Our Lady Of the River Catholic Church LeClaire, Iowa


Our Lady Of the River Catholic Church LeClaire, Iowa
Of the River
Catholic Church
LeClaire, Iowa
Easter—April 5
Our Lady of the River Catholic Church
28200 226th Street Place
P.O. Box 32
LeClaire, Iowa 52753
Our Lady
Number 3
Lent, 2015
Volume 13
Our Lady of the River Catholic Church……..563-289-5736
Our Lady of the River e-mail address…[email protected]
Our Lady of the River Web site……ourladyoftheriver.com
Follow the happenings of OLOR on Facebook. Another witness to
the Spirit inspired community of OLOR!
April (cont.)
9—10:15 a.m. - Riverview Manor Mass
10—7:45 a.m. - Rosary/Mass-coffee/fellowship following
12—8:00 a.m. - Children’s Liturgy—9:00 a.m. - Religious Education Classes
15—7:00 p.m. - KC Officer’s Meeting
19—8:00 a.m. - Children’s Liturgy—9:00 a.m. - Religious Education Classes
26—8:00 a.m. - First Communion Mass
Saturday 6:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 a.m.
(FIRST Friday of the month... 7:45 a.m. Rosary/8:00 a.m. Mass -Fellowship following with coffee & sweets provided by A&R)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Immediately following the 6:00 p.m. Saturday Mass
or anytime by appointment
Open Bible Study
Church Hall—every Tuesday—9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Ash Wednesday—February 18 - 6:00 p.m.
Stations of the Cross and Soup Suppers—6:00 p.m. Fridays (2/20-3/27)
Reconciliation—March 27, after Stations of the Cross
Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper—April 2 - 7:00 p.m.
Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion—April 3 - 6:00 p.m.
Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil Mass—April 4 - 8:15 p.m.
Easter Sunday Mass—April 5 - 8:00 a.m.
Mission Statement
Our Lady of the River Catholic Church is both a quiet oasis of serenity and an
energetic center for worship. We are a community of Christians guided by the Holy
Spirit, associated with the diocese and served by a pastor. Our mission is to promote
the kingdom of God through prayer (primarily our Eucharistic celebration), education
and service and to exemplify Christian life in seeking holiness and the promise of
salvation through Christ Jesus.
Religious Education
Our Religious Education Program is available for children Pre-Kindergarten through 9th
grade. Bible Study Groups and RCIA are available for adults.
* Classes are on Sundays from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
* Classes are held every Sunday from September through mid - May except for the
last weekend of the month or a holiday.
(Bible Study in church—every Tuesday—9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.)
1—7:45 a.m. - Rosary/Mass-coffee/fellowship following
2—5:00 p.m. - Eucharistic Adoration
3—9:00 a.m. - Religious Education Classes
6—7:00 p.m. - KC Mass and General Meeting
7—10:15 a.m. - Riverview Manor Mass
9—6:00 p.m. - May Crowning
10—8:00 a.m. - May Crowning….NO Religious Education Classes
13—Noon - A&R Business Meeting in Church Hall (page 8)
17—8:00 a.m. - Children’s Liturgy—9:00 a.m. - Religious Education Classes
19—6:30 p.m. - KC 4th Degree Mass and Meeting
20—7:00 p.m. - KC Officer’s Meeting
21—6:00 p.m. - Finance Council Meeting
—7:00 p.m. - Parish Council Meeting
24—9:00 a.m. - Final Religious Education Classes
(Bible Study in church—every Tuesday—9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.)
3—7:00 p.m. - KC Mass and General Meeting
4—10:15 a.m - Riverview Manor Mass
5—7:45 a.m. - 1st Friday, Rosary/Mass-coffee/fellowship after
6—Café on Vine (Health Cabinet)
—5:00 p.m. - Eucharistic Adoration
Prayer Shawls and Pamphlets—contact OLOR church office
OLOR Library—shelving in church hall - borrow, read and return
Haiti Layette Project—Pam Hughes, contact person
Nursing Home Birthday Gifts—MaryAnna Parris, contact person
Backpack For Kids—Social Action Commission, Teresa Anderson
Sister Ludmilla—Carolyn Graham, contact person
Lighthouse Contributions—Joanne Rumpza,… All submissions to
the next newsletter are welcome, but are due by May 10, 2015.
[email protected] - 563-289-3521 or mailbox in church hall.
I have set you an example that you should do as I
have done for you.
John 13:15
<<<Answer to
page 10
(Bible Study in church—every Tuesday—9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.)
1—8:00 a.m. - Children’s Liturgy—9:00 a.m. - Religious Education Classes
9:30 a.m.—Altar Server Training
4—7:00 p.m. - KC General Meeting
5—10:15 a.m. - Mass at Riverview Manor
6—7:45 a.m. - Rosary/Mass-coffee/fellowship following
—6:00 p.m. - Stations and Soup Supper (Knights of Columbus)
7—10:00 a.m. - Liturgy Commission in Church Hall
—5:00 p.m. - Eucharistic Adoration and Liturgy of the Hours
—6:00 p.m. - Mass and Annemarie Pisel Baptism
7/8—Distribution of grocery bags for Easter Food Baskets after each Mass
8—8:00 a.m. - Children’s Liturgy—9:00 a.m. - Religious Education Classes
9—7:00 p.m. - Communal Reconciliation Service, St. John Vianney, Bettendorf
13—6:00 p.m. - Stations and Soup Supper (Liturgy Commission)
14—5:00 p.m. - Liturgy of the Hours
14/15—Distribution of grocery bags for Easter Food Baskets after each Mass
15—8:00 a.m. Mass and Andrew Richardel baptism—NO Religious Ed Classes
18—7:00 p.m. - KC Officer’s Meeting
20—6:00 p.m. - Stations and Soup Supper (Church Life and Family Life)
7:00 p.m. - Faith Formation meeting
21—6:00 p.m. - Confirmation Mass
21/22—Return Easter Grocery Bags
22—9:00 a.m. - Religious Education Classes
23—5:00 p.m. - Chrism Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral
24—6:00 p.m. - Finance Council Meeting
—7:00 p.m. - Parish Council Meeting
27—6:00 p.m. - Stations and Soup Supper (A&R, Social Action, Health Cabinet)
—Reconciliation following Stations of the Cross
28—5:00 - Liturgy of the Hours
—Easter Basket pick-up
29—9:00 a.m. - KC Breakfast following Mass
(Bible Study in church—every Tuesday—9:30 a.m. and 7:00
1—7:00 p.m. - KC General Meeting
2—5:30 p.m. - Lasagna Dinner
—7:00 p.m. - Holy Thursday Mass
3—6:00 p.m. - Good Friday Liturgy...KC Fish Fry following
4—Café on Vine (Social Action)
—5:00 p.m. - Liturgy of the Hours
—8:15 p.m. - Easter Vigil Mass
5—8:00 a.m. - Easter Sunday Mass—NO Religious Ed Classes
Dear Parishioners:
In ordinary life, we do not usually sign or mark
ourselves. At Mass, we do so several times. We trace
the pattern of the cross or sign ourselves at the beginning
of Mass, at the reading of the Gospel, and at the end of
Mass for the final blessing. Something important is at
work in this simple gesture.
The act of signing the cross on our bodies symbolically
pulls us into intimate contact with the reality of the cross
of Jesus. It is entirely understandable that we want to
identify ourselves with the cross of Jesus. The cross,
after all, has freed us from sin and death. It is the source
of our new life in Christ. Of course, we take its image
and impress that on our bodies in making the sign of the
It makes sense to make the sign of the cross at Mass,
because the Mass itself makes present the sacrifice of
Jesus on the cross:
This is my body which will be given up for you.
Our gesture of signing and Jesus’ self sacrifice for us
meet in the Mass we celebrate.
Your brother in Christ,
Fr, Joe Wolf
Through the efforts of the Social Action Commission, Our
Lady of the River plans to provide Easter Baskets to the
families that we helped at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Important dates for this project are:
Distribute grocery bags and food list:
March 7/8 and 14/15
Weekend for food return: March 21/22
Easter baskets picked up: March 28
Backpacks for Kids is underway with the local
Optimist Club and area churches providing food
items to send home on weekends for children at
local schools. If you would like to help with this
program, please consider providing the following:
Single servings/easy to open containers:
Proteins: such as pastas, chicken/tuna packets, peanut
Fruits: packaged fruits, applesauce, raisins
Breakfast: individual cereals- cold or oatmeal, juices
Snacks: granola bars, pudding, jello, crackers, etc.
You can leave items in the basket marked Backpacks for
Kids at the entrance of the Church. Social Action Commission
Billy attended his first wedding. He said to his cousin: “I didn’t
know a man can marry sixteen women.”
“He can’t” replied the cousin: “Where did you get that idea?”
“It’s easy,” said Billy. “Just add it up, like the pastor said during the
wedding: ‘Four better, four worse, four richer, four poorer.’”
While we're there, we will be holding an eye clinic overseen
by optometrist Dr. Peter Korpi.
Can you imagine, most of them have never had the
opportunity to have their eyes checked? I smile inwardly,
(rather guiltily) thinking about how many “readers” I have
picked up at the drugstore and have laying around my home.
Even simple things like “old age farsightedness” is a huge
hardship for so many there.
We'll be constructing chalkboards to be distributed at the end
of the Annual Teacher Training in July, and traveling to as
many local schools as possible to give instruction on dental
hygiene while delivering toothbrushes and toothpaste to each
It will be a busy three weeks, but we look forward to
spending time during the days and evenings with all of our
friends there, and we especially look forward to celebrating
Mass together at the St. Pierre Church each Sunday.
Don't forget you can follow the trip on ServeHAITI Facebook
page or the ServeHAITI blog!
Thank you for all of your loving kindness, compassion
and support.
You are truly the salt of the earth and light of the world.
by Liz McDermott
Thanks to all the ladies who made receiving blankets,
knitted hats, and to all who donated items for the layettes
for Haiti. We packaged 106 layettes to take with us on
our trip. I can't wait to deliver these to the new moms
and their babies. We have depleted our stock of the following items,
so if you can help us replenish for the next trip in September, that
would be great!
We need:
baby stocking hats
flannel for diapers
fleece for blankets
We have a good supply of onesies, but we won't turn down
more. Please place your items in the box marked Haiti layettes in
the vestibule.
Thank you, Pam Hughes
As I write this, there are 13 freshly fallen inches of snow blowing
around at 20 miles per hour outside my warm, cozy home. It's crazy
to think that in less than four days, Jennifer Hildebrand and I will be
on a plane heading to Haiti and St. Pierre - and will most likely be
hoping for some cooling breezes as we try to sleep in our beds on
the first night in Port Au Prince before we head up the mountain.
On February 6th, the first of three consecutive weeks of volunteers
will begin the annual February trip and we'll be traveling with lots
of prenatal incentive packs (baby layettes) lovingly gathered, sewn
and wrapped together by members of the Our Lady of the River
Altar and Rosary Society.
Pam Hughes recently took over the project coordination from
Sandy Fredericks, who had been doing a wonderful job, but had to
step down for health reasons. Together with Sandy Fedler, Pam
organized some sewing meetings at her
shop in LeClaire last fall. All the ladies
who were unable to attend, took
materials to work from home. I was able
to witness first hand their handiwork last
Tuesday when they gathered to put the
final projects together into “packets” to
be packed and taken down.
Over 100 newborn kits were created,
each containing a fleece blanket, onesie,
cloth diaper, cap, socks and bar of soap. Each mother who delivers
at the clinic will receive one for the new baby.
Dr. Leopold has found that the numbers of women delivering in
the safe clinic environment, as opposed
to their own homes, has sky rocketed
since the newborn layette gift program
has begun. It's getting harder to keep up
with the demand! Other groups have
been working as well and all told we'll
be taking 250 kits which should last
about five months until the next
volunteers arrive.
What an amazing difference you are all making in the
lives of so many!
2015 Knights of Columbus Fish Fries
February 18: Ash Wednesday—Mass 6:00 p.m.
with Fish Fry following
April 3: Good Friday—Service 6:00 p.m.
Knights Fish Fry following Mass
OLOR Stations of the Cross and Soup Supper
Please join us every Friday evening during Lent for
Stations of the Cross at 6 p.m. Following the Stations, there
will be a soup supper in the parish hall. Each year various
parish organizations or commissions rotate to do the Stations
and provide soup, bread and desserts to share. Donations are
accepted at our soup suppers and the proceeds are given to
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)...aka Operation Rice Bowl.
Childcare will be available during Stations.
February 20 - Faith Formation Commission
February 27 - Parish Council
March 6 - Knights of Columbus
March 13 - Liturgy Commission
March 20 - Church Life Commission/Family Life Commission
March 27 - Altar and Rosary/Social Action Commission/
Health Ministry
Sister Ludmilla—Father Conroy’s Vineyard of Hope
Upcoming Donation list...can you help?
March - #10 chili beans, #10 diced tomatoes, crackers
April - blueberry pancake mix (add water only) and syrup
May - #10 canned mushrooms, #10 peas, Ranch salad
#10=size of cans (large cans)
Our Lady of the River
Our hope is to grow through the participation of more
parishioners. Perhaps you have the gift of time, cooking,
sewing or other talent. If you would like to be part of this
growing ministry, we would welcome you to join us! If you
are aware of a need that is not currently being addressed,
please let us know. If you would like to participate in
training to learn more about this ministry, you can also
contact us. We are currently looking for a young parent
to serve on this cabinet. For more information on the
OLOR Health Ministry or if you would like to join us please
contact Jennifer Hildebrand. [email protected]
Cell (563) 370-4412 or home (563) 289-4904.
Submitted by Jennifer Hildebrand
8th Grade Confirmation Retreat, January 31, 2015
Want to make this your BEST Lent
A man was coming out of church after Easter services, and
the pastor was standing at the door to shake hands. He
grabbed the man by the hand and pulled him aside.
The pastor said, “You need to join the Army of the Lord!”
The man said, “I’m already in the Army of the Lord, Pastor.”
The pastor asked, “Then how come I don’t see you except
at Christmas and Easter?”
The man whispered, “I’m in the secret service!”
Try reading some of Matthew Kelly's
books in our church library! Or... go
online to dynamiccatholic.com and
sign up for daily e-mail videos from Matthew Kelly to make
this your "Best Lent Ever"!
Take the opportunity to learn more about your faith, the saints,
family life, and other good Christian literature in books available
to you at OLOR.
We have Library carts containing these books in the church
hall to the left of the double doors. This Library is for everyone’s
use. Look it over, take books home to read at your leisure and
then return them to the box by the cart when you have finished.
Thank you!!
Dorie Murray and Carolyn Graham
Our Lady of the River
Health Cabinet Members: Rita McRoberts, Cheryl Costello,
Linda Yulga, Brian Dugan, Kathy Moetsch, Janis Smith, Jenny
and Jeff Redenius, Kris Marwin, Barb Arland-Fye, Kathy
Bentler, Jennifer Hildebrand, and Fr. Joe Wolf
Mission Statement: To enrich those we serve, with the healing
blessings of faith; to be present and promote the wellness of
body, mind and spirit.
Update: Kathy Bentler is welcomed as our newest member of
the Health Cabinet. Kathy is not only the volunteer who does a
wonderful job with the floral arrangements at OLOR, but also a
professional working with Family Resources of Scott County,
specializing in women and children domestic violence issues.
Kathy will be a great advocate and addition to the Health
Cabinet as we continue to grow our network of professionals
that can directly aid our parishioners and our healing ministry.
Welcome Kathy!
You may have noticed that my name is now listed on the
front of the bulletin as “Parish Nurse.” Some of you have asked
if I was hired for this position. The answer to that question is
“no.” I am and wish to continue to serve in this ministry as a
volunteer. However, I wanted to be more “visible” to the
parishioners who may want to reach out to me or any of the
Health Cabinet for assistance. As parish nurse or health
advocate, it is not our job to provide hands-on care. We are not
here to replace the professionals who come to your home to
provide those services. Rather, we serve as the instrument to
assist your needs; an extension of the Visiting Nurses’
Association (VNA). Whether your need is transportation
assistance, a need for educational resources, someone to serve
as an advocate for you, help with finding resources in the
community, evaluation or assessment of a health concern, or
simply a listening ear, we are here to serve you.
UPDATE: Christmas gifts were distributed
to over 100 children on December 20.
Parishioners provided gifts for 30 children designated by Friendly House. The remaining children were part of the families designated to
receive Thanksgiving baskets. In addition,
donations were received from several parishioners,
and in conjunction with parish funds, $150 Walmart
gift cards were purchased to give to 31 families.
Again, these families wanted to make sure we
expressed their gratitude for what Our Lady of the
River did to brighten their holidays.
Social Action Commission
November 15, 2014—Vincent James Armetta
son of Nick and Katie Armetta
November 29, 2014—Owen Roy Brown
son of Ryan and Emily Brown
December 27, 2014—Jillian Lindsey Bauer
daughter of Greg and Kristen Bauer
February 8, 2015—Hazel Lynn DeMaris
daughter of Tyler and Katie DeMaris
December 13, 2014—Stephen Chanez and Kimberly Olson
November 2, 2014—Jon A. Allbee,
son of Cheryl Allbee,
family member of Kathryn Tripp, Bobby Goetsch
December 15, 2014—Richard “Dick” Froeschle
parishioner, father of Liz McDermott
New Members:
Gord and Lisa Culp
Jeff and Audrey DeMarco
Altar & Rosary Society
Every OLOR lady is invited and encouraged to attend and join
($5/year membership dues)
Answer on page 15
May 13….Official Business meeting held in church hall at
noon, all ladies are encouraged to attend. Bring a boxed
lunch, coffee will be available.
 We will be selling the Little Black Books for Lent
again this year. The cost will be $2.00 each.
The Altar and Rosary’s Basket and Art Raffle has been
moved to this Fall. Watch for notices in the coming
OLOR Graduating High School Seniors
Scholarships Available
The Altar and Rosary Society and the Knights of Columbus are
both offering $300.00 scholarships to a 2015 High School graduating
All OLOR High School seniors (male or female) are encouraged
to apply to both scholarships.
An Application can be found in the vestibule—it is the student’s
responsibility to supply separate copies of the application and all
paperwork to both organizations if applying for both scholarships.
Scholarship applications MUST be received and postmarked no
later than April 15, 2015, to the designated addresses on the
Full instructions can be found on the application. Any questions,
please contact:
John Miller (563-289-3596) Knights of Columbus
Joanne Rumpza (563-289-3521) Altar & Rosary Society
Decorate your own Easter egg >>>