(Microsoft PowerPoint - Spagna Spanish model presentation.ppt


(Microsoft PowerPoint - Spagna Spanish model presentation.ppt
Main Information.
This palace was built
between 1909 – 1911
by the architects
Javier González
Riancho and Gonzalo
Bringas Vega. It is
located in Santander
(Cantabria) in the
north of Spain.
Some beautiful views
A front view
More interesting information.
This building is a Royal
Palace, whose
architectural styles
are the eclecticism
and the regionalism.
It was the summer
residence of King
Alfonso XIII until the
Second Republic was
proclaimed in 1931.
Magdalena’s Palace Model.
First, researching for plans
Thinking about the more
suitable materials…
Base: Wooden plank from last year projects in Technology
Palace structure, walls: Foam core, found in a photograph studio
from wrong posters
Doors and windows: Cardboard from cereals boxes
Towers and roof: Cardboard from packaging.
Top of the biggest tower: Drinking straws
Hot glue
1.The plane of the model is drawn at scale in the wood plank.
2.All pieces are measured
and numbered.
3.The pieces are cut of
recycled foam core.
4. The pieces are assembled
to the plane drawn on the
5. The two towers of the
palace are made with
6. The entrance is made with
smaller pieces of
7. When all the pieces of the
walls, the entrance and the
towers are assembled, we
put the roof.
Some pictures
Some more pictures
Last steps
8. The roof is painted with black colour.
9. The walls and the floor are covered with plaster and they are left
to dry.
10.When the plaster is dry, the bricks and the shape of the floor are
painted with a pencil.
11.The entire surface of the palace is painted with watercolors.
Final touch
The authors….
This model was
manufactured by
Rocío Palao
Megan Gould,
two students of 3ºESO.
Did you know that…?
In this palace was
filmed the
succesfull spanish
series “Gran
The leading actor and
actress are Amaia
Salamanca and Yon
Ecological footprint.
The ecological footprint is an
indicator of human pressure on
Humanity is currently using the
renewable resources of 1.5
Earths to meet our yearly
demands for energy, food,
shelter, and the things we do and
People living in richer, more
developed countries generally
have a higher Footprint than
those living in less developed
An individual’s Ecological
Footprint varies significantly
depending on a number of factors,
including their country of
residence, the quantity of goods
and services they consume, the
resources used and the wastes
generated to provide these goods
and services.