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Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Band Newsletter
December 2015
Contributing Writers
Denise Larocque, Darlene Jerome,
Walter Jerome, Amanda Crozier,
Cynthia Dow, Jasmine Martin,
Luc Martin
Kayla Caplin,
Ice Fishing - Short Film Project
Fast Pitch Practices - Community Skate Park
Social Assistance
Sun Life Financial
Support For Out-Of-Control
Design & Layout
Kayla Caplin
Cynthia Dow, Tammy Martin
Economic Development Department
Gesgapegiag Collection
Schedule 2016
Cover Page: Left - Right
Fred Vicaire (Director General),
Doug Martin (Council),
Rod Larocque (Chief),
Rémi Massé (Liberal MP riding of Avignon—La Mitis—Matane—Matapédia),
Emery Beland (Director General of the Cégep de Matane),
Armand Martin (Council),
Jonathan Tanguay (Political Attaché)
Just a reminder for those that are interested in taking the
Construction Safety Course (ASP) or the Flagman Course,
please call at the Band Office (418) 759-3441
and give your name to the receptionist.
A schedule will only be made once the minimum amount of
required people sign up.
Amanda Crozier
Mesgi’g Ugju’s’n Project Coordinator
(418) 759-3441
The season for
Ice fishing
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is just around the corner!
This Winter, we will be taking out two age groups: from ages 8 to 12 and 13 to 17.
Community members are more than welcome to join us.
Transportation will be provided.
The time and dates for this activity will be posted in the near future.
Would you be interested
in a short films project?
On Thursday, January 21st at 7pm
We would like to invite you to come to the Youth Center where Eli Laliberte will be
there to introduce himself to you.
He will be there to talk about some projects he had done in the past, as well as upcoming projects
he will be a part of in the near future.
If you or someone you know wants to learn more about what it takes to make a short film,
Eli can answer these questions for you. As a member of the Youth Center, you may have some great ideas that
others may want help with.
If you are between the ages of 9 and 17 years old and are interested in learning more about
films then you will enjoy this presentation.
This is a great opportunity to start working on something you might have thought was impossible.
Walter Jerome,
Youth Services Coordinator
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Fast Pitch Practices
In the month of February we will begin one hour per week practice sessions at the Wejgwapniag School
Gymnasium for fast pitch to begin preparations for the upcoming 2016 softball season. Back in September we
were given training on proper fast pitch techniques by Softball Canada’s Master Pitch Instructor, Marcel Cote.
He recommended we begin practice sessions months before the beginning of the season. We want to start this
early in the New Year to encourage and assist those who are interested in pitching and learning the proper
techniques and would like to implement these teachings this coming season.
If you are interested in pitching keep an eye open for any information on these sessions.
If you would like to sign up for this you can send me a message at [email protected] or
(418) 759-3431 or through Facebook.
We will be setting an official time and date in the next couple of weeks.
Walter Jerome,
Youth Services Coordinator
Community Skate Park
Youth Services is currently looking for community members who are interested in forming a working
group to help in the planning process for a community skate park.
There have been times where we began talks about the project and then
having to put it on hold for various reasons.
We now have been given the green light to begin planning and designing the skate park.
If you would like to be part of this process please contact me at the Health Center at (418) 759-3431 or
by email at [email protected].
Walter Jerome,
Youth Services Coordinator
Sadly the Warehouse burned down on Saturday, January 16, 2016.
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Support for Out-Of-Control Gambling
Cynthia Dow
Sometimes we are so anxious to have more money, thinking that money can solve any problem, that we can find
ourselves spending a lot of money in gambling. We are so certain the next big win is right around the corner!
Help is available to those who need to re-think their approach to gambling and games of chance. The Nova
Scotia government has a very interesting program at the current time, called Take Five! The program encourages people to take five minutes to re-consider their gambling habits, and take five easy steps to change problem
Look at your gambling
Make a decision
Set your goals
Build a game plan
Identify triggers
Their website also includes personal stories that could be inspirational: However please note that the telephone and texting services are available only to
citizens of Nova Scotia.
A Quebec-based website offers all kinds of support to people struggling with out of control gambling: has an English page where you can find of ideas, including a gambler’s profile to help you
determine if you are developing a serious problem. You can email them at [email protected] or call
1-800-461-0140 for direct help.
Out of control gambling, like any other kind of addiction, can have serious consequences on our mental health.
Reach out for help if you think you need it!
Career Day 2015
Economic Development Department
Summary of activities
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Land Based Salmon Farm
- The feasibility Study is meeting its timeline. The aquaculture firm will be delivering a report to the
Leadership of Gesgapegiag on the S.W.O.T. analysis January 18th 2016.
- Two potential sites in the community have been identified but have yet to be deemed feasible.
- More updates to follow in April 2016.
Women’s Project
- We would like to congratulate the women who successfully completed the project Mlgiganoti Apa’jigsweg –
Taking back our strength; Angelique Condo (coordinator), Jeannie Caplin, Tina Caplin, Laura Condo, Emily
Jerome, Rollande Jerome, Susan Jerome, Evelyn Mallette, Orenda Mallette, Kathy Martin, for their wonderful
5 year Economic Development Strategic Plan
- MNP Consultants will present their final report to Chief & Council at the end of January.
- Gesgapegiag is going to be advertising in the Journal Déclaration, a magazine that is only distributed to government officers. About 35,000 copies are distributed every year. If you have any beautiful pictures of
attractions in Gesgapegiag (ie. Lobster Hut, Micmac Coop, Pow wow, etc.) feel free to share it with us.
Community Christmas Feast
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