Mater Matters - Merion Mercy Academy


Mater Matters - Merion Mercy Academy
Mater Matters
Fall 2014
ua 13-2
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Opening Comments
From the Principal
This past July I traveled to Ghana,
Africa with a delegation of other
educators involved with Catholic
Relief Services (CRS). Ours was an immersion
experience where we saw first-hand the work CRS is doing in a
developing country to live the Gospel messages of feeding the
hungry and giving drink to the thirsty. I was quite proud to be an
American Catholic because I witnessed very clearly how our Church
is responding to needs around the world.
The impetus behind this trip started last fall when Maureen Meacham, Theology teacher, invited
CRS to present an iNeighbor workshop to our teachers (iNeighbor is a CRS program designed to help
teachers and students learn more about global issues and to more deeply engage in the work of CRS).
Throughout the 2013-14 school year teachers integrated human rights questions, statistics or issues into
their lesson plans. An example would be in math: If 75 percent of Sudanese girls are married by the age
of 14, based on our student population at Merion Mercy, how many Merion Mercy girls would be married
by December 31, 2014? This way of integrating social justice issues into multi-disciplinary subjects
brought real global challenges directly into students’ thinking and problem-solving.
Because our teachers and students took this initiative seriously and also because we are such a faith
in action school, CRS has named Merion Mercy a CRS: Global High School. I am proud that we have
earned this distinction and that we are partnering with such a great organization.
Our commitment to social justice on the world stage runs deep. In collaboration with other American
Mercy schools, our students have raised close to $100,000 in less than five years to build a school in Sudan.
This year they will aid a food program at the school—as it is difficult to study when one is hungry.
Sister Cathy Solano, RSM directs the school in Sudan. Last spring on her way home to Australia, she
stopped to thank the Merion Mercy students for all they have done. Sister Cathy explained the conflict
conditions in the Nuba Mountains, where the school is located. Students there listen acutely for jet fighters
coming into the territory. Upon hearing aircrafts, they immediately take refuge in nearby fox holes as they
know the bombs dropped will send out shrapnel that may maim anyone above ground. In spite of these
extraordinary challenges, the desire for education burns deeply within these students. Together with their
teachers they look beyond their circumstances and work together toward a brighter future.
Merion Mercy continues to do our part to spread the Gospel message and values both close to
home and wherever we travel. Whether we are welcoming a new student in the hallway or working to
improve the healthcare system in an African country, our Merion Mercy community is doing things
both great and small, guided by our Mercy Core Values.
Sister Barbara Buckley ’72
In This Issue
Fall 2014 magazine
Sister Barbara Buckley ’72
Executive Director of
Kelley Kuyat
Magazine Staff
Kristina Stanton Cawley ’90
Editorial Staff
Linda Miele Benton ’75
Agnes Shields Finigan ’72
Patricia McAleer
Layout and Design
Proof Design
page 8
Merion Mercy Academy
511 Montgomery Avenue
Merion Station, PA 19066
Mater Matters is published three times
a year by the Advancement Office.
F e at u r e s
On the cover
2 Commencement 2014
Mater Matters
Fall 2014
2 Graduation Address
By Kathleen Dolan ’14
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3 Baccalaureate Address
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8MMA in Africa
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Photography and video of school activities.
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By Elizabeth Loftus ’14
5 University and College Decisions
Al 014
nu 13-2
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D e pa r t m e n t s
Opening Comments
Inside front cover :: From the Principal
Campus News
06::Athletic News
14::Class Notes
18::In Memoriam
Morgan Iacovella ’14 and
Taylor McElwee ’14 are all
smiles at Graduation 2014.
Graduation Address (abridged)
Given by: Kathleen Dolan ’14
I would
like to take
a quick,
poll of my
How many of you
have ever walked into the music room
door? I am talking about the one that
does not open. For those of you who
have not had the pleasure of going
through this experience: during our
four years here, only one of the doors
to the music room has ever opened.
One would think that after all this
time, we’d have stopped physically
walking into it; but, no, in this, our
final year at Merion, even the most
level-headed among us has bumped
right into that door. The lesson of
that music room door is twofold. The
first part of its lesson is that we aren’t
always going to get through the door
we want to in life.
Top photo: BriYana Crocker, Emily Turek, and Emma Brown
Mater Matters
For example, our focus this year
at MMA has been on enhancing our
Mercy Girl Power and becoming
Mercy Girl Superheroes. Yet, none of
us is going to be like the heroes in
the movies. All of us will be average
young women going to regular
colleges across the United States
aspiring to ordinary career goals. We
aren’t special.
But is that such a crime to not be
like the superheroes or superstars in
the movies? The author John Green
once said “A hero’s journey is a
journey from strength to weakness.”
That’s not really the hero we’ve
all come to know and love in the
movies, but we’ve all known some
true, flesh-and-blood heroes who
have gone through that journey,
people who may have fought the
good fight in the face of a losing
battle. People who through their
faith and humility were able to shine
by simply existing.
We’ve known ordinary heroes
like this, and with that knowledge,
we also understand that we too can
shape lives. Now that I think about
it, we have so many everyday heroic
figures in our lives, without whom we
would not have made it to where we
are today. For example, Sister Barbara
and Miss Danovich kept this school
together for us. Our teachers kept
us on task, guiding us through our
courses to help us grow as lifelong
learners, and our parents, helped
mold us to be the young women we
are today.
The second lesson of the music
room door is that, while we may not
end up going through the door we
wanted, it doesn’t matter, because
we will end up where we need to go.
There’s always another door that’ll
open up somewhere. For no matter
what, we will learn what we still need to learn so that we can have
fulfilling lives. We will be heroes not because we are special, but
because we are so perfectly, ordinarily human. We will go out,
accept, and embrace our duty to our fellow beings. We will reach
out and touch those lives we need to touch, whether it is our own
families, an entire community, or maybe the whole world.
Rest assured, we will run into many a music room door in
our lives, but we will shake ourselves off and walk through the
next one—not with superpowers, but under our own power. With
that in mind, we boldly go forward with our lives, on to new and
sometimes terrifying things to us mere mortals, ready to take on
the world.
Congratulations class of 2014! We’ve made it through the next
door. Whether it opens for us, or not, I cannot say, but we have to try.
Deanna Heany
Baccalaureate Address (abridged)
Given by: Elizabeth Loftus ’14
Mercy. A small
word with
five letters,
yet it has a
meaning so much
larger than what
any of us could
imagine. I stand here as a representative
of the class of 2014—consider this your
formal invitation to the clubhouse of
Mercy. This clubhouse is our home
away from home, and I want to tell you
about how it was built: with a blueprint,
a solid foundation, strong scaffolding
and a whole lot of helping hands.
Our clubhouse’s blueprint started
with our dear friend Catherine
McAuley. Catherine set the precedent
of what it means to live in Mercy,
which is what our club is all about.
Our clubhouse of Mercy began when
Catherine inherited a great fortune
from her relatives and used that money
to build a house where she and other
compassionate women could provide
care and an education for homeless
women and children.
The foundation of our clubhouse is
education. My 113 Merion sisters and
I are so grateful to be able to stand on
this wonderful foundation. On behalf
of myself and the rest of the class,
we would formally like to thank all
of our parents, friends, and teachers
who made our education at Merion
possible. Thank you for working hard
to pay our tuition, staying up late
with us as we finished that one more
physics equation, and for sticking with
us through thick and thin.
In our clubhouse there are six beams:
the Mercy Core Values, handed on to us
since the time of Catherine McAuley.
The class of 2014 put up the beam of
global vision and responsibility by
becoming aware of the things wrong in
the world and responding in just ways
to change them. Educational excellence
was erected as we grew in our love of
learning. Compassion and service went
up as we kept our hearts open and
served the needs of others. The beam
continued next page
Fall 2014
Board of Trustees Update
Effective July 1, 2014 Mr. William Githens assumed the role of
Chairperson of the Merion Mercy’s Board of Trustees. Mr. Githens joined
the Board in July of 2010. Prior to that, he served on the Institutional
Advancement Committee (and continued to do so once a Trustee).
He also chaired the Finance Committee as well as served on the
Executive Committee.
As both a Trustee and a past parent (Meghan Githens ’09), Mr. Githens
has a deep respect for the values and the mission associated with Merion
Marissa Roney and Christine Fay
Mercy. “MMA is an outstanding school that educates young women who
live mercy and seek justice. From day one when my daughter arrived at
Baccalaureate Address continued
of spiritual growth and development was
raised when we took the time to deepen
our relationship with God through the
experiences of school masses, class retreats,
and Kairos. Out of concern for women and
women’s issues, we have worked to raise
awareness and funds to educate “the girl
child,” and to stop the injustices perpetrated
against women and girls in our world.
Finally, we raised the beam of collaboration
by working together in service to others,
through our responses to injustices in society,
as we engaged in our studies and related
socially with one another. Now, let me just
tell you how strong these 114 helping hands
are when you put us together. We led the
school in raising $18,000 to aid a school for
girls in Sudan.
These past four years, Mercy has helped
us grow into confident, strong leaders. If we
have grown so much in just four years under
the influence of Mercy, can you imagine
how incredible we will be in the future? We
cannot stop here. Ladies, we need to keep
building this clubhouse of Mercy bigger and
bigger. As you go on to the next stage of
your life, teach others what you have learned
about Mercy. Educate them.
Please, let’s not abandon the clubhouse.
Let’s build it higher and stronger for the
rest of our lives. We are Merion Mercy. We
live Mercy and seek justice. We are Merion
Mercy, and we are forever.
Mater Matters
MMA, I was impressed with the students, the faculty, and the administration. Everyone here wants to make a difference and improve life for others. Mercy
spirituality is evident throughout all aspects of the school and I welcomed
the opportunity to be part of it,” says Mr. Githens.
Moving forward, Mr. Githens identifies a few Board priorities, such as
“setting a strategic direction that is sustainable for many years.” He hopes
to see MMA “thrive and continue to educate future female leaders who will
make a difference in the world.”
Mr. Githen’s predecessor
Marianne Grace will serve
as a Trustee for two more
years. Mrs. Grace has served
on the Board since 2007. She
maintains that spending
time at MMA always feels like
“coming home.” Mrs. Grace
was born into Mercy and has
never looked back. She and
her three siblings all came into
the world at Mercy-sponsored
hospitals, and her grandfather
held the position of chief of
surgery at Fitzgerald Mercy
Hospital. Mrs. Grace attended
grade school at Annunciation
Sister Barbara Buckley ’72 and Marianne Grace
take a moment for a photo before Marianne’s
final Graduation ceremony as Chairperson of
the Board of Trustees.
in Havertown where Sisters
of Mercy taught. A few decades later, her daughter Kelly Grace ’04 chose
to come to Merion Mercy for high school. Marianne believes that the spirit
of Mercy has shaped much of her life. Over the years, Mrs. Grace served on
several subcommittees, including the Executive Committee and the Strategic
Planning Committee.
Merion Mercy is grateful to Mrs. Grace for her steadfast support of and
generosity to the school. For more than a decade, her commitment to MMA
as a forward-thinking and devoted member of the community distinguishes
her as one of the school’s standout leaders.
Commencement 2014
university and college decisions
The school listed is the student’s institution of choice.
Marissa Abbonizio
Fordham University
Rachel Ann Craig
Temple University
Gabrielle Rose Grauer
Saint Joseph’s University
Bridget Anne Manion
Rutgers University
Meghan Elizabeth Rafter
Providence College
Emma Nanialoha Aldaya
Rider University
BriYana Reneé Crocker
West Chester University
Madilyn Rose Grey
Fordham University
Nicole Lisa Marchese
Saint Joseph’s University
Alexis Marie Redding
University of New Haven
Adrianna Anastasio
Drexel University
Christina Rossi
Saint Joseph’s University
Caitlin Anne Harrison
Syracuse University
Gina Marie Marcozzi
Quinnipiac University
Kerlyn M. Rodriguez
Villanova University
Kathleen Rose Dolan
Fordham University
Deanna Elizabeth Heany
The Catholic University
of America
Kelley Anne Martin
The University of Alabama
Kimberly V. Rodriguez
Gwynedd Mercy
Juliana Marie Angelone
Fordham University
Meghan A. Donahue
Drexel University
Alexandra Patricia Hecht
Vanderbilt University
Elizabeth Heaney Backe
The Catholic University
of America
Elizabeth Anne Doyle
Temple University
Mary Anne Hope
University of Maryland
Taylor Marie Barrett
Temple University
Kathryn Elizabeth
Temple University
Sarah Elizabeth Hughes
Oberlin College
Alanna Catherine
Drexel University
Lana Victoria Esposito
Saint Joseph’s University
Rachel Ellen Anderson
University of North
Rebecca Faye Borish
Drexel University
Christina Maria Brennan
Berklee College of Music
Emma Louise Brown
University of Pennsylvania
Sarah Elizabeth Brown
University of Maryland
Amanda Jane Browne
Boston University
Katherine Bather Buckley
Pace University
Mary Grace Bullock
Bennington College
Jane Margaret Burke
University of Pittsburgh
Mary Clare Burke
Georgetown University
Sarah Elizabeth Byrnes
Saint Joseph’s University
Maria Ann Calabrese
Saint Joseph’s University
Taylor Marie McElwee
Marquette University
Marissa Nicole Roney
University of Delaware
Quinn Rooney
Saint Joseph’s University
Roseanita Schubert
The Pennsylvania
State University
Renee Marie McFillin
DeSales University
Deanna Rae Rosini
The Catholic University
of America
Rose Gallagher
Saint Joseph’s University
Erin Kathleen Russell
Franklin and Marshall
Morgan Lucia Iacovella
Bloomsburg University
Sinéad Marie Merriman
Saint Joseph’s University
Meghan Anna Saldutti
Merrimack College
Julia Alexis Jaconski
Saint Joseph’s University
Emily Rose Mullen
Saint Joseph’s University
Jodi Lynn Jansen
The University of Alabama
Audra Marie Musumeci
Saint Joseph’s University
Madeline Juliano
Saint Joseph’s University
Kathryn Ann Natale
Saint Joseph’s University
Catherine Leighton
Fordham University
Sarah E. Klippel
University of Pennsylvania
Olivia Nostrant
High Point University
Jennifer Ann Laske
Bryn Mawr College
Erin Mary O’Brien
Providence College
Alexa Nicole Formosa
Belmont University
Katherine Grace Lee
University of Notre Dame
Catherine Mary Fuller
Villanova University
Elizabeth Tehan Loftus
The University of Scranton
Nadiyah Aminah Owens
The Pennsylvania
State University
Elizabeth Joan Fuller
Saint Joseph’s University
Erin Loftus
The Pennsylvania
State University
Jodi Marie Garvey
The Pennsylvania
State University
Molly Ann Lord
Saint Joseph’s University
Christine Anne Fay
The Pennsylvania
State University
Samantha Lee
Syracuse University
Kathryn FitzPatrick
Fairfield University
Aislinn Carol Flynn
The Catholic University
of America
Christine Sarah Callahan
Fordham University
Elisabeth Ann Gavin
The Catholic University
of America
Nolan Clare Agnes
Fairfield University
Anna Marie Gibbons
The Pennsylvania
State University
Audrey Rose Cooney
Northeastern University
Caroline Faith Glavin
Saint Joseph’s University
Clarissa Celeste Cooney
Northeastern University
Marguerite Elaine
Boston College
Meaghan Elizabeth
Fordham University
Marisa Carolyn
The Catholic University
of America
Catherine Anne Gormley
University of Dayton
Mengyu Ma
University of Washington
Mackenzie Kelly
Saint Joseph’s University
Mackenzie Eileen
Marywood University
Fatimah Anita Maiga
Boston University
Madeline Anne Maloney
The Catholic University
of America
Janay Elizabeth Parker
The Pennsylvania
State University
Mary Therese Paschos
Temple University
Paige C. Pecora
The Pennsylvania
State University
Victoria Ann Principato
The Catholic University
of America
Gabriella Joann
University of Richmond
Emily Regina Shields
Saint Joseph’s University
Gabrielle Noelle Squilla
The Pennsylvania
State University
Gabrielle Michelle
Fordham University
Allison Antoinette Toal
University of Pittsburgh
Eileen Hoang Tran
University of the Sciences
Emily Elizabeth Turek
Drexel University
Catalina R. Walsh
Temple University
Rodesha Sharnise
Saint Joseph’s University
Gabrielle Marie Procacci
Temple University
Sydnie Marlella Weeks
The Pennsylvania
State University
Jennifer Hong Quach
Villanova University
Amy Rebecca Weiss
Ithaca College
Margaret Marie Quigley
Saint Joseph’s University
Maura Farrell White
University of Pittsburgh
Mariah L. Quinn
Saint Joseph’s University
Alessandra Zito
Johns Hopkins University
Fall 2014
MMA Athletic news
Four MMA senior athletes signed letters
of intent at the spring college signing
ceremony. They add to the list of this
year’s seniors who will play collegiate
sports in 2014.
Front row: Taylor McElwee ’14 (track) and Olivia Nostrant ’14
(lacrosse); Back row: Emily Acito ’15 (swimming), Catherine
Gormley ’14 (swimming and softball), Sarah Klippel ’14
(crew), and Christina DiGiacomo ’14 (basketball)
Christina DiGiacomo ’14
Sarah Klippel ’14
Olivia Nostrant ’14
Catherine Gormley ’14
Catherine Gormley ’14
Emily Acito ’15
Taylor McElwee ’14
Front row: Nolan Clare Campbell will row at Fairfield University, Nicole
Marchese will row at Saint Joseph’s University, Caroline Glavin will row at Saint
Joseph’s University, and Emma Aldaya will play volleyball at Rider University;
Back row: Physical Education/Health teacher Danielle Hannigan, Principal
Sister Barbara Buckley ’72, and Athletic Director Barbara Clarke
Mater Matters
MMA Athletic news
MMA Senior Awards
Golden Bear
Spirit Award
Athlete Award
Adrianna Anastasio
Catherine Gormley
Molly Lord
Emily Shields
Gabrielle Procacci
Dedication and
Sportsmanship Award
Mackenzie MacLaughlin
Nicole Marchese
Marisa Martinelli
Mariah Quinn
Alexis Redding
Coaches Award
Nolan Clare Campbell
BriYana Crocker
Jodi Garvey
Scholar Athlete
Alexandra Hecht
Athlete Award
(awarded to highly
talented athletes)
Meghan Donahue
Kathryn FitzPatrick
Olivia Nostrant
field hockey, lacrosse
Erin Russell
Senior Athlete Award
(awarded to seniors who
exemplify talent, leadership,
and sportsmanship)
Emma Aldaya
Christina DiGiacomo
soccer and basketball
Sarah Klippel
Taylor McElwee
cross country and track
Catherine Gormley
Caroline Glavin
field hockey, swimming, softball
Kathryn Natale
Marisa Martinelli
Olivia Nostrant
field hockey
A group of student athletes gather after the spring Sports Assembly. Front row: Jane Burke ’14, Molly Lord ’14, Emily Shields ’14, Jodi Garvey ’14, Erin Russell ’14,
Marisa Martinelli ’14, Emma Aldaya ’14, Alexandra Hecht ’14, Kathryn Natale ’14, Meghan Donahue ’14, Elizabeth Loftus ’14, Mackenzie MacLaughlin ’14, and Nolan
Clare Campbell ’14; Back row: Alexis Redding ’14, BriYana Crocker ’14, Adrianna Anastasio ’14, Emily Acito ’15, Catherine Gormley ’14, Sarah Klippel ’14, Caroline
Glavin ’14, Nicole Marchese ’14, Christina DiGiacomo ’14, Katherine Lee ’14, Olivia Nostrant ’14, and Taylor McElwee ’14
Fall 2014
This summer, Sister Barbara Buckley ’72 and
Theology teacher Maureen Meacham traveled to
Ghana for an educational immersion trip.
ponsored by Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the
trip served as an opportunity to learn about the global
efforts of CRS, form partnerships with other Catholic
schools, and exhibit the MMA Catholic identity.
Meeting the Queen Mother
Mater Matters
Sister Barbara and Maureen’s journey
began last year when CRS visited
Merion Mercy to present a workshop
on their global themes. MMA faculty
learned how to weave these themes
into their established curriculums that
already emphasize the Mercy Core
Values and Catholic Social Teachings.
Throughout the school year, teachers
in all departments prepared lessons
that demonstrated global awareness
and specifically related to Merion
Mercy’s 2013-14 Mercy Global Project
of building a school in Sudan. “As a
culmination of this work, a teacher
and administrator could apply for
an immersion trip to a country where
CRS is present. Sister Barbara and
I were chosen to take part in this
trip [in] Ghana,” explains Maureen
The MMA women on
these pages have
visited more than a
dozen countries in
Africa. We know many
of our constituents
have too!
If you studied, worked, traveled,
or served in Africa, please
share your story or photos on
social media platforms, using
#MMAfrica and tagging Merion
Mercy in your posts!
Fall 2014
Sister Barbara and Maureen joined
educators from two other U.S. schools
as they explored the sites and initiatives
implemented by CRS in Ghana. The
group visited two Catholic high
schools as well as projects that address
maternal and child survival, access to
clean water, and education on hygiene
and sanitation. They also dined with
the Bishop of Tamale, met the Queen
Mother in Samini Village, danced
with the Ghanaian villagers, attended
Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral,
and visited artisans who create products
for Fair Trade workshops. Sister Barbara
and Maureen arrived home on July 17
with newfound knowledge of the CRS
projects in Ghana and an awareness of
how these efforts demonstrate Merion
Mercy’s Catholic culture.
Maureen Meacham
erion Mercy’s connections with Africa go
beyond our Mercy Global Project in Sudan and Sister
Barbara and Maureen Meacham’s recent trip to Ghana.
Many alumnae have served, worked, and/or studied in a
number of African countries, and their experiences relate to
the Mercy Core Values of compassion and service, educational
excellence, concern for women and women’s issues, global
vision and responsibility, spiritual growth and development,
and collaboration with others.
Kelly Spellman ’01
For two and a half years, I was
fortunate enough to make Cape Town,
South Africa my home. As a student,
traveler, and volunteer there, I learned
about a country and region with a
complicated and painful history but
a hopeful future. I traveled across
the continent through countries so
Mater Matters
biologically and culturally diverse and
so beautiful that my verbal recall of
those moments and the photographs
I took will never do them justice.
I experienced the challenges of
international development and the
impact of armed conflict on migration
that many of my peers in the United
States were only able to engage with
through the limited perspectives of
Western media outlets.
During my time abroad, I was
constantly forced to grapple with
complicated and weighty issues
of race, class, nationality, gender,
religion, and politics. But it was those
moments that kept me better engaged
with other people and prevented
me from becoming too complacent
or apathetic; they kept me honest
about the need to question my own
assumptions about how the world
works as well as the importance of
reimagining a world where better
things were possible. Through these
boundary-pushing experiences, there
was also the comforting recognition
that no matter how far away I traveled,
people are actually not that different
from one another. Identifying shared
experiences with others continues
to be one of the best ways to make
meaningful connections and actually
learn from people.
Being pushed out of your comfort
zone and learning to cultivate
genuine connections isn’t anything
new for those who have spent any
time at Merion Mercy. Whether it
was selecting you as the first person
to make a presentation in Speech
class or driving you into Philadelphia
to share a meal with someone at St.
Columba’s, the faculty and staff set a
critical example about stepping into
the unfamiliar and recognizing that the
way we challenge our beliefs about the
world and build deeper relationships is
a step in the direction of improving the
communities around us.
Annie O’Brien ’02
I have worked, studied, volunteered,
and traveled around eastern and
southern Africa, an interest that was
spurred from my parents' work with
HIV/AIDS groups in Philadelphia
as I was growing up. In 2005, I spent
a semester abroad at the University
of Cape Town, South Africa, during
which I volunteered at a children's
home in Khayelitsha, a township
outside of Cape Town. That summer, I
volunteered at an orphanage for HIVpositive children in Dodoma, Tanzania.
My experiences in both countries
cemented my interest in pursuing a
career in global health, though they
also informed how I wanted to work.
I quickly learned that simply having
good intentions to solve problems
in this world was not enough, largely
because "good intentions" can obscure
the fundamental importance of taking
the time to understand the need, and
as critically, the systems that shape it.
In hindsight, that's a lesson I should
have seen coming, since MMA taught
me time and time again that the value
or impact of any act is not in its size or
scope, but in how well it serves a need.
I realized that any efforts to address
global health challenges must be
done in support of and partnership
with national governments to
ensure programs align with each
government's priorities. With that in
mind, I wanted to work for the Clinton
Health Access Initiative (CHAI), which
partners with Ministries of Health
around the world to help strengthen
their health systems to sustainably
address their greatest health needs.
Through CHAI, I have had the
opportunity to live in Kigali, Rwanda
and support its Ministry of Health
to implement the Rwanda Human
Resources for Health (HRH) Program,
which seeks to build the healthcare
education infrastructure and workforce
necessary to create a high quality,
sustainable healthcare system in
Rwanda. I loved living in Kigali and
exploring the country– it is the most
beautiful place I have ever lived! Since
leaving Rwanda in February 2014, my
work with CHAI has brought me to
Ethiopia, Kenya, and Zambia.
I remain grateful to Merion Mercy
for helping me develop the social
justice lens through which I see the
Jacqueline Francoeur
Ndebeka ’04
Since my days at Merion, I was always
interested in traveling to Africa. It was
mainly through my study of French
that introduced me to the Continent so
when I got the chance to study abroad
Roasting coffee in Ethiopia in 2007
in college I seized the opportunity.
First, I went to Kenya for a semester.
I was lucky enough to travel around
East Africa getting to spend some
time in Uganda, Rwanda, and Ethiopia.
I was able to conduct a study about
remittances sent to Kakuma Refugee
camp in Northern Kenya. My spring
semester of junior year took me to
Dakar, Senegal. It was there that I met
my current husband, then a journalism
student, from Congo-Brazzaville. In
the years that followed I made several
return trips to Senegal, teaching
English, traveling and experiencing
everyday life. Additionally, I have also
visited family in Pointe-Noire, the
economic capital of Congo-Brazzaville.
Africa is an enormous continent;
every country has multiple traditions,
religions, languages, ethnicities and
ways of life. It is a continent that has
been the stage of great tragedies and
successes as well as some of the richest
Fall 2014
and poorest people on earth living side
by side. My Merion Mercy education
helped me recognize the humanity in
everyone I met and realize that each
human has dignity. Ultimately, no
matter what socio-economic status you
come from or wherever you live, people
want what’s best for their family and to
improve their lives.
Elizabeth McManus ’09
In the summer of 2011, I participated
in a global health course in South
Africa run by the Organization for
Tropical Studies and Duke University.
During my six weeks there, I traveled
to Johannesburg, Bushbuckridge, the
rural village of HaMakuya, Nelspruit,
and Kruger National Park with my
classmates, engaging with a number of
professors, doctors, traditional healers,
and South African citizens along
the way. Our curriculum highlighted
some of the most prevalent global
health issues in South Africa: HIV/
AIDS, malaria, and malnutrition; the
conflicts and collaboration between
Western medicine and traditional
healing practices; and the health
disparities that remain in the aftermath
of apartheid. For two weeks of the
program, we stayed in the rural village
of HaMakuya, lodging with families
from the Venda tribe and conducting
our own group-based participatory
research projects. By working with
the villagers to determine the most
prevalent health issues and potential
solutions, we exemplified the Mercy
Core Value of collaboration with
others. My studies and work in South
Africa were also influenced by the
values of educational excellence and
global vision and responsibility that
the Merion Mercy education instills in
its students. I was drawn to the country
of South Africa in particular because
of my desire to continue my education
and understand how global health
issues impact the entire world as well
as individual nations.
Shannon O’Neill ’09
I am currently working in Blantyre,
Malawi on a project to improve
neonatal care in district hospitals. This
job affords me the opportunity to travel
to each district in Malawi, allowing
me to see the different and beautiful
places the country has to offer. This
has been an incredible adventure that
has been highly impacted by my Mercy
education, as the concept of thinking
globally was originally developed
at Merion. My interest in working
abroad can be traced to the days in Mr.
Hanson’s World Cultures class where,
as an impressionable freshman, an
interest in traveling was first sparked.
This interest was solidified two years
ago when I was able to both study
abroad in London and then spend a
month in Tanzania.
The decisions leading to this
position in Malawi, including my
interest in pursuing an engineering
degree thanks to the guidance found in
Mrs. Lynch’s Calculus class, were made
possible by the impact of a Mercy
education. This unwavering sense of
independence was incubated in a place
where students are encouraged to
follow their passions in life, regardless
of where it takes them. Whether in
Africa, or beyond, this impact has
Mater Matters
given me the opportunity to always
wake up in the morning loving what I
do, something that a Merion girl will
not find rare.
Carolyn Sciblo ’09
In 2012, I spent a semester abroad
in Durban, South Africa, where I
participated in a Community Health
and Social Policy program with the
School for International Training (SIT).
The first few months of my semester
consisted of a Zulu language class, a
research methods course, and learning
about health care in South Africa. We
focused on the current state of the
nation's healthcare, concentrating on
people’s rights to medical care and
roadblocks to access, and how the
developing National Health Insurance
would affect these issues. Along with
work inside the classroom, I had the
opportunity to visit and shadow in
schools and public medical clinics in
the area. My cohort also spent ten days
in rural villages outside of Durban,
where we visited local medical facilities,
toured a permaculture homestead, and
shadowed a Community Health Worker
on her daily rounds.
While taking classes, I lived with a
family in a Zulu township. My family
helped me explore Durban, improve
my language skills, and made many
delicious dinners. My mama was
Roman Catholic, so I attended a Zulu
mass. It was amazing how connected
I felt when I understood so little of
the language—true testament to the
universality of the liturgy!
A unique aspect of SIT's programs
is the Independent Study Project (ISP)
that students conduct for several weeks
at the end of the semester. For my ISP,
I spent three weeks in a hospital that
Nature reserve in Pietermaritzburg
Pictured with her homestay family
served the rural community outside
the city of Pietermaritzburg. During
my time there, I shadowed in the
pediatric outpatient department and
volunteered in the hospital's primary
care clinic. I helped facilitate patient
flow by completing patient records,
measuring children's weights and
temperatures, taking blood pressures,
and maintaining the clinic's injection
log. I was most interested in the
hospital's immunization program and
was fortunate to work with very kind
nurses and doctors willing to answer
my questions and offer information.
I was struck by people’s openness—
my family and neighbors eagerness to
welcome me into their homes, people's
willingness to discuss life during
apartheid, and the hope and positivity
with which most South Africans talked
about the future of their country. My
experience at the clinics and hospital
were different from any volunteer or
shadow experience I've had at home.
Routine questions included whether or
not patients had running water and if
patients had access to transportation.
Medical personnel were extremely
thorough in order to provide the best
care. As I begin my own medical
education, I plan to be just as open and
meticulous with my own patients.
Merion Mercy always encouraged
service and involvement with our
local community as well as global
awareness. Being away helps us
develop a new perspective and
different skill set so we can positively
impact our homes when we return.
Fall 2014
class notes
Share Your News!
The Fifties
(Class Notes may be edited for length, grammar, and content.)
Rosalinda Colonna Ronco Serrilla ’56
wrote, “Thank you for the terrific article
on MMA Athletics and the half page
photo titled ‘Field Hockey – 1955.’ It
was great seeing the faces of my 1956
classmates after 58 years! Rody, Joyce,
Mary, Margie, Barb, Kakie, and so many
others. Wonderful memories!”
Merion Mercy Academy encourages all alumnae to share news in the
Class Notes section of Mater Matters. To contribute, send your news to
[email protected] or write to: Kristina Stanton Cawley ’90,
Alumnae News, 511 Montgomery Ave., Merion Station, PA 19066.
Patricia (Pat) Carbine ’48
Patricia (Pat) Carbine ’48
saw many faces from Merion
Mercy in the audience when she
served as a panelist for “Bold
Women, Inspired Stories” at the
Woodmere Art Museum on May
10, 2014. Pat, along with three
other distinguished women,
discussed her experience
and perceptions related to
creativity and business, courage
and perseverance, and the
● Pat Carbine ’48 at Woodmere Art Museum
contradictions in stereotyped
with her niece, MMA faculty member
Aimee Quinn
qualities of femininity,
authority, and power. A notable
figure in the field of communications, Pat is the co-founder of Ms. magazine
where she served as Publisher and Editor-in-Chief for 16 years. She also
holds the distinction as the first woman to chair the Advertising Council
and continues to serve as a Chair Emerita.
Pat began her career as an editorial researcher at Look magazine in 1953.
She became Assistant Managing Editor six years later, and eventually
assumed the role of Executive Editor in 1969. In 1970, Ms. Carbine became
Editor of McCall’s magazine and shortly after, Vice President of McCall’s
Publishing Company, where she stayed until the launch of Ms. in 1972.
In the past, Pat has served as a Trustee of her alma mater Rosemont
College, a Director of the Advertising Women of New York Foundation,
a Director and Officer of the American Society of Magazine Editors and
the Magazine Publishers of America, and was appointed to the National
Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year by
President Ford. Her accolades include the Advertising Woman of the Year
Award, Silver Medal, and President’s Award from Advertising Women
of New York. Ms. Carbine has also received the MATRIX and Headliner
Awards from Women in Communication, Inc. She holds several honorary
degrees and continues to speak at colleges and universities and publishing
and advertising conferences.
The Sixties
Kathleen Stiles Fimple ’69 wrote, “It was
wonderful seeing my classmates at our
45th reunion. We had a blast!”
The Nineties
Kate Brennan ’99 is in her sixth year with
Broadway Across America’s Broadway
Classroom, teaching acting classes to
groups from all over the world who travel
to New York to see Broadway shows. Kate
was also selected to participate in the
final round of training for the Linklater
Voicework Designation in Scotland
this past summer. In an interview with, Kate described herself as
a “lifelong student,” noting that she is a
recent graduate from yoga school and is
excited to start instructing yoga classes.
● Kate Brennan ’99
Mater Matters
class notes
Sheila Tully Parrish ’95 (Cardiologist
Nurse Practitioner at Riddle Memorial
Hospital), Anne Judge ’99 (Trauma,
Acute Care Surgery Nurse Practitioner
at Paoli Hospital), Sheila McGowan ’00
(Registered Nurse at The Children’s
Hospital of Philadelphia), Jaclyn
Schwalm ’02 (Educational Specialist at
Princeton University), and Mary Siki ’09
(Clinical Research Assistant at the
University of Pennsylvania) served as
judges at MMA’s Science Fair this year.
● Erin Foley ’00, Christopher DiLella, Julia Arcamone ’04, Adriana Arcamone Taylor ’00,
Bridget Lynch Gill ’00, Frank DiLella, Jamie Benson ’00, and Nichole Ferreira
The 00s
Adriana Arcamone Taylor ’00 shared,
“I got married on June 21, 2014 to Andre
Taylor in Philadelphia, PA, at the chapel
of Saint Joseph’s University. Four Merion
Mercy alums (Julia Arcamone ’04,
Jamie Benson ’00, Erin Foley ’00, and
Bridget Lynch Gill ’00) were part of
my wedding party!”
Jessie Hearn Barlow ’02 wrote, “I
married Ryan T. Barlow on June 21,
2014. I had wonderful support from
my Merion girls, including Maid of
Honor Maureen Owston Glick ’02,
bridesmaids Katharine Brogan ’02,
Amanda Snarski ’02, Aidan Barlow
Vega ’98, and reader Patricia Spinelli ’02.
In attendance were Monica Real Fraatz ’02,
Alicia Savarese ’02, Erin Grady
Burlew ’02, Allison Wendling ’02,
Kelly Davis Burke ’02, Lauren
Goldschmidt ’02, Jessica Schuler ’02,
Elizabeth Melisi ’02, Elizabeth Sansoni
Amole ’02, Gina Ruggieri ’02, Sheila Dyer
Bridges ’99, Maggie Dyer Cusack ’99,
Melissa Snarski Cyrus ’98, and
Michelle Salladino Scott ’91. I am now
the Director of Admissions at John W.
Hallahan Catholic Girls High School.
I love working in an all-girls high
school environment, very reminiscent
of Merion Mercy. I enjoy a short walk to
work as I live in the Fairmount section of
Philadelphia with my husband.”
Kathleen (Kate) Tarpey ’03 received
her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from
Widener University on May 16, 2014.
Kelly McKelvey ’04 returned to MMA
as the alumna speaker for the senior
assembly. Kelly shared, “Even though it
● Jessie Hearn Barlow ’02 surrounded by “Merion ladies.”
has taken on different forms over the years,
the spirit of Mercy has always been with
me thanks to the amazing family I have
always had here. And my biggest piece of
advice to you girls…is to take care of one
another. Be there for one another…and the
girls that come after you…and the girls
that have graduated before you. It’s my
Merion family that has been my biggest
cheerleaders over the years…you never
know what life will throw at you—good and
bad. But one thing that’s certain is that the
spirit of Mercy will always be with you. It
might not always be clear or the way you
expected it—but it’s always there.”
Clare Nicholson Zimmerman ’04 works
as a diplomat for the U.S. Department
of State as a Foreign Service Officer.
She is currently in Ciudad Juarez,
Mexico on her first international
assignment. After leaving Juarez she will
study German full-time for one year in
Washington, D.C. in preparation for her
next two-year assignment as a Political
and Economic Officer at the U.S. Embassy
in Vienna, Austria.
May Limbach ’06 included this message
with her annual fund gift, “Thank you for
the most unforgettable four years.”
Laura O’Sullivan ’06 shared, “I met
Jaclyn O’Pella ’00 while I was sitting
next to her in histology lab during our
first year of veterinary school at UPenn.
We discovered that we were both MMA
graduates: she graduated in 2000 and I
graduated in 2006. We became friends
and study buddies over the next four
years, and on May 19, 2014 we both
graduated from veterinary school. Jaclyn
will be working at Gwynedd Veterinary
Hospital and I will be at Red Bank
Veterinary Hospital.”
● Jaclyn O’Pella ’00 and Laura O’Sullivan ’06
Fall 2014
class notes
Caitlin O’Shea Palmer ’06 married Chris
Palmer on June 14, 2014. Among Caitlin’s
bridesmaids were her sister Christina
O’Shea ’13, Stacy Fromhold ’06, and
Kate Barker ’06. Caitlin now lives in
Cambridge, MA and began at Harvard
Business School this fall.
Monica Tassoni Cryan ’06 recently
moved to West Hartford, CT and began
working as a broadcast meteorologist
for NBC Connecticut (WVIT). Her
sister Leah Tassoni ’10 graduated from
University of Miami with a degree in
Biology in May and is looking to pursue a
career as a veterinarian. Monica married
college sweetheart Eugene Cryan on
June 7, 2014 at St. Mary Magdalen Parish
in Media. Many MMA alumnae were in
Krisandra Cuenta ’10 graduated magna
cum laude with honors from Babson
College in May, receiving a Bachelor of
Science degree in Business Management
with a double concentration in Global
Business Management and Legal Studies.
In her final semester, she completed a year-
Save the Date
May 2, 2015
Classes ending in 0 and 5
2015 is your reunion year!
Come celebrate with classmates at the
Golden Circle Luncheon, Mass, Reception,
and Reunion Dinner on May 2, 2015.
All alumnae and current and former faculty
are invited to the Mass and Reception.
Please contact Barbara Colantuono Harrison ’82,
Alumnae Relations Coordinator, at
[email protected] or
610-664-6655, ext. 120 with inquiries.
Mater Matters
● Pictured here at Monica Tassoni Cryan’s ’06 wedding are Nicole Vernile ’07, May Limbach ’06,
Johanna Sturm ’06, Kate Barker ’06, Caitlin O’Shea ’06, Rachel Bowe ’06, Monica Tassoni
Cryan ’06, Meg Brown ’06, Mare Bradley ’06, Meg Spych ’06, Marguerite Moran ’06, and
Leah Tassoni ’10. The girls were active on social media during the wedding festivities, using
#MMArried for their posts.
● McClain-Silk wedding brought MMA family and friends together. MMA alumnae in
attendance pose left to right Erin Doyle Lavin ’02, Suzanne McDevitt Spiro ’02, Alison McClain
Schmidt ’99, Kellyann McClain Silk ’02, Kaela Travaline Dakes ’02, Teri O’Brien Dabney ’02,
and Kathleen McGoldrick ’02.
long Honors Project titled "An Analysis of
the Myths Associated with Public Opinion
on Latin American Immigration to the
United States." Krisandra was also selected
to be a member of Beta Gamma Sigma,
an international honor society that is the
highest recognition a business student
anywhere in the world can receive. She
also received the Greek Pillar of Excellence
Award for her dedication to and promotion
of scholarship. While at Babson, she
held a number of leadership positions
including President of Order of Omega,
an honor society recognizing the top 3%
of the Greek community who excel in
scholarship, leadership, and service; Vice
President of Scholarship and Ritual Chair
of the Zeta Zeta chapter of Sigma Kappa
Sorority; Vice President of Events of the
Babson Law Society; Student Member of
the Honor Board; Student Government
Liaison for Panhellenic Council; and Vice
President of Human Resources for Data
Bands, a start-up established in her first
year for her Foundations in Management
& Entrepreneurship course. Krisandra
has formally accepted her offer to study
international law as a member of the
Class of 2017 at Northeastern University
School of Law.
Standout field hockey player Molly
Doyle ’10 ended her career with the
Temple Owls with numerous accolades.
Molly was named to the 2013 Longstreth/
NFHCA Mid-Atlantic All Region Second
Team, Big East Second Team, Big East
Field Hockey All-Tournament Team,
and was one of only 38 NCAA Division
1 seniors to play in the annual NFHCA
Senior Game. Megan Maccaroni ’10 graduated summa
cum laude from Ursinus College
with a Bachelor of Arts degree in
Environmental Studies and Spanish.
Megan was one of 50 members of the
class whose accomplishments earned
them election to Phi Beta Kappa, the
highest academic honor for undergraduate
students. Her independent research
earned her Distinguished Honors in the
Environmental Studies department.
While at Ursinus, Megan was a UC
Green Sustainability Fellow, a Media and
Communications Fellow, president of
Ursinus College Environmental Action,
● Jacqueline Francoeur Ndebeka ’04 married Donald Ndebeka August 2, 2014. MMA alumnae
in attendance Jamie Nguyen, Carol Cipriani, Gillian Grady Wible, Elizabeth Pounds,
Kyera Giannini (all Class of ’04), and MMA faculty member Pat Sack.
and a House Program Coordinator for
the Wellness House in Special Interest
Housing. She was also an Admissions
Tour Guide and a member of the Escape
Velocity Dance Troupe. She studied
abroad in Costa Rica through the CIEE
Sustainability and the Environment
program. Megan added, “I had the
opportunity to hike many beautiful rain
forests of Costa Rica’s Pacific Coast
while collecting geographical data for a
bird census project. I compiled this data
with bird survey results to create maps
representing bird species diversity in
the Bellbird Biological Corridor.” Megan
will serve a year as a Corps Member with
City Year Philadelphia.
with her twin sister Stacey ’11, led the
team to four consecutive PIAA AA State
Championships, and was named All
State three times, MVP of the PIAA AA
Championships twice, and Pennsylvania
Gatorade Player of the Year as a senior.
As a member of the club team Synergy,
she competed in Nationals for seven
consecutive years and was named a
USA Volleyball All American four times.
Shelbey is currently a senior at Seton
Hall University, where she is the team’s
starting setter and co-captain, and is
the first player in Seton Hall history to
record a triple double, already achieving
22 so far in her career. To date, she has
been named Second Team All Big East
twice, First Team All Big East once, Seton
Hall’s Scholar Athlete as a freshman, and
the school’s Female Athlete of the Year
two times.
working with two members of the Irish
Parliament, one independent and one
conservative. She began her internship
on January 5, 2014 and remained in
Ireland through the Parliamentary
elections on May 23, 2014. She had the
opportunity to travel on a nine-day
relief mission to Croatia, Bosnia and
Herzegovina. She also traveled to Italy
for the canonization of Pope John Paul
II. Additionally, she traveled throughout
the countries of her heritage, including
Ireland, Poland, Scotland, and Germany.
She also visited Wales, Northern Ireland,
France, England, and Spain before
returning to the United States in June.
Josh King to Tina Horvath ’96, MMA
Former Faculty, on July 18, 2014
Eric Hildenbrand to Suzette
Bergmark ’97 on June 7, 2014
Andre Taylor to Adriana Arcamone ’00
on May 24, 2014
Charlie Tarloski to Angela DeFeo ’00
on June 14, 2014
Ryan Barlow to Jessica Hearn ’02
on June 21, 2014
Matthew Silk to Kellyann McClain ’02
on April 26, 2014
● Megan Maccaroni ’10
Maureen White ’10 stroked Fordham’s
Varsity Eight into the grand finals at
the Dad Vail Regatta on the Schuylkill
River in May, an accomplishment she
described as “probably the best moment
[she’s] had at Fordham…amazing” in
an article about the regatta in the
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Shelbey Manthorpe ’11 is currently
featured in the Legendary Delaware
County Women’s Wide World of Sports
Exhibit at the Mickey Vernon Sports
History Museum for her stellar volleyball
career. While at MMA, Shelbey, along
● Shelbey Manthorpe ’11
Emily Hughes ’12 finished the 2014
tennis season at Loyola University
Maryland with the Most Dedicated
award after coming back from a serious
injury in the fall. She was not sure if she
would even be able to play at all this
year, but recovered quickly.
Mary Lastowka ’12 made Dean’s List
at Catholic University. She studied
abroad and interned in Dublin, Ireland,
● Front row: Meaghan Brooks Meredith ’07,
Nicole Vernile ’07, and Molly Mita ’07;
Middle row: Meredith Fox ’07, Courtney
Connolly ’07, Elena Benton ’07, Emily
Talucci ’07, Katie Derham ’07, and Katie
Miller ’07; and Back row: Haley McClernon ’07,
Kelly Payne ’07, Caroline Reilly ’07, Kelly
Kavanaugh ’07, Ashley Burgio ’07, Jenn
Mattero ’07, and Colleen Meehan ’07
Fall 2014
class notes
Jordan Glick to Maureen Owston ’02
on July 19, 2014
Mark Pagano to Kristy Constantino ’04
on June 20, 2014
Donald Ndebeka to Jacqueline
Francoeur ’04 on August 2, 2014
Chris Palmer to Caitlin O’Shea ’06
on June 14, 2014
Eugene Cryan to Monica Tassoni ’06
on June 7, 2014
Matthew Meredith to Meaghan Brooks ’07
on August 2, 2014
Mike and
Allison Lotkowski
Schmidt ’98, a son,
Noah John
Joe and Maribeth
Wechsler Boyle ’98,
a daughter,
Rose Elizabeth
Larry and Nicole
Graham Brooks ’98,
a daughter,
Emily Ann
Brian and Kristen
Keating Weeks ’02,
a son, James Wallace
Michael and Deanna
Ferriola Zarzecki ’02,
a daughter, Natalia
Robert DeBovis and
Jamie Nguyen ’04,
a son, Jonah
● Natalia
Franco and Lucia
Schiano Di Cola,
MMA Former
Faculty, a son,
Marco Dominic
Val Heron, MMA
Coach, a daughter,
● Marco Dominic
Mater Matters
Beverly Young Citrolo ’51
Wharton Tiers, father of Lori Tiers Ross ’73
and Elizabeth Tiers Barnett ’79,
grandfather of Katie Barnett ’05
Patricia Olexy, grandmother of
Megan Brown ’06 and Kara Brown ’08
Jeanne Fitzgerald Bezer ’54
Rob and Kate Campbell Brophy ’95,
a son, Seamus Robert
● Rose Elizabeth
Merion Mercy Academy expresses its condolences to the family
and friends of the following members of our community. Please
keep their families in your prayers.
Mary “Bobbi” Silcox Gleason ’49,
sister of Patricia Silcox McHugh ’51
● Noah John
In Memoriam
Steve Dafilou, husband of Lori Bevilacqua
Dafilou ’77
Anna DiDonato, grandmother of
Regina Ciavardini ’04
Mary A. DiSciascio, aunt of Rita DiSciascio
Morley ’62, Josie DiSciascio ’65, and Kara
Morley Frech ’89
Richard Dorsey, husband of Sandra Daley
Dorsey ’59, brother-in-law of Joan Daley
Graves ’49 and Donna Daley Wilson ’61
Sarah Edwards, grandmother of
Kara Bodison ’04
William Glynn, grandfather of
Kelsey Glynn ’08, Katie Glynn ’05, and
Kelly Rigler ’05, father-in-law of
Kelley Glynn, MMA Faculty
Eleanore Smith Lajoie-Vinmont ’31, sister
of Cathryn Smith Fisher ’34 RIP and
Mary Smith Stuart ’42 RIP
Ellen “Nellie” Lenox, mother of Karen
McClennen, MMA Faculty, grandmother
of Lindsey McClennen ’02 and Evan
McClennen ’03
Claire Marie Marra, grandmother of
Elizabeth Martelli Jeffries ’05
Patricia Joyce McFillin ’45, sister of
Kathleen “Cassie” Joyce Breslin ’48 and
Elizabeth Ann “Betsy” Joyce Bracken ’53,
grandmother of Renee McFillin ’14
Jane McLaughlin Colman ’60
Lisa Patterson, mother of Marissa
Patterson ’08
Sister Madeleine Marie Sautter,
MMA Former Principal
Charles W. Schnerr IV, son of Mary Anne
Quinn Schnerr ’53, nephew of Monica
Sullivan Shewmaker ’55 RIP and Sally
Ann Sullivan DuBose ’57 RIP
Michael Seeds, grandfather of
Katie Clementi ’16, father-in-law of
Paul Clementi, MMA Faculty
Lena J. “Lee” Stimmler, grandmother of
Elizabeth Rissover ’93 and
Catherine Rissover ’96
Mary Smith Stuart ’42, sister of
Eleanore Smith Lajoie-Vinmont ’31 RIP
and Cathryn Smith Fisher ’34 RIP
MMA would like to once again thank
Barbara Colantuono Harrison ’82 (President), Claire Brennan
Sereni ’74 (Secretary), Lauren Daly ’06 (Treasurer)
Clare Tracy ’00 (Career & Mentoring)
For the time, talent, and leadership they brought
to the Alumnae Association during their terms.
MMA welcomes the new Alumnae Association Officers
who began their two-year term in September 2014
Siobhan Leavy ’95 (President), Elizabeth Leis ’02 (Secretary),
Ellen Koletas Sullivan ’79 (Treasurer), and
2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4 A n n u a l R e p o rt
We honor the generous spirit of our
many donors and volunteers. Each
and every one strengthens the
quality of Mercy that we bring to
the world.
Merion Mercy Academy wishes to thank the committed leadership
and generosity of the many volunteers and donors who have selflessly
contributed to our school community. These lists were prepared with
careful attention to accuracy. With a report of this nature, mistakes
can occur. We apologize in advance for any errors or omissions. If any
errors are found, please contact Kristina Stanton Cawley ’90, Director of
Communications, 610-664-6655, ext. 160 or [email protected].
Advancement Office
Kelley Kuyat
Executive Director of Advancement, ext. 180
Linda Miele Benton ’75
Assistant to the Executive Director, ext. 104
Kristina Stanton Cawley ’90
Director of Communications, ext. 160
Agnes Shields Finigan ’72
Director of Annual Fund, ext. 126
Christine Keough ’04
Advancement Office Assistant
Patricia McAleer
Director of Advancement Services, ext. 103
On the cover:
Photos captured throughout the
school year, representing each
month and taken by the school’s
Photography Club.
MMAAn nn nu ua al lFu
Fun nd d
2020 MM
Elizabeth McManus ’09
Advancement Office Assistant
Sister Elaine Schaeffer, RSM
Advancement Office Assistant, ext. 182
A Letter from Sister Barbara
I am very proud of our Merion Mercy community. This past year,
our theme of Mercy Girl Power took a strong hold. It is no wonder.
Everywhere I look, I see great generosity of heart, supporting our
pillars of Mercy. There is power in that.
I am grateful to our Merion Mercy parents, alumnae, past parents and friends who made gifts in many ways.
Some gave up mornings to decorate for Sip ’n Bid. Others served on a committee. Many committed financial
resources to ensure that our school attracts and sustains the best faculty and student body. In particular, I
would like to thank Andrew and Cathy Williamson Sabia ’85, our 2013-14 co-chairs of the MMAnnual Fund. The
Sabias contribute to every aspect of school life, and we thank them for this generosity of spirit.
For the many ways our school family has come together to support Merion Mercy, I thank each and every one
of you for strengthening the power of Mercy we bring to the world. Together, we are very powerful.
In Mercy,
Sister Barbara Buckley, RSM ’72
Mia Mattioli ’16, Brooklynne Taylor ’16, Maria Raptis ’16, and Emily Siegfried ’15
2013-2014 Annual Giving
Annual Fund
Restricted $ 351,505
$ 25,372
$ 284,450
School Programs
Scholarship Funding
Hayden Scholarship Fund
Kate Logue Shine ’72 Scholarship Fund
Maguire Scholars Program
Mater Girl Scholarship Program
MMA General Scholarship Fund
*Includes special events
M M A n n u a l Fu n d
Mei McElhill ’16 and Sarah Manion ’16
Gifts of Time
and Talent
Merion Mercy recognizes our countless
volunteers who dedicate many hours
to build up our school community.
These volunteers include alumnae,
moms, dads, faculty, and staff members
who worked with us to live out the
Merion Mercy mission. We thank every
volunteer, named and unnamed, for
their great generosity of spirit.
Board of Trustees
The following men and women gave gifts of
leadership and commitment in their service as
Trustees for the 2013-2014 school year.
Mrs. Marianne Grace P’04
Executive Director
Delaware County
Board Members
Sister Barbara Buckley, RSM ’72, ex officio
Merion Mercy Academy
Janell Carrington-Redcross ’83
Managing Partner
Redcross Johnson Associates
Certified Public Accountants
Bala Cynwyd, PA
Mrs. Gail Connor P’11
Wayne, PA
Basil A. DiSipio, Esq. P’99,’02,’04,’07
Managing Shareholder
Lavin, O’Neil, Cedrone and DiSipio
Philadelphia, PA
Lisa Nicolella Farrell ’78, P’13
Reading Specialist
St. Aloysius Academy
Bryn Mawr, PA
Kathleen Gaval, Ed.D. P’05,’08
Vice President for Planning
Saint Joseph’s University
Philadelphia, PA
Mr. William F. Githens P’09
President and CEO
The Risk Management Association
Philadelphia, PA
Co-chairs of the MMAnnual Fund Cathy Williamson Sabia ’85
and Andrew Sabia
MMAAn nn nu ua al lFu
Fun nd d
2424 MM
Gifts of Time and Talent
Sister Janet Henry, RSM
Vice President for Mission and Ministry
Saint Joseph Regional Health Network
Reading, PA
Mr. Andrew W. Hill, III P’02,’08,’13
Achristavest Builders
Winfield Developers
Avalon, NJ
Mary Jo McWilliams ’75
Vice President and Consultant
Conner Strong and Buckelew
Marlton, NJ
Mr. J. Clark O’Donoghue P’08
Managing Director
Brown Brothers Harriman and Co.
Philadelphia, PA
Kathleen Oldfield ’83
Deutsche Bank
New York, NY
Sister Ann Provost, RSM ’64
Executive Director
Mercy Neighborhood Ministries
Philadelphia, PA
Gifts of Time
Karin LaMonaca
MMA mom Karin LaMonaca, mother of Alexandra ’11,
Alyssia ’13, and Kristin ’16, has shared her many gifts
with the school since 2007. Among various contributions,
decorating for the Christmas season and Sip ’n Bid have
been ways that she brings beauty and joy to campus.
Not only does she have a fantastic vision and a natural
sense of artistry, but she puts in countless hours before
decorating to organize supplies, to create unique (and
often handmade pieces), and to inspire a small army of
moms and dads. Additionally, Karin has volunteered in the
school store, judged science fairs, and guided parent tours
for Open House. Karin sustains many other activities
outside of MMA. She is a Chairperson for Art Goes to
School, a member of her church Hand Bell Choir, and
served as a Girl Scout Leader and a balloon-handler for
the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Evelyn Sample-Oates ’83
Chief of Family and Community Involvement
School District of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA
Mrs. Judith Shea
Retired Educator and Dean of Students
Gladwyne, PA
Karin LaMonaca with her daughters Alexandra ’11, Alyssia ’13, and Kristin ’16
Why I volunteer…
“Over my many years as a parent volunteer at Merion
Mercy, I have forged life-long friendships with other
MMA parents. Together, we share in the tangible sense
of camaraderie that the girls bring through the hallways.
Long after my children have graduated and moved on in
their lives, we will all treasure the fond memories of the
dynamic spirit that is Merion Mercy.”
Gifts of Time and Talent
Merion Mercy Academy
Board of Trustees 2013-2014 Committees
Executive Committee
Mrs. Marianne Grace
Planning Committee Chair
Subcommittee of
Advancement Committee
Sister Barbara Buckley, RSM ’72
Basil A. DiSipio, Esq.
Kathleen Gaval, Ed.D.
Mr. Michael Guzzardi
Mr. Andrew W. Hill III
Kelley Kuyat
Mrs. Patricia McAleer
Mrs. Marilyn O’Donoghue
Mr. William F. Wechsler
Ellen Byrnes Willcox ’80
Vice Chair
Mr. William F. Githens
Finance Committee Chair
Mrs. Gail Connor
Board Affairs Committee
Sister Ann Provost, RSM ’64
Sister Barbara Buckley, RSM ’72
Mrs. Gail Connor
Mrs. Marianne Grace
Advancement Committee
Kathleen Oldfield ’83
Mr. Kevin Connor
Basil A. DiSipio, Esq.
Agnes Shields Finigan ’72
Kelley Kuyat
Mr. J. Clark O’Donoghue
Maureen Brogan Roberts ’00
Mr. Steven Siegfried
Mr. William F. Wechsler
M M A n n u a l Fu n d
Facilities Committee
Sister Janet Henry, RSM
Maureen Sweeney Byrne ’72
Mr. Michael Devine
Mrs. Noreen Gerace
Mr. Andrew W. Hill III
Mr. Kevin Momenee
Mr. Chuck Sack
Mrs. Judith Shea
Mr. Dennis Zak
Finance Committee
Mr. William F. Githens
Mr. Mark Bullock
Janell Carrington-Redcross ’83
Mr. Thomas Devine
Mrs. Janet Garrity
Kathleen Gaval, Ed.D.
Mrs. Christine Kiernan
Kathleen Oldfield ’83
Mr. William O’Shea
Marketing and
Communications Committee
Mary Jo McWilliams ’75
Kristina Stanton Cawley ’90
Miss Mary Ann Danovich
Diane Johnson DiCicco ’97
Eileen Daly Killeen ’68
Mr. Dennis Murphy
Mr. Paul Reilly
Evelyn Sample-Oates ’83
Christine Brisbin Schuck ’95
Strategic Planning Committee
Sister Barbara Buckley, RSM ’72
Kathleen Gaval, Ed.D.
Mr. William F. Githens
Mrs. Marianne Grace
Gifts of Time and Talent
Gifts of Talent
Angela DiCocco Donnelly ’04
As a student, Angela was very involved with service and
leadership, holding key roles in student council and
participating in a mission trip to Oaxaca, Mexico. While a
student at Loyola University Maryland, she studied Spanish
and Political Science and continued her commitment to
service in the city of Baltimore. She later participated in the
Teach For America program and completed a Masters of Arts
in Teaching at Johns Hopkins University. She has traveled
extensively through Western Europe and South America, and
has become an experienced teacher of the Spanish language.
She returned to teach at MMA in September of 2013, where
she is also a co-moderator of student council and tennis coach.
Alumnae Association
Our Alumnae Association officers,
together with their volunteer
committees, support alumnae
connections with MMA. Activities
range from reunion outreach with
classmates to involvement with the
students here and now. We thank
our Alumnae Association for their
multifaceted support of our school.
Alumnae Association Officers
2013 -2014
Barbara Colantuono Harrison ’82
Claire Brennan Sereni ’74
Lauren Daley ’06
Clare Tracy ’00
Career & Mentoring Officer
Linda Miele Benton ’75
Alumnae Coordinator
Mothers’ Club
Classmates from the Class of ’04 and Language Department faculty members
Elizabeth McCauley McCall, Angela DiCocco Donnelly, and Christine Keough
Why I came back to teach…
“Now as a faculty member at MMA, I love teaching, coaching,
and moderating the very activities that ignited my passions to
serve, to lead, and to teach. My Spanish-language learning began
in a Merion desk. Little did I know then that it would become
my springboard to connect with many people locally and around
the globe through language and service. I shared in my students’
struggles when I was on their side of the desk, and yet I was able
to grow to now guide and celebrate their successes!”
Our Mothers’ Club sustains
important activities that strengthen
our spirit and community. We
encourage all mothers to join
in these fun and memorable
experiences, which include planning
and participating in the Mother/
Daughter Fashion Show, Sip ’n Bid,
and numerous other special events.
Mothers’ Club Officer 2013-2014
Debora Bevilacqua
Fathers’ Club
The Fathers’ Club works to foster
the MMA tradition of supporting
the father-daughter connection. All
fathers are invited to become active
members. Merion Mercy fathers
Gifts of Time and Talent
sponsor several school events, ranging from community
service to enjoyable sporting events, as well as providing
essential volunteer service to the school.
Fathers’ Club Officers 2013-2014
John Mullen
Daniel Walsh
Vice President
2013 Mother/Daughter
Fashion Show
On Sunday, November 17, 2013, Merion Mercy held its
annual Mother/Daughter Fashion Show with a theme of
“The Great Gatsby” and fashions by Skirt of Bryn Mawr
and Stone Harbor. Featuring fun, fashion, and fantasy on
the runway, this year’s event was another success. We
thank the dedicated volunteers who worked tirelessly and
gave generously to create such a wonderful memory for so
many MMA moms, daughters, alumnae, and friends who
Event Co-Chairs
Lorraine Backe
Heather Wright-Lee
Parents Zully and Dan Walsh (Catalina ’14) volunteer at Sip ’n Bid ’14.
Sip ’n Bid 2014
On Saturday, March 22, 2014, Merion Mercy hosted its 37th
annual Sip ’n Bid, the school’s oldest and largest special
event. This year’s theme of “Under the Big Top” provided
fun and fellowship for Merion Mercy families and alumnae,
while raising funds to support the current needs of our
students. Thank you to the many MMA parents, alumnae,
faculty, staff, students, and friends who helped Sip ’n
Bid 2014 raise needed funds to support MMA. Countless
volunteers gave generously of their time, talent, and
treasure, and we appreciate each and every one of you.
Event Co-Chairs
Lisa and Lou Marchese
Leslie and Mark Pellegrino
Sisters Meghan ’14 and Colleen ’17 pose with mom Maureen Rafter at
the Mother/Daughter Fashion Show.
M M A n n u a l Fu n d
Kathleen Dolan ’14 at graduation
Gifts of
MMA is blessed by many generous
supporters from among our Merion
Mercy community, near and far.
We extend our deepest gratitude to
these wonderful donors who support
our school financially with gifts of
The Trocaire
$20,000 and above
Trocaire is the Gaelic word for Mercy. Mother
Catherine McAuley defined Mercy as a
“vivacious generosity of spirit… a gift given
in response to a need.”
Mother Catherine McAuley, foundress of the Sisters of Mercy,
continually addressed the needs of those in her community.
Whether their needs were educational, physical, or spiritual,
Catherine McAuley was a witness to the merciful presence of
God in our world. Inspired by Mother McAuley’s commitment to
cultivate Mercy in the lives of others, Merion Mercy designates a
level of giving to enable Sister Barbara Buckley to respond to the
needs of our 21st Century learning community.
The Trocaire Society sustains these works
through exceptionally generous donations that
support the greatest needs of MMA. As Merion
Mercy Academy’s leading donor group, we
honor the following donors who have made an
extraordinary commitment to Merion Mercy by
giving gifts of $20,000 or more.
Rachel Craig ’14 and Jennifer Quach ’14
MMAAn nn nu ua al lFu
Fun nd d
3030 MM
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Connor
Estate of Patricia A. Rumely ’46
Mr. and Mrs. James Maguire
(Frances McLaughlin ’53)
Mr. John Moran, In Honor of Joyce C. Moran
Gifts of Treasure
The McAuley Society
$1,000 to $19,999
Merion Mercy Academy offers special thanks to our leadership donors who have
generously supported our school as members of the McAuley Society with gifts of
$1,000 or more, working to sustain the mission of Mother Catherine McAuley.
Platinum Patron
$10,000 to $19,999
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian Carden
Mr. and Mrs. Basil A. DiSipio, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donnelly
Estate of Mary Ann F. Rizzo ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce J. Keating
(Katie Duffy ’77)
The Maguire Foundation
Mrs. Betty Ranney Moran
Paul E. Kelly Foundation
Mr. Douglas Thomas
Diamond Patron
$5,000 to $9,999
Anne-Marie Barcia de Leiva ’73
Brandywine Realty Trust,
Philadelphia Suburbs
Maripeg Mita Bruder ’74
Patricia Carbine ’48
Mr. and Mrs. James Carrigan
Comcast Corporation
Marianne Corr ’74
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Githens
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Healey
Kathleen Oldfield ’83
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pellegrino
Mr. and Mrs. James Zeris
Gold Patron
$2,500 to $4,999
Patricia McDermott Anderson ’85
Mary Schrandt Curtius ’68
Miss Mary Ann Danovich
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Derewicz
Mr. and Mrs. T. Mark Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Finigan
(Agnes Shields Finigan ’72)
Dr. John Fitzgerald and Dr. Georgia Crozier
Mr. and Mrs. Fenton FitzPatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaval
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hecht
Ms. Gail Jacobsen
Meredith Smith Jones ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce LaMonaca
Catherine Delaney Langdon ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loftus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Murphy
(Diane Dooner ’78)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark O’Donoghue
Mr. and Mrs. William J. O’Shea
Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Simonis and Family
Laura Stubbs ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Willcox
(Ellen Byrnes ’80)
Silver Patron
$1,000 to $2,499
Mr. Daniel Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bevilacqua
Patricia Bonner ’74
Mr. and Mrs. John Branton
Mr. and Mrs. James Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brazitis
(Eileen Sweeney ’70)
Julia Bruno ’71
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Byrne
(Maureen Sweeney ’72)
Susan Barton Carroll ’72
Drs. Carman and Loretta Ciervo
Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Colavita
(Sonia Giordano ’86)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Crenny
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Eisenhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farkas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Farrell
(Lisa Nicolella ’78)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garrity
Mr. and Mrs. John Gregitis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heany
(Mimi Wolfington ’77)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Hill III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leodori
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Manning
Joan Mastrangelo Marter ’64
Mr. Richard Maurer and Ms. Judy Song
Mr. and Mrs. George B. McClennen II
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McElwee
Patricia McGuire ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mullen
Mr. Eugene Pendyke
Pennsylvania State Athletic Administrators
Association Foundation
Rhonda Kuckuck Poli ’65
Leonide Campbell Prince ’57
Gabrielle Procacci ’14
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Procacci
Delories Richardi ’49
Mrs. Roberta D. Schaefer
Elizabeth O’Keefe Schaffer ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schrieber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sciblo
Mrs. Judith Shea
Linda Kilker Sparks ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Stefan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sweeney
(Bernadette Milani ’78)
Mr. Edward Toole, Jr. and Ms. Mary Walrath
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Troy
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Valosky
Gail DeVecchis Wygant ’72
Mr. and Mrs. John Young
Gifts of Treasure
Mater Misericordiae Circle
Gifts of Treasure
Laura Stubbs ’75
Distinguished alumna Laura Stubbs ’75 received a bachelor’s
degree of science in engineering and a master’s degree
in mechanical engineering, both from the University of
Pennsylvania. Laura completed her education with a PhD from
the University of Maryland. She rose through the ranks of the
United States Navy and retired as a Captain. In her career, Laura
has achieved leadership positions in both military and civilian
posts. She was the first African-American instructor at the Navy’s
Nuclear Power School and has earned several other distinctions.
Laura has no doubt her years at Merion Mercy prepared her for
her career and life. She credits Sister Marie Celestine, RSM and
Mrs. Louise Leibman for recognizing her talent and ability with
Mathematics and for encouraging her to excel.
Why I give…
“I received an excellent education at Merion Mercy, and
I learned both the value of hard work and joy of lasting
friendships. As an alumna, I have been blessed by the Christian
education, friendships and moral compass that I gained at
MMA. The least that I can do is be a blessing to someone else
by giving. God bless you all!”
M M A n n u a l Fu n d
$500 to $999
Dr. and Mrs. Henry V. Bender
Sister Barbara Buckley, RSM ’72
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Camardo
Joanne D’Angelo Campion ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carroll
Wandz Costanzo ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeVlieger
(Mary Butler DeVlieger’82)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiBenedetto
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dunne
Michelle Gerace ’09
Mr. William Gilligan and Ms. Julie Holvik
Monica Shea Glick ’89
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Grace
Catherine Bannon Halloran ’59
Mr. Mark Harbison and Ms. Michele Hartigan
Kathleen Devine Hendrickson ’72
Mr. and Mrs. John Hurley
(Ellen Coffey ’75)
Mrs. Christine Kiernan
Michelle O’Grady King ’82
Sharon Kane Klammer ’60
Jessica Hepp Kraus ’98
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Lanctot
Ms. Jane Massey Licata
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Loftus
Mrs. Elsa Lopusniak
Mr. Ernest Martinelli
Mr. and Mrs. John McGeever
Mary Kuczinski McGovern’64
Mrs. Maureen Meacham
Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nardi III
Mr. and Mrs. John Nostrant
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nunno
Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce
Deborah Conway Potter ’70
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Rafter
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan
(Leslie Drialo ’78)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sabia
(Cathy Williamson ’85)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saldutti
Mr. Tom Siano
Sisters of Mercy of the
Americas, Mid-Atlantic Community
Gifts of Treasure
St. Philomena Church
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schwalm
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sutter
Mary Mellon Trotter ’65
Katherine Turner ’97
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph von dem Hagen
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wechsler
Mr. and Mrs. David West
Jane Dagit Young ’55
The Mercy Shield Club
$250 to $499
Rhonda Graves Acholonu ’93
Gabriella Albater ’98
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Alberto
Rebecca Rimmer Antczak ’90
Kathleen Gleason Beavis ’76
Carol Pearce Bennett ’64
Mr. Francis Bernhardt
Mr. and Mrs. James Bracken
(Elizabeth Joyce ’53)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradley
(Helene Gorman ’75)
Diane Mailey Brandolini ’68
Laura Burkey ’06
Ms. Emily Clemens
Maureen McKeegan Cullen ’61
Mr. Joseph Cutuli, Jr. and
Ms. Mary Lou McBride
Racquel David ’87
Diane Johnson DiCicco ’97
Donna DiGravio ’86
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Dygert
Aloise Timmins Ellinger ’88
Margaret Graves Ewing ’48
Mary Ann Bruder Flanigan ’55
Laura Cerini Ford ’89
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Fox
Sheila Harron ’61
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hayes
Jacqueline Pasquarella Hershey ’87
Margaret Finegan Hoopes ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hughes
Lizanne Johnson-Madgett ’76
Lisa Riddell Kahudic ’85
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelbon, Jr.
(Regina Stango ’78)
Nicole Kelbon ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly, Jr.
Anne Kelly King ’83
Mrs. Kelley Kuyat
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Laske
Carolyn Coady Lea ’49
Mary Ann Dugan Leeper ’58
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Limbach
Kathryn Farrell Lipp ’54
Marguerite Dougherty MacDonald ’63
Mr. Joseph Mattia and
Mrs. Margie Felsoci-Mattia
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McAleer
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCall
(Elizabeth McCauley ’04)
The McCarthy-Alfano Family
Elizabeth McCarthy-Alfano ’11
Megan McCarthy-Alfano ’10
Frances McElroy ’64
Devon McChesney McKenna ’06
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McKeown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John McShea
(Ann Marie Taylor ’77)
Mary Jo McWilliams ’75
Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy
(Maria Pierangeli ’72)
Mr. and Mrs. James Murray
(Linda DiOttavio ’86)
Gregory and Denise Nowak
Mrs. Patricia Olexy
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Pannepacker
Donna DiGiacomo Patchett ’79
Heather McAleer Peterson ’92
Cecilia Puerto ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Purcell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Rabik
Susan Harkness Regli ’85
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Reilly
Maureen Brogan Roberts ’00
The Rossi - Esmonde Family
(Joan Esmonde ’75)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Ryan, Jr.
Dr. Anthony Scalpato
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaad
Shannon Morrison Schriver ’04
Bridget Flatley Shea ’89
Mary Joan Robinson Shields ’78
Bridget Siegfried ’09
Mattie Siegfried ’06
Sara Siegfried ’10
Joan Magee Sina ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spallucci
The James and Bernadette Schoch Fund of
The Foundation for Enhancing Communities,
on behalf of Bernadette McCabe
Ms. Lois Trench-Hines
Barbara Teti Tretta ’69
Jante Santos Turner ’95
Kristen Keating Weeks ’02
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Weston
Mr. and Mrs. Charles White
Jeannine Modres Wyke’89
Kathleen O’Keefe Withington ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Zak
The Blue and Gold Club
$100 to $249
Ariana Albater ’00
Helen Cook Altenpohl ’40
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Angelo
Gina Angelo ’10
Maria Angelo ’06
Candida Lorusso Antonelli, Ed.D. ’64
Marguerite Walsh Arbuckle ’61
Catherine DiSipio Avitabile ’99
Mr. William P. Baillie
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker, Jr.
Elizabeth Curlett Barker ’69
Mr. and Mrs. William Barton
Ashley Baxter ’09
Kathryn Kane Beck ’92
Lisa Zuccarini Beck ’80
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Benedetto
Mariellen Benedetto ’02
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Benton
(Linda Miele ’75)
Lauren Bonenberger ’07
Monica Anastasi Bove ’59
Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Bradley
Brandywine Realty Trust, Richmond, VA
Margaret Flanigan Brady ’76
Brandywine Realty Trust
Ann Claire Baxter Brecker ’48
Patricia Flatley Brennan ’71
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Brent
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Briggs
(Peggy Ayers ’75)
Mrs. Marilyn Brinkman
Catherine Devlin Brogan ’93
Jane Brogan ’59
Anita Drummond Bronstein ’71
Carol Brown ’76
Kathleen Sitley Brown ’72
Alexis Browsh ’99
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bruder
(Kathleen Ryan ’56)
Gabrielle Bruno ’10
Kelsey Farkas ’17 and Jaclyn Benedict ’16
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bruno
Alexandra Byrne ’11
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Byrnes
Mr. Mario Calderone and Ms. Susan Bird
Kathleen Fry Campbell ’96
Nolan Clare Campbell ’14
Rosemary Glielmi Camponovo ’53
Alexandra DeRita Cantor ’04
Deborah Carew ’87
Ms. Mary Ann Casciato
Kristina Stanton Cawley ’90
Penny Chester ’81
Patricia Oristaglio Civale ’69
Class of 1969, 45th Reunion Attendees
Mrs. Lorraine A. Conigliaro
Kelly Cook ’92
Sally Ann Ayerle Corbley ’69
Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy B. Corzel
Angelica Cassizzi Cprek ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Cristiano
Mr. and Mrs. James Curran
(Annabelle Logue ’70)
Lynn Ann Ravert Curran ’01
Janet Schubert Cusack ’82
Martha Castaldi Cushwa ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic D’Addona
Linda Quinlan D’Orazio ’96
Kelly Dale ’09
Mr. Charles J. Davidson
M M A n n u a l Fu n d
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Devers
Jeanne Devine ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Louis DeVoto
Lydia DiPietro ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse DiSanto
Melissa DiSipio ’91
Paula DiStefano ’97
Amy Williamson DiTrolio ’82
Angela DiCocco Donnelly ’04
Mary Baxter Donnelly ’49
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Doolin
Jane Callan Dougherty ’55
Mr. David Draiman
Carol Ann Reinhart Dresden ’60
Suzanne Saluti Dunphy ’72
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Edmundowicz
Elizabeth Brown Ehrsam ’58
Mary Beth Weston Ertel ’95
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Facciolo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Falcone
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Falcone
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Finnegan
Mr. and Mrs. John Fioravanti
Mr. and Mrs. James Fiorile
(Joan Byrne ’66)
Marilyn Reisman Fitzgerald ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fitzgerald
Sharon Fitzmaurice ’78
Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. FitzPatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Fogarty
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Forbes
Mary Frantz ’60
Michelle Bucci Frey ’97
Susan Straub Fuller ’84
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Galanaugh
Christine Gallagher ’04
Colleen Mooney Gallagher ’83
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garvey
Mr. Timothy Gavin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gerace
Patricia McHugh Gernerd ’71
Josephine Fortunato Giacchino ’55
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Giarraputo
Martha Wolfington Gillin ’55
Mr. and Mrs. James B Ginty
Meghan Githens ’09
Joan Marie Surosky Given ’90
Helen McEwen Gleason ’53
Mary Silcox Gleason ’49
Kristen Baldini Gorman ’91
Mr. and Mrs. William Grauer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Green
Mr. and Mrs. William Haines
Sharon Kelly Hake ’74
Elizabeth Ryan Hamilton ’79
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Haney
Felicia Gilhool Hayes ’56
Sister Janet Henry, RSM
Maureen Hill ’01
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hegarty
Kristyn Rudnick Hopkins ’91
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Interrante
Patricia Bruder Irvine ’56
Susan Palmer Jennings ’57
Aliza Johns ’03
Ariel Johns ’98
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Johns
Sarah Weston Johnston ’98
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Joyce
Ms. Theresa Juliano
Susan Lopusniak Jurevics ’85
Kathleen Drummond Kautzky ’59
Marianne McGettigan Kehan ’72
Marlo Pagano Kelleher ’88
Suzanne McCormick Kelleher ’74
Kathleen Feenane Kennedy ’59
Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen
(Eileen Daly ’68)
Mr. Robert King
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King IV
Lauren Moran Kleinz ’03
Kristen Kocher ’08
Gifts of Treasure
Drs. William and Lydia Kocher
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Konieczny
Linda Maychak Krager ’72
Mrs. Patricia Lake-Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Domenic Lamberto
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Landry
Jeanne Lane ’62
Caroline Larkin ’51
Mena Ryley Larmour ’99
Lori Zeller Lesutis ’75
Theresa Mellon Little ’67
Margaret Kung-Ting Liu ’50
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Lorei
Frances Lunney ’61
Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lynch
Joan Lyon ’57
Anne Connor Mack ’72
Doreen Maddox-Canning ’77
Anne Doyle Maloney ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mancuso
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Marcozzi
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Mazza
Mr. and Mrs. James McCarthy
Rosemary Ryan McCarty ’63
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McChesney
Mary Kathryn McCreight ’02
Ann Scattergood McDevitt ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McDevitt
Eugenia McGill ’74
Cecilia Sable McGuffey ’65
Maureen McGuire ’70
Lizann Gallagher McLaughlin ’98
Mr. and Mrs. John C. McNamara
Ellen Gowen McNeill ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Meehan
Mr. Joseph Messina and Ms. Janet Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Messina
Barbara Brennan Miller ’55
Roseann Dougherty Miller ’55
Susan Miller ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Missett
Kristin Mongello ’99
Patricia Moody ’71
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Moore III
Allison Moran ’09
Kaitlin Moran ’03
Meredith Moran ’05
Ms. Pauline Morgan
Molly Mulrain ’07
Emily Dolan Multari ’93
Christina Matticola Mundy ’01
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murphy, Sr.
Bernice Murphy ’50
Ms. Claudette Nation
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. O’Brien
Elizabeth O’Brien-Fabeny ’99
M. Monica O’Donoghue ’08
Colleen Powers O’Driscoll ’95
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O’Laughlin
Dr. and Mrs. Martin O’Riordan
Drs. William and Anita Ott
Carolyn Reaph Ounan ’75
Lauryn Overbey ’98
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ozzimo
Emma Pannepacker ’08
Martha Pannepacker ’11
Moira Pannepacker ’12
Anna Pappas ’13
Mr. and Mrs. John Pappas
Olivia Pappas ’11
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Parker
Andrea Pedano, D.O. ’79
Elizabeth Headly Pilot ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Poplawski
Sarah Poplawski ’11
Kacy Moran Powers ’02
Mrs. Marie Protesto
Sister Ann Provost, RSM ’64
Jessica Jenkins Pullano ’95
Ms. Catherine Pullen
PWM Real Estate LLC
Kathleen Quaid-Weisz ’61
Alyssa Quici ’09
Anne Mansfield Quinn ’59
Mrs. Ani Raj
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Rampa
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Raptis
Maureen McEwen Reilly ’79
Lt. Col. Charles Reilly, Jr.
Mr. Gregory Rice and Dr. Carol Rice
Margaretta Richardi ’44
Mary McHugh Richman ’76
Karen Drueding Rinaldi ’69
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Robak
Ms. M. Shelagh Cooney Roberts
Lea Howard Robinson ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Roccato
Mary Beth Burens Rocco ’61
Margaret Shields Roe ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rogers
Marie Miele Ronayne ’59
Loretta Tiers Ross ’73
Alicia Tana Rowan ’90
Mr. David Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Rush
Ms. Helen M. Rush
Patrick Rush, Ph.D.
Mr. Stephen Rush
Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Rutter
Mary Ellen Ryan ’58
Paula Ryan ’86
Joanne Dimidio Sabatini ’60
Mr. Mathew Sall
Adrianna Savarese ’08
Mr. and Mrs. John Savarese
Ms. Mary M. Scanlan
Mr. Patrick Schaffer
Mary Anne Quinn Schnerr ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sereni
(Claire Brennan ’74)
Maureen McKenna Sexton ’68
Catherine Haenn Shannon ’61
Joan Shelly ’71
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Shields
Andrea Tavani Silverio ’84
Carol O’Shea Sinclair ’75
Anne Larkin Smith ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Donald U. Smith III
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Snyder
Mr. Gregory Soffian
F. Patricia Givens Spall ’71
Mrs. Leslie Spellman
Mr. and Mrs. David Stangis
Kathleen Kelly Staudt ’70
Christine Schina Stayton ’61
Mary Rita McShane Stefanski ’05
Mr. and Mrs. Jean J. Sterling
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stinson
Mary Smith Stuart ’42
Sharon Gough Sullivan ’67
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Swayngim
Anne Gillespie Sweeny ’89
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Tarpey
Carolyn Tascione ’97
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Taylor
Patrice McElroy Temple-West ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Testa
The Vanguard Group
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Toddy
Hillary Tordy ’10
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tordy
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Toto
Kathryn Tracy ’05
Katherine Tucker ’11
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tucker
(Mary Ellen Reilly ’75)
Elaine Van Horn ’73
Gifts of Treasure
Dolores Mahony Velez ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Vuono
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wagner
Margaret Mooney Warner ’75
Kathryn Welliver ’12
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welliver
Gillian Grady Wible ’04
Nellie Willcox ’12
Nancy Williamson ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wilson
Amy Wisniewski ’06
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Wisniewski
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Yeo
Robert and Annette Young
Mrs. Angela Zager
Mr. and Mrs. James Zambon
Dolores Thompson Zeller ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ziccardi, Sr.
MMA Supporters
Up to $99
Sally Shoemaker Abbruzzi ’60
Ann Fergione Angelone ’88
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Aros, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Avington
Dr. Ausim Azizi and Dr. Marie-Christine de
Dolinda Martell Balch ’53
Elizabeth Murphy Barlow ’77
Colleen Barrett ’89
Ms. Elaine Battaglia
Angela David Beatty ’89
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bennett
Kerry Bennett ’10
Deanna Slota Bentley ’85
Leslie Berkman ’64
Irene Wilkinson Best ’93
Fran Bateman Bisselle ’87
Jennifer Baldino Bonett ’87
Mary Mecke Borne ’71
Clare M. Brabson ’12
Sister Rosellen Bracken, RSM ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brennan
Mr. Martin Breslin
Mary Frances Barton Briggs ’47
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Brinkmann
Catherine Campbell Brophy ’95
Kara Brown ’08
Erin Grady Burlew ’02
Cara Burns ’07
Maura Burns ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burns, Jr.
Paula Cotter Burns ’53
M M A n n u a l Fu n d
Aileen Callahan ’05
Cecilia Camardo ’05
Mr. Brian Campo
Maria Carabello ’88
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caruso
Hedwig Cerwinka ’66
Josephine Canci Clancy ’87
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Clarke
Helen Devine Coen ’51
Mimi Gannotti Colaprete ’84
Ann Hogan Connor ’65
Daria Slentz Corey ’55
Ms. Colleen Cummings
Caitlin Curran ’04
Eleanor Dougherty Currie ’58
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Cusack, Jr.
Kelly D’Addona ’09
Gina Troncelliti Daley ’01
Gina Papatolis D’Angelo ’95
Dottie Mantini Daniel ’73
Ms. Teresa Danovich
Roseann Day ’08
Nicole Nanni DeAngelo ’95
Mr. and Mrs. Elio A. DeGisi
Alaina Cerini Deitzel ’91
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Delano
Laura Drinkhouse Dell ’53
Miriam Glielmi DiGiacomo ’58
Dorothea DiBello DiGiovanni ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick J. DiJulia
Deborah DiMarzio ’77
Josephine DiSciascio ’65
Monica DiSipio ’04
Mr. and Mrs. James Dodderidge
Lillian Dodderidge ’09
Christa Sweeney Doherty ’01
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Dondero
Helen Fiorello Donoghue ’62
Tracey Quinlan Dougherty ’90
Gail Kilker Dowell ’57
Kathryn Williamson Doyle’71
Angela Saccomandi Dunn ’89
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard D. Dyer
Mary Anne McEwen Eagan ’79
Susan Berry Eberhardt ’62
Nicole Perretta Elguicze ’91
Dolores Coletta Endelman ’67
Ms. Kayla Erbe
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Falcone
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fay
Cecile Hisler Fetters ’65
Kathleen Stiles Fimple ’69
Devin Finn ’00
First Citizens Bank
Caroline Fitzgerald ’10
Mary C. O’Neill Fitzpatrick ’87
Sara Flounders ’97
Margaret MacAllister Flynn ’62
Kara Morley Frech ’89
Ms. Joanna Fulginti
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gale
Mr. and Mrs. Chris D. Galligan and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Garofolo
(Margaret Quinn ’61)
Bridget Lynch Gill ’00
Marie Caccese Gilligan ’79
Mr. J. Goldschmidt and Ms. E. Fulton
Barbara L. Gowen ’60
Kelly Grace ’04
Ms. Nancy Grater
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Graziani
Louise Drinkhouse Grude ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund P. Guelig
Lorraine Gattone Hagendorf ’81
Patricia Carville Haley ’46
Catalina Balaguer Hallowell ’58
Mary Jane Murphy Hamburger ’55
Irene Horstmann Hannan ’64
Julie Hayes ’11
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hayes
Patricia Rachor Hendrick ’60
Heritage Trust Company
Beatrice Hickey ’68
Sister Marianne Hieb, RSM ’64
Susan DeCindis Higgins ’72
Mr. and Mrs. John Hill
(Christine McNichol ’66)
Kathleen O’Sullivan Hinckle ’62
Ms. Linda Hinkle
Bridget Fazio Hodgson ’00
Ms. Anne Harvey Howell
Jeannette Hudson ’58
Ms. Sharon Hunton
Audrey Jensen ’10
Elisabeth Jensen ’12
Mrs. Phyllis R. Kane
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kane
Elizabeth Groff Karner ’55
Mr. Brian Kearney
Barbara Hayden Kearns ’57
Gertrude Dorsey Kelly ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. King
Regina McCarthy King ’71
Patricia Lawler Komsa ’67
Mr. and Mrs. F. Kevin Koob
Maureen Brennan Kozak ’82
Ms. Nancy Kozlowski
Dru Brazitis Kuhn ’99
Janine LaBletta ’98
Nicole LaBletta ’94
Mrs. Barbara G. Lamb
Kathleen Lamb ’01
Stephanie Landry ’05
Carolyn Jones Langdon ’56
Mary Katherine McIlhenny Lansing ’59
Nancy Maguire Lawler ’66
Siobhan Leavy ’95
Mary Theresa Limbach ’06
Mr. and Mrs. James Lynch
Teresa Aversa Maganzini ’69
Dr. and Mrs. Kieran T. Mahan
Ms. Ann M. Makin
Maureen Shields Manion ’66
Paige Matteo ’08
Anne Mecke Mattia ’71
Lisa Mazzola ’81
Laura Maginn McCalla ’97
Melinda Richards McCann ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Martin McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McFillin
Edith Bradley McGinn ’61
Kathleen McGinty ’71
Sally Bevlock McGovern ’89
Mrs. Joan C. McIlvaine
Elizabeth MacFarland McKeown ’42
Elizabeth McManus ’09
Sally Ryan McNichol ’61
Patricia Lynch McTague ’54
Colleen Meehan ’07
Kasey Meehan ’05
Lauren Meehan ’11
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Mellen IV
Phoebe Mellen ’07
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Miller
Mary Ellen Cianfrani Miller ’65
Sister Mary Christella Mitchell, RSM
Mary Mazzola Molinari ’74
Beth Moran ’08
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moran
Rita DiSciascio Morley ’62
Casey Morrison ’08
Laura Myers Moye ’67
Regina Damiano Murgueytio ’82
Alyssa Nardi ’05
Maria Elena Nieves ’07
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Nolan
Sister Mary O’Connell, RSM ’55
Margaret Goslin Odell ’49
Mitzi Derham O’Neill ’45
Members of the Class of ’00, Moira McGoldrick, Maureen Costello, and Maura Cunningham attend
the spring Alumnae Association meeting.
Susan Kelly O’Neill ’96
MaryKate O’Riordan ’13
Ms. Maureen P. O’Riordan
Anne O’Sullivan ’64
Caitlin O’Shea Palmer ’06
Lynn Panepinto ’04
Elizabeth Parker ’11
Emily Parker ’13
Elaine Miele Pasmore ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Pendergast
Teresita Endy Pletcher ’45
Meghan Power ’05
Helen Williamson Pritchard ’73
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Procopio
Elizabeth Provost ’69
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quinn
Kellianne Rafter ’11
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Rafter
Imogene Haenn Rainey ’53
Mary McCaffrey Reaph ’48
Marylouise Wack Reumont ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riccitelli
(Gina Bonfini ’83)
Mr. and Mr. Edward Robson
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Roby
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rolfes
Rosalinda Colonna Ronco Serrilla ’56
Jessica Rossello ’06
Mr. and Mrs. Rex R. Runge
Jennifer Ryan ’00
Alicia Savarese ’02
Doris Hurley Savitsky ’49
Caitlin Schaefer ’07
Carolyn Sciblo ’09
Mr. Richard F. Seel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Shine
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shuda, Jr.
Clare Hauserman Silecchia ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Silva
Cecilia Capuzzi Simon ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Simonis
Mr. Karl Simonis
Constance Clay Sondhi ’67
Suzanne McDevitt Spiro ’02
Marilyn Lamb Steidle ’64
Virginia Hauserman Sten ’66
Eileen Currie Stokley ’74
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Surosky
Beverly Mugrauer Sutcliffe ’56
Ms. Helen L. Swain
Ann Swayngim ’96
Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Taggert II
Nicole Addis Tanker ’07
Ms. Dina Testa
Theresa Testa ’08
Sister Mary Antonita Tobin, RSM ’41
Mrs. Elizabeth Ueland
Rosee Uttal-Duffy ’59
Dr. and Mrs. John Uveges
Meghan Rice VanHaute ’99
Catherine Timby Ventura ’02
Kaitlyn Votta ’11
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Votta
Barbara Doley Waddy ’65
Suzanne Corey Walker ’99
Adrianne Walvoord Webb ’99
Madeleine Wechsler ’10
Cynthia Porreca Wein ’64
Ms. Linda Weisner
Mr. and Mrs. John Wendling
Livia Fusaro Whiting ’53
Diane Cipriani Wikso ’06
Marie Silcox Wiley ’45
Frances Gearen Williams ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Young
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Yusavitz
Clare Nicholson Zimmerman ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman
A l u m n ae C h a l l e n ge
Alumnae support is crucial to sustaining the Merion Mercy legacy of
excellence, benefiting young women today and tomorrow. We extend
heartfelt thanks to our wonderful alumnae, those who met the challenge
grant with new or increased gifts. From near and far, graduates of every
decade met the Love of Mercy Challenge.
Every new or increased gift from Merion Alumnae was matched by four alumnae from
the 50s, 60s, and 70s. These alumnae joined forces to create a combined Challenge
Grant of $15,000 for gifts made beginning February 14, 2014, through the last day
of June. Throughout this campaign, new and increased gifts from Merion Alumnae
totaled $17,479.83, successfully meeting and exceeding our Challenge Grant!
M M A n n u a l Fu n d
Helen Cook Altenpohl ’40
Teresita Endy Pletcher ’45
Martha Castaldi Cushwa ’46
Patricia Carville Haley ’46
Dolores Thompson Zeller ’47
Margaret Graves Ewing ’48
Carolyn Coady Lea ’49
Rosemary Glielmi Camponovo ’53
Laura Drinkhouse Dell ’53
Marilyn Reisman Fitzgerald ’53
Helen McEwen Gleason ’53
Livia Fusaro Whiting ’53
Meredith Smith Jones ’54
Jane Callan Dougherty ’55
Mary Jane Murphy Hamburger ’55
Elizabeth Groff Karner ’55
Felicia Gilhool Hayes ’56
Patricia Bruder Irvine ’56
Carolyn Jones Langdon ’56
Lydia DiPietro ’58
Mary Ellen Ryan ’58
Jane Brogan ’59
Wandz Costanzo ’59
Catherine Bannon Halloran ’59
Kathleen Feenane Kennedy ’59
Carol Ann Reinhart Dresden ’60
Barbara L. Gowen ’60
Sharon Kane Klammer ’60
Mary Beth Burens Rocco ’61
Jeanne Lane ’62
Marguerite Dougherty
MacDonald ’63
Linda Kilker Sparks ’63
Carol Pearce Bennett ’64
Leslie Berkman ’64
Sister Marianne Hieb, RSM ’64
Joan Mastrangelo Marter ’64
Anne O’Sullivan ’64
Cynthia Porreca Wein ’64
Mary Ellen Cianfrani Miller ’65
Mary Mellon Trotter ’65
Frances Gearen Williams ’65
Joan Byrne Fiorile ’66
Dolores Coletta Endelman ’67
Patricia Lawler Komsa ’67
Laura Myers Moye ’67
Constance Clay Sondhi ’67
Mary Schrandt Curtius ’68
Jeanne Devine ’68
Beatrice Hickey ’68
Maureen McKenna Sexton ’68
Class of 1969, 45th Reunion
Elizabeth Curlett Barker ’69
Patricia Oristaglio Civale ’69
Teresa Aversa Maganzini ’69
Karen Drueding Rinaldi ’69
Barbara Teti Tretta ’69
Annabelle Logue Curran ’70
Mary Mecke Borne ’71
Patricia Flatley Brennan ’71
Regina McCarthy King ’71
Anne Mecke Mattia ’71
Sister Barbara Buckley ’72
Agnes Shields Finigan ’72
Susan DeCindis Higgins ’72
Marianne McGettigan Kehan ’72
Elaine Van Horn ’73
Maripeg Mita Bruder ’74
Marianne Corr ’74
Eugenia McGill ’74
Eileen Currie Stokley ’74
Nancy Williamson ’74
Kathleen O’Keefe Withington ’74
Linda Miele Benton ’75
Mary Jo McWilliams ’75
Carolyn Reaph Ounan ’75
Laura Stubbs ’75
Margaret Mooney Warner ’75
Kathleen Gleason Beavis ’76
Lizanne Johnson-Madgett ’76
Mary McHugh Richman ’76
Leslie Drialo Ryan ’78
Bernadette Milani Sweeney ’78
Donna DiGiacomo Patchett ’79
Lisa Zuccarini Beck ’80
Michelle O’Grady King ’82
Colleen Mooney Gallagher ’83
Mimi Gannotti Colaprete ’84
Susan Straub Fuller ’84
Deanna Slota Bentley ’85
Lisa Riddell Kahudic ’85
Sonia Giordano Colavita ’86
Linda DiOttavio Murray ’86
Deborah Carew ’87
Aloise Timmins Ellinger ’88
One of our Love of Mercy Challenge donors
Marianne Corr ’74, said,
“I hope to inspire other
Merion alumnae to
participate in the
MMAnnual Fund
and support this
powerful legacy.”
Marlo Pagano Kelleher ’88
Laura Cerini Ford ’89
Kara Morley Frech ’89
Monica Shea Glick ’89
Tracey Quinlan Dougherty ’90
Alicia Tana Rowan ’90
Alaina Cerini Deitzel ’91
Melissa DiSipio ’91
Kristyn Rudnick Hopkins ’91
Rhonda Graves Acholonu ’93
Irene Wilkinson Best ’93
Catherine Campbell Brophy ’95
Nicole Nanni DeAngelo ’95
Siobhan Leavy ’95
Jessica Jenkins Pullano ’95
Jante Santos Turner ’95
Susan Kelly O’Neill ’96
Ann Swayngim ’96
Michelle Bucci Frey ’97
Laura Maginn McCalla ’97
Carolyn Tascione ’97
Katherine Turner ’97
Gabriella Albater ’98
Jessica Hepp Kraus ’98
Janine LaBletta ’98
Catherine DiSipio Avitabile ’99
Mena Ryley Larmour ’99
Kristin Mongello ’99
Meghan Rice VanHaute ’99
Suzanne Corey Walker ’99
Ariana Albater ’00
Melinda Richards McCann ’00
Maureen Brogan Roberts ’00
Mariellen Benedetto ’02
Kacy Moran Powers ’02
Catherine Timby Ventura ’02
Caitlin Curran ’04
Monica DiSipio ’04
Cecilia Camardo ’05
Mary Theresa Limbach ’06
Devon McChesney McKenna ’06
Amy Wisniewski ’06
Cara Burns ’07
Caitlin Schaefer ’07
Roseann Day ’08
Kristen Kocher ’08
Paige Matteo ’08
Casey Morrison ’08
Emma Pannepacker ’08
Adrianna Savarese ’08
Theresa Testa ’08
Michelle Gerace ’09
Meghan Githens ’09
Elizabeth McManus ’09
Allison Moran ’09
Caroline Fitzgerald ’10
Megan McCarthy-Alfano ’10
Madeleine Wechsler ’10
Julie Hayes ’11
Elizabeth McCarthy-Alfano ’11
Sarah Poplawski ’11
Samantha Siegfried ’12
Mary Kate O’Riordan ’13
Nolan Clare Campbell ’14
Gabrielle Procacci ’14
Recognition by
MMA is blessed by many generous
supporters from among our Merion
Mercy community, near and far.
We extend our deepest gratitude
to these wonderful donors who
support our school financially with
gifts of treasure.
Alumnae Donors
Merion Mercy thanks the following Alumnae who
made generous gifts to our school. We are honored
to list here all those who joined together to move
our Mercy legacy forward.
Helen Cook Altenpohl
Sister Mary Antonita Tobin, RSM
Elizabeth MacFarland McKeown
Mary Smith Stuart
Margaretta Richardi
Mitzi Derham O’Neill
Teresita Endy Pletcher
Marie Silcox Wiley
Martha Castaldi Cushwa
Patricia Carville Haley
Mary Frances Barton Briggs
Elizabeth Headly Pilot
Dolores Thompson Zeller
Ann Claire Baxter Brecker
Patricia Carbine
Margaret Graves Ewing
Mary McCaffrey Reaph
Anne Larkin Smith
Mary Baxter Donnelly
Mary Silcox Gleason
Gertrude Dorsey Kelly
Carolyn Coady Lea
Margaret Goslin Odell
Marylouise Wack Reumont
Delories Richardi
Doris Hurley Savitsky
Joan Magee Sina
MMAAn nn nu ua al lFu
Fun nd d
4040 MM
Margaret Kung-Ting Liu
Bernice Murphy
Helen Devine Coen
Caroline Larkin
Dolinda Martell Balch
Elizabeth Joyce Bracken
Paula Cotter Burns
Rosemary Glielmi Camponovo
Laura Drinkhouse Dell
Marilyn Reisman Fitzgerald
Helen McEwen Gleason
Frances McLaughlin Maguire
Imogene Haenn Rainey
Mary Anne Quinn Schnerr
Livia Fusaro Whiting
Meredith Smith Jones
Kathryn Farrell Lipp
Patricia Lynch McTague
Dolores Mahony Velez
Daria Slentz Corey
Jane Callan Dougherty
Mary Ann Bruder Flanigan
Josephine Fortunato Giacchino
Martha Wolfington Gillin
Mary Jane Murphy Hamburger
Elizabeth Groff Karner
Ann Scattergood McDevitt
Barbara Brennan Miller
Roseann Dougherty Miller
Sister Mary O’Connell, RSM
Jane Dagit Young
Kathleen Ryan Bruder
Felicia Gilhool Hayes
Patricia Bruder Irvine
Carolyn Jones Langdon
Lea Howard Robinson
Rosalinda Colonna Ronco Serrilla
Beverly Mugrauer Sutcliffe
Gail Kilker Dowell
Susan Palmer Jennings
Barbara Hayden Kearns
Catherine Delaney Langdon
Friends from the Class of ’53 Mary Anne Quinn Schnerr, Betsy Joyce Bracken, Laura Drinkhouse Dell,
and Rosemary Glielmi Camponovo connect at the reunion.
Joan Lyon
Elaine Miele Pasmore
Leonide Campbell Prince
Eleanor Dougherty Currie
Miriam Glielmi DiGiacomo
Lydia DiPietro
Elizabeth Brown Ehrsam
Catalina Balaguer Hallowell
Jeannette Hudson
Mary Ann Dugan Leeper
Ellen Gowen McNeill
Mary Ellen Ryan
Monica Anastasi Bove
Jane Brogan
Joanne D’Angelo Campion
Wandz Costanzo
Catherine Bannon Halloran
Kathleen Drummond Kautzky
Kathleen Feenane Kennedy
Mary Katherine McIlhenny Lansing
Cecilia Puerto
Anne Mansfield Quinn
Marie Miele Ronayne
Rosee Uttal-Duffy
Sally Shoemaker Abbruzzi
Sister Rosellen Bracken, RSM
Carol Ann Reinhart Dresden
Mary Frantz
Barbara L. Gowen
Patricia Rachor Hendrick
Sharon Kane Klammer
Joanne Dimidio Sabatini
Marguerite Walsh Arbuckle
Maureen McKeegan Cullen
Margaret Quinn Garofolo
Sheila Harron
Frances Lunney
Edith Bradley McGinn
Sally Ryan McNichol
Kathleen Quaid-Weisz
Mary Beth Burens Rocco
Catherine Haenn Shannon
Christine Schina Stayton
Helen Fiorello Donoghue
Susan Berry Eberhardt
Margaret MacAllister Flynn
Louise Drinkhouse Grude
Kathleen O’Sullivan Hinckle
Jeanne Lane
Rita DiSciascio Morley
Patrice McElroy Temple-West
Marguerite Dougherty MacDonald
Rosemary Ryan McCarty
Linda Kilker Sparks
Candida Lorusso Antonelli
Carol Pearce Bennett
Leslie Berkman
Irene Horstmann Hannan
Recognition by Affiliation
Sister Marianne Hieb, RSM
Joan Mastrangelo Marter
Frances McElroy
Mary Kuczinski McGovern
Anne O’Sullivan
Sister Ann Provost, RSM
Marilyn Lamb Steidle
Cynthia Porreca Wein
Ann Hogan Connor
Josephine DiSciascio
Cecile Hisler Fetters
Cecilia Sable McGuffey
Mary Ellen Cianfrani Miller
Susan Miller
Rhonda Kuckuck Poli
Elizabeth O’Keefe Schaffer
Clare Hauserman Silecchia
Mary Mellon Trotter
Barbara Doley Waddy
Frances Gearen Williams
Hedwig Cerwinka
Dorothea DiBello DiGiovanni
Joan Byrne Fiorile
Christine McNichol Hill
Nancy Maguire Lawler
Maureen Shields Manion
Virginia Hauserman Sten
Karen Drueding Rinaldi
Barbara Teti Tretta
Eileen Sweeney Brazitis
Annabelle Logue Curran
Maureen McGuire
Patricia McGuire
Deborah Conway Potter
Kathleen Kelly Staudt
Mary Mecke Borne
Patricia Flatley Brennan
Anita Drummond Bronstein
Julia Bruno
Kathryn Williamson Doyle
Patricia McHugh Gernerd
Regina McCarthy King
Anne Mecke Mattia
Kathleen McGinty
Patricia Moody
Joan Shelly
F. Patricia Givens Spall
Dolores Coletta Endelman
Patricia Lawler Komsa
Theresa Mellon Little
Laura Myers Moye
Constance Clay Sondhi
Sharon Gough Sullivan
Kathleen Sitley Brown
Sister Barbara Buckley, RSM
Maureen Sweeney Byrne
Susan Barton Carroll
Suzanne Saluti Dunphy
Agnes Shields Finigan
Kathleen Devine Hendrickson
Susan DeCindis Higgins
Marianne McGettigan Kehan
Linda Maychak Krager
Anne Connor Mack
Maria Pierangeli Murphy
Gail DeVecchis Wygant
Diane Mailey Brandolini
Angelica Cassizzi Cprek
Mary Schrandt Curtius
Jeanne Devine
Beatrice Hickey
Eileen Daly Killeen
Maureen McKenna Sexton
Elizabeth Curlett Barker
Patricia Oristaglio Civale
Sally Ann Ayerle Corbley
Kathleen Stiles Fimple
Teresa Aversa Maganzini
Elizabeth Provost
M M A n n u a l Fu n d
DottieMantini Daniel
Anne-Marie Barcia de Leiva
Helen Williamson Pritchard
Loretta Tiers Ross
Elaine Van Horn
Patricia Bonner
Maripeg Mita Bruder
Marianne Corr
Sharon Kelly Hake
Suzanne McCormick Kelleher
Eugenia McGill
Mary Mazzola Molinari
Claire Brennan Sereni
Eileen Currie Stokley
Nancy Williamson
Kathleen O’Keefe Withington
Linda Miele Benton
Helene Gorman Bradley
Peggy Ayers Briggs
Joan Esmonde
Ellen Coffey Hurley
Lori Zeller Lesutis
Mary Jo McWilliams
Carolyn Reaph Ounan
Margaret Shields Roe
Cecilia Capuzzi Simon
Carol O’Shea Sinclair
Laura Stubbs
Mary Ellen Reilly Tucker
Margaret Mooney Warner
Kathleen Gleason Beavis
Margaret Flanigan Brady
Carol Brown
Lizanne Johnson-Madgett
Mary McHugh Richman
Elizabeth Murphy Barlow
Deborah DiMarzio
Mimi Wolfington Heany
Katie Duffy Keating
Doreen Maddox-Canning
Ann Marie Taylor McShea
Lisa Nicolella Farrell
Sharon Fitzmaurice
Regina Stango Kelbon
Diane Dooner Murphy
Leslie Drialo Ryan
Mary Joan Robinson Shields
Bernadette Milani Sweeney
Mary Anne McEwen Eagan
Marie Caccese Gilligan
Elizabeth Ryan Hamilton
Donna DiGiacomo Patchett
Andrea Pedano, D.O.
Maureen McEwen Reilly
Lisa Zuccarini Beck
Ellen Byrnes Willcox
Recognition by Affiliation
Penny Chester
Lorraine Gattone Hagendorf
Lisa Mazzola
Janet Schubert Cusack
Mary Butler DeVlieger
Amy Williamson DiTrolio
Margaret Finegan Hoopes
Michelle O’Grady King
Maureen Brennan Kozak
Regina Damiano Murgueytio
Colleen Mooney Gallagher
Anne Kelly King
Kathleen Oldfield
Gina Bonfini Riccitelli
Mimi Gannotti Colaprete
Susan Straub Fuller
Andrea Tavani Silverio
Patricia McDermott Anderson
Deanna Slota Bentley
Susan Lopusniak Jurevics
Lisa Riddell Kahudic
Susan Harkness Regli
Cathy Williamson Sabia
Angela Saccomandi Dunn
Laura Cerini Ford
Kara Morley Frech
Monica Shea Glick
Sally Bevlock McGovern
Bridget Flatley Shea
Anne Gillespie Sweeny
Jeannine Modres Wyke
Rebecca Rimmer Antczak
Kristina Stanton Cawley
Tracey Quinlan Dougherty
Joan Marie Surosky Given
Alicia Tana Rowan
Alaina Cerini Deitzel
Melissa DiSipio
Nicole Perretta Elguicze
Kristen Baldini Gorman
Kristyn Rudnick Hopkins
Kathryn Kane Beck
Kelly Cook
Heather McAleer Peterson
Rhonda Graves Acholonu
Irene Wilkinson Best
Catherine Devlin Brogan
Emily Dolan Multari
Nicole LaBletta
Catherine Campbell Brophy
Gina Papatolis D’Angelo
Nicole Nanni DeAngelo
Mary Beth Weston Ertel
Siobhan Leavy
Colleen Powers O’Driscoll
Jessica Jenkins Pullano
Jante Santos Turner
Kathleen Fry Campbell
Linda Quinlan D’Orazio
Susan Kelly O’Neill
Ann Swayngim
Diane Johnson DiCicco
Paula DiStefano
Sara Flounders
Michelle Bucci Frey
Laura Maginn McCalla
Carolyn Tascione
Katherine Turner
Sonia Giordano Colavita
Donna DiGravio
Linda DiOttavio Murray
Paula Ryan
Fran Bateman Bisselle
Jennifer Baldino Bonett
Deborah Carew
Josephine Canci Clancy
Racquel David
Mary C. O’Neill Fitzpatrick
Jacqueline Pasquarella Hershey
Ann Fergione Angelone
Maria Carabello
Aloise Timmins Ellinger
Marlo Pagano Kelleher
Colleen Barrett
Angela David Beatty
Three cheers for the blue and gold. Members of the Class of ’99 Kristin Ryan Logan,
Beatrice D’Angelo, and Alexis Browsh show their MMA pride at Meri-union 2014.
Recognition by Affiliation
Gabriella Albater
Ariel Johns
Sarah Weston Johnston
Jessica Hepp Kraus
Janine LaBletta
Lizann Gallagher McLaughlin
Lauryn Overbey
Catherine DiSipio Avitabile
Alexis Browsh
Dru Brazitis Kuhn
Mena Ryley Larmour
Kristin Mongello
Elizabeth O’Brien-Fabeny
Meghan Rice VanHaute
Suzanne Corey Walker
Adrianne Walvoord Webb
Ariana Albater
Devin Finn
Bridget Lynch Gill
Bridget Fazio Hodgson
Anne Doyle Maloney
Melinda Richards McCann
Maureen Brogan Roberts
Jennifer Ryan
Lynn Ann Ravert Curran
Gina Troncelliti Daley
Christa Sweeney Doherty
Maureen Hill
Kathleen Lamb
Christina Matticola Mundy
Mariellen Benedetto
Erin Grady Burlew
Mary Kathryn McCreight
Kacy Moran Powers
Alicia Savarese
Suzanne McDevitt Spiro
Catherine Timby Ventura
Kristen Keating Weeks
Aliza Johns
Lauren Moran Kleinz
Kaitlin Moran
Maura Burns
Alexandra DeRita Cantor
M M A n n u a l Fu n d
Caitlin Curran
Monica DiSipio
Angela DiCocco Donnelly
Christine Gallagher
Kelly Grace
Elizabeth McCauley McCall
Lynn Panepinto
Shannon Morrison Schriver
Gillian Grady Wible
Clare Nicholson Zimmerman
Aileen Callahan
Cecilia Camardo
Stephanie Landry
Kasey Meehan
Meredith Moran
Alyssa Nardi
Meghan Power
Mary Rita McShane Stefanski
Kathryn Tracy
Maria Angelo
Laura Burkey
Mary Theresa Limbach
Devon McChesney McKenna
Caitlin O’Shea Palmer
Jessica Rossello
Mattie Siegfried
Diane Cipriani Wikso
Amy Wisniewski
Lauren Bonenberger
Cara Burns
Colleen Meehan
Phoebe Mellen
Molly Mulrain
Maria Elena Nieves
Caitlin Schaefer
Nicole Addis Tanker
Kara Brown
Roseann Day
Kristen Kocher
Paige Matteo
Beth Moran
Casey Morrison
M. Monica O’Donoghue
Emma Pannepacker
Adrianna Savarese
Theresa Testa
Ashley Baxter
Kelly D’Addona
Kelly Dale
Lillian Dodderidge
Michelle Gerace
Meghan Githens
Nicole Kelbon
Elizabeth McManus
Allison Moran
Alyssa Quici
Carolyn Sciblo
Bridget Siegfried
Gina Angelo
Kerry Bennett
Gabrielle Bruno
Caroline Fitzgerald
Audrey Jensen
Megan McCarthy-Alfano
Sara Siegfried
Hillary Tordy
Madeleine Wechsler
Alexandra Byrne
Lisa Bevilacqua
Julie Hayes
Elizabeth McCarthy-Alfano
Lauren Meehan
Martha Pannepacker
Olivia Pappas
Elizabeth Parker
Sarah Poplawski
Kellianne Rafter
Katherine Tucker
Kaitlyn Votta
Clare M. Brabson
Elisabeth Jensen
Moira Pannepacker
Samantha Siegfried
Kathryn Welliver
Nellie Willcox
MaryKate O’Riordan
Anna Pappas
Emily Parker
Nolan Clare Campbell
Gabrielle Procacci
Recognition by Affiliation
Parent Donors
Merion Mercy thanks the following
parents who donated to the Annual
Fund. We are grateful for their
generous support, enabling us to live
the MMA mission.
Current Parents
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Avington
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker, Jr.
Mr. Daniel Barton
Mr. and Mrs. William Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bevilacqua
Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Byrnes
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carroll
Drs. Carman and Loretta Ciervo
Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Colavita
(Sonia Giordano ’86)
Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy B. Corzel
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Derewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Devers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeVlieger
(Mary Butler ’82)
Mr. and Mrs. Louis DeVoto
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiBenedetto
Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse DiSanto
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dooner
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Edmundowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Eisenhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farkas
Mr. and Mrs. T. Mark Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fay
Mr. and Mrs. John Fioravanti
Mr. and Mrs. Fenton FitzPatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Fogarty
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garvey
Mr. Timothy Gavin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gerace
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Giarraputo
Mr. William Gilligan and Ms. Julie Holvik
Mr. and Mrs. William Grauer
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Green
Mr. and Mrs. John Gregitis
Mr. Mark Harbison and Ms. Michele Hartigan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heany
(Mimi Wolfington ’77)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hecht
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hegarty
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hughes
Members of the Class of ’14 Janay Parker, Kimberly Rodriguez, Allison Toal, and Gabriella Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. John Hurley
(Ellen Coffey ’75)
Mr. Michael Jensen and Ms. Lisa Brinkman
Ms. Theresa Juliano
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce J. Keating
(Katie Duffy ’77)
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. King
Mr. Robert King
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Konieczny
Mr. and Mrs. F. Kevin Koob
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce LaMonaca
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Laske
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leodori
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Loftus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loftus
Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mancuso
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Marcozzi
Mr. Ernest Martinelli
Mr. Joseph Mattia and
Mrs. Margie Felsoci-Mattia
Mr. Richard Maurer and Ms. Judy Song
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Mazza
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McElwee
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McFillin
Mr. and Mrs. John McGeever
Mr. and Mrs. John McShea
(Ann Marie Taylor ’77)
Mr. Joseph Messina and Ms. Janet Moore
Recognition by Affiliation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Messina
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Moore III
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murphy, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Murray
(Linda DiOttavio ’86)
Mr. and Mrs. John Nostrant
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nunno
Drs. William and Anita Ott
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Pannepacker
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pellegrino
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Procacci
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Procopio
Mrs. Marie Protesto
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Purcell
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Rafter
Mrs. Ani Raj
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Raptis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riccitelli
(Gina Bonfini ’83)
Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Roccato
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rolfes
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sabia
(Cathy Williamson ’85)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saldutti
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schrieber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sereni
(Claire Brennan ’74)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Siegfried
Mrs. Andrea Tavani Silverio ’84
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spallucci
Mr. and Mrs. David Stangis
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Stefan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stinson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sutter
Mr. Douglas Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Toddy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Troy
Dr. and Mrs. John Uveges
Mr. and Mrs. David West
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. John Young
Robert and Annette Young
Mr. and Mrs. James Zeris
Past Parents
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Alberto
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Angelo
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Aros, Sr.
M M A n n u a l Fu n d
Dr. Ausim Azizi and Dr. Marie-Christine de
Dr. and Mrs. Henry V. Bender
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Benedetto
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Benton
(Linda Miele ’75)
Mr. and Mrs. James Bracken
(Elizabeth Joyce ’53)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradley
(Helene Gorman ’75)
Mr. and Mrs. John Branton
Mr. and Mrs. James Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brazitis
(Eileen Sweeney ’70)
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Brent
Mr. and Mrs. William Briggs
(Peggy Ayers ’75)
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Brinkmann
Ms. Carol Brown ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bruder
(Kathleen Ryan ’56)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burns, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Byrne
(Maureen Sweeney ’72)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Byrne
Mr. Mario Calderone and Ms. Susan Bird
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Camardo
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian Carden
Mr. and Mrs. James Carrigan
Mrs. Lorraine A. Conigliaro
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Crenny
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Cristiano
Mr. and Mrs. James Curran
(Annabelle Logue ’70)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Cusack, Jr.
Mr. Joseph Cutuli, Jr. and
Ms. Mary Lou McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic D’Addona
Mr. and Mrs. Elio A. DeGisi
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick J. DiJulia
Ms. Deborah DiMarzio ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Basil A. DiSipio, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dodderidge
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Dondero
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Doolin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dunne
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard D. Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Facciolo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Falcone
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Farrell
(Lisa Nicolella ’78)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Finnegan
Mr. and Mrs. James Fiorile
(Joan Byrne ’66)
Dr. John Fitzgerald and Dr. Georgia Crozier
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Fitz Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Galanaugh
Ms. Colleen Mooney Gallagher ’83
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Garofolo
(Margaret Quinn ’61)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garrity
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaval
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Githens
Mrs. Helen McEwen Gleason ’53
Mr. J. Goldschmidt and Ms. E. Fulton
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Grace
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Graziani
Mr. and Mrs. William Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Haney
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Healey
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Hill III
Mr. and Mrs. John Hill
(Christine McNichol ’66)
Mrs. Kathleen O’Sullivan Hinckle ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. John Irvine
(Patricia Bruder ’56)
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Johns
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. John Irvine
(Patricia Bruder ’56)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kane
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelbon, Jr.
(Regina Stango ’78)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen
(Eileen Daly ’68)
Drs. William and Lydia Kocher
Mrs. Patricia Lake-Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Domenic Lamberto
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Lanctot
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Landry
Mrs. Lori Zeller Lesutis ’75
Ms. Jane Massey Licata
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Limbach
Mrs. Elsa Lopusniak
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Lorei
Mr. and Mrs. James Lynch
Dr. and Mrs. Kieran T. Mahan
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McAleer
Mr. and Mrs. James McCarthy
The McCarthy-Alfano Family
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McChesney
Recognition by Affiliation
Mr. and Mrs. George B. McClennen II
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McDevitt
Mrs. Joan C. McIlvaine
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McKeown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Meehan
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Mellen IV
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Missett
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moran
Mr. John Moran
Mrs. Rita DiSciascio Morley ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Murphy
(Diane Dooner ’78)
Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy
(Maria Pierangeli ’72)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nardi III
Ms. Claudette Nation
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Nolan
Gregory and Denise Nowak
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark O’Donoghue
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O’Laughlin
Dr. and Mrs. Martin O’Riordan
Mr. and Mrs. William J. O’Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ozzimo
Mr. and Mrs. John Pappas
Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Poplawski
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Powers
Mrs. Marie Protesto
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Rabik
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Rafter
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Rampa
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Reilly
Mr. Gregory Rice and Dr. Carol Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Robak
Mr. and Mr. Edward Robson
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Roby
The Rossi-Esmonde Family
(Joan Esmonde ’75)
Mr. and Mrs. Rex R. Runge
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan
(Leslie Drialo ’78)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Ryan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Savarese
Dr. Anthony Scalpato
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaad
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schwalm
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sciblo
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shuda, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Snyder
Mrs. Leslie Spellman
Mr. and Mrs. Jean J. Sterling
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Surosky
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Swayngim
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sweeney
(Bernadette Milani ’78)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Tarpey
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Taylor
Mrs. Patrice Temple-West ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Testa
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tordy
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Toto
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tucker
(Mary Ellen Reilly ’75)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Valosky
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph von dem Hagen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Votta
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Vuono
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wechsler
Mr. and Mrs. John Wendling
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welliver
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Weston
Mr. and Mrs. Charles White
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Willcox
(Ellen Byrnes ’80)
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Wisniewski
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Yeo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Young
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Yusavitz
Mrs. Angela Zager
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Zak
Mr. and Mrs. James Zambon
Mrs. Dolores Thompson Zeller ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman
Faculty Donors
Merion Mercy thanks the following
grandparents who have generously
supported the Merion Mercy Annual
Fund. If you are a grandparent who
has made a gift to MMA, and are not
included in this list, please notify the
MMA Advancement Office.
Merion Mercy thanks the following
faculty and staff members, current
and former, who graciously and
generously supported the Merion
Mercy Annual Fund.
Kelley Kuyat
Lori Zeller Lesutis ’75
Mrs. Maria Lynch
Mrs. Patricia McAleer
Elizabeth McCauley McCall ’04
Mrs. Karen McClennen
Mrs. Maureen Meacham
Emily Dolan Multari ’93
Mrs. Aimee Quinn
Mrs. Margery Roby
Adrianna Savarese ’08
Mrs. Lisa Savarese
Mrs. Elizabeth Ueland
Mr. and Mrs. James Bracken
(Elizabeth Joyce ’53)
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hayes
Mrs. Barbara G. Lamb
Mrs. Patricia Olexy
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Robak
Mrs. Roberta D. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. John Shea
Mr. Tom Siano
Current Faculty
Mr. William P. Baillie
Linda Miele Benton ’75
Sister Barbara Buckley, RSM ’72
Kristina Stanton Cawley ’90
Mrs. Lorraine A. Conigliaro
Miss Mary Ann Danovich
Angela DiCocco Donnelly ’04
Mrs. Lucille Donnelly
Agnes Shields Finigan ’72
Colleen Mooney Gallagher ’83
Eileen Daly Killeen ’68
Former Faculty
Maureen McKeegan Cullen ’61
Mrs. Phyllis R. Kane
Mrs. Christine Kiernan
Mrs. Elsa Lopusniak
Sister Mary Christella Mitchell, RSM
Recognition by Affiliation
Mrs. Judith Shea
Suzanne Corey Walker ’99
Mrs. Angela Zager
Our thanks to the following individuals
who have thoughtfully contributed to
MMA as friends of our school.
Ms. Elaine Battaglia
Mr. Francis Bernhardt
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Bradley
Brandywine Realty Trust,
Philadelphia Suburbs
Brandywine Realty Trust, Richmond, VA
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brennan
Mr. Martin Breslin
Mrs. Marilyn Brinkman
Mr. Brian Campo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caruso
Ms. Mary Ann Casciato
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Clarke
Ms. Emily Clemens
Ms. Colleen Cummings
Ms. Teresa Danovich
Mr. Charles J. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Delano
Mr. David Draiman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Dygert
Ms. Kayla Erbe
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Falcone
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Falcone
First Citizens Bank
Ms. Joanna Fulginti
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gale
Mr. and Mrs. Chris D. Galligan and Family
Mr. and Mrs. James B Ginty
Ms. Nancy Grater
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund P. Guelig
Heritage Trust Company
Ms. Linda Hinkle
Ms. Anne Harvey Howell
Ms. Sharon Hunton
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Interrante
Ms. Gail Jacobsen
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Joyce
Mr. Brian Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King IV
M M A n n u a l Fu n d
Ms. Nancy Kozlowski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lynch
Ms. Ann M. Makin
Ms. Bernadette McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Martin McElroy
Mrs. Betty Ranney Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moran
Ms. Pauline Morgan
Ms. Maureen P. O’Riordan
PWM Real Estate LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Pendergast
Mr. Eugene Pendyke
Ms. Catherine Pullen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quinn
Lt.Col. Charles Reilly, Jr.
Ms. M. Shelagh Cooney Roberts
Mr. David Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Rush
Ms. Helen M. Rush
Patrick Rush, Ph.D.
Mr. Stephen Rush
Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Rutter
Mr. Mathew Sall
Ms. Mary M. Scanlan
Mr. Patrick Schaffer
The James and Bernadette Schoch
Fund of The Foundation for Enhancing
on behalf of Bernadette McCabe
Mr. Richard F. Seel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Shine
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Simonis
Mr. Karl Simonis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Simonis and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Donald U. Smith III
Mr. Gregory Soffian
Ms. Helen L. Swain
Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Taggert II
Ms. Dina Testa
Mr. Edward Toole, Jr. and Ms. Mary F Walrath
Ms. Lois Trench-Hines
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wagner
Ms. Linda Weisner
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ziccardi, Sr.
Recurring Gift Donors
Merion Mercy now offers a recurring
gift option online. An easy, secure
way to increase the impact of your
donation by making a monthly gift.
Recurring gifts add up to meaningful
support for MMA. We thank the
following alumnae who have chosen
this way to support MMA.
Mary Theresa Limbach ’06
Amy Wisniewski ’06
Tribute of Mercy
Catherine McAuley was able to
establish the House of Mercy on Baggot
Street in Dublin with an inheritance
she received from her adopted father,
William Callaghan. This House of
Mercy became the Convent of Mercy on
December 12, 1831. Today this date is
celebrated by the Sisters of Mercy as
Foundation Day.
Our school community continues this
mission of Mercy to educate young
women through our constituents who
remember Merion Mercy in their estate
plans. We are most grateful this year
for the following bequests.
The Estate of Mary Ann F. Rizzo ’59
The Estate of Patricia A. Rumely ’46
For more information on making a
bequest, please contact Kelley Kuyat,
Executive Director of Advancement,
at [email protected] or
610-664-6655 ext. 180.
MMA is grateful for the support of the
following foundations.
EFM Foundation
Paul E. Kelly Foundation
Pennsylvania State Athletic Directors
Association Foundation
The James and Bernadette Schoch
Fund of The Foundation for Enhancing
on behalf of Bernadette McCabe
The Maguire Foundation
Merion Mercy Academy is honored
to have the support of the following
organizations to inspire our mission.
Carrlu Company, Inc.
Construction Services Group LLC
Daniel J. Keating Company
Elliott-Lewis Corporation
First Niagara Bank
J.P. Moscaro and Sons Education Fund
Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company
NorthWind, LLC
Michael J. Stewart, PC
Suburban Wholesale Lighting, Inc.
The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
St. Philomena Church
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas,
Mid-Atlantic Community
OSTC Donors
We thank the following corporations
for their generous support.
Hi-Trend, LP
Pennsylvania EITC and
OSTC Business Donors
Merion Mercy offers grateful
appreciation to the following businesses
that made donations through the
Educational Improvement Tax Credit
(EITC) and the Opportunity Scholarship
Tax Credit (OSTC) programs.
This past fiscal year, 19 Pennsylvania
businesses made generous gifts to
Merion Mercy through these tax credit
programs, amounting to $284,450 to
support scholarships and financial
aid. These business donations
simultaneously provide substantial tax
credit to the donor and needed funding
for deserving MMA students. These gifts
make a profound difference to students
who would otherwise be unable to
attend Merion Mercy Academy.
EITC Donors
Brennan Sales Institute Ltd.
Aqua America, Inc.
The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
Maguire Enterprises
Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company
Philadelphia Insurance Companies
UHS of Pennsylvania, Inc.
Many business donors, who pay
Pennsylvania state income tax,
are eligible for these generous tax
credits. Donors who commit to two
consecutive-year gifts qualify for a
90% tax credit. One-time donors
receive a Pennsylvania tax credit
of 75%. The program is available
to businesses large and small. All
EITC and OSTC donations support
scholarships and financial aid. For more
information, contact Agnes Shields
Finigan ’72, Director of Annual Fund,
at [email protected] or at
610-664-6655, ext. 126.
Matching Gift Companies
The following businesses, corporations
and foundations contributed matching
gifts to the MMAnnual Fund.
Abbott Fund Matching Grant Plan
ACE Charitable Foundation
Boeing Company
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Campbell Soup Foundation
Citizens Bank
Anna Moretto ’15
Deutsche Asset Management
Exelon Foundation
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.
Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program
ITW / Phila Resins Corp
J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Merck Foundation
Merck Partnership for Giving
New York Life
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
The Vanguard Group
Travelers Community Connections
Verizon Foundation
XL Global Services, Inc.
Margaret Flanigan Brady ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan, Jr.
Kristina Stanton Cawley ’90
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Derewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donnelly
Margaret Graves Ewing ’48
Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark O’Donoghue
Heather McAleer Peterson ’92
Mr. Tom Siano
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph von dem Hagen
Ellen Byrnes Willcox ’80
Endowed Funds
Each year, Merion Mercy Academy
relies on the generous support of
our donors to help us carry out our
mission of educating our students
to become women of courage and
Unlike an annual fund gift, which directly
supports MMA each academic year, when you
make a gift to an endowed fund your contribution
is invested and provides for the ongoing financial
security of Merion Mercy Academy. The principal
of the endowed fund—an amount raised from
generous donations of alumnae, parents, past
parents and friends— is invested and remains
whole. The interest generated by the fund
supports the donor’s chosen purpose on an
annual basis. As the invested principal grows,
so too does the annual income. The permanence
of such a gift is powerful and has a lasting
impact on Merion Mercy Academy. Listed in this
section is a complete list of all endowed funds
established at MMA.
For more information regarding endowed
funds please contact Executive Director
of Advancement, Kelley Kuyat at
[email protected] or
610-664-6655, ext. 180.
The Felicia Falcone ’87 Endowed Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established in 2005 by Joseph and Angelina
Falcone in memory of their daughter, Felicia Falcone’87. These
funds provide financial support to a current student with
outstanding academics who demonstrates interests in writing,
music, and/or musical theater as well as a strong commitment
to service.
Ann Fergione Angelone ’88
Jennifer Baldino Bonett ’87
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Delano
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Falcone
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Falcone
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Falcone
Kathleen O’Sullivan Hinckle ’62
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McAleer
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Taylor
The Sister Catherine FitzPatrick, RSM
Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2000, this scholarship honors Sister Catherine
FitzPatrick, RSM who served as principal (Sister Gertrude
Marie) from 1953 until 1968. Sister Catherine FitzPatrick was an
educator and a leader who set high standards for academics and
student decorum. This scholarship provides financial assistance
to an incoming freshman.
Mr. and Mrs. James Bracken (Elizabeth Joyce ’53)
Mr. and Mrs. Fenton FitzPatrick
The Salvatore and Tina Guzzardi
Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship, established in 2005, honors Salvatore and Tina
Guzzardi who were highly committed to private, Catholic education.
One of their enduring legacies was a trust fund which allows
their sons to assist schools in the growth of their programs. This
scholarship provides financial assistance to a deserving student.
Marjorie McGeown Gorman Endowed Scholarship
Marjorie Gorman worked at MMA from 1985 until 2005, and this
endowed scholarship honors her memory. Mrs. Gorman believed
strongly in the importance of private, Catholic education. She
both lived and taught values consistent with Merion Mercy
Academy’s educational and spiritual mission.
Sister Teresa Mary, RSM Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Sister Teresa
Mary, RSM who served as principal of MMA from 1993 until 2000.
True to the Mercy tradition, Sister Teresa Mary was passionate
about helping students in financial need.
Kathleen Feenane Kennedy ’59
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Endowed Funds
Sister Regina Ward, RSM
Endowed Scholarship
Kate Logue Shine ’72
Scholarship Fund
In 2007, Merion Mercy Academy parents
established this endowed scholarship to
honor Sister Regina Ward, RSM, principal
from 2000 until 2007. This scholarship
gratefully recognizes Sister Regina Ward’s
dedication and commitment in her work as
prinicpal of Merion Mercy Academy.
Family and friends of Kate Logue Shine ’72
established this fund in 1991 to honor
her memory. This fund provides financial
assistance to students in need.
Sisters of Mercy
Endowed Scholarship
This endowed scholarship, given by the
Sisters of Mercy, honors the academy’s
tradition of and ongoing commitment to a
diverse student population.
Scholarship Support
MMA General Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by
MMA to provide funding for students in need
of financial aid.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Brown
Paul E. Kelly Foundation
St. Philomena Church
Hayden Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1990 by the
Class of 1955 in memory of Patricia Hayden
McGurk ’55 and Rosemary Hayden Holleran
’47. The Hayden Fund provides financial
assistance to deserving young women with
a strong academic record and positive
involvement in the many activities at MMA.
Barbara Hayden Kearns ’57
Ann Scattergood McDevitt ’55
Jane Dagit Young ’55
Mater Girl Scholarship Program
The Mater Girl scholarship program
was established by Sister Catherine
FitzPatrick, RSM to provide immediate
financial assistance to a student who would
not be able to remain at MMA due to financial
Meredith Smith Jones ’54
Elizabeth O’Keefe Schaffer ’65
Mr. Patrick Schaffer
Annabelle Logue Curran ’70
Caitlin Curran ’04
Kathleen Kelly Staudt ’70
Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Taggert II
Maguire Scholars Fund
The Maguire Scholars, a program within the
Maguire Foundation, provides scholarship
assistance for students who have a
strong academic record, a commitment to
community service, and who demonstrate
financial need. At the high school level, the
program provides assistance to freshmen
each year to support them through four
years of high school. Merion Mercy
Academy extends heartfelt appreciation
to the Maguire Foundation for making
this scholarship program available to
our students.
In Honorarium
In Honor of Sabrina Ciervo ’16
Mr. Eugene Pendyke
In Honor of the Class of 1954, 60th Reunion
In Honor of MaryKate O’Riordan ’13
Ms. Maureen P. O’Riordan
In Honor of Elizabeth O’Keefe Schaffer ’65
Mr. Patrick Schaffer
In Honor of Sister Ethel Sweeney, RSM
Joan Mastrangelo Marter ’64
In Memory of Marguerite Heiken Breslin ’50
Mr. Martin Breslin
In Memory of Brian Cooper
Mrs. Lorraine Conigliaro
Marie Silcox Wiley ’45
In Memory of Frank Costanzo
Wandz Costanzo ’59
In Memory of Bernard Echelmeier
Mrs. Lorraine A. Conigliaro
Adrianne Walvoord Webb ’99
Marie Silcox Wiley ’45
In Memory of Jacqueline Fioravanti ’12
Mr. Francis Bernhardt
In Memory of Miriam Rudolph Fisher ’42
Patricia McHugh Gernerd ’71
In Memory of Laurence H. Hoffner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Falcone
In Memory of James F. Logue
Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Taggert II
In Memory of Margaret McBrien O’Brien
Sister Barbara Buckley, RSM ’72
Ms. Emily Clemens
Eleanor Dougherty Currie ’58
Agnes Shields Finigan ’72
Ms. Nancy J. Grater
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Rutter
Ms. Linda Weisner
Gail DeVecchis Wygant ’72
In Memory of Sister Madeleine Marie, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McAleer
In Memory of Jack Mita
Maripeg Mita Bruder ’74
In Memory of Joyce Moran
Mr. John Moran
In Memoriam
In Memory of Marie Louise Ayers
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Falcone
In Memory of John Joseph Barcia
In Memory of Dorothy Lehman Werner ’55
Martha Wolfington Gillin ’55
Mary Jane Murphy Hamburger ’55
Ms. Nancy Kozlowski
Mr. David Draiman
Mr. Richard F. Seel
Anne-Marie Barcia de Leiva ’73
Endowed Funds
In Memory of Mary Simonis Rush
The following individuals, families, businesses, and charitable organizations made
gifts in memory of Mary Simonis Rush, English teacher at Merion Mercy since 2006.
Mrs. Rush graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2006 with a BA in English
and from University College Dublin with an MA in Anglo-Irish Literature and Drama.
She died at age 35 on January 5, 2014. Gifts in her memory are restricted to faculty
professional development and the Women for Life Club, two areas very important to her.
Mary made a deeply positive impact on our school, and she will be dearly missed.
Ms. Elaine Battaglia
Linda Miele Benton ’75
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Bradley
Brandywine Realty Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brennan
Sister Barbara Buckley, RSM ’72
Mr. Brian Campo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Clarke
Mrs. Lorraine A. Conigliaro
Ms. Colleen Cummings
Mr. Charles J. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Dygert
Ms. Kayla Erbe
Mr. and Mrs. T. Mark Farrell
Agnes Shields Finigan ’72
First Citizens Bank
Ms. Joanna Fulginti
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gale
Mr. and Mrs. Chris D. Galligan and Family
Mr. and Mrs. James B Ginty
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund P. Guelig
Heritage Trust Company
Ms. Linda Hinkle
Ms. Anne Harvey Howell
Ms. Sharon Hunton
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Interrante
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King IV
Mr. and Mrs. F. Kevin Koob
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lynch
Ms. Ann M. Makin
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Mazza
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McAleer
The McCarthy - Alfano Family
Mr. and Mrs. Martin McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Meehan
Colleen Meehan ’07
Lauren Meehan ’11
Kasey Meehan ’05
Mr. John Moran
Allison Moran ’09
Ms. Pauline Morgan
Ms. Catherine Pullen
PWM Real Estate LLC
Mrs. Aimee Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Rafter and Family
Ms. M. Shelagh Cooney Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Roccato
Mr. David Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Rush
Ms. Helen M. Rush
Patrick Rush, Ph.D.
Mr. Stephen Rush
Mr. Mathew Sall
Mr. and Mrs. John Savarese
Mr. Karl Simonis
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Simonis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Simonis and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Donald U. Smith III
Mr. Gregory Soffian
Ms. Helen L. Swain
The James and Bernadette Schoch
Fund of The Foundation for Enhancing
on behalf of Bernadette McCabe
Mr. Edward Toole, Jr. and
Ms. Mary F. Walrath
Mary Ellen Reilly Tucker ’75
Mrs. Elizabeth Ueland
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wagner
Ellen Byrnes Willcox ’80
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ziccardi, Sr.
Debra Furia Scalpato ’74 Award
Sister Elizabeth Carroll, RSM Award
This award was given by Dr. Anthony Scalpato in memory of Mrs.
Debra Scalpato who was a Merion Mercy Academy alumna, past
parent, and teacher in both the math and science departments.
The recipient of this award is a member of the senior class who
possesses many of the same qualities that made Mrs. Scalpato
dear to us. The 2014 Debra Furia Scalpato ’74 Award was presented
to Kathleen Dolan ’14.
Since 1993, Mary Ellen Ryan ’58 has funded this award in honor of
Sister Elizabeth Carroll, RSM former French teacher and Mother
General. The award is presented at graduation to the student with
the highest achievement in the study of French. This year, the Sister
Elizabeth Carroll Award was given to Christine Fay ’14.
M M A n n u a l Fu n d
The Merion Mercy
Journey Continues.
Please Join in Strengthening the Quality of Mercy We Bring to the World.
To make a gift, please use the enclosed gift envelope or give online at, click Supporting MMA.
For more information, contact Agnes Shields Finigan ’72, Director of Annual Fund, 610-664-6655, ext. 126.
Merion Mercy Academy
511 Montgomery Avenue
Merion Station, PA 19066
9:52 AM
Sip ’n Bid
Save the Date!
“It’s a Wonderful Life”
at Merion Mercy Academ
Saturday, November 22, 20
6:30 P.M. – 11:00 P.M. 14
is open
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is open
to current
past parents, alumnae, and friends.
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