Coffins Brochure - Scotmid Funeral Directors


Coffins Brochure - Scotmid Funeral Directors
Ashes Urns & Caskets
Jura £45
Bute £60
Solid oak mahogany casket.
Solid oak vantage casket.
Harris £50
Mull £90
Solid limed oak 3/4” continuous
panel sided casket.
Ashes casket made from pure
new wool.
Scatter Tubes
Printed cardboard tubes in
a variety of designs.
Large (adult) £40
Small (child) £20
Large (adult) £50
Small (child) £40
Skye £55
The Tweed £325
The Don £350
Highland £600
lid with 3/4” continuous panel sides with a solid wood
from a selection of designs or you may want
to create your own design.
Wool £650
lined with organic cotton.
Willow £500
Hand-crafted from natural willow wood with
bio-degradable cotton lining.
The Esk £550
The Spey £650
brass effect Oscar handles and plume wreath holders.
Cardboard £295
Manufactured from recycled cardboard.