A Farewell for Pastor Wade - First Lutheran Church Detroit Lakes


A Farewell for Pastor Wade - First Lutheran Church Detroit Lakes
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
Volume 18
October 2014
Issue 10
Inside this issue…
A Farewell for Pastor Wade
On October 19th
Following the 10:45 Services
More details to follow
in the bulletin.
New Member Classes
October 8th Discover First Lutheran, Library
October 19th
Discover Your Gifts, Library
October 23th
New Member Meet & Greet,
Dining Room
October 26th
New Member Sunday
October 29th
New Member Wednesday
Strength & Stretching is Back!
Every Thursday
At 12:30
In the Rec. Room
Everyone is Welcome!
Action Corps
Page 10
Page 13
Children’s Ministry
Page 6
Pages 14-15
Page 11
New Books
Page 12
Pastor Wade
Page 2
Parish Acts
Page 11
Parish Nurse
Page 9
Pastor Dave
Page 3
Page 4
The Link, WFLC
Page 8
Vision Council
Page 6
Youth News
Page 7
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
September 22, 2014
“I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in everyone
of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day
until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you
will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:3-5
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
By now most of you will have heard that I have received and accepted a call to be pastor at a different congregation – Cormorant Lutheran, rural Lake Park. While I believe
that this is God’s calling for me at this time in my life and ministry, it is also with great
sadness that I tell it to you. First Lutheran has been my calling in ministry, but also my
home in the faith community for nearly 14 years. I have grown and learned and been
blessed by the community of Christ in this place. And I am grateful…almost beyond
words, if that is even possible for a preacher. Perhaps it isn’t…I have more to say!
You have been a vital part of the growing up years of my children, who were nurtured
in faith here as were your children and grandchildren and neighbor’s children. Some of
this was your direct involvement; some of it has been through support of the various
children’s and youth ministries of this congregation; some has been through your prayers. Kelsey and Bryce learned what it is to be beloved by Christ and His body. They
learned about forgiveness and resurrection and community and service. They were
loved by “aunts and uncles and grandparents and cousins” in the faith. And I am grateful. You prayed for and supported and comforted Holly and me in the loss of two of our
parents and you have been our companions in the adventures of parenting and aging,
of celebrating and grieving. I am grateful.
We have, of course, shared many a cup of coffee during these years…some of you,
not coffee drinkers, have had tea or water or soda…at funerals and weddings, anniversaries and birthdays, football and soccer games…around the campfire, or around the
table in Bible study or in your homes. We have shared life with all of it’s celebrations
and sorrows; we have laughed and cried, argued and comforted. We have been the
very human body of Christ serving with the gifts we have been given and discovered in
each other. I am grateful. And count it a great privilege to have been one of your pastors during this time in the life and ministry of First Lutheran.
Sadly, Sunday October 19th will be my last worship time with you. As I look forward to
new learning and adventures in following the Lord Jesus, I anticipate the same for First
Lutheran and will keep you in my prayers – that the Spirit of Christ will continue to
guide and encourage and comfort!
Grace and peace to you,
Page 2
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
Page 3
Pastor’s Corner
by Pastor Dave
Friends in Christ,
"A friend is loving at all times, and becomes a brother in times of trouble."
(Basic English Version, Proverb 17:17)
Many years ago, in the 80’s, Christian songwriter Michael W. Smith and his wife Debby were saying good bye to
a close friend when Debby said to Michael, “W e should do something for him: write him a song.” Michael is said
to have responded, “Great. W e’ll write it and send it to him.” She said right back, “'I think we should write it this
afternoon.” And Michael thought she was had lost her mind.
As the story is told, 30 minutes later, when Michael was outside, Debby walked out and handed him the lyrics
(it’s said that Debby wrote many of Michael’s lyrics), and it was the words to 'Friends.' Michael then tells how he
went inside to the piano and in three and a half minutes wrote the melody and they played it for their friend Bill
that night, and everybody cried.
Since then, ‘Friends’ has been recorded several times with Michael often saying (once in a concert that I was at
personally), “Little did I know it I'd have to (get to) sing this song the rest of my life."
Many times since then, this wonderful song has entered into my heart and mind whenever a friend has moved
away, a friend has died, and even when situations have changed in a relationship with a friend.
Thus it follows that, when Pastor Wade first mentioned to me that a church had invited him to interview, and he
was sensing this interview was more “serious” than the other phone calls he has received over the years, I found
myself thinking and even singing this Michael W. Smith song once again: singing it because I believe the chorus
says it succinctly:
And friends are friends forever If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never 'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long To live as friends.
Pastor Wade has been a friend to many in and through his ministry at First Lutheran over these past 14 years. And
yes, while his move isn’t across country, in fact it’s only several miles away, without question, we all know that
when a move takes place, friendships do and will change.
And so, as we prepare to offer our thanks to Wade for both his friendship and his wonderful years of ministry in
and amongst us, I do give thanks for the truth of this chorus. The truth that as people of God, we know, in all
Though it's hard to let you go In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long To live as friends.
Pastor Wade: THANKS for 14 years of friendship and ministry together!! It has indeed been my privilege to serve
with you as fellow pastor, partner, and friend at First. God’s blessings to you and Cormorant Lutheran as you now
begin your years of ministry “out west”. May these next years be as much of a blessing as the blessings of the
years we have served together.
A brother in Christ: with Wade and all God’s Family,
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
Page 4
Support Ministries
There are 144 students registered in Children’s Education here at First Lutheran; 66 attend on Sundays and
78 come on Wednesdays. There are 23 teachers. Some are ‘team teachers,’ meaning there are 2 teachers that
work together teaching a particular class, and some teach solo, relying on one of our staff of 5 super subs to
cover for them if something comes up. There are 4 fabulous grade coordinators and 5 marvelous members of
the Children’s Ministry Team. The new W hirl curriculum is really neat in that it follows the church calendar
year. The lessons are based on the same Lectionary the pastors use in worship so the kids learn about the
same Lesson we hear read in worship. The curriculum also focuses quite a bit on the ‘seasons’ of the church.
There have been 34 Bibles sponsored, which is enough to provide a Bible for each 5th grader and is only a
few away from 3rd graders getting theirs, too!
And, “Why,” you ask, am I going into all that? Well, you may or may not have noticed there is a slightly
abbreviated newsletter for Children’s Ministry this month. That’s because our new Children’s Ministry
Director has been out of commission for a bit recently! I’m confident we can look for a full one next month
assuming her doctor grants her a release to “return to work.” Yep, I’ve witnessed how scary and painful a
pinched nerve in your neck can be! Yeesh, gives me shivers... Anyway, as we tend to do, everyone who can
kick in and help out has been kicking in and helping Carissa out until she gets back in the saddle. So, I’m
going into all that because this year, unlike most years, those facts are more personal to me. I’ve connected
with parents, and put faces to the names of children as I make class lists. I’ve spoken with the teachers, subs,
coordinators and pupeteers; I know them as the heroes they are. I’ve worked and prayed with Carissa’s advisory board, the Children’s Ministry team, Marlys Smith, Deb Ormseth, DeAnne Udby, Loren Keizer and
Sara Aelony. Our kids are blessed!
I also go into all that in this forum because, one day as I was in the Sunday School resource room it hit me
that everything about our educational system here, aside from the director, IS Support Ministry. In the same
way I focus on ‘ministries that support our pastors and one another in our faith growth through worship and
fellowship,’ there’s a long list of saints who are focused on ‘ministries that support our education directors
and one another in the faith growth of our children through education and fellowship.’ There is a sheet that
lists all the teachers, subs, coordinators, etc. that are helping out this year. There are 38 names on that list
and that’s just Children’s Ministry! It would be interesting to see how many people could be added from the
list of Hilary’s Youth Ministry support. When I compiled the list of support ministries for the First Lutheran
booklet, it took 4 pages just to list them with a one-line description. I almost laughed. I needed 3 pages in
the annual report because I got the bright idea (what was I thinking!?) to report on each Support Ministry.
(And at that, I glomped [I’m sure that’s a word] a number of them together at the end to keep it at 3 pages!)
I’m not really sharing anything new, (except maybe some Sunday School statistics  ), I guess I’ve just been
reminded and humbled once again by my faith family. I go into all that as encouragement and a reminder
that we really are all in this together. We don’t always see the ‘critical invisible’ ministries that take
place around here, but it’s so good to be reminded
of how
much others are doing. It’s a great feeling to
The Timeline Team brought it to me because the
frame was in need of repair. As I read it, it was a
know you are an integral part of a winning team!
“Standard Sunday School Certificate.”
With joy & thanksgiving,
Apparently, we “attained a rating of not less than
Tanzy Kratzke
700 points out of [a] possible 1000…” I have no
idea what that means. Do you? It was issued
Office Administrator,
April 12, 1933!
Director of Support Ministries
Fun ‘First’ Fact
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
Page 5
“See that you also Excel in this Grace of Giving –
2 Corinthians 8:15”
“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and
whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 2 Corinthians 9:6
Good Gifts – Greater Reactions – The “Ripple Effect”
Following our Chinese Dinner, we opened the fortune cookies.
Mine said: “The best thing about giving is that the reaction is always greater than the action!” Think
about it. Is that true?
Most gifts bring joy to the giver and the receiver. The pleasure is now doubled. Obviously, the gift plus
doubled pleasure is greater than the gift alone. Even if the gift was a wrong choice or not appreciated
the reactions of both parties, added to the first, become more than the gift itself.
But, how much greater than the gift can these reactions become?
Consider this. When driving in heavy traffic, have you allowed another driver to enter the road in front
of you? Later, did that driver allow cars to enter, and then those drivers did, too?
Or, if you were entering from the side, were you irked by the driver who wouldn’t let you in? Pleased
by the driver who would? Did you react with thoughtfulness? If so, your gift was courtesy; your reaction part of “the ripple effect”.
Notice, “the ripple effect” doesn’t just add reactions to gifts, it multiplies them! And, we seldom, if
ever, will know how many ripples our gifts create: both in others AND inside of us!!
“Excelling in this Grace of Giving” through your generous church gifts multiplies this way as well.
Your church offering ripples through the church and around the world into homes, schools, farms,
shelters, and hospitals. These gifts affect communities and individuals in ways we’ll never see. Further,
time doesn’t end this effect: time continues to multiply them in exponential ways.
Yes, we are blessed by “Excelling in the Grace of Giving” but greater still are the multiplied effects
and ripples to our gifts and the blessings they compound and multiply.
Modified from an article by P. Ferrell – Parish Publishing February 2006
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
Page 6
Greetings First Lutheran Parents and Guardians,
Our first month of class has been fabulous! We
have had a wonderful time introducing the
children to the new curriculum and catchy new
songs. We have been overwhelmed with the
support of the congregation and our Bible
sponsorship program. So far, we have been able to purchase more than 25 Bibles for our 3rd & 5th
graders to use for their education time throughout confirmation classes- so a BIG THANK YOU for
making the sponsorship program a success!
New this year, we are asking parents to pick children up after class in their classrooms (Pre-k thru 2nd
grade) and/or in the rec room (3rd thru 5th grade). This new policy is our best intentions to keep your
children safe and secure after class is over and you are able to pick them up. We’ve had issues with this
in the past and feel this is the best way to ensure our children are leaving the church in a safe manner.
We are asking for parent support of this issue. Please talk with your children and have a pick up plan in
place with them.
Lastly, on a personal note, I, along with the Children’s Ministry Team, would like to thank all of our
wonderful teachers and coordinators that have volunteered their time and talents to our children’s
education this year. Our volunteers are the reason the children’s education program is so successful
and fun! Thank you volunteers!
God’s Blessings to you,
Carissa Markuson,
Director of Children’s Ministry
First Lutheran Vision Council
Vision Council Meeting Synopsis for July 2014 (07/24/14)
A. Susie will implement various systems and devices that will allow giving and payments to be
B. Pastor Dave presented a proposed upcoming effort seeking to increase giving to the General Fund.
C. Discussion was held regarding holding same-sex weddings at First Lutheran Church. The issue was
tabled until next council meeting to allow additional information gathering.
D. Hilary Furuseth presented a program named Vibrant Faith Ministries for which the NW MN Synod is
encouraging the involvement of all congregations.
E. God’s Work / Our Hands, September 7th – Susie talked about this program introduced by the Synod
to make a “visible” witness to what God is doing in each community of the synod.
F. June offerings were $3,012.97 over budget, bringing our year to date offerings to $49,597.06 under
budget. June General Fund expenses were $7,645.14 over budget, bringing our year to date expenses
to $656.95 under budget.
G. August Vision Council Meeting, 7:00 pm, Thursday, August 28, 2014
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
First Lutheran Church Youth
Page 7
October 2014
Mark Your Calendar:
 October 1: Confirmation Service Night @ 6:15
 October 2: Lunch with Hilary
 October 3-5: 6th-7th Grade Faith Haven
 October 12: High school Paint the Youth Room and Pizza Night @ 5
 October 26: Movie Party– Harry Potter Night @ 5
6th-7th Grade Faith Haven
October 3-5
Faith Haven is chock-full of fun things to do! Between learning sessions
we’ll have a
POLAR BEAR PLUNGE, play awesome field games, eat yummy
FOOD, bask in the beauty of God’s creation, and did
someone say NIGHT GAMES!? AND roast s’mores over
a campfire in the gazebo before bed!
Cost $75
National Youth Gathering in Detroit
The ELCA Youth Gathering for high school-age youth
takes place every three years and is about faith formation,
worship, study, fellowship, and service. July 13-20 the youth from
Trinity and First Lutheran will be to Detroit. On our trip we will be
going to Wisconsin Dells, and exploring sand dunes. Youth need to
register for the trip by October 1st.
NWMN Synod Middle school Gathering
November 21-22
6th-8th graders are invited to Arrowwood in Alexandria to learn about
how God is calling them while singing songs, playing games in the
arcade, going to the water park, dancing,
and having fun!
Cost: $75 which includes food, hotel room, and
Registration due November 10th
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
Page 8
The Link
Women of First Lutheran Church
I have a magnet on my fridge that says: Live simply, Love seriously, Care deeply, speak kindly, Leave the rest to God. I think
Patience for CHANGE should be added. All the changes now to adjust
to—changes in schedules for school and church, change in weather- a
jacket is needed in the morning and forgotten later, change in menusno more off the grill but an oven meal. The biggest change for me is
wardrobe—summer clothes to pack away and bring out winter gear. I
envy all of you who have a walk-in closet! Even though God's love and
grace never changes, He must not want us to get bored.
I hope you all noticed the LWR display that was in the Narthex. All the quilts and kits
will be packed on October 13 at 9am in the rec room. This year each box gets a tracking code
and we will know exactly where the box goes, which I think is very exciting.
The first Yam letter will be going out October 1st. This is a change from last year so
parents of young people please cooperate when a Yam secretary calls and asks for their address.
Circles will be collecting Thank offering at their October meetings. The Thank Offering
Program is
November 13, 2014 at 2pm. Kim Schnitzer will speak about music therapy for Alzheimer patients and Kellie Turner will inform us about Home Instead. Naomi Circle is in charge of the
program and Rachel and Rebekah Circles will be serving. Mark you calendar and plan to attend.
Remember the Cluster Gathering at Trinity Lutheran in Detroit Lakes on Saturday,
September 27, 2014. Registration starts at 9am. Cost $10.00.
Blessing to all,
Norma Smith
WFLC Bible Study Leaders
will meet
October 30th at 10:00 am in
the Conference Room
Circle Meetings in October
October 2
October 7
October 2
October 9
October 7
2:00 pm
7:00 pm
1:30 pm
9:30 am
9:30 am
Dining Room
Crisis Center
Jean B. House
Evelyn R.
Patti C.
Henrietta M. & Norma S.
Mary Lou A.
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
Parish Health
Preventing the Flu: Good
Health Habits Can Help Stop
The single best way to prevent
seasonal flu is to get vaccinated each year, but good
health habits like covering your cough and washing
your hands often can help stop the spread of germs
and prevent respiratory illnesses like the flu. There
also are flu antiviral drugs that can be used to treat
and prevent the flu.
1. Avoid close contact.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When
you are sick, keep your distance from others to
protect them from getting sick too.
2. Stay home when you are sick.
If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands
when you are sick. You will help prevent others from
catching your illness.
3. Cover your mouth and nose.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when
coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around
you from getting sick.
4. Clean your hands.
Washing your hands often will help protect you from
germs. If soap and water are not available, use an
alcohol-based hand rub.
5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Germs are often spread when a person touches
something that is contaminated with germs and then
touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
6. Practice other good health habits.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at
home, work or school, especially when someone is ill.
Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your
stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious
Stop the spread of germs that can make you and
others sick!
Grief Share Group October 9, 2:00 P.M.
FLC Library
Join us for coffee, tea, sweets and a time to visit and
share about how grief has affected your life.
Everyone is welcome to join us for this time of visiting and support.
Page 9
Denise Gaard 218-847-5656
[email protected]
Bully Proof Kids
With school resuming it is important to know that 25% of public
schools report that bullying among
kids occurs on a daily or weekly basis and 1 in 5 high
school students report being bullied in the past year.
The good news is that because bullying has made national headlines, schools and communities (and even
celebrities) are taking a strong anti-bullying stance.
Parents can do their part at home, too. Here are five
smart strategies to keep kids from becoming targets —
and stop bullying that has already started:
Talk about it. Talk about bullying with your kids and
have other family members share their experiences. If
one of your kids opens up about being bullied, praise
him or her for being brave enough to discuss it and offer
unconditional support. Consult with the school to learn
its policies and find out how staff and teachers can
address the situation.
Remove the bait. If it's lunch money or gadgets that
the school bully is after, you can help neutralize the
situation by encouraging your child to pack a lunch or
go to school gadget-free.
Buddy up for safety. Two or more friends standing at
their lockers are less likely to be picked on than a child
who is all alone. Remind your child to use the buddy
system when on the school bus, in the bathroom, or
wherever bullies may lurk.
Keep calm and carry on. If a bully strikes, a kid's best
defense may be to remain calm, ignore hurtful remarks,
tell the bully to stop, and simply walk away. Bullies
thrive on hurting others. A child who isn't easily ruffled
has a better chance of staying off a bully's radar.
Don't try to fight the battle yourself. Sometimes talking to a bully's parents can be constructive, but it's
generally best to do so in a setting where a school
official, such as a counselor, can mediate.
Strength and Stretching Class
Thursdays 12:30 P.M. Rec Room
Do you need some motivation to exercise? Take time for
yourself over the lunch hour! This class will focus on body,
mind and spirit. Cindy Bruflodt will lead the class with
exercises to help with flexibility, pain control and
strengthening. The class is 40 minutes long ending with a
short devotion and health information. We will focus on a
different health topic each week. All ages are welcome!
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
Page 10
Action Corp Monthly Service
Leader: Catie Her man
Alinder, Tom & Sandy
Almlie, Curt & Marlene
Anderson, Dennis & Mary Lou
Arne, Duane & Claudia
Beaton, Dick & Lonni
Brahmer, Sonny
Brekke, Jean
Doppler, Steve & Missy
Englund, Tina
Gram, Randy & Sandy
Herman, Jim & Catie
Heyer, Dave & Barb
Johnson, Jay & Anne McKay
Kluenenberg, Cary
Kvidt, Jan
Listul, Curt & Audrey
Lundmark, Eric & Katie
Mackner, Lorraine
Maday, Janelle
Malchow, Kalan & Renee
Mathison, Pete & Liz
Maxwell, Max & Judy
Mielke, Basil & Myrna
Oberholtzer, Carl & Carol
Olson, Ole & Darlene
Palm, Bruce & Judy
Funerals: Liz Mathison
Perry, Les & Norma
Peterson, Dave & Joy
Price, Jerry & Ruth
Schroeder, Betty & Tom
Shoemaker, James
Simison, Kathy
Sprague, Dan & Deb
Swanson, Raymond
Thomsen, Tom & Barb
Weaver, Dennis & Angie
Weisenburger, Gaylen & Catharine
Wokasch, Missy & Greg
Wolfe, Cheryl & Tim
Action Corps serves the Coffee Fellowship time on Sunday mornings, provides desserts for funerals and
serves other congregational events.
The month you are on Action Corps, you will be called by your Action Corps leader to see when and how you
would like to participate. For Sunday mornings You can serve (set-up, serving and/or clean up).
You can donate food items or
You can donate money to pur chase food items.
You will only be called as the need arises for funerals & other events.
We accomplish big things when everybody does a little bit! Thank You!!
Baumgartner, Mitch & Tarrin
Bergeron, John & Charlotte
Biewer, Jim & Sue
Blom, Clarene
Bloomquist, Shirley
Bollig, Jean & Pat
Bollig, Steve & Linda
Busker, Scott & Susan
Christen, Mark & Janel
Cihak, Ted & Lynn
Cummings, Arlen & Brenda
Cummings, Pam & Kevin
Dunham, Emil & Grace
Edwardson, Dolores
Fuhs, Steve & Kim
Funerals: Lor r aine McCawley
Galbrecht, Megan & Kody
Geiselhart, LuVerna
Gerdes, Louanne
Gunderson, Mark
Hemness, Kathleen
Hilde, Robin & Jake
Hill, Gene & Sharon
Kaldahl, Dave & Barb
King, Shawn & Candi
Knopf, Dave & Diane
Knopf, Justin & Amy
Lunde, Al & Chris
Malchow, Karl & Henrietta
Markuson, Brady & Carissa
McCawley, Lorraine
McKay, Marie
Mouw, Brant & LeAnn
Nelson, Deb
Omberg, Nick
Ovsak, Tammy
Pearson, Edna Mae
Peck, Clayton & Norraine
Romine, Travis
Searls, Rod & Shirley
Stone, William & Diane Larson
Syvertson, Sharon
Thompson, Charles & Joanne
Thomsen, Meta
Wilson, Matt & Mindy
Windel, Dean & Brenda
Each family/person has a 3-month quarter in which they will be called upon for serving. If you are on the list for
October or November, you will rotate each year between September, October and November. If you know which
Sunday you would prefer to help serve during Sunday Coffee Fellowship time, please contact your leader and let
them know! Call the office, 847-5656, if you would like to change the season in which you serve.
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
Page 11
First Lutheran Church acknowledges with grateful
appreciation these memorials which have been
received this past month.
In Memory of: Howard Weiler, Jr (Howie)
Given by: Howard & Marilyn Weiler
In Memory of: Carol Johnson
Given by: Sis Olson
In Memory of: Noah Williams
Given by: Fern Brown
In Memory of: Mary Lou Stater
Given by: Bruce & Marlys Douglas
Dennis & Marvel Helgeson
In Memory of: Carol Johnson
Given by: Bruce & Harriet Barrett
In Memory of: Harley Lux
Given by: LaVerne & Judy Maxwell
In Memory of: Carol Johnson
Given by: Dennis & MaryLou Anderson
Charlotte Hoeglund
Harold & Lois Hoghaug
Lynn & Bev Hummel
Gladys & David Johnson
Robert & Ann Newgard-Larson
Edna Mae Pearson
Evelyn Rusten
Rodger & Marilyn Tinjum
Ruth Tovson
Mary Wied
In Memory of: James Schroeder
Given by: Fern Brown
Parish Acts
Arya Anne Hanson
September 14, 2014
Donna Larsen
Carol Johnson
August 30, 2014
August 31, 2014
Samantha Oak & Kyle Buchholz September 6, 2014
Watch for the green cards
like this to be handed out
at worship. Filling them
out is a tremendous help
to the people who calls for
worship assistants. And
remember, the more who
pitch in, the fewer times
each one is called upon!
Opportunities to practice “Radical Hospitality” at First!
Name: _____________________________________________
I would like to share my “W elcome” in the following areas:
___ Usher
___ Read the Lesson
___ Audio/Visual Tech.
___ Greeter
___ Serve Communion
___ Prepare Communion
___ Worship Team Singer and/or Musician
___ Special Music
** Training is provided for all support ministries. **
I typically worship at the ___ 9:00 ___ 10:45 worship service.
The best phone number to reach me at is ___________________
If seasonal, months you are available ______________________
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
Page 12
New Books in the Library
Dee Henderson
Charlotte Graham is at the center of the most famous kidnapping in Chicago history.
The task force of Fbi and local cops found her two abductors, killed them, rescued her,
but it took four very long years. The fact she was found less than three miles from her
home, had been there the entire time, haunts them. She's changed her identity, found a
profession she loves, and rebuilt her life.
She's never said a word--to the cops, to her doctors, to family--about those four years.
The Witness
Dee Henderson
Police Chief Luke Granger's witness to a murder, Amy Griffin, has been on the run for
years. Her family thinks she was murdered eight years ago, but Amy chose to accept
a life in the shadows in order to protect her sisters' lives. Now unveiled secrets about
their father have thrust the sisters into the public spotlight. The man who wants Amy
dead now sees her sisters as the way to locate her. Luke and two of his homicide
detectives are determined to stand in the way. They are each falling in love with a
different sister, and it's become a personal mission to keep them safe. But chances
are that at least one of them will fail, and facing the future will take a faith deeper than
any of them currently knows. stop the world to do so.
Full Disclosure
Dee Henderson
Ann Silver is a cop's cop. As the Midwest Homicide Investigator, she is called in to
help local law enforcement on the worst of cases, looking for answers to murder.
Hers is one of the region's most trusted investigative positions.
Paul Falcon is the Fbi's top murder cop in the Midwest. If the victim carried a federal
badge or had a security clearance, odds are good Paul and his team see the case
file or work the murder.
Their lives intersect when Ann arrives to pass a case off her desk and onto his. A car
wreck and a suspicious death offer a lead on a hired shooter he is tracking. Paul isn't
expecting to meet someone, the kind that goes on the personal side of the ledger,
but Ann Silver has his attention.
Dee Henderson
Commander Mark Bishop is deliberately low-key: "I'm in the Navy." But commanding
the ballistic missile submarine USS Nevada, keeping her crew trained and alert during
ninety-day submerged patrols, and being prepared to launch weapons on valid
presidential orders, carries a burden of command like few other jobs in the military.
Mark Bishop is a man who accepts that responsibility, and handles it well. And at a
time when tensions are escalating around the Pacific Rim, the Navy is glad to have
Mark wants someone to come home to after sea patrols. The woman he has in mind
is young, with a lovely smile, and very smart. She's a civilian, yet she understands the
U.S. Navy culture. And he has a strong sense that life with her would never be boring. But she may be
too deep in her work to see the potential in a relationship with him.
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
Wednesday “OASIS”
9:00 Traditional Worship 6:15
9:30 Sunday School-all ages 6:45
10:00 Fellowship Time
10:45 Contemporary
Sunday Schedule
Page 13
6:30 Daybreak
Family Meal
12:30 Strength & 12:00: AA
Alleluia Ringers rehearsal
4:30 Serving at
Wed. School (3yr to 5th)
the Refuge
Confirmation (6th to 9th)
Adult Education
Jubilate Choir rehearsal
Faith Haven Camp
Worship Team rehearsal
6-7th Grade
7 8:30 Quilters
6:30 Daybreak
~Sunday Schedule~ 8:30 Helping Hands 9:00 AA
10:00 Morning Out 9:00 Office Staff Mtg
9:30 Rebekah Circle
11:00 Winchester
Name Tag Sunday
10:30 Oak Cross
9:00 Spicker Baptism
1:30 Lincoln Park
12:00 OA Serenity
9:30 4th Grade Party 4:30 Tae Kwon Do 12:00 Brown Bagger
10:45 Lee & Fix Baptisms 5:00 AlAnon
5:30 Tae Kwon Do
5:00 Centennial
7:00 Rachel Circle
Team Mtg.
7:00 Youth Team Mtg
8:30 Ministerial
9:30 Naomi Circle 12:00: AA
12:30 Strength &
2:00 Grief Share 4:30 Tae Kwon Do
4:30 Health Cabinet
6:30 Daybreak
9:30 Park Manor
10:15 Marigold
12:00: AA
~Sunday Schedule~ 8:30 Helping Hands 8:30 Quilters
ChristFirst Capital 10:00 Morning Out 9:00 AA
9:00 Office Staff Mtg
12:00 OA Serenity
12:00 Brown Bagger
9:00 & 10:45
4:30 Tae Kwon Do
3rd Grade
5:00 AlAnon
5:30 Tae Kwon Do
Bible Presentation 5:30 Thrivent
7:00 Young Adult
9:30 3rd Grade
Annual Meeting
8:30 Quilters
~Sunday Schedule~
Helping Hands 9:00 AA
9:00 Office Staff Mtg
9:30 Blood Pressure 10:00 Morning Out 12:00 OA Serenity
12:00 Brown Bagger
10:00 Discover
5:30 Tae Kwon Do
4:30 Tae Kwon Do 6:30 TeacHaiti Board
Your Gifts
10:45 Gigstead
5:00 AlAnon
9:45 Emmanuel
12:00 Executive
~Sunday Schedule~
8:30 Helping Hands
New Member Sunday 10:00 Morning Out
9:00 3rd Grade
Bible Class
4:30 Tae Kwon Do
Foundation Board Mtg. 5:00 AlAnon
No School
8:30 Newsletter
12:00: AA
No School
6:30 Daybreak
8:30 Quilters
New Member
9:00 AA
9:00 Office Staff Mtg 6:30 Daybreak
9:00 LSS Training
12:00 OA Serenity 6:15 3rd Grade
12:00 Brown Bagger
Bible Class
5:30 Tae Kwon Do
6:00 BeFrienders
12:30 Strength & 4:30 Tae Kwon Do
MMTA All Day
6:30 New Member 4:30 Tae Kwon Do
Meet & Greet
7:00 Vision Council
Lifeworks Marriage Retreat
10:00 Bible Study
12:30 Strength &
12:00: AA
4:30 Tae Kwon Do
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
Page 14
FLC Happenings
Attention Parents: all childr en in Sunday/Wednesday School thr ough 5th Gr ade MUST BE PICKED UP by
an adult in their room. This is to help ensure that all the children are safe when leaving the Church.
Strength and Stretching Class….Ar e you in need of some str ess r elief, muscle str engthening or spir itual
growth? Come to Strength and Stretching Class Thursdays, 12:30-1:15 in the Rec Room. Cindy Bruflodt leads the
group in light exercise and stretching, devotions, and health topic information. Join the group for this time of both
physical and spiritual healing. Everyone is welcome!
Flu Season is upon us once again! Remember to use good hand hygiene, cover your mouth with a tissue when
coughing and sneezing, and refrain from hand shaking if necessary. Offer your elbow and a smile when greeting
people. Wash your hands frequently and carry hand sanitizer for those times when you cannot wash your hands.
Blessings of good health to you all!
NURSERY ROOM ATTENDANTS NEEDED! Our nur ser y r oom ser vices ar e in need of attendants for
worship hours on Sunday and Wednesday. If you enjoy working with small children and infants, apply at our
church office today.
Wednesday Oasis Parental “Heads Up.” The Wednesday Oasis schedule begins tonight with a meal at 5:15 and
worship at 6:15. Children’s Wednesday School begins at 6:45 and Confirmation begins at 7:00. There are no other
programmed areas or supervised activities for children and youth during the evening. The Youth room will
be closed during worship, as all children and youth in the building should plan to be in worship prior to
Church School and Confirmation. The Education wing of the building will also be closed until just prior to
Church School at 6:45. If your childr en or youth wor ship with you on Sundays, and ar e coming only for
learning events, please do not drop them off or send them early, as the building and staff cannot safely
accommodate or supervise those “hanging out.”
Altar Guild sign up for Wednesday or Sunday Ser vices for October and November in the Sacr isty.
Gods Work Our Hands Farmers Market was a huge success! $1,367.64 was r aised! The money will be
divided between the Becker County Food Pantry and Lutheran World Hunger. THANK YOU to everyone who
donated their time and produce, and also to those of you that bought the produce.
Wanted: the 4th Gr ade Wednesday and Sunday Schools ar e in need of baby food jar s. If you have any to
donate please drop them off in the office. Thank you!
Thank You to ever yone who helped with the Setup and Tear down for Outdoor Wor ship this past year . Your
efforts, great or small, helped to make each Sunday or Worship Success!
Helpers needed to wor k with the local fir e victims pr oject. Contact the Chur ch Office for mor e infor mation.
Morning Out Day Program ever y Monday, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Mor ning Out is a Day Pr ogr am for those
who have Alzheimer’s Disease or a Dementia related illness. The program is sponsored by Lutheran Social Service,
MN and will be every Monday in the Dining Room at First Lutheran Church from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. This
program offers a respite time for caregivers and a time for socializing and activities for the participants. Participants
need to bring a sack lunch. For more information and to enroll in the Morning Out Program please contact Tara
Giese, 218-233-7521 or Peggy McKeown, 218-375-2975 or Denise Gaard, Parish Nurse. Participants and
Volunteers are needed.
Young Adult Ministries will once again be mailing letter s to young adults ages 18-22. Please contact the office
or email Hilary ([email protected]) with your address away from home.
Lincoln Park Bible Study meets ever y 3r d Thur sday of the month at Lincoln Par k at 9:30 on 2nd floor .
Concordia Christmas Concert is Sunday, December 7th. Tickets for the ear ly bir d special ar e only $14.40
but only if the bus is full by October 15th. If interested contact the Thrivent Office 847-2376, ask for Charyl.
KidsFirst Preschool has both full and half day openings for this school year . If inter ested contact Beth at
847-5656 or [email protected]
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
Page 15
Area Happenings
Advance Planning Seminar at West-Kjos on October 2 at 10 or 6:30. RSVP to 218-847-7279
Coat Give-a-way Saturday, October 4th fr om 9-2 at Trinity Lutheran Church.
Let’s Make it Loud fr ee youth concer t on October 3r d. See the Chur ch Bulletin Boar d for mor e
Living Legacy Lakes Ar ea Young Life celebr ating 40 year s at the Holmes Ballr oom on Satur day, October
4th at 5:30. RSVP is requested, contact the Young Life Office at 218-847-3567
Begin creating the marriage of your dreams by attending the October 4-5 Marriage Encounter. Visit
www.marriages.org for a listing of additional information or call 651-454-3238
Hegland Lutheran Church’s Annual Fall Supper October 5th fr om 4-7
Lake Park Lutheran Church Dinner on Sunday, October 5th fr om 11-1.
Retire Wisely a Community Ed Class on October 6th at 10 or 5:30 lead by Ellen fr om Thr ivent Financial.
See the Church Bulletin Board for more information.
Rummage Sale at United Methodist Chur ch on October 8 fr om 7-1:30.
Rummage & Bake Sale at Zion Luther Chur ch on October 10 fr om 4-7 and October 11 from 11-1.
Bottom by Blank Slate Theater on October 12, 4 pm. at the Holmes Theater, see the Church Bulletin Board for
more information.
Living Well with Huntington Disease educational confer ence October 18th. See the Chur ch Bulletin Boar d
for more information.
Detroit Lakes Lions ar e having a Har vest Moon Fun Run/Walk on October 18th at 9 with a Pancake
Breakfast at 9:15. They are also hosting a Harvest Moon Ball that evening. See the Church Bulletin Board for
more information.
Luther Crest 25th Anniversary Quilt Extravaganza October 18th. See the Chur ch Bulletin Boar d for mor e
One Big Night of Music! Amy Gr ant and Mar k Schultz October 22nd at 7:00 at the Bemidji Sanfor d
Center. See the Church Bulletin Board for more information.
Preparing For Long Team Care a Community Ed Class on November 3r d at 10 or 5:30 lead by Ellen fr om
Thrivent Financial. See the Church Bulletin Board for more information.
United Methodist Church Bazaar on Satur day, November 1st fr om 9-1. Lunch will be served.
Americorps Legacy Corps is looking for r espite volunteer s. Contact Tar a Giese at 218-233-7521
Foster Parents Needed for mor e infor mation contact Lynn Kotr ba at Luther an Social Ser vices, 218-2361494 or email [email protected]
Lakes Area Moms meet 1st & 3r d Wed. 9-11 am at Lakes Area Vineyard church. Heather Hayes 218-2346729.
First Lutheran Church
October 2014
The First Messenger
First Lutheran Church
912 Lake Avenue
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
Volume 18 Issue 10
Non-Profit Organization
#0025610 Permit #32
The First Messenger is published monthly
and mailed to the members and friends of
First Lutheran Church. The purpose of this
publication is to inform the congregation of
church activities and upcoming events.
Articles for publication are to be submitted
to the church office by the 15th of each
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 - 4:00
Office Phone: 847-5656
Fax Phone: 847-7009
[email protected]
Page 16
Congregational Staff
Dave Peterson
Wade Dutton
Vision Council
[email protected]
[email protected]
Youth Ministry Director:
Hilary Furuseth
[email protected]
Children’s Ministry Director:
Carissa Markuson
[email protected]
KidsFirst Preschool Director:
Beth Gailfus
[email protected]
Business Manager:
Susie Reitmeier
[email protected]
Office Administrator, Support Ministries:
Tanzy Kratzke
[email protected]
Office Administrator, Communications:
Sarah Keizer
[email protected]
Parish Nurse:
Denise Gaard
Missionary Pastor:
[email protected]
Mary Totland
Rev. Chandran Paul Martin
President: Tim Sundby
President-Elect: Rick Manke
Secretary: Todd Gaard
Treasurer: Ted Heisserer
Carrie Johnston
Sonny Chase
Clayton Jensen
Sue Nelson
Jean Hein
Norma Perry
Foundation Board
President: Mary Lee
Vice President: Lynn Hummel
Secretary: Madalyn Sukke
Treasurer: Mike Fillmore
Tom Harper
Joyce Klyve
Jim Buchholz
Gail Colby
Worship is broadcast on KDLM-1340 AM and on 93.1 FM Radio each Sunday Morning at 10:45
Worship is also webcasted on the church website www.firstlutheranchurch.com.
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912 Lake Avenue
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
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