2016-05 newsletter - Third Reformed Church


2016-05 newsletter - Third Reformed Church
3rd Generation May | A Publication of Third Reformed Church | 1
Number 4
Housing and Refugee Ministry and the Purpose of the
In This Issue
By Kent Fry
In the season of Easter during Sunday morning worship, we read a
number of accounts from the 9th to the 16th chapter of Acts that the
early disciples of Jesus got kicked out of the friendly confines of
Jerusalem by the Holy Spirit. It isn’t that they ingenuously came up
with mission to the Gentiles and a wider concentric circle of love and
caring. The Holy Spirit led them sometimes kicking and screaming into
their purpose and mission.
Similarly at Third Church we didn’t develop a strategic plan to land in
housing and refugee ministry in 2016. We have been prompted by the
Spirit. The Housing Ministry Team is having a soup supper on Thursday,
May 5 at 6:30 p.m. to share information and do fund raising. The purpose is for the congregation to buy a third house for Third Reformed
Church to support low income housing in short supply in Ottawa County. In many ways, this has been an initiative of some of our younger
families in the congregation who care passionately about the housing
shortages and the working poor.
As I write, we are a day away from welcoming the Zadrian family, a family of four, from Afghanistan, to be sponsored by our congregation in
partnership with Bethany Christian Services. This is a Pashtun Sunni
Muslim family that will be met at the airport in Grand Rapids by members of the Third Church refugee committee, under the team leadership
of Bruce and Nicole Stewart and Jeanette Beagley. A home near the
church has been secured and furnished. Thank you to the congregation
for your support and all the items that you have provided! I toured the
residence on Saturday, and with the housing shortage in Ottawa County, (continued on page 3)
Pastor’s Column..............................1
Adult Education ..............................3
Finance Report................................4
Women’s Ministries ......................5
Youth ..................................................5
Children’s Ministries ....................6
Library Corner ................................7
Living Green .....................................8
DVD Alerts ........................................9
Thank Yous ................................... 10
Church Family News .................. 10
May Calendar ................................ 11
2 | 3rd Generation May Newsletter | A Publication of Third Reformed Church
Congregational Meeting
Sunday, May 1
6:30 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
What has been accomplished in the last year?
What are some of our challenges?
Thanking Elders and Deacons who have Served
Selection of Elders and Deacons
Other Announcements
Thursday, May 5, Housing Ministry Soup Supper, 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, July 10, High Scream Social, 4:00 p.m., at Osmans
Wednesday, July 27, Backyard Bash, 6:00 p.m.
August 1-4 Vacation Bible School, 6:00-8:15 p.m.
Worship Themes: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Sixth Sunday of Easter May 1
“The Door Shuts to Open in New Ways”
Acts 16:9-15
Theme: We explore Paul’s Macedonian call. Paul found that his previous plan was blocked but he learned in faith that this was actually
God’s plan. In our personal and corporate lives how often do ministry
doors that become closed become opportunities for a new vision of
purpose and direction?
Seventh Sunday of Easter May 8
“Prison Openings”
Acts 16:16-34
Theme: We will identify ways to live faithfully in challenging situations through exploring stories of the arrest and imprisonment of
Paul and Silas.
Pentecost Sunday May 15
Communion at 8:30 a.m.
“Signs and Wonders Today”
Acts 2:1-21
Theme: Witnessing the gift of God’s Spirit
related in Acts 2, we will rejoice in the
Spirit’s presence and workings today.
SERVICE AT 10:00 a.m.
Trinity Sunday May 22
Youth Sunday
Second Sunday after Pentecost May 29
Ordination and Installation of Elders
and Deacons
“Amazing Foreigners”
Luke 7:1-10
Theme: Delving into the story of the centurion and Jesus, adults will articulate contemporary practices of unconditional faith
and boundary-breaking grace.
3rd Generation May | A Publication of Third Reformed Church | 3
Adult Education
Adult Education classes begin at 9:40 a.m.
Bible Study, led by Amanda Dykhouse, meets each week in room
22 on the lower level. This semester the study is focused on 1 & 2
brew scriptures connect us with this
historical and current life of the
Jewish community? Paula Bojsen,
the Executive Vice President of the
Congregation Ahavas Israel in Grand
Rapids, will present on Judaism and
Adult Spiritual Formation Class will
will answer our questions.
meet each Sunday morning in the
Centennial Room on the lower level. May 8
This class is participatory, experien- “Providence, Chance, and Second
tial and rooted in scripture as we
talk about ways we practically live
Gene Heideman
out our faith in Christ.
Does God still count the number of
hairs on your head? Give your opinChapel Class
ion at the Chapel Class on May 8.
May 1
Luke 12:7, Heidelberg Catechism 21,
“What We Need to Know About
22, and 23, Westminster ConfesJudaism”
sion, III, 1, and V, 1 & 2 and the CRC
Paula Bojsen
Testimony “Our World Belongs to
Does our familiarity with the HeGod” Paragraph 4 may provide the
(continued from page 1)
it is a bit of a miracle that we could
find something in such an accessible
location. Mainly the owner of the duplex is acting out of his Christian commitment to refugees.
Why are we doing refugee and housing ministry? Maybe not because we
scripted it, but maybe because of the
social climate of the country, members of our congregation have been
reading the Bible and drawing on the
fundamental teachings of the Christian faith of loving one’s neighbor.
I have been thinking of the purpose of
our congregation in a new environ-
answer. Copies will be available at
the door as you enter.
May 15
“The History of Western Seminary”
Rev. Dr. Denis Voskuil
It’s just “down the block” from us.
Third has numerous congregants
who are graduates. But what might
we NOT know about this institution? Come to be enlightened about
one of the two RCA seminaries.
May 15 is the last day of education
for the semester. Classes resume in
ment of the local Holland area and the
national environment. Our historic
purpose statement is to “Know Christ
and to Make Christ Known,” abides
and will be with us for many years
ahead. But maybe a sub-text is something like this:
Worship with Heart and Head
Discipleship through Belonging
and Seeking
Mission that is Local and Global
We didn’t script it ahead of time, but
it arises from joining what the Holy
Spirit is already doing in our midst.
4 | 3rd Generation May Newsletter | A Publication of Third Reformed Church
Finance Report
By Carl Heideman, Treasurer
If you’ve been reading over the past two months, you’ll recall that we have been off to a slow financial start of this calendar year. The good news is that we’re catching up and things are looking a little better as of the end of March. I’m
going to give some numbers, then quickly move on to our special funding opportunities.
Giving and Income
Surplus (Deficit)
Jan-Mar 16
Jan-Mar 15 Jan-Mar 14
It’s important to note 2015 was a banner year; probably the best we’ve had
in 20+ years. The previous year was
more “normal” and we’re tracking on
par with it. While our giving and income haven’t grown much, our expenses continue to stay lower due to
careful stewardship by the staff and
Our bank balances continue to be
healthy. We have $93,013 in operating cash and $109,506 in reserves.
We pay down $1,000/month of inter-
Graduation time will soon be here. If
you have a graduate (high school or
college) in your family, please notify
the church office by May 15. We
would like to recognize them in the
June/July newsletter. We will need
the graduate’s name, the institute
from which he/she is graduating, and
future plans (if known). Thank you
for your help.
est-free debt for a small loan ($19,000
remaining) that funded our energyefficient lighting (which saves us about
working to support them. Please keep
them in mind as you consider your
giving through the year. We hope that
you’ll be able to pitch in a little more
in these areas so we can avoid cuts to
While our operating budget keeps
our operating budget if there are gaps.
humming along as mentioned above,
If you have any questions about how
we have two special funding opportuwe handle these special opportunities,
nities this year. We’re supporting a
please feel free to ask the committees
refugee family and seeking funds to
or me.
buy a third rental property for our
Community Housing Partnership.
Thank you, as usual, for your faithful
You’ll of course hear much more
support of Third Reformed Church.
about these from the committees
Summer Service Schedule
Summer services begin on Sunday, May 22. Beginning that day there
will be one service, at 10:00 a.m.
Looking Ahead
We are going to do a combined
June/July newsletter. If you have
items for this newsletter please
give them to Kirsten by May 15.
3rd Generation May | A Publication of Third Reformed Church | 5
In requesting that individuals from
different generations collaborate to
create the devotional, it’s easy to imagine all kinds of connections…
By Jane Snyder
mother/son; father/daughter; grandHELP WANTED…Women’s Ministries
parent/grandchild; confirmand/
of Third Reformed Church is seeking
mentor; teacher/student…endless posmembers and friends of Third Resibilities. In the writing process, new
formed Church who would be willing
connections and friendships can be
to partner with someone from another created that may benefit both parties.
generation to write a short devotion
If this project sounds interesting to
and prayer that can be used in a Lenyou, please contact either Jane Snyder
ten Devotional booklet for 2017. The
or Joyce Mott at the information table
booklet would be published in-house
in the Gathering Place for specific deand available for personal devotions
tails and completion date. Why not try
during the 2017 Lenten season. The
it…you might like it!!!
topic for the devotional is “Favorite
Scripture” and needs be only one or
two paragraphs at the most.
Third Reformed Church Assists
Youth Mission Initiatives
by Nate Schipper
Youth of today have a strong sense that
the world is not as it should be. Many
welcome even a limited opportunity to
address life’s iniquities. Service learning
trips can empower students, motivated
by the Gospel, to begin righting some
of the wrongs of material and spiritual
poverty, racial injustice, and neglect,
among others.
-12. We encourage you to read it and
consider its importance.
A “Youth Mission Development Fund”
was established in 2007 as an endowment to accept contributions to assist
groups of students who participate in
mission experiences which offer occasions for learning and serving. Grants
from the Fund must be matched with
Brochures available in the literature
funds earned by applicants. Only the
rack in the Gathering Place describe a
interest earned through the endowspecial fund established to support
ment may be expended as grants. BeThird Reformed Church mission and
cause the endowment principal reservice projects for students in grades 6 mains untouched, to produce income
for years into the future, added gifts to
the principal, and the income also can
be increased to assist the groups, with
greater significance. Applications for
grants are reviewed by a committee
appointed according to the Manual of
Church Operations.
We thank those who have already contributed to the “Youth Mission Development Fund,” and we encourage others of you to consider the Fund as a
memorial gift or other donation.
Brochures are available in the literature
rack in the Gathering Place.
6 | 3rd Generation May Newsletter | A Publication of Third Reformed Church
LIFT “Super-hero Mobiles “ Race Night
Our Wednesday evening LIFT Elementary Program ended a wonderful year on April 13 with a
special event; racing the “super-hero mobiles/
rocket cars” which the children had made this
winter. Medals were awarded to all the children
for participating in this race and our grandprize winning “cars” were made by David VanDuinen and Jace Oor. A big thank you to Dan
Bolt for making this project possible!
Our 2015-2016 Children’s
Educational Ministries Staff
A BIG THANK YOU to the following
individuals who have served our children so faithfully this year.
Kara Green; Andy & Jane Zoerman
Little Lambs: Parent Rotation; Teen Volunteers
Sunday School:
Preschool: Bethany & Krystal Bulthuis; Carolyn
Elz; Jennifer Walvoord
K and 1st:
Amy Lunn; Karen Porter
Anna Beird; Deb DuMez
Jeanette Beagley; Sandy Stielstra
Jane Dalman; Dana Daniels
Barb Folkert; Linda Jacobs; Sheryl Lunn
Children’s Music: Mary VanVoorst
Children and Worship:
Leaders: Ellen Awad; Amanda Dykhouse;
Nancy Gebben; Nyla Hensley,
Kim Mendels Gretchen Monroe; Sarah
Vacation Bible School 2016
August 1-4; 6:00-8:15
For Children 4 years old—5th Grade
Plan now to join us as we journey under
the ocean and discover how Jesus looked “deep”
into people’s hearts and loved them,
just as he does with us today!
LIFT Elementary Program:
Leaders: Nancy Gebben; Jupy Honeycutt;
Katherine Hunsberger; Joyce Mott; Nicole
Stewart; Tyra White; Pastor Kent & Joyce Fry.
Craft-Cars: Dan Bolt (& Fathers)
Music: Kate Bolt; Mitch Conrad; Abby
We Need You
We will need many adults
and teens to serve at “Submerged” VBS this summer. Prayerfully consider how you might like to
serve and sign up in the Gathering Place starting on
Mother’s Day, May 8.
3rd Generation May | A Publication of Third Reformed Church | 7
Library Corner
By Chris Walvoord
Recently someone recommended a
novel to me, and fortunately, I decided
to try it. The book didn't sound too
promising, but more like a real downer. It is, after all, set in Stung
Meanchey, the largest municipal garbage dump in all of Cambodia, and the
protagonists both live and earn their
living there. Their child is ill, and while
medicine helps his illness, money for
medicine is very scarce. And then
there is the rent; paying for deplorable
conditions is bad enough, but the rent
collector is a thoroughly unlikeable
person. The Rent Collector by Camron
Wright had me neglecting other things
and reading like a fiend to find out
what happens in this surprisingly life- in church. Daniel points out, humoraffirming book which is based on a
ously and sincerely, that while God
real situation.
may be found in lots of places, God is
also in the flawed, fallible, and deeply
As a clergy spouse, I have been
faithful church.
trapped in more than one conversation (usually at a wedding reception
Chuck DeGroat, associate professor of
where I know almost no one) with a pastoral care and counseling at Westperson who is absolutely compelled
ern Seminary, as a pastor and counseto tell me why he or she no longer
lor, has heard often and repeatedly,
goes to church and how they find God “I'm being pulled in a thousand differin nature or in the New York Times.
ent directions.” And who among us
Each of these persons presents this
has not said or thought the same
story as if it is unique to them, not
thing? We may think if we had just a
realizing I have heard it several times little more time, or relaxation, or rest,
before. Lillian Daniel, a clergy person that we would be ok. Instead,
herself, starts her book with this so
DeGroat recommends a different way
she had me from the beginning.
of living and being that can transform
When “Spiritual But Not Religious is
us from the inside out. Read about
Not Enough” explores how people are this in his book Wholeheartedness.
searching for God—as long as it is not
Washington School Neighbors
By Andrew Spidahl
“God's basic method of communicating God's self is not the ‘saved’
individual, the rightly informed believer, or even personal careers in
ministry, but the journey and bonding
process that God initiates in community: in marriages, families, tribes,
nations, events, scientists, and
churches who are seeking to participate in God's love, maybe without
even consciously knowing it.” Richard Rohr, OSF
Washington School Neighbors is not
a Christian ministry. But it was born
and is still supported in the context
of different church congregations
working together for the good of our
shared neighborhood. This summer
several churches are seeking to partner along with WSN in
“Neighborhood Serve” June 15-18,
four days of service projects and
learning right here in Washington
School Neighborhood. We’d love as
much variety of participation as pos-
sible. If you’d like to learn more or be
involved, you can contact the WSN
Connector Andrew Spidahl
([email protected], 616-4225104).
Richard Rohr may express in the
quote above what you believe as a
person of faith – that people can participate in God’s love in community
without even knowing it, and that
this is the best way to know God.
8 | 3rd Generation May Newsletter | A Publication of Third Reformed Church
Living Green
By Mark Faga
I hope that all of you were able to relax over Spring Break, seems that's all
you could do if you were on a staycation like my family was. Snow, rain
and temps that barely hit 40 didn't
allow for too much "fun in the sun"
activity. But that's O.K., right?, because we live in W. Michigan. We are
hearty folk who don't get down about
gloomy weather. We hold on to the
fact that the next week will be sunny
and in the 60's.
Earth Day was on April 22nd. Did you
celebrate in any way? Last month I
encouraged you all to 1) buy better, 2)
seal better and 3) insulate better. I
did work on #1 by buying LED bulbs
and switching out the old incandescent and CFL bulbs, adding a smart
power strip and closing off the opening around my furnaces' filter. My
next step is to make sure my windows,
doors, plumbing and electrical are all
insulated well with caulk.
This month we celebrate MOM
(Sunday, May 8) and what better way
to do that than with some household
habit tips taken from the HGTV maga- Third, at what temperature do you set
your air conditioner? We all know by
now that chilly temps may feel good
First, how do you deal with a clogged
but can clobber your wallet. For every
tub drain? Typically the clog is from
degree you raise your thermostat, exhair in the pipes. The most ecopect to save 3-5% on your AC
friendly way to get the water flowing
costs. Try to keep your indoor temp
again is to use an old wire hanger
between 72 and 78 degrees and use a
twisted into a hook. Push that into
ceiling fan which uses less energy than
the drain, rotate it and pull the hair
your AC.
out. Then pour 1/2 cup of baking soda
down the drain followed by 1/2 cup of Finally, how bad is it to rinse a paintwhite vinegar. Wait 30 min. pour hot brush in the sink? Paul Abrams, a
water down the drain and repeat. If
Roto-Rooter spokesperson says it deyou still need help, try a sink plunger, pends. If you're on a septic system
a drain auger, a chemical drain cleaner you should NEVER let any amount of
or your last resort, a plumber.
latex paint go down the drain. If
you're on a public sewer system it's
Second, do you sleep with your bednot so bad at all. However, Paul says,
room door open or closed? Apparentto dilute the latex let the brush sit in a
ly the majority of us like to sleep with
jar of water for a few hours. Then
the door open at least a little so as to
turn the faucet on as you pour the
hear what’s happening in other rooms
jar's contents down the sink to dilute
and for kids and pets to wander in and
it even further, then wipe down your
out. But with safety in mind first, an
sink with an all-purpose cleaner.
open door can lead to trouble. A
closed door is one of the best defens- So, happy belated Earth Day, and to all
es against the heat and smoke of a fire of our Mothers....you're the best and
and can slow the progress of flames
we love you dearly. Take it easy on
says Lorraine Carli, spokesperson for "your" day and be pampered. Don't
the National Fire Protection Associacook or clean, let us do it for you. We
tion. Regardless though, make sure
love you!!
you have smoke alarms in each bedroom and outside the sleeping area.
Electronic Contributions
By Del Van Dyke
TRC offers members the opportunity
to make contributions via electronic
funds transfer (EFT). You may begin
using this service in one of two ways;
1)go to the church’s website,
www.trcholland.org and click the
“Online Offerings” button located to
the left of the home page under
“Media” or, 2) contact Del VanDyke
for an “Authorization Form”.
expenses by reducing the fees paid
for checks processed by the bank.
Members control the amount, frequency and designation of their conEFT makes giving easier and maintributions. For each contribution, the
tains a high level of accuracy and conmember’s bank statement indicates
fidentiality. EFT allows TRC to cut
an electronic contribution to TRC.
3rd Generation May | A Publication of Third Reformed Church | 9
DVD Alert
stardom. Less about football and
more about the strength found in a
By Marti Sligh
family, this film is a powerful reminder
AMAZING GRACE — This film is based of blessings found in reaching out to
on the true story and passionate quest others.
of William Wilberforce to bring about
the end of the British slave trade to
based on the classic novel about the
the total abolition of slavery itself
values of a 10-year old boy whose
through the Slavery Abolition Act in
the British Parliament, accomplished hard work gives him the opportunity
in 1825 nearly 20 years after he began to purchase a pair of hunting
his activism. We are all familiar with dogs. Real life offers unexpected chalthe favorite hymn, “Amazing Grace,” lenges and heartbreak in this beautiwritten with his pastor, a former slave fully filmed story, suitable for families.
ship captain, is an everlasting tribute
to this victory. Given 4 stars by the
New York Observer, it is a well-done
epic drama.
VEGGIE-TALES for the youngest among
us, “Beauty and the Beet” provides a
lesson in unconditional love through
the animated efforts of Mirabelle and
THE BLIND SIDE — This PG-13 film is her traveling band, The Veggie Tones
and an unexpected change of plans on
also based on a true story about a
their way to Vegetable Square Garhomeless teen who’s known tough
den. Humor and song go a long way
times, but who happens to meet up
to bring home the message that kindwith a family who provides him with
emotional resources he’d never expe- ness can impact the grumpiest of
rienced that propel him to football
Save the Date
High Scream Social
(Garden Party Games)
Sunday, July 10, 2016
4:00 p.m.
Young Hearts
Is roe/caviar your favorite luxury
food? If so, and if not, you are still in
luck as Young Hearts May 26 at
noon will feature Ronald J. Clark,
Attorney at Law from Chicago, who
will share commentary accompanying his video on endangered sturgeon in the Kalamazoo River.
“Sturgeon for Tomorrow” is most
appropriate for the season as well as
an excellent link to the long lived
(225 million years ago) prehistoric
fish and when they come up the Kalamazoo River to spawn. Enjoy lunch
(sorry no caviar) and this fascinating
chat about some of the many species of fish belonging to the
Acipenseridae family. There is no
charge for this event, but reservations are needed. Please call the
church office, 392-1459, by Monday,
May 23 to make your reservation.
The church bus will be available for
anyone needing transportation—
just let us if you will be riding the
bus. The Fellowship Committee has
planned this event.
10 | 3rd Generation May Newsletter | A Publication of Third Reformed Church
Thank You
To our dear Third Church friends,
We do not have the words to express
how loved we have felt by so many of
you over the past three months as
Stan has worked very hard to recover
after his brain surgery in January. Pastors Kent, Kama and Nate as well as
Dee came often to read our favorite
Bible verses and offered words and
prayers of comfort. Such a great
number of friends prepared food for
me and then later delivered meals to
both of us that we were overwhelmed! The countless prayers,
cards, notes, plants, visits, responses
to Stan’s Caring Bridge site, the gift of
the lovely prayer shawl and many
other demonstrations of your concern
will always be remembered. Our journey goes on, and we are assured that
you, dear friends, will continue to accompany us.
With love and gratitude,
Stan and Kit Witteveen
We would like to express our gratitude to the pastors, staff, and members of Third Reformed Church for the
many visits, cards, and prayers that our
mother, Henrietta Hoksbergen, received from you prior to her passing
away on March 11. Your thoughtfulness and caring meant so much to her.
We also want to thank those who participated in, and attended her memorial service on March 22. The cards and
comforting messages that you sent
have been very much appreciated, and
your kindness and concern will always
be fondly remembered.
Mary and Tom De Vries and family
Dave Hoksbergen
For all of you who have so faithfully
filled the office of “Pray-er for Illumination,” we owe a word of deep gratitude. So many comment on how much
it means to have the different voices
from the congregation (especially
mentioned are the children) to add to
our preparation for hearing the words
of Scripture through sermon and song.
you are appreciated. Thank you.
Peg Van Grouw
Address/Phone Changes
Pray for
Mark & Cindy Hiskes 301 Foxcroft Circle M-990-1659; C-990-2268
Lois Huizenga
Julie Charlton
Barb Mummert
Lee Ten Brink
(birthdays 80 years plus/anniversaries 50 years plus)
Walter & Ruby Thome May 15
61 years
to family and friends of Gordon Brewer who died on April 17.
to Marilynn Lantay in the death of her brother, Ted Schreur, on April 20.
May 2016
3rd Generation May | A Publication of Third Reformed Church | 11
8:00-Matins Choir
8:30-Worship Service
9:30-TRC Singers
9:40-Education Hour
4:45-Carillon Choir
7:30-Senior High
Trip Information
3:30-Monday FunDay
9:30-Staff Meeting
7:00-VBS Team
6:15-Men’s Bible
6:30-Sunrise Saints
Morning Prayers
6:30-Housing Fundraiser Soup Supper
Prayer Group
8:00-Matins Choir
8:30-Worship Service
9:30-TRC Singers
9:40-Education Hour
12:15-TRC Ringers
4:45-Carillon Choir
12:00-Blood Drive
1:30-Miriam Bible
Study Group
8:30-Ruth Bible
Study Group
9:30-Staff Meeting
Elizabeth Bible
Study Group
12:00-Lydia Bible
Study Group
6:15-Men’s Bible
6:30-Sunrise Saints
Morning Prayers
8:00-Matins Choir
8:30-Worship Service
9:30-TRC Singers
9:40-Education Hour
12:15-Third Sunday
Pizza Lunch
4:45-Carillon Choir
6:30-8th Grade
7:00-Martha Bible
Study Group
9:30-Staff Meeting
Ministries Board
5:45-Elders Meeting with Confirmands
7:30-Elders’ Meeting
6:15-Men’s Bible
6:30-Sunrise Saints
Morning Prayers
1:30-Rachel Bible
Study Group
9:30-Staff Meeting
6:15-Men’s Bible
6:30-Sunrise Saints
Morning Prayers
12:00-Young Hearts
4:45-Carillon Choir
4:45-Carillon Choir
Church Office
9:30-Staff Meeting
Prayer Group
12 | 3rd Generation May Newsletter | A Publication of Third Reformed Church
Third Reformed Church
111 West 13th Street
Holland, MI 49423
CareLine: 393-5574
non-profit org.
u.s. postage
Holland, MI 49423
Permit #17
volume 22, number 4