D4.6 Protocol Learning for AMI Environments


D4.6 Protocol Learning for AMI Environments
Theme SEC-2011.2.5-1 (Cyber attacks against critical infrastructures)
D4.6 Protocol Learning for AMI
Contract No. FP7-SEC-285477-CRISALIS
Date of delivery
Actual Date of Delivery
Dissemination level
WP4 - System Discovery
Corrado Leita
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n°285477.
Theme SEC-2011.2.5-1 (Cyber attacks against critical infrastructures)
The CRISALIS Consortium consists of:
Symantec Ltd.
Chalmers University
ENEL Ingegneria e Innovazione
Security Matters BV
Siemens AG
Universiteit Twente
Project coordinator
Contact information:
Dr. Matthew Elder
Symantec Limited
Ballycoolin Business Park (GA11-35)
Dublin 15
e-mail: [email protected]
1 Introduction
2 Heuristics-Based Protocol Learning
2.1 Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Results of Protocol Learning for AMI Environments
3.1 Alliander AMI Network Data - DLMS/COSEM Protocol .
3.1.1 Analysis of TCP Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.2 Analysis of DLMS/COSEM Data . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 AMI Command Network Data - M-Bus Protocol . . . . .
3.3 Discussion and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Conclusion
This deliverable presents the research on protocol learning, applied in this work to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) environments. The previous work on protocol
learning, as applied to ICS/SCADA environments in deliverable D4.3, highlighted a
number of challenges in our existing approaches to protocol learning in the context
of critical infrastructure environments. Based on this experience, we have devised a
heuristics-based protocol learning algorithm in an attempt to address the domain-specific
challenges identified. We explore the approach on data collected from two AMI network
environments containing two AMI protocols, DLMS/COSEM and M-Bus, and present
the results of the analyses.
1 Introduction
Monitoring critical infrastructure environments, including those in industrial control
systems (ICS) and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), requires tools capable of
generating semantics about system events. Previously, in deliverable D4.3 “Protocol
learning in SCADA environments”, we identified the need to monitor the systems and
interactions from the network level in the face of malicious adversaries. However, there
are numerous challenges in monitoring critical infrastructure environments from the network, including the use of proprietary, evolving, and/or undocumented protocols and the
frequency of traffic generated. To address the challenges, we explored two approaches to
protocol learning, applied in the context of ICS/SCADA environments: protocol parsers
(“protocol aware”) and automated analysis of protocol payloads (“protocol agnostic”).
The investigation in deliverable D4.3 identified a number of challenges in those protocol learning approaches as applied to ICS/SCADA networks. For example, the network
traffic exhibited long-lived sessions and the absence of separators, which was problematic for the protocol-agnostic approach analyzing the network traffic in order to extract
the protocol semantics in particular. Building upon our previous approaches and adapting based upon the findings of the previous investigation, we propose and explore a
heuristics-based protocol learning algorithm in this deliverable.
The next chapter presents the challenges that have been encountered in protocol
learning as applied to critical infrastructure networks and provides a description of and
rationale for the heuristics-based algorithm. The following chapter presents the results of
applying the heuristics-based protocol learning approach to network data from two AMI
environments, containing two AMI network protocols: DLMS/COSEM and M-Bus.
2 Heuristics-Based Protocol Learning
We have seen in Deliverable D4.3, “Protocol learning in SCADA environments”, that the
task of manually generating protocol descriptions is a tedious one, both when a protocol
specification is available but even more when the protocol specification is closed. At
the same time, it is of utmost importance to be able to get in-depth insights into the
network exchanges, being that the network is the only perspective where it is possible to
monitor the activity of closed devices such as PLCs, as well smart meters in Advanced
Metering Infrastructure (AMI) environments.
2.1 Challenges
When applying protocol learning to SCADA/ICS protocols, we have identified already a
number of domain-specific challenges that required us to revisit existing techniques and
adapt them to this specific scenario. More specifically, three core challenges had been
• Long-lived sessions A core problem in most protocol learning approaches consists
in the “semantic clustering”, the ability to group together messages having a similar
semantic meaning in order to perform correct and useful guesses on the invariants
that characterize a specific type of message. For instance, in the HTTP case we
want to ensure HTTP GET messages are analyzed separately from HTTP POST
messages. If structurally different messages are mixed together in the same cluster,
the outcome of the analysis is likely to have inacceptable quality. When looking
at methods such as ScriptGen [4, 5, 6, 7], RolePlayer [3], or Netzob [2], we can see
that their clustering approach mostly relies on the contextualization of the message
with respect to the TCP session. The intuition is that the position of a message in
a TCP session gives insights on its semantics, e.g., a login message is likely to come
at the very beginning of the TCP conversation. We have seen this assumption not
to hold in the SCADA/DCS case, where some protocols were reusing a single TCP
session for a number of independent exchanges.
• Absence of separators Protocol learning approaches typically attempt to discover the structure of a protocol messages by means of bioinformatics algorithms
2 Heuristics-Based Protocol Learning
aiming at the alignment of messages. The most common global alignment algorithm used in protocol learning is the Needleman-Wunsch [8] algorithm. It is a
dynamic programming algorithm aiming at achieving the best alignment of two
sequences S1 and S2 according to a given scoring function. For every couple of
bytes belonging to the two sequences, a different score is associated with identical
values (Iscore ), differing values (Dscore ), or insertion of a gap in one of the two
(Gscore ). The algorithm is usually applied in a “greedy” fashion [1, 3, 4], by giving
no penalization to the insertion of gaps in the sequences or to the presence of mismatching bytes, and attempting to simply obtain the maximum possible overlap
among the two sequences. The identified overlaps are converted into a regular expression that is then used to match instances of the same message. Differently from
the generic case, most ICS protocols are binary and tend to be very compact by
trying to encode all the information in the minimum amount of bytes as possible.
This copes badly with the intuition underneath alignment: alignment algorithms
expect to find throughout a given message large portions of unique, invariant byte
regions that can be used to delimit the variable portions of the field (e.g., “GET
/(.*).html HTTP/1.0\r\n”). This expectation is not met in ICS protocols.
• Protocol structure Most IT protocols have a relatively “flat” structure: a header,
followed by an optional payload whose semantics may depend from the header
value. ICS protocols such as MODBUS instead tend to be much more structured:
an initial framing header specifies information such as the transaction ID, the process ID, and the length of the payload; then, by means of one-byte function codes,
one or more payloads can be queued. Function codes can incorporate multiple
sub-payloads: for instance, function code 23 is associated to a read-write registers
command, and is followed first by parameters to perform a read operation from
a specific memory location and then by parameters to perform a write operation
to another memory location of a variable number of bytes that is included at the
end of the payload. Within a given protocol message, the semantics of a specific
protocol byte tend to depend on the value of other preceding bytes.
Previous work done by the crisalis consortium on protocol learning has devised
better ways to cope with the first challenge, by exploring more effective ways to perform
semantic clustering and to group messages sharing similar structure. However, no major
modification was made to the second phase of the protocol learning algorithm, that in
charge of identifying common patterns and structure in a set of messages and extracting
a model (e.g., a regular expression) that could be used to later label the messages. All the
proposed algorithms invoked the standard ScriptGen region analysis in order to identify
2.2 Approach
invariant segments of the protocol message, and later generate a regular expression that
could match the invariant segments in unlabeled messages and identify further instances
of a given message type. This approach proved in fact to be sufficient to correctly cope
with SCADA/DCS protocols.
When looking more in general at ICS protocols and when including for instance AMI
protocols such as DLMS/COSEM, further considerations need to be made. First and
foremost, AMI protocols often rely on encryption schema to protect Personal Identifiable
Information (PII). Secondly, binary ICS protocols pose challenges that clash with the
property of standard alignment approaches: the absence of separators and the nested
structure make the generation of “useful” and robust regular expressions particularly
complex, leading us to question the use of regular expressions as a tool to model the
structure of a protocol.
2.2 Approach
Differently from previously investigated techniques, we try here to look into an approach
specific to the problem under analysis and that is not necessarily generically applicable
to any protocol of any type. We address instead the specific case of binary, compact
and structured protocols that are typically observed in industrial control systems. The
core idea is that of reconstructing the protocol by moving sequentially from the first
byte of the message towards the last and performing the analysis concurrently on a large
amount of protocol messages, similarly to the operation of a parser (as represented in
Figure 2.1). By means of heuristics, we then identify values holding special value for the
parser (opcodes, length fields) and when applicable we branch the analysis into subgroups
associated to different opcode values. The resulting approach proves to be significantly
faster than state of the art approaches for the reconstruction of protocol structure, and
obtains significantly better accuracy when dealing with the specific challenges offered by
ICS protocols.
As previously explained, the purpose of the approach consists in generating labeling
information that can be used to discriminate among different message “types” pertaining
to a specific ICS protocol. We achieve this objective by proceeding sequentially from the
first byte until the end of each message, mimicking the operation of a protocol parser,
and gradually building a decision tree as shown in Figure 2.1. A protocol parser would
start from the beginning of the header, parsing field by field, obtaining information on
the overall message length, and then would proceed to identify the different opcodes and
understanding their semantics according to specification. Differently from a protocol
parser, we do not have access to the protocol specification. We can however proceed
ins ngth
va tanc field
ov lue e es t : in
era nc he al
ll m od by l
es e to tes
ge the
so Cod
me meh e b
ss ow yte:
e l asso the
gth ciate alue
o t is
2 Heuristics-Based Protocol Learning
AA 00 0C 28 01 32 2C 06 80 19 22 A3
AA 00 0C 28 32 03 2C 06 80 19 22 A3
AA 00 0C 28 22 43 2C 06 80 19 22 A3
AA 00 0C 28 14 67 2C 06 80 19 22 A3
AA 00 07 02 22 AA 2C
AA 00 07 02 12 1C 2C
After the opcode byte the analysis is
branched into several children, each
associated to each OPcode value. The
algorithm recursively proceed to each
Byte 3 = 28
Byte 0 = AA
Byte 1,2 = length
Byte 3 = OPcode
values in {28,02}
Byte 3 = 02
Figure 2.1: Intuitive representation of the approach
2.2 Approach
sequentially over the bytes of a large amount of messages, and apply heuristics to identify
bytes of particular relevance to the protocol:
1. Random bytes: by considering a large amount of messages (several thousands) we
can immediately identify random bytes (e.g., transaction IDs) as they are actually
covering uniformly most of the 256 possible byte values. These bytes are ignored
from a protocol parsing standpoint.
2. Fixed bytes: similarly, it is immediately possible to identify bytes whose value is
fixed throughout all the message samples. These bytes have validation semantics:
it is expectable for a well formed protocol message to expose exactly the same
value as the message seen in the training set.
3. Length fields: we identify length fields by interpreting a sequence of bytes (char,
short, or word) as a numerical value (encoded in little or big endian) and identifying
a linear dependence between the decoded value and the length of the associated
message. Similarly to fixed bytes, length fields have validation semantics and can
be used to verify the correctness of a specific protocol message.
4. OPcodes: the real challenge in the proposed approach is that of correctly identifying bytes whose semantics has an influence on the overall structure of the protocol
message. OPcodes assign specific “semantics” to the content of a given message,
and allow us to discern, for instance, the standard reply of a PLC (containing the
value of the PLC registers) from an error message that may be associated to a
problem or anomaly. We have discovered that there is a “correlation” between the
value of an opcode byte and certain high level characteristics of a message. For
instance, we often find correlation between the opcode value and the overall message length: different OPcodes carry different information, and require a different
number of bytes to carry it. In other cases, we have identified a “correlation”
between the OPcode byte value and the role of the device in the network (e.g.,
source or destination IP address). Intuitively, certain devices (DCS servers) are
only interested in generating “read” requests towards the control system, while
the control system devices are usually responding to the requests providing the
requested data. All these “correlations” between the values of a given byte and
the size of the message, or the involved endpoints are discovered by leveraging a
commonly accepted information theory measure, the mutual information. It important to underline that once an OPcode byte is identified, the protocol inference
is “forked”: the sequential analysis of the subsequent bytes is recursively split into
different sub-analyses, where the content of the messages associated to different
OPcode values is analyzed separately.
2 Heuristics-Based Protocol Learning
5. Parameters: values that do not belong to any of the above classes are likely to
be message parameters, e.g., the value of the registers read from a given PLC.
Overall, the process described above starts from the analysis of a set of training
messages, sequentially analyzes the nature of each byte, and whenever an OPcode is
identified the sequential analysis is branched recursively for the bytes following the opcode, and different opcode values are analyzed separately. In practice, the outcome of
the above process is the creation of a decision tree: identified OPcode bytes branch the
decision tree in multiple sub-branches, and the interaction of a new message with this
decision tree inherently labels the message, also allowing us to extract parameters.
2.2 Approach
Generate message group
Initialize position X to first element of
the message group (X=0)
Analyze message values at position X
Are message values
Move X to the right (e.g. increase X)
Mark X as constant
Are message values
randomly distributed?
Mark X as random
Are message values
expressing the length
of the message?
Mark X as length
Are message values
correlated with the
structure of the rest
of the message?
Mark X as opcode
Mark X as parameter
Subdivide message group into separate
groups according to value of X
and recursively proceed for each group
Figure 2.2: Block diagram explaining the algorithm
3 Results of Protocol Learning for AMI
In deliverable D4.3, we examined the use of protocol learning on two protocols from the
Digital Control System (DCS) environment, PP and OPC. In this section, we explore
the results from applying the modified protocol learning approach described in the previous section to packet captures from two data sources that include Advanced Metering
Infrastructure (AMI) network data including two AMI protocols, DLMS/COSEM and
3.1 Alliander AMI Network Data - DLMS/COSEM Protocol
In order to experiment and evaluate the protocol learning approach on AMI network
data, we collected packet traces from the Alliander AMI network testbed. The packet
traces and high-level descriptions of the associated hosts, flows, and interaction maps
were described in deliverable D4.5. The packet trace consisted of 21,621 packets and
it contained a variety of traffic types, including some DLMS/COSEM protocol traffic
going from the AMI head end server to various smart meters.
3.1.1 Analysis of TCP Data
In this first exploration we analyze all the TCP data traffic to present an overview of
the approach. The TCP data is most interesting when analyzing AMI network data,
given the long-lived sessions and the inclusion of DLMS/COSEM data in the TCP data.
However, given the variety of protocols included across all TCP data it is reasonable to
assume that the protocol learning algorithm might not be able to find much commonality.
For the exploration, we vary (1) the number of packets analyzed by the protocol
learning algorithm and (2) the number of bytes in each packet that is analyzed. By
varying both of these parameters, this gives the algorithm more data to consider for
matching, at the expense of tractability of the analyses.
We first consider all TCP data traffic in the packet capture, but only matching on the
first 24 bytes of each packet. This is reasonable given that we know that at least some of
3.1 Alliander AMI Network Data - DLMS/COSEM Protocol
the traffic is encrypted, but perhaps the protocol packet header data for some protocols
will be unencrypted in the first 24 bytes of the TCP data.
Figure 3.1 shows the results of running the protocol learning algorithm on a very
small amount of data, just the first 20 packets with TCP data, primarily to show the
output of the analysis when commonality is found. In this analysis, the protocol learning
algorithm believes that the first byte could be treated as an opcode with 10 possible
values. However, when the first byte is 0 the pattern produced is a string of mostly
random bytes, meaning that the algorithm found minimal overlap or alignment when
the first byte is 0 – this line indicates some number of the first 20 packets only matched
on a few bytes with a few “0” bytes and one “101” byte. At a high level, finding 10
packet sequences across the first 20 packets is not very informative, especially when one
of those sequences is mostly random bytes. (Note that there are a number of short
packets with less than 24 bytes of TCP data, indicated by the shorter sequences.)
Figure 3.2 shows the results of running the protocol learning algorithm on the first 50
packets with TCP data. This pattern of all random bytes indicates that the protocol
learning algorithm failed to find an alignment match across 50 packets, and this results
remains consistent when increasing the number of packets analyzed to 100, 500, and
1,000 packets containing TCP data. The inability to find alignment across even just 50
packets is a disappointing result.
Next, we increase the number of bytes analyzed to 50 within each packet. Looking at
only the first 20 packets with TCP data, Figure 3.3 produces a consistent result with
that of Figure 3.1, which used the first 24 bytes. The analysis again interprets the first
byte as a possible opcode with 10 possible values. Again, when the first byte is 0 the
algorithm fails to find significant overlap or alignment, detecting mostly random bytes
to match a few “0” bytes and the single “101” byte. Using the first 50 bytes did not
change the fundamental result of finding 10 patterns across 20 packets, which does not
indicate much matching.
Similarly, when we look at the first 50 bytes of the first 50 packets, we get the same
result as depicted previously in Figure 3.2: a pattern of all random bytes, indicating
the failure of the algorithm to find overlap or alignment. This result is again consistent
when extended across the first 100, 500, and 1,000 packets of TCP data.
Moving to analysis using the first 100 bytes of each packet, when looking at only the
first 20 packets with TCP data using the first 100 bytes produces a consistent result
with those when analyzing 24 bytes (Figure 3.1) and 50 bytes (Figure 3.3). The result
is basically the same as when using 50 bytes, meaning that the longer sequences that
matched for 50 bytes also had more than 100 bytes in their packets.
Interestingly, analysis of the first 100 bytes of the first 50 packets produces a different
result from the previous analyses using the first 24 bytes and 50 bytes. A magnified
3 Results of Protocol Learning for AMI Environments
Figure 3.1: Analysis of first 24 bytes using first 20 packets with TCP data
3.1 Alliander AMI Network Data - DLMS/COSEM Protocol
Figure 3.2: Analysis of first 24 bytes using first 50 packets with TCP data
image of the initial bytes sequences is shown in Figure 3.4. When giving the protocol
learning algorithm 50 packets with the first 100 bytes, the matching threshold is satisfied
differently and the analysis produces 26 patterns from those first 50 packets. This is still
not a great result but it does show that with some exploration of threshold parameters
the analysis might be able to find some amount of commonality.
As one might expect when using the first 100, 500, and 1,000 packets, the analysis
fails to match anything and a single string of random bytes is produced similar to that
in Figure 3.2.
Finally, we conclude with an exploration of the analyzing the first 200 bytes of each
packet. This analysis largely corresponds to that when using the first 100 bytes. The
results using the first 20 packets matches those results for the previous analyses using
50 bytes (Figure 3.3) and 100 bytes, only with longer string sequences. Similarly, the
results using the first 50 packets for the most part matches that of Figure 3.4, where
26 patterns are discovered across those 50 packets. Lastly, using the first 100, 500, and
1,000 packets produces the single string of random bytes, failing to match anything.
3.1.2 Analysis of DLMS/COSEM Data
The results of the protocol learning algorithm when analyzing all TCP data in an AMI
environment were largely underwhelming, as one might expect given the diversity of
protocols present and challenges identified in the previous chapter. In this section we
focus on a more tractable problem: analysis of only DLMS/COSEM traffic on port 4059
from the packet capture in the Alliander AMI environment.
There are only 419 packets of this traffic across the packet capture. We conduct the
same type of exploration, varying the number of bytes in each packet analyzed (24, 50,
100, 200) and the number of packets analyzed (20, 50, 100, all). The results are fairly
consistent when looking at a certain number of packets, as the number of bytes analyzed
are varied.
3 Results of Protocol Learning for AMI Environments
Figure 3.3: Analysis of first 50 bytes using first 20 packets with TCP data
3.1 Alliander AMI Network Data - DLMS/COSEM Protocol
Figure 3.4: Magnified analysis of first 100 bytes using first 50 packets with TCP data
3 Results of Protocol Learning for AMI Environments
Figure 3.5: Analysis of first 24 bytes using first 20 packets on port 4059
Figure 3.5 shows the result from analyzing the first 20 packets on port 4059. The
figure is for the analysis of the first 24 bytes, but when looking at the first 50, 100,
and 200 bytes of these first 20 packets on port 4059, the same 5 packet sequences are
extracted from the protocol learning algorithm with a presumed opcode in the same
position, with one sequence containing a number of random bytes.
The results from analyzing the first 50 packets on port 4059 show two fundamentally
different analyses, depending upon number of bytes analyzed. When only looking at
the first 24 or 50 bytes, the results are similar to that in Figure 3.5 when analyzing the
first 20 packets, except that there are now 7 packet sequences detected across those 50
packets, with four containing significant random byte sequences. However, when using
100 or 200 bytes for the analysis, the alignment changes and Figure 3.6 is produced.
In this analysis, what was taken as the opcode previously is now detected as a length
field, the subsequent byte is now considered an opcode for five of the patterns, and a
second length and opcode field sequence is produced. These conflicting analyses show
the sensitivity of the protocol learning algorithm to the data being analyzed.
The results from analyzing the first 100 packets on port 4059 yield yet another interpretation of the data, made possible by the doubling the amount of data being analyzed
again. Figure 3.7 shows the result for 24 bytes analyzed, a more complex structure,
given the additional data. This result is generally consist across the number of bytes
analyzed (50, 100, or 200). What was detected as a possible length field in Figure 3.6 is
now presumed to be an opcode, as it was in earlier analyses such as Figure 3.5.
Finally, we consider all of the packets seen on port 4059 in the AMI packet capture.
The analysis depicted in Figure 3.8 for 24 bytes analyzed is relatively consistent across
50, 100, and 200 bytes analyzed. The first opcode is presumed to be in the same place as
in most previous analyses (with the exception of Figure 3.6), and as one might expect,
given all of the additional data many additional types of conversations were detected by
the protocol learning analysis.
In order to address the length anomaly noticed in a few specific situations, we explored
an additional, alternate modification to the algorithm in which we provided the real
3.1 Alliander AMI Network Data - DLMS/COSEM Protocol
Figure 3.6: Magnified analysis of first 100 bytes using first 50 packets on port 4059
3 Results of Protocol Learning for AMI Environments
Figure 3.7: Analysis of first 24 bytes using first 100 packets on port 4059
length of the packet to the algorithm instead of just relying upon the truncated length
for the heuristic analysis. Figure 3.9 shows an example of this analysis when the first
24 bytes are analyzed across all 419 packets. The primary observation is that one byte
is detected as a length field prior to the first opcode detected, as was observed in the
anomalous analyses before. This byte is detected as a length field across all parameters
of the analysis (24/50/100/200 bytes and first 20/50/100/all 419 packets) when using
the modified algorithm. This has a “cascading” effect on the interpretation of the next
few bytes when compared with Figure 3.8, but the two analyses converge further into the
packet stream again when the other levels of opcode are detected. This general decision
tree structure is consistent across the number of bytes analyzed when using all packets
on port 4059 in the packet capture.
As one final investigation using the AMI network data, we analyzed the port 4059
traffic on a per flow basis. As shown in the D4.5 interaction modeling deliverable, there
were only six flows between the AMI head end server and the smart meters using DLMS/COSEM (on port 4059). One of them had only 8 packets and was thus uninteresting.
Four of the other flows had 21, 24, 31, and 32 packets, so again a fairly small number
of packets, and the sixth flow had 300 packets. The analyses from these last five flows
3.1 Alliander AMI Network Data - DLMS/COSEM Protocol
Figure 3.8: Analysis of first 24 bytes using all 419 packets on port 4059
3 Results of Protocol Learning for AMI Environments
Figure 3.9: Analysis of first 24 bytes using all 419 packets on port 4059 with length
modification to the algorithm
3.2 AMI Command Network Data - M-Bus Protocol
generally mimic the structure of the analyses presented previously.
3.2 AMI Command Network Data - M-Bus Protocol
For a second, more controlled set of experiments, we tested the protocol learning approach on AMI network data containing M-Bus protocol data, collected by Chalmers.
The packet traces were small captures associated with four individual M-Bus commands,
ranging from 15 to 48 packets. For ground truth, we can compare the results generated by the protocol learning algorithm to the M-Bus protocol specification, which is
an official standard that can be obtained and/or found on-line in various places (e.g.,
Figure 3.10 shows the result of running the protocol learning algorithm on a packet
capture that includes a request for data from the master to the slave. Two distinct
packets with commonality in the packet capture were detected, with an opcode in the
first data byte corresponding to either 16 or 104. The 16 (0x10 hex) opcode corresponds
to a short telegram in M-Bus, while the 104 (0x68 hex) opcode corresponds to a long
telegram in M-Bus. The protocol learning algorithm successfully detected the opcode in
the first byte of the packet, as verified in the M-Bus specification. It should be noted,
however, that a third value for the opcode, 0xe5 hex, was not detected by the algorithm,
although this was seen in two packets of the capture. This opcode corresponds to a
single character telegram, used to acknowledge other telegrams received.
The short M-Bus telegram with opcode 16 matched the M-Bus protocol specification:
the second byte (91, or 0x5b hex) is the control field specifying the data request from
master to slave, the third byte (254, or 0xfe) is the address field specifying to transmit
to all participants in the M-Bus system, the fourth byte is the checksum field that is a
simple arithmetic sum of the previous bytes, and the fifth byte is the stop byte (22, or
0x16 hex).
The long M-Bus telegram with opcode 104 was not able to match very many of the
bytes, because in this small packet capture there were only two long telegram packets and
most bytes were not common. The protocol learning algorithm was able to detect that
the second and third bytes of the packets correspond to two length bytes (a single byte
repeated in fact), which is confirmed to be correct in the M-Bus protocol specification.
The other common byte in these two long M-Bus telegram packets is a 0 byte, which
corresponds to the address field and denotes a value of the default address given by the
manufacturer. However, this byte is detected to be one position later than it should be,
according to both the specification and the actual packet capture: a byte of value 104
(repeating the opcode value) should have been included immediately after the two length
3 Results of Protocol Learning for AMI Environments
Figure 3.10: Analysis of M-Bus request data command traffic
Figure 3.11: Analysis of second M-Bus request data command traffic capture
bytes. Also, the “P” byte between the length bytes and “0” byte should have been split
into another opcode byte corresponding to either 0x73 or 0x08, the master sending data
to the slave or the slave transferring data to the master, respectively. With a longer
packet capture that includes repetition of these long M-Bus telegrams, the algorithm
should have split that single line in the decision tree into two with that second opcode
of 0x08 or 0x73. (This will be elaborated upon and confirmed later in this subsection.)
Figure 3.11 shows the result of running the protocol learning algorithm on another
packet capture that includes a request for data from the master to the slave. The results
are very similar to those shown in Figure 3.10, with the opcode detected in the first
byte and two opcode values detected. The only difference is that the second byte of the
short M-Bus telegram is 123 (0x7b hex), which also corresponds to a data request from
master to slave, and the checksum byte is changed accordingly. The M-Bus specification
confirms that this is a correct construction in the protocol as well. The long M-Bus
telegram packet analysis yields the same results as in the previous packet capture, with
the same shortcomings: a missing repeated opcode byte of 104 in the fourth position,
and insufficient duplication to split the long M-Bus telegram line into two, with a second
opcode in the fifth byte of either 0x08 or 0x73.
Figure 3.12 shows the result of running the protocol learning algorithm on a third
packet capture that includes a request for data from the master to the slave. The MBus-specific results - corresponding to rows two and four of the decision tree - are the
same as those shown in Figure 3.10, both positive and negative, as explained previously.
However, this packet capture included some NetBIOS traffic in addition to the M-Bus
traffic, resulting in two additional lines added to the decision tree generated from this
packet capture. If the protocol learning algorithm is run on traffic filtered to only include
the M-Bus protocol port (6021), the results would match Figure 3.10 exactly. (For the
3.2 AMI Command Network Data - M-Bus Protocol
Figure 3.12: Analysis of third M-Bus request data command traffic capture, with NetBIOS traffic
previous two packet captures, the full packet capture and the port 6021 filtered results
have been identical, given the lack of other, non-M-Bus protocol traffic in those two
previous packet captures.) This third packet capture shows the ability of the protocol
learning to recognize commonality in another network protocol, in this packet capture.
Finally, Figure 3.13 shows the result of running the protocol learning algorithm on
a fourth packet capture that includes a request for data from the master to the slave.
In this packet capture, the short M-Bus telegram packets exhibited both 0x5b and
0x7b in the second byte, following the opcode byte of 16 (0x10 hex), but not with
sufficient repetition to denote the second byte as another opcode, so the second byte is
denoted with a “P”. More interestingly, the packet capture includes multiple packets
consisting of a data transfer from slave to master, and these three packets are split using
a second opcode further into the packet, with detected values of 44, 45, and 46. However,
comparing this decision tree with the M-Bus specification yields mixed results. The first
issue is that there are now three bytes missing after the two length bytes (as opposed to
just one missing byte previously): the repeated opcode byte of 104, the control field of
8 specifying the data transfer from slave to master, and the address field of 0 specifying
the default address. On the positive side, the next ten bytes are detected correctly.
114 (0x72 hex) is the common control information field across these packets, denoting a
telegram containing data from the master. Following that, the next eight bytes are the
same across these packets: four bytes for the M-Bus interface identification number (17
65 71 0), two bytes for the manufacturer ID (66 4), one byte for the version number of
the firmware (6), and one byte for the medium (2, denoting “Electricity”). The second
issue is that the next byte, detected as an opcode, is the “access number” according to
the M-Bus specification. These three unique values could possibly be interpreted as an
opcode; more data is required to validate. Lastly, it should be noted that the analysis
yielded on the entire packet capture and on filtering for just the M-Bus protocol port
(6021) yielded the same result.
The last investigation that we conducted using the M-Bus protocol traffic was to
aggregate all four packet captures and run the protocol learning algorithm against that
3 Results of Protocol Learning for AMI Environments
Figure 3.13: Analysis of fourth M-Bus request data command traffic capture
Figure 3.14: Analysis of aggregated M-Bus protocol traffic
higher volume of data, the results of which are shown in Figure 3.14. As was alluded to
earlier, with more data the protocol learning algorithm was better able to differentiate
the packets that sent data from the master to the slave versus those that sent data from
the slave to the master, and the corresponding opcode was detected properly in the
fourth byte with values of 8 and 115, respectively. Being able to split on that second
opcode enabled more commonality to be determined in the bytes of the master to slave
data packets (whereas in previous results there had been a large number of “P” bytes).
Furthermore, with the additional data the algorithm was able to combine values for the
third “opcode” across the four packet captures (corresponding to the access number in
the M-Bus specification, to be precise). However, the additional data did not correct
the issue with the missing repeated opcode byte of 104 in the fourth position, and the
short M-Bus telegram is not split into two cases (with a second opcode of either 91 or
123), as one might have expected.
3.3 Discussion and Conclusions
At a high level, analysis of the DLMS/COSEM protocol traffic and M-Bus protocol command traffic indicate that the heuristics-based protocol learning algorithm is capable of
finding commonality across network traffic for these particular AMI protocols. Obviously, further analysis using more data is still required (as well as a comparison to some
sort of ground truth for DLMS/COSEM). In the case of the M-Bus protocol traffic, the
3.3 Discussion and Conclusions
heuristics-based approach performed generally well when compared to the ground truth
of the protocol specification, though there were some issues identified. In the case of
the DLMS/COSEM protocol traffic, it was found that the TCP sessions were generally
very short and included one or two commands at most. While this was not true of the
ICS/SCADA protocol sessions, the protocol learning algorithm could potentially take
advantage of this. Also, the position of the message within the TCP session is not reliable for all protocols, and the heuristics-based learning algorithm does not rely upon
this anymore. Further investigation of a protocol learning approach that combines the
results of both the previous scriptgen approach and the new heuristics-based approach
could be interesting when experimenting further with both ICS/SCADA and AMI network data. In our exploration of analysis parameters, the new algorithm is often capable
of detecting what appear to be some of the “important” bytes from a relatively small
number of packets, though more packet data continues to refine and expand on the initial analyses. Generally speaking, truncating the number of bytes used in the analysis
makes the problem more tractable and also enables more readable visualization of the
decision tree. It should be noted, however, that when analyzing more bytes from each
packet, sometimes commonality is found further into the packet. In terms of readability, there are optimizations that be explored for collapsing the longer strings of random
bytes in order to focus attention on the more important opcode bytes where the tree is
split. Finally, as a next step, given a decision tree for these protocols, it should then be
possible to generate an implementation that would check traffic against this structure.
4 Conclusion
This work extends the protocol learning research conducted previously and presented
earlier in deliverable D4.3 (as applied to ICS/SCADA environments) with a heuristicsbased protocol learning approach applied to AMI traffic from two environments containing two AMI protocols, DLMS/COSEM and M-Bus. The challenges discovered in
applying protocol-agnostic analysis of network traffic in critical infrastructure contexts
are identified and utilized to formulate a different protocol learning approach for these
environments. The heuristics-based protocol learning algorithm proceeds sequentially
over the bytes of some number of messages in order to identify bytes of relevance to the
procotol, such as OPcodes, length fields, and fixed bytes. We explore the approach by
analyzing captured network traffic from two AMI environments and present the results
of the analyses on different traffic types, including the AMI protocols DLMS/COSEM
and M-Bus. When analyzing specifically AMI traffic of the DLMS/COSEM protocol,
the heuristics-based analysis produces generally consistent decision trees that help to
understand the protocol and associated interactions. When analyzing the AMI traffic of
the M-Bus protocol, the heuristics-based analysis identifies a great deal of commonality
correctly, when compared to the M-Bus protocol specification, though some issues were
uncovered as well. Further validation would be required as part of the incorporation
of these analyses for the purposes of network-driven attack detection in work package
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