Dear Florence Avenue Family


Dear Florence Avenue Family
Dear Florence Avenue Family,
For 21 Days, we have chosen to embark on a spiritual adventure.
One that raises the stakes on God’s desire to work through us.
The old phrase, “You will get out of it what you put into it,” could
never be more pertinent.
Our “Revival Outpour” series will reveal a new season of
breakthrough for each person and for us as a church. Revival
always begins at the personal level and flows out.
During this special season, we invite you to participate through
“Fasting”, “Praying,” and “Giving” to allow God to release His
power in and through you.
We invite you to listen to the 21 Prayers (& Harvest Prayer at the
Conclusion) which allow us to pray individually or together as
we believe for greater things.
Maybe you are contending for an answer for salvation in your
family, healing in your body, provision through a job or finances,
opportunities for usefulness, power to break an addiction, or
even God’s intervention to preempt a challenge. Whatever you
see out ahead, invite God to release His work as He walks with
As we unite together, we are going to see God advance in
greater ways for His glory. May the Lord continue to spur you
on through increased measure in your relationship with Him.
Pastor Terry
Why Every Church Must Fast
By Bob Rodgers (Author of “The 21 Day Fast.”)
When my father suddenly died of a heart attack in 1988, the church voted that I succeed
him as pastor. The church, having just come through a building program, was hopelessly
in debt.
Not knowing what to do, I asked the people to join me in fasting 21 days, fasting one
meal a day for 21 days. For the past 18 years I had fasted 1 week during the ChristmasNew Year period. So I fasted for 7 days—three meals a day. I felt I had completed the
fast. However, the Lord spoke to me to continue, so I fasted the entire 21 days with only
Immediately I noticed a change in my life. I preached with greater power and authority.
Our church began to grow, and finance began to increase. Then the Lord impressed upon
me to have our church fast 3 days every month—we took the first Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday each month.
It was easy to get several thousand people to begin fasting on Monday, but when
Wednesday came I was fortunate to have a handful still fasting. After several months I
initiated a miracle service on the third day—intending to have a goal for the people to
reach so they could complete the 3 days.
When I arrived for the miracle service on Wednesday morning I was shocked to find the
chapel totally packed and people standing around the inside walls. Some could not get in
the door. I preached a very simple message and at the end began to pray for the people.
Two were present with terminal cancer. Both were healed that day. Another lady had a
growth the size of a grapefruit on her leg. After prayer she went home; the tumor had
disappeared. The power of God increased in our church, and that year 37 people were
healed of cancer.
The next year, beginning the first Monday in January, I asked the people to join me in
fasting for 21 days. At the end of that period 15 people completed the fast on liquids
only. The next year 50 people fasted the entire 21 days. The following year 79. The next
year 89. Last year over 3,000 fasted something, but 263 fasted with only liquids.
The results in our church have been startling. Our income has multiplied over threefold.
We have restructured our finance and are paying our bills. In the past months we baptized
73, and 87 joined the church. All these are the result of fasting and prayer.
I believe there are five reasons why every church needs to have a regular fasting time.
1. Jesus urged it.
Throughout the Bible the emphasis is on public fasts. Joel put it this way: "Blow the
trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly" (2:15). Jesus also put an
emphasis on fasting corporately. He declared, "Then shall they fast in those days" (Mark
2:20). He knew the church would be assaulted by the enemy from every direction and,
therefore, urged the church to fast. Thus the primary form of fasting is a corporate fast.
Secondary fasting is individual fasting.
In Matthew 6, during the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught three fundamentals of
Christianity: giving, praying, and fasting. We should give not to be seen of men but
privately (verse 3). We pray both privately and with other people (verses 5,7). Jesus
implied primary prayer is to pray alone. Secondary prayer is to pray with other people.
Some things are too private to pray about with others—they are only between God and
the one praying.
Fasting individually is secondary because (1) it is easier to fast with other people than
alone; (2) fasting corporately brings the most powerful unity a church or body of
believers can ever witness; and (3) a corporate anointing is released in a church. Even
though some may not be praying for a particular situation, they will benefit from the
anointing others receive through that fast. I have seen countless families get better jobs
and receive promotions in their businesses during our 21-day fastings, and they were not
even praying about those matters. However, someone else was and they received that
blessing from the other’s prayers.
2. Fasting helps produce faith.
Faith must be released out of our mouths (Romans 10:3–10). Our source of faith is the
Word of God, but we must speak it with our mouths.
The same organ we speak with is the same organ we eat with—the tongue. Fasting and
faith are first cousins. The tongue speaks faith and eats food. Some unbelief cannot be
broken without fasting.
God spoke to Joshua to tell the people as they were ready to invade Jericho, "You shall
not shout or make any noise with your voice, nor shall a word proceed out of your mouth,
until the day I say to you, ‘Shout’" (Joshua 6:10, NKJV).
There are different types of fasts. In this situation God commanded the people to fast by
not speaking. For over a week they could not speak.
Fasting increases faith as we allow God’s Word to saturate our minds.
3. Fasting is the spiritual method to bring revival (Joel 2:28).
This passage speaks of a revival that affects the young and the old. It will come to pass
"afterward." After what?
Afterward is used much like the word then. If you will do this, then these blessings will
happen in your life. Some requirements are necessary before afterward can take place:
(1) "Blow the trumpet in Zion, (2) sanctify a fast, (3) call a solemn assembly" (Joel 2:15).
Fasting must occur before the blessing of afterward can happen. Joel was saying if we
will fast and have the people seek God with public fasting, then afterward He will send a
revival. Peter quoted this verse in Acts 2.
I have always believed that on the Day of Pentecost the Early Church was fasting in the
Upper Room. The reason is not only because of the verse of Scripture Peter quoted from
Joel but because of Jewish orthodox tradition.
Up through the fourth century the Early Church, following Jewish tradition, fasted on
communion days until 3 o’clock in the afternoon. An orthodox Jew would fast on the
sacred feast and holy days of the Jewish calendar until 3 o’clock in the afternoon. They
would say their prayers and prepare themselves spiritually for the events that were to
happen later that day.
When Peter said, "These are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of
the day," he was actually saying they were not drinking wine. This was a holy day, and
they were fasting until 3 o’clock; it was only 9 o’clock in the morning.
If your church will begin to fast, you have God’s promise from His Word that He will
send a revival.
4. Fasting puts us in a position to find the perfect will of God (Romans 12:1,2).
We are to present our bodies unto God. One way we do so is through fasting. When we
fast we do it as unto the Lord. We experience hunger and sacrifice pleasures so we may
draw closer to God. Fasting is not the answer—Jesus is; however, fasting puts us in a
place to receive more of Jesus.
God promises to show us His good, acceptable, and perfect will. Many wonderful pastors
are not in the perfect will of God. They were in churches in cities where God put them,
but difficult times came. Attacks came upon their ministry and the churches, and they
decided it was time for them to leave. They moved out of the perfect will of God.
Ministers must renew their minds so they know what is the perfect will of God for them.
If they do not, they will always be square pegs in round holes and never accomplish
God’s call upon their lives.
To renew your mind, first begin devouring the Word of God every day. Secondly, you
must fast. Fasting is much more than suffering a few hunger pains and not eating food.
Hunger begins leaving after 3 or 4 days. If you can fast 3 or 4 days, you can fast 21 days
or even 40 days.
Fasting is a mental discipline. It is much more difficult to fast mentally than it is
physically. Through this process comes a renewal of the mind, a discipline of the mind, a
desire to know the perfect will of God.
5. Fasting brings victory.
If this were the only reason to fast, it is enough. Victory is sweet and wonderful. Many
would rather suffer defeat and not fast than come out of their comfort zones. Fasting
takes you out of your comfort zone but leads you to victory.
For almost 20 years I have fasted between 50 and 75 days each year. I hate to fast, but I
dislike being defeated by Satan more.
When you fast and pray, you can defeat even the strongest devils. They flee from you.
You don’t have to be afraid. You have the name of Jesus. The power of that Name
becomes greatly multiplied in your life when you seek Him in prayer and fasting.
Unless there is a breakthrough in their lives this year, many pastors will not remain in the
same church, and some will leave the ministry. For many, 1996 is a pivotal year. I
encourage you to add a disciplined, regular time of fasting and prayer to your life and to
your church. Victory belongs to you, and fasting is one of the keys to help bring it into
your life and ministry.
21 Day Prayer Goal
*Select one or several areas of prayer emphasis during your 21
Days of Prayer
HEALING: Physically ___________________________
ADDICTION/BONDAGE: Freedom _________________
SALVATION: Friend or Family____________________
EXPANDED INFLUENCE: Outreach________________
SERVING: _____________________________________
EMOTIONAL BREAKTHROUGH:___________________
MARRIAGE RESTORATION:______________________
FINANCIAL RELEASE:___________________________
SPIRITUAL RENEWAL:___________________________
CHILDREN: ____________________________________
*Select full or portions of days that you will fast either meals or
particular items in order for God to work in you.
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Date_________ Breakfast ____ Lunch_____Dinner______
Breakfast ______  Partial Fast
______  Partial Fast
______  Partial Fast
 Full Fast
 Full Fast
 Full Fast
**Choose one of several of these options
- Meal (Preferred)
- Media Item(s)
- Breads
- Caffeine
- Television/Radio
- Other ______________
- Facebook
 Day 1 (Sunday, 10-10)- Abraham’s Calling (Genesis
12:1-13:18, Psalm 1)
 Day 2 (Monday, 10-11)- Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25:2134; 27:1- 28:9, Psalm 2)
 Day 3 (Tuesday, 10-12)- Parting of the Red Sea
(Exodus 14:16-31, Psalm 3)
 Day 4 (Wednesday, 10-13)-Spies Sent Into The Land
(Numbers 13:17-14-45, Psalm 4)
 Day 5 (Thursday, 10-14)- Gideon (Judges 6:1-8:34,
Psalm 5)
 Day 6 (Friday, 10-15)- David and Goliath (1 Samuel
17:1-58, Psalm 6)
 Day 7 (Saturday, 10-16)- Elijah and the Prophets of Baal
(1 Kings 18:1-46, Psalm 7)
 Day 8 (Sunday, 10-17)-Three Hebrews and the Furnace
of Fire (Daniel 3:1-30, Psalm 8)
 Day 9 (Monday, 10-18)- Jonah and the Great Fish
(Jonah 1:1-4:11, Psalm 9)
 Day 10 (Tuesday, 10-19)- Birth of Jesus (Matthew 1:1825; Luke 2:1-20, Psalm 10)
 Day 11 (Wednesday, 10-20)- Jesus With the Samaritan
Woman (John 4:4-26, Psalm 11)
 Day 12 (Thursday, 10-21)- Calming of the Storm (Matthew
8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25, Psalm 12)
 Day 13 (Friday, 10-22)- Lazarus Raised From The
Dead (John 11:1-44, Psalm 13)
 Day 14 (Saturday, 10-23)-Last Supper (Luke 22:7-38;
John 13:1- 30, Psalm 14)
 Day 15 (Sunday, 10-24)-Garden of Gethsemane (Mark
14:32-50; John 18:1-11, Psalm 15)
 Day 16 (Monday, 10-25)-Jesus Suffers and Dies On The
Cross (Luke 27:26-50; John 19:1-30)
 Day 17 (Tuesday, 10-26)- Jesus’ Resurrection and
Great Commission (Matthew 28:1-20; Luke 24:1-53,
Psalm 17)
 Day 18 (Wednesday, 10-27)- Jesus’ Ascension (Acts
1:1-26, Psalm 18)
 Day 19 (Thursday, 10-28)- Saul’s Conversion (Acts 9:142, Psalm 19)
 Day 20 (Friday, 10-29)-Peter Rescued From Prison
(Acts 12:1-19, Psalm 20)
 Day 21 (Saturday, 10-30)- Paul’s Mars Hill Address
(Acts 17:16-34, Psalm 21)
 Final Day- Conclusion (Sunday, 10-31)- Shipwreck on
Rome Trip and Snake Bite (Acts 27:13-28:30, Psalm 22 & 23)
Week 1
Gift to God ______________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Week 2
Gift to God ______________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Week 3
Gift to God ______________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
Act of Kindness_____________________
 Act of Kindness_____________________
Day 1- R.I.P.P.L.E. Prayer
Day 2 - P.R.A.Y. Prayer
Day 3 - National Prayer
Day 4 - “My Heart…Christ’s Home” Prayer
Day 5 - Lord’s “Courtyard” Prayer
Day 6- Past/Present/Future Prayer
Day 7- Generations Pyramid Prayer
Day 8- Warfare Prayer
Day 9- Clock Prayer
Day 10- 2 Chronicles 7:14 Prayer
Day 11- Cycle of Songs Prayer
Day 12- Trinity Prayer
Day 13- A.C.T.S. Prayer
Day 14- Cleansing Prayer
Day 15- J.O.Y. Prayer
Day 16- Heroes’ Prayer
Day 17- A to Z Prayer
Day 18- World Focus Prayer
Day 19- Pure Heart Prayer
Day 20- Blessing Prayer
Day 21- Salvation Prayer
Conclusion- Harvest Prayer
21 Days Of Prayer- “Revival Outpour”
Day 1 - Ripple (R.I.P.P.L.E.) Prayer
Prayer Goal: Pray from interior to Exterior
Circle 1- Personal Life (Righteousness, Identity, Passion,
Power, Love, Extend)
Circle 2- Wife/Children
(Righteousness, Identity, Passion, Power, Love, Extend)
Circle 3- Exended Family
(Righteousness, Identity, Passion, Power, Love, Extend)
Circle 4- Church
(Righteousness, Identity, Passion, Power, Love, Extend)
Circle 5- Community
(Righteousness, Identity, Passion, Power, Love, Extend)
Circle 6- Nation
(Righteousness, Identity, Passion, Power, Love, Extend)
Day 2 - P.R.A.Y. Prayer
Prayer Goal: Pray through this acronym
P-Praise (Take time to worship)
R-Repent (Take time to cleanse your life)
A-Ask (Take time to make requests)
Y-Yield (Take time to surrender your heart)
Day 3 - Nation Prayer
6 Stations of our Nation (Areas of Gratitude and Prayer)
Northwest- Thank God For Beauty/Pray for Right to Life
North Central-Thank God for Blessings/Pray for Lies,
Perversion, and Antichrist Spirit
Northeast- Thank God for Leadership-Pray for Government/
and Crime
Southeast- Thank God for Bible/Pray for Marriages and
South Central-Thank God for Provision/Pray for Integrity
Southwest-Thank God for Variety/Pray for Sexual Fidelity
Day 4 - My Heart…Christ’s Home Prayer
Prayer Goal: Pray through personal rooms of heart
Dining Room- Appetites
Living Room- Relationships
Library- Thoughts/Mind
Backyard- Social Area
Bedroom- Sexually Pure
Recreation Room- Activities/Association
Workroom- Talents
Hall Closet- Secret Place
*Adapted from Robert
Munger’s “My Heart…Christ’s
Day 5 - Lord’s “Courtyard” Prayer
Our Father in Heaven (Family Room)
Hallowed be Your name (Adoration Room)
Your kingdom come (Declaration Room)
Your will be done, one earth as it is in Heaven
(Surrender Room)
Give us today our daily bread (Provision Room)
Forgive us our debts (Forgiveness Room)
As we also have forgiven our debtors (Freedom Room)
And lead us not into temptation (Protection Room)
But deliver us from evil (Warfare Room)
For Yours in the kingdom (Kingdom Room)
And the power (Power Room)
Adapted from Larry Kreider’s
And the glory forever. Amen (Exaltation Room)
“Building Your Personal House
of Prayer”
Day 6 - Past/Present/Future Prayer
Prayer Goal: Pray the “Were you not?”, “Are you
not?” and “Will you not” prayer
Past- Guilt, Cleansing, Release
Present- Spiritual, Relational, Physical, Emotional Needs
Future- Vision, Plans, Future, Hopes
Day 7 - Generations Pyramid Prayer
Prayer Goal: Pray for the Church
Pray for Seniors-Virtue
Pray for Adults- Vocation
Pray for Youth- Vision
Pray for Children –Value
Day 8 - Warfare Prayer
Pray Goal: Pray through the spiritual weapons of Ephesians 6
1. Breastplate of Righteousness (Personal Integrity)
2. Shoes of Peace (Rest)
3. Shield of Faith (Areas of Trust)
4. Helmet of Salvation (Justification)
5. Sword of the Spirit (Word)
6. Belt of Truth
Day 9 - Clock Prayer
Prayer Goal: Pray for 25 second segments in 12 areas
1- waiting
2- confession,
3- Scripture praying,
4- watching,
5- intercession,
6- petition,
7- thanksgiving,
8- singing,
9- meditation,
10- listening
11- strength
Dick Eastman (Every Home For Christ Prayer)
Day 10 - 2 Chronicles 7:14 Grid Prayer
Prayer Goal: Read 2 Chronicles 7:14 and pray the 5 keys areas for 4 categories of
personal, family, nation, and the lost
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my
face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin
and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
Personal Humble Pray
Turn Forgive Heal
Humble Pray
Turn Forgive Heal
Humble Pray
Turn Forgive Heal
Humble Pray
Turn Forgive Heal
Song 3
(Sing- “Great is
Faithfulness”Pray the Song)
Song 1
(Sing “Jesus
Loves Me”-Pray
the Song)
Day 11 - Cycle of Songs Prayer
Prayer Goal: Sing favorites songs and pray after each one
1. Sing “Jesus Loves Me”- then Pray It (or another song you
2. Sing’ Amazing Grace”- then Pray It
(or another song you enjoy)
3. Sing “Great is Thy Faithfulness”- then Pray it (or another
song you enjoy)
Song 2
(Sing “Amazing
Grace” –Pray
the song)
Day 12 - Trinity Prayer
Prayer Goal: Practice praying to persons of the
(Sought It)
Jesus Christ
(Bought It)
Holy Spirit
(Brought It)
1. Talk to the Father (Be reminded that He sought
salvation and is your perfect Father who cares, loves,
provides and covers)
2. Talk to the Son
(Be reminded that He bought salvation and came to show
you God’s heart, healed, paid the sin sacrifice, and rose
from the grave)
3. Talk to the Spirit
(Be reminded that He brought salvation and promises to
live in us, comfort us, teach us, and minister through us)
Day 13 - A.C.T.S. Prayer
Prayer Goal: Pray through the acronym ACTS
A-Acknowledge Him
C-Confess Your Sins
T-Thanksgiving to Him
S-Supplication for Needs
Day 14- Saturday, October 23rd- Cleansing Prayer
Prayer Goal: Practice speaking to God and practice letting God speak to you
Father in heaven, I acknowledge you as my Father, and myself as your child. Forgive me for
all my sins. I forgive all who have hurt me including myself and You (I understand that you do
not need my forgiveness, as You are perfect and have no sin; I may need to release my
feelings of hurt toward You). Forgive me for my pride. I release control of my life to you. I
give you Lordship and ownership of every condition, person, concern and thing in my life. I
renounce the lies of the enemy that don’t say what you say about me or what I release to you.
Now and every prayer I pray today, I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth
who came in the flesh by the power of His blood, cross and resurrection. In this name, I take
authority over every enemy that has invaded my life on any level and command them to go to
the abyss immediately and not return. I break every assignment the enemy has against me
and every negative faithless thing or pronouncement I or anyone has against myself, others,
you and any situation. I ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit. Cleanse my emotions, mind,
and all levels of my being with the blood of Your Son and purify them with the fire of Your
Holy Spirit. Now Lord speak to my heart and remind me how You feel about me. Instruct me
in Your will this day.
WAIT on the Lord
ASK Him what He might want to say:
- Ask how He feels about you today (His love, His plans, His guidance)
- Ask what He wants to do in your marriage, you parenting, your work, your talents, etc.
*Adapted from Marrone and Associates Prayer
Day 15 - JOY Prayer
Prayer Goal: Pray priorities of Jesus, Others
and You
1. Put JESUS First (Seek First His Kingdom)
2. Put OTHERS Second (Learn to serve others)
3. Put Yourself Third (Remember God gives favor
to those that favor others)
Heroes’ Prayers
Moses’ Prayer
Exodus 15:1-21
David’s Prayer
Psalm 23:1-6
Paul’s Prayer
Ephesians 1:1-23
Day 16 - Heroes’ Prayers
Prayer Goal: Pray key scriptures in the Bible from 3
1. Read Moses’ Prayer (Exodus 15:1-21)
2. Read David’s Prayer (Psalm 23:1-6)
3. Read Paul’s Prayer (Ephesians 1:1-23)
Day 17 – A through Z Prayer
Prayer Goal: Pray through these areas from A to Z
which are all prayer you can have confidence God will
A- Abiding in Christ (John 15:4-5)
B- Blessed with every spiritual blessing (Eph. 1;3)
C- Conformed in the likeness of Christ (Rom. 8:29)
D- Delivered from the evil one (Matthew 6:13)
E- Equipped for works of service (Eph. 4:11-13)
F- Forgiveness of sins (1 John 1:9)
G- Grace upon grace from his fullness (John 1:16)
H- Holiness in all I do (1 Peter 1:16)
I- Integrity and uprightness (Psalm 25:21)
J- Joy of the Lord, complete in me (John 15:11)
K- Knowledge and depth of insight (Phil. 1:19)
L- Love for God and neighbor (Matthew 22:37-39)
M- Meditating on the Word of God (Psalm 1:2)
N- New mind, new self (Eph. 4:23-24)
O-Obedience to all that Christ commands (Mat. 28:20)
P- Prayer in the Holy Spirit (Eph. 6:18)
Q- Quietness and trust as your strength (Is. 30:15)
R- Righteousness and joy in the Spirit (Rom. 14:17)
S- Strong in the Lord and His mighty power (Eph. 6:10)
T- Thinking God-honoring thoughts (Phil. 4:8)
U- Useful to the Master (2 Tim. 2:21)
V- Virtues covered with love (Col. 3:14)
W- Worship in Spirit and Truth (John 4:24)
X- X-rayed by the Holy Spirit (Psalm 139:23-24)
Y- Yearning for God (Psalm 84:2; Isaiah 26:9)
Z- Zeal in the service of the Lord (Romans 12:11)
Alvin Vandergriend (Love to Pray)
Day 18 - World Focus Prayer
Prayer Goal: Pick 5 Countries in 5 Minutes to Pray
for the Nations
Nation 1 (African Nation)1 Minute
-Workers to Serve the Harvest
- Exposure To Christ
- Break Bondages
- Recognition of Christ As The Answer
Nation 2 (Asian Nation) 1 Minute
-Workers to Serve the Harvest
- Exposure To Christ
- Break Bondages
- Recognition of Christ As The Answer
Nation 3 (European Nation) 1 Minute
-Workers to Serve the Harvest
- Exposure To Christ
- Break Bondages
- Recognition of Christ As The Answer
Nation 4 (N. or S American Nation) 1 Minute
-Workers to Serve the Harvest
- Exposure To Christ
- Break Bondages
- Recognition of Christ As The Answer
Nation 5 (Australian Nations)1 Minute
-Workers to Serve the Harvest
- Exposure To Christ
- Break Bondages
- Recognition of Christ As The Answer
Day 19 - Pure Heart Prayer
Prayer Goal: Pray to cleanse our hearts through
confession & repentance Prayer
1. WORRY: Are you worried about material things?
Anxious about money? Overly concerned about
appearance? (“Don’t worry about your life…”) Matthew
2. GREED: Do I treasure material possessions more
than spiritual riches? Is my heart tuned mainly to
things? (“Do not store up for yourselves treasure on
earth…” Matthew 6:19-21
3. LUST: Have I looked lustfully at a person, internet
pornography, television programs, magazines? Do I
think lustful thoughts or engage in lustful acts?
(“Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already
committed adultery in his heart”) Matthew 5:28
4. PRIDE: Am I proud of my abilities, my
accomplishments, my personal looks, or my bank
account? Do I see others, in any way, let important
than I am? (“Do you think of yourself more highly than
you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober
judgment”) Romans 12:3
5. UNFORGIVENESS: Is there anyone whom I have
not forgiven? Am I purposely avoiding someone?
Holding onto a grudge? (“Bear with each other and
forgive whatever grievances you may have against one
another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you”) Col. 3:13
6. UNWHOLESOME TALK: Do you tell off-color
jokes or use edgy or risky language? Have I used the
Lord’s name in vain or grow insensitive when others
do? Do I diminish others by what I say to them or
through gossip?(“Do not let any unwholesome talk
come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for
building others up.”) Eph. 4:29
Alvin Vandergriend (Love to Pray)
Day 20 - The BLESSING Prayer
Prayer Goal: The Blessing Acronym is to ask God’s
touch upon 5 important areas of your life
Fill in: your name, your spouse, children, family,
friends or others
B- Body (Pray for health, protection, strength and
“Lord, may ___________seek your kingdom first and
discover food, clothing, health, and protection
L- Labor (Pray for a good job, income, financial
“Lord, I pray that __________ will be diligent in work with
a sense that they are serving you in everything they do,
aware of the inheritance (full life forever) that will come
from you
E- Emotional (Pray for joy, peace, patience, selfcontrol)
“Lord, give ___________ the ability to keep their focus on
you and to always know that you are ready to meet all
their needs and to give them your peace.”
S- Social (Prayer for marriage, family, friends, love,
“Lord, help ___________ to be as kind, compassionate,
and forgiving to others as you are to them. Give them a
network of supportive friends and many good
S- Spiritual (Pray for salvation, spiritual growth,
grace, and hope)
“Lord, I pray that ___________ will understand just how
good you are and will take refuge in you. May they grow
in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Alvin Vandergriend (Love to Pray)
Day 21 – SALVATION Prayer
Prayer Goal: Interceding for The Unsaved That
Salvation would occur in them
SALVATION: Prayer that unbeliever would know
“My heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is
that they may be saved.” Romans 10:1
GOD’S DRAWING: Prayer that God draws them to
Himself “No one can come to me unless the Father who
sent me draws him.” (John 6:44)
UNDERSTANDING: Pray that those who hear the
gospel will understand it
“When anyone hears the message about the Kingdom
and does not understand it, the evil one comes and
snatches away what was sown in his heart.” Matt. 13:19
OPEN EYES: Pray that unbelievers eyes will be open
so that they can see the light
“The god of this age has blinded the minds of
unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the
gospel of the glory of Christ.” 2 Cor. 4:4
REPENTANCE: Pray for unsaved family members,
friends, neighbors, and coworkers to repent so that
they will not perish.
“The Lord…is patient with you, not wanting anyone to
perish but everyone come to repentance.” 2 Peter. 3:9
FAITH: Pray that many will believe and have eternal
“God so loved the world that He gave His one and only
Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but
have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
NEW BELIEVERS: Join others in praying for the vast
number, estimated at 160,000 a day, that are coming
into the Kingdom. Pray for those yet to come.
“My prayer is not for my disciples alone. I pray also for
those who will believe in me through their message.”
(John 17:20)
Celebration Day
Prayer Goal: Thank God for these areas on this
Harvest Day
NEEDS MET: Thank you God for meeting my needsphysical, emotional, and spiritual.
HOLY SPIRIT: Thank you for your Spirit, Father, who
gives me every spiritual blessing including life, wisdom,
power, guidance, and the fruit of the Spirit.
STRENGTH: Thank you, God for the strength to serve.
You always know how to help. I am so grateful for your
strength today.
PRAYERS HEARD: God, I am so grateful to hear when I
pray. You have heard me through these 21 Days and are
answering me.
PEACE: Thank you, God, for giving me your peace. In
this world of noise, anxiety, you give me your rest.
ETERNAL LIFE: Thank you, Father, for giving me the
gift of eternal life- the life that is in your Son, Jesus Christ.
It is the indescribable gift.
THE WORD: Thank you for your provision in my life as
You see everything that I need as I follow you.
21 Days Of Revival Review
Share a brief review of what God did in your personal 21 Days of Revival:
21 Days of Revival
Authored and Accumulated Prayers By Terry Risser
Request to use or reprint this material or CD prayers
must occur through permission
Copyright 2010
Florence Avenue Foursquare Church