International Summer Language Courses 2016


International Summer Language Courses 2016
Study location Bremen
Study location Bremen
Fees for the course amount to 640 €. The full costs including
accommodation amount to 920 €.
Payment is possible by bank transfer or cheque.
Bremen is open to the world. It
is multicultural, rich in tradition
and gemütlich – a large
modern city boasting a 1,200year history which is home to
some 500,000 people.
The University of Bremen is an
up-to-date academic center
for over 1,000 researchers and
teaching staff and more than
18,000 students. It forms the
center point of a flourishing
technology park.
European research. Bremen is not only able to offer excellent
conditions for learning and reseach, but also a great range of
leisure and culture activities. Proximity to the North Sea and
the artist colony Worpswede provides endless opportunities
for excursions into the surrounding countryside – on water and
Bank details
Name of bank
Bank code (BLZ)
Account No.
BIC code
Reason for payment
Bremer Landesbank
290 500 00
1 070 500 022
DE20 2905 0000 1070 5000 22
Universität Bremen
EK 50010100, IA 85702002,
Name of student
© Universität Bremen
Please notice that all bank fees have to be paid by you.
In order to register, please send in this form together
with the confirmation of payment or cheque to the address:
Universität Bremen
Internationale Sommerkurse
Bibliothekstraße 1
28359 Bremen
Following receipt of your registration, we will send you a
confirmation of same. In the event of cancellation up to three
weeks prior to beginning date of course we shall retain a
processing fee of 60 €; there can be no refund of any amounts
in the event of cancellation after this date.
The University does not provide health insurance cover.
Enclosed is a confirmation of payment / cheque
in the amount of:
…… 640 € for course fees or
…… 920 € for course fees and costs of accommodation.
place & date signature
Among the University‘s great strengths are the close links
between theory and practice, co-operation with universities and
research facilities around the world, as well as its international
approach in the fields of teaching and research. The University of
Bremen is renowned above all for the excellence of its scientific
reseach institutes and centers. The University has advanced to
become one of Germany‘s leading academic centers, especially
in the areas of space research and technology, in ocean
research, in the
as well as in
the fields of
European law
policy, theory
and practice of
the social state
and Eastern
on land. Course participants will be able to benefit from the
expertise and knowledge of the University’s teaching staff.
The International Office organises lectures and workshops of
STEM faculties to give an insight into their work.
International Summer
Language Courses 2016
Learning German in Bremen
International Summer Language
Courses at the University of Bremen
Language – German Studies –
Science Events
Language – German Studies –
German forEvents
advanced learners
Improve your language skills – get to know another culture
Course I: July 11th to August 5th, 2016
Course II: August 8th to September 2nd, 2016
Registration deadline
Course I: June 11th, 2016
Course II: July 8th, 2016
Course fee
640 €
280 € in student residence or private homes
Extra curricular program
Social activities including excursions and visits to the historic
quarter, the Universum Science Park and the Werder Bremen
football museum.
Additional info
Places allocated on the basis of diagnostic placement test.
Summer course language certificates and ECTS points awarded
on successful completion of courses.
Information and registration
Universität Bremen
Internationale Sommerkurse
Bibliothekstraße 1
28359 Bremen
Tel.: +49 (0) 421 | 218 - 61 96 5
Fax: +49 (0) 421 | 218 - 98 61 96 5
Email: [email protected]
© Universität Bremen
German for advanced beginners
Improving language and cultural knowledge
Application is possible online, too:
A2 / B1 according to the Common European Framework
of Reference for Languages
Choice of course
…… Course I: July 11th to August 5th, 2016
…… Course II: August 8th to September 2nd, 2016
Course description
Building on basic language skills: Communication in everyday
situations, writing practice, communicative grammar using
modern teaching aids (incl. e-learning), applying modern reading
and listening strategies, learning and using current vocabulary in
communicative situations (e. g. leisure, travel).
…… A1 – Grundstufe I (beginner)
…… A2 / B1 – Grundstufe II und III
…… B2 / C1 – Mittelstufe und Oberstufe
German for beginners
Learning German – using German in everyday situations,
introduction to German language basics
Personal details
(Please write clearly in block letters)
A1 according to the Common European Framework
of Reference for Languages
Course description
Learning basic German (speaking, listening comprehension,
reading and writing, communicative grammar) with the aid of
modern teaching methods (incl. e-learning), introduction to short
news articles and television news, applying the language for
everyday communication in and around Bremen.
Final allocation to course is subsequent to diagnostic test at
beginning of course.
German for intermediate and advanced classes
Bremen in Europe – Europe in Bremen
B2 / C1 according to the Common European Framework
of Reference for Languages
Course description
Improving on all language skills, training differentiated
expression, presentation, reading comprehension, protracted
listening and analysis of television news; project work prepared
in intercultural groups on political, social and economic themes
in the region of Bremen, lectures and talks with Bremen
University scholars.
Last name
First name
Zip Code/
postal code
Date of birth
Subject studies/
Room reservation
Accommodation costs 280 € (please tick box)
…… Yes, I require accommodation.
…… I am a non-smoker.
…… I am a smoker.
…… No, I already have accommodation.