Poland`s Anti-Communist Insurgents


Poland`s Anti-Communist Insurgents
Poland’s Anti-Communist
Pro Memoriam
Armed Anti-Communism and …
Russian Whites
Bulak-Balachowicz’s “Green Oak”
Anti-Soviet uprisings as Germans
invade: From Tallinn to Odessa
the anti-communist rising in the
Intermarium: 1941 and 1944 - 1990
The Chetniks in Serbia and others
throughout Central and Eastern Europe
and the Intermarium
Last insurgent: August Sabbe of
Estonia (killed by KGB in 1978)
Polish armed anti-communism:
Gen. Jozef Dowbor-Musnicki
The Self-Defense Org. of Wilno Land
Jerzy Dabrowski “Lupaszka”
Jaworczycy and guerrillas
The Polish-Soviet War: 1919-1921
The Kosciuszko Squadron
(Cooper and Fauntleroy)
The Nazi-Soviet Pact and the partitions
of the Intermarium: 1939 - 1941
Henryk Dobrzanski “Hubal”
(Winter 1939/1940)
The Soviets return: 1944 - 1945
The anti-communist rising in Poland
Communist propaganda
Individual stories: UB “souvenir”
From left to right: Stanisław Radomski "Kula", Stanisław Garliński
"Cichy", Eugeniusz Lipiński "Mrówka", Alfred Gadomski "Kajdan" &
Eugeniusz Kuligowski "Ryś“ (1949).
“Puszczyk’s” unit: July 1953
Danuta Siedzikowna “Inka”
More faces
… and more …
Czeslaw Turlejski
Fr. Gurgacz
Fr. Fertak
Other fighters
Michal Krupa “Wierzba”
… and others yet
Franciszek Jaskulski “Zagonczyk”
Jozef Kuras “Ogien”
More “Cursed Soldiers”
Feliks Selmanowicz
Zygmunt Blazejewicz
Leonard Zub-Zdanowicz and Maria
“Dzidzia” Zub-Zdanowicz (phys. Photo)
Marian Golebiewski
Prisoners, torture
Danuta Sochowna
Irena Chodakiewiczowa
Maria Hattowska
Ruta Czaplinska
Romualda Przybylowska
Stefania Broniewska Kowalska
Stefania Firkowska
Lidia Lwow (Lvov)
Andrzej Kiszka (caught in 1961, in jail
until 1971)
Suicides: e.g Kazimierz Zebrowski-Bak
Last hold-outs: Jozef Franczak “Lalek”,
KIA in 1963
The insurgents’ gorget (ryngraf)
Wolinska “Ida”
Stefan Michnik
More executioners
Stanislaw Zarakowski
Adam Humer
Contemporary reception: IPN
scholarship, conferences, etc.
Popular culture, e.g. Legion by Elzbieta
More reenactors (an NKVD officer)
• Pilecki
• Fieldorf
• Roj – Dziemieszkiewicz (still in the making)
Hikes, masses, commemorations,
soccer fans, etc.