Workshop - Red River Valley Mothers of multiples


Workshop - Red River Valley Mothers of multiples
Wi Saddle Up
Fargo 2016
for the 42nd Annual
Minnesota Mothers of Multiples State Workshop
April 8 & 9, 2016
As mothers of multiples, we’ve all had those days where we’ve needed to pull up
our boots, strap on some spurs, slap on a hat, grab the bull (kids) by the horns,
and buckle down to get stuff done. This Wild West weekend is YOUR chance to
mosey on up to the saloon and kick up your heels for a stompin’ good time. We have
speakers who will provide some learnin’, help you relax and give you the time to
shoot the bull with the neighborhood ladies. The outhouse has been cleaned and
the chores are finished so we can spend the whole weekend entertaining you.
We’ll probably skip the cow tippin’, though.
Hilton Garden Inn
4351 17th Ave. S.,
Fargo, North Dakota
Block of standard queen rooms are $129/night,
reserved under Mothers Of Multiples workshop.
Room block will be held until March 18th. Overflow
rooms will be available at Home2 Suites across the
Hosted by
Yee Haw!!!
Wild West Weekend Schedule
Friday, April 8, 2016
3 : 0 0 p m -7:00pm............. .. Reg i s tra ti on ,
3 : 0 0 p m .......................... Merca n ti l e Setu p
4 : 0 0 p m -7:00pm............. .. Merca n ti l e Sh op pi n g
4 : 0 0 p m -7:00pm............. .. Ga mi n g Pa rl or Open
5 : 0 0 p m -7:00pm............. .. Wa gon tra i n Bu ffet
6 : 0 0 p m -7:00pm............. .. Sp eci a l Ca mpfi re Meeti n gs
8 : 0 0 p m -1 2:30am . . .......... .. C i rcl e th e Wa g on s DJ/Da n ce
8 : 0 0 p m -1 2:00am . . .......... .. Ph oto b ooth
8 : 0 0 p m -1 2:00am . . .......... .. Ri de th e mech a n i ca l BULL!
Sa t u r da y , A p r i l 9 , 2 0 1 6
7 : 3 0 a m -9 :00am............. .. Brea k fa s t
7 : 3 0 a m .......................... Aerobi cs
7 : 4 5 a m -9 :00am............. .. Regi s tra ti on
9 : 0 0 a m -1 2:00pm . . .......... .. Ga mi n g Pa rl or Open
9 : 0 0 a m -1 :00pm.. ............ .. Merca n ti l e Sh op pi n g
9 : 15 a m - 1 0:1 5 am . . ............ Western Ses si on I
10 : 4 5 a m - 1 1 :45 am............ .. Wes tern Ses si on II
12 : 0 0 p m - 1 :00pm.. .............. Pi tch fork Lu n ch
1: 4 5 p m -3:30pm............... Ga mi n g Pa rl or open
2 : 4 5 p m -3:30pm............... Western Ses si on III
4 : 0 0 p m -5 :00pm............... Rou n du p a n d Ra ffl es
M e rcan tile Hou r s
Fr iday................ 4:0 0 p m - 7:0 0 pm
Sat ur day ........... 9:0 0 a m - 1:0 0 p m
Gam i n g P ar lor ( Raffle Room)
Fr iday .. ... .......... 4:0 0 p m - 7:0 0 pm
Sat ur day...........9:0 0 a m - 12 :0 0 pm
........................................... 1:45pm - 3:30pm
Keynote speaker
Proud mom, international author and renowned Brazilian psychotherapist, Cris Linnares is one of
America’s most passionate advocates for women’s wellness and empowerment.
Linnares was selected in 2015 by Glamour Magazine’s Women of the Year Award, as one of the 50
Hometown Heroes of the United States for her work at her non­profit Women’s Impact in North Dakota.
Her life story and pioneer work have been featured in Shape, Marie Claire, Women’s Health, FOX, ABC
and you can find her powerful and fun message shared at TEDxYouth Hollywood and TEDxFargo.
In 2005, Cris Linnares was a successful, best­selling author and women’s advocate in Sao Paulo Brazil
when she said “tchau” to her career, family, AND friends, and “I do” to her Midwest Prince Charming and
moved to Fargo, North Dakota.
In the frozen tundra, Linnares faced major culture shock, postpartum depression, and the hardships that
come with being an immigrant in a new country. Experiencing isolation, a lack of connections, and
insecurities with her English skills, she ended up giving up her long­time passion of empowering women
and became a stay­at­home mom.
After going on a journey of discovering natural ways to heal her body, mind and soul, she reinvented
herself and developed the acclaimed wellness program Diva Dance that has inspired women worldwide.
This New American personally understands the challenges that can tempt us to give up on pursuing our
passions and dreams, and can attest to the power of connection and community in overcoming those
challenges. In 2011, Linnares founded the non­profit with the mission to create a
strong online community where women can connect and empower each other.
Cris continues to live in Fargo with her husband, youngest daughter, their sassy dog George, and a baby
on the way!
Connect with Cris @CrisLinnares on Twitter and Facebook, or check out her website at!
The following group meetings are offered annually for MOMs to support each other
in areas close to the heart. If you have an interest in one of the areas below and would
like to participate, please indicate this on your registration form.
RRVMOM’s current President, Laurie Stewart-Hanson, would like to welcome each of
the attending Club Presidents to gather for a discussion.
Each child is special but many face challenges that are bigger than others. This time is
designed for you to gather with other MOMs whose children have experienced or are
facing similar challenges. What has worked for them? What questions do I need to ask?
What are my rights?
Any MOM with Higher Order Multiples is welcome to meet with others to celebrate the
unique joys and challenges of raising triplets, quads and more!
Please come to discuss club sales. This meeting is open to anyone who would like to
share thoughts or ask questions about the various sales aspects of your club.
Past worshop planners would like to share information and tips. What worked for them
and what to expect. Past and future workshop chairs encouraged to attend.
Join us as we circle the wagons and start up the campfire Friday evening. Bring your appetite
‘cuz we’re fixin’ quite a spread for you to enjoy. Grab your plate, kick back and visit with old
and new friends while the wagon train cook fixes your dinner!
Friday evening from 8 to 12:30, we’ll open the saloon and push back the furniture for a
good ol’ fashioned Hoe Down! Put on your Sunday best and join us for an
evening of wholesome old western fun with ZIMS Entertainment. Belly up
to the bar for a shot of whiskey or root beer. Kick up your heels and have
some fun! Fortunately for you, our entertainer knows about new-fangled
photography. Take a break from the drinkin’ and dancin’ to do a spin with
the bull. That’s right! We don’t want you to just shoot the bull, we want
you to ride him too!! Check out this amazing mechanical bull and show
everyone that you have built up some pretty fancy muscle over the years running after your
multitude of children!
Project Ignite Light is an organization, based out of North Dakota, through which children are provided
important items needed when they are examined by their local advocacy center or hospital for physical
abuse, sexual abuse or neglect.
In 2008, over 4,000 children were seen around the state of North Dakota for abuse or neglect and it is the
goal of Project Ignite Light to equip each child that enters a hospital or advocacy center to be seen for these
reasons with a “Bag of Hope.” Every “Bag of Hope” includes:
Fleece Tie Blanket
Pajamas / Socks / Underwear
2-in-1 Shampoo / Conditioner
Toothbrush / Toothpaste
Fruit Snacks / Water Bottle
Book: “You Are Special” by Max Lucado
Zipper Tote Bag to hold all their new special items
(Teen Girl bags also include deodorant and a personal journal)
Often children in these situations are left feeling insecure and unsure of themselves and the people around
them. Through Project Ignite Light, we give them a small piece of security. Because so many of the hurting
children feel used, only new items are placed in the bags.
Because we work with very sensitive issues and organizations that help protect those who benefit, we have to
do everything we can to maintain uniformity for our credibility with these institutions. Therefore, we cannot
accept any items other than the specific items listed here. Children who have been abused already feel used,
so we only accept and use brand
new items. Every item specified was
selected for unique purposes.
Items to donate:
1. new two-piece pajama sets
2. fleece tie blankets
3. cash
Wild West Session I Saturday 9:15am
Jan Nelson: “Laughter Yoga”
This laughter yoga program will be educational and active. It highlights the need for laughter in our lives and
then provides an active laughter yoga session so we can feel the benefits of laughing together.
Jan Nelson, OTR/L, MA is founder and executive director of HeartSprings Community Healing Center in
Fargo, ND. She founded the organization in 2007 within the state of ND and began operating in 2008. The
center is open three days a week, using an integrated body, mind, spirit approach to healing. HeartSprings is
a leader in evidenced-based complementary medicine and the use of cutting edge therapies.
Jan has been an occupational therapist for over 30 years; 15 years in pediatrics. She received her master’s
specializing in bereavement, wellness, and chronic disease and discovered health ministry as part of her
studies. She then worked as a Minister of Health in three different congregations setting up bereavement and
health ministry programs for around fifteen years. During which time, she co-authored a book entitled “The
Bereavement Ministry Program” published by Ave Maria Press.
Jan holds special training in evidenced-based practices of HeartMath Interventions (biofeedback for heart
coherence), Mind-Body Medicine (stress management for life and trauma), PWR Moves! (neurological
exercise), and Laughter Yoga. She lectures and has led workshops and groups around the state.
She believes that laughter is some of the best medicine and adds laughter yoga to her daily exercise routines
with clients. We “fake it till we make it” and we make it every time!
Kelly Thoreson: “Raising Kids to be Selfless in a “Selfie” World”
It’s a ‘Selfie’ Thing!
Raising kids to be selfless in a ‘selfie’ world.
This world is obsessed by ‘self ’ and yet the happiest, most content, and the most fulfilled people in the world
are the ones that focus on and live for others and not themselves. With God’s Word, the Bible, as our source
for wisdom, this faith-based breakout session will explore how very treasured we are in God’s eyes. Our kids
need to know that their value and worth are not measured by the standards they are bombarded with daily
through the media. There is One who values them far above what they can think or imagine!
Kelly’s personal mission statement is to:
Usher the people of God into the presence of God for the pleasure of God to experience the power of
God so that we can accomplish the purposes of God.
Wild West Session II Saturday 10:45am
A. Alyssa Johnson: Snacktivism-Creating a Healthy Snacking Culture for Children
Snacktivism – creating a healthy snacking culture for children
Children are getting about 500 calories a day from snacks. Research shows that most of their snacks are
in the form of chips, cookies, crackers, and other processed foods high in salt, sugar, fat, and artificial
flavors and colors. At a young age, children are highly dependent on the food decisions made for them
by adults… so why are we feeding them junk? Snacktivism is a grassroots effort to improve the snacking
culture for our children, not only because rates of childhood overweight and obesity are alarmingly high,
but also because we owe it to our children to equip them with healthy eating habits. Come learn the 6 Ps
of healthy snack promotion, how to help children develop lifelong skills to eat right, and learn fun, easy
ways to make healthy snacks like fruits and veggies more exciting and appealing to children. You’ll see
that Snacktivism is not about giving up cookies and cupcakes. Instead, it’s about putting them back in
their place as special occasion foods, not every day choices. Find out how you can join this movement
and help “snacktivate” your community!
Saree Reveling: “What are your Child’s Personality Gifts: Tools and Tips for Tapping into Your
Child’s Unique Gifts & Talents”
Saree Reveling has devoted much of the last 10 years to personal development and growth and is an
Authorized Core Passion® Facilitator. She is inspired and passionate about the dynamics of personalities
and the role they play in the home and workplace. Currently, Saree balances her time between the
Marketing Director for Integrity 1st Insurance in Fargo, ND and speaking engagements, workshops and
one-on-one coaching through her Career Coaching business, Inner Spark. Saree is highly devoted to
inspiring and empowering individuals to reach their true potential and to live their best lives.
Lanelle Vasichek: Celebrate the Mommy MilestonesTM
A first-time author, noted marketing consultant and speaker, Lanelle Vasichek believes there is a reason
to celebrate the ordinary each and every day. She is gifted at grabbing the best-day-ever moments like
those hidden along the journey of life. She has been slated as Erma Bombeck in the making as her high
energy and hilarious presentations break the mold: from the ordinary to the miraculous moments, each
offering a reason to celebrate the crazy-goodness that happens that continuously shape our lives.
With a background in Sales and Marketing, she consults companies looking to enhance their brand
and customer experience through event-based marketing activations and promotional awareness
campaigns. She has worked with organizations both large and small; from local Chamber of Commerce
organizations and independent entrepreneurs to General Mills, Mazda USA and Microsoft.
In 2015, she released Celebrate the Mommy MilestonesTM; which takes readers through the wild stages of
the first year of motherhood with unvarnished truth and a twist of wit. Mommy Milestones is filled with
unique insights and playful suggestions for celebrating the unsung accomplishments that speak to the
hearts of moms both new and seasoned.
Wild West Session III Saturday 2:45am
Marilyn McMurray: The Courage to Be Significant
Are you fed up with…
• wearing masks? • comparing yourself to other moms? • feeling unimportant? • feeling taken for granted? • letting fear hold you back from the riches you dream of?
Marilyn will share the M-A-R-I-L-Y-N Principle with you. You will receive a personalized bag of tools to help
you leave behind your baggage. Marilyn learned these principles through her experiences as a mom, teacher,
supervisor, mind-body-spirit practitioner, coach, and leader. Marilyn has used these too to help change her life
and the lives of her clients.
Laura Sokolofsky: Parenting the Love and Logic Way
Laura Sokolofsky was an elementary school counselor for the FPS district at Jefferson Elementary for the last 13
years. She also teach Parenting with Love and Logic for the Parenting Resource Center NDSU extension office
for families in Cass county as well as teaches future counselors through MSUM as an adjunct professor. The
work Laura does has brought her to learn and teach many about behavior and how we can help and respond to
children so they can learn to cope and grow in their abilities to handle life’s challenges.
Her Love and Logic courses cover how to learn your child’s love language, how to help your child calm down and
how we can handle temper tantrums. She also covers how to share the power with choices and set limits that we
can enforce, and how to lead with empathy and come up with logical consequences to help our children learn
Tammy Schotzko: Organizing for MOM’s (Mothers of Multiples)
What do you do when you have multiples everywhere? Purge!!! What do you do if the multiples are children?
Don’t purge, organize! Join Tammy as she shares basic building blocks of organization that you can easily
incorporate into your household and family structures to keep them running efficiently. Even with multiples!!
Have a specific topic you’d like addressed? Send them via email ([email protected]) before March 15,
Wild West Mothers of Multiples 2016 state convention
wear and gear
For your convenience, all Conventation gear orders are processed online this year.
We will be delivering your purchases during registration like in the past.
To see what is available and make your purchase, mosey on over to this website::
Mosey in to purchase tickets for all sorts of new-fangled doo-dads. We searched through the
general store and picked out the best of the best for your raffles this year.
Livin’ in the west is tough work so we recommend you stop into the bath house and check out
all the relaxin’ spa activities offered.
Join us for an old fashioned picture show starring your family. Please email your
picture to [email protected] by March 24. Please include your
name and your club's name.
Vendors from across the state are being rounded up for your shopping convenience.
Store hours are 4:00 – 7:00 pm on Friday and 9:00am-1:00 pm on Saturday.
Each booth/table space is $40.00, payable by check to “RRV MOMs”. This event has been
opened up to members and sister members, remaining spots were filled with fabulous
unique vendors/crafters. Your application and payment must be received by March 15, 2016
by 3pm, checks payable to RRV MOM’s and mailed to: Sarah Burchill, Vendor Coordinator,
3381 159th Ave SE, Casselton ND 58012.
Remember to sport your best western wear cuz we are rewarding the best of the best in the
following categories....
1)Sassy and Sweet, 2)Best Cowgirl Boots and 3)Best Historical Cowgirl attire
_____________________________________________ Email_________________________________________
Club Name & Location___________________________
Are you interested in a Beer or Wine tasting event? Yes/No
Is this your first workshop?
How many previous workshops have you attended?_____
Are you a multiple?
Is your partner a multiple?
# of boys:_____ # of girls:_____
Session Information
Friday Night Huddle
Presidents ~ Special Needs ~ Higher Order ~ Sales
Saturday Morning exerciseYes/No
Wild West Session I (9:15) (circle one)
A. Laughter Yoga
B. Raising Kids to be Selfless in a “Selfie” World
Wild West Session II (10:45)(circle one)
A. Snacktivism
B. What are your Child’s Personality Gifts
C. Celebrate the Mommy MilestonesTM
Wild West Session III (2:45)(circle one)
A. The Courage to Be Significant
B. Parenting the Love and Logic Way
C. Organizing for MOM’s
Saturday Lunch Options (circle one)
1)Pot Roast w/ mushroom marsala sauce, Garlic mashed
potatoes, Honey Glazed carrots, Garden Salad, Dinner roll
2) Lemon Butter Chicken, Buttered baby reds
Sauteed zucchini & squash, Garden salad, Dinner roll
3) Caprese Pasta Salad, Penne pasta w/ creamy red pepper
sauce, Roasted asparagus, Garden salad, Dinner roll
Workshop fee
Workshop badge
2016 collection disc
Late fee (after March 25, 2016)$15.00
MOM statistics
Early registration deadline: March 25, 2016
Make checks payable to
RRV Mothers of Multiples
1473 41st Ave S, Moorhead, MN 56560
If you have any questions, please contact:
Rozlyn Johnson N 218-329-7204
[email protected] or [email protected]
or Laurie Stewart-Hanson N 701-793-7753
[email protected]
How many sets?_____
Set 1: boy/boy - girl/girl - boy/girl
Fraternal - Identical - Unknown
Set 2: boy/boy - girl/girl - boy/girl
Fraternal - Identical - Unknown
How many sets?_____
Set 1: # of boys:_____ # of girls _____
Fraternal - Identical - Unknown
Set 2: # of boys:_____ # of girls _____
Fraternal - Identical - Unknown
Quads/Quints (or more)
How many?_______
# of boys: _____ # of girls _____
Fraternal - Identical - Unknown
Wild West Statistics
What is your favorite western song?
Do you own a pair of chaps? Yes
Have you ever riddin a horse? Yes
Do you know how to throw a lasso? Yes
Have you ever used a wooden outhouse? Yes
Do you own a cowboy/cowgirl hat? Yes
Have you ever ridden a bull? Yes
As a kid I played the following games: (circle all that apply)
Marbles Jacks Shoot the Can Horseshoes Tag
Have you ever uttered “Round Up!” or “Move Out!”?
Yes No