Pastor`s Article - Second Calvary Baptist Church


Pastor`s Article - Second Calvary Baptist Church
Second Calvary Baptist Church
Bible Basics: Back to the Fundamentals
September is upon us and it will soon be time to begin our full
schedule of Fall and Winter meetings, conferences, and training sessions. I
want to invite you to put time on your schedule for active engagement with
the Word of God. Strongly consider joining one of our several Bible Study
groups or Sunday School classes. The schedule is published each week in
the WhatzUp?
We all know that spiritual growth is a by-product of a serious
commitment to the study and application of God’s Word to our daily living.
Beginning with the Tommie J. Tookes Bible Study Fellowship, which meets
on Sunday afternoon at 5:00, we will study the book, “Step by Step Through
the New Testament. GEMS (Girls Empowered for the Masters Service)
meets on Sunday afternoon as well. The Dr. Geoffrey V. Guns Christian
Leadership School begins on Wednesday, September 14th at 7:00 p.m. As
always, these sessions are free and open to the public. Plan now to attend
and invite your family and friends. The Wednesday schedule is published in
the WhatzUp? There are enrollment applications in the Narthex so take one
and make plans to join us. This Fall we will offer a Thursday class on
prayer, which will be taught by Dr. Veronica Haynes.
The first Sunday in September is always a call to come back to
Sunday School. We have a variety of classes that will enrich your life and
empower you for greater Christian service. The Sunday School meets every
Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Why not put Sunday School on your weekly schedule!
During the month of September we will host our annual Spiritual
Renewal Weekend (Fall Revival). This year the preacher is Dr. Jeffrey
Reeves, Senior Pastor of the Good Shepherd Baptist Church in Petersburg,
Virginia. Plan to join us on Saturday evening, September 17th and on
Sunday, September 18th at both services.
Week of
September 4, 2016
Dr. Geoffrey V. Guns
Chief Editor
[email protected]
Elder Sheryl R. Smalls
Christians believe that the Bible is the primary source for all matters
pertaining to life, death, and faith. Our view of reality is shaped not only by
experience, but every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. The more
we engage in study and meditation on the Word, the greater becomes our
courage to witness. Be blessed!
[email protected]
Sister Dana Joyner
Assistant Editor
[email protected]
Pastor Guns
2940 Corprew Avenue  Norfolk, VA 23504  (757) 627-SCBC (7222)  [email protected]  
September 17-18, 2016
October 2, 16, 2016
Spiritual Renewal Weekend
Teen Church
September 4, 2016
September 5, 2016
September 5-9, 2016
Dr. Jeffrey Reeves,
Guest Preacher
Good Shepherd Baptist
Church, Petersburg, VA
September 23, 2016
Living Single Ministry
SCBC, Fellowship Hall
6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Fervent Fridays Prayer
SCBC, Sanctuary
7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
National Baptist
Convention, USA, Inc.
Kansas City, MO
September 25, 2016
Deacons, Deaconess’ &
Trustee’s Appreciation Day
September 6, 2016
Ministers’ Seminar
SCBC, Fellowship Hall
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
September 26, 2016
Leadership Summit
SCBC, Fellowship Hall
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
September 10, 2016
Tidewater-Peninsula Baptist
Association (TPBA) 10th
Annual Foreign Missions
Six Mount Zion Baptist
Temple, 3100 Butternut
Drive, Hampton, VA
Dr. William D. Tyree, III
9:00 a.m.
September 27, 2016
Kenya Missions Meeting
SCBC, Fellowship Hall
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
September 11, 25, 2016
Tommie J. Tookes
Fellowship Bible Study
SCBC, Fellowship Hall
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
SCBC, Room 26
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
October 2, 2016
Pink Sunday
October 2, 9, 30, 2016
Tommie J. Tookes
Fellowship Bible Study
SCBC, Fellowship Hall
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
SCBC, Room 26
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
SCBC, Room 26
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
October 3, 2016
Elder's Planning
SCBC, Room 11
5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
October 4, 2016
Minister's Seminar
SCBC, Fellowship Hall
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
October 6, 2016
Women's Ministry
SCBC, Fellowship Hall
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
October 8, 2016
Second Calvary Cares
(Health Fair)
Young Terrace Community
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
October 10-20, 2016
Kenya Short Term Missions
October 20, 2016
Men's Ministry Fellowship
SCBC, Fellowship Hall
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
October 24, 2016
Leadership Summit
SCBC, Fellowship Hall
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Rev. Dr. Geoffrey V. Guns
Senior Pastor
(757) 572-4510
[email protected]
Deaconess Rosetta H. Guns
First Lady
(757) 572-3028
[email protected]
Deacon Danny H. Miller
Chairman, Deacon Ministry
(757) 839-2033
[email protected]
Reverend Chandrea Jordan
President, Deaconess Ministry
(757) 621-9456
[email protected]
Trustee Isiaah Baker
Chairman, Trustee Ministry
(757) 553-6817
[email protected]
Brother Philip D. Brooks
Executive Administrator
(757) 572-8011
[email protected]
Sister Jocquelyn J. Chapman
Church Clerk/Financial Secretary
(757) 270-1315
[email protected]
Youth Minister
(757) 627-7222
[email protected]
Rev. Dr. Veronica E. Haynes
Children’s Ministry Director
(757) 572-9319
[email protected]
Sister Wilhelmenia Smaw
(757) 681-8336
[email protected]
Sister Dana M. Joyner
Church Administrative Assistant
(757) 627-7222
[email protected]
Sister Simone L. Harris
Pastor’s Secretary
(747) 627-7222
[email protected]
"Reaping the Harvest: Abundance, Health
and Holiness" 3 John 1:2
Ministry of Praise and Worship
Sister Elsie Y. Goodrum, Elder
(757) 589-6701
[email protected]
Ministry of Services and Helps
Sister Sheryl R. Smalls, Elder
(757) 647-0623
[email protected]
Ministry of Pastoral Care
Sister Jocquelyn Chapman, Co-Elder
First Lady Rosetta H. Guns, Co-Elder
(757) 627-7222
[email protected]
Ministry of Congregational Spirituality
Brother Toby Stewart, Elder
(757) 497-1906
[email protected]
Ministry of Social Justice
Sister Michelle Wright, Elder
(757) 235-2808
[email protected]
Ministry of Innovation and Technology
Brother John R. Paige, Elder
(757) 793-0146
[email protected]
Ministry of Nurture and Discipleship
Rev. Jocelyn Blount, Elder
(757) 675-9750
[email protected]
Ministry of Missions and Evangelism
[email protected]
All articles for the WhatzUp? are due to
Sister Sheryl R. Smalls, WhatzUp? Editor,
or placed in the mail slot marked
“WhatzUp?” in the Administrative Building
lobby before Noon on Tuesdays.
Information should be 250 words or less,
in Times New Roman, and font size of 14.
Please submit articles 2 weeks in advance.
Please email your article(s) to Sister Smalls
[email protected]
accordance with the due date above. Thank
you for your cooperation in this matter.
The WhatzUp? is available on our website
at for your
your Smartphone, you can scan
the barcode and you will be taken
directly to our E-giving location.
A Stewardship Moment
“Do not forget: thin sowing means thin reaping; the
more you sow, the more you reap. Each one should
give that he has decided in his own mind, not
grudgingly or because he is made to, for God loves a
cheerful giver. And there is no limit to the blessings
which God can send you—he will make sure that you
will always have all you need for yourselves in every
possible circumstance, and still have something to
spare for all sorts of good works.”
2 Corinthians 9:6-8 Jerusalem Bible
Sunday, August 28, 2016 we collected $382.46 for
our Parking Lot. Total donations thus far $55,711.39.
Cora E. Bridgers, Committee Chairperson
Brother and Sister Melvin Oliver
and family in loving memory of
our son, Melvin P. Oliver.
30, 2016, Ann and Cornell
Wood celebrated their 24th
Denominational Ministry
Tidewater-Peninsula Baptist Association
Moderators' Gala
"Working for His Glory" John 13:16
Mt. Gilead Missionary Baptist Church
1057 Kennedy Street, Norfolk, VA
Friday, November 11, 2016
7:00 p.m.
Donation: $50.00
Sunday School Publishing Board National
Conference of Christian Education
Nashville, TN
December 5-7, 2016
For more information about any of the above
events, contact the church office at (757) 6278462.
The Norfolk Branch
Luncheon will be held on Saturday,
October 1, 2016, 12:00 p.m. at The
Murray Center Taste "N See, 455 Brambleton
Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23510. The Keynote
Speaker is the Honorable Kenneth C. Alexander,
Mayor City of Norfolk. The donation is $45.00. If
you would like to attend please see or contact
Trustee Cora Bridgers at (757) 486-2464. Three
tables have been reserved for Second Calvary.
We would love to fill the seats by selling 30
On August 28, 2016, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley M. Tuck
celebrated 34 years of
marriage. To God be the glory
for the great things He has
SCBC Family, greetings in the name of The
Lord! The SCBC Youth Summer Volunteer
Program started on Tuesday, July 5, 2016
and ended on Friday, August 19, 2016. 18 of
our youth successfully completed the required
50 hours of volunteer service for several local
businesses in the community. They
volunteered for a combined total of 1,265
hours! All Praise Be To God!!Several of the
youth volunteers went over the required 50
Thank you Pastor Guns for your vision, thank
you co- elders of Pastoral Care, Deaconess
Rosetta Guns and Sister Jocquelyn Chapman,
youth leader, Rev./Deaconess Chandrea
Jordan and parent liaison Deaconess Audria
Torian for your support!
Thank you to the host businesses, your
support is very much appreciated for your
willingness to participate in this ministry
program, Second Calvary sends you much
love, again thanks:
NSU Athletic Department
CLP Tax & Wealth Advisory
NHS Human Services
Jump Start Summer Enrichment Program
Regent University Education Department
Norfolk Academy
Camp Young
Norfolk Public Library
Horizons Hampton Roads
Panama Mission Trip
SCBC Vacation Bible
Virginia Air and Space Center
Shepherd’s Village
Second Calvary Baptist Church:
(Administrative office, Clerk’s office, and
Planet Management)
Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing
The Hopeful Picnic
Chesapeake Public Schools
The following youth successfully completed
the volunteer program:
Jaylen Cofield
Kamrahn Cochran
Jordan Davis
Demetria Dunbar
Assia Evans
Jazmyne Gaylord
Samara Hailey
Starr Lamb
Kaija Mahaffey
Destinee Majette
Gabrielle Overton
Jada Ransdell
Kaia Rascoe
Taylor Shaw
Curtis Thomas
Ashan Walston
Destinee Weaver
Derrick Vernon, Jr.
SCBC please join me is saluting our youth for
a job well done!! All praises belong to God!!
Deaconess Kimberly Davis,
SCBC YSVP Director
Attention all parents, grandparents, guardians
and youth workers, there will be an Welcome
Back/Informational meeting immediately
following youth church's service on Sunday,
October 2, 2016 please make plans to attend
and learn more about what's coming up with
our Youth. Hope to see you all there.
Rev. Chandrea Jordan
Thank you Second Calvary Baptist Church for
giving me the ability to experience a week of
change. The Annual Lott Carey Seminar
was a blast and I truly enjoyed myself once
again. The missions were outstanding;
jumping from one area to another, helping the
needy with 50,000 packed food items &
volunteering with the YMCA kept me on my
feet. Lott Carey has also taught me that we are
not alone in our problems, and through all the
trials and tribulations we can overcome with a
superhero by our side letting us know that
I could only imagine how these whether it
was for old or young people, tedious or big,
impacted others lifestyle just by one person
and/or organization. Even though I'm back
home, the adventure doesn't stop here. I
would like for the missions to continue in our
neighborhoods. The lessons learned and jobs
inherited cannot go to waste. There will be
more and more to come throughout the rest of
the year. I look forward not only going back
but doing activities similar to this occasion &
keep our church, especially the youth,
involved as well.
Jordan Spruill
To My SCBC family.
Something that you learn while working with
youth is how to be brave. They will push you
to the limits of your relationship with God.
They will try you on what you believe and
watch to see whether following Christ is
something you actually live out with your
entire being. They will leave you crying
because of the evidence of the authority of
God over their lives, from the hardships they
go through, to the moment they make the
decision to accept Christ as their savior and
the life long journey that comes with being a
young person in Christ. It is a beautiful
ministry to become a part of and while at the
Eagle Eyrie youth retreat we enforced the
immense role of youth leaders in the church.
We learned that we are truly artists that God is
entrusting with painting the canvas of the
future. The responsibility is so vast that if you
take it lightly or intentionally undermine the
children of God you might as well have tied a
mill stone to your neck and drowned in the
depths of the sea (Matthew 18:6). However, if
you truly have a heart to see the church grow
and be taken to the next level teaching young
people is the perfect place to start. You will
find that they are intelligent, willing,
passionate, loving, loyal, and altogether a part
of God’s greatest creation.
Always, Chloe’ Jordan
Tuesday, September 6th
Male Chorus, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, September 8th
Combined Choirs, 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 3rd
Musicians, 8:30 a.m.
Praise Team, 9:30 a.m.
SNL, 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, September 4th
Combined Choirs
Registration forms for new and returning
applicants for the 2016-2017 term of the Dr.
Ruby L. Allen Music Academy are available
in the information case located in the
Administration Lobby. Once your form is
completed, please place in the Music
Academy mailbox also located in the
Administrative Lobby. Enrollment in the
Academy is Free to all SCBC members.
Orientation and classes will begin in
The Choir Anniversary/ Back to
Concert will be held Friday,
September 16th at 7:00 p.m.
The Letitia White Dance Ministry will begin
rehearsals beginning Tuesday, September
20th at 6:45 p.m.
"Whatz Up" with
the Ministry of
Nurture and
Well, the Ministry of Nurture and
Discipleship is all that we do as a
congregation to stimulate lifelong learning
and lasting spiritual growth and Christian
commitment. It includes everything that we
do as a congregation to provide, promote, and
pray for a ministry of sound spiritual learning.
It is our commitment to Christian discipleship
development. Discipleship is taking on the
character and nature of Jesus Christ and
becoming a learner of His ways, words, and
will. Christian nurture is the process of
helping people to grow in such a way that
they are formed in the very image of Jesus
Christ. Nurturing in the Word of God enables
us to bear fruit for the Kingdom. Jesus said,
“Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit,
He takes away; and every branch that bears
fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit”
(John 15:2).
The Ministry of Nurture and Discipleship
oversees Sunday School, Bible Study, the
Leadership Trainings, New
Connection Class and Vacation Bible School,
for start.
If your ministry passion and gifts align with
ours and you desire to be an asset to this
ministry, we would love to have you connect
with us!
Rev. Jocelyn Blount, Elder
Hands that Serve, Hearts that Care
Healthy Living: Mind, Body, and
Spirit Community Expo 2016
(Health Fair)
Young Terrace Community
Center, Norfolk
Saturday, October 8, 2016
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Massage Therapy, Affordable Care Info,
Book Fair, Giveaways, Screenings, Flu Shots,
Men’s Health, Women’s Health, HIV Testing,
Oral Hygiene, Diabetes, Puppet Ministry,
Seniors in Motion, Food, Fun, and
Fellowship, AND MORE for all ages. See
flyer in this week's Whatzup?. Mark your
calendar and plan to be there.
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of
the Holy Spirit who is in you, who you have
received from God? You are not your own, you
were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God
with your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
The members of
the congregation
are asked to
donate new or
Sunday, October
2, 2016. The books will be distributed to the
children of Young Terrace at the Community
Expo which will be held on Saturday,
October 8, 2016. A container will be placed in
the Narthex for the book donations.
Sisters Sandra Mathis and Lottie Scott
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Combined Usher Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Service & Helps CMLT Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Community Expo Planning Meeting,
6:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Greeter's Ministry Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Community Expo
Young Terrace Community
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Call the church office for addresses
Sister Carrie Artis
Trustee Isiaah Baker
Sister Martha Batiste
Sister Blummer Brown
Sister Janice Clarke
Brother Bernard Cook
Sister Patrice Davis
Sister Evelyn Edwards
Brother Odell Elliott
Sister Mary Ann Gallop
Sister Naomi Gallop
Sister Virginia A. Garris
Sister Lillian Hill (Sister Cora Steward's Home)
Sister Mildred Jackson
Sister Brenda Miles
Sister Dorothy Odom
Sister Lisa Overton
Sister Gladys Porter
Sister Irene Porter
Brother Roncevert Randolph
Sister Ozella Ruffin
Brother Coolidge Sanders
Sister Myra Smith
Sister Cora Steward
Rev. Barbara White
715 Argyll Street
Chesapeake, VA 23320
Sister Mary "Betty" Mitchell,
Unit 2, Room 215B
3900 Llewellyn Avenue
Norfolk, VA 23504
(757) 625-5363
Brother Sparkman Green, Room 216, x645
Brother Clarence Woods, Room 140
890 Poplar Hall Drive
Norfolk, VA 23502
Sister Shelby M. Taylor
830 Kempsville Rd
Norfolk, VA 23502
Sister Chelsea Hall
(757) 261-6700
Believe that God is going to move mightily in
your life as our Prayer Ministry pray in
agreement with your request!
I offer a genuine, heartfelt thank you to my Pastor,
First Lady, Deacons--especially Miller and Spady-and my church family for their prayers, cards,
flowers, visits, calls and offers to help out in any way
possible during my recent hospitalization and
continued recovery. One of the most endearing
moments in anyone's life is when others show up
during a time of need. For this, I am forever grateful
and may God continue to smile and shine His light
upon each and every one of you.
Diane Smith
Opportunities for Fellowship and Service
National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
136th Annual Session Kansas City Convention Center
Kansas, City, MO
September 5-9, 2016
Monday 9/5
Tuesday 9/6
Wednesday 9/7
Thursday 9/8
Friday 9/9
Saturday 9/10
Sunday 9/11
6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Deaconess Ministry Meeting
– Room 11
6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Combined Usher Board Meeting
– Room 26
7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Minister's Seminar
– Fellowship Hall
7:30 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Male Chorus Rehearsal
– Sanctuary
12:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Sewing Ministry
– Zachariah Hughes Center
6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Missions & Evangelism Meeting
– Room 11
12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. Noon Day Prayer
– Sanctuary
5:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m. Ministry for Spiritual Support for Cancer
– Room 25
6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Decorating Ministry Meeting
– Zachariah Hughes Center, Conference Room
6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Services & Helps CMLT Meeting
– Zachariah Hughes Center
6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Men's Ministry CMLT Meeting
– Room 11
6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Pastoral Care CMLT Meeting
– Fellowship Hall
7:30 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Combined Choirs Rehearsal
– Sanctuary
12:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Sewing Ministry
– Zachariah Hughes Center
8:30 a.m.- 9:30 a.m. Musicians Rehearsal
– Sanctuary
9:00 a.m.
TPBA 10th Annual Foreign Missions Breakfast – Six Mount Zion Baptist Church, Hampton
9:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. W.I.S.H Ministry
– Kitchen
9:30 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. Praise Team Rehearsal
– Sanctuary
10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. Youth Team Meeting
– Fellowship Hall
6:00 p.m.
Saturday Night Worship
– Rev. James Crump
7:45 a.m.
Morning Worship Service
– Pastor Guns
9:00 a.m.
Sunday School
– Various Locations
10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship Service
– Pastor Guns
10:30 a.m.
Children's Church
– Sanctuary
5:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. Tommie J. Tookes Fellowship Bible Study
– Fellowship Hall
5:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. G.E.M.S
– Room 26
**All ministry leaders are asked to please put work service requests for programs, scanning, etc. in at least two (2) weeks in advance before
the actual date of the event.
**Vouchers are due at least three (3) weeks in advance before the actual day that funds are needed.
**When scheduling meetings and/or special events, a room request/special event form MUST be turned into the church office two (2) weeks
in advance. No space will be given to ministries/organizations that have not been scheduled through the church office. If your scheduled
meeting will be cancelled, please notify the church office within 24 hours.