Will Black - Sharon Kilby


Will Black - Sharon Kilby
Before reading on, please read my ‘DIGGING INTO JIMMY’S SOCKS’
PDF http://sharonkilby.co.uk/site/DIGGING_INTO_JIMMYS_SOCKS.php
Will Black is just another great pretender who regularly comments on all
the Spivey support sites and has regular banter/pretend punch ups with
his fellow game-playing Spiveyite super trolls. He writes for the
Huffington Post, which he uses to advertise his books which he sells on
Amazon. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/will-black/
As always I copy/paste and add my comments in red.
Take a look at Black’s article ‘from paedogeddon to paedobritain’
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/will-black/paedogeddon-topaedobritian_b_2973030.html?utm_hp_ref=tw I quote some of the
“There are many blogs around containing old newspaper reports about
paedophile rings. Rather than being full of sensationalist reports from
across all newspapers, most of these blogs contain the same handful of
extremely troubling articles. One of the most cited is Nick Davies'
1998 Guardian piece 'The sheer scale of child sexual abuse in Britain'. In
that article Nick draws together information about individual
paedophiles and cases to illustrate troubling links between them.
The article also describes how powerful paedophiles, such as Peter
Righton, were able to infiltrate key positions within the child protection
and education systems. When arrested in 1992 for importing child
pornography, Righton was found to be in correspondence with
paedophiles across the UK and Europe. The police also found diaries in
which he listed and graded boys.
Righton received a small fine for the pornography but members of his
network were not brought to justice. This sort of timid response to
paedophilia is the reason Paedobritain has been trending.
Trending. FFS. I wonder if the CSA victims know that Will Black refers
to paedophilia in Britain as a ‘trend’. He’s even nonchalantly created a
new word – Paedonesia i.e. ‘collective amnesia about the abuse of
336?p=v I’m sure he wouldn’t have such a flippant attitude, using
flowery labels, putting a sugary coating on this vile crime if he had been
sodomised as a kid. Uncomfortable links between Jimmy Savile and
people in positions of power is another reason. Not to mention regular
Operation Yewtree arrests of celebrities.
Following a question in parliament by MP Tom Watson in October, we
are waiting to hear if Righton's documents will lead to further arrests.
Many of those in the Paedophile Information Exchange, of which
Righton was a member, are still alive.”
There’s no need for me to copy/paste/comment on the rest of the article
because Will talks about the Jillings report, which has since been
published – albeit in a heavily redacted format. See my ‘Elite paedo
ring’ pdf
I would ask however why Will doesn’t raise the issues/ask the questions
that I do in that pdf; also where he sources this statement: “John Jillings,
the lead author, has since denied that the report includes descriptions of
bestiality. However, he did say: "What we found was horrific and on a
significant scale. If the events in children's homes in North Wales were
to be translated into a film, Oliver Twist would seem relatively benign."”
Now have a read of my observations on ‘paedobritain’ on my ‘JIMMY’S
SOCKS’ pdf. Here’s a flavour:
“Now, aside from the unknown identities of the regular bloggers on the
popular 'truth' sites, 'Madlands' is a bit of an enigma too. He's either
someone's sock or just another faceless, nameless, Masonic controlled
paedo protecting State stooge in his own right. His very influential blog
has fallen off the face of the earth and there’s no information on his
super successful ‘Paedobritain Day’ [so successful that it ‘brought the
nation together’ and ‘opened the eyes of millions as to the extent of
childhood sexual abuse’!] You’d think there would be some news – FB
messages, blogs, write-ups, photos, videos even ... We don’t even know
who participated that day.
So what was this momentous day of action? Drum roll please ... It was a
day of twittering. We’re told it was an online action day. Fuck’s sake.
How can it be an action day if it’s online? So tell me, did all the trolls
[aided by their numerous socks!] twitter amongst themselves - that
Britain was full of paedos - on 28th March 2013? Or did they just say that
they did? How did it bring the nation together? Who were all these
millions of people that suddenly had their eyes opened as a result of
reading these twitter messages? Millions of people already knew about
it – it had been in the mainstream news since the early 1990s!!!
Folks, if you or I - i.e anyone who is not an Establishment gatekeeper decided to plan a day of twittering to raise awareness of ‘paedophile
Britain’ we’d have the right royal piss taken out of us – and rightly so. To
suggest that ‘Madlands’ was bullied for doing so [so much so that he
was forced to close down his site] is just laughable.
Have a quick look at this article entitled ‘The Outlaw Jimmy how he uses
his blog to abuse others’
https://kevingreen1950.wordpress.com/the-outlaw-jimmy-how-he-useshis-blog-to-abuse-others/ Scroll down ¼ or so of the way to:
“It breaks my heart to see what people have done to him, it literally
makes me cry”. Lying fake bastard. Whoever wrote this and this page
is responsible for almost destroying Steve Messham. All cointelpro
agents are narcissistic psychopaths. I’d say that for every article written
on a shill site such as this ‘Kev Green’ one there are probably three of
the core group names penning them [just like in the case of many
newspaper articles which propagandize over the ‘care’ home CSA
scandal, we find that there are at least two journalists and often three
who write the articles.]
“We all watched them do it.” You all did more than that. You all stuck
the boot in.
Have a look at the following email from Jones to Spiv.
Jones says he was set up by Will Black and therefore he didn’t take part
in the “twitter thing” because he’d worked out it was a publicity stunt for
Will Black’s book. What was there to take part in? Fucking prick.
Jesus wept. This is breathtaking lunacy. This lot are really taking the
right fucking piss.
Gojam says he managed to salvage Madlands' Savile article
Yeah right. F**cking great pretender. That article was written by him
[probably in cahoots with other disinfo agents]. ‘Madlands’ says about
Jimmy on the 'Farewell Madlands' article in the Needle: "Just like him, I
don’t want my family put at risk, so perfectly reasonably I asked that he
no longer threaten me in such a way. Even when I walk away, he is still
trying to “bury” me and to send me something in the post. On top of that
I was put on a “fuck off” list and subjected to an intimidating video. It is
online bullying and harrassment plain and simple. Some would say a
Police matter." And: “Finally, they have also stated I gained from
paedobritain day. I would simply ask, as I did ask them – how did I gain?
Did I make money? No. Did I gain info that was not already “out there”?
No. Did I get fame and fortune? No.”
Well he should’ve got fame! My bullshit barometer has gone off the
scale. Anyone serious about tackling powerful paedophiles would
expect some serious flak. Genuine fighters do not hide behind fake
personas. People who do so are either too scared to reveal their
identity, in which case they are not up to the job and no good to anyone;
OR they are Establishment rat bastards.”
What more needs to be said really? ‘Paedobritain’ is an insult to victims
of paedophiles – to put it mildly. Will Black is a reprehensible imposter.
He’s making money mocking real victims of sadistic paedophiles. He is
a writer for the Huff Post. He has a perfect platform to do some serious
damage to the powerful monsters that prey on kids. Yet he’s not
interested in the points I make. And he shies away from the type of
questions I ask; for example the ones I put in my ‘FIONA OF THE
And what about Elm Guest House and all the questions he should be
raising about that? [See my pdf on Gojam
http://sharonkilby.co.uk/site/GOJAM.php] He should be giving the filthy
super troll Gojam [Jonathon Sawyer] a serious dressing down over that.
But he barely mentions the Elm, and he’s all pally pally with the prick
Will’s just like all the other yellow belly frauds. He writes ‘safe’ books
and articles that are no threat whatsoever to any paedophile. What that
means is that his writing is approved by the Masonic mafia. Anyone
serious about challenging these all powerful paedophile rings HAS to
take on high level masons.
Have you noticed Black doesn’t even raise a squeak of protest about the
Hollie Greig hoax. He doesn’t even give an opinion on it. He should be
raising a real stink over that, and lambasting the crooks behind it. Why
is he not questioning why NO MP is up in arms about the colossal waste
of public funds in connection with that hoax? Why doesn’t he expose
the fact that not one MP has spoken out about the scam – the injustice
to so many wrongly accused of raping Hollie and those wrongly named
as victims? Why doesn’t he criticise John Hemming MP for going along
with the farce? Hemming should be severely reprimanded for a number
of things and yet Will stays schtum.
I don’t see his write up on the Hampstead hoax PSY-OP either. Not
surprisingly the pathetic Huff Post can also be relied on to not rock the
boat; Keith Kendrick for the Huff dutifully stays within the matrix and
plays along with the ‘it’s a hoax’ side of the Masonic engineered ‘debate’
See my ‘Hampstead Hoax Psy-op’ pdf
And where’s Will’s defence of Steve Messham, and his passionate
rebuke of Anna Raccoon and other paedo apologist shills? Where’s his
criticism of David Rose and other so-called ‘investigative’ journalists?
Why is he not criticising the likes of Waterhouse, Superintendent Jon
Savell etc etc etc? The Huff’s take on the Messham affair is here
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/11/06/north-wales-child-abusestephen-messham_n_2081073.html It is no different than the falsehoods
and lies being spewed by the presstitutes in the other mainstream
outlets; and it isn’t written by Black anyway. Why doesn’t Will Black do
some independent research into Messham/Newsnight/McAlpine/Savile
... as I did? Here is an - anonymously penned – HP article on Savile,
whereby we see more of the same subservient toeing of the mainstream
[Masonic] line http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/10/14/jimmy-savileabuse-allegations-span-decades-60-victims_n_1964628.html Notice the
docile parroting of the forged letter Fiona BS. Here is another insipid
mainstream parroting post on the ‘care home’ scandal
Why doesn’t Will expose the thoroughly malignant Sabine McNeill, her
mate McKenzie and the rest of their repugnant ‘McKenzie Friends’?
Likewise why doesn’t he denounce Icke’s mate Tony Gosling who lets
maniac McNeill loose on the air waves?
http://www.radio4all.net/files/[email protected]/2149-1Dialect15July2015.mp3 http://victims-unite.net/2015/08/02/davidickepromotes-tonygosling-interview-re-hampsteadscandalwhistleblowerkids-sra-money-sex-austerity/ Note, Gosling even boasts
of interviewing the great conman Maurice Kirk “a couple of weeks ago”.
Why doesn’t Will Black condemn Kirky?
Will Black is a professional writer and a supposedly ‘alternative media’
voice, why doesn’t he expose these treacherous sell outs? And what
about Chris Spivey, Darren Lavatory, Jimmy Jones, John Ward, Adrian
McCormack ...? Why didn’t he write an article on Spivey’s so-called
‘illegal’ arrests? Why doesn’t he raise issue with the claim that Lavatory
sued and won £10,000 from the Daily Mirror? [See my Lavatory pdf
http://sharonkilby.co.uk/site/DARREN_LAVERTY.php for more on that.]
These traitorous cointelpro monkeys are complicit in covering up the
vilest of crimes - including murder - against children, and they’re costing
us taxpaying slaves an absolute mint. But Black doesn’t expose any
shills. Instead he engages in regular playful or frivolous repartee with
his fellow filthy degenerates.
Take a look at the comments following this post
https://kevingreen1950.wordpress.com/2013/05/24/meet-royden-jamesjones/ to see an example of the sick games William the Fake and his
chums [including Jimmy’s socks such as Sue/Lonepath] play:
“Will Black
May 1, 2013 at 10:26 am
Thanks for creating this site. It is highly likely that Black is one of the
Spiveyite trolls who operates the Kev Green site [see my ‘Jimmy’s
Socks’ pdf for more on that.] It’s atrocious that people are being
attacked and shut down for trying to share information about an ongoing
problem. Fukkin great pretender, playing along with the
Madlands/Paedobritain horseshit. The people who get attacked and
shut down are the ones who are a real threat to the Masonic big wigs –
the real CSA victims, such as Steve Messham; and all genuine
Black doesn’t give a damn about this ‘ongoing problem’; it wasn’t him
who was being buggered as a kid.
Some of these accounts came to my attention after writing my first piece
about paedophilia on Huff Post. What a COWARD. He writes about
paedophilia. How the fuck is that supposed to help the CSA victims?
He’s supposed to be naming and shaming the paedophiles, and he’s
supposed to be naming and shaming, and seriously chastising the cover
uppers. I was quite surprised at time to find that one of these Twitter
accounts was telling people to not read it. I was therefore less surprised
when brand new accounts appeared on Huff Post to criticise it. Fukkin
However, I was am rather troubled by some of the comments appearing
on that piecehttp://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/will-black/paedogeddon-topaedobritian_b_2973030.htmland also on my second piece related to
paedophilia on there.http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/will-black/margaretthatcher-legacies_b_3040879.html Oh poor thing is rather troubled by
some comments that were made by his fellow fakes. He’d be more than
‘troubled’ if he’d been raped and tortured as a child.
Readers will note that one person seems particularly antagonistic to
information about paedophilia cover-ups every genuine person is
‘antagonistic’ about cover-ups, especially when the cover-up concerns
paedophiles and at first says he’s a victim of CSA and later claims to
have worked within the social care system and to have known Peter
Righton – who he deems insignificant. Bullshitting Black is talking about
his pal and partner in crime super sadistic troll Jimmy Jones.
I stopped engaging with him and other antagonisers on there. Oh wow,
what an achievement. Why didn’t you expose Jones the filthy fraud,
Will? Why didn’t you expose all of them? Stupid question that, wasn’t it.
Trolls don’t turn on each other – ever. These psychos just keep on
playing their warped games. If anyone has the IP address of Jones I
could perhaps check with Huff Post and see if they link up. This would
appear to be beyond trolling, this looks like someone who, for whatever
reason, is fearful of people disseminating info about child abuse.” Says
the sanctimonious insincere smug slug Will Black. Of course it’s beyond
trolling. Trolls are out to destroy their targets. He and Jones and all the
other dirty Spiveyite spooks are in league, being paid to suppress the
voices of genuine CSA survivors, to send them insane or drive them to
suicide. That is their aim. And that is what they do to anyone who
stands up for truth and justice – not just CSA victims, but all victims of
the establishment.
Further down the Black rat responds:
“Will Black
May 1, 2013 at 11:07 am
Interesting as the person attacking me on Huff Post was suggesting
victims from North Wales were already adequately compensated. When
I questioned who he is to say what is adequate for any individual who
has had their life ruined, he got angry and claimed to be a victim of
abuse. Sickening and breathtaking humbug. Later he claimed to be
connected to the social care system. Does this sound like Jones?” Why
didn’t he tell ‘Tig’ the troll [who responds to his initial comment] that Jane
Russell is Jimmy’s sock?
More on Tig Calvert coming up.
If you can stomach any more, take a look at his comment under
‘RAMBLINGS OF A PSYCHOPATHIC LIAR’ which I copy/paste first
The following comment is made by one or more of the Spivey thug
squad. It could have been written by JJ and Black:
“Imagine – if you can – not having a conscience, none at all, no
feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting
sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or
even family members. Imagine no struggles with shame, not a
single one in your whole life, no matter what kind of selfish,
lazy, harmful, or immoral action you had taken.
And pretend that the concept of responsibility is unknown to
you, except as a burden others seem to accept without
question, like gullible fools.
Now add to this strange fantasy the ability to conceal from
other people that your psychological makeup is radically
different from theirs. Since everyone simply assumes
that conscience is universal among human beings, hiding
the fact that you are conscience-free is nearly effortless.
You are not held back from any of your desires by guilt or
shame, and you are never confronted by others for your
cold-bloodedness. The ice water in your veins is so
bizarre, so completely outside of their personal
experience, that they seldom even guess at your
For normal people, who do have a conscience, this is practically
impossible to understand. It is even difficult to think about what it would
be like to not have a conscience. When we do wrong, however
intentionally, we know it's wrong and there are feelings associated with
it. For psychopaths, they know they are doing wrong, but there are no
feelings associated with it!!
Psychopaths are not human. They’re akin to humanoid robots. What
they are capable of doing is so unfathomable that it is not believed.
This is how they’ve managed to achieve the global grand deception.
However now that the internet is so widely available to millions, if not
billions of people, it is getting increasingly difficult for the people in power
to maintain the illusion; hence their need to recruit an ever enlarging
army of professional liars and deceivers.
All trolls and other cointelpros have psychopathic tendencies. The
Spiveyite henchmen and women are a particularly virulent gang of
psychopathic narcissists.
Here is Will’s response: “That particular site, which has since
disappeared which I assume is another Royden James Jones creation is
as hilarious as it is disturbing. Wicked Will is making light of Jones’ evil
role; laughing about his behaviour which causes so much distress to
genuine victims. It’s disturbing because he seems to believe some of it
but funny as it’s so ludicrous that nobody but someone who is
mentally ill would believe it. Will is trivialising Jones’ actions; casually
passing him off as having a mental problem. You only have to read for a
few moments to see his pitiful attempts to manipulate the reader by
twisting words in the most transparent way. It’s like watching a 5 year old
tell tall tales to get attention. Will is likening Jones’ trolling activities to
an innocent and harmless ‘attention-seeking’ child. That’s outrageous.
Jones is truly evil. Jones and Black and all Spiv’s troll team are putting
the boot into some very vulnerable and damaged people.
He really does have a problem though and it’s not right to mock
people with mental health problems. Carry on mocking Will. Enjoy it
while it lasts. Your time is running out. I can assure you, you will NOT
be taking the piss when the British public cotton on to the dirty little
game you and your scumbag buddies are playing. It’s as though he’s
looking for attention but nobody knows or cares who he is. Steve
Messham certainly knows. Steve was sent to the brink of insanity by
Jones and his sick accomplice the dirty Lavatory. From this and his
other crazy, jealous blogs and his endless crazy rants on Twitter it does
not seem to me that he is a psychopath. Well he would say that
wouldn’t he. How’s he going to recognise another psychopath when he
doesn’t admit to being one himself? Jimmy Jones is one of the most
narcissistic, machiavellian, psychopathic, sadistic and prolific trolls on
the internet. Just a bitter nobody trying to get a bit of attention by
attacking people who have done something with their lives. Will, the
conniving lying bastard knows that Jones is absolutely not a ‘nobody’.
He and Jones and all Spivey’s super trolls are vitally important and
extremely well protected covert agents for the NWO. Psychopaths find
more to do with their lives than tweet the same things 1,000 times a day
to a few hundred people.
He seems to have appeared during the McAlpine media frenzy and has
done nothing since but try to attack victim’s groups, campaigners and
victims. That’s the job of the troll. He seems to be latching onto other
people’s prominence and popularity to get a bit of attention. It’s very sad,
but we can’t worry about every person who is overwhelmed by his own
sense of inadequacy and wants to make others feel his negativity. Just a
sad ageing man who hasn’t managed to move away from where he saw
a lot of children got abused. I feel sorry for him but his abusiveness
towards others is bringing problems on him.” Has Will actually got any
evidence that Jimmy Jones was in a ‘home’ whereby he witnessed
children being abused?
Smug Will Black goes to the trouble to pen the above. He’s an
intelligent and highly accomplished guy, why didn’t he do some proper
research into Royden James Jones, and expose him for what he is; like I
do? This is just more confirmation that Will and Jones are in cahoots.
And what of the nasty piece of work Janette Scharenborg? Does she
get a verbal whipping from Will? HELL NO. Instead she receives praise
and she gets an appearance on HUFFPOST LIVE
Why didn’t the Huff check out Scharenborg’s credentials?
More on trolls enjoying fun and frolics with each other further on.
Now, take a look at Will’s article ‘Abuse Campaigners Are Not
Conspiracy Theorists, Mr Cameron’
“Worryingly, we have got used to our surveillance society and the idea of
governance by propaganda, misinformation, denial of truth, and the
rewriting of history. Hypocrite. He is guilty of all those things.
Cameron has spun in a different direction, arithmetically, trying to
convince people concerned about child abuse and cover-ups that two
plus two makes nothing. Spinning on the day the Wanless report, into
missing Home Office documents said to contain information about
powerful people abusing children, was released, Cameron resorted to
calling abuse campaigners conspiracy theorists. To do so, he exploited
the fact that evidence could not be found within a few weeks to explain
just how at least 114 files concerning child abuse went missing.
One of the missing files is a dossier presented in 1983 to then Home
Secretary Leon Brittan by the Conservative MP Geoffrey Dickens. Mr
Dickens, who is now deceased, spoke in 1983 of a paedophile ring
involving "big, big names - people in positions of power, influence and
responsibility". Despite attempts to posthumously smear Dickens, there
has been progress in investigating abuse rings linked to powerful
people, including those involving the Paedophile Information Exchange
(PIE). This is all excellent reporting, but how does Will, paedobritain
promoter and committed challenger of these powerful paedophiles, deal
with the problem? Well he joins his gang of Spiveyite super trolls for
regular disinfo mongering fun and games, of course.
Anyone who has investigated or been preyed upon by paedophile rings
will understand that anxieties about delays are of great significance, as
they relate to surviving networks. Even in cases where abuse happened
decades ago, the existence of survivors and abuser networks means
that the crimes are ongoing. A gang that got away with a violent armed
robbery 30 years ago are still a gang of violent armed robbers today. A
network that abused children and covered it up are still child abusers.
Media emphasises that the inquiry is into 'historical child abuse' but this
rather ignores the reality of abuse and the nature of paedophile rings
and cover-ups. The crime remains a crime everyday. Survivors remain
abused everyday and abusers remain abusers everyday. That is all
very true. So what is Will Black doing about it? He’s rubbing salt into
the survivors’ wounds, of course. Judases like Will are even worse than
politicians and mainstream journos because victims know that the MSM,
politicians, judges, lawyers ... and all those conducting enquiries are
covering up the initial police cover ups. What victims are not aware of is
that Will and his fellow false hope merchants are working hand in glove
with all of the cover uppers to make sure the victims are victimised all
over again.
The latest slap in the face for victims is the news [30/7/15] that victims
with criminal records get reduced or no compensation from C.I.C.A on
the excuse that it is taxpayer funded and therefore subject to ‘statutory
guidance’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33707529 This is the C.I.C.A
who paid out £13,500 of our money to Anne Greig, despite there being
NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that Hollie Greig was the victim of child
sexual abuse – by anyone. Now just remind me, didn’t Lord McNonce
receive hundreds of thousands of our pounds for maintaining that he
didn’t rape Steve Messham, and other little boys. Doesn’t that make you
incandescent with rage? Of course C.I.C.A is just another Masonic
controlled outfit under the control of and therefore serving the prominent
paedophiles in power, NOT the victims. And what about the repeated
rape of the public purse, such as the colossal cost that the likes of Will
Black and countless other cointelpros – all the PsyOpers and various
agents of the NWO put on us decent, hardworking, law-abiding
taxpayers??? That figure is incalculable. Only God can avenge such
scandalous gross double standards, out of control hypocrisy and mega
serious injustice.
Romans 12:19
“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is
written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.””
Psalm 37:27-29
“Turn away from evil and do good; so shall you dwell forever. For the Lord loves
justice; he will not forsake his saints. They are preserved forever, but the children
of the wicked shall be cut off. The righteous shall inherit the land and dwell upon
it forever.”
Ecclesiastes 3:17
“I said in my heart, God will judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a
time for every matter and for every work.”
Matthew 10:28
“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear
him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
Deuteronomy 16:20
“Justice, and only justice, you shall follow, that you may live and inherit the land
that the Lord your God is giving you.”
Proverbs 28:5
“Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it
Hosea 12:6
“So you, by the help of your God, return, hold fast to love and justice, and wait
continually for your God.”
Isaiah 30:18-19
“Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself
to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who
wait for him. For a people shall dwell in Zion, in Jerusalem; you shall weep no
more. He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry. As soon as he
hears it, he answers you.”
Philippians 4:13
“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”
There are compelling and troubling links between abuse in North Wales
and that in children's homes and approved schools across the country,
PIE, Westminster and Elm guest house in London. Not to mention links
between Jersey and Jimmy Savile, and between Savile and Cyril Smith who is also linked to Elm guest house and the abuse of children
elsewhere. There are also questions to answer about the security
services alleged presence at Kincora Boys' Home in Northern Ireland
and Elm guest house. See my pdf on Gojam re ‘security services’.
There are compelling and troubling links between Will Black and the
Chris Spivey troll team. Shame on you Will Black.
These are just a few examples where connections have been
established. Anyone who has researched child abuse rings in Britain is
painfully aware of links between networks. Any commentator also knows
that writing about these abuse rings at the moment is a legal minefield,
as people who previously could have been mentioned - to help explain
links between rings - have recently been re-arrested. Really? As
legal proceedings are active for those cases, it is not possible to
name them in a piece relating to abuse rings, because it potentially
prejudices forthcoming trials. How very convenient. We might ask
why is Will Black privy to this information? I don’t believe that’s true
anyway. When people are arrested or re-arrested in relation to
allegations of child abuse, it gets reported in the MSM. People are
named, and future trials are not prejudiced because the reporting is in
vague terms, with references to allegations and suspected links. An
example of that is in the case of Gordon Anglesea
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-33462712 The absence of that
information in this piece protects me. Will Black, you’re protected by
freemasonry - for as long as you continue to serve the upper echelons of
the Masonic hierarchy. The minute you grow a conscience, grow some
balls, and start challenging these all-powerful paedophile rings, rather
than pretending to be doing so i.e. the minute you make a direct
challenge to high level freemasons is the time you lose ‘legal’
protection. Actually it will be the time you lose any kind of protection
from your fellow humans. In fact you will find that you lose ‘friends’ in
their droves. That is the time you have to put your faith completely and
utterly in God. You must be completely honest, be truly sorry for your
part in the great deception and you must ask for forgiveness. Trust me,
you will be forgiven and you will be admired for your great courage.
Most importantly you will be saved.
“The Bible says that God forgives us when we repent (Mark 1:15, Luke
13:3,5, Acts 3:19). He does not grant forgiveness to those of us who are
stiff-necked and refuse to repent. We must recognize our sin and repent
to receive and enjoy God’s merciful forgiveness.
Repentance is important because it’s a person’s only hope for real
change (Matthew 18:3; Acts 26:20). If we don’t admit our sin, it’s
impossible to be transformed. If we aren’t keenly aware of the sinful
direction our lives are going, we will not see a need to adjust the
direction. Repentance demonstrates that we need God to help us
change our thinking, attitudes, and behaviour.”
Luke 15:7
“Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who
repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no
See also http://growinggodlygenerations.com/2013/03/01/live10-truthmatters-exodus-2016/:
“The 9th Commandment is not merely avoiding lying but telling the truth.
When we tell a lie we are guilty but when we are silent from speaking
truth we are guilty. This message will focus on the seriousness of this
sin and the reality of its consequences.
Liars, deceivers, cons & charlatans, frauds & fakes, pretenders &
tricksters, scammers, schemers and swindlers among the many others
whom mislead people from the truth are all guilty.
Lying is detested by God.
Proverbs 12:22
“The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful.”
Proverbs 19:5
“A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who pours out lies will
not go free.”
Revelation 21:8
“But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for
murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their
portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the
second death.
We must be transformed by truth. Truth is not meant for mere
information but transformation. God transforms us with His truth so
that we may reflect His glory.”
The absence of files from the Home Office - however they went missing can only protect abusers and their protectors.” In other words Will Black
is no more committed to finding justice for institutionalised child abuse
victims than the people he rightly slates.
It is clear from his article entitled ‘Beyond the End of the World.
Navigating Our Personal Apocalypse’
http://realitysandwich.com/98669/navigating_personal_apocalypse/ that
Will Black is paid to convince you that there is no God. The fool wants
you to believe that rather than the apocalypse as described in the bible
[the literary genres of the book of Revelation are an Apocalypse, a
Prophecy and an Epistle] there are just ‘personal apocalypses’. I’ll just
copy/paste the last couple of paragraphs:
“Rather than that an idealised parental God coming to defeat an
unfathomably evil Satan, perhaps the best we can hope for, in the
immediate future, is that revelations of subtle truths shed light on the
darkest of cruelties and most twisted of lies. This would lead to the
painfully obvious but often ignored fact that people are much more likely
to do good acts if treated with respect and dignity. If not trained from a
young age to fear and hate those given the erroneous status of ‘others’,
humanity’s ability to use resources to feed, house, clothe, educate, heal
and entertain itself can only be enhanced. From the most common acts
of oppression, such as sexism, racism and domestic abuse, to
international relations, the undermining of dualism will always lead to
greater harmony and improved communication.
Religious tales hint to us that apocalypse is almost within reach.
However, an inordinate obsession with one story prevents us from
seeing the bigger picture and truly engaging with the divine. A further
irony is that if one dares to take religions less seriously and to recognise
that all are merely stories, then personal apocalypse is more likely as
our reality dramatically expands. When we accept that all religious
narratives, despite their enduring power, are but fairy tales, every
story we ever heard suddenly comes to life. Apocalypse does not
happen because one particular religious myth comes true, but because
we notice the dazzling truth all around us and realise that God, spirit
and the unbounded imagination are one and the same.” Will Black
must be a very high level freemason. He is trying to convince you that
God and the imagination are the same. He’s promoting Luciferianism.
Take a look here for the blunt reality of what he actually supports
“The world is teetering on the brink of total destruction and the
vast majority of world's people do not comprehend it. They do
not understand that Western Christian Civilisation is slated
for destruction.
To comprehend what is unfolding one must understand this
most important thing: the world, our Earth, is about to be
changed forever and that this is a direct result of a
meticulously conceived and executed plan of very ancient and
diabolic origin. The organising intelligence behind this Great
Plan to transform t he world is Organised Evil that sits at the
heart of the dark Empire of Power on Earth , the dark
Empire of Secret Societies and its innumerable front
groups. This is the Confederacy of Evil , which is an earthly
manifestation of the active Principalities of Evil within the
created Cosmos.
This Confederacy of Evil is actively working to transform this
planet and put it permanently under its harsh heel. This
meticulous, ancient and diabolical plan is called many things by
many people; some call it the "Great Work," others the "Great
Plan" while some call it simply "the Plan." Some modern
propagandists use flowery prose to put a sugary coating on
what in truth is a very wicked, evil and brutal reality . Thus, in
these accounts the ancient Plan of Evil is called such poetical
things as the "Great Quest"
whose great enlightened and
benign leaders are "the secret empire of the poets," "the order
of the Unknown Philosophers," who are verily "the Brotherhood
of the Quest." These great beings, we are confidently told,
harbour no ill will or selfish desires but, on the contrary, act
solely in the cause of humanity. They seek not self aggrandisement or power but simply act as unselfish conduit s
of Divine Will that seeks to re -establish on Ear th "the
government of the Gol den Age, in which men live on earth
according to the laws of heaven." This is the "Empire of the
Golden Age" described by Plato as existing thousands of years
ago in the legendary Atlantis . The "perfect State" on Earth ...
in other words ... the Kingdom of Heaven on Ear th but
without God ...
Thus, this "secret empire of the poets," this "order of the
Unknown Philosophers," this "Brotherhood of the Quest" are the
secret arbiters of the "Great Quest" that is nothing less than
the consummat ion of "Plat o's political vision ... for the
restoration of the Empire of the Golden Age." That is, "the
dream of a universal democracy and a cooperation of all
nations in a commonwealth of States" in which the "philosophic
empire would come again, as a democracy of wise men."
The "order of the Unknown Philosophers," the "Brotherhood of
the Quest," are flowery terms for the inter -generational leaders
the Confederacy
Evil who
the Ancient, Sinister Plot to Change the World ... a massive
enterprise that demands the destruction of ALL temporal and
spiritual powers but its own; in short, the destruction of ALL
existing governments and religions This wholesale destruction
was to be done gradually, but with increasing intensity and
ferocity, by the mechanism of contrived crises and chaos . By
creating new divisions and exacerbating existing tensions
within society, by dividing the masses into opposing camps in
ever increasing numbers along racial, social, political and
economic lines. These fome nted divisions and oppositions were
then orchestrated into conflict by carefully contrived crises
invariably precipitated by some 'incident.' By such wick edness
chaos ,
does the "secret empire of the poets," the "order of the
Unknown Philosophers," who in truth are the Synagogue of
Satan, think they will bring about their Ancient Hope ... for
consummation of the five thousand year old Luciferian
Conspiracy for World Government often called the New
World Order.
The leaders of the Confeder acy of Evil are Secret Masters of
Societies ,
the Occult
Hierarchy, the Black Adepts of the Cult of Evil . They are the
custodians and guardians of Ancient Plan to Transform
Society, which is the five thousand year old Luciferian
Conspiracy for World Government that intends to set
up World Empire and eradicate all human liberty and
freedom from the face of the Earth . To do this, the y must
destroy Natural Moral Order on Earth set in place by
the supreme Will of God. In other words, the Ancient Evil
Government often
the New World Order.
The Confederacy of Evil is changing the world in such ways
that if it were successful would bring terror, death and
enslavement to the people of the world. Moreover, gentle
reader, the great tragedy is that the vast majority are
wholly ignorant of it . They are ignorant of the massiv ely
conceived and executed conspiracy to enslave them in a
Global Empire whose evil nature would make pale the
horrors of the Bolshevik and Nazi empires. The mass of people
are wholly ignorant of the ancient plan, the blueprint, the
ancient agenda, which has been unfolding in the Arena of
History for over five thousand years. They are wholly ignorant
of the Ancient Plan to Transform Society , the five thousand
year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government often
called the New World Order . Moreover, they do not
understand that this Sinister Plot to Change the World has
been orchestrated by a very few men : the leaders of
the Confederacy of Evil who are the ancient Luciferian
Priesthoodwho can claim an ancient lineage of service to
Evil going far back in history, back before recorded
history began .
The aim of this ancient plan, this blueprint, is the creation of a
global empire that has been called various things by different
people, but it is usually referred to as the New World Order .
That is, the age -old conspiracy t o destroy the "Old Order" and
replace it with a "New Order." They want to destroy Western
Christian Civilisation and replace it with a new civilisation
in their own image . They want to destroy Natural
Earth set
the supreme Will of God and erect an order according
to the precepts of Evil. In other words, they seek to
destroy all sovereign nations all sense of nationalism and
eradicate the concepts of race, family, private property
and wipe away all freedom of movement, thought and
destroy Western
Civilisation predicated
and Moral Order called Christianity. In short: they want
to destroy Christianity and eradicate all human
liberty and freedom from the face of the Earth .”
Will Black and all the other despicable agents for the NWO must hurry
up and come clean. If they repent they will be forgiven and will be
saved. If they don’t, they won’t be blaspheming when the public realise
the role Will and his pals play in the grand illusion; they will be crying
out for God then. Make no mistake. But by then it’ll be too late.
Ephesians 2:8
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your
own doing; it is the gift of God”
Matthew 7:23
“Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you
Matthew 25:41
"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are
cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.”
Psalm 14:1
“To the choirmaster. Of David. The fool says in his heart, “There is no
God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none
who does good.”
James 1:22-25
“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man
who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself
and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who
looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no
hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his
Incidentally it is no surprise to find this article entitled ‘Bible Reveals That
Unbelievers Do Not Burn in Hell For Ever and Ever’ on the shill site
‘Before it’s news’ http://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2014/05/biblereveals-that-unbelievers-do-not-burn-in-hell-for-ever-and-ever2461196.html or their article ‘Anita Fuentes: PLEASE RESIGN’
Proverbs 3:5-7
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on
your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge
him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in
your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.”
Now, take a look at this article entitled ‘The Seeds Of Revolution Are
Present In The Machinery Of Oppression’
The title alone is very revealing. The NWO slave drivers want the
peasants to revolt, as it will further their malevolent plans for us. On this
page we have two shills in dialogue, getting publicity from fellow
Spiveyite Jonathon Sawyer. It starts:
“On Corruption and Cover-Ups, Guy Mankowski interviews
Will Black
His latest book, Psychopathic Cultures and Toxic Empires,
examines the corrupting influence powerful psychopaths have on
societies. Will is part of that corrupting influence. He’s fairly powerful –
he certainly has friends in high places; and he’s definitely a psychopath anyone who can lie and deceive as he does, has to be.
Guy Mankowski is a writer and academic. His current novel, Marine,
explores whistle-blowing, cover-ups and corruption. He was recently
awarded an Arts Council Grant For The Arts to research this subject,
and has interviewed experts on corruption in sports and banking.
There is no need to do any digging on Guy Mankowski. The fact that he
gets a grant to research ‘whistle-blowing, cover-ups and corruption’ tells
you loud and clear who he works for – the cover-up brigade. Have you
noticed the arse about face Orwellian speak. This guy - Guy - has
interviewed ‘experts on corruption’. What is one of those? I certainly
wouldn’t call myself one. There’s no such thing as an expert in
corruption; any more than there is such a thing as a child abuse expert!
And we all know that the people calling themselves that are themselves
child abusers [or protectors of child abusers; which makes them
complicit in the crime.]
It’s too long-winded to comment on all of it, so I’ll just pick out a few
“GM: I am surprised, when shocking stories about systemic abuse
surface, that there isn’t a greater outcry. With regards to the Dolphin
Square scandal there seems a) the widespread belief that it in due
course it will be covered up that is what the perps are banking on. Ha,
there’s no chance of that happening – the victims’ voices are getting
stronger and b) the sense that the government have no real appetite to
address it. The so-called ‘government’ are not allowed to ‘address’ it.
For instance, we saw Nick Clegg recently resist claims to investigate
Cyril Smith, citing semantics about the fact that he is not in the same
party as Smith was. Nick Clegg is a puppet who is going to pay a high
price for his allegiance to [and fear of] powerful paedophiles. Do you
think this lack of willingness to investigate might at all be related to
networks which assure mutual survival or destruction? Obviously.
(Without casting aspersions on any individuals). Well until you do cast
aspersions, the guilty will keep on escaping justice.
WB: Yes, I’m sure that is true and I’m sure there are people involved
who are not psychopaths and who are frankly scared and disgusted with
what they have been party to. Hark at him taking the moral high ground.
He’s a psychopath himself. He’s also a coward. But he’s not disgusted
with what he is party to; he is himself disgusting.
I think we sometimes credit individual ministers with too much power
though. Black is taking the piss. He knows no minister has any power.
Anyone beholden to the Masonic powers - as ALL politicians [and
mainstream reporters and shills like him] are – does NOT have any
power. Only independent folk who are answerable ONLY to Jesus
have power. A former MI5 officer made the point at a talk a few years
ago that governments come and go but the security services which are
controlled by secret societies i.e. freemasonry carry on as they see fit.
And within specific intelligence services there are different factions with
different agendas, but an ultimate function is to maintain social order and
stability. That translates to full control over the populace by untouchable
paedophiles in positions of power.
With that in mind – and before the internet made it possible for former
care home children to have a voice, it might have seemed perfectly
rational and right to help cover-up things that would unsettle
society and cause unrest. Rational and right? That is enough to tell
you who Will Black serves. There is no justification for any cover-up. It’s
bonkers to suggest a cover-up can prevent an ‘unsettled’ populace.
Injustice creates unrest. Throughout history, long before the birth of the
internet, the people rose up.
From a utilitarian perspective, non-abuser spooks covering up abuse in
the past anyone who covers up abuse is not a non-abuser. Spooks are
compliant in abuse could have convinced themselves that they were
doing something pro-social rather than psychopathic. What is this prick
being paid to spew this nonsense? There was no cover up for social
reasons ... to somehow keep the populace in check. The cover up is
solely to protect the psychopathic abusers. Will knows it; but his arse
now belongs to freemasonry, so he has to write what his Masonic
overseer tells him. However, now that more and more people can see
the rot seeping out from the Establishment, it seems like a reprehensible
thing to have done. It added to the abuse and betrayal of victims.
Seems like a reprehensible thing? The spooks of yesterday are the
same Masonic spooky monkeys that are in control today. They’re a bit
more sophisticated nowadays though [they have to be to curb free
speech on the internet] – they come in all sorts of guises; for example
Will Black, the ‘alternative’ writer and a voice for CSA victims is actually
Will with the Black heart; aka Spiveyite spook.
Publicity is the only thing they fear as only the public can bring the
bastards to justice. The only reason we do have the appearance of
‘something being done’ i.e. mainstream reporting – albeit in a skewed
form and only the very tip of the iceberg, and various ‘inquiries’ is
because victims’ voices are stronger than ever now - all thanks to the
WB: Those covering up these crimes in the 70’s and 80’s probably
couldn’t have imagined that soon almost everyone would have
devices that can broadcast information around the world in
seconds. I’d suspect the abusers and those covering up thought
victims of abuse were more likely to die young or become disregarded
substance abusers than become articulate, supported people
with a strong voice, compelling stories and the ability to
broadcast what has happened. Those wicked perps and their
criminal co-conspirators did not reckon on the will of God. The fools
were ignorant of the fact that the children they so brutally violated and
almost destroyed are amongst the people God has chosen to fulfil his
prophecy. The humble in heart get God’s message – he speaks to them
in their affliction.
Psalms 140:12
“I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and the
right of the poor.”
God regularly calls unskilled and uneducated people. He needs people
who know how and are willing to pay a price - to undergo
any hardship needed, to confront the power of hell,
and to "dig trenches and carry burdens" until their assignment is
completed just as God ordered it. The problem now for the authorities
is that the rot is so apparent to so many and – until people are
satisfied it’s been completely exposed and cleaned up – all of politics
and the security services will look suspect. As does the CPS and the
police, when cases don’t make it to court. The ONLY way it is going to
be completely exposed and cleaned up is by doing it God’s way.
John wrote that Revelation is special because, “Blessed is he who
reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the
things which are written in it; for the time is near” (1:3).
Ephesians 5:5
“For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or
impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the
kingdom of Christ and God.”
Samuel 22:28
“And the afflicted people thou wilt save: but thine eyes are upon the
haughty, that thou mayest bring them down.”
Romans 5:3-4
“More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that
produces endurance, and endurance produces
character, and character produces hope.”
2 Corinthians 4:17
“For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal
weight of glory beyond all comparison.”
Psalms 22:24
“For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted;
neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he
Psalms 72:14
“He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence: and precious shall
their blood be in his sight.”
Psalms 9:9
“The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of
Psalms 103:6
“The LORD executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are
Isaiah 35:3,4
“Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Say to
them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God
will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come
and save you”.
Luke 8:17
"For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything
secret that will not be known and come to light.”
Luke 12:2-3
"But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden
that will not be known. Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark
will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner
rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops.”
Daniel 2:22
"It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is
in the darkness, And the light dwells with Him.”
Exodus 23:1-33
“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a
wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not fall in with the
many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the
many, so as to pervert justice, nor shall you be partial to a poor man in
his lawsuit.”
GM: In my novel I explore the fact that organisations do not protect
whistle-blowers, that is because freemasons have infected the upper
echelons and so social networking is increasingly exposing and
confronting corruption instead. Are you concerned that powerful
organisations will find ways to close this loophole? They’re trying You
mention in the book that the Wikipedia pages of the powerful seem to be
changed very quickly if any evidence of their wrongdoing is placed there.
They’re doing everything in their power to hide their crimes.
WB: We can’t assume that the freedom we currently have on social
media will always be available to us enemy agents like Will are doing
everything possible to enable their paymasters to find an excuse to
censor free speech. They can try; they forget; Satan’s servants –
although vast in number – are no match for God’s followers. It was the
spoken word that Jesus used in confronting the devil in the wilderness.
He delivered the Word of God with authority and power. That is all
God’s servants need to do now. Jesus Christ has already
defeated the enemy for us – and many people have nothing
like the power we have in the UK to communicate without being dragged
off somewhere. However, the internet has become such a vital tool in
business that, if it ceased to function, corporations and economies would
also struggle to function. All sorts of markets are now so dependent on
the internet that nations would be destabilised if the web went down.
This reality means, ironically, that as long as capitalism as we know it
operates, the masses will have communication tools at our disposal to
challenge aspects of the system. As is often the case, the seeds of
revolution are present in the machinery of oppression.”
‘Barb’ the bullshitter [NWO agent] responds in the comments section “i
think most of us who are really watching and learning want a revolution
however not in a violent way just a new way of life . my worry is that the
ptb would make it that way . just my simplistic view.” Barb worries that
the ptb would make a revolution violent! What does he think a
revolution is? You can’t have a people’s revolt without violence.
Governments don’t just allow themselves to be overthrown, nice and
easy just so’s the people can have a ‘new way of life’!
Will replies with his own bag of bullshit: “Revolutions are happening all
the time – scientific, technological, economic, political and cultural. I’m
sure most people reading this site recognise that. But it’s critical to get as
many people as possible to recognise that these revolutions are going on
and they can be part of them / help shape them.” How exactly?
Revolution is not the answer as that doesn’t deal with the people who are
really in control. Only God can deal with them. Any kind of revolution
just assists the NWO slavery agenda.
People, please take a look here
I copy/paste some crucial information:
“People of God, NOW is the time to wake up from your slumber. We
are not calling you to rise up against the government like many
people are calling for. No, we are calling you to form a character in
Jesus Christ, ready for the time of trouble just ahead of us. Leave
politics and the government well alone, as prophecy WILL be fulfilled.
Please turn from your sins. Lay off all unnecessary worldly things,
CHRIST so you are not found wanting as judgment draws to a close.
Pope Francis encouraging civil disobedience and igniting a revolt that
will overthrow American capitalism (July 2015)
Yes, Pope Francis is encouraging civil disobedience, leading a rebellion.
Listen closely, Francis knows he's inciting political rebellion, an uprising
of the masses against the world's superrich capitalists ... Forget the
circus-clown-car distractions created by Trump vs. the GOP's Fab 15.
Pope Francis is the only real political leader that matters this year.
Forget the rest. Here's why: Pope Francis is not just leading a 'Second
American Revolution,' he is rallying people across the Earth, middle
class as well as poor, inciting billions to rise up in a global economic
revolution, one that could suddenly sweep the planet.
Let me tell you what Revelation 13 says. It says that two beasts, the
earth beast and sea beast (AMERICA and THE PAPACY) come
together and call the people of the world to rise up and make an
IMAGE OF THE PAPACY. A uniting of church and state, which will
enforce Roman Catholic SUN-day worship upon the world. The call is
going out from this man of sin to cause the people to rise up and
create a 'new order'. And if you want to know what this new order will
look like. Take a look at what the world was like when the Roman
Catholic Church ruled!
Beyond Greece, the world is filled with debt crises (July 2015)
Drama in Athens reflects a bigger truth: precarious countries across the
globe owe trillions of dollars to lenders and investors who must be repaid
... new analysis by the Jubilee Debt Campaign reveals that Greece's
plight is far from unique: more than 20 other countries are also wrestling
with their own debt crises. Many more, from Senegal to Laos, lie in a
debt danger zone, where an economic downturn or a sudden jump in
interest rates on world debt markets could lead to disaster.
Many countries all over the world are now being brought to their knees
by those few in control. And all of this will lead to Satan's ultimate goal.
To form a cashless society all over the world and the enforcement
of the mark of the beast.
It's coming friends. The final stages of this world's history are right
upon us, and the only way to secure any kind of future is by
submitting our lives to Jesus Christ. Have you turned from your sins
and given your life to Christ? NOW is the time!
Babylon is rising! The world is uniting under one head - The Man of
Sin (July 2015)
Babylon is rising into prominence more and more now. The call for unity
is growing by the day with all the troubles and soon we will see a full
uniting of church and state in America and then the final events will
begin to take place. Are you ready? Are you submitting DAILY to
Jesus Christ and His ways?”
Have a swift read of Will’s article on Rolf Harris
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/will-black/yes-rolf-harris-we-cante_b_7582306.html I’ll just pull out a couple of paragraphs:
“It would appear now, however, that Harris has got over this fleeting
pang of apparent remorse, to the extent that he has written a song in
prison attacking his victims. In the song he calls his victims "slimy little
woodworm" and "wenches", and he accuses them of "joining the feeding
frenzy" and trying to get their "hooks into his dough". This is rich coming
from an abuser who sent a crocodile tear-splattered letter to a victim's
family, presumably to protect his lucrative career.
Harris may be released from prison before he dies, but I would suggest
his rehabilitation has much further to go if he doesn't recognise that the
public sees him as a child abuser first and foremost. He was never much
of an artist anyway and nobody wants to listen to a sex attacker
smearing his victims.”
It is good that he castigates the likes of Rolf Harris. However it is a little
hypocritical to talk about remorse. If he knows what’s good for him Will
Black will be extremely remorseful for the big part he plays in protecting
Hooray Henry pervs.
Have a swift nosey at this article entitled ‘Margaret Thatcher: Legacies,
Loathing and Unanswered Questions’
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/will-black/margaret-thatcherlegacies_b_3040879.html I’ll just copy/paste a couple of paragraphs:
“It is well-known that Thatcher was good friends with Jimmy Savile, who
spent Christmas with her throughout her years in power. Allegations
against him have been traced back to the 1950s and there were many
police reports about Savile abusing children from before Thatcher
gained power.
One would hope that Special Branch and MI5 knew about allegations
against Savile, who visited Number 10 more often than world leaders.
However, we do not know what Thatcher knew about Savile - if
anything.” Notice agent Black always speaks of Special Branch and
MI5; just like Spivey and all the other spooks. NONE of them will
mention freemasonry as being the real power working in the background
of such agencies. This is the disinfo; they’re protecting the real enemy –
freemasonry ... the silent destroyer.
Now take a look at this article
https://kevingreen1950.wordpress.com/the-outlaw-jimmy-how-he-useshis-blog-to-abuse-others/ Scroll down to ‘Back to Black’. This is another
long-winded creative construct of disinformation being disseminated by
the freemasonic piss take brigade. Some of it I’ve already commented
on in my other pdfs, so to avoid repetition I’ll just pick out certain parts.
You will notice that the links to Jimmy’s jpg images are no longer
functional. This is because he has updated his Outlaw site. More on
that in my pdf on Tom Pride
http://sharonkilby.co.uk/site/TOM_PRIDE.php However I had already
copy/pasted them beforehand, when I first became interested in his
socks. I quote:
“Posted by Outlaw on May 14, 2013
Posted in: Current.
Tagged: #paedobritain, Abuse, Black, Bloggers, Evidence, Media, Paed
ogeddon, Questions,Thug, Twitter.8 comments
This was sent to me today. No it wasn’t; Jimmy’s just pretending. An
observer’s view that’s pretence too. The article was written by the
Masonic pen; as all Spiveyite articles are [by ‘Spiveyite’ I mean Spivey
or members of his troll team – all of whom are under the control of their
Masonic handlers] of this ongoing situation which has now spilled over
into my personal life. I think it should be shared..
Looking back on Will Black’s timeline it is easy to see when he arrived
with his interest in #Paedobritain day.
Nothing ever in his posts about child abuse. Mostly UKIP.
He got his recent break on Huffington Post on 25th March this year.
ho else was recently online in a live debate on Huffington Post as an “a
CSA –. Can hardly spell and her
So Will Black likes to de-sensationalise.
Not long after he then puts out his first part of his plan for a new book.
Note the subliminal messaging. The word being emphasised here is desensationalise. It is also stated that there is nothing in Will’s posts about
child abuse. The article author is letting us know that Will is a
professional writer who now works for a respected news outlet [which
boasts top ranking of the most popular political sites list]. We’re then
told that not long after, Will puts forward his plan for a new book.
Our brains get busy making connections and processing, and the
message we receive is that Will Black has de-sensationalised the whole
issue of child abuse to such an extent that it is no longer an abhorrent
crime that happens to, and destroys, real people; but is merely
something that people write about, rather than do anything about. And,
worse, that child abuse has become nothing more than something
people profit from, such as in the sale of newspapers; or an idea from
which books of fiction can be written and sold for profit.
That, my friends, is exactly what it has become. The cointelpro agents
take the credit for that. And of course Will is not the only one guilty of
profiteering from the suffering of CSA victims.
Notice in the image it states – “where a single tweet can lead to a
revolution”. That is more subtle messaging. We’re being led to believe
that to revolt is the only solution.
n the live debate
(Who else was recently online in a live debate on Huffington Post as an
“activist” for CSA – one Janette Scharenborg. Can hardly spell and her
blog is cut and pasted from the MSM but now has a prominent
position amongst credible people on the live debate? Interesting.)
Indeed interesting. Why didn’t the Huff check Scharenborg’s
credentials? The Huffington Post is of course controlled by
freemasonry, as all mainstream media is. See my comments on this in
my pdf on Scharenborg
Nothing much more on this apart from the RT’s from his followers,
carefully dropped in amongst the “Twitter War” going on with CSA
victims. This war is a phoney war for the cointels; it is a real and deadly
war for the real CSA victims.
A war that has been watched from all over. Not very clearly though. All
credit to the cointels again who started it and maintain it.
Let me tell you about this so called war. It might be a ‘so-called’ one for
the fakes, but for real victims like Messham, it isn’t. It is cruel, nasty and
relentless. It is organised and executed by some very clever and
cunning professional people; and it is extremely effective.
Messham arrived on TV and the public went mad with sympathy,
@RyanTanner Darren Lavatory knew different and said so. To the
unsuspecting reader Lavatory is believable, only because he is provably
an ex ‘care’ lad. Until you look a little deeper into the Lavatory [see my
pdf on him] you’d wonder if Lav was right and Messham was indeed
telling a tall story. Jimmy Jones also disagreed after research. Notice
the words ‘after research’. This is to convince us that JJ has looked into
it, so we should believe him when he says he also agrees that Messham
is stretching the truth. It caused some reactions and one was a tweeter
called Jenniejenjen. Jimmy’s sock. Opinions were heard,
disagreements all over the place. By the chattering socks.
In the meantime, a certain little lady called Janette Scharenborg who
was under @schar53 had decided that she was done with the McCann
story and hopped onto this one. She’s no lady. See my pdf on her.
She offered @RyanTanner a place of sanctuary and made friends with
Jimmy Jones. Made friends with Jimmy Jones??? She comments on
the Needle on 31/3/13
[see also my ‘Scharenborg’ pdf] and publishes a reply that she had
[allegedly] received from NWP on 27/1/13 re complaints she’d made
about Jones abusing her! Perhaps she – or more accurately the
Masons – would like to tell us at what point the Scharenborg puppet
went from being a victim of Jimmy, to being mates with him.
On 21/1/13 this is what Janette said about Jimmy:
JANUARY 21, 2013 AT 8:17 PM
“I did have a lot of respect for Jimmy, and spoke to him on a regular basis, he
gave me good tips, information ect. Then he turned, just because I asked him
who this MFOkate was, we all know now that she and this Nancyheart are
one and the same,”
MFOKate is another of Jimmy’s socks. If Nancyheart is ‘Kate’, then
Jimmy has yet another sock – called Nancy. So, according to the
Masonic puppet master, Janette was originally pally with Jimmy; by the
end of March 2013 they were firm enemies; then by May 14th 2013 she’s
friends with him again! But not for long, cos she falls out with him yet
Her past did not match her present “credentials” and she was furious.
She wanted to know who had wrote this blog piece about her past and
then fell out with Jimmy Jones because he would not disclose who
was behind the blog.. According to the Masonic script Janette is a CSA
victim. [I call it a script because, as said, these trolls are not acting
independently - there is a Masonic overseer who is probably at least one
of the Spiveyite trolls – it could be Spiv himself or one or more of his
mods]. She befriends Jimmy, finds him helpful etc ... He then turns
abusive. He’s so bad that she asks North Wales Police to step in. So,
after all that, why in the world would she become friends with him
again? Can you smell the shit coming off Scharenborg? [More
accurately can you smell the rotten stench coming from all these
odious creatures?] Steve Messham [a real CSA victim] was bullied by
Lavatory after being ‘befriended’. Did he become mates again after
that? HELL NO. All ruined, her reputation and story taken apart with
evidence. Shills don’t meaningfully discredit each other. By that I mean
they don’t provide the important evidence. They only reveal unimportant
or insignificant things about each other; just enough to keep us in a state
of confusion. She then gets other victims behind her, no she didn’t. Her
job is to attack real victims first one Sue Perry to join in on discrediting
Jimmy Jones. Sue Perry is another Masonic puppet. She’s either
someone’s sock [probably Jim’s] or she’s a troll in her own right. I have
yet to find some evidence she is a real person.
Sue blogged, tweeted, disappeared and came back time and time again
to join in with Janette and fall out with her continously. Trolls constantly
falling out with each other!
She had now fallen out with Jimmy Jones too as Janette had fed her the
information. Poor old Jimmy – his socks and fellow trolls constantly
falling out with him.
No mention of it being Jimmy that bullied her off till later when she
returns again…and again….and again. Jimmy doesn’t bully his socks!
Nor does he bully his fellow trolls. Jimmy bullies genuine victims who
dare to fight back; including me [not that I’m a CSA victim, but I am a
victim of the freemasons].
But in the meantime the wave was starting to build.
The “bully” tag had emerged. The bullies are Spivey and his troll squad.
The Madlands appeared – who was he? Who indeed. Madlands,
remember, is the brains behind ‘Paedobritain Day’, an event so
successful that it ‘brought the nation together’ and ‘opened the eyes of
millions as to the extent of childhood sexual abuse’ ... and yet no-one
even knows his name! The piss-take brigade should’ve just called him
A redundant blog and he gathers Janette, Sue and other
“survivors “together. I long for the day the masons are made redundant
and brought to justice by the survivors of CSA.
#Peadobritain was born.
Many agreed and got it trending.
He then disappeared. Literally.
#paedobritain was on top of the list on 28th March 2013, an online action
day initiated by blogger Madlands who closed his site due to bullying on
Twitter even though he states this on his blog.
Others agreed and the accusations of stopping #Paedobritain FFS ran
away with itself. Is there anyone out there who is provably not a troll who
knew anything about this plan for an online action day???
4 or 5 people saying, we do other things, saying we do not agree but go ahead.
A difference of opinion then made these people paedoprotectors!!! Note the
nullification of the word ‘paedoprotector’. The Spiveyite clever sods
have managed to make the claim that simply for expressing a difference
of opinion, you can be labelled a ‘paedoprotector’. This has the effect of
neutralising the genuine challengers of prominent paedophiles – the
ones exposing the real paedoprotectors [Spivey and his associates].
Accusations of trying to take down the #paedobritain campaign. L.O.L
Add this on to the “bully” tag already rising in the wave across twitter and
you now have everyone joining in.
It became ridiculous, accusations of being MI5 and Police Informers graced the
screens. This is the neutralising tactic used against the genuine
opposition who are shouting ‘SPOOK’. These accusations are bandied
about so freely now that they’ve lost their impetus - we’re all accused of
being spies, trolls, government shills ...
Again, Janette rises to the occasion and sets up a twitter account called Kevin
Green and he states he is Steven Messham. Here we have, yet again, the
neutralisation of Steve Messham - a genuine CSA victim. He is named
as the person behind Kev Green. Jimmy tells everyone Janette is
behind the Kev Green blog. This suffices to sew confusion and get
people wondering if Steve is genuine or not.
Telling everyone that Jennijenjen Jim’s bitch was coming back and low and
behold Sue arrives back too.
All together for revenge. The pretence is of alleged victims [Spiveyite
trolls] at war with each other. The real revenge is directed at any
genuine CSA victim who dares to raise awareness about institutionalised
child abuse.
She refers back to Messham and November and names both Laverty and
Jimmy, she also brings in Psychopath, Narcissistic Personality Disorder. All the
Spiveyites suffer that syndrome.
Sounds very much like something a certain someone writes about?
She had gathered two people that had issue with Jimmy Jones and she was
using a twitter account claiming to be Steven Messham. This repetition of
Messham’s name is subliminal messaging.
Another blog called KevinGreen1950.wordpress.com then came out to
discredit Jimmy Jones and anyone that followed him. Who knows who
actually set up the Kevin Green blog; it could have been any of - or more
than one of - the Spivey supertroll team. My guess is that it was at least
one ‘Spiveyite’ and a couple - or a few - unknown high ranking
freemasons. You have to get used to thinking that the people behind the
Spivey support sites – the Kev Green blog, The Colman Experience,
Outlaw, the Needle ... are Masonic controlled [some will be high level
masons themselves] and are working in collusion.
They created ‘Team Outlaw’ to distract the genuine readers of
‘alternative media’ and get us off the ‘Team Spivey’ scent.
Will Black openly promoted Kevin’s Blog……… He probably set it up!
Would normally post it from his timeline but he has deleted all tweets from
27th April to the 2nd of May.
A complaint to Huffington Post from a victim on Kevin Green’s blog maybe
made him delete? There would not have been a genuine complaint.
There almost certainly was no complaint.
He still openly promotes the tweeters though.. the troll tweeters.
Even though MFOGlasgow’s another of Jim’s socks twitter had a screenshot
of @kevgreens’s vile abuse.
Jenniejenjen and Sue now take a back seat 2 of Jimmy’s socks vacating the
limelight! and withdraw as they had realised this Tweeter was neither
Messham nor Kevin Green, it was actually Janette.
But the damage was done. Kevin Green of course doesn’t exist. The
target was Messham.
Jenniejenjen was honest how can a sock puppet be honest? enough to own
up to her part and disclosed the whole set up by Janette.
Yes people watched the fighting and the back and forward insults, one
accusing, one defending. All trolls together trolling along.
It became upsetting for many and others joined in and made their own
opinions on what was said to who was on their timeline.
Not many actually looked at both timelines and seen the bigger picture.
That’s the idea. Except the bigger picture is not the one this author i.e.
Masonic overseer of the Spiveyites promotes.
We then had adeybob another particularly toxic troll who oozes shit like an
elephant on laxatives aka @monadtime joining in and eventually taking over
while Kevin and Janette left. He then left after making a complete balls up of
professing he was there for victims but then attacks one on twitter asking if
she had ‘triggered’ yet.
More joined the wave and the “bully” tag along with MI5 and Police informer
repetition and disinfo – the real power that controls the Spiveyite trolls,
MI5 and police is freemasonry. The freemasons are the bullies. They
target anyone who takes a stand against evildoers now became
recently,‘David Rose’. Nuff said about Rose the rat.
This small argument because someone disagreed with Janette Scharenborg
and had outed her past, had come to this. No-one had outed her
convincingly and exposed her as a member of Spiv’s nest of vipers.
Her account is protected as she let others trolls get involved.
Everyday it ran on and others joined in. Only trolls were playing.
Again, Will sat at the sidelines filing his notepad and asking for a RT of
his #Paedobritain piece very sporadicly amongst the back and forward
drama. Will sees pound signs in the potential of a ‘Paedobritain’ book.
A journalist now gets involved fellow Spiveyite super troll Sonia P as this is
now out of hand and true survivors of abuse are now being gangstalked by
many. Job jobbed.
They started on her too and a Blogger decided to get a piece of the action and
up his numbers.
Numbers, Blog Views, Twitter Followers.
Thats what it is all about to the ones that joined the fray.
A professional Joins in the ”We hate Jimmy Jones gang” Dr Tig Calvert ,
accusing him of lying. She’d be right to make that accusation. But she
doesn’t let on that she is every bit a filthy lying troll as he is. She’s in the
same gang. But it’s not a Jimmy Jones gang; it’s a Chris Spivey gang.
More on Tig Calvert coming up.
She had previously called Jimmy Jones and tried to get information from him.
What info Mr Freemason author???
He even gave her a guest piece on his blog. No surprises there. NWO
gatekeepers can only get other gatekeepers to write for them. Genuine
bloggers soon suss them out and leave. I would like someone to point
out to me a genuine blogger writing for a shill site.
Another fame seeker? It’s all about ego and fame for these evil
Another one outed (with evidence) as lying about her credentials and her
past. Another half-hearted outing. She’s not convincingly exposed as a
NWO gatekeeper.
Will Black kept popping in now and again.
Will Black keeps watching and the notebook pages are filling up. “Great
fodder here”. Great material for a book, for Will the professional
writer, who profits from paedophilia.
Paul Rogers is the last man standing, keeping it going. He’s just another
treacherous troll; see my ‘Gojam’ pdf for more on him.
Last night
Paul Rogers @paulrogers00213h
@kevgreen50 Good to see you on here again, Kev – must still be midafternoon where you are. Hope all’s well with you. Have RT-ed your
Kev is on holiday with no internet connection as yet but finds the time to
tweet a new blog post and Paul has it RT for him.
So Paul Rogers is in charge even though yesterday he was outed as having two
MI5 persons as his witnesses in a previous trial and having a solicitor who had
worked alongside Cherie Booth.
(Cash for Questions/Blair)?
Stood trial with his Green Anarchist/ALF friends under the media spotlight.
He walked away scot free???………
Just poor old Paul, the man with the dirty beard and makes his dad sausages.
Visits Nedstoke Fete with his inlaws even though he is single and Nedstoke
does not exist.
The Finale
Today there is a new blog post on KevinGreen1950.
Now emphasising that Jimmy Jones is in fact…….MI5.
Set up to discredit Messham and other victims. That is the sole purpose of
these Spiveyite blogs.
Jimmy laughs this off and tweets
The same way he and others had previously tweeted where many had been
called MI5 and the jokes flew about not having an IPAD or a spooks wage.
When spooks get accused they just make light of it. These people do
not look like obvious spooks [whatever one of those looks like]. They
look like ordinary people [whatever one of those is.] I remember Charlie
Foulkes sending me copies of her disability benefits [back in Feb 2013]
to ‘prove’ that she wasn’t a spook [even though at that stage I didn’t
even suspect that she was!]
So from Police informer, to MI5 to David Rose and along the way he was
Peter Howarth right though to a son of someone mentioned in the unseen
Jillings Report………he was now a ‘Gaslighter’?…. Chuck Howarth and the
son of someone ... into the mix, to add to the confusion. People are left
not being able to make head nor tail of it all. They don’t know who’s who
– who are the victims, who are the spooks, who are the genuine
bloggers ...
Janette now seems to be back in her SHOUTY mode
and PSYCHOPATH is being shouted all over the kevgreen50 twitter
So lets talk about the victims that have been bullied off twitter. Of course the
following people are not victims – 2 of them aren’t even even real
people. However what this article is doing is engaging in some very
clever psychological warfare. Read on.
Where are they? The question should be “who are they?”
Janette – Evidence of her past and her lies, her vile blog that triggers victims
and her close relationship with a brother who had left a woman damaged for
life and got out of being charged with possession of child porn.
Sue – changes tactics, sides and her story every other week and went for the
sympathy vote. Her abuse story now being investigated by North Wales Fire
Investigations who are not happy as it goes.
Says she has evidence on Laverty since November last year but has yet to
disclose to Police and have him arrested and/or charged.
Claims she was stalked and the police fitted new locks.
Why has Jimmy not heard from the police, surely this is a serious issue and she
has his name?
Madlands – Who was he ?
Evidence from his own mouth he was not bullied off twitter.
Adey – @Monadtime – gave his number and details to twitter when he
complained on Janettes behalf to rid her enemies off twitter, caused a blogger
to make a fool of himself by having no evidence then attacked victims with his
vile words.
Left recently due to a dying mother ……awaiting his return.
Dr Tig Calvert – still on Twitter but forgot to give the real details of her past,
her sacking and her credentials.
James reeves yet another troll - born 1946, said he was 7 when in his home,
that made it 1953. Recently and on his blog he stated he was in Jasmine, when
the facts state that Jasmine was for girls. He would have been put into a
probationary house for 2 weeks. Plans of the place blow holes in his story
about where his abuse happened. No end to end baths. He states he was 7,
mixed dorms did not come into play until 1955 by the new head Mr Banner.
He freely put his address on Twitter yet the electoral roll states it is someone
called James Reeves living there but is aged 24-29. The address also is in a very
affluent area where the price tags on flats range from 2-4
hundred thousand pounds and rents are £2,500 per month. Still on Twitter.
6 people…..who all have had information and evidence presented about them.
Hardly the “thugs bully csa victims offline” that is being touted. This
accusation is – correctly - being made, of course, by genuine
tweeters/forum commenters who are making observations and
connecting dots, and pointing the finger at the real culprits. However as
we all know it is nigh on impossible to win a battle against a troll.
The article’s author has seemingly discredited all the people who claim
to be victims [and most importantly the real victim Messham]. People
are left wondering who the genuine victims are. The trolls can then scoff
that it is ridiculous to suggest victims are being bullied offline. How
clever the psy-op specialists are – they have to be; this is the only way
they can stop us pesky bloggers putting a stop to their evil NWO plan.
The truth is these pretend victims are absolutely the truly evil bastards
who are responsible for bullying genuine CSA victims.
If you put yourself out on Twitter or a blog with a story, expect to be
questioned and facts put together for evidence.
If you can back it up then you have nothing to worry about.
This is what the media will do when they get a hold of your stories that
you want to sell. Ha, that’s a good un. The media do not deal in facts.
They are answerable to the same Masonic powers; and put out only the
Masonic approved stories.
And notice that the genuine CSA victims are being portrayed as making
money out of their stories. Genuine victims do not sell their stories; they
seek only the truth and justice.
Victims of abuse all over here being used by journalists and people not
checking out who they are talking to. Journalists know very well who
they’re talking to.
So because certain people questioned others, it has came to this massive
drama…. all stemming from a vile woman that never got her own way.
Scharenborg is indeed a vile thing [she’s not a woman.] She however
started nothing. She is a stupid weak Satan [Masonic] controlled
puppet. Very high level unknown masons started all this, and they’re
controlling it all now.
The final part would have to be our friend Will Black who has played a
silent role along the way.
Last night before kevingreen1950 blog presented a new piece…..even
though he had no internet?
Will was on twitter.
• Lars Pellinat @Lars959611h
• @WillBlackWriter You’ve got mail !
Someone who was been showing her presence and support for the bullied
then gets a bit excited.
Leigh LaFon [probably not her real name] is just another NWO sell out
whore – a pathetic cowardly pretender.
The time frame here is around the same time the piece went on the
kevingreen1950 blog in the early hours of the morning, now bringing Darren
Laverty into it, Darren who has been left out so far, the same Darren who has
sued anyone that got it wrong in the press about him……… no he didn’t.
Was this the blog piece that Will needed to be checked and a legal eye cast
over it in case it came back on him? As said lawyers will be powerless to
protect Will or any of the Spivey super troll dream team [or any
troll/NWO agent of any description] when the public fully awaken to the
truth. Only God can protect any of us then.
Who knows?
So there we have it………………
Will has joined in and watched, got his first piece out at Huffington, made
friends with all the people trolls/socks that have been involved, Kev, Janette,
Paul etc.
Watched and waited and promoted the “Cyberwar” when he could….all for
fodder for his next book. ‘Paedogeddon’………
All the while innocent victims have been dragged in, yes, real people with real
names, real pasts and stories, all verified and checked by the Journalist who
has her eye on this.
Thats why she stated time and time again, she knew who these people were
that had been called bullies, MI5, peadoprotectors, David Rose, and now
And Will Black?… He thinks he has done enough..”
To the casual reader this lot are a gang of fame-seeking egotistical nut
jobs – all engaging in a seemingly senseless twitter war. What they’re
actually doing is highly effective and very sinister.
Confusion and neutralisation is the name of the game. This is a typical
‘muddying water’ piece; written to convince the casual observer that the
only real victim mentioned - Steve Messham - is not genuine. It also
serves to discourage victims from searching online for support, and for
trying to raise awareness of institutionalised child abuse – the message
coming over loud and clear is that you too will be bullied into silence, or
worse, suicide.
The PTB [high ranking unidentified masons] have created ‘Team
Outlaw’. The purpose of this is to prevent genuine voices of opposition
sussing out the real enemy. As readers of the ‘alternative media’ know,
all political parties serve the same master. We have a similar scenario
here – people who are seemingly at odds with each other [such that
Jimmy Jones has his own gang, and a blog called Kevin Green has
been set up to counterattack] are in fact serving the same master – the
same one that Chris Spivey serves. For more on this see my pdf on
Tom Pride.
Now let’s take a closer look at Dr Tig Calvert, who is another regular
troll on all the Spivey support sites. She is of course a fan of Spiv’s; that
alone is enough to kill her credibility.
This is how she describes herself: “Psychologist keen to help society to
be a more positive place. Bit of a MILF lol and determined to help rid
society of abuse, lies, hypocrisy and corruption.”
She endorses all the usual cointelpros:
Janette Scharenborg, Will Black, Gojam, Artist Taxi Driver, Paul Rogers,
Guido Fawkes, Ian Puddick, Leigh LaFon, Mark Williams-Thomas,
Murun Buchstansangur, Andy Barnett, Stuart Syvret, Max Keiser,
Adeybob, James Reeves, Michael Doherty, David Shayler, Occupy,
Anonymous, the Slog, Common Purpose, ExaroNews, various MPs and
a bunch of celebs ... https://twitter.com/sam_a_voice What more needs
to be said?
Here are some of her retweets:
Tig Calvert retweeted
Tactile Poet @Tactilepoet 5 Apr 2013
The @Madlands Blog made before he 'disappeared' here, in full with
Edwina Currie tweets! #paedoBritain #savile RT
https://theneedleblog.wordpress.com/2013/04/04/madlands-savilearticle/ …
Tig Calvert retweeted
Dr Tig Calvert @sam_a_voice 5 Apr 2013
My ff is for @ChrisSpivey3 and check out his site if you don't already.
Intelligent, insightful and energetic - just what we need
1. Tig Calvert retweeted
Jamie Drumlake @jamie_drumlake 12 Mar 2013
She is a guest writer for Spiv’s vile mate and fellow nonce protector
Chris Wittwer http://theukdatabase.com/uk-child-abusers-named-andshamed/facts-and-stats-on-child-abuse/260-suspected-child-sexgroomers-under-surveillance-in-w-yorkshire/the-most-serious-issuefacing-people-in-the-uk-today/ Did you notice Wittwer’s blog views
boast? Over 32 ½ MILLION. Say Whaaat!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHjbNzJ5R-8 And look, he gets lots
of publicity in the mainstream press, including the Telegraph, Daily Mail,
Sun, Mirror, Star and Huff Post http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uknews/convicted-child-abuser-found-working-6301888
victim http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/03/facebook-vigilantechris_n_560633.html And he’s not winning the info war!!!
More on Wittwer in my ‘Digging into Jimmy’s socks’ PDF
I think it’s pretty clear which side of the fence Tig Calvert sits ... and it
isn’t on the side of freedom.
Back to black. Who does Will back? Well he is thick as thieves with the
stinking Lavatory. That alone tells you everything you need to know
about Will Black. Have a look at this friendly exchange:
DR Laverty. @drlavertyx Jul 8
@WillBlackWriter “Sincere apologies for not letting you know about the
gathering. You're busy enough. As you were:-)))
0 retweets1 favorite
Will Black @WillBlackWriter Jul 8
No worries Darren. I hope to get to Anglesey at some point and help you find
some driftwood @darrenlavertyx
0 retweets0 favorites
DR Laverty. @drlavertyx Jul 8
@WillBlackWriter Now that is a deal:-)) That said I do have some serious
stock. I might let you choose a piece. Only if you stick to deal:-)
0 retweets1 favorite
Will Black @WillBlackWriter Jul 8
@darrenlavertyx haha nice one, it's a deal”
Here are his twitter pals: Adey, Andy Barnett, Andrea Davison, Ian Puddick
Rothley Pillowcase, Paul Rogers, Artist Taxi Driver ...
The fact that Will writes for the Huffington Post tells you he’s not
independent. All MSM are beholden to the Masonic powers and are
gatekeepers for the NWO.
Take a look at this – anonymously penned – Huff hit piece
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/11/11/david-mellor-stevemessham-weirdo-andrew-neil-_n_2113549.html Despicable David
Mellor sticks the boot into Steve Messham, whilst a bunch of smug
pretentious idiots take the moral high ground. Hypocrites, the lot of
them; they’re no different to Mellor; none of them did any independent
research and exposed Rose the rat, Woffenden, Ronald Waterhouse,
Mark Williams-Thomas ...
Entitled ‘David Mellor Calls Steve Messham 'A Weirdo' On Sunday
“David Mellor, a former Conservative cabinet minister with
responsibility for the BBC, that translates to Mellor, the Masonic lap dog
has come under pretend fire after labelling Steve Messham, a victim of
child abuse at a north Wales care home, a “weirdo.”
Speaking on the BBC’s Sunday Politics show, Mellor, who is a regular
contributor on LBC Radio, said Newsnight’s brand was tainted beyond
redemption after relying on Messham as a witness. A right cheeky
bastard is Mellor. Newsnight is tainted due to its allegiance to
freemasonry. And Steve Messham is more of an honourable man,
deserving of the utmost respect than the lying machievelian cowardly
conniving Mellor could ever dream of being.
He told presenter Andrew Neil: “They relied on a man who the Mail on
Sunday have revealed in two and half pages as a weirdo. So he just relies
on the word of the M-O-S? Can he not do his own investigating? Talk
about pathetic – the mighty Mail, the powerful BBC and a QC, former
politician, broadcaster, journalist and businessman, all ganging up on
one very vulnerable man who has survived an appalling childhood of
rape and torture.
He’s already cost one and half million in libel damages and costs when
he accused a policeman of sexually abusing him. See my ‘Elite Paedo
Ring’ pdf [p 81] re Gordon Anglesea.
Why didn’t [Newsnight] show him a photograph (of Lord McAlpine) it’s
extraordinary. The idea of Alistair McAlpine being involved in child
abuse is so ludicrous somebody on Newsnight should have realised."
Why is it ludicrous? Why is Mellor quick to jump to McAlpine’s defence
without doing some research?
Mr Messham was called 'a victim of his own delusions' in the Mail on
Sunday propaganda piece.
Campaigners against child abuse and Twitter users were quick to
condemn Mellor and the Mail on Sunday for attacking Messham.
Many insisted his description of Messham as a weirdo would discourage
other victims of child abuse from coming forward. Is that all they can
say in criticism of Mellor?
Peter Watt, director of the NSPCC Watt heads an organisation which is a
front for paedophilia. See my pdf on Sheva Burton
http://sharonkilby.co.uk/site/SHEVA_BURTON.php for more on the
NSPCC helplines aid in a statement to the Huffington Post UK:
"Adverse comments on victims disclosing the horrendous attacks they
suffered as children are extremely unhelpful. This could stop other
victims from coming forward and prevent abusers being brought to
This sends the wrong message to young victims of abuse who may be
discouraged from speaking out. And it could also make it more difficult
for adults to speak out on behalf of children and report their concerns.
Being sexually abused can lead to long-term physical and emotional
damage. We know that it can take years for victims to speak out about
We urge victims of child abuse or anyone with relevant information to
contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000."
The End Violence Against Women Campaign tweeted:
EVAW Coalition
“People & newspapers who are criticising a survivor of sustained child
sexual abuse need to check their morals.” that’s a bit of a limp comment.
And what is EVAWC doing about paedophiles in power? Well, they’re
asking the very people who protect those paedophiles - the politicians
[Masonic controlled well paid actors] -for help!
Mark Williams Thomas, a former defective and child protection expert
ha ha, what the fuck is a child protection expert?! MWT is a friend of
paedophiles who presented ITV's expose of Jimmy Savile, tweeted:
Mark Williams-Thomas
“Treatment of child sexual abuse victims is not something to be handled
lightly. They need care & support & must not be used for others gain.”
For more on Masonic poodle Mark see my pdf on forged letter Fiona.
Louise Mensch said Mellor's comments were "revolting" that’s it? That’s
all she can say?
@JoshHalliday “that is stunning. What did the presenter do to
challenge? Who was it? Revolting on Mellor's part.”
Andrew Neil tweeted after the show that it was important to look at the
comments in context. Andrew Neil doesn’t believe in digging for the
truth either. He is content to promulgate Masonic propaganda.
“All working up a lather over D Mellor's wrong dismissal of Newsnight
source as "weirdo" should watch last 10 minutes Sunday
Politics.” #bbcsp should read my site.
Later on in the programme, he said in a discussion with journalists:
"Mr Messham was the witness on which Newsnight relied and it turned
out he was an unreliable witness. And the evidence for that is? I don't
agree with David Mellor who called [Steve Messham] a weirdo this
morning. So that is the only area he can find fault?
He's been shown to be an unreliable witness several times. Where? He's
also suffered the most terrible child abuse which I think would make us
unreliable sometimes in any circumstances. I think there's a difference
between being unreliable given what you've gone through and being
described as a weirdo, which I don't agree with." Steve Messham has not
been proven to be an unreliable witness; and he’s not a ‘weirdo’ either.
The Mail on Sunday's piece on Messham, referenced by Mellor, also
attracted criticism after calling him a "victim of his own delusions".
Dave Jones
“Horrible smear campaign and hatchet job by the Mail of Sunday upon
Steve Messham. But no intention to do some proper research to find out
and expose the truth. Could well prejudice further investigations sadly.”
Insincere, smug twat.
Edwina Currie, who has written for the Daily Mail herself, labelled the
article a "disgrace". But once again, no intention to expose the cover up
David Mellor began trending on Twitter with some quick to highlight the
MP's more eccentric indiscretions.
In one of the most explosive political sex scandals, The Sun reported in
1992 that Mellor liked to have sex with actress Antonia de Sancha while
wearing a Chelsea Football strip. It was also reported that de Sancha had
sucked Mellor's toes.
“Isn't it a bit rich for someone like David Mellor to pass comment
following his series of scandals in the past?”
Mellor's comments came after Steve Messham apologised to peer Lord
McAlpine on Friday - saying he had mistaken his identity and cleared
him of any wrongdoing. That’s right you paedo protecting sycophant –
stick to the Masonic script.
Lord McAlpine, a former Tory treasurer and deputy chairman, has been
the subject of intense speculation and innuendo since Messham claimed
last week he had been abused by a senior Conservative from the
Thatcher era.
But the peer released a strongly-worded statement rejecting any
suggestion that he had abused Mr Messham or any other residents of the
Bryn Estyn home in Wrexham, North Wales. But he was lying.
In a further statement on Friday night, his representatives said solicitors
were preparing writs with a view to taking legal action against "all media
who have defamed Lord McAlpine's reputation and published
defamatory statements".” Lord McNonce was never keen to sue the only
genuine, honest and decent publication though i.e. the only one which
wasn’t under the control of freemasonry – Scallywag. He was never up
for airing his dirty laundry in court against Angus James or Simon
Regan. Scallywag said: “Should Lord McAlpine choose to consult his
solicitors over the story we have printed, we would welcome the
opportunity of dragging his name through the courts. Should he
choose not to take action, then let his silence incriminate him. We
shall defend our story assiduously, for no one was there to defend
the children continually abused by their rich and powerful