erry had job, both a loving relation- he other


erry had job, both a loving relation- he other
1:34 PM
Page 1
The Magic of Dr. Cherry Collier
Dr. Cherry changed my life. I began to consider that I
was in possession of limitless potential as I listened to
her speaking. Reading her book, Move out of Your Own
Way, was pivotal for me. I had always considered myself
somewhat motivated, but she encouraged me to tap
strengths that I did not even know I had. She
revealed some flaws in my thinking that were holding
me back; and I have been unstoppable ever since.
Through Move, specifically in her writings on results
vs. reasons and obstacles, I discovered that I really was
in my own way, setting up excuse obstacles that I had no
business constructing. I feared to seek and explore, to
really put full effort into pursuing what I wanted! It
was her philosophy that everyone is in full and complete
possession of the requirements needed to succeed in
life that really spoke to me. Her musings on failure vs.
feedback gave me the courage to charge forward
wholeheartedly after my dreams. Thanks to her, I am
now operating at 100%, and in a career I would
have never thought possible for me before her
influence. She encouraged me to follow my dream of
teaching and to further my educational goals. I hope that
I may be able to pass along even a fraction of the
positive energy and inspiration that she so selflessly
shares with thousands of people on a daily basis. Her
message is powerful, wise, and infinitely important;
her delivery is empowering, inspiring, charismatic,
and no nonsense. I recommend her to anyone
and everyone who wants to succeed. There
is nothing that I would accept in substitute for my
experience with her. Dr. Cherry, you are my hero!
Christina Searle, Dallas Georgia
Dr. Cherry Collier's book, Move Out of Your Own Way,
is the most inspirational book I have ever read. I met Dr.
Collier at a Leadership Development Institute at which
she was speaking. She captured the entire audience
with her amazing energy and sincere passion for
positive thinking. I decided to purchase her book to
get a deeper understanding of what she spoke about. I
was pleasantly amazed at how I felt during and after
reading this book. I really noticed a change in
my attitude about life. I became a much more
positive-thinking person and I strive to improve
on that daily. Dr. Collier is a very special and wonderful
person with a desire to help others reach their potential.
I strongly recommend learning from her either
by reading her book, listening to her speak, or
any other way possible! I guarantee your life
will be changed!
Kern Woods, Senior at Purdue University
Read one email from Dr. Collier and you will know why
you should read one of her books. Read one of her
books and you will know why you should meet her.
Meet her and you will never forget her or what
she teaches.
Jane Leader, Vice President, JobPlex
Some things we just do not have control over and sometimes life happens. Dr. Cherry’s book, however, teaches
us that our mental capacities in the form of personal
success and growth can be transformed. Whether you
read her book or hear her speak, one thing is for
certain, you will be moved, touched, and
empowered. The concepts and approach she uses are
direct and powerful. She has the capacity to help you
benefit from things you knew all along, yet for some
reason, never tapped into. A quick analogy that comes to
mind is the priming of a lawn mower. A lawn mower is
not easily started without it! Dr. Cherry’s book primes
your mind to positively transform the typical thought
processes we let control our lives. Both charismatic
and logical, her writing and speaking voice will
resonate in your daily thoughts and actions! A
must read to start off the New Year!
Lisa Bradley, Kennesaw State University
I have been into self-improvement tapes books and
seminars for over 30 years. I have read books by
Norman Vincent Peale, Dr. Dyer and Les Brown to
mention a few, and have attended numerous
seminars and listened to cassette tapes as a part of
my daily routine.
Last year I was completely caught off guard when
I attended a Blacks in Government Conference in
Washington D.C., again as a time for networking and
professional development. There were a number of gifted
presenters and very interesting informational seminars,
but one seminar became a part of my life in a very new
and spiritual way.
Dr. Cherry’s presentation filled the room with a
very powerful and a wholesome spirit that went
beyond the material and the cerebral, it was
picking us up and carrying us to new places in
our lives. This continued throughout the workshop
which taught us how to “Move out of Your Own Way,”
and how to cultivate the fruits within you to empower
success, growth and abundance. She unfolded her
lifetime experience in a way that led you to believe that
she operates according to the blessings from God and
that we all can experience the same blessings, if we just
move out of our own way.
Several months had passed before I contacted Dr.
Cherry on her website which I found listed in her book.
That is not to say that I had lost interest in her teachings,
in fact, I could not forget her seminar and the
One day Dr. Cherry had
it all: a 6-figure job, both
parents living, a loving
and supportive relationship, and all the other
things that go along with
the fairy tale life.
Suddenly, her dreams
were turned inside out,
forcing her to make some
very tough life choices.
Her greatest choice was deciding to view her cup as
half full rather than half empty. Learn how Dr.
Cherry became “The Attitude Magician” by using
her life lessons magically to empower her and others to M.O.V.E. out of their own ways to achieve
extraordinary results.
Dr. Cherry is a high energy performer who has
successfully performed thousands of seminars,
training programs, keynote addresses, and coaching
sessions, making her one of the most sought after
personal empowerment speakers and life coaches
in America.
Dr. Cherry
shares her expertise
on television and radio
spiritual enlightenment that I received from her
on that day. I believe that she is one of the chosen
ones sent here to impart knowledge to us in a way that
we receive in a very different kind of way. I have never
been so moved and convinced by a presenter as
I was on that day. I believe she has an anointing on
her life and has dedicated her life to empowering others.
I could go on, but some of what I have to say cannot be
communicated in words. I recommend her book to you
and, should you have the opportunity to become part of
her village, do not miss it.
Mr. Gregory L. Pleasant,
Discovery Resource Center Manager
Wow!! You are truly amazing and an inspiration
to everyone you come in contact with. You know
exactly what to say and how to say it so that people get
the message. You are bold and courageous with steadfast
conviction about what we need to do to move our lives
forward. You encourage personal and professional
growth, accountability, responsibility and caring. You do
this through your speeches, your writing, your website
and in one-on-one conversations. I am a better person
because I know you.
You inspire me to do better even when I feel tired and
seem to have no more to give. Despite the distance
between us, I feel your sincere concern for my well
being and growth. Whenever I speak to you, you give
me your complete attention. You celebrate my wins no
matter how small.
Cherry C, because you do so much to inspire and motivate
everyone else, I wanted to send some energy your way.
Rondo Moses, New York, New York are the Queen of lemonade...that is taking
whatever lemons life puts in your path and
converting it to the sweetest and tastiest
lemonade available...
All good things....
Craig Triplett, Managing Partner
The LeROI Group
Dr. Cherry received her Ph.D. and Masters of
Science in Social Psychology from the University
of Georgia. She graduated Magna Cum Laude,
from Spelman College, with a Bachelors of Arts
in Psychology. Dr. Cherry is a Visiting Professor,
a certified Trainer and Master Practitioner of
NLP, a graduate of The Coaches Training Institute
and a member of the National Speakers
The ideal speaker for:
• Colleges, Universities & Schools
• Conference Keynotes & Workshops
• Conflict Management
• Corporate Employee Programs
• Diversity Programs
• Leadership Retreats
• Lunch and Learns
• Orientations
• Team Buildings
Each program is custom designed and
tailored to your audience.
530 Reunion Court SW, Atlanta, GA 30331
Voice: 678-574-5070
Email: [email protected]
Web site:
1:34 PM
Page 2
otivational speaker, life coach,
and author Dr. Cherry A. Collier,
The Attitude Magician, brings to life the
simple yet profound lessons featured in her
powerful books, life lessons and career
experiences. Dr. Cherry uses magic, humor,
perceptual illusions, and stories to motivate
and empower her audiences.
Immediately after our programs, audience members
will be able to put her life-changing lessons into
action as they learn the 4 step M.O.V.E. technique.
Discover keys to personal
empowerment & accountability:
• Gain knowledge of ways to anticipate, adapt,
and benefit from change
• Determine the benefits of taking responsibility
for your actions
• Learn strategies for successfully conquering
obstacles and failure
• Dr. Cherry helps you to recover valuable
resources you currently possess inside
Dr. Cherry’s Magical Programs will:
• Empower positive attitudes
• Enable change readiness
• Facilitate self awareness
• Eliminate negativity
• Increase morale
• Build flexibility
• Promote personal accountability
• Encourage paying it forward
• Reinforce confidence
• Facilitate attitude change
College and School Self Esteem Edition
This powerful seminar identifies ways for participants to MOVE
to the results they desire through personal and organizational
accountability. Participants gain knowledge of ways to anticipate,
adapt, and benefit from change. Participants discover strategies to
promote stress management, flexibility, and resilience. Adult learning
exercises are employed to enable the learner to discover specific
tools and techniques for handling challenging tasks, frustrations, and
failures; while recognizing inner strength and personal power.
• The participant will spot opportunities for self improvement
and gain a greater understanding of empowerment and the
role it plays in leading personal and organizational change
• Participants will also learn to gain control over their DR. SUCCESS
and dr. failure characters, recognize how to redirect negative
energy for positive benefits, overcome challenges and eliminate
negativity (including toxic people), and employ the secrets
associated with dealing with unexpected obstacles.
Learn how to:
• Develop and show a positive
• Develop competencies to increase self
• Overcome emotional challenges
• Eliminate negativity
• Build interpersonal and communication
skills to resolve problems
• Improve team dynamics
Dr. Cherry uses
humor to inspire
Corporate Customer Service Edition
• Decrease conflict with others
Dr. Cherry uses magic
props and stories to
motivate her audiences
Magical Skills Building Programs
The Magic is in YOU!
Discover how to:
Dr. Cherry gets
lessons from her mentor
Dr. Dennis Kimbro
Dr. Cherry
exchanging motivationa
Program goals:
Dr. Cherry caters to
audiences of all sizes
Provide personal and organizational inspiration
Spot opportunities for self improvement
Increase flexibility to change
Discover specific tools and techniques for
handling challenging tasks, recognizing inner
strength and personal power
• Gain a greater understanding of empowerment
and the role it plays in leading personal and
organizational change
Learn the MOVE personal
empowerment formula:
Communicate a positive attitude
Develop competencies to create a self-driven work culture
Strengthen personal/professional capabilities
Overcome emotional challenges with employees or customers
Eliminate negativity in employees or customers
Build interpersonal and communication skills to resolve problems
Improve team dynamics
Want your team to be more cohesive and productive? This course will
immediately improve team dynamics, effectiveness and efficiency.
Once you know the magical secrets the team will never be the same!
• Participants will be motivated to diversify their thinking and
MOVE collectively toward positivity and success
• Discover tools and techniques that reduce conflict, increase self
esteem, and increase confidence by helping participants to
learn to appreciate the magical abilities in self and others
• Improve communications and create inclusive environments
• Learn how each team member can use 15 minutes of fame to
become a team player
• Motivate Yourself
• Open Your Mind to What You Want
• Visualize Infinite Possibilities (VIPs)
• Expect Success!
Dr. Cherry enjoys
connecting with her
Can you tell me what the
picture to the left is?
Can you tell me what this picture
is? Sure you can! It’s from my
model of the world, and everybody
knows what’s in my head, right?
[email protected]
Stedman Graham
and Jack Canfield
of the Chicken Soup for
the Soul share secrets to
success with Dr. Cherry.
Dr. Cherry
izes each
tion for
your specific
**Advanced session includes
Behavioral Assessments to
resolve specific team problems. (Assessments are based
on the needs of the group.
True Colors, DiSC, Hermann
Brain Dominance Inventory,
California Personality Inventory
or Myers Briggs, and/or 360
will be used.)
In the program you will:
• An understanding of what generational leadership is
• An understanding of what attitude is and how it impacts each
• An awareness of the
unique experiences,
styles and attitudes
of each generation
(Matures, Boomers,
Gen X, Gen Y, leftbrainers, rightbrainers, thinkers, feelers,
introverts, extraverts,
judgers, perceivers,
dr. failure tries
visuals, auditory, digital,
• An evaluation of WHY
understanding the
values, motivations,
and challenges of
each generation
and/or style increases
attitude and performHowev
er, Dr.
S dr. f
ance in the workplace
the wa
out of
• Describe how generational
leadership differences shape
the environment, behavior, and interactions.
• Discover Why IGNORING generational styles
brings conflict, negativity and poor morale
*Most Programs are designed as both Keynotes and
Training Programs
Toll Free: 1-877--521-8767
1:34 PM
Page 2
otivational speaker, life coach,
and author Dr. Cherry A. Collier,
The Attitude Magician, brings to life the
simple yet profound lessons featured in her
powerful books, life lessons and career
experiences. Dr. Cherry uses magic, humor,
perceptual illusions, and stories to motivate
and empower her audiences.
Immediately after our programs, audience members
will be able to put her life-changing lessons into
action as they learn the 4 step M.O.V.E. technique.
Discover keys to personal
empowerment & accountability:
• Gain knowledge of ways to anticipate, adapt,
and benefit from change
• Determine the benefits of taking responsibility
for your actions
• Learn strategies for successfully conquering
obstacles and failure
• Dr. Cherry helps you to recover valuable
resources you currently possess inside
Dr. Cherry’s Magical Programs will:
• Empower positive attitudes
• Enable change readiness
• Facilitate self awareness
• Eliminate negativity
• Increase morale
• Build flexibility
• Promote personal accountability
• Encourage paying it forward
• Reinforce confidence
• Facilitate attitude change
College and School Self Esteem Edition
This powerful seminar identifies ways for participants to MOVE
to the results they desire through personal and organizational
accountability. Participants gain knowledge of ways to anticipate,
adapt, and benefit from change. Participants discover strategies to
promote stress management, flexibility, and resilience. Adult learning
exercises are employed to enable the learner to discover specific
tools and techniques for handling challenging tasks, frustrations, and
failures; while recognizing inner strength and personal power.
• The participant will spot opportunities for self improvement
and gain a greater understanding of empowerment and the
role it plays in leading personal and organizational change
• Participants will also learn to gain control over their DR. SUCCESS
and dr. failure characters, recognize how to redirect negative
energy for positive benefits, overcome challenges and eliminate
negativity (including toxic people), and employ the secrets
associated with dealing with unexpected obstacles.
Learn how to:
• Develop and show a positive
• Develop competencies to increase self
• Overcome emotional challenges
• Eliminate negativity
• Build interpersonal and communication
skills to resolve problems
• Improve team dynamics
Dr. Cherry uses
humor to inspire
Corporate Customer Service Edition
• Decrease conflict with others
Dr. Cherry uses magic
props and stories to
motivate her audiences
Magical Skills Building Programs
The Magic is in YOU!
Discover how to:
Dr. Cherry gets
lessons from her mentor
Dr. Dennis Kimbro
Dr. Cherry
exchanging motivationa
Program goals:
Dr. Cherry caters to
audiences of all sizes
Provide personal and organizational inspiration
Spot opportunities for self improvement
Increase flexibility to change
Discover specific tools and techniques for
handling challenging tasks, recognizing inner
strength and personal power
• Gain a greater understanding of empowerment
and the role it plays in leading personal and
organizational change
Learn the MOVE personal
empowerment formula:
Communicate a positive attitude
Develop competencies to create a self-driven work culture
Strengthen personal/professional capabilities
Overcome emotional challenges with employees or customers
Eliminate negativity in employees or customers
Build interpersonal and communication skills to resolve problems
Improve team dynamics
Want your team to be more cohesive and productive? This course will
immediately improve team dynamics, effectiveness and efficiency.
Once you know the magical secrets the team will never be the same!
• Participants will be motivated to diversify their thinking and
MOVE collectively toward positivity and success
• Discover tools and techniques that reduce conflict, increase self
esteem, and increase confidence by helping participants to
learn to appreciate the magical abilities in self and others
• Improve communications and create inclusive environments
• Learn how each team member can use 15 minutes of fame to
become a team player
• Motivate Yourself
• Open Your Mind to What You Want
• Visualize Infinite Possibilities (VIPs)
• Expect Success!
Dr. Cherry enjoys
connecting with her
Can you tell me what the
picture to the left is?
Can you tell me what this picture
is? Sure you can! It’s from my
model of the world, and everybody
knows what’s in my head, right?
[email protected]
Stedman Graham
and Jack Canfield
of the Chicken Soup for
the Soul share secrets to
success with Dr. Cherry.
Dr. Cherry
izes each
tion for
your specific
**Advanced session includes
Behavioral Assessments to
resolve specific team problems. (Assessments are based
on the needs of the group.
True Colors, DiSC, Hermann
Brain Dominance Inventory,
California Personality Inventory
or Myers Briggs, and/or 360
will be used.)
In the program you will:
• An understanding of what generational leadership is
• An understanding of what attitude is and how it impacts each
• An awareness of the
unique experiences,
styles and attitudes
of each generation
(Matures, Boomers,
Gen X, Gen Y, leftbrainers, rightbrainers, thinkers, feelers,
introverts, extraverts,
judgers, perceivers,
dr. failure tries
visuals, auditory, digital,
• An evaluation of WHY
understanding the
values, motivations,
and challenges of
each generation
and/or style increases
attitude and performHowev
er, Dr.
S dr. f
ance in the workplace
the wa
out of
• Describe how generational
leadership differences shape
the environment, behavior, and interactions.
• Discover Why IGNORING generational styles
brings conflict, negativity and poor morale
*Most Programs are designed as both Keynotes and
Training Programs
Toll Free: 1-877--521-8767
1:34 PM
Page 1
The Magic of Dr. Cherry Collier
Dr. Cherry changed my life. I began to consider that I
was in possession of limitless potential as I listened to
her speaking. Reading her book, Move out of Your Own
Way, was pivotal for me. I had always considered myself
somewhat motivated, but she encouraged me to tap
strengths that I did not even know I had. She
revealed some flaws in my thinking that were holding
me back; and I have been unstoppable ever since.
Through Move, specifically in her writings on results
vs. reasons and obstacles, I discovered that I really was
in my own way, setting up excuse obstacles that I had no
business constructing. I feared to seek and explore, to
really put full effort into pursuing what I wanted! It
was her philosophy that everyone is in full and complete
possession of the requirements needed to succeed in
life that really spoke to me. Her musings on failure vs.
feedback gave me the courage to charge forward
wholeheartedly after my dreams. Thanks to her, I am
now operating at 100%, and in a career I would
have never thought possible for me before her
influence. She encouraged me to follow my dream of
teaching and to further my educational goals. I hope that
I may be able to pass along even a fraction of the
positive energy and inspiration that she so selflessly
shares with thousands of people on a daily basis. Her
message is powerful, wise, and infinitely important;
her delivery is empowering, inspiring, charismatic,
and no nonsense. I recommend her to anyone
and everyone who wants to succeed. There
is nothing that I would accept in substitute for my
experience with her. Dr. Cherry, you are my hero!
Christina Searle, Dallas Georgia
Dr. Cherry Collier's book, Move Out of Your Own Way,
is the most inspirational book I have ever read. I met Dr.
Collier at a Leadership Development Institute at which
she was speaking. She captured the entire audience
with her amazing energy and sincere passion for
positive thinking. I decided to purchase her book to
get a deeper understanding of what she spoke about. I
was pleasantly amazed at how I felt during and after
reading this book. I really noticed a change in
my attitude about life. I became a much more
positive-thinking person and I strive to improve
on that daily. Dr. Collier is a very special and wonderful
person with a desire to help others reach their potential.
I strongly recommend learning from her either
by reading her book, listening to her speak, or
any other way possible! I guarantee your life
will be changed!
Kern Woods, Senior at Purdue University
Read one email from Dr. Collier and you will know why
you should read one of her books. Read one of her
books and you will know why you should meet her.
Meet her and you will never forget her or what
she teaches.
Jane Leader, Vice President, JobPlex
Some things we just do not have control over and sometimes life happens. Dr. Cherry’s book, however, teaches
us that our mental capacities in the form of personal
success and growth can be transformed. Whether you
read her book or hear her speak, one thing is for
certain, you will be moved, touched, and
empowered. The concepts and approach she uses are
direct and powerful. She has the capacity to help you
benefit from things you knew all along, yet for some
reason, never tapped into. A quick analogy that comes to
mind is the priming of a lawn mower. A lawn mower is
not easily started without it! Dr. Cherry’s book primes
your mind to positively transform the typical thought
processes we let control our lives. Both charismatic
and logical, her writing and speaking voice will
resonate in your daily thoughts and actions! A
must read to start off the New Year!
Lisa Bradley, Kennesaw State University
I have been into self-improvement tapes books and
seminars for over 30 years. I have read books by
Norman Vincent Peale, Dr. Dyer and Les Brown to
mention a few, and have attended numerous
seminars and listened to cassette tapes as a part of
my daily routine.
Last year I was completely caught off guard when
I attended a Blacks in Government Conference in
Washington D.C., again as a time for networking and
professional development. There were a number of gifted
presenters and very interesting informational seminars,
but one seminar became a part of my life in a very new
and spiritual way.
Dr. Cherry’s presentation filled the room with a
very powerful and a wholesome spirit that went
beyond the material and the cerebral, it was
picking us up and carrying us to new places in
our lives. This continued throughout the workshop
which taught us how to “Move out of Your Own Way,”
and how to cultivate the fruits within you to empower
success, growth and abundance. She unfolded her
lifetime experience in a way that led you to believe that
she operates according to the blessings from God and
that we all can experience the same blessings, if we just
move out of our own way.
Several months had passed before I contacted Dr.
Cherry on her website which I found listed in her book.
That is not to say that I had lost interest in her teachings,
in fact, I could not forget her seminar and the
One day Dr. Cherry had
it all: a 6-figure job, both
parents living, a loving
and supportive relationship, and all the other
things that go along with
the fairy tale life.
Suddenly, her dreams
were turned inside out,
forcing her to make some
very tough life choices.
Her greatest choice was deciding to view her cup as
half full rather than half empty. Learn how Dr.
Cherry became “The Attitude Magician” by using
her life lessons magically to empower her and others to M.O.V.E. out of their own ways to achieve
extraordinary results.
Dr. Cherry is a high energy performer who has
successfully performed thousands of seminars,
training programs, keynote addresses, and coaching
sessions, making her one of the most sought after
personal empowerment speakers and life coaches
in America.
Dr. Cherry
shares her expertise
on television and radio
spiritual enlightenment that I received from her
on that day. I believe that she is one of the chosen
ones sent here to impart knowledge to us in a way that
we receive in a very different kind of way. I have never
been so moved and convinced by a presenter as
I was on that day. I believe she has an anointing on
her life and has dedicated her life to empowering others.
I could go on, but some of what I have to say cannot be
communicated in words. I recommend her book to you
and, should you have the opportunity to become part of
her village, do not miss it.
Mr. Gregory L. Pleasant,
Discovery Resource Center Manager
Wow!! You are truly amazing and an inspiration
to everyone you come in contact with. You know
exactly what to say and how to say it so that people get
the message. You are bold and courageous with steadfast
conviction about what we need to do to move our lives
forward. You encourage personal and professional
growth, accountability, responsibility and caring. You do
this through your speeches, your writing, your website
and in one-on-one conversations. I am a better person
because I know you.
You inspire me to do better even when I feel tired and
seem to have no more to give. Despite the distance
between us, I feel your sincere concern for my well
being and growth. Whenever I speak to you, you give
me your complete attention. You celebrate my wins no
matter how small.
Cherry C, because you do so much to inspire and motivate
everyone else, I wanted to send some energy your way.
Rondo Moses, New York, New York are the Queen of lemonade...that is taking
whatever lemons life puts in your path and
converting it to the sweetest and tastiest
lemonade available...
All good things....
Craig Triplett, Managing Partner
The LeROI Group
Dr. Cherry received her Ph.D. and Masters of
Science in Social Psychology from the University
of Georgia. She graduated Magna Cum Laude,
from Spelman College, with a Bachelors of Arts
in Psychology. Dr. Cherry is a Visiting Professor,
a certified Trainer and Master Practitioner of
NLP, a graduate of The Coaches Training Institute
and a member of the National Speakers
The ideal speaker for:
• Colleges, Universities & Schools
• Conference Keynotes & Workshops
• Conflict Management
• Corporate Employee Programs
• Diversity Programs
• Leadership Retreats
• Lunch and Learns
• Orientations
• Team Buildings
Each program is custom designed and
tailored to your audience.
530 Reunion Court SW, Atlanta, GA 30331
Voice: 678-574-5070
Email: [email protected]
Web site: