You`re invited! - West Lawn United Methodist Church


You`re invited! - West Lawn United Methodist Church
It’s time to mark your calendar again for First Saturday
Worship (formerly Beautiful News), the first Saturday
evening of every month, for inspirational praise music,
testimony, Holy Communion, and fellowship in the
WLUMC Community Center. On Saturday, September
5th at 6:00 pm, Dave Haas will lead the Praise Band, and
Jean Howe will share a message on how God has been
calling her to serve and leading her in this new journey.
Join us and be inspired and encouraged by stories of how
God is working in wondrous ways in people’s lives.
[If you would like to share
your testimony at a First Saturday Worship service, please
send a brief summary of your
story to Pastor Jeff at
[email protected].]
You’re invited!
to our 15th
year of West Lawn Wednesday dinners
served in the Community Center
(between 4:30 pm and 7:00 pm) beginning September 9th. This community
meal, is served by volunteers from our Kitchen Ministry
who donate their time and talents to provide an environment that reflects the love of God in our community. By
offering a quality meal at a fair price ($8.00 per person), we
seek to create a loving Christian atmosphere that feeds
both the body and the soul within our church family and
beyond, ministering to those in need.
Join us for a Wednesday evening meal, then drop in for a
Bible Study or Community Group (see page 6 for a list of
current offerings) as we begin another year of “feeding the
body and feeding the soul.”
West Lawn UMC will again be participating
in the annual CROP WALK on Sunday, October 11, 2015. Like last year, this year’s walk
will begin at Gring’s Mill at 1:15 pm
(registration at 12:30). Walkers can choose to walk a 1mile, 3-mile or 5-mile loop.
This interfaith community walk is a hunger education and
fundraising event sponsored by Church World Service
(CWS), and locally by the Reading Berks Conference of
Churches. Of the money raised 25% goes to The Greater
Berks Food Bank, and 75% goes to CWS.
To make this year’s Walk a success, we NEED walkers
and sponsors! Later in September and in early October,
visit the CROP Walk table set up outside the breezeway
on Sunday mornings. Here you can both sign up to walk,
or make a pledge for those that are walking. For additional information, please contact Dan Allan at 610-927-1647,
or Barb Myer at 610-670-0407, [email protected].
More information will follow.
In addition, to further support this cause, choose to eat at
Isaac’s on Thursday, September 10. Bring a group of
friends and family for dinner at Isaac’s in the Village
Square Shopping Center in Wyomissing. Isaac’s will give
25% of the meal cost to our CROP Hunger Walk. More
details, along with a special Isaac’s flyer, will be included
in the September 6 bulletin.
Thank you in advance for supporting this very important
Let’s kick off the new Circle of Friends year with our
annual trip to Kauffman’s Chicken BBQ. Enjoy a great
dinner, followed by a round of miniature golf, and last
but not least, ice cream at Way
Hars Dairy on the way home.
We’ll meet you at Kauffman’s at
4:30 pm on Saturday, September
12th. See you there!
by Pastor Raffauf
It’s September, and for many, it is time to return to the basics – reading, writing and arithmetic. As schools open students have to remember what they learned last year, prepare themselves for this year’s lessons, and hopefully, retain
much so as to make use of what is learned in all their years ahead.
Whether you are in school or not, the same principles hold true for those of us who are committed to living for Jesus
in the Body of Christ here at West Lawn United Methodist Church. We need to get back to basics, as well. For us,
the basics aren’t the “3 R’s,” but the practices we discover in the 2nd chapter of Acts. As we heard at our recent Acts
2 Encounter weekend (Aug. 28-30), we know through the biblical witness that the Church is called to make certain
things a part of our everyday lives. They include:
Worship – This fall we will strive to continue to offer a quality worship experience to all who join us for this central
act of the Christian church. We continue to offer a traditional worship format, complete with the singing of hymns,
organ and piano music, choir and other special musical offerings, and passionate, relevant preaching at 8 o’clock and
11 o’clock every Sunday morning, in the sanctuary.
We also offer our “praise worship” format, marked by singing newer songs that are projected onto the screens, and
singing to other instruments (drums, guitars, piano and keyboard, etc.), participatory prayer time, and passionate, relevant preaching at 9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary and 11:10 a.m. in the Community Center for “Community Worship.”
In addition, we will be hosting “Converge,” a new young adult worship experience for the greater Berks community,
on Friday evenings, September 4 and October 2, and we return this fall to our own “First Saturday” worship, beginning September 5 at 6 o’clock p.m. Both take place in our Community Center.
Prayer – We are a people of prayer, and we invite you to get back to basics in your relationship with God through the
privilege of prayer. There are many ways one can participate in our prayer ministries, and just as many ways one can
be blessed through our prayer ministries. Just ask us.
Also, we will be taking a basic look at prayer during worship and in Community Groups this September. “Before
Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer” will be our first sermon series of the fall, and the topic of discussion and learning in Community Groups forming Wednesday evenings with Pastors Jeff & Andrea.
Fellowship – happens, we hope, whenever we gather together, enjoy one another’s company, and draw strength from
each other. (See What We Can Learn from Redwoods’ Roots on page 5.)
Compassion – God calls us to demonstrate compassion to all we meet and serve. God, who the Bible says, is love,
calls us to love one another, as God has first loved us.
Evangelism – If what we have discovered and embraced for ourselves (that Jesus can be our Savior and desire to be
our Lord) is truly “good news,” then we have the privilege of telling others about this life-changing discovery. Of
course, the best testimony we can give is to live a life that reflects the amazing love of God in all we say and do. It’s
the Wesleyan way. It’s what God expects each of us to do.
We believe we have a great church that can do even greater things, all for the glory of God. We hope you will join us
this fall as we strive to get back to basics, and learning about and love God… together.
Pastor Jeff
Pastor Jeff Raffauf, Lead Pastor
Pastor Andrea
Pastor Andrea Haldeman, Pastor of Discipleship & Congregational Care
Family Promise
Tween Group Starting September 13
We will be hosting guests from the Family Promise program two more times this
year: September 13-20 and December 613. Please mark your calendars.
Calling all Tweens in Grades 4 and 5 – Our “exclusive” Tween group will
begin on Sunday, September 13! Bring your friends for another year of
great fellowship, games, food and fun as we explore who we are and what
we are on this Earth to do! Our time together will take place on the second and fourth Sunday of each month, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. The gang will
gather in Room 202 of the Community Center, then move to the large
room for group games each session. Join leader Kelly Rismiller, and assistants Steve and Kristen Scholl for another great season of Tween Group –
West Lawn style!
We have a great group of volunteers
serving this mission. However, we are
always looking to increase our group.
We have openings for meal makers,
evening hosts and overnight sleepers.
Also, we can always use help for set up
on Sunday at 12:15 PM and teardown
the following Sunday at 7:30 AM.
If you have never had the opportunity to
be a Family Promise volunteer, but you
are interested, please call or email Wayne
& Linda Weikel at (610) 678-9499 or
[email protected].
2015 Fall/Winter Schedule
(6:00-7:30 PM, Community Center Rm 202)
Sunday, September 13
Sunday, September 27
Sunday, October 11
Sunday, October 25
Sunday, November 8
Sunday, November 22
Sunday, December 13
No gathering on December 27
Annual & General Conference News
by Pastor Jeff Raffauf
In years past it was customary for our Annual Conference to hold an “adjourned session” of conference in the fall.
This was most often done so all would have adequate time to consider the conference budget, which is very hard to
prepare with good numbers by May. This year will be one of those years. The Adjourned Session will be held November 14, 2015 at the Macungie campus of Bethany UMC, 3801 Brookside Road, Macungie, PA 18062. We
ask for your prayers for this time of “holy conferencing.”
Also, related to the adjourned session, members of annual conference will be voting again for those who will represent
the Eastern PA United Methodist churches at General and Jurisdictional conferences in 2016. This voting originally
took place at the May session of conference. At that time I was honored to be elected to the General & Jurisdictional
conference delegations.
However, in late July the bishop was informed of “voting irregularities” related to misuse and improper programming
of the electronic voting devices that were used for elections. Bishop Johnson has since nullified the election. Voting
must take place again, and she has chosen the adjourned session on November 14th for those elections.
While deeply disappointed by this, as it would have been an honor to serve, this, like all matters, remains in God’s
hands. I am still nominated for election and my name will be on the ballot. If you feel so inclined, I would appreciate
your prayers in this matter.
I would also ask you to lift in prayer: (1) the voting process on November 14th, that it would go smoothly and fairly, (2)
the election of delegates, so that those elected would represent our orthodox faith and Wesleyan tradition, and (3) that
those elected will seek God’s leading as they vote on the many issues that will come up at General Conference in May,
2016 and as they elect one or more new bishops at Jurisdictional Conference in July, 2016.
Baptisms/New Members
Inquirers’ Class
Baptism and reception of new members
will be offered on September 20 at all four
services. If you have any questions or to
schedule a baptism, please contact the office at 610-678-5611.
(Next opportunity will be October 18)
Our next Inquirers’ Class will be on Sunday,
September 13, at 12:30 pm in Room 109 of
the Education Bldg. This class is for anyone
who would like to learn more about the
Christian faith, The United Methodist
Church, or making West Lawn your church
Guitar workshops will start
up again on
September 13.
Watch for more
Adult Christian Discipleship
Opportunities to Listen and Learn and Build Your Relationship with God!
There is a nip in the air, and, along with the changing season, school starting and the excitement that Fall brings comes
opportunity to learn and grow in your faith. So, here are just a few opportunities available in our Adult Christian Education and Bible Study academy. We are Bible based and Christ centered. WE are: West Lawn!
Monday Night Bible Studies:
7:00 PM Max Lucado’s “Before Amen: Power of a Simple Prayer.” Start: September 14, 2015 in Room 110 of the Education
Bldg.. Contact: Paul Dodge at [email protected] or Church Office
7:00 PM “The Reformation”-Looking at the History of the Church” Start: September 14, 2015 in Room 109 Education Bldg.
Contact: Dick Freeze@ [email protected] or the Church Office
Tuesday Bible Studies
9:30 AM “Ephesians: An In Depth Study” Start: September 15th in Room 109 of the Education Bldg. Contact: Pastor Andrea @ [email protected]
Wednesday Bible Studies
9:30 AM “Islam: What Christians Need to Know” Start: September 16th Room 109 of the Education Bldg. Contact: Pastor
Andrea @ [email protected]
See page 6 for Wednesday evening offerings
Sunday School Classes at 9:30 am
Table Talk I - Current Study: Adam Hamilton’s “The Call” in Room 109 of the Education Bldg.
Loyal Pairs and Spares - Current Study: Acts of the Apostles Uniform Series in Room 110 of the Education Bldg.
Barth Class - Current Study: Epic of Eden in Room 112 of the Education Bldg.
Spanish Sunday School Class- Various topics; in Room 101 of the Community Center; Contact Pastor Nick
Young Adult Worship & Fellowship at 10:45 am “Kick off Brunch” on Sept 13th in Rm 110 of the Education Bldg.
Table Talk II at 11:00 am – Current Study: Andy Stanley’s “Follow” in Room 109 of the Education Bldg.
Attention all West Lawn UMC parents!
Kids Club
September 9,2015, will be the first day for the new Kids Club (previously called Ablaze). We are excited to
have the opportunity to try a new curriculum of bible study, music, games, and crafts. All children from
Kindergarten to fifth grade are welcome to join us on Wednesday nights from 6:30PM to 7:45PM.
Anyone interested in serving as an assistant at Kids Club, please contact me, we would love to
have you!
Sunday School
The kick-off for the new year of Sunday school was held on August 30, 2015. It was a day of fun and fellowship. The children had an opportunity to get to know their new classmates and teachers.
There are many exciting changes that will take place this school year. The classroom assignments have the
following changes:
Toddlers- Birth -2 year olds (No change)
2nd-3rd Grade- Room 207 (room and name change)
3 and 4 Year olds- Room 202 (room change)
4th -5th Grade- Room 206 (room and name change)
K – 1 Grade- Room 208 (room and name change)
All Toddlers through Grade 5 classes will be held in the Reiner Education Building.
Anyone interested in serving as a Sunday school teacher or assistant, please contact me, we would
LOVE to have your help!!!!
Thank you and God Bless! Allison Piscitelli, Director of Children’s Ministry
Please contact me with any questions or concerns- [email protected]
New Journey
Community Outreach
138 South 6th Street
Reading, PA 19602
Main Number: 610-375-2662
Food Program Contact :
Ann Marie @ 610-375-3310
Clothing Center Contact:
Beverly @ 610-944-9924
Please come join us and our other volunteers providing
food and clothing services for those in need.
We need help in the Clothing Center
on Wednesday &Friday mornings 10:30 AM- 12:30 PM
sorting & handing out clothing.
We also need help on Wednesdays
from 9:30 to noon with
registration and packaging groceries in our Food Pantry.
Hope Rescue Collection Bin
Perhaps you have noticed the collection bin in our
west parking lot. The community is encouraged to
use this to donate clothes, shoes, belts, purses, and
book bags in ANY CONDITION! Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s clothing is used for resale
through Hope Rescue Mission’s (HRM) Thrift
Store, that generates 40% of their annual budget, or
it is donated through clothing vouchers to those in
need in the community. People should NOT leave
any items outside the bin on the ground, but rather
call the Mission 610-375-4224, Ext. 1 to schedule a
free pick-up of larger items directly from their
home or office. All donations are tax deductible,
and HRC would be happy to provide them with a
donation receipt form for them to fill-out and keep
for their records. The Mission receives no grants or
public funding. HRM is not a United Way partner,
so this donation bin is a great way to support a long
-standing, local, faith-based outreach to those in
need! (NOTE: The HRM collection bin is in-
tended for community donations. WE will also
continue to receive clothing items for New
Journey Community Outreach’s Clothing Center. Bring those items to the area outside the
church office. Thank you for your generosity.)
What We Can Learn From Redwoods’ Roots
We can learn something from the Redwood trees of California.
The redwood trees of the northern and north central California coast are the tallest trees on earth. They may reach over 350 feet in height. In order to grow so
tall, one might think that deep roots are needed to hold them in place and nourish
these giants.
Given the great height the mature tree attains, the root system of the redwood tree
is surprisingly shallow. There is no taproot and the other roots may reach no deeper than 6-12 feet. The major roots
are about 1 inch in diameter and they typically spread 50 to 80 feet. One way in which the trees are able to remain upright for millennia is by growing close together with other redwood trees, intermingling root systems.
In order to remain standing, they entangle themselves with one another and hold each other up.1
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, then you will produce much fruit. Without me, you can’t do anything.
If you don’t remain in me, you will be like a branch that is thrown out and dries up. Those branches are gathered up, thrown into a fire,
and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified when you produce much fruit and in this way prove that you are my disciples. John 15: 5-8 CEB
As you make your plans for the fall and begin to fill up your busy schedules, will you make time to “entangle” yourself
with other believers? Will you allow yourself to draw strength from the “saints” around you? Or will you choose to go
it alone?
We hope to see you at church this fall…
For worship each Sunday, and First Saturdays, too!
For nurturing of the Body and Soul at West Lawn Wednesdays.
For Bible study, Sunday School, Community or support groups, serving ministries, and fellowship.
from UMC Development Center e-newsletter, August 25, 2015
West Lawn Wednesdays Begin Again on September 9th
As the summer draws to a close, we look forward the start of our busy West Lawn Wednesday schedule! As in years
past, we will fill our campus with events to not only feed the body, but also feed the soul! Sign up now for one of these
many programs and classes. For a complete dinner menu schedule, refer to our website.
Dinner in the Community Center – 4:30-7:00 PM
Community Groups with the Pastors – 6:45-8:00 PM
Other Community Groups & Bible Studies – Times Vary, See Below
Women at the Well Group – 7:00-8:30 PM
ALPHA Class – 6:00-8:00 PM
Adult Choir – 7:00-8:00 PM
Junior & Senior High Youth Group – 6:30-7:45 PM
Kids Club (Grades K-5) – 6:30-7:45 PM
Nursery Childcare – 6:00-8:00 PM
Class Registration: Sign up today to get connected to a Fall 2015 Wednesday night class or group! Return this form to
the Church Office, place it in the offering plate, or email your registration information to Kelly
([email protected]) by Sept. 6.
Community Groups with the Pastors – 6:45-8:00 PM (HeBrews Cafe & Room 109)
(Discussion: Before Amen & War Room studies)
Community Group for Families with Toddlers/Young Elementary children
(6:15-7:30 PM, Room 200)
Community Group: Mixed Ages and Genders
(7:00-8:30 PM, Praise Team Room, behind Sanctuary)
Advanced Bible Study, beginning early October
(7:00-8:30 PM, Room 110)
Women at the Well Group – 7:00-8:30 PM (Room 112)
ALPHA Class – 6:00-8:00 PM (Comm. Center Conference Room)
Adult Choirs – 7:00-8:00 PM (Music Suite)
Junior & Senior High Youth Group – 6:30-7:45 PM
(Fire House Cafe & Comm. Center Rooms 201 & 202)
Kids Club (Grades K-5) – 6:30-7:45 PM (Rooms 202, 204-206 & 207-209)
Safe Haven Lighthouse – 3:00-5:30 PM (Rooms 110, 112 & HeBrews Café)
In addition, our nursery will be open every Wednesday evening from 6:00-8:00 PM for children ages 5 and under. All
other children should be dropped off and picked up at their specific classroom at the appropriate times.
Questions? Contact Kelly Rismiller at 610-678-5611, [email protected]
Your emotions can range from being totally out of control and all over the map to “I’m not feeling anything.”
Your thinking is not clear. You forget things. You talk to somebody and your thoughts trail off in the middle of
a sentence. You’re just not yourself. People will make comments to you about “You know, you’re not quite the
way you were.” All of this is so, so normal. - H. Norman Wright
GriefShare grief recovery seminar and support group will begin at West Lawn UMC on Tuesday, September 8th at 1:00
p.m. GriefShare features nationally recognized experts on grief recovery topics. Seminar sessions include “Is This Normal?” “The Challenges of Grief,” “Grief and Your Relationships,” “Why?” and “Guilt and Anger.” We would love to
have you join us. Should you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact Pastor Andrea at
[email protected] or call the office at 610-678-5611.
WLUMC Twelfth Annual Golf Tournament—Sept. 20th
The twelfth annual WLUMC golf
and mini golf tournament is fast approaching! This year’s event will be
held at the Manor Golf Course and
Pagoda Golf Area on September
20th. The tournament format will be
a four person scramble, teeing off at
1:00 pm (shotgun start). The event
features lots of great prizes, food and
fellowship. Some lucky player could
win $7,500 cash if they make a hole
in one on the par 3, hole #2. Hole
sponsors are needed and if you know
of interested parties, contact Ron
Livezey at 610-678-4387. A 12” x
16” sign will display your business,
place of employment, or family
name. The cost of the sign will be a
nominal fee of $50, and $40 for participants with a sign from last year’s
event. We thank you for your past
support and hope to see you at the
course. All proceeds go to mis-
Place: Manor Golf Course
153 Bryan Rd.
Sinking Spring
Place: Pagoda Golf Area
497 Mountain Home Rd.
Sinking Spring
Time: 1:00 pm; Shotgun Start
Cost: $55.00 per person; includes
green fees, cart, Chicken Bake, drinks,
and prizes. Dinner will be served at
the church immediately following
Time: 4:30 pm
Format: 4 person scramble. Unlimited use of drives from each player.
Play best drive then choose best shot
until ball is holed out for score.
Includes mini-golf, prizes, and Chicken Bake. Dinner will be served at the
church immediately following golf.
Prizes: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers closest to pin on all par 3’s, longest drive on Hole #9. Hole in one on
#2 wins $7,500 cash.
Senior Division: Each team member
60 years or older (6 or more groups
must sign up) 1st Place Prize Only.
Cost: $15.00 per adult;
$10.00 per child
(12 & under)
Format: Lowest total score without
taking more than a
score of 6 on one
Prizes: 1st, 2nd, and
3rd place finishers.
Mail entry form to: John Gaenzle, West Lawn UMC, 15 Woodside Ave., West Lawn, PA 19609
Make checks payable to: WLUMC Golf
Contacts: John Gaenzle 610-781-4943 or Ron Livezey 610-678-4387
Note: Guests may attend dinner for a $9.00 fee payable at the dinner.
Manor Golf Course
Pagoda Miniature Golf
Foursome Info:
Mini Golf Info:
Check here if you qualify for Seniors.
Total Paid ________________________________
Thank you to the many, many, many servants at West Lawn for your participation and support of our big August community outreach events. We especially want to thank everyone who was involved with our “On the Road” Peach Festival, the backpack giveaway organization and contributions, and the helping hands at our Faithful Friends Consignment
Sale! At all three of these events, we achieved our mission to invite, embrace and empower hundreds of families in various formats. We fed and entertained the crowd at St. Matthew’s church, equipped tons of kids with backpacks and
school supplies, and offered huge discounted children’s clothing’s and toys to local families. At all events, friends of
West Lawn demonstrated living as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Thank you!
SEPTEMBER 20, 2015
Kauffman’s Chicken BBQ/ Miniature Golf
& Ice Cream at Way-Hars; Meet at 4:30 PM
OCTOBER 24, 2015
“Josiah For President” @ Bird-in-Hand Restaurant
Lunch at 11:30 am; Show at 1:00 pm
NOVEMBER 15, 2015
Stokesay Castle Dinner with Ringgold Band: “A
John Philip Sousa World Tour”
DECEMBER 20, 2015
Christmas Cantata at West Lawn UMC at 7:00 pm
JANUARY 16, 2016
Movie Night @ WLUMC Community Center
7:00 PM Show—TBA; Popcorn & soda
FEBRUARY 19, 2016
Reading Royals Hockey Game
MARCH 12, 2016
Hain’s Church Dinner with Rev. David Reinwald,
Gospel Singer & Performer at 6:30 pm
APRIL 30, 2016
Dutch Apple Dinner Theater- “Menopause” 6:00 pm
MAY 2016—TBA
JUNE 11, 2016
Reading Phillies Game
If you would like more information regarding Circle of
Friends events, please contact Jim & Bev Woodring at
610-678-7168 or [email protected].
Keeping the Connection (KTC) is starting up again for the school year 2015/2016. If you have someone going to
college or know of someone that you think would like to get a care package from our church family, please send in their
name and address from the school they are attending. You can call in your address to the church office or send an
email to [email protected]. We will be sending out our first package mid October so if you would like to donate
any goodies to be put in the boxes, they can be dropped off at the church office and marked KTC
WLUMC Women’s Retreat-November 6th—8th
“Lighten Your Load”
Are there days when life just seems a little heavy? Do you feel you need a
break? Get rejuvenated and spiritually recharged by joining us for the
Women’s Retreat the weekend of November 6-8, 2015. God wants us to
save time and space for him. He wants us to find time to restore our souls
through the study of his Word, through worship and through fellowshipping with others. "Come to me,1 all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give
you rest.” ~Matthew 11:28
We will welcome Grace Fabian as our presenter, who will inspire us as we
learn about her life as a missionary and Bible Translator in Papua New
Guinea and how God brings joy out of pain. She will lead us through some
of the ways we can Lighten our Load, by identifying the burdens we carry
and by helping us to identify ways we can turn over those cares to our
This year during our free time, we are going to offer chair massages and
paraffin hand treatments provided by Berks Technical Institute student interns. We will also offer a few off campus excursions for a manicure or
pedicure (for an additional fee). If that doesn’t appeal to you, you may
want to take a shopping trip to a nearby mall, curl up and read a book, take
a walk, or simply join a group for an afternoon movie. Come join us at the
Traber Center in Spring City where we will have a weekend of great food
by Chef Mark, hotel-like accommodations, and great fellowship! Bring a
friend or group to room together, or if you’re not sure who to room with,
we will be glad to coordinate that for you. Register now to save your spot!
Receive a $20 discount off your registration fee if you refer the most friends
(use the space below to indicate referrals).
REGISTRATION FORM (due by Sept. 13th)
Home Phone #________________________
E-mail Address__________________________ Is e-mail a reliable form of communication? Yes or No
Retreat cost includes: 2 nights lodging, 4 meals, and speaker
Occupancy (circle one): Triple/$130pp
Double (if available) $150pp
Please arrange roommates for me. OR
I have made arrangements to share a room with:
1. _________________________ 2. ____________________________ 3. ________________________
You may pay in full or reserve a space with a $75.00 non-refundable deposit due by Sunday, Sept 13th, 2015.
Full payment is due by Sunday, October 18, 2015.
All checks made payable to: West Lawn UMC; Memo Section: Women’s Retreat
Please mail your registration form and payment to:
Carolann Schneiderhan
West Lawn United Methodist Church
15 Woodside Avenue
West Lawn, PA 19609
Any registration questions, call Carolann at 610-678-5611.
*Please indicate who referred you to register for the Retreat:
P AGE 10
Ministry Highlight: Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord!
We want to take this opportunity to lift up and thank some people who have ministered to
our congregation through their leadership and musical direction. Each and every Sunday, we
are blessed to have many servants use their talents to glorify God. Through their gifts we are
inspired and spiritually fed each week. We want to especially recognize Scott Long who has
provided the leadership and prayerful direction of our wonderful Praise Team for the last several years. As he follows God’s leading and enters a new season of service in his life, we give
thanks to God and look forward to seeing the ways God will continue to guide and utilize
Scott’s passion, talents and gifts. We will continue to look forward to hearing our talented
Praise team with Andy Hoffert and Greg Hill continuing to lead these services. Greg Hill will
take over the administrative duties of the group.
Another faithful servant who has glorified God through music is Judy Alvarez. She has been
on the staff at West Lawn United Methodist Church for 17 years. She has faithfully led our Children’s Music Ministries.
During that time she has nurtured and helped to develop the love of the Lord through music in our elementary aged
children. We are thankful for her many inspiring children’s presentations of song, chimes and musicals. This summer
Judy elected to step down from the Children’s Music Ministry, but will continue to direct the adult Bell Choir, accompany the choirs and serve as a supply organist during special services. She also looks forward to this new season of service as she recently became a Local Church Servant and will be continuing to pursue a Christ Servant Minister certification.
We are thankful for her many years of service and for the many wonderful musical presentations that she shared with
the children and the congregation of West Lawn UMC.
We would like to welcome Helen Hagerty Clark to our staff as the new Director of Children’s Music. She brings with
her a professional career that includes a diverse background of church musical experiences and classroom music teaching. Her early participation in her rural Ohio home town’s UMC congregation and community school-based music
programs compelled her to pursue music as her career. She holds a Master’s degree in Music Education from Capital
University, Columbus, Ohio and is a substitute music teacher in the Wilson School district. Helen is married to Rob
Clark and is a mother of two young children, eight year old Lydia and two year old Henry. She is also recognized within our community as a Girl Scout leader. You can read more about her background on the web at
HelenInHarmony, then click the “About the Artist” tab.
Her energy and passion for sharing her love of music with children is captivating. She has a passion for inclusion and
helping children discover God’s gifts through music. She will be introducing herself and offering some short musical
activities each Sunday morning during Sunday school, as well as offering Children’s Chimes and Children’s Choir rehearsals. If you have children, or know of children, in Kindergarten through Sixth grade, we encourage you to have
them register for these ensembles. You can read more about our music offerings and the schedule in the registration
papers on the next page or at the Welcome Centers. She will also be sending home an invitation to all of the Sunday
school children during the beginning of September.
Christmas Craft Bazaar
The official date for this year’s
Craft Bazaar will be Saturday,
November 7, 2015 from 9:00
AM to 2:00 PM. Set up will be
Friday, November 6th between
2:00 and 4:00 PM, or Saturday, November 7th
between 7:00 and 9:00 AM prior to the arrival of
Reservation forms for venders have been mailed
out early because of the changed date. Blank application forms can be secured at the church office
or by calling Laura Trewella at 610-373-0614. Return of the application along with a check will secure your space on a first come, first serve basis.
Our Bell Choir is looking for a new ringer for
the largest bell. If you
are interested in joining
us, please contact Judy
Alvarez at 610-678-5611.
Among the 150 people in attendance
at the recent Laity Academy were several from West Lawn UMC, including
Joe Kuhn, 92, and Sarajean Reinert,
17, each answering God’s call to service at this time in their lives!
P AGE 11
Make a Joyful Noise with WLUMC Children’s Music Program 2015 Registration
West Lawn UMC and Mrs. Helen Clark, Director of Children’s Music would like to invite children in Kindergarten to
Grade 6 to Make a Joyful Noise on Sundays starting this fall!
Please indicate your interest and place this completed sheet in the offering plate, return it to the Church Office, or email your registration information to [email protected]
****Music programs begin on Sunday, September 13th!****
Kids Choir (Grades K, 1, 2, 3) Ed Bldg Room 200, Sundays, 9:00 - 9:30AM
Children in Grade K - 3 are invited to join together for Sunday Morning Singing time before Sunday School.
Families can look forward to seeing this ensemble sing
 Monthly Special Music at Sunday morning worship services (Dates TBA)
 Children’s Christmas Eve Service (Thursday, December 24th, 5pm)*
1. Child’s Name
Grade Entering (2015 - 2016):
Allergies or Special Needs/Requests/Info:
2. Child’s Name
Grade Entering (2015 - 2016):
Allergies or Special Needs/Requests/Info:
I/we/an adult from our family would like to help out with the Children’s Christmas Program and preparation.
Please contact me! Name:
Tween Choir (Grades 4, 5, 6) Ed Bldg Room 200, Sunday Mornings 10:30 - 10:55AM.
2nd & 4th Sundays 5:30 - 6:00PM. KICK-OFF PARTY: Sunday, September 13th, 5:30pm!
Tweens in Grades 4 - 6 are invited to join the choir after Sunday School, and Sunday evenings, before Tween &
Youth Group meetings. Join for fellowship & Song! Families can look forward to seeing this ensemble
 Monthly Special Music at Sunday morning worship services (Dates TBA)
 As part of the Christmas Cantata (Sunday, December 20th, 7pm)
 Children’s Christmas Eve Service (Thursday, December 24th, 5pm)*
Tween Chimers/Junior Hand-Bell Choir (Grades 4, 5, 6) Ed Bldg Rm 200, 2nd & 4th Sundays 6:00-6:30pm
KICK-OFF PARTY: Sunday, September 13th, 6pm!
Tweens in Grades 4 - 6 are invited to join the Chimers ensemble for a time of fellowship and musicianship, twice a
month, following the same schedule of the Tween Group. Members of this group will learn about playing hand-held
“chimes” to make music together. Regular attendance will mean more performances can be prepared, but anyone can
join - no experience necessary! Families can look forward to seeing this ensemble
 Occasional Special Music at Sunday morning worship services (Dates TBA)
 Children’s Christmas Eve Service (Thursday, December 24th, 5pm)*
. Child’s Name
Grade Entering (2015 - 2016):
Allergies or Special Needs/Requests/Info:
2. Child’s Name
Grade Entering (2015 - 2016):
Allergies or Special Needs/Requests/Info:
I/we/an adult from our family would like to help out with the Children’s Christmas Program and preparation.
Please contact me! Name:
* Additional rehearsals may be added for Christmas Eve Program preparation
P AGE 12
The United Methodist Women will gather for
their first meeting of the fall on Tuesday, September 15 at noon in the Hebrews Café. Harriett Ziegenfuss will share the Spiritual Growth
study from mission u—“Created for Happiness:
Understanding Your Life in God.” The Beatitudes will be the spiritual theme for this year. The purpose of United
Methodist Women is to develop a deeper spiritual life as part of a
community of women who put their “Faith, Hope and Love in Action” on behalf of women, children and youth in our neighborhoods
and around the world. All women are invited to bring your lunch,
beverage and dessert will be provided. If you have questions or need
transportation, please contact Harriett Ziegenfuss (610-678-3107) or
Anna Bickhart (610-670-1671).
Donations of underwear for all ages, men’s clothing and financial
contributions are needed for the UMW In-Gathering event on
9/26. Clothing will be donated to New Journey Clothing Closet.
“CROP Hunger Walk”
On Thursday, September 10, 2015, Isaac’s Famous Grilled Sandwiches (Village Square, Wyomissing) will host a fundraiser benefiting the Reading-Berks CROP Hunger Walk. Isaac's will be supporting the CROP Walk by contributing 25% of your meal cost. Bring
your family and friends out for a great dinner and support the
CROP Walk as we raise money to feed hungry people through
Church World Service and the Greater Berks Food Bank!
WHERE: Isaac’s Famous Grilled Sandwiches
Village Square, 94 Commerce Drive
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Call 610-376-1717 to place your takeout order
(Valid at this location only)
WHEN: Thursday, September 10, 2015, 5:00-9:00 pm
HOW: Bring this flyer with you to Isaac’s, complete the information, and hand it to your server when paying.
This form can be used for Dine-In, Takeout & Online Orders
at! Use coupon code FUND for online
fundraiser orders. Please complete this information for your
Number of People in Party:
Total Cost of Meal (excluding tax):
*Coupons, discounts, or specials not valid during this fundraiser.
Want to help our organization earn even MORE? Add an
Isaac’s Gift Card to your check and 15% of the gift card sale will be
added to the fundraiser! Gift card must be used.
Shepherding Volunteers Are Still Needed
Shepherding Ministries added quite a few new
clients during the summer months. Unfortunately, we also added quite a few volunteers to
the temporary disabled list. We continue to
struggle to find enough volunteers for the
Womelsdorf community and hope that our
partner churches in Womelsdorf will encourage
their members to join us in service to others
who need our help to get to their doctor appointments, dental appointments, testing and
therapies. Whether we like to admit it or not, all
of us are going to be in need of help with transportation at some point in our lives. It’s nice to
think that our children, grandchildren, friends
and neighbors will provide that transportation
for us when we need it. But, in many cases, the
reality is that they may not have the time or
desire to do it when that time comes.
Shepherding is and will be there as long as we
have caring individuals who are willing to come
forward and give just a little bit of their time to
help others. Just a reminder of what you can
expect as a volunteer:
 One hour of training
 Only one transport a month that will average 2 ½ hours of your time
 Mileage reimbursement
 Insurance coverage
 NO driving in bad weather
 A wonderful volunteer thank you breakfast
 VIP transportation for volunteers who
need to become clients
 The knowledge that you have made life so
much better for someone else because you
were willing to give just a little bit of your
time for them
The next training date is Wednesday, September 16th at 10:00 at St. John’s (Hain’s) UCC
in Wernersville. Please call Cheryl Young at
610-670-5945 if you have any questions.
“You have not lived today until you have done
something for someone who can never repay
you.” ~John Bunyan, British preacher & writer
Penn State
Berks Campus students
picked up
welcome bags
on August
2 5 t h .
Thanks to all
who donated items for
the bags!
P AGE 13
Sign up now for our fall retreat
The youth group is going to
Camp Innabah on OCTOBER 2ND
RETREAT! The theme for this
event is “renew” and we will focus on the 4 points of Mark
12:30. There are a limited number of spots available for this
retreat so please sign up right
away!!! The cost is $125 per
person and this is open to all 6th
through 12th grade students!
Going back to school is stressful,
We have everything you need to know about what is happening with the youth ministry this fall!
Below are the new meeting times and there are calendars available with what our topics are each
week, what events and retreats we are going on, along with sign up dates and costs! Please pick
up a calendar in the welcome center or email [email protected] to request an electronic
version. We are also working hard to get all of this information, including permissions slips and
forms on the youth page of the newly redesigned church website!
Our New Fall Meeting Information:
Sunday School: Sunday Mornings at 9:30AM
Jr High (Grades 6-8) in C.C. Room 201 / High School (Grades 9-12) in the Firehouse Café /Confirmation (8th grade and above) C.C. Room 202
Youth Group: Sunday Nights from 6-8PM: Open to all 6th through 12th Grade students in the C.C.
West Lawn Wednesdays: Dinner for youth (6th –12th grade) at 6PM. SMALL GROUPS at 6:30PM
It is not too late to join this years confirmation class. If you missed our informational meeting on August
30th, but are still interested in joining. Please call the church office at 610.678.5611 to learn more.
Confirmation class with kick off on Sunday September 13th
Remember to check the weekly bulletin for more info about upcoming events, weekly meeting times and how to get involved!!!
AGE 14
We know that church giving does not come in 52 equal installments. So, we sometimes
review our giving based on our “congregational historical giving” profile. Using the last 3
years as our “normal” we find that through 8 months (minus 1 week) we are right about on
target to meet our mission and ministry obligations for this year. What does that mean? If
giving continues through the fall at the same generous rate as we have experienced in January through August, we should be able to fully support our partner missionaries, fund ministries and pay our bills.
Many still like to see how giving stacks up against “budget” [with budget being defined as annual budget divided by 52
(weeks)]. Here, too, we are encouraged by your faithful and generous giving. Through 34 weeks gifts are up over last
year by $66,860, or 8.36%. Compared to budget, we are just $23,362.46 behind budget; roughly the equivalent of 1 Sunday’s offerings. Through July, expenses were below budget, while income exceeded expenses by $3,211.
We ask for your prayers as the Finance Team begins to prepare our Budget for Ministry for 2016. Pray for each ministry team leader and team as they submit budget proposals for 2016 during the first weeks of September. Pray, also, that
God is honored by our gifts and our stewardship of those gifts.
The September selection is a
JoJo Moyes novel “The Last
Letter from Your Lover.”
We welcome you to join us
Wednesday, September 2nd at
7PM in the Community Center, Room 102 for discussion
and book selection for the
winter months. See upcoming bulletins for the October
Current Prayer Chain ministers and those interested in learning more about the Prayer
Chain are cordially invited for a light lunch and information session on Sunday, September 27th at 12:30 PM in the HeBrews Café. Let’s celebrate how God is using this
ministry and how the prayers of the faithful are making a difference in the lift of the
church and the world! Do you feel the call to pray for others? Do you like praying in
the quiet of your home for the ill? shut-in? our world? the church? our Pastors? This
may be the ministry to which God is calling you. Even if you’re unsure, come and join
us on Sept. 27th. Pastor Andrea and the leadership of the Prayer Chain will be there to
answer questions and help you understand how God can use TOU! For more information, contact Anna Bickhart at 610-670-1671 or Mabel Reighley at 610-678-5141.
(Forwarded from Dr. Jim Baucom, Columbia Baptist Falls Church, Virginia)
Thank you for the use of
the Community Center
Conference Room for our
P.E.O Book Club. We
were very appreciative
of all of the people who
went out of their way to
help! It was such a
warm, Christian welcome,
and we were so thankful.
Thank you all for sharing
a lovely, secure environment for our small group.
It was such a “homey”
atmosphere in appearance and spirit—what an
extension of sharing
God’s love.
~Joan Cruzan
This is a belated thank you to the West Lawn United Methodist Church in
Reading, PA when the Arabic Congregation was in need of workers to minister
to their youngest children during our July 4th Conference. The ladies, who
responded and several of their family members, were a tremendous blessing to
our kids during the conference. These dear folks put their hearts into serving
kids they did not even know. They went above and beyond all we could ask or
In particular, we want to express our appreciation to Carolann Schneiderhan
who was instrumental in recruiting helpers. We also own a debt of gratitude
to the helpers: Laurie and Jim Griffith, Allison Reber and her family as well
as Cindy Strausburger and her daughter. Please convey our love and appreciation to them. With Appreciation, Lydia Reskallah
Dear WLUMC, This extra special thank you note sent to you today holds
more appreciation than any words can say; for you are among the nicest people we have every known, and you will never be forgotten for the thoughtfulness you have shown. ~Quad W 2015
To the kind community at WLUMC, Thank you so much for allowing the
Autism Society of Berks County to use space in your facility. We pride ourselves on providing opportunities for those with autism in a safe & welcoming
environment. Thank you for helping us to do just that. We appreciate your
support of our organization and the wonderful kids we try to help! Sincerely,
Autism Society of Berks County Board of Directors.
P AGE 15
Leianne & Pete Cobaugh (9:30 Service)
Leianne & Pete started attending West Lawn at the recommendation of a friend, and the warm, welcoming,
family-friendly atmosphere brought them back. They have been married for 20 years with two children, Gabe
(14) and Samantha (12) They enjoy attending their children’s sporting events year-round: soccer and basketball
for their daughter, and swimming and water polo for their son. Leianne likes gardening & cooking, and Pete
enjoys endurance events and his wife’s cooking. They both enjoy physical fitness and spending time outdoors, especially with family.
Linda & Pete Donovan (9:30 Service)
Linda & Pete live in Birdsboro, and became regular visitors to West Lawn after their granddaughter, Kinsey
Palm, was baptized here. They really enjoy the 9:30 service’s music, intensively engaging sermons, and friendliness of the congregation. They have three beautiful daughters, two who live nearby and one in Wisconsin, three
great son-in-laws, three grandsons and two granddaughters. Pete has been a driver for 39 years, currently for
New Penn Trucking, and enjoys deer hunting in Western PA, and working in the garden and yard. Linda
volunteers time crafting for Hopewell Love, Inc., a non-profit serving the Birdsboro area, and likes sewing, craft
home projects, and helping out family. They both enjoy beach vacations with the family, spending time with the
grandchildren, and traveling to Wisconsin.
Karen Garverich (9:30 Service)
Karen began attending West Lawn at the suggestion of friends. She is single, and has two pet cats. She is an
avid reader, enjoys watching British TV, attending senior exercise class, dining and dancing.
Amy & Jeremy & Katelyn Palm (9:30 Service)
After the birth of their first daughter, Kinsey, Amy & Jeremy were brought WLW meals by Barb Heckman.
They loved the meals and began attending Wednesday night meals. They felt so welcomed by the volunteers and
met such great people, they began worshiping here on Sunday as well. Jeremy has been a Health & PE teacher
at Wilson for 12 years, and Amy is an RN at Paoli Hospital. They enjoy spending time together as a family
and love outdoor activities and watching their two girls grow up. Kinsey is 4 and loves swimming, crafts and
making her sister laugh; and Katelyn is 8 months and loves her Elmo microphone, our dog, Cody and watching
Kinsey dance.
Carole Young (9:30 Service)
Carol has been away from the church for a long time, and felt like it was missing from her life, so she needed to
return. She is the oldest of eight children, and has two sons, Brian and Shane. She enjoys scrapbooking, sewing,
jewelry making, weaving and reading.
Darryl & Denna McDonough (11:00 Service)
Darryl and Denna came to West Lawn UMC looking for a friendly, warm and spiritual church to worship in.
Denna grew up in Wernersville and graduated from Conrad Weiser. Darryl grew up in West Wyomissing and
graduated from Wilson and Penn State Berks. They met while working at Hechinger’s together, and have been
happily married for 18 years. Denna cares for her mother who lives with them, (as well as for their two beagles
Copper and Bella), and Darryl is Sales Manager at Adidas Wrestling. Denna likes to read and sing in the
choir, and Darryl enjoys Penn State football, Phillies, and trains. They both love spending time together with
family & friends, going on vacation, and spoiling their two Godsons and great niece.
15 Woodside Avenue
West Lawn, PA 19609
Phone: 610-678-5611
Pastor Jeff Raffauf
Pastor Andrea Haldeman
Pastor Nick Camacho
Pastor Terry Cooney
Every Sunday: Worship
8:00 am Traditional Worship
9:00 am Fellowship Time
9:30 am Praise Worship
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Fellowship Time
11:00 am Celebration Worship
11:00 am Table Talk 11
11:10 am Community Worship
11:30 am Children’s Church
Every Sunday:
Meetings at Various Locations
7:00 pm Community Groups
7:00 pm Women at the Well
7:00 pm Chancel Choir
7:00 pm Kid’s Club
7:00 pm Youth Group
7:00 pm Goody’s Group
6:30 pm ALPHA
6:00 pm Rabold s’Small Group
4:30 pm WLW Dinner
3:00 pm Safe Haven
9:30 am Study of Islam
7:14 am Prayer Service
Every Wednesday:
Family Promise
Family Promise
Atlantic City Mission Trip
Family Promise
A.C. Mission Trip
Haiti Mission Trip
Family Promise
A.C. Mission Trip
9:00 am F Friends
9:30 am Bible Study 1
9:30 am Bible Study 2
9:30 am P. Andrea’s Bible Sty
1:00 pm Griefshare
7:00 pm NA
6:30 pm Courage to Change
6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study
7:00 pm Bible Study 1
7:00 pm Reformation Bible St
7:30 pm Overeaters Anon.
12:30 pm Prayer Chain
5:30 pm Kid’s Choir 4-6
6:00 pm Chimers
6:00 pm Tweens Group
9:00 am F Friends
9:30 am Bible Study 1
9:30 am Bible Study 2
9:30 am P. Andrea’s Bible Sty
1:00 pm Griefshare
7:00 pm NA
9:00 am F Friends
9:30 am Bible Study 1
9:30 am Bible Study 2
9:30 am P. Andrea’s Bible Sty
12:00 pm UMW Luncheon
1:00 pm Caring Community
1:00 pm Griefshare
6:00 pm Bridge of Hope
7:00 pm NA
9:00 am F Friends
9:30 am Bible Study 1
9:30 am Bible Study 2
9:30 am P. Andrea’s Bible Sty
1:00 pm Soaking Prayer
1:00 pm Griefshare
4:00 pm Bd. Of Ordained Min
6:30 pm Courage to Change
6:30 pm Prayer Team
6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study
7:00 pm Bible Study 1
7:00 pm Reformation Bible St
7:30 pm Overeaters Anon.
6:30 pm Stephen Ministry
6:30 pm Courage to Change
6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study
7:00 pm Bible Study 1
7:00 pm Reformation Bible St
7:30 pm Overeaters Anon.
9:00 am F Friends
7:00 pm Diabetes Support
7:00 pm NA
Baptisms/New Members
@ all services
1:00 pm Golf Tourn. @ Manor
4:30 pm Golf Tourn. @
Golf Dinner following events
See Sunday
Worship @ Left
12:30 pm Guitar Workshop
12:30 pm Inquirers Class
4:00 pm Friends of God
5:30 pm Kid’s Choir 4-6
6:00 pm Chimers
6:00 pm Tweens Group
8:00 am Traditional Worship
9:00 am Fellowship Time
9:00 am Kid’s Choir K-3
9:10 am Choral Ensemble
9:30 am Praise Worship
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Fellowship Time
Haiti Mission Trip
10:30 am Kid’s Choir 4-6
Haiti Mission Trip
11:00 am Celebration Worship
See Sunday
7:30 pm Overeaters Anon.
Worship @ Left
11:00 am Table Talk 11
pm Choral Ensemble
11:10 am Community Worship 7:00
11:30 am Children’s Church
6:00 pm Youth Group
A.C. Mission Trip
See Every
Wednesday @ Left
Family Promise
See Every
Wednesday @ Left
Haiti Mission Trip
See Every
Wednesday @ Left
See Every
Wednesday @ Left
12:00 pm Embrace the Journey
11:30 am Safe Haven Mtg.
7:00 pm Women’s Book Club
7:00 Goody’s Group
7:00 pm Women at the Well
7:00 Chancel Choir
Family Promise
A.C. Mission Trip
6:30 pm Bell Choir
7:00 pm Exercise Class
1:00 pm Needlework
2:30 pm Food Pantry
6:30 pm Bell Choir
7:00 pm Exercise Class
11:00 am Crafters
4:30 pm Relay for Life
6:30 pm Bell Choir
7:00 pm Exercise Class
7:00 pm Little Acts of Love
Haiti Mission Trip
Family Promise
Haiti Mission Trip
A.C. Mission Trip
9:00 am Sexual Ethics
10:00 am Newsletter
2:30 pm Food Pantry
6:00 pm Wedding
7:00 pm Converge
1:00 pm Needlework
7:00 pm Exercise Class
Haiti Mission Trip
A.C. Mission Trip
Family Promise
Haiti Mission Trip
8:00 am Car Wash
3:00 pm Wedding
6:00 pm 1st Sat. Worship
Robert Angstadt
Robert Hughes
Brooke Maurer
Meredith McGrath
Ashlee Neuin
Jocelyn Reber
Cathy Rittle
Tracey Wagner
Chelsea Weber
Mark Wisniewski
Debra Bortz
Alexa . Denny
Harry Hall, III
Deborah Hoag
Robert Hutchinson
Jessica Karacz
Jody Karacz
Joe Marsden
Amanda Mikes
Ross Ricketts
Robert Stout
Kenneth Bock
Barb Depsky
Jared Hayick
Tammy Hessler
Olivia Huls
Robert Sweitzer
Donald Westley
Justin Behrenshausen
Jeff Detwiler
Kathy Griesemer
Corey Hunter
John Lena
Rose Mercer
Beth Snyder
Catherine Weitzel
Brooke Angstadt
LeRoy Christman
Lisa Delewski
Holly Foster
Donald Miller *
Reid Weikel
Shawne Weinhold
Jo Goodhart
Terry Gordon
Randy Hafer
Jeanne Hetrich
Kathleen O'Donnell
Nasir Peace
Cody Rohrbach
Megan Swearingen
Louise Bressler
Todd Ebling
James Herbein
Michael Kershner
Michael King
Jim Lochman
Theodore Puc
Linda Ramsey
Gary Stump
Grace Swartz
Heidi Swartz
Ian Swartz
Julia Traffas
Marilynne Wiederspahn
Tod Witman
Gwen Gaenzle
Randal Gardner
Robert Phillips
Helen Rothenberger
Carl Didyoung
Kim Filer
Barbara Geiger
Lisa Hoopes
Glenn Opel
William West
Galen Wyrick
David Crissman
Robert Gray
Erin Gusley
Jessica McAllister
Kevin Vincent Focht
Patrick O'Leary
Dorthea Schrader
Pearl Stoudt *
Eric Werner
Kelly Bagdon
Adam Englehart
Jenna Haas
Richard Houser
Leaha Lutz
Dustin Martin
Hope Martin
Susan Noecker
Hilary Ohlinger
Kerry Pawling
Barry Rittle
Larry Spayd
Rebekkah Thomas
Wynne Cloud
Terry Cooney
Alex High
Deb Kochel
Robin Lewars
Ryan Bubb
Marilyn Faughner
Lucas Gunzelmann
Stephanie Lee
Julia Reber
Ralph Stamm
Jayme Trogus
Heather Chasarik
Noah Dutt
Lyda McCarty
Matthew Miller
Christopher Ott
Evelyn Quick
Wendy Sharetts
Austin Zalmanek
Megan Angstadt
Andrea Behrenshausen
Lois Carvel
Faye Dundore
Susan Henry
Mike Kochel
Ed Lensie
Jane Leupold
Maria Mickey
Sharon Miller
Dena Perez
Robbie Rada
Lisa Sechrist
Gabriel Semsel
Roy Smith
Arthur Brendel
Aubrey Gerhart
Mitchell Hettinger
Kathy Kauffman
Stephanie Kurtz
John Moyer
Dottie Ritter
Ryan Swavely
Bill Wildman
Lisa Gallagher
Ciara Whitney
Joanne Zweizig
Laura Depasquale
Terry Hauschild
Chase Herb
Migdalia Jimenez
Joey Kieffer
Michael Mathis
Lauren Mercer
Nancy Poole
Al Wicks
Chris Wiederspahn
Logan Baldwin
Robert Griffith
Stephanie High
Ethan Lasher
James Papada
Steven Van Winkle
Jennifer Conner
Joyce Eager
Leslie Harris
Sandra Jones
Christopher Magee
Sharon McLean
Ruth Shaffer
Jeffrey Warmkessel
Carolyn Weller
Irving Bressler
John Hoag
Jacob Witman
Michael Dutt
Homer Kershner
Craig Seda
Sara Wicks
Jean Christman
McKenna Groh
James Moorman
Morgan Rath
Stephanie Romberger
Dean Vandersall
Garrett Gittler
Ryan Gittler
Twila Goetz
Melody Malia
Laila Moore
Stanley Roberts
Shawn White
Betty Langdon
Warren Marweg
Ray Miller
Steven Noecker
Kristen Shiller
Larry Smith
Stephanie Adam
Kara Aughinbaugh
Barbara Bankes
Donald Coleman
Charlotte Jordan
Dee Mathis
Amy Traffas
Aiden Zalmanek
George Bayliss
Carl. Bolick
Michael Ketner
Carl Loeper
Jonathan Moore
Cooper Young
Brian Zillhardt
Rick Dierolf
Jocelyn Moyer
Robin Salyards
Robert Tier
Erika Beidelman
Robert Emerson
Lisa Evans
Rick Fehling
Lily Jordan
Wayne McIntosh
Kyle Moyer
Natalie Ohlinger
Linda Shaner
Kelli West
*Donald Miller
312 Woodside Ave.
West Lawn PA 196091642
*Pearl Stoudt
Stone Ridge
Room L65
Myerstown, PA 17067
If we have inadvertently
forgotten your birthday,
please contact the church
@ 610-678-5611