to THE CALL publication - Assyrian Orthodox Church of


to THE CALL publication - Assyrian Orthodox Church of
Quarterly Magazine of the
Assyrian Orthodox Church of Virgin Mary
October - November - December 2014
644 Paramus Road, Paramus, NJ 07652 •
A Quarterly Magazine of the Assyrian Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary
Assyrian Orthodox Church Of the Virgin Mary
644 Paramus Road, Paramus, NJ 07652
Church Services
Divine Liturgy: Every Sunday 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Sunday School:
Every Sunday 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Includes $50 deacons fund
Minimum 1 deacon required
Weddings $400
Includes $25 Diocese registration fee and $50
Deacons fund, minimum 2 deacons required
Includes $50 deacons fund
Minimum 2 deacons required
Very Rev. Fr. John Khoury
637 Victoria Terrace, Paramus, NJ 07652
201.447.1329 - Fax: 201.251.2312
Church Information
Board of Trustees
Peter Nakkash
Amine Minas
Tevfik Sayanlar
Jemma Ayaz
Riyad Rachko
Nader Minas
Vice President
*Note: It is suggested that a contribution be given to the priest.
Memorial Services 40th or Year: If you wish to have coffee and
cake served to all parishioners in memory of a loved one following
a Memorial Service, kindly notify the Board of Trustees one week in
advance. The cost of donating coffee and cake is $200.
Social Hall Rentals: Contact Neil Akdemir (201.406.3689).
Damage deposit may be required. All parties must end by 1 a.m.
For Rental Fees, please contact Mr. Nail Akdemir
Advertising in The Call: Contact any board member.
A donation of $20 to cover the expenses
of printing 4 issues annually.
The Call is your quarterly Church Magazine. Consider making a donation
to cover expenses.
The Call
Assyrian Orthodox Church of Virgin Mary
644 Paramus Road
Paramus NJ 07652
Articles for the
next issue are due
March 15, 2015
The Call is printed four times a year
Winter Issue (January - February - March)
Spring Issue (April - May - June)
Summer Issue (July - August - September)
Fall Issue (October - November - December)
Orhan Abaci
Neil Akdemir
Cem Ayaz
Fuat Celikbas
George Saliba
Coskun Tasci
Board of the Elders
Orhan Abaci
Sam Allos
Jack Aydin
Adnan Aydin
Zeki Celikbas
Zakkour Chivi
Souheil Dunia
Edmund Rassam
George Saliba
Tevfik Sayanlar
Nuran Tasci
Other Members
Aziz Akdemir
Deacons President
Gabriel Adamo Church Attorney
All submissions and questions
regarding The Call should be
directed to:
644 Paramus Road
Paramus, NJ 07652
Email [email protected]
Visit us at
Publishing of this quarterly magazine is made possible through your support.
Please advertise in THE CALL or DONATE to keep this magazine alive.
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will.
-Luke 2:14
The Board of Trustees and the following parishioners
would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a
Happy and Prosperous New Year
His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II
Fr. John & Mrs. Linda Khoury and Family
Fr. Eli & Mrs. Fay Shabo and Family
Neil & Aynur Akdemir and Family
Cem & Tania Ayaz and Family
Fuat & Jemma Ayaz and Family
Orhan & Belma Abaci and Family
Len & Evelyn Cheringal
Fuat & Margaret Celikbas and Family
Rita & Sait Elmas and Family
Robert & Gladys Gabriel and Family
Gladys Haboob and Family
Amine & Silva Minas and Family
Basile & Helda Minas
Nader & Mary Minas and Family
Peter & Amal Nakkash and Family
George Palak
Sonia & Joe Palenchar
Riyad & Shereen Rachko and Family
Dr. Maurice & Dr. Dima Rachko and Family
Hikmet & Linda Rachko and Family
Eli & Rindalla Saade
George & Dr. Virginia Saliba and Family
Gabriel & Caroline Saliba
Malki & Naima Saliba
Louis & Michline Saliba & Family
Roger & Victoria Saliba
Tevfik & Hulya Sayanlar and Family
Coskun & Rima Tasci and Family
The Renewal of the Church
By Very Rev. Fr. John Khoury
The new church is founded on
faith; on the faith in Jesus as the
Son of God, “And Simon Peter
answered and said, You are the
Christ, the Son of the Living
God.”’ Matthew 16: 16. This new
church, which has replaced the old, is a church of new believers
who embrace Christ as their Savior. Christ dwells in the new
church because believers in Him gather in and belong to it. They
meet inside the new church because of Him and His Holy Name.
He said, “For where two or three are gathered together in My
name, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew 18: 20. And this
is to prove what the prophet Jeremiah said, “For the Lord has
created a new thing in the earth.” 31: 22.
Our center of worship and interest, in the new church, is Christ
with whom we identify and with whom we are all one body, and
Christ is the head of the church, “For the husband is head of the
wife, as also Christ is the head of the church; and He is the savior
of the body.” Ephesians 5: 23.
The new church is different from the old church. In the old
church animal and cereal sacrifices were offered. In the new
church, one bloodless sacrifice is offered every time a priest
or an archbishop celebrates the Holy Eucharist. This bloodless
offering recalls Jesus’ bloody death on the cross. Jesus died on
the cross for our sins. In remembrance, He gave His Holy Body
and His Holy Blood as a True Food and True Drink from which
we eat and drink for our eternal life, “Whoever eats My flesh and
drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last
day.” John 6: 54. Jesus prescribed to us this holy sacrament on
Maundy Thursday, the night He washed the feet of His disciples
in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22;
John 13.
In the new church, the Christian worshiper grows in mind and
soul. He grows to love God and not to fear and tremble in His
presence as was the case in the old church.
Jesus Christ renewed the church by the pouring of water and
the dwelling of the Holy Spirit in our beings at the time we were
baptized. Those who believe and are baptized are saved and
those who do not are condemned. Mark 16: 16. In baptism, we
get rid of the old man and put on the new and eternal man.
In baptism we are a new creation because we have been born
again. “Most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born again
he cannot see the Kingdom of God.” John 3: 3. We are told and
taught to change our behavior and life-style. We are urged to
profess Christ as God; and we are invited to be Christ-like by
displaying our good deeds and faith.
Baptism is a second death; it points to Christ’s death. As Christ
rose from the dead in glory, we also rise gloriously from the
water of baptism and walk into a new life, “Therefore we were
buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ
was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so
we also should walk in newness of life.” Romans 6: 4. Christian
baptism is a heavenly baptism for its author is heavenly.
Christian baptism is a new birth from water and the Holy Spirit,
“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the
spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.” John 3: 5.
By celebrating the Renewal of the Church, we recall all the
spiritual gifts given to us by Christ who promised that He would
always be with us and with the church until the end of the
world,” and “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the
age.” Matthew 28: 20.
Our church celebrates the renewal of the church to remind us
of our internal and active role inside it. A renewal of the church
is our continuous attendance and worship as one true and
believing fellowship inside the house of God. A renewal of the
church is to continuously acknowledge, proclaim and practice
our Syrian Orthodox faith. A renewal of the church is to witness
Christ as God with courage and faith without hesitation, fear
or shame. The renewal of the church is to identify ourselves
with it, not only through social activities but rather through our
religious expressions and exemplary life, spiritually speaking.
Historical Fact:
The Book of Acts mentions the growth and the renewal of the
church as a result of the constant preaching of the dogma,
“Christ the Son of God” by the zealous disciples. The church we
are talking about is our Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch, in
which St. Peter established the first legitimate See in Antioch,
Syria in the year A.D. 43. The disciples together with the
indigenous Syrians were for the first time called Christians. Acts
11: 26.
The First Original Churches and Sees:
1 - The Church of Jerusalem. This See was later joined to the See
of Antioch.
2 - The Church of Antioch. The first archbishop was Evodius who
was appointed by the disciples. The second archbishop was
Ignatius the Illuminator and whose name our patriarch uses.
3 - The Church of Alexandria. Represented today by the Coptic
4 - The Church of Constantinople. Represented by the Greek
5 - The Church of Rome. Represented by the Catholic faithful.
Continued on Page 10
644 Paramus Road
Paramus, NJ
Peace and Good Will;
The heavenly angels sing of glory, peace and good will for a new
dawn of hope and promises is suddenly breaking. Behold, the good tidings
of the Heavenly Father unfold to us in the following manner:
The great mystery which was kept in the bosom of God, from the
beginning of creation, is happily announced to mankind by heavenly hosts.
The Word becomes flesh, God descends from His heaven so gently; and with
His love, He overcomes our fear and frustration.
Once His glorious birth was revealed and His mercy and Kindness
never ceased from flowing in the stream of human events. Before His birth,
the world was barbaric and barren. Nowadays, the world is civilized and full
of His blessings.
May the glory of His holy birth never fade away from our earth. We
pray that it stays with us forever, with increasing hope with lasting peace
and good will.
Very Reverend John Khoury
Patriarchal Vicar
His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II,
Very Reverend John Khoury, Patriarchal Vicar and the
Board of Trustees wish you a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Board Of Trustees Elections - November 16, 2014 - Results
On Sunday November 16, 2014, The
Church of Virgin Mary had its Board
of Trustees elections. There were
six Nominees. The board needed
5 members: 4 new members and
another member to fill in a vacant
seat. The Nominees were: Orhan
Abaci, Cem Ayaz, Tony Jabaly, Amine
Minas, Tevfik Sayanlar and Coskun
The Elections Committee prepared
for the elections and had 205
registered voters of which 106
people voted. Registered voters
are those members who paid their
membership pledges for the fiscal
year of 2014, by November 9th
2014. Detailed records of those who
voted were collected for the church’s
The election was held at the Paramus
church Hall - Stage area. Voting
started at 10 a.m. and ended at 2
p.m. Ballots were collected at closing
and counted to match the number
of signatures and applications
collected during the voting
period. Four members of
the Elections Committee
tallied the votes by publicly
announcing the names on
each ballot and recording
it on the chalk board as
well as recording the votes
separately. After the votes
were tallied, the following
results were announced:
Tevfik Sayanlar
83 votes
Coskun Tasci
82 votes
Orhan Abaci
81 votes
Amine Minas
77 votes
Cem Ayaz
68 votes
Tony Jabaly
43 votes
Four (4) members with the highest
votes will serve the board for 3 years
and the fifth member will serve for 2
years (fill a vacant seat).
The newly elected board met in
a special meeting on Tuesday
November 18 and elected new
Ladies Aid Society
Nezzie Bourejy - 100th Birthday
On November 30, 2014 our Ladies
Aid Society celebrated Nezzie
Bouregy’s 100 year surprise birthday.
She has been an active member of
our organization for over 50 years.
Her mother Ketuch Bahto was a
Charter member with our Newark
Nezzie was married to her late
husband Zane. He was instrumental
in the transition from our West New
York church location to Paramus. He
was a Board of Trustee President &
Elder plus a member of the Paramus
Building Committee.
Together they were faithful and
dedicated parishioners. They
worked, hand in hand, in many
of our church organizations and
functions all for our Lord’s glory.
They had two children, their late
son Zane and daughter Gail Schafer.
Nezzie is the grandmother to Gail’s
daughter Jean Walburn and son
Steven. She is a great grandmother
to Jean’s three sons Kayle, Kevin and
Ryan and, God bless, a great-great
grandmother to Kayle’s baby boy
Throughout all the years Nezzie is
still an inspiration due to her untiring
efforts and zeal for her beloved
church. May God continue to bless
her and her family. Happy 100 years
young birthday!
officers of the board. The following
officers were elected:
Peter Nakkash
Amine Minas
Tevfik Sayanlar
Jemma Ayaz
Riyad Rachko
Vice President
Corr. Secretary
Congratulations to all the winners
and thanks for all those who paid
their membership and participated
in the election process.
Board of Trustees of the Church of Virgin Mary
By Peter Nakkash, President
Abaci, Cem Ayaz, Amine Minas,
Tevfik Sayanlar and Coskun Tasci).
On Tuesday November 18th, the new
board met and elected its officers
and formed various committees to
manage and direct the affairs of this
church (Peter Nakkash as President,
Amine Minas as Vice President,
Tevfik Sayanlar as Secretary,
Jemma Ayaz as Treasurer and
Riyad Rachko as Corresponding
Secretary). The board will be
transparent and will try to address
any issues that might arise.
I want to take this opportunity
to thank my friend and previous
board president Tevfik Sayanlar. He
worked diligently to accomplish
many projects and cared for the
improvement of this church. Tevfik is
still on the board and we will draw on
his experience and ideas. Thank You
Our first and utmost goal is to
improve the communications
amongst the members of this church
with full transparency. We have a
commitment to serve the church
and the community with NO hidden
agendas. We are united. We have
one voice and continue to work on
improving the quality of this church,
Dear Friends,
As Christmas
approaches and we
think about giving
gifts to each other,
take a moment to
think of the less
fortunate people in this country
and abroad. For being surrounded
by loving family and for providing
us with abundant food and proper
shelter, let us give thanks to our
Heavenly Father.
We are proud and blessed to have his
Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem
II who was selected from our New
jersey community. We wish him the
best in his journey to improve and
address the plight of our people
everywhere; especially in the war
stricken areas. We also also happy to
work with Very Rev Fr John Khoury
and his leadership as he has been
leading this church for over 48 years.
May God work his Glory within his
It is a great pleasure to inform you
that we have a new board of trustees
and great team to work with this
year. On November 16, you elected
five members to the board (Orhan
Ladies Aid Society,
By Mary Sanar, President
Our Ladies Aid Society cooked and
served the food for the church annual
bazaar. We thank all the members
plus all ladies who worked to make
this event so successful. As usual, the
ladies came and did what they do
best; make delicious food for all to
enjoy. God bless all of them.
This year Belma Abaci suggested to
prepare Middle Eastern take-out food.
Belma, along with Elena Karroum,
both physical and spiritual. We will
continue to enhance the electronic
communications, put out bulletins
and inform the parishioners of the
projects throughout the year. In
addition, we will work closely with
the Youth as we fully support them
and will rely more on their energy,
ideas and commitment to serve the
community through volunteering and
creating positive friendly atmosphere.
The board has a special committee
to work closely with the youth. The
Youth are the future generation who
will be trained to serve on different
committees, boards, and be active
members of the community.
I am very optimistic of the work
that will be accomplished in the
coming year. With God’s help and
your support, we can overcome any
obstacles and improve the church.
The Board of Trustees extends its best
wishes to you and your family for a
very Merry Christmas and Happy New
Year. We all should pray to God to
spread peace and harmony over our
community, country and all over this
God Bless,
Peter Nakkash
became Chairpersons. They made
Cheese Borek, Meatless Yalenci and
Meat Samburek. They were sold out
both Sundays. Since it was so well
received this will be continued and
possibly expanded in the future.
Jane Yarar is our Christmas party
Chairperson. We will celebrate at
Biaggios restaurant on December
16th. It is our annual “ladies night” to
gather and enjoy all the festivities.
May all of us remember the prophesy
which was fulfilled with the birth of
our Lord, Jesus Christ;
“For to us a Child is born, to us a Son
is given, and the government will
be on His shoulders. And He will be
called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty
God, Everlasting Father, Prince of
Peace.” Isaiah 9:6.
The Board of Trustees would like to acknowledge and
thank The Ladies Aid Society for their continued support
of this church and donation of the funds to purchase
new chairs and install new carpet in the church hall.
For the teenager who is not doing dishes but is watching
TV because that means he is at home and not on the
For the parking spot I find at the far end of the parking
lot, because it means I am capable of walking and that I
have been blessed with transportation.
For the taxes that I pay, because it means that I am
For my huge heating bill, because it means I am warm.
For the mess to clean after a party, because it means that
I have been surrounded by friends.
For the clothes that fit a little too snug because it means
I have enough to eat.
For my shadow that watches me work, because it means
that I am out in the sunshine.
For a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need
cleaning, and gutters need fixing, because it means I
have a home.
For all the complaining I hear about the government,
because it means that we have freedom of speech.
For the pile of laundry and ironing, because it means
that I have clothes to wear.
For weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day,
because it means I have been capable of working hard.
For the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours,
because it means that I am alive.
And, finally …., for too much e-mail, because it means
that I have friends who are thinking of me.
(Source: Unknown)
Faith, Culture, Heritage are all hallmarks
which identify the mission that the
Syriac Urhoy Organization of NJ was
established upon; however since its
inception, the primary objective of its
members has been to find the means to
provide financial support to communities
and individuals around the world in order to alleviate
hardship in many forms. This has been accomplished by
hosting several events throughout the year that exemplify
the Urhoyan culture and heritage. One such event is the
annual Kebob Batenjan party which was held at the Church
of the Virgin Mary in Paramus NJ on October 25th of this year,
featuring Kebob Batenjan (eggplant Kebob), a staple dish of
the Urhoyan culture, along with Kibe Naye and many other
Middle Eastern mezza, which was prepared by the members
of the organization and enjoyed by over 400 attendees
including clergy and visitors from as far as Canada and
Pennsylvania, and the surrounding local community.
By hosting these successful events, the organization has
had the opportunity to raise the required funds to support
those within the community who are in need. For example,
to date, over $50,000 has been distributed to various
relief organizations in the Middle East to provide for daily
sustenance and medical relief during this time of war. Also,
over $40,000 has been distributed to various Syriac churches
to help in church growth and structure.
So by combining our heritage, culture and love for fun, we
have been able to demonstrate our faith and accomplish our
For the lady behind me in church that sings off key,
because it means that I can hear.
desire to help our brothers and sisters in need. We thank
all those who attended this and all previous parties and
supported our efforts. We look forward to seeing you at our
next event (Mid lent dinner in March 2015).
For more information on the organization and details on
funds distributed, please visit us on or follow
us on Facebook at
From our families to yours, wishing you a blessed Christmas
and peace throughout the world in the new year. May Christ
reign in the minds and hearts of all. Glory, Honor, and Power
be to God Almighty.
Assyrian Orphanage and School Association of America
By Riyad Rachko, President
As we are entering the holiday season, the spirit
of Christmas should not just be for one day but
for a whole year! Giving and receiving love is the
only guarantee of having a truly merry Christmas.
Our Orphanages overseas are calling on all of us
not to forget them and to continue the saga of giving.
As the civil war continues in Syria and Iraq, many of our orphans
have lost one parent, some both and many have lost the shelter
that was keeping them. The need for us to help is even greater
now than any other time.
We are praying for a peace throughout the Middle East and for
a safe haven for our people.
Our 2013 Christmas drive was a success and we are looking for
a better one this year. Through your generosity, we were able
to help many orphans and other newly orphans within Syria,
Turkey, Lebanon and Palestine. As many of our people are
migrating and fleeing their homes form Iraq and Syria, we are
reaching out to their new temporary place and helping them as
much as we are receiving from your donation.
We at TMS have and will continue to help our orphans and
school system throughout the Middle East, but without your
help it will be impossible to do. So again we are asking you to
be generous this year as we are preparing our Christmas drive
and wish the Lord to grant even a lot more as you are helping
our TMS.
On a happier note, I would like to congratulate our good friend
and previous president Mr. Peter Nakkash who has served as
president of TMS for the past 8 years. Mr. Nakkash was chosen
to lead our Board of Trustees for the Virgin Mary and we wish
him all the success in his new era. We will continue to work very
closely with him and the Virgin Mary board of trustees to make
sure that this transition would be a transparent one. We will
miss Peter as president, but we know he will continue on the
TMS board and will help us in any capacity.
The Lord has born to save us, let us rejoice and enjoy the birth
of our King.
May the magic of Christmas bring all of you happiness, cheers
and fun into your life?
Think of others. You can send any donations to:
Assyrian Orpahanage and School Association
C/O Riyad Rachko
644 Paramus Road
Paramus, NJ 07652
From the Sunday School
By Sunday School Staff
Our Sunday school 2014/2015 school year has gone off to a great
start. The children are settled in to their classes and are very
enthusiastic; we are blessed to have them.
On November 23rd, we are having a bake sale to support the
Thanks giving food drive. The baked goods will be prepared by
our Sunday school children with a little help from their parents.
Please help support this charity by purchasing a baked item.
Our annual Thanksgiving feast will be held on November 30th. For
the Sunday school children.
We would like to thank the parents who have volunteered their
Operation Christmas Shoe Box Charity. Over 100 boxes
time and effort to coordinate the on going charities of our Sunday
collected; Thanks to all of you!
school; Coats for Kids, Operation Christmas Child, and Toys for Tots
are just a few examples. Thank you Jasmine Akdemir, Reem Cruz,
Lydia Dawli, Ralda Georges, Nure Aliko, Tulay Akdemir, and Karin
On December 21st. Santa will be visiting our Sunday school
bearing gifts for the children, and then we start a new year. May
the peace of Christ rule our hearts, as we look forward to a healthy
happy new year.
“For to us a child is born to us a son is given, and the government
shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Isaiah 9:6
May God bless you and your families this Christmas and in the
coming new year.
Sunday School Thanksgiving Charity Bake Sale
Appreciation Day Deacon Aziz Akdemir
On October 26, 2014, Virgin Mary
Church honors & celebrates Deacon
Aziz Akdemir’s long & continued
dedication in serving our Syriac
Orthodox Community under the
Grace of God. Dn. Aziz says it’s his job
to serve the church, and he enjoys it!!
“For even the Son of Man did not
come to be served, but to serve, and
to give his life as a ransom for many”
-Mark 10:45.
Virgin Mary Church Youth members
& altar servants present a gift to their
mentor: Dn. Aziz. Also Shamosho
George Hanikeh from St. Gabriel
Church as well presents a gift to
Deacon Aziz.
Deacon Aziz humbly thanking our
Syriac Orthodox Church & community
for honoring his continued service to
the church. God Bless you and your
family Dn. Aziz Akdemir.
The renewal of the Church .....Contd
Hierarchy in our Church:
1 - The Patriarch.. (The Supreme Spiritual Leader of our church.
2 - Vice-Patriarch or Mafrian.. (Mafryono). The Indian Syrian
church has a Mafryono who is their local spiritual leader. The
Indian Mafryono is a subordinate to our patriarch.
3 - Archbishop.. (Hassyo) Who is the Spiritual Leader of a
4 - Priest: Two kinds:
a - Celibant. Who can eventually be ordained an archbishop
and maybe a patriarch.
b - Married. Who can only be ordained a Very Reverend,
Corepiscopos. If a married priest loses his wife due to death
he can be ordained a bishop (Episcopos).
Deacons and their ranks:
1- Archdeacon.. Arkhedyacion
2 - Deacon.. Evangelic Deacon, Ewangeloyo.
3 - Sub-Deacon.. Aphoudyacon.
4 - The Reader-Deacon.. Qorouyo.
5 - The Singing-Deacon. . Mzamrono.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
YOUR Conduct Inside The Church
It is not appropriate to chew gum
It is not appropriate to cross your legs
It is not appropriate to talk unnecessarily during services or distract others
It is not appropriate for children to run inside the church
Virgin Mary Assyrian Orthodox Church Social Hall
644 Paramus Road, Paramus, NJ 07652
Program starts at 8:30 P.M.
Reservations must be made in advance / Seats are limited
Please Contact:
Adult: $100.00
Children: $50.00 (ages 5-10 years)
(201) 638-5082
(201) 406-5520
(201) 926-6166
Fun at the Youth Retreat in Warwick, NY (by Mary Garah)
the movie Heaven is For Real. Later on,
John Dere led in meditation. The Jr. Youth
were really engaged and spent a few
minutes meditating next to the candles
On Friday August 22nd, when thirty Jr.
Youth arrived to Paramus, the chaperones
checked their bags, had lunch, and then
enjoyed an M&M/Skittles icebreaker
game where the kids got to know one
another. Father Aziz then met us in
Paramus where he led in prayer and
came with us to the Warwick Center. After
checking in, Fr. Aziz Hadodo conducted a
Bible Study discussing our theme, James
4:10: “Humble yourselves in the sight of
the Lord and He will lift you up,” through
the parable of the Good Samaritan in the
Gospel of Luke 10:29-37. After evening
prayers and dinner, the junior youth
had free time. Some chaperones took
Jr. Youth to the basketball courts and
park/open field area. Then, we played
On Saturday, August 23rd, chaperone Phil
Akdemir led the group during morning
prayers. After breakfast, chaperone
Joseph Hanikeh led Suryoyo Capture the
Flag game. During free time, chaperones
took some kids on a hiking path where
we passed several crosses out in the
open field while singing songs. After
lunch, Joseph Shammas from St. Mark’s
in Teaneck, NJ taught us all about Altar
Worship. Afterwards, Father Gabriel
Adde joined us for another Bible Study
centered on humility through reading the
story about the Rich Man in the Gospel of
Luke 19. He asked the Jr. Youth, “What is
humility?” The term was discussed and Fr.
Adde discussed how humility is making
others feel comfortable with us. After
the Bible Study, the Jr. Youth engaged
in a Q&A session with Fr. Adde. Later on,
Phil Akdemir and Andrew Ishak led our
junior youth with team building games.
Olympics were played and the Jr. Youth,
although embarrassing themselves, could
not wipe the smiles off their faces. After
evening prayers and dinner, chaperone
Rita Mallouh led the group with a Bible
Jeopardy game; our categories consisted
of questions from the Old Testament,
New Testament, Miscellaneous, and
2014 Retreat. Questions under the 2014
Retreat category came straight from
workshops the kids experienced. For
example, in Joseph Shammas’s Altar
Workshop, one of the questions asked
was: “Traditionally, the altar faces what
direction?” The Jr. Youth excitedly raised
their hands and correctly answered “East.”
This along with answers to many other
questions like “What is a finkho?” or “How
many times does a priest bless his robe
before he wears it?” or “How often is the
Holy Chrism celebrated and who is it
celebrated by?” proved that they were
not only listening intently throughout our
workshops, but they enjoyed them too! At
night, we enjoyed s’mores at the bonfire
where Rita Mallouh from Washington,
D.C. sang a beautiful hymn in our Syriac
language. The Jr. Youth—after engaging
in conversation on what WWJD (What
Would Jesus Do) bracelets mean—each
received one, which many wear to this
day. At the bonfire, the Jr. Youth engaged
in a Q&A session with some chaperones.
During free time, games were played,
some Jr. Youth visited St. Paul’s Chapel,
and a few Jr. Youth took on food contests!
On Sunday morning, chaperone
Stephanie Ishak took some Jr. Youth
to watch the sunrise; then, we all had
breakfast, celebrated Britney Saleeby’s
birthday, prayed, and departed for Virgin
Mary Church where we sat together
as a unified group wearing our James
4:10 theme retreat shirts. At Paramus
Church, Linda Khoury complimented
us and said that this is one of the first
times the Jr. Youth does not come back
from the retreat looking like zombies.
The 2014 Retreat was truly a success and
we give all Glory to God as everything
is always according to His will. Below,
you will find quotes from our Spiritual
Leaders, Chaperones, and Jr. Youth
who wrote about our experience at the
beautiful Warwick Center in Warwick, NY.
Remember to like our FB page: Assyrian
Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary to
see pictures/videos of all activities. It will
make this experience complete!
Our Spiritual Leaders:
Very Reverend John Khoury Patriarchal
Vicar Eastern Syriac Archdiocese (Virgin
Mary): “It was a great idea to have the
Youth attend Holy Liturgy; we should
always continue to end the retreat
properly. I thought you guys did a great
job, everyone received communion which
was so nice, and we should always do
Father Aziz Hadodo (Mor Gabriel):
“Honestly at the retreat, I liked what I
saw, but I think we should try to get more
children from other churches to attend
because the children that I saw (I am not
blaming anybody for this) were mainly
from 2-3 churches. But besides that,
everything was good; the kids became
friends with one other, and they are all
good kids. I liked the people in charge;
they did a good job. Overall, it was good.
The place was very nice. The Bible Studies
are important, and we should always
have them. I think they were all happy to
participate. I was happy to participate and
will always support you guys.”
Father Gabriel Adde (St. Peter & St.
George): “When I got there for the little
time I was there, although I hoped I
was able to spend more time with you,
I saw that the youth were very wellbehaved. It was organized beautifully,
and for that one hour I was there, I liked
very much the way some of them were
asking questions, listening. But I was
really impressed by the people taking
care of them and organizing it. I noticed
the chaperones were going around and
getting the youth to react to what we
were talking about. It was very good. I
mean everything I am saying because
I have said all these positive things to
people in NJ myself after I returned.”
Youth Director John Dere, 25: “Our
Summer 2014 Junior Youth Retreat was
an incredible blessing for me and all
of my youth. We focused primarily on
James 4:10, which teaches us about the
importance of humility in one’s life. I look
forward to future retreats in which my
youth and I can continue to become more
like Christ in our daily lives.”
Rita Mallouh, 21, St. Aphraims’s,
Washington DC: “I absolutely loved
being a chaperone at the 2014 Jr. Youth
Retreat! Getting to know 30 strangers
like your family was definitely something
worth doing. The moments that stood
out to me most are when the chaperons
intentionally made the effort to hang out
with a small group of kids, answering and
asking questions pertaining to their daily
lives as Christians. Also, the late night
mafia card game is a good one! Ask them
about it. I would do it all over again in a
heartbeat. See you guys in 2015!”
Joseph Hanikeh, 23, Mor Gabriel: “It was
a memorable experience. I’m happy to
see kids from different parishes come
together and start developing new
friendships. I wish I was able to stay the
whole weekend.”
Stephanie Ishak, 22, St. Mark’s Cathedral:
“My experience with both planning and
chaperoning the 2014 retreat was by
far the best I have had. The chemistry
between the children and chaperones
was amazing, which made the retreat a
huge success.”
Andrew Ishak, St. Mark’s Cathedral: “It
was a blessing to witness how much our
Archdioceses’ Youth have evolved from
when I was a member of the Youth. They
are all full of energy and exceptionally
intuitive. I am especially impressed with
how well they maintain their Suryoyo
roots while assimilating to contemporary
culture. I look forward to watching our
Youth continue to grow and do great
Mary Garah, 20, Virgin Mary Church: “It
was my first time being a chaperone, and
it really was a great experience because as
His children, we got to help bring others
to Him. The last thing Jesus commanded
of us was to baptize others in His name.
Matthew 28:19-20 says: “Go, and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them
in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them
to observe all things that I commanded
you. Behold, I am with you always, even
to the end of the age.” This is truly what
lies in my heart, and I will do it all over
again—always—according to His will.
After the retreat, Jr. Youth kept contacting
me asking to have a “retreat reunion,” and
others contacted me to tell me about the
friendships they have made and how they
made plans to see one another the weeks
following. Praise our wonderful Lord Jesus
Christ and God Bless all His children.”
Phil Akdemir, Virgin Mary Church: “It
was great seeing so many of our youth
so interested in being close to their
community, as well as making new
Jr. Youth:
Gus Hassan, parent of Dominic Mourad,
St. Mark’s Cathedral: “Dominic loved it
very much and wishes you can do it more
often. Thank you for your great work. God
Stephanie Boyaci, 16 years old, Virgin
Mary Church: “What I got out of this
retreat was how to be a humble person,
and how to talk to God in ways that
I never knew was possible. “Humble
yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift
you up.” -James 4:10. That Bible passage
was the main part of the retreat, and
learning about this made me realize that
everyone around me, including myself, is
not as humble as we think we are. John
Dere, on the first day of the retreat, asked
us questions such as “Are you smart? Are
you a good Christian?” and of course,
the majority of us raised our hands. John
explained to us that we aren’t humble
people since we raised our hands, but
why you may ask? The definition of
humble is having or showing a modest or
low estimate of one’s own importance. So,
answering that we are good Christians,
we are smart, we are good at sports, etc.,
isn’t being humble because it isn’t always
about us individually. To be humble, you
have to show modesty, so if you say that
you are smart and you are great at a sport,
you are showing everyone that you love
yourself more than anyone else. Jesus was
a humble person because not only did
he care for others before himself, but also
did not gloat over how powerful he was
over us. That’s what people in our world
today should take note of, and they need
to realize that the world doesn’t revolve
around just one individual. God created
us to know and love him, but also to care
about others before ourselves. That’s the
type of message I got from the retreat,
and not only did I learn all of this, but
I’m sure everyone around me did as well.
This experience was eye opening for me,
and meeting new friends from different
parishes, who I am still in contact with
since that weekend, is something that I
will never forget. At first, I wasn’t sure if
I wanted to attend this retreat, but after
that weekend, I couldn’t wait for the
next one to reunite with everyone from
different parishes. Everything that I was
taught on the Warwick 2014 Retreat are
things that are and will always guide
me through my life, and no matter how
stressful life becomes, I always know that
God is at my side.”
Gabriel Mourad, 14, St. Mark’s: “I can
happily say I attended the Jr. Youth 2014
Retreat. I had an amazing time. I got
to meet new people from all the other
churches and learn a lot about God. After
the retreat, I truly felt much closer to
our lord and Savior. The chaperons did
a wonderful job with keeping everyone
in check, and allowing the kids to have a
great time. Even though we played games
and had fun, it was all revolved around
God, which is the most important thing.
I felt like I was with our Lord the entire
time. And now, I am already looking
forward to next year, and I can’t wait until
Christopher Issa, 14, St. Mark’s: “I give
this year’s 2014 retreat a 10/10. I loved
the way the whole retreat functioned and
worked. The chaperones were perfect.
The games were fun and the Bible studies
were amazing. Food was great and the
destination was just unbelievable. There
was never a time where one could get
bored. Hope we have one next year! Keep
it up!!!!”
Kathryn Hanna, 15, St. Mark’s: “Where
should I start? The retreat was amazing
and it was so much fun! When we first got
to the place I said, “I remember this place!
I came here when they had their 2nd
retreat.” This place had so many memories
and I had the opportunity to make even
more memories here! My favorite part
of the retreat was when we played this
game called “Mafia.” This game would get
so out of hand and that was really funny! I
enjoyed making new friends and getting
to know them better. If I could re-live any
moment it would be going to this retreat
again! I hope soon we can do this again
Leah Akdemir, 14, Virgin Mary Church:
“I thought the retreat was very spiritual
and I learned a lot about who we are as
Suryoye. It gave me that warm feeling
that made me feel like I was getting closer
to Jesus Christ. I really loved the isolation
from social media to give Him more of
my attention. I hope the youth keeps
this retreat going and I recommend that
anyone should participate in the retreat
whether they are the chaperone or the
Renée Aliko, 14, Virgin Mary Church: “The
2014 Syriac Orthodox youth retreat was a
lot of fun. We discussed different aspects
of our church and themes of humility
throughout the Bible. The meditation that
we did while gathered around a cross
made of candles was really eye-opening.
On top of these spiritual pursuits, there
were a bunch of other things that we
did. From midnight rounds of mafia, to
a bonfire (with s’mores, of course), to
morning walks to see the sunrise, the
whole trip was just amazing. I’m looking
forward to going again next year.”
Britney Saleeby, 14, St. Marks Syrian
Orthodox Cathedral, Virginia: “My time
at the 2014 Summer Youth Retreat was
a lovely experience. I met a lot of chill
people. I learned so much about what it
means to be Suryoyo. The retreat taught
me about how I should humble myself in
front of the Lord. And I can honestly say
that I am glad that I went and that I had a
great time.”
Kelsie Hannavi, 14, Virgin Mary Church:
“The 2014 retreat was an amazing
experience to get away from the world
and relax for the weekend. I got to hang
out with and get to know many other
Suryoyos my age. It also got me closer to
God than I was before.”
what I would get out of it but afterwards
I appreciated the time and effort that was
put into making everything possible. All
in all, I enjoyed this summer’s retreat very
much and I hope that there will be more
in the upcoming future.”
Estelle Akdemir, 14, Virgin Mary Church:
“Going to the retreat was an experience
I would never forget. I got a chance
to get closer to God, make many new
friends, and get closer to distant ones.
The fun and learning was evenly balanced
out, giving a large amount of time for
activities including “Suryoyo Olympics”
and “Suryoyo Capture the Flag.” I am
definitely planning on going to the next
retreat, hopefully making as many great
memories as I did this year.”
Mousa Chamoun, 16, St. Mary’s Syrian
Orthodox Church, Worcester, MA: “In my
opinion, it was one of the best memories I
made over summer vacation. I made new
friends who I still talk to. I had fun with
all of the games, people, and workshops.
Overall, it was a real inspiration to sit
down and see the impact that just a few
days could bring people together like
Daniel Hanna, 13, St. Mark’s: “I had a
great experience at the retreat. I met new
friends and most importantly got closer
to God.”
Isabel Yayla, 14, Virgin Mary Church: “I had
an amazing experience at the retreat this
summer. I met so many new people and
we got very close. I also learned along
with my friends how to be humble and
we learned a lot more about the Bible.
Before I went to this retreat, I was not sure
Sarah Aydin, 15, Mor Barsawmo: “I had a
great time at the retreat. I got closer to
God and made a lot of new friends. I had
a lot of fun.”
Sammy Hanikeh, 15, Mor Gabriel: “We
had a lot of fun at the 2014 retreat!! All of
the games we played were so much fun
and I had a blast! My favorite part was
the bonfire and when Danny and I were
scaring everyone in the bushes when we
jumped out. It was one of the greatest
experiences of my life! I definitely got a lot
closer with all the Suryoye kids my age,
and I hope to do it again next year!”
Danny Chamoun, 15, St. Mark’s: “At
the retreat I met so many people from
different states. It was fun to meet the
people that I had to live with for 2 days.
Although we didn’t have our phones it
was a plus that we didn’t miss out on
anything looking down at our devices.
It was nice to learn so much about our
religion but making it a fun way. To see all
of our people our age coming together
is great. I really liked the chaperones that
took care of us at the retreat. Thank you
for a great time.”
Gabriela Hanna, 13, St. Mark’s: “This
year’s retreat was quite the experience
considering the fact that it was my first
time. From the two sleepless nights to
the meaningful Bible Studies, I can say
that I learned so many things about Christ
our God. The people that I met in those
past three days are probably some of my
closest friends now. I will never forget
a wonderful experience like this and
hopefully there will be more like these.
Thank you .”
Our beautiful social hall is available to rent for weddings and parties.
Please book the hall for your next event.
for rental information, Contact Neil Akdemir 201.406.3689 - [email protected]
On Saturday November 22nd, Youth from all sister churches
gathered in St. Gabriel Church for a St. Mark’s Youth
Thanksgiving Dinner. President Phil Fermano spoke about
how when he first arrived to the church, he saw darkness and
felt disappointment as no one was there and compared it to
an event he had planned so much for, yet no one showed up
to because not many people knew about it. He related it to
us being thankful for everything and supporting one another
because Christ is strengthened within our unity as believers.
Without regular
attendance, you
really are not part
of the Church’s
mission and goals,
because you don’t
experience the
fellowship and
Be Active, Come to
Church, Participate!
On Friday November 21, Jr. Youth from all sister churches
gathered in St. Mark’s Cathedral for a Thanksgiving
Lock-in. President Phil Fermano spoke to the Jr. Youth
about being thankful, relating his life experiences to
God’s teachings and promises. The Jr. Youth engaged in
fellowship with older Youth chaperones and one another.
In the morning, the Jr. Youth ended the Lock-in with
morning prayers.
Come Celebrate Our
115th Anniversary
Annual Benefit
Hosted by The
Assyrian Orphanage and
School of America, Inc.
Taw Meem Simkat
Live Music with
Fadi Karat
Saturday April 18, 2015
Church of the Virgin Mary
644 paramus Road, paramus, NJ 07652
For Reservations, Please contact
Riyad Rachko, Coskun Tasci, Sam Allos, Nader Minas
All net proceeds go to our orphanages and schools
First Annual Golf Outing (by Jason Elkas)
On October 6th, the Suryoyo Educational and Cultural
Organization had its first golf outing held at the beautiful Crystal
Springs Resort in Hamburg, New Jersey. All levels of golfers, as
well as non-golfers, were welcome and joined us for this funfilled event. The day kicked off at 10:30 in the morning with the
driving/practice range open. Golfers were able to practice their
swing followed by a barbeque lunch for all to enjoy in the Grand
Rotunda ballroom, which overlooks the majestic course.
At 1:00 our 28 golfers tee’d off while those who did not come to
golf enjoyed drinks, fruit and cheese platters outside on the Fire
& Water Terrace, followed by a tour of the resort’s award-winning
wine cellar featuring wines over 100 years old.
The golfers were treated to 18 holes, framed by the picturesque
mountains of New Jersey’s Sussex Skylands. Teams of 4 were given
two golf carts to cruise around the course’s manicured greens,
around lakes, over bridges and through tunnels. “I had never
golfed before and never realized how much fun it could be. I’m
looking forward to next year,” said Joe Sarkar.
The day wrapped up with a delicious buffet dinner and dessert,
presentation of numerous prizes for the golfers and raffle prizes
for everyone including gift certificates and apparel from the
resort’s pro-shop to name a few.
All who attended received a gift bag filled with items including
hats, kitchen towels and even a custom made Suryoyo souvenir
golf ball. Well over 500 individual items were donated as well as
sponsorships to advertise on each hole.
The Suryoyo Educational and Cultural Organization is a new
federally approved 501(c)(3) non-profit that was recently set up
to focus on the cultural aspect that Midland Avenue has to offer;
namely the museum, library and teaching the Suryoyo language.
The day was a tremendous success, and because of the wonderful
feedback we received from those who attended, we plan to make
it an annual event. Next year’s date has already been reserved for
September 14th and we have started planning to make it even
more memorable. Stay tuned for more details!
Publishing this Quarterly Magazine and
mailing out to all the parishioners is a
major expense. This can only happen
through your support and donations.
- Advertise your business in The Call
- Donate $20/year to enable us to print and
mail it out to you.
Unless we have enough “THE CALL”
donations, this magazine will be e-mailed
out in the future.
Church Calendar & Events
December 2014
7: Birth of John The Baptist
14: Vision of Joseph
15: Christmas Fast, (10 Days)
21: Sunday Before Christmas
25: Christmas Day (Mowlodo)
28: The Sunday after Christmas
January 2015
Circumcision of Jesus
Brethren, Sts. Baselius and Gregorious
The Baptism of Christ - Epiphany (Denho)
The Beheading of John the Baptist
The First Sunday after Epiphany
Saint Stephen; Head of Deacons & First Martyr
The Second Sunday after Epiphany
The Feast of Virgin Mary, Mother of God (Of the Sowing)
The Third Sunday after Epiphany
February 2015
The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Presentation of Christ in Temple
Saint Simon Day
Nineveh Fast (Three Days)
Nineveh (Holy Eucharist 10am)
The Fifth Sunday After Epiphany
All Priests’ Day
The Sixth Sunday After Epiphany
All Souls’ Day
The Sunday before the Lent
Wedding at Cana
The Lent (Observe One Week)
March 2015
The Second Sunday of the Lent
(The Leper)
The Third Sunday of Lent
Sick of Palsy
The Forty Martyrs of Sebastia
The Fourth Sunday of Lent
Canaanite Woman
Mid lent
Fifth Sunday of the Lent
Annunciation of Virgin Mary
Good Samaritan
The Sixth Sunday of Lent
The Blind Man
Palm Sunday (Oshanao)
Evening Service (8 pm)
The Lent (Observe One Week)
Maundy Thursday
Holy Eucharist (11 am)
Washing of the Feet (8 pm)
Good Friday
Evening Service (8 pm)
Gospel Saturday
Holy Eucharist 11am
Easter-Resurrection Day (Qyomto)
First Sunday after Easter
New Sunday
Second Sunday after Easter
April 2015
21st. Baptism for Paisley, daughter of Robert & Denise Celikbas
27th. Baptism for Ava, daughter of Eddie & Guitta Altunis
12th. Baptism twins Phillip & Lisa, children for Roger & Carol Mazzola
26h. Baptism for Jaxon, son of Olvan & Elyse Romero
2th. Baptism for Fady, son of Jamil & Basima Mirani
29th. Baptism for Brooklyn, daughter of Salim & Andrea Karnaby
30th. Baptism for Alexis, daughter of Michael & Eileen Abdallah
May God bless these children who became members of God’s
Holy Family.
Wedding for John Hanike & Margaret Kilerolyan
Wedding for Joseph Khoury to Silda Rachko
Wedding for Michael Sauma to Katlyn McKeown
Wedding for Christine Ipkeci and Christopher Er
Congratulations for the newly weds
18th. Funerary service for the late Cross Yoler, son of Zakaria & Georgette Yoler
Funeral service for the late Vartuhine Kasar, late
husband Sabri, late mother for Janet, John, Juliet
Kasapoyan & grandsons Ercan and Serkan
Our deepest sympathies to the families and friends. May their
souls be resting in God’s heavenly abode.
Health & Fitness
15 Brilliant Benefits And Uses Of Lemon You Need To Know
Lemon: it’s tangy, tart, and yet
a bit sweet all at the same time!
It tastes as good in soup and
on chicken as it does in pie and
Truth be told, lemon is one of
the most versatile fruits on the
planet, and it can be used in so
many different places. But did
you know that it’s also one of
the healthiest and most useful
fruits on Earth?
15 Amazing Benefits of Lemon:
Cure for acne. Lemon contains antibacterial properties
that can kill off the P. acne bacteria, fight infection and
inflammation, and clear clogged pores.
Whiten your teeth. Make your own teeth whitening
treatment by mixing lemon juice and baking soda, applying
to it your teeth, and leaving it on for 60 seconds. The acid and
sodium bicarbonate break down the coating coloring your
Deal with dandruff. Lemon juice can kill off the bacteria
causing dandruff, so apply it to your scalp with olive or coconut
Balance your pH. Lemons are surprisingly alkalinic, and
they can help to balance your body’s internal pH.
Flush your intestines. Lemons increase muscle
contractions in your intestines, ensuring regular bowel
movements that will flush the toxins and waste material. Just a
glass of lemon water every morning can do the trick!
Provide vital nutrients. You’ll find that these tasty citrus
fruits are loaded with potassium, calcium, phosphorus, citric
acid, and magnesium–all vital minerals your body cannot live
Deal with inflammatory pain. Did you know that
lemons can help to deal with the pain of swollen joints? It will
fight off the uric acid that is causing gout, thereby reducing
the presence of the crystals that makes gout such a painful
Cleanse your organs. Lemon contains citric acid,
which can dissolve calcium deposits, kidney stones, and even
gallstones. Flush all these potentially painful build-ups from
your organs to keep them running smoothly.
Peter Nakkash Cem Ayaz
Nader Minas Emily Nakkash Riyad Rachko Editor-in-Chief
Coordinator & Advertising
Copy Editor / Graphic Design
Coordinator & Printing
Advertising / Organization Reporting
Detoxify your liver. Drinking warm lemon water is
a good way to show your liver some love, as lemon helps to
detoxify this vital organ. It will stimulate the production of bile,
dissolve uric acid, and get rid of toxins and poisons in your
Protect your heart. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C,
a nutrient that has been linked to improved heart health.
Vitamin C can lower blood cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of
atherosclerosis, lower blood pressure, increase the production
of HDL (good) cholesterol, fight off free radicals, and lower
blood lipoprotein levels. All in all, it’s a very useful, heartfriendly vitamin.
Improve brain health. Lemon peels contain a special
phytonutrient called tangeretin. This potent nutrient has been
proven useful at treating brain conditions such as Parkinson’s
disease, as it protects the brain cells from decaying.
Boost your immune system. Lemon is one of the best
immune boosting foods, as the Vitamin C will help to fight
off bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses in your body. It can
destroy intestinal worms and even fight off cancer thanks to the
22 anti-cancer nutrients and compounds it contains.
Soothe chapped lips. Applying a bit of lemon to your
lips will help to prevent chapping, and can exfoliate the lips to
remove dead skin cells. Rub lemon on at night and wash it off
the next morning for the ultimate lip-healing remedy.
Strengthen your fingernails. If your fingernails are
yellow and brittle, it’s time to apply a mixture of lemon juice
and olive oil. The oil and acid mixture will harden your nails,
preventing them from cracking or breaking easily. It can
strengthen the nail beds, and will even whiten them when they
have turned yellow.
Improve skin tone. Worried about those blemishes and
dark spots on your skin? Rub a bit of lemon juice onto the dark
patches, and rinse it off a few minutes later with warm water.
With daily application of this remedy, you can lighten the skin
and even out your skin tone.
Wow, lemons truly are some of the most useful fruits on the
planet! Thanks to the Vitamin C, citric acid, and minerals it
contains, you can improve your health drastically by using
REPORTERS Sait Elmas Suryani American Association
Mary Garah Paramus Youth
Mary Sanar Ladies Aid
Margaret Celikbas & Bayhan Akdemir Sunday School
Riyad Rachko Assyrian Orphanage & School
Peter nakkash Board of Trustees
email: [email protected]
Some Things You Should Know While in Church
Entering the Church
Arrive early
When entering the Church, cross yourself in prayer
Do not enter or leave the Church during:
1. The Epistle or Gospel reading;
2. During the sermon (homily);
3. During the Great Entrance;
4. During the Anaphora and Consecration of the Holy
Gifts at the Divine Liturgy;
5. On all occasions when the Priest turns toward the
Conduct while in the Church
It is not appropriate to chew gum
It is not appropriate to cross your legs
Publishing this Quarterly Magazine and
mailing out to all the parishioners is a major
expense. This can only happen through
your support and donations.
- Advertise your business in The Call
- Donate $20/year to enable us to print and
mail it out to you.
Unless we have enough “THE CALL”
donations, this magazine will be e-mailed
out in the future.
It is not appropriate to talk unnecessarily during services or
distract others.
It is not appropriate for children to run inside the church
Receiving Holy Communion
Although no one should come to the Divine Liturgy late, if
one does come as late as after the reading of the Gospel,
he or she should not receive Holy Communion. In order to
receive Holy Communion a person must:
1. Be Baptized (or Chrismated) into the canonical Orthodox
2. Be prepared by prayer, repentance (and recent
Confession), and fasting for at least 3 hours from food,
drink, and smoking.
3. Observe the Church Fast.
4. Seek to be reconciled with fellow Orthodox Christians,
particularly of the community.
To date, the email database contains over 200 email
addresses. Many of you have submitted their email
information. The Board of Trustees is asking you
to provide your email to communicate important
information with the parishioners of the church.
If you want to be notified of any church activity,
please submit your email to any board member
OR send an email to “[email protected]”
requesting to be added to the list.
Membership Reminder
Support your church by sending your membership dues. The membership fees are $100 per person (18 years or older) . It is a donation and
tax deductible too. All dues are due before the next elections in November. Help your church and become an active member.
644 Paramus Road, Paramus, New Jersey 07652
_________________________________________________________ Amount: $_____________
Address: _________________________________________________________ Check#: _______________
_______________________________ State _____ Zip ____________ Dated: ________________
LIST BELOW ALL VOTING MEMBERS 18 YEARS AND OLDER (Please Return this card with your pledge)
___________________________________ 3.
___________________________________ 4.
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Design-built options.
Residential and Commercial.
Telephone: 201.370.0681
Email: [email protected]
Assyrian Orthodox Church Of Virgin Mary
644 Paramus Road
Paramus, NJ 07652
• Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions
• Proactive Managed Support Services
• Spam and Virus Protection
• Connectivity and Security
• Custom Business Applications Design
• Database Development and Support
• Website Design and Hosting Services
• Network Design and Information Security
Contact us:
[email protected]
Providing Technology Solutions Since 1990