Cathedral Report 2013 - Chelmsford Cathedral


Cathedral Report 2013 - Chelmsford Cathedral
chelmsford cathedral community
A review of Cathedral
activity from Cathedral
organisations, volunteers,
associates and staff
Inside this edition: The Dean’s Introduction > Bradwell Chapel > Youth Ministry ... and much more!
I am writing this after just two months in post as Dean of Chelmsford, so inevitably I am looking forward
to the future, rather than back on the last year.
And indeed both in the pages of this
report and the Annual Report and
Accounts, you can read all about the
huge range of mission and ministry in
which the Cathedral has been involved
through 2013. I do not need to add to
that other than to say a very big thank
you for the contribution made by staff,
groups and individuals to the thriving
life of this place as we seek to fulfil our
core purpose as the Cathedral serving
Essex and East London.
So what about the future here at
Chelmsford Cathedral? The first thing
I want to say is what a great place we
are starting from: a vibrant worshipping
life, a great staff team, a fantastic
army of volunteers. And all of this in
the context of excellent management
of our buildings and finance.
One of the big stories nationally in
recent years is that cathedrals are
growing. That is true particularly in
the numbers attending midweek services
and choral Sunday worship. Here at Chelmsford
we are certainly stable in our Sunday numbers, but
as you will see in this report, our mid-week figures
show real room for growth. So I am very much
looking forward to working with you on discerning
the best way of embracing the opportunities.
And – whilst being delighted with our excellent
financial management – I am also looking forward
to working with you on developing our stewardship
as a community, and particularly on financial giving.
Certainly this autumn we will be doing some serious
talking and teaching about money.
One of the delights here is having a beautiful building
in a great state of repair, and later in the year we will
be dedicating the latest addition – the St Cedd
centenary window. But there’s always more ... so I
am looking forward to working with you as we think
seriously about new seating for the nave, and
developing new and imaginative ways of using the
glorious space we have been entrusted with.
Finally, as you know, Philip Tarris our Administrator
will be moving on into full time ministry as a priest
later in the year, and the Chapter is already working
hard at thinking through the shape of this crucial role
as we embrace the challenges and opportunities of
the future.
Personally I want to say a huge thank you for your
welcome. From the beginning Christine and I have
felt very much at home here, and the Cathedral
has been a wonderfully welcoming worshipping
community to be part of. We were genuinely
daunted at the prospect of moving to the South
East, but it has been a hugely positive experience!
With my thanks and best wishes.
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
2012 figures in brackets.
Our total incoming resources were £913,826 (£926,135).
The amount given by the congregation through the Church Members’ Fund and Sunday collections (£167,485) was only slightly higher than in 2012 (£165,492). We have 195 members of the CMF. There will be a stewardship campaign in the autumn to encourage new members and give an opportunity to review our giving.
The Choral Foundation now has 56 patrons, who gave a total of £10,546 including Gift Aid (£8,975).
We were pleased to receive a legacy of £26,594 for the maintenance of St Peter’s Chapel
(four legacies totalling £96,459).
The Lunchtime Concerts raised £7,625 (£8,306) and gave £6,040 (£4,000) to the Cathedral and £1,850 (£3,025) to other charities. The Social Committee raised £8,698 (£8,290) and gave
£6,904 (£5,931) to the Cathedral.
There were 580 individual bookings of the Chapter House and Learning Centre by outside
hirers (527).
Bookstall sales were up to £18,785 (£16,081) and its profit increased to £8,281 (£6,223).
The launch of Tony Tuckwell’s book, Coming of Age, contributed to this.
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
2012 figures in brackets.
Total expenditure in 2013 was £869,363 (£824,665).
On average, 390 people attended a Sunday service (395 in 2012). 92 children attend Junior Church and a further 40 children or young people are regularly part of the congregation. A total of 101 children and young people regularly serve the Cathedral as choristers, servers or other role.
There were 1,766 (1,706) services and events in the Cathedral during 2013.
1,673 (2,555) primary-age children came on organised school visits and 172 (180) secondary school students attended the Citizenship Day.
Nearly £30,700 was given to 50 other charities including congregational Christmas gifts, Blue
Envelope support for Africa, the Lunchtime Concerts and special service collections. Further
details are in the Report on Cathedral Activities.
Some of the costs of the new St Cedd’s window were paid in 2013. The full cost has been met
from donations from Chelmsford City Council, the Friends, Bookstall, Lunchtime Concerts and
individuals with many thanks to Eileen French for coordinating the fundraising and to all those
who have given.
The Cathedral boilers were out of action for several weeks because the flue required re-lining.
This gave rise to unexpected expenditure of £18,625 for the repair and temporary heating.
This was met from reserves.
We began the year expecting an operating deficit. However, with one-off factors such as staff vacancies and
exceptional letting income from a Thriftwood College class based here for nearly a term, we ended the year in
surplus. This turn round may not be repeated and we are forecasting a small deficit for 2014. The Cathedral
continues to seek to develop sustainable income streams in order that its ministry and mission will not be
limited by financial constraints.
The full Annual Report and Accounts for the year ending 31 December 2013 are available from
Mrs Caroline Robinson, Cathedral Office.
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
It’s now just over two years since I started my
role as Canon Theologian here in Chelmsford.
At my installation service Bishop Stephen said: ‘We
want you to think, and pray, cajole and provoke us
into thinking more deeply about the very nature of
faith – how we share it, how we explain it and how
we live it.’ I have those words pinned up by my
desk, and they inform what I do, both at the
Cathedral and in the Diocese – my time and
energies are shared between them.
The following list touches on some of the things I’ve
overseen and done in the past year as I continue
responding to Bishop Stephen’s charge:
• Theological Society meetings (nine per year).
• Keene Lectures (four in November 2013).
• Study Days for licensed ministers.
• Ordination training for locally deployed
• 26 preachments around the Diocese.
• 14 additional speaking and teaching sessions in
the Diocese.
• Diocesan Chaplain for the Mothers’ Union.
• Adult confirmation classes.
• Lent Groups.
• Preparing Bible study notes for the Cathedral
Fellowship Groups.
• Working on a major new resource for the
Diocese as part of Transforming Presence
(to be launched in May).
Synod held meetings at three different churches during
the year. The yearly programme emphasised the
importance of the Bishop’s initiative, “Transforming
Presence.” A number of ideas were shared including
our Wednesday teas and Friday lunchtime concerts.
A Pastoral Foundation course is to be set up for the
future to support the continued emphasis on lay
training. Synod invited a number of visitors including
John Ball, Chief Executive of the Diocese, Revd
Elizabeth Jordan, lay training adviser and Nigel Bolitho,
working as an evangelist.
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
• The God Movie Project (three new movies made
so far, with more planned both at the Cathedral
and at other churches).
I’m very grateful to Bobby Harrington and her
Education Team for all the work they do with the
substantial number of school visits to the Cathedral.
Likewise, I’m very grateful to those who help host
and lead our five Cathedral Fellowship Groups,
particularly Brian and Lu Cooper, Phil and Diana
Goatly, and Ian Palotai. And I’m equally grateful to
Mary Rothero, Ann Cowper-Coles and David Waugh as
they maintain and run our libraries and the archive.
In their different ways they all work alongside me to
help cajole and provoke a wide range of people to
think more deeply about the very nature of faith.
Separate reports give more details of their work over
the past year.
My experience in the financial world has seen me
join a new Share Review Group for the Diocese, and
I continue to serve on the Diocesan Finance Executive
Committee, as well as the Cathedral Finance
Committee. Nationally, I am a trustee of the CBF
Funds and serve on the Church of England’s Ethical
Investment Advisory Group.
Although, I am quite often away from the Cathedral
on a Sunday morning, it is my spiritual home and
regular place of prayer. I feel richly blessed in all my
colleagues and the freedom they give me to minister
in both Cathedral and Diocese, and in having so many
opportunities therefore to connect our Cathedral life
to that of this huge Diocese which we serve.
Revd Canon Edward Carter
Canon Theologian
Synod have spent time looking at the future structure
of the deanery and its 18 parishes. The idea of two
stipendiary clergy and two lay assistants in each unit
(grouping of three churches) found favour with
members, but the concept of joining with Chelmsford
South was thought to be impractical.
Roger Shilling was thanked for his service as lay
chairman for many years and also our own, Keith
Baggs as secretary for 14 years. We hope the new
Synod formulated in June will include people from
the Cathedral (seven places) who will give priority to
attending meetings in the future.
Tony Allen
Our Diocese celebrates 100 years in 2014; by contrast St Peter’s Chapel,
Bradwell, will be 1,360 years old! The Chapel is owned by the Cathedral
and administered through a sub-committee of Chapter, chaired by
the Dean or Vice Dean. Geoffrey Ireland is Fabric Officer and David
Simmonds, Secretary. Until his death in January, David Lucas had
been treasurer for many years.
The committee meets half yearly. Storms over recent months blew off
many roof tiles and funds to pay for a new roof and other improvements
are being urgently sought.
The spiritual life of the Chapel is maintained by its chaplain, Rev Brigid
Main, while the day-to-day care of the Chapel is carried out by the Parish
of St Thomas’s Bradwell. Support also comes from the adjacent Othona
Brigid arranges a programme of Sunday evening services in July and August and other events, such as quiet days.
The annual ecumenical pilgrimage is on Saturday 12 July. Members of the congregation are invited to attend any
of these events or visit on another occasion. The Chapel is always open and welcoming!
The Revd Brigid Main was licensed as Chaplain to St Peter’s Chapel by the Bishop of Bradwell on 2 February 2013.
She has had an exciting year exploring working with the parish and the Othona Community who provide many of
the local volunteers who look after the Chapel from day-to-day. For Brigid it is a joy and privilege to provide
worship and hospitality for the many visitors to the Chapel.
The Eucharist is celebrated on Thursdays at 9.00am, and St Thomas’, Bradwell held services at the Chapel on Good
Friday, Easter Morning Vigil, an Animal Blessing Service and a Candlelit Carol Service. Events at the Chapel during
the year included a Drop in Day of Prayer, Race Event, Wedding blessings, Quiet Days, architectural filming, talks
to history groups, young researchers from Kings College London, school visits, Greenstead Church pilgrimage and
Choral Evensongs sung by Plumstead Church and the Cathedral Choir. The theme for the Summer Services was
‘Rhythm of Life: seeking God’.
On 6 July the Chapel was the focus for the annual pilgrimage – ‘Faith Alive’. On 18 August BBC Radio 4 Morning
Worship was recorded at the Chapel with a reflection by Brigid Main.
Serving on this Committee, alongside Canon Eileen French and Tim Leeson, is a real privilege for David
Simmonds. The Committee, which is part of Churches Together in Essex and East London, meets six times a year
to organise and manage the annual ecumenical pilgrimage to St Peter’s Chapel, Bradwell. The joy comes from
helping arrange a major act of witness and fellowship with other Christians from Essex and East London of many
different traditions, including Anglicans, Baptists, Methodists, Quakers, Roman Catholics and Salvation Army.
In 2013, the speaker was Bishop Thomas of Brentwood, who spoke of the continuity of the Gospel and worship
at the Chapel, compared with the transitory nuclear power station nearby. Work is now well underway on
organizing this year’s pilgrimage, which has been moved to the second Saturday of July. Our speaker on Saturday
12 July 2014 will be Rev. Dr. Kate Coleman, former president of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and currently
Chair of the Evangelical Alliance Council. Kate was chosen for her inspirational style. Further information will
be in The Month, Cathedral Life and the pewslip.
For more information about St. Peter’s Chapel and the Committee please contact David Simmonds
Tel: 01245 250198 [email protected]
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
Worship is the core activity of every Christian, and as such it occupies a central place in our witness
and service to the city, diocese and region.
We have been busy in this regard and we have served
the communities that come here very well.
Since last year we have been occupied in our usual
round of liturgical activity as well as preparing for
several services which have drawn people in from
farther afield. This year sees our centenary and the
year opened with a wonderful service in January, a
hymn was specially written for the service by Patrick
Appleford and an imaginative collage of our icon
of Christ was projected on a screen in front of the
organ, composed of pixelated images of the
congregation that were present. A few days later
we held our Centenary Evensong in which the choir
sang an anthem specially composed for the Feast
of Dedication.
A few weeks after this we welcomed our new Dean,
Nicholas. The worship was uplifting and provided a
great welcome for Nicholas and his family.
The remainder of the year promises to be a full and
rich year as we continue our centenary celebrations.
Revd Canon Simon Pothen
Canon Precentor
If you read this entire Annual Review you will appreciate the vast number of volunteers operating
within a considerable number of diverse groups in our Cathedral community.
From a practical point of view it is not possible to meet up with all these individuals on a regular basis but with
the formation of the VSG, leaders of all these groups have the opportunity to meet up three times each year.
We are able to discuss common issues including recruitment, training and leadership succession. The meeting
is attended by the Vice Dean and the Cathedral Administrator who are able to hear directly of any concerns raised
whilst at the same time conveying any important information from Chapter. This is not to imply that we only talk
about problems; there are many happy events and successes to record!
Apart from these meetings, the leaders form a speedy point for communication, particularly during this centenary
year, when there is a need for volunteers for specific one-off events. Leaders are encouraged to contact me direct
on any matters of concern or for advice. At the same time I liaise with the Vice Dean on a regular basis to ensure
that he is kept fully informed of relevant matters on an ongoing basis.
Andrew Duke
Volunteer Co-ordinator
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
Our Weekday Welcome Stewards have
maintained a steady ministry of welcome
to all the visitors who enter the Cathedral.
It was sad to see the departure of Maggie and Bill
Amos from so many aspects of our Cathedral Life
(following their move to Chester) and particularly from
my Sunday afternoon team. On a more positive note,
I now have the pleasure of being accompanied by my
daughter, Catherine Dunton, to fill the Ami’s slot!
A brief look through the visitors’ book shows how
much a smile and a word of welcome means to
many people; particularly to those coming into the
Cathedral for the first time or from abroad. Many
thanks go to all those stewards who gave extra time
to meet visitors to the Schools’ Art & Craft Exhibition
in February. Our team of stewards who regularly
lead the midday prayers are to be congratulated; a
personal microphone is now used to include visitors
who like to sit and listen in the Nave rather than in
the Chapel.
I am very grateful to David Frampton who has now
taken over the task of making up the steward rotas,
this is a tremendous help to me.
The role of welcome steward is very rewarding but
we are struggling to maintain two stewards on duty
each day. We would welcome some new volunteers
who can offer two hours on a regular basis. Training
will be given, if necessary, to all volunteers.
Bobby Harrington
It remains an ongoing pleasure for our stewards to
welcome such a diverse range of visitors on Sunday
afternoons. They do indeed continue to arrive from
all parts of the world and, as I write, it is particularly
rewarding to benefit from the additional interest
derived from the centenary exhibition which is now
to remain for the whole of this year.
I make no apology for reciting my annual reminder
that this really is a duty that anyone from the
congregation can perform – whatever age – and I do
hope to recruit some more stewards before the year
is out. The commitment for most of our team is just
part of one Sunday afternoon, every two months.
Do contact me if you would like to join our team or
seek further information on what we do. Telephone:
01245 252680 or look out for the ‘bearded one’ on
Andrew Duke
The Vergers’ department continues to be busy in providing backup for our many activities.
During the year 19 major concerts have taken place
in the Cathedral. On top of our regular services
many special services have taken place. Three
particular highlights being the retirement service of
our Dean, Peter Judd, commemorating 16 years of
faithful Ministry to this Cathedral Parish and Diocese
last October. The Installation of the new Dean,
The Very Revd Nicholas Henshall in February and
the Retirement service for the Bishop of Barking,
David Hawkins in March.
Our ministry of welcome continues to thrive,
especially Welcome on Wednesday coordinated
by Jean Standen.
The Cathedral is a much loved building serving the
City and community. Our Hospitality is valued and
much appreciated by those who visit this place.
We were sad that Francis Parish decided to retire
at Christmas and a presentation was made to
acknowledge his service. David Robinson has been
appointed his temporary successor.
The Vergers continue to be of service in continuing
the enhancement of Gods’ work here and we look
forward to support the work and ministry of our new
Dean in furthering the good news of the Kingdom.
Michael Rivers
Head Verger
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
Our serving team have again had a busy year.
At Chelmsford Cathedral we have a well-established
team of Lay Assistants. This year we have been able
to recruit and train some new young members for
the team as well as welcome back some past team
members. As a result the team has now grown to
32 Lay Assistants. The team is a diverse group,
representative of the Cathedral congregation, and
give their time generously to ensure the smooth
running of all of our Eucharistic services.
Although our main duties are at the Sunday services
we also serve at various services from the Mothers
Union Council Eucharist to large Diocesan services
such as the Ordination services.
Everyone is confident in their roles and responsibilities
and visitors have often remarked how well we work
together and are unobtrusive. A splendid compliment.
We are a small team and hope to increase in the
coming month.
Ruth Bird
Head Server
I am pleased to report that there is now a team of
58 Sidespeople, which is a slight increase on 2013.
I am very pleased to welcome those who have joined
the team over the last year and to thank them for
volunteering. I would also particularly like to thank
those who have left the team for all the work that
they have done over many years.
A well-attended annual meeting of Sidespeople,
chaired by the Vice Dean, was held in September.
The meeting is an opportunity for Sidespeople to
meet one another, to review activities over the
previous year, to raise questions and to discuss any
issues that may have arisen.
Sidespeople continue to support most of the services
held in the Cathedral, not only all Sunday services,
special services and festivals but also baptisms and
Choral Evensongs that are held daily. Sidespeople
are the first point of contact for the congregation
entering the Cathedral, welcoming those coming in,
distributing orders of service, answering questions,
conducting the collection, and at major services
ensuring the congregation find seats. It is an
important and rewarding role. Anyone who is
interested in joining the team should talk to any
one of the Wardens.
Finally, I would like to thank all the Sidespeople for
all their support and hard work over the last year.
Philip Goodman
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
The team’s role is to distribute the wine at the
Eucharist on Sundays at 9.30am and 11.15am and
for other occasional services during the week. It
is my job to prepare duty rota for these services,
working with the Cathedral and the team we
ensure that all of these services have Lay Assistants
available and that this ministry is carried out with
dignity and reverence.
I’m well supported by the Canon Precentor in the
Recruitment and Training of new Lay Assistants and
it’s always great to welcome new members to the
ranks. We would love to welcome more people to
the Lay Assistants team, particularly those who are
able to assist at 11.15am Sunday services. If you or
someone you know are interested please feel free to
contact me.’
Peter Green
There are five Fellowship Groups, four of which meet
on weekday evenings and one of which meets on
Wednesday mornings. A number of different leaders
run the groups, being Brian and Lu Cooper, Phil and
Diana Goatly, Ian Palotai, and myself. The leaders
discuss and plan suitable Bible studies for each season.
During Autumn 2013 we looked at the story of Esau and
Jacob in the Book of Genesis, and during the first half
of 2014 we are studying Paul’s Letter to the Colossians.
Meetings also include time for fellowship and prayer.
Anyone is welcome to join a Fellowship Group. Twice
a year we hold a combined meeting for all the groups,
which is widely advertised. These occasions give a
good opportunity for anyone who is not yet in a
group to come along and find out more. For more
information about the Cathedral Fellowship
Groups please contact me.
Canon Edward Carter
The six Cathedral Wardens are elected annually at
the Congregational Annual Meeting and serve for a
maximum of six consecutive terms. There are
Wardens present at all Sunday services and festival
and weekday services at which large congregations are
expected. The Wardens’ role is to ensure that services
run smoothly and with due reverence and dignity. This
can be quite demanding when the Cathedral is full
with a congregation of over 700 worshippers!
The last twelve months have been quite challenging.
Sadly one of the Wardens, Audrey Shepherd, passed
away in October. And some sickness and family
problems amongst us has meant that for part of the
year we have effectively managed with only three
Wardens. The workload has been quite heavy.
We are now back up to four with the welcome arrival
(back) of Jo Themistocleous, who helps me look after
the Junior Church, and who I hope will also begin to
help me with Baptism preparation. Tony Allen and
Rosemarie Rowe and Joy Halstead all assist me with
the parish home communions, where the visiting list
this last year has grown considerably!
In addition, Joy has responsibility for spotting and
welcoming older people who find their way to the
Cathedral, and Rosemarie works with me to support
and assist couples preparing for marriage.
Between them they ensure that ministry to a wide
range and age of people is conducted, and the
ministry of the Canon Pastor would be impoverished
without them.
All of them testify to the privilege of conducting
these ministries: if there is anyone else out there
who, in Bishop Stephen’s words think they might be
aware of ‘a whisper, of an echo, of a call,’ to find out
more about the ministry of a Pastoral
Assistant, do please speak to Ivor the Vice Dean!
Your Cathedral needs you!
Revd Canon Ivor Moody
Vice Dean
It has also been an exciting year with a number of
major services. The Diamond Anniversary of the
Coronation in June 2013, the Floods Commemoration
Service and the visit of Princess Anne, the
Ordination Services, the Justice Service in October
and, of course, the retirement of Peter Judd and the
Installation of the Dean were all particularly notable
and involved a substantial amount of work.
The Wardens would particularly like to take this
opportunity to thank the Vergers and Cathedral
Office staff for all the help and assistance that
they have given throughout the year.
Philip Goodman
Cathedral Warden
We are very fortunate to have such a good group of
people who read regularly at the 9.30am service.
Some people have left the group, and some joined,
during the past year. However, we would still
welcome anyone who would like to read and join
the group. Each person reads about three times
during the year.
Dan and Jean Glading
Following the sad death of Mervyn Marshall, I have
undertaken to organise the rota for those reading
at the 11.15am service. The situation is definitely
positive with several new volunteers, including Judith
& Tony Allen and Sarah & James Davy, as well as a
substantial number already willing to read. This has
enabled me to easily allocate readers to suitable
dates, as well as having extra people in reserve in
cases of last minute absence. Further volunteers
are, however, always welcome.
Philippa Penkett
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
The bells ring between the morning services and again
before the 6.00pm service on Sundays. We practice on
Monday evenings between 7.45pm and 9.15pm. We still
manage to have 10 or 12 ringers on Sundays, though
sometimes only 6 or 8. We also ring for weddings and
other special services. Our practices continue to be
supported by ringers from elsewhere which allows us
to try different methods.
11,730 attended the 40 concerts of the
2013 season, which saw variety of vocal
and instrumental offerings.
At our AGM there was no change to our officers.
We won the District 6 bell striking competition then
were placed 2nd out of 10 at the Association finals.
Our outing took us around Suffolk and the new 12 at the
Norman Tower in Bury St Edmunds. Likewise, we played
host to a number of visiting bands throughout the year.
In September we celebrated the centenary of the
installation of the 12 bells with a peal on 29 September
and a new peal board commissioned to record it.
We really need some new recruits of any age to help
sustain our band before our bells become silent. Anyone
interested in strengthening our numbers should contact
me. Bell-ringing is both a valuable service to the church
and a fascinating and sociable hobby.
Vicki Chapman
Artists come from a range of backgrounds, and
we try to help young artists in particular. Schools
are very popular with their Bands and Choirs.
Concerts are free but donations enable us to
support various charities, including the Cathedral.
A huge thank you to the host of volunteers who
make the concerts possible. A special thank you
to Eric Withams and Philippa Penkett for helping
out following Alan Woods’ death. And thank you
to the Catering Team – some people come in for
the food but not the concert! And the vergers
who are always on hand – thank you to Michael,
John and Thomas.
Thank you to the Stewards who hand out
programmes and welcome people, and to those
who introduce and thank the Artists. And last
but not least, Julie Brown who always makes
sure we have everything we need.
We enjoy working for the concerts and look
forward to the next season.
Eileen Hance
Welcome on Wednesday continues to focus on
fellowship at the Cathedral’s ‘pop-up’ café.
We provide an ethos of normality for those not living in
their own home. This may not mean ‘homeless’ per se.
Once, after we had prayed for ‘those who work tirelessly
across all boundaries’ someone said, ‘that’s us, we are
doctors from Pakistan working away from home with
Médecins Sans Frontiéres, and the conviviality of your café
reminds us of home where work like this is happening.’
Commitment from our team is huge and big thanks are
due. They care; they search out special cake stands and
birthday candles. They know the ‘regulars’ and their
names and the commitment of these ‘regulars’ is also
noteworthy. They ‘belong’.
Fortunately, we have some new helpers but, getting
busier, we are always hoping more help will come.
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
During Advent, we can rarely be in the Cathedral.
Lighting in St. Cedd’s Hall is not like sitting near the
Christmas tree but there were carols and crackers
and everyone had to bring a small present. Someone
particularly liked the idea as it gave him something
to do and someone else to think about at Christmas.
Jean Standen
Many differing groups have met in Chapter house
during the year from Music Workshops to the
Chelmsford Record Fair who have relocated to
Chapter House following the closure of the Shire
Hall where they had met for the past 20 years.
To accommodate the Record Fair we re-located the
Cathedral Social Committee coffee mornings to the
Cathedral showing an increase in the number of
people attending, which is great news.
The number of Intercessors in the Intercessions Group
has remained constant at about 20 members but we
lost one very loyal member, Audrey Shepherd, who
died on the 6 November 2013. May she rest in peace.
The number of people for whom we pray regularly is,
of course, constantly changing as a need for prayer
is requested. This year, we have been particularly
aware of the way that prayers are answered and for
this we thank God. The prayer request list is updated
at least three times a year when we meet for prayer
and mutual support but new names can be added at
any time. If anyone feels she or he can pray
regularly for about five or six people, please speak
to Canon Ivor Moody, who as Canon Pastor will, I
feel sure, be pleased to accept your offer. This is,
of course, a ministry we all do in the comfort of our
own homes.
Thriftwood College encountered problems moving into
their new premises in September but fortunately we
managed to accommodate the students until the end
of October when they were able to move into their
College building in Fox Crescent. It was pleasing to
see them settle in and some regard the Chapter House
and Learning Centre as their ‘home’. Thank you to
the Art Group who often met in the Library during
this time so we could accommodate the students.
Derek Everard
St Mellitus College continue to meet on Thursday
evenings having Worship and Supper together in the
Cathedral and then moving into the Chapter House
and Learning Centre for their lectures.
Francis Parish took retirement on Christmas Day
and we welcome David Robinson who has stepped into
Francis’ shoes, rather big shoes to fill, I mean this in
the nicest possible way! Thank you to the rest of the
Verger team who have covered the duties at busy and
holiday times.
Another year of thoughtful contributions to the Parish
Eucharist by a small and devoted team: thank you to
all. Allison Cline-Dean has joined our numbers: good
to have her on board. It takes time and effort, and
nerve, to carry out this ministry, and I know how
seriously you all take it. It’s a really important part
of the service. Anyone who would like to join us,
please let me or Simon Pothen know.
Julie Brown
Nick Robinson
A very good year for the Bookstall. Sales up by £2,700
to £18,922, profit up nearly £2,000 to £8,191. We
were able to contribute £5000 from the profit to the
funding for the new St Cedd’s Window. We helped to
launch Tony Tuckwell’s new book on the history of the
Cathedral, and we have a brand new and very lovely
guidebook. All part of the ministry of welcome and
service to Cathedral, City and all who visit: all very
encouraging and hugely worthwhile.
Many thanks to that small army of people who sell,
welcome, restock and generally look after the
Bookstall ... it would not be possible without you.
Nick Robinson
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
Men’s Breakfasts have now been happening for twelve
years, five or six times a year. Mervyn announced at
the beginning of 2013 that it would be the last year
he and I would be coordinating the attendance list,
shopping and cooking and the need for someone
to take this on from the beginning of 2014. I am
delighted that Ruth and David Bird have agreed to
do this and breakfasts are running smoothly under
their leadership.
Speakers in 2013 were the Essex Coroner, Caroline
Beasley-Murray, Mervyn Marshall – a hastily arranged
informative quiz on where our recycled goods go (the
booked speaker was unable to attend), the Revd Andy
Griffiths, James and Sarah Davy (at the open meeting
for ladies as well) and the Revd Canon Edward Carter.
My thanks to all those who have helped, in the
kitchen, organising the finances and booking the
speakers and to all who attend and readily help
to set the room out and clear away afterwards.
Elizabeth Marshall
Several members of the congregation meet three
times a year to discuss and plan this aspect of the
Cathedral’s pastoral ministry, not just the healing
services, but home communions and ministry to those
who are alone or vulnerable. It covers, not just the
cathedral, the community and the diocese, but also
local hospitals and the Essex Christian healing Trust.
As well as the regular healing services on the first
Saturday of each month (two of which are now
incorporated into evening prayer) the group also
helps to devise and organise a big healing service
each year (and last November it was co-hosted with
an organisation called ‘Saying Goodbye’ offered
for parents who had suffered pre or post natal
bereavement and the preacher was our Diocesan
Bishop), and several of the group assist with the
ministry of prayer and the Laying on of Hands. This
October we are hoping to plan a healing service for
sufferers of mental ill health, and most especially
carers and friends who look after them.
Revd Canon Ivor Moody
Vice Dean
We had two outings last year, the first in June to St.
Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St. Edmunds and the
second in September to Peterborough Cathedral.
The Bishop of Chelmsford was the speaker for the
Autumn Festival and AGM and Tony Tuckwell launched
his book ‘Coming of Age’.
In January we welcomed the Revd. Jonathan Evens,
Commission4Mission as our speaker for the Winter
New members are always welcome and for more
information, please contact Jackie Dryhurst on
01245 268596 any day after 4.30pm.
Jackie Dryhurst
The Covenant Group meets, represented by members
of the three churches, Ascension and All Saints,
Trinity Methodist and the Cathedral once a term.
Until recently the Revd Viv Gasteen has celebrated
a monthly service following the Methodist Rite in
the Cathedral on a Friday but a time is being
sought which will be more helpful to those of her
congregation who wish to come with her. The
clergy meet for a combined Morning Prayer at
8.30am on the first Thursday of the month at
Trinity Methodist Church which members of the
congregations are warmly invited to attend.
A joint Pastoral Visitors’ social event has been held
for the last two years and is planned again for
2014 and another joint Evensong for the choirs of
Ascension and All Saints, Trinity and the Cathedral
Voluntary Choir is to take place at the Ascension on
June 1st, the Sunday after the Ascension.
The voucher scheme for meals for the homeless
and disadvantaged ran for much of 2013 but the
café offering this service (paid for by the
Covenant Churches) has had to close. Chelmsford
Homelessness Forum now produces a list of where
to obtain food every day so the need is not as vital.
The group will review the voucher scheme at
each meeting to decide whether to restart it.
Elizabeth Marshall
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
The Africa Group watches over our links with
Christians in Africa and arranges the annual Africa
Service. During 2013, income from the Blue Envelopes
given out on the first Sunday each month, together
with tax recovered, was £4,184, down from £5,790 in
2012. Using the balance brought forward from 2012,
the Group was able to give £400 to the Bishop’s Lent
Appeal, and £8,000 to projects in our link diocese in
Kenya, including £5,000 to St Paul’s Cathedral, Embu
for its pharmacy, £500 to Pattedy Nyagah for mosquito
nets and, as part of the Cathedral’s charitable giving,
£1,500 to the Church Mission Society.
Our link with Swaziland ended with the return of
Andrew and Rosemary Symonds. Instead £1,000 has
been given to Five Talents (an Anglican organisation
providing micro finance to the marginalised) for its
work in Embu.
We are delighted that the link between the Cathedral
School and St Peter’s School, Gaitiri, a primary school
close to Embu Cathedral, has deepened over the past
Anyone who is interested in our African links is very
welcome to join the Group.
Please contact David Simmonds, who is the
convenor of the Group, on 01245 250198 or
[email protected] for more information.
There are 35 box holders
at present. This is
significantly less than
5 years ago partly
because some of the
congregation have
moved away but also,
sadly, because of ill health. I would like to boost
our numbers so please ask for a box if you feel able;
it is amazing how loose change such as 5p and 10p
can add up. 1 and 2 pence pieces are equally
welcome as are higher denomination currency!
We usually open the boxes in the spring and the
autumn. If you feel you can support the Society
but do not want a box we can pass on a contribution
(gift aided if possible) to the Society; this all adds
to the Cathedral’s contribution.
In 2013 we raised £791.51 (£45 less than 2012).
In the past our contributions have been well in
excess of £1,000. Thank you to all have continued
to support a very important cause for the welfare
of children who may be homeless or suffering from
abuse in any form.
Richard Spilsbury
Once again we supported Christian Aid Week in May by house to house collections and by making
available envelopes within the Cathedral.
In 2013 fourteen collectors made house to house calls in the areas of the
Avenues, Westfield Avenue and Maltese Road. There are other roads allocated
to us which we have not been able to cover. This collection raised £1,079.02
(approximately £171 less than 2012). The envelopes within the Cathedral
raised £741 which was about £75 more than the previous year. A most
heartfelt thank you from the Chelmsford Area organiser. The grand total
for the Chelmsford area was £40,415.35; approximately £1,000 less than 2012. We shall be collecting in a similar
way this year and I am always looking for more helpers to collect door to door. Two people collecting together is
a good option and if anyone can help please contact me on 01245 268792 or at the 9.30am service.
As reported last year, we have ceased the monthly austerity lunches due to falling numbers. No alternative fund
raising event has been organised. The Area organiser can usually arrange two collections outside one of the Tesco
stores each year and if anyone can spare an hour I can tell Peter Batey, the local organiser.
Richard Spilsbury
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
The Branch has had another excellent year with
sustained membership and new members joining.
However, there was sadness too; Mervyn Marshall,
a great supporter of MU work and a member for
nearly 20 years died in August and Jessie Davis,
an older member, greatly loved by all members
also passed away.
The programme was very varied and included talks
on the theme for 2013 “Help Us Grow”, the work
of Worldwide Council, Mary Sumner House and the
Finance and Membership Unit. Local interest was
provided by talks on the work of Age UK and the
Chelmsford City recycling unit video. In January
Canon Edward Carter and 6 other new members were
admitted and two commended from other branches.
Eucharists were led by Canon Edward and the Revd
Jane Anderson, MU Deanery Chaplain.
Three young mothers whose babies have been
baptised, have been regularly checking the toy bags,
help which is gratefully acknowledged by the MU.
Churches Together in Chelmsford (CTiC) has very
few events it organises itself, but is very active in
publicising events and activities organised by churches
in the city. The main event organised by CTiC is, of
course, the annual Procession of Witness on Good
Friday. The other main event is the Annual General
Meeting, which in 2013 was on 23 June at which Ivor
Moody was re-elected to the Standing Committee.
Janice Goodman also continues to act as Treasurer,
although she had previously resigned. CTiC also
organised a Pentecost Praise and Worship event at
Christ Church in New London Road on 19 May.
However, the continuing activity is the publicity
given throughout the year to the various events
organised by the churches throughout the city,
including of course, the Cathedral. This is
particularly important and is much appreciated.
Dan Glading
Members continue to support the MU Overseas work
and a coffee morning and two lunches raised funds
for this and MU Projects. Two of the travelling cribs
went to the Cathedral School Early Years classes and
the other circulated members of the congregation
during Advent. Each family kept a sheep as the crib
moved on.
New members were admitted in March 2014, so the
Branch continues to grow.
Canon Eileen French
Branch Leader
Like the healing group, a handful of parishioners,
including one of our Pastoral Assistants, Rosemarie
Rowe, meet throughout the year to monitor and plan
pastoral support to monitor and plan pastoral support
for our wedding couples and those who have their
banns read in the Cathedral, as well as other issues
to do with relationships. For example it is planning a
service of renewal of wedding vows in February 2015.
It also oversees the two group sessions of wedding
preparation for couples getting married in the
Cathedral, at which some of the marriage group
take part, and helps to organise a wedding meal in
the North Transept in November, which is greatly
valued and appreciated by those who have worked
with the Cathedral during the year to stage their
weddings. For the meal in November 2013 we invited
for the first time couples who are due to be married
this year, and the chance for them to meet and make
friends with couples who had recently been married
here was also welcomed.
Revd Canon Ivor Moody
Vice Dean
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
The Group attracts good numbers, and is now
three years old. We are a mixed group of both
women and men, and are open to all.
I decided to escape the worst of the winter weather,
after the mud of previous years, by arranging urban
walks. Two were in London, when we visited The
Guildhall and to view the Roman Amphitheatre and
later The Hop Exchange. On another walk we
enjoyed the Secret Gardens of Southwark.
In addition, we enjoyed a walk in Brentwood, with
Dr Jennie Ward, a retired History Lecturer from
Goldsmiths College. I am grateful for those who
organised these outings, and for the support from
the New Interests Group.
2014 is set to be an interesting year for us, and we
have walks organised until August. Last year we
formed a liaison with St Mary’s, Saffron Walden, and
they were able to join us, together with St Mary The
Virgin at Stebbing, for a walk. We will be joining
The Saffron Walden Group for a History Tour of
Saffron Walden on 1 April.
Sam Hart
01277 656901
[email protected]
During 2013 we visited the Minsmere Sanctuary,
Lavenham Church & village with an audio tour,
Southbank Gardens and Southwark Cathedral.
In August we went to the Stanley Spencer Gallery,
a village & river walk in Cookham, and Cliveden.
In September we visited the Cecil Rhodes Museum.
By far the most popular visit was organised by Sue
Brignell to BBC World News Studios where we toured
the building, participated in a play, were televised
reading the news at the correct speed and delivered
weather forecasts to be remembered! Sadly, we shall
miss Audrey Shepherd R.I.P. who had suggested some
excellent visits. All are welcome to join us for any
outing, details shown in the pewslip.
In January 2014 we joined the Cathedral Walking
Group to visit the City of London Guildhall Art Gallery,
a dramatic rooftop scenic view of the city, crossed
Millennium Bridge to finish at the Hop Exchange in
Southwark as part of the Centenary Celebration.
May we thank so many of our congregation for their
time and guidance. Further outings are planned for
2014, the National Portrait Gallery, Flatford Mill and
Dedham Village, Galleywood, Braintree, Waltham
Forest, a return to the Gibberd Gardens plus some
local country walks. We are also looking into the
church art trail in Barking Episcopal Area. Transport
is arranged and shared.
Ann Freese
In the last year we have had our status as an Eco-Congregation
renewed and the plaque was presented at the Harvest Service in
September. We have continued to work towards reducing the carbon
footprint of the Cathedral estate and have welcomed Pamela Yates,
Chair of the Cathedral Works Committee to our meetings.
The young people have become involved, especially with Fairtrade
Fortnight and they spent an evening creating cakes using Fairtrade ingredients which were then sold on the
following Sunday at coffee. They also prepared the display board in the Cathedral featuring this year’s theme
– the Fairtrade banana.
There is now a leaflet explaining more about what we do as an Eco-Congregation and why: the Fifth Mark of Mission
is to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth. You can help by
supporting Fairtrade, recycling as much as you can, saving energy and reducing your carbon footprint. We would
welcome new members to the group. Please contact: [email protected] or 01245 281567.
Elizabeth Marshall
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
Once again the Flower Guild has had a
very busy year. Although we only had
two weddings, we arranged for all the
major festivals, the Centenary Service
and the Installation of the Dean.
We have found that using swags in
place of pedestals for major services enables the whole
congregation to see the flowers.
The Flower Guild is self-funding, relying on donations and
fundraising events, so we would ask for your support by either
attending fund-raising events, which are open to all, or sponsoring
a pedestal for a celebration or a memorial. If you would like to
sponsor a pedestal please contact Pippa Alston on 01245 262361.
We still need new members for the Guild. You do not have to be
an expert, we will give you help. If you are interested please
contact me on 01245 359268.
Elizabeth Stedman
The scheme has continued to invite parishes to an
afternoon’s hospitality at the Cathedral, comprising of
an in depth cathedral tour with Bobby Harrington and
her team of guides, a lovely, generous Sunday afternoon
tea in the Chapter House and a short presentation
about the Cathedral and its work, and finally a chance
to experience Choral Evensong, with an invitation
for parish members to read the lessons, do the
Intercessions, and for a minister to preach the sermon.
2013 was a busy and exciting year for the Social
Committee. We continued with our monthly coffee
mornings, where we welcome members of the
Cathedral community but, as important, meet so
many people whose only touch with the Cathedral is
through these events.
The Great Sampfords and Radwinter parishes and
the Hinckford Team Ministry were our guests this
year continuing our policy of inviting parishes in
the far reaches of our diocese, or those enduring an
interregnum or who might just appreciate an extended
arm of friendship from the mother church. In the
summer the tables we turned and we were invited up
to St. Mary’s Saffron Walden to enjoy their hospitality!
Our most recent guests were members of the Wickford
and Runwell Team Ministry, when their Rector Jane
Freeman was also inducted as a member of Cathedral
Chapter at Evensong on 9 February 2014.
Revd Canon Ivor Moody
Vice Dean
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
The sudden closure of the Shire Hall meant a lastminute relocation for the Cathedral Ball. This proved
highly successful, thanks in no small part to the efforts
of the staff at the Ivy Hill Hotel. We progressed to a
highly successful Cathedral dinner, where Duncan Green,
now Archdeacon of Northolt, shared his experiences as
Senior Olympics Chaplain.
We welcomed the best part of 100 people to each of the
Valentine’s Lunch and Harvest Lunch and to the Patronal
Day event.
We provided over 150 lunches for each of two Diocesan
Synods, and a buffet for 500 when we said farewell to
the Dean, Peter Judd.
Finally, we organised the Cathedral Christmas Market
and ran an enormous refreshments function. Yet along
the way we had great fun – do, please, come and join us!
Yvonne Spence
The main preoccupation of the committee this year
has been the design, manufacture and erection of the
new St Cedd’s window in St Cedd’s Chapel.
After several meetings with the artist, contractor and
Peter Judd, who commissioned the work, a design
was approved and the engraving was put in hand.
Whilst the execution took longer than expected it
was finally installed in March.
We have had one meeting since the arrival of the new
Dean and we have discussed his initial thoughts which
include the consideration of the replacement of the
chairs in the body of the Cathedral, since the
existing ones are showing signs of wear, being over
thirty years old. This discussion will continue in the
months to come.
Last year was the first time I had written a report for
the AGM when I covered the history of the library
since I began working there.
The library still continues to be used by some of the
Ordinands and CCS Students and others interested in
theology and Christian Literature.
We are fortunate that funds allow us to purchase
books to keep up to date with new publications and
ones on students’ book lists.
This last year we have received gifts of books from
retiring clergy and ones we already have in stock
have been available for anyone to help themselves.
Recently, I have been very pleased to welcome David
Waugh, a retired librarian, from Chelmsford Public
Library to help us on a fortnightly basis as well as
other voluntary work he undertakes for the Cathedral.
Geoffrey Ireland
Mary Rothero
We have now been
running this bookstall
for over 30 years.
It operates in St. Cedd’s
Hall after the 9.30am
service on Sunday mornings. All the proceeds of the
stall go to buy flowers in the Cathedral. However, we
find that we are not available on as many Sundays as
we used to be. This means that the money that has
been raised has decreased again this year. We still
think the stall also fulfils a useful purpose for anyone
who is new to the Cathedral and does not know many
people, as it is easier to talk while browsing the books
than to make contact cold. We have welcomed a
number of newcomers in this way.
We still have a large number of good books and
jigsaws, as well as some DVDs, but we need more
people to come and buy them!
Jean and Dan Glading
Thanks to support from the office staff and the Works
and Fabric Committees, the Library has a new store
room. Unsurprisingly this room is known as the Modern
Archives, as it provides storage space for committee
minutes, files and plans. We can now store the
Cathedral’s modern material in an orderly manner,
making it easier to retrieve. Hopefully, this will
encourage good practice with regards to the storage
and retention of material. Also, under consideration
is the problem of electronic archives. Essex Record
Office, who already hold material deposited by the
Cathedral, are offering guidance on this subject.
We have bought an additional plan chest to go in the
South Porch Library. This will allow us to store the
photograph and plan collections more safely, in
mellinex envelopes and rigid plan folders. Items from
these collections appear in the Centenary Exhibition.
The Centenary Exhibition has been the highlight of
the year. We were able to offer advice and to display
images of items in the Cathedral Archives, including
some Nicholson plans for the proposed enlarged
Cathedral. The latter were restored with the help
of a grant from the Essex Heritage Trust.
Ann Cowper-Coles
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
The Works Committee is responsible for the fabric
of the Cathedral, the Cathedral Centre, the Chapter
House and the 7 properties owned by the Cathedral.
During the last year, my first year as Chair, we have
made a number of changes to the way in which the
Committee operates.
Corporate Governance
We have agreed:
• Terms of Reference – to define the parameters
of what we do.
• Standing Orders – to regulate how we do it.
• Delegated authorities – for levels of expenditure.
• New accounting procedures to facilitate
commitment budgeting.
In addition to day to day maintenance, we have
undertaken significant works, both planned and
unplanned to:
The Cathedral
• The boiler flue – relining to allow safe operation
of the boiler.
• The East window – repairs following vandalism.
• The tower – works to maintain integrity of the
• The kitchen – installation of new water boiler
and dishwasher.
The Chapter House
• External redecoration – to dormer windows.
The Cathedral Centre
• Archive storage.
The Residences
• Water ingress damage at 83 Ridgewell Road.
• Redecoration of 3 Harlings Grove.
A number of areas are still under consideration:
• Chapter House reception refurbishment.
• Harlings Grove drainage.
• Cathedral Churchyard, reinforcement to grass
by the North West gates.
Pamela Yates
The Junior Church continues to go from
strength to strength, and many of our
young people and families are now
involved with its running and nurture.
Highlights last year included an Easter
workshop, an outing with a picnic to
Maldon, and a trip to the Pantomime to
see Cinderella in December, when over a
hundred children and families joined us!
Some of the Steering Group have
written their own teaching material based
on various Bible stories and characters
and Jo Themistocleus, who recently
moved back into Chelmsford and who is
trained as a Pastoral Assistant, has joined
the team here and has now undertaken
pastoral care for the Junior Church and
our young families associated with it.
Fourteen children from the Junior
Church were prepared to receive their
First Communions in February. Alongside
Tim Leeson’s work with older young
people, the Junior Church represents
a real growth area in our Cathedral.
In 2005 it was decided to combine
the Christingle service with the crib
service which has been a Christmas
Eve tradition since 1989. Every year
the Cathedral has been full and this
year was no exception. Indeed we had
more children (well over 300). We
are indebted to the volunteer parents
who helped steward the service and
tidy up afterwards and in particular
to William Foster who agreed to play the organ; their support was
vital. Tony Allen writing about his favourite Christmas moments in
Cathedral Life included ‘Canon Ivor surrounded by dozens of tiny
children in the Chancel as he told the Christmas story.’
Revd Canon Ivor Moody
Vice Dean
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
In the past the Christingles have been made by older members of
the congregation. Recently, we have managed to involve more of
our teenagers. This year we had a tremendous response and we
were able to make short work of the task, not forgetting the adults
who also helped, and we are most grateful to all who assisted.
The total sum raised for the Children’s Society at the service was
£794.24. Thanks once again must go to Mrs Mills for her generous
donation towards the cost of the items required to make the
Richard Spilsbury
The music department has enjoyed a hugely busy and rewarding year, encompassing a large number of services and
concerts, and a major celebration of Benjamin Britten’s centenary. The choristers performed Britten’s ‘mini-opera’
The Golden Vanity in May, repeating the concert at the Maldon Festival, and joined singers from local schools in
the national ‘Friday Afternoons’ concert on November 22. We continue to enjoy good relations with Brentwood
Cathedral, welcoming the choir to sing Vespers with us at Pentecost.
Oliver Waterer moved to St Davids Cathedral in July; Laurence Lyndon-Jones is now Assistant Organist and Director
of the Cathedral’s Girls’ Choir (with additional responsibility for the Voluntary Choir). Angela Palotai has been
replaced by David Reynolds (also a choral scholar). In September we were joined by six choral scholars and by new
organ scholar, Joshua Xerri.
Through the Choral Foundation, we have been able to employ vocal coaches for the choristers and choral scholars,
and have provided increased concert opportunities to showcase the resultant progress. Whilst primarily at the
service of the liturgy, the musicians enjoy a varied and productive timetable, and are continually grateful for the
support of the clergy, particularly Fr Simon Pothen, and of the wider Cathedral community.
James Davy
Organist and Master of the Choristers
The Voluntary Choir sings at the Eucharist or Evensong on roughly
two Sundays each term. The choir also sings at additional special
events such as an annual liturgical performance of Stainer’s
Crucifixion on Good Friday, which normally attracts a large
congregation. The choir rehearses on the last Friday of each month
during term-time, and also on the Friday before any services.
The introduction of these monthly rehearsals this year has helped
the choir to learn new music and improve the standard of singing.
The choir’s repertoire includes a range of morning and evening canticles, as well as a range of anthems, making use
of the extensive music library in the Chelmsford Cathedral Song School. On paper the choir has around 25 members,
but typically numbers slightly fewer than 20 singers due to its voluntary status. Some members of the choir
regularly represent Chelmsford at the annual Association of Cathedral Voluntary Choirs Festival, which this year
took place at Derby Cathedral. Historically, the choir has recruited via word-of-mouth, as well as annual Come
and Sing events in the Cathedral, which this year resulted in two people requesting to join the Voluntary Choir.
Laurence Lyndon-Jones
We are most grateful to all who supported this event,
helping to raise £792 of which half was returned by
the charity to the Cathedral. Four members cycled
and were sponsored generously. Our thanks must go
to: Libby Hill (£378), Richard Spilsbury (£155), David
Freese (£181.50) and Ann Freese (£77.50) Richard
and David rode around Sudbury, Suffolk, risking an
over the border adventure, and back through
villages in North Essex.
There were 38 visitors who checked in at the Cathedral
on their routes around the Diocese and we are
grateful to Mary Bradford, Pamela Brider, Sue Brignell,
Helen Clothier, Gary Penny, Tim Leeson, Judith & Tony
Allen who acted as stewards to welcome and sign the
many sponsorship forms. Our hospitality is renowned
for the provision of fine chocolate biscuits and fresh
drinks. Please watch for photographs
& news, then pick up a sponsorship form for Saturday
13 September 2014 and join in.
Ann Freese
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
• Strong committee, eight members.
• Successful year, promoting high level of musical
performance/enhancing funding.
• Three additional choral scholars + accommodation.
• Singing lessons for choir members.
• Stipends for choristers, girls’ choir, choral
scholars/lay clerks.
• Nearly 60 Patrons.
Centenary Appeal
• Under way, logistical support from Ruth Collin &
Kathryn Schofield.
• Further promotion needed to raise Capital Sum to
£1m (effective amount).
• £6,000 from major sponsor.
• Additional to weekly services, encompassed many
works by Benjamin Britten (The Golden Vanity,
& St Nicolas with EYO) Come & Sing (Faure
Requiem); The 16 outstanding performance
and fine rendition of Messiah.
Communications & Promotion
• Annual Music Diary.
• Monthly Bulletin.
• New Cathedral notice board informs about CCCF
and upcoming events.
• Posters, printing and promotion constantly under
The Capital Sum
• £847,588 (January 2013), £931,642 (Jan 2014).
• Produces £40,000 p.a.
• To expand to increase Investment Income.
• Organ scholarship established in memory of
Graham Rogers.
• Careful financial management.
• To ensure adequate funds for the Music
Department to achieve its goals.
• Purchase of a Chamber Organ.
• Replace Song School piano.
• Air Conditioning (& proper heating) + other
items for Song School.
CCCF committee members willingly serve the music
of the Cathedral, in the knowledge that, under James
Davy, our musical standards are an inspiration to the
congregation and to the many young musicians in the
Jasper Thorogood
£30,700 was given to other charities in 2013.
Of this, £7,870 went to 17 charities from special service collections. Lunchtime Concerts gave away £1,850.
The Africa Group gave £6,500 to projects in our link dioceses in Kenya and £400 to the Bishop’s Lent Appeal.
The annual Christmas gifts to 22 charities included a further £2,000 for international mission (The Church Mission
Society and the Chelmsford Diocesan Christmas Gift Fund); £3,900 for education (£2,400 for the Cathedral School
including the school leavers’ bibles, £1,000 for YMCA and £500 for Schools and Youth Ministries); £3,350 for home
mission (Chelmsford CHESS, ARU Chaplaincy’s Mission Ukraine, St Luke’s Healthcare for the Clergy, Friends of
Essex Churches, Friends of Cathedral Music, Essex Clergy Charity Corporation and Church Urban Fund); and
£2,900 for local charities (Farleigh, The Samaritans, Age Concern Chelmsford, Age UK Essex, The Children’s
Society Essex Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Service, WHCM, MENCAP, Lighthouse Family Trust, Street Pastors
and Family Mosaic).
Caroline Robinson
Chapter Treasurer
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
Our youth ministry centre, 53a, has now been open for over a year,
and I’m happy to be able to write that it has really transformed how
we work with young people at the Cathedral. We now welcome seven
different groups of young people; including church groups, school
groups, a young carers group, and uniformed organisations. And of
course, we have a strong a committed team of volunteers making all
of this possible.
As well as our midweek social activities, we continue to encourage
young people to become involved in the rhythm of worship at the
Cathedral. We now have a good number of young people on the
worship rota; lay assisting, serving and cantoring.
With 53a and the various youth groups feeling quite stable, I’m
planning on committing more of my time to outreach work in the
next year; developing our work in schools, running courses to help younger people explore Christianity, and
engaging more with the wider Diocese. We’re currently working on a community art project that we hope will
take place in the summer, in which people will be invited to come and contribute, reflecting on their relationship
with the faith as they do so.
Tim Leeson
Youth Minister
At last I am able to report that the Ofsted waiting game is over.
Following the inspection in January, the Lead Inspector reported
that our school’s self-evaluation was entirely accurate. The
report reads well and is fair. It identifies that we know where
we are and where we are going. Comments from the report:
Our programme to welcome schools to the
Cathedral continues. These educational visits
enable the pupils to look at many parts of
the Cathedral as a special place of worship
and to consider the part that each plays in
the worship of the community. Our aim is to
engender a sense of awe and wonder and to
engage the children in a number of activities
designed to explore the Christian faith.
Workshops to explore Christmas and Easter
proved to be very successful. A musical
start to most of our visits, given by Laurence
Lyndon-Jones and Joshua Xerri, always makes
a good start to each visit. We have enjoyed
an increase in adult visits.
‘Strong leadership has maintained a clear vision for the school’
‘Teaching is strong, subject knowledge is secure; expectations
of what pupils can achieve are high’
‘All pupils make good progress; many reach standards above the
national averages’
‘The behaviour and safety of pupils are outstanding. Pupils are
highly motivated and settle quickly to learning’
‘The school successfully places a strong emphasis on spiritual,
moral, social and cultural development’
‘Attendance is above average’
‘Governors know the school well’
Consequently, 2014 is a year of celebration for us all with much
to commend. We value our links with The Cathedral community
and are proud to be members of it. We appreciate the
reception we receive, the support and guidance given and,
above all, welcoming you to school. Our vision for The
Cathedral School remains one of achieving excellence with
care, based on the principles of the Christian faith.
Anthea Kenna
For most of the year the Education Team
was busy planning and organising the Schools’
Centenary Window and the Art & Craft
Exhibition. The window, which represents
most of the Church schools in the Diocese,
has proved very successful and many visitors
have come to “spot” their panel. This, and
the high standard of the Art & Craft, made it
a very successful Exhibition.
My thanks to an incredible Education Team,
musicians, vergers and office staff.
Bobby Harrington
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
We at the 6th have 19
Beavers, 40 Cubs and
24 Scouts - boys and
girls. We all meet on
Thursday evenings at
the Cathedral School,
enjoying varied
programme of activities including all varieties of
badge work which is as much fun for the Leaders
and their helpers as it is for the children.
We have a dedicated group of Leaders who run
interesting programmes ensuring that all the children
are challenged to work with others, learn life skills
and achieve badges.
Our Beavers 6 – 8 years are a lively lot who mainly
learn through play and craft work, while also finding
out about their local community. They have already
been to the Police museum this year.
Cubs 8 – 10 ½ more actively engage in outdoor
activities, walks and camps – their last was a ‘Pirate’
Camp with heaps of swashbuckling, crate stacking
(involves climbing), zip wires and similar pursuits.
Plus suitable victuals for a Pirate diet over a weekend
supported by Leaders and a handful of committed
Scouts 10 ½ - 14 are naturally the most adventurous
by far, and their badge work and activities reflect that.
One of our teams which entered won the National
Pedal Car Championship in January. Badge work this
year so far includes Survival, Mechanics. This year’s
summer camp is near Glasgow and will take in the
Commonwealth Games.
Two of our Scouts – Lottie Hammett and Jack Wright
have been selected for the Tokyo World Jamboree in
Our Cubs and Scouts entered the local Scout District
Swimming Gala recently and were declared joint
winners with Broomfield, which means the historic
trophy, will again be on show on the Chapter House
wall in September.
Tina Prior
Chelmsford Cathedral Community 2013/14
Girlguiding at Chelmsford Cathedral continues to be
strong. Across all units there are 17 leaders (including
three who are working
on their leadership
qualifications) and
around 80 girls.
The Rainbows have
been working towards
various challenge and roundabout badges staying within
the “look, learn, laugh, love” programme. They have
attended both weekend daytime activities and
overnight events.
The Brownies have a varied programme of residential
events and weekly meetings where they have, amongst
other things, had a World War II evening, attended a
Thinking Day Evening with another unit and are
working on their Brownie Centenary Badge!
The Guides organise their own programme in their
patrols working towards badges or challenges. This
term each evening has had a cryptic title in order
to keep everyone guessing as to the theme. There
continue to be a number of residential events offered
throughout the year.
The Rangers has members working towards their Duke
of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver Awards and Girl Guiding
Young Leaders qualifications. Five Rangers have been
selected to attend International trips (to Iceland
with Essex North East and Japan for the World Scout
Jamboree). Their fortnightly meetings see them,
amongst other things, learning first aid, keeping fit
and doing craft.
A huge thank-you to all of the group
leaders, staff, clergy and volunteers
that have contributed to the
2014 AGM report ...
It is a wonderful demonstration of the work,
events and activities that are happening at
our busy Cathedral all the time. All groups
need your support so if you can help in any
way or just need more information then
in the first instance contact the
Cathedral Office on 01245 294492 or
[email protected]
You can then find out contact details and
meeting times so that you can pop along
and see for yourself.
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