Itinerant Services - BLaST Intermediate Unit 17


Itinerant Services - BLaST Intermediate Unit 17
The Itinerant Emotional Support Program
Provide individual or small group instruction
Provide support to regular education staff
Maintain a collaborative relationship with parents
Be involved with educational team meetings
Assist in the Functional Behavior Assessment
(FBA) process including designing and implementing effective behavior intervention / management plans
Assist with the progress monitoring process
Administer and score DTORF (Developmental
Teaching Objective Rating Form) assessments
BLaST IU #17
Emotional Support Staff
Supervisor of Itinerant Programs
Gigi Kilroe
[email protected]
BLaST Intermediate Unit #17
Mariah Conrad
Serving Students in Bradford,
Lycoming and Sullivan, Tioga Counties
[email protected]
Chapter 14 Guidelines for Emotional Disabilities:
An inability to learn that cannot be explained by
intellectual, sensory, or health factors
Itinerant Emotional Support
An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers
Linda Campman-Ruble
Inappropriate types of behaviors or feelings under normal conditions
A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression
A tendency to develop physical symptoms or
fears associated with personal or school problems
BLaST Intermediate Unit #17
2400 Reach Road
P.O. Box 3609
Williamsport, PA 17701
(570) 323-8561
Fax: (570) 323-1738
33 Springbrook Drive
Canton, PA 17724
(570) 673-6001
Fax: (570) 673-6007
[email protected]
Sandra Knipe
[email protected]
Caitlin Pratt
[email protected]
Holli Caine
[email protected]
Emotional Support
PROGRAM Description
The emotional support program
goal is to teach the student how to make
the most effective behavioral choices
needed to experience the highest quality
of education possible within the regular
school environment.
Based on the evaluation report (ER), an
individualized education plan (IEP) team
determines if the student is eligible for
emotional support services and in need
of specially designed instruction.
School social work services are provided by a professional staff person certified by the PA. Dept. of Ed. School social workers develop positive interpersonal relationships between members of
the school, parents, students, and may
also serve as attendance officers.
Districts may secure the IU social work
services through the Division of Student
All referrals must be submitted
through the Special Education Coordinator/Supervisor of each school
Need for emotional support services
is specified on the ER (evaluation
Obtain parental consent through the
Special Ed. Dept. of the child’s home
school for the BLaST IU #17 emotional support teacher to provide
services to the student.
Emotional Support Services:
1. Periodic monitoring of identified
2. Supportive services for parents and
Individual Direct Support
Group Direct Support
1. Information to the parents and teachers
will be given on the student’s IEP goals and
academic needs.
2. Information shared with classroom
teachers will be centered or focused around the
academic and behavioral IEP plan needs of the
3. In order to maintain confidentiality and
trust with the student: information regarding
personal issues/ home issues or areas of suspected abuse will be directed to school professionals or administration who are experts in
the field of counseling (Psychologist/ Guidance
Counselor/ Building Principal etc.)
Anger Management (Self Control)
Assertion Training
Communication Skills (Body Language/
Listening Skills/ Conversation)
Conflict Resolution
Coping Skills
Eating Disorders
Grief/Loss (Divorce—Death)
Inter / Intrapersonal Skills
Problem Solving
Reinforcement of Life Management
Social Skills ( Friendship Skills)
Stress Management
Study Skills / Organizational Skills
Time Management Skills