April 2014 Lamp - Aladdin Shrine


April 2014 Lamp - Aladdin Shrine
Inside This Issue
Volume LXXXVI | Issue 4 | April 2014
1 Potentate’s Message
2 Chaplain’s Message
3 Membership Memo
Potentate’s Monthly Message
Special Events
An Active Time for Aladdin Shriners
5 Parade Schedule
6 Fishing Stag
7 Spring Dance
12 Kentucky Derby Party
12 Shriner Imperial Trip
Membership Statistics
Membership As Of 01-01-2014
Associate Members Start 2014
Total Membership 01-01-2014
Creations 0
Restored 8
Assoc. Members 0
Yr to Date
Total Additions YTD 22
March has come and gone and what a month it was with all the bad weather. We had another successful Aladdin
Circus with one minor fire which caused the evacuation of the Celeste building with two acts to go on Saturday
night. A big “THANK YOU” goes out to John Morris, Circus Director, all his staff and all of the Nobles of Aladdin
who helped working at the circus. Without your help the circus would not have been a success. Thank you!
By the time you receive this, Aladdin Nobles will be having a great time in Santee, South Carolina smacking
a little white ball all over the course. No matter the weather, a good time is always had by all who attend.
Thanks to Jack Davis and his crew for organizing such a fun event.
The first parade for 2014 is April 27 at the Dogwood Parade in Pike County. I would like to see as many
Units and Clubs attend as possible. Let’s show the community what Aladdin is about.
Unit directors, please have as many members of your unit as possible attend Masonic Night at the Aladdin
Shrine. This event is April 28 and the doors will open at 6:00 p.m. Don’t forget to bring an apron if you have
one and remember, your lodge dues card is required. Please support Masonry and our Shrine by attending
this event.
There are two
very important
events on the
W. Garol Rogers, Potentate
horizon. First is
the Ceremonial on June 14 andI need your help to make
this successful. If you know a Mason who you think
would enjoy being a Shriner talk to him about joining.
Also, the Shrine Imperial is July 6-10 in Minneapolis,
Please plan to attend both of these very important
Yr to Date
Assoc. Dropped 0
Total Deletions YTD 52
Membership As Of 3-31-2014
Net Loss/Gain YTD
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, OH 43219-9001 and at additional mailing offices.
Aladdin’s Lamp
3850 Stelzer Road
Columbus, Ohio 43219-3044
Aladdin’s Divan appears with a circus star at the 2014 Aladdin
Shrine Circus.
Chaplain’s Message
Official Publication of Aladdin Shriners,
Shriners International
Volume LXXXVI No. 4 April 2014
Published Monthly: Subscription Price $6.00/year
Aladdin’s Lamp
3850 Stelzer Road, Columbus, OH 43219-3044
(614) 475-2609
ALADDIN’S LAMP (USPS 011-800) published monthly
for $6.00 per year at 3850 Stelzer Road, Col., OH 43219.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, Ohio 43219-9001
and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: send address changes to Aladdin’s Lamp,
3850 Stelzer Road, Columbus, Ohio 43219-3044
Editor: Frankie Foster, (614) 932-9522
E-mail: [email protected]
Club and Unit News: 6260 Braelinn Drive,
Dublin, OH 43017
News Fax Line: (888) 788-1741
News Deadline: 20th of the preceding month
Advertising: (614) 475-2609, Ext. 106
or (800) 475-3850, Ext. 106
Advertising Deadline: 15th of month preceding
publication (Aladdin Shrine reserves the right
to reject submitted advertising.)
Stated Meetings
Regular meetings of the Aladdin Shriners are held
the third Monday of each month except
June, July and August at 6:30 PM. (Dinner at 5:30 PM)
Aladdin Shrine Center, 3850 Stelzer
Road, Columbus, Ohio
Elected Divan
Potentate: W. Garol Rogers
Chief Rabban: David E. Wolfe
Assistant Rabban: Ronald H. Leonard
High Priest and Prophet: Jon M. Kinney
Oriental Guide: Todd Jones
Treasurer: Dennis D. Feyh
Recorder: Donald G. Goodman, P.P.
Appointed Divan
1st Ceremonial Master: Rodney L. Holdren
2nd Ceremonial Master: Zale A. Maxwell
Chaplain: William E. Estell, P.P.
Aladdin Shrine Center Directory
Shrine Center Office
614-475-2609 - Fax: (614) 475-8225
Outside Franklin County: (800) 475-3850
Executive Director:
Gene Steineman , Ext. 106
[email protected]
Circus Director:
John Morris, Ext. 109
Kim Luckeydoo, Ext. 103
Membership, Circus & ASHAC
[email protected]
Brenda Springer, Ext. 101
Marketing Manager
[email protected]
Amber Crosby, Ext. 113
Shrine Event Coordinator
[email protected]
Ted Eisleben, Ext. 102
Business Development
[email protected]
Elizabeth Shoemaker, Ext. 112
[email protected]
Chad Dennewitz, Ext 110
Facility Manager
[email protected]
Dial 0 for Immediate Assistance
Catering Office: Deb (614) 471-2260
After 4:30 PM and on weekends - Ext. 111 for
Security Desk
by William E. Estell, P.P.
The other day I listened to an interesting bit of news on the television. It seems that married couples who have
more than one sibling have a tendency to stay married longer than couples who have only one sibling.
Those who conducted this research reasoned that by having more that one sibling, brothers and sisters learn
to work out their differences through more opportunities to communicate. Thus, couples who have more than
one sibling are able to communicate with each other better than couples with only one sibling, causing them to
stay married longer.
Believe that or not, couples learn to be married and communicate by following the word of God laid down in
the Bible. The instructions are there. I listen to other commercials on television that tell the viewing audience “if
you buy this car you will look good in it and your family will be happier.” There is no car that will make you look
better or make you family happier. There are other commercials on television that tell the viewer “if you are not
using this cell phone, or this hair care product, or wearing these clothes, or using our product, you are not in the
“in crowd.” If using their stuff is a prerequisite, do you really want to be in that crowd?
Following the word of God and seeking His presence will bring happiness and peace. It is not easy, but it works.
Anything worthwhile takes work.
I am reminded of the story of Jesus when he was a child and his family was returning from Passover. Two days out
from Jerusalem his mother and father could not find Him. They searched everywhere with no luck. Finally they returned to Jerusalem and found Him
in the temple teaching. They cried, “we have looked everywhere for you.” I can imagine Him looking up and calmly saying, “Why were you searching
for me? Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?” – Luke 2. 49
Don’t look to the things of this world or the wisdoms of this world for happiness or peace, look to your Savior; that is where you will learn to
communicate, find happiness, and peace, from the cares of this world.
The Beginning of The End of Tabloid 2014...
by Thomas W. Rice, Tabloid Chairman
As we enjoy spring flowers and warmer weather after a harsh winter, it is also time to realize the beginning of the end of Aladdin’s 2014 Tabloid year.
On Friday, June 27, 2014, we will close our books on our financial efforts to help thousands of children in need critical care.
Tabloid Training Day will be held on April 26, 2014, starting at 10:00 a.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. We will be honored to have Aubrey Hurt
and her mother Sara Kidwell share how Shriners Hospitals for Children changed their lives. Additionally, we will hear how Shriners Hospitals for
Children make medical miracles happen every day, bring Love to The Rescue® and ensure the highest quality care, regardless of a family's ability to
pay. During the day, we will also explore how Shriners Hospitals for Children is working with the Department of Defense to offer Shriners Hospitals
medical services to our wounded warriors. As usual, Brian Tabit will prepare a delicious lunch of fish and chips and 2014 Tabloids will be available
for pick up at the Wolfe Building.
Tabloid Day is set for June 21, 2014. Clubs and units that plan to have their Tabloid Day or day(s) on another date are required to send an email
to: [email protected] for approval by the Potentate. Tabloid work locations will again be collected on Training Day to assist the Potentate in
making site visits. This year we are encouraging clubs to offer partnerships with units to work together on Tabloid Day. There are numerous locations
(streets and store fronts) throughout our Aladdin area that go without any Shriner presence on Tabloid Day. Funds collected can be counted and
separated by club and unit for each to receive credit for their work. The synergy developed by this collaboration will be tremendous–not only for
fellowship but for our overall Tabloid collection effort!
Tabloids will also be available for pick up on April 21, 2014 and May 19, 2014 after the Stated Meetings.
By the time your Lamp arrives in April, we will be within three months of ending the Tabloid year. During that 90-day period, let us ask, “What did
I do this year for the children who need my help?” Or ask “What can I do or, what more can I do?” If you are unable to be on the street or in front of
a store, strongly consider becoming a DADS (Dollar-A-Day Shriner). Write a check to “Tabloid 2014” for $365.00. This amount is nothing more than
the pocket change you keep in a jar or bowl all year. Be certain to designate on the memo line of your check the club or unit name that you want
to have credit for your contribution. Send your check to Kim at the Temple or Tom Rice, 939 Creek Run Court, Westerville, Ohio 43081 and you will
receive a “DADS” 2014 Tabloid pin to proudly wear on your lapel all year long.
You will not regret your decision to become a DADS. In fact, you will find inner joy and peace knowing that you personally support children in
need of family centered health care that only our hospitals can provide.
First Lady’s Heritage Fund Project
by First Lady Dixie Rogers
The Potentate’s lady sponsors a fundraising project each year. This year I am raising funds for the Heritage Fund Project
which will support Aladdin Shriners who need a helping hand to pay their membership dues.
I am selling a wood replica of the Aladdin Shrine Building known as a Cat’s Meow Collector’s Item for $20.00 each. There
is also a patriotic cat pin known as “Casper” that will be sold for $5.00 each to those who want to wear a pin in support of
the 2014 project.
Membership is a very important part of Aladdin Shrine and once a person becomes a member it is important that the
member stays active. Hardships come to all ages, so this fund will be there to pay the way for those members who might
be having a difficult time paying their dues. Members encounter job layoffs, medical bills, medical needs, prescriptions
and many other things that no one expects to happen.
The Heritage Fund will be administered by the Recorder and Membership Committee. Any Aladdin member who needs a
little help can contact one of these resources for assistance.
Membership Memo
by Calvin Smith, P.P.
The Journey to Aladdin's June 14 Ceremonial Begins Now
I walked around the Shrine Center last week and I noticed two very profound things. There were no
barriers to entering the building and there were no armed guards to keep people out. It dawned on
me that we were open in the truest sense of the word. Not only were we open we were receptive.
We need to do well in building our membership in 2014. We are very solid representatives of
our communities, we like Shrine Masonry, we like people, we enjoy our hospital program and we
certainly believe in Brotherhood. There is no reason why we should not do well recruiting new
nobles for our June 14 Ceremonial.
There are tens of thousands of Masons in our communities who do not enjoy the Shrine and we
are open to them every hour of every day. No one tells them “Don’t come in!” You, not someone
else, needs to ask these Masons to become Shriners. I am sorry but there is no one else to do it.
There is only you and our fellow Shrine brothers. The April 5 Grandmaster's One-Day class certainly
assists this effort of ours.
If you have not asked someone these past three months to consider Shrinedom, shame on you.
Is there no Mason in your life who could not benefit from our fraternity? Surely this cannot be true.
You must know that more members mean more service to our kids in our hospitals! Do you know
who in your Lodge became a Mason on Saturday, April 5? Shouldn't you find out! Would they be
eligible for Shrinedom? Certainly!
•The fee for the June 14th ceremonial is $90.
•It is very important that you only use the 2014 petition.
•Have you paid your 2014 dues? A second dues notice was mailed in March. Heed it.
Erie Hospital
by Bob Stevenson and Tom McNeil
Did you follow the Paralympics in March? Last month I reported that one of our Erie kids, Dan
McCoy, was a member of the U.S. Sled Hockey Team. Well, Dan and his teammates brought home
the gold! Way to go, Dan and the USA Team! We are very proud of what you and all our US teams
We are pleased to announce a special addition to our medical staffs in Erie. Dr. Rey N. Ramirez,
M.D. will specialize in hand and upper extremity conditions. Dr. Ramirez received his medical degree
from University of California, Los Angeles, and completed his residency in orthopaedic surgery at
the University of Southern California. In addition, he has completed fellowships in hand surgery
and pediatric upper extremity surgery at the University of Texas Southwestern, Texas Scottish Rite
Hospital and Shriners Hospitals for Children – Philadelphia. Welcome aboard, Dr. Ramirez.
The ongoing saga of the dietitian seems to be coming to a close. It is finally agreed that his
position is of high importance to our efforts, and we will continue to offer our families the benefit
of nutritional expertise so vital to the successful outcomes for our kids.
For the month of February, SHC-Erie was $106,565 or 6.2% under budget for total operating
expenses. We see this trend to continue. We watch our pennies and our exceptional staff makes
wonders happen every day.
Our staff has been attending clinic screenings sponsored by area Shrine Temples. They are well
attended by parents concerned about their children and any special needs they might have. We
are pleased to have this as a continuing outreach of SHC-Erie.
A lot is going on, day in and day out, at SHC-Erie. Helping to make these things happen are
the Shriners who bring our kids to SHC-Erie. So, we wish to extend a special “thanks guys” to our
Roadrunners. A trip to Erie in the winter can always be an adventure. This winter was, hands down,
a bummer of the first order and I know some of those adventures were extreme. Thanks go to all
our Roadrunners who do such a great job of getting our kids where they need to be, not just to
Erie, but Philadelphia, Cincinnati and Lexington. We could not make such great things happen
without you. You all are, indeed, special Shriners!
Cincinnati Hospital
by Bob Lazenby and D. Dee Mowry, P.P.
The March meeting of the Board of Governors met one week earlier than usual due to the
annual meeting of the American Burn Association. As you could probably surmise, many of the
professionals at your hospital are heavily involved in this meeting.
Your hospital ran a bit over budget this month (again) due to the number of acute burns that
are being currently treated by the hospital. A specific budget is rather difficult to predict because
the numbers of burns and the severity of the burn(s) cannot be accurately predicted. An ideal
number of burns would be zero; however, that will probably not happen. Seventy-six patients
were seen this month with 15 admissions. They represented 18 Shrine Temples and ranged in
age from 3 weeks to 18 years.
Featured this month for a board presentation was Dorothy Supp, PhD., who presented her
research work involving scarring, both hypertrophic and keloid scars, resulting primarily from burns.
Dr. Supp has been a researcher at Shriners for 17 years and was involved in the engineered skin
work and the follow-up work with this project. Although this project has been put on “hold,” she
is still working to perfect the results by studying (engineered) skin vascularization, pigmentation,
hair growth, mechanical strength, etc.
Dr. Alexander gave an update on his work primarily focused on post burn immune-nutrition,
diabetes, glucose metabolism problems. It appears that the Shrine Hospital group may be
developing more patentable products in the near future. One such product is now on the market,
Impact, was purchased from the Shrine and is now produced by the Nestle Company.
Research is an important function of the hospital because it allows treatment modalities to
move forward and improve treatment methods. It has been observed that doing the same thing
over and over again and expecting different results is a little on the “nutty” side. That is why the
Cincinnati (self funded) research is so important. Research is supported solely by contributions
from individual Shriners, clubs and units, Temples and outside entities.
Certainly, if there are questions about operations at the Cincinnati Hospital, feel free to contact
either of your representatives.
In Memorium
Cloyce H. Brown
Robert P. Diehl
William W. Dunning
Robert E. Edwards
Richard Frederick
Thomas L. Gabel
Tyler C. Grosse
Robert L. Haden
G. William Henderson
Jerry W. Horn
Paul H. Leasure
James H. Lemaster
Theodore W. Noel
Walter A. Pool
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Masonic Night with Shrine
by Dick Bull
Illustrious Potentate W. Garol Rogers announces that “Masonic Night with the Shrine” will be
Monday, April 28 at Aladdin Shrine Center.
This annual event is an opportunity for the Master Masons in this area to enjoy an evening of
fellowship with each other and witness the performance of the Master Mason Degree upon one
candidate by the Aladdin Past Masters Unit under the direction of Dick Bull, Phil Clouse and Neil Elan.
Doors will be opened at 6:00 p.m. and a Lodge of Master Masons will be opened by the officers
of Baltimore Lodge #475 (home lodge of the Potentate) at 6:45 p.m. Refreshments will be served
after closing at approximately 9:35 p.m.
M. Wor. Bro. Norman J. Mick, Grand Master of Masons in Ohio, is planning to be in attendance
along with several other Grand Lodge officers, including our own Rt. Wor. Bro. Steven E.
Cokonougher, Deputy Grand Master.
A number of Shrine units will be participating during the evening’s performance: visitors will
be greeted and welcomed by the Reception Unit, all visitors will be signed in by the Registrar’s
Unit, the American flag will be posted by the Legion of Honor Unit, the national anthem will be
sung by John Iben of the Chanters Unit, the officers of the Past Masters Unit will be piped in by the
Pipes and Drums Unit and the sound system will be controlled by the Audio Unit. The Hospitality
Unit will provide refreshments.
The only requirement for admission is a 2014 Blue Lodge dues card.
Please plan to attend and bring a brother Mason with you. Aprons will be available at the door
but you may bring your own if you wish. Let’s all have a fun evening watching the ritual being
performed in a serious manner.
If you have any questions, call Ron Leonard, Event Chairman (614 778-4168 cell) or Dick Bull,
Unit Director (614 296-9267 cell).
Erie Facility Launches Drive
For New Radiology Equipment
Shriners Hospitals for Children—Erie Ambulatory Surgery Center and Outpatient Specialty Care
Center has embarked on a major program to upgrade its radiology department suites to Digital
Radiography, called Gentle Imaging.
Digital Radiography is a form of x-ray imaging where digital x-ray sensors are used instead of
traditional photographic film. There are many advantages to this system including time efficiency
through by-passing chemical processing, and the ability to digitally transfer and enhance images. In
addition, the new system uses less radiation to produce an image of similar contrast to conventional
Instead of x-ray film, digital radiography uses a digital image capture device. This device
allows the radiology technician to immediately see and preview the image. It eliminates costly
film processing steps, and the wider dynamic range makes it more forgiving for over and underexposure. This new equipment offers the ability to apply special image processing techniques that
enhance the overall display of the image.
The upgrade to Digital Radiography (Gentle Imaging) is necessary to provide the best diagnostic
images at the lowest radiation dose achievable, especially for children. This x-ray solution integrates
hardware and software tailored to the specific demands of pediatric imaging.
These solutions contribute to the optimal pediatric imaging outcome at every stage of the
imaging chain: image acquisition, processing and review.
Pediatric radiography presents some unique concerns. Imaging systems designed for adults
can expose children to radiation beyond what is needed for high-quality images as kids are more
vulnerable to radiation induced cancers.
This new Digital Radiography (Gentle Imaging) equipment will enhance the Erie facility’s ability
to continue providing the best possible care for its patients.
Shrine temples, clubs and units are invited to help make this project become a reality by
supporting the Erie facility’s efforts to raise the $350,000 needed to purchase, install and utilize this
Gentle Imaging equipment in support of the thousands of children who annually receive care here.
Just Clowning Around
by Mike “BucketHead” Clark
Hello once again, this is P.N.C. BucketHead signing on!
ISCA CLOWN COMPETITION IN FAIRVIEW POINT, Ill. - Ainad Shrine Clowns hosted this competition
and, as always, Aladdin Clowns did great job!
Pozi placed 3rd in Character Make-Up/Costume, 1st in Face Painting, x2 (full face and cheek art),
2nd in Single Balloon in the Ainad’s “Host Unit Balloon Competition” which was a Large Multiple
Balloon Creation. P.H.S. placed 3rd for 1-Man Skit (the “Peas Movement”) and with Skates/Hip-Hop
took 2nd in 2-Man Skit {Who is in the Mirror?}.
Brushes placed 1st in White Face Make-Up/Costume.
Skates/Hip-Hop placed 3rd in Face Painting (full face).
P.N.C. BucketHead placed 1st in Character Make-Up/Costume, 2nd in Face Painting x2 (full face
and cheek art), top 4 in Single Balloon, 2nd in Multiple Balloons, 2nd in the “A.H.U.B.C.” Fiasco! He
also placed in the top 5 for Parade Ability {drill team routine} and with Brushes who came out of his
quietness shell and most definitely helped sell the 2-man skit in which I created )Quit “As’salt’ing”
Me!) for a 1st place finish.
And last but least, placed 1st in the Unit Skit in which Pozi and Skates/Hip-Hop pulled out their
backsides last year at the last minute for the Imperial (took 1st place then too) (The “ZOMBIES” are
Aladdin Clowns gave ISCA a check for the Sneaker Fund in the amount of $5,000.00!
Great job, guys! Keep up the hard work!
SUNSHINE REPORT - Please keep these fellow Clowns and their family in your thoughts and
prayers: Tootles family, Fultz family, Shriver family, Bope family, Babbert family, Gischler family,
McKitrick family, Denune family (Irv’s been in and out of the hospital couple times this past month)
and the Barton family (Bobby’s mother, Mae Barton, passed away recently) and Skates/Hip-“Hops”
who had surgery on his right elbow on March 20.
CRACK THE SHELLS! - Hatchdays for the following Clowns: Bobby “Tuitt” Barton, 4-12, John
“Checkers” Morris, 4-14 and Rodney “U-Hoo” Holdren, 4-17.
CLOWNS ON PARADE! - We marched in the St. Paddy’s Day Parade in Dublin with 14 Clowns
on the streets: Pozi, Cappy, Toots, HoHo, Pockets, Brushes, Skippy, BB, Tex, Nutt, Curly, Bope, P.N.C.
BucketHead and our newest apprentice, Kevin Moore, T .J a temporary clown name.
Our next parade will be the Dogwood Festival on April 27 in Piketon, Ohio!
This is P.N.C. BucketHead signing off for now!
Aladdin Official Parades - The Potentate and the majority of the Divan will attend. All
units and clubs should attend.
Parade Marshall
Frank E. Habeker
[email protected]
Asst. Parade Marshall
Harold McDow
614-432-5551 Cell
Bus leaves Aladdin Shrine Center at 6:00 AM
$35.00 /per person - Aladdin Arms Member
$35.00 /per person - Aladdin Arms Member’s wife and children
$55.00 /per person - A Shriner who is NOT a member of Aladdin Arms
$75.00 /per person - A non-Shriner who is a guest of an Aladdin Arms member
The trade show area of the convention is FREE to all NRA members. The group
plans to stay for the evening entertainment (visit the NRA website for line-up).
Ticket prices for that are yet to be determined as we are awaiting to see if we
will get a group discount.
Send money to:
Jack Jones
1248 East Dublin-Granville Road
Columbus OH 43229
April 2014
Contact Information:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Phone: 740-504-6872
Pike County Dogwood Parade
2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Utica Ice Cream Festival
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m
Worthington Memorial Day
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Imperial Parade7/76:00 p.m.7:00 p.m.
Baltimore Parade8/99:30 a.m.10:30 a.m.
Bucyrus Parade8/156:00 p.m.7:00 p.m.
Canal Winchester Labor Day
12:00 Noon
1:00 p.m.
Marion Popcorn9/45:00 p.m.6:00 p.m.
Jackson Apple Festival
6:45 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
Circleville Pumpkin Parade
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Optional Grandview Hts. Parade
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Masonic Home Day
1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
Marysville Balloon Festival
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Nelsonville Parade8/165:00 p.m.6:00 p.m.
Marietta Labor Day Parade
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Grove City Parade
8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
Gallipolis Veterans Day
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Athens Veteran Day
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
Lancaster Christmas Parade
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Washington CH Christmas
2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
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Aladdin Shrine Center, Attn: Fishing, 3850 Stelzer Rd., Col. OH 43219-3044
Please make me
reservations for the Walleye trip. My check is enclosed.
DEADLINE : May 5, 2014. Reserve now!
X $150 each =
Total Attending
Check Enclosed
(Payable to Aladdin Shrine Center)
Card Number
Expiration Date
Credit Card
Walleye Fishing Stag
Amount Charged
April 2014
by Art Puetz
As we Gold Coats begin to gear up for the
new Shrine year under the leadership of
our recently elected Potentate W. Garol
Rogers, we also begin our new year under
our newly elected President Noble Craig
We began this year’s schedule by attending Sled
Hockey and after that, other than our regular unit
meetings, the month of March included a visit to
University Lodge #631 which is the lodge of our president,
the Potentate’s Visitation and, of course, the circus.
The circus found us hard at work taking and counting
tickets to provide the Potentate and the Shrine Center
with as accurate a count of attendees as possible. The Noble Art Puetz was presented the Meritorious
role we fill at the circus of taking tickets from those who Service Award by Ill. Sir W. Carol Rogers during
come to the shows is an important one. We are the first the Potentate's visit to the Registrar unit.
Shriners attendees deal with after they’ve purchased their
tickets. Therefore, we do our best to welcome them warmly and openly in order to give them the
best possible experience and impression of all Aladdin Temple Shriners.
Our President, Noble Craig Lobdell, out did himself in planning and selecting the meal for our
Potentate’s Visitation. As we always do each year, the Registrar Unit invited the widows of our
deceased members. As a small token of our thanks to the widows for their attendance and for the
ongoing support they continue to give us, the unit bought each of the ladies present one of the
pins representing our First Lady’s project this year.
When Chief Rabban David Wolfe was asked to come to the podium and introduce the rest of the
Divan, he attempted to demote himself when he mistakenly introduced himself as the “Assistant
Rabban,” a minor lapse of memory which the Potentate immediately took advantage by referring
to Assistant Rabban Ron
Leonard as our newest Chief
Rabban. I know, it loses
something in print, doesn’t
it? I guess you had to be there.
At the end of the
evening, which began with
the usual free flow of “the
plentiful waters from the
well of Zem Zem,” the fine
meal President Lobdell had
selected for us and then
the program of the evening
culminating with the
address by our Potentate W.
Garol Rogers, I must admit
that at least this reporter went home with a full tummy and a happy attitude.
Flying Nobles
by Lee McKelvey
Spring is here and we can get to the airport to fly in good weather. Pre-flighting a plane in the cold
weather is not too much fun but we have to do because we love to fly. We need some Light Sport
Aircraft out there but nobody wants to spend that much money to buy the small aircraft. You can
get a nice used plane for the price they want for a LSA.
Deputy Commander, Steve Hathaway, has the cast off his leg and is able to move around a little
better. Steve fell on the ice and did some damage to his leg. We hope he gets well and back to normal soon.
Our Chaplin, Jim Paddock, is getting around a little better and he even attended our meeting in
March. Jim can't drive so we picked him up at home and got him back. Jim will be 96 years old in June.
I met one of our Flying Nobles member at my Lodge in February. Rob Hance is a long-time
member of our club and I haven't seen him for a few years. Rob was at Rickly Lodge for our Inspection
in the MM Degree. Rob is a fine gentleman and it was good seeing him again.
Oriental Guide Todd Jones is our Divan Representative for this year.
Some of our members went south for the winter and should be home by now. They missed a
rough winter here but what else can we expect in Ohio.
I hope the circus was a success for Aladdin. John Morris and his crew work hard to get things done.
Visit your Lodge if you can make it there. Don't forget about the lunch on Wednesdays at the
Shrine Center hosted by George Bell. George has always done a good job there.
Everybody stay well, keep your airspeed up and I hope to see you next month.
Past Masters
by Dick Bull
With deep regret, we announce the passing of Bob Diehl, one of our long-time dedicated veteran
members. He was a Past Master of Harmar Lodge in 1960 in Marietta. We extend our deepest
sympathy to wife Norma and his family.
The unit assisted the Reception Unit with ushering at the Shrine Circus in late March.
Approximately 60 members and spouses attended our dinner meeting at Ann & Tony’s Restaurant
in West Jefferson on March 24. Doug Hoover, First Vice President, was in charge and did a great job.
The unit has been invited to portray the Master Mason Degree at Whitehall Lodge #761 on
Tuesday, April 22 (Whitehall meets at the Reynoldsburg Masonic Temple). This will put us in good
stead for the upcoming “Masonic Night with the Shrine” on Monday, April 28 at Aladdin Shrine
Center (See details in an article elsewhere in this issue of Aladdin’s Lamp.)
Bill Whittington is recovering from bladder surgery, but the lesion was found to be cancerous
so chemo treatments are on the schedule for the near future. We wish him well.
Yvonne Allen is doing well from ablation surgery and is already breathing easier. Sharon Justus
had a knee replacement and is in the midst of a six-week rehabilitation process. Davie Percival has
been dealing with pneumonia but would probably recover quicker if he would slow down a little.
Our first parade participation for the year will be Sunday, April 27 at the Pike county Dogwood
Festival in Piketon.
Hardin County
by Ken Rossman
Our regular meeting was held on March 19 at Veterans Memorial Park Clubhouse. We had 40 Nobles
in attendance. Second V. P. Rowe Garmon was in charge of the meeting.
Noble Rossman opened our meeting with a prayer. Then V. P. Gannon led us in The Pledge
of Allegiance. We observed a moment of silence in honor of Noble Howard Watkins who died a
couple of weeks ago.
Noble Don Doll said he had order blanks for our onion sale and would like all payments to be
made next meeting, April 16.
Noble Rossman again noted that we need help keeping our recycle newspaper trailer in order.
If anyone can help, contact Bob or Jim Holmes for information.
It was reported that Joe Cramer is recovering from back surgery. Also reported was that Butch
Root is now home from the rehab center and is recovering from surgery. Noble Russ Ludwig is
recovering from surgery. We wish them all the best.
We gave a big hand to our kitchen crew.
The club took 20 children from Simon Kenton School to the Aladdin Circus on Friday March 28.
A motion had been made and carried to donate, if needed, $10 for each child to pay for treats.
Noble Jim Holmes reported that the one-day degree was held on April 5 with all three degrees
in the Masons.
Noble Rossman closed our meeting with a prayer.
We then dined on another great meal prepared and served by our kitchen crew of Nobles Codee
Morris, Rice, Hank Bailey, Gannon, Osborn and Bob Gilbert.
by Bob Stevenson
Our February meeting gave greetings to Ill. Sir W. Garol Rogers and First Lady Dixie, plus a nice
turnout of the Divan and ladies. It was a return of a tradition going back many decades of
Worthington Shrine Club being the first visit of the new Potentate and Divan. Much good humor
was exchanged along with gifts to Ill. Sir and Lady for their projects for 2014. Ill. Sir also gave us a
taste of things on his calendar for the coming year. I think it’s safe to say that if each Noble does
not find at least one thing to enjoy, well…whatever. You get the idea. But to all of you who read
this article, take a look at the list of coming events and go enjoy one or more of them.
At the March meeting we heard from Sara Ernst of the Franklin County Soil and Water
Conservation District. She talked about the Backyard Conservation and Landowners Assistance
Program. The program is kind of neat and those with nice yards who would like to keep them that
way might find this of interest.
Next month I’ll report on Noble Fred Hower, The Ohio Nurseryman, who will be our April speaker.
Fred was at the March meeting and perhaps he will have comments regarding those programs.
I know for sure he’ll talk about weed…no, not that kind…and how to get rid of them. I doubt
smoking them would be one of his solutions.
Our May meeting will feature Mark Harris of the Ohio Masonic Home in Springfield. He’ll bring
us up to date on what is new, what has changed (a lot), and what is coming in the future. This
should be of interest to all, regardless of age. It’s a great evening to bring a Mason, perhaps a
candidate for becoming a Shriner.
Finally, keep in mind the BIG 2. We will need your help for both Muirfield and Tabloid. When
you get the call, please respond.
See you next month.
Pike County
by Gerald Remy
On February 21, 2014 the Pike County Shrine
Club lost the Championship Basketball Game
to Buddy Ball, and what a game it was. Final
Score, Buddy Ball-75, Pike County Shrine Club48. First half score, Buddy Ball-38, Pike County
Shrine-24. Pike County Shrine just couldn’t
get it together.
Team members were the following: Nobles
Pete Hale-couch/point guard, Turm Helton,
Kyle Newland, Gerald Remy and Donny
Roberson-US Postal Carrier.
The Nobles are looking forward to next
year’s game but more practice is a must. One
Noble must learn how to keep his feet on the
floor–he was on his knees and back most of the game. After the game, pop and pizza for all was
provided by the Pike County Shrine Club. The game was held at the Pike County YMCA in Waverly, Ohio.
The Stated Meeting for February was cancelled because of bad weather.
Our regular Stated Meeting for
March was held at Ritchie’s Market
Place, Piketon, Ohio. Noble Jim Cooper,
Chaplain, opened our meeting with
a prayer and Noble Jake Nathan,
President, led us in the Pledge of
Allegiance. In attendance were 31
nobles and their ladies.
Noble Pete Hale introduced our new
member, Noble Ron Bixler, Sr.
We are now makings plans for the
Pike County Shrine Club’s 47th Annual
Golf Outing to be held September 20
at Dogwood Hills Golf Course–Noble
Dave Crawford, chairman and Noble
Pete Hale, co-chairman.
Orient Lodge 321 will be hosting a car show and food concession by Pike County Shrine Club to
be held at the Dogwood Festival, Piketon, Ohio. For more information contact Noble Ed Dickson
(740) 222.6204.
It was reported that Noble Jim Cooper lost his mother-in -law and his father-in-law and Noble
Louis Futon lost his mother in law. Noble Lloyd Trego lost his lady Billie. Our sympathy and prayers
go out to all of the Nobles and their families.
Please note the Pike County Dogwood Festival, Piketon, Ohio–Grand Parade Sunday April 27.
Aladdin Shrine units will be there. Come out and enjoy your brothers and their ladies. Remember
to attend the afterglow party in the park.
by Arnie Fuller
Wow–March 17, St. Patrick’s Day. Time to celebrate our heritage if you are Irish or are the friend
of someone Irish.
Some dress up and show support by wearing something green– even if the green is your socks.
Of course, that support carries over to helping them drink green beer.
It’s great to sing all the Irish songs that have been handed down over the years like “Clancy
Lowered The Boom,” ”It’s A Great Day For The Irish,” and “My Wild Irish Rose.”
Great songs, and The Chanters had the opportunity to sing these great songs to over 100 assisted
living residents this month.
John Iben offered up such old favorites such as “That’s An Irish Lullaby” and “Danny Boy.”
We had some new singing dates scheduled in March and, of course, the circus where we sang
the national anthem as a group on Friday and then a Chanter will sing a solo at every show. Hope
you were there.
This month we would like to show our appreciation to long-time faithful Chanter friends and
supporters. These men have over the years helped and promoted the unit in so many ways and
we would like to recognize them at this time. They are Ray Bell, Virgil Boetcher, Thomas Colburn,
Robert Crawford, David Dee Mowry, Gary Parks, Dick Phelps, John Rankin, Daniel E. Stainbrook ll
and Lowell Staker.
These men have shown and given the Chanters Unit much needed support in the past and we
want to recognize them for that today. THANK YOU, fellow Nobles.
April 2014
by Don Owens
As we write, the 2014 edition of the Aladdin Shrine Circus has just concluded. It’s too soon to make
a full assessment, but from the perspective of the ushers, it appears to have been a success. That
is, the crowds were large enough, with several sell-outs. Moreover, no major disasters occurred,
if we don’t count the fire alarm that truncated the last performance Saturday night with three
acts to go. The number of Shriners volunteering to usher was down again this year, continuing
the trend of recent years, and we are approaching the point where a new source of staff must be
obtained. This is not a new conclusion, but the problem is now acute. For the final performance,
there were only two green coats. Fifteen Past Masters and two Motorcycle Club members saved
the day. Frank Swiatek’s excellent leadership skills were again evident and needed as we made
do with a virtual skeleton crew for some performances. As for the circus itself, outside of being
altogether too loud, the acts were OK judging by the audience reaction.
Before we leave the subject of the circus, we should make special note of the fact that this is
Jack Davis’ last year as floor manager of the circus. Jack’s thoroughness and conscientiousness
are exceeded only by his intelligence. He may be replaced, but he will never be duplicated. Our
sincerest thanks to Jack.
The next big thing for the Reception Unit is, of course, the annual sale of Vidalia onions.
Completed sales slips must be turned in by April 15 in order to place our order for onions with the
supplier in Georgia. The unit has voted to rely upon the director’s judgment in determining the
size of the order, which we expect will be in excess of the number of orders in-hand at the time.
Our hope for permission to sell onions at farm markets was clouded by a discouraging reception
from the manager of the Worthington Farm Market. Presumably, this is because our product is
not from Ohio. A promised email has not been forthcoming from her.
In the meantime, the unit has accepted responsibility for gate 15 at the 2014 Muirfield
The unit’s meeting for April 24 promises to be out of the ordinary, featuring a visit to the Central
Ohio Fire Museum. The museum is located on North Fourth Street in downtown Columbus. Our
ladies are invited to join us at this meeting. Big Red will be available to provide rides from the
Temple. For members choosing to drive themselves, a pay lot is located adjacent to the Museum.
Box lunches will be provided and space will be available for the meeting.
We have learned that former unit member Bill Compton, now residing in North Carolina, has
signed up to join those of us attending the Santee Golf trip.
Looking forward to the May meeting: the unit will have brunch with our ladies at the Temple
on the May 10. Other notes on the future–Masonic Night will take place on April 28 and the Pike
County Dogwood Parade will take place on Sunday, April 27.
Director Jack Bonn has announced that Noble Clark Buck has accepted his appointment as
Quartermaster of the Reception Unit. Congratulations and best wishes to Clark.
At this writing, Bob Tustin is recovering from recent hernia surgery. Tom Keller continues to
enjoy smooth sailing following his heart surgery. We missed the smiling face of Ray Crane at the
circus this year. Ray is battling with peripheral neuropathy which limits his ability to stand for long
periods. Best wishes to these Nobles contending with health problems.
April birthdays are coming up for Clark Buck, Ed Kauffman, Del Kopp, and Bud Oldaker. Happy
birthday, Nobles.
Ross County
by Randy Davis
Our meeting was called to order by Noble President Bobby Anderson and the Pledge of Allegiance
to the American flag was given by all. The Invocation was given by Noble Lloyd Trego . Nobles
Bob Baranick and Brad Burns cooked up baked steak , mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans ,
and rolls along with cake and ice cream for dessert. Thanks go to Dan Riddle , Jay Morgan and Mike
Bell for helping out with serving this fine meal.
Attendance was down this month with only 30 Nobles , but I look for that to change in April
with our snow birds coming back from Florida for the summer. A new Distinguished Service Award
Committee was formed with Noble Dan Riddle as chairman. Other committee members are Nobles
Rob Coolidge , Lloyd Trego and Gary Scott.
A " hope to see you at the next meeting" card was signed by all in attendance and mailed out
to Noble Glenn Price . Our thoughts and prayers are with you .
Nobles , at the time of this mailing, the Aladdin Shrine Circus is over. We would like to thank
Mike and Shawna Bell and everyone else who helped to make this a success . With the circus over,
the Tabloid Days are just around the corner. Tabloid Days will be June 6 - 7 this year. If you have
not signed up to help yet, please get with Tom Barnitz or Dave Mitten to donate a couple hours
for the kids.
The benediction was given by Lloyd Trego and the meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. We hope to
see you at the next meeting and bring along a guest !
by John Rohal
The March Provost meeting was well attended and the buffet dinner of barbecue ribs
and fried fish was very much appreciated; our thanks go to the caterer.
The business meeting was opened with Director Gene Steineman's usual joke
which was rated at about half a laugh. The minutes of the previous meeting were
read (in part) by Dave Peters even though Secretary Jim Rohal was present, but
late because he was "tied up" at work. Of course, there were no Treasurer or Audit
Committee reports; Charles Linek and Terry McLaughlin are extending their Florida
Gene read a letter that had been received from Assistant Rabban Ronald H. Leonard urging
us all to attend the Masonic Night on April 28 at our Shrine Center. Gene also reminded us of all
upcoming events including the circus, the parades, and the Santee Golf Trip.
Barney Barnitz informed us of his "Blue Light" specials, i.e. new badge holders and a catalog of
items from Kris Goodman, all of which he had displayed on a table at this meeting.
Don Campbell discussed our new duties at the circus which included the collecting of money
paid for the animal rides during the intermissions.
Jim Rohal reported on his meeting with the people at Muirfield for the Memorial Tournament.
We will be responsible for parking cars and the entrance gates. There are no more gate cuts on
the course.
Bob Laird advised that his report on a possible trailer purchase from Antioch Temple will be
presented at the next meeting.
We noted the attendance of Tom Charles and Ken Corder who have been absent for some time.
Bob Albright's Sunshine Report included Steve Hathaway who was present at this meeting
wearing a foot boot and Fred Rake "hanging in there." He also reported the death of Jim Cooper's
father-in-law and Dennis Campbell's mother.
Celebrating birthdays in April are James Bodi, Joey Brooks, James A. Brown Jr., Dale R. Cline, Aaron
Dennis, Fred G. Goldstein, Robert D. Laird, Ralph B. Mason, Randall D. Smith, and Stewart M. Webster.
I often wonder how many of our Nobles really take the time to read the Lamp; the reports from
other units and clubs are very interesting. How many of us know who the baseball player is that
was referred to in Dave Haney's Band article, or the award given to Daun Knox as referred to in
Dick Bull's Past Master's article? And, how about all the activities of the Gallipolis Shrine Club as
reported by Frank Petrie Jr.? Also, don't forget the Chanter's spaghetti dinner on April 25, which, if
you read their article, might be their last.
Our sympathy is extended to the family of our member Robert L. Haden who passed away on
March 19.
Looking forward to the return of our snowbirds next month; see y'all then!
by Steve Bowman
The Bucyrus Shrine Club met on March 24 at the Crawford County Fairgrounds for its monthly
meeting with 24 Nobles present. Noble Tim Miller led the club in prayer followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance by President Wayne Erwin.
The dinner was catered by Katering Kountry Style consisting of Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes,
corn, salad, and cake. Dinner was enjoyed by all.
President Erwin announced that Noble Rich Frederick has passed away. A memorial service will
be held at Wise Funeral at a later date. He was 106 years old.
A discussion was held whether we should raise the price of the dinner. Also, we discussed if we
should do the Ice Cream Social. It was felt not to do it this year.
We have applied for money from Aladdin Temple to go to Fairway and the hospital.
We had three candidates going to the all-degree day in Tiffin.
Our next meeting will be on April 28.
by Fred Stanley
We celebrated our "New Member Night" Thursday, March 27 with several potential new members
present for the Aladdin Ceremonial in June. A delicious steak dinner was prepared by Charles "Skip"
Robinette and Larry Hines. Mark Abdella and Mr. Daniels cooked the green beans. Each Noble was
asked to give a brief experience of his help in supporting the Burn and Crippled Children’s Hospitals.
We discussed Tabloid Days which are coming up soon, with different dates for the various areas
that we cover.
Our April 24 meeting will be "Ladies Night." Nobles, your special lady always enjoys dinner
out-–please "treat" her to this special night out. Our widows are always welcome to attend.
The date of our "Green Corn Dinner" has been finalized so that Aladdin can join us at this very
festive time. It will be Thursday, July 31 at 6:30 p.m.. Come join us for this special fun time!
When the snow finally left, Easter lilies made their appearance–you never know what may
appear from under the hood!
Licking County
by Franklin C. Boner
Our club was visited by the Black Camel taking from our midst Noble Robert B. Thomas. Noble
Thomas had served our club for many years as treasurer. Bob will be sorely missed by all who had
the pleasure of knowing him. Our thoughts and prayers are extended to his family.
The circus is over and Chairman Noble Mike Hammond reports that Nobles Robert Shaw, Tom
Cline, Richard Carter, and Herb Wise worked the circus, and our thanks are extended to them and
any others who participated.
Our last noon lunch with the ladies was well attended and all enjoyed the remarks of Noble
and Illustrious Sir William G. Selsam, Past Potentate, who spoke on State and Imperial Shrine Law.
Our April speaker will be Noble Steven E. Cokonougher, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand
Lodge of Ohio, who will review his Grand Lodge program for next year and Grand Lodge of Ohio
Law as it applies to the Shrine.
With the circus behind us, Mound City Little League Baseball will begin June 7 and concludes
July 17. Chairman Noble Terry Hill is anticipating the usual assistance from the Club Nobles at the
ball park and with the sale of program ads.
Secretary Ed Roberts is still collecting dues! Our next noon meeting with the ladies will be May
1, 2014. Hope to see and your lady at the meeting.
No success in life compensates for failure in the home!
Kentucky Colonels
by Ron Fraser
President Rike opened the meeting at noon by asking Past Potentate Dee Mowry to give the
invocation and lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Twenty-four members and guests then enjoyed
a great dinner.
The officers and past presidents of the club were asked to stand to introduce themselves
and their wives. Past presidents present were Lynne, McCleary, Bivens, Fraser and Smith. Past
Potentates Amspaugh, Estell and Mowry were also acknowledged. Assistant Rabban Ron Leonard
was recognized at this time.
President Rike also asked P. P. Mowry to initiate Terry Kitchen into the Aladdin Kentucky Colonels
Club and this was done in his usual impeccable manner.
President Ride asked for the minutes of the previous meeting to be read, and they were approved
as read. Secretary McCleary gave the treasury report.
In communications, a letter from Assistant Rabban Leonard was read by Secretary Fraser
regarding the importance of Shriners attending Masonic Night at Aladdin on April 28. It is important
that we show that Aladdin Shriners do care about Blue Lodge.
A motion to continue our meetings at the Shrine Center by Secretary Fraser and seconded by
P. P. Estell was passed. A motion, made by Jim Smith and seconded by John Bivens, to suspend
business discussion at the April meeting because of the Potentate’s visit was approved.
Past President Bivens spoke about the Kentucky Derby and that about four Colonels would be
needed to help out.
Assistant Rabban Ron Leonard spoke about plans for the new building. He emphasized how it
is important that the Nobility give their input to the building committee so that they know what
is wanted in the new building. He also told about attending a meeting with Colonel Dick Phelps
to present him with his 75-year Masonic pin.
There being no further business, President Rike closed the meeting by asking P. P. Mowry to
give the benediction.
by Gary Harding
Hey Brothers, spring is in the air! Soon the snowbirds in our unit will migrate back to Ohio. We
have events, trips, parades, concerts and more coming up. And we have a lot of fun while we work
to help the kids.
If any of this sounds good to you, call Gary Harding (209-2319) to become a member of the
Hospitality Unit. The cost is small and the rewards are big. Come to one of our dinner meetings—
first Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Oasis Room. The food is great and so are the
guys—after all we are hospitality.
Here are some sayings for you to reflect on:
1. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
2. The next time you feel like complaining, remember that your garbage disposal probably
eats better than 30 percent of the people in this world.
3. Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next
4. A Shriner’s motto: Never has a man stood so tall as when he stoops to help a child.
So my point is that there is nothing on TV any more important than helping a child. Give us one
evening a month. I promise some happiness will pour out on you. I look forward to seeing you at
our next dinner meeting or to meeting you for the first time.
Brutal Brothers
by George Bell
Busy Month - The Chiefs party was a fun night and a good start for the apprentice
team. This class of new members makes a great group to lead and have fun,
too. Now if you can catch up with all the events in April and May, we may
find new members in the Blue Lodges looking to join in again in the true
Masonic use of our tools.
April Membership - The One-Day event in each district of the Grand
Lodge has passed and the next Shrine Ceremonial for new Nobles is June 14.
We will be using our full format for welcoming new men to the caravan.
We will participate in parades with these Nobles as we team up to share the Potentate’s
presence in each local community within our 35 counties served by our Aladdin Shrine Center.
June 14 - Aladdin Ceremonial - With the snow birds back in the unit, we want to do our best to
entertain the Potentate’s crowd for this spring’s Ceremonial. Trips to Lake Erie for walleye and the
island up north will set the pace for fun. Don't forget the Derby Party at the Scioto Racino. We have
Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and maybe a day or two for the kids coming up as soon as school is out.
April Parades, Egg Hunt and Spring - The first signs of spring come at home with flowers and
planting in the garden. But the seeds of our Masonic lifestyle also must be replanted each year as
we try to keep the itinerary of Shrine travel in the calendar of family activities. Be sure to include
your family this year in the activity.
Unit Meeting - We are sheltered again this month by meeting in the heated building. Food will
be catered and included for the April event.
Make sure you have picked up your copy of the directory and use it to keep in touch for each of
our assignments. The apprentice fellows would like to be sure to learn about you and your family, too.
Next Month - Our Last Before Summer Break - Keep your ears open about meeting in the
Wolfe building to keep equipment ready for the trips to Imperial and other out-of-state travel. Any
suggestions can be sent to Jake as he returns to find all the bulbs burned out and hitches to repair
for the floats. Your help is always welcome. It takes two to shuttle equipment for service and repair.
Our Unit’s Sympathy - We send our prayers and sincere sympathy to Bob Adams with the
passing of his twin brother. Roger and Bob both have a decorated record of military service. We
thank them for their national pride and surely are saddened by Roger’s death. Certainly Bob is an
outstanding Mason and friend within our Brutal Brother group.
Photography Club
by Mark Layman
Marching With The Legion
by Robert Spencer & Dick Luckay
FROM THE COMMANDER – The March meeting of the Legion of Honor provided an opportunity
to welcome new members, say thank you to some deserving veterans and to firm up plans for
the coming months.
Commander Spencer administered the Legion of Honor Oath to Nobles Gary Baker, Dave
Bowman and Bob Ferrell as they formally become members of our unit.
The highlight of the meeting was honoring two of our WWII veterans and a Korean War veteran
for their service to our country, Aladdin Shrine and the Legion of Honor. Legionobles and WWII
veterans John Hart and Jack Woodworth could not attend the presentation due to health concerns
– but plaques and lifetime membership cards were sent to them. Korean War veteran, Legion
Treasurer and Chaplain Fred Kreutz was presented a plaque in recognition of his service as well.
Well done Legionobles, and again, thank you for your service.
In other news, we welcome home Legionoble Nathan Dana from his tour of duty in Afghanistan.
2nd Lt. Commander Jim Keenan is on the mends from his recent knee surgery. Don’t forget the
Piketon Dogwood Parade on April 27, Masonic Night at Aladdin on Monday, April 28, and mark
your calendar for the Potentate’s visitation on Monday, May 29. The visitation will be held in the
Oasis Room and will feature a traditional summer holiday menu of hamburgers, brats, potato salad,
baked beans and dessert. The Chanters will provide the entertainment. Make plans to attend; it
will be a fun, festive night for all concerned.
SPECIAL DAYS FOR SPECIAL PEOPLE – Wedding-day memories will come flooding back for Jim
and Evelyn Keenan on May 19 and for Jim and Linda Rock on May 25. May the coming year add to
those memories in a very special and meaningful way. That additional birthday candle will really
light up the cake for: Linda Iben (4/26), PC & GLSAPC Bob Faber (4/27), Paul Nixon (4/28), John
Iben (4/29), PC Gary Bogart (4/30), John Hart and Dave Henderson (5/15), Jack Woodworth (5/19)
and Dick Luckay (5/20). Remember, you’re not another year older–you’re just a bit more mature!
Congratulations and God Bless to one and all!
TAPS – It is with regret we report the Black Camel came for Legionoble Robert Purtee on March
10, 2014. Bob served his country as a member of the United States Army. He joined the Legion
in 1989 and served many faithful years as an active member of the unit until health problems
prevented his continued LOH activities. Rest well, Legionoble Purtee, knowing you have well
served your nation and the Legion.
The Aladdin Shrine Photography Club was begun last summer and has become
the fun and productive group it was imagined to be. We have meetings at 6:00
p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. At meetings, we make plans for
projects and outings and have a presentation or discussion on a photography topic.
We have begun a project to produce a calendar with images from Aladdin
events, and we are working with the Registrars Unit to take photographs of their members which
we will put into a collage for use in Aladdin event programs. We have had two outings where
members had fun practicing their photography skills.
If you enjoy photography and would like to share and grow your photography skills, we would
love to have you join us. Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 22 at 6:00 p.m. in the Oasis Room at
Aladdin. Our next outing is the evening of Thursday, April 24 at Inniswood Metro Gardens (940 S.
Hempstead Road, Westerville). We’ll meet in the parking lot at 6:00 p.m.. We would love to have
you join us for either of these.
Visit our website (http://aladdinshrinephotographyclub.org) to learn more about the club,
see some of our photographs, and contact us if you have questions. You can also get to our
website by clicking the “Photography” button on the “Clubs” page of the Aladdin website (http://
Motorcycle Corps
by Larry Bell
It looks like spring may be here. The boys of summer have started, circus is over so it must be riding
time. First of all, President Charlie Callender gives a “tip of the fez” to all who helped with the circus.
Warren Miller wants to remind his crew that Muirfield will be here before we know it. President
Charlie announced the parades the corps will be participating in this year. They are as follows: Utica
Ice Cream Festival May 24, Worthington May 26, Bucyrus August 15, and Grove City September
13. We may do more if time and weather permit.
President Charlie also is planning rides this year. As of now we are looking to ride on:
May 10 - Waldo Bologna Sandwich Ride; June 22 - Hocking Hills; July 19 - Chillicothe;
August 19 - Utica, Velvet Ice Cream Factory
Again, we may do more, time and weather permitting. The corps meets every second Thursday
at Aladdin; time is 7:30 p.m.
If you want information on the Motorcycle Corps, please call Larry Bell at 614 506 4737 or email,
[email protected].
April 2014
Kentucky Derby Party
Send to: Aladdin Shrine Center, 3850 Stelzer Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43219
Shriner Name
Total Attending
@$10 each =
Check Enclosed
(Payable to Aladdin Shrine Center)
Card Number
Expiration Date
Credit Card
Amount Charged
Minneapolis, Minnesota
4 Nights Lodging at Minneapolis Marriott City Center
30 S. 7th St., Minneapolis, MN 55402
Welcome Party - Sunday
Banquet - Wednesday
Parade & Afterglow - Tuesday
Daily Hospitality Room
Mail to - Aladdin Imperial Trip, 3850 Stelzer Road, Columbus, OH 43219-3044
Noble LadyAddress
PhoneMembership Number
Unit/ClubChildren’s Names and Ages, if attending
If rooming with another Noble, other Noble’s name
Payment Options
Please Mark Selections Below
[ ] 1 King Bed [
Welcome Party
Parade Pre0Glow
Price Per Person
$ 850.00
$ 475.00
Number Attending
Total Cost
-Payment in Full OR $150 Deposit Per Person
-Balance MUST be PAID by May 30, 2014
Payment in full ( )
] 2 Double Beds
Aladdin Imperial Trip
3850 Stelzer Road
Columbus, OH 43219-3044
Deposit Only ( )
Check Enclosed ( )
Credit card ( )
Payment in full ( )
Deposit Only ( )
Credit Card #: _______________________________
Amber Crosby
614-475-2609,ext. 113
800-475-3850, ext. 113
[email protected]
Expiration Date:_____________________________

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