Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications


Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for
Forensic Applications
Table of Contents
Introduction __________________________________________________________3
Technical Expertise ___________________________________________________4
Case Study: Validation of Individuality of Tool-marks________________________5
Screwdrivers ________________________________________________________6
Tongue and Groove Pliers ______________________________________________7
Diagonal Cutters _____________________________________________________8
Bolt Cutters _________________________________________________________9
Aviation Snips ______________________________________________________10
Diagonal Wire Cutters ________________________________________________11
Sledgehammers _____________________________________________________12
Case Study: Firearms Evidence _________________________________________13
Cartridge Cases _____________________________________________________13
Bullets ____________________________________________________________14
Case Study: Virtual Comparison Microscope______________________________15
Credit Cards ________________________________________________________16
Nails ______________________________________________________________17
Staples ____________________________________________________________18
Drugs _____________________________________________________________19
About Intelligent Automation, Inc. (IAI) ___________________________________20
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Over the past 18 years, Intelligent Automation Inc. (IAI) has grown to become a successful and
dynamic R&D company focusing on delivering complex technological solutions to the US
Government and various commercial clients across a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines.
During this period, a significant portion of IAI's research activities have focused on the forensic
science arena. This has resulted in the field of forensics becoming one of IAI's core technology
In collaboration with government agencies such as the Department of Justice (DOJ), Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United States Secret Service (USSS), National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST), National Science Foundation (NSF), and Drug Enforcement
Agency (DEA), IAI has developed specialized systems for the automated imaging, acquisition
and comparison of firearms, tool-marks and drug-related forensic evidence. These systems
exploit the topographical characteristics of the specimens in question. The acquired 3D data can
assist forensic examiners in the objective assessment of similarity between specimens. IAI has
successfully leveraged its extensive expertise in artificial intelligence, signal and image
processing, statistical data analysis, data visualization, sensor system integration, testing and
metrology to drive the development of technologies that can assist the forensic science
Intelligent Automation, Inc. continues to explore and apply innovative technologies across
diverse areas of forensic science research. These areas of research range from technological
challenges related to fingerprint quality assessment and speaker identification to counterfeit
credit card identification among others.
Specialized systems built by IAI that effectively use 3D information from a bullet’s surface to improve the
matching rate of automated search and retrieval systems
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Technical Expertise
Over the years, IAI has developed sophisticated Automated Comparison Systems designed to
address real-world forensic problems in an objective and unbiased manner. These systems are
typically composed of a number of specialized acquisition and processing components. Our work
has resulted in several fundamental patents that have pioneered new approaches to forensic
analysis, including for example the capture and use of 3D data. A major focus of our work has
been to develop tools and techniques which lead to rigorous means to estimate the likelihood of
erroneous identification.
The work done by IAI over the past decade requires, among other things, very accurate 2D and
3D measurement of surfaces. As a result, IAI has developed sophisticated metrology tools to
capture high resolution data. Over this period, we have also developed several advanced signal
processing and pattern classification algorithms for pre-processing, normalization, and signature
generation in order to correlate and statistically analyze data as depicted in Figure 1. This has
allowed us to estimate the statistical probability of false positive and false negative
identifications. IAI personnel have developed expertise in the design and development of
Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) suitable to the requirements of forensic examiners. These
intuitive and easy-to-use interfaces provide powerful capabilities to the forensic examiner to
visualize, compare and verify the degree of similarity between any two specimens in question.
In the following sections, we briefly present a few case studies undertaken by IAI in the field of
forensic science.
Various components of a generic Automated Comparison System
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Case Study: Validation of Individuality of Tool-marks
The ability to validate that a particular tool was used to create a tool-mark found at a crime scene
is of significant importance for the presentation of evidence in court. Such association is based
on the fact that the microscopic marks found on the tool's working surface (and transferred to the
tool-mark) are sufficiently unique to enable a one-to-one association between the tool and the
Intelligent Automation Inc. has undertaken a study to validate the assertion that a one-to-one
identification between a tool and the tool-marks created by the tool is possible. During the course
of this study, a number of different sets of tool-marks were created on various types of media
using a variety of tools. This study has resulted in the development of a highly successful 3Dbased automated tool-mark comparison/analysis system.
A variety of tools whose
working surfaces are
manufactured using different
techniques were used for
creating sample tool-marks
Impressed tool-marks created by same bolt-cutter
(rows) and different bolt-cutters (columns)
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
Matching alignment for 2 impressed tool-marks
made by the same bolt cutter
Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
The working surface of the screwdrivers used in this study was manufactured through stamping.
Tool-marks were created on (i) lead sheet and (ii) aluminum sheets.
The set of tool-marks created on lead sheets consisted of “push” and “pull” striations by the
screwdriver, and an impression of the tip. Tool-marks were created at 3 different angles of attack
on the lead sheets. These tool-marks were created to study how the variation of the screwdriver
angle of attack affects the creation of striations on the tool-marks. Tool-marks created on
aluminum sheets consisted of "push" striations for a single working surface at a defined angle of
attack. These tool-marks were used to study how the media on which the tool-mark is created
affects the individuality of the tool-mark and the validation of one-to-one association between
the tool-mark and the tool.
Creation of screwdriver tool-marks
Screwdriver Striations
3D profile of a striated screwdriver tool-mark
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
Sample screwdriver tool-marks on lead sheet
Screwdriver Impression
3D profile of an impressed screwdriver tool-mark
Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Tongue and Groove Pliers
The working surface of the tongue and groove pliers used in this study was manufactured by
broaching. Tool-marks were created on (i) lead rope, (ii) brass pipes and (iii) galvanized steel
The tool-marks on lead rope included an impressed tool-mark corresponding to a single tooth of
the tongue and groove pliers, and a striated tool-mark corresponding to the rotation of the tool on
the lead rope. Tool-marks created on brass and galvanized steel pipes consisted of striations
formed as a result of the movement of the jaws of the pliers on the pipe’s surface. The same set
of tongue and groove pliers were used to make the tool-marks on both the brass pipes and the
galvanized steel pipes. The premise for creating tool-marks on both brass pipes and galvanized
steel pipes was to compare striated tool-marks created by the same tool on different materials of
Creation of a tongue & groove plier’s tool-mark
Tongue & Groove Plier Striations
3D profile of a striated tongue & groove plier
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
Tongue & groove plier tool-marks on steel pipe
Tongue & Groove Plier Impression
3D profile of an impressed tongue & groove plier
Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Diagonal Cutters
The working surface of the diagonal cutters used in this study was manufactured by filing. Toolmarks were created on (i) lead sheets and (ii) solid core copper wire.
Tool-marks on lead sheets corresponded to the angled walls created by the pinching action of the
working surfaces as it cut through the lead sheets. Tool-marks on solid copper wire were made
by cutting the copper wire. For each diagonal cutter, the set of impressed tool-marks was created
by cutting copper wire at the same position on the jaw of the diagonal cutter. The basis for
selecting solid core copper wire for creation of tool-marks was to select a media that is
commonly associated with the use of the tool.
Working surface of the diagonal cutter
Creation of a tool-mark using a diagonal cutter
Diagonal Cutter Impression
Sample diagonal cutter tool-mark on solid core
copper wire
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
3D profile of an impressed diagonal cutter
Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Bolt Cutters
The working surface of the bolt cutters used in this study was manufactured through milling.
Tool-marks were created on (i) lead sheet and (ii) galvanized steel chain-link fence.
Tool-marks created on lead sheet consisted of impressions that corresponded to the bottom of the
“valleys” created by the pinching action of the working surfaces. Tool-marks on galvanized steel
chain-link fence were created by cutting the media at the same place on the bolt cutter's jaw for
each tool. The reason for selecting galvanized steel chain-link fence as the appropriate media for
bolt cutters was to use a media that is typically cut using a pair of bolt cutters under real-life
Working surface of a bolt cutter
Creation of a tool-mark using a bolt cutter
Bolt Cutter Impression
Bolt cutter tool-mark created on galvanized
chain link fence
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
3D profile of an impressed bolt cutter toolmark
Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Aviation Snips
The working surface of the aviation snips used in this study was manufactured through grinding.
Tool-marks were created on (i) standard steel and (ii) cold-rolled steel roofing sheets.
The set of tool-marks on standard steel paper clips consisted of impressed tool-marks. The
impressions on the side of the tool-mark showed a “tooth like” formation due to the serrations
found on the side of the aviation snip blades. In order to make a comparison of these tooth-like
features it was necessary to be able to repeatedly acquire a given tooth. For this reason, the toolmarks were created in a way that would isolate surface features created by a single serration.
Aviation snips tool-marks were also created on cold-rolled steel roofing sheets. The premise
behind selecting cold-rolled steel roofing sheets as the media for creation of tool-marks was that
the cold-rolled steel roofing sheets are commonly found on the outer enclosures of buildings
frequently, and aviation snips are used to cut through such outer enclosures.
Working surface of an aviation snip
Creation of a tool-mark using aviation snips
Aviation Snip Impression
Aviation snip tool-mark created on cold-rolled
steel roofing sheets
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
3D profile of an impressed aviation snip toolmark
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Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Diagonal Wire Cutters
The working surface of the diagonal wire cutters used in this study was manufactured through
grinding. Impressed tool-marks were created on the electrical contacts of rectifier diodes that had
been soldered to printed circuit boards. The electrical contacts are made of steel with a coating of
tin and lead. In order for the tool-marks to be created, the rectifier diodes were axially mounted
and soldered on the boards. For each diagonal wire cutter, the set of impressed tool-marks were
created by cutting the soldered rectifier electrical contacts at the same position on the diagonal
wire cutter’s jaw of interest.
Working surface of a diagonal wire cutter
Creation of a tool-mark using a diagonal wire cutter
Diagonal Wire Cutter Impression
Diagonal wire cutter tool-mark created on
soldered rectifier electrical contacts
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
3D profile of an impressed diagonal wire cutter
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Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
The working surface of the sledgehammers used in this study was manufactured by a lathe. The
set of tool-marks for sledgehammers consisted of striated tool-marks on lead sheets. The toolmarks were created by imparting a glancing blow to the lead sheet using the sledgehammer face
of interest.
Working surface of a sledgehammer
Creation of a tool-mark using a sledgehammer
Sledgehammer Striations
Sledgehammer tool-mark created on lead sheet
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
3D profile of a striated sledgehammer tool-mark
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Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Case Study: Firearms Evidence
Cartridge Cases
Intelligent Automation Inc. has undertaken a study to examine the markings imprinted onto
cartridge cases as a result of firing a weapon. Often the cartridge case is the most important
forensic specimen in the identification of weapons, as bullets are commonly deformed by impact.
When a firearm is loaded and fired, mechanisms in the firearm come in contact with the cartridge
case. These mechanisms impart impressions and striations on the cartridge case that are unique
to the firearm. Some of the most important marks that can be used for identification of cartridge
cases are breech face impressions, firing pin impressions, ejector and extractor marks. Firearm
examiners exploit the fact that characteristics produced by a firearm are unique and can be used
for the firearm identification.
A cartridge case holder devised by IAI
3D topography of a breech face impression
3D topography of an ejector mark
3D topography of a firing pin impression
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
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Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Intelligent Automation, Inc. has undertaken a statistical study on the uniqueness of the striations
found on bullets fired by the same gun. The purpose of this study is to develop objective
standardized procedures to determine whether a given evidence bullet was fired by a suspect gun
and to validate these procedures through extensive statistical testing. These procedures are
founded on well-established scientific principles and should therefore be verifiable and
Through extensive research, IAI has obtained valuable results associated with identification
criteria for the individuality of guns and for gun-to-bullet comparisons. These criteria have been
effectively tested in numerous experiments including sets of consecutively manufactured barrels.
Results have demonstrated the effect of barrel wear and the effect of comparisons across
different types of ammunition. This statistical study has significant implications not only for the
law enforcement community, but also for the justice administration community.
A cross-sectional view of a bullet’s surface
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
3D profile of a land impression
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Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Case Study: Virtual Comparison Microscope
Intelligent Automation, Inc. has developed a visualization tool called a “Virtual Comparison
Microscope”. The Virtual Comparison Microscope is a Windows-based, user-friendly software
tool that allows the firearms/tool-marks examiner to verify the degree of similarity between two
specimens in question. The Virtual Comparison Microscope was designed to emulate the
operation of the conventional comparison microscope.
The Virtual Comparison Microscope is capable of rendering a 2D view of the 3D surfaces in a
manner similar to that of the conventional comparison microscope. It enables the user to translate
and rotate one specimen with respect to the other, align and overlap them, modify illumination
conditions, zoom in and out, adjust the point of view of the user, and to create a split image on
the screen to demarcate one image from the other.
Furthermore, the Virtual Comparison Microscope provides advanced visualization and signal
processing capabilities that are unavailable to real comparison microscopes. The software
provides functionality for performing various types of data processing such as outlier
identification, interpolation, filtering, histogram equalization, and surface leveling that may assist
in the comparison of specimens. Other unique characteristics of the Virtual Comparison
Microscope include its ability to simulate any material or “palette” which may be useful to the
user as well as adjustment of the angle of incidence of the light and the light intensity that can
assist in emphasizing certain features in the 3D images for better visualization.
2 diagonal cutter impressions aligned adjacent
to each other using the virtual comparison
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
2 bolt cutter impressions automatically aligned
for matching comparison by the virtual
comparison microscope
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Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Credit Cards
Intelligent Automation Inc. has undertaken a study to investigate whether a one-to-one
correspondence exists between a credit card and the machine that performed embossing on the
credit card. Typically, dies stamp information on the credit card such as the credit card number
and name of the credit card owner. This result in impressions being imparted on the surface of
the credit card that are unique to the die. In some cases of fraud, an embossing machine is used
to imprint a legitimate credit card number obtained illegally onto blank credit cards. Frequently,
impressions exist within a credit card's raised surfaces that are hard to access through
conventional means. Thus, it is extremely difficult to identify unique features in the embossed
character which would link the credit card to a specific embossing machine.
Intelligent Automation, Inc.’s acquisition and processing technology enables the acquisition,
detection and statistical analysis of unique microscopic impressions present on the surface of
credit cards as a result of the process of embossing. These microscopic impressions can help
assist in identifying the origin of a credit card and in determining if two or more credit cards in
question share the same origin. Such an analysis can result in detection of counterfeit credit cards
and also the identification of the machine used for embossing.
The preliminary results of this study demonstrate that the acquisition of high resolution 3D data
can provide a means to identify the origin of a credit card. Acquisition of such 3D data presents
an opportunity to validate the degree to which a one-to-one identification exists between a credit
card and the die that embossed the alphanumeric characters on it.
Similar microscopic characteristics are seen through the Virtual Comparison Microscope
when the same embossed character is compared in 2 sample credit cards
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
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Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Intelligent Automation Inc. has undertaken a study to analyze the feasibility of identifying nails
manufactured by the same machine. The matching of nails is possible because machines used in
their manufacturing leave unique tool-marks. Examination of the sample nails has revealed the
presence of characteristics that are unique to the nails manufactured by the same machine.
Therefore, nails that share the same tool-marks allow them to be associated with a particular
A pair of nails having similar tool-marks as seen in the Virtual Comparison Microscope
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
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Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Intelligent Automation Inc. is investigating whether used staple pins bear microscopic
characteristics that can enable their association to a specific desk stapler. The stapling process
results in features being transferred from the stapler to the staple pin. When these microscopic
marks were acquired and analyzed, preliminary results demonstrated that the microscopic marks
present on the staple pins could allow for a one-to-one association between the stapler and the
tool-marks imparted on the staple pin.
A pair of staple pins that were matched based on the microscopic characteristics imparted by
the working surfaces of the desk stapler on the staple pins
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
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Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
Intelligent Automation Inc. has developed a specialized imaging system for the automated
imaging and acquisition of such drug related forensic evidence. This system was developed for
the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) with this need in mind. It has the capability of
acquiring high-resolution 2D images of small to medium size objects under a variety of
calibrated lighting conditions (side lighting, and ring lighting), and to store these images in a
database for future comparison/reference.
3D profile of the letter “Y” imprinted on
a Bayer capsule
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
IAI’s developed system with the insets showing a close
up of the sensor and the acquisition station
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Computer Assisted 3D Analysis Tools for Forensic Applications
About Intelligent Automation, Inc. (IAI)
Intelligent Automation, Inc. (IAI) is a woman owned firm founded in 1987 by Drs. Leonard and
Jacqueline Haynes. Since its inception, IAI has expanded to an organization of over 90 technical
staff housed in Rockville, Maryland, USA. IAI is led by Chief Executive Officer, Joseph E.
Schwartz, President Leonard Haynes, Executive Vice President Jacqueline Haynes, and by an
outstanding group of senior scientists, engineers, and managers who direct our technical and
administrative efforts.
Historically, much of our research has been funded by US Government Small Business
Innovation Research (SBIR) contracts and Broad Agency Announcements (BAA). IAI's success
in the SBIR program is reflected in its 2000 selection to receive the prestigious Tibbetts Award
from the Small Business Administration for excellence in technology research. In recent years
the company has evolved to become a developer of productized services and technology and an
important R&D provider to major first tier integrators including BAE Systems, Boeing, CSC,
Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, Motorola, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon.
Intelligent Automation, Inc. is very effective at developing a technology from the concept stage
through design, building and testing of a prototype system. Our basic approach to
commercializing our technology is to team with partners who have existing products, a strong
marketing position and capability, and a reputation as a producer of related products. IAI's
technologies in the marketplace today include: 2 and 3 dimensional forensics imaging equipment
used for matching bullets; platforms and tools for development of agent-based systems; high
precision machine tools using a hexapod-configured device; tools for fault diagnosis and
prognosis in complex systems; ad hoc mobile network protocols; and assistive learning devices
for children with learning disabilities.
Intelligent Automation, Inc. continues to maintain its core focus as an R&D company responding
to the complex technological requirements of our Government and commercial clients. We
continue to aggressively seek partners to assist in the commercialization of our technology, for
current and new market niches. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance in
addressing a technological need, or believe our technology can make an important contribution
to your service or product line.
For additional information, please contact:
Dr. Benjamin Bachrach, Vice President
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
15400 Calhoun Drive, Suite 400
Rockville, MD 20855
United States
Phone: (301) 294-5237
Fax: (301) 294-5201
Email: [email protected]
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
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