Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 1


Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
A. Tilton & Son
Carpenters and contractors, 4 Wood St (ad), 11/11/1954:3
A&P Supermarket
Weekly sales (ad), 01/13/1950:4
Abair, Elva Young
Son born, 01/15/1953:7
Abair, Warren
Son born, 01/15/1953:7
Plumbing and heating (ad), 09/23/1954:2
Abbott, Mrs Samuel
Resides in Radford, VT, 08/09/1951:5
Antone Silvia charged with abduction and theft, 07/22/1954:1
Antone Silvia held for grand jury, 07/29/1954:1
Abele, A.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Abele, Anele Neveresky
Daughter born, 07/30/1953:5
Abele, Arthur
Sells Bedford St house to Leo LaPierre, 01/20/1950:11
Daughter born, 07/30/1953:5
Abele, Arthur T.
Seafood, home deliveries (ad), 02/04/1954:3
Abele, Arthur Thomas
Selectmen approve character for pedlar's license, 12/31/1953:4
Abele, Catherine Eaton
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Aberdeen Braes Farm
Elected to National Angus Association, 01/22/1953:8
Paul Cobb case sent to grand jury, 02/28/1952:10
Abramson, Charles
Son born, 08/21/1952:5
Abramson, Charles L.
Comeau and Nyberg injured in collision at Oak and High St,
Abramson, Margaret Darling
Son born, 08/21/1952:5
Abren, Frances
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Abren, Manual
And Philip Falconieri new owners of The Fruit Outlet (p), 05/13/1954:8
Abren, Manuel
The Fruit Outlet has holiday fruits and vegetables in abundance,
Abren, Manuel "Mac"
Bessie Maleski and Dimmie Dascoulias sell The Fruit Outlet to Abren
and Phillip Falconeiri, 04/29/1954:1
Abren, Manuel O.
Son born, 09/29/1950:7
Abren, Mary
Philip Falconieri and Manuel Abren new owners of The Fruit Outlet
(p), 05/13/1954:8
Abren, Mary A. Morrone
Son born, 09/29/1950:7
Abreu, Alfred C.
Purchases Arch St property from Marjorie Place, 03/05/1953:4
Abreu, Charlotte
Judge hears evidence in family row, 07/16/1953:10
Absent Without Leave (AWOL)
Donald Merwin Demers reported straggler from USS Wright,
George Norris arrested and held for Army, 10/23/1952:9
A.C. Cosseboom Co.
Foster Jackson proprietor of A.C. Cosseboom blacksmith shop (p),
Accidents. see also Bicycles and Bicycling - Accidents; Burns and Scalds;
Drowning; Explosives and Explosions; Falls (accidents); Firearms
Accidents; Industrial Accidents; Traffic Accidents
Sewage worker, Romeo Ouellette, nearly loses life, 01/20/1950:1
James Patterson suffers axe wound in forehead, 02/10/1950:6
Warren Wilson cuts foot with axe, 02/10/1950:6
Accidents continued
Mary Roberts' finger crushed in press at Plymouth Shoe Co.,
Two boys shot in accidents, 05/12/1950:2
Wind pulls ten-year-old Irene Merrill out of car, 05/19/1950:10
G & E worker Edwin Jefferson knocked unconscious by dropped
crossarm, 05/26/1950:1
John Nichols fractures arm in fall at Nemasket Transportation,
Chief Rogers helps organize safety council for southeastern
Massachusetts, 06/30/1950:1
Student pilot, Leslie Travers, escapes death as plane crashes off Rte 28
(p), 09/01/1950:1
Mae Anderson fractures wrist in odd accident, 10/27/1950:5
Student pilot, Leslie Travers, fined for flying too low after crash on Rte
28, 11/17/1950:2
Norman Guidoboni, Jr. caught in pit, boulder breaks leg, 04/26/1951:1
Myricks pilot crashes in Lakeville, 05/10/1951:1
Arthur Kemp's arm mangled in washing machine, 05/24/1951:1
George R. Shaw slashed across neck and face by power saw,
Dorothy Emond overcome by gas in own home, 06/14/1951:4
Ronald Bissonnette killed in rifle accident, 07/05/1951:1
Wilfred Montminy suffers burns in boat explosion, 07/12/1951:2
Shooting of Ronald Bissonnette ruled accidental, 08/09/1951:1
Car jack fails, traps Adolph Becker's foot, 08/16/1951:1
William Greely gashes arm moving damaged car, 08/30/1951:1
Charles Bassett, Jr. hit with 4,000 volts, dies, 11/08/1951:1
Tractor tips, kills Gilbert Simmons, 04/03/1952:1
Eight-year-old Paula Paulson suffers concussion, 05/08/1952:8
Richard D'Elia's chin cut requires stitches, 11/20/1952:9
Taunton man hit by buckshot from Thomas' gun, 12/11/1952:1
Melvin Fenton has part of finger amputated, 12/25/1952:5
Clyde Forbes files damage suit against Jenney Manufacturing Co.,
Town wins verdict in Weston damage suit, 03/19/1953:7
George Lee killed by tree he was felling, 04/09/1953:1
Thomas Hunt's valuable hound killed in hunting accident 50 years ago,
Edward Coombs overcome by fumes at gas plant 50 years ago,
Bog worker Benjamin deSilva shot, search underway for hunter,
Benjamin deSilva has three transfusions, improving, 12/24/1953:1
Four cows die as Guidaboni's barn floor collapses, 11/25/1954:1
Accountants and Accounting
Arthur Parent, income tax consultant (ad), 01/18/1951:10
Ralph Gardner, Jr., public accountant (ad), 05/03/1951:9
Edward Minzner, accountant, Tispaquin St (ad), 01/24/1952:12
Edwin Minzner, Tispaquin St (ad), 12/18/1952:8
Franklin Harlow on board of National Association of Cost Accountants,
Boston Chapter, 02/04/1954:8
William McLaughlin named to national association post, 11/04/1954:9
Ackerley, George A.
New pastor at North Middleboro Congregational, 09/16/1954:1
Ackerly, George A.
North Middleboro Congregational minister on A Christmas Meditation,
Ackerly, Phyllis Ruth
Engaged to Allan Robert Wirth, 10/07/1954:12
Acme Table Pad Co.
9 South Main St (ad), 10/27/1950:5
Actors and Acting
Edward Boucher has small part in film Theresa, 04/10/1952:9
Adair, Dorothy A.
Engaged to Arnold F. Thomas, 04/03/1952:5
Wed to Arnold F. Thomas, 04/17/1952:5
Adair, Dorothy Ann
Wedding described, 04/17/1952:6
Adams, Ainsley
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Adams, Barbara Gaboriau
Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Adams, Joan Marie
Wed to John Rego, Jr., 04/05/1951:5
Adams, Joseph W.
Completes Air Force indoctrination training at Sampson AFB,
Adams, Lily
Engaged to Luther J. Boyd, 05/27/1954:7
Wed to Luther J. Boyd, 06/17/1954:5
Adams, Mrs Joseph
Applies for victualler's license, 07/28/1950:1
Granted victualler's license for Winnie's Cabins, 08/11/1950:8
Adams, Richard
Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4
Adams, Robert Everett
Son of Kenneth and Helen L. Travers dies at age 10, 07/01/1954:6
Obituary, 07/01/1954:10
Adamson, Archibald H.
Three-year-old Mary Ann Pierce hit by car driven by Adamson,
Adaszkiewicz, A. Dunham
Son born, 02/11/1954:4
Adaszkiewicz, Stanley
Son born, 02/11/1954:4
Adaszkiewicz, Stanley John
Engaged to Anna Mabel Rullo, 12/04/1952:5
Wed to Anna Mabel Rullo, 01/08/1953:5
Adelia Richards Scholarship
Description of scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:10
Description of annual scholarship for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:4
Adolescents. see also Middleboro Teen Canteen
Juvenile boys responsible for seven breaks, 01/13/1950:1
Three YMCA Youth Canteens a popular place, 01/27/1950:12
Alice Shurtleff files stubborn child complaint against daughter,
Responsibility for juvenile delinquency (l) (Leo Kahian), 08/26/1954:8
Adult Education
School Committee announces program of four courses, 09/17/1953:1
Eighty-nine sign up for adult courses, 09/24/1953:1
Lakeville offers practical arts classes, 10/22/1953:12
Typing class shown at work (p), 12/10/1953:1
Certificates to be awarded 40 graduates, 03/18/1954:1
Joseph Kyrouz to teach course in civil engineering, 04/15/1954:1
Four courses offered, 79 enroll, 10/14/1954:1
Comptometer classes new offering, 10/21/1954:1
No comptometer course for those on waiting list, 10/28/1954:6
George Pantazoules charged with lewd and lascivious speech and
conduct, and with adultery, 03/17/1950:8
Thomas Sena, Jr., best of everything in advertising (ad), 08/27/1953:11
A.F. Ryder Co. see Alonzo F. Ryder Co.
Gustafson's daughter tells of life as secretary to U.N. Commission in
Somaliland (l), 07/14/1950:4
Albert Crossley and son employed as construction engineers in Africa,
Henry Savage employed as construction engineer in French Morocco,
Oliver Donner gives talk on time in Tanganyika, 11/20/1952:10
Dr George Shepherd, Jr. arrives home from Uganda, 03/26/1953:11
African Americans
Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11
Agriculture. see Brown-Cell Laboratories, Inc.; Farms and Farming
Ahearn, Eugene
Death not due to car crash, 09/01/1950:8
Ahearn, Eugene A.
Judge wants to know cause of death after crash in Lakeville,
Aikens, Clyde F.
Hits deer on Summer St, 12/27/1951:5
Ainslie, Mary Lavinia
Wife of George E. dies at age 68, 12/23/1954:4
Obituary, 12/23/1954:9
Aitken, Jean Prescott
Wed to Harold Lee McAnaugh, 09/24/1953:5
Aitkens, S.D.
Tailor, off Bedford St (ad), 03/18/1954:4
Akerman, Albert
Wed to Diane Cockran, 05/17/1951:8
Akerman, Jean
Engaged to Richard E. Gardner, 01/28/1954:5
Wed to Richard E. Gardner, 02/04/1954:5
Akerman, Ralph
Former owner of Nemasket Gas & Oil Co., 02/25/1954:6
Akers, Daniel
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Akers, Dennis
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Akers, Harold
Lodges complaint about drainage in Pearl St parking lot, 07/10/1952:1
Daughter born, 11/20/1952:7
Akers, Harold P.
Complains to selectmen about flooding of property adjacent to parking
lot, 05/29/1952:1
Akers, Marjorie Lynch
Daughter born, 11/20/1952:7
Akers, Thomas
Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1
Alberti, Adrian
And wife retire from restaurant business, 09/20/1951:6
Alberti, Alfred
Daughter born, 06/23/1950:5
Carries on restaurant business of Mr and Mrs Adrian Alberti,
Alberti, Alfred P.
Daughter born, 03/06/1952:5
Alberti, Doris Freeman
Daughter born, 06/23/1950:5, 03/06/1952:5
Alberti, Mrs Adrian
And husband retire from restaurant business, 09/20/1951:6
Alberts, Murray
Wed to Beverly David, 01/06/1950:2
Wed to Beverly Ruth David, 01/13/1950:5
Alberts Shoe Co.
Employees choose own association over union, 03/24/1950:1
Wins Middleboro Softball League crown, 09/08/1950:5
Gets new transformer bank, 12/27/1951:1
Woman struck by Alberts Shoe Co. truck in Everett, 05/29/1952:1
Juvenile boys set fire to garages, 09/25/1952:10
Employs Melvin Fenton, 12/25/1952:5
Storage shed is third suspicious fire, 02/25/1954:1
Albo, Ausdi
Fire sweeps three acres, starts in Albo incinerator, 04/23/1953:1
Alcoholic Beverages
Gaudette's Package Store (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Mello's Package Store, Main St, Lakeville (ad), 11/29/1951:4
Town Line Country Store new package store (ad), 05/26/1952:9
Basil Neftel wants to move package store 50 feet, 08/28/1952:2
Murphy's Package Store, open Thursday and Friday till 11 p.m. (ad),
Alcoholic Beverages - Law and Legislation. see also Fraternal Order of
Eagles; Linden Lodge; Long Pond Lodge; Neftel, Basil K.
Liquor license transfer requested for new manager, Melford Butts, at
Red Coach Grille, 02/10/1950:2
Selectmen see no basis for issuing seasonal licenses, 02/24/1950:1
Niels Nielsen applies for package store license in Lakeville,
Jennie Morris applies for liquor license for King Philip Cafe,
Panesis' package store license application filed for consideration,
Thomas and Hayward apply for package store license for Lakeville
General Store, 06/02/1950:8
Moskoff license application placed on file, 06/09/1950:14
Gladys Hogan applies for expansion of liquor license, 06/23/1950:4
Census effects on licenses considered, 06/30/1950:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Alcoholic Beverages – Law and Legislation continued
Joseph, Panesis, Hogan, and Moskoff all have applications on file,
Population increase must be officially confirmed before more licenses
added, 07/28/1950:1
State board turns down Eagles' appeal, 07/28/1950:1
Central Baptist asks that no additional liquor licenses be issued,
Guy Davis applies for liquor license, 10/27/1950:12
Selectmen receive liquor license application from Halfway House,
VFW applies for liquor license, 11/17/1950:6
Year-round licensing put before Lakeville board (ad), 11/17/1950:6
Sixteen applications submitted, 11/17/1950:11
Six applications to Lakeville board, 11/17/1950:12
Four applications for licenses, 11/24/1950:5
Lakeville board grants liquor license to Harold Grover, 12/01/1950:8
No opposition to license renewals; George Piver applies for package
store license, 12/08/1950:2
Selectmen vote to renew 20 licenses, 12/08/1950:4
Hearing set for VFW license application (ad), 12/29/1950:8
Selectmen okay transfer of VFW liquor license, 01/11/1951:2
VFW applies for liquor license (ad), 01/25/1951:4
Selectmen favor license transfer from Joseph to new owner of The
Fireside, 02/08/1951:1
VFW club license transferred, 02/08/1951:1
Mix up with state causes question over license revocation, 02/08/1951:9
Lakeville board declines to obey state board, 03/08/1951:1
Jennie Morris of King Philip Cafe applies for license, 03/22/1951:4
Chief Rogers warns violators of prosecution, 04/12/1951:1
Lakeville selectmen test authority of state control commission,
John Crowther applies for liquor license transfer, 08/09/1951:5
Census count provides for only one new license, 19 apply, 09/27/1951:1
Selectmen hold license applications for closed session, 09/27/1951:3
Five notices of application, 09/27/1951:5
Fourteen notices of application, 09/27/1951:6
Three notices of application, 10/04/1951:4
Twenty-four applications for one available license, 10/11/1951:1
Four applications of licenses, 10/11/1951:4
Benjamin Moskoff and Walter Rogers given licenses, 10/18/1951:1
Investigation into service for drunks and children, 10/25/1951:1
One application for license, 10/25/1951:5
Responsibility for wet town up to voters, not selectmen, 11/01/1951:1
Hearing held on license applications, 11/08/1951:1
Applications for 1952 renewals being filed, 11/15/1951:1
Twelve businesses apply for licenses, 11/15/1951:6
Application for liquor license, 11/15/1951:7
Seven applications for licenses in Lakeville, 11/22/1951:4
Eight applications for licenses, 11/22/1951:5
Twelve licenses renewed for 1952, 11/29/1951:1
1952 licenses all granted except one, 12/06/1951:1
Selectmen grant renewal of twelve licenses, refuse Babcock's
application, 12/06/1951:1
State Commission overrules local board in matter of Moskoff's and
Rogers' licenses, 12/06/1951:1
State Commission sustains local refusal of license for Winifred Perry,
Seven applications for licenses, 12/06/1951:5, 12/06/1951:8
Babcock hearing appeal today, 12/13/1951:1
One license application from Lakeville, two from Middleboro,
Babcock appeal withdrawn, 12/20/1951:1
Hearing held on Lakeville license applications, 12/20/1951:1
Selectmen start over on extra license applications, 12/20/1951:1
State representative Worrall wants investigation of state commission,
Babcock re-submits license application, 12/20/1951:7
Lakeville selectmen refuse directive from state commission,
Selectmen receive 13 applications for one available license,
Thirteen license applications, 01/10/1952:2
Alcoholic Beverages – Law and Legislation continued
Selectmen confused by series of communications from state
commission, 02/07/1952:1
Sixteen applications for liquor licenses, 02/07/1952:4
Single license up for consideration again, 13 applicants, 02/14/1952:1
Liquor license application, 02/14/1952:2
Jennie Morris charged with liquor violations, 02/14/1952:3
Liquor law violations claimed, King Phillip Inn license suspended,
Harrison Holbrook applies for package store license, 02/21/1952:6
Liquor applicants appeal to state commission, 02/28/1952:1
Two license renewal applications, 03/13/1952:4
State Commission to inspect locations here, 04/17/1952:1
Appeals to state commission turned down, 05/22/1952:1
George Powers applies for package store license, 05/22/1952:7
Crowther loses alcohol license for 30 days, 07/17/1952:10
Walter and James Thompson request liquor license transfer to John
Perkins (ad), 08/14/1952:6
Joseph Teceno requests transfer of license to new location,
License transferred from Thompson & Son to John Perkins,
Alarming increase in cases involving alcohol, 10/30/1952:6
Town stays wet in recent election, 11/06/1952:1
Anna Joseph charged with violating liquor laws on Armistice Day,
Selectmen receive fourteen applications for renewals, 11/20/1952:1
Middleboro Lithuanian, Polish, American Club applies for license,
John Cabot Club application for liquor license, 11/20/1952:5
Six applications for Lakeville liquor licenses, 11/20/1952:6
Sixteen applications for Middleboro liquor licenses, 11/20/1952:6
Three applications for liquor licenses, 11/20/1952:11
Anna Joseph to be reprimanded, 11/27/1952:1
Selectmen satisfied with inspections of 21 businesses applying for
licenses, 11/27/1952:4
All applications for renewal granted, 12/11/1952:1
Joseph Teceno applies for license transfer (ad), 12/11/1952:6
No fee changes for 1953, 12/25/1952:1
Teceno gets hearing on transfer request, 12/25/1952:1
Notice of Teceno application (ad), 12/25/1952:5
License transfer for Teceno confirmed, 01/08/1953:1
Two Lakeville businesses apply for license renewals, 03/19/1953:5
Turnbull applies for seasonal club license for The Lodge, Inc., formerly
Old Tavern, 04/30/1953:1
Fred Turnbull applies for liquor license (ad), 04/30/1953:6
Seasonal club license for Turnbull okayed by selectmen, 05/14/1953:1
George Powers files application for liquor license for Club Cape
Codder, 05/28/1953:3
State Commission approves license for The Lodge, Inc., 05/28/1953:3
Seasonal club fee fixed at $400, 05/28/1953:6
Turnbull gives up license, will not serve liquor at new restaurant,
Teceno's liquor license transfers to Hi-Way 28, 06/11/1953:10
Turnbull declines liquor license, price too high, 06/11/1953:10
Red Coach Grille liquor license transferred from Butts to Johanson,
Annual fee for Sunday license set at $15, 10/01/1953:10
Central Cafe and Hi-Way 28 under investigated for sale of liquor to
minor, 11/05/1953:1
Peter Chiuppi applies for liquor license (ad), 11/19/1953:5
Seventeen apply for liquor licenses (ad), 11/19/1953:6
Two license applications (ad), 11/19/1953:11
License applications for Middleboro and Lakeville (ad), 11/26/1953:4
Five applications to Lakeville licensing board (ad), 11/26/1953:5
Six license applications from Lakeville (ad), 11/26/1953:9
George Powers granted club license, 12/03/1953:4
Selectmen vote on license renewals, 12/03/1953:4
License for Powers cannot be issued till January, 12/17/1953:1
George Powers applies for license for Lodge, Inc., 01/07/1954:2
John Perkins applies to transfer liquor license to Robert C. Dayton,
License transfer from Perkins to Dayton approved, 01/14/1954:10
George Powers grant liquor license, 01/21/1954:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Alcoholic Beverages – Law and Legislation continued
Clarence Dimond added to Mid-Way Cafe liquor permit, 02/18/1954:7
Morris and Grover apply for Lakeville licenses (ad), 03/18/1954:5
Anna Joseph applies to transfer liquor license to Benjamin Crocker,
Turnbull's application for liquor license, 05/13/1954:11
Vote 'Yes' for licenses (ad), 10/28/1954:3
Seventeen businesses apply for liquor license renewals, 11/11/1954:5
Four more license applications, 11/11/1954:6
Seven Lakeville businesses apply for licenses, 11/18/1954:8
Alden, Agnes E.
Bicyclist David Squieres hit by car driven by Agnes Alden,
Alden, Alice M.
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Alden, Annie Delia
Widow of Arthur H. dies at age 86, 10/04/1951:4
Obituary, 10/04/1951:8
Alden, Arthur B.
Daughter born, 02/18/1954:6
Alden, Betty
Teaches in Plymouth public schools 50 years ago, 01/07/1954:7
Alden, Carrie E.
Obituary, 08/20/1953:2
Alden, Ellen E.
Engaged to Ralph J. McCarthy, 10/13/1950:7
Wed to Ralph M. McCarthy, 11/10/1950:7
Alden, Hope
Employed with Water Department, 05/05/1950:10
Alden, Leon V.
Suggests that new school worth some sacrifice (l), 05/19/1950:1
To the Class of 1950 MHS (poem), 06/09/1950:9
Alden, Maynard
Enters BAA marathon, 04/17/1952:4
Finishes 18th in Brockton 10-miler, 09/04/1952:4
Alden, Maynard Russell
Engaged to Beatrice E. Thomas, 10/29/1953:5
Wed to Beatrice E. Thomas, 11/05/1953:7
Alden, Myles S.
Eligible for promotion at Department of Public Works, 02/03/1950:7
Alden, Persis
On lunchroom staff at MHS cafeteria (p), 04/01/1954:1
Alden, Rachel
Profile of MHS teacher, 03/31/1950:10
Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1
MHS English teacher resigns, 05/13/1954:1
Alden, Ruth
Applies to government teacher exchange program, 02/10/1950:1
Alden, Sally
Engaged to Wilfred Maynard, 07/02/1953:3
Engaged to Wilfred Roy Maynard, 07/16/1953:4
Wed to Wilfred Roy Maynard, 07/23/1953:4
Wedding described, 07/23/1953:7
Alden, Stuart
West Bridgewater couple recently wed, 01/25/1951:5
Alden, Virginia Boarn
Daughter born, 02/18/1954:6
Alden, Walker & Wilde
Shoe factory builds addition 50 years ago, 08/12/1954:8
Does business in Weymouth 50 years ago, 11/11/1954:4
Aldrich, O.J.
Mansfield couple married 50 years, 09/30/1954:8
Alewives. see Herring
Alexander, J. Herbert
Plans to organize organic gardening society, 02/21/1952:2
Elected President of MA Cultivated Blueberry Growers Association,
Hosts annual meeting of MA Cultivated Blueberry Association,
Re-elected president of Blueberry Growers Assoc, 12/09/1954:5
Alexander, W.H.
Lieutenant (jg) sends check for Community Christmas Fund (l),
Alger, Caroline
Who's who in MHS senior class, 05/26/1950:8
Member of Scrolls honorary society at UMass, 05/24/1951:1
Alger, Carolyn
Enters University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 09/22/1950:5
Member of UMass band, 11/17/1950:3
Delegate to California convention, 03/06/1952:1
Rush chairman for Sigma Kappa at UMass, 03/20/1952:10
Named to Mardi Gras committee at UMass, 04/10/1952:8
Local woman to receives degree from UMass (p), 06/03/1954:6
Alger, Carolyn C.
Pledges Sigma Kappa at UMass, 02/01/1951:9
Named president of Panhellenic Council, 10/22/1953:4
New elementary teacher, 02/11/1954:10
On honor list at UMass, 04/15/1954:1
Selected for Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and
Universities, 04/29/1954:1
New teacher at Flora M. Clark School, 10/07/1954:9
Alger, Carolyn Cushing
Engaged to John Vyn Marx, 12/16/1954:2
Alger, Carolyn G.
Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1
Alger, Dolph
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Alger, Elizabeth
MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1
Alger, Frank J.
Obituary, 11/19/1953:4
Alger, H.A.
H.A. Alger & Co. purchases printing plant of H.W. Eldridge 50 years
ago, 10/21/1954:10
Alger, John
Secretary of Dartmouth Chi Phi chapter, 11/27/1952:8
Alger, John R.
Resumes studies at Dartmouth College, 01/06/1950:7
Resides in Hanover, NH, 03/03/1950:3
To receive Bachelor of Arts degree from Dartmouth (p), 06/11/1953:1
Alger, Mary Ann
Engaged to Bruce Shufelt, 01/20/1950:6
Engaged to Bruce W. Shufelt, 01/27/1950:6
Wedding described, 02/10/1950:8
Wed to Bruce W. Shufelt, 02/17/1950:7
Alger, Mildred Barclay
Son born, 11/08/1951:7
Alger, Mrs Dolph
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 05/26/1952:1
Alger, Rhodolphus
Couple moves into new home on Bloomfield Ave, 04/09/1953:2
Alger, Rhodolphus P.
Candidate for Board of Selectmen (ad) (p), 01/13/1950:5
Newly elected selectman (p), 01/20/1950:1
Coin collection stolen in break-in at South Main St house, 09/15/1950:1
Honored guest at annual Legion get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12
Re-elect selectman (ad) (p), 01/15/1953:2
Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1
Named chairman of Board of Selectmen (p), 01/21/1954:1
Bloomfield Ave couple married 25 years, 06/17/1954:1
Alger, Robert
Son born, 11/08/1951:7
Alger, Rudolphus P.
Candidate for re-election to Board of Selectmen, 12/11/1952:1
Alger, Sally
Who's who in MHS senior class, 02/01/1951:2
Selected head of social committee of Cornell Student Union,
Alger, Sally P.
Freshman at Cornell University, NY, 09/13/1951:10
Alger, Stanley F.
Attends MIT, 04/07/1950:11
Alger, Stanley F., Jr.
Grad student at MIT School of Architecture, 03/29/1951:9
Running for seat on Planning Board, 12/13/1951:1
Graduates MIT School of Architecture and Planning, 06/05/1952:2
Engaged to Alice Souza, 04/16/1953:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Alger, Stanley Francis, Jr.
Wedding described, 02/11/1954:5
Alger, Ted
Wins June bass tourney, 07/15/1954:8
Takes July bass prize too, 08/05/1954:10
Alger, Walter E., Jr.
Receives degree from Colby College, 06/16/1950:4
Takes teaching post in Fairbault, MN, 09/18/1952:1
Alger, Walter, Jr.
Graduates from Colby College, 06/16/1950:11
Takes teaching post in Maine, 08/18/1950:3
Alger Box Co.
Establishes trade in fancy paper boxes 50 years ago, 04/22/1954:10
Total of 233 aliens register here, 01/11/1951:1
All must report address, 01/03/1952:1
Two hundred and ten Middleboro residents registered, 02/12/1953:1
Allan, Bert J.
Obituary, 02/03/1950:1
Dies at age 86, 02/03/1950:5
Petition for administration of estate, 10/27/1950:9
Allan, Elmer
Sells Pleasant St property to Lydia Ayotte, 03/26/1953:9
Allan, Elmer G.
Public auction (ad), 04/28/1950:11
Nine herb gardens surround 200-year-old home (p), 08/05/1954:2
Allan, Mrs Elmer G.
Nine herb gardens surround 200-year-old home (p), 08/05/1854:2
Allander, Edwin Lee
Wedding described, 12/10/1953:3
Wed to Betty Ann Derosier, 12/10/1953:6
Allan's Cabins
Selectmen allow roadside sign for Allan's Cabins, 08/13/1953:4
Allan's New Trailer Park
Rte 28, visitors welcome (ad), 09/03/1953:7
Allen (Mr)
Resumes teaching at MHS, 09/29/1950:5
Allen, Carolyn
Completes boot training at Bainbridge, WA, 07/02/1953:7
Allen, Carolyn Jean
Enlists in U.S. Navy, 04/16/1953:1
Allen, Daird
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Allen, Dene
Daughter born, 08/30/1951:5
Allen, Dene Russell
Wed to Florence Simmons, 10/02/1952:5
Allen, Dominga
Sheriff's sale of real estate at auction, 11/11/1954:10
Allen, Dorothea Dwyer
Daughter born, 11/26/1953:4
Allen, Edwin
Son born, 06/05/1952:7
Allen, Elizabeth Rines
Son born, 06/05/1952:7
Allen, Elliot
Daughter born, 08/21/1952:5
Allen, Elliot R.
Resigns from MHS to take teaching post in Springfield, 04/08/1954:1
Teacher in Springfield high school, 07/01/1954:10
Allen, Elliott R.
Granted scholarship for 5-week workshop at Boston University,
Allen, Elmer G.
Auley MacAuley files petition to foreclose, 05/14/1953:6
Allen, Ernest
Daughter born, 11/26/1953:4
Allen, Florence Simmons
Daughter born, 08/30/1951:5
Allen, Frank
Drowns in Assawampsett Pond 50 years ago, 12/17/1953:10
Allen, Frederic Paul
Undergoes recruit training at Parris Island, SC (p), 08/27/1953:1
Allen, Freeman H.
Wed to Christine E. Braley, 10/01/1953:5
Allen, Freeman Henry
East Taunton man dies at age 34, 12/09/1954:4
Obituary, 12/09/1954:14
Allen, Freeman K.
Engaged to Christina Braley, 09/17/1953:6
Allen, Guy
Sheriff's sale of real estate at auction, 11/11/1954:10
Allen, Hazel
Engaged to Wilbur Ballard, 07/07/1950:5
Allen, Helen
Wedding described, 08/04/1950:8
Allen, Leila M.
Auley MacAuley files petition to foreclose, 05/14/1953:6
Allen, Lenora Frances
Obituary, 12/22/1950:7
Widow of Frank A. dies at age 81, 12/22/1950:7
Allen, Leo Curtis
Wed to Carmen Augusta Kennedy, 02/22/1951:5
Allen, Leon Clement
Obituary, 05/29/1952:4
Dies at age 67, 05/29/1952:5
Allen, Mary Durgin
Daughter born, 10/09/1952:5
Allen, Nellie
Couple granted permit for overnight cabins on East Grove St,
Allen, Phyllis Chandler
Daughter born, 06/25/1953:5
Allen, Robert H.
Fractures skull in truck accident, 05/14/1953:6
Enlists in U.S. Marine Corps (p), 08/05/1954:1
Allen, Shirley M.
Engaged to Charles I. Vaughan, 05/07/1953:4
Wed to Charles I. Vaughan, 05/21/1953:6
Allen, Sylvia Forman
Daughter born, 08/21/1952:5
Allen, Wayne
Daughter born, 10/09/1952:5
Allen, William
Daughter born, 06/25/1953:5
Allen, William C.
Couple granted permit for overnight cabins on East Grove St,
Allender, Edwin
Engaged to Betty Ann Derosier, 07/16/1953:5
Allender, Edwin Lee
Engaged to Betty Ann Derosier, 11/26/1953:4
Cabot Club Conservation Committee will attempt eradication of
ragweed, 07/12/1951:1
4-H clubs collect ton of ragweed, 07/19/1951:1
Alley, Arthur
Son born, 04/07/1950:7
Sergeant 1st Class with 653rd Artillery, Fort Sill, OK, 02/08/1951:6
Resides in Watkins Glen, NY, 10/16/1952:5
Lieutenant stationed at Sampson AFB, NY, 07/23/1953:10
Alley, Arthur J.
Sergeant discharged, called back to active duty as Lieutenant,
Lieutenant stationed at AFB in Sampson, NY, 07/19/1951:10
Pays $35 in case of leaving scene of property damage, 07/03/1952:2
Awarded Armed Forces Reserve Medal, 11/13/1952:3
Alley, Arthur James
Graduates from Boston University, 06/09/1950:10
Alley, Herbert R.
Inducted into U.S. Army, 11/08/1951:1
Alley, Herbert Richard
Called for Army service, 10/18/1951:1
Alley, John
Serves with Marines in California, 06/07/1951:1
Alley, John D.
Engaged to Patricia Patstone, 09/11/1952:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Alley, John Dexter
Wed to Patricia Myrtle Patstone, 10/02/1952:5
Wedding described, 10/02/1952:9
Alley, Leon A.
Sanatorium director retires after 26 years, 10/27/1950:4
Reception held for retiring superintendent, 11/03/1950:1
Retires as sanatorium super, replaced by Harry Clark, 11/03/1950:1
Alley, Madeline Panesis
Son born, 04/07/1950:7
Alley, Patricia
Wedding described, 03/05/1953:5
Allgaier, Ann
Married in Pottsdam, NY, 06/28/1951:7
Allison, Matthew
Found dead at East Main St home, 02/12/1953:1
Petition for administration of estate, 02/19/1953:6
Only $880 in cash found at home, $469 in the bank, 02/26/1953:1
Estate valued at $13,561, 03/05/1953:6
Estate of recluse valued at $17,073, 03/26/1953:1
Clarification on disposal of estate (ad), 04/23/1953:11
Plan for disposal of property, 04/23/1953:11
Alm, E. Lawrence
Engaged to Rosemarie Quigley, 05/03/1951:6
Alm, Lawrence
Wedding described, 06/07/1951:4
Alm, Rosemarie Quigley
Receives Bachelor of Science degree from Ithaca College (p),
Almeida, Dennis
Engaged to Elaine E. Wilson, 11/08/1951:8, 11/29/1951:7
Wed to Elaine E. Wilson, 12/27/1951:4
Daughter born, 07/03/1952:5
Son born, 04/15/1954:6
Almeida, Elaine Wilson
Daughter born, 07/03/1952:5
Son born, 04/15/1954:6
Almeida, Frank Manuel
Wed to Mary Lorraine Santos, 12/04/1952:5
Almeida, Julia A.
Wed to Carl L. Santos, 04/22/1954:6
Almeida, Manuel
Fined $10 for allowing operation by improper driver, 04/08/1954:10
Almeida, Manuel A.
Foreclosure notice, 12/16/1954:6
Almeida, Punk
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Almeida, Ruth M.
Foreclosure notice, 12/16/1954:6
Almeida Bus Co.
Bus knocks down fire alarm box, James Longworth injured,
Selectmen investigate obligations of franchise, 10/23/1952:1
Selectmen oppose change in schedule, 07/30/1953:1
Parolee George Rooney charged with grand larceny from Almeida Bus
Co., 07/15/1954:1
Selectmen annoyed with lack of service, 07/22/1954:1
Almquist, Arthur Edwin
Obituary, 09/01/1950:4
Husband of Ruey W. Watts dies at age 59, 09/01/1950:5
Alonzo F. Ryder Co.
Pre-inventory sale (ad), 01/13/1950:3
James McNeil Co., formerly A.F. Ryder Co. (ad), 09/29/1950:5
Store changes name to James McNeil Co., 09/29/1950:10
Alosi, Alvin
Graduates from Boston University, 06/09/1950:10
Alpert, Pauline June
Engaged to Myron Stein, 06/18/1953:4
Wed to Myron Stein, 06/25/1953:4
Alpert, Sally
Wed to Herbert Gibson, 07/19/1951:5
Wedding described, 07/26/1951:8
Al's Lunch
Albert Thomas granted victualler's license, 01/24/1952:1
Alumni Scholarship Fund
Description of scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:1
Alves, Alice
Wed to Roger Montrond, 07/24/1952:5
Alves, Frank, Jr.
Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1
Alyce Beauty Center
Closed due to illness (ad), 01/27/1950:2
Re-opens at 249 Center St (ad), 04/17/1952:3
Helen Malenfant at new location (ad), 10/23/1952:2
Alzen, Arlene
Wedding described, 11/18/1954:4
Amaral, Amelia Cjereci
Son born, 09/22/1950:5
Amaral, David
Son born, 09/22/1950:5
Amaral, Edward A.
Marine Technical Sergeant recalled to active duty, 09/22/1950:8
Amaral, Eleanor Garafalo
Daughter born, 08/18/1950:5, 05/26/1952:5
Amaral, Manuel
Daughter born, 08/18/1950:5, 05/26/1952:5
Ambulances. see Emergency Medical Services
American Cancer Society
Middleboro campaign raises half of quota thus far, 04/30/1953:3
American Cranberry Exchange
Berry prospects good, 08/09/1951:10
Berries open at $15 per barrel, 09/13/1951:1
American Heart Association
Dr Stuart Silliker chair of local campaign, 02/03/1950:1
Details of campaign, 02/10/1950:8
Samuel Orlov heads local fund drive, 02/05/1953:1
Middleboro fund total $877, 07/16/1953:1
American Legion - Simeon L. Nickerson Post
Observes Veterans' Night, 04/07/1950:6
Scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:1
Medal awarded to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:10
George McCrillis elected to attend Boys' State, 05/26/1950:1
Opens campaign for 4th of July celebration, 06/09/1950:1
Ray Tripp, Jr. and Roy Kinsman named to attend Boys' State,
George McCrillis reports on Boys' State, 07/28/1950:1
Annual meeting election puts John Rockwell, Jr. in top post,
Presents annual minstrel show, 03/29/1951:1
Bobby Brown named assistant baseball coach to Legion Juniors,
Holds annual Get-Together, 05/03/1951:5
Harry Reed new coach for Legion's Junior Baseball League,
George Marois and David Caswell chosen to attend Boys' State,
Launches blood drive in cooperation with St. Luke's, 05/24/1951:1
Announces 4th of July program, asks for contributions, 06/21/1951:1
Wilmoth Waterman commander-elect of local Legion post,
Aids United Defense Fund, 02/21/1952:1
Carnival date settled by coin toss, 04/24/1952:6
Honored guests at annual get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12
Description of annual scholarship for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:1
Description of annual medal for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:4
Luke Leonard and Fred Hanson chosen to attend Boys' State,
Officers elected at annual meeting, 09/04/1952:1
Presents proposal to school building committee, 11/27/1952:4
Burns mortgage at get together, 03/26/1953:2
Junior Leaguers cannot play for Twilight League too, 04/30/1953:2
Will not field Junior League entry, 05/21/1953:12
Richard Weaver chosen to attend Boys' State, 06/18/1953:1
Sponsors drive for McDonald family in wake of Abington fire,
Raises $200 for MacDonald fund; also aids Paquin fund, 02/11/1954:1
Receives special citation at annual meeting, 03/25/1954:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
American Legion - Simeon L. Nickerson Post continued
McDonald, Fawcett, Mortimer, and Levesque to represent MHS at
Boys' State, 05/20/1954:1
Two youths chosen to attend Boys' State, 06/17/1954:1
William Begley tapped as new commander (p), 09/23/1954:1
Rifle and Pistol Club marks 25th anniversary, 11/11/1954:2
John Rockwell named to national Legion committee, 12/09/1954:1
American Legion - Simeon L. Nickerson Post, Women's Auxiliary
Mary Kay Rudolph chosen Girl's State representative, 05/10/1951:1
Mary Kay Rudolph wins honors at Girls' State, 06/28/1951:5
Alice Moranville chosen to attend Girls' State, 06/05/1952:6
Alice Moranville named city clerk for Girls' State, 06/19/1952:1
Conducts gift shop for disabled vets, 08/28/1952:5
Janice Caswell chosen to attend Girls' State, 05/14/1953:1
Conducts Disabled Veteran's Christmas Shop, 10/15/1953:5
Joan Jefferson elected to attend Girls' State, 05/06/1954:1
Joan Jefferson chosen District Attorney at Girls' State, 07/01/1954:1
American Red Cross. see Red Cross - Middleboro Chapter
Thomas Edward Hirst writes of trailer life in Florida (l), 01/06/1950:7
Mrs Robert Butler, Jr. writes of dog days in Alaska (l), 08/25/1950:1
Mr and Mrs William Curley feted by Canadian steamship line,
Andrew Wood returns from two-month trip as far north as Alaska,
Mr and Mrs Charles Rogers return from trip to Mexico, 12/29/1950:1
Peterson and Thomas see reception of English royalty in Niagara Falls,
Canada, 10/18/1951:1
Mr and Mrs John Howes sail to Rio de Janeiro, 01/24/1952:11
Anthony Coombs misses fourth Cuban revolution, 03/13/1952:1
Harriet Campbell writes from St. John's, Newfoundland (l),
Campbell writes again, this time in real Newfoundland blizzard (l),
Arthur Shaw leaves for tour of Caribbean, 02/12/1953:7
Albert Guidaboni's car bogs down on Arizona mountain, 03/05/1953:1
Arizona resident comments on Guidaboni's experience in mountains (l)
(Alice Macdonald), 04/02/1953:1
Mr and Mrs James Glidden return from 10,000-mile trip to West Coast,
The sail to Block Island (l) (C.E. Clark), 08/06/1953:4
Samuel Chiuppi renews ties with sister in Brazil after 48 years,
Anthony Coombs leaves for 25th vacation in Cuba, 02/11/1954:2
Two Alaska-bound couples made their own travel trailer (p),
John Marshall completes 12th trip across United States, 09/09/1954:1
Nelson Manwaring returns from 7,000 cross-country trip, 11/04/1954:5
Ames, Lucinda Howe
Reunion of 44 descendants, 09/20/1951:5
Ames, Mary Leahy
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Ames, Robert
Stationed at Great Lakes Naval Training center, 02/15/1951:10
Engaged to Betty Millet, 09/04/1952:4
Couple moves to apartment on Plymouth St, 09/25/1952:4
Ames, Robert E.
Engaged to Margaret E. Millett, 08/28/1952:5
Wed to Margaret E. Millett, 09/11/1952:5
Ames, Robert Edward
Engaged to Margaret Elizabeth Millett, 05/15/1952:6
Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11
Amsden, Paul
Granted secondhand furniture license, 09/17/1953:7
Anacki, Alexander
Charged with illegitimacy, 09/03/1953:5
Withdraws appeal, ordered to pay child support, 02/04/1954:4
Anacki, Alexander M.
Appeals finding of paternity, 11/05/1953:9
Anacki, Andrew
Son born, 10/14/1954:4
Anacki, Daniel
Receives Achievement Award in Chemistry at Massachusetts Maritime
Academy, 02/10/1950:2
Anacki, Daniel W.
Graduates from Massachusetts Maritime Academy (p), 09/20/1951:1
Anacki, Eugene
Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1
Private stationed at Camp Pickett, VA, 05/24/1951:2
Graduates from 43rd Infantry Division Leaders School in southern
Germany, 08/14/1952:8
Returns from duty in Europe, 12/25/1952:1
Anacki, Gladys
Employed as telephone operator, 10/01/1953:5
Anacki, Phyllis Blanchard
Son born, 10/14/1954:4
Ancient Free & Accepted Order of Masons - Mayflower Lodge
C.I. Starkey chosen proxy to grand lodge 50 years ago, 01/21/1954:7
Installs officers 50 years ago, 12/16/1954:10
Anctil, Delores May
Engaged to Harold Beal, Jr., 12/09/1954:4
Anderson, Andrew M.
Obituary, 01/31/1952:5
Anderson, Bernard A.
Kinsman Dairy truck and Harris' car collide on Wareham St,
Collide with Norman Goodwin in front of post office, 04/15/1954:3
Collides with Rhode Island driver on Wareham St, 06/03/1954:2
Anderson, Burnett E.
Shop destroyed by fire, now back in operation (ad), 03/11/1954:2
Anderson, Carol
Enlists in WAVES (p), 07/08/1954:1
Anderson, Charles A.
Edward Ouellette hits two cars in parking area along Nickerson Ave,
Fined $5 for failure to stop, 12/02/1954:2
Anderson, Charles R.
Boy runs into Anderson's coupe, 01/03/1952:1
Anderson, Clair E.
Notice of Lakeville tax taking, 02/26/1953:4
Anderson, Cora
South Middleboro Grange observes 40th anniversary (p), 12/10/1953:11
Local Ground Observer Corps group meets (p), 01/14/1954:3
Anderson, David
Granted secondhand furniture license, 08/27/1953:11
Anderson, Deborah A.
Engaged to Joseph A. Walker, Jr., 05/24/1951:1, 07/12/1951:4
Wed to Joseph A. Walker, Jr., 07/19/1951:5
Anderson, Deborah Agnes
Wedding described, 07/19/1951:3
Anderson, Dorothy Keyes
MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1
Anderson, Frederick L.
Son born, 05/05/1950:2
Anderson, Frederick L., Jr.
Born to Frederick L., 05/05/1950:2
Anderson, Gordon
Daughter born, 05/12/1950:7
Anderson, Harry, Jr.
Resides in San Francisco, CA, 09/13/1951:10
Anderson, Harry T.
Appointed to position of superintendent of mails here, 11/27/1952:1
Anderson, Hulda C.
Age 95, lived in Middleboro 63 years, 03/03/1950:1
Receives radiogram from Japan on 95th birthday, 03/10/1950:6
Obituary, 11/27/1952:8
Petition for probate of will, 12/25/1952:7
Anderson, Hulda Charlotte
Dies at age 97, 11/27/1952:5
Anderson, Kathleen Shaw
Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4
Anderson, Leon F.
Obituary, 08/16/1951:10
Petition for probate of will, 08/23/1951:2
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Anderson, Leonard J.
New art teacher at MHS, 08/11/1950:6
MHS art assistant resigns, 08/07/1952:1
Anderson, Leonard Joseph
Profile of MHS art teacher, 10/06/1950:9
Anderson, Mae C.
Fractures wrist in odd accident, 10/27/1950:5
Anderson, Maude Perry
MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1
Seven from MHS Class of 1901 hold 50th reunion (p), 08/30/1951:1
Anderson, Mrs Paul
Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for
sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1
Anderson, Mrs Roy
Resides in Durham, NC, 06/24/1954:7
Anderson, Nancy S.
Obituary, 02/10/1950:3
Widow of Oscar dies at age 83, 02/10/1950:6
Anderson, Olie Gertrude
Widow of Andrew M. dies at age 69, 12/02/1954:4
Anderson, Paul
Honored guest at annual Legion get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12
Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1
Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4
Anderson, Paul T.
Passes civil service exam for engineers, 03/03/1950:1
Files nomination papers for Board of Selectmen, 11/15/1951:1
Biographical sketch of selectman's candidate, 12/27/1951:6
Candidate for selectman makes statement (p), 01/10/1952:1
For Board of Selectmen (ad) (p), 01/17/1952:9
Promoted to District Sanitary Engineer for SE District, 02/07/1952:9
Promoted to District Sanitary Engineer for 108 towns and cities in SE
Mass, 01/14/1954:10
Local Republicans meet with Governor Herter (p), 10/07/1954:1
To run for re-election to Board of Selectmen, 11/25/1954:1
Anderson, Rhoda E.
Engaged to John M. Deane, 02/25/1954:4
Wed to John M. Deane, 04/22/1954:6
Anderson, Robert
Rice St couple married 25 years, 01/20/1950:2
MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p),
Lieutenant leaves for San Diego, CA, 01/11/1951:9
Lieutenant appointed legal officer for Beach Group No. 1, Yokosuka,
Japan, 04/26/1951:12
Lieutenant calls from Japan, 05/24/1951:12
MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p),
MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1
Lieutenant returns from Japan, assigned to Newport as instructor,
Anderson, Robert L.
Set to graduate from Boston University Law School, 06/02/1950:1
Passes state bar exams, 10/13/1950:1
Passes state bar exam, 11/17/1950:8
Lieutenant called to active duty, 12/22/1950:12
Lieutenant stationed in Japan, 08/30/1951:9
Graduates from U.S. School of Justice with highest grades (p),
Sworn in as member of Court of Military Appeals, Washington,
Resumes law practice after Navy service (p), 09/17/1953:1
Attorney opens office at 81 Center St (ad), 09/24/1953:3
Promoted to Lieutenant Commander in Navy, 06/10/1954:10
Seeks post on School Committee (p), 11/25/1954:1
Anderson, Robert Leonard
Graduates from Boston University, 06/09/1950:10
Appointed notary public, 12/22/1950:5
Anderson, Roger
Employed by Art's Auto Sales on Rte 28 (p), 07/16/1953:6
Anderson, S.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Anderson, Shirley
Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1
Anderson, Shirley Leland
Daughter born, 05/12/1950:7
Anderson, Virginia Gertrude
Engaged to Ronald Franklin Tibbetts, 01/15/1953:7
Wed to Ronald Franklin Tibbetts, 01/22/1953:5
Anderson, Virginia H.
Wedding described, 01/22/1953:4
Anderson, William S.
Walks into side of Thomas Hearn's car, 01/08/1953:1
Andrade, Anne Galvan
Daughter born, 11/18/1954:6
Andrade, Edward
Twin daughters born, 05/24/1951:7
Andrade, Edward H.
Wed to Mary V. Roderick, 12/02/1954:4
Andrade, George
Son born, 06/21/1951:5
Andrade, George A.
Wed to Vinceinces D. Almeida Williams, 05/17/1951:5
Leaves for military induction, 08/09/1951:4
Andrade, Louis
Charged with trespassing by Alice Balboni, 04/12/1951:10
Andrade, Manuel J.
Engaged to Lillian Agnes Corayer, 02/01/1951:9
Andrade, Manuel J., Jr.
Engaged to Lillian A. Corayer, 04/12/1951:5
Andrade, Manuel James, Jr.
Wed to Lillian A. Corayer, 04/19/1951:5
Wedding described, 04/19/1951:5
Andrade, Mary Roderick
Twin daughters born, 05/24/1951:7
Andrade, Richard
Daughter born, 11/18/1954:6
Andrade, Richard A.
Wed to Ann H. Galvan, 07/22/1954:5
Andrade, Roy M.
Wed to Mary E. Lopes, 02/12/1953:5
Andrade, Vinceincea Almeida
Son born, 06/21/1951:5
Andre, Rose
Rear of Cook's Jewelry Store gutted by fire, 03/12/1953:1
Andrews, Anne
Employed at Assawompsett School, 02/14/1952:10
Andrews, Antone, Jr.
Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1
Andrews, Ceasar
Gets second crop of strawberries, 09/27/1951:8
Andrews, Charles
Son born, 05/24/1951:7
Andrews, Charles Frank
Daughter born, 02/18/1954:6
Andrews, Christine Denino
Daughter born, 02/18/1954:6
Andrews, Christine Dinino
Son born, 05/24/1951:7
Andrews, David, 3rd
Private heads for Fort Bliss, TX, 12/09/1954:5
Andrews, David, Jr.
Moves into new home on School St; employed at brick company in
Bridgewater, 07/23/1953:9
Andrews, Earle F.
Foreclosure notice, 07/23/1953:9
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/15/1953:2
Andrews, Elaine
Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into
organization (p), 05/24/1951:1
South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home
(p), 10/18/1951:1
Andrews, Harry Lincoln
Taunton man dies at age 79, 08/04/1950:5
Obituary, 08/04/1950:8
Andrews, Ida M.
Lets portion of home to Frederick Myers, 08/30/1951:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Andrews, Jason
Attends Harvard College, 04/03/1952:6
Andrews, Jason Israel
Who's who in MHS senior class, 03/31/1950:6
Andrews, Jesse
Dies at age 74, 04/14/1950:6
Bog worker found dead in bog house, ruled natural causes,
Andrews, Joseph Thomas
Wed to Mary Fontes, 07/31/1952:5
Andrews, Lucy M.
Foreclosure notice, 07/23/1953:9
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/15/1953:2
Andrews, Mary E.
Foreclosure notice, 07/23/1953:9
Andrews, Norman S.
Engaged to Margery Mag, 06/21/1951:6
Wed to Margery Mag, 08/30/1951:8
Andrews, R.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Andrews, Robert
Volunteers for military service, 02/04/1954:7
Andrews, Roland
MHS football team set for 1952 campaign (p), 09/04/1952:1
Andrews, Ruth W.
Fratex Plastics stylist for Middleboro and vicinity (ad), 11/15/1951:2
Andrews, Thomas F.
Foreclosure notice, 07/23/1953:9
Andrews' Shoe Store
52 Center St (ad), 12/15/1950:3
Andrick, John
Wed to Margaret Kiff, 02/21/1952:4
Angelini, Richard Joseph
Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1
Angelo, Kenneth
Daughter born, 10/11/1951:7
Angelo, Kenneth L.
On Dean's List at Bryant College, 05/26/1950:4
Angelo, Thalia Caswell
Daughter born, 10/11/1951:7
Angers, Charles
Uses modern farming equipment (p), 10/08/1953:1
Angers, Lorraine H.
Engaged to Oliver Francis Letourneau, 09/27/1951:4
Wed to Oliver Francis Letourneau, 10/11/1951:4
Angers, Lorraine Harland
Wedding described, 10/11/1951:6
Angers, Norma
Engaged to Arthur Paquin, 04/03/1952:9
Angers, Norma Claire
Engaged to Arthur Paquin, 01/03/1952:5
Angers' Poultry Farm
Leonard St, Lakeville (ad), 12/11/1952:2
Angus, Margaret Carney
Widow of Nathaniel Kay dies at age 56, 10/30/1952:7
Obituary, 10/30/1952:12
Angus, Nathaniel Kay
Husband of Margaret Carney dies at age 85, 01/27/1950:6
Obituary, 01/27/1950:6
Animal Welfare
Carl Sampson not guilty of cruelty to dog, 12/30/1954:4
Ankuda, Barbara DeCoff
Son born, 12/23/1954:4
Ankuda, John
Son born, 12/23/1954:4
Ankuda, Louise
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Annas, John
Former Central Methodist pastor heads for Hiroshima, Japan,
Annas, John Wesley, Jr.
Presents gifts to Central Methodist, 02/04/1954:9
Annas, Mrs John Wesley, Jr.
Obituary, 07/12/1951:10
Annchiarico, Joseph
Wedding described, 04/26/1951:9
Anne White Washburn Scholarship
Description of scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:10
Description of annual scholarship for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:4
Annichiarico, Joseph
Engaged to Lavinia Bernice Linton, 01/04/1951:8
Daughter born, 07/15/1954:9
Annichiarico, Joseph Albert
Wedding described, 03/22/1951:2
Annichiarico, Mrs Joseph
Resides in Dobbs Ferry, NY, 09/03/1953:8
Answering Services
Frances Vasel operates telephone answering and secretarial service in
East Main St home, 10/07/1954:11
Frances Vasel, telephone & secretarial service (ad), 10/07/1954:12
Vasel's service officially opens (p), 12/02/1954:1
Antennucci, Michael
Tax collector's notice, 03/12/1953:3
Anthony, Annie Sinoski
Son born, 04/22/1954:6
Anthony, Joseph
Son born, 04/22/1954:6
Millstone Farm, Bedford St (ad), 07/21/1950:5
Central Congregational White Church Guild arranges antiques display,
White Church Guild members arrive at antique show in oldtime
transportation (p), 04/26/1951:6
Mark Leonard's Antique Shop, County St, Lakeville (ad), 11/22/1951:4
Daisy's Antique & Gift Shop, 114 Oak St (ad), 12/13/1951:13
Ted Eayrs, 60 School St (ad), 09/11/1952:2
William Tallman wants to buy old horse trough in front of Town
House, 02/12/1953:1
Triangle Antique Shop, public auction (ad), 06/25/1953:6
Car hobbyists in local 4th of July parade (p), 07/09/1953:1
Old Stone House Antiques, public auction (ad), 01/28/1954:10
Travellers' Fare, open every day, Rte 28, South Middleboro (ad),
Antique car enthusiast, Donald Foye, appears on TV, 06/24/1954:10
Interest local man, Lawrence Romaine (p), 07/01/1954:12
Old Stone House Antiques, Rte 28 (ad), 08/19/1954:2
Anuszczk, Edward
Son born, 10/09/1952:5
Anuszczk, Joanna Sabatowski
Son born, 10/09/1952:5
Anuszczyk, Edmond
Son born, 10/04/1951:4
Anuszczyk, Viola Westling
Son born, 10/04/1951:4
Apostolos, Mary Papazissi
Daughter born, 08/09/1951:5
Apostolos, Stephen
Daughter born, 08/09/1951:5
Appliances. see also Bassett & Broadbent; Kahian, Leo; Longworth's Gas
Service; Shaw’s Radio & Furniture Co.; William Egger Co.
A. Malenfant, appliance servicing, 19 Everett St (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Middleboro Radio and Appliance Service, expert repairs (ad),
Middleboro Radio and Appliance Service, 379 Center St (ad),
Shank's Auto Appliance Service, Center St (ad), 07/30/1953:3
Modern Sales, 108 Arch St (ad), 10/22/1953:2
Mitchell's Television & Appliances, Main St, Lakeville (ad),
Modern Sales, 21 Forest St (ad), 03/25/1954:3
April, Conrad
Stationed at Fort Devens, 01/15/1953:5
April, Ernest W.
Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9
April, Eugene
Son born, 02/17/1950:6
April, Henry
Hired by Plymouth Shoe Co., 02/19/1953:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
April, Joseph O.
Obituary, 06/10/1954:7
April, Margaret Richards
Son born, 02/17/1950:6
April, Penny
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
April, Raymond W.
Enlist in Battery A, Massachusetts National Guard, 10/15/1953:5
April, Rose A.
Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9
A.R. Glidden & Son
The value-giving store (ad), 01/06/1950:2
Employs Maude Gates, 09/29/1950:3
Marks 79th anniversary event (p), 07/19/1951:1
1901 to 1951 (ad) (p), 07/19/1951:6
Clerk Mary Ellen Heath victim of bag snatcher, 07/26/1951:1
Ancient scissors still being used by McCormick, 07/26/1951:3
Profile and history of business, 08/14/1952:6
40th anniversary sale (ad), 05/21/1953:2
Notice of partnership dissolution, 09/10/1953:8
Employs Mary Ellen Heath, 05/06/1954:8
Old Indian sites discussed at fall meeting of Historical Society,
MA Archaeological Society director gives fascinating story of local
research, 06/03/1954:6
Archer, Crawford
Cast member in Little Theatre Group production (p), 12/09/1954:7
Archer, Evelyn
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Archer, Helen M.
Petition for probate of will, 09/30/1954:2
Archer, Helen Margaret
Wife of Hiram J. dies at age 70, 08/19/1954:4
Obituary, 08/19/1954:5
Archibald, Evelyn Renaud
Son born, 01/08/1953:5
Archibald, Robert
Son born, 01/08/1953:5
Archibald, Robert E.
Engaged to Evelyn Renaud, 01/20/1950:7
Wed to Evelyn M. Renaud, 01/27/1950:6
Ralph Chartier, for your architectural problems (ad), 02/28/1952:10
Arenberg, Isaac M.
Granted license for roadside stand, 05/28/1953:4
Armanetti, Charles
Engaged to Joan Massa, 09/10/1953:5
Wed to Joan Massa, 10/08/1953:4
Armanetti, Charles D.
Engaged to Joan Massa, 02/19/1953:10
Armistice Day
Stores state policy on hours for holiday, 11/10/1950:1
National Guard asserts that complacency is folly, 11/17/1950:1
National Guard commander says must defend our ideals, 11/17/1950:1
Speakers emphasize preparedness, 11/17/1950:1
Weather fine for parade and brief ceremony, 11/15/1951:1
Stores to be closed, 11/06/1952:1
34th anniversary solemnly observed, 11/13/1952:1
Anna Joseph to be reprimanded for liquor violation, 11/27/1952:1
Stores closed, 10/08/1953:1
Parade the best in several years, 11/12/1953:1
Explorer Scout's float gets honorable mention, 11/19/1953:1
Funds request for future celebration be included in warrant for town
meeting, 12/03/1953:1
Armstrong, Barbara
Admitted to University of Massachusetts, 02/24/1950:7
Enters University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 09/22/1950:5
Armstrong, Barbara Jane
Engaged to David H. Ethier, 12/29/1950:4
Armstrong, Eunice Brine
Daughter born, 11/22/1951:5
Armstrong, Robert
Daughter born, 11/22/1951:5
Arneson, Albert
Daughter born, 09/18/1952:5
Arneson, Ellen Baker
Daughter born, 09/18/1952:5
Arnold, John
Enlists in U.S. Navy, 11/29/1951:2
Arnold, John J.
Takes recruit training at Bainbridge, MD, 02/14/1952:8
Attends navy fire control technical school, 06/12/1952:5
Arponen, George, Jr.
Private assigned to 13th Engineers, 7th Infantry Division in Japan,
Arrouquier, F.
Public auction (ad), 06/04/1953:10
Arruda, Jacqueline D.
Engaged to Robert S. Roth, 06/03/1954:7
Wed to Robert C. Roth, 06/10/1954:7
Arruda, Mary A.
Engaged to John M. DeRoche, 05/28/1953:4
Wed to John M. DaRocha, 06/11/1953:4
Arruda, Thelma May
Engaged to George B. Perry, 06/10/1954:7
Wed to George B. Perry, 06/17/1954:5
Arsenault, Barbara Jean
Engaged to Earl Tallman, 09/16/1954:4
Wed to Earl Tallman, 10/07/1954:7
Arsenault, Bertha B.
Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4
Arsenault, Eugene C.
Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4
Fire set at Fish's barn off South Main St, 03/26/1953:1
Two fires had appearance of incendiarism, 04/09/1953:1
Two more fires set, one at Bates School, 04/09/1953:1
Washburn garage fire suspicious, 04/23/1953:1
Charles Washburn offers reward for conviction of firebug,
Firebug getting reckless, lights up old barn on Jackson St, 05/07/1953:1
Firebug sets seventh fire in six weeks, 05/14/1953:1
Suspicious fire at Fish Furniture, firebug may be at work again,
Alberts Shoe Co. storage shed is third suspicious fire, 02/25/1954:1
C.P. Washburn asks town to begin reward fund to help stop arsonist,
Fourth suspicious fire, Southwick St vacant house cellar burned,
Firebug active again after Lenten break, 04/22/1954:1
Basement fire in rubbish pile of Sherman Block, 04/29/1954:1
Suspicious fire damages Stiles Shoe store on Rte 28, 05/06/1954:1
Heavy fire damage at Half-Way House (p), 05/20/1954:1
Arsonist sets tenth fire at empty Southwick St house, 05/27/1954:1
Firebug strikes for eleventh time, 07/08/1954:1
Fire behind LaForest Pharmacy leaves only walls, 08/05/1954:1
Selectmen issue appeal for help from citizenry, 08/12/1954:1
Thirteenth fire at Church Coal Co., 08/12/1954:1
$10,000 loss in 14th blaze believed set this year (p), 08/19/1954:1
Firebug strikes for 17th time, 09/30/1954:1
Stormy selectmen's session addresses firebug, 09/30/1954:1
Police Department on its toes, 10/07/1954:1
Another attempt fizzles out at Farm Service grain elevator,
Brockton firebug admits to 13 fires, 10/14/1954:1
Art and Artists. see also Bates School - Arts; Middleborough Memorial
High School – Arts; Schools – Middleboro (arts)
Local pastor, Paul Brooks, has works at Boston exhibition,
Claire Chrostowski starts new classes at Cottage Handicrafters (ad),
Tray painting classes display work at library, 02/24/1950:1
Whitworth College student Leo Hagan accepted at Rhode Island School
of Design, 05/26/1950:5
Art exhibition of Fanna McLean Ashworth's work at Abington Public
library, 06/02/1950:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Art and Artists continued
Robert Schofield graduates with high honors from Museum of Fine
Arts, Boston, 06/16/1950:1
Oil paintings by Rev Paul Brooks on exhibit at Ryder's store,
Mary E. Stuart graduates from Vesper George School of Art,
Doll House Yarn Shop opens at 231 Center St (ad), 08/16/1951:8
Pastor Paul Brooks has painting in Boston exhibition, 01/10/1952:6
Fanna Ashworth's artwork to be exhibited at Boston Art Festival,
Sylvia Matheson receives certificate of commendation from Eastern
Arts Association, 09/11/1952:1
Shirley Gola reaches finals in nationwide doll-making contest,
Ye Quaint Shoppe opens at 48 East Main St (ad), 12/04/1952:2
New organization, Country Crafters, elects officers, 05/14/1953:9
Natalie Burnett has illustration in new children's magazine,
Art exhibit raises $80 for hospital fund, 05/13/1954:2
August Silva wins $10 prize in Army art contest, 11/18/1954:1
Arthur, John
South Carver man dies at age 83, 06/30/1950:5
Obituary, 06/30/1950:6
Art's Auto Sales
Studebaker dealer, East Grove St (ad), 09/22/1950:3
New and used dealer on Rte 28 (p), 07/16/1953:6
Art Gamache, Studebaker dealer, East Grove St, 12/17/1953:6
The place to buy your car (p), 05/06/1954:8
For new or used cars (p), 08/12/1954:6
Now has Packard line (p), 10/28/1954:8
Ashley, Barbara O'Leary
Daughter born, 06/05/1952:7, 03/25/1954:4
Ashley, Chester
Lakeville official honored for long service, 12/15/1950:6
Lakeville official honored at testimonial dinner, 02/01/1951:1
Dies at age 91, 12/30/1954:4
Obituary, 12/30/1954:8
Ashley, Dora Jacques
Son born, 06/12/1952:7
Ashley, Harold W.
Foreclosure notice, 05/01/1952:4
Ashley, Helen Wood
Alumnus of Wellesley College, 06/17/1954:7
Ashley, Jessie Ethel
Widow of William dies, 07/26/1951:5
Obituary, 07/26/1951:10
Ashley, Leroy
Daughter born, 01/04/1951:5
Son born, 10/23/1952:5
Ashley, Lewis
Son born, 06/12/1952:7
Ashley, Malcolm, Sr.
Daughter born, 06/05/1952:7, 03/25/1954:4
Ashley, Mildred
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Ashley, Mildred Dees
Daughter born, 07/02/1953:4
Ashley, Patricia Tupper
Daughter born, 01/04/1951:5
Son born, 10/23/1952:5
Ashley, Phyllis M.
Foreclosure notice, 05/01/1952:4
Ashley, Ralph
Daughter born, 07/02/1953:4
Ashley, Robert
Home fire does estimated $1,000 in damage, 11/05/1953:12
Ashley, Thomas
Takes second in farm mechanics judging contest, 04/01/1954:5
Ashley, William C.
Dies in Acushnet, 02/01/1951:10
Ashworth, Fanna
Artwork to be exhibited at Boston Art Festival, 06/12/1952:12
Ashworth, Fanna McLean
Art exhibition at Abington Public library, 06/02/1950:7
Ashworth, Mary Elizabeth
Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises
(p), 06/30/1950:1
Ashworth, Mary Medeiros
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Asmussen, Louis
Obituary, 03/11/1954:2
Asmussen, Mamie
Obituary, 06/17/1954:7
Sewage worker, Romeo Ouellette, nearly loses life, 01/20/1950:1
Dorothy Emond overcome by gas in own home, 06/14/1951:4
Edward Coombs overcome by fumes at gas plant 50 years ago,
Aspinwall, Robert E.
Engaged to Lois Washburn, 07/02/1953:2
Engaged to Lois M. Washburn, 06/17/1954:4
Wed to Lois M. Washburn, 06/24/1954:4
Wedding described, 06/24/1954:5
Assault and Battery. see also Family Violence
Lewis Thayer guilty, 02/10/1950:7
Ernest Griswold guilty of assault on Rochester man, 03/17/1950:4
John Black, Jr. guilty of assault on Walter Zion, 07/21/1950:1
John Black, Jr. guilty of assaulting Cedric Zion, 07/28/1950:3
Scheiderich/Mello case over boundary issue, 08/18/1950:3
John Vickery pleads not guilty to assault on Forest Garnett,
Providence burglar charged with assault on William Demers,
John Vickery guilty of assault on Forrest Garnett, must pay hospital
bill, 09/29/1950:9
Juvenile case continued, psychiatrist to examine accused, 11/24/1950:8
Eugene Letourneau denies assault on Mason Sisson, 03/08/1951:2
Eugene Letourneau charges Mason Sisson with assault, 03/15/1951:3
Edward Ouellette fined $20 for assaulting police officer, 03/22/1951:9
Stephen Mellish pleads not guilty to assault on Charles Fagan,
Fagan withdraws charge of assault against Mellish, 04/05/1951:2
Letourneau-Sisson feud breaks out again, 05/17/1951:1
Sisson, Letourneau cases dismissed, 05/24/1951:10
Sisson, Letourneau cases a waste of time, 05/24/1951:12
Letourneau and Sisson cases dismissed, 07/26/1951:2
Violette Judson charged with two counts, 10/25/1951:2
Charge against Violette Judson dismissed for lack of prosecution,
New Bedford man charged with assault on Diamond, 11/01/1951:7
Richard Benson guilty of assaulting police officer, 11/29/1951:8
Richard Benson gets suspended sentence for assaulting officer,
Harrison Holbrook guilty of assaulting Chester Guilford, 01/03/1952:1
Hazel Mecchi pleads not guilty to assault on husband Julio,
Guilford and Sweetburg deny charges by Holbrook, 01/10/1952:8
Mutual charges by Mecchis dismissed for lack of prosecution,
Quintal assault case continued, 02/07/1952:10
Leo Quintal guilty of assault, case filed, set free, 02/21/1952:1
Superior court increases fine for Holbrook's assault on Guilford to $25,
State Farm guards, Everett Jenkins and Sydney Canfield, beaten by
prisoner, 05/01/1952:1
Andrew Pasztor, Jr. charged with assault on Irene Benton, 08/07/1952:2
Maurice Lawrence charges Robert Pierce, 08/07/1952:2
Roland Boardman charged with assault on two children, 08/07/1952:2
Findings deferred in Boardman assault case, 08/14/1952:1
Lucy Jacobs fails to prosecute assault case against Dorothy Reynolds,
Jacobs-Kimball case dismissed, 09/25/1952:8
George Reynolds pleads not guilty to assault on Earl Reynolds and
Milton Westgate, 10/09/1952:4
Reynolds assault trial delayed by illness of witness, 10/16/1952:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Assault and Battery continued
Edwin Minzner may suffer loss of eye after assault in Stoughton,
Medeiros given till 22nd to pay $18, 11/13/1952:3
Francis Chartier charged with assault and attempted rape, 02/05/1953:9
Francis Chartier fined for assault, attempted rape charge dismissed,
State Farm reform officer Margaret Waldron brutally beaten by female
inmate, 02/19/1953:1
Leonard Bump back in jail after grabbing 15-year-old girl,
Gang beats local youth, Ronald Correira, 05/28/1953:5
Walter Zion accused of assault by Bridgewater man, 07/02/1953:8
Sebastian Barros charged, 07/30/1953:2
Frank DelVecchio's case continued, 07/30/1953:3
DelVecchio fined $25 for assaulting Pierce, 08/06/1953:8
Sebastian (aka Raymond) Barros found guilty of resisting arrest,
Charles Kennedy guilty, must pay for Hanson's tooth, 10/15/1953:1
Mario Grassi charged with shooting of Benjamin deSilva, 02/11/1954:1
Charles Lindstrom found guilty, 02/11/1954:7
Charles Lindstrom guilty in two cases, 02/18/1954:1
Violet Netto drops assault charge against Florida man, 07/22/1954:3
Rosenthal assault case continued, 08/26/1954:3
David Rosenthal case continued, 09/16/1954:7
Francis Huxley case continued, 09/16/1954:7
Huxley fined $25 for assaulting police officer, 09/30/1954:3
Assawampsett School
Electricity for school long delayed, 01/27/1950:7
Twenty-four graduate in new auditorium, 06/16/1950:11
Mystery of baby's body found in Lakeville a year ago never solved,
Public auction (ad), 09/01/1950:9
Benjamin Bump principal, 11/17/1950:2
Holds graduation exercises, 06/14/1951:1
Additions to teaching staff announced, 09/06/1951:3
Serves 157 free lunches, 09/13/1951:10
Employs Anne Andrews, 02/14/1952:10
Graduation exercises held, 06/19/1952:1
Principal Benjamin Bump resigns, to head Natick elementary school,
Joseph Kunces elected principal, 08/07/1952:1
Joseph Kunces new principal, 08/07/1952:1
Takes students from North and South Lakeville schools, 10/02/1952:9
Gladys Snow new third grade teacher, 10/09/1952:10
Russell Haskins presents piano to 4th grade, 12/11/1952:4
Model lunchroom in new section of school (p), 01/22/1953:1
Joseph Kunces makes first annual report, 01/22/1953:2
Lieutenant Governor Whittier plans commencement speech (p),
Lt. Governor speaks at centennial graduation, 06/18/1953:1
Principal Joseph Kunces appointed to new administrative post with
Middleboro schools (p), 06/18/1953:1
Gary Hall new teacher, 06/25/1953:10
Robert Jeffrey new principal, 08/13/1953:1
Howard Mason new teacher, 09/03/1953:8
Basketballers play in new league, Myles Standish Junior High League,
Annual exhibit of practical arts, 04/22/1954:2
Holds graduation exercises, 06/17/1954:10
William Mann succeeds Malcolm deMoranville as janitor, 09/02/1954:5
Work done on structure during summer break, 09/02/1954:5
Turnover in cafeteria personnel, 12/09/1954:3
Assawompsett & Pocksha Ponds Associates
Hold first meeting of season, 06/16/1950:1
Hold 8th annual meeting, 07/14/1950:2
Eighth annual meeting held at historic Lakeville home, 08/18/1950:1
Advised that Health Department controls pond taking, 10/20/1950:1
Mark danger spots in lake, 07/12/1951:2
Holds annual meeting, 07/19/1951:4
Holds 9th annual meeting, 08/16/1951:6
Protective League urges selectmen to join fight to save pond lands,
Assawompsett Lake
Citizens attend hearing in Boston, 10/13/1950:1
Selectman proposes fund to fight pond land grab, 10/13/1950:1
Pond Associates advised that Health Department controls pond taking,
Protest to be taken to selectmen, 10/20/1950:1
Seizure of pond lands delayed, 11/03/1950:1
Power lines extended to Indian Shores, 12/15/1950:16
Board of Fire Engineers cut road to lake, 04/19/1951:4
Rules set for water use 50 years ago, 10/15/1953:5
Frank Allen and Harry Haskins drown in Assawompsett Pond 50 years
ago, 12/17/1953:10
Bill hearing proposes sale of reservoir land, 03/25/1954:1
Report "kills' land sale bill, 04/01/1954:1
Assembly of Rainbow Girls. see Middleboro Assembly of Rainbow Girls
Assessors. see Middleboro – Board of Assessors
Atherton, Marion Douglas
Daughter born, 08/06/1953:5
Atherton, Reginald
Daughter born, 08/06/1953:5
Athletics. See Sports
Atkins, Donald
Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1
Private stationed at Camp Pickett, VA, 05/24/1951:2
Private 1st Class scheduled to sail for Bremerhaven, Germany,
Recently discharged from U.S. Army, 01/01/1953:8
Son born, 12/31/1953:4
Atkins, Donald K.
Engaged to Natalie Turner, 01/04/1951:1
Tendered farewell party at Winthrop-Atkins, 01/04/1951:5
Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1
Graduates from 43rd Infantry Division Leaders School in southern
Germany, 05/26/1952:4
Engaged to Natalie Turner, 12/18/1952:8
Wedding described, 01/29/1953:10
Atkins, Donald Kelsey
Engaged to Natalie Turner, 01/15/1953:7
Wed to Natalie Turner, 01/29/1953:5
Atkins, Eleanor
Wed to William Metcalf, 03/27/1952:5
Atkins, Harold
Couple occupies new home on School St Ext, 01/18/1951:2
Daughter born, 05/21/1953:6
Son born, 11/04/1954:4
Atkins, Harold A.
Engaged to Margaret Clark, 04/14/1950:12
Engaged to Margaret E. Clark, 05/26/1950:7
Wed to Margaret E. Clark, 06/16/1950:7
Named to head YMCA fund drive, 08/25/1950:1
Purchases School St Ext home from Gilbert Hynes, 11/17/1950:6
Atkins, Harold Ashley
Wedding described, 06/16/1950:3
Atkins, Horace
Couple honored by local Girl Scouts, 05/26/1950:1
Traditional clam bake at Atlantic City during convention of
photographers, 02/15/1951:1
Atkins, Horace K.
Honored by Boston Club of Photo Finishers (p), 04/07/1950:1
Puts on New England lobster bake for 2,500 photographers in Atlantic
City, 03/22/1951:1
Leading citizens to advise with selectmen on G&E problems,
Setting fishing records in Florida, 03/12/1953:4
Retires from School Committee, 12/10/1953:1
School Committee honors retiring members (p), 01/14/1954:10
Accepts special gifts chairmanship for St. Luke's campaign (p),
Atkins, Jeanette
Resides in Westport, CT, 12/27/1951:5
Atkins, Jeannette
Studying abroad in Spain for year, 08/26/1954:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Atkins, Margaret
Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p),
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4
Atkins, Margaret Clark
Daughter born, 05/21/1953:6
Son born, 11/04/1954:4
Atkins, Mrs Horace
Leonard Bump back in jail stealing and wrecking Atkins' car,
Atkins, Natalie Turner
Son born, 12/31/1953:4
Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. see A&P Supermarket
Attorneys. see Lawyers
Atwater, Catherine B.
Widow of William A. dies at age 95, 05/08/1952:7
Obituary, 05/15/1952:9
Atwood, Bruce
Writes from big Scout jamboree in California (l), 07/30/1953:1
Atwood, C.S.
Steam saw mill does thriving business 50 years ago, 12/24/1953:7
Atwood, Ellis D.
Skull fractured in heater explosion, dies, 12/01/1950:1
Atwood, Elwyn G.
Engaged to Madeline E. Ouellette, 06/30/1950:5
Wed to Madeline E. Ouellette, 07/07/1950:5
Atwood, Elwyn Gardner
Wedding described, 07/07/1950:5
Atwood, Herbert
Daughter born, 10/22/1953:7
Atwood, Hubert
Son born, 10/09/1952:5
Public auction (ad), 06/11/1953:2
Son born, 11/18/1954:6
Atwood, Hubert Leonard
Engaged to Lois Winnifred Valli, 10/18/1951:4
Atwood, Jane
Petition for administration of estate, 04/24/1952:4
Atwood, Jane L.F.
Petition for conservatorship of property, 10/27/1950:6
Attorney files for compensation from estate, 07/26/1951:5
Atwood, Jane Louise Frances
Widow of Lucien W. dies at age 71, 03/27/1952:5
Obituary, 03/27/1952:10
Petition for license to sell real estate, 02/12/1953:9, 07/23/1953:7,
11/05/1953:3, 01/07/1954:3
Atwood, John E.
Founder of Atwood-Costello, Inc., 08/27/1953:10
Atwood-Costello, Inc., Chevrolet and Oldsmobile dealers (p),
Atwood, Kenneth. see also Atwood-Costello, Inc.
Student driver car presented to MHS (p), 12/22/1950:1
Atwood, Kenneth A.
Files for re-election to Finance Committee, 12/06/1951:1
Profile of candidate for Finance Committee, 01/10/1952:1
Thanks voters (ad), 01/24/1952:11
Atwood, Levi O.
Executors present account of estate, 10/07/1954:2
Atwood, Lois Valli
Son born, 10/09/1952:5
Daughter born, 10/22/1953:7
Atwood, Lois Vally
Son born, 11/18/1954:6
Atwood, Marie
Resides in Barnstable, 03/12/1953:2
Atwood, Marion
Resides in Los Angeles, CA, 07/29/1954:2
Atwood, Marion N.
Resigns as treasurer of Rock Village Church, replaced by Walter Gillis,
Resides in Laguna, CA, 01/21/1954:9
Atwood, Mrs Levi
Resides in Los Angeles, CA, 07/29/1954:2
Atwood-Costello, Inc.
Chevrolet dealer, 67 Everett St (ad), 01/06/1950:8
Granted dealer's license, 02/03/1950:1
Granted garage permit, 02/03/1950:1
Submit low bid for Gas & Electric Department truck, 03/24/1950:1
Gives school car for driver ed course, 12/15/1950:1
Signs up for TV premium membership, 12/15/1950:13
Signs up for TV premium membership (ad), 12/15/1950:15
Student driver car presented to MHS (p), 12/22/1950:1
Experienced mechanics wanted (ad), 04/26/1951:2
Harry Martel new service manager (ad), 10/23/1952:10
Awarded bid for Town Manager's car and Highway Department truck,
Leading auto dealer, Everett St (p), 08/27/1953:10
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile dealers (p), 12/10/1953:8
Dealers in fine automobiles, 03/11/1954:6
Wins bid to provide town with dump truck, 04/08/1954:1
Anniversary celebration (ad), 04/29/1954:3
Offers expert automotive service (p), 06/24/1954:6
Installs latest wheel alignment equipment (p), 09/23/1954:6
Longer, lower lines grace latest Chevrolets (p), 11/04/1954:6
Aubrey, Arthur Minot
Wed to Victoria Baldwin, 09/11/1952:5
Aubrey, C. Ernest
Petition for probate of will, 08/23/1951:5
Aubrey, Charles Ernest
Husband of Thora Peterson dies at age 58, 08/16/1951:5
Obituary, 08/16/1951:6
Aubrey, Thora E.
Sells Center St block to Steve Stanley, 02/04/1954:1
After 25 years in Middleboro, moves to Orlando, FL, 08/12/1954:5
Aubrey & Nichols
Granted second-hand furniture sales license, 04/07/1950:5
Aubrey's Grill
Louis Garganio's victualler's license granted, 02/10/1950:1
Aubrey's Used Furniture
Granted secondhand furniture sales license, 04/21/1950:2
Four Middleboro youths face larceny charges, 06/25/1953:3
Auctionhouses and Auctioneers
Tallman granted license, 04/21/1950:2
Allan Hale granted license, 05/19/1950:2
Ann Garfield's license renewed, 05/19/1950:2
Fred Gardner granted license, 05/29/1952:8
Allan Hale licensed, 06/12/1952:6
Max Green, public auction at place of business (ad), 09/11/1952:4
Estate sale at Green's place of business (ad), 10/02/1952:9
William Egger licensed 50 years ago, 06/24/1954:8
Audette, Grazziellie
Engaged to John Hall, 07/21/1950:1
Auger, Arleen
Clerk at Nemasket Transportation Co., 09/01/1950:10
Auger, Grace Richmond
Dies at age 60, 08/23/1951:5
Obituary, 08/23/1951:6
Augie's Texaco Service Station
Wareham St business popular (p), 07/16/1953:6
Wareham St, get winter checkup (p), 10/08/1953:6
Give your car real service, 02/18/1954:8
Has new tube sealing process, 05/06/1954:8
Ausman, Dorine
Engaged to Robert Merritt, 07/12/1951:2
Ausman, Dorine Miriam
Wedding described, 08/16/1951:10
Ausman, George Edward
Obituary, 02/08/1951:4
Husband of Judith Elizabeth Maki dies at age 46, 02/08/1951:5
Austin, Alice G.
Granted full time teaching post here, 07/09/1953:1
Austin, Charles C.
Stationed in Austria, 01/03/1952:7
Corporal leaves for overseas duty in Germany, 09/25/1952:8
Austin, George R.
Eagles donate record player to library (p), 03/27/1952:10
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Austin, Phyllis Ann
Engaged to Harold L. Dunn, Jr., 04/15/1954:6
Wed to Harold L. Dunn, Jr., 04/22/1954:6
Wedding described, 04/22/1954:12
Austin, Russell
Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1
Kenneth Falconer farm exchange student from Australia, 10/15/1953:5
Authors. see Books
Automobile Dealers. see also Art's Auto Sales; Atwood-Costello, Inc.;
Bailey Motor Sales; Cannon Motor Sales; Curtis Ford Sales; Maxim
Motor Co.; Randall Motors; Stanley's Service Station
Young's Garage, West Grove and Elm St (ad), 01/20/1950:4
No issues with current licenses here, 02/10/1950:1
Young's Garage, wanted, good mechanic (ad), 03/17/1950:2
Kenneth DeMaranville's license renewed, 03/24/1950:1
Standish granted licenses, 04/07/1950:5
Hearing scheduled on application from Walter Zion, 04/07/1950:12
Edward Lawrence mechanic at Bailey Motor Sales, 05/26/1950:11
William Rose granted permit to sell autos, 05/31/1951:5
Selectmen hold hearing on dealer's license for Harrison Holbrook,
Notice of hearing on license for George Pittsley, 05/29/1952:8
George Pittsley approved for Class 2 dealer's license, 06/12/1952:6
Harrison Holbrook gets used car sales permit, 06/12/1952:6
Youths caught stealing gas and tires from Vincent Kelly, 12/11/1952:6
Rose Motor Sales, West Grove St (ad), 12/25/1952:8
George Cleaves petitions for Class 3 license, 06/11/1953:4
Selectmen decline to grant license to Cleaves without further
information, 06/11/1953:10
Harold Bailey retires after 47 years in the auto business, 06/24/1954:1
Taunton man charged with theft of batteries from Zion's Used Auto
Park, 07/15/1954:4
Stanley's Service Station, a fair deal in good used cars (p), 08/19/1954:6
Vickery applies for Class III license, 12/02/1954:2
Automobile Drivers' Licenses
Theodore Bowers fined $50 for operating car after license revoked,
Howard Vaughn guilty of driving without a license, 06/09/1950:6
Westling and Houghton guilty of operating without a license,
Andrew Sisson guilty of operating without license, 11/10/1950:2
Philip Lacombe fined $25 for allowing unlicensed driver to operate
vehicle, 04/05/1951:9
James Nunes fined $50 for operating without license, 08/02/1951:8
Violette Judson charged with operating without license, 10/25/1951:2
Violette Judson charged with operating without a license, 11/01/1951:1
Took police five shots to stop Herbert Thomas, Jr. chase, 12/06/1951:4
Robert Phillips' trial set, 03/27/1952:4
Albert Heath pleads guilty to operating without license, 09/11/1952:3
Harold Hudson fined $50 operating without a license, 10/16/1952:10
Arthur, not brother Harold, fined, 10/23/1952:5
Arthur Hudson fined $50 for driving after license revoked,
Robert Maddigan chooses long probation over $50 fine for driving
without a license, 10/15/1953:3
Ray Vickery fined $10 for operating without a license, 12/03/1953:4
Cecil Gray fined $50 for driving without license, 12/10/1953:4
Vickery appeals jail sentence, 12/17/1953:14
William Corbett drove 25 years without a license, 01/07/1954:1
Manuel Almeida fined $10 for allowing operation by improper driver,
Robert Thrasher fined for operating without license, 04/08/1954:10
Frederick Horsman guilty of driving after license revoked,
Joseph McGrady fined $50 for driving after license revoked,
Automobile Fires
Interior of Nemasket Transportation truck damaged by fire,
Pennsylvania minister's car hits tree, burst into flames, 11/29/1951:1
Auto belches forth fireworks on Rte 28, 07/10/1952:1
Automobile Parking. see Parking
Automobile Racing
New hot rod club organized here, Draglinks, 01/21/1954:1
Charles Zion seeks permit for use of empty field on Plain St,
Safety is object of Rod-Knockers, 04/15/1954:12
Representatives of Rod Knockers Club before selectmen,
Angry citizen complains of Rod-Knockers nuisance noise and dust,
Automobile Service Stations. see also Bolan's Jenney Service; Eddie's
Cities Service; Maxim Motor Co.; Stanley's Service Station
Johnny's Texaco Station (ad), 01/20/1950:12
Arthur Gamache granted garage and gasoline licenses, 01/27/1950:8
Selectmen grant permits, 02/03/1950:1
Collin's Auto Service, 51 East Main St (ad), 02/03/1950:8
Charles Smith, Jr.'s garage license renewed, 02/10/1950:1
Fagerberg's Garage suffers break-in, 02/10/1950:7
Elmer Sisson's license renewed, 02/24/1950:1
Joseph Corriero granted license, 02/24/1950:1
Kenneth DeMaranville's license renewed, 03/24/1950:1
Marshall and Standish granted garage licenses, 04/07/1950:5
Marshall's Automotive (ad), 05/12/1950:3
Sukeforth's Service Station (ad), 05/26/1950:11
Charles Washburn plans filling station and pre-fab housing on Rte 28,
Notice of hearing on Charles Washburn's application, 06/23/1950:5
Washburn toilet question considered by selectmen, 06/30/1950:1
Washburn granted license to sell gasoline, 06/30/1950:10
Holbrooks Gas Station, Rte 28, North Middleboro (ad), 07/14/1950:9
Nicholas Roberts employed at Dunbar's Filling Station, 09/08/1950:5
Break-ins at Brown's and Wilber's gas station, 09/15/1950:1
Standish Service Station changes hours (ad), 12/08/1950:9
Young's Garage, wanted, one auto mechanic (ad), 01/25/1951:9
Brown's Service Station broken into again, 02/22/1951:1
Brown's Filling Station suffers 24th break-in since 1940, 05/03/1951:1
SE Mass Oil Co. granted gasoline permit, 05/31/1951:5
Notice of hearing on Vincent Kelly's application, 06/07/1951:2
Vincent Kelly granted gasoline sales license, 06/14/1951:12
Shell Oil has garage in Middleboro, needs investor (ad), 06/28/1951:9
Francis McMahon sells gas station to Theo Testa, moves to Buzzards
Bay, 07/05/1951:5
Holbrook's Cabins and Gas Station (ad), 07/12/1951:3
Young's Garage, wanted, auto mechanic and helper (ad), 07/26/1951:6
Thelma Reynolds granted license to sell gasoline, 09/06/1951:8
Fred Standish retires from service station business, thanks patrons (ad),
Blake's Service Station 33 Wareham St (ad), 10/18/1951:2
Jimmie Thompson's Gulf Service, Rte 44 (ad), 02/28/1952:2
Harrison Holbrook denied license, 03/06/1952:1
Maurice Richmond sells oil and lubricant station to Irving Murphy (ad),
Spud's Atlantic Service, 200 Center St (ad), 04/10/1952:13
Notice of hearing on Starvish's permit to store and sell gasoline (ad),
Walter Starvish before board of selectmen on gasoline license petition,
Oxford Oil Co., Texaco service station, Wareham St (ad), 06/05/1952:2
Auto parts, oil, gasoline, and a radio missing in break-in at Whitney's,
Ken's granted Sunday license and gasoline pump license, 07/10/1952:1
Oxford Oil Co., Texaco service station, Wareham St (ad), 10/09/1952:3
Smith's Sunoco Station, 162 Center St (ad), 10/16/1952:10
Kem's Variety, Rte 44 (ad), 12/11/1952:6
Gale blows out window at Bolan's, 02/26/1953:1
Ralph Gammons proprietor of new Shell Oil Co. station on North Main
St, 04/30/1953:8
Gladys Houlihan files complaint of illegal auto service, 06/11/1953:1
Frank Gomes granted license to store and sell gasoline, 06/11/1953:10
George Cleaves agrees to keep hollow clean, 06/25/1953:4
Myron Turnbull, automotive brakes & ignition, Summer St (ad),
Augie's Texaco Service Station on Wareham St popular (p),
Oxford Oil Co., auto service and oil dealer (p), 09/17/1953:8
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Automobile Service Stations continued
Augie's Texaco Service Station, get winter checkup (p), 10/08/1953:6
Winter closing hours in effect (ad), 10/15/1953:2
Augie's Texaco Service Station, give your car real service,
Walter Cassidy, body and fender repair, 120 North St (ad),
Joseph Correira, Oxford Oil Co., 03/25/1954:6
Augie's Texaco Service Station has new tube sealing process,
Selectmen okay moving of house on Center St to make room for gas
station, 05/20/1954:1
Correira's Texaco Station, popular spot for Cape drivers, 05/27/1954:8
Notice of hearing on Donald Cannon petition, 06/24/1954:9
Donald Cannon granted license, 07/01/1954:6
Charles Smith, Jr. owner of new Sunoco station, 07/01/1954:12
Gomes' Shell Station, Frank and Albert Gomes, Rte 28 (p),
Pierre Gagnon purchases gas station and restaurant from George Eno,
Smitty's Sunoco Service, 158-162 Center St (ad), 09/23/1954:9
Break-in at Gene Simmons' Rte 28 filling station, 10/21/1954:1
The Rainbow Service, Robert Wood and Ernest Bigelow, 200 Center St
(ad), 12/30/1954:8
Automobile Theft
William Rose's stolen auto found abandoned off Spring St,
Herbert Howard rips out hydrant in stolen car, 10/06/1950:1
Bridgewater truck found burned on River St, 01/18/1951:1
Police hunt shoeless truck thief, 09/06/1951:1
Car stolen from Bailey's Garage, 11/15/1951:1
Two youths held on suspicion in Bailey garage break-in, 11/22/1951:1
C. Trafton Mendall's auto stolen in Providence, 04/10/1952:6
Myron Turnbull's stolen car recovered in East Bridgewater,
William Metcalf gets two years, 01/15/1953:12
Leonard Bump back in jail stealing and wrecking Atkins' car,
Local police recover plate stolen from Revere car, 07/23/1953:1
LeRoy Hughes charged with attempted theft, 09/24/1953:1
Stolen Highway Department dump truck located in sand pit off South
Main St, 11/19/1953:1
Car stolen from Maxim Motor Co. wrecked in Waterbury, CT,
Car stolen from Richard Mortimer, recovered in Hanson, 01/07/1954:3
April Fool joke not funny to Bridgewater man, 04/08/1954:9
Harold Hudson charged with auto theft and four other violations,
Youths who stole Freeman Shaw's auto sentenced to Lyman School,
Youths caught in high-speed chase, 06/03/1954:1
Mary Lopes car theft case continued, 11/04/1954:1
Dave's Auto Body and Paint Shop, corner of Wareham and Wood St
(ad), 01/20/1950:7
C.W. Maxim running new auto-car 50 years ago, 04/01/1954:8
Banner town in number of cars owned 50 years ago, 06/24/1954:8
Victor Jones' 1920 Dodge has traveled 260,000 miles (p), 07/01/1954:9
Automobiles - Law and Legislation
Robert Hayden pleads nolo to charge of operating with improper
brakes, 09/29/1950:9
Selectmen urge voters to vote no on flat rate insurance, 10/27/1950:1
Local citizens label big city insurance scheme unfair, 11/03/1950:1
Juvenile given curfew after multiple offenses, 12/01/1950:1
Eugene David charged with operating unregistered, uninsured vehicle,
Audrey Colombo fined $100 for driving unregistered, uninsured
vehicle, 01/11/1951:2
Eugene David fined $100 for operating uninsured car, 01/25/1951:8
Colombo in default for failure to pay fine, 02/08/1951:8
Colombo cannot pay fine, gets month in jail, 02/15/1951:8
Seven fined $3 each for lack of inspection sticker, 05/17/1951:2
Gordon Oliver fined $5 for failure to have inspection sticker,
Automobiles – Law and Legislation continued
Ralph Beckman fined $3 for lack of inspection sticker, 05/31/1951:8
Richard Benson guilty of operating vehicle of faulty brakes,
John Ferreira fined $100 for allowing operation of uninsured vehicle,
Frederick Horsman guilty of permitting improper person to operate
motor vehicle, 11/06/1952:8
Four fined $3 for lack of sticker, 11/13/1952:12
New England Transportation Co. charged with blue light violation,
New England Transportation Co. admits error, 12/25/1952:2
Herman Goodman fined $3 for stickerless car, 05/21/1953:4
Alton Linton pleads nolo for operating unregistered, uninsured vehicle,
Fred Horsman fined $5 for defective muffler, 11/05/1953:5
Robert Thrasher fined for operating without proper brakes,
Harold Hudson pleads not guilty to four charges, 04/22/1954:2
Ronald Correia charged with driving with improper muffler,
Ronald Correia guilty of driving with improper muffler, 07/22/1954:7
Cecile Letendre fined $5 for failure to have inspection sticker,
Automobiles - Parts. see also Benny's Auto Stores; Bolan's Jenney
Service; Richmond, Harry E.; Richmond Automotive Service
Bill's Auto Glass, Lakeville (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Avallone, Theresa J.
Selectmen favor liquor license transfer from Joseph to new owner of
The Fireside, 02/08/1951:1
Avery, Keith T.
Resides in Coldwater, MI, 06/03/1954:2
Student pilot, Leslie Travers, escapes death as plane crashes off Rte 28
(p), 09/01/1950:1
Student pilot, Leslie Travers, fined for flying too low after crash on Rte
28, 11/17/1950:2
Recruits sought for Civil Air Patrol (p), 02/22/1951:1
Myricks pilot crashes in Lakeville, 05/10/1951:1
Howard Maxim lands seaplane of Charles River, 08/21/1952:1
Captain Richard Leggee flies low over mother's house, 05/14/1953:6
Local pilots fly to Texas on four-day visit (p), 07/30/1953:1
LaForest and Maddigan responsible for flyovers during Falconieri
homecoming, 09/17/1953:6
Local enthusiasts, Fish family, take trips in own Piper Cub,
Flying Fishes forced down in snowstorm, 02/04/1954:1
Foye, Smith, and Lentini graduate from piloting course, 02/04/1954:4
Mrs Horace Griffith has frightening flying experience in forced landing,
Roger Tillson, Jr. killed in crash while on routine training flight (p),
Avila, John
Driver dies of heart attack, 11/20/1952:9
Avila, Pearl Gilbert
Son born, 05/05/1950:5
Avila, Thomas
Son born, 05/05/1950:5
Avon Cosmetics
Saleswoman wanted for South Middleboro and Rock (ad), 03/24/1950:4
Johnny's Awning Repairs, 30 Plymouth St (ad), 08/18/1950:9
AWOL. see Absent Without Leave (AWOL)
Ayers, Brenton S.
Calls for impeachment of President Truman (l), 04/26/1951:1
Expresses opinion on Republican convention (l), 07/24/1952:7
Thinks McCarthy deserves Oscar (l), 06/24/1954:10
Ayotte, Isabella Koczon
Son born, 03/03/1950:5
Ayotte, Joseph. see Blue and White Farms; Joseph L. Ayotte & Son
Ayotte, Ludger
Dies at age 82, 11/03/1950:5
Obituary, 11/03/1950:6
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Ayotte, Lydia
Sells Acorn St property to Michael Kratko, 03/05/1953:4
Purchases Pleasant St property from Elmer Allan, 03/26/1953:9
Manager of Marcks' South Main St store (ad), 06/03/1954:7
Ayotte, Mrs Joseph L.
Joseph Ayotte's Lydia A. speeds to victory in New England Futurity (p),
Ayotte, Robert
Family moves from Main St to Alden St, 08/19/1954:5
Ayotte, Robert H.
Appointed notary public, 04/05/1951:1
Ayotte, Roland
Son born, 03/03/1950:5
Azen (Mrs)
Serious fire averted 50 years ago, 12/30/1954:2
B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc.
Milk produced by Middleboro farmers (ad), 06/09/1950:12
Accepting limited number of new customers (ad), 08/14/1952:10
Kinsman Dairy truck and Harris' car collide on Wareham St,
Modern dairy on North St (p), 09/03/1953:6
Quality dairy products, 3 North St (p), 01/14/1954:6
Leader in the field, 04/22/1954:8
Clarifies recent rumors (ad), 05/20/1954:9
Fine herds assure high quality milk, 06/17/1954:6
Cooperate during hurricane (p), 09/09/1954:6
Babbitt, Ina A.
Engaged to Franklin A. Pierce, 09/22/1950:5
Babbitt, Mrs Clifton
Resides in Boston, 11/18/1954:4
Babbitt, Shirley R.
Engaged to George A. Kinch, 09/27/1951:4
Wed to George A. Kinch, 10/04/1951:4
Babcock, Melvin E.
Selectmen refuse liquor store application, 12/06/1951:1
Hearing appeal today, 12/13/1951:1
Appeal withdrawn, 12/20/1951:1
Re-submits license application, 12/20/1951:7
Babcock, Melvin Edwin
Wife files for divorce, 09/24/1953:5
Babcock, Vera Anna
Files for divorce, 09/24/1953:5
Bachelder, Mrs Sidney
Resides in Jacksonville, NC, 12/30/1954:2
Backstron, Harold
Parked Thomas Bros. truck struck by soldier's car on Rte 28,
Backus, Isaac
Texas professor here researching life of reverend, 08/18/1950:10
Historical Society discusses early settlers at winter meeting,
Backus Memorial Church. see First Baptist Church
Now in season at MHS, 04/01/1954:8
Badore, David
Son born, 10/27/1950:7
Daughter born, 03/19/1953:5
Badore, Louise Estes
Son born, 10/27/1950:7
Daughter born, 03/19/1953:5
Baer, Eugene W.
New art teacher at MHS, 06/10/1954:10
New MHS art teacher, 10/07/1954:9
Bagdasarian, Gary
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Bagdasarian, Richard
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Bagdon, Adam
Engaged to Jane Fickert, 10/06/1950:4
Engaged to Jane Rachael Fickert, 10/27/1950:6
Wedding described, 11/03/1950:5
Wed to Jane Rachael Fickert, 11/10/1950:7
Bagdon, Adam continued
Son born, 04/30/1953:6
Bagdon, James Stephen
Born to Adam, 04/30/1953:6
Bagdon, Jane Fickert
Son born, 04/30/1953:6
Bagdon, Mrs Adam
Employed at telephone exchange, 05/24/1951:6
Bagley, David
Engaged to Phyllis-Clare Stegmaier, 07/28/1950:10
Engaged to Phyllis-Claire Stegmaier, 04/05/1951:5
Engaged to Phyllis C. Stegmaier, 04/12/1951:5
Wed to Phyllis C. Stegmaier, 04/19/1951:5
Bagley, David C.
Wedding described, 04/19/1951:9
Bailey, Ann
Engaged to Oscar C. Shealey, 12/27/1951:7
Bailey, Anne
Wedding described, 01/03/1952:5
Bailey, Bessie B.
Middleboro Teachers' Association honors veteran teacher, 01/15/1953:1
Bailey, David E.
Wed to Bertha L. Burke, 07/05/1951:5
Bailey, Donald
Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1
Bailey, Ed
Ties with Penniman in 2nd annual Middleboro hackers golf open,
Bailey, Frank J.
Garage destroyed in early morning fire, 11/05/1953:1
Bailey, George H.
Daughter born 50 years ago, 10/07/1954:10
Bailey, George Harvey
Wed to Anne Margaret Urquhard, 07/05/1951:5
Bailey, George Henry
Husband of Emily M. Pratt dies at age 74, 03/01/1951:5
Obituary, 03/01/1951:8
Petition for probate of will, 04/12/1951:5
Bailey, Hank
Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p),
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Injured in Mitchell Club game against Greenfield, 10/14/1954:1
Bailey, Harold
Retires after 47 years in the auto business, 06/24/1954:1
Bailey, Henry
Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4
Bailey, Judy
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Bailey, L.S.
Tree warden 50 years ago, 06/17/1954:8
Bailey, Mary Veno
Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4
Bailey, Mrs Harold
White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p),
Bailey, Stanley
Resides in Davis, CA, 06/21/1951:9
Bailey, Susan
Junior at Colby Junior College, 09/10/1953:10
Bailey Motor Sales
Buick dealer, 15 Sproat St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Dealer and garage licenses renewed, 02/10/1950:1
Edward Lawrence mechanic, 05/26/1950:11
Car and safe stolen from garage, 11/15/1951:1
Two youths held on suspicion in break-in, 11/22/1951:1
Now receiving 4160-volt service, 04/10/1952:6
Herbert Lawrence heads service department, 01/22/1953:9
Discontinues garage service (ad), 09/16/1954:8
Baird, Ann G.
Shares valedictorian honor with Eileen Perkins (p), 06/04/1953:1
Baird, Anne Gordon
Engaged to Henry Tinkham, 07/01/1954:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Baker, Alice Jane
Widow of Michael dies at age 93, 03/17/1950:5
Obituary, 03/17/1950:10
Baker, Annie Washburn
Dies in Pembroke, 03/26/1953:10
Baker, Betsey
Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6
Baker, Eddie
Lakeside Gladiolus Garden, Mary and Eddie Baker (ad), 12/11/1952:12
Baker, Edith Hunt
Obituary, 06/10/1954:4
Widow of Charles dies at age 85, 06/10/1954:7
Baker, Edward F.
Named sectional chairman of Knights of Columbus, 10/01/1953:7
Baker, Emily Louise
Engaged to Joseph Fasulo, 11/24/1950:5
Wed to Joseph Fasulo, 12/08/1950:5
Baker, Ethel MacNeil
Honored for 25 years of service at Woolworth's, 10/23/1952:1
Baker, Evelyn Mary
Wedding described, 11/08/1951:11
Baker, Everett C.
Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9
Baker, Frank
Dies at age 69, 12/08/1950:5
Father of Philip dies, 12/08/1950:6
Obituary, 12/08/1950:11
Baker, Frank H.
Four-year-old Paul Carter injured slightly after bumping into taxi,
Baker, Gladys Agnew
Daughter born, 04/24/1952:4
Baker, Gladys Kidawaka
Daughter born, 09/20/1951:7
Baker, JoAnne
Engaged to George Costa, 12/10/1953:12
Baker, Joanne
Graduates from Mt. Auburn Hospital School of Nursing (p),
Baker, Ken I.
Sergeant 1st Class arrives in Germany, 06/25/1953:7
Baker, Madeline A.
Public health nurse for Lakeville-Rochester-Carver school district,
Baker, Mary
Lakeside Gladiolus Garden, Mary and Eddie Baker (ad), 12/11/1952:12
On lunchroom staff at MHS cafeteria (p), 04/01/1954:1
Baker, Mrs Watson
Fractures shoulder in fall, 03/29/1951:10
Retires from MHS lunchroom after eight years, 12/23/1954:4
Baker, Philip
Daughter born, 09/20/1951:5, 09/20/1951:7
Baker, Ralph, Jr.
Inducted into service with proviso he report after completing college,
Graduates from Bridgewater State Normal School, 06/07/1951:7
Private 1st Class stationed in Sampson, NY, 09/06/1951:3
Private 1st Class stationed at Sampson AFB, 02/07/1952:9
Airman stationed at Stewart Air Base, TN, 01/15/1953:10
Promoted to Airman 1st Class, 04/23/1953:6
Baker, Ralph W.
Candidate for Lakeville selectman, 05/19/1950:1, 05/19/1950:6
Elected to replace Pember on Lakeville boards, 06/23/1950:1
Baker, Ralph W., Jr.
Enlists in U.S. Air Force, 07/05/1951:3
Private 1st Class transfers to Institute School of Information and
Education, 03/13/1952:2
Stationed at Stewart AFB in Smyrna, TX, 09/18/1952:5
Selected Airman of the Week (p), 02/12/1953:1
Sergeant stationed at Shaw AFB, SC, 10/21/1954:6
Baker, Raymond
Attends University of Vermont, 11/10/1950:10, 12/29/1950:7
Baker, Raymond H.
Attends the Citadel military college in South Carolina, 12/27/1951:5
Baker, Richard
Private stationed at Pine Camp, NY, 06/07/1951:7
Private 1st Class stationed at Pine Camp, NY, 07/12/1951:2
On furlough from Pine Camp, NY, 09/06/1951:3
Private 1st Class has new assignment in Seattle, WA, 09/20/1951:2
Promoted to Corporal at station on island south of Korea, 01/24/1952:5
Receives honorable discharge, 01/07/1954:9
Baker, Richard A.
Completes basic training, now at Pine Camp, NY, 03/29/1951:4
Baker, Robert
Daughter born, 04/24/1952:4
Baker, Virginia Copley
Son born, 10/15/1953:4
Baker, Watson
Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5
Baker, Watson W.
Alumnus of Dartmouth College, 06/16/1950:12
Baker, Watson W., Jr.
Wed to Virginia Copley, 10/18/1951:3
Baker, Watson, W., Jr.
Son born, 10/15/1953:4
Home Bakery, self-service, 117 Center St (ad), 03/03/1950:2
Scanlon's Bakery Products (ad), 04/28/1950:5
Corinne's Bakery, 56 Center St (ad), 11/17/1950:6
Home Bakery under new management (ad), 04/26/1951:11
Morrison's Home Bakery, 117 Center St (ad), 11/15/1951:2
Marvel's Open Air Bakery & Market, 2 Spruce St (ad), 05/29/1952:5
Muriel’s Do-Nuts closed over 4th (ad), 06/25/1953:10
Columb names Corinne's Bakery after daughter, 10/01/1953:6
Corinne's Bakery aids housewives, 11/19/1953:8
Corinne's Bakery offering special services for the holiday (p),
Rosemarie Merriweather granted temporary bakery license,
Lindy's Home Bakery now open at 48 North Main St (ad),
Pasztor & Klar increase size of store 50 years ago, 04/22/1954:10
Sheehan Bros. purchase George Tweedy's bakery 50 years ago,
Lindy's Home Bakery, fine line of products, 07/01/1954:8
The Center Bakery opening at 56 Center St (ad), 08/19/1954:9
Plans by Murphy and D'Agostino approved, 09/02/1954:1
Charles Lindberg displays baking artistry (p), 11/11/1954:8
Balboni, Alice
Louis Andrade charged with trespassing by Balboni, 04/12/1951:10
Balboni, Ralph
Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1
Baldwin, Victoria
Wed to Arthur Minto Aubrey, 09/11/1952:5
Balentine, Robert G.
New teacher at Assawampsett School, 09/06/1951:3
Ball, Cedric M.
Obituary, 02/21/1952:7
Ball, Jean
Marriage takes place in Rochester, NY, 09/27/1951:5
Ball, Kinsley A.
Resides in Portland, ME, 02/10/1950:2
Ball, Kinsley Allen, Jr.
Engaged to Joanne Haskell, 04/16/1953:4
Wedding described, 08/13/1953:2
Ball, Samuel
Sees sister, Euphemia Frizzell, for first time in 57 years (p),
Ballam, Bernard F., Jr.
Engaged to Barbara A. Parker, 03/29/1951:5
Wed to Barbara A. Parker, 04/19/1951:5
Ballard, Wilbur
Engaged to Hazel Allen, 07/07/1950:5
Ballestracci, Mary J.
Engaged to Robert S. Jones, Jr., 02/21/1952:5
Ballestraci, Mary J.
Wed to Robert S. Jones, Jr., 02/28/1952:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Ballestraci, Mary Joan
Wedding described, 02/28/1952:4
Ballou, Perley Frank
Obituary, 04/14/1950:12
Balls (parties)
Two hundred enjoy Gingham Ball at Town House, 04/17/1952:4
Square dancers at 4-H Gingham Ball (p), 04/24/1952:10
Third annual Gingham Ball draws over 500, 06/05/1952:6
Sachem Steppers co-sponsor 4th semi-annual Gingham Ball,
J.H. Dalton caters firemen's ball 50 years ago, 01/21/1954:7
Junior Cabot Club hosts most successful masquerade ball yet,
Policemen's Ball attended by 150, 11/25/1954:2
Balonis, John J.
Wed to Doris M. Dube, 07/15/1954:4
Balzotti, Arthur
Son born, 08/18/1950:5
Daughter born, 12/03/1953:4
Balzotti, Leonis Rullo
Son born, 08/18/1950:5
Daughter born, 12/03/1953:4
Bancroft, Earle B.
Engaged to Leah A. Rose, 09/15/1950:7
Wed to Leah A. Rose, 10/13/1950:7
Bands and Orchestras. see also Bates School - Arts; Middleborough
Memorial High School - Music
The Pilgrim Trio plays at reception for new pastor in Plymouth,
Joseph Cordeiro, music for all occasions (ad), 02/28/1952:3
Hotin pianist, Fuller drummer with Joseph Cordeiro's orchestra (ad),
Carter's band holds promenade concert 50 years ago, 12/10/1953:9
Dance floor full at Boy's Band's first event of season 50 years ago,
Carter's Middleboro Band gives Taunton concert 50 years ago,
Musicians wanted for hill-billy band (ad), 11/04/1954:5
Banks, Eunice Caswell
Resides in Bridgeport, CT, 09/16/1954:7
Banks, Robert
Three boys missing from Everett St homes, 10/08/1953:1
Trio picked up at summer cottage in Fairhaven, 10/15/1953:1
Banks and Banking. see also Middleborough Co-operative Bank;
Middleborough Savings Bank; Middleborough Trust Co.
Albert Thomas cashier at National Bank 50 years ago, 07/01/1954:4
G.E. Tillson president of Middleboro National Bank 50 years ago,
G.E. Tillson president of National Bank 50 years ago, 09/09/1954:7
Banta, Earl
Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1
Banta, Earle R.
Airman 3rd Class stationed in San Antonio, TX, 06/11/1953:6
Banta, Earle Ronald
Enlists in U.S. Air Force, 08/21/1952:4
Banta, Evelyn
Attends Salem Teachers' College, 12/01/1950:8
Chairman of annual open house at Salem Teachers College,
Re-elected makeup editor for Log at Salem Teachers' College,
On Dean's list at Salem Teachers College, 03/19/1953:1
Accepts teaching post in Pepperell, 09/17/1953:5
Banta, Evelyn L.
To receive B.S. in business education from Salem State (p),
Banta, Irene
"School Bank" feature of MHS business program (p), 06/03/1954:11
Banus, Michael
Husband of Annie dies at age 60, 08/16/1951:5
Obituary, 08/16/1951:7
Baptist Church. see also Central Baptist Church; First Baptist Church;
Mullein Hill Church; Rock Village Church
J.F. Lawrence accepts call 50 years ago, 10/29/1953:7
Baptista, Domingo Raymond
Sent to Boston for induction, 01/08/1953:1
Baptista, Manuel A.
Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion,
Baptiste, Frank J.
Charged with child desertion, 01/28/1954:4
Baptiste, Manny
Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p),
Baptiste, Manuel
Daughter born, 07/19/1951:5
Baptiste, Ruth Hadfield
Daughter born, 07/19/1951:5
Barbeau, Norman C.
Engaged to Evelyn Ruth Shaw, 10/22/1953:7
Wed to Evelyn Ruth Shaw, 10/29/1953:5
Barbers. see also Hairdressers
List of barbers closing shops on Mondays (ad), 06/09/1950:14
New prices effective May 20th (ad), 05/15/1952:5
O.L. Barden shaves the older set 50 years ago, 10/15/1953:5
Joseph Wright has been cutting hair for 63 years, 12/23/1954:9
Letendre's Barber Shop moves from 15 North Main to 24 Wareham St
(ad), 12/30/1954:8
Barboza, Betty
Engaged to Lawrence J. Barros, Jr., 09/23/1954:5
Wedding described, 12/16/1954:3
Barboza, E.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Barboza, Harry, Jr.
Engaged to Louise Spencer, 08/14/1952:9
Barboza, Isabelle
Married in Sacramento, CA, 07/01/1954:7
Barboza, Joan
South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home
(p), 10/18/1951:1
Barboza, Manuel
Requests common victualler's license, 05/26/1952:10
Granted license for hot dog and coffee stand, 06/11/1953:10
Barden, Fred
Marion couple married 50 years, 12/08/1950:15
Barden, Mildred Florence
Obituary, 05/15/1952:5
Widow of William C. dies at age 78, 05/15/1952:7
Barden, Mrs William C.
Montgomery Home for Aged People matron, 08/18/1950:3
Retires as matron of Montgomery Home, 01/25/1951:5
Barden, O.L.
Shaves the older set 50 years ago, 10/15/1953:5
Barker, LeBaron Russell
NE Cranberry Sales directors pay tribute, 01/06/1950:1
Barker, Pete
Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p),
Barkley, Annie
Dies in New Bedford, 12/29/1950:5
Barnes, Correanuer Lillian
Widow of William E. dies at age 66, 03/17/1950:5
Obituary, 03/17/1950:8
Barnes, Ocena May
Widow of Crawford dies at age 72, 02/11/1954:4
Obituary, 02/11/1954:8
Barnes, Philip W.
Engaged to Charlotte V. Haupt, 07/02/1953:4
Wed to Charlotte V. Haupt, 07/09/1953:5
Barnes, Phillip
On staff at Middleboro Music Center, 04/01/1954:9
Barnett, Anna Wentworth
Son born, 09/01/1950:5, 07/31/1952:5
Barnett, Jean
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Barnett, Lucy
Sheriff's sale, 01/22/1953:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Barnett, Margaret
Engaged to Norman Diegoli, 09/03/1953:4
Barnett, Richard
Son born, 09/01/1950:5
Joins Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 07/05/1951:5
Son born, 07/31/1952:5
Barnett, Richard Allen
Sheriff's sale, 01/22/1953:7
Barnett, Robert W.
Trains with Freitas and Butler at Camp Pickett, VA, 01/01/1953:1
Private 1st Class stationed in Germany (p), 09/16/1954:1
Discharged for U.S. Army, 11/18/1954:4
Barnett, Robert Wesley
Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1
Barnum, P.T., 1810-1891
Distant cousin of Tom Thumb seeks information (l), 09/20/1951:10
Longtime associate Marie Harrison dies 50 years ago, 11/19/1953:9
Barr, Gordon Emerson
Wed to Alice Gertrude Wilde Geer, 04/30/1953:6
Barrett, Ida Estelle
Widow of Daniel F. dies at age 80, 10/14/1954:4
Obituary, 10/14/1954:8
Barrett, Margaret A. Barry
Obituary, 02/17/1950:4
Wife of Michael J. dies at age 78, 02/17/1950:7
Barrett, Michael M.
Former selectman dies in Plymouth, obituary, 03/06/1952:1
Barriault, Odette Fortin
Son born, 10/28/1954:6
Barriault, Richard
Son born, 10/28/1954:6
Barriault, Richard A.
Navy man returns from Greenland, 03/06/1952:6
Barros, Clarence Joseph, Jr.
Wedding described, 12/16/1954:3
Barros, Edwardo V.
Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9
Barros, Frank, Jr.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Son born, 06/30/1950:5
Barros, Joseph
Engaged to Theresa Viera, 10/01/1953:4
Wed to Theresa Vieira, 10/08/1953:4
Barros, Judy
Engaged to Edward Viera, 10/23/1952:5
Wed to Edward Viera, 10/30/1952:7
Barros, Lawrence J., Jr.
Engaged to Betty Barboza, 09/23/1954:5
Barros, Raymond
Guertin's auto struck by hay truck driven by Barros, 07/02/1953:8
Guilty on three of four counts, 08/06/1953:8
Barros, Rose Gomes
Son born, 06/30/1950:5
Barros, Sebastian
Charged with drunkenness, disturbing the peace, assaulting an officer,
and accosting two juvenile girls, 07/30/1953:2
Guilty on three of four counts, 08/06/1953:8
Barrow, David
Recalled by U.S. Marines, 08/18/1950:1
Barrow, Hazel Chapman
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Barrows, Antonia Roderick
Son born, 04/14/1950:7
Daughter born, 07/30/1953:5
Barrows, Benjamin
Daughter born, 07/30/1953:5
Barrows, Benjamin J.
Son born, 04/14/1950:7
Barrows, Duinza Gomes
Daughter born, 08/20/1953:5
Barrows, Ernest
Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4
Barrows, F. Lawton
Promoted to Commander in U.S. Naval Reserve, 07/09/1953:1
Barrows, Fletcher L.
Drives handsome white car in Boston parade 50 years ago,
Ships automobile to France 50 years ago, 07/15/1954:8
Expects French auto to arrive 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8
Drives "white ghost" French auto 50 years ago, 11/11/1954:4
Barrows, Gerald
Inducted into armed forces, 03/05/1953:6
Barrows, Hattie W.
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Barrows, Herbert H.
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Barrows, Joanne
Youngster meets Easter Bunny at W.T. Grant Co. (p), 04/15/1954:1
Barrows, Joseph
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Barrows, Lena Gomes
Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4
Barrows, Lucy A.
Obituary, 06/04/1953:3
Barrows, Mrs Fletcher
Hurricane leaves battered wreck of once beautiful tree lined street (p),
Barrows, Raymond
Daughter born, 08/20/1953:5
Barry, Louise Miller
Resides in Jamaica, NY, 12/01/1950:3
Resides in Long Island, NY, 07/15/1954:4
Barstow, Frank L.
Incorporator of Cones and Needles Club of Plymouth County, Inc.,
Barstow, Joanna
Honored by St. Luke's Hospital (p), 04/05/1951:1
Barstow, Peter Tucker
Fourth generation to enroll at Brown University, 08/27/1953:8
Barta, Alexander
Engaged to Marcella Bowen, 08/04/1950:8
Barta, Alexander M.
Engaged to Marcella Bowen, 07/07/1950:5
Wed to Marcella Bowen, 08/11/1950:5
Barta, Emilie
Fractures arm in fall, 06/09/1950:7
Barteaux, Richard
Engaged to Leah Chartier, 09/24/1953:5
Barteaux, Richard Warren
Wedding described (p), 11/05/1953:5
Barth, Gladys Hinds
Daughter born, 08/18/1950:5
Barth, Roy
Daughter born, 08/18/1950:5
Bartlett, Annette
Engaged to Herbert B. Haley, 03/03/1950:4
Wed to Herbert B. Haley, 03/17/1950:4
Bartlett, B.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Bartlett, Barry
Falls from car, skull fractured, leg broken, 10/01/1953:1
Bartlett, Basil
MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1
MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1
Middleboro students prepare treats for overseas (p), 11/05/1953:1
School officials accept gift of audiometer (p), 03/11/1954:1
Bartlett, Errol
Employed by Goodman Plastics Co. in Flushing, NY, 12/04/1952:5
Son born, 09/09/1954:4
Bartlett, Erroll D.
Daughter born, 01/17/1952:7
Bartlett, Gene
MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p),
Bartlett, Sarah J.
New literature teacher at Bates School, 07/08/1954:1
New junior high English teacher, 10/07/1954:9
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Bartlett, Thelma Goodwin
Daughter born, 01/17/1952:7
Son born, 09/09/1954:4
Bartlett, Vince
Named MHS cross country team captain, 10/06/1950:9
Bartlett, Vincent
Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1
Bartlett, Vincent E.
Airmen stationed at Norfolk, VA, 09/25/1952:10
Bartlett, Virginia
Profile of MHS teacher, 03/31/1950:10
Baseball. see also Baseball - Little League; Baseball - Twilight League;
Brown, Robert; Gauthier, Al; Middleborough Memorial High School Baseball; Mitchell Memorial Club - Baseball; Savard, Gene; Sherman,
Middleboro Hoboes to enter Colonial League, 03/31/1950:1
Ray Moffett candidate for Maine Central Institute's baseball team,
Legion Juniors opens practice, 05/05/1950:9
Nick Galanto play summer ball in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 06/16/1950:4
Goldstein and Kunces bring nine Red Sox here for baseball clinic (p),
Rosters of local leagues, 07/14/1950:3
Warriors top senior playground league (t), 09/01/1950:4
Results of midget and junior league playground playoffs (t),
History made at North Carver (l) (Eugene A. Wright), 02/22/1951:8
Traditional story: When the mighty fell, 03/22/1951:4
Fall Brook team, 1910 (p), 03/29/1951:1
New backstop installed at playground, scoreboards next week,
Harry Reed new coach for Legion's Junior League, 05/10/1951:1
Rock Village Association seeks permit for donkey baseball,
Improvements underway on municipal diamond, 08/23/1951:1
Ray Draghetti signs contract with Washington Senators, 02/28/1952:1
Dick Enos graduates from school of umpires, 03/27/1952:1
Ray Draghetti coached Boston Braves rookie as a child, 04/10/1952:11
Legion will not field Junior League entry, 05/21/1953:12
Ninth graders organize ball team 50 years ago, 04/15/1954:9
Baseball - Little League
Town joins growing Little League movement, 03/27/1952:4
Preliminary work done for Little League, 04/03/1952:6
Gene Savard named supervisor of tryout school, 04/10/1952:1
Advisory board elected, 05/01/1952:1
Savard to supervise tryouts, 05/15/1952:1
Prospective baseball immortals enroll (p), 05/22/1952:1
Opening delayed due to rainy weather, 05/29/1952:1
Ranks swell after second tryout, 05/29/1952:1
League play opens with ceremony, 06/12/1952:1
Selectman Maddigan proves to be capable pitcher, 06/12/1952:1
Busy day for young athletes here (p), 06/12/1952:2
Thank Chief of Police for job well done (l), 06/19/1952:1
Steve Zilonis pitches no-hitter, 07/03/1952:1
Youths hold collection for player with broken arm, 07/17/1952:1
VFW-sponsored team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4
Champs honored by VFW, 09/25/1952:3
Makes $31.62 contribution to Jimmy Fund, 09/25/1952:3
Holds first annual awards night, 09/25/1952:10
Dunbar speaks at Family Night, 10/16/1952:5
Honors Pete Farley, 03/19/1953:1
Young solicitors collect $480, 04/30/1953:1
Extends thanks for generous support, 05/07/1953:1
Chausse, Marshall, and Ryder key players in league (p), 06/25/1953:4
Robert Guidaboni stars in All-Star game against Chatham (p) (t),
Volunteers needed, 10/01/1953:1
Holds second annual banquet, 10/29/1953:5
Elks team members get new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1
Sixty report for tryouts, 04/15/1954:1
Thirty youths collect $458.47 for league expenses, 04/29/1954:1
Holds annual player auction, 05/06/1954:6
Local ballplayer Gerry Marshall produces big, 06/17/1954:1
Tough break for Denny Finneran, 07/01/1954:1
Baseball – Little League continued
Dave Demers leads with .500 average, 07/08/1954:7
Goodhue, Demers, and Marshall named to All-Stars (p), 07/22/1954:1
Named to Little League All-Stars (p), 07/22/1954:1
All-stars bow to Fall River in district playoffs, 08/05/1954:7
Final standings (t), 08/19/1954:8
Baseball - Twilight League
Thirty-game schedule for 1950, 03/31/1950:1
1950 schedule (t), 04/07/1950:1
Atwoods win in playoffs, 08/18/1950:1
Egger team wins league crown again (t), 09/01/1950:6
Records of players (t), 09/08/1950:1
Egger Furnituremen 1950 champions (p), 09/29/1950:1
Samuel Whitehead new president, 10/27/1950:9
Art Mitchell named most valuable player, 11/17/1950:12, 01/04/1951:1
Demers new manager of Egger's baseball team, 02/15/1951:7
Four teams admitted to circuit, 03/15/1951:1
Seeks umpires, 03/22/1951:1
Pan tag day to improve financial footing, 07/12/1951:6
Need funds to continue, support tag days, 08/02/1951:1
Sale of tags nets $164, 08/09/1951:1
Final batting averages for 1951 season (t), 08/09/1951:2
Egger's moves into final round of Richards Trophy play-offs,
Plymouth Shoemen win title (t), 09/13/1951:6
Awards presented at banquet, 12/20/1951:9
Holds annual election, 02/28/1952:1
Names annual home run award for Al Gauthier, 03/27/1952:5
Schedule announced (t), 05/08/1952:6
Jim Knight appointed to umpiring staff, 05/22/1952:7
Roster for all-star game announced, 05/26/1952:4
Tag Days net $160, 08/14/1952:1
Egger's team takes second title in three years, 08/28/1952:1
Egger's 1952 champs (p), 09/04/1952:1
Eddie Savard leads batters with 0.474 average (t), 09/11/1952:9
Holds annual banquet, 11/13/1952:1
Officers named for upcoming season, 04/02/1953:1
Legion Junior Leaguers cannot play for both, 04/30/1953:2
Officials chosen for season, 05/07/1953:1
Schedule announced (t), 05/21/1953:6
Announces names of contract players, 05/21/1953:11
Eggers are champs of 1953 (p), 08/27/1953:1
1953 player averages (t), 09/10/1953:4
Holds annual banquet, 12/10/1953:6
Tag day collection $186.35, 08/19/1954:1
Basketball. see also Middleborough Memorial High School - Basketball;
Mitchell Memorial Club - Basketball
Eggers still unbeaten in South Shore Semi-Pro League, 01/06/1950:1
Town to have two teams in 18th annual State Tourney at Plymouth,
Barbers protest Industrial League verdict, 03/17/1950:4
Gauthier's performance with Brown University team on TV,
Egger Furniture team moves into quarter finals of Cape Gateway
tourney, 03/08/1951:1
Mrs Henry Caswell coaches Egger basketball team to victory,
Egger's team advances to Cape Gateway semi-finals, 03/15/1951:7
Dick McDonald named to Southern New England Coastal Conference
All-Star quintet, 04/12/1951:1
Dick McDonald named captain of Stonehill College team, 04/17/1952:2
Joseph D'Elia injured playing donkey basketball, 05/26/1952:10
Precinct Congregational bulldozes area for court, 09/11/1952:5
Vincent Malewicz named Coach of the Blackstone Valley League,
Ralph Levesque's scoring record tied by Wareham player, 02/05/1953:1
Bob Dunham scores amazing 67 points for Lakeville Lakers (t),
Lakeville Lakers make fine record (p) (t), 04/23/1953:1
Youth league planned for Bridgewater, Carver, Lakeville, and
Middleboro, 05/14/1953:8
Ralph Levesque coach of Lakeville Lakers, 05/21/1953:9
New league formed, Myles Standish Junior High League, 11/12/1953:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Basketball continued
YMCA director plans to organize Industrial Basketball League,
Egger's team drawn to play in 22nd annual MA State semi-pro tourney,
Egger's team adds Ernie McFadgen for state tourney, 02/18/1954:5
Egger's quintet loses in state semi-finals, 02/25/1954:10
Thomas Bros. win second Industrial League title, 03/11/1954:5
Middleboro Laundry cops title from Thomas Bros., 04/01/1954:3
Lakeville Lakers to play in Boston Garden, 11/18/1954:10
Bass, Alma Louise
Obituary, 08/09/1951:2
Wife of John W. dies at age 71, 08/09/1951:5
Bass, John W.
Loses nine sheep to three large dogs, 07/17/1952:9
Bass, John William
Wedding described, 05/15/1952:2
Bass, Ruth
Recognized for more than 25 years of service at Savings Bank,
Bassett, Anne
Obituary, 07/19/1951:5
Widow of Charles dies at age 79, 07/19/1951:5
Bassett, Charles Sumner, Jr.
Hit with 4,000 volts, dies, 11/08/1951:1
Husband of Christina M. Dextraze dies at age 42, 11/08/1951:7
Bassett, Christine
Christy's Spa granted victualler's license, 10/27/1950:1
Bassett, Margaret S.
Obituary, 03/29/1951:5
Wife of Ralph M. Dies at age 75, 03/29/1951:5
Bassett, Miriam A.
Employed at public library, 02/22/1951:5
Bassett, Patricia A.
Engaged to James O. Conto, 01/31/1952:5
Wed to James O. Conto, 02/07/1952:5
Bassett, Patricia Ann
Engaged to James O. Couto, 12/27/1951:5
Engaged to Mr Couto, 01/17/1952:12
Bassett, William
Couple moves to Spruce St, 05/06/1954:12
Bassett & Broadbent
Appliances, 17 South Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Now located at 172 Center St (ad), 02/10/1950:9
Grand opening at 172 Center St (ad), 02/24/1950:5
Local firm now in new quarters, 02/24/2950:7
Batchelder, Herbert
Son born, 06/17/1954:5
Batchelder, Janet B.
Resigns from Bates School, 11/13/1952:1
Batchelder, Janet Fickert
Eighth grade teacher resigns to join husband at Quantico, VA,
Batchelder, Nordina McLure
Son born, 06/17/1954:5
Batchelder, Sidney
Stationed at Camp Lejune, NC, 06/10/1954:4
Batchelder, Sidney H., Jr.
Wedding described, 12/27/1951:2
Engaged to Janette Fickert, 12/27/1951:5
Batchelder, Sidney Horace
Engaged to Janette Bradford Fickert, 11/29/1951:7
Batchelder, Sydney H.
Graduates from Dartmouth College, 06/12/1952:10
Commissioned Second Lieutenant, 09/25/1952:6
Stationed at Quantico, VA, 01/01/1953:8
Batchelder, Sydney Horace
Wed to Janette Bradford Fickert, 01/03/1952:5
Batchelder, Thomas
Engaged to Janet Fickert, 03/01/1951:1
Bates, C.H.
School superintendent 50 years ago, 07/15/1954:8
Bates, Elmer Ellsworth
Engaged to Barbara Ann Tripp, 12/30/1954:1
Bates School
Platoons to change hours, 11/24/1950:1
Holds annual Play Day, 05/31/1951:4
Industrial arts director submits annual report, 06/21/1951:10
Platoon system still required as school opens for year, 08/23/1951:1
Opening schedule (ad), 08/23/1951:8
Begins 66th year of service to town in very good condition,
Henry Burkland submits 25th annual report, 01/15/1953:1
Sixth and fifth grades shuffle among schools, 02/19/1953:9
Home room lists, 09/03/1953:5
Students write 303 letters for National Letter Writing Week,
Eighth grade teacher Norman Lindsay finishes replica of the solar
system, 02/18/1954:10
Workshop stimulates and develops boys' skills (p), 03/18/1954:4
Eighth graders present Fiesta Pan-Americana, 04/08/1954:1
Holds 26th annual Play Day, 05/27/1954:7
Two platoon system at MHS working well for displaced students,
Map new routes for busses, 11/11/1954:1
All articles approved at 45-minute special town meeting, 12/09/1954:1
Bates School - Arts
Students present operetta Steamboat-a-Comin, 04/14/1950:1
Band scores high in music festival in Attleboro, 05/19/1950:1
Eighth graders perform annual operetta, 04/12/1951:1
Four operas in one performed by 8th grade, 04/03/1952:1
Eighth grade stages big revue, 04/09/1953:1
Eighth graders produce Spring Echo, 06/04/1953:4
Stage operetta Fiesta Pan-Americana, 04/22/1954:7
Joint concert with MHS attracts 500, 05/06/1954:4
Band rated high at SE MA Music Festival, 05/13/1954:1
Bid requests for painting (ad), 06/17/1954:2
Bates School - Commencement
Promotion for 136 eighth graders, 06/09/1950:1
Thirteen awarded honors, 06/16/1950:4
Will promote 140 to MHS, 06/07/1951:1
Honors awarded at annual event, 06/14/1951:12
Promotes 118 at commencement exercises, 06/12/1952:1
Awards presented at promotion exercises, 06/11/1953:1
Awards given to 12 students at promotion exercises, 06/17/1954:9
Bates School - Facilities
Wooden owls used to scare pigeons from building, 06/16/1950:1
Sawdust paving considered for Bates playground, 08/04/1950:1
Pigeons to get roost-no-more, 12/27/1951:3
Roost-no-more evicts pigeons, 01/17/1952:6
Summer work on school detailed, 09/04/1952:1
Firebug at work again, 04/09/1953:1
Part of yard repaved, 04/23/1953:12
Summer work described, 09/24/1953:3
List of repairs completed, 08/12/1954:10
Junior high school razed by fire (p), 09/23/1954:1
Pupils resume classes at Memorial High School, 09/23/1954:1
Classes end forever (p), 09/30/1954:1
Selectmen discuss disposition of ruins, 09/30/1954:10
School Board turns ruins over to town, 10/07/1954:1
Rebuilding ruled out, 10/14/1954:1
Site of ruin proposed as parking lot, 10/21/1954:1
Officially considered a total loss, settlement $99,000, 11/18/1954:1
Bates School - Faculty and Staff
Doris Wright resigns, 02/10/1950:6
Ruth Doyle appointed to faculty, 02/10/1950:6
Elizabeth Carbonara, 02/24/1950:11
Elizabeth Carbonara and Ruth Doyle resign, 06/09/1950:11
Barbara Martin secretary, 08/04/1950:2
Rose Martin secretary, 08/04/1950:2
Three new teachers elected, 08/11/1950:1
Harriet Jones taught in Middleboro for 50 years, 10/13/1950:6
Janet Fickert new English teacher, 08/02/1951:1
Ann Minott new teacher, 09/06/1951:1
Three new teachers on roster, 09/06/1951:7
Margaret Richey resigns as Bates music instructor, replaced by Valerie
Gibbs, 12/13/1951:1
Gardner Sherman head of industrial arts, 06/19/1952:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Bates School – Faculty and Staff continued
Teacher Janet Fickert Batchelder resigns to join husband at Quantico,
VA, 10/30/1952:2
Janet Batchelder resigns, 11/13/1952:1
Norman Bergeron fills vacancy left by Batchelder, 12/11/1952:1
Paul Kelley resigns, takes post at Braintree High, 05/14/1953:1
Vacation work for Bates staff, 07/09/1953:1
Valerie Gibbs resigns to teach in Springfield, 07/16/1953:1
Diana Dahlquist new music instructor, replaces Valerie Gibbs,
Newly elected music teacher Diana Dahlquist resigns, 08/13/1953:1
Diana Dahlquist resigns, replaced by Joan Marie McNeil, 08/20/1953:1
English teacher Norman Bergeron resigns, 08/20/1953:1
Michael Hennessey replaces Paul Kelley, 08/20/1953:1
New English teacher Bernard Walder replaces Bergeron, 09/03/1953:1
Bernard Walder resigns, 12/10/1953:1
Donald Jesse English teacher, 02/11/1954:1
Ann Minott resigns to get married, 04/08/1954:1
Lorraine DiMuzio granted leave to teach in Germany, 04/08/1954:1
Joyce Jenness new social studies teacher, 04/22/1954:1
Rena Bell Walton resigns as teacher, 06/10/1954:1
Sarah Bartlett new literature teacher, 07/08/1954:1
Faye Deane resigns after 49-year career, 08/12/1954:1
Shop instructor Gardiner Sherman resigns, 08/12/1954:1
Catherine Carr new grade six teacher, 08/12/1954:10
Frederick Ryan new social studies teacher, 08/12/1954:10
John Zynsky new industrial arts teacher, 09/16/1954:1
Faye Deane retires, 09/16/1954:5
Bates School - Parent Teacher Association
Mental hygiene the general topic for season, 09/13/1951:1
Opens 25th year, 09/18/1952:8
Observes 25th anniversary, 03/19/1953:6, 03/26/1953:11
Program of upcoming year, 10/01/1953:6
Over 200 attend annual Family Night Social, 02/25/1954:5
Bath, William Harvey
Wed to Anne Loudon Mahy, 11/24/1950:5
Batteries. see Automobiles - Parts
Battis, Elaine
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Local Playground Olympics winners pictured (p), 08/28/1952:5
Win events at playground Olympics, 08/28/1952:8
Battis, Henry
MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p),
Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1
MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p),
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1
Alumnus of Springfield College, 06/12/1952:11
MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1
MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4
Battis, Henry E.
1950 high school athletic director (p), 03/10/1950:1
Points to school needs at Memorial Club awards banquet,
Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore
championships (p), 07/03/1952:5
Named head of MHS physical education department, 09/18/1952:1
MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p),
Battis, Josephine
Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1
Battis, Mrs Henry
President of Sectional Girl Scout council, 04/19/1951:1
Honored with Thanks badge from Girl Scouts, 03/06/1952:1
Battis Field. see Playgrounds
Battles, Elaine T.
Wedding described, 03/12/1953:6
Baxter, M.W.
Installs water heater in Klar home and furnace in Leonard home 50
years ago, 09/23/1954:8
Baxter, Thomas F.
WW I veteran confined to hospital, 06/10/1954:9
Baxter, Thomas Furlong
Dies at age 66, 10/21/1954:6
Obituary, 10/21/1954:7
Bazinet, Frederick
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts
National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1
Bazinet, Frederick A.
Truck driver rear-ends Bernice Guild's car on Center St, 12/30/1954:1
Bazinet, Gertrude Hayes
Daughter born, 12/10/1953:6
Bazinet, Lloyd
Daughter born, 12/10/1953:6
Bazinet, Lloyd E.
Engaged to Gertrude Hayes, 04/05/1951:5
Wed to Gertrude Hayes, 04/26/1951:7
Bazinet, Robert N.
Fined $75 for drunk driving, 07/03/1952:5
Beach, Eleanor D. Lowe Stafford
Wed to John L. Priest, 05/12/1950:7
Beal, Gilbert
Wed to Evelyn Sullivan, 07/21/1950:9
Beal, Harold, Jr.
Engaged to Delores May Anctil, 12/09/1954:4
Beal, Olive Louise
Engaged to Robert Cephas Kinsman, 08/18/1950:5
Wed to Roger Cephas Kinsman, 09/01/1950:5
Beal, William
Fined for drunk driving and drunkenness, 04/17/1952:3
Beals, A.L.
Office supplies and equipment, Peirce Building (ad), 10/13/1950:10
Beals, Austen L.
Office equipment dealer (p), 07/16/1953:6
Franklin Harlow purchases office supply business from Beals,
Beals, Joseph E.
Beals and Savery re-elected Plymouth & Middleboro RR directors 50
years ago, 10/21/1954:10
Bean, Joel
Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6
Bean, John
Faints on Plymouth St, 03/03/1950:6
Beanland, Elinor C. McLeod
Receives five-year service pin from St. Luke's New Bedford,
Beanland, Mrs David
Resides in New Bedford, 12/30/1954:2
Beard, Martha
Engaged to be married, 03/25/1954:4, 04/22/1954:3
Beard, Martha B.
Wed to Donald L. Winslow, 04/22/1954:6
Beard, Martha Elizabeth
Engaged to Donald Lee Winslow, 11/05/1953:6
Wedding described, 04/22/1954:8
Bearse, Charles O.
Petition for administration of estate, 02/15/1951:10
Bearse, Charles Osgood
Dies at age 71, 12/22/1950:7
Obituary, 12/22/1950:7
Bearse, Henrietta Frances
Widow of Charles O. dies at age 71, 02/26/1953:5
Bearse, T.M.
One of incorporators of Automatic Telephone Equipment Co. 50 years
ago, 02/25/1954:8
Beaton, Abbie
Obituary, 08/25/1950:4
Wife of Thomas C. dies at age 75, 08/25/1950:5
Beaton, Gilbert T.
Foreclosure notice, 11/13/1952:9
Beaton, Ruth E.
Foreclosure notice, 11/13/1952:9
Beattie, Florence Comeau
Daughter born, 05/22/1952:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Beattie, Florence M.
Russell and Beattie collide on Wood St, 03/01/1951:3
Beattie, James, Jr.
Daughter born, 05/22/1952:7
Beattie, James W.
Car hits house 25 feet off Rte 44, 02/08/1951:1
Beattie, John
Daughter born, 05/29/1952:5
Beattie, John, Jr.
Daughter born, 05/26/1950:7
Beattie, Peggy Laker
Daughter born, 05/26/1950:7, 05/29/1952:5
Beaudoin, Bette
Theodore Beaudoin gets six months for non-support, 07/22/1954:7
Beaudoin, Bette M.
Foreclosure notice, 11/18/1954:12
Charges husband with assault, 12/16/1954:8
Beaudoin, Bette Sands
Son born, 02/15/1951:5, 02/18/1954:6
Beaudoin, Betty
Moves here from Lewiston, ME, 06/05/1952:12
Beaudoin, Betty Sands
Son born, 07/31/1952:5
Beaudoin, Theodore
Son born, 02/15/1951:5
Sentenced on charges of drunkenness and disturbing the peace,
Son born, 07/31/1952:5, 02/18/1954:6
Beaudoin, Theodore D.
Gets six months for non-support, 07/22/1954:7
Foreclosure notice, 11/18/1954:12
Wife charges husband with assault, 12/16/1954:8
Beaulieu, Harland
Daughter born, 09/17/1953:6
Beaulieu, Janet Gummow
Daughter born, 09/17/1953:6
Second annual Clean-Up week planned, 04/08/1954:1
Week of May 2nd voted Clean-Up week, 04/15/1954:1
Students to help with cleanup, 04/29/1954:10
Town a pioneer in recent campaign to clean up, 05/13/1954:1
Becker, Adolph
Car jack fails, traps Becker's foot, 08/16/1951:1
Becker, David
Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1
Becker, Jane E.
Engaged to Lee J. Kane, Jr., 07/21/1950:5
Wed to Lee J. Barta, Jr., 08/11/1950:5
Becker, Jane Elizabeth
Wedding described, 08/11/1950:4
Becker, Lucy
Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1
Capped in ceremony at Brockton Hospital School of Nursing,
Becker, Otto P., Jr.
Honored NE Telephone & Telegraph for 25 years of service (p),
Beckman, Ellsworth
Son born, 01/20/1950:6
Daughter born, 06/03/1954:7
Beckman, Lillian Waters
Son born, 01/20/1950:6
Daughter born, 06/03/1954:7
Beckman, Ralph
Guilty of drunkenness, 11/24/1950:7
Fined $3 for lack of inspection sticker, 05/31/1951:8
Fined $10 for drunkenness, 03/27/1952:2
Beckman, Ralph W.
Guilty of drunkenness, 12/13/1951:4, 03/06/1952:2
Beckman, Russell
Couple married seven years, 10/16/1952:10
Bedford Street Cemetery
Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11
Beech, Aaron
Host family reunion, 08/26/1954:5
Beech, Aaron H.
Daughter born, 12/15/1950:5
Beech, Aaron, Jr.
Son born, 06/11/1953:4
Beech, Annie M.
Obituary, 01/22/1953:5
Widow of John B. dies at age 87, 01/22/1953:5
Beech, Frances Gaul
Daughter born, 12/15/1950:5
Beech, Frances Saul
Son born, 06/11/1953:4
Beech, Margaret Gaul
Son born, 04/12/1951:4
Beech, Marjorie
Falls out of car following collision at routes 28 and 105, 08/20/1953:5
Beech, Mary Jane
Oldest woman in Lakeville celebrates 93rd birthday, 08/18/1950:1
Obituary, 02/21/1952:3
Widow of Edward dies at age 93, 02/21/1952:5
Petition for executorship, 03/06/1952:6
Beech, Roger
Bulldozer excavation (ad), 02/24/1950:12
Son born, 04/12/1951:4
Collides with Providence truck at Center and West St, 01/31/1952:1
Waterfront cottage at Assawompsett for sale (ad), 05/06/1954:7
Beech, Roger C.
Marjorie Beech falls out of car following collision at routes 28 and 105,
Beers, Bertha
Volunteer librarian at Scout cabin branch, 07/21/1950:2
Teacher of piano (ad), 08/21/1952:10
Beers, Stewart
Resides in New York, 05/26/1950:7
Bees and Beekeeping
Workmen take 50 pounds of honey from White's unused chimney 50
years ago, 11/12/1953:9
Nearly forty beekeepers in Middleboro, 07/01/1954:11
Begin, Edward
Daughter born, 12/04/1952:5
Begin, Margaret Best
Daughter born, 12/04/1952:5
Begley, Alice
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Begley, Alice R.
School officials accept gift of audiometer (p), 03/11/1954:1
Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated
by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1
Begley, Edward A.
Couple moves to Maine to assist son with management of rest home,
Begley, Eleanor Desrosier
Son born, 07/07/1950:5, 10/01/1953:4
Begley, Margaret A.
Transfers from West Side to Union Street School, 02/10/1950:6
Resigns from Union Street School, 06/09/1950:11
Engaged to Maurice Schindler, 09/01/1950:7
Begley, Margaret Alice
Engaged to Maurice William Schindler, 04/14/1950:12
Wedding described, 09/29/1950:2
Begley, Marie Quelle
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Begley, T. Francis
Housewarming at new home on Bourne St, 04/21/1950:9
Appointed to U.S. Savings and Loan League, 07/12/1951:1
Treasurer of Co-operative Bank, 08/14/1952:7
Named to U.S. Savings and Loan League committee, 05/13/1954:9
Begley, William
Son born, 07/07/1950:5
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 05/26/1952:1
Son born, 10/01/1953:4
Begley, William F.
New commander of Legion post here (p), 09/23/1954:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Begley, W.R.
Owns market on Center St 50 years ago, 07/01/1954:4
Behr, Richardine
Wedding described, 02/01/1951:3
Behr, Richardine M.
Engaged to Francis A. Robidoux, 01/11/1951:5
Wed to Francis A. Robidoux, 01/25/1951:5
Beiswanger, Lois
Engaged to Herbert Willis, 03/13/1952:9
Belanger, James Walter
Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5
Belanger, Vivianne
Engaged to Leo DeMille, 05/19/1950:6
Belben, Barbara Mae
Engaged to Donald Clark, 06/18/1953:3
Belben, Jean Ender
Son born, 10/25/1951:5
Belben, Kenneth
Daughter born, 08/12/1954:4
Belben, Kenneth Elton
Engaged to Myra Evelyn Freeman, 01/01/1953:5
Wed to Myra Evelyn Freeman, 01/08/1953:5
Belben, Leonard
Son born, 10/25/1951:5
Belben, Leonard W.
Navy electrician arrives home from Korea, 02/01/1951:4
Belben, Leonard William
Electricians Mate 2nd Class serves on USS Mt. McKinley, 05/12/1950:6
Belben, Leslie L.
The Mower Shop, Taunton St (ad), 04/10/1952:14
Local antique car hobbyists in 4th of July parade (p), 07/09/1953:1
Belben, Myra Fuller
Daughter born, 08/12/1954:4
Belcher, Leona Frances
Obituary, 12/29/1950:4
Wife of Edwin L. dies at age 70, 12/29/1950:5
Bell, Charlotte Ann
Engaged to Ellis C. Phillips, 01/06/1950:1
Bell, Donald
Corporal crew member on B-29 Super Fortress, 05/03/1951:6
Sergeant stationed in Tucson, AZ, 07/17/1952:6
Staff Sergeant arrives in England, 04/02/1953:5
Staff Sergeant arrives in Tripoli, North Africa, 04/30/1953:6
Bell, Eleanor
Employed as telephone operator, 10/01/1953:5
Bell, Rena
Elected to teach 6th grade at Washburn Unit, 09/18/1952:1
Wins scholarship to attend University of Maine summer session,
Wedding described, 02/25/1954:9
Middleboro Guests attend wedding, 02/25/1954:10
Bell, Richmond
Wed to Jeanne Richardson, 07/28/1950:10
Son born, 08/14/1952:3
Bell, Stewart
Takes Scottish bride, Joan Wilkie, 11/20/1952:1
Bellend, Wilfred H.
Wed to Mabel E. Hinds, 03/10/1950:5
Bellerive, Herman
Daughter born, 07/01/1954:6
Bellerive, Pearl Brigham
Daughter born, 07/01/1954:6
Belmont, Marion
The Pilgrim Trio plays at reception for new pastor in Plymouth,
Great aunt dies in Hayward, CA, 08/11/1950:4
Belmont, Tony
Employed at Moskoff's Super Market, Bedford St, 08/13/1953:6
Belrose, Arthur
Engaged to Dorothy Robbins, 06/14/1951:7
Wedding described, 06/21/1951:4
Belrose, Arthur W.
Engaged to Dorothy O'Brien, 02/15/1951:8
Belrose, Beverly
Top scorer in playgrounds Olympics (p), 08/30/1951:1
Local Playground Olympics winners pictured (p), 08/28/1952:5
Win events at playground Olympics, 08/28/1952:8
Belrose, Beverly Ann
Engaged to Alan W. Roby, 05/13/1954:6
Wedding described, 05/20/1954:6
Wed to Alan William Roby, 05/20/1954:7
Belrose, Elizabeth Johnson
Son born, 07/28/1950:5
Daughter born, 01/31/1952:5
Son born, 07/29/1954:4
Belrose, Mabel Lillian
Wife of Henry dies at age 63, 08/27/1953:7
Obituary, 08/27/1953:12
Belrose, Norman
Son born, 07/28/1950:5, 07/28/1950:10
Daughter born, 01/31/1952:5
Son born, 07/29/1954:4
Belrose, Norman C.
Five injured when Greene rams Belrose's truck, 11/13/1952:1
Belrose, Norman Chester, Jr.
Born to Norman, 07/28/1950:10
Belshaw, Lena
Engaged to George D. Stone, 09/13/1951:5
Wed to George D. Stone, 09/20/1951:7
Bemis, Ed
Employed at Elmer Sisson's bottled gas and oil business (p),
Bena, Carlo
Charged by Myra Norris with non-support, 06/07/1951:3
Bena, Faye M. Franco
Son born, 07/21/1950:5
Bena, Joseph
Son born, 07/21/1950:5
Collides with Roxbury driver at East and North Main St, 12/17/1953:13
Bena, Mary
Engaged to Charles Correa, 07/02/1953:4
Wed to Charles Correa, 07/16/1953:4
Bena, Mary Lou
Engaged to Charles Correa, 04/16/1953:8
Benaski, Barbara Ann
Engaged to Robert Gilbert Medas, 01/22/1953:5
Wed to Robert Gilbert Medas, 01/29/1953:5
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks - Lodge No. 1274
Scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:10
Pay tribute to Dr. A. Vincent Smith, 07/07/1950:1
Proposes organization to raise funds for Dr Smith, 08/18/1950:1
Nurses and four of Dr A. Vincent Smith's "babies" heard from,
More of Dr A. Vincent Smith's "babies" heard from, 09/15/1950:1
Smith's "baby" list grows in canvass for funds, 09/22/1950:1
Repudiate letter on school, 12/15/1950:1
Honors six charter members, 02/22/1951:1
Fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1
Annual milk fund appeal opens soon, 09/27/1951:1
Contributions at $408 for milk fund, 10/11/1951:1
Fetes MHS hoop squad, 03/13/1952:4
Description of annual scholarship for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:4
Lodge celebrates 40th anniversary (p), 10/30/1952:1
Fete MHS basketball squad, 03/26/1953:1
Presents town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1
Little League team members get new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1
To provide YMCA memberships to needy youths, 01/14/1954:3
Will raise funds for Paquin family in wake of farm fire (l),
Fete MHS basketball team, 04/01/1954:1
Donation misquoted, actually $467, 04/01/1954:10
Patricia Small wins youth leadership prize (p), 05/06/1954:1
Elks and Emblem clubs hold first annual Field Day at sanatorium,
Youth chosen to attend Boys' State, 06/17/1954:1
Dr and Mrs Lentini return from Elks convention in California (p),
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks - Lodge No. 1274 continued
Elks donate $1,000 to St. Luke's, 11/25/1954:1
Bennett, Clarissa Weld
Wed to Eugene Sheldon Leggett, 07/03/1952:3
Bennett, Edwin C.
Obituary, 05/13/1954:5
Bennett, Elizabeth Weld
One hundred twelve-acre former Weld estate to be retirement home (p),
Bennett, Francis
Pledges Kappa Delta Pi at Bridgewater State, 11/29/1951:1
Bennett, Jane. see Jane Bennett Scholarship
Bennett, Martha M.
Taunton woman dies at age 75, 07/16/1953:4
Obituary, 07/16/1953:7
Bennett, Mildred
Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1
Bennett, Mildred L.
Notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 07/15/1954:4
Bennett, O. Francis
Has lead in Bridgewater State production, 04/30/1953:7
Bennett, Ovell Francis
Wins honors at Bridgewater, to study at Boston College (p),
Engaged to Marjorie Claire Devlin, 06/10/1954:1
Bennett, Stanley
Ground Observer Corps must be reactivated (p), 11/26/1953:4
Bennett, Stanley R.
Notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 07/15/1954:4
Bennett, William Talsman
Dies at age 97, 06/14/1951:7
Obituary, 06/14/1951:11
Benny's Auto Stores
45 Center St (ad), 01/20/1950:4
Girls wanted to sell toys (ad), 11/10/1950:2
Man wanted to work retail store (ad), 04/19/1951:10
Anniversary sale (ad), 06/12/1952:4
Benoit, Clifford
On reviewing stand for Falconieri's welcome home festivities (p),
Benson, Arlene Tibbetts
Daughter born, 04/12/1951:4
Benson, Arthur D.
Resigns from NE Cranberry Sales Co. after 42 years, 08/25/1950:1
Couple moves from Court End Ave, Middleboro to farm in Lakeville,
Benson, Arthur F.
Benson Bros. partnership dissolves, 03/17/1950:5
Hurricane unroofs barn on Thompson St (p), 09/09/1954:4
Benson, Austin
Couple petitions for licenses for cabins, 02/03/1950:1
Granted permit for overnight cabins, 04/19/1951:10
Benson, Austin T.
Notice of hearing on overnight cabin application, 06/09/1950:6
Cabins ready for selectmen's approval, 06/09/1950:14
Obtains temporary license, 06/23/1950:4
Applies for sign advertising cabins, 05/03/1951:1
Benson, Carroll W.
Benson Bros. partnership dissolves, 03/17/1950:5
Benson, Charles G.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Chestnut St couple married 50 years, 05/31/1951:1
Benson, Clara B.P.
Obituary, 03/03/1950:3
Widow of Arthur L. dies at age 78, 03/03/1950:4
Petition for probate of will, 03/24/1950:6
Administrator presents account of estate, 02/07/1952:3
Benson, Elizabeth
Granted license for sale of secondhand furniture, 08/11/1950:8
Benson, Elmer
Obituary, 03/05/1953:7
Widower of Abbie Wilbur dies at age 73, 03/05/1953:7
Benson, George
Harnesses, 95 Wareham St (ad), 06/23/1950:2
Benton St couple married 50 years, 08/26/1954:1
Benson, George G.
Harness maker moves business to 12 Benton St (ad), 08/16/1951:10
Benson, Gertrude C.
Couple purchases Woods Lake Terrace lot from town, 03/24/1950:1
Benson, Gladys Wilkie
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Benson, Harold H.
Selectmen certify character for pedlar's license, 06/23/1950:4
Character approved by selectmen for pedlar's license, 06/28/1951:10
Selectmen sign character reference for peddler, 08/27/1953:11
Benson, Harriett Archer
Chestnut St couple married 50 years, 05/31/1951:1
Benson, Herb
Employed at Augie's Texaco Service Station, 10/08/1953:6
Benson, J. Loring
South Middleboro couple married 60 years, 02/22/1951:9
Couple married 60 years, 03/01/1951:4
South Middleboro couple married 62 years, 02/26/1953:2
Couple married 63 years, 02/25/1954:2
Benson, John K.
Named to post at National Shawmut Bank, 07/07/1950:1
Named vice president of Shawmut National Bank, 06/19/1952:5
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Benson, John Loring
Barrows St couple married 63 years, 02/25/1954:7
Benson, Louise Tibbetts
Son born, 05/22/1952:7
Benson, Mrs Arthur D.
White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p),
Benson, Mrs Stanley
Resides in Great Neck, Long Island, 12/29/1950:4
Benson, Raymond
Daughter born, 04/12/1951:4
Benson, Richard E.
Guilty on five counts, 11/29/1951:8
Appeals drunk driving fine; gets suspended sentence for assault on
officer, 12/13/1951:3
Benson, Rita
Engaged to Francis A. Chartier, 08/26/1954:4
Wed to Francis A. Chartier, 09/02/1954:4
Benson, Roberta
Engaged to John Hendricks, 12/18/1952:7
Engaged to John Hendricks, Jr., 08/06/1953:9
Wedding described, 08/20/1953:10
Benson, Roberta E.
Wed to John J. Hendricks, Jr., 08/20/1953:5
Benson, Roberta Elma
Engaged to John Joseph Hendricks, Jr., 08/20/1953:4
Benson, Rodney Ernest
Inducted into armed forces, 02/05/1953:1
Benson, Russell
Son born, 05/22/1952:7
Benson, Sarah Elizabeth Howard
Benton St couple married 50 years, 08/26/1954:1
Benson, Stanley
Housewarming at new home on Stetson Rd, Lakeville, 04/14/1950:6
Benson, Stanley D.
Leaves NE Cranberry Sales Co. for position with American Cranberry
Exchange, 07/07/1950:5
To head eastern office of Eatmor Cranberries, Inc., 06/17/1954:1
Benson, William
Couple purchases Woods Lake Terrace lot from town, 03/24/1950:1
Benson Bros.
Thompson St partnership dissolves, 03/17/1950:5
Bent, Frank J.
Pleads not guilty to assault on wife, 04/29/1954:9
Sheriff's sale of real estate, 04/29/1954:9
Bent, Margaret
Frank Bent pleads not guilty to assault on wife, 04/29/1954:9
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Bent, Margaret A.
Sheriff's sale of real estate, 04/29/1954:9
Bentley, Gerald
Engaged to Maizie B. Pittsley, 03/15/1951:7
Wed to Mazsie B. Pittsley, 03/22/1951:5
Son born, 07/26/1951:5, 12/11/1952:6
Bentley, Maizsie Pittsley
Son born, 07/26/1951:5
Bentley, Mazsie Pittsley
Son born, 12/11/1952:6
Benton, Albion
Couple moves to St. Petersburg, FL, 10/02/1952:3
Public auction (ad), 10/09/1952:6
Couple resides in Pinellas Park, FL, 04/09/1953:8
Benton, Annie
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Benton, Florence
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Benton, George M.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Benton, Irene
Andrew Pasztor, Jr. charged with assault on Benton, 08/07/1952:2
Benton, Irene J.
Engaged to Andrew Thomas, 12/10/1953:6
Wed to Andrew Thomas, 12/24/1953:4
Benton, Louis
Arthur Gorrie, Jr. succeeds Benton as manager of Royal Cafe,
Benton, William T.
Wed to A. Barbara Mahoney, 07/31/1952:5
Benton, Winny
Finishes 20th in 12-mile Abington road race, 09/01/1950:1
Enters Boston Marathon, 09/15/1950:6
Files entry for BAA Boston Marathon, 04/12/1951:1
Finishes 23rd in NE championship 10-miler, 07/12/1951:8
Finishes 14th in 9.5-mile race in Medford, 07/19/1951:1
Takes 17th in St. Vincent de Paul 10-miler, 07/26/1951:10
Finishes 30th in East Cambridge 10-miler, 08/02/1951:2
Finishes 32nd in National AAU 12.5-miler in New Hampshire,
Enters BAA marathon, 04/10/1952:1
Trains for BAA marathon, 04/17/1952:4
Enters marathon in Providence, 07/17/1952:1
Takes 21st place in 10-mile Providence road race, 07/24/1952:6
Takes 19th in Hyannis road race, 08/21/1952:1
Places 20th in East Cambridge 10-miler, 09/04/1952:3
Crosses finish line in 23rd place at Brockton 10-miler, 09/04/1952:4
Finishes third in Brockton race, 09/02/1954:8
Berardi, Frances Murdoch
Son born, 01/07/1954:4
Berardi, George
Son born, 01/07/1954:4
Berg, Catherine Campbell
MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1
Bergeron, Norman R.
New teacher at Bates School, 12/11/1952:1
Bates English teacher resigns, 08/20/1953:1
Bergstrom, John E.
Engaged to Grace G. Mizaras, 02/12/1953:5
Bergstrom, John E., Jr.
Wed to Grace G. Mizaras, 02/19/1953:5
Berkley, Marion Lee
Wedding described, 07/02/1953:2
Berman, Doris Sherman
Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7
Berman, George
Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7
Berman, Max
Petition for administration of estate, 10/22/1953:8
Berman, Ronald
Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1
Bernabeo, Dominic
Son born, 08/18/1950:5, 08/25/1950:4
Bernabeo, Frances Fusco
Daughter born, 04/12/1951:4
Bernabeo, John
Held for grand jury in case of lewd and lascivious behavior,
Indicted for assault on little girl, 02/12/1953:1
Bernabeo, Mary
Obituary, 07/30/1953:4
Wife of Joseph dies at age 78, 07/30/1953:5
Bernabeo, Rhea Duphily
Son born, 08/18/1950:5
Bernabeo, Victor
Engaged to Frances Irene Fusco, 05/19/1950:6
Wed to Frances Irene Fusco, 06/09/1950:7
Daughter born, 04/12/1951:4
Bernard, Laureat
Daughter born, 04/21/1950:5
Son born, 02/04/1954:5
Bernard, Laureat J.
Appointed to faculty of MHS, 02/10/1950:6
MHS teacher given tenure, 04/03/1952:1
Bernard, Laureat Joseph
Profile of MHS history teacher, 02/08/1951:5
Bernard, Theresa Carbonneau
Daughter born, 04/21/1950:5
Bernard, Theresa Charbonneau
Son born, 02/04/1954:5
Bernhardt, Serena Robinson
Reaches four score and ten years, biography (p), 05/01/1952:1
Bernier, Albert
First mattress of its kind on display at J.M. Wells (p), 12/06/1951:8
Bernier, Armand A.
Son born, 01/25/1951:5
Bernier, Arthur, Jr.
Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1
Bernier, Josephine Ditano
Son born, 01/25/1951:5
Bernier, Louis J.
And Marion Bernier file suit for damages against Wallace Houghton, Jr.
and Joseph Casey, 05/29/1952:7
Bernier, Marion
Fractures knee when hit by auto during snow storm, 02/28/1952:1
Bernier, Marion H.
And Louis Bernier file suit for damages against Wallace Houghton, Jr.
and Joseph Casey, 05/29/1952:7
Bernier, Norma
Engaged to Herbert C. Pratt, 02/11/1954:4
Wed to Herbert C. Pratt, 02/18/1954:6
Berries. see also Blueberries; Cranberry Industry
Ceasar Andrews gets second crop of strawberries, 09/27/1951:8
Berry, Barbara
Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1
Berry, Barbara Dunham
Son born, 10/08/1953:4
Berry, Clara Lillian
Obituary, 02/18/1954:2
Widow of Clarington dies at age 85, 02/18/1954:6
Berry, Francis
Son born, 10/08/1953:4
Berry, James
Youngsters enjoy weenie roast at Kiddie Korner on playground (p),
Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6
Berry, Roderick
Youngsters enjoy weenie roast at Kiddie Korner on playground (p),
Berry, Walter
Dies at age 62, 03/24/1950:7
Obituary, 03/24/1950:7
Resides in Curundu, Canal Zone, 04/19/1951:5
Leaves post at Curundu, Panama Canal Zone for post in Washington,
DC, 03/13/1952:10
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Besegai, Al
Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t),
Besel, Elaine H.
Engaged to John E. Silvia, 09/22/1950:5
Wed to John E. Silvia, 09/29/1950:7
Besel, Elaine Hermine
Wedding described, 09/29/1950:2
Bessette, Anthony
Obituary, 01/25/1951:2
Husband of Alexina Michaud dies at age 66, 01/25/1951:5
Bessette, Robert A.
Engaged to Mary Lou Casey, 10/09/1952:10
Wedding described, 04/23/1953:11
Bessette, Robert Armand
Engaged to Mary Lou Casey, 04/09/1953:5
Wed to Mary Lou Casey, 04/23/1953:7
Bessey, Barbara
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Bessey, Dorothy Montgomery
Daughter born, 01/04/1951:5
Son born, 03/06/1952:5
Bessey, Lois
Engaged to David L. Foster, Jr., 01/29/1953:8
Wedding described, 05/28/1953:3
Bessey, Richmond
Daughter born, 01/04/1951:5
Son born, 03/06/1952:5
Pharmacist at LaForest Pharmacy, 09/10/1953:6
Pharmacist at LaForest Pharmacy (ad), 12/17/1953:6
Clerk at LaForest Pharmacy (p), 04/08/1954:8
Bessey, Shirley Frances
Wedding described, 01/21/1954:5
Best, Dorothy J.
Pleads not guilty to deserting three minor children, 03/11/1954:4
Desertion charge dismissed, 03/25/1954:7
Best Floor Co.
Roy Hatch proprietor, 40 Pearl St (ad), 04/02/1953:3
Clifford Hatch owner of new business on Pearl St (p), 07/16/1953:6
Offers complete floor services, 10/29/1953:6
For modern floor coverings (p), 02/25/1954:6
Brings brightness to dull rooms, 05/27/1954:8
Now located at corner of Wareham and Cherry St (ad), 07/01/1954:2
New home on Wareham St (p), 08/26/1954:6
Bettencourt, Charles
Ideal Block Co., Old Center St (p), 07/09/1953:6
Nemasket Gas & Oil Co., Roger Shurtleff and Charles Bettencourt, Old
Center St (p), 11/12/1953:10
Ideal Block Co., 418 Old Center St, 02/25/1954:6
Nemasket Gas & Oil Co., 24-hour fuel service, 02/25/1954:6
Ideal Block Co. produces fine cement block (p), 05/06/1954:8
Beuthner, Bernard
Harold McDonald rear-ends Beuthner on School St, 11/03/1950:17
Beuthner, Bernard H.
Doctor conducting business by appointment only (ad), 03/20/1952:10
Beuthner, Karin
Appears in drama festival on Long Island, 09/03/1953:1
Girl unhurt as car damages Turner's property, 04/15/1954:3
Beverages. see Nemasket Spring Water Co.
Bevis, Richard Allan
Inducted into armed forces, 06/04/1953:1
Biagiotti, Arthur
Inducted into armed service, 04/15/1954:1
Biagiotti, Ralph M., Jr.
Engaged to Beverly Ann Soucie, 01/28/1954:8
Bianchi, Helen
Notice of permit hearing for overnight cabins, 08/25/1950:5
Granted permit to operate overnight cabins, 09/08/1950:1
Bianchini, John
Engaged to Joan Card, 02/15/1951:10
Engaged to Joan Betty Card, 03/08/1951:5
Wed to Joan Betty Card, 03/29/1951:5
Wedding described, 03/29/1951:10
And Rittenhouse collide at Clay and Mill St, 01/17/1952:12
Bibby, Elmer F.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Bickford, Lauris W.
Engaged to Fern P. Snow, 11/03/1950:5
Wed to Fern P. Snow, 11/17/1950:7
Bickford, Lauris Wilson
Wedding described, 11/17/1950:5
Bicycles and Bicycling
Albert Crossley reunited with former 6-day bike racing partner,
Jenney Lite Bike safety campaign issues safety tape to 247,
Bikes get reflective tape at police station, 07/03/1952:2
Richard Chamberlain offers liberal reward for recovery of stolen
bicycle (ad), 09/11/1952:10
Jerry Marshall asks help locating missing bicycle, 02/04/1954:1
John Harrison loses bike after parking in front of YMCA, 02/04/1954:1
Bicycles and Bicycling - Accidents
Cyclist Richard Tanguay runs into Joseph McCulloch's car,
Bonnar boy knocked from bike, not hurt, 06/30/1950:1
David Squieres hit by car driven by Agnes Alden, 07/21/1950:5
Clifford Manchester pitches off bike, dies, 11/10/1950:1
Lee Chickering injured in fall from bicycle, 05/10/1951:6
Roger Wainwright runs into Loren Littlefield's car on Wareham St,
Driver, Bertram Braddock, nicks Derosiers' bike on Pearl St,
Soldier hits pole, crashes into David Peck's bicycle killing him,
Boy runs into Charles Anderson's coupe, 01/03/1952:1
Robert Morrison not seriously hurt when auto strikes bike,
William Wertz, Jr. hit by Taunton driver on East Main St, 11/27/1952:5
Henry Short injured in fall from bicycle, 06/25/1953:10
Vincent Gorman injured running bike into car on Wareham St,
Ralph Harriman knocked from bike by car on East Grove St,
Louis White runs into parked car, 11/18/1954:1
Ruth Bissio charged, 06/18/1953:4
Ruth Bissio fined $100, 06/25/1953:4
Leonard Rego given suspended sentence, 07/01/1954:11
Bigelow, Ernest
The Rainbow Service, Robert Wood and Ernest Bigelow, 200 Center St
(ad), 12/30/1954:8
Bigelow, Ernest H.
Unhurt in weekend accident, 05/27/1954:9
Bigelow, Ethel M. Clark
Cross St couple married 50 years (p), 07/08/1954:8
Bigelow, Freddie
Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1
Bigelow, Freddy
Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t),
Bigelow, Frederick
Son born, 01/20/1950:6
Bigelow, Frederick I.
Cross St couple married 50 years (p), 07/08/1954:8
Bigelow, Hugh
Loses tips of fingers as mixture explodes, 07/28/1950:1
Collects history of Korea, 09/15/1950:3
Bigelow, Hugh A.
Completes evening course at Wentworth Institute, 04/22/1954:10
Enrolls at Wentworth Institute, 10/28/1954:10
Bigelow, Irma
Employed at Martenson's, Center St, 08/13/1953:6
Bigelow, Olivia Winkler
Son born, 01/20/1950:6
Bigelow, Ronald
Accepted by U.S. Coast Guard, 12/27/1951:8
Leaves for New Jersey and service in the Coast Guard, 01/03/1952:5
Wedding described, 03/05/1953:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Bigelow, Ronald E.
Discharged from U.S. Coast Guard, 08/19/1954:1
Bigelow, William E.
Captain of local battery on maneuvers at Camp Edwards, 07/21/1950:10
National Guardsman takes training at Camp Drum, 08/28/1952:9
National Guard officer exempt from jury duty, 10/23/1952:1
Captain commands Guard unit at Camp Drum, NY, 07/22/1954:3
Bigelow, Winifred Clark
Dies at age 47, 06/10/1954:7
Obituary, 06/10/1954:11
Biggs, Thelma E.
Wed to Eddie Johnson, 01/20/1950:12
Billboards. see Signs and Signboards
George's Billiard Parlor, re-opens at 252 Center St (ad), 09/29/1950:9
Billings, John
Inducted into armed forces, 08/13/1953:1
Bill's Auto Glass
Taunton St, Lakeville (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Wooden owls used to scare pigeons from Town House and Bates
School, 06/16/1950:1
Fifty pheasants on Kenneth Shaw's farm killed by dogs, 08/04/1950:5
Owl electrocuted on high tension line, 05/17/1951:1
Fifteen baby wood ducks balk at crossing road on way to river,
Pigeons to get roost-no-more at Town House and Bates School,
Roost-no-more evicts pigeons, 01/17/1952:6
Births - Middleboro
Statistics from 1946-1949 provide forecast for school enrollment,
No contest in New Year's baby contest, 01/07/1954:1
Three hundred and thirty four in 1953, 02/04/1954:8
Bisbee, Gladys Eaton
Son born, 10/04/1951:4
Bisbee, Robert
Funeral held in Brockton, 01/27/1950:7
Bisbee, William
Son born, 10/04/1951:4
Bisbey Harness Shop
Does anyone know where Bisbey Harness Shop was located?
Bishop, Alexander W.
Leaves for induction at Boston base, 02/11/1954:1
Bishop, Barbara
Confined to home with measles, 01/24/1952:4 (6)
Bishop, Barbara A. Tripp
Son born, 04/19/1951:5
Bishop, Barbara Tripp
Daughter born, 08/05/1954:4
Bishop, Cynthia Ellis
Obituary, 12/31/1953:3
Widow of Howard M. dies at age 93, 12/31/1953:4
Bishop, Donald
Son born, 04/19/1951:5
Daughter born, 08/05/1954:4
Bishop, Donald E., Jr.
Son born, 04/26/1951:12
Bishop, Florence Ellis
Wed to Elmore West, 05/26/1950:3
Bishop, Jane
Confined to home with measles, 01/24/1952:4 (6)
Bishop, Luther L.
Engaged to Rosemarie Francis (p), 09/30/1954:10
Bishop, Mary
Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into
organization (p), 05/24/1951:1
South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home
(p), 10/18/1951:1
Confined to home with measles, 01/24/1952:4 (6)
Bishop, Susan
Resides in Quincy, 01/20/1950:6
Teacher in Quincy, 10/06/1950:4
Bissaro, Agathe Thalmeier
Son born, 08/30/1951:5
Bissaro, Joseph
Son born, 08/30/1951:5
Bissette, William C.
New teacher at Lakeville school, 09/02/1954:5
Bissio, Ruth A. Strange
Charged with bigamy, 06/18/1953:4
Fined $100 for bigamy, 06/25/1953:4
Bisson, Adrienne
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9
Bisson, Emile
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9
Bissonette, Raymond
Engaged to Loretta Marie Moquin, 09/30/1954:3
Bissonnette, Adrian J.
Sells insurance agency to Daniel McNearney, 12/02/1954:1
Bissonnette, Adrien
Couple moves to Los Altos, CA, 03/27/1952:7
Los Altos, CA couple married 40 years, 12/09/1954:1
Bissonnette, Albert
Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7
Bissonnette, Alcides
William and Margaret Inch in court to confirm land title, 12/11/1952:10
Bissonnette, Dianne
Horsewoman wins prizes at East Bridgewater show, 08/12/1954:3
Bissonnette, Emma
William and Margaret Inch in court to confirm land title, 12/18/1952:2
Bissonnette, Eugene
Appeals drunk driving charge, 09/02/1954:10
Bissonnette, Eugene L.
William and Margaret Inch in court to confirm land title, 12/11/1952:10
Bissonnette, Eugene R.
Drunkenness and drunk and reckless driving cases continued,
Bissonnette, J. Adrian
Resides in Mountain View, CA, 10/08/1953:9
Bissonnette, J. Adrien
Going to California to help start new insurance, real estate firm,
Bissonnette, Jean Carolyn
Engaged to Lawrence J. Whalen, 09/01/1950:1
Wedding described, 12/01/1950:3
Local folks attend wedding on Long Island, 12/01/1950:8
Bissonnette, Jeanne
Resides in East Hempstead, Long Island, 04/14/1950:2, 07/28/1950:10
Bissonnette, Joan
Receives DAR Good Citizenship Award, 03/08/1951:1
Who's who in MHS senior class, 06/07/1951:4
Accepted at Bouve-Boston School of Physical Education, 07/19/1951:1
Elected president of sophomore class, 03/27/1952:5
Recipient of Robert Goldstein Citizenship Award, 06/05/1952:1
Named to staff playgrounds, 05/21/1953:1
Vice-president of Student Government Association, 10/01/1953:9
Elected president of student government for 1954-55, 06/17/1954:8
President of Student Government Association at Bouve, 12/30/1954:7
Bissonnette, Joan C.
Enrolls at Bouve-Boston School of PE, 10/11/1951:8
Named to Dean's List, 04/03/1952:10
Elected president of sophomore class, 06/05/1952:11
President of class and member of student government, 01/01/1953:7
Honor student at Bouve-Boston School, 04/09/1953:1
Awarded Student Government prize at Bouve-Boston School,
Enrolls at Tufts College, 10/07/1954:10
Bissonnette, Lee
Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1
Bissonnette, Lloyd
Son born, 05/31/1951:5
Daughter born, 09/04/1952:5
Bissonnette, Margaret
William and Margaret Inch in court to confirm land title, 12/11/1952:10
Bissonnette, Mary McGinnis
Daughter born, 09/04/1952:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Bissonnette, Mary McGuiness
Son born, 05/31/1951:5
Bissonnette, Mrs Adrien
Brother dies in Andover, 08/25/1950:9
Bissonnette, Mrs Ulysses
Employed at South Lakeville School cafeteria, 12/09/1954:3
Bissonnette, Ronald
Killed in rifle accident, 07/05/1951:1
Bissonnette, Ronald Ulysses
Shooting ruled accidental, 08/09/1951:1
Bissonnette, Ruth Foley
Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7
Bissonnette, Ulysses L.
Four injured in two-car collision in Lakeville, 11/13/1952:1
Head-on collision injures four, 11/13/1952:2
Biswanger, Adam S.
Dies at age 80, 12/22/1950:7
Obituary, 12/22/1950:7
Bither, Jane
Bridal shower held, 08/27/1953:12
Bither, Lewis Philip
Wedding described, 07/09/1953:8
The BKN Co.
Lawn mower dealer (ad), 09/01/1950:5
5th birthday sale (ad), 08/02/1951:6
Now Town Line Country Store (ad), 05/26/1952:9
Black, John A., Jr.
Engaged to Betty LeBlanc, 02/22/1951:5
Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1
Wed to Ruth E. Tierney, 10/18/1951:5
Black, John A., Sr.
Obituary, 01/14/1954:2
Wareham man dies at age 65, 01/14/1954:4
Black, John Albert, Jr.
Inducted into military service, 03/08/1951:1
Black, John, Jr.
Guilty of assault on Walter Zion, 07/21/1950:1
Guilty of assaulting Cedric Zion, 07/28/1950:3
Black, Laura
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Black, Leonard
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 04/05/1951:9
Private at Sampson AFB, NY for basic training, 10/04/1951:7
Black, Ruth
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Blackburn, Louise Bassett
MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1
Blackman, Warren
MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p),
Blackmer, Mrs Harold
White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p),
Blacksmiths. see Metal and Metal Work
Blackstone, Alfred
Obituary, 03/29/1951:9
Blaine, John
Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5
Blaine, June Westering
Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5
Blair, Edwin O.
Wants to buy standing timber from town, 02/12/1953:5
Blair, Erwin O.
Sells East Grove St house to Harold Wygant, 12/16/1954:7
Blair, Herbert
Couple resides in Lakeland, FL, 09/17/1953:10
Blair, Judith
Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1
Blair, Richard
Returns to supervise floor covering department at Egger's,
Blair, Richard H.
Egger's floor manager wins national award, 08/05/1954:1
Blair, Robert
Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises
(p), 06/30/1950:1
Blais, Edgar
Son born, 12/10/1953:6
Blais, Janet
Old Country Store makes learning fun at School Street School (p),
Blais, Pauline Chartier
Son born, 12/10/1953:6
Blais Cleaners
Lea Chartier manager, 160 Center St (ad), 10/04/1951:2
Blake, Cecil B.
Blake's Service Station 33 Wareham St (ad), 10/18/1951:2
Blake, E.H.
Removes from Thatcher block 50 years ago, 04/01/1954:8
Blake, Eleanor Wright
Daughter born, 08/14/1952:5
Blake, Jeralyn C.
Wed to Robert C. Sisson, 07/31/1952:5
Blake, L.A.
New manager of NE Cranberry Sales Co., 08/28/1952:1
Blake, Naidene L.
WAC assigned to March AFB, CA, 09/23/1954:8
Blake, Randy
WPEP thanks advertisers and patrons on 2nd anniversary (ad) (p),
Blake, Rodney
Daughter born, 08/14/1952:5
Blakely, Beatrice
Resides in Oklahoma, 07/21/1950:10
Blakely, Beatrice Medas
Son born, 03/24/1950:7
Blakely, Merle
Son born, 03/24/1950:7
Blakeman, William
Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p),
Blake's Service Station
Cecil Blake, 33 Wareham St (ad), 10/18/1951:2
Blakesley, Mabel A.
Petition for probate of will, 01/07/1954:2
Blakesley, Mabel L.
Dies suddenly in New Hampshire, 11/26/1953:4
Blakesley, Merle
Family rents tenement from William Chickering, 01/25/1951:5
Blanc, James R.
Engaged to Dorothea Catherine Picone, 11/05/1953:2
Blanchard (Mr)
Kenneth Falconer on farm exchange from Australia, 10/15/1953:5
Blanchard, David
Attends Stockbridge School, 12/22/1950:11
On Honors List at UMass, 04/09/1953:1
Local man to receives degree from UMass (p), 06/03/1954:6
Receives departmental honors at commencement, 06/10/1954:5
Blanchard, David E.
Pledges Alpha Gamma Rho at UMass, 02/15/1951:1
Ringmaster at 17th Bay State Dairy Classic at UMass, 05/01/1952:7
On Dean's List at UMass, 05/08/1952:1
Cadet trains at Ethan Allan AFB, Winooski, VT, 08/20/1953:8
Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1
Leaves for military induction, 12/09/1954:4
Blanchard, Hilda
Named state 4-H clothing winner, 11/13/1952:1
Attends University of Massachusetts, 10/15/1953:3
Blanchard, Mrs Fred
New member of county extension service advisory council,
Blanchard, Pauline
Employed at Richmond Automotive Service, 08/06/1953:6
Blenheim, May L.
Widow of Samuel dies at age 85, 03/03/1950:4
Blenheim, May Louise
Obituary, 03/03/1950:2
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Blicker, Robert
Wed to Bertha Hodsdon, 04/09/1953:6
Bliss, Alice Young
Son born, 09/25/1952:5
Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4
Bliss, Anthony
Resides in North Carolina, 06/11/1953:6
Bliss, Anthony H.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3
Notice of Lakeville tax taking, 02/26/1953:4
Notice of tax taking, 02/04/1954:9
Bliss, Harris
Son born, 09/25/1952:5
Bliss, Harry
Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4
Bliven, Mabel G.
Obituary, 10/20/1950:5
Widow of Charles F. dies at age 71, 10/20/1950:5
Blizzards. see Storms
Block, Earl, Jr.
Stationed with army in New Mexico, 07/17/1952:5
Block, Mary
Engaged to Robert Frank, 02/17/1950:6
Block, Mary Elizabeth
Wedding described, 04/07/1950:2
Blouin, Carolyn
Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1
Blouin, Mary F.
Dangerous Lakeville intersection claims another life, 05/27/1954:1
Blue and White Farms
Joseph Ayotte breeds race horses, 03/31/1950:1
Joseph Ayotte's horse takes 5th at Rockingham, 10/25/1951:1
Joseph Ayotte has two winners at Lincoln Downs, 04/02/1953:5
Has winners at Suffolk Downs, 05/14/1953:1
Ayotte's Lydia A wins in heavy rain at Narragansett, 07/30/1953:7
Joseph Ayotte's Lydia A. speeds to victory in New England Futurity (p),
Lakeville man owns and races thoroughbreds, 02/25/1954:1
Joseph Ayotte purchases adjoining farm, 65 acres, 03/11/1954:2
Three horses take prizes at Lincoln Downs, 04/01/1954:1
Compiles excellent record at Lincoln Downs, 04/22/1954:1
Sixth win for Lakeville mare, 07/29/1954:8
The Blue Plate
Night prowlers invade restaurant, 05/26/1952:1
Waitress wanted (ad), 09/18/1952:6
Blueberries. see also Maxim's Orchard
J. Herbert Alexander elected President of MA Cultivated Blueberry
Growers Association, 01/21/1954:10
Alexander hosts annual meeting of MA Cultivated Blueberry
Association, 07/08/1954:2
J. Herbert Alexander re-elected president of Blueberry Growers Assoc,
Blumenthal, Fred R.
Eye, ear, nose, and throat specialist opens office here, 11/27/1952:1
Opens office at 27 Center St (ad), 11/27/1952:6
Blyn, Betty
Notice of Lakeville tax taking, 02/26/1953:4
Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2
Blyn, Philip
Notice of Lakeville tax taking, 02/26/1953:4
Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2
Board of Health. see Middleboro – Board of Health
Board of Registrar’s of Voters. See Middleboro – Board of Registrar’s of
Board of Selectmen. See Middleboro – Board of Selectmen
Boarding Houses
Emerson Coe granted permit, 03/10/1950:6
Mrs Henry Shaw licensed to operate boarding home (ad), 04/12/1951:2
Courtland Hall (ad), 05/17/1951:10
Courtland Hall, room and board available (ad), 03/18/1954:9
Nils Swanson's rooming house application approved, 12/30/1954:4
Boardman, Arthur E.
Believes town needs new industries (l), 11/08/1951:1
Chief problem is attract new business and industry (l), 02/07/1952:5
Boardman, Nancy Matilda
Widow of Eli dies at age 71, 09/20/1951:7
Obituary, 09/20/1951:9
Boardman, Roland
Represents Boy Scouts at Valley Forge Jamboree, 07/07/1950:4
Findings in assault case deferred, 08/14/1952:1
Boardman, Roland E.
Charged with assault on two children, 08/07/1952:2
Boarman, Madeline Ashley
Son born, 11/15/1951:7, 09/30/1954:5
Boarman, William
Son born, 11/15/1951:7, 09/30/1954:5
Boats and Boating
Wilfred Montminy suffers burns in boat explosion, 07/12/1951:2
Charles Clark wins sailing trophies in Angelica Yacht Club Cat Boat
Races (p), 09/20/1951:1
Clayton and Edith Kemp apply to DPW to build boat house on
Tispaquin Pond, 10/16/1952:5
Boat safety stressed to youngsters at pool (p), 07/22/1954:1
Bob's Diner
Night prowlers invade restaurant, 05/26/1952:1
K.B. Keedwell proprietor, on the square (ad), 07/02/1953:6
Popular spot at Four Corners (p), 09/17/1953:8
Where eating is a pleasure (p), 12/31/1953:6
Rubbish fire caught before serious, 01/14/1954:1
Sure to please, 04/08/1954:8
Popular eating spot (p), 06/10/1954:8
Bodessa, John
Engaged to Lorraine Thompson, 03/10/1950:5
Wed to Lorraine F. Thompson, 04/07/1950:7
Son born, 02/01/1951:5, 07/24/1952:5
Son born (p), 07/24/1952:5
Son born, 10/08/1953:4
Bodessa, Lorraine Thompson
Son born, 02/01/1951:5, 07/24/1952:5
Son born (p), 07/24/1952:5
Son born, 10/08/1953:4
Boehler, Donald M.
Engaged to Roberta E. Fiske, 09/23/1954:9
Boehme, Avis C. Millerd
Oak St couple married 50 years, 05/24/1951:5
Boehme, Charles E.
Oak St couple married 50 years, 05/24/1951:5
Boehme, Edmund J.
Guilty of drunkenness, 03/19/1953:4
Boehme, Lothrop M.
Petition for payments from estate, 08/28/1952:2
Executor presents account of estate, 12/04/1952:9
Boehme, Lothrop Mendall
Obituary, 08/16/1951:3
Dies at age 55, 08/16/1951:5
Petition for probate of will, 08/16/1951:5
Bogigan, Mrs Raye
Moves to Denver, CO, 07/08/1954:4
Bogigian, L.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Bogigian, Leon
Husband of Raye Detoian dies at age 52, 03/17/1950:5
Obituary, 03/17/1950:10
Named to staff playgrounds, 05/21/1953:5
MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4
Bogigian, Mrs Leon
Nurse's aide graduates from St. Luke's (p), 06/12/1952:1
Bohmer, Rudolph J.
Lieutenant Colonel helped get Donald Falconieri back home,
Bohning, Clarence Minott
Husband of Ruth Dora Lamoreux dies at age 52, 08/11/1950:5
Obituary, 08/11/1950:8
Bohning, F.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Bohning, Raymond H.
Corporal serves with "Gimlet" Regiment of 24th Infantry Battalion,
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Bohning, Raymond H. continued
Promoted to Sergeant 1st Class at Ladd AFB, Alaska, 10/21/1954:10
Boileau, Doris
"School Bank" feature of MHS business program (p), 06/03/1954:11
Boileau, Doris M.
Marine Private now at Quantico, VA (p), 10/14/1954:1
Boileau, Doris Mary
Named MHS salutatorian (p), 03/25/1954:1
Boileau, Roland Donald
Petition for guardianship, 07/24/1952:5
Guardian presents account, 07/08/1954:7
Bois, Anne Gillis
Son born, 11/13/1952:7, 11/18/1954:6
Bois, Franklin
Son born, 11/18/1954:6
Bois, Franklyn
Son born, 11/13/1952:7
Bois, Wilfred
Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p),
Boisoneau, George H.
East Main St couple married 60 years, 02/10/1950:1
Boisoneau, George Henry
Husband of Malthilde Neau dies at age 83, 03/31/1950:6
Obituary, 03/31/1950:6
Boisoneau, Malthilde
East Main St couple married 60 years, 02/10/1950:1
Bolan, Dorothy
Marion's Laundromat, 378 Center St, a friend to housewives,
Bolan, Dorothy Hiltz
Son born, 01/15/1953:7
Bolan, Mrs Walter
Marion's Laundromat , a service for housewives (p), 06/10/1954:8
Marion's Laundromat (p), 07/29/1954:6
Bolan, Walter. see also Bolan's Jenney Service
Son born, 01/15/1953:7
Marion's Laundromat, 378 Center St, a friend to housewives,
Kiwanis Club holds installation ceremonies (p), 01/07/1954:1
Proprietor of Marion's Laundromat (p), 02/18/1954:8
Marion's Laundromat , a service for housewives (p), 06/10/1954:8
Boland, Mrs John
Resides in Springfield, 08/13/1953:8
Bolan's Jenney Service
Corner of Center & Pearl St (ad), 06/09/1950:4
Gale blows out window, 02/26/1953:1
At Center and Pearl St since 1947 (p), 07/23/1953:6
Dependable service since 1947, 10/22/1953:8
Installs new Choldun Washer (ad), 12/10/1953:13
New auto washing machine (p), 02/11/1954:6
Fully equipped service station, 05/13/1954:8
A modern service station (p), 07/22/1954:6
A service station that means service (p), 11/18/1954:8
Bolduc, Alice C.
Collides with Indiana auto at Sachem and Thomas St, 10/11/1951:9
Bolduc, Allerton
Leaves for army induction (p), 02/21/1952:1
Receives Marine training at Parris Island, SC, 04/10/1952:11
Discharged from U.S. Marines, 02/25/1954:2
Bolduc, Allerton J.
Inducted into armed forces, 02/14/1952:1
Discharged from military service, 03/11/1954:4
Bolduc, Ann Dempsey
Son born, 07/17/1952:4, 04/08/1954:6
Bolduc, Michael Amie
Born to Robert, 04/08/1954:12
Bolduc, Robert
Son born, 07/17/1952:4, 07/24/1952:2, 04/08/1954:6, 04/08/1954:12
Bolduc, Roland A.
Wedding described, 11/18/1954:4
Bolin, Herbert T.
Engaged to Ruth L. Jefferson, 06/23/1950:5
Wedding described, 07/07/1950:2
Bolin, Herbert T. continued
Wed to Ruth L. Jefferson, 07/07/1950:5
Bon Mode
Owner Mrs J. Morgan Wilson in New York for millinery opening 50
years ago, 03/18/1954:7
Bonnar, James M., Jr.
Doctor conducting business by appointment only (ad), 03/20/1952:10
Biography of candidate for School Committee (p), 01/14/1954:1
Son born, 07/29/1954:4
Bonnar, James M., Sr.
Obituary, 11/27/1952:4
Dies at age 74, 11/27/1952:5
Bonnar, John F.
Engaged to Marie A. Boudreau, 10/04/1951:4
Wed to Marie A. Boudreau, 11/08/1951:7
Bonnar, Lillian Wayne
Son born, 07/29/1954:4
Bonnar Paint & Wallpaper Co.
Profile and history of local business, 11/20/1952:4
Bonney, Alfred L.
Plympton man dies, 08/18/1950:5
Bonney, David Halsted
Wed to Margaret Ethel Turner, 08/28/1952:5
Bonney, Robert E.
Wed to Genevieve A. Marks, 08/30/1951:5
Bonzagni, Anthony A.
Student driver car presented to MHS (p), 12/22/1950:1
Booker, James
Son born, 01/20/1950:6
Daughter born, 12/25/1952:5
Booker, James A.
Purchases eight lots at town auction, 05/14/1953:1
Booker, Mary Spencer
Son born, 01/20/1950:6
Daughter born, 12/25/1952:5
Booker, Mrs James
Nurse's aide graduates from St. Luke's (p), 06/12/1952:1
Books. see also Libraries
Gladys Demoranville Vigers has History of the Town of Lakeville,
Massachusetts published, 12/04/1952:9
History of the Town of Lakeville, Mass. by Gladys Vigers now on sale
(ad), 12/18/1952:12
Description of new Lakeville history book, 12/25/1952:7
Sylvia Matheson writes 99-page art text book, 05/14/1953:2
Former resident, Muriel Traegde, has story published, 06/25/1953:1
Benjamin Bump writes booklet on Mr and Mrs Tom Thumb,
The story that never grows old, on sale at Leland's (ad), 12/10/1953:2
Owners of Tom Thumb home receive copy of Alice Curtis Desmond's
book, 04/01/1954:1
Writer of town history, Thomas Weston, resides in Newton 50 years
ago, 06/03/1954:4
Author of Barnum Presents General Tom Thumb visits town,
Rare books interest Lawrence Romaine (p), 07/01/1954:12
Town history by Thomas Weston ready for publication 50 years ago,
Local poetess Virginia Gibbons has works published (p), 12/09/1954:1
Bookstein, Bernard L.
Middleboro Steak House proves popular (p), 07/08/1954:6
Bookstein, Harold
Middleboro Steak House proves popular (p), 07/08/1954:6
Boothman, E.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russel (poem), 03/31/1950:7
Borden, Edna L.
Decries finding by male jury in Mattos trial (l), 06/28/1951:4
Borden, Ray
Painting, roofing, general repairs (ad), 08/05/1954:3
Borges, Manuel
Candidate for Lakeville constable and fish warden, 02/25/1954:3
Borsari, Alice Alger
Daughter born, 11/06/1952:5
Borsari, Evo
Daughter born, 11/06/1952:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Borsari, Francis
Appointed public weigher, 05/31/1951:5
Borsari, Frank, Sr.
Obituary, 09/15/1950:2
Husband of Amelia Bouoni dies at age 77, 09/15/1950:7
Borsari, Joseph
Shower for new arrival, 06/21/1951:5
Borsari, Joseph T.
Plumbing and heating, 116 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Son born, 05/17/1951:4
Borsari, Priscilla E. Caswell
Son born, 05/17/1951:4
Bosari, Buzz
Egger Furnituremen 1950 Twilight League champions (p),
With 483rd Combat Engineers training at Camp Drum, NY,
Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (p) (t),
Bosari, Ellen M.
Passes civil service exam for head cook, 05/15/1952:11
Takes post as head cook at Myles Standish Mental School, Taunton,
Bosari, Evo E.
Stationed at Sacramento, CA, 06/17/1954:6
Bosari, Penny
Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated
by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1
Boston & Falmouth Express
Truckers on strike in support of National Brotherhood of Teamsters,
Albert Guidaboni, Lovell St (p), 10/15/1953:6
Trucking service you can rely on, 01/14/1954:6
Successful local trucking concern (p), 04/22/1954:8
Local company has reasonable rates, 06/10/1954:8
Local company adds new trucks, 10/21/1954:8
Boston Accordion Center
Opens Branch Studio at 1 Wareham St, 04/02/1953:9
The Boston Store
31st anniversary (ad), 01/13/1950:9
Employs Mrs Thomas Giamperoli, 07/28/1950:8
32nd anniversary (ad), 01/18/1951:3
33rd anniversary (ad), 01/17/1952:11
34th anniversary sale (ad), 01/15/1953:11
35th anniversary (ad), 01/07/1954:3
Bosworth, Beulah Archibald
Son born, 02/21/1952:5
Bosworth, Daniel
Daughter, 11/04/1954:4
Bosworth, Lillian May
Engaged to Robert M. Turner, 06/17/1954:2
Wed to Robert M. Turner, 07/08/1954:4
Bosworth, Ruth Alger
Daughter, 11/04/1954:4
Bosworth, Walter
Son born, 02/21/1952:5
Botelho, Fernando
Licensed to collect garbage in Lakeville, 04/22/1954:11
Botellho, John
Veteran takes ill on way home from veteran's hospital, 08/18/1950:6
Bouchard, Jean Cabral
Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7
Bouchard, Rene
Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7
Boucher, A. Vincent
Stanley Jurgelewicz pleads not guilty to break and larceny,
Jurgelewicz acquitted on break-in charge, 05/31/1951:1
Granted cesspool pumping permit, 08/12/1954:4
Boucher, A.V.
Black top driveways and walks (ad), 06/16/1950:3
Boucher, Edward
University of Florence, Italy student to be extra in film, 05/19/1950:7
Son born, 12/22/1950:12
Boucher, Edward continued
Resides in Lansing, MI, 07/05/1951:5
Has small part in film Theresa, 04/10/1952:9
Boucher, James H.
Petition for administration of estate, 01/13/1950:4
Boucher, John E.
Son born 50 years ago, 12/02/1954:8
Boucher, T.F.
Paint and wallpaper, 370 Center St (ad), 05/05/1950:6
Boucher, William F.
Lieutenant in U.S. Air Force Reserve, 05/19/1950:7
Boudreau, Joseph
Daughter born, 03/31/1950:12
Gets custody of children, 06/16/1950:12
Acquitted of wife's charge of non-support, 06/30/1950:7
Boudreau, Marie A.
Engaged to John F. Bonnar, 10/04/1951:4
Wed to John F. Bonnar, 11/08/1951:7
Bourgeois, Anatole
George Soper and Albert Campbell sent to jail, 09/20/1951:10
Sproat St couple married 50 years, 09/27/1951:1
Bourgeois, Exina Jerone
Sproat St couple married 50 years, 09/27/1951:1
Bourne, Richard
Engaged to Dorothy Elizabeth Quinn, 02/08/1951:4, 03/01/1951:4
Bourne, Virginia Irene
Engaged to Irving, Minott, Jr., 01/13/1950:5
Bourne Furniture
21 North St (ad), 03/31/1950:5
Re-organization sale (ad), 08/13/1953:4
Boutin, A.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Boutin, Arthur
Grows record-breaking melon (p), 09/03/1953:1
Boutin, Leah
Completes 25 years of teaching in Middleboro, 08/19/1954:1
Boutin, Robert
Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1
Engaged to Hazel May Guidoboni, 06/28/1951:9
Boutin, Robert A.
Private with 28th Infantry in big maneuvers, 08/23/1951:1
Engaged to Hazel M. Guidoboni, 04/29/1954:4
Engaged to Hazel Guidaboni, 05/06/1954:2
Wed to Hazel M. Guidaboni, 06/10/1954:7
Boutin, Robert Arthur
Wedding described, 06/03/1954:8
Boutin, Robert R.
Returns from two years in Germany, 02/11/1954:1
Boutin, Thomas H.
Obituary, 12/29/1950:4
Dies at age 51, 12/29/1950:5
Bowen, Carolyn
Resides in Seattle, WA, 01/17/1952:5
Bowen, Everett
Lost minister found unharmed, 10/15/1953:1
Bowen, Everett A.
Shaw Home resident denies he was hopelessly lost (l), 11/19/1953:3
Bowen, Jennie E.
Wife of Everett A. dies at age 82, 01/29/1953:5
Bowen, Jennie S.
Obituary, 01/29/1953:4
Bowen, Marcella
Engaged to Alexander M. Barta, 07/07/1950:5
Engaged to Alexander Barta, 08/04/1950:8
Wed to Alexander M. Barta, 08/11/1950:5
Bowen, Maurice
Resides in Teaneck, NJ, 11/20/1952:8
Bowen, Milt
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Bowen, Mrs Richard
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Bowen, Richard
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Resides in Hempstead, NY, 11/20/1952:8
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Bowen, Richard continued
Resides in Buffalo, NY, 11/04/1954:8
Bower, Ernest F.
Enlists in U.S. Navy (p), 12/23/1954:1
Completes eight weeks of training at Bainbridge, MD, 12/23/1954:2
Bower, Gertrude
Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1
Eagles Auxiliary donates $600 to St. Luke's (p), 11/04/1954:4
Bowers, Theodore R.
Fined $50 for operating car after license revoked, 01/27/1950:12
Bowes, Doris
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4,
Bowes, Doris Hopkins
Daughter born, 04/09/1953:5
Bowes, John
Daughter born, 04/09/1953:5
Met Life agent promoted to assistant manager of Worcester district,
Bowler, William Earl
Dies at age 85, 11/20/1952:7
Obituary, 11/20/1952:9
Bowles, Annie J.
Obituary, 10/23/1952:4
Bowles, Annie Jane
Widow of Frederick dies at age 75, 10/23/1952:5
Bowles, Arleen Sullivan
Daughter born, 07/09/1953:4
Bowles, Cuthbert
Wed to Elizabeth Stephenson, 09/01/1950:5
Bowles, Donald
Daughter born, 07/09/1953:4
Bowles, Donald L.
State trooper transfers to Bristol County, 09/24/1953:6
Bowling. see also Middleboro Recreation Center
Former local man, Everett Newton, stars in Brockton, 10/13/1950:1
Eagles top Inter-city League, 08/23/1951:2
Eagles champs of Inter-city League (p), 09/06/1951:1
Local Eagles top inter-aerie league, 09/17/1953:5
Maxim Motor Co. takes top league honors, 05/06/1954:12
Awards made at YMCA banquet, 06/03/1954:11
Bowman, Jean M. Pittsley
Daughter born, 04/14/1950:7
Bowman, Mildred K.
Transfers to grade 2 at Union Street School, 03/12/1953:1
Bowman, Robert L.
Daughter born, 04/14/1950:7
Box Industry
Alger Box Co. establishes trade in fancy paper boxes 50 years ago,
Glenn Powell meets Rocky Marciano, 08/02/1951:1
Boy Scouts of America
Annual report of Annawon Council, 02/03/1950:1
Second annual charter night held for Troop No. 10, 02/17/1950:1
Hold Court of Honor, 02/17/1950:5
Scouts granted use of parcel of town land, 03/24/1950:1
Jamboree attracts 200 scouts, 04/28/1950:6
Four local youths win coveted Eagle award (p), 05/05/1950:1
Troop 13 gets charter, 05/12/1950:6
Face lifting operations at Camp Norse (p), 05/26/1950:1
Camp Avoda granted license, 06/23/1950:4
Roland Boardman represents scouts at Valley Forge Jamboree,
Charles Soule attends Jamboree at Valley Forge, 07/07/1950:5
Troop 10 opens season, 09/08/1950:1
Otto Lobl accepts post of advertising for local group (p), 10/13/1950:1
Poster contest held at library (p), 11/10/1950:12
Chairman criticizes lack of parental interest in Court of Honor,
Holds annual meeting, 01/18/1951:1
Celebrate 41st anniversary with "good turns," 02/08/1951:8
Annawon Council concludes annual review, 03/22/1951:1
Boy Scouts of America continued
Register strong protest against public access to Loon Pond,
Troop 16 conducts paper drive, 05/03/1951:1
Annawon Council plans improvements to Camp Norse, 05/10/1951:10
James Lakey and P. Barry Weaver earn Eagle Awards (p),
Clear large area at Camp Norse, 05/31/1951:7
Lakeville scouts acquire four acres on Pickens St, 06/07/1951:7
Court of Honor held at Camp Norse, 08/23/1951:5
Annawon Council names executive assistant, George Morton, Jr.,
Theodore Wood retires as council head at annual meeting, 01/31/1952:8
Hold Court of Honor, 02/14/1952:4
Gather to tackle improvements at Camp Norse, 04/24/1952:7
Eagle badges awarded at 21st annual banquet, 05/08/1952:5
Middleboro-Lakeville-Carver District holds Court of Honor,
Twentieth camp season opens, 07/17/1952:8
State erects new directional signs to Camp Norse, 08/14/1952:5
Land Explorer Post No. 16 formed, 10/23/1952:5
Explorer Post No. 16 active, 11/06/1952:4
Hold Court of Honor, 11/20/1952:9
Sea Scouts find new anchorage, 01/29/1953:6
Local boys receive God & Country Award, 02/05/1953:9
Hold Court of Honor, 02/19/1953:2
Explorer Post No. 16 organizes, 05/07/1953:10
Annawon Council holds 21st Scouters Banquet, 05/14/1953:10
District holds Court of Honor in Carver, 05/28/1953:4
Five from Middleboro chosen to attend Jamboree in California,
Camp Norse now open, 07/09/1953:5
Bruce Atwood writes from big Scout jamboree in California (l),
Explorer Scout's Armistice Day float gets honorable mention,
Lester Garnier and Keith Humphreys win God and Country Award,
Humphreys and Garnier receive God and Country Awards,
Cub Pack No. 10 celebrates 5th birthday, 02/25/1954:3
Get $2,500 award for waterfront construction at Camp Norse,
Donald Marden awarded Weblos badge, 05/06/1954:2
Annawon Council holds Scouter banquet, 05/20/1954:3
Six local scouts recognized at Court of Honor, 05/27/1954:2
Joseph D'Elia, Jr. receives highest award in Cub Scouts, 06/03/1954:1
Seventy Cub Scouts romp at Field Day, 06/10/1954:10
Annawon Council holds annual Cuboree at Camp Norse, 06/24/1954:3
Middleboro-Lakeville-Carver district needs leaders, 11/04/1954:10
Hold Court of Awards, 11/18/1954:9
Fund appeal will be through mail this year, 12/09/1954:1
Boyd, Floyd Alvin
Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5
Boyd, Katherine
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Boyd, Luther J.
Engaged to Lily Adams, 05/27/1954:7
Wed to Lily Adams, 06/17/1954:5
Assault case continued, 09/23/1954:10
Boyer, Harry W.
Notice of tax taking, 09/10/1953:9
Boyer, Mary
Petition for license to sell real estate, 12/17/1953:13, 01/07/1954:3
Boynton, J.C.
J.C. Boynton & Son distributes calendars 50 years ago, 01/07/1954:7
J.C. Boynton & Son purchase new wagon 50 years ago, 04/08/1954:9
Boynton, Minnie Elvina
Widow of Samuel dies at age 77, 09/03/1953:5
Obituary, 09/03/1953:8
Boy's Band
Dance floor full at first event of season 50 years ago, 02/11/1954:8
Boys' State. see American Legion - Simeon L. Nickerson Post
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
B.R. Montgomery & Sons
Carpenters and jobbers, Main St, Lakeville (ad), 09/20/1951:3
Brackett, Agnes Rose
Son born, 04/10/1952:7
Daughter born, 07/02/1953:4
Brackett, Agnes S. Rose
Daughter born, 12/15/1950:5
Brackett, Charles
Son born, 09/03/1953:3
Brackett, Diane
Employed at Center Card Shop, Center St (p), 08/13/1953:6
MHS students study for careers (p), 06/03/1954:11
Engaged to Donald M. MacLeod, 09/02/1954:4
Engaged to Donald MacLeod, 09/23/1954:5, 09/23/1954:10
Brackett, Diane B.
Wed to Donald M. MacLeod, 09/30/1954:5
Brackett, Diane Belle
Engaged to Donald Malcolm MacLeod (p), 08/19/1954:1
Wedding described, 09/30/1954:2
Brackett, Diolinda Fernandes
Daughter born, 06/19/1952:5, 07/08/1954:4
Brackett, Donald C.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Brackett, Edward
Daughter born, 06/19/1952:5, 07/08/1954:4
Brackett, Elsie M. Pratt
Son born, 09/29/1950:7
Brackett, Frank, Jr.
Four generations gather (p), 04/16/1953:1
Brackett, Frank, Sr.
Four generations gather (p), 04/16/1953:1
Brackett, George
Daughter born, 08/14/1952:9
Brackett, George N.
Son born, 09/29/1950:7
Brackett, Janice
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Brackett, Jimmy
Four generations gather (p), 04/16/1953:1
Brackett, Judy Diane
Daughter of Richard christened, 09/10/1953:9
Brackett, Leonard
Stationed on USS Tarawa in Brooklyn Navy Yard, 02/22/1951:10
Promoted to Firemen on board USS Tarawa, 10/11/1951:6
Promoted to Boiler Tender 3rd Class on board USS Tarawa,
Brackett, Leonard W.
Enlists in U.S. Navy, 11/03/1950:5
Navy man attends engineering school in Philadelphia, 03/22/1951:4
Returns from Caribbean cruise on USS Tarawa, 06/21/1951:1
Takes part in combined NATO naval exercises, 04/10/1952:10
Returns to ship after two weeks leave, 08/06/1953:2
Discharged from U.S. Navy, 09/09/1954:3
Brackett, Mrs Guy W.
Employed at Wareham, 09/06/1951:4
Brackett, Richard
Engaged to Agnes S. Rose, 03/10/1950:10
Wedding described, 03/31/1950:2
Son born, 04/10/1952:7
Four generations gather (p), 04/16/1953:1
Daughter born, 07/02/1953:4
Brackett, Richard F.
Daughter born, 12/15/1950:5
Brackett, Richard Francis
Wed to Agnes Smith Rose, 03/31/1950:6
Brackett, Ruth Horton
Daughter born, 06/05/1952:7
Brackett, Ruth S. Horton
Son born, 02/03/1950:5
Brackett, Susan B.
Pinned by runaway car, fractures leg, 05/12/1950:1
Brackett, William
Applies for junk license, 01/11/1951:2
Daughter born, 06/05/1952:7
Brackett, William W.
Son born, 02/03/1950:5
Braddock, Bertram
Daughter born, 12/20/1951:7
John Smith rear-ended by Braddock on Wareham St, 08/07/1952:5
Purchases Plymouth St property from Daniel Joy, 04/02/1953:8
Braddock, Bertram P.
Foreclosure notice, 07/08/1954:7
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/19/1954:6
Braddock, Bertram Parker
Engaged to Mary D. Fernandes, 12/01/1950:14
Wed to Mary D. Fernandes, 12/15/1950:5
Braddock, Bertram R.
Driver nicks Derosiers' bike on Pearl St, 09/13/1951:7
Braddock, Harold
Daughter born, 07/17/1952:4
Son born, 09/10/1953:4, 09/10/1953:5
Braddock, Kenneth
Son born, 10/21/1954:6
Braddock, Marilyn M. Savery
Son born, 05/01/1952:5
Braddock, Marilyn Savery
Daughter born, 05/10/1951:7, 07/30/1953:5
Braddock, Mary D.
Foreclosure notice, 07/08/1954:7
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/19/1954:6
Braddock, Mary Roper
Daughter born, 12/20/1951:7
Braddock, Mary Willis
Daughter born, 07/17/1952:4
Son born, 09/10/1953:5
Braddock, Myron
Daughter born, 05/10/1951:7, 07/30/1953:5
Braddock, Myron A.
Son born, 05/01/1952:5
Braddock, Raymond A.
Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1
Braddock, Raymond Allen
VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1
Braddock, Rebecca Stevens
Son born, 10/21/1954:6
Braddock, William R.
Obituary, 11/25/1954:8
Braddock, William Reuben
Halifax man dies at age 79, 11/25/1954:4
Bradford, Ann
Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1
Employed at Welfare Department, 07/07/1950:6
Bradford, Charles
Collides with Michael Lewoczko on Main St, 05/31/1951:6
Wedding described, 02/14/1952:3
Bradford, Charles Joseph
Engaged to Audrey DeMoranville, 02/07/1952:9
Bradford, Darlene
Three-year-old falls from father's auto, 12/15/1950:16
Bradford, Diana LeBlanc
Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5
Bradford, Dorothy Brock
Daughter born, 10/27/1950:7
Bradford, Gary
Finds praying mantis in backyard, 08/20/1953:3
Bradford, Gaynell
Daughter of James christened, 08/07/1952:9
Bradford, Hattie
Dies in Pocasset, 03/29/1951:2
Bradford, Hattie M.
Obituary, 03/29/1951:4
Bradford, Helen
Father, Clarence Thomas, celebrates 80th birthday (p), 12/24/1953:1
Bradford, James
Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5
Bradford, James A.
Daughter christened Gaynell, 08/07/1952:9
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Bradford, Joseph
Three-year-old daughter falls from father's auto, 12/15/1950:16
Bradford, Joseph E.
Petition for probate of will, 12/04/1952:5
Bradford, Joseph H.
Nephew dies in Medford, 09/29/1950:10
Daughter born, 10/27/1950:7
Bradford, Lura
Father, Clarence Thomas, celebrates 80th birthday (p), 12/24/1953:1
Bradford, Mrs Joseph H.
Six-year-old niece dies of leukemia, 08/04/1950:6
Bradford, Robert
Dies in Medford, 09/29/1950:10
Bradford, William
Lands 15-lb. bonefish in the Bahamas, 03/05/1953:4
Bradley, Mrs Philip
Public auction (ad), 10/18/1951:9
Bradley, Philip
Purchases parcel from town at auction, 09/08/1950:4
Bradley, Thomas David
Engaged to Alison Woods Taylor, 01/22/1953:4
Wed to Alison Woods Taylor, 06/25/1953:4
Wedding described, 06/25/1953:9
Bradshaw, Rose Lena
Widow of James W. dies at age 83, 09/11/1952:5
Obituary, 09/11/1952:7
Braga, Aurora Chartier
Son born, 05/10/1951:7
Daughter born, 02/26/1953:5
Braga, Maurice
Son born, 05/10/1951:7
Daughter born, 02/26/1953:5
Plymouth St couple married 10 years, 06/04/1953:9
Takes out nomination papers for selectman, 11/18/1954:1
Braga, Maurice S.
Elect selectman (ad) (p), 01/14/1954:3
Biography of candidate for Board of Selectmen (p), 01/14/1954:4
Bragdon, Dolores Giberti
Son born, 08/21/1952:5
Bragdon, Hollis
Son born, 08/21/1952:5
Bragiotti, Ralph
Engaged to Marilyn Arline Shurtleff, 05/03/1951:4
Braitsch, Sophia Maria Johanna
Dies at age 87, 05/12/1950:7
Braley, Christina
Engaged to Freeman K. Allen, 09/17/1953:6
Braley, Christine E.
Wed to Freeman H. Allen, 10/01/1953:5
Braley, Donald
Private transfers from Fort Dix, NJ to Camp Stoneman, CA,
Private stationed in Toyko, 10/13/1950:3
Private wounded and in hospital, 12/15/1950:15
Wounded serviceman home from Korea, 09/06/1951:4
Braley, Edith
Engaged to William Clarence Brier (p), 03/18/1954:1
Braley, Edith R.
Engaged to William C. Brier, 04/29/1954:4
Wed to William C. Brier, 06/24/1954:4
Braley, Edith Rena
Wedding described, 05/27/1954:2
Braley, Eleanor Jennings
Daughter born, 02/28/1952:5
Braley, Laura C.
Obituary, 11/15/1951:2
Widow of Henry E. dies at age 85, 11/15/1951:7
Braley, Theodore A.
Dies at age 63, 08/13/1953:4
Obituary, 08/13/1953:4
Braley, Waldo
Daughter born, 02/28/1952:5
Braley & Son
Masonry, landscaping, tree surgery, and painting (ad), 05/27/1954:3
Brannick, Catherine Elizabeth
Dies at age 74, 08/05/1954:4
Obituary, 08/05/1954:8
Brannick, Margaret A.
Obituary, 02/05/1953:2
Dies at age 76, 02/05/1953:5
Brauneis, Beverly G.
Wed to Roger W. MacLeod, 11/18/1954:6
Brayton, Bessie Elizabeth
Widow of Daniel W. dies at age 77, 06/28/1951:5
Obituary, 06/28/1951:10
Breach, Mildred
Resides in Ames, IA, 07/19/1951:9
Resides in Des Moines, IA, 08/06/1953:8
Breaking and Entering. see Burglary
Breedlove, Elaine Pavao
Resides in Chicago, 07/15/1954:10
Son born, 10/14/1954:4
Breedlove, James
Engaged to Elaine Pavao, 10/01/1953:4
Wedding described, 11/05/1953:4
Wed to Elaine Pavao, 11/05/1953:7
Son born, 10/14/1954:4
Brehaut, Camille
Found guilty of contempt of court, 02/04/1954:4
Brehaut, Herbert
Graduate at annual FFA banquet, 11/26/1953:10
Brehaut, Ruth
Attends UMass, 02/10/1950:12
Second year student at UMass, 11/03/1950:16
Pledges Chi Omega, 12/01/1950:8
Brehaut, Ruth G.
Has dancing role in operetta at UMass, 12/08/1950:10
Brehaut, Ruth Gloria
Engaged to Robert Charles Joseph Henegan, 07/16/1953:2
Wedding described, 12/03/1953:3
Wed to Robert C. Henegan, 12/03/1953:4
Brennan, James A.
Heard in broadcast on WNBH, 04/05/1951:3
New elementary school open for inspection (p), 11/29/1951:1
Brennan, William Francis
Husband of Agnes Kraus dies at age 66, 11/10/1950:7
Brett, Oliver C., Jr.
Engaged to Irene Rostron, 09/24/1953:5
Wed to Irene Rostron, 10/15/1953:4
Brett, Sylvanus L.
Obituary, 02/12/1953:4
Brett, Sylvanus Longfellow
Dies at age 81, 02/12/1953:5
Brewer, Alma I.
Engaged to Clarence R. Poulin, 04/29/1954:4
Wed to Clarence R. Poulin, 05/27/1954:7
Briar (Miss)
French teacher at MHS, 03/10/1950:4
Briar's Motel
Requests permit to erect sign on Wareham St, 10/22/1953:1
Granted permit to erect sign, 08/12/1954:4
Plank missing from Titicut Bridge, 03/31/1950:1
Selectmen oppose plan to close Center St bridge for a month,
State plans to complete Center St bridge work in ten days, 05/19/1950:1
Redecking of Center St span to start, 05/26/1950:1
Several bridges in Middleboro in dangerous condition, 03/08/1951:1
Decking replaced on Titicut bridge, 05/01/1952:2
Nourse says state should take over Titicut bridge, 09/25/1952:10
New Titicut span cost $80,000, 10/22/1953:1
Titicut St span over Taunton River estimated to cost $80,000,
Selectmen go ahead with stairway repair on Center St bridge,
Request for bids to reconstruct Titicut span, 09/30/1954:3
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Brier, Philip
Takes boot training at Bainbridge, MD, 04/10/1952:11
Stationed at Norfolk Naval Base, VA, 01/29/1953:6
Brier, Rudolph D.
Engaged to Charlotte B. Poor, 04/12/1951:5
Wed to Charlotte B. Poor, 04/19/1951:5
Brier, William C.
Engaged to Edith R. Braley, 04/29/1954:4
Wedding described, 05/27/1954:2
Wed to Edith R. Braley, 06/24/1954:4
Brier, William Clarence
Engaged to Edith Braley (p), 03/18/1954:1
Brierly, Roseanna Caron
Daughter born, 05/27/1954:7
Brierly, Thomas
Daughter born, 05/27/1954:7
Briggs, Alton E.
Obituary, 03/01/1951:4
Briggs, Arthur Everett
Retires from Gas & Electric Department after 30 years, 03/27/1952:1
Briggs, Carleton F.
Inducted into Marine Corps, 11/08/1951:1
Briggs, Carleton Francis
Called for Army service, 10/18/1951:1
Briggs, Carol Ann
Burned in bonfire ashes, 10/15/1953:1
Briggs, Eugene
Daughter born, 04/21/1950:5
Son born, 06/18/1953:4
Briggs, George W.
Fined $5 for speeding, 11/05/1953:5
Briggs, Joseph M.
Hired at gas plant, 03/31/1950:1
Briggs, Kathleen McCarthy
Daughter born, 04/21/1950:5
Son born, 06/18/1953:4
Briggs, Lester W.
Re-appointed public weigher, 06/23/1950:4
Briggs, Lester W., Jr.
Engaged to Kathryn B. Hill, 05/26/1952:5
Wed to Kathryn B. Hill, 07/03/1952:5
Briggs, Marie
Winner of Egger Co. Crosley contest (p), 12/20/1951:6
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1
Briggs, Newell
Bitten by dog, 05/26/1952:5
Employed at Bolan's Jenney Service, 10/22/1953:8
Employed at Bolan's Jenney Service (p), 07/22/1954:6
Briggs, Otis
Thora Aubrey sells Center St block to Steve Stanley, formerly part of
Briggs estate, 02/04/1954:1
Briggs, R.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Briggs, Robert
MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1
MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4
Briggs, Sally
Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1
Briggs, Sue
Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1
Briggs, Susan
Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6
Briggs, Vernon
Character approved for peddlers license, 06/11/1953:10
Briggs, Vernon E.
Character approved for peddler's license, 06/12/1952:6
Briggs, William W.
Wife says "no more painting" after soaks daughter with paint,
Edward Ouellette fined $20 for assaulting police officer, 03/22/1951:9
Briggs, Winthrop Newell
Obituary, 12/25/1952:2
Dies at age 61, 12/25/1952:5
Briggs & Stratton
Charles Hambly registered dealer (ad), 08/21/1952:9
Brigham, Amos L.
Dies at age 76, 07/16/1953:4
Obituary, 07/16/1953:5
Brigham, John
Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1
Brigham, Myra R.
Marion Rd couple married 50 years, 01/08/1953:1
Brigham, William
Marion Rd couple married 50 years, 01/08/1953:1
Brigham, William E.
Marion Rd couple married 51 years, 01/07/1954:1
Brigida, Beatrice Gammons
Son born, 08/28/1952:8
Brigida, Guy
Son born, 08/28/1952:8
Brinson, Marion H.
Navy gunner serves on USS Bryce Canyon, 08/27/1953:12
Brinson, M.H.
Chief Warrant Officer serves on USS Bryce Canyon, 10/29/1953:6
Brinton, Bernice Keough
Resides in National City, CA, 10/27/1950:4
Britton, Archie E.
Duane Francis slightly injured when struck by Britton's car,
Britton, Charlotte Smith
Son born, 10/28/1954:6
Britton, Patricia
Wed to Norman E. Thibeault, 10/02/1952:5
Britton, Patricia Lee
Engaged to Norman Edward Thibault, 09/25/1952:5
Wedding described, 10/02/1952:4
Britton, Russell
Son born, 10/28/1954:6
Broadbent (Mr). see Bassett & Broadbent
Broadbent, Claire Coleman
Son born, 03/17/1950:5
Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5
Son born, 12/04/1952:5
Broadbent, Emily Pratt
Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5
Broadbent, Gilbert
Tractor trailer truck collides with sedan at Four Corners, 05/22/1952:6
McFarlin's car blows tire, jumps curb, runs into house, 12/02/1954:4
Broadbent, Grace
Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9
Broadbent, Robert
Son born, 03/17/1950:5, 12/04/1952:5
Broadbent, Robert, Jr.
Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5
Broadbent, Robert Kenneth
Lakeville couple married 25 years, 09/08/1950:2
Broadbent, Robert S.
Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5
Broadbent Trucking
Loam, lime, peat moss, and sand (ad), 09/23/1954:2
Broadbent's Treeland
Rte 105, Lakeville (ad), 08/19/1954:5
Has excellent nursery stock (p), 09/30/1954:6
Brockton Transportation Co.
Now operating in Middleboro (ad), 04/08/1954:2
Brodeur, Louis P.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9
Brogan, Francis
Daughter born, 07/21/1950:5
Brogan, Nina Teceno
Daughter born, 07/21/1950:5
Broghamer, Robert
Engaged to Mary Iampietro, 06/12/1952:3
Engaged to Mary L. Iampietro, 08/06/1953:3
Broghamer, Robert A.
Wedding described, 09/10/1953:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Broghamer, Robert Alfred
Wed to Mary Lucy Iampietro, 09/10/1953:5
Brooks, Alvan
Wed to Mary Lou Linton, 08/14/1952:3
Daughter born, 01/07/1954:4
Brooks, Alvan D.
Engaged to Mary Louise Linton, 08/07/1952:5
Wed to Mary Louise Linton, 08/14/1952:5
Brooks, Alvin
Employed in East Bridgewater, 08/18/1950:10
Daughter born, 01/14/1954:5
Brooks, Arlene
Enrolls at Franklin College in Indiana, 09/11/1952:4
Vice president of Zeta Tau Alpha, 10/09/1952:5
On tour with Franklin College Concert Choir, 04/02/1953:1
In Chicago with Franklin College Concert Choir, 04/30/1953:5
Attends West Virginia Wesleyan College, 09/17/1953:2
On tour with West Virginia Wesleyan College choir, 12/10/1953:11
To participate in West Virginia Wesleyan choir tour, 12/09/1954:8
Brooks, Barbara
Engaged to Gustaf C. Johnson, Jr., 01/18/1951:5
Wed to Gustaf C. Johnson, Jr., 01/25/1951:5
Brooks, Barbara Elaine
Wed to Fred James Coutts, 11/24/1950:5
Brooks, Beatrice
Employed at Maxim Motor Co., 07/07/1950:8
Brooks, Beverly Ann
Engaged to Richard F. Morse, 10/13/1950:7
Brooks, Beverly Joan
Wed to Richard F. Morse, 10/20/1950:5
Brooks, James
Sergeant stationed in Virginia, 11/17/1950:11, 07/19/1951:2
Sergeant arrives safely in Japan, 02/26/1953:4
Brooks, James A., Jr.
Awarded Commendation Medal for meritorious service, 01/28/1954:8
Brooks, John, 3rd
Wins photography award, 01/04/1951:4
Brooks, Laura E.
Wife of Robert F. dies at age 66, 07/01/1954:6
Obituary, 07/01/1954:12
Brooks, Marcia
Engaged to Owen Schwam, 06/16/1950:12
Wedding described, 08/04/1950:2
Brooks, Marcia Elaine
Engaged to Owen Lester Schwan, 02/17/1950:5
Brooks, Mary
Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5
Brooks, Mary Linton
Daughter born, 01/07/1954:4
Brooks, Paul Q.
Local pastor has works at Boston exhibition, 01/06/1950:6
Oil paintings by Brooks on exhibit at Ryder's store, 06/30/1950:1
Pastor has painting in Boston exhibition, 01/10/1952:6
Accepts call to Niantic pastorate, 05/27/1954:1
Brooks, Richard G.
Enlists in Navy School of Music (p), 07/29/1954:1
Brooks, Susan Belle
Born to Vernon, 02/26/1953:4
Brooks, Vernon
Daughter born, 02/26/1953:4
Son born, 08/26/1954:5
Brooks, Warren E.
Collides with Garafalo at South Main and Clark St, 12/22/1950:12
Brooks, Warren Ernest
Wedding described, 08/04/1950:4
Brouillette, Robert L.
Local sailor joins revelers in New Orleans, 01/04/1951:3
Broullard, Albena
Obituary, 08/11/1950:7
Broullard, Albena Reil
Wife of Edward Joseph dies at age 82, 08/11/1950:5
Broullard, Edward Joseph
Dies at age 86, 03/19/1953:5
Obituary, 03/19/1953:6
Brown, Alda
Sells Frank St residence 50 years ago, 11/11/1954:4
Brown, Alice
Engaged to Millard Cassady, 11/03/1950:5
Wed to Millard Cassady, 11/10/1950:7
Brown, B.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Brown, Barbara
Freshmen at Boston University, 09/16/1954:8
Brown, Bob
Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1
Brown, Bobby
1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1
Egger Furnituremen 1950 Twilight League champions (p),
Named outstanding player of year by team mates, 11/24/1950:2
Named captain of MHS hoop squad, 12/22/1950:1
MHS hoopsters pictured in action (p), 02/22/1951:10
Named captain of MHS baseball team, 04/19/1951:9
Named assistant baseball coach to Legion Juniors, 05/03/1951:5
Headed for Jack Rossiter Baseball School in Florida, 12/25/1952:5
Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (t),
Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1
Brown, Clarisse
Break-in at gas station at traffic circle, 09/15/1950:1
Brown's Filling Station suffers 24th break-in since 1940, 05/03/1951:1
Brown, David
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Studies for Ph.D. at Iowa State College, 09/16/1954:8
Brown, David W.
Graduates from ag college with help from 4-H club scholarship (p),
Brown, David William
Wins scholarship at University of Connecticut, 11/13/1952:9
Accepts assistantship at Cornell University, 03/05/1953:1
Graduates with distinction from University of Connecticut,
Brown, Doris
Resigns as secretary to town clerk, 02/17/1950:1
Retires at clerk in Town Clerk's office, 03/24/1950:6
Judge Callan's secretary, 07/07/1950:6
Resigns as Judge Callan's secretary, takes post with Navy Dept. in
Washington, DC, 11/01/1951:1
Employed by law firm of Covington and Burling in Washington, DC,
Brown, Dorothy Sampson
Daughter born, 07/17/1952:4
Brown, Edith Francis Tripp
Obituary, 09/13/1951:5
Wife of Earl dies at age 36, 09/13/1951:5
Brown, Elbie
Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1
Brown, Elbridge
Neck injured when car rear-ended by Bridgewater driver, 12/30/1954:1
Brown, Evan
MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4
Brown, Evan W.
Enlists in U.S. Marine Corps (p), 08/12/1954:4
Brown, Frederick W.
U.S. Merchant Marine on leave, 01/27/1950:8
Brown, George
Daughter born, 09/18/1952:5
Son born, 10/07/1954:7, 10/14/1954:9
Brown, Herbert Elmer
Obituary, 03/26/1953:3
Husband of Emma Cudworth dies at age 62, 03/26/1953:7
Brown, John
Farmer calls master cell worthless, 01/27/1950:7
Brown, John C. see also Brown-Cell Laboratories, Inc.
Defends "master cell," claims false statements, 02/10/1950:12
Commissioner of FDA says cell worthless, 02/17/1950:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Brown, Joseph
West Side School committee turns over keys to Board of Selectmen (p),
Brown, Kenneth Edward
Born to George, 10/14/1954:9
Brown, Lionel
Sachem Steppers' gingham ball attracts throng of square dancers (p),
Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t),
Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1
Brown, Luraina Bickford
Son born, 10/07/1954:7
Brown, Mary Lou
Rumor of polio not true, 07/14/1950:6
Brown, Mildred Brady
Daughter born, 09/18/1952:5
Brown, Mona
MHS students study for careers (p), 06/03/1954:11
Brown, Mrs William
Teacher of piano, Vaughan St (ad), 10/21/1954:9
Brown, Patricia
Wed to Kenneth F. Smith, 12/10/1953:6
Brown, Richard
Corporal stationed at March Field, Riverside, CA, 02/28/1952:3
Resumes studies at Princeton University, 09/16/1954:6
Attends Princeton College, 12/23/1954:8
Brown, Richard L.
Takes advanced Air Force ROTC training at Donaldson AFB, SC (p),
Brown, Robert
MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p),
Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1
A four letter man in final year at MHS, 06/14/1951:1
MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p),
Named outstanding athlete of the year, 06/14/1951:6
Freshman at University of Massachusetts, 10/04/1951:10
Daughter born, 07/17/1952:4
Signs contract with Washington Senators (p), 02/05/1953:1
Returns from practice with Orlando farm team, 04/16/1953:1
Brown, Robert G.
Enrolls in Jack Rossiter Baseball School in Florida, 11/27/1952:1
Private to graduate from army radio course at Camp Gordon, GA,
Brown, Robert Gardner
Inducted into armed forces, 09/10/1953:1
Brown, W. Gardner
Sells Daisy Do-Nut to Mr and Mrs Russell Shurtleff; takes position at
Winthrop-Atkins, 11/26/1953:1
Brown, William G.
Parking request not granted, 04/30/1953:12
Brown, William Gardiner
Submits request for one-hour parking on Union St, 04/16/1953:11
Brown, William H.
Vaughan St couple married 25 years, 09/17/1953:7
Brown-Cell Laboratories, Inc.
Charged with violations of trade laws, 07/21/1950:1
Hearings held on Brown-Cell Labs, 11/17/1950:2
Advertising of cell called false, 01/10/1952:1
Browne, John
Daughter born, 05/21/1953:6
Browne, John J.
Son born, 12/29/1950:5
Daughter born, 08/26/1954:4
Browne, Lucia Mary
Born to John J. and Priscilla Churchill, 08/26/1954:4
Browne, Priscilla Churchill
Son born, 12/29/1950:5
Daughter born, 05/21/1953:6, 08/26/1954:4
Brown’s Restaurant & Donut Shop
Wanted, woman for kitchen work (ad), 10/01/1953:9
Business for sale (ad), 10/15/1953:8
Brown's Service Station
Broken into for fourth time, 02/22/1951:1
Suffers 24th break-in since 1940, 05/03/1951:1
Bruce, Flora Atwood
Obituary, 02/03/1950:5
Brulotte, Joseph
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Brush Fires. see Forest Fires
Bruso, Abbie
Given month to vacate house owned by town, 06/14/1951:7
Town sells former Bruso property to William and Elizabeth Burt,
Brusso, George, Jr.
Tire blows, car somersaults killing driver, 09/29/1950:1
Bryant, Charles M.
Brockton man dies at age 91, 04/05/1951:5
Obituary, 04/05/1951:10
Bryant, Edith P. Wrightington
Plymouth St couple married 35 years, 08/19/1954:1
Bryant, George Appleton
Reunion of 44 descendants, 09/20/1951:5
Bryant, Herman Leslie
Dies at age 93, 07/24/1952:5
Obituary, 07/24/1952:5
Bryant, Howard
Plymouth St couple married 35 years, 08/19/1954:1
Bryant, John C.
Engaged to Priscilla B. Tinkham, 06/12/1952:7
Wed to Priscilla B. Tinkham, 07/10/1952:5
Pharmacist at Giberti's Apothecary (p), 07/30/1953:6
Giberti's Apothecary, specialists in prescription work, 01/28/1954:6
Bryant, Kendall
Wedding described, 04/10/1952:12
Bryant, Kendall E.
Engaged to Frances Morgan, 04/03/1952:5
Bryant, Kendall K.
Wed to Frances E. Morgan, 04/10/1952:7
Bryant, Louis
Daughter born, 04/12/1951:4
Bryant, Louis, Jr.
Daughter born, 04/12/1951:9
Bryant, Mary Henderson
Daughter born, 04/12/1951:4
Bryant, Mrs Edwin
Bridgewater woman dies, 03/26/1953:5
Bryant, Nellie
Employed at sanatorium, 08/07/1952:6
Bryant, Olive
Finds Josiah Freeman's 1813 tax bill, 09/27/1951:9
Apple tree blossoms for second time, 10/07/1954:1
Bryant & Soule
W.H. Southworth builds stable 50 years ago, 10/15/1953:5
Bryant Family
Holds second annual reunion, 09/25/1952:4
Bryden, Norman M.
Obituary, 07/24/1952:4
Bryer, Barbara Murphy
Son born, 04/30/1953:6
Bryer, Donald
Son born, 04/30/1953:6
Bucanan, Henry
Bedford St family sells house, moves to Bridgewater, 12/13/1951:5
Buchanan, Henry L.
Auto struck by Carver truck at Thomas and Sachem St, 12/22/1950:12
Buchanan, Irena Crawford
Resides in Belmont, 02/19/1953:9, 09/17/1953:10
Buchsbaum, Alan L.
New MHS teacher elected, 04/22/1954:1
New MHS social studies teacher, 10/07/1954:9
MHS teacher recalled to active duty, 12/23/1954:1
Buck, Harold Dodge
Accepts call from First Unitarian (p), 11/08/1951:1
New minister installed at First Unitarian, 12/20/1951:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Buck, Harold Dodge continued
Resigns as Unitarian minister (p), 09/24/1953:1
Goodbye party for Unitarian minister, 10/08/1953:1
Buck, Lois Wood
Son born, 08/18/1950:5
Daughter born, 07/10/1952:5
Buck, Malcolm. see also Buck's Drug
Son born, 08/18/1950:5
Daughter born, 08/18/1950:6, 07/10/1952:5
Buck, Robert
Korean children pose in FFA donated clothing (p), 03/25/1954:1
Corporal posted to Camp Lejune, 12/23/1954:10
Buck, Robert L.
Trains as tractor crewman at Camp Pendleton (p), 02/19/1953:1
Corporal home from Korea, 09/02/1954:8
Buckman, Agnes Johnson
Daughter born, 04/10/1952:7
Buckman, Bruce
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Buckman, Frank E.
Daughter born, 04/10/1952:7
Buck's Drug
2 Center St (ad), 08/11/1950:7
Woman wanted (ad), 12/18/1952:6
Help wanted for fountain work (ad), 05/14/1953:6
Carries complete line of pharmaceuticals (p), 10/14/1954:6
Haven for late Christmas shoppers (p), 12/23/1954:6
Budd, George
Wins 1953 Blue Fish Derby, 10/22/1953:1
Blue Fish Derby winner receives trophy at annual Middleboro All
Sports Night (p), 02/25/1954:10
Budd, George, Jr.
Lands 50-pound striper (p), 09/06/1951:1
Fisherman pictured in Salt Water Sportsman, 06/05/1952:12
Budget Counselors
West Grove St (ad), 08/12/1954:9
Budgets - Lakeville
Set at $172,328, 03/10/1950:1
Voters approve $174,973, 03/17/1950:1
Town report in circulation, 03/05/1953:10
Annual town meeting votes $243,352 in appropriations, 03/11/1954:1
Budgets - Middleboro. see also Middleboro - Finance Committee
Selectmen and Finance Committee hold long session, 02/03/1950:6
Voters adopt budget with few changes, 02/17/1950:1
Selectmen and Finance Committee struggle to pare down budget,
Finance Committee lays out recommendations, 02/08/1951:1
Voters make few changes to Finance Committee report, 02/15/1951:1
Commissioner Long approves free cash transfers, 07/26/1951:5
Appropriations voted at town meeting (t), 03/12/1953:1
Increased slightly at town meeting, 03/12/1953:1
Money voted less than Finance Committee estimate, 03/12/1953:1
Finance Committee recommendations would cut tax rate $2.50,
Tax rate of $62 seen probable from budget (t), 03/11/1954:1
Buethner, K.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Builders. see also Churchill, Chester B.; Thomas Bros. (contractors);
Weston Bros.
E.W. Harlow & Sons (ad), 01/06/1950:7
John Mitchell, Sr., Vaughan St (ad), 08/04/1950:8
Carl Lind, carpenter, 287 North Main St (ad), 02/22/1951:3
Ellis Williams expands East Main St development and one on the Cape,
B.R. Montgomery & Sons, carpenters and jobbers, Main St, Lakeville
(ad), 09/20/1951:3
Robert Jennings, roof and chimney repair (ad), 10/11/1951:3
Ernst Hanson, carpenter and builder, 2 Myrtle St (ad), 02/21/1952:10
New development at Nemasket Village, Wood Construction Co. (ad),
Stanley Waite, experienced carpenter (ad), 11/06/1952:7
Miller & Thayer, general contractors, 361 Highland St (ad),
H. Don Gray, general carpentry work, Wood St (ad), 05/14/1953:9
Builders continued
William Eaton makes improvements to Sarah Keith homestead 50 years
ago, 12/24/1953:7
K.W. Welch Co., roofing specialists, Vaughan St, Lakeville (ad),
Ray Borden and Jack Miller (ad), 08/05/1954:3
A. Tilton & Son, carpenters and contractors, 4 Wood St (ad),
Building Demolition. see Demolition (building)
Building Materials. see also Best Floor Co.; C.P. Washburn Co.; S & S
Lumber Co.; Shurtleff Hardware Store; Williams Lumber & Hardware
E.W. Goodhue Lumber Co., Cambridge St (ad), 01/06/1950:5
Saunders' Hardware & Paint Co., 35 Center St (ad), 05/12/1950:5
J.F. Murphy, Wisco aluminum storm windows (ad), 11/24/1950:4
E.W. Goodhue Lumber Co. granted permit for signs, 04/05/1951:2
Faietti Hardware, 6 South Main St (ad), 04/26/1951:6
Tri-City Concrete Co. truck collides with Connecticut driver at Four
Corners, 08/09/1951:2
George A. Shurtleff & Son, Lane St (ad), 06/12/1952:3
Lawrence DiBurgo, loam, sand, and gravel (ad), 08/21/1952:8
Ray Gagner, Viking storm windows and doors (ad), 10/09/1952:6
Goldie Fagerberg local rep for Everseal Aluminum windows (ad),
Aerial view of Goodhue Lumber yards in Middleboro and Freetown
(ad) (p), 02/26/1953:6
George Shurtleff and Ida Ma McAllister dissolve partnership in George
A. Shurtleff & Son, 03/26/1953:11
George A. Shurtleff & Son, 40 years supplying Middleboro and
surrounding towns (ad), 04/02/1953:3
Bill Rossini, house screens made to order (ad), 04/30/1953:4
Merle Washburn, tile floors (ad), 06/11/1953:6
Ideal Block Co., Old Center St (p), 07/09/1953:6
Ideal Block Co., Shurtleff and Bettencourt, 418 Old Center St,
Walter Thompson, storm windows and doors installed, 26 Forest St
(ad), 03/11/1954:5
Tri-City Concrete moving to Raynham, 04/01/1954:1
Ideal Block Co. produces fine cement block (p), 05/06/1954:8
Peter Chiuppi, combination aluminum doors and windows (ad),
Gene McManus, floor tile installation, 35 Forest St (ad), 08/12/1954:3
C. Wills, aluminum storm windows (ad), 09/23/1954:9
Buisson, Jeanne
Attends Penn Hall, 02/17/1950:8
Awarded senior hockey letter at Penn Hall Junior College, 12/15/1950:9
Graduates from Penn Hall, 05/31/1951:2, 06/07/1951:5
Attends Boston University, 01/17/1952:5
Buisson, Joseph
Couple moves to Braintree, 04/17/1952:4
Sells School St Ext home to John Charron, 10/16/1952:4
Buisson, Joseph C.
Obituary, 07/08/1954:5
Buisson, Joseph Charles
Husband of Mildred Windsor dies at age 58, 07/08/1954:4
Bujanski, Dorothy R.
Engaged to Walter O. Thompson, Jr., 01/14/1954:1
Bujanski, Robert S.
Fireman serves aboard patrol craft USS 572, 05/31/1951:1
Bujanski, Thomas
Attends Officers Candidate School in Haflinger, TX, 12/24/1953:5
Bujanski, Thomas R.
Private completes four-week Air Force training, 03/20/1952:7
Receives wings as aircraft observer (p), 07/01/1954:1
Lieutenant receives wings at Harlingen AFB, TX, 07/08/1954:4
Bukin, John
Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7
Bukin, John M.
Engaged to Margaret M. Waldron, 05/28/1953:4
Wed to Margaret M. Waldron, 07/02/1953:4
Bukin, Margaret Waldron
Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7
Bulcock, Betty Jane Skahill
Son born, 06/07/1951:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Bulcock, John Reed
Born to Robert and Betty Jane Skahill, 06/07/1951:5
Bulcock, Robert
Engaged to Elizabeth Jane Skahill, 02/10/1950:6, 06/16/1950:7
Engaged to Betty Jane Skahill, 06/16/1950:12
Wedding described, 06/23/1950:2
Wed to Elizabeth Jane Skahill, 06/23/1950:5
Son born, 06/07/1951:5
Bulen, James A.
Doctor stationed in San Francisco, CA, 06/07/1951:10
Bullock, Mildred
Wed to Raymond W. Prince, 05/13/1954:6
Bullock Cranberry Co.
Foreclosure notice, 06/14/1951:6
List of assets, 06/14/1951:6
Bulmer, Arlene C.
Engaged to Donald J. Olson, 06/11/1953:4
Wedding described, 06/18/1953:3
Wed to Donald J. Olson, 06/25/1953:4
Bump, Benjamin
Couple purchases McKay house on Rhode Island Rd, 11/17/1950:2
Bump, Benjamin J.
Assawompsett School principal resigns, to head Natick elementary
school, 07/24/1952:1
Writes booklet on Mr and Mrs Tom Thumb, 12/10/1953:1
The story that never grows old, on sale at Leland's (ad), 12/10/1953:2
Bump, Henry
Private 1st Class stationed at Camp Edwards, 10/25/1951:2
Bump, Henry A.
Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7
Bump, Henry A., Jr.
Private 1st Class stationed at Camp Edwards, 05/10/1951:8
Private 1st Class with National Guard at Camp Edwards, 05/31/1951:10
Promoted to Corporal at Camp Edwards, 12/06/1951:12
Bump, Herbert
Old Country Store makes learning fun at School Street School (p),
Bump, Kenneth
Admits to theft of watch from Francis Nichols, 07/29/1954:4
Bump, Kenneth E.
Fined $5 for drunkenness, 09/18/1952:7
Bump, Leonard
Pleads guilty to two break-ins, but denies poultry theft, 09/18/1952:3
Gets six months for break-ins and larceny, 10/16/1952:5
Indicted on two counts of breaking-and-entering and larceny,
Bump, Leonard S.
Held for grand jury on two breaks and larceny, 09/25/1952:9
Assaulted girl, stole and wrecked Atkins' car, 04/16/1953:1
Bump, Lillian D.
Dies at age 76, 01/10/1952:4
Obituary, 01/10/1952:9
Bump, Robert W.
Resides in Sherman, TX, 07/22/1954:4
Bump, Robert Warren
Wedding described, 03/18/1954:8
Bump, Sarah C.
Obituary, 04/03/1952:4
Widow of Charles E. dies at age 92, 04/03/1952:5
Petition for administration of estate, 02/05/1953:5
Administrator presents account of estate, 04/08/1954:6
Bump, Stella Farwell
Wife of George dies at age 68, 08/06/1953:4
Obituary, 08/06/1953:7
Bumpus, Lavinia Warren
Distant cousin of Tom Thumb seeks information (l), 09/20/1951:10
Bumpus, Louise Boehme
Resides in Ignacio, CA, 07/17/1952:5
Bumpus, Paul Francis
Sent to Boston for induction, 01/08/1953:1
Bunce, Robert H.
Presents petition for Purchase St completion to selectmen, 01/10/1952:1
Bunk, Leon J.
Wedding described, 09/29/1950:10
Burbank, George E.
Sandwich couple married 40 years, 09/06/1951:4
Burbank, Howard
Enrolls at Boston University, 12/15/1950:7
Burbank, John
Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p),
Burch, Anthony
Son born, 02/14/1952:5
Burch, Margaret Burnham
Son born, 02/14/1952:5
Burgess, Arthur
Engaged to Eleanor M. Root, 10/14/1954:9
Burgess, Arthur Edward
Graduates from Northeastern University (p), 06/28/1951:1
Burgess, Carl B.
Son born, 04/10/1952:7
Burgess, Charles Henry
Dies at age 78, 12/01/1950:6
Obituary, 12/01/1950:12
Burgess, David W.
Office manager at Randall Motors, 08/21/1952:8
Burgess, Esther Fish
Hurricane brings down large tree on property (p), 09/09/1954:4
Burgess, Etta M.
Petition for administration of estate, 03/13/1952:4
Burgess, Francis
Wedding described, 07/15/1954:9
Burgess, Francis P.
Wed to Agnes I. Murdock, 07/15/1954:4
Burgess, Francis Patrick
Engaged to Agnes Murdock, 05/06/1954:1
Burgess, Helene McLean
Son born, 04/10/1952:7
Burgess, John
Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10
Burgess, John, 3rd
Services resume at Mullein Hill church with Burgess in pulpit,
Burgess, John A.
Ordained into ministry at Central Baptist, 04/30/1953:5
Burgess, John Allyn
Awarded Master of Education from Boston University, 08/21/1952:1
Burgess, John Allyne, 3rd
Graduates from Gordon College of Theology (p), 06/28/1951:1
Burgess, John Allyne, Jr.
Dies at age 53, 11/26/1953:4
Obituary, 11/26/1953:5
Burgess, Sylvia
Student at NE Baptist Hospital School of Nursing, 12/17/1953:14
Enrolled at Providence-Barrington Bible College, 11/11/1954:2
Burgess, Walter E.
Petition for removal as administratrix, 07/29/1954:4
Burgess, Walter Everett
Husband of Esther L. Fish dies at age 61, 08/21/1952:5
Obituary, 08/21/1952:10
Burgess Annex
Used furniture, Everett Square (ad), 10/18/1951:4
Burglary. see also Larceny; Robbery; Stealing; Theft
Juvenile boys responsible for seven breaks, 01/13/1950:1
New Girl Scout headquarters broken into, 01/13/1950:1
Break-in at Maurice's Snack Bar on Thatcher's Row, 01/13/1950:2
Thieves take between $600 and $700 in break-in at Promades,'
Two residences broken into, 02/10/1950:1
Gazette, John Cabot Club, VFW, Maurice's Snack Bar and Fagerberg's
all victims, 02/10/1950:7
Two Providence men charged with break at Red Coach Grill,
Trial of Providence men for Red Coach Grill break-in continued,
Grand jury to get Red Coach Grill break-in case, 08/25/1950:1
Break-ins at two gas stations and one private home, 09/15/1950:1
More in series of unsolved break-ins, 09/22/1950:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Burglary continued
Thomas Bros. store robbed in early morning, 10/20/1950:1
Fifteen-year-old found guilty of break-ins and Marshall and Hallock
homes, 10/27/1950:11
Thief gets $300 in cash in break-in at Randolph Gammons home,
Three Middleboro youths caught for breaks at Pocksha Pond,
Quincy man wants town to pay for broken door at Rocky Meadow
house, 02/22/1951:1
Red Coach Grill and Brown's Service Station broken into again,
Police receive inventory of items stolen from Red Coach Grill,
Cash stolen from Kayajan's home on Plymouth St, 03/15/1951:12
Brown's Filling Station suffers 24th break-in since 1940, 05/03/1951:1
Four boys foiled in break attempt at Ernest Pratt's home, 05/03/1951:5
Joseph Perry has $200 in cash stolen from home, 05/03/1951:6
Framingham men held in attempted break-in at Roy Horton's garage,
Juvenile involved in Horton break-in sent to Youth Board, 05/24/1951:1
Urbana indicted for breaking-and-entering Roy Horton's garage,
At Bedford St home of Edmund Knysinski, 07/12/1951:2
Thief goes to jail before he can use loot from Eagles, 08/23/1951:1
Car and safe stolen from Bailey's garage, 11/15/1951:1
Two youths held on suspicion in Bailey garage break-in, 11/22/1951:1
Police investigate breaks at Woods Pond, 01/03/1952:5
Boys pilfer tires, tubes from C.P. Washburn Co., 01/24/1952:1
Three juveniles guilty in break-in at Pine Haven, 01/24/1952:10
Somerville man guilty of break-in at C.P. Washburn Co., 01/31/1952:6
C.P. Washburn Co. thieves put on long probation, 02/14/1952:4
Youths indicted for larcenies at Washburn Co., 02/14/1952:9
Liquor and cash stolen from Red Coach Grille, 03/27/1952:1
Break-in at Red Coach Grille solved, 04/10/1952:1
Night prowlers invade Blue Plate and Bob's Diner, 05/26/1952:1
Three break-ins reported along Rte 28, 06/26/1952:1
Three juveniles allegedly break into Marion McDonald's Thomas St
home, 08/07/1952:1
Two of youths fail to appear in court, 08/21/1952:9
Leonard Bump denies poultry theft, 09/18/1952:3
Leonard Bump pleads guilty to two break-ins, but denies poultry theft,
Leonard Bump held for grand jury on two breaks and larceny,
Leonard Bump gets six months for break-ins and larceny, 10/16/1952:5
Bump indicted on two counts of breaking-and-entering and larceny,
Richard Gardiner indicted for breaking-and-entering and larceny,
VFW quarters suffers break-in, 12/25/1952:1
Amateurs break into high school, 02/12/1953:1
Teachers' desks at Washburn Unit ransacked in break-in, 04/23/1953:1
Twenty-eight screens wrecked in break-in at YMCA camp,
David Farrar's candy store at Centre and Everett St broken into 50 years
ago, 01/14/1954:8
Three Middleboro youths charged with series of break-ins,
Ira Hathaway arrested 50 years ago for suspicion in North Carver
break-in, 01/28/1954:8
Thieves enter Benjamin Chapman's store 50 years ago, 04/08/1954:9
Donald Viera charged with breaking and entering, 04/15/1954:5
Kenneth J. Keedwell charged, 05/06/1954:12
Break-in at Vincent Kelly's roadside stand, 05/20/1954:1
Cash stolen in break-in at China Villa, 05/20/1954:1
Two boys sent to detention home, 05/20/1954:6
Attempted break-in at Middleboro Steak House, 07/08/1954:3
Break-in at Gene Simmons' filling station, 10/21/1954:1
Juvenile apprehended for West Side School break-in, 11/11/1954:1
Rookie cop Richard Ray nabs alleged thief at Shaw's, Inc.,
Break-in at Lakeville home of Ernest Griswold, 11/18/1954:1
Burglary continued
Denningham gets suspended sentence for Shaw's break-in,
Shaw and Nourse thank police for prompt action, 11/18/1954:1
Henry Gray, Jr. charged with breaking and entering, 11/25/1954:8
Grand jury to hear Gray's case, 12/16/1954:8
Burke, Alice Allison
Daughter born, 03/24/1950:7, 08/16/1951:5
Son born, 08/28/1952:5
Burke, Anna Haas
Son born, 12/25/1952:5
Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4
Burke, Arlene
Engaged to Robert B. Furlan, 01/04/1951:5
Wed to Robert B. Furlan, 01/18/1951:5
Burke, Bertha L.
Wed to David E. Bailey, 07/05/1951:5
Burke, Camille
Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4
Burke, Comille
Son born, 12/25/1952:5
Burke, Eileen
Employed at sanatorium, 08/07/1952:6
Burke, Joseph
Employed by B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc., North St, 09/03/1953:6
Burke, Raymond
Daughter born, 03/24/1950:7, 08/16/1951:5
Son born, 08/28/1952:5
Burkhead, Mrs James A.
Teacher retires from Carver school, 05/21/1953:7
Burkhead, Mrs James H.
Receives phone call from 102-year-old cousin in Seattle, 07/24/1952:6
Burkland, Bertha E.
Obituary, 02/18/1954:2
Burkland, Bertha Elvira
Widow of Magnus dies at age 77, 02/18/1954:6
Burkland, Henrietta Wilbur
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Burkland, Henry B.
Scores of voters fail to go to polls (l), 01/20/1950:1
South Middleboro Methodist honors organist, choir director for 30
years of service, 01/25/1951:1
Receives Civic Service Award from Eagles (p), 05/03/1951:1
Marie Briggs winner of Egger Co. Crosley contest (p), 12/20/1951:6
Presents desk to South Middleboro library branch in memory of James
Graham, 03/20/1952:10
Chosen to teach summer school at Bridgewater Teachers' College,
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 05/26/1952:1
Tribute to gentleman Abraham Kramer (l), 09/11/1952:1
Chairs committee of MA Teachers Association, 11/19/1953:7
Burnett, D.T.
Fuller brushes (ad), 11/03/1950:6
Open letter to Fuller Brush Co. (l), 11/10/1950:10
Burnett, Elinor
Assistant editor of American Library Association Magazine,
Resides in Chicago, 10/04/1951:9
Wed to H. Potter Trainer, Jr., 08/07/1952:4
Burnett, Janet Palmer
Son born, 10/01/1953:4
Burnett, Natalie
Has illustration in new children's magazine, 10/01/1953:6
Engaged to R. Randall Cole, 12/09/1954:11
Burnett, Patricia
Resides in New York City, 04/14/1950:5
Burnett, Sherwood
Resides in Scituate, 03/10/1950:10
Son born, 10/01/1953:4
Burnham, Betty Bassett
Son born, 12/24/1953:4
Burnham, C. Edward
Harlow's Business Service to re-open in April as Middleboro Office
Supply, Inc., 461 Center St (ad), 03/25/1954:3
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Burnham, C. Edward continued
Burnham and Harlow form new business, Middleboro Office Supply,
Burnham, Chester William
Obituary, 06/03/1954:3
Husband of Ada E. Reynolds dies at age 63, 06/03/1954:7
Burnham, Clarence Edward
Husband of Bertha C. Shurtleff dies at age 59, 01/28/1954:5
Obituary, 01/28/1954:8
Petition for administration of estate, 02/11/1954:5
Burnham, Cleveland
Employed at Richmond Automotive Service, 08/06/1953:6
Son born, 12/24/1953:4
Burnham, Edward. see Middleboro Office Supply, Inc.
Burnham, Jean
Clerk in office of Town Clerk, 11/03/1950:12
Burnham, Jean A.
Reward for finding missing dog (ad), 04/23/1953:8
Burnham, Jean Glover
Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4
Burnham, Jeanne A.
Resigns as secretary to Town Clerk, 06/18/1953:1
Burnham, Jeanne A. Glover
Hired as clerk in Town Clerk's office, 03/24/1950:9
Burnham, Loretta M.
Collides with Marion driver on Rte 28, 07/17/1952:6
Burnham, Mrs Robert
Employed in town treasurer's office, 10/18/1951:6
Resigns as secretary to Town Clerk, 06/04/1953:4
Burnham, Phyllis M.
Engaged to Harry G. Thomas, Jr., 07/29/1954:2
Wedding described, 08/26/1954:3
Burnham, Robert
Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4
Daughter born to Miller St couple, 10/01/1953:4
Burniston, B.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Burniston, Barbara
Named to head Order of Rainbow, 01/28/1954:2
Employed by Industrial Spray Painting, Inc., 08/12/1954:6
Burniston, Barbara V.
Nominated for queen of UMass Winter Carnival, 12/23/1954:1
Burniston, Bill
Industrial Spray Painting, Inc. (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Industrial Spray Painting, Inc. experts in spray painting (p),
Burniston, Wilfred
Interior decorating (ad), 01/08/1953:2
Complains of nuisance noise and dust from Rod Knockers Club,
Burniston, Wilfred W.
And Struck collide on Plain St, 05/26/1952:3
Burns, Anna Brennick
Daughter born, 05/15/1952:7
Burns, Anna M.
Foreclosure notice, 11/12/1953:10
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/24/1953:9
Burns, Robert
Four-month sentence for drunkenness, 08/12/1954:7
Burns, William
Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10
Daughter born, 05/15/1952:7
Burns, William P.
Foreclosure notice, 11/12/1953:10
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/24/1953:9
Burns and Scalds
Five-year-old Gale Gibbons burned helping dad with bonfire,
Arthur Ripley receives painful powder burns in accident at home,
Sarah Raymond suffers third degree burns from overturned coffee
maker, 06/19/1952:9
George Millett's feet severely burned at Perkins Foundry, 07/31/1952:5
Robert Tate injured by exploding shotgun shell, 02/12/1953:1
Burns and Scalds continued
Barbara Harlow suffers burns putting out grass fire, 03/19/1953:1
Carol Ann Briggs burned in bonfire ashes, 10/15/1953:1
Elizabeth Ellis almost fatally burned while using outdoor incinerator,
Elizabeth Ellis dies day after accident, 04/15/1954:12
Reynolds and step daughter burned when gas explodes, 07/22/1954:8
Fannie Drew burned alive 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8
Burr, Randolph
Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Burr, Wesley R.
Lamp breaks, starts gasoline fire at hen house, 11/08/1951:7
Burrowes, Marjorie
Employed at The Walker Co., 07/14/1950:2
Engaged to Edward Grossman, 05/17/1951:9, 06/21/1951:10
Burrowes, Marjorie T.
Engaged to Edward A. Grossman, 06/28/1951:5
Wed to Edward A. Grossman, 07/05/1951:5
Burrowes, Marjorie Theresa
Wedding described, 07/05/1951:4
Burt, Elizabeth
Runs into Highway Department truck driven by Robbins, 10/02/1952:5
Burt, Elizabeth E.
Town sells former Bruso property to William and Elizabeth Burt,
Burt, Leonard O.
Stationed at Camp Lejune, NC, 11/10/1950:10
Burt, William B.
Town sells former Bruso property to William and Elizabeth Burt,
Busby, Dorothy Cherrett
Son born, 05/26/1950:7
Busby, Ernest M.
Drops dead after auto crash, 09/20/1951:1
Busby, Ernest Milton
Obituary, 09/20/1951:6
Busby, George
Son born, 05/26/1950:7
Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Buses. see also Almeida Bus Co.; East Taunton Bus Line Corp.; School
Children - Transportation
Whitney Bus Line service to be discontinued (ad), 02/14/1952:10
Selectmen discuss Rock and South Middleboro service again,
Stops at Four Corners to be delineated in paint, 06/11/1953:1
Busi, Louis
Engaged to Barbara Ann Roberts, 09/30/1954:7
Business and Industry. see also Middleboro Retail Merchants
Association; names of specific types of industry
Historical Society traces histories of local firms, 04/07/1950:7
Merchants announce Appreciation Days, 11/03/1950:1
Stores state policy on hours for Armistice Day, 11/10/1950:1
Group wants business establishment kept off southeast corner of East
Grove and South Main St, 11/24/1950:1
Retail stores open evenings until Christmas, 12/15/1950:1
Local merchants sign up for TV premium membership, 12/15/1950:13
Local merchants sign up for TV premium membership (ad),
Arthur Boardman believes town needs new industries (l), 11/08/1951:1
Store hours listed for holiday season, 12/06/1951:1
Merchants plan special event, 12/13/1951:1
Banks and business firms make carols possible, 12/27/1951:1
Local stores sponsor Orchid Days, 01/17/1952:1
Chief problem is attract new business and industry (l) (Arthur E.
Boardman), 02/07/1952:5
West Bridgewater company seeks new location, 03/06/1952:1
Rumor of shopping center near traffic circle, 05/26/1952:5
Designation of Rte 28 as business road discussed by selectmen,
New Gazette column profiles local businesses, 08/14/1952:6
Stores to be closed for Armistice Day, 11/06/1952:1
Horbal outlines new proposed industrial electricity rate schedule,
Gazette begins new feature on local businesses, 07/02/1953:6
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Business and Industry continued
State Department of Commerce proposes suggestion for vacant plants,
Taunton St residents ask zoning to prohibit neighborhood
industrialization, 04/15/1954:12
Industrial plant seeks local data, 10/21/1954:1
Business Men's Club
Holds first ladies' night 50 years ago, 02/11/1954:8
Butler, Alan
Trains with Naval Reserve in Boston, 04/19/1951:10
Local navy man pictured in Cuba (p), 12/03/1953:1
Butler, Alan C.
Engaged to Jean G. Staples, 08/06/1953:5
Wed to Jean G. Staples, 08/06/1953:5
Butler, Allan
Returns from seven and a half months in Port Lyauty, North Africa,
Butler, Barbara
Engaged to Richard Hadfield, 03/25/1954:4
Engaged to Richard L. Hadfield, 04/08/1954:6
Butler, Barbara M.
Engaged to Richard L. Hadfield, 03/18/1954:4
Wed to Richard L. Hadfield, 04/22/1954:6
Butler, Barbara Marlene
Engaged to Richard Lawrence Hadfield (p), 09/17/1953:7
Wedding described, 04/22/1954:12
Butler, Dave
VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4
Butler, Dick
Who's who in MHS senior class, 05/10/1951:3
Butler, Ernest
Meets brothers Roger and Philip in Tokyo, Japan (p), 02/19/1953:1
Butler, Ernest P.
Reports for duty at Castle AFB, Merced, CA, 07/02/1953:8
Butler, Evelyn Mayhew
Son born, 07/19/1951:5, 12/04/1952:5, 07/15/1954:4
Butler, James
Private stationed at Camp Pickett, VA (p), 02/19/1953:1
With Medical Corps at Fort Sam Houston, TX, 04/22/1954:6
Butler, James R.
Trains with Barnett and Freitas at Camp Pickett, VA, 01/01/1953:1
Completes basic training at Camp Pickett, VA, 04/30/1953:1
Promoted to Private 1st Class at Fort Sam Houston, TX, 09/17/1953:12
Plans and manages dog show at Fort Sam Houston, TX (p),
Butler, James Roy
Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1
Butler, Jim
Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t),
Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1
Corporal decorates barge for art show in Texas, 10/21/1954:7
Butler, Joanna A.
Petition for administration of estate, 01/04/1951:3
Administrator presents account of estate, 02/21/1952:6
Butler, Johanna A.
Dies at age 74, 11/03/1950:5
Obituary, 11/03/1950:6
Butler, Lucy
Resides in Washington, DC, 08/21/1952:2
Butler, Mrs Robert G., Jr.
Writes of dog days in Alaska (l), 08/25/1950:1
Describes practice evacuation drill in Alaska (l), 09/08/1950:1
Butler, Philip
Meets brothers Roger and Ernest in Tokyo, Japan (p), 02/19/1953:1
Butler, Phillip
Private completes training at Fort Meade, MD, 12/27/1951:1
Butler, R.G.
Colonel stationed in Alaska, 03/31/1950:5
Butler, Richard
Awarded $400 scholarship in engineering at Northeastern, 07/05/1951:1
Butler, Richard E.
ROTC officer promoted to 1st Lieutenant, 10/07/1954:1
Butler, Robert
Colonel assigned to Atomic Energy Commission Military Applications
Division, 03/29/1951:6
Butler, Robert G.
Named Deputy Director of Division of Military Applications, USAEC,
Colonel receives orders for duty in Washington, DC, 04/30/1953:12
Appointed to rank of Brigadier General (p), 05/13/1954:1
Brigadier General takes command at Joliet, IL, 07/15/1954:4
Butler, Robert G., 3rd
Attends Haverford College, 03/31/1950:5
Butler, Robert G., Jr.
To conclude army service and enroll at University of Michigan Law
School, 08/12/1954:9
Butler, Roger
Meets brothers Ernest and Philip in Tokyo, Japan (p), 02/19/1953:1
Butler, Roger F.
Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1
Engaged to Natalie Manzo, 06/25/1953:5
Wed to Natalie Manzo, 07/09/1953:5
Butler, Roger Francis
Inducted into military service, 03/08/1951:1
Butler, Shirley
Freshman at Wells College in New York, 09/13/1951:10
Butler, Shirley Wood
Engaged to John Austin Hutchings, 09/10/1953:4
Wedding described, 12/24/1953:3
Butler, Stuart
Son born, 07/19/1951:5, 12/04/1952:5, 07/15/1954:4
Butler, Stuart Lyman
Engaged to Evelyn E. Mayhew, 11/10/1950:7
Wed to Evelyn E. Mayhew, 11/17/1950:7
Buttermore, Alice Ellen Sheridan
Wife of Michael James dies at age 66, 03/31/1950:6
Obituary, 03/31/1950:11
Buttermore, Eldon
Resides in Mystic, CT, 06/03/1954:7
Buttermore, R. Eldon
Highland Rd couple married six years, 08/18/1950:5
Family moves from Highland Rd, Lakeville to East Main St,
Middleboro, 09/13/1951:10
Buttermore, Richard
Enlists in U.S. Navy, 09/22/1950:2
Seaman recruit trains in Newport, RI, 10/27/1950:7
Serves on USS Tanner, 12/22/1950:2
Seaman stationed on ship in New York, 05/24/1951:8
Serves on USS Tanner, 05/31/1951:6
Stationed on USS Tanner in New York, 09/20/1951:2
Based in Portsmouth, VA, 11/13/1952:2
Stationed at Portsmouth Naval Hospital, VA, 07/16/1953:2
Buttermore, Richard L.
Completes boot training at Newport, RI, 12/08/1950:9
Discharged from U.S. Navy, 07/22/1954:1
Buttermore, Robert E.
Rear-ended on Wareham St, 01/10/1952:9
Chief Hospital Corpsman to report for submarine duty, 12/25/1952:6
Training in Caribbean, 03/26/1953:12
Serves on board submarine USS Spikefish, 05/06/1954:1
Buttermore, Robert Eldon
Navy man transfers to Newport, RI, 01/20/1950:11
Butts, Melford H.
Liquor license transfer requested for new manager at Red Coach Grille,
Red Coach Grille liquor license transferred to Arthur Johanson,
Buxton, Charles
Son born, 04/16/1953:7
Buxton, Myrtle Ames
Son born, 04/16/1953:7
Byrne, Dick
Byrne and Zion named co-captains of MHS track team, 03/20/1952:1
Remains unbeaten in half mile, 05/22/1952:3
Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore
championships (p), 07/03/1952:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Byrne, Francis
Fined $10 for speeding, 09/08/1950:2
Son born, 11/26/1953:4
Byrne, Francis G.
Engaged to Janet C. Melville, 08/30/1951:5
Wed to Janet C. Melville, 09/20/1951:7
Byrne, Janet Melville
Son born, 11/26/1953:4
Byrne, Joseph
Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3
Byrne, R.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Byrne, Richard
Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1
Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1
MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1
Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1
Engaged to Janet Washburn, 05/27/1954:7
Byrne, Richard A.
Seaman enrolls in fire control technicians school, 05/13/1954:4
Engaged to Janet Washburn, 05/13/1954:6
Wed to Janet M. Washburn, 06/17/1954:5
Byrne, Richard Allen
Wedding described, 06/03/1954:2
Byrne, Rita B.
Observes 5th anniversary of employment with W.T. Grant,
Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5
Byrne, S.R. Richard Allen
Engaged to Janet May Washburn, 01/01/1953:2
Byrne, William L.
Fined $10 for speeding, 03/13/1952:9
Byrnes, Richard P.
Plumbing and heating, Everett St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Bzdula, Francis A.
Wed to George Willis, 06/12/1952:7
Cabins. see Hotels, Motels, Etc.
Cabot Club. see also John Cabot Club; Junior Cabot Club
Invites those interested in forming Junior Club, 01/13/1950:3
Observes Mother and Daughter Day, 03/03/1950:7
Scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:1
Holds annual meeting, 05/26/1950:10
Opens 53rd season, 09/22/1950:1
Conservation Committee will attempt eradication of ragweed,
4-H clubs collect ton of ragweed, 07/19/1951:1
Program for upcoming year (p), 09/27/1951:1
Holds Guest Day, 04/03/1952:8
Holds annual Art Department Day, 04/17/1952:6
Description of annual scholarships for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:4
Holds annual meeting, 05/15/1952:8
Issues complete program for the year, 09/11/1952:1
Simmons turns gavel over to Clark (p), 05/14/1953:1
Announces program for upcoming year, 09/24/1953:1
Women's clubs raise money to restore trees (p), 11/19/1953:1
Holds annual guest night, 11/19/1953:11
Complies list of practical nurses, 11/26/1953:9
Junior club collects $300 on tag days, 12/10/1953:11
Holds annual meeting, 05/20/1954:11
Cabral, B.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Cabral, Bernard F., Jr.
Leaves for army induction in Boston, 09/23/1954:1
Cabral, Christine Burke
Son born, 03/04/1954:4
Cabral, F.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Cabral, Francis
MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1
Reliable apothecary at Giberti's (p), 08/26/1954:6
Cabral, Irene P.
Cabral rear-ends Gardiner woman on Rte 28, 08/09/1951:1
Cabral, John
Son born, 03/04/1954:4
Cabral, Lindora
Playground Pet Show winner (p), 08/28/1952:4
Cabral, Margaret
Little Theatre Group members learn all phases of theater life (p),
Cadenhead, Harley
Frances Vasel's telephone answering service officially opens (p),
Cadorette, James
Superintendent of grounds at playground, 04/23/1953:1
Part-time custodian of Battis Field, 09/03/1953:1
Cadorette, James W.
Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1
Private 1st Class transfers to Fort Cronkite, CA, 12/13/1951:4
Completes course at Burdett College, 04/01/1954:10
Cadorette, James Warren
Inducted into military service, 03/08/1951:1
Cahoon, Elsie
Old Country Store makes learning fun at School Street School (p),
Cahoon, Gwendolyn
Engaged to Robert Brigham Wood, 12/06/1951:6
Engaged to Robert B. Wood, 12/13/1951:7, 12/13/1951:13
Wedding described, 12/27/1951:8
Wed to Robert B. Wood, 01/10/1952:4
Cahoon, T.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Cahoon, Theodore Brown
Engaged to Carol Jean Kern, 07/22/1954:8
Caile, Charlotte Reichert
Wedding described, 07/01/1954:4
Cain, Everett
Walter Standish denies theft of house trailer from Cain, 03/08/1951:10
Standish larceny case continued for trial, 03/15/1951:10
Standish avoids jail in Cain larceny case, given second chance,
Caldera, Florence Giberti
Son born, 07/24/1952:5
Caldera, Francis
Son born, 07/24/1952:5
Caldwell, Claire
Wed to Merrill S. Norton, 07/07/1950:5
Wedding described, 07/14/1950:10
Caldwell, Hiram F.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Caldwell, Joyce Ann
Wedding described, 03/10/1950:4
Wed to Richard Edward Turner, 03/10/1950:5
Caldwell, Muriel Louise
Engaged to Kenneth Alton Dudley, 03/10/1950:5
Wed to Kenneth Alton Dudley, 03/17/1950:4
Caliri, John
Son born, 04/12/1951:4
Caliri, Ruth Cummings
Son born, 04/12/1951:4
Callan, Ann
Named to staff playgrounds, 05/21/1953:5
Enters College of New Rochelle, 09/17/1953:10
Callan, Brian
MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4
Callan, John M.
New office manager at R.D. Kelley Coal Co. (ad), 08/23/1951:8
Manager of R.D. Kelley Coal Co., 08/28/1952:9
Purchases R.D. Kelley Coal Co., 06/10/1954:1
R.D. Kelley Coal Co., offers everything in fuel line (p), 07/29/1954:6
Callan, L. Francis
Mrs James Mouse resigns from office of judge, 04/07/1950:12
Appointed to appellate division of southern district, 05/10/1951:1
Judge sitting in appellate division, 09/20/1951:1
Secretary Doris Brown resigns, 11/01/1951:1
Marie Briggs winner of Egger Co. Crosley contest (p), 12/20/1951:6
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Callan, L. Francis, Jr.
Doris Brown secretary, 07/07/1950:6
Now senior district judge, 02/08/1951:4
Withdraws as town counsel, 01/24/1952:1
Alumnus of Boston University, 06/19/1952:7
Judge purchases Sullivan Building, 11/04/1954:1
Callan, Luke
Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5
Meet the sales force at Egger's Annex (ad) (p), 04/24/1952:5
Callan, Paul
Who's who in MHS senior class, 03/03/1950:4
Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1
Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1
Freshman at Bates College, 09/29/1950:12
Private sails for duty in Germany, 12/16/1954:8
Callan, Paul R.
Graduates from Bates College (p), 06/17/1954:1
Inducted into U.S. Army, 07/15/1954:1
Training at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 09/09/1954:1
Completes basic training, 09/30/1954:4
Callan, Paul Richard
Engaged to Mary Kay Rudolph, 05/13/1954:1
Cal-Mar Signs
162 Center St (ad), 06/18/1953:9
Calnan, Florence B.
Wedding described, 06/11/1953:4
Calnan, Florence Belrose
Engaged to James E. Miller, 09/25/1952:4
Camandona, Paul
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Camandona, Richard
Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Camandona, Thomas
Baby chicks (ad), 01/06/1950:4
Cambra, John J.
Wed to Shirley A. Ruprecht, 06/07/1951:5
Wedding described, 06/07/1951:10
Cameron, Audrey
Engaged to Donald Vaughn, 09/24/1953:5
Wed to Donald Vaughn, 10/01/1953:5
Cameron, Bertram N.
Health officer called to Army duty, 09/01/1950:1
Resigns as health officer due to ill health, 04/24/1952:1
Husband of Audrey T. Fowler dies at age 43, 05/21/1953:6
Obituary, 05/21/1953:12
Cameron, Claudette
South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home
(p), 10/18/1951:1
Eleven-year-old alerts neighbors of fire, 08/13/1953:1
Cameron, James Stillman
Going for induction in October, 09/27/1951:1
Leaves for Army induction (p), 10/11/1951:1
Cameron, John Paisley
Wed to Fannie Cynthia Wheaton, 01/03/1952:5
Caminati, Edmund A.
Serves on police force in Norfolk, VA, 10/04/1951:4
Caminati, Edmund H.
Appointed to police force in Norfolk, VA, 02/08/1951:1
Caminati, Nancy
J.M. Wells gives keepsake chests to MHS senior girls (p), 06/19/1952:4
Injured when Granchelli and Rosini collide at West and Center St,
Employed by Clyde S. Thomas (p), 04/08/1954:8
Cammarata, Muriel M.
Granted common victualler's license, 08/21/1952:1
Cammarata, Peter A.
Applies for license for tourist home, 02/07/1952:1
Camp Avoda
Granted license, 06/23/1950:4
To be supplied with town water, 05/26/1952:9
Camp Joe Hooker
Matteo Sena applies for approval for location of race track,
Matteo Sena applies for license to conduct dog and horse racing at
Camp Joe Hooker, 11/11/1954:7
Lakeville selectmen reserved decision on race track, 11/25/1954:1
Sena denied application for racing permit, 12/02/1954:2
Camp Norse. see Boy Scouts of America
Campano, Andreio
Son born, 11/11/1954:6
Campano, Mary Falcone
Son born, 11/11/1954:6
Campbell (Mr)
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Campbell, Albert
In court for drunkenness again, 06/02/1950:8
Charged with drunkenness again, 06/14/1951:9
Sent to jail for drunkenness, 09/20/1951:10
Convicted of criminal trespass, 04/09/1953:10
Sentenced to one year and three months for drunkenness and vagrancy,
Withdraws appeal, 05/21/1953:9
Gets 30 days for drunkenness, 11/18/1954:12
Campbell, Albert E.
Drunk has jail term hanging over him, 08/21/1952:8
Doesn't escape jail after all, 08/21/1952:9
Error costs Campbell three-month suspended sentence, 04/23/1953:12
Committed to house of corrections for drunkenness, 09/09/1954:2
Campbell, C. Gilbert
Wife enroute to join husband in St. John's Newfoundland, 11/13/1952:5
Campbell, Charles G.
Injured when auto strikes tree in Bridgewater, 03/10/1950:1
Campbell, David D.
New York man found dead in car, 07/22/1954:1
Campbell, Donald Orr
Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1
Campbell, Ford
Elected president of the Bristol-Plymouth County Fruit Growers
Association, 01/13/1950:2
Takes position with Rockland-Atlas National Bank, Boston,
Runs for re-election to Housing Authority, 11/29/1951:1
MacIntosh apples (ad), 09/17/1953:11
Campbell, Gilbert
Stationed at Pepperell Air Force Base, Newfoundland, 12/20/1951:3
Campbell, Harriet G.
Writes from St. John's, Newfoundland (l), 01/22/1953:8
Writes again, this time in real Newfoundland blizzard (l), 02/05/1953:3
Latest from our St. John's correspondence (l), 02/12/1953:10
Campbell, Harriett G.
Forgotten by Newfoundland correspondent? Goodness no (l),
Thus endeth dispatches from St. John's (l), 03/12/1953:6
Campbell, Jane
Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1
Campbell, John Graham
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Campbell, Miriam
Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p),
Named health agent for town of Abington, 01/14/1954:1
Campbell, Miriam M.
New Health Board officer (p), 04/24/1952:1
Runs for re-election to School Committee, 11/27/1952:1
Defeated in race for School Committee, 01/22/1953:10
Campbell, Miriam McDonald
Candidate for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/13/1950:2
Candidate deplores two-platoon system (l), 01/13/1950:4
Newly elected to School Committee (p), 01/20/1950:1
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Campbell, Mrs Ford
New Welcome Wagon hostess, 08/02/1951:1
Takes course with Welcome Wagon, 10/04/1951:7
Selectmen authorize letter for Welcome Wagon use, 10/11/1951:10
Explains Welcome Wagon plan to selectmen, 11/29/1951:7
Campbell, Sadie M.
Obituary, 05/27/1954:3
Campbell, Sadie Margaret
Widow of Charles W. dies at age 88, 05/27/1954:7
Campbell, Walter B., Jr.
Seaman 1st Class serves on USS Kula Gulf, 01/03/1952:5
Campbell, Walter D., Jr.
War games end in Atlantic, 12/06/1951:4
Seaman participates in amphibious exercises in the Caribbean,
Returns from six-month Mediterranean cruise, 07/16/1953:5
Campbell, Walter Jr.
Pipes Admiral aboard USS Tarawa, 06/10/1954:10
Camps and Camping. see also Boy Scouts of America; Young Men's
Christian Association - Cap's Camp
Notice of hearing on application from William Read and Harold
Merritt, 05/19/1950:6
Humpty Dumpty Day Camp, Ruth Nissen (ad), 06/02/1950:8
Grounds at YMCA Cap's Camp cleared and cleaned, 06/09/1950:5
Notice of Charbonneau application for trailer camp, 06/16/1950:10
Camp Avoda granted license, 06/23/1950:4
Selectmen issue license, 06/23/1950:4
Loon Pond Day Camp (ad), 08/04/1950:2
Camp Avoda to be supplied with town water, 05/26/1952:9
Norma Woodburn licensed to run recreational tutoring camp,
Notice of application by Norma Woodburn for recreational camp permit
(ad), 07/03/1952:5
Arthur Johnson granted license for overnight camps, 06/25/1953:4
Allan's New Trailer Park, Rte 28 (ad), 09/03/1953:7
Cananzey, John J.
Engaged to Betty J. Knutson, 06/21/1951:5
Wed to Betty Jo Knutson, 07/19/1951:5
Cancer (disease). see American Cancer Society
Canepa, Paul Charles Peter
Sent for induction into armed services, 10/09/1952:8
Canevazzi, Kathryn
Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6
Canfield, Sydney
State Farm guard beaten by prisoner, 05/01/1952:1
Cannon, Donald. see also Cannon Motor Sales
Son born, 01/29/1953:4
Cannon, Donald S.
Wins trip to Nassau, 10/28/1954:1
Cannon, Dorothy G.
Appointed junior clerk of 4th District Court, 02/10/1950:12
Cannon, Dorothy Moore
Son born, 01/29/1953:4
Cannon, Lawrence
Private 1st Class leaves for Presidio, CA, 12/27/1951:5
Stationed at Fort Cronkhite, CA, 07/17/1952:5
Serves two years in U.S. Army, 03/12/1953:4
Donald Cannon new operator of Buick agency, Cannon Motor Sales,
Cannon, Lawrence A.
Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1
Training at Fort Devens, 04/05/1951:3
Cannon, Lawrence Alton
Inducted into military service, 03/08/1951:1
Cannon Motor Sales
South Middleboro (ad), 12/15/1950:12
New location on Wareham St (ad), 03/08/1951:5
Servicing at Bailey's until facilities provided on Wareham St (ad),
Donald Cannon new operator of Buick agency, 07/01/1954:8
Begins new building to house auto sales, 07/15/1954:1
Donald Cannon wins trip to Nassau, 10/28/1954:1
Middleboro's newest garage home of Buick agency (p), 12/23/1954:6
Cannucci, George
Dentist offers services free for children's clinic, 08/28/1952:1
Cannucci, Joseph
Son born, 03/05/1953:7
Cannucci, Veronica Dellarocco
Son born, 03/05/1953:7
Canova, Betty
Who's who in MHS senior class, 04/17/1952:3
Canova, Betty Anne
Engaged to Walter S. Carmichael, 08/28/1952:5
Canove, Betty Anne
Engaged to Walter Stuart Carmichael, 12/06/1951:11
Cantwell, Mary Margaret
Engaged to Henry L. Marois, 10/08/1953:8
Canucci, George P.
Joins Gillis Turner's dental practice (ad), 05/03/1951:10
Cap, Joseph
Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1
Cape Cod Chinchilla Ranch
Rita and Wilfred Duphily, 309 Miller St (ad), 06/11/1953:5
Cape Cod Donut Home
Granted victualler's license, 04/21/1950:2
Cape Verdean-American Political Club of Middleboro
Elects officers, 05/12/1950:9
Caperello, Anthony
Employed by Wilbur Brothers, Everett St, 09/03/1953:6
Caperello, Joseph
Guilty of drunkenness, 07/14/1950:8
Capeway Craftsman
John Remedis granted license for secondhand furniture sales,
Capeway Restaurant
Meetze and Phillips granted victualler's license, 06/09/1950:14
Taunton and West Grove Ave (ad), 09/01/1950:1
Closing December 18th, watch for re-opening (ad), 12/15/1950:4
Now open, Taunton and West Grove (ad), 05/03/1951:10
New owners granted license, 03/05/1953:10
Cape-Way Shoe Mart
Rte 28 (ad), 12/04/1952:12
Prison parolee Yesonis caught after shoe theft, 10/01/1953:1
Yesonis indicted for breaking and entering and for larceny,
Yesonis case continued, 10/08/1953:3
Yesonis sent to state prison, 10/15/1953:1
Caponi, Ralph
Wedding described, 12/02/1954:9
Caponi, Ralph A.
Wed to Theresa M. Guertin, 12/02/1954:4
Cap's Camp. see Young Men's Christian Association - Cap's Camp
Car Washes
New auto washing machine at Bolan's Jenney Service (p), 02/11/1954:6
Cararie, Anthony
Carver man now commanding officer 2101 Area Service Unit at Fort
Meade, MD (p), 07/02/1953:1
Carbonara, Elizabeth
Bates School faculty member pianist for Bridgewater Lions Club,
Carbonara, Elizabeth A.
Resigns from Bates School, 06/09/1950:11
Bates social studies teacher resigns, 08/11/1950:6
Carbone, Joseph
Obituary, 06/21/1951:2
Dies at age 61, 06/21/1951:5
Son born, 10/18/1951:5
Pleads not guilty to drunk driving, 07/31/1952:6
Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts
National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1
Carbone, Joseph, Jr.
Freed on charge of reckless driving, 08/21/1952:8
Carbone, Leonard
Son born, 11/20/1952:7
Carbone, Roslyn Koerner
Son born, 11/20/1952:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Carbone, Sophie Sarachinski
Son born, 10/18/1951:5
Card (Mr)
Profile of MHS teacher, 02/17/1950:11
Card, Edward W.
Collides with Dennisport driver at varnish works, 11/10/1950:9
Melville, Jr. and Card collide at routes 28 and 105, 09/24/1953:9
Card, Evelyn Fanjoy
Resides in El Paso, TX, 05/26/1952:5
Card, Harold
Daughter born, 05/14/1953:4
Card, Harold E.
Son born, 05/17/1951:4
Card, Joan
Engaged to John Bianchini, 02/15/1951:10
Card, Joan Betty
Engaged to John Bianchini, 03/08/1951:5
Wed to John Bianchini, 03/29/1951:5
Wedding described, 03/29/1951:10
Card, Roger
Son born, 12/31/1953:4
Card, Roger L.
Engaged to Ruth J. Pimental, 06/18/1953:4
Wed to Ruth J. Pimental, 07/09/1953:5
Wed to Ruth Pimental, 07/16/1953:3
Card, Roy
Resides in El Paso, TX, 05/26/1952:5
Moves into new home in El Paso, TX, 01/01/1953:5
Card, Roy A.
Captain sent to Korea, 09/01/1950:4
Card, Ruth Pimental
Son born, 12/31/1953:4
Card, William E.
Engaged to Mary DeCourt, 10/22/1953:7
Wed to Mary DeCourt, 11/12/1953:6
Card, Wilrene Ash
Daughter born, 05/14/1953:4
Card, Wilrene F.
New teacher at Washburn elementary unit, 12/13/1951:1
Card, Wilrene F. Ash
Son born, 05/17/1951:4
Cardarello, Francis I.
Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2
Cardarello, Kathleen
Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2
Cardill, Marie
Wed to Edward Mills, 12/17/1953:3
Cardosa, Ralph
Husband of Rowena Ekholm dies at age 82, 04/30/1953:6
Obituary, 04/30/1953:7
Cardoza, Paul Gerard
Son of John, Jr. christened, 09/10/1953:4
Cardoza, Wallace
Sergeant stationed in Washington, DC, 01/27/1950:5
Carew, Barbara Decelle
Daughter born, 08/19/1954:4
Carew, Glen Joseph
Engaged to Barbara Frances DeCelle, 03/05/1953:7
Carew, Glenn
Daughter born, 08/19/1954:4
Carew, Glenn Joseph
Engaged to Barbara Frances DeCelle, 02/19/1953:5
Carey, Abbie K.T.
Points to need for home for historical society (l), 06/12/1952:10
Carey, Allen
Wed to Dorothy L. Friedlande, 07/14/1950:8
Carey, Doris Baldwin
Son born, 04/09/1953:5
Carey, Fred. see Modern Cleaners & Dyers
Carey, Frederic
Son born, 04/09/1953:5
Carey, Frederic J.
Purchases North Main St building from Peirce Estate, 06/17/1954:1
Carey, Pamela
Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6
Carey, R.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Carlo, Joseph G.H.
Receives basic training in anti-aircraft at Fort Bliss, TX, 06/03/1954:12
Carlson, Arthur
Wed to Patricia Coyne, 04/16/1953:12
Carlson, Carol
Eight-year-old falls out of moving car, 12/03/1953:5
Carlson, Dorothy
Moves to Lake Worth, FL, 07/28/1950:3
Carlson, Eleanor
Wed to Howard Nickerson, 10/25/1951:5
Carlson, Gustaf A.
Petition for license to sell real estate, 04/22/1954:7
Administrator presents petition, 12/16/1954:6
Carlson, Gustaf Adolph
Dies at age 65, 03/19/1953:5
Obituary, 03/19/1953:7
Carlson, John
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Carlson, John Victor
Wed to Laura Ann Jussila, 02/10/1950:6
Carlson, Marion
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Carlson, Maybell P.
Wed to DeWitt C. Page, 01/20/1950:7
Carlson, Maybelle P.
Engaged to DeWitt D. Page, 01/06/1950:4
Carlson, Ruth
Engaged to Dominic Nardi, 08/06/1953:5
Wed to Dominic Nardi, 08/27/1953:7
Carmichael, Betty
Resigns from Thomas Bros., 05/14/1953:4
Resumes working at Thomas Bros. store, 09/17/1953:2
Carmichael, Patricia Lee
Engaged to Gordon Wesley Miller, 01/15/1953:5
Carmichael, Walter S.
Engaged to Betty Anne Canova, 08/28/1952:5
Carmichael, Walter Stuart
Engaged to Betty Anne Canova, 12/06/1951:11
Carnello, Anthony
Employed at Nemasket Transportation Co., 09/01/1950:10
Carnello, Frank A.
Fined $30 for speeding and failure to stop at sign, 04/08/1954:10
Takes basic training at Fort Dix, NJ, 04/29/1954:3
Carnello, Frank C.
Private stationed at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 06/24/1954:1
Carnello, James
Resides in San Diego, CA, 10/15/1953:10
Carnello, William
Granted peddler's license, 08/21/1952:1
Carney, Michael T.
Wed to Mary B. Finch, 08/04/1950:7
Caron, Aime
First Sergeant trains at Camp Edwards, 07/14/1950:1
Promoted to Warrant Officer in National Guard, 07/03/1952:1
Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion,
Caron, Aime E.
Reservist in training at Pine Camp, NY (p), 08/02/1951:1
Caron, Aime J.
Graduates from Adjutant General Administration School in Indiana,
Caron, Janice Perkins
Son born, 07/15/1954:4
Caron, Lorraine
Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1
The Little Theatre Group seeking new members (p), 10/25/1951:10
Caron, Lorraine J.
George Crothers fractures ankles when runs into Caron's car,
Ye Quaint Shoppe opens at 48 East Main St (ad), 12/04/1952:2
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Caron, Mrs Aime
Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for
sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1
Caron, Mrs Antonio
Killed in auto crash in Fulton, NY, 09/10/1953:4
Caron, William
Engaged to Janice Perkins, 10/01/1953:10
Caron, William K.
Wed to Janice L. Perkins, 10/15/1953:4
Caron, William L.
Engaged to Janice Louise Perkins, 05/07/1953:9
Engaged to Janice L. Perkins, 10/01/1953:4
Son born, 07/15/1954:4
Caron, William Leo
Wedding described, 10/15/1953:10
Caron's Fudge Shop
Requests permit to erect sign on Wareham St, 10/22/1953:1
Carpenter, E. Fen
West Side School teacher receives M.A. degree, 08/12/1954:1
Carpenter, Henry D.
Doctor resides in Fort Worth, TX, 05/05/1950:10
Carpenter, Mrs John
Resides in Hampton, VA, 05/08/1952:11
Carpenters. see Builders
Jones Bros. Co. has contract to carpet Weymouth hall 50 years ago,
Carr, Albert J., Jr.
Participates in Pacific Fleet exercises, 01/15/1953:3
Carr, Catherine C.
New grade six teacher at Bates School, 08/12/1954:10
New junior high English teacher, 10/07/1954:9
Carr, Edward J.
Graduates from Naval Electronics Technician-Electronicsman School,
Assigned to Navy school at Newport, RI, 10/06/1950:7
Graduates from U.S. Naval Preparatory School, 06/07/1951:1
Freshman at Naval Academy in Annapolis, 08/16/1951:1
Engaged to Jeanne A. Trudeau, 06/18/1953:4
Wed to Jeanne A. Trudeau, 07/09/1953:5
Carr, Edward Joseph
Wedding described, 07/16/1953:2
Carr, Francis
Fined $10 for drunkenness, 08/02/1951:2
Carr, Francis A.
Drunk sent to State Farm, 08/02/1951:2
Carr, Gerard C.
Acquitted on motor vehicle charges, 01/20/1950:3
Carr, Harold
Housewarming in new home on Courtland St, 05/19/1950:6
MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p),
Completes basic training at Fort Dix, NJ, 04/01/1954:4
Carr, Harold J.
Arrives from training at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 03/04/1954:1
Arrives in Germany, serves with 2nd Armored Division, 07/15/1954:4
Carr, Harold John
Called for induction into armed forces, 01/14/1954:2
Carr, John
East Main St couple married 50 years, 07/14/1950:7
Carr, John Joseph
Dies at age 77, 02/08/1951:5
Obituary, 02/08/1951:6
Carr, Mrs Roger
Resides in Millis, 11/05/1953:5
Carr, Raymond
Fined $25 for reckless driving and $50 for drunk driving, 06/02/1950:8
Carr, Robert L.
Fined $10 for drunkenness, 07/31/1952:7
Fined $5 for drunkenness, 07/16/1953:3
Fined $10 for drunkenness, 09/16/1954:7
Carreiro, Dolores
Student nurse capped at Brockton Hospital, 03/06/1952:8
Affiliated with Metropolitan Mental Hospital in Waltham, 04/16/1953:8
At Presbyterian Medical Center for pediatrics affiliation, 10/01/1953:5
Carreiro, Dolores Ann
Wed to Roger W. Shurtleff, 03/18/1954:4
Carreiro, Edward
Private stationed at Camp Pickett, VA, 04/16/1953:8
Carreiro, Edward A.
Completes training at Camp Pickett, VA (p), 05/21/1953:1
Carreiro, Evangeline Amaral
Obituary, 07/03/1952:4
Wife of Joseph dies at age 51, 07/03/1952:5
Carreiro, Frank
Obituary, 09/22/1950:4
Husband of Mary Augustine dies at age 49, 09/22/1950:5
Carreiro, Rachel
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Carreiro, Randolph F.
Edwards and Carreiro collide at routes 44 and 28, 10/22/1953:3
Carriera, James
Action on Carriera's application for food stand held up, 04/30/1953:1
Carriero, Anna
Widow of Manuel dies at age 65, 11/11/1954:6
Obituary, 11/11/1954:11
Carriero, Elinor Trinque
Son born, 09/16/1954:4
Carriero, Joseph
Son born, 09/16/1954:4
Carriero, Joseph J.
Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7
Carriero, Mary C.
Presented with electric range at Theatre Cooking School (p),
Carroll, Ann Goering
Daughter born, 10/16/1952:4
Carroll, Louis
Montello couple married 50 years, 11/26/1953:10
Carroll, Roy E.
Daughter born, 10/16/1952:4
Carroll Cut Rate
Stock up (ad), 01/27/1950:8
Carson, Mary A.
Engaged to Daniel M. West, 10/30/1952:7
Wed to Daniel M. West, 11/13/1952:7
Wedding described, 11/13/1952:7
Carter, Beatrice Hopkins
Son born, 08/25/1950:5
Carter, George T.
Purchases Orcutt house on Lovell St 50 years ago, 10/21/1954:10
Carter, John
Couple married 35 years, 03/12/1953:3
Carter, Paul
Son born, 08/25/1950:5
Disagrees with Romaine's statements on hunters (l), 02/25/1954:5
Views "no trespassing" signs with alarm (l), 03/11/1954:8
Four-year-old injured slightly after bumping into taxi, 11/11/1954:1
Carter, Theodore
Awarded conservation award by Plymouth District, 01/11/1951:7
Cartmell, Robert
Director of Fahey Funeral Home (ad) (p), 04/02/1953:7
Cartwright, D. Elinor
Engaged to Russell B. Osborne, 05/13/1954:6
Wed to Russell B. Osborne, 05/27/1954:7
Wedding described, 05/27/1954:11
Cartwright, Leonard
Son born, 08/30/1951:5
Cartwright, Margaret Pattell
Son born, 08/30/1951:5
Cartwright, Mrs Leonard
Plans visit to homeland in England, 07/22/1954:4
Returns after three months in homeland, 11/11/1954:1
Cartwright, Walter E.
Training at Parris Island, SC (p), 07/02/1953:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Carver, __ta Fraiser
Obituary, 02/14/1952:2
Carver, Alberta F.
Administrator presents account of estate, 03/19/1953:5
Carver, Alberta Fraiser
Wife of Howard B. dies at age 70, 02/14/1952:5
Carver, Alice H.
Signs contract for electric service on Tispaquin Pond, 05/28/1953:4
Carver, Carrie
Sprains back in fall, 05/13/1954:11
Carver, Charles S.
Couple surprised on 25th anniversary, 06/30/1950:1
Carver, Cynthia
Sachem Steppers' gingham ball attracts throng of square dancers (p),
Carver, Cynthia Caswell
Daughter born, 09/20/1951:7
Carver, Dorothy
Wedding described, 12/29/1950:4
Carver, Dorothy A.
Engaged to George F. Provonche, 12/22/1950:7
Wed to George F. Provonche, 01/04/1951:5
Carver, Eldon W.
Signs contract for electric service on Tispaquin Pond, 05/28/1953:4
Carver, Francis
Couple moves to Wareham, 06/16/1950:7
Obituary, 11/11/1954:2
Wareham man dies at age 71, 11/11/1954:6
Carver, Howard B.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Taunton auto rams front porch of Carver's house on Rte 28 (p),
Carver, John
Daughter born, 02/10/1950:7
Son born, 08/13/1953:5
Couple sells Highland St home, move to Everett St, 09/02/1954:10
Carver, John R.
Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5
Carver, J.T.
Freight business has new horse 50 years ago, 12/24/1953:7
Carver, Lawrence
Son born, 11/18/1954:6
Carver, Lawrence E.
Son born, 08/25/1950:5
Passes bar exam, 08/14/1952:1
Carver, Lillian Sylvia
Son born, 11/18/1954:6
Carver, Lynn
Born to John, 02/10/1950:7
Carver, Margaret
Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p),
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4
Carver, Margaret Burnett
Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5
Son born, 08/13/1953:5
Carver, Peggy
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1
Carver, Phyllis Sylvia
Son born, 08/25/1950:5
Carver, R. Winsor
Daughter born, 09/20/1951:7
Carver, Thomas Edward
Born to Lawrence E. and Phyllis Sylvia, 08/25/1950:5
Carver, Winsor
Sachem Steppers' gingham ball attracts throng of square dancers (p),
Case, John
Kiwanis Club holds installation ceremonies (p), 01/07/1954:1
Case, Patricia Standish
Son born, 09/06/1951:4
Daughter born, 09/24/1953:5
Case, Roland
Son born, 09/06/1951:4
Daughter born, 09/24/1953:5
Casey, Anselm G.
Kenduskiag, ME man dies at age 47, 07/02/1953:4
Obituary, 07/02/1953:5
Casey, Charles H.
Oak St couple married 50 years, 11/08/1951:1
Casey, David P.
Guardian presents account of estate, 06/05/1952:2
Casey, Eileen F.
Engaged to Ralph C. Morse, Jr., 02/10/1950:6
Wed to Ralph C. Morse, Jr., 02/17/1950:7
Casey, Eleanor
Employed at sanatorium, 05/24/1951:2
Casey, Ellen M.
Wed to Donald L. Moon, 01/06/1950:5
Casey, Everett
MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p),
Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1
Casey, Joseph
Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises
(p), 06/30/1950:1
Employed at Alleghany County Airport, PA, 08/06/1953:5
Casey, Joseph J.
And Wallace Houghton collide in snow storm, 02/28/1952:1
Casey, Joseph James
Marion and Louis Bernier file suit for damages against Wallace
Houghton, Jr. and Joseph Casey, 05/29/1952:7
Casey, Kevin B.
Graduates with honors from NCO academy in Germany, 11/27/1952:1
Honorable discharged from U.S. Army, 06/10/1954:1
Casey, Luella
Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1
Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p),
Preview of spring fashion show by Junior Cabot Club (p), 03/20/1952:4
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4
Casey, Marjorie Leary
Widow of John dies at age 50, 12/01/1950:6
Obituary, 12/01/1950:9
Casey, Mary Lou
Who's who in MHS senior class, 05/10/1951:7
Guardian presents account of estate, 06/05/1952:2
Engaged to Robert A. Bessette, 10/09/1952:10
Engaged to Robert Armand Bessette, 04/09/1953:5
Wed to Robert Armand Bessette, 04/23/1953:7
Wedding described, 04/23/1953:11
Casey, Myra
Engaged to Albert Stephanian, 09/06/1951:5
Wed to Albert Stephanian, 09/13/1951:5
Casey, Myra Elizabeth
Wedding described, 09/13/1951:5
Casey, Patricia Beach
Twin daughters born, 11/18/1954:6
Casey, Sarah A.
Widow of William O. dies at age 76, 04/07/1950:7
Casey, Sharon
Engaged to Howard Moore, 01/18/1951:4
Casey, Sharon Claire
Engaged to Howard Dennis Moore, 01/20/1950:7
Engaged to Howard J. Moore, 01/25/1951:5
Wed to Howard J. Moore, 02/01/1951:5
Wedding described, 02/01/1951:6
Casey, Terrence
Twin daughters born, 11/18/1954:6
Casey, Walter A.
Plumbing and heating, 18 East Main St (ad), 05/12/1950:12
Casey, William O.
Trustees present account of estate, 02/22/1951:8
Cashen, Henry
Sells Half-Way House to Eugene Starvish, 07/29/1954:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Cashen, Raymond R.
Admitted to Michigan State Bar Association, 07/05/1951:1
Cassady, Millard
Engaged to Alice Brown, 11/03/1950:5
Wed to Alice Brown, 11/10/1950:7
Cassady, Millard S.
Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion,
Cassavant, Roger F.
Wed to Ruth M. Countie, 07/29/1954:4
Cassiani, Fred Carl
VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1
Cassidy, Joe
The Little Theatre Group seeking new members (p), 10/25/1951:10
Cassidy, Lillian
The Little Theatre Group seeking new members (p), 10/25/1951:10
Cassidy, Walter "Joe"
Head of new hot rod club, Draglinks, 01/21/1954:1
Body and fender repair, 120 North St (ad), 02/25/1954:9
Casson (Dr)
Resides in California, 07/28/1950:10
Casson Credit Clothing Co.
Leases new Sullivan's block 50 years ago, 05/06/1954:9
Caswell (Mr)
Graduates from UMass, 06/16/1950:12
Lets tenement to Henry Caswell, 02/08/1951:4
Caswell, Alfred W.
Daughter born, 09/29/1950:7
Caswell, Alice Chace
Obituary, 09/17/1953:11
Caswell, Alice W.
Obituary, 05/20/1954:3
Caswell, Alice Washburn
Wife of Chester dies at age 60, 05/20/1954:7
Petition for probate of will, 06/24/1954:4
Caswell, Arthur B.
Daughter arrives from Sheridan, WY, 09/27/1951:6
Caswell, Arthur Brainard
Husband of Myra E. White dies at age 67, 09/20/1951:7
Obituary, 09/20/1951:8
Caswell, Benjamin
Eldridge Funeral Home opens at former home at School and Peirce St
(p), 12/11/1952:1
Caswell, Bessie Louise Pratt
Daughter born, 09/29/1950:7
Caswell, Charles W.
Wed to Pauline A. Joncas, 05/22/1952:7
Joins 1st Cavalry Division in Japan, 05/14/1953:7
Discharged for U.S. Army, 12/23/1954:1
Caswell, Charles William
Engaged to Pauline Ann Joncas, 07/26/1951:7
Wedding described, 05/22/1952:5
Caswell, D.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Caswell, Dave
MHS footballer suffers concussion, 10/27/1950:1
Caswell, David
MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p),
Chosen to attend Boys' State, 05/17/1951:1
MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p),
Enters University of Massachusetts, 09/04/1952:4
Attends University of Massachusetts, 01/08/1953:5
On Honors List at UMass, 04/09/1953:1
Caswell, David R.
On honor list at UMass, 04/15/1954:1
Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1
Caswell, Dorothy Cowan
Son born, 08/14/1952:5
Caswell, Edwin
Attends University of Massachusetts, 04/07/1950:12
Named to Dean's List at UMass, 05/05/1950:7
Caswell, Edwin continued
And wife heard on "Welcome Traveller" on Chicago radio station,
Resides in Idaho, 10/16/1952:5
Caswell, Edwin B.
Marine Staff Sergeant recalled to active duty, 09/22/1950:8
Called to active duty with Marine Corps, 03/15/1951:11
Caswell, Edwin Brainard
Set to graduate from University of Massachusetts, 06/02/1950:1
Caswell, Eleanor R.
Engaged to Conrad F. Delfino, 10/06/1950:1, 11/24/1950:5
Wed to Conrad F. Delfino, 12/08/1950:5
Wedding described, 12/08/1950:6
Caswell, Everett, Jr.
Attends aeronautic school in Lenox, CA, 05/24/1951:6
Caswell, Everett L., Jr.
Enrolls at Northrop Aeronautical Institute in Hawthorne, CA,
Accepts post with Sikorsky Aircraft in Bridgeport, CT, 11/05/1953:1
Caswell, Francis L.
Fined $75 for drunk driving, 01/31/1952:3
Caswell, Henry
Family moves to Caswell's tenement, 02/08/1951:4
Caswell, J.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Caswell, Janice
Named MHS football queen by Girl's League, 11/20/1952:1
Chosen to attend Girls' State, 05/14/1953:1
Caswell, Justin
Largest beekeeper in Middleboro, 07/01/1954:11
Caswell, Kenneth E.
Foreclosure notice, 03/15/1951:7
Caswell, Marian D.
Engaged to Alfred Vieira, 12/27/1951:5
Engaged to John M. McInnes, 08/12/1954:4
Caswell, Marion D.
Wedding described, 09/09/1954:3
Wed to John H. McInnes, 09/09/1954:4
Caswell, Meredith
Engaged to George E. Davis, 09/06/1951:8
Caswell, Meredith M.
Engaged to George E. Davis, 07/19/1951:9
Engaged to George E. Davis, Jr., 09/20/1951:7
Wedding described, 10/04/1951:4
Wed to George E. Davis, Jr., 10/11/1951:4
Caswell, Mrs Henry
Coaches Egger basketball team to victory, 03/08/1951:5
Caswell, Richard
Son born, 12/09/1954:4
Caswell, Sarah Spurr
Son born, 12/09/1954:4
Caswell, William R., Jr.
Son born, 08/14/1952:5
Caswell, William R., Sr.
Aunt's funeral held in North Easton, 03/13/1952:4
Caswell, William Richmond
Obituary, 09/10/1953:4
Dies at age 68, 09/10/1953:5
Obituary, 09/17/1953:11
Caswell, Wm. W.
Serves on U.S. flagship in Chinese waters 50 years ago, 09/23/1954:8
Catabia, Edward Joseph
Engaged to Theresa Ann Leighton, 04/23/1953:7
Wed to Theresa Ann Leighton, 05/21/1953:6
Wedding described, 05/21/1953:12
Cataldo, Louis
Three-car accident hospitalizes Tripp brothers, 09/03/1953:8
George Tripp guilty of negligence in three-car crash, 10/08/1953:8
Catavia, Edward
Daughter born, 12/24/1953:4
Catavia, Theresa Ann Leighton
Daughter born, 12/24/1953:4
Catholic Church. see Sacred Heart Church
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
June Cooper invites pet owners to meeting concerning poisonings (l),
Pet owners respond to Cooper's call, 01/13/1950:1
Nemasket Kennels, Main St, Lakeville (ad), 06/23/1950:10
Who's killing cats with air rifles? 04/03/1952:9
Cattle dealer, J.M. Foster, thanks farmers for patronage (ad),
Dealer J.M. Foster thanks patrons (ad), 01/01/1953:7
Aberdeen Braes Farm elected to National Angus Association,
Roger Cole, cattle auction (ad), 12/31/1953:3
Cayton, John
Passes exam for corrections officers, 02/15/1951:10
Cayton, John, Jr.
Pledges Alpha Phi Omega at Springfield College, 02/17/1950:2
Selected for Civil Service Division, 06/28/1951:7
Cedar Hill Farm
Everett Jenkins, turkeys (ad), 12/17/1953:10
Cedar Manor
Norman Woodburn granted approval for summer boarding school,
Cedar Vale Nursing Home
Pleasant St (ad) (p), 04/05/1951:2
Inspected by health officer, 11/20/1952:1
Rittenhouse, Rittenhouse, Tolles, and Tolles dissolve partnership,
Gets certificate of approval, 09/02/1954:1
Makes life pleasant for their residents (p), 10/07/1954:8
Celeski, Henry
Furniture repair (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Celeski, Pauline
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Savings Bank reports to selectmen on cemetery fund, 02/03/1950:1
Extemporaneous Memorial Day services held at Central Cemetery,
Louise Thatcher new treasurer of Central Cemetery (ad), 06/16/1950:4
Rock Cemetery Association holds annual meeting, 04/19/1951:5
Nemasket Hill Cemetery Association holds annual meeting,
Rock Cemetery Association holds annual meeting, 04/17/1952:4
South Middleboro Cemetery Association holds annual meeting,
Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11
New tomb at Central Cemetery completed 50 years ago, 10/28/1954:9
New Bedford office announces list of enumerators, 03/24/1950:1
Additional enumerators named, 03/31/1950:7
Effects on liquor licenses considered, 06/30/1950:1
Middleboro population now at 10,139, 06/30/1950:1
Police Chief begins census of inhabitants, 01/04/1951:1
1950 certified count 10,164, 09/20/1951:6
Population increase provides for only one additional liquor license,
School census shows 1,938 of minor age, 12/11/1952:1
Centelo, Manuel
Selectmen defer action on roadside stand application by Carver man,
Augustus Chase welcomes friends on 101st birthday, 08/11/1950:1
Florence Vinal reaches century mark April 24th, 04/19/1951:3
Florence Vinal 101 years old, in good health, 04/24/1952:8
Florence Vinal to celebrate 102nd birthday, 04/23/1953:1
Florence Vinal makes home with Lindsay March in Andover,
Former Middleboro resident Florence Vinal to turn 103, 04/22/1954:8
New spirit in town of Lakeville, centennial coming up, 12/25/1952:6
Lester Haskins constructs signs for historical sites in Lakeville,
Lakeville notes Founders Day, 06/04/1953:9
Centennials continued
Lt. Governor speaks at centennial graduation at Assawampsett School,
Retail Merchants extend congratulations to Lakeville on 100th birthday
(ad), 07/16/1953:10
Lakeville celebration a success, thousands gather, 07/23/1953:1
Lakeville committee thanks firms and individuals (ad), 08/13/1953:3
Lakeville committee reviews film, 12/17/1953:9
The Center Bakery
Opening at 56 Center St (ad), 08/19/1954:9
Center Card Shop
62 Center St (ad), 09/01/1950:7
Open during building alterations (ad), 10/25/1951:3
Mrs Alfred Lenardson, Center St (p), 08/13/1953:6
Mrs Alfred Lenardson, 62 Center St, 12/10/1953:8
A card for every need (p), 02/04/1954:6
Easter stock ready (p), 03/25/1954:6
Complete assortment of greeting cards (p), 09/02/1954:6
Center Fruit Store
Opens at 160 Center St (ad), 06/23/1950:4
Central Baptist Church
Two hundred attend annual meeting, 05/12/1950:6
Extends call to Paul J. West, 05/19/1950:1
Interim pastor Ralph Hone concludes service here, 06/02/1950:1
Vacation Bible School opens, 07/14/1950:8
Fourteenth Daily Vacation Bible school comes to a close, 07/28/1950:1
Paul West new pastor (p), 09/01/1950:1
Asks that no additional liquor licenses be issued, 09/15/1950:11
Morning service broadcast over WPEP (ad), 10/20/1950:2
Will continue radio ministry, 01/11/1951:1
Opens new nursery department, 01/11/1951:5
Requests permit for mobile address system and overhead sign,
Three hundred seventy five men attend Jim Vaus meeting, 03/15/1951:1
Begins 15th year of Bible School, 07/05/1951:4
Sign request granted, 07/12/1951:2
Successful close to 15th season (p), 07/26/1951:1
Modernization underway at church, 01/17/1952:1
Sunday evening services at 7:00 (ad), 03/20/1952:10
Attend church (ad), 04/17/1952:10
Infants dedicated, 06/12/1952:5
Vacation Bible School starts 16th year, 07/10/1952:10
Vacation Bible School closes (p), 07/24/1952:4
Former local minister, Rev Julius, scheduled to preach here,
Calls student assistant to aid in local work, 04/02/1953:1
Spring renovation includes new paint, 04/16/1953:7
John Burgess ordained into ministry, 04/30/1953:5
Historical review on eve of 125th anniversary, 05/07/1953:1
Holds annual meeting, 05/07/1953:3
Church history presented at anniversary celebration, 05/21/1953:1
Displays valued items of bygone days, 06/04/1953:7
Four Middleboro youths face larceny charges, 06/25/1953:3
Mildred Salley named Bible School superintendent, 12/10/1953:5
D.D. Sullivan purchases Drake homestead from Central Baptist 50
years ago, 04/01/1954:8
Holds annual meeting, 05/06/1954:4
Holds dedication of babies, 06/24/1954:10
Holds Rally Day, 09/30/1954:3
Central Cafe
Dascoulias granted television license, 05/03/1951:5
Selectmen hold hearing on alleged sale of liquor to minor, 11/05/1953:1
Central Cemetery
Extemporaneous services held for Memorial Day, 06/02/1950:1
Louise Thatcher new treasurer (ad), 06/16/1950:4
New tomb completed 50 years ago, 10/28/1954:9
Central Congregational Church
Comments on court action taken by Eagles over liquor license,
Purchases 300 new hymnals, 03/24/1950:11
Holds annual meeting, 04/07/1950:6
Co-Workers hold annual meeting, 04/07/1950:12
Holds annual Fall Church Night, 10/27/1950:2
Greeks send thanks for gifts of food, 03/29/1951:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Central Congregational Church continued
Holds annual meeting, 04/05/1951:4
White Church Guild arranges antiques display, 04/19/1951:1
White Church Guild members arrive at antique show in oldtime
transportation (p), 04/26/1951:6
Pastor Ralph Edwards dies suddenly, 05/10/1951:1
Holds annual promotion day, 06/07/1951:10
George Shepherd accepts call, 10/25/1951:1
To welcome new minister, George Shepherd (p), 01/31/1952:1
Rev and Mrs Shepherd welcomed at reception, 02/14/1952:9
Holds annual meeting, 04/03/1952:1
Mrs Ralph Edwards named Mother of the Year, 05/15/1952:6
Installs George Shepherd as pastor, 11/13/1952:5
Beneficiary of Stanwood Sparrow's will, 11/20/1952:1
Tests new electrical bell ringer, 02/12/1953:1
Annual reports submitted, 04/09/1953:10
Harriet Hudson Iseminger named Church Mother of the Year,
Parlor redecorated as combination chapel and social room,
Holds annual meeting, 04/08/1954:6
Pilgrim Fellowship collecting soap for Greece, 04/22/1954:2
Pilgrim Fellowship honors MHS grads, 05/06/1954:12
Elsie Wheeler named Church Mother, 05/13/1954:1
Pastor Paul West supports St. Luke's fund drive (l), 09/23/1954:4
Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1
Rev George Shepherd on God's Greatest Gift, 12/02/1954:5
Central Methodist Church. see also King's Daughters - Shining Circle
Local pastor, Paul Brooks, has works at Boston exhibition,
May conference sets up complete organization, 06/02/1950:1
Organist, Florence Sweet, honored for 30 years of service, 10/20/1950:1
Former local boy Sherman Smith to speak (p), 02/01/1951:1
WSCS pop concert a great success, 05/24/1951:6
Sunday school re-opens with largest attendance since 1941,
May join in youth movement, 02/07/1952:8
Holds quarterly conference, 04/03/1952:6
Sixty present Easter pageant, 04/17/1952:10
WSCS holds annual Mother-Daughter banquet, 05/15/1952:11
Sixth annual pop concert well patronized, 05/22/1952:6
Unites with First Unitarian for summer services, 05/26/1952:3
Church school elects officers, 09/11/1952:1
WSCS holds Mother-Daughter banquet, 05/14/1953:9
Unites with First Unitarian and First Congregational for the summer,
Former pastor Annas presents gifts, 02/04/1954:9
Rev Paul Brooks accepts call to Niantic pastorate, 05/27/1954:1
Roland Stahl, Jr. new minister, 06/17/1954:1
Welcomes new pastor, Roland Stahl, Jr., 07/01/1954:5
Hurricane damages bell tower, 09/09/1954:1
Rev. Roland Stahl on Christmas Means Emmanuel, 12/09/1954:5
Honey Jug House, pottery classes (ad), 10/07/1954:4
Cerda, Ellen Louise
Twin daughter of Arthur and Marion Cerda dies at age 5, 09/11/1952:5
Cerebral Palsy
Ralph Maddigan heads local appeal, 05/08/1952:6
Appeal names co-chairman, 05/22/1952:1
Fund collects $199.60 (t), 07/03/1952:1
Fund drive appeal underway, 06/10/1954:1
Restaurant, Wareham St (ad), 02/24/1950:12
Announces opening of additional dining space (ad), 05/26/1950:8
Cesar Sousa has bigger kitchen and new facilities (p), 09/06/1951:8
Chace, Augustus Matheson
101st birthday near; biography, 07/28/1950:1
Dies at age 101, obituary, 01/18/1951:1
Wareham man dies at age 101, 01/18/1951:5
Chace, Barbara Gurney
Son born, 06/21/1951:5
Chace, Caroline
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1
Chace, Dorothy
Engaged to Cedric Smith, Jr., 02/18/1954:1
Chace, E. Stanley
Son born, 06/25/1953:5
Adventist pastor resigns, 10/01/1953:9
Chace, Ernest P.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3
Chace, Esther Smith
Son born, 06/25/1953:5
Chace, Merrill
Son born, 06/21/1951:5
Chace, Mildred Armstrong
Engaged to Francis L. Moquin, 12/25/1952:4
Chadwick, Muriel Fongeallaz
Son born, 05/17/1951:4
Chadwick, Ralph D.
Son born, 05/17/1951:4
Chadwick, Ruth Goodale
Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5, 05/14/1953:4
Chadwick, William
Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5, 05/14/1953:4
Chain Saws
L.H. Parker, County Rd, Lakeville (ad), 12/23/1954:3
Chakalis, Toula
Wed to Louis Stamatelos, 05/06/1954:6
Chalmers, Jean R.
Wed to Harry LeBaron Sampson, 10/07/1954:10
Chamberlain, Annie Christine
Obituary, 08/19/1954:4
Widow of William dies at age 87, 08/19/1954:4
Chamberlain, Joseph A.
Applies for license to manufacture ice cream, 11/10/1950:12
Request denied, 12/08/1950:5
Chamberlain, Mrs W.T.
Moves here from Quincy, 10/09/1952:3
Chamberlain, Richard
Granted four-year scholarship to Springfield College, 06/24/1954:1
Attends World Council of Churches meeting in Framingham despite
hurricane, 09/16/1954:1
Chamberlain, Richard K.
Liberal reward for recovery of stolen bicycle (ad), 09/11/1952:10
Chamberlain, Richard King
Accepted to Springfield College, 04/29/1954:7
Chamberland, Joseph A. see Dairy Queen
Chambers, John
Son born, 01/18/1951:5
MHS agriculture students work on farms during summer break (p),
Chambers, John Gerald
MHS agriculture students work on farms during summer break (p),
Chambers, John H.
Son born, 03/27/1952:5
Chambers, John Herbert
Replaces vocational ag instructor Barrow at MHS, 08/18/1950:1
Chambers, Mary
Four generations represented at Silvia's 50th anniversary celebration
(p), 09/30/1954:1
Chambers, Mary Ladino
Son born, 01/18/1951:5
Chambers, Mary Nadino
Son born, 03/27/1952:5
Champlin (Mr)
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Champlin, A.L.
Cotuit oysters, 10 Forest St (ad), 01/06/1950:2
Champlin, Arthur L.
Dies at age 88, 12/23/1954:4
Obituary, 12/23/1954:9
Champlin, Virginia
Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6
Champlin, Virginia Kern
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Chandler, Birt
North Carver couple married 40 years, 02/11/1954:4
Chandler, Charles Franklin
Husband of Nellie Leonard dies at age 79, 06/07/1951:5
Obituary, 06/07/1951:5
Chandler, Edward J.
Engaged to Carole Morrissey, 11/20/1952:2
Chandler, Harold M.
Fined $5 for failure to stop, 12/02/1954:2
Chandler, Jennie
Funeral held in Plymouth, 02/10/1950:6
Chandler, Jesse Garnett Robinson
North Carver couple married 40 years, 02/11/1954:4
Chandler, Joseph
Wedding described, 01/08/1953:4
Chandler, Milton
Staff Sergeant to report to Camp Stedman, CA, 03/26/1953:4
Staff Sergeant sent to Korea, 05/21/1953:4
Chandler, Ralph
Engaged to Barbara Hagan, 02/19/1953:5
Chandonais, Henry E.
Foreclosure notice, 11/13/1952:9
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/01/1953:4
Chaplain, Carol A.
New teacher elected here, 05/08/1952:1
Chaplain, Carol Ann
Graduates from Bridgewater State Teachers' College (p), 06/07/1951:1
Chaplain, Michael James
Born to Richard and Patricia Charbonneau, 10/02/1952:5
Chaplain, Patricia Charbonneau
Resigns as assistant music supervisor for public schools, 05/08/1952:1
Son born, 10/02/1952:5
Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4
Chaplain, Richard
Attends Champlain College, NY, 04/07/1950:12
Son born, 10/02/1952:5
Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4
Chaplain, Richard L.
Engaged to Patricia M. Charbonneau, 07/26/1951:8, 11/29/1951:7
Wed to Patricia M. Charbonneau, 01/03/1952:5
Chaplain, Richard Louis
Wedding described, 12/27/1951:5
Chaplain, Wilfred A.
Petition for administration of estate, 04/05/1951:5
Chaplic, Ralph
Television and radio service and repair, 19 Barrows St (ad),
Chaplic, Ralph D.
Enlists in local unit of Massachusetts National Guard, 06/25/1953:1
Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts
National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1
Chapman, Benjamin E.
Thieves enter store 50 years ago, 04/08/1954:9
Chapman, Everett
Daughter born, 10/23/1952:5
Chapman, Muriel Benjamin
Son born, 11/01/1951:5
Chapman, Raymond
New janitor at MHS, 12/20/1951:11
Chapman, Sarah Elizabeth
Wed to George Waldo Stearns, 01/22/1953:5
Chapman, Virginia Taylor
Daughter born, 10/23/1952:5
Chapman, William
Son born, 11/01/1951:5
Chappelear, Joyce H.
Wed to Homer W. Griffith, 03/27/1952:8
Chappell, C. Raymond
Central Baptist pastor from 1919 to 1926, 05/07/1953:4
Former local pastor dies, 09/24/1953:1
Charbonneau, Patricia
Attends Syracuse University, 04/21/1950:8
Named rushing chairman for sorority at Syracuse University,
Charbonneau, Patricia continued
Named to Dean's List at Syracuse University, 08/11/1950:6
On Dean's List at Syracuse University, 07/12/1951:3
MHS greets new teacher, 10/04/1951:5
Charbonneau, Patricia M.
Named to Syracuse University Dean's List, 03/15/1951:1
New assistant to school music director, 05/10/1951:6
Music major graduates from Syracuse University, 05/31/1951:1
Engaged to Richard L. Chaplain, 07/26/1951:8, 11/29/1951:7
Wed to Richard L. Chaplain, 01/03/1952:5
Charbonneau, Patricia Marion
Wedding described, 12/27/1951:5
Charette, Albert
Engaged to Viola Standish, 03/29/1951:4
Charette, Albert Elisha
Engaged to Viola A. Standish, 04/05/1951:5
Wedding described, 04/19/1951:4
Charette, Alfred
Engaged to Viola Standish, 01/25/1951:6
Son born, 04/29/1954:4
Charette, Alfred E.
Wed to Viola A. Standish, 05/03/1951:5
Discharged after 11 years of Army service, 06/17/1954:9
Charette, Harlan
Mother seeks aid of government in search for body, 08/28/1952:4
Charette, Harlan D.
Local teacher drowns in New Hampshire, 07/03/1952:1
Memorial service for former teacher, 09/04/1952:1
Service held for former Bates School teacher, 09/25/1952:1
Charette, Minnie P.
Widow of Alfred E. dies at age 77, 09/09/1954:4
Obituary, 09/09/1954:5
Charette, Viola Standish
Son born, 04/29/1954:4
Charlie's Diner
Charles Goodwin opens former Everett Square Diner (ad),
Charles Goodwin granted victualler's license, 01/24/1952:1
Now open Sundays (ad), 09/25/1952:10
Charles Goodwin, John Glass, Jr. Square (p), 08/13/1953:6
John Glass, Jr. Square, 11/05/1953:8
Preparing tasty meals (p), 02/04/1954:6
Fine food served, 05/13/1954:8
Goodwin denies rumor of diner sale, 05/27/1954:1
Charlton’s. see G.L. Charlton Co.
Charron, Arnold C.
Son born, 06/28/1951:9
Charron, Arnold Carlton
Born to Arnold C., 06/28/1951:9
Charlton’s. see G.L. Charlton Co.
Charron, Charles
Precinct St couple married 11 years, 09/29/1950:6
Charron, Dorothy Louise
Wedding described, 02/04/1954:2
Charron, Ernest
Attends University of Amherst, 02/10/1950:12
Attends University of Connecticut, 03/29/1951:4
Charron, Ernest C.
Graduates from UMass, 06/09/1950:6
Charron, Ernest Carlton
Wedding described, 06/28/1951:9
Charron, Evelyn Mae
Engaged to Carl Lerone Hewitt, 06/28/1951:9
Charron, Everett Earl
Dies at age 55, 10/25/1951:5
Obituary, 10/25/1951:5
Charron, John
Purchases School St Ext home from Joseph Buisson, 10/16/1952:4
Charron, Leon H.F.
Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1
Charter. see Government
Chartier, Francis A.
Charged with assault and attempted rape, 02/05/1953:9
Fined for assault, attempted rape charge dismissed, 02/12/1953:10
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Chartier, Francis A. continued
Engaged to Rita Benson, 08/26/1954:4
Wed to Rita Benson, 09/02/1954:4
Chartier, Lea
Manager of Blais Cleaners, 160 Center St (ad), 10/04/1951:2
Chartier, Leah
Engaged to Richard Barteaux, 09/24/1953:5
Chartier, Leah Rosalind
Wedding described (p), 11/05/1953:5
Chartier, Lennie
Employed at Moskoff's Super Market, Bedford St, 08/13/1953:6
Chartier, Ralph
Engaged to Theresa Mary Guertin, 04/21/1950:1
Collie wins at Providence dog show, 03/25/1954:5
Chartier, Ralph J.
For your architectural problems (ad), 02/28/1952:10
Chartrand, Harold
Engaged to Katherine Sylvia, 10/22/1953:7
Chartrand, Harold D.
Engaged to Katherine Eileen Sylvia, 07/23/1953:8
Chartrand, Harold Delbert
Engaged to Katherine Sylvia, 10/15/1953:4
Wed to Katherine Sylvia, 11/12/1953:6
Wedding described, 11/12/1953:11
Charves, Michael, Jr.
Engaged to Lillian Hebert, 05/08/1952:7
Wed to Lillian Hebert, 05/15/1952:7
Chase, Alfred B.
Tax collector's notice, 04/12/1951:9
Foreclosure notice, 08/02/1951:7
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/27/1951:2
Chase, Augustus
Welcomes friends on 101st birthday, 08/11/1950:1
Chase, Barbara Burney
Son born, 02/24/1950:11
Chase, Beverly
Kenneth J. Keedwell charged with break-and-entering and rape,
Chase, Caroline
Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1
Chase, Chrystal M.
Dies at age 76, 10/29/1953:5
Obituary, 10/29/1953:5
Tribute in School News, 11/19/1953:7
Chase, Edna L.
Foreclosure notice, 08/02/1951:7
Chase, Ernest P.
Resigns from Gas & Electric Department, 01/17/1952:1
Chase, Ethel May
Widow of James H. dies at age 59, 03/10/1950:5
Obituary, 03/10/1950:6
Petition for administration of estate, 04/21/1950:7
Chase, Lillian B.
Obituary, 12/27/1951:4
Chase, Marilyn
South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home
(p), 10/18/1951:1
Chase, Merrill
Son born, 02/24/1950:11
Chase, Mrs Harold
Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for
sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1
Chase, Ray
Expresses regret could not attend VFW event here (l), 04/08/1954:4
Chase, Raymond H.
Nominated for office of mayor in Dover, NH (p), 11/29/1951:1
Chase, Roger
South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home
(p), 10/18/1951:1
Chase, Sarah
Public auction (ad), 11/19/1953:11
Chase, Walter A.
Character approved for pedlar's license, 04/07/1950:5
Engaged to Eileen A. Poirier, 04/03/1952:5
Chase, Walter A. continued
Wed to Eileen A. Poirier, 04/17/1952:5
Chase, Wayland
New conductor on M, W && BB 50 years ago, 06/17/1954:8
Chausse, Catherine
Middleboro war bride now a citizen (p), 09/20/1951:1
Chausse, Eddie
Key player in Little League (p), 06/25/1953:4
Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1
Chausse, Francis
Daughter born, 12/08/1950:4
John Ferraguto acquitted of negligence, 01/22/1953:1
Chausse, Francis Arthur
WW II vet killed instantly when car goes off Rte 28 (p), 12/18/1952:1
John Ferraguto trial set for 20th, 01/08/1953:8
Chausse, Katherine Lennie
Son born, 03/13/1952:5
Chausse, Leonard
Son born, 03/13/1952:5
Chausse, Pearl Chartier
Daughter born, 12/08/1950:4
Engaged to John R. Sullivan, 01/21/1954:5
Wed to John R. Sullivan, 02/11/1954:4
Chauvin, Roger Adrien
Killed in auto accident near Cabot, VT, 09/09/1954:8
Chaves, Al
Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1
Checker Taxi
Company taken over by Superior Taxi, 03/24/1950:8
Cheney, Evelyn Snow
Son born, 09/17/1953:6
Cheney, Mrs B.M.
Leonard Bump pleads guilty to break-in, 09/18/1952:3
Leonard Bump held for grand jury on two breaks and larceny,
Bump indicted on two counts of breaking-and-entering and larceny,
Cheney, Preston
Engaged to Evelyn Snow, 02/22/1951:7, 08/23/1951:5
Son born, 09/17/1953:6
Cheney, Preston Vincent
Wedding described, 09/13/1951:5
Wed to Evelyn Jewell Snow, 09/27/1951:4
Chessman, Joy
Engaged to Roger W. Tillson, 11/15/1951:7
Wedding described, 01/03/1952:3
Chestnut, Jean Faietti
Son born, 10/20/1950:5
Chestnut, Joan
Model in Little Theatre Group fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7
Chestnut, Leonard
Son born, 10/20/1950:5
Chestnut, Robert
Two-and-a-half-year-old takes walk on South Main St, 03/26/1953:1
Chevigny, Henry
Retired Brockton dentist dies suddenly, 08/30/1951:10
Chick, Fred
Employed by Industrial Spray Painting, Inc., 08/12/1954:6
The Chicken House
Open for season March 16th (ad), 03/10/1950:10
Open for the season, South Middleboro (ad), 03/08/1951:10
Change in hours (ad), 09/04/1952:8
Chicken Pox
Two cases reported, 10/30/1952:2
Twelve cases reported, 02/05/1953:8
Thirty cases reported, 02/12/1953:4
No epidemic, health officer says, 02/11/1954:1
Chickens. see Poultry
Chickering, Lee
Injured in fall from bicycle, 05/10/1951:6
Chickering, Mrs William
Aunt dies in Boston, 12/29/1950:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Chickering, William
Lets tenement to Merle Blakesley, 01/25/1951:5
Navy man takes two week instructors course in Charleston, SC,
Employed at State Farm, 04/10/1952:8
Chilcot, Bud
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Chilcot, Buddy
Engaged to Ann Silvia Fortin, 10/29/1953:10
Chilcot, Buddy D.
Engaged to Ann S. Fortin, 04/15/1954:6
Wed to Ann S. Fortin, 04/29/1954:4
Child Care
Kiddie Care Center, Ruth Pfister, 501 Taunton St (ad), 06/12/1952:12
Board of Health regulations detailed, 02/18/1954:6
Child Welfare. see also Desertion and Non-Support
Babysitting standards proposed by MHS Girls' League, 05/05/1950:1
Joseph Boudreau gets custody of children, 06/16/1950:12
Roland Boardman charged with assault on two children, 08/07/1952:2
Findings deferred in Boardman assault case, 08/14/1952:1
Lillian Guild gets suspended sentence for neglect of minor children,
Continuance granted in Welch child neglect case, 08/05/1954:7
Middleboro committee of Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Children opens annual appeal, 10/07/1954:1
Chin, Marjorie
Wedding described, 09/01/1950:8
China Villa Restaurant
American and Chinese, junction of routes 28 & 44 (ad) (i),
Wanted, experienced waitress (ad), 08/09/1951:5
Cash stolen in break-in, 05/20/1954:1
Cape Cod Chinchilla Ranch, Rita and Wilfred Duphily, 309 Miller St
(ad), 06/11/1953:5
Hanson Chinchilla Ranch, Myrtle St, 10/15/1953:8
Ernest Hanson enters animals in competition (p), 02/04/1954:1
Chite, Chester
New Jersey couple married 25 years, 11/18/1954:5
Chiuppi, Lorraine
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Chiuppi, Maria A.
Wife of Sabatino dies at age 68, 05/07/1953:4
Obituary, 05/07/1953:9
Chiuppi, Patsy J.
Engaged to Natalie E. Guilford Murphy, 07/15/1954:4
Wed to Natalie E. Guilford Murphy, 07/22/1954:5
Chiuppi, Peter
Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1
Application for liquor license (ad), 11/19/1953:5
Patricia Small wins Elks youth leadership prize (p), 05/06/1954:1
Combination aluminum doors and windows (ad), 06/17/1954:4
Chiuppi, Samuel
Renews ties with sister in Brazil after 48 years, 12/10/1953:3
Choate, Charles Gardner
Dies at age 72, 09/09/1954:4
Obituary, 09/09/1954:9
Chouinard, Beulah Powell
Daughter born, 06/28/1951:5
Chouinard, Henry
Wed to Mary Sheehan Litchfield, 07/02/1953:4
Chouinard, Maurice
Daughter born, 06/28/1951:5
Family moves to Los Angeles, CA, 11/27/1952:5
Christensen, Elizabeth
Petition for administration of estate, 06/02/1950:2
Administrator presents account of estate, 04/17/1952:2
Christenson, Eddie
Instructor at Boston Accordion Center Branch Studio at 1 Wareham St,
Christenson, Marga
Resigns from Assawompsett School cafeteria, 12/09/1954:3
Christmas. see also Community Christmas Fund
Unusual revolving tree at Thorsell's on Bourne St, 01/06/1950:1
Lighting committee re-appointed, 10/06/1950:1
Bank club totals reach over $200,000, 11/10/1950:1
New features to be added to decorations and displays, 12/01/1950:1
Manger scene on Town House new feature, 12/08/1950:1
Selectmen consider purchase of public address system, 12/08/1950:4
Holiday light display to be turned on tonight, 12/15/1950:1
Holiday display (p), 12/22/1950:1
Holiday display wins praise, 01/11/1951:1
New features for holiday display, 12/06/1951:1
Decorations nearly ready, 12/13/1951:1
Selectmen vote appreciation for all decoration participants,
Banks and business firms make carols possible, 12/27/1951:1
Reindeer prance at power station, 12/27/1951:1
Eagles give party for more than 250 children (p), 12/27/1951:4
Lamps stolen from holiday display, 01/03/1952:1
Lighting Committee reappointed, 10/23/1952:1
Entire Lighting Committee resigns, 11/06/1952:4
New committee named, 11/13/1952:1
Bank clubs total $210,000, 11/20/1952:1
White Way lights to be decorated, 12/04/1952:1
Decorations lit up weather permitting, 12/11/1952:1
Town ready for holiday, 12/18/1952:1
Youngsters from sanatorium see Santa at James McNeil Co. (p),
Some job to decorate White Way, 12/18/1952:4
Selectmen Maddigan sends out holiday message (l), 12/18/1952:7
Eagles host 200 children at annual Christmas party, 12/25/1952:4
Tree cleanup set for rubbish crew, 01/01/1953:4
New and renovated figures included in annual display, 12/03/1953:1
Santa to spend week at local headquarters, 12/03/1953:1
MHS students busy decorating Santa's shop, 12/03/1953:4
Santa gets inside dope on gifts (p), 12/10/1953:1
Holds Christmas party for 75 children, 12/24/1953:1
Leonard and Barrows entertains 450 children at Town House,
New features and light make display best ever, 12/24/1953:1
Committee thanked, re-appointed, 12/31/1953:1
MB Savings Bank and MB Trust Co. Christmas Clubs combine for
$232,536.50, 11/18/1954:1
MHS vocational students build home for Santa on Post Office lawn,
Santa arrives at local headquarters (p), 12/16/1954:1
Local church production of The Messiah enjoyed by 350, 12/16/1954:9
Retail Merchants Assoc expresses thanks for co-operation on projects
(l), 12/30/1954:1
Christmas Seals
Middleboro sales short of last year, 01/20/1950:7
Christofori, Elizabeth Cummings
Daughter born, 11/08/1951:7, 06/17/1954:5
Christofori, Lawrence
Daughter born, 11/08/1951:7, 06/17/1954:5
Christopher, C. Percy
15th pastor of Central Baptist, 05/07/1953:1
Christy's Spa
Granted victualler's license, 10/27/1950:1
Chrostowski, Claire L.
Cottage Handicrafters (ad), 01/13/1950:4
Chruniack, Philip
Son born, 03/31/1950:12
Chrystie, Margaret L.
Engaged to John Wolstenholme, Jr., 08/25/1950:5
Wed to John Wolstenholme, Jr., 09/08/1950:5
Chuckpan, Richard A.
Engaged to Patricia A. Tanguay, 09/30/1954:4
Chuckran, Richard
Engaged to Patricia Ann Tanguay, 07/01/1954:1
Chuckran, Richard A.
Wed to Patricia A. Tanguay, 10/07/1954:7
Chuckran, Richard Arnold
Wedding described, 10/21/1954:3
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Chuckran, Samuel Raymond
Leaves for induction in Boston, 02/08/1951:10
Churbuck, Clarence
Resides in Washington, DC, 06/02/1950:7
Gets 15 days for drunkenness, 11/18/1954:2
Churbuck, F.F.
Post office employee 50 years ago, 09/23/1954:8
Churbuck, Flora K.
New teacher at Flora M. Clark School, 09/06/1951:1
Churbuck, Forrest Savery
Husband of Annie Marshall dies at age 80, 05/21/1953:6
Obituary, 05/21/1953:7
Churbuck, Fred
Resigns as treasurer of Central Cemetery (ad), 06/16/1950:4
Churbuck, Fred F.
Moves to School St, 08/18/1950:9
Churbuck, James
Rides airplane to Washington, DC, 06/14/1951:12
Churbuck, Lewis M.
Resides in Chicago, IL, 06/23/1950:8
Churbuck, Mary A.
Petition for probate of will, 05/26/1950:2
Churbuck, Mary Alice
Wife of Fred F. dies at age 82, 05/12/1950:7
Obituary, 05/12/1950:14
Churbuck, Mrs Percy
Father observes 106th birthday, 11/22/1951:4
Churbuck, Percy
Summer home at Onset destroyed by fire, 03/25/1954:3
Churbuck, Percy F.
Re-appointed notary, 12/08/1950:10
Runs for Board of Assessors, 12/13/1951:1
Biographical sketch of assessor's candidate, 12/27/1951:1
For assessor (ad), 01/17/1952:10
William Metcalf pleads guilty to larceny, 07/24/1952:3
Metcalf jailed four months for larceny from Churbuck's home,
Metcalf ignores court date, 07/31/1952:3
Sets forth complete facts around dealings with Leo Kahian (l),
Churbuck, P.F.
For rent, furnished studio apartment, 75 North Main St (ad),
Church, Robert Damon
Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1
Church Coal Co.
Oil burners (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Closed Saturdays (ad), 05/21/1953:2
Thirteenth suspected arson fire set at coal company, 08/12/1954:1
Now has 24-hour oil burner service (ad), 09/30/1954:3
Church of Our Saviour
Holds annual meeting, 01/20/1950:7
Parish fair a complete success, 12/15/1950:12
Holds annual meeting, 01/18/1951:3
Parish fair well attended, 12/13/1951:11
Class of eight confirmed, 02/07/1952:5
Rector Lawrence Nyberg goes to Norfolk prison colony (p),
Philip Douglas new rector (p), 06/19/1952:1
Parish fair well patronized, 12/11/1952:8
New rector, Philip Douglas, installed (p), 12/25/1952:1
Two hundred attend Corporate Communion, 02/26/1953:2
Holds annual Epiphany Candlelight service, 01/07/1954:8
Holds annual parish meeting, 01/21/1954:8
Administer sacrament of baptism, 04/22/1954:9
Confirmation class presented, 10/28/1954:6
Thanksgiving (sermonette) (Philip C. Douglas), 11/18/1954:6
Rev Philip Douglas resigns post, 12/16/1954:1
Churches. see also Middleboro Ministers' Association; names of specific
churches and denominations
Brotherhood Week Program (ad), 02/12/1953:2
Churchill, C.B.
Roofing and siding (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Churchill, Chester B.
The roofer, 43 East Main St (p), 08/20/1953:6
The roofer with 34 years of experience, 12/10/1953:8
Makes repairs to Town House roof, 01/28/1954:9
Middleboro's roofer (p), 03/04/1954:6
Churchill, Chet
If your roof leaks, call Chet, 05/27/1954:8
Churchill, Edwin
Wed to Virginia Francis Davis, 04/26/1951:7
Churchill, Eleanor Kinsman
Profile of MHS substitute teacher, 10/06/1950:9
Churchill, Elinor
Replaces MHS teacher Esther Moore who takes leave of absence,
Churchill, Freida Hartmann
MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1
Churchill, Helen Mosier
Son born, 10/18/1951:5
Churchill, John
Son born, 10/18/1951:5
Churchill, Johnny
Employed by father, Churchill the roofer (p), 08/20/1953:6
Churchill, Luther
Chats about festival of educators attended in Worcester, 03/01/1951:1
Visit to class shows how Churchill teaches, 10/04/1951:8
Chosen to receive Eagles' civic service award (p), 04/10/1952:1
Receives civic award from Eagles (p), 05/01/1952:4
Kendrick Washburn praises work on Music Fest (l), 05/15/1952:6
Thanks all participants in Music Fest (l), 06/05/1952:11
Churchill, Marilyn
Engaged to Stephen Pawlak, 09/01/1950:5
Wed to Stephen Pawlak, 09/15/1950:7
Attends Becker Junior College, 12/20/1951:5
Churchill, Marilyn Louise
Wedding described, 09/15/1950:6
Churchill, Merilyn Nan
Wedding described, 11/27/1952:4
Churchill, Shirley
Attends Becker Junior College, Worcester, 12/01/1950:1
Graduates from Becker Junior College, 06/07/1951:1
Churchill, Stanley
Employed by father, Churchill the roofer (p), 08/20/1953:6
Chute, Cordelia Maria
Widow of Linam dies at age 84, 03/08/1951:5
Obituary, 03/08/1951:7
Ciampa, Angelo
First mattress of its kind on display at J.M. Wells (p), 12/06/1951:8
South Middleboro youngsters stage circus to benefit Red Cross (p),
South Middleboro youngsters stage circus in support of Junior Red
Cross, 06/25/1953:7
South School pupils hold own circus (p), 06/17/1954:4
Ciss, Natasza
Wed to James J. Pursley, 08/11/1950:5
Three Middleboro war brides now citizens (p), 09/20/1951:1
Civil Defense. see also Ground Observer Corps
David Reed named local director (p), 09/29/1950:1
Fred Goodwin appointed director in Lakeville, 10/27/1950:7
Emerson Coe named chief observer for local Ground Observers Corps,
Director wants quarters, 11/24/1950:1
David Reed presents red alert plans for enemy raid, 12/22/1950:1
Director Reed issues first communique, 01/11/1951:1
Pamphlets on A-bomb to be distributed to families here, 01/25/1951:1
Volunteers wanted for auxiliary fire force, 01/25/1951:6
J. Stearns Cushing named to regional committee, 02/01/1951:1
Ralph Maddigan, Jr. named regional coordinator, 02/08/1951:1
Director David Reed resigns, 03/15/1951:1
Kenneth Keedwell new director, 03/29/1951:1
Air raid signals and instructions (ad), 04/26/1951:7
Engaged to Joseph Marra, 05/03/1951:2
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Civil Defense continued
Roger Macdonald named sanitation assistant, 05/03/1951:2
Wardens needed; six air raid sirens installed, 06/28/1951:1
Volunteer form (ad), 06/28/1951:9
Middleboro Red Cross program to stockpile plasma in event of enemy
attack, 07/19/1951:1
Middleboro included in designated area for evacuees, 09/06/1951:1
Material here for evacuee housing survey, 09/20/1951:1
Operation Skywatch essential (l), 07/24/1952:1
Volunteers on Operation Skywatch listed, 08/07/1952:7
All urged to get blood typed, 01/15/1953:1
Getting blood typed may save your life, 01/22/1953:1
Blood typing done on 852 citizens, 01/29/1953:1
Total of 2,253 persons get blood typed, 02/05/1953:1
Blood type attendance best here, 02/12/1953:1
Test alert scheduled, 05/14/1953:1
Procedure for test alert here, 05/21/1953:1
Test alert a success, 05/28/1953:1
Air raid results show more sirens needed, 06/17/1954:1
Cjesman, Joy
Wed to Roger Tillson, 12/27/1951:5
Clapp, Elmer
Cottage swept off foundation in hurricane, body recovered,
Clapp, Elmer H.
Dies at age 66, 09/02/1954:4
Petition for probate of will, 09/30/1954:4
Clapp, Elmer Harrison
Obituary, 09/09/1954:7
Clapp, Raymond William
Sent to Boston for induction, 03/13/1952:1
Clark, Amy L.
Obituary, 02/04/1954:2
Clark, Amy Lavicia
Widow of William J. dies at age 81, 02/04/1954:5
Clark, Avis
Dies in Wolfboro, NH, 05/26/1950:7
Clark, Barbara Belben
Daughter born, 04/01/1954:4
Clark, Bob
MHS agriculture students work on farms during summer break (p),
Clark, Carrie F.
Petition for probate of will, 11/10/1950:7
Clark, Carrie Foster
Widow of James M., Jr. dies at age 89, 11/03/1950:5
Obituary, 11/03/1950:6
Clark, Carroll
Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3
Clark, C.E.
The sail to Block Island (l), 08/06/1953:4
Clark, Cecil
Enrolled at Burdett College 50 years ago, 09/09/1954:7
Clark, Charles
MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p),
Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1
High school presents check for $210 to Perry Fund (p), 04/02/1953:1
Freshman at University of Massachusetts, 09/17/1953:7
Clark, Charles A.
Prepares to turn over dry goods business in Copeland block to new
owner 50 years ago, 01/14/1954:8
Clark, Charles B.
Wins sailing trophies in Angelica Yacht Club Cat Boat Races (p),
Named to staff playgrounds, 05/21/1953:1
Clark, Charles C.
Dies at age 75, 08/13/1953:4
Obituary, 08/13/1953:5
Clark, Chester
Daughter born, 10/20/1950:5
Clark, "Chuck"
Key man on MHS baseball team (p), 05/14/1953:10
Clark, Clarence
Historic homestead for sale (p), 07/09/1953:6
Clark, Clarence Edmund
Husband of Viola Wilmot dies at age 55, 03/27/1952:5
Obituary, 03/27/1952:10
Clark, Cyrenia B.
Petition for administration of estate, 01/13/1950:4
Clark, Daniel
Knocked unconscious by Norton auto on North Main St, 08/25/1950:1
Clark, Dawn
Old Country Store makes learning fun at School Street School (p),
Clark, Deborah Marie
Born to Winthrop H. and Edith G., 12/11/1952:4
Clark, Donald
Engaged to Barbara Mae Belben, 06/18/1953:3
Daughter born, 04/01/1954:4
Clark, Edith G.
Daughter born, 12/11/1952:4
Clark, Edward
Lieutenant (jg) stationed at South Boston Navy Yard, 12/24/1953:4
Clark, Edward E.
Resumes studies at Dartmouth College, 01/06/1950:7
Elected to Green Key Society at Dartmouth, 04/28/1950:2
Graduates from Dartmouth, high honors for thesis (p), 06/12/1952:1
Returns from Caribbean cruise, scheduled for gunnery school,
Discharged after six years of Navy service, 06/17/1954:9
Clark, Fletcher, 3rd
Assistant superintendent of construction at Pratt & Whitney in Windsor
Locks, CT, 05/17/1951:9
Employed in Marmora, Ontario, 09/24/1953:6
Resides in Marmora, Ontario, 10/14/1954:4
Clark, Fletcher, Jr.
Re-appointed notary public, 08/11/1950:3
Alumnus of Dartmouth College, 05/24/1951:5
Leading citizens to advise selectmen on G&E problems, 09/27/1951:1
Runs for re-election as Town Moderator, 11/29/1951:1
Running for re-election as moderator, 12/03/1953:4
Clark, Frances
Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4
Clark, Frances H.
Obituary, 04/21/1950:5
Clark, Frances S.
Widow of Edward S. dies at age 77, 04/21/1950:5
Clark, George
Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1
Clark, George E.
Enlists in Navy, training at Bainbridge, MD (p), 07/10/1952:1
Serves at Naval Auxiliary Air Station, Kingsville, TX, 10/28/1954:4
Clark, Harry
Fall Brook baseball team, 1910 (p), 03/29/1951:1
Clark, Harry A.
Alley retires as sanatorium super, replaced by Clark, 11/03/1950:1
Life saved by heroic GI on Korean front, 03/26/1953:1
Lieutenant Colonel awarded Distinguished Service Cross (p),
Clark, James W.
Injured in Rte 28 head-on collision, 04/21/1950:9
Clark, Lottie
Lets apartment to Mrs Thomas Pollitt, 12/13/1951:2
Clark, Margaret
Engaged to Harold A. Atkins, 04/14/1950:12
Clark, Margaret E.
Engaged to Harold A. Atkins, 05/26/1950:7
Wed to Harold A. Atkins, 06/16/1950:7
Clark, Margaret Elizabeth
Wedding described, 06/16/1950:3
Clark, Mildred Grossman
Daughter born, 10/20/1950:5
Clark, Millicent
Engaged to Robert Savage, 08/05/1954:10
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Clark, Millicent A.
Engaged to Robert M. Savage, 07/29/1954:4
Wed to Robert M. Savage, 08/12/1954:4
Clark, Millicent Ann
Graduates from Rome Free Academy, NY, 07/03/1952:1
Engaged to Robert Savage, 02/12/1953:2
Wedding described, 08/12/1954:9
Clark, Mrs Fletcher, Jr.
Cabot Club elects new officers (p), 05/14/1953:1
Named to county health Association offices, 05/14/1953:9
Clark, Mrs Frank
Obituary, 08/04/1950:2
Clark, Mrs Harry A.
Husband awarded Distinguished Service Cross (p), 10/29/1953:1
Clark, Mrs Leslie N.
Memorial to Hermon Dyke, 08/23/1951:8
Clark, Mrs W.A.D.
Fractures wrist in fall, 06/30/1950:6
Clark, Myra Allen
Receives degree from University of Virginia, 06/23/1950:9
Clark, Nellie M.
Wed to Herman F. Thomas, 07/12/1951:4
Clark, Nellie Myra
Wedding described, 06/28/1951:5
Clark, Norman J.
Much decorated veteran now in transport service (p), 06/09/1950:1
Clark, Norman M.
Sergeant fine example of initiative, 08/21/1952:10
Promoted to Master Sergeant at Langley AFB, VA, 09/23/1954:7
Clark, Oscar
Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3
Clark, Pearl Leona
Dies at age 44, 02/21/1952:5
Obituary, 02/21/1952:10
Clark, Polly
MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1
Clark, Richard
Attends Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 09/15/1950:8
Clark, Richard A.
Private assigned to B Battery, 84th Field Artillery at Fort Dix, NJ,
Clark, Richard L.
Injured in Rte 28 head-on collision, 04/21/1950:9
Private assigned to duty with NATO in Naples, Italy, 02/19/1953:1
Writes from Naples, Italy (l), 09/24/1953:5
Engaged to Ruth S. Sampson, 06/24/1954:4
Wed to Ruth Standish Sampson, 07/08/1954:4
Wedding described, 07/08/1954:7
Clark, Robert
Middleboro Laundry, Wareham St (p), 09/10/1953:6
Middleboro Laundry, local laundry headquarters (ad), 04/22/1954:8
Middleboro Laundry interior view (p), 09/16/1954:6
Clark, Robert A.
On federal jury, 02/10/1950:6
Middleboro Laundry wins safety award (p), 10/04/1951:1
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Clark, Robert G., Jr.
Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1
Clark, Walter A.D.
Makes tentative offer of $5,000 for Historical Society building fund,
Lakeville purchases new firefighting equipment from Maxim Motor Co.
(p), 01/25/1951:1
Takes position at Milford high school 50 years ago, 03/18/1954:7
Clark, William James
Obituary, 02/21/1952:4
Dies at age 79, 02/21/1952:5
Clark, William Lothrop
Obituary, 09/15/1950:2
Dies at age 80, 09/15/1950:7
Clark, Winthrop
Resides in Rome, NY, 06/02/1950:2
Captain resides in Rome, NY, 07/14/1950:5
Family resides in Baltimore, MD, 08/14/1952:8
Clark, Winthrop continued
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Clark, Winthrop H.
Promoted to Major with Air Research and Development Command (p),
Daughter born, 12/11/1952:4
Clark and Iseminger
Mrs W. Wallace Kelley resigns post at law office, 07/29/1954:5
Clarke, Frank Lewis
Husband of Emilie Boyden dies at age 68, 02/03/1950:5
Obituary, 02/03/1950:7
Clarkshaw’s Flower Shop
237 North Main St (ad), 03/31/1950:6
Claussen, Caroline Braley
Resides in College Station, TX, 08/16/1951:10
Claussen, Carolyn
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1
Claussen, Daniel
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Claussen, Diane
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Claussen, Mark
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Claussen, Mrs Robert
Resides in College Station, TX, 09/15/1950:12
Claussen, Robert
Resides in College Station, TX, 08/16/1951:10
Family moves from South Middleboro to Middleboro, 06/18/1953:4
Claussen, Robert L.
Pleads nolo on charge of following too close, 07/29/1954:4
Clayton, John
Employed at Moskoff's Super Market, Bedford St, 08/13/1953:6
Cleaning Services
Jim & Scotty's, home cleaning service (ad), 03/17/1950:10
Clear Pond Rifle Club
Plans to construct 50-yard safety range, 05/10/1951:2
Holds first "Lucky Target Shoot" (t), 08/09/1951:6
Take part in the typical American sport (ad), 12/20/1951:12
Lakeville (ad), 03/13/1952:9
Holds annual meeting, 05/08/1952:5
Holds first indoor shoot, 11/13/1952:12
Selected by state as pilot school for firearms safety, 11/18/1954:10
Cleary, William F.
Engaged to Elizabeth Ann Guidoboni, 12/30/1954:1
Cleaves, George
Son born, 01/15/1953:7
Petitions for Class III dealer's license, 06/11/1953:4
Selectmen decline to grant license without further information,
Agrees to keep hollow clean, 06/25/1953:4
Daughter born, 12/30/1954:4
Cleaves, Jeanette Bissonnette
Son born, 01/15/1953:7
Cleaves, Jeannette Bissonnette
Daughter born, 12/30/1954:4
Clements, Frank J.
House trailer fire nearly fatal for Mabel Worman, 12/25/1952:1
Clergy. see also Middleboro Ministers' Association
I.T. Pierce, lay minister and evangelist, 609 Titicut St (ad),
Cleverly, Harold
Family moves from Peirce St to Wood St, 08/09/1951:2
Cleverly, Marjorie Hargan
Daughter born, 08/18/1950:5
Cleverly, Marjorie Horgan
Son born, 01/29/1953:4
Cleverly, Thomas
Daughter born, 08/18/1950:5
Son born, 01/29/1953:4
Couple moves to new home on Rhode Island Rd, 10/28/1954:9
Cleverly's Food Mart
15 North Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:4
Clifford, Emma O.
Tribute (l) (Harry E. Richmond), 02/01/1951:8
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Clifford, Emma Osgood
Obituary, 01/25/1951:4
Dies at age 80, 01/25/1951:5
Clifford, Ethel Sullivan
Son born, 06/05/1952:12
Clifford, Ralph R.
Son born, 06/05/1952:12
Clifford, Ralph R., 3rd
Born to Ralph R. and Ethel Sullivan, 06/05/1952:12
Clifford, Ralph Raymond
Engaged to Ethel Martha Sullivan, 02/15/1951:1
Wedding described, 07/12/1951:10
Clokowski, Louis A.
Engaged to Beverly Lauterbach, 07/17/1952:9
Cloper, Frances
Wedding described, 09/16/1954:3
Closson, Howard
Connecticut couple married 50 years, 06/16/1950:3
Closuit (Sergeant)
Heading for Japan, 04/10/1952:11
Closuit, Alfred W.
Sergeant in Korea since 1952, 02/12/1953:4
Closuit, Edward P.
Carver man enlists in U.S. Air Force, 12/17/1953:13
Closuit, Paul Edward
Discharged from U.S. Army, 02/12/1953:4
Hired by Plymouth Shoe Co., 02/19/1953:5
Closuit, Ruth Louise
Infant daughter of Edward dies, 12/16/1954:5
St. Luke's Hospital Club fills 65 tables for spring fashion show,
Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1
Rose Marois, hand-smocked beanies, 12 Coombs St (ad), 11/29/1951:8
Hilda Blanchard named state 4-H clothing winner, 11/13/1952:1
Thimble Club Daughters overwhelmed by response to appeal,
Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1
Clothing Industry. see Lobl Manufacturing Co.
Clothing Stores. see also Department Stores; Dorothy Ann Shop; Dry
Goods; Faietti Fashion Shoppe; G.L. Charlton Co.; The Mademoiselle
Tal's, 25 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:5
Estelle Palmer, Spirella personal corsetry service (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Kiddie Land (ad), 01/20/1950:5
Middleboro Clothing Co. (ad), 01/20/1950:8
Hillside Remnant Shop, used clothing, 15 Fairview St (ad),
Estelle Shop, 37 Center St (ad), 02/17/1950:11
Tal's sponsors novel sale, 02/24/1950:11
McQuades Clothes Shop (ad), 04/07/1950:2
Tal's, anniversary week sale (ad), 05/19/1950:8
Halloween vandals start off at Middleboro Clothing Co. in usual
fashion, 11/03/1950:5
Halloween vandals start off in usual fashion at Middleboro Clothing
Co., 11/03/1950:5
Alice Dunham, "Willknit" guaranteed hose, 14 Fairview St (ad),
Matsam, formerly Tal's, 25 Center St (ad), 12/18/1952:3
Fire behind McQuade's had appearance of incendiarism, 04/09/1953:1
Middleboro Clothing Co. to carry ladies' nylons, 04/30/1953:11
Defective wiring cause of blaze at Matsam, 02/18/1954:1
Estimate of fire damage in Matsam's blaze, 02/25/1954:10
Casson Credit Clothing Co. leases new Sullivan's block 50 years ago,
Middleboro Clothing Co. wins prize for window display, 12/30/1954:1
Clough, Everett
Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1
Cloutier, Bobby
Former local boy wins TV bubble gum contest, 01/11/1951:1
Club Cape Codder
Re-opens at the circle (ad), 02/28/1952:2
George Powers files application for liquor license, 05/28/1953:3
Rotary circle (ad), 03/25/1954:10
Coal. see also R.D. Kelley Coal Co.
Church Coal Co., oil burners (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Ernest S. Pratt Co. (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Town request for bids (ad), 01/13/1950:3
Town requests bids (ad), 09/08/1950:3
Request for bids from Department of Public Welfare (ad), 01/04/1951:2
Town requests bids (ad), 09/13/1951:10, 10/09/1952:10
Church Coal Co. closed Saturdays (ad), 05/21/1953:2
Town solicits bids (ad), 10/08/1953:10
Thirteenth suspected arson fire set at Church Coal Co., 08/12/1954:1
Request for bids to supply town (ad), 10/14/1954:3
Cobb, Alice
Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club
dance (p), 02/17/1950:1
Cobb, Alice F.
Engaged to Joseph L. Letourneau, 12/20/1951:7
Wedding described, 01/17/1952:11
Wed to Joseph L. Letourneau, 01/24/1952:5 (7)
Cobb, Allen
Daughter born, 05/14/1953:4
Son born, 07/22/1954:5
Cobb, Allen S.
Promoted to Master Sergeant, 09/29/1950:3
Master Sergeant rates high at AFB in Presque Isle, ME (p),
Cobb, Augustus Elmer
Dies at age 84, 10/02/1952:5
Obituary, 10/02/1952:10
Cobb, Charles R.
Fenoglio and Cobb collide head-on on Sachem St, 09/22/1950:9
Cobb, Dolores Hebert
Daughter born, 06/14/1951:7
Cobb, Edith J.
Engaged to George P. Gallus, 01/04/1951:5
Wed to George P. Gallus, 01/18/1951:5
Cobb, Emil
Daughter born, 12/29/1950:5
Cobb, Irene Gaudette
Daughter born, 05/14/1953:4
Son born, 07/22/1954:5
Cobb, Jane
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Cobb, Jennie
Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated
by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1
Cobb, Mary C.
Engaged to William L. Johnson, 08/12/1954:4
Cobb, Mary E.
Wed to William L. Johnson, 09/16/1954:4
Cobb, Mary-Elizabeth
Wedding described, 08/26/1954:9
Cobb, Maude Clarissa Jefferson
Dies at age 69, 04/08/1954:6
Cobb, Nettie M.
Obituary, 05/20/1954:11
Cobb, Nettie May
Wife of Arthur F. dies at age 70, 05/20/1954:7
Cobb, Paul Norris
Abortion case sent to grand jury, 02/28/1952:10
Cobb, Wallace
Daughter born, 06/14/1951:7
Cobb, Wallace E.
Sergeant leaves for duty with Far East command (p), 12/18/1952:1
Soldier written up in overseas publication (p), 11/12/1953:1
Cobb's Laundry
Help wanted (ad), 04/24/1952:10
Now owned by The Union Hand Laundry (ad), 11/27/1952:4
Cobel, George P.
Engaged to Elsie Pasquarello, 11/06/1952:5
Coburn, Helen E.
Wed to Ellsworth B. Standish, 08/27/1953:7
Coburn, Helen K.
Engaged to Ellsworth B. Standish, 08/13/1953:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Cochrane, Rosamond MacCrae
Resides in Billings, MT, 03/12/1953:4
Cockran, Diane
Wed to Albert Akerman, 05/17/1951:8
Cody, Margaret Veronica
Wife of John dies at age 72, 07/12/1951:4
Obituary, 07/12/1951:5
Coe, Emerson
Joins McLellan Chiropractic Clinic in Mesa, AZ, 04/19/1951:2
Coe, Emerson R.
Granted rooming house permit and license to practice massage,
Named chief observer for local Ground Observers Corps, 11/03/1950:1
Granted permit renewal for massage, 03/08/1951:1
Coe, Walter
Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1
Completes basic training at Fort Dix, NJ, 04/01/1954:4
Coe, Walter M.
Receives basic training at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 02/18/1954:1
Coe, Walter M., 3rd
Army Private arrives in Korea, 08/05/1954:2
Coe, Walter Matthew
Called for induction into armed forces, 01/14/1954:2
Coe, William H.
Inducted into armed forces, 02/14/1952:1
Leaves for army induction (p), 02/21/1952:1
Coffen, George A.
Ordained in South Lancaster, 07/16/1953:1
Colby, Ida
Granted Sunday license for Out West Store, 06/28/1951:10
Colby, Maude Alice
Daughter of Alfred M. and Margaret R. Dorrington dies at age 77,
Colcord. James
Daughter born, 01/06/1950:4
Colcord. Lillian Hamor
Daughter born, 01/06/1950:4
Cole, Anita Lewis
Son born, 06/02/1950:5, 05/22/1952:7
Joins husband in Harlingen, TX, 01/15/1953:6
Cole, Bradford H.
Discusses cranberry prices (l), 11/15/1951:4
Cole, Delwin
Son born, 06/02/1950:5, 06/09/1950:12, 05/22/1952:7
Cole, Frank Harrison
Son of Bradford H. and Vienna Peltola dies at age 7, 03/25/1954:4
Cole, Gail
Injures knee when struck by auto, 07/21/1950:10
Cole, John
Bridgewater couple married 50 years, 02/21/1952:5
Cole, Josephine H.
Obituary, 05/13/1954:2
Widow of George F. dies at age 78, 05/13/1954:6
Cole, Laurence S.
Wedding described, 05/26/1952:5
Cole, Lawrence
Engaged to Ruth Jeannette Gould, 12/06/1951:4
Cole, Lois
Nurse receives cap at Brockton City Hospital, 02/24/1950:8,
Attends Brockton Nurses Training School, 03/31/1950:12
Graduates from Brockton Hospital, 10/02/1952:4
Cole, Louis A.
Thelma Vigers wins Merchants Association grand prize (p),
Cole, Norma
Enters Katherine Dell Secretarial School in Boston, 09/04/1952:4
Resides in Boston, 06/04/1953:4
Employed at Shawmut National Bank, Boston, 12/10/1953:11
Cole, P. LeRoy
Dies at age 61, 11/12/1953:6
Obituary, 11/12/1953:6
Cole, R. Randall
Engaged to Natalie Burnett, 12/09/1954:11
Cole, Roger
Cattle auction (ad), 12/31/1953:3
Coleman, Grace Cummings
Daughter born, 12/15/1950:5
Son born, 06/19/1952:5, 12/03/1953:4
Coleman, John David
Petition for administration of estate, 10/07/1954:4
Coleman, Sidney V.
Daughter born, 12/15/1950:5
Coleman, Sydney
Son born, 06/19/1952:5, 12/03/1953:4
Collectors and Collecting
Jane Monsarrat's collection of samplers tells old stories, 05/26/1950:1
Hugh Bigelow collects history of Korea, 09/15/1950:3
West Side School has unique collection of foreign coins and money (p),
Collett, Richard K.
Participates in Atlantic Fleet war games, 11/25/1954:1
Collette, Arnold
Collides with Falmouth auto on Rte 28, 04/17/1952:2
Colletti, Richard
Graduate at annual FFA banquet, 11/26/1953:10
Pictured at Elliott's Beach maneuver area, Parris Island, SC (p),
Collins, Bruce
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
South Middleboro youngsters stage circus to benefit Red Cross (p),
Collins, Everett
Has position with insurance company, 07/21/1950:2
Employed by John Hancock Co., 07/15/1954:9
Collins, Everett W.
Son born, 04/10/1952:7
Collins, Irene
Employed at Maxim Motor Co., 11/12/1953:6
Collins, Mary Louise
Wed to Frank Clifford Stewart, 08/13/1953:4
Collins, Ruth Smith
Son born, 04/10/1952:7
Collins' Auto Service
Granted garage permit, 02/03/1950:1
51 East Main St (ad), 02/03/1950:8
Colnan, Lorraine
Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1
Colombo, Armand
Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p),
Colombo, Audrey L.
Fined $100 for driving unregistered, uninsured vehicle, 01/11/1951:2
In default for failure to pay fine, 02/08/1951:8
Cannot pay fine, gets month in jail, 02/15/1951:8
Colonial Brass Co.
Help wanted, grinding experience (ad), 04/03/1952:6
Colucci, Leonard Anthony
Husband of Geneva Teceno dies at age 34, 04/14/1950:6
Colucci, Robert
Seven injured in three-car collision on West Grove St, 03/12/1953:9
Columb, Olivia
Columb names Corinne's Bakery after daughter, 10/01/1953:6
And husband Philip run Corinne's Bakery, 12/17/1953:6
Columb, Philip A.
Names Corinne's Bakery after daughter, 10/01/1953:6
Proprietor of Corinne's Bakery, 12/17/1953:6
Columbo, Audrey L.
Files for divorce, 05/01/1952:6
Columbo, Wellington
Wife files for divorce, 05/01/1952:6
Columbus Day
Stores closed, 10/08/1953:1, 10/07/1954:1
Colvin, Alice
Employed at sanatorium, 09/15/1950:9
Colvin, Alice I.
Engaged to George McCracken, Jr., 08/16/1951:6
Engaged to George E. McCracken, Jr., 09/27/1951:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Colvin, Alice Irene
Wedding described, 08/30/1951:2
Colvin, Ann
Engaged to William James Doherty, 01/08/1953:8
Colvin, Anne
Resides in Brookline, 06/21/1951:6
Colvin, Anne C.
Wed to William J. Doherty, 09/10/1953:5
Colvin, Anne Carolyn
Engaged to William James Doherty, 01/29/1953:3
Wedding described, 09/10/1953:6
Colvin, Elizabeth
Resides in Boston, 01/18/1951:5
Employed at Veterans' Hospital in West Roxbury, 08/23/1951:3
Colvin, Elizabeth M.
Wed to Robert H. Telless, 11/13/1952:7
Colvin, Elizabeth Marie
Graduates from NE Hospital for Women and Children Nursing School,
Engaged to Robert H. Telless, 05/08/1952:8
Colvin, Roberta Dodd
Son born, 03/25/1954:4
Colvin, Roberta Jane
Engaged to Charles Allen Perry (p), 12/23/1954:1
Colvin, William
Enlists in U.S. Navy, 11/03/1950:16
Studies to be hospital corpsman at Great Lakes Naval School,
With hospital corps at Great Lakes Naval Station, 03/22/1951:2
Transfers with 2nd Marine Air Wing to Asiatic territories, 08/13/1953:8
Colvin, William P.
Medical corpsman transfers to Bainbridge, MD, 09/06/1951:3
Promoted to Hospitalman 3rd Class, transfers to Cherry Point, NC,
Son born, 03/25/1954:4
Reenlists in U.S. Navy, 09/02/1954:1
Colvin, William Prescott
Engaged to Roberta Lou Dodd, 01/10/1952:10
Wedding described, 05/26/1952:2
Coman, Howard
First Lieutenant stationed at Camp Hanford, WA, 09/13/1951:9
Coman, Howard Joseph
Attends fire control system anti-aircraft range officers course,
Coman, William E., Jr.
Lieutenant back for duty in Korea, 09/13/1951:9
Combra, Eleanor Ruprecht
Daughter born, 11/15/1951:7
Combra, Manual, Jr.
Fined $3 for lack of inspection sticker, 05/17/1951:2
Combra, Manuel
Daughter born, 11/15/1951:7
Comeau, Ada
Injured in collision at Oak and High St, 06/05/1952:12
Begley is chair of local Crusade for Freedom campaign, 11/22/1951:1
Community Christmas Fund
Appeal opens, 12/08/1950:1
Must raise funds in less than nine days, 12/15/1950:13
Fifty families to receive fund dinners, 12/22/1950:1
Contributions total $923.43 (t), 12/29/1950:1
Total increases to $948.43, 01/04/1951:1
Emblem Club joins list of sponsors, 02/01/1951:3
Elks open fund with $100 gift, 11/29/1951:6
Quick contributions will help most, 12/06/1951:1
Appeal issued for Christmas basket fund, 12/13/1951:1
Total stands at $430 (t), 12/20/1951:1
Total at $852.76 (t), 12/27/1951:1
It's that time of year again, 12/04/1952:4
Early contributions small sum, 12/11/1952:1
Appeal reaches $525 (t), 12/18/1952:1
Total now at $1,031 (t), 01/01/1953:1
Final total $1,073.61, 01/15/1953:1
Community Christmas Fund continued
Civic groups work to aid local needy, 12/03/1953:1
Give now, time is short, 12/10/1953:1
Minimum needed $1,000, fund at $429 (t), 12/17/1953:1
Fund total at $911.34 (t), 12/24/1953:1
Tops goal, at $1,174 (t), 12/31/1953:1
Exceeds goal by $215.20, 01/07/1954:1
Eagles join in fund, 01/14/1954:1
Students collect $234, 02/04/1954:1
Lieutenant (jg) W.H. Alexander sends check from Norfolk shipyard (l),
Annual appeal opens, 12/02/1954:1
Response to fund appeal is slow, 12/09/1954:1
Only $377 raised so far (t), 12/16/1954:1
Contributions up, total $1,133.94 (t), 12/23/1954:1
Reaches new high of $1,447.95 (t), 12/30/1954:1
Community Concert Association. see Middleborough Community
Concert Association
Community School of Religion
Middleboro Ministerial Association sponsored school well-attended,
Conant, Andrew
Widower of Isabel Stanton dies at age 73, 04/23/1953:7
Obituary, 04/23/1953:12
Conant, Beverly May
Engaged to William Albert Tower, 08/16/1951:5
Wed to William Albert Tower, 09/06/1951:5
Conant, Gordon
Employed by Malcolm Porter (p), 05/27/1954:1
Conant, Helen S.
Petition for probate of will, 10/08/1953:8
Notification of insolvent estate, 06/10/1954:7
Real estate at 21 Elm St for sale (ad), 07/01/1954:5
Conant, Helen Stuart
Obituary, 10/01/1953:2
Widow of Charles dies at age 80, 10/01/1953:4
Conant, Marjorie V.
Wed to Joseph B. Rego, 06/16/1950:7
Conant, Mary Trimble
Son born, 07/08/1954:4
Conant, Ralph
Heard from since reported missing in Korea, 09/15/1950:1
Employed by Malcolm Porter (p), 05/27/1954:1
Conant, Ralph G., Jr.
Engaged to Ruth L. Pacheco, 03/26/1953:7
Wed to Ruth L. Pacheco, 04/16/1953:7
Wedding described, 04/30/1953:3
Conant, Ralph Gordon
Frost bite and shrapnel bring soldier home from Korea, 04/12/1951:1
Conant, Roy
Obituary, 01/31/1952:5
Conant, Roy St. Clair
Obituary, 01/31/1952:4
Conant, Russell
Son born, 07/08/1954:4
Conant, Russell H.
Discharged after seven years of Air Force service, 06/17/1954:9
Concerts. see also Bates School – Arts; Middleboro Ministers'
Association; Middleboro Music Guild; Middleborough Community
Concert Association; Middleborough Memorial High School - Music;
Musical Instruction
First Unitarian Laymen's League holds annual musicale, 05/26/1950:4
Methodist Church WSCS presents annual pop concert, 05/26/1950:10
Rock Village Church holds annual spring concert, 06/09/1950:4,
Middleboro church choirs perform fine Lenten concert, 03/01/1951:3
Central Methodist WSCS pop concert a great success, 05/24/1951:6
Therese Sheehan gives impromptu concert at Union Street School,
Talented cellist entertains full house at Shaw Home, 08/16/1951:1
Pop concert by Junior Cabot Club for cardiac fund well patronized (p),
Hospital Club and Middleboro Music Guild sponsor notable concert,
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Concerts continued
Sixth annual Central Methodist pop concert well patronized,
Second annual Junior Cabot Club pop concert supports cardiac fund,
UMass Chorale members pictured (p), 01/29/1953:1
University of Massachusetts Chorale delights local audience,
Rainbow of colors presented at Junior Cabot Club pop concert,
Carter's band holds promenade concert 50 years ago, 12/10/1953:9
WSCS's pop concert well-received, 05/27/1954:6
Carter's Middleboro Band gives Taunton concert 50 years ago,
Combine choir and musical concert a phenomenal success here,
Confectioneries. see also Farrar's
Tripp's Candy Shop & Luncheonette (ad), 02/10/1950:7
Fire behind Tripp's had appearance of incendiarism, 04/09/1953:1
Caron's Fudge Shop requests permit to erect sign on Wareham St,
Congregational Church. see also Central Congregational Church; First
Congregational Church; Lakeville Congregational Church; North
Middleboro Congregational Church; White Church Guild
Carrie Luippold honored for 60 years of service to Sunday school,
Conley, Frank
Servicemen want letters from home (l), 10/02/1952:4
Conneilly, Anna L.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3
Conneilly, John L.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3
Conner, Adelbert Stanfield
Wed to Nancy Williams Potter, 05/01/1952:3
Connolly, A. Irene
Engaged to Francis J. Corsini, Jr., 10/23/1952:3
Wed to Francis J. Corsini, Jr., 10/14/1954:4
Connolly, Agnes Irene
Wedding described, 10/14/1954:5
Connolly, Eleanor
Employed by Department of Public Safety, 08/04/1950:5
Connolly, Eleanor Louise
Engaged to H. Donald Gray, Jr., 11/03/1950:6
Engaged to Henry D. Gray, Jr., 11/17/1950:7
Wedding described, 11/24/1950:2
Wed to Henry D. Gray, Jr., 11/24/1950:5
Connolly, Irene
Engaged to Francis J. Corsini, Jr., 09/16/1954:4
Connolly, Paul David
To receive naval training at Bainbridge, MD, 03/13/1952:10
Petty Officer 3rd Class serves aboard USS Briareus (p), 11/26/1953:10
Connolly, Philip
Serves aboard USS Howard Gilmore (p), 11/26/1953:10
Connolly, Raymond F.
Seaman serves on board USS Burton Island, 11/08/1951:11
Gunners Mate home from West Coast, 05/21/1953:1
Discharged from U.S. Navy, 07/01/1954:1
Connolly, Raymond Francis
Enlists in U.S. Navy, 09/08/1950:2
Connors, Patricia
Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1
Conrad, Charles
Couple moves from Coombs St to Mitchell St, 07/22/1954:8
Salesman at Curtis Ford Sales (p), 12/09/1954:12
Conroy, Annie
Petition for probate of will, 04/03/1952:6
Conroy, Annie C.
Struck and killed by Longworth Gas Service truck, 03/13/1952:1
Robert Phillips acquitted of guilt in death of Conroy, 04/03/1952:1
Conroy, Maurice
Petition for administration of estate, 03/26/1953:7, 04/02/1953:8
Considine, John
Daughter born, 02/10/1950:7
Considine, Lucy Graham
Daughter born, 02/10/1950:7
Contelli, Marie Rose
Wed to Alfred John Morris, 08/23/1951:5
Conto, James O.
Engaged to Patricia A. Bassett, 01/31/1952:5
Wed to Patricia A. Bassett, 02/07/1952:5
Contractors. see Builders
Selectmen vote to oppose legislation affecting awarding of public
contracts, 05/03/1951:1
Convalescent Homes. see Rest Homes
Converse, Patricia Ann
Wed to Chester P. Haire, 09/20/1951:7
Conway, Lawrence Paul
Wed to Anna L. Lanning, 01/29/1953:5
Conway, Lillian Angers
Son born, 10/20/1950:5
Conway, Robert
Son born, 10/20/1950:5
Cook, Etta M.
Obituary, 06/05/1952:6
Cousin of Eunice McIntosh dies at age 89, 06/05/1952:7
Petition for probate of will, 07/31/1952:8
Cook, Harry M. see also Cook's Jewelry Store
Businessman succumbs to heart attack, 01/22/1953:1
Husband of Mildred L. dies at age 46, 01/22/1953:5
Cook, Marilyn Manton
Son born, 01/21/1954:5
Cook, Mildred
Cook's Jewelry Store, 17 South Main St (ad), 07/23/1953:6
Cook's Jewelry Store, South Main St (p), 10/15/1953:6
Shirley's Gift Shop now open at Cook's Jewelry Store, 12/17/1953:6
Jewelry for Christmas from Cook's Jewelry Store (p), 12/09/1954:12
Cook, Mildred L.
Garage gutted by fire, 09/10/1953:1
Cook, Mrs Harry
Plans to continue jewelry business, 01/22/1953:10
Cook, Muriel Rounseville
Daughter born, 04/02/1953:7
Cook, Robert
Son born, 01/21/1954:5
Cook, Roy
Daughter born, 04/02/1953:7
Cook, Roy B.
Gets deer opening day, 12/10/1953:1
Collides with North Carver driver on Plymouth St, 01/28/1954:8
Cook, Shirley
J.M. Wells gives keepsake chests to MHS senior girls (p), 06/19/1952:4
Opens gift shop at 17 South Main St, 11/19/1953:1
Shirley's Gift Shop now open at Cook's Jewelry Store, 12/17/1953:6
Engaged to Nicholas Martin, 07/29/1954:2
Wedding described, 09/23/1954:8
Cook, Shirley A.
Enters Massachusetts School of Art on scholarship, 09/11/1952:4
Cook, Shirley Ann
Engaged to Nicholas P. Martin, 06/17/1954:10, 09/09/1954:4
Wed to Nicholas P. Martin, 09/23/1954:4
Cooke, Napoleon J.
Petition for administration of estate, 12/27/1951:4
Administrator presents account of estate, 06/17/1954:2
Cooke, Walter E.
Wed to Barbara Gibbs, 11/08/1951:11
Cook's Jewelry Store
New location at 17 South Main St (ad), 11/29/1951:12
Profile and history of local business, 09/18/1952:9
Rear of store gutted by fire, 03/12/1953:1
Mildred Cook, 17 South Main St (ad), 07/23/1953:6
Mildred Cook, South Main St (p), 10/15/1953:6
Opens new gift shop (ad), 11/05/1953:3
Adds Shirley's Gift Shop (ad), 11/12/1953:11
Opens gift shop at 17 South Main St, 11/19/1953:1
Shirley's Gift Shop now open at Cook's Jewelry Store, 12/17/1953:6
Little remembrances for gift season, 05/20/1954:8
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Cook’s Jewelry Store continued
Has wide variety of gifts (p), 08/19/1954:6
Jewelry for Christmas (p), 12/09/1954:12
Coombs (Mrs)
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Coombs, Addison
Daughter born, 06/05/1952:7
Coombs, Addison L.
Son born, 02/01/1951:5
Gets jail sentence on morals charge, 11/26/1953:4
Coombs, Anthony
Misses fourth Cuban revolution, 03/13/1952:1
Leaves for 25th vacation in Cuba, 02/11/1954:2
Coombs, Dora A., 04/26/1951:6
Petition for license to sell real estate, 04/19/1951:5
Coombs, Dora Ashley
Obituary, 12/01/1950:2
Widow of Walter A. dies at age 83, 12/01/1950:6
Coombs, Edward A.
Overcome by fumes at gas plant 50 years ago, 12/10/1953:9
Coombs, Elwyn
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Coombs, Grace W.
Notice of tax taking, 03/04/1954:4
Coombs, H.C.
O.L. Barden shaves the older set 50 years ago, 10/15/1953:5
Coombs, Marilyn Barney
Daughter born, 06/05/1952:7
Coombs, Marilyn Varney
Son born, 02/01/1951:5
Coombs, Roy
Successful fox hunter 50 years ago, 08/26/1954:8
Cooper, Edward
Resides in Marion, IN, 05/29/1952:8
Family resides in Madison, IN, 08/06/1953:6
Cooper, Joseph
Postage machine put to work immediately (p), 08/05/1954:1
Cooper, June
Invites pet owners to meeting concerning poisonings (l), 01/06/1950:1
Pet owners respond to Cooper's call, 01/13/1950:1
Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club
dance (p), 02/17/1950:1
Listen to WPEP for Highlights of Middleboro with June Cooper (ad),
Takes post with advertising company in Indiana, 09/22/1950:3
Celebrates 4th of July in Denmark (l), 07/17/1952:2
Cooper, June M.
Goes to Denmark on Rotary International exchange plan, 05/22/1952:1
Engaged to William G. Miller, 08/19/1954:4
Wed to William G. Miller, 10/14/1954:4
Cooper, June Marilyn
Engaged to William Gene Miller (p), 08/05/1954:1
Wedding described, 10/14/1954:5
Cooper, Mrs Joseph
White Church Guild members arrive at antique show in oldtime
transportation (p), 04/26/1951:6
Cooper, Paul
Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club
dance (p), 02/17/1950:1
Cooties. see Military Order of the Cooties - Tom Thumb Pup Tent 44
Copcych, Joseph
Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5
Copcych, Ruth Lesperance
Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5
Copeland, Anita Belmore
Son born, 04/07/1950:7
Copeland, Marcus
Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4
Copeland, Maurile
Son born, 04/07/1950:7
Copley, Virginia
Wed to Watson W. Baker, Jr., 10/18/1951:3
Coppock, John H.
Named to Board of First National Bank of Attleboro, 03/27/1952:1
Coppock, Leah
Playground Pet Show winner (p), 08/28/1952:4
Coppock, Mrs John
Middleboro's youngest grads receive diplomas from Jack and Jill
Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Corayer, Edward E.
Wed to Ruth A. Strange, 04/02/1953:7
Ruth Bissio charged with bigamy, 06/18/1953:4
Ruth Bissio fined $100 for bigamy, 06/25/1953:4
Corayer, Lillian A.
Engaged to Manuel J. Andrade, Jr., 04/12/1951:5
Wed to Manuel J. Andrade, Jr., 04/19/1951:5
Corayer, Lillian Agnes
Engaged to Manuel J. Andrade, 02/01/1951:9
Wedding described, 04/19/1951:5
Corbett, William E.
Drove 25 years without a license, 01/07/1954:1
Cord, Arthur
Son born, 07/29/1954:4
Cord, Miriam Haarala
Son born, 07/29/1954:4
Cordeiro, Clifton
Son born, 02/15/1951:5
Completes service with Battery A, 05/29/1952:3
Federal officers inspect local Guard unit (p), 04/15/1954:7
Cordeiro, Clifton I.
Engaged to Sarah A. Ghilli, 07/21/1950:5
Wed to Sarah A. Ghelli, 08/11/1950:5
Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts
National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1
Cordeiro, Clifton J.
Enlists in local unit of Massachusetts National Guard, 06/25/1953:1
Cordeiro, Eleanor Maude
Engaged to Bernard J. Green, 12/29/1950:4
Engaged to Bernard Joseph Green, 02/22/1951:5
Wed to Bernard Joseph Green, 03/15/1951:7
Cordeiro, James
Precinct St couple married seven years, 04/03/1952:9
Daughter born, 11/25/1954:4
Cordeiro, John
Purchases parcel from town at auction, 09/08/1950:4
Fined $10 for drunkenness, 07/23/1953:7
Pleads not guilty on morals charge, 09/30/1954:4
Found not guilty on morals charge, 10/07/1954:10
Cordeiro, John M.
Sentenced to two weeks at Plymouth house of corrections, 12/11/1952:8
Cordeiro, Joseph
Music for all occasions (ad), 02/28/1952:3
Cordeiro, Joseph F.
Son born, 12/27/1951:5
Cordeiro, Mary Hayward
Son born, 12/27/1951:5
Cordeiro, Mildred Goodwin
Daughter born, 11/25/1954:4
Cordeiro, Sarah Ghelli
Son born, 02/15/1951:5
Coreiro, Joseph
Lovell's wandering cows causes accident over weekend, 09/23/1954:1
Corey, C.A.
Notice of hearing for application to operate roller rink, 10/29/1953:4
Roller-skating license refused, 11/05/1953:6
Corey, Mrs Howard
Resides in Harwichport, 09/22/1950:9
Corinne's Bakery
56 Center St (ad), 11/17/1950:6
Philip Columb names bakery after daughter, 10/01/1953:6
Bakery aids housewives, 11/19/1953:8
Offering special services for the holiday (p), 12/17/1953:6
Corkum, Lalia M.
Foreclosure notice, 08/19/1954:6
Corkum, Lalia Stultz
Son born, 07/02/1953:4
Corkum, Norman
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Corkum, Richard
Son born, 07/02/1953:4
Corkum, Richard A.
Foreclosure notice, 08/19/1954:6
Cormier, George Edward
Wed to Madeline Turner, 12/18/1952:13
Cornell, Arnold
Daughter born, 08/09/1951:5
Cornell, Beverly Burnham
Daughter born, 08/09/1951:5
Cornell, Charles
Precinct St couple married 40 years, 07/19/1951:4
Private stationed at Camp Breckenridge, KY, 03/19/1953:7
Cornell, Charles, Jr.
Corporal returns from Korea, 07/15/1954:9
Now stationed at Fort Benning, GA, 08/19/1954:6
Cornell, Edward G.
Engaged to Beverly A. Gomes, 10/28/1954:6
Wed to Beverly Ann Gomes, 11/04/1954:4
Cornell, Jessie DeMoranville
Daughter born, 07/10/1952:5
Cornell, Norma Manton
Son born, 12/13/1951:7
Cornell, Paul
Son born, 12/13/1951:7
Cornell, Russell
Daughter born, 07/10/1952:5
Cornish, Alice
Voters against purchase of Cornish estate, 03/12/1953:1
Cornish, Alice H.
Welcomes friends and neighbors on 90th birthday, 01/11/1951:1
Oldest living member of Church at the Green, age 91, 01/10/1952:1
Petition for probate of will, 05/15/1952:5
School Building Committee considers purchase of Cornish property,
Cornish, Alice Helena
Obituary, 05/01/1952:4
Dies at age 91, 05/01/1952:5
Cornish, Herbert W.
Petition for administration of estate, 05/06/1954:7
Couple celebrates 15th anniversary 50 years ago, 09/23/1954:8
Cornish, Herbert Willard
Dies at age 85, 04/08/1954:6
Obituary, 04/08/1954:12
Correa, Charles
Engaged to Mary Lou Bena, 04/16/1953:8
Engaged to Mary Bena, 07/02/1953:4
Wed to Mary Bena, 07/16/1953:4
Daughter born, 03/11/1954:4
Correa, Mary Louise Bena
Daughter born, 03/11/1954:4
Correia, Anthony J.
Carver man dies in Korea (p), 07/15/1954:1
Correia, Anthony John
High requiem mass held for Carver veteran, 08/26/1954:1
Correia, Edward S.
Guilty of assault on former wife Alice O'Donnell, 10/13/1950:4
Correia, Fred
MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1
Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore
championships (p), 07/03/1952:5
Correia, Fred C.
Collides with Ontario driver on West Grove St, 08/12/1954:3
Correia, Frederick C.
Dog blamed for minor collision on Wareham St, 10/21/1954:8
Correia, Helen Mackiewicz
Son born, 02/05/1953:5
Correia, James
Son born, 02/05/1953:5, 09/10/1953:5
Correia, Olive Davis
Son born, 09/10/1953:5
Correia, Ronald G.
Returns from Reserve training cruise, 03/25/1954:2
Charged with driving with improper muffler, 07/15/1954:7
Guilty of driving with improper muffler, 07/22/1954:7
Correio, Mary E.
Wed to Carlton Francis Oldham, 04/17/1952:5
Correira, Joseph
Selectmen table application to operate overnight cabins, 06/09/1950:14
Selectmen suggest building cabins first, 06/23/1950:4
Granted license for roadside food stand, 05/28/1953:1
Owner of Oxford Oil Co., auto service and oil dealer (p), 09/17/1953:8
Correira's Texaco Station, popular spot for Cape drivers, 05/27/1954:8
Correira, Joseph, Jr.
Employed at Oxford Oil Co., auto service and oil dealer (p),
Correira, Laura
Selectmen table application to operate overnight cabins, 06/09/1950:14
Selectmen suggest building cabins first, 06/23/1950:4
Correira, Ronald
Gang beats local youth, 05/28/1953:5
Correira, Ronald G.
Fined $10 for speeding, 09/17/1953:1
Correira's Texaco Station
Popular spot for Cape drivers, 05/27/1954:8
Corriero, Joseph
Granted gasoline sales license, 02/24/1950:1
Corsini, Andrew Cameron
Graduates from Coyle High in Taunton (p), 06/18/1953:1
Corsini, Delores
Engaged to John Tura, 08/19/1954:9
Corsini, Francis J., Jr.
Engaged to A. Irene Connolly, 10/23/1952:3
Engaged to Irene Connolly, 09/16/1954:4
Wed to A. Irene Connolly, 10/14/1954:4
Corsini, Francis Joseph, Jr.
Wedding described, 10/14/1954:5
Corsini, Francis T., Jr.
Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7
Corsini, Leon
Memorials, 49 Everett St (ad), 03/24/1950:4
Corsini, Leon H.
Obituary, 02/05/1953:2
Husband of Margaret Cameron dies at age 56, 02/05/1953:5
Corsini, Leon H., Jr.
Engaged to Jane Ann Plunkett, 09/29/1950:7
Wedding described, 10/13/1950:10
Wed to Jane Ann Plunkett, 10/20/1950:5
Corsini, M. Dolores
Engaged to John F. Tura, 02/18/1954:1
Corsini, Mary D.
Engaged to John F. Tura, Jr., 08/19/1954:4
Wed to John F. Tura, Jr., 09/09/1954:4
Corsini, Mary Delores
Wedding described, 09/09/1954:9
Corti, Bob
MHS baseball team co-captain, 05/12/1950:1
Corti, Joseph
Eagles donate record player to library (p), 03/27/1952:10
Resigns secretary post at Eagles, 07/17/1952:10
Couple feted on 25th anniversary, 07/22/1954:5
Corti, Mrs Joseph
Employed at North Lakeville School cafeteria, 12/09/1954:3
Corti, Robert
MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p),
Stationed at Ellington AFB at Houston, TX, 03/12/1953:2
Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in USAF, 02/04/1954:3
Corti, Robert J.
Second Lieutenant receives observer wings in USAF (p), 05/20/1954:1
Avon saleswoman wanted for South Middleboro and Rock (ad),
Daggett & Ramsdell, Debutante cosmetics (ad), 11/03/1950:6
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Cosmos, Andrew
Wedding described, 01/08/1953:8
Cosseboom, Albert
Foster Jackson proprietor of A.C. Cosseboom blacksmith shop (p),
Cosseboom, John
Foster Jackson proprietor of A.C. Cosseboom blacksmith shop (p),
Cosseboom, John E.
Public auction (ad), 05/05/1950:3
Cosseboom, John Edward
Obituary, 03/03/1950:2
Dies at age 84, 03/03/1950:4
Cosseboom, Mary Joy
Accepts position in Boston, 07/28/1950:10
Cosseboom, Raymond
North Middleboro couple married 25 years, 03/29/1951:5
Aunt dies in St. Stevens, Canada, 07/19/1951:2
Kiwanis Club holds installation ceremonies (p), 01/07/1954:1
Foster Jackson proprietor of A.C. Cosseboom blacksmith shop (p),
Cosseboom, Raymond J.
Honored guest at annual Legion get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12
Resigns post at North Middleboro Congregational Church,
Cosseboom, Sylvia
Completes first year at Faye Secretarial School, Boston, 06/09/1950:7
Serves on program committee at Fay School of Dance, 11/03/1950:17
Cossick, Frederick
Engaged to Elizabeth Gustafson, 08/18/1950:9
Costa, Antone B.
Granted permit renewal to transport garbage through town,
Garbage transport license renewed, 11/06/1952:4
Costa, Art
The Pizza House (p), 09/02/1954:6
Costa, Carl
Separates from Battery A at Fort Devens, 05/29/1952:5
Costa, Charley
Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p),
Costa, Charlie
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Costa, Dorothy Frances
Engaged to John Francisco, 08/02/1951:5
Wed to John Francisco, 08/23/1951:5
Costa, Fred
Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p),
Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (p) (t),
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Costa, George
Engaged to JoAnne Baker, 12/10/1953:12
Costa, Jack C.
Petition for probate of will, 03/25/1954:7
Costa, Joaquim C.
Petition for probate of will, 03/25/1954:7
Costa, Joe
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Costa, Joseph
Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1
Hillside Ave couple married 50 years (p), 10/25/1951:1
Engaged to Nancy Mello, 03/27/1952:4, 05/08/1952:2
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Injured in Raynham collision, 06/11/1953:4
Costa, Joseph E.
Engaged to Lillian P. Tornari, 12/27/1951:4
Costa, Joseph Edward
Engaged to Lillian Patricia Tornari, 04/03/1952:5
Wed to Lillian Patricia Tornari, 04/24/1952:4
Costa, Joseph F.
Engaged to Nancy J. Mello, 05/08/1952:7
Wed to Nancy J. Mello, 06/19/1952:5
Costa, Joseph Freeman
Wedding described, 05/22/1952:7
Costa, Joseph, Jr.
Engaged to Nancy Jeanne Mello, 01/03/1952:8
Costa, Manny
Employed at Oxford Oil Co., auto service and oil dealer (p),
Costa, Manuel
Applies for package store license, 07/28/1950:1
Costa, Mary L.
Wedding described, 01/08/1953:8
Costa, Nancy
Injured in Raynham collision, 06/11/1953:4
Costello, Frank D.
Co-owner of Atwood-Costello, Inc., 08/27/1953:10
Atwood-Costello, Inc., Chevrolet and Oldsmobile dealers (p),
Costello, Judith Ann Nelson
Son born, 05/12/1950:7
Costello, Judith Nelson
Son born, 06/25/1953:5
Costello, Mary
Engaged to Alfred M. Ripka, 12/29/1950:5
Wed to Alfred M. Ripka, 01/04/1951:5
Costello, Raymond
Son born, 06/25/1953:5
Costello, Raymond B.
Son born, 05/12/1950:7
Cote, Celia
Granted license for overnight cabins, 04/21/1950:2
Cote, Charles
Granted license for overnight cabins, 04/21/1950:2
Cote, Wilfred C.
Wed to Anna Marie Forcier, 08/18/1950:5
Cote, Winifred C.
Engaged to Anna Marie Forcier, 07/28/1950:4
Cotsellas, Peter Nicholas
Carver man dies at age 73, 08/11/1950:5
Obituary, 08/11/1950:6
Cott, John
Administrator presents account of estate, 10/08/1953:6
Cottage Diner
Under new management (ad), 11/11/1954:11
Cottage Handicrafters
Claire Chrostowski starts new classes (ad), 01/13/1950:4
Coughlin, Joanne M.
New elementary school teacher, 08/02/1951:1
Countie, Ruth M.
Wed to Roger F. Cassavant, 07/29/1954:4
Country Crafters
New organization elects officers, 05/14/1953:9
The Country Cupboard
Rte 140, Lakeville (ad), 02/10/1950:2
Countway, Nellie
Breaks hip after hit by door during hurricane, 09/02/1954:1
Courcy, Ernest
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9
Court. see Fourth District Court; Plymouth County District Court
Courtland Hall
Room and board and home cooked dinners (ad), 05/17/1951:10
Room and board available (ad), 03/18/1954:9
Coussens, Paul, Jr.
Daughter born, 02/01/1951:6
Couto (Mr)
Engaged to Patricia Ann Bassett, 01/17/1952:12
Couto, Alvaro
Sheriff's sale of real estate, 12/08/1950:13
Couto, James
Son born, 01/21/1954:5
Couto, James O.
Engaged to Patricia Ann Bassett, 12/27/1951:5
Couto, Oliver
Sheriff's sale of real estate, 12/08/1950:13
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Couto, Patricia Bassett
Son born, 01/21/1954:5
Couto, William
Engaged to Nancy Anne Pittsley, 11/04/1954:10
Coutt, Mrs Frederick
Resides in East Bridgewater, 03/22/1951:10
Coutts, Barbara Brooks
Daughter born, 10/27/1950:7
Coutts, Fred James
Wed to Barbara Elaine Brooks, 11/24/1950:5
Coutts, Frederick J.
Daughter born, 10/27/1950:7
Covel, Elsie
Home after visit with aunt in California, 11/19/1953:12
Covel, Esther Dupont
Daughter born, 12/10/1953:6
Covel, Francis
Private 1st Class serving in Korea, 09/29/1950:1
Daughter born, 12/10/1953:6
Covel, Francis Y.
Promoted to Corporal with 7th Infantry Division, 04/26/1951:1
Wed to Esther Dupont, 10/11/1951:4
Covel, Francis Young
Wedding described, 10/11/1951:4
Covel, George
Awaits discharge after return from Korea (p), 07/15/1954:1
Covel, George P.
Helps 40th Infantry Division celebrate 40th anniversary, 02/04/1954:7
Covel, George Pierce
Wedding described, 11/13/1952:12
Sent to Boston for induction, 01/08/1953:1
Covel, Marie Wainwright
Son born, 08/13/1953:5
Covel, Robert
Engaged to Marie Wainwright, 06/19/1952:5
Wed to Marie Wainwright, 07/17/1952:5
Son born, 08/13/1953:5
Covel, Robert Henry
Engaged to Lizzie Allen Rockwood Wainwright, 05/08/1952:3
Covell, George
Private serves with 40th Infantry Division (p), 09/10/1953:1
Covell, Robert Henry
Wedding described, 07/03/1952:6
Covil, Francis Y.
Engaged to Esther Dupont, 09/27/1951:4
Coville, James R.
Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1
Coville, James Robert
Going for induction in October, 09/27/1951:1
Leaves for Army induction (p), 10/11/1951:1
Cowan, George
Completes boot camp at Great Lakes Training Station, IL, 07/14/1950:2
Seaman with 6th Fleet in Mediterranean, 12/29/1950:5
Returns to South Carolina after maneuvers in Key West, 03/29/1951:5
Calls from Virginia prior to leaving for Europe, 06/07/1951:4
Returns from duty with Atlantic Fleet, 08/02/1951:5
Stationed in Charleston, SC, 08/23/1951:2
On leave from ship in Charleston, SC, 12/27/1951:4
Stationed on board USS T.E. Fraser, 03/20/1952:5
Cowan, George E.
Discharged from U.S. Navy, 03/11/1954:4
Cowan, Herbert
Son born, 03/31/1950:6
Cowan, Kenneth
Daughter born, 05/10/1951:7
Employed at Brockton Enterprise, 07/08/1954:4
Cowan, Laurance S.
Undergoing recruit training at Great Lakes Training Center, IL,
Engaged to Louise Miriam Stets, 07/23/1953:2
Cowan, Lawrence
Enlists in U.S. Navy (p), 07/07/1950:1
Transfers from Great Lakes, Il to Bayonne, NJ, 02/01/1951:4
On leave from Great Lakes Training Center, IL, 08/09/1951:5
Cowen, Lawrence continued
Stationed at Great Lakes, IL, 08/23/1951:2
Reports to Norfolk, VA following leave, 02/28/1952:10
Stationed aboard USS Wringley, 03/13/1952:4
Stationed in Charleston, SC, 01/08/1953:5
Stationed at Newport, RI, 08/06/1953:10
Awaits discharge at receiving station in New York, 09/03/1953:2
Engaged to Louise Stets, 02/11/1954:5
Cowan, Lawrence S.
Engaged to Louise M. Stets, 02/18/1954:6
Wed to Louise M. Stets, 03/04/1954:4
Wedding described, 03/04/1954:5
Cowan, Louise
Gashes leg during tree cleanup after hurricane, 09/02/1954:1
Cowan, Marcia Richmond
Daughter born, 05/10/1951:7
Cowan, Marian Commeau
Son born, 03/31/1950:6
Cowan, Mel
With 483rd Combat Engineers training at Camp Drum, NY,
Cowan, Melbourne
Training at Pine Camp, NY, 07/26/1951:5
Trains with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum, NY (p),
Engaged to Sarah Lincoln, 04/16/1953:7
Wedding described, 07/16/1953:5
Cowan, Melbourne F.
Purchases property in Carver, 04/02/1953:8
Cowan, Robert H.
Engaged to Kathleen Leonard, 01/18/1951:4
Wedding described, 05/01/1952:4
Cowen, Generbell Cannady
Husband files for custody of children, 01/06/1950:6
Cowen, Henry Joseph
Files for custody of children, 01/06/1950:6
Cowen, John F.
Petition for probate of will, 05/22/1952:12
Furniture and tool auction (ad), 09/25/1952:2
Cowgill, Russell
Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p),
Cows. see also Dairies
Judge declines to issue complaint against Wikstein about cow manure,
Richard Picone purchases two registered Ayrshires, 12/06/1951:1
Charles Sabalewski's cow electrocuted during storm, 08/07/1952:4
Mrs Tyyne Mansfield purchases registered Ayrshires, 10/22/1953:4
Lovell's wandering cows cause two accidents over weekend,
Four cows die as Guidaboni's barn floor collapses, 11/25/1954:1
Cox, Edwin
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion, 09/18/1952:1
Cox, Norman R.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/03/1952:7
Cox, Olive
Resides in California, 07/05/1951:5
Cox, Phyllis M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/03/1952:7
Coyne, Patricia
Wed to Arthur Carlson, 04/16/1953:12
C.P. Washburn Co.
Storm windows (ad), 01/13/1950:10
Wanted, two men to work in lumber yard (ad), 04/26/1951:8
Five boys from 8 to 13 before judge for breaking and entering,
Employs Alfred White, 08/16/1951:10
Boys pilfer tires, tubes, 01/24/1952:1
Somerville man guilty of break-in, 01/31/1952:6
Thieves put on long probation, 02/14/1952:4
Youths indicted for larcenies, 02/14/1952:9
Joseph Jesse gets four months for theft from Washburn's, 02/21/1952:7
Wanted, man for office work and sales (ad), 07/17/1952:10
Garage fire suspicious, 04/23/1953:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
C.P. Washburn Co. continued
Washburn offers reward for conviction of firebug, 04/30/1953:1
Wanted, three good men for sales force (ad), 06/04/1953:9
Two lumber buildings burn almost completely, 02/11/1954:1
Wanted, young man for sales position (ad), 04/29/1954:4
$10,000 loss in 14th blaze believed set this year (p), 08/19/1954:1
A 300-year-old business concern (p), 09/30/1954:6
Crabbe, Lorraine
Employed by Plymouth Shoe Co., 02/19/1953:6
Crabtree, Lotta M.
Foreclosure notice to estate, 02/22/1951:2
Crafts. see Art and Artists
Craig, Arthur
Engaged to Joanne Richmond, 01/18/1951:5, 01/25/1951:6
Craig, E. Arthur
Daughter born, 01/03/1952:5
Heads meat department in new Brockton market, 01/28/1954:4
Craig, Edward
Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4
Engaged to Frances Jones, 06/10/1954:5
Craig, Edward A.
Engaged to Joanne M. Richmond, 02/01/1951:5
Wed to Joanne M. Richmond, 02/15/1951:5
Craig, Edward Arthur
Engaged to Joanne Marian Richmond, 08/11/1950:1
Wedding described, 02/15/1951:2
Craig, Edward, Jr.
Engaged to Frances L. Jones, 06/17/1954:4
Wed to Frances L. Jones, 06/24/1954:4
Wedding described, 06/24/1954:10
Craig, Jacquelina Belle
Obituary, 12/16/1954:2
Widow of James dies at age 75, 12/16/1954:4
Craig, Joanne Richmond
Daughter born, 01/03/1952:5, 10/01/1953:4
Craig, Ronald
Attends School of Pharmacy, Boston, 05/26/1950:7
Stationed at Newport, RI, 05/31/1951:5
Employed at Giberti's Apothecary (p), 07/30/1953:6
Giberti's Apothecary, specialists in prescription work, 01/28/1954:6
Craig, Ronald H.
Pledges Phi Delta Chi at MA College of Pharmacy, 10/06/1950:4
Awarded Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from MA College of
Pharmacy (p), 06/04/1953:1
Engaged to Lillian Naviskis, 09/02/1954:4
Wedding described, 09/16/1954:8
Wed to Lillian J. Naviskis, 09/23/1954:4
Crain, Cheryl
Model in Little Theatre Group fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7
Crain, M. Frances
Engaged to Faelton C. Perkins, Jr., 04/26/1951:11
Crain, Mildred Frances
Engaged to Faelton C. Perkins, Jr., 04/26/1951:7
Crain, Nancy
Engaged to Alfred DeArruda, 08/09/1951:5
Crampton, William A.
Granted funeral director's license, 06/09/1950:14
Cranberry Industry. see also New England Cranberry Sales Co.
U.S. production expected to exceed last decade's average by 25%,
Mr and Mrs Kelley questions selectmen on shutoff of water source for
bog, 04/07/1950:1
Kelley asks selectmen to release water, 04/21/1950:1
Selectmen to stay out of Rock Pond feud, 05/05/1950:1
Selectmen to consider feud over Rock Pond, 05/19/1950:1
Hearing held on Rock Pond controversy, 06/09/1950:1
Taunton Employment Security Office prepared to help with labor
supply, 09/01/1950:1
Station staff plan visit to harvest, 09/01/1950:8
First official estimate stands at 969,000 barrels, 09/01/1950:9
Pickers still scarce, 10/06/1950:12
Bullock Cranberry Co., foreclosure notice, 06/14/1951:6
Bullock Cranberry Co., list of assets, 06/14/1951:6
American Cranberry Exchange says prospects good, 08/09/1951:10
Cranberry Industry continued
Prediction for 850,000-barrel crop, 08/16/1951:3
Tight market on labor, 09/06/1951:2
Berries open at $15 per barrel, 09/13/1951:1
State employment office issues appeal, considerable work ahead,
Weather fine for picking berries, 09/20/1951:1
More berry pickers needed, 09/20/1951:5
Shipments slowed by heat, 10/11/1951:1
Wareham woman to be crowned Cranberry Queen (p), 10/11/1951:7
Bradford Cole analyzes industry, 10/25/1951:1
Bradford Cole suggests dissolution of present organizations in favor of
single co-op, 11/01/1951:1
Bradford Cole discusses cranberry prices (l), 11/15/1951:4
Wanted, cranberry scoopers and bog workers (ad), 08/21/1952:6
L.A. Blake new manager of NE Cranberry Sales Co., 08/28/1952:1
Western Picker, Inc. has ample machinery to help with labor shortage
(ad), 09/11/1952:2
Cranberry juice served at selectmen's meeting, 01/08/1953:5
Governor Herter signs membership contract to National Cranberry
Association (p), 06/11/1953:4
Toivo and Tauno Erickson dissolve business in Carver, 09/03/1953:5
Edwina Wood charged with larceny of $53,000 from Nat'l Cranberry
Association, 10/01/1953:1
Weston Bros. builders of fine bogs, 10/01/1953:6
Ralph Peltola purchases cranberry bog from Mrs Paul Preti,
Crop tops million barrels, over 600,000 from Bay State, 10/29/1953:1
Twelve sentences total six years for Edwina Wood, 10/29/1953:1
John Foster ships four carloads to Pacific coast 50 years ago,
More acreage under construction in history 50 years ago, 11/05/1953:4
Marcus Urann honored at East Carver dinner, 11/05/1953:11
Weston Bros., Inc. specializes in bog construction (p), 12/03/1953:6
Eastern office of Eatmor Cranberries, Inc. located at 81 Center St,
Produces sweetest honey for local beekeepers, 07/01/1954:11
Refrigerated cars transport berries 50 years ago, 09/16/1954:7
Crop harvest delayed by wet weather, 09/30/1954:10
Crane, Anna L.
Foreclosure notice, 08/27/1953:9
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/08/1953:6
Crane, Florence M.
Kindergarten granted license, 10/02/1952:10
Crane, Frederick P.
Wed to Anne M. MacDonald, 11/29/1951:6
Crane, John Robert
Engaged to Lillian Ann Silva, 04/28/1950:6
Wed to Lillian Ann Silva, 05/05/1950:5
Crane, Mrs Ralph
Re-opens kindergarten, 59 North Main St (ad), 08/18/1950:2
Crane, Mrs Ralph S.
Re-opens kindergarten at 59 North Main St (ad), 08/23/1951:8
Crane, Nancy
Engaged to Alfred DeArruda, 06/07/1951:10, 09/06/1951:5
Wed to Alfred DeArruda, 09/13/1951:5
Crane, Nancy L.
Wedding described, 09/13/1951:2
Crane, Ralph S.
Biography of candidate for Board of Assessors (p), 01/14/1954:4
Elect to Board of Assessors (ad), 01/14/1954:9
Crankshaw, Mildred C.
Foreclosure notice, 03/31/1950:6
Crankshaw, Wayne C.
Hospitalized in Westboro after alleged acid-throwing incident,
Foreclosure notice, 03/31/1950:6
Crapo, Carlton Standish, Jr.
Inducted into armed forces, 09/11/1952:1
Crapo, Mrs William
Alumnus of Tabor Academy, 06/12/1952:8
Rare night blooming cereus puts on a show, 08/05/1954:5
Crapo, W.H.
Substitute mail carrier 50 years ago, 12/23/1954:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Crapo, William
Alumnus of Tabor Academy, 06/21/1951:4
Crapo, Wm. H.
Post office employee 50 years ago, 09/23/1954:8
Crawford, Duane
Daughter born; teaches music in Elna, TX, 06/18/1953:2
Crawford, Leslie
Resides in Southboro, 10/13/1950:11
Crawford, Mrs Charles
Sells Smith St house to Robert Meeker, 07/19/1951:10
Crawford, Penny Lynn
Born to Duane, 06/18/1953:2
Crawford, Wesley
Resides in Southbridge, 06/16/1950:7
Creamer, Helen S.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4
Creamer, Helen Scott
Wife of Ralph E. dies at age 59, 09/29/1950:7
Obituary, 09/29/1950:10
Creamer, Ralph E.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Engaged to Gladys G. Madan Hebert, 05/24/1951:7
Wed to Gladys G. Madan Hebert, 06/07/1951:5
Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4
Creedon, J.H.
Appointed local Boston Globe correspondent 50 years ago,
Creedon, John
Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p),
Creedon, Timothy F.
Named Democratic delegate 50 years ago, 04/15/1954:9
Creedon - Florist
113 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Raymond Meehan proprietor, 10/20/1950:4
Ray Meehan takes part in Boston Rose Show, 10/14/1954:4
Creighton, Margaret
Takes secretarial post in Lancaster, PA, 03/10/1950:9
Crewe, Grace Chamberlain
Daughter born, 11/05/1953:7
Crewe, Wesley
Daughter born, 11/05/1953:7
Crime. see also Fourth District Court; Massachusetts State Police;
Middleboro - Police Department; names of specific crimes
Last member of crime-suppression committee resigns 50 years ago,
Cripps, Edward Foster
Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1
Crocker, Benjamin F.
Anna Joseph applies to transfer liquor license to Crocker, 04/08/1954:7
Crocker, Ruth
Wed to Wolcott E. Gilmore, 12/16/1954:4
Croke, Jeremiah
Obituary, 04/03/1952:4
Cromwell, Edward
Family moves to Brockton, 05/31/1951:2
Daughter born, 01/03/1952:5
Cromwell, Iva L.
Injured in collision with Clinton driver, 12/17/1953:15
Cromwell, Janice Howland
Born to Edward and Jean Pearce, 01/03/1952:5
Cromwell, Jean Pearce
Daughter born, 01/03/1952:5
Cromwell, Mrs Wilfred
Looks for employment in Albuquerque, NM, 01/17/1952:5
Moves to New Mexico, 12/04/1952:4
Resides in Albuquerque, NM, 10/29/1953:9
Cromwell, Ralph
South Main St couple married 35 years, 11/27/1952:4
Cromwell, Ralph W.
Petition for probate of will, 12/02/1954:9
Cromwell, Ralph Winslow
Dies at age 66, 11/11/1954:6
Obituary, 11/11/1954:11
Cromwell, R.W.
Real estate, 104 South Main St (ad), 04/01/1954:2
Cromwell, Wilfred J.
Petition for probate of will, 02/08/1951:8
Cromwell, Wilfred Joseph
Obituary, 01/25/1951:4
Husband of Bertha Peckham dies at age 66, 01/25/1951:5
Cronan, Cora
Resides in St. Petersburg, FL, 10/16/1952:4
Cronan, Michael J.
Husband of Cora G. dies at age 75, 02/28/1952:5
Obituary, 02/28/1952:7
Cronin, Jeremiah
Dies in Stoughton, 08/28/1952:5
Cronin, John Joseph
Engaged to Gertrude Anita Dupont, 09/27/1951:4
Wed to Gertrude Anita Dupont, 10/11/1951:4
Crosby, Bertha Thompson
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Crosby, David B.
Engaged to Mary L. Sullivan, 05/03/1951:5
Crosby, Kenneth B.
Engaged to Audrey Patstone, 01/08/1953:8
Wed to Audrey D. Patstone, 08/20/1953:5
Crosby, W.H.
Sells Fuller St farm to Matthew Cushing 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8
Cross, Carroll N.
Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5
Cross, Douglas
Graduates from Mt Vernon Academy, OH, 05/26/1952:4
Cross, Gertie Youngblood
Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5
Cross, Mrs Robert F., Jr.
Resides in Centerville, 06/16/1950:6
Crossley, Albert
Reunited with former 6-day bike racing partner, 06/21/1951:5
And son employed as construction engineers in Africa, 09/13/1951:10
Crossley, Blanche C.
Petitions land court to confirm title to land, 09/27/1951:4
Crossley, W.B., Jr.
Lieutenant on maneuvers at Fort Hood, TX, 02/28/1952:5
Crothers, George
Aged man fractures ankles when runs into Lorraine Caron's car,
Dies at age 90, 06/12/1952:6
Obituary, 06/12/1952:6
Crouse, Connie
Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1
Croutworst, Albert
Son born, 03/22/1951:2
Croutworst, William
Resides in Los Angeles, CA, 09/01/1950:7
Crowe, John Henry, Jr.
Inducted into armed forces, 10/08/1953:1
Crowell, Burpee E.
Petition for probate of will, 08/05/1954:5
Crowell, Burpee Edward
Dies at age 85, 07/22/1954:5
Obituary, 07/22/1954:8
Crowell, Ellsworth
Leaves for job in California with United Airlines, 02/21/1952:7
Crowell, Ellsworth F.
Appointed to organize ham radio operators for emergency
communications, 04/10/1952:13
Crowell, Kenneth
Son born, 01/11/1951:5, 05/07/1953:4
Crowell, Marian Tubman
Son born, 05/07/1953:4
Crowell, Marion E.
Collides with South Dartmouth auto at Four Corners, 11/22/1951:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Crowell, Marion E. Tubman
Son born, 01/11/1951:5
Crowell, Mary Frances
Obituary, 02/14/1952:2
Wife of Burpee E. dies at age 89, 02/14/1952:5
Crowell, Mrs Ellsworth
Leaves for West Coast to join husband, 04/17/1952:6
Crowley, Louise
Five girls from Dance Studio perform in Cambridge (p), 03/22/1951:1
Crowley, William P.
Obituary, 06/16/1950:8
Crown, Addie Robinson
Wedding described, 05/15/1952:2
Crowninshield, Katherine
Employed at sanatorium, 02/07/1952:4
Crowther, Alfred
Foreclosure notice, 04/09/1953:4
Crowther, Elizabeth A.
Loses alcohol license for 30 days, 07/17/1952:10
Crowther, John
Applies for liquor license transfer, 08/09/1951:5
Crowther's General Store
John Crowther applies for liquor license transfer, 08/09/1951:5
Loses alcohol license for 30 days, 07/17/1952:10
Crozier, Robert. see Robert Crozier Memorial Scholarship
Cruelty to Animals. see Animal Welfare
Crusade for Freedom
Begley is chair of local campaign, 11/22/1951:1
Crutchfield, Alice J.
Files for child support, 03/29/1951:5
Crutchfield, Alice J. Nourse
Engaged to Orrin Ellsworth Standish, 12/04/1952:5
Wed to Orrin Ellsworth Standish, 12/11/1952:7
Crutchfield, Alice Jean
Wedding described, 12/11/1952:9
Crutchfield, Samuel C.
Wife files for child support, 03/29/1951:5
Cucinotta, James P.
Manager of Fall River W.T. Grant store, 09/08/1950:7
Cudworth, Delia Frances
Dies at age 79, 07/31/1952:5
Obituary, 07/31/1952:7
Cudworth, Elisha G.
Selectmen to consider feud over Rock Pond, 05/19/1950:1
Hearing held on Rock Pond controversy, 06/09/1950:1
Cudworth, William Donald
Sent for induction into armed services, 10/09/1952:8
Cummings, Arthur G.
First Congregational chapel dedicated to minister who served for 48
years (p), 11/26/1953:1
Ministers' Association pays tribute to Cummings, 12/10/1953:1
Town mourns death of pastor (p), 04/15/1954:1
Petition for probate of will, 05/06/1954:7
Cummings, Arthur Gray
Obituary, 04/08/1954:1
Dies at age 82, 04/08/1954:6
Cummings, Evelina
Middleboro students prepare treats for overseas (p), 11/05/1953:1
Cummings, George F.
Disabled veteran seeks mother (l), 11/13/1952:2
Cummings, Natalie
Resides in Wellesley Hills, 12/01/1950:14
Cunningham, D.H.
High school boys organize strong ball team 50 years ago, 03/18/1954:7
Cunningham, James
Daughter born, 05/20/1954:7
Cunningham, Patricia
Engaged to Malcolm Duff, 05/01/1952:5
Wed to Malcolm Duff, 05/08/1952:7
Cunningham, Virginia Petrowski
Daughter born, 05/20/1954:7
Curley, Ethel A. Shaw
Son born, 01/25/1951:5
Curley, Ethel Shaw
Son born, 08/27/1953:7
Curley, Leo
Captain transfers to Alaska, 05/29/1952:3
Son born, 08/27/1953:7
Curley, Leo D.
Son born, 01/25/1951:5
Captain attends Associate Battery Officers Course, 06/14/1951:5
Captain completes Battery Officers School at Fort Bliss, TX,
Curley, Louisa
Obituary, 09/27/1951:4
Wife of James C. dies at age 57, 09/27/1951:4
Curley, Thomas
Postage machine put to work immediately (p), 08/05/1954:1
Curley, William H.
Couple feted by Canadian steamship line, 09/22/1950:1
West Side School has unique collection of foreign coins and money (p),
Currier, Helen
Employed at sanatorium, 11/08/1951:4
Currin, Catherine
Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1
Curtin, Edward J.
John Cabot Club holds ceremony to burn mortgage (p), 12/15/1950:1
Curtis, Lillian R.
Wed to Roland D. Letourneau, 12/16/1954:4
Curtis, Raymond W. see also Curtis Ford Sales
Purchase Ford dealership from Otis Randall, 11/06/1952:1
New No. 2 police cruiser (p), 05/28/1953:10
Curtis, Raymond W., Jr.
Candidate for Finance Committee, 12/09/1954:1
Curtis Ford Sales
Randall Motors' license transferred, 11/06/1952:4
70 Wareham St (ad), 11/06/1952:7
Petitions for increase in gas storage capacity (ad), 11/27/1952:8
Application for increased gas storage granted, 12/11/1952:5
Employs Myron Turnbull, 12/18/1952:1
John Hayward joins staff, 02/26/1953:1
Awarded bid for Police Department ranch wagon, 04/09/1953:1
Gets contract for garbage truck chassis, 04/16/1953:11
Local Ford headquarters (p), 07/29/1954:6
Smart, new '55 Ford now on display (p), 12/09/1954:12
Cushing, Edna
Father, Clarence Thomas, celebrates 80th birthday (p), 12/24/1953:1
Cushing, Elizabeth Smith
Son born, 10/14/1954:4
Cushing, Harold Harrison
Accepts post at Maine Vocational Technical Institute, 12/31/1953:3
Cushing, J. Stearns
Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises
(p), 06/30/1950:1
Student driver car presented to MHS (p), 12/22/1950:1
Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1
Named to regional civil defense committee, 02/01/1951:1
Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1
Teachers honor superintendent for 15 years of service (p), 05/22/1952:1
School Committee honors retiring members (p), 01/14/1954:10
School officials accept gift of audiometer (p), 03/11/1954:1
Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated
by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1
First outdoor MHS commencement exercises held here (p),
Jack & Jill Kindergarten holds graduation exercises (p), 07/01/1954:6
Cushing, Jean
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Cushing, Josiah
Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1
Cushing, Judy
Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises
(p), 06/30/1950:1
Cushing, Karen
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Cushing, Mary Pearl
Finishes 23rd in NE championship 10-miler, 07/12/1951:4
Obituary, 07/12/1951:10
Cushing, Matthew H.
Purchases Fuller St farm from W.H. Crosby 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8
Cushing, Pamela J.
Obituary, 04/16/1953:5
Cushing, Pamela Jean
Infant daughter of Harold H. and Hilda M. Witherly dies, 04/16/1953:7
Cushing, Ralph D.
Employed by Johnstown, PA firm 50 years ago, 04/08/1954:9
Cushing, Ralph Dexter
Dies at age 71, 09/10/1953:5
Obituary, 09/10/1953:10
Cushing, Robert
Son born, 10/14/1954:4
Cushing, Robert L.
Couple wins trip to Bermuda, 08/23/1951:1
Couple purchases South Main St homestead of Edith Gates,
Cushing, Ruth
Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10
Cushing, Ruth A.
Appointed to faculty of Union Street School, 02/10/1950:6
Washburn unit teacher given tenure, 04/03/1952:1
Cushman, Earl
Couple moves to new home on Vernon St, 08/25/1950:4
Cushman, Harlas L.
Town settles Cushman claim on land with water supply, 05/26/1952:1
Cushman, Howard
Leaves for reservist's training at Camp Drum, NY, 08/13/1953:6
Cushman, Howard C.
Engaged to Doris Sturgis, 12/04/1952:4
Cushman, Howard C., Jr.
Engaged to Doris Sturgis, 12/18/1952:10, 01/01/1953:8
Engaged to Doris M. Sturgis, 01/08/1953:5
Wed to Doris H. Sturgis, 01/22/1953:5
Cushman, Howard Cobb, Jr.
Wedding described, 01/15/1953:2
Cushman, Howard, Jr.
Engaged to Doris Marguerite Sturgis, 10/16/1952:4
Cushman, Jane
Accepts post at sanatorium, 06/04/1953:4
Cushman, John M.
Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4
Cushman, Lillian Elva
Wed to James Jasper Vigers, 08/18/1950:5
Cushman, Susan
Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1
Cushman, Viola S.
Town settles Cushman claim on land with water supply, 05/26/1952:1
Cusick, Mrs Eugene
Resides in Seekonk, 01/20/1950:12
Cutler, Barbara Vinal
Family joins Major in Germany, 12/02/1954:9
Cutler, Samuel G.
Telephone officer at Westover base, 12/08/1950:10
Cutting, Glenna Blakeney
Son born, 05/21/1953:6
Cutting, William
Son born, 05/21/1953:6
Cybulski, Walter
Engaged to Lorraine Hodgdon, 05/24/1951:7
Wedding described, 07/05/1951:4
Wed to Lorraine Hodgdon, 07/05/1951:5
Cyliuski, Walter
Engaged to Lorraine Hodgdon, 06/21/1951:5
Cyr, Gisele Brisson
Son born, 01/29/1953:4
Cyr, Henry
Son born, 01/29/1953:4
Cyr's Restaurant
Formerly The Capeway (ad), 04/16/1953:8
At junction of routes 28 and 44 (ad), 11/12/1953:8
Czaikowski, Joseph C.
Daughter born, 03/06/1952:5
Czaikowski, Lillian Rosa
Daughter born, 03/06/1952:5
Da Rosa, Eugenia B.
Files for divorce, 10/01/1953:5
Da Rosa, Joseph
Wife files for divorce, 10/01/1953:5
da Silva, Franscisco Marques
Petition for license to store gasoline, 09/24/1953:4
daCosta, Eleanor Joy
Daughter born, 03/10/1950:5
DaCosta, Francis
Engaged to Violet M. Landry, 07/02/1953:4
daCosta, Frederick, Jr.
Ordered back to submarine base in California, 09/15/1950:10
daCosta, Frederick W.
Candidate for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/13/1950:2, 01/13/1950:6
Takes out nomination papers for selectman, 11/22/1951:1
Profile of candidate for Finance Committee, 01/10/1952:2
Running for seat on Finance Committee, 12/13/1952:1
daCosta, Gertrude
Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5
Freshman at University of Massachusetts, 09/17/1953:7
Takes part in collegiate premiere of Carousel at UMass, 03/11/1954:9
On honor list at UMass, 04/15/1954:1
daCosta, John
Daughter born, 03/10/1950:5
DaCosta, June
Qualifies as clerk-typist with U.S. Civil Service, 05/22/1952:7
Dadario, Carol
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Daggett & Ramsdell
Debutante cosmetics (ad), 11/03/1950:6
Dahlberg, Carl A.
Son born, 04/10/1952:7
Dahlberg, Dorothy Stewart
Son born, 04/10/1952:7
Dahlin, Helen
Boston amnesia victim a former Middleboro resident, 01/08/1953:5
Dahlin, Marjorie Anna
Daughter of Emil A. and Anna Benson dies at age 25, 02/21/1952:5
Dahlquist, Albin
Couple moves into new district parsonage, 12/27/1951:8
Dahlquist, Diana
To sing with Boston University Glee Club overseas, 02/21/1952:6
Dahlquist, Diana M.
New music instructor at Bates School, 07/30/1953:1
Newly elected music teacher resigns, 08/13/1953:1
Resigns as music teacher at Bates, 08/20/1953:1
Dahlquist, G. Albin
Appointed to Asbury Methodist Church, Warwick, RI, 06/12/1952:1
Dahlquist, John
To sing with Boston University Glee Club overseas, 02/21/1952:6
Appointed to Franklin Methodist Church, Brockton, 06/12/1952:1
In Dean's List at Boston University, 09/04/1952:2
Dahlquist, John T.
Sings with Boston University Glee Club, 12/01/1950:9
Dahlquist, John Terrence
Boston University junior accepted as supply pastor in Rhode Island,
Wedding described, 11/08/1951:2
Dahlquist, Nancy
Resides in Providence, RI, 01/07/1954:8
Dahlquist, Nancy Mae
Studies piano at NE Conservatory of Music, 11/01/1951:5
Dairies. see also B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc.; Wiksten Bros.
Barn filthy, but milk not sold here, 05/14/1953:1
McIntire Dairy one of largest and finest in southeastern Massachusetts
(p), 10/01/1953:6
McIntire Dairy one of largest dairies in district (p), 01/21/1954:6
McIntire Dairy, quality products and friendly service, 04/15/1954:8
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Dairy Queen
Selectmen deny Sunday license to Joseph Chamberland, 05/31/1951:1
National rep requests reconsideration of license for Chamberland,
Chamberland turned down for second time, 06/28/1951:1
Chamberland takes license fight to superior court, 07/05/1951:1
Trial set for next week, 07/12/1951:1
Trial held on writ petition, 07/19/1951:1
Case goes to supreme court, 07/26/1951:1
Petition dismissed by superior court, 07/26/1951:1
Selectman Maddigan denies Chamberland's statement, 07/26/1951:1
Board of Health had no authority to deny license, 08/02/1951:1
Chamberland's attorney files appeal, 08/02/1951:4
Health Board gets letter from state commissioner, 08/09/1951:1
Selectmen receive copy of letter from state, 08/09/1951:6
Chamberland asks damages of $50,000, 09/13/1951:1
Properties of selectmen attached in $50,000 damage suit, 09/20/1951:1
Citizens sign request on Chamberland's behalf, 10/18/1951:1
Selectmen engage counsel in damage suit, 11/22/1951:1
Selectmen deny liability for damages, 12/20/1951:1
Chamberland applies for 1952 license, 02/07/1952:1
Chamberland suit argued in Boston, 02/14/1952:1
Hale advises selectmen to wait on pending court cases, 02/21/1952:1
Chamberland wins appeal, 04/10/1952:1
Full text of order that selectmen issue license to Chamberland,
Health board obeys high court, grants license to Chamberland,
Wanted, local couple to manage store (ad), 04/24/1952:6
Opened at last, 05/08/1952:2
Selectmen take no action on Sunday license application, 05/08/1952:5
May prosecute damage suit, 05/15/1952:1
Corner of East Grove and South Main St (ad), 05/15/1952:8
Sunday license still tabled, 05/22/1952:1
Chamberland not looking for hostility in seeking Sunday license,
Selectmen delay action on Sunday license, 05/26/1952:1
Joseph Chamberland issued license renewal, 02/12/1953:5
Gets Sunday license, 03/19/1953:1
Petition for sign approved, 04/02/1953:1
Hours change (ad), 09/03/1953:9
Wanted, neat young man willing to work nights (ad), 03/18/1954:9
New store hours (ad), 05/27/1954:11
New hours (ad), 09/02/1954:2
Daisy Do-Nut Restaurant
W. Gardner Brown sells business to Mr and Mrs Russell Shurtleff,
Shurtleffs receive license necessary to operate remainder of year,
Daisy's Antique & Gift Shop
114 Oak St (ad), 12/13/1951:13
Daisy's Gift Shop
114 Oak St (ad), 10/27/1950:2
Dalberg, Nelson
Drowns in Long Pond, 08/28/1952:10
Daley, Thomas
Dies at age 56, 09/17/1953:6
Obituary, 09/17/1953:10
Petition for administration of estate, 12/10/1953:6
Dallas, Walter
Lieutenant to report to Westover Field, 05/29/1952:2
Dalton, J.H.
Caters firemen's ball 50 years ago, 01/21/1954:7
Daly, Charles
Son born, 10/08/1953:4
Daly, Charles F.
Police weigh evidence in Daly crash, 12/09/1954:4
Daly, Jacqueline Davis
Son born, 10/08/1953:4
Dame, Mary
Donald Viera charged with defacing Oak St home of Dame,
Dam not safe, boys climbing over for alewives, 04/19/1951:1
Selectmen fear effect of proposed dam on Nemasket flowage,
Nemasket River alewife dam repair discussed, 12/17/1953:1
Lawless lads pull planks from Muttock dam 50 years ago, 07/15/1954:8
Dance Instruction
Walter's School of Dancing gives first annual recital, 06/16/1950:2
Walter's School of Dancing, 25 North Main St (ad), 09/08/1950:3
Five girls from Louise Crowley Dance Studio perform in Cambridge
(p), 03/22/1951:1
Local pupils in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1
Muriel Durkin Fitzsimmons opens studio at 18 Coombs St,
Muriel Fitzsimmons' School of Dancing (ad), 09/27/1951:10
Yvonne Green's Dancing School (ad) (p), 11/22/1951:4
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Yvonne Green, dancing school (ad) (p), 09/04/1952:8
Walter's School of Dancing will not open this season due to illness (ad),
Dances and Dancing. see also Balls (parties)
Assembly of Rainbow Girls holds annual dance party, 01/06/1950:1
Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club
dance (p), 02/17/1950:1
Firemen's Relief Association dance attracts 200, 02/24/1950:6
Senior Scouts hold successful dance, 03/17/1950:10
Lewis Shaw's license renewed, 05/19/1950:2
Walter's School of Dancing student, Peggy Reynolds, participates in
concert in Boston, 06/02/1950:1
Square Dance Club forms, 03/01/1951:4
Square Dance Club formed at YMCA, 03/01/1951:7
Successful square dance held at Town House, 04/12/1951:6
Local square dance, Sachem Steppers, elects officers, 05/03/1951:4
Sachem Steppers' gingham ball attracts throng of square dancers (p),
Tap dancer Peggy Reynolds entertains in Brockton, 05/24/1951:1
Thelma and George Reynolds seek permit for Saturday dances at
Shaw's Fun House, 07/26/1951:6
Reynolds needs to submit proof of identity, 08/09/1951:1
Local women help entertain at army hospital dance (p), 09/18/1952:1
Square dance classes open at Odd Fellows Hall, 09/18/1952:2
Sachem Steppers co-sponsor 4th semi-annual Gingham Ball,
Janice West represents dance studio in Boston review, 08/20/1953:8
Sachem Steppers 1953 membership reaches 105, 01/28/1954:9
Two hundred attend square dance at Sacred Heart Church, 02/04/1954:5
Middleboro Town Twirlers square dance club, 02/11/1954:3
Dance floor full at first Boy's Band event of season 50 years ago,
Order of the Rainbow record hop a huge success, 03/11/1954:10
FFA teen dance raises $40 for Paquin fund, 03/18/1954:1
Three new couples join Midd-Town Twirlers Square Dance Club,
"Stardust" is theme of MHS Junior Prom, 04/15/1954:10
Local square dance caller, Walt Minnick, to appear on television (p),
Boys Band hold party 50 years ago, 11/25/1954:3
Dandley, Herbert
Pearl St couple moves to Nashua, NH, 02/17/1950:8
Dane, Donald
Born to Donald A. Keil, 12/15/1950:10
Daniel F. McNearney Insurance
152 Peirce St (ad), 12/02/1954:8
Danielson, John
Pearl St couple married 25 years, 02/03/1950:1
Enters Wilbraham Academy, 09/29/1950:5
Couple purchase home of late Dr A. Vincent Smith, 02/08/1951:5
Danielson, John, Jr.
Graduates from Wilbraham Academy, 06/07/1951:1
Enrolls in Air Force ROTC at Tufts, 02/28/1952:9
Elected class secretary at Tufts, 05/07/1953:1
Re-elected class secretary at Tufts, 05/06/1954:1
Danks, George
Family resides in Manchester, CT, 07/28/1950:10
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Dann, August Ditleff
Dies at age 71, 06/12/1952:6
Obituary, 06/12/1952:12
Dann, Robert J.
Engaged in gunnery tests at Camp Rucker, AL, 06/05/1952:10
Fined $75 for drunk driving, 03/25/1954:7
Dann, Robert James
Leaves for induction in Boston, 02/08/1951:10
Darling, Bette G.
Petition to mortgage real estate, 10/15/1953:5
Darling, Bette Vigers
Son born, 06/19/1952:5, 06/04/1953:4
Darling, Eleanor Horn
Daughter born, 06/16/1950:7
Son born, 12/20/1951:7
Darling, Lester, Jr.
Daughter born, 06/16/1950:7
Son born, 12/20/1951:7
Darling, Robert
Son born, 06/19/1952:5, 06/04/1953:4
Darling, Robert M.
Wed to Bette G. Vigers, 11/15/1951:7
Petition to mortgage real estate, 10/15/1953:5
Darney, Edward
Obituary, 11/19/1953:5
Boston man dies at age 62, 11/19/1953:6
DaRocha, John M.
Wed to Mary A. Arruda, 06/11/1953:4
Dary, Jacqueline
Born to Leon, Jr., 04/08/1954:5
Dary, Leon, Jr.
Engaged to Pauline Saunders, 05/22/1952:9, 06/12/1952:3,
Daughter born, 03/18/1954:4, 04/08/1954:5, 06/24/1954:2
Dary, Leon L., Jr.
Engaged to Pauline Saunders, 09/06/1951:7, 06/12/1952:7
Wed to Pauline Saunders, 07/03/1952:5
Dary, Leon Lenard, Jr.
Wedding described, 05/26/1952:6
Dary, Mrs Leon L., Jr.
Resides in Philadelphia, PA, 08/28/1952:10
Dary, Pauline Saunders
Graduates from Curtis Institute, 05/14/1953:1
Daughter born, 03/18/1954:4
Dascoulias, Angelo
Must pay $4 for support of child, 01/20/1950:8
Engaged to Helen Tarr, 02/17/1950:6
Daughter born, 12/22/1950:7
Granted television license for Central Cafe, 05/03/1951:5
Daughter born, 07/02/1953:4
Dascoulias, Angelo N.
Engaged to Helen M. Tarr, 02/17/1950:7
Wed to Helen M. Tarr, 03/03/1950:5
Central Cafe under investigated for sale of liquor to minor,
Dascoulias, Dimitra
Truck owned by Maleski and Dascoulias slides off highway,
Dascoulias, Dimitria
The Fruit Outlet, twin sisters Maleski and Dascoulias (p), 08/20/1953:6
Dascoulias, Dimmie
The Fruit Outlet under new management (ad), 04/21/1950:10
The Fruit Outlet, wholesale and retail, 121 Center St (p), 12/10/1953:8
The Fruit Outlet, renowned for quality fruit, 03/18/1954:6
And Bessie Maleski sell The Fruit Outlet to Manuel Abren and Phillip
Falconeiri, 04/29/1954:1
Dascoulias, Helen Tarr
Daughter born, 12/22/1950:7, 07/02/1953:4
Dastous, Alfred
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Datsenko, Theodore S.
Husband of Gertrude Manders dies at age 64, 06/18/1953:4
Obituary, 06/18/1953:10
Petition for probate of will, 07/30/1953:5
Daughters of the American Revolution - Nemasket Chapter
Joan Bissonnette receives DAR Good Citizenship Award, 03/08/1951:1
Mary Rudolph winner of Good Citizenship award, 03/06/1952:5
Alice Moranville chosen DAR Good Citizen for MHS, 03/19/1953:1
Cynthia Sowyrda presented Good Citizenship Award, 02/11/1954:1
Dave's Auto Body and Paint Shop
E.R. David, corner of Wareham and Wood St (ad), 01/20/1950:7
David, Beverly
Wed to Murray Alberts, 01/06/1950:2
David, Beverly Ruth
Wed to Murray Alberts, 01/13/1950:5
David, E.R.
Dave's Auto Body and Paint Shop, corner of Wareham and Wood St
(ad), 01/20/1950:7
David, Eugene
Fined $100 for operating uninsured car, 01/25/1951:8
David, Eugene R.
Charged with operating unregistered, uninsured vehicle, 12/29/1950:8
Daughter born, 03/22/1951:5
David, Gertrude Fox
Daughter born, 03/22/1951:5
Davidson, Douglas K.
Engaged to Eleanor C. Rogers, 11/03/1950:1
Wed to Eleanor C. Rogers, 06/19/1952:5
Davidson, Douglas Kinney
Engaged to Eleanor Catherine Rogers, 05/29/1952:5
Davidson, Eleanor
Resides in Alexandria, VA, 07/10/1952:5
Davidzuk, Emil
Son born, 07/09/1953:4
Davidzuk, Pauline Madder
Son born, 07/09/1953:4
Davies, Caryl Lee
Engaged to Charles E. Harris, Jr., 02/01/1951:5
Davies, Shirley V.
Engaged to Bayard W. Peabody, 10/13/1950:4
Davis, Alexander B.
Old Stone House Antiques, Rte 28 (ad), 08/19/1954:2
Davis, Benjamin
Gets one month for drunkenness, 09/08/1950:2
Davis, Benjamin F.
Helen Parkhurst charges Davis with trespassing, 12/13/1951:5
Davis, Clifford
Brockton man dies, 09/10/1953:4
Davis, Dorothy
Resides in Chatham, 06/09/1950:7
Enrolls in nursing school in Boston, 09/29/1950:12
Resides in Newton, 11/17/1950:11
Completes nursery training course in Boston, 05/31/1951:1
Assumes teaching duties in Pittsfield, 09/06/1951:8
Employed at Pittsfield Nursery School, 04/30/1953:6
Assumes teaching post at kindergarten in Arlington, CA, 09/23/1954:4
Davis, Dorothy Marie
Graduates from Nursery Training School in Boston, 05/31/1951:5
Davis, Ellis M.
Couple injured when car tips over on Everett St, 10/06/1950:8
Davis, Eugene
Dies at Veterans' Hospital in Vermont, 11/24/1950:8
Davis, George
Returns to USS Helena in San Francisco, CA, 12/15/1950:7
Arrive in Japan, 04/26/1951:7
Receives 20-year service pin from Cities Service Co., 05/24/1951:6
Serves on USS Helena, transporting Eisenhower to Korea, 12/11/1952:1
Employed in Quincy, 11/05/1953:7
Seaman arrives on east coast, 11/26/1953:4
Davis, George E.
Engaged to Meredith M. Caswell, 07/19/1951:9
Engaged to Meredith Caswell, 09/06/1951:8
Has non-paralytic polio, 09/23/1954:4
Davis, George E., Jr.
Leaves for naval training at Great Lakes Training Station, IL,
Engaged to Meredith M. Caswell, 09/20/1951:7
Wedding described, 10/04/1951:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Davis, George E., Jr. continued
Wed to Meredith M. Caswell, 10/11/1951:4
Storekeeper seaman returns from Korean waters, 12/20/1951:7
Takes part in Pacific naval exercise, 03/27/1952:7
Davis, George, Jr.
Daughter born, 11/12/1953:6
Family moves to new apartment in Middleboro, 12/10/1953:11
Davis, Guy
Couple has unusual blossoms on black eyed Susan plant, 07/01/1954:7
Davis, Guy C.
Applies for liquor license, 10/27/1950:12
House moved from Wareham St to Corinne Parkway, 10/04/1951:1
Davis, Jane C.
Wed to Alonzo H. Libby, 01/28/1954:5
Davis, M.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Davis, Madeline
Couple injured when car tips over on Everett St, 10/06/1950:8
Davis, Marjorie Shaw
Resides in Eustis, FL, 08/04/1950:7
Davis, Meredith Caswell
Employed at sanatorium, 12/11/1952:1
Daughter born, 11/12/1953:6
Davis, Miles
MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1
Employed by Industrial Spray Painting, Inc., 08/12/1954:6
Davis, Miles S.
Car rolls over on Wareham St, 12/17/1953:10
Davis, Minnie
Employed at Trust Co., 08/21/1952:4
Davis, Mrs George, Jr.
Resigns from sanatorium, 01/15/1953:6
Davis, Nathan Irving
Engaged to Blanche Louise Lessard, 11/13/1952:7
Davis, Raymond
Runaway skips after one day of school, caught in New Bedford,
Davis, Richard
Home after discharge from army, 08/25/1950:4
Corporal home for Christmas for first time in six years, 12/31/1953:5
Davis, Richard A.
Discharged after three years in U.S. Army, 08/18/1950:10
Private 1st Class arrives safely in Germany, 09/22/1950:10
Returns from Germany, re-enlists in army, 08/27/1953:9
Sergeant stationed at Fort Knox, KY, 06/10/1954:12
Davis, Roger
MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p),
Davis, Virginia Francis
Wed to Edwin Churchill, 04/26/1951:7
Davis, Wayne
Serves on heavy cruiser USS Newport News, 03/26/1953:10
Advanced in rating on board USS Newport News, 06/11/1953:3
Davis, W.H.
Public auction (ad), 07/21/1950:3
Davison, George C.
Awarded school transportation contract, 04/12/1951:1
Dawson, Elizabeth Harwood
Daughter born, 08/02/1951:5
Dawson, Richard
Daughter born, 08/02/1951:5
Dawson, William
Wedding described, 07/01/1954:12
Day, William
South Carver man dies in fire, 05/05/1950:1
Day Care. see Child Care
Dayton, Robert
Allerton man purchases Four Corners Cafe from John Perkins,
Dayton, Robert C.
John Perkins applies to transfer liquor license to Dayton, 01/07/1954:5
License transfer approved, 01/14/1954:10
Deagle (Mr)
Sells Plymouth St home to Mortimer, 09/03/1953:6
Dealtry, Mabel Perkins
Denounces plans for high school (l), 02/03/1950:1
Playground super and assistant super comment on letter (l),
Dean, Allen
Charles Goodwin purchases diner at Everett Square from Powers and
Dean, 01/17/1952:1
Dean, Allen M.
Everett Square Diner co-owner fined $150 for gaming nuisance,
Dean, Annie W.
Petition for probate of will, 08/18/1950:5
Dean, Annie Wood
Widow of Valentine dies at age 74, 06/30/1950:5
Obituary, 06/30/1950:6
Dean, Charles
Couple moves to new home on Bloomfield Ave, 01/17/1952:5
MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4
Dean, George A.
Purchases Pearl St house from George Phillips, 11/25/1954:2
Dean, Herbert A.
Notice of tax taking, 09/10/1953:9, 02/04/1954:9
Dean, Mary Edna Tabor
Wed to Ademord Joseph Gagnon, 10/29/1953:5
Dean, Mrs Charles
Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1
Dean, Othello E.
Obituary, 08/09/1951:4
Husband of Esther W. dies at age 86, 08/09/1951:5
Dean, Pauline Emma
Widow of Frederick dies at age 82, 07/02/1953:4
Obituary, 07/02/1953:7
Dean, Sheila
Receives MHS Silver M award, 05/28/1953:1
Enrolls at LaSalle Junior College, Auburndale, 09/17/1953:2
On Dean's List at Lasell Junior College, 12/10/1953:12
On Dean's List for entire year at Lasell Junior College, 04/22/1954:12
Accepted at Deaconess School of Nursing, 06/10/1954:10
Dean, Shelia L.
Begins nursing career at Deaconess Hospital, 09/16/1954:7
Deane, Annie W.
Announcement of will reading, 12/04/1952:5
Deane, Barbara
Who's who in MHS senior class, 04/10/1952:5
Deane, Barbara A.
Engaged to Robert Kinney, 06/19/1952:5
Wed to Robert Kinney, 07/10/1952:5
Deane, Barbara Amanda
Engaged to Robert L. Kinney, 07/12/1951:8
Wedding described, 07/10/1952:8
Deane, Faye
Middleboro faculty honors retired teacher, 11/04/1954:1
Deane, Faye H.
Returns from three months in Europe, 07/28/1950:7
Teacher resigns from Bates School after 49-year career, 08/12/1954:1
Retires from Bates School, 09/16/1954:5
Deane, George E.
Resumes studies at Brown University, 01/06/1950:7
Named to Dean's List at Brown University, 10/20/1950:8
Graduates with distinction from Brown University (p), 06/05/1952:1
Appointed Research Technician at University of Connecticut,
Graduates from University of Connecticut, 06/17/1954:1
Engaged in naval research (p), 06/24/1954:1
Engaged to Doris L. Eaton, 07/08/1954:8
Engaged to Doris Eaton, 09/16/1954:4
Wedding described (p), 10/14/1954:3
Wed to Doris Eaton, 10/14/1954:4
Deane, George Edward
Named to Dean's List at Brown University, 03/22/1951:7, 11/08/1951:1
Honored at Brown University, 03/20/1952:2
Deane, George P.
Elected to Board of Directors of Barbour Welting Co., Brockton,
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Deane, George P. continued
East Grove St couple married 25 years, 09/18/1952:9
Deane, John
Daughter born, 10/14/1954:4
Daughter, 11/04/1954:9
Deane, John M.
Completes basic training at Fort Dix, NJ, 03/31/1950:3
Obituary, 04/14/1950:5
Petition for probate of will, 04/21/1950:4
Promoted to Sergeant with Engineer Construction Battalion in Seoul,
Korea, 10/30/1952:4
Engaged to Rhoda E. Anderson, 02/25/1954:4
Wed to Rhoda E. Anderson, 04/22/1954:6
Deane, John Mason
Dies at age 84, 04/14/1950:6
Deane, Kris
Born to John and Rhoda Anderson, 11/04/1954:9
Deane, Philip B.
Returns from three months in Europe, 07/28/1950:7
Named to board of governors of American Red Cross, 06/24/1954:1
Deane, Rhoda Anderson
Daughter born, 10/14/1954:4
Daughter, 11/04/1954:9
Deane, Shirley Sault
Daughter born, 01/13/1950:5
Deane, Teddy
Six-year-old gives reading at grange meeting, 12/08/1950:7
Deane, Theodore
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Deane, Theodore V.
Files nomination papers for Board of Assessors, 11/15/1951:1
Runs for Board of Assessors, 12/13/1951:1
Profile of candidate for Finance Committee, 01/10/1952:1
Thanks voters (ad), 01/24/1952:11
Deane, Virginia May
Dies at age 46, 08/11/1950:5
Obituary, 08/11/1950:6
Deane, W.
Eastvale Dahlia Farms, third annual visitors day (ad), 09/04/1952:4
Deane, Wilfred
Daughter born, 01/13/1950:5
Dean-Morris Shoe Co.
Bookkeeper, stenographer wanted (ad), 06/16/1950:12
Enlarges factory, adds 60 to 90 workers, 11/15/1951:1
Typist wanted for bookkeeping, billing, and payroll (ad), 06/11/1953:10
DeArruda, Alfred
Attends University of Massachusetts, 11/17/1950:5
Engaged to Nancy Crane, 06/07/1951:10
Engaged to Nancy Crain, 08/09/1951:5
Engaged to Nancy Crane, 09/06/1951:5
Wed to Nancy Crane, 09/13/1951:5
Son born, 09/11/1952:5
Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4
DeArruda, Alfred M.
Wedding described, 09/13/1951:2
DeArruda, Catherine McPherson
Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4
DeArruda, Catherine Pherson
Son born, 04/10/1952:7
DeArruda, Dennis
Son born, 04/10/1952:7
DeArruda, Dennis Joseph
Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4
DeArruda, Edmund
Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1
DeArruda, Edmund I.
Nineteen-year-old reported missing, 08/13/1953:1
Lifeless body found in car off Plain St, 08/20/1953:1
DeArruda, Edmund Irving
Son of Augustus and Elsie Irving dies at age 19, 08/20/1953:4
DeArruda, Jennie Joaquin
Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4
DeArruda, June Smith
Son born, 01/07/1954:4
DeArruda, Manuel
Engaged to Rose Gerrior, 08/18/1950:5
Wed to Rose Gerrior, 09/22/1950:5
Wedding described, 09/22/1950:8
DeArruda, Mary I.
Petition for administration of estate, 09/25/1952:5
DeArruda, Mary V.
Engaged to Thomas A. Perry, 12/02/1954:4
Wed to Thomas A. Perry, 12/09/1954:4
DeArruda, Mary Violet
Engaged to Thomas A. Perry (p), 05/06/1954:1
Wedding described, 12/09/1954:8
DeArruda, Nancy Crane
Son born, 09/11/1952:5
Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4
DeArruda, Robert
Wed to June L. Smith, 09/17/1953:6
Graduate at annual FFA banquet, 11/26/1953:10
Son born, 01/07/1954:4
DeArruda, Robert A.
Engaged to June L. Smith, 09/10/1953:5
Wedding described, 09/17/1953:6
DeArruda, Theodore
Eagles champs of Inter-city Bowling League (p), 09/06/1951:1
Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4
DeArruda, Theodore W.
Engaged to Jennie Louise Joaquin, 10/18/1951:5
Wed to Jennie Louise Joaquin, 10/25/1951:5
Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9
DeArruda, Theodore William
Wedding described, 11/01/1951:8
Deaths - Middleboro
One hundred seventy three in 1953, 02/04/1954:8
Debbie's Beauty Salon
55 School St (ad), 01/25/1951:2
Open Saturdays (ad), 06/11/1953:6
Open full time (ad), 10/07/1954:5
deBoer, Ranald
Son born, 07/26/1951:5
deBoer, Virginia Wood
Son born, 07/26/1951:5
DeCamp, Ernest
MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p),
DeCelle, Barbara Frances
Engaged to Glenn Joseph Carew, 02/19/1953:5, 03/05/1953:7
DeCoff, C.
Painting and decorating, 106 Pearl St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
DeCoff, Clifford
Cambridge St couple married 25 years, 07/03/1952:1
Closes business temporarily (ad), 12/04/1952:10
Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts
National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1
DeCoff, Clifford G.
Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7
Painter fractures leg in fall from ladder, 12/04/1952:4
DeCosta, Francis
Wed to Violet Landry, 07/09/1953:5
Gets three months for drunkenness, 11/18/1954:12
DeCosta, Frank
Gets one month for loitering and idleness, 12/08/1950:2
DeCourcy, George Paul
Engaged to Eleanor Carol Otterson, 08/20/1953:4
Wedding described, 07/01/1954:5
DeCourt, Mary
Engaged to William E. Card, 10/22/1953:7
Wed to William E. Card, 11/12/1953:6
DeCouto, Herb
Mitchell Memorial Club 1950 baseball team (p), 09/29/1950:10
DeCunha, Louis
Son born, 10/20/1950:5
DeCunha, Mary Roderiques
Son born, 10/20/1950:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Dee, June Marilyn
Wedding described, 07/07/1950:8
Runs into Rosen's auto on Rte 28, 01/06/1950:1
Doe found dead on Plymouth St, 11/15/1951:1
Soldier wrecks car trying to avoid deer, 11/15/1951:1
Clyde Aikens hits deer on Summer St, 12/27/1951:5
Struck by train; another strikes Gurney's auto, 11/26/1953:5
Second deer killed by motorist this week, 12/02/1954:1
Sharon motorist collides with deer on Rte 28, 12/02/1954:8
Efforts to save crippled deer from river in vain, 12/30/1954:1
Deer Hunting
Leo Gamache fined $100 for hunting deer in closed season,
Nearest check in station in Assonet this year, 12/01/1950:1
Several local hunters get their venison, report incomplete, 12/13/1951:1
Only 23 deer checked into local station, 12/27/1951:3
Roy Cook gets deer opening day, 12/10/1953:1
Hunting report, 12/09/1954:4
Three generations of Thomas family have hunting success; many
hunters bring home venison, 12/16/1954:1
Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3
Deering, Florence White
MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1
Defense Industry
Lobl Mfg., young women wanted for work on Army raincoats (ad),
Leonard & Barrows gets $556,000 contract, 07/05/1951:1
Leonard & Barrows awarded $113,000 army contract, 07/19/1951:1
Degarde, August Neves, Jr.
Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1
Degree of Pocahontas - Assawompsett Council
Observes 25th anniversary, 04/14/1950:2
Observes 26th anniversary, 03/15/1951:12
Observes 27th anniversary, 04/03/1952:10
Mary Perkins presents afghan to Great Pocahontas Evelita Shepard (p),
Observes 28th anniversary, 04/02/1953:5
Notes 29th anniversary, 04/01/1954:2
Deich, Florence Harris
Daughter born, 10/20/1950:5
Deich, Samuel
Daughter born, 10/20/1950:5
School Guidance Department director resigns, takes post in Ludlow,
Family moves to Ludlow, 04/29/1954:6
Deimel, Alan
Engaged to Joan Dorothy Zilonis, 12/24/1953:5
Deimel, Peter
Engaged to Joan Zilonis, 04/01/1954:9
Deimel, Peter A.
Engaged to Joan D. Zilonis, 04/22/1954:6
Wed to Joan D. Zilonis, 04/29/1954:4
Deimel, Peter Alan
Wedding described (p), 04/29/1954:2
DeJesus, Henry
Lakeville Lakers make fine record (p) (t), 04/23/1953:1
DeJesus, Henry, Jr.
Lakeville Lakers make fine record (p) (t), 04/23/1953:1
Delaney, James T.
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Delano, Annette Perkins
Daughter born, 10/06/1950:5
Son born, 09/17/1953:6
Delano, Herman
Aunt dies in Andover, 03/29/1951:4
Delano, Ray, Jr.
Son born, 09/17/1953:6
Delano, Ray O.
Lakeville Animal Hospital (ad), 04/28/1950:9
Animal hospital changes hours (ad), 06/02/1950:3
Veterinarian, Main St, Lakeville (ad), 07/07/1950:4
Daughter born, 10/06/1950:5
Delano, Ray O. continued
Doctor's office closed Wednesdays instead of Thursdays (ad),
Veterinarian saves life of Bridgewater pony, 06/24/1954:8
Delano, Ray O., Jr.
Requests permit to erect two signs, 04/24/1952:6
Delano, Susan
Breaks hip in fall, 03/08/1951:4
Delano, Susan Allen
Obituary, 06/21/1951:4
Dies at age 85, 06/21/1951:5
Delfino, Conrad F.
Engaged to Eleanor R. Caswell, 10/06/1950:1, 11/24/1950:5
Wed to Eleanor R. Caswell, 12/08/1950:5
Wedding described, 12/08/1950:6
Delfino, Mrs Conrad
Resides in Phoenix, NY, 12/04/1952:6
D'Elia, Joseph S.
Injured playing donkey basketball, 05/26/1952:10
Appointed substitute mail carrier, 08/19/1954:1
D'Elia, Joseph S., Jr.
Receives highest award in Cub Scouts, 06/03/1954:1
D'Elia, Mrs Sylvania
Employed at sanatorium, 08/19/1954:10
D'Elia, Richard
Chin cut requires stitches, 11/20/1952:9
Delicatessens. see Panesis, Thomas
Dellarocco, Carl
Will receive discharge after service overseas, 04/03/1952:1
Sergeant separates from service at Fort Devens, 06/12/1952:9
Original member of Western Song Pals, 02/04/1954:3
Dellarocco, Dennis
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Dellarocco, Joseph S.
Seaman visits ports all over the world, 07/05/1951:1
USS Roberts makes port -of-call at Athens, Greece, 08/16/1951:8
DeLong, Bertha
To succeed Ruth Gregson as St. Luke's administrator, 08/23/1951:1
High school presents check for $210 to Perry Fund (p), 04/02/1953:1
New operating table arrives at St Luke's (p), 03/18/1954:1
Eagles Auxiliary donates $600 to St. Luke's (p), 11/04/1954:4
DeLong, Bertha L.
Assumes duties as administrator at St. Luke's, 09/06/1951:8
Elected Fellow in American College of Hospital Administration,
St Luke's fund campaign opens (p), 07/08/1954:1
Lt. Gov. speaks on behalf of St. Luke's building fund campaign (p),
DeLongchamps, Frannie
Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1
DeLongchamps, Maurice
With 483rd Combat Engineers training at Camp Drum, NY,
Trains with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum (p), 07/17/1952:1
DeLongchamps, Richard
Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1
Enlists in Navy, training at Bainbridge, MD (p), 07/10/1952:1
Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1
Local navy man pictured in Cuba (p), 12/03/1953:1
DelVecchio, Dominick A.
Engaged to Adelia N. Ruzycki, 10/14/1954:4
Wed to Adelia N. Ruzycki, 11/18/1954:6
DelVecchio, Frank
Drunkenness and assault cases continued, 07/30/1953:3
Fined $10 for drunkenness, $25 for assaulting Pierce, 08/06/1953:8
DeMaranville, James
Resides in East Bridgewater, 02/17/1950:6
DeMaranville, James, Jr.
Resides in Kingston, 08/09/1951:5
DeMaranville, Kenneth
Auto dealer and garage licenses renewed, 03/24/1950:1
DeMaranville, Maude
Ends 33 years of service as teacher, 06/10/1954:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
DeMarco, Ann DeCosta
Daughter born, 09/13/1951:5
DeMarco, George
Daughter born, 09/13/1951:5
Demarion, Rose
Granted victualler's license, 11/01/1951:1
DeMello, Edward
Lakeville purchases new firefighting equipment from Maxim Motor Co.
(p), 01/25/1951:1
DeMello, Edward C.
Wed to Adeline Domingos Diaz, 09/08/1950:5
Demers, Allan
Transfers from USS Randolph to USS Cabot, 11/18/1954:9
Stationed in Philadelphia, PA, 12/02/1954:2
Demers, Allen
Engaged to Marjorie Smith, 05/15/1952:6
Stationed in Cuba, 11/05/1953:11
Local navy man pictured in Cuba (p), 12/03/1953:1
Stationed at Norfolk Naval Base, VA, 01/07/1954:9
Son born, 10/07/1954:7
Demers, Allen D.
Brockton woman hospitalized after Rte 28 crash, 03/13/1952:6
Pleads not guilty to reckless driving, 03/20/1952:9
Guilty of reckless driving, 04/10/1952:14
Engaged to Marjorie K. Smith, 06/05/1952:7
Wed to Marjorie K. Smith, 06/12/1952:7
Seaman awaits assignment in Atlantic area (p), 10/15/1953:1
Serves on board attack aircraft carrier USS Randolph, 02/04/1954:9
Demers, Allen David
Engaged to Marjorie Katherine Smith, 12/27/1951:4
Wedding described, 06/12/1952:11
Demers, Buddy
Egger Furnituremen 1950 Twilight League champions (p),
Mitchell Memorial Club 1950 baseball team (p), 09/29/1950:10
New manager of Egger's baseball team, 02/15/1951:7
Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1
Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (p) (t),
Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1
Demers, Dave
Key player in Little League (p), 06/25/1953:4
Leads Little League with .500 average, 07/08/1954:7
Named to Little League All-Stars (p), 07/22/1954:1
Demers, David
Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1
Demers, Donald M.
Navy fireman returns from Mediterranean cruise, 01/20/1950:10
Fined $5 for drunkenness, 07/01/1954:5
Demers, Donald Mervin
Reported straggler from USS Wright, 05/03/1951:7
Demers, Marjorie
Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1
Demers, Marjorie E. Gates
Daughter born, 05/17/1951:4
Demers, Marjorie Smith
Son born, 10/07/1954:7
Demers, Mona
George Powers opens dairy bar at the circle (p), 06/14/1951:11
Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5
Engaged to William Sukeforth, 12/10/1953:14, 05/27/1954:7
Engaged to William Sukeforth, Jr., 06/17/1954:4
Wedding described, 06/24/1954:10
Demers, Mona A.
Wed to William L. Sukeforth, Jr., 06/24/1954:4
Demers, Ronald
Eagles raise $400 for amputee, 09/25/1952:1
Demers, William A.
Providence burglar charged with assault on Demers, 08/25/1950:1
Demers, William L.
Pleads nolo to charge of negligent driving, 02/08/1951:8
Daughter born, 05/17/1951:4
DeMille, Leo
Engaged to Vivianne Belanger, 05/19/1950:6
The Democratic Club of Middleboro
New organization headed by Edward Morrisey, 10/28/1954:1
Politicians sink to new low (l) (E.H. Lynch), 10/06/1950:4
Local group endorses Dever, 11/03/1950:7
Albert Heath named chair of town committee, 05/29/1952:8
Town committee organizes 50 years ago, 01/28/1954:8
Lorenzo Wood and Timothy Creedon named delegates 50 years ago,
Albert Heath named state election coordinator, 09/16/1954:1
New club, The Democratic Club of Middleboro, forms, 10/28/1954:1
Demolition (building)
Gravestone found during demolition at 158 Center St, 06/17/1954:10
Ernest Maxim's Wareham St garage razed, 09/02/1954:4
Charlton Building on South Main St razed, 10/14/1954:9
DeMoranville, Alan
Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises
(p), 06/30/1950:1
DeMoranville, Allan
Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6
Couple moves to new home on Center St, 08/25/1950:4
DeMoranville, Audrey
Engaged to Charles Joseph Bradford, 02/07/1952:9
Wedding described, 02/14/1952:3
DeMoranville, Bertram, Jr.
Son born, 04/23/1953:7
DeMoranville, Carlton
Prompter at Shaw's Fun House (ad), 09/01/1950:10
DeMoranville, Clara Homen
Son born, 04/23/1953:7
DeMoranville, David Lee
Obituary, 12/23/1954:3
Infant son of Robert E. and Lois Malaguti dies, 12/23/1954:4
DeMoranville, Donald
Private stationed at Fort Dix, NJ, 10/02/1952:9, 11/20/1952:10
Heading to Far East after 17-day furlough, 01/22/1953:7
DeMoranville, Donald O.
Discharged from U.S. Army, 07/22/1954:1
DeMoranville, Donald Oscar
VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1
DeMoranville, Dorothy May Tower
Daughter born, 05/03/1951:5
DeMoranville, Dorothy Tower
Son born, 03/04/1954:4
DeMoranville, Harold
Son born, 03/04/1954:4
DeMoranville, Harold C.
Daughter born, 05/03/1951:5
DeMoranville, Howard
Shed destroyed by fire, 08/02/1951:4
DeMoranville, Howie
Lakeville Lakers make fine record (p) (t), 04/23/1953:1
DeMoranville, James H.
Engaged to Louise L. Walker, 02/14/1952:4
Wed to Louise L. Walker, 02/21/1952:5
DeMoranville, L.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
DeMoranville, Leo
Daughter born, 01/04/1951:5
DeMoranville, Leona Beryl
Engaged to David Irving Wright (p), 10/21/1954:1
DeMoranville, Leona DesRosiers
Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6
DeMoranville, Lois Malaguti
Son born, 07/01/1954:6
DeMoranville, Louise L. Marigold
Wife of James H. dies at age 66, 06/25/1953:5
Obituary, 06/25/1953:10
DeMoranville, Malcolm
Assawampsett School janitor succeeded by William Mann,
DeMoranville, Martha
Wed to Earle R. Vigers, 08/07/1952:6
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
DeMoranville, Martha Elaine
Engaged to Earl R. Vigers, 03/13/1952:8
DeMoranville, Mrs Leon
Sister dies in Attleboro, 04/21/1950:3
DeMoranville, Nellie May
Obituary, 10/16/1952:4
Wife of Gordon E. dies at age 55, 10/16/1952:5
Demoranville, Olive L.
Obituary, 11/11/1954:6
DeMoranville, Olive Loretta
Wife of Leon dies at age 60, 11/11/1954:6
DeMoranville, Richard
Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
DeMoranville, Robert
Son born, 07/01/1954:6
DeMoranville, Robert E.
Engaged to Lois E. Malaguti, 08/28/1952:5
Wed to Lois E. Malaguti, 09/11/1952:5
DeMoranville, Robert Earl
Engaged to Lois Elizabeth Malaguti, 01/03/1952:6
DeMoranville, Shirley Packard
Daughter born, 01/04/1951:5
DeMoranville, Thomas J.
Engaged to Maude E. Hammond, 12/01/1950:14
Wed to Maude E. Hammond, 12/08/1950:5
DeMoranville. Thomas Job
Obituary, 06/10/1954:6
Dies at age 58, 06/10/1954:7
Dempsey, Jane Elizabeth
Wedding described, 07/09/1953:8
Denehy, Daniel F.
Petition for probate of will, 07/09/1953:7
Denham, Annie Louise
Obituary, 07/24/1952:3
Dies at age 82, 07/24/1952:5
Denham, Barbara Atherton
Daughter born, 07/09/1953:4
Denham, Lester
Daughter born, 07/09/1953:4
Highland St barn destroyed by fire, 04/01/1954:1
Denham, William J.
Inducted into armed forces, 02/14/1952:1
Leaves for army induction (p), 02/21/1952:1
Denison, Barbara Clark
Wedding described, 09/02/1954:9
Dennett, George Albert
Widower of Mary J. Lowell dies at age 85, 02/26/1953:5
Obituary, 02/26/1953:6
Dennett, John
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Denningham, Joyce Frederick
Daughter, 11/04/1954:4
Denningham, William
Daughter, 11/04/1954:4
Denningham, William J.
Rookie cop Richard Ray nabs alleged thief at Shaws. Inc., 11/11/1954:1
Gets suspended sentence for Shaw's break-in, 11/18/1954:1
Dennison, Ann
Wed to Joseph A. Lewis, Jr., 01/31/1952:5
Dennison, Ann L.
Wedding described, 02/14/1952:6
Denson, Charles
Son born, 10/09/1952:5
Denson, Edward L.
Enlists in U.S. Army, 01/07/1954:1
Denson, Ernest L. Jr.
Son born, 01/03/1952:5
Denson, Frances Tomasik
Son born, 01/03/1952:5
Denson, James E.
Engaged to Frances Mary Viera, 02/21/1952:2
Engaged to Frances M. Viera, 10/16/1952:5
Wed to Frances M. Viera, 10/30/1952:7
Denson, Mildred
Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p),
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club, 11/06/1952:4
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1
Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1
Denson, Mildred Washburn
Son born, 10/09/1952:5
Denson, Mrs Charles
Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for
sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1
T.W. Leach, 25 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Emanual Kline (ad), 05/26/1950:11
Five dentists register with Selective Service Board, 01/18/1951:1
George Canucci joins Gillis Turner's dental practice (ad),
Selective Service Board instructed to classify all physicians, dentists
and veterinarians, 07/31/1952:1
Dr Cannucci offers services free for children's clinic, 08/28/1952:1
Selective Service Board calls for two dentists, 09/11/1952:1
F. Lawton Barrows promoted to Commander in U.S. Naval Reserve,
Norman Gamache opens dental office in New Bedford, 08/19/1954:10
Denton, James
Private 1st Class in U.S. Air Force, 01/03/1952:3
Department Stores. see also Alonzo F. Ryder Co.; The Boston Store;
James McNeil Co.; Sears Roebuck and Co.; W.T. Grant Co.
Andrew Drohen manager of Woolworth's, 09/27/1951:5
Ethel MacNeil Baker honored for 25 years of service to Woolworth's,
F.N. Whitman proprietor of Whitman's 50 years ago, 08/05/1954:8
George Tate window dresser at Whitman's 50 years ago, 08/26/1954:8
DePina, Jose Gomez
Dies at age 87, 10/08/1953:4
DePonte, Arthur
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
DeRoche, John M.
Engaged to Mary A. Arruda, 05/28/1953:4
Derosier, Betty Ann
Engaged to Edwin Allender, 07/16/1953:5
Engaged to Edwin Lee Allender, 11/26/1953:4
Wedding described, 12/10/1953:3
Wed to Edwin Lee Allander, 12/10/1953:6
Derosier, Carol
MHS students study for careers (p), 06/03/1954:11
Derosiers, Betty
Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5
Derosiers, Henry
Warren Ave couple married 25 years, 06/12/1952:1
Derrick, Earl
Chief Petty Officer resides in Philadelphia, PA, 04/21/1950:8
Daughter born, 02/19/1953:4
Petty Officer serves on board USS Wasp, 06/03/1954:11
Derrick, Mrs Earl
Resides in Philadelphia, PA, 01/06/1950:8
Derrick, Natalie Elizabeth
Born to Earl and Priscilla Hathaway, 02/19/1953:4
Derrick, Priscilla Hathaway
Daughter born, 02/19/1953:4
Deschenes, Alma
Widow of Flavius dies at age 69, 08/02/1951:4
Obituary, 08/02/1951:8
Desertion and Non-Support
Angelo Dascoulias must pay $4 for support of child, 01/20/1950:8
Manuel Gomes case continued, 03/31/1950:11
Manuel Gomes not guilty of non-support, 04/14/1950:9
Philip Silva must pay wife $20 per week in support, 06/16/1950:6
Joseph Boudreau acquitted of wife's charge of non-support,
Chester Goodnow not guilty of non-support, 08/04/1950:5
Manuel Gomes Freitas charged with non-support of wife and children,
Willard Shaw guilty of non-support, 10/06/1950:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Desertion and Non-Support continued
Frederick Filz pleads not guilty to charge of non-support, 10/20/1950:7
Filz non-support case continued for trial, 11/03/1950:13
Daniel Lavine non-support case continued, 11/17/1950:6
Lavine case continued without finding, 11/24/1950:7
Joseph Gabrey ordered to pay family $25 per week, 12/29/1950:6
Pasquale Rufo sent to jail, 01/04/1951:1
Viljo Silenius ordered to support two sons, 05/31/1951:4
Carlo Bena charged by Myra Norris with non-support, 06/07/1951:3
Antone Viera case continued, 06/21/1951:2
Edward Dwelly pleads not guilty to charge of non-support,
John Grassie charged, 09/13/1951:2
Viera non-support case continued, 09/20/1951:10
Daniel Mattos sentenced to four months for failure to support family,
Viljo Selenius violates probation in non-support case, gets four months,
Delia Sweetburg charges former husband with non-support,
Edward Ouellette not guilty, 07/03/1952:4
Michael Gorman pleads guilty to charge of non-support, 07/31/1952:6
Harold Hudson must pay wife $15 weekly support, 10/30/1952:12
Arthur Viera found guilty of non-support, twice, 04/16/1953:6
Joseph Gabrey has two weeks to get job, start supporting family,
Harold Hudson gets four months for non-support, 08/20/1953:2
William MacNeill guilty of non-support, 10/22/1953:11
Clarence Lind accused of non-support, 11/05/1953:3
Jesse Perkins charged with non-support, 11/26/1953:4
Lewis Thayer non-support case continued, 01/28/1954:2
Frank Baptiste charged with child desertion, 01/28/1954:4
Non-support case against William Sweeney, Jr. dismissed,
Alexander Anacki withdraws appeal, ordered to pay child support,
Dorothy Best pleads not guilty to deserting three minor children,
Carl Hokanson ordered to provide support for wife and child,
Irene Thomas charges husband Andrew with non-support, 03/18/1954:5
Charge against Dorothy Best dismissed, 03/25/1954:7
Johnson non-support case continued, 04/15/1954:5, 04/15/1954:9
Evidence heard in Johnson non-support case, 04/29/1954:9
Harold Hudson non-support case continued, 07/01/1954:10
Antone Viera ordered to pay support to family, 07/22/1954:4
Theodore Beaudoin gets six months for non-support, 07/22/1954:7
Phyllis Reed files complaint in non-support case, 08/12/1954:3
Crocker non-support case continued, 08/26/1954:3
Viera non-support case continued, 08/26/1954:5
Philip Mellen non-support case filed, 09/23/1954:2
MacNayr gets suspended sentence for non-support, 09/30/1954:3
Robert Sisson charged with non-support, 11/04/1954:4
Lloyd Horton, Jr. found guilty, 11/25/1954:2
Philip Sisson, Jr. pleads not guilty to non-support, 12/02/1954:2
Sisson non-support case dismissed, 12/16/1954:8
deSilva, Benjamin
Bog worker shot, search underway for hunter, 12/17/1953:1
Wounded man has three transfusions, improving, 12/24/1953:1
Mario Grassi charged with shooting, 02/11/1954:1
Mario Grassi guilty in shooting of deSilva, 07/08/1954:3
DeSilva, Lyversa M.
Engaged to James R. Swift, 04/21/1950:5
Wed to James R. Swift, 05/05/1950:5
Wedding described, 05/05/1950:6
Desmond, Alice Curtis
Author of Tom Thumb book donates copy to owners of Thumb house,
DeSpirito, Tony
Joseph Ayotte's Lydia A. speeds to victory in New England Futurity (p),
Desroches, Aime
Son born, 02/05/1953:2
Desroches, Donald
Born to Aime, 02/05/1953:2
Desroches, Elaine
Engaged to John G. Shurtleff, 06/24/1954:4
Wed to John G. Shurtleff, 07/01/1954:6
DesRosier, Norman
Open house held for family moving to Alaska, 05/28/1953:3
DesRosiers, Alfred
Son born, 05/05/1950:5
Desrosiers, Alfred
Runs into tree on South Main St, 08/20/1953:4
DesRosiers, Alfred V.
Appointed measurer of wood, bark, and lumber, 10/06/1950:4
Daughter born, 02/07/1952:5
Desrosiers, Bruce
Driver, Bertram Braddock, nicks Derosiers' bike on Pearl St,
DesRosiers, Catherine Allen
Daughter born, 02/07/1952:5
DesRosiers, Janice Sisson
Daughter born, 12/02/1954:4
DesRosiers, Katherine Allen
Son born, 05/05/1950:5
DesRosiers, Kenneth
Daughter born, 12/02/1954:4
DesRosiers, Kenneth N.
Engaged to Mary Josephine Scanlon, 12/27/1951:8
Engaged to Janice L. Sisson, 04/09/1953:5
Wed to Janice L. Sisson, 04/23/1953:7
DesRosiers, Kenneth Napoleon
Engaged to Janice Lynnette Sisson, 01/29/1953:4
DesRosiers, Loretta Travis
Son born, 02/01/1951:5
Daughter born, 04/09/1953:5
DesRosiers, Mrs Norman
Nurse’s aide graduates from St. Luke's (p), 06/12/1952:1
DesRosiers, Nannette
Three-year-old ran from sidewalk, struck by Hartling's auto,
Desrosiers, Napoleon
Pedlar's license granted, 02/24/1950:1
DesRosiers, Napoleon J.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Tax collector's notice, 03/12/1953:3
DesRosiers, Norman
Lightning enters and damages Lakeville home, 06/21/1951:2
Purchases tourist lodge in Alaska, 08/21/1952:4
Daughter born, 04/09/1953:5
Martenson purchases site for Hi-Way 28 from DesRosiers,
Former Middleboro couple run lodge and sawmill in Alaska (p),
DesRosiers, Norman N.
Son born, 02/01/1951:5
Herbert Dodge purchases DesRosiers' mill on Washburn St,
To operate tourist lodge near Juneau, AK (p), 02/05/1953:1
Family makes trek to Alaskan property by car and truck, 07/16/1953:1
Destruction of Property. see Malicious Mischief; Vandalism
Deszyck, Amelia Johnson
Daughter born, 09/03/1953:7
Deszyck, Barbara Susan
Born to Edward and Amelia Johnson, 09/03/1953:7
Deszyck, Edward
Daughter born, 09/03/1953:7
Detraze, Clarence
Eagles’ champs of Inter-city Bowling League (p), 09/06/1951:1
Devine, Anna L.
Obituary, 03/11/1954:3
Widow of Jeremiah dies at age 67, 03/11/1954:4
Devlin, Barbara Scannell
Daughter born, 09/09/1954:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Devlin, Claire
Attends Mt St Mary's College, Hooksett, NH, 03/03/1950:8
Setter hit by car, bites boy, then laps hand, needs home, 10/23/1952:1
Devlin, Edward
Attends Tufts Medical School, 09/22/1950:4
To receive M.D. at Tufts, 06/11/1953:1
Devlin, Edward A.
Engaged to Barbara Ann Scannell, 06/11/1953:4
Wed to Barbara Ann Scannell, 06/18/1953:4
Wedding described, 06/18/1953:5
Daughter born, 09/09/1954:4
Devlin, Edward Allan
Engaged to Barbara Ann Scannell, 04/03/1952:7
Devlin, Edward Allen
Accepts residency at Carney Hospital (p), 07/15/1954:1
Devlin, Etta Buchanan
Obituary, 05/26/1950:4
Boston woman dies at age 70, 05/26/1950:7
Devlin, Marjorie Claire
Attends Mt. St. Mary's College, New Hampshire, 10/20/1950:5
Student teacher at Taunton High, 12/08/1950:13
Graduates with B.S. in mathematics from Mt. St. Mary College (p),
Engaged to Ovell Francis Bennett, 06/10/1954:1
DeVoe, Alfred A.
Vagrant committed to State Farm, 05/10/1951:6
DeWitt, Virginia
Engaged to Frederic Perry, 10/04/1951:3
Wed to Frederic Perry, 12/27/1951:5
DeWitt, Virginia Marie
Wedding described, 01/03/1952:5
DeWolfe, Alfred Marshall
Wed to Helen Chandler Finch, 05/01/1952:6
DeWolfe, Miriam Frost
Resides in Medford, 08/28/1952:2
Dextraze, Clarence Henry
Dies at age 42, 12/23/1954:4
Obituary, 12/23/1954:4
Dextraze, Margaret
Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1
Eagles’ Auxiliary presents check to benefit St. Luke's (p), 12/31/1953:1
Di Burgo, Lawrence
Landscaping, trucking, general jobbing (ad), 08/30/1951:9
Cow dressing for sale (ad), 12/13/1951:4
Diamond, Charley
Downed by newcomer Wally Dern, 01/31/1952:10
Little League youths hold collection for player with broken arm,
Wins opening bout in Brockton, 10/23/1952:1
Goes to 20-minute draw in Brockton match, 11/06/1952:2
Beats Quincy wrestler, 11/13/1952:8
Wins opening bout with hammerlock, 11/20/1952:11
Defeated by veteran "Bull" Curry, 12/04/1952:9
Goes to 20-minute draw with Tiger Tasker, 12/11/1952:5
Goes to 20-minute draw with Les Ruffin, 12/18/1952:2
Throws Rocky Baron in Brockton, 01/01/1953:6
Captures Australian tag-team match, 01/08/1953:10
Downs Red Kirkpatrick, 01/15/1953:5
Prevails over Frenchy Jacobs in Brockton, 01/29/1953:2
Defeats Rocky Baron of Lowell, 02/05/1953:3
Wrestle to draw with Les Ruffen of Lawrence, 02/12/1953:2
Defeats Dick Marquis of Montreal, 02/19/1953:9
Beats Manuel Bonca of Waltham, 02/26/1953:10
Diamond, Charlie
Returns to wrestling, 03/31/1950:1
Goes to 30-minute draw with Lipson, 04/28/1950:10
Wrestler grapples Wallis to draw, 04/19/1951:2
Grapples to draw with Miguel Torres, 05/03/1951:10
Wrestles to draw with Frank James of New York, 05/24/1951:8
Wins over "Mr. Rex" of Brockton, 06/14/1951:3
Beats Jim Beaton in New Bedford bout, 08/02/1951:8
Goes to 20-minute draw with Tom Casey of Boston, 09/20/1951:7
Goes to 30-minute draw against Frank James, 02/21/1952:6
Wins bout over Tex Oreo, 02/28/1952:6
Diamond, Charlie continued
Wins two titles, 03/13/1952:1
Wins New Bedford bout against Tony Enos, 03/13/1952:2
Continues winning ways, 03/20/1952:2
Wins in Brockton by disqualification, 04/17/1952:9
Diamond, Clarence A.
Granted taxi service license, 09/30/1954:10
Diamond, Ruth
New Bedford man charged with assault on Ruth Diamond,
Diamond, Wayne
Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1
Dias, Albert
Son born, 12/02/1954:4
Dias, Albert S.
Di-Mo Tool Co. plans expansion here, 10/21/1954:1
Dias, John, Jr.
Inducted into armed forces, 03/05/1953:6
Dias, Julia Boivin
Son born, 12/02/1954:4
Dias, Ramir S., Jr.
Wedding described, 08/21/1952:6
Dias, Ramiro S., Jr.
Engaged to Charlene S. Turney, 07/24/1952:5
Diaz, Adeline Domingos
Wed to Edward C. DeMello, 09/08/1950:5
Diaz, Antone
Leaves for induction in Boston, 02/08/1951:10
Diaz, Betty
MHS students study for careers (p), 06/03/1954:11
Ralph Maddigan, Sr. runs 77-year-old T.M. Ryder Co. (p),
Diaz, Elizabeth
Passes state civil service stenographer exam, 08/05/1954:7
Diaz, Ramiro S.
Wed to Charlene S. Turney, 08/21/1952:5
DiBari, Frank
Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p),
DiBurgo, Lawrence
Loam, sand, and gravel (ad), 08/21/1952:8
DiCarlo, George
MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1
DiCarlo, Joseph
Leaves for induction at Boston base, 02/11/1954:1
DiCarlo, Joseph S.
Takes training antiaircraft artillery at Fort Bliss, TX, 04/01/1954:8
DiCarlo, Joseph Sebastian
Graduates from Stockbridge School of Agriculture, 05/28/1953:4
Dickson, Elizabeth Cheston
Obituary, 12/09/1954:4
Widow of Henry dies at age 87, 12/09/1954:4
Diegoli, Norman
Engaged to Margaret Barnett, 09/03/1953:4
Dietemann, Arleen Sturtevant
Resides in Washington, DC, 07/10/1952:7
Resides in Fall Church, VA, 02/11/1954:7
Dietrich, Philip
Engaged to Marilyn MacDonald, 08/12/1954:4
Wed to Marilyn MacDonald, 08/19/1954:4
DiGrange, Bob
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
DiLeo, Mario A.
Engaged to Theresa Angela Gisetto, 10/14/1954:5
Dill, Andrea
Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1
Dill, Michael
Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6
Dill, Ralph Unston
Receives 50-year pin from railroad (p), 07/02/1953:4
Dill, Reinhard
Raynham man dies, 02/04/1954:3
Di-Mo Tool Co.
Plans expansion here, 10/21/1954:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Dimock, G.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Dimond, Charles E.
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Dimond, Clarence
Added to Mid-Way Cafe liquor permit, 02/18/1954:7
Dimond, Clarence A.
Dimond's Cab, 24-hour service (ad), 10/07/1954:3
And Mabel McNeil dissolve partnership in Midway Cab, 10/07/1954:4
Dimond, Ernest
Old Country Store makes learning fun at School Street School (p),
Dimond, Ira A.
Taunton man dies at age 71, 10/21/1954:6
Obituary, 10/21/1954:12
Dimond, Mildred E.
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Dimond's Cab
Clarence Dimond, 24-hour service (ad), 10/07/1954:3
DiMuzio, Lorraine
Bates teacher granted leave to teach in Germany, 04/08/1954:1
Leaves for teaching position in Germany, 08/05/1954:5
DiMuzio, Lorraine E.
New grade six teacher at Washburn Unit, 08/28/1952:1
Dion, Wilfred A.
Obituary, 05/15/1952:4
North Rochester man dies at age 36, 05/15/1952:7
Dionne, Fortune
Dies at age 97, 03/01/1951:5
Obituary, 03/01/1951:5
Dionne, Shirley Westling
Daughter born, 05/24/1951:7
Dionne, Warren
Daughter born, 05/24/1951:7
Diotte, Frank
Couple married 25 years, 03/03/1950:7
Diotte, Lioza Benjamin
Couple married 25 years, 03/03/1950:7
DiPalma, Robert
On honor roll at Coyle High, Taunton, 05/26/1950:9
Earns scholastic monogram at Coyle High in Taunton, 06/14/1951:7
DiPalma, Robert Francis
Graduates from Coyle High in Taunton (p), 06/18/1953:1
DiPalma, Rocco
Son born, 03/03/1950:5
DiPalma, Sophie Elizabeth
Obituary, 06/04/1953:2
Wife of Rocco dies at age 42, 06/04/1953:4
DiPalma, Sophie Inglese
Son born, 03/03/1950:5
Clinic announcement (ad), 03/24/1950:11
Two hundred treated at clinic, 03/31/1950:1
Second clinic announced (ad), 04/14/1950:12
Clinic scheduled for pre-schoolers (ad), 03/15/1951:10
Three hundred children attend clinic, 03/22/1951:1
Another clinic scheduled (ad), 04/05/1951:8
Clinic announcement (ad), 04/03/1952:2, 04/24/1952:10
Two clinics administer immunizations to 288, 05/01/1952:1
Immunization clinic (ad), 05/15/1952:11
Final clinic treats 136, 05/22/1952:1
Clinics this year to include MHS students, 02/19/1953:1
Children's clinic (ad), 04/09/1953:7
First clinic attendance at 383, 04/16/1953:1
Second clinic attendance 196, 05/14/1953:6
Clinic announcement (ad), 06/04/1953:7
Attendance at school clinics 680, 06/11/1953:7
Clinic announcement (ad), 03/18/1954:9
Clinic attendance 203, 04/01/1954:1
Another clinic scheduled (ad), 04/22/1954:10
Second clinic attendance 146, 04/29/1954:1
Another clinic scheduled (ad), 05/20/1954:9
One hundred twenty six shots administered, 05/27/1954:1
DiRenzo, Francisco
Dies at age 84, 03/10/1950:5
Obituary, 03/10/1950:8
DiRienzo, Loreto
Employed as gardener at State School in Berkley, CA, 08/27/1953:11
Dirksen, Mrs Charles
Resides in Casenovia, NY, 02/28/1952:4
Local Red Cross collects only $5 for Missouri flood relief,
Governor thanks citizens for aid in Worcester, 07/16/1953:1
Regional Director of Civil Defense thanks Fire Department for aid in
Worcester, 07/16/1953:1
VFW helps with disaster aid in Worcester, 07/16/1953:1
D'Elia brothers thank neighbors for contributing to Worcester tornado
fund, 07/23/1953:1
Diseases. see also Allergens; Middleboro – Board of Health; names of
specific diseases
Parents must report contagious diseases, 09/11/1952:1
Mild month for contagious diseases, 03/04/1954:9
Few polio cases reported in June, 07/15/1954:2
Distasi, Theodore, Jr.
Wed to Mary Phyllis Jarvis Hatch, 07/08/1954:4
District Court. see Fourth District Court
Disturbing the Peace
Francis Huxley guilty, 03/03/1950:1
Mark Richmond pleads not guilty, 04/14/1950:12
Richmond case continued, 04/21/1950:6
Francis Huxley pleads self out of jail sentence, 07/21/1950:1
Violette Judson charged, 10/25/1951:2
Charge against Violette Judson dismissed for lack of prosecution,
Strickland charges Benjamin Thacker, Jr., 06/19/1952:7
Theodore Beaudoin sentenced, 07/03/1952:4
Robert Tribou fined $10 for disturbing the peace, 07/31/1952:7
Dorothy Reynolds pleads not guilty, 08/07/1952:6
Sebastian Barros charged, 07/30/1953:2
Sebastian (aka Raymond) Barros found guilty, 08/06/1953:8
Ditano, Blanche Thomas
Daughter born, 03/15/1951:7
Son born, 01/07/1954:1, 01/07/1954:4
Ditano, Dorothy O'Brien
Son born, 06/05/1952:7
Ditano, John
Daughter born, 03/15/1951:7
Son born, 01/07/1954:1, 01/07/1954:4
Apple tree blossoms for second time, 10/07/1954:1
Ditano, Leonard
Applies for appointment as special police officer, 02/10/1950:2
Son born, 06/05/1952:7
Leo Kahian in court on matter of refrigerator order misunderstanding,
Percy Churbuck sets forth complete facts around dealings with Leo
Kahian (l), 09/25/1952:8
Dixon, Ralph C.
Fined $75 for drunk driving, 07/15/1954:10
Doane, Arthur H.
Resides in Omaha 50 years ago, 07/08/1954:2
Dobaro Kennels
Roger Soule, boarding and obedience training (ad), 07/03/1952:3
Doctors. see Physicians
Dodd, Roberta Lou
Engaged to William Prescott Colvin, 01/10/1952:10
Wedding described, 05/26/1952:2
Doddenhoff, Edgar
Daughter born, 05/26/1952:5
Doddenhoff, Edith Deane
Daughter born, 05/26/1952:5
Dodenhoff, Drusilla R.
Employed as long line operator with American T&T in New York,
Files for divorce, 05/07/1953:3
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Dodenhoff, Henry James
Engaged to Drusilla Ruth Sousa, 04/26/1951:7
Wed to Drusilla Ruth Sousa, 05/03/1951:5
Wife files for divorce, 05/07/1953:3
Dodenhoff, John
Couple sells Wareham St house, 08/20/1953:4
Dodenhoff, Ronald
Engaged to Ethel Reilly, 09/17/1953:6
Wed to Ethel Reilly, 10/08/1953:4
Dodenhoff, Ronald K.
Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7
Dodge, Alan P.
Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1
Dodge, Alan Peter
Inducted into armed forces, 09/10/1953:1
Dodge, Allan P.
Graduates from Rensselear, 06/14/1951:9
Dodge, H.E.
Saw mill has lumber for hurricane repair (p), 09/09/1954:6
Dodge, Herbert E.
Purchases Norman DesRosiers' saw mill on Washburn St, 01/29/1953:1
Dodge, Mrs Theodore
Resumes post as MHS librarian, 03/17/1950:10
Takes post with Andover Historic Association, 06/23/1950:1
Dodge, Patricia
Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club
dance (p), 02/17/1950:1
Wins honors at Jackson College, 05/27/1954:1
Dodge, Patricia A.
Member of water ballet at Jackson College, 03/05/1953:1
Named to Dean's List at Jackson College, 02/25/1954:1
Dodge, Patricia Ann
Profile of senior MHS student, 05/19/1950:12
On Dean's List at Jackson College, 09/17/1953:6
Dodge, Patricia Jackson
On Dean's List at Jackson College, 11/04/1954:8
Dog Racing
Mr and Mrs Benjamin Moskoff take racing dogs to Florida,
Benny Moskoff's greyhound wins at Raynham, 06/24/1954:8
Matteo Sena applies for license to conduct dog ad horse racing at Camp
Joe Hooker, 11/11/1954:7
Lakeville selectmen reserved decision on race track, 11/25/1954:1
Sena denied application for racing permit, 12/02/1954:2
Dog Shows
Roger Soule's Doberman scores high in obedience trials, 10/06/1950:4
Soule's Doberman puppy shows well at Osterville show, 10/13/1950:4
Playground Pet Show winners pictured (p), 08/28/1952:4
Ralph Chartier's collie wins at Providence dog show, 03/25/1954:5
James Butler plans and manages show at Fort Sam Houston, TX (p),
Dogal, Gregal
Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Dogs. see also Lakeville Sportsmen's Club
June Cooper invites pet owners to meeting concerning poisonings (l),
Pet owners respond to Cooper's call, 01/13/1950:1
Nemasket Kennels, Main St, Lakeville (ad), 06/23/1950:10
Fifty pheasants on Kenneth Shaw's farm killed by dogs, 08/04/1950:5
Only a puppy, but child heartbroken (l) (Ruth V. Paulson),
Carolyn Erickson reports purse stolen by dog, 12/27/1951:1
Dog saves John MacNeil's from burning bed, 05/22/1952:12
Newell Briggs bitten by dog, 05/26/1952:5
John Bass loses nine sheep to three large dogs, 07/17/1952:9
Roger Soule, Dalmatian available to good home (ad), 08/28/1952:3
Setter hit by car, bites boy, then laps hand, needs home, 10/23/1952:1
Jean Burnham offers reward for finding missing dog (ad), 04/23/1953:8
Art Shaw, beagles for sale (ad), 06/11/1953:10
Thomas Hunt's valuable hound killed in hunting accident 50 years ago,
Canine population declines here, 01/28/1954:10
Lost dog found (p), 03/11/1954:10
Town clerk names Who's Who in local canine population, 03/25/1954:1
Dogs continued
Dog blamed for minor collision on Wareham St, 10/21/1954:8
A.V. Smith's foxhound mentioned in sportsman's magazine 50 years
ago, 11/04/1954:8
Dogs - Law and Legislation
Dorothy Peterson's dog assigned tag No. 1, 03/24/1950:1
License notice (ad), 03/24/1950:11
License tags arrive, 03/22/1951:1
Notice to dog owners (ad), 03/22/1951:2
Weldon Follett must restrain dog for six months, 08/23/1951:1
Weldon Follett's dog no longer required to be restrained, 02/21/1952:1
Licenses available, 03/20/1952:1
Attention dog owners (ad), 03/20/1952:2
Licenses ready in Lakeville, 04/03/1952:9
Notice to dog owners (ad), 03/19/1953:10
Distance of Kenneth Shaw's dogs from neighbors not a bother,
Letourneau nuisance case brought to court, 07/23/1953:1
Letourneau says dogs gone, found guilty of failure to obey order of
selectmen, 07/30/1953:3
604 licenses issued 50 years ago, 11/12/1953:9
Notice to owners (ad), 03/18/1954:9
Doherty, Gerald J.
Brockton man killed in auto crash on Tispaquin St, 06/14/1951:1
Driver guilty of negligence in Doherty's death, 07/05/1951:1
Doherty, Larry
Employed at A.C. Cosseboom blacksmith shop (p), 07/15/1954:6
Doherty, William J.
Wed to Anne C. Colvin, 09/10/1953:5
Doherty, William James
Engaged to Ann Colvin, 01/08/1953:8
Engaged to Anne Carolyn Colvin, 01/29/1953:3
Wedding described, 09/10/1953:6
Dolan, Florence
Engaged to Donald Grant, 04/12/1951:10
Dolan, Florence M.
Engaged to Donald D. Grant, 04/05/1951:5
Wed to Donald D. Grant, 04/19/1951:5
Dolan, Florence Margaret
Wedding described, 04/19/1951:5
Doleva, Edward P.
Daughter born, 03/27/1952:5
Doleva, Marian Shumway
Daughter born, 03/27/1952:5
D'Oliver, John
Daughter born, 05/06/1954:6
D'Oliver, Joyce McLean
Daughter born, 05/06/1954:6
Doll, Lillian F.
Obituary, 09/24/1953:9
The Doll House
231 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:3
Doll House Yarn Shop
Opens at 231 Center St (ad), 08/16/1951:8
Domestic Violence. see Family Violence
Domingos, Anthony
Daughter born, 06/21/1951:5
Domingos, Irene Mettie
Daughter born, 06/21/1951:5
Donahue, Ernest
Wed to June Smith, 08/11/1950:8
Donahue, Mary Dutra
Son born, 07/10/1952:5
Donahue, Mary G. Dutra
Daughter born, 02/22/1951:5
Donahue, William
Son born, 07/10/1952:5
Donahue, William J.
Daughter born, 02/22/1951:5
Donnelly, John
John Donnelly and Sons denied permit to erect sign on Rte 28,
Donnelly, Marie Rose
Wed to Louis W. MacMillan, 10/16/1952:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Donner, Elaine
Eight-year-old falls from car, 03/15/1951:1
Donner, Elizabeth Brown
Daughter born, 09/22/1950:5
Son born, 04/16/1953:7
Donner, George
Real estate (ad), 03/10/1950:3
Donner, George A.
Heading up Salvation Army appeal (p), 12/25/1952:1
Sells School St dwelling to Arnold Salley, 03/05/1953:4
Seeks seat on Housing Authority, 12/09/1954:1
Donner, George Oliver
Daughter born, 09/22/1950:5
Son born, 04/16/1953:7
Donner, Harold J.
Son born, 10/06/1950:5
Assistant treasurer at Co-operative Bank, 02/28/1952:9
Donner, Jack
Couple takes in Ukrainian mother and son, 07/21/1950:10
Donner, Laura E. Holmes
Son born, 10/06/1950:5
Donner, Oliver
Gives talk on time in Tanganyika, 11/20/1952:10
Donovan, Marjorie
Who's who in MHS senior class, 04/26/1951:5
Attends University of Massachusetts, 09/20/1951:8
Doolan, Sadie May Deagle
Daughter born, 12/27/1951:5
Doolan, Thomas
Couple moves to Bridgewater, 03/22/1951:10
Son born, 12/27/1951:4
Daughter born, 12/27/1951:5
Doraz, Walter
Employed at L.G. Balfour Co. in Attleboro, 08/14/1952:9
Dorman, Al
Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1
Dorothy Ann Shop
37 Center St (ad), 04/07/1950:5
Two girls wanted for part-time work (ad), 11/24/1950:8
Seventeenth anniversary (ad), 12/01/1950:11
18th anniversary (ad), 11/08/1951:11
Remodeling sale (ad), 01/10/1952:3
19th anniversary sale (ad), 11/06/1952:3
20th anniversary sale (ad), 11/12/1953:5
21st anniversary sale (ad), 11/04/1954:9
Dorr, Josephine O.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/05/1953:7
Dorr, Merrill C.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/05/1953:7
Doton, Edward E.
Son born, 02/14/1952:10
Doton, Joy Cobb
Son born, 02/14/1952:10
Doton, Mrs Edward E.
Resides in Woodstock, VT, 07/09/1953:4
Doucett, Nellie M. Staples
Obituary, 08/18/1950:10
Doucette, Elaine
Attends Bridgewater State Teachers College, 02/24/1950:11
Teacher at sanatorium, 01/04/1951:8
Doucette, Elaine Margaret
Will get degree in education from Bridgewater, 06/09/1950:4
Engaged to Richard S. Phillips, 12/23/1954:2
Doucette, Joseph
Keith Ave couple married 25 years, 07/07/1950:1
Doucette, Thomas
Fined for drunkenness and drunk and reckless driving, 11/25/1954:2
Doud, Hugh A.
Collides with airman on Rte 28, 12/23/1954:7
Douglas, Marie Selig
Daughter born, 08/26/1954:4
Douglas, Philip C.
New rector at Church of Our Saviour (p), 06/19/1952:1
New rector installed at Church of Our Saviour (p), 12/25/1952:1
Douglas, Philip C. continued
Daughter born, 08/26/1954:4
Minister accepts part time post at Bridgewater State Farm, 11/04/1954:1
Thanksgiving (sermonette), 11/18/1954:6
Resigns post at Church of Our Saviour, 12/16/1954:1
Douglas, Susan Marie
Born to Philip C. and Marie Selig, 08/26/1954:4
Douzanis, Edward
School boy runs into Stoughton auto on School St, 03/10/1950:1
Douzanis, Larry
And Thomas Higginbotham granted license for taxi service,
Midway Cab, 165 Center St (ad), 02/19/1953:10
Dove, Apfino
Alfred Tilton thrown into snow bank by Dove's auto, 01/21/1954:2
Dove, Jack A.
Notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 08/05/1954:10
Dove, Ruth
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts,
Dow, David Fairweather
Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1
Dow, Estelle P.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9
Dowd, Mrs Robert
Resides in New Haven, CT, 09/01/1950:6
Downer, Gordon P.
Inducted into U.S. Army, 07/15/1954:1
Downey, Edward Patrick
Obituary, 04/03/1952:3
Dies at age 77, 04/03/1952:5
Downing, Myrtle Christiana
Wedding described, 11/06/1952:4
Dowse, Herbert B.
Returns from long sea duty, 06/04/1953:9
Obituary, 07/30/1953:4
Husband of Helen M. dies at age 53, 07/30/1953:5
Petition for probate of will, 08/20/1953:5
Dowse, Herbert B., Jr.
Graduates from Bates College, 06/19/1952:1
Navy Ensign visits Karachi, Pakistan, 03/05/1953:2
Dowse, Herbert, Jr.
On committee for Winter Carnival at Bates College, 02/08/1951:1
Doyle, Charles J.
On shore leave at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (p), 03/26/1953:6
Doyle, John Patrick
Husband of Priscilla R. Fitzgerald dies at age 70, 08/16/1951:5
Doyle, Lorne
Transfers to Fleet Marines at Camp Lejune, NC, 02/01/1951:9
Doyle, Ruth M.
Appointed to faculty of Bates School, 02/10/1950:6
Resigns from Bates School, 06/09/1950:11
Bates School art teacher resigns, 08/11/1950:1
Draft (military). see Selective Service Board
Draghetti, Ray
Resigns as Mitchell Memorial Club football coach, 07/28/1950:1
Signs contract with Washington Senators, 02/28/1952:1
Coached Boston Braves rookie as a child, 04/10/1952:11
Draghetti, Raymond
Fire in Bedford St house, 12/10/1953:3
New hot rod club organized here, 01/21/1954:1
Drake, Ernest
Plymouth St couple married 50 years, 06/03/1954:11
Drake, E.W.
D.D. Sullivan purchases Drake homestead from Central Baptist 50
years ago, 04/01/1954:8
Drake, Jennie
Administrator petitions to distribute balance of estate, 11/10/1950:11
Drake, Lazelle S.
Petition for probate of will, 03/11/1954:5
Drake, M. Lazelle
Drawn for jury duty, 10/23/1952:1
Obituary (p), 02/18/1954:12
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Drake, Malcolm
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 05/26/1952:1
Drake, Malcolm C.
Employed at Trust Co., 09/01/1950:3
Drake, Marie Gervase
Daughter born, 06/11/1953:8
Drake, Marion Beals
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Drake, Minnie L.
Petition for probate of will, 03/11/1954:5
Drake, Nancy
Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1
Drake, Norma Kathleen
Engaged to John Donaldson Macdonald, 10/02/1952:5
Drake, Reginald W.
Named Justice of the Peace, 04/08/1954:4
Drake, Richard
Resides in Newark, NJ, 07/21/1950:10
Wed to Marie Gervase, 09/08/1950:2
Discharged for U.S. Navy, makes home in Belleville, NJ, 11/25/1954:4
Drake, Richard H.
Sworn in as Ensign in U.S. Navy, 11/29/1951:4
Ensign stationed at Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, PA,
Ensign stationed at Naval Air Development Center in Pennsylvania,
Daughter born, 06/11/1953:8
Resides in Buckingham, PA, 09/10/1953:10
Drake, Richard Henry
Engaged to Marie Jeannette Gervase, 03/17/1950:1
Wed to Marie Jeanette Gervase, 09/01/1950:5
Wedding described, 09/08/1950:10
Drake, Susan
Born to Richard H. and Marie Gervase, 06/11/1953:8
Drama. see Theater
Dressmakers. see Merrihew, Jennie; Tailors
Drevinsky, Peter J.
Named to Dean's List, 05/19/1950:9
Enters Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 09/01/1950:9
Drevinsky, Peter Joseph
Named to Phi Kappa Pi at UMass, 05/19/1950:4
Set to graduate from University of Massachusetts, 06/02/1950:1
Drew, Alice
Sells Forest St home, resides on Southwick St, 07/01/1954:4
Drew, Alvaris
Resides in Upper Montclair, NJ, 08/04/1950:7
Resides in Clifton, NJ, 09/08/1950:10
Eureka Printing Co. honors superintendent of 20 years, 02/14/1952:2
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Drew, Donald
Daughter born, 01/06/1950:4
Drew, Elmer
Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5
Drew, Elmer, Jr.
After two and a half years in Japan, stationed in Virginia, 08/19/1954:7
Drew, Elmer O.
Used furniture license renewed, 05/19/1950:2
Drew, Elmer o.
Petition for probate of will, 08/27/1953:3
Drew, Elmer O., Jr.
Stationed at Alameda, CA, 06/14/1951:7
In charge of Jap treaty transportation, 10/04/1951:4
Lieutenant assigned to Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan, 01/24/1952:5
Drew, Elmer Oria
Husband of Cynthia Alice dies at age 78, 05/14/1953:4
Obituary, 05/14/1953:9
Drew, E.O.
Promoted to Officer-in-Charge of Yokosuka Naval Ordinance Facility,
Drew, Fannie
Burned alive 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8
Drew, Faye Kumm
Daughter born, 01/06/1950:4
Drew, Janice Crystal
Engaged to William Louis Enos, Jr., 12/20/1951:7
Wed to William Louis Enos, 01/10/1952:4
Drew, Lawrence
Employed by Procter and Gamble in Quincy, 12/27/1951:5
Drew, Lawrence F.
Obituary, 05/22/1952:2
Drew, Nellie P.
Dies at age 81, 10/22/1953:7
Obituary, 10/22/1953:7
Drews, Alfred J.
Engaged to Anne L. Griswold, 06/03/1954:7
Wed to Anne L. Griswold, 07/01/1954:6
Drews, Alfred James
Wedding described, 07/01/1954:2
Drinking Water. see Nemasket Spring Water Co.; Water Supply
Driscoll, Egbert Gotsian, Jr.
Inducted into armed forces, 09/10/1953:1
Driscoll, James
Engaged to Ruth Tillson, 08/28/1952:7
Driscoll, John E.
Elected to fill post of Middleboro school guidance director,
New MHS guidance director, 10/07/1954:9
Drohan, Andrew J.
In training at Pine Camp, NY, 08/09/1951:1
Drohen, Andrew J.
Manager of F. W. Woolworth, 09/27/1951:5
Drohen, Gabrielle
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4,
Drohen, Gabrielle M.
Middleboro war bride now a citizen (p), 09/20/1951:1
Wins best dress prize at ball in Bridgewater, 09/27/1951:5
Storm provides relief, 02/24/1950:1
Local teacher, Harlan Charette, drowns in New Hampshire,
Mother of Harlan Charette seeks aid of government in search for body,
Nelson Dalberg drowns in Long Pond, 08/28/1952:10
Frank Allen and Harry Haskins drown in Assawompsett Pond 50 years
ago, 12/17/1953:10
John Waller lost overboard when two oil tankers collide in Delaware
River, 12/31/1953:1
Michael Williams dies in hotel pool in Florida, 01/07/1954:1
Long Pond dragged, George Martin probably dead, 02/18/1954:1
Martin's body recovered from Long Pond, 02/25/1954:1
Drug Stores. see also Buck's Drug; Giberti's Apothecary; LaForest
Morse Pharmacy, 53 Centre St (ad), 04/21/1950:3
Jesse Morse passes state pharmacist exam 50 years ago, 12/17/1953:10
Buck's Drug carries complete line of pharmaceuticals (p), 10/14/1954:6
Drunk Driving
P.G. Reed unable to attend arraignment, 01/06/1950:4
Gerard Carr acquitted, 01/20/1950:3
Percy Reed pleads not guilty, 02/03/1950:8
Percy Reed guilty, 02/10/1950:8
Joseph Knysinski, Jr. pleads not guilty, 02/17/1950:10
Knysinski case continued, 02/24/1950:10
Knysinski guilty of drunk and reckless driving, fined $35, 03/03/1950:3
Raymond Carr fined $50, 06/02/1950:8
Judge Callan ups fine to $75 for first offense, 07/14/1950:1
Sharadoski and Nunes get heavy fines, 07/14/1950:1
Ronald Mills fined $75, 09/08/1950:9
Andrew Sisson fined $75, 11/10/1950:2
Neils Neilson pleads not guilty, 12/15/1950:3
LeRoy Letourneau wrecks blinker light, tips over, fined $100,
Thomas Murphy fails to appear in court, 03/15/1951:3
Joseph Matrisciano pays $100 in fines after traffic accident,
Ralph Sharpe fined $75, 03/15/1951:9
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Drunk Driving continued
Ralph Sharp in court again, 03/29/1951:2
Philip LaCombe and juvenile charged, 03/29/1951:8
Ralph Sharp fails to complete payment of fine, 03/29/1951:8
John Quigley found guilty, 04/05/1951:7
Ralph Sharp found guilty, 04/05/1951:7
Leonard Black fined $50, 04/05/1951:9
Thomas Murphy guilty, 04/05/1951:9
Bert Flanders denies charges, 04/19/1951:2
Thomas Murphy fined $75, 05/10/1951:7
Louis Thayer arraigned, 06/28/1951:5
Paul Gasunas pleads not guilty, 07/19/1951:1
James Nunes fined $75, 08/02/1951:8
George Lee fined $75, 09/13/1951:4
Gerald LaGrippo charged, 10/25/1951:2
Richard Benson guilty, 11/29/1951:8
Ralph Peltola appeals fine, 12/13/1951:3
Richard Benson appeals fine, 12/13/1951:3
Francis Caswell fined $75, 01/31/1952:3
James Moore's case continued, 03/06/1952:2
John Fitzgerald pleads not guilty, 03/13/1952:7
Robert Tribou charged, 03/13/1952:7
James Moore fined $75, 03/13/1952:9
Charges against Robert Tribou dismissed, 03/20/1952:3
John Fitzgerald fined $50, 03/20/1952:7
Frank Frazier fined $75, 03/27/1952:7
William Beal fined, 04/17/1952:3
Andrew Pasztor fined $50, 06/05/1952:6
Thomas Maddigan fined $75, 06/12/1952:6
Robert Bazinet fined $75, 07/03/1952:5
Joseph Carbone pleads not guilty, 07/31/1952:6
Thomas Madigan in court for probation violation, 08/28/1952:5
Albert Heath pleads guilty, 09/11/1952:3
Joseph McGrady charged, 09/18/1952:3
Joseph McGrady fined $75, 09/25/1952:6
McGrady trial is again continued, 09/25/1952:8
Harold Hudson fined $100, 10/16/1952:10
Arthur, not brother Harold, fined, 10/23/1952:5
Robert Shaw cannot not attend court, case delayed, 01/08/1953:6
James Gillis fined $50, 01/15/1953:11
Clinton Haynes fined $100, 01/22/1953:3
Gerard Levesque pleads not guilty, 01/22/1953:7
Gerard Levesque fined $75, 02/12/1953:8
Charles Griswold fined $15, 02/19/1953:8
Robert Shaw not guilty, 02/19/1953:8
John Hayes fined $75, 03/12/1953:4
Edwin Rogers fined $75, 04/16/1953:2
Harold Gibson fined $75, 07/23/1953:7
Joseph Dugas fined $100, 10/22/1953:1
Michael Maleski fined $75, 10/22/1953:11
Winston Ohlsen charged, 12/10/1953:2
Court still waiting for Ohlsen to appear, 12/17/1953:15
Flannery's car turns turtle, driver charged with drunk and reckless
driving, 12/17/1953:15
Walter Flannery case continued, 12/24/1953:4
Winston Ohlsen convicted, fined $75, 12/24/1953:4
Walter Flannery fined $75, 12/31/1953:1
Edward Place pleads not guilty, 03/18/1954:5
Robert Dann fined $75, 03/25/1954:7
Henry and Martha Mott charged, 03/25/1954:9
Edward Place case continued, 03/25/1954:10
Motts each fined, 04/01/1954:1
Harold Hudson pleads not guilty, 04/22/1954:2
James Thompson pleads guilty, 04/22/1954:2
Joseph Plant fined $75, 04/22/1954:9
James Thompson fined $75, 05/06/1954:12
Henry Mott, Jr. fined $35; Martha Mott not guilty, 07/08/1954:3
Ralph Dixon fined $75, 07/15/1954:10
Eugene Bissonnette case continued, 08/26/1954:10
Eugene Bissonnette appeals charge, 09/02/1954:10
Former Middleboro, Donald Wheeler, convicted, 09/09/1954:10
Joseph McGrady fined $75, 09/30/1954:4
Beatrice Simpson fined $75, 10/14/1954:2
Percy Griswold charged, 11/18/1954:4
Drunk Driving continued
Griswold fined $75, 11/25/1954:2
Thomas Doucette fined $20, 11/25/1954:2
Andrew Halunen charged, 11/25/1954:8
Eugene Peabody fined $75, 12/02/1954:2
Andrew Halunen fined $35, 12/02/1954:9
John Hayes fined $50, 12/30/1954:4
P.G. Reed unable to attend arraignment, 01/06/1950:4
Francis McCausland fined $10, 02/03/1950:3
Percy Reed pleads not guilty, 02/03/1950:8
Lewis Thayer guilty, 02/10/1950:7
Percy Reed guilty, 02/10/1950:8
John Vickery fined $25 for drunkenness and resisting an officer,
Golden Spur chef Ralph Levesque guilty, 02/17/1950:7
Francis Huxley guilty, 03/03/1950:1
Henry Soucie, Jr. guilty, 04/14/1950:6
Mark Richmond pleads guilty, 04/14/1950:12
Richmond case continued, 04/21/1950:6
Charles Griswold fined $5, 04/28/1950:4
Albert Campbell in court again, 06/02/1950:8
Herbert Howard guilty, 06/02/1950:8
Charles Griswold gets suspended sentence, 06/23/1950:8
Joseph Caperello guilty, 07/14/1950:8
Francis Huxley pleads self out of jail sentence, 07/21/1950:1
Thomas Pierce must get out of mother's home, 07/28/1950:2
Thomas Pierce charged with two counts, 07/28/1950:8
Ruth Garnett guilty, 08/25/1950:7
Benjamin Davis gets one month, 09/08/1950:2
Alfred Wilmot fined $10, 09/29/1950:9
George Soper fined $15, 10/27/1950:5
Andrew Sisson guilty, 11/10/1950:2
Charles Griswold fined $15; Ralph Beckman guilty, 11/24/1950:7
Alfred Wilmot gets two months, 12/01/1950:12
LeRoy Letourneau fined $10, 01/04/1951:1
Henry Gray gets suspended State Farm sentence, 01/25/1951:10
Reino and Lillian Pannenan fined for drunkenness, 02/08/1951:6
LeRoy Letourneau wrecks blinker light, tips over, fined $100,
Henry Gray committed to State Farm, 03/01/1951:4
Edward Ouellette fined $10, 03/15/1951:10
William Tierney gets three months, 03/15/1951:11
Ralph Sharp in court again, 03/29/1951:2
Philip LaCombe and juvenile charged, 03/29/1951:8
John Quigley found guilty, 04/05/1951:7
Ralph Sharp found guilty, 04/05/1951:7
Thomas Murphy guilty, 04/05/1951:9
Bert Flanders denies charges, 04/19/1951:2
Reino and Eleanor Pennenen each fined $5, 04/19/1951:2
Eleanor Paananen gets month in jail, 05/17/1951:2
George Soper pleads not guilty, 06/07/1951:4
Albert Campbell charged again, 06/14/1951:9
George Soper due in court for trial, 06/14/1951:9
Archie McNayr, Jr. pleads guilty, 07/12/1951:1
Paul Gasunas pleads not guilty, 07/19/1951:1
Carr fined $10, Tierney $15, 08/02/1951:2
Paul Gasunas fined $65 for accident, 08/02/1951:2
Tierney and Carr sent to State Farm, 08/02/1951:2
Norman Oldham guilty again, 08/16/1951:1
George Soper too drunk to be put on trial, 08/23/1951:4
Forest Garnett fined $5, 09/13/1951:4
George Lee guilty, 09/13/1951:4
Forest Garnett sent to jail, 09/20/1951:10
Alfred Wilmot fined $15, 10/11/1951:10
Hannah Horton gets one month in jail, 11/29/1951:8
Richard Benson guilty, 11/29/1951:8
Ralph Peltola appeals fine, 12/13/1951:3
Ralph Beckman found guilty, 12/13/1951:4
Raymond Gross fined $5, 01/17/1952:3
James Moore's case continued, 03/06/1952:2
Ralph Beckman guilty, 03/06/1952:2
John Fitzgerald pleads not guilty, 03/13/1952:7
John Fitzgerald fined $5, 03/20/1952:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Drunkenness continued
Ralph Beckman fined $10, 03/27/1952:2
William Beal fined, 04/17/1952:3
Andrew Pasztor fined $5, 06/05/1952:6
Charles Griswold gets suspended sentence, 07/03/1952:2
Elinor Pennanen fined $5, 07/03/1952:4
Theodore Beaudoin sentenced, 07/03/1952:4
George Soper fined $10; Rene Hudon fined $5, 07/24/1952:2
Charles Griswold fined $10, 07/31/1952:6
Judge Callan wants John Glass, Jr. Square and Depot Grove cleared of
drunks, 07/31/1952:7
Robert Carr fined $10, 07/31/1952:7
Robert Tribou charged with drunkenness and disturbing the peace,
Soper up on third charge of drunkenness, 07/31/1952:7
William Tierney sentenced to one month, 07/31/1952:7
Judge Callan says appeals don't click, sentences Wilmot, Soper, and
Mullins, 08/07/1952:9
Albert Campbell has jail term hanging over him, 08/21/1952:8
Campbell doesn't escape jail after all, 08/21/1952:9
Albert Heath pleads guilty, 09/11/1952:3
Joseph McGrady charged, 09/18/1952:3
Kenneth Bump fined $5, 09/18/1952:7
Joseph McGrady fined $5, 09/25/1952:6
Alfred Wilmot lets judge down, goes back to jail, 10/09/1952:4
Carl Lind on probation, 10/23/1952:10
Clarence Lind, not Carl Lind, on probation, 10/30/1952:12
Cordeiro and Tierney sentenced to Plymouth house of corrections,
Gerard Levesque pleads not guilty, 01/22/1953:7
Complaint against Robert Tribou dismissed, 02/19/1953:8
Edmund Boehme found guilty, 03/19/1953:4
George Soper gets one month, 03/19/1953:4
Leonard Parker fails to appear on charge, 03/19/1953:4
George Soper fined $15, 03/19/1953:8
Leonard Parker guilty, 03/26/1953:3
Albert Campbell sentenced to one year and three months for
drunkenness and vagrancy, 04/30/1953:2
Charles Griswold gets two months, 04/30/1953:11
Gabrey and Soper both fined, 05/21/1953:7
Robert Carr fined $5, 07/16/1953:3
John Cordeiro fined $10, 07/23/1953:7
Sebastian Barros and Fred Horsman charged, 07/30/1953:2
Frank DelVecchio's case continued, 07/30/1953:3
Richard Murphy and Richard McGuire get suspended sentences for
drunkenness, 08/06/1953:1
DelVecchio fined $10, 08/06/1953:8
Sebastian (aka Raymond) Barros and Fred Horsman found guilty,
Francis Murphy sentenced to three months for drunkenness,
John Vickery drinks before court appearance, held in contempt,
Alfred Wilmot seized by alcoholic fit while in court, 09/24/1953:9
Alfred Wilmot fined $10, 10/01/1953:7
Emerson Smith appeals sentence, 10/08/1953:8
Leroy Letourneau fined $5, 10/08/1953:8
Clifford Ray found guilty, 10/22/1953:7
Ray Vickery charged, 12/17/1953:14
Defendant was John A. Vickery not Ray W. Vickery, 01/21/1954:1
Squanto Haynes arrested, 02/11/1954:7
Squanto Haynes pleads not guilty, 02/18/1954:12
Squanto Haynes, Robert Germaine, and Charles Lindstrom guilty,
Henry and Martha Mott charged, 03/25/1954:9
Motts each fined, 04/01/1954:1
James Thompson pleads guilty, 04/22/1954:2
Howard Vaughn fined $5, 06/03/1954:6
Donald Demers fined $5, 07/01/1954:5
Gabrey, Soper, and Wilmot all found guilty, 07/01/1954:10
Robert Burns gets four-month sentence, 08/12/1954:7
Eugene Bissonnette case continued, 08/26/1954:10
Albert Campbell committed to house of corrections, 09/09/1954:2
Carr fined $10, Vaughn found guilty, 09/16/1954:7
Drunkenness continued
Francis Huxley charged, 09/16/1954:7
George Soper fined $10, 09/23/1954:4
Vincent Preti fined $5, 10/14/1954:2
Clarence Churbuck gets 15 days, 11/18/1954:2
Percy Griswold charged, 11/18/1954:4
Albert Campbell gets 30 days; Francis DeCosta gets three months,
Griswold case filed, 11/25/1954:2
Thomas Doucette fined $5, 11/25/1954:2
Andrew Halunene charged, 11/25/1954:8
John Hayes found not guilty, 12/30/1954:4
Dry Goods. see also A.R. Glidden & Son; Department Stores
Tucker's Dry Goods, 6 South Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:3
Joseph Kennedy purchases Tucker's Dry Goods, 08/07/1952:1
Charles Clark prepares to turn over business in Copeland block to new
owner 50 years ago, 01/14/1954:8
Tucker's Dry Goods, going out of business (ad), 04/22/1954:6
Drysgola, Joseph
Son born, 05/15/1952:7
Drysgola, Ruth Braley
Son born, 05/15/1952:7
Duane, W.
Proprietor of Eastvale Farms (ad), 08/30/1951:2
Duarte, Helen
Engaged to Alfred Malenfant, 11/15/1951:7
Wed to Alfred Malenfant, 11/29/1951:6
Duarte, Helen Marguerite
Wedding described, 11/29/1951:5
Dube, Albert
Lightning strikes Plymouth St house, 07/26/1951:5
Dube, Albert A.
Walter Hammond and Robert Mortimer knocked down by Dube's auto,
Dube, Albert B.
Completes airman course at Norman, OK, 08/05/1954:2
Dube, Albert Bruce
Enlists in U.S. Navy (p), 03/18/1954:1
Dube, Arthur L.
Oil burners (ad), 06/19/1952:2, 07/31/1952:7
Dube, Doris M.
Wed to John J. Balonis, 07/15/1954:4
Dubey, Oram A.
Engaged to Fay E. Melix, 11/06/1952:5
Wed to Fay E. Melix, 11/13/1952:7
Dubord, Emma Cabral
Son born, 09/25/1952:5
Dubord, George
Son born, 09/25/1952:5
Duca, Del
Petition for named change to Vincent Michael Worsley, 02/04/1954:4
Ducey, Daniel R., Jr.
Sergeant serving with 3rd Infantry Division in Korea, 09/30/1954:8
Discharged for U.S. Army, 11/04/1954:7
Ducey, Daniel Richard, Jr.
Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5
Ducharme, Peggy
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Ducharme, Yvonne
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3
Dudley, Beatrice Hebert
Son born, 01/22/1953:5
Dudley, Dennis Alan
Born to Kenneth A. and Muriel L. Caldwell, 08/14/1952:2
Dudley, Henry H.
Couple purchases home near St. Petersburg, FL, 03/12/1953:4
Public auction (ad), 09/03/1953:2
Couple sells home on Wareham St to Joseph King, 09/03/1953:9
Couple moves to St. Petersburg, FL, 11/26/1953:2
Dudley, H.H.
Plumber and electrician (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Dudley, Kenneth A.
Son born, 08/14/1952:2
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Dudley, Kenneth Alton
Engaged to Muriel Louise Caldwell, 03/10/1950:5
Wed to Muriel Louise Caldwell, 03/17/1950:4
Dudley, Linwood Lee
Infant son of Robert W. and Beatrice Hebert dies, 01/29/1953:5
Dudley, Muriel L. Caldwell
Son born, 08/14/1952:2
Dudley, Robert
Son born, 01/22/1953:5
Dudley, Robert W.
West St home gutted by fire (p), 03/18/1954:1
Dudley, Wayne
Awarded Eagle Scout badge, 05/08/1952:5
Dudley, Wayne F.
Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts
National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1
Dudovicz, Mary
Secretary to Town Manager, 07/02/1953:4
Secretary to Town Manager resigns, 05/06/1954:12
Dudovicz, Wesley V.
Thirty friends hold housewarming, 03/03/1950:8
Dudoviecz, Mary A.
Thief snitches purse from office of town manager at Town House,
Duell, Donald
MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4
Duff, Malcolm
MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p),
Injured when Jeep crashes into tree on Myricks St, 10/18/1951:1
Engaged to Patricia Cunningham, 05/01/1952:5
Wed to Patricia Cunningham, 05/08/1952:7
Daughter born, 05/28/1953:4
Employed at Eddie's Cities Service (p), 07/30/1953:6, 10/29/1953:6
Notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 01/14/1954:5
Duff, Patricia Cunningham
Daughter born, 05/28/1953:4
Duff, Patricia J.
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 01/14/1954:5
Duffy, Charles E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/20/1950:7
Duffy, Don F.
Private 1st Class serves with "flying boxcars," 10/04/1951:1
Duffy, Donald F.
Assigned to air base in South Carolina, 03/22/1951:2
Duffy, Henrietta E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/20/1950:7
Dufour, Eugenie A.
Alexander Anacki charged with illegitimacy, 09/03/1953:5
Dugan, Joan M.
Engaged to Ernest LeRoy Morgan, 01/28/1954:5
Wed to Ernest LeRoy Morgan, 01/28/1954:5
Dugas, Joseph Y.
Fined $100 for drunk driving, 10/22/1953:1
Duggan, Charles
Daughter born, 01/29/1953:4
Duggan, Irene Sampson
MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1
Duggan, Shirley Cleaves
Daughter born, 01/29/1953:4
Duhaime, Joseph Archibald
Husband of Leah Moquin dies at age 65, 04/22/1954:6
Obituary, 04/22/1954:6
Duhamel, Gertrude Hodgdon
Daughter born, 02/26/1953:5
Duhamel, Robert
Daughter born, 02/26/1953:5
Dumps (garbage). see Refuse and Refuse Disposal
Dunbar, Del
Meet the sales force at Egger's Annex (ad) (p), 04/24/1952:5
Dunbar, Mrs Walter
Resides in Cuyahoga Falls, OH, 07/08/1954:2
Dunbar, Patricia
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1
Dunbar, Richard B.
Awarded school transportation contract, 04/12/1951:1
Dunbar, Walt
Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (p) (t),
Dunbar, Walter
Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t),
Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1
Resides in Cuyohago, OH, 04/29/1954:9
Dunbar, Walter R.
Pledges Phi Delta Chi at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy,
Awarded Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from MA College of
Pharmacy (p), 06/04/1953:1
Dunbar's Filling Station
Employs Nicholas Roberts, 09/08/1950:5
Duncan, Nelse M.
Named on application of incorporation from Sunset Industries, Inc.,
Dunham (Mr)
Surveyor Dunham coats sidewalks with cinders and gravel 50 years
ago, 10/29/1953:7
Dunham, Alice
"Willknit" guaranteed hose, 14 Fairview St (ad), 11/06/1952:7
Dunham, Alice L. Shaw
Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5
Dunham, Alice Shaw
Arrives safely in Guam with four children, 12/23/1954:4
Dunham, Annie B.
Obituary, 11/18/1954:12
Dunham, Annie Belle
Widow of George Alton dies at age 78, 11/18/1954:6
Dunham, Arthur Henry
Wed to Arleen Hayes, 01/15/1953:6
Dunham, Benjamin Lincoln
Obituary, 01/25/1951:4
Dies at age 77, 01/25/1951:5
Dunham, Bernice Perkins
Daughter born, 02/11/1954:4
Dunham, Bert
Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5
Dunham, Bob
Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1
Scores amazing 67 points for Lakeville Lakers (t), 03/19/1953:4
Lakeville Lakers make fine record (p) (t), 04/23/1953:1
Key man on MHS baseball team (p), 05/14/1953:10
Dunham, Carlton M.
Collides with Taunton driver on Rte 28, 06/16/1950:3
Dunham, Charles B.
Wareham St couple married 58 years, 12/01/1950:5
Dunham, Emma Reed
Daughter born, 07/19/1951:5
Dunham, Esther Claire
Engaged to Edmund Carroll Reed, 05/26/1950:9
Engaged to Edmund C. Reed, 06/23/1950:5
Wed to Edmund C. Reed, 07/07/1950:5
Dunham, Esther Elaine
Wedding described, 07/07/1950:5
Dunham, Francis
South Carver couple married 25 years, 12/10/1953:7
Dunham, George
Stationed at League Island Navy Yard, Philadelphia, 10/11/1951:4
Dunham, George Alton
Obituary, 03/15/1951:5
Husband of Annie B. Gifford dies at age 75, 03/15/1951:7
Dunham, George W.
Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5
Staff Sergeant flies 47 missions over Korea, now at Mitchel Field, NY,
Wounded Staff Sergeant a guest of Eleanor Roosevelt's television
program, 06/28/1951:1
Sergeant stationed in Guam with Air Force, 12/23/1954:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Dunham, Harold
Leonard Pickering uncovered as hit-and-run driver, 05/26/1950:9
Daughter born, 07/19/1951:5, 10/04/1951:4
Postal clerk retires after 29 years, 07/22/1954:1
Dunham, Harold F.
Local mail clerk gets 100% rating, 10/13/1950:10
Pearl St couple married 35 years, 10/20/1950:7
Dunham, Harold L.
Obituary, 03/25/1954:7
Dunham, Harold L., Jr.
Appointed substitute mail carrier, 08/19/1954:1
Dunham, Harold Lincoln
Husband of S. Olive Reed dies at age 54, 03/25/1954:4
Dunham, Herbert H.
Obituary, 05/01/1952:2
Husband of Mabel A. McGarigle dies at age 75, 05/01/1952:5
Dunham, Herbert, Jr.
Son born, 11/24/1950:5
Dunham, Irene
Treasurer of Co-operative Bank, 09/09/1954:5
Dunham, Irene Endres
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Dunham, Jane
Joseph Brown found guilty in traffic death of Dunham, 11/19/1953:6
Dunham, Leonard
Daughter born, 02/11/1954:4
Dunham, Mary Howard
Son born, 11/24/1950:5
Dunham, Mary Jane
Auto kills Bedford St woman, 11/05/1953:1
Wife of William I. dies at age 84, 11/05/1953:7
Petition for administration of estate, 02/04/1954:4
Dunham, Minnie H.
Notice of dissolution of partnership (ad), 06/25/1953:9
Dunham, Mrs George
Moves to Rochester, 11/26/1953:2
Dunham, Norman
At Fort Dix, NJ for basic training, 08/19/1954:5
Dunham, Norman F.
Engaged to Jo-Ann C. Gage, 06/04/1953:4
Wedding described, 06/18/1953:2
Wed to Jo-Ann C. Gage, 06/18/1953:4
Dunham, Robert
MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p),
Stationed in Hawaii, 10/11/1951:4
MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1
Dunham, Robert B.
Enlist in Battery A, Massachusetts National Guard, 10/15/1953:5
Dunham, Ronald
Employed by B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc., North St, 09/03/1953:6
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Dunham, Virginia F.
Takes 7th in Loring Photograph Studio personality contest,
Dunham, Virginia Susan
Born to Harold, 10/04/1951:4
Dunham, Warren
VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4
Dunham, Willard
Couple married 50 years, 11/05/1953:11
Dunham, Willard A.
Oak St couple married 57 years, 01/08/1953:1
Dunn, Alice Stuart
Wedding described, 03/18/1954:8
Dunn, Bessie
William Lewis' marriage proposal turned down cold by English girl,
Dunn, Ed
With 483rd Combat Engineers training at Camp Drum, NY,
Dunn, Edward
Captain an active reservist with 483rd Combat Engineers,
Dunn, Edward J.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Trains with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum, NY (p),
Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9
Dunn, Edward, Jr.
Son born, 05/05/1950:5
Daughter born, 07/29/1954:4
Dunn, Edward L., Jr.
Couple married 12 years, 07/08/1954:5
Dunn, Evelyn R. St. Armand
Daughter born, 05/17/1951:4
Dunn, Harold, Jr.
Wedding described, 04/22/1954:12
Dunn, Harold L., Jr.
Engaged to Phyllis Ann Austin, 04/15/1954:6
Wed to Phyllis Ann Austin, 04/22/1954:6
Dunn, Helen M.
Engaged to John J. White, 06/09/1950:7
Wed to John J. White, 06/23/1950:5
Dunn, John W.
Daughter born, 05/17/1951:4
Dunn, Marcella Leary
Son born, 05/05/1950:5
Couple married 12 years, 07/08/1954:5
Daughter born, 07/29/1954:4
Dunn, Mary Beth
Injured when car strikes box she was playing in, 07/17/1952:1
Recovering from fractured pelvis, 07/24/1952:1
Dunn, Patricia
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Dunn, Paull
Daughter born, 03/17/1950:9
Dunn, Phyllis Austin
Post-nuptial shower held, 05/06/1954:5
Dunsford, Mary D.
New English teacher at MHS, 06/10/1954:10
New MHS English teacher, 10/07/1954:9
Duphilly, Norman
Notice of hearing on junk dealers license (ad), 04/24/1952:5
Duphily, Denise Langlois
Daughter born, 08/26/1954:4
Duphily, Norman
Wedding described, 02/19/1953:4
Duphily, Norman E.
Engaged to Denise E.L. Langlois, 02/12/1953:5
Wed to Denise L. Langlois, 02/19/1953:5
Duphily, Normand
Daughter born, 08/26/1954:4
Duphily, Rita
Cape Cod Chinchilla Ranch, 309 Miller St (ad), 06/11/1953:5
Duphily, Wilfred J.
Cape Cod Chinchilla Ranch, 309 Miller St (ad), 06/11/1953:5
Dupont, Beryl
Resides in Arlington, VA, 05/19/1950:8
Dupont, Beryl R.
Secretary to U.S. Senator Saltonstall of Massachusetts, 12/29/1950:4
Engaged to Charles J. Hundt, 06/14/1951:2
Dupont, Esther
Engaged to Francis Y. Covil, 09/27/1951:4
Wed to Francis Y. Covel, 10/11/1951:4
Wedding described, 10/11/1951:4
Dupont, Gertrude Anita
Engaged to John Joseph Cronin, 09/27/1951:4
Wed to John Joseph Cronin, 10/11/1951:4
Dupre, Barbara Durant
Daughter born, 03/01/1951:5
Dupre, Barbara O'Rourke
Son born, 12/27/1951:5
Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5
Dupre, Carl
Daughter Michelle born, 03/19/1953:4
Daughter born, 03/19/1953:5
Son born, 03/11/1954:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Dupre, Carl W.
Engaged to Gloria Giovanini, 05/10/1951:7
Wed to Gloria Giovanini, 05/17/1951:5
Dupre, Carl William
Engaged to Gloria Ann Giovanini, 04/26/1951:7
Dupre, Gloria Giouanini
Son born, 03/11/1954:4
Dupre, Gloria Giovanini
Daughter born, 03/19/1953:5
Dupre, Joan
Resides in Boston, 11/17/1950:11
Receives cap at Boston City Hospital, 03/15/1951:6
Dupre, Joan Elaine
Obituary, 01/22/1953:3
Daughter of William O. dies at age 20, 01/22/1953:5
Dupre, Michelle
Born to Carl, 03/19/1953:4
Dupre, Raymond E.
Daughter born, 03/01/1951:5
Dupre, Warren
Former Mitchell Club runner killed in car crash, 04/22/1954:3
Dupre, William
Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5
Dupre, William L.
Son born, 12/27/1951:5
Duran, Eva Mae
Wedding described, 07/01/1954:7
Durant, Frank
Obituary, 04/30/1953:9
Durfee, Gifford L.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9
Durfee, Robert
Road demonstration on traffic safety at MHS (p), 02/25/1954:1
MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4
Durgin, John
Wedding described, 04/21/1950:10
Durham, Alanna Crowell
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Durkin, Mary M.
New teacher at School Street School, 09/15/1950:1
Dustin, Arlon R.
Obituary, 07/31/1952:5
Dustin, Mary Elizabeth Bisbee
Obituary, 11/18/1954:5
Dutcher, Bobbie
First mattress of its kind on display at J.M. Wells (p), 12/06/1951:8
Dutcher, Irene
Engaged to Francis Poirier, 09/08/1950:10
Dutcher, Irene V.
Engaged to Francis J. Poirier, 09/22/1950:5
Wed to Francis J. Poirier, 10/20/1950:5
Dutcher, Margaret
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Dutcher, Margaret J.
Foreclosure notice, 08/09/1951:2
Dutcher, Mrs Sydney
First mattress of its kind on display at J.M. Wells (p), 12/06/1951:8
Dutcher, Sydney E.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Collides with Gomes while crossing Thomas St, 03/03/1950:3
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Foreclosure notice, 08/09/1951:2
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/20/1951:8
Dutra, Henry R.
Son born, 01/25/1951:5
Dutra, John
Couple married 25 years, 08/23/1951:8
Dutra, John R.
Stephen Kramer hit by truck, uninjured, 02/21/1952:1
Dutra, Joseph
Murdock St couple married 60 years, 02/08/1951:1
Murdock St couple married 63 years, nine children home for
Thanksgiving, 12/03/1953:16
Dutra, Joseph continued
Murdock St couple married 63 years, 02/04/1954:1
Dutra, Lorraine
Accepted as nursing student at Memorial Hospital in Attleboro,
Receives cap from Sturdy Memorial Hospital, Attleboro, 03/15/1951:11
Completes affiliation with Boston Floating Hospital, 02/05/1953:2
Employed at Sturdy Memorial Hospital, 06/11/1953:8
Graduates from Sturdy Memorial School of Nursing (p), 09/24/1953:1
Passes state boards, is now registered nurse, 11/12/1953:2
Secures position at St. Francis Hospital, Miami Beach, FL,
Dutra, Mrs Frank
Lets Center St house to John Saccocia, 06/02/1950:8
Dutra, Mrs George
Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for
sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1
Dutra, Mrs Henry
Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for
sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1
Dutra, Shirley Gloria
Engaged to William Lydon, 10/21/1954:11
Dutra, Sylvia M.
Engaged to Robert W. Young, 06/19/1952:5
Wed to Roger W. Young, 07/10/1952:5
Dutra, Sylvia Mary
Engaged to Roger William Young, 05/01/1952:5
Wedding described, 05/26/1952:6
Dutra, Theda
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club, 10/15/1953:1
Dutra, Theda I. Walker
Son born, 01/25/1951:5
Dwelley, Lillian
Sells Lakeside Ave property to Emil Gerrior, 03/26/1953:9
Dwellings - Fires
Mabel Kelley's School St home partially gutted by fire, 08/04/1950:1
Bog worker, Irwin Rogers, dies in bedroom fire, 10/06/1950:12
Old Lakeville landmark destroyed, 11/10/1950:7
Warner home damaged by fire and water, 04/19/1951:1
Fire in Pickens St home of Ethan Pierce, 07/26/1951:2
John Roza family needs help after fire, 10/04/1951:1
John Roza's house ruined by flash fire, 10/04/1951:1
Young Sylvia family left with clothes on their backs after fire,
Ralph Maddigan's Muttock apartment house damaged, 11/22/1951:1
Laundress Gladys Shurtleff loses customer's curtains in fire,
Dog saves John MacNeil's from burning bed, 05/22/1952:12
Lakeville home of Walter Pittsley razed, 12/04/1952:1
House trailer fire nearly fatal for Mabel Worman, 12/25/1952:1
Bedroom gutted in Bradford Montgomery's home in Lakeville,
Mabel Worman dies of burns, 01/08/1953:4
Lakeville Fire Department analyzes Montgomery blaze, 01/15/1953:5
Neil Neilson's one-room house destroyed, 02/05/1953:1
Alphonse Malaguti trapped by fire at home, dies in hospital,
Early morning blaze at home of Philip Smith starts in couch,
Ashley home fire does estimated $1,000 in damage, 11/05/1953:12
Herman Thomas' apartment in old Peirce homestead gutted,
Fire at Precinct St home of Howard Reynolds, 12/03/1953:5
Fire in Raymond Draghetti's Bedford St house, 12/10/1953:3
Ritchie House, opposite Hill cemetery, destroyed 50 years ago,
Fire in Young's Plymouth St chimney 50 years ago, 12/31/1953:7
Lionel Hollis home on Miller St destroyed, 01/14/1954:10
Overheated stove brings Department to Wareham St home of George
Haslett, 01/21/1954:3
Grease fire at Dorothy Murphy's house ruins supper, 01/21/1954:8
Paquin fire fund totals $498 (t), 02/04/1954:1
Junior Red Cross chapter takes special collection for Paquins,
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Dwellings – Fires continued
Legion donates to Paquin fund, 02/11/1954:1
Paquin fund total $1,024 (t), 02/11/1954:1
Urge support for Paquin fund (l), 02/11/1954:1
Paquin fund now over $1,500 mark (t), 02/18/1954:1
Paquin fund now at $1,866.75 (t), 02/25/1954:1
Cabot Club Tea nets $50 for Paquin fire fund, 02/25/1954:10
FFA teen dance raises $40 for Paquin fund, 03/18/1954:1
Robert Dudley home on West St gutted (p), 03/18/1954:1
Three hundred turkeys lost in Holgren family blaze, 03/18/1954:1
Mrs Paquin receives check for $2,400, 03/25/1954:1
Ethan Peirce homestead destroyed (p), 04/08/1954:1
Anibal Montrond's Rocky Meadow St house leveled by fire,
Early discovery of smoke at Roy Johnson's apartment results in only
slight damage, 06/24/1954:1
Second floor of Lakeville home burns, 07/22/1954:1
Chimney blaze damages McCarrick's Cherry St home, 12/16/1954:1
Firemen halt blaze at North Main and Barrows St at start, 12/16/1954:1
Serious fire averted at home of Mrs Azen 50 years ago, 12/30/1954:2
Dwelly, Edward G.
Pleads not guilty to charge of non-support, 07/19/1951:1
Dwelly, Lillian M.
Edward Dwelly pleads not guilty to charge of non-support,
Dwyer, Carrie Naomi
Dies at age 84, 01/03/1952:5
Obituary, 01/03/1952:5
Dwyer, Evelyn
Enrolls at Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, 11/01/1951:7
Graduates from Wilfred Academy, 07/17/1952:8
Dwyer, Evelyn Joan
Engaged to Ralph N. Stevens, 10/01/1953:5
Dwyer, Joseph
Engaged to Josephine Scanlon, 07/02/1953:4
Dwyer, Joseph Cuthbert
Wedding described, 07/09/1953:3
Wed to Mary Josephine Scanlon, 07/09/1953:5
Dwyer, Mrs Thomas
Engaged to Pennsgrove, NJ, 07/12/1951:2
Dwyer, Norris
Obituary, 05/06/1954:6
Raynham man dies at age 43, 05/06/1954:6
Dwyer, Patricia
Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1
Dwyer, Roger J.
Foreclosure notice, 10/09/1952:4
Dwyer, Theresa C.
Foreclosure notice, 10/09/1952:4
Dyke, Avis C. Boehme
Couple married 25 years, 07/21/1950:1
Dyke, Hermon R.
Couple married 25 years, 07/21/1950:1
Builds cottage at Sandwich Shores, 09/01/1950:10
Gas & Electric staff to carry on despite sudden death of manager,
Heart attack takes life, town shocked, 08/16/1951:1
Playground superintendent Kunces pays tribute, 08/16/1951:1
Town House closed during funeral, 08/16/1951:1
Memorial from Mrs Leslie Clark, 08/23/1951:8
Dyke, Milford Henry
Dies at age 80, 02/22/1951:5
Obituary, 02/22/1951:7
Dyke, Robert G.
Graduates from Northeastern, 06/19/1952:1
Couple moves to Randolph, 08/20/1953:2
Named to national electrical engineering society, 09/02/1954:4
Dziergowski, Alexander
Daughter born, 05/31/1951:5
Dziergowski, Rita Resmini
Daughter born, 05/31/1951:5
Dzruba, Stanley J.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9
Eacobacci, Lewis
Daughter born, 05/19/1950:6
Eacobacci, Louis
Daughter born, 07/01/1954:6
Eacobacci, Louis D.
Daughter born, 11/01/1951:5
Eacobacci, Martha Gerrior
Daughter born, 05/19/1950:6, 11/01/1951:5, 07/01/1954:6
Eagles. see Fraternal Order of Eagles
Eames, Andrew
Son born, 08/30/1951:5
Eames, Embert H.
Obituary, 02/01/1951:3
North Carver man dies at age 74, 02/01/1951:5
Eames, Helen King
Son born, 08/30/1951:5
Earley, Mrs James
Employed at sanatorium, 08/13/1953:8
Easley, Charlotte Louise
Engaged to James S. Kenyon, Jr., 11/05/1953:5
Wedding described, 12/17/1953:4
East Taunton Bus Line Corp.
Schedule effective September 5th (ad), 09/08/1950:3
Change in schedule (ad), 02/22/1951:3
Schedule shortened due to lack of ridership (ad) (t), 07/26/1951:9
Selectmen approve petition of bus line to state department,
Hearing set for petition to operate here, 05/01/1952:1
Hearing on petition scheduled, 05/15/1952:1
DPU refuses bus line permit, 06/12/1952:12
Department of Public Utilities turns down petition again, 10/02/1952:1
Changes to timetable (ad), 11/26/1953:4
Notice of Middleboro-Taunton schedule (ad), 05/20/1954:9
Six-foot bunny arrives here (p), 04/15/1954:1
Easterwood, Paul A.
Engaged to Lorraine Morrison, 08/30/1951:9
Engaged to Lorraine A. Morrison, 10/04/1951:4
Wed to Lorraine A. Morrison, 10/11/1951:4
Easterwood, Paul Anthony
Wedding described, 10/11/1951:10
Eastman, Frances Greene
Son born, 05/24/1951:7
Eastman, Harold
Son born, 05/24/1951:7
Eastvale Dahlia Farms
Third annual visitor’s day (ad), 09/04/1952:4
Eastvale Farms
Flowers and vegetables, Wood St (ad), 09/01/1950:4
W. Duane, proprietor (ad), 08/30/1951:2
Eatmor Cranberries, Inc.
Eastern office located at 81 Center St, 06/17/1954:1
Eaton, Alice Elizabeth Sanborn
Obituary, 03/15/1951:5
East Taunton woman dies at age 79, 03/15/1951:7
Eaton, Amos H.
Town clerk 50 years ago, 02/04/1954:7
Eaton, Carolyn
South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home
(p), 10/18/1951:1
Eaton, Carrie
Holds reception for piano students 50 years ago, 06/24/1954:8
Eaton, Carrie W.
Pupils hold annual recital, 06/30/1950:5
Eaton, Clara W.
Tax collector's notice, 03/12/1953:3
Notice of tax taking, 03/04/1954:4
Eaton, Doris
Engaged to George E. Deane, 09/16/1954:4
Wed to George E. Deane, 10/14/1954:4
Eaton, Doris L.
Engaged to George E. Deane, 07/08/1954:8
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Eaton, Doris Ramsey
Wedding described (p), 10/14/1954:3
Eaton, Frederick
Stationed at Great Lakes Training Center, IL, 01/03/1952:3
Eaton, Frederick S.
Foreclosure notice, 05/19/1950:10
Eaton, Frederick S., Jr.
Undergoes recruit training at Great Lakes, IL, 02/28/1952:7
Eaton, George E.
Employed at Armor Bronze Co. of Taunton, 01/04/1951:8
Eaton, Hazel I.
Foreclosure notice, 05/19/1950:10
Eaton, Samuel Frederick
Dies at age 68, 03/18/1954:4
Obituary, 03/18/1954:7
Eaton, Seth A.
Mail carrier files suit against town for loss of horse 50 years ago,
Eaton, William
Makes improvements to Sarah Keith homestead 50 years ago,
Eaton, William Storer
Petition for amendment to Bill of Complaint, 04/28/1950:2
Durkee petitions executors and court, 06/09/1950:11
Petition for compensation from estate, 05/21/1953:10
Eayrs, Elna
MHS annual junior class promenade (p), 05/03/1951:1
Who's who in MHS senior class, 03/06/1952:3
Attends Forsyth Dental School, 09/25/1952:2
Awarded work scholarship at Forsythe School of Dental Hygienists,
To receive diploma from Forsythe School (p), 06/10/1954:1
Graduates with honors, 06/17/1954:6
Engaged to Charles Everett Soule, 06/17/1954:10
Eayrs, Frederick
Attends Chevrolet School in Cambridge, 02/24/1950:2
Eayrs, Mrs Frederick
White Church Guild members arrive at antique show in oldtime
transportation (p), 04/26/1951:6
Eayrs, Ted
Antiques, 60 School St (ad), 09/11/1952:2
Eayrs, Teddy
Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated
by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1
Eayrs, Weston
Shop foreman at Atwood-Costello, Inc., 08/27/1953:10
Shop foreman at Atwood-Costello, Inc. (p), 12/10/1953:8
Ebensberger, Anna M. Allen
Daughter born, 04/14/1950:7
Ebensberger, Anna May Allen
Obituary, 04/14/1950:12
Ebensberger, Robert
Daughter born, 04/14/1950:7
Ebensberger, Ruth
Hurt in collision in New Bedford, 06/23/1950:10
Eddie's Cities Service
Edward McCann manager, at Rtes 28 & 44 (ad), 10/09/1952:6
Eddie McCann, at junction of routes 44 and 28 (p), 07/30/1953:6,
Popular filling station, 02/25/1954:6
For efficient, dependable service (p), 05/27/1954:8
Improving service station, 08/05/1954:6
Offers 24-hour towing (p), 11/25/1954:7
Eddy, Charron
Youngsters enjoy weenie roast at Kiddie Korner on playground (p),
Eddy, Harold
MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1
Obituary, 08/19/1954:4
Ill with typhoid fever in Colorado 50 years ago, 09/16/1954:7
Eddy, Harold C.
Recovers from typhoid fever 50 years ago, 11/18/1954:10
Eddy, Mary M.
Petition for administration of estate, 10/21/1954:6
Eddy, Mary Morton
Obituary, 09/02/1954:2
Dies at age 93, 09/02/1954:4
Eddy, May
Breaks hip in fall, 04/26/1951:6
Dies at age 93, 08/26/1954:4
Eddy, Nelson, 1901-1967
American baritone recalls visits to Middleboro, 05/03/1951:9
Eddy, Will
Resides in Salinas, CA, 06/25/1953:4
Eddy Family
Six Middleboro folks attend 35th annual meeting, 08/19/1954:5
Edgerly, Elizabeth Tripp
Wedding described, 01/01/1953:5
Edgerly, Susan
Playground Pet Show winner (p), 08/28/1952:4
Edlund, Ivar H.
School officials accept gift of audiometer (p), 03/11/1954:1
Edlund, William E.
Seaman undergoes gunnery training in Newport, RI, 04/24/1952:8
Graduates from submarine training at New London, CT, 09/25/1952:7
Member of turf committee for 42nd annual UMass horticulture show,
Edna's Lunch
Now Christy's Spa, 10/27/1950:1
Education. see also Adult Education; Schools; Tutors and Tutoring
Middleboro Ministerial Association sponsored Community School of
Religion well-attended, 01/13/1950:2
Selectmen in favor of legislative bills on school budgets, 02/24/1950:1
Middleboro hosts 60 superintendents at meeting of South Shore
Association, 03/17/1950:1
Citizens warned against Zoll's campaign to undermine country's
schools, 11/29/1951:6
Edwards, Bessie Gross
Former resident visits after 28 years away, 10/18/1951:5
Edwards, Burris
Enters MacMurray College, Il with substantial scholarship,
Pays tribute to father in essay, 05/07/1953:10
Appears in MacMurray College theater production, 11/26/1953:1
Named to Honor Roll at MacMurray College, 03/11/1954:1
Takes part in MacMurray College play (p), 04/22/1954:6
Elected to National Honor Society of Collegiate Players, 05/06/1954:7
Edwards, Charles A.
Edwards and Carreiro collide at routes 44 and 28, 10/22/1953:3
Edwards, Doug
1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1
Edwards, Douglas
Enrolls at Springfield College, 09/29/1950:3
On Dean's List at Elon College, 10/09/1952:3
Wins director's award at Elon, 05/20/1954:1
Completes studies at Elon College, to join military, 12/09/1954:3
Edwards, Douglass
Enrolls at Elon College, North Carolina, 09/06/1951:8
Edwards, E.B.
Eulogy to Dr A. Vincent Smith, 12/01/1950:10
Edwards, Elizabeth Burris
Who's who in MHS senior class, 05/15/1952:9
Engaged to James Parmenter, 07/01/1954:1
Edwards, Helen L.
Engaged to Milton T. Gosson, 09/16/1954:4
Wed to Milton T. Gosson, 09/23/1954:4
Edwards, Mrs Ralph B.
Family moves to Reland St, 08/16/1951:2
Named Central Congregational Mother of the Year, 05/15/1952:6
Edwards, Ralph B.
Daughter pays tribute in essay, 05/07/1953:10
Edwards, Ralph Burris
Dies at age 50, 05/10/1951:6
Egger, Edith Lucy
Widow of George dies at age 80, 03/29/1951:5
Obituary, 03/29/1951:9
Egger, Milton
Employed at Hathaway Bakery in Brockton, 09/20/1951:2
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Egger, Norman F.
Resides in New York, 06/09/1950:3
Operations Supervisor for Capitol Airlines at La Guardia Field, NY,
Egger, Phebe Hunt
Widow of Phillip L. dies at age 82, 04/19/1951:5
Obituary, 04/19/1951:6
Petition for probate of will, 06/07/1951:5
Egger, Walter
Stationed at Norfolk, VA, 06/03/1954:7
Transfers from Norfolk, VA to Newport, RI, 08/05/1954:9
Egger, William. see also William Egger Co.
Granted funeral director's license, 06/09/1950:14
Oldest and most respected businessman dies in 83rd years,
Dies at age 82, 04/12/1951:5
Petition for probate of will, 04/19/1951:5
Licensed as auctioneer 50 years ago, 06/24/1954:8
Leases store in Thatcher's block 50 years ago, 11/25/1954:3
Egger's Funeral Home
Pearl St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Egler, Frederick N.
Engaged to Carole Morrissey, 03/29/1951:9
Eilertsen, Haaaken
Named captain of new fishing boat, 01/18/1951:5
Eisenhower, Dwight David, 1890-1969
Margaret Peck gets reply from President Eisenhower, 02/05/1953:1
Ekstrom, Ruth
Seven-lesson home nursing course completed by ten women (p),
Elders Pond
Rules set for water use 50 years ago, 10/15/1953:5
Eldredge, David
Wed to Eleanor Fava, 01/22/1953:5
Eldredge, David William
Wedding described, 01/22/1953:6
Eldredge, Polly
Married in Bucksport, ME, 02/17/1950:5
Eldridge, Carolyn Nasan
Son born, 09/25/1952:5
Eldridge, Donald
MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1
Eldridge, Mary L.
Engaged to Donald W. Guidoboni, 08/05/1954:4
Wed to Donald W. Guidoboni, 08/26/1954:4
Eldridge, Richard
Attends Dean Junior College at Franklin, 09/17/1953:10
Takes boot training at Bainbridge, MD, 10/28/1954:12
Eldridge, Richard N.
Enlists in U.S. Navy (p), 11/18/1954:1
Eldridge, Roger
Son born, 09/25/1952:5
Eldridge, Roger C.
Eldridge Funeral Home to open for inspection (p), 12/11/1952:1
Eldridge, Roger G.
Employed at sanatorium, 10/20/1950:8
Announces establishment of The Eldridge Funeral Home, 04/24/1952:1
Eldridge Funeral Home
To open for inspection (p), 12/11/1952:1
59 Peirce St (ad), 12/11/1952:12
Hurricane brings down large tree on property (p), 09/09/1954:4
Voting hours noon to 8 p.m. for primaries, 08/25/1950:1
Vote in primaries, 09/15/1950:1
Selectmen name election officers, 09/15/1950:6
Results of primaries, 09/22/1950:1
Selectmen urge voters to vote no on flat rate insurance, 10/27/1950:1
Record number of votes cast here, 4,105, 11/10/1950:1
Selectmen oppose three House bills, 03/22/1951:1
Selectmen oppose two more bills, 04/05/1951:1
Selectmen name election officers, 10/11/1951:1
Middleboro majority support Eisenhower in primary, 05/01/1952:1
Joseph Michael files nomination papers for representative,
Elections continued
Voting hours for primaries, 08/21/1952:1
Joseph Michael makes first bid for public office, 09/11/1952:4
1,266 Middleboro citizens vote in primary, 09/18/1952:1
Fire station to be polling place, 09/18/1952:4
Your vote does count (e), 10/02/1952:9
Anthony Petrowski airs views on Senate race (l), 10/16/1952:1
Republican team visits town (p), 10/16/1952:1
Local Republican Committee wants your support (ad), 10/16/1952:3
Republican town committee wants polls open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.,
Middleboro voters support all Republican candidates, 11/06/1952:1
Nearly 90% of Lakeville voters turn out, 11/06/1952:1
Official Middleboro tally (t), 11/06/1952:1
Lakeville voters elect Lodge, 11/13/1952:1
Local GI critical of The Spectator column (l) (Richard E. Maltais),
Senator David Pratt declines to run again 50 years ago, 05/06/1954:9
Lakeville voters cast 834 ballots, 11/04/1954:1
Tabulation of results from Middleboro (t), 11/04/1954:1
Elections - Lakeville
List of candidates, 02/10/1950:12
Only 131 of 977 registered voters attend, 03/10/1950:1
Ralph Baker candidate for selectman, 05/19/1950:1, 05/19/1950:6
Ralph Baker elected to replace Pember on boards, 06/23/1950:1
Candidates all certified, 02/01/1951:5
Exceptionally quiet this year, 03/08/1951:1
Outline of upcoming election, 01/24/1952:5
Lawrence Simon last candidate to file papers, 02/07/1952:9
Lawrence Simon candidate for selectman (p), 02/14/1952:1
Harry Norris seeks re-election to four posts (p), 02/21/1952:1
Laurence Simon for assessor and selectman (ad) (p), 02/21/1952:9
Political flier for candidate Norris inserted in town report, 02/28/1952:1
Transportation to polls offered (ad), 02/28/1952:2
Re-elect selectman-assessor Norris (ad) (p), 02/28/1952:9
Norris wins by wide margin; all results (p), 03/06/1952:1
Profile of candidate for School Committee, John Hilton (p),
List of candidates filing nomination papers, 01/29/1953:8
Only 189 votes cast, 03/05/1953:1
Frank Jenkins candidate for Finance Committee, 02/18/1954:6
Everett Holmes, Jr. candidate for constable (ad), 02/25/1954:3
Manuel Borge candidate for constable and fish warden, 02/25/1954:3
WW II veteran, Everett Holmes, runs for office, 02/25/1954:3
Everett Holmes, Jr. thanks voters (ad), 03/04/1954:5
Frank Jenkins thanks voters (ad), 03/04/1954:5
Small turnout for annual event, 03/04/1954:10
Elections - Middleboro
Voters called for annual election, list of candidates, 01/13/1950:1
Frederick daCosta candidate for School Committee (ad) (p),
George Wheeler candidate for Board of Selectmen (ad) (p),
Miriam McDonald candidate for School Committee (ad) (p),
W. Lloyd Sturgis candidate for assessor (ad) (p), 01/13/1950:3
Candidate Campbell deplores two-platoon system (l), 01/13/1950:4
Ralph Maddigan, Jr. candidate for Board of Selectmen (ad),
Rhodolphus Alger candidate for Board of Selectmen (ad) (p),
Frederick daCosta candidate for School Committee (ad) (p),
George Vigers candidate for Board of Selectmen (ad), 01/13/1950:9
Maddigan, Alger, Campbell, Riley, and Sturgis all winners (p),
Scores of voters fail to go to polls (l) (Henry B. Burkland),
Nomination papers due by December 11th, 12/01/1950:1
Selectmen Manuel Silvia will not seek re-election (p), 12/08/1950:1
Voters to decide how to vote on new school, 12/08/1950:1
Three in race for two seats as selectmen, 12/15/1950:1
Precinct Three Improvement Association in favor of Australian ballot
(ad), 12/15/1950:12
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Elections – Middleboro continued
Voters reject plans for new high school, 12/22/1950:1
Dull campaign in prospect, selectmen's race only contest, 01/04/1951:1
List of candidates, 01/11/1951:1
Romeo Millette issues brief statement, 01/11/1951:1
Millette for selectman (ad), 01/11/1951:7
John Washburn for selectman (ad), 01/11/1951:10
MacDougall and Washburn elected, Millette defeated for 5th time,
Shurtleff, Deane, and Anderson file nomination papers, 11/15/1951:1
Selectman Ralph Nourse runs for fourth term, 11/22/1951:1
Shaw and daCosta file nomination papers, 11/22/1951:1
Fletcher Clark, Jr. and Ford Campbell file for re-election, 11/29/1951:1
Holbrook runs for selectmen; Mahoney and Atwood run for re-election;
Kendall files for election to Planning Board, 12/06/1951:1
Deane and Churbuck run for Board of Assessors, 12/13/1951:1
List of candidates thus far, 12/13/1951:1
Seventeen candidates certified for January election, 12/20/1951:1
Biographical sketch of candidate Percy Churbuck, 12/27/1951:1
Seventeen candidates, three contests, 01/03/1952:1
Candidate for selectman, Paul Anderson, makes statement (p),
Profiles of candidates for office, 01/10/1952:1
Town committees to be elected in April primary, 01/10/1952:1
Outline of upcoming election, 01/17/1952:1
Louise Walker for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/17/1952:2
Ralph Nourse for Board of Selectmen (ad), 01/17/1952:4
Thomas Weston for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/17/1952:8
Anderson for Board of Selectmen (ad) (p), 01/17/1952:9
Churbuck for assessor (ad), 01/17/1952:10
Holbrook for Board of Selectmen (ad), 01/17/1952:11
Anderson defeats Nourse in upset, all results, 01/24/1952:1
Eagles offer to transport voters on election day, 01/24/1952:1
Donald Mello runs for selectman, 11/27/1952:1
Finance Committeeman Keedwell will not run again, 11/27/1952:1
Miriam Campbell runs for re-election to School Committee,
Town Clerk announces important dates for January election,
Town officers whose terms are expiring, 11/27/1952:1
List of candidate who have filed nomination papers, 12/04/1952:1
Joseph Riley not running again for School Committee, 12/11/1952:1
Maddigan and Alger candidates for re-election to Board of Selectmen,
Norman Rudolph runs for Board of Selectmen, 12/11/1952:1
Profile of Francis Sylvia, candidate for School Committee,
Races outlined as date passes to submit nomination papers,
Elect Francis Silvia to School Committee (ad) (p), 01/01/1953:2
Polling places explained, 01/08/1953:1
Profile of Norman Rudolph, candidate for selectman (p), 01/08/1953:1
Details of eleven races, 01/15/1953:1
Profile of School Committee candidate Walter Rudziak, 01/15/1953:1
Profile of selectman candidate Don Mello (p), 01/15/1953:1
Selectman Maddigan seeks re-election again, 01/15/1953:1
Re-elect selectman Rhodolphus Alger (ad) (p), 01/15/1953:2
Elect Francis Sylvia to School Committee (ad) (p), 01/15/1953:3
Elect to Norman Rudolph to Board of Selectmen (ad) (p), 01/15/1953:7
Re-elect Maddigan to Board of Selectmen (ad) (p), 01/15/1953:9
Elect Walter Rudziak to School Committee (ad) (p), 01/15/1953:11
Only one upset; 4,250 fail to vote, 01/22/1953:1
Voting stats from 50 years ago, 11/05/1953:4
Alice Lentini one of few women to seek selectman's post, 11/26/1953:1
Calendar for town elections, 11/26/1953:1
William MacDougall takes out nomination papers for re-election,
Clark running for re-election as moderator, 12/03/1953:4
Ralph Nourse enters race for selectman, 12/10/1953:1
Chester Shaw files for re-election as treasurer/collector, 12/10/1953:6
Eighteen running for town offices, 12/17/1953:1
No candidates for Planning Board, 12/24/1953:5
Polling places and hours for election, 12/31/1953:1
Alice Lentini for selectman (ad) (p), 12/31/1953:10
Elections – Middleboro continued
Gazette invites candidates to submit biographies, 01/07/1954:1
Vote for a square deal with Roy Fagerberg (ad), 01/07/1954:2
Biographies of candidates seeking office (p), 01/14/1954:1
List of candidates, 01/14/1954:1
Officers appointed by selectmen, 01/14/1954:1
Elect James Houilhan assessor (ad) (p), 01/14/1954:2
Elect Maurice Braga selectman (ad) (p), 01/14/1954:3
Elect Ruth McCrillis to School Committee (ad), 01/14/1954:7
Elect Ralph Crane to Board of Assessors (ad), 01/14/1954:9
Annual election draws 1,873 voters; results, 01/21/1954:1
Jacob Swift oldest Middleboro serving as election official,
Police Department thanks voters for approval of Civil Service question
(ad), 01/21/1954:3
Fagerberg thanks voters for support (ad), 01/21/1954:10
Houlihan thanks voters for support (ad), 01/21/1954:10
Officers appointed 50 years ago, 03/04/1954:7
Silvia, Mendall, and Braga take out nomination papers, 11/18/1954:1
Manuel Silvia withdraws for contest for selectman, 11/25/1954:1
Robert Anderson seeks post on School Committee (p), 11/25/1954:1
Shurtleff, Jr. will not run again; Anderson to run, 11/25/1954:1
Three-way race for selectman shaping up, 12/02/1954:1
George Donner seeks seat on Housing Authority, 12/09/1954:1
Raymond Curtis, Jr. candidate for Finance Committee, 12/09/1954:1
Town Clerk releases complete election ticket, 12/16/1954:1
Elections - Plymouth County
Earl Gates urges support of Allan Hale's candidacy for D.A. (l),
Geo. Sampson candidate for representative 50 years ago, 09/02/1954:7
Hale candidacy expected to bring large turnout, 09/09/1954:1
Vote for Hale for District Attorney (ad), 09/09/1954:4
Lakeville results of primary, 09/16/1954:1
Middleboro gives Hale fine support, 09/16/1954:1
Gazette interviews state senate candidate Hastings Keith, 10/07/1954:1
Electric Department. see Middleboro - Gas & Electric Department
Electric Railroads
Line to Taunton has long wait 50 years ago, 12/03/1953:9
Stops at Plymouth Street School 50 years ago, 01/14/1954:8
First trolley express from Taunton to Monument Beach runs through 50
years ago, 02/11/1954:8
Snow hinders operations 50 years ago, 02/18/1954:3
Judge Nathan Washburn resigns as counsel for MW & BB street
Railway 50 years ago, 02/25/1954:8
Local creditors of MB, Wareham & Buzzards Bay offered 50 cents on
the dollar 50 years ago, 05/13/1954:10
Wayland, Chase new conductor on M, W & BB 50 years ago,
Everett St turnout removed 50 years ago, 07/15/1954:8
Old Colony replaces poles on Centre and Main 50 years ago,
MW and BB stores winter supply of salt 50 years ago, 11/11/1954:4
Electric Shoe Repair
Store closed Wednesday afternoons (ad), 05/26/1950:3
Electricity and Electricians. see also Bassett & Broadbent
E.N. Niro, 87 Oak St (ad), 01/06/1950:6
A.J. Giberti, 31 Oak St (ad), 01/06/1950:6
W.J. Patstone, Marion Rd (ad), 01/06/1950:6
H.H. Dudley, Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Shing Electric, Lakeville (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Lang employs daughter Natalie, 07/07/1950:6
Power lines extended to Indian Shores, Assawompsett Lake,
Arthur Jenney requests three-phase electric service for machine shop
off East Grove St, 11/29/1951:1
Owl electrocuted on high tension line, 05/17/1951:1
Charles Bassett, Jr. hit with 4,000 volts, 11/08/1951:1
Richard Parmenter has article published in Radio-Electronics magazine,
Elks. see Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks - Lodge No. 1274
Elliot, George
Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Elliott, Alfred J.
Engaged to Olive Porter, 11/06/1952:5
Wed to Olive Porter, 11/20/1952:7
Elliott, Alfred Jesse
Wedding described, 11/20/1952:8
Elliott, Geo.
Meet the sales force at Egger's Annex (ad) (p), 04/24/1952:5
Elliott, William C.
Local police recover property stolen from Pocksha Pond homes (p),
Student driver car presented to MHS (p), 12/22/1950:1
Ellis, Anna
Writes of poor Atlantic crossing, 07/12/1951:10
Ellis, Annie E.
Obituary, 03/12/1953:10
Ellis, Annie Ellen
Widow of Charles M. dies at age 85, 03/12/1953:5
Ellis, Elizabeth
Almost fatally burned while using outdoor incinerator, 04/08/1954:1
Elderly woman dies day after accident, 04/15/1954:12
Ellis, Mrs Joseph F.
To depart for trip abroad, 06/07/1951:10
Ellis, R.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Elridge, H.W.
H.A. Alger & Co. purchases printing plant of H.W. Eldridge 50 years
ago, 10/21/1954:10
Emblem Club. see Middleboro Emblem Club
Emergency Medical Services
Selectmen ask additional $200 for ambulance service, 02/07/1952:1
Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1
Emerson, Henry
Dies at age 74, 09/20/1951:7
Obituary, 09/20/1951:8
Emery, Eugenia
Wed to Allen Taylor, 07/03/1952:6
Emery, Mary C.
Wed to John A. Thomas, Jr., 09/11/1952:5
Emigration. see Immigration and Emigration
Emond, Albert F.
Wed to Dorothy Serra, 01/18/1951:5
Emond, Dorothy
Overcome by gas in own home, 06/14/1951:4
Itinerant Office open one extra day per week, 01/20/1950:5
State office announces office hours, 03/17/1950:1
Massachusetts Division advertises available positions (ad),
Douglas Verder guilty of violating wage laws, 10/20/1950:1
Endicott Johnson Shoes
21-23 Center St (ad), 03/31/1950:5
Endres, Ray
Catches 3-lb, 5-oz pickerel 50 years ago, 08/19/1954:8
Engel, William
Applies for gas storage permit, 04/10/1952:12
Engel, William E.C.
Petition for license to store gasoline and oil, 04/03/1952:5
Engineers and Engineering
John Logan and Paul Anderson pass civil service exam, 03/03/1950:1
Joseph Kyrouz to teach evening course in civil engineering,
Englestead, Mrs Charles
Estate auction at 840 Center St (ad), 05/20/1954:12
Englested, Charles A.
Couple attends St. Louis Exposition 50 years ago, 05/20/1954:4
Englested, Minnie E.
Petition for probate of will, 04/24/1952:4
Executor presents account of estate, 05/20/1954:8
Englested, Minnie Etta
Obituary, 04/10/1952:3
Widow of Charles dies at age 79, 04/10/1952:7
Eno, George
Complaint against Eno for erecting sign on another's property,
Eno, George G.
Skidding car breaks hydrant, 07/26/1951:9
Eno, George H.
Moves sign at request of selectmen, 05/19/1950:1
Three juveniles guilty in break-in at Pine Haven, 01/24/1952:10
Sells gas station and restaurant to Pierre Gagnon, 08/19/1954:10
Eno, Norman G.
Auto struck by New Jersey driver at South Main and Grove St,
Enos, Dick
Graduates from school of umpires, 03/27/1952:1
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Enos, Laura
Homemade Italian food (ad), 03/13/1952:10
Enos, Richard Herbert
Sent to Boston for induction, 03/13/1952:1
Enos, William L., Jr.
Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7
Enos, William Louis
Wed to Janice Crystal Drew, 01/10/1952:4
Enos, William Louis, Jr.
Engaged to Janice Crystal Drew, 12/20/1951:7
Enquist, Carolina A.
Obituary, 04/30/1953:6
Enscoe, Gerald
Engaged to Ann O'Neil, 05/26/1950:8
Enscoe, Gerald E.
Engaged to Ann Louise O'Neil, 05/12/1950:1
Entertainment. see also Concerts; Dances and Dancing; Theater
Lewis Shaw's license renewed, 05/19/1950:2
American Legion presents annual minstrel show, 03/29/1951:1
Lions Club presents Gay Nineties program, 03/29/1951:1
South Middleboro youngsters stage circus to benefit Red Cross (p),
South Middleboro youngsters stage circus in support of Junior Red
Cross, 06/25/1953:7
YMCA presents minstrels and tiny tot show, 10/08/1953:7
Author Salom Rizk hosted by MHS Silver M Society, 11/12/1953:1
South School pupils hold own circus (p), 06/17/1954:4
Episcopal Church. see Church of Our Saviour
Erickson, Alma
Wed to Dario Romano, 02/11/1954:4
Erickson, Anna
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Erickson, Bud
Sachem Steppers' gingham ball attracts throng of square dancers (p),
Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3
Erickson, Carolyn
Reports purse stolen by dog, 12/27/1951:1
Erickson, Donald
Daughter born, 07/07/1950:5
Son born, 09/13/1951:5
Erickson, Harland
Son born, 10/15/1953:4
Erickson, Herbert
Rural mail carrier, 07/14/1950:8
Erickson, Karen
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Erickson, Kenneth
Bedford St couple married eleven years, 04/05/1951:6
Erickson, Lois
Sachem Steppers' gingham ball attracts throng of square dancers (p),
Erickson, Mrs Carl
Resides in Wheaton, IL, 01/22/1953:4
Erickson, Mrs Clarence
White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p),
Erickson, Myrtle Darling
Son born, 10/15/1953:4
Erickson, Robert Edward
Wed to Astrid Margaret Olson, 05/10/1951:2
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Erickson, Shirley Wright
Daughter born, 07/07/1950:5
Son born, 09/13/1951:5
Erickson, Susanna Greta
Widow of Aleksius dies at age 79, 12/10/1953:6
Obituary, 12/10/1953:9
Ernest S. Pratt Co.
Oil, ice, coke (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Discontinues ice deliveries (ad), 10/01/1953:7
Erwin, Betty Ann
Engaged to Frederick A. Parmenter, 09/13/1951:6
Wedding described, 04/30/1953:6
High school education responsible for capture of State Farm escapee,
Escobar, Franklin
Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5
Escobar, Wilma Reynolds
Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5
Fred Green takes 6th in national essay contest, 09/20/1951:5
Burris Edwards pays tribute to father, Ralph B. Edwards, 05/07/1953:10
Estelle Shop
37 Center St (ad), 02/17/1950:11
Estes, Betty Hughes
Son born, 09/13/1951:5
Estes, George
Son born, 09/13/1951:5
Estes, R.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Estes, Robert
Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1
Estey, Marion King
Engaged to Luther B. Hoard, 03/20/1952:2
Ethier, David H.
Engaged to Barbara Jane Armstrong, 12/29/1950:4
Ethier, David Harmon
Sent for induction into armed services, 10/09/1952:8
Dine, dance, television (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Etta Washburn sentenced to two months and fined $100 for maintaining
prostitution nuisance, 03/03/1950:1
New name for Half-Way House, Starvish new owner, 07/29/1954:1
Grand opening on Rte 28 (ad), 08/26/1954:3
Now serving complete business men's luncheon (ad), 10/07/1954:2
Frances Serra to sail for Italy to see mother for first time in 25 years,
Gertrude Kennedy heading across Atlantic, 07/07/1950:8
Deanes return from three month trip, 07/28/1950:7
War bride, Sally Lacombe, goes home to see parents in England,
Greeks send thanks for gifts of food, 03/29/1951:1
Josephine McDonald to sail on Queen Elizabeth, 04/19/1951:4
Mrs Joseph Ellis to depart for trip abroad, 06/07/1951:10
Anna Ellis writes of poor Atlantic crossing, 07/12/1951:10
Speight sails for Germany, 08/02/1951:1
Teacher writes of excursion into Berlin (l) (Elizabeth Speight),
Anthony Oliver home from two years of duty with Voice of America in
Munich, 12/06/1951:1
Phyllis Holt going to England to do biological research over summer,
Elizabeth Speight enjoys teaching in Germany, 07/31/1952:1
Mrs Walter Weeman sails on New Amsterdam, 09/04/1952:3
Newlyweds, Mr and Mrs Norman MacAulay, return from Germany,
Marjorie Holt sails from New York on tour of Europe, 08/13/1953:5
Richard Clark writes from Naples, Italy (l), 09/24/1953:5
Patrick Gordon visits relatives in England, 10/22/1953:10
Tragedy in village in Macedonia told in letter of thanks to MHS Student
council (p), 11/05/1953:1
Francis Gladu's mother-in-law visiting from England, 12/10/1953:3
Europe continued
Allan Thatcher sails for Italy 50 years ago, 01/21/1954:7
Lorraine DiMuzio granted leave to teach in Germany, 04/08/1954:1
Mrs Leonard Cartwright plans visit to homeland in England,
Mrs Ralph Morse sets sail, 07/29/1954:7
Mrs Leonard Cartwright returns after three months in homeland,
Anthony Zervas leaves to visit Greece (p), 12/16/1954:1
Evans, Harry M.
Wood St couple married 20 years, 10/28/1954:10
Evans, Wayne W.
Resides in Oakland Beach, RI, 06/03/1954:9
Son born, 07/01/1954:10
Evans, Wayne W., Jr.
Born to Wayne W. Evans, 07/01/1954:10
Everberg, Don
Begins duties as reporter for Gazette, 08/26/1954:1
Everett, Harriet Ryder
Petition for probate of will, 01/03/1952:5
Everett Club
Formed here 50 years ago, 11/26/1953:7
Everett Square Diner
Co-owner Allen Dean fined $150 for gaming nuisance, 05/17/1951:3
Charles Goodwin opens former Everett Square Diner as Charlie's Diner
(ad), 01/17/1952:8
Evitt, William
Engaged to Janice Silva, 08/21/1952:9
Evitt, William K.
Engaged to Janice C. Silva, 02/12/1953:5
Wed to Janice C. Silva, 02/19/1953:5
Evitts, William K.
Wedding described, 02/19/1953:4
E.W. Goodhue Lumber Co.
Cambridge St (ad), 01/06/1950:5
Granted permit for signs, 04/05/1951:2
Aerial view of yards in Middleboro and Freetown (ad) (p),
E.W. Harlow & Sons
Contractors and builders (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Ewalt, Keller
Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7
Ewalt, Keller R.
Engaged to Mamie Mackiewicz, 03/31/1950:5, 04/07/1950:6
Wedding described, 04/21/1950:4
Wed to Mamie Mackiewicz, 04/28/1950:7
Sergeant station with Veterinarian Corps in Panama, 02/05/1953:1
Ewalt, Mamie Mackiewicz
Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7
Joins husband stationed in Panama, 02/05/1953:1
Excavation and Excavators
Roger Beech, bulldozer excavation (ad), 02/24/1950:12
Anthony Frazier, bulldozer work (ad), 04/21/1950:3
Explosives and Explosions
TNT truck bangs into elm tree on North Main St, 01/06/1950:1
Hugh Bigelow loses tips of fingers as mixture explodes, 07/28/1950:1
Ellis Atwood's skull fractured in heater explosion, dies, 12/01/1950:1
Oil stove explodes at Warren Perry's Rocky Meadow St home,
Wilfred Montminy suffers burns in boat explosion, 07/12/1951:2
Robert Tate injured by exploding shotgun shell, 02/12/1953:1
Reynolds and step daughter burned when gas explodes, 07/22/1954:8
Fabbri, Medardo
Plymouth St couple married 40 years, 11/03/1950:15
Fagan, Charles
Withdraws charge of assault against Mellish, 04/05/1951:2
Fagan, Charles H.
Mellish appeals jail sentence for trespassing, 01/27/1950:3
Stephen Mellish pleads not guilty to charge of trespassing brought by
Fagan, 07/14/1950:8
Stephen Mellish changes plea, fined $25, 07/28/1950:8
Stephen Mellish pleads not guilty to assault on Fagan, 03/29/1951:2
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Fagan, Charles H. continued
Wed to Margaret Hanlon 50 years ago, 04/15/1954:9
Fagan, Thomas Francis
Obituary, 06/07/1951:8
Fagerberg, Eric
Resides in Cristobal, Canal Zone, 08/13/1953:9
Fagerberg, G.
Strout Realty Co. (ad), 06/24/1954:5
New location of Strout Realty on Rte 28 (ad), 07/08/1954:8
Fagerberg, Goldie
Local rep for Everseal Aluminum windows (ad), 02/12/1953:4
Fagerberg, Mrs Roy
Real estate (ad), 02/14/1952:2
Fagerberg, Roy
Public auction (ad), 08/11/1950:7
Fagerberg, Roy, Jr.
Engaged to Alice Waechter, 08/04/1950:8
Wed to Alice Waechter, 08/18/1950:10
Resides in Peoria, IL, 07/05/1951:8
Fagerberg, Roy V.
Vote for a square deal (ad), 01/07/1954:2
Biography of candidate for Board of Selectmen, 01/14/1954:1
Thanks voters for support (ad), 01/21/1954:10
Fagerberg's Garage
Suffers break-in, 02/10/1950:7
Fahey Funeral Home
South Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Robert Cartmell, director (ad) (p), 04/02/1953:7
Mr and Mrs Patrick McMahon sever connections with business (ad),
Faietti, A.
Heating contractor, 6 South Main St (ad), 09/27/1951:6
Over 48 years of metal working experience (ad), 09/16/1954:8
Faietti, Albino
Eleven-year-old alerts neighbor Claudette Cameron of fire,
Last example of vanishing trade, tinsmithing, 09/02/1954:10
Faietti, Mrs Albino. see Faietti Fashion Shoppe
Faietti Fashion Shoppe
Shop for best selection (ad), 01/13/1950:4
Mrs Albino Faietti, 2 South Main St (p), 09/03/1953:6
Popular dress store, 2 South Main St (p), 01/07/1954:6
Easter fashions ready, 04/01/1954:6
New line of summer wear, 06/24/1954:6
Faietti Hardware
6 South Main St (ad), 04/26/1951:6
Fair Havens Rest Home
New rest on Marion Rd to be dedicated, 05/24/1951:9
Rest home files complaint about speeding on Marion Rd, 08/23/1951:1
Selectmen recommend state inspection for convalescent home,
Employs Barbara Pittsley, 01/15/1953:11
A.A. Wuorela tenders resignation as manager and treasurer (ad),
New manager Hugo Hillila, 03/05/1953:6
Selectmen sign certificate, 10/22/1953:1
Fairchild, Mrs T.E.
Resides in Portland, ME, 01/06/1950:2
Fairs. see also Future Farmers of America
MHS vocational ag students take honors at Brockton fair, 09/22/1950:1
Prize winners at South Middleboro Grange fair, 08/30/1951:1
Middleborough Agricultural Fair opens with good crowd,
Falciola (Mr and Mrs)
New Jersey couple moves to South Middleboro, 07/05/1951:5
Falciola, Louis J.
Wife files for divorce, 07/02/1953:5
Falciola, Margaret
Files for divorce, 07/02/1953:5
Falciola, Richard
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Falciola, Robert
South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home
(p), 10/18/1951:1
Falciola, Robert continued
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Falconeiri, Angeline
Obituary, 07/17/1952:2
Widow of Joseph dies at age 69, 07/17/1952:5
Falconeiri, Dominic
Son born, 05/24/1951:7
Falconeiri, Donald
Corporal wounded north of Wonsan, 12/01/1950:1
Missing in action from 24th infantry in Korea, 01/25/1951:1
Corporal is prisoner of war (p), 08/09/1951:1
Listed as prisoner of war, 12/20/1951:1
Family hears from POW in China (l), 01/03/1952:1
Falconeiri, Donald L.
Former POW joins 320th Military Police Battalion, 03/11/1954:9
Falconeiri, Dorothy
MHS art student win gold key, goes on to Pittsburgh competition,
Falconeiri, Dorothy F.
Engaged to Edward J. Medas, 04/01/1954:4
Wed to Edward J. Medas, 04/29/1954:4
Falconeiri, Dorothy Frances
Engaged to Edward Joseph Medas, 10/22/1953:12
Engaged to Edward J. Medas, 04/01/1954:4
Wedding described, 04/29/1954:10
Falconeiri, Joseph
Pedestrian killed by hit-and-run driver, 12/22/1950:1
Pedestrian killed instantly by unknown motorist, 12/29/1950:1
Falconeiri, Louis
Attends University of Massachusetts, 12/22/1950:11, 09/20/1951:8
Pledges Kappa Sigma at UMass, 01/31/1952:1
Local man to receives degree from UMass (p), 06/03/1954:6
Falconeiri, Margaret Teceno
Son born, 05/24/1951:7
Falconeiri, Phillip J.
Bessie Maleski and Dimmie Dascoulias sell The Fruit Outlet to Manuel
Abren and Falconeiri, 04/29/1954:1
Falconeiri, Ronald
Who's who in MHS senior class, 04/14/1950:4
Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1
Falconer, Kenneth
Farm exchange student from Australia, 10/15/1953:5
Falconieri, Alfred Joseph
Wed to Ethel Griswold, 06/05/1952:7
Falconieri, Donald
Private lands in Korea twelve days ago, 09/15/1950:1
Corporal writes to family from POW camp in North Korea (l),
Still a prisoner of war, 04/30/1953:1
Parents receive letter from prisoner in China, 05/14/1953:1
Committee named to arrange welcome home celebration, 07/30/1953:1
Prisoner of Communists for 31 months, returned to freedom,
Plans made for civic celebration, 08/20/1953:1
Returning prisoner greeted enthusiastically (p), 08/27/1953:1
Welcome home plans completed, 08/27/1953:1
Ex-POW urges blood donations, 09/03/1953:1
Schedule of homecoming festivities, 09/03/1953:1
Eagles sponsors drill team for homecoming, 09/03/1953:2
Reviewing welcome home festivities (p), 09/10/1953:1
Welcome Home committee expresses thanks, 09/10/1953:1
Police mascot Spike wears special uniform for homecoming,
Eagles apologize for failure to have Girls in Green on hand for
homecoming, 09/10/1953:10
LaForest and Maddigan responsible for flyovers during homecoming,
Falconieri, Donald L.
Parents receive letter from released POW (l), 06/18/1953:1
Parents await announcement of delivery to United Nations and U.S.
Army officers, 08/06/1953:1
Pictured upon release from Communist prison camp (p), 08/20/1953:1
Lieutenant Colonel Rudolph Bohmer helped get Falconieri back home,
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Falconieri, Donald L. continued
Middleboro welcomes Sergeant home, 09/10/1953:1
Falconieri, Florence L.
Five injured in two-car crash at West Grove and West St, 10/09/1952:2
Falconieri, Louis
Driver wrecks pole on Thomas St, 06/02/1950:1
To be commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in Air Force, 05/13/1954:10
Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1
Falconieri, Margaret
Philip Falconieri and Manuel Abren new owners of The Fruit Outlet
(p), 05/13/1954:8
Falconieri, Philip
And Manuel Abren new owners of The Fruit Outlet (p), 05/13/1954:8
The Fruit Outlet has holiday fruits and vegetables in abundance,
Falconieri, William W.
Wed to Dorothy S. Turner, 06/05/1952:7
Fall Brook Mothers' Club
Hugh Bigelow loses tips of fingers as mixture explodes, 07/28/1950:1
Holds annual meeting, 01/11/1951:8, 10/11/1951:3, 01/10/1952:6
Falls (accidents)
Mrs Charles Rogers fractures collar bone in fall at home, 04/21/1950:10
Mrs Charles Rogers returns home from hospital, 05/05/1950:10
John Nichols fractures arm in fall at Nemasket Transportation,
Emilie Barta fractures arm in fall, 06/09/1950:7
Mrs W.A.D. Clark fractures wrist in fall, 06/30/1950:6
Merchant, Luther Longworth, fractures skull in fall, dies, 09/01/1950:1
Library employee Louise Pratt fractures wrist in fall, 09/15/1950:10
Esther Hawthorne breaks arm in fall on post office steps, 12/08/1950:2
Three-year-old Darlene Bradford falls from father's auto, 12/15/1950:16
Mrs Edward Jackson dislocates shoulder in fall, 01/11/1951:6
Daniel Kensenski fractures skull in fall, 01/18/1951:5
Judith Wilcox home recuperating from a fall, 01/25/1951:10
Mrs Carl Kendall fractures elbow in fall, 02/01/1951:9
Mrs C. Frank Lincoln sprains ankle in fall, 03/08/1951:4
Susan Bishop breaks hip in fall, 03/08/1951:4
Eight-year-old Elaine Donner falls from car, 03/15/1951:1
Mrs Watson Baker fractures shoulder in fall, 03/29/1951:10
May Eddy breaks hip in fall, 04/26/1951:6
Lee Chickering injured in fall from bicycle, 05/10/1951:6
Viola Tuck breaks leg, 05/17/1951:5
Mrs George Millett injures ankle, 05/31/1951:5
Eugene Ledoux suffers contusions in fall, 08/16/1951:1
Sadie Sheehy sprains wrist in fall, 09/06/1951:8
Elizabeth Galfre fractures hip in fall, 09/13/1951:10
Howard Sparrow fractures ankle in fall, 09/27/1951:1
Irma Goodhue in coma after fracturing skull in fall, 11/01/1951:1
Mrs George Northcott hurt in fall on Wareham St sidewalk,
Babysitter Rose Alma Gamache falls on steps at home of John Scanlon,
Daniel Guertin suffers concussion in fall at Hyde Park, 07/17/1952:1
Charles Glidden falls off load of hay, 07/17/1952:2
Elizabeth Harding in coma after thrown from horse, 10/30/1952:1
Painter Clifford DeCoff fractures leg in fall from ladder, 12/04/1952:4
DeCoff closes business temporarily (ad), 12/04/1952:10
Marian Minassian fractures leg in fall from second story porch,
Taunton child falls from car on Rte 28, 02/26/1953:1
John Paun fractures arm, 05/07/1953:1
Clara Tripp fractures shoulder in fall on street, 05/28/1953:1
George Forsberg breaks hip in fall, 07/09/1953:2
Herbert Thompson, Jr. suffers crushed vertebra in fall at Sandwich
Beach, 07/23/1953:1
Margaret Walker falls on stairs, found 80 hours later, 07/30/1953:1
Margaret Walker getting along fine at hospital, 08/06/1953:1
Mrs Clifton Nelson suffers fall at home, 09/24/1953:6
Barry Bartlett falls from car, skull fractured, leg broken, 10/01/1953:1
Eight-year-old Carol Carlson falls out of moving car, 12/03/1953:5
John LeMere killed in fall from train, 12/10/1953:1
Mrs Ashley Holbrook breaks hip in fall, 02/25/1954:3
Fred Johnson injures back in fall, 02/25/1954:6
Carrie Carver sprains back in fall, 05/13/1954:11
Falls (accidents) continued
Mrs Carl Kendall fractures elbow in fall, 10/07/1954:3
John Martin injures arm in fall 50 years ago, 10/21/1954:10
Painter Jesse Hall falls when ladder slips, 11/25/1954:8
Falvey, Mrs William
Joins husband in Washington, DC, 11/19/1953:2
Family Violence
Henry Soucie, Jr. fined $10 for striking niece, 04/14/1950:6
Wife accuses Lorenzo Savery of assault and battery, 04/21/1950:1
John Jesse fined $25 for assaulting wife, 09/08/1950:10
Edward Correia guilty of assault on former wife Alice O'Donnell,
John Lavine fined for assault on daughter-in-law Alexandra,
Jesse Perkins charged with assault and battery on wife Irene,
Irene Perkins paralyzed after assault, husband Jesse held in $5,000 for
grand jury, 03/08/1951:1
Murphy's assault charge against husband Thomas dismissed,
Jesse Perkins indicted for assault on wife Irene, 06/14/1951:1
Jesse Perkins given 30 months sentence for assault on wife,
Archie MacNayr guilty of assault on wife Dorothy, 08/30/1951:8
Richard B. Judson guilty of assaulting wife Violet, 10/04/1951:4
Richard Judson charges Violette Judson with assault and battery,
Richard Judson drops charges against wife, 11/01/1951:1
August Pfister fined $25 for assault on wife Pauline, 03/13/1952:7
Kenyon Pike denies charges of assault made by wife, 10/23/1952:7
Noble McIvers guilty of assault and battery on his wife, 03/12/1953:4
Melvin Gould case continued, 07/30/1953:3
Henry Gray, Jr. pleads not guilty to assault on wife Eleanor,
Melvin Gould ordered to pay for wife's dental work, 01/21/1954:3
Ardavast Sr. and Jr. charged with assault on Haig Ardavast,
Four Kayajans file assault charges, 03/25/1954:7
Frank Bent pleads not guilty to assault on wife, 04/29/1954:9
Philip Mellen's wife Celia drops assault charges, 08/19/1954:9
Assault and battery case against William Guild continued,
Arlene McDonald assault case heard in court, 09/09/1954:10
Luther Boyd assault case continued, 09/23/1954:10
Henry Gray, Jr. charged with assault on former wife Eleanor,
Wife charges Theodore Beaudoin with assault, 12/16/1954:8
Fanjoy, Allan
Daughter born, 05/15/1952:7
Fanjoy, Allen
Daughter born, 06/02/1950:5
Wins recognition at GE for helping develop new machine, 01/01/1953:1
Resigns from GE, employed with Brown and Sharpe in Providence,
Fanjoy, Donald R.
Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts
National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1
Fanjoy, Mary Begley
Daughter born, 06/02/1950:5, 05/15/1952:7
Fardie, Lena Perry
Daughter born, 11/05/1953:7
Fardie, Norman
Daughter born, 11/05/1953:7
Fardy, Andrew J.
Collides head on with Rockland driver on Wareham St, 01/06/1950:6
Fardy, Jim
VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4
Farley, Al
Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore
championships (p), 07/03/1952:5
MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Farley, Al continued
MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p),
Farley, Alfred
MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p),
Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1
MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1
MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4
Farley, Alfred E.
1950 high school hoop squad coach (p), 03/10/1950:1
Farley, Ann
Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6
Farley, Bernice R.
Passes civil service exam, 04/12/1951:10
Farley, Beverly Sturgis
Daughter born, 04/02/1953:7
Farley, Bill
Sets new school records in two track events, 05/15/1952:2
Sets new record for 100-yard dash, 06/05/1952:3
Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore
championships (p), 07/03/1952:5
MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1
Sets new school records in three track and field events, 05/20/1954:3
Takes second in 200-yd dash at state meet in Boston, 06/03/1954:4
Sets new school record for broad jump, 06/03/1954:9
Farley, Daniel
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated
by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1
Farley, Dianne
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Farley, George
Daughter born, 04/02/1953:7
Farley, George E.
Wedding described, 06/30/1950:6
Farley, George James
Engaged to Beverly Elaine Sturgis, 02/17/1950:12, 06/16/1950:7
Wed to Beverly Elaine Sturgis, 06/30/1950:5
Farley, Kathleen
Engaged to Stephen Stanley, 02/01/1951:10
Farley, Kathleen M.
Engaged to Stephen C. Stanuliewicz, 01/11/1951:5
Wed to Stephen C. Stanuliewicz, 02/08/1951:5
Farley, Kathleen Marguerite
Wedding described, 02/08/1951:5
Farley, Pete
Honored by local Little League, 03/19/1953:1
Farley, Peter T., Sr.
Obituary, 06/30/1950:3
Farley, Theresa A.
Engaged to William B. Washburn, 10/01/1953:6
Farley, Theresa Anne
Engaged to William B. Washburn, 05/07/1953:2, 10/01/1953:4
Wed to William B. Washburn, 10/08/1953:4
Wedding described, 10/08/1953:9
Farley, W.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Farley, William
MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1
Leaves for army induction in Boston, 09/23/1954:1
Takes training at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 10/21/1954:1
Arrives at Fort Dix, NJ for training (p), 12/02/1954:1
Farm Service Store
Wareham St (ad), 04/07/1950:9
Another arson attempt fizzles out at grain elevator, 10/14/1954:1
Farmer, John
Daughter born, 08/26/1954:4
Farmer, Shirlie Waters
Daughter born, 08/26/1954:4
Farms and Farming. see also Brown, John C.; Dairies; Future Farmers of
America; Patrons of Husbandry
Wilfred Schobel honored by Plymouth County Soil Conservation
District, 01/13/1950:8
Farms and Farming continued
Lakeville farmers organize to conserve soil, 03/24/1950:10
Charles Angers uses modern farming equipment (p), 10/08/1953:1
MHS agriculture students work on farms during summer break (p),
Farnum, Georgia Etta
Obituary, 09/04/1952:5
Wife of Walter E. dies at age 81, 09/04/1952:5
Farnum, Norman
Rev Farnum requests access to Loon Pond for children, 07/05/1951:3
Farnum, Norman R.
Precinct Church pastor going to Walpole, NH, 10/11/1951:1
Farnum, Norman R., Jr.
Ordained at Lakeville Congregational Church, 05/03/1951:9
Farnum, Norman Ray, Jr.
Graduates from Boston University, 06/07/1951:1
Farrar, David
Candy store at Centre and Everett St broken into 50 years ago,
Farrar, David H.
Farrar's, ice cream specialists (p), 07/23/1953:6
Everett Square (ad), 02/10/1950:12
Ice cream specialists (p), 07/23/1953:6
A tasty snack to take home, 11/12/1953:10
Features ice cream and chocolates (p), 02/25/1954:6
Beat the heat with ice cream, 06/24/1954:6
Farrell, John
Engaged to Shirlie Ann Fickert, 05/26/1952:9
Son born, 09/17/1953:2
Farrell, John F.
Engaged to Shirley A. Fickert, 10/30/1952:7
Wed to Shirlie A. Fickert, 11/13/1952:7
Farrell, John Francis
Wedding described, 11/13/1952:5
Farrell, Shirley Fickert
Resides in Mansfield, 12/18/1952:7
Farrell, Shirlie Fickert
Son born, 09/17/1953:2
Farren, Philip Owen
Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1
Farrington, Arlene L.
Head nurse at VA hospital in Rutland Heights, MA, 06/23/1950:6
Farrington, Catherine McDonald
Warren Ave couple married 40 years, 10/21/1954:1
Farrington, Charles
Warren Ave couple married 40 years, 10/21/1954:1
Farrington, W.R.
State highway engineer has new auto 50 years ago, 03/25/1954:8
Farwell Worsted Mill
Fred Sparrow to install new floors 50 years ago, 02/04/1954:7
Closed temporarily 50 years ago due to lack of stock, 05/13/1954:10
Sends sample to NY buyers 50 years ago, 06/17/1954:8
Running night shift to keep up 50 years ago, 11/18/1954:10
Business brisk 50 years ago, 12/02/1954:8
Fashion. see Clothing
Fasula, Shirley A.
Engaged to David J. Gonsalves, 02/04/1954:5
Fasulo, Joseph
Engaged to Emily Louise Baker, 11/24/1950:5
Wed to Emily Louise Baker, 12/08/1950:5
Fasulo, Shirley
Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club
dance (p), 02/17/1950:1
J.M. Wells gives keepsake chests to MHS senior girls (p), 06/19/1952:4
Fasulo, Shirley A.
Engaged to David J. Gonsalves, 02/25/1954:4
Faulkner, James M. "Monty"
Hit-and-run driver knocks down Faulkner, 10/02/1952:1
Faunce, Joseph
Daughter born, 03/11/1954:4
Faunce, Theresa Danahy
Daughter born, 03/11/1954:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Fava, Eleanor
Engaged to be married, 01/15/1953:5
Wed to David Eldredge, 01/22/1953:5
Fava, Eleanor Margaret
Wedding described, 01/22/1953:6
Fawcett, Gordon
Awarded Eagle Scout badge, 05/08/1952:5
Fawcett, Gordon R., Jr.
To represent MHS at Boys' State, 05/20/1954:1
Named to attend Boys' State, 06/17/1954:1
Fawcett, H.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Fawcett, Lois
Engaged to Roger Nelson, 03/06/1952:8
J.M. Wells gives keepsake chests to MHS senior girls (p), 06/19/1952:4
Engaged to Roger Nelson, 08/28/1952:8, 09/25/1952:3
Fawcett, Lois C.
Wed to Roger M. Nelson, 10/09/1952:5
Wedding described, 10/09/1952:9
Fawcett, Lois Carol
Engaged to Roger Minard Nelson, 10/02/1952:5
Fawcett, Mrs Gordon
Nurse's aide graduates from St. Luke's (p), 06/12/1952:1
Fawcett, Walter
Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Fawcett, Warren
VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4
Fay's Upholstery Co.
Free estimates, free delivery (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Fedor, Mary MacLean
Wed to William T. Sullivan, 02/28/1952:5
Feher, Margaret Hill
Returns to work at American Embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia,
Felegi, Anna Sowyrda
Daughter born, 01/20/1950:6
Felegi, John
Daughter born, 01/20/1950:6
Felton, John Thomas
Husband of Lena Wood dies at age 71, 03/25/1954:4
Obituary, 03/25/1954:7
Fenoglio, Anne Ferdenzi
Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4
Fenoglio, John
Fenoglio and Cobb collide head-on on Sachem St, 09/22/1950:9
Fire ruins grain at Ja-Mer Turkey Farm, 300 young birds moved,
Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4
Fenoglio, John J.
And Freidenfeld dissolve partnership in Ja-Mer Turkey Farm,
Fenton, Harvey A.
Awarded Rensselear Medal for Mathematics, 06/10/1954:7
Fenton, Melvin
Employed by Alberts Shoe Co.; victim of accident, 12/25/1952:5
Ferguson, James
Couple moves back into home, damaged by fire a year ago,
Ferguson, Mrs John
Resides in Beacon Falls, CT, 02/24/1950:12
Fernades, Harry Ira
Major awarded Bronze Star, 09/30/1954:6
Fernald, Henry
Daughter born, 01/25/1951:6
Son born, 09/23/1954:3
Fernald, Henry Clinton
Born to Henry and Phoebe Rotch, 09/23/1954:3
Fernald, Phoebe Rotch
Daughter born, 01/25/1951:6
Son born, 09/23/1954:3
Fernald, Stacey Noyes
Born to Henry and Phoebe Rotch, 01/25/1951:6
Fernandes, Albert
Engaged to Gloria May Fernandes, 04/28/1950:9
Engaged to Gloria M. Fernandes, 07/28/1950:4
Wed to Gloria M. Fernandes, 08/04/1950:5
Fernandes, Arthur
Permit request for mobile refreshment stand denied, 08/11/1950:8
Fernandes, Bernardo C.
Engaged to Shirley Joan Gaskin, 01/08/1953:5
Fernandes, Bernardo L.
Wed to Shirley Joan Gaskin, 01/15/1953:7
Fernandes, Dolores Torres
Daughter born, 01/18/1951:5
Fernandes, Edwin
Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4
Fernandes, Francisco
Daughter born, 01/18/1951:5
Fernandes, Gloria M.
Engaged to Albert Fernandes, 07/28/1950:4
Wed to Albert Fernandes, 08/04/1950:5
Fernandes, Gloria May
Engaged to Albert Fernandes, 04/28/1950:9
Fernandes, Joseph
Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1
Inducted into armed forces, 05/14/1953:1
Assigned to Fort Lewis, WA (p), 06/18/1953:1
Fernandes, Joseph Anthony
Sent to Boston for induction, 03/13/1952:1
Fernandes, Manny
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Fernandes, Manuel
Private 1st Class completes training with Viking Division, 05/26/1952:1
Fernandes, Manuel, Jr.
Leaves for induction in Boston, 02/08/1951:10
Fernandes, Mary Ann Gomes
Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4
Fernandes, Mary D.
Engaged to Bertram Parker Braddock, 12/01/1950:14
Wed to Bertram Parker Braddock, 12/15/1950:5
Ferraguto, Anna H.
Tells why she asked for tax bill (l), 07/31/1952:8
Ferraguto, John
Acquitted of negligence, 01/22/1953:1
Daughter born, 12/02/1954:4
Ferraguto, John H.
Son born, 07/21/1950:5
Francis Chausse killed instantly when car goes off Rte 28 (p),
Trial set for 20th, 01/08/1953:8
Ferraguto, Leo
Master Sergeant makes phone call from Manila, 03/29/1951:6
Ferraguto, Martha
Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated
by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1
Ferraguto, Richard
Resides in Los Angeles, CA, 03/29/1951:2
Ferraguto, Roberta Gross
Son born, 07/21/1950:5
Daughter born, 12/02/1954:4
Ferrari, Aldo
Inducted into armed forces, 02/05/1953:1
Ferreira, Bill
Mitchell Memorial Club 1950 baseball team (p), 09/29/1950:10
New Mitchell Memorial Club basketball coach, 12/15/1950:8
Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p),
Plymouth Shoe Co. edge out Egger's for 1954 Twilight League title (p),
Ferreira, James
Edward Medas pleads not guilty to larceny from Ferreira, 09/18/1952:7
Edward Medas cleared of larceny charge, 10/09/1952:8
Ferreira, John
Fined $100 for allowing operation of uninsured vehicle, 07/03/1952:2
Ferriera, Bill
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Ferris, Audrey-Ann
Engaged to James C. Hargraves, 01/03/1952:3
Ferron, Maurice
Range oil burner service (ad), 09/23/1954:9
Ferson, Elizabeth McDowell
Son born, 06/28/1951:5, 12/25/1952:4, 06/17/1954:5
Ferson, Jean
Receives French government scholarship, 01/27/1950:6
Named to Dean's List at UMass, 05/05/1950:7
Named to UMass Dean's List, 04/03/1952:1
Graduates from UMass (p), 06/05/1952:1
Ferson, Jean E.
On Dean's List at UMass, 04/12/1951:1
Wins scholarship at UMass, 02/21/1952:10
Awarded $250 scholarship from UMass, 03/27/1952:1
Elected to Phi Kappa Pi at UMass, 04/10/1952:10
Ferson, Jean Emery
Graduates from UMass, 05/29/1952:1
Ferson, Jean F.
Elected to staff of UMass student newspaper, 10/27/1950:5
Ferson, Malcolm
Resides in Swampscott, 08/25/1950:4
Son born, 06/28/1951:5, 07/12/1951:10, 12/25/1952:4
Transfers to Schenectady, NY, 04/08/1954:5
Son born, 06/17/1954:5
Family moves to Ballston, NY, 07/08/1954:4
Ferson, Malcom
Resides in Lynn, 01/20/1950:6
Ferson, Mrs Malcolm
Resides in Swampscott, 05/26/1950:2
Resides in Danvers, 08/07/1952:7
Ferson, Scott Earle
Born to Malcolm and Elizabeth McDowell, 12/25/1952:4
Fessenden, Edward Warren
Obituary, 04/19/1951:2
Husband of Laura J. LePorte dies at age 82, 04/19/1951:5
Fickert, Dick
Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p),
Fickert, Elsie May Deaett
Wife of William F. dies at age 63, 07/09/1953:4
Obituary, 07/09/1953:7
Fickert, Ernest
Couple moves from North Lakeville to Middleboro, 12/09/1954:3
Fickert, Jane
Resides in Sunapee, NH, 02/24/1950:12
Engaged to Adam Bagdon, 10/06/1950:4
Fickert, Jane Rachael
Engaged to Adam Bagdon, 10/27/1950:6
Wedding described, 11/03/1950:5
Wed to Adam Bagdon, 11/10/1950:7
Fickert, Janet
Engaged to Thomas Batchelder, 03/01/1951:1
Succeeds Elizabeth Speight at Bates School, 09/06/1951:7
Fickert, Janet B.
New English teacher at Bates School, 08/02/1951:1
Fickert, Janette
Engaged to Sidney H. Batchelder, Jr., 12/27/1951:5
Fickert, Janette B.
Wedding described, 12/27/1951:2
Fickert, Janette Bradford
Engaged to Sidney Horace Batchelder, 11/29/1951:7
Wed to Sydney Horace Batchelder, 01/03/1952:5
Fickert, Mrs Ernest
Resigns from Assawompsett School cafeteria, 12/09/1954:3
Fickert, Norman
Corinne Parkway couple married 10 years, 08/16/1951:1
Fickert, Richard
MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p),
Who's who in MHS senior class, 03/29/1951:4
MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p),
Enters Massachusetts School of Pharmacy, Boston, 09/20/1951:5
Fickert, Richard continued
Leaves for army service, 09/10/1953:2
Stationed at Fort Devens, 04/08/1954:6
Fickert, Richard Alfred
Inducted into armed forces, 09/10/1953:1
Fickert, Shirley A.
Engaged to John F. Farrell, 10/30/1952:7
Fickert, Shirlie A.
Wed to John F. Farrell, 11/13/1952:7
Fickert, Shirlie Ann
Engaged to John Farrell, 05/26/1952:9
Wedding described, 11/13/1952:5
Field, Abbie Rugg
Bates teacher suddenly dies, 12/27/1951:1
Dies at age 61, 12/27/1951:5
Petition for administration of estate, 01/10/1952:2, 05/08/1952:4
Field, Abby Rugg
Administrator presents account of estate, 10/08/1953:7
Field, Stephen F.W.
Auley MacAuley files petition to foreclose, 05/14/1953:6
Field Hockey
Jeanne Buisson awarded senior letter at Penn Hall Junior College,
Fieldding, Kenneth A.
Arrives in U.S. after eight months in Korea, 05/24/1951:1
Fielding, Florence L.
Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4
Fielding, Robert
Private 1st Class arrives in Tokyo, Japan, 11/27/1952:8
Fielding, Robert J.
Injured when Natick driver tips car, 05/26/1950:12
Helicopter pilot returns from Korea (p), 06/04/1953:1
Fielding, Robert Jackson
Included in seventh draft induction, 05/17/1951:1
Leaves for military induction (p), 06/14/1951:12
Fies, Elizabeth Mary
Widow of Ludwig F. dies at age 82, 07/28/1950:5
Fies, Elizabeth Mary K.
Obituary, 07/28/1950:6
Fies, Ludwig Frederick
Petition for administration of estate, 12/01/1950:14
Petition for license to sell real estate, 01/25/1951:2
Administrator presents account of estate, 03/13/1952:4
Figuerido, Tony
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Fillebrown, Archie F.
Husband of Lois D. Churchill dies at age 71, 01/14/1954:4
Obituary, 01/14/1954:7
Petition for probate of will, 01/21/1954:5
Petition for license to sell real estate, 07/29/1954:4
Films. see Motion Pictures
Filz, Claire
Non-support case continued for trial, 11/03/1950:13
Filz, Claire A.
Foreclosure notice, 09/15/1950:7
Filz, Fred
Pants fired by lightning bolt at home on Cherry St, 01/28/1954:1
Filz, Fred J.
Foreclosure notice, 09/15/1950:7
Wed to Genevieve Hadsell, 05/24/1951:7
Filz, Frederick J.
Pleads not guilty to charge of non-support, 10/20/1950:7
Finance Companies
Budget Counselors, West Grove St (ad), 08/12/1954:9
Personal Finance Co., 27 Center St (ad) (p), 12/02/1954:8
Finch, Helen Chandler
Wed to Alfred Marshall DeWolfe, 05/01/1952:6
Finch, Mary B.
Wed to Michael T. Carney, 08/04/1950:7
Finegan, Arthur
Registry of Motor Vehicles inspectors spot violators on Rte 28 (p),
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Finley, Charles
Husband of Annie M. Parker dies at age 83, 04/07/1950:7
Obituary, 04/07/1950:8
Finn, Ronald E.
Engaged to Claire Natalie O'Melia, 03/18/1954:1
Engaged to Claire N. O'Melia, 07/22/1954:5
Wed to Claire N. O'Melia, 09/02/1954:4
Finn, Ronald Edmund
Wedding described, 09/02/1954:4
Finneran, Alan
Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises
(p), 06/30/1950:1
Finneran, Alice R.
Moves to Long Beach, CA, 05/14/1953:6
Finneran, Denny
Tough break for Little League pitcher, 07/01/1954:1
Finneran, Edith
Moves to Long Beach, CA, 05/14/1953:6
Finneran, William
Resides in Long Beach, CA, 05/14/1953:6
Finney, Mary R.
Gravestone found during demolition at 158 Center St, 06/17/1954:10
Finney, Rosedla Loren
Widow of Walter dies at age 75, 02/25/1954:4
Obituary, 02/25/1954:10
Fiore, Lewis
Dies in Revere, 01/17/1952:5
Fire Department. see Lakeville - Fire Department; Middleboro - Fire
Fire Prevention
Chief Tripp warns that fires in the open illegal without permit,
Outdoor fires prohibited, 08/04/1950:6
Highway Department burns grass to eliminate fire hazard, 03/08/1951:3
Lakeville firemen burn grass around homes, 03/15/1951:4
Permit required for outdoor fires, 03/20/1952:1
All open air fires require permit (ad), 03/20/1952:10
Many calls for fire permits, 04/03/1952:1
No permits for outdoor fires, 07/31/1952:2
All open air fires prohibited, 07/09/1953:1
No permits for outdoor fires, 09/03/1953:1
No outdoor fires permitted, 10/22/1953:1
Lakeville Fire Chief asks citizens to refrain from lighting outdoor fires,
Forest fire observer Earl Ware keeps lonely vigil (p), 04/15/1954:6
Chief Tripp issues hints to eliminate hazards, 04/29/1954:1
Permits being granted for outdoor burning, 09/09/1954:5
Firearms. see Clear Pond Rifle Club
Firearms - Law and Legislation
Hull and Iampietro granted pistol permits, 02/03/1950:1
Three pistol permits granted, 02/10/1950:2
Cole and Ramsden granted pistol permits, 02/24/1950:1
Crowley's pistol permit renewed, 02/24/1950:1
Selectmen renew and grant pistol permits, 03/10/1950:6
Clarence Shaw's sales license renewed, 03/24/1950:1
Rebell, Chase, Kraus, Hart, and Hart granted pistol permits,
Steve Stanley granted firearms sales license, 04/07/1950:5
Gardiner, D'Elia, Jefferson, and DeMoranville granted pistol permits,
Tallman granted sales license, 04/21/1950:2
McBane, Follett, Standish, Shaw, Cordeiro, and Fountain granted pistol
permits, 06/09/1950:14
LeRoy Shaw's pistol permit renewed, 06/23/1950:4
Whiting and Dunn granted pistol permits, 07/14/1950:3
Perkins, Shaw, and Eldridge granted pistol permits, 07/28/1950:1
Henry Guerin guilty of having loaded weapons in auto, 07/28/1950:7
Sampson and Rogers granted pistol permits, 08/11/1950:8
Elliott, McMahon, Wilbur and McDonald have pistol permits renewed,
Donald Cannon granted license to sell, 10/06/1950:4
Selectmen issue pistol permits, 10/06/1950:4
Selectmen grant renewals of pistol permits, 11/10/1950:12
Firearms - Law and Legislation continued
Louis Short fined $50 for carrying revolver without a permit,
Pearson, Thorley and Sousa granted pistol permits, 12/08/1950:5
Selectmen grant pistol permits, 02/22/1951:1
Ramsden's pistol permit renewed, 03/08/1951:1
Selectmen renew pistol permits, 04/05/1951:2
Elizabeth Lander granted license to sell, 04/19/1951:1
Selectmen grant pistol permits, 04/19/1951:10, 05/03/1951:5
Selectmen grant pistol permit renewals, 06/14/1951:12
Selectmen grant renewals of pistol permits, 06/28/1951:10
Selectmen grant pistol permits, 07/12/1951:2, 08/09/1951:6
Louis Letendre granted permit for sales, 08/23/1951:1
Selectmen grant pistol permits, 08/23/1951:1, 09/06/1951:8
Herbert Pratt granted sales license, 10/11/1951:10
Selectmen grant pistol permits, 10/11/1951:10
Selectmen renew pistol permits, 11/01/1951:10
One pistol permit renewed, one refused, 11/29/1951:1
Selectmen issue pistol permits, 12/20/1951:6
Selectmen grant pistol permits, 01/24/1952:1
Selectmen grant pistol permits, 02/07/1952:1
Selectmen grant pistol permits, 04/10/1952:6, 04/24/1952:6
Selectmen issue pistol permits, 05/26/1952:10
Clarence Shaw's pistol permit renewed, 05/29/1952:8
Selectmen issue pistol permits, 06/12/1952:6, 07/24/1952:4
Selectmen renew pistol permits, 08/21/1952:1, 10/02/1952:10,
11/06/1952:4, 11/20/1952:1
Selectmen grant renewals of pistol permits, 12/25/1952:1
Pistol permits renewed, 01/08/1953:1
Selectmen issue pistol permits, 03/19/1953:1
Selectmen renew and issue new pistol permits, 04/02/1953:1
Selectmen issue pistol permits, 04/30/1953:12
Selectmen grant pistol permits, 08/13/1953:4
Selectmen issue pistol permits, 08/27/1953:11, 09/17/1953:1
Selectmen grant pistol permits, 10/22/1953:7
Selectmen renew pistol permits, 12/10/1953:9
Norman Thibeault fined $75 for violation of game laws, 12/17/1953:15
Selectmen grant pistol permits, 12/31/1953:4
Mario Grassi charged with shooting of Benjamin deSilva, 02/11/1954:1
Selectmen grant new and renewed pistol permits, 03/25/1954:10
Selectmen grant pistol permits, 05/20/1954:1
Selectmen issue new and renewed pistol permits, 07/22/1954:8
New and renewal permits issued for pistols, 08/12/1954:4
Selectmen approve new and renewed pistol permits, 09/02/1954:1
Selectmen issue pistol permits, 09/30/1954:10
Selectmen grant pistol permits, 12/30/1954:4
Firearms Accidents
Two boys shot in accidents, 05/12/1950:2
Ronald Bissonnette killed in rifle accident, 07/05/1951:1
Shooting of Ronald Bissonnette ruled accidental, 08/09/1951:1
George Soule hit by stray bullet, 10/29/1953:1
Providence lad wounded in thigh, 12/10/1953:1
Clear Pond Rifle Club selected by state as pilot school for firearms
safety, 11/18/1954:10
Chemical Engine Co. elects officers 50 years ago, 01/14/1954:8
Enterprise Hook and Ladder Co. elects officers 50 years ago,
Hose 6 names officers 50 years ago, 01/21/1954:7
Firefighting Equipment. see Maxim Motor Co.
Firemen's Relief Association. see Middleboro Firemen's Relief
Fires. see also Arson; Dwellings - Fires; Forest Fires; Lightning
Fire destroys Richard Mortimer's barn on Plymouth St, 06/16/1950:8
Mortimer's cow barn burns to the ground, 06/16/1950:11
Interior of Nemasket Transportation truck damaged by fire,
Franklin Hoy's barn off Miller St destroyed (p), 08/11/1950:1
Firemen battle hot blaze at Red Coach Grill (p), 07/12/1951:1
Howard DeMoranville's shed destroyed by fire, 08/02/1951:4
Lamp breaks, starts gasoline fire at Burr's hen house, 11/08/1951:7
Pennsylvania minister's car hits tree, burst into flames, 11/29/1951:1
Fire ruins grain at Ja-Mer Turkey Farm, 300 young birds moved,
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Fires continued
Fire damages old landmark, Martenson's stock burned, scorched, wet,
Auto belches forth fireworks on Rte 28, 07/10/1952:1
Fourth of July quiet for Fire Department, 07/10/1952:1
Juvenile boys set fire to garages ay Alberts Shoe Co., 09/25/1952:10
Automatic call saves Middleboro High School, 12/25/1952:1
Rear of Cook's Jewelry Store gutted by fire, 03/12/1953:1
G&E orders full lighting at night and during all fire alarms,
Barn at Tufts home destroyed, 07/02/1953:1
Claudette Cameron alerts neighbors of fire, 08/13/1953:1
Mildred Cook's garage gutted, 09/10/1953:1
Frank Bailey's garage destroyed in early morning fire, 11/05/1953:1
Disastrous fire at Wood St farm of Mrs Cyrenus Paquin, 01/14/1954:1
Rubbish fire at Bob's Diner caught before serious, 01/14/1954:1
Elks will raise funds for Paquin family in wake of farm fire (l),
Awning burns at Middleboro Recreation Center, little damage,
Two C.P. Washburn Co. lumber buildings burn almost completely,
Defective wiring cause of blaze on Center St, 02/18/1954:1
Busy weekend for Fire Department, 02/25/1954:3
Estimate of fire damage in Center St blaze, 02/25/1954:10
Burnett Anderson's shop destroyed by fire, now back in operation (ad),
Fire causes slight damage at Morrone Shoe Repair, 03/25/1954:3
Lester Denham's Highland St barn destroyed, 04/01/1954:1
Elizabeth Ellis almost fatally burned while using outdoor incinerator,
Elizabeth Ellis dies day after accident, 04/15/1954:12
Thick smoke damages store stock in Sullivan Block, 04/29/1954:1
Heavy fire damage at Half-Way House (p), 05/20/1954:1
Flames fanned by wind destroy Guidaboni's barn, 08/19/1954:1
Chicken incinerator building razed, 08/26/1954:1
Gus Pocius' Purchade St barn destroyed, 08/26/1954:1
Nemasket Snack Bar destroyed, 09/16/1954:1
Spectacular blaze destroys Pratt ice house (p), 09/16/1954:1
Bates junior high school razed by fire (p), 09/23/1954:1
Shurtleff Hardware Store heavily damaged, 09/23/1954:1
The Fireside
Granted shuffleboard license, 06/09/1950:14
Joseph has liquor license application on file, 06/30/1950:1
Selectmen favor liquor license transfer to new owner, Theresa
Avallone, 02/08/1951:1
Anna Joseph charged with violating liquor laws on Armistice Day,
Anna Joseph applies to transfer liquor license to Benjamin Crocker,
Hugh crowd sees delayed show, 07/14/1950:1
Auto belches forth fireworks on Rte 28, 07/10/1952:1
Biggest crowd ever witnesses fireworks here (p), 07/08/1954:1
First Baptist Church
Richard Mullin accepts pastorate in North Middleboro (p),
Holds annual meeting, 05/10/1951:6
Bible School enrollment 111, 08/09/1951:8
Exterior painting begun, 06/19/1952:7
Marks 197th year, 01/15/1953:6
Richard Mullin ordained, 06/04/1953:5
Vacation Bible school enrollment 82, 07/23/1953:8
Farewell party held for minister Richard Mullen, 09/24/1953:4
Cowpokes caper on church lawn, 08/19/1954:3
First Congregational Church
Holds annual meeting, 05/19/1950:1
Ancestor's Day held, 07/21/1950:1
Putnam Sewing Circle holds annual silver tea, 04/12/1951:2
Veteran organist, Nelie Wood, honored, 04/12/1951:7
To buy new hymnals, 06/19/1952:10
Nearly one hundred attend Ancestors' Day, 07/31/1952:5
More than 350 attend commemoration of Bible publication,
First Congregational Church continued
Student preacher helps out, 10/09/1952:10
Votes to aid church in England, 02/12/1953:6
Unites with Central Methodist and First Unitarian for the summer,
Chapel dedicated to Rev Arthur Cummings who served for 48 years (p),
Forms new Mr & Mrs Club, 02/04/1954:5
James Williams new pastor (p), 06/03/1954:1
Plans improvements to parsonage, 11/25/1954:4
Rev Schlater speaks at Thanksgiving union service, 12/02/1954:9
Church women preside over Fair tea table (p), 12/16/1954:1
First National Stores
Thrifty shop (ad), 01/06/1950:4
Closed three days for extensive alterations and remodeling (ad),
Grand re-opening (ad), 10/06/1950:3
New departments and fixtures included in remodel, 10/13/1950:1
Taunton car rolls into store, 04/05/1951:7
First Unitarian Church
Laymen's League holds annual musicale, 05/26/1950:4
Pastor Tristan Knight resigns, 04/05/1951:4
Laymen's League holds annual meeting, 04/26/1951:10
Harold Dodge Buck accepts call (p), 11/08/1951:1
New minister, Harold Dodge Buck, installed, 12/20/1951:1
Unites with Central Methodist for summer services, 05/26/1952:3
Holds annual meeting, 04/09/1953:4
Unites with Central Methodist and First Unitarian for the summer,
Minister Harold Buck resigns (p), 09/24/1953:1
Goodbye party for Minister Harold Buck, 10/08/1953:1
Francis Schlater new minister (p), 12/31/1953:1
Holds annual meeting, 04/08/1954:6
United Christian Youth Movement of Middleboro holds first meeting,
Fish (Mr)
Osborne & Fish, 77 Wareham St (ad), 08/18/1950:10
Fish, Alfonso D.
Fire set at Fish's barn off South Main St, 03/26/1953:1
Fish, Alphonso David
Prominent business man dies in 70th year, 09/09/1954:1
Dies at age 69, 09/09/1954:4
Fish, Barbara C.
Wed to Kendrick H. Washburn, 08/28/1952:5
Wedding described, 08/28/1952:8
Fish, Bob
Co-founder of Bob's Diner, popular spot at Four Corners (p),
Bob's Diner, where eating is a pleasure (p), 12/31/1953:6
Fish, David
Engaged to Margaret Ann Norris, 03/10/1950:5
Wed to Margaret Ann Norris, 03/31/1950:6
Wedding described, 03/31/1950:11
Enters Boston University, 09/22/1950:6
Martenson and Thomas signs up for TV premium membership,
Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10
Fish, Donald
Local enthusiast takes trips in family Piper Cub, 01/21/1954:1
Nemasket T.V. moving April 1st to former home of The Homestead,
Fish, Donald K.
And George Nielson, Nemasket T.V., 77 Wareham St (ad),
Fish, Donna
Local enthusiast takes trips in family Piper Cub, 01/21/1954:1
Fish, Faun
Co-founder of Bob's Diner, popular spot at Four Corners (p),
Bob's Diner, where eating is a pleasure (p), 12/31/1953:6
Fish, Mrs Donald
Nothing missing in break-in at Halfway House, 06/26/1952:1
Fish, Pauline
Local enthusiast takes trips in family Piper Cub, 01/21/1954:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Fish, Pauline L.
Check from Fish in haul taken from Brink's, Inc. in Boston,
Fish, Robert
Gains respect for convoy escorts, 03/13/1952:10
Fish Markets
Your Fish Market, 453 Center St (ad), 09/01/1950:10
S.W. Lovell & Co. opening Fish Market at 35 Fairview St (ad),
Lovell's Fish Market now open at 35 Fairview St (ad), 12/20/1951:11
Arthur Abele, seafood, home deliveries (ad), 02/04/1954:3
A.L. Champlin, Cotuit oysters, 10 Forest St (ad). see Fish Markets
Fish Radio & Furniture Co.
Suspicious fire at store, firebug may be at work again, 02/18/1954:1
Fisher, Harry T., Jr.
Participates in NATO exercises, 10/09/1952:1
Fisher, Helena Victoria
Boston woman dies at age 81, 03/18/1954:4
Obituary, 03/18/1954:5
Fisher, Jessie M.
Widow of James dies at age 75, 03/01/1951:5
Obituary, 03/01/1951:8
Fishes and Fishing. see also Herring
Arnold Thomas wins local striped bass tourney, 10/27/1950:1
Goldfish and supplies, 113 Wareham St (ad), 03/15/1951:12
Issue of Plymouth Rock from 1860 reveals local and national events,
Leon Townsend wins opening prize in local bass tourney, 05/31/1951:5
Leon Townsend lands a big fish, 32-lb. bass (p), 06/07/1951:1
George Budd, Jr. lands 50-pound striper (p), 09/06/1951:1
Aquarium supplies, 113 Wareham St (ad), 01/10/1952:10
Entries in striped bass derby may be filed, 03/27/1952:1
George Budd, Jr. pictured in Salt Water Sportsman, 06/05/1952:12
Arnold Thomas wins Striped Bass Derby with 38-pounder,
Carlton Shaw takes lead in annual Middleboro striped bass derby,
Carlton Shaw wins striped bass tourney, 10/30/1952:6
Steve Stanley announces rules for Middleboro Striped Bass Derby,
Arnold Thomas wins 1953 Bass Derby, 10/22/1953:1
George Budd wins 1953 Blue Fish Derby, 10/22/1953:1
Winners receive trophies at annual Middleboro All Sports Night (p),
Ted Alger wins June bass tourney, 07/15/1954:8
Alger takes July bass prize too, 08/05/1954:10
Ray Endres catches 3-lb, 5-oz pickerel 50 years ago, 08/19/1954:8
Arnold Thomas wins 1954 striped bass derby, 11/04/1954:4
Fisk, Marilyn
Engaged to James Neville, 12/29/1950:8
Fiske, Marilyn
And twin sister join Woman's Air Corps, 10/13/1950:6
Fiske, Marjorie
Takes post at Assawampsett School cafeteria, 12/09/1954:3
Fiske, Maureen
And twin sister join Woman's Air Corps, 10/13/1950:6
Fiske, Roberta E.
Engaged to Donald M. Boehler, 09/23/1954:9
Fitch, Arline Merrill
Resides in Nashua, NH, 12/08/1950:15
Daughter born, 08/28/1952:8
Fitch, Edward P.
Daughter born, 08/28/1952:8
Fitting, Charles
VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4
Fitting, Charles A.
Daughter born, 02/08/1951:4
Fitting, David L.
Obituary, 01/04/1951:2
Fall River Man dies at age 61, 01/04/1951:5
Fitting, Eleanor Lupien
Daughter born, 02/08/1951:4
Fittz, Lonzo L.
Guy Fittz appointed guardian 50 years ago, 10/07/1954:10
Fitzgerald, Barbara McKenna
Son born, 12/06/1951:7, 09/17/1953:6
Fitzgerald, John
Son born, 12/06/1951:7, 09/17/1953:6
Fitzgerald, John F.
Pleads not guilty to drunkenness, reckless driving and drunk driving,
Guilty on four charges, fined $75, 03/20/1952:7
Launches attack on Police Department (l), 07/24/1952:4
Foreclosure notice, 08/14/1952:5
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/09/1952:5
Fitzsimmons, Donna
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Fitzsimmons, Maureen
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Fitzsimmons, Muriel
Opens dance studio at 18 Coombs St, 09/27/1951:6
School of Dancing (ad), 09/27/1951:10
Dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Flag Day
Elisha Jenks displays colonial flag for Flag Day 50 years ago,
New steel flagstaff for high school, 03/24/1950:1
Steel flagstaff erected at high school, 04/07/1950:1
United Nations flag flies for a day at Town House, 10/27/1950:1
WSCS presents United Nations flag to West Side School, 05/24/1951:1
Middleboro Retail Merchants Association furnishes street flags,
Retail Merchants Association gives flag brackets to town, 10/08/1953:1
Service flag ruined by hurricane in 1944, 10/22/1953:12
Elisha Jenks displays colonial flag for Flag Day 50 years ago,
Flaherty, Michael F.
Fifteen-year-old leaves Middleboro while family visiting here, located
in Boston, 08/05/1954:1
Flanders, Bert
Fined $75 for negligent driving, 05/10/1951:3
Enrolled at Burdett College 50 years ago, 09/09/1954:7
Flanders, Bert W.
Denies charges of drunkenness and reckless and drunk driving,
Notice of tax taking, 03/04/1954:4
Flanders, Sherrill
Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into
organization (p), 05/24/1951:1
South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home
(p), 10/18/1951:1
Flanders, Wilmont
Resides in Long Island, NY, 02/19/1953:4
Flannery, Walter P., Jr.
Drunk and reckless driving cases continued, 12/24/1953:4
Flannery, Walter R.
Car lands on roof, driver charged with drunk and reckless driving,
Guilty on both counts, 12/31/1953:1
Fleming, John
Couple vacates Bourne St apartment, 11/24/1950:8
Flieger, Paul F.
Engaged to Joanne P. Mahoney, 04/29/1954:4
Flieger, Paul Fred
Engaged to Joanne Patricia Mahoney, 10/29/1953:10
Wedding described, 05/20/1954:5
Wed to Joanne P. Mahoney, 05/20/1954:7
Flint, S.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Flister, Bill
Meet the sales force at Egger's Annex (ad) (p), 04/24/1952:5
Flister, Otto
Obituary, 01/21/1954:4
Dies at age 85, 01/21/1954:5
Flister, William
Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Flood, Arthur
Engaged to Marilyn Hanson, 08/27/1953:12, 10/08/1953:4
Wed to Marilyn Hanson, 10/15/1953:4
Flood, Arthur Millard
Engaged to Marilyn June Hanson, 10/01/1953:2
Flood, Arthur Miller
Wedding described, 10/15/1953:7
Flood, Ernest
Claims ownership of tanker bow salvaged off Cape Cod, 07/03/1952:4
Flood, Ernest, 3rd
Born to Ernest, Jr., 05/06/1954:2
Flood, Ernest J., Jr.
Engaged to Helen Howes, 07/24/1952:2
Engaged to Helen M. Howes, 04/09/1953:5
Wed to Helen M. Howes, 04/23/1953:7
Flood, Ernest, Jr.
Son born, 05/06/1954:2
Flood, Flora Bernier
Son born, 05/24/1951:7
Flood, James S.
Wounded in Korea by mortar shell (p), 10/02/1952:1
Engaged to Jeanette Louise Hanson (p), 02/18/1954:1
Engaged to Jeannette Louise Flood, 05/20/1954:11
Engaged to Jeannette L. Hanson, 06/17/1954:4
Wed to Jeannette L. Hanson, 06/24/1954:4
Flood, James Sanford
Wedding described, 06/24/1954:5
Flood, Mrs Ernest, Jr.
Resides in Macon, GA, 05/06/1954:2
Flood, Norman
Profile of MHS custodian, 06/16/1950:7
Flood, Raymond
Son born, 05/24/1951:7
Flood, Raymond L.
Promoted to Staff Sergeant; assigned to 33rd Air Police Squadron,
Flood, Richard E.
Airman 2nd Class with 2472nd Air Force Reserve Combat Training
Center in Kansas, 08/05/1954:7
Flood, Steve
Four-year-old missing for 12 hours (p), 06/05/1952:1
Flora M. Clark School
PTA holds annual banquet, 05/12/1950:6
Florence Churbuck new teacher, 09/06/1951:1
George Rogers new janitor, 12/20/1951:11
Connected to town fire alarm system, 05/29/1952:3
School Committee receives complaint on sanitary conditions,
Summer work on school detailed, 09/04/1952:1
Peirce Trust grant covers new heating system, 12/25/1952:1
Request for bids for heating system (ad), 01/08/1953:10
Changes in pupil grades announced, 01/15/1953:1
Five bids on heating system, 01/22/1953:10
Archie Shurtleff appointed janitor, 03/19/1953:1, 09/03/1953:1
Summer work on facilities described, 09/24/1953:3
Vandals break eleven windows, 10/15/1953:1
Stoned again, 10/22/1953:5
PTA receives charter, 03/11/1954:5
Frances Starck resigns to get married, 04/08/1954:1
PTA enjoys annual banquet, 05/20/1954:4
List of repairs completed, 08/12/1954:10
Carolyn Alger new teacher, 10/07/1954:9
Junior Cabot Club nets $304 for playground equipment, 11/18/1954:1
Florinda, Mary
Engaged to Donald Francis Kinsman, 10/30/1952:7
Florinda, Mary Ann
Wedding described, 11/13/1952:12
Flowers. see also Nurseries (plant)
Westside Flower Shop, Libby and Hawes, 7A West St (ad),
Creedon - Florist, 113 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
The Leland Carnation Co., since 1904, Cherry St (ad), 01/06/1950:8
Libby & Hawes, 17 South Main St (ad), 03/24/1950:2
Clarkshaw’s Flower Shop, 237 North Main St (ad), 03/31/1950:6
Flowers continued
The Glad Patch, J.R. Serra, 1170 Center St (ad), 07/28/1950:2
Margaret Sullivan's Easter lilies bloom on Benton St, 09/29/1950:7
Gibbs Flower Shop, Center St (ad), 10/13/1950:5
Raymond Meehan proprietor of Creedon's, 10/20/1950:4
Anita Vasel picks dandelions in December, 12/27/1951:2
Lucy Hayden's spider lily has 12 blooms, 03/06/1952:8
MHS class of 1952 flower is blue carnation, 06/12/1952:7
B.M. White, chrysanthemums, Plymouth St (ad), 10/09/1952:6
Mrs Laurence Osborne's Easter lily bears seven blossoms, 07/16/1953:4
Parkers Flower Shop, 123 Center St (ad), 04/22/1954:5
Guy Davis has unusual blossoms on black eyed Susan plant,
Mrs William Crapo's rare night blooming cereus puts on a show,
Apple trees blossom for second time, 10/07/1954:1
Creedon's flower shop takes part in Boston Rose Show, 10/14/1954:4
Walter MacKenzie's white lilac in full bloom, 10/21/1954:6
Flye, Thorndike
Purchases Plympton St home from G. Ward Stetson, 12/10/1953:12
Flynn, Annie M.
Petition for administration of estate, 08/20/1953:3
Flynn, Annie Mabel
Wife of James F. dies at age 73, 08/06/1953:4
Obituary, 08/06/1953:7
Flynn, Basil
Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1
Flynn, Elizabeth
Boston woman dies at age 92, 04/15/1954:6
Obituary, 04/15/1954:12
Flynn, John E.
Son born, 03/06/1952:5
Flynn, Mrs Basil
Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1
Flynn, Virginia Alley
Son born, 03/06/1952:5
Fogarty, Helen Rankin
Obituary, 01/03/1952:5
Widow of Edward dies at age 63, 01/03/1952:5
Fogg, Walter E.
Lewis Vaughn suffers torn scalp when struck by Fogg, 12/27/1951:1
Foglia, Virginia Claire
Wedding described, 09/06/1951:8
Folcik, Alice Giovannina
Son born, 12/31/1953:4
Folcik, Walter
Son born, 12/31/1953:4
Foley, James
Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1
Follett, Claire Dutra
Son born, 02/11/1954:4
Follett, James
Son born, 02/11/1954:4
MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4
Follett, Leo
Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Follett, Weldon F.
Must restrain dog for six months, 08/23/1951:1
Dog's six-month restraint period expires, 02/21/1952:1
Fontaine, Emma Palmer
Trees, 06/30/1950:5
Daughter born, 09/02/1954:4
Fontaine, Walter
Son born, 06/30/1950:5
Daughter born, 09/02/1954:4
Fontaine, Walter J.
Oil burners and heating (ad), 06/19/1952:10
Fontaine, Walter, Jr.
Kiwanis Club holds installation ceremonies (p), 01/07/1954:1
Fontes, Mary
Wed to Joseph Thomas Andrews, 07/31/1952:5
Food. see also Dairies; Fruit; School Children – Food; Vegetables
Over 750 attend matinee cooking school at Middleboro Theatre,
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Food continued
Final session of cooking school attracts 750, 03/24/1950:7
Mary Carriero presented with electric range at Theatre Cooking School
(p), 03/31/1950:8
Workmen take 50 pounds of honey from White's unused chimney 50
years ago, 11/12/1953:9
Food Industry. see Ice Cream
Foose, Hattie Fickert
Resides in Fleetwood, PA, 04/29/1954:4
Football. see also Middleborough Memorial High School - Football;
Mitchell Memorial Club - Football
John Murphy passes officials test, 01/06/1950:5
Alfred Mackiewicz plays for Brown University, 01/06/1950:7
John Nichols, Jr. named most valuable player at UMass, 02/01/1951:1
John Nichols named Most Valuable Player at UMass, 04/12/1951:8
Second Lieutenant John Nichols plays at Camp Kilmer, NJ (p),
Ray Moffett plays right guard on Bates College squad, 09/27/1951:4
Forbes, Clyde H.
Files damage suit against Jenney Manufacturing Co., 01/29/1953:8
Awarded $33,000 in damages for loss of leg while working on tanker,
Forbes, Mary Yvette
Engaged to Arthur G. Gamache, 04/17/1952:5
Wed to Arthur G. Gamache, 05/01/1952:5
Forcier, Anna Marie
Engaged to Winifred C. Cote, 07/28/1950:4
Wed to Wilfred C. Cote, 08/18/1950:5
Forcier, Wilfred
Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Ford, Grace P.
Three Elms Gift Shop, Miller St (ad), 08/30/1951:10
Opens Three Elms Gift Shop on Miller St, 09/06/1951:4
Ford, Jean
Completes student teaching at Union Street School, 11/26/1953:5
Ford, Jean P.
New elementary teacher, 02/11/1954:10
New teacher at Union Street School, 10/07/1954:9
Ford, Joseph
Wed to Thelma Garnett, 12/10/1953:8
Forest Fires
Sweeps through 20 acres of woodland, 04/24/1952:1
Fire sweeps 50 acres in Lakeville, 05/08/1952:8
Local firemen aid in quelling season's worst, 07/31/1952:1
Bulldozer clears fire break at dump, 07/31/1952:2
Barbara Harlow suffers burns putting out grass fire, 03/19/1953:1
Fire sweeps three acres, starts in Albo incinerator, 04/23/1953:1
Early morning brush fire alarms citizens, 09/30/1954:7
Woodland blaze occupies firemen for three hours, 10/21/1954:7
Forests. see also Trees
Scouts granted use of parcel of town land, 03/24/1950:1
Selectmen to sell mature trees from town forests, 05/19/1950:1
Town timber sells for $335, 06/30/1950:9
Edwin Blair wants to buy standing timber from town, 02/12/1953:5
Edwina Wood indicted by grand jury for forgery, larceny and uttering,
Fornaciari, Catherine
Runs soda fountain at LaForest Pharmacy, 09/10/1953:6
Clerk at LaForest Pharmacy (p), 04/08/1954:8
Injured in auto crash on Rte 44, 08/26/1954:9
Cast member in Little Theatre Group production (p), 12/09/1954:7
Fornaciari, Catherine F.
Engaged to Richard A. Haleen, 12/23/1954:4
Fornaciari, Catherine Frances
Engaged to Richard Allan Heleen, 01/29/1953:4
Fornaciari, Mabel Guidaboni
New teacher at Rock School, 08/02/1951:1
Forney, Barbara Hadfield
Daughter born, 12/30/1954:4
Forney, Louis
Selectmen appoint moth superintendent, 02/04/1954:1
Forney, Louis, Jr.
Daughter born, 12/30/1954:4
Forsberg, Flora
Resides in Louisville, KY, 07/26/1951:2
Forsberg, George
Breaks hip in fall, 07/09/1953:2
Forsberg, George W.
Petition for probate of will, 09/03/1953:5
Forsberg, George Wallen
Obituary, 08/20/1953:2
Husband of Emma Sparrow dies at age 77, 08/20/1953:4
Forster, William C.
Induction deferred, 05/24/1951:6
Forster, William Calkins
Included in seventh draft induction, 05/17/1951:1
Going for induction in October, 09/27/1951:1
Fortes, Allen Joseph
Edward and Leonice Thew petition to adopt son of Alice Santos,
Fortin, Ann S.
Engaged to Buddy D. Chilcot, 04/15/1954:6
Wed to Buddy D. Chilcot, 04/29/1954:4
Fortin, Ann Silvia
Engaged to Buddy Chilcot, 10/29/1953:10
Fortin, Herve R.
Chief Boatswain Mate participates in war exercise, 05/05/1950:7
Chief Boatswain's Mate serves on board USS McKean, 09/20/1951:9
Fortin, Musty
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Fortin, Theresa C.
Engaged to William M. Rogers, Jr., 02/07/1952:5
Wed to William M. Rogers, Jr., 02/28/1952:5
Fortini, Joan
Plymouth woman married, 09/10/1953:4
Fortini, Lionel
Personal Finance Co., 27 Center St (ad) (p), 12/02/1954:8
The Forty and Eight
Youth chosen to attend Boys' State, 06/17/1954:1
Fosdick, Ethel Alberta
Obituary, 04/23/1953:12
Foss, David W.
Inducted into U.S. Army, 11/08/1951:1
Foss, David Walter
Called for Army service, 10/18/1951:1
Foster, Alan
Recipient of Robert Goldstein Citizenship Award, 06/14/1951:6
Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1
MHS Boy of the Month, 12/20/1951:11
Recipient of Robert Goldstein Citizenship Award, 06/05/1952:1
Foster, Alan L.
Returns from MA Maritime Academy annual cruise, 04/22/1954:10
Foster, Allan
MHS annual junior class promenade (p), 05/03/1951:1
Midshipman returns to MA Maritime Academy, 04/30/1953:4
Foster, David
Stationed in Japan, 02/25/1954:3
Foster, David L., Jr.
Engaged to Lois Bessey, 01/29/1953:8
Wedding described, 05/28/1953:3
Foster, J.M.
Cattle dealer thanks farmers for patronage (ad), 12/22/1950:6
Cattle dealer thanks patrons (ad), 01/01/1953:7
Auction of furnishings and small farm tools (ad), 10/15/1953:2
Foster, Joe
Farm auction (ad), 10/22/1953:5
Foster, Jos.
Cattle auction (ad), 05/26/1952:6
Foster, Joseph
Engaged to Evelyn Piercy, 12/06/1951:6
Wed to Evelyn Piercy, 12/20/1951:7
Foster, Lucy M.
Dies at age 71, 05/03/1951:5
Obituary, 05/03/1951:7
Foster, Marilyn June
Engaged to Charles Henry Franklin, 01/20/1950:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Foster, Mrs David
Moves to Minnesota, 02/25/1954:3
Foster, Norman F.
Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts
National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1
Foster, Norman Francis
Enlists in U.S. Air Force, 12/24/1953:7
Four Corners
Historical Society hears talk on early Middleboro at June meeting,
Thompson Bros. business block sold to Boston interest, 08/14/1952:1
Four Corners Cafe
John Perkins applies to transfer liquor license to Robert C. Dayton,
License transfer from Perkins to Dayton approved, 01/14/1954:10
John Perkins sells business to Robert Dayton, 02/04/1954:1
4-H Clubs
Parents organize new clubs, 03/17/1950:1
Newly organized club for boys holds first meeting, 03/24/1950:1
Youths organize poultry club, 04/21/1950:4
Youths form dairy and sheep club, 04/28/1950:9
Live Wires Club wins honors at Kingston meet, 05/26/1950:1
Lakeville Club members take honors at Kingston meet, 05/26/1950:2
Lakeville Council holds sixth annual meeting, 10/13/1950:5
Collect ton of ragweed, 07/19/1951:1
East Middleboro clubs take prizes at Weymouth Fair, 08/30/1951:8
Fair held at East Middleboro, 10/04/1951:5
East Middleboro club holds 2nd annual Achievement Night,
Two hundred enjoy 4-H Gingham Ball at Town House, 04/17/1952:4
Square dancers at Gingham Ball (p), 04/24/1952:10
East Middleboro club holds jamboree, 05/26/1952:2
Six hundred attend East Middleboro 4-H Fair, 09/25/1952:4
Hilda Blanchard named state 4-H clothing winner, 11/13/1952:1
Annual Achievement Day held, 11/13/1952:7
East Middleboro Club holds Achievement Night, 11/19/1953:6
Nineteen members of East Middleboro Clubs win awards, 03/25/1954:4
Fournier, Deborah Ann
Born to Ernest and Eleanor Brehaut, 05/06/1954:2
Fournier, Eleanor Brehaut
Daughter born, 05/06/1954:2
Fournier, Ernest
Daughter born, 05/06/1954:2
Fourth District Court
Dorothy Cannon appointed junior clerk, 02/10/1950:12
Fire in Wareham court shifts sessions to Middleboro, 02/24/1950:1
Middleboro logical place for main office, 02/24/1950:1
Sadie Sheehy probation clerk, 07/28/1950:6
William Gardiner court officer, 10/13/1950:4
Request for bids to paint interior (ad), 04/05/1951:5
Venetian blinds installed in lower windows, 07/12/1951:10
Sadie Sheehy probation clerk, 09/06/1951:8
Finance report of probation, 01/15/1953:10
Heater malfunctions, trial postponed, 01/22/1953:3
Request for bids to paint courthouse (ad), 05/07/1953:6
Judge Washburn addresses relocation of court room 50 years ago,
Names submitted for post of Clerk of Courts, 07/22/1954:1
Wareham lawyer, Robert Kiernan, named to clerk post, 07/29/1954:1
Fourth of July
American Legion opens fund raising campaign, 06/09/1950:1
Complete plans for celebration, 06/30/1950:1
Carriage parade short but sweet, 07/07/1950:1
Celebration fails to meet anticipation, 07/07/1950:1
Horribles Parade opens events, 07/07/1950:1
North Middleboro parade draws big audience, 07/07/1950:1
Hugh crowd sees delayed fireworks show, 07/14/1950:1
Legion announces program, asks for contributions, 06/21/1951:1
Chief Rogers urges caution over holiday, 06/28/1951:1
Middleboro observes 175th Fourth, 07/05/1951:1
Exceptional sane holiday here, 07/05/1951:4
North Middleboro holds annual parade, 07/12/1951:10
What is it that we celebrate tomorrow? (e), 07/03/1952:2
Chief of Police advises extra care, 07/03/1952:8
Fourth of July continued
No serious accidents mar observance, 07/10/1952:1
Quiet for Fire Department, 07/10/1952:1
Thom Thumb unit leads floats in North Middleboro parade,
Winners of holiday events, 07/10/1952:2
June Cooper celebrates 4th in Denmark (l), 07/17/1952:2
Local antique car hobbyists in 4th of July parade (p), 07/09/1953:1
North Middleboro parade draws crowd, 07/09/1953:1
Observance a success, 07/09/1953:1
Funds request for future celebration be included in warrant for town
meeting, 12/03/1953:1
Biggest crowd ever witnesses fireworks here (p), 07/08/1954:1
North Middleboro parade draws biggest crowd ever (p), 07/08/1954:1
Fowler, John Joshua
Obituary, 04/21/1950:4
Dies at age 86, 04/21/1950:5
Fowler, Joseph W.
Engaged to Lena Caperello Maranville, 11/15/1951:7
Wed to Lena Caperello Moranville, 11/22/1951:5
Polio victim dies at Haynes Memorial (p), 10/07/1954:1
Fowler, Joseph Winthrop
Dies at age 42, 10/07/1954:7
Foye, Arnold L.
Three children contract scarlet fever 50 years ago, 04/01/1954:8
Foye, Dennis
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Foye, Donald
Local antique car hobbyists in 4th of July parade (p), 07/09/1953:1
Antique car enthusiast appears on TV, 06/24/1954:10
Foye, Douglas
Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6
Foye, Janice
Pledges to Conservatory Club at NE Conservatory of music,
Writes arrangement for concert at NE Conservatory of Music,
Engaged to John A. Mildner, Jr., 02/21/1952:1
Performs with NE Conservatory of Music orchestra, 03/20/1952:7
Wedding described, 04/10/1952:6
Foye, Joyce
Participates in NE Conservatory of Music concert, 05/19/1950:7
Foye, May Sparrow
Beneficiary of Stanwood Sparrow's will, 11/20/1952:1
Foye, Samuel
Graduates from piloting course, 02/04/1954:4
Foye, Samuel J.
Norman Guidoboni, Jr. caught in pit, boulder breaks leg, 04/26/1951:1
Francis, Duane
Nine-year-old slightly injured when struck by Archie Britton's car,
Francis, Emily Maude
Dies at age 84, 07/17/1952:5
Obituary, 07/17/1952:10
Petition for probate of will, 08/21/1952:9
Francis, Helene
Owns plantation in Edenton, NC, 05/05/1950:6
Francis, James A.
Pleads guilty to larceny of trailer, 03/15/1951:10
Requests permission to change plea, 03/15/1951:11
Francis, Rosemarie
Engaged to Luther L. Bishop (p), 09/30/1954:10
Francis, Wayne Albert
Youngsters enjoy weenie roast at Kiddie Korner on playground (p),
Francisco, Anna Costa
Daughter born, 09/15/1950:7
Francisco, John
Engaged to Dorothy Frances Costa, 08/02/1951:5
Wed to Dorothy Frances Costa, 08/23/1951:5
Francisco, Manuel
Daughter born, 09/15/1950:7
Frank, John H.
Purchases Henry Porter homestead 50 years ago, 03/18/1954:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Frank, Robert
Engaged to Mary Block, 02/17/1950:6
Franke, Robert Gerald
Wedding described, 04/07/1950:2
Franklin, Charles H.
Injured when Natick driver tips car, 05/26/1950:12
Files for divorce, 08/25/1950:5
Franklin, Charles H., Jr.
Discharged for U.S. Army, 11/04/1954:7
Franklin, Charles Henry
Engaged to Marilyn June Foster, 01/20/1950:7
Franklin, Charles Henry, Jr.
Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5
Franklin, Florida M.
Husband files for divorce, 08/25/1950:5
Franz, David
Mother receives letter from POW, 05/26/1952:4
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Central Congregational comments on court action taken by Eagles over
liquor license, 01/06/1950:1
Lose in Superior Court, 04/07/1950:11
Honor Kunces at banquet, 04/28/1950:1
Notice of hearing on application for liquor license, 05/26/1950:6
Files another application for liquor license, 05/26/1950:12
Club license again denied, 06/09/1950:1
Appeal license decision, 06/23/1950:1
Liquor hearing postponed, 07/14/1950:1
Hearing held on appeal, 07/21/1950:1
Presents playground fireplace to town, 07/28/1950:1
State board turns down appeal, 07/28/1950:1
One hundred attend testimonial dinner for Robert Kennedy,
Raises $265 for Jimmy Fund, 09/22/1950:4
Buys corner lot at Wareham and Lincoln St, 09/29/1950:1
Apply for liquor license for new home, 10/13/1950:1
Application for liquor license, 10/13/1950:7
Get license for new quarters, 10/27/1950:1
Files anew for club license, 11/10/1950:1
Notice of liquor license application, 11/10/1950:7
Granted club license, 11/24/1950:1
Public opening of new quarters an auspicious occasion, 02/01/1951:1
Kiwanis presented "Good Neighbor" award by Eagles, 03/01/1951:1
Henry Burkland receives Civic Service Award (p), 05/03/1951:1
MHS baseball team feted by Eagles, 06/21/1951:1
Organizes an auxiliary, 06/28/1951:1
Spreading of auxiliary charter observed, 07/19/1951:10
Thief goes to jail before he can use loot, 08/23/1951:1
Top Inter-city Bowling League, 08/23/1951:2
Champs of Inter-city Bowling League (p), 09/06/1951:1
Treats over 300 youngsters at Halloween party (p), 11/08/1951:1
Proud of civic and charitable accomplishments, 11/29/1951:1
Initiate class of 27, 12/13/1951:5
Give Christmas party for more than 250 children (p), 12/27/1951:4
Offer to transport voters on election day, 01/24/1952:1
Honors Daniel Kennedy, 01/31/1952:5
Extends foundation to care for children of members killed in Korea,
Observes national anniversary, 02/28/1952:4
Eagles donate record player to library (p), 03/27/1952:10
Donates $130 toward West Side playground, 04/03/1952:1
Choose Luther Churchill to receive civic service award (p),
Recognized by Damon Runyon Memorial Cancer Fund, 04/24/1952:3
Luther Churchill receives civic award from Eagles (p), 05/01/1952:4
Pays tribute to Al Gauthier, 05/26/1952:1
Receives Blue Ribbon for second year in a row, 05/26/1952:10
Eagles honor 1952 MHS baseball squad, 06/19/1952:4
Joseph Corti resigns post of secretary, 07/17/1952:10
St. Luke's men's ward to have air conditioning, donated by Eagles,
Obtains air conditioning unit for St. Luke's, 08/14/1952:1
Nets $251 for Jimmy Fund, 09/25/1952:1
Raises $400 for amputee Ronald Demers, 09/25/1952:1
Salutes the Gazette, 10/02/1952:5
Fraternal Order of Eagles continued
Plan to enlarge quarters, 10/09/1952:1
No public appeal for addition to quarters, 10/23/1952:4
Halloween program draws 500 children, 11/06/1952:4
Fourteen members donate blood at Pondville Hospital, 11/27/1952:4
Review second year in new home, 12/04/1952:1
Hosts 200 children at annual Christmas party, 12/25/1952:4
Accept new by-law, 01/22/1953:10
Celebrates 55th anniversary of founding, 01/29/1953:10
Local aerie celebrates 55th anniversary of order, 02/05/1953:5
Win award for "Register and Vote" competition, 03/26/1953:5
Mertie Witbeck unanimous choice for 1953 Civic Award, 04/09/1953:1
Mertie Witbeck receives Civic Award (p), 04/30/1953:1
Needs seven more members to qualify for award, 05/21/1953:1
Hosts Al Gauthier Night for MHS baseball team, 06/18/1953:5
Sponsors drill team for Falconieri homecoming, 09/03/1953:2
Apologize for failure to have Girls in Green on hand for Falconieri
homecoming, 09/10/1953:10
Top inter-aerie bowling league, 09/17/1953:5
Ten members donate blood for Mrs Arnold Colletti, 10/08/1953:1
Ladies Auxiliary celebrates 2nd anniversary, 10/15/1953:4
Joins in Community Christmas Fund, 01/14/1954:1
Harry Richmond winner of this year's Civic Award, 04/15/1954:1
Harry Richmond presented with Civic Award for charity work,
MHS baseball team honored by Eagles (p), 06/10/1954:1
To install air conditioning at headquarters, 08/05/1954:10
Fraternal Order of Eagles - Women's Auxiliary
Holds first meeting, 09/20/1951:1
Officers of new auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1
Presents check to benefit St. Luke's (p), 12/31/1953:1
Donates $600 to St. Luke's (p), 11/04/1954:4
Frates, Barbara
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Frates, George
Son born, 02/11/1954:4
Frates, George W.
Foreclosure notice, 03/24/1950:2
Frates, Vera Pittsley
Son born, 02/11/1954:4
Frates, Vera W.
Foreclosure notice, 03/24/1950:2
Frates Dairy Bottle Luncheonette
Now open (ad), 03/13/1952:2
Fratex Plastics
Ruth Andrews stylist for Middleboro and vicinity (ad), 11/15/1951:2
Frattaroli, Mary
Seven-lesson home nursing course completed by ten women (p),
Fratus, Joseph P.
Car skids on bridge, hangs over railroad tracks, 01/15/1953:1
Phony solicitors at work here, 11/10/1950:12
Residents warned of photo racket, 01/18/1951:1
Jerry Miller fails to appear in court on Promades's complaint,
Frazier, Anthony
Bulldozer work (ad), 04/21/1950:3
Sheriff's sale, 06/21/1951:7
Frazier, Eleanor
Polio victim now at Lakeville Sanatorium (p), 04/01/1954:1
Frazier, Frank E.
Fined $75 for driving drunk, 03/27/1952:7
Frazier, Joseph
Second daughter stricken with polio, 02/18/1954:1
Frazier, Ruth
Eight-year-old diagnosed with polio, 10/29/1953:1
Frazier, Ruth Ann
Polio victim now at Lakeville Sanatorium (p), 04/01/1954:1
Frechette, Pierre
Obituary, 11/22/1951:4
Fred, Lena L.
Petition for administration of estate, 04/23/1953:6
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Fred, Lena Louise
Dies at age 39, 04/02/1953:7
Obituary, 04/09/1953:8
Frederick Weston Insurance Co. see Weston, Frederick S.
Freedman, Daniel
Three fined for theft from Freedman junk yard, 04/26/1951:10
Freedman, Nathan
Notice of hearing on junk license application (ad), 02/01/1951:10
Selectmen postpone action on junk license, will look at proposed site,
Selectmen to inspect junk yard site again, 03/08/1951:1
Three fined for theft from Freedman junk yard, 04/26/1951:10
Freedman, Nathan B.
Taunton man rear-ends Freeman's wrecker, 12/11/1952:6
Freeman, Alton A.
Leaves in recent draft call, 12/08/1950:1
Assigned to 2nd Armored Division, Fort Hood, TX, 01/18/1951:8
Freeman, Edward
Daughter born, 10/02/1952:5
Freeman, Everett Newcomb, Jr.
Wed to Grace Theresa Monahan, 10/13/1950:7
Freeman, Jeannette E.
Engaged to Calvin G. Hampton, Jr., 07/26/1951:9
Engaged to Calvin Hampton, Jr., 03/27/1952:5
Wedding described, 04/10/1952:6
Wed to Calvin Hampton, Jr., 04/17/1952:5
Freeman, Josiah
Olive Bryant finds Freeman's 1813 tax bill, 09/27/1951:9
Freeman, Lawrence C.
Motorcyclist Josselyn guilty in collision with Freeman, 03/03/1950:1
Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7
Freeman, Myra Evelyn
Engaged to Kenneth Elton Belben, 01/01/1953:5
Wed to Kenneth Elton Belben, 01/08/1953:5
Freeman, Virginia Rounds
Daughter born, 10/02/1952:5
Freidenfeld, Fred M. see Ja-Mer Turkey Farm
Freitas, Barbara C.
Engaged to James D. Reynolds, Jr., 12/31/1953:1, 07/01/1954:6
Wed to James D. Reynolds, Jr., 07/15/1954:4
Freitas, Barbara Cecilia
Wedding described, 07/15/1954:3
Freitas, Cordelia
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Freitas, Cordelia Eldridge
Plymouth St couple married 25 years, 07/15/1954:1
Freitas, George
Plymouth St couple married 25 years, 07/15/1954:1
Freitas, Helen Houlihan
Son born, 03/17/1950:5
Freitas, Henry
Son born, 03/17/1950:5
Collides with Raynham driver at John Glass, Jr. Square, 12/06/1951:2
Freitas, Hilda Myrtle
Manuel Gomes Freitas charged with non-support of wife and children,
Freitas, Jane
Philip Sisson struck by auto driven by Jane Freitas, 12/10/1953:9
Freitas, Joan
Hits utility pole on Old Center St, 09/10/1953:10
Freitas, Manuel Gomes
Charged with non-support of wife and children, 08/18/1950:8
Freitas, Richard
Trains with Barnett and Butler at Camp Pickett, VA, 01/01/1953:1
Freitas, Richard C.
Collides with Brockton driver at Grove and South Main St,
Engaged to Elaine M. Remillard, 04/16/1953:7
Completes basic training at Camp Pickett, VA (p), 04/30/1953:1
Wed to Elaine M. Remillard, 05/07/1953:4
Returns to Camp Atterbury, IN, 10/22/1953:8
With 7th Army in Germany, 04/22/1954:10
Discharged for U.S. Army, 11/18/1954:1
Freitas, Richard Carlton
Engaged to Elaine Margaret Remillard, 11/27/1952:4
Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1
Wedding described, 05/07/1953:5
Freitas & Sons Greenhouse
Vaughn St, Lakeville (ad), 05/05/1950:6
French, Chester
Son born, 07/03/1952:5
French, Gertrude Bush
Son born, 07/03/1952:5
French Artisans
Romeo Millette installed as head of French Artisans, 11/29/1951:12
Freyermuth, Dexter
Wedding described, 07/15/1954:9
Freyermuth, Dexter J.
Wed to Barbara B. Linton, 07/08/1954:4
Freyermuth, Robert
Instructor for local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Friedenfeld, Fred
Fire ruins grain at Ja-Mer Turkey Farm, 300 young birds moved,
Friedlande, Dorothy L.
Wed to Allen Carey, 07/14/1950:8
Frizzel, Everett
Leaves for basic training, 01/15/1953:6
Frizzell, Euphemia
Sees brother, Samuel Ball, for first time in 57 years (p), 08/28/1952:2
Frizzell, Everett
Stationed at Sampson Air Base, NY, 03/26/1953:2
Scheduled for transfer to Japan, 12/23/1954:4
Frizzell, H. Everett
Enlists in U.S. Air Force, 11/13/1952:1
Promoted at Moody AFB, GA, 04/16/1953:2
Frizzell, Harold E., Jr.
Engaged to Barbara J. Garside, 01/08/1953:5
Wed to Barbara J. Garside, 01/08/1953:5
Frizzell, Walter R.
Cherry St couple married 55 years (p), 11/18/1954:1
Frost, Edith
School Street School teacher startled by prowler, 10/07/1954:1
Frost, Marion Alice
Wife of John W. dies at age 73, 08/14/1952:5
Obituary, 08/14/1952:10
Frost, William
Couple resides in Syracuse, NY, 07/21/1950:2
Fruit. see also Cranberry Industry; Maxim's Orchard; The Fruit Outlet
Ford Campbell elected president of the Bristol-Plymouth County Fruit
Growers Association, 01/13/1950:2
Center Fruit Store opens at 160 Center St (ad), 06/23/1950:4
Lang's Farm, apples and cider, County St, Lakeville (ad), 09/29/1950:5
Strawberry Hill Farm, winter apples and cider, Old Thomas St (ad),
Ralph Sampson harvests 10-lb. melon, 08/30/1951:10
Ceasar Andrews gets second crop of strawberries, 09/27/1951:8
Jerry Miller fails to appear in court on Middleboro Fruit Co. complaint
of fraud, 08/14/1952:7
Charles Kennedy hurls box through window of The Fruit Co. store,
Fire in rear of Panesis' store had appearance of incendiarism,
Arthur Boutin grows record-breaking melon (p), 09/03/1953:1
Ford Campbell, MacIntosh apples (ad), 09/17/1953:11
Leonard's Peach Orchard, Locust St (ad), 07/29/1954:8
The Fruit Co.
Charles Kennedy hurls box through window of Promades' store,
The Fruit Outlet
121 Center St (ad), 03/03/1950:5
Under new management, Dascoulias and Maleski (ad), 04/21/1950:10
Twin sisters Maleski and Dascoulias (p), 08/20/1953:6
Wholesale and retail, 121 Center St (p), 12/10/1953:8
Renowned for quality fruit, 03/18/1954:6
Bessie Maleski and Dimmie Dascoulias sell The Fruit Outlet to Manuel
Abren and Phillip Falconeiri, 04/29/1954:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
The Fruit Outlet continued
Manuel Abren and Philip Falconieri new owners (p), 05/13/1954:8
Famed for fruit baskets (p), 07/22/1954:6
Holiday fruits and vegetables in abundance, 11/11/1954:8
Frye, Winthrop
Engaged to Shirley Gomes, 03/18/1954:10
Frye, Winthrop R.
Engaged to Shirley Frances Gomes (p), 01/07/1954:1
Engaged to Shirley F. Gomes, 04/01/1954:4
Wed to Shirley F. Gomes, 04/29/1954:4
Frye, Winthrop Richard
Wedding described, 04/29/1954:9
Fryer, Eli Thompson
Wed to I. Parnell Henderson, 11/13/1952:12
Fryer, Mrs Eli T.
Dies in Atlantic City, 11/17/1950:5
Fuel Oil. see also Oxford Oil Co.; R.D. Kelley Coal Co.; Savard, Walter
H.; Sisson, Elmer; Tribou, William E.
Ernest S. Pratt Co. (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Standish Service Station (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Ernest Pratt has license renewed, 02/24/1950:1
Nemasket Gas & Oil Co. license renewed, 05/19/1950:2
J.L. Jenney Coal Co. distributors of Shell fuel oil (ad), 09/18/1952:9
Town requests bids (ad), 10/09/1952:10
Town solicits bids (ad), 10/08/1953:10
Nemasket Gas & Oil Co., Roger Shurtleff and Charles Bettencourt, Old
Center St (p), 11/12/1953:10
Nemasket Gas & Oil Co., 24-hour fuel service, 02/25/1954:6
Request for bids to supply town (ad), 10/14/1954:3
Fugitives from Justice
Everett Peckham arrested and held for New York police, 01/11/1951:6
Leroy Hardberger brought back from Ohio to face charges of
illegitimacy, 03/15/1951:1
Attorney Hale flies to Alabama to get fugitive, 03/22/1951:1
Hale gets fugitive, has no trouble, 03/29/1951:1
Hale flies to Virginia for fugitive, 07/26/1951:1
Hale's Virginia trip proves successful, 08/02/1951:1
Arnold Thomas wanted by state police for larceny of Shaw poultry,
Fuller, Adelbert W.
Two service men hurt in crash with Fuller on Center St (p),
Petition for probate of will, 07/29/1954:5
Fuller, Adelbert Warren
Dies at age 83, 07/15/1954:4
Obituary, 07/22/1954:2
Fuller, Alice M.
Obituary, 07/12/1951:2
Wife of Adelbert dies at age 78, 07/12/1951:4
Fuller, Arlene Bryant
Son born, 01/22/1953:5, 03/04/1954:4
Fuller, Arlene DeMoranville
Daughter born, 08/06/1953:5
Fuller, Christine Cirielo
Son born, 08/28/1952:5
Fuller, Flip
Drummer with Joseph Cordeiro's orchestra (ad), 08/14/1952:8
Fuller, G.
Bungalow for sale (ad), 06/23/1950:2
Fuller, Hazel Maxim
Resides in Elmwood, CT, 04/29/1954:4
Fuller, L.D.H.
Sells Miller St house to Paul Sullivan, 01/18/1951:9
Fuller, Leon
Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5
Fuller, Lotta May
Obituary, 11/06/1952:9
Fuller, Louis D.H.
Purchases Colonial home in West Bridgewater, 01/25/1951:7
Fuller, Maurice
Daughter born, 08/06/1953:5
Fuller, May Ellen Andrews
Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5
Fuller, Robert
Son born, 01/22/1953:5, 03/04/1954:4
Fuller, Robert E.
Engaged to Arlene A. Goodnow, 07/31/1952:5
Wed to Arlene A. Goodnow, 08/14/1952:5
Fuller, Rupert
Son born, 08/28/1952:5
Fuller brush service (ad), 03/25/1954:7
Fuller, Shirley
Employed part time in office at Maxim Motors, 07/07/1950:6
Fuller Brush Co.
Irving Murray, Middleboro-Lakeville district rep (ad), 12/06/1951:8
Irving Murray representative, 12/06/1951:11
Irving Murray promoted to district manager, 06/12/1952:12
Donald Pearson succeeds Irving Murray as local Fuller Brush rep (ad),
Rupert Fuller (ad), 03/25/1954:7
Funeral Industry
Fahey's Funeral Home, South Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Egger's Funeral Home, Pearl St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Hayward Funeral Home, corner of Oak and High St (ad), 01/27/1950:12
Crampton, Rockwell, and Egger granted licenses, 06/09/1950:14
Roger Eldridge announces establishment of The Eldridge Funeral
Home, 04/24/1952:1
Burial charges discussed for clients of Old Age Assistance,
Eldridge Funeral Home to open for inspection (p), 12/11/1952:1
Eldridge Funeral Home, 59 Peirce St (ad), 12/11/1952:12
Robert Cartmell, director of Fahey Funeral Home (ad) (p),
Mr and Mrs Patrick McMahon sever connections with Fahey Funeral
Home (ad), 04/15/1954:7
Hurricane brings down large tree in front of Eldridge Funeral Home (p),
Undertaker George Soule's horse Gypsy dies 50 years ago,
Furiato, Irene E.
In violation of probation on morals charge, 08/04/1950:1
Furlan, Ida M.
Engaged to Wilfred H. Lavallee, Jr., 11/04/1954:4
Furlan, Ida Marion
Wedding described, 12/30/1954:5
Furlan, Robert B.
Engaged to Arlene Burke, 01/04/1951:5
Wed to Arlene Burke, 01/18/1951:5
Furnishings. see also Kahian, Leo
Acme Table Pad Co., 9 South Main St (ad), 10/27/1950:5
Fay's Upholstery Co. (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Henry Celeski, repair service (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Town requests bids (ad), 09/08/1950:3
Furniture Moving. see Moving, Household
Furniture Stores. see also J.M. Wells, Inc.; Kahian, Leo; Shaws, Inc.;
Shaw's Radio & Furniture Co.; William Egger Co.
Harriet MacKenzie granted second-hand furniture sales license,
Bourne Furniture, 21 North St (ad), 03/31/1950:5
Aubrey & Nichols granted second-hand furniture sales license,
McKenzie, Tallman, Aubrey's, Peirce, and O'Grady granted secondhand
sales licenses, 04/21/1950:2
Thomas Nichols, used furniture, 38 Oak St (ad), 05/05/1950:10
Elmer Shaw's and Ann Garfield's used furniture licenses renewed,
Valerie Gammon granted secondhand furniture license, 06/09/1950:14
Irving Jefferson granted secondhand furniture license, 06/23/1950:4
Elizabeth Benson granted license for sale of secondhand furniture,
The Old Hose House, T.B. Nichols, 38 Oak St (ad), 09/01/1950:10
Burgess Annex, used furniture, Everett Square (ad), 10/18/1951:4
Fred Gardner granted license, 05/29/1952:8
Elinore and George Stewart granted secondhand sales license,
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Furniture Stores continued
Leslie Parker granted license to sell second hand furniture,
John Remedis granted license for secondhand furniture sales,
Florence Rogers granted license to sell secondhand furniture,
Four Middleboro youths face larceny charges from Aubrey's,
Alice Wood granted license to sell secondhand furniture, 08/13/1953:4
Bourne Furniture, re-organization sale (ad), 08/13/1953:4
David Anderson granted secondhand furniture license, 08/27/1953:11
Paul Amsden and Kearney's granted secondhand licenses, 09/17/1953:7
Suspicious fire at Fish Furniture, firebug may be at work again,
Modern Sales, 21 Forest St (ad), 03/18/1954:9
Furs and Furriers
Alfred Nanfelt admitted to Mink Producers Association, 02/05/1953:8
Cape Cod Chinchilla Ranch, Rita and Wilfred Duphily, 309 Miller St
(ad), 06/11/1953:5
Hanson Chinchilla Ranch, Myrtle St, 10/15/1953:8
Ernest Hanson enters chinchillas in competition (p), 02/04/1954:1
Furtado, Joseph, Jr.
VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1
Fusco, Frances Irene
Engaged to Victor Bernabeo, 05/19/1950:6
Selectmen approve license to operate overnight cabins, 06/09/1950:7
Future Farmers of America
Holds fair at high school, 09/29/1950:1
Prize awards at first fair, 10/06/1950:1
Holds annual Father-Son banquet, 12/08/1950:1
Plan second annual fair, 09/20/1951:1
Second annual fair in progress, 09/27/1951:1
Prizes awarded for second annual fair, 10/04/1951:1
Enjoy annual Fathers Banquet, 12/06/1951:4
MHS boys compete in judging, 11/13/1952:8
Enjoy annual banquet, 12/04/1952:1
Speaker George Jackson places fourth at district meet, 02/19/1953:1
Officers elected, 02/26/1953:4
Six students get farm awards, 04/16/1953:8
Annual fair opens, list of exhibits, 10/01/1953:3
Three graduate at annual banquet, 11/26/1953:10
Teen dance raises $40 for Paquin fire fund, 03/18/1954:1
Korean children pose in donated clothing (p), 03/25/1954:1
Present sixth annual ag awards, 04/15/1954:4
St Luke's Hospital Fair is a decided success (p), 11/25/1954:1
Hold annual banquet, 11/25/1954:3
F.W. Woolworth & Co.
Andrew Drohen manager, 09/27/1951:5
Ethel MacNeil Baker honored for 25 years of service, 10/23/1952:1
Gabrey, Anne Westling
Daughter born, 06/05/1952:7
Gabrey, Frank
Daughter born, 10/25/1951:5, 06/05/1952:7
Gabrey, Frank L.
Engaged to Anne Westling, 11/15/1951:7
Wed to Anne Westling, 11/29/1951:6
Fined $10 for drunkenness, 07/01/1954:10
Gabrey, Joseph
Daughter born, 09/08/1950:5
Gabrey and Lind indicted in death of Charles Stuart, 10/11/1951:1
Jailed one year for death of Charles Stuart, 10/25/1951:1
Fined $5 for drunkenness, 05/21/1953:7
Has two weeks to get job, start supporting family, 06/04/1953:3
Gabrey, Joseph M.
Ordered to pay family $25 per week, 12/29/1950:6
Gabrey, Madeline Houlihan
Daughter born, 09/08/1950:5
Gabrey, Marine Fortin
Daughter born, 10/25/1951:5
Gadoury, George Peter
Wed to Bettie Arline Quinn, 08/04/1950:5
Gaetani, Lucia
Obituary, 05/26/1952:3
Wife of Salvatore dies at age 70, 05/26/1952:5
Gage, Albert J.
Obituary, 11/22/1951:3
Gage, Albert James
Dies at age 67, 11/22/1951:5
Sheriff's sale of real estate, 04/30/1953:2
Gage, Jo-Ann
Wedding described, 06/18/1953:2
Gage, Jo-Ann C.
Engaged to Norman F. Dunham, 06/04/1953:4
Wed to Norman F. Dunham, 06/18/1953:4
Gage, Robert L.
Assigned to F Co., 60th Infantry at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 02/26/1953:1
Discharged for U.S. Army, 12/16/1954:10
Gage, Robert Lewis
Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1
Gagner, Beatrice Trefethen
Son born, 05/06/1954:6
Gagner, Ray
Viking storm windows and doors (ad), 10/09/1952:6
Gagner, Raymond
Son born, 05/06/1954:6
Gagnon, Ademord Joseph
Wed to Mary Edna Tabor Dean, 10/29/1953:5
Gagnon, Pierre
Purchases gas station and restaurant from George Eno, 08/19/1954:10
Galanto, Carmelina
Lieutenant assigned to 132nd Fighter-Bomber Wing in Bangor, ME,
Leaves for nurses training at Dow Field Air Base, ME, 09/20/1951:2
Lieutenant receives flight wings, 04/24/1952:6
Second Lieutenant awaits assignment to Europe, 10/09/1952:1
Army nurse meets mother in Italy, 07/09/1953:1
Discharged from U.S. Air Force, 07/01/1954:1
Galanto, Mrs Anthony
Meets Army nurse daughter in Italy, 07/09/1953:1
Galanto, Nicholas
Engaged to Sylvia Stilwell, 10/04/1951:4
Wed to Sylvia Stilwell, 10/18/1951:5
Son born, 10/09/1952:5
Galanto, Nick
Plays summer ball in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 06/16/1950:4
Galanto, Sylvia
Model in Little Theatre Group fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7
Galanto, Sylvia Stillwell
Son born, 10/09/1952:5
Galfre, Bartholomew
Dies at age 87, 10/09/1952:5
Obituary, 10/09/1952:9
Galfre, Elizabeth
Fractures hip in fall, 09/13/1951:10
Galfre, Marcia
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Gallagher, Arthur
Daughter born, 06/21/1951:5
Gallagher, Doris Tierney
Daughter born, 06/21/1951:5
Gallagher, Hilma Matson
Son born, 02/08/1951:4, 07/29/1954:4
Gallagher, Mary
New grade two teacher at Rock School, 08/28/1952:1
Gallagher, Philip
Son born, 07/29/1954:4
Gallagher, Philip T.
Son born, 02/08/1951:4
Gallus, Edith J.
Foreclosure notice, 11/01/1951:8, 01/31/1952:6
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/20/1952:3
Gallus, George P.
Engaged to Edith J. Cobb, 01/04/1951:5
Wed to Edith J. Cobb, 01/18/1951:5
Appeals larceny charge, 07/12/1951:10
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Gallus, George P. continued
Foreclosure notice, 11/01/1951:8, 01/31/1952:6
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/20/1952:3
Galvan, Ann H.
Wed to Richard A. Andrade, 07/22/1954:5
Gamache, Arthur. see also Art's Auto Sales
Granted garage and gasoline licenses, 01/27/1950:8
Gamache, Arthur G.
Engaged to Mary Yvette Forbes, 04/17/1952:5
Wed to Mary Yvette Forbes, 05/01/1952:5
Gamache, Bertha Carroll
Daughter born, 03/24/1950:7
Son born, 03/08/1951:4
Gamache, Dorothy
Employed at Winthrop-Atkins, 07/07/1950:8
Gamache, Eleanor Doucette
Daughter born, 10/06/1950:5
Son born, 10/08/1953:4
Gamache, Francis R.
Discharged from U.S. Navy, 09/16/1954:1
Wrecks new car as he dozes, 10/21/1954:6
Gamache, George
Sergeant stationed in Tripoli, North Africa, 04/30/1953:6
Gamache, George A.
Private completes Air Force training (p), 10/27/1950:1
Private 1st Class stationed at Wichita Falls, TX, 05/03/1951:10
Gamache, Horace
Character approved for pedlar's license, 04/21/1950:2
Granted pedlar's license, 04/19/1951:1
Gamache, James
Son born, 10/23/1952:5
Gamache, James D.
Engaged to Patricia L. Gazzolo, 06/30/1950:5
Wed to Patricia L. Gazzolo, 07/14/1950:7
Gamache, John A.
Selectmen appoint new patrolman, 12/16/1954:1
Gamache, Joseph
Daughter born, 03/24/1950:7
Plymouth St couple married 40 years, 04/30/1953:7
Gamache, Joseph P.
Son born, 03/08/1951:4
Gamache, Jules
Son born, 11/03/1950:5
Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5
Gamache, Jules J.
Inducted into armed forces, 02/14/1952:1
Leaves for army induction (p), 02/21/1952:1
Gamache, Julian J.
Discharged from U.S. Marine Corps, 02/25/1954:5
Gamache, Leo
French Artisans pass resolution upon death of, 11/29/1951:12
Gamache, Leo A.
Leaves in recent draft call, 12/08/1950:1
World War II veteran killed in Korea (p), 10/25/1951:1
Killed in action in Korea, body coming home, 02/21/1952:1
Body arrives Friday, will be buried with military honors, 02/28/1952:1
Gamache, Leo Armand
Parents hear from chaplain explaining death in Korea (l), 11/08/1951:1
Gamache, Leo J.
Fined $100 for hunting deer in closed season, 01/13/1950:2
Engaged to Jacqueline Thibault, 06/03/1954:7
Wed to Jacqueline Thibault, 06/17/1954:5
Gamache, Lucienne Barthelemy
Son born, 11/03/1950:5
Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5
Gamache, Norman
Attends Georgetown University, 12/15/1950:16
Lakeville man opens dental office in New Bedford, 08/19/1954:10
Gamache, Patricia Gazzolo
Son born, 10/23/1952:5
Gamache, Paul
Daughter born, 10/06/1950:5
Son born, 10/08/1953:4
Gamache, Raymond H.
Collides with Plympton driver on Rte 44, 01/21/1954:3
Gamache, Rose Alma
Babysitter falls on steps at home of John Scanlon, 03/06/1952:4
Gamache, Rosealma
Engaged to Ronald Sheaffer, 12/09/1954:12
Gamble, Elizabeth Ann
Obituary, 06/04/1953:2
Widow of James H. dies at age 78, 06/04/1953:4
Gamble, Evelyn May
Engaged to Kenneth A. Hopkins, 10/20/1950:5
Wed to Kenneth A. Hopkins, 11/10/1950:7
Chief Rogers warns violators of prosecution, 04/12/1951:1
Diner co-owner Allen Dean fined $150 for gaming nuisance,
Games. see Toys and Games
Gammon, G.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Gammon, George
MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p),
Gammon, Richard
MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p),
Gammon, Valerie
Granted secondhand furniture license, 06/09/1950:14
Gammon, Valerie S.
Donald Rullo finds lost pocketbook, 01/18/1951:1
Gammons, Albert H.
Red Coach Grill and Brown's Service Station broken into again,
Gammons, Carleton
Private 1st Class attends gunnery school at Lowry AFB, CO,
Gammons, Carlton
Completes first year at Rochester Institute of Technology, 06/02/1950:8
Stationed at Sampson Air Base, NY, 10/25/1951:9
Completes gunnery school training at Lowry AFB, CO, 05/22/1952:11
Corporal transfers to Gary AFB, TX, 12/24/1953:2
Gammons, David B.
Promoted to Captain at Vance AFB, Enid, OK, 11/24/1950:6
Gammons, Donald
Engaged to Elizabeth Ann Howard, 06/07/1951:5
Engaged to Betty Howard, 06/21/1951:2
Son born, 08/21/1952:5
Gammons, Donald F.
Wed to Elizabeth A. Howard, 07/12/1951:4
Gammons, Donald Frederick
Engaged to Elizabeth Ann Howard, 06/14/1951:7
Wedding described, 07/05/1951:6
Gammons, Doris
Wed to Charles W. Rubis, 09/22/1950:3
Gammons, Elizabeth Howard
Son born, 08/21/1952:5
Gammons, Eugene
Engaged to Mary Eileen Wilbur, 12/27/1951:8
Gammons, Florence C.
Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9
Gammons, Henry T.
Seven from MHS Class of 1901 hold 50th reunion (p), 08/30/1951:1
Gammons, Herman
Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9
Gammons, Herman T.
MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1
Gammons, Joan
MHS students study for careers (p), 06/03/1954:11
Gammons, Joan M.
Engaged to Billy D. Sayle (p), 12/09/1954:1
Gammons, Malcolm E.
Discharged from U.S. Navy, 11/04/1954:7
Gammons, Mel
Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1
Resides in Lacona, NY, 05/26/1952:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Gammons, Morton L.
Dies at home, 11/26/1953:4
Gammons, Morton Lyon
Husband of Ella M. Merrill dies at age 91, 12/03/1953:4
Obituary, 12/03/1953:12
Gammons, Mrs Donald
Retail Merchants Association grand award winner, 12/23/1954:1
Gammons, Mrs George
First mattress of its kind on display at J.M. Wells (p), 12/06/1951:8
Gammons, Randolph
Golf tourney winner receives trophy at annual Middleboro All Sports
Night (p), 02/25/1954:10
Gammons, Randolph B.
Checker Taxi taken over by Superior Taxi, 03/24/1950:8
Thief gets $300 in cash in break-in, 11/17/1950:1
Proprietor of new Shell Oil Co. station on North Main St, 04/30/1953:8
Gammons, Ranny
Wins Middleboro Hackers tourney, 10/25/1951:5
Wins Middleboro Hackers Golf Tourney, 10/08/1953:1
Wins 1954 Middleboro Open golf title, 09/30/1954:4
Gammons, Sandra
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Gamperoli, Bruno Thomas
Character approved for pedlar's license, 04/07/1950:5
Gangone, Nicholas
Chicken lays an egg within an egg (p), 01/13/1950:1
Garabedian, Stephen
Driver falls asleep, hits tree on Murdock St, 08/06/1953:7
Garafalo, Beverly Lapham
Son born, 03/01/1951:5, 11/05/1953:7
Garafalo, Gabriel L.
Engaged to Robert H. Willey, 09/03/1953:4
Wed to Robert H. Willey, 09/17/1953:6
Garafalo, Leonard
Collides with Brooks at South Main and Clark St, 12/22/1950:12
Three-year-old Walter Soucie injured running into Garafalo's car,
Garafalo, Louis
Engaged to Beverly Mae Lapham, 05/12/1950:7
Wed to Beverly Mae Lapham, 05/26/1950:7
Son born, 11/05/1953:7
Garafalo, Louis J.
Son born, 03/01/1951:5
Garafalo, Marie Starr
Son born, 12/04/1952:5
Garafalo, Michael
Son born, 06/14/1951:7
Garafalo, Nicholas
Engaged to Mary G. Starr, 07/21/1950:5
Wed to Mary A. Starr, 09/01/1950:5
Son born, 12/04/1952:5
Garafalo, Phyllis Arnold
Son born, 06/14/1951:7
Garbage Collection. see Refuse and Refuse Disposal
Garbitt, Donald
Sent to Boston for induction, 01/08/1953:1
Garbitt, Ernest
Son born, 06/14/1951:7
Garbitt, Ernest, 3rd
Son born, 03/10/1950:5
Garbitt, Mary Perdigao
Son born, 06/14/1951:7
Garbitt, Mary Perdigas
Son born, 03/10/1950:5
Garbitt, Melville Warren
Wed to Eleanor Addie Swanson, 01/13/1950:5
Garcia, Albert
Public auction (ad), 05/22/1952:11
Garcia, Alton
South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home
(p), 10/18/1951:1
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Garcia, Joe
Employed at Richmond Automotive Service, 08/06/1953:6
Garcia, Robert
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Gardens and Gardening. see also Middleboro Garden Club; Vegetables
J. Herbert Alexander plans to organize organic gardening society,
Fred Green, spring plowing and harrowing (ad), 03/12/1953:10
Joseph Pierce, tilling services (ad), 06/24/1954:10
Nine herb gardens surround 200-year-old home of Elmer Allan (p),
Gardiner, Emma Reis
Couple married 31 years, 07/01/1954:1
Gardiner, Frederick T.
Wins Stephen Foster Concert Artists scholarship, 12/27/1951:1
Winner of The Stephen Foster Concert Artist, 04/24/1952:10
Gardiner, Jeannette Bussiere
Daughter born, 07/15/1954:4
Gardiner, Richard
Indicted for breaking-and-entering and larceny, 10/16/1952:7
Gardiner, Robert H.
Selectmen grant masseur license, 01/21/1954:1
Gardiner, William
Daughter born, 07/15/1954:4
Joseph Hayden finds Air Force instrument hanging in tree (p),
Gardiner, William E.
Patrolman and court officer, 10/13/1950:4
Named police sergeant, 11/24/1950:1
Police Sergeant hospitalized, 01/03/1952:1
Says hospital kicked him out early, 01/17/1952:2
Resumes duties, 01/31/1952:2
Couple married for 30 years, 07/02/1953:1
Appointed Chief of Police (p), 05/06/1954:1
Couple married 31 years, 07/01/1954:1
Gardner, Armand
Recalled into military service, 08/25/1950:4
Gardner, Beverly A.
Engaged to Gerald C. Pendleton, 08/09/1951:5
Wed to Gerald C. Pendleton, 08/23/1951:5
Gardner, Dorothy A.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/02/1952:3
Gardner, Eldridge H.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/02/1952:3
Gardner, Ella
Obituary, 02/24/1950:12
Gardner, Fred
Granted license for secondhand furniture and auctioneer, 05/29/1952:8
Gardner, George W.
Assigned to leader's course at Fort Benning, GA (p), 01/07/1954:1
Flies on Royal Canadian Air Force plane to Far East, 01/21/1954:5
Gardner, Howard C.
Obituary, 01/29/1953:4
Gardner, Howard Cudworth
Husband of Annie M. Galfre dies at age 54, 01/29/1953:5
Gardner, Priscilla
Graduates from Brookside Academy, 06/12/1952:2
Gardner, Ralph A., Jr.
Public accountant (ad), 05/03/1951:9
Gardner, Richard E.
Engaged to Jean Akerman, 01/28/1954:5
Wed to Jean Akerman, 02/04/1954:5
Gardner, Robert E.
Taken to Connecticut, wanted for breaking and entering and larceny,
Garfield, Ann
Used furniture license and auctioneer's license renewed, 05/19/1950:2
Garfield, Ann Gardner
Petition for custody, care, education, and maintenance of minor child,
Garfield, John P.
Former local pastor dies, obituary, 03/13/1952:1
Garganigo, Louis
Victualler's license for Aubrey's Grill granted, 02/10/1950:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Garnett, Clarence, Jr.
Leaves Norfolk, VA for Korea, 09/03/1953:3
Seaman called back to duty, headed to Formosa, 11/25/1954:3
Garnett, Forest
John Vickery pleads not guilty to assault on Garnett, 08/18/1950:8
Sent to jail for drunkenness, 09/20/1951:10
Garnett, Forest M.
Fined $5 for drunkenness, 09/13/1951:4
Garnett, Forrest
John Vickery guilty of assault on Garnett, must pay hospital bill,
Garnett, Ruth
Guilty of drunkenness, 08/25/1950:7
Former resident dies in Bridgewater blaze, 12/03/1953:12
Garnett, Thelma
Wed to Joseph Ford, 12/10/1953:8
Garney, Brian
Son born, 07/29/1954:4
Garney, JoAnna Ramper
Son born, 07/29/1954:4
Garnier, Howard E.
Granted permit to sell gasoline, 12/08/1950:1
Garnier, Joan
Attends governor's inauguration, 01/15/1953:12
Receives MHS Silver M award, 05/28/1953:1
Enrolls at Bryant Business School, 09/17/1953:5
Garnier, Joan F.
Enrolls at Bryant College, 11/12/1953:9
Garnier, Lester
Scout wins God and Country Award, 02/04/1954:4
Receives God and Country Award, 02/11/1954:7
Garnier, Naomi Manter
Obituary, 09/02/1954:4
Widow of William dies at age 79, 09/02/1954:4
Garnier, William Henry
Obituary, 09/22/1950:4
Dies at age 75, 09/22/1950:5
Garnier's Market
10th anniversary, North Main St (ad), 01/20/1950:5
Signs up for TV premium membership, 12/15/1950:13
Signs up for TV premium membership (ad), 12/15/1950:15
Help wanted, all round store man (ad), 05/15/1952:7
Clerk wanted (ad), 08/20/1953:10
Garofalo, Nicholas
Engaged to Eva May Travers, 01/07/1954:3
Garrity, Rita L.
Engaged to George A. Griswold, 09/27/1951:4
Wed to George A. Griswold, 10/04/1951:4
Garside, Barbara J.
Engaged to Harold E. Frizzell, Jr., 01/08/1953:5
Wed to Harold E. Frizzell, Jr., 01/08/1953:5
Gas & Electric Department. see Middleboro - Gas & Electric Department
Gaskin, Shirley Joan
Engaged to Bernardo C. Fernandes, 01/08/1953:5
Engaged to Bernardo L. Fernandes, 01/15/1953:7
Gasoline. see also Automobile Service Stations; R.D. Kelley Coal Co.
Sales license renewed for Beatrice Thomas, new license issued to
Clarence Morse, 05/19/1950:2
Hearing scheduled on sales application by Harrison Holbrook,
Harrison Holbrook granted sales license, 06/09/1950:1
Holbrook granted license, 06/23/1950:4
Howard Garnier granted permit to store, keep, and sell, 12/08/1950:1
Notice of hearing on Goodman application, 01/04/1951:8
Request for bids to supply town (ad), 05/17/1951:5
Arthur Parent petitions for license to sell gasoline, 07/12/1951:1
Theodore Testa granted victualler's and gasoline licenses, 07/12/1951:2
Notice of hearing on Parent's petition (ad), 07/12/1951:6
William Engel petitions for license to store gasoline and oil,
Engel applies for gas storage permit, 04/10/1952:12
Notice of hearing on Holbrook's petition to increase gasoline storage
capacity (ad), 05/08/1952:12
Town seeking bids (ad), 05/15/1952:12
Gasoline continued
Notice of hearing on Theo Testa's storage permit (ad), 05/22/1952:12
Notice of hearing on Walter Starvish's permit (ad), 05/22/1952:12
Selectmen hold hearings on storage capacity increases for Starvish and
Testa, 05/29/1952:8
Notice of hearing on storage permit for Edward Goodhue (ad),
Peter and Thelma Gravlin petition to store and sell gasoline,
Notice of hearing on Gammons' application (ad), 04/23/1953:12
Town contract out for bid (ad), 05/14/1953:10
Charles Sherman petitions to increase gasoline storage capacity,
Francisco da Silva petition for license to store, 09/24/1953:4
Notice of hearing for Frank Mello's license application (ad),
Notice of hearing for Stanley's Service Station to increase gas storage
(ad), 03/25/1954:4
Notice of hearing on Albert Carr's storage application (ad),
Notice of hearing on Broadbent's application to store (ad), 05/13/1954:6
Request for bids to provide all town departments (ad), 05/13/1954:10
Wallace Hotz applies for permit to keep and store, 06/17/1954:10
Notice of hearing on Julius Hill's application to store (ad), 08/19/1954:2
Lillian Conway applies for permit to store, 08/26/1954:5
Tank installations approved for Hill and Gray, 09/02/1954:1
Notice of Freitas storage hearing, 09/16/1954:5
Gasunas, Paul
Charged with drunkenness and reckless and drunk driving,
Crashes into oil truck, 07/19/1951:7
Fined $65 for accident, 08/02/1951:2
Gates, Avard L.
Petition for administration of estate, 09/15/1950:9
Gates, Avard Longley
Obituary, 08/04/1950:3
Dies at age 78, 08/04/1950:5
Gates, Christiana Downing
Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4
Gates, Earl F.
Resigns after 15 years as Gazette reporter, 01/14/1954:1
Former resident urges support for St Luke's expansion (l), 08/26/1954:1
Urges support of Allan Hale's candidacy for D.A. of Plymouth County
(l), 09/02/1954:2
Gates, Edith M.
Son sells South Main St homestead to Robert Cushing, 08/12/1954:5
Gates, Elinor Mae
Wedding described, 08/06/1953:7
Gates, Elinor May
Engaged to George C. Tanguay, Jr., 07/30/1953:5
Wed to George C. Tanguay, Jr., 08/06/1953:5
Gates, Ellen
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Gates, Ellen G.
Foreclosure notice, 04/23/1953:5
Gates, Harold
Chicken incinerator building razed by fire, 08/26/1954:1
Gates, Harold Clinton, Jr.
Wedding described, 11/06/1952:4
Gates, Harold, Jr.
Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4
Gates, Henry
Daughter born, 03/10/1950:5
Gates, Leonard
Employed at Leonard & Barrows, 06/28/1951:8
Gates, Maude
Employed at Glidden's, 09/29/1950:3
Wedding described, 06/17/1954:3
Gates, Maude E.
First woman called for jury service, 10/11/1951:1
Engaged to Wesley V. Tibbetts, 05/27/1954:7
Wed to Wesley V. Tibbetts, 06/17/1954:5
Gates, Ralph
Ram service (ad), 10/01/1953:3
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Gates, Ralph E.
Pickup truck tips over on Murdock St, 04/17/1952:2
Gates, Richard
Wedding described, 04/01/1954:2
Gates, Thelma Holmes
Daughter born, 03/10/1950:5
Gaudette, Ellen J.
Wife of George P. dies at age 50, 08/20/1953:4
Obituary, 08/20/1953:7
Gaudette, Eudore
Husband of Regina Arsenault dies at age 76, 08/30/1951:5
Obituary, 08/30/1951:9
Petition for probate of will, 09/06/1951:4
Gaudette, George, Jr.
Employed at Eddie's Cities Service (p), 07/30/1953:6, 10/29/1953:6
Gaudette, Isabel Roczera
Son born, 04/28/1950:7
Gaudette, William
Son born, 04/28/1950:7
Gaudette, William F.
Edgar Wilbur hits Superior cab operated by Gaudette, 03/06/1952:2
Gaudette's Package Store
439 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Gauthier, Al
Captures Mitchell Club scoring title (t), 04/14/1950:8
Captain of Brown University baseball team, 12/22/1950:1
Performance with Brown University basketball team on TV,
Continues to shine on Brown University baseball team, 05/17/1951:1
Bats for 0.375 in final year at Brown, 09/06/1951:1
Receives Blair Trophy for collegiate batting title (p), 12/13/1951:7
Twilight League names annual home run award for, 03/27/1952:5
Eagles pay tribute to young athlete, 05/26/1952:1
Mitchell Memorial Club banquet speaker lauds Gauthier, 11/27/1952:1
Gauthier, Alfred R.
Earns varsity baseball letter at Brown University, 06/16/1950:10
Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1
In memoriam (p), 03/19/1953:6
Gauthier, Alfred Robert
Graduates from Brown University, 06/07/1951:1
Second Lieutenant killed at Camp Lejune (p), 03/27/1952:1
Dies at age 23, 03/27/1952:5
Private 1st Class Edgar Gay pays tribute, 04/10/1952:9
Gauthier, Alice Wambolt
Daughter born, 04/21/1950:5
Gauthier, Conrad
Daughter born, 04/21/1950:5
Gauthier, Eddie
Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3
Gauthier, Edward
Middleboro Laundry wins safety award (p), 10/04/1951:1
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Gauthier, Ethel Fickert
Daughter born, 08/14/1952:3, 08/14/1952:5
Gauthier, Frederick
Second Mate confined to Brighton Marine hospital, 09/03/1953:9
Gauthier, Irene Collette
Son born, 04/08/1954:6
Gauthier, Leo
Son born, 04/08/1954:6
Gauthier, Leo F.
On Navy duty in Far East, 08/07/1952:1
Returns from Korea, 09/11/1952:1
Wedding described, 06/18/1953:8
Navy man returns from Far East (p), 04/08/1954:1
Discharged from U.S. Navy, 07/15/1954:1
Gauthier, Leo Francis
Engaged to Ellen Angelina Tanes, 06/04/1953:4
Wed to Ellen Angelina Tanes, 06/11/1953:4
Gauthier, Lillian G.
Engaged to Edward J. Willett, 07/17/1952:5
Wed to Edward J. Willett, 07/31/1952:5
Gauthier, Linda Jean
Born to William and Ethel Fickert, 08/14/1952:3
Gauthier, Mary
Dave Vickery named MHS baseball team MVP by Eagles (p),
Gauthier, William
Daughter born, 08/14/1952:3, 08/14/1952:5
Gauthier, William J.
Warrant Officer (jg) reassigned as Military Personnel Officer,
Warrant Officer (jg) slated for transfer from Camp Edwards,
Warrant Officer (jg) helps train Korean troops, 11/06/1952:8
Speaks of two years of service in Korea, 02/19/1953:1
Gaward, Richard Arthur
Engaged to Barbara Ann Weeks, 06/16/1950:7
Gay, Albert W.
Obituary, 04/12/1951:2
Gay, Albert Wales
Husband of Katherine May Maddigan dies at age 73, 04/12/1951:5
Gay, Edgar
Private 1st Class awarded Combat Infantryman Badge, 09/18/1952:7
Gay, Edgar A.
Couple married 25 years, 08/04/1950:1
Private 1st Class pays tribute to Al Gauthier, 04/10/1952:9
Private 1st Class serves with 25th Infantry Division in Korea,
Gay, Edgar A., Jr.
Private completes basic training at Indiantown Gap, PA, 08/23/1951:1
Completes training at Leadership School in Pennsylvania, 10/25/1951:4
Gay, Edgar Amos
Obituary, 10/20/1950:4
Husband of Myra Simpson dies at age 54, 10/20/1950:5
Gay, Edgar Amos, Jr.
Graduates from Boston University, 06/09/1950:10
Gay, Robert
Salesman at Curtis Ford Sales (p), 12/09/1954:12
Gazzero, Jack
Mitchell Memorial Club 1950 baseball team (p), 09/29/1950:10
Gazzolo, Patricia L.
Engaged to James D. Gamache, 06/30/1950:5
Wed to James D. Gamache, 07/14/1950:7
Geilear, Robert F.
Engaged to Joan Marie Kenney, 02/12/1953:4
Geilear, Robert Francis
Wed to Joan Marie Kenney, 06/11/1953:4
G.E. Keith Shoe Co. see George E. Keith Shoe Co.
Gendron, Robert F.
Fined $5 for failure to stop, 06/11/1953:8
General Mills, Farm Service Store
Wareham St (ad), 04/07/1950:9
Another arson attempt fizzles out at grain elevator, 10/14/1954:1
Gentile, Philip J.
Engaged to Lucille Marie Pepin, 07/31/1952:3
Wed to Lucille M. Pepin, 06/24/1954:4
Wedding described, 06/24/1954:5
Town's bounds must be checked, 05/19/1950:1
Boundary perambulation set, 09/29/1950:1
Chair of selectmen and Town Manager perambulation town boundaries,
The Rustle of Spring (local travelogue), 02/26/1953:3
George (Mr)
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
George, Helen Archer
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
George, Raymond
Buffalo, NY man drowns in Bartlett Pond, East Carver, 08/05/1954:5
George A. Richards Athletic Prize
Description of scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:10
Description of annual medal for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:4
George A. Shurtleff & Son
Lane St (ad), 06/12/1952:3
George Shurtleff and Ida Ma McAllister dissolve partnership,
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
George A. Shurtleff & Son continued
Forty years supplying Middleboro and surrounding towns (ad),
No connection to Shurtleff Hardware (ad), 02/11/1954:2
George E. Keith Shoe Co.
Cafeteria manager Christine Bassett resigns, 10/27/1950:1
Albert Keyes receives 50-year pin, 11/06/1952:1
Arthur "Dick" Loheed retires after 50 years (p), 08/26/1954:1
O.R. Smith salesman 50 years ago, 09/09/1954:7
George's Billiard Parlor
Re-opens at 252 Center St (ad), 09/29/1950:9
Gerard, Leroy
Marvel's Open Air Bakery & Market, 2 Spruce St (ad), 05/29/1952:5
Gerard, Red
Marvel's Open Air Bakery & Market, 2 Spruce St (ad), 05/29/1952:5
Gerard, Rena
Marvel's Open Air Bakery & Market, 2 Spruce St (ad), 05/29/1952:5
Gerety, David
Engaged to Patricia Skahill, 07/08/1954:7
Gerety, David G.
Engaged to Patricia Skahill, 06/17/1954:10
Gerety, David W.
Wedding described, 07/22/1954:2
Germaine, Robert
Charles Lindstrom guilty of assault on police officer, 02/18/1954:1
Germaine, Robert C.
Guilty of drunkenness, 02/25/1954:3
Appointed Acting Police Sergeant (p), 05/27/1954:1
Germaine, Robert G.
Enlists in Navy, training at Bainbridge, MD (p), 07/10/1952:1
Engaged to Norma E. Quigley, 06/03/1954:7
Wed to Norma E. Quigley, 06/17/1954:5
Germaine, Robert George
Engaged to Norma Quigley, 11/27/1952:7
Engaged to Norma E. Quigley, 05/20/1954:4
Wedding described, 06/17/1954:4
Gerrior, Albert
Daughter born, 06/16/1950:7
Son born, 12/25/1952:5
Gerrior, Alec
Selectmen sign character reference for peddler, 08/27/1953:11
Gerrior, David
VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4
Gerrior, Emil
Purchases Lakeside Ave property from Lillian Dwelley, 03/26/1953:9
Son born, 12/31/1953:4, 01/07/1954:9
Gerrior, Emil J.
Son born, 04/24/1952:4
Gerrior, Flora Garafalo
Daughter born, 06/16/1950:7
Son born, 12/25/1952:5
Gerrior, Joseph A.
Completes navy medical course, 06/19/1952:1
Hospital Corpsman goes to Camp Lejune (p), 09/18/1952:1
Receives Navy commendation (p), 07/22/1954:1
Gerrior, Leo
Engaged to Mary Soucie, 01/01/1953:7
Wedding described, 04/09/1953:3
Son born, 12/16/1954:4
Gerrior, Leo J.
Engaged to Mary J. Soucie, 03/26/1953:7
Wed to Mary J. Soucie, 04/09/1953:5
Gerrior, Leo, Jr.
Engaged to Mary Soucie, 03/19/1953:10
Gerrior, Lillian Bradford
Son born, 04/24/1952:4, 12/31/1953:4
Gerrior, Mary
Engaged to Daniel R. Guertin, 08/20/1953:4
Gerrior, Mary E.
Engaged to Daniel R. Guertin, 10/16/1952:4
Wed to Daniel R. Guertin, 08/27/1953:7
Wedding described, 08/27/1953:12
Gerrior, Mary Soucie
Son born, 12/16/1954:4
Gerrior, Medord
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Gerrior, Michael Joseph
Born to Emil, 01/07/1954:9
Gerrior, Ray
Employed at Bob's Diner, popular spot at Four Corners (p),
Gerrior, Raymond
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Gerrior, Rose
Engaged to Manuel De Arruda, 08/18/1950:5
Wed to Manuel DeArruda, 09/22/1950:5
Wedding described, 09/22/1950:8
Gerrish, Dorothy Tomasik
Daughter born, 05/26/1950:7
Gerrish, Lloyd
Daughter born, 05/26/1950:7
Gervase, Marie
Wed to Richard Drake, 09/08/1950:2
Gervase, Marie Jeanette
Wed to Richard Henry Drake, 09/01/1950:5
Wedding described, 09/08/1950:10
Gervase, Marie Jeannette
Engaged to Richard Henry Drake, 03/17/1950:1
Ghelfi, Richard P.
Discharged from U.S. Navy, 02/25/1954:5
Ghelli, Sarah A.
Wed to Clifton I. Cordeiro, 08/11/1950:5
Ghilli, Sarah A.
Engaged to Clifton I. Cordeiro, 07/21/1950:5
Giamperoli, Mrs Thomas
Employed at The Boston Store, 07/28/1950:8
Gianunzio, Claire Allen
Daughter born, 09/17/1953:6
Gianunzio, James
Daughter born, 09/17/1953:6
Gibbons, Gail
Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1
Gibbons, Gale
Five-year-old burned helping dad with bonfire, 11/15/1951:1
Gibbons, Leo N.
Optometrist, Bank Bldg (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Gibbons, Virginia
Scout troop recognized for work at Lakeville sanatorium (p),
Local poetess has works published (p), 12/09/1954:1
Making personal and radio appearances, 12/16/1954:4
Gibbs, Ann
Wed to Thomas B. Nichols, 04/24/1952:4
Gibbs, Arthur H.
Collides with Kingston driver at North and East Main St, 08/21/1952:1
Gibbs, Barbara
Wed to Walter E. Cooke, 11/08/1951:11
Gibbs, Carl Sherman
Sent to Boston for induction, 01/08/1953:1
Gibbs, Florence
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Gibbs, Frank
Fall Brook baseball team, 1910 (p), 03/29/1951:1
Gibbs, Frank M.
Obituary, 11/29/1951:4
Dies at age 76, 11/29/1951:7
Gibbs, Henry
Fall Brook baseball team, 1910 (p), 03/29/1951:1
Gibbs, Herbert
Engaged to Constance L. Jewett, 07/09/1953:4
Wed to Constance L, Jewett, 07/30/1953:5
Gibbs, Herbert M.
To receive degree from Northeastern (p), 06/18/1953:1
Gibbs, Herbert McDonald
Wedding described, 07/30/1953:2
Gibbs, Joe
Fall Brook baseball team, 1910 (p), 03/29/1951:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Gibbs, Lester
Fall Brook baseball team, 1910 (p), 03/29/1951:1
Gibbs, S.S.
O.L. Barden shaves the older set 50 years ago, 10/15/1953:5
Gibbs, Valerie
New music instructor at Bates School, 12/13/1951:1
Resigns from Bates School, to teach in Springfield, 07/16/1953:1
Resigns as Bates music instructor, 07/30/1953:1
Gibbs Flower Shop
Center St (ad), 10/13/1950:5
Gibbs' Greenhouses
106 Oak St (ad), 05/26/1950:10
Giberti, A. Lucille McDowell
Daughter born, 08/16/1951:5
Giberti, Adeline M.
Employed at the Walker Co., 04/17/1952:4
Giberti, A.J.
Electrical contractor, 31 Oak St (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Giberti, Charles V.
West Side School committee turns over keys to Board of Selectmen (p),
Giberti, Jack
Ill with polio at Boston hospital, 09/25/1952:6
Giberti, John V.
First case of polio reported in area, 09/04/1952:1
Giberti, John Vincent
MHS yearbook dedicated to polio victim, 06/11/1953:1
Giberti, Joseph
Doctor conducting business by appointment only (ad), 03/20/1952:10
Named president of St. Luke's medical staff, 10/28/1954:1
Giberti, Joseph V.
Returns to general practice, 12 High St (ad), 11/10/1950:11
Wed to Anne Lucille McDowell, 02/08/1951:5
Wedding described, 02/08/1951:5
Daughter born, 08/16/1951:5
Giberti, Josephine
Employed at Dedham schools, 04/17/1952:4
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Giberti, Lawrence
Old Country Store makes learning fun at School Street School (p),
Giberti, Robert
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Kiwanis Club holds installation ceremonies (p), 01/07/1954:1
Giberti, Robert D. see also Giberti's Apothecary
Service to community is YMCA goal (l), 11/17/1950:11
Giberti, Robert V.
Passes exam in anesthesiology, 01/11/1951:1
Giberti's Apothecary
Center and High St (ad), 05/01/1952:14
Profile and history of local business, 09/11/1952:7
John Glass, Jr. Square (p), 07/30/1953:6
Offers complete service, 10/22/1953:8
Specialists in prescription work (p), 01/28/1954:6
Well known for prescription service, 06/10/1954:8
Francis Cabral reliable apothecary (p), 08/26/1954:6
Gibney, Lucille E.
Lakeville driver goes through A&P window, 10/07/1954:1
Gibson, Aubrey K.
New assistant manager to Pawtucket, RI district for Metropolitan Life
Ins. Co., 11/13/1952:6
Gibson, Eliza Lane Shaw
Obituary, 03/22/1951:10
Gibson, Harold A.
Fined $75 for drunk driving, $25 for reckless driving, 07/23/1953:7
Gibson, Herbert
Wed to Sally Alpert, 07/19/1951:5
Wedding described, 07/26/1951:8
Gibson, Marion
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4
Gibson, Pauline Alpert
Engaged to Myron Stein, 01/08/1953:8
Gifford, Arthur
Ten-year-old faints on Center St sidewalk, 03/03/1950:6
Gifford, Franklin M.
Executor presents account of estate, 12/18/1952:6
Gifford, Franklin Maynard
Dies at age 74, 05/17/1951:5
Obituary, 05/17/1951:10
Petition for probate of will, 06/14/1951:6
Gifford, Jennie
Obituary, 09/22/1950:6
Gifford, Jennie Monroe
Wife of Franklin M. dies at age 73, 09/22/1950:5
Gifford, Maurice Merritt
Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1
Gifford, Ronald E.
Engaged to Barbara Tharis, 01/08/1953:6
Gifford, Selena
Appointed assistant commissioner of welfare and placement branch of
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 06/05/1952:12
Gift Shops. see also Cook's Jewelry Store; Leland Gift Shop; Williams
Trading Post & Annex
The Doll House, 231 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:3
Millstone Farm, Bedford St (ad), 07/21/1950:5
Daisy's Gift Shop, 114 Oak St (ad), 10/27/1950:2
The Town Line House, Taunton St (ad), 08/02/1951:5
Three Elms Gift Shop, Grace Ford proprietor, Miller St (ad),
Grace Ford opens Three Elms Gift Shop on Miller St, 09/06/1951:4
Daisy's Antique & Gift Shop, 114 Oak St (ad), 12/13/1951:13
Polly's Gift Shop, 31 School St (ad), 10/09/1952:6
Polly's Gift Shop, closing out sale (ad), 12/18/1952:6
Lester Sherman opens Sherman's Brookside Gift Shop at his home,
Cook's Jewelry opens gift shop at 17 South Main St, 11/19/1953:1
Travellers' Fare, open every day, Rte 28, South Middleboro (ad),
Hoppy's Doll House (ad), 12/02/1954:9
Gilbert, Carol A.
Engaged to Randall A. McLellan, 11/04/1954:4
Gilbert, Carol Ann
Wed to Randall A. McLellan, 11/04/1954:4
Gilbert, Roland
Engaged to Lorraine Hubert, 07/14/1950:8
Giles, Joanne W.
Engaged to Bruce Matheson, 09/02/1954:4
Giles, Loanne W.
Wed to Bruce Matheson, 09/16/1954:4
Giles, Loanne Wallace
Wedding described, 09/16/1954:3
Gill, Francis
Engaged to Jean Kelley, 08/28/1952:10
Son born, 10/08/1953:4
Gill, Francis John
Engaged to Jean Ann Relly, 09/11/1952:5
Wed to Jean Ann Kelly, 10/02/1952:5
Wedding described, 10/02/1952:6
Gill, Jean Kelly
Son born, 10/08/1953:4
Gilli, Anthony
Daughter born, 02/17/1950:6
Gilli, Leah Blouin
Daughter born, 02/17/1950:6
Gilligan, Delia M.
Obituary, 11/22/1951:6
Gillis, Elsie Brown
Obituary, 12/16/1954:2
Wife of Walter H. dies at age 66, 12/16/1954:4
Gillis, Grace Powers
Son born, 12/22/1950:7, 05/15/1952:7
Gillis, James
Son born, 12/22/1950:7, 05/15/1952:7
Gillis, James J.
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 01/15/1953:11
Gillis, Malcolm
Resides in Detroit, MI, 02/18/1954:10
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Gillis, Veronica
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Gillis, Walter
Replaces Marion Atwood as treasurer of Rock Village Church,
Gilmore, Ashton
Daughter born, 09/16/1954:4
Gilmore, Elizabeth Morse
Daughter born, 09/16/1954:4
Gilmore, Wolcott C.
Wed to Ruth Crocker, 12/16/1954:4
Giovanini, Gloria
Engaged to Carl W. Dupre, 05/10/1951:7
Wed to Carl W. Dupre, 05/17/1951:5
Giovanini, Gloria Ann
Engaged to Carl William Dupre, 04/26/1951:7
Girard, Andrew
Daughter born, 06/02/1950:5
Girard, Merle C. Riggs
Daughter born, 06/02/1950:5
Girl Scouts of America
New headquarters broken into, 01/13/1950:1
Need to raise $2,000 to complete payments, 01/13/1950:4
New Brownie troop, No. 7, formed, 01/20/1950:2
Bessie Sweeney serves as librarian at cabin branch, 02/10/1950:7
Senior Scouts hold successful dance, 03/17/1950:10
Hold annual supper party, 03/31/1950:2
Lakeville scouts on tour of NY and Washington, 04/28/1950:6
Middleboro Council holds annual meeting, 05/12/1950:14
Honor Mr and Mrs Horace Atkins, 05/26/1950:1
Hold annual rally, 06/09/1950:12
Lakeville scouts enjoy camp-out on Long Pond, 06/16/1950:2
Beers and Warren volunteer librarians at cabin branch, 07/21/1950:2
Lions Club members make improvements to grounds on Jackson St,
Members make improvements to Girl Scout grounds on Jackson St,
Novel bazaar held to raise funds at Scout house, 11/03/1950:18
Annual report of Middleboro Council (t), 03/01/1951:1
Local scouts celebrate 39 years of scouting, 03/15/1951:1
To aid in delivery of books to shut-ins, 03/22/1951:6
New troop formed in Rock, 04/12/1951:10
Mrs Henry Battis president of Sectional Girl Scout council,
Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro group welcomed into
organization (p), 05/24/1951:1
Hold Court of Awards, 06/21/1951:8
Bazaar well patronized, 11/08/1951:6
Mrs Henry Battis honored with Thanks badge, 03/06/1952:1
Middleboro Council holds annual meeting, 05/08/1952:8
Annual reports, 06/05/1952:12
Hold Court of Awards, 06/12/1952:1
Hold Court of Awards in Lakeville, 06/19/1952:9
Mother Daughter Banquet attracts 336, 03/19/1953:8
Hold Court of Awards, 05/21/1953:8
Brownie Fly-Up observed, 05/28/1953:4
Seven scouts receive curved bars, 06/18/1953:4
Virginia Gibbons' troop recognized for work at Lakeville sanatorium
(p), 09/03/1953:1
Make request for lighting on Jackson St, 09/17/1953:1
Hold Troop 12 investiture, 12/03/1953:5
Hold annual meeting (t), 02/04/1954:10
Nearly 300 celebrate 42nd birthday of scouting in America,
Hold annual rally, 05/27/1954:3
Troop 12 holds Father-Daughter Night, 11/04/1954:10
Girls Junior Volunteer Service League
Holds second Mother-Daughter Banquet, 04/19/1951:2
Girls’ State. see American Legion – Simeon Nickerson Post, Women’s
Gisetto, Lena Menella
Son born, 12/18/1952:5
Gisetto, Theresa Angela
Engaged to Mario A. DiLeo, 10/14/1954:5
Gisetto, William
Son born, 12/18/1952:5
Gisetto, William A.
Discharged for U.S. Air Force, 12/02/1954:1
Gisetto, William A., Jr.
Collides with Littlefield on Everett St, 11/26/1953:7
Gisetto, William, Jr.
Completes basic training at Sampson AFB, NY, 08/20/1953:10
Returns to duties at Chanute Air Base, IL, 09/10/1953:2
Given, Edward Rich
Dies at age 80, 05/27/1954:7
Obituary, 05/27/1954:7
Given, Mabel Elizabeth Roe
Obituary, 07/19/1951:5
Wife of Edward R. dies at age 80, 07/19/1951:5
G.L. Charlton Co.
24 South Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:2
Employs Mary Pasztor, 07/14/1950:5
Celebrates 10th anniversary (ad), 03/01/1951:2
Full time sales lady wanted (ad), 09/04/1952:8
Co-operative Bank purchases property at 24 South Main St,
Removal sale (ad), 07/29/1954:5
New store opens September 1st at 40 Pearl St (ad), 08/26/1954:9
The Glad Patch
J.R. Serra, 1170 Center St (ad), 07/28/1950:2
Gladstone, Richard
Son born, 07/21/1950:10
Gladstone, Sybil Pilshaw
Son born, 07/21/1950:10
Gladu, Francis
Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5
Mother-in-law visiting from England, 12/10/1953:3
Gladu, Joseph
Lakeville purchases new firefighting equipment from Maxim Motor Co.
(p), 01/25/1951:1
Gladu, Joseph, Jr.
Resides in Tiverton, RI, 06/03/1954:7
Gladu, Sadie Orford
Donald Pearson succeeds Murray as local Fuller Brush rep (ad),
Gladu, Susan J.
Obituary, 06/17/1954:9
Gladu, Susan Joslin
Wife of Joseph, Sr. dies at age 68, 06/17/1954:4
Glass, Arthur
Suffers from metal poisoning, 04/03/1952:10
Employed at Henry Perkins Foundry in Bridgewater, 07/10/1952:6
Glass, Arthur P.
Requests lower speed limit on Everett St, 07/16/1953:5
Elected to board of Foundry Workers Relief Fund, 02/18/1954:4
Gleekman (Mr)
Profile of MHS student teacher, 03/08/1951:3
Glidden, Amasa R. see A.R. Glidden & Son
Glidden, Benjamin K. see A.R. Glidden & Son
Glidden, Charles Robert
Boy falls off load of hay, 07/17/1952:2
Glidden, A.R. see A.R. Glidden & Son
Glidden, James
Couple returns from 10,000-mile trip to West Coast, 05/07/1953:10
Glidden, James R.
MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1
A.R. Glidden & Son marks 79th anniversary event (p), 07/19/1951:1
A.R. Glidden & Son, 1901 to 1951 (ad) (p), 07/19/1951:6
Seven from MHS Class of 1901 hold 50th reunion (p), 08/30/1951:1
A.R. Glidden & Son , notice of partnership dissolution, 09/10/1953:8
Glidden, Mabel Claire
Engaged to Ambrus L. Jones, 07/23/1953:4
Glidden, Nancy Tripp
Son born, 05/14/1953:4
Glidden, Richard
Son born, 05/14/1953:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Glidden, Richard L.
Engaged to Nancy E. Tripp, 03/15/1951:7
Engaged to Nancy Tripp, 03/22/1951:4
Wed to Nancy E. Tripp, 03/29/1951:5
A.R. Glidden & Son marks 79th anniversary event (p), 07/19/1951:1
Lieutenant trains at Squantum, 08/09/1951:6
Air squadron wins award, 12/11/1952:11
Glidden, Richard Leonard
Engaged to Nancy Elizabeth Tripp, 02/22/1951:9
Wedding described, 03/29/1951:5
Glidden, Roger
Attends Boston University, 09/22/1950:10
Graduates from Boston University, 06/07/1951:5
Takes position with The Newbury Store, Hartford, CT, 07/12/1951:2
Glidden, Roger H.
Petition for administration of estate, 12/10/1953:3
Glidden, Roger Harris
Graduates from Boston University, 06/07/1951:1
Obituary, 10/15/1953:3
Son of Benjamin K. dies at age 32, 10/15/1953:4
Glover, John
Employed in Brockton, 09/30/1954:9
Glover, Muriel
Employed at Gas & Electric Department, 07/07/1950:6
Takes position in office of Plymouth Shoe Co., 08/04/1950:8
Glover, Muriel V.
Engaged to Walter E. Lang, Jr., 05/10/1951:2
Wed to Walter E. Lang, Jr., 10/18/1951:5
Glover, Muriel Vincent
Who's who in MHS senior class, 06/09/1950:8
Wedding described, 10/18/1951:2
Godfrey, Hazel L.
Engaged to Edwin Smalley, 02/28/1952:5
Wed to Edwin Smally, Jr., 03/06/1952:5
Godfrey, Richard E.
Engaged to Sandra Kay Shurtleff, 05/26/1952:10
Enlists in Navy, training at Bainbridge, MD (p), 07/10/1952:1
Completes basic training, 10/09/1952:9
Now at U.S. Naval Auxiliary Air Station in Milton, FL, 06/11/1953:8
Goepner, Helene
Teacher in Peabody Trade School, Norwood, 07/28/1950:10
Gola, Anna
Stationed at Fort Bragg, NC, 08/04/1950:7
Private 1st Class stationed at hospital in Osaka, Japan, 12/22/1950:2
Meets Eugene McManus in Osaka, Japan, 03/29/1951:5
Corporal meets Lester Richmond in Japan, 08/30/1951:3
Gola, Anna A.
Private graduates from X-ray Procedure Course, 03/10/1950:1
Gola, Anna E.
Private stationed at Fort Bragg, NC, 11/03/1950:16
Chosen Miss Massachusetts for March of Dimes drive in Japan,
Promoted to Corporal at Osaka hospital, Japan, 06/28/1951:9
Enjoys Gazette in Osaka, Japan, 12/06/1951:1
Promoted to Sergeant at Army Hospital in Osaka, 12/06/1951:5
Wed to Charles Ramstead in Japan, 03/06/1952:1
Gola, Shirley
Reaches finals in nationwide doll-making contest, 11/06/1952:2
Sworn into Women's Army Corps, 10/08/1953:1
Completes WAC basic training, 12/10/1953:1
Graduates from Medical Field Service School at Fort Sam Houston,
TX, 04/29/1954:9
Promoted to Corporal at Fort McPherson, GA, 11/11/1954:11
Corporal stationed at Fort McPherson, GA, 12/23/1954:4
Goldblatt, Arlene
Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1
Goldblatt, Sidney M.
Heads x-ray program sponsored by nursing association (p),
Moves home to Brockton, continues practice here, 06/12/1952:2
Golden, Rexa
Wedding described, 03/08/1951:6
Golden, Rexa Jane
Engaged to Kenneth P. Hanson, 02/01/1951:2
The Golden Spur
Chef Ralph Levesque guilty of drunkenness, 02/17/1950:7
Capeway's finest restaurant, Rte 105, Lakeville (ad), 06/30/1950:5
Famed for fine food (p), 07/15/1954:6
Popular spot for holiday parties, 12/16/1954:11
Goldfarb, Leon
Old Lakeville landmark destroyed by fire, 11/10/1950:7
Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2
Goldstein, Robert. see also Robert Goldstein Citizenship Award
President of shoe companies explodes rumors of move if new school
built, 03/24/1950:1
Goldstein and Kunces bring nine Red Sox here for baseball clinic (p),
Establishes citizenship award at high school, 05/31/1951:4
Six students voted exemplary, receive first award, 06/07/1951:1
New member of Trust Co. board of directors, 02/14/1952:1
Plymouth Shoe Co. donates $1,000 for memorial plaque at St. Luke's
(p), 10/21/1954:1
Bailey and Penniman tie in 2nd annual Middleboro hackers open,
Alfred Malenfant scores hole-in-one at Brockton course, 08/30/1951:1
Ranny Gammons wins Middleboro Hackers tourney, 10/25/1951:5
Billy Michael wins Class B golfing championship, 10/09/1952:9
Ranny Gammons wins Middleboro Hackers Tourney, 10/08/1953:1
Winners receive trophies at annual Middleboro All Sports Night (p),
Ranny Gammons wins 1954 Middleboro Open title, 09/30/1954:4
Gomes, Albert
Son born, 01/27/1950:7, 03/29/1951:5
Injured in collision with Robert Shaw, 11/12/1953:12
Son born, 02/25/1954:4
Gomes' Shell Station, Frank and Albert Gomes, Rte 28 (p),
Gomes, Alice Andrews
Daughter born, 01/31/1952:5
Gomes, Anibal
Held for grand jury in Linda Ann Taylor kidnapping, 09/04/1952:1
Gomes, Arlene H. Fernandes
Daughter born, 01/25/1951:5
Gomes, Auelino, Jr.
Receives honorable discharge from U.S. Army, 04/22/1954:1
Gomes, Beverly
Almeida allegedly hits girl with car, 10/25/1951:5
Manuel Almeida fined for hitting pedestrian, 11/08/1951:10
Gomes, Beverly A.
Engaged to Edward G. Cornell, 10/28/1954:6
Gomes, Beverly Ann
Wed to Edward G. Cornell, 11/04/1954:4
Gomes, Charles
Son born, 03/12/1953:5
Gomes, Donald
Mello, Sampson, and Gomes crash on South Main St, 08/27/1953:2
Gomes, Emma C.
Husband's non-support case continued, 03/31/1950:11
Manuel Gomes not guilty of non-support, 04/14/1950:9
Gomes, Ernest J.
Wed to Mary Thomas, 11/10/1950:7
Gomes, Frank
Daughter born, 01/31/1952:5
Gomes' Shell Station, Frank and Albert Gomes, Rte 28 (p),
Gomes, Frank G.
Granted license to store and sell gasoline, 06/11/1953:10
Gomes, Fred
MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p),
Gomes, Frederick
Playground Pet Show winner (p), 08/28/1952:4
Gomes, Irene Silva
Son born, 03/12/1953:5
Gomes, John
Corporal on leave after ten months in Korea, 03/26/1953:9
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Gomes, John F.
Sent for induction into armed services, 10/09/1952:8
Gomes, John P.
Daughter born, 01/25/1951:5
Gomes, Joseph
Trains with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum, NY (p),
Petition for administration of estate, 02/05/1953:5
Gomes, Joseph S.
Obituary, 11/27/1952:8
Gomes, Joseph Souza
Dies at age 71, 11/27/1952:5
Gomes, Joseph W.
Pledges Alpha Tau Omega at Colorado School of Mines, 03/17/1950:9
Gomes, Julia Pina
Son born, 01/27/1950:7, 03/29/1951:5, 02/25/1954:4
Gomes, Kathleen
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Gomes, Leroy
Daughter born, 09/08/1950:5
Gomes, Lewis F.
Enlists in U.S Air Force, 01/24/1952:10
Gomes, Manual S.
Obituary, 02/18/1954:2
Dies at age 77, 02/18/1954:6
Gomes, Manuel
Non-support case continued, 03/31/1950:11
Not guilty of non-support, 04/14/1950:9
Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5
Inducted into armed forces, 03/05/1953:6
Gomes, Margaret Frye
Daughter born, 09/08/1950:5
Gomes, Matthew
Obituary, 01/31/1952:8
Gomes, Olivia
Seven-lesson home nursing course completed by ten women (p),
Gomes, Ronald G.
Goes around the world with U.S. Navy, 12/23/1954:1
Gomes, Roy
Three boys missing from Everett St homes, 10/08/1953:1
Trio picked up at summer cottage in Fairhaven, 10/15/1953:1
Gomes, Ruth Marie
Engaged to Maynard R. Wilbur, 08/30/1951:10
Engaged to Maynard Richmond Wilbur, 10/18/1951:9, 11/08/1951:7
Wedding described, 11/29/1951:5
Wed to Maynard Richmond Wilbur, 11/29/1951:6
Gomes, Shirley
Engaged to Winthrop Frye, 03/18/1954:10
Gomes, Shirley DeCosta
Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5
Gomes, Shirley F.
Engaged to Winthrop R. Frye, 04/01/1954:4
Wed to Winthrop R. Frye, 04/29/1954:4
Gomes, Shirley Frances
Engaged to Winthrop R. Frye (p), 01/07/1954:1
Wedding described, 04/29/1954:9
Gomes, William
Main St couple married 19 years, 02/15/1951:6
Joins U.S. Marines, trains at Parris island, SC, 03/08/1951:6
Gomes, William A.
Dutcher collides with Gomes while crossing Thomas St, 03/03/1950:3
Gomes, William E.
Discharged from U.S. Marine Corps, 02/25/1954:5
Gomes' Shell Station
Frank and Albert Gomes, Rte 28 (p), 07/08/1954:6
Gonsalves, August M.
Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9
Gonsalves, Augusta M.
Tax collector's notice, 03/12/1953:3
Gonsalves, David J.
Engaged to Shirley A. Fasula, 02/04/1954:5
Engaged to Shirley A. Fasulo, 02/25/1954:4
Good Will Club. see Middleboro Good Will Club, Inc.
Goodale, Dorothy
Resides in Portland, OR, 11/22/1951:3
Accepts post with Wellesley Hills Convalescent home, 01/10/1952:9
Associate Director of Nurses at MA Memorial Hospital, 08/20/1953:8
Goodale, Sarah
Graduates from Vineyard Haven school, 06/18/1953:6
Goode, Marjorie Dupre
Son born, 01/06/1950:4
Goode, Mrs Thomas
Resides in Bridgewater, 11/17/1950:11
Goode, Thomas
Son born, 01/06/1950:4
Family moves to South Bridgewater, 09/08/1950:5
Goode, Thomas E.
Son born, 02/24/1950:12
Goode, Thomas E., Jr.
Born to Thomas E., 02/24/1950:12
Goodenough, Arthur John
Obituary, 02/18/1954:2
Dies at age 65, 02/18/1954:6
Goodhue, Anita
Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5
Goodhue, Anita Mae
Engaged to Eugene M. Shurtleff, Jr., 07/29/1954:2
Goodhue, Bob
Lakeville Lakers make fine record (p) (t), 04/23/1953:1
Goodhue, Donald
Lets tenement to Herbert Johnson, 05/26/1950:7
Goodhue, Edward W.
Notice of hearing on gasoline permit (ad), 07/10/1952:4
Goodhue, E.W. see E.W. Goodhue Lumber Co.
Goodhue, Genevieve Gifford
Wife of Donald F. dies at age 37, 05/07/1953:4
Obituary, 05/07/1953:6
Goodhue, Irma
In coma after fracturing skull in fall, 11/01/1951:1
Goodhue, Irma Foye
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion, 09/18/1952:1
Goodhue, Ken
VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4
Goodhue, Kenny
Named to Little League All-Stars (p), 07/22/1954:1
Goodick, Florence Wood
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Goodick, Mildred Swett
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Goodine, Eugene
Son born, 11/22/1951:5
Goodine, Jennie Anderson
Son born, 11/22/1951:5
Goodman, Herman J.
Fined $3 for stickerless car, 05/21/1953:4
Goodman, John
Notice of hearing gasoline storage application, 01/04/1951:8
Goodman, Leonard
Stationed at Sampson Air Base, NY (p), 08/26/1954:1
Goodnow, Arlene A.
Engaged to Robert E. Fuller, 07/31/1952:5
Wed to Robert E. Fuller, 08/14/1952:5
Goodnow, Arlene Bryant
Daughter born, 01/20/1950:6
Goodnow, Chester
Daughter born, 01/20/1950:6
Goodnow, Chester L.
Not guilty of non-support, 08/04/1950:5
Goodnow, Henry
Daughter born, 08/21/1952:5
Goodnow, Lewis E., Jr.
Trains at Corpus Christi, TX, 11/27/1952:3
Navy fireman serves on aircraft carrier, 10/14/1954:4
Goodnow, Lewis, Jr.
Enlists in Navy, training at Bainbridge, MD (p), 07/10/1952:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Goodnow, Mary Vaughan
Daughter born, 08/21/1952:5
Goodreau, Arthur
Daughter born, 06/07/1951:5
Goodreau, Barbara
Wedding described, 08/23/1951:3
Goodreau, Gladys Trinque
Daughter born, 06/07/1951:5
Goodreau, James
Volunteers for military service, 02/04/1954:7
Goodreau, John B.
Obituary, 02/17/1950:6
Dies at age 76, 02/17/1950:7
Goodreau, Theodore, Jr.
Private stationed at Fort Dix, NJ, 10/13/1950:3
Missing in action in Korea, 05/24/1951:7
On list of possible prisoners of war for exchange, 12/27/1951:7
Carver POW reported alive, 05/14/1953:1
South Carver man still prisoner of Reds, 08/13/1953:1
Freed by Communists, 08/20/1953:1
Carver plans welcome for returning POW, 08/27/1953:1
Carver plans homecoming for POW, 09/03/1953:1
Carver welcome home program reorganized, 09/10/1953:10
Carver program set for Sunday, 09/17/1953:1
Goodrich, Elizabeth M.
Obituary, 04/10/1952:13
Goodwin, Charles. see also Charlie's Diner
Daughter born, 03/17/1950:5
Goodwin, Charles H.
Janitor retires after nearly 44 years at MHS, 02/10/1950:1
Goodwin, Constance Phillips
Son born, 11/17/1950:7, 03/05/1953:7
Goodwin, Emma Ledin
Daughter born, 03/17/1950:5
Goodwin, Fred
Local fishermen take bass from Cape Cod Canal (p), 10/27/1950:1
Goodwin, Fred O.
Appointed director of civil defense in Lakeville, 10/27/1950:7
Goodwin, Frederick
Son born, 03/05/1953:7
Goodwin, Frederick O.
Son born, 11/17/1950:7
Goodwin, Norman S.
Collide with Bernard Anderson in front of post office, 04/15/1954:3
Gordon, Colin C.
Inducted into U.S. Army, 11/08/1951:1
Gordon, Colin Coutts
Called for Army service, 10/18/1951:1
Gordon, Patrick
Visits relatives in England, 10/22/1953:10
Gordon, Richard D.
Engaged to Shirley L. Morse, 09/30/1954:4
Wed to Shirley L. Morse, 10/14/1954:4
Wedding described, 10/14/1954:9
Gordon, Shelagh
Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises
(p), 06/30/1950:1
Gorman, Alice
Michael Gorman pleads guilty to charge of non-support, 07/31/1952:6
Gorman, Catherine A.
Engaged to Allan R. Kern, 07/22/1954:5
Wed to Allan R. Kern, 07/29/1954:4
Gorman, Catherine Alice
Engaged to Allan R. Kern, 07/08/1954:5
Gorman, Michael
Pleads guilty to charge of non-support, 07/31/1952:6
Gorman, Vincent L.
Boy injured running bike into car on Wareham St, 07/02/1953:1
Gorrie, Arthur
Son born, 02/11/1954:4
Gorrie, Arthur T., Jr.
Succeeds Louis Benton as manager of Royal Cafe, 06/28/1951:10
Gorrie, Lorraine
Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club
dance (p), 02/17/1950:1
Employed in fashion center of large department store, 04/02/1953:12
Gorrie, Lorraine C.
Attends Modern School of Fashion and Design in Boston, 10/13/1950:3
Graduates from Modern School of Design, 06/07/1951:1
Gorrie, Mary Louise Murphy
Son born, 02/11/1954:4
Gorten, Mrs Martin
Resides in Baltimore, MD, 10/15/1953:6
Gosson, Joseph
Daughter born, 05/24/1951:7, 03/19/1953:5
Gosson, Milton T.
Engaged to Helen L. Edwards, 09/16/1954:4
Wed to Helen L. Edwards, 09/23/1954:4
Gosson, Phyllis Wilbur
Daughter born, 05/24/1951:7, 03/19/1953:5
Gotham, James
Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1
Attends University of New Hampshire, 03/15/1951:2
Private 1st Class stationed at Marine Corps School, Quantico, VA,
Gotham, James E., Jr.
Completes Marine recruit training (p), 11/20/1952:1
Stationed at Quantico, VA, 07/30/1953:4
Engaged to Yvette M. Tolme, 07/29/1954:4
Wed to Yvette M. Tolme, 08/12/1954:4
Wedding described, 08/12/1954:10
Gotham, James, Jr.
Engaged to Yvette Tolme, 04/08/1954:1
Goueiva, Richard
Engaged to Elizabeth Michael, 09/18/1952:7
Gould, Louise
Melvin Gould assault case continued, 07/30/1953:3
Melvin Gould ordered to pay for wife's dental work, 01/21/1954:3
Gould, Melvin F.
Assault case continued, 07/30/1953:3
Ordered to pay for wife's dental work, 01/21/1954:3
Gould, Ruth Jeannette
Engaged to Lawrence Cole, 12/06/1951:4
Wedding described, 05/26/1952:5
Gouveia, James
Son born, 08/02/1951:5, 03/26/1953:6, 09/16/1954:4
Gouveia, Shirley E.
Rear-ended on Wareham St, 01/10/1952:9
Gouveia, Shirley Pittsley
Son born, 08/02/1951:5, 03/26/1953:6, 09/16/1954:4
Gouviea, James
Engaged to Shirley L. Pittsley, 05/05/1950:5
Wed to Shirley L. Pittsley, 09/29/1950:7
Govaya, Elizabeth Michael
Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5
Govaya, Richard
Engaged to Elizabeth A. Michael, 10/09/1952:5
Wed to Elizabeth A. Michael, 10/30/1952:7
Wedding described, 10/30/1952:7
Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5
Gove, Fred B.
Pledges Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Boston University, 05/10/1951:7
Gove, Frederick
Receives Associate degree from Boston University, 05/29/1952:3
Gove, Frederick B.
Enters Boston University, 09/22/1950:4
Gove, Frederick Barry
Graduates with B.S. in Public Relations from Boston University (p),
Gove, George E., Jr.
Changes departments at Jordan Marsh Co., 03/13/1952:4
Engaged to Ruth Haselton, 09/17/1953:6
Wed to Ruth Haselton, 09/24/1953:5
Gove, George Edward
Obituary, 12/16/1954:2
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Gove, George Edward, Jr.
Engaged to Ruth Haselton, 06/18/1953:4
Wedding described, 09/24/1953:3
Gove, George, Jr.
Engaged to Ruth Haselton, 09/03/1953:5
Lakeville adopts new by-laws at town meeting, 04/14/1950:1
Revision of charter to be proposed, 12/08/1950:1
Precinct Three Improvement Association in favor of Australian ballot
(ad), 12/15/1950:12
Town Moderator names committee on charter revision, 03/22/1951:4
Lewis Harding heads charter revision committee, 04/26/1951:1
Revision of town charter postponed, 02/14/1952:1
Voters make two changes to charter, kill an essential one, 03/20/1952:1
Charter amendments to be addressed at special town meeting,
Voters amend Section 5 of town charter, 05/01/1952:1
Changes to charter approved, 05/26/1952:1
Additional articles for July town meeting include charter changes,
Change in charter forgotten, 03/12/1953:1
Govoni, Dick
Accordion school (ad), 10/06/1950:11
Goward, Richard
Engaged to Barbara Weeks, 06/09/1950:6
Goward, Richard A.
Engaged to Barbara Weeks, 06/23/1950:10
Goward, Richard Arthur
Wed to Barbara Ann Weeks, 06/30/1950:5
Wedding described, 07/07/1950:6
Goyette, Agnes Mayhew
Obituary, 10/27/1950:6
Wife of Belonie dies at age 74, 10/27/1950:7
Goyette, Joan Rattey
Daughter born, 08/19/1954:4
Goyette, Thomas
Daughter born, 08/19/1954:4
Graffam, Ralph E.
Wed to Lorraine Angers Letourneau, 08/05/1954:4
Graham, Gertrude
Lets house to Texas soldier, Cary Recer, 09/13/1951:4
Graham, James
Henry Burkland presents desk to South Middleboro library branch in
memory of Graham, 03/20/1952:10
Graham, James Eben
Obituary, 06/14/1951:6
Dies at age 78, 06/14/1951:7
Graham, Jean Audrey
Engaged to Joseph E. Simmons, 05/05/1950:5
Wed to Joseph Simmons, 05/12/1950:7
Wedding described, 05/12/1950:14
Graham, Mrs James C.
Resides in Alexandria, 06/21/1951:3
Grain. see Livestock Feed
Granchelli, Ralph S.
Granchelli and Rosini collide at West and Center St, 04/09/1953:7
Grange. see Patrons of Husbandry
Grant, Arthur H.
Dies at age 55, 10/23/1952:5
Obituary, 10/23/1952:6
Grant, Donald
Engaged to Florence Dolan, 04/12/1951:10
Daughter born, 08/23/1951:5
Son born, 09/25/1952:5
Daughter born, 09/24/1953:5
Grant, Donald D.
Guilty of speeding and failure to stop for red light, 01/20/1950:4
Engaged to Florence M. Dolan, 04/05/1951:5
Wed to Florence M. Dolan, 04/19/1951:5
Grant, Donald David
Wedding described, 04/19/1951:5
Grant, Edward J.
Recalled to naval service, 03/08/1951:1
Grant, Edward U.
Returns to printing trade after two hitches in Navy, 07/03/1952:4
Grant, Ellen
Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1
Grant, Ellen O'Sullivan
Son born, 09/15/1950:7
Grant, Everett
Couple married 50 years, 06/30/1950:2
Grant, Everett F.
Couple married 50 years, 06/23/1950:7
Grant, Florence Dolan
Daughter born, 08/23/1951:5
Son born, 09/25/1952:5
Daughter born, 09/24/1953:5
Grant, Helen
Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into
organization (p), 05/24/1951:1
South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home
(p), 10/18/1951:1
Grant, Ruby E.
Wed to Arthur T. Hill, 09/06/1951:5
Grant, Russell
Son born, 09/15/1950:7
Employed by B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc., North St, 09/03/1953:6
Grant, Sarah G.
Obituary, 06/18/1953:5
Grant, W.T. see W.T. Grant Co.
Grantham, Ellen A.
Engaged to Frank L. Linton, Jr., 06/30/1950:5
Wed to Ralph L. Linton, Jr., 07/07/1950:5
Grantham, Ellen Anne
Engaged to Ralph L. Linton, Jr., 03/10/1950:3
Grantham, William
Late owner of Middleboro Laundry, Wareham St (p), 09/10/1953:6
Middleboro Laundry, local laundry headquarters (ad), 04/22/1954:8
Grass Fires. see Forest Fires
Grassi, Arego, Jr.
Sent for induction into armed services, 10/09/1952:8
Grassie, Gladys
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/16/1952:4
Grassie, John
Charged with non-support, 09/13/1951:2
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/16/1952:4
Gratten, William C.
Enlist in Battery A, Massachusetts National Guard, 10/15/1953:5
Gravelin, C.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Gravlin, Peter D.
And Thelma Gravlin petition to store and sell gasoline, 03/26/1953:9
Gravlin, Thelma E.
And Peter Gravlin petition to store and sell gasoline, 03/26/1953:9
Gray, Alma E.
Collides with Walter Juranty at Everett Square, 06/03/1954:4
Gray, Cecil W.
Fined $50 for driving without license, acquitted on charge of
negligence, 12/10/1953:4
Gray, Edward
Quintal assault case continued, 02/07/1952:10
Leo Quintal guilty of assault, case filed, set free, 02/21/1952:1
Gray, Eleanor
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 08/20/1953:4
Henry Gray, Jr. pleads not guilty to assault on wife, 12/24/1953:4
Henry Gray, Jr. charged with assault on former wife Eleanor,
Gray, Eleanor Connolly
Daughter born, 02/21/1952:5
Son born, 05/27/1954:7
Gray, Ernest E.
Obituary, 01/28/1954:3
Gray, Fred
Dies at age 74, 07/10/1952:7
Gray, H. Don
General carpentry work, Wood St (ad), 05/14/1953:9
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Gray, H. Donald, Jr.
Engaged to Eleanor Louise Connolly, 11/03/1950:6
Gray, Henry
Daughter born, 02/21/1952:5
Gray, Henry D.
Gets suspended State Farm sentence for drunkenness, 01/25/1951:10
Committed to State Farm, 03/01/1951:4
Grand jury to hear case, 12/16/1954:8
Gray, Henry D., Jr.
Engaged to Eleanor Louise Connolly, 11/17/1950:7
Wed to Eleanor Louise Connolly, 11/24/1950:5
Seaman serves on USS Cambria, 03/05/1953:4
Operations of USS Cambria, 04/02/1953:12
Return from tour of duty in southern Europe and Far East, 05/28/1953:1
Notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 08/20/1953:4
Pleads not guilty to assault on wife Eleanor, 12/24/1953:4
Honorable discharged from U.S. Navy, 06/10/1954:1
Charged with breaking and entering, assault and battery, and morals
charges, 11/25/1954:8
Gray, Henry Donald, Jr.
Wedding described, 11/24/1950:2
Gray, Henry, Jr.
Son born, 05/27/1954:7
Gray, Pearl
Lost pocketbook with cash returned by Amelia Silvia, 11/27/1952:1
Gray, Theodore
Woman who raised him dies in Wolfboro, NH, 05/26/1950:7
Before judge for criminal trespass, 10/02/1952:7
Gray, Wayne
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
Driver Lucille Gibney goes through A&P window, 10/07/1954:1
Greeley, Bill
Manager of Elmer Sisson's bottled gas and oil business (p),
Manager of Sisson's bottled gas and fuel oil (p), 01/21/1954:6
Greeley, William
Family moves from Rochester to Locust St, 03/01/1951:4
Greeley, William L., Jr.
Engaged to Viola M. Showers, 10/25/1951:5
Greely, Deborah Ann
Born to William L., 01/15/1953:6
Greely, Viola Showers
Son born, 01/08/1953:5, 04/22/1954:6
Greely, William
South Middleboro couple married 25 years, 08/27/1953:12
Greely, William, Jr.
Engaged to Viola Showers, 10/04/1951:9
Son born, 01/08/1953:5, 04/22/1954:6
Greely, William L.
Gashes arm moving damaged car, 08/30/1951:1
Daughter born, 01/15/1953:6
Greely, William L., Jr.
Wed to Viola M. Showers, 11/08/1951:7
Greely, William Leander, Jr.
Wedding described, 11/08/1951:6
Green (Mr)
Administrator's auction of North Lakeville farm (ad), 07/08/1954:5
Green, Abe
To purchase land from Roy Huntley, 02/21/1952:1
Green, Bernard
Daughter born, 11/29/1951:6
Green, Bernard J.
Engaged to Eleanor Maude Cordeiro, 12/29/1950:4
Green, Bernard Joseph
Engaged to Eleanor Maude Cordeiro, 02/22/1951:5
Wed to Eleanor Maude Cordeiro, 03/15/1951:7
Green, Bertha
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Green, Bill
MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1
Green, Diane
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Green, Douglas Frank
Born to Ralph, 05/10/1951:6
Green, Eleanor Cordeiro
Daughter born, 11/29/1951:6
Green, Fred
Takes 6th in national essay contest, 09/20/1951:5
Spring plowing and harrowing (ad), 03/12/1953:10
Completes basic training at Bainbridge, MD, 08/20/1953:4
Green, Fred S.
Transfers to Amphibian Base at Little Creek, VA, 01/07/1954:4
Navy man based at Davisville, RI, 12/09/1954:8
Green, George
Husband of Agnes M. Crush dies at age 71, 01/28/1954:5
Obituary, 01/28/1954:9
Petition for administration of estate, 03/04/1954:7
Green, Irene Gagnon
Son born, 05/10/1951:7
Green, John H.
Continuance granted in trespassing case, 10/14/1954:2
Charged with criminal trespass, 11/04/1954:4
Green, Leona
Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1
Attends Colby Junior College, 09/18/1952:7
Graduates from Mt. Ida Junior College, 06/03/1954:7
Green, Max
Public auction of unusual antiques (ad), 09/22/1950:10
Public auction at place of business (ad), 09/11/1952:4
Estate sale at Lakeville business (ad), 10/02/1952:9
Green, Paul
Employed at State Farm, 04/26/1951:7
Green, Ralph
Son born, 05/10/1951:6, 05/10/1951:7
Green, Richard
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Green, Skipper
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Green, William A.
Leaves for army induction in Boston, 09/23/1954:1
Green, Yvonne
Yvonne Green's Dancing School (ad) (p), 11/22/1951:4
Dancing school (ad) (p), 09/04/1952:8
Green Pastures Nursing Home
Murrays renovates Restview Rest Home as nursing home, 08/05/1954:2
Irving and Beverly Fish Murray, Marion Rd (ad), 12/02/1954:6
Greene, Alfred Plummer
Husband of Lillian Day dies at age 72, 03/05/1953:7
Obituary, 03/05/1953:8
Greene, Carl J.
Charged with larceny from Richmond Automotive, 11/24/1950:7
Greene, Carl John
Inducted into armed forces, 11/05/1953:6
Greene, Donald
Daughter born, 05/06/1954:6
Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3
Greene, Donald B.
Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7
Promoted by Battery A, Massachusetts National Guard, 04/16/1953:6
Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts
National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1
Greene, Edith Shaw
Daughter born, 05/06/1954:6
Greene, Elaine Harris
Son born, 02/12/1953:5
Greene, Frances
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club, 10/15/1953:1
Engaged to Robert Keith, 12/31/1953:1
Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1
Greene, Frances A.
Engaged to Robert Keith, 07/01/1954:6
Greene, Frances E.
Rear-ends Northampton auto on Rte 28, 07/02/1953:3
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Greene, Frances Ethel
Wed to Robert Keith, 07/08/1954:4
Wedding described, 07/08/1954:8
Greene, Fred S.
Stationed at Port Hueneme, CA, 09/10/1953:7
Greene, H. B.
Real estate, Wareham St (ad), 04/05/1951:10
Greene, Howard B.
Petition for administration of estate, 02/26/1953:10
Greene, Howard Buck
Obituary, 01/01/1953:4
Dies at age 62, 01/01/1953:5
Greene, Johanna Gedotis
Daughter born, 08/20/1953:5
Greene, John
Resides in Norfolk, VA, 12/15/1950:16
Son born, 02/12/1953:5
Granted continuance in trespassing case, 06/24/1954:10
Trespassing case continued, 07/01/1954:10
Greene, John H.
Promoted to Aviation Electrician 3rd Class on board USS Wright,
Five injured when Greene rams Belrose's truck, 11/13/1952:1
Charges of criminal trespass dismissed, 12/02/1954:2
Greene, Kenneth
Daughter born, 08/20/1953:5
Wall papering, painting (ad), 11/04/1954:4
Greene, Lulu
On lunchroom staff at MHS cafeteria (p), 04/01/1954:1
Greene, Marian
Slippery road causes crash, 12/29/1950:4
Greene, Muriel
John Greene granted continuance in trespassing case, 06/24/1954:10
John Greene's trespassing case continued, 07/01/1954:10
Greene, Sylvester
Petition for license to sell real estate, 10/06/1950:5
Greene, William A.
Last member of crime-suppression committee resigns 50 years ago,
Arrives at Fort Dix, NJ for training (p), 12/02/1954:1
Greenhouses. see Nurseries (plant)
Greenleaf, Calvin
Twin son and daughter die in fire, 07/03/1952:1
Greenleaf, Elizabeth Crowell
Daughter born, 03/15/1951:7
Greenleaf, Russell
Daughter born, 03/15/1951:7
Fined $10 for speeding, 01/29/1953:9
Greenwood, Jeffrey
Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6
Greenwood, Robert J.
Collides with state employee at Peirce and Pearl St, 10/02/1952:8
Greeting Cards. see Stationery
Gregory, C.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Gregory, Carol
Attends University of Connecticut, 04/07/1950:2
Pledges Alpha Xi Delta, 04/28/1950:2
Gregory, Curtis Nelson
Enrolls at Franklin Technical Institute, Boston, 10/07/1954:6
Gregory, Elsie Wells
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Gregory, Kenneth P.
Engaged to E. Virginia Nelson, 06/25/1953:7
Wed to Esther Virginia Nelson, 10/01/1953:5
Gregory, Kenneth Philip
Wedding described, 10/01/1953:10
Gregson, Ruth
Superintendent of St. Luke's Hospital, 03/31/1950:12
Joanna Barstow honored by St. Luke's Hospital (p), 04/05/1951:1
To be succeeded by Bertha DeLong as St. Luke's administrator,
Grenier, Irene
Engaged to Pasquale Rufo (p), 06/17/1954:1
Grenier, Irene B.
Engaged to Pasquale J. Rufo, Jr., 09/09/1954:4
Grenier, Irene Bernadette
Wedding described, 10/07/1954:4
Griffin, Arthur
Son born, 08/20/1953:2
Griffin, Edward J.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9
Griffin, Frances K.
Motorist kills deer on Thompson St, 12/02/1954:1
Griffin, Irene B.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9
Griffin, Marcia Williams
Son born, 08/20/1953:2
Griffith, Andrew
Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6
South Carver couple married 25 years, 10/06/1950:9
Griffith, Andrew F.
South Carver couple married 25 years, 10/13/1950:3
Daughter born, 03/27/1952:5
Griffith, Andrew F., Jr.
Daughter born, 04/03/1952:7
Griffith, Andrew Freeman
Obituary, 06/11/1953:3
Husband of Elsie Sawyer dies at age 57, 06/11/1953:4
Griffith, Bessie Mabel
Obituary, 12/23/1954:3
Widow of Alonzo D. dies at age 80, 12/23/1954:4
Griffith, Calvin
Celebrates 80th birthday (p), 05/13/1954:1
Griffith, Clark
Volunteers for military service, 02/04/1954:7
Griffith, Delano
Calvin Griffith celebrates 80th birthday (p), 05/13/1954:1
Griffith, Edward
Calvin Griffith celebrates 80th birthday (p), 05/13/1954:1
Griffith, Edward C.
Health officer inspects piggery on Miller St, 07/12/1951:2
Griffith, Homer W.
Wed to Joyce H. Chappelear, 03/27/1952:8
Griffith, Joanne Denson
Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6, 03/27/1952:5
Griffith, Lillian B.
Obituary, 05/08/1952:3
Widow of Arthur B. dies at age 84, 05/08/1952:7
Griffith, Mrs Horace G.
Has frightening flying experience in forced landing, 09/02/1954:1
Griffith, Polly Westgate
Daughter born, 08/05/1954:4
Griffith, Robert T.
Awarded scholarship to MA College of Pharmacy, 08/18/1950:5
Griffith, Sherwood
First Lieutenant returns to active duty, 08/18/1950:3
Lieutenant completes ten bombing missions in Korea (p), 04/05/1951:1
Promoted to Captain, heads to Okinawa, 05/03/1951:7
Captain now at Ellington Field, Houston, TX, 05/26/1952:5
Daughter born, 08/05/1954:4
Griffith, Sherwood B.
With bomber group in Korea (p), 04/26/1951:1
Completes 95 missions, 1,000 hours in six months in Korea,
Griffith, Wayne
MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4
Lakeville youth in hospital with polio symptoms, 08/12/1954:4
Griffiths, Albert
Daughter born, 07/22/1954:5
Griffiths, Beverly Lockhart
Daughter born, 07/22/1954:5
Griniewicz, Stanley J.
Dies at age 28, 09/04/1952:5
Obituary, 09/04/1952:8
VFW pays tribute, 09/11/1952:8
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Grinnell, Charles E.
Executor of the estate of Hannah Willig 50 years ago, 03/18/1954:7
Grinnell, Herbert C.
Funeral held in Assonet 50 years ago, 07/22/1954:2
Grishey, Janice
Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into
organization (p), 05/24/1951:1
South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home
(p), 10/18/1951:1
Grishey, Sandra
Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into
organization (p), 05/24/1951:1
Griswold, Anne L.
Engaged to Alfred J. Drews, 06/03/1954:7
Wed to Alfred J. Drews, 07/01/1954:6
Griswold, Anne Louise
Wedding described, 07/01/1954:2
Griswold, Charles
Gets suspended sentence for drunkenness, 07/03/1952:2
Gets two months for drunkenness, 04/30/1953:11
Griswold, Charles F.
Fined $5 for drunkenness, 04/28/1950:4
Gets suspended sentence for drunkenness, 06/23/1950:8
Fined $15 for drunkenness, 11/24/1950:7
Fined $10 for drunkenness, 07/31/1952:6
Fined $15 for drunkenness, 02/19/1953:8
Griswold, Charles F., Jr.
Engaged to Janice I. Mason, 12/25/1952:5
Wed to Janice I. Nason, 01/08/1953:5
Griswold, Charles S.
Sergeant with Headquarters Co., 8th Army in Korea, 09/22/1950:1
Griswold, Ernest
Guilty of assault on Rochester man, 03/17/1950:4
Break-in at Lakeville home, 11/18/1954:1
Griswold, Ernest J.
Wed to Hilda M. Reynolds, 11/11/1954:6
Griswold, Ethel
Wed to Alfred Joseph Falconieri, 06/05/1952:7
Griswold, George A.
Engaged to Rita L. Garrity, 09/27/1951:4
Wed to Rita L. Garrity, 10/04/1951:4
Griswold, Mary Mabel
Obituary, 09/24/1953:3
Wife of Percy R. dies at age 63, 09/24/1953:5
Griswold, Patricia Powers
Son born, 03/03/1950:5, 06/07/1951:5
Daughter born, 11/18/1954:6
Griswold, Percy
Hurt in crash on Rte 28, 12/18/1952:6
Griswold, Percy R.
Charged with drunkenness and drunk and reckless driving,
Fined $100 for violations, 11/25/1954:2
Griswold, Robert L.
Reports for duty at Naval Air Technical Training Center, Jacksonville,
FL, 06/14/1951:5
Serves onboard USS Tarawa, 11/27/1952:3
Discharged from U.S. Navy, 10/21/1954:12
Griswold, Willard
Son born, 03/03/1950:5, 06/07/1951:5
Daughter born, 11/18/1954:6
Grocers. see also Fish Markets; Garnier's Market; Mello's Country Store;
Richmond’s Nation-Wide Food Store; Sawicki's Market; Supermarkets;
Thomas Bros. (store)
Cleverly's Food Mart, 15 North Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:4
The Homestead (ad), 01/06/1950:4
Hallock's Puritan Market, Fall Brook (ad), 01/06/1950:5
Thieves take between $600 and $700 in break-in at Promades,
Pierce's Market now open at Everett Square, formerly IGA (ad),
Food was cheap at Tinkham's back in 1892, 03/15/1951:6
John Crowther applies for liquor license transfer, 08/09/1951:5
Marvel's Open Air Bakery & Market, 2 Spruce St (ad), 05/29/1952:5
Grocers continued
Crowther's loses alcohol license for 30 days, 07/17/1952:10
Jerry Miller fails to appear in court on Promades' complaint of fraud,
Charles Kennedy hurls box through window of Promades' store,
Kem's Variety, Rte 44 (ad), 12/11/1952:6
Gale blows out windows at Mello's, 02/26/1953:1
Harris Market, formerly Penna's Market, 454 center St (ad),
J.C. Boynton & Son distributes calendars 50 years ago, 01/07/1954:7
Ernest O'Toole closes The Homestead, 02/25/1954:1
The Homestead, liquidation by public auction (ad), 03/04/1954:10
J.C. Boynton & Son purchase new wagon 50 years ago, 04/08/1954:9
Promades reports robbery, 05/27/1954:1
J.C. Boynton & Son installs McCaskey account register 50 years ago,
Harris Market offers prompt delivery (p), 07/22/1954:6
West End Market has new delivery wagon 50 years ago, 10/28/1954:9
Harris Market offers delivery service (p), 12/02/1954:6
Grogan, Helen
Employed at sanatorium, 11/08/1951:4
Grondin, Bertrand J.
Wife injured in auto skid, 02/04/1954:3
Grondin, Dorothy L.
Injured in auto skid, 02/04/1954:3
Gross, Leslie
Son born, 10/16/1952:5
Gross, Leslie N.
Couple celebrates 40th anniversary, 04/23/1953:8
Gross, Lillian Salley
Daughter born, 05/07/1953:4
Son born, 10/14/1954:4
Gross, Mary Theresa
Born to Robert, 06/02/1950:2
Gross, Mildred Warren
Son born, 10/16/1952:5
Gross, Raymond S.
Fined $5 for drunkenness, 01/17/1952:3
Fractures both legs running into car on West Grove St, 07/02/1953:1
Dies of injuries sustained in accident on West Grove St, 07/09/1953:1
Cherney acquitted in traffic death of Gross, 08/13/1953:2
Petition for administration of estate, 06/17/1954:3
Gross, Raymond Sidney
Dies at age 32, 07/09/1953:4
Gross, Robert
Set to graduate from Boston University School of Education,
Daughter born, 06/02/1950:2, 05/07/1953:4
Son born, 10/14/1954:4
Gross, Robert W.
New social studies teacher at Bates School, 08/11/1950:6
Gross, Robert William
Graduates from Boston University, 06/09/1950:10
Grossman, Albert
Wedding described, 10/30/1952:6
Grossman, Annie Rose
Obituary, 01/14/1954:2
Grossman, Annie Rose Bush
Dies at age 66, 01/14/1954:4
Grossman, Barbara
Engaged to George Sampson, 09/10/1953:5
Grossman, Barbara M.
Wed to George H. Sampson, 09/17/1953:6
Grossman, Barbara Martha
Wedding described, 09/17/1953:6
Grossman, Edward
Engaged to Marjorie Burrowes, 05/17/1951:9, 06/21/1951:10
Wedding described, 07/05/1951:4
Grossman, Edward A.
Engaged to Marjorie T. Burrowes, 06/28/1951:5
Wed to Marjorie T. Burrowes, 07/05/1951:5
Grota, Jerome A.
Wedding described, 04/03/1952:3
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Grota, Laura Pearson
Middleboro schools hire new teacher, 08/07/1952:1
Ground Observer Corps
Franklin Harlow named to coordinate local civil defense unit,
Emerson Coe named chief observer, 11/03/1950:1
Vincent Hamlin named chief observer, 04/19/1951:1
Plane spotter volunteers called for, 05/08/1952:1
Appeals for more plane spotters, 05/26/1952:9
Local unit joins Operation Skywatch, 07/17/1952:1
Must have volunteers to maintain watch, 08/14/1952:3
Needs new supervisor, 10/02/1952:10
Middleboro weak spot in plane spotting, 10/16/1952:1
Franklin Harlow reappointed chief, 10/23/1952:6
Five organizations to man reactivated corps, 09/24/1953:1
Must be reactivated (p), 11/26/1953:4
Harlow calls for 200 volunteers, 12/10/1953:1
Local group meets (p), 01/14/1954:3
Maurice Washburn chief observer for Lakeville, 02/11/1954:3
"Skywatch" now underway, 02/11/1954:9
Spots 91 aircraft, 02/18/1954:1
Observers spot 73 planes, 02/25/1954:2
Selectmen urge more volunteers, 03/04/1954:10
Submits request for proper housing facilities for spotters, 04/15/1954:1
Eleven volunteers receive "wings," 05/13/1954:9
LaForest and Harlow resign; Standish appointed, 08/12/1954:4
Grout, Robert
Daughter born, 10/28/1954:6
Grout, Ruth A. Trethaway
Daughter born, 10/28/1954:6
Grove Chapel. see Lakeville Congregational Church
Grover, Harold C.
Applies for liquor license in Lakeville, 08/11/1950:5
Lakeville man applies for liquor license, 11/10/1950:7
Lakeville board grants liquor license, 12/01/1950:8
State Alcoholic Beverage Commission fails to get summons for owner
of Linden Lodge, 06/14/1951:1
Applies for seasonal liquor license, 06/14/1951:6
Grover, Harold S.
Applies for liquor license for Linden Lodge, 03/17/1950:5
Grubb, George W.
Lieutenant called to active duty, 07/28/1950:10
Grune, Harold H.
Engaged to Gloria J. Nichols, 01/21/1954:5
Grune, Harold K.
Engaged to Gloria June Nichols, 06/04/1953:10
Engaged to Gloria Nichols, 11/05/1953:11
Wed to Gloria J. Nichols, 01/28/1954:5
Grune, Harold Kirby
Wedding described (p), 01/28/1954:4
Guasconi, Gino
Daughter born, 10/28/1954:6
Guasconi, Helen Wajcium
Daughter born, 10/28/1954:6
Guerin, Avis Gertrude
Engaged to Leslie Frederick Travers, 04/26/1951:7
Wed to Leslie Frederick Travers, 05/03/1951:5
Guerin, Henry
Guilty of having loaded weapons in auto, 07/28/1950:7
Guerin, Henry J.
Wrecks car on utility pole on Rte 28, 03/31/1950:1
Guerin, Henry John
Wed to Shirley Adelaide Melville, 06/18/1953:4
Guerin, John H.
Reservist called to active duty, 10/20/1950:7
Guerin, Maurice Joseph
Dies at age 72, 02/07/1952:5
Obituary, 02/07/1952:7
Guerin, Raymond
Top scorer in playgrounds Olympics (p), 08/30/1951:1
Guerin, Raymond C.
Reports to patrol squadron at Naval Air Training Center in Jacksonville,
FL, 12/09/1954:1
Guerin, Rita
Injured in auto accident in Bridgewater, 12/29/1950:1
Guertin, Charles L., Jr.
Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion,
Guertin, Daniel
Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1
Suffers concussion in fall at Hyde Park, 07/17/1952:1
Guertin, Daniel R.
Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7
Engaged to Mary E. Gerrior, 10/16/1952:4
Promoted by Battery A, Massachusetts National Guard, 04/16/1953:6
Honorably discharged from local unit of Massachusetts National Guard,
Engaged to Mary Gerrior, 08/20/1953:4
Wed to Mary E. Gerrior, 08/27/1953:7
Wedding described, 08/27/1953:12
Army veteran named patrolman, 08/12/1954:1
Guertin, Danny
Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p),
Guertin, Harriett Poirier
Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7
Guertin, Helga
Guertin's auto struck by hay truck driven by Barros, 07/02/1953:8
Engaged to Peter J. Massa, 08/12/1954:4
Wed to Peter Massa, 08/26/1954:4
Guertin, Helga E.
Middleboro war bride now a citizen (p), 09/20/1951:1
Guertin, Henry J.
Engaged to Shirley A. Melville, 07/12/1951:7
Guertin, John
Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7
Guertin, John J.
Engaged to Harriet T. Poirier, 06/14/1951:7
Wed to Harriet T. Poirier, 06/21/1951:5
Guertin, Mrs Daniel
Injured by flying glass during hurricane, 09/02/1954:1
Guertin, Theresa
Wedding described, 12/02/1954:9
Guertin, Theresa M.
Wed to Ralph A. Caponi, 12/02/1954:4
Guertin, Theresa Mary
Engaged to Ralph Chartier, 04/21/1950:1
Guidaboni, Albert. see also Boston & Falmouth Express
Car bogs down on Arizona mountain, 03/05/1953:1
Arizona resident comments on Guidaboni's experience in mountains (l)
(Alice Macdonald), 04/02/1953:1
Guidaboni, Columbo
Hay baling (ad), 06/05/1952:11
Four cows die as barn floor collapses, 11/25/1954:1
Guidaboni, Hazel
Engaged to Robert A. Boutin, 05/06/1954:2
Guidaboni, Hazel M.
Wed to Robert A. Boutin, 06/10/1954:7
Guidaboni, Hazel May
Wedding described, 06/03/1954:8
Guidaboni, Mauro
Flames fanned by wind destroy Guidaboni's barn, 08/19/1954:1
Guidaboni, N.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Guidaboni, Norman
Freshmen at Boston University, 09/16/1954:8
Guidaboni, Ricardo
Lucky winner of power mower (p), 09/01/1950:4
Guidaboni, Robert
Little League star in All-Star game against Chatham (p) (t),
Guidaboni, Rodney. see Boston & Falmouth Express
Guidaboni, Rosalind. see Boston & Falmouth Express
Guidoboni, Betty
Preview of spring fashion show by Junior Cabot Club (p), 03/20/1952:4
Guidoboni, Columbo
Hay baling (ad), 06/11/1953:2
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Guidoboni, Diddimo
Husband of Emma Rondelli dies at age 81, 06/14/1951:7
Obituary, 06/14/1951:7
Guidoboni, Didimo
Lightning sets fire to poultry house, 08/04/1950:1
Guidoboni, Donald W.
Rose Shaw injured in collision with Guidoboni, 09/01/1950:6
Fined $35 for negligent operation of vehicle, 09/08/1950:9
Engaged to Mary L. Eldridge, 08/05/1954:4
Wed to Mary L. Eldridge, 08/26/1954:4
Guidoboni, Elizabeth Ann
Engaged to William F. Cleary, 12/30/1954:1
Guidoboni, Hazel
Preview of spring fashion show by Junior Cabot Club (p), 03/20/1952:4
Guidoboni, Hazel M.
Engaged to Robert A. Boutin, 04/29/1954:4
Guidoboni, Hazel May
Engaged to Robert Boutin, 06/28/1951:9
Guidoboni, Marjorie A.
Engaged to Arthur Standish, Jr., 09/29/1950:7
Wed to Arthur L. Standish, Jr., 10/13/1950:7
Guidoboni, Marjorie Alice
Wedding described, 10/13/1950:12
Guidoboni, Norman
Freshman at Boston University, 11/04/1954:10
Boston University student in concert with Leopold Stokowski,
Guidoboni, Norman H.
Plays trumpet in Brockton Youth Symphony, 12/04/1952:8
Guidoboni, Norman H., Jr.
Lad caught in pit, boulder breaks leg, 04/26/1951:1
Guild, Albert
Daughter born, 01/13/1950:5
Guild, Albert E.
Driver triple spins before hitting tree on South Main St, 12/29/1950:3
Guild, Bernice
Assault and battery case against husband continued, 09/02/1954:10
Guild, Bernice A.
No injuries in collision at Frank and Forest St, 10/07/1954:12
Truck driver Bazinet rear-ends Guild's car on Center St, 12/30/1954:1
Guild, Bernice Caldwell
Son born, 10/04/1951:4
Guild, Helen
Five girls from Louise Crowley Dance Studio perform in Cambridge
(p), 03/22/1951:1
Guild, Lillian C.
Gets suspended sentence for neglect of minor children, 09/04/1952:3
Guild, Lillian Shea
Daughter born, 01/13/1950:5
Guild, Sandra
Five girls from Louise Crowley Dance Studio perform in Cambridge
(p), 03/22/1951:1
Guild, William
Son born, 10/04/1951:4
Guild, William C.
Assault and battery case continued, 09/02/1954:10
Guilford, Alice Haire
Son born, 01/03/1952:5
Guilford, Chester
Harrison Holbrook admits charges made out of spite, 03/13/1952:10
Guilford, Chester A.
Harrison Holbrook guilty of assaulting Guilford, 01/03/1952:1
Denies charges by Holbrook, 01/10/1952:8
Superior court increases fine for Holbrook's assault on Guilford to $25,
Guilford, Frederick V.
Son born, 01/03/1952:5
Guilford, Gladys Kraus
Son born, 10/11/1951:5
Guilford, Mae C.
Engaged to Leavitt C. Simmons, 04/24/1952:4
Wed to Leavitt C. Simmons, 05/15/1952:7
Guilford, Paul Kendrick
Son born, 10/11/1951:5
Guillette, Delphis, Jr.
Dies of injuries sustained in Lakeville crash, 12/31/1953:1
Guimares, Anna Preti
Daughter born, 02/10/1950:7
Guimares, Ernest
Daughter born, 02/10/1950:7
Gunning, Ann Marie
Enters Angell Memorial Animal Hospital for training, 09/09/1954:4
Gunning, Charles
Daughter born, 06/17/1954:5
Gunning, Charles W.
Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9
Gunning, Katherine H.
Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9
Gunning, Katherine Pakula
Daughter born, 06/17/1954:5
Gurney, Alace
Petition for probate of will, 06/23/1950:2
Gurney, Alace L.
Executor presents account of estate, 04/10/1952:13
Gurney, Alice W.
Petition for probate of will, 06/23/1950:2
Gurney, Clarence M.
Freak wind demolishes hen shelters, 04/16/1953:4
Gurney, Clyde E.
Auto struck by deer, 11/26/1953:5
Gurney, Edna Taylor
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Gurney, Kenneth
Daughter born, 06/30/1950:5
Gurney, Louise Tripp
Daughter born, 06/30/1950:5
Gurney, Marjorie Horn
Daughter born, 03/04/1954:4
Gurney, Merton
Daughter born, 03/04/1954:4
Gustafson, Elizabeth
Member of secretariat of the United Nations, 01/20/1950:2
Engaged to Frederick Cossick, 08/18/1950:9
Gustafson, Mary Capewell
Opens studio for voice instruction, 01/13/1950:4
Teacher of voice, 114 South Main St (ad), 01/13/1950:10
Opens vocal studio at 147 Center St (ad), 09/04/1952:8
Gustafson, Mrs William
Daughter tells of life as secretary to U.N. Commission in Somaliland
(l), 07/14/1950:4
Moves to 147 Center St, 12/06/1951:12
Gypsy Moths. see also Middleboro - Moth Department
End in sight for Plymouth County, 03/31/1950:1
Program for killing "gyps" explained, 04/07/1950:1
Campaign set for May, 04/28/1950:1
Center of town undergoes aerial spraying, 05/26/1950:1
Superintendent appreciates cooperation with spraying (l), 08/04/1950:8
Spraying of moth areas approved, 03/19/1953:1
Spray plans upset by some towns failure to accept, 04/16/1953:1
Aerial spraying contract awarded at 0.335 cents per acre, 04/23/1953:1
Spraying area may be enlarged, 05/07/1953:1
Spraying has been done in South Middleboro, 05/14/1953:4
H.A. Alger & Co.
Purchases printing plant of H.W. Eldridge 50 years ago, 10/21/1954:10
Haarala, Delores Maki
Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5
Son born, 06/10/1954:7
Haarala, Eaere
Son born, 06/10/1954:7
Haarala, Erro
Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Hackett, Herbert J.
Foreclosure notice, 01/06/1950:6
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/24/1950:11
Petition for probate of will, 05/19/1950:7
Hackey, Ellen Casey
Daughter born, 11/25/1954:4
Hackey, George
Daughter born, 11/25/1954:4
Hadfield, Arline Higgins
Son born, 03/03/1950:5
Hadfield, Barbara
Engaged to be married, 07/28/1950:3
Hadfield, Barbara A.
Engaged to Joseph P. Moniz, 08/04/1950:4
Wed to Joseph P. Moniz, 08/25/1950:5
Hadfield, Barbara Ann
Wedding described, 09/01/1950:10
Hadfield, Howard
Son born, 03/03/1950:5
Hadfield, Richard
Engaged to Barbara Butler, 03/25/1954:4
Hadfield, Richard L.
Engaged to Barbara M. Butler, 03/18/1954:4
Engaged to Barbara Butler, 04/08/1954:6
Wed to Barbara M. Butler, 04/22/1954:6
Hadfield, Richard Lawrence
Engaged to Barbara Marlene Butler, 09/17/1953:7
Wedding described, 04/22/1954:12
Hadfield, Robert W.
Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1
Hadsell, Charlotte Monteath
Son born, 04/16/1953:7
Hadsell, Genevieve
Engaged to Fred J. Filz, 05/24/1951:7
Hadsell, George
West Side School has unique collection of foreign coins and money (p),
Hadsell, Grant B., Jr.
Engaged to Zola M. McCallum, 09/13/1951:5
Wed to Zola M McCallum, 10/11/1951:4
Hadsell, William
Son born, 04/16/1953:7
Hadsell, William H.
Engaged to Charlotte E. Murphy, 07/12/1951:4
Haeche, Robert
Wed to Mary Moore, 06/03/1954:2
Hagan, Barbara
Engaged to Ralph Chandler, 02/19/1953:5
Hagan, Leo F.
Graduates from Rhode Island School of Design, 06/17/1954:3
Hagan, Leo Francis
Whitworth College student accepted at Rhode Island School of Design,
Hagan, Ruth F.
Sanatorium employee transfers to Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Forest
Hills, 07/01/1954:4
Hagar, Charles, Jr.
Son born, 04/23/1953:7
Hagar, Joan Taber
Son born, 04/23/1953:7
Hagopian, Armen
Wed to Grace Neshanian, 12/03/1953:4
Hahn, Meredith Beale
Wedding described, 10/09/1952:10
Hairdressers. see also Barbers
Alyce Beauty Center closed due to illness (ad), 01/27/1950:2
Roberta's Beauty Shoppe (ad), 02/10/1950:2
Cecilia Travassos, beautician at Vogue, 21 South Main St (ad),
Evelyn McFarlin sells beauty parlor (ad), 02/10/1950:12
Debbie's Beauty Salon, 55 School St (ad), 01/25/1951:2
Mrs Ralph Morse complains to selectmen about damages to beauty
shop, 11/01/1951:1
Alyce Beauty Center re-opens at 249 Center St (ad), 04/17/1952:3
Hairdressers continued
Roberta Beauty Shoppe, 50 Wareham St (ad), 09/18/1952:3
Alyce Beauty Center at new location (ad), 10/23/1952:2
Helen Malenfant now at Alyce's Beauty Center (ad), 10/23/1952:2
Vogue Beauty Shoppe welcomes Valerie Waters Mulkern (ad),
Debbie's Beauty Salon open Saturdays (ad), 06/11/1953:6
Alfred Sousa, 50 Wareham St (ad), 04/22/1954:6
Alfred Sousa, formerly Alfred's Beauty Shop, now at 50 Wareham St
(ad), 04/22/1954:12
Debbie's Beauty Salon, open full time (ad), 10/07/1954:5
Valerie's Beauty Shop opening at 132 North Main St, Valerie Mulkern
(ad), 11/25/1954:2
Haire, Chester
Son born, 03/05/1953:7
Haire, Chester P.
Wed to Patricia Ann Converse, 09/20/1951:7
Receiving basic training at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 01/28/1954:1
Haire, Chester Phelps, Jr.
Inducted into armed forces, 12/10/1953:13
Haire, Patricia Converse
Son born, 03/05/1953:7
Halahan, John W., Jr.
Engaged to Marjorie Waugh, 10/28/1954:2
Hale, Allan
Couple married 13 years, 06/24/1954:10
Hale, Allan M.
Granted auctioneer's license, 05/19/1950:2
Appointed Assistant District Attorney, 11/10/1950:1
Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner (p), 02/08/1951:1
Flies to Alabama to get fugitive, 03/22/1951:1
Gets fugitive, has no trouble, 03/29/1951:1
Couples moves into new home on Bloomfield Ave, 05/31/1951:2
Takes third trip to retrieve fugitive, 07/26/1951:1
Virginia trip proves successful, 08/02/1951:1
Takes intensive course in criminal law, 08/09/1951:1
Named to local draft board, 08/23/1951:1
Trip to Virginia for extradition pays off, 10/18/1951:1
Named town counsel, 01/24/1952:1
Licensed auctioneer, 06/12/1952:6
Local citizens meet gubernatorial candidate (p), 10/16/1952:1
Elected director of Nat'l Association of County and Prosecuting
Attorneys, 09/03/1953:5
Office reception room remodeled, 12/31/1953:5
Tenure expires as second assistant district attorney, 06/03/1954:1
Candidate for District Attorney (p), 07/08/1954:1
Earl Gates urges support of candidacy for D.A. of Plymouth County (l),
Vote for Hale for District Attorney (ad), 09/09/1954:4
Middleboro gives Hale fine support in primary, 09/16/1954:1
Hale, Edward Everett
Foreclosure notice, 10/25/1951:5
Obituary, 03/26/1953:1
Hale, Herbert Miller
Obituary, 09/06/1951:8
Hale, Jean Roberts
Freshman at University of Massachusetts, 09/13/1951:10
Hale, Judith
Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1
Hale, Judith Ann
Wins silver cup for swimming, 09/08/1950:2
Hale, Judy
Model in Little Theatre Group fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7
Hale, Mrs Allan M.
Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1
Hale, Sally Nye
Notice of Sheriff's sale of real estate, 11/20/1952:10
Sheriff's sale of real estate at public auction, 08/13/1953:9
Haleen, Richard A.
Engaged to Catherine F. Fornaciari, 12/23/1954:4
Haley, Annette Bartlett
Son born, 09/06/1951:4, 10/29/1953:5
Haley, Barbara Ann
Accepted as performer on the Talent Show, 04/05/1951:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Haley, Charles E.
Cedarville couple married 49 years, 03/11/1954:10
Haley, Helen
Resigns from James McNeil Co., moves to Cedarville, 04/12/1951:4
Haley, Herbert
Son born, 09/06/1951:4, 10/29/1953:5
Haley, Herbert B.
Engaged to Annette Bartlett, 03/03/1950:4
Wed to Annette Bartlett, 03/17/1950:4
Haley, Hiram Fred
Obituary, 11/13/1952:2
Dies at age 77, 11/13/1952:7
Half-Way House
Zombie, Inc. officially changes name, 09/08/1950:1
The Zombie has new name (ad), 10/06/1950:12
Selectmen receive liquor license application, 11/10/1950:1
Nothing missing in break-in, 06/26/1952:1
Heavy fire damage familiar landmark (p), 05/20/1954:1
Henry Cashen sells landmark to Eugene Starvish, 07/29/1954:1
Hall, Arlene Holmberg
Son born, 03/25/1954:4
Hall, Arnold
Son born, 03/25/1954:4
Hall, Arthur
Meet the sales force at Egger's Annex (ad) (p), 04/24/1952:5
Hall, Crit T.
Son born, 10/22/1953:7
Hall, Emily A.
Petition for administration of estate, 05/26/1950:10, 09/29/1950:7
Hall, Fred Parker
Dies at age 87, 12/23/1954:4
Obituary, 12/23/1954:8
Hall, Gary W.
New teacher at Assawampsett School, 06/25/1953:10
Hall, Helen F.
Irene Roy fractures arm in rear-end collision, 06/21/1951:9
Testifies in case of overloaded truck, 08/09/1951:1
Brockton driver withdraws appeal, pays fine, 08/23/1951:4
Injured in auto accident in Lakeville, 10/15/1953:1
Hall, Isabel L.
Obituary, 07/19/1951:5
Hall, Jesse
William Egger Co. gets permit for sign on Hall property, 05/26/1950:1
Frank St couple married 38 years, 04/29/1954:10
Painter falls when ladder slips, 11/25/1954:8
Hall, Jesse W.
Applies for package store license, 07/28/1950:1
Hall, John
Engaged to Grazziellie Audette, 07/21/1950:1
Hall, John A., Jr.
Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1
Hall, John H.
Engaged to be married, 07/21/1950:1
Obituary (p), 02/12/1953:8
Hall, Jon
Born to Crit T. and June Sherman, 10/22/1953:7
Hall, June Sherman
Son born, 10/22/1953:7
Hall, Lettie
Sister dies in Pocasset, 03/29/1951:2
Hall, Mrs Crit
Pianoforte students present recital, 06/02/1950:4
Piano students present concert, 12/22/1950:8
Students present annual piano recital, 05/31/1951:9
Students present piano recital, 06/12/1952:9
Hall, Priscilla May
Obituary, 09/11/1952:5
Hall, Roland M.
Petition for probate of will, 10/11/1951:5
Hall, Stuart F.
Daughter born, 12/01/1950:13
Halle, Allan M.
Honored on entry to new service, 02/08/1951:1
Hallett, Carlton
Home from Canal Zone for brother-in-law's funeral, 08/16/1951:10
Hallett, Mae Boehme
Home from Canal Zone for brother's funeral, 08/16/1951:10
Hallett, Mrs Carleton F.
Resides in Gatun, Canal Zone, 05/24/1951:5
Halliday, Lucy
Resides in Newburyport, 07/14/1950:5
Halligan, Mary E.
Estate auction (ad), 07/08/1954:8
Hallock, Jean Phillips
Son born, 08/20/1953:5
Hallock, Robert
On two-week cruise as U.S. Navy Reservist on CPS 1378 out of
Boston, 06/11/1953:10
Serves on USLST 1160 in Bath, ME, 12/31/1953:5
Hallock, Robert E.
Juvenile admits theft from Hallock, 10/20/1950:1
Fifteen-year-old found guilty of break-in, 10/27/1950:11
Engaged to Jean C. Phillips, 05/03/1951:5
Son born, 08/20/1953:5
Hallock, Robert E., Jr.
Engaged to Jean Phillips, 02/21/1952:3
Hallock, Robert Eldon
Wed to Jean Claire Phillips, 03/13/1952:5
Hallock, Robert Eldon, Jr.
Engaged to Jean Claire Phillips, 02/14/1952:4
Wedding described, 02/28/1952:6
Hallock, Robert, Jr.
Engaged to Jean Phillips, 01/31/1952:3
Seaman serves at Little Creek, VA, 10/22/1953:8
Hallock's Puritan Market
Fall Brook (ad), 01/06/1950:5
Lakeville Community Group hosts 400 children at 5th annual event,
Police report holiday reasonably quiet, 11/03/1950:2
Vandals start off in usual fashion, 11/03/1950:5
Police roundup gang of 18 boys after Halloween "sport," 11/01/1951:1
Eagles treat over 300 youngsters at Halloween party (p), 11/08/1951:1
Mother will pay son's share of damages (l), 11/08/1951:1
Eagles' program draws 500 children, 11/06/1952:4
MHS Student Council sponsors Halloween Treat Without a Trick
program, 11/06/1952:4
Plans completed for sane, safe holiday, 10/29/1953:1
MHS students win recognition for citizenship in community,
Middleboro students prepare treats for overseas (p), 11/05/1953:1
Student Council Project Halloween fills 97 cartons for overseas,
MHS Student Council collection results in 95 cartons sent overseas,
MHS Student Council wins coveted Freedom Foundation award,
Principal Small accepts Freedom Foundation award on behalf of
Council, 09/30/1954:1
MHS students collect items for needy overseas in lieu of Trick or Treat,
Seven youths face court action for roadblock prank, 11/04/1954:1
Three youths tear down fence, must pay damages and serve year of
probation, 11/11/1954:1
Halunen, Andrew
Charles Lindstrom appeals probation on charge of trespassing,
Lindstrom withdraws appeal, pays fine, 01/28/1954:3
Charles Lindstrom guilty of assault, 02/18/1954:1
Charged with drunkenness and drunk and reckless driving,
Fined $35 for drunk driving, 12/02/1954:9
Halunen, Julia Holmes
Son born, 08/16/1951:5
Halunen, William
Son born, 08/16/1951:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Hamberg, Bruno
Daughter born, 05/19/1950:6
Hamberg, Ellen Billigheimer
Daughter born, 05/19/1950:6
Hambly, Charles B.
Expert repair service (ad), 05/29/1952:8
Briggs & Stratton registered dealer (ad), 08/21/1952:9
Taunton St couple married 36 years, 10/30/1952:8
Hamelin, Priscilla Jefts
Son born, 08/11/1950:5
Hamelin, Vincent
Son born, 08/11/1950:5
Couple moves to Melrose, 07/05/1951:5
Hamilton, Alberta Snow
Daughter born, 05/07/1953:4, 10/28/1954:6
Hamilton, Carol Hope
Born to Walter, Jr. and Alberta Snow, 05/07/1953:4
Hamilton, Harry
Employed by Massachusetts Highway Department, 08/13/1953:8
Hamilton, John
Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p),
Hamilton, Marsha Elizabeth
Born to Walter E., Jr. and Alberta Snow, 10/28/1954:6
Hamilton, Walter E., Jr.
Engaged to Alberta C. Snow, 03/13/1952:6, 05/26/1952:5
Wed to Alberta C. Snow, 07/10/1952:5
Wedding described, 07/10/1952:8
Daughter born, 10/28/1954:6
Hamilton, Walter, Jr.
Daughter born, 05/07/1953:4
Hamlen, Albert
Son born, 11/20/1952:7
Hamlen, Elizabeth Calder
Son born, 11/20/1952:7
Hamlin, Sandy O'Leary, Jr.
VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1
Hamlin, Theodore C.
Elected minister of Lakeville Congregational Church, 10/21/1954:6
Hamlin, Vincent
Middleboro Theatre manager expresses views about movies (l),
Mary Carriero presented with electric range at Theatre Cooking School
(p), 03/31/1950:8
Hamlin, Vincent H.
Named chief observer, 04/19/1951:1
Hammond, Arthur B.
Dies at age 73, 10/04/1951:4
Obituary, 10/04/1951:4
Hammond, Florence
Arnold Thomas guilty of stealing license plates from Hammond,
Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1
Hammond, Florence G.
Herbert Howard rips out hydrant in stolen car, 10/06/1950:1
Hammond, Gail Louise
Born to Kenneth, 03/26/1953:2
Hammond, Gleasia Tripp
Daughter born, 10/20/1950:5
Hammond, Horace Clifford
Dies at age 79, 09/03/1953:5
Obituary, 09/03/1953:7
Hammond, Jayne C.
Engaged to David W. Hoard, 01/31/1952:5
Wed to David W. Hoard, 02/14/1952:5
Hammond, Kenneth
Son born, 05/26/1950:7
Daughter born, 03/26/1953:2
Hammond, Lillian Perkins
Son born, 05/26/1950:7
Hammond, Louis W.
Patrolman receives messages of support, 12/25/1952:4
Hammond, Maude E.
Engaged to Thomas J. DeMoranville, 12/01/1950:14
Wed to Thomas J. DeMoranville, 12/08/1950:5
Hammond, Mrs Walter
Father dies, 07/21/1950:10
Hammond, Myra Amber
Widow of Walter F. dies at age 85, 07/31/1952:5
Obituary, 07/31/1952:7
Hammond, Ralph
Injured when struck by Brockton driver on Plymouth St, 04/26/1951:12
Hammond, Virginia
Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club
dance (p), 02/17/1950:1
Hammond, Walter
Daughter born, 10/20/1950:5
Serves with Navy at Sampson Air Base, NY, 01/17/1952:8
Hammond, Walter S., Jr.
Struck and injured by Dube's auto, 01/25/1951:1
Hammond, Walter Stephen, Jr.
Soldier dies in auto crash in Louisiana (p), 08/28/1952:1
Son of Walter S. and Gleasia L. Tripp dies at age 18, 08/28/1952:5
Hamor, Horace
Daughter born, 11/20/1952:7
Hamor, Wendolene Hamilton
Daughter born, 11/20/1952:7
Hampton, Calvin G., Jr.
Engaged to Jeannette E. Freeman, 07/26/1951:9
Wedding described, 04/10/1952:6
Hampton, Calvin, Jr.
Engaged to Jeannette E. Freeman, 03/27/1952:5
Wed to Jeannette E. Freeman, 04/17/1952:5
Hancock, Cecelia Travassos
Daughter born, 09/23/1954:9
Hancock, Edward W.
Notice of Lakeville tax taking, 02/26/1953:4
Hancock, John
Engaged to Cecelia Travassos, 09/10/1953:5
Wed to Cecilia Travassos, 10/08/1953:4
Daughter born, 09/23/1954:9
Hancock, John D.
Wedding described, 10/08/1953:7
Hancock, Moe
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Hancock, Thelma
Moves to New York, 09/08/1950:4
Hancock, William
Providence couple married 12 years, 08/27/1953:6
Hancox, Marjorie Wilson
Daughter born, 11/26/1953:4
Hancox, Selby
Daughter born, 11/26/1953:4
Pleads guilty to morals charges, 11/04/1954:1
Handcock, John
Graduates from Pratt Institute, NY, 06/07/1951:8
Handicrafts. see Art and Artists
Handy, Dick
Set to open Pizza House at 134 North Main St, 05/13/1954:1
At your local Pizza House (p), 09/02/1954:6
Handy, Elmer
Applies for common victualler's license, 03/25/1954:10
Handy, Elmer G.
Knocked unconscious when car goes off road, 11/08/1951:3
Handy, George
Daughter born, 06/14/1951:7
Handy, Leslie B.
Obituary, 01/04/1951:3
Handy, Marian Angers
Daughter born, 06/14/1951:7
Hanlon, Margaret
Wed to Charles H. Fagan 50 years ago, 04/15/1954:9
Hanna, Bessie M.
Daughter of John T. and Martha L. McKim dies at age 79, 10/21/1954:6
Hanna, Ida P.
Rochester teacher dies, 09/06/1951:3
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Hannaford, Agnes E.
Obituary, 01/04/1951:2
Hannah B. Griffith Shaw Home for the Aged
Walter Standish pleads guilty to criminal trespass, 06/28/1951:7
Employs Maude Smith, 07/12/1951:2
Talented cellist entertains full house, 08/16/1951:1
Boarding house license signed, 01/08/1953:1
Office now at home on Wareham St (ad), 01/29/1953:6
Trustees submit account of estate, 01/29/1953:6
Hannah Susan Jackson Fund
Hannah Jackson Harlow's will sets up fund for Mass General,
Hannigan, Lawrence
Housewarming at new home on Rhode Island Rd, 11/25/1954:1
Hannigan, Lawrence S.
Elected president of Middleboro Gas & Electric Employees
Association, 01/27/1950:6
Hannon, Mrs Vincent
Resides in Lynn, 07/05/1951:5
Hanson, Arthur
And Ernest Hanson raising chinchillas, 10/15/1953:8
Hanson, Bryce Alan
Born to Kenneth and Rexa Gordon, 09/30/1954:5
Hanson, Carl W.
Charles Kennedy guilty of assault, must pay for Hanson's tooth,
Hanson, Carolyn
Named assistant treasurer at Trust Co., 07/31/1952:1
Hanson, Ernest
And Arthur Hanson raising chinchillas, 10/15/1953:8
Hanson, Ernest J.
Carpenter and builder, 2 Myrtle St (ad), 02/21/1952:10
Enters chinchilla competition (p), 02/04/1954:1
Hanson, Fred
Chosen to attend Boys' State, 06/05/1952:12
Freshman at University of Massachusetts, 09/17/1953:7
Hanson, Frederick
MHS Student Council donation gets thanks from widow in Greece (l),
Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1
Hanson, Frederick S.
On honor list at UMass, 04/15/1954:1
Hanson, James Parker
Born to Kenneth P., 01/24/1952:2
Hanson, Jeanette Louise
Engaged to James S. Flood (p), 02/18/1954:1
Hanson, Jeannette L.
Engaged to James S. Flood, 06/17/1954:4
Wed to James S. Flood, 06/24/1954:4
Hanson, Jeannette Louise
Engaged to James S. Flood, 05/20/1954:11
Wedding described, 06/24/1954:5
Hanson, John
MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p),
Hanson, Kenneth
Selected for attendance at atom bomb test, 04/24/1952:4
Technical Sergeant leaves for West Coast and duty in Far East,
Master Sergeant resides in Columbus, OH, 07/15/1954:10
Son born, 09/30/1954:5
Hanson, Kenneth F.
Sergeant receives Commendation Ribbon for service in Korea,
Hanson, Kenneth P.
Engaged to Rexa Jane Golden, 02/01/1951:2
Son born, 01/24/1952:2
Serves in Seoul, South Korea (p), 10/01/1953:1
Completes tour in Korea, 11/26/1953:8
Hanson, Kenneth Parker
Wedding described, 03/08/1951:6
Hanson, Marilyn
Engaged to Arthur Flood, 08/27/1953:12, 10/08/1953:4
Wed to Arthur Flood, 10/15/1953:4
Hanson, Marilyn June
Engaged to Arthur Millard Flood, 10/01/1953:2
Wedding described, 10/15/1953:7
Hanson, Melvin R.
And Pittsley collide on South Main St, 02/26/1953:3
Hanson, Rexa Golden
Son born, 09/30/1954:5
Hanson, Ruth Jenkins
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Hanson Chinchilla Ranch
Arthur and Ernest Hanson raising chinchillas, 10/15/1953:8
Hardberger, Leroy W.
Brought back from Ohio to face charges of illegitimacy, 03/15/1951:1
Guilty, must support child, 03/22/1951:8
Harding, Annette Elizabeth
Twelve-year-old in coma after thrown from horse, 10/30/1952:1
Harding, Johanna
Wedding described, 10/01/1953:10
Harding, Lewis F.
Richardson and Harding collide on Courtland St, 12/29/1950:8
Hardware and Hardware Stores. see Building Materials
Hardy, Cynthea Robinson
Engaged to Robert Rahm Metcalf, 06/18/1953:4
Hardy, Cynthia Robinson
Engaged to Robert Rohm Metcalf, 02/19/1953:4
Wedding described, 07/02/1953:7
Hardy, Floyd A.
Wedding described, 07/01/1954:4
Hardy, Page
Completes boot training, heads to Key West, FL, 01/04/1951:5
Navy man stationed at Key West, FL, 07/12/1951:6
Hardy, Ray
VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1
Hardy, Raymond D.
Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts
National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1
Hardy, S. Page
Returns from duty in Korea, expects to go to Alaska, 01/21/1954:5
Hardy, Stephen P., Jr.
Honorably discharged from U.S. Navy, 08/19/1954:1
Hardy, Stephen Page
Obituary, 04/08/1954:4
Husband of Madeleine G. Boehme dies at age 52, 04/08/1954:6
Hardy, Stephen Page, Jr.
Posted to U.S. Naval Hospital at Beaufort, SC, 03/13/1952:10
Hargraves, James C.
Corporal returns to Japan, 06/16/1950:1
Sergeant reports to Camp Devens for reassignment, 06/28/1951:1
Engaged to Audrey-Ann Ferris, 01/03/1952:3
On third tour in Korea, 08/26/1954:1
Hargraves, Wright
Dies in West Bridgewater, 06/07/1951:4
Hargrove, Barbara Ann
Wed to Mitchell A. Santos, 02/04/1954:5
Harjin, Eino, Jr.
Wedding described, 08/05/1954:10
Harju, Eino
Wed to Christine C. Silvia, 08/19/1954:4
Harju, Gertrude E.
Engaged to Oiva F. Rinne, 09/22/1950:5
Wed to Oiva E. Rinne, 10/13/1950:7
Harju, John
Wedding described, 06/11/1953:4
Harju, Lillian Langervin
Son born, 01/08/1953:5
Harju, Oiva
Son born, 04/10/1952:11
Harju, Wilho
Son born, 01/08/1953:5
Harlow, Adnah H.
Resigns as head of Republican town committee, 01/04/1951:1
Unanimously elected to board to Housing Authority Board,
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Harlow, Adnah H. continued
Elected president of William-Harlow Family Association at 14th annual
business meeting, 08/28/1952:9
Named to post of Special Sheriff, 02/05/1953:1
Local Republicans meet with Governor Herter (p), 10/07/1954:1
Harlow, Alice Cole
Daughter born, 08/23/1951:5
Harlow, Barbara
Suffers burns putting out grass fire, 03/19/1953:1
Harlow, Barbara E.
Case in land court, 05/27/1954:2
Harlow, Barbara Eldredge
Daughter born, 05/08/1952:7
Harlow, Barbara Eldridge
Daughter born, 08/12/1954:4
Harlow, Clyde Leonard
Obituary, 05/15/1952:6
Harlow, Darragh
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1
Harlow, Elliott, Jr.
Daughter born, 08/12/1954:4
Harlow, Elliott W.
Purchases Wood St parcel for town, 10/11/1951:1
Harlow, Elliott W., Jr.
Daughter born, 05/08/1952:7
Case in land court, 05/27/1954:2
Harlow, Elliott W., Sr.
Husband of Vivian Howard dies at age 83, 01/14/1954:4
Harlow, Elliott Wilson
Obituary, 01/14/1954:10
Harlow, Elmer
Employed in MA Department of Public Works, 04/05/1951:3
Harlow, E.W.
E.W. Harlow & Sons, contractors and builders (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Harlow, Franklin G. see also Harlow's Business Service; Middleboro
Office Supply, Inc.
Named to coordinate local State Air Ground Observer Corps,
Reappointed Chief Ground Observer, 10/23/1952:6
Purchases office supply business from Austen Beals, 11/19/1953:1
Ground Observer Corps must be reactivated (p), 11/26/1953:4
On board of National Association of Cost Accountants, Boston Chapter,
Resigns from Ground Observers Corps, 08/12/1954:4
Harlow, Franklin Guild
MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1
Harlow, George
Daughter born, 08/23/1951:5
Firebug strikes barn on Peirce St, 07/08/1954:1
Harlow, Hannah Jackson
Obituary, 03/03/1950:2
Dies at age 77, 03/03/1950:4
Petition for probate of will, 03/10/1950:5
Will sets up two funds; Memorial High School and hospital,
Executor presents account of estate, 06/10/1954:11
Harlow, Horace, Jr.
Son born, 06/16/1950:7
Harlow, Karen
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Harlow, Leslie Hartwell
Obituary, 02/26/1953:7
Harlow, Lynnette Duncklee
MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1
Harlow, Mrs George
White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p),
Harlow, Walter E.
Obituary, 03/08/1951:4
Husband of Emily Kahara dies at age 75, 03/08/1951:5
Harlow, Warren Alton
Obituary, 04/14/1950:3
Dies at age 78, 04/14/1950:6
Harlow Family
Association holds 12th annual reunion, 08/30/1951:10
Coat of arms returned to Plymouth homestead, 08/27/1953:12
Harlow's Business Service
Franklin Harlow purchases office supply business from Austen Beals,
In the Peirce Building (ad), 12/03/1953:8
Complete office equipment sales and service (p), 03/11/1954:6
To re-open in April as Middleboro Office Supply, Inc., 461 Center St
(ad), 03/25/1954:3
Harnden, Charles Ernest
Husband of Minnie J. Neal dies at age 76, 12/06/1951:6
Obituary, 12/06/1951:6
Harnist, Jean Dodenhoff
Son born, 09/24/1953:5
Harnist, John
Son born, 09/24/1953:5
Harriman (Mr)
Joseph Ayotte's Lydia A. speeds to victory in New England Futurity (p),
Harriman, Ralph
Twelve-year-old knocked from bike by car on East Grove St,
Harriman, Ruth
White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p),
Harrington, Anna
Wedding described, 06/28/1951:9
Harrington, Daniel H.
Dies at age 69, 02/22/1951:5
Obituary, 02/22/1951:6
Harrington, Donald
Returns from two years of foreign service, 08/27/1953:11
Harrington, John
Sells Rice St home to Ronald Thatcher, 07/19/1951:4
Couple moves from Rice St to Clear Pond Rd, 08/09/1951:6
Harrington, Katherine Horr
Obituary, 08/04/1950:3
Harrington, Marjorie
Resides in Washington, DC, 06/02/1950:5
Harrington, Mary Katherine
Wife of Daniel H. dies at age 64, 08/04/1950:5
Harrington, Phyllis
Wedding described, 02/15/1951:9
Harris, Arthur
Private stationed at White Sands Proving Ground, NM, 09/27/1951:6
Separates from U.S. Army at Fort Bliss, TX, 02/05/1953:6
Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1
Harris, Arthur H.
Attends University of New Mexico, 06/23/1950:5
Attains high rank at University of New Mexico, 03/11/1954:2
Harris, Arthur Horne
Inducted into U.S. Army as volunteer, 02/08/1951:6
Assigned to Signal Construction Co. at White Sands Proving Grounds,
NM, 02/22/1951:1
Harris, Charles E.
Belated wedding shower held for couple, 04/01/1954:10
Harris, Charles E., Jr.
Engaged to Caryl Lee Davies, 02/01/1951:5
Harris, Charles Earl, Jr.
Engaged to Elizabeth Gertrude Jones, 11/26/1953:4
Wed to Elizabeth Gertrude Jones, 12/03/1953:4
Harris, Clarence
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 05/26/1952:1
Couple married 25 years, 04/15/1954:3
And Francis Schlater organize camera club, 05/06/1954:12
Harris, Dorothy White
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Harris, Edward J.
Harris Market, formerly Penna's Market, 454 center St (ad),
Harris Market offers prompt delivery (p), 07/22/1954:6
Harris Market offers delivery service (p), 12/02/1954:6
Harris, Edward J., Jr.
Kinsman Dairy truck and Harris' car collide on Wareham St,
Guilty of reckless driving and leaving the scene, 03/18/1954:1
Harris, Frank
Chestnut St couple married 25 years, 06/16/1950:10
Harris, Frederick B.
Engaged to Anna B. Southwick, 01/15/1953:7
Wed to Anna B. Southwick, 01/22/1953:5
Harris, Frederick C.
Engaged to Florence Lewis, 09/29/1950:7
Wedding described, 10/20/1950:2
Wed to Florence Lewis, 10/20/1950:5
Harris, Robert
Enlists in U.S. Army, 08/25/1950:9
Private 1st Class with Medical Corps at Fort Bragg, NC, 07/12/1951:2
Harris, Roger G.
Corporal serves with Co. B of 325th Air Division, 11/29/1951:5
Harris, Verna Jean
Receives diploma from Brockton Business College, 08/27/1953:1
Harris, Walter
Wed to Myrtle Munsell, 10/09/1952:6
Harris Market
Formerly Penna's Market, 454 center St (ad), 08/13/1953:4
Offers prompt delivery (p), 07/22/1954:6
Offers delivery service (p), 12/02/1954:6
Harrison, Bart
Named Mitchell Club assistant football coach, 09/06/1951:1
Harrison, Florence
Employed at sanatorium, 06/21/1951:3
Harrison, John
Loses bike after parking in front of YMCA, 02/04/1954:1
Harrison, K. Bartlett
Running for seat on Planning Board, 12/13/1951:1
Works on highway project in Provincetown, 06/24/1954:9
Harrison, Paul
Couple moves to new home on Rock St, 03/03/1950:7
Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises
(p), 06/30/1950:1
Daughter born, 11/01/1951:5
Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p),
Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6
Harrison, Winona Tessier
Daughter born, 11/01/1951:5
Hart, Helena
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 03/01/1951:8
Hart, John Stephen
Engaged to Alice Beverly Meara, 09/24/1953:5
Wed to Alice Beverly Meara, 10/01/1953:5
Hart, Kendall W.
Three-year-old struck and killed on East Main St, 07/12/1951:1
Donald Pierce freed in child fatality case, 07/26/1951:1
Hart, Lester H.
Engaged to Marjorie E. Smith, 06/23/1950:5
Wedding described, 07/07/1950:2
Wed to Marjorie E. Smith, 07/14/1950:7
Hart, Lysander W.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9
Hart, Marion W.
Purchases two-family house at 56 School St, 04/02/1953:8
Hart, Minetta B. Pittsley
Obituary, 06/23/1950:10
Hart, Thomas E.
Notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 03/01/1951:8
Hartig, Mrs Stuart
Resides in Harwichport, 01/24/1952:5 (7)
Hartley, George E.
Undergoes recruit training at Great Lakes, IL, 02/28/1952:7
Hartley, John
Trains with Naval Reserve in Boston, 04/19/1951:10
Hartley, Marion
Alumnus of Bridgewater State Teachers' College, 07/17/1952:5
Hartley, Robert
Granted pedlar's license to sell fish, 03/24/1950:1
Hartling, Alva B.O.
Three-year-old ran from sidewalk, struck by Hartling's auto,
Hartling, Murdoch
Employed at State Hospital in Bridgewater, 07/14/1950:8
Hartling, Pearl Buck
Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6
Son born, 07/09/1953:4
Hartling, Ralph Rennels
Obituary, 02/11/1954:2
Husband of Hilda A. Uloth dies at age 62, 02/11/1954:4
Hartling, Rennals
Son born, 07/09/1953:4
Hartling, Rennels
Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6
Hartling, Robert
Berates tactics at Republican convention (l), 07/17/1952:3
Son born, 04/23/1953:7
Hartling, Robert F.
Calls for more MacArthurs (l), 04/26/1951:5
Hartmann, Emil
Hollywood, FL man dies at age 72, 01/11/1951:5
Obituary, 01/11/1951:5
Hartwell, George F.
Issue of Plymouth Rock from 1860 reveals local and national events,
Harvey, Harriet Southworth
Petition for probate of will, 06/24/1954:4
Harvey, Helen
In charge of South Middleboro branch of library, 07/14/1950:5
Hasak, Rudolph M.
Engaged to Martha Thomas, 06/05/1952:8
Hasak, Rudolph Norton
Wedding described, 07/17/1952:5
Haselton, Ruth
Engaged to George Edward Gove, Jr., 06/18/1953:4
Engaged to George Gove, Jr., 09/03/1953:5
Engaged to George E. Gove, Jr., 09/17/1953:6
Wedding described, 09/24/1953:3
Wed to George E. Gove, Jr., 09/24/1953:5
Haskell, Audrey Jean
Wed to Robert Orrin Richardson, 10/23/1952:5
Haskell, Catherine Cavanaugh
Son born, 01/01/1953:5
Haskell, Garry
Born to LeRoy and Catherine Cavanaugh, 01/01/1953:5
Haskell, Germaine Bazinet
Son born, 01/17/1952:7
Haskell, Gordon
Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t),
Son born, 01/17/1952:7
Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1
Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1
Haskell, Joanne
Engaged to Kinsley Allen Ball, Jr., 04/16/1953:4
Wedding described, 08/13/1953:2
Haskell, LeRoy
Son born, 01/01/1953:5, 02/04/1954:5
Haskell, LeRoy S.
Daughter born, 05/03/1951:10
Haskins, Charlotte
Engaged in re-cataloging library at Newfields, NH, 10/21/1954:4
Haskins, Enoch
Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11
Haskins, Florence C.
Executor presents account of estate, 05/26/1950:2
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Haskins, Frederick
Son born, 04/26/1951:7
Haskins, Harry M.
Drowns in Assawampsett Pond 50 years ago, 12/17/1953:10
Haskins, James O.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 02/24/1950:6
Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2
Haskins, Jean A. Vaughn
Son born, 04/26/1951:7
Haskins, John
Son born, 11/13/1952:7
Haskins, John S.
Son born, 07/21/1950:5
Haskins, Julius C.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 02/24/1950:6
Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2
Haskins, Lester W.
Retires from NY Quartermaster Procurement Agency, 11/20/1952:1
Haskins, Patricia
Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1
Enters University of Massachusetts, 09/25/1952:6
Attends University of Massachusetts, 04/02/1953:4
Engaged to Gerald Graham Swimm, 09/17/1953:12
Haskins, Patricia Jane
Wedding described, 10/01/1953:5
Wed to Gerald Graham Swimm, 10/08/1953:4
Haskins, Russell
Presents piano to 4th grade at Assawampsett School, 12/11/1952:4
Haskins, Samuel A.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3
Haskins, Virginia
Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p),
Haskins, Virginia Anthony
Son born, 07/21/1950:5, 11/13/1952:7
Haskins, W.M.
On Board of Selectmen 50 years ago, 02/11/1954:8
Haskins Cemetery
Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11
Haslett, George
Overheated stove brings Fire Department to Wareham St home,
Hastings, Dorothy Crapo
Daughter born, 04/10/1952:7
Hastings, Kathleen
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Hastings, Mrs William
Resides in Stowe, 07/24/1952:8
Hastings, Muriel Sylvia
Born to William and Dorothy Crapo, 04/10/1952:7
Hastings, William
Daughter born, 04/10/1952:7
Hasty, Sarah Adelaide
Dies at age 86, 04/08/1954:6
Obituary, 04/08/1954:7
Hatch, Carolyn A.
Engaged to Edward L. King, 06/17/1954:4
Hatch, Carolyn Ann
Wed to Edward L. King, 06/24/1954:4
Hatch, Clifford R. see Best Floor Co.
Hatch, Flora M.
Chief telephone operator guest of honor at NE Telephone Workers
dinner, 07/24/1952:1
Obituary, 04/09/1953:4
Dies at age 61, 04/09/1953:5
Petition for administration of estate, 05/07/1953:2
Hatch, Foster E.
Petition for administration of estate, 08/25/1950:4
Hatch, Foster Elmer
Dies at age 80, 08/18/1950:5
Obituary, 08/18/1950:10
Hatch, Kenneth
Enroute to Fort Lewis, WA, 07/23/1953:10
Hatch, Kenneth Austin
Inducted into armed forces, 03/05/1953:6
Hatch, Leon B.
Taunton man dies at age 59, 07/01/1954:6
Obituary, 07/01/1954:12
Hatch, Mary Phyllis Jarvis Hatch
Wed to Theodore Distasi, Jr., 07/08/1954:4
Hatch, Roy
Best Floor Covering Co., 40 Pearl St (ad), 04/02/1953:3
Best Floor Co., brings brightness to dull rooms, 05/27/1954:8
Hatch, Wilbur
Seaman stationed in Norfolk, VA, 01/27/1950:12
Seaman stationed in Philadelphia, 02/01/1951:4
Electrician's Mate 3rd Class serves on USS Nos, 12/06/1951:6
Engaged to Nancy L. Ruhmpohl, 04/22/1954:11
Hatch, Wilbur C.
Navy man arrives in French Riviera port, 10/13/1950:1
Navy Fireman serves on USS Noa, 11/17/1950:12
Promoted to Electrician's Mate 2nd Class aboard USS Noa,
Engaged to Nancy Ruhmpohl, 12/31/1953:8
Engaged to Nancy L. Ruhmpohl, 06/10/1954:7
Wed to Nancy L. Ruhmpohl, 06/24/1954:4
Hatch, Wilbur Clifford
Wedding described, 06/24/1954:9
Hatch, William
Home from tour with Atlantic Fleet, 08/09/1951:5
Hathaway, Alice J.
Sheriff's sale of real estate, 11/19/1953:3
Hathaway, E.S.
New hardwood floor laid in Thatcher building office 50 years ago,
Hathaway, Florence
South Main St struck home struck by lightning, 08/02/1951:7
Hathaway, Francis, Jr.
Son born, 11/25/1954:4
Hathaway, George
South Main St struck home struck by lightning, 08/02/1951:7
Hathaway, George L.
Quick relief with the Auburn Pulsator (ad), 11/11/1954:4
Hathaway, Harold F.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Hathaway, Ira
Arrested 50 years ago for suspicion in North Carver break-in,
Hathaway, Jean Smith
Son born, 11/25/1954:4
Hathaway, Louis
Suffers from typhoid fever 50 years ago, 05/20/1954:4
Hathaway, Mrs George
White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p),
Hathaway, Phoebe
Obituary, 01/13/1950:4
Hathaway, Ralph
Employed in Brockton 50 years ago, 07/22/1954:2
Hathaway, Ralph W.
Notice of dissolution of partnership (ad), 06/25/1953:9
Hathaway, Richard G.
Sheriff's sale of real estate, 11/19/1953:3
Hathaway, Ruby M.
Hurt in crash at South Main and Grover St, 11/05/1953:5
Charlie Mayhew cleans and blocks hats at Pete's Shoe Repair (p),
Haupt, Charlotte V.
Engaged to Philip W. Barnes, 07/02/1953:4
Wed to Philip W. Barnes, 07/09/1953:5
Haven, Lizzie Allen Rockwood
Obituary, 05/08/1952:3
Haven, Rockwood
MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1
Hawes (Mr)
Libby & Hawes, florists, 17 South Main St (ad), 03/24/1950:2
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Hawes, Benjamin
Three-and-a-half-year-old Frederick Savery runs into road, struck by
Hawes' car, 07/31/1952:1
Hawes, Henry Andrew, Jr.
Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1
Hawes, Warren R.
Westside Flower Shop, Libby and Hawes, 7A West St (ad),
Hawkesworth, Elizabeth C.
Wed to Vincent F. Provinzana, 07/02/1953:4
Hawkesworth, Lionel
Sergeant 1st Class home before posting to Iran, 03/10/1950:10
Returns from two years in Iran, 05/01/1952:4
Heads for new assignment in Tokyo, Japan, 09/25/1952:5
Hawkesworth, Lionel F.
Leaves soon for Army duty in Iran, 03/31/1950:4
Hawkins, Veronica L.
Elected to teach grade four in South Middleboro School, 11/12/1953:1
Hawksworth, Elizabeth
Employed at Trust Co., 06/25/1953:5
Hawksworth, Winifred
Dies in Boston, 12/29/1950:5
Hawthorne, Esther
Breaks arm in fall on post office steps, 12/08/1950:2
Hawthorne, Roger
Couple presented to Queen Mother in NY ceremony, 11/04/1954:1
Hayden, Caleb C.
Wed to Jennie Phillips, 08/16/1951:9
Wedding described, 08/16/1951:10
Wed to Jennie Gammons Phillips, 08/23/1951:5
Hayden, Caleb Clifton
Obituary, 12/25/1952:4
Husband of Jennie Phillips dies at age 82, 12/25/1952:5
Hayden, Ernest
Charge against Violette Judson dismissed for lack of prosecution,
Hayden, Ernest, Jr.
Charges Violette Judson with assault and battery, 10/25/1951:2
Hayden, Florence Berman
Resides in Westfield, 08/23/1951:2
Hayden, Frances H.
Obituary, 01/03/1952:5
Wife of Edward J. dies at age 59, 01/03/1952:5
Hayden, F.W.
Bicycle stolen 50 years ago, 08/26/1954:8
Hayden, Joseph
Finds Air Force instrument hanging in tree (p), 07/22/1954:1
Hayden, Joseph C.
Hayden and Hayden injured as car skids on Barden Hill ice,
Hayden, Joseph P.
Hayden and Hayden injured as car skids on Barden Hill ice,
Hayden, Lucy
Spider lily has 12 blooms, 03/06/1952:8
Hayden, Norman
Completes basic training at Fort Dix, NJ, 10/07/1954:5
Paints Rock Village Library pure white, 10/07/1954:5
Hayden, Norman C., Jr.
Yoshiko Obayashi Hayden first Japanese war bride here (p),
Hayden, Norman, Jr.
Infantryman wounded in Korea, 10/06/1950:1
Expected home after being wounded in Korea, 03/01/1951:4
Arrives from Japan, hospitalized in San Diego, CA, 06/14/1951:8
Couple purchases home in Middleboro, 01/15/1953:6
Hayden, Robert S.
Hayden and Wilbur collide at Oak and High St, 09/22/1950:6
Pleads nolo to charge of operating with improper brakes, 09/29/1950:9
Fined $3 for lack of inspection sticker, 05/17/1951:2
Enlists in U.S. Marine Corps, 11/22/1951:1
Discharged for U.S. Marines, 11/25/1954:1
Hayden, Yoshiro Obayashi
First Japanese war bride arrives here (p), 10/11/1951:1
Hayes, Arleen
Wed to Arthur Henry Dunham, 01/15/1953:6
Hayes, Gertrude
Engaged to Lloyd E. Bazinet, 04/05/1951:5, 04/26/1951:7
Hayes, John Hague
Obituary, 04/15/1954:2
Dies at age 77, 04/15/1954:6
Hayes, John W.
Fined $75 for drunk driving, 03/12/1953:4
Not guilty of drunkenness, guilty of drunk and reckless driving,
Hayes, Mary A.
Obituary, 10/02/1952:2
Hayes, Mary Alma
Wife of John H. dies at age 66, 10/02/1952:5
Haynes, Clinton A.
Fined $100 for drunk driving, 01/22/1953:3
Haynes, Daisy
Wed to Douglas E. Moore, 04/01/1954:4
Haynes, Daisy P.
Engaged to Douglas E. Moore, 03/11/1954:4
Haynes, Squanto
Arrested for drunkenness, 02/11/1954:7
Pleads not guilty, 02/18/1954:12
Guilty of drunkenness, 02/25/1954:3
Haynes, Thomas
Four Middleboro youths face larceny charges, 06/25/1953:3
Hayward, Beatrice L.
Hayward Funeral Home, corner of Oak and High St (ad), 01/27/1950:12
Hayward, Clarence H.
Hayward Funeral Home, corner of Oak and High St (ad), 01/27/1950:12
Thomas and Hayward apply for package store license for Lakeville
General Store, 06/02/1950:8
Selectmen ask additional $200 for ambulance service, 02/07/1952:1
Hayward, Eva Florence
Wife of Leon A. dies at age 73, 03/15/1951:7
Obituary, 03/15/1951:8
Hayward, Gordon Everett
Inducted into armed forces, 03/05/1953:6
Hayward, Hayden
Son born, 11/03/1950:5, 08/21/1952:5
Hayward, Jeffrey
Born to John and Pamelia Jones, 08/21/1952:4
Hayward, John
Son born, 08/21/1952:4
Joins staff of Curtis Ford Sales, 02/26/1953:1
Salesman at Curtis Ford Sales, 07/29/1954:6
Hayward, Pamela Jones
Son born, 11/03/1950:5, 08/21/1952:5
Hayward, Pamelia Jones
Son born, 08/21/1952:4
Hayward, Scott
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Hayward, William
Police station janitor temporarily incapacitated, 09/22/1950:10
Hayward, William H.
Wedding described, 01/28/1954:3
Wed to Edith M. Ritter, 02/04/1954:5
Hayward Funeral Home
Clarence and Beatrice Hayward, corner of Oak and High St (ad),
Headstrom, Richard
Elected new science teacher at MHS, 05/13/1954:1
New MHS biology and science teacher, 10/07/1954:9
Healey, Barbara
Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6
Healey, Barbara Jean
Engaged to Frank James Teceno, 05/08/1952:7
Wed to Frank Teceno, 05/22/1952:7
Healey, Frederick J.
Corporal on leave in Nara, Japan, 03/26/1953:1
Hit by mortar fire in Korea, 05/07/1953:1
Healey, Frederick James
Engaged to Shirley Louise Newton (p), 12/30/1954:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Healey, Marilyn
Local women help entertain at army hospital dance (p), 09/18/1952:1
Hearn, P.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Hearn, Patricia
"School Bank" feature of MHS business program (p), 06/03/1954:11
Hearn, Thomas P.
William Anderson walks into side of Hearn's car, 01/08/1953:1
Dies at age 49, 10/29/1953:5
Obituary, 10/29/1953:5
Health. see Medical Care
Health Board. see Middleboro – Board of Health
Heath, Albert M.
Pleads guilty to four charges, 09/11/1952:3
Couple observes 40th anniversary, 09/09/1954:1
Named state election coordinator for Democrats, 09/16/1954:1
Heath, Alexander
Obituary, 09/10/1953:5
Heath, Anastacia MacDonald
Couple observes 40th anniversary, 09/09/1954:1
Heath, Lou
Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p),
Heath, Mary Ellen
Local clerk victim of bag snatcher, 07/26/1951:1
Stoughton girl to be tried for stealing from Heath, 08/02/1951:1
Stoughton girl not guilty of larceny from Heath, 08/30/1951:1
Employed at Glidden's, 05/06/1954:8
Heating and Heating Contractors. see also Savard, Walter H.
Lloyd Perkins & Son, 57 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Church Coal Co., oil burners (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Joseph Borsari, 116 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Richard Byrnes, Everett St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Joseph Mello, 15 Elm St (ad), 03/03/1950:4
Walter Casey, 18 East Main St (ad), 05/12/1950:12
O'Toole & Shurtleff, plumbing and heating (ad), 06/16/1950:7
Middleboro Engineering Service Co., Sachem St (ad), 11/24/1950:4
O'Toole & Shurtleff, plumbing and heating (ad), 12/29/1950:4
Lloyd Perkins & Son low bidder for heating system construction for
Public Works, 02/08/1951:6
High school heat contract awarded to Lloyd Perkins & Son,
A. Faietti, 6 South Main St (ad), 09/27/1951:6
Robert Welsh, Plymouth St (ad), 04/10/1952:14
Arthur Dube, oil burners (ad), 06/19/1952:2
Walter Fontaine, oil burners and heating (ad), 06/19/1952:10
Arthur Dube, oil burners (ad), 07/31/1952:7
Church Coal Co. closed Saturdays (ad), 05/21/1953:2
O'Toole & Shurtleff, 260 Center St (ad), 05/28/1953:3
Thirteenth suspected arson fire set at Church Coal Co., 08/12/1954:1
Warren Abair (ad), 09/23/1954:2
Maurice Ferron, range oil burner service (ad), 09/23/1954:9
Church Coal Co. now has 24-hour oil burner service (ad), 09/30/1954:3
O'Toole and Shurtleff, plumbing and heating experts (p), 10/07/1954:8
Hebard, Walter
Obituary, 08/09/1951:8
Hebert, Barbara Cornwell
Daughter born, 09/06/1951:4
Hebert, Barbara Corwell
Daughter born, 11/13/1952:7
Hebert, Bettyann
Engaged to Edward G. Young, 06/25/1953:10
Hebert, Donald Robert
Engaged to Ahlena McKenna, 08/25/1950:5
Wed to Ahlena McKenna, 09/08/1950:5
Hebert, Elaine
Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated
by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1
Hebert, Geoffrey
Daughter born, 09/06/1951:4, 11/13/1952:7
Hebert, Gladys G. Madan
Engaged to Ralph E. Creamer, 05/24/1951:7
Wed to Ralph E. Creamer, 06/07/1951:5
Hebert, Gloria
Engaged to Edward Young, 09/16/1954:4
Wed to Edward Young, 09/23/1954:4
Hebert, Lillian
Engaged to Michael Charves, Jr., 05/08/1952:7
Wed to Michael Charves, Jr., 05/15/1952:7
Hebert, Phoebe
Obituary, 04/03/1952:4
Widow of Wilfred dies at age 63, 04/03/1952:5
Hebert, Ronald
Engaged to Jo Massa, 07/16/1953:5
Engaged to Josephine Massa, 03/18/1954:10
Engaged to Joanne Massa, 03/25/1954:8
Engaged to Josephine Massa, 04/01/1954:4
Hebert, Ronald A.
Engaged to Josephine J. Massa, 03/18/1954:4
Wed to Josephine J. Massa, 04/08/1954:6
Hebert, Ronald Alfred
Wedding described, 04/08/1954:3
Hedges, Ella
Resides in Wollaston, 04/01/1954:7
Hedges, Ronald
Killed in crash in North Dennis, 05/07/1953:1
Hegarty, Everett
Forest St couple married 25 years, 06/25/1953:10
Hegarty, Joyce
Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1
Engaged to Warren Whipple, 11/08/1951:11, 11/22/1951:4,
Wed to Warren B. Whipple, 12/27/1951:4
Hegarty, Joyce C.
Engaged to Warren B. Whipple, 12/06/1951:6
Hegarty, Joyce Claire
Engaged to Warren Barnes Whipple, 05/17/1951:2
Wedding described, 12/27/1951:5
Hegarty, Julia T.L.
Foreclosure notice, 01/22/1953:5, 10/15/1953:2
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/04/1954:9
Hegarty, Parmly B.
Foreclosure notice, 01/22/1953:5, 10/15/1953:2
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/17/1953:16, 02/04/1954:9
Heileman, Emma Emily
Dies at age 82, 07/02/1953:4
Obituary, 07/02/1953:7
Heileman, Lena
Dies at age 77, 01/28/1954:5
Obituary, 01/28/1954:10
Heileman, Otto
Obituary, 02/25/1954:2
Dies at age 81, 02/25/1954:4
Petition for probate of will, 03/11/1954:6
Heinig, Evelyn Deaman
Son born, 05/07/1953:4
Heinig, Evelyn Seaman
Daughter born, 02/21/1952:5
Heinig, Julius
Daughter born, 02/21/1952:5
Son born, 05/07/1953:4
Heinz, W. Pat
Training at Pine Camp, NY, 07/26/1951:5
Heinz, William
Employed at State Farm, 02/10/1950:7
Heldt, Mrs James D.
Resides in Dallas, TX, 01/20/1950:6
Heleen, Gus
Employed by Thomas Panesis, 06/17/1954:6
Heleen, Richard Allan
Engaged to Catherine Frances Fornaciari, 01/29/1953:4
Heleen, William
Employed at Ford garage in Billings, MT, 07/16/1953:10
Hell's Blazes
Neftels sell historic tavern to Connecticut parties, 10/09/1952:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Helvie, Clara Cook
Honored at meeting of American Unitarian Association, 06/02/1950:6
Writes to selectmen concerning elm tree, 08/09/1951:1
Wins battle of tree, huge elm taken down, 11/27/1952:8
Hemmann, Stanley Ward
Wedding described, 10/16/1952:5
Hemmingson, Ann
Attends University of New Hampshire, 04/02/1953:5
Hemmingson, Ella
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Hemmingson, Harold
Lakeville purchases new firefighting equipment from Maxim Motor Co.
(p), 01/25/1951:1
Hemmingson, Helen
Resides in Boston, 09/15/1950:11
Henderson, Dorothy
Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into
organization (p), 05/24/1951:1
Henderson, Eliot Middleton
Inducted into armed forces, 09/10/1953:1
Henderson, Harry
Couple moves here from Tewksbury, 10/07/1954:9
Henderson, I. Parnell
Wed to Eli Thompson Fryer, 11/13/1952:12
Hendrick, John
Engaged to Roberta Benson, 12/18/1952:7
Hendricks, John J., Jr.
Wed to Roberta E. Benson, 08/20/1953:5
Hendricks, John Joseph, Jr.
Engaged to Roberta Elma Benson, 08/20/1953:4
Hendricks, John, Jr.
Engaged to Roberta Benson, 08/06/1953:9
Wedding described, 08/20/1953:10
Hendrickson, Eino
South Carver couple married 25 years, 07/01/1954:6
Henegan, Robert C.
Wed to Ruth Gloria Brehaut, 12/03/1953:4
Henegan, Robert Charles
Wedding described, 12/03/1953:3
Henegan, Robert Charles Joseph
Engaged to Ruth Gloria Brehaut, 07/16/1953:2
Hennessey, Barbara
Ralph Maddigan, Sr. runs 77-year-old T.M. Ryder Co. (p),
Hennessey, Michael A.
New social studies and physical ed teacher at Bates, 08/20/1953:1
Hennig, Harold
Engaged to Eleanor F. Walker, 11/17/1950:7
Wed to Eleanor F. Walker, 12/08/1950:5
Wedding described, 12/08/1950:15
Herbert, Patrick A.
Shoots himself in left leg, 05/12/1950:2
Herbert, Peter
Employed at Navy Yard in Boston, 07/26/1951:5
Hermann, Emma A.
Obituary, 10/27/1950:6
Bridgewater woman dies at age 78, 10/27/1950:7
Hermann, Lewis P.
Montana man dies at age 73, 04/14/1950:6
Obituary, 04/14/1950:7
Hermanson, Nancy Helen
Wedding described, 03/19/1953:8
Hero Manufacturing Co.
Printer wanted, Cambridge St. (ad), 02/01/1951:6
Thomas Pittsley saves three men from shark-infested waters off Cuba,
Former Middleboro man a hurricane hero in Lynn, 09/09/1954:1
No auction in 1950, 02/24/1950:1
Plenty of water for alewives, 03/31/1950:1
Selectmen receive query from Plymouth fish company, 04/21/1950:1
Putnam, CT inquires whether alewives running, 04/21/1950:9
Alewives will not be auctioned this year, 03/01/1951:1
Herring continued
Big run of alewives to the ponds, 04/05/1951:1
Alewives put on big show, 04/12/1951:10
Selectmen discuss abuse of alewives by small boys, 04/19/1951:1
State does not have funds to aid in construction of new fishing pool,
Decision on alewife auction postponed, 02/21/1952:10
Alewife auction set for March 22nd, 03/06/1952:4
Notice of alewife auction (ad), 03/06/1952:8
Alewife rights for 1952 sold for $500, 03/27/1952:1
Taunton man brings children to see run, 04/03/1952:3
Selectmen discuss charges that dam is blocked to stop fish,
Friday fishing not prohibited, 04/17/1952:1
Nemasket River run may be featured on television show, 04/17/1952:1
Town gets $100 for fish, 04/17/1952:1
Selectmen set date for auction, 02/26/1953:1
Notice of alewife auction (ad), 03/05/1953:2
Deep Sea Co. reneges on $11,000 bid for alewives, 03/26/1953:1
Record bid for alewife fishing rights, 03/26/1953:1
Deep Sea Co. makes good on bid, 04/02/1953:1
Selectmen seek change in law in light of recent bidder default,
Alewife fishing, then and now (p), 04/16/1953:1
Amendment to alewife laws drafted, 04/16/1953:1
Selectmen receive amendments to alewife laws, 04/30/1953:1
Report on alewife harvest, 05/21/1953:5
Report on alewife fry, 07/02/1953:1
Nemasket River alewife dam repair discussed, 12/17/1953:1
Auction date announced (ad), 02/25/1954:3
Selectmen set rules for auction, 03/04/1954:1
Board accepts $9,000 bid for fishing lease, 03/18/1954:1
Electrically-controlled suction pump to be used to catch fish,
Fish operations halt for repairs, 04/01/1954:1
Mild weather should help with fishing, 04/08/1954:1
Water level drop halts operations, 04/15/1954:1
Fishing rights purchased by Charles Tribou 50 years ago, 04/15/1954:9
Controversy over fish still rages, 04/22/1954:1
Fish have left; so do fishermen, 05/06/1954:1
Cundy Harbor Fisheries writes selectmen regarding purchase of rights,
Hersh, Maiken S.
New art teacher at MHS, 06/10/1954:10
New junior high art teacher, 10/07/1954:9
Herter, Christian A.
Republican team visits town (p), 10/16/1952:1
Heustis, Rand C.
Incorporator of Cones and Needles Club of Plymouth County, Inc.,
Hewitt (Mr)
Rosindale driver skids into East Grove St poultry farm, 09/04/1952:3
Hewitt, Carl
1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1
Hewitt, Carl Lerone
Engaged to Evelyn Mae Charron, 06/28/1951:9
Hewitt, R.H.
Daughter born, 07/24/1952:7
Hewitt Brothers Poultry Farm
East Grove St (ad), 03/24/1950:4
Hey, Franklin D.
Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9
Hickey, Charles
Son born, 10/18/1951:5
Hickey, Marion Hooper
Son born, 10/18/1951:5
Hickman, Linda
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Hickman, Michael
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Hicks, George Richard
Son born, 02/07/1952:9
Hicks, Walter
"School Bank" feature of MHS business program (p), 06/03/1954:11
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Hicks, Walter G., Jr.
Corporal headed to Oxford, England for overseas service, 06/09/1950:3
Hicks, Walter, Jr.
Corporal stationed at Moses Lake AFB, Washington, 01/20/1950:11
Hienz, William
Attends Army Reserve training in South Carolina, 08/18/1950:10
Higginbotham (Mr)
Purchases A.C. Wilbur homestead, 08/27/1953:12
Higginbotham, Mary Douzainis
Daughter born, 09/29/1950:7
Son born, 03/11/1954:4
Higginbotham, Thomas
And Larry Douzanis granted license for taxi service, 02/12/1953:1
Midway Cab, 165 Center St (ad), 02/19/1953:10
Son born, 03/11/1954:4, 03/25/1954:4
Higginbotham, Thomas A.
Daughter born, 09/29/1950:7
Higgins, Alice Elizabeth
Obituary, 12/16/1954:2
Widow of Philip Henry dies at age 79, 12/16/1954:4
Higgins, Daniel Edward
Christened at Sacred Heart Church, 11/18/1954:10
Higgins, Dura W.
Wed to Phyllis I. Stuart, 01/04/1951:5
Higgins, Frances McNally
Son born, 11/04/1954:4
Higgins, John
Son born, 11/04/1954:4
Higgins, Marjorie Fobes
Engaged to James Earle Lays, 04/23/1953:7
Wed to James Earle Lays, 06/04/1953:4
Higgins, Mrs Darragh
Resides in Auburndale, 11/10/1950:5
Higgins, Sherwood Marshall
Wed to Barbara Ann Smith, 09/10/1953:3
Higgins, Whitman
New auto washing machine at Bolan's Jenney Service (p), 02/11/1954:6
Marion's Laundromat (p), 07/29/1954:6
Higgins, Whitman W.
Lieutenant in Japan for six-week course, 06/12/1952:12
Higginson, Barbara Ann
Engaged to Edward J. Ouellette, Jr., 04/10/1952:7
Wed to Edward J. Ouellette, Jr., 04/24/1952:4
Wedding described, 05/01/1952:8
Higginson, Barbara Anne
Engaged to Edward J. Ouellette, Jr., 04/05/1951:3
Highway Department. see Middleboro – Highway Department
Highways. See Massachusetts Department of Public Works; Roads,
Highways, Etc.
Hill, Arthur
Son born, 03/03/1950:5
Hill, Arthur T.
Wed to Ruby E. Grant, 09/06/1951:5
Hill, Arthur Texas
Husband of Ruby E. dies at age 60, 10/30/1952:7
Obituary, 10/30/1952:12
Hill, Dorothy Smith
Son born, 11/11/1954:6
Hill, Elma
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Hill, Emil
Fair Haven resident gets married, 09/16/1954:4
Hill, Ernest
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Hill, Gladlow D.
Obituary, 05/10/1951:6
Son of Wilfred E. and Eleanor Wilbur dies at age 7, 05/10/1951:6
Hill, Harry
Lakeville couple married 40 years, 12/18/1952:13
Hill, Harry Blanchard
Obituary, 04/22/1954:5
Husband of Gertrude Reid dies at age 67, 04/22/1954:6
Hill, Kathryn B.
Engaged to Lester W. Briggs, Jr., 05/26/1952:5
Wed to Lester W. Briggs, Jr., 07/03/1952:5
Hill, Ruby Grant
Son born, 03/03/1950:5
Hill, Wilfred
Son born, 11/11/1954:6
Hillila, Hugo
New manager of Fair Havens Rest Home, 03/05/1953:6
Hillila, Hugo M.
Petition for probate of will, 05/06/1954:11
Hillila, Hugo Mathias
Obituary, 04/22/1954:5
Husband of Hannah M. Mottonen dies at age 65, 04/22/1954:6
Hillside Remnant Shop
Used clothing, 15 Fairview St (ad), 01/27/1950:12
Hilton, John A.
Profile of candidate for Lakeville School Committee (p), 01/29/1953:1
Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2
Hinckley, Leslie
Resides in Bloomfield, CT, 06/21/1951:5
Hinckley, M.L.
M.L. Hinckley & Son Jewelers, 51 Center St (ad), 05/01/1952:14
Profile and history of local business, 11/13/1952:9
Hinckley, Myron L.
Optometrist, 51 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Hinckley, Phyllis Owens
Couple married 25 years, 10/29/1953:4
Hinckley, Richard
Undergoes recruit training at Indiantown Gap, PA, 03/20/1952:3
Private completes training, 06/05/1952:2
Hinckley, Richard G.
Private with infantry in Korea (p), 11/20/1952:1
Hinckley, Richard O.
Promoted to Private 1st Class with 38th Infantry, 04/02/1953:12
Reunited with Richard Ray in Korea, 09/10/1953:1
Enroute home from Korea, 10/29/1953:2
Couple married 25 years, 10/29/1953:4
Hinckley, Richard Owen
Inducted in January draft quota, 01/10/1952:1
Hinckley, Robert
Elected president of class at Gordon College, 04/29/1954:9
Hinds, Mabel E.
Wed to Wilfred H. Bellend, 03/10/1950:5
Hinds, S.W.
Goin' Swimming (poem), 03/31/1950:7
Hines, Elsie Hayes
Engaged to Victor Norman Landstrom, 12/18/1952:13
Wedding described, 01/22/1953:4
Hines, Elsie R. Hayes
Engaged to Victor Norman Landstrom, 01/01/1953:5
Wed to Victor Norman Landstrom, 01/29/1953:5
Hinks, Thomas J.
Obituary, 02/26/1953:7
Hinks, Thomas James
Widower of Annie B. Tucker dies at age 82, 02/26/1953:5
Hirst, Thomas E.
Petition for probate of will, 06/07/1951:5
Hirst, Thomas Edward
Writes of trailer life in Florida (l), 01/06/1950:7
Dies in Maitland, FL, 12/22/1950:7
Historical Society. see The Old Middleborough Historical Society
History. see also The Old Middleborough Historical Society
Issue of Plymouth Rock from 1860 reveals local and national events,
Olive Bryant finds Josiah Freeman's 1813 tax bill, 09/27/1951:9
Summary of outstanding events reported in the Gazette in 1951,
Fair and auction highlights Plympton history, 07/10/1952:5
Gladys Demoranville Vigers has History of the Town of Lakeville,
Massachusetts published, 12/04/1952:9
History of the Town of Lakeville, Mass. by Gladys Vigers now on sale
(ad), 12/18/1952:12
New spirit in town of Lakeville, centennial coming up, 12/25/1952:6
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
History continued
Description of new Lakeville history book, 12/25/1952:7
Outstanding events in Middleboro for 1952, 01/01/1953:1
William Tallman wants to buy old horse trough in front of Town
House, 02/12/1953:1
Middleboro incorporation date reported inaccurately in World Almanac,
No reply yet from World Almanac, 03/05/1953:6
Alewife fishing, then and now (p), 04/16/1953:1
Central Baptist Church history presented at anniversary celebration,
Central Baptist displays valued items of bygone days, 06/04/1953:7
Lakeville notes Founders Day, 06/04/1953:9
Outstanding Middleboro events of past year, 12/31/1953:1
MA Archaeological Society director gives fascinating story of local
research, 06/03/1954:6
Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11
Interests local man, Lawrence Romaine (p), 07/01/1954:12
Hitchcock, Robert
Father dies in Turner's Falls, 02/25/1954:2
Hittle, Donald C.
Reports for duty at Naval Air Station, San Diego, CA, 08/04/1950:6
Hi-Way 28
Grand opening at West Grove St and Rte 28 (ad), 02/05/1953:2
Teceno's liquor license transfers, 06/11/1953:10
Teceno and Martenson petition to change name of Teceno's Cafe,
Martenson provides attractive new place to dine (p), 08/27/1953:10
Selectmen hold hearing on alleged sale of liquor to minor, 11/05/1953:1
The place to dine and dance (p), 11/26/1953:6
Middleboro's own night spot, 03/04/1954:6
Favorite dine and dance spot (p), 06/03/1954:10
H.L. Thatcher & Co.
Stationery (ad), 03/25/1954:2
Hoard, Alan
Son born, 07/28/1950:5, 08/02/1951:5
Daughter born, 08/20/1953:5, 12/16/1954:4
Hoard, Allan
Son born, 08/21/1952:5
Hoard, Allan V.
Collides with Mackiewicz taxi at Oak and High St, 11/24/1950:4
Hoard, David W.
Engaged to Jayne C. Hammond, 01/31/1952:5
Wed to Jayne C. Hammond, 02/14/1952:5
Spends leave in Kobe, Japan, 04/15/1954:9
Hoard, David Warren
VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1
Hoard, Evelyn Gabrey
Son born, 07/28/1950:5, 08/02/1951:5, 08/21/1952:5
Daughter born, 08/20/1953:5, 12/16/1954:4
Hoard, Helen M.
Obituary, 12/15/1950:5
Wife of W. Grant dies at age 56, 12/15/1950:5
Hoard, Luther B.
Wed to Marion King Estey, 03/20/1952:2
Hoard, W. Grant
Foreman retires after 42 years at Taunton pumping station in Lakeville,
Hobart, Chester V.
Wants town to pay for door broken in robbery at Rocky Meadow house,
Hochwald, Mrs Earl
Resides in Cleveland, OH, 07/07/1950:6
Hochwald, Mrs Earle
Resides in Cleveland Heights, OH, 01/06/1950:2
High school boys organize three teams 50 years ago, 12/17/1953:10
Hodgate, Charles, Jr.
Trains aboard battleship USS Missouri (p), 07/15/1954:1
Hodgdon, Charles W.
Obituary, 12/29/1950:4
Hodgdon, Lorraine
Engaged to Walter Cybulski, 05/24/1951:7
Engaged to Walter Cyliuski, 06/21/1951:5
Hodgdon, Lorraine continued
Wed to Walter Cybulski, 07/05/1951:5
Hodgdon, Lorraine Estelle
Wedding described, 07/05/1951:4
Hodgdon, T.S.
Dissolves partnership with A.C. Wilbur 50 years ago, 06/03/1954:4
Hodsdon, Bertha
Wed to Robert Blicker, 04/09/1953:6
Hoff, Sigrid M.
Appointed notary public, 07/10/1952:8
Hogan, Gladys
The Picnic Grove granted shuffleboard license, 04/07/1950:5
Applies for expansion of liquor license, 06/23/1950:4
Hogan, Gladys J.
Has liquor license application on file, 06/30/1950:1
Hogan, Mrs Thomas L.
Sells home on Barden Hill Rd, 05/08/1952:11
Hogan, Richard
Dies at age 90, 05/28/1953:4
Obituary, 05/28/1953:4
Hokanson, Carl E.
Ordered to provide support for wife and child, 03/11/1954:9
Hokanson, Grace
Collides with Newton Center auto on Wareham St, 05/17/1951:8
Relates horrors of hurricane, 09/09/1954:1
Hokanson, Marion
Wedding described, 10/11/1951:3
Resigns as record librarian at St. Luke's, 05/28/1953:4
Hokanson, Marion E.
Wed to Joseph Miskinis, 02/28/1952:5
Hokkanen, Eleanor
Wedding described, 08/20/1953:5
Holbrook, Harrison
Notice of hearing on petition to increase gasoline storage capacity (ad),
Gets used car sales permit, 06/12/1952:6
Holbrook, Harrison P.
Hearing scheduled on gasoline sales application, 05/26/1950:1
Granted gasoline sales license, 06/09/1950:1
Accused of dumping on Medas' property, 06/23/1950:4
Granted gasoline sales license, 06/23/1950:4
Accused of running unlicensed cabins, 04/05/1951:5
Faces new complaint of maintaining common nuisance, 04/19/1951:5
Cabin owner fined $300 for maintaining public nuisance where
assignations and lewdness occurred, 05/03/1951:1
Denied license for overnight cabins, 05/03/1951:5
Pays $300 in fines, 06/28/1951:5
Takes out nomination papers for Board of Selectmen, 12/06/1951:1
Guilty of assaulting Chester Guilford, 01/03/1952:1
Profile of candidate for selectman, 01/10/1952:2
Guilford and Sweetburg deny charges, 01/10/1952:8
For Board of Selectmen (ad), 01/17/1952:11
Applies for package store license, 02/21/1952:6
Superior court increases fine for assault on Guilford to $25,
Denied licenses for gas station and overnight cabins, 03/06/1952:1
Admits charges made out of spite, 03/13/1952:10
Selectmen hold hearing on dealer's license, 05/29/1952:1
Holbrook, James F.
Leaves for army induction in Boston, 09/23/1954:1
Holbrook, Mrs Ashley
Breaks hip in fall, 02/25/1954:3
Holbrook Cabins
Rte 28, North Middleboro (ad), 07/14/1950:9
Harrison Holbrook accused of running unlicensed cabins, 04/05/1951:5
Holbrook's Cabins and Gas Station
H.P. Holbrook proprietor (ad), 07/12/1951:3
Holbrooks Gas Station
Rte 28, North Middleboro (ad), 07/14/1950:9
Holden, Marion Camandona
Son born, 04/10/1952:7
Twin sons born, 09/03/1953:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Holden, Parker
Lieutenant stationed in Baltimore, MD, 06/07/1951:2
Completes service with U.S. Army Counter Intelligence, 04/03/1952:3
Son born, 04/10/1952:7
Couple moves to Warwick, RI, 11/27/1952:7
Twin sons born, 09/03/1953:5
Holdsworth, Pauline M. Vaughan
Son born, 03/27/1952:5
Holdsworth, Pauline Vaughan
Son born, 06/10/1954:7
Holdsworth, Ralph
Son born, 06/10/1954:7
Holdsworth, Ralph F.
Engaged to Pauline M. Vaughan, 06/28/1951:5
Son born, 03/27/1952:5
Holgren, Clarence
Three hundred turkeys lost in Wall St blaze, 03/18/1954:1
Holidays. see names of specific holidays
Hollis, Arnold
Daughter born, 09/04/1952:5
Son born, 07/30/1953:5
Hollis, Caroline
Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1
Hollis, Christina Lawrence
Daughter born, 09/04/1952:5
Son born, 07/30/1953:5
Hollis, Edith
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts (ad),
Hollis, Edith M.
Foreclosure notice, 04/09/1953:4
Hollis, Geneva May
Obituary, 07/14/1950:5
Widow of Claude L. dies at age 61, 07/14/1950:7
Hollis, Gwendolyn Westgate
Son born, 01/04/1951:5
Hollis, Helen
Now representing W.T. Raleigh Co. (ad), 06/03/1954:9
Hollis, Helen Thomas
Son born, 02/04/1954:5
Hollis, Jimmy
Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t),
Hollis, John
Son born, 01/04/1951:5
Hollis, Lionel
Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1
Home on Miller St destroyed by fire, 01/14/1954:10
Son born, 02/04/1954:5, 02/04/1954:9
Hollis, Lionel L.
Notice of no responsibility for wife's debts (ad), 01/29/1953:5
Foreclosure notice, 04/09/1953:4
Hollis, Marybelle
South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home
(p), 10/18/1951:1
Hollis, Red
Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t),
Hollis, Russell
Eagles champs of Inter-city Bowling League (p), 09/06/1951:1
Eagles donate record player to library (p), 03/27/1952:10
Holloway, Carleton
Resides in West Hartford, CT, 07/01/1954:2
Holloway, Carlton E.
Joins National Hartford Group, 11/13/1952:8
Named secretary of National Fire Insurance Co. board, 02/25/1954:8
Holloway, Flora
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9
Holloway, Wendell E.
Reland St couple married 54 years, 10/08/1953:8
Holloway, Wendell Elbridge
Obituary, 03/11/1954:3
Husband of Emma E. dies at age 75, 03/11/1954:4
Holman, Morris
Daughter born, 11/19/1953:6
Holman, Ruth
New elementary school teacher, 08/02/1951:1
Holman, Ruth Welch
Daughter born, 11/19/1953:6
Holmberg, C. Lester
Engaged to Barbara Jean Maxim, 09/24/1953:6
Holmberg, Carl
Wed to Barbara J. Maxim, 09/30/1954:5
Holmberg, Carl L.
Engaged to Barbara Jean Maxim, 09/16/1954:4
Holmberg, Carl Lester
Wedding described, 09/30/1954:3
Holmes, Almira Charlotte
Obituary, 04/17/1952:4
Wife of William E. dies at age 69, 04/17/1952:5
Holmes, Bertha A.
Petition to foreclose tax lien, 10/16/1952:3
Holmes, Bertha Huntley
Daughter born, 01/10/1952:4
Holmes, Charles
Daughter born, 04/09/1953:5
Holmes, Clara Tower
Daughter born, 04/09/1953:5
Holmes, Daniel H.
Tax collector's notice, 03/12/1953:3
Petition for probate of will, 04/22/1954:7
Holmes, Daniel Henry
Obituary, 03/04/1954:3
Dies at age 80, 03/04/1954:4
Holmes, D.H.
Appointed physician for town clients 50 years ago, 01/14/1954:8
Holmes, Edgar
Son born, 11/01/1951:5
Holmes, Ethel A.
Petition to foreclose tax lien, 10/16/1952:3
Holmes, Everet A.
Petition to foreclose tax lien, 10/16/1952:3
Holmes, Everett
WW II veteran runs for office, 02/25/1954:3
Holmes, Everett A., Jr.
Thanks Lakeville voters (ad), 03/04/1954:5
Holmes, Everett, Jr.
Candidate for Lakeville constable (ad), 02/25/1954:3
Holmes, Grace Drakely
Daughter born, 11/03/1950:5
Holmes, Harold D.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9
Holmes, Ida M.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9
Holmes, Jessie Allen
Obituary, 10/25/1951:4
Husband of Blanche E. dies at age 65, 10/25/1951:5
Holmes, Joan Marshall
Son born, 02/19/1953:5
Holmes, Lawrence
Daughter born, 01/10/1952:4
Holmes, Minnie Smith
Dies in Toronto, Ontario, 09/02/1954:10
Holmes, Natalie Dodge
Son born, 08/27/1953:7
Holmes, Norman V.
Carver man named director of Co-operative Bank, 11/29/1951:1
Holmes, Richard
Resides in Brockton, 04/28/1950:7
Holmes, Robert
Daughter born, 11/03/1950:5
Son born, 08/27/1953:7
Holmes, Ruth H.
Trustees petition court, 01/08/1953:3
Holmes, Shirley Holmgren
Son born, 11/01/1951:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Holmes, Standish
Son born, 02/19/1953:5
Holmes, Standish F.
Private trains at Sampson AFB, NY, 01/10/1952:7
Holmes, Susan
Resides in Brockton, 04/28/1950:7
Holmes, Virginia Kendrick
Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5
Holmes, Wendell I.
Technical Sergeant stationed at Hickam AFB, Hawaii, 12/17/1953:16
Holmes, William
Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5
Lakeville couple married 25 years, 05/14/1953:4
Holmes, William Everett
Obituary, 10/28/1954:6
West Carver man dies at age 71, 10/28/1954:6
Holmgren, Claire Wright
Son born, 08/27/1953:7
Holmgren, Herbert
Couple married 25 years, 05/12/1950:5
Holmgren, Herbert D.
Engaged to Claire Wright, 07/03/1952:8
Holmgren, Herbert D., Jr.
Engaged to Claire S. Wright, 07/17/1952:5
Wed to Claire S. Wright, 07/24/1952:5
Holmgren, Herbert Douglas, Jr.
Wedding described, 07/24/1952:5
Holmgren, Herbert, Jr.
Son born, 08/27/1953:7
Holmgren, Herbert S., Jr.
Receives B.S. degree from Northeastern (p), 07/08/1954:1
Holmquist, Anna Hildegard
Obituary, 12/17/1953:4
Wife of Henry F. dies at age 75, 12/17/1953:4
Holt, A. Phyllis
On Dean's List at Jackson College, 03/13/1952:8
Holt, Albert Edward, Jr.
Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1
Holt, Alice
Obituary, 03/03/1950:2
Dies at age 59, 03/03/1950:4
Holt, Audrey Phyllis
Receives Master's degree in biology (p), 06/10/1954:1
Holt, Dorothy Fahrenholt
Daughter born, 12/16/1954:4
Holt, Dorothy Farenholt
Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5
Holt, John Gordon
Obituary, 03/03/1950:2
Dies at age 60, 03/03/1950:4
Holt, Marjorie
Sails from New York on tour of Europe, 08/13/1953:5
Holt, Phyllis
Attends Jackson College, 02/03/1950:5
Wins scholarship at Tufts College, 03/10/1950:1
Entertains member of Pakistani diplomatic corps, 06/09/1950:14
Named to Dean's List at Tufts, 03/22/1951:8
Wins academic honors at Tufts, 11/08/1951:6
Going to England to do biological research over summer, 05/29/1952:1
Graduates magna cum laude from Tufts College (p), 06/12/1952:1
Attends graduate school at Brown University, 09/18/1952:9
Appointed special research assistant at Brown University, 06/11/1953:5
Recipient of fellowship from Columbia University, 06/17/1954:10
Begins Ph.D. program at Columbia University, NY, 09/23/1954:10
Holt, Robert
Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5, 12/16/1954:4
Holten, Carl
Employed at sanatorium, 09/08/1950:3
Holton, Margaret Batty
Fall bride honored, 11/15/1951:4
Holy Name Society
Holds joint breakfast with Knights of Columbus, 03/31/1950:6
Holz, Augusta Elizabeth
Wife of Gerhardt P. dies at age 72, 08/16/1951:5
Home Bakery
Self-service bakery, 117 Center St (ad), 03/03/1950:2
Under new management (ad), 04/26/1951:11
Grace and Charles Morrison, 117 Center St (ad), 11/15/1951:2
The Homestead
Top quality food (ad), 01/06/1950:4
Ernest O'Toole closes grocery business, 02/25/1954:1
Liquidation by public auction (ad), 03/04/1954:10
Hone, Ralph
Interim pastor at Central Baptist concludes service here, 06/02/1950:1
Honey Jug House
Pottery classes (ad), 10/07/1954:4
Hoops, David
And Nancy Mello crowned King and Queen of YMCA Little Tot
Contest (p), 10/08/1953:1
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Hoops, George W.
Two slightly injured when car hits tree on Lane St, 10/27/1950:4
Hoops, Isaac
Dies resulting from multiple collision bring death, 12/29/1950:1
Eastondale man acquitted of negligence in fatal crash, 02/22/1951:1
Hoops, Isaac E.
Petition for administration of estate, 01/10/1952:4
Lawsuits based on multiple crash, 02/14/1952:1
Hoops, Isaac Edward
Husband of Alice Griswold dies at age 29, 12/29/1950:5
Obituary, 12/29/1950:8
Hootstein, Lennie Lobl
Daughter born, 08/16/1951:6
Hootstein, Melvin
Daughter born, 08/16/1951:6
Hootstein, Melvin J.
Wed to Magdalene Ann Lobl, 01/20/1950:7
Hopkins, Chester A.
Petition for probate of will, 06/09/1950:6
Hopkins, Chester Arthur
Dies at age 76, 06/02/1950:5
Obituary, 06/02/1950:7
Hopkins, Edith Eayrs
Daughter born, 05/29/1952:5
Hopkins, Elmer
Couple moves from Bedford St to Vernon St, 01/24/1952:8
Hopkins, H.
Manager of Doll House Yarn Shop (ad), 08/16/1951:8
Hopkins, Harry
Character approved for pedlar's license, 12/25/1952:1
Hopkins, Harry, Sr.
Daughter born, 05/29/1952:5
Hopkins, Hazel Marble
MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1
Hopkins, Joyce
Attends UMass, 02/10/1950:4
Attends University of Massachusetts, 04/07/1950:12
Sophomore at University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 09/22/1950:5
On Dean's List at UMass, 05/08/1952:1
Hopkins, Joyce M.
Joins Sigma Kappa sorority, 11/17/1950:11
Hopkins, Joyce Margaret
Engaged to Albert Ritter Tomlinson, Jr., 09/18/1952:4
Wedding described, 03/12/1953:4
Hopkins, Kenneth A.
Engaged to Evelyn May Gamble, 10/20/1950:5
Wed to Evelyn May Gamble, 11/10/1950:7
Hopkins, Mildred
Union Street School teacher resigns, 01/21/1954:1
Hopkins, Naomi Haskins
Daughter born, 11/08/1951:7
Hopkins, Robert
Daughter born, 11/08/1951:7
Hoppy's Doll House
Next to Jenney gas station (ad), 12/02/1954:9
Horan, Catherine
Model in Little Theatre Group fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Horbal, Marie Alexandra
Born to Stephen, 06/10/1954:7
Horbal, Mary
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Horbal, Mildred Buinitski
Daughter born, 03/06/1952:5
Horbal, Stephen
New manager of Gas & Electric Department, 11/29/1951:1
Takes up duties at Gas & Electric (p), 12/13/1951:1
Takes office at Gas & Electric, 12/20/1951:2
Daughter born, 03/06/1952:5
Gas & Electric manager and family move to town, 07/24/1952:5
On temporary medical leave, 03/19/1953:7
Doing fine at NE Baptist Hospital, Boston, 03/26/1953:7
Daughter born, 06/10/1954:7
Horbal, Wasyl
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Horn, Elizabeth Ruby
Wed to Orville Bernard Linton, 02/01/1951:5
Horn, Frank
Obituary, 08/09/1951:2
Dies at age 75, 08/09/1951:5
Horr, Edward
Family moves to Middleboro 50 years ago, 10/29/1953:7
Horribles Parade
Horribles few, crowd big, 07/07/1950:1
Opens 4th of July events, 07/07/1950:1
Horseracing. see also Blue and White Farms
Fleetwood Racing Assoc petitions for harness racing license in
Lakeville, 01/08/1953:5
Lakeville selectmen hear petition from Fleetwood Racing Assoc,
Petition for Lakeville races dismissed, 02/05/1953:2
Charles Thomas' horse Jennie Wilkes killed 50 years ago, 03/11/1954:7
Group of Lakeville and Middleboro residents hope to have night
harness racing, 04/29/1954:1
Middleboro Ag Society abandons plans for Camp Joe Hooker,
Matteo Sena applies for license to conduct dog ad horse racing at Camp
Joe Hooker, 11/11/1954:7
Lakeville selectmen reserved decision on race track, 11/25/1954:1
Sena denied application for racing permit, 12/02/1954:2
Horses. see also Blue and White Farms
George Benson, harnesses, 95 Wareham St (ad), 06/23/1950:2
Edgar Soweby's horse "Prince" ridden by 84-year-old Columbia
MacCormack (p), 06/14/1951:1
George Benson moves business to 12 Benton St (ad), 08/16/1951:10
Local enthusiasts may form riding club, 11/01/1951:1
Ed Sowerby advocates riding for health and hobby (p), 10/02/1952:1
Elizabeth Harding in coma after thrown from horse, 10/30/1952:1
Does anyone know where Bisbey Harness Shop was located?
Mail carrier Seth Eaton files suit against town for loss of horse 50 years
ago, 12/03/1953:9
Horsewomen Bissonnette and Vasel win prizes at East Bridgewater
show, 08/12/1954:3
Undertaker George Soule's horse Gypsy dies 50 years ago,
Snow speeding popular 50 years ago, 12/02/1954:8
Horsman, Fred
Fined $5 for defective muffler, 11/05/1953:5
Horsman, Fred W.
Charged with drunkenness and accosting two juvenile girls,
Guilty of drunkenness, 08/06/1953:8
Horsman, Frederick W.
Guilty of permitting improper person to operate motor vehicle,
Petition for administration of estate, 05/07/1953:6
Suffers lacerations and contusions in truck accident, 05/14/1953:6
Petition for administration of estate, 05/14/1953:7
Guilty of driving after license revoked, 09/30/1954:3
Horsman, Frederick William
Husband of Marie Schleicher dies at age 63, 01/29/1953:5
Obituary, 01/29/1953:8
Horsman, Paul R.
Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1
Car damaged in minor accident, 12/30/1954:2
Horsman, Paul R., Jr.
Private qualifies as projectionist with 43rd Infantry, 01/10/1952:1
Horsman, Paul Robert, Jr.
Returns from duty in Europe, 12/25/1952:1
Horsman, Paula J.
Engaged to Ronald D. Vaughan, 05/24/1951:7
Wed to Ronald D. Vaughan, 05/31/1951:5
Horsman, Paula Josephine
Wedding described, 06/07/1951:6
Horton, Charlotte Seward
Son born, 10/07/1954:7
Horton, David
Son born, 10/07/1954:7
Horton, David G.
Engaged to Charlotte Seward, 02/25/1954:4
Horton, Earle, Jr.
Son born, 05/06/1954:6
Horton, Earle M., Jr.
Son born, 08/16/1951:5
Horton, Hannah V.
Gets one month for drunkenness, 11/29/1951:8
Wife of Lloyd B., Sr. dies at age 66, 07/03/1952:5
Obituary, 07/03/1952:6
Horton, James Fulton
Born to Earle M, Jr. and Mary Louise Sims, 08/16/1951:5
Horton, Lloyd B.
Wed to Delia Perkins, 11/13/1952:7
Horton, Lloyd B., Jr.
Police return lost child, 10/07/1954:1
Guilty of non-support, 11/25/1954:2
Horton, Lloyd B., Sr.
Engaged to Delia Perkins, 11/13/1952:7
Horton, Lloyd, Jr.
Son born, 12/06/1951:7
Daughter born, 06/18/1953:4
Horton, Mary Lou Sims
Son born, 05/06/1954:6
Horton, Mary Louise Sims
Son born, 08/16/1951:5
Horton, Mildred Haynes
Son born, 12/06/1951:7
Daughter born, 06/18/1953:4
Horton, Norman
Employed at Richmond Automotive Service, 08/06/1953:6
Horton, Roy B.
Framingham men held in attempted break-in at Horton's garage,
Juvenile involved in break-in sent to Youth Board, 05/24/1951:1
Urbana indicted for breaking-and-entering Horton's garage,
Hosley, Stephen
Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises
(p), 06/30/1950:1
Hospitals. see also Lakeville State Sanatorium; St. Luke's Hospital of
Hannah Jackson Harlow's will sets up fund for Mass General,
Hotel Aragon
Dalton caters firemen's ball 50 years ago, 01/21/1954:7
Well-appointed hostelry attracts Cape business 50 years ago,
Hotel Martinique
Available for receptions and meetings, 68 North Main St (ad),
Closing till March (ad), 11/15/1951:7
Now open, 68 North Main St (ad), 01/24/1952:11
Hidden staircase discovered, 06/25/1953:5
Open for business (ad), 02/04/1954:3
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Hotels, Motels, Etc. see also Benson, Austin; Holbrook, Harrison; Hotel
Martinique; Perry, Winifred
Charles and Celia Cote granted license for overnight cabins,
Selectmen table Correira's application to operate overnight cabins,
Notice of hearing on White's overnight cabin application, 06/23/1950:4
Overnight cabin applications on the increase, 06/23/1950:4
Polly Pine granted permit for overnight cabins, 06/30/1950:10
Notice of hearing for McGeath's application for overnight cabin permit,
Holbrooks Cabins, Rte 28, North Middleboro (ad), 07/14/1950:9
Selectmen get opinion on cabin applications, 07/14/1950:12
Notice of permit hearing for Bianchi cabins, 08/25/1950:5
Bianchi granted permit to operate overnight cabins, 09/08/1950:1
The House with the Red Doors, 7 Courtland St (ad), 03/08/1951:10
Issue of Plymouth Rock from 1860 reveals local and national events,
Holbrook's Cabins and Gas Station (ad), 07/12/1951:3
Peter Cammarata applies for license for tourist home, 02/07/1952:1
William and Nellie Allen granted permit for overnight cabins on East
Grove St, 04/10/1952:6
Norman DesRosiers to operate tourist lodge near Juneau, AK (p),
John Neville granted license for overnight cabins, 06/25/1953:4
Arthur Johnson applies for overnight cabin permit, 07/16/1953:10
Selectmen allow roadside sign for Allan's Cabins, 08/13/1953:4
Briar's Motel requests permit to erect sign on Wareham St,
Dalton caters firemen's ball at Hotel Aragon 50 years ago, 01/21/1954:7
Notice of hearing on Apostolos' and Kamberis' application to operate
motel (ad), 05/13/1954:2
Notice of hearing on Deane's application to operate tourist house (ad),
Notice of hearing on Peterson's application to operate motel (ad),
Herbert Gibson applies for permit, 07/15/1954:8
Osborne Smith applies for permit for Tourist's Home, 07/15/1954:8
Hotel Aragon attracts Cape business 50 years ago, 08/05/1954:8
Briar's Motel granted permit to erect sign, 08/12/1954:4
Bart Perkins takes over management of Nemasket House 50 years ago,
Hotin, Bud
Pianist with Joseph Cordeiro's orchestra (ad), 08/14/1952:8
Hotz, Janice
Five girls from Louise Crowley Dance Studio perform in Cambridge
(p), 03/22/1951:1
Hotz, Paul
Real estate (ad), 02/18/1954:7
Houghton, Donald
Tenor heard on Taunton radio station, 03/20/1952:5
Leaves for training at Parris Island, SC, 03/12/1953:4
Receives discharge from U.S. Navy, 07/02/1953:5
Marine returns to Parris Island, SC, 09/10/1953:4
Houghton, Donald N.
Marine Private attends supply school (p), 10/15/1953:1
Houghton, Richard
Heads for boot training in Bainbridge, WA, 11/29/1951:6
Stationed on heavy cruiser in Baltimore, 10/30/1952:7
Leaves from training cruise to Cuba, 03/12/1953:4
Houghton, Richard C.
Takes recruit training at Bainbridge, MD, 02/14/1952:8
Returns from six months duty in the Mediterranean, 10/23/1952:1
Wed to Annette Menard, 12/04/1952:5
Houghton, Richard Carl
Engaged to Annette Menard, 03/27/1952:5
Houghton, Ruth E.
Guilty of operating without a license, 10/13/1950:9
Houghton, Ruth Harthorn
Daughter born, 06/14/1951:7
Houghton, Ruth Hartshorn
Son born, 06/10/1954:7
Houghton, Wallace
Daughter born, 06/14/1951:7
Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts
National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1
Son born, 06/10/1954:7
Houghton, Wallace A., Jr.
And Joseph Casey collide in snow storm, 02/28/1952:1
Marion and Louis Bernier file suit for damages against Wallace
Houghton, Jr. and Joseph Casey, 05/29/1952:7
Houghton, Walter
Employed at State Farm, 05/10/1951:6
Houlihan (Mr)
Lavallee & Houlihan, the friendly realtors at 115 Center St (ad),
Houlihan, Cecelia Morris
Daughter born, 05/08/1952:7
Houlihan, Dick
Named captain of MHS basketball team, 01/06/1950:6
1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1
Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1
Houlihan, Dickie
Egger Furnituremen 1950 Twilight League champions (p),
Houlihan, Eleanor A.
Widow of William J. dies at age 59, 01/08/1953:5
Obituary, 01/08/1953:6
Houlihan, Elizabeth
Enrolls in Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, 11/05/1953:6
Houlihan, Gladys D.
Files complaint of illegal auto service, 06/11/1953:1
Houlihan, James E.
Real estate and insurance (ad), 02/05/1953:10
Biography of candidate for Board of Assessors (p), 01/14/1954:1
Elect assessor (ad) (p), 01/14/1954:2
Houlihan, James E., Jr.
Assistant director of music in Boston schools, 09/22/1950:5
Attends Fred Waring Choral workshop in Pennsylvania, 07/09/1953:1
Named to music department of Boston public schools (p), 09/24/1953:1
Engaged to Priscilla Parsons, 02/25/1954:9
Engaged to Priscilla P. Parsons, 04/08/1954:6
Wedding described, 04/22/1954:3
Wed to Priscilla P. Parsons, 04/29/1954:4
Houlihan, James, Jr.
Takes Choral Directing course at Penn State, 06/28/1951:3
Houlihan, J.E.
Insurance, 48 Montello St (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Houlihan, Jeannette
Succeeds Jeanne Burnham as secretary to Town Clerk, 06/18/1953:1
Houlihan, John
Dies at age 51, 04/12/1951:5
Obituary, 04/12/1951:10
Houlihan, Phyllis I.
Engaged to William J. Silva, 02/21/1952:5
Wed to William J. Silva, 02/28/1952:5
Houlihan, Richard
Gives batting instruction to Little Leaguers (p), 06/12/1952:2
Instructor for local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Auto goes off North St, striking railing, 06/19/1952:8
Houlihan, William
Daughter born, 05/08/1952:7
House Fires. see Dwellings - Fires
The House with the Red Doors
Lodging and meals, 7 Courtland St (ad), 03/08/1951:10
Housh Co.
Winthrop-Atkins moves company from Boston to Middleboro,
Housing. see also Middleboro Housing Authority
Henry Roberts violated occupation order of the Health Board,
Charles Washburn plans filling station and pre-fab housing on Rte 28,
Selectmen vote to oppose state rent control bill, 07/14/1950:1
Selectmen receive notice of changes to federal rent control law (l),
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Housing continued
Increase in number of houses in Lakeville 395 in last ten years,
New development at Nemasket Village, Wood Construction Co. (ad),
New project in prospect for Plymouth St, 04/10/1952:6
Hearing called on rent control, 07/24/1952:1
Notice of hearing on rent control (ad), 07/24/1952:5
Selectmen defer action pending popular vote, 08/07/1952:1
Veterans' Housing Project at Archer Court a success in 1952,
State rent control law explained, 07/16/1953:1
Scarcity of tenements on village 50 years ago, 11/19/1953:9
Houten, Abraham V.
Engaged to Beverly Trinque, 12/06/1951:6
Wed to Beverly R. Trinque, 01/03/1952:5
Private 1st Class with 50th Infantry Division in Korea, 05/01/1952:2
Howard, Austin M.
Engaged as teacher at Pratt Free School 50 years ago, 10/22/1953:7
Howard, Betty
Engaged to Donald Gammons, 06/21/1951:2
Howard, Beverly Vigers
Resides in Falls Church, VA, 04/16/1953:5
Daughter born, 12/10/1953:6
Howard, Charles Franklin
Obituary, 05/29/1952:4
Dies at age 80, 05/29/1952:5
Howard, Clayton, Jr.
Daughter born, 03/03/1950:5
Howard, Clayton L., Jr.
Fined $5 for speeding, 09/23/1954:10
Howard, Deborah Ann
Born to Gene, 04/22/1954:7
Howard, Elizabeth A.
Wed to Donald F. Gammons, 07/12/1951:4
Howard, Elizabeth Ann
Who's who in MHS senior class, 06/09/1950:8
Engaged to Donald Gammons, 06/07/1951:5
Engaged to Donald Frederick Gammons, 06/14/1951:7
Wedding described, 07/05/1951:6
Howard, Eugene
Engaged to Beverly Vigers, 11/27/1952:4
Howard, Gene
Daughter born, 12/10/1953:6, 04/22/1954:7
Howard, Gilbert
Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1
Howard, Herbert
Rips out hydrant in stolen car, 10/06/1950:1
Howard, Herbert F.
Guilty of drunkenness, 06/02/1950:8
Howard, John
Takes new position at Poughkeepsie, NY, 07/10/1952:9
Howard, Louise Robbins
MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1
Howard, Mrs John
Takes new position at Poughkeepsie, NY, 07/10/1952:9
Howard, Muriel Massie
Daughter born, 03/03/1950:5
Howard, Muriel Thomas
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Howard, Philip Eugene
Engaged to Mary Beverly Vigers, 12/25/1952:5
Wed to Mary Beverly Vigers, 01/01/1953:5
Howard, Phillip Eugene
Wedding described, 01/01/1953:2
Howard, Rodney G.
Promoted to aviation electricians mate 3rd class, 06/24/1954:8
Howard, Susan
Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6
Howard, Teresa
Petition for conservatorship, 06/05/1952:7
Howard, Terry
1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1
MHS hoopsters pictured in action (p), 02/22/1951:10
Howard, Terry continued
Named captain of MHS track team, 05/03/1951:2
Howard, William
Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1
Howard D. Johnson Co.
Asks for 3-wire service at circle, may build restaurant, 07/14/1950:12
Howard Johnson
New stand robbed by thief with sweet tooth, 08/12/1954:2
Howe, Forest E.
Fined for speeding, 08/27/1953:9
Howe, Gertrude
Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1
Eagles Auxiliary donates $600 to St. Luke's (p), 11/04/1954:4
Howe, J.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Howe, James F.
Completes boot training at Parris Island, SC (p), 10/08/1953:1
Howe, James P., Jr.
Private 1st Class arrives at Inchon, Korea, 11/11/1954:4
Howe, William B.
Engaged to Mary Elizabeth Pierce, 02/15/1951:10
Howell, Carl, Jr.
Seven-year-old victim of lockjaw, 05/10/1951:6
Convulsions reduce in frequency, may survive lockjaw, 05/17/1951:1
Recovers from attack of lockjaw, 09/20/1951:6
Howell, Edward P.
Notice of Sheriff's sale of real estate, 11/20/1952:2
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/25/1953:5
Howell, Eunice M.
Engaged to James E. Wyman, 09/23/1954:4
Wedding described, 09/30/1954:2
Wed to James E. Wyman, 12/30/1954:4
Howes, Alice S.
Obituary, 04/10/1952:3
Taunton woman dies at age 62, 04/10/1952:7
Howes, Alma
Engaged to Richard Shurtleff, 09/01/1950:5
Wed to Richard Shurtleff, 09/08/1950:5
Howes, Ben
The Chicken House, change in hours (ad), 09/04/1952:8
Howes, Benjamin
Restaurant license renewed, 02/24/1950:1
Howes, Dorothy Shaw
Thomas St couple married 40 years, 06/28/1951:1
Howes, Harry
Thomas St couple married 40 years, 06/28/1951:1
Howes, Helen
Engaged to Ernest J. Flood, Jr., 07/24/1952:2
Howes, Helen M.
Engaged to Ernest J. Flood, Jr., 04/09/1953:5
Wed to Ernest J. Flood, Jr., 04/23/1953:7
Howes, Herbert S.
Named partner in H.A. Johnson Co., 03/29/1951:5
Promoted to assistant to president of H.A. Johnson Co., 12/20/1951:1
Howes, Jean
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4,
Howes, Jean Thomas
Son born, 04/30/1953:6
Daughter born, 09/02/1954:4
Howes, John
Rice St couple married 40 years, 06/28/1951:1
Local Lions Club member made honorary Waikiki Lion (p),
Victor Jones' 1920 Dodge has traveled 260,000 miles (p), 07/01/1954:9
Howes, John G.
Couple sails to Rio de Janeiro, 01/24/1952:11
Howes, Mary Pierce
Daughter born, 02/14/1952:5
Howes, Mildred
The Chicken House, change in hours (ad), 09/04/1952:8
Howes, Mrs Harry
White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p),
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Howes, Richard
Resides in Old Greenwich, CT, 11/15/1951:11, 08/07/1952:8
Howes, Robert
Sachem Steppers' gingham ball attracts throng of square dancers (p),
Engaged to Jean Thomas, 02/14/1952:10
Purchases land from town for $100, 04/24/1952:6
Engaged to Jean Thomas, 05/01/1952:4, 05/01/1952:8
Son born, 04/30/1953:6
Daughter born, 09/02/1954:4
Howes, Robert F.
Engaged to Jean Thomas, 01/03/1952:5
Feted by associates at Winthrop-Atkins Co., 05/15/1952:7
Wedding described, 05/29/1952:4
Wed to Jean B. Thomas, 06/19/1952:5
Howes, Robert Foster
Engaged to Jean Burgess Thomas, 05/15/1952:7
Howes, Sarah Shaw
Rice St couple married 40 years, 06/28/1951:1
Howes, William
Engaged to Mary Pierce, 02/08/1951:5
Wed to Mary Pierce, 03/01/1951:5
Daughter born, 02/14/1952:5
Howes, William B.
Engaged to Mary Elizabeth Pierce, 01/04/1951:1
Howes, William F.
Accepted for enlistment in Air Force, 12/06/1951:4
Howland, Beriah
Leaves for induction into armed services (p), 04/12/1951:1
Howland, James B.
Listed for induction in April, 03/29/1951:1
Howland Cemetery
Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11
Hoy, Franklin
Barn off Miller St destroyed by fire (p), 08/11/1950:1
Hubert, Lorraine
Wed to Roland Gilbert, 07/14/1950:8
Hudon, Alphonse
Obituary, 02/21/1952:3
Dies at age 86, 02/21/1952:5
Hudon, Beverly
Peter rabbit makes fine pet (p), 01/28/1954:1
Hudon, Clifford
Son born, 08/11/1950:5
Hudon, Gladys Griswold
Son born, 08/11/1950:5
Hudon, Rene J.
Fined $5 for drunkenness, 07/24/1952:2
Hudson, Alice Denson
Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5
Hudson, Arthur
Not brother Harold fined for drunk driving, 10/23/1952:5
Fined $50 for driving after license revoked, 08/20/1953:2
Hudson, Dorothy G.
Engaged to A. Whitney Reynolds, 06/04/1953:4
Wed to A. Whitney Reynolds, 06/18/1953:4
Hudson, Evelyn Little
Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5
Son born, 06/03/1954:7
Hudson, Guy, Jr.
Woman struck by Alberts Shoe Co. truck in Everett, 05/29/1952:1
Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5
Hudson, Guy L.
Fined $5 for failure to stop, 12/02/1954:2
Hudson, Harold
Son born, 09/27/1951:5
Daughter born, 10/09/1952:5
Must pay wife $15 weekly support, 10/30/1952:12
Daughter born, 12/31/1953:4
Charged with auto theft and four other violations, 04/15/1954:5
Pleads not guilty to five charges, 04/22/1954:2
Non-support case continued, 07/01/1954:10
Hudson, Harold E.
Engaged to Rita M. Vickery, 09/22/1950:5
Fined $150 for drunk driving and operating without a license,
Arthur, not Harold, fined, 10/23/1952:5
Gets four months for non-support, 08/20/1953:2
Hudson, Muriel Joan
Wedding described, 08/04/1950:4
Hudson, Richard
Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5
Son born, 06/03/1954:7
Hudson, Rita
Harold Hudson must pay wife $15 weekly support, 10/30/1952:12
Hudson, Rita Vickery
Son born, 09/27/1951:5
Daughter born, 10/09/1952:5, 12/31/1953:4
Hueneke, Phyllis
Engaged to Thomas Worden, 03/03/1950:8
Nursing student at Mary Lane Hospital in Ware, 03/03/1950:8
Attends Newbury St School for nursing, 07/21/1950:5
Graduates from Household Nursing Association School, 11/17/1950:5
Engaged to be married, 01/25/1951:5, 04/12/1951:2
Hueneke, Phyllis A.
Engaged to Thomas H. Worden, Jr., 04/05/1951:5
Wed to Thomas H. Worden, Jr., 04/19/1951:5
Hueneke, Phyllis Amy
Wedding described, 04/19/1951:5
Huestis, Rand Crafts
Obituary, 10/28/1954:3
Dies at age 61, 10/28/1954:6
Huggins, Hilliard
Stationed at Willow Grove Naval Air Base, PA, 03/31/1950:7
Lieutenant Commander transfers to Chicago, 11/10/1950:10
Lieutenant Commander and family move to Chicago, 01/11/1951:10
Commander assigned to two years sea duty on board USS Wright,
Lieutenant Commander and family moving to Warwick, RI,
Family moves to Middleboro, 05/08/1952:11
Reports of Operation Main Brace, 10/16/1952:4
Next assignment as supply officer on USS Randall, 11/13/1952:5
Family moves to Norfolk, VA, 11/27/1952:8
On sea duty, 02/05/1953:9
Returns from sea duty in Caribbean, 04/02/1953:5
Family moves to 33 Bourne St, 10/22/1953:10
Couple purchases house on Bourne St, 02/18/1954:3
Huggins, Hilliard, Jr.
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Huggins, Mrs Hilliard
Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated
by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1
Hughes, Damon
Public auction (ad), 01/10/1952:10
Hughes, Francis Joseph
Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5
Hughes, LeRoy J.
Charged with break-in, larceny, and attempted auto theft at Wareham
company, 09/24/1953:1
Hughes, Louis
To be tried for molesting little girl, 07/14/1950:4
Hughes, Mae T.
Wed to Amos D. Souza, 10/25/1951:5
Hull, Stanley
With 483rd Combat Engineers training at Camp Drum, NY,
Trains with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum (p), 07/17/1952:1
Hulley, Albert A.
Request for directional sign to nursery held over, 08/11/1950:8
Horticulturist granted permit for sign, 05/31/1951:5
Hullihen, Jody
Born to Willard, 02/07/1952:4
Hullihen, Willard
Daughter born, 02/07/1952:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Hulsman, Helen
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Hultenius, Edith
Engaged to Arthur Thomas O'Toole, 06/18/1953:4
Hultinius, Edith
Wed to Arthur Thomas O'Toole, 06/25/1953:4
Humphreys, Henry
Treasurer of Savings Bank, 05/10/1951:2
Requests re-location of pole on North St, 05/06/1954:1
Couple moves to North St, 06/17/1954:2
Humphreys, Henry C.
Biography of candidate for Finance Committee, 01/14/1954:4
Humphreys, Keith
Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Scout wins God and Country Award, 02/04/1954:4
Receives God and Country Award, 02/11/1954:7
Keith and Warren Humphreys lost on mountain in New Hampshire,
Humphreys, Mrs Henry
Aunt dies in Montana, 11/01/1951:5
Humphreys, Mrs Henry C.
Injure in collision in Wareham, 10/06/1950:4
Humphreys, Warren
Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Keith and Warren Humphreys lost on mountain in New Hampshire,
Humpty Dumpty Day Camp
Ruth Nissen (ad), 06/02/1950:8
Hundt, Charles J.
Engaged to Beryl R. Dupont, 06/14/1951:2
Hunt, Richard
Engaged to Josephine Lapanna, 12/17/1953:4
Wed to Josephine Lapanna, 12/31/1953:4
Hunt, Thomas
Valuable hound killed in hunting accident 50 years ago, 11/12/1953:9
Hunter, Mrs Harry
Resides in Maynard, 06/03/1954:11
Hunting. see also Deer Hunting
Leo Gamache fined $100 for hunting deer in closed season,
Milton Paska fined for game violations, 12/01/1950:12
Arthur Thomas in court for violation of fish and game laws,
Five geese and 100 ducks taken at Snipatuit Pond 50 years ago,
Lawrence Romaine takes hunters to task (l), 12/10/1953:12
More anent the hunting laws (l) (Lawrence Romaine), 12/17/1953:1
Norman Thibeault fined $75 for violation of game laws, 12/17/1953:15
Sportsmen and sinkers discussed by local citizens (l) (Lawrence B.
Romaine), 12/31/1953:9
Sportsman's viewpoint on recent alleged abuses (l) (James M. Sumner),
Something is going to be done (l) (Lawrence B. Romaine),
Middleboro sportsmen may air their views at State House, 02/18/1954:2
James Sumner, Jr. claims hunters benefit farmers (l), 02/25/1954:5
Paul Carter disagrees with Romaine's statements on hunters (l),
Paul Carter views "no trespassing" signs with alarm (l), 03/11/1954:8
Roy Coombs successful fox hunter 50 years ago, 08/26/1954:8
Ducks flying well 50 years ago, 09/30/1954:8
Moonlight hunting popular 50 years ago, 10/21/1954:10
Permission to hunt! (i) (l) (Lawrence B. Romaine), 11/11/1954:6
Hunting Accidents
Taunton man hit by buckshot from Thomas' gun, 12/11/1952:1
Thomas Hunt's valuable hound killed in hunting accident 50 years ago,
Bog worker Benjamin deSilva shot, search underway for hunter,
Benjamin deSilva has three transfusions, improving, 12/24/1953:1
Huntington, Lurancy
Engaged to Curtis Osborne, 03/25/1954:10
Huntington, Lurancy Ann
Engaged to Curtis Linden Osborne, 01/07/1954:7
Wedding described, 07/22/1954:4
Huntley, Lawrence
Employed at William Egger Co., 08/04/1950:8
Couple married 19 years, 04/17/1952:4
Huntley, Lawrence R.
Local pilots fly to Texas on four-day visit (p), 07/30/1953:1
Huntley, Lawrence, Sr.
Pilot with Civil Air Patrol (p), 02/22/1951:1
Huntley, Maude
Employed at Trust Co., 06/16/1950:8
Huntley, Roy
Leaves for Civil Air Patrol Encampment, 08/18/1950:10
Buys land he already owns, 02/21/1952:1
Enters Northeastern University, 09/04/1952:4
Leaves for internship in Maryland, 11/26/1953:4
Returns to Patuxent Naval Base, MD, 04/22/1954:7
Huntley, Roy M.
Purchases River St parcel for town, 10/11/1951:1
Huntoon, A.C.
Cited for outstanding managerial ability by W.T. Grant Co.,
Huntoon, Alfred
New manager at W.T. Grant, 04/19/1951:4
Huntoon, Alvin
Promoted to Grant's Norwood store, 09/24/1953:1
Hupfer, Mrs Ralph
Resides in Arlington Heights, 06/14/1951:7
Hupfer, Ralph
Arlington Heights couple married 25 years, 04/22/1954:12
Hupfer, Winston
Enlists in U.S. Marines, 12/15/1950:8
With Marine unit in Korea, 10/04/1951:9
Hurd, Ellen F.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/04/1954:10, 11/11/1954:10
Hurd, Marjorie Winsor
Son born, 08/04/1950:4
Hurd, William
Son born, 08/04/1950:4
Hurdman, Henry
Dies in Putnam, CT, 01/21/1954:5
Hurley, George
Killed in auto crash in Norwood, 10/08/1953:2
Hurley, Irving
Daughter born, 01/27/1950:12
Hurley, Thomas P.
Graduates from Brown University, 02/10/1950:4
Town hit by hurricane's left wing, 09/15/1950:1
Electric service restored after hit by storm, 09/15/1950:6
Hurricane Carol misses town, only 0.16 inches of rain, 09/10/1953:1
Causes more damage than in 1938 blow; details of citizens and
businesses affected, 09/02/1954:1
Contributes more than 2 inches to August total of 8.94 inches,
Cottage swept off foundation in hurricane, body of Elmer Clapp
recovered, 09/02/1954:1
Telephone company sets time for completion of repairs after hurricane,
Battered wreck of once beautiful tree lined street (p), 09/09/1954:1
Battery A commended for work guarding beach, 09/09/1954:1
Damages Central Methodist bell tower, 09/09/1954:1
Fine work by Health Department averting disease menace after
hurricane, 09/09/1954:1
Former Middleboro man a hurricane hero in Lynn, 09/09/1954:1
Grace Hokanson relates horrors of hurricane, 09/09/1954:1
Phone damage heaviest in Middleboro district, 09/09/1954:1
Power service nears normal, 09/09/1954:1
Brings down trees, unroofs barn (p), 09/09/1954:4
Hurricane progress report for Gas& Electric (ad), 09/09/1954:5
Damage extensive at Rock, 09/09/1954:9
Damage in South Middleboro not too serious, 09/09/1954:10
Damage from Edna less than from Carol, 09/16/1954:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Hurricanes continued
Hurricane Edna brings 4.55 inches of rain, 09/16/1954:1
Gas & Electric posts hurricane progress (ad), 09/16/1954:5
Middleboro granted $50,000 in disaster aid, 09/23/1954:1
Total damage from hurricane $70,000, 09/23/1954:1
Town discontinues storm trash collections, 09/30/1954:1
Town of Lakeville requests supplementary aid, 09/30/1954:3
Lakeville to receive $354.38 in relief funds, 11/11/1954:3
Husted, Arleen Hackett
Heart of the Countless Years (poem), 03/20/1952:5
Hutchings, John A.
Wedding described, 12/24/1953:3
Hutchings, John Austin
Engaged to Shirley Wood Butler, 09/10/1953:4
Hutchins, Mary E.
Widow of Henry E. dies at age 81, 05/13/1954:6
Obituary, 05/13/1954:12
Hux Sales
108 Arch St (ad), 12/03/1953:3
Huxley, Francis
Son born, 11/15/1951:7
Boy playing in carton hit by car, killed, 07/17/1952:1
Obituary, 07/24/1952:3
Son of Francis J. and Marion Wilson dies at age 4, 07/24/1952:5
Smalley acquitted of responsibility for Huxley's death, 07/31/1952:1
Daughter born, 10/15/1953:4
Fined $25 for assaulting police officer, 09/30/1954:3
Police return lost child, 10/07/1954:1
Huxley, Francis J.
Guilty of drunkenness and disturbing the peace, 03/03/1950:1
Pleads self out of jail sentence, 07/21/1950:1
Assault case continued, charged with drunkenness, 09/16/1954:7
Huxley, Marian Wilson
Son born, 11/15/1951:7
Huxley, Marion Wilson
Daughter born, 10/15/1953:4
Huxley, Rose
Seventy relatives fete woman on 80th birthday, 08/19/1954:1
Hyman, J. Raymond
Resides in Houston, TX, 07/12/1951:2
Major stationed at Gary AFB, TX, 09/30/1954:3
Hyman, Joseph R., Jr.
Wedding described, 09/11/1952:7
Hyman, Paula Mary
Wedding described, 07/02/1953:2
Hynes, Gilbert S.
Sells School St Ext home to Harold Atkins, 11/17/1950:6
Hynes, James L.
Central Baptist pastor from 1933 to 1945, 05/07/1953:4
Iampietro, Albert
Daughter born, 07/30/1953:5
Iampietro, Albert L.
Graduates from University of Massachusetts (p), 06/07/1951:1
Expects to complete M.S. at Indiana University this summer,
Iampietro, Mafalda
Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1
Attends Becker Junior College, 01/04/1951:4
On Dean's List at Becker Junior College, 04/19/1951:5, 06/21/1951:10
Named to Dean's List, 02/07/1952:6
Iampietro, Mafalda L.
On Dean's List at Becker Junior College, 05/03/1951:4, 12/06/1951:9
Graduates from Becker Junior College (p), 06/19/1952:1
Iampietro, Malfalda L.
On Dean's List at Becker Junior College, 04/24/1952:8
Iampietro, Marjorie Keedwell
Son born, 03/12/1953:5
Iampietro, Mary
Attends Becker Junior College, 01/04/1951:4
Graduates from Becker Junior College, 06/07/1951:1
Engaged to Robert Broghamer, 06/12/1952:3
Iampietro, Mary L.
Engaged to Robert Broghamer, 08/06/1953:3
Wedding described, 09/10/1953:4
Iampietro, Mary Lucy
Wed to Robert Alfred Broghamer, 09/10/1953:5
Iampietro, Michael A.
Son born, 10/06/1950:5
Iampietro, Nellie A. Martinelli
Son born, 10/06/1950:5
Iampietro, Patsy
Receives Master of Arts degree from UMass, 06/05/1952:12
Iampietro, Patsy F.
Awarded Ph.D. in physiology by University of Rochester, 11/11/1954:2
Iampietro, Philip
John Cabot Club holds ceremony to burn mortgage (p), 12/15/1950:1
Iampietro, Philip C.
Nemasket Transportation Co. truck rear-ends Worcester driver on Rte
28, 07/07/1950:4
Iampietro, Philip, Jr.
Pledges Kappa Sigma at UMass, 01/29/1953:9
Iampietro, Philip Louis
Mendall, Kunces, and Giberti attend wedding, 02/24/1950:3
Wedding described, 02/24/1950:3
Iampietro, Vincent
Son born, 03/12/1953:5
Iampietro, Virginia Gates
Daughter born, 07/30/1953:5
Ice Cream. see also Dairy Queen; Farrar's
Pasztor & Klar supply sixty gallons at Carver Old Home Days 50 years
ago, 07/29/1954:7
Ice Industry
Ernest S. Pratt Co. (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Shirley Ann Zeronsky injured by LeBaron's ice truck, 09/03/1953:4
Ernest S. Pratt Co. discontinues ice deliveries (ad), 10/01/1953:7
LeBaron cuts 17-inch ice during cold spell 50 years ago, 01/28/1954:8
Spectacular blaze destroys Pratt ice house (p), 09/16/1954:1
Ideal Block Co.
Deals in fuel oil and cement blocks (p), 07/09/1953:6
Shurtleff and Bettencourt, 418 Old Center St, 02/25/1954:6
Produces fine cement block (p), 05/06/1954:8
I.G.A. see Cleverly's Food Mart
Leroy Hardberger brought back from Ohio to face charges,
Hardberger guilty, must support child, 03/22/1951:8
Alexander Anacki charged, 09/03/1953:5
Alexander Anacki appeals finding of paternity, 11/05/1953:9
Imbeault, Philip
Dies at age 92, 03/25/1954:4
Obituary, 03/25/1954:10
Immigration and Emigration. see also Aliens; War Brides
Mayor receives letter from Czech family (l) (p), 11/26/1953:1
Import-Export Businesses
S.H. Reynolds Co., import-export, Highland Rd (ad), 10/27/1950:2
Improved Order of Red Men - Nemasket Tribe
Holds 47th annual roll call, 04/05/1951:5
Inch, Margaret G.
And William Inch in court to confirm land title, 12/11/1952:10
Inch, Morris A.
Wed to Joan Parker, 12/22/1950:9
Inch, William T.
And Margaret Inch in court to confirm land title, 12/11/1952:10
Industrial Accidents
Sewage worker, Romeo Ouellette, nearly loses life, 01/20/1950:1
Mary Roberts' finger crushed in press at Plymouth Shoe Co.,
G & E worker Edwin Jefferson knocked unconscious by dropped
crossarm, 05/26/1950:1
John Nichols fractures arm in fall at Nemasket Transportation,
Industrial Spray Painting, Inc.
Bill Burniston (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Bill Burniston expert in spray painting (p), 08/12/1954:6
Infantile Paralysis. see March of Dimes; Polio
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Mild flu reported here, 02/22/1951:1
And measles hit MHS boys' choir and audience, 03/20/1952:1
Epidemic on the wane, 03/27/1952:1
Inglese, Christine
Three-year-old darts across street, struck by Joseph Jacintho,
Inglese, Mary
Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6
Inglese, Mary DiFillipo
West Grove St couple married 50 years (p), 02/07/1952:4
Inglese, Maureen
Affiliating with Tewksbury State Hospital, 06/05/1952:12
Student at Cape Cod Hospital, 01/08/1953:10
Inglese, Maureen A.
Accepts post with Children's Medical Center in Boston (p),
Inglese, Peter
West Grove St couple married 50 years (p), 02/07/1952:4
Inglese Family
Holds reunion, 09/03/1953:8
Insects. see also Gypsy Moths; Middleboro – Moth Department
G & E foreman Everett Perry stung by yellow jacket, 09/22/1950:5
Wood ticks prevalent here, 05/07/1953:1
Gary Bradford finds praying mantis in backyard, 08/20/1953:3
Nearly forty beekeepers in Middleboro, 07/01/1954:11
Army worms invade Thompsonville area, 07/22/1954:1
Army worms reportedly eating away acres, 07/29/1954:1
Worm control measures listed, 08/05/1954:1
Local citizens label big city auto insurance scheme unfair, 11/03/1950:1
Parents may enroll Middleboro school children in insurance plan,
School program enrolls 1,178 students, 10/15/1953:1
1,178 Middleboro pupils join group insurance, 11/12/1953:1
Plans for school children improved, 09/23/1954:7
Local school program covers 1,257 pupils, 10/14/1954:1
Insurance Agents. see also Frederick Weston Insurance Co.; McNearney,
Daniel F.; Sullivan & Sullivan; Thomas, Clyde S.; T.M. Ryder Co.;
Weston, Frederick S.
J.E. Houlihan, 48 Montello St (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Theodore Wood, 2 Thatcher's Row (ad), 01/06/1950:8
Joseph Riley honored by Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. for multiple
achievements, 03/29/1951:1
Ralph W. Maddigan, Sr. wins recognition, 01/10/1952:1
Ralph W. Maddigan, Sr. honored, 12/04/1952:4
James E. Houlihan, 48 Montello St (ad), 02/05/1953:10
Dorothy Washburn honored for 25 years of service at T.M. Ryder
Insurance, 04/15/1954:7
Annie Reed plans opening of office 50 years ago, 04/22/1954:10
Anthony Petrowski represents John Hancock Co., 06/03/1954:10
Ralph Maddigan, Sr. runs 77-year-old insurance company (p),
Anthony Petrowski completes special course, 09/30/1954:6
Met Life agent John Bowes promoted to assistant manager of Worcester
district, 10/07/1954:7
Anthony Petrowski presents policy to Mr and Mrs Welch (p),
Adrian Bissonnette sells insurance agency to Daniel McNearney,
Interfaith Committee for United Jewish Appeal
Middleboro committee organizing, 04/28/1950:12
Seeks $272 million for appeal, 05/05/1950:1
Committee members announced, 05/12/1950:13
Appeal will aid thousands, 05/19/1950:1
Chairman Riley urges mailing of contributions, 06/16/1950:1
Middleboro folks generous as appeal concludes, 12/15/1950:5
Interior Decorating
C. DeCoff, 106 Pearl St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Ruth Andrews, Fratex Plastics stylist for Middleboro and vicinity (ad),
Wilfred Burniston (ad), 01/08/1953:2
International Order of Odd Fellows - Middleboro Lodge No. 135
Moves out of quarters they have occupied for 57 years, 08/06/1953:1
Elects officers 50 years ago, 12/30/1954:2
Inventors and Inventions. see also Brown, John C.
Richard Parmenter has article published in Radio-Electronics magazine,
Allen Fanjoy wins recognition at GE for helping develop new machine,
Irchenhauser, Clara
Widow of Gus dies at age 71, 05/19/1950:6
Irchenhauser, Clara Kraus
Obituary, 05/19/1950:6
Irving, Edward
Daughter born, 03/04/1954:4
Irving, Mabel Wood
Daughter born, 03/04/1954:4
Irving, Shirley Marie
Wed to Charles Edward Merrill, 11/15/1951:7
Iseminger, Boyd
1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1
MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p),
MHS hoopsters pictured in action (p), 02/22/1951:10
Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1
Who's who in MHS senior class, 04/19/1951:10
MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p),
Iseminger, Boyd A., Jr.
Freshman at Brown University, 09/13/1951:10
On NROTC cruise on USS Burdo, 07/22/1954:2
Midshipman serves on transport USS Burdo, 08/19/1954:10
"Shooting the sun" while on training cruise (p), 09/02/1954:1
Iseminger, Boyd, Jr.
Selected for membership to Sphinx Club at Brown, 05/14/1953:1
Named to staff playgrounds, 05/21/1953:1
Iseminger, G.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Iseminger, Gary
MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1
Fractures upper arm during football practice, 10/16/1952:4
MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4
Attends Wesleyan University, 12/23/1954:9
Iseminger, Gary H.
Wins scholarship to Harvard University, 05/27/1954:1
Enrolls at Wesleyan University in Connecticut, 09/16/1954:8
Iseminger, Gary Hudson
Named MHS valedictorian (p), 03/25/1954:1
Iseminger, Grace
Resides in Eugene, OR, 03/10/1950:9
Iseminger, Harriet Hudson
Named Central Congregational Church Mother of the Year,
Isenminger, Boyd Austin, Jr.
Attends Brown University, 10/11/1951:7
Itinerant Office
Employment office open one extra day per week, 01/20/1950:5
Jacintho, F.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Jacintho, Florence L.
Nominated for queen of UMass Winter Carnival, 12/23/1954:1
Jacintho, J. Vincent
Wins scholarship at UMass, 02/21/1952:10
Jacintho, Joseph
On Honors List at UMass, 04/09/1953:1
Jacintho, Joseph R.
Christine Inglese darts across street, struck by Jacintho, 09/04/1952:4
Shirley Ann Zeronsky injured by ice truck, 09/03/1953:4
On honor list at UMass, 04/15/1954:1
Jacintho, Joseph V.
Awarded $250 scholarship from UMass, 03/27/1952:1
Named to UMass Dean's List, 04/03/1952:1
Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Jacintho, Myrtis Sault
Son born, 06/25/1953:5
Jacintho, Vincent
Who's who in MHS senior class, 05/10/1951:3
Attends University of Massachusetts, 09/20/1951:8
Jacintho, William
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Son born, 06/25/1953:5
Jack & Jill Kindergarten
Schedule (ad) (t), 01/13/1950:8
Tate's pupils hold commencement exercises (p), 06/30/1950:1
Re-opens September 18th (ad), 06/30/1950:4
Elizabeth Tate, 13 Webster St (ad), 09/08/1950:3
Middleboro's youngest grads receive diplomas (p), 07/03/1952:3
Kindergarten granted license, 10/02/1952:10
Pupils receive diplomas, 06/25/1953:7
Holds graduation exercises (p), 07/01/1954:6
Jackson, Emma Alice Gardiner
Daughter born, 07/14/1950:7
Jackson, Foster
Proprietor of A.C. Cosseboom blacksmith shop (p), 07/15/1954:6
Jackson, George
Places fourth in speaking at FFA district meet, 02/19/1953:1
Jackson, Ila
School nurse misquoted on school health defects, 02/04/1954:1
School officials accept gift of audiometer (p), 03/11/1954:1
Jackson, John
Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6
Jackson, Joseph
Hannah Jackson Harlow's will sets up Joseph Jackson Fund for high
school scholarship, 03/17/1950:1
Jackson, Joyce
Five girls from Louise Crowley Dance Studio perform in Cambridge
(p), 03/22/1951:1
Jackson, Mark L.
Fined $3 for lack of inspection sticker, 05/17/1951:2
Veteran carpenter returns from French Morocco, 10/08/1953:1
Jackson, Mrs Edward
Dislocates shoulder in fall, 01/11/1951:6
Jackson, Mrs Warren
Pet calf struck by car, 11/12/1953:12
Jackson, Nettie
Lakeville resident moves to Shaw Home, 11/10/1950:10
Jackson, Thomas T.
Daughter born, 07/14/1950:7
Foreclosure notice, 05/15/1952:8
Jackson Blacksmith Shop
Now receiving 4160-volt service, 04/10/1952:6
Jacob, Almon
Graduates from Swain School of Design, 06/07/1951:5
Separates from Battery A at Fort Devens, 05/29/1952:5
Jacob, W.G.L.
Thelma Vigers wins Merchants Association grand prize (p),
Jacob, William G.L.
Silversmith retires after 52 years, 07/03/1952:5
Jacobs, George R.
Corporal with Chemical Corps assigned to Fort McClellan, AL,
Jacobs, Lucy
Assault case dismissed, 09/25/1952:8
Jacobs, Lucy L.
Granted common victualler's license, 07/24/1952:4
Jacobs, Lucy S.
Fails to prosecute assault case against Reynolds, 08/14/1952:7
Jacobson, Joyce A.
Graduates from Boston Dispensary Clinical Lab for Medical
Technicians, 07/03/1952:2
Jacobson, Lois
Attends Columbia University, 12/23/1954:10
Jacobson, V. Loris
Enrolls in Columbia Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing, NYC,
Jacobson, Virginia
Takes part in collegiate premiere of Carousel at UMass, 03/11/1954:9
Jacobson, Virginia L.
Member of UMass marching band, 10/30/1952:1
On staff of Handbook at UMass, 12/10/1953:4
Jacqowchuch, Vera
Engaged to Albert J. Rullo, 05/10/1951:7
Jacqowchuck, Vera
Wed to Albert J. Rullo, 06/21/1951:5
Jacques, Adelbert
Tax collector's notice, 03/12/1953:3
Jacques, Albert Varnum
Dies at age 82, 10/28/1954:6
Jacques, Virginia
Widow of Albert dies at age 80, 11/04/1954:4
Obituary, 11/04/1954:7
Jagla, Andrew
Son born, 12/10/1953:6
Jagla, Mary Duggan
Son born, 12/10/1953:6
Jai, Barbara
Engaged to William V. Rose, Jr., 06/30/1950:6, 08/04/1950:2
Engaged to William Rose, Jr., 10/13/1950:10
Jai, Barbara Louise
Wedding described, 10/20/1950:2
Ja-Mer Turkey Farm
Plymouth St (ad), 08/11/1950:2
Owner Fred Freidenfeld, 03/29/1951:8
Fire ruins grain, 300 young birds moved, 12/20/1951:1
Hatches four-legged turkey (p), 04/16/1953:12
Fenoglio and Freidenfeld dissolve partnership, 09/03/1953:2
Freidenfeld wins eight ribbons in turkey contest, 11/04/1954:1
James, Ann Kuppers
Daughter born, 08/27/1953:7
Son born, 11/04/1954:4
James, George R.
Son born, 11/04/1954:4
James, George Robert
Engaged to Ann Kuppers, 03/13/1952:2
Wedding described, 08/14/1952:2
Wed to Ann Blessington Kuppers, 08/14/1952:5
Born to George R. and Ann Kuppers, 11/04/1954:4
James, George Robert, Jr.
Daughter born, 08/27/1953:7
James, Robert
Husband of Ann Kuppers dies suddenly, 08/05/1954:6
James McNeil Co.
Formerly A.F. Ryder Co. (ad), 09/29/1950:5
Alonzo F. Ryder Co. changes name, 09/29/1950:10
Helen Haley resigns, moves to Cedarville, 04/12/1951:4
Stoughton girl to be tried on four charges of stealing, 08/02/1951:1
Stoughton girl not guilty of larceny, 08/30/1951:1
Remodeling second floor into modern office space for rent (ad),
Youngsters from sanatorium see Santa at James McNeil Co. (p),
Debtor Henry Benson gets jail sentence, 07/16/1953:7
Jamison, Mrs John
Dies in Charlotte, NC, 04/03/1952:9
Jane Bennett Scholarship
Description of annual scholarship for MHS grad, 05/05/1950:1,
Jantomaso, Patrick L.
Called for military induction, 11/11/1954:1
Jardullo, Anthony
Dies at age 79, 11/08/1951:7
Obituary, 11/08/1951:11
Jardullo, Dominic
Lane and Jardullo collide at Peirce and School St, 10/04/1951:2
J.C. Boynton & Son
Grocer distributes calendars 50 years ago, 01/07/1954:7
Grocers purchase new wagon 50 years ago, 04/08/1954:9
Installs McCaskey account register 50 years ago, 07/15/1954:8
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Jean's Variety Shop
160 Center St (ad), 12/22/1950:12
Jefferson, Anne E.
Files for divorce, 01/07/1954:10
Jefferson, Arleen Corayer
Daughter born, 11/10/1950:7
Jefferson, Arleen V.
Foreclosure notice, 12/04/1952:5
Jefferson, Betty
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Jefferson, Bob
Boat safety stressed to youngsters at pool (p), 07/22/1954:1
Jefferson, Donald
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Jefferson, Edwin
G & E worker knocked unconscious by dropped crossarm,
Daughter born, 06/16/1950:7
Jefferson, Eliza
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Jefferson, George
Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises
(p), 06/30/1950:1
Jefferson, Herbert P.
Widower of Jennie Crittenden dies at age 84, 06/24/1954:4
Obituary, 06/24/1954:7
Jefferson, Irving
Granted secondhand furniture license, 06/23/1950:4
Jefferson, Irving F.
Appointed to police force, 03/24/1950:1
Resigns from police force, 01/07/1954:1
Wife files for divorce, 01/07/1954:10
Jefferson, J.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Jefferson, Joan
Elected to attend Girls' State, 05/06/1954:1
Chosen District Attorney at Girls' State, 07/01/1954:1
Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1
Jefferson, Madison Clifton
Carver man dies at age 80, 05/22/1952:7
Obituary, 05/22/1952:11
Jefferson, Marguerite Crowell
Daughter born, 06/16/1950:7
Jefferson, Mary
Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1
Jefferson, Mary Ann
Four-year-old locks herself in bathroom, 03/17/1950:4
Jefferson, Otis M.
Couple married 55 years, 12/08/1950:3
Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4
Jefferson, Richard
Attends Fitchburg State Teachers College, 03/03/1950:6
Resumes studies at Fitchburg State Teachers' College, 09/15/1950:11
Stationed at White Sands Proving grounds, NM, 01/07/1954:2
Promoted to Corporal at White Sands, NM, 01/21/1954:5
Discharged from U.S. Army, 08/19/1954:2
Jefferson, Richard B.
Engaged to Dorothy A. Welsh, 07/31/1952:5
Wed to Dorothy A. Welsh, 08/07/1952:5
Takes basic training at Aberdeen, MD, 08/21/1952:10
Returns to duty at White Sands, NM, 04/02/1953:6
Jefferson, Richard Burton
Engaged to Dorothy Anne Welsh, 04/24/1952:3
Wedding described, 08/07/1952:7
VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1
Jefferson, Rita
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Jefferson, Robert C.
Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1
Jefferson, Robert Carleton
Inducted into military service, 03/08/1951:1
Jefferson, Russell
Daughter born, 11/10/1950:7
Jefferson, Russell E.
Foreclosure notice, 12/04/1952:5
Undergoes post truce training in Korea, 08/27/1953:1
Jefferson, Ruth
Engaged to be married, 06/16/1950:10
Employed at telephone company in New Bedford, 04/19/1951:4
Employed in New Bedford, 07/19/1951:4
Jefferson, Ruth L.
Engaged to Herbert T. Bolin, 06/23/1950:5
Wedding described, 07/07/1950:2
Wed to Herbert T. Bolin, 07/07/1950:5
Jeffrey, Robert L.
New principal at Assawampsett School, 08/13/1953:1
Jenkins, Cora Josephine
Obituary, 06/09/1950:3
Widow of Parker dies at age 84, 06/09/1950:7
Jenkins, Ethel Raymond
Passes Clerical and Typist Civil Service Exam, 05/19/1950:1
Jenkins, Everett
State Farm guard beaten by prisoner, 05/01/1952:1
Capons (ad), 11/20/1952:11
Jenkins, Everett N.
Cedar Hill Farm, turkeys (ad), 12/17/1953:10
Jenkins, F.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Jenkins, Frank
Candidate for Lakeville Finance Committee, 02/18/1954:6
Thanks Lakeville voters (ad), 03/04/1954:5
Jenks, Elisha T.
Displays colonial flag for Flag Day 50 years ago, 06/10/1954:9
Jenks, Mrs Roger
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Jenks, Roger
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Jenness, Joyce M.
New social studies teacher at Bates School, 04/22/1954:1
New junior high social studies teacher, 10/07/1954:9
Jenney, Arthur E.
Requests three-phase electric service for machine shop off East Grove
St, 11/29/1951:1
Jenney, C.E.
High school football coach 50 years ago, 09/30/1954:8
Jenney, George D.
Inducted into armed forces, 02/14/1952:1
Leaves for army induction (p), 02/21/1952:1
Jenney, J.L.
J.L. Jenney Coal Co., distributors of Shell fuel oil (ad), 09/18/1952:9
Jenney's truck in collision on Sachem St, 12/09/1954:2
Jenney, Mabel B.
Wife of Arthur E. dies at age 76, 10/30/1952:7
Obituary, 10/30/1952:12
Jenney Manufacturing Co.
Clyde Forbes files damage suit against Jenney Manufacturing Co.,
Jennings, Beaulah
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Jennings, Beulah Wood
Daughter born, 05/26/1950:7
Jennings, Glen
Daughter born, 12/08/1950:4
Jennings, Hazel
Two Alaska-bound couples made their own travel trailer (p),
Jennings, Jon Bartlett
Petitions for name change to John Bartlett Wood, 10/08/1953:8
Jennings, Karen
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Jennings, Lewis
Daughter born, 05/26/1950:7
Jennings, Linda
Petitions for name change to Linda Wood, 10/08/1953:8
Jennings, Louis
Employed at Nemasket Transportation Co., 12/10/1953:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Jennings, Nancy
Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club
dance (p), 02/17/1950:1
Jennings, Nancy C.
Wed to Frank J. Silvia, 12/04/1952:5
Jennings, Richard J.
Engaged to Arlene M. Wilde, 03/04/1954:4
Wed to Arlene Wilde, 03/18/1954:4
Jennings, Rita Quagan
Daughter born, 12/08/1950:4
Jennings, Robert
Roof and chimney repair (ad), 10/11/1951:3
Two Alaska-bound couples made their own travel trailer (p),
Jennings, Timmy
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Jerrard, Joseph G.
New teacher at West Side School, 08/20/1953:1
West Side School teacher resigns, 01/14/1954:1
Jesse, Donald
Reclassified, begins army tour of duty, 07/01/1954:6
Private stationed at Fort Dix, NJ, 09/23/1954:10
Jesse, Donald E.
English teacher at Bates School, 02/11/1954:1
Jesse, John P.
Son born, 07/14/1950:7
Fined $25 for assaulting wife, 09/08/1950:10
Jesse, Joseph A.
Thief put on long probation, 02/14/1952:4
Youth indicted for larcenies at Washburn Co., 02/14/1952:9
Gets four months for theft from Washburn's, 02/21/1952:7
Fined $25 for leaving scene of accident, 07/31/1952:6
Jesse, Lillian A.
John Jesse fined $25 for assaulting wife, 09/08/1950:10
Jesse, Lillian Remillard
Son born, 07/14/1950:7
Jesulaitis, Anna Anderson
Son born, 04/02/1953:7
Jesulaitis, John
Daughter born, 12/03/1953:4
Jesulaitis, Mary Wilbur
Daughter born, 12/03/1953:4
Jewelers and Jewelry. see also Cook's Jewelry Store
M.L. Hinckley & Son Jewelers, 51 Center St (ad), 05/01/1952:14
Profile and history of M.L. Hinckley & Son, 11/13/1952:9
Robinson moving entire stock (ad), 03/26/1953:12
Modern Sales, 108 Arch St (ad), 10/22/1953:2
Modern Sales, 21 Forest St (ad), 03/18/1954:9
Jewell, Donald R.
Attends gunnery school in Denver, CO, 03/27/1952:2
Engaged to Elaine Marie Pavao, 06/12/1952:3
Jewett, Constance L.
Engaged to Herbert Gibbs, 07/09/1953:4
Wedding described, 07/30/1953:2
Wed to Herbert Gibbs, 07/30/1953:5
Jillson, Mrs Otis
Resides in Norwich, VT, 09/08/1950:2
Jillson, Otis
Closes practice in Portland, ME; joins Hitchcock Clinic at Dartmouth
College, 09/08/1950:10
Jim & Scotty's
Home cleaning service (ad), 03/17/1950:10
Jimmie Thompson's Gulf Service
Rte 44 (ad), 02/28/1952:2
Jimmy Fund
Eagles raise $265 for Jimmy Fund, 09/22/1950:4
Eagles net $251 for Jimmy Fund, 09/25/1952:1
Middleboro Little League makes $31.62 contribution, 09/25/1952:3
J.L. Jenney Coal Co.
Distributors of Shell fuel oil (ad), 09/18/1952:9
Pfister and Young collide on Sachem St, 12/09/1954:2
J.M. Wells, Inc.
27-29 North Main St (ad), 01/20/1950:11
Furniture disposal sale (ad), 02/24/1950:3
J.M. Wells, Inc. continued
Fifth anniversary sale (ad), 11/29/1951:11
First mattress of its kind on display (p), 12/06/1951:8
Senior girls given keepsake chests (p), 06/19/1952:4
6th anniversary sale (ad), 10/09/1952:9
Profile and history of local business, 11/27/1952:3
Closing Middleboro store, removal sale (ad), 02/26/1953:9
Joaquin, Jennie Louise
Engaged to Theodore W. DeArruda, 10/18/1951:5
Wed to Theodore W. DeArruda, 10/25/1951:5
Wedding described, 11/01/1951:8
Job, Elsie K.
Obituary, 10/16/1952:4
Joe's Shoe Repair
Store closed Wednesday afternoons (ad), 05/26/1950:3
Johansen, Robert
Engaged to Eleanor Luther, 05/31/1951:10
Johanson, Arthur
Red Coach Grille liquor license transferred from Melford Butts,
Johanson, Margaret Camandona
Resides in Robbinsdale, MN, 08/14/1952:10
Johanson, Robert
Wed to Eleanor Luther, 10/04/1951:2
John, Herbert
Couple sells Clay St house to Robert Wood, 06/09/1950:7
John Cabot Club
Television stolen in break-in, 02/10/1950:7
Granted shuffleboard license, 04/07/1950:5
Plymouth man admits to theft of television, 08/11/1950:1
Holds ceremony to burn mortgage (p), 12/15/1950:1
Celebrates 2nd birthday, 02/21/1952:4
Application for liquor license, 11/20/1952:5
Contributes $50 to West Side Playground fund, 05/13/1954:2
John Donnelly and Sons
Denied permit to erect sign on Rte 28, 11/11/1954:1
John Martin's TV Sales and Service
All work guaranteed (ad), 06/04/1953:5
John Mitchell Co.
Radio and television repair (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Johnny's Awning Repairs
30 Plymouth St (ad), 08/18/1950:9
Johnny's Texaco Station
Tires (ad), 01/20/1950:12
Johnson, Alex
South Carver couple married 61 years, 12/17/1953:3
Johnson, Arthur B.
Granted license for overnight camps, 06/25/1953:4
Applies for overnight cabin permit, 07/16/1953:10
Johnson, Arthur G.
Signs contract for electric service on Woods Pond Terrace,
Johnson, B.F.
Janitor at Town House 50 years ago, 08/26/1954:8
Johnson, C. Frederick
On furlough from duties in Japan, 11/29/1951:6
Johnson, Charles
Trains with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum, NY (p),
Volunteers for military service, 02/04/1954:7
Johnson, Charles R.
Arrives at Fort Dix, NJ for basic training (p), 04/15/1954:2
Corporal graduates from engineer foreman course, 11/11/1954:9
Johnson, Curtis
Non-support case continued, 04/15/1954:5
Johnson, Curtis R.
Evidence heard in non-support case, 04/29/1954:9
Notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 10/21/1954:7
Johnson, Curtis S.
Non-support case continued, 04/15/1954:9
Johnson, Eddie
Wed to Thelma E. Biggs, 01/20/1950:12
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Johnson, Emil
Husband of Frederika dies at age 69, 05/08/1952:7
Obituary, 05/08/1952:8
Johnson, Ernest Linwood
Obituary, 04/22/1954:5
Husband of Harriet A. Elmes dies at age 78, 04/22/1954:6
Johnson, Frances Esterbrook
Son born, 07/28/1950:5
Johnson, Frank
Son born, 03/12/1953:5
Obituary, 12/03/1953:2
Carver man dies at age 64, 12/03/1953:4
Johnson, Fred
Injures back in fall, 02/25/1954:6
Johnson, Frederick
Stationed in Norfolk, VA, 12/31/1953:9
Johnson, Frederick C.
Completes Red Cross course in Japan, 07/21/1950:5
Sergeant assigned to Kindley AFB, Bermuda, 11/25/1954:7
Johnson, Grace Vinton
Daughter born, 03/01/1951:5
Johnson, Gustaf C., Jr.
Engaged to Barbara Brooks, 01/18/1951:5
Wed to Barbara Brooks, 01/25/1951:5
Johnson, Gustaf Edwin
Wedding described, 08/28/1952:10
Johnson, Henry E.
Wins Associated Industries of Massachusetts scholarship, 06/02/1950:1
Wedding described, 10/18/1951:8
Johnson, Herbert
Family moves from Clay St to Lakeville, 05/26/1950:7
Johnson, Irving C.
Son born, 07/23/1953:4
Johnson, James E.
Obituary, 02/05/1953:10
Johnson, James W.
Webster St couple married 25 years, 12/02/1954:4
Johnson, Jennie Potter
MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1
Johnson, Joan R.
Engaged to Ralph W. Peltola, 10/22/1953:7
Wed to Ralph W. Peltola, 10/29/1953:5
Johnson, Joan Rose
Engaged to Ralph William Peltola, 08/06/1953:2
Engaged to Ralph Peltola, 10/15/1953:4
Wedding described, 10/29/1953:10
Johnson, John S.
Appointed assistant to president of U.S. Rubber Co., 12/22/1950:6
Johnson, John Stearns
Elected director of the National Co., 03/05/1953:5
Graduates from Dartmouth College, 07/30/1953:8
Johnson, Kathleen
Roland Josselyn pleads not guilty on morals charge, 08/14/1952:3
Josselyn held in $2,000 for grand jury in rape case, 09/04/1952:8
Josselyn case set for grand jury, 10/02/1952:5
Josselyn indicted on charge of breaking-and-entering with intent to
rape, 10/16/1952:7
Josselyn sentenced to six months, 10/23/1952:7
Johnson, Kathleen M.
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 10/21/1954:7
Johnson, Laura J. Arthier
Wife of James H. dies at age 71, 03/18/1954:4
Johnson, Leon
Wedding described, 04/05/1951:3
Johnson, Louis Bernard
Husband of Martha B. Leonard dies at age 74, 01/03/1952:5
Obituary, 01/03/1952:7
Johnson, Mary Trayers
Son born, 07/23/1953:4
Johnson, Merton C.
Dies at age 96, 04/29/1954:4
Obituary, 04/29/1954:7
Petition for probate of will, 05/27/1954:11
Johnson, Robert A.
Wed to Lois H. Pierson, 03/18/1954:4
Johnson, Robert E.
Inducted into Marine Corps, 11/08/1951:1
Undergoes recruit training at Parris island, SC (p), 12/27/1951:1
Marine Corporal participates in Caribbean exercises, 04/23/1953:7
Johnson, Robert Edward
Called for Army service, 10/18/1951:1
Johnson, Robert F.
Daughter born, 03/01/1951:5
Johnson, Roy
Early discovery of smoke at apartment results in only slight damage,
Johnson, Rudolph
Son born, 07/28/1950:5
Johnson, Stuart
Passes exams for Naval Reserves, 05/12/1950:9
On Dean's List at Middlebury College, 10/09/1952:1
Johnson, Stuart R.
Pledges Delta Kappa Epsilon at Middlebury College, 04/02/1953:1
On Dean's list at Middlebury College, 10/15/1953:8
Johnson, Stuart Richmond
Who's who in MHS senior class, 06/09/1950:8
Johnson, Thelma Fuller
Son born, 03/12/1953:5
Johnson, William
Private stationed at Camp Pickett, VA, 05/24/1951:2
Johnson, William H.
Resides in Malden, 04/19/1951:4
Johnson, William H.H.
Obituary, 03/05/1953:7
Johnson, William I.
Leaves for army induction in Boston, 09/23/1954:1
Johnson, William L.
Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1
Engaged to Mary C. Cobb, 08/12/1954:4
Wed to Mary E. Cobb, 09/16/1954:4
Johnson, William Leroy
Wedding described, 08/26/1954:9
Johnson, Winton
Resides in Hackensack, NJ, 10/27/1950:12
Johnston, David George
Born to Edward G., 09/17/1953:2
Johnston, Edward
Couple moves to Rock Village church parsonage, 03/26/1953:5
Son born, 09/17/1953:6
Johnston, Edward G.
New pastor at Rock Village Church, 05/07/1953:1
Son born, 09/17/1953:2
Johnston, Eliette Racine
Son born, 09/17/1953:6
Johnston, J. Douglas
Promoted at Bird & Son, Inc. in Louisiana, 01/07/1954:7
Joiner, Audrey Koerner
Son born, 10/01/1953:4
Joiner, Elmer
Son born, 10/01/1953:4
Jokinen, Judith
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Jokinen, Matti
Obituary, 02/26/1953:9
Jolley, Paul J.
Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion,
Jollimore, Howard Gilbert
Obituary, 05/24/1951:7
Wrentham man dies at age 62, 05/24/1951:7
Jolly, Paul
Reservist in training at Pine Camp, NY (p), 08/02/1951:1
Jonas, Frances L.
On carnival committee at UMass, 02/19/1953:8
Joncas, Pauline A.
Wed to Charles W. Caswell, 05/22/1952:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Joncas, Pauline Ann
Engaged to Charles William Caswell, 07/26/1951:7
Wedding described, 05/22/1952:5
Jones, Alberta DeMoranville
Son born, 05/10/1951:7
Jones, Alice M.
Widow of Albert dies at age 73, 12/24/1953:4
Obituary, 12/24/1953:8
Petition for probate of will, 01/21/1954:5
Jones, Ambrus
Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5
Meet the sales force at Egger's Annex (ad) (p), 04/24/1952:5
Jones, Ambrus L.
Collides with North Plymouth driver at Peirce and Pearl St,
Wed to Mabel Claire Glidden, 07/23/1953:4
Jones, Barbara
Resides in Boston, 06/16/1950:8
Engaged to John Stuart Steven, 12/29/1950:4
Wed to John Stuart Stevens, 07/26/1951:10
Jones, Bob
Stranded motorist thanks Jones for help (l), 08/07/1952:8
Jones, Charles Freeman
Obituary, 01/07/1954:3
Husband of Gladys M. dies at age 75, 01/07/1954:5
Jones, Elizabeth Gertrude
Engaged to Charles Earl Harris, Jr., 11/26/1953:4
Wed to Charles Earl Harris, Jr., 12/03/1953:4
Jones, Frances
Enters University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 09/22/1950:5
Member of Scrolls honorary society at UMass, 05/24/1951:1
Wins scholarship at UMass, 02/21/1952:10
Elected assistant Rush captain for sorority, 03/06/1952:3
Awarded $250 scholarship from UMass, 03/27/1952:1
On Honors List at UMass, 04/09/1953:1
Honor student at UMass, 09/03/1953:1
Engaged to Edward Craig, 06/10/1954:5
Jones, Frances L.
Pledges Pi Beta Phi, 01/18/1951:9
Participates in play competition at UMass, 02/14/1952:10
Has role in UMass production of Eastward to Eden, 03/27/1952:6
Named to UMass Dean's List, 04/03/1952:1
Member of UMass spring theater production, 04/23/1953:1
Wins honors at UMass, 05/14/1953:1
Named to post on honorary society, 10/22/1953:1
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa, 12/17/1953:1
Selected for chorus production at UMass, 01/07/1954:10
Local woman to receives degree from UMass (p), 06/03/1954:1
Engaged to Edward Craig, Jr., 06/17/1954:4
Wed to Edward Craig, Jr., 06/24/1954:4
Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1
Jones, Frances Louise
Who's who in MHS senior class, 06/02/1950:4
Wedding described, 06/24/1954:10
Jones, Francis
Takes part in collegiate premiere of Carousel at UMass, 03/11/1954:9
Jones, George
Son born, 05/10/1951:7
Jones, Harriet M.
Bates School teacher dies, 10/13/1950:6
Jones, Hattie May
Wife of Ambrus L. dies at age 72, 10/13/1950:7
Obituary, 10/13/1950:12
Jones, Jacqueline
Recipient of Robert Goldstein Citizenship Award, 06/14/1951:6
Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1
Recipient of Robert Goldstein Citizenship Award, 06/05/1952:1
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4
Attends University of Massachusetts, 09/10/1953:4
Jones, Jacqueline F.
Member of UMass Harmonaires, 10/29/1953:7
Pledges Pi Beta Phi at UMass, 11/11/1954:1
Jones, Jacqueline Frances
Who's who in MHS senior class, 03/27/1952:9
Jones, Jacqueline Franklin
Named MHS Girl of the Month, 11/29/1951:8
Jones, James H.
Father of Mrs Percy Churbuck observes 106th birthday, 11/22/1951:4
Aged 107, father of Frances Churbuck votes in 17th presidential
election, 11/20/1952:4
Obituary, 08/26/1954:7
Jones, Katherine
Student nurse at Melrose Hospital, 12/08/1950:15
Jones, Mary A.L.
Allerton Thompson named estate administrator 50 years ago,
Jones, Minnie A.
Obituary, 07/28/1950:3
Jones, Mrs Arthur
Resides in Brooklyn, NY, 07/21/1950:10
Jones, Paul
Transfers to the University of Connecticut, 09/15/1950:6
Named chairman of Winter Carnival at UConn, 02/12/1953:1
Wedding held in Millerton, NY, 09/09/1954:4
Jones, Paul G.
Named Cadet Lieutenant Colonel in ROTC, 11/19/1953:11
Named to Who's Who Among Students at American Universities and
Colleges, 12/03/1953:1
Jones, Paul G., Jr.
Candidate for student senate at UConn, 04/03/1952:3
Named to college Who's Who, 12/18/1952:1
Graduates from University of Connecticut, 06/17/1954:1
Jones, Paul Gutarie, Jr.
Wedding described, 09/02/1954:9
Jones, Paul, Jr.
Re-elected advertising director of WHUS at UConn, 01/17/1952:1
Jones, Richard P.
Obituary, 04/12/1951:10
Jones, Robert
Employed at the State Farm, 01/27/1950:12
Seaman stationed at Fargo Building in Boston, 03/13/1952:4
Stationed at Newport, RI, 03/27/1952:4
Jones, Robert, Jr.
Son born, 11/05/1953:7
Jones, Robert S., Jr.
Engaged to Mary J. Ballestracci, 02/21/1952:5
Wedding described, 02/28/1952:4
Wed to Mary J. Ballestraci, 02/28/1952:5
Serves onboard USS Braine, 10/30/1952:9
Jones, Victor
1920 Dodge has traveled 260,000 miles (p), 07/01/1954:9
Jones Bros., Co.
Has contract to carpet Weymouth hall 50 years ago, 11/18/1954:10
Jordan, Florence Shaw
Daughter born, 03/06/1952:5
Jordan, George
Son born, 01/08/1953:5
Jordan, Howard
Daughter born, 03/06/1952:5
Jordan, Katherine Handziak
Son born, 01/08/1953:5
Joseph, Anna
The Fireside granted shuffleboard license, 06/09/1950:14
Joseph, Anna M.
Has liquor license application on file, 06/30/1950:1
Selectmen favor liquor license transfer from Joseph to new owner of
The Fireside, 02/08/1951:1
Charged with violating liquor laws on Armistice Day, 11/20/1952:1
Owner of The Fireside to be reprimanded, 11/27/1952:1
Applies to transfer liquor license to Benjamin Crocker, 04/08/1954:7
Joseph Jackson Fund
Hannah Jackson Harlow's will sets up fund for high school scholarship,
Joseph L. Ayotte & Son
Real estate (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Sign petition straightened out, 05/19/1950:1
Veteran wants your business (ad) (p), 07/26/1951:6
To open real estate office on South Main St, 11/29/1951:6
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Joseph L. Ayotte & Son continued
Real estate office now at 23 South Main St (ad), 12/13/1951:5
Joseph MacAllister Grain Co.
Wirthmore feed (ad), 07/23/1953:6
Grain service for farmers, 12/31/1953:6
Distributor of Wirthmore feed products (p), 10/21/1954:8
Josselyn, Roland E.
Pleads not guilty on morals charge, 08/14/1952:3
Case put over for one week, 08/21/1952:5
Josselyn held in $2,000 for grand jury in rape case, 09/04/1952:8
Case set for grand jury, 10/02/1952:5
Indicted on charge of breaking-and-entering with intent to rape,
Sentenced to six months, 10/23/1952:7
Journalists. see McLeod, George C.
Joy, Daniel
Sells Plymouth St property to Bertram Braddock, 04/02/1953:8
Joy, Lorraine Mulley
Son born, 06/07/1951:5
Daughter born, 07/01/1954:6
Joy, Sylvester
Son born, 06/07/1951:5
Daughter born, 07/01/1954:6
Joyce, Karen
Five-year-old found wandering after left behind at picnic, 08/05/1954:1
Judaism. see also Interfaith Committee for United Jewish Appeal
Chanukah candles lit, 12/18/1952:1
Mrs Addison Simmons one of sponsors of film benefit for Jewish
refugees, 04/16/1953:3
Judge, Mrs Edward
Resides in Providence, RI, 02/18/1954:10
Judson, Richard B.
Notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 08/09/1951:5
Guilty of assaulting wife Violet, 10/04/1951:4
Charges Violette Judson with assault and battery, 10/25/1951:2
Drops charges against wife, 11/01/1951:1
Wed to Ione C. Riendeau, 04/01/1954:4
Judson, Violet
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 08/09/1951:5
Richard B. Judson guilty of assaulting wife, 10/04/1951:4
Judson, Violette
Charged with operating without license, disturbing the peace, and
assault and battery, 10/25/1951:2
Charges dismissed for lack of prosecution, 11/01/1951:1
Selectmen alert to Sunday license violations, 06/12/1952:6
Jule, Verna
New music director at Rock Village Church, 01/10/1952:1
Julius, David J.
Former local minister scheduled to preach here, 07/31/1952:8
Junior, Henry
Daughter born, 01/18/1951:5
Junior, Henry Nelson
Son born, 02/04/1954:5
Junior, Marian Keefe
Daughter born, 01/18/1951:5
Junior, Marion Keefe
Son born, 02/04/1954:5
Junior Cabot Club
Organization of club underway, 01/27/1950:8
Elects officers and adopts by-laws, 02/10/1950:1
Holds first regular meeting, 02/17/1950:12
Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for sanatorium patients (p),
Players present Deadlier Than the Male, 10/06/1950:2
Request made to repeat performance, 10/13/1950:1
Observes first anniversary, 02/15/1951:2
Stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1
Holds annual meeting, 05/24/1951:9
Announces program for upcoming season, 10/04/1951:4
Pop concert for cardiac fund well patronized (p), 10/25/1951:1
Preview of spring fashion show (p), 03/20/1952:4
Holds annual meeting, 05/15/1952:10
Junior Cabot Club continued
Makes gift of $150 to music supervisor for instrument repair,
Program for upcoming year, 10/02/1952:1
Glee Club ready for 2nd annual pop concert (p), 11/06/1952:4
Second annual pop concert supports cardiac fund, 11/13/1952:11
Observes third birthday, 02/19/1953:2
Holds annual meeting, 05/14/1953:10
Program of upcoming year, 10/01/1953:10
Members of Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1
Rainbow of colors presented at pop concert, 10/22/1953:7
Celebrates 4th anniversary, 02/04/1954:3
Observes 4th birthday, 02/18/1954:5
Presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1
Holds annual Guest Night, 04/15/1954:10
Donates playground equipment for Union Street School (p),
Outlines year of activities, 05/06/1954:10
Holds 4th annual meeting, 05/27/1954:9
Presents third annual concert, 10/21/1954:9
Most successful masquerade ball yet, 11/04/1954:4
Nets $304 for playground equipment, 11/18/1954:1
Junior Red Cross - Middleboro Chapter
Holds annual meeting, 05/24/1951:11
Annual report, 08/16/1951:1
Receives thanks for art project at Camp Edwards, 03/20/1952:6
Holds annual meeting, 06/05/1952:3, 10/16/1952:6
South Middleboro youngsters stage circus in support of chapter,
Annual report, 07/02/1953:2
Holds annual inter-council rally, 11/05/1953:6
Takes special collection for fire victims, Paquins, 02/11/1954:1
Spends majority of funds raised on local projects, 08/19/1954:1
Junk Dealers
William Brackett applies for license, 01/11/1951:2
Notice of hearing on Nathan Freedman's license application (ad),
Selectmen postpone action on Freedman's license, will look at proposed
site, 02/22/1951:1
Selectmen to inspect Freedman property again, 03/08/1951:1
Notice of hearing on Norman Duphilly's license (ad), 04/24/1952:5
Juranty, Walter J.
Collides with Alma Gray at Everett Square, 06/03/1954:4
Jurgekewicz, Charles Edward
Petitions to change name to Charles Edward Jurgens, 05/29/1952:2
Jurgelewicz, Carol Marjorie
Petitions to change name to Carol Marjorie Jurgens, 05/29/1952:3
Jurgelewicz, Charles E.
Engaged to Frances Alice Woodward, 05/24/1951:12
Graduates from U.S. Coast Guard Academy as ensign (p), 05/26/1952:1
Graduates from U.S. Coast Guard Academy, 06/05/1952:12
Jurgelewicz, Dorothy Ann
Petitions to change name to Dorothy Ann Jurgens, 05/29/1952:3
Jurgelewicz, Dorothy Dahlin
Daughter born, 03/22/1951:5
Jurgelewicz, Dorothy Olga
Petitions to change name to Dorothy Olga Jurgens, 05/29/1952:3
Jurgelewicz, John
Daughter born, 03/22/1951:5
Jurgelewicz, John Francis
Petitions to change name to John Francis Jurgens, 05/29/1952:3
Jurgelewicz, John P.
Wrecks two utility poles on Rte 28, 10/27/1950:3
Jurgelewicz, Stanley
Pleads not guilty to break and larceny, 05/10/1951:8
Acquitted on break-in charge, 05/31/1951:1
Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1
Trains with field artillery battalion at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 06/04/1953:10
Jurgens, Carol Marjorie
Carol Marjorie Jurgelewicz petitions to change name, 05/29/1952:3
Jurgens, Charles E.
Back in Seattle after ocean station patrol, 10/21/1954:12
Lieutenant (jg) participates in rescue mission in North Pacific,
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Jurgens, Charles Edward
Charles Edward Jurgekewicz petitions to change name, 05/29/1952:2
Jurgens, Dorothy Ann
Dorothy Ann Jurgelewicz petitions to change name, 05/29/1952:3
Jurgens, Dorothy Olga
Dorothy Olga Jurgelewicz petitions to change name, 05/29/1952:3
Jurgens, John Francis
John Francis Jurgelewicz petitions to change name, 05/29/1952:3
Lakeville list, 08/04/1950:7
Briggs and Cleverly drawn for duty, 08/18/1950:1
Lakeville jury list, 03/29/1951:6
Women to be included in jury list, 04/19/1951:1
Approved jury list of 129 includes 19 women, 07/05/1951:1
Maude Gates first woman called, 10/11/1951:1
Second woman juror called, 10/18/1951:1
List of Lakeville jurors, 02/28/1952:9
New list needed, 09/17/1953:1
Selectmen to complete jury list, 10/01/1953:1
Jury list for 1953, includes street of residence, 10/29/1953:8
Board of Selectmen compiles new list, 08/19/1954:4
Jussila, Laura Ann
Wed to John Victor Carlson, 02/10/1950:6
Justices of the Peace
James McCluskey appointed, 02/22/1951:7
Reginald Drake appointed, 04/08/1954:4
Ralph Maddigan, Jr. appointed local bail commissioner and justice of
the peace, 10/21/1954:1
Juvenile Delinquents
Gladys Shurtleff judged stubborn child gets long probation,
Responsibility for juvenile delinquency (l) (Leo Kahian), 08/26/1954:8
Kahian, Jimmie
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Kahian, Leo
Appliances, 866 Center St (ad), 11/22/1951:3
Grand opening, complete home furnisher, 866 Center St (ad),
In court on matter of refrigerator order misunderstanding, 09/18/1952:5
Percy Churbuck sets forth complete facts around dealings with Kahian
(l), 09/25/1952:8
Expands business to three floors (ad), 01/08/1953:3
Antone Silvia charged with theft, 07/22/1954:1
Antone Silvia held for grand jury, 07/29/1954:1
Responsibility for juvenile delinquency (l), 08/26/1954:8
Kahian, Patty
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Kaimie, Fred
Elected to fill vacancy left by Rita Madden, 03/13/1952:1
New teacher elected here, 05/08/1952:1
Kairit, John
Daughter born, 03/01/1951:4
Kakstis, Benjamin
Pleads not guilty to reckless driving, 02/17/1950:10
Reckless driving case continued, 03/03/1950:3
Fined $20 for reckless driving, 03/17/1950:7
Kane, Jane Becker
Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5, 07/31/1952:5
Kane, Lee J., Jr.
Engaged to Jane E. Becker, 07/21/1950:5
Wed to Jane E. Becker, 08/11/1950:5
Kane, Lee Joseph, Jr.
Wedding described, 08/11/1950:4
Kane, Lee, Jr.
Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5, 07/31/1952:5
Kane, William E.
Obituary, 08/25/1950:3
Kanserstein, Mrs Arthur
Sister dies in Brockton, 04/30/1953:7
Karasimos, Emil
Wins bowling sweepstakes in Brockton, 04/03/1952:1
Kari, Connie
Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1
Kaski, Vieno
Wedding described, 06/11/1953:4
Kaslauski, Stanley
Center for motorcyclists (p), 05/27/1954:8
Kasner, Max
Sergeant is radio instructor in American zone in Germany,
With occupation forces in Germany, 04/05/1951:3
Kass, Norman David
Wedding described, 07/07/1950:7
Kassinen, Ray
Daughter born, 06/09/1950:7
Kassinen, Sandra
Born to Ray, 06/09/1950:7
Katon, Manuel
Engaged to Marie Louise Scanlon, 04/03/1952:5
Wed to Marie Louise Scanlon, 05/01/1952:5
Son born, 11/19/1953:6
Katon, Marie Scanlon
Son born, 11/19/1953:6
Kauffman, Anita Mendall
Joins art staff at Diamond Match Co., 06/04/1953:1
Daughter born, 10/28/1954:6
Kauffman, Frances Ann
Born to Franklin D. and Anita Mendall, 10/28/1954:6
Kauffman, Franklin D.
Attends Rhode Island School of Design, 02/19/1953:10
Returns from service in Korea, 12/31/1953:6
Lieutenant transfers to Rome, NY, 01/28/1954:3
Daughter born, 10/28/1954:6
Kauffman, Jeanne Mendall
Honored at Eustis, FL event, 12/15/1950:8
Daughter born, 05/14/1953:4
Kauffman, John
Engaged to Jeanne Mendall, 06/30/1950:6
Couple resides in Grand Isle, FL, 02/19/1953:10
Kauffman, John H., Jr.
Engaged to Jeanne F. Mendall, 07/28/1950:4
Wed to Jeanne F. Mendall, 08/18/1950:5
Son born, 08/02/1951:7
Daughter born, 05/14/1953:4
Kauffman, John Howell, Jr.
Wedding described, 08/11/1950:7
Kauffman, John, Jr.
Engaged to Jeanne Mendall, 05/05/1950:9
Kauffman, Linda Marguerite
Born to John J., Jr. and Jeanne Mendall, 05/14/1953:4
Kauffman, Mrs Frank
Resides in Eustis, FL, 07/22/1954:4
Kauffman, Mrs John
Resides in Grand Island, FL, 07/10/1952:4
Kauffman, Mrs John H., Jr.
Resides in Grand Island, FL, 03/08/1951:6
Kaufmann, Jeanne Mendall
Son born, 12/27/1951:5
Kaufmann, John. Jr.
Son born, 12/27/1951:5
Kay, Stanley R.
Wed to Martha Marchio, 06/17/1954:5
Kayajan, Ardavast
In training at Pine Camp, NY, 08/09/1951:1
Kayajan, Ardavast, Jr.
Charged with assault and battery, 01/28/1954:2
Four Kayajans file assault charges, 03/25/1954:7
Kayajan, Ardavast, Sr.
Charged with assault and battery, 01/28/1954:2
Four Kayajans file assault charges, 03/25/1954:7
Kayajan, Armen
Four Kayajans file assault charges, 03/25/1954:7
Kayajan, Charles
Attends Colby College, 12/20/1951:2
Inducted into armed forces, 10/08/1953:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Kayajan, Charles continued
Trains at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 12/03/1953:1
Soldier thanks Lillian O'Neill for typing instruction (l), 04/01/1954:9
Assigned to Combat Training Command, Fort Benning, GA,
Kayajan, Haig
Cash stolen from home on Plymouth St, 03/15/1951:12
Elected president of SE Mass Bottlers' Association, 04/10/1952:1
Couple celebrates anniversary, 02/19/1953:4
Ardavast Sr. and Jr. charged with assault and battery, 01/28/1954:2
Four Kayajans file assault charges, 03/25/1954:7
Kayajan, Margaret Gloria
Who's who in MHS senior class, 04/26/1951:5
Kayajan, Musch, G.
Manager of Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Cape Cod, 06/21/1951:6
Kayajan, Samuel
Foreclosure notice, 06/21/1951:6
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/18/1951:10
Pleads not guilty to driving to endanger and failure to observe signal,
Guilty of reckless driving, 08/07/1952:3
Fined for reckless driving and running red light, 09/04/1952:5
Kayajan, Samuel, Jr.
Corporal attends Signal School at Hamilton AFB, CA, 03/22/1951:4
Corporal stationed at Cambia, CA, 08/09/1951:10
Staff Sergeant resumes duties at Ft. Belvoir, VA, 08/14/1952:9
Enrolls in Milwaukee School if Engineering, 07/16/1953:1
Kayajanian, Ardavast G.
Petition filed against executors, 12/02/1954:6
Kayajanian, Armen C.
Petition filed against executors, 12/02/1954:6
Kayajanian, Garabed
Petition filed against executors, 12/02/1954:6
Kayajanian, Musch
Petition filed against executors, 12/02/1954:6
Kay's Thrift Shop
Kay Yarusites, 23 High St (ad), 12/02/1954:2
Kazlauski, Stanley. see Stanley's Service Station
Granted secondhand furniture license, 09/17/1953:7
Keating, August
Son born, 01/18/1951:5
Keating, Charlotte Ruby
Son born, 01/18/1951:5
Keating, Patricia E.
Engaged to George D. Martin, 11/18/1954:6
Engaged to George C. Martin, 11/25/1954:4
Wed to George C. Martin, 12/02/1954:4
Keating, Patricia Elizabeth
Wedding described, 12/02/1954:2
Keedwell, Evelyn V.
WAF assigned to Japan, 12/03/1953:1
Keedwell, Kenneth B. see also Bob's Diner
New director of civil defense, 03/29/1951:1
Honored guest at annual Legion get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12
Finance Committee member will not run again, 11/27/1952:1
Keedwell, Kenneth J.
Charged with break-and-entering and rape, 05/06/1954:12
Keedwell, Mrs Kenneth
Little Theatre Group members learn all phases of theater life (p),
Keedwell, Polly
The Little Theatre Group seeking new members (p), 10/25/1951:10
Keedwell, Pollyann
Model in Little Theatre Group fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7
Keedwell, Ramona Meacher
Son born, 10/02/1952:5
Keedwell, Ramona Meschen
Son born, 11/04/1954:4
Keedwell, Roger
Son born, 10/02/1952:5, 11/04/1954:4
Keedwell, Stewart
Resides in Syracuse, NY, 07/26/1951:4
Keenan (Mrs)
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Keenan, Joseph T.
Summer St couple married 50 years, 01/21/1954:1
Keenan, William
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Keene, June L.
Engaged to Lawrence J. Robbins, 02/07/1952:5
Wed to Lawrence J. Robbins, 02/14/1952:5
Keene, June Lorraine
Wedding described, 02/21/1952:8
Keene, Vinnie I.
Obituary, 03/13/1952:2
Widow of Fred M. dies at age 74, 03/13/1952:5
Keil, Donald A.
Son born, 12/15/1950:10
Keil, Ruth Grossman
Resides in Evanston, IL, 03/29/1951:10
Keith, Anne Cronin
Son born, 04/08/1954:6
Keith, Doris Kelley
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Keith, Dorothy
Collides with Boston truck at Rte 44 and 28, 04/12/1951:10
Keith, Francis L.
Lieutenant (jg) stationed in Pensacola, FL, 01/06/1950:2
Lieutenant (jg) qualifies in aircraft carrier tests (p), 04/14/1950:1
Lieutenant (jg) wins Navy wings, 08/04/1950:1
Son born, 02/01/1951:9
Visits home briefly while on routine flight to Quonset, RI, 04/26/1951:6
Lieutenant leaves for duty in Far East, 08/14/1952:2
Named instructor at U.S. Naval Academy, 05/28/1953:5
Attends grandmother, Edith Kelley's, funeral, 11/19/1953:11
Son born, 04/08/1954:6
Keith, Jane
Resides in Boston, 11/29/1951:2
Employed at United Shoe Machine Co., Boston, 07/10/1952:4
Takes new position with Remington Rand in Boston, 12/04/1952:4
Employed at Remington Rand in Boston, 09/03/1953:8
Keith, Jo-Ann Zeuli
Daughter born, 06/24/1954:4
Keith, Joann Zeuli
Daughter born, 07/05/1951:5
Keith, Mrs C.P.
Opens millinery on Center St 50 years ago, 04/01/1954:8
Keith, Paul
Daughter born, 07/05/1951:5, 06/24/1954:4
Keith, Phyllis
Home in Worcester ruined by tornado, 06/11/1953:1
Keith, Robert
Engaged to Frances Greene, 12/31/1953:1
Engaged to Frances A. Greene, 07/01/1954:6
Wed to Frances Ethel Greene, 07/08/1954:4
Wedding described, 07/08/1954:8
Keith, Roy
Employed by Thomas Panesis, 06/17/1954:6
Keith, Sarah
William Eaton makes improvements to Keith homestead 50 years ago,
Keller, David Lee
Born to Vincent, 12/13/1951:13
Born to V.J., 12/13/1951:13
Keller, Vincent
Sergeant and family arrive home from Germany, 09/01/1950:6
Leaves for camp in Georgia, 09/08/1950:5
Sergeant stationed at Fort Meade, MD, 02/22/1951:9
Son born, 12/13/1951:13
Keller, Vincent J.
Promoted to Warrant Officer (jg) at Fort Meade, MD, 10/11/1951:8
Keller, V.J.
Son born, 12/13/1951:13
Kelley, Barbara Taylor
Son born, 09/16/1954:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Kelley, Clara
Obituary, 11/18/1954:4
Widow of E. Joseph dies at age 86, 11/18/1954:6
Kelley, Clara D.
Petition for probate of will, 12/16/1954:6
Kelley, Douglas
Wed to Ann Kief, 05/29/1952:7
Kelley, Edith
Francis Keith attends grandmother's funeral, 11/19/1953:11
Kelley, Edith Foster
Obituary, 11/19/1953:5
Widow of Frances D. dies at age 90, 11/19/1953:6
Kelley, Frederick D.
Questions selectmen on shutoff of water source for bog, 04/07/1950:1
Kelleys ask selectmen to release water, 04/21/1950:1
Selectmen to stay out of Rock Pond feud, 05/05/1950:1
Selectmen to consider feud over Rock Pond, 05/19/1950:1
Hearing held on Rock Pond controversy, 06/09/1950:1
Kelley, George
Petition for probate of will, 07/30/1953:4
Kelley, Georgianna
Kelleys ask selectmen to release water, 04/21/1950:1
Selectmen to stay out of Rock Pond feud, 05/05/1950:1
Selectmen to consider feud over Rock Pond, 05/19/1950:1
Hearing held on Rock Pond controversy, 06/09/1950:1
Kelley, Georgianna A.
Questions selectmen on shutoff of water source for bog, 04/07/1950:1
Kelley, Grace H.
Thinks facts overlooked in site proposal for new school (l),
Criticism of school erroneous, 05/05/1950:1
Wants to know cost of new school (l), 11/10/1950:1
Kelley, Jean
Engaged to Francis Gill, 08/28/1952:10
Kelley, Josephine L.
Hit by pellets, not seriously wounded, 07/09/1953:1
Kelley, Josephine M.
Obituary, 11/19/1953:5
Wife of Luke F. dies at age 62, 11/19/1953:6
Kelley, Laurence
Middleboro Lithuanian, Polish, American Club applies for liquor
license, 11/20/1952:2
Kelley, Luke F.
MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1
Seven from MHS Class of 1901 hold 50th reunion (p), 08/30/1951:1
Kelley, Mabel L.
School St home partially gutted by fire, 08/04/1950:1
Kelley, Mrs Ralph
John Callan purchases R.D. Kelley Coal Co., 06/10/1954:1
Kelley, Mrs W. Wallace
Resigns post at Clark and Iseminger, 07/29/1954:5
Kelley, Paul
Succeeds C. Trafton Mendall at Bates School, 09/06/1951:7
Resigns as social studies and physical ed teacher at Bates, 08/20/1953:1
Kelley, Paul F.
Resigns from Bates School, takes post at Braintree High, 05/14/1953:1
Kelley, R. Weston, Jr.
Named to UMass Dance Band, 10/25/1951:1
Kelley, R.D.
John Callan new office manager at R.D. Kelley Coal Co. (ad),
Kelley, Roger W., Jr.
Excels in marksmanship on UMass team, 12/15/1950:1
Graduates from UMass (p), 06/05/1952:1
Kelley, Roger Weston, Jr.
Graduates from UMass, 05/29/1952:1
Kelley, Sabrina
Obituary, 06/23/1950:2
Burial at St Mary's, 06/23/1950:5
Kelley, Stephen D.
Ten hens stolen, 01/20/1950:11
MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1
Complains wife was hit by pellets, 07/09/1953:1
Kelley, W. Wallace
Mitchell Memorial Club buys Jackson St land for anticipated
gymnasium (p), 04/05/1951:1
Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10
Resigns from Savings bank, takes post at Braintree Savings Bank,
Employed at Braintree Savings Bank, 12/02/1954:2
Kelley, Weston
Sergeant in ROTC at University of Massachusetts, 01/20/1950:3
Discharged from U.S. Air Force, 08/19/1954:5
Kelley, William, Jr.
Son born, 09/16/1954:4
Kelly, Francis A.
Son born, 11/17/1950:7
Kelly, George
Dies at age 76, 05/14/1953:4
Obituary, 05/14/1953:6
Kelly, Jean Ann
Wed to Francis John Gill, 10/02/1952:5
Wedding described, 10/02/1952:6
Kelly, John F.
Assigned to Co. A, 273rd Regiment at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 12/30/1954:1
Kelly, John W.
Obituary, 12/11/1952:6
Kelly, John William
Husband of Etta C. dies at age 80, 12/11/1952:6
Kelly, Lillian Merrihew
MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1
Kelly, Mary E.
Obituary, 02/21/1952:2
Wife of Edward J. dies at age 57, 02/21/1952:5
Petition for administration of estate, 04/10/1952:8
Kelly, Mildred L. Kinney
Son born, 11/17/1950:7
Kelly, Mrs James
Resides in Falmouth, 01/20/1950:12
Kelly, Thomas
Veteran postman retires after 42 years with local office (p),
Kelly, Thomas H.
Postal employees hold testimonial dinner for 42 years of service,
Postal retiree appreciates former patrons (l), 07/08/1954:4
Kelly, Vincent
Granted common victualler's license, 05/03/1951:5
Break-in at roadside stand, 05/20/1954:1
Kelly, Vincent P.
Notice of hearing on gasoline application, 06/07/1951:2
Granted gasoline sales license, 06/14/1951:12
Youths caught stealing gas and tires, 12/11/1952:6
Kelly's Drive-In
Two neat, intelligent girls wanted, West Grove St (ad), 05/08/1952:2
Kemp, Arthur
Arm mangled in washing machine, 05/24/1951:1
Kemp, Clayton L.
Couple applies to DPW to build boat house on Tispaquin Pond,
Kemp, Edith F.
Couple applies to DPW to build boat house on Tispaquin Pond,
Kem's Variety
Formerly The Buttonwoods, Rte 44 (ad), 12/11/1952:6
Kendall, Carl G.
Couple takes in St Luke's Hospital Fair (p), 11/25/1954:1
Kendall, Carolyn
Completes second year at Catawba College, NC, 06/02/1950:8
Accepted into McLean Hospital School of Nursing, 03/19/1953:8
Kendall, Carolyn E.
Takes position as psychiatric aide at The Institute for Living, Hartford,
CT, 08/11/1950:3
Kendall, Eliza White
Obituary, 07/02/1953:2
Widow of Clarence A. dies at age 84, 07/02/1953:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Kendall, John
Son born, 07/12/1951:4
Kendall, John C.
Running for seat on Planning Board, 12/13/1951:1
Kendall, John J.
Takes out nomination papers for Planning Board, 12/06/1951:1
Foreman with Julian Bros. in Rockport, 09/09/1954:4
Kendall, Mrs Carl G.
Fractures elbow in fall, 02/01/1951:9
Mother dies in Charlotte, NC, 04/03/1952:9
Fractures elbow in fall, 10/07/1954:3
Kendall, Nancy
New art teacher at Bates School, 08/11/1950:1
Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1
Granted Graduate Assistantship at Syracuse University, 05/10/1951:1
Attends Syracuse University on a fellowship, 09/06/1951:7
Student dean at Syracuse University, 09/13/1951:9
Accepts position at Women's College at University of North Carolina,
Awarded master's degree, joins faculty of University of North Carolina,
Engaged to Anthony Wailes, 08/06/1953:10
Teaches art at University of North Carolina, 09/10/1953:4
Engaged to Anthony Wailes, 04/01/1954:7
Kendall, Nancy M.
Tentative candidate for Master's degree from Syracuse University,
Engaged to Arthur H. Wailes, 06/17/1954:4
Wed to Anthony H. Wailes, 07/01/1954:6
Kendall, Nancy McNeely
Wedding described, 06/24/1954:2
Kendall, Ruth Leonard
Son born, 07/12/1951:4
Keneski, Henry
Son born, 06/05/1952:7
Keneski, Wanda Piotrowski
Son born, 06/05/1952:7
Kennan, Arthur W.
Former Lakeville pastor serves in Ludlow, 03/27/1952:3
Kennedy, Amanda J.
Petition for administration of estate, 09/04/1952:4
Kennedy, Amanda Jane
Widow of Nathaniel dies at age 93, 03/27/1952:5
Obituary, 03/27/1952:10
Kennedy, Carmen Augusta
Wed to Leo Curtis Allen, 02/22/1951:5
Kennedy, Charles R.
Sonarman reports to Fleet Training Center, Norfolk, VA, 09/20/1951:9
Engaged to Dorothy Malaguti, 10/04/1951:2
Hurls box through window of Promades' store, 12/04/1952:5
Strikes utility pole on Wareham St, 08/20/1953:1
Reckless driving case continued, 09/17/1953:1
Found guilty of reckless driving, 09/24/1953:4
Guilty of assault, must pay for Hanson's tooth, 10/15/1953:1
Kennedy, Charles Robert
Engaged to Dorothy Mary Malaguti, 08/16/1951:1, 10/11/1951:4
Wed to Dorothy Mary Malaguti, 10/25/1951:5
Wedding described, 10/25/1951:6
Kennedy, Charlotte
Attends Smith College, 04/03/1952:9
Kennedy, Chester, Jr.
Wedding described, 07/02/1953:2
Kennedy, Chester R.
Kennedy runs into Stegmaier's parked car, pushes it into Thibeault's
scooter, 06/02/1950:6
Kennedy, Chester R., Jr.
Engaged to Barbara A. Partridge, 06/18/1953:4
Wed to Barbara A. Partridge, 07/02/1953:4
Kennedy, Daniel D.
Petition for probate of will, 07/30/1953:5
Kennedy, Daniel F.
Honored by Eagles, 01/31/1952:5
Late president and half owner of Kinsman Dairy, 09/10/1953:1
Kennedy, Daniel F., Jr.
Engaged to Barbara J. Shaw, 05/13/1954:1
Wedding described, 10/07/1954:3
Wed to Barbara J. Shaw, 10/07/1954:7
Kennedy, Daniel Francis
Obituary, 06/11/1953:3
Kennedy, Daniel Francis, Sr.
Husband of Roselle Ida dies at age 48, 06/11/1953:4
Kennedy, Daniel, Jr.
Accepted at Boston University, 06/16/1950:12
Kennedy, Donald R.
Inducted into armed service, 04/15/1954:1
Takes training at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 06/03/1954:1
Stationed at Fort Sam Houston, TX, 12/30/1954:8
Kennedy, Edwin
Employed by State Highway Department, 08/25/1950:9
Couple observes anniversary, 03/01/1951:9
Foreman with state highway department, 09/13/1951:10
Kennedy, Eugene
Employed at sanatorium, 03/31/1950:11
Private stationed at Fort Hood, TX, 04/12/1951:6
Home on leave from Fort Hood, TX, 07/12/1951:2
Corporal arrives safely in Germany, 08/09/1951:9
Engaged to Dorothy Malaguti, 08/30/1951:3
Kennedy, Eugene A.
Leaves in recent draft call, 12/08/1950:1
Enlists in U.S. Army, 01/04/1951:8
Recruit trains at Fort Hood, TX, 01/18/1951:5
Promoted to Corporal at Ft Hood, TX, 06/28/1951:9
Sergeant stationed in Weisbaden, Germany, 12/27/1951:5
Kennedy, George
Resides in Rockford, IL, 01/18/1951:4
Couple moves to Stamford, CT, 07/10/1952:4
Kennedy, Gertrude E.
Heading for Europe on vacation, 07/07/1950:8
Kennedy, Harriett
MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1
Kennedy, Isabelle
Employed at telephone office in Middleboro, 08/18/1950:5
Employed at telephone exchange, 08/07/1952:6
Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1
Kennedy, James
Couple married 50 years, 11/05/1953:11
Kennedy, James H.
Named to post with bank league, 03/31/1950:1
President of Co-operative Bank, 06/09/1950:14
Appointed to U.S. Savings and Loan League, 07/12/1951:1
Leading citizens to advise with selectmen on G&E problems,
Appointed chairman of U.S. Savings and Loan League, 01/17/1952:1
Appointed to committee chair for U.S. Savings and Loan League,
Honored by Co-operative Bank, retiring soon, 09/18/1952:1
Red Cross appeal extended; Co-operative Bank contributes $50 (p),
Re-appointed notary public, 05/27/1954:1
Kennedy, Joseph E.
Purchases Tucker's Dry Goods, 08/07/1952:1
Kennedy, Judith Anne
Engaged to John Sowyrda, Jr., 02/26/1953:5
Kennedy, Mrs Daniel F.
Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1
Kennedy, Robert
Leaving for active service in U.S. Navy, 08/18/1950:1
One hundred attend Eagles testimonial dinner, 08/25/1950:4
Kennedy, Thalia Weston
Elected to Smith chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, 05/10/1951:2
Graduates from Smith College, 06/14/1951:11
Kennedy, William J.
On shore leave at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (p), 03/26/1953:6
Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club
dance (p), 02/17/1950:1
Nemasket Kennels, Main St, Lakeville (ad), 06/23/1950:10
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Kennels continued
Dobaro Kennels, Roger Soule, boarding and obedience training (ad),
Kenney, Joan Marie
Engaged to Robert F. Geilear, 02/12/1953:4
Granted Sunday license and gasoline pump license, 07/10/1952:1
Kensenski, Daniel
Fractures skull in fall, 01/18/1951:5
Kent, Winifred
Miniature seascapes by Winifred Kent pictured in magazine,
Miniature seascapes pictured in magazine, 10/11/1951:3
Kenyon, James S.
Private transfers to Fort Jay, NY (p), 02/12/1953:1
Kenyon, James S., Jr.
Graduates from Bryant College, 08/09/1951:5
Stationed at Fort Sam Houston, TX, 05/07/1953:5
Engaged to Charlotte Louise Easley, 11/05/1953:5
Kenyon, James Sanford
Wedding described, 12/17/1953:4
Kenyon, James Sanford, Jr.
Sent to Boston for induction, 03/13/1952:1
Keough, Betty
Wed to Harold Reed, 02/17/1950:6
Keough, Bill
Employed at Moskoff's Super Market, Bedford St, 08/13/1953:6
Employed at Moskoff's Super Market (p), 12/30/1954:6
Keough, Elizabeth Paula
Engaged to Harold Chester Reed, 02/10/1950:6
Wed to Harold Chester Reed, 02/17/1950:7
Keough, Kevin
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Keough, Marie Shaw
Daughter born, 06/10/1954:7
Keough, Michael
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Keough, William
Daughter born, 06/10/1954:7
Kern, Allan R.
Engaged to Catherine Alice Gorman, 07/08/1954:5
Engaged to Catherine A. Gorman, 07/22/1954:5
Wed to Catherine A. Gorman, 07/29/1954:4
Kern, C.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Kern, Carol Jean
Engaged to Theodore Brown Cahoon, 07/22/1954:8
Kern, George
Attends University of Massachusetts, 04/30/1953:2
Kern, George M.
In three-car accident on Rte 28, 10/22/1953:1
Kern, George M., Jr.
Enrolls in UMass drill team, 11/13/1952:10
Kern, Jean
Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6
Kerr, John
Son born, 08/23/1951:5
Kerr, Mary Talbot
Son born, 08/23/1951:5
Kershaw, Margaret
Alumnus of Bridgewater State Teachers' College, 07/17/1952:5
Kessler, Louis
Son born, 10/27/1950:7, 10/23/1952:5
Kessler, Minnie Freedman
Son born, 10/27/1950:7, 10/23/1952:5
Kettle, Diane Ellen
Born to John, 02/10/1950:12
Kettle, Eileen
Wed to F.O. Samuelson, 12/29/1950:6
Kettle, John
Daughter born, 02/10/1950:12
Kettle, John E.
Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5
Kettle, Rita A. Duguemin
Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5
Keyes (Mrs)
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Keyes, Albert H.
Receives 50-year pin from G.E. Keith Shoe Co., 11/06/1952:1
Keyes, Elsie R.
Petition for probate of will, 11/11/1954:8
Keyes, Elsie Russell
Obituary, 10/28/1954:2
Dies at age 69, 10/28/1954:6
Keyes, George
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Keyes, George B.
Resides in Brockton, 03/03/1950:3
Manager of Brockton Enterprise store transfers to Fall River,
Keyes, Louis
Out and about with new Orient buck-board 50 years ago, 07/08/1954:2
Keyes, Wilfred
South Middleboro Grange observes 40th anniversary (p), 12/10/1953:11
Kiamie, Fred
Replaces Alban Richey, III at MHS, 08/20/1953:1
Kiamie, Frederick
Profile of new MHS teacher, 04/03/1952:2
Kidd, Olive Marion
Obituary, 11/06/1952:2
Widow of William E. dies at age 68, 11/06/1952:5
Kiddie Care Center
Ruth Pfister, 501 Taunton St (ad), 06/12/1952:12
Kiddie Land
Smoke and clearance sale (ad), 01/20/1950:5
Anibal Gomes held for grand jury in Linda Ann Taylor kidnapping,
Disabled veteran seeks mother (l) (George F. Cummings), 11/13/1952:2
Kief, Ann
Wed to Douglas Kelley, 05/29/1952:7
Kiernan, J. Francis
Court officials attend rites, 02/03/1950:8
Kierstead, Nelson L.
Injured in Rte 28 head-on collision, 04/21/1950:9
Kiff, Margaret
Wed to John Andrick, 02/21/1952:4
Kilbridge, Thomas Joseph
Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1
Kilpatrick, Robert W.
Engaged to Theresa Ann Shea, 03/08/1951:4
Kimball, Gertrude
Jacobs assault case dismissed, 09/25/1952:8
Kimball, N. Louise
Resides in Glendale, CA, 10/06/1950:10
Kinch, George A.
Engaged to Shirley R. Babbitt, 09/27/1951:4
Wed to Shirley R. Babbitt, 10/04/1951:4
Kincus, Edward A.
Son of Frank J. dies at age 31, 06/04/1953:4
Obituary, 06/04/1953:10
Kindergarten. see also Jack & Jill Kindergarten
Mrs Ralph Crane re-opens kindergarten, 59 North Main St (ad),
Mrs Thomas Tate's pupils graduate, 06/14/1951:7
Elizabeth Tate's graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1
Miss Pfister, North Lakeville (ad), 02/07/1952:10
Elizabeth Tate holds graduation, 06/19/1952:10
Selectmen vote to license kindergartens, 09/18/1952:4
Miss Pfister's graduation class (p), 07/16/1953:10
Selectmen schedule hearing on regulations, 12/31/1953:3
Town regulations now in effect, 02/18/1954:7
Miss Pfister's graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
King, Edward L.
Engaged to Carolyn A. Hatch, 06/17/1954:4
Wed to Carolyn Ann Hatch, 06/24/1954:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
King, Elizabeth
Public librarian in Tieton, WA, 05/10/1951:12
King, Elizabeth Fickert
Resides in East Orange, NJ, 04/29/1954:4
King, Everett
Civil Air Patrol seeks recruits (p), 02/22/1951:1
King, Geo. W.
Auction to settle estate (ad), 11/27/1952:2
King, George
Obituary, 05/08/1952:4
King, Henry Otis
Obituary, 09/22/1950:4
Dies at age 27, 09/22/1950:5
King, Joseph
To head science department at MHS, 08/06/1953:1
Purchases Wareham St home from Henry Dudley, 09/03/1953:9
King, Joseph L.
Dog blamed for minor collision on Wareham St, 10/21/1954:8
King, Lloyd
Born to William, 08/05/1954:9
King, M. Josephine
Dies at Cambridge Home, 09/04/1952:5
King, Mary C.
Son, Thomas Pierce, must get out of mother's home, 07/28/1950:2
King, Neville D.
Engaged to Hazel M. Thompson, 09/23/1954:4
Wed to Hazel M. Thompson, 09/30/1954:5
King, William
Son born, 08/05/1954:9
King Philip Cafe
Jennie Morris applies for liquor license, 03/17/1950:5, 03/22/1951:4
King Philip's War, 1675-1676
John Tomson's "long gun" located in Taunton, 11/17/1950:1
King Phillip Inn
Liquor law violations claimed, license suspended, 02/21/1952:1
Kingman, Delia
Accepts teaching post in Brookline 50 years ago, 06/17/1954:8
Kingman, Lydia D.
Petition for probate of will, 02/26/1953:6
Kingman, Lydia Dean
Obituary, 01/29/1953:4
Dies at age 80, 01/29/1953:5
King's Daughters - Shining Circle
Observes 60th anniversary, 04/09/1953:6
Kingsland, William S.
Error costs Campbell three-month suspended sentence, 04/23/1953:12
Kingsley, Dolores
Foreclosure notice, 10/06/1950:2
Kingsley, Edwin, Jr.
Son born, 03/06/1952:5
Kingsley, Mary Jackson
Son born, 03/06/1952:5
Kingston, Ernest
Employed by state highway department, 08/16/1951:10
Kingston, Joan
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Kinney, Robert
Engaged to Barbara A. Deane, 06/19/1952:5
Wed to Barbara A. Deane, 07/10/1952:5
Kinney, Robert L.
Engaged to Barbara Amanda Deane, 07/12/1951:8
Private assigned to 1st Armored Division at Fort Hood, TX (p),
Kinney, Robert Louis
Wedding described, 07/10/1952:8
Inducted into armed forces, 11/05/1953:6
Kinney, Samuel
Son born, 12/04/1952:5, 12/02/1954:4
Kinney, Samuel W.
Engaged to Shirley C. Vickery, 12/27/1951:4
Wed to Shirley C. Vickery, 01/10/1952:4
Kinney, Sherman A.
Leaves for military induction, 03/11/1954:1
Kinney, Shirley
Attends Bristol County Business College, 11/22/1951:4
Kinney, Shirley L.
Graduates from Bristol County Business College, 06/05/1952:1
Kinney, Shirley Lorraine
Engaged to Morgan D. Stets, 06/05/1952:8, 07/09/1953:4
Wed to Morgan D. Stets, 08/06/1953:5
Wedding described, 08/13/1953:9
Kinney, Shirley Vickery
Son born, 12/02/1954:4
Kinney, Terry
Veteran receives high school diploma, 10/18/1951:4
Owners of Tom Thumb home receive copy of Desmond's book,
Kinney's Y-D Poultry Farms on site of Tom Thumb property (p),
Kinney, Terry B.
On honor list at UMass, 04/15/1954:1
Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1
Kinsman, Alice Beech
Daughter born, 03/24/1950:7
Kinsman, B.A. see B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc.
Kinsman, Blanche. see B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc.
Kinsman, Donald Francis
Engaged to Mary Florinda, 10/30/1952:7
Wedding described, 11/13/1952:12
Kinsman, Dwight P.
B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc., North St, 09/03/1953:6
One of founders of B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc., 01/14/1954:6
Kinsman, Elinor Jennings
Son born, 05/19/1950:6
Civil Air Patrol seeks recruits (p), 02/22/1951:1
Son born, 08/27/1953:7
Kinsman, Elizabeth Raymond
Daughter born, 06/28/1951:5
Kinsman, Inez
Injured when Lawrence Olson, Jr. collides with Lewis Kinsman on
Cedar St, 01/27/1950:4
Kinsman, Lewis
Inez Kinsman injured when Lawrence Olson, Jr. collides with Lewis
Kinsman on Cedar St, 01/27/1950:4
Brother dies in Berwick, Nova Scotia, 04/29/1954:10
Kinsman, Lewis A.
Obituary, 12/30/1954:3
Dies at age 66, 12/30/1954:4
Kinsman, Reginald
Daughter born, 03/24/1950:7
Kinsman, Richard
Daughter born, 06/28/1951:5
Kinsman, Robert Cephas
Engaged to Olive Louise Beal, 08/18/1950:5
Kinsman, Roger Cephas
Wed to Olive Louise Beal, 09/01/1950:5
Kinsman, Roy A.
Named to attend Boys' State, 06/09/1950:1
Enlists in U.S. Air Force, 12/18/1952:4
Kinsman, Seth
Dies in Berwick, Nova Scotia, 04/29/1954:10
Kinsman, William
Son born, 05/19/1950:6, 08/27/1953:7
Kinsman Dairy. see B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc.
Kirkpatrick, James D.
MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1
Kittridge, Beatrice
Resides in Bradford, NH, 09/27/1951:5
Kiwanis Club. see Middleboro Kiwanis Club
Klar (Mr)
Public auction (ad), 11/08/1951:2
Pasztor & Klar supply sixty gallons of ice cream at Carver Old Home
Days 50 years ago, 07/29/1954:7
Klar, August
North Main St man 91 years old, married in 1891, 12/15/1950:8
Builds fine summer house at North Main St residence 50 years ago,
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Klar, August continued
Baxter installs water heater in home 50 years ago, 09/23/1954:8
Klar, August Adelbert
Husband of Jessie M. Hunt dies at age 91, 03/22/1951:5
Obituary, 03/22/1951:10
Klar, Jessie M. Hunt
North Main St woman married in 1891, 12/15/1950:8
Kline, Emanuel
Dentist (ad), 05/26/1950:11
Doctor attends 25th anniversary of Pondville Hospital, 05/26/1952:3
Kline, Geraldine
Receives B.A. degree from Boston University, 06/10/1954:1
Kline, Ruth
Wedding described, 07/07/1950:7
Knapper, Andrew J.
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Knapper, Mary K.
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Knight, Abbie Stevens
Obituary, 04/03/1952:4
Knight, Gertrude
Resides in Somerville, 07/28/1950:10
Knight, Gertrude Dube
Daughter born, 10/11/1951:4
Knight, Ralph
Daughter born, 10/11/1951:4
Knight, Tristan Paul
Unitarian pastor resigns, 04/05/1951:4
Knight, Wayne Clifton
Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1
Knights of Columbus
Holds joint breakfast with Holy Name Society, 03/31/1950:6
Fire damages old landmark, 01/31/1952:1
New quarters in Shurtleff building, 10/02/1952:1
Hold annual election, 06/25/1953:1
Edward Baker named sectional chairman, 10/01/1953:7
Tops honor roll, 12/10/1953:7
Knights of Honor
Elect officers 50 years ago, 11/25/1954:3
Knights of Pythias - Arbutus Lodge
Elects officers 50 years ago, 01/07/1954:7
Knights Templar
Observe Templary Night, 05/26/1950:4
Knous, George Franklin
Engaged to Isabel Catherine Squires, 09/04/1952:4
Wed to Isabel Catherine Squiers, 10/02/1952:4
Knowlton, Lucy R.
Found dead on floor of Oak St home, 03/08/1951:1
Petition for administration of estate, 03/22/1951:7
Knowlton, Lucy Robinson
Widow of Benjamin Crosby dies at age 89, 03/08/1951:5
Knutson, Betty J.
Engaged to John J. Cananzey, 06/21/1951:5
Knutson, Betty Jo
Wed to John J. Cananzey, 07/19/1951:5
Knysinski, Edmund
Lakeville purchases new firefighting equipment from Maxim Motor Co.
(p), 01/25/1951:1
Burglary at Bedford St home, 07/12/1951:2
Knysinski, Joseph
Guilty of drunk and reckless driving, fined $35, 03/03/1950:3
Knysinski, Joseph, Jr.
Pleads not guilty to reckless and drunken driving, 02/17/1950:10
Drunk driving case continued, 02/24/1950:10
Kobrin, Alvin
Inducted into armed forces, 02/14/1952:1
Leaves for army induction (p), 02/21/1952:1
Koepfer, Peter
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Koepher, Peter
South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home
(p), 10/18/1951:1
Koerner, D.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Koerner, Dave
MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1
Kolowrath, Alfred, Sr.
Husband of Margaret Zecha dies at age 74, 06/17/1954:4
Obituary, 06/17/1954:6
Kolowrath, Mildred
Wedding described, 09/29/1950:10
Kon, Momi P.
Engaged to Eugene Y. McKay, 08/25/1950:4
And husband phone family from Hawaii, 09/22/1950:1
Wedding described, 10/20/1950:7
Konop, Susan
Wed to Harry Metz, 08/06/1953:9
Kopitz, Kurt
Son born, 02/01/1951:5, 08/06/1953:5, 07/01/1954:6
Kopitz, Mary Murdoch
Son born, 02/01/1951:5, 08/06/1953:5, 07/01/1954:6
Kordas, William
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Korean War, 1950-1953
Lieutenant Sherwood Griffith describes bombing missions in Korea (p),
Griffith Sherwood with bomber group in Korea (p), 04/26/1951:1
Mess Sergeant Benjamin Lindsay mixes fighting with running mess,
Private 1st Class Don Duffy serves with "flying boxcars," 10/04/1951:1
Tanguay's outfit,108th Quartermaster Bakery Co., cited for outstanding
service, 11/01/1951:1
Eagles extends foundation to care for children of members killed in
Korea, 02/07/1952:7
William Gauthier speaks of two years of service in Korea, 02/19/1953:1
Lies and Communism (l) (Lawrence B. Romaine), 05/21/1953:4
Korean War, 1950-1953 – Casualties
Corporal Donald Falconeiri wounded north of Wonsan, 12/01/1950:1
Private Donald Braley wounded and in hospital, 12/15/1950:15
Eugene McManus receives leg wound in action at Wonju, Korea,
Norman Hayden, Jr. expected home after being wounded in Korea,
Frost bite and shrapnel bring Raph Conant home, 04/12/1951:1
Staff Sergeant George Dunham suffers cerebral hemorrhage,
Staff Sergeant George Dunham a guest of Eleanor Roosevelt's
television program, 06/28/1951:1
Technical Sergeant Robert Stuart to be buried at Arlington, VA (p),
Wounded serviceman Donald Braley home from Korea, 09/06/1951:4
World War II veteran, Leo Gamache, killed in Korea (p), 10/25/1951:1
Gamache's parents hear from chaplain explaining death in Korea (l),
Corporal Norman Record recuperating from hemorrhagic fever in
Japan, 12/06/1951:1
Leo Gamache killed in action, body coming home, 02/21/1952:1
Body of Leo Gamache arrives Friday, will be buried with military
honors, 02/28/1952:1
Anthony Silva wounded in Korea, 04/03/1952:1
Anthony Silva injured in combat in Korea, hospitalized in Japan,
Joseph Silva shot in the head in Korea, writes descriptive letter (l) (p),
Anthony Silva on convalescent leave, 06/19/1952:1
Wounded vet, Anthony Silva, transfers to Waltham hospital,
James Flood wounded in Korea by mortar shell (p), 10/02/1952:1
Anthony Silva wounded in Korea, gets medical discharge, 01/29/1953:1
Harry Clark's life saved by heroic GI on Korean front, 03/26/1953:1
Frederick Healey hit by mortar fire in Korea, 05/07/1953:1
Arnold Thomas wounded slightly in Korea, 07/09/1953:3
Carver man, Anthony Correia, dies in Korea (p), 07/15/1954:1
High requiem mass held for Carver veteran, Anthony Correia,
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Korean War, 1950-1953 – Correspondence
Joseph Silva shot in the head in Korea, writes descriptive letter (l) (p),
Timothy Young and Daniel Purcell meet on front lines (p),
Amusing letter announces return from Korea (l) (John F. Richmond),
Corporal Donald Falconieri writes from POW camp in North Korea (l),
Servicemen want letters from home (l), 10/02/1952:4
Richard Maltais writes to MHS Student Council from Korea (l),
Falconieri family receives letter from released POW (l), 06/18/1953:1
Korean War, 1950-1953 – Missing in Action
Ralph Conant heard from since reported missing in Korea,
Norman Hayden, Jr. wounded in Korea, 10/06/1950:1
Donald Falconeiri missing from 24th infantry in Korea, 01/25/1951:1
Theodore Goodreau, Jr. missing in action in Korea, 05/24/1951:7
Korean War, 1950-1953 – Prisoners and Prisons. see also Falconieri,
George Tanguay responds to Helen McDonald's criticism of treatment
of POWs (l), 12/01/1950:1
Helen McDonald explains letter to Newsweek (l), 12/08/1950:1
Theodore Goodreau, Jr. on list of possible prisoners of war for
exchange, 12/27/1951:7
Mother receives letter from POW David Franz, 05/26/1952:4
Corporal Donald Falconieri writes from POW camp in North Korea (l),
Carver POW, Theodore Goodreau, Jr., reported alive, 05/14/1953:1
Parents receive letter from Donald Falconieri in China, 05/14/1953:1
Theodore Goodreau, Jr. of South Carver still held by Reds,
Theodore Goodreau freed by Communists, 08/20/1953:1
Carver plans welcome for returning POW, Theodore Goodreau, Jr.,
Carver plans homecoming for POW Goodreau, 09/03/1953:1
Korean War, 1950-1953 – Veterans
Sergeant Timothy Young one of 70 chosen for inaugural parade,
Korean War, 1950-1953 – War Relief
Thimble Club Daughters receive appeal for clothing from Korea,
Thimble Club Daughters overwhelmed by response to appeal,
Korean War, 1950-1953 – Women
Renee Ray enlists in WAVES, 08/25/1950:4
Marilyn and Maureen Fiske join Woman's Air Corps, 10/13/1950:6
Renee Ray stationed at WAVES Barracks Receiving Station,
Philadelphia, 11/17/1950:6
Private 1st Class Anna Gola stationed at hospital in Osaka, Japan,
Anna Gola chosen Miss Massachusetts for March of Dimes drive in
Japan, 02/01/1951:4
Nurse Elaine Wilbur joins WAVES, 03/29/1951:4
Anna Gola meets Eugene McManus in Osaka, Japan, 03/29/1951:5
Elaine Wilbur commences course of study at Great Lakes Naval base,
IL, 04/12/1951:2
Elaine Wilbur member of Blue Jacket choir at Great Lakes Training
Station, IL, 05/24/1951:6
Elaine Wilbur assigned to naval training in California, 06/14/1951:8
Elaine Wilbur completes training at Great Lakes Center, 06/14/1951:9
Elaine Wilbur promoted to seaman apprentice at Alameda, CA,
Corporal Anna Gola meets Lester Richmond in Japan, 08/30/1951:3
Lieutenant Carmelina Galanto assigned to 132nd Fighter-Bomber Wing
in Bangor, ME, 09/20/1951:1
Carmelina Galanto leaves for nurses training at Dow Field Air Base,
ME, 09/20/1951:2
Anna Gola enjoys Gazette in Osaka, Japan, 12/06/1951:1
Anna Gola promoted to Sergeant at Army Hospital in Osaka,
Nurse Captain Mary Waters returns from Korea, 01/17/1952:6
Korean War, 1950-1953 – Women continued
Mary Waters stationed at Westover Field following 31 months in Japan,
Lieutenant Carmelina Galanto receives flight wings, 04/24/1952:6
Lorraine Colnan serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1
Second Lieutenant Carmelina Galanto awaits assignment to Europe,
Theresa Madigan takes Air Force training at Lackland AFB, TX (p),
Lazell recommends recognition for Middleboro servicemen,
Vivian May Perkins training in Bainbridge, MD, 01/01/1953:8
Seaman Vivian Perkins attends teleman school in San Diego, CA,
Korhonen, Henry
Obituary, 08/07/1952:4
Dies at age 77, 08/07/1952:5
Petition for probate of will, 10/23/1952:5
Kori, Connie
Playground Pet Show winner (p), 08/28/1952:4
Korpinen, Edward
Daughter born, 11/10/1950:7
Son born, 06/24/1954:4
Korpinen, Mary Salmi
Daughter born, 11/10/1950:7
Son born, 06/24/1954:4
Koski, Raymond
Local men form reserve unit under Dunn, 04/12/1951:10
Fined $5 for drunkenness, 04/19/1951:2
Kramer, Abraham
Business man dies suddenly while vacationing in New Hampshire,
Obituary, 09/04/1952:5
Tribute to a gentleman (l) (Henry B. Burkland), 09/11/1952:1
Kramer, Alma Bixom
Son born, 07/23/1953:4
Kramer, Alma Bixon
Son born, 07/07/1950:5
Kramer, Alton
Son born, 07/07/1950:5
Couple moves to Peirce St apartment, 01/25/1951:2
Son born, 07/23/1953:4
Firebug strikes barn on Peirce St, 07/08/1954:1
Kramer, Eunice
Preview of spring fashion show by Junior Cabot Club (p), 03/20/1952:4
Kramer, Stephen
Hit by truck driven by John Dutra, uninjured, 02/21/1952:1
Kratko, Michael
Purchases Acorn St Property from Lydia Ayotte, 03/05/1953:4
Kraus, Alice Manter
School St couple married 45 years, 07/08/1954:1
Kraus, Charley
Takes fourth in bowling sweepstakes, 04/03/1952:1
Kraus, Curtis
School St couple married 45 years, 07/08/1954:1
Kraus, Donald
Presents Mitchell Club contribution to St. Luke's fund (p), 10/28/1954:1
Kraus, Mrs Donald
Teaching assistant for adult ed typing class (p), 12/10/1953:1
Krikorian, Melanie
St Luke's fund campaign opens (p), 07/08/1954:1
Krikorian, Mildred Daniels
Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6
Krikorian, Moushah C.
Biography of candidate for Board of Selectmen, 01/14/1954:1
Krikorian, Moushan
Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6
Krikorian, Moushy
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Kritz, Arlene Cobb
Daughter born, 07/16/1953:4
Kritz, Frank
Daughter born, 07/16/1953:6
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Kulian, Jack
VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4
Kulian, Jacob
Engaged to Ann Machoolian, 06/17/1954:4
Kunces, Adam K.
Naval Reservist gets combat training, 07/05/1951:1
Kunces, Charles
Obituary, 11/27/1952:2
Widower of Appolonia Platski dies at age 74, 11/27/1952:5
Kunces, Joseph
Presents talk on playground activities to St Luke's Hospital Club,
Kunces, Joseph C.
Playground super and assistant super comment on Dealtry letter (l),
Goldstein and Kunces bring nine Red Sox here for baseball clinic (p),
Playground superintendent Kunces pays tribute Hermon Dyke,
Playgrounds Olympics best ever (p), 08/30/1951:1
Named co-chair for cerebral palsy campaign, 05/22/1952:1
MHS faculty member takes principalship at Assawampsett School,
Local Playground Olympics winners pictured (p), 08/28/1952:5
Named to Committee on Citizenship, 09/25/1952:10
Lieutenant Governor Whittier plans Assawampsett School
commencement speech (p), 06/04/1953:4
Appointed to new administrative post with Middleboro schools (p),
School Committee honors retiring members (p), 01/14/1954:10
Kunces, Joseph Charles
Elected principal of Assawampsett School, 08/07/1952:1
Kuppers, Ann
Enters Endicott Junior College, Beverly, 09/15/1950:10
Attends Endicott Junior College, 02/08/1951:9
Majors in fashion illustration at Endicott Junior College, 09/13/1951:8
Engaged to George Robert James, 03/13/1952:2
Kuppers, Ann B.
Wedding reception held, 08/14/1952:2
Kuppers, Ann Blessington
Wed to George Robert James, 08/14/1952:5
Kuppers, Marjorie Mackillop
Resides in Flushing, NY, 06/10/1954:5
K.W. Welch Co.
Roofing specialists, Vaughan St, Lakeville (ad), 04/15/1954:3
Kwolek, Stanislaw
Petition for to sell real estate, 12/10/1953:13
Kwolek, Stanley
Lakeville man found dead of gunshot, 09/17/1953:10
Petition for license to sell real estate, 03/04/1954:4
Kynsinski, Edmund
First Lakeville fire chief resigns, 11/12/1953:7
Kyrous, Joseph
To teach evening course in civil engineering, 04/15/1954:1
Kyrous, Richard
Graduates from Monson Academy, 05/31/1951:6
Attends University of Massachusetts, 09/20/1951:8
Takes training at Indiantown Gap Military Reservation, PA (p),
Kyrouz, Dick
1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1
Kyrouz, Joseph
Lions Club members volunteer services as gas station attendants (p),
Kyrouz, Pete
MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1
Kyrouz, Phil
Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore
championships (p), 07/03/1952:5
Kyrouz, Philip
Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1
Kyrouz, Phillip
MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1
Freshman at University of Massachusetts, 09/17/1953:7
Kyrouz, Richard
Enrolls at Monson Academy, 09/15/1950:6
Pledges Theta Chi at UMass, 11/08/1951:8
Inducted into armed forces, 09/11/1952:1
Kyrouz, Richard W.
Stock record clerk at Indiantown Gap Military Reservation, PA,
Serves with 2332nd Army Service Unit at Indiantown Gap, PA,
Honorably discharged from U.S. Army, 06/24/1954:4
Kyrouz, Richard William
Enrolls at Franklin Technical Institute, Boston, 10/07/1954:6
Labor Day
Local police to cooperate with other agencies to cut Labor Day traffic
toll, 08/25/1950:1
Safety drive effective, 09/08/1950:1
Labor Relations
Alberts Shoe Co. employees choose own association over union,
Striking truckers guilty of daytime holdups, 08/06/1953:1
Fifteen French employees of Murdock Parlor Grate Co. on strike 50
years ago, 07/08/1954:2
Lacaire, Ernest
Family moves to Spencer, 10/22/1953:10
Lacerda, Dorothy Ann Belmont
Daughter born, 05/12/1950:7
Lacerda, Everett
Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Lacerda, Everett A.
Daughter born, 05/12/1950:7
Lacombe, Alice
Crocker non-support case continued, 08/26/1954:3
LaCombe, Alice Belanger
Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4, 09/16/1954:4
LaCombe, Clayton
Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4, 09/16/1954:4
Lacombe, John
Resides in Baltimore, MD, 04/14/1950:5
Lacombe, John A.
Couple surprised on 35th anniversary, 09/02/1954:4
Lacombe, John, Jr.
Son born, 08/02/1951:6
Lacombe, Margaret Reed
Son born, 08/02/1951:6
Lacombe, Nancy Carol
Engaged to Frederick L. Sisson, 02/10/1950:6
Wed to Frederick L. Sisson, 02/24/1950:7
LaCombe, Philip A.
Charged with drunk driving, 03/29/1951:8
Lacombe, Philip A.
Fined $25 for allowing unlicensed driver to operate vehicle,
Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion,
Lacombe, Sally
War bride goes home to see parents in England, 10/13/1950:1
LaCombe, Shirley
Engaged to Delmas E. Swayngim, 01/21/1954:5
Lacrosse, Alice Cummings
Daughter born, 04/16/1953:7
Lacrosse, Roger
Daughter born, 04/16/1953:7
Ladner, Allen Russell
Leaves for induction in Boston, 02/08/1951:10
Laemo, Dominic
Daughter born, 04/24/1952:4
Laemo, Earline Munson
Daughter born, 04/24/1952:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
LaFlamboise, Lena
Obituary, 10/07/1954:4
Wife of Joseph H. dies at age 59, 10/07/1954:7
LaForest, Bert
Accepted at Burdett College, 10/06/1950:8
LaForest, Bertrand F.
Completes Air Force indoctrination program, 04/03/1952:7
LaForest, Leo P. see LaForest Pharmacy
LaForest, L.P.
Morse Pharmacy, 53 Centre St (ad), 04/21/1950:3
LaForest, Norman C.
Candidate for delegate to Republican National Convention,
Employed at LaForest Pharmacy, 09/10/1953:6
Employed at LaForest Pharmacy (ad), 12/17/1953:6
LaForest, Robert
LaForest and Maddigan responsible for flyovers during Falconieri
homecoming, 09/17/1953:6
Clerk at LaForest Pharmacy (p), 04/08/1954:8
Named to police force here, 06/17/1954:1
LaForest, Robert B.
Employed at LaForest Pharmacy, 09/10/1953:6
Employed at LaForest Pharmacy (ad), 12/17/1953:6
Resigns from Ground Observers Corps, 08/12/1954:4
LaForest Pharmacy
53 Centre St (ad), 01/17/1952:5
Leo LaForest pharmacist, 53 Center St (p), 09/10/1953:6
For all your Christmas merchandise (p), 12/17/1953:6
A popular local pharmacy (p), 04/08/1954:8
First stop on any trip, 06/24/1954:6
Shed fire leaves only walls, 08/05/1954:1
LaFramboise, Lena C.
Petition for probate of will, 10/21/1954:6
Lagarde, Isabelle
Dies in Hayward, CA, 08/11/1950:4
LaGrippo, Gerald
Dies at age 44, 08/19/1954:4
Obituary, 08/19/1954:7
LaGrippo, Gerald J.
Charged with drunk driving, 10/25/1951:2
LaGrippo, Mary
Wed to Antonio Ricco, 02/03/1950:5
Lake Shore Street Railway
Everett St turnout removed 50 years ago, 07/15/1954:8
Lakeside Gladiolus Garden
53A Vaughan St (ad), 08/07/1952:10
Mary and Eddie Baker (ad), 12/11/1952:12
Notes Founders Day, 06/04/1953:9
Lakeville - Board of Fire Engineers
Eagles honor Kunces at banquet, 04/28/1950:1
Expects new Maxim engine today, 10/20/1950:1
Purchases new firefighting equipment from Maxim Motor Co. (p),
Approves formation of association, 03/08/1951:6
Cut road to Assawompsett Lake, 04/19/1951:4
Considerable discussion at meeting, 06/14/1951:3
Reorganizes with Walter Clark at head, 06/21/1951:6
Annual report, 02/19/1953:7
Lakeville - Board of Selectmen
Henry Pember retires (p), 04/07/1950:1
Organizes for upcoming year, 03/20/1952:8
Lakeville - Fire Department
Instructions to citizens, 01/20/1950:11
Board of Engineers learns about state Firemen's Association,
Equipment fund of $7,000 approved at town meeting, 04/14/1950:1
Selectmen reappoint fire engineers, 05/12/1950:1
Purchases apparatus, 05/19/1950:1
Announces emergency call number (ad), 06/02/1950:2
Important notice concerning emergency number, 06/02/1950:6
Makes survey of roads and access points, 08/18/1950:5
Now sufficiently organized and equipped to meet any situation,
Lakeville – Fire Department continued
Taunton pumping station signed over to Lakeville, 06/11/1953:6
First chief Edmund Kynsinski resigns, replaced by James Vigers, Jr.,
Moves to new quarters on Bedford St, 05/06/1954:2
Lakeville - School Committee. see Schools - Lakeville
Lakeville Animal Hospital. see Delano, Ray O.
Lakeville Congregational Church
Women's Society holds auction (ad), 05/19/1950:12
Seven babies baptized, 03/29/1951:6
Norman Farnum, Jr. ordained, 05/03/1951:9
Holds 228th annual meeting, 06/28/1951:9
Pastor Norman Farnum going to Walpole, NH, 10/11/1951:1
Merton Rymph answers call, 03/27/1952:7
Reception held for new pastor, 04/10/1952:12
Rev and Mrs Merton Rymph arrive at parsonage, 04/17/1952:1
Bulldozes area for basketball court, 09/11/1952:5
Restoration work in progress, 11/26/1953:2
Restoration and repair well underway, 12/17/1953:9
Holds rededication ceremony, 10/07/1954:5
Theodore Hamlin elected minister, 10/21/1954:6
Former Lakeville pastor Rymph sends funds for hurricane-damaged
steeple, 12/30/1954:1
Lakeville Firemen's Relief Association
Elects officers, 03/15/1951:4
Holds annual meeting, 01/24/1952:5
Women form auxiliary, 04/16/1953:3
Lakeville General Store
Thomas and Hayward apply for package store license, 06/02/1950:8
Lakeville Historical Society
Lakeville centennial committee discusses formation, 12/17/1953:9
Lakeville Mill End Shop
Rug materials, cottons, woolens, etc., Bedford St (ad), 11/15/1951:11
Reopens on Bedford St (ad), 07/29/1954:2
Lakeville Parent Teacher Association
Holds joint annual meeting with Middleboro PTA, 04/28/1950:5
Now known as District No. 1 of Massachusetts Congress of
Parent-Teacher Associations, 11/20/1952:10
Lakeville Public Library
New firefighting equipment pictured in front of library (p),
Summer cottagers must register in order to borrow, 08/02/1951:4
Lakeville Sportsmen's Club
Holds 29th annual hare trials, 03/31/1950:2
Holds 30th semi-annual hare trial, 09/29/1950:6
Lakeville State Sanatorium
Legislation needed for fire service contract, 01/13/1950:1
Meets requirements of American College of Surgeons, 01/13/1950:1
New bill on fire aid authorized, 01/27/1950:1
Cooties put on entertainment at sanatorium, 02/24/1950:7
Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for
patients (p), 05/12/1950:1
Governor signs sewage bill, 05/19/1950:1
Agreements on fire protection and sewage disposal authorized,
Middleboro Town Counsel drafts agreement on sanatorium fire aid,
Selectmen take care of unfinished business, 08/11/1950:1
Attorney General would exclude liability for Fire Department in
agreement with san, 08/25/1950:1
To have new building for nurses, 08/25/1950:1
Aid agreement with Fire Department delayed, 10/06/1950:1
Hosts 5th annual Halloween party, 400 children attend, 11/03/1950:1
Selectmen to discuss sewage with Public Health Department,
Connect to Fire Department alarm system complete, 01/11/1951:1
Contemplating sewage disposal system improvements, 01/18/1951:1
Sewage treatment service to be reconsidered, 06/14/1951:12
Scarcity of materials means addition not completed, 08/23/1951:3
Agreement for sanatorium fire aid approved, 01/10/1952:1
Needs high chairs and strollers, 02/07/1952:1
William Egger Co. contracts to furnish new nurses' home, 04/24/1952:1
Youngsters from sanatorium see Santa at James McNeil Co. (p),
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Lakeville State Sanatorium continued
Town water proposed for san, 01/22/1953:10
Sanatorium to have town water, 06/25/1953:1
Featured in Commonwealth, monthly of Department of Public Health,
Virginia Gibbons' scout troop recognized for work at Lakeville
sanatorium (p), 09/03/1953:1
Elks and Emblem clubs hold first annual Field Day, 06/10/1954:1
New headquarters for SE District Health staff, 07/29/1954:2
Sewage contract with town partially approved, 12/16/1954:1
Lakeville State Sanatorium - Employees
Hires Evelyn Shaw, 01/20/1950:11
Employs Eugene Kennedy, 03/31/1950:11
Employs Carl Sampson, 04/07/1950:8
Employs George Sauncy, 06/16/1950:2
Employs Elizabeth Thomas, 06/16/1950:6
Employs Carl Holten, 09/08/1950:3
Employs Alice Colvin, 09/15/1950:9
Employs Roger Eldridge, 10/20/1950:8
Director, Dr Leon Alley, retires after 26 years, 10/27/1950:4
Alley retires as super, replaced by Harry Clark, 11/03/1950:1
Reception held for retiring superintendent Alley, 11/03/1950:1
Employs William Powers, 11/17/1950:2
Employs Hugh Murphy, 04/12/1951:6
Employs Eleanor Casey, 05/24/1951:2
Employs Barbara Goodreau, 05/24/1951:7
Employs Florence Harrison, 06/21/1951:3
Employs Florence Wilbur, 08/16/1951:9
Employs Frank Williams, 09/06/1951:4
Employs Mr and Mrs Francis Quelle, 09/20/1951:2
Employs Olive Shaw, 10/18/1951:4
Employs Helen Grogan and Helen Currier, 11/08/1951:4
Employs Katherine Crowninshield, 02/07/1952:4
Employs Mrs Chester Lewis, 08/07/1952:4
Employs Eileen Burke, Dorothy Lewis, and Nellie Bryant,
Employs Mrs Shaw H. Reynolds, 08/14/1952:9
Employs Chester Thomas, 08/28/1952:7
Betty Maranville takes position as staff nurse, 11/13/1952:8
Employs Meredith Caswell Davis, 12/11/1952:1
Mrs George Davis, Jr. resigns, 01/15/1953:6
Hires Jane Cushman, 06/04/1953:4
Employs Mrs James Earley, 08/13/1953:8
Longtime employees Elizabeth Thomas and Catherine LaTour retire,
Employs Joseph Plant, 04/22/1954:9
Ruth Hagan transfers to Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Forest Hills,
Employs Mrs Sylvania D'Elia, 08/19/1954:10
Employs Mildred McCrillis, 09/30/1954:5
Lakeville Town Hall
New firefighting equipment pictured in front of town hall (p),
Movement afoot for securing town office, 04/24/1952:3
Pumping station considered for site of town offices, 06/19/1952:1
Delay in acquisition of Taunton pumping station, 08/21/1952:4
Taunton pumping station signed over to Lakeville, 06/11/1953:6
Architectural plans expected soon, 07/16/1953:2
Chimney to remain, 07/16/1953:2
Committee okays plans for former Taunton pumping station,
Request for bids to remodel Taunton pumping station, 10/15/1953:7
Bids opened for remodeling, 11/05/1953:11
Chimney demolished, 11/26/1953:2
Extensive work done on former pumping station, 01/07/1954:3
Town offices moved to new building, 06/03/1954:7
Lakey, Barbara Sampson
Daughter born, 02/18/1954:6
Lakey, J.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Lakey, James
Earns Eagle Scout award (p), 05/24/1951:11
Awarded God and Country Award for scout work, 02/14/1952:3
Attends Brown University, 12/23/1954:3
Lakey, Wentworth
Daughter born, 02/18/1954:6
Lakey, Wentworth O.
Collides with Louis Parker on East Grove St, 02/28/1952:8
Pleads not guilty to reckless driving, 03/13/1952:7
Acquitted on charge of negligence, 03/20/1952:3
Lamb, Dana Burr
Wedding described, 12/31/1953:6
Lambert, Frederick Wayne
Killed in crash in North Dennis, 05/07/1953:1
LaMere, John J.
Engaged to Alice May Shaw, 09/18/1952:5
Wedding described, 10/09/1952:4
Wed to Alice May Shaw, 10/09/1952:5
Lander, Edward
Daughter born, 12/25/1952:5
Lander, Elizabeth E.
Granted license to sell firearms, 04/19/1951:1
Lander, Elizabeth Pittsley
Daughter born, 12/25/1952:5
Landgrebe, Ferdinand C.
Sues estate of Hannah Willig 50 years ago, 03/18/1954:7
Landry, John B.
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Landry, John Baptiste
Obituary, 06/11/1953:8
Landry, John Batiste
Husband of Violet M. Schwartz dies at age 73, 06/11/1953:4
Landry, Violet
Wed to Francis DeCosta, 07/09/1953:5
Landry, Violet M.
Engaged to Francis DaCosta, 07/02/1953:4
Landscapers and Landscaping
Eagles champs of Inter-city Bowling League (p), 08/30/1951:9
Braley & Son, masonry, landscaping, tree surgery, and painting (ad),
Broadbent's Treeland, Rte 105, Lakeville (ad), 08/19/1954:5
Broadbent's Treeland has excellent nursery stock (p), 09/30/1954:6
Landstrom, Elsie Hayes
Son born, 04/22/1954:6
Landstrom, Norman
Wedding described, 01/22/1953:4
Son born, 04/22/1954:6
Landstrom, Peter Samuel
Born to Norman and Elsie Hayes, 04/22/1954:6
Landstrom, Victor E.
Petition for administration of estate, 12/02/1954:9
Landstrom, Victor Emanuel
Dies at age 74, 11/18/1954:6
Obituary, 11/18/1954:9
Landstrom, Victor Norman
Engaged to Elsie Hayes Hines, 12/18/1952:13
Engaged to Elsie R. Hayes Hines, 01/01/1953:5
Wed to Elsie R. Hayes Hines, 01/29/1953:5
Lane, John Michael
Inducted into armed forces, 02/05/1953:1
Lane, Matthew J.
Lane and Jardullo collide at Peirce and School St, 10/04/1951:2
Lane's Hotel
Issue of Plymouth Rock from 1860 reveals local and national events,
Lang, Bob
Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore
championships (p), 07/03/1952:5
Lang, Charles
Son born, 03/13/1952:5
Lang, John N.
Dies at age 83, 06/04/1953:4
Obituary, 06/04/1953:5
Lang, Lottie N.
Petition for probate of will, 12/02/1954:6
Lang, Lottie Newell
Obituary, 10/28/1954:2
Wife of Fred dies at age 71, 10/28/1954:6
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Lang, Mary Sousa
Son born, 03/13/1952:5
Lang, Muriel
Employed at Plymouth Shoe Co., 08/14/1952:7
Lang, Natalie
Employed with father in electrical business, 07/07/1950:6
Lang, Stella
Resigns from Assawompsett School cafeteria, 12/09/1954:3
Lang, Walter
Couple moves from Rock to Middleboro, 01/15/1953:5
Lang, Walter E.
Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts
National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1
Lang, Walter E., Jr.
Engaged to Muriel V. Glover, 05/10/1951:2
Wedding described, 10/18/1951:2
Wed to Muriel V. Glover, 10/18/1951:5
Honor student in Artillery Track Vehicle Maintenance course at Fort
Sill, OK, 06/05/1952:10
Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7
Promoted by Battery A, Massachusetts National Guard, 04/16/1953:6
Lang, William
Resides in Cleveland, OH, 08/16/1951:10
Langelier, Leander
Dies in West Warwick, RI, 09/08/1950:10
Langlois, Denise
Wedding described, 02/19/1953:4
Langlois, Denise E.L.
Engaged to Norman E. Duphily, 02/12/1953:5
Langlois, Denise L.
Wed to Norman E. Duphily, 02/19/1953:5
Lang's Farm
Apples and cider, County St, Lakeville (ad), 09/29/1950:5
Lanning, Anna L.
Wed to Lawrence Paul Conway, 01/29/1953:5
Lanoue, Donald
Stationed at Great Lakes Training Station, IL, 10/11/1951:4
Lanowetsky, Andrew
Daughter born, 04/19/1951:4
Lanowetsky, Helen Linton
Daughter born, 04/19/1951:4
Lanzetta, Bob
Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p),
Lapanna, Josephine
Engaged to Richard Hunt, 12/17/1953:4
Wed to Richard Hunt, 12/31/1953:4
Lapham, Beverly Mae
Engaged to Louis Garafalo, 05/12/1950:7
Wed to Louis Garafalo, 05/26/1950:7
LaPierre, Leo
Couple purchases Bedford St house from Arthur Abele, 01/20/1950:11
Larceny. see also Burglary; Robbery; Stealing; Theft
Paul Preti gets suspended sentence, 02/10/1950:6
Clifford Vickery pleads not guilty to larceny of wood from Harold
Travis, 04/28/1950:4
Boston poultry dealer arrested for larceny against Henrietta McKee,
Holt larceny case in local court again, 07/28/1950:1
McKee paid $2,300 in poultry case, 08/18/1950:1
Moquin and Soucie guilty of larceny of gasoline, 11/17/1950:6
Local man, Wilfred Pelland, one of three guilty of break-in at
Richmond Automotive Service, 11/24/1950:1
Carl Greene charged with larceny from Richmond Automotive,
Youths get suspended sentences for Richmond break, convicted for
Acushnet breaks also, 12/01/1950:10
Herman Russell guilty of larceny from Roy Pendleton, 03/08/1951:10
James Francis pleads guilty to taking trailer, 03/15/1951:10
Standish larceny case continued for trial, 03/15/1951:10
Francis requests permission to change plea, 03/15/1951:11
Standish avoids jail in Cain larceny case, given second chance,
Three fined for theft from Freedman junk yard, 04/26/1951:10
Larceny continued
Stanley Jurgelewicz pleads not guilty to break and larceny,
Jurgelewicz acquitted on Boucher break-in charge, 05/31/1951:1
Five boys from 8 to 13 before judge, 06/28/1951:9
Arnold Thomas guilty of stealing license plates from Florence
Hammond, 07/05/1951:4
George Gallus appeals charge, 07/12/1951:10
Ziemba of Stoughton sentenced to jail for larceny, 09/20/1951:10
Joseph Jesse gets four months for theft from Washburn's, 02/21/1952:7
"Fence" held in $1000 for grand jury, had loot from Red Coach Grille,
William Metcalf pleads guilty to larceny from Percy Churbuck,
Metcalf jailed four months for larceny from Churbuck's home,
Metcalf ignores court date, 07/31/1952:3
Edward Medas pleads not guilty to larceny from James Ferreira,
Leonard Bump held for grand jury on two breaks and larceny,
Edward Medas cleared of charge, 10/09/1952:8
Leonard Bump gets six months for break-ins and larceny, 10/16/1952:5
Bump indicted on two counts of breaking-and-entering and larceny,
Richard Gardiner indicted for breaking-and-entering and larceny,
James Russell convicted of stealing grain from state, 06/04/1953:6
Four Middleboro youths face multiple charges, 06/25/1953:3
Four boys face judge, 07/02/1953:9
Judge hears evidence against Charlotte Abreu, 07/16/1953:10
LeRoy Hughes charged, 09/24/1953:1
Edwina Wood charged with larceny of $53,000 from Nat'l Cranberry
Association, 10/01/1953:1
Edwina Wood indicted by grand jury for forgery, larceny and uttering,
Yesonis indicted for breaking and entering and for larceny,
Yesonis case continued, 10/08/1953:3
Yesonis sent to state prison, 10/15/1953:1
Twelve sentences total six years for Edwina Wood, 10/29/1953:1
Laura Soelle arrested for larceny from Taunton Esso station,
Parolee George Rooney charged with grand larceny from Almeida Bus
Co., 07/15/1954:1
Antone Silvia charged with abduction and theft, 07/22/1954:1
Larrabee, Bernice May
Wedding described, 10/30/1952:6
Larsen, Wilbert
Freshman at Northeastern, 09/15/1950:11
Attends Northeastern University, 12/29/1950:5
Larsen, Wilbert A.
Graduates from Control Tower Operator course (p), 11/27/1952:1
Larsen, Wilbert A., Jr.
Joins U.S. Air Force, 05/29/1952:5
Larson, Wilbert
MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p),
Larson, Wilbert A.
Completes basic training at Sampson Air Base, NY, 08/14/1952:2
Airman stationed at Kessler Air Base, MS, 12/25/1952:4
Airman 2nd Class heads for California and overseas duty,
Airman guides plane to safety in Japan, 12/02/1954:1
Latos, Laurentino
Resides in Boston, 09/08/1950:5
LaTour, Catherine
Longtime sanatorium employee retires, 10/29/1953:1
Laundries. see also Marion's Laundromat; Martenson's Cleansers, Dyers,
and Tailors; Middleboro Laundry; Modern Cleaners & Dyers
Martenson and Thomas, selling out, 260 Centre St (ad), 02/17/1950:8
Original Cleaners, 175 Center St (ad), 10/06/1950:6
Martenson and Thomas signs up for TV premium membership,
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Laundries continued
Martenson and Thomas signs up for TV premium membership (ad),
Lea Chartier manager of Blais Cleaners, 160 Center St (ad),
Fire damages old landmark, Martenson's stock burned, scorched, wet,
Town Cleaners & Tailors opening at 160 Center St (ad), 04/10/1952:14
Cobb's Laundry, help wanted (ad), 04/24/1952:10
Original Cleansers and Dyers, 145 Center St (ad), 05/08/1952:2
Original Cleansers, wanted, part time clerk (ad), 05/08/1952:2
Cobb's Laundry now owned by The Union Hand Laundry (ad),
Union Hand Laundry, 69 Oak St (ad), 12/04/1952:6
Town Cleaners & Tailors at new location, 123 Center St (ad),
Lauterbach, Beverly
Engaged to Louis A. Clokowski, 07/17/1952:9
Lavallee, Louis A.
Engaged to Palmire Paulin, 10/06/1950:5
Wed to Palmire Paulin, 10/13/1950:7
Lavallee, Wilfred H.
Real estate (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Lavallee, Wilfred H., Jr.
Engaged to Ida M. Furlan, 11/04/1954:4
Lavallee, Wilfred Henry
Wedding described, 12/30/1954:5
Lavallee & Houlihan
The friendly realtors at 115 Center St (ad), 01/28/1954:3
Lavalley, Henry
Boat safety stressed to youngsters at pool (p), 07/22/1954:1
Lavine, Alexandra
John Lavine fined for assault on daughter-in-law, 01/11/1951:6
Lavine, Alexandria
Foreclosure notice, 05/19/1950:10
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/30/1950:3
Lavine, Daniel
Notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 06/16/1950:7
Posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 11/17/1950:12
Lavine, Daniel R.
Foreclosure notice, 05/19/1950:10
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/30/1950:3
Non-support case continued, 11/17/1950:6
Case continued without finding, 11/24/1950:7
Lavine, John J.
Fined for assault on daughter-in-law Alexandra, 01/11/1951:6
Lavine, Lillian
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts,
06/16/1950:7, 11/17/1950:12
Law Enforcement. see Massachusetts State Police; Middleboro – Police
Lawn Mowers
The BKN Co., dealer (ad), 09/01/1950:5
BKN Co., 5th birthday sale (ad), 08/02/1951:6
The Mower Shop, Taunton St (ad), 04/10/1952:14
The BKN Co. now Town Line Country Store (ad), 05/26/1952:9
Burnett Anderson's shop destroyed by fire, now back in operation (ad),
Lawrence, Albert
Promoted to Lt. Colonel in Germany, 01/01/1953:8
Lawrence, Albert W.
U.S. Army Major resides in Hopewell, VA, 06/23/1950:10
Major ordered to duty in Strasbourg, Germany, 08/25/1950:4
Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel in U.S. Army, 01/22/1953:9
Assigned to staff school at Leavenworth, KS, 01/07/1954:8
Lieutenant Colonel stationed in Washington, DC, 12/02/1954:5
Lawrence, Dorothy Whitman
Daughter born, 11/03/1950:5
Lawrence, Edward
MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1
Lawrence, Edward S.
Mechanic at Bailey Motor Sales, 05/26/1950:11
Lawrence, Edward S., Jr.
Injured in Bridgewater accident, 07/15/1954:3
Fined $30 for reckless driving, 07/29/1954:4
Lawrence, Ginny Lou
Top scorer in playgrounds Olympics (p), 08/30/1951:1
Lawrence, Herbert A.
Head of service department at Bailey Motor Sales, 01/22/1953:9
Lawrence, Jeanine
Dies in Hopewell, VA, 08/19/1954:9
Lawrence, Jeannette
Top scorer in playgrounds Olympics (p), 08/30/1951:1
Fourteen-year-old may have polio, 10/29/1953:1
Lawrence, Jeannette A.
Engaged to Kenneth L. Nadeau (p), 07/29/1954:1
Lawrence, J.F.
Accepts call to Baptist church 50 years ago, 10/29/1953:7
Lawrence, Katherine L.
Wed to Robert H. Shaw, 07/16/1953:4
Wedding described, 07/16/1953:5
Lawrence, Katherine Louise
Engaged to Robert Frederick Shaw, 06/11/1953:5
Lawrence, Leonard
Mechanic at Jimmie Thompson's Gulf Service, Rte 44 (ad),
Son born, 03/06/1952:5
Lawrence, Maurice C.
Charges Robert Pierce with assault and battery, 08/07/1952:2
Lawrence, Nellie
Sideswiped by Worcester driver, 05/13/1954:7
Lawrence, Nellie Taylor
Son born, 03/06/1952:5
Lawrence, Red
Key man on MHS baseball team (p), 05/14/1953:10
Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1
Lawrence, Russell
Daughter born, 11/03/1950:5
Lawson, Lawrence
Brother dies in Andover, 08/25/1950:9
Lawson, Robert W.
Dies in Andover, 08/25/1950:9
Lawyers. see also Anderson, Robert; Callan, L. Francis, Jr.; Fourth District
Court; Hale, Allan M.; Mendall, C. Trafton
Albert Maddigan passes state bar exam, 03/03/1950:1
P.F. Churbuck, furnished studio apartment for rent, 75 North Main St
(ad), 03/10/1950:2
Albert Maddigan admitted to state bar association, 03/24/1950:1
Fletcher Clark, Jr. re-appointed notary public, 08/11/1950:3
Andrew Wood passes bar exam, 10/13/1950:1
Ermon Markella named assistant district attorney (p), 02/08/1951:1
Raymond Cashen admitted to Michigan State Bar Association,
Lawrence Carver passes bar exam, 08/14/1952:1
Judge Nathan Washburn resigns as counsel for MW & BB street
Railway 50 years ago, 02/25/1954:8
Mrs W. Wallace Kelley resigns post at Clark and Iseminger,
Edward Powell takes oath as attorney (p), 10/28/1954:1
George Fox Tucker contributes to symposium on capital punishment 50
years ago, 12/23/1954:7
Lays, Harold W.
Employed at Naval Air Base in Corpus Christ, TX, 05/17/1951:9
Lays, James Earle
Engaged to Marjorie Fobes Higgins, 04/23/1953:7
Wed to Marjorie Fobes Higgins, 06/04/1953:4
Leach, Gladys Lincoln
Wed to Nelson Wallace Sherman, 08/07/1952:5, 08/14/1952:5
Leach, Terra W.
Collides with Mendall on Peirce St, 09/17/1953:3
Injured when car forced off Center St, 12/09/1954:14
Leach, T.W.
Dentist, 25 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Leanders, Dorothy E.
Engaged to Henry A. Silvia, 11/24/1950:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Leandres, Dorothy E.
Wed to Henry A. Silvia, 12/08/1950:5
Leary, Barbara
Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1
Leary, Christine Ann
Born to Robert and Madeline Sisson, 06/21/1951:5
Leary, John J. Jr.
Engaged to Lillian F. Wood, 02/03/1950:5
Wed to Lillian F. Wood, 02/24/1950:7
Leary, Madeline
Engaged to Christopher O'Leary, 12/08/1950:13
Leary, Madeline Frances
Wed to Christopher Joseph O'Leary, 12/22/1950:7
Leary, Madeline Sisson
Daughter born, 06/21/1951:5
Leary, Mrs Robert
Resides in Maywood, NJ, 11/17/1950:2
Resides in Atlanta, GA, 09/18/1952:7
Leary, Robert
Daughter born, 06/21/1951:5
Leary, Robert E.
Family resides in Charlotte, NC, 02/19/1953:10
Leary, Thomas E.
Couple married 35 years, 07/08/1954:5
Leavitt, Lucia A.
Tallman named to sell all personal property, 04/29/1954:5
LeBarnes, Joseph
Wed to Eva Smith, 06/11/1953:4
LeBaron, Elric
New engineer LeBaron Foundry 50 years ago, 12/16/1954:10
LeBaron, Georgiette
Obituary, 03/11/1954:3
Widow of Jesse dies at age 83, 03/11/1954:4
LeBaron, Hattie B.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3
LeBaron, Hattie Baylies
Dies at age 81, 07/26/1951:5
Obituary, 07/26/1951:5
LeBaron, J.B.
Cuts 17-inch ice during cold spell 50 years ago, 01/28/1954:8
LeBaron, John B.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
LeBaron Foundry
Closed for stock taking 50 years ago, 01/14/1954:8
Elric LeBaron new engineer 50 years ago, 12/16/1954:10
LeBaron Ice Co.
Shirley Ann Zeronsky injured by ice truck, 09/03/1953:4
Lebeau, Salim Ovila
Husband of Josephine dies at age 69, 08/06/1953:4
Obituary, 08/06/1953:7
LeBlanc, Betty
Engaged to John A. Black, Jr., 02/22/1951:5
Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p),
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club, 10/15/1953:1
LeBlanc, Elsie Landgrebe
Teacher retires after 35 years of service, 10/08/1953:1
LeBlanc, Leo
Injured when car hits stone wall on Wareham St, 02/11/1954:3
LeCain, Eileen L.
Foreclosure notice, 03/24/1950:7
LeCain, Gordon C.
Foreclosure notice, 03/24/1950:7
Leconte, Louis Maurice
Leaves for induction in Boston, 02/08/1951:10
Author Salom Rizk hosted by MHS Silver M Society, 11/12/1953:1
Ledoux, Eugene
Suffers contusions in fall, 08/16/1951:1
Lee, Bob
Registry of Motor Vehicles inspectors spot violators on Rte 28 (p),
Lee, Charles A.
Estella Lee's birthday brings together five generations (p), 06/07/1951:1
Lee, Charles Albert
Obituary, 06/21/1951:3
Dies at age 91, 06/21/1951:5
Petition for probate of will, 07/12/1951:9
Lee, Dorothy
Engaged to Robert Teceno, 04/02/1953:6
Lee, Estella D.
Birthday celebration brings together five generations (p), 06/07/1951:1
Lee, George
Daughter born, 01/27/1950:7
Son born, 09/13/1951:5
Pearl St couple married 50 years, 05/29/1952:1, 06/05/1952:6
Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5
Couple married 50 years, 11/05/1953:11
Lee, George D.
Wife's birthday celebration brings together five generations (p),
Lee, George H.
Hits concrete posts on Center St, 12/15/1950:13
Fined $20 for reckless driving, 12/22/1950:9
Fined $75 for drunk driving, 09/13/1951:4
Lee, George Herbert
Killed by tree he was felling, 04/09/1953:1
Husband of Shirley Hartling dies at age 27, 04/09/1953:5
Lee, James
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Lee, Molly McPherson
Resides in Portland, OR, 10/04/1951:4
Lee, Robert
Daughter born, 07/14/1950:7
Son born, 03/12/1953:5
Lee, Shirley
Six-year-old Kathleen Metzler runs into side of Lee's auto,
Lee, Shirley Hartling
Daughter born, 01/27/1950:7
Son born, 09/13/1951:5
Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5
Lee, Theodora Savard
Daughter born, 07/14/1950:7
Son born, 03/12/1953:5
Lees, Ernest
Daughter born, 05/24/1951:7
Sells Clara St property to Robert Murdock, 03/26/1953:9
Lees, Margaret Sather
Daughter born, 05/24/1951:7
Lefevre, Jerome A.
Engaged to Joan V. Oliver, 07/19/1951:5
Wed to Joan V. Oliver, 08/02/1951:5
LeForte, Alice Thomas
Son born, 08/20/1953:5
LeForte, Raymond
Son born, 08/20/1953:5
LeGay, Donald
On reviewing stand for Falconieri's welcome home festivities (p),
Leggee, P.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Leggee, Richard
Resides in Troy, NY, 08/04/1950:8
Resides in Schenectady, NY, 11/03/1950:16
Leggee, Richard E.
Graduates from Rensselear Polytechnic, 06/09/1950:12
Takes training in Manchester, NH, 08/25/1950:9
Daughter born, 08/16/1951:2
Testing turbojet engines with GE, 02/14/1952:9
Captain flies low over mother's house, 05/14/1953:6
Leggee, Warren
Leaves for Lackland Field, Texas, 12/08/1950:13
Private 1st Class on leave from Matagorda Island, TX, 08/09/1951:6
Transfers back to Bergstrom Air Base, Austin, TX, 04/24/1952:4
Airman-2 stationed at Limestone AFB, ME, 11/20/1952:10
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Leggee, Warren C.
Private stationed at Matagorda Island, TX, 04/19/1951:5
Promoted to Corporal at Matagorda Island, TX, 10/25/1951:6
Stationed at Limestone AFB, ME, 09/18/1952:5
Discharged for U.S. Air Force, 12/09/1954:5
Leggee, Warren E.
Private 1st Class receives commendation, 10/11/1951:4
Leggee, William C.
Private completes basic airman course, 01/25/1951:9
Leggett, Eugene Sheldon
Wed to Clarissa Weld Bennett, 07/03/1952:3
Lehtomaa, Karla
Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into
organization (p), 05/24/1951:1
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Lehtomaa, Suoma
Administrator presents account of estate, 05/20/1954:8
Leighton, Exilda
Obituary, 10/25/1951:9
Leighton, Frank
First mattress of its kind on display at J.M. Wells (p), 12/06/1951:8
Leighton, Frank E. see also Middleboro Recreation Center
Fights rough seas off Brant Rock to rescue four, 05/07/1953:1
Leighton, Frank Gerald, Jr.
Wed to Virginia Parsons, 01/14/1954:3
Leighton, Theresa Ann
Engaged to Edward Joseph Catabia, 04/23/1953:7
Wed to Edward Joseph Catabia, 05/21/1953:6
Wedding described, 05/21/1953:12
Leitos, Antonio
Family moves to Clay St, 02/01/1951:4
Leitos, Jean Chisholm
Daughter born, 09/27/1951:5
Leitos, Laurentino
Daughter born, 09/27/1951:5
Leitos, Sonny
MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1
Leland, Carlon E.
Injured when Anthony Prinzo rear-ends state highway truck on Rte 28,
Discharged from Battery A, 06/05/1952:12
Leland, Lester
Leland Gift Shop, 9 South Main St (p), 11/19/1953:8
Leland Gift Shop, beautiful Easter cards and novelties (p), 04/15/1954:8
Leland, Lester H.
Lelands Gift Shop, 9 South Main St, for special gifts (p), 08/06/1953:6
Leland, Mrs Lester
Leland Gift Shop, beautiful Easter cards and novelties (p), 04/15/1954:8
Leland, Myra Benson
Lelands Gift Shop, 9 South Main St, for special gifts (p), 08/06/1953:6
The Leland Carnation Co.
Since 1904, Cherry St (ad), 01/06/1950:8
Leland Gift Shop
9 South Main St (ad), 03/31/1950:5
9 South Main St, for special gifts (p), 08/06/1953:6
Mr and Mrs Lester Leland, 9 South Main St (p), 11/19/1953:8
Beautiful Easter cards and novelties (p), 04/15/1954:8
Ready for Father's Day, 06/10/1954:8
Beach items on display (p), 07/01/1954:8
Offers wide selection of gifts (p), 12/16/1954:11
Lemee, Albert
Son born, 12/11/1952:6
Daughter born, 04/15/1954:6
Lemee, Ruth Anderson
Son born, 12/11/1952:6
Daughter born, 04/15/1954:6
Lemere, Alice Shaw
Son born, 02/18/1954:6
Lemere, John
Son born, 02/18/1954:6
LeMere, John J.
Killed in fall from train, 12/10/1953:1
Lemieux, Raymond C.
Substitute teacher gets permanent post, 02/11/1954:1
Lemmo, Albana R.
Wed to Edmund Yarusites, 07/03/1952:5
Lemmo, Albana Rose
Wedding described, 07/10/1952:7
Lemmo, Albena
Engaged to Edmund Yarusites, 04/24/1952:4, 05/29/1952:5
Lemmo, Albena Rose
Engaged to Edmund Yarusites, 05/08/1952:7
Lemmo, Barbara
Wedding described, 11/01/1951:2
Lemmo, Barbara A.
Engaged to Lawrence W. Westgate, 10/25/1951:5
Wed to Lawrence W. Westgate, 11/01/1951:5
Lemmo, Doris
Staff member of new Sears, Roebuck & Co. catalog office,
Members of Sears, Roebuck and Co. office staff (p), 02/17/1950:12
Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6
Lemmo, Edna E.
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Lemmo, Florence Santucci
Son born, 02/22/1951:5
Lemmo, John A.
Son born, 02/22/1951:5
Lemmo, John Louis
Navy enlistee takes training at Bainbridge, MD (p), 10/14/1954:1
Lenardson, Alfred R., Jr.
To enter priesthood (p), 06/19/1952:1
Lenardson, Mrs Alfred. see Center Card Shop
Lenardson, Patricia
MHS students study for careers (p), 06/03/1954:11
Lentini, Alfred
Son born, 06/30/1950:5
Opens psychiatry practice on South Main St, 07/17/1952:1
Approved for practice in neurology and psychiatry in Plymouth County,
Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1
Son born, 08/27/1953:7
Couple returns from Elks convention in California (p), 07/22/1954:1
Local psychiatrist speaks on child's ideals, 11/25/1954:2
Lentini, Alfred A.
Named consultant psychiatrist of Brockton Family Service Association,
Lentini, Alfred A.L.
Graduates from piloting course, 02/04/1954:4
Lentini, Alice
Marshall Realty, Alice Lentini, agent, 132 South Main St (ad),
Alumnus of Girls' Latin School in Boston, 04/16/1953:5
One of few women to seek selectman's post, 11/26/1953:1
Biography of candidate for Board of Selectmen (p), 01/14/1954:4
Plays first violin for Plymouth Woman's Club, 11/18/1954:12
Lentini, Alice E.
For selectman (ad) (p), 12/31/1953:10
Lentini, Alice Marshall
Son born, 06/30/1950:5
Lentini, Marshall
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Lentini, Mrs Alfred
Couple returns from Elks convention in California (p), 07/22/1954:1
Leo, Vinant
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Leona Farm
Abe Green to purchase land from Roy Huntley, 02/21/1952:1
Leonard, Arthur h.
One of incorporators of Automatic Telephone Equipment Co. 50 years
ago, 02/25/1954:8
Leonard, C.H.
One of incorporators of Automatic Telephone Equipment Co. 50 years
ago, 02/25/1954:8
Leonard, Charles E.
Dies 50 years ago, 12/31/1953:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Leonard, Charles W.
Daughter born, 12/11/1952:6
Leonard, Charlotte Vivian
Engaged to Arthur W. Strople, Jr., 07/02/1953:4
Wed to Arthur W. Strople, Jr., 07/16/1953:4
Leonard, Donald
Son born, 05/26/1952:5
Leonard, Donald H.
Engaged to Janet L. Libby, 01/04/1951:5
Wed to Janet L. Libby, 04/05/1951:5
Leonard, Dorothy Fanjoy
Daughter born, 12/11/1952:6
Leonard, Elmer
Daughter born, 04/16/1953:7
Leonard, Frederick
Dies at age 85, 01/15/1953:7
Obituary, 01/15/1953:10
Leonard, G.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Leonard, George
Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore
championships (p), 07/03/1952:5
MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1
Leonard, Gerome
Discharged from U.S. Army, 05/26/1952:4
Leonard, Gordon
Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1
Leonard, Janice Libby
Son born, 05/26/1952:5
Leonard, Jerome
Returns from one and a half years of service in Japan and Korea,
Leonard, Jerome A.
Wedding described, 07/01/1954:7
Leonard, John
Who's who in MHS senior class, 05/24/1951:4
Leonard, John W.
Freshman at Cornell University, NY, 09/13/1951:10
Leonard, Kathleen
Engaged to Robert H. Cowan, 01/18/1951:4
Leonard, Kathleen F.
Wedding described, 05/01/1952:4
Leonard, Luke
Sheriff's sale of real estate, 03/31/1950:6
Chosen to attend Boys' State, 06/05/1952:12
Lakeville Lakers make fine record (p) (t), 04/23/1953:1
MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1
Leonard, Mark
Mark Leonard's Antique Shop, County St, Lakeville (ad), 11/22/1951:4
Leonard, Mary E. Elizabeth
Engaged to Wilfred Louis Schobel, 06/16/1950:7
Leonard, Mary Elizabeth
Wed to Wilfred Louis Schobel, 06/30/1950:5
Wedding described, 06/30/1950:6
Leonard, Paul C.
Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2
Notice of sheriff's sale at auction, 11/04/1954:8
Leonard, Sara
Middleboro students prepare treats for overseas (p), 11/05/1953:1
Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1
Leonard, Shaw & Dean
Samuel Shaw salesman 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8
Plenty of orders 50 years ago, 11/18/1954:10
Leonard, Susan
Attends Bryn Mawr, 03/31/1950:5
Leonard, Susan C.
Receives degree from Bryn Mawr, 06/04/1953:10
Wedding described, 09/02/1954:8
Leonard, Susan Cooledge
Engaged to Eliot Putnam Loomis, 08/20/1953:3
Leonard, Thelma White
Daughter born, 04/16/1953:7
Leonard, Theodore
Starts mill up 50 years ago, 12/24/1953:7
Leonard, Winnifred H.
Petition for administration of estate, 01/08/1953:5
Leonard, Winnifred Hayes
Obituary, 12/25/1952:2
Dies at age 74, 12/25/1952:5
Leonard, Winona S.
Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2
Leonard & Barrows Shoe Co.
President explodes rumors of move if new school built, 03/24/1950:1
Plans 23,000-square foot addition, 04/26/1951:1
Employs Leonard Gates, 06/28/1951:8
Gets $556,000 defense contract, 07/05/1951:1
Awarded $113,000 army contract, 07/19/1951:1
New parking lot prepared on west side of Pearl St on land donated by
company, 10/18/1951:1
George Oliver retires after 50 years with company, 11/26/1953:4
Signs contract with union 50 years ago, 11/26/1953:7
Company entertains 450 children at Town House, 12/24/1953:1
Conditions looking up 50 years ago, 11/18/1954:10
Leonard O. Tillson Scholarship
Description of scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:10
Description of annual scholarship for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:4
Leonard's Peach Orchard
Locust St (ad), 07/29/1954:8
Lepre, Eugene
Husband of Laura B. Pike dies at age 55, 04/29/1954:4
Obituary, 04/29/1954:5
Lerner, Benjamin
Daughter born, 06/28/1951:5
Lerner, B.M.
Podiatrist, chiropodist (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Couple moves to Clara St, 08/02/1951:7
Lerner, Esther Goldsmith
Daughter born, 06/28/1951:5
Lessard, Blanche Louise
Engaged to Nathan Irving Davis, 11/13/1952:7
Lessard, F.
Public auction (ad), 04/12/1951:2
Lessard, James
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Letendre, Arthur
Couple moves to home at Pearl and Peirce St, 07/26/1951:2
Obituary, 03/05/1953:4
Husband of Doris Doucette dies at age 52, 03/05/1953:7
Letendre, Arthur F.
Paul Morrison hit by Letendre's car on School St, 09/29/1950:12
Promoted to seaman at Great Lakes, IL, 11/01/1951:7
On training cruise aboard USS Ross, 09/03/1953:8
Discharged from U.S. Navy, 08/26/1954:10
Enrolls in Bryant College of Business, 11/04/1954:3
Letendre, Cecile
Fined $5 for failure to have inspection sticker, 12/02/1954:9
Letendre, Cecile Bernier
Son born, 10/20/1950:5
Letendre, Irene
Engaged to Robert Morrison, 01/20/1950:12
Letendre, Irene Doris
Engaged to Robert Francis Morrison, 01/13/1950:10
Wed to Robert Francis Morrison, 02/03/1950:5
Letendre, Kathleen Anne
Engaged to Leslie F. Ronni, 06/23/1950:7
Letendre, Louis
Son born, 10/20/1950:5
Granted permit for firearms sales, 08/23/1951:1
Letendre, R.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Letendre, Roger
Who's who in MHS senior class, 03/20/1952:9
Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1
Letendre, Suzanne
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Letendre's Barber Shop
Moves from 15 North Main to 24 Wareham St (ad), 12/30/1954:8
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Letourneau, Alice Cobb
Daughter born, 08/21/1952:5
Letourneau, Bernard
Son born, 02/28/1952:5
Letourneau, Bradford
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
LeTourneau, Brenda
West Side School has unique collection of foreign coins and money (p),
Letourneau, Cheryl
Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1
Letourneau, Ernestine Bartlett
Son born, 02/28/1952:5
Letourneau, Etta Melissa
Obituary, 12/04/1952:4
Wife of Joseph, Sr. dies at age 58, 12/04/1952:5
Letourneau, Eugene
Denies assault on Mason Sisson, 03/08/1951:2
Charges Mason Sisson with assault, 03/15/1951:3
Assault cases dismissed, 05/24/1951:10
Assault case a waste of time, 05/24/1951:12
Letourneau, Joseph
Daughter born, 08/21/1952:5
Letourneau, Joseph, Jr.
Wedding described, 01/17/1952:11
Letourneau, Joseph L.
Engaged to Alice F. Cobb, 12/20/1951:7
Wed to Alice F. Cobb, 01/24/1952:5 (7)
Dog nuisance case brought to court, 07/23/1953:1
Says dogs gone, found guilty of failure to obey order of selectmen,
Letourneau, Joseph L., Jr.
Gets suspended sentenced for lewd and lascivious behavior,
Letourneau, LeRoy
Feud with Mason Sisson breaks out again, 05/17/1951:1
Assault case dismissed, 07/26/1951:2
Letourneau, LeRoy A.
Fined $10 for drunkenness, 01/04/1951:1
Wrecks blinker light, tips over, fined $100, 02/15/1951:1
Not brother to Roland D., 02/22/1951:5
Letourneau, Leroy A.
Fined $5 for drunkenness, 10/08/1953:8
Letourneau, Lorraine Angers
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 07/17/1952:5
Son born, 02/12/1953:5
Wed to Ralph E. Graffam, 08/05/1954:4
Letourneau, Louis
Obituary, 02/24/1950:5
Dies at age 83, 02/24/1950:7
Letourneau, Oliver
Son born, 02/12/1953:5
Letourneau, Oliver F.
Notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 07/17/1952:5
Letourneau, Oliver Francis
Engaged to Lorraine H. Angers, 09/27/1951:4
Wed to Lorraine H. Angers, 10/11/1951:4
Wedding described, 10/11/1951:6
Letourneau, Peter Wilfred
Dies at age 56, 04/29/1954:4
Obituary, 04/29/1954:5
Letourneau, Robert A.
Graduates from Officer Candidate School (p), 05/15/1952:1
Letourneau, Robert Allen
Wed to Marion Christine Parker, 02/01/1951:5
Letourneau, Roland D.
Pleads guilty to negligent driving charge, 02/08/1951:8
Not brother to LeRoy A., 02/22/1951:5
Fined $35 for reckless driving, 01/01/1953:4
Wed to Lillian R. Curtis, 12/16/1954:4
LeValley, Benjamin W.
Foreclosure notice, 05/21/1953:6
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/01/1953:6
LeValley, Benjamin W., Jr.
Completes Army repair course (p), 06/24/1954:1
Private 1st Class posted to Suwan, Korea (p), 09/09/1954:1
LeValley, Ruth F.
Foreclosure notice, 05/21/1953:6
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/01/1953:6
LeVangie, Loretta Koblicki
Son born, 09/08/1950:5
LeVangie, William
Son born, 09/08/1950:5
Levellie, Arnette Hayward
Son born, 07/29/1954:4
Levellie, Joseph
Son born, 07/29/1954:4
Levellie, Joseph G.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9
Leverone, Frank. see Leverone Radio & TV Service Co.
Leverone Radio & TV Service Co.
Rte 79, Myricks St, Lakeville (ad), 07/02/1953:6
Frank Leverone, Myricks St (p), 09/24/1953:6
Recognized experts, 01/21/1954:6
Guaranteed radio and television service (p), 03/25/1954:6
Truck equipped to get radio and TV into shape (p), 06/17/1954:6
For radio and television work, 09/09/1954:6
Levesque, Bill
Named 1954 MHS hoop co-captain, 12/30/1954:1
Levesque, Gerard A.
Pleads not guilty to three charges, 01/22/1953:7
Fined $75 for drunk driving, 02/12/1953:8
Levesque, Paul S.
Three youths tear down fence, must pay damages and serve year of
probation, 11/11/1954:1
Levesque, R.
MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1
Levesque, Ralph
Golden Spur chef guilty of drunkenness, 02/17/1950:7
1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1
MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p),
Son born, 06/16/1950:7
Fifth son born, 06/16/1950:8
MHS hoopsters pictured in action (p), 02/22/1951:10
Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1
MHS annual junior class promenade (p), 05/03/1951:1
MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p),
Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1
Named MHS hoop captain, 12/27/1951:1
Elected to represent MHS at State Government Day, 01/24/1952:4
Who's who in MHS senior class, 02/07/1952:6
Sets scoring record in basketball game, 02/14/1952:9
To represent MHS on Student Government Day, 03/06/1952:5
MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1
Named MHS baseball captain, 04/24/1952:1
Enters Brown University, 09/04/1952:4
Basketball scoring record tied by Wareham player, 02/05/1953:1
Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (p) (t),
Coach of Lakeville Lakers, 05/21/1953:9
Levesque, Ralph N.
Freshman at Brown University, 10/09/1952:1
Leaves for military induction, 03/11/1954:1
Levesque, Susan Dahl
Son born, 06/16/1950:7
Levesque, William
MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4
Levesque, William A.
To represent MHS at Boys' State, 05/20/1954:1
Named to attend Boys' State, 06/17/1954:1
Levine, John
Granted victualler's license, 06/25/1953:4
Levine, Victor
Appointed manager of Middleboro Credit Union, 04/28/1950:12
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Levy, William Henry
Inducted in January draft quota, 01/10/1952:1
LeWillie, Alfred
Dies at age 74, 05/05/1950:5
Obituary, 05/05/1950:9
LeWillie, William A.
Travassos and LeWillie collide at Oak and High St, 06/19/1952:9
Lewis, Allen R.
Daughter born, 12/20/1951:12
Lewis, Ann Dennison
Daughter born, 08/13/1953:5
Lewis, Charles B.
Dies at age 58, 02/25/1954:4
Obituary, 02/25/1954:7
Petition for probate of will, 03/25/1954:8
Lewis, Chester
Employed at MobilHeat, 09/17/1953:8
Lewis, Chester W.
Local pilots fly to Texas on four-day visit (p), 07/30/1953:1
Lewis, Dorothy
Employed at sanatorium, 08/07/1952:6
Lewis, Edgar
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Lewis, Florence
Engaged to Frederick C. Harris, 09/29/1950:7
Wedding described, 10/20/1950:2
Wed to Frederick C. Harris, 10/20/1950:5
Lewis, Isabel
Accepts post in Washington, RI, 09/01/1950:4
Lewis, Joseph
Daughter born, 08/13/1953:5
Lewis, Joseph A., Jr.
Wed to Ann Dennison, 01/31/1952:5
Wedding described, 02/14/1952:6
Lewis, Margaret A.
Engaged to Herbert F. Powers, 05/24/1951:7
Lewis, Margaret Ann
Engaged to Herbert F. Powers, 03/03/1950:8
Lewis, Mrs Chester
Employed at sanatorium, 08/07/1952:4
Lewis, Richard
Takes training at Sampson Air Base, NY, 08/02/1951:5
Private 1st Class completes course at Camp Gordon, GA,
On leave from Camp Buckley, CO, 12/13/1951:8
Stationed in New Mexico, 08/07/1952:4
Stationed in Clovis, NM, 01/08/1953:5
Airman 2nd Class attends mechanics school in Germany, 12/02/1954:5
Lewis, William A.
Marriage proposal turned down cold by English girl, 04/28/1950:2
Lewoczko, Mary
Engaged to Donald C. Shaw, 09/01/1950:1, 05/24/1951:7
Wedding described, 06/07/1951:7
Wed to Donald C. Shaw, 06/14/1951:7
Lewoczko, Michael
Bradford collides with Lewoczko on Main St, 05/31/1951:6
Lewoczko, Myron M.
Engaged to Beverly Irene Porell, 06/07/1951:9
Engaged to Beverly Porell, 08/30/1951:5
Wed to Beverly Porell, 09/06/1951:5
Lewoczko, Nancy
Who's who in MHS senior class, 03/22/1951:3
Completes studies at NE Deaconess Hospital, 03/13/1952:1
Engaged to C. Stetson Thomas, Jr., 09/18/1952:10
Engaged to Clyde S. Thomas, Jr., 12/25/1952:5
Wedding described, 01/01/1953:2
Wed to Clyde S. Thomas, Jr., 01/01/1953:5
Lewoczko, Walter
Engaged to Irene Phyllis Malkosky, 02/28/1952:2
Engaged to Irene P. Malkosky, 06/19/1952:5
Lewoczko, Walter A.
Wed to Irene P. Malkosky, 05/26/1952:5
Libby, Albert C.
Westside Flower Shop, Libby and Hawes, 7A West St (ad),
Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4
Libby, Alonzo H.
Wed to Jane C. Davis, 01/28/1954:5
Libby, Arthur
Daughter born, 11/15/1951:7
Libby, Eugene
Son born, 08/12/1954:4
Libby, Jane Davis
Son born, 08/12/1954:4
Libby, Janet L.
Engaged to Donald H. Leonard, 01/04/1951:5
Wed to Donald H. Leonard, 04/05/1951:5
Libby, Violet Morse
Daughter born, 11/15/1951:7
Libby & Hawes
Florists, 17 South Main St (ad), 03/24/1950:2
Liber, N. Elizabeth
Engaged to Francis Wilmont, 07/28/1950:9
Liberty, Rosemarie
Wed to Ralph A. White, 09/01/1950:5
Libraries. see also Middleborough Public Library; Rock Village Library
Bessie Sweeney librarian at scout cabin branch, 02/10/1950:7
New firefighting equipment pictured in front of Lakeville Public
Library (p), 01/25/1951:1
Summer cottagers must register in order to borrow from Lakeville
Public Library, 08/02/1951:4
Lidh, Sven
Couple sells Arch St property, moves to Florida, 01/18/1951:2
Liebowitz, Mrs Daniel
Resides in Redwood City, CA, 08/05/1954:8
Liffers, Henry Francis
Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5
Lightford, Carrie M.
Petition for administration of estate, 01/17/1952:6
Lightford, Carrie Morrison
Obituary, 12/06/1951:6
Widow of Herbert H. dies at age 87, 12/06/1951:6
Lightford, Norman
Runs specialty shop in Perth, Ontario, 06/02/1950:3
Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1
Causes electrical trouble, 06/23/1950:7
Electric storm burns out fuses, 06/30/1950:1
Now serious damage to electric service, 07/21/1950:5
Enters Wiksten house through phone line, 08/04/1950:1
Scores three known hits in storm here, 08/04/1950:1
Sets fire to Guidoboni's poultry house, 600 hens lost, 08/04/1950:1
Storm keeps G & E busy, 08/04/1950:8
Knocks David Richmond into flower bed, 06/21/1951:1
Wire service hit hard by storm, 06/21/1951:1
Enters and damages DesRosiers' Lakeville home, 06/21/1951:2
Strikes Dube house on Plymouth St, 07/26/1951:5
Hathaway home on South Main St struck, 08/02/1951:7
Damage minor in two storms, 08/23/1951:1
Causes troubled with transformers and telephones, 08/07/1952:4
Pants fired by bolt at Fred Folz's home on Cherry St, 01/28/1954:1
Lincoln, Adelaide Barrock
Daughter born, 03/01/1951:5, 02/28/1952:5, 07/02/1953:4
Lincoln, Charles F.
Miller St couple married 50 years, 08/18/1950:5
Rock couple married 50 years, 09/08/1950:2
Lincoln, Cora A.
Trustee presents account of estate, 04/21/1950:4
Trustees present account of estate, 09/13/1951:9
Lincoln, Earl G.
Couple moves to Miller St, 03/26/1953:12
Lincoln, Edward Palmer
Inducted into armed forces, 11/05/1953:6
Lincoln, Everett
Lovell reviews past actions on land gift, 02/24/1950:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Lincoln, Fred
Couple moves from Bedford St to Middleboro, 02/01/1951:4
Lincoln, Frederic
Daughter born, 03/01/1951:5, 07/02/1953:4
Lincoln, Frederick
Daughter born, 02/28/1952:5
Lincoln, Howard
Bedford St couple married 37 years, 10/11/1951:9
Lincoln, L. Maud
Widow of Frederic L. dies at age 82, 09/10/1953:5
Obituary, 09/10/1953:8
Lincoln, Mrs Alfred
Resides in Sherburne, 03/01/1951:4, 09/04/1952:4
Teaches typing at Dover High School, 09/25/1952:4
Lincoln, Mrs C. Frank
Sprains ankle in fall, 03/08/1951:4
Lincoln, Mrs Earl G.
Mother dies in New Brunswick, 07/03/1952:5
Lincoln, Sarah
Engaged to Melbourne Cowan, 04/16/1953:7
Lincoln, Sarah Coleman
Wedding described, 07/16/1953:5
Lind, Barbara Houlihan
Son born, 12/20/1951:7
Lind, Carl
Carpenter, 287 North Main St (ad), 02/22/1951:3
On probation for drunkenness, 10/23/1952:10
Lind, Clarence
Son born, 12/20/1951:7
Lind, Clarence J.
Gabrey and Lind indicted in death of Charles Stuart, 10/11/1951:1
Jailed six months for death of Charles Stuart, 10/25/1951:1
Not Carl Lind on probation for drunkenness, 10/30/1952:12
Accused of non-support, 11/05/1953:3
Lind, John A.
Returns from six-month stint with Combustion Engineering in Georgia,
Lind, John Alexander
Dies at age 68, 12/09/1954:4
Obituary, 12/09/1954:13
Lindberg, Charles
Lindy's Home Bakery, fine line of products, 07/01/1954:8
Displays baking artistry (p), 11/11/1954:8
Linden Lodge
Open for season, Lakeville (ad), 03/10/1950:2
Harold Gordon applies for liquor license, 03/17/1950:5
Open year round (ad), 11/03/1950:15
Denied all-alcoholic beverage license by state, 11/10/1950:10
Mix up with state causes question over liquor license revocation,
Charge of unlawful liquor sales held in abeyance, 05/31/1951:1
State Alcoholic Beverage Commission fails to get summons for owner,
Harold Grover applies for seasonal liquor license, 06/14/1951:6
Rte 18-105 now open (ad), 04/03/1952:3
Hosts Class of 1917 reunion (p), 06/26/1952:1
Lindfors, Victor
Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore
championships (p), 07/03/1952:5
Lindfors, Victor E.
Leaves for training at Parris Island, SC (p), 11/26/1953:1
Wins title of Honorman of the Week (p), 11/11/1954:1
Lindfors, Victor Edward
Enlists in Marine Corps, 11/19/1953:2
Lindros, David
Daughter born, 05/07/1953:4, 05/14/1953:5
Lindros, David L.
Daughter born, 03/13/1952:5
Lindros, Dorothy Young
Daughter born, 03/13/1952:5, 05/07/1953:4
Lindros, Susan
Born to David, 05/14/1953:5
Lindsay, Alan
To appear on safety quiz show, 02/24/1950:1
Elected president of Colby Symphony Club; pledges Lambda Chi
Alpha, 04/03/1952:9
Chosen to represent Bates College at NE College Band Fest,
Member of Colby choir, 11/06/1952:8
Wins symphonic society award at Colby, 05/21/1953:1
Makes name for himself at Colby College (p), 06/04/1953:1
Member of 1954 New England Intercollegiate Band, 03/25/1954:8
Lindsay, Alan R.
To receive degree from Colby College (p), 06/03/1954:1
Lindsay, Alan Robertson
Enrolls at Colby College, 09/22/1950:9
Lindsay, Benjamin L.
Mess Sergeant mixes fighting with running mess, 07/05/1951:1
Awarded combat promotion, 07/26/1951:9
Lindsay, Donald
Daughter born, 12/20/1951:7
Lindsay, Dorothy Breck
Daughter born, 12/20/1951:7
Lindsay, Norman
Member of Colby Community Symphony in Waterville, ME,
Lindsay, Norman W.
Eighth grade teacher finishes replica of the solar system, 02/18/1954:10
Lindsay, Shaylor Margaret
Born to Donald and Dorothy Becker, 12/20/1951:7
Lindstrom, Charles
Guilty of drunkenness, 02/25/1954:3
Lindstrom, Charles E.
Appeals probation on trespassing charge, 01/21/1954:1
Withdraws appeal, pays fine, 01/28/1954:3
Guilty on three counts, sentenced to four months, 02/11/1954:7
Guilty in two cases of assault, 02/18/1954:1
Lindstrom, Hilda Hyltinen
Widow of Vaino dies at age 61, 12/23/1954:4
Obituary, 12/23/1954:10
Lindy's Home Bakery
Now open at 48 North Main St (ad), 04/08/1954:12
Fine line of products, 07/01/1954:8
Charles Lindberg displays baking artistry (p), 11/11/1954:8
Linkiewicz, Josephine
Notice of Lakeville tax taking, 02/26/1953:4
Linkiewicz, Michael
Notice of Lakeville tax taking, 02/26/1953:4
Linton, Alton
Sergeant now at Fort Belvoir, VA, 01/24/1952:5
Linton, Alton H.
Sergeant resumes duty in Toyko, Japan, 01/20/1950:11
Japanese war bride to make home in Lakeville (p), 08/21/1952:1
Pleads nolo for operating unregistered, uninsured vehicle, 10/08/1953:9
Linton, Alton, Jr.
Son born, 02/04/1954:5
Linton, Barbara
Resides in Dobbs Ferry, NY, 02/08/1951:9
Engaged to Edward Sisson, 08/16/1951:6
Engaged to Edward P. Sisson, 08/30/1951:5
Linton, Barbara B.
Wedding described, 08/23/1951:7
Wed to Dexter J. Freyermuth, 07/08/1954:4
Wedding described, 07/15/1954:9
Linton, Barbara Blanche
Engaged to Edward Jerry Sisson, 07/19/1951:9
Linton, Dora
MHS students study for careers (p), 06/03/1954:11
Linton, Florence M.
Husband files for divorce, 02/03/1950:5
Linton, Frank L., Jr.
Engaged to Ellen A. Grantham, 06/30/1950:5
Linton, Howard
Resides in Hastings, NY, 07/14/1950:8
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Linton, Lavinia
Resides in Hastings-on-the-Hudson, NY, 03/01/1951:9
Wed to Eileen Kettle, 04/26/1951:9
Linton, Lavinia Bernice
Engaged to Joseph Annichiarico, 01/04/1951:8
Wedding described, 03/22/1951:2
Linton, Mary Lou
Wed to Alvan Brooks, 08/14/1952:3
Linton, Mary Louise
Enrolls at Bridgewater State Teachers College, 10/18/1951:6
Engaged to Alvan D. Brooks, 08/07/1952:5
Wed to Alvan D. Brooks, 08/14/1952:5
Linton, Mrs Alfred
Resides in Sherburne, 01/20/1950:6
Linton, Nellie Delia
North Carver woman dies at age 70, 01/11/1951:5
Obituary, 01/11/1951:6
Linton, Orville B.
Files for divorce, 02/03/1950:5
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3
Linton, Orville Bernard
Wed to Elizabeth Ruby Horn, 02/01/1951:5
Linton, Ralph L., Jr.
Engaged to Ellen Anne Grantham, 03/10/1950:3
Wed to Ellen A. Grantham, 07/07/1950:5
Linton, Shirley T.
Resigns from St. Luke's, 09/30/1954:7
Linton, Toshiko
Japanese war bride to make home in Lakeville (p), 08/21/1952:1
Linton, Toshiko Jamura
Son born, 02/04/1954:5
Lions Club. see Middleboro Lions Club
Lipsitt, David J.
Land on Pocksha Pond acquired by city of New Bedford, 07/30/1953:1
Liquor Stores. see Alcoholic Beverages
Litchfield, Mary Sheehan
Wed to Henry Chouinard, 07/02/1953:4
Little People
Historical Society speaker a former associate of Lilliputians,
Benjamin Bump writes booklet on Mr and Mrs Tom Thumb,
Owners of Thumb home receive copy of Alice Curtis Desmond's book,
Author of Barnum Presents General Tom Thumb visits town,
Countess and Count Magri at Coney Island 50 years ago, 07/08/1954:2
Magris head for Philadelphia 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8
Kinney's Y-D Poultry Farms on site of Tom Thumb property (p),
The lost story of once famous Minnie Warren (p), 12/30/1954:1
The Little Theatre Group
Local players present John Loves Mary, 04/07/1950:1
Plans new season (p), 10/06/1950:12
Production of Hay Fever most enjoyable, 11/17/1950:5
Now affiliated with Little Theater of New England, 11/24/1950:4
Presents comedy You Can't Take It With You, 04/12/1951:6
Holds Guest Night, 06/14/1951:6
Seeking new members (p), 10/25/1951:10
Gives fine performance of The Curtain Rises, 12/06/1951:2
Presentation of Dear Ruth one of most successful, 05/22/1952:2
Cabaret and style show attracts many, 06/19/1952:8
Opens season with one-act play, The Layette, 09/25/1952:9
Presents three one-act plays for Nemasket Grange, 04/02/1953:6
Performance of Harvey benefits Perry Memorial, 05/07/1953:7
Invited to present play at Boothbay Harbor, 05/14/1953:10
Holds annual meeting, 06/04/1953:6
Launches 6th season, 10/08/1953:10
Members learn all phases of theater life (p), 03/11/1954:10
Presents half-hour Easter radio play, 04/22/1954:1
Presents play for Lakeville PTA, 05/27/1954:7
Holds annual banquet, 06/24/1954:5
To hold fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7
Crowd of 202 at fashion show, 12/16/1954:4
Littlefield, Grace Campbell
Widow of Arthur W. dies at age 93, 07/21/1950:5
Obituary, 07/21/1950:7
Littlefield, Henrietta
Obituary, 04/03/1952:6
Littlefield, Loren
Roger Wainwright runs into Littlefield's car on Wareham St,
Littlefield, Loren M.
Collides with Gisetto on Everett St, 11/26/1953:7
Littlehale, Bertie
Engaged to Jesse F. Morse 50 years ago, 02/04/1954:7
Livesey, Thomas
Dies at age 84, 07/22/1954:5
Obituary, 07/22/1954:7
Livestock. see also Cows; Horses; Poultry; Sheep; Swine
Dump no place for animal dead, 04/21/1950:1
East Taunton man fined $150 for receiving calf stolen from Gordon
Reynolds, 09/08/1950:4
Cattle dealer, J.M. Foster, thanks farmers for patronage (ad),
Cattle dealer J.M. Foster thanks patrons (ad), 01/01/1953:7
Aberdeen Braes Farm elected to National Angus Association,
Mrs Warren Jackson's pet calf struck by car, 11/12/1953:12
Roger Cole, cattle auction (ad), 12/31/1953:3
Livestock Feed. see also C.P. Washburn Co.
General Mills, Farm Service Store, Wareham St (ad), 04/07/1950:9
Columbo Guidaboni, hay baling (ad), 06/05/1952:11
Joseph MacAllister Grain Co., Wirthmore feed (ad), 07/23/1953:6
Joseph MacAllister Grain Co., service for farmers, 12/31/1953:6
Another arson attempt fizzles out at Farm Service grain elevator,
Joseph MacAllister Grain Co. distributor of Wirthmore feed products
(p), 10/21/1954:8
Lizotte, Jennie Johnson
Engaged to Edward F. Sylvaria, Jr., 08/09/1951:5
Wed to Edward F. Sylvaria, 09/13/1951:5
Lloyd Perkins & Son
Heating contractor, 57 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Chester Sylvester low bidder on heating system construction for Public
Works, 02/08/1951:6
High school heat contract awarded to Lloyd Perkins & Son,
Lobl, Frederick
Gives $10,000 to St. Luke's building fund, 09/16/1954:1
Lobl, Magdalene Ann
Wed to Melvin J. Hootstein, 01/20/1950:7
Lobl, Otto
Accepts post of advertising for local scout group (p), 10/13/1950:1
Appointed to head up Red Cross appeal, 12/10/1953:1
Lobl Manufacturing Co.
Young women wanted for work on Army raincoats (ad), 06/14/1951:2
Gets new transformer bank, 12/27/1951:1
Awarded certificate of commendation by National Safety Council,
Girls wanted (ad), 07/22/1954:8
To merge with Faultless Rubber Co. of Ohio, 11/04/1954:1
Locke, Barbara Stevenson
Engaged to Herbert E. Thompson, Jr., 06/21/1951:5
Wed to Herbert E. Thompson, Jr., 06/28/1951:5
Locke, Ethel
Real estate auction (ad), 07/12/1951:3
Lockjaw. see Tetanus
The Lodge, Inc.
Turnbull applies for seasonal club license for The Lodge, Inc., formerly
Old Tavern, 04/30/1953:1
Seasonal club license for Turnbull okayed by selectmen, 05/14/1953:1
State commission approves license, 05/28/1953:3
George Powers submits application to incorporate, 11/19/1953:6
George Powers applies for liquor license, 01/07/1954:2
George Powers grant liquor license, 01/21/1954:1
Lofgren, Carl R.
Thrown from motorcycle on Thomas St, 07/24/1952:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Logan, Arthur L.
Lt. Colonel resides in Newburgh, NY, 09/15/1950:10
Lieutenant Colonel to head communications at Mitchel AFB, NY (p),
Logan, Barbara Shaw
Daughter born, 10/23/1952:5
Logan, Harriett Shaw
Daughter born, 01/21/1954:5
Logan, Ivan
Webster St apartment renovated, 02/08/1951:6
Logan, J. Ivan
Awarded Fellowship in traffic engineering at Yale University,
Logan, Jean L.
Escapes injury in South Main St collision, 03/04/1954:8
Logan, John
Daughter born, 10/23/1952:5
Logan, John I.
Passes civil service exam for engineers, 03/03/1950:1
Awarded fellowship to study at Yale University, 07/05/1951:1
Awarded Certificate in Highway Traffic from Yale, 07/17/1952:1
Logan, John Ivan
Engaged to Harriet Barbara Hope Shaw, 01/27/1950:6
Wedding described, 02/10/1950:8
Wed to Harriet Barbara Shaw, 02/17/1950:7
Completes Traffic Engineering course at Yale, 06/12/1952:7
Daughter born, 01/21/1954:5
Logan Family
Pilgrim descendants observe Thanksgiving, 12/04/1952:10
Logg Kabin Grill
Re-opens March 16th (ad), 03/10/1950:3
Summer hours (ad), 06/30/1950:10
Closed till March 8 (ad), 02/08/1951:10
Expands hours (ad), 06/28/1951:10
New hours (ad), 07/12/1951:2
Closes for month (ad), 01/17/1952:11
New seasonal hours (ad), 09/04/1952:8
Waitress wanted (ad), 02/05/1953:10, 05/07/1953:10, 08/20/1953:9
Opening for full-time waitress (ad), 02/18/1954:12
Part time waitress wanted (ad), 07/15/1954:9
Logging and Lumbering. see also Saw Mills
Town timber sells for $335, 06/30/1950:9
Edwin Blair wants to buy standing timber from town, 02/12/1953:5
George Lee killed by tree he was felling, 04/09/1953:1
Logrien, Alma Nickerson
Daughter born, 07/12/1951:4, 01/08/1953:5
Logrien, Howard
Engaged to Alma E. Nickerson Marshman, 04/21/1950:5
Daughter born, 07/12/1951:4, 01/08/1953:5
Logrien, Howard S.
Foreclosure notice, 06/28/1951:5
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/13/1951:9
Loheed, Arthur I.
Father dies in Brockton, 02/17/1950:6
Loheed, Arthur I. "Dick"
Retires after 50 years at George Keith Shoe Co. (p), 08/26/1954:1
Loheed, Hubert
Ensign Completes advanced training, transfers to Pensacola, FL,
Visits home briefly while on routine flight to Quonset, RI, 04/26/1951:6
Loheed, Hubert B.
Ensign seeks Wings of Gold, 10/20/1950:6
Naval aviator commissioned Lieutenant (jg) (p), 04/26/1951:1
Loheed, William J.
Dies in Brockton, 02/17/1950:6
Frank DeCosta gets one month for loitering and idleness, 12/08/1950:2
Long, Charles
Knapp shoes, 113 Everett St (ad), 10/28/1954:2
Long, Marion
Engaged to George Wood, 10/04/1951:2, 10/04/1951:4
Engaged to George E. Wood, 10/18/1951:5
Long, Marion E.
Wedding described, 10/25/1951:5
Long, Michael
Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p),
Long, Robert C.
Mitchell Memorial Club buys Jackson St land for anticipated
gymnasium (p), 04/05/1951:1
Long Pond
Lakeville and Freetown citizens protest use of pond for water supply,
More consideration of southeastern water supply district expected,
Issue of Plymouth Rock from 1860 reveals local and national events,
Nelson Dalberg drowns in Long Pond, 08/28/1952:10
Protective League urges selectmen to join fight to save pond lands,
Property development owners form Long Pond Shores Association,
Pond dragged, George Martin probably dead, 02/18/1954:1
Martin's body recovered from Long Pond, 02/25/1954:1
Long Pond Lodge
Applies for liquor license in Lakeville, 08/11/1950:8
Denied all-alcoholic beverage license by state, 11/10/1950:10
Fifty Lakeville citizens attend hearing for liquor license, 12/15/1950:16
Application for liquor license, 01/04/1951:8
License application approved, 01/04/1951:8
Mix-up with state causes question over liquor license revocation,
Hearing on Long Pond Lodge liquor license petition held in Boston,
Lakeville license board declines to obey state board, 03/08/1951:1
Granted liquor license, 03/22/1951:2
Under new management (ad), 04/05/1951:8
Lakeville selectmen test authority of state alcoholic beverage control
commission, 05/10/1951:1
Lakeville selectmen refuse directive from state commission to grant
liquor license, 01/03/1952:5
More delays in ruling on Long Pond Lodge liquor license, 04/17/1952:9
Lakeville denies liquor license, 01/08/1953:8
Long Pond Shores Association
Formed by property owners, 09/03/1953:7
Longfellow, Frederick E.
Wedding described, 10/01/1953:10
Longworth, Grace. see also Longworth's Gas Service
Applies for permit to store propane, 02/21/1952:1
Notice of hearing on petition to store propane gas (ad), 05/08/1952:12
Granted license for propane storage, 05/22/1952:1
Longworth, James
Almeida Co. bus knocks down fire alarm box, James Longworth
injured, 06/21/1951:1
Longworth, L.J.
Longworth's Gas Service honored for 20 years of service,
Longworth, Luther James
Merchant fractures skull in fall, dies, 09/01/1950:1
Dies at age 42, 09/01/1950:5
Longworth, Nancy
Engaged to Charles H. McCrillis (p), 12/30/1954:1
Longworth's Gas Service
Honored for 20 years of service, 07/14/1950:10
Proposed propane gas distribution opposed, 03/06/1952:1
Annie Conroy struck and killed by truck, 03/13/1952:1
Robert Phillips acquitted of guilt in death of Annie Conroy,
Propane dealer has a growing business (p), 07/02/1953:6
Bottled gas specialists (p), 11/05/1953:8
Fills every need of local users, 02/04/1954:6
Suppliers of bottled gas (p), 05/06/1954:8
Leaders in bottled gas field here (p), 08/05/1954:6
Dependable gas service (p), 12/30/1954:6
Loomis, Eliot Putnam
Engaged to Susan Cooledge Leonard, 08/20/1953:3
Loomis, Elliott
Wedding described, 09/02/1954:8
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Loon Pond
Bill to lay new way to Lakeville pond, 01/18/1951:1
Boy Scouts register strong protest against public access, 03/22/1951:2
Proposed public access defeated, 04/05/1951:5
Rev Farnum requests access to Loon Pond for children, 07/05/1951:3
Loon Pond Day Camp
Four weeks just for boys (ad), 08/04/1950:2
Lopes, Andrew M.
Daughter born, 01/28/1954:5
Lopes, Flora Fernandes
Daughter born, 01/28/1954:5
Lopes, Mary E.
Wed to Roy M. Andrade, 02/12/1953:5
Lopes, Mary L.
Car theft case continued, 11/04/1954:1
Loring, M. Barbara
Engaged to Henry S. Sullivan, 11/17/1950:7
Wed to Henry E. Sullivan, 11/24/1950:5
Louder, Sandra
Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated
by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1
Lougee, Altha
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 11/03/1950:8
Lougee, Altha Richards
Daughter born, 08/11/1950:5
Lougee, Ernest
Daughter born, 08/11/1950:5
Lougee, Ernest J.
Posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 11/03/1950:8
Lougee, Frances M.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Lovelace, Betty Jean
Wed to John Richmond, 09/02/1953:5
Engaged to John Richmond, 09/17/1953:6
Wedding described, 09/17/1953:6
Wed to James A. Vassie, 09/24/1953:5
Lovell, Clifford S.
Reviews past actions on Lincoln land gift, 02/24/1950:1
Greets friends from room at St. Luke's, 02/19/1953:1
Resigns as supervisor of attendance, 03/19/1953:1
Lovell, George
Found guilty of contempt of court, 02/04/1954:4
Wandering cow causes accident over weekend, 09/23/1954:1
Notice of application for piggery permit, 10/28/1954:11
Lovell, S. Winsor
Lieutenant stationed at Fort Hamilton, NY, 07/19/1951:4
Lovell, Samuel W.
Local reservist trains at Fort Hamilton, NY, 08/18/1950:1
Takes intensive training at Fort Hamilton, NY, 07/26/1951:2
Lovell, S.S.
Dog officer 50 years ago, 08/05/1954:8
Lovell, S.W.
S.W. Lovell & Co. opening Fish Market at 35 Fairview St (ad),
Lovell, Thomas J.
Transports post between office and station 50 years ago, 12/31/1953:7
Lovell, Winsor
Couple occupies house on Williams Place, 03/08/1951:2
Lovell's Fish Market
Opening at 35 Fairview St (ad), 12/13/1951:5
Now open at 35 Fairview St (ad), 12/20/1951:11
Lowe, George
Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1
Lowe, George H.
Heads Red Cross fund drive, 02/07/1952:1
Lauds school project (l), 11/12/1953:7
Lowe, George H., Jr.
Recruit stationed at Camp Pickett, VA, 01/25/1951:5
Returns from duty in Europe, 12/25/1952:1
Lowe, George H., Sr.
Elected to board of Monponset Lakes Shore Improvement Association,
Word of praise for Gazette (l), 10/16/1952:4
Lowe, Mary Elizabeth
Widow of Edward W. dies at age 83, 02/05/1953:5
Obituary, 02/05/1953:9
Lowe, Mrs Richard H.
Resides in Toronto, Ontario, 01/18/1951:4
Lowe, Richard H.
Son born, 02/01/1951:10
Family arrives in Spokane enroute to British Columbia, 08/02/1951:5
Lowell, James Drunnan
Wedding described, 09/17/1953:6, 09/17/1953:8
LP Gas. see Propane
Lucas, Bernice Eva
Wed to Louis J. Ouellette, 06/30/1950:5
Lucas, Emma R.
Executrix presents account of estate, 02/03/1950:5
Lucey, Veronica
Brockton woman dies, 04/30/1953:7
Ludden, Virgil
Purchases Warrentown farm from Orcutt 50 years ago, 12/23/1954:7
Luetzner, Martha Gertrude
Wed to Fred Remel, 07/23/1953:4
Luippold, Carrie
Honored for 60 years of service to Congregational Sunday school,
Luke, Mary Frances Anderson
Obituary, 05/03/1951:4
Widow of Harry Herbert dies at age 82, 05/03/1951:5
Lumber. see Building Materials; Logging and Lumbering
Lumsden, Lucille
Seven-lesson home nursing course completed by ten women (p),
Lumsden, Nellie
Seven-lesson home nursing course completed by ten women (p),
Luna, Jessie B.
Tops Restaurant, Rte 44 East Middleboro (ad), 11/01/1951:9
Lund, Jesse
Granted common victualler license, 04/07/1950:5
Lundin, Gloria Mander
Employed with Tufts College public relations office, 10/07/1954:7
Lundin, Laurence
Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p),
Lundstrom, Mary Lawrence
Widow of Fritz dies at age 80, 12/18/1952:5
Obituary, 12/18/1952:12
Lunkas, Paul
Petition alleges incapacitation, 10/02/1952:5
Conservator presents account of estate, 05/21/1953:4
Lunn & MacNeil Sawmill
224 Plymouth St (ad), 07/30/1953:3
Lunskis, Joseph
Injured in run-in with parked car, 03/04/1954:7
Lunskis, Paul
Petition alleges incapacitation, 10/02/1952:5
Conservator presents account of estate, 05/21/1953:4
Luther, Eleanor
Engaged to Robert Johansen, 05/31/1951:10
Wed to Robert Johanson, 10/04/1951:2
Luther, Irene Picard
Daughter born, 07/02/1953:4, 09/23/1954:4
Luther, James K.
Daughter born, 07/02/1953:4, 09/23/1954:4
Luther, James Kenneth
Engaged to Irene Claire Picard, 06/12/1952:7
Wed to Irene Claire Picard, 10/09/1952:5
Lyden, Francis E.
Husband of Marian Sawyer dies at age 64, 05/07/1953:4
Obituary, 05/07/1953:9
Lydon, William
Engaged to Shirley Gloria Dutra, 10/21/1954:11
Lyford, Emerson
Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Lyford, Emerson Fletcher
Obituary, 01/07/1954:4
Dies at age 68, 01/07/1954:5
Lyle, Emily
Dies in Attleboro, 04/21/1950:3
Lynch, E.H.
Politicians sink to new low (l), 10/06/1950:4
Lynch, Everett H.
Does not approve school plans (l), 04/21/1950:1
Lynch, Floyd
Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3
Lynch, Francis S.
Husband of Alice Brown dies at age 63, 05/12/1950:7
Obituary, 05/12/1950:13
Lynch, Margaret E.
Petition for administration of estate, 09/17/1953:9
Lynch, Margaret Elizabeth
Obituary, 08/20/1953:2
Dies at age 94, 08/20/1953:4
Lynde, Elwyn B.
Alumnus of Mt. Hermon School, 10/18/1951:9
Local Lions Club member made honorary Waikiki Lion (p),
Reappointed notary public, 09/09/1954:3
Lynde, John
Red Cross appeal extended; Co-operative Bank contributes $50 (p),
Lynde, John B.
Joins staff of Middleborough Co-operative Bank, 07/07/1950:1
Carol Rondelli injured in collision at Oak and Sproat St, 02/25/1954:1
Lynde, John Browning
Engaged to Barbara Martin, 09/30/1954:9
Lynde, Robert
Resides in Buffalo, NY, 10/06/1950:9
Lieutenant (jg) home before leaving for Manila, 12/15/1950:4
Stationed with Meteorological Department in Manila, 01/11/1951:6
Lieutenant stationed at Sangley Point, the Philippines, 08/09/1951:10
Family moves to Baltimore, 02/19/1953:9
Lynde, Robert E.
Family arrives safely in Japan, 08/30/1951:10
Lieutenant (jg) transfers from the Philippines to Japan, 02/21/1952:4
Lynds, Warren
Mover, local and long distance (ad), 03/08/1951:8
Lyons, John
Son born, 03/31/1950:6
Lyons, John F.
Son born, 12/20/1951:7
Lyons, John Francis, Jr.
Hit by car driven by Romeo Trinque, 10/16/1952:1
Lyons, Mary Mottola
Son born, 03/31/1950:6, 12/20/1951:7
Lyons, Thomas J.
Engaged to Jane Ruth Wilson, 07/23/1953:10
Engaged to Jane R. Wilson, 08/19/1954:4
Wed to Jane Wilson, 08/26/1954:4
Lyons, Thomas L.
Wedding described, 08/26/1954:4
MacAllister, Alice
Resides in Riviera Beach, FL, 06/10/1954:9
MacAllister, Joseph. see also Joseph MacAllister Grain Co.
Wirthmore Feeds (ad), 04/14/1950:3
Daughter born, 07/05/1951:5
Air squadron wins award, 12/11/1952:11
Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4
Grain company (p), 08/27/1953:10
Grain company enjoys steady growth (p), 03/18/1954:6
Grain Co. reliable service for local farmers, 06/03/1954:10
Son born, 07/15/1954:4
Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3
MacAllister, Joseph W.
Fined for speeding, 08/27/1953:9
MacAllister, Marilyn Shurtleff
Daughter born, 07/05/1951:5, 07/23/1953:4
Son born, 07/15/1954:4
MacAllister, Sandra
MacAllister's grain company enjoys steady growth (p), 03/18/1954:6
MacArthur, Douglas, 1880-1964
Readers express opinions on General (l), 04/19/1951:1
Nations astounded by actions (e), 04/19/1951:6
Robert Hartling calls for more MacArthurs (l), 04/26/1951:5
Again MacArthur (e), 04/26/1951:12
MacAulay, Angus
Obituary, 04/19/1951:2
Husband of Katherine MacDermid dies at age 91, 04/19/1951:5
MacAulay, Aulay
Purchases parcel of land from town, 08/07/1952:1
MacAulay, Bobby
Look what Santa brought! (p), 12/30/1954:1
MacAulay, Donald C.
Master Sergeant greets family in Hawaii (p), 12/16/1954:6
MacAulay, Douglas
Couple purchases house and property from Francis Carver,
Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5
MacAulay, Douglas W.
Rear-ends Quincy driver on Center St, 07/07/1950:6
MacAulay, Frances Frye
Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5
MacAulay, Helga E. Koelmel
Master Sergeant greets family in Hawaii (p), 12/16/1954:6
MacAulay, Mrs Douglas
Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for
sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1
MacAulay, Norman
Newlyweds return from Germany, 09/25/1952:3
MacAulay, Norman D.
Master Sergeant greets family in Hawaii (p), 12/16/1954:6
MacAulay, Patricia
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
MacAulay, Patricia Ann
Look what Santa brought! (p), 12/30/1954:1
MacAulay, Roger A.
Middleboro Laundry wins safety award (p), 10/04/1951:1
MacAuley, Auley
Files petition to foreclose, 05/14/1953:6
Macauley, George
Brown-Cell Laboratories, Inc. charged with violations of trade laws,
MacAuley, Roger
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
MacCormack, Columbia J.
Railroad retiree shown on horseback (p), 06/14/1951:1
MacCready, Ann
Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1
MacCready, Robert
Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6
Macdonald, Alice
Arizona resident comments on Guidaboni's experience in mountains (l),
MacDonald, Anne M.
Wed to Frederick P. Crane, 11/29/1951:6
MacDonald, John
Couple moves to new home on Cherry St, 01/04/1951:8
Macdonald, John
Resumes studies at University of Maine, 01/06/1950:7
Treasurer of Delta Tau Delta at University of Maine, 10/04/1951:7
Has new position with GE in Pittsfield, 07/10/1952:6
Accountant with General Electric in Pittsfield, 03/25/1954:5
Macdonald, John D.
Graduates from University of Maine, 06/12/1952:6
Accepts post as GE auditor in Cincinnati, OH, 07/29/1954:8
Macdonald, John Donaldson
Engaged to Norma Kathleen Drake, 10/02/1952:5
MacDonald, John Maurice
Sanatorium attendant killed as sedan crashes into tree, 12/13/1951:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
MacDonald, Josephine E.
Washington, DC woman dies at age 64, 12/31/1953:4
Obituary, 12/31/1953:9
MacDonald, Madeline
Air stewardess with Northwest Orient awarded wings, 06/25/1953:1
MacDonald, Marilyn
Completing basic training at Lackland AFB, TX (p), 01/07/1954:1
Engaged to Philip Dietrich, 08/12/1954:4
Wed to Philip Dietrich, 08/19/1954:4
MacDonald, Mary Ellen
Obituary, 10/22/1953:6
Dies in Middleboro, 10/22/1953:7
Macdonald, Mrs Roger
White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p),
Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1
Macdonald, Mrs Roger W.
Congregational Church women preside over Fair tea table (p),
MacDonald, Norman
Kiwanis Club holds installation ceremonies (p), 01/07/1954:1
Macdonald, Roger
Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1
Thelma Vigers twice winner of $250 award (p), 08/12/1954:1
Macdonald, Roger W.
Couple married 25 years, 06/30/1950:3
Named sanitation assistant to civil defense, 05/03/1951:2
Interim superintendent at Gas & Electric, 08/23/1951:1
Honored guest at annual Legion get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12
Town Manager moves office during renovation, 12/18/1952:1
Town Manager occupies new office, 02/26/1953:4
New No. 2 police cruiser (p), 05/28/1953:10
MacDougall, Rosemarie
MHS annual junior class promenade (p), 05/03/1951:1
MacDougall, William J.
Candidate for Board of Selectmen, 12/15/1950:1
Honored guest at annual Legion get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12
West Side School committee turns over keys to Board of Selectmen (p),
Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1
Selectman picked as judge for WBZ Lobster Cook-off, 11/19/1953:1
Lives to tell of the big feast (l), 11/26/1953:10
Takes out nomination papers for re-election, 12/03/1953:1
Biography of candidate for Board of Selectmen (p), 01/14/1954:4
Machoolian, Ann
Engaged to Jacob Kulian, 06/17/1954:4
MacIver, N.A.
New development at Nemasket Village, Wood Construction Co. (ad),
Mack (Mrs)
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Mack, A. Russell
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
MacKay, Roy A.
Wed to Shirley A. Manson, 08/13/1953:4
MacKenzie, Harriet M.
Granted second-hand furniture sales license, 03/24/1950:1
MacKenzie, Norman
Employed by California Department of Public Works, 07/30/1953:7
MacKenzie, Norman B.
Resides in Sacramento, CA, 06/11/1953:10
MacKenzie, Walter
White lilac in full bloom, 10/21/1954:6
MacKenzie, Walter M.
Retires from Carver Cotton Gin Co. after 48 years, 10/04/1951:4
MacKenzie, William
Couple moves to Plymouth, 11/06/1952:5
MacKerron, Franklin P.
Receives degree from Gordon College of Theology, 05/26/1950:1
Mackie, Pauline Howard
Son born, 02/10/1950:7, 11/25/1954:4
Mackie, William
Son born, 02/10/1950:7, 11/25/1954:4
Mackie, William L.
Discharged from military service, 03/11/1954:4
Mackiewicz, Al
Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1
Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (p) (t),
Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1
Mackiewicz, Alfred
Plays football for Brown University, 01/06/1950:7
Mackiewicz, Alfred E.
Private takes part in Exercise Spearhead at Fort Hood, TX,
Engaged to Beverly Ann Teceno, 07/29/1954:3
Mackiewicz, Alfred Edward
Inducted into armed forces, 11/05/1953:6
Mackiewicz, Benjamin
Son born, 12/29/1950:5
Appointed regular patrolman, 02/21/1952:1
Appointed MHS attendance officer, 04/09/1953:3
Son born, 07/30/1953:5
Mackiewicz, Benjamin J.
Re-appointed superintendent of attendance, 09/03/1953:1
Mackiewicz, Cynthia
Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6
Mackiewicz, Joseph
Checker Taxi taken over by Superior Taxi, 03/24/1950:8
Applies to renew taxi license, 06/30/1950:10
Granted license for additional taxis, 07/14/1950:1
Son born, 11/20/1952:7
Daughter born, 09/30/1954:5
Mackiewicz, Joseph J.
Allan Hoard collides with taxi at Oak and High St, 11/24/1950:4
Mackiewicz, Mamie
Engaged to Keller R. Ewalt, 03/31/1950:5, 04/07/1950:6
Wedding described, 04/21/1950:4
Wed to Keller R. Ewalt, 04/28/1950:7
Mackiewicz, Marguerite Shaw
Son born, 11/20/1952:7
Daughter born, 09/30/1954:5
Mackiewicz, Vivian Doucette
Son born, 12/29/1950:5, 07/30/1953:5
MacKinnon (Mrs)
Dies in New Brunswick, 07/03/1952:5
MacKusick, Hattie Joy
Obituary, 04/26/1951:6
Widow of Arthur L. dies at age 77, 04/26/1951:7
MacLean, Eleanor R.
Wedding described, 10/18/1951:8
MacLeod, Donald
Enlists in Navy, training at Bainbridge, MD (p), 07/10/1952:1
Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1
Engaged to Diane Brackett, 09/23/1954:5, 09/23/1954:10
MacLeod, Donald M.
Engaged to Diane Brackett, 09/02/1954:4
Wed to Diane B. Brackett, 09/30/1954:5
MacLeod, Donald Malcolm
Engaged to Diane Belle Brackett (p), 08/19/1954:1
Wedding described, 09/30/1954:2
MacLeod, Robert M.
Husband of Mary L. Holbrook dies at age 46, 12/06/1951:6
Obituary, 12/06/1951:6
MacLeod, Roger W.
Wed to Beverly G. Brauneis, 11/18/1954:6
MacMillan, Louis W.
Wed to Marie Rose Donnelly, 10/16/1952:5
MacMillan, Mabelle Louise
Wife of Louis W. dies at age 61, 05/10/1951:6
Obituary, 05/10/1951:7
MacMillan, Stuart
Receives degree in medicine from Tufts, 06/14/1951:7
MacMillan, Stuart H.
First Lieutenant attends Medical Field Service School, 08/06/1953:8
MacNab, Jeannette
Engaged to Paul D. Preti, 06/21/1951:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
MacNayr, Archibald
Gets suspended sentence for non-support, 09/30/1954:3
MacNayr, Archie A.
Guilty of assault on wife Dorothy, 08/30/1951:8
MacNayr, Bruce S.
Discharged from U.S. Air Force, 10/21/1954:12
MacNayr, David R.
Reports onboard USS Salem, 11/20/1952:7
Serves on board USS Salem, 03/19/1953:7
Serves on heavy cruiser USS Salem, 06/04/1953:7
Heavy cruiser USS Salem due in Boston, 10/22/1953:4
Returns from training cruise in the Caribbean, 04/15/1954:4
MacNayr, Dorothy
Archie MacNayr guilty of assault on wife Dorothy, 08/30/1951:8
Husband gets suspended sentence for non-support, 09/30/1954:3
MacNeil, John Edward
Dog saves man from burning bed, 05/22/1952:12
MacNeil, Mabel
Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1
MacNeil, Mabel J.
And George O'Brien add Clarence Dimond as partner in Mid-Way
Cafe, 02/18/1954:7
MacNeil, Oliver
Resides in Foxboro, 01/20/1950:12
MacNeil, Richard J.
Fined $35 for reckless driving, 10/28/1954:2
MacNeil, Richard L.
Bridgewater truck driver strikes motorcyclist MacNeil, 07/15/1954:3
MacNeill uninjured, Boggs' back broken in one-car accident,
MacNeill (Mr)
Lunn & MacNeil Sawmill, 224 Plymouth St (ad), 07/30/1953:3
MacNeill, Amy E.
Widow of Edward dies at age 65, 05/13/1954:6
Obituary, 05/20/1954:3
MacNeill, Barbara Smith
Son born, 11/05/1953:7
Daughter born, 11/18/1954:6
MacNeill, Betty
Attends University of New Hampshire, 04/02/1953:5
MacNeill, Donald
Son born, 11/05/1953:7
Daughter born, 11/18/1954:6
MacNeill, Donald P.
Engaged to Barbara J. Smith, 03/05/1953:7
Wed to Barbara J. Smith, 03/26/1953:7
ROTC officer promoted to 1st Lieutenant, 10/07/1954:1
MacNeill, Doris Lee
Estella Lee's birthday brings together five generations (p), 06/07/1951:1
MacNeill, Edith Paun
Daughter born, 01/31/1952:5
MacNeill, Elizabeth
Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1
MacNeill, Elizabeth Louise
Engaged to Robert Francis McManus, 12/30/1954:1
MacNeill, Gordon
Daughter born, 01/31/1952:5
MacNeill, Laurie Jo
Estella Lee's birthday brings together five generations (p), 06/07/1951:1
MacNeill, Leslie Ellan
Born to Richard, 05/21/1953:10
MacNeill, Richard
Estella Lee's birthday brings together five generations (p), 06/07/1951:1
Daughter born, 05/21/1953:10
MacNeill, Shirley Ann
Engaged to Frank E. Thompson, 05/26/1950:3
Wed to Frank Everett Thompson, 10/13/1950:7
Wedding described, 10/13/1950:8
MacNeill, William H.
Guilty of non-support, 10/22/1953:11
Macomber, Barzilla Warren
Husband of Bertha Upham dies at age 74, 08/06/1953:4
Obituary, 08/06/1953:10
Macomber, Carrie Adelaide
Obituary, 05/19/1950:4
Widow of William B. dies at age 87, 05/19/1950:6
Macomber, Charles D.
Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9
Macomber, Cynthia Dianne
Born to John and Shirley Bessey, 10/28/1954:10
Macomber, Durant
East Taunton couple married 50 years, 11/03/1950:14, 11/10/1950:10
Macomber, John
Resides in Minneapolis, MN, 06/03/1954:7
Daughter born, 10/28/1954:10
Macomber, John Adams
Wedding described, 01/21/1954:5
Macomber, Mrs A.
Public auction of furniture (ad), 07/12/1951:3
Macomber, Shirley Bessey
Daughter born, 10/28/1954:10
Macy, Herb
J.M. Wells gives keepsake chests to MHS senior girls (p), 06/19/1952:4
Macy, Herbert
First mattress of its kind on display at J.M. Wells (p), 12/06/1951:8
Madan, Harold Edward, Jr.
Wedding described, 09/24/1953:4
Madan, Harold, Jr.
Engaged to Doris Audrey Millette, 09/17/1953:6
Wed to Doris Audrey Millette, 09/24/1953:5
Madden, Caroline Frahar
Son born, 08/26/1954:4
Madden, Eleanor Lyden
Daughter born, 11/19/1953:6
Madden, J.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Madden, Michael
Daughter born, 11/19/1953:6
Madden, Richard
Son born, 08/26/1954:4
Madden, Rita
Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1
MHS social studies teacher resigns, 02/07/1952:1
Maddigan (Mrs)
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Maddigan, Albert
Son born, 02/10/1950:7
Couple moves from Star Ave to Forest St, 12/13/1951:14
Local insurance agent, Ralph Maddigan, Sr., honored (p), 12/04/1952:4
Son born, 03/19/1953:5
Maddigan, Albert T.
Passes state bar exam, 03/03/1950:1
Admitted to state bar association, 03/24/1950:1
Ralph Maddigan, Sr. runs 77-year-old T.M. Ryder Co. (p),
Maddigan, Carol Cushing
Son born, 02/10/1950:7, 03/19/1953:5
Maddigan, Eleanor Adams
Son born, 06/05/1952:7, 02/11/1954:4
Maddigan, Eleanor C. Adams
Daughter born, 07/14/1950:7
Maddigan, Gail
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Maddigan, James
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Maddigan, Jean
Enrolls at University of Arizona, 09/20/1951:12
Receives degree, with honors, from University of Arizona,
Maddigan, Jean E.
Engaged to Weston P. Sanford, 12/09/1954:8
Maddigan, John Francis
Petition for administration of estate, 02/05/1953:9
Maddigan, Mrs Albert
Served with WAVES in WWII, 08/21/1952:5
Maddigan, Mrs Ralph W., Sr.
Local insurance agent, Ralph Maddigan, Sr., honored (p), 12/04/1952:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Maddigan, Patricia
Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1
Maddigan, Ralph
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated
by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1
Maddigan, Ralph, Jr.
Son born, 06/05/1952:7
Local insurance agent, Ralph Maddigan, Sr., honored (p), 12/04/1952:4
Son born, 02/11/1954:4
Ralph Maddigan, Sr. runs 77-year-old T.M. Ryder Co. (p),
Maddigan, Ralph, Sr.
Runs 77-year-old T.M. Ryder Co. (p), 07/01/1954:8
Maddigan, Ralph W.
Re-elected selectman (p), 01/20/1950:1
LaForest and Maddigan responsible for flyovers during Falconieri
homecoming, 09/17/1953:6
T.M. Ryder Co. has all kinds of insurance, 12/09/1954:12
Maddigan, Ralph W., Jr.
Candidate for Board of Selectmen (ad), 01/13/1950:5
Named notary public, 06/09/1950:1
Daughter born, 07/14/1950:7
Assigned to 9232nd VART Squadron in Boston, 01/25/1951:1
Elected chairman of Board of Selectmen, 01/25/1951:1
Named regional coordinator for civil defense, 02/08/1951:1
Mitchell Memorial Club buys Jackson St land for anticipated
gymnasium (p), 04/05/1951:1
Ordered to active duty by Air Force, 04/05/1951:1
Major at home, awaits orders, 04/12/1951:1
Honored guest at annual Legion get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12
Selectman tosses first pitch opening Little League play, 06/12/1952:1
Thelma Vigers wins Merchants Association grand prize (p),
Candidate for re-election to Board of Selectmen, 12/11/1952:1
Selectmen sends out holiday message (l), 12/18/1952:7
Discusses press access to Town Clerk's office (l), 01/08/1953:1
Selectman seeks re-election again, 01/15/1953:1
Re-elect to Board of Selectmen (ad) (p), 01/15/1953:9
Appreciates support of voters (ad), 01/22/1953:6
Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1
On reviewing stand for Falconieri's welcome home festivities (p),
Local Republicans meet with Governor Herter (p), 10/07/1954:1
Appointed local bail commissioner and justice of the peace,
Selectman writes Christmas message to citizens (l), 12/23/1954:2
Maddigan, Ralph W., Sr.
Wins recognition in insurance field, 01/10/1952:1
Local insurance agent honored (p), 12/04/1952:4
Maddigan, Robert
Pictured at Elliott's Beach maneuver area, Parris Island, SC (p),
Maddigan, Robert J.
Chooses long probation over $50 fine, 10/15/1953:3
Participates in Atlantic Fleet war games, 11/25/1954:1
Maddigan, Thomas
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
Maddox, Amos, Jr.
Daughter born, 09/27/1951:5, 12/04/1952:5
Maddox, Catherine Buckley
Daughter born, 09/27/1951:5, 12/04/1952:5
Maddox, Philippine
Petitions land court, 12/15/1950:15
Maddox and Wilson injured in collision with East Braintree driver,
Thomas Lyons fined $35 for crash with Maddox, 10/08/1953:1
Madeiros, Arthur
Daughter born, 09/25/1952:5
Madeiros, Helen Skaradoski
Daughter born, 09/25/1952:5
Madeksza, Henry Alexander
Inducted into armed forces, 08/13/1953:1
The Mademoiselle Shop
18 South Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:5
10th anniversary (ad), 05/12/1950:5
Celebrates with 11th anniversary event (ad), 05/10/1951:2
Twelfth birthday sale (ad), 05/22/1952:2
Thick smoke damages store stock in Sullivan Block, 04/29/1954:1
Smoke damage sale (ad), 05/06/1954:5
Madigan, Patrick J.
Private completes Air Force training (p), 10/27/1950:1
Madigan, Theresa M.
Takes Air Force training at Lackland AFB, TX (p), 10/16/1952:1
Madigan, Thomas F.
Fined $75 for drunk driving, 06/12/1952:6
Madigan, Thomas P.
In court for probation violation, 08/28/1952:5
Madison, Paola Cicero
Daughter born, 04/26/1951:7
Madison, Stanley
Daughter born, 04/26/1951:7
Maffei, Patricia A.
Completing basic training at Lackland AFB, TX (p), 01/07/1954:1
Mag, Margery
Engaged to Norman S. Andrews, 06/21/1951:6
Wed to Norman S. Andrews, 08/30/1951:8
Magnuson, Eleanor
Wed to Richard E. Morris, 09/20/1951:7
Magnuson, Eleanor L.
Engaged to Richard E. Morris, 08/23/1951:5
Magri, Baron
Heads for Philadelphia 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8
Magri, Countess
Historical Society speaker a former associate of Lilliputians,
And Count Magri at Coney Island 50 years ago, 07/08/1954:2
Heads for Philadelphia 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8
Magri, John
Son born; Staff Sergeant set to leave for England, 02/12/1953:6
Magri, Primo Count
And Countess Magri at Coney Island 50 years ago, 07/08/1954:2
Heads for Philadelphia 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8
Mahoney, A. Barbara
Wed to William T. Benton, 07/31/1952:5
Mahoney, Bob
1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1
Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1
Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (t),
Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1
Mahoney, Clarence
Engaged to Rita Stetson, 06/11/1953:8
Mahoney, James
Lions Club members volunteer services as gas station attendants (p),
Mahoney, James A., Jr.
Resumes studies at MIT, 09/22/1950:5
Mahoney, James F.
Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1
Mahoney, James J.
New elementary school open for inspection (p), 11/29/1951:1
Files for re-election to Finance Committee, 12/06/1951:1
Profile of candidate for Finance Committee, 01/10/1952:2
Mahoney, James J., Jr.
Attends Champlain College, NY, 04/07/1950:12
Joins staff of Lummus Co. in New York, 02/12/1953:5
Mahoney, Joanne
Student nurse at St. Luke's New Bedford, 09/29/1950:5
Completes training at St. Luke's New Bedford, employed at Boston
State Hospital, Mattapan, 03/06/1952:4
Mahoney, Joanne P.
Engaged to Paul F. Flieger, 04/29/1954:4
Wed to Paul Fred Flieger, 05/20/1954:7
Mahoney, Joanne Patricia
Engaged to Paul Fred Flieger, 10/29/1953:10
Wedding described, 05/20/1954:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Mahoney, Robert
Enrolls at Northeastern University, 09/13/1951:5
Completes basic training, 12/17/1953:11
Mahoney, Robert P.
Trains at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 12/03/1953:1
Private to participate in Exercise Flash Burn (p), 04/08/1954:1
Mahoney, Robert Paul
Inducted into armed forces, 10/08/1953:1
Mahoney, Thomas F.
Appointed night judge for raceway in Foxboro, 06/11/1953:6
Mahy, Anne Loudon
Wed to William Harvey Bath, 11/24/1950:5
Main, Marjorie Pike
Son born, 11/24/1950:5, 05/15/1952:7
Daughter born, 11/25/1954:4
Main, Stuart
Son born, 11/24/1950:5, 05/15/1952:7
Daughter born, 11/25/1954:4
Majahad, Leo
Son born, 08/05/1954:5
Majahad, Simon
Born to Leo, 08/05/1954:5
Maki, Eileen LeCain
Son born, 02/21/1952:5
Maki, Jalmar John
Obituary, 05/06/1954:4
Carver man dies at age 66, 05/06/1954:6
Maki, Kustaa A.
Administratrix presents account of estate, 05/20/1954:8
Maki, Mrs Matti
South Carver woman dies, 02/05/1953:2
Maki, Wayne
Son born, 02/21/1952:5
Makum, Stanley
Pledges Kappa Delta Pi at Bridgewater State, 12/20/1951:2
Malaguti, Alphonse
Trapped by fire at home, dies in hospital, 05/07/1953:1
Husband of Mary Rombold dies at age 83, 05/14/1953:4
Obituary, 05/14/1953:7
Malaguti, Dorothy
Engaged to Charles Robert Kennedy, 08/30/1951:3
Engaged to Charles R. Kennedy, 10/04/1951:2
Malaguti, Dorothy Mary
Engaged to Charles Robert Kennedy, 08/16/1951:1, 10/11/1951:4
Wed to Charles Robert Kennedy, 10/25/1951:5
Wedding described, 10/25/1951:6
Malaguti, Lois E.
Engaged to Robert E. DeMoranville, 08/28/1952:5
Wed to Robert E. DeMoranville, 09/11/1952:5
Malaguti, Lois Elizabeth
Engaged to Robert Earl DeMoranville, 01/03/1952:6
Malaguti, Roy
Fancy stitchers wanted (ad), 06/25/1953:10
Malaguti, Roy J.
Eagles champs of Inter-city Bowling League (p), 09/06/1951:1
Malenfant, A.
Appliance service, 19 Everett St (ad), 01/06/1950:6
Malenfant, Albert
Daughter, 11/04/1954:4
Malenfant, Alfred
Scores hole-in-one at Brockton course, 08/30/1951:1
Engaged to Helen Duarte, 11/15/1951:7
Wed to Helen Duarte, 11/29/1951:6
Malenfant, Alfred Edward
Wedding described, 11/29/1951:5
Malenfant, Helen
Now at Alyce's Beauty Center (ad), 10/23/1952:2
Malenfant, Lorraine Eaton
Daughter, 11/04/1954:4
Malenfant, Raymond
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Maleski, Bessie
The Fruit Outlet under new management (ad), 04/21/1950:10
Truck owned by Maleski and Dascoulias slides off highway,
The Fruit Outlet, twin sisters Maleski and Dascoulias (p), 08/20/1953:6
The Fruit Outlet, wholesale and retail, 121 Center St (p), 12/10/1953:8
The Fruit Outlet, renowned for quality fruit, 03/18/1954:6
Maleski, Bessie Dascoulias
And Dimmie Dascoulias sell The Fruit Outlet to Manuel Abren and
Phillip Falconeiri, 04/29/1954:1
Maleski, John
Daughter born, 01/17/1952:7
Maleski, Lydia Belevicz
Daughter born, 01/17/1952:7
Maleski, Michael
Fined $75 for drunk driving, 10/22/1953:11
Malewicz, Doc
Egger Furnituremen 1950 Twilight League champions (p),
Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1
Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1
Malewicz, Miriam Thompson
Daughter born, 10/13/1950:7
Malewicz, Vincent
Assistant player agent for local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Named Coach of the Blackstone Valley Basketball League,
Malewicz, Vincent J.
Daughter born, 10/13/1950:7
Graduates from Boston University, 06/07/1951:1
Malicious Mischief. see also Vandalism
Roger Piche returns to Middleboro, sent to jail, 02/03/1950:6
Lewis Thayer guilty, 02/10/1950:7
Mark Richmond pleads not guilty, 04/14/1950:12
Richmond case continued, 04/21/1950:6
Three youths tear down fence, must pay damages and serve year of
probation, 11/11/1954:1
Malkoski, Irene
Elected treasurer of SE MA District Hi-Y--Tri-Hi-Y Council,
Malkosky, Irene
Enters Fisher School for Girls, Boston, 10/04/1951:7
Malkosky, Irene P.
Wed to Walter A. Lewoczko, 05/26/1952:5
Engaged to Walter Lewoczko, 06/19/1952:5
Malkosky, Irene Phyllis
Introduced to student life at Fisher School, 10/11/1951:8
Engaged to Walter Lewoczko, 02/28/1952:2
Mallon, Douglas E.
Seaman Apprentice serves on USS Roanoke, 02/03/1950:6
Scheduled to arrive in Naples, Italy, 04/21/1950:8
Malloy, Mary K.
Wed to W. Walter Sowyrda, 10/28/1954:6
Maloney (Mr)
Sullivan & Maloney, real estate (ad), 01/06/1950:8
Maloney, Alice
Petition for probate of will, 05/20/1954:2
Maloney, Alice T.
Obituary, 05/06/1954:5
Maloney, Alice Theresa
Widow of Thomas F. dies at age 78, 05/06/1954:6
Maloney, D.W.
Real estate (ad), 08/30/1951:10
Maloof, Elizabeth Adams
Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4
Maloof, James
Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4
Maltais, Arleen Derwing
Daughter born, 04/15/1954:6
Maltais, Arlene Dwing
Daughter born, 01/29/1953:4
Maltais, John A.
Named Airman of the Month at Moody Air Base, GA (p), 04/30/1953:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Maltais, John Adrian
Who's who in MHS senior class, 05/26/1950:8
Maltais, Richard E.
Private trains at Sampson AFB, NY, 02/21/1952:7
Local GI critical of The Spectator column (l), 12/04/1952:8
Maltais, Richard Edwin
Writes to MHS Student Council from Korea (l), 01/29/1953:1
Maltais, William
Daughter born, 01/29/1953:4, 04/15/1954:6
Manchester, Clifford E.
Pitches off bicycle, dies, 11/10/1950:1
Husband of Nellie F. Diamond dies at age 59, 11/10/1950:7
Mander, Gloria E.
New reporter at Middleboro Gazette, 01/14/1954:1
Manders, Kathryn Mae
Dies at age 71, 07/03/1952:5
Obituary, 07/03/1952:6
Manguson, Eleanor L.
Wed to Richard Morris, 09/06/1951:8
Mann, Barbara Wall
Daughter born, 07/07/1950:5, 08/09/1951:5
Son born, 01/15/1953:7
Mann, John
Daughter born, 11/08/1951:7
Mann, Marion Linton
Daughter born, 07/28/1950:5, 11/22/1951:5, 04/22/1954:6
Mann, Robert
Daughter born, 07/28/1950:5, 11/22/1951:5, 04/22/1954:6
Mann, Ruth Pillsbury
Daughter born, 11/08/1951:7
Mann, William
Daughter born, 07/07/1950:5, 08/09/1951:5
Son born, 01/15/1953:7
Mann, William L.
Succeeds Malcolm deMoranville as janitor at Assawampsett School,
Manner, Karl
Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10
Manning, Mary D.
Dies in Andover, 03/29/1951:4
Mansfield, Loanne
Engaged to Bruce Matheson, 06/17/1954:10
Mansfield, Mrs Tyyne
Purchases registered Ayrshires, 10/22/1953:4
Gabrey and Lind indicted in death of Charles Stuart, 10/11/1951:1
Gabrey gets one year in jail, Lind gets six months, 10/25/1951:1
Manson, Shirley A.
Wed to Roy A. MacKay, 08/13/1953:4
Manter, Henrietta D.
Dies at age 87, 11/17/1950:6
Obituary, 11/17/1950:8
Manton, George B.
Marine veteran dies of polio at Newport Naval Hospital, 08/12/1954:3
Husband of Phyllis Cleveland dies at age 26, 08/12/1954:4
Manwaring, Bruce
Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1
Manwaring, Bud
Maxim Motor Co. modernizing their equipment (p), 10/23/1952:10
Manwaring, Ethel A.
Appointed to faculty of Union Street School, 02/10/1950:6
Manwaring, Ethel H.
Granted full time teaching post here, 07/09/1953:1
Manwaring, Mrs Winthrop
White Church Guild members arrive at antique show in oldtime
transportation (p), 04/26/1951:6
Manwaring, Nelson
Returns from 7,000 cross-country trip, 11/04/1954:5
Manwaring, W.B.
Raises mammoth tomato 50 years ago, 09/02/1954:7
Manwaring, Winthrop
Manager of Maxim Motor Co., 12/24/1953:6
Manwaring, Winthrop R.
Officer of The Little Theater Group (p), 10/06/1950:12
Manager of Maxim Motor Co., 78 Wareham St (p), 09/17/1953:8
Enters into partnership with Frederick Weston, 05/06/1954:1
Weston and Manwaring local insurance brokers (p), 08/26/1954:6
Manzo, Natalie
Engaged to Roger F. Butler, 06/25/1953:5
Wed to Roger F. Butler, 07/09/1953:5
Maps and Mapping. see also Geography
First complete map of gas pipelines on paper, 07/31/1952:6
Selectmen discuss maps of gas pipe system, 08/21/1952:1
Mara, Philip P.
Engaged to Lydia A. Patriarca, 08/28/1952:5
Maraglia, Rosalind
South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home
(p), 10/18/1951:1
Maran, George
Daughter born, 06/12/1952:2
Wins high honors in Salzburg, Austria, 09/25/1952:5
Acclaimed by Austrians in Stars and Stripes article, 01/07/1954:8
Receives fresh acclaim for tenor solo of Decca's Messiah, 08/26/1954:4
Maranville, Betty F.
Takes position as staff nurse at sanatorium, 11/13/1952:8
Maranville, Betty Frances
Student nurse at Maine Eye and Ear Infirmary in Portland,
Graduates from Maine Eye and Ear Infirmary, 03/24/1950:7
Graduates from Maine Eye and Ear Hospital Training School,
Maranville, Blanche Fredette
Son born, 09/03/1953:5
Maranville, Bob
Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1
Maranville, Ed
MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p),
Maranville, Leslie
Daughter born, 12/23/1954:4
Maranville, Lloyd
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Maranville, Mae Deane
Daughter born, 12/23/1954:4
Maranville, Marshall
Son born, 09/03/1953:5
Marble, Evans L.
Engaged to Ethel Nichols, 03/03/1950:4
Wed to Ethel Nichols, 03/31/1950:6
March, Alice Marie
Head of physiotherapy at Lennox Hill Hospital, 03/03/1950:6
Resides in New York City, 06/09/1950:3
Coordinator at Cerebral Palsy Clinic at Lennox Hill Hospital, NY,
Engaged to James Q. Miller, 11/24/1950:2
Heard in NY broadcast over WJZ, 03/08/1951:9
Engaged to James Quinter Miller, 07/19/1951:5, 07/26/1951:3
Guests arriving for nuptials, 07/26/1951:5
Wed to James Quinter Miller, 08/02/1951:5
Wedding described, 08/02/1951:6
March, Diana
Wedding described, 11/08/1951:2
March, Jackson B.
Resumes studies at University of Maine, 01/06/1950:7
Awarded forestry degree from University of Maine, 06/21/1951:1
Accepts position with engineering firm in Boston, 11/15/1951:8
Employed at Myles Standish Reservation, 03/26/1953:4
Reports for military induction, 05/13/1954:7
March, Lindsay J.
Profile of high school administrator, 05/19/1950:12
Discusses need for civics education in bulletin to staff, 09/29/1950:1
Elected 1st vice president of secondary principals, 01/17/1952:10
Chosen to teach summer school to grad students at Bridgewater
Teachers' College, 05/22/1952:1
Honored with invitation to National Conference on Education,
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
March, Lindsay J. continued
Elected president of MA Secondary School Principals, 01/22/1953:1
Principal accepts post at Andover high school (p), 07/02/1953:1
School Committee accepts resignation, 07/09/1953:1
Plan move to Andover, 07/30/1953:4
March of Dimes
Local appeal headed by Albert Maddigan, 01/18/1951:1
Appeal made for infantile paralysis fund, 01/24/1952:1
Support urged, 01/31/1952:1
More than $1,100 collected, 02/21/1952:1
Lakeville donations $341, 03/05/1953:1
Chairman expresses thanks for contributions, 03/12/1953:1
Little Barbara Jean Savard aided by March of Dimes (p), 01/28/1954:1
Contributions total $2,166.95, 02/18/1954:1
Emergency drive launched at sanatorium luncheon, 08/26/1954:1
Emergency campaign raises $404, 09/02/1954:5
Marchio, Martha
Wed to Stanley R. Kay, 06/17/1954:5
Marciano, Rocky, 1923-1969
Glenn Powell meets famous boxer, 08/02/1951:1
Marcioni, John
On staff at Middleboro Music Center, 04/01/1954:9
Marcks, The Tailor
19 South Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:3
19 South Main St (ad) (p), 04/12/1951:6
Lydia Ayotte manager of South Main St store (ad), 06/03/1954:7
Marden, Donald Carl
Awarded Weblos badge, 05/06/1954:2
Marden, Harry
Family moves to Howland Court, 02/01/1951:3
Maria L.H. Pierce Fund
George McKay appointed trustee, 02/24/1950:1
Marion's Laundromat
378 Center St (ad), 11/13/1952:11
378 Center St (ad) (p), 12/18/1952:11
378 Center St, a friend to housewives, 08/06/1953:6
Hours change (ad), 09/03/1953:9
The housewife's friend (p), 11/12/1953:10
They care for your washday needs (p), 02/18/1954:8
A service for housewives (p), 06/10/1954:8
Aids housewives (p), 07/29/1954:6
Mark Leonard's Antique Shop
Sale of stock, County St, Lakeville (ad), 11/22/1951:4
Markella, Ermon L.
Named assistant district attorney (p), 02/08/1951:1
Marks, Genevieve A.
Wed to Robert E. Bonney, 08/30/1951:5
Marnik, Felicia
Engaged to Antonio E. Roy, 07/02/1953:4
Marois, George
MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p),
Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1
Takes fifth in South Shore cross country championship, 11/24/1950:3
Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1
Chosen to attend Boys' State, 05/17/1951:1
Marois, Henry L.
Engaged to Mary Margaret Cantwell, 10/08/1953:8
Husband of Rose Claire Seguin dies at age 63, 06/17/1954:4
Obituary, 06/17/1954:5
Marois, Henry L., Jr.
Completes pilot training (p), 05/21/1953:1
Marois, Rose
Hand-smocked beanies, 12 Coombs St (ad), 11/29/1951:8
Maroney, Charlotte Lou
Wed to Howard Austin Shartel, 05/03/1951:8
Marple, Eleanor Mekelones
Couple moves to Rochester, NY, 06/10/1954:12
Marple, Thomas F.
Engaged to Eleanor L. Mekelones, 11/26/1953:4
Marple, Thomas P.
Wed to Eleanor L. Mekelones, 12/10/1953:6
Marple, Thomas Pankey
Engaged to Eleanor Louise Mekelones, 10/08/1953:5
Wedding described, 12/10/1953:3
Marra, Angelo
Eighth son now in army, 10/06/1950:1
Marra, Anthony
One of eight brothers to serve in army, 10/06/1950:1
Marra, Antoinette
Engaged to Melvin Thomas, 09/15/1950:1
Wedding described, 10/20/1950:4
Marra, Antoinette D.
Engaged to Melvin G. Thomas, 09/29/1950:7
Wed to Melvin G. Thomas, 10/20/1950:5
Marra, Demetro
One of eight brothers to serve in army, 10/06/1950:1
Marra, George
Daughter born, 06/30/1950:5
One of eight brothers to serve in army, 10/06/1950:1
VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title, 09/04/1952:4
Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p),
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Marra, George J.
Son born, 04/24/1952:4
Marra, John
Eighth brother now in army, 10/06/1950:1
Marra, Joseph
One of eight brothers to serve in army, 10/06/1950:1
Engaged to Roseanne Savard, 05/03/1951:2
Engaged to Rose-Anne Savard, 06/07/1951:5
Wed to Rose-Anne Savard, 06/14/1951:7
Wedding described, 06/14/1951:11
Daughter born, 07/10/1952:5
Marra, Joseph G.
Engaged to Rose-Anne Savard, 11/03/1950:1
Marra, Marian Mordean
Son born, 04/24/1952:4
Marra, Marion Mondeau
Daughter born, 06/30/1950:5
Marra, Mary
Teacher of pianoforte (ad), 06/30/1950:2
Manager of Martenson's, Center St, 08/13/1953:6
Manager of Martenson's Cleansers, Dyers, and Tailors, 11/19/1953:8
Marra, Philip
One of eight brothers to serve in army, 10/06/1950:1
Marra, Philip P.
Engaged to Lydia Patricia, 02/14/1952:3
Wed to Lydia A. Patriarca, 09/11/1952:5
Marra, Ralph
One of eight brothers to serve in army, 10/06/1950:1
Marra, Roseann Savard
Daughter born, 07/10/1952:5
Marra, William
One of eight brothers to serve in army, 10/06/1950:1
Marriages - Middleboro
One hundred thirty two in 1953, 02/04/1954:8
Marsden, Leila
Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for
sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1
Engaged to Irackli Savas, 01/25/1951:5
Engaged to Irakli Savas, 02/01/1951:8
Marsden, Leila F.
Engaged to Irackli A. Savas, 01/18/1951:5
Engaged to Irakli A. Savas, 02/15/1951:5
Marsden, Leila Florence
Engaged to Irakli Savas, 08/25/1950:9
Wedding described, 02/08/1951:2
Marsden, Robert E.
Couple married 25 years, 10/11/1951:4
Marshall, Alice
Hostess of WPEP The Middleboro Hour (ad), 11/20/1952:7
Marshall, Alice M. Sampson
Daughter born, 02/07/1952:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Marshall, Alice Sampson
Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7
Marshall, Douglas
Son born, 02/05/1953:5
Marshall, Eldred W.
Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3
Marshall, Eva Grant
MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1
Marshall, Gerry
Key player in Little League (p), 06/25/1953:4
Local Little Leaguer produces big, 06/17/1954:1
Named to Little League All-Stars (p), 07/22/1954:1
Marshall, Harry
Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7
Marshall, Harry H.
Daughter born, 02/07/1952:5
Marshall, Howard
Daughter born, 10/02/1952:5
Marshall, Jerry
Asks help locating missing bicycle, 02/04/1954:1
Marshall, John
Robert Sisson charged with leaving scene of property damage,
Marshall, John M.
Granted garage license, 04/07/1950:5
Fifteen-year-old found guilty of break-in, 10/27/1950:11
Marshall, John "Packie"
Completes 12th trip across United States, 09/09/1954:1
Marshall, Josephine
Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5
Marshall, Marjorie Holmes
Son born, 02/05/1953:5
Marshall, Mary M.
Marshall and Pendleton involved in three-car collision at South Main
and Grove St, 12/17/1953:11
Marshall, Maxine Chilcot
Daughter born, 10/02/1952:5
Marshall, Merrill
Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6
Marshall, Orsina B.
Obituary, 11/04/1954:4
Wife of John M. dies at age 58, 11/04/1954:4
Marshall Realty
Alice Lentini, agent, 132 South Main St (ad), 02/28/1952:9
Marshall's Automotive
Packy Marshall (ad), 05/12/1950:3
Marshman, Alma E. Nickerson
Engaged to Howard Logrien, 04/21/1950:5
Marston, Alfred
Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5
Marston, Doris Verrill
Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5
Martel, Harry
New service manager at Atwood-Costello (ad), 10/23/1952:10
Martell, Harry
Service manager at Atwood-Costello, Inc., 08/27/1953:10
Service manager at Atwood-Costello, Inc. (p), 12/10/1953:8
Martenson, Anders
In tailoring business over 50 years, 09/20/1951:7
Sells Boston business 50 years ago, 01/28/1954:8
Occupies entire store in Thatcher block 50 years ago, 04/01/1954:8
Martenson, Anders, Jr. see also Martenson's Cleansers, Dyers, and
Engaged to Margaret Teceno, 07/14/1950:3
Engaged to Margaret M. Teceno, 11/03/1950:5
Wedding described, 11/10/1950:5
Wed to Margaret M. Teceno, 11/10/1950:7
Son born, 07/05/1951:5
Petitions to change name of Teceno's Cafe to Hi-Way 28, Inc.,
Martenson's, Center St, 08/13/1953:6
Provides attractive new place to dine, Hi-Way 28 (p), 08/27/1953:10
Hi-Way 28 under investigated for sale of liquor to minor, 11/05/1953:1
Hi-Way 28, the place to dine and dance (p), 11/26/1953:6
Martenson, Anders, Sr.
Original trustee of local Elks lodge attends 40th anniversary celebration
(p), 10/30/1952:1
Martenson, Blanche G.
Carol Rondelli injured in collision at Oak and Sproat St, 02/25/1954:1
Martenson, Margaret Teceno
Son born, 07/05/1951:5
Martenson and Thomas
Selling out, 260 Centre St (ad), 02/17/1950:8
Signs up for TV premium membership, 12/15/1950:13
Signs up for TV premium membership (ad), 12/15/1950:15
Martenson's Cleansers, Dyers, and Tailors
Dry cleaning, dyeing, tailoring, 260 Center St (ad), 12/13/1951:14
Fire damages old landmark, Martenson's stock burned, scorched, wet,
Anders Martenson, Jr., Center St (p), 08/13/1953:6
Corner of Oak and Center St (p), 11/19/1953:8
Expert service, fine merchandise, 03/11/1954:6
Large assortment of men's and boy's clothing (p), 05/13/1954:8
Martin, Barbara
Secretary at Bates School, 08/04/1950:2
Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1
Preview of spring fashion show by Junior Cabot Club (p), 03/20/1952:4
Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1
Engaged to John Browning Lynde, 09/30/1954:9
Martin, Casomino R.
Son of Casomino Collins christened, 09/03/1953:9
Martin, David P.
Engaged to Ruth Sampson, 06/16/1950:1
Martin, Don Juan
Son of Casomino Collins christened, 09/03/1953:9
Martin, Fred
Recovers from bronchitis at Bainbridge Naval Hospital, 05/01/1952:2
Serves on board USS Albany, 07/22/1954:2
Martin, Frederick
Attends Bryant College, RI, 02/24/1950:8
Completes boot training at Bainbridge, MD, 07/03/1952:6
Stationed at Newport, RI, 08/21/1952:2
Martin, George
Long Pond dragged, Lakeville man probably dead, 02/18/1954:1
Wedding described, 12/02/1954:2
Martin, George C.
Engaged to Patricia E. Keating, 11/18/1954:6, 11/25/1954:4
Wed to Patricia E. Keating, 12/02/1954:4
Martin, George D.
Body recovered from Long Pond, 02/25/1954:1
Engaged to Patricia E. Keating, 11/18/1954:6
Martin, Helen
Engaged to James B. McQuade, 05/12/1950:6, 07/14/1950:2
Engaged to be married, 07/21/1950:10
Martin, Helen I.
Engaged to James B. McQuade, 07/14/1950:7
Wed to James B. McQuade, 08/11/1950:5
Martin, Helen Irene
Wedding described, 08/04/1950:2
Martin, J. Fred
Serves on board USS Albany, 01/01/1953:7, 12/24/1953:6
Martin, J. Frederick
Graduates from Bryant College, 08/09/1951:10
Enlists in U.S. Navy, 03/13/1952:10
Martin, John
John Martin's TV Sales and Service (ad), 06/04/1953:5
Injures arm in fall 50 years ago, 10/21/1954:10
Martin, John F.
Promoted to Storekeeper Seaman on board USS Albany, 05/14/1953:5
Returns from training cruise, 07/30/1953:4
Martin, John J.
Local merchant dies suddenly, 01/01/1953:1
Petition for probate of will, 01/15/1953:12
Martin, John Jackson
Dies at age 57, 01/01/1953:5
Martin, Judy
Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Martin, Kenny
Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Martin, Marion Keirstead
Son born, 10/22/1953:7
Martin, Marion Kierstead
Son born, 06/19/1952:5
Martin, Nicholas
Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1
Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1
With 483rd Combat Engineers training at Camp Drum, NY,
Trains with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum (p), 07/17/1952:1
Engaged to Shirley Cook, 07/29/1954:2
Martin, Nicholas P.
Engaged to Shirley Ann Cook, 06/17/1954:10, 09/09/1954:4
Wed to Shirley Ann Cook, 09/23/1954:4
Martin, Nicholas Peter
Wedding described, 09/23/1954:8
Martin, Nick
1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1
Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (p) (t),
Martin, Ralph
Son born, 06/19/1952:5, 10/22/1953:7
Martin, Robert W.
New MHS science teacher, 08/20/1953:1
MHS biology teacher resigns, 04/22/1954:1
Martin, Rose
Secretary at Bates School, 08/04/1950:2
Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1
Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p),
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club, 11/06/1952:4
Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1
Martin, Stephen D.
Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion,
Martins, Jacintha C.
Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6
Martins, Jacintho C.
Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4
Martins, James C.
Sergeant slated for transfer from Camp Edwards, 11/29/1951:10
Martynowski, Edward C.
Appointed acting welfare agent, 01/22/1953:1
Marvel's Open Air Bakery & Market
Gerards, 2 Spruce St (ad), 05/29/1952:5
Marx, John Vyn
Engaged to Carolyn Cushing Alger, 12/16/1954:2
Masi, Joe
New MHS football coach installs new system, 08/28/1952:1
MHS football team set for 1952 campaign (p), 09/04/1952:1
Assistant coach of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad
(p), 12/04/1952:1
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Masi, Joseph
New Mitchell Memorial Club football coach, 05/14/1953:3
Son born, 08/13/1953:5, 10/28/1954:6
Masi, Joseph A.
Joins high school faculty, 03/27/1952:1
New assistant super of playground, 04/23/1953:1
Masi, Rita Carey
Son born, 08/13/1953:5, 10/28/1954:6
Mason, Elsie Bartlett
Son born, 03/24/1950:7, 02/21/1952:5
Mason, Howard M.
New teacher at Assawampsett School, 09/03/1953:8
Lakeville teacher resigns to join armed forces, 09/02/1954:5
Mason, Janice I.
Engaged to Charles F. Griswold, Jr., 12/25/1952:5
Mason, M. Howard
Family resides in Auburn, ME, 12/04/1952:4
Mason, Robert
Son born, 03/24/1950:7, 02/21/1952:5
Masonic Order. see Ancient Free & Accepted Order of Masons Mayflower Lodge
Masons and Masonry
Braley & Son, masonry, landscaping, tree surgery, and painting (ad),
Massa, Jo
Engaged to Ronald Hebert, 07/16/1953:5
Massa, Joan
Engaged to Charles D. Armanetti, 02/19/1953:10
Engaged to Charles Armanetti, 09/10/1953:5
Wed to Charles Armanetti, 10/08/1953:4
Massa, Joanne
Engaged to Ronald Hebert, 03/25/1954:8
Massa, Josephine
High school education responsible for capture of State Farm escapee,
Engaged to Ronald Hebert, 03/18/1954:10, 04/01/1954:4
Massa, Josephine J.
Engaged to Ronald A. Hebert, 03/18/1954:4, 04/08/1954:6
Massa, Josephine Judith
Wedding described, 04/08/1954:3
Massa, Peter
Wed to Helga Guertin, 08/26/1954:4
Massa, Peter J.
Engaged to Helga Guertin, 08/12/1954:4
Massachusetts Department of Public Works
Myles Alden eligible for promotion, 02/03/1950:7
Pennsylvania driver collides with Public Works coach during snow
storm, 02/03/1950:8
Paints curbing white, 05/26/1950:1
Paints traffic lines and cross-walks on routes 105 and 44, 06/09/1950:13
Curbs on state routes painted, 06/16/1950:1
Edwin Kennedy employed by State Highway Department, 08/25/1950:9
Town will ask $29,000 for highways, 10/06/1950:1
Lloyd Perkins & Son low bidder for heating system construction,
Employs Elmer Harlow, 04/05/1951:3
John Logan awarded fellowship to study at Yale University,
Employs Thomas Washburn, 07/12/1951:2
Ernest Kingston employed by highway department, 08/16/1951:10
Edwin Kennedy foreman with state highway department, 09/13/1951:10
Retiring clerk Mabel Smith honored, 11/15/1951:1
Wants antenna on water tower, 05/29/1952:7
To erect antenna on steel standpipe on Barden Hill, 09/18/1952:4
Nourse says state should take over Titicut bridge, 09/25/1952:10
State Senator writes public works director on Middleboro citizens'
objection to highway, 04/02/1953:8
District offices to continue here, 04/30/1953:5
Local officials heard by Commissioner of Public Works Volpe,
Public Works to paint lines on Chapter 90 roads, 07/16/1953:1
Harry Hamilton employed by Massachusetts Highway Department,
Local state employees win safety awards, 01/28/1954:8
Call for bids to do work on Plymouth St (ad), 05/20/1954:6
Massachusetts National Guard - Battery A
Selectmen back resolve for armory here, 01/20/1950:1
Break found in old sewer line to river, 02/03/1950:1
685th AAA holds annual party, 02/03/1950:6
Legislation for armory approved, 03/03/1950:1
Now at full strength, 03/10/1950:1
Storage garage a possibility here, 03/10/1950:1
State Quartermaster likes site at railroad for garage, 03/17/1950:1
Army officers inspect Battery, 04/07/1950:6
Local battery rated excellent, 05/12/1950:4
Local unit marches in Sandwich observance, 06/02/1950:1
Openings in local battery still available, 07/14/1950:12
Open for enlistments, 08/04/1950:4
Selectmen take care of unfinished armory business, 08/11/1950:1
Enlistments open, 08/18/1950:7
Local battery on tour of duty at Camp Edwards, 09/15/1950:1
Local battery seeks recruits, 10/20/1950:1
Contingent fills out town meeting quorum, 10/27/1950:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Massachusetts National Guard - Battery A continued
One step closer to garage for local unit, 11/10/1950:1
685th Anti-Aircraft Battery holds third anniversary party, 02/01/1951:9
Land purchase for armory authorized, 02/15/1951:1
Discussion on land appropriation at town meeting, 02/15/1951:5
Local battery wants 30 recruits, 02/22/1951:1
Railroad silent on land sale for armory, 03/08/1951:1
Middleboro's 685th Battery ordered on active duty, 03/29/1951:1
Railroad will accept $4,000 for land, 04/05/1951:9
Given fine farewell, 04/12/1951:1
May be vacancies in local battery, 04/12/1951:10
To parade in Fall River, 04/19/1951:1
Prospect good for purchase of railroad land, 04/19/1951:1
To leave between May 1st and 8th, 04/26/1951:7
Boys leave again on way to war, 05/03/1951:1
Departs to join nation's armed forces (p), 05/10/1951:1
Town to get railroad land for $4,000, 05/31/1951:1
No deed yet to railroad land, 09/27/1951:9
Draft of deed for land received from railroad, 11/01/1951:1
Deed to railroad land approved and returned, 11/15/1951:1
Deed for railroad land signed by selectmen, 12/20/1951:12
Nine local men train with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum (p),
Middleboro unit released from duty, 02/12/1953:1
Reorganizing, call for new recruits, 02/12/1953:4
Can take in any men who have not received service notice,
To start basic training soon, 03/19/1953:1
Promotes four enlisted men, 04/16/1953:6
Lieutenant Tache joins local unit, members promoted, recruits listed,
Lieutenant Robidoux transfers to Bourne, Second Lieutenant Tache to
command here, 07/16/1953:1
Major Franco inspects battery, 07/23/1953:1
Breakdown of income by rank, 08/13/1953:1
Closes enlistments, 08/27/1953:3
Members pictured (p), 09/10/1953:1
90 mm anti-aircraft gun breaks pole on Rte 28, 09/24/1953:1
Rated high in training, 10/01/1953:4
Eight men enlist, 10/15/1953:5
Receives rating of excellent, 11/05/1953:2
Adds eleven men in October, 11/19/1953:5
May man Army AAA batteries, 11/26/1953:4
Six ask to enroll, several promoted, 12/03/1953:3
Plans to organize rifle team, obtain radio, 12/10/1953:11
Holds annual party, 12/17/1953:7
Radio equipment to tie in with state wide Guard network, 01/21/1954:2
Middleboro unit plans intensive recruiting drive, 02/25/1954:4
Recruiting drive continues, 03/04/1954:4
Local unit enlists six men, 03/25/1954:9
Federal officers inspect local unit (p), 04/15/1954:7
Announces openings, 05/20/1954:9
Trains for 0.90 mm guns, 05/20/1954:9
Rated excellent, 05/27/1954:6
VFW passes resolution to equalize pay loss, 06/03/1954:12
Men receive commendations, 06/17/1954:9
Captain Bigelow commands Guard unit at Camp Drum, NY,
Achieves new high of 48 members, 07/29/1954:4
Commended for work guarding beach after hurricane, 09/09/1954:1
Completes summer training, 09/30/1954:5
Massachusetts Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
Awards Washington and Franklin medals to graduating seniors,
Massachusetts State Police
May build quarters in Middleboro, 01/29/1953:1
It's time Troop D had new headquarters (e), 02/12/1953:4
Town Republicans favor new police station here, 03/05/1953:12
$400,000 proposed for Troop D headquarters here, 07/02/1953:1
No new headquarters for Troop D, 07/23/1953:1
Bill filed for building here, 12/03/1953:1
Barracks for Middleboro still a possibility, 05/06/1954:1
Prospects bright for new barracks, 05/20/1954:1
Massachusetts State Police continued
New barracks to be built here, 07/01/1954:1
Construction of barracks in Middleboro out for bid, 10/21/1954:1
Emerson Coe granted license to practice massage, 03/10/1950:6
Coe and Plympton granted massage permit renewal, 03/08/1951:1
Selectmen grant Robert Gardiner a masseur license, 01/21/1954:1
Armando Medeiros granted license, 07/01/1954:6
Mastera, Mrs Melvin
Takes post at Assawampsett School cafeteria, 12/09/1954:3
Mastera, Myles
Child suffers brain injury when struck crossing highway, 12/27/1951:1
Matheson, Bruce
Who's who in MHS senior class, 02/17/1950:11
1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1
Freshman at Dartmouth College, 10/06/1950:9
Trombonist with Barbary Coast Band at Dartmouth, 03/01/1951:10
Plays with Dartmouth band in Bermuda, 04/03/1952:1
Admitted to Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth, 09/25/1952:5
Treasurer of Dartmouth Chi Phi chapter, 11/27/1952:8
Plays with Dartmouth College band in Bermuda, 04/02/1953:2
Enters Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth, 09/17/1953:2
Elected president of Chi Phi at Dartmouth, 12/03/1953:1
Will receive B.A. from Dartmouth (p), 06/10/1954:1
Engaged to Loanne Mansfield, 06/17/1954:10
Engaged to Joanne W. Giles, 09/02/1954:4
Wedding described, 09/16/1954:3
Wed to Loanne W. Giles, 09/16/1954:4
Matheson, Burton
Employee of new business, Best Floor Co., on Pearl St (p),
New manager of Middleboro Theater, 02/11/1954:5
Matheson, Burton H.
Character approved for renewal of pedlar's license, 09/15/1950:11
Fractures thigh when car hits tree, 07/17/1952:1
Matheson, Carl
Twin daughters born, 09/06/1951:4
Matheson, Christina
Widow of Alexander dies at age 77, 07/09/1953:4
Obituary, 07/09/1953:8
Matheson, Craig
Attends Gorham State Teachers College, 02/24/1950:8
Receives Bachelor of Science degree in Education, 06/18/1953:1
Matheson, John Robert
Obituary, 04/22/1954:5
Husband of Bernice Cortwright dies at age 60, 04/22/1954:6
Matheson, John William
Obituary, 12/06/1951:2
Husband of Eliza Johnstone dies at age 56, 12/06/1951:6
Matheson, Pauline Springer
Twin daughters born, 09/06/1951:4
Matheson, Red
Employed at The Best Floor Co., 10/29/1953:6
Matheson, Reginald A.
General Passenger Agent for entire Southern Railway System,
Matheson, Richard
MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4
Matheson, Sylvia
Santa arrives at local headquarters (p), 12/16/1954:1
Matheson, Sylvia G.
Supervisor of arts receives certificate of commendation from Eastern
Arts Association, 09/11/1952:1
Writes 99-page art text book, 05/14/1953:2
Matheson, Sylvia Grenville Comley
MHS Art Center has wealth of exhibits on display, 04/17/1952:8
Matrisciano, A.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Matrisciano, Albert
Middleboro students prepare treats for overseas (p), 11/05/1953:1
Matrisciano, Joseph A.
Pays $100 in fines after traffic accident, 03/15/1951:5
Matrisciano, Mando Frederick
Engaged to Dolores Louise Wilmot, 06/18/1953:4
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Matrisiciano, Albert
Begins studies at Franklin Technical Institute, Boston, 07/08/1954:4
Matsam's Men's Clothing
Formerly Tal's, 25 Center St (ad), 12/18/1952:3
Defective wiring cause of blaze on Center St, 02/18/1954:1
Estimate of fire damage in Center St blaze, 02/25/1954:10
Matson, Gertrude Louise
Wed to Nathaniel Francis Shurtleff, 01/13/1950:5
Matteson, John Hopkins
Inducted into armed forces, 09/11/1952:1
Matthews, Edith Maxim
Daughter born, 10/16/1952:5
Son born, 03/25/1954:4
Matthews, Harland
Couple moves to Cotuit, 02/10/1950:12
Matthews, Melville
Daughter born, 10/16/1952:5
And Clinton Reed purchase Thomas Bros. grocery from Richmond
Matthews, 01/01/1953:6
Son born, 03/25/1954:4
Son born at St. Luke's, 03/25/1954:4
Matthews, Melvin
Buys interest in Thomas Bros. from Clinton Reed, 08/20/1953:4
Matthews, Richie
South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4
Matthews, Richmond C.
Sells Thomas Bros. grocery to Melville Matthews and Clinton Reed,
Matthews, Thomas
Petition for administration of estate, 05/19/1950:9
Administrator petitions for authority to adjust demand against will,
Administrator presents account of estate, 10/11/1951:7
Matthews, Thomas G.
Obituary, 04/07/1950:6
Dies at age 80, 04/07/1950:7
Mattie, Elsie E.
Injured in collision at Oak and High St, 06/05/1952:6
Mattos, Daniel
Arraigned on charge of rape, 03/29/1951:1
Bail set at $7,000 in rape and incest case, 04/05/1951:8
Indicted for statutory rape and incest, 06/14/1951:1
Not guilty of statutory rape and incest, 06/21/1951:5
Edna Borden decries finding by male jury (l), 06/28/1951:4
Mattos, Daniel C.
Sentenced to four months for failure to support family, 11/22/1951:6
Mattson, Gloria
Wed to John F. Quigley, 10/11/1951:4
Mattson, Gloria F.
Engaged to John Quigley, 08/23/1951:5
Maurice's Snack Bar
Break-in at Snack Bar on Thatcher's Row, 01/13/1950:2
Thieves smash cigarette machine in break-in, 02/10/1950:7
Ray and Mae Seaver (ad), 11/10/1950:2
Improved service and seating capacity (ad), 03/29/1951:10
Re-opens after fire with new equipment (ad), 03/06/1952:7
Firebug at work again, 04/09/1953:1
Waitress wanted (ad), 11/26/1953:7
New hours (ad), 06/10/1954:5
Mawhinney, Leroy E.
Collides with Falmouth Heights auto on West Grove St, 05/12/1950:12
Maxim, Barbara
Engaged to be married, 08/19/1954:5
Maxim, Barbara J.
Wed to Carl Holmberg, 09/30/1954:5
Maxim, Barbara Jean
Engaged to C. Lester Holmberg, 09/24/1953:6
Engaged to Carl L. Holmberg, 09/16/1954:4
Wedding described, 09/30/1954:3
Maxim, C.W. see also Maxim Motor Co.
Running new auto-car 50 years ago, 04/01/1954:8
Maxim, Elmer W.
Obituary, 08/21/1952:9
Maxim, Ernest L.
Wins fishing honors in Florida, 02/10/1950:9
Employees wanted at farm (ad), 06/28/1951:6
Leading citizens to advise with selectmen on G&E problems,
Setting fishing records in Florida, 03/12/1953:4
Maxim's Farm, help wanted (ad), 03/25/1954:9
Wareham St garage razed, 09/02/1954:4
Tangled jungle of mangled trees on Rock St (p), 09/09/1954:4
Maxim, Henry Harrison
Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5
Maxim, Hosea
South Middleboro couple married 23 years, 08/12/1954:5
Maxim, Howard W.
Lands seaplane on Charles River, 08/21/1952:1
Maxim, Leighton L.
Adds name for consideration in selectmen's race, 12/02/1954:1
Maxim, Lizzie A.
Widow of Harry S. dies at age 77, 08/02/1951:4
Obituary, 08/02/1951:6
Petition for probate of will, 08/09/1951:5
Maxim, Nina S.
Petition for probate of will, 01/21/1954:5
Maxim, Nina S. Filene
Widow of Carlton W. dies at age 80, 12/24/1953:4
Obituary, 12/24/1953:5
Maxim, Raymond Milton
Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1
Maxim Motor Co.
Dodge dealer, 78 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:3
Lakeville Board of Fire Engineers expects new engine today,
Maxim discusses conflict over land with selectmen, 01/25/1951:1
Sells new firefighting equipment to town of Lakeville (p), 01/25/1951:1
Plymouth auto collides with Maxim Motor Co. truck on Plymouth St,
Mitchell Memorial Club would have to move house in order to keep it,
And driver sued for $65,000 in wake of traffic accident, 10/11/1951:2
Gets contract for town rubbish truck chassis, 08/28/1952:1
Packmaster rubbish body approved by Health Department,
Modernizing their equipment (p), 10/23/1952:10
New truck arrives for Health Department, 11/20/1952:1
Middleboro's largest garage, 78 Wareham St (p), 09/17/1953:8
Stolen car wrecked in Waterbury, CT, 12/03/1953:1
New Dodge on display (p), 12/24/1953:6
Skilled service for your car, 03/18/1954:6
Awarded fire truck contract, 04/22/1954:1
Takes top bowling honors, 05/06/1954:12
Closing garage service (ad), 06/10/1954:12
Going out of auto business, 07/08/1954:1
Delivery of Middleboro new fire truck on schedule (p), 10/14/1954:1
Maxim Motor Co. - Employees
Employs Helen Perry, 05/05/1950:10
Employs Shirley Fuller in office, 07/07/1950:6
Employs Beatrice Brooks, 07/07/1950:8
Wanted, night watchman (ad), 10/06/1950:11
Wanted, stock clerk (ad), 10/20/1950:10
Men wanted (ad), 08/16/1951:2
Opening for experienced secretary (ad), 02/21/1952:10
Opening for private secretary (ad), 08/28/1952:9, 09/18/1952:8
Full time stenographer wanted (ad), 06/25/1953:10
Stenographer wanted (ad), 10/08/1953:4
Employs Irene Collins, 11/12/1953:6
Maxim's Farm
Help wanted (ad), 03/25/1954:9
Maxim's Orchard
Apples (ad), 09/15/1950:6
Help wanted (ad), 04/05/1951:9
Wanted, blueberry pickers (ad), 07/12/1951:6
Tractor demonstration (ad), 08/02/1951:6
Blueberry pickers wanted (ad), 07/17/1952:3, 07/09/1953:9
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Maxim’s Orchard continued
Help wanted, apple pickers (ad), 09/10/1953:9
Blueberry pickers wanted (ad), 07/15/1954:9
Maxwell, Beulah
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Maxwell, Bruce
Injured in Bridgewater accident, 07/15/1954:3
Training at Sampson AFB, NY (p), 09/23/1954:1
Maxwell, Bruce F.
Trains at Keesler AFB, MI (p), 12/16/1954:1
Maxwell, John
No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1
Maxwell, Mildred M.
Returns unharmed after wandering along river, 07/08/1954:1
Mayhew, Charlie
Cleans and blocks hats at Pete's Shoe Repair (p), 07/23/1953:6
Mayhew, Evelyn E.
Engaged to Stuart Lyman Butler, 11/10/1950:7
Wed to Stuart Lyman Butler, 11/17/1950:7
Maynard, Barbara
Resides in Boston, 03/17/1950:10
Employed by architect E.M. Bridge in Boston, 11/12/1953:6
Maynard, Constance
Employed at West Roxbury Veteran's Hospital, 12/15/1950:12
Employed at U.S. Naval Hospital in West Roxbury, 09/06/1951:2
Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10
Takes post at VA hospital in Brookline, 07/03/1952:4
RN at Jamaica Plain VA Hospital, 11/06/1952:4
Maynard, Mrs Ernest
Alumnus of Framingham Teachers' College, 06/07/1951:3
Maynard, Mrs Newell C.
Employed at Curry College, 01/01/1953:6
Maynard, Wilfred
Engaged to Sally Alden, 07/02/1953:3
Maynard, Wilfred Roy
Engaged to Sally Alden, 07/16/1953:4
Wed to Sally Alden, 07/23/1953:4
Wedding described, 07/23/1953:7
Mayo, Alice Tinkham
MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1
Mayo, Belva M.
Engaged to Fred E. Strople, 08/16/1951:5
Wed to Fred E. Strople, 08/30/1951:5
Mazilli, Francis
Son born, 05/27/1954:7
Mazilli, Grace Bisbee
Son born, 05/27/1954:7
Mazzoleni, Leona Wilbur
Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7
Mazzoleni, Peter
Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7
McAllister, Arthur
School St Ext couple married 40 years, 10/09/1952:10
McAllister, Edgar F.
Dies at age 75, 10/08/1953:4
Obituary, 10/08/1953:10
Petition for administration of estate, 10/15/1953:6
McAllister, Ida Mae
Dissolves partnership with George A. Shurtleff, 03/26/1953:11
McAllister, Ida Mae Shurtleff
School St Ext couple married 40 years, 10/09/1952:10
McAllister, Vernon
Husband of Jessie B. dies at age 73, 03/29/1951:5
McAllister, Vincent
Obituary, 03/29/1951:4
McAnaugh, Harold Lee
Wed to Jean Prescott Aitken, 09/24/1953:5
McAssey, Richard Archer
Sent for induction into armed services, 10/09/1952:8
McBane, Mae
Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10
McBane, Mae T.
Wed to William H. Wilson, 06/11/1953:4
McBane, Mae Theresa
Graduates from NE Deaconness Hospital nursing program,
McBane, William
Attends University of Massachusetts, 04/14/1950:6
Named to UMass Dance Band, 10/25/1951:1
Navy airman stationed at Norfolk, VA, 07/01/1954:2
McBane, William J.
Wins medal at UMass, 05/22/1952:1
McBane, William J., Jr.
Serving with U.S. Navy at Bainbridge, MD (p), 09/25/1952:1
Engaged to Elinor L. O'Dell, 02/26/1953:5
Wed to Elinor L. O'Dell, 03/12/1953:5
McBane, William, Jr.
Training at Newport, RI, 10/07/1954:10
McCaffrey, Irene Margaret
Wedding described, 06/11/1953:9
McCagney, Edward P.
Engaged to Gloria E. Swanson, 08/26/1954:4
McCallum, Scott
In arrears on support payments, 07/28/1950:8
McCallum, Zola M.
Engaged to Grant B. Hadsell, Jr., 09/13/1951:5
Wed to Grant B. Hadsell, Jr., 10/11/1951:4
McCann, Eddie. see Eddie's Cities Service
McCarrick, Henry
Son born, 11/19/1953:6
McCarrick, Henry J.
Lincoln Technical Institute student wins award, 11/19/1953:1
Receives award at Northeastern, 10/28/1954:5
McCarrick, Mary
Chimney blaze damages Cherry St home, 12/16/1954:1
McCarrick, Mary DeFiore
Son born, 11/19/1953:6
McCarthy (Mrs)
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
McCarthy, Ann
Engaged to Arthur V. Quelle, Jr., 10/09/1952:9
President of student body at Brockton Hospital Nursing School,
McCarthy, Austin P.
Foreclosure notice, 04/23/1953:5
Petition for probate of will, 09/09/1954:6
McCarthy, Austin Paul
Bridgewater man dies at age 62, 08/19/1954:4
Obituary, 08/19/1954:4
McCarthy, Charles E.
Dies at age 48, 12/01/1950:6
Obituary, 12/01/1950:9
Petition for administration of estate, 01/11/1951:7
McCarthy, George L.
Foreclosure notice, 04/23/1953:5
McCarthy, James Patrick
Obituary, 01/27/1950:3
Dies at age 70, 01/27/1950:6
McCarthy, John
Transfers from Fort Bragg to West Coast, 12/08/1950:5
McCarthy, John F.
Promoted to Captain, receives commendation for meritorious service,
Captain joins faculty of officers school with 38th Field Artillery
Battalion, 12/06/1951:4
Captain named personnel officer with 2nd Infantry, 01/31/1952:3
Captain comes home from Korea, 02/28/1952:1
McCarthy, John J.
Son dies in Brighton, 12/29/1950:6
McCarthy, Joseph Eugene, 1916-2005
Brenton Ayers thinks McCarthy deserves Oscar (l), 06/24/1954:10
McCarthy, Lawrence
MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1
McCarthy, Mabel G.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/04/1953:3
McCarthy, Michael V.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/04/1953:3
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
McCarthy, Ralph
Piano technician, 13 Everett St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
McCarthy, Ralph J.
Engaged to Ellen E. Alden, 10/13/1950:7
McCarthy, Ralph M.
Wed to Ellen E. Alden, 11/10/1950:7
McCarthy, William C.
Dies in Brighton, 12/29/1950:6
McCarthy, William M.
Foreclosure notice, 04/23/1953:5
McCausland, Francis A.
Fined $10 for drunkenness, 02/03/1950:3
McClellan, George
Retires from NY, NH & Hartford RR, 02/10/1950:12
McCluskey, J.F.
Post office employee 50 years ago, 09/23/1954:8
McClusky, James F.
Appointed Justice of the Peace, 02/22/1951:7
Postmaster plans to retire (p), 03/01/1951:1
Post office officials pay tribute to retiring postmaster, 03/29/1951:1
McComiskey, Foster
Wed to JoAnne St. Armand, 12/27/1951:4
Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3
McCormick, Edith M.
Still using scissors purchased from Glidden in 1872, 07/26/1951:3
McCoy, Catherine Clemson
Daughter born, 02/22/1951:5
McCoy, Robert
Daughter born, 02/22/1951:5, 03/01/1951:4, 03/08/1951:4
McCracken, George
Resides in Bangor, ME, 12/10/1953:3
McCracken, George E.
Attends dental technician school at Fort Sam Houston, TX,
McCracken, George E., Jr.
Wed to Alice I. Colvin, 09/27/1951:4
McCracken, George Ellsworth
Wedding described, 08/30/1951:2
McCracken, George, Jr.
Engaged to Alice I. Colvin, 08/16/1951:6
McCrillis, Charles
Enrolls in New Bedford Vocational School Evening Division,
McCrillis, Charles H.
Engaged to Nancy Longworth (p), 12/30/1954:1
McCrillis, Clifton
Couple married 25 years, 05/10/1951:5
Attends reunion of WW I regiment, 14th Engineers, 03/25/1954:4
McCrillis, George
Reports on Boys' State, 07/28/1950:1
Accepted at UMass engineering program, 05/10/1951:2
Member of crack drill team at UMass, 05/28/1953:4
Scores high for UMass Rifle Team, 02/18/1954:2
Excels on UMass Rifle Team, 04/01/1954:10
On Dean's List at UMass, 07/08/1954:5
McCrillis, George R.
Elected to attend Boys' State, 05/26/1950:1
Pledges Zeta Zeta Zeta at UMass, 05/29/1952:5
Promoted to Sergeant of Flight Squadron, 01/15/1953:12
Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1
McCrillis, Mildred
Employed at sanatorium, 09/30/1954:5
McCrillis, Mrs Clifton
New clerk in town treasurer's office, 02/14/1952:9
McCrillis, Ruth E.
Biography of candidate for School Committee (p), 01/14/1954:1
Elect to School Committee (ad), 01/14/1954:7
McCrillis, Walter
Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1
Admitted to U.S. Military Academy at West Point, 05/10/1951:5
Makes Dean's List at West Point, 11/22/1951:6
Completes first year at West Point, 06/19/1952:9
Attends West Point summer training camp, 08/21/1952:5
On eight-week training tour of military bases, 06/11/1953:2
McCrillis, Walter C.
Enrolls at University of Massachusetts, 09/29/1950:5
Cadet on Dean's list at West Point (p), 10/25/1951:1
West Point cadet marches in inaugural parade, 01/22/1953:5
Cadet on tour, now at Fort Bragg, NC, 07/16/1953:1
Named to Dean's List at West Point, 12/03/1953:1
McCrillis, Walter Clifton
Receives appointment to West Point, 07/28/1950:1
McCrillis, W.C.
Arrives at Fort Monmouth, NJ, 07/30/1953:1
Cadet completes summer training tour, 07/08/1954:8
First Classman at West Point, 12/30/1954:7
McCubbin, Mrs William
Resides in Cincinnati, OH, 07/07/1950:2
McCulloch, Joe
On board plane grounded by thunder storms, 07/14/1950:1
McCulloch, John
Attends Pine Ridge Camp, NH, 07/26/1951:10
Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1
McCulloch, Johnny
Egger Furnituremen 1950 Twilight League champions (p),
McCulloch, Joseph
Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1
Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1
McCulloch, Joseph R.
Cyclist Richard Tanguay runs into McCulloch's car, 04/21/1950:1
Marie Briggs winner of Egger Co. Crosley contest (p), 12/20/1951:6
McCully Cemetery
Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11
McDermid, Jane
Obituary, 10/29/1953:4
Widow of Winslow dies at age 71, 10/29/1953:5
McDermid, Winslow
Obituary, 05/19/1950:7
McDermott, William S.
A&P robber of 20 years ago facing new charges, commits suicide,
McDonald, Arlene
Assault case heard in court, 09/09/1954:10
McDonald, Arlene Burch
Son born, 03/22/1951:5
McDonald, Dapper
Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1
McDonald, Dick
Named to Southern New England Coastal Conference All-Star quintet,
Named captain of Stonehill College basketball team, 04/17/1952:2
McDonald, Everett R.
Sergeant in U.S. Marine Reserves, 07/31/1952:3
Sergeant enrolled in Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Course (p),
To graduate from Stonehill College, 05/28/1953:1
Completing officers' course at Quantico, VA (p), 04/08/1954:1
McDonald, Harold
Son born, 09/17/1953:6
McDonald, Harold E.
Rear-ends Bernard Beuthner on School St, 11/03/1950:17
Son born, 11/17/1950:7
Collides with Mabel McNeil at North and School St, 05/20/1954:11
McDonald, Helen
George Tanguay responds to McDonald's criticism of treatment of
POWs (l), 12/01/1950:1
Explains letter to Newsweek (l), 12/08/1950:1
McDonald, Henry
Son born, 06/07/1951:5, 11/20/1952:7
McDonald, James
Daughter born, 09/27/1951:5
McDonald, John
Husband of Josephine M. Boucher dies at age 67, 03/18/1954:4
Obituary, 03/18/1954:9
Patricia Small wins Elks youth leadership prize (p), 05/06/1954:1
McDonald, John C.
Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
McDonald, Josephine
To sail on Queen Elizabeth for Europe, 04/19/1951:4
McDonald, Larry
MHS right tackle may be sidelined, 10/28/1954:6
Named 1954 MHS hoop co-captain, 12/30/1954:1
McDonald, Lawrence A.
To represent MHS at Boys' State, 05/20/1954:1
Named to attend Boys' State, 06/17/1954:1
McDonald, Lillian
Arlene McDonald assault case heard in court, 09/09/1954:10
McDonald, Margaret Fischer
Son born, 06/07/1951:5, 11/20/1952:7
McDonald, Marilyn
Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club
dance (p), 02/17/1950:1
McDonald, Marion
Three juveniles allegedly break into Thomas St home, 08/07/1952:1
Two of youths fail to appear in court, 08/21/1952:9
McDonald, Mary E.
Petition for probate of will, 11/19/1953:5
McDonald, Mrs John C.
R.N. instructor at St. Luke's (p), 06/12/1952:1
McDonald, Roland W.
Son born, 03/22/1951:5
McDonald, Ruth Bent
Son born, 09/17/1953:6
McDonald, Ruth E. Bent
Son born, 11/17/1950:7
McDonald, Theresa Arsenault
Daughter born, 09/27/1951:5
McDonald Everett R.
Receives U.S. Marine Corps commission (p), 08/06/1953:1
McDonough, Dennis
Margaret Millett finds lost boy under house, 03/26/1953:1
McDougall, Rosemarie
Wed to Joseph F. Oliver, 12/11/1952:7
McDowell, Anne Lucille
Wed to Joseph V. Giberti, 02/08/1951:5
Wedding described, 02/08/1951:5
McDowell, George
Funeral held in Dennis, 03/03/1950:2
McDowell, Gertrude White
Daughter born, 11/10/1950:7
McDowell, Herbert
Mother dies in Princetown, ME, 07/14/1950:12
McDowell, Mrs William
Dies in Princetown, ME, 07/14/1950:12
McDowell, William
Daughter born, 11/10/1950:7
McFarlin, Anne R. Gifford
Obituary, 09/16/1954:4
McFarlin, Elmer B.
Car blows tire, jumps curb, runs into house, 12/02/1954:4
McFarlin, Evelyn
Sells beauty parlor (ad), 02/10/1950:12
McFarlin, Myra J.
Petition for probate of will, 03/25/1954:8
McFarlin, Myra Janette
Obituary, 02/04/1954:2
Wife of Sampson dies at age 75, 02/04/1954:5
McFarlin, Sampson
Collides with Taunton driver at Four Corners, 02/22/1951:1
McGarr, William
Auto wrecked after striking icy rut and crashing into pole, 02/04/1954:3
McGeath, O.M.
Notice of hearing for application for overnight cabin permit,
Resigns as General Secretary of YMCA, 10/16/1952:1
McGrady, George R.
Obituary, 01/29/1953:4
Widower of Thelma Weeman dies at age 51, 01/29/1953:5
McGrady, Joseph M.
Charged with drunkenness and reckless and drunk driving,
Fined $75 for drunk driving, 09/25/1952:6
Trial is again continued, 09/25/1952:8
Fines total $125 for driving offenses, 09/30/1954:4
McGrady, L. Thelma
Obituary, 11/24/1950:3
McGrady, Mrs George
Resides in Devon, CT, 05/05/1950:10
McGrath, Dennis
Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated
by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1
McGreal, P., Jr.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
McGreath (Mr)
Couple occupies house on Court End Ave, 01/06/1950:2
McGuire, Richard
Youthful gang member gets suspended sentence for drunkenness,
McHale, J.L.
Corner lot for sale (ad), 11/05/1953:4
McHale, Thomas
Wedding described, 11/08/1951:11
McHale, T.J.
Corner lot for sale (ad), 11/05/1953:4
McInnes, John
Wedding described, 09/09/1954:3
McInnes, John H.
Wed to Marion D. Caswell, 09/09/1954:4
McInnes, John M.
Engaged to Marian D. Caswell, 08/12/1954:4
McIntire Dairy
One of largest and finest in southeastern Massachusetts (p),
One of largest dairies in district (p), 01/21/1954:6
Quality products and friendly service, 04/15/1954:8
McIvers, Noble
Guilty of assault and battery on his wife, 03/12/1953:4
McIvers, Thelma
Noble McIvers guilty of assault and battery on his wife, 03/12/1953:4
McKay, Esther Y.
Wife of George C. dies at age 51, 06/25/1953:5
McKay, Esther Yeaton
Obituary, 06/25/1953:2
McKay, Eugene Y.
Engaged to Momi P. Kon, 08/25/1950:4
And bride phone family from Hawaii, 09/22/1950:1
Wedding described, 10/20/1950:7
McKay, George C.
Appointed trustee of Maria L.H. Pierce Fund, 02/24/1950:1
Resigns as welfare agent (p), 10/20/1950:1
McKay, Helen F.
Widow of James S. dies at age 85, 05/14/1953:4
Obituary, 05/14/1953:6
Petition for administration of estate, 05/28/1953:3
McKee, Henrietta
Boston poultry dealer arrested for larceny against McKee, 07/14/1950:1
Holt larceny case in local court again, 07/28/1950:1
Paid $2,300 in poultry case, 08/18/1950:1
McKee Poultry Farm
Smith St (ad), 11/17/1950:12
Help wanted, men and women (ad), 09/24/1953:2
McKellick, Anita Arsenault
Daughter born, 12/23/1954:4
McKellick, Laurence
Daughter born, 12/23/1954:4
McKendrick, Mary D.
Awarded Master of Education degree from Boston University,
McKenna, Ahlena
Engaged to Donald Robert Hebert, 08/25/1950:5
Wed to Donald Robert Hebert, 09/08/1950:5
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
McKenzie, Clara
Granted secondhand furniture sales license, 04/21/1950:2
McKinnon, Ann
Obituary, 07/19/1951:8
McLauchlan, Jay Chandler
Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1
McLaughlin, Florence Coe
Son born, 05/31/1951:5
McLaughlin, Joseph
Son born, 05/31/1951:5
McLaughlin, Kathryn M.
Replaces Ruth Mulcahy at Union Street School, 11/08/1951:1
McLaughlin, Lucille
Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated
by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1
McLaughlin, Olive
Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5
McLaughlin, Olive A.
Observes 5th anniversary of employment with W.T. Grant,
McLaughlin, William J.
Accountant named to national association post, 11/04/1954:9
McLean, Malcolm J.
Obituary, 07/02/1953:5
McLean, S.A.
Office hours as usual without special appointments (ad), 03/27/1952:10
Resumes practice at 8 Rock St (ad), 05/26/1952:10
McLean, Sterling
Doctor conducting business by appointment only (ad), 03/20/1952:10
Tangled jungle of mangled trees on Rock St (p), 09/09/1954:4
McLean, Sterling A.
Elected chief of staff at St. Luke's (p), 10/30/1952:1
McLean, Stewart
Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated
by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1
McLellan, Randall A.
Engaged to Carol A. Gilbert, 11/04/1954:4
Wed to Carol Ann Gilbert, 11/04/1954:4
McLeod, Bertha H.
Engaged to Herbert C. Shaw, 11/04/1954:4
Wed to Herbert C. Shaw, 11/11/1954:6
McLeod, George
Purchases parcel of land from town, 08/07/1952:1
Attends christening of granddaughter in Arizona (p), 02/25/1954:1
McLeod, George C.
Resides in Waterville, ME, 06/09/1950:9
Accepts post with Bisbee Daily Review, 09/15/1950:1
Named city editor and sports editor of Bisbee Daily Review (p),
Covers baseball convention for Bisbee newspaper, 12/04/1952:1
Accepts post on sports staff of Tucson Citizen (p), 02/12/1953:1
Parents attend granddaughter's christening in Arizona (p), 02/25/1954:1
McLeod, Lucinda Hudson
Obituary, 07/31/1952:3
Wife of Peter dies at age 64, 07/31/1952:5
McLeod, Mrs George
Attends christening of granddaughter in Arizona (p), 02/25/1954:1
McLeod, Phyllis Ann
Grandparents, Mr and Mrs George McLeod, attend christening in
Arizona (p), 02/25/1954:1
McLure, Alexander
Purchase St couple married 25 years, 05/26/1952:4
McLure, Alexander C.
North Carver couple married 25 years, 05/26/1952:10
McLure, Ian
Corporal stationed in France, 04/10/1952:11
McMahon, Francis
Couple sells gas station to Theo Testa, moves to Buzzards Bay,
McMahon, J. Vincent
Victim of hit-and-run driver, 05/29/1952:8
McMahon, Joanne Boudrot
Son born, 03/08/1951:4
Daughter born, 09/30/1954:5
McMahon, Margaret Mullins
Oliver St couple married 37 years, 07/01/1954:1
McMahon, Mrs Patrick J.
Severs connections with Fahey Funeral Home (ad), 04/15/1954:7
McMahon, Patrick
Obituary, 10/15/1953:3
Dies at age 86, 10/15/1953:4
Petition for probate of will, 02/04/1954:4
Oliver St couple married 37 years, 07/01/1954:1
McMahon, Patrick J.
Severs connections with Fahey Funeral Home (ad), 04/15/1954:7
McMahon, William
Daughter born, 09/30/1954:5
McMahon, William J.
Graduates with business degree from Boston College, 06/16/1950:3
Son born, 03/08/1951:4
McManus, Albert
Son born, 09/06/1951:4, 09/06/1951:8, 09/03/1953:2, 09/03/1953:5
Daughter born, 12/16/1954:4
McManus, Albert H., Jr.
Station wagon overturns on Walnut St, 06/11/1953:9
McManus, Edward
Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1
McManus, Eugene
Meets Anna Gola in Osaka, Japan, 03/29/1951:5
Engaged to Constance Smith, 08/30/1951:3
McManus, Eugene E.
Engaged to Constance Smith, 01/04/1951:1
Receives leg wound in action at Wonju, Korea, 03/01/1951:1
Engaged to Constance M. Smith, 09/06/1951:5
Wed to Constance M. Smith, 09/13/1951:5
No one hurt in collision on Courtland St, 12/02/1954:7
McManus, Eugene Edward
Wedding described, 09/13/1951:6
McManus, Everett
Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1
Peirce St couple married 25 years, 11/12/1953:4
McManus, Gene
Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p),
Employee of new business, Best Floor Co., on Pearl St (p),
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Floor tile installation, 35 Forest St (ad), 08/12/1954:3
McManus, John
Attends University of Connecticut, 04/07/1950:2
Pledges Sigma Chi, 12/22/1950:4
McManus, John E.
Completes mathematics degree at University of Connecticut,
Graduates from University of Connecticut, 06/17/1954:1
McManus, Robert
Car goes off Sachem St, tips over, 08/23/1951:1
McManus, Robert E.
Enlists in U.S. Navy (p), 01/01/1953:1
McManus, Robert F.
Commissioned for duty with Korean Airlift, 06/25/1953:1
McManus, Robert Francis
Engaged to Elizabeth Louise MacNeill, 12/30/1954:1
McManus, Sylvia Caswell
Son born, 09/06/1951:4, 09/06/1951:8, 09/03/1953:2, 09/03/1953:5
Daughter born, 12/16/1954:4
McManus, Thomas
Obituary, 10/28/1954:2
McMillan, Wellington
Resides in Staten Island, NY, 11/29/1951:7
McNab, Jeannette
Wed to Paul D. Preti, 07/12/1951:4
McNayr, Archie A., Jr.
Pleads guilty to drunkenness, 07/12/1951:1
McNearney, Daniel F.
Purchases insurance business from J. Adrien Bissonnette, 04/03/1952:1
Insurance, 152 Peirce St (ad), 05/08/1952:12
Purchases insurance agency from Adrian Bissonnette, 12/02/1954:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
McNearney, Daniel F. continued
Sullivan & Sullivan purchased by McNearney (ad), 12/02/1954:5
Daniel F. McNearney Insurance, 152 Peirce St (ad), 12/02/1954:8
McNeely, Rankin
With U.S. Navy in Texas, 04/09/1953:6
McNeil, Amy
Employed at Center Card Shop, Center St (p), 08/13/1953:6
McNeil, Betty
Model in Little Theatre Group fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7
McNeil, Donald
Enrolls at Northeastern University, 12/15/1950:7
McNeil, James
James McNeil Co., formerly A.F. Ryder Co. (ad), 09/29/1950:5
McNeil, Joan Marie
Replaces Diana Dahlquist as music teacher at Bates, 08/20/1953:1
Bates School music teacher sings with aria group at Symphony Hall,
Boston, 12/03/1953:16
McNeil, Linda
Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3
McNeil, Mabel
Midway Cab, Center St (ad), 10/07/1954:5
McNeil, Mabel J.
Collides with Harold McDonald at North and School St, 05/20/1954:11
And Clarence Dimond dissolve partnership in Midway Cab,
McNeil, Mrs Walter
New president of Junior Cabot Club (p), 10/07/1954:1
McNeil, Nellie
Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1
McNeil, Nellie Candler
Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5
McNeil, Walter
Captain stationed at Fort Hamilton, NY, 07/19/1951:4
Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5
Leaves for reservist's training at Camp Drum, NY, 08/13/1953:6
McNeil, Walter J.D.
Local reservist trains at Fort Hamilton, NY, 08/18/1950:1
Takes intensive training at Fort Hamilton, NY, 07/26/1951:2
Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion,
Biography of candidate for School Committee (p), 01/14/1954:1
McNeill, George S.
Central Baptist pastor from 1946 to 1949, 05/07/1953:4
McNulty, Geraldine
Resides in Hackensack, NJ, 08/30/1951:2
McNulty, James Leo
Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5
McNutt, Charles T.
Obituary, 05/08/1952:6
Weston man dies at age 83, 05/08/1952:7
Petition for probate of will, 06/19/1952:9
McPherson, Barbara
Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5
McQuade, Annie E.
Dies at age 64, 11/12/1953:6
Obituary, 11/12/1953:6
McQuade, Helen
Preview of spring fashion show by Junior Cabot Club (p), 03/20/1952:4
McQuade, Helen Martin
Son born, 04/26/1951:7, 01/21/1954:5
McQuade, James
Son born, 01/21/1954:5
McQuade, James B.
Engaged to Helen Martin, 05/12/1950:6, 07/14/1950:2
Engaged to Helen I. Martin, 07/14/1950:7
Wed to Helen I. Martin, 08/11/1950:5
Son born, 04/26/1951:7
Graduates from Boston University, 06/14/1951:12
McQuade, James Bradford
Wedding described, 08/04/1950:2
McQuade, James F.
Granted victualler's licenses, 02/03/1950:1
McQuade, Kathleen
Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises
(p), 06/30/1950:1
McQuade, Mrs Ralph
Father dies in Revere, 01/17/1952:5
McQuade, Ralph
Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated
by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1
McQuade, Ralph J.
Returning POW, Falconieri, greeted enthusiastically (p), 08/27/1953:1
McQuades Clothes Shop
Men's wear (ad), 04/07/1950:2
Fire had appearance of incendiarism, 04/09/1953:1
McQuiggan, Edward
Son born, 08/05/1954:4
McQuiggan, Olive Bryant
Son born, 08/05/1954:4
McTaggart, Eliza
Graduates from Bridgewater Normal School 50 years ago, 06/10/1954:9
Meaney, James J.
Foreclosure notice, 11/24/1950:2
Meaney, Victoria A.
Foreclosure notice, 11/24/1950:2
Meara, Alice Beverly
Engaged to John Stephen Hart, 09/24/1953:5
Wed to John Stephen Hart, 10/01/1953:5
Several cases reported, 07/14/1950:2
Mary, Jane and Barbara Bishop confined to home, 01/24/1952:4 (6)
Grippe and measles hit schools, 03/06/1952:5
And flu hit MHS boys' choir and audience, 03/20/1952:1
Mecchi, Hazel J.
Foreclosure notice, 03/31/1950:7
Pleads not guilty to assault on husband Julio, 01/03/1952:5
Mutual assault charges by Mecchis dismissed for lack of prosecution,
Mecchi, Hazel Murray
Son born, 12/11/1952:6
Mecchi, Julio
Hazel Mecchi pleads not guilty to assault on husband Julio,
Son born, 12/11/1952:6
Mecchi, Julio J.
Foreclosure notice, 03/31/1950:7
Mecchi, Julio John
Mutual assault charges by Mecchis dismissed for lack of prosecution,
Medas, Dorothy
Ralph Maddigan, Sr. runs 77-year-old T.M. Ryder Co. (p),
Medas, Ed
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Medas, Edward
Pleads not guilty to larceny from James Ferreira, 09/18/1952:7
Cleared of larceny charge, 10/09/1952:8
Medas, Edward J.
Boys pilfer tires, tubes from C.P. Washburn Co., 01/24/1952:5 (7)
Tire thief put on long probation, 02/14/1952:4
Youth indicted for larcenies at Washburn Co., 02/14/1952:9
Engaged to Dorothy F. Falconeiri, 04/01/1954:4
Engaged to Dorothy Frances Falconeiri, 04/01/1954:4
Wed to Dorothy F. Falconeiri, 04/29/1954:4
Medas, Edward Joseph
Engaged to Dorothy Frances Falconeiri, 10/22/1953:12
Wedding described, 04/29/1954:10
Medas, George
Holbrook accused of dumping on Medas property, 06/23/1950:4
Medas, George R.
Returns from overseas duty, 03/22/1951:10
Medas, Gloria Gaskell
Daughter born, 10/06/1950:5
Son born, 06/03/1954:7
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Medas, Joseph, Jr.
Daughter born, 10/06/1950:5
Son born, 06/03/1954:7
Medas, Robert Gilbert
Engaged to Barbara Ann Benaski, 01/22/1953:5
Wed to Barbara Ann Benaski, 01/29/1953:5
Medbury, Nicolas
First minister of Central Baptist, 05/07/1953:4
Medeiros, Arthur
Engaged to Helen Skaradoski, 03/29/1951:5
Wed to Helen Skaradoski, 04/12/1951:5
Son born, 09/24/1953:5
Medeiros, F.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Medeiros, Frances
Awarded Eagle Scout badge, 05/08/1952:5
Medeiros, Francis
Receives MHS Silver M award, 05/28/1953:1
Medeiros, Helen Skaradoski
Son born, 09/24/1953:5
Medeiros, James Nathan
Engaged to Catherine Margaret Norris, 10/22/1953:7
Wed to Catherine Margaret Norris, 11/05/1953:7
Medeiros, Lincoln
Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2
Medeiros, Mary
Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1
Medeiros, Milton
Daughter born, 12/13/1951:7
Son born, 03/11/1954:4
Medeiros, Theresa Gannon
Daughter born, 12/13/1951:7
Son born, 03/11/1954:4
Medical Care. see also Hospitals; Nurses and Nursing; Physicians
Chest x-rays for Lakeville, 03/17/1950:1
X-ray clinic in Lakeville a success, 04/21/1950:5
MHS students to have free x-rays, 09/29/1950:1
More than 600 submit samples for diabetes testing, 11/24/1950:1
Benefit for paralyzed son of Ernest Powell (p), 07/26/1951:1
Three hundred and nine given x-rays, 11/22/1951:1
Addition x-ray clinics planned, 11/29/1951:1
1,528 chest x-rays taken here, 12/06/1951:12
Free community x-ray clinic examines 1,738, 01/03/1952:1
X-ray clinic cancelled for second time, 06/24/1954:1
Health officer answers questions about x-ray results, 07/01/1954:1
Medical Supplies. see The Walker Co.
Medina, Frederico R., Jr.
Leaves for induction at Boston base, 02/11/1954:1
Mee, Marjorie
Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p),
Meehan, Ralph
Proprietor of Creedon - Florist, 113 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:7
Meehan, Ray
Creedon's flower shop takes part in Boston Rose Show, 10/14/1954:4
Meehan, Raymond
Proprietor of Creedon Florist, 10/20/1950:4
Meeker, Robert E.
Couple purchases Smith St house from Mrs Charles Crawford,
Sells Smith St property to Raymond Neelon, 04/02/1953:8
Meeker, Robert Earl
Husband of Anna Martin dies at age 85, 12/17/1953:4
Obituary, 12/17/1953:13
Meetze, E.M.
Granted victualler's license for the Capeway Restaurant, 06/09/1950:14
Mehl, John S.
Obituary, 11/17/1950:6
Mekelones, Eleanor
Receives experience in merchandising, 12/15/1950:2
Member of Lasell College Orphean Club, 03/29/1951:7
Graduates from Lasell Junior College, 06/05/1952:12
Wedding described, 12/10/1953:3
Mekelones, Eleanor L.
Freshman at Lasell Junior College, Auburndale, 10/20/1950:8
Member of Speakers Bureau at Lasell, 01/18/1951:8
Member of Lasell Choral group, 02/22/1951:9
Engaged to Thomas F. Marple, 11/26/1953:4
Wed to Thomas P. Marple, 12/10/1953:6
Mekelones, Eleanor Louise
Engaged to Thomas Pankey Marple, 10/08/1953:5
Melix, Fay E.
Engaged to Oram A. Dubey, 11/06/1952:5
Wed to Oram A. Dubey, 11/13/1952:7
Melix, Marjorie H.
Engaged to Linfield R. Thomas, 04/03/1952:5
Wed to Linfield R. Thomas, 04/10/1952:7
Melix, Marjorie Helen
Engaged to Linfield R. Thomas, 02/14/1952:10
Wedding described, 04/17/1952:6
Mellen, Amanda
Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9
Mellen, Celia
Philip Mellen's wife Celia drops assault charges, 08/19/1954:9
Mellen, Philip
Wife Celia drops assault charges, 08/19/1954:9
Mellen, Philip L.
Engaged to Celia Russell, 11/15/1951:7
Wed to Celia Russell, 11/22/1951:5
Receives diploma from National Radio Institute of Washington, DC,
Non-support case filed, 09/23/1954:2
Mellish, Stephen
Appeals jail sentence for trespassing, 01/27/1950:3
Pleads not guilty to charge of trespassing brought by Charles Fagan,
Changes plea, fined $25, 07/28/1950:8
Pleads not guilty to assault on Charles Fagan, 03/29/1951:2
Fagan withdraws charge of assault against Mellish, 04/05/1951:2
Mello, Armand Paul
Engaged to Mary Frances Sikorski, 01/17/1952:5
Wedding described, 11/27/1952:6
Mello, Charlotte Squiers
Son born, 08/16/1951:5
Mello, D.
MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1
Mello, Don
Employed at Bob's Diner, popular spot at Four Corners (p),
Mello, Donald
Daughter born, 07/28/1950:5
The Little Theatre Group seeking new members (p), 10/25/1951:10
Mello, Donald F.
Biography of candidate for School Committee (p), 01/14/1954:4
Mello, Donald Francis
Runs for selectman, 11/27/1952:1
Profile of selectman candidate (p), 01/15/1953:1
Mello, Elizabeth Crews
Son born, 10/11/1951:5
Mello, Hank
Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t),
Mello, Henry
Son born, 08/16/1951:5
Mello, Irene
Engaged to Edwin Peterson, 05/26/1952:5, 07/17/1952:5, 07/24/1952:5
Wed to Edwin Peterson, 08/07/1952:5
Mello, Irene P.
Wedding described, 08/07/1952:5
Mello, John
Son born, 10/11/1951:5
Mello, John B.
Petition for license to sell real estate, 04/24/1952:4
Mello, Joseph
Dies in Fall River, 12/08/1950:10
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Mello, Joseph W.
Plumbing and heating contractor, 15 Elm St (ad), 03/03/1950:4
Assault case over boundary issue, 08/18/1950:3
Mello, Lee
On staff at Middleboro Music Center, 04/01/1954:9
Mello, Louis A.
Employed as dental technician in Washington, DC, 01/01/1953:4
Mello, Manuel
Father dies in Fall River, 12/08/1950:10
Center St couple married 25 years, 10/23/1952:10
Mello, Manuel E.
Uses car gas to end life, 06/23/1950:1
Mello, Manuel Ernest
Dies at age 22, 06/23/1950:5
Mello, Marilyn L.
Fails to appear in court on morals charges, 11/26/1953:4
Mello, Mrs Joseph
Resides in San Jose, CA, 11/19/1953:12
Mello, Nancy
Manager of The Doll House, 231 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:3
Engaged to Joseph Costa, 03/27/1952:4, 05/08/1952:2
And David Hoops crowned Queen and King of YMCA Little Tot
Contest (p), 10/08/1953:1
Mello, Nancy J.
Engaged to Joseph F. Costa, 05/08/1952:7
Wed to Joseph F. Costa, 06/19/1952:5
Mello, Nancy Jeanne
Engaged to Joseph Costa, Jr., 01/03/1952:8
Wedding described, 05/22/1952:7
Mello, Nellie Stone
Daughter born, 07/28/1950:5
Mello, Nora
Playground Pet Show winner (p), 08/28/1952:4
Mello, Raphael
Private stationed at Fort Hood, TX, 04/05/1951:6
Receives honorable discharge from U.S. Army, 01/15/1953:3
Mello, Raphael W.
Leaves in recent draft call, 12/08/1950:1
Mello, Roland W.
Mello, Sampson, and Gomes crash on South Main St, 08/27/1953:2
Mello's Country Store
Lakeville (ad), 12/13/1951:8
Closed Sundays due to state ruling (ad), 01/10/1952:10
Lakeville store doubled in size, 05/01/1952:7
Gale blows out windows, 02/26/1953:1
Help wanted (ad), 10/15/1953:9
Mello's Package Store
Main St, Lakeville (ad), 11/29/1951:4
Mello's Super Market
Discontinues all charge account services (ad), 02/04/1954:9
Melville, David
Son born, 09/13/1951:5, 02/12/1953:5
Melville, David, Jr.
Engaged to Elizabeth Pittsley, 06/07/1951:5
Wed to Elizabeth Pittsley, 06/21/1951:5
Melville, David M.
Wife files for divorce, 03/10/1950:7
Sheriff's sale of real estate at public auction, 06/18/1953:6
Melville, David M., Jr.
Melville, Jr. and Card collide at routes 28 and 105, 09/24/1953:9
Melville, Elizabeth Pittsley
Son born, 09/13/1951:5, 02/12/1953:5
Melville, Janet C.
Engaged to Francis G. Byrne, 08/30/1951:5
Wed to Francis G. Byrne, 09/20/1951:7
Melville, Jean S.
Engaged to Manuel F. Pereira, 03/11/1954:4
Wed to Manuel F. Pereira, 04/08/1954:6
Melville, Madeline M.
Files for divorce, 03/10/1950:7
Melville, Minnie L.
Petition for administration of estate, 04/09/1953:4
Melville, Minnie Laura
Obituary, 03/05/1953:7
Widow of Robert R. dies at age 74, 03/05/1953:7
Burial at Central Cemetery, 03/12/1953:3
Melville, Robert
Rocky Meadow St couple married 25 years, 06/09/1950:11
Melville, Robert W.
North Carver couple married 25 years, 06/16/1950:5
Melville, Shirley A.
Engaged to Henry J. Guertin, 07/12/1951:7
Melville, Shirley Adelaide
Wed to Henry John Guerin, 06/18/1953:4
Memorial Day
Extemporaneous services held at Central Cemetery, 06/02/1950:1
Local National Guard unit marches in Sandwich observance,
Rain washes out events, 06/02/1950:1
Parade rained out again, 05/31/1951:1
Plans announced, 05/21/1953:1
Grand Army of the Republic line thins over the years, 06/04/1953:1
Services held to honor war dead, 06/03/1954:1
Memorials. see Monuments
Menard, Annette
Engaged to Richard Carl Houghton, 03/27/1952:5
Engaged to Richard C. Houghton, 12/04/1952:5
Mendall, Anita
Enters Rhode Island School of Design, 09/22/1950:6
Cast in Rhode Island School of Design production of Blithe Spirit,
Model at semi-annual style show at Rhode Island School of Design,
Takes part in atomic bomb demonstration, 11/08/1951:1
Receives honor from John Barrymore, Jr., 12/13/1951:12
Receives scholarship at Rhode Island School of Design, 07/03/1952:1
Mendall, Anita W.
Vice president of RISD junior class, 11/06/1952:8
Mendall, C. Trafton
Presents talk on playground activities to St Luke's Hospital Club,
Set to graduate from Boston University Law School, 06/02/1950:1
Appointed to committee of Republican state convention, 10/06/1950:8
Passes state bar exam (p), 04/05/1951:1
Has character as incorporator of New Bedford District Conference of
Methodist Church certified by selectmen, 04/19/1951:10
Playgrounds Olympics best ever (p), 08/30/1951:1
Enters the practice of law, 09/06/1951:7
Begins practice as attorney-at-law, 09/13/1951:1
Appointed notary public, 09/27/1951:6
Named head of local Red Cross chapter, 10/11/1951:4
Runs for School Committee, 12/13/1951:1
Profile of candidate for School Committee, 01/03/1952:5
Appointed Associate Government Appeal Agent for Selective Service,
Local citizens meet gubernatorial candidate (p), 10/16/1952:1
Lieutenant Governor Whittier plans Assawampsett School
commencement speech (p), 06/04/1953:4
Urges support of Red Cross (l), 12/17/1953:1
Office reception room remodeled, 12/31/1953:5
School Committee honors retiring members (p), 01/14/1954:10
School officials accept gift of audiometer (p), 03/11/1954:1
Takes out nomination papers for school committee, 11/18/1954:1
Mendall, Clarence Trafton
Graduates from Boston University, 06/09/1950:10
Mendall, Florence Ann
Widow of L. Bertrand dies at age 84, 01/03/1952:5
Obituary, 01/03/1952:6
Mendall, Florence Snyder
Daughter born, 09/04/1952:5
Mendall, Jeanne
Engaged to John Kauffman, Jr., 05/05/1950:9
Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for
sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1
To participate in Boston concert, 06/02/1950:1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954
Mendall, Jeanne continued
Engaged to John Kauffman, 06/30/1950:6
Engaged to be married, 07/14/1950:9
Mendall, Jeanne F.
Engaged to John H. Kauffman, Jr., 07/28/1950:4
Wed to John H. Kauffman, Jr., 08/18/1950:5
Mendall, Jeanne Francis
Wedding described, 08/11/1950:7
Mendall, L. Bert
Mail carrier 50 years ago, 08/19/1954:8
Mendall, Ralph
Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1
Mendall, Ralph B.
Accepts position with Adams Brothers of Pittsfield, NH, 03/20/1952:3
Temporary carrier on new rural route, 08/13/1953:1
Leach collides with Mendall on Peirce St, 09/17/1953:3
Mendall, Ralph B., Jr.
Reservist called to active duty, 09/22/1950:4
Leaves for Camp Campbell, KY, 09/29/1950:12
Sergeant likely headed overseas, 11/24/1950:5
Sergeant now with Signal Service Battalion in Tokyo, Japan,
Awaits release from active duty at Camp Kilmer, NJ, 08/09/1951:10
Resides in Chelmsford, 08/23/1951:7
Daughter born, 09/04/1952:5
Mendall, Seaton C.
Resides in Hammonsport, NY, 10/20/1950:8
Mendall, Ted
Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1
Mendall, Theodore
Salesman for Walkover Shoes, 02/03/1950:4
Mendall, Trafton
Playground super and assistant super comment on Dealtry letter (l),
Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1
Mendes, Charles
Wed to Yvonne Harriette Wood, 10/18/1951:5
Mendes, Manuel, Jr.
Four-year-old hit by car as crosses Rte 44, 10/15/1953:1
Mendes, Phil
Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4
Mendoza, John
Struck by truck, dies from injuries, 03/31/1950:6
John Hanson, operator of death car, found guilty, 04/21/1950:1
Menowsky, Virginia
Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises
(p), 06/30/1950:1
Resigns as clerk to town treasurer, 01/18/1951:5
Mercer, Nancy
Attends University of Connecticut, 11/24/1950:5
Takes position at law firm in Boston, 09/23/1954:2
Mercer, Nancy Eleanor
Engaged to Jerome Plummer Tripp, 07/10/1952:6
Merrihew, Jennie
Dressmaker moves to 66 Forest St (ad), 06/05/1952:12
Dressmaking, 66 Forest St (ad), 08/28/1952:7
Moves to 43 School St, 12/03/1953:3
Merrihew, Lucy
Resides in Centerville, 03/10/1950:2
Merrihew, Lucy Ellen
Obituary, 03/17/1950:4
Dies at age 72, 03/17/1950:5
Merrill, Charles
Shots himself in left thumb, 05/12/1950:2
Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts
National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1
Son born, 09/17/1953:6, 08/05/1954:4
Merrill, Charles Edward
Wed to Shirley Marie Irving, 11/15/1951:7
Merrill, Charles W.
Purchases house on Smith St., 02/22/1951:5
And Richard Washburn collide at Frank and Everett St, 08/28/1952:3
Foreclosure notice, 12/16/1954:6
Merrill, Irene E.
Wind pulls ten-year-old out of car, 05/19/1950:10
Merrill, Mildred G.
Foreclosure notice, 12/16/1954:6
Merrill, Shirley Irving
Son born, 08/05/1954:4
Merrill, Shirlie Irving
Son born, 09/17/1953:6
Merritt, Dorine
Born to Robert, 07/22/1954:3
Merritt, Dorine Ausman
Daughter born, 07/22/1954:5
Merritt, Frances
Engaged to Howard C. Winslow, 08/18/1950:5
Merritt, George
Son born, 08/05/1954:4
Merritt, Harold
Notice of hearing on application for day camp, 05/19/1950:6
Merritt, Janet Goodwin
Son born, 08/05/1954:4
Merritt, Robert
Engaged to Dorine Ausman, 07/12/1951:2
Daughter born, 07/22/1954:3, 07/22/1954:5
Merritt, Robert H.
Wedding described, 08/16/1951:10
Merritt, William C.
Enrolls at Burdett College, Boston, 09/24/1953:9
Merriweather, Rosemarie
Granted temporary bakery license, 02/04/1954:1
Meserve, Carl
Wedding described, 08/05/1954:10
Meserve, Carl N.
Engaged to Claire Nickerson, 07/15/1954:4
Wed to Claire Nickerson, 08/05/1954:4
Messer, Harriet C.
Obituary, 11/01/1951:10
Messer, Harriet Chamberlain
Wife of Henry P. dies at age 89, 11/01/1951:4
Messer, Harriett C.
Petition for probate of will, 01/24/1952:8
Messer, Henry Place
Dies at age 78, 07/23/1953:5
Obituary, 07/23/1953:5
Messer, Leila F.
Petition for administration of estate, 03/10/1950:7
Messer, Leila Frances
Obituary, 01/20/1950:6
Widow of Frank L. dies at age 67, 01/20/1950:6
Metal and Metal Work
Middleboro Welding Shop, Fred Strople, 324 Miller St (ad),
Hero Manufacturing Co., printer wanted, Cambridge St. (ad),
Colonial Brass Co., help wanted, grinding experience (ad),
Jackson Blacksmith Shop now receiving 4160-volt service,
LeBaron Foundry, closed for stock taking 50 years