What`s Inside


What`s Inside
What’s Inside
Volume 5 (December, 2012)
“2C” Products—What Are they?
A discussion of the Schedule I substances known as “2C” first
synthesized by Dr. Alexander Shulgin
Opiates —Synthetic or Semi-Synthetic?
A look at the many forms of opiates and what constitutes a synthetic or
semi-synthetic opiate
Quick Notes—Myth and Truth Concerning Field Tests
An article tackling some of the most persistent myths concerning
presumptive field testing of suspected controlled substances
Rarely Used Investigative Tool
Guest author Steven Peterson discusses the use of Google Voice in
undercover investigations
New Field Tests
Announcement of new presumptive field tests for a-PVP and
“2C” Products – What Are They?
When the Synthetic Drug Abuse Prevention Act of 2012 was passed on July 9th,
there were nine substances referred to as “2C” products listed as Schedule I. These
were not commonly known and many jurisdictions had not seen or in some
cases heard of them. Since the passing of this Act, some of these substances have
received increased notoriety. What we will do in this section is discuss where these
substances came from, their effects, and where available show what they look like.
Dr. Alexander Shulgin
known as “The
Godfather of Ecstasy”
also developed the
compounds in the
“2C” family
For those who have been involved in narcotics for many years, the “2C” products
may have tickled their memory banks. These numbers were distantly familiar to me
when I read the new Act, but it took a while to place them. Then I remembered Dr.
Alexander Shulgin and his two books Pikhal – A Chemical Love Story and Tikhal –
The Continuation.
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Dr. Shulgin wrote these books as a report on 30 years of synthesizing and
evaluating various chemical structures that he, his wife Ann and a group of
friends experimented. There were nearly 200 never-before-known substances
they experimented with, many of which were similar to psychedelic substances
like mescaline, psilocybin and LSD. Of these substances, the nine “2C” products
now listed under the new Act were all included. Dr. Shulgin not only discusses the
various highs and dosage amounts taken during these experiments, the last section
of the book shows his detailed notes on how to synthesize the substances.
Let’s start by listing the new substances and their proper chemical names. We list
these names since much of the time when you receive your crime lab reports, the
common substance name will not appear, instead these longer more technical and
“proper” names will appear.
(2,5-Dimethoxy-4-ethylphenethylamine) **
(2,5-Dimethoxy-4-iodophenethylamine) **
(2,5-Dimethoxy-4-ethyliophenethylamine) **
(2,5-Dimethoxy-4-(i)-propylthiophenethylamine) **
** Common substances seen throughout the country
cont. on next page
We should also address that Dr. Shulgin designed and tested an additional (16) “2C”
substances that have not yet appeared on an emergency schedule or the July 9th
Federal Synthetic Substance Act. If any of the following names appear on your crime
lab reports, check with your crime lab or prosecutor as to whether or not they are
scheduled in a specific state:
2C-B 4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine
2C-F 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-fluorophenethylamine
2C-G 2,5-Dimethoxy-3,4-dimethylphenethylamine
2C-SE 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylseleneophenethylamine
2C-T 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylthiophenethylamine
Now let’s deal with each specific 2C substance that is covered in the Federal
Schedule, describing the substance, duration and showing images of them where
The effects of this substance are very similar to both LSD or psilocybin mushrooms.
It is unique among the “2C” products due to its intense relaxing and sedating effect.
The duration of the high is between 4 to 8 hours.
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Dr. Shulgin referred to 2C-D as a “pharmacological tofu”, meaning when mixed
with other substances it could either intensify or lengthen the experience. There are
differing views of 2C-D, some view it as a true psychedelic and others think it to
be an uninteresting substance. The duration of the experience lasts between 4 to 6
2C-I also known as
“Smiles” is making
headlines across
the country
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When Dr. Shulgin worked with this substance he referred to it as a member of the
“Magical Half-Dozen”. The experience tends to be much more intense with 2C-E
with visuals similar to that of LSD. Most reports show the high intensity of the
substance does not lend itself to people who are not experienced with psychedelics.
The effects of 2C-E last 8 to 10 hours, with the initial high starting within the first
20-90 minutes.
There is very little documented information on this specific substance. We know it
was first synthesized by Dr. Shulgin, but the effects or duration of 2C-H are both
unknown. We do not have an image of this substance.
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This is the substance that has been seen most frequently throughout the United
States and has been credited with deaths in Minnesota, North Dakota and Indiana.
The most common form is a hydrochloride salt form which is seen as a fluffy,
sparkling-white powder. Not as common is the tablet form of 2C-I.
It is not uncommon to misrepresent 2C-I as mescaline. The main difference is the
higher potency and much steeper dose response when taking the substance.
2C-I is most commonly taken orally, but can be both smoked or inhaled. Individuals
can take injections either intramuscular or intravenously, as both methods leads
to immediate onset of the drug. The high received from 2C-I is commonly 6 to 10
cont. on next page
There is very little known about this specific variation as well. However, due to the
“nitro” group within the substance the powder will take on a bright yellow to orange
color. Dr. Shulgin reported that the duration of the high was between 4 to 6 hours.
We have no images of 2C-N.
Similar to 2C-E, this substance has a long lasting high of between 8 to 10 hours. The
effects of 2C-P can be overwhelming and the intense visionary experience is very
similar to LSD.
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This substance can be as powerful as LSD and other hallucinogens. Users can
develop a reddening of the face and warm flushes while taking the substance and the
duration of the high runs between 6 to 8 hours.
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This is another psychedelic compound that runs an extremely long duration of
between 12 to 18 hours. We have no images or other information to share as yet.
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Opiates – Synthetic or SemiSynthetic?
Regardless of what part of the country you work in, Opiates are part of your
controlled substance problem. Do you have fully synthetic opiates, semi-synthetic
opiates, or both?
Semi-Synthetic Opiates - Heroin
Vertical incisions made
on the poppy pod for the
collection of opiate gum
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We don’t generally refer to Heroin as a semi-synthetic opiate, but that is the true
definition. When Heroin is manufactured it starts from a plant (poppy). The poppy
grows and pedals fall off leaving the central pod with the opiate gum. Vertical
incisions are made in this pod to allow the opiate gum to ooze out and be collected
on either banana leaves or plastic. In some locations (Afghanistan) this gum is
then stored to increase its intensity before being traded and converted to an opiate.
In other locations (South and Central America) it is simply collected and the
manufacturing process begins immediately. During this conversion the opiate gum
is initially converted to morphine base. Then a further process reduces the morphine
base to heroin.
We now have two semi-synthetic opiate substances, morphine and heroin.
Which one is illegal? If you were to look at Federal and State legislation they don’t
distinguish between morphine and heroin but rather use the term “opiates”. When
you check out your presumptive field test for Opiates (Mecke’s Reagent Modified;
#NARK20011 – pouch - #NAR10016 – tube) you notice both are designed to
identify both substances and again do not distinguish even in color. In the United
States the way we distinguish between these substances is through a prescription
only. If someone has a prescription for morphine, it’s considered legal, no
prescription, it’s illegal. In Europe they must differentiate between the substances.
The sentencing is different between heroin and morphine, so they use a second
presumptive test of Nitric Acid Reagent (#NARK2002 – pouch; #NAR10003 – tube)
which will differentiate between the two.
Safety Precaution: For all departments in the United States, DO NOT
use the Nitric Acid Reagent (#NARK2002 – pouch; #NAR10003 – tube)
as a primary presumptive test for Heroin. Due to adverse reactions with
cont. on next page
this chemistry and less accurate results we strongly recommend the use of
the Mecke’s Reagent Modified. For all European consumers, we strongly
recommend the use of the Mecke’s Reagent Modified initially and then the
Nitric Acid Reagent only if you require to differentiate between Heroin and
A positive color reaction
for heroin using the
#NARK20011 Mecke’s
Modified Reagent
Historically, Heroin had a limited appeal within the United States. Consumers
moved toward Cocaine (powder or crack) or Methamphetamine as their substances
of choice and only the hard core users were attracted to this highly additive narcotic.
Those that have been associated with narcotics for years will remember that at one
time all heroin was produced in the Asian Triangle. Over the past 15 to 20 years we
first saw the South Americans (Colombia, Peru) growing poppies and converting
to heroin. In the last number of years we have seen the advent of huge poppy fields
throughout Central America controlled by the Mexican cartels. The eastern seaboard
of the United States has been associated with the Colombia Heroin for some time
(a very light grayish color with a chalky appearance). In the past 5 years, west of
the Mississippi and especially throughout the southwest portion of the United
States have seen a huge increase in the quantity and quality of heroin. Because of
the increased supply, we have also witnessed a decrease in the street price. Many
consumers that were hooked on either crack or meth are starting to turn to heroin as
a cheap alternative.
Why the Increase in Heroin Popularity?
In the past consumers have shied away from Heroin due to the “junkie” image or
use of the needle. Recently, the purity levels of the Heroin found throughout the
country have increased to the point where both snorting and smoking have become
the norms. This coupled with the decreasing price has made Heroin a favorable
alternative to either Meth or Crack.
In addition, we were finding more and more consumers turning to the fully
synthetic opiates of Oxycontin® (10mg; 20mg; 40mg; or 80mg) where they could
grind or chew them to release the full opiate effect. In July of 2010, Purdue Pharma
cont. on next page
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L.P. received approval from the FDA for their coating on these tablets which would
stop the chewing and grinding of the substance. Consequently, consumers needed
to substitute their opiate dependency and many of them turned to the now lower
priced and higher purity of Heroin.
Certainly, there are segments of the country that have “some” heroin, but are not
experiencing the epidemic levels other parts are seeing. For those parts of the
country, they are experiencing the other form of opiates – fully synthetic.
Fully Synthetic Opiates – Hydrocodone; Oxycodone; Fentanyl;
Buprenorphine (Suboxone®)
The difference between semi and fully synthetic opiates, is that one is derived from
a plant (poppy) and the other is started and completed in a chemistry lab. Fully
synthetic opiates are the pain medications we have been fighting for years in the
form of hydrocodone, oxycodone, fentanyl and Buprenorphine (Suboxone®).
Photo shows pink,
20 mg Oxycontin® pills
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I have started referring to these substances as:
First Generation: hydrocodone
Second Generation: oxycodone (Purdue Pharma®)
Third Generation: fentanyl
Fourth Generation: Buprenorphine
The reason for using these terms is that we are seeing ever increasing levels of
substance as new pain relief medication is introduced.
First Generation: Hydrocodone
Hydrocodone took on many brand names from years ago, Oxicet®, Percoden®,
Percocet®, Lorcet®, Lortab®, Norco®, Vicodin®, Zydone® and Rylox®. These all referred
to pain relief medication that contained oxycodone but had either aspirin or
acetaminophen present. Initially, the levels of oxycodone were between 2.5 mg and
10 mg.
Second Generation: Oxycontin®
Initially, all of this second generation of pain relief medication was credited to
Purdue Pharma®. We remember the four standard tablets: white – 10 mg; pink – 20
mg; yellow – 40 mg; and green – 80 mg. The problem with this configuration is it
was pure oxycodone and the abusers could either grind or chew the tablets to release
the entire amount of synthetic opiate regardless of the time release.
cont. on next page
Due to this abuse, Purdue Pharma worked toward a coating that would not allow
the previously grinding or chewing. However, before they could add the coating the
FDA had to approve this change and test to ensure the pharmaceutical effect was
not going to be altered. All tests and approvals were completed by 2010, which led to
all manufactured Oxycontin® now having a protective coating. This change also saw
the letter designation on the tablets changing from “OC” to “OP”. It also saw Purdue
Pharma add three (3) additional configurations to their product line: grey – 15 mg,
brown – 30 mg, red – 60 mg.
With the addition of this coating on the Oxycontin® tablets, the abuse of these
specific synthetic opiate tablets has decreased. However, that has led to another
“pure” high milligram oxycodone taking the place of the Oxycontins®. All
pharmaceutical companies only have a certain number of years of protection
before other companies can start making “generic” brands. In this case, Purdue
Pharma is protected on their 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg and 80 mg concentrations,
but other companies can now make other high concentrations without aspirin or
acetaminophen. The two most popular “generics” are 15 mg – green and 30 mg –
Third Generation: Fentanyl
Now we’re getting into the really high potency pain relief medication. Let’s compare
fentanyl to something many of us have experienced. If you have ever gone to the
hospital and had a shot of morphine, you know the immediate and euphoric effect.
The comparison between morphine and fentanyl – fentanyl is 100% times more
cont. on next page
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The use of nitrile
gloves is recommended
when field testing any
suspected opiates.
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Safety Tip: A number of years ago, the DEA Chicago Field Division
suspended all agents from field testing heroin due to fentanyl being “cut
into” or “substituted for” heroin. Since fentanyl can be absorbed so easily
through nicks and cuts on the hands, they wanted to study the problem. A
short time later it was determined that agents could start field testing again,
but they had to use NITRILE GLOVES. These acid resistant gloves added
much superior protection than latex gloves. As a result, we STRONGLY
recommended using nitrile gloves any time you field test ANY opiates.
Both fentanyl and heroin are water soluble. We recommend the following
procedure: first remove your nitrile gloves, dispose of your field test and then
wash your hands thoroughly. This will help eliminate the threat to you.
Fourth Generation: Buprenorphine (Suboxone®)
Just when we thought these synthetic opiates could get no worse, they did.
Recently the FDA added yet another synthetic opiate pain relief medication in
Buprenorphine. This was popular in Europe and has now been brought to the
United States. Buprenorphine will take on the forms of Suboxone® foils or Subutex®
tablets (2 mg or 8 mg). This substance is very strong and some credit it with even
higher levels than fentanyl.
Field Testing All Opiates
Fully Synthetic Opiates: The 1st through 3rd generations of synthetic opiates
(hydrocodone; oxycontin®; oxycodone; fentanyl) are all tested in the Special Opiates
Reagent (#NARK20010 – pouch; #NAR10022 – tube). You only need the smallest
amount of substance (equivalency to 10 grains of “Sweet’N Low”) and you will
receive an immediate Yellow color. For the 4th generation of Buprenorphine, you
will use the same field test but see an immediate purple color instead.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Buprenorphine (Suboxone®) has recently been
approved through 3rd party verification to be tested in the Special Opiates
Reagent (#NARK20010 – pouch; #NAR10022 – tube). This substance will
turn an immediate Purple color presumptively identifying the drug.
Semi-Synthetic Opiates: We will see the semi-synthetic opiates coming in the form
of white, brown or black tar heroin. All of these will be tested in the Mecke’s Reagent
Modified (#NARK20011 – pouch; #NAR10016 – tube).
cont. on next page
White Heroin: Introduce the equivalency to 5 to 10 grains of “Sweet’N Low”.
Brown Heroin: Introduce the equivalency to 5 grains of “Sweet’N Low”.
Black Tar Heroin: Introduce the equivalency to the period at the end of a sentence.
This test is a two ampoule test with the 1st ampoule designed to dissolve and prepare
the substance for the color reaction of the 2nd ampoule. You should agitate this 1st
ampoule for 30 seconds. Then break and agitate the 2nd ampoule and look for the
immediate development of green. This green color will become more intense as you
agitate and watch the test.
White Heroin: Since there is no color resin in the substance, the green color will
develop quickly.
Brown/Black Tar Heroin: Both of these substances have a resin. This is the reason
we suggest introducing small amounts so this resin will not make the interpretation
of green difficult. However, you may see a more brown or black solution instead of
the desired green. In this case, for both pouches and tubes, turn them upside down
and tap the test. This will allow the “liquid” to flow to the “new bottom” of the test.
Look at the color adhering to the glass shards at the “new top”. You should see the
green color adhering to these shards.
Safety Tip: Much of the country is seeing Mexico as the source
manufacturing country for their Heroin (tan/brown). The Mexican cartels
also have fentanyl labs. It is not uncommon for the Mexicans to “cut” fentanyl
into their Heroin or substitute fentanyl for Heroin. Due to the tremendous
dangers fentanyl presents (absorption into your system) you are strongly
advised to use nitrile gloves when handling this substance. Nitrile gloves are
far safer than latex gloves.
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Quick Notes: Myth & Truth
Concerning Field Tests
Expiration Date
Presumptive field tests DO NOT require an expiration date. Once manufacturers
mix the chemistry formula, it is immediately placed into hermetically sealed
glass ampoules. This protection eliminates the chemistry from deteriorating
and therefore, no expiration date is required. All tests are manufactured against
the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Standard #0604.01 which states stringent
requirements, but no expiration date.
Test More = Better Results?
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The most common error in field testing is adding too much material during the
testing process. The cardinal rule of “less is best” best suits positive and consistent
results. The following chart will assist on knowing how much substance to use in
these most common tests:
Cocaine Base (crack)
Heroin (white; brown; black tar)
Synthetic Opiates (oxycodone/fentanyl/buprenorphine)
Cocaine HCl (powder)
Sample Size
3 small strands of
To overload a field test introduces the potential for false positive results. If you start
with less material and do not receive a positive reaction, you can always retest with
slightly more substance to see whether that will “kick” the threshold of the chemistry
to a positive reaction.
Proper Storage
The only factor that will affect the chemistry of the field test is ultraviolet rays. DO
NOT leave the individual test (tube or pouch) exposed to UV rays either from
fluorescent lighting or direct sunlight. You can store the field tests in their original
boxes, posse boxes, glove compartment, trunk of the vehicle, desk drawers or
cabinets. Simply avoid the individual test being left on the front or back deck of the
vehicle, window sill or desk top where exposure to direct UV rays allows them to
break down the chemistry.
cont. on next page
Heat & Cold
One of the strong myths in field testing is that heat or cold will destroy or render
the results of the field tests no good. This is NOT true. Extreme heat in the summer
(Nevada, Texas, Oklahoma, etc.) where the tests have been left in the vehicle will
simply allow the color reaction to occur quicker than a room temperature test. The
opposite is the case for a cold or frozen test. We recommend holding a cold or frozen
test in your hand for 60 seconds to allow the chemistry to thaw or warm. Then
proceed as normal. A test which is less than room temperature will possibly develop
the color reactions slightly slower, but will still give positive results.
Color Intensity = Purity?
There are four factors that will affect the color intensity seen within a field test:
Purity of the substance
Quantity of the substance being tested
Agitation of the chemistry with the substance
Lighting conditions
If you were to place very pure substance or less pure substance, potentially you could
see more or less vivid colors. However, if you placed more substance from a less pure
sample, the color could intensify. If you simply “wave” the tests back and forth and
do not properly agitate, this could cause a less vivid color reaction. Lastly, depending
on where you view the results:
in a vehicle at night with a dome light (less vivid colors)
on the trunk of the vehicle at night under a streetlight (less vivid colors)
during the day under sunny skies (more vivid colors)
in a properly lit room (more vivid colors)
Do not believe the myth that color intensity equals purity. There are too many
factors to affect the color intensity. Instead we want you to match only the “family of
colors” for positive reactions.
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Rarely Used Investigative Tool
We hire new officers and before they get known in our community, we assign them
to narcotics working undercover, before their identities become too well known.
With no training and little guidance, these new officers function as best they can
with great intentions. If nothing serious happens to them, they assume it is because
they have successfully avoided any potential problems, due to their skills and
experience. They begin to see themselves as seasoned experts, having encountered
all they believe will happen to them. Until something new comes along. Something
unexpected. Something they have never prepared for.
If you were to put your 10 year old child in your car and ask them to drive down
the street, they would be thrilled. After all, they’ve been watching you drive for
years and it doesn’t seem that difficult. If they manage to drive a few hundred yards
without hitting a mailbox or driving across someone’s lawn, they will see themselves
as successful drivers. Does this qualify them to navigate the interstate at rush hour?
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By the grace of God the underage driver and new officer have completed the tasks
asked of them without incident, but this far from qualifies them as experienced or
experts. Their egos will tell them they survived due to their skills. They completely
dismiss the suggestions that they survived thanks to luck. Don’t confuse luck with
skill. Luck runs out, skills only sharpen with time and use.
Technology is exploding. Advancements come faster than we can keep up and some
of us Dinosaurs don’t necessarily want to keep up. But there is a tool that is available
and should be used to keep officers safe and minimize inappropriate contacts with
informants and criminals. One such tool is Google Voice.
Up until now, officers were given a cell phone or used their own. This phone
number became their lifeline to being productive. But they had to give this number
to everyone: family, management, informants, and criminals alike. A tech-savvy
crook could use that phone number to obtain personal information about the officer
and/or his department. Protect yourself.
Google Voice is a free service that allows an officer to select a phone number, with
an area code from anywhere in the country, to use as their own. This is especially
handy in cases where undercover officers portray themselves as being from
somewhere else in the nation. This phone number then is forwarded to your cell
phone. If a crook or informant calls your Google Voice number, they don’t know
they are being forwarded. Then, you have the option to answer the call (their
phone number will still display on your phone’s screen), or have them leave a voice
message. You can listen in while they leave a message, should it be urgent and
require you pick up immediately. Or, you can allow them to leave a voice message.
cont. on next page
Should they leave a message, you will then receive both an email and text message
with a transcript of the voice message!
This is an outstanding way to further protect your identity, while creating a written
record of all criminal and informant contacts. You must remember that emails &
text messages from criminals and informants are discoverable items in Court and
may be required to be turned over to defense attorneys.
So how do you get started? First, create a fictitious Gmail email address. You will
need a Gmail email address to use this free service. Pick one that is not too risqué,
as it may be discoverable. You should then use this Gmail account to keep all
communications with crooks and informants. You can create folders for different
investigations and file all conversations away into these folders for easy retrieval later
at trial.
In creating your Gmail account, use false personal info, should your Gmail be
hacked. Then, use your fictional Gmail account to create your Google Voice
account. Go to www.google.com/voice and follow the prompts. There is even a
1.5 minute video that provides a great introduction to what this service can provide
for you. Should you get transferred, quit, or retire, you can just delete your Google
Voice account while keeping your cell phone number that all your friends and family
already have.
If you have already passed out your personal cell number to crooks and informants,
just give them the new number and tell them you have dropped the old line to avoid
detection. This gives you more credibility. They will replace your old number with
your new number in their contacts and eventually will totally forget about your
personal number…
Hope this tip helps to keep your identity safe and aids in collecting documents,
proving contacts, and reflecting conversations. All of this is vital to being a
successful narcotic investigator.
Guest Author
Over the past 34 years I have had the privilege of instructing for DEA Field
Divisions across the country. One in particular was the Atlanta Field Division and
one specific Divisional Training Coordinator (DTC) was Steven (Batman) Peterson,
Senior Special Agent (retired). This Division covered the four state region of GA,
TN, SC and NC. Steve recently put together a two-week investigators school at Ft.
Fisher, NC which he was kind enough to invite me to instruct. While there, Steve
shared with the class information on Google Voice as a rarely used investigative tool
designed to enhance your abilities as an investigator and help keep you safe. Steve is
currently the Vice President of the National Law Enforcement Speakers Bureau, LLC
in Charlotte (www.nlesb.org). If you have any questions concerning the application
of Google Voice, you can contact Steve at [email protected].
Products • Vehicles • Training
Phone: 800.356.7311,
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Suggestions for Nark
News Topics
If you have any topic suggestions
for upcoming editions of NARK
News, please send them to:
Jack Thorndike at
[email protected].
Sign up for Nark News
Subscribing to NARK News
is FREE. If your copy of the
newsletter was forwarded to you
or other officers within your
department want to receive it,
simply send a short note
to Jack Thorndike at
[email protected]. We will
be pleased to add your name to
future editions.
New Field Tests
Sirchie is pleased to announce the development and approval of two additional field
tests to assist law enforcement.
a-PVP (Synthetic Methcathinone – Bath Salts) Reagent
We have discussed in earlier editions of the NARK News that there are number of
synthetic methcathinone substances that were not added to the Federal legislation in
July of 2012. A-PVP (alpha-pyrrolidinopentiophenone) has been seen in a number
of states and you should check with your prosecutors to see whether or not this
specific substance has been added to your state CSA.
This substance will mimic the effects seen on MDPV but will test in a different set of
chemistry. Due to the complexity of this chemistry, it is only available in the pouch
Products • Vehicles • Training
Phone: 800.356.7311,
Fax: 800.899.8181,
NARK20026.......... a-PVP Reagent (Synthetic Methcathinone) 10/box............... $18.95
Psilocybin/Psilocin Reagent (mushrooms)
A substance that has long been a scourge for law enforcement to try and field test
has been psilocybin, the active ingredient found in “magic mushrooms”. Available in
tube and pouch.
For information on
Sirchie’s full line of
disguised surveillance
vehicles contact us at:
[email protected]
Secure information is available
online with a user name and
password provided by our
Vehicle Division
NARK20030......Psilocybin/Psilocin Reagent (mushrooms) – 10 pouches.......... $18.95
NAR10030............ Psilocybin/Psilocin Reagent (mushrooms) – 10 tubes............ $10.95