Sep-Oct 1966 -


Sep-Oct 1966 -
T h e A. p . R . O. B u tte ri n i s rhe official copyr ishr ed p!blicar ion of r he Aer i al Phenom ena R es €ar c ho,eani z ai l on ( A.P.R .O.) ,39l o E. Kl ei nddl e R oad, T !* o . , A f i z o n d , a n d
i s i s s u e d e ve rv o rh e r mo n th r o member s onty. Ihe Aer ial Phenom en. R €s €6r .h O ,gaz i nal i on i s 3 non'pr oti r gr oup dedi c al ed 10 the ev enl udl s ol ui i o n o l rh e mv s re rv
Inql i r i 4 fes ar di ns m em ber ehj p m dY be m ade r o the 6 b o v e d d d re $
o f i h e ! .i d e n ri fi e d o b j e cts which have beef pr esenr in r he skies ror hundr €ds of y @ 6.
TheBolwyn Photo
Stronge Deoths ln Brozil
A complete photo analysis oI the photograph of a bell-shaped UFO hovering
over a residential section of Balwyn
(Melbourne suburb), Australia, has ar'
rived at headquarters. Along with the
analysis which pronounces the photo
authentic (see page 1, May"June issue)
was the identity o{ the photographer,
and the office was surprised to {ind that
he is one ol our many Australian mem_
bers. Mr. X has an extremely important
position in Melbourne and it is easy to
see why he would hesitate to be identiIied with a UFO picture or incident,
considering the controversial nature oI
the subject. The full story:
Mr. x was in the garden of his home
when his attention was attracted by a
brillianl flash, as i{ some huge mirror
was reflecting light to the garden. He
looked up and saw lhe object coming in
his general direction. It appeared to be
between 20 and 35 feet in diameter and
about 150 ft. altitude. It resembled a big
mushroom with its short stalk pointed
earthward. Mr. X ran to get a carpenter
rvho was working on the house, so that
he could watch the obiect also.
The object spun through a 180 degree
angle on its vertical axis, ending up with
its rim pointing down. Mr. x, who had
been using up film in his Polaroid color
camera, snapped the photo, and waited
for the timing process before pulling it
The object then turned slowlY
through another 180 degrees on its hori'
zontal axis, whereupon the "stalk" part
was facing Mr. X.
From this atmost stationary position,
the object shot ofl to the north at great
speed. seconds after it took ofI the two
men heard a boom "similar to the sound
jets make when going through the sound
Peter Norris, APRO's Australian reprcsentative, interviewed both Mr. X and
the carpent€r (who also wished anonymity). The carpenter emphasized that
he had Mr. X in sight when the Photograph was taken and that Mr. X \tas
alone all the time. The two stood shoul'
ded-to-shoulder waiting for the photorraDh to Process.
Dubbed the "Morro Do Vintem" case,
an incident which took place on 20 August 1966 is still surrounded by mystery,
and is complicated by the fact that a
UFO was seen in the vicinity. The facts:
Two electronics technicians, Miguel
Jose Viana and Manuel Pereira de Cruz,
both in their thirties, were fould dead
at the summit of Morro do Vintem (Santa
Rosa, Niteroi, capital of the state of Rio)
on the 20th. The police investigations
yielded little to explain their presence
lhere, and especially the strange circumstances.
Both of the bodies wore crudely made
lead masks which covered the upper part
of the face. A series of slips of papers,
some of which were in code, were found
near the bodies. One which was in Portuguese, read: "Meet at predetermined
spot at 4:30 P.M. At 6:30 P.M. swallow
pills with an orange. After effect is produced, protect hatf of face with lead
masks. Await the fore-decided signal."
Rio newspapers headlined several stories about the strange deaths, and many
theories. Both men were well known and
respected in their community. Watchman
Raulino de Matos saw the two men come
to the mountain in a jeep accompanied
by two other men. He saw them get off
the jeep and climb the hill.
After examination by the coroner, a
verdict of death from latural causes was
made. While showing a UPI reporter Mi'
guel and Manuel's belongings and handl,
ing them. Police Chiel Joso Venancio
Bittencourt was suddenly taken ill and
came down with a skin eruption.
Many calls to the police told ol a UFO
being seen over the Morro do Vintem at
the time of the alleged deaths. Mrs. Gracindo de Souza. wife of a member of the
local stock exchange, Paulo Roberto de
Souza, declared that she had seen a
strange round object with a bright halo
of light flying over the spot where the
bodies were found. She was driving down
Alameda Sao Boaventura with her daughter who called her attention to the ob.iect. This occurred on the 1?th, which
was the day the coroner established as
the date of thc deaths.
Viana and da Cruz were specialists in
putting up TV relay towers and it was
theorized that they may have been seek-
NO W !
$4.00 Per Ye.l
(See "Strange Deaths"-Page
Three much-publicized sightings of unconventional aerial objects over watcr
storage areas were recorded by the press
since the issuance of our last Bulletin.
Coincidentally they all took place on
the same date:
At I p.m. CST, Kanabec, South Dakota
rancher Roger Huston saw a bluish-colored light which appeared lo be hanSine
over the Crow Creek Indian Reseryation
of Fort Thompson. The
sighting was corroborated by l{otor Patrolman Patrick Gribbin, Sheriff Lee
Roberls and Game Wardcn Floyd Ccarder of Presho, all of whom drove into the
country to watch the light. The object
slowly changed position from overhead
to an easterly position and at 10 p.m.
Fort Thompson police said it had brightened and was joined by another object
which had the appearance oi changing
from red to green to yellow, while the
original light changed from white to
bluish-green to red.
cribbin said the lirst object appeared
at least 3 times as large as the brightest
star in the sky, and was viewed by him
and companions from a point 26 miles
west of Fort Thompson. No aircraft were
reported in lhe area at the lime.
Reports came in to Fort Thompson police from people within a hundred-mile
radius of the reservation, all of whom
stated the objects were over the town.
Signilicant is the fact that authorities
and the press made no mention of the
location of Fort Thompson, which ts on
l h e s h o r e o I t h e F o r l R c n d a l l R e se r vo i r ,
which is one of two huge {rcsh water
reservoirs which bisect South Dakota
at about mid-portion. The other reservoir is the Oahe reservoir which has a
beginning in North Dakota and cxtends
to about the middle ol South Dakota
u'here it joins Fort Randall. The two
reservoirs are the larger part of a reservoir system which collects the 20-odd
inches per year ol rainfall of South Dakota and portions it out to neighboring
states, including Iowa, which is in the
Heartland of America's food'producing
arca, the middlewest.
Wonoque, N. J., ^Agoin
On the same night that the strangc
lights were seen over Fort Randall,
'Wanaque reservoir in New Jerscy 1,vas
also the site of weird sky objects'antics.
( See "Water"-Page
other problem besides Viet Nam, China,
etc. This reaction could be entirely sub -\
The field of civilian UFO researchis conscious with the individual having
rife with rumors and the most current little or no idea of its growth and the
and curious one revolvesaround Dr. J. subconsciousmotivations which brought
Allen Hynek, the AF's consultingastro. it about.
Dr. Hynek, then, is actually probably
physicistfor the past 19 years. Recent
in newspapersand magazines(most re- a part of a larger picture. It is certain
cently Newsweek,at this vriting) indi- that some, military, civilian and scienticate a much less skeptical attitude about ists alike, may try to make him the
UFOS on Hynek's part than that gener, "goat," as it were, and blame him for
the fact that 19 years have passed withally attributedto the scientist.
The current rumor is that Eynek is out a solution to the UFO problem having been found. Those who wish to put
a part of a plot to "cover up" the Air
Force's censorship and duplicity during the blame on someone are just as guilty
of a "head in the sand" attitude as anythe aforementioned 19 years time.
one else. We suggest that anyone who
As mentioned in her book, "The Great attempts this be carefully examined for
Flying Saucel Hoax," Mrs. Lorenzen was his owr motivations. We have
cognizant as early as 1953 of Hynek's of one scientist who decries this ,,scienopen-minded but scientifically cautious tific scandal" (the lack of scientific
scruapproach to the UFO problem. It is not tiny of the UFO problem) while
alt the
unlikely that the ensuing
alter time admitting his own interest for
1953) and the accompanying thousands eral years, DURING WHICH TIME sevIIE
of sightirgs coming into Wright-Patter- HAD NOT THE FORTITUDE
son might have sharpened Hynek's in- UP. He, like others, waited until
1eresl.However.his position was unique subject was SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE.
The A. P. R. O. BULLETIN Hynek
Published, by
39 10 E. Klein daleRoad
co p yfig ht 19 66 , cor al E. lor enz en
L . J . L o re n ze n
A. E. Brown, B.S E.E.
.lohn T. Hopf
aoral Lo,€nzen
R cha'd
Inler n.tional Dir e.r or
Ditector of Resear'h
Phorosrsphic Con3ullanr
Secreiary and Editor
(The followlng listed individuals particioaie in planning and policy_making as
Sraff Members, in addilion to coordinaf'
ing investigative efforts in fhe areas indicated following their names.)
Dr. Olavo T. Fontes, M.D.
K.Gosla Rehn
-- -'
Bdrney Kent
- Western Canada
cerald Romas- ------, EasternCan6da
Aime Michel
Horacio GonzalesGauleaume
Peler E. Norris, L.[.D. -Jun' lchi Takanashi --,-- JaPan
.---. Argentina
Juan C. Remonda
Sergio Robba -.
----G r eec e
A ris l. Mitro po ulo s,
-R ev. N. C. G. Cru llwell, New G uinea
Eduardo Buelte -.--New Zealand
Harold Fulto n lr eland
A uslin Byrn e
Prof. Charles A- Maney -- Physics
H. C. Dudley, Ph. D.
James A. Harder, Ph D.
Dr. Rene Hardy
Richard C. Gerdes, B.S.E.E
Wm. B. Nash, B.S.E.
-' Aeronautics
Robert Mellor, Ph. D. ---,
Frank B. Salisbury,Ph. D. - '-'--' Biology
R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph. D.
----- Psychology
. -- Psychology
t. Gerald Lau+er,M.D.
p. M. H. Edwards, Ph.D.
,, Linguistics
c hem is t r y
A llen Utke, Ph .D-
Newswires, newspapers, Radio and
Television stations may quote up to 250
words lrom this publication providing
the organization's complete name-Aerial
Phenomena Research Organization, and
City, Tucson, Arizona, are given as the
No A.P.R.O. Bulletin material may be
used or quoted in any other way without
written permission from this olfice.
$4.00per Yeor
and completely opposedto that of civilian researchersin that he had a scienti
Iic responsibility. Even if he had suspected that the UFOS might be extraterrestrial vehicles, it would have been
unscientific to make such a statement
for the simple reasonTIIAT HE COULD
Is Hynek "switching positions"? This
does not seem likely, either. We propose
that there is a good possibility that
Hynek and Hynek alone may be responsible for the launching of the current
AF-financed UFO investigation and analysis project headed up by Dr. Condon
oI Colorado State. It would have been
difficult for him to attempt to bring
about a study by civilian scientistswhile
virtually the only scientific consultant
in the Air Force effort. If there is a natural resistanceto the idea of extraterrestrial travelers among militiary personnel
as we have long suspected,then anyone
attempting to "sell" such an idea or making public statementsto that effect during the past 19 years, would have had
a tough prospect {or getting any support
of such notions. The wise thing, then,
would have been for Hynek or anyone
else in his position to merely bide his
time until an opportunity came to arouse
the interest of other scientists.
The year 1965brought that opportunity which literally thousands of sightings took place in the United Statesand
the press obliged by publishing them.
The growing acceptanceof UAOS as a
real problem was not brought about by
campaigning civilian researchers who
b a d g e ro dpressand governmenl alrepre.
sentatives(althoughthey may have had
a small effect) but rather by a spontaneous awakeningof the general publica psychic revolution, so to speak, and
this ps)chic revolution may be a result
oI an inner need to concentrateon some
Anolher Unexploined
A complete study is being done on the
many blackouts in the U.S. since the big
one in the northeast U.S. in November
of 1965. Some. of course, like lhose in
Arizona, resulted from circuits shornng
out during heavy rainstorms and electrical storms. However, there have been
several r Thich have occuned in strategic
areas, such as the vicinity of Colorado
Springs, etc., for which no satisfactory
expianation was found.
The most interesting, of course, have
been the blackouts which involved telephone communication blackouts, also.
In Bogota, Columbia, where UAOS
were seen frequently in 1965, a total
blackout occurred on 7 September 1966.
This city of two million was left in total darkness for three hours, leaving
the city partially isolated from the rest
ol the world. Newspapers called it the
GRAVEST emergency of this type in the
past 20 years.
Thousands of employees had begun to
leave their offices (reminiscent of the
New York blackout) and traffic was at
its peak on the streets and thruways.
The power failed at 6:50 P.M. and was
restored at 9:55 P.M.
Police, firemen and army men were
scrambled to prevent possible looting.
Iuore than 400 people were trappcd in
elevator cages. Communications were
partially interrupted and only five ol 28
radio stations rcmained in opcration.
The Bogota Powcr Company was unable to determine the cause and stated --\
that its lines stopped functioning, caus
ing an ovcrload in othef lines and consequently the salety switches automatically
c l r c k c d o f l l h e p o w e r i n t h c o ve r ( h a r scd
.^ Woler
(Conti.nued trom' Page One)
Patrolman Witliam Pastro told the press
that he saw a bright light over the reservoir while parked in a partol car, and
turned on the revolving red light, whereupon the o bjPct s light s im m ediat ely
wint oul. Also reporting lheir observations were Sgt. Benjamin Thompson and
Patrolman Edward Wester oI the reservoir police who said they saw a bright
object which appeared at 11 p m, passed
over the reservoir from Pompton Lakes
to the south and went down beyond the
Most reports of the strange objects
at Wanaque described them as "saucershaDed." the size of an automobile and
glowing with a brilliant white light Sgt'
Ben Thompson ol the reservoir police
said the object went "straight over his
head," stopped in mid-air and backed
up. It then started zig-zagging from lelt
to right, he told reporters.
Thompson said he got out oI his car
,nd watched the obiect for five minutes
until the brilliance of the light nearly
blinded him. Because of its brilliance he
couldn't discern any features of the obiect. He estimated its altitude as 150
ieet. said it stirred up brush and water
as ii hovered and maneuvered overhead'
Also on the 10th, Dr. William A. Kreutzer. professor of botany and plant patholosv at Colorado State Universily (Dr'
Salisburv. one of APRO s staff held a
similar position there until this fall.
when he accepled the position of chiel
of the Botany division at Utah State U'
at Losan) observed an unidentilied obiect o;er Horsetooth reservoir near Fort
aollins. At about 15 minutes alter sunset
he and several neighbors saw the strange
lieht alons lhe horizon above the reser'
voir, and lt was lhe second such sight'
ing made by Prof. Kreutzer within two
The first bright object disappeared to
be replaced bv two lights which glowed
with varyjng intensity as "though connected to a rheoslat,' Prol. Kreutzer
told the Press. Aiter this manifestation,
the Iirst object reappeared slightly above
the original Position.
Kreutzer said he would not say that
what he saw was swamp gas and was
not satisfied with prior explanations for
aerial phenomena about which he had
read. "They oughl to get some decent
instruments so lhey can get some decent
data." he told the Press Amen
SecondSighting At Wonaque
On the 16th of October at 4:50 P.m.,
an engineering supervisor at Tungsol
noticed some boys looking
rnto the sky while he was at a shopping
center in Pompton Lakes, N. J Through
the window of the car he spotted and
watched the lollowing object:
A fta!boltomed, round-topped metal-
lic object which resembled a balloon,
was about one-third the size of the moon
and had no noticeable motion. its color
was like thal of weatheredaluminum,
and it appearedto be about ?00 feet altitude over Wanaque Dam, about one-half
mile distant.
A light came on in the beuy of the
tbing which resembled an airliner landing light, and then the object "disappeared." The witness said it looked as
though it was reflecting sunshine.
wanaque has been visited by strange
sky objects several times, and at the particular area where the above-described
object was seen, both radio towers and
high tension power lines are located.
Slronge Deqths .
( Conti,nued, fron'L Page One)
ing new sites at the time of their deaths.
Contained in the reams of newspaper
copy was the interesting note that Morro
da Vintem is a strategic spot from which
all of Niteroi and Rio can be seen.Also
worthy of note is the fact that the towers
and lines furnishing electrical power to
Niteroi is located there. Security Secretary for the State of Rio, Colonel Eduar'
do do Couto Pfeil, held a 40 minute clos.
ed conference with Chiel Bittencourt
and an electronics technician after
which it was announced that his office
would lend any help necessary in the
solving of the mystery.
one theory offered to explain the
mystery was that the men had been
duped by a witch doctor who promised
to cure them. One suffered from asthma,
the other had stomach trouble
.A second autopsy revealed nothing,
accordinglo newspaperreports. But it
was learned that the police initially
found the bodies while searching the
hiUside for an egg-shapedobject report'
ed to have been landed there.
It was learned from the dead men's
friends that they had carried $2200when
they left their homes at Campos,where
both were electronics repairmen, and
were going lo Rio to buy electricalequip'
ment. They met friends in Niteroi,
shopped,bought a bottle of mineral water at a cafe and climbed the jungled
hill. The bodies were found lying side
by side, their arms at their sides. Blood
was found nearby but it was determined
that it did not come from them. The
92200was missingbut each had $75 in
their pockets.
Further details of "messages":"Sun'
day: one capsulebefore meal; Monday:
one capsulein the morning; Tuesday:
one capsule before meal; Wednesday:
one capsule lying down."
The masks were the kind used in electronics to protect the face and eyes from
burns. and were found to have been
madc in da Cruz' shop.A newspaperat
the scene of the bodies'discoverywas
opened to a page where there 'was a
story about a smugglingoperationDear
Rio. No one seemedto be able to lind
out where the men had procured the
$2200they initially had.
If and when more information is available on this item, it will be passed
along. This information is presented
here because of the reliability oI witnesses reporting a UFO on the hill at
the time the men were there.
fhe ColorodoProiecf
On the ?th of October the announcement concerning the naming of the University of Coloradoas the lead University in the U. S. Air Force's new scientific program was carried by all press
media. The basic facts:
The program was suggestedearly this
year by the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. Two internationally promlnent leaders of Colorado'sscientific community were named: Dr. Franklin E.
Roach, currently acting director of the
aeronomy laboratories o{ the National
Bureau o{ Standards' Environmental
science services Administration, and
Dr. Edward U. Condon, University of
Coloradohigh energy physicist. The contract consists of a l5-month agreement
and a $300,000monetary consideration
Jor services rendered. The funds will
come out of Air Force general science
According to the press,the program is
designedto provide a scientific explanation of the mysterious UFO phenomenon
and to quiet public fears that the UFOS
are either invaders from outer space or
some secret military project.
Whether the latter is one of the retl
purposesof the project or not, will have
to be determined in the future. It sounds
strangely like the directive in the famous (or infamous) Roberttson report
which sought to debunk UFOS.
Among the reams of printed material
dealing with the project which flowed
along the press wires in early October,
were the qualifications of the scientific
director of the project, Dr. Condon,who
appears more than amply qualified and
who seems to be open-minded on the
subject of UFOS. Dr. Condon,former
head ol the National Bureau of Sta[dards, served as president oI the Amerlcan Association for the Advancement ol
Science in 1953. Asked about his convictions on the subject of UFOS, Condon said that he is an "agnostic" and
has an open mind.
To avoid any suspicion of a "whitewash," the Air Force told the press that
the National Academy of Scienceshad
agreed to review the results of the University oI Coloradostudy. Condonalso
told the press that the AF has pledged
to tell University investigatorsall it
knows on the subject of UFOS,but that
Nhere this knowledgeinvolvesthe capabilities of military radar systems or
aircraft, the universitywill be askeqnor
to make the informationpublic.
payload as it was released during the
early stages of the experiment, except
In the early morning of the 24th of in those instancesin which the time eleSeptember,several strange objects were ment does not jibe.
The possible connection between the
observed by olficials and residents in
the Wisconsin-Illinois-Indiana
area of the Wallops Island experiment and the sightU. S. At 5:20 A.M., on the 24th, Officer ings in the midwestdoesnot beeomeimRichard Koffel of Lisbon. Ohio. claimed mediately apparent unlessone is famitiar
he watched a glowing, disc-shapedob- with the strange appearancesof clouds
ject which was round, flat on the bottom or contrails under certain atmospheric
and with a "little peak" at the top, over conditions. In 1958 several hundred
the Lisbon area. Koffel said the object qualified technical and scientific people
was much larger than the full moon. He at Holloman AFB, White Sands and
notilied the sheriff's office then watched Alamogordo, including Mr. and Mrs.
as the object appeared to change shape Lorenzen, were fooled by an F-102 comto a long shaft, Iike an elongated tear- ing in for a landing at Holloman. The
drop. It remained in the east until sun- craft was pulling a short contrail and
the rotating amber beacon on the top
rise, dimming as the sky brightened.
of the craft gave an eerie effect, Only
poAt Chicago,at 4:00 and 4:30 A.M.,
pilots who were on
licemen in northwest and north shore after interviewing
plane's arrival,
sutlurbs were alerted to watch an ob- the runway awaiting the
ject over Lake Michigan, northeast of was the mystery solved. It had appeared
Chicago. James Murray, a Chicago Am- as an amber-coloredcigar-shapedobject
erican reporter, saw the object between in the western sky, replete with port4:20 and 4:25 A.M., while driving in holes.
Prospect Heights. He described a large,
black object with a white ring encircling RovennoOhio Sigfiting
it, and estimated its altitude as about
4,000feet. The object made no noise and Lobeled"Hodx"
The case in Ohio in which Deputy
was headed east.
Four airline pilots reported to control Sherifl Dale Spaur and other law en(A pri l 17, 1966)
at O'Hare Airport that they saw a bril- fo rc e mentoffi cers
Iiant light at an estimated 4,000 feet al- chaseda strange object at speedsup to
titude about 100 miles east-northeastof 100 miles per hour, has been labelled
a boax by the Wooster, Ohio Daily RecChicago.
Policemen Al Largo and Clyde Fazen- ord. UPI circulated the story on the 13th
baker of Kenilworth spotted a "huge of October that "a reliable source" had
ball, black in the center and surrounded stated that the UFO was a device rigged
by a "few sciencefiction fans and physics
by a white smoke ring" at 4:20 A.M.
students at Kent State University" from
BenTerry zool,
an old weatherballoon,a car radio anton Harbor, Michigan, reported that I
persons claimed they saw a "red and tenna, a bicycle light and transistor batgreen and blue flashing object" in the lerles.
If any member has any furtber inforsky about 11:35 P.M., on the 23rd of
mation on this, it would be helpful.
Spaur commented that the winds
At Anderson. Indiana. at about 4 A.M. were not strong enough to have aloft
in the early morning of the 24th, a se- the object at the high speed it wafted
curity officer at Anderson College reIt is to be hoped that sorne kind oI
ported seeing a round, light blue object regulation
will be put into effect which
hovering over the football field for about will deter our
"leaders of tomorrow,,
18 minutes. Fox said he attempted to from such high jinks as the Daily
shine his flashlight on the thing but ord claims took place last April Recl7th.
that it would not reflect light. others The University of Colorado
will have a
in the Anderson area reported seejng rough enough time without
havins to
an object about the size of a basketball, contend with practical jokers.
surrounded by a blue-white haze.
Other points at which a bluish-white
See Page 40 ol the 2B October 1966
object was observed were Charlestown,
of LIFE Magazinefor an outstandColumbus, Shelbyville, Ftanklin, Portland, Redkey, Richmond, Anderson and ing color photo of a top-shaped UAO
snappedby an American executive while
Indianapolis, Indiana.
in Brazil.
At Wallops Island, Virginia, a space
experiment which involved a huge,
multi-colored cloud was offered as a lights Over Corolinos
possible explanation lor many of the
The crew of the Charleston, S.C. har,
sightings. The time of the experiment
was 5:13 A.M., EDT and the clouds, bor pilot boat and a harbor pilot reportwhich remained visible at heights of ed seeing brilliant lights on the night
of the 25th of July which they €stimated
310 and 570 miles above the earth for
45 minutes COULD have been respon- to be traveling at 14,000miles per hour.
The Air Force, police and coast guard
sible for at least a good portion of the
observedthroughoutthe mid- received scores of calls about the lights
dlewest-The objectsseen in the middle shortly before 8 P.M. The Federal Aviawest could have been the rocket and tion Agency announced that USAF jets
Sightings in Midwesl
operating in the area may have been
seen moving away from viewers, giving-\
the effect described.
However, Captain John W. Gardner,
a member of the CharlestonBranch of
the Pilot's Association,and Capt. Arthur Hogg, Master of the boat Charleston Pilot, and membersof the crew, were
in jetties on their way out to sea when
they saw the lights.
Gardner said they watched the lights
for B to 10 minutes. Using binoculars,he
made a fix on the jetties and the object
they were observing which he estimated
to be 100 leet in diameter and hoverins.
"Jt was over the water betweenthe jeities and Folly Beach,"he told reporters,
and said that the lights were so bright
that he and his companionscould make
out the round shape oI the object.
Hogg said the lights "twinkled," and
\r,henthe objectleft it'took of{. straight
up," and "must have been doing 14,000
miles per hour." Both men declared the
object could not have been a flare.
Objects which looked ,,almost like
stars" but wbich were traveling too fast
to be stars and changing colors from
blue to red to white were reported by
police at High Poinl, North Carolina.
Other reports came from Asheboro,Ramsuer, Greensboroand Winston,Salem.police in Asheboro and Ramsuer notified
officials in other cities that the obiects
were headedin their direction and consequentlymany sightirgs of the fast-moving "lights" were made.
A spokesmanat the Marine CorDsAir
Station at Beaufort, S. C., suggesfedon
the 26th that flares used in Sidewinder
missile firing practice by jet aircraft
might account for the sightings. One
military source told the Twin City Serltinel that it was unlikely that any of the
flares would have been dropped that fa!
inland. He refused to give his name.
Woich UAO
Of{icers in Chippewa and pepin County and police in Drand, Wisconsin, reporled observing an egg-shapedobject at
about 10 P.M. on lhe ?th of September.
The first sighting took place in pepin
County and the information was relaved
to Chippewa authorities. The Sheriff's
office there called reserve officer Howard cibbs
who watched the obiect
lhrough binoculars and a 2s.power telescope. The object was on the hoflzon
above the tree t6p5 2n6 they watched it
for about one half hour. The body of the
object was white and it carried red and
green lights which appeared much more
brilliant than those of a normal airplane.
It came from the southwest, moved
across the sky to the northeast, turned - --\
Nest, then back to the southwest, thus
making a looping maneuver over thc
area. This spectacle was watched lrom
Pepin County by olficers there and also
by police olficers in Durand.
,.-, Other Erie Sightr'ngs
In addition to those incidents listed
along with the Erie "monster" sighting,
the following were reported lollowing
the initial pressnotices:
At 1t:45 P.M., on Wednesday,3Aug'
ust, Clebert Steff, an Erie Times"Neus
advertising department emplovee, saw
a lighted object which, through binoculars, showed red and white lights. The
object traveled from west to east at an
estimated elevation of 30 degrees. The
flight was very erratic and no shape
could be seen but Steff said it didn't
move like a conventional aircraft.
An Erie electrical engineer for a large
plant reported he had seen unusual sky
objects several times, but that on Wednesday, with the aid of binoculars, he
watched an object "with a v-shaped bottom" which flew from south to north
within 42 seconds.Through the glasses
the object had an orange glow and left
no trail-
head appearedto be {lat. This head was
coveredwith "straggly" brown hair of a
muddy color. The creature had very big
shouldersand a slenderbuild. It moved
$'ith a stiff, jerky, mechanicalmotion,
holding its arms closeto its sides they
did not move at all. Its legs did not bend
at the knees."He moved,"shesaid,"like
a mechanicalwind-up toy." Local dogs
were barking at its heels but it ignored
them. The sight of the creature frightened the witness and she woke up her husband. He looked out the window but
since he was not wearing his glasses,saw
nothing but "movement." lhe creature
appeared across from the United OiI
storage tanks on West 3rd St. in Erie
and walked stiffly out of view.
The witness reported the incident to
the police and when interviewed by Keel,
was disturbed because no one seemed
to believe her.
Anotber woman in the area reportedly
saw a sirnilar creature that same week
while driving down Third St. late at
night. She saw the creature and stopped
the car. The "thing" came up to her and
"pounded on the hood," then moved off
into the darkness,she said.
Obiecf Hovers Neor Orchord
At about B P.M. on the eveningoI ?
September,Mrs. Ed A. Bruns of Durand,
Wisconsin,and her sons Timothy, 14,
and Barry,6, watcheda strangeobject
hover within 3 or 4 feet off the ground
between their home and an orchard 200
feet away.
When Mrs. Bruds' attention was first
called to the object, Barry came into the
house complaining about the "thing"
outside that made a sound that "hurt
his ears."
Mrs. Bruns went outside and immediately saw the object. Son Timothy, who
was up in a tree, was watching the ob,
ject also. When interviewed, Mrs. Bruns
said that she could estimate the length
of the object as approximately 30 feet
because it was silhouetted against the
trees of the orchard and hovering about
3 feet off the ground. Mr. Bruns rs a
builder and becauseof her closeassociation with his business, Mrs. Bruns is
Supporting Coses
adept at estimatingdistanceand size.
witness who wishes name to be withThe object appeared oblong, and Mrs.
held, claims to have seen a 6-8 foot long
Bruns did not know if it was a llattened
silver object passing over Erie, Pennsyldisc seen edge-on or a torpedo-shaped
vania, at an estimated speed of 300 mph UAO Over Coahuila,/l4exico
object. Lights of blue, green and white
at 8:30 P.M. on the 28th or 29th. Witsemed to be revolving around the object
ness not positive of the date.
and there was a bluish glow underneath
on the 29th another witness claims to a strange spherical body which emitted but she couldn't recall if the lights rehave found a series of three-toed foot- bright flashes, was gleater than the ap- volved from left to right or right to left.
prints outside of Belle Vernon, Pa., parent size of Venus with a redder color
The Bruns family live 8 miles east of
which is approximately 120 miles south than that of Mars, was seen by many Durand and 2 miles off the main road.
residents of Coahuila, Mexico. ?he ob- There
of Erie. Prints 6 inches long by 6 inches ject,
is no installation of any kind
which appearedto be an incandes- which might be
of technical or militarv
On the 30th, a photographer for the
interest in the area.
New Castle News photographedan angu- the inhabitants, as it passed over the
Mrs. Bruls said she and the two boys
lar llying object similar to the sketch city and out of sight.
watched the strange object for about
made by Tibbets. New Castle is 75 miles
30 secondswhereuponit tilted at a steep
south of Erie.
angle and departedat high speed.
On the samenight of the Tibbets-Klem Congress,NASA Probe
Two types of soundswere reported by
sighting, a doctor reported seeing a "cirthe Bruns family: Barry described a
cular patch of orange light "about the
high-pitched sound, which Mrs. Bruns
size of a baseball" travelling southwest
Despite the U.S.'s singular successin also detected, as well as a ,,bubblins
at a high rate of speed at 10:30 P.M. the field of space Ilight involving orbit- sound" like 'boiling water on a stove.:
Estimated altitude 500-1000feet. Witness ting astronauts, the increasing tendency
about one mile south of Presque Isle, of the failure of scientific satellites to
near the coast of Lake Erie.
function correctly, has initiated a Con- Egg-Shopes
in Utch
At 1A.M. on the morning oI the lst gressionalprobe. Among others, all three
During the three weeks preceding the
of August, witness observed a bright OGO (Orbiting Geophysical Observalieht over Lake Erie for 1% hours
tory) satellitesdevelopedproblemsin a 28th of September, several residents oI
system designed to keep the spacecraft the Vernal, Utah area, including Garth
up with the earth's horizon. Con- Batty,38, and Fred Brown, broadcaster,
fhe Creofure
sidering the numerous incidents ol ob- reported seeing glowing, egg-shaped objects being seen while astronautsare or- jects over an arid area between the city
Three days after the Presque Isle Inci'
bitting, the possibility of intelligently of Vernal and a nearby large hill. Verdent, on August 3, 1966, an unusual creacontrolledmachinesnot of earth orisin ral is on the flyway between HiIt AFB
ture was seen on the streets of Erie, Pa.
with the functionoI the salel. and the Salt Lake City municipal airport.
The witness, who
lites should be considered. There have Vernal residents who have seen the obbut who was interviewed by Mr. Keel,
been many instances of the power sys- jects unanimously agree that the object
claims that she was awakened at 5:30
A.M. by the barklng of the neighborhood tems in satellites turning off unexplain- w a s l o o f a s t a n d e r r a t i c t o b e a n a i r .
a b l y a n d l hen turni ng on agai n,j ust as plane.
dogs. She looked out of a window and
Close-upobservations described an obsaw what she described as a "humanunexplainably,after an extendedperiod
of time. The OAO (Orbiting Astronomr- ject about 30 leet in diameter, oval'/-.shaped" being about 5'6" tall. It was
cal Observatories)
have sufferedfailures shaped with a IIat section girding it, and
rlothed in a yellow jacket and yellow
making the humming sound of an electrousers with no discernible pockets, of an unexplainablenature also. After
two days in orbit in April oI 1966,the trical transformer. Up to the 28th of
belts or other features, The head, she
said, was huge and moon'shaped and
950 million satellite failed completely September, the object had been observed
live times.
when its main battery overheated.
when seen from the side the back oI its
The lrulh Aboul
BrJ Cordl E. Lorenzen
Comments and inquiries from scores
of APRO members and others concern"
ing the reliability and authenticity oI
certain information contained in Frank
Edwards' book, "FIying Saucers-Serrous
Business" (Lyle Stuart and Bantam paperbacksi has prompted the Iollowing
rather than presenting a formal book
All in all, Edwards' presentation of the
Socorro (24 April 1964) case contained
at least 12 errors. Some of the things
which did not happen but which Edwards presents as the truth: Zamora was
not "milling around the streets" - he
was chasing a speeder outside of town.
He did not see a "shiny" thing - only a
blue flame. Zamora saw the little men
through dust Jrom 450 feet, from the
entrance to the third mesa-NOT FROM
within 75 feet, as Edwards stated. They
were not wearing "white or silvery"
suits zamora said he could only make
out that they were light-colored as seen
from 450 feet through the dust apparently kicked up by the object as it landed.
Thel'did nol 'seem to be examining or
repiiring" the object-they were merely
at no time
stinding "on the side"-he
claimed the "men" were on the ground.
Zamora did not see them "scurry
merely reported
around the object"-he
that one of them seemed to notice him
and BY HIS MOTIONS, seemed starued.
The area was clear rthen Zamora look'
ed down at the object-he did not turn
obiect started to
toward his car-the
racket just
he then
as he approached
turned and ran in Panic.
The landing-gear marks were not cucular in shape-they were lour Bx12 inch
wedge-shaped impressions. The- circular
imoiessions (iour) were something else
-orobablv ladder Joot marks.
white Sands Slallion Site was not nocommander was-and he was
at home. Military men did not come on
Captain Holder
the "double quick"-only
and an FBI agent who happened to be
in Socorro at the time "They" did not
pile rocks around the marks the follow
ing mo rnin g- the y d id jt t hat s am e ev enrngZamota was not subjecled to 'inlensive erilling -he was poliiely question'
e. t f;
4 5 hin ule s, d ur ing whic h t im e
he went to the site of the landing with
the AF investigators-Sgt. Moody and
Maior Connors. Zamora told Mr' Loienzen and me that they did not ask as
many questions as we had, nor as many
as he thought they should have. Later
conversationswith Zamora indicated that
Dr. Allen Hynek had treated him courteously also.
T he la lter in sin ua lion about AF "gr illing' is only another attempt by Edwards
to pcrpetuate the NICAP (of rvhich Mr.
Edwards is a board member) theme
rbout AF censorship and prcssulewhich
Other observers said that at one point
the object was silhouetted against the
full moon and appeared to be rectangular in shape and in a vertical positionAt Erie, Pa., on the third, Dennis Buckel and Jerry Trembley of radio station
WJET, reported they had seen and photographed a bright object in the sky
near the location of the Klem'Tibbets
sighting of the 31st of July. The first
object, seen al 2 A.M., was like a bright
star, they said, only moving faster, alld
that about two hours later they saw a
strange cluster of flashing lights in the
same area.
On the night of the lst and the morning of the 2nd, numerous Mobile, Alabama residents reported a strange apOn the evening of the 30th of Septem- pearing bluish-white trail of light with
ber, several ollicers along the wasatch a green and amber tail which was called
Front from 'Weber Canvon to the Farm- a shooting star even though it lasted
ington area in Davis County, Utah, re- for several seconds longer than meteors
sponded to calls from the citizenry con- usually are visible. On Monday night a
large round object encircled by r€d lights
cerning unusual lights in the area.
Highway patrolmen in that area report- making a rrhining noise and sporting two
ed that the bright objects appeared to white searchlights, was observed over
be circular objects surrounded by red, Grafmoor subdivision not far lrom
green and white rapidly rotating bands, Crichton, Alabama.
Hawthorne, New Jersey had a sightthrough binoculars. There seemedto be
three of the objects arranged in the ing on the 7th which consisted of a red
shape ol an equilateral triangle in the light which, when it left, just disappearsky. Hill AFB officials said that a meter- ed. It was witnessed by dozens of peoologist there said a possible explanation ple, including policemen from two diffor the objects was that the people were ferent locations for about 30 minutes.
is now beginning to look like a ridicuIous accusation on the lace of things.
It must be remembered that Mr. Edwards is a writer and radio announcer,
and that his efforts are mainly entertainment-oriented and not researchoriented.
The above information is only a sample
of the inaccuracies in Mr. Edwards' book,
which is catastrophic to researchers who
deal with facts. For a complete and accurate account of the Zamora and other
incidents, see my book, "Flying Saucers"
For the first time I relate
the complete story of that investigation.
Officers Wotch UAOs in UIdh
seeing unusually bright stars. IIe did not
explain how some residents could see
revolving lights directly overhead.
Also on the 30th. sheriff Charlie Childers of Montrose, Colorado, was one of
many who observed a "blob of light"
which appeared to rotate constantly,
hover occasionally and dash about the
sky. "It moved faster than any jet I've
ever seen," he said. "It definitely was
no star."
Eosf ExperiencesFfop
Various reports of strange objects
were reported from New Jersey to Alabama on the night of the 1st of August
and the morning o{ the second. At McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey,
computers were put into use in an attempt to make sense out oI the information pouring in. Dozens of calls came in
to police, newspapers, radio stations and
the Base, about a bright red object
which hovered noiselessly over towns in
the area before disappearing. A white
object described by one viewer as "nine
times" larger than a star, appeared over
G. E. Townsend, who watched a red
"{laring object" over Midland Park and
Ridgewood, on the night of the 1st said
he saw it again between 3 and 5 A.M.
on the 2nd. Using binoculars, he watched
the object moving slowly from the east
over his house toward the Waldwick area
where it hovered. He said it looked "like
a pinkish ball" but was soundless. He
also reported that it looked as if there
Nas a small parachute slightly above it
-resembling a balloon.
UAO Aclivily ln Oregon
Reports from Carrol D. Watson of
Roseburg, Oregon, indicate colsiderable
activily in lhat general area during late
summer and early fau of 1966.
Two employees of a mining engineer
observed a disc-shaped glowing objett
between I and g:30 A.M.. on the 16th
of August while at the Old Rowley Mine
near Shadey Cove, Oregon. The object,
when first seen, was hovering in a horizontal position and the men at first
thought the object was a weather balloon, because of its "glassy white" color,
but then it started to tip over on its
edge, with a "spinning eIfect." They both
noted that at times it seemed to wobble
as it darted back and forth in an euatic
manner. At first they watched it for
about 30 seconds before it began darting about, after which it began the erratic maneuvers. After about two minutes
of this, it moved and quickly disappeared
in the west.
About five minutes later an airliner
came into view Jrom the southwest heading into the northeast. The men spotted
the LIAO in the same spot where it had
originally been seen, apparently above
the airliner. During this time it executcd
a few "flips" as before, and when the
plane disappeared, the object rose
straight up and disappeared.
No surface details noted; object size'
ol head of kitchen match held at arm's
length, distinctly outlined, no sound. No
clouds, no wind, temperature in low 60s,
(See "Ore9on"-Page 7)
(Contimred. lrom Page Si:t)
and the mining engineer's operations
\\'{-re invesligations for copper ore.
On the 20th of August a woman and
her son, sleeping outdoors at the loca.
lion of a swimming m eet at Lak ev iew.
in southcentral Oregon, saw a crescent.
shaped glowing object for six seconds as
it moved across the sky.
Toward morning of the next day, the
same witnesses watched a "squadron"
of orange or reddish objects move across
the sky, make a wide angle turn and disappear in the west.
On the gth of August, residents of the
Roseburg area and two Winston police
observed a UAO
through the sky in a northeasterly direction. One of the officers described it
as "round with lights at the rear---definitely not a plane." Another report at the
same time described an object larger
than a plane, oval in shape with white
Iights fore and aft, surrounded by smaU
red lights and hovering over Dillard.
Other residents reported similar sightrngs.
More On The VolensofeCose
In our July-August '65 issue, we printed
a preliminary report of the landing at
Valensole, France on l July 1965. Further information has reached this olfice
which we now submit for the record:
Mr. Masse was in his lavender field
as usual. had not started his tractor and
it was hidden behind a heap of stones
about two meters high. He was lighting
a cigarette when he heard a whistling
sound, but couldn't see the source, so
he came out from behind the heap ol
stones and saw an oddly-shaped object
standing in the field about B0 meters
distant. At first he took it to be a helicopter, then realized it was not, for he
was accustomed to seeing them land in
his Iields or those of neighbors. Also,
he often chatted with the pilots
This object looked like a large rugby
ball, about the size of a Dauphine car,
and was topped with a cupola, and standing on six extensions. Wondering if it
could be a new experimental machine,
he approached it. Upon getting closer
to the object, he saw two small beings
of human appearance bending over a
lavender plant.
He approached even
closer, intending to converse with them.
But when he was 5 to 6 meters from
them, they suddenly noticed him and
oJ them pointed a kind of tube or
' ^one
pistol" at him and he became paralyz.d. It did not occur to him to trv to call
1or help. so he didn't try,; but now feels
thal he would have been unable to call
out. He remained immoble and watched
the beings.The "little men" were about
the size of eight-year-old
children, and
had huge heads,about three times the
size of a normal adult's head. He noticed they were bald and completelyhairless, with white, smooth skin. Only their
headswere visible,and the rest oI their
bodies were covered by an overall-like
suit of a greenish-greymaterial.
The faces of the creatures had features similar in size and appearanceto
those of a normal human, except for
the mouth, which was a lipless hole.
The two conversed between themselves
with sounds which didn't seem to be
coming out of their mouths. They looked
at Masse as though they were making
fun of him, but their looks did not appear to be evil.
The appearanceof the little men did
not appear to be monstrous to Masse,
and a few minutes later they entered
their machine by way of a sliding door
and took off westward at great speed.
The object made a whistling sound as
it left and gave off no steam or smoke.
Mr. Masse then attempted to move, but
could not, and it took him about a quarter of an hour to make even a slight
move. Ife slowly recovered his ability
to move.
After the incident, Massewent to the
village to visit a friend who owns the
Sports Cafe. He told him about the object he had seen. His friend noticed
that he was yery upset and did not
doubt him. He also said there was more,
but he would not talk about it as he
didn't think anyone would believe him
Masse'sfriend advised him to tell the
police, but Masse demurred, and then
said nothing had happened and that he
had been joking and made it all up.
The cafe owner hurried to the field to
check the marks Masseclaimed the object had made and found them. He told
others and the incident shortly became
general knowledge, Newspaper and TV
personnel were upon him almost immediately. Masse, however, told only what
he had told his friend and no more.
I{is friends began to notice that he was
becoming moody and absent-minded.He
began to doze or sleep for about 12 to
14 hours daily, in the days immediately
{ollowing the incident.
The same morning after the object
had left, a kind of Iiquid mud wasfound
in the central hole. By evening,it had
hardened to a kind of concrete. Masse
compared the shape of the hole to a
lunnel held upsidedown with a hollow
bowl at the bottom which amountedto
a depth of about 30 to 40 inchesfrom
ground level.
The initial report mentioned only
the presenceol the "little men" and
gave no description of their features
or the object which they used to paralyze Masse.
Mony WilnessUAO
Neor Corocos
At 9:45 p.m., on the evening of 17
August, 1965, a strange object executed
several maneuvers over the water reservoir near the Hills of Carrizal. about
20 miles lrom Caracas, Venezuela. The
obiect was a glowing
o va l - sh a p e ; i t
stopped momentarily over the lake and
after some wobbling, it flew away. Several workmen staying at a house under
construction in the vicinity of the reser'
voir stated that they saw the object over
the lake. and that it then flew toward
the house where they were lodged and
landed briefly on the grass. Drivers on
the highway also saw the object; one of
whom said that his car engine acted up
during the presence of the object. The
workers and the drivers saw the object
as it slowed, then extended several long
stilt-like proturberances to the ground.
The workers said they expected some
thing or someone to come out of the
object, but then the "legs" were drawn
up into the object again and it glowed
intensely and took off, going out of sight
in the distance.
In Pro-Patria, a residential sector, Mr.
Jose del Pilar Salazar, stated that he
spotted a strange round, bright objret
with a smokey trail which approached
his home very fast, at about the altitude
of a 16-story building. It glowed inteimittently, at times appearing to be gray
in color. It finally sweryed and took ofl
into the east out of sight.
Over Peru
On November 7, 1965,in the afternoon,
a saturn"shaped glowing object was seen
by numerous people among whom were
the Director and Editor of a Huanuco
newspaper. The object showed up in the
sky at 5 p.m. south of the city and appeared to be spinning as it hovered at
an estimated 1200 feet above the people
who watched it. It gave off colored lights
and exhibited an aerial or antenna vhich
rotated in various directions. Editor Samuel Cornejo, stated that when the observers attempted to approach the place
over which the object hovered, they were
dazzled by the glare, and that it shortly
headed out of sight towards the north
at high speed.
Watch lhe
For UtO Fe.ture!
Dworves Seen ln Brozil
Brazil. vhich has been the scene of
many landing incidents in the past
eleven Jears, yielded another sighting
oI a ,anded UAO and occupants. The
exact dates of the first sightings are not
stipulated, but the last was on the 13th
of November, 1965.
The sightings took place in October
and November. In the first, Dario Anhaua Filho, a landowner and chemist,
was getting into his jeep at 10 p.m.,
when he looked up and saw an orangecolored sparkling object above him at
an estimated 100 meters. It was "floating like a leaf" or "swinging like a pendulum" over the farmhouse. He then
noticed two more UAOS which switched
off their lights and abruptly ascended
vertically to a height of about 1000
Filho sent his grandson to wake his
wife and she ioined him and they watched the objects. After a few minutes of
the "dead-leaf" maneuvers, all three objects disappeared over the treetops at
such a low altitude that they nearly hit
the trees.
The second sighting: Dario had gole
to town ( Mogi-Cuassu) for
with the local mayor. There he met the
managers of the band and store and he
asked both of them to visit him at his
farm some evening to watch and photograph the phenomenon. He also asked
them to keep the matter confidential.
on returning home, he found his wife
in hysterics and after calming her, got
the following information from her;
At I p.m., Mrs. Filho saw the "typical
light" o{ a UFO. Followed by her grand'
son, she walked to the farm gate, from
which location she saw the obiect sitting
on the ground and by it were standing
two little figures like dwarves. The one
was walking to and fro along a furrow,
picking up twigs, branches and leaves
which he carried in his arms. The other
figure was by the fence aIld was watching the mare on the other side of it. The
mare, which is a quiet creature, did not
move. The first dwarl went back and
forth among the plants {ive times. In
the meantime, a truck loaded with shouting and singing people, went by. The
UFO then slowly moved away. Only one
dwarf got into it up a green-colored
tube that suddenly appeared at one side.
The olher dwarl was not seen getting
into the object, so Mrs. Filho assumed
it stayed on the ground.
The saucer returned, and the preceding sequence of events was repeated
again. Another car passed, the object
switched ofl its light and moved away
again. During this performance Mrs.
Filho and her grandson claimed that
two other objects were hovering in the
sky, as if watching.
Suddenly one of the dwarves turned on a green light which issued from
an object the size of a drinking glass,
and rather like a rocket, according to
the grandson. There followed a small
explosion. (Later the glass lamp chimneys in the house were found to be
After the "torchlight" focused on the
UAO standing in the field was turned
off, the observersnoticed that the beam
sustainingthe garageroof near the house
had been turned into a mirror through
which Mrs. Filho could now see the man
in the larger UAO which was lloating
above, much farther way. (The meaning
here is not clear-concerning the roof
beam). Mrs. Filho became quite fright,
ened by this. (No further information
about how the objects left, etc.).
The third sighting took place at light
on the 13th of November.The witnesses
were Dario Filho and his wife and grandson and the local bank manager. Same
locality. The UAO landed at night at
about 100 meters from the observers,
and focused a bright beam of light upward. At the same time the local sheriff
and a police clerk were travelling by
car to Catagua, Senator Auro Moura
Andrade's farm, and were close to the
larm when they also witnessedthe same
sight, seeing the UAO'S bright light over
Filho's farm.
The bank manager had brought along
a camera to take a picture but uras so
upset that he Jell down and dropped it.
He had come to the farm completely
unbelieving and was unnerved when he
saw the object.
The beings seen in this incident were
small, about the size of a seven-year-old
child seen at 20 meters distance. One
was wearing an overall, the other chocolate-colored pants and a gray collarless
shirt. The third being seen in the mirror (?) had a square, flat head and
was wearing a surgeon'sapron,
Both the UAO and the beings shone
brightly. The object which landed was
as high as the garage. (Further description says the garage is "no higher
than an ordinary cabin"-we assume,
then, probably about 8 feet, and no
nrore than 10 feet high).
Supplementary witnesseswere Father
Longino Vartbinden, parish priest at
the mayor and the chief
of police, as well as dozens of people
living in the neighborhoodol the farm
Both the light and movementsof the
beingswere seen.
The Ioregoing case was investigated
bv Prof. Flavio Pereira and Drs. Leo
Godoi Otero and RenatoBacelar,of Sao
Paulo, Brazil. Unfortunatelythe repor'is abbreviatedand leaves much to be
desiredby way of detail. However,considering the number of witnesses,it is
quite likely that this is an actual incident.
Following are trro additional cases
which took place on the same Dight in
the same general area:
On October 30, 1965,a couple driving
their Volkswagen car from Mogi-Mirim
to Nova Lousan in the middle of the
night, on the way back from a wake,
saw a huge light blocking the road in
front of them. They turned back. They
then encountered a truck and warned
the driver. While they were talking to
him, another Volkswagen sped by them
in the direction of the light, but soon
returned. The three vehicles then made
their way along the highway together,
in a group, driving slowly, toward the
source of light. As they approachedthe
enormous light, it suddenly soared up
above the approaching car and lighted
up everything in the vicinity. Coming to
the junction oI highways at Pinhal,
where there is a gasoline station, the
drivers got out of their car just in time
to watch the object soar up and away.
This part of the incident was observed
by dozens of other witnesses at the
On the same night in the same locality, a night rratchman working at
the Ipe Ceramics factory noticed a
light in the yard, so he went to examiie
it and saw a luminous disc floating
slowly by the large chimney-towersand
upon reaching the border of the {ield
where the high-voltage wires were, it
returned, and seemed to head straight
for the witness.The man ran into the
factory and locked himsell in.
Hunlers See UAO On Ground
ln V enezuela
Euclides Bencomo, Jesus Zapata and
Juan Ramos reported to authorities that
on the 18th of August, while hunting in
the Bum-Bum lorests in Barinas, Venezuela, they observed a strange luminosity
behind some bushes. They approached
the bushes, and saw a huge egg shaped
object hovering some six leet off the
ground. They said the strange object
was giving off multi-colored lights which
emanated from large round windows.The
o b j e c t m a d e a w h i s r l i n g so u n d . Th i
lhree men became lrightened, droppcd
their guns and ran. A posse was lormed
by those to whom the hunters reported
the incident, to investigate the area.