just a thought or two - First United Methodist Church


just a thought or two - First United Methodist Church
First United MethodisT Church of Bloomington, IN
812-332-6396 | [email protected]
the chimes
You have undoubtedly noticed
the changes around the church. The
old post office building demolition
was paid for by special gifts. The
on-going construction of the Columbarium & Labyrinth in the Courtyard is being completely funded by
gifts given specifically for that purpose.
“Take from among you
an offering to the LORD;
let whoever is of a
generous heart bring
the LORD’S offering.”
~ (Exodus 35:5)
Earlier this year, the leaders of
this church made a decision to adopt
a balanced budget. You may recall
that in the past few years extraordinary sources of income, such as rent
from the post office and undesignated bequests, had helped to support
a larger operating budget. Because
those funding sources are no longer
available, we needed to find ways
to reduce our spending. In March,
the Church Council approved significant budget cuts including the
reassignment of a pastor and other
staff reductions in order to balance
expenses to projected revenue. As
painful and difficult as the budget
cutting process was, it was and is
the right thing to do.
Today the church is financially
stable with a manageable mortgage
and sufficient operating cash flow.
Our historic building is badly in need
of repair and refurbishment, but we
have confidence that the congregation will support that project when
the time comes. The FUMCB Foundation is small, but its leaders are
committed to building an endowment that will help secure the future
of our downtown congregation.
Soon the Finance Committee
will begin working on our 2014
budget. Like any organization, the
most critical part of the budgeting
process is projecting next year’s income. Businesses accomplish this
with sales forecasts. Governments
project tax revenues. Churches and
other non-profit organizations rely
on pledges, or other indications of
members’ intentions to give.
What you give is important in
the life of this congregation and in
our ministry this community and
the world. More importantly, giving
is an exercise of our faith. Early in
November, everyone in the congregation will be asked to submit an
estimate of their 2014 giving so that
the 2014 budget can be assembled.
God calls us all, as individuals
and as the church, to be good and
faithful stewards of what God has
put in our charge. Please pray for
the leaders, pastors and employees of FUMCB as they care for our
church and pray to hear what God is
asking of you.
“Do not store up for
yourselves treasures on
earth, where moth and
rust destroy, and where
thieves break in and steal.
But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where moth and rust do
not destroy, and where
thieves do not break in
and steal. For where your
treasure is, there your
heart will be also.”
~ (Matthew 6:19-21)
producing…something. In the
spring there were these stunning blossoms that in a breeze
would spin and fall and dance.
In the fall there were these
leaves that would change colors and then spin and fall and
Finally, there were these
small, berry-like pieces of fruit
that would hang on the branches, stubbornly defying gravity,
and then finally let go… one
by one all through the winter.
The tree never stopped giving. No matter what season it
was, the tree never stopped
No one had to stand next to
the tree every day and encourIt wasn’t a big tree. In fact, it was
age it to grow leaves, blossoms or
rather small. Planted in the middle fruit. No one needed to send it broof a small dirt area surrounded by chures reminding it to be a tree. No
a paved sidewalk outside the door one needed to tell it inspiring stories
of a church office the tree was, if I of other ornamental pear trees in an
remember correctly, an ornamental effort to get it to be what it already
pear tree.
was. To be alive meant that it was
What amazed me about the tree going to give itself away…either
was how it constantly seemed to be blossoms or leaves or fruit.
So here we are in the middle of
fall. Those who have been around
the church awhile know this is ofWE HAVE
ten the season when we talk about
stewardship…giving…the joy of a
life that gives itself away for others.
The truth is that for every person of
faith, every follower of Jesus, every
caring citizen of the world, all sea219 E. 4th Street
sons are seasons for giving.
Bloomington, IN 47408.
In the early years of the Christian movement there was a famine in the area around Jerusalem.
The first century missionary pastor
named Paul, in the 8th chapter of his
2nd Letter to the Corinthians, takes
up an offering from other believers
around the Mediterranean for these
hungry strangers, these foreignersJewish Christians-on the other side
of the sea.
Do you know what group set
the standard for generosity? It was
the Macedonian or Greek Christians who had every reason not to
give because they were (2 Cor 8:2)
“in the midst of a very severe trial.”
Paul says “their overflowing joy and
their extreme poverty welled up in
rich generosity.”
An “ice breaker” at a party or
youth gathering may include such
silly questions as “If you were a color, what color would you be?” or “If
you were a plant, what plant would
you be and why?”
Maybe, as you read this, the
question God is asking us is, “If
you were a tree, what kind of a tree
would you be?”
I can tell you what answer God
is hoping to hear: “I’d be a giving
tree… in all seasons. Even when I’m
planted in the middle of concrete or
in the middle of a severe trial. I’d be
a giving tree…”
In Christ and for Christ,
December/January - November 12th | February/March - January 12
welcome ashli lovell, fumc’s new
director of welcoming ministries
Ashli Lovell moved to Bloomington,
Indiana in May of this year. She originally
comes from Bedford, a small town about
30 miles south of Bloomington. Ashli and
Alex have been attending FUMCB since
July 2012. They became members in
May of 2013. Ashli graduated from Indiana University with a B.S. in Recreation,
majoring in Park and Recreation Management. She has previously worked for the
City of Bedford Parks Department and
the Limestone Girls Club. Ashli has vast
experience in non-profit organizations,
management, event planning and working
with a variety of people and organizations.
In their spare time, Ashli and Alex like
to hang out with their puppies Bentley and
Bosley, go to the movies and bike ride.
Ashli feels excited and blessed to be a
part of the amazing staff at FUMCB. She
is eager to learn more about the church and
to help create a welcoming and inviting
place for individuals to come and worship.
Do you ever feel like you would like less?
Less structure, less formality, less volume?
Less could make room for more. More
light, more intimacy, more time to ponder
what is being said, more points of view. If
this sounds like something you might enjoy
trying I’d like to invite you to check out
the new Upper Room service. The Upper
Room is a contemplative, lay-lead service of
music, prayer, scripture readings and reflections. The service is enjoyed by a diverse
group of FUMC congregants.
Many elements remain from the First Up
service. We meet in the Great Hall where
we are surrounded by windows on three
sides. The chairs form an arc so we can see
our fellow worshipers. Music is provided
by the Wesley choir, a true gem of a choir,
that adds sparkle to the service. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of
Want to welcome people as they
come to worship at First for the first
time? Help people connect with one
another – find their way here at First?
Help keep First Church as a welcoming and open community? Join a Hospitality Team this year! Each team will
serve five Sundays in the school year.
If you’d like to join a team, write “join
hospitality team” on your Connection
Card and someone will get back to you
right away! If you have further questions about how you can participate
in our hospitality ministry, feel free
to contact our Director of Welcoming
Ministries, Ashli Lovell, at alovell@
Sunday School
Thank you to all who have volunteered to help connect the children of our church with Christ in a fun and
meaningful way. We presently need 2 teachers for the 1st
grade during the months of November, January, March
and May. Please contact Alexandra Lamb for further information.
Parents: Please remember to complete a registration
form if you have not done so for all children ages Nursery
– Grade 6. These are available at the sign-in desk. Please
return completed forms to Alex, the church office or the
offering plate.
‘TIS THE SEASON…To sign up
for a role in the 2013 FUMC
Christmas Pageant!
Less can be More, An open
letter from Fran Klinger
Dear fellow congregants of FUMC
each month. There is space for children to
roam and coffee to be had. The message
or reflection is given by a member of the
congregation, a practice that began last fall.
Leadership is from members of the congregation and virtually everyone who attends
volunteers to participate in some way.
Some things have been added. There
will be two readings each week, one from
Psalms and one from the New or Old Testament. Moments of silence are now included. One significant change is that the service
now begins at 9AM, a bit less of a challenge
for the not-so-early risers. The service is a
work in progress so look for more changes.
Please consider joining us some Sunday
soon. You may find it something you want
to do often or just when you want less or is
it really more?
In peace and love,
A Simple Thank You for
Not-So-Simple Leadership
The Simple Life sermon series and Small
Group gatherings would not be “simple” without
the dedication and leadership of the Small Group
Facilitators. Thank you to the following Facilitators/Small Group Leaders for your faithfulness
and commitment to the spiritual growth of the
Body of Christ:
Melissa & Jeremy Jeffers (Sunday mornings)
Alex & Micah Lamb (Sunday evenings)
Emily Richardson-Rossbach (Sunday evenings)
Jill Bunger (Sunday evenings)
Allison Rink (Monday mornings)
Marilyn Kelsey (Monday evenings)
Tom Kinzer (Monday evenings)
Martha Moore (Monday evenings)
Margaret Pruden (Tuesday afternoons)
Chris Taylor (Tuesday evenings)
Glenn Burkholder (Wednesday mornings)
Donna & Keith Dayton (Wednesday evenings)
Wendell St. John (Thursday mornings)
Maria Schmidt (Thursday afternoons)
Mary Jane & Arlen Packard
(Thursday afternoons)
Courtney Wiesenauer-Fosnaugh
(Thursday evenings)
You may choose between speaking parts, non-speaking parts (including manger animals) and children’s choir
performances. The speaking parts range from small, oneliners to longer narrative roles. Neon green sign-up sheets
will be available at the sign-in desk (4 year-olds and up),
and the church office starting Sunday, December 1st.
The pageant takes place on Tuesday, December 24th at
5:30pm (cast arrives at 4:30pm). Rehearsal dates are still
to be determined and will be available in the December
Chimes. If you have questions, please contact Alexandra
Lamb or (332-6396, [email protected]).
Fall Sunday School
Awesome classes are taking place RIGHT NOW for
kids aged 2 years old through high school. Come join us
Sunday mornings from 10:15-11:15am for an hour of
amazingly fun spiritual formation. Registration forms for
children’s ministries can be found at the Sunday school
sign in desk and at The Open Door information table.
Please fill out one form per family regardless of whether
you have completed one in the past. If you have kids at
FUMC, whether they attend Sunday school or not, please
complete this form. This is how we make permanent
name tags for our classes, update allergies and keep current with email addresses so you know what’s available
to your kids at FUMC.
Pumpkin Night
Come and have fun at our Annual Youth and Children’s Ministries PUMPKIN NIGHT! This year we are
also super excited to continue our partnership with the
awesome Parent’s Day Out teachers.
When: Friday, October 25 – 5:30-7:30pm (Please note
the change in day of week and time).
Where: Fellowship Hall and beyond……
Please join us as we sing, dance, carve & decorate
pumpkins, make caramel apples, trick-or-treat various
craft & activity stations and feast on yummy snacks. Costumes are encouraged, but note required. Please bring a
family pumpkin (extras are provided) and an appetite for
fun! This is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY to invite friends
with kids to come and check out our church.
Hat and Mitten Tree
PDO Welcome Center Sunday, November 17 - Sunday,
December 15.
Come and help the Children’s Ministries in their
annual sponsorship of a Hat and Mitten Tree during the
Advent season. Please help support children, youth and
adults who come to the Shalom Community Center by
purchasing or making a hat, gloves (or mittens) and socks
to help those in need stay warm this winter. Items can be
wrapped and placed under the tree if they have a label indicating age and gender or they may be directly placed on
the tree. For more information, please contact Alexandra
Lamb at 332-6396.
In this season of giving, FUMC will again work with
Shalom Community Center to provide for families in
need. This is a great opportunity to experience the joy
of sharing our abundance. To receive a “Wish List”, or
to request that your family receive assistance this Christmas, please contact the SCC Volunteer Coordinator, Nick
Bradford at 334-5734.
Childcare Requests:
Please note that all church event childcare requests
should be made to Alex Lamb by phone (332-6396) or by
email ([email protected]).
Requests should be made 1 week prior to the event
and coverage can only be provided when there is more
than one child/family at a given event.
The Courtyard and Columbarium
Groundbreaking Ceremony
Church Office: 332-6396
9:00 a.m. The Upper Room
(Great Hall)
Pastoral Emergency Contact Number:
(812) 245-0704
9:00 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Classic Worship
Mark Fenstermacher
Lead Pastor
[email protected]
11:15 a.m. The Open Door
(Buskirk-Chumley Theater)
Stacee Fischer Gehring
Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Marie Lang
Finance & Business Administrator
[email protected]
Ann Arbuckle
Database Manager
[email protected]
Nancy Argersinger
Worship Coordinator/Pastoral Care
[email protected]
Edward Atkinson
Wesley Choir Director
[email protected]
Shannon Carpenter
Parents Day Out
[email protected]
Erin Inlow
Facility Manager
[email protected]
Travis Jeffords
Open Door Worship
Jubilee College Ministries
[email protected]
Anne Kapper
Parish Visitor
[email protected]
Alexandra Lamb
Children’s Ministries & Child Care
[email protected]
Dave LaSuertmer
Jr. High Youth
[email protected]
Ashli Lovell
Director of Welcoming Ministries
[email protected]
Allison McGow
Human Resources & Program Support
[email protected]
Gwyn Richards
Chancel Choir Director
[email protected]
Lynn Rogers
Accounts Payable
[email protected]
Sarah Sparks-Franklin
Sr. High Youth
Jubilee college Ministries
[email protected]
Ashley Stone
Communications Coordinator
[email protected]
Charles Webb
Church Organist
[email protected]
Courtney Wiesenauer-Fosnaugh
Pastoral Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Parent’s Day Out - 339-0032
Maintenance Cell Phone - 361-8555
Building Scheduling: [email protected]
Wesley Conventicle – Room 310, 9:00 a.m.
The Wesley Conventicle is a class that discusses
issues at the intersection of religion, our personal
faith, and the society in which we live. Materials are drawn from the Bible, modern books
about religious issues, current scholarship, and
other sources. Each week we meet for an hour
on Sunday mornings. Notes concerning the topic
for the day are shared. Members of the class are
encouraged to bring questions, additional information, and any reflections that arise from their
own lives.
Bread for the Journey - Chapel, 10:15 am
This class is now studying 1 Peter. Jesus says in
this gospel that he is the “Bread of Life.” With
that in mind, this class explores how the Word
of God nourishes us in our spiritual journey. For
more information, contact Chris Taylor
([email protected]).
Thank you very much for your patience
and understanding while we made some
changes to The Chimes. Our goal is to continue keeping a bi-monthly schedule while
shifting to our new newspaper format and
having the printing done remotely. This new
format will reduce cost, allow staff to focus
their energy on their specific ministries rather
than print production, and help reduce wear
and tear on our current office equipment. We
hope that this new endeavor helps us serve
you better!
We will be continuing our “opt in” policy
for postal mailings. It has been beneficial to
both our church budget and the earth’s resources. Thank you to all who are viewing the
Chimes online!
If you are currently not receiving the
Chimes by postal mail and would like to,
please contact the church office (332-6396 or
[email protected]).
For those who have articles to publish,
please note the deadlines for submission.
Articles or requests should be sent to Ashley
Stone at [email protected] or to the church
office by these dates:
December/January ‘14 issue: November 12
February/March ‘14 Issue: January 12
April/May ‘14 Issue: March 12
June/July ‘14 Issue: May 12
Journey Team Explores the “So That?”
Our lay Fruitful Congregations Journey (FCJ) team is
forming. They first met with
teams from other central Indiana area UM congregations last
Saturday. The first book they
are working through is Bearing Fruit: Ministry with Real
Results by Lovett H. Weems Jr.
and Tom Berlin (Abingdon).
The authors refer to the many
Biblical references to God’s call
to bear fruit...make a difference.
A community where people are
transformed changes the city
and the world.
The authors point to two
words that are key to our life:
“So that.” What is the end result we are looking for in offering Vacation Bible School,
in the ministry of the Chancel
Choir or Wesley Choir or Common Ground Band or Handbell
Choir? Celebrating Relationships and small groups and Jubilee College Ministry are offered
so that?
If you are involved in a ministry team or organization at
FUMCB/The Open Door, can
you name the changes in people’s lives or the world you are
hoping to achieve through your
work? Beyond simply being
busy what is the outcome we
are looking for... God is looking
for...because of our time, money,
and work?
At this point the members of
the lay team are Travis Jeffords,
Nancy Macklin, Fran Klinger,
Rita George, Nicole Griffin, Sue
Sgambelluri, Jonathan Purvis,
Interfaith Winter Shelter
Training Begins
You are invited to help at the
winter shelter and spread the good
news that there is an opportunity
for people to give the homeless
very important and simple gifts:
a friendly face to greet them and
a warm, safe place to sleep.
To volunteer at the winter
shelter, just attend a training session and sign a volunteer covenant. Once trained and registered,
you can sign up for whatever
shifts fit your schedule. We welcome people who can volunteer
regularly or who can volunteer
Our mission is to provide
a warm and safe place to sleep
for homeless individuals from
November through March, from
9 p.m. to 7 a.m., seven days a
week. We need volunteers like
you! There are various volunteer
shifts to fit your schedule: setup
(7-8:30pm), 1st (8-11:30pm) 2nd
(11:15pm-3am), 3rd (2:45-6:15am) and clean up (6-8am).
We greatly appreciate you
volunteering on Sunday nights/
Monday mornings at FUMC.
You may also like to volunteer
at other sites depending on your
schedule. Please feel free to forward this email along to others
that may be interested in volunteering for IWS.
Thanks for your kind help!
We hope to see you at one of our
upcoming shelter training sessions and then see you helping
again at the shelters soon!
There will be training sessions at FUMC on October 13th
and 27th. If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]
Thank you for volunteering!
Sarah Green, Michael Melfi,
Chuck Macklin, Tom Kinzer,
Laurie Eynon, James McLary
and Joann Calabrese. All three
pastors at FUMCB/The Open
Door will be participating in a
pastors’ group in West Lafayette, and then once a month the
entire FUMCB/TOD group will
gather together.
Please keep these people and
the FCJ process in your prayers.
Watch for announcements in
your bulletins and in worship
about opportunities for you to be
in dialogue with the team about
what they are reading, questions
they are asking, and hunches
that are developing about our
life and future ministry.
Sunday, November 3
Each year we remember
and honor those who have died
in the past year. Candles are lit;
the bells are tolled. Plan to be
present on this holy occasion as
we celebrate the lives of those
who have gone before us – who
have been faithful in the love
of Christ and their service in
the world – those we love and
who have loved us.
Staff gathers to find their strengths
In August staff from FUMC & The Open Door gathered together at Pastor Mary’s new church home in Nashville, IN to learn more about each other’s
strengths and how working together with those strengths in mind can bring about so many new blessings. Their study involved the book Strengths Finder
2.0. by Tom Rath, which contains an assessment that can be used to uncover the reader’s strongest skills.
The staff returned renewed, refreshed, and excited about the new ways they could focus on using their personal strengths to better serve their colleagues and their community.
When times seem difficult and we struggle to catch sight of our successes, it is important to remember that we have so many strengths. If we refocus
our perspective on how to best rely our own talents and those around us, our lives grow with deeper connection and a greater potential for serving our
While a studious bunch, the staff also
played a bit, too.
“Sylvia and Friends”
Concert in Support
of Shalom
Community Center
On December 8, the second Sunday of Advent, two-time Grammy
award-winner Sylvia McNair, together with graduate students from
the Jacobs School of Music who are
soloists in the FUMC Chancel Choir,
will present a festive holiday concert
in the FUMC sanctuary. All proceeds
will go to the Shalom Community
Center. For more information as it
comes available keep an eye on the
announcements in your bulliten or
call the church office at 332-6396.
- Jubilee College Ministry, according to Sarah for completion in late November. Some mainteSparks-Franklin, is reaching between 45-57 stu- nance issues surfaced during work, and the Trustdents on average Wednesday evenings. Students ees have responded (downspouts, waterproofing
are finding genuine community, and becoming ac- of the foundation, etc.)
tive in the congregation.
- Giving has been steady and strong, Jeff Ar- High school small groups are being led by thur of Finance reports. At the end of the 3rd
an extraordinary team of Jubilee College Ministry quarter we had received nearly 75% of the total
expected income for the year when in recent years
we have received 63%. We are on target to have
- Rita George and Tom Kinzer reported on the a balanced budget and end the year in a strong
Fruitful Congregations Journey (FCJ) team in this position. We will do our best to fulfill our comfirst year of the Shared Learning Experience. The mitment to pay our missional tithe to the UMC.
group is working with teams from other churches,
and right now they are focused on what it looks
- The FUMCB Foundation is newly energized
like to be a church that bears fruit for God. Two and, led by Jessica Merkel, has moved forward
key words to be asked as we consider a ministry to prepare operating guidelines and policies. The
or activity are the words “So that…” What is the congregation will hear more in the coming months
outcome we are hoping for?
about this great way to strengthen our outreach
through planned giving. The Council approved
- Demolition of the old post office building transferring to the Foundation $671,045 of enand preparation of the lot for the interim use is dowment funds from the Trustees to the FUMCB
nearly complete, according to Chris Cockerham. Foundation. Funds will be managed by the UM
Possible blacktop repairs and restriping being Foundation of Indiana.
considered by the Trustees.
- Mark Fenstermacher talked about four prior- The courtyard project is ongoing and slated ities identified by the Staff at their recent retreat:
Strengthening our Open Door ministry; the FCJ
process; Small Group Life and, Radical Hospitality & Assimilation.
- Pastor Stacee led the group in a time of celebration, and the evening ended with those present praying with the PDO Director, Shannon, as
the Council blessed her and her (soon to arrive)
FUMC women are invited to attend and, even better, to join one of the following five UMW circles currently meeting
on a monthly basis from September through May:
• Aldersgate, fourth Tuesday evening in members’ homes -- Sandra Moberly, 339-8619
• Bethany, first Thursday, 9:30 a.m. in the Thurston Parlor -- Helen Wiesler, 336-1263
• Circle of Love (online circle) -- Beverly Calender-Anderson, [email protected], 336-8343;
Nicole Griffin, [email protected], 361-1715
• Lydia, second Friday, noon in the Thurston Parlor -- Betty Barchman, 340-0802
• Phoebe, last Wednesday, noon in members’ homes -- Doris Hahn, 330-0932; Connie Hegarty, 334-2116
Oct. 11
Oct. 12
Oct. 23
Nov. 1
Nov. 6
Nov. 24
Nov. 24
UMW Meetings and Events
United Methodist Women of Indiana, Fifth Annual Meeting Celebration, Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home,
Lebanon, Ind. Tour Children’s Home, 4:30 p.m. Dinner, 6 p.m., $10
United Methodist Women of Indiana, Fifth Annual Meeting Celebration, Centenary United Methodist Church, Lebanon,
Ind., 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m., $15 (includes lunch)
Campaign for Children, distribution of children’s books, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Wednesday Food Pantry
Church Women United World Community Day, “Walking Through Doors of Opportunities,” 11 a.m. Lunch will be offered following program. Salvation Army, 111 N. Rogers St. To register, contact Lillian Jackson at 334-3238. Registration deadline Oct. 12
MW Readers’ Club, 6:30 p.m., Thurston Parlor
Coffee/Tea/Cocoa Sale, Gathering Place and Buskirk-Chumley Lobby
Pie Sale, Gathering Place and Buskirk-Chumley Lobby
A Call for Prayer Shawls
and Baby Blankets
What Are We Doing With
the Old Post Office Lot?
Calling all knitters, crocheters, and those with sewing skills!
The United Methodist Women of FUMCB is responding to a
request from the General Board of Global Ministries to create prayer
shawls and baby blankets for those in need. There is no standard pattern, and you’re encouraged to be creative. However, if you would
like to have a pattern provided, just let us know.
Suggested sizes:
No long term plans have been established for the old lot, but we are going to use
existing parking space for church activities and the land where the building once
stood has been seeded as a grassy lot. Once our congregation makes some decisions
at the conclusion of the Fruitful Congregations Journey (FCJ) process (in about 18
months) we will most likely consider a long-term plan for the lot.
• Prayer shawl, triangle: 65” long and 32” center back
• Prayer shawl, rectangle: 19” x 69” or 14” x 70”
• Baby blankets: 30” x 30”, 32” x 32”, 36” x 36”, or
38” x 38”
The shawls and blankets may be made from fabric or yarn, and
the suggested sizes should not limit creativity.
Some of the prayer shawls and baby blankets will be on display
in the Experience Hall at UMW Assembly 2014 in Louisville, Ky.,
next April 25-27, after which they will be distributed to those in
need. If you are unable to participate by creating a blanket or shawl,
you can help by contributing a small donation to defray the cost of
Once they are completed, the shawls and blankets will be collected to be blessed. The deadline for completion is Jan. 31, 2014,
so that the blessing can take place before Assembly.
For more information or if you need a pattern, contact Beverly Calender-Anderson at [email protected] or (812) 3368343.
This is a group for women who explore the feminine aspects of God. All women
are welcome. For more information, please contact Tanya Cox-Endris (320-8977 or
[email protected]).
Saturday, Oct. 12 -- Centenary UMC, Lebanon
Stories, songs, and dances from other cultures will be featured
at the Indiana Conference UMW Annual Meeting Celebration Saturday, Oct. 12.
The program will include a Hispanic praise band, interpretive
dances, a Native American storyteller, a story of the life of a Chinese woman, and a performance by the Korean Women’s Choir of
the Korean UMC in Bloomington. Also on the agenda are worship
and communion, Bible study, and the election and installation of
Conference officers for 2014. Among those to be installed is First
Church UMW member Beverly Calender-Anderson, who will be
the Conference communications coordinator.
Registration for the Annual Meeting Celebration -- at Centenary
United Methodist Church in Lebanon -- will begin at 8:30 a.m. The
cost is $15, which includes lunch.
The hands-on mission offering will be basic school supplies for
the Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home in Lebanon. A Friday event the day before, Oct. 11, will be a tour of the Children’s
Home and dinner following the tour. The cost of the dinner is $10.
Sponsoring flowers for the altar can be a
wonderful and unique way to honor someone special. These flowers can serve as a
memorial to someone, as a way to honor
an individual or group, or to remember a
special day such as an anniversary or birthday. You can also sponsor flowers just to
provide beauty to the altar area. The cost
for sponsoring an altar floral arrangement
is $50. Please call Ann Arbuckle for further
details (812-332-6396).
October Outreach Spotlight:
The Shalom Community Center
What is it? Shalom Community Center is a non-profit, daytime resource center
that seeks to relieve the plight of people experiencing poverty and homelessness in
South Central Indiana. Shalom was founded in 2000 as a partnership between First
United Methodist Church and Shelter, Inc. Shalom gained 501(c)3 status in 2002
and has continued to provide access to basic human needs, such as food, housing,
education, and health and human services. Shalom celebrated the grand opening of
their new facility in August 2010. Shalom advocates for the most vulnerable among
us and promotes ties that empower people to develop their potential and to take
responsibility for their own lives.
What does it do? Claude served in the Marines for five years, including 18
months in the Vietnam war. After his wife of 17 years, the mother of their 12 children, passed away, Claude couldn’t handle the loss. He lost his 25-year manufacturing job and turned to alcohol to lessen the pain. He became homeless, living on
park benches and sleeping in the woods.
Then he turned to Shalom.
Shalom lessened his pangs of hunger. Shalom warmed his chilled body. And
we began the process of putting this Marine back together.
Claude has been sober now for several years. He had been working until an
unfortunate job-related accident severely damaged his shoulder and wrist. Shalom
supported him through that, and also helped him connect with the Department of
Veterans Affairs, which uses Shalom as an outreach center, to take part in their
housing program for disabled vets. Claude gives back by cleaning up at the local
park every day.
Claude said, “If it wasn’t for the Shalom Center, this town would be in total
chaos. I really appreciate the things they have done for me and everybody else,
too. We are all homeless and we all have problems. Without the Shalom Center,
we wouldn’t know where we’d be at.”
November Outreach Spotlight: The Interfaith Winter Shelter
What is it? The Interfaith Winter Shelter is a Night-time shelter serving homeless men and women in the Bloomington area. The IWS operates from November
thru March. The shelter is open from 9:00 PM until 7:00 AM. The shelter is a cooperative effort represented by many faith communities in Bloomington.
What does it do? Two years ago, two women frequented the Interfaith Winter
Shelter on frigid nights. They were living in a tent at the end of a bus route after
losing their home. Under these trying circumstances, they remained faithful Christians and were a strong positive influence in the Shelter as they studied their Bible
and treated their companions with respect.
Today, the women are no longer homeless and are serving the community in a
number of capacities. Most importantly, they are volunteering through Shalom to
help the homeless many of whom they came to know in the Shelter.
I was told by a person who had experienced homelessness that when you are
on the street you can think of nothing but survival. The Interfaith Winter Shelter
relieves its guests of this burden of survival and allows them to think and plan corrective options in a positive, liberating way. The Shelter is serving its high calling
with excellence.
Please Be Careful as the Courtyard Construction
Continues and Feel Free to Use the Elevators
If you know of people who are unsteady on their feet, or for whom the
Washington Street steps are a challenge, please encourage them to use the
elevators to the 2nd and 3rd floors. The elevators are located at the Atrium
entrance and the down the PDO/childcare hall in the east wing.
Jubilee and Sr. High Youth to Participate in
Jill Behrman 5K
means hospitality. Showers provide the homeless with some sense of feeling human. We need your regular contributions. Thank you from those who
have no voice. If you have items to donate, please leave them in the bins at
the atrium entrance at the main church building.
Africa University Rally with Bishop Coyner
Sunday, October 20th 3:00 pm at Greensburg UMC
Plan on celebrating as we hear testimonies from persons in the Southeast
District who have invested in Africa University. The event begins at 3:00 pm
at Greensburg UMC located at 301 N. Broadway.
A Jubilee FUMC team will partner with our Senior High Youth Group
Nashville United Methodist Church
to participate in their third Jill Behrman 5K on October 12th. Last year our
team was the largest participating community organization, and we can’t
FallFare on the Village Green
wait to do it again! Church members are welcomed to join our team and to
October 5, 8am - 4 pm in Nashville, IN
support us in prayer. Financial gifts to sponsor participation are also appreThe event will feature shopping, food, and activities for kids. Nashville
ciated—simply write “Jill Behrman 5k” on your envelope or the memo line United Methodist Church is committed to changing lives by donating to
of your check. For more information, contact Rebecca Penny, rhpenny@ organizations that support youth and families, provide housing, prevent hungmail.com.
ger, and provide other services to those who could not otherwise afford them.
The money raised at FallFare allows Nashville United Methodist Church to
Shalom Needs Donations
give thousands of dollars each year to these causes. Every FallFare dollar is
Shalom has a perpetual need of coffee and personal hygiene items to pro- a gift to someone in need.
vide for the continuing need of the persons who arrive at the door. Coffee
Members of the Indiana United Methodist Conference gathered together on September 15th to kick off the new Africa University Campaign. The event gathered many
prominent speakers, including our very own
Bishop Mike Coyner.
Africa University is an institution that
welcomes students from all regions of Africa
without regard to race, class, ethnicity, political or religious affiliation, and is located in
Mutare, Zimbabwe.
In the 1990s Indiana United Methodists
funded the construction of four dormitories
on the AU campus, and now they intend to
make a difference once again.
The campaign itself has two primary
goals. The first is to raise $600,000 in schol-
arships to help qualified students finish their
degrees. More than 90% of students at Africa
University receive financial aid, making this
ministry of vital importance.
The second aim of the campaign is to
raise $1 million for the addition of an endowed faculty position focused on agriculture and national resources. This position
will be designed to increase the number of
agriculturally trained individuals who can
build a brighter future for Africa by helping
to solve the food shortages of their country.
For more information about this powerful campaign, visit. http://inumc.org/pages/
Stacee Fischer
Gehring on the death of
her grandfather, Elmer
Allen, August 8.
Kelly Norris on the death
of her Uncle, Sherman
Sims, August 19.
Betty Seibert on the
death of her husband,
Rober Seibert, August 28.
Joyce Harrell on the
death of her brother, David Claflin, September 4.
Gathering Place:
8:30-11:30 a.m.
Buskirk-Chumley Lobby:
10:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Come Early to be sure of your favorite pie has not
already been purchased!
Orders for coffee, tea, and cocoa will be taken
November 24th and December 1st
Family and Friends of
William “Bill” Christiansen on his death
Sunday, November 24th
Elizabeth Whitlatch and Nathan Gentry who
Gift to the Shalom Community Center
September 6.
were married August 31.
Linda Stephenson on the
Lynn and John Whittington on the birth of their
daughter Alexandria Marie Whittington August
Gifts to the Memorial Fund
death of her aunt, Mary
Sue Hammock, on September 14th.
Mary McMichael on the
death of her brother, Ronald D. Tincher, September
Lynn and Steve Ulrey on the birth of their grandson Miles Thomas Beriault August 17.
Stephanie and Jason Spoolstra on the birth of
their son Jason Robert Spoolstra, II September
- Chicken in dark Chocolate Mole
- Pumpkin and feta risotto with toasted
pepitos and olives
- Whipped Yukon gold potatoes
- Braised fall greens with bacon and vegetarian
- Cauliflower, broccoli, and aged cheddar
- Roasted chicken fingers and ranch for
the kids
In memory of Victor Apolzan by
E.G. & Sharon White
In memory of LaFerne Rasmussen by
Dick & Mary Yerington
In memory of Leticia Scott by Dick
& Mary Yerington
In memory of Charles Taylor by Dick
& Mary Yerington
Join us for food, fellowship and fun as come together to share these amazing feasts!
October Feast:
In memory of Ted Deppe by Patricia
Gifts to the Webb Endowment Fund
In memory of C. Raymond Bartlett,
Jr by Patricia Bartlett
Gifts to the Wednesday Pantry
In memory of Richard Forkner and
Bill Riley by Steve & Jo Ham
In memory of Rupert Wentworth by
Anne Fraker and Steve & Jo Ham
November Feast:
-Romaine and Spinach Chopped Salad;
Farm Fresh Eggs, Red Onion, Sprouts,
Artichoke Hearts, Brown Butter Croutons,
Greek Yogurt Ranch
Trio of soups:
-Turkey Noodle Soup with
Mushrooms and Roasted
-Leek and Potato Soup with
Smoking Goose Bacon and
Fresh Scallions
-Vegetarian Creamy Mush
room Soup with Roasted Root
Vegetables and White Truffle
-Blue Cheese and Dried Fruit Buttermilk
-Dark Chocolate Fondue: Marshmallows,
Strawberries, Angel Food Cake, etc.
-For the Kids: Mac-n-Cheese with Hot
Dogs, Tomato Soup and PBJ Sandwiches
The church has a dedicated number for after-hours
pastoral emergency needs.
Calls to (812) 245-0704 will
immediately transfer to one
of the church’s pastors.
You can also obtain
this number by calling the
church office. After hours,
the number will be given in
the recorded greeting.
If you or a family member needs
a visit or a phone call, you will
need to let someone from First
know that. We often hear after
the fact that someone has been
in special need and we never
knew. Please send us a note or
speak to someone in the church
office or use the emergency
contact number and let us know.
We want to be there when you
need us, but we cannot do that
if we don’t know.
The deadline to submit articles for the 2013 December/January issue of the Chimes is November 12. Articles
can be submitted to the church office or e-mailed to: [email protected].