October - Killingworth


October - Killingworth
Killingworth Krier
In This Issue
From the
President’s desk
Lynn Reed Yoga
Coast Guard Auxiliary
Cranberry Harvest
Points of Light Andrea Freibauer
Flu Vaccine Info
Shelter Dog Adoption
3rd Annual
Carving Party
Parmelee Farm
See Back Cover
October 2015
A Chamber of Commerce Publication
A New Chapter for
Linda Dudek
Linda Dudek, who has served as
Killingworth Town Clerk since 2005, is
retiring from her position on October 2. 
Linda was Assistant Town Clerk for over
a decade before becoming Town Clerk. She
had also served as an assistant to the Probate
Court when it was in
“Linda worked to
make the Town Clerk’s
office as transparent,
accessible, and convenient as possible for
the public” said First
Selectwoman Cathy Iino.
“The town owes her
a huge debt of gratitude
for the way she
conducted the office
and strengthened its
A few of the many
improvements she made Photo by Amy Etra
were making digital land
records available to the public 24/7;
introducing an on-line dog license renewal
program; creating a records management
program for all town departments; organizing
the electronic codification and on-line
posting of the town charter, ordinances,
and regulations.
Perhaps as important as those advances
in efficiency are the personal care she gave
PO Box 644 Killingworth, CT 06419
each individual. She went out of her way to
help people who had trouble coming into the
office during regular hours or who needed
extra reminders about legal requirements.
She set a tone of civility and respect that will
be a lasting legacy in the Town Clerk’s office.
Former First Selectman
David LeVasseur, now with
the Connecticut Office of
Policy and Management, said,
“Linda Dudek maintained
the highest standards of
integrity and professionalism
in the Town Clerk’s office.
Killingworth has been
fortunate to have her services
for so many years.”
A lifelong resident of
Killingworth, Linda is a
member of the Parmelee
Farm Committee and of the
Board of the Killingworth
Historical Society. She is a
life member of the Killingworth Land
Conservation Trust and a former president
and treasurer of the Middlesex County 4-H
Advisory Committee. She plans to stay active
in town in many new ways.
From the President’s desk...
President: Tim Gannon
Gannon Photography
Vice-President: Franco Piscitelli, CFP
Barnum Financial Group
Treasurer: Dorothy Wright,
Accounting Services
Membership Chair: Bob Allison
Page Taft/Christies Real Estate
Recording Secretary: Sarah DePino, CPA
Michaud, Accavallo,
Woodbridge and Cusano
Correspondence Secretary: Ann Pellegrini
Edward Jones Investments
Board Members
Susan Flynn
Flynn Associates Real Estate, LLC
Keith Lyke
Killingworth Family Pharmacy
Carrie Sassi
Pizzeria Da Vinci
Ann Sullivan
Killingworth True Value
Jason Weinstein
Budget Dry Waterproofing, Inc.
The Killingworth Krier
Est. 1993
Published by the Killingworth
Chamber of Commerce and
distributed to Killingworth residents to
give information about local events and to
promote and encourage local businesses.
Editor: Karen Milano
Advertising, Design & Layout:
Lynn Reed, Lynn Reed Design
Lynn & Rob Clark, Cathy Iino,
Tracy Mackinstry, Pamela Murphy, DO
Contact us:
Krier Editor,
P.O. Box 644 Killingworth, CT 06419
E-mail: [email protected]
Like us on Facebook
PLEASE NOTE: The Killingworth Krier shall
not be liable for failure to publish an ad
or for typographical errors or errors in
publication. The Krier reserves the right
to refuse any advertising for any reason
and to alter advertising copy or graphics
deemed unacceptable for publication.
Press releases and articles sent for publication
m ay b e e d i t e d fo r c o n t e n t a n d /o r
space available within the publication.
Fall activities are on my mind as the
weather turns cooler in our region. One
of my favorite Chamber events is the
pumpkin carving party we hold at
Parmelee Farm annually. There are so
many creative entries on our display at
the end of the day and it’s great to see
members of our community enjoying the
festivities of the season. See the back cover
for details and sponsors, I hope to see
you there!
Congratulations to Dr. Fair and
Photo by Karen Milano
Killingworth Animal Hospital for their
20 year anniversary of service in our
community. If you have a business anniversary or good news to share
regarding your business, as a member of the KCC we’d like to help you
get the word out. Please send info to our editor, Karen Milano, at
[email protected].
Our latest Business after Hours was held at Lavender Pond Farm on
September 17th – what a lovely location enjoyed by all. Thank you to the
Salafia family for hosting this event. It was great to see so many faces.
Our BAH events are a great way to get to know other business owners in
the area. We encourage you to look for notification of our next event in
upcoming issues.
Our next meeting will be held at the library meeting room on
October 8th at 7 p.m. Members and prospective members are welcome
to attend.
Tim Gannon
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Lynn Reed
Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT)
Ph: (860) 759-4535
35 Burr Hill Road, Killingworth
[email protected]
For Classes/Info Visit:
Lynn’s yoga journey began in 2005 after the birth of
her second child. She had been running her design business from her home office while raising two small children
and needed a stress relief outlet. After attending just one
yoga class she immediately fell in love with the practice.
It became a place of refuge while giving her a chance to
feel comfort and find connection
to self and others. After ten years
of reaping the benefits of
dedicated practice and exploring several styles, Lynn realized
she wanted to share the gift of
yoga with others. She became a
200 hour certified yoga teacher
through Lotus Gardens Yoga
School in Sherman, CT and is
registered with Yoga Alliance.
“Teaching yoga is my
greatest passion and truest JOY.
I continue to study with and find great inspiration in the
teachings of Shiva Rea, Elena Brower and Seane Corn,”
says Lynn. “The beauty of yoga is the connection we find
not only on our yoga mat, but off the mat as well. With
consistent practice, we become more mindful of the
choices we make, the words that we speak and the
actions we take. I knew there were other women who
were looking to find this same connection.”
In June of 2015, Lynn Reed Yoga was born. Her goal is
to provide her clients with a peaceful space to unwind and
find balance and strength. The spacious room allows for
freedom of movement and will hold no more than
6 people. The classes are small and allow for more
one-on-one attention. Classes are fun, creative, athletic
and above all, accessible to everyone. Private and
semi-private yoga instruction is available as well. Lynn
enjoys teaching a Vinyasa style which builds strength,
focuses on breath, alignment and an awareness to our
core connection. A special emphasis is placed on moving in
and out of postures safely.
Lynn concludes – “It is through this physical,
emotional, and spiritual practice that we learn to grow
and thrive. I am so happy to share with others all that I
have discovered along my yoga journey. I believe yoga
helps find the imbalances within
the body and within life. With
consistent practice, it can heal while
bringing mind, body and spirit into
Lynn resides in Killingworth
with her husband Dave, daughter
Gillian, son Samuel and their two
dogs, Miles and Ella. She is also the
Advertising, Layout and Designer for
the Killingworth Krier. Please visit
www.lynnreedyoga.com for more information on classes, times, pricing and other inspirational findings. Y
Inspire YOU.
Align with intention.
Transform body
and mind.
How much do YOU know about the
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary?
The Connecticut River Gateway Flotilla covers Killingworth
and other nearby towns. Bill explains they are the third
branch of the Coast Guard, part of the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security. “Our members are all volunteers, and
we are always looking for prospective new Auxiliarists”.
He is currently the human resources officer responsible for
helping new members enroll. Any U.S. citizen at least
18 years of age can join, pending a personal
security investigation. Members must be
physically and mentally able to accomplish any
mission that he or she agrees to undertake. The
Auxiliary has no official recruiting function, but all
members are asked to help raise public awareness
of the organization.
If you would like to learn more or are considering joining, they meet the second Wednesday of each
month at 7:15 p.m. at the offices of the Lower Connecticut
River Valley Council of Governments at 145 Old Dennison
Road in Essex. You can also contact the public affairs
officer, Gary Klare, (e-mail) [email protected] or visit
(website) www.cgaux.org.
The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary has approximately 36,000 members. It was created in 1942 to assist
the Coast Guard in patrolling U.S. waters for German and
Japanese submarines. Many people are unaware that
during World War II, over 600 American Vessels were sunk
in our coastal waters by enemy submarines. Today the
Auxiliary does search and rescue missions, vessel safety
checks, public safety classes, homeland security
evaluations and many other activities.
The units in our area support Coast Guard
Stations in New London and New Haven, as well
as the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. They work
closely with the state and local marine agencies
responsible for our rivers and Long Island Sound.
The emphasis is on continuing education,
comradery and dedication to our community and country.
Men and women of all ages participate in the Auxiliary.
They especially welcome younger people looking for
opportunities to make a meaningful contribution.
Bill Hancock of Killingworth has been a member of the
Auxiliary for the past six years, having served for a time as
the Coast Guard Auxiliary flotilla commander in our area.
15th Annual Cranberry Harvest
To reach the entrance from the intersection of Green
Hill and River roads, drive 0.2 miles north on River Road,
turn left on Paper Mill Road and drive an additional 0.2
miles to the entrance.
A Sunday, October 11 rain date will be considered if
necessary – check KillingworthToday.com to find out.
The Killingworth Land Conservation Trust welcomes
members and the general public to its annual cranberry
harvest on Saturday, October 10, from 9 a.m. to noon at
Cranberry Hollow on Paper Mill Road.
This will be the third year the harvest will take place
at this former gravel pit. For more than ten years the
harvest was held at the Cranberry Bog on Pond Meadow
Road. The Trust continues to manage the Pond Meadow
bog to protect the many unique and endangered plants
which thrive there. But in 2001 surplus berries from the
Pond Meadow Road bog were cast around the gravel pit,
where a few cranberries had been found. The gravel pit
was dug down to the natural aquifer (by mistake), which
makes it an ideal site for growing cranberries – and they
are thriving. There is a bumper crop of berries this year
which should be ripe in time for the October 10th harvest.
Land Trust Directors will be on hand to help with
parking on Paper Mill Road. This is a narrow dirt road and
parking will be limited to the south side of the road.
A short walk down a wooded path will lead to this
well-hidden preserve.
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8/6/2015 6:11:46 PM
The Funeral Trust
By Tracy Mackinstry
End of life planning is
something that every family
tries to prepare for. No one
likes to talk about death and
dying, but there are ways to
make the funeral plans for the
beneficiaries easier during
these times of sorrow and
grief. Here is something I find
easy to understand, which will
help you protect your assets,
and can be used in any funeral
home or state even if you do not have those plans figured
out in advance.
A Funeral Trust provides your family with the financial
support they need during a very difficult and emotional
time. Since Medicaid does not view the funds in a funeral trust as “countable” assets, these assignments can be
made right up until the time the person has to enter into
a nursing home. There is no “look-back” period for these
transfers. This asset protection strategy has been used in
helping individuals who are in a crisis-planning situation
and immediately need to qualify for Medicaid; unlike other
assets or insurance policies you may own.
The trust does not always have to be used in a crisis
planning situation. Individuals can use the funeral trust as
a pre-planning tool as well. Individuals can plan a funeral
Continued on next page
Cutting Edge
Lawn Care, LLC
Serving the Shoreline
Attend Our Fall Workshops!
Educator’s Retirement Workshop
Oct. 6 from 6:30-8 p.m. at The Morgan School. Register through the ERACE website.
Identity Theft and Fraud Workshop with Katy Armenia
Nov. 2 from 6:30-8 – Henry Carter Hull Library, Clinton CT
Medicare & Social Security with Charley McSorley
Nov. 10 from 6:30-8 – Henry Carter Hull Library, Clinton CT
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Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/ SIPC. Investment advice offered through NorthStarWealth
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The Funeral Trust, continued
without planning the details by pre-paying for the costs
of a funeral without choosing a specific funeral home or
a casket, without discussing detailed plans with a funeral
provider, etc. You can plan with a trusted advisor as
opposed to being solicited by a funeral home. At any time,
however, the individual can take the policy to the funeral
home to plan details if they so choose. Since the funeral
trust does not involve a contract to purchase any funeral,
burial and/or cremation related goods and/or services
from a specific funeral home it is completely portable and
may be used by any funeral provider locally or in any
other area.
Most states have limits on the amount of insurance
that can be placed into a funeral trust that will be allowed
to be considered a “countable” asset. That amount is
$100,000 in Connecticut. Most of these are set up with
20-30K. (I.e. if you decide to set it up with $50,000 then
any unused balance will go to your beneficiaries.) It is
important to make sure that any assets over that limit be
placed in other asset protection vehicles to maximize the
clients “non-countable” assets. If you or a family member
qualifies for Medicaid, any overfunding of funeral expenses
will result in the proceeds being subject to recovery by the
state Medicaid office.
An irrevocable funeral trust is a legal agreement
in which an individual sets aside funds for the specific
purpose of paying their funeral expenses. By doing this,
the money set aside is no longer considered to belong to
the individual, provided that the trust is irrevocable. By
assigning the policy to the trust, the insured is effectively
transferring ownership of the life insurance policy to the
funeral trust and as a result, immediately protecting their
assets from lawsuits and creditors as well as Medicaid
spend down.
Unfortunately, the majority of seniors do not have
long-term care insurance, but will be needing some type of
nursing home, skilled nursing or home health care at some
point in their life. If they have assets that exceed the
Medicaid qualification limits, they will be forced to spend
down those assets in order to qualify for Medicaid.
The money in your savings, CD’s, money markets,
traditional life insurance, annuities or other investments
could be vulnerable. Funds set aside for your funeral
planning could quickly disappear if you need to pay for
long-term care.
An important point to remember regarding the
funeral trust is that once you assign a policy to the
irrevocable funeral trust it cannot be surrendered,
dissolved or reversed or used for any other purpose
other than the individual’s funeral. If someone wants to
have access to the cash value in their policy, then a
funeral trust will not be for them.
With life expectancy increasing, seniors today are
concerned about protecting their assets. Most seniors
are going to need some type of nursing care. Since the
majority of seniors do not have long-term care, the funeral
trust is a good way to protect assets so that family
members are not burdened with having to come up
with the funds for a loved one’s funeral or burial expenses.
Tracy MacKinstry owns Mackinstry Financial
& Investments, LLC located at – 9 Old Post Road, Clinton.
She can be reached at (860) 669-9900,
Expect Excellence
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News from the Town Hall
Road progress – With any
luck, the state’s roadwork
on Route 148 and the town’s
work on Parker Hill Road and
Extension will be complete
by the time you read this.
Thanks to excellent work by
Schumack Engineered
Construction, the town’s
project proceeded smoothly
and met all its deadlines.
Burr Hill Road. The town
Photo by Amy Etra
will be widening and regrading parts of Burr Hill Road and repaving Burr from Route
148 to Schnoor. The project requires closing the road to
thru traffic (except school buses); it should be completed
by the end of October.
ALICE lives in Killingworth. In a beautiful, prosperous
town such as ours, it’s important to remember the needs
of townspeople who are struggling financially. For example, the Shoreline Soup Kitchens and Pantries reports that
109 Killingworth residents are currently registered at its
weekly food pantries.
The problem is not limited to those below the poverty
level. Because of the high cost of living in Connecticut,
and in Middlesex County in particular, many households
fall into what the United Way calls the ALICE category:
Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. In other
words, ALICE is “working hard, but struggling to make
ends meet.” These household earn less than United Way’s
“Household Survival Budget.” In Killingworth, although
our poverty rate is close to zero, 10 percent of our
households meet ALICE criteria.
Killingworth residents have always been generous
in supporting Helping Hands, the town’s food pantry,
and the Friendly Fund, the town’s small fuel assistance
program. The HK MOMS Club has launched the BackPack
Program to ensure that children in need have balanced,
nutritious food on weekends as well as schooldays. The
club is holding a benefit for the BackPack Program on
October 10, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at
Parmelee Farm (for more information, contact
[email protected].
The Board of Selectmen is also moving ahead with a
proposal to expand tax relief for low-income seniors. We
expect to bring the proposed changes to Town Meeting in
time for the next tax year.
Together, we can make Killingworth a livable community for all of our townspeople.
Fuel assistance. This year, Municipal Agent Mercedes
Ricciuti will begin taking applications for the Community
Renewal Team’s energy assistance program starting
October 1. Eligibility is based on low-income guidelines
and assets. To apply, call for an appointment with
Ms. Ricciuti at (860) 663-1765, ext. 217.
Coffee with the First Selectwoman. Fridays, 8:30
a.m., as usual: October 2, Copper Skillet; October 9,
Dunkin Donuts; October 16, Cozy Corner. On Thursday,
October 23, I’ll be at the Cooking Company at noon, and
on Thursday, October 29, I’ll be at La Foresta at 5:00 p.m.
Hope those different times will accommodate some of
you who can’t make it in the morning. Of course, if none
of those times is convenient, please don’t hesitate to call
(860) 663-1765, ext. 501) or email
([email protected]).
Heating &
Cooling, Inc.
DON’T WAIT! Prepare yourself for the
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Killingworth, CT 06419
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Town Meetings
* visit www.townofkillingworth.com for updates and agendas
October 2015 Meetings
Thurs. 10/01 7:00 PM
Parmelee Farm Committee
Town Office Building
Mon. 10/05 7:30 PM
Park and Recreation Commission
Town Office Building
Tues. 10/06 7:00 PM
Planning and Zoning Commission
Town Office Building
Wed. 10/07 6:30 PM
EOC Building Committee
Town Office Building
Thurs. 10/08 7:30 PM
Conservation Commission
Town Office Building
Mon. 10/12
Tues. 10/13 7:00 PM
Board of Selectmen
Town Office Building
Tues. 10/13 7:00 PM
Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission
Town Office Building
Wed. 10/14 7:00 PM
Public Health Agency
Town Office Building
Tues. 10/20 7:00 PM
Planning and Zoning Commission
Town Office Building
Wed. 10/21 6:30 PM
EOC Building Committee
Town Office Building
Mon. 10/26 7:00 PM
Board of Selectmen
Town Office Building
Mon. 10/26 7:00 PM
Zoning Board of Appeals
Town Office Building
Tues. 10/27 7:00 PM
350th Anniversary Commemorative Committee
Town Office Building
Lessons in Piano, Voice and Guitar
Experienced Patient Professional
Currently accepting new students
Phone (860) 663-0299
[email protected]
The Killingworth Kid’s
Early Learning & Childcare Center
155 Route 81,
Killingworth, CT
(860) 663-2433
S. M. Edwards &
Associates, LLC
Divorce, Family and
Business Mediation
Suzanne Edwards
[email protected]
A Lower Connecticut River Valley
Economic Growth Strategy
If you haven’t heard about the Lower CT River Valley
Council of Governments, also known as RiverCOG, we are
an association of seventeen towns represented by their
chief elected officials. Our purpose includes facilitating
solutions and planning between the seventeen towns, the
State of Connecticut, Federal agencies, and nonprofits for
land use, transportation, agriculture, emergency management, conservation, and economic development. One of
our foremost goals is to encourage a safe and open venue
to discuss shared regional options and projects.
GrowSMART, a RiverCOG project, is looking for how
the region can collaborate to attract workers and retain
and grow businesses while also conserving our natural
resources that are so vital to the region’s infrastructure,
housing values, and tourism industry.
As you drive, walk, or bike around our region in
September and October, you may notice signs, posters,
and banners around town. You may see an advertisement
while reading a local newspaper or local on-line news.
The signs or advertisements may ask a question, such as:
“Why can’t you find qualified help?” or “Who is going to
buy your house”?
Why are we asking these questions? Our Regional
Strategic Economic Growth Committee is working with
Ninigret Partners to create a regional economic growth
strategy. We invite you to visit the project website,
www.GrowSMARTregion.org , and learn about our travelling mobile workshop and public forums. There is also an
opportunity at the www.GrowSMARTregion.org website
to submit your ideas.
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Girl Scout Troop 63350 Silver Award
The Girl Scout Silver Award is the highest
award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn. It gives
you the chance to show that you are a leader
who is organized, determined, and dedicated
to improving your community. We knew that
we wanted to help the children in our community, so we looked around and saw that Hallie
House, a women and children’s shelter, and
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center (CCMC)
were looking for donations.
In order to achieve our Silver Award we
also had to build something sustainable in our
community, so we decided to build and paint
a toy box. We had many tasks to complete
in order to achieve the goal of finishing the
L-R Jordyn Belcourt, Shelby Whitehead, Lauren Miller, Hallie House staff
project. We knew that we would need a lot of
Photo by Ivy Alexander
toys, and we decided to hold a toy and book
drive at the local transfer station. We also placed numerous collection boxes around the community.
We want to thank the numerous people and local companies that donated, including Deep River Toy Company,
Jordie’s Toy Store, Swahn Engraving, Amato’s Toy Store, Connecticut River Lumber, and Shagbark Lumber. This project
was bigger than we originally anticipated it to be, but in the end the results made up for it. When we dropped off the
beyond full toy box to Hallie House and were able to fill the shelves at CCMC with many toys and books, it brought smiles
to our faces to realize how much of a difference we made with this project.
— Lauren Miller, Shelby Whitehead, and Jordyn Belcourt
Total Hair has been flocked for
breast cancer awareness month.
Please help by donating your tax deductible contribution today.
Open Tues. Weds. Fri: 9-5 Thurs: 12-8, Sat. 8-5
The Courtyard 176 Rte. 81, Bldg 2
Walk-ins welcome
upon availability
Library Notes
Drawing Workshop at the Library
Friday, October 16th, 1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Deep down inside are you an artiste? Would you like to
try your hand at a hands-on workshop to learn how to draw?
Retired graphic designer and illustrator Edward Rosado will
offer a free demonstration and instruction on Basic Drawing
and Sketching at the Killingworth Library on Friday,
October 16th.
This class for beginners and intermediates may just bring
out your hidden artistic talent! The class will cover techniques
using charcoal and pastels. Rosado has over 45 years of
experience and offers individual instruction in a small
group setting.
Participants age 15 years and older are welcome. Necessary materials will be provided.
zza Tuscana
on Route 81 in Killingworth Village, has a new name –– Pizzeria DaVinci!
Space is limited ~ please sign up at the library or call 860-663-2000 to reserve your spot.
l hear us answer the phone differently, but rest assured, that’s all that’s changed . . . you can still
*This program is sponsored by a contribution from the Association of Haddam Artists.
Apizza Tuscana in Killingworth Has A New Name!
ct our quality service and the same fantastic food from the same menu. As the owners of
za Tuscana for the last five years, we’re proud to announce that Pizzeria DaVinci is now located
ven towns. Stop in to see us at the Killingworth or Higganum location!
Drew & CarrieNight!
Sassi , Owners
Pizza Delivery
~ 5-8 p.m.
What if having hot, mouthwatering
pizza, freshly-made subs, and tic
super-healthy salads delivered
right to your door supported
Thin your
Killingworth Library? Would
dinner taste even better? Pizz
On Saturday, October 3rd, the
Killingworth Library and Pizzeria
Da Vinci team up for another Pizza
Delivery Night! The fleet of library
volunteers and board members
will be out in force between 5 and
8 p.m. for this delicious and fun
Deep River
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i tAliAn t hin• cSALADS
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. . . Same7 Killingworth
Rt 81 in the
Call Pizzeria Da Vinci at
860.663.2256 to place your order.
The entire delivery charge of only
$5 goes directly to the support of
the Killingworth Library. Take the
night off, treat yourself, and find
out how delicious supporting our
town library can be.
Killlingworth Village
Sun - Thur 3 - 9 p.m.
Fri & Sat 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Mon - Sat 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Sun. 3 - 9 p.m.
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Library Notes
Tuesday Book Discussion
Mystery Book Club Kicks Off
By Kathleen Amoia
A Mystery Book Club launches at Killingworth Library on
Tuesday, October 27 at 7 p.m. Copies of the first book, In the
Woods by Tana French, will be available at the library. Please
call (860) 663-2000 or visit www.killingworthlibrary.org
for additional details. Future meeting dates will be decided
when the club meets as a group.
“The Underground Girls of Kabul” by Foreign
correspondent Jenny Nordberg is the non fiction
work to be discussed at the October 13th meeting
of the Tuesday Book Discussion Group. Subtitled
“In Search of a Hidden Resistance in Afghanistan”
the book exposes the practice of “bacha posh”
which translates as “dressed up like a boy.” Under
this custom, pre-adolescent girls dress and pose
as boys within their families and larger communities. The book was reviewed in a recent issue of
the Krier by Renee Smith.
Discussion begins at 1 p.m. in the Killingworth
Library Meeting Room. Newcomers are always
welcome and books will be available at the
circulation desk.
Points of Light: Andrea Freibauer
By Karen Milano
Everyone loves a good cookie, and local entrepreneur
Andrea Freibauer knows how to bake them. What began
as an enjoyable Christmas tradition where she gave away
batches of 16 different varieties of holiday cookies to family, friends and coworkers just for the joy of it… turned into
a lucrative business with the support of her husband and
now business partner, Larry.
The idea for *Andies Cookies* kicked around for a
while, but the passing of Larry’s beloved mother after a
long illness struck a chord with Andrea. Says she….. “Life
is just way too short not to follow your dreams and just go
for it. Larry finally convinced me that I didn’t have to quit
my full time job in order to go into business, and things
finally fell into place when I met a woman at a farmers
market who had a commercial kitchen available for lease.
Larry and I juggle responsibilities with the baking, packaging, marketing and social media. This year in the spirit
of “going for it” we are at six different farmers markets as
well as other events and fairs, including The Big E and the
Plainville Hot Air Balloon Festival”.
With what is clearly a full plate of more than just
cookies, one would think Andrea’s time is all but taken up.
However, she still manages to give of herself in various
ways around town. Andrea has been a member of
Larry and Andrea Freibauer
the Killingworth Women’s Organization since 2012 and is
currently in her second year of Presidency. She participates
on several Committees and is liaison for the KWO with the 350th Celebration Steering Committee,
a town group organizing Killingworth’s 350th
birthday celebration.
Having been the assistant leader for
her daughters’ Girl Scout troop for four
years, she has enjoyed helping the girls
grow into strong young women through
their participation in various community
service projects and camping/hiking trips.
As a member of the Killingworth Chamber of
Commerce, she acts as liaison for the KWO
and as the owner of Andie’s Cookies.
Andrea is very active in the Gastric
Bypass Support Group through Middlesex
Hospital, where she facilitates support group
meetings on a routine basis. Her surgery five
years ago allowed her to take control of her
life. She finds it very rewarding to give
something back through support and
guidance to others who are struggling with
their weight and the decision to go through
the drastic step of having surgery. Says
Andrea, “So many people beat themselves
Continued on next page
Points of Light:
at Credence Edge Farm, LLC
Andrea Freibauer, continued
Susan Flynn, Owner/Broker
up because they – can’t do it themselves – like some people featured
in the media. I think it’s a shame that the surgery is seen by so many as
the easy way out. It’s honestly the hardest thing I’ve ever done, physically, emotionally and mentally. I gained so much insight and support from
the group, it just feels right to pay it forward and help others on their
journey to better health.”
Andrea and Larry Freibauer live in Killingworth in the house her
parents built in 1980. Their daughter Valleri, attending 6th grade at
HKMS, assists them in cookie sales on the weekends. They share their
home with their adopted dog, Biscuit, added to the family at the Dog
Adoption event at Parmelee Farm just hours before Hurricane Irene hit.
Biscuit keeps good company with their adopted guinea pigs and four
chickens – Red, Butterscotch, Maya and S’mores. Lucky chicks.
Andrea, you’re one tough cookie. We’re glad you call Killingworth
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Thank you from the Zanardi Family
On Sunday, August 23rd,
the walls of June’s Outback
Pub in Killingworth were
bursting and over-flowing
out on to the lawn as the
family and friends of Dean
Zanardi gathered together
to eat, drink, laugh and
honor their friend. Thank
you so much to June and
Dave Vigliotto, Jamie
Russell, Mike Guertin, the
June’s Pub bartenders and
wait staff, Del Perez and
-One Way Out - for providing the musical entertainment and the hundreds of
friends who attended and contributed so generously to such an incredible event. We love you all and cannot thank you
enough for the kindness and love you have shown our family.
Denise, Dean, Brett and Paul Zanardi
Have you
thought of
becoming an
EMT for our
Killingworth Ambulance will
be offering an EMT class
Jan. – May 2016 on Mon.,
Thur. evenings and occasional Sat. days. Specifics for
dates, times, and cost will be
forthcoming in time for the
November Krier.
Consider signing up to
become an EMT – it’s a
great way to give back to
your town in this special way.
The Doctor Is In
October is the time of year for pumpkins, mums,
changing leaves and getting your flu vaccine. Flu is a virus
that is circulating all year long but typically we have more
widespread flu outbreaks in the winter months. It can
cause fever, headache, muscle aches, cough, and a runny
nose, and it usually lasts about 5-7 days. There are several
ways to try and prevent the flu – frequent hand washing
or use of alcohol based hand rubs, avoiding contact with
sick individuals and getting the flu vaccine. As flu is a virus,
antibiotics DO NOT work in treating this illness. There is
an antiviral medicine available for certain individuals to
help treat the flu by shortening its duration and lessening
the symptoms. Not everyone needs this treatment - your
health care provider can help you decide if this is something you may need. If you are exposed to the flu, antiviral
medicines can help protect you from the flu, but those
medicines are not appropriate for everyone. Also, antiviral
medicines work only if you start them within 48 hours after
being exposed or as soon as you show symptoms.
The flu virus mutates often, so the vaccine changes
from year to year. Getting vaccinated can help keep you
from getting sick. Plus, being vaccinated can help protect
those around you from getting sick. If you have been vaccinated but get the flu, the vaccine can also keep you from
getting severely ill or even dying. It is recommended that
all individuals above 6 months of age get the flu vaccine
annually. There is a vaccine specifically for those 65 years
and older. The vaccine can be given into the muscle, the
tissue just under the skin, or inhaled through the nose.
Only healthy, non-pregnant individuals under 50, should
get the inhaled, or nasal, flu vaccine.
Often the vaccine causes no side effects. When it
does cause side effects it can cause redness, mild swelling,
or soreness where you got the shot (if you got a shot), a
mild fever, a mild rash, headache or body aches. You cannot get the flu from the flu vaccine. People sometimes feel
sick after getting the vaccine, but this is often because they
were already starting to get sick with the flu or another
virus before they had the vaccine. Vaccines also sometimes
cause more serious side effects, such as severe allergic
reactions. But serious side effects are rare.
To protect others, you should get the vaccine, stay
home if you get the flu, and cover your mouth and nose
with the inside of your elbow when you cough or sneeze.
Do not go to work or school until your fever has been gone
for at least 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol. If you work in a healthcare setting taking care of patients, you might need to stay home longer if
you are still coughing.
Remember: to stay healthy and avoid illness, eat well,
keep well-hydrated, practice good hygiene and be sure to
get enough rest.
THE DOCTOR IS IN is geared toward answering
general health concern questions. Local Physician
Pamela Murphy, DO will answer one question each
month. If you have a health and wellness question you
would like discussed, please e-mail the Killingworth Krier
at [email protected] with THE DOCTOR IS IN in
your subject line.
All questions will remain anonymous.
VNA Community Healthcare Flu Clinics
• Jensen’s Community Clubhouse – 20 Swan Lake Trail
– Monday October 5, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
• Killingworth Congregational Church – 273 Route 81
– Thursday, Oct 15, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
We participate with the following insurances:
Medicare, Aetna Medicare, Anthem BC/BS Medicare,
Connecticare VIP, Aetna, Anthem BC/BS, Conneciticare,
Harvard Pilgrim Health, and Healthy CT
Heads Up!
By Rob Clark, PhD
Lynn Monahan, PhD
Killingworth Counseling
It hurts to see people we care about struggle
with personal problems. We want to help. But trying
to do so is dealing with social dynamite. If we succeed in helping, the relationship will be significantly
deepened. But if we fail, the relationship may break
completely. We often feel paralyzed with indecision.
This is a good thing because it gives us time to consider our approach.
There are those personal problems in which
the person is largely, if not completely, unaware of
their problem (e.g. abusiveness, drug and alcohol
abuse, constant unwitting insults, prejudices, habitual dominance or submissiveness, negligence). And
there are those in which the person is largely, if not
completely, aware of their problem (e.g. depression,
anxiety, over- and under-weight, addiction, relationship problems, hoarding, procrastination).
Approaching the first type of problem, I want to
help the person to verbalize the feelings that motivate the problem behavior. This is always a longer
process than one might anticipate. For one thing,
feelings exist on different levels. For example, anger
often covers fear or humiliation. After the anger is
expressed, I keep looking. My approach to a bully
might be, “You seem angry.” If I am lucky enough that
he acknowledges any anger, I ask why and to tell me
more and more. I don’t give advice unless it is asked
for. Even if it isn’t, I will feel I helped because the
more a feeling is verbalized, the less it is acted out.
Approaching the second type of problem, I want
to offer support. Unsolicited advice is extremely
unwelcome. It is experienced as a deep insult.
For one thing, the sufferers likely know far more
about their problems than we do. For another, we
invariably underestimate and trivialize the forces experienced by the sufferers. Beyond advice, how can I
help? Again, talk, alone, seems to help.
Verbalizing negative feeling works to relieve it.
(Repetitive complainers are moaning, not talking,
but moaning, too, gives momentary relief.)
So the most help we can provide is largely that
of interested listening. If advice is solicited from us,
any suggestion on how to understand a problem,
or what to do, is most likely to be accepted if it is
expressed with some tentativeness. Advice that
begins with “You should…” is usually experienced, at
least partially, as offensive. Advice that begins with
“I would do x,” “Have you thought of x?,” “Maybe x
would help,” “I’ve heard x works,” or “X worked for
me,” is much easier to digest, integrate, and make
use of. Confrontation, as a method of helping, is a
technique of last resort because it so often fails.
Heads Up! is a new column that will address mental health and relationship issues.
Lynn Monahan and Rob Clark are clinical psychologists with practices in New York City since 1975
and in town, under the name of Killingworth Counseling, since 1996.
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Hat Ranch Montana Apple Pie
Submitted by Marge Patten
This recipe was originally published in an old
cookbook, Hearty Food for Hungry Folks – Western
Cooking, by Lois McBride. It’s one of the
Patten Family favorites and Marge won Best Tasting
Pie at the 1990 Killingworth Town Picnic with this
delicious pie. She says it takes just a little more
work with the added ingredients compaired to a
traditional apple pie, but it’s well worth the effort.
1st step – Line a 9” pie pan with crust of your
choice – either home made or store bought.
7 cups of peeled and chunked apples (tart is best)
½ C sugar
2 tbs flour
½ tsp nutmeg
½ C raisins
½ C chopped walnuts
2 tbs lemon juice
Marge Patten
with new family
member, Chase.
Mix all ingredients well in a bowl. Pile apple mix into
the shell –
For the topping:
½ C sugar
½ C flour
1 stick of butter, softened
½ C chopped walnuts
Cut butter into other topping ingredients. Sprinkle over
apples in pie shell, place on cookie sheet, cover loosely
with foil – 400 Degrees, 1 hour.
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The Shared Harvest Garden had another successful
year with over 600 pounds of produce harvested. Our
Thursday market opened in mid-July and had a regular
stream of customers from Killingworth each week through
September. We were able to share remaining produce
with local food pantries and kitchens. Our loyal group
of gardeners faithfully tended the garden each Monday,
Thursday and some Saturdays. We added a few new
volunteers and an HK student who worked both for the
Farm and us. Thank you to the churches, town hall and
Helping Hands staff for sharing the information and for
community members who contributed produce. It was a
very good season overall. Hopefully more of you will join
us next year. It’s a wonderful way to learn and share your
gardening skills, meet new people and enjoy the outdoors.
The Parmelee Farm Market had a fantastic first season, with people clamoring for a regular Saturday market.
The Parmelee property is used by so many groups now, it’s
a joy to witness. The fact that it has turned in to such a
popular community gathering place is a dream come true
for all those individuals who have worked so hard to bring
the goal to fruition. For that reason, in 2016 the market
will continue to be a four dates per season market so that
we don’t hog the property – the second Saturday of June,
July, August and September. We thank you for helping to
make the market a success, and we hope to see you next
year as we build on what we’ve started.
As always, hope to see you at the farm!
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It’s Time To Enroll
Registration is in progress to enroll in free high
school completion and English as a Second Language
classes at Adult Education. Adult education offers free
programs for Killingworth residents ready to earn their
high school diploma. Three high school completion
options are available including the GED and the National
External Diploma Program, an individualized, self paced
program without classroom instruction.
English classes for non-English speaking residents
are available for all proficiency levels. Day and evening
classes are available in Middletown, Killingworth and Old
Saybrook. Call for more information (860) 343-6044.
Internet Safety Presentation
6:30 P.M. - 8 P.M.
Come learn what children are currently doing with
technology, how it can be used safely and ways families
can protect themselves from internet abuse and misuse.
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Community Events
Tues. – Play Group at Killingworth Congregational Church,
11 a.m.-12 noon. Children age 5 and under, along with
their parents or caregivers, are welcome. Playtime is
unstructured and folks can come and go as their children’s
schedules allow. Free.
House, Ice Cream Truck, Games, Henna Tattoos, Bubble
Pool, Crafts, Amber Alert Booth and so much more. Event
hosted by HK MOMS CLUB & HKYFS. Admission is free with
non-perishable food donation or $3 per person, kids under
Weds. – Senior Lunch Café – Noon at the Killingworth
Congregational Church parish hall. The cost is $3 for those
60 and older. Call (860) 388-1611 by 11 a.m. on Tuesday to
sign up for the next day’s meal.
Oct. 10 – Chester Hose Company Inc. Arts & Crafts Fair, St.
Josephs Church, 48 Middlesex Ave., Chester – 9 a.m. – 4
p.m.– Help support the Fire Department, start your holiday
shopping early! Are you a crafter? Contact
[email protected] to reserve your booth.
Haddam-Killingworth Rotary Club – meets every Tuesday
at 6:30 p.m., currently at various locations in Killingworth
until a permanent meeting place is established. For more
information, contact Annie Stirna at (860) 227-4376 or
Richard P. Mason at (724) 554- 9439.
Oct. 10, 11 – Arts Center Killingworth’s Autumn Arts
Festival – Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sun. Noon to 5 p.m.
Located on the Madison Town Green – showcases painters,
sculptors, photographers, potters and ceramicists, jewelry
designers, artisans working with glass, mixed media collage
and fabric. Live music and gourmet food included.
Killingworth Women’s Organization – second Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. Killingworth Library, Route 81. New
members welcome. For info, contact (860) 663-5675 or
info at kwoct.org.
Oct. 17 – Holiday Shopping Collection Drive, 9 a.m. – 12
noon, Recycle Way (transfer station). Help kids of the
Hartford Boys & Girls Club to give holiday gifts to their
families – wanted: toys, games, books and stuffed animals
in great condition. We need wrapping paper too –
For more information, call Carolyn Anderson at
(860) 663-3481.
Oct. 3. – Fall Festival at the Killingworth Congregational
Church, 273 Route 81. Open from 9-2 then again at 6 pm.
Silent Auction, Plant Sale, Bake Sale, Pet Boutique, Childrens Activities. 10 a.m. Blessing of the Animals. 7 p.m.
Evening Entertainment. Free admission to daytime events,
$20. Per ticket to Tim Foley and Friends in the evening.
Oct. 30 – Owl-O-Ween at Parmelee Farm with A Place
Called Hope. 6 p.m. – 8 p.m., Live Owls – come meet
some of the resident owls up close and personal. Bring the
family, wear costumes, FREE event o- donations greatly
appreciated. Visit aplacecalledhoperaptors.com for more
Oct. 10 – Backpacks of Love Family Fun Event to benefit the HK BackPackProgram, a local initiative to ensure
that children in need have nutritious food they need to
learn and grow. Parmelee Farm, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Bounce
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KHS holds Annual
Meeting –
Tour available,
Public welcome
The Killingworth Historical Society Board of
Directors will hold their Annual Meeting on
Wednesday, October 28th at 7 p.m. at the
Parmelee Farmhouse, 465 Route 81.
The purpose of the meeting will be to vote
on the Board of Directors and other business
that will come before the Board.
The public is invited to attend the
meeting and also tour the farmhouse.
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Red Cross and Town of Killingworth to
Offer Free Smoke Alarm Installations
The American Red Cross Connecticut Chapter and the
Town of Killingworth are partnering to offer free smoke
alarms and installations to Killingworth residents starting
in October. The smoke alarm installations are part of the
Red Cross Home Fire Preparedness Campaign to reduce
the number of deaths and injuries due to fire.
On October 3, Red Cross and local volunteers will go
door to door in Jensen’s Beechwood Community, offering
to install free smoke alarms or replace batteries in alarms
already in place. The volunteers will also help residents
develop personalized escape plans and make other emergency preparations.
Residents throughout Killingworth and Beechwood
residents who are not available on October 3 between
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. can schedule a visit at
www.redcross.org/ct/schedule-a-visit or by calling
(877) 287-3327 and choosing option 1 on the menu to
request a smoke alarm installation.
“Working smoke alarms cut your risk of dying from a
fire in your home in half,” said Red Cross volunteer John
Hussaini, a Clinton resident who is
leading the effort to bring this
program to Killingworth. “People don’t
believe that we are not charging for
any of this, but we do it because it’s
a simple way to save lives and help
people feel more secure.”
Red Cross is providing the alarms, batteries, and fire
safety information. Local volunteers will help with the
installations. If you are interested in volunteering on
October 3 or at other times, please contact Killingworth
Director of Emergency Management Don McDougall at
(860) 663-1355.
Soldier Box Project
The Killingworth Women’s Organization
is seeking the names of active service members
that are currently deployed overseas.
We would like to send them a care package.
If you know of someone from
our local community, please
contact us at:
[email protected]
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Register to Vote!
The Killingworth Registrars of Voters will hold two registration sessions
at the Killingworth Town Hall, 323 Route 81.
Sat. Oct 17 – 10 a.m. -2 p.m.
(860) 304-2292
Tues. Oct 27 – 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015 is the last day registrations will be accepted
before the November election. All mail-in registrations must be postmarked
by October 20. If you have a Connecticut driver’s License you may go online
to http://www.sots.ct.gov – this must be done before the October 20th
mail-in deadline. Anyone needing an Absentee Ballot please contact the
Town Clerks office (860) 663-1765 Ext. 204.
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Killingworth Elementary School Book Fair
OCTOBER 16 – 22
The Book Fair is held in the KES
gymnasium. During school hours,
Friday, Oct 16 – 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
all visitors are asked to enter the
Late Night – 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Monday, Oct 19 – 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
building at the Main Entrance
Tuesday, Oct 20 – 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
and sign in at the front office
Family Night – 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
before heading to the gym.
Wednesday, October 21 – 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. After 4 p.m., please use the
Thursday, October 22 – 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
canopy entrance and head
straight down to the fair.
Killingworth Elementary School, 340 Route 81
Fall is a great time for hardscape
projects & plantings!
Best prices on leaf clean ups
Don’t forget to get on our
snow plowing list early
Parker Hill
Home Repair & Maintenance
General Small Jobs
Walls - Walks - Patios
Poolscapes - Steps
Complete Lawn Care
Shopping & Companion Services
Killingworth, CT
(860) 452-4057
Reasonable Rates!
Fully insured.
Check us out on Facebook.
DEP LIC S-5193
DEP REG.B-2285
CT HIC. #583718
Prepared Meals
Local Transportation
(860) 663-2694
Robert and Marcella Sassi
[email protected]
The Killingworth Foundation’s Second Annual
Sunflower Gathering
To celebrate the end of summer and the beautiful colors of
autumn, The Killingworth Foundation’s second annual
Sunflower Gathering was held on September 12 under the
pavilion at Parmelee Farm at the last Farmers’ Market of the
season. More than 25 entries were tallied and our four judges,
Judy Lentz, Mary Solera, Diane Aeschliman and Andrea O’Boyle,
chose the winners in the following categories:
Tallest: 1) Linda Dudek.
2) Robert Broach. 3) Fred Dudek
Nancy Dodson with Florence Broach
Widest seed head: 1) Linda Dudek.
2) Copper Skillet. 3) Will Newman
Non-profit: 1) Evergreen Garden Club.
2) Shared Harvest group. 3) Historical
Business: 1) Copper Skillet.
2) Cooking Company
School: 1) Killingworth Elementary
Artistic Representation, Adult:
1) Jody Lynn
Artistic Representation, Child:
1) Ginger Newman
Arrangements: 1) Kerry and Kayleigh
O’Connell 2) Fran Cartucci
Individual, Adult: 1) Marty Machold.
2) Jody Lynn 3) Linda Dudek
D. R
Individual, Child: 1) Olivia, Bella,
& C 3) Ellery,
Lianne 2)SLauren
tone Beebe
Sarah,hand Kira
Thanks to all who cultivated the
beautiful “sunflower smiles” and
contributed to this experiment in
community building. It was very
festive and we look forward to next
year’s event.
Check our updated website
for a full list of services!
Damon Rich
194 North Parker Hill Rd. Killingworth
Email:[email protected]
HIC# 0642136 Fully Insured
Full Chimney Service &
Mason Contractor
860 •250 • 5721
Vendor Sale and Open House at HVFC
The Haddam Volunteer Fire Auxiliary’s 5th Annual
Holiday Vendor Fundraiser will be held at the firehouse at
439 Saybrook Road on Sunday, November 1st from noon
to 3 p.m. This year the Fire Department also plans an open
house on that afternoon. While the ladies shop, the men
can attend the Open House. Children will get a close-up
look at the fire trucks and learn about fire safety. Stop by
for an enjoyable and interesting afternoon.
Vendors include Tastefully Simple, CT River Candles,
Avon, Kim’s Jewelry, Shirley’s Stitches, Thirty-One Gifts,
Pampered Chef, and Gifts from the Heart, Mary Kay, and
other crafters with knives, cupcakes, gifts and decorations.
Proceeds will benefit Haddam Fuel Bank. Shop close to
home and support our local Fuel Bank. For more information, call (860) 345-7755.
Annual Beechwood
Community Arts and
Crafts Fair
This year’s Beechwood Community Arts and Crafts Fair will be held on
Saturday, October 24th from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Beechwood
Clubhouse. Artists and crafters from the Jensen community along with
a few creative bakers will have their works on display and for sale.
Homemade chili and a beverage will be offered for $4, Drinks including
coffee, tea, and soda will be $1.
The Beechwood Community Association invites all its neighbors both
within and outside the community to join in celebrating the talents of its
residents. All are welcome. Parking is available at the Clubhouse on
Swan Lake Trail.
Connecticut’s Favorite
Roofing Contractor
Services Offered
Asphalt Shingles • Cedar Shingles
• Natural Slate • Synthetic Slate
• Tile • “Green” Roofing Options
• Salvage Slate & Tile
• Architectural Sheet Metal
• Standing Seam Roofing
• Low Slope Roofing (EPDM, TPO, PVC
• 5”,6” K Style & Half Round Gutters
• Historical Restoration
Call us today to discuss your project.
New Haven & Fairfield Counties:
(203) 745-5028
Middlesex & Hartford Counties
(860) 452-4136
Toll Free (888) 612-0798
News from Youth & Family Services
Youth & Family Services of Haddam-Killingworth, Inc. is
currently offering community service hours for volunteers.
If you or someone you know is in need of completing community service hours please contact Nathan Carpenter at
YFSHK 860-345-7498 for further information.
9 a.m. -3 p.m. Open to all of Middlesex County - HK School
District Central Office, 57 Little City Road, Higganum.
Contact Deborah Kelly at (860) 345-7498 or
[email protected] for more information.
Preview of the beautiful new Boscov’s at Westfield
Meriden Mall October 8, 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Your $5.00 ticket gives you: Exclusive first look at grand
opening specials, Refreshments and entertainment.
Register to win prizes plus a free gift. All ticket proceeds
benefit Youth & Family Services of Haddam-Killingworth,
Inc. For information please call YFS-HK at 860-345-7498
Secured Document Shredding - Saturday, October 10,
2015 91 Little City Rd., Higganum - 9:00am-12:00pm
KIDS, October 25, 11:30 a.m., Higganum Green.
For sponsorship opportunities please see our Website
www.hkyfs.org or call (860) 345-7498.
Killingworth Aware Oct. 8th, 7 p.m. - KES
tools for us to combat domestic violence. There will be a
brief presentation by a panel of experts; two short movie
clips (TED Talk videos) one from a women’s perspective
and one from a man’s perspective; and a Q & A session.
It should be an interesting and informative night. We
invite you to join us. Please note the location change:
Killingworth Aware, October 8th, 7pm, at Killingworth
Elementary School, 340 Route 81.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness month so
you will be seeing a lot of purple ribbons and bows around
town in honor of this cause. What you may not see is
the one in three women in American who are victims of
domestic abuse.
The Killingworth Women’s Organization is hosting an
event entitled Killingworth Aware. This panel discussion
will try to help us all understand the signs and available
Master Stone Masons
Granite - Marble - Bluestone - Brownstone - Limestone
Custom Stone Work Is Our Specialty
Patios, Pools, Walls, Walkways, Terraces, Barbeques, Fireplaces, Pizza Ovens,
Water Features, Koi Ponds, Masonry Restoration, Chimney Repairs, Flashing, Caulking,
Waterproofing, Chimney Crowns, Excavation/Drainage, Outdoor Lighting, Irrigation,
Firewood, Design Build, Hardscapes, Landscape Designs, Construction Management
Visit us at: www.shorelinemason.com
Qualified Financing Available
License #0548469
Phone/Fax: (860) 663-1567
Email: [email protected]
Deadline for submitting classified ads for the November issue is October 10. To submit an ad, visit www.killingworthct.com.
Pumpkins –146 Cow Hill Road - will be
ready in October every weekend from
9-5p.m. fri. sat. and sun. Pick your
own – Call Joe or Doug
(860) 663-2510 for info.
Delta Rockwell Floor Mount Drill
Press, new condition, presently set up
for woodworking, $350.
Delta Dust Collector System. 3/4 HP.
VG Cond. $150. Heavy Duty bench
mount drill press, $200.
Gym quality squat bench and 2 tier
rack of dumbbells, $850. New in box
Aero Pilates Performer XP297 W/3
DVDs, $275. 8 Foot Walker Bay Sailing
Dingy W/4 stroke Honda 2 HP engine,
$1500. Call (860) 663-1769 (5-8 pm).
2 Twin Antique Brass Beds, $250 each
or $400 for the pair.
Call (860)391-1213.
2003 Dodge Dakota Sport, crew
cab, 4WD, A/T, A/C,cruise, towing,
fiberglass cap. 180k miles, runs well,
everything works, $3,200.
Call (860) 663-3623.
Eddyline 10’ Kayak - weighs 32 lb,
burgundy, fitted cockpit cover, light
weight paddle and vest included - ABS
construction-padded/foam seat- 2
hatches, $795 . Call Milt at
(860) 663-2971.
Four Firestone Winterforce Snow
Tires. Size 205-65R15. Low mileage.
$175 (860) 790-0593.
White four door storage unit $30.
1 drawer and 1 shelf in each section
59” long x 32” high. White Mate’s
(twin) bed with three drawers $25.00.
Natural table with white and 6 natural/white wood chairs -Table 60” x
36”. 2-piece professional metal desk
$150. New 15 cubic Hotpoint White
Refrigerator $150. All in very good
condition - call (860) 391-3878.
Pilates Power Gym $225 OBO. – like
new. Other exercise equipment
available. Call (860)663-3391. Leave
message if no answer.
Cyclone Rake Platinum Edition - PowerVac pick up, roof rack carrier, jack
stand complete and urethane PBP
hose, Unique swivel head, 360
Continued next page
degrees on end of pick up hose.
Complete with all necessary tools.
Excellent condition, $1250
(860) 663-1108.
Two twin extra long mattresses and
boxsprings. Free hot tub. Needs new
cover. (860) 388-8530
Fish tank 32 gal. Bow front with filter,
heater, bubbler, stand and fish $125.
Please call (860) 304-4552
Thanksgiving week at Water’s Edge
(Nov. 20-27). One bedroom and loft,
with fireplace. Sleeps 6, use of facilities. $1,000. (860) 961-6662.
Multi-Family Tag Sale – Sat. 10/3
8 a.m. – 2 p.m. at 26 BEECH TREE
RIDGE (Raindate 10/4).
New and gently used items – household and home decor, furniture, sport
& outdoor recreation equipment &
Estate Sale – Oct. 16, 17, 18 –
9 a.m - 4 p.m. Antiques, furniture,
tractor, pool table, tools, household
items and more. 67 Stevens Road.
Looking for free broken or old electronics - Audio, cameras, test equip.
etc. Before you take it to the dump,
call Scott (860) 663- 2861
Looking for garage or storage space,
approx. 600 to 800 sq. ft. Willing to
pay $100-$150/month. Please call
Frank Crohn (860) 663 -1888.
General handyman, small jobs,
carpentry, painting, roofing,
sheetrocking and taping
Child’s wooden rocking chair – reasonable price. If you have one you want
to sell, call (860) 575-3907.
Snow Plowers for town. 5+ yrs. exp.
License, proof of insurance. Apply at
Town Hall (860) 663-1765
[email protected].
Looking for dependable person with
own transportation to snow blow (not
plow) my driveway this winter when
snow exceeds 4”. I can provide
snowblower if necessary.
Call (203) 214-9221.
Seeking adult and teen volunteers for
greeting visitors to the Autumn Arts
Festival on October 10-11, assisting at
the Arts Center’s Art Birthday Parties,
and at Spectrum Gallery and Store
Open Receptions. Teens earn community service. No experience necessary.
Visit artscenterkillingworth.org/volunteer. For more info call
(860) 663-5593.
Alec Martin
(860) 663-2111
Most Insurances Accepted
Including CVS/Caremark
10% Senior Discount Wednesdays
On all store merchandise.
Some restrictions apply
Keith Lyke, R.Ph.
Steve Vegliante, R.Ph.
Check Out Our Stock of
Halloween Candy and Decorations!
Get your prescriptions, health and beauty aids and more!!
October Health Tip Reminder: It’s flu season...
Stop by for your vaccination soon.
Visit our website at www.kfpharmacy.com
STORE HOURS: Mon-Fri: 9am-7pm
Sat: 9am-3pm; Sun: 9am-1pm; Pharmacy closed
183 Route 81, Unit 3, Killingworth
(860) 452-4275 • Fax (860) 452-4278
O’Donnell Plumbing &
Heating, LLC
Full Service Installations Repairs
Well Pumps Boilers Water Systems
Solar Hot Water Systems Pool Heaters
Lightening Strike!!!
We have you covered!!!
We install German engineered
Buderus boilers for
David H. O’Donnell IV
860-663-5606 Buisness & Fax
1-866-WATER73 Toll Free
116 Cow Hill Road, Killingworth
[email protected]
P1 204723
S7 394672
Homeward Bound CT
Sat. & Sun., Oct 24 & 25
Chester Fair Grounds 10-4
Looking for your new best friend? Elly, Link and about 40 other dogs
and puppies will be looking for their forever homes.
Visit www.homewardboundadoptionevents.jimdo.com to fill out
adoption application.
Faith &
Episcopal Church
50 Emmanuel Church Rd, Killingworth
(860) 663-1800
The Rev. Jim Bradley,
Missioner in Charge
Sunday Holy Eucharist Service 10 a.m.
All are Welcome
High-Quality Firepit Kits
Call for wood
pellet pricing
Living Rock Church
138 Route 81, Killingworth
(860) 663-2069
Rev. Ryan Young, Senior Pastor
Worship Service – Fall Schedule
Sunday @ 9:30 a.m.
Nursery & Children’s Church
MON-FRI: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
SAT: 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
SUN: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Stone Products
157 Route 81, Killingworth, CT 06419
St. Lawrence
Catholic Church
(860) 452-4432
Email: [email protected]
7 Hemlock Dr., Killingworth
(860) 663-2576
Rev. Joseph DeCosta
Tues @ 7 p.m.;
Wed, Thurs, Fri., Sat. 8:30 a.m. ; Sat. 4 p.m.
Sat. Confessions, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Sunday Mass 8:30 & 10:30 a.m.
Carpenters - Builders
General Contractor
Multigenerational Homes
Project Management
Home Improvements
Triangle Building Associates, Inc.
23 Saybrook Road, Suite 8
Post Office Box 102
Essex, CT 06426-0102
Phone: (860)663-5444 • (860)767-1272
Email: [email protected]
Incorporated in 1988.
Licenses: CT NHC # 3590, CT HIC # 556517
and Suffolk County NY # 41997-H
The Congregational
Church in Killingworth
(United Church of Christ)
273 Route 81, Killingworth
(860) 663-1789
The Rev. Martha Bays, Minister
[email protected]
Sunday Worship 9 a.m. (July & August)
Call Before You Dig............(800) 922-4455
Community Post Office.....(860) 663-2114
Weekdays...................9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday...................9 a.m. - 12 Noon
Compactor.......................(860) 391-5527
Tuesday...............................2 - 7 p.m.
Thursday.............................2 - 7 p.m.
Saturday........................8 a.m - 2 p.m.
H-K Rec. 24 hr. Hotline..(860) 345-8334
Library.............................(860) 663-2000
Mon., Wed., Fri., & Sat.....10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Tues., Thurs................10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
RSD17 School Info (www.rsd17.org)
Superintendent of Schools
Phone ................... (860) 345-4534
Fax........................ (860) 345-2817
KES........................ (860) 663-1121
HKMS.....................(860) 663-1241
HKHS......................(860) 345-8541
Pupil Services.........(860) 345-4244
Bus Garage.............(860) 345-8228
Distance Learning...(860) 345-7967
Youth & Family Svcs.... (860) 345-7498
Town Office Phone Numbers
Main Number............ (860) 663-1765
M-F.................. 8 a.m . - Noon & 1 - 4 p.m.
Animal Control......................... 219
Assessor................................... 506
Board of Elections.................... 511
Building & Sanitation............... 504
Finance..................................... 501
First Selectman......................... 501
Helping Hands......................... 401
Municipal Agent....................... 510
Public Health Agency............... 402
Public Works............................ 501
Probate.................................... 507
Registrar of Voters................... 511
Resident Trooper TIPS Line..... 404
Town Clerk............................... 502
Tax Collector............................ 508
Youth & Family Services.......... 512
Zoning & Wetlands.................. 505
Crime Tips Hotline:
1-800-258-1205 x 8000
Police.................(860) 663-1132
Fire.....................(860) 663-1785
Poison Control......(800) 222-1222
Resident Trooper....(860) 345-2769
State Police, Westbrook Barracks
Phone...............(860) 399-2100
Advertiser Index
ABCO.................................................. 8
A. Panzo Insurance Group, LLC......... 17
Ahearn & Sons, LLC............................ 9
Arts Center of Killingworth............... 15
Auer Construction............................ 10
BPMC Engineering -
Brian McCaffrey, P.E............................8
Callinan Construction....................... 11
Center Podiatry.............................................11
Chatfield Hollow Bed & Breakfast.............4
Coldwell Banker-Nancy Dansereau.... 23
Connecticut Roofcrafters.................. 30
Conway Painting............................... 26
Cutting Edge Lawn Care...................... 8
D. Rich Stonework............................ 29
Denvir Tire Shop............................... 28
Dino’s Pizza Restaurant..................... 26
East River Energy.............................. 27
Edwards Tile....................................... 9
Essex Savings Bank........................... 11
Flynn Associates Real Estate, LLC..... 17
Frame Shop on Wall Street................. 8
Fur & Hooves Pet Care, LLC.............. 15
Gagne Plumbing & Heating.............. 24
Griswold Plumbing Services............... 2
Help Is On The Way.......................... 33
Higganum Physical Therapy...................19
Home Away From Home Day Care.......28
Houseworks...................................... 27
Jackson Chevrolet............................. 10
Jammin With Jeff.............................. 28
Killingworth Animal Hospital.............. 6
Killingworth Café.............................. 22
Killingworth Family Pharmacy.......... 33
Killingworth Kids Center................... 11
Killingworth Music............................ 11
Killingworth True Value.................... 12
Killingworth Women’s
Organization.......................... 26, 32
La Foresta Restaurant and Wine Bar.....25
Langer Landscapes........................... 28
Martin Roofing................................... 9
MacKinstry Financial................................8
Michaud, Accavallo, Woodbridge &
Cusano, LLC................................... 29
Middlesex Dental Care..................... 17
O’Donnell Plumbing & Heating........ 33
Page Taft - Bob Allison............................24
Parker Hill Handyman and a Lady.........28
PCs Made Easy.................................. 24
Personal Fitness Solutions................ 20
Phil Wieloch Financial Consulting..... 21
Pizzeria DaVinci................................ 14
Premier Stone................................... 34
Professional Exterminating Co.......... 25
Proper Tree....................................... 30
RLD Heating & Cooling..................... 10
Roberts Food Center........................ 25
Rosello’s Apizza.................................. 7
Running Brook Farms......................... 7
Shore Electric, LLC............................ 26
Shoreline Masonry........................... 31
S. M. Edwards and Associates, LLC......11
Sprout Landscaping.............................27
Stevens, Harris, Guernsey & Quilliam........27
Stone Company................................ 26
Sunny Dispositions........................... 20
The Tree Company............................ 22
Total Hair.......................................... 13
Town & Country Nurseries................. 5
Triangle Building Associates............. 34
Up Vibrations - Deb Sodergren...................23
William Pitt Sotheby’s - Eileen Boulay.......26
William Pitt Sotheby’s Nikki Travaglino & Assoc.........................18
William Raveis - Marsha Couture...............33
William Raveis - Michelle Parmelee...........10
Killingworth Krier
5th of the month for
publication the following month
For advertising rates and
visit www.killingworthct.com
Classified Advertising:
10th of the month for
publication the following month
Press releases, events, etc:
10th of the month for
publication the following month
Email: [email protected]
Like us on Facebook
P.O. Box 644,
Killingworth CT 06419
Monthly Publication of the Killingworth Chamber of Commerce
Delivered to Killingworth residents the first week of every month.
P lease S upport L ocal B usinesses
Killingworth Chamber of Commerce
Co-Sponsored By
Killingworth Lions Club
Killingworth Garage
Haddam-Killingworth Rotary Club
Robert’s Food Center
Saturday, October 24
1:00-4:00 pm
FREE Pumpkins
Horse & Carriage Rides
Rain Date 10/25

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