the annual report - Grace Episcopal Church Nyack


the annual report - Grace Episcopal Church Nyack
January 1 – December 31, 2014
154th Annual Meeting
February 8, 2015
Grace Episcopal Church
Nyack, New York
We believe that Grace Episcopal Church
is called by God to live the way of Jesus
through a ministry of reconciliation,
seeking to restore all people
to unity with God and each other,
through prayer, worship, spiritual growth,
witness and action.
October 16, 2000
(For the year January 1 – December 31, 2014)
Agenda for Annual Meeting
Minutes for the 2014 meeting
Report of the Nominating Committee
Rector’s Report - The Rev. Owen C. Thompson
Vestry Standing Committee on Finance – Kim Cross
Vestry Standing Committee on Property – Debbie McGuinness
Music at Grace Church – Brandon Beachamp/Sally Cochran, Vestry Liaison
Adult Education & Spiritual Formation – Verne Becker/Kickie Fulmor, Chairs
Claudia Uccellani, Vestry Liaison
Fellowship – Kr is Bur ns, Chair
Graceful Friends – Evelyn Lombardi
Fun(d)Raisers - Pat Cose & Jeff McDowell
Social Ministries – Charles Cross, Chair /John Loftin, Vestry Liaison
New Member Ministry – Sally Seiler, Chair
Youth – Lainie Mur r ell, Chur ch School Coor dinator / Jim O’Toole, Vestr y Liaison
Diversity Committee – Evelyn Lombardi
Thrift Shop – Fran Sennas/Theresa Bergen/Kickie Fulmor
Sarah Styles, Vestry Liaison
Altar Guild – Sally Ann Mock, Ruth Fee/ Evelyn Lombardi, Vestry Liaison
Grace Church Parish Record 2014
Cornerstone Campaign Donors
QUALIFIED VOTERS – 2015 Pledges Received
Closing Hymn
Annual Parish Meeting
February 8, 2015
Opening prayer (at conclusion of 10:00 am service)
Call to order
Appointment of Secretary
Appointment of Tellers
Minutes of Previous meeting (amendments if necessary)
Report of the Nominating Committee
Voting guidelines
Nominations from the Floor
Nominations close
Polls open
Adjournment to time certain
Closing of Polls
PART II (Reporting):
Welcome from the Rector
Senior Warden’s Report Financial report, Presentation of the Budget)
Junior Warden’s Report (Property)
Youth Ministries Report and Presentation from Senior Youth Group
Organist/Choirmaster’s Report
PART III (Small Groups)
Topic of Discussion: “I have decided to Follow Jesus, answering anew the call of Christ!” W here is Jesus calling
Grace Church to go? Are we being faithful to the call? What can we do better/differently? What lead you to Grace
Group Reporting & Discussion
Special Recognition
Commissioning of New Vestry
Closing Hymn
The meeting was called to order at after the peace. Senior Warden Jeff McDowell announced the nominations. Sally Ann
Mock was appointed secretary of the meeting. Sally Seiler and Michael Growney were appointed tellers. The minutes of
the previous meeting were accepted.
The nominating committee presented the following slate:
Senior Warden (2 years)
Kim Cross
Junior Warden (2 years)
Debbie McGuinness
Vestry Member (3 years)
Leigh Holt
Rudolph Knight
Sarah Styles
Diocesan Convention Delegates
Kickie Fulmor
Lynn-Marie Schnalzer
Diocesan Convention Alternates
Jeff McDowell
Emily Nevill
2014 Nominating Committee
Fred Frelow
Steve Larson
Sally Seiler
Terence Rock
retiring vestry members
The polls were declared open, to remain open for one hour. No nominations were received from the floor. After the 10
a.m. Eucharist, the meeting continued in Memorial Hall where the polls were closed and the secretary of the meeting was
instructed to cast one vote for the slate of nominees.
Senior Warden Jeff McDowell spoke about the finances of the church during 2013 and presented the 2014 budget, which
was accepted by those present.
Junior Warden Kim Cross spoke about the work of the Property Commission, noting the repairs on the rental properties
and the plans for repairs to be done during 2014.
Youth Ministries were thanked: Jen Marraccino and Lainie Murrell for their work with the church school and Moriah
Olsen for her work with the Senior Youth Group.
Those present divided into small groups for discussions and reported back at the end of 20 minutes.
Special recognition was given to Cindy Cox and Eric Case. Retiring Senior Warden Jeff McDowell and Vestry members Vickie Frelow, Roger Seiler and Debbie McGuinness were recognized and given a gift from the church.
Rev. Thompson commissioned the new Vestry, Diocesan Convention delegates, and Nominating Committee members.
The meeting was adjourned with a closing prayer
Respectfully submitted, Sally Ann Mock, clerk
February 8, 2015
Nominations for 2015
The Nominations Committee met several times in 2014 to present the following slate for your consideration.
3 Full term Vestry members (3 years)
Diane Deveau
Terence Rock
Candice Warner
2 Delegates to the Diocesan Convention
Jeff McDowell
Emily Nevill
2 Alternates to Diocesan Convention
Christine Howe
Jim O’Toole
Lay Members of the Nominating Committee
Joe Marraccino
Terence Rock
Sally Seiler
Claudia Uccellani
Retiring Members of the Vestry for 2016
Erik Johnke
John Loftin
Evelyn Lombardi
Respectfully submitted by the Nominating Committee:
Kim Cross, chair
Retiring Vestry
Sally Cochran
James O’Toole
Claudia Uccellani
Lay Members
Olive Crone
Liz Johnson
Susan McCann
Terence Rock
Diane Deveau (Vestry)
My name is Diane Deveau, member of Grace Church since 1998; received in 1999. I was brought up in
the Roman Catholic tradition, but have spent many years searching for spirituality that is inclusive,
thoughtful, and creative. I was in spiritual direction for five years, explored the path of the Third Order
Franciscans, and have sought out a variety of worship services to broaden my thinking and support me in
my spiritual journey. Like the pragmatic Franciscans, I find God in the various tasks of living and prefer
my prayer in the active tense. I do also try to work on my inner life through meditation and reading. As a
former NICU nurse I was privileged to work with families in crisis, caring for their premature or sick babies. It is a gift
to have work that is useful to others, meaningful to me personally, and exposes me to life’s great joys and great sorrows
every shift. I am currently on medical leave from nursing, due to some ongoing eye issues affecting my vision. (highly
unlikely this would interfere with Vestry) I also enjoy my roles as wife, mother of five adult children, and member of the
Nyack community. I love the challenges and blessings a large active family brings, and find that I both teach and learn
from these relationships. In the past I was the Church School Director for three years, was involved in various youth activities, served on Vestry, was a member of the Parish Committee on Ordained Ministry, and participated in forming the
Lit IV that met on Sunday evenings. Most recently I was on the Rector Search Committee, organized last year’s Silent
Auction, participated in food preparation for various large events (under strict supervision!), and a member of ASF,
which led to editing this year’s Lenten Journal. I would like to take on the responsibilities of Vestry again as part of my
ongoing investment in the life of Grace Church.
Terence Rock (Vestry)
Terence Rock was confirmed at the Church of the Ascension in Mount Vernon, New York where he
grew up. He has been Valley Cottage resident since 2000. Terence is married to Tanya Rock and the
proud father of two children Quintin and Dominique. He currently works for Juniper Networks, a technology company that provides routing, switching, and security products, where he is the Director for
Headquarter Sales and Operations for the Americas. Terence has given back to the community by holding various volunteer positions. He is a trustee for Inspire Nyack, an organization that provides funding
for STEM programs in the Nyack School District. He is also a coach for St. Paul’s CYO Boys Basketball, and previously
coached for SPAL and Nyack-Valley Cottage Little League. Spiritually, Terence is a member of the 9:30am service
community. He is a previous Vestry member for Grace Church where he has also served on the Youth Commission, Finance Committee, Stewardship Committee and Search Committee. At the Church of the Ascension he served as a Youth
Group leader.
Candice Lewis-Warner (Vestry)
Candice Lewis-Warner & family live in Nanuet. Candice first visited Grace in December 2000 for a wedding & it was love at first sight. After several visits over the years she knew this would be the best spiritual home to raise her family and started to attend on a regular basis in 2012. Candice assists Lainie Murrell
with Sunday School & many youth activities. While young to the Grace Episcopal family, she hopes to
share many of her values learned while growing up at St. Gabriel's Episcopal.
Jeff McDowell (Convention Delegate)
I have been attending Grace Church since 2002 and was received into the Episcopal church in 2008. I
have been an acolyte and chalice bearer since early 2003 a member of the Adult Spiritual Formation commisison for a number of years, and I am completing my term as senior warden as of February 2014. I
have also been coordinating the Men's Prayer Breakfast for several years. I grew up in Nyack, graduated
from Nyack High School, Hartwick College and Teachers College, Columbia University. I have worked
in real estate, as a consultant with a human resources consulting firm, but mostly as a college/university
administrator for much of the last 30 years - primarily at Jesuit institutions in Seattle, Detroit and Chicago. I currently work at LIU's Rockland Graduate campus. My non work activities in addition to Grace include hiking,
kayaking, and cooking. My other community activities have included - Friends of the Nyacks where I have been a covice chairman and chair of the program committee; Rockland Friends of the Clearwater where I was co-chair; and a
member of the Nyack Library Board of Trustees. Pat Cose and I live in Nanuet.
Emily Nevill (Convention Delegate)
Grace Church has been my home for ten years. Grace is where I was confirmed, married, and had the joy
of seeing my husband baptized. Grace is where I found a faith I could claim as my own. In the past I've
served on the Vestry and I'm presently a member of the Adult Education and Spiritual Formation Commission as well as a lector at the 11:00 service. I live with my husband Jacob in Ringwood, NJ . I’m employed as an academic librarian and in my free time I enjoy reading, cooking, decorating, and hiking. It
will by a joy and privilege to represent the Grace Church community at the Diocesan Convention.
Christine Howe (Convention Alternate)
Over the years, I have been amazed by the opportunities for spiritual development that are part of the bedrock of a community bound by the goal of transformation. The prospects for cultivating the spirit are still
a source of sustained wonder to me as a member of the Grace Church community. Here, I have been privileged to work with colleagues in ministry who reflect an authentic commitment to engagement with the
world, as guided by our texts and traditions. Most recently, I served as a member of our Search Committee for a new rector. I have also served on Vestry. Earlier on, while serving as Co-Chair of Adult Spiritual
Formation, I was part of a team that brought both Bishop Spong and John Dominic Crossan to Grace for
some thought-provoking dialogue. I have also served on the Stewardship Commission and as a delegate
to our Diocesan Convention. One of my greatest joys at Grace, apart from experiencing our remarkable music and liturgy, is to serve with my colleagues on the altar, as, just occasionally, it seems easier to hear angel wings flapping near the
sanctuary, particularly near feast days. Grace, Peace and thanks to all!
Jim O’Toole, (Convention Alternate)
Faith has played a very important part in my life. As an ex -seminarian, liturgical musician, director of
church music programs and member of liturgical committees in churches in Yonkers, and Jamaica Estates, New York, I have been able to be of service to my church and to my faith. After finding a home at
Grace, I have been able to find those ways to serve again. I have previously served on the Adult Spiritual
Formation Committee, the Diversity Committee the Search Committee and am currently completing my
service on the Vestry. In my life church, like family, is synonymous with service. It was God (with a
little help from the Olsens) who brought myself, my son Abraham and my husband Gregory to Grace
Church and I am glad we have found our church home. I am happy to let the service continue.
Joe Marraccino (Nominating Committee) Bio unavailable at press time
Sally Seiler (Nominating Committeee)
In 1971, I married and moved to Nyack and was warmly welcomed into the Grace Church family. Over
the years, my husband Roger and I have been involved in many aspects of the church. Our children,
until they left for college and beyond, were active in all the programs available for children and teens
… a wonderful foundation of their spiritual growth. Currently I’m part of the New Member Ministry,
welcoming newcomers and people returning to worship with us, and also on the Fellowship Commission. Outside of this, I am the South Nyack Village clerk and active in the community with the Friends
of the Nyacks and the Amazing Grace Circus - started by our Grace Church youth group.
Claudia Uccellani (Nominating Committee)
Thank you for the opportunity to serve on the Nominating Committee of Grace Church which has given
me and my family so much over the past twenty years. During my time here at Grace, I have served as a
church school teacher, Church School Coordinator, Chair of the Youth Commission, Co-Chair of the
Adult Spiritual Formation commission and, most recently as a member of the Vestry. I also participate
on the Diversity and CYSM (Church Youth Service Ministry) committees. I am thankful and blessed to
be part of a dynamic, welcoming parish where so many truly demonstrate the mind, heart and hands of
Christ in the world. I live in Nyack, have two grown children, Camille and Benjamin, and work as a
youth librarian at the Nyack Library.
2015 RECTOR’S ADDRESS (an overview)
Annual Meeting & Ministry Appointments
“I have decided to Follow Jesus, answering anew the call of Christ!”
Let us pray: “Almighty and ever-living God, ruler of all things in heaven and
earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse
the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our
common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy
Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
Grace and peace with you! I greet you this morning as the proud rector and
pastor of this beloved community. What a joy it is to be here with you in this
sacred place, this beacon of hope and haven of healing, Grace Episcopal
Church, our parish home. Indeed, what at joy it is to look out and see God’s people, God’s family, gathered together in
faith, hope, and love. My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, in keeping with my canonical duties and obligations as
established by the Episcopal Church and within the mandates of the Diocese of New York, it is with joy and thanksgiving that I share my annual address for this the 154th Annual Meeting of Grace Episcopal Church on this 8th day of February in the of our Lord 2015.
I must say that it is hard to believe that my family and I have been with you for almost two years now. Time truly does
fly when you are having fun. And indeed, my time with all of you thus far
has been a profound journey filled with moments of joy, hope, light, anticipation, and excitement, that has aided me greatly as I contend with the
challenges of an institutional body charged with proclaiming the good
news of Christ in an ever-changing world. And with that said, let me say
that Grace Church continues to be one of the strongest, most active, and
most vibrant Episcopal parishes in Rockland County!
Over the course of these past soon to be two years, we have seen growth in
our worship services, where we are providing for the spiritual needs and
caring for an average of 250 souls per week, which is considered a significantly large number compared with surrounding churches across the denominational spectrum. This past Christmas, 667 souls came through our doors and some of
those folks came back the next week (progress). Through the waters of Holy Baptism we welcomed 15 new infants and
young adults into the risen life of Christ. Six couples were married at Grace last year, and we have 5 couples who will
be married at Grace this year, our beloved organist Brandon and his beloved Doug among them.
We commended into the hands of almighty God:
Nicole Denise Scott
Gerado Iturrino
Edith J. Hoehn
Delice Katenkamp
John H. Proper
Robert Linde Barrows
Glyndora Campbell
Noel Haskell
Jean Gardner
And most recently Ruth Butler
May their souls and all of the souls of the departed rest in peace and rise in glory.
Indeed, whenever, I speak with people who are either visiting for the first time or come occasionally, or when I have
chance encounters with people in the community, they all say the same thing, “Grace Church is a warm and welcoming
place that does great things in the community.” And it is this reputation
that has contributed greatly to our current strength and the growth that
we are seeing here. People are coming here because they have seen Jesus Christ in this place and in the community. And let me just thank Kris
Burns, Sally Seiler, Debbie Laliberté, Bobbe Wanamaker, and Shirley
Chalke, who are so often the faces of Grace as they go out of their way
to welcome people into the parish’s warm embrace through their fellowship and hospitality.
In addition to people talking about the welcoming ethos and dedicated
service, people also laud our music ministry, and I want to thank Brandon and the dedicated and talented (all volunteer)
members of the Grace Church Choir, who week after week through the gift music lift the veil that separates the secular
from the divine and the transport us into the very presence of God. In like manner, I must
thank Sally Ann Mock and the members of Altar Guild who polish the brass and adorn our
church, and help to create sacred space for us to come and find rest for our souls so that we
can bask in the beauty of this great church.
I am happy to say that our parish continues to bustle with “young life!” Grace Church has a
strong Sunday School-Christian formation program. The program’s mission is to assist parents/guardians in providing a faithbased curriculum that helps their child to grow in the knowledge
and love of God. Week after week, our dedicated teachers under
the dutiful leadership of Lainie Murrell provides fun and meaningful opportunities for our
kids. I want to thank not only the teachers who dedicate so much of themselves to the blessed
-task, but also to the parents/guardians who take the time to bring their children to church,
who share in our worship and in the faith-life of their child. I am keenly aware of all of the
demands on parents today (sports, events, etc.), and I am grateful for their
dedication and commitment. In addition to our Sunday School program, under the leadership of Erik Johnke, our Confirmation Class is full (two years
running) and has been restructured to give our young adults more opportunities to be more engaged in the process of their own faith development. This
past summer, I spent two life-altering and arduous weeks working alongside
members of the Senior Youth Group in Nicaragua. I can truly tell you that
my life was forever changed by that experience. Not only was I moved by the
time we spent among the Nicaraguan people, but also by the time I spent with
these amazing young people from Grace Church, who were the very embodiment of Jesus Christ; as they cared for each other and for the people of the community we served. They did so without
complaint and without hesitation. And I thank God for these young people, and for the ongoing work of Moriah Olsen,
Charlie Cross, and Joseph Paskowski. Your tireless dedication to our young adults is awe inspiring. Thank you. Thank
you. Thank you.
Grace Church continues to be that beacon of hope and haven of healing as mentioned earlier. Through our numerous outreach ministries, Grace Church continues to be the very presence of Christ in Nyack and Rockland County in visible, tangible, and transformative ways. Through Midnight, Run, People to People, and Helping Hands, our parish continues to
answer Jesus’ call to “feed the hungry,” and I am so grateful to those of you who have dedicated so much of your time
and energy over the course of these many years to preparing meals, delivery, cooking, serving, and donating food, and for
those who have volunteered to spend time with those who we shelter here over the course of the year.
Through the Grace Thrift Shop, under the leadership of Fran Sennas, and in concert with dedicated volunteers, Grace
Thrift Shop continues to answer Jesus’ call to “clothe the naked,” and with its profits the thrift shop supports many charitable organizations in the area as well as Grace Church. I would like to officially recognize and thank Fran (in absentia),
who after numerous years of tireless service has recently stepped down as the chair of the Thrift Shop. And would like
acknowledge and thank Kickie Fulmor and Theresa Bergen, who have faithfully picked up the mantle and are carrying
on the Thrift Shop’s legacy of being a force for positive change in the community.
As disciples, Jesus also calls us to care for the sick, widowed, and orphaned. I want to thank all of you who taken it upon yourselves to look out for and care for one another, and if I may I want to thank Jeannette Matthews, who will head
up the revitalized Pastoral Care Commission and Barbara Cross, who is always keeping track of those who are sick and in need. I thank her and her team
for sending those comforting, healing, and resurrecting cards of hers.
Yes, brothers and sisters Grace Church is strong, active, and growing. Yet, like
many churches across the denominational spectrum, Grace has its challenges
(Jesus never said, discipleship would be easy!). On the “home front,” Grace
Church has an active campus with six aging structures and a memorial garden
to maintain. Needless to say, with constant use of our main buildings comes
wear and tear, which requires a great deal of maintenance and upkeep. Thanks
to the leadership of the senior and junior wardens, Kim Cross and Debbie McGuinness, and the members of the Board of
Vestry (i.e. managers) along with the property and finance commissions, we have made some much needed improvements to our campus to ensure safety, functional and practical usage, and the preservation of the campus for future generations. I am grateful for their leadership, vision, and faithfulness to God and to God’s people. Their love for this parish
family shows in their willingness and dedication.
Along those lines, we all know that everything needs money to run (mostly everything), and with rising costs and an
economy that is just starting to take off once again, I am happy to report that Grace Church is fiscally sound, though not
without its financial challenges going forward. This past fall, we reached out to all of you through our stewardship campaign, and once again (thanks be to God!) we reached our pledge goals. And I just want to thank every single one of you
who has made your pledge to the ongoing mission and legacy of Grace Church. I want to thank you, whether you gave
out of abundance or out of the widow’s mite, I just want to thank you for responding to God’s call and investing in the
life, witness, and ministry of our beloved Church. Without you we cannot do the liberating, healing, reconciling, and
transforming work that we do. Thank you Cindy Cox and Pat Cose, who have played the role of treasurer and fiscal
guardians so dutifully over these many years. We are stronger because of you!
Every priest worth his or her weight in salt knows that the backbone of any church is the parish administrator and support staff. Truth be told, I could not do this work effectively and efficiently if it wasn’t for the hard work of Thayer
Woodcock, who is more than just a parish administrator who merely performs assigned tasks. Thayer’s love of God and
love for this parish family is that which fuels her, and Grace Church is the beneficiary of her faithfulness and steadfast commitment. I also want to acknowledge
the new property administrator, Virginia Kosloff, for all of the work she does managing these properties. And I cannot forget Edward Walker our part time sexton,
and Len Yaniga our new sexton who dutifully keep the buildings clean, repaired,
and ready for use. I am truly blessed to work among such dedicated and caring
individuals, all of whom often going above and beyond the call of duty.
Indeed my brothers and sisters, I am very excited about the days ahead as Grace
Church continues daily to provide for the spiritual and pastoral needs of its members, and respond to the needs within our community and larger world. We live in
a time that I believe that the world needs the Church to be the Church, the Body of
Christ reaching out in love, with love, and through love. And as we saw in the life of Jesus, it is love that heals, reconciles, liberates and serves. And as the Spirit of God continues to move in and around us, beckoning us, comforting us,
inspiring us, and challenging us, I cannot help but to look forward in anticipation for new revelations and new opportunities for Grace Church to bear witness to the love of God in Jesus in new and transformative ways, both within and outside of the Church.
This is why I chose this year’s annual meeting theme: I have decided to Follow Jesus, answering anew the call of Christ!
As Grace continues to grow and strive, I want our focus to be on “Christian discipleship;” which is to say that in addition
to our ministerial outreach efforts, I want to focus more intently on Christian formation; providing you with the tools and
opportunities to deepen your faith and understanding of who we are as followers of Jesus Christ. What I have found in my life in the Church over these
many years both as a layman and as a priest is that many folks when they think
of disciples they think of the original 12 and leave it at that, forgetting that the
12 disciples were disciples in their day who followed Christ faithfully and now
find rest from their labors. And as a result many do little to explore their faith
and identity as a follower of Christ. This is evident in bible studies and forums
that are often sparsely attended. It is often difficult to get people to show up
for church events, and in some cases to volunteer to give of their time. When
asked about matters of faith there is often a silence that is deafening. What
many Christians today fail to realize or flat out ignore is that they/we are they disciples called and chosen for this age.
Thus, I want Grace to be the church that bucks that trend and serves as a model for Christian discipleship in the 21st century; which is to say that I want this church to be a church filled with disciples, who are keenly aware of who they are
and strive daily to life out and live into our identity as those who walk in the way of Jesus, so that like those who have
gone on before us, we may transform lives and the world around us with the love of Jesus Christ.
And so going forward, I am putting a great deal of my efforts into strengthening our pre-existing formation programs,
which I believe is vital for discipleship, as one cannot do if one fails to be. I am focusing intently of youth formation,
exploring and implementing new and exciting ways to get our young people more involved in discovering and sharing
their faith and getting involved in God’s transforming work in the world in ways that makes sense, and allows them to
connect the dots between life and faith; and find ways to discover and use their God-given
gifts for the common good of all. In like manner, I have met with the Adult Spiritual Formation Commission (ASF) who are planning some wonderful opportunities (i.e. forums) in
the days to come for growing in the knowledge and love of God. Together we will be planning spiritual retreats and quiet days so that we can, as it is written, “be still and know that He
is God” and learn more about one another as we journey together in discipleship, and deepen
our faith and develop the spiritual tools for discerning God’s call to us, individually and collectively.
We will continue to offer our healing, meditation, and wellness service which takes place the
first and third Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm. It is a wonderfully intimate service that
is designed for us to be refreshed and re-energized for the day/journey ahead. It is my hope to
provide you with the pastoral support you need in your daily life and for the work you do at Grace Church; so that you
who come empty from pouring yourself out in the world, may leave full of God’s grace and love.
Pastor Abby Huff and I have put together a monthly discussion group called Just as Y ou A re. We had our first meeting
last month at Sweet Envy Cupcake Café, where we simply get together with people from the community and talked
about our respective faith-journeys, our joys, fears, doubts, experiences, etc. I must say that it was good not to be a
priest, but a fellow sojourner and learn about others. I invite you to join us, please contact me at the office if you are interested.
In addition to inner formation, I want to strengthen and add to our preexisting outreach ministries. As mentioned, Grace Church has active and
effective outreach programs. We have done and continue to do a tremendous job through our ministerial efforts to care for those in our midst. The
doors of Grace Church are open seven days a week and 12 hours a day
for those seeking healing, recovery, and liberation from addiction, pastoral care, and spiritual support and guidance. We provide shelter and food
for those in need. Grace has left her loving imprint in Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, West Virginia, and New Orleans; where lives were mutually impacted in positive and transformative ways. As a parish family
we have done a wonderful job taking care of and supporting one another
in times of joy and sorrow, in times of triumph and defeat. We have truly
exhibited the qualities of a beloved community where we truly are our
brother and sister’s keeper. Yet, our work is not done.
As some of you are aware, there is no homeless shelter in Rockland County, and Grace along with other local parishes
and faith traditions, are doing our best to provide for those in need. However, simply shuffling people from one church
to the next is not enough. Thus, I am going to explore how Grace can be an advocate and a driving force for dealing
homelessness and mental illness in Rockland County. In addition, I am exploring ways that Grace can get more involved in combating food insecurity. As we address and continue to address these needs and meet these communal challenges, we are going to need more people to get involved in the process; which is to say that I hope that we will get more
volunteer-ministers to step up and help Grace with its outreach efforts. I know that there is always a need for more help.
And as to love God and neighbor is at the center of Christian discipleship and our mandate, I hope that we will answer
the call and continue to affect positive change in this community and lives of those whom we
serve and seek to serve. Please sign up for one of our ministries and make a difference. We
need you!
Overall, I believe that these intentional approaches to discipleship; (i.e. inward formation and
outward ministry) will enable Grace Church to continue to be a place where Christ dwells in
the hearts, minds, souls, and lives of its members; where the light of Jesus Christ shines in this
place and through this place and is made manifest in our in all facets of our common life, from
our worship, to our fellowship, to our
ministries. I believe that this will further strengthen an already
strong and viable parish that is not only at the center of the lives
of its members, but is an integral part of the community that
Nyack and Rockland County would miss if we were not here. I
only hope and pray that all of us will answer the call this day to
follow Jesus and as the song goes, “No turning back!”
Glory to God whose power working in us can do infinitely more
than we can ask or imagine. Glory to him from generation to generation in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever. Amen.
The Rev. Owen C. Thompson,
Larry Campbell
Jim Cochran
Pat Cose
Cindy Cox
Astride Jean-Gilles
Gabriel Jean-Gilles
Pascal Jean-Gilles
Chris Howe
Stephen Larson
Evelyn Lombardi
Molly MacQueen
Jeff McDowell
Ariana Marsland
Justin Marsland
Isaac Murrell
Ewan Murrell
Scott Schnalzer
Nick Tauken
Emma Tauken
Kyle Wanamaker
Paul Barnard (8am)
Laura Cavazzi (8am)
Cindy Cox
Kickie Fulmor
Peggy Gilbert
Ian Graham
Christine Howe
Judy Humeston(8am)
Leigh Holt
Patty Hyland (8am)
Rudolph Knight
Michael LaPlaca
Evelyn Lombardi
Rudolph Knight
Jeanette Matthews
Valerie Mathews
Jeff McDowell
Sam Monroe (8am)
Moriah Olsen
Lynn-Marie Schnalzer
Jeanne Tozer (8am)
Claudia Uccellani
Jan Valentine
Kyle Wanamaker
Eric Young
Nigel Bark
Paul Barnard
Theresa Bergen
Ed Grant
Michael Growney
Sondra Holt
Michael LaPlaca
Peggy Lehrecke
Orville Mann
James Marshall
Lynette Marshall
Debbie McGuinness
Sandra McNeill
Sam Monroe
Emily Nevill
Win Perry
Paul Richards
Lynn-Marie Schnalzer
Betty Seaman
Roger Seiler
Elisabeth Starling
Elisabeth Sydor
Vickie Frelow
Kelsey Graham
Mike Growney
John Loftin
Mitch Pfenning
Candace & Phil Bunton
Kris & Tom Burns
Barbara & Charles Cross
Betsy & Mike Growney
Sondra & Leigh Holt
John Loftin & Mitch Pfenning
Pat & Judy Reynolds
Sally & Roger Seiler
John & Lori Quigley
Daphne Estwick
Charles Cross
Debbie McGuinness
Holly Bee Leibesberger
Sarah Styles
John Colgan
Ed Grant
Orville Mann
Sally Seiler
Semo Sennas
Eric Case
Kevin Faherty
Michael LaPlaca
Betty Seaman
Joe Stennet
Tom Perry
February 8, 2015
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21
We are grateful to all of you for giving of your time, talents and treasure to Grace Church. Our hearts are full of gratitude for your support of our beloved spiritual home. As many of you may know, at Grace we divide our responsibilities
into two categories - Finance and Property. We have two standing committees. One is on Finance (SCOF) and one is
on Property (SCOP). Our commissions are made up of a mix of vestry members and parishioners. Our member sare
past wardens, vestry members and some congregants who chose to serve as part of their commitment to our Grace
Church family. We could not do what we do without these wonderful people. I would like to single out for special
thanks, Sally Ann Mock and Cindy Cox. I am so grateful to them for their tireless hours they dedicate to Grace Church
and our financial wellbeing.
Our 2014 Total Actual Income was $464,048 and our Total Actual Expense was 460,402 leaving us with a modest surplus of $3,646. This surplus is not our 2015 Operating Budget but, will be used at Vestry’s discretion during the year.
2014 Total Actual Income is $464,048 down $ 9,516 compared to 2014 budget of $ 473,564.
Income Highlights 
2014 pledge income higher than 2014 budget by $9,211
Plate over budget by a little over $2,000
Gifts other than pledge over budget by about $700 (this does not include Cornerstone Campaign)
Rental Revenue under by $1,913 which is significant since over $10,000 is still owed in back rent.
Transfers from other funds in under by $13,677
2014 Total Actual Expense is $460,403 down $13,162 compared to budget of $473,564
Expense Highlights
All commissions/committees are running at or under budget except for music running over by a little more than
Office Expense running over budget by $724
Insurance running over but a timing issue
Utilities and telephone running on or close to budget
Maintenance and Repairs running about $2,391 over budget.
Wages and Benefits on target-overage due to pay increases after 2014 Budget approved.
Supply and Contractors running about $5,000 under budget
Ministry running about $2,000 over budget
Our Total Budget for 2015 is 479,924.60. It is a modest $6,360 increase from last year’s Total Budget.
Our 2015 pledges are $336,500.00 – this is an increase of $13,358 from last year. Thank you to our Stewardship Committee, our rector, Owen Thompson, and all 174 parishioners who make pledging part of your annual budget. As is our
practice, we discount the pledge by 5% so the pledge income in 2015 Budget is $319,675.00.
Total 2015 Income
Budget Income Highlights
Projected decrease in Circus rent of $4,000 - due to relocation of Circus. Circus will rent in summer only.
Projected decrease in 12 steps income of $2,300. AA is combining some groups so there will be less income.
Fundraising development has been reduced by $3,000 to match 2014 actuals.
First Avenue income has been raised by $6,400 since all apartments are viable.
Budget Expense Highlights
Our Diocese has reduced Grace’s assessment to $51,318 from $57,562 in 2014
Most of the 2015 Expenses follow 2014 numbers. We have matched our ministry budgets to more closely follow
their 2014 actuals unless they indicated they were doing a special project.
Our Maintenance and Repair line is increased by about $5,000 to reflect actual costs.
We have a hired new Property Assistant so that line has increased by about $3,000.
Cleaning Service has been increased by $2,000 to relate more closely to our actual
2015 Cornerstone Campaign
You have seen with your own eyes and will hear from our junior warden all the wonderful work that was done to our
beautiful buildings. Our Thanks to Debbie McGuinness and the Commission on Property for stewarding this project. We
are especially grateful to all the parishioners who made it happen with generous contributions to our Cornerstone Campaign. To accomplish our goals, Vestry voted to borrow $45,000 from the General Fund (Cropsey) so we could begin
work summer 2014. This was important as some of the stone and roof work was urgent and had to be done in good
weather. The caveat was that we would pay back the loan before moving onto other phases of the campaign.
Cash received from start of campaign $66,873.36 Plus $8,000 loan forgiven from Babbitt = $74,873.36
Pledged to pay up to three years $64,291.64
Pledged and Cash Total as of 2/1/15 $139,165
Amount from other resources = $26,000 (First Avenue and Future 2014)
Income Total = $165,165 (does not include loan)
Expenses total for Phase I = $94,529
Amount owed back to General Fund $45,000
At this point we can pay back $19,656 to the General Fund with funds in hand and will make another payment as pledges
become a reality.
Finally want to say thank you to those who stood up and told their faith story as part of the stewardship campaign this
year. I found the stories you told very moving. Talking about our faith is not an easy task, especially for Episcopalians.
Like many of you I have seen many of my most difficult days while a member of Grace Church. I have also been at my
happiest. I have raised my children here and struggled to find my way more than once. I believe that telling our faith stories to each other and to those beyond our walls is the way to find Christ in each other and follow the way he has led us. I
am grateful to all of you for all you do for our beloved Grace Church.
Respectfully submitted,
Kim Cross
Senior Warden
Standing Committee on Finance - Sally Cochran, Pat Cose, Cindy Cox, Michael Growney, Rudolph Knight, Stephen Larson, Evelyn Lombardi, Sally Ann Mock, Claudia Uccellani
2015 BUDGET— Income
2015 BUDGET— Expense
PLEDGE STATISTICS—January 2015 (1/28/15)
REPORT OF THE JUNIOR WARDEN: Warden for Properties
February 08, 2015
First Ave Rental Properties: Major pr oject this year was a new bathr oom in #145 second floor apar tment. Dur ing this project we also had the contractor (R & H Plumbing) do some work on the water pipes leading to the second
floor that have been subject to freezing. The ceiling in the first floor entry hall was repaired. At this writing we have an
apartment for rent on the first floor of #145. Past tenant owes us back rent – we have a judgment from the court and
hope to resolve this outstanding debt in 2015. We had a tree down at #141 that was quickly removed by our landscaping contractor, Bill McDowell of Arborview. Going forward into 2015 #137 will require some plumbing work on waste
pipes in the basement. All the furnaces were serviced.
Church Building: The chur ch building stonewor k was r epair ed/r eplaced – guided
by a consulting company (Building Integrity) and contractor (Cro International) – the
work took place over the late spring into summer. New plexi-glass material was installed around the large altar window to preserve and protect the stained glass with the
hope that it will help to stop water infiltration damaging the mosaic tile wall. The roof
was repaired (BBI roofing) - some normal wear and tear repairs and some damage from
ice damming over the 2014 severe winter. We had a partial ceiling collapse over the
winter in the nursery school area caused by the extraordinary weight of the ice/snow on
the flat part of the roof and the fact that sometime in the past a renovation was done
without the proper beam to hold the weight – repairs were done (Gary Hecht). The
church front doors were refinished and repaired so that they operate properly. The other exterior doors were painted ‘Episcopal red’ to honor the wishes of our new rector and the Shakespeare door got a newly built wooden archway (Ralph Derven carpentry). Thanks to Win
Perry for his architectural drawings for the Shakespeare door project and his counsel and advice in all the restoration work done this year – his experience is invaluable and we are lucky
to have him! The sacristy received new flooring and the room was painted. We installed a
new coded lock for the Shakespeare door – a first step in making our building more secure.
Red runner rugs were installed in the entrance halls and these are changed regularly by contract. A ‘No Smoking on the church campus’ policy was instituted in July. The church kitchen received some new equipment, coffee pots, oven racks – the kitchen is clean and very well
organized and cared for by Debbie Laliberte on duty most Sundays with Julia-Ann Colt helping along our fabulous Fellowship crew. A new cleaning company was hired in the fall.
Furnaces were all serviced and we have a new water heater in the basement.
Rectory: Plumbing work was done to repair a pressure valve (Phil Hulbert plumbing) and
during this project it was found that a waste stack pipe was leaking into the basement, and a water leak was found under
the sidewalk on Jefferson – it was a bigger job than expected - R & H Plumbing did the major part of this work. Other
carpentry work was done in the rectory (Gary Hecht) and by all accounts the building and machinery was in good shape
until the refrigerator needed replacing in January 2015. Furnace was serviced.
Memorial Garden & Columbarium: Sondr a Holt is the new leader of the Gar den Committee. Tree work was done during the summer as well as the usual gardening and landscaping
work. Sondra and committee will evaluate contractors and get bids for work in 2015 so that we
are paying the best price for quality work. Small garden signs were replaced (Foley Signs).
We have niches available for sale. Thank you Sondra!
Security: If we could ask that ever yone using the chur ch building be vigilant in making
sure exterior doors are closed/locked when you leave the building. There are many evenings
when Verne Becker locking up our building at night reports exterior doors have been left
propped open or unlocked – interior offices/rooms with doors open/unlocked; lights are left on – heat was turned up and
not turned back down; a/c turned on with doors open and no one present etc.
Chapel/Patterson Hall: Roof r epair s wer e done in December 2014 (BBI) to buy some time until we can r aise
funds for a full replacement. We’d like to repair the ceiling damage from water infiltration but will wait to see if the repairs are holding before we do that. Rug runner the chapel and carpet in the
vestibule needs replacement – or possibly removed with new parquet flooring
installed in the chapel aisle to match the existing floor. New flooring in the
vestibule and outside entrance hall between the chapel and Patterson is needed. This area when refurbished could be a source of income to the parish –
rented for small weddings/receptions, recitals, meditation groups, meetings,
fund raising events or other uses always honoring the fact the chapel is first
our sacred space.
In 2015 Cornerstone Phase II we will wor k on a pr oper handicapped entrance; installing a new floor in Patterson Hall, improving the security of our
building. Into the future Cornerstone Phase III – Bradley Chapel rehab as noted above, chapel roof needs full replacement; the organ needs major repairs/
work - Brandon is putting together a plan and gathering estimates, work is
needed on the stained glass windows in the church – cleaning, fixing, replacing the plexi-glass that was installed years ago.
Thanks to all who donated to the Cornerstone Campaign– we raised enough
to pay for Phase I work. Additional contributions will be needed to move forward into the next phase, planned giving and grants would help. We are only
the temporary custodians of this wonderful space – planning now for the future will ensure we are in good shape for many years to come.
Also – we are grateful for our Facilities Administrator Virginia Kosloff, Parish Administrator Thayer Woodcock, Verne Becker, Eric Case, Edward Walker, volunteer Len and others who worked over the past year to improve our buildings.
Respectfully submitted:
Debbie McGuinness,
Junior Warden
SCOP members: Sondra & Leigh Holt, Erik Johnke, John Loftin, Jeanette Matthews, Jim O’Toole, Win Perry,
Sarah Styles. Garden sub-committee members in addition to Sondra Holt, Jennifer Hausler, Suzy Parker-Devoe
and Linda Chisholm consults.
In early September I presented to the choir a customary that outlines important dates, details and reminders of our collective life and work together. In this year’s opening commentary I said this to the choir:
“Singing in a choir is not about how good it makes us feel or how many people
come to our concerts or how many compliments we get after a beautifully sung
anthem. It is about transcendence – moving beyond what is known, mundane or
familiar to a place of vulnerability, openness and, ultimately, love. That is what
singing is about – not the notes. After all, we join our voices with angels and
archangels every week in song – how can music not be one of the most powerful
forces in the universe?”
It may be tempting to casually dismiss my comments as lofty and blithely inspirational but I really do believe that what
music does – what our choirs, liturgies and GraceMusic concerts do – is elevate each of us from the ordinary to a place
of inspiration and transformation.
The Parish Choir and Grace Choir are more than just augmentations to our services – they are communities. These
communities provide connection, comfort and calling to people whose lives are rooted in expression and music.
Don’t be fooled – it is hard work. There are many times where the Grace Choir begins a procession wondering how
they ever are going to make it through that morning’s anthem. There are times when two or three are gathered in the
Parish Choir and, despite our numbers, we make a joyful noise. The purpose of our music is not perfection but purpose. If the choir simply gave up after a rather “difficult” performance of the Easter Vigil offertory anthem they
would not have made it to a magnificent and powerful “Home” concert this past November. Transcendence.
The 2014-2015 GraceMusic season is its 45th year of concerts, Messiah-sings,
cabarets (second annual!) and organ concerts. Through the innovative and dedicated work of its board (James Gilbert, Suzanne Hope Graham, Amy Lehman,
Mia Leo, Keith Olsen, Missy Pinckert, Bobbe Wanamaker), GraceMusic brings
over 750 into our sacred space. With the additional support of Kevin Faherty,
Sam Monroe and Lynn-Marie Schnalzer, GraceMusic continues to provide
unique programming and excellent music to a community that values the arts.
As we look forward to 2015, I am proud and honored to be part of this parish
and this community. February brings not only the GraceMusic cabaret (February 13) but also the choir’s first offering
of Choral Evensong at Saint Mary the Virgin in New York City on February 15. During the season of Lent I am proud
to announce a series of Organ Meditations and Evening Prayer with guest organists including past OrganistChoirmaster John Bate. After the glorious strains of Easter we welcome 30 brass players in concert on April 26. During the early weeks of June we host the Nyack Academy of Music Festival – two weeks of first-rate chamber and orchestral music that draws artists from around the world. All of this in addition to our normal rehearsals and liturgies!
On a personal note, I must offer my thanks and gratitude to Dick Kuczkowski for his faithful assistance at the 9:30am
service, to Sally Cochran for her tireless work as choral librarian (and vestry liaison) and to Fr. Owen, the vestry and
staff of Grace Church who offer their unending support for my work and vision of music at Grace. But above all, I
want to thank each and every person who enters our doors and is touched and transported through music – your presence blesses us with purpose and passion. When I speak of transcendence I speak of “extending beyond the limits of ordinary experience” as well as “becoming free of thoughts or feelings that limit
what you can achieve.” Thank you for allowing me – all of us – the opportunity to take this journey
each and every week.
Brandon Beachamp
Kailley Anders
Diane Churchill
Suzanne Grant
Amy Lehman
Sally Mann
Ellen Mutter
Lynn-Marie Schnalzer
Paula Spruck
Jan Valentine
Mary Ann Bleecker
Sally Cochran
Olive Crone
Mia Leo
Mary O’Donoghue
Missy Pinckert
Elisabeth Sydor
Peter Bannon
Ron Hammond
Raymond Nicolato
Robert Parsekian
Doug Reisinger
Alan Chisholm
Jim Gilbert
Sam Monroe
Jacob Nevill
Paul Richards
David Scharf
Photos: Verne Becker, Samuel J. Monre. Jr.
Annual Report
February 8, 2015
In 2014 the Adult Education and Spiritual Formation Commission continued its mission to bring topics of interest to the
congregation during various times which included:
Parish Forums continue to be held on occasion between the 9:30 and 11:00am services. We had updates on our Grace
Church budget, the poetry of Rumi, and young people reporting about their service trip to Nicaragua.
During Lent of 2014, Fr. Owen conducted a four-week series of lecture/discussions on human suffering. We started each
evening with a light supper followed by discussion and ended in the church with Compline.
Bible Study on Sundays has continued during forum times when there was no presentation. Led by Pat Reynolds or one
of the other dedicated attendees, the group explored one of the readings for that Sunday. Anyone who is interested in
joining should grab their coffee and go to Fenton (the room behind the stage).
Brown Bag and a Bible, a mid-week bible study also following lectionary readings, began this year on Thursdays at noon.
All are invited, and be sure to bring your own lunch! Pat Reynolds also leads this study.
The ASF Book Club met less often in 2014, but still managed to read and discuss selected works by the poet Jalaluddin
Rumi. Emily Nevill will continue in her role of facilitator.
Our Men’s Prayer Breakfast, led by Jeff McDowell, meets two times a month at 7:00am on Thursday mornings from
September to June. There is a light breakfast, prayer, and discussion. We end by 8:15am. MPB is open to all, member of
Grace Church or not.
The annual Ministry Fair, held in September, serves to re-acquaint members after the summer months, to highlight activities at Grace, and to gather new volunteers for various organizations and activities being
planned. In 2014 the Fair was held outdoors in the garden and drew a good-sized crowd.
An Advent Quiet Day took place on Saturday, November 22, at the Church of St. John
the Divine in Tompkins Cove, NY. Led by Brother Scott, an Episcopal monk from Holy
Cross Friary, about 16 attendees reflected on the differences between the Jesus we want
to come at Advent, and the Jesus who actually comes.
Also for the Advent season, the commission facilitated the annual Alternative Gift Fair, with handmade
and fair trade items from several vendors and the youth group.
To start off 2015, the Commission has been sponsoring a six-week Contemplative
Prayer Group led by Jan Valentine, and is already in the process of compiling a new
Lenten Journal edited by Diane Deveau composed of reflections from parishioners on
the daily Lenten Scripture readings.
I would like to thank Kickie Fulmor for chairing the commission through August 2014 and assisting with the transition to
my leadership in September. In addition, thanks to Claudia Uccellani (Vestry liaison), Diane Deveau (Lenten Journal)
and Pat Reynolds (two bible studies) for their commitment. I also thank Christine Howe, Liz Johnson, Jeanette Matthews,
Emily Nevill, Beth Paskowski, Jan Valentine, and Fr. Owen for their participation. Anyone who might be interested in
joining the commission, or who has an idea for a forum topic, special event, or speaker, please contact Fr. Owen or Verne Becker.
Faithfully submitted,
Verne Becker, Chair
February 8, 2015
Yearly events hosted:
Annual Meeting- Held the second Sunday in February - a light breakfast of fruit and yogurt was served to over 100 parishioners as they discussed ministry and mission, as well as reviewed reports and voted
for new vestry members and other representatives.
Easter Vigil Reception- Held after the evening Easter Vigil service, an assortment of
beverages and sweet and savory treats were provided. Attendance at the service and
reception has increased since it was added to the list of confirmation expectations
Confirmation Reception Held in Memor ial Hall after the annual confirmation service, confirmands and their families joined the bishop and members of the congregation
to celebrate the mature affirmation of their faith and commitment to Grace Church..
Shakespeare at Boscobel in Garrison, NY - A delightful summer evening where over 40 adults and teens enjoyed imaginative productions of Shakespeare. Prior to the show, attendees gathered on the hill over looking the Hudson River
for an early evening picnic. This event has been coordinated for many years by Barbara Cross.
Fall Hike and Potluck Dinner - Held on the last weekend in October, over 30 parishioners of all ages enjoyed an invigorating hike in Harriman State Park. After
working up an appetite admiring the spectacular fall foliage, they gathered around
the fireplace for a potluck supper and group sing-a-long at St. John’s in the Wilderness. The hike has been led by Win Perry for over 45 years.
Advent Party - Over 150 parishioners brought in the Christmas season by gathering in Memorial Hall to feast on ham, turkey and a bounty of homemade appetizers
and desserts. Moriah Olsen and the Senior Youth Group helped younger children make paper chains, string popcorn
and decorate a tree in Fenton Hall. The New Member Ministry commission also invited new parishioners to the party
and provided much welcomed name tags for one and all.
Father Owen’s Installation - Over 300 people, which included a remarkable turnout from Father Owen’s previous parish, gathered in Memorial Hall to celebrate the official Installation of Father Owen. Thanks to the generous support of many hands in the kitchen we were able to
supply (and re-supply) a lavish tapas style buffet for a standing room only crowd
as well as festoon the hall for the occasion.
Harvest Festival & Auction - We ser ve on the auction committee to decor ate
Memorial Hall for our annual fundraiser- an event which invites all three services
to meet, mingle, dance, share wine and food, and support Grace Church and the
senior youth group service trips.
Respectfully submitted, Kris Burns, Chair
Commission Members:
Tom Burns, Jody Richards, Tom Perry, Liz Johnson, Sally Seiler, Vickie Frelow, Pat Cose, Suzie
Parker Devoe, Barbara and Charlie Cross, Kickie Fulmor, Moriah Olsen, Jeanette Matthews
Under the Auspices of the Fellowship Commission
The Gay Straight Alliance of Grace Church
Graceful Friends’ primary purpose is to stand as an outward sign to the community at large that the congregation of
Grace Church lives the Gospel imperative that there are no strangers in our midst. That we are truly brothers and sisters
bound together and living the law of Jesus Christ to love one another as we love ourselves.
Our group consists of over 50 individuals. We communicate through email, sharing items of interest that range from religious to secular, global to local.
If you wish to connect with Graceful Friends and/or have questions or suggestions just send that request to the Church
office. We welcome your participation. ALL ARE WELCOME !
Ongoing activities include
Providing an ad in the VCS Directory of LGBT Friendly Business, Services and Community Organizations. Copies
are available free of charge and contain valuable money saving coupons. Ask at the church office to secure your
Membership in The Pride Coalition of Rockland, a monthly meeting of service providers to the LGBT population.
These including schools and colleges, religious institutions, mental and physical health providers, social service
providers, local police and political organizations.
Grace Church is colorfully represented at the June Gay Pride Rockland Sunday event held yearly in Nyack
Respectfully submitted,
Evelyn Lombardi
Under the Auspices of the Fellowship Commission
The Fun(d)-Raiser initiative is intended to be a series of events and activities intended to bring together members of the
Grace community – across age and service groups – to play, to laugh, to engage, sometimes to eat and drink, but to always enjoy each other’s companionship. And, to do so in a way that
builds our church’s resources and allows us to assist other worthy causes.
Fun(d)-Raising kicked off on March 15th with the Salmon Throw-Down.
Approximately 70 adults and children got to sample salmon and sides
prepared by the four chefs (Charlie Cross, Fred Frelow, Jeff McDowell,
and Joe Paskowski), while our worthy judges – Liz Johnson and Joe Prinz
– named Charlie Cross the Throw-Down champion. A total of $963 was
raised, half of which was donated to People-to-People.
The October 4 featured a showing of the movie “The Way” accompanied
by a variety of tapas and pintxos and, of course, a glass of Sangria. After
the movie Thayer
Woodcock and Clint Taplin shared their stories and reflections
of their experiences of El Camino de Santiago. Half of the net
proceeds of $510 was donated to Christ Episcopal Church Tarrytown to support their ministry at Abbot House, working with
undocumented minors from Central America.
Special thanks to all the volunteers who helped get Fun(d)Raising off to a good start, including:
Brandon Beachamp, Eric Case, Laura Cavazzi, Sally & Jim
Cochran, Julia Ann Colt, Barbara Cross, Rudy Knight, Sam
Monroe, Emily Nevill, Sally Seiler, Carol Streichert, Bobbe
Wanamaker, and Fairway Market of Nanuet.
Future events could include, but would not be limited to:
Bake-offs and throw-downs
Wine tasting
Dinner and sing-along
Locavore dinner featuring Hudson Valley foods and beverages
Dance night
The possibilities are only limited by our own imagination, inspiration and energy. A Fun(d)-Raiser doesn’t have to raise
hundreds of dollars or draw a hundred people. Smaller events
for 20 or 30 people can be great Fun(d)-Raisers, too.
We hope that a variety of folks at Grace (including you!) will
join in collaborating on one or more Fun(d)-Raiser events that
reflect the different interests and skills of our community.
Jeff McDowell & Pat Cose
2014 Annual Report
February 8, 2015
Social Ministry continued a cycle of activities that fill the year, having developed a pattern that provides the parish with
a series of outreach opportunities in which everyone can be involved.
Midnight Run is now fourteen years and about 17,000 sandwiches
old. On the second Saturday of every month volunteers meet at
10:00am in Memorial Hall to make 100 to 150 bag lunches for
the homeless in New York City. Anyone can be a part of this
ministry – just show up.
Every Sunday we collect non-perishable food items for People to
People. We average 4 to 6 bags of groceries a week – over 1000
pounds of food each year.
At Christmas, the Commission set up a Giving Tree and collected over one hundred gifts for children in need at the
Nyack Center.
Social Ministry supports the work of the Rockland Parent-Child Center with the sponsorship of a grant from Episcopal
Charities to help fund the Incarcerated Parents Program.
For the sixth year, from December through April, we provided shelter for the homeless three nights each month in Memorial Hall as part of Helping Hands. A team of volunteers cooked and served dinner for up to thirty guests each night
and other volunteers provided overnight supervision. Helping Hands is a county-wide program in which houses of worship provide a safe haven for local homeless.
Financial donations from the Social Ministry Fund include:
-$250 to support Sunday Supper.
-$1000 to Helping Hands
We try to reorganize the Commission to attract volunteers interested in a specific ministry. Paul Weiss organizes the
Christmas collection for Nyack Center. Barbara Miesch continues to be in charge of Midnight Run. Charlie Cross is
charged with organizing volunteers for Helping Hands.
Social Ministry is always open to new members and ideas. We do most of our planning via email though we meet informally at Midnight Run on the second Saturday of each month. If you have questions or suggestions you may speak with
any member of the Commission.
Charlie Cross, Barbara Fleischer, Barbara Miesch, Paul Weiss.
February 8, 2015
Often a person can remember what first connected him or her to a place that later became very important in their
life. Thinking back with good feelings to a first experience at Grace Church, one might remember the beauty of the service, the thought provoking sermon, the music. Or maybe, it will be the handshake or warm greeting received from another worshiper.
Greeting people at church, extending hospitality and welcoming guests is the responsibility of all members of Grace
Church. For those on the New Members Ministry Commission, this responsibility is taken very seriously as we intentionally seek-out and greet newcomers and visitors at services and events. We offer our names, answer questions and
share information about Grace Church. Some of us stand by the door
after services to offer further welcome and invite people to the afterchurch gatherings. Father Owen sends a welcome letter to those who
register as visitors and a follow-up email or phone call is made by
commission members.
As newcomers continue to worship with us, commission members
strive to connect them to interest groups, ministry opportunities and
into active membership in Grace Church.
In April, a brunch was held at the rectory for newcomers and others
who have returned to worship with us after an absence. It was an opportunity for them to meet one another and the vestry and commission members and an occasion to further extend our
welcome to the church family.
New members of this commission are welcome. The requirements are few: friendliness, knowledge of Grace Church
and an excitement about sharing the community of Grace with others. If you are interested or want more information,
please contact Father Owen or me. It’s a great way to make new friends.
Respectfully submitted,
Sally Seiler, Chairperson
February 8, 2015
The Youth Commission at Grace Church is responsible for oversight of the Church School, the Senior Youth Group, the
Confirmation Class and other activities/programs targeted to children through 18 years of age.
The church school serves about 70 children ages 4 – 14 with classes held
on Sunday mornings following the 9:30am family service. Additionally,
approximately 25 teens participate in senior youth group (SYG). New
families continue to join on a consistent basis throughout the year, as they
search for a service and church school program that best meets their
The church school strives to integrate their programs with the 9:30am
church service. A lectionary-based curriculum is used that reiterates and
expands upon the message shared in the 9:30am homily. Children are encouraged to act as lectors, acolytes, sing in choir and to collect the offering during the 9:30am service.
Class breakdowns are restructured each year to accommodate enrollment and space. The
2014/2015 breakdown consists of pre-k 4’s/kindergarten/1st grade, 2nd /3rd grade, 4th /5th
grade, and the 6th-8th grade junior youth group.
The church school is blessed with a dedicated, energetic, and creative group of volunteer
teachers. Each class has a team of three teachers rotating on a weekly basis. Class size
varies week to week, with participation increasing around the major church holidays of
Christmas and Easter. This year we have 11 teachers, including two new teachers: Anna
Shalom, Bonnie Parsekian, and Michael Smith in pre-k 4’s/kindergarten/1st grade class;
Beth Paskowski, Joe Ondrek, and Renee Haskew-Layton in 2nd /3rd grade; Annie Weiss, Jen Marraccino, and Sarah Nittoli in 4th/5th grade; Steve Wilson and Natalie Tirado in Junior Youth Group.
The church school continues to incorporate community-based service projects:
In celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2013, church school families heard a story about MLK, played games
and did crafts to learn more about how King worked to change the world and how we can work for change as well.
The Junior Youth Group prepared a dinner of chili, salad, sandwiches, corn bread and cookies for the participants of
the Helping Hands overnight program in December.
The 2014 church school Lent Giving Project raised over $1,000 for People to People. The church school held bake
sales during refreshment hours and worked at home to raise money to help people right here in Rockland County.
For the Feast of St. Francis celebration we had our annual pet parade, and then the Junior Youth Group provided pet
grooming, photos, and pet treats for donations to the Hi-Tor Animal Shelter in Pomona.
The junior youth group participated in the eighth annual Thanksgiving Interfaith youth program. Participants from various Nyack churches and temples
joined together at Congregation Sons of Israel to share a pizza dinner and make
toiletry bags for the Center for Safety and Change, formerly the Rockland
Family Shelter. Then the youth joined with the adults for the Thanksgiving
Interfaith service.
Parents and kids joined together for an afternoon of Christmas caroling at
Nyack Manor Nursing Home in Valley Cottage.
In 2014 we had five participants in the Understanding the Holy Eucharist program available to children in 2 nd – 5th
grades. The program is designed to help younger members of our congregation appreciate the love of God we share, and
to aid them in better understanding the meaning of their participation in the Holy Eucharist. The take home curriculum is
designed for an adult to read the background material and engage in interactive experiences with their children, including
church scavenger hunts and fun projects illustrating the particular theme. The participants were recognized at the 9:30am
service and as usual their home-baked communion wafers were used.
There are many special church school happenings during the Lenten season:
Each year the church school chooses a different charity to learn about and for
which to raise money.
We had our Sunday morning performance of The Path of Christ during the 9:30
service. This was a short program following Jesus from his triumphant arrival in
Jerusalem until his death and burial. The 4th and 5th graders and the Junior Youth
Group played very important roles in the program.
The Senior Youth Group organized the Easter Fair featuring: games, crafts, a bake
sale, pictures with the Easter Bunny, and more raising funds to support the Church
Youth Service Mission (CYSM) trip.
The annual Christmas pageant took place as always on the
last Sunday before Christmas at 1:00pm. This year’s director was Mary Ashley. Every child in church school is invited to participate with roles including twirling angels, manger animals, shepherds, magi and of course Mary, Joseph,
and baby Jesus. Bringing the Christmas story alive is a well
-loved tradition here, and one that the children look forward to each year.
Some additional church school highlights during 2014 included:
The JYG Night Watch for our 6th-8th graders, featuring team building games,
a scavenger hunt, circus arts, ice cream sundae making, and a liturgy of night
All Saints Day again coincided with the start of the Grace stewardship campaign. To honor the saints, families learned about how to be good stewards of the
world the saints who’ve gone before have left us. There were various activity
tables, including making a family book, learning how to be stewards in our community, learning about money & choices, Bible verses and a Stewardship poem,
puzzle worksheets, and sign-making.
The Junior Youth Group made beautiful Advent wreaths from fresh herbs and greenery for members of our congregation. The money raised goes to the Youth Fund to offset costs of special events.
Beginning this fall (2014), 14 young people entered the confirmation curriculum. Erik Johnke is kindly volunteering his
time to teach the classes. The confirmands are required to do community service and serve roles within the church as
well as taking their classes.
The confirmation curriculum involves classes every other Sunday morning that review the concepts of Christianity and
allow participants to explore their own beliefs as they transition from children to adult members of the Episcopal community. Confirmands are required to serve as acolytes and lectors at both the 8:00am and 11:00am services, and to attend
various Holy Week services. The confirmation program also incorporates additional activities that help youth grow and
learn about the Episcopal faith, including Midnight Run, a retreat at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, the Thanksgiving Interfaith youth activity and a diversity workshop. The 2014 program concluded on June 11 with an Episcopal visit
from the Rt. Rev. Andrew Dietsche.
By decision of the parish leadership, confirmation class is available to all pledging members of the parish. Non-pledging
families who wish to participate are welcome to do so as well – provided they contribute $1,200.00 toward the cost of
the service provided to their child.
Under the direction of Moriah Olsen and Joe
Paskowski, the senior youth group continues to
draw high school students. The group meets at
6:30pm on Sunday evenings at Grace. They work
on team-building activities, topics related to spiritual growth, and community service. Trips this
past year included a camping/rafting trip to the
Lehigh River in Pennsylvania and a trip to the
Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York
City. The spring trip to the Cathedral was filled
with public transportation mishaps and adventures. It was a great way for the participants to realize the difficulties of having to rely on alternate transportation. All high
school students are welcome.
Once again the youth group travelled to NYC to deliver the meals and clothing made
and collected at Grace. Special thanks to parishioners Tom Burns, Steve Wilson, and
Keith Olsen for helping to coordinate and chaperone the trip. Visiting in the cold
weather is a sobering experience for our youth group members. The youth group hopes to go down to the city again in
the spring.
Under the leadership of Father Owen, Linda Kelly, Moriah Olsen and Charlie Cross, members of our senior youth group and other teens affiliated with Grace church traveled in June
2014 to Nicaragua. While in the Nicaragua, participants helped to work on building a
health post for the community of Piedra Menuda. Thanks to all of the youth that participated: Emma Anderson, Bridget Anger, Sonia Anger, Leah
Brand, Eligio Garcia, Olivia Gilpin, Chris Healy, Acadia
Kelly, Angela Nolan, Olivia Olsen, Molly Prouty, Giuseppe
Pagano, Luca Reggiardo, Nico Reggiardo, Alice Scharf, Corey Watanabe, Caleb Weinman, and Ryan Weiss.
The CYSM trips have been made possible through the generous contributions of the members of Grace Church. Each
year, new lessons are learned and a commitment to the concept of community service is renewed. In 2015, the CYSM
trip will be to Beards Fork, WV. Upcoming fundraising
events are the Easter Fair (March 22), the rummage sale (May
17) and additional breakfasts (3/1, 4/19).
Respectfully submitted,
Lainie Murrell,
Church School Coordinator (2014)
Under the Auspices of the Youth Commission
Annual Report,
February 8, 2015
The Grace Church Nyack congregation includes members who were brought up in many different traditions and we welcome all people as members regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. Our members represent a wide
variety of experiences and interpretations of faith and we celebrate this spiritual diversity.
Our Diversity Committee was created to encourage and challenge the parish community to live out the Gospel imperative
to “strive for peace and justice and respect the dignity of every human being” (Book of Common Prayer 1979.) The
team has worked to define the mission and has provided diversity training annually for all youth groups under the umbrella of Grace Church and by extension the leaders who support and direct these youth activities. In recent years we
have also provided a place to meet informally with parents to share information, concerns and challenges.
This past year's training took on a more global aspect with a short film on economic justice for both students and adults. After the film, the group separated, with adults joining in
discussion with the Rev. Owen Thompson; while students participated in a hands-on activity.
Working in small groups students were asked to
create a simple "item" to be "sold" and then decide how to spend their "money". These simultaneous activities provided an opportunity to explore, learn, and reflect on economic issues that face a quarter of the world's population living in severe poverty.
Moving forward, the Diversity Committee will broaden its efforts by working
through each of the commissions to ensure that diversity related programs and
activities are fully integrated into the life of the parish. As Committee members
also participate in the most active commissions, they will advocate to ensure that this important component of Grace
Church’s mission is carried out in meaningful ways. Effort will be made to provide
opportunities for both adults and youth to explore, understand and interact with those
whose life experiences differ from our own. Collaboration between commissions will
be encouraged and discussed at Program Council meetings.
In addition to participation on the commissions, members of the Diversity Committee
will continue to meet periodically with Father Owen to monitor and review diversity
activities across the parish.
Members of the 2014 diversity team included: Rev. Owen Thompson, Tom Burns, Evelyn Lombardi, Jennifer
Marraccino, Lainie Murrell, Keith Olsen, Jim O'Toole, Carlo Pellegrini, Caran Pullen, Claudia Uccellani and
from our Boy Scout Troop #2, Kier Levesque, Scoutmaster, Michael Growney, Laura Wanamaker.
Respectfully Submitted by
Evelyn Lombardi, Team Leader, (retired)
February 8, 2015
GTS just completed its forty-sixth year. And what a year it has been! Freezing cold weather,
closures, resignations, and water damage due to fire in the office above the shop.
The Shop saw many days of closures due to freezing temperatures. Which meant volunteers
having a hard time getting to the shop. Which meant very few shoppers in and around the
Nyacks. Which meant very reduced incomes for GTS. Which meant we still had to pay the
Sally Mann resigned in March due to brief illness and long stretches of travelling. She was co-manager for 14 years.
Just when the shop was picking itself up and beginning to make a positive income move forward, the shop suffered damage
from a fire in an upstairs office. Which meant six weeks of closure. Which meant we still had to pay the bills. The carpeting had to be removed and decisions were made to give the shop a “necessary face lift.” Our volunteers came out in droves
and helped in any way they could. New carpet was installed and the Shop was polished and painted. What could have
been an insurance nightmare was avoided by cooperation from all parties involved. Of course, Deb McGuinness played a
huge part in all of this. One may think of all of this as a “blessing in disguise.” It was! Also the Shop gratefully accepted
contributions from “our own.” Truly heartwarming. Again, our volunteers rallied and the Shop re-opened on October 16
and was giving a Grand Blessing from Father Owen on November 2. And we were off and running!
Right after all of this I made the decision to retire. I felt that the Shop was in really good shape and it was the right time for
me to step aside. Kickie Fulmor and Theresa Bergen will now be at the helm.
Grace’s Thrift Shop is all about giving! May that spirit continue! God Bless…..
Fran Sennas, Manager
(to 12/31/14)
A word from the new kids on the block…
The Shop is the volunteers, and in our very short time at the helm we have come to truly appreciate the truth of that sentiment. Thank you to the more than 50 people it takes to open the doors. It may be of interest to you that over half are
not Grace parishioners. We wish to thank Sally and Fran for their long years of service to Grace’s Thrift. A special
word of appreciation to Debbie McGuiness for all her assistance with the post-fire insurance negotiations. And to
Thayer who fields the phone calls and emails that are meant for us. She does so with grace and charm.
After over 20 years of volunteering at the shop we feel privileged to have been chosen to
take on the task of managing the day-to-day operations of GTS. We look forward to your
donations, your patronage and your joining us as volunteers.
Theresa Bergen and Kickie Fulmor, Co-Managers
Martha Graham*
Theresa Bergen*
Betsy Growney*
Barbara Bischoff*
Eleanor Hafstead*
Delene Bradia
Paul Hommel
Ann Bush
Aggie Jackno
Ruth Butler*
Joan Jansen
Nan Byer
Mercedes Kent
Stephanie Campbell*
Karen Littire
Shirley Chalke*
Sue Lindsay
BJ Close
Sally Mann*
Mary Conklin
Joan Marshall
Barbara Cross
Judy Martin
Carol Curto
Pat McCartin
Barbara DeFranicis
Marie McDermott
Elaine Dempsey
Sanra McNeill*
Eugenia Duryea*
Sally Ann Mock*
Faith Elliot
Beverly Motto
Gloria English*
Norine Mundt
Kevin Faherty*
Mary O’Donohue
Diane Faulkner
Rosemary Owen*
Ruth Fee*
Sally Sarvent*
Kickie Fulmor*
Gisella Schmidt
Nancy Gentilello
Fran Sennas*
Joan Goldman
Barbara Sevier
Marti Siegrest
Paul Sp[ruck*
Carol Streichert*
June Sundvik
Bobbe Wanamaker*
Claire Winkler
*denotes Grace Church member
February 8, 2015
Throughout the year the Altar Guild is responsible for setting up the sanctuary for the Sunday services - making sure the
frontal is the proper color and the elements are in place for the celebrants. The Easter and Christmas altars are decorated
with flowers in memory of loved ones, as are the flowers seen weekly on the high altar.
We celebrate the life ceremonies for those in the parish - baptisms, confirmations, weddings, and funerals.
If you are interested in joining this very dedicated group of people, please call Sally Ann Mock at 358-8014 or e-mail at
[email protected].
Respectfully submitted, Sally Ann Mock
Stephanie Campbell, Larry Campbell, Shirley Chalke, Ruth Fee, Kickie Fulmor, Kimberly
Knight, Sally Ann Mock (President), Rosemary Owen, and Jeanne Treat Tozer
Balance in checking account as of 12/31/13
Sally Ann Mock - Supplies
$ 50.00
Sally Ann Mock - Supplies
Eric Case - "Thank You"
Sally Ann Mock - Supplies
Balance in Checking Account as of 12/31/14
Respectfully Submitted,
Ruth Fee, Treasurer
Soné Eugenia Cornell
January 12, 2014
Ray Eoghan Cornell
January 12, 2014
Zazhary James Macdonald
May 4, 2014
William André Bates
April 19, 2014
Erik Monahan
June 8, 2014
Max Monahan
June 8, 2014
Axel Bennett Young
June 15, 2014
Steffen John Margagliotta
June 15, 2014
Phoenix Ernest Audigé October 26, 2014
Annabel Stephania Mandia
November 9, 2014
Kenneth James Schoeller
November 9, 2014
Ivy Ambler
December 28, 2014
Georgia Ambler
December 28, 2014
Morgan Ambler
December 28, 2014
Sarah Ambler
December 28, 2014
Allison Blair Colsey & Cameron Moore Travers
July 12, 2014
Samantha Ann Biggie & George Harvey McElroy III
September 13, 2014
Paige Hope Crowther & Jarrod Richard Charbonneau
September 19, 2014
Mary Shea Cochran & Adam Garret Eisenstein
September 20, 2014
Robert Barrett & Andrew Peterson
November 29, 2014
Nicole Denise Scott
March 14, 2014
Gerado Iturrino
March 18, 2014
Edith J. Hoehn
March 18, 2014
Delice Katenkamp
April 3, 2014
John H. Proper
May 6, 2014
Robert Linde Barrows
May 10, 2014
Glyndora Benner Campbell
May 24, 2014
Noël Haskell
September 4, 2014
Patricia M. Monroe
September 10, 2014
Jean Kathleen Gardner
November 15, 2014
(as of 2/15/15)
Total pledged $139,165
Betty Abajian-Seaman
Jeff Adams
Aldrith & Robert Asselbergs
Melissa Audige-Perkins
Theresa Bergen & Katharine Fulmor
John Borst
Ruthelma C. Case
Linda & Alan Chisholm
James & Sally Cochran
David Corcoran
Cindy Cox
Barbara & Charles Cross
Zara Crowley Foundation
Cusick Family
Barbara H. DeFrancis
Joseph Devoe & Suzie Parker
Eugenia Duryea
Gerald & Marjorie Federico
Vickie & Fred Frelow
The Friesen Family
James & Peggy Gilbert
Sally & Orville Mann
Judith & Mac Martin
Nils Mathsen
Debbie & Bob McGuinness
James & Cindy O’Gorman
Keith & Moriah Olsen
William & Rosemary Owen
B & R Parsekian
Joe & Beth Paskowski
Wayne & Karen Phelan
David Scharf
Roger & Sally Seiler
Fran & Seno Sennas
Joe Stennett & Margie Winsow
Jeanne Treat Tozer
Dietrick & Nancy Waack
Liz & Greg Weber
Bradford Wieners & Mary Ashley
4 Anonymous
Heider Family
Rudolph & Kimberly Knight
Mia Leo & Dick Kuczkowski
John Loftin & Michael Pfenning
Evelyn Lombardi & Jeanette Matthews
Peter & Ruthann Malcolm
Lauren Malone
As of Jan. 28, 2015
$336,188 to date 174
Mary Ashley & Bradford Wieners
Aldith & Robert Asselbergs
Melissa Audigé-Perkins
Karen Bachert
Karin Baere
Peter Bannon
Nigel Bark
Brandon Beachamp & Doug Reisinger
Verne Becker
Michael Berg
Beryl Bethelmy
Barbara Bischoff & Gloria English
Louise Bohr
John Borst
Candice Boyle & Philip Bunton
John & Wendy Brown
T. Robins Brown
Kris & Tom Burns
Ruth Butler
Larry & Stephanie Campbell
Jerry & Susan Carroll
Laura Cavazzi
Ed & Mary Ceccolini
Shirley Chalke
Alan & Linda Chisholm
Kate Chisholm & Peter Foley
The Chung family
Diane Churchill
James & Sally Cochran
Tom Conkling
Jean Conner-Tierney
Bev & John Colgan
Patricia Cose
Cindy Cox
Crone-Prouty Family
Barbara & Charles Cross
Kim Cross
Alison & Jeff Crowther
Shaun & Nerissa Cusick
Jenette & Ross Daily
Barbara De Francis
Hilda DeLoatch
Diane Deveau & Kevin Fletcher
Joesph Devoe & Suzie Parker
Virginia & James Dillon
Laurie Dodge & Jock de Camp
Eugene Duryea
Daphne Estwick
The Fagan Family
Gerald & Marjorie Federico
Ruth & George Fee
Shanaz & Herb Fillmore
Barbara Fleischer
Alan & Ruby Frae
Nigel & Tammy Fraser
Vickie & Fred Frelow
The Friesen Family
Katharine Fulmor & Theresa Bergen
James & Peggy Gilbert
Ed & Suzanne Grant
Rod Greenwood & Victoria Hertz
Bob Griffin & Judy Zehentner
Betsy & Michael Growney
Chris & Heather Haera
Harold & Eleanor Hafstad
Don & Ronna Hammond
Ron Hammond
Lisa Hannon
Jennifer Hausler
Cathy & Joe Heider
Heidi Hill
Sondra & Leigh Holt
The Howe Family
Thomas & Judith Humeston
Patty & Jimmy Hyland
The James Family
Daniel & Myria Jean-Gilles
Erik Johnke & Siobhan Masterson
Carol Kiddoe-Thompson
Rudolph & Kimberly Knight
Michael LaPlaca
Millet LaPointe
Stephen Larson
Amy Lehman
Margaret Lehrecke
Mia Leo & Dick Kuczkowski
Candice Lewis-Warner
John Loftin & Mitch Pfenning
Evelyn Lombardi & Jeanette Matthews
Ejane & John MacCartney
Molly MacQueen
Peter & Ruthann Malcolm
Lauren Malone
Virginia Malone
Matthew Mandia
Orville & Sally Mann
James & Lynette Marshall
Marraccino Family
Judith & Malcolm Martin
Stan Martin
Valerie Mathews
Nils Mathsen
Jeffrey McDowell
Carolann McGregor
Debbie & Bob McGuinness
Harry, Sandra, Jonathan McNeill
Barbara Miesch & Meigs Ross
Sally Ann Mock
James Monaco
Jayne Monahan & Carol Lemire
Sam Monroe
Brian & Lainie Murrell
Jacob & Emily Nevill
Ray Nicolato
Thomas Nittoli
Mary O’Donoghue
Cindy & Jim O’Gorman
Keith & Moriah Olsen
Jim O’Toole & Gregory Birchett
William & Rosemary Owen
Bonnie & Robert Parsekian
Beth & Joe Paskowski
Martha Patterson
Tom Perry
Winston Perry
Wayne & Karen Phelan
Allyson Pifko & Kristin Walsh
Millicent Pinckert
Caran Pullen & Holly Bee
The Quigley Family
Charles & Judy Reynolds
Alma Richmond
The Rock Family
Roberta Sarvent
Helen Scalici
Cami Scally
Lori Scally
David Scharf
The Schnalzer Family
Barbara & Ken Schoeller
Betty Seaman
Roger & Sally Seiler
Fran & Semo Sennas
Anna Shalom
Sheinman-Rihs Family
Norman & Catharine Sheldon
Jill Sinnott
Amy & Michael Smith
Art & Donna Soyk
Paula Spruck
David Starling
Elizabeth Starling
Debbra Stoarick
Carol & Paul Streichert
Sarah Styles
Elisabeth Sydor
Clinton Taplin
Charles & Lori Tauken
Rev. Owen & Jonna Thompson
Jeanne Treat Tozer
Claudia Uccellani
Dietrich & Nancy Waack
Homer & Barbara Wanamaker
Laura & Jeff Wanamaker
The Weber Family
Paul & Annie Weiss
Margie Winslow & Joseph Stennett
Bruce & Thayer Woodcock
Fredrica Wyman
Christina & Erik Young
Grace Episcopal Church
130 First Avenue • Nyack, New York
Phone (845) 358-1297 • Fax (845) 358-1443
email: [email protected]
The Rt. Rev. Andrew Dietsche, Bishop
The Rt. Rev. Allen K. Shin, Bishop Suffragen
The Reverend Owen C. Thompson, Rector
Brandon Beachamp, Organist & Choirmaster
Verne Becker, Security A ssistant
Virginia Kosloff, Facilities A dministrator
Debbie LaLiberté, Hospitality
Lainie Murrell, Church School Coordinator
Edward Walker, Custodian
Thayer Woodcock, Parish A dministrator
Kim Cross, Senior W arden
Debbie McGuinness, Junior W arden
Sally Cochran
Leigh Holt
Erik Johnke
Rudolph Knight
John Loftin
Evelyn Lombardi
Sarah Styles
Jim O’Toole
Claudia Uccellani
Assistant Treasurers
Cindy Cox
Sally Ann Mock
Thank you to Verne Becker and Sam Monroe, whose photos appear throughout this report.