a magical place for people on the way to themselves


a magical place for people on the way to themselves
Heilstollen Berchtesgaden GmbH
Bergwerkstrasse 85a
D - 83471 Berchtesgaden
tel. +49 (0) 8652.979535
fax +49 (0) 8652.979386
[email protected]
a magical place for
people on the way to
cure gallery Berchtesgaden
History of the cure gallery
in a living salt mine
The physician Dr. Schütz from Berchtesgaden had the
idea to create a cure gallery, when he cared for the ill and
wounded in a salt mine during his time as a prisoner of
war in Wieliczka near Cracow (Poland). He noticed that
the healing set in much quicker than he had experienced
before. The cure gallery in its current appearance exists
since 1990 and is the only one in Western Europe. After
the cure gallery was led by a clinic in Berchtesgaden for
several years, now the Heilstollen Berchtesgaden GmbH
took it over.
The salt cure gallery is enclosed by a huge salt mine. In
the upper salt mine salt is quarried since about 500 years.
Still today around 500,000 tons brine are extracted annually and pumped to Bad Reichenhall, where it is then
processed into salt. With this amount the salt mine will
economically allow the extraction for another 200 years.
In the salt mine there is also a salt museum, which is visited by several hundred thousand visitors annually.
the first impression
The cure gallery itself is very spacious with an area of
850 square metres. Nevertheless only a maximum of 50
visitors is admitted for a ride into the cure gallery at one
time so that the stay can be experienced as intensive as
possible. The room is laid out terraced around a brine
basin with concentrated natural salt and a fountain. This
ensures that the air is additionally enriched with salt and
creates a kind of sea climate inside the mountain.
Traditionally a stay in the salt cure gallery eases respiratory
diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis and hay
fever. As the gallery has increasingly become better
known the number of visitors has greatly grown.
Through the greater number of visitors additional symptoms that are eased by a visit in the cure gallery have
come to our notice. Among theses are neurodermatitis,
muscle aches, tinnitus and sleep disturbances as well as
other diseases with a psychosomatic background.
[[[ “...The silence in here,
being able to let go … this
timeless feeling … and all
this in our times, when you
are always under pressure,
is a fantastic experience.”
Quotation of a
cure gallery visitor
deep relaxation
The effects of the salt neutralizing radiation create an
atmosphere, which favour a deep relaxation of the
human organism in a considerable way. According to our
experience the specific effects of the cure gallery lay
exactly in the deep relaxation, which leads to a strengthening of the self-healing powers of sick persons and can
essentially reduce the consequences of every day as well
as job stress of the healthy. The fact that according to
scientific studies our so-called radiation waste (e.g. atomic waste) is safest to be kept in salt galleries illustrates the
neutralising powers of the salt. In the salt gallery only one
vibration is predominant and this is the self-vibration of
the salt. It is exactly this vibration that the visitor
responds to, as the organism of the human body contains a significant amount of salts. Without salt the electrolytic household of the human body, for example,
would collapse. Especially the experience accounts of
visitors, who spent two hours daily in the gallery over a
period of two to three weeks show us that the described
relaxation leads to a higher perception of sensory impressions, but mainly to a higher awareness of oneself.
Especially impressive are the descriptions of how frequently every sense of time is lost during the stay.
Through all this consciousness processes are initiated,
which have effects onto the psychosomatic background
of an illness.
Since the cure gallery is not only useful for ill people
under this point of view, there are now a number of additional events that take this fact into account. Our special
rides into the gallery include among other things stays for
families with children, for meditation groups, sound dish
evenings as well as music events at which more and more
visitors, who are not suffering from any acute ailments
participate. Additionally we develop special programs for
stress reduction and relaxation sittings for pregnant
(incl. VAT)
Single visit
7 entries at € 23,00
14 entries at € 21,00
21 entries at € 19,00
women. Through the neighbouring city Salzburg with its
music festivals we often have musical visitors in the cure
galleries, who are nearly without exception enthusiastic
about the acoustics. But the cure gallery has not been
built according to acoustic principles, nor can this sound
quality nearly be saved onto sound-carriers. It seems reasonable to suppose that the visitor’s consciousness free of
any side influences can more intensively abandon itself to
the pleasures of art than this would be possible outside
the salt gallery.
€ 161,00
€ 294,00
€ 399,00
Children up to six years are free of charge. Young persons under the age
of 16 receive a concession of 30 %.
Hours of Entry
1st May until 15th October 9:00 am (11:30 am upon request)
16th October until 30th April to be inquired at the office.
Please see the calendar of events for the entry hours for the special events.
Additional entry for groups from 20 persons on after special agreement.
The cure gallery is open all year round. Please refer to the office for exceptions on bank holidays and closures due to security-technical works.
meeting point
Berchtesgaden is 18 km from Salzburg and 180 km from Munich. There is
a large parking space at the salt mine Berchtesgaden. Meeting point for
the entry into the mine is in Bergwerkstraße number 85a. The cashdesk
and the office are located directly behind the mountain restaurant.
Monday to Friday from 08.30 am to 4.30 am and
Saturday, Sunday and on holidays 30 minutes before each entry.
Heilstollen Berchtesgaden GmbH
Bergwerkstrasse 85a
D - 83471 Berchtesgaden
tel. +49 (0) 8652.979535
fax +49 (0) 8652.979386
[email protected]
Dr. Wolf Bürklin
Jan Frhr. von Werthern
meeting point
Heilstollen Berchtesgaden GmbH
Bergwerkstrasse 85a · D - 83471 Berchtesgaden
tel. +49 (0) 8652.979535 · fax +49 (0) 8652.979386
[email protected] · www.salzheilstollen.com
Our team in Berchtesgaden
Berchtesgaden is 18 km from Salzburg and 180 km from
Munich. There is a large parking space at the salt mine
Berchtesgaden, which is signposted and located directly
at the entry. Meeting point for the entry into the mine is
in the street Bergwerkstraße number 85a. The cash desk
and the office are located directly behind the mountain