T he V illage`s V oice - Millwood


T he V illage`s V oice - Millwood
Special Edition
December 2013 January 2014
Millwood-Waterford Newsletter
P.O. Box 47607
District Heights, MD 20747
www.millwood-waterford.org • Phone/Fax (301) 336-4904
The Village’s Voice
M I L LW O O D - WAT E R F O R D C I T I Z E N S A S S O C I AT I O N , I N C .
The Millwood-Waterford
Citizens Association has
become stronger in its
support of community
events, projects and other
commitments to improve
our community.
More residents have
attended and participated in
other community meetings, including the
Department of Public
Works, the Department of
Permits, Inspections and
Enforcements, District
Three Citizen’s Advisory
Committee, and School’s
PTSA to name a few.
The community has
become more knowledgeable through these
The Community Standards
Committee (CSC) and the
Block Captains urge residents to maintain their
homes and yards or seek
help if they are physically
unable to do so themselves.
Residents are asked to
call 311 for housing code
violations that need attention, including vacant or
occupied homes that are
not taken care of, trash left
in yards, gutters hanging off
houses, and so forth. One
home that’s not taken care
of affects the community.
Your home is your biggest
financial investment and
unkept property lowers the
value of your home. We
encourage each of you to
get involved in the
“Transforming Neighborhood
Initiative” program” (TNI) to
transform our community.
This is where we live, work
and enjoy our way of life.
Fast traffic continues on
Walker Mill Road from
Walker Mill Regional
Park to Addison Road
South in spite of the
signs and the speed
camera at John Bayne
Elementary School. The
speed humps on Shady
Glenn Drive are not as
effective as intended to
slow down traffic in this
area. We encourage
walkers to use caution at
all times.
PEPCO has remained a
“Good Neighbor” at its
sub-station on Shady
Glen Drive.
Inside this issue:
Did You Know
Holiday Contest Winner
Scholarship Program
Fundraising Committee
Prayer Breakfast Photos
Paid Dues
Landscaping was done
again in 2013 with
shrubs and red crepe
myrtle trees to enhance
this area. The parking
and maintenance area
has been well maintained.
Thank you PEPCO.
The Park and Recreation
Department has been
very attentive to the
Millwood Recreation
Center. The walking trail,
the play equipment area,
the ball field and picnic
area have been well
maintained. The Millwood
Center has been painted, chairs and tables
replaced, new microwave
and refrigerator installed
in 2013. We have seen
an increase in the use of
the center and walking
trail. Thank you Park
and Recreation for your
partnership. We appreciate you.
The Association has sponsored several entertaining/
fund raising and interesting
events. See entertainment/
fund raising committee
reports for details.
continued on page 2
2014 Meeting Dates
January 13
June 9
February 10
September 8
March 10
October 13
April 14
November 10
May 12
December 8
President’s message cont’d.
Once again in June 2013, the
community sponsored and spearheaded a “Major Clean-Up Day at
Central High School.” Our thanks
to the Board of Education and
Staff, County Executive, Senator,
Councilman, Department of Public
Works, Central High School
Principal, staff and students. Our
school Superintendent, Dr. Crawley,
Central High School Alumni,
Mayors from surrounding towns
and other Civic Communities. The
results are outstanding – stop by
Central High School and see.
“We did a good job,” thank you all
for caring.
Concerns for others remain high
on our agenda.
In 2013 we gave over 100 dictionaries to the eighth graders at
Walker Mill Middle School and the
sixth graders at John Bayne
Elementary School. The community
continues to give John Bayne
Elementary School uniforms, school
supplies, lunch money and other
items throughout the year. We also
donated funds for Thanksgiving
turkeys to Mission of Love and
Men Aiming Higher programs.
Once again, no organization can
operate without money. We encourage each resident to pay their annual dues of $10.00, when your “Block
Captain” calls. These funds are
needed to pay for the Association’s
organizational dues, printing materials, and supplies to name a few
expenses. Your donation to the
“scholarship fund” is tax deductible.
Please support your Citizens
Last, we look forward to 2014 new
events and new challenges. We
encourage and welcome new residents to get involved in community
Our community is only as “Good
as we make it”. We cannot wait
for someone else to “Fix it” for us.
As a whole, the community is
doing a great job. Thank You,
Millwood-Waterford Community. I
appreciate you.
Margaret White
President, Millwood-Waterford
Citizens Association
Did You Know?
NEW FIRE STATION IS COMING –GUESS WHERE? – A new fire station is closer to becoming a reality at
the corner of Shady Glen and Central Avenue, across from the 7-11. Ground breaking is expected sometime in 2014 after some additional approvals. This station has been on the drawing board for a number of
NEW HEALTH ENTERPRISE ZONE (HEZ) – Zip Code 20743, with 43,000 people, has been declared a
“New Health Enterprise Zone.” As such, the HEZ will expand and establish five new practices that will serve
more than 10,000 residents in the zone.
NEW MEDICAL PROVIDER IN 20743 – Global Vision Community Health Center is a new medical provider
in 20743. It is located at 9071 Central Avenue, Suite B11 and B12 (Kingdom Square - formerly Hampton
Mall). The Medical Director is Dr. Toyin Opesanmi who is Board certified in family practice, HIV medicine, and
addictions medicine. Services provided include: primary care for infants, children and adults; infectious disease treatment; addictions medicine; and endocrinology. The phone number is 301-499-2770. Hours of operation: Monday-Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. All insurances are accepted including Medicare and Medicaid.
* CALL- A- BUS – Free to seniors age 60 and over and /or disabled County Residents. Call 301-499-8603
for more information. CALL-A-BUS will take you to National Harbor.
* CALL-A-CAB Provides mobility within Prince George’s County at a reduced cost for seniors age 60 and
over and/or disable County residents when Metro and/or Call-A-Bus are not available. Coupon books can
be purchased at a discount. A $20.00 coupon book with 14 coupons can be purchased for $10.00 per book.
For more information, call 301-883-5656.
Seniors (65 and older) can now purchase the Senior SmartTrip cards in Prince George’s County. While there
are five locations where they can be purchased, the most convenient to Millwood-Waterford residents is the
John E. Howard Senior Center, 4400 Shell Street, Capitol Heights. The phone number is 301-735-2400. Call
to check the hours of operation for the day you would like to get the card.
Page 2
The Village’s Voice
Did You Know?
FREE SMOKE ALARMS – If you do not have a smoke alarm and cannot afford one, call 301-864-7233.
The Fire Department will provide you with one. They will bring it out and install it.
Starting in July 2014, residents will be required to use the new smoke alarm with the 10 year sealed lithium
battery. The new alarm should have a “hush feature” that will allow you to push a button to stop the alarm
if it goes off from smoke while you are cooking. This feature is necessary because the battery will be sealed
so you cannot take the battery out. These new alarms will be available at Lowes, Home Depot, etc.
NEW REGIONAL HOSPITAL – The New Regional Hospital will be built in Largo at the Boulevard at the
Capitol Center.
March 2, 2014 next door to Bed Bath and Beyond.
COMING - WHOLE FOODS MARKET – Construction of Prince George’s County’s first Whole Foods Market
is scheduled to be completed in late 2015. It will be located in Riverdale Park.
WARMING YOUR CAR – You could be fined for leaving your car running in your driveway to warm up.
Also, you could become a prime target for your car to be stolen.
DON’T BE TARGET AT THE GAS PUMP – Please be aware that purses, laptops and other items are being
stolen from unlocked cars while persons are filling there tanks at gas stations. Crooks are entering cars from
the passenger side. Please lock your car while putting gas in your tank.
PARKING CARS IN YOUR YARD ON THE GRASS – You can be fined for parking your vehicles on unpaved
areas in your yard, i.e., on the grass.
JUNKED CARS AND CLUTTER ON YOUR PROPERTY – You can be cited by the Division of Property
Standards and Inspections for having inoperable vehicles, discarded appliances, and furniture, etc., stored
on your property.
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY CLICK 311 – Call 311 to report a problem, get answers to questions, and
resolve non-emergency issues. You may also submit a service request online at www.CountyClick311.com
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Our deepest sympathy to individuals and families in Millwood-Waterford
who lost loved ones in 2013. We hold all families, especially the ones listed
below, in our thoughts and prayers. Peace and Blessings to all of you.
Mary Gaither
Sandy Folsom
Marion Dunn
Rogers Johnson
John Waylan
Bernice Murphy
William Curry
James Shelton
Bettie Hall
Daniel Bethea
Mercia May
Laura Hamlin
Alexander English
George Love
Ercell Terry
Alice Lee
Dora Russell
Dennis Jordan
Timothy Blakely
Get Well Wishes
If so, come join us at the Millwood
Recreation Center. We play games,
socialize, and celebrate birthdays. If you
are interested in participating, contact
Betty Cheseman at 301-350-0508. You
will be given a calendar of meeting
The Millwood-Waterford Citizens Association sends it warmest get well
wishes to those who are sick and shut in. We hope every day finds you
feeling better in every way. We wish you peace and blessings.
The Village’s Voice
Page 3
Membership Dues
Citizen’s Association Officers and Committee Chairs
2014 Officers
Margaret White
Valeria Wilson
LueCrecie Gladney
Doris Hughes
James Wise, Sr.
Vice President
Asst. Secretary
Asst. Treasurer
Felicia Atcherson
2014 Committee Chairs
Valeria Wilson
Betty Cheseman
Purnell Hudson
Block Captains
Rev. Marion Criddle Scholarship
Valeria Wilson
A special thank you goes to residents who paid their 2013
membership dues. You
get a red rose for a job
well done.
Also, special thanks to
Block Captains and other
members for their time
and service volunteering to deliver flyers and
collect dues. The job could
not be done without your help.
2013 Holiday Decoration Contest Winners
Judging was conducted on December 27, 2013. The three judges were from outside the Millwood-Waterford
community. Lights had to be on to be judged.
Criteria: Christmas Colors & Character; Uniformity; Curb Appeal and Beauty. Winners must have paid their
dues to receive an award. Only one winner per area.
New Millwood
Marion & Lesha Dunn
414 Millwoof Dr.
Runner Up
Mary Watson
7503 Millwright St.
Old Millwood
Ronald & Edith Wright
7815 Ashdale Rd.
Clarence Fields
7811 Beechnut Rd.
Clifton Murphy
1317 Iron Forge Rd.
Andours Arrington
7702 Fanwood Ct.Waterford
*Prior year winners are not eligible again for two years.
** Dues must have been paid to get an award.
Block Captains
Save the Date!!!
Feb.8 – May 10 St. Margaret’s Car Raffles
Feb.10 – Black History Month Program
April – Trip
June – To Be Determined (TBD)
JUNE 30 – Scholarship Application Deadline
July – TBD
Sept. 6 – Annual Picnic
Sept./Oct. – TBD
November – Thanksgiving/Charitable Giving
December 8 – Christmas Celebration
Page 4
Calling for New
Block Captains!!!
Millwoof Drive (400-500 Block)
Walker Mill Road
Please support your community
by donating your time. If you
are interested in volunteering,
please contact Felicia
Atcherson, 301-336-0222.
Thank you.
The Village’s Voice
2013 Scholarship Program
The Millwood Waterford Citizens Association (MWCA) is
proud to have been able to award over $50,000.00 in new
and continuing education scholarships
since 2006. The continuing education
scholarships were implemented in 2008.
In 2013, the Association awarded a total
$10,500.00 in scholarships to 7 new college bound students and 5 scholarships to continuing
education students who previously received scholarships from the Association. The new students and
their high schools were as follows: Brooks RobersonFrederick Douglas High School; Joshua Dodson, Central
High School; Jerri Holland-Largo High School; Jessica
Livingston-Bowie High School; Bria Sladden-Bowie
High School; Cierra Atcherson-Benjamin Wise High
School; and Cierra Crutchfield-Charles H. Flowers
High School. The continuing education award
recipients were: Tiffany Davis-Georgia Institute of
Technology, GPA-3.9; Devon Taliaferro-University of
Maryland Eastern Shore, GPA-3.7; Gina WilsonBowie State University-GPA 3.0; Brandolyn BurksTemple University, GPA-3.0; Katherine Burkes-Chowan
University, GPA-2.6.
Scholarship criteria and applications are posted on the
Association’s website at www.millwood-waterford.org.
Applications for 2014 scholarship and supporting
documentation must be postmarked not later than
June 30th and sent to:
Millwood-Waterford Citizens Association, Inc.
Attn: Scholarship Review Committee
P.O. Box 47607, District Heights, MD 20747
Funding for the scholarship program is through donations, grants, and fund raising events. Special thanks
to the MNCP&PC for its support of the scholarship program. The Millwood-Waterford Citizens Association, Inc. is
a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization.
Tax deductible donations to support the scholarship
program may be mailed to the Millwood-Waterford
Citizens Association, P.O. Box 47607, District Heights,
MD 20747. Thanks to all supporters of the MillwoodWaterford Citizens Association, Inc.
Graduates: We are proud to report that since inception of
the MWCA scholarship program there have been five (5)
graduates who participated in the program and received
scholarship support for the entire four years of their undergraduate study. The graduates are now gainfully
employed. Congratulations to the MWCA graduates,
who received our scholarship support the entire fouryears. They are Davon J. Muhammad, Devin J.
Muhammad, Taisje Clairborne, Tarnisha Jones,
Jessica Joyner. Also, congratulations to graduate
Monique Riley who received the MWCA her first year
of college but she did not reapply for the continuing
education scholarship.
Congratulations to all of our graduates.
Annual Community Picnic
The Millwood-Waterford community came together for another successful annual picnic on September 7, 2013. The children enjoyed
the moon bounce, puppet show, and face painting. Everyone
enjoyed delicious food, great conversation, and information sharing—a good time was had by all. Fortunately, the rain and windstorm held off until the end of the picnic.
Thanks to the Millwood-Waterford
community residents, County officials, Park and Planning staff,
Coalition members, and members of
other citizens associations who
The 2014 annual picnic will be
held on Saturday, September 6.
The Village’s Voice
Page 5
Fundraising Committee
Thanks to some members of the community, friends,
and family members for supporting the MillwoodWaterford fund raising events. We try to plan events
and activities that appeal to as many people as possible. However, we have not been able to get the support of as many of our residents as we would like. The
committee welcomes suggestions from the community. We are pleased to have been able to raise enough
funds to meet our projected budget for 2013. We sincerely appreciate the support we received. Activities/
Events for 2013 include a trip to Maryland Live in April,
the St. Mary’s Car Raffle sales February to May, trip to
Toby’s Dinner Theater in July, and first ever Prayer
Breakfast Honoring Veterans in our Community.
Everyone was excited to visit the new Casino in
Arundel Mills, MD. Again this year, the casino trip was
our most successful fund raiser with a net profit of
$749 for our scholarship fund. As always, we plan
activities to keep our patrons engaged as we travel
along the highways and byways with continental
breakfast, door prizes, and a 50/50 raffle. Each patron
received $40 in free play and 50% off on the buffet.
Thursday, July 11, 2013, 42 patrons boarded a bus
and enjoyed a wonderful trip to Baltimore. We were
greeted by Toby’s staff. Once in the theater, we were
all seated together for an
enjoyable buffet lunch.
After lunch we were
treated to matinee performance of “NUNSENSE.” This hilarious
comedy was about a
fund raiser (a variety
show) put on by the
Hoboken to raise
money to bury 52 sisters who were accidentally poisoned by
the convent cook,
Sister Julia (Child of God).
Everyone seemed to have enjoyed the performance.
We raised $256.64 for the scholarship fund.
not have to expend any money to participate. We just
have to sell the raffles and the Association gets 50%
of amount raised. We sold 200 raffles at $5.00 each
for a profit of $500.00. While no one in our immediate
community won a car or a seller’s prize, all winners
and sellers were from the Maryland-DC area: Laurel,
Bowie, Indian Head, Jarrettsville, Suitland, and the
District of Columbia. Thanks to everyone who participated. Hopefully more people will participate in 2014
and increase our chances of having a winner.
IN OUR COMMUNITY – On Saturday, November 9,
2013, we celebrated those who served their Country
at a wonderful prayer breakfast. Twenty-four Veterans
in our community signed up to participate. We were
pleased to honor them and 10 families of deceased
Veterans who still live in the community. Honorees
were presented with awards from County Executive
Rushern L. Baker, III and State Delegate Aisha
Braveboy. Councilman Derrick L. Davis donated gift
bags which were filled with gifts from Wegmans, WSSC,
and the Millwood-Waterford Citizens Association. We
are grateful for the participation of Senator Joanne
Benson as our Mistress of Ceremony, State Senator
Ulysses Currie, and the Rev. Dr. Henry P. Davis, Pastor,
First Baptist Church of Highland Park. Thanks to the
Forestville Military Academy for presenting the Colors
and to Kenya Rhodes, Singer/Songwriter, who serenaded us with her beautiful voice and wonderful songs
that she wrote. Some photos from the event are
included in this Newsletter. Proceeds from this event
amounted to $592.94 for the scholarship fund. Thanks to
all our sponsors and over 180 attendees. A special
thanks to our donors who supported this event but
were unable to attend: Ron & Edith Wright, JoAnn
Johnson, Joseph Howard, Betty Hall, Cora Dixon,
Clarence Green, and Col. Vandy Miller.
Valeria Wilson, Chairperson
Members: felicia Atcherson, flossie Dingle, Reggie
Russell, John Williams, Earl Watkins and Anita Wise.
ST. MARY’S CAR RAffLE – The St. Mary’s Car
Raffle is one of our easiest fund raisers since we do
Page 6
The Village’s Voice
Prayer Breakfast Photos Get to Know Your Block Captains ...
Photo credit Mr. Chuck Reid
The Village’s Voice
Ashdale Road, Ashdale
Court, Longleaf and
Sitka Lane
Charles &
Rosa Harley
(301) 350-3981
Applewood Street
Bettie Hall
(301) 350-7394
Logwood Road
Purnell Hudson
(301) 808-6012
Beechnut Road
John Whalen
Harold Whalen
(301) 350-8325
(301) 499-2502
Bethal Drive and
Fanwood Court
Betty Dent
(301) 350-4771
Elderberry Place
Felicia Atcherson
(301) 336 0222
Orange Tree Court
LueCrecia Gladney
(301) 350-8172
Iron Forge Road
(1217 - 1406)
Toni Johnson
(301) 938-5586
Millrace Road &
Millrace Court
Willie Smith
(301) 336-1192
Millwoof Drive (600) &
Millwright Street
Helen Harvey
(301) 336-8546
Millwoof Drive (400-500)
Millwheel Street
John Murphy
(301) 350-5073
Shady Glen Drive
(1211-1405) and
Edenville Drive
Flossie Dingle
(301) 350-5919
Shady Glen Drive
(1407 - 1430)
Shirley Montague
(301) 336-8161
Shady Glen Drive & Court
(901-1005 and 7600-7603)
Ollie Green
(301) 350-1042
Shady Glen Drive
Doris Hughes
(301) 350-9659
Walker Mill Road
(301) 350-6734
Waterford Drive
(1103 - 1116) and
James & Arnita Wise
(301) 336-1291
Waterford Drive
(1300 - 1316) and
(1400 - 1412)
Evangeline Evans
(301) 350-0963
Page 7
2013 Paid Memberships
If you paid and your
name was omitted,
please call 301-3360222.
Millwoof Drive & Millwright
Street -- Vacant
400 - Taylor
402 - Jackson-Campbell
403 - Taylor
404 - Mayberry
405 - Robertson
407 - Moore
409 - Barnes
410 - English
411 - Nesmith
412 - Smith
414 - Dunn
500 - Hamlin
501 - Clark
502 - Wilson
504 - Russell
505 - Branch
506 - Beasley
507 - Gill
508 - Wilson
509 - Webb
510 - Bagley
511 - Thomas
610 - McClain
611 - Slaughter
613 - Harvey
Millwright Street - Vacant
7501 - Shelton
7503 - Watson
7505 - Walker
7509 - Maxwell
Millwheel Street -- John
501 - Golver
502 - Sheelor
504 - Murphy
505 - Hampton
506 - Clark
508 - Harvey
509 - Green
510 - Beard
513 - Watkins
514 - Gibbs
515 - White
516 - David
517 - Peacock
518 - Dickson
519 - Howard
Millrace Road & Court -Willie Smith
7502 - Smith
7504 - Read
7509 - Traywick
7513 - Knight
7601 - Ennels
Page 8
7602 - Fenwick
500 - Gee
501 - Waters
505 - Brackeen
Shady Glen Drive 500-604
-- Doris Hughes
501 - Franklin
509 - Williams
510 - Hughes
513 - McKinley
514 - McMillan
515 - Russell
516 - Galloway
517 - Jackson
521 - Lewis
Shady Glen Drive & Court
901-7602 -- Olivio Green
901 - Ashford
903 - Curry
906 - Dawkins
913 - Smith
915 - Prout
919 - McCoy
920 - Gladden
923 - Green
1000 - Nixon
1001 - Russell
1003 - Taylor
1004 - Green
7602 - Ferguson
Beechnut Road -- John &
Harold Whalen
7702 - Fogg
7703 - Frazier
7705 - Stancil
7707 - Crite
7711 - West
7712 - Jamison
7715 - Alston
7716 - Love
7719 - Futrell
7720 - McNell
7721 - Anderson
7806 - Smith
7810 - Gutford
7811 - Fields
7812 - Thompson, Jr.
7816 - Terry
7818 - Whitney
7900 - Taylor
7902 - Whalen
7908 - McRae
7909 - Wedge
7910 - Valentine
7912 - Nipper
7914 - Plater
7915 - Edwards
7916 - Dixon
Ashdale Road & Court,
Longleaf and Sitka Lane -Charles Harley
7702 - Harley
7703 - McAlister
7704 - Agins
7708 - Davis
7808 - Montague
7813 - Stroman
7815 - Wright
7906 - Macklin
7907 - Green
7909 - Jordan
7910 - Watford
7911 - Trower
Ashdale Court
902 - Johnson
Sitka Lane
900 - Ewings
907 - Johnson
909 - Jones
Applewood Street -- Bettie
901 - Degrasse
906 - Hall
912 - Cunningham
Logwood Road -- Purnell
900 - Favor, Jr.
901 - Cooper
903 - Nelson & Tutt
905 - Alexander
906 - Peterson
907 - Dark
908 - Hudson
909 - Price
910 - Djakani
915 - Hardy
Elderberry Place -Felicia Atcherson
1000 - Collins
1001 - Atcherson
1002 - Jordan
1003 - Rymer
1005 - White
1006 - Watkins
1008 - Otey
Orange Tree Court -LueCrecia Gladney
7700 - Burnell
7705 - Lee
7708 - Brown
7711 - Gladney
7716 - Alexander
7717 - James
Walker Mill Road -- Vacant
7304 - Gordon
7306 - Speight
7310 - Williamson
7400 - Hall
7402 - Bates
7408 - Artis
7410 - Jackson
7411 - Taylor
Shady Glen Drive
1211-1405 and Edenville
Dr. 1311-1312 -- Flossie
1302 - Christion
1303 - Wiggins
1314 - Williams
1400 - Stewart
1402 - Nesbeth
Shady Glen Drive 14071430 -- Shirley Montague
1409 - Brown
1412 - Walton
1416 - Kelly
1417 - Montague
1418 - Simons
1419 - Lucas
1423 - Butler
Iron Forge Road 1217-1406
-- Toni Johnson
1218 - Brown
1219 - Johnson
1306 - Spriggs
1307 - Johnson
1309 - Dingle
1310 - Evans
1311 - Turner
1313 - Franklin
1315 - Franklin
1317 - Murphy
1319 - Clark
Bethel Drive & Fanwood
Court -- Betty Dent
7604 - Ferrell
7606 - Dent
7607 - Davis
7702 - Arrington
Waterford Drive 1103-1116
& 1200-1216 -- James Wise
1110 - Wise
Waterford Drive 1300-1316
& 1400-1412 -- Evangelline
1301 - Foggie
1307 - Cheeseman
1308 - Evans
1311 - Evans
1313 - The May Family
1400 - Roberts
1403 - Criddle
1410 - Lyles
1412 - Grier
The Village’s Voice