24th sunday in ordinary time — september 11, 2016


24th sunday in ordinary time — september 11, 2016
“Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness;
in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense.”
Fr. Christopher Costigan, Pastor ........ Ext. 302
Cheryl Nicholson ....................................... Ext. 301
Parish Assistant
U. S. A i r Fo rc e:
Staff Sgt. Andrew D. Simpson
Master Sergeant Scott Moller
Tech. Sgt. Francisco J. Velasquez
Master Sgt. Jeremy Salaver
Mrs. Kathy Day ......................................... Ext. 304
Mrs. Marlene Jean-Baptiste
Director of Social Ministry
292-1603 or 481-2550 Ext. 320
U. S. A r my :
Private Angelique J. Rosado
Master Sergeant Jill Agront
Sgt. Hisnard Cadet, Jr.
Staff Sgt. Misael Exantus
PFC Zaymery Villalobos
Special Force Kareem Inniss
Spc. Richard Aquilar
Captain Gavin Campbell McMahon
LTC Douglas Boltuc
Sgt. Andrew Gandolfo
PFC Francisco Fuentes Melinium
PFC Stefan Saindoux
PFC Luc-Ambert Saindoux, Jr.
PFC Betty Piquion
Cheryl Nicholson ....................................... Ext. 312
Bulletin Editor
Voice Mail Only: Must Leave a Message
Mr. Richard Lee ........................................ Ext. 345
Counseling & Marriage Preparation
Deacon Hernst Bellevue ............................ Ext. 346
Director of Adult Faith Formation
English/Creole Baptismal Program
Mr. Alvin Ingram ....................................... Ext. 347
Liturgy Chairperson
Mr. Tom Gould ......................................... Ext. 348
Facilities Manager
Mrs. Dulce Sepulveda ................................ Ext. 349
Spanish Baptism Program
U. S. Ma ri ne s:
1st Battalion Carlos Fuentes
CPL Daniel C. Monroe
RCT Eric Joel Vazquez
Sergeant W. Jason Ferris
L. Cpl. Alfonso Rodriquez
Elissa Hanson ............................................ Ext.350
Choir Director & Organist
Ms. Lisette Joachim.................................... Ext 351
Ministry of Consolation
U. S. N a vy :
Airman Herbert J. Alvarado
JE-4/CS3 Jesus Ron
Chief Petty Officer John V. Sparkowski
Lt. Joseph A. Baugh
Cpl. Eric Omar Matos
Lt. John R. Esposito
AG2/Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael McGee
Deacon Evenou Saint-Louis
Webmaster & Parochial Archivist................ Ext. 352
Deacon Trevor Mathurin,
Director of Religious Education ........................ Ext. 311
Mrs. Imogene Regan,
RCIA Director ................................................. Ext. 314
THE PASTOR’S WEEKLY LETTER – September 11, 2016
~ 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~
Today we observe the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. We pray for the victims of that day
and their families. We also pray for the thousands still suffering from the aftermath of that day through illness: physical,
psychological, emotional, and spiritual. In the days and weeks following the attacks, our nation was probably more unified than it had been in decades. In a nation that is increasingly being divided, let us pray for that unity we had during
those days as Americans and human beings. The following is the prayer prayed by Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to
Ground Zero in 2008:
O God of love, compassion, and healing,
look on us, people of many different faiths and traditions,
who gather today at this site,
the scene of incredible violence and pain.
We ask you in your goodness
to give eternal light and peace
to all who died here—
the heroic first-responders:
our fire fighters, police officers,
emergency service workers, and Port Authority personnel,
along with all the innocent men and women
who were victims of this tragedy
simply because their work or service
brought them here on September 11, 2001.
We ask you, in your compassion
to bring healing to those
who, because of their presence here that day,
suffer from injuries and illness.
Heal, too, the pain of still-grieving families
and all who lost loved ones in this tragedy.
Give them strength to continue their lives
with courage and hope.
We are mindful as well
of those who suffered death, injury, and loss
on the same day at the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
Our hearts are one with theirs
as our prayer embraces their pain and suffering.
God of peace, bring your peace to our violent world:
peace in the hearts of all men and women
and peace among the nations of the earth.
Turn to your way of love
those whose hearts and minds
are consumed with hatred.
God of understanding,
overwhelmed by the magnitude of this tragedy,
we seek your light and guidance
as we confront such terrible events.
Grant that those whose lives were spared
may live so that the lives lost here
may not have been lost in vain.
Comfort and console us,
strengthen us in hope,
and give us the wisdom and courage
to work tirelessly for a world
where true peace and love reign
among nations and in the hearts of all.
Fr. Chris
THE PASTOR’S WEEKLY LETTER – September 11, 2016
~ 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~
Nous observons aujourd’hui le 15ème anniversaire des attaques terroristes du 11 septembre 2001. Nous prions
pour les victimes de ce jour-là et pour leurs familles. Nous prions aussi pour les milliers qui continuent à souffrir des suites de cette journée avec des maux physiques, psychologiques, émotionnels et spirituels. Pendant
les jours et les semaines qui avaient suivi ces attaques, notre nation s’était sentie probablement plus unie
qu’elle ne l’avait été depuis des décennies. Dans une nation aujourd’hui de plus en plus divisée, prions pour
avoir cette même unité en tant qu’américains et en tant qu’êtres humains. Voici la prière priée par le Pape Benoit XVI lors de sa visite à Ground Zero en 2008:
O Dieu d’amour, de compassion et de guérison,
regarde-nous, un peuple issu de religions et de traditions différentes,
rassemblé aujourd’hui en ce lieu, la scène de violences et de douleurs incroyables.
Nous te prions, dans ta bonté, de donner la lumière et la paix éternelle
à tous ceux qui ont péri en ce lieu,
les secouristes héroïques: nos pompiers, nos policiers,
les travailleurs des services d’urgence et le personnel des services portuaires
ainsi que tous les innocents, hommes et femmes, victimes de cette tragédie
simplement parce que leur emploi ou leur service les a placés ici le 11 septembre 2001.
Nous te demandons, dans ta compassion, de guérir tous ceux qui,
en raison de leur présence ici ce jour là, souffrent de blessures et de maladies.
Guéris aussi la douleur des familles qui pleurent encore
et de tous ceux qui ont perdu des êtres chers dans cette tragédie.
Donne-leur la force de continuer à vivre avec courage et espoir.
Nous pensons aussi à ceux qui ont connu la mort, des blessures et des pertes
ce jour-là au Pentagone et à Shanksville en Pennsylvanie.
Nos coeurs sont avec eux et notre prière embrasse leurs douleurs et leurs souffrances.
Dieu de Paix, donne la paix à notre monde violent:
la paix dans les coeurs de tous les hommes et les femmes,
et la paix parmi les nations de la terre.
Conduis vers ton chemin d’amour
les coeurs et les esprits de ceux qui sont consumés par la haine.
Dieu de compréhension, accablés par l’ampleur de cette tragédie,
nous cherchons ta lumière et tes conseils pour affronter ces terribles événements.
Accorde à ceux qui ont survécu de vivre
pour que les vies perdues ici ne l’aient pas été en vain.
Réconforte nous et console nous,
fortifie notre espérance et donne-nous la sagesse et le courage
de travailler sans relâche pour un monde
où la vraie paix et l’amour règneront
parmi les nations et dans les coeurs de tous.
Pere Chris
THE PASTOR’S WEEKLY LETTER – September 11, 2016
~ 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~
El dia de hoy se celebra el 15 Aniversario de los ataques terroristas del 11 de Septiembre del 2001. Oramos por las víctimas
de ese día y sus familias. También oramos por los miles que todavía sufren las secuelas de ese día por enfermedades: físicos,
psicológicos, emocionales y espirituales. En los días y semanas siguientes a los ataques, nuestra nación fue probablemente
más unificada de lo que había sido en las últimas décadas. En una nación que cada vez esta siendo mas dividida, oremos para
que la unidad que tuvimos durante esos días los americanos y los seres humanos. La siguiente es la oración rezada por el Papa
Benedicto XVI durante su visita a la Zona Cero en el 2008:
Oh Dios de amor, compasión y sanación,
míranos, personas de muchas creencias y tradiciones diferentes,
nos reunimos hoy en este lugar,
que fue escena . de increíble violencia y dolor
Te pedimos por tu bondad
para darle luz eterna y paz
a todos los que murieron aquílos heroicos primeros respondedores:
nuestros bomberos, policías,
trabajadores de servicios de emergencia, y las autoridades del puerto,
junto con todos los hombres y mujeres inocentes
que fueron víctimas de esta tragedia
simplemente por su trabajo o servicio que
los trajeron aquí el 11 de septiembre de 2001.
Te pedimos, tu compasión
para curar a aquellos
que, debido a su presencia ese día,
sufren de lesiones y enfermedades.
Alivia también el dolor de las familias que todavía sufren
y de todos los que perdieron a seres queridos en esta tragedia.
Dales fortaleza para continuar su vida
con valor y esperanza.
Somos conscientes también
de los que sufrieron la muerte, lesión, y la pérdida
en el mismo día en el Pentágono y en Shanksville, Pensilvania
Nuestros corazones se unen a el suyo
..como nuestras oraciónes abrazan su dolor y sufrimiento.
Dios de la paz, concede tu paz a nuestro violento mundo:
paz en los corazones de todos los hombres y las mujeres
y la paz entre las naciones de la tierra.
Transforma con tu amor a
aquellos cuyos corazones y mentes
están consumidos por el odio.
Dios de la comprensión,
abrumados por la magnitud de esta tragedia,
buscamos tu luz y guía
cuando nos enfrentamos con hechos tan terribles.
Concede que aquellos cuyas vidas fueron
salvadas vivan de manera que las vidas perdidas aquí
no se pueden haber perdido en vano.
Danos tu consuelo,,
fortalecernos en la esperanza,
y danos la sabiduría y el valor
para trabajar incansablemente por un mundo en el que
reine la verdadera paz y el amor
entre las naciones y en los corazones de todos.
Padre Chris
9-11-2016 - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
If thou love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart, ... and with
all thy soul, ... and with all
thy mind, ... and with all thy
strength, ... thou shall serve
Him well.
September 11, 2016
September 12-The Most Holy Name of Mary
8:30 AM ............. In Thanksgiving for Marie Lamothe
September 13
8:30 AM ............. Sylvia Kuller
5:00PM - Lector: Nativita St. Louis
September 14-The Exultation of the Cross
8:30 AM ............. In Thanksgiving for Wladimir & Joseph Gedeon
Eucharistic Ministers: Yanick Bellevue,
Phyllis Droessler, Marie G. Josma, Marlene Laroche,
Leandre Magloire, Nancy Napoleon
Thursday .............. September 15-Our Lady of Sorrows
8:30 AM ............. For the Intentions of Vincent Hartley
Ushers: Rosemarie Allen, Thomas Maddox,
Jim Downey, Jennifer King, Mario Cadavid,
Alejandro Apresa
September 16
8:30 AM ............. Prayer Service
September 17
5:00 PM.............. Parishioners of St. Martha
7:30AM - Lector: Kathleen Lyons
Eucharistic Ministers: Carol Bargeron,
Monica Brown, Elaine Burke, Sharon Burke,
Maria Gonzalez, Karen Hart
September 18
7:30 AM ............. In Thanksgiving for Josephine Champagne
8:45 AM ............. Oscar Clara
11:00 AM ........... Gerry Hunkele
12:30 PM
Francois Jasmin
Ushers: Jim Capriotti, George Leonard,
Carmen Charles, Genevieve Charles,
Joseph Gedeon, Alex Apresa
11:00AM - Lector: Marie Jiha
Altar Servers: Denise Wilson, Maya Jerome
Eucharistic Minister: Solange Bricourt,
Pat Edwards, Beverly Gray, Lisette Joachim
Marie Lucie Lebon, Hannah Nelson
The Bread and Wine for the Week of
September 11 to September 17, 2016
Ushers: Bennett Paul, Agnes Duclairon,
Wilner Nestor, Frantz Denis
are offered in Thanksgiving for
Marthe Marie Lourdes
Requested by
Lourdes M. Desdunes
Thank you for your generosity
to St. Martha’s Parish!
September 4, 2016
5:00 PM Mass ....................................................................$1,033.00
7:30 AM Mass ....................................................................$1,883.00
8:45 AM Mass ....................................................................$2,911.00
11:00 AM Mass ..................................................................$2,042.00
12:30 PM Mass ..................................................................$1,391.00
Poor Box ...............................................................................$103.00
September 18, 2016
Amos 8:4-7
Ps. 113:2, 4-6, 7-8
1 Timothy 2:1-8
Luke 16:1-13
(Does not reflect donations made by Faith Direct)
The Holy Name of Mary
But the chief element of divine worship must be
interior. For we must always live in Christ and
give ourselves to him completely, so that in him,
with him, and through him the heavenly Father
may be duly glorified. The sacred liturgy requires, however, that both of these elements be
intimately linked with each other. This recommendation the liturgy itself is careful to repeat,
as often as it prescribes an exterior act of worship. Thus we are urged, when there is question
of fasting, for example, “to give interior effect to
our outward observance.” Otherwise religion
clearly amounts to mere formalism, without
meaning and without content.
This verse ends: A nd the V irgin’s name was Mary (Lk
1:27). Let us now say a few words about this name,
which means “star of the sea” and is so becoming to the
Virgin Mother. Surely she is very fittingly likened to a
star. The star sends forth its ray without
harm to itself. In the same way the Virgin
brought forth her Son with no injury to
herself. The ray no more diminishes the
star’s brightness than does the Son his
Mother’s integrity. She is indeed that noble star risen out of Jacob whose beam
enlightens this earthly globe. She it is
whose brightness both twinkles in the highest heaven
and pierces the pit of hell, and is shed upon earth, warming our hearts far more than our bodies, fostering virtue
and cauterizing vice. She, I tell you, is that splendid and
wondrous star suspended as by necessity over this great
wide sea, radiant with merit and brilliant in example.
You recall, Venerable Brethren, how the divine
Master expels from the sacred Temple, as unworthily to worship there, people who pretend to
honor God with nothing but neat and well-turned
phrases, like actors in a theater, and think themselves perfectly capable of working out their
eternal salvation without plucking their inveterate vices from their hearts.
O you, whoever you are, who feel that in the tidal wave
of this world you are nearer to being tossed about among
the squalls and gales than treading on dry land, if you do
not want to founder in the tempest, do not avert your
eyes from the brightness of this star. When the wind of
temptation blows up within you, when you strike upon
the rock of tribulation, gaze up at this star, call out to
Mary. Whether you are being tossed about by the waves
of pride or ambition or slander or jealousy, gaze up at
this star, call out to Mary. When rage or greed or fleshly
desires are battering the skiff of your soul, gaze up at
Mary. When the immensity of your sins weighs you
down and you are bewildered by the loathsomeness of
your conscience, when the terrifying thought of judgement appalls you and you begin to founder in the gulf of
sadness and despair, think of Mary.
It is, therefore, the keen desire of the Church that
all of the faithful kneel at the feet of the Redeemer to tell him how much they venerate and
love him. She wants them present in crowds—
like the children whose joyous cries accompanied his entry into Jerusalem—to sing their
hymns and chant their song of praise and thanksgiving to him who is King of Kings and Source
of every blessing. She would have them move
their lips in prayer, sometimes in petition, sometimes in joy and gratitude, and in this way experience his merciful aid and power like the Apostles at the lakeside of Tiberias, or abandon themselves totally, like Peter on Mount Tabor, to
mystic union with the eternal God in contemplation.
In dangers, in hardships, in every doubt, think of Mary,
call out to Mary. Keep her in your mouth, keep her in
your heart. Follow the example of her life and you will
obtain the favor of her prayer. Following her, you will
never go astray. Asking her help, you will never despair.
Keeping her in your thoughts, you will never wander
away. With your hand in hers, you will never stumble.
With her protecting you, you will not be afraid. With her
leading you, you will never tire. Her kindness will see
you through to the end. Then you will know by your own
experience how true it is that the V irgin’s name was
POPE PIUS XII (+1958), in his Encyclical Mediator
Dei (1947) on the sacred liturgy.
SAINT BERNARD OF CLAIRVOUX (+1153) is considered the
last of the Fathers of the Church and is a Doctor of the
It is that time again when we will be accepting registration for children ages five to sixteen for
Religious Education classes.
Tuesday night classes are to begin on September 20 from 7:15 PM to 8:30 PM and
Saturday classes are set to begin on September 24 from 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM.
Registration will be held at the school Gym on the following dates and times:
Sunday August 28, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Tuesday August 30, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Saturday September 3, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Sunday September 4, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Tuesday September 6, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Saturday September 10, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Sunday September 11, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Tuesday, September 13, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Fees have been set at:
$90.00 for one child
$150.00 for two children or more
All new registrants must bring a copy of the child’s baptism certificate.
For registration, parent or guardian must be accompanied by child.
Only children who have been registered will be allowed to attend classes.
Visit religious education at: www.saintmartha.org
Una vez más ha llegado la época en que estaremos aceptando matrículas para las Clases de
Educación Religiosa para niños de cinco a dieciséis años.
Las clases comenzaran
 Martes, 20 de septiembre desde las 7:15 pm hasta las 8:30 y el.
 Sábado, 24 de septiembre de 9:30 a.m. a 10:45 a.m.
Las matrículas tendrán lugar en el gimnasio de la escuela los siguientes días y horas:
 Domingo, 28 de agosto, de 9:00 AM a 1:00 PM
 Martes, 30 de agosto, de 6:00 PM a 9:00 PM
 Sábado, 3 de septiembre, de 9:00 AM a 12:00 PM
 Domingo, 4 de septiembre, de 9:00 AM a 1:00 PM
 Martes, 6 de septiembre, de 6:00 PM a 9:00 PM
 Sábado, 10 de septiembre, de 9:00 AM a 12:00 PM
 Domingo, 11 de septiembre, de 9:00 AM a 12:00 PM
 Martes, 13 de septiembre, de 6:00 PM a 9:00 PM
El costo es de $90.00 por 1 niño; $150.00 por dos o más niños.
Todos los alumnos nuevos deben traer copia del acta de bautizo del niño/a.
Los padres o encargados deberán acompañar al niño.
Sólo los niños que han sido registrados se les permitirá asistir a clases.
Visit religious education at: www.saintmartha.org
Feeding off Life’s Sacred Fire
Fr. Ron Rolheiser—Week of September 4, 2016
“See the wise and wicked ones who feed upon life's sacred fire”
These are lines from Gordon Lightfoot’s song, Don Quixote, and they highlight an important truth, both the
wise and the wicked feed off the same energy. And it’s good energy, sacred energy, divine energy, irrespective
of its use. The greedy and the violent feed off the same energy as do the wise and the saints. There’s one
source of energy and, even though it can be irresponsibly, selfishly, and horrifically misused, it remains always
God’s energy.
Unfortunately, we don’t often think of things that way. Recently I was listening to a very discouraged man
who, looking at the selfishness, greed, and violence in our world, blamed it all on the devil. “It must be the anti
-Christ,” he said, “How else do you explain all this, so many people breaking basically every commandment. “
He’s right in his assessment that the selfishness, greed, and violence we see in our world today are anti-Christ
(though perhaps not the Anti-Christ spoken of in scripture). However he’s wrong about where selfishness,
greed, and violence are drawing their energy from. The energy they are drawing upon comes from God, not
from the devil. What we see in all the negative things that make up so much of the evening news each day is
not evil energy but rather the misuse of sacred energy. Evil deeds are not the result of evil energies but the result of the misuse of sacred energy. Whether you consider the devil a person or a metaphor, either way, he has
no other origin than from God. God created the devil, and created him good. His wickedness results from the
misuse of that goodness.
All energy comes from God and all energy is good, but it can be wickedly misused. Moreover, it’s ironic that
the ones who seem to drink most deeply from the wellsprings of divine energy are, invariably, the best and the
worst, the wise and the wicked, saints and sinners. These mainline the fire. The rest of us, living in the gap between saints and sinners, tend to struggle more to actually catch fire, to truly drink deeply from the wellsprings
of divine energy. Our struggle isn’t so much in misusing divine energy, but rather in not succumbing to chronic numbness, depression, fatigue, flatness, bitterness, envy, and the kind of discouragement which has us going
through life lacking fire and forever protesting that we have a right to be uncreative and unhappy. Great saints
and great sinners don’t live lives of “quiet desperation”; they drink deeply sacred energy, become inflamed by
that fire, and make that the source for either their extraordinary wisdom or their wild wickedness.
This insight, saints and sinners feed off the same source, isn’t just an interesting irony. It’s an important truth
that can help us better understand our relationship to God, to the things of this world, and to ourselves. We
must be clear on what’s good and what’s bad, otherwise we end up both misunderstanding ourselves and misunderstanding the energies of our world.
A healthy spirituality needs to be predicated on a proper understanding of God, ourselves, the world, and the
energies that drive our world and these are the non-negotiable Christian principles within which we need to
understand ourselves, the world, and the use of our energies: First, God is good, God is the source of all energy
everywhere, and that energy is good. Second, we are made by God, we are good, and our nature is not evil.
Finally, everything in our world has been made by God and it too is good.
So where do sin and evil enter? They enter in when we misuse the good energy that God has given us and they
enter in when we relate in bad ways to the good things of creation. Simply put: We are good and creation
around us is good, but we can relate to it in the wrong way, precisely through selfishness, greed, or violence.
Likewise, our energies are good, including all those energies that underlie our propensity towards pride, greed,
lust, envy, anger, and sloth; but we can misuse those energies and draw upon life’s sacred fire in very selfserving, lustful, greedy, and wicked ways.
Feeding off Life’s Sacred Fire—Cont’d
Fr. Ron Rolheiser—Week of September 4, 2016
So where do sin and evil enter? They enter in when we misuse the good energy that God has given us and they
enter in when we relate in bad ways to the good things of creation. Simply put: We are good and creation
around us is good, but we can relate to it in the wrong way, precisely through selfishness, greed, or violence.
Likewise, our energies are good, including all those energies that underlie our propensity towards pride, greed,
lust, envy, anger, and sloth; but we can misuse those energies and draw upon life’s sacred fire in very selfserving, lustful, greedy, and wicked ways.
Sin and evil, therefore, arise out of the misuse of our energies, not out of the energies themselves. So, too, sin
and evil arise out of how we relate to certain things in the world, not out of some inherent evil inside of our
own persons or inside of the things themselves. The wicked aren’t evil persons drawing energy from the devil.
They’re good people, irresponsibly and selfishly misusing sacred energy. The energy itself is still good, despite
its misuse.
We don’t tap into evil energies when we give in to greed, lust, envy, sloth, or anger. No, rather we misuse the
good and sacred energy within which we live and move and have our being. The wise and wicked both feed off
the same sacred fire.
“...sought to touch Jesus”
The second test—he it is. Affirmation, testimony, praise of the Lord. In this supreme state of reverence we shed
our limitations; in this frame of mind we can arrive at complete honesty and absolute clarity of vision. It is not a
thing that comes easily—it needs much practice. But it is the only state in which a person is receptive to divine
grace and it cannot be attained without considerable personal effort. We can only comprehend the great realities we
are meant to comprehend by making a supreme effort….
Instead of dreaming a person must be wide awake to prepare the way for progress in an active and upward
direction. For this a receptive and selfless state of mind is necessary—a state in which precisely because it is selfless he finds a greater personal freedom than he had ever imagined possible. The attitude can best be summed up as
one of obedient receptivity, selfless service, exultant gratitude. Personal limitations are shed like worn out garments
and with them the anxiety that accompanies them. The world and its affairs are viewed with a new and far more
penetrating insight. A long road must be traveled before one arrives at uninhibited contact with God, but it is the
road—and the only road—to one’s own fulfillment.
What one must recognize is that the whole process is entirely a personal one, can only be worked out in one’s
individual existence, cannot be measured by outward events at all even though the trials one meets every day play
their part in opening one’s eyes to the connection and significance of the happenings of life. To aspire to a higher
state is an inborn attribute of human nature. The person who is completely satisfied with things as they are and has
no desire to rise above his limitations can only be described as spiritually mediocre, self-centered, obtuse, pompous,
and narrow-minded.
So for all the humility of self-surrender we must still try to rise above ourselves—we must still have ambition.
But a very different kind of ambition—not the usual arrogant, self-seeking kind….
In order to become more of a human he finds he has to be a human and so he is back at his starting point.
Unless a person reaches out, letting his imagination soar, striving toward a high ideal, the only alternative is to vegetate—and a person who vegetates ends by becoming less than human. This is the psychological explanation on the
great human tragedy through which we are passing today.
FATHER ALFRED DELP, S.J. (+1945) was a German Jesuit priest condemned to death by the Nazis in Berlin, Germany.
Please do not burn candles on church property!
Your intention maybe good, but leaving candles
burning unattended can lead to a fire. Please
treat church property with as much care as you
would your own home. Thank you!
Scripture Readings
September 12—September 17
Monday, September 12
1 Corinthians 11:17 -26, 33
Psalm 40
Luke 7:1 -10
Tuesday, September 13
1 Corinthians 12:12 -14, 27-31
Psalm 100
Luke 7:11 -17
Wednesday, September 14
1 Corinthians 7:25 -31
Psalm 45
Luke 6:20 -26
Right after 911, I had this vision; a man dressed in white told
me, “You see what happened?” I said yes. He said “You
know why this is happening? It’s because they don't have
love for one another like we have.” He said “Go and tell the
whole world to recite Psalm 25. I asked him how was I to do
that? He said “Go tell Oprah.” I know myself as a shy and
timid person; I could never tell Oprah or tell anyone. But after
what happened in Boston, I felt such guilt and disobedience
in not doing what I was told. The same way that the Lord
loves us, so we must love one
another. Please help me to tell the
world to recite Psalm 25 and maybe
the world will be a better place.
Thursday, September 8
Micah 5:1 -4
Psalm 13
Matthew 1:1 -16, 18-23
Friday, September 9
1 Corinthians 9:16 -19, 22-27
Psalm 84
Luke 6:39 -42
S a turday , Se pte mbe r 10
1 Corinthians 10:14 -22
Psalm 116
Luke 6:43 -49
Thank you,
Marie FanFan
Vocation Prayer
Merciful Father, you sent your Son into the
world to free us from the power of sin and
evil. Grant that, through the intercession of
the Virgin Mary, our Mother of Mercy, many young men will
respond to your call to give of themselves in imitation of Christ
the Redeemer. Fill them with the light of your Holy Spirit that
they may renounce the power of the world, proclaim truth and
freedom, and bring consolation and relief to oppressed Christians. Bless our family of Mercy with numerous holy priests and
brothers who will offer our world the testimony of your faith and
love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN
To thee, O LORD, I lift up my soul. O my God, in
thee I trust, let me not be put to shame; let not my
enemies exult over me. 3Yea, let none that wait for
thee be put to shame; let them be ashamed who are
wantonly treacherous. 4Make me to know thy ways,
O LORD; teach me thy paths. 5Lead me in thy truth,
and teach me, for thou art the God of my salvation;
for thee I wait all the day long. 6Be mindful of thy
mercy, O LORD, and of thy steadfast love, for they
have been from of old.
Our church keeps growing every year; people come forward to inquire
about how to become a Catholic. Some are coming from other
churches and faith denominations; some are just
curious. Then there are those who are Catholic but
have not completed their Sacraments of Initiation.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is here to
answer your questions about the Catholic faith and
to lead you into completing your Sacraments of Initiation. You must
be an adult (at least 18 years old).
The sessions will take place in three languages, all beginning in midSeptember:
Graces of the Prodigal Son
Parish Center on Thursdays with from 7:30pm—9:00pm and
Saturdays (in the school) from 9:30am—11:00am.
Christ chooses those who stand. Therefore, rise,
run to the Church; here is the Father, here is the
Son, here is the Holy Spirit. He who hears you
pondering in the secret places of the mind runs
to you. And when you are still far off, he sees
you and runs to you. He sees in your heart, he
runs, lest someone hinder, and also embraces
you. His foreknowledge is in the running, his
mercy in the embrace, and, as it were, the disposition of Fatherly love. He falls on your neck (cf.
Lk 15:20), in order to raise one
prostrate and burdened with sins
and bring back one turned aside to
the earthly toward heaven, in
which he seeks his own Author.
Parish Center on Wednesdays with from 7:00pm—8:30pm.
Bethany Hall on Sundays after the 8:45am Mass.
If you are interested, please call and leave a detailed message at
(516) 481-2550, Ext. 314 for Mrs. Imogene Regan.
Faith Direct is a highly respected and secure company that is
leading the way for parishioners to support their parishes
through electronic means.
Christ falls on your neck to free
your nape from the yoke of slavery
and hang his sweet yoke upon your shoulders
(cf. Mt 11:30). Does he not seem to you to have
fallen upon John’s neck when John was leaning
with his nape bowed in Jesus’ breast (cf. Jn
13:25; 21:20)? And, therefore, he saw the Word
with God (cf. Jn 1:1-2), because he was upright
toward the heavenly. He falls on his neck when
he says, Come to me, all you that labor, and I
will refresh you; take my yoke upon you (Mt.
11:28-29). Therefore, he falls in this wise, if you
are converted.
The Faith Direct program gives you a
convenient way to support St. Martha’s
Parish Family by electing to use direct
debit like some of us do for other payments. It also gives you the opportunity to support our parish
even if you are absent from Mass for travel or illness. And it
addresses the situation I know families face on there way to
Mass: Where did I put my envelopes?
SAINT AMBROSE (+397), known as the Pastoral Doctor,
was a model bishop and an eloquent preacher. He was
instrumental in the conversion of Saint Augustine.
There is no cost to you as a parishioner to enroll.
How does this work? The people at Faith Direct have made it
very simple and will handle the entire process for our parish:
1. You may complete an enrollment form and simply return
the form to Faith Direct headquarters, along with a cancelled check if you have selected checking debit or complete credit card information.
2. You may visit www.faithdirect.net and use our specific
parish code NY333 for secure online enrollment.
If you wish more information or an enrollment form please call
the Bookkeeper at 481-2550 EXT 304.
THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to my medical
fund thus far. I found out my initial campaign (not run by
me) has been shut down for an unknown reason. The
first campaign helped cover my household bills from
missed work, as well as smaller hospital bills. This new
campaign is set up in hopes of paying back some of the
$90k+ I owe as of now. (This is only one of the two surgeries I have
had so far.) It is very possible I will have to claim bankruptcy if I cannot make a good dent. That is a very frightening thought as a single
parent. For those of you who either have donated already, or cannot
afford to, please do not feel obligated. I ask for prayers for myself and
for my family. It has been a very rough couple of months. The new
link is www.gofundme.com/lishanson. You can also leave donations
at the Parish Center. Every little bit helps, and has helped. God bless
and thank you so much. St. Martha’s has been incredible with your
Dear Lord,
As my life declines and my energies decrease,
more than ever hold me by
Your Power, that I may not offend You,
but daily increase in Your Love.
Give me strength to work in Your Service
till the last day of my life.
Help me to ever have an increasing
dread of venial sin,
or whatever would cause the
slightest withdrawal of Your Love;
all day long,
and at night keep me close to Your Heart;
and should I die, ere the morning breaks,
may I go rejoicing
in that vision of Your entrancing beauty,
never to be separated from You. Amen.
~Elissa Hanson, Music Director
he list of names that will appear under this column
will reflect ONLY those who are CRITICALLY ILL. The
individual or family member must contact the Parish Center in order to be placed on the Sick List. Please note the
new email address the Parish Center at
[email protected] (“PRAY FOR THE SICK”
come by the Parish Center with your request in writing, no
later than Monday. This list will be updated on a monthly
Helen Zeiser
Nathan (Nate) Harkin
Josephine Esposito
Frances Rasmussen
Paul Peisel
John Muller
Desiree Venegas
Edith Lucchi
Pierre Bray
Sophia Kyriakakis
Peter Johns
Leopold Johnson
Laura-Jean Mauro
Barbara Tranfaglia
For everything you need to know
in faith formation,
Memorialize a loved one with a leaf on
our parish’s Tree of Life, located in
the Church Lobby. If you would like more information about this lovely memorial, please contact the
Cynthia Simpson
Parish Office at (516) 481-2550 Ext 301
Omnipotent and Eternal God, the everlasting Salvation of those who
believe, hear us on behalf of Thy pitying mercy, that, with their bodily
health restored, they may give thanks to Thee in Thy church. Through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Mass Intentions Book...
is now open until the end of October
Carmelo Pinales ...................................................... +August 21, 2016
Patricia Pinales ........................................................ +August 21, 2016
Cristopher Pinales ................................................... +August 21, 2016
Monique Maud Mallet .............................................. +August 22, 2016
Jude Saint-Clair ....................................................... +August 21, 2016
Solomon K. Osborne…… .............................. ……...+August 29, 2016
Former Trustee Francis E. Darcy
+September 3, 2016
The Bread and Wine Calendar...
is now open until the end of October
PADRE MIGUEL ÁNGEL RIVERA: Cel. 516-939-7165 /
E-mail: [email protected] – Cada martes y miércoles, de
7:30 PM a 10:30 PM en el Centro Parroquial, al costado de
la Iglesia, el Padre Miguel se encuentra disponible para dirección espiritual y confesiones. Consulten con el Padre después de la misa.
This fall, couples that have been married fifty years
or more will be honored at liturgies on Sunday, October 23, 2016
at the Church of St. Rose of Lima
in Massapequa and on Sunday,
November 6, 2016 at the Church of Christ the King
in Commack. Both liturgies will begin at 2:30 PM.
Couples may register for ONE liturgy.
LA EUCARISTÍA SE OFRECE: En honor a Santa Mar ía
la Antigua, Patrona de Panamá..
GRUPO DE ORACION: Miér coles, 7:00 PM, en el Salón
ULTREYA: Domingo, 11:00 AM en la Capilla.
ESCUELA DE DIRIGENTES: Cada lunes, 7 a 10 PM en la
Escuela Marianista.
Registration forms and complete instructions can be
obtained at St. Martha’s Parish Center. Registration
must be received by October 1st for the October 23rd
liturgy and by October 14th for the November 6th liturgy. There will be additional celebrations in the
spring for those who may find that more convenient.
If you have any questions, please contact the parish
center at (516) 481-2550, Ext. 301.
15 días.
Para información llamar al 516-554-4503 o al 516-965-7311.
JUVENTUD SIN FRONTERAS: Cada jueves, 7:30 PM, en
el Salón Betania.
CORO HISPANO: Ensayo cada vier nes, a las 8:00 PM en
la Iglesia..
MINISTERIO DE ACOGIDA: Son los que extienden la
bienvenida y entregan las hojitas de canto a los feligreses.
primer martes, a las 7:00 PM en la Capilla.
Iglesia de San Ladislaus.
Come to me, all who labor
and are heavy laden, and
I will give you rest.
(Matt 11:28)
Mar tes, 7:30 PM en la
MISA DE NIÑOS Y JOVENES: Segundo domingo del mes.
LOS NIÑOS: Se r eúnen cada domingo en el Salón Betania
para escuchar y compartir las lecturas dominicales..
Would you like your business to become a part of our
family of Advertisers (located on the back of the bulletin)? Or, would you like St. Martha’s parishioners to
patronize your business and need an easy way to
solicit your services?
NIÑOS: Se r ealizan cada segundo y cuar to domingos del
mes. Tengan la bondad de avisar a los Acomodadores.
EL SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: Cada ter cer domingo del mes, 2:30 PM en la iglesia. Los interesados consulten con la Sra. Dulce Sepúlveda después de la Misa.
Contact “Church Bulletin Inc.” to find out how easy it
is to join our community of advertisers.
LA IGLESIA: Per manece abier ta diar iamente de 7 a 3
LECTURAS PARA: El XXV Domingo Or dinar io (18 de
septiembre): Primera Lectura: Amós 8, 4-7. Salmo 112, 1-2. 46. 78.. Segunda Lectura: 1 Timoteo 2, 1-8. Evangelio: Lucas
16, 1-13 o bien: 16, 10-13..
Paul Reese
Advertising Rep.
(516) 993-1954
[email protected]
Give us
our daily bread
Social Ministry/Outreach Office Hours
Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10:00AM—2:00PM
(516) 292-1603 or (516) 481-2550, Ext. 320
This Week: Parmalat Milk
Some additional items needed: dry milk, peanut butter, jelly, rice, pinto beans, dry or canned beans and
canned meat/fish.
Is in Social Ministry every
Wednesday from 10AM–12 PM
Catholic Charities WIC
1000 N. Village Avenue
Rockville Centre, NY 11571
(516) 705-3645
Ask to see Soraya
For further information and income guidelines please call:
631-491-4166 in Suffolk or
516-623-4568 in Nassau
An Immigration
will be available at the Parish
Social Ministry the second Wednesday of each
The next date will be on:
BABY ITEMS NEEDED: Diapers, diaper wipes, strollers and car
seats that meet current standards.
ITEMS NEEDED: individual boxed milk (i.e., Parmalat); toilet tissue, paper towels, personal care
items, gift certificates.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
10:00AM - 1:00PM