30 March 2016 - Bellevue Heights Primary School


30 March 2016 - Bellevue Heights Primary School
Bellevue Heights Primary School
Learning & Growing Together to Enrich the World
Newsletter Week 9 Term 1
Wednesday 30 March 2016
Wednesday ...March 30 ........ Parent Teacher interviews start tonight
Thursday ......March 31 ......... Junior Field Naturalists’ Club 7:30pm in school hall
Friday ............April 1 .............. P&F Meeting in staffroom at 9am
Monday .........April 4 .............. Governing Council 7.30 pm. Finance 7pm
Tuesday ........April 5 .............. HGHS Market Working Bee 2.30pm onwards in staffroom
Thursday .......April 7 .............. 6/7 camp to Monarto Zoo — Group 2
Friday ............April 8 .............. Whole school assembly run by Mrs Bengel & Mrs Listers’ classes
followed by parent morning tea
Tuesday ........April 12 ............ Last Day for Pizza Lunch orders — NO LATER ORDERS TAKEN
Friday ............April 15 ............ Last day for Term 1. Student casual day (free).
Pizza Lunch Day. Students finish at 2.30pm
Monday ........May 2............... First day for Term 2
Saturday .......May 7............... HGHS Fun Family Eco Market at school 9am to 3pm
Tuesday ........May 10............. NAPLAN testing starts for Year 3, 5 & 7 students
Dear Parents & Community
Sports Day
What a fabulous event Sports Day was. The children were all very happy with the activities and were very keen to
talk about their activities and events. The School Captains were really well prepared and did a marvellous job at
keeping their team together and focussed on the activities. Our Sports Day committee was led by Steve Mallee
this year and they worked together tirelessly leading up to the day, getting lines marked, events and equipment
ready, games and sprints organised and the general timetabling of events organised - so a big thank you to those
groups. We had a number of helpers on the day organising lunches, selling cakes and drinks and generally
organising the catering for the event. There were lots of home-made cakes, Craig and Rachael made donuts and
donated the money raised to the school and the coffee addition this year, thanks to Courtney, was a big hit.
Thanks also to Courtney for organising the drinks stall. Having the opportunity to come along after work is
appreciated by many so having the sports day as a twilight event every two years provides that opportunity. It did
get cool towards the end of the evening so that was a bit of a problem, mind you we thought we were going to be
blown away around midday but the day ended up not too badly.
All in all a big thanks to all the families and students for supporting the sports day. Congratulations on winning the
event to the Green, Wittunga, team, well led by Grace and Wei. Well done to the Red, Colebrook team led by
Katie and Kamola for their Team Spirit Award. Well done to the Blue, Flinders team led by Eden and Kadmiel and
Yellow, Karinya team led by Violette and Lukas Mack.
There are some photos from Sports Day in the Good News Week section.
Home Grown, Hand Sewn (HGHS) MARKET - Saturday 7th May 2016
- Save the date!
It’s that time of the year again and we are starting to get organised for our May 2016 Home Grown, Hand Sewn
Market. This is the first Saturday in term 2 and will be the only market we have for 2016. It is a major community
event for the school bringing together families for a fun day as well as being a school fundraiser.
Keep an eye out over the coming weeks for ways you can help us make the day a huge success. Any help will
be greatly appreciated.
We can be contacted on
Email student absences to:
Out of School Hours Care (OSHC):
CRICOS Provider Number:
Telephone: 8278 7182
Fax: 8370 2671
[email protected]
[email protected]
Telephone: 8278 9439
0401 121 798
Bellevue Heights Primary School Newsletter
30 March 2016
Harmony Day / Week
Social Media and photos
With the ease of use and the wide appeal of using
social media to share photos it is tempting to show
photos of events, such as sports day, to the wide
world. However, not all families want photos of their
children on the web and as you would be aware we
always seek permission before we put photos in any
publication that may end up on the web. Families sign
an agreement at the start of the year to give
permission for this to happen. If a photo is to go wider
than the newsletter, e.g. the newspaper or a pamphlet
we seek individual permission. An individual parent
doesn’t have that same level of permission so we
would encourage all families not to post photos on
social media sites unless it is their own child. Even
photos of children in the background, if they are
identifiable, makes the use of such photos
inappropriate. Please consider this when posting to
social media.
We had a bit of a “Harmony Week” this year as
different classes carried out different activities
throughout the week.
On the actual Harmony
Day, Monday the 21st all
classes had a picnic on
the oval with an IELC
buddy class. The week
ended on Thursday with
classes on the oval
flying kites. Many of the
kites had been made
with buddies, using a
harmony theme. Our
school is very diverse
‘harmony’ in many ways. In French, buddy classes
worked together to make kites.
Traffic and Parking
I feel like the newsletter has become
the Council “Guide to Parking” lately;
but here is an interesting piece of
information that may save you a few
Did you know that when parking along
Vaucluse Crescent (or any road really) there must be
3 metres between cars on either side of the road.
Resident cars can be parked outside their house, you
come along (not in the No Parking times) to come into
school and you park exactly opposite the already
parked car. If there isn’t a 3m space both drivers get a
parking fine! So make sure if you come in on those ‘off
peak’ times that you check you have left a 3m space.
Vince, Mary & Birgit
Well done to the families who made interview
appointments with their class teachers. Interviews are
an important part of our reporting process to families.
Our reporting process is not just the two written
reports. Interviews and Open Day are also part of that
reporting process. That process also fits with our
communication methods through your class teachers,
the Learning Support Team, the newsletter, e-mails
and other meetings at school. If you have not made an
interview time please contact your class teacher to
make an appointment that suits their timelines. Please
take that opportunity to catch up on your child’s
learning successes and needs.
School Facebook pages
Did you know BHPS has a facebook page? Like and
follow us for Weekly updates about what's happening
at school and reminders.
Like and follow us on
We also have a facebook page for our Home Grown
Hand Sewn Market. Keep an eye on that page too for
updates on how you can help.
Each fortnight Principal’s Awards are earned by
students for displaying attributes of the following:
achievement, caring, collaboration, showing initiative,
citizenship or persistence.
The following students have earned Principal Awards:
Garrian James, John Doyle, Rosie Ewing, Trang Thanh
Khong, Khanh Phan, Caleb Bravington, Nhi P Nguyen,
Cohen Martin, Connor McDowell, Ethan Bravington,
Makayla Szymanskyj & Ainsley Szymanskyj.
Awards for Excellence Recipients
This fortnight the following student earned a
Jack Maguire
Monday 21st March
Bellevue Heights Primary School Newsletter
30 March 2016
Home Grown, Hand
Saturday 7th May 2016
9am — 3pm
Save the date!
It’s that time of the year again and we are starting to
get organised for our May 2016 Home Grown, Hand
Sewn Market. This is the first Saturday in term 2 and
will be the only market we have for 2016.
Market Stalls & Children’s Market
If you have any crafty friends or family members who
might be interested please contact the school office.
We will once again hold the popular children’s market
so if your child would like to have a stall get started
sorting out all their old toys and let us know.
Cost $5 per stall.
Car Boot Sale in Staff Car Park
We will have a car boot sale in the staff carpark.
Limited spaces. $20 a space. Book a space at the
office NOW !
Can you help with donations
You may have some of these items at home and no
longer need, use or want. If you have something in
the list that you can donate, please bring it to the
school office.
Satin ribbon (any colour, preferably 3cm or
Jewels, gems, rhinestones, Swarovski crystals,
buttons or sequins – anything with a flat back
that can be glued down easily.
Feathers (coloured craft feathers).
Foam sheets (any colour A4 size).
Donations for BHPS Playgroup
Raffle (quality goods or vouchers).
Donations of potted, hardy plants
eg succulents and geraniums for sale on
the day.
Goods for the Vintage Café
P&F will be organising the café and asking for
donations of baked goods, preserves and garden
produce. With the abundance of produce at the
moment, are you able to make and donate any home
made jams, chutneys and preserves? We have 250ml
jars available at the office. We can also organise
labels for the preserves.
Yarn Bombing
administration garden and trees
near the gym even more colourful.
If you have any knitted or
crocheted items that you are willing
to donate for this, please drop them in at the school
office for our special yarn bombing installations.
Thank you to everyone who helped with the catering
for Sports Day it was a HUGE success. We made
approx. $1200 on the day.
Did you miss out on putting your business in our
Community Directory?
It’s now ready to be released but its not too late to
be included in the Term 2 update.
An email will come home this week with the first
edition of the BHPS Community Directory and we
encourage you to consider supporting our school
You can pre-order your copy of the 2016/17
Entertainment Book from the school office.
The cost is $65 and they are once again full of
savings for dining, shopping, arts, sports and
attractions as well as travel and accommodation.
Come into the office and you can look through the
new book and see all the savings you can make.
Pizza Lunch Day - last day of Term 1.
HGHS Market Café - First Saturday in Term 2.
Family Portraits - Term 2
Tea Towel / Apron Orders - Term 3
This Friday 1st April at 9am. Everyone welcome.
Did you know P&F have the following resources
available for parents to borrow?
ROBI COMB for head lice.
Puberty Boy, Puberty Girl, Body Talk, The Period
Book, Boys’ Stuff, The Secret of Happy Children,
Raising Boys, Raising Girls and others.
Played 19 March 2016
Bellevue PS 2.8 defeated Belair 2.5
Junior C Grade
BHPS 4/49 lost to St Peters 3/59
Market Working Bee
Tuesday 5th April from 2:30pm
Join us anytime from 2:30pm onwards
in the staffroom for a working bee in
preparation for the market.
Like and follow us on
Bellevue Heights Primary School Newsletter
30 March 2016
Groups advertising in community news are not necessarily endorsed by the school.
Families need to use their own discretion whether to seek more information about them.
Starting Term 2 on Saturday mornings.
Energetic Kidz is a new dance, creativity and movement school operating out of Bellevue
Heights Primary that might just be the solution for your little ones who are wanting
something to do.
Classes will be held on Saturday mornings, where your little prince/princess will learn to
develop confidence and inner spark using the core elements of dance, imagery,
movement, colour, sound and structured play.
Each class will aim to bring out the best of who your little one truly is, by creating 40 minutes of action packed
fun. One minute they might be waving their magic and creating their very own dream island, the next
they could be giraffes reaching high into the tree tops...it is in these moments that your youngster's
imagination is truly free to explore and create their own fantasy!
Classes commence from week 2 of term 2 starting Saturday 14th May and are suitable for 3 to 5 year olds.
Please note bookings are essential. For more information and to book your child’s spot visit
This club is only one of two in Adelaide and is a nature club for children 5 yrs upwards and is affiliated with the Field
Naturalists’ Society of SA. The meetings are usually held on the last Thursday of each month (except December &
January). Check newsletter calendar for next date. Venue: Bellevue Heights Primary School Activity Room. Time: 7:30—
8:45 p.m. Fee: $15.00 per family per year. A guest speaker attends each meeting and a wide variety of topics are
covered. Occasional field trips are held during the year. Parents are more than welcome to attend with their children if
they wish. Contact is Rona Sakko 0419827723 [email protected]
Free program to expose/target AFL students between the ages of 10-15 years. Will run every Tuesday for 10 sessions at
West Adelaide Football Club starting on 3 rd May at 3:45pm.
For more information contact 8352 4022,
www.westadelaidefc.com.au or Tyler Norton at [email protected]
To be held at Blackwood Football Club Fridays 4:45pm (beginning 13 May)) or Kenilworth Football Club Thursdays
5-6pm (beginning 5 May). For full list of Auskick centres visit www.aflauskick.com.au
Kennilworth Football Club. Season April to August 2016. Games are on Friday nights. Register for full season or as a
casual player. For more information [email protected] or www.kenilworthfcgirls.sportingpulse.net or
www.face.com/kenilworthgirlsfooty or phone 0410 470 290.
Saturday 9th April, 10am to 3pm. 16 Willora Road, Eden Hills. Bric-a-brac, retro-ware, books & craft, girlie gear, café and
BLACKWOOD HIGH PRINCIPAL TOURS—Tuesdays 9 - 10.30am on 3, 24 & 31 May. 28 June. 2 August.
6 September. 1 November. Bookings required. Phone 8278 0900. www.bhs.sa.edu.au
GLENUNGA INTERNATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL - Information night, open day and school tours
Information night - Thurs. 31/3 6:15 (6:30pm start) - 7:45pm. Open Day - Fri. 1/4 11:15 (11:30am start) - 1:15pm
Information sessions — for more information visit www.urrbraehs.sa.edu.au
BRIGHTON SECONDARY SCHOOL Special Interest Music Information Evening
Parents and students in years 6 & 7. Brighton Secondary School concert hall, 6pm Thursday 14 th April. RSVP to Pam
Parsons by Monday 11th April Phone: 8375 8215 or email: [email protected]
If you have any specific questions that you would like answered on the night, please include these with your RSVP.
This will be followed by a free concert showcasing our big bands and concert choir beginning 7pm for those able to stay.
EDEN HILLS KINDY MARKET (4 Willungs St, Eden Hills)
Stalls full of hand made, home grown products and small local businesses of kindy families. Books, toys, collectables,
bric-a-brac, crafts, plants, baked goods, produce and more. Sunday 10 April 10am - 3pm.
Netball clinics — Players 5 -16yrs - visit www.sa.netball.cim.au for all details and information.
Botanic Gardens — Various activities suitable for 5-12 year olds starting Monday 18th April including bird feeders,
terrariums, garden critters, watercolours and much more.. Phone 82229311 or visit botanicgardens.sa.gov.au.