upcoming events/trips


upcoming events/trips
10:43 AM
Page 1
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Do you have questions about your Fund benefits? Send them to us! We’ll
answer one in each edition of your 1199SEIU Retired Members Bulletin.
When will the 1199SEIU HIP VIP program be available for retirees in
Nassau County?
- Gina Mazzola, Retired from Island Medical Center
Las Vegas Trip
December 4 – 8, 2006
Flamingo Hotel & Casino
America West from JFK
$599 per person, Double occupancy
$799 Single occupancy
Trip cancellation insurance is INCLUDED in the price
Package includes: Round trip non-stop flights, 4 nights deluxe accommodations at the Flamingo
Hotel, admissions to 2 revue shows, fun book with discount coupons, transfer, baggage handling
in Las Vegas and taxes.
$100 deposit due immediately
Final payment due by Nov. 1, 2006
New Year’s Eve Cruise from New York
Aboard Norwegian Cruise Lines’ “Norwegian Dawn”
Thursday, December 28 to Sunday, January 7, 2007
Ports of call: St. Thomas, Tortola, St. Maarten, San Juan and Great Stirrup Cay. Includes all
meals, entertainment, port charges, government fees and all taxes.
Category KK (inside):$1,849 double occupancy
Category F (outside):$2,149 double occupancy
Category BD (balcony):$2,389 double occupancy
Trip cancellation insurance is INCLUDED in the price
$100 per person deposit due immediately
Final payment due by Sept. 15, 2006
Montreal – Ottawa
August 7 – 11, 2006
4 nights/breakfasts/dinners
$629 per person, Double occupancy
$824 Single occupancy
Trip cancellation insurance is INCLUDED in the price
Old-world ambiance and elegance distinguish the culture and character of the city. The mix of
French and Canadian, traditional and modern, is reflected in this tour and transportation in a
deluxe coach. Come and enjoy sights such as: Mt. Royal, French Quarter,Old Montreal and
Ottawa. Sightseeing, admission, a visit to Casino de Montreal, baggage handling, and taxes,
gratuities for the meals are included.
Full payment due immediately
Puerto Rico Senior Festival
October 23 – 27, 2006
$849 per person, Double occupancy
$1,114 Single occupancy
Trip cancellation insurance is INCLUDED in the price
Package includes: Round trip airfare from New York, deluxe accommodations for 4 evenings at
the Sheraton Old San Juan Hotel & Casino, 4 breakfasts, 2 sightseeing tours including a visit to
El Yunque – the rain forest, transfers and baggage handling in San Juan and taxes.
$100 deposit due immediately
Final payment due by Sept. 15, 2006
ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY. For ALL TRIP reservations and information, contact Vianka Biales at (646) 473-8756.
While the RMD is happy to help make these trips available to 1199SEIU retirees, these trips are not a Fund benefit.
The 1199SEIU Funds are not responsible for transportation, food, lodging or any of the activities that occur during the trip.
Since we introduced the 1199SEIU HIP VIP Medicare Plan for New York City retirees last
year as part of our collectively-bargained cost-saving programs, retirees in other areas
have been asking when they will be able to join the plan. We’ve been working with HIP to
expand the program, and starting this fall, eligible Nassau county retirees will also receive
their health benefits through the 1199SEIU HIP VIP Medicare plan.
If you live in Nassau County, are Medicare-eligible and are also eligible for retiree health
benefits, you must enroll in the 1199SEIU HIP VIP Medicare Plan by September
1 to continue your benefits through the Fund, but you can enroll sooner. Your
enhanced benefits will become effective October 1.
With the 1199SEIU HIP VIP Medicare Plan, Nassau County retirees will receive:
• Free basic dental coverage and vision care
• Access to over 7,200 health care providers in Nassau County, and another
25,000 in New York City
• No deductible or co-pay for primary care office visits
• Only a $10 co-pay for specialist office visits
• Basic prescription drug coverage
Depending on your Fund, eligibility, and years of service, you may also receive supplemental benefits, such as enhanced prescription coverage, through the Fund.
• 1199SEIU RMD
President’s Message
Page 2
• 1199SEIU Benefit & Pension
Funds Executive Director Message
Page 3
• Pregúntele a su fondo
Page 4
• Florida Notes
Page 5
• Florida and South Carolina
Page 5
• From the Desk of the Fund’s
Medical Director
Page 6
• Activist Page &
President’s Message
Page 7
• Upcoming Events/Trips
Page 8
For more information, we encourage Nassau County retirees to attend one of HIP’s informational meetings in your
area during July or August. Staff members will answer your questions and help you enroll on the spot. To find out
dates and times for these meetings, or to request an enrollment package, call HIP’s dedicated line for 1199SEIU
retirees at (877) HIP-1199. For questions about your retiree health benefits, call the Fund at (646) 473-8770.
Please consult your Summary Plan Description (SPD) for a full description of your benefit coverage. In case of any conflict
between your Retired Members Bulletin and the SPD, the terms of the SPD shall govern.
Questions for “Ask Your Fund” can be emailed to [email protected], or mailed to: 1199SEIU Retired Members
Division, 330 West 42nd Street, 9th Floor, New York NY 10036, Attn: Retired Members Bulletin.
10:43 AM
Page 2
President’s Message
Retired Members
Division Bridge
Mensaje Del Presidente
John Perkins
Dear Sisters and Brothers:
Queridos Hermanas y Hermanos:
Thanks to all of you who
attended June’s retiree
conference. I was happy to see
so many of you there, and I
enjoyed meeting and speaking
with each of you. I know it was
also important for all of us to
hear from our Union President,
Dennis Rivera, about how we
can be involved in protecting
our benefits and the health and
pension benefits of the next
generation of 1199SEIU
Gracias a todos los que asistieron
a la conferencia de jubilados de
junio. Estuve feliz de ver a tantos
de ustedes ahí y disfruté reuniéndome y hablando con cada uno
de ustedes. También sé que para
todos nosotros fue importante
escuchar a nuestro Presidente del
Sindicato, Dennis Rivera, sobre
cómo podemos participar en la
protección de nuestros beneficios y
sobre los beneficios de salud y
pensión de la próxima generación
de jubilados de 1199SEIU.
As the Union prepares for
upcoming contract negotiations, we all need to do our
part. One of the easiest ways
we can do that is by paying our
Union dues. I know that $5
each month is not too much to
ask to help preserve our current
benefits, and to make sure that
our working brothers and sisters enjoy the same security in
retirement that we do. You can
read more about this effort on
the Activist page.
A medida que el Sindicato se
prepara para las próximas negociaciones contractuales, todos
necesitamos contribuir con nuestra
parte. Una de las formas más
fáciles en que podemos hacer eso
es pagando nuestras cuotas sindicales. Yo sé que $5 cada mes no
es mucho pedirles para ayudar a
preservar nuestros beneficios
actuales y asegurarnos de que
nuestros hermanos y hermanas
trabajadores disfruten de la misma
seguridad en la jubilación que
nosotros tenemos. Pueden leer
más sobre este esfuerzo en la
página del Activista.
I hope you are all enjoying
your summer, and I look
forward to seeing you at your
fall chapter meetings in
Espero que todos estén
disfrutando de su verano y espero
verlos en sus reuniones de las
agrupaciones del otoño en el mes
de septiembre.
In Solidarity,
En Solidaridad,
John Perkins
John Perkins
Always Wanted to Play Bridge?
Now’s Your Chance!
Bridge is a card game that
is both fun and mentally
challenging. Beginning in
September, you can come
learn the game and meet
other players through the
Retired Members Division
Bridge class.
Taught by Burt Knaiger, a
Bridge professional, the
class offers both beginning
and advanced players an
opportunity to play in a
supportive, informal
learning environment.
Beginning Sept. 5th
1:30 - 4:30 pm
330 West 42nd Street
9th Floor
Join Our
Atlantic City
Atlantic City
Claridge Casino
Monday Aug. 21, 2006
Pay $19
Manhattan, call Vianka Biales
(646) 473-8756
Brooklyn, call Lena Hayes
(718) 624-1363
St. Albans, call Clifton Rutherford
(718) 657-8348
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Our Union has an enormously important campaign
unfolding in the next six months. I want to call your
attention to it and to solicit your support and involvement.
This campaign will have a huge impact on you as
retirees, and on all of us.
We refer to this fall’s
Congressional elections.
We have a real possibility
of winning back the House
of Representatives and
possibly the Senate. We
probably don’t need to
agitate you about how
terribly wrong things are
going in the country — a
disastrous war based on
lies, a growing healthcare
crisis with mounting numbers of uninsured and runaway
costs that jeopardize maintaining benefits, a tax giveaway
to the billionaires while the rest of us pay more, etc.
We have a chance of calling a halt to those policies this
November. But it can’t be done without your support.
As the sisters and brothers who built our Union, nobody
knows better than you of our proud traditions of
progressive activism. Now we need you to carry on
those traditions even in retirement.
campaigns. In fact, in the 2004 presidential election,
1199SEIU retirees came out in full force, moving to key
battleground states for months at a time. But not every
retiree can volunteer their time and we need every retiree
to play their part. Our Union needs each and every
1199SEIU retiree to also commit to paying $5 a month
in dues.
Your dues not only sustain the Union to engage in the
political process, it also helps our Union to fight for you.
Think about everything you’ve achieved through our
Union, and all of the health and pension benefits you
now receive. None of this was accomplished without
struggle. Nothing was given to you for free.
And none of this is guaranteed forever. Your benefits are
negotiated over again with each Collective Bargaining
Agreement. Funding for our healthcare institutions — and
indirectly your benefits — depends largely on Medicare
and Medicaid funding. Keeping our Union strong and
able to continue to fight to protect what we’ve won
depends on all of us.
All of this takes money. With 50,000 retired members,
our Union could realize three million dollars a year from
our retired members — based on the minimum of five
dollars a month. Now that would make a difference.
I am proud that so many 1199SEIU retirees have
volunteered in record numbers to work on our political
Dennis Rivera
President of 1199SEIU
Why I Signed Up!
When I meet with retirees from other Unions, I know that their
benefits and retiree programs simply don’t compare with those
that we get. We are a blessed group of people.
We never stop getting benefits and programs from our Union.
So we shouldn’t ever stop paying our dues. Five dollars a month is
quite reasonable. Any organization relies on dues to function. And of
course we want our Union to continue to function and be strong.
Lena Hayes, RN
Retired from Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York City
QUESTIONS? CALL: (646) 473-8761 • OUTSIDE NYC: (800) 575-7771
QUESTIONS? CALL: (646) 473-8761 • OUTSIDE NYC: (800) 575-7771
10:43 AM
Page 4
Florida Notes
¿Tiene preguntas sobre los beneficios de su Fondo? Envíenoslas Responderemos una
en cada número de su Boletín para Miembros Jubilados de 1199SEIU.
¿Cuándo estará disponible el programa 1199SEIU HIP VIP para los jubilados en el
Condado de Nassau?
- Gina Mazzola, jubilada del Island Medical Center
R. Desde que introdujimos el año pasado el Plan HIP VIP Medicare de 1199SEIU para los jubilados de la ciudad de
Nueva York como parte de nuestros programas de ahorro de costos negociados colectivamente, los jubilados en otras
áreas han estado preguntando cuándo podrán unirse al plan. Hemos estado trabajando con HIP para expandir el
programa y a partir de este otoño los jubilados elegibles del condado de Nassau también recibirán sus beneficios de
salud a través del plan HIP VIP Medicare de 1199SEIU.
Si vive en el Condado de Nassau, es elegible para recibir Medicare y también es elegible para los beneficios de salud
como jubilado, debe inscribirse en el Plan HIP VIP Medicare de 1199SEIU antes del 1º de septiembre
para la continuación de sus beneficios a través del Fondo, pero usted se puede inscribir antes. Sus
beneficios ampliados tendrán vigencia a partir del 1º de octubre.
Con el Plan HIP VIP Medicare de 1199SEIU, los jubilados del Condado de Nassau recibirán:
Cobertura dental y atención de la vista básicas gratuitas
Acceso a más de 7,200 proveedores de atención médica en el Condado de Nassau y otros 25,000 en la Ciudad
de Nueva York
No hay deducible ni copago por la visita al consultorio de atención primaria
Sólo un copago de $10 por visitas al consultorio del especialista
Cobertura básica de medicamentos recetados
Dependiendo de su Fondo, elegibilidad, y años de servicio, usted también puede recibir beneficios suplementarios
tales como una cobertura ampliada de medicamentos recetados a través del Fondo.
Para obtener mayor información, alentamos a los jubilados del Condado de Nassau que asistan a una de las
reuniones informativas de HIP que se llevan a cabo en su área durante los meses de julio o agosto. Los miembros del
personal responderán a sus preguntas y le ayudarán a inscribirse en el momento. Para averiguar las fechas y el
horario de estas reuniones, o solicitar un paquete de inscripción, sírvase llamar a la línea dedicada de HIP para los
jubilados de 1199SEIU al (877) HIP-1199. Si tiene preguntas sobre sus beneficios de salud como jubilado, llame al
Fondo al (646) 473-8770.
Consulte su Descripción Resumida del Plan (SPD, por sus siglas en inglés) para obtener una descripción completa de
la cobertura de sus beneficios. En caso de discrepancias entre el Boletín para Miembros Jubilados y la Descripción
Abreviada del Plan, regirán los términos de esta última.
Las preguntas para “Pregúntele a su Fondo” pueden ser enviadas por correo electrónico a [email protected], o remitidas por correo
regular a: 1199SEIU Retired Members Division, 330 West 42nd Street, 9th Floor, New York NY 10036, Attn: Retired Members Bulletin.
The temperature in Florida is
rising…tropical summer...balmy
days…the heat is on...and so are the
wonderful selection of “hot” topics that
we have shared this month!
Informative speakers recently
addressed our Florida Retirees on
topics including precautions seniors
should take during the flu months and
the importance of the flu vaccine for
those with “special” needs; preventing
falls; and nutrition, during which we
examined the new guidelines of the
basic food groups and discovered the
many concepts of “portion-sizing.”
As June 1 marked the beginning of
the hurricane season, we asked an
official from the Office of Emergency
Management to supply the Florida
retirees with a list of emergency phone
numbers and “specialized medical
shelters” where one should register
(in advance) in the event of an
impending storm. He gave us tips
and helpful suggestions.
The Broward Chapter sponsored a
casino boat trip on the SeaEscape.
A wonderful time was had by all who
As always, we invite all our Florida
Retirees to join us at any of our
meetings or special events!
Marilyn Silverberg
Broward - Leon Davis Chapter
Tuesday, August 8th — 12:00 noon
Tamarac Library
8701 Commercial Blvd.
Tamarac, Florida
West Palm Beach Chapter
Wednesday, August 9th –10:00 AM
Jewish Community Center (JCC)
3151 North Military Trail (561) 689-7700
South Palm Beach Chapter
No Meeting This Month
Temple Emeth
5780 Atlantic Avenue at intersection of Via Flora
Miami-Dade — Ossie Davis Chapter
Friday, August 11th –10:30 AM
1525 NW 167th Street
Suite 300
Miami, FL
Downtown Orlando Chapter
Wednesday, August 16th –10:30 AM
Local 8 SEIU Headquarters
7001 Lake Ellenor Drive
Orlando, Florida
Orlando - Casselberry Chapter
Thursday, August 17th –11:00 AM
Casselberry Public Library
215 North Oxford Rd.
Casselberry, Florida
For information about Florida Chapter meetings, contact
Marilyn Silverberg
Toll-free: (877) 369-8340
In Palm Beach County: (561) 369-8430
Fax: (561) 369-8342
8775 Via Tuscany Drive, Boyton Beach, FL 33437
No Meeting This Month
For more information about North and South Carolinas
Chapter Meetings, contact Nonnie B. Perry
Phone: (803) 481-0475
There will be no classes or New York City chapter meetings for the month of August.
QUESTIONS? CALL: (646) 473-8761 • OUTSIDE NYC: (800) 575-7771
QUESTIONS? CALL: (646) 473-8761 • OUTSIDE NYC: (800) 575-7771
4:15 PM
Page 3
Dr. Celia
What’s Cooking?
With 1199SEIU Members and Retirees
We all know that a nutritious diet is an important
part of staying healthy. So, to help 1199SEIU
members make better food choices, the Benefit
Fund has just published What's Cooking?, a
healthy recipe cookbook by and for 1199SEIU
members and retirees.
This collection of nutritious favorites features recipes
submitted by working members, retirees and even
Union President Dennis Rivera and Fund Executive
Director Mitra Behroozi. The cookbook is also filled
with healthy eating tips and nutritional information
Retirees featured in
What’s Cooking? include:
Mary Ann Abraczinskas, Horton Medical Center • Belle Agatstein, Albert Einstein
College of Medicine • Marie Arnone, Queens-Long Island Medical Group • Maxine
Backus, Holliswood Care Center • Kathleen Baird, Brookdale Hospital • Edith
Baker, Pathmark Stores, Inc. • Agapita Beninati, Montefiore Medical Center
Simone Bethanis, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital • Adele Billig, Joseph Addabbo
Health Center • Diana Cabrera, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Hospital for Joint
Diseases • Antoinette Cavalluzzi, Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center • Aletha Chaney,
Maimonides Medical Center • Bess Charalambakis, Flushing Hospital Medical
Center • Joseph Condoluci, Ross Health Care Center, Inc • Marie Csorba, Victory
Memorial Hospital • Eloise Damore, Community Hospital of Brooklyn • Elaine Del
Valle, Queens Child Guidance Center • Ida Delitsky, Brookdale University • Alton
Ewen, Maimonides Medical Center • Marion Farrenkopf, Catholic Medical Center
Mitzi Feldman, Brookdale University Hospital • Elizabeth Flynn, St. Vincent’s
Hospital • Sara Gale, Beth Israel Hospital • Evelyn Gervais, St. Vincent’s • Sylvia
Glick, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center • Andres Gomez, Daleview Nursing Home
Karen Groffel, Bellevue Hospital • Inez Lewis, St. Vincent’s Hospital • Gretel
Lobban, Beth Abraham Hospital • Maryann Nassour, Long Island College
Hospital Mary Phelan, Peninsula Hospital Center • Carrie Puliatte, New
York-Presbyterian Hospital • Gladys Rosenberg, Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center
Harvey Rubenstein, Montefiore Medical Center • Sylvia Selterman, First Avenue
Pharmacy • Mercedes Sinclair, North General Hospital • Sirarpi Srabian, St.
John’s Hospital • Richard Tjaden, Long Island Jewish Medical Center • Victoria
Waugh, Interfaith Medical Center • Dolores Weissberg, Coney Island Hospital
Shirley Zimbalist, Brookdale University Hospital
A Message from/Mensaje de
Mitra Behroozi
from a professional nutritionist who evaluated each
To get your own copy, keep an eye out for the
Fund’s upcoming nutritional workshops. These
workshops will be an opportunity to learn healthy
eating guidelines from an expert nutritionist and join
in a lively discussion on how to incorporate healthier
eating into your lifestyle.
You may also be able to purchase them directly in
the near future. We’ll let you know when and how.
Try This at Home!
Salmon with Ginger Salsa (Serves 4)
Agapita Beninati, Retired from Montefiore
Medical Center, Ardsley, NY
2 mangoes or peaches, diced
1 large tomato, diced
4 scallions, chopped
2 tbsp. cilantro, chopped
2 tsp. fresh ginger, finely minced
or 1/2 tsp. ground ginger
Juice from one lemon
4 salmon steaks, 6 oz. each
Vegetable oil spray
Nutritional Content
by Serving
Calories: 397
Carbohydrates: 22g
Sodium: 109mg
Cholesterol: 100mg
Fiber: 2.8g
Fat: 19g
Saturated Fat: 3.8g
MUFA: 6.7g
PUFA: 6.8g
Protein: 35.1g
In a bowl, mix the first six
ingredients to make a salsa.
Heat grill and spray with vegetable oil spray.
Sprinkle lemon juice over salmon. Grill salmon
steaks for 5-6 minutes on each side. Remove
salmon from grill and top each steak with salsa.
Executive Director of the 1199SEIU Benefit and Pension Funds
La Directora Ejecutiva de la Fondo de Beneficios y Pensiones de 1199SEIU
Dear Retired Member,
Querido Miembro Jubilado,
As your Benefit and Pension Funds, we’re always looking for ways to protect your benefits and improve
service to you. Because of this, I’m pleased to tell you
that in October we’ll be expanding the 1199SEIU HIP
VIP Medicare Plan to retirees in Nassau County. Not
only does the HIP Plan contain costs for your Funds, it
also enhances the benefits that we are able to provide
to 1199SEIU retirees – like free basic dental care.
Como sus Fondos de Beneficios y Pensiones, siempre
estamos buscando formas de proteger sus beneficios y
mejorar el servicio que les brindamos. Debido a esto,
me complace informarles que en octubre estaremos
ampliando el Plan HIP VIP Medicare de 1199SEIU a los
jubilados del Condado de Nassau. No sólo el Plan de
HIP controla los costos para sus Fondos sino que también mejora los beneficios que podemos brindar a los
jubilados de 1199SEIU – como es la atención dental
básica gratuita.
As you know, we have also devoted a good deal of
time and thought into ways to keep you healthy and
connected to each other in your retirement. Union
members who have been retired for some time may
already be familiar with the many ways we have
improved our service to you through expanded health
coverage, and through new activities and classes.
Como ustedes saben, también hemos dedicado una
gran cantidad de tiempo y reflexión a encontrar formas para mantenerlos saludables y conectados entre sí
en su jubilación. Es posible que los miembros del
sindicato que han estado jubilados por algún tiempo
ya estén familiarizados con las muchas formas en que
hemos mejorado nuestro servicio a ustedes a través de
la cobertura ampliada de salud, y por medio de
nuevas actividades y clases.
Our Benefit Fund is always available, not only to help
you get well when you become ill or sustain an injury,
but also to aid you in preventing serious illness. As
you’ll see on page 6 of this bulletin, one of these ways
is helping you maintain a healthy diet. But it can also
include sustaining an active, interesting life in retirement. That’s where our Retired Members Division
comes in, with its wealth of activities and programs.
This is why I was pleased to see so many of you at the
Union’s retiree conference in June.
Nuestro Fondo de Beneficios siempre está disponible
no sólo para ayudarles a mejorarse cuando estén
enfermos o sufran una lesión, sino también para
ayudarles a prevenir una enfermedad grave. Como
pueden ver en la página 6 de este boletín, una de esas
formas es ayudarles a mantener una dieta saludable.
Pero también puede incluir mantener una vida activa e
interesante en la jubilación. Ahí es donde interviene
nuestra División de Miembros Jubilados con su abundancia de actividades y programas. Por ello es que me
complació ver a tantos de ustedes en la conferencia de
jubilados del Sindicato en el mes de junio.
We realize that not everyone who wanted to was able
to attend the June retiree conference. So if you have
any suggestions about how we can improve our services and our retired members programs, please drop
us a note at: 1199SEIU Retired Members Division, 9th
Floor, 330 West 42nd Street, NY, NY 10036-6977.
We’re here to help you.
Estamos conscientes de que no todos los que deseaban ir pudieron asistir a la conferencia de jubilados de
junio. Por eso si tienen alguna sugerencia sobre cómo
podemos mejorar nuestros servicios y programas para
miembros jubilados, por favor envíennos una nota a:
1199SEIU Retired Members Division, 9th Floor, 330
West 42nd Street, NY, NY 10036-6977. Estamos aquí
para ayudarles.
Nutritionist Recommendation:
This recipe is high in omega 3 fatty acids, low in sodium,
and a good source of vitamin C because of the salsa.
QUESTIONS? CALL: (646) 473-8761 • OUTSIDE NYC: (800) 575-7771
QUESTIONS? CALL: (646) 473-8761 • OUTSIDE NYC: (800) 575-7771