
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing,
Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014)
Wednesday, September 24
08:30 - 10:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
R1: Conference Registration
Room: Block E, Ground Floor (Reception)
09:00 - 10:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
SRS-2014: Student Research Symposium (SRS'14) Poster
Room: Lawn Area Block E
10:00 - 13:15 (Asia/Kolkata)
Inauguration: Opening Ceremonies and Inaugural Session
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor
11:45 - 13:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
K0: Inaugural Keynote - Innovative Cloud and BigData Computing with Aneka Platform
Dr. Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor
13:15 - 14:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
L1: Lunch Break
Room: Lawn Area Block E
14:00 - 15:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
K2: Keynote - Hybrid Resource Allocation Techniques for Cloud Computing Systems
Dr. Jemal H. Abawajy, Director, Parallel and Distributed Computing Lab, Deakin University,
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor
15:30 - 18:30 (Asia/Kolkata)
S1-A: Internet and Web Computing
Room: 110 Block E First Floor
Chair: Abdellatif Obaid (University of Quebec, Canada)
S1-A.1 Ev aluating Quality Score of New Adv ertisem ents
Sohil Jain (Thapar University, India) and Deepak Garg (Thapar University, Patiala,
O nline or we b adve rtise m e nt is the prim e source of incom e for se arch e ngine s. R e ve nue
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
ge ne rate d through we b adve rtise m e nt de pe nds on the num be r of tim e s use r click s on ads. To
incre ase re ve nue se arch e ngine se le cts be st ad from pool of ads. So, ads of good quality score
has m ore chance s of ge tting se le cte d by se arch e ngine . It is ve ry difficult to calculate quality of
ne w ads as the y have no historic inform ation re late d of the ir pe rform ance . He nce , e valuation of
quality score is crucial. In this pape r, we have propose d straightforward ye t e fficie nt m e thod in
te rm s of com putation and space re quire m e nt to e valuate quality score of ne w ad. And also
value s of dom inant param e te rs are com pute d e m pirically, that quality we b page should posse ss.
S1-A.2 Classification of Facebook News Feeds and Sentim ent Analysis
Shankar Setty (B. V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering & Technology, India),
Rajendra Jadi (B. V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering & Technology, India), Sabya
Shaikh (B. V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering & Technology, India), Chandan
Mattikalli (B. V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering & Technology, India) and Uma
Mudenagudi (B. V Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering and Technology, Hubli, India)
As re ce ntly se e n in Google 's Gm ail, the m e ssage s in inbox are classifie d into prim ary, social and
prom otions, which m ak e s it e asy for the use rs to diffe re ntiate the m e ssage s which the y are
look ing for from the bulk of m e ssage s. Sim ilarly, a use rs wall in face book is usually floode d with
huge am ount of data which m ak e s it annoying for the use rs to vie w the im portant ne ws fe e ds
am ong the re st. Thus we aim to focuse s on classification of face book ne ws fe e ds. In this pape r,
we atte m pt to classify the use rs ne ws fe e ds into various cate gorie s using classifie rs to provide a
be tte r re pre se ntation of data on use rs wall. Ne ws fe e ds colle cte d from face book are dynam ically
classifie d into various classe s such as frie nds posts and lik e d page s posts. Frie nds posts are
furthe r cate gorize d into life e ve nts posts and e nte rtainm e nt posts. Posts or update s from page s
which are lik e d by the use rs are groupe d as lik e d page s posts. Posts from frie nds are tagge d as
frie nds posts and those re garding the e ve nts occurring in the ir live s are said to be life e ve nt
posts and the re st are tagge d as e nte rtainm e nt posts. This he lps use rs to find "im portant ne ws
fe e ds" from "live ne ws fe e ds". Se ntim e nts are im portant as the y de pict the opinions and
e x pre ssions of the use r. He nce , de te cting the se ntim e nts of use rs from the life e ve nt posts also
be com e s an e sse ntial task . W e also propose a syste m for autom atic de te ction of se ntim e nts
from the life e ve nt posts and cate gorize base d on se ntim e nts into e x cite d, happy and bad
fe e lings posts. This pape r look s towards applying the classification m e thods from the lite rature
to our datase t with the obje ctive of e valuating m e thods of autom atic ne ws fe e ds classification
and se ntim e nt analysis which in future can provide face book page a we ll organize d and m ore
appe aling look .
S1-A.3 6LoWPAN Based Serv ice Discov ery and RESTful Web Accessibility for Internet
of Things
Jamal Mohammad (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, India), Palli
Sowjanya (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, India), Varka Bhadram
(Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, India) and Santosh Koshy (Center
for Development of Advanced Computing, India)
6LoW PAN be ing one am ong the e nabling te chnologie s of the vision, Inte rne t of Things, brings
forward the se nsor ne twork s into the world of Inte rne t through the e ffe ctive im ple m e ntation of
IPv6 on constraine d de vice s. Eve n the n, in-orde r to avail the num e rous se rvice s provide d by the
se nsor ne twork s ubiquitously and with e ase , the re is a ne e d to be cognizant of the available
se rvice s, ide ntity of node s providing the de sire d se rvice s and the m e ans to acce ss. In this pape r,
we pre se nt an 6LoW PAN base d archite cture of se nsor/actuator node s, that e m ploy Sim ple Se rvice
Location Protocol(SSLP), and re spond to all se rvice re late d que rie s from the use r de vice s. The
syste m im ple m e nts C onstraine d Application Protocol(C oAP) a R ESTful Archite cture to le ve rage
se rvice acce ss sim ilar to HTTP transactions. The propose d archite cture also inte grate s various
protocols, de fine d spe cific to the constraine d LoW PANs lik e , Ne ighbor Discove ry(ND) Protocol, and
R outing Protocol for Low powe r lossy ne twork s(R PL) for inte ractions be twe e n traditional IP
ne twork s and the 6LoW PAN ne twork .
S1-A.4 Extended Clique Percolation Method to Detect Ov erlapping Com m unity
Sumana Maity (NIT Rourkela, India) and Santanu Kumar Rath (National Institute of
Technology (NIT), Rourkela, India)
C om m unity de te ction in social ne twork is a prom ine nt issue in the study of ne twork syste m as it
he lps to unde rstand the structure of a ne twork . A m e m be r of a social ne twork can be part of
m ore than one group or com m unity. As a m e m be r can be ove rlappe d be twe e n m ore than one
group, ove rlapping com m unity de te ction te chnique ne e d to be conside re d in orde r to ide ntify the
ove rlapping node s. C lique pe rcolation m e thod is a com m unity de te ction algorithm which is
m ostly use d for de te cting ove rlapping com m unitie s. The proble m with this m e thod is that it doe s
not cove r the com ple te ne twork . He nce som e node s m ay not be a part of any com m unity
irre spe ctive of the ir conne ctivity. In this pape r a nove l approach has be e n introduce d to e x te nd
the clique pe rcolation m e thod so that e ach and e ve ry conne cte d node will be part of at le ast one
com m unity. The m ain strate gy is to find the initial com m unitie s using clique pe rcolation m e thod
and the n e x panding those com m unitie s by adding le ft out node s which are not include d in any
com m unity. Le ft out node s are include d to initial com m unitie s base d on the ir be longing
coe fficie nt. R e al world ne twork s are use d to e valuate the propose d algorithm . Q uality of the
de te cte d com m unity structure is m e asure d by m odularity m e asure which shows propose d m e thod
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
de te cts com m unitie s of be tte r quality ove r clique pe rcolation m e thod.
S1-A.5 Structural Model for the Adoption of Online Adv ertising on Social Network
Thanh D. Nguyen (HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam), Thi H. Cao (Saigon
Technology University, Vietnam) and Nghia D. Tran (HCMC University of Technology,
Social ne twork is strongly e x panding in all ove r the globe , it is be ing an indispe nsable part of the
online world, so social ne twork adve rtising is a pote ntial m ark e t for the busine ss prope nsity.
He nce , re se arche s on the adoption m ode ls of online adve rtising on social ne twork are e sse ntial
work . This study propose s a structural m ode l of online adve rtising on social ne twork adoption to
ove rcom e the lim itations of pre vious study. The conce pts in the m ode l we re analyze d by line ar
structural m ode l. The re se arch re sults illustrate d that have the re lationships be twe e n
e nte rtainm e nt, irritation, cre dibility, and inte raction-social, attitude toward online adve rtising, and
online adve rtising on social ne twork adoption.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
S1-B: The New Internet Symposium (NIS-2014)
Room: 110 Block E First Floor
Chair: Abdellatif Obaid (University of Quebec, Canada)
Routing Multiple Serv ices in Optical Transport Network Env ironm ent Using Mixed Line
Maninder Singh (Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India), Maninder Lal Singh (Guru
Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India) and Sudarshan Iyengar (IIT Ropar, India)
ITU-T has laid down broad principle s for the conve rge nce of pack e t and optical platform s through
a se rie s of O ptical Transport Ne twork (O TN) protocols. C onve rge nce of m ultiple se rvice s in orde r
to use a com m on transport laye r has e m e rge d as an attractive solution to bring down the capital
e x pe nditure and ope rational costs. In this pape r an Inte ge r Line ar Program m ing (ILP) m ode l
base d upon O TN protocol is pre se nte d to provision e nd to e nd conve rge d optical transport
ne twork while de aling with Synchronous Digital Hie rarchy(SDH) ne twork ,10 Gigabit
Ethe rne t(10GE),40 Gigabit Ethe rne t(40GE) and 100 Gigabit Ethe rne t(100GE) traffic at a sam e
tim e . O bje ctive function is de fine d in te rm s of the cost of the link s on which the traffic was route d
and furthe r the se link s supports m ix e d line rate s. The algorithm has also be e n studie d for
e valuating the e ffe ct of data groom ing and inve rse m ultiple x ing at a node . The port size of
pack e t optical transport platform use d at e ach node is approx im ate d in te rm s of the optim um
am ount of e ach type of traffic m oving through a node . To re duce the running tim e s , the ILP
m ode l has also be e n e valuate d for a gre e dy routine , what we call Highe st R ate First (HR F)
orde ring, through which the ILP took conside rably le ss tim e to conve rge
Pattern Matching Algorithm s for Intrusion Detection and Prev ention System : A
Com parativ e Analysis
Vibha Gupta (Thapar University, India), Maninder Singh (Thapar University, India) and
Vinod Bhalla (Thapar University, India)
Intrusion De te ction and Pre ve ntion Syste m s (IDPSs) are use d to de te ct m alicious activitie s of
intrude rs and also pre ve nt from the sam e . The se syste m s use signature s of k nown attack s to
de te ct the m . Signature s are ide ntifie d through patte rn m atching algorithm which is the he art of
IDPSs. Due to te chnological advance m e nts, ne twork spe e d is incre asing day by day, so patte rn
m atching algorithm to be use d in IDPS should be fast e nough so as to m atch the ne twork spe e d.
The re fore choice of patte rn m atching algorithm is the critical to the pe rform ance of IDS and IPS.
Se ve ral patte rn m atching algorithm s e x ist in lite rature , but which patte rn m atching algorithm will
give be st pe rform ance for IDPS is not k nown at hand. So in this work four patte rn m atching
algorithm s nam e ly Brute -force , R abinKarp, Boye r-Moore and Knuth-Morris-Pratt has be e n
se le cte d for the analysis. The se single k e yword m atching algorithm s are m ainly use d.
Pe rform ance of patte rn m atching algorithm s is analyze d in te rm s of run tim e by varying num be r
of patte rns and by varying size of ne twork capture d (pcap) file .
S10: Third International Symposium Pattern Recognition and Image Processing (PRIP-2014)
Room: 007-B Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Manjunath Aradhya (Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, India)
Autom ated Im age Destriping for Im prov ing Data Quality of OCM - Oceanic
Geophysical Products
Suresh Kumar, Manchikanti (NATIONAL REMOTE SENSING CENTRE & ISRO, India),
Senthil Kumar A (National Remote Sensing Centre, India) and Dadhwal Vinay Kumar
O ce an C olour Monitor (O C M) in O ce ansat-2 m ission is a push-broom se nsor with a spatial
re solution of 360m , containing e ight spe ctral channe ls ope rating in visible -Ne ar IR spe ctral range
with a swath of 1420 k m across scan. The re sidual de te ctor-to-de te ctor variations appe ar as a
along track striping in de rive d products, e ve n though the rigorous e ffort has be e n put to
m inim ize the m during radiom e tric norm alization. O ce anic ge ophysical products (chlorophyll-a,
total se dim e nt m atte r, ye llow substance e tc.) suffe r from se ve re ve rtical striping, by virtue of ve ry
low signal re turn from oce an wate r and its constitue nts, thus obscuring the visual inte rpre tation of
the se products. An algorithm is de ve lope d to de strip the original products, base d on Lyon's
algorithm with som e m odifications. The m odification include s a) re duction of window size
ave raging, b) accounting for e dge pix e ls outside the window size re gion and C ) m e an-value
norm alization to bring radiom e try of pre - and post-corre ction. This autom ate d algorithm work s
on sce ne -base d im age analysis to e stim ate the com pe nsation factor for e ach pix e l. It has be e n
found that the propose d algorithm brings down the striping significantly be twe e n the original and
the corre cte d ge ophysical product. This pape r outline s m odifie d Lyon's de -striping algorithm and
quantitative analysis of the e ffe ctive ne ss of the algorithm on the final products.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Dev anagari Text Extraction From Natural Scene Im ages
Hrishav Raj (NIT Patna, India) and Rajib Ghosh (National Institute of Technology Patna
India, India)
In sce nic im age s, inform ation in the form of te x t provide s vital clue s for m ost applications base d
on im age proce ssing. The se include assiste d navigation conte nt base d im age re trie val,
autom atic Ge o-coding and unde rstanding the sce ne . But in a m ulticolore d com ple x back ground,
it is quite a daunting task to locate the te x t. This task is daunting be cause of non-uniform ity in
illum ination, com ple x ity of the back drop, and diffe re nce s in the size font & line -orie ntation of the
te x t. W e propose a nove l approach for De vanagari te x t e x traction from natural sce ne im age s in
this pape r. W e can use a 'te x t to spe e ch' e ngine or 'O ptical C haracte r R e ade r' to re cognize the
e x tracte d te x t. The basis of our sche m e is to analyze the C C s. This is done to e x tract
De vanagari te x t from sce nic im age s capture d by cam e ra. The pre se nce of he ad line is unique to
this script. O ur sche m e m ak e s use of m athe m atical m orphological ope rations to e x tract the
he adline s. Also the binarization of sce nic im age s was studie d. He re the e ffe ctive ne ss of the
adaptive thre sholding approach was obse rve d. The algorithm was te ste d on De vanagari te x t
containe d within a colle ction of 100 sce nic im age s
Off- line Handwritten Character Recognition Using Hidden Markov Model
Gayathri P (SCMS School of Engineering & Technology, India) and Sonal Ayyappan
(SCMS School of Engineering & Technology, India)
In this pape r, we pre se nt a Hidde n Mark ov Mode l (HMM) base d O ptical C haracte r R e cognition
(O C R ) syste m for Malayalam characte r. O C R is the ability of a com pute r to re ce ive and re cognize
characte r input from diffe re nt source s. The goal of O C R is to classify optical patte rns in an im age
to the corre sponding characte rs. R e cognition of handwritte n Malayalam vowe ls is propose d in this
pape r. Im age s of the characte rs writte n by e ighte e n subje cts are use d for this e x pe rim e nt.
Training and re cognition are pe rform e d using Hidde n Mark ov Mode l Toolk it. R e cognition proce ss
involve s se ve ral ste ps including im age acquisition, datase t pre paration, pre -proce ssing, fe ature
e x traction, training and re cognition. An ave rage accuracy of about 81.38% has be e n obtaine d.
HEp- 2 Cell Im ages Classification Based on Statistical Texture Analysis and Fuzzy Logic
Nur Farahim Jamil (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia), Ibrahima Faye (Universiti
Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia) and Zazilah May (Universiti Teknologi Petronas,
Autoim m une dise ase s occur whe n an inappropriate im m une re sponse tak e s place and produce s
autoantibodie s to fight against hum an antige ns. In orde r to de te ct autoim m une dise ase , a te st,
calle d indire ct im m unofluore sce nce (IIF) is carrie d out to ide ntify antinucle ar autoantibodie s
(ANA) in the HEp-2 ce ll. C urre nt m e thod of analyzing the re sults is inconsiste nt as it is lim ite d to
subje ctive factors such as e x pe rie nce and sk ill of the m e dical e x pe rts. Thus, the re is a ne e d for
an autom ate d re cognition syste m to re duce the variability and incre ase the re liability of the te st
re sults. This pape r propose s a patte rn re cognition algorithm consisting of statistical m e thods to
e x tract se ve n te x tural fe ature s from the HEp-2 ce ll im age s followe d by classification of staining
patte rns by using fuzzy logic. This m e thod is applie d to the data se t of the IC PR 2012 conte st.
The te x tural fe ature s e x tracte d are base d on the first-orde r statistics and se cond-orde r statistics
com pute d from gre y le ve l co-occurre nce m atrice s (GLC M). The e x tracte d fe ature s are the n use d
as an input param e te r to classify five staining patte rns by using fuzzy logic. A work ing
classification algorithm is de ve lope d and give s a m e an accuracy of 84% out of 125 te st im age s.
Inv estigation of Effectiv eness of Ensem ble Features for Visual Lip Reading
Krishnachandran M (SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, India) and Sonal
Ayyappan (SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, India)
Fe ature s use d for classification play e sse ntial role in the pe rform ance of syste m . In the fie ld of
Lip re ading, fe ature s appe ar in large num be r which has to be solve d by se le ction of subse t of
fe ature s. W ork cove re d in this pape r validate s the pe rform ance of individual visual fe ature s such
as lip he ight, lip width, are a of lip re gion, angle s at corne rs and the n com bine the m to cre ate a
ne w subse t fe ature that im prove s the classification accuracy of ce rtain we ak fe ature s whe n
com bine d with significant attribute s. Each fe ature provide s diffe re nt le ve l of re pre se nting
classification characte ristics for words. Are a fe ature provide d highe st inde pe nde nt accuracy of
75.70%. Ense m ble fe ature are a- h4 produce d highe st com bine d accuracy of 71.25%.
Sub- Band Exchange DWT Based Im age Fusion Algorithm for Enhanced Security
Jaypal Jagdish Baviskar (VJTI, Mumbai & Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute,
Mumbai, India), Afshan Mulla (Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, India), Amol
Baviskar (Mumbai University & Universal College of Engineering, Vasai, Maharashtra,.,
India) and Aditi Parthasarathy (Intelligent Communication lab, India)
Transm ission of critical data ove r the link , in the pre se nce of an attack e r has augm e nte d the
de m and for se cure com m unication. Particularly in the m ilitary fie ld, e x change of classifie d
im age s have to be e x e cute d with e x tre m e caution. Advance d digital te chnologie s re quire
e ncryption, authe ntication and k e y distribution te chnique s to facilitate re liable and se cure
com m unication. In this pape r, Discre te W ave le t Transform (DW T) Sub-band Ex change base d
color im age fusion sche m e for e nhance d se curity is propose d. In this m e thod, the horizontal and
ve rtical sub-bands of two colore d im age s are re place d by chrom inance inform ation of e ach othe r.
This pe rm its ge ne ration of unique ly fuse d gray-scale te x ture d im age s. The m e thod facilitate s
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
fuse d im age s which are e x tre m e ly difficult to inte rce pt by the attack e r, since the probability of
ge tting hold on all the inform ation pe rtaining to one im age is ne gligible . Also, this m e thod offe rs
re duce d bandwidth utilization and le ss transm ission tim e as it conve rts colore d im age s to
com pre sse d te x ture d gray-scale im age s. He nce in addition to proposing a nove l im age fusion
te chnique and com pre ssion sche m e , this pape r illustrate s de taile d analysis of the algorithm .
Study of Subspace Mixture Models with Different Classifiers for Very Large Object
K Mahantesh (SJBIT, India), Manjunath Aradhya (Sri Jayachamarajendra College of
Engineering, India) and Niranjan SK (Sri Jayachamarjendra College of Engineering,
Mysore, India)
Since Gaussian Mix ture Mode ls (GMM) capture s com ple x de nsitie s of the data and has be com e
one of the m ost significant m e thods for cluste ring in unsupe rvise d conte x t; we study and e x plore
the ide a of m ix ture m ode ls for im age cate gorization. In this re gard, we first se gm e nt all im age
cate gorie s in hybrid color space (HC bC r - LUV) to ide ntify the color hom oge ne ity be twe e n the
ne ighboring pix e ls and the n k -m e ans te chnique is applie d for partitioning im age pix e ls into its
coordinate d cluste rs. Furthe r, we use subspace m e thods such as Principal C om pone nt Analysis
(PC A) & Fishe r's Line ar Discrim inant (FLD) to partition se t of all se gm e nte d classe s into se ve ral
cluste rs to obtain transform ation m atrix for e ach cluste r. The se cluste rs are vie we d as m ix ture of
se ve ral Gaussian classe s (late nt variable s) and Ex pe ctation Max im ization (EM) algorithm is
applie d to the se Gaussian m ix ture s giving be st m ax im um lik e lihood e stim ators and the re by
obtaining highly discrim inative fe ature s in re duce d fe ature space . For subse que nt classification,
we use dive rse Distance Me asure s (DM) and Probabilistic Ne ural Ne twork (PNN). The re sults
obtaine d is e vide nt that the propose d m ode l e x hibits highly discrim inative im age re pre se ntation
that le ads to the im prove d classification rate s to the state -of-the -art on standard be nchm ark
datase ts such as C alte ch-101 & C alte ch-256.
High Perform ance and Flexible Im aging Sub- system
Mihir N Mody (Texas Instruments, India), Hetul Sanghvi (Texas Instruments Inc, India),
Niraj Nandan (Texas Instruments, USA), Shashank Dabral (Texas Instruments Inc.,
USA), Rajasekhar Allu (Texas Instruments, India), Dharmendra Soni (Texas
Instruments, India), Sunil Sah (Rambus & Rambus, India), Gayathri Seshadri (Texas
Instruments, India) and Prashant Karandikar (Texas Instruments, India)
Im aging Sub-syste m (ISS) e nable s capturing photographs or live vide o from raw im age se nsors.
This consists of a se t of Se nsor inte rface s and cascade d se t of algorithm s to im prove
im age /vide o quality. This pape r illustrate s typical im aging sub-syste m archite cture s consisting of
a Se nsor front e nd, an Im age Signal Proce ssor (ISP) and an Im age C o-proce ssor (sIMC O P).
He re we de scribe the ISS de ve lope d by Te x as Instrum e nts (TI) for the O MAP 5432 proce ssor.
The give n solution is fle x ible to inte rface with various k inds of im age se nsors and provide s
hook s to tune visual quality for spe cific custom e rs as we ll as e nd applications. This solution is
also fle x ible by providing options to e nable custom ize d data flows base d on actual algorithm
ne e ds. The ove rall solution runs at a high throughput of 1 pix e l/clock cycle to e nable full HD
vide o at high visual quality.
S11-A: Second International Workshop on Advances in VLSI Circuit Design and CAD Tools
Room: 009 Block E Ground Floor
Chairs: Saurabh Gautam (None & Cadence Design Systems, India), Sergey G. Mosin
(Vladimir State University, Russia)
Design of Enhanced Arithm etic Logical Unit for Hardware Genetic Processor
Haramardeep Singh (Lovely Professional University, India)
Ge ne tic Algorithm is base d on natural e volution. The ge ne tic algorithm is a probabilistic se arch
algorithm that ite rative ly transform s a se t (calle d a population) of m athe m atical obje cts (typically
fix e d-le ngth binary characte r strings), e ach with an associate d fitne ss value , into a ne w
population of offspring obje cts using the Darwinian principle of natural se le ction. The re se arch in
ge ne tic algorithm m ainly conce ntrate s on the software im ple m e ntation, which is lagging in te rm
of spe e d. Ge ne tic algorithm , proce ssor consists of lots of sub-m odule s lik e ALU unit, m e m ory
unit and control unit. From all the sub-m odule , ALU m odule is re sponsible of bringing the ge ne tic
variation. In this pape r, Enhance d ALU unit consisting of Mutation O pe rator lik e Flap, Uniform ,
Virus m utation and C rossove r ope rators lik e O ne point, Multi Point, Uniform crossove r was
de signe d using VHDL language and was im ple m e nte d using Spartan 3E FPGA.
Capacitor Less DRAM Cell Design for High Perform ance Em bedded System
Prateek Asthana (JSS ACADEMY, India) and Sangeeta Mangesh (JSS ACADEMY, India)
In this pape r ave rage powe r consum ption and tim ing param e te r i.e . re ad acce ss tim e , write
acce ss tim e and re te ntion tim e com parison of 3T1D DR AM is carrie d out. The se analyse s are
carrie d out on 32nm scale . This DR AM ce ll is use d in high pe rform ance e m be dde d syste m . A
te chnique is be ing use d in the pape r to im prove ave rage powe r consum ption and re ad acce ss
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
tim e for 3T1D DR AM to m ak e it m ore com parable to the SR AM 6T.A circuit to im prove the
ave rage powe r consum ption and the re ad acce ss tim e of the 3T1D ce ll are analyze d. The se
circuits are analyze d on TANNER EDA. C ircuits are de signe d on SEDIT and sim ulate d on TSPIC E.
Low Power Multiplier Using Dynam ic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS)
Deepak Garg (NIT Kurukshetra, India) and Rajender Sharma (Associate Prof, India)
In the re ce nt ye ars, the m ain conce rn of VLSI Engine e rs is on the powe r re duction te chnique s. In
this pape r, Dynam ic Voltage Fre que ncy Scaling (DVFS) for re ducing powe r using Virte x 5 FPGA Kit
along with XPowe r Estim ator tool is use d. In propose d DVFS te chnique , m ultiplication and
addition are pe rform e d at diffe re nt fre que ncie s. Using se que ntial m ultiplie r, practical analysis
has be e n carrie d out. Its powe r is sim ulate d without DVFS and furthe r sim ulate d the re sult with
DVFS. Analyzing this re sult it is found that, powe r has be e n re duce d drastically. The sim ulation
re sults shows that 54.53% of total powe r and 25% of dynam ic powe r is re duce d using this
approach as com pare d to non DVFS approach.
Logical Effort Based Power- Delay- Product Optim ization
Sachin Maheshwari (Birla Institute of Technology and Science, India), Jimit Patel (Birla
Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, India), Sumit Kumar Nirmalkar (Birla Institute
of Technology & Science, Pilani, India) and Anu Gupta (BITS, pilani, India)
In circuit de sign and e valuation, powe r and de lay play a m ajor role in de ciding the circuit
pe rform ance . Powe r and de lay are approx im ate ly inve rse ly re late d to e ach othe r and if one
param e te r is de cre ase d the othe r ge ts incre ase d. The propose d m e thod use s powe r-de layproduct (PDP) as pe rform ance m e tric to optim ize the de lay and powe r. The m athe m atical m ode l
has be e n de ve lope d to m inim ize the PDP by sizing the gate s in a chain of inve rte rs and NANDNO R -INV com binational circuit. The re sults are validate d using TSMC 0.18µm , 1.8V C MO S
te chnology in m e ntor graphics' ELDO Spice . A significant re duction in powe r 11% and 27% for 3
and 5 stage s re spe ctive ly has be e n obse rve d with a sm all incre m e nt in de lay of 2% and 11%.
Sim ilarly, for NAND-NO R -INV circuit a re duction of approx im ate ly 14% in powe r with a m inute
change in de lay has be e n obse rve d.
Analysis of Multi- bit Flip Flop Low Power Methodology to Reduce Area and Power in
Physical Synthesis and Clock Tree Synthesis in 90nm CMOS Technology
Saurabh Gautam (Cadence Design Systems, Noida, India)
Powe r and Are a has be com e a burning issue in m ode rn VLSI de sign. Powe r has be com e a
bottle ne ck in digital circuit in ultra de e p sub m icron de sign. C lock powe r is one of the m ajor
powe r source s. As de sign size re duce s Are a also be com e a m ajor conce rn. The Multi-bit Flip Flop
is one of the m e thodologie s to re duce powe r and are a. By using MBFF m e thodology in physical
de sign flow, we can also re duce the global conge stion as wire le ngth re duce s significantly. For a
give n de sign, we can re duce its powe r, are a and wire le ngth through m e rging of flip-flops without
affe cting functionality of de sign and achie ve be tte r quality re sults. In this pape r, we will re vie w
m ulti-bit flip flops conce pts, library syntax for MBFF and analytical study of de sign's re sults with
MBFF and without MBFF at Physical Synthe sis and clock tre e synthe sis on 90nm te chnology.
Ke ywords: MBFF - m ulti-bit flip flop , Low Powe r, are a
S11-B: Computer Architecture and VLSI
Room: 009 Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Sergey G. Mosin (Vladimir State University, Russia)
Low Power Div ider Using Vedic Mathem atics
Dalal Rutwik Kishor (VIT University Chennai, India) and Kanchana VS Bhaaskaran (VIT
University Chennai, India)
Divide r is an ine vitable and basic hardware m odule e m ploye d in advance d and high spe e d digital
signal proce ssing (DSP) units of high pre cision. It is wide ly use d in radar te chnology,
com m unication, industrial control syste m s and line ar pre dictive coding (LPC ) algorithm s in
spe e ch proce ssing. This pape r propose s a fast, low powe r and cost e ffe ctive archite cture of a
divide r using the ancie nt Indian Ve dic division algorithm . The m e rits of the propose d archite cture
are prove d by com paring the gate count, powe r consum ption and de lay against the conve ntional
divide r archite cture s. The validation of the propose d archite cture has re sulte d in 52.93%
re duction in powe r dissipation against com parison with conve ntional divide r using re pe ate d
subtraction. The de signs we re im ple m e nte d using industry standard C ade nce software using
45nm te chnology library. The de sign has be e n validate d on FPGA Spartan-3E k it. The validation
re sults show appre ciable re duction in circuit late ncy and in the Look -Up-Table (LUT) utilization
using propose d Ve dic divide r than the conve ntional divide r.
Design and Analysis of Program Counter Using Finite State Machine and Increm enter
Based Logic
Divya M (VIT University Chennai, India), Ritesh Belgudri (VIT University Chennai, India)
and Kanchana VS Bhaaskaran (VIT University Chennai, India)
The pape r pre se nts the full-custom de sign of the program counte r for low powe r and high
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
pe rform ance . Two approache s nam e ly, 1) finite state m achine logic base d and 2) incre m e nte r
base d logic have be e n e m ploye d. The de signs have be e n im ple m e nte d and the com parison
be twe e n the two de sign m e thodologie s has be e n m ade . The finite state m achine logic base d
de sign use s flip flops and m ultiple x e rs, while the incre m e nte r base d de sign e m ploys the
incre m e nte r circuit and re giste rs. The ave rage powe r consum e d by the program counte r de signe d
using FSM base d logic is 64.72% le ss as com pare d to that of Incre m e nte r base d de sign at 1 GHz
ope ration fre que ncy. The de lay incurre d by the incre m e nte r base d de sign is 34.92% le sse r
com pare d to that of the finite state m achine base d approach, howe ve r at the cost of incre ase in
the are a. The de signs have be e n im ple m e nte d using industry standard C ade nce EDA tools and
sim ulate d using 90nm te chnology file s.
Therm al Modeling of Hom ogeneous Em bedded Multi- Core Processors
Axel Sikora (University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, Germany) and Daniel Jaeckle
(University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, Germany)
Te m pe rature re gulation is an im portant com pone nt for m ode rn high pe rform ance single -core
and m ulticore proce ssors. Espe cially high ope rating fre que ncie s and archite cture s with an
incre asing num be r of m onolithically inte grate d transistors re sult in a high powe r dissipation and since proce ssor chips conve rt the consum e d e le ctrical e ne rgy into the rm al e ne rgy - in high
ope rating te m pe rature s. High ope rating te m pe rature s of proce ssors can have drastic
conse que nce s re garding chip re liability, proce ssor pe rform ance , and le ak age curre nts. Ex te rnal
com pone nts lik e fans or he at spre ade rs can he lp to re duce the proce ssor te m pe rature - with the
disadvantage of additional costs and re duce d re liability. The re fore , software base d algorithm s for
dynam ic te m pe rature m anage m e nt are an attractive alte rnative and we ll k nown as Dynam ic
The rm al Manage m e nt (DTM). Howe ve r, the e x isting approache s for DTM are not tak ing into
account the re quire m e nts of re al-tim e e m be dde d com puting, which is the obje ctive in the give n
proje ct. The first and basic ste ps are the profiling and in the DTM close d loop control are the
profiling and the the rm al m ode ling of the syste m , which is re porte d in this pape r for a Fre e scale
i.MX6Q quad-core m icroproce ssor. An analytical m ode l is de ve lope d and ve rifie d by an e x te nsive
se t of m e asure m e nt runs.
A Hybrid Cache Replacem ent Policy for Heterogeneous Multi- Cores
K. Mani Anandkumar (Anna University, Chennai, India), Akash S (Easwari Engineering
College, India), DivyaLakshmi Ganesh (Easwari Engineering College, India) and
Monica Snehapriya Christy (Easwari Engineering College, India)
Future ge ne ration com pute r archite cture s are e nde avoring to achie ve high pe rform ance without
com prom ise on e ne rgy e fficie ncy. In a m ultiproce ssor syste m , cache m iss de grade s the
pe rform ance as the m iss pe nalty scale s by an e x pone ntial factor across a share d m e m ory
syste m whe n com pare d to ge ne ral purpose proce ssors. This instigate s the ne e d for an e fficie nt
cache re place m e nt sche m e to cate r to the data ne e ds of unde rlying functional units in case of a
cache m iss. Minim al cache m iss im prove s re source utilization and re duce s data m ove m e nt across
the core which in turn contribute s to a high pe rform ance and le sse r powe r dissipation. Ex isting
re place m e nt policie s has se ve ral issue s whe n im ple m e nte d in a he te roge ne ous m ulti-core
syste m . The com m only use d LR U re place m e nt policy doe s not offe r optim al pe rform ance for
applications with high de pe nde ncie s. Motivate d by the lim itations of the e x isting algorithm s, we
propose a hybrid cache re place m e nt policy which com bine s Le ast R e ce ntly Use d (LR U) and Le ast
Fre que ntly Use d (LFU) re place m e nt policie s. Each cache block has two we ighing value s
corre sponding to LR U and LFU policie s and a cum ulative we ight is calculate d using the se two
value s. C onducting sim ulations ove r wide range of cache size s and associativity, we show that our
propose d approach has shown incre ase d cache hit to m iss ratio whe n com pare d with LR U and
othe r conve ntional cache re place m e nt policie s.
Design of a High Speed, Low Power Synchronously Clocked NOR- based JK Flip- Flop
Using Modified GDI Technique in 45nm Technology
Krishnendu Dhar (Jadavpur University, India)
The curre nt pape r aim s to put forward the arrange m e nt of a ne w high spe e d, low powe r
synchronously clock e d NO R -base d JK flip-flop e m bracing m odifie d Gate Diffusion Input (GDI)
proce dure in 45nm te chnology. The propounde d de sign on com parison with a synchronously
clock e d NO R -base d JK flip-flop e m ploying the traditional C MO S transistors, transm ission gate s
and C om ple m e ntary Pass-Transistor Logic (C PL), re spe ctive ly showe d a conside rable am ount of
re duction in de lay tim e , ave rage powe r consum ption (Pavg) along with Powe r De lay Product
(PDP). De lay tim e is found to be as low as 2.42nano se cond while Pavg is as low as 11.19µW
the re by giving a PDP as low as 2.71 x 10-14 Joule for 0.9 volt powe r supply. Furthe rm ore the re is
a re m ark able contraction in transistor count com pare d to conve ntional synchronously clock e d
NO R -base d JK flip-flop com prising C MO S transistors, transm ission gate s and C PL, accordingly
sugge sting m inim ization of are a. The sim ulation of the propose d de sign has be e n carrie d out in
Tanne r SPIC E and the layout has be e n de signe d in Microwind.
Workload Characterization for Shared Resource Managem ent in Multi- core System s
Sapna Prabhu (Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, India) and Rohin D.
Daruwala (V. J. Technological Institute, India)
The m ulti-core industry is facing a num be r of challe nge s which ne e d to be addre sse d to achie ve
optim al pe rform ance from the m ultiple core s. O ne of the dom inant cause s of pe rform ance
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
de gradation that arise s in m ulti-core proce ssors is due to hardware re source sharing be twe e n
core s. The de gradation in pe rform ance is large ly de pe nde nt on the nature of the applications. To
m inim ize this de gradation, application characte ristics ne e d to be analyze d and base d on this, a
solution can be de vise d to re duce de gradation. This pape r aim s at pre se nting a consolidate d
surve y of pre se nt classification sche m e s and propose a ne w classification sche m e which can be
applie d on-line . Also, using this sche m e , a dynam ic cache partitioning m e chanism has be e n
propose d . The e x pe rim e ntation has be e n conducte d by constructing work loads using the
SPEC C PU 2006 be nchm ark suite and e x pe rim e ntation has be e n conducte d on SIMIC S (full
syste m sim ulator).
Decoder and Pass Transistor Based Digitally Controlled Linear Delay Elem ent
Prachi Sharma (NIT Kurukshetra, India) and Anil Gupta (NIT Kurukshetra, India)
W ith advance m e nt and scaling in Inte grate d circuit de sign, the accuracy of clock circuitry plays an
incre asingly im portant role .Tim ing pre cision is im portant to re duce the synchronization proble m
in digital circuits. The pre cise tim ing of pulse is also e x tre m e ly im portant for de signing
asynchronous circuits. De lay e le m e nt is the basic building block for asynchronous circuits. Many
circuits of digitally controlle d de lay e le m e nts have be e n re porte d in lite rature . The re porte d
circuits provide a de lay which is a non line ar function of digital inputs. Non line arity of de lay in
re porte d circuits affe cts the accuracy of tim e be cause of which the y cannot be use d in re al world
applications. This pape r pre se nts a nove l circuit of de code r and pass transistor base d de lay
e le m e nt.The propose d circuit is de signe d for 3 bits and it provide s a de lay which is a line ar
function of digital inputs. The de sign is im ple m e nte d in cade nce using 180 nm C MO S te chnology.
Perform ance Analysis of Alternate Adder Cell Structures Using Clocked and NonClocked Logic Styles At 45nm Technology
Bhagyalaxmi T (Vardhaman College of Engineering, India), Sandiri Rajendar
(Vardhaman College of Engineering & Vardhaman College of Engineering, Jawaharlal
Nehru Technological University, India) and Y Pandu Rangaiah (Center for Advanced
Computing Research Lab, India)
In this pape r, the pe rform ance analysis of alte rnative full adde r ce ll structure s using various
clock e d and non-clock e d logic style s we re im ple m e nte d for de e p-subm icron C MO S te chnology.
Various clock e d and non-clock e d logic style s are use d for the im ple m e ntation of C MO S full-adde r
circuits. In this pape r, the circuits conside re d for pe rform ance com parison are : nonclock e d logic
style s nam e ly Static, C PL, DPL, SR -C PL, m odifie d SR -C PL, m odifie d DPL and clock e d logic style s
nam e ly Dynam ic logic, FTL, and C D logic. All the se full-adde r ce ll structure s are com pare d base d
on powe r and de lay analysis. The de sign of adde r ce lls is carrie d-out in C ade nce Virtuoso Analog
De sign Environm e nt at 45nm C MO S proce ss te chnology and sim ulate d using Spe ctre sim ulator.
A Nov el High Perform ance Low Power CMOS NOR Gate Using Voltage Scaling and
MTCMOS Technique
Ankish Handa (Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, India), Jitesh Chawla
(Indraprastha University, India) and Geetanjali Sharma (Indraprastha University,
C MO S logic is e x te nsive ly use d in VLSI circuits but due to scaling of te chnology, the thre shold
voltage of the transistors use d in C MO S circuits de cre ase which cause an incre ase in le ak age
powe r. Dynam ic powe r consum ption, which is proportional to square of supply voltage VDD furthe r
adds to the ove rall powe r dissipation. This re sults in low batte ry life of m obile de vice s. In this
brie f, a nove l m e thod to curtail both dynam ic powe r dissipation and le ak age powe r is propose d.
The propose d m e thod com bine s Voltage Scaling and Multi-Thre shold C MO S (MTC MO S) te chnique
which he lps in re ducing dynam ic and static powe r dissipation re spe ctive ly without de grading the
circuit's pe rform ance . The propose d te chnique save s powe r dissipation by 30% to 90% as
com pare d to conve ntional C MO S and othe r e x isting te chnique s. A 2-input NO R gate is
im ple m e nte d using the propose d VS-MTC MO S te chnique in sub-thre shold re gion ove r diffe re nt
te m pe rature s. Tanne r EDA Tool is use d to sim ulate the de signe d circuit
Hardware- Efficient FPGA Im plem entation of Sym bol & Carrier Synchronization for 16QAM
Sapta Girish Babu Neelam (Bharat Electronics Limited & IIT Guwahati, India)
This pape r de scribe s the hardware e fficie nt im ple m e ntation of Non data aide d m e thod for
Sym bol tim ing Synchronization and C arrie r phase synchronization for 16-Q AM on Kinte x 7 FPGA
using a fe e dback structure . C ostas loop is use d for C arrie r phase synchronization and pre filte ring is done for Sym bol tim ing Synchronization to e x tract the tim ing inform ation. C om pute r
sim ulations are use d to asse ss the re ce ive r pe rform ance in the pre se nce of AW GN during the
transie nt state and ste ady state and the re sults are m atching with the practical re sults. The
re ce ive r pe rform ance is m e asure d in fix e d fre que ncy m ode for high data rate .
Efficient System Lev el Cache Architecture for Multim edia SoC
Prashant Karandikar (Texas Instruments, India), Mihir N Mody (Texas Instruments,
India), Hetul Sanghvi (Texas Instruments Inc, India), Vasant Easwaran (Texas
Instruments, India), Prithvi Shankar Y A (Texas Instruments, India), Rahul Gulati
(Texas Instruments, India), Niraj Nandan (Texas Instruments, USA) and Subrangshu
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Das (Texas Instruments Inc., India)
A typical m ultim e dia SoC consists of hardware com pone nts for im age capture & proce ssing, vide o
com pre ssion and de -com pre ssion, com pute r vision, graphics and display proce ssing. Each of
the se com pone nts acce ss and com pe te for the lim ite d bandwidth available in the share d e x te rnal
DDR m e m ory. The traditional solution of using cache is not suitable for m ultim e dia traffic. In this
pape r, we propose a nove l cache archite cture which is be ne ficial for m ultim e dia traffic in te rm s of
DDR bandwidth savings and late ncy re duction. The propose d cache archite cture use s qualifie r
base d splitte r, m ultiple fully associative configurable fe ature s cache and an arbite r. The
propose d cache archite cture is e valuate d using archite ctural m ode l. The pape r also propose s
ne we r applications of this cache archite cture as an infinite circular buffe r for data buffe r sharing
across hardware com pone nts. The sim ulation re sults show 50% im prove m e nt in DDR bandwidth
for vide o de code r traffic.
Low Power Vedic Multiplier Using Energy Recov ery Logic
Hardik Sangani (VIT University Chennai, India), Tanay Modi (VIT University Chennai,
India) and Kanchana VS Bhaaskaran (VIT University Chennai, India)
Multiplie r is one of the prim ary hardware block s in m ode rn day digital signal proce ssing (DSP)
and com m unication syste m s. It is e x te nsive ly use d in DSP and im age proce ssing applications
such as, Fast Fourie r Transform (FFT), convolution, corre lation, filte ring and in ALU of
m icroproce ssors. The re fore , high spe e d, low are a and powe r e fficie nt m ultiplie r de sign re m ain
the critical factors for the ove rall syste m . This pape r pre se nts high pe rform ance and e ne rgy
e fficie nt im ple m e ntation of the binary m ultiplie r. The de sign is base d on ancie nt Indian Ve dic
m ultiplication proce ss and the low powe r e ne rgy re cove ry (ak a adiabatic logic). The ge ne ration of
partial sum s and products in a single ste p in the Ve dic approach and the e ne rgy re cove ry
capability of the adiabatic logic toge the r re alize high spe e d and low powe r ope ration of the
de sign. A 16X16 Ve dic m ultiplie r and conve ntional array m ultiplie r base d on the Diffe re ntial
C ascode Pre -re solve Adiabatic Logic (DC PAL) is propose d in the pape r. Sim ulation re sults
validate this de sign incurring 87.21 pe rce nt le sse r powe r than the standard C MO S e quivale nt
de sign.
S12: International Symposium on Cloud Computing: Architecture, Applications, and Approaches
(CCA-2014) / International Workshop on Cloud Security and Cryptography (CloudCrypto'14)
Room: 108-A Block E First Floor
Chairs: Ganesh Deka (MIR Labs, India), Noor Mahammad Sk (Indian Institute of Information
Technology Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM) Kancheepuram, India)
Design and Im plem entation of a Forensic Fram ework for Cloud in OpenStack Cloud
Saibharath S (BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus, India) and Geethakumari G (BITS-Pilani,
Hyderabad Campus, India)
In this pape r, a fore nsic fram e work has be e n de ve lope d to do cloud fore nsics in O pe nStack for
infrastructure as a se rvice m ode l using the e x isting fore nsic tools. For the instance s be e n allotte d
to the use r, the snapshots of volatile random acce ss m e m ory and im age from the hard disk
(cinde r) in the spe cific path whe re it is m ounte d on should be acquire d to do fore nsics. Adding to
inte rnal, e x te rnal and floating ip addre ss, for e ve ry task or m odification a cloud e nd use r doe s
through the cloud api or dashboard (in O pe nStack cloud platform ), pack e ts ge t transfe rre d
through ISP and the n the change s ge t update d in the cloud se tup. So ne twork fore nsics is an
inte gral part of cloud fore nsics. O ur fore nsic fram e work obtains live snapshots, im age e vide nce s,
pack e t capture s and log e vide nce s and doe s analysis on it. Sim ulation is carrie d out through
Digital fore nsic fram e work on im age file s of block storage and live snapshots, W ire shark on raw
ne twork capture s, XML and Java for structuring log file s. C loud fore nsic proce ss for im age
acquisition and analysis has be e n de fine d by ste ps use d in sim ulation. Two sce narios of inte grity
che ck ing in obje ct storage has be e n sim ulate d through JSch are de taile d. Discussion on finding
various attack s happe ne d from the e vide nce s obtaine d is e laborate d.
A Case for CDN- as- a- Serv ice in the Cloud: A Mobile Cloud Networking Argum ent
Florian Dudouet (Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland), Piyush Harsh
(Zurich University of Applied Sciences & ICCLab, Switzerland), Santiago Ruiz (Soft
Telecom, Spain), Andre Gomes (University of Bern, Switzerland) and Thomas Michael
Bohnert (Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland)
C onte nt Distribution Ne twork s are m andatory com pone nts of m ode rn we b archite cture s, with
ple nty of ve ndors offe ring the ir se rvice s. De spite its m aturity, ne w paradigm s and archite cture
m ode ls are still be ing de ve lope d in this are a. C loud C om puting, on the othe r hand, is a m ore
re ce nt conce pt which has e x pande d e x tre m e ly quick ly, with ne w se rvice s be ing re gularly adde d to
cloud m anage m e nt software suite s such as O pe nStack . The m ain contribution of this pape r is the
archite cture and the de ve lopm e nt of an ope n source C DN that can be provisione d in an onde m and, pay-as-you-go m ode l the re by e nabling the C DN as a Se rvice paradigm . W e de scribe
our e x pe rie nce with inte gration of C DNaaS fram e work in a cloud e nvironm e nt, as a se rvice for
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
e nte rprise use rs. W e e m phasize the fle x ibility and e lasticity of such a m ode l, with e ach C DN
instance be ing de live re d on-de m and and associate d to pe rsonalize d caching policie s as we ll as
an optim ize d choice of Points of Pre se nce base d on e x act re quire m e nts of an e nte rprise
custom e r. O ur de ve lopm e nt is base d on the fram e work de ve lope d in the Mobile C loud
Ne twork ing EU FP7 proje ct, which offe rs its e nte rprise use rs a com m on fram e work to instantiate
and control se rvice s. C DNaaS is one of the core support com pone nts in this proje ct as is task e d
to de live r diffe re nt type of m ultim e dia conte nt to se ve ral thousands of use rs ge ographically
distribute d. It inte grate s se am le ssly in the MC N se rvice life -cycle and as such e njoys all be ne fits
of a com m on de sign e nvironm e nt, allowing for an im prove d inte rope rability with the re st of the
se rvice s within the MC N e cosyste m .
Study and Analysis of Various Task Scheduling Algorithm s in the Cloud Com puting
Env ironm ent
Teena Mathew (Mahatma Gandhi University, India), Chandra Sekaran K (National
Institute of Technology Karnataka, India) and John Jose (Rajagiri School of
Engineering & Technology Kochi & IIT Madras, India)
C loud com puting is a nove l pe rspe ctive for large scale distribute d com puting and paralle l
proce ssing. It provide s com puting as a utility se rvice on a pay pe r use basis. The pe rform ance
and e fficie ncy of cloud com puting se rvice s always de pe nds upon the pe rform ance of the use r
task s subm itte d to the cloud syste m . Sche duling of the use r task s plays a good role in adding
the pe rform ance of the cloud se rvice s. Task sche duling is one of the m ain type s of sche duling
pe rform e d. This pape r pre se nts a de taile d study of various task sche duling m e thods e x isting in
the cloud e nvironm e nt. A brie f analysis of various sche duling param e te rs conside re d in the se
m e thods is also consolidate d in this pape r
A Robust Schem e on Proof of Data Retriev ability in Cloud
Nitin Chauhan (Infosys Technologies Ltd, Hyderabad India, India) and Ashutosh
Saxena (Infosys Technologies Limited, India)
In the e ra of ram pant adoption of inform ation te chnology and social ne twork ing, data ge ne ration
is rapidly outpacing data storage re source s. C loud com puting has e m e rge d as cost e ffe ctive ,
fle x ible and scalable alte rnate to addre ss issue of incre asing re source re quire m e nts. Though the
advantage s offe re d by such se rvice s appe ar attractive , the re are ce rtain inhe re nt challe nge s
re late d to trust and data se curity. Ensuring data inte grity and re trie vability of data in cloud is one
such challe nge . Proof of re trie vability (PO R ) conce pt trie s to e stablish assurance for cloud
custom e r re garding corre ctne ss and com ple te ne ss of the ir data. In this pape r, we e valuate an
alre ady e x isting PO R sche m e and propose a ne w crypto base d sche m e which he lps in re ducing
the am ount of com putation and storage at cloud custom e r side while e stablishing PO R . In our
sche m e clie nt is not re quire d to store any large se t of data locally e x ce pt a se cre t k e y which is
re quire d for e ncryption. C om pare to pre vious sche m e , we also avoid the ne ce ssity of e ncrypting
e ntire data at clie nt side , the re by saving clie nt com putational re source s. The propose d sche m e is
re le vant for large static data such as vide o file s, audio file s and social ne twork ing data e tc.
Biom etrics Tem plate Security on Cloud Com puting
Heba Sabri (Sadat Academy for Management Sciences, Egypt), Kareem Kamal A.
Ghany (Beni Suef University, Egypt), Hesham Hefny (Cairo University & Institute of
Statistical Studies and Research, Egypt) and Nashaat Elkhameesy (Sadat Academy for
Management Sciences, Egypt)
C loud com puting is the conce pt of using m ax im um re m ote se rvice s through a ne twork using
various m inim um re source s, it provide s the se re source s to use rs via inte rne t. The re are m any
critical proble m s appe are d with cloud com puting such as data privacy, se curity, and re liability e tc.
But we find that se curity is the m ost im portant be twe e n the se proble m s. In this re se arch pape r,
the propose d approach is to e lim inate the conce rns re garding data se curity using bio hash
function for biom e trics te m plate se curity to e nhance the se curity pe rform ance in cloud as pe r
diffe re nt pe rspe ctive of cloud custom e rs. Ex pe rim e nts using we ll k now be nchm ark C ASIA
finge rprint-V5 data se ts show that the obtaine d re sults prove d that using Bio-hash function
approach is m ore e fficie nt in prote cting the biom e tric te m plate com pare d to C rypto-Biom e tric
Authe ntication approach and the e rror rate is m inim ize d by 25%.
A Rev iew of Adaptiv e Approaches to MapReduce Scheduling in Heterogeneous
Env ironm ents
Nenavath Srinivas Naik (University of Hyderabad, India), Atul Negi (University of
Hyderabad, India) and Sastry (IDRBT, India)
MapR e duce is curre ntly a significant m ode l for distribute d proce ssing of large -scale data
inte nsive applications. MapR e duce de fault sche dule r is lim ite d by the assum ption that node s of
the cluste r are hom oge ne ous and that task s progre ss line arly. This m ode l of MapR e duce
sche dule r is use d to de cide spe culative ly re -e x e cution of straggle r task s. The assum ption of
hom oge ne ity doe s not always hold in practice . MapR e duce doe s not fundam e ntally conside r
he te roge ne ity of node s in com pute r cluste rs. It is e vide nt that total job e x e cution tim e is
e x te nde d by the straggle r task s in he te roge ne ous e nvironm e nts. Adaptation to He te roge ne ous
e nvironm e nt de pe nds on com putation and com m unication, archite cture s, m e m ory and powe r. In
this pape r, first we e x plain about e x isting sche duling algorithm s and the ir re spe ctive
characte ristics. The n we re vie w som e of the approache s of sche duling algorithm s lik e LATE, SAMR
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
and ESAMR , which have be e n aim e d spe cifically to m ak e the pe rform ance of MapR e duce
adaptive in he te roge ne ous e nvironm e nts. Additionally, we have also introduce d a nove l approach
for sche duling proce sse s for MapR e duce sche duling in he te roge ne ous e nvironm e nts that is
adaptive and thus le arns from past e x e cution pe rform ance s.
S2-A: Second International Symposium on Green Networks and Distributed Systems (GNDS2014)
Room: 110 Block E First Floor
Chair: Christian Callegari (University of Pisa, Italy)
Cross- Layer Energy Model for Relay Assisted 802.15.4 Networks in a Non- BeaconEnabled Mode
Sankalita Biswas (Burdwan, West Bengal, India), Aniruddha Chandra (Brno University
of Technology & National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, WB, Czech Republic) and
Sanjay Dhar Roy (National Institute of Technology Durgapur, India)
C ross-laye r m ode ls are be com ing popular in various wire le ss ne twork ing dom ains due to the ir
re alistic pre dictions and for fundam e ntal unde rstanding of the inte raction be twe e n adjace nt
ne twork ing laye rs. A com bine d PHY/MAC laye r e ne rgy consum ption m ode l is conside re d he re for
short range IEEE 802.15.4 ne twork s for non-be acon-e nable m ode in case of dual hop
transm ission unde r R ayle igh fading channe l. For both AF and DF re lays this cross laye r m ode l is
de ve lope d and a com parison of e ne rgy e fficie ncy is done for this two type of re lays. In particular,
we focus on how the ne w m ode l diffe rs from single laye r m ode ls (e ithe r PHY or MAC ) in te rm s of
e ne rgy e fficie ncy.
An Approach for A Reduced Response Tim e and Energy Consum ption in Mixed Task Set
Using a Priority Exchange Serv er
Sarla Mehariya (Rajasthan Technical University, India), Ved Mitra (MNIT, Jaipur, India),
Mahesh Chandra Govil (Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur INDIA &
Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur INDIA, India) and Dalpat Songara
(Rajasthan Technical University, India)
An im portant factor that affe cts the pe rform ance of batte ry ope rate d re al-tim e and e m be dde d
syste m s is Ene rgy. Various te chnique s have be e n e m ploye d to lim it the e ne rgy dissipation.
Dynam ic voltage and fre que ncy scaling (DVFS) is one of the m ost popular te chnique s for e ne rgy
conse rvation in such syste m s and is a we ll re se arche d are a. This pape r pre se nts an e ne rgy
conscious re al-tim e sche duling algorithm - DVFSPES, DVFS with Priority Ex change Se rve r for
m ix e d task se t com prising of pe riodic and ape riodic task s. It use s Earlie st De adline First (EDF)
base d Priority Ex change Se rve r. The re sults of DVFSPES are com pare d with EEDVFS, Ene rgy
Efficie nt DVFS algorithm , that use s an EDF base d De fe rrable Se rve r on various pe rform ance
m e trics. De pe nding on the task se t use d DVFSPES can provide upto 50% im prove m e nt in
re sponse tim e for ape riodic task s without com prom ising on the de adline s of the pe riodic task .
S2-B: Second International Workshop on Energy Efficient Wireless Communications and
Networking (EEWCN 2014)
Room: 110 Block E First Floor
Chair: Christian Callegari (University of Pisa, Italy)
Energy Efficient Two Lev el Distributed Clustering Schem e to Prolong Stability Period of
Wireless Sensor Network
Manpreet Kaur (Gaini Zail Singh Punjab Technical University Campus, Bathinda, India),
Abhilasha Jain (Gaini Zail Singh Punjab Technical University Campus, Bathinda, India)
and Ashok Kumar Goel (Gaini Zail Singh Punjab Technical University Campus, Bathinda,
Ene rgy e fficie ncy, fault tole rance , scalability, conne ctivity and re liability are m ajor challe nge s in
wire le ss se nsor ne twork s. Many cluste ring algorithm are propose d to handle the se challe nge s.
He te roge ne ous sche m e s are sim ilar to re al situations. Many routing protocols have be e n
propose d for cluste ring sche m e base d on he te roge ne ity. In this pape r, an Ene rgy Efficie nt Two
Le ve l Distribute d C luste ring (EE-TLDC ) sche m e is propose d with two le ve l cluste r he ads for thre e
le ve l he te roge ne ous ne twork s. Propose d te chnique re duce s the transm ission cost of cluste r
he ads to re duce e ne rgy consum ption in ne twork . Sim ulation shows that propose d sche m e
prolongs the stability pe riod and re duce s e ne rgy consum ption in ne twork .
An Effectiv e Heuristic for Construction of ALL- to- ALL Minim um Power Broadcast Trees
in Wireless Networks
Wilson Naik Bhukya (University of Hyderabad, India)
All-to-all broadcast re fe rs to the proce ss by which e ve ry node inhe re ntly com m unicate s to e ve ry
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
othe r node in the ne twork . The all-to-all broadcast proble m se e k s a broadcast tre e sche m e using
m inim um unique cast tre e (MUC T) with m inim um e ne rgy consum ption. The m inim um all-to-all
powe r broadcast proble m is NP-Hard. This work propose s an e ne rgy e fficie nt he uristic to find
m inim um all-to-all powe r share d broadcast tre e s in wire le ss ne twork s. The sim ulation re sults on
num e rous proble m instance s confirm that the propose d he uristic significantly outpe rform s
e x isting he uristics in te rm s of all-to-all broadcast powe r m inim ization.
CHATSEP: Critical Heterogeneous Adaptiv e Threshold Sensitiv e Election Protocol for
Wireless Sensor Networks
Rajesh Kumar Yadav (Delhi Technological University, India) and Arpan Jain (M. TECH &
Delhi Technological University, India)
Ne twork ing toge the r of hundre ds to thousands of lim ite d e ne rgy batte ry powe re d node s de rive a
W ire le ss Se nsor Ne twork (W SN). The use and applicability of W SNs has incre ase d in vivid are as
lik e ve hicular m ove m e nt, we athe r m onitoring, se curity and surve illance , industry applications e tc.
The lim ite d powe re d node s in W SNs se nse the e nvironm e nt and se nd the de sire d inform ation to
a proce ssing ce ntre (base station) e ithe r dire ctly or via a m e chanism for optim ization. In this
pape r we propose C HATSEP, a cluste ring protocol for re active ne twork s with thre shold se nsitive
he te roge ne ous se nsor node s. It include s an adaptive characte ristic which he lps the base station
to be aware of the status of the node s in situations whe n the node s are idle from a long tim e
and he nce he lping the base station to analyze the inform ation ne twork dynam ically and
e fficie ntly. It also incorporate s C ritical Thre shold which is any inform ation of utm ost im portance in
the ne twork , and whe n such inform ation is se nse d it has to be se nt to base station with highe st
priority. O ur propose d protocol with adaptive nature and criticality of inform ation is obse rve d to
pe rform be tte r than the conve ntional cluste ring protocols lik e LEAC H, SEP and TSEP in te rm s of
stability pe riod, ne twork life tim e and throughput for a te m pe rature se nsing application.
Perform ance Analysis of LT Codes and BCH Codes in RF and FSO Wireless Sensor
Anuj Nayak (PES Institute of Technology, India)
Fre e Space O ptical (FSO ) W ire le ss Se nsor Ne twork s (W SN) are im m une to e le ctrom agne tic
inte rfe re nce , lice nse -fre e and are characte rize d by high bandwidth and e ase of de ploym e nt. The y
face a m ajor drawback in turbule nt atm osphe re s. So, we conside r hybrid FSO /R F e ne rgy-aware
W SN with re liable data com m unication using EC C (Error C ontrol C oding) m e thods. LT code s are a
class of rate le ss code s use d for re cove ring data from the transm itte d sym bols, which are prone
to e rasure . The y are norm ally applie d for pack e t re cove ry in high pack e t loss sce narios. In this
pape r, we im ple m e nt LT code s for Forward Error C orre ction (FEC ). W e conside r BPSK subcarrie r
inte nsity m odulate d FSO com m unication whe re a m e thod of discarding we ak sym bols re ce ive d, is
e m ploye d with an optim al e rasure zone as a pre -proce ssing stage in LT de code r. W e de te rm ine
the optim al sym bol-e rasure zone and also im pose an uppe r bound on BPSK thre shold. The
pe rform ance s of LT code s and BC H code s are analyse d for FSO and R F channe l unde r diffe re nt
atm osphe ric conditions and link range s. W e conside r e ne rgy consum ption pe r bit as a
pe rform ance m e tric for com parison. The propose d m e thod for LT code s was obse rve d to be m ore
e ne rgy-e fficie nt than BC H code in highly turbule nt atm osphe ric conditions.
S2-C: QoS and Resource Management
Room: 110 Block E First Floor
Chair: Christian Callegari (University of Pisa, Italy)
Energy Efficient QoS Prov isioning: A Multi- Colony Ant Algorithm Approach
Sunita Prasad (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, India), Zaheeruddin
(Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University), India) and Daya Krishan Lobiyal (Jawaharlal
Nehru University, New Delhi, India)
W ith the advance m e nt of te chnology, the re is a growing de sire to provide support for re al tim e
m ultim e dia se rvice s ove r wire le ss ad hoc ne twork s. The se applications de m and strict Q uality-ofSe rvice (Q oS) guarante e s by the unde rlying ne twork in te rm s of de lay, de lay jitte r and pack e t
loss. Howe ve r, lim ite d batte ry life of the node s in a wire le ss ne twork pose s significant challe nge s
in finding Q oS optim ize d m ulticast route s. The de ple tion of e ne rgy re source s of the node m ay
le ad to a disjoint ne twork that can se ve re ly affe ct the Q oS re quire m e nt of the application. In this
pape r, we inve stigate the proble m of building a m ulticast tre e that aim s e ne rgy conse rvation
while m e e ting the Q oS de m ands of the application. W e form ulate the issue as a m ultiobje ctive
optim ization proble m and apply a m ulti-colony ant approach to find the Pare to front for the ne w
proble m . The e x pe rim e ntal re sults are pre se nte d to de m onstrate the e ffe ctive ne ss of the
algorithm . The re sults are com pare d with Elitist Non-dom inate d Sorting Ge ne tic Algorithm (NSGAII)
Perform ance Analysis of a Short Flow Fav oring TCP
Gautam Raj Moktan (Aalto University, Finland), Saurabh Pokhrel (Aalto University,
Finland), Lennart Schulte (Aalto University, Finland), Mikko Särelä (Aalto University,
Finland) and Jukka M J Manner (Aalto University, Finland)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Most flows in the Inte rne t run ove r TC P and m ost flows in the Inte rne t are short. The se TC P flows
are pre dom inantly disadvantage d in ne twork s due to the ir short tim e to re act to the e nvironm e nt
along the flow path. The re are argum e nts proposing TC P to favor short flows to counte r such
im balance . It would im prove use r e x pe rie nce , re duce e ne rgy consum ption of wire le ss de vice s and
bring e conom ic be ne fits to se rvice provide rs. W e de scribe se nde r-side -only TC P m odifications to
favor short flows and validate it through a Linux im ple m e ntation and e valuation in re al ne twork s.
W e contrast the flow m e trics against R e no and C ubic flows. The m odifie d TC P is found to
incre ase the goodput of short flows by m ore than 30% in typical se ttings with corre sponding
de cre ase in flow-com ple tion-tim e without tak ing m uch bandwidth share from long flows. The
conditional suitability of the algorithm for de ploym e nt in the Inte rne t is e ndorse d.
Ev aluation of Queuing Algorithm s on QoS Sensitiv e Applications in IPv 6 Network
Junaid Latief Shah (University of Kashmir, India) and Javed Parvez (University of
Kashmir, India)
Q uality of Se rvice (Q oS) is an im portant ne twork pe rform ance param e te r having significant
im pact on re al tim e applications lik e VoIP, Inte ractive gam ing and Vide o Stre am ing. Although
IPv6 was de signe d to im prove addre ssing, se curity and Q oS in IPv4, se rvice s lik e vide o
confe re ncing and VoIP with strong re liance and se nsitive towards de lay and Jitte r pose a daunting
challe nge in today's pack e t base d ne twork s. The se param e te rs m ust be we ll be low the le ve l
tole rance so that the se rvice doe sn't de grade . In this pape r we discuss various param e te rs and
dim e nsions on which the Q oS of ne twork de pe nds. W e also discuss the m e chanism s use d by
IPv4 and IPv6 to im ple m e nt Q oS. Finally pe rform ance analysis of diffe re nt que uing algorithm s
lik e FIFO , W FQ and PQ is carrie d out to study the ir im pact on re al tim e applications in IPv6
Environm e nt. A sim ulation fram e work base d on O PNET Mode le r 14.5 is use d to m ode l, sim ulate
and analyze ne twork be havior.
EQC16: An Optim ized Packet Classification Algorithm for Large Rule- Sets
Uday Trivedi (Samsung Research India, Bangalore, India) and Mohan Lal Jangir
(Samsung Research India, Bangalore (INDIA), India)
Pack e t classification is a we ll-re se arche d fie ld. Howe ve r, none of the e x isting algorithm s work s
we ll for ve ry large rule -se ts up to 128K rule s. Furthe r with the adve nt of IPv6, num be r of rule
fie ld byte s is going to incre ase from around 16 to 48. W ith highe r num be r of fie ld byte s, both
m e m ory usage and classification spe e d is affe cte d badly. EQ C 16 atte m pts to solve this particular
proble m . It borrows the de sign from ABV (Aggre gate d Bit-Ve ctor) algorithm and adds som e
e ffe ctive optim izations. EQ C 16 use s 16 bit look up to re duce m e m ory acce sse s, m in-m ax rule
inform ation to narrow down se arch scope , and com bine s two 8 bit fie lds for fast se arch. It has
ve ry high classification spe e d, re asonable m e m ory re quire m e nt and sm all pre proce ssing tim e for
large rule -se ts and it supports re al-tim e incre m e ntal update s. EQ C 16 algorithm was e valuate d
and com pare d with e x isting de com position base d algorithm s BV (Bit-Ve ctor), ABV and R FC
(R e cursive Flow C lassification). The re sults indicate that EQ C 16 outpe rform s both BV and ABV in
te rm s of classification spe e d and R FC in te rm s of pre proce ssing tim e and incre m e ntal update
fe ature .
An Optim ized RFC Algorithm with Increm ental Update
Uday Trivedi (Samsung Research India, Bangalore, India) and Mohan Lal Jangir
(Samsung Research India, Bangalore (INDIA), India)
R FC (R e cursive Flow C lassification) is one of the be st pack e t classification algorithm s. Howe ve r,
R FC has m ode rate to prohibitive high pre proce ssing tim e for rule -se ts having m ore than 10K
rule s. R FC doe s not provide incre m e ntal update . Due to the se e sse ntial m issing fe ature s, R FC is
use d in lim ite d sce narios. This pape r atte m pts to add the se e sse ntial fe ature s in R FC . O ur
algorithm use s various m e m ory and proce ssing optim izations to spe e d up R FC pre proce ssing
phase . W e provide an algorithm to com pute only those C BM (C lass Bit Map) inte rse ctions for
which corre sponding value pairs are found in rule s. W e optim ize C BM inte rse ction by using ABV
algorithm and m in-m ax rule inform ation. W e also propose an optim ize d algorithm to m anage
re al tim e incre m e ntal update s in R FC . The algorithm m odifie s only re quire d parts of R FC table s
and m ak e s sure that the update d table s have inform ation in corre ct orde r. For incre m e ntal
update , m ode rate am ount of e x tra m e m ory is re quire d. W e te ste d our algorithm for
pre proce ssing tim e and incre m e ntal update fe ature . The re sults indicate that we ge t m ode rate
im prove m e nt in pre -proce ssing tim e with re al tim e incre m e ntal update s in our m odifie d R FC .
An Optim al Range Matching Algorithm for TCAM Software Sim ulation
Mohan Lal Jangir (Samsung Research India, Bangalore (INDIA), India) and Uday
Trivedi (Samsung Research India, Bangalore, India)
This pape r pre se nts an algorithm for m atching a se arch k e y against m ultiple e ntrie s with
arbitrary range s. The se e ntrie s are re fe rre d as range fie lds of rule s. The range m atching is an
im portant fe ature re quire d in route rs or gate ways to im ple m e nt policy base d routing or fire wall.
This fe ature is usually provide d by TC AM which can be im ple m e nte d e ithe r in H/W or S/W . This
pape r pre se nts an algorithm to sim ulate S/W TC AM. The algorithm can m atch a 16-bit or bigge r
se arch k e y against m ultiple range fie lds by de com posing the k e y and range fie ld in 8-bit subfie lds. The pape r e x plains an application of this algorithm using Luce nt Bit Ve ctor to he avily
optim ize m e m ory consum ption. The algorithm propose s to e x pand a range fie ld into m ax im um
3 range fie lds for 16-bit range m atching. Sim ilarly, worst case e x pansion for 24-bit range fie ld
and 32-bit range fie ld is 5 and 7 re spe ctive ly.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Perform ance Analysis of a Machine- to- Machine Friendly MAC Algorithm in LTEAdv anced
Poonacha G (IIITB, India) and Ameneh Pourmoghadas (IIIT-B, India)
O ne of the m ain challe nge s in Machine Type C om m unication (MTC ) se rvice s in the 3GPP LTE
ne twork s is to im prove de vice powe r e fficie ncy for Machine to Machine (M2M)com m unication. W e
conside r MTC application sce narios which consist of a num be r of de vice s conne cting to the
ne twork concurre ntly. The m e thods conside re d in TR 37.868 involve Disjoint Allocation (DA) and
Joint Allocation (JA). The DA sche m e is base d on se parating the available R AC H (random acce ss
channe l) pre am ble s into two disjoint se ts for Hum an-to-Hum an (H2H) and M2M calls. In the joint
allocation sche m e the H2H calls have acce ss to the pre am ble se t of M2M consum e rs.
Pe rform ance analyse s of the sche m e s assum e that both H2H and M2M calls follow Poisson traffic
m ode ls. In this pape r we conside r the joint allocation sche m e in which M2M calls have acce ss to
H2H pre am ble s as we e x pe ct m ore M2M calls in the future . W e de rive and pre se nt analytical
e x pre ssions for the throughput, the collision probability, the succe ss probability, and the idle
probability for DA and JA m e thods base d on the assum ption that R A (random acce ss) arrivals of
M2M and H2H de vice s follow Be ta and Poisson distributions re spe ctive ly. The e ne rgy consum ption
pe rform ance s of the two m e thods are com pare d. R e sults show that with the ne w JA m e thod we
can re duce the num be r of collisions and save the powe r consum ption of M2M de vice s up to 4%.
Dev elopm ent of CCSDS Proxim ity- 1 Protocol for ISRO's Extraterrestrial Missions
Akshay Sharma (University of Bristol, India), Unnikrishnan E (ISAC, India),
Ravichandran V. (ISRO, India) and Natarajan Valarmathi (ISRO Satellite Centre, India)
Prox im ity-1 protocol had be e n k e y in succe ssful com m unication link e stablishm e nt for a num be r
of e x trate rre strial m issions. In re ce nt ye ars ISR O has flown m issions to the m oon and Mars.
Give n the re liability of Prox im ity-1 protocol ove r short distance s, it was de cide d to de ve lop the
protocol for ISR O 's future space m issions whe re a short haul com m unication link is re quire d for
com m unication be twe e n rove rs, Lande rs and orbite rs. In this pape r we discuss the
im ple m e ntation of Prox im ity-1 protocol with re fe re nce to the re quire m e nt of Indian space crafts.
The pape r discusse s the m odifications and custom ization m ade during im ple m e ntation of the
protocol unde r the purvie w of protocol standard. R e quire m e nts and fe asibility of a ne w fe ature s
such as prox im ity safe m ode and data inte rface unit are discusse d with possible sce narios which
m ay e m ploy the m . The safe m ode allows usage of all prox im ity fe ature s, but with a gre ate r
protocol control and re duce d com ple x ity. Data inte rface unit allows prox im ity to function as
inde pe nde nt m odule and com m unicate with highe r laye rs via high spe e d inte rface s. The pape r
de tails the re sponse to dire ctive s and ge ne ration of notifications at various sublaye rs of the
protocol. The protocol is de ve lope d and te ste d on an FPGA platform . Te st se tup and te sting
strate gie s use d to e valuate the pe rform ance of the protocol at base band le ve l are also
discusse d.
S3-A: Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
Room: 108-B Block E First Floor
Chair: Mallesham Dasari (Uurmi Systems Pvt. Ltd & Uurmi Systems Pvt. Ltd, India)
Moldable Load Scheduling Using Dem and Adjustable Policies
Sachin Bagga (Thapar University, India)
W ork load distribution am ong proce ssors is one side d task . W he re as consiste nt m anage m e nt of
proce ssor availability to bulk job arrival is an aspe ct of re source m anage m e nt. Paralle l syste m s
whe re high probability of infinite job arrivals with varying proce ssor de m and re quire s a lot of
adjustm e nt e fforts to m ap proce ssors space ove r job space .Each job has diffe re nt re quire d
characte ristics lik e no. of proce ssors e tc. But the num be r of available re source s is of diffe re nt
characte ristics. Particular characte ristic proce ssor de m ande d by a job usually are not available .
Such case sce narios are the n adjuste d to adapt m oldable paralle l characte ristics. R igid base d
approache s conside re d as static de m and fit allocation sche m e s whe re the job is conside re d to be
active task only whe n sche dule r satisfie d the proce ssor de m and. C urre nt re se arch focuse s on
de m and adjustm e nt sche m e s by conside ring synthe tically ge ne rate d work load and proce ssor
availability m ap with discre te clock fre que ncy. Illustrations produce d on the basis of sim ulation
study about de m and adjustm e nt sche m e s consisting static and dynam ic approache s with the aim
of consiste nt proce ssor availability fit i.e . proce ssor offe re d space . Ide a be hind such
e x pe rim e ntal study is to analyze various sche duling algorithm s along with diffe re nt pe rform ance
param e te rs m anaging be st proce ssor space .
Accelerating the DNA Sequence Reconstruction Problem in Approxim ate Algorithm by
Yukun Zhong (Road no 1 PengShan SiChuan, P.R. China), JiaoBiao Lin (Road no 1
PengShan SiChuan, P.R. China), BaoQiu Wang (Sichuan University Jinjiang Collage,
P.R. China), Che Nian (Sichuan University Jinjiang Collage, P.R. China) and Chen Tao
(Sichuan University Jinjiang Collage, USA)
Traditionally, shotgun for DNA se que nce alignm e nt is one of the m ain m e thod of bioinform atics.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
It is use d to bre ak a long DNA se que nce into sm all fragm e nts. This pape r introduce s a ne w
m e thod to im prove the e fficie ncy of DNA se que nce re construction afte r shotgun m e thod using
construction suffix array base d on C UDA program m ing m ode l. The e x pe rim e ntal re sults show the
construction of suffix array using GPU is an m ore e fficie nt approach on Inte l(R ) C ore (TM) i33110K quad-core and NVIDIA Ge Force 610M GPU. C onse que ntly, The e x pe rim e nt pre se nts the
e fficie ncy of GPU pe rform ance com pare d with C PU pe rform ance , and study shows the m e thod is
m ore than 20 tim e s spe e dup than that of C PU se rial im ple m e ntation.core and NVIDIA Ge Force
610M GPU(k e ple r archite cture ).
A Real- Tim e Stereo Rectification of High Definition Im age Stream Using GPU
Pritam Prakash Shete (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India), Dinesh Sarode
(Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India) and Surojit Bose (Bhabha Atomic Research
Centre, India)
Ste re o vision syste m s are e sse ntial for the 3D obje ct re construction, industrial autom ation,
te le robotics and m any m ore . Ste re o re ctification proce ss aligns the le ft and the right im age s such
that the ir re spe ctive im age rows are accurate ly aligne d with e ach othe r. In this pape r, we propose
and im ple m e nt a re al-tim e ste re o re ctification of the high de finition ste re o im age stre am com ing
from the IP cam e ras for the com fortable ste re oscopic pe rce ption. W e utilize the GStre am e r
m ultim e dia fram e work for the im age acquisition. W e m ak e use of the GPU for the re al-tim e
ste re o re ctification using the O pe nGL. W e m ak e use of the O pe nGL conce pts lik e the fram e buffe r
obje ct, the ve rte x buffe r obje ct for the re al-tim e im age re m apping. W e divide ste re o re ctification
proce ss into two phase s. Initially we com pute the ste re o re ctification inve rse look up m aps once
using the O pe nC V library. Subse que ntly we apply the se inve rse m aps to e ach incom ing im age
fram e using the O pe nGL conce pts. W e com pare our re sults with the O pe nC V re alization using the
optim ize d AVX instructions and the C UDA fram e work . O ur O pe nGL base d m odule pe rform s the
ste re o re ctification of the full high de finition ste re o im age stre am at about 70 fram e s pe r
se cond.
GPU Accelerated Inexact Matching for Multiple Patterns in DNA Sequences
Priyank Rastogi (National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India) and Ram Guddeti
(National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India)
DNA se que ncing te chnology ge ne rate s m illions of patte rns on e ve ry run of the m achine and it
pose s a challe nge for m atching the se patte rns to the re fe re nce ge nom e e ffe ctive ly with high
e x e cution spe e d. The m ain ide a he re is ine x act m atching of patte rns with m ism atche s and gaps
(inse rtions and de le tions). In Ine x act m atching patte rn is to be m atche d with DNA se que nce with
som e allowe d num be r of e rrors. He re we have conside re d 2 e rrors. Errors can be m ism atche s or
gaps. Ex isting algorithm as SO AP3 pe rform s ine x act m atching on GPU with m ism atche s only.
SO AP3 doe sn't conside r gaps (inse rtion and de le tion). Ge ne ral Purpose Graphical Proce ssing Unit
(GPGPU) is an e ffe ctive solution in te rm s of the cost and spe e d and the re by providing a high
de gre e of paralle lism . This pape r pre se nts a paralle l im ple m e ntation of m ultiple patte rn ine x act
m atching in ge nom e re fe re nce using C UDA base d on BW T. The algorithm incorporate s DFS
(De pth First Se arch) Strate gy for For m atching m ultiple patte rns, e ach thre ad of GPGPU is
provide d with a diffe re nt patte rn and he nce m illions of patte rns can be m atche d using only one
C UDA k e rne l. Since the m e m ory of the GPU is lim ite d the n m e m ory m anage m e nt is handle d
care fully. Synchronization of m ultiple thre ads is provide d in orde r to pre ve nt ille gal acce ss to the
share d m e m ory. GPU re sults are com pare d with that of C PU e x e cution Ex pe rim e ntal re sults of
the propose d m e thodology achie ve d an ave rage spe e dup factor of se ve n as com pare d to that of
C PU e x e cution.
Towards a New Way of Reliable Routing: Multiple Paths Ov er ARCs
Foued Melakessou (University of Luxembourg, Luxemburg), Maria Rita Palattella
(University of Luxembourg, Luxemburg) and Thomas Engel (University of Luxemburg,
The Available R outing C onstructs (AR C s), re ce ntly propose d ad IETF, provide a prom ising m ode l
for achie ving highly re liable routing in large -scale ne twork s. Am ong its fe ature s, AR C s offe rs
m ulti-path routing by de sign. In the pre se nt work we introduce AR C s for the first tim e to the
re se arch com m unity. The n, we show, by m e ans of sim ulation re sults, how AR C ove r-pe rform s
classical m ulti-path routing algorithm s, by building disjoint m ultiple paths without e x tra-cost due
to ne w route com putation.
S3-B: International Workshop on Big Data Search and Mining (IWBSM-2014)
Room: 108-B Block E First Floor
Chairs: Mallesham Dasari (Uurmi Systems Pvt. Ltd & Uurmi Systems Pvt. Ltd, India), Asif
Ekbal (IIT Patna, India)
Secure Code Assignm ent to Alphabets Using Modified Ant Colony Optim ization Along
with Com pression
Hitesh Hasija (Delhi Technological University, India) and Rahul Katarya (Delhi
Technological University, India)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Assigning ASC II value s to the plainte x t alphabe ts during transm ission of docum e nts is ve ry
com m on, and as we k now that ASC II value of 'a' is le ss than that of 'z'. But, what would happe n
if the docum e nt contains m ore 'z' as com pare d to alphabe t 'a'. In that case , achie ving se curity
through e ncryption - de cryption and com pre ssion is ve ry crucial. This pape r propose s a te chnique
of assigning code s to plainte x t alphabe ts, base d on the fre que ncy of occurre nce s of those
alphabe ts by incorporating ant colony optim ization with roule tte whe e l se le ction algorithm , such
that se curity in code ge ne ration could be achie ve d. O btaine d code s are the n applie d ove r a
particular e ncryption algorithm so that ciphe r te x t ge ne rate d should contain those alphabe ts only
whose code value s are ne ar about sim ilar to that of plainte x t alphabe ts, so that we can achie ve
com pre ssion sim ultane ously. Achie ving all this within spe cifie d tim e constraints m ak e s this pape r
m ore im pre ssive .
Accelerating Low- Rank Matrix Com pletion on GPUs
Achal Shah (Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India) and Angshul Majumdar
(Indraprastha Institute Of Information Technology-Delhi & University of British
Columbia, India)
Late nt factor m ode ls form ulate collaborative filte ring as a m atrix factorization proble m . Howe ve r,
m atrix factorization is a bi-line ar proble m with no global conve rge nce guarante e s. In re ce nt
ye ars, re se arch has shown that the sam e proble m can be re cast as a low-rank m atrix com ple tion
proble m . The re sulting algorithm s, howe ve r, are se que ntial in nature and com putationally
e x pe nsive . In this work , we m odify and paralle lize a we ll k nown m atrix com ple tion algorithm so
that it can be im ple m e nte d on a GPU. The spe e d-up is significant and im prove s as the size of
the datase t incre ase s; the re is no change in accuracy be twe e n the se que ntial and our propose d
paralle l im ple m e ntation.
Enhancing Precision of Markov - based Recom m enders Using Location Inform ation
Ali Abbasi (Sharif University of Technology, Iran), Amin Javari (Sharif Uni Tech, Iran),
Mahdi Jalili (Sharif University of Technology, Iran) and Hamid R. Rabiee (Sharif
University of Technology, Iran)
R e com m e nde r syste m s are a re al e x am ple of hum an com pute r inte raction syste m s that both
consum e r/use r and se lle r/se rvice -provide r be ne fit from it. Diffe re nt te chnique s have be e n
publishe d in orde r to im prove the quality of the se syste m s. O ne of the approache s is using
conte x t inform ation such as location of use rs or ite m s. Most of the location-aware re com m e nde r
syste m s utilize use rs' location to im prove m e m ory-base d collaborative filte ring te chnique s.
Howe ve r, our propose d m e thod is base d on ite m s' location and utilize s a Mark ov-base d
approach which can be e asily applie d to im plicit datase ts. The m ain application of this te chnique
is in datase ts containing the location of ite m s. Ex pe rim e ntal re sults on re al datase t show that the
pe rform ance of the propose d m e thod is m uch be tte r than the classic C F m e thods.
S4-A: Systems and Software Engineering
Room: 105 Block E First Floor
Chairs: Sherly Elizabeth (IIITM-K, Technopark, Trivandrum, India), Ali G Hessami (Vega Systems
& London City University, United Kingdom)
An Open Source Approach to Enhance Industry Preparedness of Students
Smrithi Rekha V (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India) and Adinarayanan
V (Amrita University, Coimbatore, India)
Transitioning from colle ge to industry can be challe nging task if stude nts are not e x pose d to the
right conte nt while in colle ge . In this pape r we pre se nt an O pe n Source base d approach to
Software Engine e ring whe re stude nts ge t the opportunity to work on live O pe n-Source proje cts
the re by gaining practical e x posure to various Software Engine e ring principle s. The obje ctive of
this approach is to e nhance the Industry Pre pare dne ss of stude nts and addre ssing the
challe nge s the y m ay face as profe ssionals. This approach is base d on the re sult of our study of
Software Engine e rs who have ne wly joine d the industry. The study involve d unde rstanding the
Software Engine e ring(SE) course conte nt the y we re e x pose d to as stude nts, whe the r the SE
re late d course (s) we re able to m e e t the outcom e s laid by Software Engine e ring Education
Knowle dge , whe the r the course ade quate ly pre pare d the m to tak e on various industry
re sponsibilitie s and the challe nge s the y face d in the transition
Cross Project Change Prediction Using Open Source Projects
Ruchika Malhotra (Delhi Technological University, India) and Ankita Bansal (Delhi
Technological University, India)
Pre dicting the change s in the ne x t re le ase of software , during the e arly phase s of software
de ve lopm e nt is gaining wide im portance . Such a pre diction he lps in allocating the re source s
appropriate ly and thus, re duce s costs associate d with software m ainte nance . But pre dicting the
change s using the historical data (data of past re le ase s) of the software is not always possible
due to unavailability of data. Thus, it would be highly advantage ous if we can train the m ode l
using the data from othe r proje cts rathe r than the sam e proje ct. In this pape r, we have
pe rform e d cross proje ct pre dictions using 12 datase ts obtaine d from thre e ope n source Apache
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
proje cts, Abde ra, PO I and R ave . In the study, cross proje ct pre dictions include both the inte rproje ct (diffe re nt proje cts) and inte r-ve rsion (diffe re nt ve rsions of sam e proje cts) pre dictions. For
cross proje ct pre dictions, we inve stigate d whe the r the characte ristics of the datase ts are valuable
for se le cting the training se t for a k nown te sting se t. W e conclude d that cross proje ct pre dictions
give high accuracy and the distributional characte ristics of the datase ts are e x tre m e ly use ful for
se le cting the appropriate training se t. Be side s this, within cross proje ct pre dictions, we also
e x am ine d the accuracy of inte r-ve rsion pre dictions.
Refactoring Sequence Diagram s for Code Generation in UML Models
Chitra M T (University of Kerala & IIITM-K, India) and Sherly Elizabeth (IIITM-K,
Technopark, Trivandrum, India)
The UML Se que nce Diagram along with Mode l Drive n Archite cture in software de ve lopm e nt he lps
to m ode l the tim e constraint be havior that e nhance s the le gibility of the structure and be havior
of a syste m . The O bje ct C onstraint Language (O C L) he lps to conve y additional constraints and
invariants re quire d, but O C L confine s into an e x pre ssion language . The lack of program logic
and flow of control lim it the se m ode ls to ge ne rate code s and also for prope r ve rifications. This
pape r conce ntrate s on re factoring XMI of Se que nce diagram , an XML Me ta data Inte rchange , with
O C L constraints to build a fram e work for autom atic code ge ne ration. The propose d m ode l is
te ste d in a coal m ill of a The rm al Powe r Plant, a highly com ple x tim e constraine d syste m . The
source code ge ne rate d from the re factore d XMI is able to ge ne rate the se t of coal m ill
param e te rs that m atche s to the re al plant data re sults.
Bootstrap Sequential Projection Multi Kernel Locality Sensitiv e Hashing
Harsham Mehta (Thapar University, India) and Deepak Garg (Thapar University,
Patiala, India)
In re com m e nde r syste m we have sim ilarity se arch as a k e y part for m ak ing e fficie nt
re com m e ndations. Sim ilarity se arch have always be e n a tough task in a high dim e nsional space .
Locality Se nsitive Hashing which is m ost suitable for e x tracting data in a high dim e nsional data
(Multim e dia data). The Ide a of locality se nsitive hashing is that it de cre ase s the high
dim e nsional data to low dim e nsions using distance functions and the n store this data using hash
functions which e nsure s that distant data is place d m uch furthe r. This te chnique has be e n
e x te nde d to k e rne lize d Locality se nsitive hashing (KLSH). O ne lim itation of re gular LSH is the y
re quire ve ctor re pre se ntation of data e x plicitly. This lim itation is addre sse d by k e rne l functions.
Ke rne l functions are capable of capturing sim ilarity be twe e n data points. KLSH is a bre ak through
in conte nt base d syste m s. This m e thod tak e s a k e rne l function, a high dim e nsional database for
data inputs and size of hash functions to be built. The se k e rne l functions that are be ing use d
m ay give diffe re nt de gre e of re sult pre cision. He nce we try to com bine the se k e rne ls with a
bootstrap approach to give an optim al re sult pre cision. In this pape r we pre se nt the re late d work
that has be e n done in locality se nsitive hashing and at the e nd we propose algorithm s for data
pre proce ssing and que ry e valuation.
Perform ance Analysis of Ensem ble Learning for Predicting Defects in Open Source
Arvinder Kaur (Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India) and Kamaldeep Kaur
(Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India)
Machine le arning te chnique s have be e n e arne stly e x plore d by m any software e ngine e ring
re se arche rs. Although at pre se nt the re are no consiste nt conclusions on which one s are be tte r for
software de fe ct pre diction, som e re ce nt studie s sugge st com bining m ultiple m achine le arne rs,
that is , e nse m ble le arning, m ay have a be tte r pe rform ance . This study contribute s to software
de fe ct pre diction lite rature by syste m atically analyzing the pe rform ance of thre e im portant
hom oge ne ous e nse m ble m e thods - Bagging, Boosting, and R otation Fore st, base d on fifte e n
im portant base le arne rs, by e x ploiting the data of nine ope n source obje ct-orie nte d syste m s
obtaine d from the PR O MISE re pository. R e sults indicate while Bagging and Boosting m ay re sult in
AUC pe rform ance loss, AUC pe rform ance im prove m e nt re sults in twe lve of the fifte e n
inve stigate d base le arne rs with R otation Fore st e nse m ble .
Speculation of CMMI in Agile Dev elopm ent
Sahil Aggarwal (Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India), Vikas Deep (Amity
University, India) and Robin Singh (Wipro, India)
This pape r is base d on fre que ntly changing face of software de ve lopm e nt industry and to re m ain
in the com pe tition, organizations have to e ngage with the ne w situations e ve ry day. Agile
m e thodology is k nown to m aintain the spe e d which is e sse ntial to re m ain in the com pe tition,
along with it, the re is a ne e d of im prove m e nt at e ach ste p which can be cove re d by following
C MMI. This pape r shows how the e sse nce of C MMI can be im ple m e nte d in Agile Proce ss which
m ak e s the de ve lopm e nt m ature and organization capable to handle the difficultie s. It also
cove rs e ve ry aspe ct of C MMI from m e asure m e nt plan to docum e ntation and am algam ate s it with
the Agile proce ss.
An Am eliorated Methodology to Establish the Analogy between Business Process
Perspectiv e Views and UML Diagram s
Shivanand M Handigund (Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore (India), India),
Shivaram A M (Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore (India), India) and
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Arunakumari B N (Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore (India), India)
Unifie d Mode ling Language (UML) is a de -facto standard de sign language de ve lope d by thre e
am igos. The standardization of diagram is attribute d to we ll de fine d syntactics and se m antics of
the language . Unfortunate ly, the pragm atics is vague . This m ade pragm atics of UML diagram s,
hum an sk ill de pe nde nt. More ove r, the re is a lack of granulation the re fore pe rform ance cannot be
de te rm ine d through any m e trics. The vague ne ss of application of UML diagram s and lack of
pe rform ance de te rm ination place d UML in cul-de -sac. This pape r atte m pts to re solve this
labyrinth by e lim inating the vague ne ss of UML applicability through re ve rse e ngine e ring of k nown
busine ss proce ss se m iotics and the ir m apping to de fine d com pone nts of se m iotics of UML
diagram s and the n de te rm ining the vague pragm atics com pone nt of UML se m iotics by solving
m athe m atical e quations. The inactive pe rform ance de te rm ination is m ade e fficie nt through the
m athe m atical inte rpre tation of activity along with the ir input and output. In re ve rse e ngine e ring
proce ss, the syntactics and se m antics abstracte d through logical positivism . Initially fully or
partially re pre se ntative of pe rspe ctive vie w by UML diagram is de te rm ine d through initial
com parison of UML syntactics with abstracte d syntactics and se m antics of BPPVs. The syntactics
and se m antics of BPPVs inte rle ave d in diffe re nt pe rspe ctive vie ws. Howe ve r, we ne e d syntactics
for com parison purpose and for e stablishing e quivale nce we conside r the inte rle ave d
com pone nts. Sim ilarly, the sam e pe rce ption is tak e n for UML diagram s. The diagram s
re pre se nting pe rspe ctive vie ws are de te rm ine d by solving appropriate sim ultane ous e quations.
The pe rspe ctive vie ws are orthogonal to e ach othe r in the busine ss proce ss. The re is ne e d to
granulate the atom ic unit of activity so that this activity is always com ple te . And in the de sign of
any pe rspe ctive vie w for any give n inform ation syste m only the se unit activitie s are re organize d
so that at no point of tim e the partial activity is conside re d. More ove r, the activitie s should
always be com ple te . This pe rce ption is conside re d with m athe m atical rigour to e nhance its
vivacity. Thus UML diagram s are m ade use ful in the de sign of inform ation syste m proje cts.
Modeling Data Races Using UML/MARTE Profile
Akshay KC (Manipal University, India), Ashalatha Nayak (Manipal University, India) and
Balachandra Muniyal (Manipal University, India)
Unifie d Mode ling Language (UML) is a standard language for m ode ling in the dom ain of O bje ct
O rie nte d Software De ve lopm e nt. Howe ve r, it lack s the m ode ling construct for re al tim e syste m s.
The UML profile for Mode ling and Analysis of R e al Tim e Em be dde d Syste m s (MAR TE) has be e n
re ce ntly standardize d by O bje ct Manage m e nt Group (O MG) to provide the ne ce ssary constructs.
It provide s support for Mode l Drive n Engine e ring (MDE) of re al tim e syste m s. The goal of this
pape r is to pre se nt the UML/MAR TE profile in ide ntifying a concurre ncy issue k nown as data race .
The propose d approach le ads to a supporting tool for autom ate d de te ction of data race s in which
UML Se que nce diagram is use d to spe cify the te m poral orde ring of m e ssage s.
S4-B: International Workshop on Software Engineering for Web Application Development
Room: 105 Block E First Floor
Chairs: Sherly Elizabeth (IIITM-K, Technopark, Trivandrum, India), Ali G Hessami (Vega Systems
& London City University, United Kingdom)
Optim ization of the Issues in the Migration From Android Nativ e to Hybrid Application:
Case Study of Student's Portal Application
Heena Ahuja (GGSIPU, India) and Rahul Johari (GGSIP University, India)
Migration of Android Native Application to Hybrid Application is a good choice since Hybrid
Application is cross-platform in nature and has m any othe r attractive fe ature s to offe r but
m igrating an application from native to hybrid re quire s a lot of pre paration for analyzing the
com ple te proce ss and de aling with the se rious glitche s e x pe cte d during this proce ss be cause any
inappropriate ste p can drastically affe ct the succe ss of an application. The re fore , the m ain
obje ctive of our work is to analyze and choose right m igration m e thodology which would re duce
de ve lope r's e fforts, tim e and cost of de ve lopm e nt and would also he lp in optim izing the issue s
face d for yie lding be tte r e nd re sults. Migration Approach m ay vary de pe nding upon the
re quire m e nt, archite cture , size /com ple x ity and purpose of the application, the re can be m any
othe r im portant factors also lik e targe te d de vice s/browse rs. The re fore , it would be wise to
analyze and e valuate e ach and e ve ry m ove prior to pe rform ing the m igration. C onside ring the se
aspe cts, our re se arch pape r has pre se nte d som e concre te solutions which shall he lp in ide ntifying
the right m e thodology for e ffe ctive and succe ssful m igration. To validate our re se arch work , we
pick e d our own application e ntitle d Stude nt's Portal which was built as an android application
e arlie r and is now m igrate d to hybrid application by adopting the re le vant and appropriate
m igration approach.
Model Driv en Fast Prototyping of RIAs: From Conceptual Models to Running
Mario Luca Bernardi (2Research Centre on Software Technology (RCOST), University of
Sannio, Italy), Giuseppe Di Lucca (Department of Engineering - RCOST, University of
Sannio, Italy) and Damiano Distante (Unitelma Sapienza University, Italy)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Fast prototyping is a quick and cost e ffe ctive de ve lopm e nt of a (m inim um ) viable ve rsion of a
software use ful to som e purpose (e .g., re quire m e nts ve rification or de sign validation), which can
be discarde d or re factore d to be com e the ve rsion of the software to be de live re d. In this pape r
we propose a m ode l-drive n approach for the fast prototyping of R ich Inte rne t Applications (R IAs).
Starting from the conce ptual m ode l of a R IA, inte rm e diate m ode ls and the source code of a
re ady-to-de ploy application prototype are autom atically ge ne rate d through a m ode l drive n
de ve lopm e nt proce ss which e x ploits we ll k nown m ode l-drive n e ngine e ring fram e work s and
te chnologie s including Eclipse EMF, GMF, and Xpand. C om pare d to traditional, non m ode l-drive n,
prototyping approache s, our proposal allows to drastically re duce the ove rall prototyping e ffort to
juat the e ffort re quire d to de fine the conce ptual m ode l of the application, as the re st of the
proce ss is substantially autom atic. The pape r de scribe s the ove rall R IA prototyping approach, the
supporting tools and adopte d te chnologie s, along with the re sults from a case study carrie d out
for validation and ve rification purpose s.
Responsiv e, Adaptiv e and User Personalized Rendering on Mobile Browsers
Sowmya Sunkara (Samsung R&D Institute India, India), Ravitheja Tetali (Indian School
of Business, India) and Joy Bose (Samsung R&D Institute India, Bangalore, India)
W e b browse rs in m obile de vice s typically re nde r a give n we b page without tak ing into account the
diffe re nce in the visual-input re quire m e nts for diffe re nt use rs and sce narios. It is de sirable to
have the browse rs adapt to the individual use rs' visual re quire m e nts. In this pape r we propose a
browse r that m ak e s dynam ic adjustm e nts to the way the we b conte nt is re nde re d base d on the
conte x t of usage . The adjustm e nts include font size , color, contrast and we b page layout. The
syste m m ak e s the se adjustm e nts constantly by m onitoring the use r's usage patte rns and
inte ractions with the m obile de vice , and calculating and applying the change s via a fe e dback
m e chanism . W e m e ntion the m e thod for m ak ing corre ctions to font size , color and contrast, and
im ple m e nt a syste m to autom atically m ak e font size adjustm e nts using an O pe nC V library for
he ad track ing and m ak ing the re quire d corre ctions on a we b page . O nce the param e te rs for a
use r have be e n calibrate d and store d, the use r can acce ss the fe ature on m ultiple de vice s by
transm itting the re le vant data via a cloud se rvice .
A Hybrid Authentication System for Websites on Mobile Browsers
Utkarsh Dubey (Samsung R&D Institute India, India), Ankur Trisal (Samsung R&D
Institute India, India), Joy Bose (Samsung R&D Institute India, Bangalore, India), Mani
Brabhu (Samsung R&D Institute India, India) and Nazeer Ahmed (Samsung R&D
Institute India, India)
C urre nt biom e tric re cognition syste m s for we bsite authe ntication are m ostly we b se rve r base d,
ne e ding se rve r support and infrastructure , and som e tim e s de dicate d e x te rnal hardware , for
online authe ntication. Not m any we b se rve rs support this k ind of infrastructure for authe ntication.
O n the othe r hand, pure de vice base d authe ntication syste m s are of the 'all or none ' type ,
se rving to authe nticate use rs for e ve ry action whe n using the de vice , or having authe ntication
once and the n k e e ping the de vice fre e to use . In this pape r we propose a hybrid m ode l, whe re
finge rprint authe ntication is use d in com bination with the auto com ple te function on the browse r
for logging in to ce rtain type s of we bsite s, or acce ssing only ce rtain k ind of inform ation on the
browse r. In this m e thod, the finge rprint m odule , inbuilt on ce rtain m obile de vice s lik e Sam sung
Galax y, is trigge re d autom atically whe n ce rtain pre -configure d rule s are m e t. Also, base d on the
ide ntity of the pe rson swiping the ir finge rprint, the de vice has the ability to switch be twe e n one of
a num be r of pre configure d se curity m ode s. Such a m ode l can e nable e nhance d authe ntication
for logging in to we bsite s on m obile de vice s. W e pre se nt the re sults of te sts on a browse r
e nable d with this syste m to study ave rage re sponse tim e s, accuracy and e ffe ct on browse r
pe rform ance .
Software Dev elopm ent Life Cycle Model to Build Software Applications with Usability
Suburayan Velmourougan (Pondicherry University & STQC, DeitY, Ministry of comm.
and IT, India), Dhavachelvan P (Pondicherry University, India), Baskaran
Ramachandran (Anna University, India) and Balakrishnan Ravikumar (STQCIT, DeITY,
MCIT Government of India, India)
Software usability is one of the k e y quality attribute s for the software application to im prove the
hum an inte rface with an e ffe ctive utilization and accurate use . Lack of usability in the software
application le ads loss in te rm s of cost, re putation and trust. Lack of focus on software usability
during its de ve lopm e nt incre ase s the late nt and pate nt flaws in the application. Usability fe ature
cannot be adde d as additional at the e nd of de ve lopm e nt proce ss but it ne e ds to be paid
atte ntion throughout the de ve lopm e nt phase s of the Software De ve lopm e nt Life C ycle (SDLC ). In
that vie w, this pape r pre se nts a ne w, Usability-Software De ve lopm e nt Life C ycle m ode l(U-SDLC )
introducing usability de ve lopm e nt task s and activitie s to be followe d during the SDLC . This pape r
provide s a se t of activitie s/be st practice s for all stak e holde rs involve d in the planning,
archite cting, coding, te sting and m aintaining of software applications. This pape r also pre se nts
with a com parative study done on e x isting SDLC m ode l and conclude s that the pre se nt m ode ls
are not ade quate ly focusing usability issue s while building e ffe ctive ly usable software products
and prove s with statistical re sults that the propose d ne w SDLC m ode l is capable of building
usable application.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
S5-A: Multimedia, Video Systems and Human Computer Interaction
Room: 104 Block E First Floor
Chair: Abhishek Thakur (BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus & BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus,
SAPRS: Situation- Aware Proactiv e Recom m ender System with Explanations
Punam Bedi (University of Delhi, India), Sumit Agarwal (University of Delhi & University
of Delhi, India), Samarth Sharma (University of Delhi, India) and Harshita Joshi
(University of Delhi, India)
Proactive re com m e nde r syste m s are wide ly use d inte llige nt applications which autom atically push
re le vant re com m e ndations to the use rs base d on the ir curre nt task s or inte re sts, without e x plicit
re que st from the m . Such syste m s he lp the use rs in tim e ly re ce ption of the inform ation of the ir
inte re st. Im proving use r's acce ptance on pushe d re com m e ndations of the se syste m s is a
challe nging task . In the se syste m s, de te rm ining right push conte x t (situation) and finding
re le vant ite m s for the targe t use r are conside re d as two vital issue s for achie ving be tte r use r
acce ptance . More ove r, along with the pushe d re com m e ndations, if the targe t use r is also shown
the e x planation why som e thing is re com m e nde d to him the n this transpare ncy m ight he lp the
use r to m ak e a be tte r de cision & incre ase his faith in the pushe d re com m e ndations for im proving
use r's acce ptance . The re fore , we pre se nt a Situation-Aware Proactive R e com m e nde r Syste m
(SAPR S) that pushe s both re le vant and justifiable re com m e ndations to the targe t use r at the
right conte x t only in orde r to achie ve be tte r use r acce ptance . SAPR S work s in two phase s; (i)
situation asse ssm e nt phase and the (ii) ite m asse ssm e nt phase . In situation asse ssm e nt
phase , the propose d syste m analyze s the curre nt situation i.e . whe the r or not the curre nt conte x t
ne e ds a re com m e ndation to be pushe d. In the Ite m asse ssm e nt phase , SAPR S ge ne rate s
re le vant re com m e ndations for the targe t use r using a location-aware re putation base d
collaborative filte ring algorithm . It also e nhance s the transpare ncy of the pushe d
re com m e ndations by m e ans of e x planations in this phase . The prototype of SAPR S is
im ple m e nte d using m ulti-age nt approach for re staurant re com m e ndations and its pe rform ance is
e valuate d using pre cision, re call m e trics and fe ature base d com parisons.
A Hybrid Approach for Discourse Segm ent Detection in the Autom atic Subtitle
Rajeswari Sridhar (College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, India), Aravind S
(Anna University, India), Hamid Muneerulhudhakalvathi (Anna University, India) and
Sibi Senthur (Anna University, India)
The aim of this pape r is to de ve lop an autom atic subtitle ge ne ration syste m for com pute r
scie nce le cture vide os. C MU Sphinx Spe e ch API is use d to accom plish spe e ch re cognition. The
m ain challe nge of this work , is to align the translate d te x t with the vide o. Discourse Se gm e nt
De te ction (DSD) is the proce ss of analyzing and ide ntifying discourse boundarie s in hum an
spe e ch. Discourse Se gm e nt De te ction (DSD) is carrie d out that classifie s word boundarie s and
groups words until a discourse bre ak occurs. The approach that has be e n de vise d in this pape r
for DSD to ide ntify word boundary is a hybrid approach com bining acoustic and linguistic fe ature s
from the spe e ch. This he lps to se gm e nt the te x t obtaine d from Spe e ch Engine , group words that
can be writte n to the subtitle s file without violating the subtitle standards. The de vise d approach
has shown an im prove d pe rform ance than the e x isting approach as the e rror has re duce d from
30% to 18 %.
Content Based Classification of Traffic Videos Using Sym bolic Features
Elham Dallalzadeh (Marvdasht Islamic Azad University, Iran) and D. s Guru (University
of Mysore, India)
In this pape r, we propose a sym bolic approach for classification of traffic vide os base d on the ir
conte nt. W e propose to re pre se nt a traffic vide o by an inte rval value d fe ature s. Unlik e the
conve ntional m e thods, the inte rval value d fe ature re pre se ntation is able to pre se rve the
variations e x isting am ong the e x tracte d fe ature s of a traffic vide o. Base d on the propose d
sym bolic re pre se ntation, we pre se nt a m e thod of classifying traffic vide os. The propose d
classification m e thod m ak e s use of sym bolic sim ilarity com putation and dissim ilarity com putation
to classify the traffic vide os into light, m e dium , and he avy traffic conge stion. An e x pe rim e ntation
is carrie d out on a be nchm ark traffic vide o database . Ex pe rim e ntal re sults re ve al the ability of
the propose d m ode l for classification of traffic vide os base d on the ir conte nt.
A New Weighted Audio Mixing Algorithm for a Multipoint Processor in a VoIP
Conferencing System
Sameer Sethi (ITM University, India), Prabhjot Kaur (ITM University, India) and Swaran
Ahuja (ITM University, India)
Audio C onfe re ncing is the one of the m ain fe ature s provide d by VoIP te le com m unication
syste m s. Along with factors such as back ground noise , low audio le ve l, de lay and pack e t loss,
audio m ix ing algorithm also contribute s noise to the output of a audio confe re ncing syste m . True
m ix ing algorithm suffe rs from the proble m of ove rflow/unde rflow which le ads to addition of noise
in the form of clipping. Se ve ral re se arche rs have propose d m any we ighte d audio m ix ing
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
algorithm s som e of which m itigate this proble m and incre ase the voice quality of the m ix e r
output. But in high back ground noise le ve ls the se algorithm s fail to m aintain the voice quality
and le ad to lowe r m e an opinion score s. In this pape r we introduce a ne w we ighte d audio m ix ing
algorithm with som e voice e nhance m e nt algorithm s such as noise re duction, autom atic le ve l
control and voice activity de te ction. This ne w algorithm calculate s the we ighte d factor base d on
the root m e an square value s of the input stre am s of the participants of the confe re nce . This
he lps the algorithm to adaptive ly sm oothe n the input stre am s and provide a scale d m ix e r output
which is be tte r in pe rce ive d spe e ch quality. Pe rce ptual Evaluation of Spe e ch Q uality (PESQ ) and
Pe rce ive d Audio Le ve l (PLL) m e asure s are use d to com pare the re sults of this ne w algorithm with
e arlie r work in diffe re nt back ground noise le ve ls. O ur e x pe rim e ntal re sults de m onstrate be tte r
and consiste nt spe e ch quality by this ne w algorithm in all back ground noise le ve ls.
Multicode CDMA/CI for Multim edia Serv ices Ov er LEO Satellite Channel
Rajan Kapoor (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India) and Preetam Kumar
(Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India)
Multicode C DMA is a prom ising sche m e to support m ultirate se rvice s for m ultim e dia
com m unication. In this pape r, a nove l m ulticode C DMA sche m e using C arrie r Inte rfe rom e try (C I)
code s has be e n propose d to support m ultirate se rvice s ove r LEO sate llite channe l. It is obse rve d
that use of C I code s not only he lp in m itigating m ultiple acce ss inte rfe re nce but also re duce s the
Pe ak to Ave rage Powe r R atio (PAPR ) com pare d to W alsh Hadam ard (W H) code s. The pe rce ntage
of sym bols with PAPR gre ate r than 9 dB is re duce d from 80% to 10% by e m ploying C I code s for
data rate six te e n tim e s the basic data rate . Also, at e le vation angle of 30 de gre e s, high rate
use r obse rve s as m uch as 8 dB SNR gain using C I code s. Additionally, orthogonal C I code s with
arbitrary inte ge r le ngth can be ge ne rate d.
An Interactiv e GUI Tool for Thyroid Uptake Studies Using Gam m a Cam era
Sai Vignesh T (Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, India), Siva Subramaniyan
Viswanathan (Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, India), Kumar
Rajamani (GE Global Research, India) and Siva Sankara Sai Sanagapati (Sri Sathya Sai
Institute of Higher Learning, India)
Thyroid uptak e study is a te chnique that re quire s inje ction of a radio-isotope /radiotrace r e m itting
gam m a rays into the blood stre am of the patie nt. Thyroid im aging is done by m e ans of Thyroid
Uptak e Im aging syste m . In the abse nce of a sophisticate d syste m , im aging can also done using
Gam m a C am e ra. By intrave nously inje cting 2 m illicurie s of Te chne tium -99m pe rte chne tate radioisotope , se rial thyroid im age s are acquire d. This Uptak e study provide s Functional inform ation
and is use ful for diagnosis and tre atm e nt of Hype rthyroidism . Thyroid uptak e study done using
Gam m a C am e ra has to be calibrate d at e ach laboratory using this te chnique . In our hospital it
has be e n standardize d that a trace r uptak e of gre ate r than 2 % is conside re d Hype rthyroidism ,
be twe e n 0.5 and 2 % is conside re d norm al and le ss than 0.5 % is conside re d Hypothyroidism .
Thyroid Uptak e is calculate d base d on the counts .C ounts are nothing but the sum of all
inte nsitie s in the se le cte d re gion of the im age . Gam m a C am e ra use s a LEAP (Low Ene rgy All
Purpose ) collim ator which handle s only photons e m itte d from radio-isotope s having lowe r
e m ission e ne rgie s. So Te chne tium -99m is use d which has its e ne rgy of e m ission around 140
k e V. For a typical Thyroid Uptak e Probe whe re Iodine -131 having gre ate r e m ission e ne rgy of 364
k e V is pre fe rre d, e x isting Thyroid Uptak e software cannot be use d. The re fore an Inte ractive GUI
(Graphical Use r Inte rface ) tool was de ve lope d for thyroid Uptak e studie s using Fiji for
de te rm ination of trace r uptak e by m anually drawing the R O I (R e gion of Inte re st) around le ft and
right thyroid lobe s se parate ly. De ve lope d tool was te ste d on 30 re al tim e thyroid case s (26
fe m ale and 4 m ale ) and the uptak e value s obtaine d are com pare d with those obtaine d from the
e x isting software tool.
Sem i- autom atic Generation of Accurate Ground Truth Data in Video Sequences
Gustavo Fernández Domínguez (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria)
Ge ne ration of ground truth data from vide o se que nce s is still an intriguing proble m in the
C om pute r Vision com m unity. The m assive am ount of data and the ne ce ssary e ffort for
annotating this data m ak e this task a challe nging proble m . In this pape r we inve stigate the
possibility of ge ne rating ground truth data in a se m i-autom atic way. Spe cifically, using the output
of diffe re nt algorithm s, a ne w output base d on robust statistics is ge ne rate d. The propose d
m e thod use s re sults obtaine d from re al data which is use d for e valuation purpose s. The
ge ne rate d output is propose d to be use d as a basis of ground truth data re ducing the ne ce ssary
tim e for ge ne rating this data. The m ain contribution of this pape r is to show that such
m e thodology can be use d to ge ne rate an initial ground truth data, which is accurate and re liable ,
in both ways se m i-autom atic and fast. Various re sults and analysis are pre se nte d to e valuate the
pe rform ance of the propose d m e thodology. O btaine d re sults sugge st that ge ne rating ground
truth data base d on the output of diffe re nt algorithm s is possible alle viating the proble m of
annotating such data m anually.
Im plem entation of Augm ented Reality in Cricket for Ball Tracking and Autom ated
Decision Making for No Ball
Nikhil Batra (MSIT, India), Amita Yadav (Inderprasth University, India), Harsh Gupta
(MSIT, India), Nakul Yadav (MSIT, India) and Anshika Gupta (MSIT, India)
Te chnology is an absolute ne ce ssity in the world of sport the se days. It has be e n im ple m e nte d
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
to de ve lop various te chnique s that are use d to le arn ne w strate gie s and he nce e x ce l in sports.
The judicious use of te chnology could im prove pe rform ance of the playe rs, pre vale nt coaching
m e thods, m atch analysis and pre ve nt controve rsial um piring. So, the prim ary obje ctive of this
re se arch is to attain the following goals: 1) An autom ate d m ultidim e nsional visual syste m that
would pre ve nt wrong inte rpre tations due to pe rspe ctive e rrors. 2) Sim ulate the pre and post
m atch activity in a com pute rize d graphics syste m for gam e and pe rform ance analysis of a ce rtain
te am , playe r or playing conditions. 3) Approx im ating the traje ctory of ball from m ultiple
dim e nsions and com paring the pre dicte d path with the actual path. This re se arch pape r pre se nts
the im ple m e ntation of augm e nte d re ality in crick e t using m ulti value d autom ate d de cision
m ak ing to de te ct no ball and wide ball. The traje ctory approx im ation is the n use d to gathe r
inform ation on variations in pitch and to train the playe rs about the spin and swing of the ball.
Fast Connect Procedure for Session Initiation Protocol Using Cached Credentials
Vineet Menon (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India), Sunil Kulgod (Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre, India) and Jagadeesh Bangalore (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
SIP initiate s a call using a thre e way handshak e be twe e n both the Use r Age nts (UAs). This
e nsure s a conne ction with hum an use rs in be twe e n. Each tim e a SIP UA initiate s a call, it has to
do capability ne gotiation which involve s re solving the calle r, audio code c, vide o code c e tc. In this
pape r, we have propose d a nove l sche m e for re ducing the size of pack e ts of INVITE m e ssage s
by e nabling a caching at the UA's. W e propose to pre ve nt the transm ission of SDP m e ssage s,
which are use d for capability ne gotiation, inste ad we m ak e the UA re m e m be r the capability of the
othe r e nd and act upon it inte llige ntly. W e have m ade atte m pts to m ak e our im prove m e nt
back ward com patible and in conform ance with SIP R FC 3261. The capabilitie s will be store d in
pe rsiste nt storage with e ach UA and will be update d pe riodically to m e e t with the in-call INVITE
m e ssage s. This proposal will e ffe ctive ly re duce the m e ssage size of INVITE and the im pe nding
re sponse (180/R inging or 200/O K) m e ssage by half. Unde r ide al conditions, we ge t two
m e ssage s with half the original size , while if e ithe r e nd fails to conform to this proce dure , SIP
code c ne gotiation will re ve rt back to the original Se ssion De scription Protocol (SDP) e x change
without any ove rhe ad as de scribe d in [5].
Processing of EEG Signals for Study of Coupling in Brain Regions for Eyes Open and
Eyes Closed Conditions
Deboshree Bose (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India), Shikha Tripathi (Amrita School
of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidhyapeetham, India) and Ajeesh Tp (Amrita Vishwa
Vidyapeetham, India)
This pape r de als with proce ssing the EEG signals obtaine d from 16 spatially arrange d e le ctrode s
to m e asure coupling or synchrony be twe e n the frontal, parie tal, occipital and te m poral lobe s of
the ce re brum unde r the e ye s ope n and e ye s close d conditions. This synchrony was m e asure d
using m agnitude square d cohe re nce , Short Tim e Fourie r Transform and wave le t base d
cohe re nce s. W e found a patte rn in the tim e -fre que ncy cohe re nce as we m ove d from the nasion
to the inion of the subje ct's he ad. The cohe re nce patte rn obtaine d from the wave le t approach
was found to be far m ore capable of pick ing up pe ak s in cohe re nce with re spe ct to fre que ncy as
oppose d to the re gular Fourie r base d cohe re nce . W e de te cte d high synchrony be twe e n frontal
polar e le ctrode s that is m issing in cohe re nce plots be twe e n othe r e le ctrode pairs. The study has
pote ntial applications in he althcare .
S5-B: International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing Techniques and Applications
Room: 104 Block E First Floor
Chair: Abhishek Thakur (BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus & BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus,
Lossless Hyperspectral Im age Com pression Using Intraband and Interband Predictors
Mamatha A. s. (R N Shetty Institute of Technology, India) and Vipula Singh (R N Shetty
Institute of Technology, India)
O n-board data com pre ssion is a critical task that has to be carrie d out with re stricte d
com putational re source s for re m ote se nsing applications. This pape r propose s an im prove d
algorithm for onboard lossle ss com pre ssion of hype rspe ctral im age s, which com bine s low
e ncoding com ple x ity and high-pe rform ance . This algorithm is base d on hybrid pre diction. In the
propose d work , the de corre lation stage re inforce s both intraband and inte rband pre dictions. The
intraband pre diction use s the m e dian pre diction m ode l, since the m e dian pre dictor is fast and
e fficie nt. The inte rband pre diction use s hybrid conte x t pre diction which is the com bination of a
line ar pre diction (LP) and a conte x t pre diction. Eve ntually, the re sidual im age of hybrid conte x t
pre diction is code d by the Huffm an coding. An e fficie nt hardware im ple m e ntation of both
pre dictors is achie ve d using FPGA-base d acce le ration and powe r analysis has be e n done to
e stim ate the powe r consum ption. Pe rform ance of the propose d algorithm is com pare d with som e
of the standard algorithm s for hype rspe ctral im age s such as 3D-C ALIC , M-C ALIC , LUT, LAIS-LUT,
LUT-NN, DPC M (C -DPC M), JPEG-LS. Ex pe rim e ntal re sults on AVIR IS data show that the propose d
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
algorithm achie ve s high com pre ssion ratio with low com ple x ity and com putational cost.
Quality Ev aluation of HEVC Main Still Picture with Lim ited Coding Tree Depth and Intra
Pratyush Kumar Ranjan (Samsung Electronics, India), Dileep Pacharla (Bangalore,
Karnataka & Samsung R & D Institute, India), Biju Ravindran (Samsung R&D Bangalore
& Samsung, India) and Devendran Mani (SRI-Bangalore & SRI-Bangalore, India)
In this pape r we analyze the im pact of lim iting the num be r of m ode s in intra m ode de cision
proce ss and lim iting the quad-tre e structure of the coding unit (C U), pre diction unit (PU) and
transform unit (TU) on the quality of the High Efficie ncy Vide o C ode c (HEVC ) e ncode r supporting
Main Still Picture (MSP) profile . A sim plifie d HEVC e ncode r with coding-tre e configuration such that
the large st C U is of size 16x 16 pix e ls with no furthe r partitioning, PU and TU are of sam e size
and with four intra m ode s- DC , Planar, Ve rtical and Horizontal, is use d as a base line to
be nchm ark m ore com ple x HEVC e ncode r configuration supporting large r num be r of m ode s and
de e pe r tre e s. Base line e ncode r suffe re d an ave rage quality loss of 0.86 dB whe n com pare d with
HEVC e ncode r supporting all fe ature s. W he n large st coding unit (LC U) size is fix e d at 16x 16
pix e ls and m ode s are incre ase d from 4 to 35, the ave rage quality incre ase is of 0.72dB. Sim ilarly
whe n the m ode s are fix e d at 35 and LC U size is incre ase d from 16 to 64, the ave rage quality
incre ase is of 0.51dB. The se re sults are inte rpre tative in de ciding optim al e ncode r configuration
for achie ving targe t obje ctive quality.
Towards Redundancy Reduction in Storyboard Representation for Static Video
Sum m arization
Hrishikesh Bhaumik (RCC Institute of Information Technology, Canal South Road,
Beliaghata, Kolkata, India), Siddhartha Bhattacharyya (RCC Institute of Information
Technology, India), Surajit Dutta (RCC Institute of Information Technology, India) and
Susanta Chakraborty (Bengal Engineering and Science University, India)
Static vide o sum m arization te chnique s aim to re pre se nt the salie nt conte nt in a vide o by
e x tracting a se t of k e yfram e s for pre se ntation to the use r. An e fficie nt k e y-fram e e x traction
proce ss is thus vital for e ffe ctive vide o sum m arization, browsing and inde x ing in conte nt-base d
vide o re trie val syste m s. In this pape r, a thre e phase d approach for k e y-fram e e x traction is
propose d which aim s to re pre se nt a static sum m ary of a vide o. The first phase de als with
de te cting the be st re pre se ntative fram e (s) for e ach shot in the vide o. The se cond and third
phase s com prise of te chnique s for intra-shot and inte r-shot re dundancy re duction using SUR F
and GIST on the e x tracte d k e y-fram e s in the first phase . At the e nd of e ach phase , com parison
be twe e n the syste m ge ne rate d sum m ary and use r sum m ary is pe rform e d. A com parati ve
analysis be twe e n SUR F and GIST for re dundancy re duction is also pre se nte d. Ex pe rim e ntal
e valuation of the re sults on a te st se t of vide os from sports, m ovie songs, m usic album s and
docum e ntarie s show that the propose d m e thod achie ve s high pre cision and re call value s in all
the case s.
S6-A: International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems and Social Computing (CSSC-2014)
Room: 006 Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Maxwell Christian (Gujarat Technological University, India)
LSB Based Im age Steganography Using X- Box Mapping
Ekta Dagar (Maharishi Dayanand University, India) and Sunny Dagar (Manav Rachna
College of Engineering, India)
Due to the high growth of Inte rne t and its applications ove r the ne twork , the re is a ne e d of high
le ve l of se curity for the data to transfe r be twe e n the ne twork s. Ste ganography is a te chnique of
hiding the data ove r the m e dium so that no one k nows that the re is any com m unication going
on e x ce pt the se nde r and re ce ive r. This pape r introduce s an approach for Le ast Significant Bit
(LSB) inse rtion base d on Im age Ste ganography to e nhance the le ve l of se curity for data transfe r
ove r the inte rne t. The 24-bit R GB im age is chose n as a cove r im age which hide s the se cre t
m e ssage inside re d, gre e n and blue color pix e l value s. The re is an X-Box m apping whe re se ve ral
box e s are use d which contains six te e n diffe re nt value s (X re pre se nts any inte ge r value from 09). The value s store d in the X-Box e s are m appe d with the LSBs of the cove r im age . This
m apping provide s a le ve l of se curity to the se cre t m e ssage which m ak e s it difficult for the
intrude rs to e x tract the hidde n inform ation. W e have use d the Pe ak Signal-to-Noise R atio to
m e asure the quality of im age s use d. Large r PSNR value indicate s lowe r distortion and he nce a
be tte r quality of im age .
Towards Twitter Hashtag Recom m endation Using Distributed Word Representations
and a Deep Feed Forward Neural Network
Abhineshwar Tomar (Ghent University & iMinds, Belgium), Frederic Godin (Ghent
University, Belgium), Baptist Vandersmissen (Ghent University, Belgium), Wesley De
Neve (Ghent University, Belgium) and Rik Van de Walle (Ghent University - iMinds,
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Hashtags are use ful for cate gorizing and discove ring conte nt and conve rsations in online social
ne twork s. Howe ve r, assigning hashtags re quire s additional use r e ffort, ham pe ring the ir
wide spre ad adoption. The re fore , in this pape r, we introduce a nove l approach for hashtag
re com m e ndation, targe ting English language twe e ts on Twitte r. First, we m ak e use of a sk ipgram m ode l to le arn distribute d word re pre se ntations (word2ve c). Ne x t, we m ak e use of the
distribute d word re pre se ntations le arne d to train a de e p fe e d forward ne ural ne twork . W e te st our
de e p ne ural ne twork by re com m e nding hashtags for twe e ts with use r-assigne d hashtags, using
Me an Square d Error (MSE) as the obje ctive function. W e also te st our de e p ne ural ne twork by
re com m e nding hashtags for twe e ts without use r-assigne d hashtags. O ur e x pe rim e ntal re sults
show that the propose d approach re com m e nds hashtags that are spe cific to the se m antics of the
twe e ts and that pre se rve the linguistic re gularity of the twe e ts. In addition, our e x pe rim e ntal
re sults show that the propose d approach is capable of ge ne rating hashtags that have not be e n
se e n be fore .
Linux Malware Detection Using non- Param etric Statistical Methods
Vinod P (SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, Ernakulam, India, India) and
Asmitha KA (SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, India)
Linux is the m ost re nowne d ope n source ope rating syste m . In re ce nt ye ars, the num be r of
m alware targe ting Linux O S has be e n incre ase d and the traditional de fe nce m e chanism s se e m s
to be futile . W e propose a nove l non-param e tric statistical approach using m achine le arning
te chnique s for ide ntifying pre viously unk nown m alicious Ex e cutable Link able File s (ELF). The
syste m calls e m ploye d as fe ature s e x tracte d dynam ically within a controlle d e nvironm e nt. The
propose d approach rank s and de te rm ine the prom ine nt fe ature s by using non-param e tric
statistical m e thods lik e Krusk al-W allis rank ing te st (KW ), De viation From Poisson (DFP). Thre e
le arning algorithm s (J48, Adaboost and R andom Fore st) are applie d to ge ne rate pre diction
m ode l, from a m inim al se t of fe ature s e x tracte d from the syste m call trace s. O ptim al fe ature
ve ctor re sulte d in ove r all classification accuracy of 97.30% to ide ntify unk nown m alicious
spe cim e ns.
S6-B: International Workshop on Internet of Smart objects: Computing, Communication and
Management (CCMIoS'14)
Room: 006 Block E Ground Floor
Chairs: Maxwell Christian (Gujarat Technological University, India), Komathy Karuppanan
(Hindustan University, India)
A Fram ework for Power Sav ing in IoT Networks
Mukesh Taneja (Cisco Systems, India)
An IoT / M2M syste m m ay support large num be r of batte ry ope rate d de vice s in addition to som e
m ains ope rate d de vice s. It is im portant to conse rve e ne rgy of the se batte ry ope rate d
constraine d de vice s. An IoT / M2M Gate way use d in this syste m is an inte rm e diate node be twe e n
IoT / M2M de vice s and an IoT / M2M Se rvice Platform . It e nable s distribute d analytics and he lps
to re duce traffic load in the ne twork . This gate way could be stationary or m obile . In an IoT / M2M
syste m , it be com e s im portant to conse rve e ne rgy of this Gate way as we ll. This pape r propose s a
fram e work to re duce powe r consum ption of M2M / IoT de vice s as we ll as Gate way node s. W e
buffe r data at IoT Application, IoT Gate ways and De vice s to k e e p de vice s and Gate way node s in
sle e p m ode as long as possible . W e allow com putation of the duration to buffe r this data using
factors such as Q oS re quire m e nts, pre dicte d patte rn of future IoT / M2M m e ssage s and
conge stion indicators from diffe re nt ne twork node s. This pote ntially also allows inte llige nt
aggre gation of IoT m e ssage s at the Gate way node . W e also e nhance signaling m e chanism s and
pre se nt software building block s for this fram e work . Me sh as we ll as C e llular acce ss te chnologie s
are conside re d he re .
A Learning Approach for Identification of Refrigerator Load From Aggregate Load
Guruprasad Seshadri (Tata Consultancy Services, India), Girish Chandra (Tata
Consultancy Services, India) and P. Balamuralidhar (Tata Consultancy Services, India)
Estim ation of appliance -spe cific powe r consum ption from aggre gate powe r signal is an im portant
and challe nging proble m . The proble m is also k nown as e le ctrical load disaggre gation. This
pape r addre sse s the proble m of ide ntification of re frige rator load, since re frige rators contribute
to significant powe r consum ption in dom e stic sce nario. The k e y ide a is to de te ct e ve nts
corre sponding to re frige rator, which are e m be dde d in the aggre gate powe r signal. Firstly,
fe ature s base d on am plitude and duration of e ve nts are ide ntifie d by obse rvation of re frige ratorspe cific powe r signal. Se condly, the se fe ature s are e x tracte d from the aggre gate powe r signal.
Thirdly, the e x tracte d fe ature s are utilize d in both supe rvise d and unsupe rvise d le arning
sche m e s to ide ntify re gions of activity of re frige rator. Pe rform ance of e ve nt de te ction
de m onstrate s the pote ntial of re le vant fe ature s in both supe rvise d and unsupe rvise d le arning
fram e work s.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Two Factor Rem ote Authentication in Healthcare
Tapalina Bhattasali (University of Science and Technology, India) and Khalid Saeed
(AGH University of Technology, Poland)
In orde r to control acce ss of he alth re late d data store d in public cloud, e fficie nt authe ntication
m e chanism ne e ds to be conside re d. Biom e trics authe ntication is m ore re liable than traditional
m e ans of authe ntication be cause of its unique ne ss and low intrusive ne ss. To e nsure high
accuracy le ve l, two factor authe ntication m e chanism is propose d he re . In this fram e work ,
biom e trics authe ntication is fuse d with se cre t PIN. The first factor use s sim ple and e ffe ctive
be havioral biom e trics k e ystrok e analysis m ode l whilst the se cond factor use s se cre t PIN
m e chanism . In factor one authe ntication, k e ystrok e analysis is propose d whe re raw data are
colle cte d first; the n proce sse d data are store d and trust score s are ge ne rate d finally. End-use r
ge ts trust score at e ach factor of authe ntication and de cision is tak e n base d on final trust score
of e nd-use r. Pe rform ance analysis of the propose d m e chanism shows its e fficie ncy to
authe nticate e nd-use rs.
Multi- objectiv e Functions in Particle Swarm Optim ization for Intrusion Detection
Nimmy Cleetus (SCMS School of Engineering & Technology, India) and Dhanya A
(SCMS School of Engineering & Technology, India)
The pape r constitute s the study of particle swarm optim ization in m ulti-obje ctive functions.
Swarm inte llige nce plays a vital role in intrusion de te ction. Intrusion de te ction syste m ide ntifie s
the norm al as we ll as abnorm al be havior of a syste m . The we ighte d aggre gation m e thod is
conside re d as m ulti-obje ctive functions. W e propose an intrusion de te ction m e chanism base d on
particle swarm optim ization which has a strong global se arch capability and use d for the
dim e nsionality optim ization. R andom fore st is use d as the classifie r for m ode lling attack s and
le gitim ate se t. An accuracy of 91.71% at de te ction tim e of 0.22se c is obtaine d.
S6-C: Second International Symposium on Education Informatics (ISEI - 2014)
Room: 006 Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Maxwell Christian (Gujarat Technological University, India)
A Surv ey of Intelligent Language Tutoring System s
Mustafa Al Emran (The British University in Dubai, UAE) and Khaled F. Shaalan (The
British University in Dubai (BUiD) & Cairo University, UAE)
Inte llige nt Language s Tutoring Syste m s (ILTSs) plays a significant role in e valuating stude nts'
answe rs through inte raction with the m . ILTSs im ple m e nts Natural Language proce ssing (NLP)
te chnique s in orde r to allow fre e input of words and se nte nce s. ILTSs have the capability of
ide ntifying the input e rrors and provide an im m e diate fe e dback along with the e rrors source . It
has be e n obse rve d that ILTSs we re not surve ye d inte nsive ly; the re ason that m otivate s us to
conduct this re se arch. Som e NLP re ce nt tre nds such as Late nt Se m atic Analysis and e ntailm e nt
we re de m onstrate d. Diffe re nt ILTSs have be e n discusse d with a de dicate d se ction about the
de ve lopm e nt of Arabic ILTSs. Arabic share m any of its characte ristics with Se m itic and
m orphologically rich language s. In our pre se ntation we point out ne w tre nds that have be e n
e m e rge d while conducting surve y.
S7-A: Second International Workshop on Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing
Room: 010 Block E Ground Floor
Chairs: Rama Krishna Bandi (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India), Aditi Misra (Tata
Consultancy Services Limited, India)
Portfolio Selection Using Maxim um - entropy Gain Loss Spread Model: A GA Based
Akhter Rather (University of Hyderabad, India), Sastry (IDRBT, India) and Arun
Agarwal (University of Hyderabad, India)
This pape r pre se nts a m ulti-obje ctive portfolio se le ction m ode l solve d using ge ne tic algorithm s.
In this approach an e ntropy m e asure has be e n adde d so that a we ll-dive rsifie d portfolio is
ge ne rate d. Base d on lite rature surve y, it was obse rve d that the re is a ne e d of ne w portfolio
se le ction m ode l which is fre e from the lim itations as obse rve d in e x isting m ode ls. He nce
e m phasis has be e n put on proposing a ne w portfolio se le ction m ode l with the aim of achie ving
high re turns and e fficie nt dive rsification. W e propose a ne w portfolio se le ction m ode l and nam e it
as Max im um -e ntropy Gain Loss Spre ad m ode l (ME-GLS). The propose d m ode l ove rcom e s the
lim itations ide ntifie d in the e x isting m ode ls available in lite rature . W e have give n a com parative
analysis of our propose d m e thod with re le vant m e thods available in lite rature . Since the
propose d m ode l achie ve s highe r re turns and at the sam e tim e achie ve s highe r de gre e of
dive rsification which im plie s risk is also m inim ize d at the sam e tim e .
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Design and Analysis Perform ance of Kidney Stone Detection From Ultrasound Im age
by Lev el Set Segm entation and ANN Classification
Kalannagari Viswanath (Pondichery University & Pondichery Engineeing College (PEC),
India) and Gunasundari R (Pondicherry University, India)
The abnorm alitie s of the k idne y can be ide ntifie d by ultrasound im aging. The k idne y m ay have
structural abnorm alitie s lik e k idne y swe lling, change in its position and appe arance . Kidne y
abnorm ality m ay also arise due to the form ation of stone s, cysts, cance rous ce lls, conge nital
anom alie s, block age of urine e tc. For surgical ope rations it is ve ry im portant to ide ntify the e x act
and accurate location of stone in the k idne y. The ultrasound im age s are of low contrast and
contain spe ck le noise . This m ak e s the de te ction of k idne y abnorm alitie s rathe r challe nging task .
Thus pre proce ssing of ultrasound im age s is carrie d out to re m ove spe ck le noise . In
pre proce ssing, first im age re storation is done to re duce spe ck le noise the n it is applie d to Gabor
filte r for sm oothe ning. Ne x t the re sultant im age is e nhance d using histogram e qualization. The
pre proce sse d ultrasound im age is se gm e nte d using le ve l se t se gm e ntation, since it yie lds be tte r
re sults. In le ve l se t se gm e ntation two te rm s are use d in our work . First te rm is using a
m om e ntum te rm and se cond te rm is base d on re silie nt propagation (R prop). Ex tracte d re gion of
the k idne y afte r se gm e ntation is applie d to Sym le ts, Biorthogonal (bio3.7, bio3.9 & bio4.4) and
Daube chie s wave le t subbands to e x tract e ne rgy le ve ls. The se e ne rgy le ve l give s an indication
about pre se nce of stone in that particular location which significantly vary from that of norm al
e ne rgy le ve l. The se e ne rgy le ve ls are traine d by Multilaye r Pe rce ptron (MLP) and Back
Propagation (BP) ANN to ide ntify the type of stone with an accuracy of 98.8%.
Estim ating the Num ber of Prim e Num bers Less Than a Giv en Positiv einteger by a
Nov el Quadrature Method: A Study of Accuracy and Conv ergence
Mushtaque Ahamed (PESIT South Campus, India) and Snehanshu Saha (PES Institute
of Technology, Bangalore South Campus, India)
Num e rical Inte gration play a ve ry im portant role in the e valuation of de finite im prope r inte gral as
the re are no sim ple analytic re sults available to the m . In this pape r we e x plore four such
quadrature form ula and its pe rform ance in e valuation of Logarithm ic inte gral which is an de finite
im prope r inte gral.And it is one of the im portant inte grals in Num be r The ory. W e also com pare its
pe rform ance s with som e we ll quadrature form ula lik e Sim pson's rule , Trape zoidal rule , W e ddle 's
rule e tc. AMS Subje ct C lassification: Num e rical inte gration, 65D32 Q uadrature and cubature
form ulas.
Codes Ov er $\m athbb{Z}_4+v \m athbb{Z}_4$
Rama Krishna Bandi (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India) and Maheshanand
Bhaintwal (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India)
In this pape r we study line ar code s ove r the ring $R =\m athbb{Z}_4 + v\m athbb{Z}_4$ , whe re
$v^2=v$. Using a Gray m ap on $R $ we obtain the MacW illiam s ide ntitie s for both Le e and Gray
we ight e num e rators for code s ove r $R $. W e also brie fly discuss se lf-dual code s ove r $R $. W e
give som e construction m e thods of se lf-dual and se lf-orthogonal code s, and illustrate the m with
som e e x am ple s.
Perturbations on Prey Predator Equilibria: An in Silico Approach
Anupama Paul (IIITM-K, India), Aiswaria Lakshmi K G (IIITM-K, India), Anitha V R
(IIITM-K, India), Reshma P (IIITM-K, India), Reshmi Nair L R (IIITM-K, India), Vidya
Vinodini M D (IIITM-K, India) and Manoj Kumar T K (IIITM-K, India)
Traditional m ode ls state that both pre y and pre dator population de pe nd e ach othe r and the y
follow sam e cycle inde finite ly until an e x te rnal force is use d. In this m anuscript we have studie d
the e ffe ct of e pide m ics on two/thre e spe cie s pre y-pre dator syste m unde r the influe nce of
e pide m ics and we have use d tim e de lay m ode ls for our study. W e have introduce d a z-shape d
function in pre y-pre dator m athe m atical m ode l to find the e ffe ct of e pide m ics. Afte r the e pide m ics
both pre y and pre dators showe d a constant rate of change in population. The se cond pre dator
and pre y spe cie s are not dire ctly de pe nde nt so the e ffe ct of le ss num be r of pre y spe cie s affe cts
the se cond pre dator gradually so it doe s not show large variations whe re as it k e e ps a line ar
be havior in thre e spe cie s m ode l.
Num erical Solution of Som e Nonlinear Wav e Equations Using Modified Cubic B- spline
Differential Quadrature Method
Ramesh Mittal (IIT Roorke, India) and Rachna Bhatia (Indian Institute of Technology
Roorkee, India)
This pape r pre se nts a re lative ly ne w approach to solve se cond orde r one dim e nsional nonline ar
wave e quation. W e use m odifie d cubic B-spline basis functions base d diffe re ntial quadrature
m e thod for space discre tization, which give s re sults in an am e nable syste m of diffe re ntial
e quations. The re sulting syste m of e quation has be e n solve d using SSP-R K43 sche m e . The SSPR K43 sche m e ne e ds le ss storage space and cause s le ss accum ulation of num e rical e rrors. The
utility of the sche m e is that it don't ne e d any line arization or transform ation for handling the
nonline ar te rm s and he nce re duce s the com putational e ffort. The accuracy of the approach has
be e n confirm e d with num e rical e x pe rim e nts. $L_2$ and $L_\infty$ e rror norm s are com pute d for
e ach e x am ple and it is shown that the re sults obtaine d are acce ptable and are in good
agre e m e nt with the e arlie r studie s.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Hysteresis in CaMKII Activ ity: A Stochastic Model
Arun Anirudhan (Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology,
India), Ranjith G (Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology,
India) and Omkumar RV (Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, India)
C alcium /calm odulin de pe nde nt prote in k inase II (C aMKII) plays a crucial role in the induction of
Long Te rm Pote ntiation. Se ve ral m athe m atical m ode ls have be e n de ve lope d to pre dict the
activity le ve ls of C aMKII in the physiological condition and its m ole cular switch prope rtie s. This
pape r atte m pts to study the hyste re sis prope rty of C aMKII using a stochastic m ode l. It was
obse rve d that hyste re sis e x ists unde r physiological conditions, but the width of the hyste re sis
band de pe nds on the conce ntration of prote in phosphatase 1 (PP1). The hyste re sis band was
m ax im um at low conce ntrations of PP1 and re duce d with incre asing conce ntrations of PP1. It was
also obse rve d that the num be r of phosphorylate d subunits saturate s be yond a thre shold value
of calcium signal.
S7-B: International Workshop on GPUs and Scientific Computing (GSC 2014)
Room: 010 Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Aditi Misra (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, India)
GPU- based Highly Constrained Back Projection - A Prom ising Technique for Low Dose
Im aging
Shrinivas Desai (B V B College of Engineering & Technology, India) and Linganagouda
Kulkarni (BVB College of Engineering & Technology, Hubli, India)
Me dical im aging has grown tre m e ndously ove r de cade s. The C T and MR I are conside re d to be
m ost wide ly use d im aging m odalitie s. MR I is le ss harm ful, but one cannot unde re stim ate the
harm ful side e ffe cts of C T. R e ce nt study re ve als the fact of incre asing risk of cance r as side
e ffe ct for patie nts unde rgoing re pe ate d C T scanning. He nce the de sign of low dose im aging
protocol is of the im m e nse im portance in the curre nt sce nario. In this pape r we pre se nt highly
constraine d back proje ction (HYPR ) as a m ost prom ising te chnique to addre ss low dose im aging.
HYPR be ing ite rative in nature is com putational savvy, and is one of the m ain re asons for be ing
ne gle cte d by C T de ve lope rs. W e pre se nt the Graphic Proce ssor Units (GPU) application in
ove rcom ing this drawback . In this work , we re alize the im age re construction algorithm on a C UDA
e nable d GPU. C onside rable acce le ration factor is re corde d, with re spe ct to a single thre ad C PU
im ple m e ntation. The quality of re constructe d im age in e ach platform has be e n analyze d. The
re corde d re sults conve y gre at usage of GPU in m e dical im age applications.
Intraoperativ e Cardiac MRI Processing Using Threshold Logic Cells
Sherin Sugathan (Enview Research & Development Labs, India) and Alex James
(Nazarbayev University & Enview R&D Labs, Kazakhstan)
Intraope rative MR I is gaining im portance in surge ry as it e nable s surge ons to have a look on
re al-tim e MR I scans during the surge ry. In addition to the large spatial and te m poral re solution
of the MR I scans, the proce ss of crunching m e dical data in re al-tim e can be ve ry challe nging and
crucial. This pape r pre se nts a hardware base d approach for proce ssing re al-tim e MR I with an
application to he art rate analysis.
15:30 - 17:30 (Asia/Kolkata)
S8: Third International Workshop on Recent Advances in Medical Informatics (RAMI-2014)
Room: 007-A Block E Ground Floor
Chairs: Manoj Kumar T K (IIITM-K, India), Aditi Misra (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, India)
Sim ulation of Physiological Response to Dynam ic Contents
Fatima Isiaka (University of Manchester, United Kingdom) and Adamu Mailafiya Ibrahim
(University of Leeds, United Kingdom)
In we b usability, change s in conte nts of a page re sult in spontane ous re action on use rs, which
m ay le ad to affe ct physiological proce sse s occurring with dire ct inte raction with a we bpage . O ur
goal is to m ode l m e chanical inte ractions of body and e ye m ove m e nt be haviour syste m s. W e are
particularly conce rne d with physiological re actions to stim ulus to build a propose d syste m that
de te cts re sponse pe ak s and its corre late s to we b widge ts. This consists of four m odule s: (a)
de ve lop a se t of inte gral e quations, which re pre se nt the unde rlying physiological com pone nts (b)
construct hypothe sis for sugge sting structural alte rations that re sult from the dire ct inte raction
with we bpage s (c) se t param e te rs for the e quations on e x pe rim e ntal data and (d) validate the
m ode l on the original physiological m e asure s. Mode l output shows conform ity with the crite ria
re quire d for ve rification and validity of the prototypical sim ulation algorithm .
Analysis of Flow Characteristics Through an Artery with Tim e Dependent Ov erlapping
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Amit Bhatnagar (F E T Agra College Agra, India) and R K Shrivastav (Agra College,
Agra, India)
The pre se nt study de als with blood flow through an arte rial se gm e nt with ove rlapping ste nosis
de pe nding on tim e to a ce rtain e x te nt. The proble m is e x am ine d by a com bine d e ffort of
analytical and num e rical te chnique s. The influe nce of tim e and slip ve locity on wall she ar stre ss,
re sistance to flow, ax ial ve locity and volum e tric flow rate are e x pre sse d graphically. The
characte ristic ve locity for protube rance is tak e n into conside ration unde r which critical value of
R e ynolds num be r whe re se paration occurs has be e n obtaine d. The e x pre ssions of dim e nsionle ss
discharge variable , dim e nsionle ss she ar stre ss variable are found. It is obse rve d that the wall
she ar stre ss incre ase s with tim e param e te r but de cre ase s with incre asing slip ve locity. The ax ial
ve locity of blood dim inishe s with tim e param e te r. This inve stigation of blood m ay be use ful in
de signing and fabrication of artificial organs.
Effects of Fingertip Orientation and Flash Location in Sm artphone
Photoplethysm ography
Aishwarya Visvanathan (Tata Consultancy Services, India), Rohan Banerjee (Tata
Consultancy Services Limited, India), Aditi Misra (Tata Consultancy Services Limited,
India), Anirban Dutta Choudhury (Tata Consultancy Services, India) and Arpan Pal
(Tata Consultancy Services, India)
Sm artphone base d re fle ctive Photople thysm ography (PPG) m e asure s re fle cte d light from blood
capillarie s, typically from the finge rtip of a use r. It has gaine d popularity as a m e ans of
unobtrusive affordable physiological se nsing. The orie ntation and re lative distance be twe e n
sm artphone flash and cam e ra; finge r-tip place m e nt dire ction e tc. highly influe nce s the capture d
PPG signal quality, and he nce affe cts the e stim ation quality of physiological param e te rs. In this
pape r, the fram e s capture d by sm artphone cam e ra are divide d into sm alle r block s and all the
block s are com pare d for he art rate e stim ation. R e sults indicate that the block s having sim ilar
distance to the flash yie lds sim ilar quality PPG. The obse rvation is validate d against two popular
off-the -she lf sm artphone s, having diffe re nt flash position with re spe ct to the cam e ra.
Autom atic Diagnosis of Astigm atism for Pentacam Sagittal Maps
Mandeep Singh (Thapar University, India) and Sarah Hasan (Thapar University &
Thapar University, India)
Astigm atism is a ve ry com m on re fractive e rror, also it coe x ist with othe r re fractive e rrors. Two
thirds of the population worldwide who have m yopia has astigm atism as we ll. Diagnosing of
the se visual disorde rs has be e n de ve lope d vastly in the last 10 ye ars, and lik e e ve rything
around us nowadays, m e dical tre atm e nt and diagnosis all are be com ing com pute rize d and
autom ate d m ore day by day. In this pape r we pre se nt a straight forward m e thod on diagnosing
astigm atism and classifying its type s and de gre e s by im ple m e nting m orphology and shape
de scriptors on the late st topographic im age s.
Autom atic Organ Validation of B- m ode Ultrasound Im ages for Transm ission to Cloud
Ramkrishna Bharath (Indian Institute of Technology, India) and Pachamuthu
Rajalakshmi (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India)
Miniaturization in size of Me dical ultrasound scanning m achine m ade it to use in point of care
applications. Lack of sonographe rs and the ir unwillingne ss to work in rural are as lim its the
be ne fits of ultrasound syste m in rural he althcare . Diagnosis of patie nts through ultrasound is
done by visualizing the ultrasound scanne d im age s of organs. Diagnosis through te le m e dicine
involve s transm itting of ultrasound im age s from rural locations to cloud, whe re sonographe r can
re m ote ly acce ss the ultrasound data from cloud and ge ne rate the re port, thus re ducing the
ge ographical se paration of patie nts in he althcare . Due to lack of ade quate sonographe rs,
ultrasound scanning in re m ote are as is ope rate d by se m i-sk ille d clinicians. Most of the im age s
ge ne rate d by se m i-sk ille d clinicians are not use ful for diagnosis. Transm itting all the se im age s
incre ase s the data in cloud, drains the batte ry of portable ultrasound m achine and incre ase s
late ncy in m e dication. This pape r provide s autom atic B-m ode ultrasound im age validation base d
on organ inform ation pre se nt in the im age for diagnosis, thus avoiding transm ission of invalid
im age s to cloud. Line ar k e rne l SVM classifie r traine d with first orde r statistic fe ature s of im age
with/without organs is use d to classify the im age s into valid and invalid for diagnosis. The
algorithm re sulte d with a re cognition e fficie ncy of 94.2\% in classifying the ultrasound im age s.
15:30 - 18:30 (Asia/Kolkata)
S9: International Workshop on Advances in Satellite Communications and Networking
Room: 006 Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Maxwell Christian (Gujarat Technological University, India)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Double H Shaped Metam aterial Em bedded Com pact RMPA
Preet Kaur (YMCAUST, India), Sanjay Aggarwal (YMCAUST, India) and Asok De (NIT
patna, India)
This pape r pre se nts a com pact double H shape d m e tam ate rial-e m be dde d re ctangular m icrostrip
patch ante nna. The slots are cut in re ctangular m icrostrip patch ante nna (R MPA) to de cre ase the
re sonant fre que ncy, but this le ads to im pe dance m ism atch. To ove rcom e this e ffe ct a double h
shape d m e tam ate rial is e m be dde d inside the slot. This te chnique not only provide s a good
im pe dance m atching and bandwidth, but in addition, also provide s the 34% com pactne ss in size .
The propose d ante nna is sim ulate d and optim ize d using HFSS software . The prototype ante nna
has be e n fabricate d and m e asure d re sults of the propose d ante nna are found to be in good
agre e m e nt with sim ulate d re sults.
Analysis and Design Rectangular Patch with Half Circle Fractal Techniques
Sanjeev Yadav (Govt. Women Engineering College Ajmer, India), Pushpanjali Jain
(Govt. Engineering College Ajmer, India) and Ruchika Choudhary (Govt. Engineering
College Ajmer, India)
In this pape r, R e ctangular patch with circular half ge om e try de sign is propose d. The propose d
de sign has ope rate at dual band of fre que ncy 2.7-2.9 GHz and 7.8-8.5 GHz. The propose d
de sign can be use d in the m ilitary for m e te rological purpose and sate llite com m unications. The
propose d de sign is fabricate d on R Tduroid/5880 with re lative pe rm ittivity 2.2 and having
dim e nsion 42× 42×32〖m m 〗^3.To ge t the prope r im pe dance m atching of 50Ω, coax ial fe e d line
is use d. The propose d de sign has re turn loss -18.31dB and-23.31dB in fre que ncy band 2.72.9Ghz and 7.8-8.5Ghz. R adiation patte rn of propose d de sign in E-plane and H-plane is
acce ptable . The propose d de sign is sim ulate d using High Fre que ncy structure sim ulator.
Interference Mitigation in Downlink Multi- Beam LEO Satellite System s Using DSCDMA/CI
Rajan Kapoor (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India), Ramu Endluri (Indian
Institute of Technology Patna, India) and Preetam Kumar (Indian Institute of
Technology Patna, India)
The inte rfe re nce from adjace nt be am s of a low e arth orbiting (LEO ) sate llite de grade s the
pe rform ance of use rs in are a illum inate d by de sire d be am . This pape r inve stigate s the
advantage s of e m ploying C arrie r Inte rfe rom e try (C I) code s in downlink of a DS-C DMA base d LEO
sate llite link to m itigate such inte rfe re nce . Q ualitative ly, use of the se code s in a downlink LEO
sate llite channe l offe rs following advantage s: (1) Im prove d BER pe rform ance in inte rfe re nce
dom inant sate llite channe l re sulting in im prove d capacity; (2) Significant re duction in bit e rror
rate (BER ) floor; (3) Le sse r variation in pe rform ance with change s in num be r of active use rs; (4)
Uniform cross-corre lation characte ristics ove r code space for uniform quality of se rvice ; and (5)
O rthogonal C I code s with arbitrary inte ge r spre ading le ngth can be ge ne rate d. Q uantitative ly,
the se code s provide im prove m e nt in capacity by at le ast 50 pe rce nt at 15 dB and 20 de gre e s
e le vation, which furthe r im prove s with incre ase in e le vation angle . More ove r, the achie vable BER
floor is atle ast as low as that provide d by 10 de gre e e le vation gain in traditional code s. To obtain
re alistic re sults, Loo's statistical m ode l for land m obile sate llite (LMS) channe l is assum e d and
the channe l param e te rs for this m ode l we re tak e n from line ar re gre ssion fits of e x pe rim e ntal
m e asure m e nt re sults of re al-world LMS channe l.
Sub- band Filtering in Com pressiv e Dom ain
Chandra Prakash (Space Applications Centre & ISRO, India)
This pape r propose s a nove l and com putationally e fficie nt m e thod of com pre ssive dom ain subband filte ring. The te chnique utilize s the conjugate sym m e try prope rty of DFT m atrix to achie ve
sub-band filte ring of a wide band m ultiband input signal se nse d by the Modulate d W ide band
C onve rte r (MW C ) archite cture . The propose d te chnique has fle x ibility of filte ring single or
m ultiple sub-band of a wide band input m ultiband signal, which is sparse in fre que ncy dom ain,
without incre ase in additional com putational cost. The filte r bandwidth can also be controlle d by
incre asing the num be r of channe ls in se nsing archite cture . The sim ulation re sult shown in this
pape r include s sub-band filte ring of a m ultiband fre que ncy dom ain sparse input signal with or
without noise . BER pe rform ance of a BPSK m odulate d signal afte r filte ring and de m odulation
using the propose d te chnique is also pre se nte d to analyse the im pact of sub-band filte ring.
Ku- Band Low Noise Multistage Am plifier MIC Perform ance Com parable to MMIC
Sanket S. Patel (DA-IICT, India), Sanjeev Gupta (DA-IICT, India) and Deepak
Ghodgaonkar (DA-IICT, India)
A nove l com m on source thre e stage m icrowave inte grate d circuit (MIC ) low noise am plifie r is
de signe d, analyze d, fabricate d and te ste d at Ku-band. Each stage is ope rate d at 2V/15m A rating
to achie ve optim um de sire d gain-noise pe rform ance tak ing care of trade -offs. 30dB gain with
1.4dB of m inim um noise figure is achie ve d at 13GHz. Input port is noise m atche d and input
re turn loss is -13dB. Powe r m atche d output port provide s output re turn loss of -27dB. It has
isolation -57dB isolation to e nsure the unconditional stability. Howe ve r, the circuit is also te ste d
with 1V/2.6m A lowe r ope rating bias point. It k e e ps the DC powe r consum ption as low as 7.8m W .
In this case , the m e asure m e nt show 26dB gain with 2.14dB noise figure , -9dB input re turn loss,
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
-18dB output re turn loss and -60dB isolation. MIC re sults show circuits pote ntial to achie ve
com parable re sponse with that of Monolothic m icrowave inte grate d circuits (MMIC ). De vice use d
he re is a high e le ctron m obility transistor (HEMT). The circuit is fabricate d on 25m il alum ina
substrate (εr=9.9, tanδ=0.0007 at 10GHz) with gold plate d Kovar carrie r plate .
15:30 - 17:30 (Asia/Kolkata)
T1: Tutorial 1 - NoSQL Databases
Mr. G C Deka, Ministry of Labour & Employment Govt. of India
Room: 003 Block E Ground Floor
Distribute d data re plication and partitioning are the two fundam e ntals to sustain e norm ous growth in
data volum e , ve locity and value in the cloud. In a traditional database cluste r, data m ust e ithe r
re plicate across the m e m be rs of the cluste r or partitione d be twe e n the m . Shipping data m anually to
distant cloud se rve rs are tim e -consum ing, risk y and e x pe nsive proce ss and he nce ne twork is the be st
option for data transfe r am ong distribute d and dive rse database syste m s. R e lational database s are
difficult to dynam ically and e fficie ntly provision on de m and to m e e t cloud re quire m e nt. So NoSQ L
database s are a ne w bre e d of database s in orde r to ove rcom e all the ide ntifie d lim itations and
drawback s of R DBMS. The goal of NoSQ L is to provide scalability, availability and m e e t othe r lim itations
of R DBMS for cloud com puting.
The com m on m otivation of NoSQ L de sign is to m e e t scalability and failove r. In m ost of the NoSQ L
database syste m s, data is partitione d and re plicate d across m ultiple node s. Inhe re ntly, m ost of the m
use e ithe r Google 's MapR e duce or Hadoop Distribute d File Syste m or Hadoop MapR e duce for data
colle ction. C assandra, HBase and MongoDB m ostly use d and the y can be te rm e d as the re pre se ntative
of NoSQ L world. C AP the ore m state s that optim ization for only 2 out of 3 prioritie s of a distribute d
database i.e . C onsiste ncy (C ), Availability (A), and Partition Tole rance (P) are possible le ading to
com binations of C A, C P and AP. The re are a num be r of NoSQ L database s with diffe re nt fe ature s and
functionality. This tutorial discusse s 10 popular NoSQ L database s unde r 5 cate gorie s for C AP analysis.
O utline
Introduction to cloud com puting (Historical Back ground 10 slide s)
NoSQ L (5 C ate gorie s of NoSQ L 10-15 slide s)
Discussion of C loud Database (with a focus on C AP the ore m 5-10 slide s)
C AP analysis of 10 popular database s (10-20 slide s)
Practical se ssion on MongoDB
T2: Tutorial 2 - Systems Safety, Security & Sustainability
Prof. Ali Hessami, Vega Systems, UK
Room: 004 Block E Ground Floor
The ince ssant de m and for be tte r value , incre ase d functionality and e nhance d quality unde rlie s the
drive towards innovation and e x ploitation of e m e rging te chnologie s. W hilst the se bring a m ix e d bag of
de sirable prope rtie s in m ode rn products, se rvice s and syste m s, the y are ofte n accom panie d by
com ple x ity, unce rtainty and risk . The pe rform ance of products, se rvice s, syste m s and unde rtak ings is a
m e asure of the ir utility, output and pe rce ive d or re al e m e rge nt prope rtie s. The k e y face ts to
pe rform ance
te chnical,
re liability/availability,
com m e rcial,
safe ty,
se curity/vulne rability,
e nvironm e ntal/sustainability, quality & pe rce ive d value /utility.
W hilst the above dim e nsions are re asonably distinct and ofte n inte r-re late d, the k e y diffe re ntiation
be twe e n safe ty and se curity aspe cts is broadly as follows; safe ty is fre e dom from harm to pe ople
cause d by uninte ntional or random /syste m atic e ve nts whilst se curity is fre e dom from loss cause d by
de libe rate acts pe rpe trate d by pe ople . In this spirit, se curity is principally characte rize d by inte nt and
causation as oppose d to strictly be ing an output pe rform ance indicator re fle cting de gre e s of loss or
gain. Sustainability is a m ore com ple x attribute and e ncom passe s socie tal, e conom ic, e nvironm e ntal,
re source and te chnological dim e nsions.
O the r than hard (Te chnical, C om m e rcial) and soft (Q uality and Value ) pe rform ance crite ria, the re st are
m ainly m e asure d probabilistically in te rm s of risk or re ward due to inhe re nt unce rtaintie s. The ove rall
utility and succe ss of any e nde avor e sse ntially am ounts to ge tting the corre ct balance be twe e n the se
hard and soft pe rform ance attribute s of the goal be ing pursue d. The optim ization of the se factors
pose s a m ajor challe nge to the duty holde rs and de cision m ak e rs today since it de m ands
unde rstanding and com pe te nce in social, be havioral, com m e rcial, le gal as we ll as te chnical e ngine e ring
discipline s. In this spirit, syste m s assurance com prise s the portfolio of m e thods, proce sse s, re source s
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
and activitie s adopte d to e nsure products, se rvice s and syste m s are de signe d and ope rate d to de live r
a re quire d ble nd of de sire d pe rform ance m e asure s whilst re m aining fre e from unde sirable e m e rge nt
prope rtie s which pose a thre at to he alth, safe ty and we lfare of pe ople , com m e rcial dam age to the
busine sse s and harm to the natural habitat.
The tutorial on syste m s orie nte d safe ty, se curity & sustainability would e nde avor to cove r the following
face ts of syste m ic assurance :
Syste m s spe cification
R e quire m e nts Analysis/Spe cification and Targe t Se tting
High Inte grity Syste m s De sign
Syste m s Mode ling and Sim ulation
Q ualitative and Q uantitative Syste m s Safe ty, Se curity & Sustainability Asse ssm e nt
Probabilistic Safe ty and Se curity Pe rform ance Fore casting
Syste m s R isk and R e ward Manage m e nt
VIII. De m onstration of C om pliance against Standards and Le gal R e quire m e nts
Thursday, September 25
08:30 - 13:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
R2: Conference Registration
Room: Block E, Ground Floor (Reception)
09:00 - 10:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
K3: Keynote - Are Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) ready for the reality?
Dr. Axel Sikora, University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, Germany
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor
C ybe r Physical Syste m s (C PS) are around
utilization in the Inte rne t of Things (IoT),
the incre ase of se rvice s and quality and
pre pare d for large -scale im ple m e ntation in
for se ve ral ye ars now. Mark e t fore casts pre dict the ir broad
as the y prom ise cost re duction or an adde d value through
the availability of inform ation. But, are C PS alre ady we ll
re al life ?
Mission critical points are scalability, e ne rgy-e fficie ncy, safe ty and se curity. Howe ve r, also cost issue s in
the de ve lopm e nt, the com m issioning and the ope ration phase s play an im portant role . This talk give s
an ove rvie w on the state of the art in C PS and shows som e se le cte d e x am ple s from the e x te nsive list
of R &D proje cts in the author's te am in the last 15 ye ars. It will also give hints for furthe r R &D
opportunitie s.
10:00 - 10:50 (Asia/Kolkata)
K4: Keynote - Security and Trust Convergence: Attributes, Relations and Provenance
Dr. Ravi Sandhu, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor
Se curity and trust are inte rde pe nde nt conce pts which ne e d to conve rge to addre ss the cybe r se curity
ne e ds of e m e rging syste m s. This talk will lay out a vision for this conve rge nce . W e argue that se curity
and trust are inhe re ntly de pe nde nt on thre e foundational conce pts: attribute s, re lations and
prove nance . Se curity re se arche rs have de alt with the se thre e conce pts m ore or le ss inde pe nde ntly. In
the future conve rge nce of the se thre e is re quire d to achie ve m e aningful cybe r se curity. The talk will
spe culate on som e re se arch and te chnology challe nge s and opportunitie s in this re spe ct.
11:10 - 12:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
K5: Keynote - Enabling Technology for Quantum Computing
Dr. Peter Mueller, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor
Thirty ye ars ago, R ichard Fe ynm an thought up the ide a of a ‘Q uantum C om pute r', which at that tim e
was re cognize d as a topic of scie nce fiction. But with the advance s in scie nce and te chnologie s of
com puting, com m unications and inform atics, the fiction is be com ing re ality. Q uantum algorithm s have
be e n de ve lope d that have the pote ntial to solve proble m s in the fie lds of num be r the ory and m ode l
sim ulation. To build quantum com puting syste m s, and the de dicate d software onto it, re quire s
de ve lopm e nts in m any scie ntific are as. W e will tak e a look at the basic quantum com puting hardware ,
and at a possible quantum logic te chnology and how to use it. Q ue stions lik e de vice archite cture and
program m ability, scalability, re liability and e rror corre ction will be addre sse d and com pare d with the
re late d topics in our curre nt are as of re se arch on classical com putation.
12:00 - 13:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
K6: Keynote - Hybrid Classifiers - Theory and Practise
Dr. Michal Wozniak, Wroclaw University, Warsaw, Poland
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor
The m ain aim of this talk is to de live r a e ithe r de finite or com pact k nowle dge on how hybridization can
he lp im proving the quality of com pute r classification syste m s. The talk is base d on his re ce ntly
publishe d book on Hybrid classifie rs: Me thod of Data, Knowle dge , and Data Hybridization, Springe r,
2014. In orde r to m ak e re ade rs cle arly re alize the k nowle dge of hybridization, this book prim arily
focuse s on introducing the diffe re nt le ve ls of hybridization and illum inating what proble m s we will face
with as de aling with such proje cts. In the first instance the data and k nowle dge incorporate d in
hybridization we re the action points, and the n a still growing up are a of classifie r syste m s k nown as
com bine d classifie rs was conside re d.
13:00 - 14:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
L2: Lunch Break
Room: Lawn Area Block E
14:00 - 18:30 (Asia/Kolkata)
S13: Industry Track
Keynote: Network Functions Virtualization Research - Emerging Directions
Dr. Dilip Krishnaswamy, IBM Research - India
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor
Chair: Dilip Krishnaswamy (IBM Research, India)
Ne twork Functions Virtualization is an e m e rging are a of re se arch that e nable s hardware appliance s in
ne twork s to be re place d by software appliance s in data ce nte rs. The talk will discuss various e m e rging
re se arch dire ctions in this are a such as policy-base d re source m anage m e nt, data ce nte r re source
optim ization, viral conte nt m anage m e nt, se curity in NFV syste m s, and ope n inte rface s for inform ation
e x change in such syste m s.
Application of Software Failure Mode and Effect Analysis for On- board Software
Prasanna Kumar N (ISRO Satellite Centre, India), Smita Gokhale (ISRO Satellite
Centre, India), Renuka Agarwal (ISRO Satellite Centre, India), Rajiv Chetwani (ISRO
Satellite Centre, India), M. Ravindra (ISRO Satellite Centre, India) and K. Bharadwaj
(ISRO Satellite Centre, India)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Software is an inte gral part of Space crafts. Ne e d of com ple x m ission, ope rator & autonom y
re quire m e nts have initiate d com pre he nsive O n-board software re quire m e nts. In orde r to analyze
the de sign of this com ple x and e volving re quire m e nts, an analysis te chnique is work e d out to
ide ntify faults at the lowe st le ve l, the ir propagation and e ffe ct on the syste m . "Software Failure
Mode Effe ct Analysis (SFMEA)" is a te chnique which can be use d to de te ct single point failure in
the software and also e ffe ct of hardware failure on software . Syste m & m ission e ngine e rs can
utilize the outcom e of SFMEA for im prove m e nt during de sign phase and e rror fre e -handling
during on-orbit phase re spe ctive ly. Authors of this pape r have com e out with an innovative
approach to carry out SFMEA. This pape r de m onstrate s the approach and outcom e along with the
case study applie d to one of the m odule s of O n-board software . A te m plate has also be e n
cre ate d to re cord the SFMEA findings.
Efficient Im plem entation of Low Density Parity Check Codes for Satellite Ground
Term inals
Narender Kumar (Space Applications Centre & Indian Space Research Organization,
India) and Chandra Prakash (Space Applications Centre & ISRO, India)
Low De nsity Parity C he ck (LDPC ) code s have gaine d lot of im portance in the channe l coding
are na, be cause the se can provide e x ce lle nt pe rform ance close to Shannon lim it & can e asily be at
the be st k nown turbo code s for large block le ngths. This pape r e x plains ge ne ric algorithm s for
hardware e fficie nt im ple m e ntation of Encode r & De code r for LDPC code s adopte d by Digital Vide o
Broadcast-Sate llite -Se cond Ge ne ration (DVB-S2) standard. Low com ple x ity & high throughput
archite cture s have be e n propose d for LDPC Encode r & Sum Product Algorithm base d LDPC
De code r. MATLAB & HDL sim ulation re sults are pre se nte d for propose d e ncode r & de code r
archite cture s. Sate llite link te st re sults of a scale d down FPGA base d im ple m e ntation with IESS
sate llite m ode m are also pre se nte d.
Frequency Reconfigurable Multi- band Inv erted T- slot Antenna for Wireless Application
Ratnesh Kumari (Rajasthan Technical University, India) and Mithilesh Kumar
(Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, Rajasthan-INDIA, India)
In the m ode rn e ra of wire le ss com m unication re configurable radios are be com ing ve ry popular
due to its ability to ope rate with dive rse fre que ncy range with the sam e hardware . O ne of the
im portant aspe cts of such a radios is the ante nna. This pape r re ports a ne w, com pact
re configurable ante nna with the size of 22 X 16 X 1 m m 3. The de signs are carrie d out using FR -4
substrate of thick ne ss of 1 m m with a die le ctric constant of 4.05 with a loss tange nt of 0.02. The
propose d ante nna use s the conce pt of T-slot in the radiating patch, which se parate s ante nna into
thre e parts and an E-slot in the ground plane . The radiating patch is conne cte d by two PIN diode s
for the re configurable ope ration. W he n the diode D1 is O FF and D2 is O N the n this ante nna
work s for 3.9 GHz, 8.9 GHz and 11.2 GHz fre que ncie s. W he n the diode D1 is O N state and D2 is
O FF state the n this ante nna is switche d at 4.1 GHz, 8.4 GHz and 11.3 GHz re sonant
fre que ncie s.This ante nna is use ful for the W im ax , C -band, X-band and fix e d sate llite
com m unication syste m s.
Analytical Study of Im plem entation Issues of NTRU
Nitesh Emmadi (International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad, India),
Harika Narumanchi (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India) and Praveen
Gauravaram (Tata Consultancy Services, Hyderabad, India)
NTR U is a lattice -base d public-k e y cryptosyste m that offe rs e ncryption and digital signature
solutions. It was de signe d by Silve rm an, Hoffste in and Piphe r. The NTR U cryptosyste m was
pate nte d by NTR U C ryptosyste m s Inc. (which was late r acquire d by Se curity Innovations) and
available as IEEE 1363.1 and X9.98 standards. NTR U is re sistant to attack s base d on Q uantum
com puting, to which the standard R SA and EC C public-k e y cryptosyste m s are vulne rable to. In
addition, NTR U has highe r pe rform ance advantage s ove r the se cryptosyste m s. C onside ring this
im portance of NTR U, it is highly re com m e nde d to adopt NTR U as part of a ciphe r suite along with
wide ly use d cryptosyste m s for inte rne t se curity protocols and applications. In this pape r, we
pre se nt our analytical study on the im ple m e ntation of NTR U e ncryption sche m e which se rve s as a
guide line for de ve lope rs. In particular, we show som e non-trivial issue s that should be addre sse d
towards a se cure and e fficie nt NTR U im ple m e ntation. W hile our im ple m e ntation has not be e n
targe te d towards any spe cific platform or application, such im ple m e ntations would still be ne fit
from our study.
A Nov el Approach of Triangular- Circular Fractal Antenna
Sanjeev Yadav (Govt. Women Engineering College Ajmer, India), Pushpanjali Jain
(Govt. Engineering College Ajmer, India) and Ruchika Choudhary (Govt. Engineering
College Ajmer, India)
In this pape r a com bination of triangular and circular shape m icrostrip ante nna de sign is
propose d. The propose d de sign of ante nna will work in wire le ss application and provide
contribution in the fie ld of ultra wide band application. The propose d de sign is fabricate d on low
FR -4
e pox y
re lative
pe rm ittivity
dim e nsion
17.89×21.45×1.6〖m m 〗^3.This propose d ante nna de sign ope rate s ove r the fre que ncy range
4.12 GHz-6.8 GHz. For the propose d de sign re turn loss -33.74dB has achie ve d at re sonant
fre que ncy 5.6 GHz. Also VSW R <2 for e ntire ope rating fre que ncy range . In this pape r, m icrostrip
fe e d line has use d to fe e d the propose d ante nna .The propose d de sign e x hibits gain up to
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
2.2dB ove r fre que ncy range . The radiation patte rn of the propose d de sign e x hibits sym m e try
ove r fre que ncy range in E-plane and om ni-dire ction in H-plane . The sim ulation of the propose d
ante nna de sign has done by High Fre que ncy Structure Sim ulator.
Com parativ e Analysis of Controllers Designed for Pure Integral Com plex Delayed
Process Model
Ruchika Jangwan (Graphic Era University, India), Pradeep Kumar Juneja (Graphic era
University & IIT Roorkee, India), Mayank Chaturvedi (Graphic Era University, India),
Sandeep Sunori (GEHU, India) and Priyanka Singh (Graphic Era University, India)
In pre se nt analysis, controlle rs base d on diffe re nt tuning te chnique s for a pure inte gral proce ss
with tim e de lay are de signe d for diffe re nt approx im ation of the tim e de lay. The controlle rs are
com pare d for the approx im ate d proce ss for the se t point track ing capability. The se t point
track ing capability is de te rm ine d on the basis of transie nt as we ll as the ste ady state analysis of
a ste p re sponse .
Mam m ogram Mass Classification Based on Discrete Wav elet Transform Textural
Abdul Jaleel (TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala, India), Sibi Salim (TKM
College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala, India) and Archana S (TKM College of
Engineering, Kollam, Kerala & Kerala University, India)
This pape r propose s an algorithm for e arly de te ction of bre ast cance r. This work incorporate s
Manual se gm e ntation and te x tural analysis for the m am m ogram m ass classification. Discre te
W ave le t Transform (DW T) fe ature s act as a powe rful input to the classifie rs. A total of 148
m am m ogram im age s we re tak e n from authe ntic m ini MIAS database and unde r the supe rvision
of classifie rs, solid bre ast nodule s we re classifie d into be nign and m alignant. The classifie rs use d
are K- Ne are st Ne ighbor (K-NN), Support Ve ctor Machine (SVM), R adial Basis Function Ne ural
Ne twork (R BFNN). It is found that R BFNN with DW T fe ature s outpe rform SVM and K-NN with 94.6%
accuracy. The propose d syste m has a high pote ntial for cance r de te ction from digital
m am m ogram s.
Real- tim e Sim ulator of Collaborativ e Autonom ous Vehicles
Farid Bounini (LIV – Université de Sherbrooke, Canada), Denis Gingras (Université de
Sherbrooke, Canada), Vincent Lapointe (Opal-RT Technologies Inc, Canada) and
Dominique Gruyer (LIVIC-IFSTTAR, France)
C ollaborative autonom ous ve hicle s will appe ar in the ne ar future and will transform de e ply road
transportation syste m s, addre ssing in part m any issue s such as safe ty, traffic e fficie ncy, e tc.
Validation and te sting of com ple x sce narios involving se ts of autonom ous collaborative ve hicle s
are be com ing an im portant challe nge . Each ve hicle in the se t is autonom ous and acts
asynchronously, re ce iving and proce ssing huge am ount of data in re al tim e , com ing from the
e nvironm e nt and othe r ve hicle s. Sim ulation of such sce narios in re al tim e re quire huge
com puting re source s. This pape r pre se nts a sim ulation platform com bining the re al-tim e O PALR T Te chnologie s for proce ssing and paralle l com puting, and the Pro-SiVIC ve hicular sim ulator
from C ivite c for re alistic sim ulation of ve hicle s dynam ic, road/e nvironm e nt, and se nsors
be haviors. The two platform s are com ple m e ntary and the ir com bining allow us to propose a re al
tim e sim ulator of collaborative autonom ous syste m s.
An Approach for Frequent Access Pattern Identification in Web Usage Mining
Murli Sharma (Thapar University, India) and Anju Bala (Thapar University, India)
In the conse nt of this inte rne t world, nobody is untouche d with inte rne t for the ir usage . For such
k ind of sce nario, data m ining be com e s an e sse ntial part of com pute r scie nce . Data m ining is a
sub-fie ld, which com putationally proce sse s the data colle cte d data and is able to he lp the analyst
for proposing the ide as for som e be tte rm e nt of the com pany. The use r acce ss is re corde d in log
file s. The we b se rve r logs provide im portant inform ation. In the fie ld of we b m ining the analysis
of the we b logs is done to ide ntify the use r se arch patte rns. In the usual approache s of finding
the patte rns, patte rn tre e is cre ate d and the n the analysis is done , but in this propose d
algorithm the re is no ne e d of tre e cre ation and the analysis is done base d on the we bsite
archite cture , which will incre ase the e fficie ncy of the othe r patte rn m atching algorithm s and ne e ds
only one database scan.
cPCI Based Hardware- In- Loop Sim ulation System Dev elopm ent Under Real Tim e
Operating System
Rajesh Karvande (Defence Research and Development Organisation, India)
Hardware -In-Loop sim ulation (HILS) platform is the only platform use d to validate the on-board
software for ae rospace applications along with the othe r flight subsyste m s. HILS syste m should
be capable of high spe e d data acquisitions with traditional inte rface protocols to late st te chnology
base d inte rface s. W ith PC I/ISA base d com pute r syste m the syste m could able to inte grate with
lim ite d re source s and lim ite d spe e d. C om pact Pe riphe ral Inte rface (cPC I) protocol which is
supe rse t of PC I follows state -of-the art te chnology with significantly e ase s the syste m de sign
task , shorte ning the de sign cycle and tim e -to-m ark e t and robust m e chanical form factor than
de sk top PC . This pape r provide s a te chnical ove rvie w of de ve lopm e nt of the cPC I syste m for
HILS and re al tim e m ode ling and sim ulation software de ve lopm e nt. The inte gration cycle in HILS
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
e nvironm e nt and te sting of syste m with e ach configuration is also e x plaine d.
S14: Second International Symposium on Control, Automation, Industrial Informatics and
Smart Grid (ICAIS'14)
Room: 108-A Block E First Floor
Chair: Sang Bong Kim (Pukyong National University, Korea)
Design Im plem entation of High Perform ance DC Motor Driv e
Karan Mehta (Nirma University, India), Paril Jain (Nirma University, India), Akash
Mecwan (Nirma University, India), Dilip Kumar Kothari (Nirma University of Science And
Technology, India) and Mihir Chauhan (Institute of Technology, Nirma University,
DC Motors are quite com m on in large num be r of applications ranging from sm all e m be dde d
applications to large industrial m achine s. Efficie ncy of such m achine s de pe nds on prope r
ope ration of the se m otors to a m uch large r e x te nt. More ove r, he avy duty applications re quire
high curre nt de m anding m otors. High curre nt also le ads to addition of othe r noise issue s. He re
we put forward a high pe rform ance m otor drive circuit te ste d for he avy duty applications
de m anding DC curre nts up to 200 A whe re switching of m otors was done at 32KHz to re m ove the
switching noise . The usage of dynam ic switching fre que ncy is re pre se nte d he re which e nable s us
to achie ve highe r duty cycle s up to 99.6% which is not possible with static switching fre que ncie s in
abse nce of charge pum p. The drive circuit having dim e nsions 5cm x 5cm has be e n te ste d for
e x tre m e load and noise conditions and se ve ral prote ction m e asure s im ple m e nte d in this circuit
are de scribe d he re .
Dynam ic Modeling and Stabilization of Quadrotor Using PID Controller
Shahida Khatoon (Jamia Millia Islamia, India), Mohammad Shahid (Jamia Millia Islamia
& Jamia Millia Islamia, India), Dr. Ibraheem (Jamia Millia Islamia, India) and Himanshu
Chaudhary (Jamia Millia Islamia, India)
Q uadrotor UAVs is one of the e m e rging fie lds in autonom ous robotics. Due to its sim ple de sign,
low m ainte nance , and capability of hove ring and Ve rtical Tak e -O ff and Landing it has inspire d
m any re se arche rs to work on its m ode ling and control. This pape r pre se nts dynam ic m ode ling
and stabilization of flight param e te rs of quadrotor. First part of the pape r pre se nts the dynam ic
m ode ling of quadrotor and se cond part of the pape r pre se nts the control of m ode le d quadrotor
using sim ple 2 De gre e of fre e dom PID controlle r. In the last se ction both controlle d and without
controlle r characte ristics are com pare d.
Fault Detection Algorithm for Autom atic Guided Vehicle Based on Multiple Positioning
Pandu Sandi Pratama (Pukyong National University, Korea), Yuhanes Dedy Setiawan
(Pukyong National University, Korea), Dae Hwan Kim (Pukyong National University,
Korea), Y. Jung (Pknu, Korea), Hak Kyeong Kim (Pukyong National University, Korea),
Sang Bong Kim (Pukyong National University, Korea), Sang Kwun Jeong (Han Sung
Well Tech Co, Ltd., Korea) and Jin Il Jeong (YAHOTEC CO., LTD, Korea)
This pape r pre se nts im ple m e ntation and e x pe rim e ntal validation of fault de te ction algorithm for
se nsors and m otors of Autom atic Guide d Ve hicle (AGV) syste m base d on m ultiple positioning
m odule s. In this pape r, firstly the syste m de scription and m athe m atical m ode l of diffe re ntial
drive AGV syste m are de scribe d. The n, characte ristics of e ach positioning m odule s are e x plaine d.
O n the ne x t ste p, the fault de te ction base d on m ultiple positioning m odule s is propose d. The
fault de te ction m e thod use s two or m ore positioning syste m s and com pare s the m to de te ct
une x pe cte d de viation e ffe cte d by drift or diffe re nt characte ristics of e ach positioning syste m s. For
fault de te ction algorithm , an Ex te nde d Kalm an Filte r (EKF) is use d. EKF calculate s the
m e asure m e nt probability distribution of the AGV position for nonline ar m ode ls drive n by
Gaussian noise . Using the probability distribution of innovation obtaine d from EKF, it is possible
to te st if the m e asure d data are fit with the m ode ls. W he n the faults such as se nsors
m alfunction, whe e l slip or m otor brok e n, the m ode ls will not be valid and the innovation will not
be Gaussian and white . The pairwise diffe re nce s be twe e n the e stim ate d positions obtaine d from
se nsors are calle d as re sidue . Fault isolation is obtaine d by e x am ining the bigge st re sidue .
Finally, to de m onstrate the capability of the propose d algorithm , the algorithm is im ple m e nte d
on a diffe re ntial drive AGV syste m , which use s e ncode r, lase r scanne r, and lase r navigation
syste m to obtain position inform ation. The e x pe rim e ntal re sult shows that the propose d
algorithm succe ssfully de te cts faults whe n the faults occur.
Object Following Control of Six- legged Robot Using Kinect Cam era
Amruta Vinod Gulalkari (Pukyong National University, Korea), Giang Hoang (Pukyong
National University, Korea), Pandu Sandi Pratama (Pukyong National University,
Korea), Hak Kyeong Kim (Pukyong National University, Korea), Sang Bong Kim
(Pukyong National University, Korea) and Bong Huan Jun (Korea Research Institute of
Ships and Ocean Engineering, Korea)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
This pape r propose s a vision-base d obje ct following syste m for the six -le gge d robot using Kine ct
cam e ra. To do this task , the followings are done . First, for im age proce ssing, a Kine ct cam e ra is
installe d on the six -le gge d robot. The inte re sting m oving obje ct is de te cte d by a color-base d
obje ct de te ction m e thod. The local coordinate s of the de te cte d obje ct are obtaine d to provide the
position of the obje ct. Se cond, the back ste pping m e thod using Lyapunov function is adopte d to
de sign a controlle r for the six -le gge d robot to achie ve obje ct following. Finally, the sim ulation
and e x pe rim e ntal re sults are pre se nte d to show the e ffe ctive ne ss of the propose d control
m e thod.
Activ e Real- tim e Tension Control for Coil Winding Machine of BLDC Motors
Van Tu Duong (Pukyong National University, Korea), Phuc Thinh Doan (Pukyong
National University, Korea), Jung Hu Min (Pukyong National University, Korea), Hak
Kyeong Kim (Pukyong National University, Korea), Sang Bong Kim (Pukyong National
University, Korea), Jae Hoon Jeong (YAHOTEC CO. LTD, Korea) and Sea June Oh
(Korea Maritime University, Korea)
This pape r propose s a ne w active te nsion syste m which is use d in coil winding m achine for BLDC
m otor m anufacturing. A com parison of winding condition be twe e n norm al coil such as round
shape coil, re ctangle shape coil and BLDC coil is pre se nte d. To ove rcom e the harsh winding
condition of BLDC coil winding, a ne w wire accum ulator is propose d to store or re le ase a wire whe n
the wire is stre tche d or sagging. W ire accum ulator consists of a pne um atic cylinde r which is drive n
by a se rvo valve and a spring. The syste m m ode ling re sult shows that this te nsion syste m is a
MISO syste m . The traditional PID controlle r is adopte d and drive s the re al te nsion according to
the give n re fe re nce te nsion. In orde r to e valuate the e ffe ctive ne ss of wire accum ulator and the
pe rform ance of the propose d controlle r, som e sim ulation re sults are carrie d out.
Path Replanning and Controller Design for Trajectory Tracking of Autom ated Guided
Yuhanes Dedy Setiawan (Pukyong National University, Korea), Pandu Sandi Pratama
(Pukyong National University, Korea), Jin Wook Kim (Pukyong National University,
Korea), Dae Hwan Kim (Pukyong National University, Korea), Y. Jung (Pknu, Korea),
Sup Hong (Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering, Korea), Tae
Kyeong Yeo (Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering, Korea), Suk
Min Yoon (Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering, Korea) and Sang
Bong Kim (Pukyong National University, Korea)
This pape r propose s path re planning and controlle r de sign for traje ctory track ing of Autom ate d
Guide d Ve hicle s (AGVs). The se algorithm s are e sse ntial for AGVs since AGVs have to work in
factory e nvironm e nts which have various k inds of obje cts such as obje cts that are stationary,
m oving, k nown and unk nown. To do this task , the followings are done : syste m m ode ling, path
re planning and controlle r de sign. Sim ulations and e x pe rim e nts are conducte d for ve rification.
The re sults show that AGVs can work we ll by re planning the path that passe s unk nown obstacle
as we ll as track ing traje ctory with ve ry sm all e rrors.
Im plem enting an Integrated Security Managem ent Fram ework to Ensure a Secure
Sm art Grid
Nampuraja Enose (Principal Consultant & Infosys Technologies Limited, India)
A care ful study of the transform ation in the e volving m ode rn grid can be rightly de scribe d by a
single te rm , 'conve rge nce '. Traditionally utilitie s have im ple m e nte d O pe rations Te chnology (O T)
inde pe nde nt of Inform ation Te chnology (IT). Howe ve r, the m ajor opportunity in the today's
'sm art grid' is not in the im ple m e ntation of a te chnology or an application, but rathe r in the
pe rfe ct conve rge nce of IT syste m s, that e m ploys an ove rlay com m unications and inform ation
ne twork , and O T syste m s, that m anage the grid's e le ctric e ne rgy from the point of ge ne ration to
consum ption. W hile this transform ation prom ise s im m e nse ope rational be ne fits to the utilitie s;
for all of the ope rational be ne fits, it brings along significant se curity conce rns in te rm s of
incre asing the e nte rprise -class se curity risk . Unlik e IT syste m s, that are constantly update d with
se rvice pack s, ne w re le ase s and bug fix e s, the se O T de vice s with virtually lim ite d se curity
capabilitie s, whe n brought into the IT e nvironm e nt, incre ase the vulne rability and incre asingly
ope n up ne w points to attack the grid. The challe nge for the utilitie s the re fore , is to im ple m e nt
ne w approache s and tools in building a se cure sm art grid ne twork that is re liable and re silie nt.
This pape r the re fore e x plains the com ple x itie s in a conve rging sm art grid ne twork and introduce s
an 'inte grate d se curity m anage m e nt fram e work '. The inte grate d approach that offe rs critical
infrastructure -grade se curity, to m ultiple te chnologie s, com m unication de vice s, grid syste m s,
se nsors, and data, also continuously m onitors the ne twork in e stablishing an e nte rprise wide
inte grate d se curity m anage m e nt syste m . This com pre he nsive se curity archite cture offe rs
im prove d inte rconne ct of dive rse syste m s, and e stablishe s both physical se curity and cybe rse curity, inte grate d to all ope rational aspe cts of the grid. This fram e work should the re fore be an
inte gral part of the IT/O T conve rge nce , the re by e nhancing the ove rall se curity and e stablishing a
m ore strate gic, e nte rprise -wide vie w of se curity risk and se curity m anage m e nt.
Design and Characterization of a Wideband p- HEMT Low Noise Am plifier
Arpit Kumar (IIT Roorkee, India) and Nagendra Prasad Pathak (Indian Institute of
Technology, Roorkee, India)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
This pape r re ports a pse udom orphic HEMT wide band low noise am plifie r (LNA) for W LAN, ve hicle
com m unication syste m s and point to point com m unication applications. The LNA had be e n
de signe d by using a single ATF36163 transistor. A wide band bias ne twork has be e n de signe d
and ve rifie d ove r the de sire d fre que ncy range . The fabricate d prototype of the propose d LNA has
a gain of 2.5 dB with a noise figure (NF) of 1.3 dB ove r the fre que ncy range of 5-6 GHz. The
de signe d am plifie r has bandwidth of 1 GHz ove r the fre que ncy range from 5-6 GHz
Dev elopm ent and Controller Design of Wheeled- Type Pipe Inspection Robot
Jung Hu Min (Pukyong National University, Korea), Yuhanes Dedy Setiawan (Pukyong
National University, Korea), Pandu Sandi Pratama (Pukyong National University,
Korea), Hak Kyeong Kim (Pukyong National University, Korea) and Sang Bong Kim
(Pukyong National University, Korea)
A whe e le d-type pipe inspe ction robot de signe d to work in 300 to 500 m m diam e te r pipe with
m ultiple e lbows is introduce d in this pape r. This robot consists of two m odule s-active m odule and
passive m odule . Each m odule has thre e whe e l configurations with diffe re nt m e chanism to
e x pand the whe e ls according to diam e te r change of pipe . A PID controlle r is de signe d for robot
to follow de sire d line ar and angular ve locity re fe re nce s. Sim ulation and e x pe rim e nt are
conducte d to ve rify pe rform ance s of the propose d controlle d robot. The re sults de m onstrate that
the robot can work we ll with the de signe d controlle r by following the re fe re nce ve locity ve ry we ll.
S15-A: Robotics, Machine Vision, Control Systems and Applications-I
Room: 110 Block E First Floor
Chairs: Sabu M Thampi (Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - Kerala,
India), Jagannath Nirmal (Mumbai University, India)
PID & LQR Control for a Quad Rotor: Modeling and Sim ulation
Dhiraj Gupta (Jamia Millia Islamia University, India), Shahida Khatoon (Jamia Millia
Islamia, India) and Lalit Das (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India)
This pape r aim s to pre se nt a com parison be twe e n various controlle rs to be use d in dynam ic
m ode l of a quad rotor platform . The controlle rs assum e d in this work are conve ntional PID and a
classic LQ R controlle r. The PID controlle r is chose n for quad rotor m ode l be cause of its ve rsatility
and facile im ple m e ntation, while also providing a good re sponse for the m ode l dynam ics
attitude s. The LQ R controlle r se e m e d to be a good com parative controlle r due to its gre at
pe rform ance and robustne ss in the plant. In this study, it is accom plishe d that both the
controlle rs provide satisfactory fe e dback for quad rotor stabilization.
Inv ariant Extended Kalm an Filter- based State Estim ation for MAV in GPS- denied
Env ironm ents
Dachuan Li (Tsinghua University, P.R. China), Qing Li (Tsinghua University, P.R. China),
Nong Cheng (Tsinghua University, P.R. China), Sheng Yang (Tsinghua University, P.R.
China), Jingyan Song (Tsinghua University, P.R. China) and Liangwen Tang (Flight
Automatic Control Research Institute, P.R. China)
This pape r pre se nts a R GB-D aide d ine rtial navigation syste m that use s R GB-D se nsor and low
cost ine rtial m e asure m e nt se nsors (IMU) to provide state e stim ate s for m icro ae rial ve hicle s
(MAV) in GPS-de nie d indoor e nvironm e nts. The state e stim ation approach is base d on the
invariant obse rve r the ory which is de ve lope d for syste m s posse ssing sym m e trie s. In our syste m ,
we re vie w the invariant obse rve r the ory and de sign the invariant obse rve r (Invariant Ex te nde d
Kalm an Filte r, IEKF) base d on the analysis of syste m sym m e try for the R GB-D aide d ine rtial
navigation m ode l e volving on a Lie group. In addition, a robust R GB-D base d m otion e stim ation
approach is de ve lope d to provide re lative pose e stim ate s using fe ature corre sponde nce s
capture d by the R GB-D se nsor. The R GB-D e stim ate s are fuse d with ine rtial m e asure m e nts
through the IEKF-base d obse rve r which yie lds a sim plifie d e rror dynam ics and sim plifie s the
calculation of gain m atrice s. The re sulting fram e work is im ple m e nte d and validate d on a MAV,
and e x pe rim e ntal re sults from actual indoor flight te sts de m onstrate the e ffe ctive ne ss of the
Fuzzy Based Sliding Mode Control for Vector Controlled Induction Motor
Shoeb Hussain (National Institute of Technology Srinagar, India) and Mohammad
Bazaz (National Institute of Technology Srinagar, India)
A ve ctor controlle d induction m otor drive with fuzzy base d sliding m ode controlle r (SMC ) is
pre se nte d in this pape r for im proving the dynam ic pe rform ance of the drive . The fuzzy base d
SMC e m ploye d for spe e d control com pe nsate s for the chatte ring e ffe ct othe rwise pre se nt with
SMC . MATLAB sim ulation of the sche m e for a 5HP, 460 V (50Hz) induction m otor is pre se nte d to
analyse the pe rform ance of fuzzy base d SMC .
Com parativ e Study of Dc- Dc Conv erters in Solar Energy System s
Ahana Malhotra (Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, India) and Prerna Gaur (Netaji
Subhas Institute of Technology, Delhi University, India)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
The obje ct of this pape r is to de sign, sim ulate and com pare the pe rform ance of diffe re nt dc-dc
conve rte rs in solar e ne rgy syste m s. This is de signe d for using single phase asynchronous m otors
in hom e appliance s such as washing m achine s, re frige rator e tc. and is sim ulate d in MATLAB 8.1
using sim ulink , Sim Powe r syste m . Pe rturb and O bse rve algorithm is use d as MPPT algorithm to
achie ve the m ax im um powe r transfe r from solar array. The PV input voltage is fe d to the dc-dc
conve rte r and give n to the single phase inve rte r.
Discrete Multi- Tone Loading Algorithm s for Underwater Acoustic Com m unication
Saraswathi K (R V College of Engineering, India) and Ravishankar Sankaranarayanan
(RV College of Engineering, India)
Unde rwate r acoustic (UW A) channe l is characte rize d as a se ve re m ultipath propagation channe l
due to signal re fle ctions from the surface and bottom of the se a, that is affe cte d by a varie ty of
am bie nt noise profile s unique to unde rwate r e nvironm e nt. Furthe r the m otion of wate r introduce s
a Dopple r. Multicarrie r m odulation sche m e s can be adapte d to m e e t a give n Q uality of se rvice
(Q O S) in such e nvironm e nts. In this pape r the unde rwate r acoustic channe l is studie d using the
Thorp and Ainslie -McC olm m ode ls for absorption and the ir lim itations are analyze d. Signal to
noise ratio (SNR ) profile s at various distance s e m ploying Discre te Multitone Modulation are
obtaine d conside ring diffe re nt type s of am bie nt noise source s such as shipping, wind, the rm al,
bubble and turbule nce . To m e e t the Q O S diffe re nt R ate Adaptive and Margin Adaptive Tone
loading algorithm s are sim ulate d and com pare d base d on syste m m argin, utilizing the se SNR
profile s.
S15-B: Robotics, Machine Vision, Control Systems and Applications-II
Room: 110 Block E First Floor
Chairs: Sabu M Thampi (Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - Kerala,
India), Jagannath Nirmal (Mumbai University, India)
Analysis and Design of 2nd Order Sigm a- Delta Modulator for Audio Applications
Ganesh Raj (CEERI Pilani, India), Abhijit Karmakar (CEERI, Pilani, India) and S. C. Bose
(CEERI, Pilani, India)
This pape r de scribe s a top-down approach to de sign a Sigm a-De lta base d m odulator for analog
to digital conve rsion. The prim ary focus is on de signing an ADC for audio application, thus, the
conve rsion is done on a 22.5 k Hz bandwidth with a 16- bit re solution (C D quality). The
be havioural code of the m odulator is cre ate d first to che ck the signal range s on inte rnal node s.
Ne x t, the circuit non-ide alitie s, such as, finite O p-Am p gain, finite late ncy of O p-Am p and
com parator offse t are introduce d to de rive the tole rable lim its and the spe cification of subblock s. Late r, the individual block s are care fully de signe d in 0.35 μm C MO S te chnology and are
inte grate d. SPIC E-base d sim ulation is carrie d out on the e ntire circuit and the re sults are
validate d with MATLAB.
Design of PI Controller: A Multiobjectiv e Optim ization Approach
Lalitesh Kumar (Uttar Pradesh Technical University & Ajay KumarGarg Engineering
College, India), Prawendra Kumar (Mewar University, India) and Subhojit Ghosh
(National Institute of Technology, Raipur, India)
This pape r addre sse s the de sign of a PI controlle r as a m ultiobje ctive proble m . For a give n plant
the de sign of a PI controlle r satisfie s a give n se t of spe cifications and for acce ptable de sign the
param e te rs of the PI controlle r are to be adjuste d so that whole close d loop syste m satisfie s the
spe cifications. A m ultiobje ctive optim ization approach is im ple m e nte d he re to adjust the
param e te rs of the PI controlle r and since the de sign pre se nte d he re is m ultiobje ctive , he nce for
acce ptable de sign som e trade off is m ade am ong the spe cifications give n. Since the robustne ss
and the pe rform ance is not guarante e d both at the sam e tim e , due to this re ason only som e
trade off is ne ce ssary and this pape r addre sse s the contradiction be twe e n robustne ss and
pe rform ance of PI controlle r by fram ing it into a m ultiobje ctive optim ization proble m . The
sim ulation of m ultiobje ctive proble m ge ne rate s the Pare to front from which on can m ak e the
com prom ise be twe e n pe rform ance and robustne ss. The sim ulation re sults de rive d from the
above said approach is applicable for large num be r of syste m s.
Bidirectional DC/DC Conv erter for Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Atul Kumar (University of Delhi & NSIT, DWARKA, India) and Prerna Gaur (Netaji
Subhas Institute of Technology, Delhi University, India)
Hybrid e le ctric ve hicle (HEV) te chnology is an e ffe ctive and e fficie nt alte rnative for conve ntional
ve hicle s. It provide s fue l e fficie ncy, re duce s harm ful e m ission and e nhance s pe rform ance . The
te chnology has gain e norm ous atte ntion be cause of de ple ting conve ntional re source s and
m e asure d carbon e m ission. This pape r propose s a bidire ctional buck boost conve rte r with
inte rle ave d control, which m inim ize s input curre nt and output voltage ripple s. This le ads to
re duce size of passive com pone nts with highe r e fficie ncy and m ak e whole syste m m ore re liable .
Modeling and Sim ulation Study of Speed Control of a Photov oltaic Assisted Hybrid
Electric Vehicle
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Probeer Sahw (Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, University of Delhi, India) and
Prerna Gaur (Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, Delhi University, India)
In this pape r spe e d control of a Hybrid Ele ctric Ve hicle (HEV) is pre se nte d. The HEV is ope rate d in
paralle l configuration. The HEV is drive n by an Inte rnal C om bustion Engine (IC E) and a
Pe rm ane nt Magne t Synchronous Motor (PMSM) drive . The PMSM is drive n by a batte ry and a
Photovoltaic (PV) m odule . In this pape r the pe rform ance of the ve hicle in conve ntional (drive n by
IC E only) and hybrid m ode s is com pare d. In this pape r the pe rform ance of a PV m odule and its
use to assist the batte ry to drive PMSM drive are also inve stigate d.
PVC- MWCNT Based 3- dB Optical Coupler Design
Vishal Sorathiya (Marwadi Education Foundation Groups of Institute, India) and Amit
Kumar (Gujarat Technical University, India)
C arbon nano tube is ve ry prom ising m ate rial with be tte r e le ctric and optical prope rtie s. He re we
pre se nt the ide a about thre e 2×2 couple r de signs with PVC -MW C NT m ate rial. The couple rs are
sim ulate d on FDTD e nvironm e nt. All the couple rs are de signe d in m ax im um footprint of
3μm ×6μm . The ope rating wave le ngth range of couple r is 0.7μm -1.0μm with re fractive inde x of
2.7 and 1.47 for core and cladding re spe ctive ly. The sim ulation re sults showe d the variation in
e x ce ss loss and splitting ratio in give n wave le ngth range . He re we got the m inim um e x ce ss loss
0.82 dB in Dire ctional C ouple r and m inim um splitting ratio variation 32.76% in C GC 50°. O ve rall
the m ode rate e x ce ss loss and splitting ratio is got in C GC 60°.
Effect of Im plem enting Different PID Algorithm s on Controllers Designed for SOPDT
Mayank Chaturvedi (Graphic Era University, India), Pradeep Kumar Juneja (Graphic era
University & IIT Roorkee, India) and Prateeksha Chauhaan (Graphic Era University,
The m ost im portant control obje ctive in a control syste m analysis is to de sign an optim al
controlle r for the k nown proce ss m ode l. In the pre se nt analysis, various PID controlle rs base d on
diffe re nt tuning m e thods have be e n de signe d for a se le cte d Se cond O rde r plus De ad Tim e
m ode l. Also diffe re nt algorithm s of PID controlle rs such as paralle l, paralle l with de rivative filte r,
se rie s, se rie s with de rivative filte r and cascade form are im ple m e nte d. The ste ady state and
dynam ic characte ristics of close d loop re sponse s for the de signe d controlle rs are com pare d and
analyze d.
Controller Design and Its Perform ance Analysis for a Delayed Process Model
Prateeksha Chauhaan (Graphic Era University, India), Pradeep Kumar Juneja (Graphic
era University & IIT Roorkee, India) and Mayank Chaturvedi (Graphic Era University,
The Dynam ics of m ost of the industrial proce sse s e x hibits de lay in a first orde r proce ss m ode l
com m only k nown as first orde r plus de ad tim e proce ss m ode l. In the pre se nt inve stigation, a
se cond orde r plus de ad tim e proce ss m ode l is conve rte d into first orde r plus de ad tim e proce ss
m ode l with two m ode l orde r re duction te chnique s nam e ly Sk oge stad's and Taylor's se rie s
approx im ation and ope n loop re sponse s have be e n com pare d. PID controlle rs for both the
FO PDT proce ss m ode ls have be e n de signe d and com pare d using Zie gle r Nichols, C he in Hrone s
R e swick and W ang Juang C han tuning te chnique s.
A New Approach of Path Planning for Mobile Robots
Jitin Kumar Goyal (G. L. Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, Greater Noida,
India) and Ks Nagla KS (Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, India)
Path planning is fundam e ntal task of the m obile robots navigations, whe re the accuracy of path
de pe nds upon the e nvironm e ntal m apping and localization. Se ve ral path planning approache s
are alre ady use d for accurate path planning such as Dijk astra's Algorithm , Visibility Graphs, C e ll
De com position Te chnique , A* and Modifie d A* Algorithm s e tc. A* m e thod doe s not support the
accurate path planning if the size of the robot is large r than the size of the ce ll. In such
situations it is difficult to m ove the m obile robot through narrow door or passage . This pape r
pre se nts the ne w approach of path planning te chnique in which the virtual size of the obstacle
pre se nt in the e nvironm e nt is assum e d to be incre ase d (2n+1) tim e s of the size of the ce ll. The
e x pe rim e ntal analysis of the propose d m e thod shows the im prove m e nt in the path planning
which re duce s the chance s of collisions. The pape r is organize d as follows: the first se ction of the
pape r re pre se nts the de tail lite rature re vie w and path planning strate gie s. The se cond part of the
pape r de als with the proble m state m e nt and propose d m e thodology. The last se ction shows the
sim ulation re sults for indoor e nvironm e ntal path planning.
High Accuracy Depth Filtering for Kinect Using Edge Guided Inpainting
Saumik Bhattacharya (IIT Kanpur, India), Sumana Gupta (IIT, Kanpur - INDIA, India)
and Venkatesh K Subramanian (IIT Kanpur, India)
Kine ct is an e asy and conve nie nt m e ans to calculate the de pth of a sce ne in re al tim e . It is use d
wide ly in se ve ral applications for its e ase of installation and handling. Many of the se applications
ne e d a high accuracy de pth m ap of the sce ne for re nde ring. Unfortunate ly, the de pth m ap
provide d by Kine ct suffe rs from various de gradations due to occlusion, shadowing, scatte ring e tc.
The m ajor two de gradations are the e dge distortion and shadowing. Edge distortion appe ars due
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
to the intrinsic prope rtie s of Kine ct and m ak e s any de pth base d ope ration pe rce ptually de grade d.
The proble m of e dge distortion re m oval has not re ce ive d as m uch atte ntion as the hole filling
proble m , though it is conside rably im portant at the post proce ssing stage of a R GB sce ne . W e
propose a nove l m e thod to re m ove line distortion in orde r to construct high accuracy de pth m ap
of the sce ne by e x ploiting the e dge inform ation alre ady pre se nt in the R GB im age .
S16: International Workshop on Recent Advances in Adaptive Systems and Signal Processing
Room: 204 Block E Second Floor
Chair: Mahesh Chandra (BIT, Mesra, Ranchi, India)
Com parison of Peak to Av erage Power Reduction Techniques in OFDM
Poonam Kundu (ITM University, India) and Prabhjot Kaur (ITM University, India)
O FDM (O rthogonal Fre que ncy Division Multiple x ing) is ge ne rally pre fe rre d for high data rate
transm ission in digital com m unication. High pe ak to ave rage powe r ratio (PAPR ) is the m ajor
lim itation of O FDM syste m . In this pape r, we e x plain diffe re nt PAPR re duction te chnique s and
pre se nt a com parison of the various te chnique s base d on the ore tical and sim ulate d re sults. It
pre se nts a surve y of the various PAPR re duction te chnique s and the state of the art in this are a.
Efficient Suppression of Rem nant Non- linear Echo Caused Due to Harm onic Distortions
Asutosh Kar (IIIT, Bhubaneswar, India), Pankaj Goel (Birla Institute of Technology,
Mesra, Ranchi, India) and Mahesh Chandra (BIT, Mesra, Ranchi, India)
Voice com m unication has today be com e an im portant and an inte gral part of hum an k ind. Today
the spe e d and the quality of com m unication is ve ry crucial. Spe e ch quality has always be e n
de grade d due to e nd use r de vice s. This k ind of a proble m can be tack le d e ffe ctive ly whe n
e fficie nt de vice s and algorithm s are use d to cance l the e cho which is introduce d into the channe l.
W ith the adve nt of sophisticate d te chnology low cost loudspe ak e rs and powe r am plifie rs have
be e n de vise d which bring in non-line arity into the com m unication channe l. The se che ap
loudspe ak e rs bring in such non-line arity that it can't be cance lle d by conve ntional line ar acoustic
cance llation te chnique s. In this pape r we try to de vise a solution for the cance llation of the nonline ar e cho to re store the spe e ch quality in a com m unication channe l. The propose d algorithm
ve ry e fficie ntly de als with the non-line ar acoustic e cho cance llation as it has a m ode rate ly low
com putational com ple x ity and fast conve rge nce . The whole e cho cance llation proce ss starts with
a line ar e cho cance llation proce ss whe re an adaptive algorithm is use d to update the we ights of
the adaptation proce ss. The n the HDNR ES com e s into action and suppre sse s the re m nant e cho in
the com m unication channe l afte r passing through the line ar AEC .
Perform ance Ev aluation of Front End Speech Enhancem ent Techniques
Anirban Bhowmick (Birla Institute of Technology Ranchi, India), Mahesh Chandra (BIT,
Mesra, Ranchi, India), Astik Biswas (Department of Electrical Engineering & NIT RKL,
India) and Prasanna Kumar Sahu (N. I. T. Rourkela, India)
In this pape r the pe rform ance of spe e ch e nhance m e nt algorithm s is e valuate d and com pare d in
te rm s of im prove m e nt in Signal-to-Noise R atio (SNR ) and spe e ch quality. C le an and noisy
ve rsion of one Hindi spe e ch se nte nce is use d for pe rform ing the e x pe rim e nts. Noisy ve rsion is
obtaine d by m ix ing F16 noise , ope rations room noise and m achine gun noise to cle an spe e ch
signal at diffe re nt SNR le ve ls. The study of this pape r le ads to the utility of spe e ch e nhance m e nt
algorithm s for diffe re nt noise s base d on the ir characte ristics.
Soft Com puting Technique for Cost Reduction in Cellular Network
Smita Parija (NIT Rourkela, India), S Singh (KIIT University, India), Prathima Addanki
(NIT Rourkela, India) and Prasanna Kumar Sahu (N. I. T. Rourkela, India)
In ce llular ne twork location m anage m e nt is a fundam e ntal and com ple x proble m which de als how
to track the subscribe r on m ove . Som e am ount of cost is incurre d for the subscribe r during the
m ove m e nt in a particular se rvice are a. This cost basically involve d location update cost and
paging cost. The m ain obje ctive of this work is to re duce this total cost which include s this
location update cost and paging cost by using diffe re nt e volutionary te chnique s. This pape r
pre se nts binary ge ne tic algorithm to solve the location m anage m e nt proble m by partitioning the
give n ce llular ne twork into location are as so as to m inim ize the location m anage m e nt cost.
Binary Ge ne tic Algorithm (BGA) is a m e ta-he uristic m e thod which has pre se nte d to be a ve ry
powe rful wide ly use d, ye t sim ple , prom ine nt and a population-base d optim ization approach.
Am ong the e ntire e volutionary te chnique s Ge ne tic algorithm is a biological ye t sim ple inspire d
optim ization with re duce d com ple x ity. W ith the he lp of this algorithm optim al location are as are
obtaine d corre sponding to the m inim ize d cost. Sim ulation re sults and optim al location are a
planning for diffe re nt ne twork s are de m onstrate d and discusse d. The e ffe ctive ne ss of GA re sult
is shown to be e ffe ctive with le ss num be r of ite ration.
An Autom atic Flower Classification Approach Using Machine Learning Algorithm s
Hossam M. Zawbaa (Beni-Suef University & Scientific Research Group in Egypt (SRGE),
Egypt), Mona Abbas (Central Lab. for Agricultural Expert System, Agricultural Research
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Center, Egypt), Sameh Basha (SRGE & University of Cairo, Egypt), Maryam Hazman
(Central Lab. for Agricultural Expert System, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt) and
Aboul Ella Otifey Hassanien (University of Cairo, Egypt)
This pape r aim s to de ve lop an e ffe ctive flowe r classification approach using m achine le arning
algorithm s. Eight flowe r cate gorie s we re analyze d in orde r to e x tract the ir fe ature s. Scale
Invariant Fe ature Transform (SIFT) and Se gm e ntationbase d Fractal Te x ture Analysis (SFTA)
algorithm s are use d to e x tract flowe r fe ature s. The propose d approach consists of thre e phase s
nam e ly: se gm e ntation, fe ature e x traction, and classification phase s. In se gm e ntation phase ,
the flowe r re gion is se gm e nte d to re m ove the com ple x back ground from the im age s datase t.
The n, flowe r im age fe ature s are e x tracte d. Support Ve ctor Machine (SVM) and R andom Fore sts
(R F) algorithm s we re applie d to classify diffe re nt k inds of flowe rs. An e x pe rim e nt was carrie d out
using the propose d approach on a datase t of 215 flowe r im age s. It shows that Support Ve ctor
Machine (SVM) provide s be tte r accuracy com pare d to the R andom Fore sts (R F) algorithm whe n
using the SIFT as a fe ature e x tract algorithm . W hile , R andom Fore sts (R F) provide s its be tte r
accuracy with SFTA. More ove r, the syste m is capable of autom atically re cognize the flowe r nam e
with a high de gre e of accuracy.
Com parativ e Analysis of Various Com m unication System s for Intelligent Sensing of
Mrinal Sharma (Lovely Professional University, India) and Rajan Gupta (University of
Delhi, India)
W ith the incre asing data com m unication the se days, the conge stion and quality of transm ission
are de grading big tim e . The availability of spe ctrum is be com ing a big issue for the private
organizations to m anage the huge num be r of use rs. Thus the re is an urge nt ne e d of Sm art
Spe ctrum allocation through the Inte llige nt Spe ctrum Se nsing. C ognitive R adios are de signe d for
the sam e . But which com m unication syste m s (TDC S or W DC S) are be tte r suite d for inte llige nt
se nsing and which transform ation yie lds be tte r re sults is a proble m that ne e ds to be re solve d.
This study is a work in progre ss case which pre se nts a com parative analysis of the syste m s with
various transform s. The study re ve als that W DC S base d on wave le t transform s are be tte r suite d
for the Inte llige nt se nsing of Spe ctrum and can be utilize d in the de signing of C ognitive R adios.
Fam ily of Adaptiv e Algorithm s Based on Second Order Volterra Filters for Non Linear
Acoustic Echo Cancellation: A Technical Surv ey
Trideba Padhi (Sambalpur University Institute of Information Technology, India),
Asutosh Kar (IIIT, Bhubaneswar, India) and Mahesh Chandra (BIT Mesra, India)
Acoustic e cho arise s whe n an audio signal is radiate d in the re al e nvironm e nt, re sulting in the
signal plus its atte nuate d, tim e de laye d im age s. W ith tim e de lay as the constraint, the
prom ine nce of the e cho ove r com m unication channe ls is de te rm ine d. Mode rn tim e s have se e n
e x te nsive re se arch ove r the re m oval of nonline ar e choe s cause d by portable com m unication
syste m s and low cost audio e quipm e nt. Volte rra filte rs e m ploying adaptive algorithm s have
traditionally be e n a ve ry im portant tool for nonline ar acoustic e cho cance llation. This article
pre se nts a te chnical surve y of the adaptive algorithm s use d in the de sign of a nonline ar
e qualize r m ode le d using a se cond orde r Volte rra se rie s e x pansion. In the initial se ctions, the
proble m of nonline ar e cho cance llation is de fine d and a m athe m atical analysis of the Volte rra
se rie s e x pansion is give n. In furthe r se ctions, a truncate d ve rsion of the Volte rra se rie s which is
calle d the se cond orde r Volte rra filte r is discusse d. Finally, a de taile d analysis has be e n carrie d
out to de te rm ine the adaptive algorithm that is be st in the busine ss to solve the proble m of
nonline ar acoustic e cho cance llation.
A Distributed Control Law for Optim um Sensor Placem ent for Source Localization
Hema Achanta (University of Iowa, USA), Soura Dasgupta (The University of Iowa,
USA), Weiyu Xu (University of Iowa, USA), Raghuraman Mudumbai (University of Iowa,
USA) and Erwei Bai (University of Iowa, USA)
W e form ulate a nonline ar distribute d control law that guide s the m otion a group of se nsors to
achie ve a configuration that pe rm its the m to optim ally localize a hazardous source the y m ust
k e e p a pre scribe d distance from . Earlie r work shows that such a configuration involve s the
se nsors be ing place d in an e quispace d m anne r on a pre scribe d circle . The nonline ar control law
we propose assum e s that e ach se nsor re side s and m ove s on the pre scribe d circle , by acce ssing
only the state s of its two im m e diate clock wise and counte rclock wise ne ighbors. W e the ore tically
prove and ve rify through sim ulations, that the law allows the se nsors to achie ve the de sire d
configuration while avoiding collisions.
S17: International Symposium on Computer Vision and the Internet
(VisionNet'14)/International Workshop on Advances in Computer Graphics and Visualization
(ACGV 2014)
Room: 104 Block E First Floor
Chair: Vikrant Bhateja (Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group of Professional Colleges, Lucknow
(UP), India)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Autom atic Generation of Second Im age From an Im age for Stereov ision
Deepu R (Maharaja Institute of Technology Mysore, India), Honnaraju B (Maharaja
Institute of Technology, India) and Murali S (Maharaja Institute of Technology Mysore,
Ste re ovision is the proce ss of finding de pth whe n two or m ore im age s of a sce ne are k nown from
diffe re nt positions. It is the basic phe nom e na in the construction of 3D from m ultiple im age s.
Ste re o vision is use ful in m any applications such as robotics, track ing obje ct in 3D space and
constructing a 3D m ode l of a sce ne . Vision base d re m ote control syste m e x ploits ste re o vision to
control the m achine in a touch-fre e e nvironm e nt. Most of the cam e ras are m onocular in nature .
In our work , we have de ve lope d a ge ne ric m ode l whe re in, se cond im age is autom atically
ge ne rate d and can be use d for 3D re construction from a single im age . R e lationship be twe e n
de pth and disparity for any focal le ngth has be e n e stablishe d. Ex haustive study on lite rature has
indicate d that no m e thod e x ists to ge ne rate se cond im age from the first for ste re ovision.
Ex pe rim e nts are carrie d out to validate the propose d m ode l whe re we got highe r accuracy. The
m ode l has be e n te ste d with m iddle bury ste re o datase t. W ith this m ode l, the e x isting m onocular
cam e ras are sufficie nt to build 3D vie w of any sce ne using a single 2D im age .
Syntactic- Based Region Algorithm for Volum etric Segm entation
Dumitru-Dan Burdescu (University of Craiova, Romania)
The proble m of partitioning im age s into hom oge nous re gions or se m antic e ntitie s is a basic
proble m for ide ntifying re le vant obje cts. Visual se gm e ntation is re late d to som e se m antic
conce pts be cause ce rtain parts of a sce ne are pre -atte ntive ly distinctive and have a gre ate r
significance than othe r parts. Unfortunate ly the re are huge of pape rs for planar im age s and
se gm e ntation m e thods and m ost of the m are graph-base d for planar im age s and ve ry fe w
pape rs for volum e tric se gm e ntation m e thods. The m ajor conce pt use d in graph-base d volum e tric
se gm e ntation m e thod is the conce pt of hom oge ne ity of re gions and thus the e dge we ights are
base d on color distance . A num be r of approache s to se gm e ntation are base d on finding com pact
re gions in som e fe ature space . A re ce nt te chnique using fe ature space re gions first transform s
the data by sm oothing it in a way that pre se rve s boundarie s be twe e n re gions. In this pape r we
e x te nd our pre vious work for planar im age s by adding a ne w ste p in the volum e tric se gm e ntation
algorithm that allows us to de te rm ine re gions close r to it. The k e y to the whole algorithm of
volum e tric se gm e ntation is the hone ycom b ce lls. The pre -proce ssing m odule is use d m ainly to
blur the initial R GB spatial im age in orde r to re duce the im age noise . The n the volum e tric
se gm e ntation m odule cre ate s virtual ce lls of prism s with tre e -he x agonal structure de fine d on the
se t of the im age vox e ls of the input spatial im age and a spatial triangular grid graph having
tre e -he x agons as ce lls of ve rtice s.
Com parativ e Analysis of Indian Wheat Seed Classification
Radhika Ronge (Sinhgad Academy of engineering, Kondhwa, Pune,India., India) and M
m Sardeshmukh (Government College of Engineering Amravati, India)
In this study 2-laye r ANN (artificial ne ural ne twork ) a line ar classifie r and k -NN (k -ne are st
ne ighbor) a non-line ar classifie r we re applie d for ide ntification and classification of im age s of
four Indian whe at se e d spe cie s into four classe s of whe at se e ds on the basis of the ir varie tie s.
120 im age s (40 im age s of four classe s, 10 im age s of e ach class) from thre e diffe re nt place s
we re tak e n unde r sam e illum ination condition. The se im age s we re croppe d to 320×240
re solution and conve rte d into gray scale im age s. W e had e x tracte d 131 te x ture fe ature s of whe at
spe cie s using various te x tural algorithm s which contain LBP(local binary patte rn),LSP(local
sim ilarity
patte rn),LSN(local
sim ilarity
num be rs),GLC M(gray
le ve l
co-occurre nce
m atrix ),GLR M(gray le ve l run le ngth m atrix ) m atrice s of gray im age . The fe ature group which
gave highe st pe rce ntage of accuracy in classification was de te rm ine d. The de te rm ine d fe ature
group showe d m ax im um ave rage accuracy of 100% for inte r-class classification and 66.68% for
intra class classification whe n it was classifie d line arly i.e . using ANN. O n the othe r hand it gave
85% of ave rage accuracy for inte r-class classification and 39% for intra class classification with
non-line ar classification m e thod, using k -ne are st ne ighbor (k -NN). Thus, re sults shows the line ar
classifie rs are outpe rform e d to non-line ar one as fe ature s are line ar in nature .
Efficient Method for Mov ing Object Detection in Cluttered Background Using Gaussian
Mixture Model
Dileep Kumar Yadav (Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi, India)
Fore ground obje ct de te ction is a fundam e ntal ste p for autom ate d vide o surve illance syste m and
m any com pute r vision applications. Mostly m oving fore ground obje ct is de te cte d by back ground
subtraction te chnique s. In dynam ic back ground, Gaussian Mix ture Mode l (GMM) pe rform s be st
for obje ct de te ction. In this work , a GMM base d Basic Back ground Subtraction (BBS) m ode l is
use d for back ground m ode ling. The conne cte d com pone nt and blob labe ling has be e n use d to
im prove the m ode l with a thre shold. Morphological ope rators are use d to im prove the fore ground
inform ation with a suitable structure e le m e nt. The e x pe rim e ntal study shows that the propose d
work pe rform s be tte r in com parison to conside re d state -of-the -art m e thods in te rm of e rror.
Vision Based Hand Gesture Recognition Using Eccentric Approach for Hum an
Com puter Interaction
Vishal Bhame (University of Pune & Pune Institute of Computer Technology, India), R
Sreemathy (Pune Institute of Computer Technology, University of Pune, India) and
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Hrushikesh S Dhumal (Hyper-Ions & Motion vista, India)
The re has be e n growing inte re st in the de ve lopm e nt of ne w approache s and te chnologie s for
bridging the hum an-com pute r barrie r. Hand ge sture re cognition is conside re d as an inte raction
te chnique having pote ntial to com m unicate with m achine s. Hum an com pute r inte raction (HC I)
was ne ve r an e asy task and lots of approache s are available to build such syste m s. Hand
ge sture re cognition (HGR ) using we arable data glove provide s a solution to build a HC I syste m ,
but it lags in te rm s of its com putational tim e and poor inte rface . Patte rn m atching is one m ore
solution which use s vision base d te chnique s and provide s strong inte rface to build HC I syste m s.
But again, it re quire s com ple x algorithm s which tak e s lots of com putational tim e and he nce
lim its its use in re al tim e HC I applications. In this pape r, we pre se nte d an e cce ntric approach for
hand ge sture re cognition which is sim ple , fast and use r inde pe nde nt and can be use d to de ve lop
re al tim e HC I applications. Base d on propose d algorithm we built a syste m for Indian Sign
Language re cognition which conve rts Indian Sign num be rs into te x t. The algorithm first capture s
the im age of single hande d ge sture of spe e ch/he aring im paire d pe rson using sim ple we bcam
and the n using our propose d algorithm it classifie s the ge sture into its appropriate class. It use s
sim ple logical conditions for ge sture classification which m ak e its use in re al tim e HC I
Activ e Principal Com ponents of Im age Histogram Sets for Affine and Non- Affine
Watit Benjapolakul (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand) and Bongkarn Homnan
(Dhurakij Pundit University, Research Center & Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
Asse m bly obje ct com pone nts in any im age can give s the ir corre sponde nce s. This pape r inspe cts
the obje ct of the cylinde r 3 dim e nsion m ode l with the hom oge ne ous coordinate syste m ,
conform e d to Lipschitz and H\"{o}lde r conditions, giving its fundam e ntals of e cce ntricity and
e cce ntricity angle . Base d on the cylindrical and sphe rical coordinate s, inspe cte d pe rim e te rs in
affine and non-affine proje ctive vie ws can be proje cte d and analyze d. Active principal
com pone nts of the im age histogram se t of obje ct com pone nts can be re trie ve d. In addition, the
true de pth of the cylinde r body of the rotate d/rotating obje ct pe rtaining to the inspe ctor can be
de te rm ine d.
Perform ance Analysis of Possisblistic Fuzzy Clustering and Support Vector Machine in
Cotton Crop Classification
Madhuri Kawarkhe (MGM's Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, India) and Vijaya
Musande (Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, India)
C otton crop classification is found to be a significant task in crop m anage m e nt. Lite rature has
e x ploite d unsupe rvise d fuzzy base d classification and various ve ge tation indice s for cotton crop
classification. Howe ve r, fuzzy base d classification has ne gative e ffe ct on pe rform ance , be cause of
inlie rs and outlie rs in the im age . He nce , it is not re liable to inve stigate the pe rform ance of
ve ge tation indice s and for cotton crop classification. To ove rcom e this drawback , this pape r
introduce s possiblistic fuzzy c-m e ans (PFC M) cluste ring for labe ling the le arning data and
e x ploits support ve ctor m achine (SVM), which e nable s supe rvise d le arning, for cotton crop
classification. Subse que ntly, five ve ge tation indice s nam e ly, sim ple ratio (SR ), Norm alize d
Diffe re nce Ve ge tation Inde x (NDVI), Soil Adjuste d Ve ge tation Inde x (SAVI), Triangular
Ve ge tation Inde x (TVI) and Transform e d Norm alize d Diffe re nce Ve ge tation Inde x (TNDVI) are
conside re d for inve stigation. LISS - III m ulti - spe ctral im age s of IR S - P6 se nsors are acquire d
from Aurangabad re gion, India and the y are subje cte d to e x pe rim e ntal study. Thre e im age se ts
are subje cte d to e x pe rim e ntal inve stigation and the propose d classifie r is com pare d with an
e x isting classifie r. The propose d classifie r outpe rform s the e x isting classifie r in all the im age
se ts. C om parison in te rm s ve ge tation indice s de m onstrate that SR outpe rform s othe r ve ge tation
indice s by achie ving 88.72%, 88.71% and 89.15% accuracy value s for im age se ts 1, 2 and 3
re spe ctive ly.
Pre- processing Im age Database for Efficient Content Based Im age Retriev al
Kommineni Jenni (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) and Satria Mandala
(UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
C onte nt Base d Im age R e trie val (C BIR ) has be e n an active are a of re se arch for m ore than a
de cade . In this are a of re se arch, se le ction of fe ature s to re pre se nt an im age in the database is
still an unre solve d issue . Unfortunate ly, the e x isting solutions re garding the proble m are only
focusing on the re le vance fe e dback te chnique s to im prove the count of sim ilar im age s re late d to
a que ry from the raw im age database . The se approache s are ine fficie nt and inaccurate to que ry
the im age . W e propose a ne w e fficie nt te chnique to solve the se proble m s by e x ploiting a ne w
strate gy calle d pre proce ssing im age database using k -m e ans cluste ring and ge ne tic algorithm .
This te chnique utilize s se ve ral fe ature s of the im age , such as color, e dge de nsity, boole an e dge
de nsity and histogram inform ation as the input of re trie val. Furthe rm ore , se ve ral pe rform ance
m e trics, such as confusion m atrix , pre cision graph and F-m e asure s, have also be e n use d in
m e asuring the accuracy of the propose d te chnique . The e x pe rim e nt re sults show that the
cluste ring purity in m ore than half of the cluste rs has be e n above 90 pe rce nt purity.
A Nov el Technique of Iris Identification for Biom etric System s
Vishwanath G Garagad (Visvesvaraya Technological University, India) and Nalini C Iyer
(B.V.Bhoomaraddi college of Engg and Technology, India)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
The biom e tric hum an ide ntification te chnique base d on the iris of an individual is we ll suite d in
providing authe ntication fe ature s for any syste m that de m ands high se curity. This pape r
e x am ine s a nove l te chnique for im ple m e ntation of Iris Ide ntification in biom e tric syste m s [2]
that is invariant to distance and tilt variations. The m e thodology e x plains re lative norm alization
to com pe nsate the variations and radial trace for fe ature e x traction. Unique binary signature
code for e ve ry iris is ge ne rate d.
New Dynam ic Pattern Search Based Fast Motion Estim ation Algorithm
Shaifali Madan Arora (Guru Gobind Singh Inderpratha University, Dwarka, New Delhi &
Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, India), Navin Rajpal (GGSIP University,
India) and Ravindra Kumar Purwar (GGS Indraprastha University, India)
In the de ve lopm e nt of fast block base d m otion e stim ation (BME) algorithm s, the focus is always
on re duction of com putational burde n with quality as good as that of Full Se arch algorithm . Fast
fix e d se arch BME algorithm s lik e TSS, DS e tc. have be e n propose d in the lite rature but the se
suffe r from ove r or unde r se arch for slow or fast m otion vide o se que nce s. This proble m is
e radicate d by using the cohe re nce of the ne ighboring block s to pre dict the m otion of curre nt
block . A ne w dynam ic patte rn se arch algorithm for fast BME is propose d in this m anuscript, which
use s the cohe re nce of te m poral right ne ighboring block along with the spatial and te m poral le ft
ne ighboring block s and dynam ically adapts its se arch patte rn for m otion ve ctor e stim ation of the
candidate block . Ex pe rim e ntal re sults show that the propose d algorithm re sults in im prove m e nt
in PSNR by 0.2116dB, 0.5043dB, and 2.0160dB with only 1.027, 1.058 and 1.43 tim e s
inte nsification in num be r of se arch points as com pare d to AR PS, DPS and MDPS algorithm s
re spe ctive ly. Furthe r propose d algorithm shows be tte r bit com pre ssion ratio by 1.0047, 1.0014
and 1.0058, 1.0354 tim e s and also be tte r structural sim ilarity inde x m e asure m e nt by 1.0107,
1.0010, 1.0112 and 1.0376 tim e s com pare d to DS, AR PS, DPS and MDPS algorithm s re spe ctive ly.
Medical Im age Fusion Using Com bination of PCA and Wav elet Analysis
Abhinav Krishn (Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group of Professional Colleges, Lucknow
(UP), India), Vikrant Bhateja (Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group of Professional
Colleges, Lucknow (UP), India), Himanshi Patel (Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group of
Professional Colleges, Lucknow (UP), India) and Akanksha Sahu (Shri Ramswaroop
Memorial Group of Professional Colleges, Lucknow (UP), India)
Me dical im age fusion facilitate s the re trie val of com ple m e ntary inform ation from m e dical im age s
for diagnostic purpose s. This pape r pre se nts a com bination of Principal C om pone nt Analysis
(PC A) and W ave le t analysis as an im prove d fusion approach for MR I and C T-scan. The propose d
fusion approach involve s im age de com position using 2D-Discre te W ave le t Transform (DW T) in
orde r to pre se rve both spe ctral and spatial inform ation. This is followe d by application of PC A as
a fusion rule to im prove upon the spatial re solution. The se le ction of optim al variant of the
daube chie s fam ily is also m ade during the sim ulations. Entropy (E), Standard De viation (SD) and
Fusion Factor (FF) are use d as fusion m e trics for pe rform ance e valuation of the propose d
approach. Sim ulation re sults de m onstrate an im prove m e nt in visual quality of the fuse d im age
supporte d by highe r value s of fusion m e trics; this furthe r justifie s the e ffe ctive ne ss of the
propose d approach in com parison to othe r approache s.
S18: International Workshop on Image Analysis and Image Enhancement (IAIE-2014)
Keynote: Classification Of Moving Objects In Surveillance Videos Using Deep Neural Network
Dr. Elizabeth Sherly, IIITM-K, India
Room: 108-B Block E First Floor
Chair: Ajinkya S. Deshmukh (Uurmi System Pvt. Ltd., India)
The use of vide o is be com ing pre vale nt in m any surve illance applications such as de te ction of
pe de strians, ide ntification of anom alous be haviour in a crowde d are a, activitie s of the te rrorist,
sm uggling activitie s, arm e d robbe ry, ille gal intrusions, m onitoring of traffic and m ore . The talk
conce ntrate s on de ve loping an inte llige nt vide o surve illance syste m capable of analyzing and
inte rpre ting the vide o data in te rm s of obje cts ide ntification, classification and de ducing the hours of
vide o to m ost significant se gm e nts having salie nt e ve nts. Mix ture of Gaussian is use d for
pre proce ssing, as it m ode ls m ultim odal distribution of back ground and the fore ground pix e ls are the n
se gm e nte d into re gions using the conne cte d com pone nts algorithm and ide ntify bounding re ctangle s
around the re gions of inte re st. A de e p ne ural ne twork base d obje ct classification is the n applie d to
classify e ach re gion of inte re st as a ve hicle , type of the ve hicle , or a pe rson.
Blind Estim ation of Motion Blur Kernel Param eters Using Cepstral Dom ain and Hough
Mayana Shah (CKPCET College of Engineering, India) and Upena D. Dalal (Sardar
Vallabhbhai National Institue of Technology, Surat, India)
Motion blur re sults whe n the sce ne is not static and im age be ing re corde d change s during the
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
re cording due to long e x posure or m otion. Be cause of m otion blur proje cte d im age is sm e are d
ove r the se nsor according to m otion.Motion blur PSF is characte rize d by two param e te rs, nam e ly
blur dire ction and blur le ngth. Faithful R e storation of the m otion blurre d im age re quire s corre ct
e stim ation of the se param e te rs. In this pape r we pre se nt a Hough transform base d m otion
dire ction e stim ation unde r spatially variant condition. The blur dire ction is ide ntifie d using Hough
transform of the fourth bit plane of the m odifie d ce pstrum to de te ct the orie ntation of line in the
log m agnitude spe ctrum of the blurre d im age . Ex pe rim e nts pe rform e d on sim ulate d m otion
blurre d im age showe d that C om pare to alre ady e x isting Hough transform m e thod it succe ssfully
e stim ate PSF param e te rs e ve n without any pre proce ssing ste ps. The blur le ngth is found by
rotating the spe ctrum of the blurre d im age in the e stim ate d dire ction the n by collapsing the 2-D
ce pstrum in to 1-D ce pstrum and finally by tak ing the inve rse Fourie r transform and finding the
first ne gative value . The se param e te rs are the n use d to re store the im age s.
Low Cost Distance Estim ation System Using Low Resolution Single Cam era and High
Radius Conv ex Mirrors
Narayan Murmu (National Institute of Technology, India)
This pape r propose s a single cam e ra base d ste re o vision syste m to de te rm ine disparity m ap and
the distance of the obje ct from the cam e ra syste m . The propose d syste m use s two conve x
m irrors with a sufficie ntly long radius of curvature . The se two m irrors he lp to capture a pair of
im age s of the sam e sce ne from two diffe re nt vie wpoints just lik e a conve ntional two cam e ra
base d ste re o vision syste m . The use of single cam e ra m ak e s the calibration and re ctification
proce ss e asie r. The ide ntical inte nsity re sponse of the ste re o im age s im prove s the accuracy of
the disparity m ap for com puting the obje ct distance . Graph cut base d algorithm is use d to
com pute the disparity and the obje ct distance from the cam e ra syste m . The e x pe rim e ntal re sults
justify the claim s.
Efficient Content- based Dynam ic Search Algorithm for Motion Estim ation From Videos
Mallesham Dasari (Uurmi Systems Pvt. Ltd & Uurmi Systems Pvt. Ltd, India), Himanshu
Sindhwal (Uurmi Systems Pvt. Ltd, India) and Naresh Vattikuti (Uurmi Systems Pvt.
Ltd, India)
The block m atching algorithm (BMA) use d for m otion e stim ation (ME) during vide o coding in
H.264 standard tak e s ne arly 90% of total e ncoding tim e . The propose d work is base d on
analyzing the vide o conte nt to dynam ically choose an e fficie nt se arch patte rn. The algorithm
base d on the variance of m otion in the vide o shows e fficie nt re sults by re ducing the num be r of
candidate m acroblock s that ne e d to be se arche d in the re fe re nce fram e s using diffe re nt type s of
se arch patte rns and also re com m e nds an optim ize d m otion ve ctor se arch range . The algorithm
shows 90% im prove m e nt in com putational tim e ove r the full se arch algorithm and a significant
im prove m e nt ove r othe r fast block m atching algorithm s without com prom ising the bitrate and
quality of the vide o.
Road Extraction From Airborne LiDAR Data Using SBF and CD- TIN
Rohini Narwade (Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University & MGM's Jawaharlal
Nehru Engineering College, India) and Vijaya Musande (Babasaheb Ambedkar
Marathwada University, India)
This pape r propose s a m e thod for autom ate d road e x traction from airborne Light De te ction and
R anging (LiDAR ) data. The m e thod com bine s Se gm e ntation Base d Filte ring (SBF) with Triangular
Irre gular Ne twork -base d se gm e ntation to e x tract the road points. The m e thod contains two m ajor
ste ps. Firstly, Se gm e ntation Base d Filte ring (SBF) is applie d to LiDAR data for initial
se gm e ntation of road re gions. He re , re gion growing algorithm is applie d afte r de te cting outlie rs
and subse que ntly, ground re fe re nce points are also ide ntifie d using im painting with inte rpolation
m e thod. Se condly, road e x tracte d by the SBF m e thod is re fine d through the he lp of C onstraine d
De launay Triangular Irre gular Ne twork base d se gm e ntation and the n, road contour is e x tracte d
from road point im age . For the e x pe rim e ntal validation, the propose d and e x isting m e thod is
te ste d against ISPR S re fe re nce datase t. The e x pe rim e ntal re sults showe d that propose d m e thod
achie ve d that the com ple te ne ss of the approach is 83.40 % and the corre ctne ss value is 83.02 %
and the accuracy is 83.16%.
Natural Vs. Manm ade Scene Classification Using Statistics of Straight Lines
S Vimal (BITS Pilani, India), Bharath G (BITS Pilani, India), Vinod P (BITS Pilani, India),
Arshdeep Singh Takkar (BITS Pilani, India) and P Thiruvikraman (BITS Pilani, India)
C lassification of sce ne s along the se m antic cate gorie s has re ce ive d tre m e ndous atte ntion from
re se arche rs work ing in the fie ld of com pute r vision. The conte nt and the conte x t inform ation
obtaine d from sce ne s at various le ve ls of granularity have be e n use d to solve the proble m of
classification of sce ne s. W e propose a sim ple approach for classifying the sce ne s on the broade r
se m antic line s of cate gorie s, viz natural and m anm ade (or artificial) sce ne s. O ur approach is
base d on the obse rvation that at a prim itive le ve l of visual proce ssing of sce ne s, the pre se nce of
large num be r of straight line se gm e nts is m ore discrim inative in de ciding whe the r the sce ne is
natural or m anm ade . W e e x tract and e ncode the inform ation about the straight line se gm e nts
as a de scriptor and use it to classify the sce ne as natural or m anm ade . The n, we com pare our
de scriptor with the com m on de scriptors lik e HSV (Hue , Saturation and Value ) Histogram and Edge
O rie ntation Histogram s (EO H).
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Detection of Falsification Using Infrared Im aging: Tim e and Frequency Dom ain
Yaniv Azar (New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering & NYU WIRELESS,
USA) and Matthew Campisi (New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering,
Throughout the ye ars m any pe ople have trie d to m aste r the art of lie de te ction; howe ve r no one
was e ve r able to com e up with a m e thod that de te cts lie s in m ore than 83% accuracy, which is
non invasive , m obile , and cost e ffe ctive . The re fore this article will atte m pt to show that by
m e asuring te m pe rature change s in the nose are a, one could de te rm ine whe the r som e one is
lying or not be tte r than curre nt polygraph can. First, e le ve n diffe re nt subje cts we re chose n to
participate in this proje ct. The n, using a FLIR The rm oVision A40 infrare d cam e ra the data was
colle cte d from e le ve n diffe re nt subje cts in thre e diffe re nt se ts of m e asure m e nt. This pape r
pre se nts the re sults using two diffe re nt m e thods of de te ction. The first m e thod of de te ction was
using a tim e dom ain analysis and the se cond m e thod of de te ction was using a fre que ncy dom ain
analysis. Each of the se m e thods had an accuracy of 69% and 84% in de te cting lie s, re spe ctive ly.
Finally, the two m e thods we re com pare d to curre nt polygraph, which has an accuracy of 83%. It
was conclude d that it is possible to de te ct lie s using an infrare d cam e ra and that it is actually
be tte r than curre nt polygraph since it has highe r accuracy, is non invasive , and cost e ffe ctive .
Bilateral Despeckling Filter in Hom ogeneity Dom ain for Breast Ultrasound Im ages
Vikrant Bhateja (Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group of Professional Colleges, Lucknow
(UP), India), Mukul Misra (Shree Ram Swaroop Memorial University, Lucknow, India),
Shabana Urooj (Gautam Buddha University, India) and Aime' Lay-Ekuakille (University
of Salento, Italy)
Bre ast sonogram s are m ore e ffe ctive towards diffe re ntiation of cysts from solid tum ours; if the y
could be post-proce sse d for m inim ization of spe ck le conte nt without blurring of e dge s. The
approach pre se nte d in this pape r consists of a bilate ral filte ring in hom oge ne ity dom ain so that
the de spe ck ling proce ss do not com prom ise s the te x ture and fe ature s of m asse s. The propose d
de spe ck le d approach de com pose s the input im age into hom oge ne ous and non-hom oge ne ous
re gions; which are the n se le ctive ly proce sse d using the bilate ral filte r. The dom ain filte ring
com pone nt is m ade dom inant whe n applie d to hom oge ne ous pix e ls providing sm oothe ning while
the range filte r dom inate s on the non-hom oge ne ous pix e ls le ading to e dge pre se rvation.
Sim ulations carrie d out on bre ast ultrasound im age s de pict satisfactory spe ck le filte ring
supporte d with im prove m e nt in value s of pe rform ance param e te rs (PSNR , SSIM & SSI).
S19: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-I
Room: 205 Block E Second Floor
Chairs: Joy Bose (Samsung R&amp;D Institute India, Bangalore, India), Abhishek Gupta (JECRC,
Question Classification Using Syntactic and Rule Based Approach
Payal Biswas (Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi, India), Aditi Sharan (Jawaharlal
Nehru University, India) and Rakesh Kumar (Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi,
Q ue stion C lassification is a crucial com pone nt of Q ue stion Answe ring Syste m . In this pape r we
have propose d a com pact and e ffe ctive m e thod for que stion classification. He re rathe r than
using a two laye re d tax onom y of 6 course grain and 50 fine graine d cate gorie s de ve lope d by Li
and R oth, 2002, we have classifie d the que stions into thre e broad cate gorie s. W e have also
studie d the syntactic structure of the que stion and sugge st the syntactic patte rns and e x pe cte d
answe r type for particular cate gory of que stions. Using the se que stion Patte rns we have also
sugge ste d an algorithm for classifying the que stion into particular cate gory. For e x pe rim e nt
purpose we have use d Li and R oth data se t of 2000 que stions. The e x pe rim e ntal output shows
that e ve n with sm all se t of que stion cate gorie s we can classify the que stions with m ore
satisfactory and be tte r re sult.He nce in brie f various contributions through this pape r are : Achie ve state of art of que stion classification using le ss num be r of que stion cate gorie s C om m unicate an Q ue stion classification algorithm which classifie s the que stion into propose d
cate gorie s which aids to e m be d the appropriate Answe r Ex traction Algorithm discusse d in our
pre vious work [23]. - Sugge st m ore ge ne ric syntactic patte rns for W h que stions.
Differential Ev olution Based Multiobjectiv e Optim ization for Biom edical Entity
Utpal Sikdar (IIT Patna, India), Asif Ekbal (IIT Patna, India) and Sriparna Saha (IIT
Patna & Department of CSE, India)
In this pape r, we propose a two-stage approach base d on m ulti-obje ctive diffe re ntial e volution
(DE) for biom e dical e ntity e x traction. The algorithm work s in two ste ps, first ste p of which
conce rns with the proble m of autom atic fe ature se le ction for e ntity e x traction for a m achine
le arning algorithm , nam e ly C onditional R andom Fie ld (C R F). The solutions of the final be st
population provide s diffe re nt dive rse se t of classifie rs. In the se cond phase we com bine the se
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
classifie rs toge the r with a nove l e nse m ble te chnique . C urre ntly we e valuate the propose d
algorithm for NE e x traction in biom e dical te x t. The propose d twophase approach yie lds the final
re call, pre cision and F-m e asure value s of 73.50%, 77.02% and 75.22% re spe ctive ly.
A Com parison of Multi- layer Perceptron and Radial Basis Function Neural Network in
the Voice Conv ersion Fram ework
Ankita Chadha (K J Somaiya College of Engineering & University of Mumbai, India),
Jagannath Nirmal (Mumbai University, India) and Mukesh Zaveri (Sardar Vallabhai
National Institute of Technology, surat, India)
The voice conve rsion syste m m odifie s the spe ak e r spe cific fe ature s of the source spe ak e r so
that it sounds lik e a targe t spe ak e r spe e ch. The spe ak e r spe cific fe ature s are re fle cte d in spe e ch
at diffe re nt le ve ls, such as the shape of vocal tract, the shape of glottal e x citation and the long
te rm prosodic param e te rs. In this work , Line Spe ctral Fre que ncie s (LSF) are use d to re pre se nt
the shape of the vocal tract and Line ar Pre dictive (LP) re sidual re pre se nts the shape of the
glottal e x citation of a particular spe ak e r. A Multi Laye r Pe rce ptron (MLP) and R adial Basis
Function (R BF) base d ne ural ne twork are e x plore d to form ulate the nonline ar m apping for
m odifying the LSFs. The base line re sidual se le ction m e thod is use d to m odify the LP-re sidual of
one spe ak e r to that of anothe r spe ak e r. A re lative com parison be twe e n MLP and R BF are carrie d
out using various obje ctive and subje ctive m e asure s for inte r-ge nde r and intra-ge nde r voice
conve rsion. The re sults re ve al that an optim ize d R BF pe rform s slightly be tte r than base line MLP
base d voice conve rsion.
Learning to Rank Experts Using Com bination of Multiple Features of Expertise
V Kavitha (Anna University, India), Manju Gopalan (Annauniversity, India) and Geetha
T. v. (Anna University, India)
In acade m ic dom ain, te chnical confe re nce s are conducte d to share diffe re nt re se arch ide as and
to propose ne w re se arch m e thodologie s. The num be r of confe re nce s be ing conducte d in diffe re nt
acade m ic dom ains and the num be r of re se arch participants in confe re nce are incre asing rapidly.
The confe re nce chairs face difficulty in assigning pane l of re vie we rs for various re se arch topics. A
rank e d list of e x pe rts in a spe cific topic would assist the confe re nce chairs in finding pane l of
re vie we rs. Ex pe rt finding syste m provide s solution to this proble m . The task of e x pe rt finding
syste m is to de te rm ine a list of pe ople sorte d by the ir le ve l of e x pe rtise in a spe cific re se arch
topic. This pape r com bine s m ultiple fe ature s of re se arch e x pe rtise to rank the list of e x pe rts on
a topic. The rank e d list of e x pe rts can be use d to update the topic re le vance score of a
re se arche r for a spe cific re se arch are a. In orde r to rank the e x pe rts, we have use d nove l tim e
we ighte d C itation Graph base d fe ature s, m odifie d Late nt Dirichle t Allocation base d te x tual
fe ature s and Profile base d fe ature s to re pre se nt the e x pe rtise of a re se arche r. R ank aggre gation
is done base d on m ultiple fe ature s. Lam bda rank , a se m i-supe rvise d le arning to rank algorithm
is use d to le arn the rank ing function. The rank e d list of e x pe rts for a re se arch topic is sugge ste d
using the le arne d rank ing function. Ex pe rim e nts m ade ove r a data se t of acade m ic publications
in the are a of C om pute r Scie nce using com bination of ne w fe ature s of e x pe rtise provide be tte r
rank e d list of e x pe rts than using individual fe ature s.
Multi- objectiv e Clustering of Tissue Sam ples for Cancer Diagnosis
Sudipta Acharya (Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, India), Yamini Thadisina
(Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, India) and Sriparna Saha (IIT Patna &
Department of CSE, India)
In the fie ld of patte rn re cognition, the study of the ge ne e x pre ssion profile s for diffe re nt tissue
sam ple s ove r diffe re nt e x pe rim e ntal conditions has be cam e fe asible with the arrival of m icroarray base d te chnology. In cance r re se arch, classification of tissue sam ple s is ne ce ssary for
cance r diagnosis, which can be done with the he lp of m icro-array te chnology. In this article we
have pre se nte d a m ulti-obje ctive optim ization (MO O ) base d cluste ring te chnique utilizing AMO SA
(Archive d Multi-O bje ctive Sim ulate d Anne aling) as the unde rlying optim ization strate gy for
classification of tissue sam ple s from cance r data se ts. As obje ctive functions thre e cluste r validity
indice s nam e ly, XB, PBM, and FC M indice s are optim ize d sim ultane ously to form m ore accurate
cluste rs of tissue sam ple s. The pre se nte d cluste ring te chnique is e valuate d for two ope n source
be nchm ark cance r data se ts, which are Brain tum or data se t and Adult Malignancy data se t. In
orde r to e valuate the quality or goodne ss of produce d cluste rs two cluste r quality m e asure s viz,
Adjuste d R and Inde x (AR I) and C lassification Accuracy(%C oA) are calculate d for e ach data se t.
C om parative re sults of the pre se nte d cluste ring algorithm with 10 state -of-the -art e x isting
single -obje ctive , m ulti-obje ctive base d cluste ring algorithm s are shown for two be nchm ark data
se ts.
A Low Cost Data Acquisition System From Digital Display Instrum ents Em ploying
Im age Processing Technique
Soumyadip Ghosh (Jadavpur University, India) and Suprosanna Shit (Jadavpur
University, India)
The use of digital instrum e nts in industrie s and laboratorie s is rapidly incre asing as the y are
sim ple to calibrate and have re lative ly high pre cision. In this pape r, an autom atic data
acquisition syste m is propose d using O C R te chnique from digital m ulti-m e te r and othe r sim ilar
digital display de vice s. The input im age is tak e n from a digital m ulti-m e te r having LC D se ve n
se gm e nt display using a we bcam . The im age is the n proce sse d to e x tract num e ric digits which
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
are re cognize d using a fe e dforward ne ural ne twork . The re cognize d value s m ay be the n e x porte d
to a spre adshe e t for graph plotting and furthe r analysis. A distinct advantage of this m e thod is
that it can autom atically de te ct de cim al point as we ll as ne gative sign. This se tup can be use d in
re al tim e syste m s e m ploying a wide varie ty of digital display instrum e nts, with high accuracy.
Multiclass SVM- based Language- Independent Em otion Recognition Using Selectiv e
Speech Features
Amol Kokane (National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India) and Ram Guddeti
(National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India)
In this pape r, we e m phasize on re cognizing six basic e m otions viz. Ange r, Disgust, Fe ar,
Happine ss, Ne utral and Sadne ss using se le ctive fe ature s of a spe e ch signal of diffe re nt
language s lik e Ge rm an and Te lugu. The fe ature se t include s thirte e n Me l-Fre que ncy C e pstral
C oe fficie nts (MFC C ) and four othe r fe ature s of spe e ch signal such as Ene rgy, Short Te rm Ene rgy,
Spe ctral R oll-O ff and Ze ro-C rossing R ate (ZC R ). The Surre y Audio-Visual Ex pre sse d Em otion
(SAVEE) Database is use d to train the Multiclass Support Ve ctor Machine (SVM) classifie r and a
Ge rm an C orpus EMO -DB (Be rlin Database of Em otional Spe e ch) and Te lugu C orpus IITKGP: SESC
is use d for e m otion re cognition. The re sults are analyze d for e ach spe e ch e m otion se parate ly
and obtaine d accuracie s of 98.3071% and 95.8166 % for Em o-DB, IITKGP: SESC database s
re spe ctive ly.
A Superv ised Approach to Distinguish Between Keywords and Stopwords Using
Probability Distribution Functions
Aditi Sharan (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India) and Sifatullah Siddiqi (Jawaharlal
Nehru University, India)
This pape r pre se nts a nove l probability base d approach for distinguishing be twe e n k e yword and
stopword from a te x t corpus. This has a lot of applications including autom atic construction of
stopword list. First obje ctive of this pape r is to inve stigate the role of probability distribution for
distinguishing be twe e n k e yword and stopword. Se cond obje ctive is to com pare the pe rform ance
of probability distributions of various we ighting m e asure s for the purpose of ide ntifying k e yword
and stopword. Main characte ristics of our m e thod are that it is corpus base d, supe rvise d and
com putationally ve ry e fficie nt. Be ing corpus base d the m e thod is inde pe nde nt of the language
use d. Howe ve r we have te ste d the approach on a dom ain spe cific corpus in Hindi. In Hindi
(including m any Indian language s), it has a gre at significance as a standard list of stopwords is
not available . The re sults are e ncouraging and we are able to achie ve 74% accuracy. Howe ve r as
this is a pre lim inary atte m pt, the re is a gre at scope for im prove m e nt.
Gene- Expression Data Sem i- Superv ised Clustering in Multi- Objectiv e Optim ization
Fram ework
Abhay Alok (IIT Patna, India), Sriparna Saha (IIT Patna & Department of CSE, India)
and Asif Ekbal (IIT Patna, India)
Studying the patte rns hidde n in ge ne e x pre ssion data he lps to unde rstand the functionality of
ge ne s. But due to the large colle ction of ge ne s and the com plicate d biological ne twork s it is hard
to study the ge ne rate d large volum e of data which ofte n contains m illions of m e asure m e nts. In
ge ne ral cluste ring te chnique s are use d to de te rm ine natural structure s and capture e x citing
patte rns from the give n data as a first ste p of studying the ge ne e x pre ssion data. In this pape r
the proble m of ge ne e x pre ssion data cluste ring is form ulate d as a se m i-supe rvise d classification
proble m . The re afte r fram e work of m ultiobje ctive optim ization (MO O ) is use d to solve this se m i-supe rvise d cluste ring proble m . He re five obje ctive functions are use d and sim ultane ously
optim ize d by a ne wly de ve lope d sim ulate d anne aling base d optim ization te chnique AMO SA.
Am ong the five obje ctive functions, first four obje ctive functions quantify som e unsupe rvise d
prope rtie s lik e total sym m e try, com pactne ss and se parability pre se nt in the cluste rs and last one
capture s the supe rvise d inform ation. In orde r to ge ne rate the supe rvise d inform ation, Fuzzy C m e ans algorithm is e x e cute d on the data se ts. Base d on the highe st m e m be rship value s of data
points with re spe ct to diffe re nt cluste rs, labe le d inform ation are e x tracte d. In e ach case only 10%
class labe le d inform ation of data points are random ly se le cte d which act as supe rvise d
inform ation in case of se m i-supe rvise d cluste ring. The e ffe ctive ne ss of this propose d se m isupe rvise d cluste ring te chnique is shown for thre e ope n acce ss be nchm ark ge ne e x pre ssion data
se ts. R e sults are com pare d with e x isting te chnique s for ge ne e x pre ssion data cluste ring.
A Nov el Non- Destructiv e Grading Method for Mango (Mangifera Indica L.) Using Fuzzy
Expert System
Rashmi Pandey (Uka Tarsadia University, India), Nikunj Gamit (Uka Tarsadia
University, India) and Sapan Naik (Uka Tarsadia University, India)
Mango (Mangife ra Indica L.) sorting is the m ost de sire d e x pe rtise in the e valuation of autom atic
m ango grading syste m s. Traditionally, Nak e d e ye obse rvation is use d to asse ss the quality of
m ango. He nce , the re is a ne e d to autom ate grading proce ss. Im age proce ssing and m achine
le arning provide one alte rnative for an autom ate d, non-de structive and cost-e ffe ctive grading. In
this pape r, propose d m e thodology is divide d in two halve s: First part discusse s se le cting he althy
m angoe s and the n classifying it into ripe and unripe cate gory. Se cond part talk s about grading
m angoe s base d on its size . The im age database is use d to analyze pe rform ance of C IELab
colour space and to find colour range s for diffe re nt re gions of m ango. C IELab colour m ode l with
Dom inant de nsity range m e thod is use d for colour fe ature e x traction which e asily discrim inate
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
colour and classify he althy and dise ase d m angoe s. Sam e m e thod is use d to classify He althy
m angoe s in ripe and unripe cate gory. R e st of work is de vote d for size m e asure e valuation using
fuzzy e x pe rt syste m for grading of m ango. Size fe ature is calculate d using e llipse prope rtie s in
orde r to classify in diffe re nt grade s. At final stage , size fe ature is fe d to fuzzy e x pe rt syste m for
grading. Inte gration of whole syste m re sults 97.47% ave rage accuracy.
14:00 - 18:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
S20-A: Bioinformatics and Bio-Computing
Room: 105 Block E First Floor
Chair: Saurabh Goyal (JSS-ATE, Noida, India)
A Steady State Genetic Algorithm for Multiple Sequence Alignm ent
Sabari Pramanik (Vidyasagar University, India)
Multiple Se que nce Alignm e nt is one of the im portant re se arch topics in Bioinform atics. The
obje ctive is to m ax im ize the sim ilaritie s am ong se que nce s by adding and shuffling gaps in
se que nce s. W e he re pre se nt a ge ne tic algorithm base d approach to solve the proble m
e fficie ntly. W e use ste ady state Ge ne tic Algorithm with a ne w form of chrom osom e
re pre se ntation. PAM 350 is use d as scoring m atrix for calculating the SO P score , which is the
fitne ss score in ge ne tic algorithm . The re sults are te ste d using BAliBASE be nchm ark datase t and
it shows that the solution doe s offe r be tte r re sults.
An Ab Initio- ART Approach for Protein Folding Problem
Geetika Silakari (Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, M. P., India)
The prote in structure has always be e n unde r significant e x ploration, as this is vitally re sponsible
for the basic functionality. Unde rstanding the form ation of the se structure s has gradually be e n
calle d as 'the prote in folding proble m '. The solution for this proble m is basically conce rne d with
the ultim ate aim to attain the native state . Broadly the m e thods to pre dict the ultim ate goal, are
cate gorize d as- the te m plate -base d (hom ology m ode ling, thre ading/fold re cognition) and
te m plate -fre e (ab initio) m e thods, which are discusse d late r in de tail. In this pape r we have
followe d the ab initio m e thodology, to de ve lop an AR TNN base d approach to cluste r the stable
folds, out of the se arch space . The approach im ple m e nte d through e ithe r of the two m ode ls (SFAR T or FC -AR T m ode l) could he lp e nhance the pe rform ance of obtaining the thre e dim e nsional
native state by providing m ore productive pathway, using the crude ab initio param e te rs,
e m phasizing quality pe rform ance with re duce d e x e cution tim e . This could thus be conside re d as
a productive ab initio- cluste ring approach.
Maxim al Pattern Matching with Flexible Wildcard Gaps and One- Off Constraint
Anu Dahiya (Thapar University, India) and Deepak Garg (Thapar University, Patiala,
Patte rn m atching is a fundam e ntal ope ration in finding k nowle dge from large am ount of
biose que nce data. Finding patte rns he lp in analyzing the prope rty of a se que nce . This pape r
focuse s on the proble m of m ax im al patte rn m atching with fle x ible wildcard gaps and le ngth
constraints unde r the one -off condition. The proble m is to find the m ax im um num be r of
occurre nce s of a patte rn P with use r spe cifie d wildcard gap be twe e n e ve ry two conse cutive le tte rs
of P in a biological se que nce S unde r the one -off condition and constraint on the ove rall le ngth
of the m atching occurre nce . To obtain the optim al solution for this proble m is difficult. W e
propose a he uristic algorithm , MO GO , base d on the Ne ttre e data structure to solve this proble m .
The ore tical analysis and e x pe rim e ntal re sults de m onstrate that MO GO pe rform s be tte r than the
e x isting algorithm s in m ost of the case s whe n te ste d on re al world biological se que nce s.
Progressiv e Alignm ent Using Shortest Com m on Supersequence
Ankush Garg (Thapar University, India) and Deepak Garg (Thapar University, India)
Multiple Se que nce Alignm e nt is an NP-hard proble m . The com ple x ity of finding the optim al
alignm e nt is O (LN) whe re L is the le ngth of the longe st se que nce and N is the num be r of
se que nce s. He nce the optim al solution is ne arly im possible for m ost of the datase ts. Progre ssive
alignm e nt solve s MSA in ve ry e conom ic com ple x ity but doe s not provide accurate solutions
be cause the re is a trade -off be twe e n accuracy and com ple x ity. Guide tre e that guide s the
alignm e nt of se que nce s is ge ne rate d by alignm e nt score in progre ssive alignm e nt. In this pape r,
Shorte st C om m on Supe rse que nce (SC S) is utilize d to ge ne rate the guide tre e for progre ssive
alignm e nt and the output alignm e nt re sults are che ck e d by BAliBASE be nchm ark s for accuracy.
According to SP and TC score s, progre ssive alignm e nt using the guide tre e ge ne rate d by SC S is
be tte r than the guide tre e ge ne rate d by alignm e nt score . O riginal C lustalW 2.1 is m odifie d by
SC S, and m odifie d C lustalW 2.1 give s be tte r re sults than the original tool.
Enhanced Heuristic Approach for Trav elling Tournam ent Problem Based on Extended
Species Abundance Models of Biogeography
Daya Gupta (Delhi Technological University, India), Lavika Goel (Delhi College of
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Enginnering, India) and Ashish Chopra (Delhi College of Enginnering, India)
This pape r shows a he uristic approach of e nhance d sim ulate d anne aling base d on e x te nde d
spe cie s abundance m ode ls of bio ge ography in orde r to obtain optim al solution for Trave lling
Tournam e nt Proble m . W e upgrade the m igration ste p of BBO by using probabilistic m e asure s
and hybridize it with sim ulate d anne aling to solve the TTP proble m and avoid the proble m of
local m inim a. O ur propose d hybrid approach conve rge s to an optim al solution for TTP. The re is
ne gative im pact of non de te rm inistic proble m s on the TTP solution. W e conside re d all the se nonde te rm inistic proble m s as noise . The physical significance of noise in our algorithm is any
e x isting param e te r which can affe ct the fitne ss of the habitat. W e also calculate the ove rall cost
of TTP for various e x te nde d spe cie s abundance m ode ls of BBO (Line ar and Non line ar m ode ls)
to achie ve de sirable re sults. W e com pare the pe rform ance of our approach with othe r
m e thodologie s lik e AC O and PSO .
An Electrooculogram Based Real Tim e System for Measurem ent and Analysis of Visual
Stim uli for Detecting Strabism us and Nystagm us
Dyuthi Varier (VIT Chennai, India) and Venkatasubramanian Krishnamoorthy (Vellore
Institute of Technology Chennai Campus, India)
Strabism us, the m isalignm e nt be twe e n the e ye s, is a pre vale nt condition obse rve d in the
m e dical fie ld. It is found in infants; patie nts affe cte d by ce re bral palsy and m ay also occur due
to ove r usage of drugs. Nystagm us is a condition that cause s involuntary, rapid m ove m e nt of
one or both e ye s. The e ye (s) m ay m ove from side to side , up and down, or in a circular m otion.
It is com m on for individuals with this condition to tilt the ir he ads to com pe nsate for the ir difficulty
se e ing. The individuals with the se disorde rs are associate d with difficulty in clim bing stairs,
re ading or driving. The brain fails to tak e im age s from one of the e ye s and the unuse d e ye
e ve ntually turns blind. In the pre se nt e ye e x am ination syste m , to te st for the se disorde rs,
m anual analysis is done by a doctor or e x am ine r. This include s the cove r-uncove r te st whe re the
pe rson m anually cove rs the affe cte d e ye s inte rm itte ntly to obse rve the change in alignm e nt.
Also, caloric re fle x te st, in which warm or cold wate r or air is poure d into one e ar. R e sults of
m anual te sts m ay vary for e ach patie nt de pe nding on the e ye e x am ine r tak ing the te st. To
standardize the te sting proce ss, a nove l re al tim e e le ctrooculography base d syste m is propose d.
Bio se nsors are use d in this syste m to acquire EO G to ide ntify/track the diffe re nce in alignm e nt
of both the e ye s. This can e nsure the fast and accurate de te ction of strabism us or nystagm us
affe cte d e ye s.
S20-B: International Symposium on Bio-Inspired Computing (BioCom'14)
Room: 105 Block E First Floor
Chair: Saurabh Goyal (JSS-ATE, Noida, India)
Use of Soft Com puting Techniques in Medical Decision Making: A Surv ey
Ajay Bhatia (Punjab Technical University, India), Vijay Mago (Troy University, USA) and
Rajeshwar Singh (Punjab Technical University, India)
He alth care practitione rs ne e d to diagnose a dise ase and m ak e a de cision about the tre atm e nts.
This has be e n one of the m ost challe nging task s for the m . During the last two de cade s,
re se arche rs from com pute r scie nce , m athe m atics, and m e dical scie nce s have be e n de ve loping
inte llige nt tools for supporting m e dical de cision m ak ing. Various soft com puting base d syste m s
have be e n succe ssfully de ve lope d and use d by he althcare profe ssionals. In this pape r, we brie fly
introduce s the stre ngths of the soft com puting and de m onstrate the possibilitie s of applying
the se te chnique s to diagnosis and de cision m ak ing. This re vie w pape r also ide ntifie s the m ore
proficie nt te chnique s use d in m e dical dom ain.
Genetic Inspired Com puting for Multiobjectiv e Optim ization: Com parison Between
Pure and Surrogate- Assisted Ev olutionary Algorithm s on Multidim ensional Test
Ernesto Benini (University of Padova, Italy)
In this pape r, a com parison be twe e n a "pure " ge ne tic algorithm Ge DEA-II and a surrogate assiste d algorithm ASEMO O is carrie d out using up-to-date m ulti-obje ctive and m ultidim e nsional
te st functions. The e x pe rim e ntal re sults show that the use of surrogate s gre atly im prove s
conve rge nce whe n both two- and thre e -obje ctive te st case s are de alt with. Howe ve r, its
conve rge nce capabilitie s de pe nd on how the surrogate can have an accurate picture of the fitne ss
function landscape and se e m to de cre ase as the num be r of the obje ctive incre ase s from two to
thre e . O n the othe r hand, a pure ge ne tic algorithm always assure s a m inim um le ve l of "front
cove rage ", re gardle ss of the proble m on hand. Such m inim um le ve l could be conside re d
sufficie nt for re al-life proble m optim izations. Also The dim e nsionality of the de sign space affe cts
in opposite dire ctions the two algorithm s: for ASEMO O the incre ase of dim e nsionality is
de trim e ntal on pe rform ance , while Ge DEA-II e x pe rie nce s be ne fits due to total am ount of dire ct
e valuations. It se e m s that Ge DEA-II has an optim al population size around 20, re gardle ss the
dim e nsionality of the proble m at hand.
Differential Ev olution for Solv ing Multi Area Econom ic Dispatch
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Veera Venkata Sudhakar Angatha (SR Engineering College, India), Chandram Karri
(BITS Pilani & KK BIRLA GOA CAMPUS, India) and Dr. A. Jayalaxmi (Jntu Hyderabad,
R e vie we r com m e nts R e vie we r 1: Nil R e vie we r 2: The pape r could have be e n organise d be tte r.
Som e of the re fe re nce s include d in the list have not be e n re fe rre d, Som e of the m athe m atical
e x pre ssions have not be e n writte n cle arly. R e com m e nde d change s: The we ak aspe cts sugge ste d
ne e d to be addre sse d C orre ctions have be e n done and re fe re nce num be rs are include d. It is a
typographical e rror. R e vie we r 3: The re vie we d pape r (pdf file ) has title without the word "Solving",
i.e . Diffe re ntial Evolution for Multi Are a Econom ic Dispatch I do not se e any we e k aspe cts of the
pape r. R e com m e nde d change s: Ple ase de cide whe the r the title should contain the word 'solution'
Pape r title : Diffe re ntial Evolution for solving Multi Are a Econom ic Dispatch R e vie we r 4: The fitne ss
function is not pre se nte d. The com parison against rival m e thods is not cle ar, particularly re f. [8].
R e com m e nde d change s: 1. The fitne ss function m ust be de taile d. The fitne ss function is fue l
cost in the MAED proble m . It is m e ntione d in ste p 5 of DE algorithm . 2. According to the lite rature
re vie w, se ve ral m e thods have be e n alre ady use d to solve the MAED proble m . The authors should
outline the ir pros and cons and conside r the be st of the m for com parative purpose s. The
e ffe ctive ne ss of the propose d m e thod, in te rm s of fue l cost give n in thre e case studie s. 3. The
se tting of the param e te rs should be at le ast justifie d, if the ir tuning cannot be include d in this
study. C ontrol param e te rs use d during e x e cution of algorithm s are give n in case studie s. Those
are fix e d by ite rative proce dure .
Serv ice Optim ization in Cloud Using Fam ily Gene Technology
Alaka Ananth (National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India) and Chandra
Sekaran K (National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India)
C loud com puting is the upcom ing te chnology in curre nt day sce nario. It has e m e rge d as a
solution for providing re source s to the consum e rs in the form of software , infrastructure or
platform as a se rvice . C loud Se rvice Storage e nable s use rs to synchronize the ir file s across
de vice s and also allows the m to back up online . The m ain aim of this pape r is to provide se rvice
optim ization. Sche duling of se rvice s is a NP hard proble m . Thus e x haustive approache s are not
suitable for the se k inds of algorithm s. This pape r pre se nts a ge ne tic algorithm base d approach
for optim ization of se rvice s by using fam ily ge ne te chnology. Fam ily ge ne te chnology is use d to
classify individuals to diffe re nt fam ilie s base d on ge ne param e te rs and e valuate the fitne ss
function for e ach individual in that fam ily. O ptim ization is achie ve d by m apping the se rvice
re que sts to appropriate se rvice instance s which satisfy the re que st and the n by applying fam ily
ge ne base d ge ne tic algorithm to those m appe d se rvice re que sts.
S21: Cognitive Radios and White Space Networking
Room: 116 Block E First Floor
Chair: Vivek A Bohara (Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (IIIT-Delhi),
Outage Perform ance of SU Under Spectrum Sharing with Im perfect CSI and Prim ary
User Interference
Binod Prasad (NIT DURGAPUR, India), Sanjay Dhar Roy (National Institute of
Technology Durgapur, India) and Sumit Kundu (National Institute of Technology (NIT),
Durgapur, India)
C ognitive radio re fe rs to sm art te chnology aim s to im prove the spe ctrum utilization and alle viate
the spe ctrum shortage by allowing the se condary use r (SU) (unlice nse d use r) to share the
e x isting spe ctrum allocate d to prim ary use r (PU). In spe ctrum sharing approach se condary use rs
are allowe d to acce ss the sam e spe ctrum use d by prim ary use r provide d the inte rfe re nce
produce d at PU re ce ive r due to SU transm ission re m ains be low the pre de fine d inte rfe re nce
thre shold de fine d for the PU. W e conside r the channe l state inform ation available at SU
transm itte r of the inte rfe ring link i.e . link from SU-Tx to PU-R x is im pe rfe ct. The SU e stim ate s its
transm it powe r base d on C SI of inte rfe ring link if PU is pre se nt, while it transm its with m ax im um
powe r Pm in abse nce of PU. In this pape r we assum e the C SI available , base d on MMSE
e stim ation, at SU-Tx is im pe rfe ct. W e de rive close d form e x pre ssion of the outage probability of
SU ove r R ayle igh fade d channe l with im pe rfe ct C SI of link be twe e n SU Transm itte r and PU
R e ce ive r for a give n outage constraint of PU. W e also studie d the im pact of PU inte rfe re nce ,
channe l e stim ation e rror, tole rable inte rfe re nce thre shold, and acce ptable lim it of PU outage on
SU pe rform ance . A MATLAB base d sim ulation has also be e n carrie d out to support the analytical
re sult.
Cooperativ e Discrim inant Analysis Based Spectrum Sensing Using Optim um Fusion
Bini Mathew (Mahatma Gandhi University, India) and Ebin Manuel (University of Kerala,
C ognitive radio is a pote ntial te chnique for future wire le ss com m unications to m itigate the
spe ctrum scarcity issue . O ne of the m ost im portant challe nge of a cognitive radio syste m is to
ide ntify the pre se nce of prim ary (lice nse d) use rs ove r a wide range of fre que ncy spe ctrum at a
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
particular tim e and spe cific ge ographic location. In this pape r, a spe ctrum se nsing te chnique for
cognitive radios base d on discrim inant analysis, calle d spe ctrum discrim inator is studie d. It is a
blind de te ction te chnique whe re no prior k nowle dge about the m e asure d signal is ne e de d. In this
pape r, this spe ctrum se nsing te chnique is e x te nde d to a coope rative e nvironm e nt using an
adaptive coope rative spe ctrum se nsing sche m e base d on the optim al data fusion rule . In the
propose d m e thod, se condary use rs e fficie ntly coope rate to achie ve supe rior de te ction accuracy
with m inim um coope ration ove rhe ad. The algorithm is able to de te ct the pre se nce or abse nce of
signals in any k ind of spe ctrum . He nce , this m e thod be com e s a strong basis for a high quality
ope ration m ode of cognitive radios. Sim ulation re sults show that the propose d coope rative
spe ctrum se nsing sche m e outpe rform s the conve ntional m e thods e ve n unde r low SNR conditions.
A Stable Route Selection Algorithm for Cognitiv e Radio Networks
Nitul Dutta (MEF Group of Institutions, Rajkot, India), Hiren Deva Sarma (Sikkim
Manipal Institute of Technology, India), Ashish Srivastava (Marwadi Education
Foundation’s Group of Institutions, India) and Jyoti Srivastava (IIIT Allahabad, India)
In this pape r, a route se le ction m e chanism for cognitive radio ne twork (C R N) is propose d whe re
the route construction proce ss se le cts only those channe ls which have the m ax im um probability
of be ing stable . By the te rm stable channe l, we m e an that the channe l will not be claim e d by
prim ary use rs (PUs) fre que ntly. A probabilistic approach for finding the ste ady channe l is adopte d
conside ring an initial state probability, base d on the pre vious channe l availability history. A se t of
algorithm s are propose d in the pape r to im ple m e nt the route se le ction m e thod in C R N and
sim ulate d in ns-2. R outing ove rhe ad, pack e t loss rate and route sustainability param e te rs with
re spe ct to the propose d protocol, show im prove m e nt ove r C ognitive AO DV (C AO DV).
ANRC Hybrid Test Bed Im plem entation and an End- to- End Perform ance
Characterization of Dynam ic Spectrum Access
Ramachandra Budihal (Wipro Technologies & Indian Institute of Science, India),
Surendran R (Wipro Technologies, India), Mahendravarman N (Wipro Technologies,
India) and Jamadagni (Indian Institute of Science, India)
An abundance of spe ctrum acce ss and se nsing algorithm s are available in the dynam ic spe ctrum
acce ss (DSA) and cognitive radio (C R ) lite rature . O fte n, howe ve r, the functionality and
pe rform ance of such algorithm s are validate d against the ore tical calculations using only
sim ulations. Both the the ore tical calculations and sim ulations com e with the ir atte ndant se ts of
assum ptions. For instance , de signe rs of dynam ic spe ctrum acce ss algorithm s ofte n tak e
spe ctrum se nsing and re nde zvous m e chanism s be twe e n transm itte r-re ce ive r pairs for grante d.
Te st be d de signe rs, on the othe r hand, e ithe r custom ize so m uch of the ir de sign that it be com e s
difficult to re plicate using com m e rcial off the she lf (C O TS) com pone nts or re strict the m se lve s to
sim ulation, e m ulation / hardware -in-loop (HIL), or pure hardware but not all thre e .
Im ple m e ntation studie s on te st be ds sophisticate d e nough to com bine the thre e afore m e ntione d
aspe cts, but at the sam e tim e can also be put toge the r using C O TS hardware and software
pack age s are rare . In this pape r we de scribe i) the im ple m e ntation of a hybrid te st be d using a
pre viously propose d hardware agnostic syste m archite cture ii) the im ple m e ntation of DSA on this
te st be d, and iii) the re alistic hardware and software -constraine d pe rform ance of DSA. Snapshot
e ne rgy de te ctor (ED) and C um ulative Sum m ation (C USUM), a se que ntial change de te ction
algorithm , are available for spe ctrum se nsing and a two-way handshak e m e chanism in a
de dicate d control channe l facilitate s transm itte r-re ce ive r re nde zvous.
A Bayesian Approach Using M- QAM Modulated Prim ary Signals for Maxim izing
Spectrum Utilization in Cognitiv e Radio
Deepak Sahu (ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management,
India) and Aditya Trivedi (ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and
Management Gwalior, India)
R e ce ntly, cognitive radio (C R ) has gaine d a lot of atte ntion with its spe ctrum se nsing fe ature ,
be cause it provide s be tte r spe ctrum utilization in wire le ss com m unication. The spe ctrum se nsing
plays a m ajor role in C R . In this pape r, a ne w te chnique of spe ctrum se nsing is propose d in
which optim al Baye sian de te ctor is use d to de te ct the pre se nce of M-ary quadrature am plitude
m odulate d prim ary signal. This propose d approach acts as optim al de te ctor whe n prim ary use r is
idle for m ost of the tim e . The analytical e x pre ssion for de te ction statistic of the propose d
te chnique ove r additive white gaussian noise channe l is de rive d and the de te ction and false
alarm probabilitie s are also calculate d. The se probabilitie s are com pare d with M-ary phase shift
k e ying m odulate d prim ary signal sche m e . The nature of false alarm probability is also analyse d
for diffe re nt priori probability case s. Sim ulation re sults show that the propose d approach achie ve s
highe r spe ctrum utilization and also m ax im ize s the throughput of se condary use r in the C R
ne twork .
Cognitiv e Load Measurem ent - A Methodology to Com pare Low Cost Com m ercial EEG
Dev ices
Rajat Das (TCS Innovation Lab, India), Debatri Chatterjee (TCS Innovation Lab, India),
Diptesh Das (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, India), Arijit Sinharay (Tata
Consultancy Services Ltd., India) and Aniruddha Sinha (Tata Consultancy Services,
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Use of EEG signals in m e asuring cognitive load is a wide ly practice d are a and falls unde r BrainC om pute r-Inte rfacing (BC I) te chnology. Howe ve r, this te chnology use s m e dical grade EEG
de vice s that are e x pe nsive as we ll as not use r-frie ndly for re gular use . R e ce nt launch of low cost
wire le ss EEG he adse ts from diffe re nt com panie s ope ns up the possibility for com m e rcialization of
BC I and thus dre w atte ntion of the re se arch com m unity all ove r the world. W hile the re are
num e rous studie s on BC I with use of m e dical grade de vice s the re are lim ite d num be r of pape rs
re porte d on those low cost de vice s. More ove r, re ports on e valuating re lative pe rform ance of
the se com m e rcially available EEG de vice s base d on a spe cific BC I e x pe rim e nt are m inuscule .
This pape r atte m pts to fill this gap and pre se nts a com parative study be twe e n two wide ly use d
low cost wire le ss EEG de vice s nam e ly Em otiv and Ne urosk y for application in cognitive load
de te ction.
A Dynam ic Opportunistic Spectrum Access MAC Protocol for Cognitiv e Radio Networks
Smit B Tripathi (Gujarat Technological University & G. H. Patel College of Engineering &
Technology, India) and Mehul Shah (Gujarat Technological University, India)
C ognitive radio can be re garde d as the inte llige nt wire le ss de vice s which can se nse the m e dium
and e ffe ctive ly utilize the vacant or unde rutilize d spe ctrum . The cognitive radio e nable s the
Se condary(unlice nse d) Use rs(SU)to opportunistically acce ss the spe ctrum unuse d by the Prim ary
(lice nse d) Use rs (PU). The re are two basic obje ctive s of C ognitive R adio Me dium Acce ss C ontrol
(C R MAC ): inte rfe re nce control and avoidance for PUs and collision avoidance am ong SUs. W e
propose a MAC protocol for single channe l which opportunistically utilize s the spe ctrum unuse d by
the PUs. It has a lice nse d channe l in the prim ary ne twork . The tim e in the ne twork is divide d in
te rm s of slot tim e . Slot tim e is of e qual le ngth and pack e t transm ission in carrie d out in slots. It
is divide d in two phase s nam e ly the conte ntion phase and the data transm ission phase . The first
phase se le cts a SU base d on 802.11 DC F with R TS/C TS m e chanism . The se cond phase is for
data transm ission. The SU is allowe d to occupy all the tim e re m aining afte r the conte ntion
phase . In case of collision, a dynam ic back off sche m e is applie d. W e com pare the re sults of the
O SA MAC for single channe l with dynam ic MAC sche m e . The re sults show that throughput of our
sche m e is be tte r than the conve ntional O SA sche m e .
Throughput Analysis in Cognitiv e Radio Networks
Pankaj Verma (National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India) and Brahmjit
Singh (National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India)
The m ost valuable re source in wire le ss com m unication is spe ctrum and we are facing a shortage
of spe ctrum to accom m odate growing de m and of wire le ss use rs. R e ce nt studie s have shown that
allocate d spe ctrum is unde rutilize d. C ognitive radio ne twork s have gaine d a significant inte re st
be cause this te chnology has the ability to alle viate the proble m of spe ctrum unde rutilization. In
this pape r, we have studie d the cognitive radio ne twork s in te rm s of throughput for diffe re nt
se tting of syste m param e te rs. W e have also inve stigate d throughput in te rm s of Probability of
Unde te ctable Prim ary Use r Transm ission and it has be e n obse rve d that with the incre ase in
throughput, PUPT also incre ase s.
S22-A: Cloud, Cluster, Grid and P2P Computing-I
Room: 110 Block E First Floor
Chair: Porika Sammulal (JNTUH University, India)
An Efficient Task Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Multi- Cloud Env ironm ent
Sanjaya Kumar Panda (Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla & Indian
School of Mines, Dhanbad, India) and Prasanta Kumar Jana (Indian School of Mines,
C loud C om puting has be e n adopte d as one of the growing te chnologie s in the busine ss and
re se arch com m unity. Howe ve r, due to significant clie nt de m ands, the re is a ne e d to ove rflow
som e work loads to othe r data ce nte rs as no data ce nte r has unlim ite d re source s. The work load
sharing provide s e ve n m ore fle x ible and che ape r re source s to com ple te the applications
subm itte d to the data ce nte rs. Howe ve r, sche duling work loads in m ulti-cloud e nvironm e nt is
challe nging as the data ce nte rs have re source s which are he te roge ne ous in nature . In this pape r,
we propose a task sche duling algorithm in a he te roge ne ous m ulti-cloud e nvironm e nt. The
algorithm is base d on two popular he uristics nam e ly, Min-Min and Max -Min. W e pe rform
e x te nsive e x pe rim e nts on som e be nchm ark and synthe tic data se ts and com pare the re sults
with two e x isting m ulti-cloud sche duling he uristics. The re sults show that the propose d algorithm
outpe rform s both the he uristics in te rm s of m ak e span and ave rage cloud utilization.
Priority Based Resource Allocation and Dem and Based Pricing Model in Peer- to- Peer
Dilip S M Kumar (University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering (UVCE) & Bangalore
University, India), Naidila Sadashiv (Bangalore University, India) and Rampura S
Goudar (Redknee, India)
Manage m e nt of re source s in large scale distribute d cloud e nvironm e nt is a m ajor challe nge due
to the nature of cloud. O n-de m and re source provisioning allows the re que sts to be m ade on the
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
fly. In orde r to provide Q oS in accordance with the SLA in such a distribute d e nvironm e nt, an
e ffe ctive re source handling sche m e and pricing m ode ls that will be ne fit both the provide r and
cloud use rs is re quire d. This pape r aim s to provide priority base d re source allocation to the task s
by giving highe r pre fe re nce to the task s that re que sts large am ount of C PU. The task s are
classifie d into high, m e dium and low priority se ts using the k -m e ans algorithm . W e also
propose a dynam ic pricing m ode l whe re in the price is calculate d base d on the curre nt de m and
for a re source and its availability. During high re source conte ntion across the ne twork , the
re source s are price d m ore than whe n the re are surplus am ount of re source s. In such sce narios,
the re source s are discove re d from the pe e r clouds through conte nt addre ssable ne twork for
prioritize d task s. Sim ulation unde r diffe re nt conte ntion pe riods is carrie d out base d on our
priority base d allocation. The re sults show that our algorithm provide s be tte r re source utilization
ratio and throughput ratio whe n com pare d with non-prioritize d task s.
Secure VM Backup and Vulnerability Rem ov al in Infrastructure Clouds
Prabhjeet Kaur (Central University of Rajasthan, India) and Gaurav Somani (Central
University of Rajasthan, India)
The m ulti-te nant nature of cloud and provision of re source s in te rm s of virtual m achine s (VM's)
e stablishe s an im m e nse ne e d of re think ing about the applicability of e arlie r back up and re cove ry
m e thods in virtual m achine s base d infrastructure cloud platform s. In this work , we have propose d
a com ple te back up and re cove ry fram e work , VM-SAVER , which provide s a fle x ible and scalable
back up and re cove ry m ode ls for virtualize d physical se rve rs inside a m ulti-te nant cloud. VMSAVER
incorporate s the basic state saving m e thods of various hype rvisors and propose s various
approache s and sce narios whe re the virtualize d se rve rs back up and re cove ry is e nsure d. In
addition to this, our fram e work also has a nove l fe ature of vulne rability de te ction and re m oval
from the running VM's and past back ups. This nove l fram e work is fle x ible , re configurable and
can work with a range of hype rvisors m ak ing it suitable for the pre se nt day infrastructure clouds.
Enhanced Cloud Com puting Security and Integrity Verification v ia Nov el Encryption
Ranjit Kaur (Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, India) and Raminder Pal Singh
(Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, India)
C loud com puting is a re volutionary m ove m e nt in the are a of IT industry that provide s storage ,
com puting powe r, ne twork and software as an abstraction and as a se rvice , on de m and ove r the
inte rne t, which e nable s its clie nts to acce ss the se se rvice s re m ote ly from anywhe re , anytim e via
any te rm inal e quipm e nt. Since cloud has m odifie d the de finition of data storage from pe rsonal
com pute rs to the huge data ce nte rs, se curity of data has be com e one of the m ajor conce rns for
the de ve lope rs of cloud. In this pape r a se curity m ode l is propose d, im ple m e nte d in C loud
Analyst to tighte n the le ve l of cloud storage se curity, which provide s se curity base d on diffe re nt
e ncryption algorithm s with inte grity ve rification sche m e . W e be gin with the storage se ction
se le ction phase divide d into thre e diffe re nt se ctions Private , Public, and Hybrid. Various
e ncryption te chnique s are im ple m e nte d in all thre e se ctions base d on the se curity factors nam e ly
authe ntication, confide ntiality, se curity, privacy, non-re pudiation and inte grity. Unique tok e n
ge ne ration m e chanism im ple m e nte d in Private se ction he lps e nsure the authe nticity of the use r,
Hybrid se ction provide s O n De m and Two Tie r se curity archite cture and Public se ction provide s
faste r com putation of data e ncryption and de cryption. O ve rall data is wrappe d in two folds of
e ncryption and inte grity ve rification in all the thre e se ctions. The use r wants to acce ss data,
re quire d to e nte r the use r login and password be fore granting pe rm ission to the e ncrypte d data
store d e ithe r in Private , Public, or Hybrid se ction, the re by m ak ing it difficult for the hack e r to gain
acce ss of the authorize d e nvironm e nt.
Statistical- based Filtering System Against DDOS Attacks in Cloud Com puting
Pourya Shamsolmoali (Jamia Hamdard University, India) and Masoumeh Zareapoor
(Jamia Hamdard University, India)
A Distribute d De nial of Se rvice (DDO S) attack can m ak e huge dam age s to re source s and acce ss
of the re source s to ge nuine use rs. O ffe re d de fe nding syste m cannot be e asily applie d in cloud
com puting due to the ir re lative ly low com pe te nce and wide storage . In this work we pre se nte d
statistical te chnique to de te ct and filte r DDO S attack s. The propose d m ode l re quire s sm all
storage and ability of fast de te ction. The obtaine d re sults show that our m ode l has the ability to
m itigate m ost of TC P attack s. De te ction accuracy and Tim e consum ption we re the m e trics use d
to e valuate the pe rform ance of our propose d m ode l. From the sim ulation re sults, it is visible our
algorithm s achie ve high de te ction accuracy (97%) with fe we r false alarm s.
Modified MapReduce Fram ework for Enhancing Perform ance of Graph Based
Algorithm s by Fast Conv ergence in Distributed Env ironm ent
Hitesh Singhal (National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India) and Ram Guddeti
(National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India)
The am ount of data which is produce d is huge in curre nt world and m ore im portantly it is
incre asing e x pone ntially. Traditional data storage and proce ssing te chnique s are ine ffe ctive in
handling such huge data [10]. Many re al life applications re quire ite rative com putations in
ge ne ral and in particular use d in m ost of m achine le arning and data m ining algorithm s ove r
large datase ts, such as we b link structure s and social ne twork graphs. MapR e duce is a software
fram e work for e asily writing applications which proce ss large am ount of data (m ulti -te rabyte ) in
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
paralle l on large cluste rs (thousands of node s) of com m odity hardware . Howe ve r, be cause of
batch orie nte d proce ssing of MapR e duce we are unable to utilize the be ne fits of MapR e duce in
ite rative com putations. O ur propose d work is m ainly focuse d on optim izing the thre e factors
re sulting in pe rform ance im prove m e nt of ite rative algorithm s in MapR e duce e nvironm e nt. In this
pape r, we addre ss the k e y issue s base d on e x e cution of task s, the unne ce ssary cre ation of ne w
task in e ach ite ration and e x ce ssive shuffling of data in e ach ite ration. O ur pre lim inary
e x pe rim e nts have shown prom ising re sults ove r the basic MapR e duce fram e work . The
com parative study with the e x isting solutions base d on MapR e duce fram e work lik e HaLoop, has
also shown be tte r pe rform ance w.r.t the algorithm run tim e and the am ount of data traffic ove r
the Hadoop C luste r.
A Dynam ic Workload Managem ent Model for Sav ing Electricity Costs in Cloud Data
Narander Kumar (Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India) and
Shalini Agarwal (B. B. Ambedkar University, India)
Ge ographically distribute d data ce nte rs of cloud provide r incur he avy e le ctricity costs due to high
price s as we ll as ine fficie nt work load m anage m e nt am ong the data ce nte rs. To bring down the
ope rational costs dynam ic powe r m anage m e nt is use d as the basic approach whe re diffe re nt
powe r m ode s e x ist for a se rve r. Howe ve r the air flow patte rn of the cooling syste m s is not tak e n
into conside ration in the e x isting work s. This pape r inve stigate d that the powe r consum ption and
he nce the e le ctricity costs of the active se rve rs in the data ce nte r is influe nce d by se rve r
utilization as we ll as output te m pe rature of the cooling unit and propose d two algorithm s,
Ele ctricity C ost Saving W ork load Manage m e nt Algorithm (EC SW MA) and Ele ctricity Price Aware
W ork load Manage m e nt Algorithm (EPAW MA) that jointly m anage the work load of all the data
ce nte rs run by a cloud provide r in a cost e ffe ctive m anne r. Ex pe rim e nts show that the propose d
algorithm lowe rs the Accum ulate d Ele ctricity C osts of the active se rve rs to a large e x te nt.
Software- Defined Cloud Com puting: Architectural Elem ents and Open Challenges
Rajkumar Buyya (The University of Melbourne, Australia), Rodrigo N. Calheiros (The
University of Melbourne, Australia) and Young Yoon (Samsung Electronics, Korea)
The varie ty of e x isting cloud se rvice s cre ate s a challe nge for se rvice provide rs to e nforce
re asonable Software Le ve l Agre e m e nts (SLA) stating the Q uality of Se rvice (Q oS) and pe naltie s
in case Q oS is not achie ve d. To avoid such pe naltie s at the sam e tim e that the infrastructure
ope rate s with m inim um e ne rgy and re source wastage , constant m onitoring and adaptation of the
infrastructure is ne e de d. W e re fe r to Software -De fine d C loud C om puting, or sim ply Software De fine d C louds (SDC ), as an approach for autom ating the proce ss of optim al cloud configuration
by e x te nding virtualization conce pt to all re source s in a data ce nte r. An SDC e nable s e asy
re configuration and adaptation of physical re source s in a cloud infrastructure , to be tte r
accom m odate the de m and on Q oS through a software that can de scribe and m anage various
aspe cts com prising the cloud e nvironm e nt. In this pape r, we pre se nt an archite cture for SDC s on
data ce nte rs with e m phasis on m obile cloud applications. W e pre se nt an e valuation, showcasing
the pote ntial of SDC in two use case s—Q oS-aware bandwidth allocation and bandwidthaware ,
e ne rgy-e fficie nt VM place m e nt—and discuss the re se arch challe nge s and opportunitie s in this
e m e rging are a.
S22-B: Cloud, Cluster, Grid and P2P Computing-II
Room: 110 Block E First Floor
Chair: Porika Sammulal (JNTUH University, India)
A Broker Based Approach for Cloud Prov ider Selection
Raghavendra Achar (NITK, India) and Santhi Thilagam P. (National Institute of
Technology Karnataka & Surathkal, India)
R apid growth of inte rne t te chnology m ade m any IaaS provide rs arise across the globe to m e e t
the ne e ds of sm all IT com panie s. Num be r of IT com panie s starte d using re source s of IaaS
provide r due to e lastic and pay as you go nature . Incre asing num be r of cloud provide rs re sults in
difficulty for re que ste r to se le ct suitable cloud provide r base d on re quire m e nts. In this pape r we
pre se nt a brok e r base d archite cture for se le cting suitable cloud provide r from m ultiple provide rs.
The brok e r m e asure the quality of e ach cloud provide r and prioritize the m base d on the ne e ds of
the re que ste r. The e x pe rim e nt is conducte d using cloudsim sim ulator shows that propose d
archite cture se le cts suitable cloud provide r.
Access Control Aware Search on the Cloud Com puting
Abdellah Kaci (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique, Algeria), Thouraya
Bouabana-Tebibel (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique, Algeria) and Zakia
Challal (USTHB, Algeria)
The curre nt tre nd towards outsourcing data to the C loud C om puting re quire s rigorous te chnique s
to de al with data confide ntiality. Encryption is one of the m ost se cure te chnique s in use . Howe ve r,
it re m ains we ak against som e indiscre tions, and pre se nts incom ple te ne ss in the m e asure s
offe re d to e nsure confide ntiality. Ne w flaws appe ar, inducing confide ntial inform ation disclosure ,
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
de spite a se cure and rigorous data e ncryption. The flaws appe ar particularly whe n se arching on
data e ve n though the latte r are e ncrypte d. In this article , we propose to e nhance the le ve l of
confide ntiality that m ay alre ady be guarante e d for outsource d data. W e are particularly
inte re ste d in acce ss control on the re sult of the se arch ove r e ncrypte d data. The prope rty be hind
this aspe ct of se curity is k nown as AC AS (Acce ss C ontrol Aware Se arch) principle . W e pre se nt an
approach which inte grate s the acce ss control m e chanism to data e ncryption in orde r to com ply
with AC AS. The te chnique s use d are base d on Se archable Encryption and Attribute Base d
Encryption m e thods. The propose d m ode l unde rwe nt e x pe rim e nts to e valuate its pe rform ance s
base d on data size and the com ple x ity of the acce ss control policy.
Two Layered Protection for Sensitiv e Data in Cloud
Kamlesh Kumar Hingwe (National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India) and S.
Mary Saira Bhanu (National Institute of Technology-Tiruchirappalli, India)
Se curity and privacy are the bigge st obstacle s in Database as a se rvice (DBaaS) of C loud
C om puting. In DbaaS, cloud se rvice provide rs provide se rvice s for storing custom e r's data. As the
data are m anage d by an un-truste d se rve r, the se rvice is not fully trustworthy. The data at the
third party data ce nte r can be m ade se cure by e ncrypting the database . But que rying the
e ncrypte d database is not e asy. The re sult can be obtaine d from the e ncrypte d database e ithe r
by de crypting the database for e ve ry que ry or the que ry itse lf is e ncrypte d and e ncrypte d que ry is
e x e cute d ove r e ncrypte d database . Anothe r proble m associate d with m ost of the database
e ncryption algorithm s is that the y do not support range que ry. The propose d fram e work pe rform s
database e ncryption, que ry e ncryption and also supports range que ry ove r e ncrypte d database s.
This fram e work is focuse d on se curing database as we ll as storing se nsitive inform ation without
any le ak s. A double laye re d e ncryption is use d for se nsitive data and a single laye r e ncryption is
use d for non-se nsitive data. O rde r Pre se rving Encryption (O PE) is use d for single laye r
e ncryption. O PE m aintains the orde r in e ncrypte d database and so range que ry can be pe rform e d
ove r e ncrypte d database using e ncrypte d que ry. O PE has a drawback of re ve aling inform ation
and so for se nsitive data, a double laye re d e ncryption using Form at Pre se rving Encryption (FPE)
followe d by O PE sym m e tric k e y e ncryption algorithm is propose d. Sym m e tric k e y is use d for both
O PE and FPE but k e y is divide d into two parts for double e ncryption.
Cloud Broker: Working in Federated Structures A Hybrid Cloud Liv e Perform ance
Prashant Khanna (JK Lakshmipat University, India), Sonal Jain (JK Lakshmipat
University, India) and BV Babu (Galgotias University & Greater Noida, India)
The re se arch analyze s the functioning of an Autonom ic C loud Brok e r (AC B) in a re al life sce nario
utilizing a Fe de rate d C loud Infrastructure . The pape r analyze s two im portant use case s that e x ist
while a C loud Brok e r e nable s the provision of se rvice s from m ultiple cloud provide rs to
sim ultane ously de m anding cloud use rs. Varying, re al tim e load conditions are ge ne rate d in a live
use case on a private cloud with distribute d cloud brok e rs work ing in a fe de rate d m anne r with
cloud bursting handle d through a com m on inte rface visible to the Am azon W e b Se rvice s (AW S)
cloud infrastructure . The analysis e ngine is ge ne rate d using the Ne wR e lic Analysis e ngine and
re sults on the pe rform ance of the brok e r are de rive d in re al tim e . The pape r highlights re al world
issue s plaguing the C loud Brok e rage fram e work and indicate s ways to m itigate the sam e using
the Fe de rate d C loud Infrastructure com bining the Public C loud and a private cloud. The re se arch
asse rts that it is possible to cre ate Autonom ic C loud Brok e rs, albe it in a tightly inte grate d and
fine tune d cloud e nvironm e nt.
Extended Lev el Real Tim e Scheduling Fram ework Using a Generalized Non- Real Tim e
Purnima Singhal (National Institute of Technology Agartala, India), Amit Kumar
(National Institute of Technology Agartala, India), Upendra Ghintala (National Institute
of Technology Agartala, India) and Kunal Chakma (National Institute of Technology Agartala, India)
The fe asible e x e cution of re al tim e task s ove r a platform m ajorly de pe nds upon the sche duling
policie s to be use d. Also, diffe re nt task dom ains com ply to diffe re nt re source re quire m e nts.
Allocating re source s optim ally according to the task re quire m e nts is a core challe nge to the re al
tim e syste m s com m unity. This pape r discusse s an approach whe re we le ve rage a ge ne ralize d
non re al tim e syste m to de ve lop an inte grate d sche dule for re al tim e task s by e x te nding the
control for re source allocation to the use r le ve l. A m ajor advantage of this fram e work is that it
doe s not involve any m odifications to the unde rlying k e rne l code or the use of patche s. In our
fram e work , two le ve ls of sche duling are m aintaine d, whe re at the base le ve l the task sche dule is
de cide d by the k e rne l inte rnally, and at the e x te nde d le ve l, the use r de te rm ine s a se parate
sche dule . Both the sche dule s are m aintaine d inside the k e rne l. Each sche dule is pre ce de d by a
sche dulability te st which gove rns the fe asibility of e x e cution of the incom ing task se t.
S23: Hybrid Intelligent Models and Applications
Room: 007-A Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Manjunath Aradhya (Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, India)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Optim izing Architectural Properties of Artificial Neural Network Using Proposed
Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
Hiteshkumar Nimbark (JJTU, India) and Rinkal Sukahdia (GTU, India)
The de sign of Artificial Ne ural Ne twork (ANN) is a typical task as it is de pe nds on hum an
e x pe rie nce . The re are fe w te chnique s lik e the Back -Propagation algorithm and nature inspire d
m e ta-he uristic are one of the m ost wide ly use d and popular te chnique for optim izing fe e d
forward ne ural ne twork training. Artificial Be e C olony (ABC ) algorithm is nature inspire d m e tahe uristic approach base d on be havior of inte llige nt hone y be e s for se arching food source s of its
colony. To im prove the pe rform ance of artificial be e colony algorithm , a nove l propose d ABC
approach is introduce d using opposition-chaos initialization m e thod with we ll balance
characte ristic am ong e x ploitation and e x ploration abilitie s. Finally the propose d nove l ABC is
use d for optim ize s an ANN's archite cture prope rtie s lik e synaptic we ight and transfe r function of
e ach ne uron that m ax im ize d the accuracy and m inim ize s the e rror. Analysis is be e n pe rform e d
ove r standard classification datase t, re fle cting light of e fficie ncy of propose d m e thod.
Hybrid Genetic Particle Swarm Tuned Sliding Mode Controller for Chaotic Finance
Indhu Nair (Government Engineering College Thrissur, India) and Anasraj Robert
(Government Engineering College Thrissur, India)
This e x ploration is to de sign an optim al sliding m ode controlle r for the chaotic finance syste m . In
this controlle r de sign, back ste pping and sliding m ode control te chnique s are com bine d toge the r
to ge t the chaotic finance syste m globally, asym ptotically stabilize d at the e quilibrium point.
Furthe rm ore , sliding surface param e te rs are optim ize d using a hybrid Ge ne tic Particle Swarm
O ptim ization (GPSO ) to im prove the re aching phase characte ristics of the sliding m ode controlle r.
Num e rical sim ulation re sults de m onstrate the e ffe ctive ne ss of the propose d sche m e in
succe ssfully tuning the param e te rs of the sliding m ode controlle r. The com parative study with
othe r te chnique s shows the e fficacy of the hybrid Ge ne tic Particle Swarm tune d sliding m ode
controlle r in im proving the re aching phase characte ristics and se ttling tim e re quire d for the
chaotic finance syste m to re ach a stable e quilibrium point.
Im prov ing Change Proneness Prediction in UML Based Design Models Using ABC
Deepa Godara (Uttarakhand Technical University, India), Rakesh Kumar Singh
(Uttarakhand Technical University, India) and Rakesh Singh (Kumaon Engineering
College, India)
In the fie ld of software e ngine e ring, which is e m e rging as the undispute d m an of the m atch in
the e ve r-changing sports of sophistications, the ince ssant change s e ffe cte d in software e ve ry day
have assum e d such an alarm ing proportion causing untold and unim agine d paradox e s that it is
highly e sse ntial to initiate instant and im m e diate ste ps to balance this blitz. It doe s not m e an
that no e nde avor has be e n m ade in the bye -gone e ra to tack le the issue . In fact, se ve ral
m e thods to solve this dile m m a we re introduce d in the past by pre dicting the change s in the
software . But the se m e thods have m ise rably m e t with a wate rloo in facilitating a highly
appre ciable fore cast harve st. To handle this proble m with an e ye on good pre diction accuracy, a
ne w m e thod is introduce d in our pape r. The two phase s in our propose d work are : (1) Fe ature
Ide ntification (2) C lassification of classe s for the change -prone ne ss pre diction. In fe ature
ide ntification phase , the fe ature s obtaine d from any input application are tim e , trace e ve nts,
be havioral de pe nde ncy, fre que ncy and popularity, which he lp to pre dict the change prone ne ss in
our work . The re are thre e ways by which the se five fe ature s are found from the application. The y
are : Fe ature s obtaine d dire ctly from an application such as tim e , trace e ve nts; Fe ature s obtaine d
from UML Diagram s such as be havioral de pe nde ncy and Fe ature s obtaine d from optim al
fre que nt ite m se t m ining and ABC such as fre que ncy and popularity. Thus all the se five fe ature s
are obtaine d from our propose d work and the n in the classification phase , the se fe ature s are
give n as the input to the ID3 de cision tre e algorithm for e ffe ctive ly classifying the classe s
according as whe the r it pre dicts the change prone ne ss or not. If a class is classifie d into
pre diction of change prone class, the n the value of change prone ne ss is also obtaine d by our
work .
Solv ing System of Non- Linear Equations Using Genetic Algorithm
M Bala Krishna (Guru Gobind Singh Indrasprastha University & Universtiy School of
Information and Communication Technology, India)
Solving syste m of non-line ar e quation is a ge ne ral purpose proble m that can be applie d to re altim e applications. Although the re are se ve ral m e thods lik e Ne wton-R aphson m e thod, se cant
m e thod, bise ction m e thod, fix e d-point ite ration e tc. e volutionary and soft com puting m e thods
optim ize the space and tim e com ple x ity to solve nonline ar syste m s. In this article , we pre se nt
the Ge ne tic Algorithm approach to solve nonline ar syste m of e quations for trave lling sale sm an
proble m , tank re actor syste m and ne urophysiology application. The roots of nonline ar syste m
using GA is e stim ate d using population size , de gre e of m utation, crossove r rate and coe fficie nt
size . Nonline ar param e te rs are analyze d and sim ulate d for m ulti-dim e nsional NP hard trave lling
sale sm an proble m , two dim e nsional tank re actor and ne urophysiology application.
A New Light Weight Encryption Approach to Secure the Contents of Im age
Kumar Jalesh (J. N. N. College of Engineering, India) and S Nirmala (J. N. N. College of
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Engineering, India)
In this pape r, a light we ight e ncryption approach is propose d to se cure the conte nts of digital
im age at diffe re nt le ve ls. The propose d approach is base d on m ove s of k night pawn use d in
che ss board and ge ne tic algorithm . The proce dure com prise s four stage s. In first stage , the
num be rs of initial positions for k night m ove s are conside re d. The num be r of m ove s re quire d for
e ach k night is chose n in se cond stage . Two k night m ove points are se le cte d random ly in third
stage . Finally, crossove r ope ration is applie d on se le cte d m ove s to de grade the visual quality of
im age . The pe rform ance analysis of the propose d m e thod is m e asure d in te rm s of corre lation
coe fficie nt, e ntropy and Pe ak Signal to Noise R atio. The analysis carrie d out re ve als that the
propose d algorithm work s succe ssfully to se cure the inform ation in an im age at diffe re nt le ve ls.
Sensitiv ity Analysis of Wind Power Generating System
Shahida Khatoon (Jamia Millia Islamia, India), Dr. Ibraheem (Jamia Millia Islamia, India)
and Reshma Ehtesham (Jamia Millia Islamia, India)
Asse ssm e nt of param e te r variation is ne ce ssary for high pe rform ance of syste m control. The
variation in param e te r value s m ak e s the m ode l inaccurate , thus the controlle r pe rform ance . The
param e te rs asse ssm e nt of wind turbine ge ne rators be com e s utm ost im portant due to the
incre asing pe ne tration of wind turbine ge ne rators into the powe r syste m . The param e te r value s
and assum ptions of any m ode l are subje ct to change and e rror. Se nsitivity analysis inve stigate s
the se pote ntial change s and e rrors and the ir im pacts on conclusions to be drawn from the m ode l.
High pe rform ance ope ration of pe rm ane nt m agne t m achine s re lie s he avily upon m achine
characte ristics or param e te rs. Thus the pe rform ance of the control is he avily tie d to this
de te rm ination of m achine param e te rs, and any e rrors the re in can de grade pe rform ance .
Im plem entation of Fractional Fuzzy PID Controllers for Control of Fractional- Order
System s
Pragya Varshney (Netaji Subhas Institute of Technolgy, India) and Sujit Kumar Gupta
(NIT Kurukshetra, India)
In this pape r, a nove l fractional fuzzy proportional-inte gral-de rivative controlle r (FFPID) is
propose d. The propose d controlle r com bine s the e ffe ct of fractional-orde r PID (FO PID) control
with fuzzy logic control (FLC ) to obtain a robust and e ffe ctive controlle r. All the five param e te rs
are first tune d using Ge ne tic Algorithm . Fine tuning of the inte ge r-orde r param e te rs is the n done
using Fuzzy logic controlle r. C om bining the se two te chnique s, re sults in a ne w controlle r calle d
fractional fuzzy PID controlle r. The e ffe ctive ne ss and robustne ss of the ne w m e thodology is
illustrate d by applying the propose d controlle r on two fractional orde r syste m s; viz control of a
fractional-orde r-syste m and a fractional-orde r plant with de ad tim e . It is obse rve d that the
pe rform ance of the propose d controlle r provide s be tte r control as com pare d to that of PID and
FO PID controlle rs.
Cauchy Criterion for the Henstock- Kurzweil Integrability of Fuzzy Num ber- Valued
Tutut Herawan (Universiti Malaysia Pahang & Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Malaysia),
Haruna Chiroma (University of Malaya, Malaysia), Zailani Abdullah (Universiti Malaysia
Terengganu, Malaysia), Eka Novita Sari (AMCS Research Center, Indonesia), Rozaida
Ghazali (Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia) and Nazri Mohd Nawi
(Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia & Faculty of Computer Science and Information
Technology, Malaysia)
In this pape r, C auchy crite rion, the ne ce ssary and sufficie nt conditions for He nstock inte grability
of fuzzy num be r-value d functions de fine d on a com pact inte rval in the re al line is pre se nte d. The
re sults can be use d to characte rize the inte grability of a fuzzy num be r value d function without
calculation the value of the inte gral. In addition, the notion, the e le m e ntary prope rtie s and the
re lation of R and R * inte grals of fuzzy num be r-value d function de fine d on a com pact inte rval in
the re al line are also pre se nte d.
Quick Object Extraction in Fuzzy Fram ework
Manish Kashyap (IIITM Gwalior, India) and Mahua Bhattacharya (ABV Indian Institute
of Information Technology & Management, India)
Through this pape r a com putationally e fficie nt approach to obje ct e x traction in fuzzy se ttings is
pre se nte d. The propose d approach is a 'pote ntial alte rnative ' (in te rm s of com putational
com ple x ity) to the two m ost popular and re liable im age se gm e ntation algorithm s nam e ly 'Udupa
and Sam arase k e ra's Fuzzy conne cte dne ss algorithm ' and the 'le ve l se t algorithm '. The re se arch
m otivation be hind the curre nt work is re ducing the com putational tim e of the se algorithm s as
the se te chnique s are available since long and have prove n the ir ve rsatility but due to the ir
com putational com ple x ity, the y are not suitable for re al tim e applications. The com putational
com ple x ity of the propose d m e thod is as good as finding the sim ilarity/dissim ilarity m e asure
(gradie nt use d he re for sim plicity) of the im age and the n thre sholding it finite num be r of tim e s.
This is e x tre m e ly le ss as com pare d to the above two state - of-art m e thods. A he uristic
justification to the e quivale nce am ong the se thre e algorithm s is the n pre se nte d. W e k e e p
proving rigorous e quivale nce am ong the se thre e m e thods as our future work .
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
S24: Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications-I
Room: 007-B Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Axel Sikora (University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, Germany)
Perform ance Ev aluation of Im age Transm ission ov er MC- CDMA System using two
Interleav ing Schem es
Shikha Jindal (GLA University, India) and Diwakar Agarwal (GLA University, India)
In the pre se nt tim e , the re is a rapid incre ase in de m and for faste r and re liable transm ission of
m ultim e dia data through wire le ss channe ls. W he n m ultim e dia data spe cially an im age is to be
transfe rre d through the wire le ss channe l, im age is highly de grade d due to wire le ss channe l e rrors
such as fading, inte rfe re nce and bursty e rrors. Multi-C arrie r C ode Division Multiple Acce ss (MC C DMA) te chnique is conside re d as the m ost prom ising te chnique for e fficie nt wire le ss data
transm ission. This pape r pre se nts the pe rform ance com parison of im age transm ission ove r MC C DMA syste m with two inte rle aving te chnique s; He lical inte rle aving and chaotic inte rle aving. At
the re ce ive r, Line ar Minim um Me an Square Error (LMMSE) e qualization is e m ploye d. Syste m
pe rform ance is m e asure d through Pe ak Signal-to-Noise R atio (PSNR ) and R oot Me an square
Error (R MSE) value s. From re sults, it has be e n e valuate d that MC -C DMA syste m having chaotic
inte rle aving and LMMSE pe rform s be tte r inste ad of having he lical inte rle aving for im age
transm ission ove r wire le ss channe ls.
Designing an Extensible Com m unication Platform for Rural Area
Abhishek Thakur (BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus & BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus,
India) and Chittaranjan Hota (Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani,
Hyderabad Campus, India)
R ural digital conne ctivity in de ve loping nations have faile d to sustain the m se lve s afte r subsidy is
re m ove d. The de m ography of use rs doe s not de m and Inte rne t conne ctivity for m ajority of the ir
com m unication ne e ds. This work propose s an e x te nsible platform for rural com m unication
utilizing de lay tole rant ne twork s. The platform allows quick de ve lopm e nt of localize d applications
for day to day com m unication ne e ds. Using data drive n paradigm the solution sim plifie s and
abstracts the clie nt and se rve r im ple m e ntations for the applications. For m ore inte nsive
applications, the platform allows m odular e x pansion on both the clie nt and se rve r pie ce s of
applications. To prove the e x te nsibility and ope rational e fficie ncy, the authors pre se nt the de sign
of m ultiple e nd use r sce narios, targe ting m ultim e dia application for re m ote farm m onitoring,
vide o re ntal and anothe r sce nario for conducting online e valuations for school te sts. The k e y
contributions of the proposal are - ope rational sustainability of platform , e ase of application
de ve lopm e nt for sim ple com m unication ne e ds, ability to handle com plicate d sce narios lik e
proce ssing high de finition m ultim e dia conte nt ove r disconne cte d ne twork s.
A Nov el Single Cav ity Non- Degenerate Dual- Mode Dual- Band Resonator
Snehalatha L (Indian Institute of Technology, India), Nagendra Prasad Pathak (Indian
Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India) and Sanjeev Manhas (Indian Institute of
Technology, Roorkee, India)
This pape r introduce s a nove l de sign of a dual-band re sonator base d on non-de ge ne rate dual
re sonant m ode s of a sim ple re ctangular cavity. The high-Q cavity re sonator is fabricate d using a
hybrid configuration consisting of PTFE substrate with die le ctric constant of 3.2 and a cavity
e ngrave d in Alum inum she e t. The targe te d first and se cond re sonant fre que ncie s are 10GHz and
13GHz re spe ctive ly. The m e asure d re sults from the fabricate d re sonator validate the conce pt.
The k e y advantage of using a hybrid substrate structure for re alizing the cavity is that the active
de vice s can be m ounte d dire ctly on the top substrate e nabling se am le ss inte gration of high-Q
re sonator with the re st of m icrowave inte grate d circuit (MIC ).
Design and Dev elopm ent of Bandstop Filter using Spiral Stubs
Rishikesh Ranjan (Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India), Anjini Kumar Tiwary
(Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India) and Nisha Gupta (Biral Institute of
Technology, Mesra, India)
A ne w class of bandstop filte r (BSF) consisting of circular/re ctangular be nt m icrostrip transm ission
line s with spiral stubs are pre se nte d in this pape r. This filte r achie ve s the bandstop
characte ristics at 1.44 GHz. The prototype m ode ls are fabricate d and te ste d. Both sim ulation and
e x pe rim e ntal re sults are pre se nte d and com pare d. A good agre e m e nt be twe e n the two is
obse rve d.
Perform ance Analysis of Chebyshev UWB Bandpass Filter Using Defected Ground
Yashika Saini (Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, Rajasthan, INDIA, India) and
Mithilesh Kumar (Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, Rajasthan-INDIA, India)
This pape r de als with de sign and analysis of che byshe v ultra-wide band (UW B) bandpass filte r
(BPF) using de fe cte d ground structure (DGS). The BPF is constructe d from the ste p im pe dance
lowpass filte r (LPF) and the optim um distribute d highpass filte r (HPF). Four re ctangular shape d
DGS we re e tche d on the ground plane . Furthe rm ore , the low pass and high pass filte rs are
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
de signe d, base d on the ir e quivale nt L-C circuit on Ele ctrom agne tic (EM) C ircuit Sim ulator. The
calculation of lum pe d e le m e nt value s is done and pe rform ance analysis curve s are plotte d for
the se filte rs which are com pare d to the ir practical re sponse as done on C ST. The analysis on
Ele ctrom agne tic (EM) C ircuit Sim ulator is done for UW B he re , but the sam e can be done for any
ge ne ral fre que ncy band on m icrowave range . The com pact UW B bandpass filte r is de signe d on
FR -4 substrate of thick ne ss h = 1 m m with Die le ctric constant = 4.05 is and it occupie s 22.4m m
× 12m m die of are a. This filte r is ope rating in the whole UW B passband of 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz.
The de sign of this filte r is sim ulate d on C ST Microwave studio showing the de sire d sim ulation
re sponse .
Visible Light Com m unication: A Sm art Way Towards Wireless Com m unication
Manoj Bhalerao (Sathyabama University, Chennai & PVG's College of Engineering,
India) and Santosh Sonavane (Director, India)
The conce pt of visible light com m unication (VLC ) is introduce d in this pape r. In VLC to transm it
inform ation the visible light portion of the e le ctrom agne tic (EM) fre que ncy spe ctrum is use d.
Analogous to conve ntional form s of wire le ss com m unication such as Blue tooth (BT) and W ire le ssFide lity (W i-Fi) in which radio fre que ncy (R F) signals are use d to transm it inform ation ove r the
wire le ss m e dium . By m odulating the inte nsity of light source lik e LED is use d as a transm itte r
and a photose nsitive de te ctor lik e Photodiode (PD) which de m odulate s the light signal back into
e le ctrical form is use d as a re ce ive r in VLC . Modulation of the inte nsity of light source is done in
such a way that which is unde te ctable to the e ye s. The re is an urge nt ne e d for VLC te chnology to
ove rcom e the proble m face d by R F com m unication. In this pape r wide ove rvie w of ne e d of VLC ,
applications of VLC and de sign challe nge s for VLC is provide d.
Fixed Point Digital Predistortion System Based on Indirect Learning Architecture
Namrata Dwivedi (IIIT Delhi, India), Vivek A Bohara (Indraprastha Institute of
Information Technology, Delhi (IIIT-Delhi), India), Mazen Abi Hussein (ESIEE Paris,
France) and Olivier Venard (Université Paris-Est, ESIEE Paris, France)
In this pape r, we analyze the e ffe cts of fix e d point (FXP) im ple m e ntation on digital pre distortion
(DPD) syste m base d on indire ct le arning archite cture (ILA). Unlik e the conve ntional floating point
im ple m e ntation, in FXP ILA the digital pre distorte r (PD) and the coe fficie nt e stim ation algorithm
are im ple m e nte d in FXP arithm e tic. W e quantify the im pact of this FXP im ple m e ntation on the
ove rall pe rform ance of the DPD syste m so that we can achie ve good line arity pe rform ance with
m inim um num be r of bits for data, coe fficie nts and arithm e tic ope rations. The pe rform ance of the
propose d FXP DPD syste m is e valuate d in te rm s of adjace nt channe l powe r ratio (AC PR ) and
e rror ve ctor m agnitude (EVM) at the output of PA whe n a Long Te rm Evolution-Advance d (LTEAdvance d) signal is applie d at the input. The re fe re nce PA m ode l use d for sim ulation is the
W ie ne r m ode l and the PD has be e n m ode le d as a m e m ory polynom ial m ode l.
Integrating Perv asiv e Com puting, InfoStations and Swarm Intelligence to design
Intelligent Context- aware Parking- space location m echanism
Abhishek Gupta (JECRC, India), Venimadhav Sharma (Rajastahn Technical University,
India), Naresh Ruparam (JECRC, India), Surbhi Jain (JECRC, Jaipur, India), Abdulmalik
Alhammad (De Montfort University, United Kingdom) and Md Afsar Kamal Ripon (DMU,
United Kingdom)
W ith the state -of-the -art de ve lopm e nts in wire le ss com m unication and inte rne t te chnology and
advance s in the m iniaturization of e le ctronics, the re ce nt tre nd in re se arch has be e n to
progre ssive ly e m be d com pute rs and com m unication in various e ve ryday obje cts. The ubiquitous
availability of inte rne t im parts com puting and com m unication powe r to obje cts by adding sm all
silicon chips to the m and this paradigm of pe rvasive com puting is transform ing conve ntionally
de signe d ve hicle s into sm art ve hicle s. In this pape r we pre se nt nove l swarm inte llige nce base d
ve hicle park ing syste m that e x ploits the conce pt of conte x t aware ne ss and wire le ss
com m unication capabilitie s in sm art ve hicle s. The park ing zone s are assigne d with we b base d
fe ature s using pe rvasive com puting, wire le ss e nable d infrastructure and sm art chips. The park ing
de tails be com e available on the inte rne t, and can be com m unicate d to the ve hicle se arching for
a park ing space . In case of m ultiple available park ing space s, the shorte st route to the ne are st
park ing is calculate d using particle swarm optim ization algorithm and is inform e d to the ve hicle
drive r. Mounting m icro se nsors and wire le ss se nsors on the se ve hicle s e nable s the m to gathe r
k nowle dge about the ir e nvironm e nt, pe rce ive the surroundings and to re ason base d on the
conte x t. Partial autom ating of the driving task by inte llige nt location of vacant park ing space
would e nhance the drive rs' driving k nowle dge and capabilitie s, le ading to m ore e fficie nt, safe r
and e nvironm e nt-frie ndly driving conditions, savings in fue l e x pe nditure
Dynam ic Surv iv able Traffic Groom ing with Effectiv e Load Balancing in WDM AllOptical Mesh Networks
Abhishek Bandyopadhyay (Asansol Engineering College, India), Mohtasham Raghib
(Asansol Engineering College, India), Uma Bhattacharya (Bengal Engineering &
Science University, India) and Monish Chatterjee (Asansol Engineering College & West
Bengal University of Technology, India)
Traffic groom ing in W DM optical ne twork s is a sche m e for aggre gating se ve ral low-spe e d traffic
stre am s from use rs onto a high-spe e d lightpath. In such ne twork s, an optical fibe r carrie s a large
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
num be r of lightpaths and e ach individual lightpath carrie s the traffic of a large num be r of
conne ction re que sts. So the failure of a single fibe r-link , e ve n for a brie f pe riod in such ne twork s
is a se rious e ve nt. Thus survivability of use r conne ctions is e x tre m e ly im portant. Since the
proble m of survivable traffic groom ing in W DM m e sh ne twork s is NP-C om ple te , we propose a
polynom ial-tim e he uristic HDSTG (He uristic Dynam ic Survivable Traffic Groom ing) that can be
e ffe ctive ly use d for dynam ic traffic groom ing in W DM all-optical m e sh ne twork s. O ur he uristic is
de signe d to provide guarante e d survivability of conne ction re que sts for any single link failure .
W e also propose two strate gie s, which can be use d for e ffe ctive load balancing to im prove
dynam ic survivable traffic groom ing nam e ly TGMHL (Traffic Groom ing with Minim ize d Hops and
Load) and TGML (Traffic Groom ing with Minim ize d Load). Pe rform ance com parisons de m onstrate
that the propose d strate gie s are be tte r for ne twork cost re duction and throughput e nhance m e nt
as we ll.
TCA- PCA Based Hybrid Code Assignm ent for Enhancem ent and Easy Deployability of
CDMA Protocol
Shweta Malwe (Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India) and G P Biswas (ISM
Dhanbad, India)
C ode Division Multiple Acce ss (C DMA) aim s at the sim ultane ous transm issions am ong m obile
stations using orthogonal spre ading code s whe re the spatial re use of the code s is conside re d for
the re duction of code re quire m e nt. C ode assignm e nt should be such that the com m unication
pe rform ance of the ne twork is im prove d whe re no code assignm e nt inte rfe re nce is allowe d. The re
e x ists thre e code assignm e nt te chnique s nam e ly TC A, R C A and PC A, and se ve ral e fficie nt
m e thods for code assignm e nt are publishe d in lite rature . In this pape r, we re inve stigate d the
TC A base d code assignm e nt sche m e for e asy de ploym e nt, non-e x iste nce of se condary
inte rfe re nce , supporting e asy im ple m e ntability of R C A (be ing e quivale nt to TC A) e tc. Since TC A
re quire s ∆ tim e s num be r of code s ove r the ∆ code s as re quire d in PC A approx im ate ly, whe re ∆ is
the m ax im um de gre e of a C DMA ne twork graph, we incorporate PC A with TC A in a syste m atic
m anne r for com ple ting inte rfe re nce -fre e code assignm e nt and re ducing the code re quire m e nt to
only 2∆+1 code s. The propose d te chnique m ay be calle d a TC A-PC A hybrid code assignm e nt
sche m e , which is first tim e pre se nte d in this pape r. The de tails of the sche m e with its sim ulation
using MATLAB is provide d. The re sults show that the propose d te chnique outpe rform s the
e x isting TC A-base d te chnique s in one hand, and on the othe r hand, it not only e ase s the R C A
im ple m e ntation but also significantly sim plifie s the PC A sche m e .
S25: Pattern Recognition, Signal and Image Processing-I
Room: 016 Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Mandeep Singh (Thapar University, India)
A Steganographic Technique Based on VLSB Method Using RC4 Stream Cipher
Osmita Bardhan (Advanced Computing and Microelectronics Unit & Indian Statistical
Institute, India), Ansuman Bhattacharya (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India)
and Bhabani Sinha (Indian Statistical Institute, India)
This pape r pre se nts a ste ganographic te chnique for e m be dding a se cre t file (any file e .g.
audio,vide o) into a color im age . W e have use d $R C 4$ te chnique to ge ne rate pse udo random
position for e m be dding se cre t data. Afte r de te rm ining the position e m be dding is done using
{\e m Variable Le ast Significant Bit} ($VLSB$) m e thod. The num be r of bits e m be dde d into a pix e l
de pe nds on the pix e l value itse lf. An $(N \tim e s N)$ cove r im age is divide d into $q$ num be r of
$(b\tim e s b)$ block s and for e ach block $R C 4$ m e thod has be e n applie d. $2q$ diffe re nt k e y
value s for random k e y ge ne ration of $q$ block s are the se cre t k e y he re . As $R C 4$ algorithm is
be ing use d for random izing the position of e m be dding, this m e thod e nsure s highe r le ve l of
se curity with good e m be dding capacity. Be side s that the am ount of e m be dde d bits into a pix e l
pure ly de pe nds upon the pix e l itse lf, so the im age quality is le ss distorte d.
Digital Im age Inpainting using Speeded Up Robust Feature
Trupti Chavan (Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering and Technology,
India) and Abhijeet Vijay Nandedkar (Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering
and Technology, India)
This pape r focuse s on the inpainting of dam age d digital im age s. It use s re le vant im age and
spe e de d-up robust fe ature s (SUR F) for this purpose . A conce pt whe re in, the m issing inform ation
is re store d using re le vant im age is pre se nte d. The re le vant im age m ay be a snapshot of the
sam e location with diffe re nt vie wpoint or ge om e trical transform ation. The propose d algorithm is
divide d into thre e m ain stage s: Initially, k e y fe ature points of dam age d and re le vant im age are
found out. In se cond stage , the re lation be twe e n the dam age d and re le vant im age is found out
in te rm s of affine transform s (i.e . scale , rotation and translation). Finally, the inve rse
transform ation is applie d to re construct the dam age d are a. PSNR is use d to com pare propose d
m e thod with the e x isting e x e m plar base d m e thod [4] and Hay's sce ne com ple tion m e thod [9].
The e x pe rim e ntal re sults de m onstrate that the propose d inpainting m e thod is e fficie nt in te rm s
of quality and spe e d.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Geom etric Distortion Correction In Im ages Using Proposed Spy Pixel And Size
Navnath S. Narawade (University of Pune, India) and Rajendra Khanphade (University
of Pune, India)
The pe rform ance of re ve rsible wate rm ark ing is que stionable due to the ir vulne rability to
ge om e tric attack s. Fe w m e thods are re sistant to ge om e tric distortions, m ost of the m are
vulne rable . He re we pre se nt propose d, he nce forth we call it as spy pix e l and size ge om e tric
distortion corre ction m e thod. It im prove s robustne ss to ge om e tric distortions. Ge om e tric
distortion corre ction, re store s affe cte d im age to it's approx im ate original. Ex traction of wate rm ark
and im age from re store d wate rm ark im age be com e s e asy, rathe r in fe w case s it be com e s
com ple te ly re ve rsible e x traction. Ex pe rim e ntal re sults have shown the e ffe ctive ne ss of propose d
sche m e . W e have com bine d this m e thod with e x isting popular wate rm ark ing and re ve rsible
m e thods which has give n be st re sults.
A Com parativ e Analysis of Rem ote Sensing Im age Classification Techniques
Pushpendra Sisodia (Manipal University Jaipur, India), Vivekanand Tiwari (Manipal
University Jaipur, India) and Anil Kumar Dahiya (Manipal University Jaipur, India)
In this pape r, we have com pare d the accuracy of four supe rvise d classification as Mahalanobis,
Max im um Lik e lihood C lassification (MLC ), Minim um distance and Paralle le pipe d classification
with re m ote se nsing Landsat im age s of diffe re nt tim e pe riod and se nsors. W e have use d
Landsat Multispe ctral Scanne r (MSS), The m atic Mappe r (TM) and Enhance d The m atic Mappe r+
(ETM+) im age s of 1972, 1998 and 2013 re spe ctive ly of Jaipur district, R ajasthan, India. Accuracy
has be e n calculate d using Produce r accuracy, Use r accuracy, O ve rall accuracy and Kappa
statistics. W e have found that re m ote se nsing im age s with a diffe re nt tim e pe riod and se nsors,
whe n classifie d with supe rvise d algorithm s produce d diffe re nt re sults. Minim um distance
classification produce d be tte r accuracy with Landsat MSS im age than othe r thre e classifications
while Max im um Lik e lihood C lassification produce d be tte r accuracy with Landsat TM and ETM+
im age s than othe r thre e classifications.
Fuzzy Algorithm for Segm entation of Im ages in Extraction of Objects From MRI
Jan Kubicek (VSB-Technical University of Ostrava & Faculty of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, Czech Republic) and Marek Penhaker (VSB - Technical
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
The pape r discusse s a suitable se gm e ntation m e thod for e x traction of spe cific obje cts from
Magne tic R e sonance Im aging (MR I). A particular atte ntion is paid to de te ction and e x traction of
articular tissue s from k ne e im age s. This is a pre ssing issue for physicians be cause MR I re ve als
ofte n dam age to articular cartilage which is shown by a m inor change in a brightne ss scale . The
im age se gm e ntation can provide a de taile d colour m ap which shows distribution of the tissue
de nsitie s. This algorithm is base d on de te ction of local e x tre m e s in histogram and use s a
m e m be rship function in orde r to allocate e ach im age de nsity into an output se t. Each such se t is
give n a colour from a pre de fine d colour spe ctrum . This proce dure can e asily diffe re ntiate
be twe e n the tissue structure s base d on the tissue de nsitie s.
Perform ance Im prov em ent of HEVC Using Adaptiv e Quantization
Merlin Paul (National Institute of Technology Calicut, India), Abhilash Antony (National
Institute of Technology Calicut, India) and Sreelekha G (National Institute Of
Technology, India)
High Efficie ncy Vide o C oding (HEVC ) is the m ost re ce nt vide o com pre ssion standard that achie ve s
highe r e ncoding e fficie ncy ove r e arlie r popular standards lik e MPEG-2 and H.264/AVC . By
adopting a varie ty of coding e fficie ncy e nhance m e nt and paralle l proce ssing tools, HEVC is in a
position to provide up to 50% m ore bit-rate re duction ove r its pre cursor H.264/AVC . In an HEVC
e ncode r, transform s are applie d to the re sidual signal re sulting from inte r or intra-fram e
pre diction. The transform e d coe fficie nts in a Transform Unit (TU) are the n e qually quantize d
base d on the value of Q uantization Param e te r (Q P) to provide the input for the e ntropy e ncode r.
The quantization proce ss doe s not conside r the dire ctional bias on the e ne rgy distribution of
transform e d coe fficie nts and the scanning patte rn that follows the quantization stage . This pape r
pre se nts an Adaptive Q uantization te chnique that adjusts the le ve l of quantization base d on
intra pre diction m ode , type of com pone nt(lum a or chrom a) and the block size . The propose d
m e thod provide s an ave rage BD rate re duction of -0.35% and -0.46% along with a BD PSNR
im prove m e nt of 0.065dB and 0.038dB for Intra Main and Intra Main 10 configurations
re spe ctive ly, without R ate Distortion O ptim ize d Q uantize r (R DO Q ).
HAP Antenna Radiation Pattern for Prov iding Cov erage and Serv ice Characteristics
Saeed Alsamhi (1569961455, India) and N s Rajput (IIT BHU, India)
The aim of this pape r is to show the m ost im portant te chnique in wire le ss com m unication that is
ante nna radiation patte rn. The ante nna radiation patte rn is the graphical re pre se ntation of the
radiation prope rtie s of the ante nna in the space . The shape of ce ll size can be de te rm ine d by
ante nna radiation patte rns. The quality of cove rage is de pe nding on the ce ll size and Q oS is
de pe nding on the cove rage are a which can provide from HAPs. The re fore , the ante nna radiation
patte rn plays the m ost im portant role for HAPs. HAPs re pre se nt an alte rnative te chnology to
wire le ss com m unication syste m which can provide large cove rage , low propagation de lay, line of
sight and broadband se rvice s. The study focuse s on the be havior of ce lls or tie r provide d via HAP
and the probability of se rvice s. The diffe re nt in ante nna radiation patte rns are shown the
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
diffe re nt in ce ll size s. Using ste e rable ante nna is able to vary for providing constant cove rage
and im prove the Q oS. Since a ste e rable ante nna is use d on the HAP, it could allow HAPs to be
de ploye d in the diffe re nt parts of sk y while the bore sight of ante nnas are still pointing at the
de sire d cove rage are a. For e ach ante nna patte rn re sult is shown. Single HAP is conside re d in
Com petitiv e Analysis of Existing Im age Quality Assessm ent Methods
Prerana Markad (University of Pune, India) and Rushikesh Borse (University of Pune &
Indian Institute of Technology, India)
Im age quality asse ssm e nt has be com e e sse ntial part of im age proce ssing applications since
tim e s. Im age quality asse ssm e nt aim s at e valuating the quality of im age . Goal of im age quality
asse ssm e nt is to provide a quality m e tric that can pre dict pe rce ive d im age quality autom atically.
Evaluation of IQ A m e tric give s optim um re sult whe n hum an visual syste m is tak e n in to
conside ration. In this pape r, we de scribe d the curre nt standards of im age quality m e asure s. W e
also do com pe titive analysis of the se m e trics. It is im portant to analyze the pe rform ance of
the se m e trics in a com parative se tting and analyze the stre ngths and we ak ne sse s of the se
m e thods. C om parison of available im age quality m e trics is critically im portant in de ciding as to
which m e tric is be tte r for a particular application.
14:00 - 17:30 (Asia/Kolkata)
S26: Data Management, Exploration and Mining-I
Room: 015 Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Veena B. Mendiratta (Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, USA)
Structural Analysis and Regular Expressions Based Noise Elim ination From Web Pages
for Web Content Mining
Amit Dutta (West Bengal University of Technology, India), Sudipta Paria (West Bengal
University of Technology, India), Tanmoy Golui (West Bengal University of Technology,
India) and Dipak Kumar Kole (St. Thomas' College of Engineering. and Technology,
C om m e rcial we bsite s usually contain noisy inform ation block s along with m ain conte nt. Noisy
inform ation de grade s the pe rform ance of we b conte nt m ining. W e b conte nt m ining is use d for
discove ring use ful k nowle dge or inform ation from the we b page . In this pape r, we propose noise
e lim ination m e thod that use s tag base d filte ring followe d by structural analysis of the we b page .
The propose d tag base d filte ring m e thod is im ple m e nte d by re gular e x pre ssion. Firstly, the
filte ring m e thod is use d to re m ove se ve ral pre de fine d HTML tags pre se nt in the we b page . The n
the concise we b page is tak e n for structural analysis to re m ove re m aining noise . Most of the
tim e Noisy block s share sam e conte nts and layouts or pre se ntation style s in e ve ry we b page of a
we bsite . In structural analysis phase , we com pare the HTML conte nts of the crawle d we b page s
from a we bsite to capture com m on block s having sam e conte nts and layouts or pre se ntation
style s and re m ove the m . Filte ring m e thod e lim inate s conside rable am ount of noisy conte nts
be fore structural analysis. Noisy conte nts in crawle d we b page s ge t re duce d significantly. The
ove rall space and tim e com ple x ity is le ss com pare d to othe r noise e lim ination approach. The
e x pe rim e nt is conducte d on se ve ral popular com m e rcial we bsite s and the re sults are shown
e x posing the e fficie ncy of the propose d m e thod.
Projected Clustering with Subset Selection
Anoop S Babu (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, India) and Ramachandra
Kaimal (Amrita University, India)
It has always be e n a m ajor challe nge to cluste r high dim e nsional data conside ring the inhe re nt
sparsity of data-points. O ur m ode l use s attribute se le ction and handle s the sparse structure of
the data e ffe ctive ly. The subse t se ction is done by two diffe re nt m e thods. In first m e thod, we
se le ct the subse t which has m ost inform ative attribute s that do pre se rve cluste r structure using
LASSO (Le ast Absolute Se le ction and Shrink age O pe rator). Though the re are othe r m e thods for
attribute se le ction, LASSO has distinctive prope rtie s that it se le cts the m ost corre late d se t of
attribute s of the data. In se cond m e thod, we se le ct the subse t of line arly inde pe nde nt attribute s
using Q R factorization. This m ode l also ide ntifie s dom inant attribute s of e ach cluste r which re tain
the ir pre dictive powe r as we ll. The quality of the proje cte d cluste rs form e d, is also assure d with
the use of LASSO .
Applying Data Mining Techniques in Job Recom m ender System for Considering
Candidate Job Preferences
Anika Gupta (Thapar University, Patiala, India) and Deepak Garg (Thapar University,
Patiala, India)
Job re com m e nde r syste m s are de sire d to attain a high le ve l of accuracy while m ak ing the
pre dictions which are re le vant to the custom e r, as it be com e s a ve ry te dious task to e x plore
thousands of jobs, poste d on the we b, pe riodically. Although a lot of job re com m e nde r syste m s
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
e x ist that use s diffe re nt strate gie s , he re e fforts have be e n put to m ak e the job
re com m e ndations on the basis of candidate 's profile m atching as we ll as pre se rving candidate 's
job be havior or pre fe re nce s. Firstly, rule s pre dicting the ge ne ral pre fe re nce s of the diffe re nt use r
groups are m ine d. The n the job re com m e ndations to the targe t candidate are m ade on the basis
of conte nt base d m atching as we ll as candidate pre fe re nce s, which are pre se rve d e ithe r in the
form of m ine d rule s or obtaine d by candidate 's own applie d jobs history. Through this te chnique
a significant le ve l of accuracy has be e n achie ve d ove r othe r basic m e thods of job
re com m e ndations.
Ev olution of Regular Directed Patterns in Dynam ic Social Networks
Hardeo Kumar Thakur (Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology Delhi & Delhi University,
India), Anand Gupta (Netaji Subhas Institute Of Technology, India) and Payal Goel
(Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, India)
Ex isting dynam ic Graph m ining algorithm s focus typically on finding patte rns in undire cte d,
unwe ighte d and we ighte d dynam ic ne twork s ignoring the fact that som e of the m could be
dire cte d also. In this pape r, we focus on finding re gular e volution patte rns in e dge s, outde gre e
and inde gre e of all the node s, fe aturing conse cutive ly at fix e d tim e inte rvals during the growth of
an unwe ighte d and dire cte d dynam ic graph. Such re gular patte rns will he lp in finding the
characte ristics (such as popularity, inactive ne ss) of the node s. A m e thodology of occurre nce rule
is propose d he re in orde r to de te rm ine re gular e volution patte rns, which are conside re d to be
re gular if the y follow the sam e occurre nce rule . The m e thodology is also use d to find the
patte rns in the outde gre e and inde gre e of all the node s. The se patte rns are use d to de scribe
e x haustive ly the ne ighbourhood prope rtie s of dynam ic graphs as in the social ne twork s. To
e nsure its practical fe asibility, the m e thod has be e n applie d to re al world datase t on Face book lik e Forum ne twork , and the re sults have shown that 37.6% of the e dge s are dire cte d re gular
e dge s, and 59% of the total use rs, not having the ir inde gre e patte rns are unpopular use rs.
A New Sim ilarity Function for Inform ation Retriev al Based on Fuzzy Logic
Yogesh Gupta (Dayalbagh Educational Institute, India), Ashish Saini (Dayalbagh
Educational Institute, India) and Ajay Saxena (, India)
In this pape r, a nove l approach is pre se nte d to construct a sim ilarity function to m ak e
inform ation re trie val e fficie nt. This approach is base d on diffe re nt te rm s of te rm -we ighting
sche m a lik e te rm fre que ncy, inve rse docum e nt fre que ncy and norm alization. The propose d
sim ilarity function use s fuzzy logic to de te rm ine sim ilarity score of a docum e nt against a que ry.
All the e x pe rim e nts are done with C AC M be nchm ark data colle ction. The e x pe rim e ntal re sults
re ve al that the pe rform ance of propose d sim ilarity function is m uch be tte r than the fuzzy base d
rank ing function de ve lope d by R ube ns along with othe r wide ly use d sim ilarity function O k apiBM25 in te rm s of pre cision rate and re call rate .
Geo Skip List Data Structure - Storing Spatial Data and Efficient Search of Geographical
Amol Barewar (VNIT, Nagpur, India), Mansi Radke (VNIT, Nagpur, India) and Umesh
Deshpande (Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT) Nagpur, India)
Ex isting data structure s which facilitate storage and re trie val of ge ographical data are R -tre e s, R *
tre e s, KD tre e s e tc. Most wide ly use d and acce pte d structure am ong the se is the R -tre e . A
drawback with R -tre e s is that it re pre se nts re gions as fictitious re ctangle s which do not corre spond
to actual ge ographical re gions. Also R -tre e s do not re pre se nt the hie rarchy ve ry we ll. For
e x am ple Ne w York C ity be longs to state Ne w York and is in country Unite d State s of Am e rica and
is a part of the North Am e rica contine nt. This k ind of inform ation is not brought out naturally by
R - tre e s. More ove r, R -tre e s have proble m of m e rging and splitting whe n unde rflow and ove rflow
condition of a re ctangle occurs which incre ase s the com ple x ity of this structure . To ove rcom e
the se proble m s, we propose a structure calle d Ge o-sk ip list which is inspire d from the sk ip list
data structure . It is sim ple , dynam ic, partly de te rm inistic and partly random ize d data
structure .W e have com pare d the re sults of our structure with those of R -tre e and have found
im prove m e nt in the se arch e fficie ncy.
HFRECCA for Clustering of Text Data From Trav el Guide Articles
Amrita Manjrekar (Shivaji University, India) and Seema Wazarkar (Department of
Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India)
Te x t cluste ring is advantage ous for e x traction of te x t data from we b applications such as e -ne ws
pape rs, colle ction of re se arch pape rs, blogs, ne ws fe e ds at social ne twork s, e tc. This pape r
pre se nts a te x t cluste ring Hie rarchical Fuzzy R e lational Eige nve ctor C e ntrality-base d C luste ring
Algorithm (HFR EC C A) . The algorithm is a com bination of fuzzy cluste ring, divisive hie rarchical
cluste ring and page rank algorithm . Trave l guide article s are pre -proce sse d to re m ove stop words
and ste m m ing. The n, sim ilarity m atrix is ge ne rate d using word distance com putation. In
HFR EC C A, divisive hie rarchical cluste ring algorithm is applie d whe re it use s Fuzzy R e lational
Eige nve ctor C e ntrality-base d C luste ring Algorithm (FR EC C A) as sub routine algorithm . FR EC C A
outputs cluste r m e m be rship value s on the basis of page rank score using page rank algorithm
and ge ne rate cluste rs according to it. HFR EC C A has fe ature s of hie rarchical cluste ring as we ll as
fuzzy cluste ring as it cre ate s hie rarchy of cluste rs and an obje ct can be long to m ultiple cluste rs.
Structure of inform ation re side s in te x t docum e nts is hie rarchical he nce HFR EC C A is use ful for
cluste ring of data from natural language docum e nts.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Profiling User Behav iour for Efficient and Resilient Cloud Managem ent
Cathryn Peoples (University of Ulster, United Kingdom), Gerard P. Parr (University of
Ulster, United Kingdom), Bryan W. Scotney (University of Ulster, United Kingdom),
Sanat Sarangi (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India) and Subrat Kar (Indian
Institute of Technology, Delhi, India)
Use r be haviour profiling can be use d within ne twork m anage m e nt sche m e s to indicate the
capabilitie s re quire d from m anage m e nt prox ie s in te rm s of the way(s) and rate at which the y
should be aware of re al-tim e ne twork state and change in re source de m ands/re quire m e nts. A
m anage m e nt prox y in a cloud, for e x am ple , ne e ds ability to m onitor change in the m ost popular
we bpage s associate d with a we bsite or file s associate d with an application so that this de tail m ay
influe nce the caching strate gy for optim ise d pe rform ance and ope ration. W he n re source s are
provisione d dynam ically across a cloud, the strate gy to do so will accom m odate e fficie ncy and
se curity obje ctive s, and also tak e into account the ways in which use rs are de m anding se rvice s to
optim ise the opportunitie s that the ir re quire m e nts are m e t. Many online com panie s now ope rate
in this way and analyse custom e r be haviour to im prove se rvice s by m e e ting pre dictable
re quire m e nts and utilising unpre dictable be haviour. It is the re fore to this gap we re spond in this
work . A ne twork m anage m e nt m ode l is de ve lope d around be haviour profile s of use r activitie s
associate d with the W ire le ss Se nsor Knowle dge Archive (W ise k ar) we bsite hoste d in the Indian
Institute of Te chnology in De lhi, India. Tre nds in use r acce ss and activitie s with the we bsite are
ide ntifie d and, in re sponse , a m anage m e nt fram e work is propose d. A C e rtainty Factor quantifie s
the confide nce with which m anage m e nt is applie d such that actions e nforce d accom m odate both
pre dictable and unpre dictable use r be haviour.
14:30 - 17:30 (Asia/Kolkata)
T3: Tutorial 3 - Web Application Security
Mr. Manu Zacharia, C|EH, C|HFI, CCNA, MCP, Certified ISO 27001-2005 Lead Auditor, MVPEnterprise Security(2009-2012), ISLA-2010 (ISC)
Room: 003 Block E Ground Floor
Intro to W e b Application Se curity
W e b Application Archite cture
W e b Application Se curity Te sting / Pe ne tration Te sting
O W ASP Top 10 vulne rabilitie s
Inje ction Attack s
C ross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Brok e n Authe ntication and Se ssion Manage m e nt
Inse cure Dire ct O bje ct R e fe re nce s
C ross-Site R e que st Forge ry (C SR F)
Se curity Misconfiguration
Inse cure C ryptographic Storage
Failure to R e strict UR L Acce ss
Insufficie nt Transport Laye r Prote ction
Un-validate d R e dire cts and Forwards
Incide nt m anage m e nt
Log analysis
Buffe r Topics
O the r Vulne rabilitie s
File upload Vulne rabilitie s
She lls
W e b Application De nial-of-Se rvice (DoS) Attack
Buffe r O ve rflow
T4: Tutorial 4 - Protocols for Internet of Things
Dr. Mukesh Taneja, Cisco Systems, Bangalore, India
Room: 004 Block E Ground Floor
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
More things are conne cting to the Inte rne t than pe ople — ove r 12.5 billion de vice s in 2010 alone . 50
billion de vice s are e x pe cte d to be conne cte d by 2020. Ye t today, m ore than 99 pe rce nt of things in the
physical world re m ain unconne cte d. How will having lots of things conne cte d change e ve rything? The
growth and conve rge nce of proce sse s, data, and things on the Inte rne t will m ak e ne twork e d
conne ctions m ore re le vant and valuable than e ve r be fore , cre ating unpre ce de nte d opportunitie s for
industrie s, busine sse s, and pe ople . The Inte rne t of Things (IoT) is the ne x t te chnology transition whe n
de vice s will allow us to se nse and control the physical world. It is also part of som e thing e ve n bigge r.
The Inte rne t of Eve rything (IoE) is the ne twork e d conne ction of pe ople , proce ss, data, and things. Its
be ne fit is de rive d from the com pound im pact of the se conne ctions and the value it cre ate s as
"e ve rything" com e s online . IoT solutions on de vice s, gate ways and infrastructure node s include the
following: conne ctivity laye r (such as that provide d by ne twork s that use IEEE802.15.4, LTE/3G/2G, W iFi,
Ethe rne t, R S485, Powe r Line C om m unication and IP base d protocols), se rvice laye r (m iddle ware such
as be ing spe cifie d by one M2M) and application laye r.
T5: Tutorial 5 - Implementing a Private Cloud Environment with the use of Open Nebula and
Virtual Box
Ms. Sanchika Gupta, IIT Roorkee, India & Mr. Gaurav Varshney, Qualcomm India
Room: 009 Block E Ground Floor
The tutorial will give a de taile d de scription of C loud and its se rvice s and will provide a practical de m o of
how a private C loud can be built with O pe n ne bula and Virtual box . The de scription of C loud and its
se curity aspe cts with k nown attack s and vulne rabilitie s will also be brie fe d with the e x planation of
e x isting solutions for it. A re m ote de sk top se ssion will also be provide d to the audie nce to se e an
alre ady e x isting im ple m e ntation of a private C loud at the e nd of the tutorial. An Intrusion de te ction
approach will also be discusse d for se curing cloud from file inte grity, m alware s and DDO S attack s.
O utline :
Introduction to C loud:
De scribing C loud and why it is ne e de d and what se rvice s it provide s.
Archite cture of C loud and what are the m inim al re source ne e ds for de ploym e nt of a private C loud.
Introduction to Private C loud using ope n ne bula and virtual box :
Introduction to Private C loud De ploym e nt with the use of O pe n Ne bula with Virtual Box virtualization
e nvironm e nt.
De sign of private C loud using O pe n Ne bula and Virtual Box .
Im ple m e ntation de tails:
A ste p by ste p guide to im ple m e nt a private C loud.
R e m ote se ssion to one of the im ple m e nte d private C loud using O pe n Ne bula and Virtual Box
Discussion of C loud Se curity Aspe cts
C loud attack s and analysis.
Discussion of a C om ple te and Lightwe ight Intrusion De te ction at C loud.
T6: Tutorial 6 - Watermarking techniques for scalable coded image and video authentication
Dr. Deepayan Bhowmik, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh UK & Dr. Arijit Sur, Indian
Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India
Room: 010 Block E Ground Floor
Due to the incre asing he te roge ne ity am ong the e nd use r de vice s for playing m ultim e dia conte nt,
scalable im age and vide o com m unication attracts significant atte ntion in re ce nt days. Such
advance m e nts are duly supporte d by re ce nt scalable coding standards for m ultim e dia conte nt coding,
i.e ., JPEG2000 for im age s, MPEG advance d vide o coding (AVC )/H.264 scalable vide o coding (SVC )
e x te nsion for vide o, and MPEG-4 scalable profile for audio. In scalable coding, high-re solution conte nt
is e ncode d to the highe st visual quality and the bit-stre am s are adapte d to cate r various
com m unication channe ls, display de vice s, and usage re quire m e nts. Howe ve r, prote ction and
authe ntication of the se conte nts are still challe nging and not surprisingly attracts atte ntion from
re se arche rs and industrie s. Digital wate rm ark ing, which has se e n conside rable growth in last two
de cade s, is propose d in the lite rature as a solution for scalable conte nt prote ction and authe ntication.
W ate rm ark ing for scalable code d im age and vide o, face s unique se t of challe nge s with scalable conte nt
adaptation. The tutorial will share various re se arch proble m s and solutions associate d with the im age
and vide o wate rm ark ing te chnique s in this fie ld. This tutorial will he lp the participants to unde rstand 1)
the im age and vide o wate rm ark ing and its prope rtie s, 2) wate rm ark ing strate gie s for scalable code d
im age and vide o, and 3) lastly, the re ce nt de ve lopm e nts and the ope n que stions in this fie ld.
O utline :
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Digital wate rm ark ing (prope rtie s and applications) and fre que ncy dom ain transform s use d
wate rm ark ing, e .g., Discre te wave le t transform (DW T) (25 m ins)
Scalable im age and vide o coding and its application in m ultim e dia signal proce ssing (25 m ins)
JPEG2000, MJPEG2000, MC -EZBC , and MPEG-AVC / H.264-SVC im age and vide o coding
R e se arch te chnique s for im age wate rm ark ing for JPEG2000 conte nt adaptation (40 m ins)
Im pe rce ptibility issue s
R obustne ss issue s
R e se arch te chnique s for vide o wate rm ark ing for conte nt adaptation (50 m ins)
Im pe rce ptibility issue s (particularly flick e r in vide o wate rm ark ing)
R obustne ss issue s
R e al-tim e wate rm ark ing
R e ce nt de ve lopm e nts and ope n que stions in this fie ld (20 m ins)
T7: Tutorial 7 - QoS and QoE in the Next Generation Networks and Wireless Networks
Dr. Pascal Lorenz, University of Haute Alsace, France
Room: 006 Block E Ground Floor
Em e rging Inte rne t Q uality of Se rvice (Q oS) m e chanism s are e x pe cte d to e nable wide spre ad use of
re al tim e se rvice s such as VoIP and vide oconfe re ncing. Q uality of e x pe rie nce (Q oE) is a subje ctive
m e asure of a custom e r's e x pe rie nce s with a se rvice . The "be st e ffort" Inte rne t de live ry cannot be use d
for the ne w m ultim e dia applications. Ne w te chnologie s and ne w standards are ne ce ssary to offe r
Q oS/Q oE for the se m ultim e dia applications. The re fore ne w com m unication archite cture s inte grate
m e chanism s allowing guarante e d Q oS/Q oE se rvice s as we ll as high rate com m unications. The e m e rging
Inte rne t Q oS archite cture s, diffe re ntiate d se rvice s and inte grate d se rvice s, do not conside r use r
m obility. Q oS m e chanism s e nforce a diffe re ntiate d sharing of bandwidth am ong se rvice s and use rs.
Thus, the re m ust be m e chanism s available to ide ntify traffic flows with diffe re nt Q oS param e te rs, and
to m ak e it possible to charge the use rs base d on re que ste d quality. The inte gration of fix e d and
m obile wire le ss acce ss into IP ne twork s pre se nts a cost e ffe ctive and e fficie nt way to provide se am le ss
e nd-to-e nd conne ctivity and ubiquitous acce ss in a m ark e t whe re the de m and for m obile Inte rne t
se rvice s has grown rapidly and pre dicte d to ge ne rate billions of dollars in re ve nue .
This tutorial cove rs to the issue s of Q oS provisioning in he te roge ne ous ne twork s and Inte rne t acce ss
ove r future wire le ss ne twork s as we ll as ATM, MPLS, DiffSe rv, IntSe rv fram e work s. It discusse s the
characte ristics of the Inte rne t, m obility and Q oS provisioning in wire le ss and m obile IP ne twork s. This
tutorial also cove rs routing, se curity, base line archite cture of the inte r-ne twork ing protocols, e nd to e nd
traffic m anage m e nt issue s and Q oS for Mobile /Ubiquitous/Pe rvasive C om puting use rs.
O utline
C once pts of the Q oS/Q oE
Traffic m e chanism s, conge stion
Ge ne rations of Inte rne t
Me chanism s and archite cture s for Q oS
ATM ne twork s (IP ove r ATM, W ATM)
Ne w com m unication archite cture s
Me chanism s allowing Q oS
DiffSe rv
IntSe rv
Q oS in W ire le ss Ne twork s
Mobile Inte rne t applications
Q uality for Mobile /Ubiquitous/Pe rvasive C om puting use rs in gaining ne twork acce ss
and satisfying the ir se rvice re quire m e nts
Mobile , sate llite s and pe rsonal com m unications
Mobile and wire le ss standardization IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.20
16:00 - 18:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
S27: Poster/Demo Tracks
Room: Lawn Area Block E
Chairs: Sumitra Purushottam Pundlik, Prof (MIT College Of Engineering Kothrud Pune, India),
Sanjeev Yadav (Govt. Women Engineering College Ajmer, India)
A Dual Band Com pact Circularly Polarized Asym m etrical Fractal Antenna for Bluetooth
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
and Wireless Applications
Ruchika Choudhary (Govt. Engineering College Ajmer, India), Sanjeev Yadav (Govt.
Women Engineering College Ajmer, India), Krishna Rathore (Rajasthan Technical
University Kota, India) and Mahendra Mohan Sharma (Malaviya National Institute of
Technology & Principal Govt Engineering College Ajmer INDIA, India)
In this pape r, a dual band C om pact fractal ante nna is propose d for circular polarization (C P). The
propose d ante nna is de signe d to ope rate at dual bands having bandwidth 1 GHz and 8 GHz at
re sonant fre que ncie s 2.4 GHz and 12.9 GHz re spe ctive ly for Blue tooth and wire le ss applications
with good re turn loss and radiation patte rn characte ristics. It consist asym m e trical ante nna by
truncating the side s of a square patch. The propose d ante nna is fe d by a 50-Ω m icrostrip line
and fabricate d on a low-cost R oge rs-R T5880 substrate having dim e nsions 50(L) × 50(W ) ×
3.2(h) m m 3 with Ɛr= 2.2 and tanδ= 0.0009. The ante nna shows acce ptable gain with om nidire ctional radiation patte rns in the fre que ncy band.
A New Fragile Waterm arking Approach for Tam per Detection and Recov ery of
Docum ent Im ages
Chetan KR (JNN College of Engineering, India) and S Nirmala (J. N. N. College of
Engineering, India)
In this pape r, a fragile wate rm ark ing sche m e is propose d for tam pe r de te ction and re cove ry of
digital im age s. In this sche m e , the source docum e nt im age is divide d into block s of uniform size
and a pse udo-random m apping of block s is ge ne rate d. For e ach block , a wate rm ark consisting of
authe ntication and re cove ry inform ation is ge ne rate d and e m be dde d into the corre sponding
m apping block . The authe ntication data is form e d using the Le ast Significant Bit (LSB) of e ach
pix e l value in the block . The re cove ry inform ation consists of sub-sam ple d ve rsions of two
m om e nt-pre se rving thre sholds of the block . At the re ce ive r side , the wate rm ark is e x tracte d from
the corre sponding m apping block s for e ach block of the wate rm ark e d docum e nt im age . A dualoption parity che ck m e thod is applie d on the authe ntication data in the e x tracte d wate rm ark to
che ck whe the r the wate rm ark e d im age block is tam pe re d or not. If the im age block is found to
be tam pe re d, the re cove ry inform ation is e x tracte d from the wate rm ark . From the e x pe rim e ntal
re sults it is found that the ave rage value of tam pe r de te ction rate and re cove ry rate for various
type s of inte ntional attack s on the docum e nt im age s corpus is 93.8% and 93.6% re spe ctive ly.
Furthe r, the ave rage Pe ak Signal to Noise R atio (PSNR ) of the re cove re d im age s is 61.24%. The
com parative analysis re ve als that the propose d sche m e outpe rform s the e x isting syste m [16].
A Perspectiv e Study of Virtual Machine Migration
Christina Joseph (Mahatma Gandhi University, India), Chandra Sekaran K (National
Institute of Technology Karnataka, India) and Robin Cyriac (Rajagiri School of
Engineering and Technology, India)
C loud C om puting is one of the le ading te chnologie s. As a solution to m any of the challe nge s
face d by C loud provide rs, virtualization is e m ploye d in C loud. Virtual m achine m igration is a tool
to utilize virtualization we ll. This pape r give s an ove rvie w of the diffe re nt work s in lite rature that
conside r virtual m achine m igration. The diffe re nt work s re late d to virtual m igration are classifie d
into diffe re nt cate gorie s. Som e of the work s that conside r le ss e x plore d are as of virtual m achine
m igration are discusse d in de tail.
A System for Intelligent Context Based Content Mode in Cam era Applications
Tasleem Arif (Samsung India Software Operations, India), Prassanita Singh (Samsung
R&D Institute India, India) and Joy Bose (Samsung R&D Institute India, Bangalore,
This pape r propose s a conte nt base d m ode in cam e ra base d applications and im age vie we rs,
whe re the syste m re cognize s the type of conte nt in the im age and autom atically link s it to othe r
applications. W he n the de vice is in conte nt m ode , all the im age s vie we d or acce sse d have an
e x tra conte x t base d m e nu base d on the de te cte d data (such as call num be r and e m ail). The
use r can switch be twe e n the norm al m ode and this conte nt m ode , while using the de vice , by
pe rform ing a sim ple ge sture . This m ode can also be plugge d in to any num be r of se rvice s
available on the de vice . Such a fe ature would m ak e it m uch e asie r for use rs to pe rform use ful
actions dire ctly from the im age , saving se ve ral inte rm e diate ste ps. W e provide m e thods for the
use r to m anipulate and share the conte nt acce sse d through the cam e ra, including browsing the
link s, saving a ne w contact, and so on. W e re vie w e x isting applications whe re parts of this
fe ature have be e n im ple m e nte d, e spe cially in calling cards. The n we de scribe the syste m
archite cture and algorithm for im ple m e nting the conte nt m ode ge ne rally in all applications on the
de vice , as we ll as APIs use ful for third party application de ve lope rs. W e also provide sam ple use r
inte rface s whe re this m ode can use d.
A Trade- off Between Com plexity and Perform ance Ov er Multi- core System s
Igli Tafa, IT (Polytechnic University of Tirana, Information Technology Faculty & AED
Company, Albania) and Vilma Tomco (Statistics and Applied Informatics at Faculty of
Economy in Tirana University, Albania)
In this pape r is inve stigate d the de ve lopm e nt of m ulti-core syste m s and also is pe rform e d a
com pre he nsive pe rform ance e valuation. O ve r the ye ars the ir pe rform ance is the be st com pare d
to those be fore , howe ve r the y have be com e m ore and m ore com ple x . Multi-core syste m s are still
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
in the proce ss of de ve lopm e nt and the y provide to the m ost e fficie nt com pute rs the ne e de d
com putation powe r. The m ain goal of this pape r is to e valuate the pe rform ance of diffe re nt
available m ulti-core syste m s ove r single -core syste m s. In orde r to achie ve this goal, two
sche duling algorithm s are im ple m e nte d in orde r to sche dule a Java language application by
utilizing m ulti-thre ading program m ing. The application is e x e cute d first in a single -core syste m
and the n in a m ulti-core syste m . In both syste m s has be e n m e asure d the e x e cution tim e which
is a de te rm inant param e te r to com pare the pe rform ance . The re sults show that the m ulti-core
syste m s pe rform be tte r but on the costs of com ple x ity of the de sign and im ple m e ntation.
Accelerating Inform ation Diffusion in Social Networks Under the Susceptible- InfectedSusceptible Epidem ic Model
Kundan Kandhway (Indian Institute of Science, India) and Joy Kuri (Indian Institute of
Science, India)
Standard Susce ptible -Infe cte d-Susce ptible (SIS) e pide m ic m ode ls assum e that a m e ssage
spre ads from the infe cte d to the susce ptible node s due to only susce ptible -infe cte d e pide m ic
contact. W e m odify the standard SIS e pide m ic m ode l to include dire ct re cruitm e nt of susce ptible
individuals to the infe cte d class at a constant rate (inde pe nde nt of e pide m ic contacts), to
acce le rate inform ation spre ading in a social ne twork . Such re cruitm e nt can be carrie d out by
placing adve rtise m e nts in the m e dia. W e provide a close d form analytical solution for syste m
e volution in the propose d m ode l and use it to study cam paigning in two diffe re nt sce narios. In
the first, the ne t cost function is a line ar com bination of the re ward due to e x te nt of inform ation
diffusion and the cost due to application of control. In the se cond, the cam paign budge t is fix e d.
R e sults re ve al the e ffe ctive ne ss of the propose d syste m in acce le rating and im proving the e x te nt
of inform ation diffusion. O ur work is use ful for de vising e ffe ctive strate gie s for product m ark e ting
and political/social-aware ne ss/crowd-funding cam paigns that targe t individuals in a social
ne twork .
Agricultural Aid for Mango Cutting (AAM)
Sandeep Konam (Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, R. K. Valley,
Mango cultivation m e thods be ing adopte d curre ntly are ine ffe ctive and low productive de spite
consum ing huge m an powe r. Advance m e nts in robust unm anne d ae rial ve hicle s (UAV's), high
spe e d im age proce ssing algorithm s and m achine vision te chnique s, re inforce the possibility of
transform ing agricultural sce nario to m ode rnity within pre vailing tim e and e ne rgy constraints.
Pre se nt pape r introduce s Agricultural Aid for Mango cutting (AAM), an Agribot that could be
e m ploye d for pre cision m ango farm ing. It is a quadcopte r e m powe re d with vision and cutte r
syste m s com ple m e nte d with ne ce ssary ancillarie s. It could hove r around the tre e s, de te ct the
ripe m angoe s, cut and colle ct the m . Pape r also she ds light on the available Agribots that have
m ostly be e n lim ite d to the re se arch labs. AAM robot is the first of its k ind that once im ple m e nte d
could pave way to the ne x t ge ne ration Agribots capable of incre asing the agricultural productivity
and justify the e x iste nce of inte llige nt m achine s.
Applying Agile Methodologies in Industry Projects: Benefits and Challenges
Kamaljeet Kaur (Infosys Limited, India), Anuj Jajoo (Infosys Limited, India) and
Manisha (Infosys Technologies Ltd., India)
Agile software de ve lopm e nt has be e n pre vale nt in IT industry since m ore than two de cade s now.
C once ptually, Agile was introduce d as an ite rative , incre m e ntal and adaptive m e thodology for
software de ve lopm e nt. The re are quite a fe w studie s that discuss the succe ss of agile
de ve lopm e nt proje cts on account of m ultiple factors lik e cost, tim e , quality and productivity.
O wing to its popular virtue s lik e e nhance d fle x ibility to incorporate e volving re quire m e nts,
incre m e ntal de live ry, quick tim e to m ark e t and ability to k e e p pace with m ark e t tre nds [1],
clie nts te nd to le ve rage agile m e thods for a varie ty of proje ct type s in addition to typical sm all
scale de ve lopm e nt proje cts. Through this pape r, we discuss som e of the practical aspe cts, pros
and cons of applying agile principle s to diffe re nt type s of IT proje cts including te sting proje cts,
m ainte nance proje cts and large -scale de ve lopm e nt proje cts.
Autom atic Text Sum m arizer
Annapurna Patil (M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, India), Shivam Dalmia (M. S.
Ramaiah Institute of Technology, India), Syed Ansari (M. S. Ramaiah Institute of
Technology, India), Tanay Aul (M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, India) and Varun
Bhatnagar (M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, India)
In today's fast-growing inform ation age we have an abundance of te x t, e spe cially on the we b.
Ne w inform ation is constantly be ing ge ne rate d. O fte n due to tim e constraints we are not able to
consum e all the data available . It is the re fore e sse ntial to be able to sum m arize the te x t so that
it be com e s e asie r to inge st, while m aintaining the e sse nce and unde rstandability of the
inform ation. W e aim to de sign an algorithm that can sum m arize a docum e nt by e x tracting k e y
te x t and atte m pting to m odify this e x traction using a the saurus. O ur m ain goal is to re duce a
give n body of te x t to a (use r-de fine d) fraction of its size , m aintaining cohe re nce and se m antics.
Behav ioural Analysis for Prev ention of Intranet Inform ation Leakage
Krishnashree Achuthan (Amrita School of Engineering, India) and Neenu Manmadhan
(Amrita University, India)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Use r authe ntication in we b applications such as e m ails is m any tim e s done at a single point of
tim e such as during login. Inform ation le ak age occurs whe n the use r's authe ntication is
com prom ise d. Although authe ntication syste m s ve rify diffe re nt aspe cts of the use r, a de viation in
use r be haviour is not capture d in such validations. This pape r propose s a m e chanism to m ode l
use r be haviour and capture s the de viations in the inte ntion of the use r that could le ad to
inform ation le ak age . Through de sign of an application plugin de ve lope d for an intrane t e m ail
application, the propose d m ode l assists with pre ve nting the le ak age of classifie d e m ails.
Password authe ntication and be havioural analysis base d authe ntication are both use d to archite ct
this plugin. The plugin fe ature s continuous m onitoring and authe ntication of the use r during the ir
tim e of usage .
Cuffless BP Measurem ent Using a Correlation Study of Pulse Transient Tim e and Heart
Niranjan Kumar (Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, India),
Amogh Agrawal (Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India) and Sujay Deb (IIIT
Delhi, India)
The re ce nt advance m e nts in com puting, signal proce ssing and com m unication te chnologie s have
im m e nse ly im prove d public he alth care syste m s. As a re sult, ne w diagnostic instrum e nts with
be tte r pre cision and com patibility with m achine s, gadge ts and database s are de ve lope d.
Howe ve r, m any of the se te chnical m arve ls are young and still at re se arch le ve l, and are not ve ry
we ll k nown com m e rcially. In the pre se nt study, a cuff-le ss blood pre ssure (BP) m e asure m e nt was
done using corre lation study of pulse transie nt tim e and he art rate . Am ong the various vital
biom e dical signals that can be colle cte d non-invasive ly, Ele ctrocardiogram (EC G) and
Photople thysm ograph (PPG) we re tak e n sim ultane ously to de te rm ine e le ctrical signals of the
he art (EC G), the condition of the arte rie s (PPG) and toge the r can be re late d to the arte rial
pre ssure of the syste m ic circulation (BP). This prom ise s to give a com posite ove rvie w of the
cardiovascular syste m non-invasive ly. The BP e stim ation was done using non-line ar 2nd orde r
curve fitting re gre ssion m ode l. The final obje ctive is to de ve lop a portable , non-invasive ,
biom e dical signal acquisition syste m which not only can m onitor, store and com m unicate the
above m e ntione d biom e dical signals but can also pre dict the BP by proce ssing the se signals. The
de vice will be use d for continuous m onitoring e spe cially for patie nts with cardiovascular
com plaints, and will be re duce d to a m obile attachm e nt, that is e asy to use and can be ope rate d
by a param e dical staff (ASHA work e rs) with m inim al training.
Effect of Holling type- II Function on Dynam ics of Discrete Prey- Predator System with
Scav enger
Sudipa Chauhan (Amity University & Amity Institute of Applied Sciences, India), Sumit
Bhatia (Amity University, India) and Surbhi Gupta (Amity University, India)
A discre te pre y pre dator m ode l with scave nge rs is propose d. The m ode l is build up by the
inte raction be twe e n thre e spe cie s pre y pre dators and scave nge rs using diffe re nce e quation. The
stability analysis for the boundary fix e d points is carrie d out showing the survival of pre y
population and pre y-pre dator population both in the pre se nce of scave nge r.
Efficient Regression Test Selection and Recom m endation Approach for Com ponent
Based Software
Janhavi Puniani (Thapar University, India) and Ashima Singh (Thapar University, India)
C om pone nt-base d software syste m m ay contain e x te rnal com pone nts as we ll as in-house built
com pone nts. During the m ainte nance phase the com pone nts ge t alte re d or m odifie d ve ry ofte n.
The type of te sting which not only e nsure s that the m odifie d com pone nt is work ing fine but also
e nsure s that the change s have no adve rse or e ffe cts on the re st of the syste m is calle d as
re gre ssion te sting. But due to lack of the k nowle dge about the third party com pone nts and the
m odifications done in the com pone nts, it is difficult for the com pone nt use rs or te ste rs to do an
appropriate se le ction of the te st case s from the original te st suite for te sting the alte re d syste m .
Thus the re is a ne e d of an e fficie nt re gre ssion te st se le ction approach which re sults in a re duce d
and e ffe ctive re gre ssion te st suite . The pape r propose s an approach 'R e gre ssion Te st Se le ction
and R e com m e ndation' which use s UML state chart diagram s and se que nce diagram s to ide ntify
the change s which are furthe r use d for classification of initial te st suite , se le ction and
re com m e ndation of te st case s and de ve lopm e nt of a re gre ssion te st suite . The aim is to re duce
the size of the te st suite e ffe ctive ly and also adhe re to the quality of re gre ssion te sting. The
approach is validate d using case study of Autom ate d Te lle r Machine .
Exploiting Machine Learning Algorithm s for Cognitiv e Radio
Veeru Sharma (IIIT Delhi, India) and Vivek A Bohara (Wireless Systems lab , IIIT Delhi,
C ognitive radio is an inte llige nt radio that has the ability to se nse and le arn from its
e nvironm e nt. Basic core of cognitive radio contains a le arning e ngine and it plays an im portant
role in e ve ry application of cognitive radio from spe ctrum se nsing to spe ctrum m anage m e nt.
Le arning e ngine im ple m e nts diffe re nt le arning algorithm s. In this pape r we discuss various
le arning algorithm s and the ir application in solving spe cific proble m s of cognitive radio. Som e of
the prom ine nt le arning algorithm s discusse d in this pape r are Ge ne tic Algorithm (GA), Artificial
Ne ural Ne twork s (ANN) and Hidde n Mark ov Mode l (HMM).
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Friday, September 26
08:30 - 10:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
R3: Conference Registration
Room: Block E, Ground Floor (Reception)
09:00 - 09:40 (Asia/Kolkata)
K9: Keynote - Distributed MIMO: Realizing the Full MIMO Potential
Prof. Soura Dasgupta, University of Iowa, USA
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor
09:45 - 10:40 (Asia/Kolkata)
K10: Keynote - Information Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks
Dr. Robin Doss, (Associate Head of School (Development & International)), School of
Information Technology, Deakin University, Australia
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor
The data gathe ring capabilitie s of wire le ss se nsor ne twork s (W SNs) are particularly attractive for
m ission critical ope rations that can be de ploye d in unatte nde d and hostile e nvironm e nts such as
battle fie ld surve illance , m ilitary re connaissance and e m e rge ncy re sponse ; so inte llige nce can be
gathe re d without the risk of hum an casualtie s. Traditional approache s for inform ation discove ry in
W SNs have assum e d the com m unication patte rn as m any-to-one whe re se nsors gathe r inform ation
and the n push to a ce ntral data re pository, the "sink ". Howe ve r, m ission critical applications on W SNs
are inte nde d to work without a m ain control ce ntre (such as a sink ) and the y de m and life /tim e critical
inform ation and support for unique traffic patte rns that m ax im ize the ne twork life tim e . Furthe r, the
nature of such m ission-critical applications re quire s high quality of se rvice (Q oS) re quire m e nts for the
inform ation discove ry proce ss. Many e m e rging applications for W SNs re quire disse m ination of
inform ation to inte re ste d clie nts within the ne twork and re quire support for diffe ring traffic patte rns.
The se re quire m e nts m ak e inform ation discove ry a challe nging task be cause the com ple x ity and
e ne rgy-constraints of wire le ss se nsors m ak e s this a non-trivial proble m . Early approache s to
inform ation discove ry, such as flooding and gossiping with push-pull strate gie s use broadcast
com m unication. For instance , in a m ilitary application, a se nsor ne twork m ight be de ploye d for
e nhancing the soldie rs' aware ne ss whe n visibility is low. Se nsors that de te ct an e ve nt can "push" this
inform ation out to e ve ry se nsor in the ne twork (e .g., se nsors de te ct tank s and e ne m ie s and can
pe riodically "push" that inform ation to the othe r se nsors on the ne twork ) or the y can wait and allow a
se nsor to "pull" this inform ation through que rying (e .g., soldie r se nds a que ry such as "W he re are the
tank s or e ne m ie s?"). The e fficie ncy of "push" or "pull" m e thods varie s and de pe nds on the de m and for
inform ation. Howe ve r, whe n the fre que ncy of e ve nts and que rie s are not tak e n into conside ration, pure
pull-base d or push-base d m e thods are ine fficie nt in re al de ploym e nts. R e ce nt approache s for
inform ation discove ry, such as C om b-Ne e dle , Double R uling and C ross R oads, aim to succe ssfully
balance push and pull approache s to im prove the Q oS in te rm s of e fficie ncy and life tim e of the W SN.
In this talk we will look at the challe nge s of inform ation discove ry in a m ulti-dim e nsional wire le ss
se nsor ne twork . A m ulti-dim e nsional W SN is de fine d as a W SN that is de ploye d to gathe r and store
data re late d to m ultiple attribute s.
11:00 - 12:20 (Asia/Kolkata)
K11: Keynote - Searchable Encryption for the Real World: Theory and Practice
Dr. Michael Steiner, IBM Research - India
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor
In this talk , I will addre ss the proble m of pe rform ing private database que rie s, m otivate d by re al-world
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
re quire m e nts, e .g., of prote cting se nsitive data in the cloud or allowing law e nforce m e nt & inte llige nce
age ncie s to private ly ye t accountably que ry third-party database s. I will discuss the te chnical difficultie s
which m ight le ad to lowe r bounds and ne ce ssitate s, e .g., the co-de ve lopm e nt of the cryptographic
protocols with the ove rall syste m de sign. I will pre se nt corre sponding practical solutions which provide
re al-world scalability and discuss inte re sting aspe cts of the se solutions.
12:20 - 13:10 (Asia/Kolkata)
K13: ISI'14 Keynote: Software Coverage: An intelligent Technique using Nature inspired
Dr. Praveen Ranjan Srivastava, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Rohtak, India
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor
Software C ove rage is one of the m ost challe nging and arduous phase of software de ve lopm e nt life
cycle which he lps in de te rm ining the software quality. State /C ode cove rage are wide ly use d paradigm ,
which de scribe s the de gre e to which the state /code has be e n te ste d. Aim of the curre nt discussion is to
propose an optim ise d code cove rage algorithm with the he lp of an e m e rging te chnique (nature inspire d
principle / Me ta-he uristic algorithm ), i.e ., Inte llige nt W ate r Drop (IW D), C uck oo Se arch, Ant C olony,
Fire fly e tc. The se approache s use dynam ic param e te rs for finding all the optim al paths using basic
prope rtie s of natural things. It trie s to provide a te chnique for e x haustive cove rage with m inim al
re pe tition which e nsure s all transitions cove rage and all paths cove rage at le ast once with m inim al
num be r of re pe titions of state s as we ll as transitions. The algorithm work s by m ax im ising an obje ctive
function which focuse s on m ost e rror prone parts of the program so that critical portions can be te ste d
13:00 - 14:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
L3: Lunch Break
Room: Lawn Area Block E
14:00 - 18:30 (Asia/Kolkata)
S28-A: Security, Trust and Privacy-I
Room: 007-A Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Michael Steiner (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Detection of Metam orphic Viruses: A Surv ey
Ankur Bist (KIET, Ghaziabad, India)
C om pute r viruse s are big proble m for se curity. It is e sse ntial to diffe re ntiate be twe e n
re producing program s and its sim ilar form s. R e producing program s will not ne ce ssarily harm the
syste m . C lassification aspe ct of m e tam orphic viruse s is an e m e rging issue of re se arch. The
orie ntation and e x pansion of m e tam orphic viruse s is quite critical and ge ne ral proble m of finding
m e tam orphic viruse s is NP hard. In this pape r e m e rging m e thodology are discusse d with the ir
e fficie ncy and work ing patte rn.
A Group- based Multilayer Encryption Schem e for Secure Dissem ination of PostDisaster Situational Data Using Peer- to- Peer Delay Tolerant Network
Souvik Basu (Heritage Institute of Technology, India) and Siuli Roy (Heritage Institute
of Technology, India)
In the e ve nt of a disaste r, the com m unication infrastructure can be partially or totally de stroye d,
or re nde re d unavailable due to high conge stion. Today's sm art-phone s that can com m unicate
dire ctly via Blue tooth or W iFi without using any ne twork infrastructure , can be use d to cre ate an
opportunistic post disaste r com m unication ne twork whe re situational data can spre ad quick ly,
e ve n in the harshe st conditions. Howe ve r, pre se nce of m alicious and unscrupulous e ntitie s that
forward se nsitive situational data in such a ne twork m ay pose se rious thre ats on accuracy and
tim e line ss of the data. The re fore , providing basic se curity fe ature s, lik e authe ntication,
confide ntiality and inte grity, to all com m unications occurring in this ne twork be com e s ine vitable .
But, in such an opportunistic ne twork , that use s short range and sporadic wire le ss conne ctions,
no truste d third party can be use d as it won't be acce ssible locally at the runtim e . As a re sult,
traditional se curity se rvice s lik e cryptographic signature s, ce rtificate s, authe ntication protocols
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
and e nd-to-e nd e ncryption be com e inapplicable . More ove r, since disaste r m anage m e nt is
ge ne rally a group base d activity; a forwarding e ntity m ay be be tte r authe nticate d base d on its
group m e m be rship ve rification. In this pape r, we propose a Group-base d Distribute d
Authe ntication Me chanism that e nable s node s to m utually authe nticate e ach othe r as m e m be rs
of valid groups and also sugge st a Multilaye r Hashe d Encryption Sche m e in which re scue -groups
collaborative ly contribute towards pre se rving the confide ntiality and inte grity of se nsitive
situational inform ation. The sche m e s provide authe ntication, confide ntiality and inte grity in a
fully de ce ntralize d m anne r to suit the re quire m e nts of an opportunistic post disaste r
com m unication ne twork . W e e m ulate a post disaste r sce nario in the O NE sim ulator to show the
e ffe ctive ne ss of our sche m e s in te rm s of de live ry ratio, ave rage de lay and ove rhe ad ratio.
Detection of Alphanum eric Shellcodes Using Sim ilarity Index
Nidhi Verma (Thapar University, India), Vishal Mishra (Thapar University, India) and
Varinder Pal Singh (Thapar University, India)
She llcode s are wide ly use d to e x ploit applications. She llcode s can bre ach se curity and privacy to
an unim aginable e x te nt. Poor Program m ing re sults in various bugs that give attack e r a chance
to e x ploit an application. Ex ploiting an application allow attack e r to inje ct a m alicious code and
transfe r control of program to the inje cte d code . The m alicious code inje cte d during e x ploitation
is usually a she llcode . De te ction of such she llcode s use d for e x ploitation is an issue which
conce rns all the anti-virus com panie s. Attack e rs ge ne rally write she llcode in a way to bypass antivirus e ngine , one such type of she llcode s are alphanum e ric she llcode s. De spite of so m uch
advance m e nt in de te ction te chnology de te cting alphanum e ric she llcode s is still not possible . This
re se arch pape r pre se nts a study of such alphanum e ric she llcode s and e ffe ctive ne ss of curre nt
te chnology in de te cting such she llcode and also pre se nts a nove l approach to de te ct
alphanum e ric she llcode s.
An Approach for Secure Wireless Com m unication Using Friendly Noise
Parag Aggarwal (ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management,
India) and Aditya Trivedi (ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and
Management Gwalior, India)
As the ne e d of highly se cure data transm ission in wire le ss com m unication has incre ase d rapidly,
physical laye r se curity gains a lots of atte ntion re ce ntly. The transm ission of confide ntial data
be twe e n two le gitim ate use rs in the e x iste nce of the passive e ave sdroppe r with quasi-static
R ayle igh channe l is conside re d. A ne w te chnique is propose d in which a frie ndly noise is
incorporate d with confide ntial data be aring signal such that it pre se rve s the inte grity of the signal
and doe s not de grade the le gitim ate link . This frie ndly noise acts as jam m ing signal for
e ave sdroppe r. The analytical e x pre ssion for se cre cy outage probability of the propose d te chnique
for both single and m ultiple ante nnas e ave sdroppe r is de rive d. The se cre cy pe rform ance of
propose d te chnique is com pare d with the traditional dire ct transm ission and the coope rative
jam m ing sche m e s. The asym ptotic nature of the outage probability is also studie d for the
diffe re nt param e te rs. Num e rical re sults are also pre se nte d to ve rify the analytical e x pre ssions of
propose d m ode l, which show that the propose d te chnique is be tte r than the traditional dire ct
transm ission and the coope rative jam m ing sche m e s.
Secure Yoking Proof Protocol for RFID System s
Saravanan Sundaresan (Deakin University, Australia) and Robin Doss (Deakin
University, Australia)
In this pape r, we propose a se cure yok ing proof protocol for R FID passive tags base d on Ze ro
Knowle dge . The protocols that have be e n propose d e arlie r are e ithe r found to be vulne rable to
ce rtain attack s or do not com ply with EPC standard for passive tags be cause the y use com ple x
e ncryption sche m e s. Also, the unique de sign re quire m e nts of yok ing/grouping proofs have not
be e n fully addre sse d by m any. O ur protocol addre sse s the se im portant se curity and de sign gaps
in yok ing proofs. The propose d protocol use s pse udo random square s and quadratic re siduosity
to re alize the ze ro k nowle dge prope rty. Tag ope rations are lim ite d to functions such as m odulo
(MO D), e x clusive -or (XO R ) and 128bit Pse udo R andom Num be r Ge ne rators (PR NG). Passive tags
are capable of the se ope rations and he nce the protocol achie ve s EPC com pliance and also m e e ts
the ne ce ssary se curity re quire m e nts.
A Trust- Based Probing to Secure Data Routing
Thouraya Bouabana-Tebibel (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique, Algeria),
Nidal Tebibel (USTHB, Algeria) and Selma Zemmouri (USTHB, Algeria)
Mobile ad hoc ne twork s re ly on trusty coope ration be twe e n the node s. Pack e ts dropping is a
classical we ak ne ss that m ay be cause d e ithe r by m isbe having node s or just faulty link s. Isolating
the node s be hind such e ffe cts is an e fficie nt solution for de cre asing pack e t loss. W e propose , in
this pape r, a ne w se cure protocol to m onitor, de te ct, and safe ly isolate m isbe having node s. The
propose d solution is base d on authe ntication and trust. First, it im prove s the Probing approach
with a ne w te chnique allowing de te ction of node s re sponsible for the dropping. Ne x t, it e nhance s
route s se curity by applying on the faulty node s m e chanism s base d on trust. The propose d
protocol is analyze d using the NS-2 sim ulator.
Cloud Workflow and Security: A Surv ey
Anupa J (National Institute of Technology, India) and Chandra Sekaran K (National
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Institute of Technology Karnataka, India)
The cloud re volution has he lpe d e nte rprise s to im prove the ir busine ss and pe rform ance by
providing the m com puting powe r, storage capabilitie s and a varie ty of se rvice s for ve ry le ss or no
infrastructure and re asonable cost. It also provisione d the scie ntific and acade m ic com m unitie s
to run com ple x applications involving large data se ts, high pe rform ance or distribute d re source s.
The W ork flow Manage m e nt Syste m s (W fMSs) he lp the e nte rprise s in autom ation of the ir
busine ss proce sse s and thus he lp the m anage m e nt to tak e critical de cisions fast. C loud
W ork flows club the advantage s of both C loud C om puting and W fMSs. In spite of the advantage s
of the cloud, se curity is a m ajor are a of conce rn. The use of W fMSs for critical and strate gic
applications, which is com m on in case of Busine ss and Scie ntific com m unity, give s rise to m ajor
conce rns re garding the thre ats against inte grity, authorization, availability e tc. The conce pt of
running se cure work flow instance s on public cloud proce ssing platform s is still in its infancy. This
pape r give s an ove rvie w of work flow m anage m e nt syste m s, cloud com puting, cloud work flows and
se curity in the se are as. This pape r also provide s a surve y on se curity m e chanism s for W fMSs and
C loud W ork flows.
S28-B: Security, Trust and Privacy-II
Room: 007-A Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Michael Steiner (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Defense Against Packet Dropping Attacks in Opportunistic Networks
Asma'a Ahmad (Deakin University, Australia), Majeed Alajeely (Deakin University,
Australia) and Robin Doss (Deakin University, Australia)
O pportunistic ne twork s (O ppNe ts) are an inte re sting topic that are se e n to have a prom ising
future . Many protocols have be e n de ve lope d to accom m odate the fe ature s of O ppNe ts such as
fre que nt partitions, long de lays, and no e nd-to-e nd path be twe e n the source and de stination
node s. Em be dding se curity into the se protocols is challe nging and has tak e n a lot of atte ntion in
re se arch. O ne of the attack s that O ppNe ts are e x pose d to is the pack e t dropping attack , whe re
the m alicious node atte m pts to drop som e pack e ts and forwards an incom ple te num be r of
pack e ts which re sults in the distortion of the m e ssage . To incre ase the se curity le ve ls in
O ppNe ts, this pape r pre se nts an algorithm de ve lope d to de te ct pack e t dropping attack s, and
finds the m alicious node that atte m pte d the attack . The algorithm de te cts the attack by using an
indicative fie ld in the he ade r se ction of e ach pack e t; the indicative fie ld has 3 sub fie lds - the
ide ntification fie ld, the flag fie ld, and the offse t fie ld. The se 3 fie lds are use d to find if a node
re ce ive s the com ple te original num be r of pack e ts from the pre vious node . The algorithm will
have the advantage of de te cting pack e ts droppe d by e ach inte rm e diate node , this he lps solve
the difficultie s of finding m alicious node s by the de stination node only.
Sm art Card Based Password Authentication and User Anonym ity Schem e Using ECC
and Stegnography
Vineeta Singh (Manipal University, India), Priyanka Dahiya (Manipal University Jaipur,
India) and Sanjay Singh (Manipal Institute of Technology, India)
In this inform ation age , providing se curity ove r the Inte rne t is a m ajor issue . Inte rne t se curity is
all about trust at a re m ote distance , be cause we are de aling with e ve ryone re m ote ly and not able
to confirm ide ntity or authe nticity in the traditional se nse . To incre ase the password
authe ntication a sche m e was propose d by C hun-Ta Li which is basically a sm art card-base d
password authe ntication and update sche m e . The C hun's sche m e provide s use r anonym ity and
e viction of unauthorize d use rs. In our re se arch work we have crypt analyze the C hun's m e thod
and shown that it is vulne rable to various type s of attack s: inside r attack , off line password
ve rifie r attack , stole n ve rifie r attack and im pe rsonating attack . To ove rcom e the se curity
vulne rability of C hun's sche m e , we have propose d an advance sche m e of password
authe ntication and use r anonym ity using Elliptic C urve C ryptography (EC C ) and ste gnography.
The propose d sche m e also provide s privacy to the clie nt. Base d on sche m e pe rform ance crite ria
such as im m unity to k nown attack s and functional fe ature s, we cam e to the conclusion that the
propose d sche m e is m uch e fficie nt and solve s se ve ral hard se curity thre ats.
Network Security Function Virtualization(NSFV) Towards Cloud Com puting with NFV
Ov er Openflow Infrastructure: Challenges and Nov el Approaches
Laxmana Rao Battula (Freescale & Freescale, India)
C loud com puting is e m e rging to host diffe re nt se rvice s on high e nd com pute node s of Data
ce nte r with incre asing de m ands of social ne twork ing, vide o stre am ing, big data proce ssing and
othe r inte rne t applications. W ith this approach re source sharing is achie ve d for com pute ,
ne twork ing and storage to re duce the O PEX and C APEX. Ne twork Function Virtualization(NFV) is
big part of cloud com puting and has e volve d as a proposal from ope rators for hosting ne twork
se rvice s as ne twork functions im ple m e nte d in software , which m ay be launche d on the Virtual
m achine s (VMs) dynam ically base d on the de m and in the form of VNFaaS. W ith e lasticity and
agility of ve ndor inde pe nde nt ne twork se rvice s com ing up and going down in the cloud, chaining
of ne twork se rvice s ge ts affe cte d in the E2E de ploym e nt. Software de fine d ne twork ing (SDN) is
com plim e ntary te chnology to NFV for achie ving unifie d ne twork abstraction to e x pand data flow
control in the form of virtual switch. SDN plays m ajor role in the infrastructure of NFV. SDN m ak e s
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
ne twork s m ore fle x ible , dynam ic and cost-e fficie nt, while gre atly sim plifying the ope rational
com ple x itie s. This pape r's m ain focus is to de fine , re vie w and e valuate the archite ctural
fram e work approache s of scalable com pute node with NFV and SDN for addre ssing various
challe nge s on Data ce nte r in the form of Ne twork Se curity Function Virtualization (NSFV) ove r
O pe nflow infrastructure . Ke y challe nge s in data ce nte r include ne twork se rvice provisioning &
m onitoring, E2E Se curity, ne twork function virtualization in m ulti-te nant e nvironm e nt, software
de fine d ne twork ing control for Se rvice chaining of virtual ne twork se curity functions and
pe rform ance . The m ain aim of this pape r is to provide com pre he nsive global forum for
re se arche rs to pre se nt the challe nge s and nove l approache s of ongoing re se arch in the state -ofart are as of cloud com puting archite cture s with NFV and SDN re le vance to Datace nte r.
An Approach to Cryptographic Key Distribution Through Fingerprint Based Key
Distribution Center
Subhas Barman (Govt. College of Engineering and Textile Technology, Berhampore,
India), Samiran Chattopadhyay (Jadavpur University, India) and Debasis Samanta
(Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India)
In inform ation and com m unication te chnology, se curity of inform ation is provide d with
cryptography. In cryptography, k e y m anage m e nt is an im portant part of the whole syste m as the
se curity lie s on se cre cy of cryptographic k e y. Sym m e tric cryptography use s sam e k e y (se cre t k e y)
for m e ssage e ncryption as we ll as ciphe r te x t de cryption. Distribution of the se cre t k e y is the
m ain challe nge in sym m e tric cryptography. In sym m e tric cryptography, k e y distribution ce nte r
(KDC ) tak e s the re sponsibility to distribute the se cre t k e y be twe e n the com m unicating partie s to
e stablish a se cure com m unication am ong the m . In the traditional KDC , a unique k e y is use d
be twe e n com m unicating partie s for the purpose of distributing se ssion k e ys. In this re spe ct, our
propose d approach use s finge rprint biom e trics of com m unicating partie s for the purpose of
unique k e y ge ne ration and distribute se ssion k e y with the finge rprint base d k e y of use r. As the
k e y is ge ne rate d from finge rprint of use r, the re is no scope of attack s to bre ak the unique k e y.
In this way, the unique k e y is associate d with biom e tric data of com m unicating party and the k e y
is not ne e d to re m e m be r by that party. This approach conve rts the k nowle dge base d
authe ntication to biom e tric base d authe ntication of KDC . At the sam e tim e , our approach
prote cts the privacy of finge rprint ide ntity as the ide ntity of use r is not disclose d e ve n whe n the
KDC is com prom ise d.
Prov ably Secure Peer- Link Establishm ent Protocol for Wireless Mesh Networks
Rakesh Matam (Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati, India),
Somanath Tripathy (IIT Patna, India) and Swathi Bhumireddy (Indian Institute of
Technology Patna, India)
The e x isting Pe e r link e stablishm e nt protocol docum e nte d in IEEE 802.11s standard is not se cure
and vulne rable against re lay and worm hole attack s. To addre ss this issue , an e fficie nt te chnique
using location inform ation, is propose d in this work . Se curity of the propose d te chnique is
analyse d using Sim ulation Paradigm .
X- ANOVA and X- Utest Features for Android Malware Analysis
Vinod P (Malaviya National Institute of Technology, India) and Rincy Raphael (SCMS
School of Engineering and Technology, India)
In this pape r we propose d a static analysis fram e work to classify the android m alware . The thre e
diffe re nt fe ature lik e ly (a) opcode (b) m e thod and (c) pe rm issions are e x tracte d from the e ach
android .apk file . The dom inant attribute s are aggre gate d by m odifying two diffe re nt rank e d
fe ature m e thods such as ANO VA to Ex te nde d ANO VA (XANO VA) and W ann-W hite ne y U-te st to
Ex te nde d U-Te st (X-Ute st). The se two statistical fe ature rank ing m e thods re trie ve the significant
fe ature s by re m oving the irre le vant attribute s base d on the ir score . Accuracy of the propose d
syste m is com pute d by using thre e diffe re nt classifie rs (J48, ADAboost and R andom fore st) as
we ll as vote d classification te chnique . The X-Ute st e x hibits be tte r accuracy re sults com pare d with
X-ANO VA. The highe st accuracy 89.36% is obtaine d with opcode while applying X-Ute st and XANO VA shows high accuracy of 87.81% in the case of m e thod as a fe ature . The pe rm ission base d
m ode l acquire d highe st accuracy in inde pe nde nt (90.47%) and vote d (90.63%) classification
m ode l
S29: Sensor Networks, MANETs and VANETs - I
Room: 007-B Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Foued Melakessou (University of Luxembourg, Luxemburg)
An Intelligent Medical Monitoring System Based on Sensors and Wireless Sensor
Hasna Boudra (Uuniversity of Quebec at Montreal, Canada), Abdel Obaid (Université
de Québec à Montréal, Canada) and Anne Marie Amja (University of Quebec at
Montreal, Canada)
Due to advance s in wire le ss ne twork te chnology, ne w applications are de signe d in m e dical and
he alth care dom ain. Me dical pe rsonne l e fficie ncy has incre ase d by using the se ne w tools and
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
applications. Patie nt m onitoring of young and e lde rly pe ople as we ll as sm art house s e quippe d
with se nsors and inform ation te chnologie s are subje ct to discussion. Patie nts we ar se nsors to
m onitor vital signs re porte d in re altim e to the ir doctors, which im prove s the quality of he alth care
and allows the m to spare m one y. In our work , we have de ve lope d a prototype of m e dical
m onitoring for e lde rly pe ople by using se ve ral te chnologie s such as R EST, Je ss rule e ngine and
Android in orde r to have a fle x ible application in future change s.
A Distributed Energy Efficient and Energy Balanced Routing Algorithm for Wireless
Sensor Networks
Deepika Singh (Indian School of Mines, India), Pratyay Kuila (Indian School of Mines,
India) and Prasanta Kumar Jana (Indian School of Mines, India)
The m ain function of any wire le ss se nsor ne twork (W SN) is to route se nse d data to the re m ote
base station. Howe ve r, the m ajor bottle ne ck for such ope ration is the lim ite d and irre place able
powe r source of the se nsor node s. In orde r to m inim ize the e ne rgy consum ption in the proce ss
of data routing, data pack e ts are ge ne rally forwarde d through a path that consum e s m inim um
e ne rgy, which le ads to une ve n e ne rgy consum ption of the se nsor node s and as a re sult the
ne twork is partitione d. The re fore , a routing algorithm should conside r not only e ne rgy
consum ption of the se nsor node s but also the ir e ne rgy balancing. In this pape r, we pre se nt a
distribute d routing algorithm which tak e s care both of the se issue s. More ove r, the algorithm is
shown to be fault tole rant. W e use e ne rgy de nsity of the se nsor node s to balance the e ne rgy
consum ption and the distance be twe e n the node s to conse rve e ne rgy. Ex pe rim e nts are
pe rform e d in dive rse num be r of ne twork sce narios and the re sults show that the propose d work
is supe rior to the e x isting routing algorithm s.
Wireless Power Transfer Using Microstrip Antenna Assigned with Graded Index Lenses
for WSN
Vikram Singh, chauhan (Mumbai University & V J T I, India), Asawari Kukde (Veermata
Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai, India) and Chirag Warty (Intelligent
Communication lab & Director, Quantspire, India)
W ire le ss Powe r Transfe r (W PT) syste m is se e n as an alte rnative for m ode rn day wire d powe r
transm ission. In a long range wire le ss powe r transm ission syste m , powe r is transm itte d through
m icrowave s. An e ffe ctive powe r transm ission re lie s on a highly dire ctive ante nna syste m . This
pape r talk about a m icrostrip re ctangular patch ante nna incorporate d with a grade d re fractive
inde x m e tam ate rial le ns . Using m icrostrip ante nna will conside rably re duce the size of W PT
syste m as com parison to othe r m icrowave ante nna. In this pape r the wire le ss powe r transm ission
syste m is m ode le d for 2.4 GHz fre que ncy. Ante nna assigne d with m e tam ate rial le ns propose d in
pape r will e nhance the am ount of transfe rre d powe r to wire le ss se nsors ne twork with le ss
radiation loss.
TDEC: Threshold- sensitiv e Determ inistic Energy Efficient Clustering Protocol for
Wireless Sensor Networks
Prabhleen Kaur (Punjab Institute of Technology, Kapurthala(Punjab Technical
University Main Campus), India) and Rajdeep Singh (PIT, Kapurthala (PTU Main
Campus), India)
De ploym e nt of wire le ss se nsor ne twork has be e n incre asing tre m e ndously for the last fe w ye ars
due to its wide applicability in various fie lds ranging from e ngine e ring industry to our hom e
e nvironm e nt te chnology. W ire le ss Se nsor Ne twork involve s of low powe re d and tiny se nsor node s.
Ne twork is live as long as the se nsor node s have e ne rgy. Efficie nt utilization of e ne rgy of se nsor
node s is m ajor factor to be conside re d to incre ase ne twork life tim e and stability pe riod. W e have
propose d a thre shold se nsitive de te rm inistic e ne rgy e fficie nt cluste ring protocol which is re active ,
se lf-adaptable , and distributive protocol. C luste r he ads are be ing se le cte d de pe nding on re sidual
e ne rgy param e te r only and data is transm itte d only if a param e te r to be se nse d satisfie s hard
and soft thre shold. W e analyze and sim ulate our protocol in MATLAB for sim ple te m pe rature
se nsing application. O ur sim ulation analysis shows be tte r re sults com parable to e x isting
protocols with re spe ct to stability pe riod and ne twork life tim e in both hom oge ne ous and
he te roge ne ous e nvironm e nt.
Use of Big Data Technology in Vehicular Ad- hoc Networks
Punam Bedi (University of Delhi, India) and Vinita Jindal (University of Delhi & India,
Big Data te chnology is be com ing ubiquitous and de picting k e y atte ntion of re se arche rs in alm ost
all are as. VANET is a spe cial form of MANET that use s ve hicle s as node s in a ne twork . By applying
Big Data te chnologie s to Ve hicular Ad-hoc Ne twork (VANET), one can gain use ful insight from a
huge am ount of ope rational data, to im prove traffic m anage m e nt proce sse s such as planning,
e ngine e ring and ope rations. VANETs acce ss large data during the re al tim e ope rations. In this
pape r we m ap VANET characte ristics to Big Data attribute s state d in lite rature . Furthe r, we
e valuate the pe rform ance of Dijk stra algorithm use d for routing in ve hicular ne twork s on Hadoop
Map R e duce standalone distribute d fram e work as we ll as on m ultinode cluste r with 2, 3, 4 and 5
node s re spe ctive ly. The re sults obtaine d confirm that incre asing the num be r of node s in Hadoop
fram e work , proce ssing tim e for the algorithm is gre atly re duce d.
An Enhanced Cluster- Head Selection Schem e for Distributed Heterogeneous Wireless
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Sensor Network
Divyanshu Gupta (JS institute of technology, India) and Rajesh Verma (Galgotias
University, India)
C luste r He ad se le ction m e thod is a critical and e ne rgy constraining proce ss in wire le ss se nsor
ne twork . This proce ss re quire d significant am ount of e ne rgy affe cting the pe rform ance and
ope ration of wire le ss se nsor ne twork . The advantage ous he te roge ne ous wire le ss se nsor ne twork
provide s diffe re nt type of data from diffe re nt varie ty of se nsors in sam e ne twork but be cause of
com ple x ne twork ope rations it shows poor pe rform ance . For e nhance d pe rform ance of wire le ss
se nsor ne twork , im prove m e nts are ne e de d at som e critical param e te rs such as e ne rgy pote ncy,
ne twork life tim e , node re adying, fault le nie nce and dorm ancy. The propose d C luste r-He ad
se le ction sche m e de als with two le ve l he te roge ne ous wire le ss se nsor ne twork s. Im prove d
C luste r-He ad se le ction proce ss e nds up in le ss e ne rgy consum ption that prolongs the ne twork
life tim e and stability.
An Effectiv e Black Hole Attack Detection Mechanism Using Perm utation Based
Acknowledgem ent in MANET
Dhaval Dave (National Institute of Technology Warangal, India) and Pranav Dave
(Gujarat Technological University & LDRP Institute, India)
W ith the e volution of wire le ss te chnology and use of m obile de vice s, Mobile Ad-hoc Ne twork has
be com e popular am ong re se arche rs to e x plore . A m obile ad-hoc ne twork (MANET) is a se lfconfiguring ne twork of m obile route rs (and associate d hosts) conne cte d by wire le ss link s. The
route rs and hosts are fre e to m ove random ly and organize the m se lve s arbitrarily. It allows
m obile node s to com m unicate dire ctly without any ce ntralize d coordinator. Such ne twork
sce narios cannot re ly on ce ntralize d and organize d conne ctivity, and can be conce ive d as
applications of Mobile Ad-Hoc Ne twork s. Thus, MANET is vulne rable due to its dynam ic ne twork
topology, as any node be com e untruste d at any tim e . The Black hole attack is one k ind of
se curity risk in which m alicious node adve rtise s itse lf to have a shorte st path for any de stination,
to forge data or for DO S attack . In this pape r, to de te ct such node s e ffe ctive ly, we propose a
Pe rm utation base d Ack nowle dge m e nt for m ost wide ly use d re active protocol ad-hoc on de m and
distance ve ctor routing AO DV. This m e chanism is e nhance m e nt of Adaptive Ack nowle dge m e nt
(AAC K) and TW O -AC K, he re we have trie d to show the e fficie ncy incre m e nt by de cre asing num be r
of m e ssage s route d in the ne twork
Dynam ic and Distributed Channel Congestion Control Strategy in VANET
Sulata Mitra (Bengal Engineering and Science University, India) and Atanu Mondal
(Camellia Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India)
C onge stion control is an im portant re se arch issue to e nsure safe and re liable ve hicle to ve hicle
com m unication by using the lim ite d re source available in ve hicular ad hoc ne twork . It supports
the com m unication of safe and unsafe m e ssage s am ong ve hicle s. The pre se nt work controls
channe l conge stion dynam ically by re ducing the rate of transm ission of m e ssage s am ong
ve hicle s. The transm ission rate of m e ssage s is re duce d by allowing only the authe ntic ve hicle s to
utilize the available re source s in the ne twork , by re vok ing the attack e rs and also by controlling
the channe l load dynam ically. The pe rform ance of the propose d channe l conge stion control
strate gy is studie d with and without the re vocation of attack e rs.
S30: Third International Symposium on Natural Language Processing (NLP'14)/ International
Workshop on Authorship Analysis in Forensic Linguistics (AFL-2014)/ International Workshop
on Language Translation in Intelligent Agents (LTIA-2014)
Room: 215 Block E Second Floor
Chairs: Rajeev R R (IIITM-K, India), Rajkumar Rathore (Uttar Pradesh Technical University,
Lucknow (INDIA) &amp; Galgotias College of Engineering &amp; Technology, Greater
Noida (INDIA), India)
Exploration of Robust Features for Multiclass Em otion Classification
Bincy Thomas (SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, India), Dhanya A (SCMS
School of Engineering & Technology, India) and Vinod P (SCMS School of Engineerin &
Technology, India)
C lassification of e m otion from se nte nce s re quire s the classifie r to be traine d on re le vant
fe ature s. This pape r focuse s on diffe re nt fe ature s (a) Bag-of-W ords (b) Part-of-Spe e ch tags (c)
Se nte nce Le ngth and (d) Le x ical Em otion Fe ature s. Ex te nsive e valuation on variable fe ature
le ngth for classifying te x tual e m otions is carrie d out to unde rstand the ir role in m ode l
pe rform ance . Ex pe rim e nts de pict that the bag--of--words provide be tte r accuracy as boole an
re pre se ntation of fe ature rathe r than as te rm -fre que ncy.
Sem iautom atic Annotation Schem e for Dem onstrativ e Pronoun Considering Indirect
Anaphora for Hindi
Pardeep Singh (National Institute of Technology & Hamirpur, India) and Kamlesh Dutta
(NIT Hamirpur, India)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Annotation is a te dious and tim e consum ing proce ss. Natural language proce ssing re quire s a lot
of analysis and inform ation re garding words and se gm e nt of words. Inform ation re garding word
using PO S tagge r, parse r and othe r tool can be gathe re d. But still due s to scarcity of language
re source s annotation of ge nre is re quire d for furthe r studie s. In this work ing pape r we propose a
se m iautom atic m e thod which will annotate thre e tag. It annotate pronoun patte rn, case
m ark e r/conne ctor and se m antic cate gory of a ge nre . O ut of te n tags se ve n are annotate d using
Botle y's annotation sche m e m anually. R e st of thre e tags are propose d to autom ate . The
e x pe rim e nt done on EMILEE corpus. Input file is EMILEE file and output is fully annotate d Unicode
file .
Im prov ing Keyword Detection Rate Using a Set of Rules to Merge HMM- based and
SVM- based Keyword Spotting Results
Akram Shokri (Audio and Speech Processing Lab, IUST., Iran), Mohammad H.
Davarpour (Azad University, Semnan Branch, Iran) and Ahmad Akbari (Iran University
of Science and Technology, Iran)
Evaluating the accuracy of HMM-base d and SVM-base d spotte rs in de te cting k e ywords and
re cognizing the true place of k e yword occurre nce shows that the HMM-base d spotte r de te cts the
place of occurre nce m ore pre cise ly than the SVM-base d spotte r. O n the othe r hand, the SVMbase d spotte r pe rform s m uch be tte r in de te cting k e ywords and has highe r de te ction rate . In this
pape r, we propose a rule base d com bination m e thod for com bining output of the se two k e yword
spotte rs in orde r to be ne fit from fe ature s and advantage s of e ach m e thod and ove rcom e
we ak ne sse s and drawback s of the m . Ex pe rim e ntal re sults of applying this com bination m e thod
on both cle an and noisy te st se ts show that its re cognition rate has conside rable growth rathe r
than e ach individual m e thod.
SentiMa - Sentim ent Extraction for Malayalam
Deepu S. Nair (IIITM-K, India), Jisha Jayan (IIITM-K, India), Rajeev R R (IIITM-K, India)
and Sherly Elizabeth (IIITM-K, Technopark, Trivandrum, India)
Se ntim e nt Analysis is one of the m ost active re se arch are as in NLP, which analyze s pe ople 's
opinions, se ntim e nts, e valuations, attitude s, and e m otions from writte n language . The growing
im portance of se ntim e nt analysis coincide s with the growth of social m e dia such as re vie ws,
forum discussions, blogs, and social ne twork s. Se ntim e nt analysis e nable s com pute rs to
autom ate the activitie s pe rform e d by hum an for m ak ing de cisions base d on the se ntim e nt of
opinions, which has wide applications in data m ining, W e b m ining, and te x t m ining. This work
has be e n carrie d out to find the se ntim e nts from Malayalam film re vie w. In this pape r, Ne gation
R ule has be e n applie d for e x tracting the Se ntim e nts from a give n te x t which is a rule base d
approach. This work would he lp to assign the rank and popularity of the ne w arrival film and also
to the use rs for e x pre ssing the ir fe e lings afte r watching ne w film s
Pattern Based Pruning of Morphological Alternativ es of Bengali Wordform s
Biswanath Barik (Tata Consultancy Services, India) and Sudeshna Sarkar (IIT,
Kharagpur, India)
Multiple m orphological inte rpre tations of word-form s is a bottle ne ck for diffe re nt le ve l of
syntactico-se m antic analyse s of Natural Language (NL) se nte nce s. C om m on vocabulary words of
m orphologically rich language s typically have m ore than one m orphological analysis. Howe ve r, if
a word contains m ultiple m orphological alte rnative s, one of the m is appropriate with re spe ct to
the conte x t whe re the word is use d. Diffe re nt te x t proce ssing task s re quire m orphological
fe ature s of words. The re fore , an e fficie nt proce dure is ne e de d to choose the appropriate
m orphological analysis of e ach word of a give n conte x t. In this pape r, we propose a m e thod to
ide ntify corre ct m orphological analysis of e ach Be ngali word-form by cance lling (or pruning)
m orphological analyse s showing conte x t incom patibility.
Machine Learning Approach for Correcting Preposition Errors Using SVD Features
Anuja Aravind (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeeham, India) and Anand Kumar M (Amrita
Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India)
Non-native English write rs ofte n m ak e pre position e rrors in English language . The m ost
com m only occurring pre position e rrors are pre position re place m e nt, pre position m issing and
unwante d pre position. So, in this m e thod, a syste m is de ve lope d for finding and handling the
English pre position e rrors in pre position re place m e nt case . The propose d m e thod applie s 2Singular Value De com position (SVD2) conce pt for data de com position re sulting in fast calculation
and the se fe ature s are give n for classification using Support Ve ctor Machine s (SVM) classifie r
which obtains an ove rall accuracy above 90%. Fe ature s are re trie ve d using nove l SVD2 base d
m e thod applie d on trigram s which is having a pre position in the m iddle of the conte x t. A m atrix
with the le ft and right ve ctors of e ach word in the trigram is com pute d for applying SVD2 conce pt
and the se fe ature s are use d for supe rvise d classification. Pre lim inary re sults show that this nove l
fe ature e x traction and dim e nsionality re duction m e thod is the appropriate m e thod for handling
pre position e rrors.
Joint Layer Based Deep Learning Fram ework for Bi- lingual Machine Transliteration
(For English and Tam il Languages)
Sanjanaashree P (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeeham, India) and Anand Kumar M (Amrita
Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Be twe e n the growth of Inte rne t or W orld W ide W e b (W W W ) and the e m e rsion of the social
ne twork ing site lik e Frie ndste r, Myspace e tc., inform ation socie ty starte d facing e x hilarating
challe nge s in language te chnology applications such as Machine Translation (MT) and
Inform ation R e trie val (IR ). Ne ve rthe le ss, the re we re re se arche rs work ing in Machine Translation
that de al with re al tim e inform ation for ove r 50 ye ars since the first com pute r has com e along.
Me re ly, the ne e d for translating data has be com e large r than be fore as the world was ge tting
toge the r through social m e dia. Espe cially, translating prope r nouns and te chnical te rm s has
be com e ope nly challe nging task in Machine Translation. The Machine translite ration was
e m e rge d as a part of inform ation re trie val and m achine translation proje cts to translate the
Nam e d Entitie s base d on phone m e and graphe m e , he nce , those are not re giste re d in the
dictionary. Many re se arche rs have use d approache s such as conve ntional Graphical m ode ls and
also adopte d othe r m achine translation te chnique s for Machine Translite ration. Machine
Translite ration was always look e d as a Machine Le arning Proble m . In this pape r, we pre se nte d a
ne w are a of Machine Le arning approach te rm e d as a De e p Le arning for im proving the bilingual
m achine translite ration task for Tam il and English language s with lim ite d corpus. This te chnique
pre ce de s Artificial Inte llige nce . The syste m is built on De e p Be lie f Ne twork (DBN), a ge ne rative
graphical m ode l, which has be e n prove d to work we ll with othe r Machine Le arning proble m . W e
have obtaine d 79.46% accuracy for English to Tam il translite ration task and 78.4 % for Tam il to
English translite ration.
Hybrid Part of Speech Tagger for Malayalam
Merin Francis (Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India) and K n
Ramachandran Nair (Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, India)
The proce ss of assigning part of spe e ch for e ve ry word in a give n se nte nce according to the
conte x t is calle d as part of spe e ch tagging. Part of spe e ch tagging (PO S tagging) has a crucial
role in diffe re nt fie lds of natural language proce ssing (NLP) including spe e ch re cognition, spe e ch
synthe sis, natural language parsing, inform ation re trie val, m ulti words te rm e x traction, word
se nse disam biguation and m achine translation. . This pape r propose s an e fficie nt and accurate
PO S tagging te chnique for Malayalam language using hybrid approach. W e propose a
C onditional R andom fie lds(C R F) base d m e thod inte grate d with R ule -Base d m e thod. W e use SVM
base d m e thod to com pare the accuracy. The corpus both tagge d and untagge d use d for training
and te sting the syste m is in the unicode form at and the tagse t de ve lope d by IIIT Hyde rabad for
Indian Language s is use d. The syste m is te ste d for se le cte d book s of Bible and pe rform with an
accuracy of 94%.
Ev aluation of Som e English- Hindi MT System s
Nisheeth Joshi (Banasthali University, India), Iti Mathur (Banasthali University, India),
Hemant Darbari (DIT, MIT, Govt. of India, India), Ajai Kumar (DIT, MIT, Govt. of India,
India) and Priyanka Jain (DIT, MIT, Govt. of India & C-DAC, India)
MT e valuation is a ve ry im portant activity in MT syste m de ve lopm e nt. Evaluation of MT syste m s
can he lp MT de ve lope rs in unde rstanding the short-com ings of the ir syste m s and cle ar focus on
the proble m are as, so that syste m s pe rform ance can incre ase . In this pape r we have discusse d
e valuation of som e English-Hindi MT e ngine s. For this, we have applie d hum an as we ll as
autom atic e valuations of the se syste m s. Autom atic e valuation m e trics across linguistic le ve ls
have be e n use d to pe rform this study.
Speaker Identification Using FBCC in Malayalam Language
Drisya Vasudev (MG University, India) and Anish Babu K K (Rajiv Gandhi Institute of
Technology, Kottayam, India)
Spe ak e r ide ntification atte m pts to de te rm ine the be st possible m atch from a group of ce rtain
spe ak e rs, for any give n input spe e ch signal. The te x t-inde pe nde nt spe ak e r ide ntification syste m
doe s the task to ide ntify the pe rson who spe ak s re gardle ss of what is said. The first ste p in
spe ak e r ide ntification is the e x traction of fe ature s. In this propose d m e thod, the Be sse l fe ature s
are use d as an alte rnative to the popular te chnique s lik e MFC C and LPC C . The quasi-stationary
nature of spe e ch signal is m ore e fficie ntly re pre se nte d by dam pe d sinusoidal basis function that
is m ore natural for the voice d spe e ch signal. Since Be sse l functions have dam pe d sinusoidal as
basis function, it is m ore natural choice for the re pre se ntation of spe e ch signals. He re , Be sse l
fe ature s de rive d from the spe e ch signal is use d for cre ating the Gaussian m ix ture m ode ls for
te x t inde pe nde nt spe ak e r ide ntification. A se t of te n spe ak e rs is use d for m ode lling using
Gaussian m ix ture s. The propose d syste m is m ade to te st ove r the Malayalam database
obtaining an e fficie ncy of 98% which is prom ising.
S31: Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications-II
Room: 108-B Block E First Floor
Chair: Bob Gill (BCIT, Canada)
Studies on the Suitability of LT Codes with Modified Degree Distribution (MDD) for
Fading Channels
Joe Louis Paul I (SSN College of Engineering, India), S Radha (SSN College of
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Engineering, India) and Raja J (Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, India)
The obje ctive of this pape r is to study and analyze the suitability of Luby Transform (LT) code s
for fading channe ls such as R ayle igh and R ician channe ls. The pe rform ance of LT code s is
actually gove rne d by a we ll-de fine d de gre e distribution function use d in LT proce ss. He nce , this
pape r pre se nts a nove l approach calle d Modifie d De gre e Distribution (MDD) for im proving the
de lay and Bit Error R ate (BER ) pe rform ance s of LT code s ove r fading channe ls. This work m ainly
discusse s the significance of varying the proportion of de gre e -1 e ncoding sym bols on the de lay
and BER pe rform ance of LT code s. Sim ulation re sults show that the re is a significant
im prove m e nt in the pe rform ance of MDD base d LT code s ove r R ician channe ls com pare d to
R ayle igh channe ls in te rm s of BER and e ncoding/de coding de lay.
An Energy Efficient Topology Control Schem e with Connectiv ity Learning in Wireless
Jisha Shanavas (Amrita School of Engineering, India) and Simi S (Amrita University,
In W ire le ss ne twork s, the ne twork topology change s ove r tim e due to the varying e nvironm e ntal
and link characte ristics. Distribute d topology control of node s in dynam ic ne twork s is a m ajor
factor that affe cts the conne ctivity and life tim e of the ne twork . Node s in wire le ss ne twork s have
lim ite d re source s. Topology control algorithm s are he lpful to im prove the e ne rgy utilization,
re duce inte rfe re nce be twe e n node s and e x te nd life tim e of the ne twork s ope rating on batte ry
powe r. This pape r propose s a strate gy for topology control and m ainte nance by le arning the
ne twork link characte ristics. The syste m le arns the varying ne twork link characte ristics using
re inforce m e nt le arning te chnique and give an optim al choice of paths to be followe d for pack e t
forwarding. The algorithm calculate s the bounds on the num be r of ne ighbors pe r node which
he lps to re duce powe r consum ption and inte rfe re nce e ffe cts. Also the algorithm e nsure s strong
conne ctivity in the ne twork so that re achability be twe e n any two node s in the ne twork is
guarante e d. Analysis and sim ulation re sults illustrate the corre ctne ss and e ffe ctive ne ss of our
propose d algorithm .
Perform ance Dependence of Line- of- Sight Multiuser Multi- Input Multi- Output System
on Allocated User Bandwidth in an Office Env ironm ent
Satinder Gill (University of New Brunswick, Canada) and Brent R. Petersen (University
of New Brunswick, Canada)
In this pape r, the line -of-sight (LO S) m ultiuse r m ulti-input m ulti-output (MU-MIMO ) syste m
pre se nt in an office e nvironm e nt is conside re d. The m ajor ide a be hind the propose d work is to
de m onstrate the e ffe ct of allocate d use r bandwidth on the pe rform ance of a bandlim ite d MUMIMO syste m in an office e nvironm e nt. The hypothe sis is propose d to e stim ate the ave rage
available MU-MIMO bandwidth of an office e nvironm e nt. The com pute r sim ulation re sults for the
2 LO S MU-MIMO sce nario show gre at im prove m e nt in the pe rform ance of the MU-MIMO
syste m for optim al use r bandwidth allocation. Finally, the pre se nte d m e asure m e nt re sults atte st
the MU-MIMO syste m the ore tical and sim ulation pe rform ance im prove m e nt pre dictions.
Perform ance Boosting Approach of S- Random Interleav er for IDMA System Using
Walsh Code
Sonam Sharma (G L A University Mathura, India), Paresh Chandra Sau (GLA University,
India) and Aasheesh Shukla (GLA University, India)
This pape r pre se nts S-R andom inte rle ave r base d Inte rle ave Division Multiple Acce ss (IDMA)
sche m e . S-R andom inte rle ave r provide s good spre ading param e te r which produce le ss corre late d
e x trinsic value s and also lowe rs down the e rror floor, he nce be tte r the syste m pe rform ance . As
inte rle ave rs in IDMA use d to re cognize the diffe re nt signal from the diffe re nt use rs, S-R andom
inte rle ave rs are e m ploye d in IDMA for use r se paration and also provide significant im prove m e nt
in BER pe rform ance as com pare d to that of conve ntional random inte rle ave r. In this pape r
pe rform ance analysis of S-R andom and random inte rle ave r for ite rative IDMA syste m have be e n
e valuate d with BPSK m odulation in R ayle igh Fading channe l. Furthe r, the syste m pe rform ance
can be im prove d significantly by the inclusion of optim al spre ad code such as W alsh-Hadam ard
code . Sim ulation re sults are give n in te rm s of spre ad param e te r, BER pe rform ance .
Design of Multi Resonance Loop Shape Micro Strip Antenna for Ultra Wide Band
Wireless Com m unication Applications
Kailas Kantilal Sawant (DIAT (DU), India), Suthikshn Kumar (DIAT, Deemed University,
India) and Sujit Dharmpatre (Pune University, Pune, India)
A nove l m ultire sonance loop shape m icrostrip ante nna (MR LMSA) for ultra wide band wire le ss
com m unication applications is pre se nte d. The de signe d radiating ante nna consists of a two loop
shape d ring re sonators around the single m onopole he x agon patch. This ante nna is powe re d
through ste ppe d co-planar wave guide (C PW ) fe d. The ste pping fe d is use d to im prove the
ante nna e le ctrical characte ristics at the ce ntre and at highe r fre que ncie s. The ste pping fe d and
ground form ation will also provide the im pe dance m atching with the radiating patch. This
ante nna is use d for characte risation in ultra wide band fre que ncy range from 3.1 GHz to 10.6
GHz. The ante nna is de signe d and sim ulate d on an Fr4_e pox y substrate of dim e nsions (L) x (W )
= 72.25 m m x 51 m m having die le ctric constant εr = 4.4, re lative pe rm e ability = 1, thick ne ss t =
1.53 m m , loss tange nt tan δ = 0.002 and lande G factor 2. The size of the radiating patch is
spe cifie d by Le ngth x W idth is (L1) x (W 1) and e dge le ngth is (S1) for im pe dance m atching,
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
constant gain, ste ady radiation patte rns, and constant group de lay ove r the UW B fre que ncy
range . The two loop rings are use d around the m onopole he x agon is to provide the
m ultire sonance radiation characte ristics. The spe ciality of the de sign and its dim e nsions is that,
within two loop rings and a m onopole patch it give s m ultire sonance re sponse in the UW B
fre que ncy range from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz. An optim ize d MR LMSA is de signe d and sim ulate d on
an Ansoft- HFSS sim ulation software and a com parative state m e nt of re sult is also propose d.
This ante nna is use ful in the UW B wire le ss com m unication syste m s i.e . MIMO -Multi-Input MultiO utput UW B syste m for short range , highe r powe r transm ission with highe r bandwidth
re quire m e nt. This ante nna is also use d in othe r wire le ss syste m s such as W LAN, W iMax e tc for
notch (filte r)applications.
Analysis of Resonace- based Wireless Power Trasm ission Using Circuit Theory
Asawari Kukde (Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai, India), Vikram
Singh, chauhan (Mumbai University & V J T I, India) and Chirag Warty (Intelligent
Communication lab & Director, Quantspire, India)
W ire le ss Powe r Transm ission (W PT) can provide solutions for powe r transfe r in com ple x
e nvironm e nt and topologically challe nging locations. This te chnology is m ainly affe cte d by the
range and e fficie ncy of transm ission. Spe cially, bulk powe r transfe r using W PT is also a
challe nging task . W PT using re sonant coupling can provide an e ffe ctive solution for powe r
transfe r to se nsors and m onitoring m e te rs in te m pe rature variant e nvironm e nts and batte ry
powe re d static and m obile de vice s. Howe ve r, its e ffe cts re late d to sim ultane ously charging
m ultiple units and its dire ctional fie ld patte rn whe n introduce d on both the transm itting as we ll as
re ce iving side of the syste m is to be studie d. This syste m can be e x pande d to transm it powe r
from single transm itte r to m ultiple re ce ive rs.
Perform ance Analysis of Host Based and Network Based IP Mobility Managem ent
Schem es Ov er IPv 6 Network
Riaz Khan (National Institute of Technology Srinagar, India)
The m obile com m unication is growing ve ry fast in orde r to m e e t today world's ne e ds and de sire s.
As the portable de vice s are growing with rapid pace and pe ople are m oving from one place to
anothe r fre que ntly, changing the ir attachm e nt points to the com m unication ne twork s (Mobile IP
base d Ne twork s, W ire le ss Local Are a ne twork s W LAN and W ire le ss Pe rsonal Acce ss Ne twork s
W PAN). Pe ople carrying the m obile gadge ts want to re m ain conne cte d to the ne twork all the tim e
and want uninte rrupte d se rvice s. The re are standardize d m obility m anage m e nt protocols; host
base d and ne twork base d. The se protocols are be ing use d to carry the m obility of Mobile Node
(MN) with the m inim um handove r de lay and provide se cure conne ctions (IPse c as inbuilt support
in IPv6 e nable d ne twork s) with the MN's de stination. In this pape r we have e valuate d the
pe rform ance of both host base d and ne twork base d m obility approache s. Through the sim ulation
ove r Ne twork Sim ulator (NS2) diffe re nt pe rform ance param e te rs we re calculate d for both
cate gorie s of m obility sche m e s to show the ir pe rform ance . W e found, in som e case s whe re host
base d m obility sche m e s are not suitable (lik e in W ire le ss Se nsor Ne twork s); ne twork base d
m obility sche m e s provide fruitful and acce ptable re sults.
Handoff Perform ance Analysis of FNEMO and SINEMO for Vehicle- to- Infrastructure
Com m unications
Palash Kundu (Jadavpur University, India)
O ne of the m ajor task s at IETF's, NEtwork MO bility Basic Support Protocol (NEMO BSP) is to
support the se am le ss and uninte rrupte d conne ctivity of m obile hosts using a spe cialize d m obile
route r (MR ) that dire ctly conne cts the whole m obile ne twork to the Inte rne t. Se am le ss IP dive rsity
base d NEMO (SINEMO ) outpe rform s NEMO -BSP in te rm s of handoff late ncy and re late d pack e t
loss by utilizing the advance d loss re cove ry m e chanism and m ulti-hom ing fe ature of stre am
control transm ission protocol (SC TP). FMIPv6 was adopte d to re duce handoff late ncy and re late d
pack e t loss of MIPv6. To im prove the handoff pe rform ance of NEMO BSP, FMIPv6 base d NEMO
(FNEMO ) has be e n propose d. In this pape r, handoff pe rform ance of two m ode s of FNEMO ,
Pre dictive -FNEMO (Pre -FNEMO ) and R e active -FNEMO (R e -FNEMO ), and SINEMO are analytically
com pare d base d on handoff late ncy, handoff block ing probability and pack e t loss during
handoff. The num e rical re sults show that Pre -FNEMO outpe rform s SINEMO in te rm s of above
m e trics and R e -FNEMO also pe rform s be tte r than SINEMO in te rm s of pack e t loss during handoff.
PAPR Reduction in Wav elet Based SC- FDMA Using PTS Schem e for LTE Uplink
Transm ission
Ishu Singla (UIET, India)
SC FDMA has be com e a prom ising te chnique for LTE uplink transm ission. SC FDMA is ofte n
re fe rre d as DFT spre ad O FDMA. The re ason for using SC -FDMA for uplink transm issions is lowe r
PAPR . Lowe r PAPR m ak e s the syste m powe r e fficie nt. Partial Transm it Se que nce (PTS) is
te chnique use d for re ducing PAPR in diffe re nt sche m e s. In this pape r, W ave le t base d SC FDMA is
propose d for analysing PAPR pe rform ance using PTS sche m e . Analysis is carrie d out using
diffe re nt wave le ts and with diffe re nt num be r of carrie rs. This analysis will show that the furthe r
PAPR re duction tak e s place in wave le t base d SC FDMA using PTS sche m e . Thus wave le t base d
SC FDMA give s be tte r PAPR pe rform ance than that of DFT base d SC FDMA.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
S32: Computer Architecture and VLSI-II
Room: 105 Block E First Floor
Chair: Badri Patro (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)
FPGA Im plem entation of Energy Efficient Multiplication Ov er GF(2m ) for ECC
Ravi Kishore Kodali (National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India) and Lakshmi
Boppana (National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India)
Public k e y cryptography (PKC ) is highly se cure against thre ats com pare d to sym m e tric k e y
cryptography (SKC ). O ne of the PKC te chnique s, Elliptic curve cryptography has be e n gaining
wide r atte ntion as com pare d to the popular R SA due to its le sse r k e y size re quire m e nts in orde r
to provide a sim ilar se curity le ve l. This pape r de tails the hardware im ple m e ntation m odular
m ultiplicative ove r binary fie ld GF(2m ). Efficie nt scalar point m ultiplication is a crucial part in
e lliptic curve cryptography. A scalar point m ultiplication consists of point doubling and point
addition ope rations. Both of the se ope rations inhe re ntly de pe nd on addition, m ultiplication,
squaring and inve rsion. Am ong the se , the inve rsion ope ration is the m ost tim e consum ing one .
The com putation of m ultiplicative inve rse prim arily consists of m odular m ultiplication and
m odular squaring ope rations. This pape r propose s an e fficie nt scalar m ultiplication using
ite rative Karatsuba-O ffm an m ultiplication algorithm (KMA) ove r GF(2m ). The pe rform ance
com parison is base d on the Xilinx Virte x -6 FPGA im ple m e ntation for the NIST re com m e nde d
binary fie ld.
FPGA Im plem entation of a BCH Codec for Free Space Optical Com m unication System
Shriharsha Koila (National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India), Goutham Simha
G D (National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India), Muralidhar Kulkarni (National
Institute of Technology Karnataka, India) and Udupi Sripati (NITK, Surathkal, India)
Future Fre e Space O ptical (FSO ) com m unication syste m s have the pote ntial of com m unicating
data at ve ry high rate s with ve ry high le ve ls of inte grity ove r distance s of up to a fe w k ilom e te rs
(for te rre strial link s). This te chnology has also be e n a candidate for se tting up ve ry high spe e d
(~3 Gbps)and highly re liable (BER ~〖10〗^(-9))com m unication link s be twe e n sate llite s in ge osynchronous orbits and ground stations. Since the fre e space optical m e dium can induce m any
form s of distortion (atm osphe ric turbule nce e ffe cts, optical be am wande r e tc), the use of a
channe l code to de te ct and corre ct e rrors during the proce ss of inform ation transfe r ove r the
channe l is e sse ntial. A corre ctly de signe d channe l code can re duce the raw BER from
unacce ptable value s to value s that can be tole rate d in m any applications. In this pape r, we have
de signe d a C ode c (e ncode r/ de code r) pair for a (31, 16, 3) Bose , R ay-C haudhuri, and
Hocque nghe m (BC H) code on the Ne x ys-4 FPGA platform . The pe rform ance of this BC H C ode c
has be e n te ste d ove r an indoor FSO channe l and the im prove m e nt in te rm s of BER has be e n
quantifie d. An im prove d syndrom e com putation circuit, paralle l C hie n se arch im ple m e ntation and
an im prove d m e thod for calculating inve rse s in a finite fie ld are the ne w fe ature s incorporate d in
this pape r. W e have be e n able to de sign and im ple m e nt circuits which use the se optim ize d
approach and de live r re al tim e e ncoding and de coding with an inform ation transfe r rate of 2
Mbps and can be e x te nde d upto a spe e d of 418Mbps.
A Com posite Data Prefetcher Fram ework for Multilev el Caches
Harsh Arora (V. I. T University & Ex. Sr. Mgmt/Engineering -R&D Professional : Mentor
Graphics Inc, Cadence Inc & Motorola Inc, India), Suvechhya Banerjee (V. I. T
University, India) and Davina V. (V. I. T University, India)
The e x panding diffe re nce be twe e n the Proce ssor spe e d and the DR AM pe rform ance have le d to
the aggre ssive ne e d to hide m e m ory late ncy and re duce m e m ory acce ss tim e . It is notice d that
the Proce ssor re m ains stalle d on m e m ory re fe re nce s. Data Pre fe tching is a te chnique that
fe tche s that ne x t instruction's data paralle l to the curre nt instruction e x e cution in a typical
Proce ssor-C ache -DR AM syste m . A Pre fe tche r anticipate s a cache m iss that m ight tak e place in
the ne x t instruction and fe tche s the data be fore the actual m e m ory re fe re nce . The goal of
Pre fe tching is to re duce as m any cache m isse s as possible . In this pape r we pre se nt a de taile d
sum m ary of the diffe re nt pre fe tching te chnique s, and im ple m e nt a com posite Pre fe tche r
prototype that e m ploys the te chnique s of Se que ntial, Stride and Distance Pre fe tching.
FPGA Im plem entation of Stream Cipher Using Toeplitz Hash Function
Saptadeep Pal (Indian Institute of Technology, India), K K Soundra Pandian (Indian
Institute of Technology Patna, India) and Kailash Chandra Ray (Indian Institute of
Technology Patna, India)
Hardware e fficie nt stre am ciphe rs and hash functions are wide ly use d in cryptographic
applications. The one -wayne ss and low hardware com ple x ity of hash function m ak e it a good
candidate for authe ntication ope ration of crypto syste m s. O n the othe r hand, the m ost popular
stre am ciphe r is be ing use d in the dom ain of cryptology. Ge ne rally it use s a static k e y stre am for
the crypto proce ss. The m ain m otive of this work is to inte grate the hash function base d k e y
ge ne ration with the R C 4 stre am ciphe r block so as to provide dynam ic k e y to the e ncryption
syste m thus re alizing a robust se curity hardware prototype . The propose d m e thod is de signe d for
5-bit hash k e y and stre am ciphe r using Ve rilog HDL and sim ulate d using Xilinx ISE 14.2
sim ulator. Furthe r the de sign targe ting to com m e rcially available Xilinx Spartan 3E fg320-4 FPGA
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
de vice . The e x ce lle nce of the ge ne rate d random k e y value by our propose d m e thod is validate d
using the statistical te sts propose d by National Institute of Standard and Te chnology (NIST).
Ev olution of Conv entional Antilogarithm ic Approach and Im plem entation in FPGA
Through VHDL
Kousik Dan (NIT Calicut, India)
An antilog is the inve rse function of a logarithm . Today, conve ntional use of the te rm "antilog"
has be e n re place d in m athe m atics by the te rm "e x pone nt". The binary logarithm is ofte n use d in
the fie ld of com pute r scie nce and inform ation the ory be cause it is close ly conne cte d to the binary
num e ral syste m , in analysis of algorithm s and Single e lim ination tournam e nts e tc. So an e fficie nt
syste m is to pe rform antilogarithm as othe r ope ration at high spe e d, low powe r consum ption with
m inim al are a re quire m e nt .In this pape r calculation of antilogarithm of a num be r with any base
is propose d through four diffe re nt approache s whe re ne x t approach is m odifie d ve rsion of
pre vious approach. O bviously m odification is done in such a way that the re is an im prove m e nt of
are a, powe r and de lays e ach ne x t stage . FPGA im ple m e ntation of e ach m e thod is done through
which com parison of the se four m e thods can be possible following the sim ulation re sult. Xilinx
13.2 ve rsion is use d. The VHDL approach for FPGA im ple m e ntation is done in binary fix point with
base 2 but it is possible to tak e any othe r base and proce e d through sam e algorithm with som e
m odification that will be e x plaine d late r. Are a, powe r, de lay and e rror analysis is done .At last
som e possible optim ization te chnique is propose d for future m odification.
Generic and Program m able Tim ing Generator for CCD Detectors
Parth Shah (Ganpat University, India), Bhavesh Soni (Ganpat University, India),
Mohammad Waris (Space Application Centre, India), Rajiv Kumaran (Space Application
Centre, India), Sanjeev Mehta (Space Application Centre & ISRO, India) and Arup
Chowdhury (Space Application Centre, India)
C harge C ouple d De vice s (C C D) de te ctors are fre que ntly use d in im aging payloads de ve lope d for
diffe re nt sate llite applications lik e space base d astronom y and e arth obse rvations. C C D's are
be ing use d for onboard/sate llite applications as it provide s lowe r noise and highe r dynam ic range
than C MO S de te ctors. C C Ds are available in various archite cture s he nce de sign of Tim ing
Ge ne rator is planne d base d on C C D re quire m e nts. This pape r discusse s de sign m e thodology for
ge ne ric tim ing ge ne rator which is com ple te ly program m able and supports various C C D
archite cture s. The aim of de sign is to provide fle x ibility in te rm s of num be r of diffe re nt type s of
clock s, e ffe ctive im age are a and re adout fe ature s with re spe ct to various C C D archite cture s.
Diffe re nt supporte d C C D archite cture s, ove rall clock re quire m e nts, re quire d re adout fe ature s are
studie d and de sign archite cture is work e d out. The R TL de sign of Tim ing Ge ne rator is done using
VHDL and block le ve l ve rification is done using Ve rilog. The de sign is targe te d to Xilinx Virte x -6
FPGA Im plem entation of Dynam ically Tunable Filters
Senthil Kumar E (Karunya University, India), Manikandan J (PES Institute of
Technology (PESIT), India) and Agrawal VK (Director- CORI, PESIT, India)
Digital Signal Proce ssing te chnique s are e x te nsive ly use d in a large num be r of applications such
as com m unication and m ultim e dia and filte ring conce pts are conside re d as one of the basic
e le m e nts ne e de d for digital signal proce ssing. This has m otivate d the de sign of digital filte rs for
digital signal proce ssors (DSPs) and Fie ld Program m able Gate Arrays (FPGAs) base d syste m
de sign. The cut-off fre que ncie s of the se filte rs vary base d on the re quire m e nts of application. In
this pape r, FPGA im ple m e ntation of dynam ically tunable Finite Im pulse R e sponse (FIR ) filte r is
propose d, whe re in the cut-off fre que ncy can be dynam ically change d on-the -fly without any ne e d
to program the FPGA. The propose d work is carrie d out to de sign high pass, low pass, band pass
and band stop filte rs. The pe rform ance of the filte rs de signe d is e valuate d for dire ct form
structure and optim ize d structure using Virte x -5 FPGA board.
Mem ristor- Capacitor Based Startup Circuit for Voltage Reference Generators
Mangal Das (ABES Engineering College, India) and Sonal Singhal (Shiv Nadar
University, India)
This pape r pre se nts the de sign of Me m ristor-capacitor base d startup circuit. Me m ristor is a nove l
de vice and has m any advantage s ove r conve ntional C MO S de vice s such as no le ak age curre nt
and is e asy to m anufacture . In this work the switching characte ristics of m e m ristor is utilize d.
First the the ore tical e quations de scribing the switching be havior of m e m ristor are de rive d. To
prove the switching capabilitie s of Me m ristor, a startup circuit base d on se rie s com bination of
Me m ristor-capacitor is propose d. This circuit is com pare d with the re fe re nce circuit (which utilize s
re sistor in place of m e m ristor) and the pre viously re porte d MO SFET base d startup circuits.
C om parison of diffe re nt circuits was done to validate the re sults. Sim ulation re sults shows that
m e m ristor base d circuit attains on (I = 2.25 m A) to off state (I = 10 μA) in 2.8 ns while the
MO SFET base d startup circuits tak e s (I = 1 m A) to off state (I = 10 μA) in 55.56 ns. Howe ve r no
significant diffe re nce in switching tim e was obse rve d whe n com pare d with re sistance base d
startup circuit. The be ne fit com e s in te rm s of are a be cause m uch large r die are a is re quire d for
m anufacturing of re sistance in com parison to fabrication of m e m ristor.
Floating Point Coprocessor for Distributed Array Controllers
Himanshu Patel (Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), India), B Raman (Indian
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Space Research Organisation (ISRO), India) and Nilesh M. Desai (Space Applications
Centre (ISRO), India)
This pape r de scribe s a nove l archite cture of IEEE-754 com patible Floating Point C oproce ssor
(FPC ) inte rface d to an 8- bit m icrocontrolle r soft core for distribute d array controlle r ASIC . FPC
re giste r bank is m appe d as a share d dual port m e m ory with m icro-controlle r to m inim ize the
ove rhe ad of data transfe r. FPC contains 256x 32-bit LUT for storage of trigonom e tric or use r
de fine d functions. LUTs and instruction m e m ory are m appe d as "stack " SFR with m icrocontrolle r,
so it can be initialize d by m ultiple "push" to a single Spe cial Function R e giste r (SFR ). Space
borne distribute d array controlle r ASIC s utilize 8 bit m icrocontrolle r core s due to the ir advantage
in te rm s of low m e m ory size , are a and powe r consum ption, but the y are slow in floating point
com putations. This FPC e nable s re al tim e floating point com putations without the ne e d of 32-bit
m icrocontrolle rs. The FPC archite cture is ge ne ric so it can also be use d for othe r applications with
sim ilar com putational re quire m e nts. The FPC IP core has be e n im ple m e nte d in VHDL and its
pe rform ance has be e n com pare d for diffe re nt case s. Sim ulation re sults shows that FPC give s 40x
im prove m e nt in run tim e for distribute d control applications.
S33: Pattern Recognition, Signal and Image Processing-II
Room: 104 Block E First Floor
Chair: Pascal Lorenz (University of Haute Alsace, France)
Autom atic Knee Cartilage Segm entation and Visualization
Houda Bakir (Ecole Superieure des Sciences et Techniques de Tunis, Tunisia) and Jalel
Zrida (Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques de Tunis, Tunisia)
In this pape r we propose a full autom atic se gm e ntation of the k ne e cartilage from m agne tic
re sonance im age s (MR I). The ne w se gm e ntation approach is base d on a com bination of the
Ve ctor Fie ld C onvolution (VFC ) im age 's fe ature s and radial se arch algorithm . The propose d
approach provide s an autom atic se gm e ntation and a 3D visualization of the k ne e cartilage .
Rule Induction Based Object Tracking
Rahul Roy (Machine Intelligence Unit & Indian Satistical Institute, India) and Ashish
Ghosh (ISI Kolkata, India)
In this work , an obje ct track ing m e thod using a rule m ining/ induction te chnique is pre se nte d.
Initially, a rule base d classification algorithm is e m ploye d to classify the targe t fram e into obje ct
and back ground. A se que ntial cove ring algorithm is use d in orde r to e x tract the rule s from the
candidate fram e . Ex tracte d rule s are the n use d for classifying the te st sam ple s obtaine d from
the se arch re gion of the targe t fram e . C lassifie d te st sam ple s form the classification m ap which
are use d for calculating the ne w ce ntroid to locate the obje ct in the targe t fram e . Te m poral
cohe re nce (be twe e n fram e s) is m aintaine d by updating the rule se t during the rule e x traction
phase . Efficie ncy of the propose d m e thod is e stablishe d both qualitative ly and quantitative ly by
com paring it with som e of the state -of-the -art algorithm s.
Efficient Pitch Detection Algorithm s for Pitched Musical Instrum ent Sounds: A
Com parativ e Perform ance Ev aluation
Chetan Pratap Singh (NIT Warangal, India) and Kishore T (NIT Warangal, India)
Pitch de te ction has be e n a popular re se arch topic for a num be r of ye ars now. Pitch se e m s to be
one of the m ore im portant pe rce ptual fe ature s, as it conve ys m uch inform ation about the sound
signal. It is close ly re late d to the physical fe ature of fundam e ntal fre que ncy f0. For m usical
instrum e nt sounds, the f0 and the pe rce ive d pitch are practically e quivale nt. In this pape r we
have propose d four pitch de te ction algorithm s for pitche d m usical instrum e nt sounds. The goal
of this pape r is to inve stigate how the se algorithm s should be adapte d to pitche d m usical
instrum e nt sounds analysis and to provide a com parative pe rform ance e valuation of the m ost
re pre se ntative state -of-the -art approache s. This study is carrie d out on a large database of
pitche d m usical instrum e nt sounds, com prising four type s of pitche d m usical instrum e nts violin,
trum pe t, guitar and flute . The algorithm ic pe rform ance is asse sse d according to the ability to
e stim ate pitch contour accurate ly.
Design of a Synthetic ECG Signal Based on the Fourier Series
Jan Kubicek (VSB-Technical University of Ostrava & Faculty of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, Czech Republic), Radana Kahankova (VSB-TU Ostrava, Czech
Republic) and Marek Penhaker (VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
The m ain obje ctive of this work is to cre ate a synthe tic EC G signal in software MATLAB base d on
the analysis of Fourie r se rie s. The individual e le m e nts of EC G signal are approx im ate d by
m athe m atical m ode l, which is thoroughly de -scribe d, e x plaine d and the n applie d. The output is a
synthe tic m ode l of an EC G. O ur approach to m ode ling biological signals allows change input
param e te rs (am plitude and pe riod of significant e le m e nts EC G). Synthe tic m ode ls of bio-logical
signals can be use d for de m onstration purpose s, but m ainly se rve s as a m ate rial for functionality
de te ctors for m e asuring and pre dicting le ngths of wave s and inte rvals.
A Fram ework for Face Classification Under Pose Variations
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Jagdish Sarode (University of Pune & Maharashtra Institute of Technology Pune,
India) and Alwin Anuse (Pune University, India)
Autom atically ve rifying a pe rson from a vide o fram e or a digital im age using com pute r
application is k nown as a Face R e cognition syste m . W ith change in facial pose face appe arance
change s drastically. He nce re cognition of face s unde r pose variations has prove d to be a difficult
proble m . In this pape r a m ode l base d approach is use d and the Mom e nt base d fe ature
e x traction te chnique s (Hu's, Ze rnik e and Le ge ndre Mom e nts) are im ple m e nte d on thre e diffe re nt
face Database s containing diffe re nt pose s of the face . This pape r propose s a ne w m e thod calle d
"Ge ne tic Algorithm base d Transfe r Ve ctors" for ge ne ration of fe ature s of a frontal face from the
fe ature s of diffe re nt pose s of im age . The n the ge ne rate d frontal fe ature s are m atche d with the
actual frontal fe ature s. Also this pape r introduce s ne w unconstraine d hum an face Database calle d
as "My Unconstraine d Database " (MUDB) which is inspire d from IMFDB. Ex tracte d fe ature are
classifie d by thre e diffe re nt m e thods k NN classifie r, LDA and Ge ne tic Algorithm base d Transfe r
ve ctors and C orre ct R e cognition R ate is calculate d.
A Radix- 2 DIT FFT with Reduced Arithm etic Com plexity
Shaik Qadeer (Muffkham Jah College of Engineering and Technology (MJCET), India),
Mohammed Zafar Ali Khan (Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India), Syed
Sattar (RITS, Hyderabad, India) and Ahmed Ahmed (MJCET, India)
The e fficie nt com putation of Discre te Fourie r Transform (DFT) is an im portant issue as it is use d
in alm ost all fie lds of e ngine e ring for signal proce ssing. In this pape r we pre se nt an alte rnate
form of R adix -2 Fast Fourie r Transform (FFT) base d on De cim ation in tim e (DIT) to com pute
DFT, discuss the ir im ple m e ntation issue s and de rive it's signal to quantization noise ratio(SQ NR )
that furthe r re duce s the num be r of m ultiplication counts without incre asing the num be r of
additions of powe r-of-two discre te Fourie r Transform . This is achie ve d with sim ple scaling of
Twiddle factor (TF) using a spe cial scaling factor. This m odification not only re duce s the total flop
counts from 5Nlog2N to ~42/3Nlog2 (6.66% fe we r than the standard R adix -2 FFT algorithm ) but
also im prove s SQ NR from 1/(2N2^-2b) to 9/(2N2^-2b) (1.6dB m ore than the standard R adix -2
FFT algorithm )
Im plem entation of MFCC Based Hand Gesture Recognition on HOAP- 2 Using WEBOTs
Neha Singh (Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, India), Neha
Baranwal (Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, India) and Gora
Nandi (Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, India)
Hand ge sture s are the only m e ans of com m unication and inte raction for he aring im paire d. This
pape r propose d a com pute r vision base d te chnique to ide ntify hand ge sture s from library of
Indian Sign Language (ISL) ge sture s and She ffie ld Kine ct Ge sture (SKIG) Datase t. Me l Fre que ncy
C e ptral C oe fficie nts (MFC C ) is use d as fe ature ve ctor due to its high quality of discrim inating
powe r in diffe re nt classe s. Minim um distance classifie r (Euclide an distance m e tric) is use d for
classification of diffe re nt ge sture s of a sam e pe rson in two diffe re nt lighting conditions, ye llow
light and white light as we ll as on SKIG data se t. Pe rform ance of the propose d te chnique is
e valuate d on te n type s of ISL ge sture s (5 are dynam ic and 5 are static ge sture s) and five type s
of SKIG Kine ct ge sture s and com pare d with the e x isting te chnique s which are also pe rform e d on
SKIG ge sture datase t and ISL datase t. C om parative analysis of our propose d m e thod is
pe rform e d with the e x isting m e thod. Pe rform ance analysis of our propose d m e thod shows be tte r
re sults than the orie ntation histogram base d te chnique . He re ISL ge sture s are sim ulate d on
HO AP-2 R obot in W e bots platform , for e stablishing inte raction be twe e n robot and hum an.
Realization of Fractional Power Ov er Wideband in z Dom ain
Swati Tyagi (Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, India) and Dharmendra
Upadhayay (University of Delhi, India)
In this pape r m odifie d s-to-z transform ation of VVGS and VVG- Al-SKG rule is e x pande d for
fractional powe r using continue d fraction e x pansion (C FE). It is notice d that at low fre que ncy the
m agnitude re sponse is im prove d as com pare d to the VVGS and VVG-AL-SKG ope rator. Also
de signe d ge ne ralize d Al-Alaoui base d half diffe re ntiator for 3rd orde r and 4th orde r. MATLAB
re sults are com pare d with the the ore tical re sults of continuous tim e ide al diffe re ntiator and othe r
e x isting ope rators. Al-Alaoui-Schne ide r O pe rator base d half-diffe re ntiator discre tization has also
be e n sugge ste d for 3rd orde r and 4th orde r. The re sults re ve al that the half diffe re ntiator base d
on Al-Alaoui Schne ide r ope rator outpe rform s in highe r range of fre que ncie s also.
Design and Im plem entation of Nov el Im age Segm entation and BLOB Detection
Algorithm for Real- Tim e Video Surv eillance Using DaVinci Processor
Badri Patro (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)
A vide o surve illance syste m is prim arily de signe d to track k e y obje cts, or pe ople e x hibiting
suspicious be havior, as the y m ove from one position to anothe r and re cord it for possible future
use . The critical parts of an obje ct track ing algorithm are obje ct se gm e ntation, im age cluste rs
de te ction, and ide ntification and track ing of the se im age cluste rs. The m ajor roadblock s of the
track ing algorithm arise due to abrupt obje ct shape , am biguity in num be r and size of obje cts,
back ground and illum ination change s, noise in im age s, contour sliding, occlusions and re altim e
proce ssing. This pape r will e x plain a solution of the obje ct track ing proble m , in 3 stage s: In the
first stage , de sign a nove l obje ct se gm e ntation and back ground subtraction algorithm , The se
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
algorithm will tak e care of salt pe ppe r noise , and change s in sce ne illum ination. In the se cond
stage , solve the abrupt obje ct shape proble m s, obje cts size and count various obje cts pre se nt ,
using im age cluste rs de te cte d and ide ntifie d by the BLO Bs (Binary Large O Bje cts) in the im age
fram e . In the third stage , de sign a ce ntroid base d track ing m e thod, to im prove robustne ss w.r.t
occlusion and contour sliding. A varie ty of optim izations, both at algorithm le ve l and code le ve l,
are applie d to the vide o surve illance algorithm . At code le ve l optim ization m e chanism s
significantly re duce m e m ory acce ss, m e m ory occupancy and im prove d ope ration e x e cution
spe e d. O bje ct track ing happe ns in re al-tim e consum ing 30 fram e s pe r se cond(fps) and is robust
to occlusion, contour sliding, back ground and illum ination change s. Ex e cution tim e for diffe re nt
block s of this obje ct track ing algorithm we re e stim ate d and the accuracy of the de te ction was
ve rifie d using the de bugge r and the profile r, which will provide d by the TI(Te x as Instrum e nt)
C ode C om pose r Studio (C C S). W e de m onstrate that this algorithm , with code and algorithm le ve l
optim ization on TIs DaVinci m ultim e dia proce ssor (TMS320DM6437), provide s at le ast two tim e s
spe e dup and is able to track a m oving obje ct in re al-tim e as com pare d to without optim ization.
ROC Analysis of Class Dependent and Class Independent Linear Discrim inant
Classifiers Using Frequency Dom ain Features
Swarna Kuchibhotla (Acharya Nagarjuna University, India), Hima Deepthi
Vankayalapati (VRSEC, India), BhanuSree Yalamanchili (VRSEC, India) and Koteswara
Rao Anne (VRSEC, India)
Em otional spe e ch re cognition aim s at classifying the hum an e m otional state s viz. happy, ne utral,
ange r and sad e tc.,. To classify the se e m otions we ne e d to e x tract re liable Acoustic fe ature s lik e
prosody and spe ctral. The tim e dom ain fe ature s are m uch le ss accurate than fre que ncy dom ain
fe ature s . So in this pape r Me l Fre que ncy C e pstral C oe fficie nts(MFC C ) are e x tracte d from Be rlin
e m otional spe e ch corpus and are classifie d using C lass De pe nde nt and C lass Inde pe nde nt
Line ar Discrim inant Analysis(C D-LDA and C I-LDA). The re sults obtaine d shows the pe rform ance
variation of the classifie rs with re spe ct to the e m otional state s
To Study Non Linear Features in Circadian Heart Rate Variability Am ongst Healthy
Kapil Tajane (University of Pune, India), Rahul Pitale (University of Pune, India), Leena
Phadke (SKN Medical College, India), Aniruddha Joshi (National Chemical Lab, India)
and Jayant Umale (University of Pune, India)
EC G signal is use d for diagnosis of ailm e nts of he art. HR V is use d as a pre dictive and prognostic
m ark e r of autonom ic dis-functioning. ANS is k nown to influe nce he art and any dis-functioning of
this syste m le ads to cardiac disorde rs. ANS has e ndoge nous circadian rhythm . C ircadian rhythm s
are re sponsible for physical, m e ntal and be havioral change s that follow a roughly 24-hour cycle .
Pre vious studie s have shown large inte r and intra individual diffe re nce s in HR V which has le ad to
difficultie s in e stablishing standard norm s. The re fore the aim of our study is to e stablish a brie f
protocol for HR V analysis whe re we will be able to e x tract fe ature s in shorte r duration of
re cording, re pre se ntative of 24 hour fluctuations in HR V. In this pape r we have studie d diffe re nt
line ar as we ll as non-line ar te chnique s to analyze circadian HR V. 24 hour EC G re cording of 15
subje cts using Minim um Activity Protocol subje cte d for HR V analysis.
Mixed Positioning System Guaranteeing the Continuity of Indoor/Outdoor Tracking
Hanen Kabaou (University of Haute Alsace, France), Pascal Lorenz (University of Haute
Alsace, France) and Sami Tabbane (Sup Telecom, Tunisia)
Global Positioning Syste m (GPS) or Global Navigation Sate llite Syste m (GNSS) are not always the
be st positioning syste m s, particularly in indoor e nvironm e nts. In the se situations, othe r
te chnologie s alre ady in the consum e r de vice are be ing use d, such as W ire le ss Fide lity (W i-Fi).
Positioning te chnique s base d on the patte rn of obse rvations associate d with m ultiple W i-Fi. W ith
this latte r, obse rvations are com pare d to pre viously m appe d locations, and "trilate ration", which
re ce ive d powe r is use d as an indication of distance from the transm itte r and a ge om e tric
calculation against k nown transm itte r locations which is use d to locate the de vice . As a solution to
optim ize the outdoor as indoor localization, the syste m inte grate s thre e diffe re nt syste m s GPS,
W i-Fi and the Sim ultane ous Localization And Mapping (SLAM), using a coe fficie nt of confide nce
that can qualify the accuracy and the quality of the positioning data inside the program . The ide a
com e s from re lay race sport whe re e ach playe r passe s the baton to the ne are st playe r of the
sam e te am . In our case , it is the transition from the outside positioning syste m to the inside
one . O ur solution switche s from a syste m to anothe r without producing a sudde n "jum ping". For
this, we cre ate a "unifie d e nvironm e nt" be twe e n the thre e syste m s.
S34: ISI-2014 - Intelligent Distributed Computing-I
Room: 210 Block E Second Floor
Chairs: Vikrant Bhateja (Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group of Professional Colleges, Lucknow
(UP), India), Shruti Kohli (Birla institute of Technology, India)
A Heuristic for Link Prediction in Online Social Network
Ajeet Panwar (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India) and Rajdeep Niyogi
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
(Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India)
As we k now due to advance m e nt in te chnology it is ve ry e asy to be in conne ction with othe rs.
Pe ople inte ract with e ach othe r and the y cre ate , share and e x change inform ation and ide as.
Social ne twork is one of the m ost attracte d are as in re ce nt ye ars. Link pre diction is a k e y
re se arch are a. In our propose d m e thod we study link pre diction using he uristic approach. Most of
the pre vious pape rs only conside re d the ne twork topology, the y didn't conside r the node s
prope rtie s individually, and the y tre ate d the m only as passive e ntity in graph and using only
ne twork prope rtie s. But in our propose d m e thod we will conside r diffe re nt param e te r of node s
that de fine the be havior of node s and one im portant issue that we will conside r in our m e thod
"Ne w re se arche rs" be cause the y are willing to ge t he lp in ide ntifying pote ntial collaborators. Thus
our focus will also on "Ne w re se arche rs" and we would also lik e to have a quantitative analysis of
the pe rform ance of the diffe re nt e x isting m e thods and to study som e dom ain spe cific he uristics
that would im prove the de gre e of pre diction.
A Result Verification Schem e for MapReduce Hav ing Untrusted Participants
Gaurav Pareek (Central University of Rajasthan, India), Chetanya Goyal (Bipin Tripathi
Kumaon Institute of Technology & Uttarakhand Technical University, India) and
Mukesh Nayal (Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology & Uttarakhand Technical
University, India)
MapR e duce fram e work is a wide ly acce pte d solution for pe rform ing data inte nsive com putations
e fficie ntly. The m aste r node pre pare s the input to be distribute d am ong m ultiple m appe rs which
distribute the re duce d task to the re duce rs. R e duce rs pe rform ide ntical se t of com putations on
the re duce d data inde pe nde ntly. If any one of the re duce rs work s m aliciously and doe s not
produce re sults as de sire d by the e nd-use r, a significant e rror in the final output can be
obse rve d. MapR e duce doe s not provide any m e chanism to de te ct such Lazy C he ating Attack s by
a com putation provide r. In this pape r, we propose a ge ne ralize d de fe nse to this type of attack
on statistical com putations. The solution doe s not involve re dundant com putations on the data
to prove the work e r m alicious. Im ple m e ntation re sults on Hadoop show the de te ction rate of
such che ating be havior by the propose d sche m e . The accom panying the ore tical analysis prove s
that the solution doe s not notice ably affe ct the tim e line ss and accuracy of the original se rvice .
A Surv ey on Reduction of Load on the Network
Rajender Nath (Kurukshetra University, India), Naresh Kumar (GGSIPU, India) and
Sneha Tuteja (GGSIPU, India)
The following re se arch pape r throws light on e ve r incre asing load on ne twork s vitally due to the
pre se nce of we b crawle rs and ine fficie nt se arch m e chanism s. O n the account of look ing upon the
m atte r m ore de e ply, a lot of re se arch has be e n done alre ady but no fe asible solution has be e n
found ye t. The following re se arch pape r trie s to find out the possible loophole s by surve ying
pre vious re se arche s so that one can com e up with a m ore practicable and work able approach to
le sse n the load on the ne twork .
Classification Mechanism for IoT Dev ices Towards Creating a Security Fram ework
VJ Jincy (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India) and Sudharsan Sundararajan (Amrita
Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India)
IoT syste m s and de vice s are be ing use d for various applications ranging from house holds to
large industrie s on a ve ry large scale . De sign of com ple x syste m s com prising of diffe re nt IoT
de vice s involve s m e e ting of se curity re quire m e nts for the whole syste m . C re ating a ge ne ral
se curity fram e work for such inte rconne cte d syste m s is a challe nging task and curre ntly we do not
have standard m e chanism s for se curing such syste m s. The first ste p towards de ve loping such a
fram e -work would be to build a classification m e chanism which can ide ntify the se curity
capabilitie s or param e te rs of the diffe re nt e ntitie s com prising an IoT syste m . In this pape r we
de scribe one such m e chanism which can tak e use r input to classify the diffe re nt com pone nts of a
com ple x syste m and the re by de te rm ine the ir capability to support se curity m e chanism s of
diffe re nt de gre e s. This in turn would e nable de signe rs to de cide what k ind of se curity protocols
the y ne e d to adopt to achie ve e nd-to-e nd se curity for the whole syste m .
Custom ization of Recom m endation System Using Collabrativ e Filtering Algorithm on
Cloud Using Mahout
Senthilkumar Thangavel (Amrita School of Engineering, India)
R e com m e ndation Syste m he lps pe ople in de cision m ak ing re garding an ite m /pe rson. Growth of
W orld W ide W e b and E-com m e rce are the catalyst for re com m e ndation syste m . Due to large size
of data, re com m e ndation syste m suffe rs from scalability proble m . Hadoop is one of the
solutions for this proble m . C ollaborative filte ring is a m achine le arning algorithm and Mahout is
an ope n source java library which favors collaborative filte ring on Hadoop e nvironm e nt. The
pape r discusse s on how re com m e ndation syste m using collaborative filte ring is possible using
Mahout e nvironm e nt. The pe rform ance of the approach has be e n pre se nte d using Spe e dup and
e fficie ncy.
Dynam ic Job Scheduling Using Ant Colony Optim ization for Mobile Cloud Com puting
V. Vityanathan (SASTRA Universisty, India), Rathnakar Achary, Sr. (Alliance Business
Academy, India) and S. Nagarajan (SASTRA Universisty, India)
C loud com puting has be e n conside re d as one of the im portant com puting paradigm . Its m ain
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
purpose is to provide Software as a Se rvice (SaaS), platform s to run the applications (PaaS)
infrastructure (IaaS) and ne twork s (NaaS). W ith the curre nt sce nario the re is no doubting the
incre dible im pact that m obile te chnologie s have had on both in scie ntific and com m e rcial
applications. Em ploye e s pre fe rre d to use sm art phone s not just for com m unication purpose s or
for e nte rtainm e nt, but also to acce ss the com pany's k e y applications. The inte gration of
e m e rging cloud com puting conce pt and the pote ntial m obile com m unication se rvice s is toge the r
conside re d as Mobile C loud C om puting (MC C ). A prom ine nt challe nge by using m obile de vice s
and the m obile cloud [1] is re source constraints of the se handhe ld de vice s. The com putational
com ple x itie s in m obile de vice s com pare d to the de sk top com pute rs are due to its sm alle r scre e n
size , le ss m e m ory capacity, lowe r proce ssing capacity and low batte ry back up. Due to the se
re source lim itations m ost of the proce ssing and data handlings are carrie d out in the cloud, which
is k nown as SaaS cloud. The sm art phone s are use d to acce ss could re source s by using the
browse r. Pe rform ance of this m obile cloud is im paire d by the tim e varying characte ristics such as,
late ncy, jitte r and bandwidth of the wire le ss channe l. In this re se arch we propose a m odifie d task
sche duling m e chanism calle d Ant C olony O ptim ization (AC O ) to addre ss the issue s re late d to the
pe rform ance of m obile de vice s [5] whe n use d in a cloud e nvironm e nt and Hadoop. Howe ve r
the re are bottle ne ck s re late d to the e x isting task sche duling te chnique s in MC C m ode l which
use s the built in FIFO algorithm for large am ount of task s. The propose d Ant C olony
O ptim ization algorithm im prove the task sche duling proce ss by dynam ically sche duling the task s
and im prove the throughput and quality of se rvice (Q oS) of MC C .
Com puter Network Optim ization Using Topology Modification
Archana Khedkar (University of Pune, India)
C om pute r ne twork optim ization is vital for re ducing the costs of the ne twork s, achie ving the
e fficie ncy, robustne ss and uniform distribution of the traffic. For ne twork of com pute rs,
optim izations are achie ve d for various aspe cts such as cost of data transfe r, m ax im um data
transfe r pe r unit tim e , capacity utilisation, uniform traffic distribution. O ne of the im portant
aspe cts of com pute r ne twork s is ne twork topology re pre se nte d using graph the ore tic conce pts.
Graph the ory provide s a strong m athe m atical fram e work for optim ization of the topology.In this
pape r, ne twork topology is optim ise d base d on uniform node de gre e distribution. Uniform
de gre e distribution is achie ve d just by re distribution of link s without any de le tion or addition of
link s to e nsure that traffic is uniform ly distribute d throughout the ne twork and e ve ry node is fully
utilise d without m uch de viation from ave rage ne twork traffic load. Uniform de gre e distribution can
e nsure that traffic cannot be conge ste d, traffic load is distribute d and can he lp in utilisation of
the ne twork to its fulle st capacity. O wing to the se im portance s, com pute r ne twork topology is
optim ise d base d on Node de gre e distribution.
Dir- DREAM: Geographical Routing Protocol for FSO MANET
Savitri Devi (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India) and Anil Sarje (Indian
Institute of Technology Roorkee, India)
W ire le ss ne twork s form an im portant part of com m unication. MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc ne twork ) is a
m uch talk e d about fie ld be cause of its abundant applications. Majority of MANETs work on R F
spe ctrum as of now. R ise of m ultim e dia applications and sm art handhe ld de vice s have le d to
de m and for highe r bandwidth which has le d to re se arch in alte rnative fie lds of com m unication
lik e Fre e Space O ptics (FSO ). In this pape r we se e k to provide a solution for MANET routing by
using k nowle dge of node 's location and the dire ctional transm ission capability of FSO . This pape r
aim s at de ve loping and sim ulating a ge ographical routing protocol that we call Dir-DR EAM
(Dire ctional Distance R outing Effe ct Algorithm for Mobility) for a Mobile Ad-hoc ne twork whe re
node s have m ultiple FSO Ante nnas. The propose d protocol use s node 's location inform ation and
past inform ation of inte rface s ove r which pack e ts from node s are re ce ive d for routing. W e also
pe rform ns-2 sim ulations to conduct pe rform ance e valuation of Dir-DR EAM with FSO inte rface s
and DR EAM ove r R F inte rface . O ur propose d protocol pe rform s we ll with m ultiple FSO inte rface s
and incre ase s data pack e t de live ry ratio, and de cre ase s e nd to e nd de lay. The de signe d protocol
is obse rve d to be pe rform ing we ll for varying node spe e d range s.
Data Owner Centric Approach to Ensure Data Protection in Cloud Env ironm ent
Kanupriya Dhawan (Punjab Technical University Jalandhar, India) and Meenakshi
Sharma (Punjab Technical Univerisity Jalandhar, India)
Last fe w ye ars the late st tre nd of com puting has be e n cloud com puting. C loud has brought
re m ark able advance m e nt in individual as we ll as IT se ctor. But still m any organisations are
lagging be hind in using cloud se rvice s. Major issue that affe ct the m is re late d to data prote ction
at cloud and afraid of se nsitive data le ak age by intrude rs. To solve this proble m a data
prote ction m ode l has be e n de signe d so that data owne r fe e ls fre e to use cloud se rvice s.
Propose d m ode l is highly se cure and data is unde r control of data owne r itse lf. R e -e ncryption,
HMAC and Ide ntity base d use r authe ntication te chnique s are use d in this m ode l to m ak e it m ore
e ffe ctive and attractive to use this m ode l in re al world.
Enhancem ent of Data Lev el Security in MongoDB
Shiju Sathyadevan (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India), Nandini Muraleedharan
(Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India) and Sreeranga P Rajan (Fujitsu Laboratories of
America, USA)
R e ce nt de ve lopm e nts in inform ation and we b te chnologie s have re sulte d in huge data outburst.
This has pose d challe nging de m ands in e fficie ntly storing and m anaging large volum e of
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
structure d and unstructure d data. Traditional re lational m ode ls e x pose d its we ak ne ss so m uch so
that ne e d for ne w data storage and m anage m e nt te chnique s be cam e highly de sir-able . This
re sulte d in the birth of NoSQ L database s. Se ve ral busine ss house s that churn out large volum e
of data have be e n succe ssfully using NoSQ L database s to store bulk of the ir data. Since the
prim e obje ctive of such DB's we re e fficie nt data storage and re trie val, core se curity fe ature s lik e
data se curity te chnique s, prope r authe ntication m e chanism s e tc. we re give n le ast priority.
MongoDB is one am ong the m ost popular NoSQ L database s. It is a docum e nt orie nte d NoSQ L
database which he lps in e m powe ring busine ss to be m ore agile and scalable . As Mon-goDB is
gaining m ore popularity in the IT m ark e t, m ore and m ore se nsitive inform ation is be ing store d
in it and so se curity issue s are be com ing a m ajor conce rn. It doe s not guarante e privacy of
inform ation store d in it. This pape r is about e nabling se curity fe ature s in MongoDB for safe
storage of se nsitive inform ation through "MongoKAuth" Drive r, a ne w MongoDB clie nt side
com pone nt de ve lope d in orde r to autom ate a lot of m anual configuration ste ps.
Enhancing the Security of Dynam ic Source Routing Protocol Using Energy Aware and
Distributed Trust Mechanism in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Deepika Kukreja (University School of Information and Technology & Maharaja
Agrasen Institute of Technology, India), Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher (Netaji Subhas
Institute of Technology, India) and B Reddy (GGSIPU, India)
A routing protocol for de te ction of m alicious node s and se le ction of m ost re liable , se cure , close
to shorte st and trustworthy path for routing data pack e ts in Mobile Ad Hoc Ne twork s (MANETs) is
introduce d. Dynam ic Source R outing (DSR ) protocol is e x te nde d and te rm e d as Ene rgy Efficie nt
Se cure Dynam ic Source R outing (EESDSR ). The protocol is base d on an e fficie nt, powe r aware and
distribute d trust m ode l that e nhance s the se curity of Dynam ic Source R outing (DSR ) protocol.
The m ode l ide ntifie s the node s e x hibiting m alicious be haviors lik e : gray hole , m alicious topology
change be havior, dropping data pack e ts, dropping control pack e ts and m odifying the pack e t.
Monitoring m e chanism is suitable for MANETs as it focuse s on powe r saving, has distribute d
nature and adaptable to dynam ic ne twork topology. The ne w routing protocol is e valuate d using
Ne twork Sim ulator 2 (NS2). Through e x te nsive sim ulations, it has be e n prove d that EESDSR
protocol pe rform s be tte r than the standard DSR protocol.
Ev aluating Trav el Websites Using WebQual: A Group Decision Support Approach
Oshin Anand (IIM, Rohtak, India), Abhineet Mittal (Indian Institute of Management
Rohtak, India), Kanta Moolchandani (Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak, India),
Munezasultana Kagzi (Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, India) and Arpan K Kar
(Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak, India)
The e nhance d inte rne t pe ne tration and the incre ase d usage of the facilitie s by trave l industry
floods the online are na with we bsite s, and thus ge ne rate s the urge to find out the be st am ongst
the options and the factors de te rm ining it. The article trie s to e x plore the optim ally pe rform ing
trave l we bsite in the Indian conte x t base d on the e valuation param e te rs highlighte d by
W e bQ ual(TM). The work would highlight both the le ading contributors to re use of the we bsite as
we ll as the ir inte r-re lationship. The analysis has be e n done by the fuzzy e x te nsion of the Analytic
Hie rarchy Proce ss for group de cision m ak ing.
Extending Lifetim e of Wireless Sensor Network Using Cellular Autom ata
Manisha Sunil Bhende (University of Pune, India) and Sanjeev Wagh (University of
Pune & KJCOEMR, India)
The focus of this pape r is to use C e llular Autom ata for sim ulating a se rie s of topology control
algorithm s in W ire le ss Se nsor Ne twork using various e nvironm e nts. In this pape r we introduce d
the use of ce llular autom ata in W ire le ss se nsor ne twork s to control Topology. In the ne twork the
se nsor node s are re dundantly de ploye d in the sam e are a. Due to this re dundant de ploym e nt the
m any node s in the ne twork are re m aine d in the ir active state sim ultane ously. This cause s
re duction in the global e ne rgy of the ne twork and re duction in the life tim e of the ne twork . So,
m ain purpose of the topology control algorithm s is to re duce the initial topology of wire le ss
se nsor ne twork by avoiding inte rfe re nce and e x te nd the life tim e of ne twork
S35: ISI-2014 - Intelligent Distributed Computing-II
Room: 211 Block E Second Floor
Chairs: Ranjan Das (Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India), Senthilkumar Thangavel
(Amrita School of Engineering, India)
Hash Based Increm ental Optim istic Concurrency Control Algorithm in Distributed
Dharavath Ramesh (Department of Computer Science & Engineering & Indian School
of Miunes ( ISM), Dhanbad, India), Harshit Gupta (Indian School of Mines, India),
Kuljeet Singh (Indian School of Mines, India) and Kumar Chiranjeev (Indian School of
Mines, India)
In this pape r, we pre se nt a m e thodology which re pre se nts an e x ce lle nt blossom
in the
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
concurre ncy control e nvironm e nt. It de als with the anom alie s, and sim ultane ously, assure s the
re liability of the data be fore re ad-write transactions and afte r succe ssfully com m itte d. The
m e thod is base d on the calculation of the hash value of the data and com paring the curre nt
hash value with the pre vious hash value e ve ry tim e be fore the write ope ration tak e s place . W e
show that, this m e thod ove rcom e s ine fficie ncie s lik e unne ce ssary re starts and im prove s the
pe rform ance . Finally, this work finds a ne e d for an adaptive optim istic concurre ncy control
m e thod in distribute d database s. Thus, a ne w hashing base d optim istic concurre ncy control
(HBO C C ) approach is pre se nte d in this pape r, whe re it is e stim ate d to produce re liable re sults.
W e also e pitom ize the pe rform ance of this m e thod with e x isting m odalitie s.
Hybrid Genetic Fuzzy Rule Based Inference Engine to Detect Intrusion in Networks
Kriti Chadha (Thapar University, India) and Sushma Jain (Thapar University, India)
W ith the drastic incre ase in inte rne t usage , various cate gorie s of attack s have also e volve d.
C onve ntional intrusion de te ction te chnique s to counte r the se attack s have faile d and thus
substantial syste m s are ne e de d to e lim inate the se attack s be fore the y inflict huge dam age . W ith
the ability of com putational inte llige nce syste m s to adapt, e x hibit fault tole rance , high
com putational spe e d and e rror re silie nce against noisy inform ation, a hybrid ge ne tic fuzzy rule
base d infe re nce e ngine has be e n de signe d in this pape r. The fuzzy logic constructs pre cise and
fle x ible patte rns while the ge ne tic algorithm base d on e volutionary com putation he lps in
attaining an optim al solution, thus the ir collaboration will incre ase the robustne ss of intrusion
de te ction syste m . The propose d ne twork intrusion de te ction syste m will be able to classify
norm al be havior as we ll as anom alie s in the ne twork . De taile d analysis has be e n done on
DAR PA-KDD99 datase t to spe cify the be havior of e ach conne ction.
Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks with Ranging Error
Puneet Gour (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India) and Anil Sarje (Indian
Institute of Technology Roorkee, India)
In wire le ss se nsor ne twork s (W SNs), localization is ve ry im portant be cause the re are m any
applications which de pe nd on the location of a se nsor node . Am ong various W SNs localization
te chnique s, ranging m e thods base d on re ce ive d signal stre ngth (R SS) are m ost popular be cause
of sim plicity and no additional hardware re quire m e nt. Howe ve r, R SS ranging suffe rs from various
e nvironm e ntal conditions and it can give an e rrone ous range for positioning of a node . He nce , it
is ne ce ssary to de al with ranging e rror e fficie ntly. In orde r to e fficie ntly find the position of a
node in the pre se nce of R SS ranging e rror, we introduce a nove l localization te chnique in this
pape r. To apply our positioning conce pt, our m e thod se le cts thre e m ost suitable re fe re nce node s
according to R SS and ge om e try of re fe re nce node s. W e com pare our sim ulation re sults with,
localization with dynam ic circle e x panding m e chanism (LoDC E), which cle arly show that our
m e thod outpe rform s it.
Location- based Mutual and Mobile Inform ation Nav igation System : Lem m ings
Simon Fong (University of Macau, Macao), Renfei Luo (University of Macau, Macao),
Suash Deb (Cambridge Institute of Technology, India) and Sabu Thampi (Indian
Institute of Information Technology & Management, India)
Location-base d Mutual and Mobile Inform ation Navigation Syste m (LEMMINGS) - R e al-tim e
C ollaborative R e com m e nde r
Mobile Sensor Localization Under Worm hole Attacks: An Analysis
Gaurav Pareek (Central University of Rajasthan, India), Ratna Kumari (JNTU, India)
and Aitha Nagaraju (CURAJ, India)
In m any application conte x ts, the node s in a se nsor ne twork m ay be re quire d to gathe r
inform ation re le vant to the ir locations. This proce ss of location e stim ation or localization is a
critical aspe ct for all the location re late d applications of se nsor ne twork s. Localization he lps
node s find the ir absolute position coordinate s. Lik e possibly e ve ry syste m , localization syste m s
are prone to attack s. Through this study we inte nd to do a low-le ve l ide ntification and analysis of
broad, large -scale thre at to m obile se nsor localization syste m s due to attack s. In this pape r, we
study the be haviour of som e we ll-k nown basic localization sche m e s unde r by far the m ost
dange rous attack s on localization calle d worm hole attack s. The ne twork and attack e r m ode l
assum e d in the pape r are chose n so that the analysis unle ashe s the possibility of a re silie nt
solution to the worm hole attack s proble m inde pe nde nt of the node s not unde r the e ffe ct of
attack s.
Neural Network Based Early Warning System for an Em erging Blackout in Sm art Grid
Power Networks
Sudha Gupta (University of Mumbai, India), Faruk Kazi (VJTI-Mumbai University, India),
Sushma Wagh (VJTI Mumbai University, India) and Ruta Kambli (Mumbai University,
W orldwide powe r black outs have attracte d gre at atte ntion of re se arche rs towards e arly warning
te chnique s for cascading failure in powe r grid. The k e y issue is how to analyse , pre dict and
control cascading failure s in advance and pre ve nt syste m against e m e rging black outs. This pape r
propose s a m ode l which analyse powe r flow of the grid and pre dict cascade failure in advance
with the inte gration of Artificial Ne ural Ne twork (ANN) m achine le arning tool. The Ke y contribution
of this pape r is to introduce m achine le arning conce pt in e arly warning syste m for cascade failure
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
analysis and pre diction. Inte gration of powe r flow analysis with ANN m achine le arning tool has a
pote ntial to m ak e pre se nt syste m m ore re liable which can pre ve nt the grid against black outs. An
IEEE 30 bus te st be d syste m has be e n m ode le d in powe rworld and use d in this pape r for
pre paration of historical black out data and validation of propose d m ode l. The propose d m ode l is
a ste p towards re alizing sm art grid via inte llige nt ANN pre diction te chnique .
OwlsGov : An OWL- S Based Fram ework for E- Gov ernm ent Serv ices
Hind Lamharhar (Mohammed V-Agdal University, Mohammadia School of Engineering,
Morocco), Laila Benhlima (Mohammed V-Agdal University, Mohammadia School of
Engineering, Morocco) and Dalila Chiadmi (Mohammed V-Agdal University,
Mohammadia School of Engineering, Morocco)
The de ve lopm e nt of e -Gove rnm e nt se rvice s be com e s a big challe nge of m any countrie s of the
world. Howe ve r, in a distribute d e nvironm e nt such as the e -gove rnm e nt are a, diffe re nt
inte ractions are m ade be twe e n he te roge ne ous syste m s. The re fore , a syste m that e nable s
de ve loping, inte grating, discove ring and e x e cuting the se se rvice s is ne ce ssary. For this purpose ,
we pre se nt in this pape r an approach for de ve loping e fficie ntly the e -gove rnm e nt se rvice s base d
on se m antic we b se rvice s (SW S) te chnology and Multi-Age nt Syste m s (MAS). In fact, the SW S
e nrich we b se rvice s with se m antic inform ation (m e aning) to facilitate the discove ry, inte gration,
com position and e x e cution of se rvice s. The MAS e nable building an e nvironm e nt in which the
public adm inistrations can publish the ir se rvice s, use rs (e .g. citize ns) can e x pre ss the ir ne e ds
and se rvice s can be discove re d. In this pape r, we pre se nt our fram e work for se m antic de scription
of e -gove rnm e nt se rvice s base d on SW S and on O W L-S fram e work in particular. W e pre se nt as
we ll the archite cture of a MAS, which allows im proving the dynam ic usage proce sse s of e gove rnm e nt se rvice s such as inte gration and discove ry.
Predictiv e Rule Discov ery for Network Intrusion Detection
Kanubhai Patel (Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT), India)
and Bharat Buddhadev (SS College of Engineering, India)
Good num be r of rule -base d intrusion de te ction syste m s (IDS) is wide ly available to ide ntify
com pute r ne twork attack s. The proble m with the se IDS is re quire m e nt of dom ain e x pe rts to
constitute rule s m anually. R ule s are not le arne d by the se IDSs autom atically. This pape r
pre se nts nove l te chnique for pre dictive rule discove ry using ge ne tic algorithm (GA) approach to
cre ate rule base for IDS. The m otivation for applying GA to rule discove ry is that it is robust and
adaptive se arch te chnique in nature that pe rform a unive rsal se arch in the solution dom ain. KDD
C up 99 training and te sting datase ts we re use d to ge ne rate and te st rule s. W e have obtaine d
98.7% de te ction rate s during te sting to de te ct various type s of attack s.
P- Skip Graph: An Efficient Data Structure for Peer- to- Peer Network
Shalini Batra (Thapar University, India) and Amrinderpreet Singh (Samsung
Engineering Lab (R & D), Noida, India)
Pe e r-to-pe e r ne twork s display inte re sting characte ristics of fast que rie s, updation, de le tion, faulttole rance e tc., while lack ing any ce ntral authority. Adjace ncy Matrix , Sk ip-W e bs, Sk ip-Ne ts, Sk ipList, Distribute d Hash Table , and m any m ore data structure s form the candidature for pe e r-tope e r ne twork s, of which, Sk ip-Graph (e volve d ve rsion of sk ip-list) displays one of the be st
characte ristics as it he lp to se arch and locate a node in a pe e r-to-pe e r ne twork e fficie ntly with
tim e com ple x ity be ing O (log n). Howe ve r whe n a hotspot node is se arche d and que rie d again
and again, the Sk ip-Graph doe s not le arn or adapt to the situation and still se arche s traditionally
with O (log n) com ple x ity. In this pape r we propose a ne w data structure P-sk ip graph, a m odifie d
ve rsion of Sk ip graph, which re duce s the se arch tim e of a hot spot node drastically from initial
tim e of O (log n). R e sults provide d by Sim ulations of a sk ip graph-base d Pe e r-to-Pe e r application
de m onstrate that the propose d approach can in fact e ffe ctive ly de cre ase the se arch tim e to O (1).
Quantifying Direct Trust for Priv ate Inform ation Sharing in an Online Social Network
Agrima Srivastava (BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India), Geethakumari G (BITSPilani, Hyderabad Campus, India) and KP Krishna Kumar (BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad
Campus, India)
O nline Social Ne twork s (O SNs) are active ly be ing use d by a large fraction of pe ople . Pe ople
e x te nsive ly share a we alth of the ir inform ation online . This conte nt if re trie ve d, store d, proce sse d
and spre ad be yond scope without use r's conse nt m ay re sult in a privacy bre ach. Adopting a
coarse graine d privacy m e chanism such as sharing inform ation to a group of ``close frie nds" or
the strong tie s of the ne twork is one of the solutions to m inim ize the risk of unwante d disclosure
but this doe s not fully contribute in the proce ss of prote cting privacy. The re is a high probability
for an unwante d inform ation disclosure e ve n if the inform ation is share d only with the strong tie s.
In m ost of the privacy lite rature while building trust the online sharing be havior is ne ve r look e d
into conside ration. He nce , in this pape r we propose and im ple m e nt a privacy pre se rving m ode l
whe re such unwante d and uninte ntional private inform ation disclosure s could be m inim ize d by
furthe r re fining the truste d com m unity of strong tie s with re spe ct to the ir privacy quotie nt.
Sem Crawl: Fram ework for Crawling Ontology Annotated Web Docum ents for
Intelligent Inform ation Retriev al
Vandana Dhingra (University of Pune, India) and Komal Kumar Bhatia (YMCA University
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
of Sc. & Tech., India)
W e b is conside re d as the large st inform ation pool and se arch e ngine , a tool for e x tracting
inform ation from we b, but due to unorganize d structure of the we b it is ge tting difficult to use
se arch e ngine tool for finding re le vant inform ation from the we b. Future se arch e ngine tools will
not be base d m e re ly on k e yword se arch, whe re as the y will be able to inte rpre t the m e aning of
the we b conte nts to produce re le vant re sults. De sign of such tools re quire s e x tracting inform ation
from the conte nts which supports logic and infe re ntial capability. This pape r discusse s the
conce ptual diffe re nce s be twe e n the traditional we b and se m antic we b, spe cifying the ne e d for
crawling se m antic we b docum e nts. In this pape r a fram e work is propose d for crawling the
ontologie s/se m antic we b docum e nts. The propose d fram e work is im ple m e nte d and validate d on
diffe re nt colle ction of we b page s. This syste m has fe ature s of e x tracting he te roge ne ous
docum e nts from the we b, filte ring the ontology annotate d we b page s and e x tracting triple s from
the m which supports be tte r infe re ntial capability.
Sm art Hum an Security Fram ework Using Internet of Things, Cloud and Fog
Com puting
Vivek Kumar Sehgal (Jaypee University of Information Technology, India), Anubhav
Patrick (Jaypee University of Information Technology, India), Ashutosh Soni (Jaypee
University of Information Technology, India) and Lucky Rajput (Jaypee University of
Information Technology, India)
Hum an se curity is be com ing a grave conce rn with e ach passing day. Daily we he ar ne ws re garding
grue som e and he inous crim e s against e lde rs, wom e n and childre n. Accide nts and industrial
m ishaps have be com e com m onplace . C om put-e rs and gadge ts have progre sse d a lot during
past de cade s but little has be e n done to tack le the challe nging ye t im m e nse ly im portant fie ld of
physical se curity of pe ople . W ith the adve nt of pe rvasive com puting, Inte rne t of Things (IoT),
the om nipre se nt cloud com puting and its e x te nsion fog com puting, it has now be -com e possible
to provide a se curity cove r to pe ople and thwart any transgre ssion against the m . In this pape r,
we will be providing a se curity fram e work incorporat-ing pe rvasive and we arable com puting, IoT,
cloud and fog com puting to safe -guard individuals and pre clude any m ishap.
S36: ISI-2014: Data Mining, Clustering and Intelligent Information Systems -I
Room: 006 Block E Ground Floor
Chairs: Nampuraja Enose (Principal Consultant &amp; Infosys Technologies Limited, India),
Praveen Ranjan Srivastava (Indian Institute of Management (IIM), India)
Knowledge Transfer Model in Collectiv e Intelligence Theory
Saraswathy Shamini Gunasekaran (Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia), Mohd
Sharifuddin Ahmad (Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) and Salama Mostafa
(Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia)
In a m ulti-age nt e nvironm e nt, a se rie s of inte raction e m e rge s that de te rm ine s the flow of
actions e ach age nt should e x e cute in orde r to accom plish its individual goal. Ultim ate ly, e ach
goal re aligns to m anife st the age nts' com m on goal. In a colle ctive e nvironm e nt, the se age nts
re tain only one com m on goal from the start, which is achie ve d through a se rie s of
com m unication proce sse s that involve discussions, group re asoning, de cision-m ak ing and
pe rform ing actions. Both the re asoning and de cision-m ak ing phase s diffuse k nowle dge in the
form of prove n be lie fs be twe e n the se age nts. In this pape r, we de scribe the conce pt of
discussions, group re asoning and de cision m ak ing, followe d by its corre sponding attribute s in
proposing a pre lim inary C olle ctive Inte llige nce the ory.
Misalignm ent Fault Prediction of Motor- Shaft Using Multiscale Entropy and Support
Vector Machine
Alok Kumar Verma (Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India), Somnath Sarangi
(Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India) and Mahesh Kolekar (Indian Institute of
Technology Patna, India)
R otating m achine s constitute s the m ajor portion of the industrial se ctor. In case of rotating
m achine s, m isalignm e nt has be e n obse rve d to be one of the m ost com m on faults which can be
re garde d as a cause for de cre ase in e fficie ncy and can also for the failure at a tim e . Till date the
re se arche rs have de alt only with the vibration sam ple s for m isalignm e nt fault de te ction, whe re as
in the pre se nt work both stator curre nt sam ple s and vibration sam ple s has be e n use d as a
diagnostic m e dia for fault de te ction. Multiscale e ntropy (MSE) base d statistical approach for
fe ature e x traction and support ve ctor m achine (SVM) classification m ak e s the propose d
algorithm m ore robust. Thus, any non-line ar be havior in the diagnostic m e dia is e asily handle d.
The propose d work has de picte d an approach to analyze fe ature s that distinguishe s the vibration
as we ll as curre nt sam ple s of a norm al induction m otor from that of a m isaligne d one . The re sult
shows that the propose d nove l approach is ve ry e ffe ctive to pre dict the m isalignm e nt fault for the
induction m otor.
Multi Objectiv e Cuckoo Search Optim ization for Fast Mov ing Inv entory Item s
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Achin Srivastav (PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, India) and Sunil Agrawal (PDPM IIITDM
Jabalpur, India)
The pape r focuse s on m anaging m ost im portant (class A) fast m oving inve ntory ite m s. A m ulti
obje ctive cuck oo se arch optim ization is use d to de te rm ine trade off solutions for continuous
re vie w orde r point, orde r quantity stochastic inve ntory syste m . A num e rical proble m is conside re d
to illustrate the re sults. The re sults show a num be r of pare to optim al points are obtaine d using
cuck oo se arch m ulti obje ctive algorithm on a single run, which provide s the practitione rs fle x ibility
to choose the optim al point.
Multiobjectiv e Mixed Model Assem bly Line Balancing Problem
Sandeep Choudhary (Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and
Manufacturing Jabalpur, India) and Sunil Agrawal (PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, India)
The m ain obje ctive of this pape r is to im prove the pe rform ance m e asure s of a m ulti-obje ctive
m ix e d m ode l asse m bly line . The m otivation of our work is from the pape r by Zhang and Ge n
(2011) in which the asse m bly line proble m is solve d by using ge ne tic algorithm . Mathe m atical
solutions of the ir work show balance e fficie ncy (Eb) of 86.06 pe rce nt, cycle tim e (C t) of 54
m inute s, work conte nt (Twc) is 185.8 m inute , production rate (R p) is 1.11E, whe re E is line
e fficie ncy. W he n the sam e m athe m atical m ode l is re constructe d by changing de cision variable s
(changing variable s that hold the re lationship be twe e n the task -station-m ode ls to task -work e rm ode l) without changing the m e aning of constraints and solve d using the branch and bound
(B&B) m e thod using Lingo 10 software , the re is a significant im prove m e nt in pe rform ance factors
of asse m bly line . The m athe m atical solutions are obtaine d as follows. The balance e fficie ncy
incre ase s (Eb) by 3.86 pe rce nt, cycle tim e (C t) de cre ase s by 25.55 pe rce nt, work conte nt (Twc)
de cre ase by 22.17 pe rce nt, production rate (R p) de ce ase by 34.23 pe rce nt.
New Approach for Function Optim ization: Am ended Harm ony Search
Chhavi Gupta (Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, India) and Sanjeev Jain
(LNCT, India)
Harm ony se arch (HS) algorithm is an e m e rging population orie nte d stochastic m e tahe uristic
algorithm , which is inspire d by the m usic im provisation proce ss. This pape r introduce s an
Am e nde d harm ony se arch (AHS) algorithm for solving optim ization proble m s. In AHS, an
e nhance d approach is e m ploye d for ge ne rating be tte r solution that im prove s accuracy and
conve rge nce spe e d of harm ony se arch (HS). The e ffe cts of various param e te rs on harm ony
se arch algorithm are analyze d in this pape r. The propose d approach pe rform s fine tuning of two
param e te rs bandwidth and pitch adjustm e nt rate . The propose d algorithm is de m onstrate d on
various com ple x be nchm ark functions and re sults are com pare d with two re ce nt variants of HS
optim ization algorithm s, im prove d harm ony se arch (IHS) and highly re liable harm ony se arch
(HR HS). R e sults sugge ste d that the AHS m e thod has strong conve rge nce and has be tte r balance
capacity of e x ploration and e x ploitation.
Nov el Research in the Field of Shot Boundary Detection - A Surv ey
Raahat Devender Singh (Panjab University, Chandigarh, India) and Naveen Aggarwal
(Panjab University, India)
Se gre gating a vide o se que nce into shots is the first ste p toward vide o-conte nt analysis and
conte nt-base d vide o browsing and re trie val. A shot m ay be de fine d as a se que nce of conse cutive
fram e s tak e n by a single uninte rrupte d cam e ra. Shots are the basic building block s of vide os
and the ir de te ction provide s the basis for highe r le ve l conte nt analysis, inde x ing and
cate gorization. The proble m of de te cting whe re one shot e nds and the ne x t be gins is k nown as
Shot Boundary De te ction (SBD). O ve r the past two de cade s, num e rous SBD te chnique s have
be e n propose d in the lite rature . This pape r pre se nts a brie f surve y of all the m ajor nove l and
late st contributions in this fie ld of digital vide o proce ssing.
Quality Metrics for Data Warehouse Multidim ensional Models with Focus on Dim ension
Hierarchy Sharing
Anjana Gosain (Indraprastha University, India) and Jaspreeti Singh (Guru Gobind
Singh Indraprashta University, New Delhi, India)
Data ware house s, base d on m ultidim e nsional m ode ls, have e m e rge d as powe rful tool for
strate gic de cision m ak ing in the organizations. So it is crucial to assure the ir inform ation quality,
which large ly de pe nds on the m ultidim e nsional m ode l quality. Fe w re se arche rs have propose d
som e use ful m e trics to asse ss the quality of the m ultidim e nsional m ode ls. Howe ve r, the re are
ce rtain characte ristics of dim e nsion hie rarchie s (such as re lationship be twe e n dim e nsion le ve ls;
sharing of som e hie rarchy le ve ls within a dim e nsion, am ong various dim e nsions e tc.) that have
not be e n conside re d so far and m ay contribute significantly to structural com ple x ity of
m ultidim e nsional data m ode ls. The obje ctive of this work is to propose m e trics to com pute the
structural com ple x ity of m ultidim e nsional m ode ls. The focus is on the sharing of le ve ls am ong
dim e nsion hie rarchie s, as it m ay e le vate the structural com ple x ity of m ultidim e nsional m ode ls,
the re by affe cting unde rstandability and in turn m aintainability of the se m ode ls.
Tim e- efficient Tree- based Algorithm for Mining High Utility Patterns
Chiranjeevi Manike (Indian School of Mines, India) and Hari Om (Indian School of
Mines, India)
High utility patte rns m ining from transaction database s is an im portant re se arch are a in the fie ld
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
of data m ining. Due to the unavailability of downward closure prope rty am ong the utilitie s of the
ite m se ts it be com e s gre at challe nge to the re se arche rs. Eve n though, e fficie nt pruning strate gy
calle d, transaction we ighte d utility downward closure prope rty use d to re duce the num be r of
candidate ite m se ts, total tim e to ge ne rate candidate ite m se ts and te st the ite m se ts be com e s
m ore . In vie w of this, in this pape r we have propose d a tim e -e fficie nt tre e base d algorithm
(TTBM) for m ining high utility patte rns from transaction database s. W e construct conditional
patte rn base s to ge ne rate high transaction we ighte d utility patte rns in the se cond pass of our
algorithm . W e use d an e fficie nt tre e structure calle d HP-Tre e and tracing m e thod storing high
transaction we ighte d utility patte rns and for discove ring high utility patte rns re spe ctive ly. W e
have com pare d the pe rform ance against Two- Phase and HUI-Mine r algorithm s. The
e x pe rim e ntal re sults show that the e x e cution tim e of our approach is be tte r.
User Feedback Based Ev aluation of a Product Recom m endation System Using Rank
Aggregation Method
Shahab Saquib Sohail (Aligarh Muslim University, India), Jamshed Siddiqui (Aligarh
Muslim University, India) and Rashid Ali (College of Computers and Information
Technology, Taif University & A. M. U, Aligarh, Saudi Arabia)
The prolife ration of the Inte rne t has change d the daily life of a com m on m an. The re is a dive rse
e ffe ct of rapid growth of Inte rne t in the daily life . The influe nce of Inte rne t has change d the way
we live and e ve n the way we think . The use of the Inte rne t for purchasing diffe re nt products of
the daily ne e ds has incre ase d e x pone ntially in re ce nt ye ars. Now custom e rs pre fe r online
shopping for the acquisition of the various products. But the huge e -busine ss portals and
incre asing online shopping site s m ak e it difficult for the custom e rs to go for a particular product.
It is ve ry com m on practice that a custom e r wishe s to k now the opinion of othe r consum e rs who
alre ady have acquire d the sam e product. The re fore we trie d to involve the hum an judgm e nt in
re com m e nding the products to the use rs using im plicit use r fe e dback and applie d a rank
aggre gation algorithm on the se re com m e ndations. In this pape r we chose fe w products and the ir
re spe ctive rank s arbitrarily tak e n from pre vious work . For obtaining use r's purchase activitie s a
ve ctor fe e dback is tak e n from the use r and on the basis of the ir fe e dback , products are score d;
he nce the y are again rank e d which give s e ach use r's rank ing. W e propose a rank aggre gation
algorithm and apply it on individuals rank ing to ge t an aggre gate d final use rs' rank ing. Finally we
e valuate the syste m pe rform ance using false ne gative rate s, false positive rate s, and pre cision.
The se m e asure s show the e ffe ctive ne ss of the propose d m e thod.
Word Sense Disam biguation for Punjabi Language Using Ov erlap Based Approach
Preeti Rana (Thapar University, India) and Parteek Kumar (Thapar University, India)
W ord Se nse Disam biguation (W SD) is a conce pt for disam biguating the te x t so that com pute r
would be able to inte rpre t appropriate se nse which is not difficult for a hum an to disam biguate . It
is m otivate d by its use in m any crucial applications such as inform ation re trie val, inform ation
e x traction, m achine translation e tc. W SD use s the punjabi W ordNe t which he lps this approach to
se arch the appropriate se nse by providing inform ation lik e synonym s, e x am ple s, conce pts,
se m antic re lation e tc re late d to an am biguous word. India is a m ultilingual country whe re pe ople
spe ak m any diffe re nt language s, which re sults in com m unication barrie r. This acte d as a
m otivation be hind the building of IndoW ordNe t which has wordne ts of m ajor Indian language s.
The e x pansion approach is use d by m any indian language s to de ve lop the ir wordne ts from the
hindi wordne t. Millions of pe ople k now punjabi language in india but little com pute rize d work has
be e n done in the fie ld for this language .It is the re fore worthy to build up a punjabi le x ical
re source (W ordNe t) that can discove r the richne ss of punjabi language . W ord se nse
disam biguation use s le sk 's algorithm in which conte x t of am biguous word is com pare d with the
inform ation conclude d from W ordNe t and choose s the winne r. The output will be the particular
se nse num be r de signating the appropriate se nse of am biguous word. The e valuation has be e n
done on the punjabi corpora and the re sults are e ncouraging.
Com bining Different Differential Ev olution Variants in an Island Based Distributed
Fram ework - An Inv estigation
Shanmuga Sundaram Thangavelu (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India) and C.
Shunmuga Velayutham (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India)
This pape r propose s to com bine thre e diffe re nt Diffe re ntial Evolution (DE) variants viz.
DE/rand/1/bin, DE/be st/1/bin and DE/rand-to-be st/1/bin in an island base d distribute d
Diffe re ntial Evolution (dDE) fram e work . The re sulting nove l dDEs with diffe re nt DE variants in the ir
islands have be e n te ste d on 13 high-dim e nsional be nchm ark proble m s (of dim e nsions 500 and
1000) to ob-se rve the ir pe rform ance e fficacy as we ll as to inve stigate the pote ntial of com bining
such com ple m e n-tary colle ction of se arch strate gie s in a distribute d fram e work . Sim ulation
re sults show that rand and rand-to-be st strate gy com bination variants display supe rior
pe rform ance ove r rand, be st, rand-to-be st as we ll as be st, rand-to-be st com bination variants.
The rand and be st strate gy com binations displaye d the poor pe rform ance . The sim ulation
studie s indicate a de finite pote ntial of com bining com -ple m e ntary colle ction of se arch
characte ristics in an island base d distribute d fram e work to re alize highly co-ope rative , e fficie nt
and robust distribute d Diffe re ntial Evolution variants capable of han-dling a wide varie ty of
optim izations task s.
Correlation Based Anonym ization Using Generalization and Suppression for Disclosure
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Problem s
Amit Thakkar (Charotar University of Science & Technology, India), Aashiyana Arifbhai
Bhatti (Charotar University of Science & Technology, India) and Jalpesh Vasa
(Charotar University of Science and Technology, India)
Huge volum e of de taile d pe rsonal data is re gularly colle cte d and sharing of the se data is prove d
to be be ne ficial for data m ining application. Data that include shopping habits, crim inal re cords,
cre dit re cords and m e dical history are ve ry ne ce ssary for an organization to pe rform analysis and
pre dict the tre nds and patte rns, but it m ay pre ve nt the data owne rs from sharing the data
be cause of m any privacy re gulations. In orde r to share data while pre se rving privacy, data owne r
m ust com e up with a solution which achie ve s the dual goal of privacy pre se rvation as we ll as
accurate data m ining re sult. In this pape r k -Anonym ity base d approach is use d to provide privacy
to individual data by m ask ing the attribute value s using ge ne ralization and suppre ssion. Due to
som e drawback s of the e x isting m ode l, it ne e ds to be m odifie d to fulfill the goal. Propose d
m ode l trie s to pre ve nt data disclosure proble m by using corre lation coe fficie nt which e stim ate s
am ount of corre lation be twe e n attribute s and he lps to autom ate the attribute se le ction proce ss
for ge ne ralization and suppre ssion. The m ain aim of propose d m ode l is to incre ase the Privacy
Gain and to m aintain the accuracy of the data afte r anonym ization.
Design and Im plem entation of a Nov el Eye Gaze Recognition System Based on Scleral
Area for MND Patients Using Video Processing
Sudhir Rao Rupanagudi (WorldServe Education, India), Varsha Bhat (WorldServe
Education, India), Karthik R (Yellamma Dasappa Institute of Technology, India), Roopa
P (Yellamma Dasappa Institute of Technology, India), Manjunath M (Yellamma
Dasappa Institute of Technology, India), Glenn Ebenezer (Dr AIT, India), Shashank S
(Dr AIT, India), Hrishikesh Pandith (Dr AIT, India), Nitesh R (Dr AIT, India), Amrit
Shandilya (BNMIT, India) and Ravithej P (BNMIT, India)
In this m ode rn e ra of scie nce and te chnology, se ve ral innovations e x ist for the be ne fit of the
diffe re ntly-able d and the dise ase d. R e se arch organizations worldwide , are striving hard in
ide ntifying nove l m e thods to assist this group of the socie ty to conve rse fre e ly, m ove around and
also e njoy those be ne fits which othe rs do. In this pape r, we conce ntrate on assisting pe ople
suffe ring from one such de adly dise ase - the Motor Ne uron Dise ase (MND), whe re in a patie nt
lose s control of his/he r com ple te m obility and is capable of only oculographic m ove m e nts. By
utilizing the se oculographic m ove m e nts, com m only k nown as the e ye gaze of an individual,
se ve ral day to day activitie s can be controlle d just by the m otion of the e ye s. This pape r
discusse s a nove l and cost e ffe ctive se tup to capture the e ye gaze of an individual. The pape r
also e laborate s a ne w m e thodology to ide ntify the e ye gaze utilizing the scle ral prope rtie s of the
e ye and is also im m une to variations in back ground and he ad-tilt. All algorithm s we re de signe d
on the MATLAB 2011b platform and an ove rall accuracy of 95% was achie ve d for trials conducte d
ove r a large te st case se t for various e ye gaze s in diffe re nt dire ctions. Also, a com parison with
the popular Viola-Jone s m e thod shows that the algorithm pre se nte d in this pape r is m ore than
3.8 tim e s faste r.
Enhancing Frequency Based Change Proneness Prediction Method Using Artificial Bee
Colony Algorithm
Deepa Godara (Uttarakhand Technical University, India) and Rakesh Kumar Singh
(Uttarakhand Technical University, India)
In the fie ld of software e ngine e ring, during the de ve lopm e nt of O bje ct O rie nte d (O O ) software ,
the k nowle dge of the classe s which are m ore prone to change s in software is an im portant
proble m that arise s nowadays. In orde r to solve this proble m , se ve ral m e thods we re introduce d
by pre dicting the change s in the software e arlie r. But those m e thods are not facilitating ve ry
good pre diction re sult. This re se arch work propose s a nove l approach for pre dicting change s in
software . O ur propose d probabilistic approach use s the be havioral de pe nde ncy ge ne rate d from
UML diagram s, as we ll as othe r code m e trics such as tim e and trace e ve nts ge ne rate d from
source code . The se m e asure s com bine d with fre que ncy of m e thod calls and popularity can be
use d in autom ate d m anne r to pre dict a change prone class. Thus all the se five fe ature s (tim e ,
trace e ve nts, be havioral de -pe nde ncy, fre que ncy and popularity) are obtaine d from our propose d
work . The n, the se fe ature s are give n as the input to the ID3 (Inte ractive Dichotom ize r ve rsion 3)
de cision tre e algorithm for e ffe ctive ly classifying the classe s, whe the r it pre dicts the change
prone ne ss or not. If a class is classifie d into pre diction of change prone class, the n the value of
change prone ne ss is also obtaine d by our work .
Ev aluation of Data Warehouse Quality From Conceptual Model Perspectiv e
Rakhee Sharma (Guru Gobind Singh Inderaprastha University, India), Hunny Gaur
(Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University & Ambedkar Institute Of Advanced
Communication Technologies & Research, India) and Manoj Kumar (Guru Gobind Singh
Inderaprastha University, India)
O rganizations are adopting Data W are house (DW ) for m ak ing strate gic de cisions. DW consist of
huge and com ple x se t of data thus its m ainte nance and quality are e qually im portant. Using
im prope r, m isunde rstood, disre garde d data quality will highly im pact de cision m ak ing proce ss as
we ll as its pe rform ance . The DW quality is de pe nde d on data m ode l quality, DBMS quality and
Data quality itse lf. In this pape r we have surve ye d on two aspe cts of DW quality; one is how
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
re se arche rs have im prove d the quality of Data; and anothe r is how data m ode l quality is
im prove d. The pape r discuss that m e trics are re al quality indicators of DW s; the y he lp the
de signe rs in obtaining good quality m ode l that allow us to guarante e the quality of the DW . In
this pape r, our focus has be e n on surve ying re se arch pape rs with re spe ct to quality of
m ultidim e nsional conce ptual m ode l of DW . Having surve ye d various pape rs, we com pare d all the
proposals conce rning the ore tical validation and e m pirical validation of conce ptual m ode l m e trics
for asse ssm e nt of DW m ode l quality.
S37: ISI-2014: Data Mining, Clustering and Intelligent Information Systems -II
Room: 205 Block E Second Floor
Chairs: A. F. M. Sajidul Qadir (Samsung R&amp;D Institute-Bangladesh, Bangladesh), Alok Kumar
Verma (Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India)
A Learning Based Em otion Classifier with Sem antic Text Processing
Vajrapu Anusha (MVSR Engineering College, India) and Sandhya Banda (MVSR
Engineering College, India)
In this m ode rn e ra, we de pe nd m ore and m ore on m achine s for day to day activitie s. Howe ve r,
the re is a huge gap be twe e n com pute r and hum an in e m otional think ing, which is the ce ntral
factor in hum an com m unication. This gap can be bridge d by im ple m e nting se ve ral com putational
approache s, which induce e m otional inte llige nce into a m achine . Em otion de te ction from te x t is
one such m e thod to m ak e the com pute rs e m otionally inte llige nt be cause te x t is one of the
m ajor m e dia for com m unication am ong hum ans and with the com pute rs. In this pape r, we
propose an approach which adds natural language proce ssing te chnique s to im prove the
pe rform ance of le arning base d e m otion classifie r by conside ring the syntactic and se m antic
fe ature s of te x t. W e also pre se nt a com pre he nsive ove rvie w of e m e rging fie ld of e m otion
de te ction from te x t.
A Lexicon Pooled Machine Learning Classifier for Opinion Mining From Course
Rupika Dalal (South Asian University, India), Ismail Safhath (South Asian University,
India), Rajesh Piryani (South Asian University, New Delhi, India), Divya Rajeswari
Kappara (South Asian University, India) and Vivek Kumar Singh (Banaras Hindu
University, India)
This pape r pre se nts our algorithm ic de sign for a le x icon poole d approach for opinion m ining from
course fe e dback s. First, we did an e m pirical e valuation of both, the m achine le arning classifie r
and the le x icon base d approache s for opinion m ining, and the n de signe d a hybrid approach. The
propose d m e thod trie s to incorporate le x icon k nowle dge into the m achine le arning classification
proce ss through a m ultinom ial pooling of le x icon base d approach. The algorithm ic form ulation
have be e n e valuate d on thre e datase ts obtaine d from rate m yprofe ssor.com . The re sults show
that the le x icon poole d approach obtains highe r accuracy than the standalone im ple m e ntations
of m achine le arning and le x icon base d approache s. The pape r, thus propose and de m onstrate
how a le x icon poole d hybrid approach m ay be a pre fe rre d te chnique for opinion m ining from
course fe e dback s.
A Method to Induce Indicativ e Functional Dependencies for Relational Data Model
Harikumar Sandhya (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India) and R. Reethima (Amrita
Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India)
R e lational m ode l is one of the e x te nsive ly use d database m ode ls. Howe ve r, with the
conte m porary te chnologie s, high dim e nsional data which m ay be structure d or unstructure d are
re quire d to be analyze d for k nowle dge inte rpre tation. O ne of the significant aspe cts of analysis is
e x ploring the re lationships e x isting be twe e n the attribute s of large dim e nsional data. In
re lational m ode l, the inte grity constraints in accordance with the re lationships are capture d by
functional de pe nde ncie s. Proce ss- ing of high dim e nsional data to unde rstand all the functional
de pe nde ncie s is com putationally e x pe nsive . More spe cifically, functional de pe nde ncie s of the
m ost prom ine nt attribute s will be of significant use and can re duce the se arch space of functional
de pe nde ncie s to be se arche d for. In this pape r we propose a re gre ssion m ode l to find the m ost
prom ine nt attribute s of a give n re lation. Functional de pe nde ncie s of the se prom ine nt attribute s
are discove re d which are indicative and le ad to faste r re sults in de cre ase d am ount of tim e .
A Nov el Way of Assigning Software Bug Priority Using Superv ised Classification on
Clustered Bugs Data
Neetu Goyal (Panjab University, Chandigarh, India), Naveen Aggarwal (Panjab
University, India) and Maitreyee Dutta (National Institute of Technical Teachers
Training & Research, Chandigarh, India)
Bug Triaging is an im portant part of te sting proce ss in software de ve lopm e nt organizations. But it
tak e s up conside rable am ount of tim e of the Bug Triage r, costing tim e and re source s of the
organization. He nce it is worth while to de ve lop an autom ate d syste m to addre ss this issue .
R e se arche rs have addre sse d various aspe cts of this by using te chnique s of data m ining, lik e
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
classification e tc. Also the re is a study which claim s that whe n classification is done on the data
which is pre viously cluste re d; it significantly im prove s its pe rform ance . In this work , this approach
has be e n use d for the first tim e in the fie ld of software te sting for pre dicting the priority of the
software bugs to find if classifie r pe rform ance im prove s whe n it is pre ce de d with cluste ring. Using
this syste m , cluste ring was pe rform e d on proble m title attribute of the bugs to group sim ilar
bugs toge the r us-ing cluste ring algorithm s. C lassification was the n applie d to the cluste rs
obtaine d, to assign priority to the bugs base d on the ir attribute s se ve rity or com pone nt using
classification algorithm s. It was the n studie d that which com bination of cluste ring and
classification algorithm s use d provide d the be st re sults.
A Two- Stage Genetic K- harm onic Means Method for Data Clustering
Anuradha Thakare (University of Pune & PCCOE, India) and Chandrashkehar Dhote
(Amravati University, India)
C luste ring te chnique s are aim e d to partition the e ntire input space into disconne cte d se ts whe re
the m e m be rs of e ach se t are highly conne cte d. K-harm onic m e ans (KHM) is a we ll-k nown data
cluste ring te chnique but it runs into local optim a. A two stage ge ne tic cluste ring m e thod using
KHM (TSGKHM) is propose d in this re se arch which can autom atically cluste r the input data points
into an appropriate num be r of cluste rs. W ith the be st fe ature s of both the algorithm , TSGKHM in
first stage ove rcom e s the local optim a and re sults in optim al cluste r ce nte rs, and in se cond
stage , re sults into optim al cluste rs. The propose d m e thod is e x e cute d on globally acce pte d, four
re al tim e data se ts. The inte r-m e diate re sults are produce d. The pe rform ance analysis shows
that TSGKHM pe rform s significantly be tte r.
An Em pirical Study of Robustness and Stability of Machine Learning Classifiers in
Software Defect Prediction
Arvinder Kaur (Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India) and Kamaldeep Kaur
(Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India)
Software is one of the k e y drive rs of twe nty first ce ntury busine ss and socie ty. De live ring high
quality software syste m s is a challe nging task for software de ve lope rs. Early software de fe ct
pre diction base d on software code m e trics has be e n inte nse ly re se arche d by the software
e ngine e ring re se arch com m unity. R e ce nt k nowle dge advance m e nts in m achine le arning have
be e n e x plore d for de ve lopm e nt of highly accurate autom atic software de fe ct pre diction m ode ls.
This study contribute s to application of m achine le arning in software de fe ct pre diction by
inve stigating the robustne ss and stability of 17 m achine le arning classifie rs on 44 ope n source
software de fe ct pre diction data se ts obtaine d from PR O MISE re pository. The Are a Unde r
C urve (AUC ) of R e ce ive r ope rating characte ristic curve (R O C ) for e ach of the 17 classifie rs is
obtaine d on 44 de fe ct pre diction data se ts. The classifie rs are rank e d on robustne ss as we ll as
stability. O ur e x pe rim e nts show that R andom Fore sts, logistic re gre ssion and Kstar are robust as
we ll as stable classifie rs for software de fe ct pre diction applications. Furthe r we de m onstrate that
Naïve Baye s and Baye s Ne twork s are which have be e n shown to be robust and com pre he nsible
classifie rs in pre vious re se arch on software de fe ct pre diction, have poor stability in ope n source
software de fe ct pre diction.
An Em pirical Study of Som e Particle Swarm Optim izer Variants for Com m unity
Anupam Biswas (Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India), Pawan Gupta
(Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India), Mradul Modi (Indian Institute
of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India) and Bhaskar Biswas (Indian Institute of
Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India)
Swarm base d inte llige nt algorithm s are wide ly use d in applications of alm ost all dom ains of
scie nce and e ngine e ring. Ease and fle x ibility of the se algorithm s to fit in any application has
attracte d e ve n m ore dom ains in re ce nt ye ars. Social com puting be ing one such dom ain trie s to
incorporate the se approache s for com m unity de te ction in particular. W e have propose d a m e thod
to use Particle Swarm O ptim ization (PSO ) te chnique s to de te ct com m unitie s in social ne twork
base d on com m on inte re st of individual in the ne twork . W e have pe rform e d rigorous study of
four PSO variants with our approach on re al data se ts. W e found orthogonal le arning approach
re sults quality solutions but tak e s re asonable com putation tim e on all the data se ts for de te cting
com m unitie s. C ognitive avoidance approach shows ave rage quality solutions but inte re stingly
tak e s ve ry le ss com putation tim e in contrast to orthogonal le arning approach. Line ar tim e
varying approach pe rform s poorly on both case s, while line arly varying we ight along with
acce le ration coe fficie nts is com pe titive to cognitive avoidance approach.
An Extended Cham eleon Algorithm for Docum ent Clustering
Lekha N k (Amrita University, India) and Veena G (Amrita University, India)
A lot of re se arch work has be e n done in the are a of conce pt m ining and docum e nt sim ilarity in
past fe w ye ars. But all the se work s we re base d on the statistical analysis of k e ywords. The m ajor
challe nge in this are a involve s the pre se rvation of se m antics of the te rm s or phrase s. O ur pape r
propose s a graph m ode l to re pre se nt the conce pt in the se nte nce le ve l. The conce pt follows a
triple t re pre se ntation. A m odifie d DB scan algorithm is use d to cluste r the e x tracte d conce pts.
This cluste r form s a be lie f ne twork or probabilistic ne twork . W e use this ne twork for e x tracting the
m ost probable conce pts in the docum e nt. In this pape r we also propose s a ne w algorithm for
docum e nt sim ilarity. For the be lie f ne twork com parison an e x te nde d cham e le on Algorithm is also
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
propose d he re .
An Intelligent Modeling of Oil Consum ption
Haruna Chiroma (University of Malaya, Malaysia), Sameem Abdul Kareem (University of
Malaya, Malaysia), Sanah Abdullahi Muaz (University of Malaya, Malaysia), Adamu
Abubakar (International Islamic University Malaysia & Integ lab, Malaysia), Edi Sutoyo
(University of Malaya, Malaysia), Mungad Mungad (University of Malaya, Malaysia),
Younes Saadi (University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia), Eka Novita Sari (AMCS
Research Center, Indonesia) and Tutut Herawan (Universiti Malaysia Pahang &
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Malaysia)
In this chapte r, we se le ct Middle East countrie s involving Jordan, Le banon, O m an, and Saudi
Arabia for m ode ling the ir oil consum ption base d on soft com puting. The lim itations associate d
with Le ve nbe rg-Marquardt Ne ural Ne twork (LM) m otivate d this re se arch to optim ize the
param e te rs of NN through Artificial Be e C olony se arche s (ABC -LM) to build a m ode l for the
pre diction of oil consum ption in the se le cte d Middle East countrie s. The propose d m ode l was able
to pre dict oil consum ption with im prove d accuracy and conve rge nce spe e d. The ABC -LM pe rform s
be tte r than the standard LMNN, Ge ne tically optim ize d NN, and Back -propagation NN. Analysis of
variance re sults indicate d that the oil consum ption in Jordan is significantly highe r than that of
Le banon. O n the othe r hand, oil consum ption in Saudi Arabia is significantly highe r than that of
O m an. The approach propose s in this chapte r can be applie d by the se le cte d countrie s in our
case study for the form ulation of both dom e stic and inte rnational policie s re late d to oil
consum ption and e conom ic de ve lopm e nt.
Analysis and Ev aluation of Discrim inant Analysis Techniques for Multiclass
Classification of Hum an Vocal Em otions
Swarna Kuchibhotla (Acharya Nagarjuna University, India), Hima Deepthi
Vankayalapati (VRSEC, India), BhanuSree Yalamanchili (VRSEC, India) and Koteswara
Rao Anne (VRSEC, India)
Many of the classification proble m s in hum an com pute r inte raction applications involve m ulti
class classification. Support Ve ctor Ma-chine s e x ce l at binary classification proble m s and cannot
be e asily e x -te nde d to m ulti class classification. The use of Discrim inant analysis how e ve r is not
e x pe rim e nte d wide ly in the are a of Spe e ch e m otion re cognition. In this pape r Line ar Discrim inant
Analysis and R e gularize d Discrim inant Analysis are im ple m e nte d ove r Be rlin and Spanish
e m otional spe e ch database s. Prosody and spe ctral fe ature s are e x tracte d from the spe e ch
database and are applie d individually and also with fe ature fusion. Base d on the re sults
obtaine d, LDA classification pe rform ance is poor than R DA due to the singularity proble m . The
re sults are analyse d using R O C C urve s.
Flipped Labs as an Sm art ICT Innov ation: Modeling Its Diffusion Am ong
Interinfluencing Potential Adopters
Raghu Raman (Amrita University, India)
Sm art IC T innovation lik e flippe d classroom pe dagogy is fre e ing up face -to-face in-class
te aching syste m for additional proble m base d le arning activitie s in the class. But the focus of
flippe d classroom s is m ore on the the ory side with re late d lab work in scie nce subje cts furthe r
ge tting m arginalize d. In this pape r we are proposing Flippe d Labs - a m e thod of pe dagogy
pre m e ditate d as a com pre he nsive online lab le arning e nvironm e nt outside the class room by
m e ans of tutorials, the ory, proce dure , anim ations and vide os. Flippe d labs have the pote ntial to
transform the traditional m e thods of lab te aching by providing m ore lab tim e to stude nts. An IC T
e ducational innovation lik e flippe d labs will not occur in isolation in an e nvironm e nt whe re two
inte rre late d pote ntial adopte rs nam e ly te ache rs and stude nts influe nce e ach othe r and both have
to adopt for the innovation to be succe ssful. In this pape r we provide the the ore tical fram e work
for the diffusion and the adoption patte rns for flippe d labs using the ory of pe rce ive d attribute s
and tak e into account the im portant inte rgroup influe nce be twe e n te ache rs and stude nts. The
re sults of this analysis indicate d that R e lative Advantage , C om patibility, Ease of Use , Te ache r
Influe nce and Stude nt Influe nce we re found to be positive ly re late d to acce ptance of flippe d labs.
Form ulating Dynam ic Agents' Operational State Via Situation Awareness Assessm ent
Salama Mostafa (Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia), Mohd Sharifuddin Ahmad
(Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia), Muthukkaruppan Annamalai (Universiti
Teknologi MARA, Malaysia), Azhana Ahmad (Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) and
Saraswathy Shamini Gunasekaran (Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia)
Managing autonom y in a dynam ic inte ractive syste m that contains a m ix of hum an and software
age nt inte llige nce is a challe nging task . In such syste m s, giving an age nt a com ple te control
ove r its autonom y is a risk y practice while m anually se tting the age nt's autonom y le ve l is an
ine fficie nt approach. This pape r addre sse s this issue via form ulating a Situation Aware ne ss
Asse ssm e nt (SAA) te chnique to assist in de te rm ining an appropriate age nts' ope rational state .
W e propose four ope rational state s of age nts' e x e cution cycle s; proce e d, halt, block and
te rm inate , e ach of which is de te rm ine d base d on the age nts' pe rform ance . W e apply the SAA
te chnique in a propose d Laye re d Adjustable Autonom y (LAA) m ode l. The LAA conce ptualize s
autonom y as a spe ctrum and is constructe d in a laye re d structure . The SAA and the LAA notions
are applicable to hum ans' and age nts' collaborative e nvironm e nt. W e provide an e x pe rim e ntal
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
sce nario to te st and validate the propose d notions in a re al-tim e application.
Fuzzy Based Approach to Dev elop Hybrid Ranking Function for Efficient Inform ation
Retriev al
Ashish Saini (Dayalbagh Educational Institute, India), Yogesh Gupta (Dayalbagh
Educational Institute, India) and Ajay Saxena (, India)
R ank ing function is use d to com pute the re le vance score of all the docum e nts in docum e nt
colle ction against the que ry in Inform ation R e trie val syste m . A ne w fuzzy base d approach is
propose d and im ple m e nte d to construct hybrid rank ing functions calle d FHSM1 and FHSM2 in
pre se nt pape r. The pe rform ance of propose d approach is e valuate d and com pare d with othe r
wide ly use d rank ing functions such as C osine , Jaccard and O k api-BM25. The propose d approach
pe r-form s be tte r than above rank ing functions in te rm s of pre cision, re call, ave rage pre cision and
ave rage re call. All the e x pe rim e nts are pe rform e d on C AC M and C ISI be nchm ark data
colle ctions.
Inquiry Based Learning Pedagogy for Chem istry Practical Experim ents Using OLabs
Prema Nedungadi (Amrita University, India), Malini Prabhakaran (Amrita
Vishwavidyapeetham University, Kollam, Kerala, India) and Raghu Raman (Amrita
University, India)
O ur pape r propose s a ne w pe dagogical approach for le arning che m istry practical e x pe rim e nts
base d on thre e m ode s of inquiry base d le arning nam e ly - structure d, guide d and ope n. O nline
Labs (O Labs) are a we b base d le arning e nvironm e nt for scie nce practical e x pe rim e nts that
include sim ulations, anim ations, tutorials and asse ssm e nts. Inquiry base d le arning is a
pe dagogy that supports stude nt ce nte re d le arning and e ncourage s the m to think scie ntifically. It
de ve lops e vide nce base d re asoning and cre ative proble m solving sk ills that re sult in k nowle dge
cre ation and highe r re call. W e discuss the m e thodology and tools that O Labs provide s to e nable
e ducators to de sign thre e type s of inquiry base d le arning for C he m istry e x pe rim e nts. The
inte gration of inquiry base d le arning into O Labs is aligne d to Indian C e ntral Board of Se condary
Education (C BSE) goal of nurturing highe r orde r inquiry sk ills for stude nt ce nte re d and active
le arning. Inquiry base d O Labs pe dagogy also e m powe rs the te ache rs to provide diffe re ntiate d
instruction to the stude nts while e nhancing stude nt inte re st and m otivation.
New Unification Matching Schem e for efficient inform ation retriev al using Genetic
Anuradha Thakare (University of Pune & PCCOE, India) and Chandrashkehar Dhote
(Amravati University, India)
This article pre se nts ne w Unification Matching Sche m e (UMS) for inform ation re trie val using
ge ne tic algorithm . The se le ction of appropriate m atching functions contribute s to the
pe rform ance of inform ation re trie val syste m . The propose d UMS e x e cute s the Unification function
on thre e classical m atching functions for diffe re nt thre shold value s. The m ain obje ctive is to
utilize all the base functions to incre ase the re le vancy of use rs que ry with the data obje cts. The
be st re sults from e ach m atching function de fine the ne w ge ne ration on which othe r m atching
functions are applie d. The re sults from e ach ge ne ration are optim ize d using Ge ne tic Algorithm .
W ork ing of UMS is com pare d with individual classical m atching functions. The significant
im prove m e nt is se e n in the e x pe rim e ntal re sults in te rm s of pre cision and re call. The
pe rform ance incre ase d gradually in e ach ge ne ration the re by producing the re le vant re sults.
S38: ISI-2014: Pattern Recognition, Signal and Image Processing-I
Room: 110 Block E First Floor
Chairs: Ajinkya S. Deshmukh (Uurmi System Pvt. Ltd., India), Ravibabu Mulaveesala (Indian
Institute of Technology Ropar, India)
Mem ory Based Multiplier Design in Custom and FPGA Im plem entation
Noor Mahammad Sk (Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and
Manufacturing (IIITDM) Kancheepuram, India) and Mohamed Basiri (IIITDM
Kancheepuram, India)
The m ode rn re al tim e applications lik e signal proce ssing, filte ring, e tc., de m ands the high
pe rform ance m ultiplie r de sign with fe we r look up table s in FPGA im ple m e ntation. This pape r
propose s an e fficie nt look up table base d m ultiplie r de sign for ASIC as we ll as FPGA
im ple m e ntation. In the propose d te chnique , both the input ope rands of the m ultiplie r are
conside re d as variable s and the propose d LUT base d m ultiplie r de sign is com pare d with othe r
LUT base d m ultiplication sche m e s lik e LUT counte r, LUT of square s and LUT of de com pose d
square s base d m ultiplie r de signs. The pe rform ance re sults have shown the propose d de sign
achie ve s be tte r im prove m e nt in de pth and are a com pare d with an e x isting te chnique . The
propose d LUT base d 124-bit m ultiplie r achie ve s an im prove m e nt of 34:61% in de pth com pare d
to the counte r LUT base d archite cture . The 1616-bit propose d LUT base d m ultiplie r achie ve s an
im prove m e nt factor of 76:84% in the circuit de pth ove r the square LUT base d m ultiplication
te chnique using 45 nm te chnology.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Mov ing Hum an Detection in Video Using Dynam ic Visual Attention Model
Sanjay G (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India), Amudha J (Amrita Vishwa
Vidyapeetham, India) and Julia Tressa Jose (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India)
Visual Atte ntion algorithm s have be e n e x te nsive ly use d for obje ct de te ction in im age s. Howe ve r,
the use of the se algorithm s for vide o analysis has be e n le ss e x plore d. Many of the te chnique s
propose d, though accurate and robust, still re quire a huge am ount of tim e for proce ssing large
size d vide o data. Thus this pape r introduce s a fast and com putationally ine x pe nsive te chnique
for de te cting re gions corre sponding to m oving hum ans in surve illance vide os. It is base d on the
dynam ic salie ncy m ode l and is robust to noise and illum ination variation.R e sults indicate
succe ssful e x traction of m oving hum an re gions with m inim um noise , and faste r pe rform ance in
com parison to othe r m ode ls. The m ode l work s be st in sparse ly crowde d sce narios.
Multi- Output On- Line ATC Estim ation in Deregulated Power System Using ANN
R Prathiba (Anna University, India), M Balasingh Moses (Anna University, Trichy, India),
Durairaj Devaraj (Kalasalingam University, India) and M. Karuppasamypandiyan (Anna
University, Trichy, India)
Fast and accurate e valuation of the Available Transfe r C apability (ATC ) is e sse ntial for the
e fficie nt use of ne twork s in a de re gulate d powe r syste m .This pape r propose s m ulti output Fe e d
Forward ne ural ne twork for on line e stim ation of ATC . Back Propagation Algorithm is use d to train
the Fe e d Forward ne ural ne twork . The data se ts for de ve loping Artificial Ne ural Ne twork (ANN)
m ode ls are ge ne rate d using R e pe ate d Powe r Flow (R PF) algorithm . The e ffe ctive ne ss of the
propose d ANN m ode ls are te ste d on IEEE 24 bus R e liability Te st Syste m (R TS). The re sults of
ANN m ode l is com pare d with R PF re sults. From the re sults, it is obse rve d that the ANN m ode l
de ve lope d is suitable for fast on line e stim ation of ATC .
RBDT: The Cascading of Machine Learning Classifiers for Anom aly Detection with Case
Study of Two Datasets
Goverdhan Reddy Jidiga (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India) and Porika
Sammulal (JNTUH University, India)
The inhum an cause of be havior in com pute r use rs and lack of coding sk ills pursue a
m alfunctioning of applications cre ating se curity bre ache s and vulne rable to e ve ry use of online
transaction today. The anom aly de te ction is in-sighte d into se curity of inform ation in e arly stage
of 1980, but still we have pote ntial abnorm alitie s in re al tim e critical applications and unable to
m ode l online , re al world be havior. The anom alie s are pinpointe d by conve ntional algorithm s was
ve ry poor and false positive rate (FPR ) is incre ase d. So, in this conte x t be tte r use the adorne d
m achine le arning te chnique s to im prove the pe rform ance of an anom aly de te ction syste m (ADS).
In this pape r we have give n a ne w classifie r calle d rule base d de cision tre e (R BDT), it is a
cascading of C 4.5 and Naïve Baye s use the conjunction of C 4.5 and Naïve Baye s rule s towards a
ne w m achine le arning classifie r to e nsure that to im prove in re sults. He re two case studie s use d
in e x pe rim e ntal work , one tak e n from UC I m achine le arning re pository and othe r one is re al
bank datase t, finally com parison analysis is give n by applying datase ts to the de cision tre e s (
ID3, C HAID, C 4.5, Im prove d C 4.5, C 4.5 R ule ), Ne ural Ne twork s, Naïve Baye s and R BDT.
Software Analysis Using Cuckoo Search
Praveen Ranjan Srivastava (Indian Institute of Management (IIM), India)
Software analysis include s both C ode cove rage as we ll as the R e quire m e nts cove rage . In code
cove rage , autom atic te st se que nce s are ge ne rate d from the control flow graph in orde r to cove r
all node s. O ve r the ye ars, m ajor proble m in software te sting has be e n the autom ation of te sting
proce ss in orde r to de cre ase ove rall cost of te sting. This pape r pre se nts a te chnique for com ple te
software analysis using a m e tahe uristic optim ization te chnique C uck oo Se arch. For this purpose ,
the conce pt of C uck oo se arch is adopte d whe re se arch follows quasi-random m anne r. In
re quire m e nt cove rage , te st se que nce s are ge ne rate d base d on state transition diagram . The
optim al solution obtaine d from the C uck oo Se arch shows that it is far e fficie nt than othe r
m e tahe uristic te chnique s lik e Ge ne tic Algorithm and Particle Swarm optim ization
Spread Spectrum Audio Waterm arking Using Vector Space Projections
Adamu Abubakar (International Islamic University Malaysia & Integ lab, Malaysia),
Akram M. Zeki (International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia), Haruna Chiroma
(University of Malaya, Malaysia), Sanah Abdullahi Muaz (University of Malaya,
Malaysia), Eka Novita Sari (AMCS Research Center, Indonesia) and Tutut Herawan
(Universiti Malaysia Pahang & Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Malaysia)
Efficie nt wate rm ark ing te chnique s guarante e inaudibility and robustne ss against signal
de gradation. The spre ad spe ctrum wate rm ark ing te chnique m ak e s it harde r for unauthorize d
adve rsary to de te ct the position of the e m be dde d wate rm ark in the carrie r file , be cause the
wate rm ark bits are spre ad in the carrie r m e dium . Unfortunate ly, the re is a high possibility that
synchronization of the wate rm ark bits and carrie r bits will go out of phase . This will le ad to
wate rm ark de te ction proble m in the carrie r bit se que nce . In this pape r, we propose a ve ctor
space proje ctions approach on spre ad spe ctrum audio wate rm ark ing te chnique , in orde r to
pre se nt both the wate rm ark bits and carrie r bits as ve ctors. Sim ilaritie s of wate rm ark ve ctor to a
carrie r ve ctor are re solve d by the norm alize d dot product of the cosine of the angle be twe e n
the m for e m be dding. Afte r e m be dding, e x traction and applying som e signal proce ssing
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
te chnique we re carrie d out. O ur approach has prove n robust whe n com pare d with othe r audio
wate rm ark ing te chnique s. This te chnique give s good re sults and was found to be the robust
base d on pe rform ance te st.
Studying the Effects of Metam aterial Com ponents on Microwav e Filters
Ahmed Reja (Jamia Millia Islamia, India) and Syed Ahmad (Jamia Millia Islamia, India)
This pape r pre se nts a com pact stopband filte rs and bandpass filte rs using m icrostrip
transm ission line s couple d with two paralle l side s of square split ring re sonators (SR R s) and
m e tallic vias hole s. SR R s e tche d on the uppe r plane of m icrostrip line to provide ne gative value
of e ffe ctive pe rm e ability (µ<0) to the m e dium in a narrow band above the ir re sonance fre que ncy.
Narrow bandpass filte r with m ore drastic size re duction can be obtaine d by using m e tallic via
hole s to ge t ne gative e ffe ctive pe rm ittivity (ε<0) with ne gative e ffe ctive pe rm e ability (µ<0) which
is ge ne rate d by using SR R s. Back ward wave propagation is achie ve d as a LHM whe n SR R s and
via hole s are applie d toge the r. The se m e tam ate rial com pone nts (SR R s and m e tallic via hole s)
are use ful for com pact narrow stopband and narrow bandpass filte rs applications at 3GHz
re sonance fre que ncy. The proce ss of adding m any num be rs of SR R s and tak ing m any widths of
strip conductor (W ) with gap variations be twe e n re sonators and strip line are studie d and
sim ulate d. The le ngth (l) of the structure s can be as sm all as 0.3 tim e s the signal wave le ngth at
re sonance fre que ncy (fo).
SV- M/D: Support Vector Machine- Singular Value Decom position Based Face
Mukundhan Srinivasan (Indian Institute of Science, India)
In this pape r, we pre se nt a nove l m e thod for Face R e cognition (FR ) by applying Support Ve ctor
Machine (SVM) in addre ssing this C om pute r Vision (C V) proble m . The SVM is a capable le arning
classifie r capable of training polynom ials, ne ural ne twork s and R BFs. W e use Singular Value
De com position (SVD) for fe ature e x traction and SVM for classification. The propose d algorithm is
te ste d on thre e database s, viz., FER ET, FR GC Ve r. 2.0 Database s. Also, we ve rify the accuracy of
this m e thod on two othe r database s with e x te rnal variation in te rm s of pose and illum ination,
viz., C MU-PIE and Indian Face Database . The re sults are com pare d with othe r we ll-k nown
m e thods to e stablish the advantage of SV-M/D. The re call rate for the propose d syste m is about
The Exploitation of Unused Spectrum for Different Signal's Technologies
Ammar Abdul-Hamed (Jamia Millia Islamia, India), Mainuddin Mainuddin (Engineering,
Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi, India) and Mirza Tariq Beg (Jamia Millia Islamia New
Delhi, India)
Te chnological advance s and m ark e t de ve lopm e nts in the wire le ss com m unication are a have
be e n astonishing during the last de cade and the m obile com m unication se ctor will continue to be
one of the m ost dynam ic te chnological drive rs within com parative industrie s. This pape r e x te nd
our pre vious work for de te ction and discrim ination signals, and de als with a cognitive radio
syste m (C R ) to im prove spe ctral e fficie ncy for thre e signals (W iMAX, Fre que ncy Hopping and
C DMA2000) by se nsing the e nvironm e nt and the n filling the discove re d gaps of unuse d lice nse d
spe ctrum with the ir own transm issions. W e m ainly focuse d on e ne rgy de te ctor spe ctrum se nsing
algorithm . The sim ulation shows that the C R syste m s can work e fficie ntly by se nsing and
adapting the e nvironm e nt, and showing its ability to fill in the spe ctrum hole s the n se rve its
use rs without causing harm ful inte rfe re nce to the lice nse d use r
Artificial Im m une System Based Im age Enhancem ent
Sushmita Ganguli (CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, India), Prasant
Mahapatra (CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, India) and Amod Kumar
(CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, India)
Artificial im m une syste m (AIS) inspire d by the im m une syste m of ve rte brate s can be use d for
solving optim ization proble m s. In this pape r, Ne gative Se le ction Algorithm (NSA), a m ode l of AIS
is use d for im age e nhance m e nt, which is conside re d as a proble m of optim ization. He re , im age
e nhance m e nt is done by e nhancing the pix e l inte nsitie s of the im age s through a param e te rize d
transform ation function. The m ain task is to achie ve the be st e nhance d im age by optim izing the
param e te rs. The re sults have prove d be tte r whe n com pare d with othe r standard e nhance m e nt
te chnique s lik e Histogram e qualization (HE) and Line ar C ontrast Stre tching (LC S).
Benchm arking Support Vector Machines Im plem entation Using Multiple Techniques
Sukanya MV (Amrita Viswavidhyapeetham, India), Shiju Sathyadevan (Amrita Vishwa
Vidyapeetham, India) and Unmesha Sreeveni UB (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India)
Data m anage m e nt be com e s a com ple x task whe n hundre ds of pe tabyte s of data are be ing
gathe re d, store d and proce sse d on a day to day basis. Efficie nt proce ssing of the e x pone ntially
growing data is ine vitable in this conte x t. This pape r discusse s about the proce ssing of a huge
am ount of data through Support Ve ctor m achine (SVM) algorithm using diffe re nt te chnique s
ranging from single node Line ar im ple m e ntation to paralle l proce ssing using the distribute d
proce ssing fram e work s lik e Hadoop. Map-R e duce com pone nt of Hadoop pe rform s the
paralle lization proce ss which is use d to fe e d inform ation to Support Ve ctor Machine s (SVMs), a
m achine le arning algorithm applicable to classification and re gre ssion analysis. Pape r also doe s
a de taile d anatom y of SVM algorithm and se ts a roadm ap for im ple m e nting the sam e in both
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
line ar and Map-R e duce fashion. The m ain obje ctive is e x plain in de tail the ste ps involve d in
de ve loping an SVM algorithm from scratch using standard line ar and Map-R e duce te chnique s and
also conduct a pe rform ance analysis across line ar im ple m e ntation of SVM, SVM im ple m e ntation
in single node Hadoop, SVM im ple m e ntation in Hadoop cluste r and also against a prove n tool
lik e R , gauging the m with re spe ct to the accuracy achie ve d, the ir proce ssing pace against varying
data size s, capability to handle huge data volum e without bre ak ing e tc.
Autom atic Classification of Brain MRI Im ages Using SVM and Neural Network
Natteshan N v s (College of Engineering & Anna University Chennai, India) and Angel
Arul Jothi J (Anna University, India)
C om pute r Aide d Diagnosis(C AD) is a te chnique whe re diagnosis is pe rform e d in an autom atic
way. This work has de ve lope d a C AD syste m for autom atically classifying the give n brain
Magne tic R e sonance Im aging(MR I) im age into 'tum or affe cte d' or 'tum or not affe cte d'. The input
im age is pre proce sse d using wie ne r filte r and contrast lim ite d adaptive histogram
e qualization(C LAHE). The im age is the n quantize d and aggre gate d to ge t a re duce d im age data.
The re duce d im age is the n se gm e nte d into four re gions such as gray m atte r, white m atte r,
ce re brospinal fluid and high inte nsity tum or cluste r using Fuzzy C Me ans (FC M) algorithm . The
tum or re gion is the n e x tracte d using the inte nsity m e tric. A contour is e volve d ove r the ide ntifie d
tum or re gion using active contour m ode l(AC M) to e x tract e x act tum or se gm e nt. Thirty five
fe ature s including gray le ve l co-occurre nce m atrix (GLC M) fe ature s, gray le ve l run le ngth m atrix
fe ature s (GLR L),statistical fe ature s and shape base d fe ature s are e x tracte d from the tum or
re gion. Ne ural ne twork and Support Ve ctor Machine (SVM) classifie rs are traine d using the se
fe ature s. R e sults indicate that support ve ctor m achine classifie r with Q uadratic k e rne l function
pe rform s be tte r than R BF k e rne l function and Ne ural ne twork classifie r with fifty hidde n node s
pe rform s be tte r than twe nty five hidde n node s. It is also e vide nt from the re sult that ave rage
running tim e of FC M is le ss whe n use d on re duce d im age data.
Blending Concept Maps with Online Labs for STEM Learning
Raghu Raman (Amrita University, India), Mithun Haridas (Create@Amrita, India) and
Prema Nedungadi (Amrita University, India)
In this pape r we de scribe the archite cture of an e -le arning e nvironm e nt that ble nds conce pt
m aps with O nline Labs (O Labs) to e nhance stude nt pe rform ance in biology. In the Indian
conte x t, se condary school stude nt's conce ptual unde rstanding of hard topics in biology is at risk
be cause of lack of qualifie d te ache rs and ne ce ssary e quipm e nts in labs to conduct e x pe rim e nts.
C once pt m ap provide s a visual fram e work which allows stude nts to ge t an ove rvie w of a conce pt,
its various sub conce pts and the ir re lationships and link age s. O Labs with its anim ations, vide os
and sim ulations is an inte ractive , im m e rsive approach to practicing scie nce e x pe rim e nts. The
ble nde d e -le arning e nvironm e nt was te ste d by syste m atically de ve loping a conce pt m ap for the
conce pt "Photosynthe sis" and by succe ssfully inte grating it into the O Labs e nvironm e nt. O ur
ble nde d approach to scie nce conce pt unde rstanding has inte re sting im plications for the te ache r
training program s.
Cognitiv e Load Managem ent in Multim edia Enhanced Interactiv e Virtual Laboratories
Krishnashree Achuthan (Amrita School of Engineering, India), Lakshmi Bose (Amrita
Vishwa Vidyapeetham Kollam, India) and Sayoojyam Brahmanandan (Amrita Vishwa
Vidyapeetham, India)
Le arning in m ultim e dia e nhance d inte ractive e nvironm e nts has distinctly im pacte d the cognitive
proce ssing of inform ation. The ore tical le arning re quire s conce ptual unde rstanding while
e x pe rim e ntal le arning re quire s cognition of unde rlying phe nom e na in addition to a firm grasp of
proce dure s and protocols. Virtual laboratorie s have be e n re ce ntly introduce d to supple m e nt
laboratory e ducation. In this pape r, an outline of the m ode s of k nowle dge re pre se ntation for
virtual laboratorie s is pre se nte d. The re sults from this work show how the com bination of physical
and se nsory re pre se ntations in virtual laboratorie s plays a k e y role in the ove rall unde rstanding
of the conte nt. Inform ation proce ssing through visual, auditory, pictorial as we ll as inte ractive
m ode s offe rs unique pathways to cognition. An analysis of com pre he nsion for N=60 stude nts
showe d a significant change in the tim e tak e n to answe r que stions as we ll as an ove rall
im prove m e nt in score s whe n e x pose d to m ultim e dia e nhance d inte ractive virtual laboratorie s
(MEIVL). This study also portraye d a re duction in the pe rce ption of difficulty in unde rstanding
physics e x pe rim e nts. Statistical te sts on various m ode s of asse ssm e nts we re done both online
and in classroom quantify the e x te nt of im prove m e nt in le arning base d on the e nabling,
facilitating and split atte ntion aspe cts of MEIVL.
Com parativ e Analysis of Radial Basis Functions with SAR Im ages in Artificial Neural
Abhisek Paul (NITA, India)
R adial Basis Functions (R BFs) is use d to optim ize m any m athe m atical com putations. In this
pape r we have use d Gaussian R BF (GR BF), Multi-Q uadratic R BF (MQ -R BF), Inve rse -MultiQ uadratic R BF (IMQ R BF) and q-Gaussian R BF (q-GR BF) to approx im ate singular value s of SAR
(Synthe tic Ape rture R adar) color im age s. Sim ulations, m athe m atical com parisons show that qGaussian R BF give s be tte r approx im ation with re spe ct to the othe r R BF m e thods in Artificial
Ne ural Ne twork .
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
S39: ISI-2014: Pattern Recognition, Signal and Image Processing-II
Room: 110 Block E First Floor
Chairs: Gustavo Fernández Domínguez (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria), Bharathi
R K (S. J. College of Engineering, Mysore, Karnataka &amp; SJCE, Mysore, India)
A Fuzzy Regression Analysis Based No Reference Im age Quality Metric
Indrajit De (MCKV Institute of Engineering, India) and Jaya Sil (Bengal Engineering
and Sc. University, India)
In the pape r quality m e tric of a te st im age is de signe d using fuzzy re gre ssion analysis by
m ode ling m e m be rship functions of inte rval type 2 fuzzy se t re pre se nting quality class labe ls of
the im age . The output of fuzzy re gre ssion e quation is fuzzy num be r from which crisp outputs are
obtaine d using re sidual e rror de fine d as the diffe re nce be twe e n obse rve d and e stim ate d output
of the im age . In orde r to re m ove hum an bias in assigning quality class labe ls to the training
im age s, crisp outputs of fuzzy num be rs are com bine d using we ighte d ave rage m e thod. W e ights
are obtaine d by e x ploring the nonline ar re lationship be twe e n the m e an opinion score (MO S) of
the im age and de fuzzifie d output. The re sultant m e tric has be e n com pare d with the e x isting
quality m e trics producing satisfactory re sult.
A New Single Im age Dehazing Approach Using Modified Dark Channel Prior
Harmandeep Kaur Ranota (Gndu, India) and Prabhpreet Kaur (Gndu, India)
De hazing is a challe nging issue be cause the quality of a capture d im age in bad we athe r is
de grade d by the pre se nce of haze in the atm osphe re and hazy im age has low contrast in
ge ne ral. In this pape r we propose d a ne w m e thod for single im age de hazing using m odifie d dark
channe l prior and adaptive Gaussian filte r. In our propose d m e thod, hazy im age s are first
conve rte d in to LAB color space and the n Adaptive Histogram Equalization is applie d to im prove
the contrast of hazy im age s. The n, our propose d m e thod e stim ate s the transm ission m ap using
dark channe l prior. It produce s m ore re fine d transm ission m ap than that of old dark channe l
prior m e thod and the n Adaptive Gaussian filte r is e m ploye d for furthe r re fine m e nt. The
quantitative and visual re sults show propose d m e thod can re m ove haze e fficie ntly and
re construct fine de tails in original sce ne cle arly.
A Nov el Im age Encryption and Authentication Schem e Using Chaotic Maps
Amitesh Singh Rajput (Sagar Institute of Science & Technology, Bhopal, India) and
Mansi Sharma (SOIT, RGPV, India)
The pape r pre se nts an am algam approach for im age e ncryption and authe ntication. An ide al
im age ciphe r should be such that any adve rsary cannot m odify the im age and if any
m odifications are m ade , can be de te cte d. The propose d sche m e is nove l and pre se nts a unique
approach to provide two le ve l se curity to the im age . Hashing and two chaotic m aps are use d in
the algorithm whe re hash of the plain im age is com pute d and the im age is e ncrypte d using k e y
de pe nde nt m ask ing and diffusion te chnique s. Initial k e y le ngth is 132-bits which is e x te nde d to
148-bits. Pe rform ance and se curity analysis show that the propose d sche m e is se cure against
diffe re nt type s of attack s and can be adopte d for re al tim e applications.
A Sphere Decoding Algorithm for Underdeterm ined OFDM/SDMA Uplink System with
an Effectiv e Radius Selection
Ali CK (NIT Calicut, India) and Shahnaz K V (National Institute of Technology, Calicut,
Multiuse r De te ction (MUD) Te chnique s for orthogonal fre que ncy division m ultiple x ing/space
division m ultiple acce ss (O FDM/SDMA) syste m re m ain a challe nging are a e spe cially whe n the
num be r of transm itte rs e x ce e d re ce ive rs. Max im um Lik e lihood (ML) de te ction is the optim al one ,
but in-fe asible due to the high com ple x ity whe n large num be r of ante nnas are use d toge the r
with high orde r m odulation sche m e . Sphe re De coding (SD) algorithm with le ss com ple x ity but
pe rform ance ne ar to ML has be e n e x plore d wide ly for de te rm ine d and ove r de te rm ine d MIMO
channe ls. Ve ry fe w pape rs that e fficie ntly de al with an unde r de te rm ine d O FDM/SDMA channe l
have be e n publishe d so far. In this pape r a sim ple pse udo-ante nna augm e ntation sche m e has
be e n e m ploye d to utilize SD in a rank -de ficie nt case . An e ffe ctive radius se le ction m e thod is also
include d.
A Surv ey on Spiking Neural Networks in Im age Processing
Julia Tressa Jose (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India), Amudha J (Amrita Vishwa
Vidyapeetham, India) and Sanjay G (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India)
Spik ing Ne ural Ne twork s are the third ge ne ration of Artificial Ne ural Ne twork s and is fast gaining
inte re st am ong re se arche rs in im age proce ssing applications. The pape r atte m pts to provide a
state -of-the -art of SNNs in im age proce ssing. Se ve ral e x isting work s has be e n surve ye d and the
probable re se arch gap has be e n e x pose d.
AI Based Autom ated Identification and Estim ation of Noise in Digital Im ages
Karibasappa K G (BVB College of Engineering and Technology, India) and Karibasappa
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
K (Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, India)
Noise ide ntification, e stim ation and de noising are the im portant and e sse ntial stage s in im age
proce ssing te chnique s. In this pape r, we propose d an autom ate d syste m for noise ide ntification
and e stim ation te chnique by adopting the Artificial inte llige nce te chnique s such as Probabilistic
Ne ural Ne twork (PNN) and Fuzzy logic conce pts. PNN conce pts are use d for ide ntifying and
classifying the im age s, which are affe cte d by the diffe re nt type of noise s by e x tracting the
statistical fe ature s of noise s, PNN pe rform ance is e valuate d for classification accuracie s. Fuzzy
logic conce pts such as Fuzzy C -Me ans cluste ring te chnique s have be e n e m ploye d for e stim ating
the noise affe cte d to the im age are com pare d with the othe r e x isting e stim ation te chnique s.
An Im perceptible Digital Im ageWaterm arking Technique by Com pressed Waterm ark
Using PCA
Shaik Ayesha (Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing
(IIITDM) Kancheepuram, India) and Masilamani (IIITD&M Kancheepuram, India)
To provide se cure com m unication, a m odifie d digital wate rm ark ing sche m e using discre te cosine
transform (DC T) and principal com pone nt analysis (PC A) has be e n propose d. This sche m e use s
DC T for wate rm ark ing and PC A or Karhune n-Loe ve (KL) transform for com pre ssing the
wate rm ark . In this te chnique , PC A in addition to DC T is use d for wate rm ark ing the digital im age
to im prove the quality of the wate rm ark e d im age .
An Inv estigation of fSVD and Ridgelet Transform for Illum ination and Expression
Inv ariant Face Recognition
Bhaskar Belavadi (BGS Health & Education city, Uttarahalli Road, Bangalore & SJB
Institute of Technology, India), K Mahantesh (SJBIT, India) and Geetha G p (SJB
Institute of Technology, India)
This pape r pre se nts a wide -e ye d ye t e ffe ctive fram e work for face re cognition base d on the
com bination of fluste re d SVD(fSVD) and R idge le t transform . To this e nd we m e liorate in the
se nse of com putation e fficie ncy, invariant to facial e x pre ssion and illum ination of [21]. Firstly
fSVD is applie d to an im age by m ode lling SVD and se le cting a proportion of m ode lle d coe fficie nts
to e duce illum ination invariant im age . Furthe r, R idge le t is e m ploye d to e x tract discrim inative
fe ature s e x hibiting line ar prope rtie s at diffe re nt orie ntations by re pre se nting sm oothne ss along
the e dge s of fluste re d im age and also to m ap line singularitie s into point singularitie s, which
im prove s the low fre que ncy inform ation that is use ful in face re cognition. PC A is use d to proje ct
highe r dim e nsion fe ature ve ctor onto a low dim e nsion fe ature space to incre ase num e rical
stability. Finally, for classification five diffe re nt sim ilarity m e asure s are use d to obtain an ave rage
corre ctne ss rate . W e have de m onstrate d our propose d te chnique on wide ly use d O R L datase t
and achie ve d high re cognition rate in com parision with se ve ral state of the art te chnique s.
Application of Fusion Technique in Satellite Im ages for Change Detection
Namrata Agrawal (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India), Dharmendra Singh
(Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India) and Sandeep Kumar (Computer
Science and Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India)
The ide ntification of land cove r transitions and change s occurre d on a give n re gion is re quire d to
unde rstand the e nvironm e ntal m onitoring, agricultural surve ys e tc. Many supe rvise d and
unsupe rvise d change de te ction m e thods have be e n de ve lope d. Unsupe rvise d m e thod is the
analysis of diffe re nce im age by autom atic thre sholding. In this pape r, an approach is propose d
for autom atic change de te ction that e x ploits the change inform ation pre se nt in m ultiple
diffe re nce im age s. C hange de te ction is pe rform e d by autom atically thre sholding the diffe re nce
im age the re by classifying it into change and unchange d class. Various te chnique s are available
to cre ate diffe re nce im age but the re sults are gre atly inconsiste nt and one te chnique is not
applicable in all situations. In this work , e x pe ctation m ax im ization (EM) algorithm is use d to
de te rm ine the thre shold to cre ate the change m ap and inte rse ction m e thod is se le cte d to fuse
the change m ap inform ation from m ultiple diffe re nce im age s. MO DIS 250-m im age s are use d
for ide ntifying the land cove r change s.
Application of Sim ulated Annealing for Inv erse Analysis of a Single- Glazed Solar
Ranjan Das (Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India)
This work pre se nts the application of sim ulate d anne aling (SA)-base d e volutionary optim ization
algorithm to solve an inve rse proble m of a single -glaze d flat-plate solar colle ctor. For a give n
configuration, the pe rform ance of a solar colle ctor m ay be e x pre sse d by he at loss factor. Four
param e te rs such as air gap spacing, glass cove r thick ne ss, the rm al conductivity and the
e m issivity of glass cove r have be e n sim ultane ously e stim ate d by SA to m e e t a give n he at loss
factor distribution. Many possible and ne arly unique com binations of the unk nowns are obse rve d
to satisfy the sam e re quire m e nt, which re sults in satisfactory re construction of the re quire d he at
Coslets: A Nov el Approach to Explore Object Taxonom y in Com pressed DCT Dom ain for
Large Im age Datasets
K Mahantesh (SJBIT, India), Manjunath Aradhya (Sri Jayachamarajendra College of
Engineering, India) and Niranjan SK (Sri Jayachamarjendra College of Engineering,
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Mysore, India)
The m ain ide a of this pape r is to tak e forward our e arlie r work of im age se gm e ntation [11] and
to propose a nove l transform te chnique k nown as C osle ts which is de rive d by applying 1D wave le t
in DC T dom ain to cate gorize obje cts in large m ulticlass im age datase ts. Firstly, k -m e ans
cluste ring is applie d to an im age in com ple x hybrid color space and obtaine d m ultiple disjoint
re gions base d on color hom oge ne ity of pix e ls. Late r, DC T brings out low fre que ncy com pone nts
e x pre ssing im age 's visual fe ature s and furthe r wave le ts de com pose s the se coe fficie nts into
m ulti-re solution sub bands giving an advantage of spe ctral analysis to de ve lop robust and
ge om e trically invariant structural obje ct visual fe ature s. A se t of obse rve d data (i.e . transform e d
coe fficie nts) is m appe d onto a lowe r dim e nsional fe ature space with a transform ation m atrix
using PC A. Finally, diffe re nt distance m e asure te chnique s are use d for classification to obtain an
ave rage corre ctne ss rate for obje ct cate gorization. W e de m onstrate d our m e thodology of the
propose d work on two ve ry challe nging datase ts and obtaine d le ading classification rate s in
com parison with se ve ral be nchm ark ing te chnique s e x plore d in lite rature .
Design of Multiband Metam aterial Microwav e BPFs for Microwav e Wireless
Ahmed Reja (Jamia Millia Islamia, India) and Syed Ahmad (Jamia Millia Islamia, India)
This work propose s an e nd-couple d half wave le ngth re sonator dual bandpass filte r (BPF). The
filte r is de signe d to have a 10.9% fractional bandwidth (FBW ) at the ce nte r fre que ncy (fo) of
5.5GHz. Dual-band BPF with m ore drastic size re duction can be obtaine d by using m e tallic vias
act as shunt-conne cte d inductors to ge t ne gative pe rm ittivity (-ε). The proce ss of e tching
re ctangular split ring re so-nators (SR R s) inste ad of ope n-e nd m icrostrip transm ission line s (TLs)
for planar BPF to provide ne gative pe rm e ability (-µ) is pre se nte d. The prim ary goals of the se
ide as are to ge t size re duction, dual- and m ulti- band fre que ncy re sponse s. The se m e tam ate rial
transm ission line s are suitable for m icrowave filte r applications whe re m iniaturization, dual- and
m ulti-narrow pass-bands are achie ve d. Num e rical re sults for the e nd-couple d m icrowave BPFs
de sign are obtaine d and filte rs are sim ulate d using software pack age HFSS. The se de signs are
im ple -m e nte d on the R oge r R O 3210 substrate m ate rial that has; die le ctric constant εr=10.8, and
substrate he ight h=1.27 m m
Grayscale to Color Map Transform ation for Efficient Im age Analysis on Low Processing
Dev ices
Shitala Prasad (Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India), Piyush Kumar (IIIT
Allahabad, India) and Kumari Priyanka Sinha (NIT PATNA, India)
This pape r pre se nts a nove l m e thod to conve rt a grayscale im age to a colore d im age for quality
im age analysis. The grayscale IP ope rations are ve ry challe nging and lim ite d. The inform ation
e x tracte d from such im age s is inaccurate . The re fore , the input im age is transform e d using a
re fe re nce color im age by re ve rse e ngine e ring. The gray le ve ls of grayscale im age are m appe d
with the color im age in all the thre e laye rs (re d, gre e n, blue ). The se m appe d pix e ls are use d to
re construct the grayscale im age such that it is re pre se nte d in a 3 dim e nsional color m atrix . The
algorithm is ve ry sim ple and accurate that it can be use d in any dom ain such as m e dical
im aging, sate llite im aging and agriculture /e nvironm e nt re al-sce ne . The algorithm is
im ple m e nte d and te ste d on low cost m obile de vice s too and the re sults are found appre ciable .
Incorporating Machine Learning Techniques in MT Ev aluation
Nisheeth Joshi (Banasthali University, India), Iti Mathur (Banasthali University, India),
Hemant Darbari (DIT, MIT, Govt. of India, India) and Ajai Kumar (DIT, MIT, Govt. of
India, India)
From a proje ct m anage r's pe rspe ctive , Machine Translation (MT) Evaluation is the m ost im portant
activity in MT de ve lopm e nt. Using the re sults produce d through MT Evaluation, one can asse ss
the progre ss of MT de ve lopm e nt task . Traditionally, MT Evaluation is done e ithe r by hum an
e x pe rts who have the k nowle dge of both source and targe t language s or it is done by autom atic
e valuation m e trics. The se both te chnique s have the ir pros and cons. Hum an e valuation is ve ry
tim e consum ing and e x pe nsive but at the sam e tim e it provide s good and accurate status of MT
Engine s. Autom atic e valuation m e trics on the othe r hand provide s ve ry fast re sults but lack s the
pre cision provide d by hum an judge s. Thus a ne e d is be ing fe lt for a m e chanism which can
produce fast re sults along with a good corre lation with the re sults produce d by hum an e valuation.
In this pape r, we have addre sse d this issue whe re we would be showing the im ple m e ntation of
m achine le arning te chnique s in MT Evaluation. Furthe r, we would also com pare the re sults of this
e valuation with hum an and autom atic e valuation.
S40: SSCC-2014: Authentication and Access Control Systems; Encryption and Cryptography
Room: 015 Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Shunmuganathan K l (RMK Engineering College, India)
Ideal and Com putationally Perfect Secret Sharing Schem es for Generalized Access
Dileep Pattiapti (University of Hyderabad, India), Appala Naidu Tentu (CR Rao AIMSCS,
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
India) and China Vadlamudi (University of Hyderabad, India)
A se cre t sharing sche m e is propose d in this pape r. The sche m e is ide al and use s
com putationally pe rfe ct conce pt. It use s a one way function and re alize s ge ne ralize d acce ss
structure . The sche m e is use ful for non-ide al acce ss structure s. For e x am ple , Stinson has
ide ntifie d e ighte e n possible non-isom orphic m onotone acce ss structure s with four participants.
Fourte e n of the m adm it ide al and pe rfe ct se cre t sharing sche m e s. The re m aining four cannot be
m ade both pe rfe ct and ide al. By m ak ing use of the com putationally pe rfe ct conce pt, we propose
ide al sche m e for those four acce ss structure s. Nove lty of the sche m e is that it is applicable for
any num be r of participants and ge ne rate s the le ast am ount of public inform ation. In fact, we
show re sults that e stablish that the propose d sche m e is optim al for acce ss structure s consisting
of four or le ss num be r of participants. O ur sche m e can be e x te nde d to m ultiple se cre ts. Since
som e applications re - quire that a se cre t sharing sche m e de signe d for it be e x te nde d to the case
of m ultiple se cre ts, our approach finds it use ful in such sce narios.
Security Enhancem ent in Web Serv ices by Detecting and Correcting Anom alies in
XACML Policies At Design Lev el
Priyadharshini M (Anna University, India), Yowan J (AnnaUniversity, India) and
Baskaran R (Anna University, India)
The significance of XAC ML (Ex te nsible Acce ss C ontrol Mark up Language ) policie s for acce ss
control is im m e asurably incre asing particularly in we b se rvice s. XAC ML policie s are we b acce ss
control policie s which are use d to pe rm it the ge nuine use rs to acce ss the re source s and also de ny
the sham use rs. Ge ne ration of this XAC ML policy is ve ry im portant task in orde r to avoid se curity
se e page . De te cting and C orre cting inconsiste ncie s in acce ss control policie s are highly tim e
consum ing and te dious whe n size of XAC ML police s are high. The Proce ss whe n done at
e x e cution tim e could e ve n ne e d m ore tim e and e ffort. The purpose of this work is to de vise an
anom aly de te ction and corre ction tool which could be use d at the tim e of de signing policie s so as
to re duce tim e and e ffort. Policy de signe r could e asily discove r and re solve the inconsiste ncie s
such as conflicts and re dundancie s in the XAC ML policie s with the he lp of our XAC ML Policy
Analyze r tool.
Cheating Prev ention Using Genetic Feature Based Key in Secret Sharing Schem es
L Jani Anbarasi (Research Scholar ,Anna University, India), Modigari Narendra (Sri
Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, India) and Anandha Mala G. s (AnnaUniversity,
Chennai, India)
Sham ir propose d a t out of n se cre t sharing sche m e whe re se cre ts are e ncrypte d into scram ble d
im age s calle d share s or shadows. The se cre ts can be re constructe d whe n t or m ore participants
pool the ir share s or shadow im age s toge the r. Major drawback in such sche m e s are if a forge d
share s is poole d the n it le ads to wrong se cre t. C he ating is also possible by som e participants
who can de ce ive the re m aining participants by pooling a forge d share s . Many che ating
pre ve ntion sche m e s has be e n propose d which use s authe ntication bits, hash code s e tc. This
pape r propose s a ne w biom e tric pe rsonal authe ntication te chnique which pre ve nts the che ating of
participants. The re sults of the syste m and the se curity analysis shows that the propose d sche m e
give s se cre t sharing participants the confide nce of the re cove re d original se cre t without the ne e d
to worry about forging of shadow im age s or dishone st participants.
Design for Prev ention of Intranet Inform ation Leakage Via Em ails
Krishnashree Achuthan (Amrita School of Engineering, India), Neenu Manmadhan
(Amrita University, India), Hari Narayanan (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India) and
Jayaraj Poroor (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University), India)
The ubiquitous pre se nce s of inte rne t and ne twork te chnologie s have e nable d e le ctronic m ail
syste m s as the prim ary m e dium of com m unication. Both be twe e n and within organizations,
se nsitive and pe rsonal inform ation ofte n transits through the e le ctronic m ail syste m s unde te cte d.
Inform ation le ak age through this m ode of com m unication has be com e a daunting proble m in
today's world. O fte n the m ail volum e within an organization is quite large m ak ing m anual
m onitoring im possible . In this pape r an inte gration of se cure inform ation flow te chnique s on
intrane t e le ctronic m ail syste m s is inve stigate d. C ate gorization of e m ails base d on the se nsitivity
is accom plishe d e ffe ctive ly using m achine le arning te chnique s. Analyzing the inform ation flow
and sim ultane ously m apping, cate gorizing and sorting e m ails in re al tim e prior to re ce ipt of
e m ails has be e n characte rize d in this study. De fining se curity policie s and application of lattice
m ode ls for controlle d e x change of e m ails is discusse d. The pape r propose d a se cure archite cture
for an e m ail we b application. Ex pe rim e ntal analysis on the accuracy of the application was
de te rm ine d using Enron e m ail datase t.
Tag Digit Based Honeypot to Detect Shoulder Surfing Attack
Nilesh Chakraborty (Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India) and Samrat Mondal
(IIT Patna, India)
Traditional password base d authe ntication sche m e is vulne rable to shoulde r surfing attack . So if
an attack e r se e s a le gitim ate use r to e nte r password the n it is possible for the attack e r to use
that cre de ntials late r to ille gally login into the syste m and m ay do som e m alicious activitie s.
Many m e thodologie s e x ist to pre ve nt such attack . The se m e thods are e ithe r partially obse rvable
or fully obse rvable to the attack e r. Howe ve r, in this pape r we have focuse d on de te ction of
shoulde r surfing attack rathe r than pre ve ntion. W e have introduce d the conce pt of tag digit to
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
cre ate a trap k nown as hone ypot. Using the propose d m e thodology if the shoulde r surfe rs try to
login using othe rs' cre de ntials the n the re is a high chance that the y will be caught re d hande d.
Ex pe rim e nt analysis shows that unlik e the e x isting pre ve ntive sche m e s, the propose d
m e thodology doe s not re quire m uch com putation from use rs e nd. Thus from se curity and
usability pe rspe ctive the propose d sche m e is quite robust and powe rful.
PWLCM Based Video Encryption Through Com pressiv e Sensing
Abhishek Kolazi (National Institute Of Technol Calicut, India), Sudhish George
(National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India) and Deepthi P.p (NIT Calicut, India)
In this pape r, a ne w approach for e ncrypting the vide o data through com pre ssive se nsing is
propose d. Eve n though, O rsde m ir's cryptography k e y base d m e asure m e nt m atrix (Φ m atrix )
ge ne ration te chnique [11] provide s a robust e ncryption m e thod for C S fram e work , this sche m e
can not provide large k e y space and se curity. He nce the aim of this work is to im prove the
se curity and k e y space of the com pre ssive se nsing paradigm without affe cting the basic fe ature s
of com pre ssive se nsing such as good re construction pe rform ance , robustne ss to noise
characte ristics and also a low e ncode r com ple x ity. In orde r to im prove the k e y space and
se curity, pie ce wise line ar chaotic m ap (PW LC M) base d of Φ m atrix ge ne ration te chnique is
propose d. The PW LC M is run for random num be r of ite rations to form a random array which is
use d as the initial se e d for ge ne rating the se cure Φ m atrix . The initial & syste m param e te r
value s and the num be r of ite rations of PW LC M are k e pt as se cre t k e y. The propose d Φ m atrix
ge ne ration te chnique is validate d with popular C S base d vide o re construction te chnique s and it is
found that the propose d m e thod provide s an im prove m e nt in the k e y space and se curity without
affe cting the basic fe ature s of com pre ssive se nsing.
Cryptanalysis of Im age Encryption Algorithm Based on Pixel Shuffling and Chaotic Sbox Transform ation
Pankaj Kumar Sharma (Jamia Millia Islamia, India), Musheer Ahmad (Jamia Millia
Islamia, New Delhi, India) and Parvez M Khan (Integral University & IUL, India)
R e ce ntly Hussain e t al. propose d an im age e ncryption algorithm which has thre e inde pe nde nt
phase s as: (1) total pix e l shuffling pe rform e d, in spatial dom ain, with pe rm utation se que nce s
e x tracte d from chaotic sk e w te nt m ap, (2) diffusion carrie d out using random code s ge ne rate d
from sam e chaotic m ap, and (3) e x tra confusion induce d with substitution-box transform ation.
Though, the e ncryption algorithm achie ve s optim al value of Shannon's confusion and diffusion
and e x hibits gre at e ncryption stre ngth. But, a care ful analysis unve ils its inhe re nt se curity flaw,
le aving it vulne rable to cryptographic attack . In this pape r, we analyze its se curity we ak ne ss and
propose d a chose n plainte x t-attack with inve rse S-box to bre ak the algorithm com ple te ly. It is
shown that the plain-im age can be succe ssfully re cove re d without k nowing the se cre t k e y. The
com pute r sim ulation of chose n plainte x t attack highlights the ine ptne ss of Hussain e t al.
algorithm and shows that it is not com m e ndable to de ploy it for practical e ncryption of digital
im age s.
A Mathem atical Analysis of Elliptic Curv e Point Multiplication
Ravi Kishore Kodali (National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India)
This work pre se nts a m ix e d-coordinate syste m base d e lliptic curve point m ultiplication algorithm .
It e m ploys the width-w Non-Adjace nt Form (NAF) algorithm for point m ultiplication and use s the
Montgom e ry trick to pre -com pute the odd points Pi = iP for i = 1, 3, · · · , 2w − 1 with only one
fie ld inve rsion.
An Approach to Cryptographic Key Exchange Using Fingerprint
Subhas Barman (Govt. College of Engineering and Textile Technology, Berhampore,
India), Samiran Chattopadhyay (Jadavpur University, India) and Debasis Samanta
(Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India)
C ryptography is the m ost re liable tool in ne twork and inform ation se curity. The se curity of
cryptography de pe nds on the cryptographic k e y m anage m e nt. It consists of k e y ge ne ration, k e y
storing and k e y sharing. A random ly ge ne rate d long k e y (of 128, 190 or 256 bits) is difficult to
re m e m be r. As a conse que nce , it is ne e de d to be store d in a se cure d place . An additional
authe ntication lik e k nowle dge or tok e n base d authe ntication is use d to control the unauthorize d
acce ss to the k e y. It is found that password is e asy to bre ak and tok e n can be dam age d or
stole n. More ove r, k nowle dge or tok e n base d authe ntication doe s not assure s the nonre pudiation of a use r. As an alte rnate , it is advocate d to com bine biom e tric with cryptography,
k nown as crypto-biom e tric syste m (C BS), to addre ss the above m e ntione d lim itations of
traditional cryptography as we ll as e nhance the ne twork se curity. This pape r introduce s a C BS to
e x change a random ly ge ne rate d cryptographic k e y with use r's finge rprint data. C ryptographic k e y
is hidde n within finge rprint data using fuzzy com m itm e nt sche m e and it is e x tracte d from the
cryptographic construction with the production of ge nuine finge rprint data of that use r. O ur work
also prote cts the privacy and se curity of finge rprint ide ntity of the use r using re vocable finge rprint
te m plate .
S41: SSCC-2014: Security and Privacy in Networked Systems
Room: 016 Block E Ground Floor
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Chair: Deepayan Bhowmik (Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom)
Security Analysis of an Adaptable and Scalable Group Access Control Schem e for
Managing Wireless Sensor Networks
Odelu Vanga (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India), Ashok Kumar Das (IIIT
Hyderabad, India) and A. Goswami (Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India)
R e ce ntly, W u e t al. propose d an adaptable and scalable group acce ss control sche m e (GAC ) for
m anaging wire le ss se nsor ne twork s (W SNs) [Te le m atics and Inform atics, 30:144-157, 2013],
and the y claim e d that the ir propose d GAC m e chanism provide s forward se cre cy and back ward
se cre cy, and it also pre ve nts m an-in-the -m iddle attack . Howe ve r, in this pape r, we re visit W u e t
al.'s sche m e and show that W u e t al.'s sche m e fails to provide the forward se cre cy as we ll as the
back ward se cre cy and also the ir sche m e doe s not pre ve nt the m an-in-the -m iddle attack . As a
re sult, W u e t al.'s sche m e is not suitable for practical applications.
Secure Hierarchical Routing Protocol (SHRP) for Wireless Sensor Network
Sohini Roy (Calcutta Institute of Engineering and Management, India) and Ayan Das
(Calcutta Institute of Engineering and Management, India)
W ire le ss Se nsor Ne twork (W SN) has e m e rge d as an im portant supple m e nt to the m ode rn
wire le ss com m unication syste m s due to its wide range of applications. The com m unication of
se nsitive data and work ing in hostile e nvironm e ntal condition ne e ds se curity. The e ne rgy
constraints, lim ite d com putational ability and low storage capacity of the se nsor node s have
m ade the im ple m e ntation of se curity m ore challe nging. The propose d sche m e adopts a le ve l
base d se cure hie rarchical approach to m aintain the e ne rgy e fficie ncy. It incorporate s light-we ight
se curity m e chanism s lik e , ne ste d hash base d m e ssage authe ntication code s (HMAC ), EllipticC urve Diffie -He llm an (EC DH) k e y e x change sche m e and Blowfish sym m e tric ciphe r. Sim ulation
re sults show that the sche m e pe rform s be tte r than e x isting se cure routing protocols FBSR and
Power Aware and Secure Dynam ic Source Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Mohit Miglani (Computer Sciences Corporation, India), Deepika Kukreja (University
School of Information and Technology & Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology,
India), Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher (Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, India) and B
Reddy (GGSIPU, India)
Mobile Ad Hoc Ne twork s (MANETs) show be tte r and valuable pe rform ance in the circum stance s
whe re the ge ne rally use d wire le ss ne twork s fail to work . In orde r to m ak e routing in MANETs
se cure , num be r of se curity base d routing protocols have be e n propose d in the lite rature but
none of the m is com pliant with the MANETs e nvironm e nt. W e propose a protocol, te rm e d as
Powe r aware Se cure Dynam ic Source R outing (PS-DSR ) that m ak e s the standard Dynam ic Source
R outing protocol se cure by using powe r aware trust base d approach. The m onitoring ope ration is
distribute d am ong a fe w se t of node s calle d m onitor node s. The se t of m onitor node s is se le cte d
sporadically which m ak e s the propose d m e thod adaptable to the two focal conce rns of MANETs:
dynam ic ne twork topology and e ne rgy constraint de vice s. The m e thod de te cts m alicious pack e t
dropping and pack e t m odification attack s. It e nsure s the trustworthy and authe ntic se le ction of
route s by the PS-DSR protocol and im prove s the ove rall pe rform ance of the protocol in pre se nce
of m alicious node s.
Peers Feedback and Com pliance Based Trust Com putation for Cloud Com puting
Jagpreet Sidhu, Er. (Panjab University, India) and Sarbjeet Singh (Panjab University,
Chandigarh, India)
C loud com puting is a ne w com puting m ode l whe re software , platform and infrastructure re source s
are de live re d as se rvice s using pay-as-you-go m ode l. It give s an e x ce lle nt way to le ase
num e rous type s of distribute d re source s but it also m ak e s se curity proble m s furthe r com plicate
and m ore im portant for cloud use rs than be fore . The k e y barrie r to e x te nsive usage of cloud
com puting is the lack of confide nce (trust) in cloud se rvice s by pote ntial cloud use rs. For critical
busine ss applications and othe r se nsitive applications, cloud se rvice provide rs m ust be se le cte d
base d on high le ve l of trustworthine ss. In this pape r, we pre se nt a trust m ode l to e valuate
se rvice provide rs in orde r to he lp cloud use rs se le ct the m ost re liable se rvice provide rs and
se rvice s in busine ss. W e have m ade an atte m pt to de sign a trust m ode l which e nable s clie nts to
de te rm ine trustworthine ss of se rvice provide rs by tak ing into account thre e diffe re nt type s of trust
viz. inte raction-base d trust, com pliance -base d trust and re com m e ndation-base d trust. The se
type s can be assigne d appropriate we ights to de signate pre ce de nce am ong the m in orde r to
com pute total trust. The m ode l has be e n sim ulate d using MATLAB. Sim ulation has be e n done to
validate the de sign obje ctive s of fle x ibility, robustne ss and scalability. The propose d m ode l is
initial stride towards a trust m ode l whe re dive rse face ts of trust contribute in form ation of trust
(confide nce ) in the m ind of cloud use r about se rvice provide r and its offe re d se rvice s.
A Rev iew on Mobile Sensor Localization
Jeril Kuriakose (School of Computing and Information Technology & Manipal University
Jaipur, India), Amruth V (Bearys Institute Of Technology, India), Sandesh Ag. (Einsys
Consulting Pvt. Ltd., India), Abhilash V (Freelancer, India), Prasanna Kumar (National
Institute of Engineering, India) and Nithin K (Assistant Profesor, India)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
W ire le ss se nsor ne twork s (W SNs) are on a ste ady rise in the curre nt de cade be cause of its
progre ssions in hardware de sign, re source e fficie ncy, com m unication and routing protocols, and
othe r aspe cts. R e ce ntly, pe ople starte d pre fe rring m obile node s in the place of static node s,
which brought m obile se nsor ne twork into focus. Location inform ation always plays a k e y role in
Mobile wire le ss se nsor ne twork (MW SN) and pre cise localization has always be e n a challe nge for
m obile se nsor node s. De ploying GPS re ce ive rs for e ach node would also re nde r ne twork
de ploym e nt cost for a de nse ne twork . The unavailability of GPS in indoor and unde rground
e nvironm e nt has put the installation of GPS into que stion. This m ak e s the se nsor node s to
ide ntify its location coordinate s or location re fe re nce without using GPS, and is achie ve d with the
he lp of a spe cial node that k nows its location coordinate s and protocols, calle d be acon node .
This pape r's goal is to confe r diffe re nt localization te chnique s use d by m obile se nsor node s to
ide ntify the ir location inform ation. Proble m s and future issue s have also be e n discusse d.
Research on Access Control Techniques in SaaS of Cloud Com puting
Shabana Rehman (Salman bin Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia) and Rahul Gautam
(Center of Development of Advanced Computing, India)
W he re the fle x ibility of C loud C om puting provide s num be r of usage possibilitie s to the
organizations, the se curity thre ats stop the m in fully re lying on it. Am ong all se curity thre ats,
'Unauthorize d Acce ss Thre at' is one of the m ost im portant and difficult to m anage . In SaaS,
acce ss control issue s are of fore m ost conce rn. The aim of this pape r is to e x plore the curre nt
tre nds that cloud provide rs are following in im ple m e nting acce ss control m e asure s in SaaS. In
this article , a critical re vie w of the se m e asure s is done and the ir advantage s and drawback s are
discusse d. O n the basis of ongoing re se arch, future re se arch dire ctions in the are a of SaaS
acce ss control are also ide ntifie d.
Fair- Trust Ev aluation Approach (F- TEA) for Cloud Env ironm ent
Kandaswamy Gokulnath (Anna University, India) and Rhymend Uthaiaraj (Anna
University, India)
The Main obje ctive of the curre nt work is to e valuate the trust of se rvice provide r in a fair
m anne r. Fairne ss is introduce d by conside ring the type of se rvice (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS)
acce sse d by the cloud use r. W hile updating the trust value , the type of se rvice acce sse d is not
usually conside re d. Propose d approach ide ntifie s the type of se rvice and update s the trust
accordingly. In the lite rature se ve ral work s e x ist for trust e valuation, but no atte m pt are m ade to
e valuate trust in a fair m anne r. In this work ,quantitative approache s are propose d to e valuate
trust in a fair m anne r. R e cursive nature of the propose d m e thod re stricts the tim e com ple x ity to
line ar. Since cloud com puting provide s thre e type s of se rvice s, it be com e s vital to conside r the
type of se rvice along with trust value . This e nable s the future use rs to acce ss the pre cise ly
truste d provide rs according to the ir re quire m e nt. The dynam ic nature of cloud com puting
challe nge s the trust e valuation by fre que ntly changing the be havioral patte rn. The quantitative
m e trics use d in this work also addre sse s this proble m . Sim ulation re sults showe d good
pe rform ance im prove m e nt ove r available m e thods towards Q oS m e trics.
Quantifying the Sev erity of Blackhole Attack in Wireless Mobile Adhoc Networks
Satria Mandala (UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, Malaysia), Maznah Kamat (Universiti
Teknologi Malsysia, Malaysia), Md Asri Ngadi (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia & UTM,
Malaysia), Yahaya Coulibaly (Universiti Teknologi Malaisia, Malaysia) and Kommineni
Jenni (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
Black hole attack is one of the se ve re attack s in MANET routing protocols. Ge ne ration of this
attack is sim ple , which doe s not re quire spe cific tools or sophisticate d attack te chnique s.
Howe ve r, this attack se riously corrupts the routing table s of node s in the ne twork . Eve n worse ,
the attack could incre ase the chance s of losing confide ntial data and de ny ne twork se rvice s.
Many re se arche rs have propose d a varie ty of solutions to pre ve nt this C onve ntional Black hole
Attack (C BA). Unfortunate ly, none of the m has m e asure d the se ve rity of this attack . Filling gaps
in m e asuring the se ve rity of this attack , this re se arch propose s a ne w se curity m e trics, nam e ly
C orruption R outing Table (C R T), C om prom ising R e lay Node (C R N) and C om prom ising O riginator
Node (C O N). In addition, this re se arch also introduce s a ne w black hole attack , nam e ly Hybrid
Black Hole Attack (HBHA) with two variants --- Inde pe nde nt and C oope rative HBHAs. The
propose d m e trics prove d e ffe ctive in m e asuring the se ve rity of both C BA and HBHAs. Sim ulation
using Java in Tim e Sim ulator/Scalable W ire le ss Adhoc Ne twork Sim ulator (JiST/SW ANS) showe d
that Inde pe nde nt HBHA is the m ost se ve re attack com pare d to C oope rative HBHA and C BA. In
addition, C oope rative HBHA is the m ost e fficie nt attack than Inde pe nde nt HBHA and C BA.
Cryptanalysis of an Efficient Biom etric Authentication Protocol for Wireless Sensor
Ashok Kumar Das (IIIT Hyderabad, India)
In 2013, Althobaiti e t al. propose d an e fficie nt biom e tric-base d use r authe ntication sche m e for
wire le ss se nsor ne twork s. W e analyze the ir sche m e for the se curity against k nown attack s.
Though the ir sche m e is e fficie nt in com putation, in this pape r we show that the ir sche m e has
som e se curity pitfalls such as (1) it is not re silie nt against node capture attack , (2) it is inse cure
against im pe rsonation attack , (3) it is inse cure against m an-in-the -m iddle attack , and (4) it is
also inse cure against privile ge d inside r attack . Finally, we give som e pointe rs for im proving the ir
sche m e so that the de signe d sche m e ne e ds to be se cure against various k nown attack s.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
S42: SSCC-2014: System and Network Security
Room: 204 Block E Second Floor
Chair: Sabu M Thampi (Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - Kerala,
Low Com plex System for Physical Layer Security Using NLFG and QCLDPC Code
Celine Stuart (National Institute of Technology, India) and Deepthi P.p (NIT Calicut,
In practical com m unication applications, the channe ls for inte nde d use rs and e ave sdroppe rs are
not e rror-fre e and W yne r's wire tap channe l m ode l de als with the sce nario. Using this m ode l, the
se curity of a stand-alone stre am ciphe r can be stre ngthe ne d by e x ploiting the prope rtie s of
physical laye r. In this pape r, a joint channe l coding and light we ight cryptography for se tting a
Gaussian wire tap channe l is propose d. The sche m e is base d on a k e ye d Q uasi C yclic Low De nsity
Parity C he ck (Q C LDPC ) e ncode r and light we ight stre am ciphe r base d on Line ar Fe e dback Shift
R e giste r (LFSR ). The significant contribution is that, highly com ple x non-line ar function that
provide s se curity in a Non-Line ar Filte r Ge ne rator (NLFG) is re place d by a sim ple non-line ar
function without com prom ising se curity. Enhance d se curity with le sse r com ple x ity is achie ve d by
e m be dding se curity in channe l e ncode r. R e sults show that attack e r cannot e x tract the se cre t k e y
be cause of the e rrors introduce d in the physical laye r due to unk nown structure of the channe l
e ncode r.
Design and Analysis of Online Punjabi Signature Verification System Using Grid
Optim ization
Ankita Wadhawan (DAV Institute of Engineering and Technology, India) and Dinesh
Kumar (DAV Institute of Engineering & Technology, India)
Signature ve rification is the m ajor re se arch topic in the are a of biom e tric authe ntication.
Signature is a be havioral attribute base d on one s be havior. In this a give n input is e x am ine d
and is e ithe r re je cte d as forge ry or acce pte d as ge nuine . To the be st of our k nowle dge no work
has be e n done on online signature ve rification of Indian Language s. This pape r de als with the
on-line signature ve rification of Punjabi signature s. A digitizing table t with stylus is use d for
acquiring signature s online . Support ve ctor m achine s we re use d for re cognition of Signature s.
The pe rform ance of the syste m was e x plore d by radial basis function in which grid optim ization is
use d. Num be rs of e x pe rim e nts are pe rform e d by incre asing the num be r of sam ple s and it has
be e n found that the accuracy of the syste m incre ase s as m ore and m ore num be r of sam ple s are
traine d. Ex pe rim e nts we re pe rform e d by using diffe re nt gam m a value s to obtain e rror rate s.
An Im prov ed EMHS Algorithm for Priv acy Preserv ing in Association Rule Mining on
Horizontally Partitioned Database
Rachit Adhvaryu (Gujarat Technological University, India) and Nikunj Domadiya
(Gujarat Technological University, India)
The advance s of data m ining te chnique s playe d an im portant role in m any are as for various
applications. In conte x t of privacy and se curity issue s, the proble m s cause d by association rule
m ining te chnique are re ce ntly inve stigate d. The m isuse of this te chnique m ay disclose the
database owne r's se nsitive inform ation to othe rs. He nce , the privacy of individuals is not
m aintaine d. Many of the re se arche rs have re ce ntly m ade an e ffort to pre se rve privacy of
se nsitive k nowle dge or inform ation in a re al database . In this pape r, we have m odifie d EMHS
Algorithm to im prove its e fficie ncy by using Elliptic C urve C ryptography. W e have use d ElGam al
C ryptography te chnique of EC C for hom om orphic e ncryption. Analysis of the e x pe rim e nt on
various datase ts show that propose d algorithm is e fficie nt com pare d to EMHS in te rm s of
com putation tim e .
A Nov el Com parison Based Non Blocking Approach for Fault Tolerence in Mobile Agent
System s
Richa Mahajan (GNDU, India) and Rahul Hans (D A V Institute of Engineering and
Technology, India)
Mobile age nt is an inte llige nt age nt which acts on the be half of use r. In the are a of distributing
com puting m obile age nt is having a wide scope . Se curity and fault tole rance are the two m ain
issue s in the progre ss of m obile age nt com puting. Fault tole rance m ak e s syste m ve rsatile and
provide s re liable e x e cution e ve n in case of an occurre nce of any fault. This pape r propose s a
nove l fault tole rance approach for re ad only as we ll as re ad/write applications. To achie ve fault
tole rance use the conce pt of che ck pointing and cloning of original age nt and to m ak e it suitable
for write applications inte grate it with a m e chanism which pre se rve s e x actly once e x e cution in it
also inte grate d the m e chanism with footprints approach which are he lpful for location track ing of
the age nt. For the sak e of im ple m e ntation we ne e d agle t m obile age nt platform to run an age nt
succe ssfully within its itine rary. The re sults have be e n e valuate d on the basis of param e te rs lik e
che ck pointing, round trip tim e and e x actly once m e chanism . The e valuate d re sults shows that
our propose d approach is suitable for re ad as we ll as re ad/write applications.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
An Integrated Approach of E- RED and ANT Classification Methods for DRDoS Attacks
P Mohana Priya (Anna University, India), Akilandeswari V (Anna University, India), G
Akilarasu (Thiagarajar College of Engineering, India) and Mercy Shalinie (Thiagarajar
College of engineering, India)
The m ain obje ctive of this pape r is to de te ct the Distribute d R e fle ctor De nial of Se rvice (DR DoS)
attack base d on a protocol inde pe nde nt base d de te ction te chnique . The propose d syste m
applie s Enhance d-R andom Early De te ction (E-R ED) algorithm and Application base d Ne twork
Traffic (ANT) classification m e thod in orde r to de te ct and classify the DR DoS attack according to
the ir type s. In the e x pe rim e ntal analysis, the pe rform ance of the propose d syste m is e valuate d
by the Transm ission C ontrol Protocol (TC P) and Dom ain Nam e Syste m (DNS) re sponse pack e ts.
It de te cts the DR DoS attack s with 99% true positive s and 1% false positive rate s and classifie s
the type s of attack s with 98% classification accuracy. The re sults and discussions show that the
propose d m e thod de te cts and classifie s the highe st probability of re fle cte d re sponse traffic as
com pare d to the traditional m e thods.
Category Based Malware Detection for Android
Vijayendra Grampurohit (IIIT Hyderabad, India), Vijay Kumar (IIIT Hyderabad, India),
Sanjay Rawat (IIIT Hyderabad, India) and Shatrunjay Rawat (IIIT Hyderabad, India)
Android, be ing the m ost popular ope rating syste m for the m obile de vice s, has attracte d a
ple thora of m alware that are be ing distribute d through various applications (apps). The m alware
apps cause se rious se curity and privacy conce rns, such as acce ssing/le ak ing se nsitive
inform ation, se nding m e ssage s to the paid num be rs, e tc. Lik e traditional analysis and de te ction
approache s for de sk top m alware applications, the re have be e n m any proposals to apply m achine
le arning te chnique s to de te ct m alicious apps. Howe ve r unlik e classical de sk top applications,
Android apps available on the "Google Play" [1] have a fe ature in "cate gory" of app. In this
initial work , we propose and inve stigate the possibility of im proving the e fficie ncy of m achine
le arning approach for android apps by e x ploiting the cate gory inform ation. Ex pe rim e nt re sults
pe rform e d ove r a large datase t, are e ncouraging which shows the e ffe ctive ne ss of our sim ple ye t
productive approach.
Fram ework of Lightweight Secure Media Transfer for Mobile Law Enforcem ent Apps
Suash Deb (Cambridge Institute of Technology, India), Simon Fong (University of
Macau, Macao) and Sabu Thampi (Indian Institute of Information Technology &
Management, India)
Fram e work of Lightwe ight Se cure Me dia Transfe r for Mobile Law Enforce m e nt Apps
Internal Hardware States Based Priv acy Extension of IPv 6 Addresses
Reshmi Tr (Ramanujan Computing Centre & Anna University, India), Shiney Manoharan
(Anna University, India) and Krishnan Murugan (Anna University, India)
The Inte rne t Protocol Ve rsion 6 (IPv6) usage is boom ing up in re ce nt ye ars due to the addre ss
scarcity of e x isting protocol. This protocol face s various se curity thre ats and is unde r re se arch for
fe w de cade s. Although IPse c is m andate d for se curity ove r IPv6 e nd-to-e nd com m unication, it
doe s not support link local com m unication. Link Local Se curity issue s are conside re d to be
im portant during the autoconfiguration. The e x isting m e chanism Se ND use d to provide se curity
during autoconfiguration face s issue s re late d to algorithm ic com ple x ity, route r functionality
im plications, k e y ge ne ration e tc. The pape r propose s a privacy e x te nsion m e thod for link local
addre ss ge ne ration by using the inte rnal hardware state s of the syste m , thus ove rcom ing the
e x isting issue s. The prototype is im ple m e nte d in a te st be d and com pare d with Se ND. The
propose d m e thod has prove n to outpe rform in te rm s of algorithm ic stre ngth by re ducing the
com ple x ity and tim e de lay during im ple m e ntation.
DDoS Detection System Using Wav elet Features and Sem i- Superv ised Learning
Srihari V (PSG College of Technology, India) and R Anitha (PSG College of Technology,
Prote ction of critical inform ation infrastructure is a m ajor task for the ne twork se curity e x pe rts in
any part of the globe . The re are ce rtain thre ats that will ne ve r e vade away de spite sophisticate d
advance m e nts in de fe nse strate gy. Am ong the m , Distribute d De nial of Se rvice (DDoS) attack s
have witne sse d continual growth in scale , fre que ncy and inte nsity. The im pact of DDoS attack s
can be de vastating such that it cre ate s se ve re ripple s to the cybe rworld. Nowadays, attack e rs are
advancing towards diffe re nt variants of DDoS attack s to e scape from the de te ction m e chanism s.
To ack nowle dge the m , a nove l de fe nse m e chanism with De te ction sche m e is propose d. Initially,
wave le t base d fe ature s are e x tracte d and classifie d using se m i-supe rvise d le arning to de te ct the
DDoS attack s. Diffe re nt wave le t fam ilie s are studie d and the com bination of the m se e m s to be
robust and e fficie nt and he nce use d as fe ature s. Machine le arning algorithm s are highly
appre ciate d in m any classification proble m s. The re is conside rable de m and for labe le d datase t
and he nce to bridge the gap be twe e n the m and unlabe le d datase t, se m i-supe rvise d le arning
algorithm is e m ploye d to classify the attack from norm al traffic. Ex te nsive analysis is pe rform e d
by conducting e x pe rim e nts and by using re al-tim e datase t. R e sults obtaine d are convincing and
he nce can be m ode le d for re al-tim e approach.
Secure Com m unication Using Four- wing Hyper- chaotic Attractor
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Arti Dwivedi (University of Allahabad, India), Ashok Mittal (University of Allahabad,
India) and Suneet Dwivedi (University of Allahabd, India)
It is shown how a four-wing hype r-chaotic attractor can be use d for se cure com m unication using
param e te r conve rge nce . Using som e variable s for com ple te re place m e nt and som e for fe e dback
control and unk nown param e te r adaptation, two hype r-chaotic attractors are synchronize d in a
tim e le ss than the tim e scale of the ir chaotic oscillations. This synchronization is use d for and
se cure com m unication of digital m e ssage s. The coding param e te r of the transm itting syste m
change s so rapidly that an intrude r cannot infe r any inform ation about the attractors
corre sponding to the two coding param e te rs. The sche m e pre se nte d in this pape r is m ore se cure
as com pare d to othe r sim ilar sche m e s. This is de m onstrate d by com parison with an e x isting
sche m e base d on param e te r adaptation and Lyapunov stability the ory.
Waterm ark Detection in Spatial and Transform Dom ains Based on Tree Structured
Wav elet Transform
Ivy Prathap (PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India) and Anitha Ramalingam
(PSG College of Technology, India)
This pape r pre se nts an e fficie nt, robust and blind approach to de te ct wate rm ark s e m be dde d in
spatial and fre que ncy dom ains of im age s. Spatial and transform dom ain e ne rgy fe ature s are
e x tracte d from the im age s using Tre e Structure d W ave le t Transform . An e fficie nt
classifie r,Totalboost is use d to classify the im age s as wate rm ark e d or unwate rm ark e d im age s. In
addition to this, the propose d de te ctor can be able to de te ct wate rm ark s e ve n afte r various
im age proce ssing and signal proce ssing attack s. Sim ulation re sults show the e ffe ctive ne ss of the
propose d sche m e in te rm s of spe cificity, se nsitivity and accuracy. C om parison with the state -ofthe -art sche m e s de m onstrate the e fficie ncy of the propose d sche m e .
Forensic Analysis for Monitoring Database Transactions
Harmeet Khanuja (University of Pune, India) and Dattatraya S Adane (Ramdeobaba
K.N.Engg., college, RTM Nagpur University, India)
Database fore nsics aids in the qualification and inve stigation of database s and facilitate s a
fore nsic inve stigator to prove a suspe cte d crim e which can be use d to pre ve nt ille gitim ate
bank ing transactions. The bank s de als in public m one y but unfortunate ly are be com ing
vulne rable by re ce iving ille gal m one y in the form of le gitim ate busine ss. The abse nce of any
pre ve ntive m e asure s in the bank s to m onitor such scam would be pe rilous som e day. If the y
violate re le vant laws and re gulatory guide line s the y can unk nowingly k e e p raising Mone y
Launde ring practice s in the ir syste m . In this article we propose a fore nsic m e thodology for private
bank s to have ongoing m onitoring syste m as pe r R e se rve Bank of India (R BI) guide line s for
financial transactions which will che ck the ir database audit logs on continuous basis for m ark ing
suspe cte d transactions if any. The se transactions are the n pre cise ly analyze d and ve rifie d with
De m pste r Shafe r The ory of Evide nce to ge ne rate suspe cte d re ports autom atically as re quire d by
Financial Inte llige nce Unit.
S43: SSCC-2014: Work-in-Progress
Room: 108-A Block E First Floor
Chairs: Vikrant Bhateja (Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group of Professional Colleges, Lucknow
(UP), India), Shunmuganathan K l (RMK Engineering College, India)
Piracy Control Using Secure Disks
Jitendra Lulla (Chelsio Communications, India) and Varsha Sharma (Wipro
Technologies, India)
A lot of m one y and e fforts have be e n inve ste d in controlling unauthorize d sharing of copyrighte d
conte nts but still the proble m pe rsists. This pape r introduce s a m e thod to control and lim it the
disk duplication. C onfide ntiality and authe nticity m e asure s have be e n e m ploye d in this m e thod
to e nsure that the disk if copie d will re sult in an unusable and unauthe ntic copy. It also e nsure s
that any atte m pt to tam pe r the conte nts on the disk while copying will also re sult in an unusable
copy of the disk . The m e thod howe ve r re quire s 2 constraints to be fulfille d: first, the disk will be
playable on spe cial physical drive s and the disk will be m ade available to the authorize d e nd
use r in a re stricte d m anne r. This pape r also m e ntions that the approach be ing de scribe d is a
ge ne ric one and diffe re nt disk and disk playe r ve ndors can sure ly have com patibility
Authentication of Trusted Platform Module Using Processor Response
Vikash Kumar Rai (Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune, India) and Arun
Mishra (Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, India)
Authe ntication is the proce ss which allows both the com m unicating e ntitie s to validate e ach othe r.
Authe ntication is the base for the trust be twe e n the two com m unicating party if both party wants
to prope rly com m unicate . Truste d Platform Module (TPM) can be use d to se cure ly store artifacts
lik e passwords, ce rtificate s, e ncryption k e ys or m e asure m e nts re quire d to authe nticate the
platform . In the pre se nt sce nario the re is no concre te m e chanism to authe nticate the TPM chip.
In this proje ct, a m e thod has be e n propose d to e nable use r of a syste m to authe nticate the TPM
chip of the com m unicating syste m . The propose d syste m use s public e ndorse m e nt k e y of the
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
TPM chip and the unique re sponse the proce ssor give s while e x e cuting a program with pre de fine d
se t of ste p de lays.
Design of Security System of Portable Dev ice: Securing XML Web Serv ices with ECC
Gopinath V (Sathyabama University & TCS ltd, India) and Raghuvel Subramaniam
Bhuvaneswaran (Anna University, Chennai, India)
In this pape r, a de sign of a se curity syste m for portable drive is propose d using EC C to se cure
XML we b se rvice and associate d application. An XML we b se rvice com pone nt to an e x isting VPN
gate way is inte grate d to provide se curity solution for both the XML we b se rvice and traditional
ne twork -base d application. Both share the sam e digital EC C k e y, which is utilize d by the XML
W e b Se rvice se curity com pone nt. The high le ve l de sign of the SSL VPN on a portable de vice
base d SSL VPN application he lps in conne cting the pe e r to pe e r ne twork . It se cure s the data
transm ission ove r the e ntire ne twork route from the clie nt to the re m ote se rve r, and gre atly
im prove s the data proce ssing spe e d of the se rve r. The de sign is e x pe rim e nte d with custom ize d
java coding; its pe rform ance is analyze d and com pare d with e x isting sche m e . The de sign is
found to be m ore se cure and faste r base d on the pre lim inary re sults
Analyzer Router: An Approach to Detect and Recov er From OSPF Attacks
Deepak Sangroha (AIACT&R, India) and Vishal Gupta (AIACT&R, India)
O pe n Shorte st Path First (O SPF) is the m ost wide ly de ploye d inte rior gate way routing protocol on
the Inte rne t. W e he re pre se nt an approach to de te ct the attack s to which O SPF is vulne rable . As
se curity fe ature , O SPF use s "fight-back " m e chanism to de te ct false LSA floode d in ne twork and
tak e appropriate action. But fe w attack s have be e n propose d which bypass/ove rtak e this
m e chanism to inje ct false LSA. And fe w attack s that are out of range of this m e chanism . W e will
try to im ple m e nt our approach to de te ct and m itigate the se attack s. This approach is re active so
it m ay tak e sm all inte rval of tim e to de te ct and re cove r ne twork from attack but is e ffe ctive in
doing so and se curing the infrastructure .
Vulnerability of MR- ARP in Prev ention of ARP Poisoning and Solution
Mukul Tiwari (DIT University & DIT University, Dehradun, India) and Sumit Kumar (ABB
Global Industries and Services, India)
In this pape r we are discussing AR P poisoning and its solution ove r Local Are a Ne twork . As we
k now that Enhance d AR P (MITM-R e sistant Addre ss R e solution Protocol (MR -AR P)) is the
pre ve ntion of AR P poisoning in which two table s are use d, for cross che ck ing any AR P re que st
and if any ne w re que st arise s the n it use s voting proce ss. First table is long te rm table which is
update d for 60 m inute s and othe r one is short te rm table which is sam e as norm al AR P table . In
som e case s update policy of the long te rm table of MR -AR P cause s the attack ove r LAN and AR P
poisoning can be possible . MITM is quite possible ove r MR -AR P whe n any node be com e offline
for som e tim e and any othe r node wants to pe rform attack ove r that node . He re we will discuss
the attack ove r MR -AR P and som e corre ctive m e asure s
A Heuristic Model for Perform ing Digital Forensics in Cloud Com puting Env ironm ent
Povar Digambar (BITS Pilani Hyderabad, India) and Geethakumari G (BITS-Pilani,
Hyderabad Campus, India)
C loud com puting is a re lative ly ne w m ode l in the com puting world afte r se ve ral com puting
paradigm s lik e pe rsonal, ubiquitous, grid, m obile , and utility com puting. C loud com puting is
synonym ous with virtualization which is about cre ating virtual ve rsions of the hardware platform ,
the O pe rating Syste m or the storage de vice s. Virtualization pose s challe nge s to im ple m e ntation
of se curity as we ll as cybe rcrim e inve stigation in the cloud. Although se ve ral re se arche rs have
contribute d in ide ntifying digital fore nsic challe nge s and m e thods of pe rform ing digital fore nsic
analysis in the cloud com puting e nvironm e nt, we fe e l that the re quire m e nt of finding the m ost
appropriate m e thods to e valuate the unce rtainty in the digital e vide nce is a m ust. This pape r
e m phasize s on the m e thods of finding and analysing digital e vide nce in cloud com puting
e nvironm e nt with re spe ct to the cloud use r as we ll as the provide r. W e propose a he uristic m ode l
for pe rform ing digital fore nsics in the cloud e nvironm e nt.
CAVEAT: Credit Card Vulnerability Exhibition and Authentication Tool
Ishu Jain (GGSIPU, India), Rahul Johari (GGSIP University, India) and R Ujjwal (GGSIPU,
Delhi, India)
O nline bank ing (or Inte rne t bak ing or E-bank ing) m ak e s pe ople capable to do financial
transactions on a se cure d we bsite . It allows use rs to m anage the ir m one y without going to the ir
re spe ctive bank s. Today, the use rs can do the financial transactions of the ir daily life lik e bill
paym e nts, shopping, book ing m ovie , train, air and various othe r e ve nt tick e ts through online
bank ing. Since the online bank ing involve s circulation of m one y so it should be se cure d but as
the use of online bank ing is incre asing, the se curity thre ats to the bank ing applications are also
incre asing. In this pape r, we have shown the e x ploitation of Inje ction(O W ASP Top 10-2013 A1
Vulne rability) using SQ L Inje ction attack and Brok e n Authe ntication(part of O W ASP Top 10-2013
A2 Vulne rability) using Brute Force Attack and Dictionary Attack and the pre ve ntion of all the se
attack by storing the data in our database in e ncrypte d form using AES algorithm .
Detection of Activ e Attacks on Wireless IMDs Using Proxy Dev ice and Localization
Inform ation
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Monika Darji (Gujarat Technological University, India) and Bhushan H Trivedi (GLS
Institute Of Computer Technology, India)
Im plantable Me dical De vice s (IMDs) are use d to m onitor and tre at physiological conditions within
the body. The y com m unicate te le m e try data to e x te rnal re ade r/program m e r de vice and re ce ive
control com m ands using wire le ss m e dium . W ire le ss com m unication for IMDs incre ase s cost
e ffe ctive ne ss, fle x ibility, e ase of use and also e nable s re m ote configuration and m onitoring.
Howe ve r, it m ak e s the IMDs vulne rable to passive and active attack s. W hile passive attack s on
IMDs can be addre sse d using e ncryption te chnique s, active attack s lik e re play, m assage inje ction
and MITM ne e d m ore advance d te chnique s to be de te cte d and pre ve nte d. In case of othe r
wire le ss de vice s one can de al with the se se curity issue s by installing one or m ore se curity
m e chanism s, but the sam e cannot be applie d to IMDs. This is due to the ir positioning inside
hum an body which m ak e s re place m e nt and powe r charging e x tre m e ly difficult, the ir
m iniaturization which m ak e s the m storage , proce ssing and powe r scarce , the ir unusual acce ss
re quire m e nts during de vice or patie nt e m e rge ncy and the ir incapability of re ne wing share d
se cre ts. It is advisable to use the re source s of IMDs for life critical m e dical care and m inim alist
com m unication. This le ads to the im plie d option of using an e x te rnal prox y de vice which can
offload se curity re late d proce ssing from IMDs. The re fore , to addre ss the proble m of Active
Attack s, we propose use of R F-signal base d localization te chnique which le ve rage s m ulti-ante nna
Prox y De vice to profile the dire ctions at which re ade r/program m e r signal arrive s and use of
triangulation te chnique s to construct a signature that unique ly distinguishe s an authorize d
re ade r/program m e r from unauthorize d one .
SQL Filter - SQL Injection Prev ention and Logging Using Dynam ic Network Filter
Jignesh C Doshi (L J Institute of Management Studies, Ahmedabad, India), Maxwell
Christian (Gujarat Technological University, India) and Bhushan H Trivedi (GLS
Institute Of Computer Technology, India)
W e b has be com e buzz word for busine ss in re ce nt tim e s. W ith the incre ase in attack s, we b
database applications be com e m ore vulne rable . Structure Q ue ry language is m ost com m only
use d for database attack . As pe r O W ASP the top 5 attack s out of 10 are re late d to SQ L.
Database attack solutions fall into two cate gory: De fe nsive coding and filte rs. The focus of such
attack s is on data m anipulation, ste al and by pass authorization. In this pape r authors have
pre pare d a Dynam ic Ne twork filte r to de te ct and pre ve nt database attack s.
Results on (2,n) Visual Cryptographic Schem es
Kanakkath Praveen (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India) and Sethumadhavan M
(Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India)
In the lite rature a lot of studie s are propose d on (2, n) VC S using e ithe r XO R or O R ope rations
but the re m ust be a com prom ise on e ithe r pix e l e x pansion or contrast on the e x isting sche m e s.
A pre vious study on ide al contrast (2, n) VC S with re ve rsing was se e n in the lite rature using
com bine d O R and NO T ope rations. Ide al contrast m e ans afte r re construction the original se cre t
im age is obtaine d without change in re solution. This pape r shows one construction on an ide al
contrast (2, n) VC S using com bine d XO R and O R ope rations with le ss am ount of transpare ncie s
(pix e l e x pansion)than ide al contrast (2, n) VC S with re ve rsing using O R and NO T ope rations.This
pape r also shows a construction of non e x pandable (2, n) VC S which pe rfe ctly re construct the
white pix e ls and probabilistically re construct the black pix e l using XO R ope ration.
Zero Distortion Technique: An Approach to Im age Stagenography Using Strength of
Indexed Based Chaotic Sequence
Shivani Sharma (ABES-EC, Ghaziabad, India), Virendra Kumar Yadav (ABES
Engineering College, India) and Saumya Batham (ABES Engineering College,
Ghaziabad, India)
Ste ganography is an art of hiding inform ation. The re are se ve ral e x isting approache s, of which
LSB is the popular k nown te chnique . W hile pe rform ing im age ste ganography, the re are ce rtain
lim itations, in te rm s of tim e , robustne ss, distortion, quantity of data to hide e tc. A com m on
m ajor lim itation involve d in the se approache s is: alte ring the pix e l value of the im age which
le ads to distortion in the cove r im age . It can be e asily de te cte d by histogram and PSNR value .
Ze ro Distortion Te chnique (ZDT) is propose d to ove rcom e the lim itation, as no change s are
re fle cte d in the histogram and PSNR value of the cove r and the ste go im age . Ex pe rim e ntal
re sults on ce rtain im age s shows that the propose d algorithm give s re fine re sults. The propose d
te chnique is robust, fast and he lpful in providing se curity to our confide ntial data.
Attack Graph- Generation, Visualization and Analysis: Issues and Challenges
Ghanshyam Bopche (Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology
(IDRBT) & School of Computer and Information Sciences (SCIS), University of
Hyderabad, India) and Babu Mehtre (IDRBT - Institute for Development and Research
in Banking Technology & Reserve Bank of India, India)
In the curre nt sce nario, e ve n the we ll-adm iniste re d e nte rprise ne twork s are e x tre m e ly
susce ptible to sophisticate d m ulti-stage cybe r attack s. The se attack s com bine m ultiple ne twork
vulne rabilitie s and use causal re lationship be twe e n the m in orde r to ge t incre m e ntal acce ss to
e nte rprise critical re source s. De te ction of such m ulti-stage attack s is be yond the capability of
pre se nt day vulne rability scanne rs. The se corre late d "m ulti-host, m ulti-stage " attack s are
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
pote ntially m uch m ore harm ful than the single point/ isolate d attack s. Se curity re se arche rs have
propose d an Attack Graph-base d approach to de te ct such corre late d attack sce narios. Attack
graph is a se curity analysis tool use d e x te nsive ly in a ne twork e d e nvironm e nt to autom ate the
proce ss of e valuating ne twork 's susce ptibility to "m ulti-host, m ulti-stage " attack s. In the last
de cade , a lot of re se arch has be e n done in the are a of attack graph- ge ne ration, visualization
and analysis. De spite significant progre ss, still the re are issue s and challe nge s be fore the
se curity com m unity that ne e ds to be addre sse d. In this pape r, we have trie d to ide ntify curre nt
issue s and im portant ave nue s of re se arch in the are a of attack graph ge ne ration, visualization
and analysis.
14:30 - 17:30 (Asia/Kolkata)
T10: Tutorial 10- IEEE 802.11ah, an Enabling Technology for the Internet of Things. How Does
It Work?
Dr. Evgeny Khorov, Senior Researcher, MIPT and IITP RAS, Russia
Room: 004 Block E Ground Floor
Sm art te chnologie s play a k e y role in sustainable e conom ic growth. The y transform house s, office s,
factorie s, and e ve n citie s into autonom ic, se lf-controlle d syste m s acting ofte n without hum an
inte rve ntion and thus sparing him doing routine cause d by inform ation colle cting and proce ssing. Som e
analysts fore cast that by 2020 the total num be r of sm art de vice s conne cte d toge the r in a ne twork ,
calle d Inte rne t of Things (IoT), will re ach 50000000000. Appare ntly, the be st way to conne ct such a
huge num be r of de vice s is wire le ss. Unfortunate ly, the state -of-the -art wire le ss te chnologie s cannot
provide conne ctivity for such a huge num be r of de vice s, m ost of which are batte ry supplie d. 3GPP, IEEE
and othe r inte rnational organizations are curre ntly adapting the ir standards to the e m e rging IoT
m ark e t. For e x am ple , the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards C om m itte e (LMSC ) has form e d IEEE 802.11ah
Task Group (TGah) to e x te nd the applicability are a of the IEEE 802.11 ne twork s by de signing an e ne rgy
e fficie nt protocol allowing thousands of indoor and outdoor de vice s work ing at the sam e are a. In this
tutorial, we will focus on ve ry prom ising re volutionary change s introduce d by TGah and adopte d in
Nove m be r 2013 as the first draft standard of the Low Powe r W i-Fi (IEEE 802.11ah) te chnology. From the
tutorial, you will le arn how IEEE 802.11ah ope rate s. Also we will pay atte ntion to som e re se arch
challe nge s in this are a.
T11: Tutorial 11 - High Efficiency Video Coding
Mr. Shailesh Ramamurthy, Arris India
Room: 009 Block E Ground Floor
High Efficie ncy Vide o C oding (HEVC ) is the late st vide o com pre ssion standard from ISO /IEC MPEG and
ITU-T VC EG, and prom ise s to be a spe ctacular succe ssor to the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC . It targe ts to be
doubly e fficie nt at com pre ssion with re spe ct to H.264/MPEG-4 AVC whe n be nchm ark e d at the sam e
vide o quality. It is conducive towards re solutions lik e 4K and 8K Ultra High De finition R e solutions.
The tutorial would cove r the following m odule s:
Introduction to com pre ssing and de live ring visual m e dia of the ne x t ge ne ration
Enabling Te chnique s: O ve rvie w of Tre e Block Structure s, Intra and inte r pre diction te chnique s, Entropy
C oding, Motion C om pe nsation, Motion Ve ctor Pre diction, Transform Te chnique s, De block ing and
Sam ple Adaptive offse t filte rs
Paralle l Proce ssing Tools
Applicability in e nd-to-e nd use -case s
Scalable coding and 3D e x te nsions
This tutorial will be ne fit participants from acade m ia and industry inte re ste d in unde rstanding HEVC .
The ore tical conce pts will be link e d to e nd-to-e nd use -case s to drive hom e the applicability of various
tools and te chnique s.
T12: Tutorial 12- Design Automation for Quantum Computing Circuits
Dr. Amlan Chakrabarti, University of Calcutta, India
Room: 010 Block E Ground Floor
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Harne ssing the powe r of quantum m e chanical prope rtie s of atom ic and sub-atom ic particle s to pe rform
use ful com putation cre ate s the ne w paradigm of quantum com putation. The m otivation of quantum
com puting was initiate d by pione e rs lik e R ichard Fe ynm an and C harle s H. Be nne tt. Though ne w,
quantum com puting has cre ate d lot of e x cite m e nt am ongst com pute r scie ntists due to its powe r in
solving som e im portant com putational proble m s faste r com pare d to the pre se nt day classical
m achine s. The quantum phe nom e non lik e supe rposition, inte rfe re nce and e ntangle m e nt are the k e y
playe rs in e nabling quantum m achine s to outpe rform the classical m achine s. Q uantum algorithm s can
be applie d in a varie ty of applications to nam e a fe w, syste m s of line ar e quations, num be r the ory,
database se arch, physical sim ulation, che m istry and physics e tc. Q uantum algorithm s are usually
de scribe d in the com m only use d circuit m ode l of quantum com putation, which acts on som e input
quantum state and te rm inate s with a m e asure m e nt.
This tutorial will give an ove rvie w of quantum com puting algorithm s and circuits with a brie f insight on
the de sign autom ation for quantum circuit de sign. The k e y ste ps involve d in the quantum circuit de sign
for a give n quantum algorithm for the diffe re nt targe t quantum te chnologie s will be addre sse d in this
le cture .
O utline :
1. Introduction
W hy Q uantum C om puting?
C lassical vs. Q uantum
Ke y aspe cts of powe r of Q uantum C om puting
Q C Te chnologie s of today
2. How to de sign Q uantum C om pute rs
3. Q uantum Logic
Basic Gate s
Unive rsal se t of gate s
R e ve rsible Logic
Q uantum gate cost m ode l
C ircuits for Q uantum Algorithm s
4. De sign Autom ation for Q uantum C ircuit Synthe sis
Q uantum Algorithm De scription (Q C L)
Q uantum Asse m bly Form at (Q ASM)
Logic Synthe sis
- R e e d-Mulle r Synthe sis
- Multi-C ontrolle d Toffoli Synthe sis
- Ne are st Ne ighbor Synthe sis
Te chnology Mapping
- PMD spe cific ide ntitie s
- PMD spe cific Fault Tole rant Q uantum Logic Synthe sis
Q uantum Error C orre cting C ode s
Layout for Q uantum C ircuits
T8: Tutorial 8 - Design-for-testability automation of analog and mixed-signal integrated
Dr. Sergey Mosin, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor
Te sting tak e s an im portant place in the proce sse s of e le ctronic circuits de sign and im ple m e ntation.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
About 40-60% of total tim e re quire d to IC de ve lopm e nt is spe nt on te st proce dure s. According to the
"rule of te n" the cost of te sting is incre ase d te nfold at e ach ne x t m anufacturing cycle . High e x pe nditure
is de alt with incre asing a com ple x ity of IC and com plication of te st re late d e fforts. The re fore the
incre asing of e fficie ncy in te st pre paration and re alizing for analog and m ix e d-signal inte grate d circuits
is actual task . The following factors provide com ple x ity of IC te sting: change s of te chnological
proce sse s, incre asing the scale of inte gration, high functional com ple x ity of de ve lope d de vice s, lim ite d
acce ss to inte rnal com pone nts of IC , e tc. The re duction of te st cost (both tim e and m one y) m ay be
providing at de ve lopm e nt and application ne w e fficie nt te st strate gie s. De sign-for-Te stability (DFT) is
one of the pe rspe ctive approache s, which e nsure s a se le ction of prope r te st solution alre ady at e arly
stage s of IC de sign.
This tutorial will focus on de sign-for-te stability autom ation issue s. The four k e y proce sse s of de signfor-te stability autom ation will be conside re d: sim ulation, te st ge ne ration, te sting sub-circuits ge ne ration
and de cision m ak ing. Sim ulation provide s calculation of m ain param e te rs and characte ristics for a
de signe d circuit using se ts of m athe m atical m ode ls and m e thods for num e rical m ode ling of e le ctronic
circuits. Te st ge ne ration provide s a se le ction of controlle d param e te rs, te st node s and te st stim uli for a
de signe d circuit, fault dictionary construction and e fficie ncy e stim ation for obtaine d te st patte rns.
Te sting sub-circuits ge ne ration provide s se le ction and inclusion in original circuit som e te st structure s
(DFT-solution) for analog and digital sub-circuits e nsuring re duction of te st com ple x ity for a
m anufacture d m ix e d-signal inte grate d circuit on the whole . De cision m ak ing provide s com parison of
propose d DFT-solutions base d on cost m ode l and fault cove rage , and se le ction the re asonable DFTsolution for a de signe d IC tak ing into account such fe ature s as use d inte grate d te chnology for
m anufacturing, volum e of production, chip are a, wafe r e ffe ctive radius, e tc.
O utline :
Im portance of IC te sting:
De fe cts and faults. The role and place of te sting in life cycle of IC and syste m . Ve rification, te sting and
diagnosis. R ule of te n. The m ission of de sign-for-te stability.
Me thodology of de sign-for-te stability autom ation:
De sign flow of analog and m ix e d-signal IC . De sign-for-te stability autom ation. Se le ction of te st node s.
Se le ction of te st signals and te st patte rns. Fault dictionary construction. Econom e trical (cost) m ode ls.
C rite ria of se le cting the te sting circuitrie s for analog and digital sub-circuits.
Approache s to te sting analog sub--circuits:
Incre asing obse rvability and controllability of inte rnal node s by application in-circuit m ux and dm ux .
O scillation built-in se lf-te st te chnique . Signature analyze r. Te st bus IEEE 1149.4.
Approache s to te sting digital sub-circuits:
Built-in se lf-te st: LFSR , MISR , BILBO . Te st bus IEEE 1149.1
T9: Tutorial 9 - Network Security and Beyond: Network Anomaly Detection in the Field
Dr. Christian Callegari, University of Pisa, Italy
Room: 003 Block E Ground Floor
This tutorial provide s an ove rvie w of the m ost re le vant approache s to ne twork anom aly de te ction, as
we ll as of the m ain challe nge s in applying anom aly de te ction to "re al world" sce narios. The tutorial is
structure d into thre e m ain parts: in the first one , starting from the se m inal work by De nning, the basic
conce pts about anom aly de te ction will be introduce d. The n, in the se cond part, som e of the m ost
re ce nt and re le vant work s about statistical anom aly de te ction will be discusse d. For e ach of the
pre se nte d m e thods, the de scription of the the ore tical back ground, focusing on why the m e thod should
be e ffe ctive in de te cting ne twork anom alie s and attack s, will be accom panie d by a discussion on the
anom alie s that can be de te cte d and on the achie vable re sults, as we ll as on the m ain lim itations of the
m e thod. Finally, the third part of the tutorial will focus on the challe nge s that arise whe n applying
Anom aly De te ction in the fie ld, e .g., how to de al with huge quantitie s of data or with the privacy
conce rns typical of highly distribute d sce narios.
O utline of the pre se ntation
I. Introduction and Motivation (10 m in)
II. Basics of Statistical Intrusion De te ction Syste m s (20 m in)
- Ge ne ral C once pts about Anom aly De te ction
- IDES Intrusion De te ction Ex pe rt Syste m : the use of a statistical approach to de te ct anom alie s in the
ne twork traffic was first introduce d by De nning. The author propose d an e arly, abstract m ode l of an
Intrusion De te ction Ex pe rt Syste m (IDES), base d on the statistical characte rization of the be havior of a
subje ct with re spe ct to a give n obje ct.
III. Statistical approache s for anom aly de te ction (90 m in)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
- Snort: doe s the m ost fam ous IDS pe rform anom aly de te ction? on which basis and to which e x te nt?
- C luste ring: cluste ring is a we ll-k nown te chnique , usually applie d to classification proble m s. In the
conte x t of anom aly de te ction, two distinct approache s have be e n de ve lope d, which will be both
discusse d.
- He avy Hitte rs and He avy C hange s: m onitoring the change s in the distribution of the he avy hitte rs of
the ne twork traffic can be use d to de te ct DoS/DDoS attack s, as we ll as othe r distribute d attack s (e .g.,
Botne ts).
- C USUM: cusum base d approache s, which aim at de te cting abrupt change s in the tim e se rie s give n by
the te m poral e volution of se ve ral traffic param e te rs (e .g. num be r of re ce ive d byte s), can be use d to
de te ct anom alie s in the ne twork traffic.
- PC A: principal com pone nt analysis is e ffe ctive ly use d to tack le the proble m of high dim e nsional
datase ts, which usually affe cts ne twork m onitoring syste m s. In this fie ld, PC A is ofte n use d as a
de te ction sche m e , applie d to re duce the dim e nsionality of the audit data and to de te ct anom alie s, by
m e ans of a classifie r that is a function of the principal com pone nts. In spite of be ing one of the m ost
wide ly applie d tools for Anom aly de te ction (also in com m e rcial products), it pre se nts m any lim itations.
IV. Anom aly De te ction in the Fie ld (90m in)
- De aling with traffic se asonality: se asonality of the traffic pose s se ve ral proble m s in the application of
m ost of the anom aly de te ction te chnique s. Som e of the m ost classical approache s (e .g., W ave le t
analysis) to pre -filte r such se asonal com pone nts will be discusse d, highlighting the im prove m e nts (and
the drawback s) introduce d in the syste m .
- De aling with huge quantitie s of data: the e x plosive growth of the traffic pose s se ve ral proble m s whe n
applying te chnique s that ne e d to proce ss the whole traffic. W e will discuss pros and cons of se ve ral
data m ining te chnique s (e .g., Sk e tch and R e ve rsible Sk e tch) that pe rm its to analyze a data flow,
alm ost in re al-tim e , without storing all the data.
- De aling with distribute d e nvironm e nt: highly distribute d, m ulti-dom ains e nvironm e nts pose se ve ral
constraints to the application of any traffic m onitoring te chnique s (e .g., privacy conce rns). W e will
discuss how to de al with the m , so as to re spe ct the le gislation, still be ing able to e ffe ctive ly pe rform
anom aly de te ction.
IV. Discussion and pe rspe ctive s (30m in)
Inte nde d Audie nce : This tutorial is addre sse d to all re se arche rs and practitione rs work ing in the fie ld of
ne twork ing, who can be inte re ste d in de te cting an anom alous be havior in the ne twork , and in particular
to those de aling with intrusion de te ction syste m s, anom aly de te ction, DoS/DDoS attack de te ction. In
addition to this, the tutorial m ay be of inte re st to all those pe ople also de aling with statistical
approache s for traffic m onitoring and classification.
Since all the the ore tical notions ne ce ssary to unde rstand the cove re d topics will be provide d in the
tutorial, no particular k nowle dge is re quire d for atte nde e s, e x ce pt for som e basics of ne twork ing
(IP/TC P archite cture ).
17:00 - 18:45 (Asia/Kolkata)
S44: Poster/Demo Tracks
Room: Lawn Area Block E
Fingerprint Recognition Password Schem e Using BFO
Harpreet SIngh Brar (Thapar University, India) and Varinder Pal Singh (Thapar
University, India)
Finge rprint re cognition is m ostly use d for the ide ntification of the pe rson am id all the biom e tric
te chnique s. This is the only outline use d for ridge s and valle ys of the finge r on the surface .
Accuracy m e asure plays a vital role in the re cognition of finge r print. The database archite cture
should be traine d so e fficie ntly that is can re cognize the finge r print in all ge sture s and
circum stance s. This pape r pre se nts a unique bacte rial forging optim ization m e thod for the
re cognition of finge r print on the basis of the m inutia e x tracte d points whose m e chanism has
be e n e x plaine d in the sub se ctions of the pape r. This pape r also pre se nts a study of the
com parison of accuracy of BFO and SVM classifie
Gray Testing Support in Software Repository with Keyword Based Extraction
Inderjit Singh (Thapar University, India)
In the software industry, ge ne rally software m anufacture rs de ve lop the com pone nt and use it
only once . As a re sult of which the re is lot of wastage in e ffort, cost as we ll as tim e in de ve loping
software 's. The solution to the above is to re use the software com pone nts furthe r in the
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
de ve lopm e nt of othe r sim ilar k ind of products or the products having sam e functionality. So, a
succe ssful com pone nt storage structure is re quire d to incre ase the availability of re usable
com pone nts. R e pository m ust be de ve lope d which supports e sse ntial fe ature s lik e e fficie nt
storage and re trie val. In this pape r gray te sting tool has be e n im ple m e nte d with an e fficie nt
storage structure which will provide both black box and white box te sting support to the re usable
com pone nts and will store all the te st case s ge ne rate d while pe rform ing gray te sting of the
com pone nt for future use .
Group Search Optim izer Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network Localization
R Krishnaprabha (MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram, India) and Gopakumar
Aloor (MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram & University of Calicut, India)
Localization is one of the m ain challe nge s in W ire le ss Se nsor Ne twork s. It is pe rform e d to
de te rm ine the location inform ation of se nsor node s in the ne twork . W he n the se nsors colle ct
data and re port e ve nts, it is im portant to k now the origin of data and e ve nts. In this work , a
nature -inspire d population base d optim ization algorithm calle d Group Se arch O ptim ize r (GSO ) is
propose d for locating se nsor node s in a distribute d W SN e nvironm e nt. W SN localization is
form ulate d as a non-line ar optim ization proble m and solve d using GSO . Pe rform ance e valuation
of GSO base d localization algorithm is carrie d out through sim ulations.
GoldenCrops: A Software Tool for Analysis of a Social Network
Bashim Akram Khan (Aligarh Muslim University, India) and Ash Mohammad Abbas
(Aligarh Muslim University, India)
In this pape r, we de scribe the de sign of a software tool that we call Golde nC rops for analysis of a
social ne twork . W e analyse the e volution or growth of a social ne twork using Golde nC rops. W e
com pare the e volution or growth of a social ne twork com pute d using Golde nC rops with the
e volution of som e re al life social ne twork s. W e obse rve that the tre nd of e volution of the re al life
social ne twork s is sim ilar to that obtaine d using Golde nC rops. Furthe r, using Golde nC rops we
analyze the graph-the ore tical prope rtie s of a social ne twork such as distribution of de gre e of
node s and cluste ring coe fficie nt.
Health Cloud - Healthcare as A serv ice(HaaS)
Nimmy John (Siemens Technology & Services Pvt. Ltd, India) and Sanath Shenoy
(Siemens Technology & Services Pvt. Ltd, India)
He alth care industry has com e a long way from m ore than just Hospital Inform ation Syste m s
(HIS), Ele ctronic Me dical R e cords (EMR ) to com pute r assiste d surge rie s and re m ote patie nt care ,
since the adve nt of inform ation te chnology into the he alth care dom ain. W ith the advance s in
inform ation te chnology, he althcare in all k inds of m ark e ts is be com ing m ore digital, m ore
collaborative , m ore patie nt-ce nte re d and m ore data-drive n and aim s towards acce ssing
inform ation anytim e , anywhe re . The traditional te chnology infrastructure of he alth care se ctor will
not be able to cate r to this m assive am ount of data ge ne rate d and the various he alth care
se rvice s to be offe re d to the patie nts. C loud C om puting is a fast growing tre nd that include s
se ve ral se rvice , all offe re d on de m and ove r the inte rne t in a pay-as-you-go m ode l. It prom ise s
to incre ase the spe e d with which applications are de ploye d and lowe r costs. C loud com puting can
play a critical role in m anaging the curre nt tre nd of digital data growth and anywhe re anytim e
availability of m e dical se rvice s. C loud com puting can also contribute significantly to containing
he althcare inte gration costs, optim izing re source s and ushe ring a ne w e ra of innovations in
he althcare . This pape r e x am ine s in brie f, fe w of the digital data challe nge s that the he althcare
industry is facing .The pape r de scribe s a syste m that is capable of offe ring various he alth care
se rvice s that utilize cloud com puting . The pape r also pre se nts the im ple m e ntation of one
se rvice offe re d as part of the syste m de scribe d.
Hybrid Model to Im prov e Bat Algorithm Perform ance - Solution for Software Cost
Optim ization
Rajan Gupta (University of Delhi, India), Neeharika Chaudhary (University of Delhi,
India) and Saibal Pal (DRDO, India)
Bat Algorithm is one of the succe ssful m e ta-he uristic algorithm s, which is use d prom ine ntly for
the purpose of optim ization. But its inhe re nt fe ature of non-changing param e te rs with the
various ite rations m ak e s it le ss appropriate for optim ization of software cost e stim ation
te chnique s lik e C O C O MO . So the curre nt study propose s a hybrid m ode l for the im prove m e nt of
Bat algorithm by e nhancing the se arch (global) and thus he lping in optim izing the fitne ss
function by ge ne rating ne w solutions. The data se t use d for te sting is NASA 63 and the fitne ss
function use d for cost e stim ation is Me an Magnitude of R e lative Error (MMR E). The sim ulations
are done using MATLAB ve rsion R 2010a. R e sults shows a be tte r MMR E for the hybrid m ode l as
com pare d to the original Bat algorithm use d for the optim ization of C O C O MO II for software cost
e stim ation.
Im age Steganography by Closest Pixel- pair Mapping
Adnaan Ahmed (Student of Heritage Institute of Technology, India), Nitesh Agarwal
(Heritage Institute of Technology, India) and Sabyasachee Banerjee (Heritage
Institute of Technology, India)
Ste ganography is one of the im portant and e le gant tools use d to se cure ly transfe r se cre t
m e ssage in an im pe rce ptible m anne r. Visual Ste ganography is anothe r adde d fe ature of it. It is
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
the ste ganographic m e thod involving m ultim e dia file s lik e im age ,vide o e tc to hide a se cre t
m e ssage . Howe ve r this m e thod m ay re sult in the distortion of the colour fre que ncie s of the cove r
im age which is pre dictable by som e analysis.He re in this pape r we have propose d a m e thod for
ste ganography which re sults in no distortion of the cove r im age . The propose d im age is
inde pe nde nt of the size of the cove r im age and the se cre t im age i.e . a large r im age can be
hidde n in a sm alle r im age . The propose d m e thod also use s AES Encryption for se cure transfe r of
the ste go-k e y.The ne x us of this cove r im age and the e ncrypte d data se rve s the purpose of
se cure transfe r of se cre t data.
Im pact of Ge Substrate on Drain Current of Trigate N- FinFET
In this pape r, im pact of lightly dope d Ge substrate on drain curre nt of N-FinFET has be e n
inve stigate d. The re sult obtaine d was com pare d with he avily dope d Si substrate N-FinFET. The
highe st pe ak saturate d drain curre nt was found to incre ase d by 25% in input characte ristics and
8% in output characte ristics. The fin he ight k e pt constant, he nce without affe cting the are a
consum e d. The sim ulation has be e n done using VISUAL TC AD.
Myself: Local Perturbation for Location Priv acy in LBS Applications
Balaso Jagdale (University of Pune, India) and Jagdish Bakal (University of Mumbai,
The location se curity in curre nt location-base d se rvice s (LBS) m e e ts thre at whe re m obile use rs
have to re port the ir actual location k nowle dge to the LBS provide r in orde r to ge t the ir de sire d
PO I, (Points of Inte re sts). W e conside r location privacy te chnique s that work using obfuscation
ope rators and provide diffe re nt inform ation se rvice s using diffe re nt cloak ing te chnique s without
any truste d com pone nts othe r than the clie nt's m obile de vice . The te chnique s are the n cove re d
according to the random cate gory. It blurs the accurate use r location (i.e ., a point with
coordinate s) and re place s it with a we ll-shape d cloak e d re gion (e .g. C ircle , R e ctangle , Pe ntagon
e tc.). W e have propose d the m e thods whe re inste ad of com m unicating with pe e rs, use r dire ctly
com m unicate s with LBS. W e have pre se nte d te chnique s whe re first te chnique which provide s
diffe re nt privacy le ve ls using obfuscation ope rators. The se cond te chnique for que ry proce ssing
ge ne rate s the re gion of diffe re nt shape s. Third de m onstrate s re gional cloak ing and two m ore
ne w ide as are pre se nte d. W e have shown e ffe ctive ne ss and pe rform ance of the se te chnique s.
Perform ance Ev aluation of High Quality Im age Com pression Techniques
Amol Baviskar (Mumbai University & Universal College of Engineering, Vasai,
Maharashtra,., India) and Jaypal Jagdish Baviskar (VJTI, Mumbai & Veermata Jijabai
Technological Institute, Mumbai, India)
The are a of im age proce ssing has offe re d re m ark able ide as and com pe te nt com pre ssion
algorithm s in the past fe w de cade s. The accre tion of data ge ne rate d by applications validate the
use of diffe re nt im age com pre ssion sche m e s to de cre ase the storage space and tim e for
transfe rring the im age s ove r the link . Each of the com pre ssion sche m e s provide diffe re nt im age
quality m e trics viz. PSNR , MSE, C om pre ssion ratio, Norm alize d C ross C orre lation, Norm alize d
Absolute Error e tc. This pape r im ple m e nts 3D-Discre te C osine Transform (DC T) for com pre ssing
high re solution im age s with substantial am ount of back ground. It pre se nts the e valuation of the
im ple m e nte d algorithm , along with the pe rform ance com parison of othe r com pre ssion sche m e s
viz. JPEG Lossy, Sub-Band re place m e nt DW T and K-Me ans. It prove s to be a dom inant te chnique
for m ulti-spe ctral im age s with im prove d quality param e te rs achie ving 40-54dB PSNR .
Poster: Real- tim e Sim ulator of Collaborativ e Autonom ous Vehicles
Farid Bounini (University of Sherbrooke, Canada), Denis Gingras (Université de
Sherbrooke, Canada), Vincent Lapointe (Opal-RT Technologies Inc, Canada) and
Dominique Gruyer (LIVIC-IFSTTAR, France)
C ollaborative autonom ous ve hicle s will appe ar in the ne ar future and will transform de e ply road
transportation syste m s, addre ssing in part m any issue s such as safe ty, traffic e fficie ncy, e tc.
Validation and te sting of com ple x sce narios involving se ts of autonom ous collaborative ve hicle s
are be com ing an im portant challe nge . Each ve hicle in the se t is autonom ous and acts asynchronously, re ce iving and proce ssing huge am ount of data in re al tim e , com ing from the
e nvironm e nt and othe r ve hicle s. Sim ulation of such sce narios in re al tim e re quire huge
com puting re source s. This poste r pre se nts a sim ulation platform com bining the re al-tim e O PALR T Te chnologie s for proce ssing and paralle l com puting, and the Pro-SiVIC ve hicular sim ulator
from C ivite c for re alistic sim ulation of ve hicle s dynam ic, road/e nvironm e nt, and se nsors
be haviors. The two platform s are com ple m e ntary and the ir com bining allow us to propose a re al
tim e sim ulator of collaborative autonom ous syste m s.
Proposal for Integrated System Architecture in Utilities
Rajan Gupta (University of Delhi, India), Sunil Muttoo (University of Delhi, India) and
Saibal Pal (DRDO, India)
For the public usage , the re are various utilitie s that e x ists and ope rate s in m any countrie s. Major
utility are in the se ctor of Powe r, Gas and W ate r distribution. The ir m ajor role is to distribute the
e sse ntials to the custom e rs and in turn provide C ustom e r support and Billing syste m through
offline and online m ode . Most of the m fall unde r gove rnm e nt control but m ay be m anage d by
Franchise or Public private partne rship m ode l. All of the m have individual e x iste nce in De lhi,
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
India. W e propose a com m on archite cture through which the inform ation syste m s and re late d
proce sse s can be m e rge d for the se utilitie s which will be ne fit the custom e rs. The se curity analysis
is done for the propose d archite cture with re spe ct to various thre ats.
Raspberry Pi for the Autom ation of Water Treatm ent Plant
Sonali Lagu (University of Mumbai, India)
Autom ation of wate r tre atm e nt plant has alre ady be e n de ve lope d and wide ly use d in m any
countrie s. But m ost of the m use program m able logic controlle rs-PLC s. This pape r focuse s on an
innovative and inte llige nt control and m onitoring syste m for W ate r Tre atm e nt Plant by using
"R aspbe rry Pi" as an e ffe ctive alte rnative to PLC s for the autom ation of sm all wate r tre atm e nt
plants. R aspbe rry Pi is a m inicom pute r which has an ability to control the syste m com e s with
advantage s lik e low cost and com pact size .
Real Tim e Jitters and Cyber Physical System
Hemangi Gawand (Homi Bhabha National Institute, India), Anup Bhattacharjee
(Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India) and Kallol Roy (Bhabha Atomic Research
Centre, India)
Em be dde d C ontrolle rs form a vital part of industrial control syste m . In com pute r drive n control
syste m , a com pute r be have s lik e a controlle r that e x e cute s various task lik e control and
m onitoring using re al tim e k e rne l or re al tim e ope rating syste m (R TO S). De lay in task e x e cution
can le ad to jitte r and une x pe cte d be havior of the syste m unde r control. This pape r inve stigate s
the cause s of jitte r; and software im ple m e ntation of the control task that can le ad to jitte r and
de nial of se rvice attack . TR UETIME, a Sim ulink base d sim ulator was use d for sim ulation of jitte r
in re al tim e control syste m .
RFID Network Adm inistration and Control
Devendra Rohila (Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, India) and Neha Jain (Lecturer,
Ne twork Adm inistration provide s the acce ss to adm inistrative controls ove r the issue s lik e
unse cure d authorization pre se nt in ne twork ing applications i.e . it de als with all re late d issue s.
This docum e nt give s R adio Fre que ncy Ide ntification and De te ction(R FID) base d ne twork
application, which is acce sse d re m ote ly from the adm inistrator's syste m to all syste m pre se nt in
its ne twork via clie nt-se rve r application archite cture . The application allows adm inistrator to
control re m ote ly by TC P/IP Sock e t Program m ing. Dutie s of clie nt and se rve r syste m s are
distribute d as se rve r application liste n and run on re m ote com pute r while clie nt provide s the
inte rface to acce ss application on re m ote com pute r.This application provide s Adm inistration
re m ote ly that's why it is te rm e d as R e m ote Adm inistration Program Inte rface (R API).
GridSys- A State of the Art Grid Fram ework
Sanath Shenoy (Siemens, India), Nimmy John (Siemens Technologies and Services
Private Limited, India), Raghavendra Eeratta (Siemens Technology and Services Pvt
Ltd, India) and Ranjith Nair (Siemens Technologies and Services Pvt Limited, India)
Today m any applications are de ve lope d using distribute d te chnologie s such as cluste r, cloud and
grid com puting. The se applications de m and m ore re source s for com putation and storage . The y
de m and fle x ible scaling and im prove d pe rform ance . Application now days can m ak e use of
m ultiple node s (m achine s) to ge t the task s com ple te d. In this pape r we discuss the ,
im ple m e ntation de tails of a grid com puting fram e work k nown as GridSys. This fram e work
provide s a fast and e asy way to program a grid. It can e asily he lp the application bre ak the
proble m to com pute inte nsive task s. The fram e work distribute s the se task s to diffe re nt node s of
the grid e fficie ntly and e asily aggre gate the re sults of the se task s provide fault tole rance and
re liability.
Special Projection Interfacing Dev ice for Enhanced Routing- S.P.I.D.E.R
Charu Gandhi (Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, India), Parth Gargava
(Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, India), Sridhar Sharma (Student, Jaypee
Institute of Information Technology, India), Ayush Arora (Student, Jaypee Institute of
Information Technology, India) and Akshay Jain (Student, Jaypee Institute of
Information Technology, India)
In urban are as, local com m uting is m ostly done using autom obile s com prising of cars and m otor
cycle s. W ith com ple x road ne twork s, it be com e s e sse ntial to use a de vice (sm art phone or
table t) for vie wing route s on the Global Position Syste m (GPS) to re ach the de stination. Howe ve r
re pe ate d look ing at the de vice while driving be com e s risk y and cum be rsom e for safe ty re asons.
Encounte ring this proble m , this proje ct de als with sim plifying dire ctions to the de stination along
with notifications such as m isse d calls, te x t m e ssage s and we athe r update s on a sm all part of
the scre e n of a car's wind shie ld with the use of a m ini ine x pe nsive proje ctor. This pape r
discusse s how it was achie ve d through acquiring im age s of navigation, applying digital im age
proce ssing using Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) and incre asing its spe e d with the he lp of C om pute
Unifie d De vice Archite cture (C UDA).
Surv ey of Fast Block Motion Estim ation Algorithm s
Shaifali Madan Arora (Guru Gobind Singh Inderpratha University, Dwarka, New Delhi &
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, India) and Navin Rajpal (GGSIP University,
Tre m e ndous advance m e nts in vide o capturing and display te chnologie s and incre ase d vide o
applications in all are nas of life has raise d the de m and for e nhance m e nt in the fie ld of vide o
com pre ssion. Motion Estim ation ,a k e y com pone nt in m ost of the vide o data proce ssing base d
applications, has le d to an ongoing re se arch in this fie ld. Lots of algorithm s to e stim ate block
base d m otion and crite ria's to find be st m atching block had be e n de ve lope d. The curre nt work
re vie ws the advantage s, disadvantage s and various issue s pe rtaining to the se algorithm s. Also
the factors that have the ir im pact on accuracy and e fficie ncy of m otion e stim ation lik e block
m atching crite ria, e dge m atching in block s, corre lation be twe e n the ne ighboring block s, pix e l
sub-sam pling, size of se arch window, size of block s and ze ro m otion pre -judgm e nt have be e n
discusse d. Apart from all of the se the applicability, advantage s and disadvantage s of various
block m atching crite ria are re vie we d and m e ntione d.
Synthesizing Perception Based on Analysis of Cyber Attack Env ironm ents
Sherin Sunny (Amrita Center for Cyber Security, India), Krishnashree Achuthan (Amrita
School of Engineering, India) and Vipin Pavithran (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India)
Analyzing cybe r attack e nvironm e nts yie ld tre m e ndous insight into adve rsary be havior, the ir
strate gy and capabilitie s. De signing cybe r inte nsive gam e s that prom ote offe nsive and de fe nsive
activitie s to capture or prote ct asse ts assist in the unde rstanding of cybe r situational aware ne ss.
The re e x ists tangible m e trics to characte rizing gam e s such as C TFs to re solve the inte nsity and
aggre ssion of a cybe r attack . This pape r synthe size s the characte ristics of InC TF (India C TF) and
provide s an unde rstanding of the type s of vulne rabilitie s that have the pote ntial to cause
significant dam age by traine d hack e rs. The two m e trics i.e . tox icity and e ffe ctive ne ss and its
re lation to the final pe rform ance of e ach te am is de taile d in this conte x t.
Sys- log Classifier for Com plex Ev ent Processing System in Network Security
Keerthi Jayan (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham & Amrita University, India) and Archana K
Rajan (Amrita University, India)
Inte rne t is growing ve ry rapidly; so is its se curity issue s. The re are a wide varie ty of attack s
possible in ne twork e d m achine s. DO S attack , buffe r ove rflow attack , cross site attack , DNS
e x ploit attack are a fe w to nam e . W ithout se curity m e asure s and controls in place , ne twork and
data m ight be subje cte d to attack s. The com m only de ploye d se curity de vice s are fire wall, IDS,
IPS, anti-virus e tc. Pote ntial num be r of thre ats is still pe rvading which are form ulate d as attack s
by com bining m any unnotice d prim itive e ve nts. The be st solution is to install a C om ple x Eve nt
Proce ssing (C EP) syste m which can analyze m ultiple de vice s to infe r attack patte rns. Log
inform ation of ne twork de vice s is the be st choice for analysis. In a large ne twork , the re will be
m illions of e ve nts logge d. C orre late d analysis of this huge volum e of log is the m ain challe nge
in C EP syste m . W e de scribe a m e thod to re duce the input to the C EP syste m , using Support
Ve ctor Machine (SVM) classifie r. O ur e x pe rim e nt shows that the input size can be conside rably
re duce using the classifie r. He nce im prove s the work ing of C EP syste m .
System for Dynam ic Configuration of TCP Buffers Based on Operator
Vidhi Goel (Samsung India Electronics Pvt. Ltd. & Samsung Research Institute, India),
Deep Shikha Aggarwal (Samsung India Electronics Limited, India) and Arun Nirwan
(Samsung India Electronics Pvt. Ltd & SRI Noida, India)
For any ne twork conne ction, the data throughput of the e nd de vice is re late d to its TC P
(Transm ission C ontrol Protocol) buffe r size , ne twork late ncy and ne twork bandwidth. In re gions
whe re ope n m ark e t de vice s are popular lik e Europe an and Asian m ark e ts, the de vice s com e with
a static value of buffe r size s that are inde pe nde nt of ope rator's ne twork conditions conse que ntly
re sulting in e ithe r low throughput or wastage of k e rne l m e m ory in case of low bandwidth
ne twork s. To solve this proble m , we propose the conce pt of configuring the TC P buffe r size s
dynam ically base d on the value s obtaine d from the ope rator's se rve r. The optim al buffe r size s
would re m ain sam e for an ope rator ne twork in a re gion unde r spe cific ne twork conditions and can
be calculate d on the basis of the bandwidth and round trip tim e . Ex pe rim e ntal re sults pre se nte d
late r de m onstrate the significance of se tting the buffe r size s concordant with the ope rator's
Texture Classification by Rotational Inv ariant DCT Masks (RIDCTM) Features
T Ray (Tata Steel Ltd., India) and Pranab K. Dutta (IIT Kharagpur, India)
Fe ature s e x tracte d from te x ture database afte r convolution with the ze ro and nine ty de gre e
flippe d ve rsion of the original sub-m ask of Discre te C osine Transform (DC T) basis filte ring
m ask s of size 8X8 have be e n propose d as R otational Invariant DC T Mask s (R IDC TM) fe ature s.
Base d on the se fe ature s que ry im age s are classifie d e x ce lle ntly by m inim um distance classifie r.
Also propose d rotational invariant fe ature e x traction te chnique has be e n applie d to se gm e nt
capture d im age s of coal particle be longing to diffe re nt cate gory of size range . Although the
propose d te chnique alm ost e quals the pe rform ance of the re ce nt rotational invariant te chnique
base d on Gabor transform in te rm s of classification accuracy, its e fficacy lie s in e asie r
im ple m e ntation and le sse r com putational burde n lik e any re al transform .
Video Based Indoor Nav igation Using Sm art Dev ices
Shweta MA (Siemens Technologies and Services Private Limited, India), Nimmy John
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
(Siemens Technologies and Services Private Limited, India) and Rahul Raj (Siemens
Technology and Services Pvt. Ltd., India)
Mobile te chnology has re volutionize d the m ode rn world in countle ss ways. Sm art de vice s have
transform e d ne arly e ve ry aspe ct of our day-to-day live s. Mobile te chnology has le ft an
e ve rlasting im print on e ve ry industry, dom ain and te chnology. O ne such fie ld that has unde rgone
tre m e ndous change with the adve nt of m obile te chnology is navigation. W ith the he lp of m obile
te chnology, we can navigate ourse lve s to any corne r of the world. Sm art de vice s have brought
navigation to the finge r tip of use rs by providing built-in navigation and m ap applications. The se
applications facilitate accurate outdoor navigation using a Global Positioning Syste m (GPS).
Though the re are se ve ral applications and te chnique s for outdoor navigation, accurate navigation
within an indoor pre m ise is still a challe nge . This pape r puts forth a vide o base d indoor
navigation solution using a portable de vice .
Virtual Machine for Android Based Sm art Phone
Rakhi Joshi (University of Pune, India)
This Pape r e m phasize s Virtual Machine im ple m e ntation for Android base d Sm art Phone . It aim s
to achie ve Virtualization of Android Environm e nt and offload it to C loud base d Se rve r. Use r
acce ss to Android Environm e nt on Se rve r will be through the ir Android Sm art phone . The
offloading of C om putation and Storage will m inim ize usage of Use r's Sm art phone re source s
le ading to incre ase d availability of batte ry capacity. Use r's C lie nt m odule installe d on Sm art
phone will re quire fast inte rne t conne ction for se am le ss ope rations on the Virtual Machine . All the
Use r's inputs will be e x e cute d on Virtual Machine on C loud Se rve r. R e sults of the se ope rations
will be se nt to the Use r's Sm art phone via Im age transfe rs.
XDSched:A Synchronized Web Based and Mobile Based Solution for Exam iner's Duty
Maxwell Christian (Gujarat Technological University, India)
Allotm e nt and notification about the e x am ination dutie s to the conce rne d e x am ine rs is of the
prim e im portance whe n it com e s to the sm ooth and re gular conduction of e x am inations. But if
the se proce ss involve s tim e lag and com m unication gaps, the n it can arise m ajor
issue s/proble m s. So he re has be e n ide alize d and im ple m e nte d a solution to narrow down the
com m unication gap using a synchronize d we bsite and m obile application use d both for duty
allocation as we ll as notifications.
Em pirical Analysis of Factor Influencing ERP Im plem entation in Indian SMEs
Prashant Deshmukh (Mumbai University, India) and Gopakumar Thampi (Mumbai
University, India)
Sm all and Me dium scale e nte rprise s (SMEs) are opting for ER P (e nte rprise s re source planning)
im ple m e ntation so as to re m ain com pe titive in global m ark e t. The aim of the SMEs to opt for
ER P im ple m e ntation principally is to m anage and standardize busine ss proce ss e ffe ctive ly so as
to stre am line varie ty of local and global com pliance re quire m e nt of custom e r. In de ve loping
countrie s lik e India SME re pre se nt spinal chord of Indian e conom y by contributing about 17 % to
India's Gross Dom e stic Products (GDP) and 45 % to aggre gate industrial output. Howe ve r SMEs
are facing challe nge s to provide high quality product at low cost. Lite rature shows succe ssful
im ple m e ntation of ER P in large scale e nte rprise s howe ve r unable to de rive ER P im ple m e ntation
in Indian SMEs. This pape r focuse s on ide ntification of factors for succe ssful im ple m e ntation of
ER P in Indian SMEs through e x haustive industrial surve y in diffe re nt type of industrie s ranging
from m anufacturing to se rvice se ctor. Furthe r pape r analyse s ide ntifie d factors and prioritize
the m for succe ssful im ple m e ntation of ER P in SMEs
Analysing Cohesion and Coupling for Modular Ontologies
Shriya Sukalikar (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India), Sandeep Kumar
(Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India) and Niyati Baliyan (Indian
Institute of Technology Roorkee, India)
O ntologie s are an e sse ntial com pone nt of the Se m antic W e b and in re ce nt tim e s, the
significance of m odular ontologie s is large ly incre asing due to the ir supe riority ove r m onolithic
ontologie s. O ut of the m ultiple m odularization choice s available , the one which guarante e s be st
syste m de sign and pe rform ance should be applie d. Som e attribute s of m odular structure such as
cohe sion and coupling, de te rm ine the goodne ss of m odularization te chnique applie d. Fe w work s
are available in the fie ld of asse ssing m odular ontology in te rm s of cohe sion and coupling. Most
of such work s are e ithe r syntax base d or do not handle the structure of the ontological hie rarchy
during e valuation of cohe sion and coupling. W e propose an approach for analysing cohe sion and
coupling of m odular ontology, which m ay be use d in orde r to form ulate m e asure s for the sam e .
The e x te nt of de pe nde nce am ong the com pone nts of an ontology is analyse d for quantification,
which ack nowle dge s subtle diffe re nce s am ong re lationship type s. More ove r, our approach
accounts for structural de pe nde ncie s in ontology, thus m ak ing it a com pre he nsive m ode l.
18:30 - 20:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
C1: Banquet
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Room: Lawn Area Block E
Saturday, September 27
08:30 - 10:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
R4: Conference Registration
Room: Block E, Ground Floor (Reception)
09:00 - 13:15 (Asia/Kolkata)
S45: Sensor Networks, MANETs and VANETs - II
Room: 003 Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Sanat Sarangi (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India)
Rev iv ing Com m unication in Post Disaster Scenario Using ZIGBEE/GSM Heterogeneous
Debopriyo Banerjee (IIEST, Shibpur (formerly Bengal Engineering and Science
University, Shibpur), India) and Sipra DasBit (Bengal Engineering and Science
University, India)
The occurre nce of a catastrophic natural disaste r disrupts all com m unication syste m , and it tak e s
a lot of tim e to re cove r from that sce nario. A te m porary ad-hoc com m unication syste m is
re quire d for post-disaste r e m e rge ncy re scue ope rations. In de ve loping countrie s, whe re ve ry
sm all population of pe ople posse sse s sm art e x pe nsive gadge ts, a cost e ffe ctive ne twork solution
is re quire d in this re gard. This pape r provide s the de sign of a C e ll Phone Ex te nsion, which is
use d to e x te nd the low-e nd ce ll-phone s using ZIGBEE or W iFi conne ctivity. W e also propose thre e
alte rnative archite cture s of a he te roge ne ous ad-hoc pe rsonal are a ne twork , viz. com bining
ZIGBEE node s and ZIGBEE/GSM dual radio node s; sm art-phone s only and a com bination of
sm art-phone s and laptops. The propose d pe rsonal are a ne twork s he lp in de live ring te x t
m e ssage s opportunistically to the de sire d re cipie nt in abse nce of ce llular ne twork . O ut of the
thre e alte rnative s we have conside re d the first archite cture , whe re the node s can be air droppe d
from air-crafts on affe cte d are as, and thus ge t de ploye d. All the e x pe rim e nts are pe rform e d on
te st-be d, and the pe rform ance of our sche m e has be e n e valuate d by tak ing re sults in outdoor
e nvironm e nt. The re sults show the viability of the solution, in te rm s of de lay and succe ss rate of
m e ssage de live ry, in re viving com m unication while com m unication infrastructure is partially
dam age d.
Cryptanalysis and Enhancem ent of A Distributed Fine- grained Access Control in
Wireless Sensor Networks
Santanu Chatterjee (Research Center Imarat & Defence Research and Development
Organization, Hyderabad, India) and Sandip Roy (Asansol Engineering College, India)
Fine -graine d acce ss control is use d to assign unique acce ss privile ge to a particular use r for
acce ssing the re le vant inform ation. R e ce ntly, Yu e t al. and R uj e t al. propose d a couple of fine
graine d acce ss control sche m e s using public k e y cryptography. The se sche m e s e x ploit and
m ane uve r the conce pt of KP-ABE and a cryptographic te chnique base d on biline ar pairing on
e lliptic curve groups. In this pape r, we first show that though the se sche m e s are e fficie nt, but
both sche m e s suffe r from som e fatal we ak ne ss such as vulne rability against an inside r attack ,
spe cifically k e y abuse attack s by the ge nuine use rs. The re fore , a use r with lowe r acce ss privile ge
can acce ss the se cre t data se nt for a use r of highe r acce ss privile ge . This contradicts the basic
obje ctive of fine graine d acce ss control. Also, inform ation se nt for a particular use r can be
re ve ale d to an adve rsary. In orde r to re m e dy that we ak ne ss, we propose som e sim ple
counte rm e asure s to pre ve nt k e y-abuse inside r attack while the m e rits of e x isting fine graine d
acce ss control sche m e are le ft unchange d. Furthe r, our sche m e is unconditionally se cure against
various attack s such as m an-in-the -m iddle attack , re play attack and de nial of se rvice attack .
W hile providing the se e x tra se curity fe ature s, our sche m e incurs no such e x tra com m unication,
com putation or storage ove rhe ad as com pare d to the e x isting sche m e s.
Inv estigating the Security Threats in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs): Towards
Security Engineering for Safer On- Road Transportation
Parul Tyagi (JECRC, India) and Deepak Dembla (JECRC University Jaipur, India)
The state -of-the -art im prove m e nts in ce llular com m unication and ubiquitous availability of
inte rne t have le d to significant bre ak throughs in inte llige nt transportation syste m s whe re
conne ctivity, autonom ous driving and infotainm e nt play a pivotal role in the e nhance d driving
e x pe rie nce . The Ve hicle ad hoc Ne twork s (VANET) have e m e rge d as a distinguishe d branch of
wire le ss com m unication pe rtaining to transportation syste m s. VANET is inte nde d to dispe nse on-
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
road ve hicle safe ty and to boost the com fort e x pe rie nce d by drive rs, passe nge rs and othe r
com m ute rs. W he re as VANET offe rs e x citing applications and e x plore s unfam iliar dim e nsions in
transportation, conce rns re garding VANET se curity also continue to inte nsify. Se curity of ve hicular
ne twork s, the authe nticity and inte grity of data disse m ination re m ains a conce rn of utm ost
significance in VANET de ploym e nt. VANET archite cture , by virtue of an abundance of ne twork e d
ve hicle s, is susce ptible to ille gal use , unauthorize d acce ss, protocol tunne ling, e ave sdropping,
and de nial-of-se rvice as the ve hicle s are unk nowingly e x pose d to ille gitim ate inform ation from
unide ntifie d adve rsarie s. This pape r inve stigate s the se curity aspe cts of VANET and the attack s
and vulne rabilitie s the VANET archite cture is prone to. The study of se curity fe ature s and flaws is
e x pe cte d to le ad to de ve lope d broadcasting and routing se rvice s, adding to the quality-ofse rvice . Due to m obility of ve hicle s, large scale ne twork s, rapidly re structuring node s and
fre que ntly changing topological structure ; a fundam e ntal re quire m e nt of VANETs is to e nsure
safe transm ission of the tim e critical data. The pape r e x am ine s various se curity thre ats in
VANETs, analyse s how the y are im ple m e nte d and the ir im pact on the VANET se curity archite cture .
A fe w gaps in the VANET se curity fram e work s have also be e n highlighte d which can be work e d
upon in the future .
Energy Efficient Unequal Clustering and Routing Algorithm s for Wireless Sensor
Srikanth Jannu (Indian School of Mines, India) and Prasanta Kumar Jana (Indian
School of Mines, India)
The se nsor node s de ploye d in wire le ss se nsor ne twork s (W SNs) are se ve re ly e ne rgy constraine d.
Thus, m ax im izing life tim e of the ne twork is prim arily de te rm ine d in the algorithm de sign. In
m any applications, the node s close r to the sink are ove rburde ne d with huge traffic load as the
data from the e ntire re gion are forwarde d through the m to re ach to the sink . As a re sult, the ir
e ne rgy ge ts e x hauste d quick ly and the ne twork is partitione d. This is com m only k nown as hot
spot proble m . O n the othe r hand the e qual size cluste rs waste powe r according to the ne twork
de nsity. This proble m is calle d e qual cluste ring proble m . In this pape r, we addre ss the hot spot
proble m as we ll as e qual cluste ring proble m and pre se nt une qual size cluste ring and routing
algorithm s by conside ring the e ne rgy e fficie ncy of the W SN. The algorithm s are te ste d with
various sce narios of W SN and e x pe rim e ntal re sults show that the propose d algorithm s pe rform
be tte r than the e x isting one s in te rm s of ne twork life tim e , ave rage e ne rgy consum ption of a
se nsor node and num be r of active se nsor node s.
Com pact Clustering Based Geom etric Tour Planning for Mobile Data Gathering
Mechanism in Wireless Sensor Network
Indrajit Banerjee (Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur,
India), Bishakha Datta (IIEST, Shibpur, India), Anamika Kumari (IIEST, Shibpur, India)
and Shrabani Mandal (IIEST, Shibpur, India)
In this pape r we propose a ne w cluste ring base d data gathe ring m e chanism for large scale
wire le ss se nsor ne twork s. O ur propose d m e chanism first store s the locations of the se nsors by
GPS inform ation and the n se nds a m obile data-colle ctor (which can be a autonom ous robot or a
ve hicle e quippe d with a transce ive r and batte ry) which can m ove into the whole se nsing fie ld and
colle ct data from the static se nsors lik e a m ovable base station. He re at first our algorithm
divide s the re gion into a num be r of com pact re gions according to the range of the m obile
colle ctor and the n de te rm ine s a ge om e trical routing path along which the m obile colle ctor can
m ove and colle ct data from the se nsors all in single hop data transm ission te chnique and in
m inim al tim e . Since data pack e ts are dire ctly gathe re d without re lays and collisions, the re fore
the life tim e of the se nsors are e x pe cte d to be prolonge d. In our algorithm we have focuse d
m ainly on the facts lik e m ax im izing the ne twork cove rage , m inim izing the ove rlapping of the
re gions , m ax im izing the num be r of node s ge tting atte nde d in one poll by the m obile colle ctor
and m inim izing the path le ngth so that the colle ctor can cove r the whole re gion in m inim um
tim e . The sim ulation re sults show a significant im prove d pe rform ance of propose d m ode l.
Ev aluating the Perform ance of Reactiv e I- LEACH
Vinay Kehar (Punjab Technical University, India) and Rajdeep Singh (PIT, Kapurthala
(PTU Main Campus), India)
Due to lim ite d batte ry of se nsor node s, so e ne rgy e fficie ncy found to be a m ain constraint in
wire le ss se nsor ne twork . The re fore the m ain focus of the pre se nt work is to find the ways to
m inim ize the e ne rgy consum ption proble m that will re sults; e nhance m e nt in the ne twork stability
pe riod and life tim e . To achie ve this we propose a te chnique in which algorithm will work in a
re active way, along with this cluste r he ad will be se le cte d on basis of thre e le ve l de cision tre e .
R e sidual e ne rgy is one of m ain param e te r in de cision tre e ; prote ction m e chanism is also use d to
m aintain the balance be twe e n cluste rs. The location of base station is also optim ize d in such a
way that base station will be k e pt in the high node de nsity re gion. Propose d algorithm is
de signe d and im ple m e nte d in MATLAB. Propose d algorithm provide s be tte r re sults than e x isting
cluste ring protocols.
Irrigation with Grid Architecture Sensor Network
Ravi Kishore Kodali (National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India) and Lakshmi
Boppana (National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India)
The re are various irrigation te chnique s use d to save wate r lik e localize d irrigation, sprink le rs and
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
sub-irrigation. W ith the usage of wire le ss se nsor ne twork in irrigation only those spe cific are as
which have the ne e d are irrigate d with lim ite d am ount of wate r to save ove r irrigation. In this
pape r W SN use s the grid routing te chnique whe re the whole of the fie ld are a unde r obse rvation is
divide d into grids of se le cte d le ngth and bre adth. The soil wate r conte nt re adings are m e asure d
using a soil wate r conte nt se nsor m ade by wate rm ark and is obse rve d for a tim e pe riod. The grid
routing archite cture is sim ulate d in ns-3 and the ave rage e ne rgy of ne twork , the de ad node
patte rn and grid structure is plotte d against the num be r of rounds.
An Im prov ed Cluster Maintenance Schem e for Mobile AdHoc Networks
Sunil Pathak (JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur, India, India), Nitul Dutta (MEF Group of
Institutions, Rajkot, India) and Sonal Jain (JK Lakshmipat University, India)
C luste r base d routing in Mobile AdHoc Ne twork s (MANETs) im prove s pe rform ance of routing by
m aintaining route inform ation within a cluste r he ad (C H). Howe ve r, due to the m ove m e nt of C H,
ne w C Hs are re quire d to be se le cte d from tim e to tim e and he nce introduce additional ove rhe ad.
If the fre que ncy of C H changing could be re duce d the n the cluste r base d routing would be a
be tte r choice for routing in MANETs. This pape r propose s an Im prove d C luste r Mainte nance
Sche m e (IC MS) prim arily focuse d on m inim izing fre que ncy of C H changing proce ss. The
propose d m e thod m ak e s cluste r m ore stable . The propose d IC MS is sim ulate d in ns-2 and
com pare d with Le ast C luste r he ad C hange (LC C ), (C BR P) and Incre m e ntal Mainte nance Sche m e
(IMS) in te rm s of num be r of cluste r he ad change s, num be r of cluste r m e m be r change s and
cluste ring ove rhe ad by varying spe e d and pause tim e for m obile node s. The sim ulation re sults
show that IC MS pe rform be tte r ove r LC C , C BR P and IMS.
AnchLP: An Anchor Based Localization Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Ash Mohammad Abbas (Aligarh Muslim University, India) and Hamzah Ali Abdulrahman
Qasem (Aligarh Muslim University, India)
De vising a protocol for localization in a wire le ss se nsor ne twork is a challe nging task . In this
pape r, we pre se nt a localization protocol for a wire le ss se nsor ne twork . In our protocol, a node
com pute s its location using the locations of e ithe r anchor node s or node s whose locations are
alre ady com pute d and the ir distance e stim ate s. O ur protocol is distribute d and doe s not ne e d
the inform ation about the topology of the whole ne twork to be available at a ce ntralize d node .
O ur protocol is asynchronous as it doe s not ne e d the clock s of node s in the ne twork to be
synchronize d. Each node in the ne twork re lie s on its local clock . O ur protocol is scalable and can
be applie d to a ne twork with re lative ly a large num be r of node s. To e valuate the pe rform ance of
our protocol, we carrie d out sim ulations. W e study the e ffe ct of transm ission range and anchor
de nsity on the localizability and localization e rrors. Furthe r, we provide d an e x pre ssion for
com puting the probability of localization of a se nsor in a wire le ss se nsor ne twork .
Scheduled Collision Av oidance in Wireless Sensor Network Using Zigbee
Dnyaneshwar Mantri (Aaborg University & CTIF, GISFI India, Denmark), Neeli Rashmi
Prasad (Center for TeleInFrastructure (CTIF), Denmark) and Ramjee Prasad (Aalborg
University, Denmark)
Transm ission re liability and e ne rgy consum ption are two critical conce rns associate d with wire le ss
se nsor ne twork de sign as batte ry-powe re d se nsor node s are e x pe cte d to ope rate autonom ously
for a long tim e . W ith the incre ase in re liability of transm ission, the e ne rgy consum ption incre ase s
by affe cting the e fficie ncy of the ne twork . This pape r propose s the sche dule d base d C ollision
Avoidance (SC A) algorithm for finding the trade off be twe e n re liability and e ne rgy e fficie ncy by
fusion of C SMA/C A and TDMA te chnique s in Zigbe e / IEEE802.15.4. It use s the m ulti-path data
propagation for collision avoidance and e ffe ctive utilization of channe l providing e fficie nt e ne rgy
consum ption. It analyse s diffe re nt sche duling sche m e s to provide an appropriate solution for
re ducing collisions and im proving ne twork life tim e .
S46: Sensor Networks, MANETs and VANETs - III
Room: 004 Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Dnyaneshwar Mantri (Aaborg University &amp; CTIF, GISFI India, Denmark)
An Energy Aware Routing Design to Maxim ize Lifetim e of a Wireless Sensor Network
with a Mobile Base Station
Indrajit Banerjee (Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur,
India), Suriti Chakrabarti (Indian Institute of Engineering, Science and Technology,
Shibpur, India), Arunava Bhattacharyya (Indian Institute of Engineering Science and
Technology, India) and Utsav Ganguly (Indian Institute Of Engineering, Science And
Technology, Shibpur, India)
Due to the nature of m any-to-one or m any-to-fe w traffic patte rns in W ire le ss Se nsor Ne twork s
(W SNs), som e critical node s ove rload and te nd to e x haust the ir e ne rgy at an e arly age bringing
the whole ne twork down. Typically, m ost routing algorithm s e m ploy a re liable cost m e tric to route
the data but are unable to e nsure balance d e ne rgy consum ption from all the node s in the W SN.
In this pape r, we have e m ploye d an e ne rgy aware routing algorithm to route data pack e ts in a
ne twork with m obile base station. The routing algorithm balance s the e ne rgy utilize d from the
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
hotspot node s and e nsure s prope r utilization of the whole ne twork . W e have e valuate d the
pe rform ance of our algorithm with othe r conte m porary routing algorithm s and the sim ulation
re sults show a significant im prove m e nt in pe rform ance in te rm s of ne twork life tim e .
Energy Efficient Approach Through Clustering and Data Filtering in WSN
Nidhi Gautam (Panjab University Chandigarh, India) and Renu Vig (Panjab University,
W ire le ss Se nsor Ne twork has be e n wide ly use d in various application are as lik e patie nt care ,
habitat m onitoring, se nsing physical param e te rs, traffic m onitoring and so on. The re source
lim itation of se nsor node s has force d the re se arche rs to innovate ne w te chnique s for im proving
the ne twork life tim e . Many te chnique s have be e n propose d lik e cluste ring, data fusion, data
filte ring, routing in hom oge nous as we ll as in he te roge ne ous ne twork s. Due to re source lim itation
and availability of diffe re nt type s of se nsor node s; the focus has be e n shifte d towards
he te roge ne ous ne twork s. The approach of lim ite d m obility with fe w m obile se nsor node s has also
be e n sugge ste d for ne twork longe vity. C luste ring and data aggre gation in he te roge ne ous
ne twork s has be e n playing an im portant role in wire le ss se nsor ne twork s. In this pape r;
cluste ring and data filte ring approach has be e n use d in he te roge ne ous ne twork s for ne twork
longe vity. Am ong cluste ring algorithm s, a com parison of VAS (Voronoi Ant Syste m s) and LEAC HC (Low Ene rgy Adaptive C luste ring Hie rarchy-C e ntralize d) has be e n pre se nte d. Am ong data
filte ring algorithm s, a com parison of MTW SW (Modifie d Two W ay Sliding W indow) and TW SW
(Two W ay Sliding W indow) algorithm has be e n pre se nte d. The approach use d in this pape r is
applicable both for critical as we ll as for non-critical applications in wire le ss se nsor ne twork s.
Adaptiv e Learning Assisted Routing in Wireless Sensor Network Using Multi Criteria
Decision Model
Suman Sankar Bhunia (Jadavpur University, India), Sarbani Roy (Jadavpur University,
India) and Nandini Mukherjee (Jadavpur University, India)
W ire le ss Se nsor Ne twork (W SN) is one of the m ost de m anding re se arch topics pre vale nt in the
m ode rn re se arch dom ain. W SN consists of de nse ly de ploye d se nsor node s in the are a which is to
be se nse d or m onitore d. Eve ry tiny se nsor node ne e ds to transm it the se nse d data to m ore
powe rful sink node s. Se nse d data m ay re ach sink node through m ultiple hops. As the se nsor
node s are re source constraint, m ost of the data forwarding algorithm s e m ploy putting thre shold
of k e y param e te rs and im ple m e nt e ve nt drive n route s. Inste ad, we would conside r m ultiple
param e te rs sim ultane ously for de te rm ining route to se nd the data to sink . In this pape r, we
have propose d routing sche m e using Multi C rite ria De cision Mak ing te chnique whe re e ach
crite rion is assigne d with a we ight. An adaptive le arning m e thod is use d to de te rm ine the
we ights. This routing sche m e e nsure s robust pack e t re ce ption ratio.
Context- awareness based intelligent driv er behav ior detection: Integrating Wireless
Sensor networks and Vehicle ad hoc networks
Abhishek Gupta (JECRC, India), Venimadhav Sharma (Rajastahn Technical University,
India), Naresh Ruparam (JECRC, India), Surbhi Jain (JECRC, Jaipur, India), Abdulmalik
Alhammad (De Montfort University, United Kingdom) and Md Afsar Kamal Ripon (DMU,
United Kingdom)
The state -of-the -art advance m e nts in wire le ss com m unication and pe rvasive inte rne t capabilitie s
have le d to significant bre ak throughs in inte llige nt transportation syste m s whe re conne ctivity,
autonom ous driving and infotainm e nt play a k e y role in the e nhance d driving e x pe rie nce . The
Ve hicle ad hoc Ne twork s has e m e rge d as a distinguishe d branch of wire le ss com m unication; that
pe rtains cate gorically to transportation syste m s. In the re ce nt ye ars, the e volutionary arc, de pth
and scope of inte rne t utilitie s in the transportation syste m s, particularly for on-road ve hicle s,
have be e n applie d to solve som e of the se curity and road-safe ty issue s. The road transportation
syste m with the he lp of VANET is be ing e volve d into a safe r and e fficie nt archite cture . This pape r
introduce s a conce ptual de sign of VANET base d nove l drive r-be havior de te ction syste m that
utilize s wire le ss se nsors and the conce pt of conte x t-aware ne ss, m ark ing a vital ste p towards
im proving road safe ty. The drive r-be havior is de fine d as an unce rtain conte x t characte rize d by
constant inte raction be twe e n the drive r, the ve hicle and the e nvironm e nt. This pape r introduce s
nove l 3-tie r archite cture for re al-tim e drive r-be havior de te ction that use s Swarm Inte llige nce to
re ason about the conte x tual unce rtainty and to de duce the drive r be havior. The syste m is
de signe d to de te ct five style s of driving be havior viz.: drunk , wayward, rash, fatigue d/drowsy and
acce ptable driving and se nds out an ale rt if the drive r is de te cte d in an unde sire d state while
driving. The syste m is propose d to be im ple m e nte d in Ne twork Sim ulator-3. The obje ctive of this
pape r is to contribute towards de ve loping suitable safe ty m e asure s for road transport whe re
drive rs, sm art ve hicle s and road-side infrastructure work in collaboration using the available
conte x t inform ation
Adaptiv e Ant Colony Network Coding To Neighbour Topology Based Broadcasting
Techniques in MANETs
Geet Kalani (Central University of Rajasthan, India), Kanakala Srinivas (Vaagdevi
College of Engineering & Osmania University, India) and Aitha Nagaraju (CURAJ, India)
In Mobile Ad-Hoc ne twork s, broadcasting is m ost fre que ntly use d ope ration in the ne twork laye r
to forward the control pack e ts to all its ne ighbour node s. Source or Inte rm e diate node transm its
a re broadcast pack e t to any or all othe r node s whe ne ve r it re ce ive s, which could ge ne rate
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
duplicate transm issions and it e nds up in a significant downside 'Broadcast Storm proble m '. The
re se arche rs have be e n propose d 2-Hop Ne ighbour base d protocol lik e DP, TDP, PDP and APDP to
re duce broadcast storm in MANETs by choosing the m inim um num be r of forwarding node s using
se lf pruning and dom inant pruning. Nowadays, the re se arche rs have be e n adapting Ne twork
coding ide a (C O PE) to ne ighbour topology base d protocols which ove rcom e the num be r of
transm ission by victim isation the using arithm e tic ope ration i.e . XO R of pack e ts. In this pape r,
we have m ade an e ffort to introduce Ant colony optim ization to the C O PE protocol with Pruning
Algorithm . In this approach, we are using phe rom one value to de cide the pack e t com bination.
The phe rom one value is e valuate d base d on the inte rse ction of the se nde r pack e t list and
Pruning algorithm forward node pack e t list. W e have m ade an atte m pt to se e k out the ne twork
coding gain in the high and low load situations and also in de lay tole rant applications. W e 've
shown sim ulation de tails in re sult se ction.
DDEC: Distance based Determ inistic Energy Efficient Clustering Protocol for Wireless
Sensor Networks
Prabhleen Kaur (Punjab Institute of Technology, Kapurthala(Punjab Technical
University Main Campus), India) and Rajdeep Singh (PIT, Kapurthala (PTU Main
Campus), India)
Due to e asy de ploym e nt of wire le ss se nsor ne twork at unre achable track , it is achie ving a gre at
atte ntion in all fie lds. W ire le ss se nsor ne twork s com pose d of little size sm art se nsor node s
place d at a particular re gion to se nse data and se nd data be ing se nse d to sink dire ctly or with
the he lp of othe r se nsor node s. Ene rgy of se nsor node s is ve ry le ss and he nce e fficie nt
utilization of e ne rgy of se nsor node s is conside re d as a m ajor com pone nt to prolong the ne twork
life tim e . W e have propose d a distance base d de te rm inistic e ne rgy e fficie nt cluste ring protocol
which is se lf-organizing, distribute d, dynam ic and e ne rgy e fficie nt protocol. It se le cts cluste r he ad
on the crite ria of re sidual e ne rgy and approx im ate radius of cluste r. O ur protocol guarante e s
uniform and we ll distribute d e le ction of fix e d num be r of cluste r he ad. Sim ulation im ple m e nte d in
MATLAB re fle cts be tte r re sults of our propose d protocol com parable to the e x isting protocols in
he te roge ne ous e nvironm e nt in te rm s of stability pe riod and ne twork life tim e .
Multi- Agent Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network Using Source Grouping
Divya Lohani (Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, India), Priti Singh
(IIITA, India) and Shirshu Varma (Indian Institute of Information Technology
Allahabad, India)
Mobile age nts in wire le ss se nsor ne twork s provide m any advantage s in com parison of
conve ntional clie nt/se rve r archite cture . Mobile Age nts follow code to data approach and thus
pe rform the task of data aggre gation at the node s rathe r than at the proce ssing e le m e nt. This
approach re duce s in- ne twork data transm ission, thus im proving bandwidth usage and prolonging
ne twork life tim e . Use of m ultiple m obile age nts inste ad of single m obile age nt allows the task to
ge t com ple te d in a coope rative m anne r. In this pape r, we pre se nt a m ulti age nt solution for data
aggre gation using source grouping along with tre e base d orde ring. Ex te nsive sim ulations have
prove d be tte r re sults in te rm s of e ne rgy consum e d and late ncy in com parison of othe r
approache s.
Perform ance Analysis of Topology based Routing in a VANET
Raj Bala (NITTTR, Chandigarh, India) and Rama Krishna Challa (National Institute of
Technical Teachers Training & Research & NITTTR, Sector 26 Chandigarh, India)
Ve hicular Ad Hoc Ne twork s (VANET) is a variant of Mobile Ad Hoc Ne twork s (MANET) in which
com m unication node s are m ainly ve hicle s. VANETs are he te roge ne ous ne twork s which provide
wire le ss com m unication am ong ve hicle s and ve hicle to R oad Side Units (R SU). Now-a-days, it has
be com e an inte re sting are a of re se arch as it is inte nde d to im prove Inte llige nt Transport Syste m
(ITS). To e x ploit e ffe ctive com m unication am ong ve hicle s, routing is the k e y factor which ne e ds
to be inve stigate d. This pape r inte nds to analyze the pe rform ance of AO DV routing protocol in a
VANET in various sce narios unde r diffe re nt traffic conditions with re spe ct to Pack e t De live ry R atio
(PDR ) and Ave rage End-to-End De lay (E2ED). Sim ulation is pe rform e d using NS-2.35 in
com bination with Vane tMobiSim . It has be e n found that AO DV pe rform s be tte r in urban sce nario
than in highway sce nario in te rm s of PDR and E2ED. It has also be e n found that the pe rform ance
of AO DV is im prove d by using IEEE 802.11p inste ad of IEEE 802.11.
G- MOHRA:Green Multi- Objectiv e Hybrid Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor
Nandkumar Kulkarni (Aalborg University, Denmark), Neeli Rashmi Prasad (Center for
TeleInFrastructure (CTIF), Denmark) and Ramjee Prasad (Aalborg University,
In W ire le ss Se nsor Ne twork s (W SNs), m ulti-obje ctive optim ization com prise s m ore than one
obje ctive function to be im prove d sim ultane ously whe re the re is a com prom ise be twe e n two or
m ore contradictory obje ctive s. The optim ization m e thod m ust be e ne rgy com pe te nt in te rm s of
utilization and com m unication. This pape r propose s a nove l m ulti-obje ctive optim ization m e thod
k nown as Gre e n (Ene rgy Efficie nt)-Multi-O bje ctive Hybrid R outing Algorithm (G-MO HR A) in W SNs.
G-MO HR A use s hie rarchical cluste ring. The inform ation is dispatche d using the fine st path that
use s a we ighte d ave rage of various m e trics in orde r to achie ve e ne rgy e fficie ncy and e ne rgy
stability in the e ntire ne twork . G-MO HR A use s various m e trics such as Ave rage Ene rgy
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
consum ption (AEC ), C ontrol O ve rhe ad, R e action Tim e , Link Q uality Indicator (LQ I), and HO P
C ount for ide ntifying the be st path from source to sink . In this pape r, G-MO HR A use s obje ctive
functions that are said to be conflicting and provide s Pare to optim al solutions. The pe rform ance
of G-MO HR A is e valuate d through inte nsive sim ulation and e quate d with Sim ple Hybrid R outing
Protocol (SHR P) and Dynam ic Multi-obje ctive R outing Algorithm (DyMO R A). The m e trics such as
AEC , R e sidual Ene rgy, Pack e t De live ry R atio, Jitte r, and Norm alize d R outing Load are use d for
com parison. Pe rform ance of G-MO HR A has be e n obse rve d to outclass SHR P and DyMO R A. It
im prove s the Pack e t De live ry R atio by 18.72% as com pare d to SHR P and 24.98 % as com pare d
to DyMO R A. G-MO HR A outpe rform s SHR P and DyMO R A in te rm s of Ave rage Ene rgy C onsum ption
by a factor of 19.79 % and 15.52 % as com pare d to SHR P and DyMO R A re spe ctive ly.
A 4- Stage Heterogeneous Network Model in WSNs
Samayveer Singh (NSIT, India), Satish Chand (Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology,
India) and Bijendra Kumar (Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, India)
In this pape r, we propose a 4-stage he te roge ne ous ne twork m ode l that can de fine s the stage -1,
stage -2, stage -3, and stage -4, he te roge ne ity. W e conside r the stable e le ction protocol (SEP) to
e stim ate the ne twork life tim e and accordingly call its im ple m e ntations as HSEP-1, HSEP-2, HSEP3, and HSEP4. The HSEP-1 is the original SEP protocol in which the ne twork contains the sam e
e ne rgy for all node s. The HSEP-2, HSEP-3, and HSEP-4, contain two, thre e , and four stage of
e ne rgy, re spe ctive ly. Incre asing the stage of e ne rgy, the ne twork life tim e incre ase s conside rably.
The HSEP-2, HSEP-3 and HSEP-4 incre ase the ne twork life tim e by 49.42%, 110.29%, and
248.64% corre sponding to the incre ase in the ne twork e ne rgy by 38.58%, 72.58%, and 169.40%
with re spe ct to the HSEP-1.
S49: Pattern Recognition, Signal and Image Processing-III
Room: 104 Block E First Floor
Chairs: Vikrant Bhateja (Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group of Professional Colleges, Lucknow
(UP), India), Angshul Majumdar (Indraprastha Institute Of Information Technology-Delhi
&amp; University of British Columbia, India)
Classification of White Blood Cells Based on Morphological Features
Anjali Gautam (Uttarakhand Technical University, India) and Harvindra Bhadauria
(Uttarakhand Technical University, India)
The e x traction of nucle us from the blood sm e ar im age s of white blood ce lls (W BC ) provide s the
valuable inform ation to doctors for ide ntification of diffe re nt k inds of dise ase s as m ost of the
dise ase s pre se nt in body can be ide ntifie d by analyzing blood. Manually it ve ry soporific and
tire som e to se gm e nt the nucle us and afte r that classification is done on the basis of that
be side s that the instrum e nts which are use d by e x pe rts for se gm e ntation and classification of
white blood ce lls are not affordable by e ve ry hospitals and clinics, so autom atic syste m is
pre fe rable which re duce s the tim e s of se gm e ntation and classification. In our re se arch we focus
on se gm e ntation of nucle us from blood sm e ar im age s using O tsu's thre sholding te chnique
applie d afte r contrast stre tching and histogram e qualization of im age followe d by m inim um filte r
for re ducing noise and incre asing brightne ss of nucle us, m athe m atical m orphological is done to
re m ove the com pone nts which are not W BC s, the n shape base d fe ature s are e x tracte d on the
basis of that classification rule is applie d to classify the m in the ir five cate gory. The classification
of nucle us is ne ce ssary as the y are use d to ide ntify diffe re nt k ind of dise ase s which are re late d
to e ach type of white blood ce lls and also he lp in diffe re ntial blood count of ce lls.
Co- occurrence Matrix and Statistical Features as an Approach for Mass Classification
Jaya Sharma (Amity University, India), Jaynendra Kumar Rai (Amity School of
Engineering and Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India) and Ravi Tewari
(MNNIT, Allahabad, India)
This pape r pre se nts a te x ture base d approach for distinguishing m ass from norm al bre ast tissue
in a m am m ogram . Ide ntification of high probability are a as m ass is done on the basis of
statistical fe ature s obtaine d from Gray-Le ve l-C o-occurre nce Matrix (GLC M) of m am m ogram
im age . The input m am m ogram is first pre -proce sse d to re m ove the labe ling artifacts and
e nhance d using adaptive histogram e qualization. Unwante d de tails from the m am m ogram are
e x clude d on the basis of block proce ssing and histogram base d fe ature s are e x tracte d. Fe ature s
base d on GLC M are com pute d and analyze d to distinguish a suspicious m ass from a non-m ass
re gion. O btaine d re sults are prom ising in te rm s of corre ct classification. C ontrast and e ne rgy
m e asure from GLC M and m e an, standard de viation and e ntropy he lps to appropriate ly
diffe re ntiate m align m ass and norm al tissue are a.
Adaptiv e Matrix Design For LDPC Based Im age Processing System
Jaypal Jagdish Baviskar (VJTI, Mumbai & Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute,
Mumbai, India), Afshan Mulla (Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, India), Amol
Baviskar (Mumbai University & Universal College of Engineering, Vasai, Maharashtra,.,
India) and Chirag Warty (Intelligent Communication lab & Director, Quantspire, India)
In the fie ld of com m unication, coding the data is the m ost crucial part. Since transm ission
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
channe l is ve ry m uch susce ptible to noise , it be com e s im pe rative to channe l code the data to be
transm itte d. This pape r pre se nts an im prove d and faste r Low De nsity Parity C he ck (LDPC ) base d
algorithm , for channe l coding grayscale im age s of 'n*n' dim e nsion. It constructs the e ncode d
im age , by arranging bits into 8n data ve ctors and m odulating it with BPSK m odulation
te chnique .The nove l approch for de signing an adaptive m atrix as a function of input im age size
is de scribe d in the pape r. The de coding algorithm is we ll e quippe d with a probabilistic approach.
Furthe r analyzing the pe rform ance of the algorithm shows im prove d re stitution of im age s, that
are affe cte d by AW GN noise . He nce , LDPC code s prove the ir dom inance ove r othe r coding
sche m e s viz. Turbo code s, BC H e tc, for applications such as m e dical im aging, de e pspace
com m unications and m ultim e dia.
Im age Com pression Schem e Based on Zig- Zag 3D- DCT and LDPC Coding
Jaypal Jagdish Baviskar (VJTI, Mumbai & Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute,
Mumbai, India), Afshan Mulla (Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, India), Amol
Baviskar (Mumbai University & Universal College of Engineering, Vasai, Maharashtra,.,
India) and Chirag Warty (Intelligent Communication lab & Director, Quantspire, India)
The prim e ne ce ssity in com m unication syste m s is utilizing the available bandwidth e fficie ntly.
He nce , com pre ssion of data to be se nt ove r the link has be com e ine vitable . In this pape r, an
algorithm for com pre ssing hype rspe ctral space im age s base d on ZigZag 3D-DC T (Discre te C osine
Transform ) te chnique is propose d. This m e thod conve rts 2D gray-scale im age s into a 3
dim e nsional cube form ation of 8*8*8 pix e ls and is ope rate d with DC T. The re afte r the
quantization and zig-zag scanning proce sse s are im ple m e nte d. Afte r com ple ting the proce sse s,
the 1D data ve ctor form e d facilitate s in achie ving be tte r com pre ssion using run-le ngth coding.
Also, in orde r to de sign a com ple te practical syste m , a suitable irre gular LDPC e ncode r is
im ple m e nte d in orde r to m itigate losse s pre se nt in com m unication link . The pe rform ance of the
algorithm is ve rifie d by plotting various quality m e asure m e nt graphs, and de te rm ining its
dom inance ove r standard JPEG.
A Rate Allocation Method for Motion JPEG2000
Shailesh Ramamurthy (Arris India, India)
This pape r de scribe s a m e thodology for rate control in Motion JPEG2000. R ate control on the
chose n fram e (s) of the se que nce is first carrie d out unde r the "C hose n-Fram e -R ate -Allocator"
(C FR A) Phase . The C FR A phase progre sse s in tande m with the m ain com pre ssion proce ss, unde r
which the initial pre diction of "Distortion-R ate " (R D) slope s for coding data from all code -block s is
followe d by a gre e dy approach for rate allocation within the chose n fram e (s). In the ne x t phase ,
re fe rre d to as the "Adaptation Phase ", the Motion JPEG2000 rate allocator use s an e le gant
adaptation of the Lagrangian m ultiplie r across fram e s, to achie ve rate allocation for the
re m aining fram e s, i. e . othe r than those involve d in the C FR A phase . De tails on the
m e thodology and the re sulting com putational savings have be e n cove re d in the pape r.
Contrast Lim ited Adaptiv e Histogram Equalization Based Enhancem ent for Real Tim e
Video System
Garima Yadav (Govt Women Engineering College, India), Saurabh Maheshwari (Govt.
Women Engineering College Ajmer & Student Member IEEE, India) and Anjali Agarwal
(Govt. Women Engineering College, Ajmer, India)
C ontrast lim ite d adaptive histogram e qualization (C LAHE) is a contrast e nhance m e nt m e thod
which is use d to im prove the visibility le ve l of foggy im age or vide o. In this pape r we use d C LAHE
e nhance m e nt m e thod for im proving the vide o quality in re al tim e syste m . Adaptive histogram
e qualization is diffe re nt from norm al histogram e qualization be cause in this m e thod use se ve ral
m e thod e ach corre sponding to diffe re nt parts of im age and use d the m to re distribute the
lightne ss value of the im age and in case of C LAHE 'Distribution' param e te r are use d to de fine
the shape of histogram which produce the be tte r quality re sult com pare the n adaptive histogram
e qualization (AHE). In this algorithm rayle igh distribution param e te r are use d which cre ate be ll
shape d histogram . The drawback of AHE is work ove r hom oge ne ous fog but C LAHE applie d ove r
both hom oge ne ous and he te roge ne ous fog and single im age and vide o syste m . And the se cond
drawback of AHE is use d 'cum ulation function' which applie d ove r only gray le ve l im age but C LAHE
use d both im age s colore d and gray le ve l.
Nov el Method for Im age Splicing Detection
Saba Mushtaq (NIT Srinagar, India) and Ajaz Mir (National Institute of Technology,
This pape r pre se nts an im age splicing de te ction m e thod base d on te x ture fe ature s of splice d
im age . Splicing is a ve ry com m on ope ration pe rform e d for im age forge ry. Splicing involve s
m e rging of two or m ore im age s to form a com posite im age that is significantly diffe re nt from the
original im age . The propose d approach calculate s gre y le ve l run le ngth m atrix (GLR LM) te x ture
fe ature s for the forge d im age s and original im age s from C ASIA database and DB2 database .
The statistical fe ature s thus e x tracte d from GLR LM are use d for de te ction of tam pe ring. Support
ve ctor m achine is use d for classification. R e sults show that the propose d algorithm is ve ry
e ffe ctive in de te ction of splicing forge ry.
An Integrated Approach to Content Based Im age Retriev al
Roshi Choudhary (Graphic Era University, India), Nikita Raina (Graphic Era University,
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
India), Neeshu Chaudhary (Graphic Era University, India), Rashmi Chauhan (Graphic
Era University, India) and R H Goudar (Graphic Era University, India)
From the past fe w ye ars, conte nt base d im age re trie val has re ce ive d a wide atte ntion. C onte nt
Base d Im age R e trie val (C BIR ) is a te chnique to re trie ve the im age s from a large database
sim ilar to que ry im age . In the conte x t of im age re trie val, C BIR is close r to hum an se m antics.
C onte nt base d im age re tri e val te chnique has its application in diffe re nt dom ains such as
m e dical im aging, crim e pre ve ntion, we athe r fore casting, surve illance , historical re se arch and
re m ote se nsing. He re conte nt re fe rs to the visual inform ation of im age s such as color, te x ture
and shape . C onte nts of im age are riche r in inform ation for an e fficie nt re trie val in com parison to
te x t base d im age re trie val. In this pape r, we have propose d a conte nt base d im age re trie val
te chnique which e x tracts both the color and te x ture fe ature . To e x tract the color fe ature , color
m om e nt (C M) is use d on color im age s and to e x tract the te x ture fe ature , local binary patte rn
(LBP) is pe rform e d on the grayscale im age . The n both color and te x ture fe ature of im age are
com bine d to form a single fe ature ve ctor. In the e nd sim ilarity m atching is pe rform e d by
Euclidian distance com paring fe ature ve ctor of que ry im age and database im age s. LBP m ainly
use d for face re cognition. But we are going to use LBP for natural im age s. This com bine d
approach provide s accurate , e fficie nt, le ss com ple x re trie val syste m .
Maxim ally Flat Com pensated- Com b Decim ation Filter with Filter Sharpening
Lila Haresh V. (Guru Gobind singh Indraprastha University, India) and Chakrapani
Vinitha (Guru Gobind Singh Indraprasth University, India)
This pape r de scribe s the ge ne ralize d sche m e to de sign the wide band com b-base d de cim ation
filte r in an e fficie nt m ultistage structure . In this de sign, we use the m ax im ally flat se cond-orde r
com pe nsator and the filte r sharpe ning te chnique . The re sulting structure provide s wide band
com pe nsation in the passband re gion without de grading the atte nuation in the alias bands of the
com b filte r. He re we conside r the m ultistage com b-base d de cim ation filte r, and e ach stage is
com pe nsate d by particularly m ax im ally flat se cond-orde r com pe nsation filte r. Last stage is
re alize d by the sharpe ning te chnique and this sharpe ne d stage will work at lowe r rate by the
de cim ation factors of all pre vious stage s. A com m on m ax im ally flat se cond-orde r com pe nsator is
im ple m e nte d. The polyphase de com position is applie d to non-re cursive form of the com b filte rs
which re duce the powe r consum ption and to com pare the re sult with highe r orde r com pe nsation
filte r.
K- Mean Algorithm for Im age Segm entation Using Neutrosophy
Nadeem Akhtar (Aligarh Muslim University, India), Nishi Agarwal (Aligarh Muslim
University, India) and Armita Burjwal (Aligarh Muslim University, India)
Im age Se gm e ntation plays a crucial role in the m ajor applications such as Im age Proce ssing,
R e cognition Task s, O bje ct De te ction, Me dical Im aging e tc. Me thod use d for im age se gm e ntation
is re sponsible for the quality of re sultant se gm e nts. High quality se gm e ntation re quire s a
m e thod that se gm e nts an im age into m ore accurate and re le vant re sults. This pape r introduce s
a ne w approach for se gm e nting an im age . It com bine s two le arning algorithm s, nam e ly the Km e ans C luste ring and Ne utrosophic logic, toge the r to obtain e fficie nt re sults by re m oving the
unce rtainty of the pix e ls. A Ne utrosophic dom ain is de fine d to characte rize an im age into thre e
m e m be rship se ts: Truth, Falsity and Inde te rm inacy. The Inde te rm inacy Se t is com pare d against
a thre shold value . If Inde te rm inacy is found to be gre ate r than thre shold, which m e ans that the
pix e l m ay be long to m ore than one cluste r, we change the inte nsity of the pix e l de pe nding upon
the truth value . The K-m e ans C luste ring algorithm is the n e m ploys on m odifie d pix e ls to obtain
hard cluste rs. Ex pe rim e ntal R e sults ve rify that the re sults obtaine d are m ore accurate , the re by
im prove s the quality of se gm e ntation.
Study of Wrist Pulse Signals Using a Bi- Modal Gaussian Model
D Rangaprakash (Indian Institute of Science, India) and D Narayana Dutt (Indian
Institute of Science, India)
W rist pulse signals contain im portant inform ation about the he alth of a pe rson and he nce
diagnosis base d on pulse signals has assum e d gre at im portance . In this pape r we de m onstrate
the e fficacy of a two te rm Gaussian m ode l to e x tract inform ation from pulse signals. R e sults
have be e n obtaine d by conducting e x pe rim e nts on se ve ral subje cts to re cord wrist pulse signals
for the case s of be fore e x e rcise and afte r e x e rcise . Param e te rs have be e n e x tracte d from the
re corde d signals using the m ode l and a paire d t-te st is pe rform e d, which shows that the
param e te rs are significantly diffe re nt be twe e n the two groups. Furthe r, a re cursive cluste r
e lim ination base d support ve ctor m achine is use d to pe rform classification be twe e n the groups.
An ave rage classification accuracy of 99.46% is obtaine d, along with top classifie rs. It is thus
shown that the param e te rs of the Gaussian m ode l show change s across groups and he nce the
m ode l is e ffe ctive in distinguishing the change s tak ing place due to the two diffe re nt re cording
conditions. The study has pote ntial applications in he althcare .
Morphological Gradient Based Approach for Text Localization in Video/Scene Im ages
B H Shekar (Mangalore University, India) and ML Smitha (KVG College of Engineering,
Sullia, India)
In this work , we pre se nt an approach for de te cting the te x t pre se nt in vide os/sce ne im age s
base d on m orphological gradie nt inform ation. The syste m de te cts the gradie nt inform ation using
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
m orphological ope rations and the obtaine d re sults are binarize d. The re sultant binarize d im age
contains som e non-te x t re gions which are the n m orphologically ope ne d so that the sm all
com pone nts with le ss than 4-pix e l conne ctivity are e lim inate d producing anothe r binary im age .
Finally, we e m ploy conne cte d com pone nt analysis and m orphological dilation ope ration to
de te rm ine the te x t re gions and he nce to localize te x t block s. The e x pe rim e ntal re sults obtaine d
on publicly available standard datase ts illustrate that the propose d m e thod accurate ly de te ct and
localize te x ts of various size s, fonts and colors in vide os and sce ne im age s.
S50: Pattern Recognition, Signal and Image Processing-IV
Room: 105 Block E First Floor
Chairs: Ajinkya S. Deshmukh (Uurmi System Pvt. Ltd., India), Karibasappa K G (BVB College of
Engineering and Technology, India)
A Neural Network Approach to Edge Detection using Adaptiv e Neuro - Fuzzy Inference
Shamama Anwar (Birla Institute of Technology, India) and Sugandh Raj (BIT, Mesra,
This pape r highlights the im portance of e dge de te ction in action re cognition and pre se nts an
e dge de te ction m e thod base d on Artificial Ne ural Ne twork . To im ple m e nt this conce pt the
Adaptive Ne uro-Fuzzy Infe re nce Syste m (ANFIS) has be e n use d. The ANFIS is first de signe d,
traine d and che ck e d for ave rage e rror tole rance . The syste m is the n te ste d with a fe w sam ple
im age s whose re sults are discusse d at the e nd. A com parison be twe e n the traditional e dge
de te ctors and the ANFIS m e thod is also provide d.
A Fused Feature Approach on Content Based Im age Retriev al Based on Fuzzy Rule- Set
Nikita Raina (Graphic Era University, India), Neeshu Chaudhary (Graphic Era
University, India), Roshi Choudhary (Graphic Era University, India), Rashmi Chauhan
(Graphic Era University, India) and R H Goudar (Graphic Era University, India)
R e se arch in conte nt-base d im age re trie val today is a live ly discipline , e x panding in bre adth.
Discove ring ne w and innovative proce sse s of locating a de sire d im age from an e x panding
colle ction of im age s has be e n a m ajor are a of inte re st for m any profe ssional fie lds. This has le d
to the incre asing use of a te chnique calle d C onte nt Base d Im age R e trie val which is use d to
re trie ve im age s base d on low-le ve l fe ature s which are autom atically drive n such as color, shape
and te x ture . C BIR draws m any of its m e thods from the fie ld of im age proce ssing and com pute r
vision and can be re garde d as subse t of that fie ld. Using this te chnique , the e ntire database
m ay be se arche d to find the m ost close ly m atching im age . In this pape r, color and te x ture
fe ature s of an im age have be e n use d to re trie ve all the sim ilar im age s from the im age
database . For this purpose , Block C olor Histogram as color fe ature and Gray-le ve l C o-occurre nce
Matrix (GLC M) and Gabor wave le ts as te x ture fe ature s have be e n use d. The propose d approach
is ve ry e fficie nt since it use s the prom ine nt and distinct fe ature s of an im age use ful for e ffe ctive
im age re trie val using fuzzy he uristics according to hum an visual syste m .
A Hybrid Approach for Color Based Im age Edge Detection
Chinu Jethi (Guru Nanak Dev University ,Amritsar, India) and Amit Chhabra (Guru
Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India)
Edge de te ction is an e le m e ntary ste p use d in various im age proce ssing applications. The m ain
proble m s in e x isting e dge de te ction algorithm s are poor e dge localization, le ss noise re m oval
capacity, unable to de te ct e dge s in com ple x back ground im age s and inability to prope rly de te ct
the color e dge s in im age s. In this pape r a se que ntial hybrid approach is propose d to ove rcom e
all the lim itations of e x isting e dge de te ction algorithm s. The ope rations pe rform e d by im age
e dge de te ction algorithm can be com putationally e x pe nsive and tak e s lots of e x e cution tim e for
proce ssing the data. This re se arch work pre se nts hybrid color base d im age e dge de te ction
te chnique by using the data paralle lism approach. The com parison am ong se que ntial and
paralle l e dge de te ction will be drawn base d upon diffe re nt paralle l m e trics. The e x pe rim e ntal
re sults have shown that paralle l strate gy achie ve s a pe rform ance gain of 68% as com pare d to
se que ntial approach.
Regression Tree Algorithm for Classification of Fused Multispectral and Panchrom atic
Im age
Shingare Pratibha (Pune University & College of Engineering Pune, India), Priya
Hemane (College of Engineering Pune, India) and Duhita Dandekar (College of
Engineering, Pune, India)
In this pape r, classification of sate llite im age is done to de te ct ve ge tation, wate r, soil, built-up
are a e tc. pre se nt in the re gion of which sate llite im age is capture d. For classification re gre ssion
tre e algorithm is use d. R e gre ssion tre e algorithm use s thre shold to de te ct class of data that
give s le ast m e an square e rror. This thre shold is applie d to NDVI, NDW I, SAVI, and NDBI to de te ct
ve ge tation, wate r, soil and built-up are a re spe ctive ly. For classification Landsat 7 ETM+
m ultispe ctral im age s are use d. But the y have low spatial re solution. He nce the y are fuse d with
panchrom atic im age which is of high re solution. Im age fusion is done using HIS transform ,
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Brove y transform , PC A m e thod, HPF m e thod and wave le t transform . Fuse d im age is give n as
input to re gre ssion tre e for classification. Using this m e thod various are as can be de te cte d
e ffe ctive ly as com pare d to the original sate llite im age . C lassifie d im age is com pare d with
re fe re nce data to che ck the accuracy of classifie d im age . It is obse rve d that im age fuse d using
HPF m e thod whe n classifie d using re gre ssion tre e algorithm give s m ore e ffe ctive re sults.
Pitch Contour Modelling and Modification for Expressiv e Marathi Speech Synthesis
Rohit Sanjay Deo (University of Pune & S. K. N. College of Engineering, Pune, India)
and Pallavi Deshpande (BVDU College of Engineering, Pune, India)
In this pape r, we have m e asure d and analyze d fe ature s of spe e ch signal such as fundam e ntal
fre que ncy, jitte r and shim m e r its statistical m ode ling for Marathi. The se m ode ls can be use d for
m odifying prosody of the ne utral spe e ch furthe r. Jitte r and shim m e r are m e asure s of cycle -tocycle variations of fundam e ntal fre que ncy and am plitude re spe ctive ly. It characte rize s the
e m otion and diffe rs in value s as e m otion varie s. An e m otion or targe t m ode l m e ntione d he re is
in the form of inte rrogate . A pitch targe t m ode l is de ve lope d to m ode l and m odify the prosody of
the Marathi words. The study com prise s the study of e x isting pitch contour of words whose
prosody is to be m odifie d and targe t pitch contour. Its statistical analysis is done . At the e nd
Gaussian norm alization is e m ploye d to m odify the prosody with he lp of analyze d data. R e sult of
the subje ctive e x pe rim e nts satisfie s the native liste ne rs.
Irregular Pixel Im aging
Sherin Sugathan (Enview Research & Development Labs, India) and Alex James
(Nazarbayev University & Enview R&D Labs, Kazakhstan)
Pix e ls form the basic building block of a digital im age . The shape of a pix e l has a significant role
in de ciding the accuracy and pre cision of a digital im age . In conve ntional square pix e l
re pre se ntation, the de cre ase in re solution re sults a loss of im age quality. The pape r put forwards
m e thods to im prove the quality of the im age by using variable shape d pix e ls. Low re solution
im age s can be brought to be tte r vie wing accuracy by using irre gular shape d pix e ls inste ad of
traditional square pix e ls. Filte ring te chnique s are applie d along with the irre gular shape d pix e ls
approach so that noise is re duce d and the ove rall quality of the im age ge ts e nhance d.
Statistical Analysis of Im age Processing Techniques for Object Counting
Sandeep Konam (Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, R. K. Valley,
India) and Nageswara Rao Narni (Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies,
Autom ation of obje ct counting in digital im age s has re ce ive d significant atte ntion in the last 20
ye ars. O bje cts unde r conside ration varie d from ce lls, bacte ria, tre e s, fruits, polle n,inse cts to
pe ople . The se applications cast light on the im portance of shape ide ntification and obje ct
counting. W e de ve lope d an algorithm and m e thodology for de te ction of m athe m atically we llde fine d shape s and calculate d the probability of shape s crossing e qually space d line s.
Sim ulations for de te ction and counting of re gular m athe m atical shape s such as line s and circle s
we re pe rform e d in a random e nvironm e nt. Sim ulation re sults are com pare d with the e m pirical
probability calculations. R e sults se e m prom ising as the y conve rge to the e m pirical calculations
with the incre ase in num be r of shape s.
An Approach of Efficient and Resistiv e Digital Waterm arking Using SVD
Shaifali Bhatnagar (Mtech JUET, India), Shishir Kumar (Jaypee University of
Engineering and Technology, India) and Ashish Gupta (Jaypee University of
Engineering and Technology, Guna, India)
The validation of im age s tak e n by digital cam e ras has be com e a gre at conce rn as the digital
photography is gaining rapid popularity. So, due to lack of prote ction of digital conte nt as the y
can be e asily duplicate d and disse m inate d without the owne r's conse nt , publishe rs, artists, and
photographe rs, howe ve r, are unwilling to distribute picture s ove r the Inte rne t. The re fore , to
prote ct confide ntial im age s we propose an e fficie nt digital wate rm ark ing te chnique as a way to
de al with this tough issue . In the propose d te chnique , the im age is first conve rte d into YC bC r
from R GB dom ain the n wate rm ark is e m be dde d in Y com pone nt of YC bC r using discre te wave le t
transform and Singular Ve ctor De com position (SVD). The re sults show that our algorithm is
re sistant toward various attack s.
Virtual Fault Sim ulation for Diagnosis of Shaft Misalignm ent of Rotating Machine
Dipti Prakash Behera (IIT Kharagpur & Indian Institute of Technology, Khragpur,
India), Rashmi Behera (JPA IIT Kharagpur, India) and Vallayil N.A Naikan (IIT
Kharagpur, India)
This pape r pre se nts an innovative and e fficie nt way of E-le arning, E-e x pe rim e nting and Easse ssm e nt of R otating Machine ry Fault Sim ulation. A m ode l base d e x pe rim e nt for de te ction and
diagnosis of m isalignm e nt faults the re are ge ne rally obse rve d in rotating m achine ry syste m s has
be e n propose d in this pape r. C oupling m isalignm e nt is a condition whe re the shafts of the drive r
m achine and drive n m achine are not on the sam e ce ntre line . Non-coax ial m isalignm e nt m ay be
e ithe r due to the paralle l m isalignm e nt or an angular m isalignm e nt or pre se nce of both e ithe r in
the horizontal or ve rtical dire ction. Misalignm e nt is te m pe rature de pe nde nt. All m ate rials e x pand
with incre ase in the te m pe rature and m e tal is no e x ce ption. Motors warm up to se ve ral de gre e s
and the drive n m achine m ay warm up or cool down from am bie nt te m pe rature de pe nding on the
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
handling fluid. The e x pe rim e nt pre se nte d in this pape r e x plains how a paralle l m isalignm e nt in a
syste m can be m onitore d base d on vibration spe ctral analysis. Also, this pape r e x plains how the
othe r two type s of m isalignm e nts are de te cte d.
Shape Representation and Classification Through Height Functions and Local Binary
Pattern - A Decision Lev el Fusion Approach
B H Shekar (Mangalore University, India) and Bharathi Pilar (University College
Mangalore, India)
In this pape r, we propose a com bine d classifie r m ode l base d on He ight functions (HF) and Local
Binary Patte rn (LBP) to classify shape s accurate ly. The he ight functions are inse nsitive to
ge om e tric transform ations and nonline ar de form ations and LBP is capable of capturing the
re gion inform ation. W e propose to inte grate the se two te chnique s for accurate shape
classification. The Dynam ic Program m ing (DP) in case of HF and the Earth Move rs Distance (EMD)
m e tric in case of LBP we re re spe ctive ly e m ploye d to obtain sim ilarity value s and he nce fuse d to
classify give n que ry shape base d on m inim um sim ilarity value . The e x pe rim e nts are conducte d
on publicly available shape datase ts nam e ly MPEG-7, Kim ia-99, Kim ia-216, Myth and Tools-2D
and the re sults are pre se nte d by m e ans of Bull's e ye score and pre cision-re call m e tric. The
com parative study is also provide d with the we ll k nown approache s to e x hibit the re trie val
accuracy of the propose d approach. The e x pe rim e ntal re sults de m onstrate that the propose d
approach yie lds significant im prove m e nts ove r base line shape m atching algorithm s.
S51: Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications-III
Room: 110 Block E First Floor
Chair: K. Mani Anandkumar (Anna University, Chennai, India)
Brownfield Design Approach Towards Minim ization of Handoff Cost in Next Generation
Wireless Cellular Networks with Dual- Hom ed RNCS
Bedadipta Bain (Jadavpur University, India) and Madhubanti Maitra (Jadavpur
University, India)
Ne x t ge ne ration ce llular archite ctural hie rarchy im pose s that a pre -fix e d group of Node Bs be
conne cte d to a R adio Ne twork C ontrolle r (R NC ) and a pre -de signe d se t of such R NC s be the n
assigne d to a Se rving GPR S support Node (SGSN). In addition to that, the se t of R NC s is also
wire d to one Mobile Switching C e nte r (MSC ). In case of a single -hom e d ne twork , the ope rating
cost, com prise s the cabling or link cost and the cost incurre d for supporting handoff whe ne ve r an
m obile use r (MU) visits a diffe re nt R NC (horizontal/sim ple handoff) or a diffe re nt SGSN or MSC
(ve rtical handoff/com ple x handoff). In contrast, during the de ploym e nt phase , provision could be
k e pt whe re a Node B could be conne cte d to any of the R NC s and the re afte r any R NC could be
assigne d to any of the SGSNs/MSC s, if ne e de d. This conce pt of m ulti-hom ing allows node s to be
assigne d adaptive ly to the switche s, particularly, unde r constraine d situation. In this work , we
pre se nt a fram e work for m ulti-hom ing of ce lls to switche s and e nde avor to pre se nt som e
e volutionary optim ization te chnique s for m inim izing the total cost of re source m anage m e nt. W e
have propose d a nove l m e ta-he uristic base d approach, that e volve s into a com ple te state -space
base d se arch tool nam e ly, Be st C ontributors Se arch (BC S). C om putational re sults indicate that
the propose d BC S algorithm out-pe rform s som e othe r we ll-k nown he uristics such as m atrix base d te chnique , O ptim al Dual Hom e (O DH), Tabu Se arch (TS) and Ant C olony optim ization
(AC O ) base d m e thods cite d so far.
Reconfigurable Concurrent Dual- Band Low Noise Am plifier for Noninv asiv e Vital Sign
Detection Applications
Amarjit Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India) and Nagendra
Prasad Pathak (Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India)
C oncurre nt dual-band re configurable low noise am plifie r (LNA) for noninvasive de te ction of
hum an vital signs has be e n re porte d in this pape r. The re configurable output m atching ne twork
use d in this LNA (PHEMT ATF-36163) consists of two shunt stubs te rm inate d by varactor diode s
(SMV1232-079LF); while the m atching ne twork at input side of the LNA has be e n de signe d for
fix e d dual band ope ration. The m e asure d characte ristics of the fabricate d prototype shows that
the gain of the LNA varie s from 3 dB to 12.2 dB in the fre que ncy range of 2.3-2.5 GHz; while it
varie s from 9.5dB to 12.9 dB in the fre que ncy range of 4.2-4.6 GHz for a variation in varactor
voltage s from 0-10V. The sim ulate d value of the Noise Figure of the am plifie r is ~ 0.5 dB and
2.5 dB at the ce ntre fre que ncy of the corre sponding fre que ncy bands.
Perform ance Analysis of Full Duplex Relaying in Multicell Env ironm ent
Gaurav Sharma (National Institute of Technology, India), Prabhat Kumar Sharma (ITM
University, Gurgaon, India) and Parul Garg (Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology,
New Delhi, India)
This pape r inve stigate s the pe rform ance of a full duple x re laying (FDR ) coope rative syste m in a
m ultice ll e nvironm e nt. In m ultice ll e nvironm e nt the FDR is prone to co-channe l inte rfe re rs due to
highe r fre que ncy re use . O wing to the possibility of im pe rfe ct m itigation at the re lay we m ode l the
e cho-inte rfe re nce channe l be twe e n transm itting and re ce iving ante nnas of re lay as a fading
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
channe l with Nak agam i-m fading. For de code and forward (DF) strate gy at the re lay we analyze
the e rror pe rform ance de rive an e x act close d form e x pre ssion of ave rage bit e rror rate (BER ).
Furthe r an e x act close d form e x pre ssion is obtaine d for outage probability of the syste m .
Packet Size Optim ization in Wireless Sensor Network Using Cross- Layer Design
Shaktisinh R Chudasama (GCET,Gujarat Technological University, India) and Sameer D.
Trapasiya (GCET, Gujarat Technological University, India)
In this pape r, our aim is to obtain optim um size of data pack e t for wire le ss com m unication.
Be cause of lim ite d e ne rgy of e ach source , we try to re duce an e ne rgy consum ption by pack e t size
optim ization. The re are se ve ral issue s in variable pack e t size such as hardware lim itations,
additional ove rhe ad and re source m anage m e nt cost issue , so we use fix e d pack e t size
optim ization. In the conte x t of e ne rgy constraine d se nsor node s, the e ne rgy consum ption of
starting transie nts can be quite large . Ene rgy consum ption in spe e d-up e ne rgy and start-up
e ne rgy are m ore than e ne rgy consum ption of the data aggre gation. If the num be r of start-up
incre ase s the n total e ne rgy re quire d is m ore for se nt data from se nde r to re ce ive r. He nce , pack e t
size affe cts e ne rgy consum ption. Using binary BC H code s, it is possible to significantly im prove
the e ne rgy e fficie ncy. W he n AR Q and FEC are conside re d, for highe r value s of signal to noise
ratio (SNR ) thre shold, AR Q appare ntly e x ce e ds the FEC code s but for lowe r SNR thre shold value s,
the e ne rgy consum ption can be de cre ase d using FEC code s. Howe ve r, longe r pack e t size s are
le ss e ne rgy consum ption pe r use ful bit upon ade quate link quality is guarante e d. But whe n an
insufficie nt link quality the n we have to choose sm all pack e t size due to incre ase re liability. In
this pape r, we have use d routing base d on num be r of affe cting param e te rs lik e signal to noise
ratio, distance be twe e n source s and sink along with le ft ove r e ne rgy le ve l of node s. W e
conside re d the conce pt of le ft ove r e ne rgy le ve l of node s that re sults in a ste p towards the
incre ase life tim e of ne twork . Finally, our goal is to optim ize pack e t le ngth with de cre ase d e ne rgy
consum ption pe r bit and incre ase d ne twork life tim e . Furthe rm ore , an optim ization of pack e t is
de te rm ine d base d on obje ctive function, i.e ., pack e t throughput and e ne rgy function.
Wideband Printed Dipole Antenna with Em bedded Loops and Coupling Patches for
Digital TV Signal Reception
Deepak C. Karia (University of Mumbai, India), Madhuri Bhujbal (University of Mumbai,
India) and Aditya Desai (University of Mumbai, India)
Planar coax ial fe d wide band printe d dipole ante nna is de signe d to satisfy DTV signal re ce ption
ne e ds. This ante nna consists of two asym m e tric loops se parate d by ste p shape fe e d gap. The se
loops contains two inne r loops which are conne cte d to e x te rnal loops with the he lp of re ctangular
coupling patche s. Two re sonant m ode s are e x cite d due to the le ngth of the ante nna and le ngth
of ste p fe e d gap. O pe rating bandwidth is e nhance d due to the addition of the inne r loop and
coupling patch. Various param e te rs such as bandwidth, re turn loss, ante nna gain, and radiation
e fficie ncy of propose d ante nna are sim ulate d and discusse d. The sim ulate d radiation patte rn is
om nidire ctional m atching to the conve ntional dipole ante nna. The propose d ante nna has an
ante nna gain varying from -8 to -10 dB and ope rating bandwidth is found to be 470-925 MHz
with re turn loss be tte r than 7.35 dB. The re fore , the propose d ante nna is ve ry m uch com patible to
digital te le vision signal re ce iving applications.
Full Com posite Fractal Antenna with Dual Band Used for Wireless Applications
Ruchika Choudhary (Govt. Engineering College Ajmer, India), Sanjeev Yadav (Govt.
Women Engineering College Ajmer, India), Pushpanjali Jain (Govt. Engineering College
Ajmer, India) and Mahendra Mohan Sharma (Malaviya National Institute of Technology
& Principal Govt Engineering College Ajmer INDIA, India)
In this pape r a full com posite fractal ante nna, having a m odifie d Sie rpinsk i fractal ante nna with
50-Ω m icrostrip line , use d for dual band wire le ss applications. The re turn loss and radiation
characte ristics of the ante nna de sign indicate that a Sie rpinsk i fractal ante nna with circular slot
having Dual Band fre que ncy bandwidth from 3.8 GHz to 4.4 GHz and 4.8 GHz to 5.4 GHz to
cove ring 5.2 GHz for W LAN and X-Band wire le ss applications in 3.8 GHz- 14 GHz fre que ncy range .
The propose d ante nna is fe d by a 50-Ω m icrostrip line and de signe d on a low cost FR 4 substrate
having dim e nsions 96 (L) ×72 (W ) × 1.5 (t) m m 3 with Ɛr= 4.9 and tan δ= 0.025. The ante nna
shows acce ptable gain with ne arly om ni-dire ctional radiation patte rns in the fre que ncy band.
An Im prov ed Least Square Channel Estim ation Technique for OFDM System s in Sparse
Underwater Acoustic Channel
Sai Priyanjali K (National Institute of Technology Calicut, India) and Babu A v (National
Institute of Technology Calicut, India)
Unde rwate r acoustic (UW A) com m unication channe ls are k nown to be sparse in nature be cause of
ve ry large de lay spre ad and lim ite d num be r of significant m ultipath com pone nts. In this pape r,
we propose an im prove d le ast square (LS) base d te chnique for sparse channe l e stim ation
applicable to orthogonal fre que ncy division m ultiple x ing (O FDM) syste m s for UW A
com m unications. Through com pute r sim ulations, we de m onstrate that the propose d im prove d LS
base d sparse channe l e stim ation algorithm outpe rform s the conve ntional LS e stim ation
te chnique by de ciding significant channe l taps adaptive ly, base d on a pre de te rm ine d thre shold.
The m e an square e rror (MSE) and the bit e rror rate (BER ) pe rform ance of the propose d im prove d
LS e stim ator has be e n obse rve d to be significantly be tte r than that of the conve ntional LS
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
e stim ator. Spe cifically, the re sults re ve al an im prove m e nt of approx im ate ly 4 dB in SNR at a BER
of 〖10〗^(-2) for the propose d im prove d LS e stim ation te chnique as com pare d to the
conve ntional LS e stim ator.
A Nov el MGF- Based Approach to Analyze SIM- based Relayed FSO System s
Mona Aggarwal (Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India), Parul Garg
(Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India) and Parul Puri (Netaji
Subhas Institute of Technology, India)
In this pape r, we analyze a subcarrie r inte nsity m odulation (SIM) base d re laye d fre e space
optical (FSO ) syste m assum ing inde pe nde nt but not ne ce ssarily ide ntically distribute d (i.n.i.d)
gam m a-gam m a turbule nce channe ls. Syste m e m ploys a channe l-state -inform ation-assiste d
(C SI-assiste d) am plify and forward (AF) re laying protocol. W e de rive the m om e nt ge ne rating
function (MGF) of the e nd-to-e nd signal to noise ratio (SNR ) of the syste m and using the nove l
MGF, accurate close d-form e x pre ssions of capacity unde r diffe re nt adaptive transm ission
sche m e s such as optim al rate adaptation (O R A) and channe l inve rsion with fix e d rate (C IFR ) are
de rive d. Furthe r, we de rive close d form e x pre ssion of ave rage sym bol e rror rate (SER ) for M-ary
phase shift k e ying (MPSK) m odulation sche m e s in te rm s of Me ije r's G-function.
Im prov ing Handoff Perform ance of Micro- Mobility Protocol in NEMO and a Com parison
Palash Kundu (Jadavpur University, India)
Ne twork Mobility (NEMO ) basic support protocol is standardize d by IETF to provide se am le ss and
uninte rrupte d se rvice s to the m obile hosts in NEMO . Se am le ss IP dive rsity base d NEMO (SINEMO )
outpe rform s NEMO BSP in te rm s of handoff late ncy and re late d pack e t loss by utilizing the
advance d loss re cove ry m e chanism and m ulti-hom ing fe ature of stre am control transm ission
protocol (SC TP). To support m icro m obility in NEMO , HMIPv6 can be use d with NEMO BSP which
toge the r re duce handoff late ncy and re late d pack e t loss significantly. For furthe r im prove m e nt of
handoff pe rform ance of NEMO BSP, FHMIPv6, the e x te nsion of FMIPv6 and HMIPv6 could be
utilize d in NEMO . In this pape r, handoff pe rform ance of NEMO BSP along with m icro m obility
support of HMIPv6 (M-NEMO ) and FHMIPv6 (FM-NEMO ) are analytically com pare d with SINEMO
base d on handoff late ncy, handoff block ing probability and pack e t loss during handoff. The
num e rical re sults show that FM-NEMO outpe rform s M-NEMO and SINEMO in te rm s of above
m e trics.
Perform ance Analysis of IR- UWB TR Receiv er Using Cooperativ e Dual Hop AF Strategy
Ranjay Hazra (IIT Roorkee, India) and Anshul Tyagi (IIT R, India)
Non-C ohe re nt re ce ive rs are attractive for IR -UW B syste m s and are pre fe rre d ove r its cohe re nt
counte rpart, be cause of its im ple m e ntation sim plicity and non-re quire m e nt of channe l state
inform ation (C SI). UW B syste m s have a low Powe r Spe ctral De nsity (PSD) which lim its it from
achie ving a wide cove rage and high data rate de spite , providing an ade quate syste m
pe rform ance . He nce , coope rative dive rsity te chnology is introduce d which he lps in e x pansion of
cove rage are a, im prove m e nt in Q uality of Se rvice (Q oS) and BER pe rform ance . The pape r
e valuate s the BER pe rform ance of IR -UW B TR re ce ive r using dual hop coope rative strate gy with
Am plify and Forward (AF) re laying analytically and com pare s it with the sim ulation re sults.
Sim ulations cle arly show that with incre ase in num be r of fram e s from 1 to 2, the BER
pe rform ance de grade s.
S52: Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications-IV
Room: 110 Block E First Floor
Chair: Manju A (GCET Greater Noida, India)
Quad- Band Unequal Power Div ider with Coupled Line Section Using SteppedIm pedance Transform ers
Sandeep Kumar (University College of Engineering RTU kota Rajasthan, India) and
Mithilesh Kumar (Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, Rajasthan-INDIA, India)
A nove l quad-band une qual powe r divide r with couple d line se ction using ste ppe d-im pe dance
transform e rs is pre se nte d in this pape r. C ouple d line s se ction is use d to achie ve the ne ce ssary
im pe dance transform ation at four se le cte d fre que ncie s. The topology of the structure , diffe re nt
from conve ntional W ilk inson powe r divide r, is the couple d line s inste ad of the transm ission line s.
In this pape r the structure is pre se nts on the R T5880 substrate with die le ctric constant is 3.2,
Using C ST Microwave studio, by this substrate s de sign the re is sim ulate d re turn loss is gre ate r
than 10 dB at ce nte r fre que ncie s 9.8 GHz, 11.8 GHz, 19 GHz and 20.5 GHz. The ave rage
inse rtion loss is good and group de lays are 0.6 ns at 9.8 GHz, 0.54 ns at 11.8 GHz, 0.47 ns at
19 GHz, 0.38 ns at 20.5 GHz within the se quad- band. In addition, the isolations be twe e n the
outputs ports are gre ate r than 10 dB ove r the se quad-band.
Re- configurable Optim ized Area CTC Codec for Wireless Applications
Mansi Rastogi (Panjab University, India) and Rajesh Mehra (National Instititute for
Technical Teachers' Training and Research, India)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Today's ne e d of wire le ss com m unication is unde rgoing astounding growth in day to day proce ss.
The quality of wire le ss com m unication m ust be e nhance d with re duce d cost. A coding syste m is
re quire d which can provide high data rate with e rror fre e com m unication and re duce d are a
utilization. Am ong various e rror corre cting code s, the turbo code s k nown as Paralle l C onvolutional
C oncate nate d C ode (PC C C ) provide s pe rform ance im prove m e nt with m iniaturization in
com m unication syste m . In this pape r, an are a e fficie nt C onvolutional Turbo C ode c of constraint
le ngth 3 is propose d. To re duce the are a consum ption, the propose d turbo de code r use s a single
SISO (Soft Input Soft O utput) de code r archite cture . In SISO de code rs SO VA (Soft O utput Vite rbi
Algorithm ) is use d as a de coding algorithm . It is base d on two ste p algorithm . The propose d
code c de sign has be e n synthe size d on Xilinx Virte x -4 (x c4vlx 25-ff676-10) FPGA. The
pe rform ance of propose d Turbo C ode c com pare d for FPGAs in te rm s of num be r of slice s, slice
flip-flops and LUTs. The Synthe sis re sult shows 7% im prove m e nt in the utilize d no. of slice s and
slice flip-flop of propose d e ncode r and approx im ate ly 3% im prove m e nt in the utilize d num be r of
slice flip-flop of the propose d de code r. The Sim ulink m ode l for propose d C TC e ncode r and
de code r is ge ne rate d accordingly.
Design of Orthogonal Wav eform for MIMO Radar Using Modified Ant Colony
Optim ization Algorithm
Roja Reddy B (R V College of Engineering, Bangaore, India) and Uttarakumari M (R V
College of Engineering, Bangaore, India)
A Modifie d Ant C olony O ptim ization Algorithm (M_AC O ) is prom ote d to de sign orthogonal
polyphase wave form s for MIMO with good autocorre lation and crosscorre lation prope rtie s in le sse r
com putational tim e . M_AC O algorithm is com bination of Ant C olony O ptim ization (AC O ) and
Ham m ing Scan algorithm . This algorithm is a graph base d approach to find the be st optim ize d
se que nce . The sim ulation of the orthogonally optim ize d polyphase code se t se que nce s
ge ne rate d using M_AC O shows be tte r re sults than othe r optim ization algorithm s k nown in the
lite rature .
A PROMETHEE Approach for Network Selection in Hetrogeneous Wireless Env ironm ent
Chava Anupama (Jntuk, India)
In a he te roge ne ous wire le ss ne twork e nvironm e nt always be st conne cte d conce pt re quire s the
se le ction of an optim al acce ss ne twork . Se le ction of a non-optim al ne twork can re sult in
unde sirable e ffe cts such as highe r costs and poor se rvice e x pe rie nce . In this pape r an atte m pt is
m ade to find a solution for ne twork se le ction by using two m ultiple attribute de cision m ak ing
(MADM) m e thods nam e ly Pre fe re nce R ank ing O rganization Me thod for Enrichm e nt Evaluations
(PR O METHEE ) and Analytic Hie rarchy Proce ss (AHP). The AHP m e thod is use d to de te rm ine
we ights of the crite ria and the PR O METHEE m e thod is use d to rank the ne twork s. Four traffic
classe s nam e ly conve rsational, stre am ing, inte ractive and back ground are include d to illustrate
the m e thod. The pe rform ance of PR O METHEE is validate d by com paring with AHP in te rm s of
consiste ncy, rank ing abnorm ality, robustne ss and accuracy. Sim ulation re sults show that
PR O METHEE is slightly pre fe rable to AHP in ne twork se le ction.
Joint Channel Estim ation and Data Detection for SFBC MIMO OFDM Wireless
Com m unication System
Gajanan Patil (Army Institute of Technology & Sinhgad College of Engineering, India)
and Vishwanath Kokate (Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India)
This pape r pre se nts a joint channe l e stim ation and data de te ction (JC EDD) for m ultiple input
m ultiple output (MIMO ) orthogonal fre que ncy division m ultiple x ing (O FDM) syste m . Initial
e stim ate of the channe l is obtaine d using se m i-blind channe l e stim ation (SBC E). The white ning
rotation (W R ) base d orthogonal pilot m ax im um lik e lihood (O PML) m e thod is use d to obtain the
channe l e stim ate . The e stim ate is furthe r e nhance d by e x tracting inform ation through the
re ce ive d data sym bols. The pe rform ance of the propose d e stim ator is studie d unde r various
channe l m ode ls. The sim ulation study shows that this approach cle arly outpe rform s the TBC E and
O PML SBC E m e thods but at the cost of highe r com putational com ple x ity
Sim ulated Annealing Based Solution for Lim ited Spectrum Av ailability in Com posite
Wireless Network
Mainak Sengupta (Jadavpur University, India), Ayan Paul (BSNL, India) and
Madhubanti Maitra (Jadavpur University, India)
R e quire m e nt of m ultiple se rvice s from the custom e rs has com pe lle d the wire le ss se rvice
provide rs (W SPs) to m aintain m ultiple radio acce ss ne twork s (R ANs) of diffe re nt radio acce ss
te chnologie s (R ATs). Furthe r, dynam ic spe ctrum allocation (DSA) approach offe rs a gre at
opportunity to the W SPs to utilize the ir available spe ctrum in m ore e fficie nt m anne r. As the
growth of de m and for wire le ss se rvice s is e x pe cte d to continue unabate d, the W SPs m ay also
face a sce nario in which, spe ctrum de m ands from the R ANs is m ore than the availability of
spe ctrum with the W SP. In this work , we have addre sse d this lim ite d spe ctrum availability
sce nario in the com posite wire le ss ne twork (C W N) conside ring re alistic constraints such as
diffe re nt propagation characte ristics of channe ls at diffe re nt spe ctrum re gion and discre te
channe lizations of the R ANs. The proble m has be e n pose d as a bank ruptcy gam e and Shaple y
value solution of the gam e has be e n com pute d. For m aintaining the fairne ss of spe ctrum
allocation, m ax im izing e quality of distribution (MED) is conside re d to be the obje ctive of the
W SPs. Subse que ntly, we have propose d sim ulate d anne aling (SA) base d spe ctrum allocation
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
solution that would m ax im ize the obje ctive . O ur sim ulation re sult shows that the SA base d
solution outpe rform s e x isting solutions such as Shaple y value and m ax -m in fairne ss by wide
m argin as far as obje ctive MED in conce rne d.
Perform ance of New Dynam ic Benefit- Weighted Scheduling Schem e in DiffServ
Reema Sharma (VTU, The Oxford College Of Engineering, India), Navin Kumar (Amrita
University & School of Engineering, India) and Srinivas Talabattula (Indian Institute of
Science, India)
In this pape r, we de sign a ne w dynam ic pack e t sche duling sche m e suitable for diffe re ntiate d
se rvice (DiffSe rv) ne twork . De signe d dynam ic be ne fit we ighte d sche duling sche m e (DBW S) use s
a dynam ic we ighte d com putation sche m e loose ly base d on we ighte d round robin (W R R ) policy. It
pre dicts the we ight re quire d by e x pe dite d forwarding (EF) se rvice for the curre nt tim e slot (t)
base d on two crite ria; (i) pre vious we ight allocate d to it at tim e (t-1), and (ii) the ave rage
incre ase in the que ue le ngth of EF buffe r. This pre diction provide s sm ooth bandwidth allocation
to all the se rvice s by avoiding ove rbook ing of re source s for EF se rvice and still providing
guarante e d se rvice s for it. The pe rform ance is analyze d for various sce narios at high, m e dium
and low traffic conditions. The re sults show that pack e t loss is m inim ize d, e nd to e nd de lay is
m inim ize d and jitte r is re duce d and the re fore m e e t quality of se rvice (Q oS) re quire m e nt of a
ne twork .
On the Construction of Fram e Length Specific LDPC Codes for Next Generation Low
Power Com m unication
Ashish Goswami (National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, India) and Rakesh
Sharma (National Institute of Technology, India)
In this pape r, a ne w m e thod is propose d for constructing fram e le ngth spe cific LDPC code s which
consum e low powe r in e ncoding and de coding proce sse s. A se e d m atrix is use d and e x te nde d to
form the parity che ck m atrix having fram e le ngths divisible by 32 and 64. This m e thod can be
use d to construct the LDPC code s with fram e le ngths divisible by e ve n highe r powe r of 2. The
m e m ory re quire m e nts for e ncoding and de coding proce sse s of the propose d code s is discusse d
in this pape r. For typical configuration the m e m ory re quire m e nts to store the parity che ck m atrix
for the e ncoding and de coding proce sse s are 1:04% and 33:33% re spe ctive ly in com parison to
the m e m ory re quire m e nts in the traditional e ncoding and de coding proce sse s. He nce consum e
low powe r in the ir e ncoding and de coding proce sse s. The diffe re nt configurations of the propose d
code s are sim ulate d and it is found that the code s give de sirable e rror pe rform ance ove r AW GN
channe l.
Data Authentication and Integrity Verification Techniques for Trusted/Untrusted Cloud
Serv ers
Satheesh K S V A Kavuri (Dhanekula Institute Of Engineering & Technology,
Vijayawada, India), Gangadhara Rao Kancherla (Acharya Nagarjuna University, India)
and Basaveswara Rao Bobba (Acharya Nagarjuna University, India)
Third party cloud storage and acce ss pe rm issions play a vital role in se curity analysis and use r
acce ss control. Use r acce ss control and data ve rification are the im portant re volutionary
te chnologie s to provide se curity and control unauthorize d use rs. Third party cloud se rve rs are
built without prope r se curity m e asure s and use r control m e chanism s. Use r can acce ss the data
such as docum e nts, m e dia or othe r type of file s using third party ge ne rate d authe ntication k e y
and se cre t inform ation. Traditional cloud se curity m e chanism s are inde pe nde nt of data inte grity
ve rification to the authorize d data use rs. Third party cloud se rve rs are vulne rable to diffe re nt
type of m e ssage inte grity attack s. Traditional m e ssage inte grity algorithm s are de pe nd on the
file size , hash size and se curity param e te rs. In orde r to ove rcom e the se curity re late d issue s in
com m e rcial cloud se rve rs, an im prove d hash base d m e ssage inte grity ve rification proce ss was
propose d in this pape r. Propose d m e ssage inte grity algorithm was te ste d on attribute d base d
e ncryption proce ss. Propose d cloud base d hash algorithm ge ne rate s 512 bit size hash value to
e ach file in the third party cloud se rve rs. O nly authorize d use rs can acce ss the re quire d file s
using his/he r ide ntity along with the m e ssage inte grity value . Ex pe rim e ntal re sults show that
propose d cloud base d hash algorithm outpe rform e d we ll com pare to e x isting m ode ls in te rm s of
file size , tim e and attack s are conce rn.
S53: Computer Architecture and VLSI-III
Room: 007-A Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Saurabh Gautam (None &amp; Cadence Design Systems, India)
An Im prov ed Distributed Iterativ e Water- filling Spectrum Managem ent Algorithm for
Near- Far Problem in VDSL System s
Sunil Sharma (NIT Kurukshetra, India) and Om Parkash Sahu (NIT Kurukshetra, India)
In digital subscribe r line (DSL) syste m , crosstalk cre ate d by e le ctrom agne tic inte rfe re nce am ong
twiste d pairs de grade s the syste m pe rform ance . Ve ry high bit rate DSL (VDSL), utilize s highe r
bandwidth of coppe r cable for data transm ission. In upstre am data transm ission, a 'Ne ar-Far'
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
proble m occurs in VDSL syste m . In this proble m the far e nd crosstalk (FEXT) is produce d from
ne ar e nd use r de grade s the data rate achie ve d at the far e nd use r. Se ve ral dynam ic spe ctrum
m anage m e nt (DSM) algorithm s we re propose d in lite rature to re m ove this proble m . In this
pape r, a ne w distribute d DSM algorithm is propose d in which powe r from only those subcarrie rs of
ne ar e nd use r are re duce d which cre ate inte rfe re nce to far e nd use r. This powe r back off strate gy
tak e s place with the he lp of powe r spe ctral de nsity (PSD) m ask s at those inte rfe re nce cre ating
subcarrie rs of ne ar e nd use r. The re sults afte r sim ulating the low com ple x propose d algorithm
show an im prove m e nt in te rm s of data rate and approache s ne ar the rate of highly com ple x
optim al spe ctrum balancing (O SB) algorithm .
Design of Power Efficient SPI Interface
Dwaraka N Oruganti (K V G College of Engineering, India) and Siva Yellampalli (VTU
Extension Centre & UTL Technologies LTd, India)
The pape r discusse s the de sign of an SPI inte rface base d on the spe cifications m e ntione d in the
SPI block guide V03.06 by Motorola . The pre se nt de sign incorporate s additional powe r down
m ode which is the stop m ode for powe r optim ization. The standard de sign was m odifie d by
adding additional powe r consum ption re duction te chnique -clock gating .The clock gating
te chnique is pe rform e d on the shift re giste r as it is sim ple r to synchronize the shift re giste r with
the re st of the de sign com pare d to any othe r m odule of the de sign. Ve rilog is use d for coding
and I-Sim (Xilinx ) is use d to ve rify the de sign pe rform ance .
Com parativ e Analysis of 8 X 8 Bit Vedic and Booth Multiplier
Sasha Garg (ITM University, India), Swati Garg (ITM University, India) and Vidhi
Sachdeva (ITM University, India)
Spe e d and powe r consum ption are one of the m ost im portant param e te rs to judge the
pe rform ance of a com putational m e thod. In this pape r, we com pare two algorithm s for 8 Bit
m ultiplication nam e ly Ve dic Multiplication Algorithm and Booth algorithm . This pape r aim s in
bringing to the fore the diffe re nce s in com pilation spe e ds and the chip are a consum ption of the
two m e thodologie s. The program m ing language use d is Ve rilog and the synthe sis has be e n
done on Xilinx 14.5.
Directory Based Cache Coherence Modeller in Multiprocessors: Medium Insight
Harsh Arora (V. I. T University & Ex. Sr. Mgmt/Engineering -R&D Professional : Mentor
Graphics Inc, Cadence Inc & Motorola Inc, India), Rijubrata Mukherjee (V. I. T
University, India), Abhijit Bej (V. I. T University, India) and Hillol Adak (V. I. T University,
In a m ultiproce ssor e nvironm e nt, cache cohe re ncy proble m arise s whe n the re is a data
inconsiste ncy be twe e n the private cache s and the m ain m e m ory. The k e y aspe ct to the de sign of
e fficie nt m ultiproce ssor syste m s is a scalable cache cohe re nce protocol. Dire ctory Base d approach
is use d for large scale distribute d ne twork s and is se e n as a scalable alte rnative to C MP de sign,
but with the num be r of on-chip core s incre asing, the dire ctory base d protocol do not scale be yond
a spe cifie d num be r of core s. W e inve stigate se ve ral conve ntional & NUC A base d dire ctory
protocols such as Full m ap dire ctory protocol, Sparse dire ctory protocol, duplicate -tag base d
dire ctory protocol. and analyze som e nove l cache cohe re nce protocols de signe d for m any-core
proce ssor. At the e nd, we sugge st a de sign for a scalable dire ctory base d cohe re nce protocol for
optim al pe rform ance .
Analysis of Power Distribution Network for Som e Cryptocores
Moumita Chakraborty (University of Calcutta, India), Krishnendu Guha (University of
Calcutta, India), Amlan Chakrabarti (University of Calcutta, USA) and Debasri Saha
(University of Calcutta, India)
W ith the progre ss in VLSI te chnology incre ase in circuit de nsity is obvious. In pre se nt inte grate d
circuits, e le ctrical powe r is distribute d to the large num be r of com pone nts of the chip ove r a
ne twork of on chip conductors. The syste m atic arrange m e nt of the powe r distribution ne twork
(PDN) is com m only te rm e d as powe r grid. The challe nge of e fficie nt PDN de sign e scalate s to a
gre ate r e x te nt e spe cially in the case of e m be dde d syste m hardware de sign as the y have a ve ry
low powe r budge t as we ll as ne e ds to have a high re liability. In m any of the pre se nt day
com pute r-aide d de sign (C AD) tools, PDN m ode ling and analysis are not pe rform e d due to lack of
prope r librarie s, de signe rs e stim ate the PDN in a case to case basis. O ur re se arch aim s to cre ate
suitable m ode ls for PDN e x traction so that it can be addre sse d by the C AD tools. W e conside r the
cryptocore s for PDN analysis as the y are com ple x as we ll as are use d in a wide range of
applications. O ur e x pe rim e ntal re sults show 0.03% and 0.142% incre m e nts in powe r dissipation
in DES and in AES re spe ctive ly afte r inclusion of PDN circuitry. PDN analysis for custom application
core s is not available in re late d re se arch work s and he nce our work can se rve as state of the art
be nchm ark s for PDN.
S54: Data Management, Exploration and Mining-II
Room: 007-B Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Ganesh Deka (MIR Labs, India)
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Differential Priv ate Random Forest
Abhijit Patil (Manipal Institute Of Technology Manipal, India) and Sanjay Singh
(Manipal Institute of Technology, India)
O rganizations be it private or public ofte n colle ct pe rsonal inform ation about an individual who
are the ir custom e rs or clie nts. The pe rsonal inform ation of an individual is private and se nsitive
which has to be se cure d from data m ining algorithm which an adve rsary m ay apply to ge t acce ss
to the private inform ation. In this pape r we have conside r the proble m of se curing the se private
and se nsitive inform ation whe n use d in random fore st classifie r in the fram e work of diffe re ntial
privacy. W e have incorporate d the conce pt of diffe re ntial privacy to the classical random fore st
algorithm . Ex pe rim e ntal re sults shows that quality functions such as inform ation gain, m ax
ope rator and gini inde x give s alm ost e qual accuracy re gardle ss of the ir se nsitivity towards the
noise . Also the accuracy of the classical random fore st and the diffe re ntial private random fore st
is alm ost e qual for diffe re nt size of datase ts. The propose d algorithm work s for datase ts with
cate gorical as we ll as continuous attribute s.
Serial Multim ethod Com bined Mining
Arti Shankar Deshpande (G.H.Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, India)
C om bine d Mining is an approach to com bine various m ining te chnique s to ge t m ore
unde rstandable and use ful patte rns from com ple x data. Diffe re nt classical data m ining
te chnique s have the ir advantage s and disadvantage s so a single te chnique cannot be applie d on
diffe re nt busine ss data. Se rial Multim e thod C om bine d Mining (SMC M) is an approach whe re
diffe re nt m ining te chnique s are use d to ge t the patte rns and finally the re sultant patte rns or
rule s are actionable . The actionable patte rns are de scriptive and assist us to finalize busine ss
de cision. In SMC M, diffe re nt m ining m e thods are applie d in pre de te rm ine d se que ntial patte rn.
The re sultant patte rns of the pre vious m e thod are also conside re d as a part of the input for the
ne x t m e thod to be e x e cute d. SMC M he lps to ge t advantage s of diffe re nt classical m ining
te chnique s to ge ne rate com bine d patte rns but it ne e ds the dom ain k nowle dge of busine ss data
for se le ction of diffe re nt m e thods. The SMC M for cre dit card data by com bining cluste ring and
association te chnique s is de m onstrate d and e x pe rim e ntal re sults are tak e n.
Dynam ic Colocation Algorithm for Hadoop
Ganesh Babu (National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India), Shabeera T P (National
Institute of Technology Calicut, India) and Madhu Kumar S D (National Institute of
Technology Calicut, India)
Hadoop is a wide ly acce pte d platform for de ve loping large -scale data inte nsive applications. It is
an ope n source im ple m e ntation of Google 's MapR e duce fram e work . The curre nt data place m e nt
policy of Hadoop distribute s the data am ong DataNode s using random place m e nt policy for
sim plicity and load balance . This sim ple data place m e nt is good for Hadoop applications that
use d to acce ss data from a single file . But if any application ne e ds data from diffe re nt file s
sim ultane ously, the pe rform ance norm ally de grade s. Ide ntifying the re late d file s and placing
the m in the sam e DataNode or in adjace nt DataNode s re duce s ne twork ove rhe ad and re duce s
the que ry span. W e propose a Dynam ic C olocation Algorithm , whe re the ave rage num be r of
m achine s that are involve d in proce ssing a que ry de cre ase s by colocating the datase ts, that are
fre que ntly acce sse d toge the r and he nce re duce s the ne twork ove rhe ad. O ur te chnique che ck s the
re lations be twe e n datase ts dynam ically and re arrange the datase ts according to the ir re lations.
O ur e x pe rim e ntal re sults show that, afte r colocation the re is a significant re duction on the
e x e cution tim e of MapR e duce program s.
A Density Based Clustering with Artificial Im m unity Inspired Preprocessing
Swarna Kamal Paul (Tata Consultancy Services & Jadavpur University, India) and
Parama Bhaumik (Jadavpur University, India)
In this pape r we propose an algorithm which can ide ntify varie d shape d cluste rs from wide varie ty
of input datase t with high de gre e of accuracy in pre se nce of noise . The initial data proce ssing
m odule adopts a nove l approach of Artificial Im m une syste m to re duce data re dundancy while
pre se rving the original data patte rns. The cluste ring m odule pursue s a de nsity base d approach
to ide ntify cluste rs from the com pre sse d datase t produce d by the pre proce ssing m odule . W e
introduce d se ve ral ne w conce pts lik e se le ctive Antige nic binding, Local R e achability Factor, Global
R e achability Factor to e ffe ctive ly re cognize cluste rs with varie d shape , varie d de nsity and low
inte rcluste r se paration with acce ptable com putational cost. W e pe rform e d e x pe rim e ntal
e valuation of our algorithm with wide varie ty of re al and synthe tic datase t and obtaine d highe r
cluste r succe ss rate for all datase t whe n com pare d to DBSC AN.
Polarim etric Decom position and Statistical Analysis of Chandrayaan- 1 Mini- SAR Data
for Study of Lunar Craters
Meghavi Prashnani (School Of Electronics DAVV, India) and Ravi Shankar Chekuri (IIT
Kharagpur, India)
C handrayaan-1, is India's first scie ntific m ission to the m oon. It is launche d with prim e obje ctive
to e x pand scie ntific k nowle dge about the origin and e volution of m oon. C handrayaan-1 m ission
carrie d various re m ote se nsing instrum e nts into space for achie ving its scie ntific obje ctive s. MiniSAR was launche d on C handrayaan-1 m ission and ope rate d for nine m onths. The prim e goal of
Mini-SAR on C handrayaan-1 m ission is to m ap pe rm ane ntly dark are as ne ar Polar R e gions. Mini
SAR data is alre ady analyze d by the re se arche rs in past for ide ntifying wate r ice de posits.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Howe ve r studie s com paring the be havior of lunar crate rs pre se nt ne ar Polar R e gions and
e quatorial R e gions is scarce if non-e x iste nt. In pre se nt work authors have tak e n initiative for
com paring the be havior of lunar crate rs pre se nt ne ar polar and e quatorial re gions. Various child
param e te rs e x tracte d from strok e s param e te rs for com parison purpose .
Metadata Based Recom m ender System s
Paritosh Mittal (Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, India), Aishwarya
Jain (IIIT-Delhi, India) and Angshul Majumdar (Indraprastha Institute Of Information
Technology-Delhi & University of British Columbia, India)
For building a re com m e ndation syste m the e C om m e rce portal gathe rs the use r's ratings on
various ite m s in orde r to de te rm ine his/he r choice re garding its m e rchandise . The portal also
colle cts m e tadata for the use r whe n he /she signs up and be com e s a part of the syste m ;
the re fore the portal has acce ss to inform ation such as use r's age , ge nde r, occupation, location,
e tc. Till date alm ost all prior studie s use d the m e tadata for alle viating the cold-start proble m ;
this inform ation was not use d for im proving the re com m e ndations. For the first tim e in this work ,
we propose a sim ple ne ighbourhood se le ction te chnique by giving im portance to the m e tadata
groups for im proving the re com m e ndations.
Ancient Indian Docum ent Analysis Using Cognitiv e Mem ory Networks
Neethu Kumar (Enview R&D Labs, India), Dinesh Kumar (Enview R&D Labs, India),
Swathikiran Sudhakaran (Enview R&D Labs, India) and Alex James (Nazarbayev
University & Enview R&D Labs, Kazakhstan)
In this work , we propose a characte r se gm e ntation syste m from ancie nt palm le af m anuscripts
writte n in ancie nt Arya Ezhuthu(which was popularize d as script to write Malayalam from 17th
ce ntury). The autom atic re cognition of handwritte n te x t from digital im age s of palm le ave s
dating back to 10th ce ntury BC . This can e nable conte x t base d se arching in large volum e s of
digital docum e nt. The subje ct about docum e nt im age unde rstanding is to e x tract and classify
individual data m e aningfully from palm le af m anuscript. W e propose an autom atic approach to
de te cting and ide ntifying the characte rs. The propose d approach can im prove the re adability of
the docum e nt. Te x t line se gm e ntation is the n applie d and the characte rs are e x tracte d.
S55: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-II
Room: 110 Block E First Floor
Chair: Rajan Anand Malik (JIMS Engineering College, Greater Noida, India)
Detecting Up- Calls of Right Whales
Soumya Sen Gupta (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India) and Sai Rajeshwar
(Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India)
The purpose of the study was to de ve lop a m achine le arning base d te chnique to de te ct the upcalls of North Atlantic R ight W hale s from all othe r noise s, lik e calls of othe r cre ature s in the se a,
so that ships plying in the se as could be warne d of the ir pre se nce in orde r to avoid a dire ct
collision with the whale s. W hat m ade the study quite difficult was the non-stationary com pone nt
of the signals along with a ve ry low signal to noise ratio. R e duction in the noise conte nt was
achie ve d through a thre shold te chnique base d on Ste ins Unbiase d R isk Estim ate . To re duce the
non-stationary conte nt, the tre nd and se asonality com pone nts of the signals we re e x am ine d and
re m ove d whe n ne ce ssary. This was done in accordance with the C lassical De com position The ory.
In orde r to find the be st fe ature s to de te rm ine the calls of whale s, wave le t pack e t de com position
te chnique was use d using Daube chie s 2 (db2) as m othe r wave le t. W ave le ts we re use d as the y
provide a good fre que ncy re solution ove r othe r form ats lik e Fourie r Transform . This le d to the
de com position of the signals into se parate filte r bank s whose e ne rgy conte nts we re use d as
fe ature s. A back ward se que ntial fe ature se le ction approach the n found out the be st subse t of
fe ature s to be use d for classification. Two classification algorithm s, Support Ve ctor Machine s and
Naive Baye s we re use d to classify the signals.
Analyzing Software Change in Open Source Projects Using Artificial Im m une System
Algorithm s
Ruchika Malhotra (Delhi Technological University, India) and Megha Khanna (Acharya
Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi & Delhi Technological University, India)
De ve lopm e nt of software change pre diction m ode ls, base d on the change historie s of a software ,
are valuable for e arly ide ntification of change prone classe s. C lassification of the se change prone
classe s is vital to yie ld com pe te nt use of lim ite d re source s in an organization. This pape r
validate s Artificial Im m une Syste m (AIS) algorithm s for de ve lopm e nt of change pre diction
m ode ls using six ope n source data se ts. It also com pare s the pe rform ance of AIS algorithm s
with othe r m achine le arning and statistical algorithm s. The re sults of the study indicate , that the
m ode ls de ve lope d, are e ffe ctive m e ans of pre dicting change prone classe s in the future ve rsions
of the software . Howe ve r, AIS algorithm s do not pe rform be tte r that m achine le arning and othe r
statistical algorithm s. The study provide s conclusive re sults about the capabilitie s of AIS
algorithm s and re ports whe the r the re are any significant diffe re nce s in the pe rform ance of
diffe re nt algorithm s using a statistical te st.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Towards a Generic Fram ework for Short Term Firm - Specific Stock Forecasting
Mansoor Ahmed (Manipal Institute of Technology, India), Anirudh Sriram (Manipal
Institute of Technology, India) and Sanjay Singh (Manipal Institute of Technology,
This pape r inve stigate s the pre dictive powe r of te chnical analysis, se ntim e nt analysis and stock
m ark e t analysis couple d with a robust le arning e ngine in pre dicting stock tre nds in the short te rm
for spe cific com panie s. Using large and varie d datase ts stre tching ove r a duration of te n ye ars,
we se t out to train, te st and validate our syste m in orde r to e ithe r contradict or confirm e fficie nt
m ark e t hypothe sis. O ur re sults re ve al a significant im prove m e nt ove r the e fficie nt m ark e t
hypothe sis for m ajority com panie s and thus strongly challe nge it. Te chnical param e te rs and
algorithm s ope rating upon the m are shown to have a significant im pact on the ove rall pre dictive
powe r of the syste m , thus bolste ring claim s of the ir e fficacy. More ove r, se ntim e nt analysis re sults
also show a strong corre lation with future m ark e t tre nds. Lastly, the supe riority of supe rvise d
non-shallow le arning archite cture s is illustrate d via a com parison of re sults obtaine d through a
m yriad of optim ization and cluste ring algorithm s.
Error Optim ization Using Bat and PSO Algorithm s for Machine Vision System Based
Tool Mov em ent
Anu Garg (Guru Jambeshwar University of Science and Tech, India), Prasant
Mahapatra (CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, India) and Amod Kumar
(CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, India)
This pape r pre se nts a com parison of Bat and Particle Swarm O ptim ization (PSO ) algorithm s for
optim ization of lathe tool positional e rror in a de ve lope d m achine vision syste m for
de te rm ination of lathe tool position and ve rification. Bat algorithm is base d on e cholocation
be havior of bats while PSO is inspire d by social be havior of birds flock ing in se arch for food. Both
m e tahe uristic algorithm s we re te ste d on lathe tool m ove m e nt ranging from 0.020 m m to 7 m m .
The re sults for various lathe tool m ove m e nts have de m onstrate d that Bat algorithm outpe rform s
the PSO algorithm .
Using Natural Language Processing Techniques and Fuzzy- Sem antic Sim ilarity for
Autom atic External Plagiarism Detection
Deepa Gupta (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India), Vani K (Amrita Vishwa
Vidhyapeetham & ASE, Bangalore, India) and Charan Kamal Singh (Amrita Vishwa
Vidhyapeetham, India)
Plagiarism is one of the m ost se rious crim e s in acade m ia and re se arch fie lds. In this m ode rn
e ra, whe re acce ss to inform ation has be com e m uch e asie r, the act of plagiarism is rapidly
incre asing. This pape r aligns on e x te rnal plagiarism de te ction m e thod, whe re the source
colle ction of docum e nts is available against which the suspicious docum e nts are com pare d.
Prim ary focus is to de te ct inte llige nt plagiarism case s whe re se m antics and linguistic variations
play an im portant role . The pape r e x plore s the diffe re nt pre proce ssing m e thods base d on
Natural Language Proce ssing (NLP) te chnique s. It furthe r e x plore s fuzzy-se m antic sim ilarity
m e asure s for docum e nt com parisons. The syste m is finally e valuate d using PAN 2012 data se t
and pe rform ance s of diffe re nt m e thods are com pare d.
An Autom ated Approach for Interpretation of Statistical Graphics
Imran Sarwar Bajwa (The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan)
Diffe re nt graphical tools such as scatte r diagram , pie charts, line charts, bar charts and
histogram s e tc. are use d in statistics for data re pre se ntation as te x tual inform ation in diffe re nt
m ultim odal docum e nts plays a significant role in the analysis of quantitative data. Tools use d in
statistical analysis are valuable in the re pre se ntation of visual inform ation. It is com m on practice
that the te x t accom panying such graphics is not capturing com m unicative goal as it contains little
or no inform ation about the conve ye d m e ssage . The pe rce ption of inform ation from statistical
graphics is a hard-hitting task for novice re ade rs. To autom ate the proce ss of im age
classification and inform ation e x traction an approach is pre se nte d in this pape r. The pre se nte d
approach spotlights on the are a charts that are im portant cate gory of statistical graphics use d for
probability distribution and te sting of hypothe sis proce ss. Firstly, classification of are a charts into
diffe re nt classe s is done and the n archite cture is de signe d for chart im age classification and
inform ation e x traction from e ach class of are a chart. The inform ation e x tracte d from are a charts
is re pre se nte d in the structure of natural language sum m arie s using te m plate base d approach.
Fuzzy Logic Based Set Point Weighting for Self Adaptiv e Fuzzy PI and PD Controllers
Jayshree Chakrabarty (Heritage Institute of Technology, India) and Arabinda Pal
(Heritage Institute of Technology, India)
In this study, we pre se nte d the se lf tuning sche m e for Fuzzy PI/PD C ontrolle rs. The propose d
sche m e is base d on an online m odifying param e te r, which is calculate d and update d by
norm alize d change of e rror of the proce ss. Furthe r, a Fuzzy base d dynam ic se t point we ighting
sche m e is pre se nte d for e ffe ctive control. W e im ple m e nte d our propose d adaptive algorithm
along with se t point we ighting sche m e on Fuzzy PI/PD C ontrolle rs. The De signe d controlle rs are
te ste d on diffe re nt se cond orde r line ar, non-line ar, m arginally stable and non-m inim um phase
syste m succe ssfully.
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Static Gesture Recognition Using PMD ToF Cam era
Mandar Kulkarni (ifm engineering pvt. ltd., India), Jitesh Butala (ifm Engineering Pvt.
Ltd., India) and Vishwas Udpikar (Managing Director, India)
Due to availability of re liable and low cost de vice s, range m aps (de pth m aps) are e x te nsive ly
use d in m any applications. R e ce nt advance s in hum an-com pute r inte raction e nable d us to
inte ract with com pute rs in intuitive and frie ndly way. In this pape r, we propose a nove l approach
for re cognizing static hand ge sture s using de pth inform ation capture d from Photon Mix ing De vice
(PMD) cam e ras. W e se gm e nt hand from back ground base d on re ce ive d signal am plitude and
pix e l de pth value s. The se gm e ntation is robust and work s we ll e ve n with clutte re d back grounds.
Shape of the hand is capture d with gradie nt m agnitude fe ature s. W e use R andom Proje ction
(R P) and Ke rne l Principal C om pone nt Analysis (KPC A) for dim e nsionality re duction and the n
pe rform subse que nt classification in the lowe r dim e nsion space . W e also propose a strate gy to
re duce the training tim e re quire d in the proce ss. To validate pe rform ance of our approach, we
e x pe rim e nte d on Am e rican Sign Language (ASL) ge sture s. Ex pe rim e ntal re sults show that our
approach is e fficie nt and quite e ffe ctive in re cognizing static ge sture s. A five -fold cross validation
accuracy for static ASL ge sture s was 99.8%.
Extracting Rules from Pruned Modified Fuzzy Hyperline Segm ent Neural Network for
Pattern Classification and Recognition
Sahebrao Bagal (Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, India) and
Uday Kulkarni (Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, India)
The Fuzzy Hype rline se gm e nt Ne ural Ne twork (FHLSNN) is supe rvise d classifie r which utilize s fuzzy
se t as patte rn classe s in which e ach fuzzy se t is a union of fuzzy se t hype rline se gm e nts (HLS).
In this pape r, we propose the prune d m odifie d fuzzy hype rline se gm e nt ne ural ne twork
(PMFHLSNN), and e x traction of sm all num be r of rule s from it. The pruning m e thod is base d on a
confide nce factor calculate d for e ach hype rline se gm e nt in the pre diction phase using pre diction
data se t afte r le arning. The hype rline se gm e nts with low confide nce factor are prune d using use r
de fine d thre shold to re duce num be r of hype rline se gm e nts and he nce the ne twork com ple x ity.
The n the fuzzy if-the n rule s are e x tracte d from the prune d ne ural ne twork . In orde r to im prove
the classification pe rform ance , the m odification is propose d in the te sting phase of FHLSNN. In
this m odification, we propose the Euclide an distance com putation be twe e n the applie d input
patte rn and ce ntroid of the patte rns falling on the hype rline se gm e nt, to de cide the class of
patte rns. Finally, the HLS with sm alle st distance is se le cte d as winne r and the patte rn is so
classifie d that it be longs to the class associate d with that HLS. The pe rform ance of this approach
is e valuate d using thre e be nchm ark proble m s and re al world handwritte n characte r re cognition.
The re sults are analyze d and e x plaine d to inte rpre t the e x tracte d rule s. The propose d approach
is use ful to e x tract sm all se t of rule s from the ne twork to justify its pre dictions. It also im prove d
the classification accuracy without affe cting the incre m e ntal le arning of FHLSNN and with re duce d
com ple x ity.
Ham NoSys Generation System for Sign Language
Rupinder Kaur (Thapar University, India) and Parteek Kumar (Thapar University, India)
Ham NoSys is a notation syste m for writing signs. Ham NoSys sym bols de scribe signs in form of
signing param e te rs. Signing param e te rs include hand shape , hand orie ntation, hand location
and hand m ove m e nt. This pape r pre se nts a syste m which ge ne rate s Ham NoSys corre sponding to
the inputte d word. For ge ne rating Ham NoSys, syste m cove rs all the sym bols for signing
param e te rs. Hand shape s include all the basic hand and finge r shape s and the ir be nding. Hand
orie ntation cove rs all the possible vie ws i.e . top vie w, back vie w and right side vie w along with
palm orie ntations. In hand m ove m e nts, all the basic m ove m e nts of hands along with curve d
m ove m e nts are cove re d. Hand location include s de tails of he ad, pair locations, m outh, trunk ,
uppe r arm , lowe r arm and lowe r e x tre m itie s. This syste m has be e n te ste d on 200 words. R e sults
of syste m are ve ry e ncouraging.
Dev elopm ent of a nov el narrowband activ e noise controller in presence of sensor
Ruchi Kukde (IIT Bhubaneswar, India), M Sabarimalai Manikandan (Indian Institute of
Technology Bhubaneswar, India) and Ganapati Panda (Indian Institute of Technology
Bhubaneswar, India)
Narrowband active noise control (ANC ) syste m s are use d to m itigate pe riodic or ne arly pe riodic
noise s produce d by large scale cutting m achine s, e ngine s, turbine s, com pre ssors e tc. The se
syste m s e m ploy a non acoustic se nsor such as a tachom e te r to ide ntify the fre que ncie s pre se nt
in the input noise signal. The se fre que ncy value s are use d by the cosine wave ge ne rator to
synthe size the input wave form . Howe ve r, whe n the fre que ncie s se nse d by the tachom e te r are
diffe re nt from the actual fre que ncie s it re sults in Fre que ncy Mism atch (FM). In this pape r it is
obse rve d that the conve ntional narrowband ANC syste m pe rform ance de grade s e ve n in the
pre se nce of about 1 % FM. He nce , a ne w m e thod base d Functional link artificial ne ural ne twork
(FLANN) is propose d which outpe rform s the conve ntional m e thod in the pre se nce of le ss to high
FM. Sim ulation re sults de m onstrate the e fficacy of the propose d ANC syste m .
A Fram e Work for Analysis and Optim ization of Multiclass ECG Classifier Based on
Rough Set Theory
Archana Ratnaparkhi (Pune University, India) and Rajesh Bhaskar Ghongade
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
(Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, India)
De te ction and de line ation of Ele ctrocardiogram has playe d a vital role in cardiovascular
m onitoring syste m s. The e norm ous database of he art be ats which characte rize the he art
dise ase ,unce rtainity,random ne ss in occurre nce of the se be ats ne ce ssitate the use of R ough se t
the ory. O ve r the ye ars R ough se t the ory has be e n e ffe ctive ly use d for re m oval of unce rtaintie s
and re duction of datase t .This pape r discusse s an optim ize d rough se t base d algorithm for
de te ction of fiducial points for te n classe s of EC G .Fiducial points he lp de te rm ine the pe ak s,
valle ys, onse t and offse t of the wave s. Te n m orphological fe ature s have be e n ide ntifie d and
inve stigation of e fficie ncy of R ough se t the ory to re duce and e x tract the de cision rule s from the
database has be e n done . The e x pe rim e ntal re sults show that the propose d m e thod has
se nsitivity 48%, ave rage spe cificity 96% and ave rage de te ction accuracy 91%.
S56: Third International Symposium on Natural Language Processing (NLP'14)/ International
Workshop on Authorship Analysis in Forensic Linguistics (AFL-2014)/ International Workshop
on Language Translation in Intelligent Agents (LTIA-2014) - II
Room: 016 Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Rajeev R R (IIITM-K, India)
A Modified Technique for Word Sense Disam biguation Using Lesk Algorithm in Hindi
Radhike Sawhney (Chandigarh University, India) and Arvinder Kaur (Chandigarh
University, India)
W ord Se nse Disam biguation (W SD) is a k e y factor in writte n and ve rbal com m unication of natural
language proce ssing. It is a m e thod of se le cting the appropriate se nse of an am biguous word in
the give n conte x t. This pape r aim s at de te rm ining the corre ct se nse of the give n am biguous
word in Hindi language . A m odifie d Le sk approach is use d which use s the conce pt of dynam ic
conte x t window. Dynam ic conte x t window is the num be r of le ft and right words of am biguous
word. The basic assum ption of this approach is that the targe t word which has sam e m e aning
m ust have a com m on topic in its ne ighborhood. Furthe rm ore the im prove m e nt in pre cision shows
that the propose d algorithm give s be tte r re sults than the pre vious approache s which use s fix e d
size conte x t window.
A Rule Based Bengali Stem m er
Md. Redowan Mahmud (University of Dhaka, Bangladesh), Mahbuba Afrin (University of
Dhaka, Bangladesh), Md. Abdur Razzaque (University of Dhaka & Bangladesh,
Bangladesh), Ellis Miller (Code Crafters International, Bangladesh) and Joel Iwashige
(Code Crafters International, Bangladesh)
O ne of the bigge st challe nge s in doing word look ups is to de rive the appropriate base word for
any give n word in Be ngali. The basic conce pt to the solution of the proble m is to e lim inate
infle ctions from a give n word to de rive its ste m word. Ste m m e rs atte m pt to re duce a word to its
root form using ste m m ing proce ss, which re duce s an infle cte d or de rive d word to its ste m or root
form . Ex isting work s in the lite rature use look up table s e ithe r for ste m words or suffix e s,
incre asing the ove rhe ads in te rm s of m e m ory and tim e . This pape r de ve lops a rule -base d
algorithm that e lim inate s infle ctions ste pwise without continuously se arching for the de sire d root
in the dictionary. To the be st of our k nowle dge , this pape r first inve stigate s that, in Be ngali
m orphology, for a large se t of infle ctions, the ste m s can be com pute d algorithm ically cutting
down the infle ctions ste p by ste p. The propose d algorithm is inde pe nde nt of infle cte d word
le ngths and our e valuation shows around 88% accuracy.
Speech Re- synthesis From Spectrogram Im age Through Sinusoidal Modelling
Mayank Garg (Bits Pilani, Pilani Campus & IEEE Student Member, India) and Rahul
Singhal (BITS Pilani, India)
A nove l m e thod to e x tract param e te rs i.e . fre que ncie s and the ir bandwidth for inte lligible spe e ch
synthe sis is pre se nte d in the pape r. The param e te rs are e x tracte d from the spe ctrogram im age
of the pre -re corde d m ale and fe m ale voice sam ple s and use d to re -synthe size spe e ch by
e m ploying sinusoidal signals. The phase continuity is pre se rve d by quantifying tim e -scale and
ide ntifying phase at te m poral boundarie s for a give n fre que ncy. The am plitude distribution of the
sinusoidals follow Gaussian distribution and use fre que ncy ove rlap to e x te nd the bandwidth from
4 k Hz to 6 k Hz for the im prove m e nt in clarity of synthe size d spe e ch. The synthe size d spe e ch is
furthe r passe d through a we ighting filte r to im prove the e nve lope of re -synthe size d tim e -dom ain
signal. The synthe size d spe e ch is synthe tic but notice ably inte lligible .
A Fused Forensic Text Com parison System Using Lexical Features, Word and
Character N- gram s: A Likelihood Ratio- based Analysis in Predatory Chatlog Messages
Shunichi Ishihara (The Australian National University, Australia)
This study inve stigate s the de gre e that the pe rform ance of a lik e lihood ratio (LR )-base d fore nsic
te x t com parison (FTC ) syste m im prove s by using logistic-re gre ssion fusion on LR s that we re
se parate ly e stim ate d by thre e diffe re nt proce dure s, involving le x ical fe ature s, word-base d N-
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
gram s and characte r-base d N-gram s. This study use s pre datory chatlog m e ssage s. The num be r
of words use d for m ode lling e ach group of m e ssage s is 500 words. The pe rform ance of the FTC
syste m is asse sse d in te rm s of its validity (= accuracy) and re liability (= pre cision) using the loglik e lihood-ratio cost (C llr) and 95% cre dible inte rvals (C I), re spe ctive ly. It is de m onstrate d that
1) out of the thre e proce dure s, the le x ical fe ature s proce dure pe rform e d be st in te rm s of C llr;
and that 2) the fuse d syste m outpe rform e d all thre e of the single proce dure s. The C llr value of
the fuse d syste m is be tte r than that of the proce dure with le x ical fe ature s by a value of 0.14. It
is also re porte d that the validity and re liability of a syste m is ne gative ly corre late d; the fuse d
syste m that yie lde d the be st re sult in te rm s of C llr has the worst C I value .
Sem i- Autom atic RDFization of Hindi Agricultural Words Using IndoWordNet
Megha Garg (W3C India, India), Bhaskar Sinha (W3C India, India) and Somnath
Chandra (DEITY, India)
Ge ne ration of se m antically m e aningful ontology of Indian language s base d te rm s, conce pts, and
the ir re lations spe cially whe n talk ing about Hindi language , be com e s a te dious task to approach
without any disam biguation, whe re in a single change of re lation, spe cific individual sub-node of
ontology change s. This pape r pre se nts an approach for se m i-autom atic conve rsion of agricultural
Hindi te rm s, conce pts and the ir re lations into structure d ontology and proce sse s into subse que nt
R DFization. Structure d form at use s its powe rful m e chanism of inhe ritance and re asoning
capability to infe re nce le arning fe ature of loose ly couple d and high bonding be twe e n node s. This
incre ase s re usability, e nhance s data sharing on the we b and graphically conne cte d, m ak ing data
m achine re adable and inte rope rable and so on. He nce , link ing data which of m achine re adable
form at m ay prove to be of gre at significance spe cifically whe re inform ation and data is highly
sharable . This pape r e x plore s and colle cts som e unstructure d te rm s, conce pts, re lations of
agriculture dom ain using IndoW ordNe t and ge ne rate s ontology which finally ge ts conve rte d into
R DF/O W L form at m e e ting with accordance of W 3C standards.
09:00 - 10:30 (Asia/Kolkata)
T13: Tutorial 13: A Methodology for Architecture-Based Software Reliability Analysis
Second International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics (WCI-2014)
Dr. Veena Mendiratta, Bell Labs at Alcatel-Lucent in Naperville, Illinois, USA
Room: 010 Block E Ground Floor
The critical de pe nde nce of our socie ty on the se rvice s offe re d by software syste m s place s a he avy
pre m ium on the ir re liability. An im portant ste p in achie ving high re liability in a software syste m is
syste m atic re liability analysis at the archite ctural le ve l. Such analysis should conside r custom e r usage
patte rns (ope rational profile ), com pone nt re liability, syste m archite cture , and de ploym e nt of the
com pone nts across hardware hosts. W hile one of the outcom e s of this analysis is a pre diction of the
syste m re liability, the m ore im portant outcom e s are an asse ssm e nt of the se nsitivity of the syste m
re liability to its com pone nts' attribute s and the ide ntification of com pone nts that are critical from a
re liability pe rspe ctive . The se com pone nts can the n be targe te d for re liability e nhance m e nt, so that the
de sire d syste m re liability targe ts can be achie ve d in a cost-e ffe ctive m anne r.
In this tutorial we will first pre se nt an ove rvie w of the diffe re nt type s of software re liability m ode ls
de pe nding on the phase of the de ve lopm e nt cycle whe n the m ode l is de ve lope d and use d to se t the
conte x t for the archite cture -base d re liability m ode ls. The m ain part of the tutorial will focus on: a
hie rarchical, two-tie r m e thodology to analyze the re liability of a software syste m . The m e thodology
partitions the analysis into two ste ps. In the first ste p, the re liability of a se rvice offe re d by the syste m
is obtaine d by com posing the re liabilitie s of its com pone nts within the conte x t of its archite cture .
Se rvice re liability will also conside r the co-location and de ploym e nt configurations of the syste m
com pone nts. Se rvice re liability analysis will be conducte d by m apping the m e ssage flow that occurs
am ong the diffe re nt com pone nts of a syste m to a Mark ov m ode l. In de ve loping the se rvice re liability
analysis m e thodology, we draw and build upon our e x te nsive re ce nt work in the are a of archite cture base d software re liability analysis. In the se cond ste p, the syste m -le ve l re liability is obtaine d by
com posing the se rvice re liabilitie s obtaine d from the first ste p in conjunction with the custom e r usage
patte rns and se rvice distributions. The m e thodology thus conside rs the im pact of se ve ral dive rse
aspe cts that influe nce syste m re liability nam e ly, com pone nt failure s, com pone nt inte ractions,
de ploym e nt configurations, and custom e r usage sce narios in an inte grate d m anne r. Finally, we will
discuss how the m e thodology can be use d to allocate re liabilitie s to syste m com pone nts, base d on the
e x pe cte d e nd-to-e nd se rvice re liability targe ts, conside ring the archite ctural characte ristics of the
se rvice s.
O nce the re liability budge t of the com pone nts is de te rm ine d, the ne x t ste p is to de te rm ine how the
targe t com pone nt re liabilitie s can be achie ve d. To unde rstand the factors that influe nce com pone nt
re liabilitie s, we partition e ach com pone nt into thre e sub-com pone nts, nam e ly, hardware , m iddle ware
and application software . Since the hardware and m iddle ware are typically e x pe cte d to be highly
re liable , we will focus on the factors that affe ct the re liability of the software sub-com pone nt.
Subse que ntly, we will discuss how the re liability allocate d to the software sub-com pone nt can be use d
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
to guide the se le ction of a com bination of te sting, re start and re pair strate gie s. Finally, we will discuss
approache s for obtaining re liability data (m ode l inputs) for the software com pone nts.
W e will illustrate the use of the m e thodology to gain insights into the influe nce of diffe re nt param e te rs
on syste m re liability using two e x am ple s. The first e x am ple is the Inte grate d Multim e dia Subsyste m
(IMS), which is a standardize d Ne x t Ge ne ration Ne twork ing (NGN) archite cture for te le com provide rs for
offe ring m obile and fix e d m ultim e dia se rvice s. The se cond e x am ple will involve a virtualize d
application de ploye d on a cloud platform . Ex am ple s of im ple m e nting such m ode ls in the SHAR PE
m ode ling tool will also be shown.
O utline :
Introduction and Motivation
Ex am ple s of m ajor software failure s
O ve rvie w of various software re liability m ode ls
Basics of archite cture -base d analysis and m ode ling
Im pact of unce rtain param e te rs
Ex am ple 1: R e liability analysis of IMS application
Ex am ple 2: R e liability analysis of virtualize d application
11:00 - 13:15 (Asia/Kolkata)
S47-A: WCI: Pattern Recognition, Signal and Image Processing-I
Room: 009 Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Amlan Chakrabarti (University of Calcutta, India)
An Efficient Multi Label Classifier
Prema Nedungadi (Amrita University, India) and Haripriya H (Amrita University, India)
Multi-labe l classification is an e m e rging re se arch are a in which an obje ct m ay be long to m ore
than one class sim ultane ously. Ex isting m e thods e ithe r conside r fe ature sim ilarity or labe l
sim ilarity for labe l se t pre diction. W e propose a strate gy to com bine both k -Ne are st Ne ighbor
(k NN) algorithm and m ultiple re gre ssion in an e fficie nt way for m ulti-labe l classification. k NN
work s we ll in fe ature space and m ultiple re gre ssion work s we ll for pre se rving labe l de pe nde nt
inform ation with ge ne rate d m ode ls for labe ls. O ur classifie r incorporate s fe ature sim ilarity in the
fe ature space and labe l de pe nde ncy in the labe l space for pre diction. It has a wide range of
applications in various dom ains such as in inform ation re trie val, que ry cate gorization, m e dical
diagnosis and m ark e ting.
An Efficient Sphere Decoding Algorithm for Rank- deficient OFDM/SDMA System s
Shahnaz K V (National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India) and Ali CK (NIT Calicut,
The de sign of e fficie nt re ce ive rs for orthogonal fre que ncy division m ultiple x ing / space division
m ultiple acce ss (O FDM/SDMA) channe ls re m ain a challe nging task e spe cially whe n the num be r of
m obile stations (MSs) transm itting e x ce e d base station (BS) ante nnas. The be nchm ark
pe rform ance is achie ve d by Max im um Lik e lihood (ML) de te ctor at the cost of com putational
com ple x ity that e x pone ntially incre ase s with spatial and te m poral dim e nsion. As an alte rnative to
re duce com ple x ity without com prom ising the pe rform ance , this pape r discusse s a sim ple and
e ffe ctive Finck e and Pohst Sphe re De coding (FP-SD) algorithm which incorporate s a pse udoante nna augm e ntation sche m e to handle a rank -de ficie nt channe l. The work also e x plains how
suitable radius se le ction affe cts the pe rform ance .
An Hybrid Validity Index for Dynam ic Cut- off in Hierarchical Agglom erativ e Clustering
Bhargavi MS (BNM Institute of Technology, India) and Sahana Gowda (BNM Institute of
Technology, India)
C luste ring aim s at partitioning unlabe lle d data sam ple s into cluste rs so that the sam ple s within a
cluste r are close to e ach othe r. O ne of the m ost challe nging issue s in cluste r analysis is the
de te rm ination of true cluste rs. This challe nge be com e s m ore intriguing in case of hie rarchical
cluste ring te chnique s that re quire s dynam ic te rm ination of the cluste ring proce ss at true
conce ption of cluste rs. In this pape r, a dynam ic cut-off for hie rarchical agglom e rative cluste ring
has be e n propose d which autom atically te rm inate s the cluste ring proce ss once optim al num be r
of cluste rs are obtaine d. The cut-off is base d on the com putation of validity inde x to asse ss the
global prox im ity and local prox im ity of the cluste rs at e ve ry le ve l of the hie rarchy. The de cision
of optim ality is re nde re d during the construction of the hie rarchical tre e . This e lim inate s the ne e d
for the com putation of the com ple te tre e . Ex pe rim e ntal analyse s on re al datase ts from UC I
m achine le arning re pository de m onstrate the e fficie ncy of the propose d m e thod in de te cting true
cluste rs
Autom ated Fingerprint Identification System Based on Weighted Feature Points
Matching Algorithm
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
Ezdihar N. Bifari (King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia) and Lamiaa A. Elrefaei (KAU
& BU, Saudi Arabia)
Most of finge rprint ide ntification syste m s pe rform m atching algorithm s base d on diffe re nt
m inutiae de tails pre se nt in the finge rprint. Usually, m inutiae are e x tracte d from the thinne d
finge rprint im age . Due to the im age noise and diffe re nt pre proce ssing m e thods, the thinne d
im age could re sults in a large num be r of false m inutiae which m ay de cre ase the pe rform ance of
the syste m . In this pape r, som e e x isting algorithm s from diffe re nt studie s we re inte grate d to
build Autom ate d Finge rprint Ide ntification Syste m . A ne w m atching algorithm was propose d
base d on fe ature with two points; m inutiae and ridge point. In addition, e ach fe ature e x tracte d
assigne d to an appropriate we ight according to propose d we ights table . The m odifie d syste m was
te ste d on FVC 2002 DB1 se t-A and all four FVC 2004 se t-A database s and showe d that it is
e ffe ctive and give s e x ce lle nt re sults that e x ce e d the pe rform ance of classic m inutiae -base d
m atching algorithm .
Daily Rainfall Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Networks for Early Warning of
Renuga Devi S (VIT University, Vellore, India), Pranay Agarwal (VIT University, India),
Chakrapani Venkatesh (EBET Group of Institutions & Anna University, India) and
Pachaiappan Arulmozhivarman (VIT University, India)
Landslide s are one of the m ajor ge o hazards re sponsible for the huge loss of re source s
worldwide . Since tim e im m e m orial, Nilgiris, a hilly district of Tam il Nadu, has be e n re pe ate dly
ravage d by landslide s. W ith an aim to de ve lop landslide e arly warning syste m s for Nilgiris, the
pape r de ve lops diffe re nt m ode ls to asse ss landslide occurre nce risk base d on daily rainfall
fore casts and rainfall thre sholds. The pape r e m ploys Artificial Ne ural Ne twork s to pre dict one day
advance rainfall inte nsity and the n asse sse s the risk of landslide occurre nce by com paring it with
rainfall thre sholds. The data se t com prise s of daily re corde d rainfall inte nsitie s at 14 rain gauge
stations locate d in and around C oonoor. The re sults obtaine d and se nsitivity analysis pe rform e d
e stablishe s the e fficie ncy and ade quacy of rainfall data as a supple m e nt to diffe re nt
m e te orological param e te rs and suitability of artificial ne ural ne twork s in fore casting rainfall and
he nce e valuating the risk of landslide occurre nce .
Foggy Im age Enhancem ent Using Contrast Lim ited Adaptiv e Histogram Equalization of
Digitally Filtered Im age: Perform ance Im prov em ent
Garima Yadav (Govt Women Engineering College, India), Saurabh Maheshwari (Govt.
Women Engineering College Ajmer & Student Member IEEE, India) and Anjali Agarwal
(Govt. Women Engineering College, Ajmer, India)
Digital filte rs are use d in signal proce ssing to im prove the quality of signal and to re m ove /re duce
noise . Fog is a type of unwante d signal which cre ate visuality diffe re nce be twe e n obje ct and
vie we r. For re m oving this type of unwante d signal, digital filte rs are use d. Digital filte r is divide d
into two parts: finite im pulse re sponse (FIR ) and infinite im pulse re sponse (IIR ). The author
introduce d a ne w approach for im proving the quality of foggy im age and to incre ase pe ak signal
to noise ratio. In this pape r author use d finite im pulse re sponse filte r for foggy im age which work
ove r ze ro to finite tim e inte rval. In FIR filte r, se parable filte r coe fficie nts are use d which re duce
the am ount of calculation. For im proving im age contrast hgam m a corre ction function is use d.
Afte r contrast adjustm e nt of input im age , contrast lim ite d adaptive histogram e qualization
(C LAHE) is applie d ove r an im age and produce an e nhance d im age . The m ain aim of this pape r
is to im prove the quality of foggy im age using digital FIR filte r and contrast lim ite d adaptive
histogram e qualization. W e also com pare pre vious algorithm s in this fie ld through
im ple m e ntation of the m e thods k e e ping sam e param e te r for critical analysis. In the e nd of this
article author provide the future scope for work ing dire ction.
Autom atic Hum p Detection and 3D View Generation From a Single Road Im age
Geetha Kiran AnneGowda (Vishweswaraiah Technological University, India) and Murali
S (Vishweswaraiah Technological University, India)
Driving support syste m s aid in im proving the road safe ty. The re are various safe ty m e asure s on
the road lik e traffic signals, sign boards and hum ps to avoid possible accide nts. The pape r
pre se nte d has two phase s: The first phase include s, the de ve lopm e nt of an algorithm to de te ct
hum p from a single im age capture d from the cam e ra fix e d at low he ight to the m oving ve hicle .
In the se cond phase , we ge ne rate the 3D vie ws autom atically to vie w the de tails on the road.
The im age s have to be capture d at a constant tim e pe riod. The ide a is to save m e m ory by
storing im age s inste ad of the vide o stre am . Adde d to this, an autom atic 3D vie w ge ne ration up
to the de te cte d hum p can be visualize d to k now the de tails of the road be fore re aching the
hum p by ge ne rating the fram e s from the capture d im age . This is achie ve d in a four ste p
proce ss: First, the input im age is proce sse d to e stim ate the vanishing point. Se cond, the hum p
is de te cte d using the dilation and e rosion proce ss. Third, the distance to the hum p from the vie w
point is com pute d, de pe nding on which the spe e d of the ve hicle can be re duce d. Finally, the
fram e s are autom atically ge ne rate d up to the de te cte d hum p to vie w the de tails on the road and
act accordingly be fore re aching the hum p using a nove l approach. The propose d m e thod has
be e n e x pe rim e nte d with around 400 im age s. The e fficacy of the propose d m e thod is pre se nte d
by com paring it with the re sults of the de pth of the hum p com pute d m anually. Also, the
e fficie ncy of the 3D vie w ge ne ration is shown by com paring the first fram e with othe r fram e s
re sulting with the corre sponding m e an value s of the diffe re nce .
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
S47-B: WCI: Pattern Recognition, Signal and Image Processing-II
Room: 009 Block E Ground Floor
Chair: Angshul Majumdar (Indraprastha Institute Of Information Technology-Delhi &amp;
University of British Columbia, India)
Im age Vector Classification Algorithm for Hand- Writing Verification
Tripty Singh (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham & Amrita School of Engineering, India) and
Shivendra Mishra (Amrita Vishwavidyapeetham University & Department of CSE, India)
In this pape r, we propose and im ple m e nt the data m ining te chnique s for ve rification of handwriting re corde d in a im age . The capture d im age s are conside re d inde pe nde nt of ink or pe n type
in this syste m . This syste m consists of six sub-m odule s. Nam e ly, i) Sam ple im age data
acquisition and pre proce ssing; ii) Ve ctors ge ne ration; iii) C om putation of cluste rs; iv) C luste r
He ad C om putation v) Patte rn Param e te r Ex traction; vi) R e sult. The first sub-m odule capture s
and cate gorize s the im age for pre proce ssing. The se pre proce sse d im age s are ve ctore dand a
cluste r is com pute d base d on the de gre e of e ntropy in the ve ctors. The re fore , the se bunch of
cluste rs re pre se nt the m se lve s with the de gre e of e ntropy, type of cluste r by choosing a cluste r
he ad. Finally, the param e te rs such as the distance , e ntropy, confide nce , are e x tracte d from the
cluste ring; and a re sult is ge ne rate d for the give n se t of sam ple s.
Metam orphic Relations to Im prov e the Test Accuracy of Multi Precision Arithm etic
Software Applications
Ch. Aruna (KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, India)
R e ce nt advance s in C om puting Te chnologie s are incre asing the e x pe ctations of high accuracy
and re liability from sophisticate d arithm e tic program s. Multi Pre cision Arithm e tic (MPA) plays a
vital role in m ajority of scie ntific applications, whe re the accuracy le ve ls are m ore conside rable
and e ve n a sm all m istak e m ay m isguide the downstre am e x pe rim e ntal re sults. Norm al te sting
strate gie s re ly on te st oracle s to pre dict the e x pe cte d output to com pare with targe t output.
Te sting of MPA program s is a crucial work with norm al te sting strate gie s, due to the com ple x ity of
ge ne rating oracle s to ve rify the corre ctne ss of te st outputs. In this pape r we propose a nove l
software te sting te chnique calle d Me tam orphic Te sting (MT), to te st the non-te stable MPA
program s with the he lp of Me tam orphic R e lations (MR s)to alle viate the oracle proble m .MT use s
the data dive rsity te chnique to ge ne rate the follow-up te st case s base d on the e x iste d succe ssful
te st case s, which are low cost, scalable , e fficie nt and le ads to 'N-Ve rsion Program m ing'.
Ex pe rim e ntal re sults are showing that our approach is ide ntifying the hidde n e rrors and
im proving the te sting accuracy by finding m ore m utants.
On the Applicability of Ev olutionary Com putation for Software Defect Prediction
Ruchika Malhotra (Delhi Technological University, India), Nakul Pritam (Delhi
Technological University, India) and Yogesh Singh (Maharaja Sayajirao University,
R e m oval of de fe cts is the k e y in e nsuring long-te rm e rror fre e ope ration of a software syste m .
Although im prove m e nts in the software te sting proce ss has re sulte d in be tte r cove rage , it is
e vide nt that som e parts of a software syste m te nd to be m ore de fe ct prone than the othe r parts
and ide ntification of the se parts can gre atly be ne fit the software practitione rs in orde r to de live r
high quality m aintainable software products. A de fe ct pre diction m ode l is built by training a
le arne r using the software m e trics. The se m ode ls can late r be use d to pre dict de fe ctive classe s in
a software syste m . Many studie s have be e n conducte d in the past for pre dicting de fe ctive classe s
in the e arly phase s of the software de ve lopm e nt. Howe ve r, the e volutionary com putation
te chnique s have not ye t be e n e x plore d for pre dicting de fe ctive classe s. The nature of
e volutionary com putation te chnique s m ak e s the m be tte r suite d to the software e ngine e ring
proble m s. In this study we e x plore the pre dictive ability of the e volutionary com putation and
hybridize d e volutionary com putation te chnique s for de fe ct pre diction. This work contribute s to the
lite rature by e x am ining the e ffe ctive ne ss of the 15 e volutionary com putation and hybridize d
e volutionary com putation te chnique s to 5 datase ts obtaine d from the Apache Software
Foundation using the De fe ct C olle ction and R e porting Syste m . The re sults are e valuate d in te rm s
of the value s of accuracy. W e furthe r com pare the e volutionary com putation te chnique s using the
Frie dm an rank ing. The re sults sugge st that the de fe ct pre diction m ode ls built using the
e volutionary com putation te chnique s pe rform we ll ove r all the datase ts in te rm s of pre diction
Sustainable Power Production and Purification of Water
Jahnvi Tiwari (Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, India), Ashish Kumar Singh (Shri Mata
Vaishno Devi University, India), Ashish Yadav (Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University,
India) and Rakesh Kumar Jha (Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, India)
Throughout the hum an history, a se rie s of te chnologie s introduce d for wate r tre atm e nt and powe r
optim ization can be trace d. . The growing population de m ands e le ctricity, this is incre asing
pre ssure on our non-re ne wable re source s which are de ple ting fast. The re fore , salinity gradie nt
e ne rgy is a prom ising re ne wable e ne rgy source for the future . The incre asing scarcity of drink ing
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
wate r has also wre tche d hum an life quality. The pape r propose s the use of graphe ne m e m brane
for powe r ge ne ration using re ve rse osm osis proce ss. At the sam e tim e wate r is de salinize d and
proce sse d for purification so that the re is availability of ultra-pure cle an wate r without using filte rs
in the re house holds and abundant e le ctricity without any e cological im balance . The proposal
include s re m oval of arse nic, poorly biode gradable pollutants using TiO 2 nanoparticle s.
Ele ctrolysis is use d to obtain chlorine . Advance e le ctronics im ple m e ntation also re nde rs this with
pum p control, fouling de te ction m odule s and de cision m odule for the volum e of e fflue nt to be
discharge d. The ide a focuse s on incre asing wate r supplie s through the safe re -use of waste wate r
and e fficie nt de salination of se a wate r and to fulfil large de m and of e le ctricity in the world
re ne wably.
An Ensem ble of Morphology Based Pattern Spectrum and Height Functions for Shape
Representation and Classification
B H Shekar (Mangalore University, India) and Bharathi Pilar (University College
Mangalore, India)
In this pape r, we propose a com bine d classifie r m ode l base d on Patte rn Spe ctrum (PS) and
He ight functions (HF) to classify shape s accurate ly. The PS capture s the intrinsic de tails of shape ,
the HF is inse nsitive to ge om e tric transform ations and nonline ar de form ations, and he nce
com bine d to re pre se nt/classify shape s accurate ly. The Earth Move rs Distance (EMD) m e tric in
case of PS and Dynam ic Program m ing (DP) in case of HF we re re spe ctive ly e m ploye d to obtain
sim ilarity value s and fuse d to classify a give n que ry shape base d on m inim um sim ilarity value .
The e x pe rim e nts are conducte d on publicly available shape datase ts nam e ly MPEG-7, Kim ia-99,
Kim ia-216, Myth and Tools-2D and the re sults are pre se nte d by m e ans of Bull's e ye score . The
com parative study is also provide d with the we ll k nown approache s to e x hibit the re trie val
accuracy of the propose d approach. The e x pe rim e ntal re sults de m onstrate that the propose d
approach yie lds significant im prove m e nts ove r base line shape m atching algorithm s.
S48-A: WCI: Computer Networks, Distributed Systems and Security-I
Room: 108-A Block E First Floor
Chair: Gajanan Patil (Army Institute of Technology &amp; Sinhgad College of Engineering, India)
A Com prehensiv e Analysis of DoS Attacks in Mobile Adhoc Networks
Kasturiniva Das (North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, India)
and Amar Taggu (NERIST, India)
Mobile Adhoc NETwork s (MANETs) have gaine d popularity in both re se arch and industrial dom ains
due to the ir on-de m and ad-hoc nature , e asy de ploym e nt and abse nce of any ce ntral authority
for routing. Howe ve r, MANETs are susce ptible to an array of attack s, prim arily be cause of the ir
adhoc and de ce ntralize d nature . Most of the se attack s are targe te d at disrupting the routing of
control and data pack e ts, the re by re nde ring MANETs inse cure and unusable . De nial of Se rvice
(DoS) attack is a suite of attack s consisting of attack s lik e Black hole , Grayhole attack e tc. in
which the ne twork traffic is capture d and forwarde d to a m alicious node or a group of
collaborating m alicious node s in the ne twork so as to ham pe r le gitim ate com m unications in the
ne twork . The scope of this pape r is to study the e ffe cts of Black hole , Grayhole , R ushing and
Sle e p De privation attack s in Adhoc O n-De m and Distance Ve ctor (AO DV) base d MANETs. Various
pe rform ance m e trics have be e n use d to study the e ffe cts of diffe re nt DoS attack s in MANETs and
a com pre he nsive analysis is pre se nte d. NS-2.35 has be e n use d e x te nsive ly to sim ulate the se
attack s.
An Enhancem ent to CloudSim Via Distributed Data Storage
Roopa Narayan (PESIT South Campus, India), Surbhi Agrawal (PESIT South Campus,
India) and Snehanshu Saha (PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore South Campus,
C loud com puting has e m e rge d as a powe rful com puting te chnology to m e e t the fast e x pansion
and continuous change s in m ode rn com puting e ndowe d with the ve rsatility in addre ssing the alle ncom passing re quire m e nts. It has attracte d the atte ntion of pote ntial busine ss com m unitie s
se rving the back bone of our e conom y. It is im pe rative for re se arche rs to put forth the ir be st
e fforts in m e ting the de m and curve . In orde r to use cloud com puting te chnology the use r has to
m ak e him /he r fam iliar with the various face ts of the te chnology through the sim ulators. Afte r
analyzing the various available cloud sim ulators, C loudSim 3.0.3 was tak e n up. Ne w fe ature s in
data storage have be e n include d. Pre se nt ve rsion of C loudSim 3.0.3 use s typical hard drive
storage which is im provise d to a distribute d storage re sulting in load balancing across the node s
and re duction in the am ount of data m igration.
Approxim ate String Matching Algorithm for Phishing Detection
Dona Abraham (SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, India) and Nisha Raj
(SCMS School of Engineerin & Technology, India)
Phishing is an act of ste aling pe rsonal and se nsitive use r inform ation through inte rne t and using
it for financial transactions. The goal of phishe rs is to carry out fraudule nt transactions on be half
of the victim s by using the inform ation ste ale d from the m . Availing the se rvice s of inte rne t has
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
be com e a dange rous task to the com m on pe ople with the se k inds of attack s. Many m e thods
have be e n de ve lope d to fight against phishing attack s. But, as the attack e r use s m ore
sophisticate d te chnique s e ach m e thod fails to pe rform we ll in de te cting the attack s. He re we
propose a string m atching m e thod for de te cting phishing attack s, which de te rm ine s the de gre e
of sim ilarity a UR L is having with the black liste d UR Ls. Thus base d on the te x tual prope rtie s of a
UR L it can be classifie d as phishing or non- phishing. Two string m atching algorithm s i.e . Longe st
C om m on Subse que nce (LC S) and Edit Distance are use d in the hostnam e com parison. The
accuracy rate obtaine d for LC S is 99.1% and for Edit Distance it is 99.5%.
Autonom ous Form ation Control and Target Tracking in Distributed Multi- agent System
Aabha Barve (Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, India) and Manisha Jitendra
Nene (Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, India)
A Multi-age nt Syste m can be conside re d as distribute d syste m consisting of m ultiple inte racting
inte llige nt age nts acting on a com m on e nvironm e nt. Age nts in m ulti-age nt syste m achie ve the
global obje ctive of the syste m by controlling the local param e te rs of individual age nt. Se lforganizing, se lf-ste e ring and se lf-configuring capabilitie s are highly de sire d in the functioning of
a distribute d syste m . Nature inspire d Flock ing Algorithm s have the pote ntial to introduce the se
capabilitie s in the functioning of distribute d syste m due to the ir inhe re nt e m e rge nt be haviour.
The contribution of this pape r is twofold. Firstly, a nove l algorithm is propose d for achie ving se lforganize d circular form ation control while track ing a targe t. Se cond, the propose d algorithm is
analyze d for pe rform ance param e te rs and is found to be e fficie nt. Sim ulations are carrie d out
and the propose d algorithm is ve rifie d.
Carbon Efficient VM Placem ent and Migration Technique for Green Federated Cloud
Bharti Wadhwa (Panjab University, India) and Amandeep Verma (UIET Panjab
University Chandigarh India, India)
C loud C om puting is be ing use d wide ly all ove r the world by m any IT com panie s as it provide s
various be ne fits to the use rs lik e cost saving and e ase of use . Howe ve r, with the growing
de m ands of use rs for com puting se rvice s, cloud provide rs are e ncourage d to de ploy large
datace nte rs which consum e ve ry high am ount of e ne rgy and also contribute to the incre ase in
carbon diox ide e m ission in the e nvironm e nt. The re fore , we re quire to de ve lop te chnique s which
will he lp to ge t m ore e nvironm e nt frie ndly com puting i.e . Gre e n C loud C om puting. In this pape r,
we propose a ne w te chnique to re duce the carbon e m ission and e ne rgy consum ption in the
distribute d cloud datace nte rs having diffe re nt e ne rgy source s and carbon footprint rate s. O ur
approach use s the carbon footprint rate of the datace nte rs in distribute d cloud archite cture and
the conce pt of virtual m achine allocation and m igration for re ducing the carbon e m ission and
e ne rgy consum ption in the fe de rate d cloud syste m . Sim ulation re sults show that our propose d
approach re duce s the carbon diox ide e m ission and e ne rgy consum ption of fe de rate d cloud
datace nte rs as com pare d to the classical sche duling approach of round robin VM sche duling in
fe de rate d cloud datace nte rs.
Design of a Low Power Digital Down Conv erter for 802.16m - 4G WiMAX on FPGA
Sudhir Rao Rupanagudi (WorldServe Education, India), Varsha Bhat (WorldServe
Education, India), Hemalatha G (WorldServe Education, India), Bhavana N
(WorldServe Education, India), Archana M (WorldServe Education, India), Chandrika V
(Yellamma Dasappa Institute of Technology, India), Ashwini R (Yellamma Dasappa
Institute of Technology, India), Keerti Torvi (Yellamma Dasappa Institute of
Technology, India), Darshan R (Sir MVIT, India), Abhilash G (Sir MVIT, India), Anil S (Sir
MVIT, India) and Vinayak Swamy M (Sir MVIT, India)
The Digital Down C onve rte r also k nown as the DDC is one of the m ost inte gral parts of a
base band wire le ss re ce ive r syste m . The m ajor function of the DDC is to down conve rt an
Inte rm e diate Fre que ncy (IF) signal to Base band. It achie ve s this by pe rform ing com ple x task s
such as m ix ing, de cim ation and filte ring and it is due to this re ason, the archite cture of the DDC
occupie s a significant on-chip are a and consum e s a large am ount of powe r as we ll. In this pape r,
a nove l m e thodology to im ple m e nt the DDC archite cture has be e n pre se nte d. The pape r focuse s
on the 4G W iMAX standard. The DDC has be e n de signe d and im ple m e nte d on a Xilinx Virte x 4
FPGA utilizing a C O R DIC base d NC O , Ve dic m ath base d m ix e r and a C IC base d filte r. A 93%
re duction in are a was achie ve d and a 3.5 tim e s re duction in powe r with re spe ct to pre vious
archite cture s has also be e n attaine d.
Discrim inativ e DCT- MLP Based Approach for Off- line Signature Verification
Bharathi R K (S. J. College of Engineering, Mysore, Karnataka & SJCE, Mysore, India)
and B H Shekar (Mangalore University, India)
In this pape r, we propose to e x plore the possibility of inte grating the appe arance base d
paradigm with fre que ncy dom ain for off-line signature ve rification. The propose d approach has
four m ajor phase s: Pre proce ssing, Fe ature e x traction, Fe ature re duction and C lassification. In
the fe ature e x traction phase , Discre te C osine Transform (DC T) is e m ploye d on the signature
im age to obtain the uppe r-le ft corne r block of size m n as a re pre se ntative fe ature ve ctor. The se
fe ature s are subje cte d to Line ar Discrim inant Analysis (LDA), thus re ducing the fe ature ve ctor to
re pre se nt the signature with optim al se t of fe ature s. The m e rits of DC T that capture s the
significant inform ation in a sm all pack of coe fficie nts is fe d into discrim inant analysis for furthe r
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
com pact re pre se ntation. The propose d approach, Discrim inative DC T-MLP com bine s the be ne fits
of two dom ains, ye t doe s not suffe r from the ir individual lim itations. The optim al re pre se ntative
fe ature s from all the sam ple s in the data se t form the k nowle dge base . Furthe r, the Multi-laye r
pe rce ptrons(MLP), a we ll k nown classifie r is use d for classification and the pe rform ance is
m e asure d through FAR and FR R m e trics. Ex pe rim e nts have be e n conducte d on standard
signature datase ts nam e ly: C EDAR and GPDS-160, and MUKO S, a re gional language (Kannada)
datase t. The com parative study is also provide d with the we ll k nown approache s to e x hibit the
pe rform ance of the propose d approach.
Enhanced AODV Protocol for Defence Against JellyFish Attack on MANETs
Sakshi Garg (Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, India) and Satish Chand (Netaji
Subhas Institute of Technology, India)
This pape r discusse s an e nhance d AO DV routing protocol as a m e thod for de fe nce against
Je llyFish (JF) De lay Variance attack in Mobile Ad-hoc ne twork s. The JF de lay variance attack
introduce s de lay in forwarding the pack e ts at ne twork laye r. It use s MAC addre sse s to calculate
the route for forwarding the pack e ts to de stination. The attack e r node cre ate s de lay in forwarding
the pack e ts, which incre ase s e nd-to-e nd de lay and de cre ase s throughput of the ne twork . Thus
the pe rform ance of ne twork de cre ase s drastically. W e propose an e nhance m e nt in AO DV protocol
so as to de te ct the m alicious node s in a ne twork and to re m ove the m from the routing path
without the ir k nowle dge .
S48-B: WCI: Computer Networks, Distributed Systems and Security-II
Room: 108-B Block E First Floor
Chair: Noor Mahammad Sk (Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and
Manufacturing (IIITDM) Kancheepuram, India)
Feature Selection for Steganalysis Based on Modified Stochastic Diffusion Search Using
Fisher Score
Veenu Bhasin (University of Delhi, India), Punam Bedi (University of Delhi, India) and
Anuradha Singhal (University of Delhi, India)
The ste ganalysis proce ss com prise s of two m ajor com pone nts fe ature e x traction and
classification base d on the e x tracte d fe ature s. The high dim e nsion of fe ature se ts use d for
ste ganalysis m ak e s classification a com ple x and tim e -consum ing proce ss. A nove l fe ature
se le ction algorithm (SDSFS) for ste ganalysis is propose d in this pape r. SDSFS is a filte r-type
fe ature se le ction algorithm which se le cts re duce d fe ature se t base d on Stochastic Diffusion
Se arch. The Stochastic Diffusion Se arch, a ge ne ric population-base d se arch m e thod, has be e n
m odifie d and adopte d succe ssfully for ste ganalytic fe ature se le ction in this work . The algorithm
use s se parability of fe ature ve ctors as hypothe sis and Fishe r score is use d as se parability
m e asure . To show the use fulne ss and e ffe ctive ne ss of SDSFS, e x pe rim e nts we re conducte d on
two diffe re nt fe ature se ts use d for ste ganalysis. The e x pe rim e ntal re sults show that the
propose d fe ature se le ction e ffe ctive ly re duce s the dim e nsionality of the fe ature s and im prove s
the de te ction accuracy of the ste ganalysis proce ss.
Fram ework for Design of Graybot in Social Network
Silpa Sebastian (SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, India), Sonal Ayyappan
(SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, India) and Vinod P (SCMS School of
Engineerin & Technology, India)
The incre ase d use of Inte rne t in all are as of life has re sulte d in diffe re nt type s of Inte rne t
thre ats that has transform e d from attack s which disable infrastructure to those which affe ct
pe ople and organizations. Botne t is a m ajor inte rne t thre at and the com m and and control
archite cture of botne t diffe re ntiate s it from othe r type s of m alware s. Botne t is a colle ction of
com prom ise d com pute rs in a ne twork unde r the com m and and control of attack e r calle d
botm aste r. This pape r propose s a botne t that use s Twitte r for its com m and and control. The
botm aste r use s the fak e account to post twe e ts which include s the e ncrypte d com m ands. The
infe cte d m achine s calle d botclie nts obtains the se twe e ts, de crypts the e ncrypte d com m and in the
twe e t and launch attack s in the infe cte d m achine s. The k e y use d for e ncrypting the
com m unication be twe e n the botse rve r and botclie nts is obtaine d using Diffie He llm an Ke y
Ex change . The functionality and im ple m e ntation of propose d botne t he lps to unde rstand about
how social ne twork ing site s can be use d for botne t com m and and control and about the
de structive nature of botne t attack s.
Malware Detection and Classification Based on Extraction of API Sequences
Dolly Uppal (Govt. Engineering College Ajmer, India)
W ith the substantial growth of IT se ctor in the 21st ce ntury, the ne e d for syste m se curity has
also be com e ine vitable . W hile the de ve lopm e nts in the IT se ctor have innum e rable advantage s
but attack s on we bsite s and com pute r syste m s are also incre asing re lative ly. O ne such attack is
ze ro day m alware attack which pose s a gre at challe nge for the se curity te ste rs. The m alware pe n
te ste rs can use bypass te chnique s lik e C om pre ssion, C ode obfuscation and Encryption
te chnique s to e asily de ce ive pre se nt day Antivirus Scanne rs. This pape r e lucidate s a nove l
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
m alware ide ntification approach base d on e x tracting unique aspe cts of API se que nce s. The
propose d fe ature se le ction m e thod base d on N gram s and odds ratio se le ction, capture unique
and distinct API se que nce s from the e x tracte d API calls the re by incre asing classification accuracy.
Ne x t a m ode l is built by the classification algorithm s using active m achine le arning te chnique s to
cate gorize m alicious and be nign file s.
Applicability of Clustering Techniques on Masquerade Detection
Reshma Raveendran (Mahatma Gandhi University, India) and Dhanya A (SCMS School
of Engineering & Technology, India)
In m asque rade attack , attack e r im pe rsonate s le gitim ate use r. Most of the m asque rade de te ction
te chnique s done so far are base d on supe rvise d le arning te chnique s. But he re in this pape r
m asque rade de te ction base d on unsupe rvise d le arning te chnique s are introduce d. Various
cluste ring algorithm s use d are K-Me ans, K-Me doid, Agglom e rative cluste ring algorithm and
DBSC AN. A com parative study is done base d on the de te ction capability of the se four cluste ring
algorithm s. The e x pe rim e nt is conducte d and e valuate d on Schonlau data se t [1]. 99.6%
accuracy is obtaine d while conside ring K-m e ans cluste ring algorithm whe re as K-m e doid,
agglom e rative , and DBSC AN m e thod got 100% accuracy. R e sults im plie s that cluste ring m e thods
can be e ffe ctive ly use d in m asque rade de te ction.
Protection of the Child/ Elderly/ Disabled/ Pet by Sm art and Intelligent GSM and GPS
Based Autom atic Tracking and Alert System
Deepak Punetha (Tula's Institute, Dehradun & Uttarakhand Technical University,
India) and Vartika Mehta (Graphic Era Hill University Dehradun, India)
This article discusse s in de tail the purpose , de signing and functioning of a track ing syste m . This
track ing syste m could be brought to use to track pe ts/childre n/e lde rly/ disable d/ve hicle s e tc. The
track ing syste m 's range can be spe cifie d de pe nding on the usage . If the carrie r of the track ing
syste m inte ntionally or uninte ntionally trie s to cross a particular pre de te rm ine d are a/ re gion the n
an SMS is se nt to a pre de fine d phone num be r disclosing the coordinate s of the location. The
work ing of the syste m is base d on an e x isting GSM ne twork and GPS sate llite s. This track ing
syste m not only transm its the longitude and latitude coordinate s to the ce ll phone but also give s
a slight shock to the carrie r and se ts off an alarm indicating the crossing of the pe riphe ry.
Railway Track Breakage Detection Method Using Vibration Estim ating Sensor Network
Kalpana Sharma (Rajasthan College of Engineering for Women, Jaipur, India),
Saurabh Maheshwari (Govt. Women Engineering College Ajmer & Student Member
IEEE, India), Ruchika Solanki (RCEW Kota, India) and Vineet Khanna (RCEW Kota,
R ailway track se curity is prim e conce rn of railways. Ve ry fe w approache s have be e n im ple m e nte d
conce rning the track bre ak age de te ction. In this pape r we are proposing an algorithm for
de ploym e nt of vibration se nsors on the track and sim ulating com m unication am ong the se nsors
in re al tim e . W e also sugge st a m e thod to re gularly update train e ngine about the track 's status
and e x act location of the track bre ak age . C om m unication tak e s place on a full duple x channe l
from se nsors to sink and from sink to train. Multi-hop routing strate gy has be e n use d for which
se nde r and re ce ive rs are se nsors, trains and sink . The forwarding node s are pole s which have no
se nsor ne e d, the y are e quippe d only with transce ive rs. C e rtain advantage s of the propose d
m e thod are : ve ry fe w m e ssage param e te rs to m aintain re al tim e re quire m e nts in the de cision
m ak ing with highly consiste nt de cision in com parison to pre vious approache s. Node has the
m inim um proce ssing and de cision m ak ing ne e ds, so cost of node s will be ve ry le ss. De cision
m ak ing is done se parate ly for le ft and right track m ak ing the se nsing m ore se nsitive . No pre proce ssing on the data is done and e x act output with pre cise coordinate s, no fuzzy e stim ation.
Aggre gation in the propose d m e thod is de te rm inistic which give s e x act location of crack whe re as
in com ple x fuzzy base d approache s approx im ate location is ide ntifie d so the re is no guarante e
for re al tim e succe ss.
11:00 - 13:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
S57: Doctoral Consortium
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor
Chair: Sabu M Thampi (Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - Kerala,
Adaptiv e Algorithm s for Autom ated Intruder Detection in Surv eillance Networks
Tarem Ahmed (BRAC University, Bangladesh), Al-Sakib Khan Pathan (International
Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia) and Supriyo Ahmed (BRAC University,
Many sche m e s have be e n pre se nte d ove r the ye ars to de ve lop autom ate d visual surve illance
syste m s. Howe ve r, the se sche m e s typically re quire custom e quipm e nt, or involve significant
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
com ple x ity and storage re quire m e nts. This work pre se nts four nove l algorithm s built using
m achine le arning te chnique s to pe rform autom ate d, re al-tim e intrude r de te ction in surve illance
ne twork s. The propose d algorithm s are adaptive , portable , do not re quire any e x pe nsive or
sophisticate d com pone nts, and are lightwe ight and e fficie nt with runtim e s of the orde r of
hundre dths of a se cond. Two of the propose d algorithm s we re de ve lope d by the stude nt him se lf.
Through application to two com ple m e ntary data se ts and quantitative pe rform ance com parisons
with two re pre se ntative e x isting sche m e s, we show that it is possible to e asily obtain high
de te ction accuracy with low false alarm rate s.
Conceptual Model for Obfuscated TRUST Induced From Web Analytics Data for
Content- Driv en Websites
Himani Singal (Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India) and Shruti Kohli (Birla
institute of Technology, India)
Be side s e -com m e rce , infobahn has be com e an im pe rative m e diocre to provide significant
conte nt on se rvice s such as acade m ics, m e dical, le gal, re lationships, m e te orological, ge ne ral
k nowle dge , e tc. to use rs in a judicious m anne r. To fascinate additional use rs to various conte nt
provide rs on the W e b, it is e sse ntial to build a re lationship of trust with the m by m e ritoriously
achie ving online conte nt optim ization by e stim ating conte nt ite m s' attractive ne ss and re le vance
to use rs' inte re sts. But m ore than building, the long te rm suste nance of TR UST is ne ce ssary to
bind use rs with the we bsite fore ve r. The pe rse ve rance of the pre se nt study is to contribute in the
e ffe ctive m e asure m e nt of TR UST e volve d and m aintaine d for W e b m e diate d Inform ation
Ex change (W -MIE) or conte nt we bsite s ove r a long run.
New Kinds of Fractal Iterated and Miniaturized Narrowband Bandpass Filters for
Wireless Applications
Vikas Soni (Modi Institute of Technology, Kota, India) and Mithilesh Kumar (Rajasthan
Technical University, Kota, Rajasthan-INDIA, India)
In this pape r, som e ne w type of com pact and highly se le ctive m icrostrip dual m ode narrowband
bandpass filte rs are propose d and com pare d for m ode rn wire le ss applications. The filte rs are
propose d by inte grating the conce pts of dual m ode with slotte d square patch re sonator,
Se irpinsk y C arpe t Fractal Ge om e try applie d to the conve ntional m icrostrip square patch for
achie ving m iniaturization and addition of pe rturbation for obtaining the bandpass characte ristics.
The se type of m icrostrip fractal narrowband bandpass filte rs show the advantage of providing the
m uch narrowe r bandwidth, m ore m iniaturization, high Q -value and high se le ctivity than that of
single m ode re sonator and conve ntional square patch filte r. The pe rform ance of propose d filte rs
base d on Se irpinsk y C arpe t Fractal Ge om e try and dual m ode slotte d square patch re sonator up
to third ite rations have be e n e valuate d using full wave base d on C ST m icrowave studio. The
sim ulation re sults show that at the sam e ope rating fre que ncy and sam e substrate m ate rial, the
propose d filte r afte r third ite ration provide s a conside rable low inse rtion loss, m ore
m iniaturization i.e le ss e ffe ctive are a of filte r, high Q -value , high se le ctivity and sharpe r
re sponse of about 1.29% fractional bandwidth as com pare d to the conve ntional m icrostrip square
patch filte r of 2.04% fractional bandwidth. The C om parative Sim ulation re sults also show that as
the num be r of ite rations incre ase , the inse rtion loss, 3dB fractional bandwidth, com pactne ss of
filte r and Q -value shall also be im prove d i.e the com parative study shows that the se filte r
structure s offe r the be tte r pe rform ance in te rm s of above m e ntione d param e te rs as com pare d to
othe r type s of non- fractalize d filte r structure s.
A Nov el Architecture for Enhancing Com m unication in Dead Zones Using Fem tocells
Johnsi Merlin Benita (CEG, Anna University, India) and Mary Anita Rajam V (CEG, Anna
University, India)
Fe m toce lls are sm all, low-powe r ce llular base stations use d m ainly for office and hom e purpose s.
Fe m toce lls use the IP ne twork as the back haul archite cture inste ad of the conve ntional ce llular
ne twork infrastructure . In place s whe re the re is no m acroce ll cove rage , calle d as de ad zone s,
fe m toce lls can be use d to provide high data rate se rvice s, provide d the re is broadband
conne ctivity. Lack of prope r data transm ission capability and poor signal stre ngth are som e of
the issue s that are e x pe rie nce d in a de ad zone . Fe m toce lls will be cost e ffe ctive whe n com pare d
to the installation of ce llular base stations in de ad zone s. This pape r propose s an archite cture
that e nable s com m unication in place s whe re the re is no m acroce ll cove rage and no broadband
conne ctivity. To e nable com m unication, this pape r introduce s a road-gate way and propose an
archite cture for com m unication using fe m toce lls (He NB), using conne ctions be twe e n use r
e quipm e nts, road-gate ways (R GW ) and fe m to gate ways (He NB-GW ).
Resource Prov isioning Algorithm s for Serv ice Com position in Cyber Physical System s
Swati Nikam (University Of Pune, India) and Rajesh Baliram Ingle (PICT pune, India)
O ut of various re se arch challe nge s pre se nt in C ybe r Physical Syste m s(C PS) re source
provisioning, se rvice com position and autonom ics of se lf m anage m e nt are conside re d in de tail.
R e source provisioning m e ans m ak ing the re source s se am le ssly available to use r as and whe n
the y are re quire d whe re as Se rvice com position m e ans building a com ple x se rvice whe n the
individual se rvice alone are not sufficie nt. So while com posing a ne w se rvice in C PS, provisioning
the re quire d re source is e x tre m e ly challe nging be cause of inhe re nt he te roge ne ity in the
re source s and he nce in the se rvice s. Be side s that autonom ics of se lf m anage m e nt is also ve ry
im portant as far as re liability of a se rvice is conce rne d which m e ans that the C PS se rvice should
Program for International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) [ICACCI-2014]
be com pose d e ve n in pre se nce of critical condition. So our work focuse s on ide ntifying and
solving various issue s pre se nt in re source provisioning in se rvice com position with conside ration
of autonom ics. So this com e s unde r the scope of a Ne twork e d C PS(NC PS). A pre lim inary
lite rature surve y has alre ady be e n carrie d out in the are a of re source provisioning, se rvice
com position and autonom ics. In this pape r we have discusse d in de tail about the re source
provisioning in se rvice com position and propose d solution approach. Sm art C ity Guide is tak e n
as case study whe re alre ady de ploye d C PS applications from various dom ains lik e transportation,
e nvironm e ntal m onitoring, wate r distribution ne twork , m e dical se rvice e tc. will contribute and he lp
to tak e de cision in providing guidance to a ne wcom e r in the city. It m ay also he lp to the citize ns
by giving the m prom pt se rvice in the various dom ains and also m ak ing the m aware of the
curre nt update s in the above said dom ains in advance .
Outage Analysis of Cooperativ e OFDM Relaying System with Opportunistic Spectrum
Naveen Gupta (IIIT-DELHI, India) and Vivek A Bohara (IIIT-DELHI, India)
In this pape r, we analyze the outage pe rform ance of an opportunistic spe ctrum sharing protocol.
In the propose d protocol if the prim ary syste m (lice nse d use r) is incapable of supporting its
targe t transm ission rate , the n se condary syste m (cognitive use r) he lps the prim ary syste m via
two phase coope rative O rthogonal Fre que ncy Division Multiple x ing (O FDM) re laying. Se condary
syste m acts as an Am plify & Forward (AF) re lay by allocating som e of its subcarrie rs to boost the
pe rform ance of prim ary transm ission whe re as re m aining subcarrie rs are use d for se condary
transm ission. Sim ulation re sults de m onstrate the outage probability with re spe ct to prim ary
transm it powe r for diffe re nt se ts of subcarrie rs in both dire ct & coope ration m ode . Through
sim ulation re sults it is prove d that the prim ary outage probability with coope ration is le ss than
outage probability with dire ct transm ission. R e sults also de m onstrate the outage probability for
incre asing distance be twe e n prim ary & se condary transm itte r. As distance be twe e n prim ary &
se condary transm itte r incre ase s outage probability incre ase s.
Autom ated Glaucom a Detection System Based on Wav elet Energy Features and ANN
Gayathri R (Jain University, India) and Pachara Venkata Rao (Raja Rajeswari College
of Engineering, Bangalore, India)
Glaucom a is an e ye dise ase which dam age s the optic ne rve of the e ye and be com e s se ve re ove r
tim e . It is cause d due to buildup of pre ssure inside the e ye . Glaucom a te nds to be inhe rite d and
m ay not show up until late r in life . The de te ction of glaucom atous progre ssion is one of the m ost
im portant and m ost challe nging aspe cts of prim ary ope n angle glaucom a (O AG) m anage m e nt.
The e arly de te ction of glaucom a is im portant in orde r to e nable appropriate m onitoring,
tre atm e nt and to m inim ize the risk of irre ve rsible visual fie ld loss. Although advance s in ocular
im aging offe r the pote ntial for e arlie r diagnosis, the be st m e thod is to involve a com bination of
inform ation from structural and functional te sts. In this propose d m e thod both structural and
e ne rgy fe ature s are conside re d the n analyze d to classify as glaucom atous im age . Ene rgy
distribution ove r wave le t sub bands we re applie d to find the se im portant te x ture fe ature s. Finally
e x tracte d e ne rgy fe ature s are applie d to Multilaye r Pe rce ptron (MLP) and Back Propagation (BP)
ne ural ne twork for e ffe ctive classification by conside ring norm al subje cts e x tracte d fe ature s.
Naive Baye s classifie s the im age s in the database with the accuracy of 89.6%. MLP-BP ANN
algorithm classifie s the im age s in the database with the accuracy of 97.6%.
13:15 - 14:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
Lunch Break
Room: Lawn Area Block E
14:00 - 14:45 (Asia/Kolkata)
WCI Panel Discussion
"Current and Future Roles of Women in Computing and Informatics"
Moderator: Dr. Veena Mendiratta, Bell Labs at Alcatel-Lucent in Naperville, Illinois, USA
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor
15:00 - 16:00 (Asia/Kolkata)
Valedictory Function
Room: Auditorium Block D Ground Floor