LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant) - Planning


LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant) - Planning
Community Development Department
November 7, 2013
Reno City Planning Commission
Vern Kloos, AICP, Senior Planner
LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant)
Item Vf.1
This item was continued from the October 2, 2013 Planning Commission meeting to
allow the applicant time to modify the parking layout and provide more specific plans as
to how the parking spaces located along the south property line would be restricted
including signs and a method to physically prevent vehicles from parking in that area.
More specific information regarding landscaping to be installed along the south property
line was also requested. Finally, information regarding the status of the access point
from the southwest corner of the site and providing verification as to whether or not this
connection was an easement and could it be closed off to prevent traffic from
entering/leaving the site in this area.
The applicant has provided supplemental information (Exhibit 1), which discusses how
he believes these issues have been addressed. The modified parking plan has added
four angled spaces to the west side of the site (Exhibit 2) and shows that all of the
parking spaces located along the south property line will be cordoned off with a system
of bollards connected by steel cable with no parking signs attached to physically prevent
parking in these spaces between 11 pm and 6 am daily. Exhibit 3 shows the proposed
bollard system. Signs indicating that no parking will be allowed in these spaces between
11 pm and 6 am will also be placed on the fence located along the south side of the 14
spaces located directly south of the building (Exhibit 2). In addition, the panhandle area,
located on the southeast portion of the site containing 14 parking spaces will be
cordoned off with the intent that they be used only as over flow parking and only during
currently allowed business hours (6am to 11 pm), as necessary (Exhibit 2). Condition
No. 5 has been modified accordingly, as written below.
The applicant did explore flipping the parking spaces in the pan handle area, as
suggested by the Planning Commission, containing 14 parking spaces to face to the
north property line, which would not function properly from a geometric design stand
point (Exhibit 2). However, it has been indicated by the applicant (Exhibit 1) that a
boundary line adjustment or easement with the Sierra Automotive Repair property to the
north is acceptable to the owner of that property, which provides an extra few feet to
make these north facing parking spaces meet the required 19 foot space length and 24
Memo - PC - LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant) - 110713 mtg.doc
Reno City Planning Commission
RE: LDC14-0001 O (Hamdogs Restaurant)
Page 2
feet of back up space. Condition No. 11, as written below addresses this requirement.
Therefore, the redesign of this area in conjunction with the parking prohibition and
restricted use of these spaces to overflow parking during standard business hours (6
am to 11 pm) should adequately address the operational impacts of these spaces on
the apartments to the south.
The applicant consulted with a landscape architect and a certified arborist to determine
the most appropriate tree type and species to provide visual buffering and noise
mitigation between the parking lot and the apartments to the south. As indicated in
Exhibit 1, deciduous trees such as Autumn Purple Ash, Red Oak or Green Mountain
Maple provide good growth rate, canopy height and width, tree density without causing
the parking lot pavement to heave. The applicant proposes to install five, minimum 2.5
inch caliper deciduous trees, along the south side of the site adjacent to the apartments
as shown on Exhibit 2. Since parking in the panhandle area is proposed to be restricted
as discussed above, no landscaping as originally proposed will be added to this area.
Condition No. 10, as written below has been amended to reflect the current proposal as
shown on Exhibit 2.
Finally, it has been determined that there is a 15 foot wide easement (Doc# 4242278)
recorded on the property to the west, which runs between the southwest corner of the
site to the west connecting to Lakeside Drive. This easement was granted from the
owner of the restaurant property contained in this case. This easement is proposed to
be abandoned and has been physically closed off with parking spaces, striping and
landscaping as demonstrated on the revised site plan (Exhibit 2). Condition No. 12 will
require that documentation be provided to staff that the easement has been abandoned.
Condition No. 8 was recommended to be modified in the memo to the Planning
Commission dated October 2, 2013. The revised wording contained in the memo is as
written below.
Attached to this memo is the original October 2, 2013 Planning Commission staff report,
the supplemental staff memo dated October 2, 2013 with the recommended change to
Condition No. 8, the October 2, 2013 Planning Commission minutes for this case and all
correspondence received as of the date of this memo.
Prior to issuance of a building permit or business license, whichever occurs first,
the applicant shall have a business operations and an onsite security plan
approved which includes: how employees will monitor the parking lot to 1)
prevent outside loitering and customer noise between 11 :00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
and 2) to enforce the parking restrictionslprohibition2 along the south property
line between the hours of 11 :00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. As part of the parking
restriction/prohibition, plans shall be approved to install the bollard and chain no
parking svstem and no parking signs as discussed in the November 7, 2013 staff
memo to the Planning Commission and shown on Exhibits 2 and 3 attached to
Memo - PC - LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant) - 110713 mtg.doc
Reno City Planning Commission
RE: LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant)
Page 3
said memo. These improvements shall be installed prior to issuance of a building
permit or business license. whichever occurs first.
No smoking is allowed by employees or restaurant patrons south of the
restaurant building between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Signs to this
effect shall be posted on the south side of the building and maintained at all
Prior to issuance of a building permit or business license, whichever occurs first,
the applicant shall have plans approved to install:
[One, 19 foot by 5 foot and seven] Five, 5 foot wide by 5 foot deep landscape
planters located along the south property line as shown in Exhibit [G] 2. of .the
[October 2] November 7, 2013 staff memo to the Planning Commission for
LDC14-00010. [The 19 J< 9 landscape planter shall contain one, 2.5 inch caliper
deciduous tree and three low growing shrubs (maJ<imum il foot height) or
equivalent ground cover.] The [seven] five, 5 foot wide x 5 foot deep planters
shall each contain one 2.5 inch caliper deciduous tree containing at least one of
the following tree species: Autumn Purple Ash. Red Oak or Green Mountain
Prior to issuance of a building permit or business license, whichever occurs first,
the applicant shall provide suitable documentation that a boundary line
adjustment or easement has been granted to the property owner for this case
from the owner of the Sierra Automotive Repair property to the north. The
easement or boundary line adjustment shall provide the area necessary for a
minimum 43 foot width for the panhandle portion of the site located adjacent to
the Sierra Automotive Repair property to provide 19 foot long parking spaces and
24 feet of backup space for the 14 parking spaces in this area as shown on
Exhibit 2 attached to the November 7, 2013 staff memo to the Planning
Commission for LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant).
Prior to issuance of a building permit or business license, whichever occurs first,
the applicant shall provide suitable documentation that the easement recorded as
document# 4242278, which runs between the southwest corner of the site to the
west connecting to Lakeside Drive, has been abandoned and has been
physically closed off with parking spaces, striping and landscaping as
demonstrated on the revised site plan (Exhibit 2) attached to the November 7,
2013 staff memo to the Planning Commission for LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs
Memo - PC - LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant)- 110713 mtg.doc
Exhibit 1
9480 Double Diamond Parkway, Suite 299
Reno, NV 89521 775-852-7606
October 29, 2013
Vern Kloos, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Reno
PO Box 1800
Reno, NV 89521
Re: LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs)
Dear Vern,
Following is a response in italics to the items of concern that that were mentioned by the
Planning Commissioners at the October 2, 2013 Public Hearing.
1. More substantial bollard program in the restricted parking area for the extended hours.
See the attached full size civil drawing of the site plan. We now have a more aggressive parking
restriction for the panhandle area. Both the owner and applicant have agreed to prohibit access
and parking in that area as a standard. Then, the exception would be to open it for overflow
parking . They will accept all the other restrictions on use of that parking area if or when it is
used, ie conditions of approval 5, 8, 9, and 10. I will have a brochure of the Bollard product to
share at the PC hearing which will be proposed by the applicant.
2. Parking spaces in panhandle area. The idea was to flip the nose in parking area in the
panhandle area to face the opposite direction, i.e. nose in facing north instead of facing south.
See on the attached site plan Exhibit 2 that it doesn 't work functionally. We are adding the
landscape island as an earlier concession which will house the bollard and include a tree and
landscaping. It physically defines the overflow parking area. As noted above, we have a better
solution by closing the area off.
3. Extent of tree and type of trees planted along south property line. The idea was for screening
and noise mitigation.
We have engaged a landscape architect (Tree Hugger Studio) and a certified arborist (Molly
Sinnott) to consider the type of trees to be planted in those tree wells. Both agree to a few
deciduous trees that would work well in this application. Those trees would be an Autumn
Purple Ash, a Red Oak, or a Green Mountain Maple. This will give the owner a few options in
selecting the tree type. The tree selection criterion was growth rate, canopy height and width,
tree density, and location in the tree wells without causing pavement heaving.
4. Access easement located at southwest corner of the site.
We have a copy of the recorded easement as referenced on the site plan, ie Washoe County
Recorder's Office Document# 4242278. Factually, this is a 15' wide private access easement
that was granted from the owner of the Hamdogs site in favor of the owner of the Sierra Car
Care site to the west. Both owners find it to be a nuisance as a cut-thru alley way and intend to
relinquish the easement. It is not a fire access easement because it is only 15' in width and
there is adequate fire access to both sites without this easement. Per the civil site plan, you will
see that we have closed thru access with a chain across, and have landscaping added in that
Please let me know if there is anything else you think we need to do to ensure compatibility
between the two sites. I believe the topic of "noise" is the single compatibility measure with
respect to making the SUP findings in support. Although our noise ordinance does not apply in
this case for residential adjacency because both sites are zoned MU/SVTC, we are doing
extensive mitigation to make it work. Those conditions include; 1) closing the entire bank of
parking (31 spaces) on the south side after 11 pm, 2) no loitering on the south side by
employees or customers after 11 pm, 3) no smoking on the south side of the building at any
time; 4) no accessory live or recorded music at any times in the restaurant; 5) no outdoor dining
at any time; 6) no dumping of trash outside after 9 pm; 7) adding the trees in tree wells near the
south property line to screen view and filter noise.
Vern, thank you for your comments and continued review of this case. Please let me know what
other information you may need to prepare for the November 7, 2013 PC hearing date.
KLS Planning & Design, Inc
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City of Reno Mail - FW: Bollard Parl<ing Contr(
Exhibit 3
FW: Bollard Parking Control
John Krmpotic <[email protected]>
To: Vern Kloos <[email protected]>
Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 12:27 PM
Vern, here is the latest email from Dustin of Hamdogs with more detail on the setup of the Bollards.
From: Dustin Mills [mailto: [email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 12:05 PM
To: John Krmpotic
Subject: Bollard Parking Control
Hey John,
Please see the below links for the bollard parking system we'll be installing to manage the parking.
The idea is to haw a permanent system that also allows flexibility during the day for one of our busy times or
ewnts (Easter morning brunch, for example).
The bollard will be removable and easy to install or take down, but extremely strong. These are the same
systems used in industrial settings to protect buildings, electrical boxes, etc. from deliwry trucks, forklifts, and
other whicles. You can see the mounting system here: http://www.globalindustrial.com/g/outdoor-groundsmaintenance/parking-lot/protectors-bollards/removable-steel-safety-guards-bollards, and the photo below.
We'd like to leaw these in most the time to accustom people to not parking by the fence, but in case it's
snowing or people just don't feel like riding their bikes and we need more parking, we can easily remow all or just
a portion of them. Three bollards will be left in permanently since they don't block any parking spots and the
other two can be remowd and installed daily when needed.
City of Reno Mail - FW: Bollard Parking Control
There will be a gro\€ or holes in the top that will allow us to connect the heavy duty wire ((wire rope) which will
make much less sound than chains, but are open to suggestions from the board) from bollard to bollard as well
as a sign in between each bollard hanging on the wire rope that says "No Parking". As an example of such a
system, please see the photo below:
Most the companies we ha\€ found which pro"1de these do not ha\€ any brochures specific to this product as
they tend to deal with a number of industrial products, but these are the specifications we're looking for and are
awaiting various price quotes etc before we decide exactly which ones to go with since the landlord's budget isn't
Please let me know if you ha\€ any other questions or comments.
Best Regards,
Dustin Mills
https://mail .g oog le.com'mai l/ca/u/O/?ui= 2&ik=e55a70c5f1 &\1e:w=pt&search= inbol<&th= 14205b016af08830
Excerpts of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
October 2, 2013
Page I
LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant) - This is a request for a special use permit to allow a
restaurant' to operate between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. (24 hours). The±. 75 acre
site is located along the south side of West Plumb Lane (160 West Plumb Lane) in the MU/SVTC
(Mixed Use/ South Virginia Transit Corridor) zones. The site has a Master Plan land use
designation ofSpecial Planning Area/South Virginia Street Transit Corridor. vak [Ward 1} (For
Possible Action)
John Krmpotic, KLS Planning, stated NAB packets were sent out. Two NAB members
responded via email regarding concern for the Hill Crest Apartment Complex to the south.
Conditions 5 through I 0 provide fair mitigation of noise and other mitigations for the apartment
complex. He also contacted the apartment manager and owner to see if they had concerns. Mr.
Krmpotic stated they concurred with the staff report.
Vern Kloos, Senior Planner, stated staff has one modification to Condition 8 related to no
smoking by employees between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. which is consistent with
text in the staff report. Staff can make all of the findings and recommends approval subject to
conditions with the modification to Condition 8.
Commissioners Weiske, Olivas, Stapleton, Laack, Reno, and Chairperson Coffman disclosed
they visited the site and received emails.
At this time, Chairperson Coffman opened discussion to public comment.
Tony Psarras stated he represents Hill Crest Apartments. He has been in contact with Mr.
Krmpotic and raised several concerns with him. Mr. Psarras explained their concerns regarded
having a 24-hour establishment and concerns regarding the customer base, parking lot lighting,
and lack of security. He commented that other 24-hour bar establishments in the City are not
located near residential areas.
Pat Costin stated he is in opposition to the request because there are restrictions in the zoning for
bar establishments in a residential area. He was disturbed by the restaurant's on-line
advertisements of 2- for-I drinks from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. and offering a 15% discount to
individuals who show their concealed carry weapon permit. He commented on the increase in
residential activity in the area and stated this request would be a step backwards. He stated there
should be nothing in the area that would prevent future development in the Plumb Lane area.
Stewaii Sandidge stated he owns the prope1iy. He has not received any complaints about his
vacant prope1iy and that this request would be a positive step forward.
Hearing and seeing no fmiher public comment requests, Chairperson Coffman closed public
Excerpts of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
October 2, 2013
Commissioner Reno commented that one of the policies for the South Virginia TOD is that the
building should be oriented with the sidewalk to provide prominent pedestrian access. He asked
for an explanation of the pedestrian access off of Plumb Lane to the restaurant because, as far as
he can tell, pedestrians have to walk behind vehicles to get into the main entrance facing east.
Vern Kloos, Senior Planner, stated there is a sidewalk along Plumb Lane. Pedestrians can walk
through the parking lot to the front door, which has been the access since the building was
Commissioner Reno stated one of his concerns was the noise that could be generated and that
there had been discussion of implementing a plan to block parking on the south side. He asked
how this plan would be implemented.
Vern Kloos, Senior Planner, stated the parking lot would be blocked, but the applicant will have
to submit the plan showing how this would be done.
Commissioner Reno commented that planters or islands would be placed near the parking stalls.
He asked if a strip planter could be put near the fence as a screening to the apaiiment complex.
Vern Kloos, Senior Planner, stated the planters are in the south end of the parking space on the
prope1iy line ai1d that to put in a strip planter would eliminate the pai·king spaces. He stated
several different methods were considered such as putting in larger planters taking up three
parking spaces, but the proposed landscaping was decided as the preferred alternative because it
would provide more screening when the plants mature.
Claudia Hanson, Planning and Engineering Manager added the Planning Commission can
condition alterations to the building, but a nexus needs to be shown between the condition and
the request.
In response to Chairperson Coffman's question, Vern Kloos, Senior Planner, reviewed the
location of the planters. He stated a full, parking-lot edge planter would be placed on the west
side and seven more planters going east every three spaces with a 2 Yz-inch caliper, deciduous
tree that would provide more screening as it matures. Installing bumper guards at each parking
space would allow vehicles to overhang the tree planters so these parking spaces would not be
lost during the day.
Chairperson Coffman asked if the alley to the south is abandoned.
Vern Kloos, Senior Planner, stated it is not an alley, but a pfili of the parcel to the west. It is not
an access to the pai·cel, but individuals have used it as an access easement.
Excerpts of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
October 2, 2013
Page 3
Chairperson Coffman asked if there could be a condition to block that area.
Vern Kloos, Senior Planner, stated that is a possibility.
Commissioner Weiske asked for a detailed description of how the southern parking spaces will
be blocked off at night.
John Krmpotic stated the plan is to have an employee place a cone in every parking space every
night at 11:00 p.m. and an employee in the morning would remove the cones to make parking
available during the day.
Commissioner Weiske asked how this plan would affect the required parking for this operation.
John Krmpotic stated there is no parking required, because of the TOD.
Commissioner Weiske asked if the business has an access agreement to use the alleyway behind
the Union 76 station.
John Krmpotic stated there is no alleyway. The area is private prope1iy and Sierra Car Repair
would have to agree to have the area blocked off.
Commissioner Weiske asked if Sierra Car Repair has an access agreement to use that area across
the restaurant prope1iy.
John Krmpotic stated they have an easement agreement.
Chairperson Coffman suggested having parking spaces on the west side which would eliminate
the need for parking spaces near the residential area to the south and would provide a shmier
access to the main entrance.
John Krmpotic stated the previous developer had proposed to install angle parking on the west
Chairperson Coffman asked if part of the lot to the east is behind Sierra Automotive Repair.
John Krmpotic stated it is now and will be striped.
Commissioner Weiske commented that the biggest concern, in his opinion, is with the noise
issue, as vehicles will be parked as close as they can be to the apartment complex. He asked why
parking could not be flipped and put closer to Sierra Automotive Repair to create a buffer to the
Excerpts of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
October 2, 2013
John Krmpotic stated that could be done.
Chairperson Coffman asked if the south property line will be coned off to prevent parking, as
John Krmpotic stated yes, during the extended hours.
Commissioner Stapleton commented on the time and effort that will be needed for an employee
to place and remove cones during the day and night. She suggested eliminating parking on the
south side and. having parking on the west side near the repair shop. She asked about the need for
parking on the south side and if those spaces could be removed. She also requested to know who
would enforce making sure an employee places and removes cones.
Vern Kloos, Senior Planner stated Code Enforcement would provide enforcement, if there are
complaints and they are not in compliance with conditions. He stated one solution could be to reorient the east parking to face north and provide parking on the west side.
Claudia Hanson, Planning and Engineering Manager, clarified Condition 5, Item 2 requires
enforcement of the parking prohibition along the south property line, but it does not state
specifically how this will be enforced. She stated staff would not approve of a cone in every
parking space, but blocking the area off.
Commissioner Stapleton asked if the applicant had an alternate parking plan that might be more
John Krmpotic commented that eliminating two-thirds of the parking would be a hardship to the
property. He noted there was someone cleaning the area every day and that if they were to accept
the condition, they would take the responsibility to enforce it.
Commissioner Stapleton clarified she was not suggesting eliminating two-thirds of the parking,
but moving the south side parking to the west side, as suggested by Commissioner Weiske.
John Krmpotic noted parallel parking could be done on the west side, but he was just informed
deliveries take place on the west side.
Commissioner Stapleton asked about the height of the trees when they reach maturity.
John Krmpotic stated they were open to installing deciduous trees with big canopies for more
screening, if suggested by the Commission.
Excerpts of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
October 2, 2013
Page 5
Commissioner Laack commented that language on page 3 of the staff report states security will
be provided, including how employees will monitor the parking lot to prevent outside loitering
and customer noise. She asked if security cameras would be used.
John Krmpotic stated security cameras have not been discussed, but it can be considered. They
have only discussed keeping people and traffic out of that area after 11 :00 p.m.
Commissioner Weiske stated he did not receive a landscape drawing in his packet. He asked if
one was produced.
John Knnpotic replied no. He stated their drawing was done schematic of the tree planters.
Commissioner Weiske asked why deciduous trees were considered versus a combination of
trees, so that there is some blocking or greenery year round.
John Krmpotic stated deciduous trees provide more density.
Commissioner Reno commented that they are trying to mitigate and protect the property to the
south. He stated he could not make Finding A, because the request would not be compatible with
the surrounding land uses due to the extended hours of operation. He stated, for that reason, he
would not be in support of the request.
Commissioner Weiske stated he has a problem with the cones that have been discussed, because
it will not prevent people from parking in between the cones. In lieu of cones, he suggested
chains or a temporary system that could be set up to prevent vehicles from parking in the area.
He also reminded Commissioners that they are conditioning the property and not the business
and that placing a condition of putting cones out to prevent parking on the south side will be in
place for future developers. He stated unless the applicant would like to suggest an alternative or
ask for a continuance, he was having a hard time making all of the findings.
Commissioner Stapleton stated she agreed with Commissioner Weiske's concerns.
Chairperson Coffman stated he would like to see parking blocked off at 10:00 p.m. at the latest.
He stated he agreed with Commissioner Weiske that cones are not the best alternative to block
off parking.
Jolm Krmpotic stated a rope could be put in place.
The applicant stated he would like to see more permanent posts in place with chains. He stated
that advertisement for 2-for-1 drinks and discounts for CCW permits is compatible to the
demographic m Gardnerville, but that they would adapt to the demographic in Reno. The
Excerpts of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
October 2, 2013
Page 6
establishment is a steakhouse that offers alcoholic beverages, but they do not want to incite
problems; therefore, they were open to suggestions.
Commissioner Laack asked if food will be served 24 hours a day.
The applicant replied yes. He stated they want to be able to provide good food to those workers
who work at night.
Commissioner Olivas stated he had trouble making Finding A and F, because placing cones is
not a permanent solution to the parking issue and because deciduous trees will not provide a lot
of screening during the winter when there are no leaves on the trees.
Commissioner Reno stated this establishment will be an attraction in the middle of the night
because there are not a lot of these types of establishments, but he did not believe this was the
right location next to a residential area because of the hours of operation that are being requested.
Commissioner Stapleton stated the location is okay because it is within the South Virginia Street
TOD, but no one has suggested a condition that would mitigate the impact on the southern most
property therefore she could not make the findings.
Commissioner Weiske stated he believes the location can work and that this is the right location
for this type of establishment, so he could make the findings if there was a different parking
layout proposed by the applicant that would protect the residents to the south.
John Krmpotic stated he would like to request a continuance to review the parking issue.
Commissioner Stapleton stated she could second a motion to continue this item to the November
meeting, if the landscaping and buffering is also re-examined.
It was moved by Commissioner Weiske, seconded by Commissioner Stapleton, to continue
LDC14-000JO (Hamdogs Restaurant) to the November 7, 2013 Planning Commission
meeting. The motion carried by a vote of 6-0.
Community Development Department
October 2, 2013
Reno City Planning Commission
Vern Kloos, AICP, Senior Planner
LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant)
Item Vll.2
To reflect the hours indicated in the Land Use Compatibility section of the staff report on
page 3, Condition No. 8 is recommended to be amended to read as follows:
8. No smoking is allowed by employees or restaurant patrons south of the restaurant
building between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Signs to this effect shall be
posted on the south side of the building and maintained at all times.
Memo - PC - LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant)
Planning Commission
October 2, 2013
Staff Report
LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant)
Hamdogs Reno, LLC
This is a request for a special use permit to allow a restaurant
with a bar to operate between the hours of 11 :00 p.m. and 6:00
a.m. (24 hours).
The ±. 75 acre site is located along the south side of West
Plumb Lane (160 West Plumb Lane) in the MU/SVTC (Mixed
Use/ South Virginia Transit Corridor) zones. The site has a
Master Plan land use designation of Special Planning
Area/South Virginia Street Transit Corridor.
Based upon compliance with the applicable findings, I move to
approve the special use permit, subject to conditions.
All conditions shall be met to the satisfaction of Community Development Department
staff, unless otherwise noted.
The project shall comply with all applicable City codes, plans, reports,
materials, etc., as submitted. In the event of a conflict between said plans,
reports, materials and City codes, City codes in effect at the time the
application is submitted, shall prevail.
The applicant shall apply for all building permits or obtain a business
license, as applicable, for the project within 18 months from the date of
final approval, and continuously maintain the validity of those permits, or
this approval shall be null and void.
Prior to issuance of any building permit or business license as applicable,
the applicant shall attach a copy of the final approval letter.
The applicant, developer, builder, property or business owner, as
applicable, shall continuously maintain a copy of this approval letter on the
LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant) - VAK.doc
Staff Report - October 2, L013
Page 2
LDC 14-00G , J (Hamdogs Restaurant)
project site during the construction and operation of the project/business.
The project approval letter shall be posted or readily available upon
demand by City staff.
Prior to issuance of a building permit or business license, whichever
occurs first, the applicant shall have a business operations and an onsite
security plan approved which includes: how employees will monitor the
parking lot to: 1) prevent outside loitering and customer noise between 11 :OO
p.m. and 6:00 a.m.; and 2) to enforce the parking prohibition along the south
property line between the hours of 11 :00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Accessory live or recorded entertainment and/or dancing (e.g. cabaret) or
similar activities shall be prohibited in the restaurant at this location as
approved for Case No. LDC14-00010.
Outdoor dining shall be prohibited.
No smoking is allowed at any time by employees or restaurant patrons
south of the restaurant building. Signs to this effect shall be posted on the
south side of the building and maintained at all times.
The owner/operator of the restaurant shall not dispose of trash outside the
building between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. seven days a week.
Prior to issuance of a building permit or business license, whichever
occurs first, the applicant shall have plans approved to install:
One, 19 foot by 5 foot and seven, 5 foot wide by 5 foot deep landscape
planters located along the south property line as shown in Exhibit C of the
October 2, 2013 Planning Commission staff report for LDC14-00010. The 19
foot by 9 foot landscape planter shall contain one, 2.5 inch caliper deciduous
tree and three low growing shrubs (maximum 3 foot height) or equivalent
ground cover. The seven, 5 foot wide by 5 foot deep planters shall each
contain one 2.5 inch caliper deciduous tree.
BACKGROUND: The site is fully developed and contains a ±4,870 square foot single story
building and ±57 paved and striped parking spaces. The building was constructed in
1976 and has been used for a variety of commercial uses such as: a flower shop and
most recently as a Chinese restaurant with alcohol service operating until 11 :00 p.m.,
which ceased operations in September of 2012. A special use permit was approved on
the site in November of 2000 to operate a 24 hour billiard parlor and bar (LDC01-00105
Cue and Cushion/160 W. Plumb Lane). However, there is no record that the business
was ever established.
LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant) -VAK.doc
Staff Report- October 2, L013
Page 3
LDC 14-00(; , J (Hamdogs Restaurant)
A restaurant and bar are allowed uses in the MU/SVTC zone, but require a special use
permit to operate between the hours of 11 :00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. because the parcel
does not front on South Virginia Street (RMC 18.08.405(i)(2)h).
Key Issues: Compatibility of extended operational hours with adjacent residential uses to
the south.
Land Use Compatibility: Land use surrounding the site consists of mixed commercial to
the west, north and east. Several of these commercial businesses are open or allowed
to be open 24 hours including the gas station adjacent to the west and the super market
to the north across Plumb Lane. A two story apartment complex is located to the south
and is partially screened by a six foot tall wood fence located along the south side of the
project site. The business will be located in a one story building which is ±75 feet from
the apartments. The primary customer entrance faces east which will minimize
potentially objectionable operational characteristics, such as lighting and noise
associated with the building entrance on the apartments to the south. The visual and
privacy effects should be mitigated because there are no project windows facing south
towards the apartments (SUP finding h).
The residential adjacency standards, which limit noise to 49 decibels at the adjacent
residential property lines between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. [RMC 18.12.304
(g) do not apply in this case because the adjacent apartments are, zoned MU/SVTC.
However, to minimize the extended operational hours on the apartments to the south, it is
recommended that: 1) parking be prohibited in the parking spaces located along the south
property line between 11 :00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.; and 2) a business operations and an onsite
security plan be provided which includes how employees will monitor the parking lot to
prevent outside loitering and customer noise between the hours of 11 :00 p.m. and 6:00
a.m.; and 3) to enforce the parking prohibition along the south property line between the
hours of 11 :00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. (Condition No. 5). The potential for noise generated by
live/recorded entertainment is addressed as a night club requires approval of a separate
special use permit in the MU/SVTC zone, which is not part of this request. Accessory live or
recorded entertainment and/or dancing that could be potentially added later are addressed
because the applicant has no plans to add this type of activity (Condition No. 6). Noise
generated by outdoor dining is also addressed because the applicant has no plans to add
this type of activity (Condition No. 7). To further reduce noise and operational impacts on
the apartments to the south, conditions are recommended to: prohibit smoking by
patrons and employees south of the building; and prohibit disposal of trash outside the
building between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. seven days a week (Condition
Nos. 8 and 9) (SUP findings a, e, f & h).
Urban/Environmental Design: The restaurant and bar are proposed to be placed in an
existing ±4,870 square foot, single story vacant restaurant building (Exhibits A and B).
The interior will be remodeled for the new restaurant. No changes to the building
exterior are proposed.
LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant} - VAK.doc
Staff Report- October 2, L013
Page 4
LDC14-00G, J (Hamdogs Restaurant)
The site currently contains ±850 square feet of landscaping (±2.6% of the site), which is
located on the north side of the building adjacent to Plumb Lane and the adjacent to the
east side of the building. The code landscaping requirement for this site is 20% (6,534
square feet) including 22 trees and 132 shrubs. Although the site is currently nonconforming
with regard to landscaping, code would not require additional landscaping because the
building coverage is not proposed to be increased. However, the request for an SUP for
extended operational hours located adjacent to residential uses justifies the addition of
landscaping to provide additional buffering and to better define the parking lot. Therefore, it
is recommended the applicant be required to add eight landscape planters consisting of one
19 foot long by 5 foot wide; and seven 5 foot wide by 5 foot deep landscape planters along
the south property line as shown in Exhibit C. The 19 foot by 5 foot landscape planter
should contain one 2.5 inch caliper deciduous tree and 3 low growing shrubs or equivalent
ground cover. The seven, 5 foot by 5 foot planters should contain one 2.5 inch caliper
deciduous tree (Condition No. 10). The 5 foot depth for the 5 foot by 5 foot planters will
allow vehicles parked in the adjacent parking space to overhang the planter to meet the
minimum code parking stall length of 19 feet. Bumper guards are required by code to be
installed along the north side of the seven, 5 foot by 5 foot planters to prevent cars parking
in the adjacent spaces from hitting the trees.
The site currently contains ±57 parking spaces including two handicap spaces. No parking
is required for a restaurant use in the MU/SVTC zone. If landscaping is added to the site
consistent with Condition No. 10, no parking spaces would be removed. There is the
potential to remove two parking spaces located at the southwest corner of the site to allow
access to the driveway extending west from the site to Lakeside Drive. If these two spaces
are removed, the site will have ±55 parking spaces, which exceeds the code requirement.
The site contains an existing 18 foot tall, 80 square foot, internally illuminated free
standing pole sign located on the north side of the site oriented east/west to face traffic
on West Plumb Lane (Exhibit D). The applicant plans to utilize this sign and will reface it
to reflect the new business. No other signs are proposed. The existing pole sign is
nonconforming because it exceeds the height standard (eight feet) of the MU/SVTC
zone. The pole sign area is within the size requirements (125 square feet maximum) of
the MU/SVTC. The pole sign height is consistent with other signs in the area (SUP
finding g).
Public Safety: Fire and Police staff indicated they had no comments. Calls for service
(CFS) information provided by police staff indicate this site has had 49 total CFS from
2002 through 2013 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 11 :00 p.m. No CFS were
recorded between the hours of 11 :00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. from 2002 through 2013 (SUP
finding c).
Public Improvements: This is an existing developed site with all necessary utilities in
place to serve this project. Since no site modifications are proposed, no drainage or
sanitary sewer impacts are expected. The additional landscaping recommended to be
added to the site would provide for a minor decrease in impervious area and stormwater
LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant) - VAK.doc
Staff Report - October 2, L013
Page 5
LDC 14-00Li , J (Hamdogs Restaurant)
runoff. Based on the application materials presented, there is no indication that the
requested special use permit will have any adverse effect/impact to City infrastructure
facilities beyond existing use (SUP finding c).
Traffic, Access and Circulation: The property has access via two driveways from West
Plumb Lane. All necessary access improvements to serve this property including
curb/gutter, sidewalk are in place and appear to be in acceptable condition. There
appears to be an access driveway at the southwest corner of the property to allow
access to Lakeside Drive. No easement for this access has been provided. However,
the access is not required for adequate access and circulation (SUP finding d).
The application stated that the traffic generated by this restaurant would be the same for
the peak hours as the previous use. Additional trips created by the extended hours of
use would be less than the peak hour trips (PHT) and would not have an impact on the
street network. Based on the J1h Edition of ITE Trip Generation, the restaurant would
generate approximately 44 PM PHT. Since this rate is below the 100 trips required for
further analysis and will be the same as the previous use for this site, the current
roadway network is sufficient to accommodate the use, including the extended
operational hours (SUP finding d).
Master Plan: The project is consistent with the Special Planning Area/South Virginia
Street Transit Corridor Master Plan land use designation on the site. As proposed and
with recommended conditions, the project appears to be consistent with the following
applicable Master Plan policies and objectives: hours of operation and activity level
sensitive to surrounding development, especially residential (CD-6); design the
circulation system to minimize traffic impacts (P-8); provide sufficient onsite parking (P10); landscaping appropriate to related environment (CD-30); site access safe,
convenient and logical while minimizing impacts on adjacent properties (P-1 );
development density, building mass and details sensitive to surrounding development;
Objective #9: Integrated Design; Objective #11: Compatibility; Objective #19: Access;
Objective #21: Parking Circulation; and Objective #22: Landscaping (SUP finding b).
South Virginia Street Transit Oriented Development Corridor Plan (SVTCTOD): This
project is located in the SVTCTOD and is consistent with the following applicable
Policy 1-ldentity:
New development should be encouraged to maintain the historical character of
older structures, features and neighborhoods.
Policy 6- Quality Site Layout/Urban Design:
A. Buildings should be oriented to the sidewalk to provide prominent pedestrian
LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant) - VAK.doc
Staff Report - October 2, .!013
Page 6
LDC14-00L, cl (Hamdogs Restaurant)
D. A landscape buffer should be provided between existing residential development
and non residential development.
Policy 7- Parking Management:
A. Parking should not be located between the side walk and the front of buildings
and a convenient and safe pedestrian access to the building should be provided.
Parking should be provided on the side or rear of the building.
General Code Compliance: As proposed and with recommended conditions the project
is consistent with applicable City code.
Other Reviewing Bodies:
Washoe County Health District: The Environmental Health Services Division reviewed
the plans and outlined their requirements for the development (Exhibit E). Health
standards and requirements will be evaluated during review of the project building
Neighborhood Advisory Board: This project was not reviewed by the Ward One
Neighborhood Advisory Board. However the applicant provided the NAB members with
the project information on September 18, 2013 and requested they provide comments
to staff by September 23, 2013 (Exhibit F). At the time this report was published one
NAB member had submitted comments (Exhibit G). If other NAB comments are
received they will be provided to the Commission at or before the meeting.
Mixed Commercial
Special Planning Area/South
Virginia Street Transit Corridor
Special Planning Area/South
Virginia Street Transit Corridor
Auto Repair
Special Planning Area/South
Virginia Street Transit Corridor
Service Station/Auto
Special Planning Area/South
Virginia Street Transit Corridor
RMC 18.06.405(e)(1)
Special Use Permit
LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant) - VAK.doc
Staff Report - October 2, L013
Page 7
LDC14-00u, J (Hamdogs Restaurant)
Special Use Permit: General special use permit findings. Except where specifically
noted, all special use permit applications shall require that all of the following general
findings be met, as applicable.
The proposed use is compatible with existing surrounding land uses and
The project is in substantial conformance with the master plan.
There are or will be adequate services and infrastructure to support the
proposed development.
The proposal adequately mitigates traffic impacts of the project and
provides a safe pedestrian environment.
The proposed site location and scale, intensity, density, height, layout,
setbacks, and architectural and overall design of the development and the
uses proposed, is appropriate to the area in which it is located.
The project does not create adverse environmental impacts such as
smoke, noise, glare, dust, vibrations, fumes, pollution or odor which would
be detrimental to, or constitute a nuisance to area properties.
Project signage is in character with project architecture and is compatible
with or complementary to surrounding uses.
The structure has been designed such that the window placement and
height do not adversely affect the privacy of existing residential uses.
Staff: Vern Kloos, AICP, Senior Planner
LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs Restaurant) - VAK.doc
L - --
LDC 14-00010
Hamdogs Restaurant
The information hereon is approximate
and is intended for display purposes
only. Reproduction is not permitted.
For additional information • please
at Reno
Community Development Department
Map Produced: September. 2013
Subject Site
Community Development
§"1111111111•§ City Limits
1 East 1st Street
P.O. Box 1900
Reno. NV 89505
Phone: 334-2063
Fax: 334-2043
Hamdogs Restaurant
The information hereon is approximate
and is intended for display purposes
only. Reproduction is not permitted.
For additional information • please
Comnunity Development Department
Map Produced: September. 2013
Subject Site
-City Limits
Community Development
!....111. . . . .llllllJ Department
Phone: 334-2063
Fax: 334-2043
LDC14-00010 (Hamdogs
Hamdogs Restaurant
Figure 2 - Site Plan
Hamdogs Restaurant
Photo 1 - View of Restaurant from Plumb Lane
Hamdogs Restaurant
Photo 2 - View of building from back of lot (facing northwest)
Hamdogs Restaurant
Figure 5 - Existing/Proposed Sign
~""°Mail - Reno SUP Application LDC14-00010 (Har··-- F(estaurant)
Reno SUP Application LDC14-00010 (Ham dogs Restaurant)
English, James J. <[email protected]>
Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 9:59 AM
To: "[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Cc: "[email protected]' <[email protected]>, "English, James J." <[email protected]>
The Washoe County Health District, Environmental Health Services (EHS) has reviewed the above
referenced project and has the following comments/conditions for the approval of this SUP
1. The owner/operator shall provide the Washoe County Health District, Environmental Health
Services (EHS) with a cleaning and sanitizing operations plan to demonstrate how restaurant deep
cleaning and breakdown activities w_ill take place during operational hours. The plan shall stay on
file with EHS and be subject to approval prior to any changes or amendments.
2. The owner/operator shall meet all Certified Food Manager requirements which may be applicable
due to the change to a 24 hour operation.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
James English, REHS, CP-FS
EHS Supervisor
Waste Management/Land Development Programs
Washoe County Health District
'no Mail - Central NAB- October Meeting I Hamdogs ~,r·--14-00010
Central NAB - October Meeting I Hamdogs LDC14-00010
John Krmpotic <[email protected]>
Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 12:31 PM
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>. "[email protected]" <[email protected]>,
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>. "[email protected]" <[email protected]>,
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>,
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Cc: Vern Kloos <[email protected]>, Barbara DiCianno <[email protected]>
Dear NAB members,
I am providing this info for your review and asking a simple favor. Can you please review and email comments
to Vern Kloos and me on the attached SUP application by Monday September 23. Hamdogs is a restaurant
requesting a Special Use Permit for extended hours of operation from 11 pm to 6 am (up to 24 hour operation)
at 160 W Plumb Lane which is part of the S Virginia TOD. This is the location of the China Star Buffet that
closed about 1 year ago, and has been vacant since then (see photo). It is a fully developed site and building.
We are scheduled for hearing at the Reno Planning Commission on Oct 2, your NAB meets on October 3. We
missed the September meeting because Planning Commission was the same night as the NAB. I would be
pleased to meet with any of you individually as well.
We have agreed to the following operational conditions with staff up to this point. Each of these is intended to
address possible impacts to the adjacent apartments. I am describing in a simple bullet point and not the
actual condition:
a) No cabaret, i.e. dancing, accessory live or recorded music, or live music allowed in the
b) No smoking/loitering on the south side of the restaurant after 11 pm.
c) No dumping trash into the dumpster after 9 pm
d) No parking in any of the parking stalls along the south side of the site from 11 pm to 7 am.
There are roughly 31 parking spaces there.
Thank you for reviewing the app and I look forward to hearing from you. You can reach me at 857 7710 for any
https ://mail .g oog le.corn.Imai l/ca/u/O/?ui =2&i k= e55a70c5f1 &...;e\o\F"pt&search=i nbox&th= 141329139e86ea64
'no Mail - Central NAB- October Meeting I Hamdogs
John F. Krmpotic, AICP
KLS Planning
RENO,NV89521 I 775-852-7606
This e-mail and any files transnitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to w horn they
are addressed. If you are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be
advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, disserrination, forwarding , printing or copying this e-mail is strictly
2 attachments
view of building from plumb lane.jpg
Hamdogs SUP app 8-12-13.PDF
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Mail - Re: Central NAB- October Meeting / Hall'Klog( ' '"' C14-00010
Re: Central NAB - October Meeting I Hamdogs LDC14-00010
Vern Kloos <[email protected]>
Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 8:20 AM
To: Pam Ricci <[email protected]>
Cc: John Krmpotic <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>,
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>,
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>,
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>, Barbara DiCianno
<[email protected]>
It would be controlled by a condition recommended to prohibit parking in those spaces between 11 pm and 6 am
that is required to be enforced daily by the owner/operator of any restaurant on the site.
Any other questions, please let me know
Vern Kloos, AICP
Senior Planner
334 2272
On Sat, Sep 21 , 2013 at 2:46 PM , Pam Ricci <pam@riccihomes .com> wrote:
Hi all, I would like to know how you will control the parking on the South side after 11 pm? Otherwise with the
other directi-.es I think this would be great to see a \1able business there again. Thank you for pro\Ading the
Pamela Ricci
On Wed , Sep 18, 2013 at 12:31 PM , John Krmpotic <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear NAB members,
I am providing this info for your review and asking a simple favor. Can you please review and email
comments to Vern Kloos and me on the attached SUP application by Monday September 23 . Hamdogs is a
restaurant requesting a Special Use Permit for extended hours of operation from 11 pm to 6 am (up to 24
hour operation) at 160 W Plumb Lane which is part of the S Virginia TOD. This is the location of the China
Star Buffet that closed about 1 year ago, and has been vacant since then (see photo) . It is a fully
developed site and building.
We are scheduled for hearing at the Reno Planning Commission on Oct 2, your NAB meets on October 3.
We missed the September meeting because Planning Commission was the same night as the NAB. I would
be pleased to meet with any of you individually as well.
We have agreed to the following operational conditions with staff up to this point. Each of these is
City of~
, Mail - Re: Central NAB - October Meeting I Hamdog_f· 1· 1'1C14-00010
. intended to address possible in 1pacts to the adjacent apartments. I am c., __ ..:ribing in a simple bullet point
and not the actual condition:
a) No cabaret, i.e. dancing, accessory live or recorded music, or live music allowed in the
b) No smoking/loitering on the south side of the restaurant after 11 pm.
c) No dumping trash into the dumpster after 9 pm
d) No parking in any of the parking stalls along the south side of the site from 11 pm to 7
am. There are roughly 31 parking spaces there.
· Thank you for reviewing the app and I look forward to hearing from you. You can reach me at 857 7710
for any questions.
John F. Krmpotic, AICP
KLS Planning
& Design
This e-rrall and any files transmtted w Ith it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity tow horn
they are addressed. ~ you are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-rrail to the intended
recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissenination, forwarding, printing or copying
this e-rrail is strictly prohibited.
Cityof (
Mail - Re: Central NAB- October Meeting I Hamdog
~ 14-00010
Re: Central NAB - October Meeting I Hamdogs LDC14-00010
Pam Ricci <[email protected]>
Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 11:15 AM
To: Vern Kloos <[email protected]>
Cc: John Krmpotic <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>,
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>,
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>,
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>, Barbara DiCianno
<[email protected]>
Thanks , Pam
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 23, 2013, at 9:20 AM, Vern Kloos <[email protected]> wrote:
It would be controlled by a condition recommended to prohibit parking in those spaces between 11
pm and 6 am that is required to be enforced daily by the owner/operator of any restaurant on the
Any other questions, please let me know
Vern Kloos , AICP
Senior Planner
334 2272
On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 2:46 PM, Pam Ricci <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi all, I would like to know how you will control the parking on the South side after 11pm?
Otherwise with the other directiws I think this would be great to see a \1able business there
again. Thank you for pro\1ding the information.
Pamela Ricci
On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 12:31 PM, John Krmpotic <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear NAB members,
I am providing this info for your review and asking a simple favor. Can you please review
and email comments to Vern Kloos and me on the attached SUP application by Monday
September 23. Hamdogs is a restaurant requesting a Special Use Permit for extended hours
of operation from 11 pm to 6 am (up to 24 hour operation) at 160 W Plumb Lane which is
part of the S Virginia TOD. This is the location of the China Star Buffet that closed about 1
year ago, and has been vacant since then (see photo) . It is a fully developed site and
building .
httos://rmi I .a C'lOCl le.corrv'rmi l/c;:i.lu/0/?ui=2&i k=e55a70c5f1 &IA ew=ot&search=i nbox&th= 1414c08422690aa6
City of I
Mail - Re: Central NAB- October Meeting I Hamdog~
We are scheduled for hearing at the Reno Planning Commission on Oct 2, your NAB meets on
October 3. We missed the September meeting because Planning Commission was the same
night as the NAB. I would be pleased to meet with any of you individually as well.
We have agreed to the following operational conditions with staff up to this point. Each of
these is intended to address possible impacts to the adjacent apartments. I am describing
in a simple bullet point and not the actual condition:
a) No cabaret, i.e. dancing, accessory live or recorded music, or live music
allowed in the restaurant
b) No smoking/loitering on the south side of the restaurant after 11 pm.
c) No dumping trash into the dumpster after 9 pm
d) No parking in any of the parking stalls along the south side of the site from
11 pm to 7 am. There are roughly 31 parking spaces there.
Thank you for reviewing the app and I look forward to hearing from you. You can reach me
at 857 7710 for any questions.
John F. Krmpotic, AICP
KLS Planning
& Design
This e-mail and any files transnitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or
httos://mai I.a ooa le.com'mai l/ca/u/O/?ui =2&i k= e55a70c5f1&\.1 eVF ot&search=i nboir.&th= 1414c08422690aa6
Mail - Re: Central NAB- October Meeting I Hamdog \
entity tow horn they are addressed. If you are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering
the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use,
disserrination, forwarding, printing or copying this e-mail is strictly prohibited.
Pamela B. Ricci, CDPE,CRS,GRi,ePro
RE/MAXRealty Affiliates
10795 Double R Blvd.
Reno, NV 89521
Direct: 775.327.9907
Cell: 775.742.2671
Fax: 775.583.0481
Licensed in Nevada
Vern Kloos , AICP
Senior Planner
City of Reno
775 334 2272
Reno. gov/ engage
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail transmission, and any documents , files or previous e-mail
mes sages attached to it may contain confidential inform ati on that is also legally privileged. If you are not
the intended recipient, or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby
notified that any disclosure, copying , distribution or use of any of the information contained in or attached
to this transmission is prohibited . If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately
notify the sender and immediatelydestroythe original transmission and its attachments without reading
or saving in any manner. Thank you .
City of
Mail - P.S. RE: Central NAB- October Meeting I Hanr
., LDC14-00010
lo l
'Jf'i>rd o JOV>
P.S. RE: Central NAB - October Meeting I Hamdogs LDC14-00010
Naomi Duerr <[email protected]>
Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 7:05 AM
To: John Krrnpotic <[email protected]>
Cc: Vern Kloos <kloos\@reno.goV>
I meant to mention in my previous email that I really appreciated the inclusion
of the other conditions your client has proposed to reduce impacts on the
neighbors - i.e., no cabaret and no loitering/smoking on the south side after
11 PM - as well as the noise mitigation proposal of no dumpster use after 9
PM and no parking along the fence after 11 PM. These are just the kind of
things that are important when different uses co-exist side-by-side.
Well done!
Naomi S. Duerr, Professional Geologist
Desert Pacific Exploration, Inc.
1680 Greenfield Drive
Reno, Nevada 89509
775-842-1035 (cell)
775-825-8215 (w)
nsduerr@s bcglobal. net
City of
Mail - P.S. RE: Central NAB- October Meeting I Harrr
-: LDC14-00010
From: Naomi Duerr [mailto: [email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2013 6: 51 AM
To: 'John Krmpotic'
Cc: 'Vern Kloos'
Subject: RE: Central NAB- October Meeting/ Hamdogs LOC14-00010
I apologize for my late response to your request for review of the Hamdog
SUP. I did not realize that you requested comments be submitted last week,
not this week.
At any rate, I did review the application. I think a new restaurant in this location
would be great. My primary concern is for the folks who live in the apartments
behind the restaurant given the proposal for extended hours. I am concerned
about the noise and light the tenants may endure at say 2 AM from people
coming to or leaving the restaurant- talking, slamming doors, rewing engines,
etc. and turning on headlights.
To address these concerns, I see that the owner has proposed eliminating
parking along the back fence after 11 PM and cutting off use of the dumpster
at 9 AM as "noise mitigation."
My first question has to do with whether the proposed "noise mitigation" is
realistic. If you cordon off the 31 parking spots after 11 PM (orange
cones??), that leaves about 25 parking spots for the 11 PM to 6 AM hours.
Presumably, employees too, would be foreclosed from parking in the 31
spots along the fence since they would likely be coming or going between 11
PM and 6 AM. With 7 employees, that leaves just 18 spots for parking in the
night hours. Is the assumption that no more than 18 cars would be parking
between 11 and 6?
of(--,., Mail - P.S. RE: Central NAB- October Meeting I Hanr
' LDC14-00010
My second question is about the dumpster. Having worked at a restaurant or
two in my life and seen many operate, my understanding is that restaurant
cleanup is an ongoing activity, especially at the end of shifts. A typical shift
might end at 11 PM, a couple of hours after the 9 PM dumpster cutoff. I am
not sure that the proposal to not use the dumpster after 9 PM is really
Practical concerns aside, my biggest question is how will the "noise
mitigation" be implemented and enforced on a daily basis? Will the parking
along the fence be cordoned off daily? Will the dumpster be locked down?
Will the implementation of the "noise mitigation" plan happen every night like
If the proposed plan does not work out well and the tenants are affected, how
will their issues be addressed in a timely manner?
I do not know the answers to these questions, but if this proposal does move
forward , one idea would be to provide the tenants with a number to call
(restaurant management) so that if any issues do crop up during an evening,
the issues can be addressed immediately. If problems continued the
individuals could then follow up with city code enforcement folks.
Thanks for the opportunity to comment. Good luck with your proposal.
Naomi S. Duerr, Professional Geologist
https://mail .google.com/mail/ca/u/O/?ui=2&ik=e55a70c5f1&\iew=pt&search=inbox&th=141797cf68d8c58b
Cityof r ·--.Mail- P.S. RE: Central NAB- October Meeting / Har
' LDC14-00010
Desert Pacific Exploration, Inc.
1680 Greenfield Ori'.€
Reno, Nevada 89509
775-842-1035 (cell)
775-825-8215 (w)
[email protected]
From: John Krmpotic [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 12:31 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected]
Cc: Vern Kloos; Barbara DiCianno
Subject: Central NAB - October Meeting / Hamdogs LOC14-00010
Dear NAB members,
I am providing this info for your review and asking a simple favor. Can you please review and email comments
to Vern Kloos and me on the attached SUP application by Monday September 23. Hamdogs is a restaurant
requesting a Special Use Permit for extended hours of operation from 11 pm to 6 am (up to 24 hour operation)
at 160 W Plumb Lane which is part of the S Virginia TOD. This is the location of the China Star Buffet that
closed about 1 year ago, and has been vacant since then (see photo). It is a fully developed site and building.
We are scheduled for hearing at the Reno Planning Commission on Oct 2, your NAB meets on October 3. We
missed the September meeting because Planning Commission was the same night as the NAB. I would be
pleased to meet with any of you individually as well.
We have agreed to the following operational conditions with staff up to this point. Each of these is intended to
address possible impacts to the adjacent apartments . I am describing in a simple bullet point and not the
actual condition:
a) No cabaret, i.e. dancing, accessory live or recorded music, or live music allowed in the
City of Rr·--. Mail - P.S. RE: Central NAB- October Meeting I Harrt
b) No smoking /loitering on t\ ..... south side of the restaurant after • 1 pm.
c) No dumping trash into the dumpster after 9 pm
d) No parking in any of the parking stalls along the south side of the site from 11 pm to 7 am .
There are roughly 31 parking spaces there.
Thank you for reviewing the app and I look forward to hearing from you. You can reach me at 857 7710 for any
John F. Krmpotic, AICP
KLS Planning
& Design
Rrno, NV89521
surn 299
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