying, ;'Chnstlan, follow i\le."
1 As of old. Saint Andrew heard it
By the Calikan lake,
T urilcd from home, and toil. and kmdred,
Leaving all for I IJ" dear sake.
Eternal Father! strong to save,
\\'hO~l' arm hath bound the restless wave,
\\ho bidd'st the 111lghtr ocean deep
lis own appointed limIts keep:
o hem us Whl'll wc crv to Thee
For lho~ 111 peril on the sea!
29 .
2 0 Christ! who:->t: voice the waters heard
And hushed their raging at Th~' word,
Who walked'St on t he foaming dcep,
And (a1m amidst lb rage dld'>t sleep:
o hear us whl'n we en' to Thee
For those III penl on the sea!
J ;" 105t Il nl\' Spint! who didst brood
l'POI1 the' chaos dark and rude.
And bid its angry t umult ccase,
And gIve. for wild confusion. peace;
o hear liS whel1 we cry to Thee
For Ihos<.' in peril on the sea !
J I )
2 0 beautiful for pilgrim feet •
\\"hose stern. impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw.
Confirm Ul\" soul in self control,
Tin' hbert v in law,
.J 0 Trtnit~· of love and power
Our brethren slueld III danger's hour:
From rock and tempest. fire and foc,
ProtL"Ct them wheresoe'er the\' go;
Thus evermore shall risc to' Thee
Glad hymns of prai~ from land and sea. Amen.
3 0 beautiful for heroes proved
No\\' thank we all our God,
\\"lth heart. and hands, and voices!
Who wondrous things hath done,
III wilom Il is world rejoices:
Who from our mother's arms
II<lth blessed us on our way
\\'ilh countless gifts of love;
And still is ours to-day.
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their countn' loved.
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
i\lay God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness.
And every gain divine,
"' 0 beautiful for patnot dream
That sees. beyond the years,
Thine alabaster- cities gleam,
l'ndimmed b\' human tears!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to sh inmg sea. Amen.
2 0 may this bounteous God
Through aU our life be ncar us!
\\'lth ever-joyful hearts
And blcssl,(\ peace to cheer us;
And keep us m I lis grace.
And guide us when perplexL
And free us from all ills
In this world and the next. Amen.
o beautiful for spacious skies.
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the frUited plain!
America! America!
God llhcd lIi s grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.
God bless our native land;
Firm rna\' she ever stand
Through storm and night:
When the wild tempests rave,
Ruler of wind and wave,
Do Thou our country save
By Thy great might.
1 22
2 For her our prayers shall risc
To Cod abovc tilt" .. kies:
On 111111 \\1; wait:
Thou who art cver IlIgh.
Guardm.\( with watchful eye.
To Thee aloud we LrV.
Cod sa\'c the state!
3 Let mu sic swell the breeze.
And rmg from all the trees
Swcct fre edom's song:
Let mortal tongues awake,
Let all that breathe partake,
L<!l rocks their silence break.
The sound prolong.
3 Our fathi.'r~' Cod, to Thee,
Author of liberh',
To Thi.'e wc sing:
Long may our land be bright
\Y ith freedom 's holy light;
Protect us by T hy might,
Great Cod, our Kmg. Amen.
4 Our fathers' God, to thee,
Author of liberty,
To thee we Si;lg;
Long may our land be brigh t
With freedom's holy light:
Protect us by thy might,
Great God, our King. Amell.
l\ 1\ countr\'. 'lIs of thee,
S\Vee l land" of !tbert \',
Of thee I sin~: .
Land wherc my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims' pride,
From even- mountamsidc
Let fn.'i.,dolll ring.
2 l\ 1\' native countrv. thee.
Land of thc noble' free,
'I'll\' name I love;
I lov~ thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills;
M y heart with rapture thrills
Lik e that aoovc.
(71 )
Once to even' mall and nation
Comes the' moment to decide,
In t he strife of truth with falsehood,
For the good or cvil side;
Some great causc, God's ncw :\lessiah,
Offering each the bloom or blight.
And the choice goes by for c\-cr
'TWixt that darkness and that light.
2 Then to side with truth is noble.
\\" hen we share her \\Tetcht.'d crust,
Ere hcr cau"i(: bring fame and proht.
And 'tis prospcrous to oc Just:
Then it is tbe brave man chooses.
\\' hlie the coward stands aside
TIll the multitude make Vlrtuc
or the faith they had denied.
12 3
3 Though with a scornful wonder
). len see her sore opprest.
B\" schisms rent asunder,
' l:h heresl\!s dlslrest:
Y ct ~"'lnts their watch are keeping .
T hclr cry .~ocs up, " !Iow long?"
And soon the mght of weepmg
Shall be the Illorn of song.
.) By the light of burning martyrs
Jesu s' blccdin.c: fl·Cl I track,
Toilin,C: up new Calvaries l'\Tr
\\",tll lhc cross thallurns not back:
l'\cw occa"iol1'l teach new duli(!:').
Time makes ancicnt good uncouth;
The\" must upward "'till and onward.
\\'ho \\'Oulct keep ahn:<1st of truth.
Though the cause of evil prosper,
4 'l\ilci toil and tribulation.
Yet 'li'l truth alone io,; strong;
Though her portion he the ~caf[old,
And upon the throne be wrong.
Yd that scaffold ,>\Vavs the future,
And, behind the diin unknown,
Standeth God within the shadow
Keeping watdl above his own. Amen.
And tUlllult of her war,
She walts the consummation
Of peace for evermore;
Till \\lth the \'lsion glorious
I kr long ing eyes arc hlest.
And the great Church victorious
Shall be the Church at rest.
5 Yet ,>he on earth hath union
\\"lth Cod the Three in One.
And 1l1\'stic sweet commumon
\\"ith those whose rest IS won.
o h;IPPY ones anel hoi y~
Lord. "~I ve us grace that we
Like thelll. the meek and lowk
On high m,l.\' dwell With thc·c. Amell.
The Church's one foundation
Is Jeslls Christ her Lord;
She is his new crcallon
By water and the word:
From heaven he came and sought her
To be his holy bride:
\\,til his own biood he bought her.
And for her life he dil:d.
2 Elect from even' nation.
Yet one o'er
the earth.
I Icr charter of sah'ation.
One Lord. one faith. one birth;
One holv l'\amc she blesses.
P artakes one hoi v food.
And to one hope 511e presses.
\\"ith every grace endued.
Gloriolls thin.!.!" of thee arc spoken.
~I()n. CIl\" of our Cod:
l ie \\"ho~c word cannot be broken.
Fnrmeci thec for his 0\\'11 abode;
On t!w I~ock of .\gcs founded,
\\ hat Gill shake til\' sure rcp0'>c?
With salvation 's \\'all~ s.urrounded.
T hou may":,;t smile at all thy foes.
I 25
.. Ble,;sings abound where'er he reigns;
The prisoner leaps to lose his chains,
The weary fmd eternal rest,
And all the sons of want are blest.
.:; Let every creature rise and bring
Pccuhar honors to our Kmg:
Angels descend with songs again.
And earth n.:pcat the loud Amen.
For a glory and a covering,
Showing that the Lord is near.
Thus dLriving from their banner,
Light hy I11ght, and shade by day.
Safe they ked upon the mann;l,
Which he gl\'l'S them ,\hen they pray.
4 Bkst lIlhabltants of Sion,
Hi<;e up. 0 men of God!
lI ave done with lesser things.
Give heart, and sou\, and mind. and strength
To serve the King of kings.
the Rcdc(;lncr's blood ~
Over self to
as kings:
Each for a brmgs. Amen.
n:igJl \\ her..: 'er the sun
J)otll hi'S SUCCess]\'e jOUrl1t'ys run:
I lis klllgdolll stretch from ~horl' to ~hore,
Till moons sh<lll wax and \vane no more,
2 To hun shall cndle~s prayer bc made,
And pra]'iC1i throng to crown his head;
I lis I'\arnc like sweet perfume shall rise
\\ ]til every mllrnlllg ~aCl ifice.
J C$iU'S ... halJ
up. 0 men of God!
I I ]s kmgdom tarries long.
Bring 111 the day of brotherhood
And end the mght of wrong.
And as priests. IllS soll'JllIl pr<liscs
JeslIs. whom their souls n..:k on.
t>.lakcs them kings and P'[Il'-.ts
'TIS hiS love hiS peop!t.: J"<IlSl'S
] 27
" People and realms of every tongue
Dwell on his love with swcde<;,t song:
And mfant voices shall proclaim
Tlh.:ir early blessings on his ~ame.
2 Sec. the streams of living waters
Springing from eternal love.
\Yell supply thy sons and daughters,
And all fcar of want remon.
\\"ho can fallll, when such a river
Ever will their thirst assuage?
Grace WhiCh, like the Lord. the giver,
Never falls from age to age.
3 Round each habitation hovering.
Sec the cloud and fire appear
" LIft high the cross of Christ!
Trl'ad where I lis feet han: trod.
As brothers of the Son of man.
Hi~ up. 0 men of God! Amcn.
o :'-.I£1stcr, Id me walk with thee
In lowly paths of service free;
Tell me thy secret; help me bear
The strain of toil, the fret of care.
1. IIe\p 01<: the slow of heart to move
1.3)' some clear, \\lIlmng: word of love;
Teach me tl)(: wavward feet to st3\'.
And gUide them i"n the homeward 'way.
3 Teach me thy patience; still with thee
In c\o!)er. dearer company.
In wor\.; that \.;eeps faith sweet and strong:.
In trust that triumphs over wrong.
-l In hope that sends a shining ray
Far down the fu t ure's broadening way.
In peace that only thou canst give.
With thee. 0 I\laster. let me live. Amen.
Onward, Christian soldiers
~ larchi ng as to war.
\\" ltll the cross of J esus
GOlllg on before!
Chnst the rova\ f'.. taster,
Leads agai;lst the foe;
Forward mto battle.
Sec, Ius banners go.
Onward. Christian soldiers.
I\ larching as to war.
With the cross of J esus
Going on before!
2 At t he sign of triumph
Satan's host doth flee;
On. then. Christia n soldiers.
On to victory!
lI ell'" foundations quiver
At t he shout of praise:
Brothers. lift \'our \'oiccs.
Loud \'our anthems raise ~
Oll\\·ard. etc.
3 Like a nughty army
l\loves the Church of God:
I3rother~. \\t,; an: treadmg
Where the saints have trod:
'\ e are not diVided.
All one bod\ we.
One in hope a"nd doctrine.
One III chari t y.
Onward. etc.
-l Crowns and thrones may perish.
KlIlgdoms rise and wane.
But the Church of J esus
Constant will remain:
(;ates of hell can never
'Gainst that Church prevail:
We have Christ's own prOinisc.
And t hat cannot fail.
Onward. etc.
,:; Onward. ther.. yc people!
Jo in our happy t hron~!
Blend with ours your vOices
In t hc triumph song~
Clory. laud. and honor.
Cnto Christ t he King;
T his through countless ages
1\ len and angels sing.
Onward . etc.
1 29
13 0
Stand up. stand up.
Ye soldiers of the
fC)f JrSllS.
Lift high his rond bannl'r!
It must not suITer loss:
From v ictorY unto victory
His army' shall he k<ld;
13 1
Be still. my soul: the Lord is on thy side;
Bear patiently the cross of grief or p"\in:
Leave to thy God to order and provide:
In every change he faithful will remain.
Be still. my soul: thy best. thy heavenly Friend
Thro' thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
Till every foc is vanqui;;hed.
And Chn!,t is Lord indeed.
2 Stand up. stand up. for Jesus!
The trumpet call abc\"!
Forth t? the mIghty COilflict
In thIs IllS glonous clav!
Ye that me men now serve him
Against unnumbered foc;;!
Let courage risc with d angu,
And strength to strength oppose.
3 Stand up. stand up. for Jc~us!
Stand III hiS strength ;Jiolle!
The arm of flesh will fad rOll,
Yc dare not trll~l your 'own:
2 Be still. Ill\' soul: thy God doth undertake
To guide the future as he has the past.
Thy hope. thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mystcrlous shall be bright at last.
Be still. my soul: the waves and winds sull know
Ilis voice who ruled them while he dwelt below.
., Be still. my soul: the hour is hastening on
When we shall be forever with the Lord.
\Yhen disappointment. grief. and fear are gone.
Sorrow forgot. love's purest joys restored.
ile still. my ~ul: when change and tears are past.
All safc and ble!-;scd we shall meet at last. Amell.
Put on the Cmijx'\ armor,
And \\atchlng unto pr;wcr,
Whell dUly c;:dls. or danger,
Be never wanting there!
4 Stand uP', stand up. for Jesus!
The stnfe will not be long:
ThiS da\', the nOISC of hattie'
The next. the victor'.,
To him t:mt ovcrcometh.
A crown of life shall be;
lIe with the King of glory
Shall reign cHTnally. Amen.
\Ye gatllL'f togetlwl" to ask the Lord's blessing;
lIe chastens and hastens his \vill to make known;
The \\"icked oppr~ssing now cease from dl'itrcssing.
Sing praises to his Name; he forgets not his own.
2 Beside us to guide us, our God With us joining.
Ordaining. maintaining his kingdom divine;
So from the beginning the fight we were winning:
Thou. Lord, wast at our side. all glory be thine!
'3 2
.; \Yc all do extol theC'. thou leader triumphant.
And pray that thou "lill our ddmdcr wilt he.
Let thy congregation c5capc tribulation:
Thy Name be ever praised! 0 Lord, make liS free !
o God. our help in ~Igcs past.
Our hope for ~'car'i to come.
Our shelter from the stormy blast
.And our eternal home:
2 L' nder the shadow of tllY throne
Thy saints have dwelt secure;
Sufficient is thine ann alone.
And our dd(;llcC is sure.
l\ line eyes have !;Cen the glon' of the coming of the
li e is trampling out the vintage where the grapes
of wrath arc stored;
li e hath loo5ed the fateful lightning of Hi s terrible
swift sword;
lIis truth is marching on.
GloTY! Klory.' /laUellijah!
Glory! f?,lory.' //allel/ljah!
Glorl'.' .~loTI'.' /-/ allt'lll;ali.'
/.. lI is 1~Il{1i is marcllill~ Oil.
2. IIi., day is n1aTchillf, on.
Sillce God is marchillf!, Oil .
./ . Ollr G()(J is maTchill;!, 011.
S. While Gud is marehillg on.
3 Before t he hills in order <;lood.
Or earth received her frome.
From everlastmg t hou an God,
To endless yt:ars the same.
.. A thousand ages in thy sight
Arc like an evening gone;
Short as the walch that ends the night
13eforc the flslIlg sun.
.) Time. like an ever-rolJing stream ,
Bears all its sons aW3\';
T hey fly. forgotten, as dream
Dies at the opening day.
0 God. our help in ages past.
Our hope for years to come.
l3e thou our guide while life shall last
And our eternal home. Amen.
2 I have seen lI im in the watch-fires of a hundn'd
circling camp<;;
The\' have builded Him an altar in the evening
dews and damps:
I have read I lis rightl.'Ous sentence by the dim and
flaring lamps:
I lis day is marching on. (Refrain)
J I have read a fiery gospel. writ in burnished rows
of stcel;
,. As \'c deal with ~ 1 \' contemners, SO with you ~l\'
grace shall deal; .. .
Let the Jlero. born of woman. crush the serpent
with ll is heel.
Since God is marching 011. (Refrain)
-l l ie has sounded forth Jlis trumpet that shall never
call retreat;
l ie IS sifting out the hearts of men before I-lis
o be swifl. my soul, to answer lInn: be Jubilant.
my feet!
Our God IS marching on. (RtJrain)
5 In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born. across
the sea,
\\"ith a glory in I lis bosom that transfigures you
<lnd me:
As li e died to make men holy. let us die to make
Illcn free!
\rlllic God is marching OIl. (Rtfrain) Amen.
The King of love my Shepherd is.
Whose goodness fadcth neyer:
I nothing lack if I am Ilis.
And li e is mine for ever.
1 Where streams of liVing water flow
1\1)" ransollled soul li e leadeth.
And where the verdant pastures grow,
With food (dcstial fccdcth .
.) I 'cr\,u-;c and foolish oft I stra\"(,x.l,
ilut yet III love lIe sought
And on lIis shoulder gently laid.
And home, rejoicing. brought me.
o! In death's dark vale I fear no ill
With Thee. dear Lord. beside me;
Thy rod and staff my comfort still.
Thy Cross before to gUIde mc.
.:; Thou spread'st a table in my sight:
Th" unction grace be::.towcth:
And b what transport of delight
From Thy pure chalice flowcth!
6 And so through all the length of days,
Th" goodn..::-;s faileth n~\'cr;
GOO(!" Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise
Within Thy house for ever. Am~n.
Index o f H y mns
'\'urul)!'r" in pan·nth,"". imlkatl." th(' nn11l1)('r~ of till' 11)"11111
11 TIll' \\;,y~i,h' IlyUlnal, l'uhli.l ...d hy Tht' FnrW,lnl \I"n,,, ... nl,
I irwinn;lli !, (lhi".
. kknow!cdg:mcnt is d ue the porward J\lon.'llll'llt
Puhlicatlons, ·Il~ Sycamore Street. Cmcinnati.
Ohio. who have kindl}: gran ted pernllssion to indudl:'
111 this volume the follo\\1I1g: 13aptlsm in Extremis
from" l\ lanual For ServKTll1cn ", A form of Confession
from "Be of Good Chen ", prayl'r For a Day of
Hattlc from "God Be \ \'Itll You ", pran:rs por Our
Arml'd Forces and For Chaplain:-; in- the Armed
Forces from " l'rayers for All Occasions ", prayers
For A Will to Peace, For the Bcn:aved, For the
l'nited :-.JaUoH", For Courage, For our Enemies from
"War-Tullc (>ra\'er5". The services of I lolv Communion and T he J\ l mistration of lI oly Baptism are
taken from The Book of Common Prayer.
(i ,<;)
(I I)
\ in)
\\y (ountry. li~ "f the..
\1)" I"ilh I..()k~ U!) t" The"
'>;'''1 th,!Ilk w,' ;til "ur (;"d
'>;('" Ih" d,,~ is <il,'r
\ j \H'autilul f"r -pati"u. ~Id('s
() ('Ollit', all ye I"ilhlul
() (;0.:1, our ], .. lp;l1 a"",. past
II littl(' 10\\11 01 Iklhkhpill
() Lon' tl"n wilt n,,1 ld ,ne go
(I i)
11 !
\hide "ith lilt': Lt~1 tall~ the p\"(~lilide
\lIl"dl tl\l' power of Je~us ;\ame
II<- ~lill, my ~"ul: tIle Lord i~ 011 thy side
IIk,.1 I". lh,' til" II,at hinds
Elt'rn,,l F,,\Ilt'r! ~lnl11" to ~a\'l:
For ,tilth" ~;d11l~, Ilh" frum their labors.
(;I()riolls Illil1;:~ (If th,'(' an: spokl'n
(;1111 hll"~ "ur Il;ltin' 1;(Ild
(;,,11 IIIOI',·~ III a 1tty~l('ri()u~ way
( . \1id(' ""', () rl",u "n'at J,'h'''';\h
1I"ly, lIoly, 11<,ly' l.ord (;"J \lmighlY
110" I,nll a f"und,ni"n
I 10\"1' Thy kin,,(hm, Lord
( 111'\'d Th,'(' "\"t'ry hour
In Ill!' l'T"~~ 01 Chri.t (~I"ry
J,·.tI~ <".,ll~ lL~: o'"r tIll' tumult
J"~u~ <:hri~1 h ri",'11 1,)1"iay
JI'~II~, L"I'("r "I my ~"1I1
JI:,.II" ,h,0I1 r,·i;:11 wlll'Tt'pr tlw ~un
Ju"t ,I' I a111, without olW pk,~
\1 i n,' I'y(·~ h,ll'I' ~""n t h,' glo,ry "\ thl." coming ~,f tlw
1:\ 7
Index of IIymns
I,' j)
(. ~ I)
kt tnt' \\:Ilk with Th"l'
~;\\'inR \'ictitn, opt'ning wirt.On("(' tn ('vl'ry 111;111 01."1') n.ltioll
()nw;\nl, ('hri~li<ln ~,,1{IiI'H
!','<"Iel: in our tin\l", () Lord
Ri~" lIl), () lIu'n "I (;,111
1{,'1'k of ,1J':"~, d.-[t for nH'
Siknt nil.:ht, hnly nigll1
Siand liP, ~t.ln't up f<or J"~u~
Sun of llI~' ~oll1. Thou S:l\"i"ur ,kar
TIll" CllJ1Tdl'~ ntH' found'lli"n
TIll' King or 1,,\'('
Th,' ~trif(' i~ O'\'T, Ill(' hatth' donI.'
'I h!'T(:~;1 \\"i(klJl'~s in God's m('rc),
"'J' g;ltllN tngl'tIH'T
\\'IH'n [ !'.\In·\'y th" wondrou;: {'ro~s
Ind ex of Pra yers
11 6
"')oration, .\11 .\<:1 (If
.\th'r ('hurdl S,'I\';(t:
.\LI Forn', For It.('
.\lnwd F"!,,,,~, FlIr tIll:
.\In'y, For thl'
\lIthoril~', h,r Tho,e in
H"llk, On" Da~: ,,)
( 11,,!,bin~, FliT
( 1.lbt-~ ("'llll)ani"II~llip, F"r
( bli~!j:L1I (;1'ld\l('~', !'or
,t ellard, 1'<>1 llil'
( "u'lIry. ,\Ii ill ~"II'il'1' of
( "II rag", I, ,or
1'0,,. (llll'
!h 111-:, F",. tl,,·
I, III '!lI\'~, I" ,r , ur
I, ll,-tin}: (hun II, \Ul('!\
:ity, Fllr
1"1', "or (;r.I\'" lu
II. II', F .. r
iy ( ""'IILIII1I<'II, h'r
~"I1't, j."r (,uid.tllf" "f the
,. h, Th,,~, at
li'I' ;H~(II'!n'd,uII, 1-,,1'
I. '~-llty, I· or
~I "ilW ("lp~, For lit('
~1, lltal lJad;nl's~, h.r Tllo~e in
\II""Y, "or
~1, r, hanl .\larinl', Fur tb('
~!"'1)illg, I n tilt,
:"1"lIrn, For Thus\' \\"ho
Index of Prayers
PA G !!:
:-':<lli. 'll. For the
)..:;l\r. I'or th ...
:\iRht .. \l
I'~,l";l·. ,,",r a \\,illto
!'1"llk .\il\ .\~.rin~l
i'l":,,·(lIh-'1. \-"r till'
i'1l.~i,knt ,,( til<' l"nilc-d SUIl'~, For the
Pri~"rl("r,. '·"r
"Iotl",ti,.n, h,r
Rio;hll'ml~nl'~~' " or
&'1 \ in' \l<'n ,Itlll \\""lIll'n, Fur
Sp,·,·,-h. \'''T ('"nuo\ "i
St\'dta~U\('~~. 1:"1
Telllpt.,U"Il. \n Tillie of
L nit,'d :'\.lli"l1~. ]«'1
\\'ar. 1111 ill'" , t
\\',,)\<1 1"·.11..... ]'"r
\\"ll11<kd. ]·,,1 th,'
\\-oll1ldt'd "tid ~i, \;,,1'0'1 Tholl' \\ho ).lini~ll·r to Ih,'