marfa - Sul Ross State University


marfa - Sul Ross State University
Feliz Navidad, ya 'II
Christmas greetings, page 6-9 Horns win again, page 4
AARP officers elected,/^**
Serving ALL the Big Bend Country of Brewster. Jeff Davis end Presidio Counties since 1886
DECEMBER 24. 1991
VOL. 5 8 , NO. 4 0
In Brief
50 cents
The Marfa coke bust
Attorney vows to appeal magistrate's no-bail decision on Chambers
TV, aerostat
monitoring Santa
ALPINE, EL PASO - The attorney for alleged narcotics
trafficker Robert'Chambers said
Monday he w,il! appeal a
MARFA - Marfa TV~Cable magistrate's decision to detain
Co., in conjunction with the GE Chambers in jail without bond.
Marfa Aerostat Christmas radar
On Thursday, U.S. Magistrate
tracking'facility, will be keep- Katherine Baker of Alpine oring an eye on the sky for the dered Chambers to be held in
Far West Texas arrival of Santa jail without btfnd.
Claus tonight.
Chambers, 37, is charged with
The first audio bulletin of possession with intent to disSanta's approach is expected at tribute cocaine and illegally imabout 8:15 p.m. tonight, so get porting cocaine.
Arrested at his Alpine home
the kids to tune in to any cable
on December 3 , Chambers
remains in a Pecos detention
Students remain
on holiday break
Hours before Chambers ar- Sheriff Rick Thompson has said
rest, federal and state drug in- .he seized the cocaine in south
terdiction law enforcement county and transported it to the
officers seized 2,400 pounds of fairgrounds.
cocaine in a red two-stall horse
Thompson said he seized the
trailer at the Presidio County cocaine as part of a narcotics
Fairgrounds in Marfa.
investigation he was conductA Drug Enforcement Ad- ing.
Chambers' attorney, Rod Ponministration agent testified
recently at Chambers bond and ton of El Paso, said he will file
detention hearing in Pecos that the appeal in the court of U.S.
a DEA informant helped Cham- federal Judge Lucius Bunton in
bers smuggle the drugs from the next few days.
Mexico to the Chambers Ranch
In denying bond for Chamin southwest Presidio County.
bers, Baker ruled that ChamThe horse trailer was forfeited bers likely would flee to
to the Presidio County Sheriffs Mexico if released, is in danger
Office in 1990. Presidio County if released, and is a danger to
Villanueva, Poenisch file
for Presidio County posts
This note's for Santa
MARFA - Marfa and Redford
students, will be on Christmas
holiday break this week and
ThroughriexfWfce*. *
Classes resume bright and
early Tuesday, Jan. 7, 1992.
Teachers will return bright
and early Monday, Jan. 6,
Sentinel publishes
one day late
The Big Bend Sentinel will
publish its New Year's edition
on Friday .January 3. -rThe news and advertising
deadline for our New Year's
edition is noon Thursday,
January 2, 1992.
State gives
county grant
for floods
Texas Department of Housing
and Community Affairs announced that Presidio County
has received a $375,000 emergency grant for flood damage
repair. The funding is part of
the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program.
Presidio County will use the
funding to repair damages
. caused by the destruction of a
- levee used for irrigation in the
unincorporated community of
Redford. The damage occurred
during heavy flooding in September.
This grant will be used in conjunction with Soil Conservation
Service funds from the U.S.
Department of Agriculture to
•reconstruct the damaged levee.
• Awards from the grant program, are provided to local
government! for economic
development, public facilities
and hoiking projects principally
bettefitting persons of low to
mitfdefaie tacqme. The emerg e n c y fund Is designated
specifically to help communities
recover from natural disasters.
, Gov. Ann Richards signed a
^disaster, declaration for the
county on October 8,1991.
society and the informant, Who
he is alleged to have threatened.
She also ruled that property
pledged as bond surety for
Chambers release and; testimony from family members
that they would ensure his
presence in court was insufficient to release Chambers.
In petitioning for an appeal,
Ponton said Baker didn't give
enough credence to'Chambers*
family ties.
He also said Chambers didn't
threaten the informant.
Baker noted that .Chambers
currently is on probation from a
(Continued on page 2)
Marfa sixth-grade cornet player Bernadette Gonzales performed along with other bandmates at
the Marfa schools annual Christmas concert last week.
Marfajnen • a challenger.and
an Tncu mb*ent - have filed as
candidates in the March 10,
1 9 9 2 , P r e s i d i o County
Democratic Party primary election, county chairperson Jane
Wiemers said Monday.
Richard Villanueva has filed
for Presidio County commissioner precinct 1.
That position currently is held
by Felipe Cordero.
And Sonny Poenisch has filed
for re-election as north county
No Republican Party candidates have filed for office on
the local level.
Villanueva, a businessman, is
a plumber and service station
owner. Incumbent Cordero also
is a plumber.
Poenisch is a rancher and certified peace officer.
In the party race, Raul Lara
has filed for county chairman.
Wiemers said she won't seek
election to the post.
While Presidio County Sheriff
Rick Thompson has announced
sheriff, he hasn't formally
filed, Wiemers said.
Other positions up for election
next year include Presidio
County commissioner precinct
three, currently held by Ben
Benavidez of Ruidosa; south
county constable, currently held
by Raul Barriga of Presidio;
and south Presidio County justice of the peace, currently held
by Brenda Rios.
In area-wide races, Alpine attorney Ken DeHart has announced as a candidate for 83rd
State Judicial District attorney.
That position currently is
vacant as former DA Richard
Barajas recently was appointed
by Gov. Ann Richards to a
place on the Eighth Court of
Appeals in El Paso. Assistant
DA Cole Fuchs is acting DA.
DeHart and Fort Stockton attorney Albert Vajadez are being
(Continued on page 2/
Judges seek
Redford native honored by Philippine government
drug task
THE PHILIPPINES - A'Red- total 192 Filipinos became U.S.
ford native who currently is the citizens at that ceremony.
force changes officer-in-charge of the U.S. Filipino soldiers fighting with Cory honors Poli
EL PASO - Eight Far West Immigration and Naturalization
Texas county judges and mayors Service office at the U.S. Em. asked El Paso County commis- bassy in Manila, the Philipsioners and Judge Alicia Chacon pines, recently was honored by
last week to change the makeup the Philippine government.
Poli Acosta, along with five
of the board which, oversees the
members of the internaregional drug task force.
That board is composed of the tional diplomatic community,
six sheriffs in the six counties last month received a placque
which comprise the regional drug of appreciation from Philippine
task force, with El Pasa County President Corazon 'Cory*
the sponsor for the force, which Aquino.
The awards were presented at
coyers Jeff Davis, Brewster,
Presidio, Culberson and t h e 5 5th. a n n i v e r s a r y
Hudspeth counties as well as El ceremonies of the country's National Bureau of Investigation.
Paso County.
The honor was for contribuThe judges and mayors of the
five counties outside El Paso and tions to law enforcement efforts
the cities of Dell City, Marfa and of mutual concerns to the
Van Horn made the request to Philippine and U.S. governChacon, whose commissioners ments.
court hat been responsibleforthe Last Monday, Acosta was
task force the past three years.
honoredNfor his work in assistIn part, the letter to Chacon * ing Philippine allied veterans of
reads: "For several years the task World War II in becoming U.S..
force has accumulated significant' citizens.
, amounts of seized funds which, - The award was presented by
under the guidelines, should be the Filipino-American comredirected into our regional War munity during a naturalization
(Contlnusd on peg* i)
ceremony in San Francisco. A
the allies in World War II had
been promised U.S. citizenship
if they so desired. Congress
granted citizenship for soldiers
and their families in 1990.
"It's an honor both for our
agency and for me to be
selected. It makes be feel
proud," Acosta said of his
award from the Philippine
For h i s award from the
Filipino-American community,
Acosta said, "I'm happy to be
part of the process, a process
that should have been granted a
long time ago."
Acosta was in Marfa, Redford
and Presidio this week for the
Christmas holidays.
Acosta, a 1969 Presidio High
School graduate, and his wife,
Terrie, have three sons and
daughter, Gabe, IS, Keith, 14,
'Michelle, 8, and David, 5, who
attended school in Marfa this
The family will return to the
Philippines after the new year.
Redford native Poll Acosta, right, accepts a law tnfbrctnwu
award from Philippine President Corazon Aquino, center. At
left Is Alfredo Urn, director of that country's National Bureau
of Investigations.
p\ Tha Bl 9 Band Sentinel. Marfa. Texas. December 24. 1991
{Continuedfrompage l)j
federal firearms conviction in
El Paso in 1990.
Other points of Baker's order:
"(1) the government's confidential informants will tie
defendant to the shipment of
2,421 pounds (gross weight) of
» "(2) that defendant is now on
federal probation;
"(3) that defendant has ties to
Mexico, lives about 98 miles
from the border of the U.S. and
Mexico, is fluent in Spanish,
lived in Mazatlan, Mexico, and
was once a businessman in
Mexico, owning a fishing fleet
at Mazatlan;
. "(4) that defendant has
threatened a government's confidential informant and the informant's children, which was
not refuted by defendant in his
"(5) that defendant has testified he has been involved in
numerous shooting incidents
and has himself been wounded
by an 'assassin's bullet/ thereby indicating to the court the
danger to society defendant
presents, and, further, the
danger to the defendant himself;
"(6) that the government's
confidential informants will tie
defendant to marijuana loads of
'297 pounds and S61 pounds,
which loads were transported
within the United States;
"(7) that defendant's employment record and net reportable
income appear sporadic; defendant stated that he has not filed
yearly income tax returns since
1988; that he is earning
$13,000 per month at this time;
and has no access to cash assets;
"(8) that defendant has lived
in the Big Bend area all of his
life, but not in the household of
anyone that could assure his .appearance at future court
^."the previous reasons override the testimony presented on
behalf of defendant, which information is as follows;
"(1) that defendant would assign his real estate in Brewster
and Presidio counties to the
U.S. government for his bond.
The court is aware that drug
traffickers' property is subject
to forfeiture to the U . S .
government at any time, which
dant is on probation, and do not
override the court's reasons, as
outlined above, for detention in
this case."
Four letters were submitted
for Baker's consideration, according to newspaper reports.
Former Brewster County
Sheriff George Jones wrote that
he had approved Chambers'
release on a personal recognizance bond in that county and
"Robert always made all court
appearances required of him."
Christmas bulletin board runner-up was this creation by teacher/coach
Marfa High School Senior Class President Erie Pierce awards the
David Pierce of Marfa wrote Christmas bulletin board contest winner to teacher/coach Glenn Reyes'Ray Cobos' homeroom class.
that Chambers helped him homeroom class last week.
recover "in less than a week" a
pistol and two rifles taken
during a burglary of Pierce's
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - in the shooting deaths of years in jail for his role in the somebody or possibly to find a
man Gonzales knew.
An Alpine man has been sen- Johnny Rey Lopez and David crimes.
They met Garcia and Lopez
Court statements showed Jacktenced to 52 years in prison for Garcia.
the murders oftwo AlbuquerThe men were found dead in son and Gonzales went to an and went to the mountains in
que men he met "at a bar.
the Sandia Mountains on Nov. Albuquerque bar the evening of the stolen car Jackson was drivNov. 23, 1990, intending to rob ing.
Don Jackson, 28, entered 24, 1990.
pleas last month to two counts
His co-defendant, Matthew
each of second-degree murder, Gonzales, 26C$f Rio Rancho,
armed robbery and conspiracy was sentenced last month to 40
AI pine man convicted in New Mexico for murder
[(Continued frontpage /JJBUUUUflBI
Task Force
(Continued from page
T i p C h e s n e y , a former
Presidio Independent School
District teacher and south county resident, asked for "compass i o n and l e n i e n c y " for
Midland County Sheriff's
Capt. Clayton McKinney, a
former Brewster Cou.nty-based
Texas Ranger, wrote that
Chambers "has more respect
for the court than he does for
any man, and I feel that if
Robert tells you he will live by
the terms of probation, he will
do just that."
Thfi-Pecor federal grand jury
investigating the case is expected to meet on Thursday,
Jan. 2, 1992.
on Drugs. In fact, the resources
generated through the task force,
have been controlled and directed
principally by the six county
sheriffs without the input or participation from other city and
county elected officials whose
responsibility it is to allocate the
resources required to provide
public safety and law enforcement."
Reports of seizures in monies
and vehicles of somewhere in the
range of $3 million have been the
guess by some outside the inner
considered by Ricnards for the
DA appointment.
incumbent state Rep. Pete
circle of the task force. The Gallego, D-Alpine, has anjudges and mayors- are hoping nounced for re-election as has
some of those funds can find their incumbent state Sen. Bill Sims,
way back into the five rural coun- D-San Angelo.
ties in efforts to combat the
While primary elections are
amount of drugs moving through scheduled for March 10, 1992,
this area.
problems over state senatorial
The judges and mayors asked and representative boundary
the El Paso officials to broaden redistricting may delay the elecrepresentation on the task force tion.
board to include the six county
judges or their designers.
The letter, dated Dec. 20, was
to be presented to El Paso commissioners at their next meeting.
Chinati Foundation
Fundacion Chinati
Donald Judd
But Wiemers says until she
hears differently, the deadline
to file as a candidate for both
parties is Thursday, Jan. 2,
~- ~ r inttie :; ;:
Holland Hotel
Claes Oldenburg
Maita P
DEC. 31, 1991
AT 2:30 PM
sure i t appears for.his
•ichsdaltd hearings;
^"(4> Mully the 300 head of
vvoitttlfl/icitnowledged by Boyd
to be his and which
pledged u bond for
: is not a stable, secure
commodity to be taken as a
bond, in ibis court's viewpoint;
farther, it is Boyd Chambers
'. isle ooflipnion tod income;
"(5) that defendant would not
•urt Ms family is accepted as a
t r u t h f u l s t a t e m e n t by
dtftadaat's witnesses
•(6) defendant's sister has no
musician/songwriter - Graham has
appeared in Las Vegas, Europe and
throughout the United States. He served as
President Kennedy's Presidential pianist
and treated white house guests to his
repertoire of 30's, 40's, and 50's, melodies
as well as the songs he wrote including,
"Blue Velvet," "Many a Tear Has to Fall,"
and "Stagger Lee."
Make reservations now to join us for
this very special entertainment and
distinctive dining.
assets to use as security for
defendaat, other than her
veWde; *x dost she Hvs in the
>SfM is order to assure defep-
v "(7) the letters of recommentfttkMifordefendant hav* arrived, b*t i s * letters are all
l f t f rsn—ismiliiloi letters
Wf MtU 40 MMSJS HttdSMth. It;
Iks <SJI% f i r wfcMl tils dsftsr
Redistricting problems also
may extend the deadline to file
for primary elections.
Featuring Pianist
could leave the U.S. government holding real estate property for a bond which real estate
property was already the
property of the U.S. government;
"(2) the parents of defendant
own no real estate, according to
their testimony, only hold
leases to the real estate in
Presidio County, Texas. Those
leases may or may not be
renewed by the lessor, as they
come due in 1991 and 1992,
thereby leaving the U . S .
government holding canceled
"(3) that defendant's commonlaw wife owns no property in
her name and does not live in
an everyday relationship, nor in
the same house with defendant,
leaving the court to believe that
the does not have the necessary
control over defendant to make
The governor has-called the
Texas Legislature into special
session on Jan. 2, 1992, to consider redistricting.
The Marfa
National Bank
An indapandont nawspapar published ovary Thursday by
County Publishers, P.O. l e x P. Marfa, TX 7SS4*. Annual
subseriptlon rates are »19 in trewster, Jeff Davis sad Prashla,
eauriUas. #21 In other Texas countlos an" - - ^ — ^ - • — •
aestata paid at Marfa, Presldte Ceanty, Texas
Sand address corrections ta tha Stf tend Sentinel, M>. lax r\
Marfa, TX 7SS41. Our tateahono ny*Jin P i t ) 7 2 * 4 * 2
» * * . * l .
• ' * • . • » . ' ! , »
Thfl Big Bund Sftntinal. M;ir(;i, I I K » ' I , L>utumb.ur_24^1931J3l
Write us. Box P,Marfa, Texas 79843
Letterstothe editor
We often hear such comments as, "If we can put a man on the
moon, why can't we build a vending machine that works?"
But I have a few more examples of stupid design. I recently
bought a half gallon plastic jug of a household product. There is a
convenient handle on one side of the jug. When I picked up the
jug my hand slid, quite naturally, to the top of the handle and was
greeted by a bit of plastic across the top of the middle of the .
handle. It was not quite as sharp as my pocket knife. I managed
to get it into my grocery cart without getting cut.
We all know the little concrete blocks across the ends of parking
spaces. They are a good idea, except for the placing of them. In a
row of parking spaces that one enters turning to the left, the little
blocks are placed in the middle of the spaced but lined up with the
row of the spaces. So the left front wheel of the vehicle can miss
the block. The blocks should either be placed to the left side of
the space or be at right angles to the approach of the cars.
Another item is one I have seen in more than one place, most
recently in "Modern Maturity." The ad offers large print books
for sale, but at least two-thirds of the page is covered with
pictures of the dust jacket covers of the books. The pictures are
about the size of postage stamps. How are people who need large
print books going to read those titles?
It's not that people can't think; it's that they don't.
Ernest B. Speck
_.._,.. GIVE HlrA „1
X.*7-5I I 1
AN 1 Want For
( hi istmas
My Girl
•^•v*^.-. - •
S '•
i hildr,
Judge Pete Benavides announces for election
to Texas Court of Criminal Appeals
AUSTIN — Judge Pete
Benavides has announced
his plans to seek election to
a full term on the Texas
Court of Criminal Appeals.
Benavides was joined in a
Capitol news conference on
December 10 by Governor
Ann Richards, Attorney General Dan Morales, Comptroller John Sharp, Democratic National Committee
member Hazel Obey representing Land Commissioner
Garry Mauro and a host of
friends and supporters from
across the state.
Legislature recalled to study
J. A
i solutions to redistricting mess HeyScott
Elkiris is sSVVtrig as Beria"AUSTIN - Governor Ann
Richards has called the Legislature back to the Capitol for a
Special Session beginning at
noon on Jan. 2, 1992, to remap
districts for members of the
Texas Senate and House of
The session is expected to last
three to eight days.
The governor called the special session after the Texas
Supreme Court on Tuesday
struck down the state Senate
redistricting plan that had been
approved by an unofficial
majority of the state's upper
District 68 Representative
Pete P. Gallego, D-AIpine, said
he is "somewhat apprehensive"
about the special session. "The
House previously passed a
redistricting bill I felt was very
good to the people of this district.' It kept the district basically rural. With 82 percent of the
1990- Texas population centered
in and around urban areas,
keeping rural districts, and their
threatened to change Gallego's
border district, the most recent
plan approved kept the district
as it was passed by the Legislature this summer. While the
special session means the
Legislature will "staff from
scratch," Gallego said the work
accomplished on redistricting
plans this fall should help keep
the district intact. ."I think
they'll leave the district makeup
pretty much as it is," Gallego
said of a new district which
would add Jeff Davis, Culberson and Hudspeth counties to
the e x i s t i n g d i s t r i c t of
•Maverick, Val Verde, Kinney,
Terrell, Brewster, Presidio and
Pecos counties.
"I was hoping we could avoid
a special session," Gallego
said. "Not only for the expense
and time, but because I thought
we could do it right the first
time." If the Legislature fails to
pass a redistricting bill by a
two-thirds majority vote, the
'new redistricting plan could require 90 days to go into effect.
a delay would further
voices in the Legislature, is of
cloud the schedule for the state
vital importance."
Although legal upheavals- primary races, Gallego added.
We will be closed from
Dec. 22-27 and
-reopen Dec. 28
Christmas and
Happy Holidays to
Judge Pete Benavides
and Governor Ann Richards
many qualifications to this
"The decisions of our
court affect the life and liberty of the people of our
great state," Benavides said.
'•We interpret the Constitution and the laws by which
our citizens have chosen to
inal Appeals. A graduate or
the University of Houston
Law School, he has been in
private practice and was a
prosecutor for the City of
McAllen and then a county
court-at-law judge in Hidalgo
He is the only member of
the current Court of Criminal
Appeals to have, the experience of being a judge at the
district court level, presiding
over the 92nd District Court
in Edinburg. He also served
on the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission.
_ Immjedlately, before his
appointment to the Court of
Criminal Appeals,'Benavides
also was a judge on the 13th
Court of Appeals in Corpus
Christi, hearing both civil
and criminal appellate
He is a speaker and lecturer for Continuing Legal Education programs of the State
Bar of Texas.
Benavides is married to
Augusta Benavides, a registered nurse, and has two
daughters, Amanda and Adelaide.
Substance abuse costs billions
The economic cost of the abuse of alcohol and drugs in 1991, including
reduced productivity and lost employment, was estimated at $15 billion in the state, or S831 per Texan.
Esttmata* for total 1981 coats Include:
Raducad producthrtty
Special Ponderosa Christmas Day Menu
Serving from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
In billions
SOURCES: Rawarcn Tnangia Institute, Texas Commission on Alcohol
and Drug Abuse and John Sharp. Texas Comptroller of Pubic Accounts.
Big Bend Regional
Medical Equipment
Suppliers of
Medical & Home Care4*
vides' campaign treasurer.
Benavides, a native of Mission and the first Hispanic to
serve on the state's highest
criminal court, was appointed by Richards in the spring
to Place 3 on the, court,
replacing the late Marvin
Teague. He will be seeking
election to a full 6-year term
on the court in 1992.
"Judge Benavides is a tremendous judge," Governor
Richards said. "He brings
be governed.
"As a judge of the Court of
Criminal Appeals, I am
entrusted with the power to
literally make life and death
decisions," the judge said.
"It is a power not to be taken
lightly; and I can assure you
that I carefully deliberate
upon the law and the Constitution when making such
"I am a Democrat and
proud of my party affiliation.
However, I believe that the
Court of Criminal Appeals is
no place to carry out a political, social or economic agenda, whether ittoeDemocratic
or Republican, liberal, moderate or conservative.
"While agendas are appropriate under our form of government in the legislative
and executive branches, the
court is a place where both
the federal and state constitutions and the laws of our
legislatures'rule supreme —
and that is as it should be."
Benavides has been a
member of the Texas judiciary longer than any other
member of the Court of Crim-
Hospital Beds, Wheelchairs,
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& Glucose Kits,
Nebulizer Suction Machines
' i Accept Alignment of Insurance
On Call 24 Noun/Day - 7 Day a Week
A Division of the Hospital
801 Ewt Brown Street
837-3447 (Ext. 15) P * w 364-2738
Homemade broccoli/cheese soup or
tossed green salad or
fresh fruit salad
roast torn turkey, corn bread dressing, giblet gravy,
cranberry sauce;
baked sugar cured ham, candied yams;
charbroiled hamburger steak, onions, brown gravy;
chicken fried steak, cream gravy;
deep fried chicken strips, cream gravy;
fillet of white fish, lemon, tartar sauce;
vegetables (choice of two)
seasoned green beans - imported belgium carrots
french fried okra -parsley buttered fresh new potatoes or
candied yams;
Dessert (choice of one)
homemade pumpkin pie - cherry cheese, cake - apple
cobbler orice cream
Children under 12-1/2 Price
Happy Holidays - Chef and Mrs, Lewis
Gordon ana staff
E. Hwy 90 - Alpine - 837-3321
Hospitals Care About Yxir Vital Sign^
<4) Tho Biu Bond Smititu?!. Miirfn. Tnxns. Derpmber ?4. 1991
down JV
here 47-40
Births/Nacfmi tmtos
at Big Bend Regional Medical Center Alpine
Shorthorn JV basketball unit
lost to the Marathon Mustangs
40-47 in action Friday in
Hunter Gym.
Shorthorns Glenn Mendoza
and Brad Roberts led the Marfa
scoring 18 and 13 points,
respectively. Other point-getters
were Abel Razo, two; Neil
Martinez, three; and David
Natividad, two.
The 1991 Marfa Shorthorns Varsity Basketball team
Brittney Nicole Merry, girl, born December 16, 1991, to Tara
Merry of Alpine; 7 lbs., 10 1/2 ozM 18 inches.
Jacob Michael Wilson, boy, born December 17, 1991, to Quinn
Michael Wilson and Amy Wilson of Alpine; 8 lbs., IS oz., 23
Juan Sllva Martinez III, boy, born Nov. 25, 1991, to Juan and
Bernadine Martinez of Marfa; seven lbs., three ozs., 18 inches.
Maternal grandparents are Frank and Bernice Silva of El Paso.
Paternal grandparents are Juan and Rita Martinez of Marfa;
Maternal great-grandparents are Santiago and Cecilia Torres of El
Paso. Paternal great-grandmother is Manuela Tarango of Marfa.
Jessica Christine Mayberry, girl, born Dec. 20, 1991, in
Tucson, Ariz., to Curt and Joyce Mayberry of Marfa; six lbs.,
eight ozs., 19 and 1/2 inches.
Knights of Columbus plan
New Year's Eve dance
MAR?A - The St. Mary's
MARFA, MARATHON - The Catholic Church Knights of
Marfa Lady Shorthorns varsity Columbus Council 6204 will
basketball team went looking
for its first win of the season sponsor a New Year's Eve
Friday against the Marathon dance from 8 p.m. to midnight
Tuesday, December 31 at the
Basketball tournament Jan. 2,
They didn't find it, losing to MAC building.
3, 4, 1992.
the ponies 22-89.
"The tournament at Van Horn
Said Marfa scorekeeper Sissy The Tejano Music Band de
should get us ready for dis- Kitchens: "It was a rough Marfa will be playing their
drums, guitars, horns and keytrict," Ruiz said.
The first district game is
Lady Shorthorn Sarah Her- boards.
Friday Jan. 10, 1992, against nandez lead Marfa's scoring
The dance will benefit the
the Presidio Blue Devils. Game with IS points.
charity fund.
time is 4 p.m. in Marfa.
Rosa.Villanueva and Beta
The 7-3 Horns are defending Leos each had two points and Advance tickets may be purdistrict and bi-district cham- Jennifer Carrasco had four chased from any K of C member.
Marfa downs Marathon by nine
• Marfa Shorthorns varsity basketball squad took an 80-71 win
over the Marathon Mustangs
Friday, a hot team that had
turned a little cold for the
Despite Marfa leading
throughout the game, "They
stayed with us," Shorthorn
Coach Jack Ruiz said of
The Class 1A school two
weeks ago won the Fort Davis
Invitational Basketball Tournament, defeating Fort Davis,
Sierra Blanca and Juarez
Academy. Marfa is a Class 2A
Leading Shorthorn point-getter
was Ben Pineda with 31 points,
including a three-point bucket.
Also in double digits were
Mike Mendoza, IS; Eric Pierce
16; and Felipe Garcia, 10.
Justin Bledsoe and Beto Carrasco each had four points.
The Horns schedule keeps
them busy t h r o u g h the
Christmas holidays. Marfa
plays Pecos at 2 p.m. Monday
in Marfa.
"We need to play," Ruiz said.
"If we lay off, forget it, we'll
have to start again."
Next on tap for the Shorthorns
is the Van Horn Invitational
education in reading specialist;
and Estell Denise Diaz,
bachelor of arts in English.
Brown, master of education in
M A R A T H O N : Hillary
Loring, master of science in
biology; Loretta Louise Garcia,
master of business administration in international trade; and
Joe M. Hines, bachelor of
science in agriculture business.
Alpine By Choice is topic
for Alpine Chamber banquet
ALPINE - The Alpine Chamber of Commerce annual banquet has been set for January
18. 1992, at 7 p.m. in the Alpine Civic Center.
Tickets will he on sale in the
chamber ut'iice January 2 or'
call anytime (837-2326) for
- Chamber President Jack Smith
named to the committee
longtime chamber Activist Paul
Forchheimer, Jan Jacobs, Interim-manager jj Tucker, newly
elected board member Mickey
Theme for the banquet will
focus on the "ABC's" (Alpine
By Choice" residence and the
contribution they make to our
Tucker said, "we are looking
for creative people with new
ideas to work with us and help
plan the best banquet ever!
Please call the Chamber and
say, 'sign me up!'"
WTU-Marfa & Presidio
Terry Norman
Robbie & Russel White
John W. Roberts
Mario Rivera
Sunland Distributors
Talley*Reed Insurance
Marfa Roping Club
Harper Hardware
Debbie Robertson
Highland Exxon
Spriggs Boot & Saddle
The Iris Shop
Lion's Club
Carmen's Restaurant
Sandy's 7-11 Grocery
Rick Tata
Maurine Godbold
Holmes Ranch
Beard Law Office
Hayes Mitchell
Wynta Dixon
Willie Watts
Gene West
ABC Pump & Hardware
Alpine Veterinary Clinic
Big Bend Saddlery
The Big Bend Sentinel
Valley Distributors
Glenn & Leticia Garcia
The Hut
Producers Livestock Auction
Memorial Funeral Home
M.D. Bryant Family Trust
Donald Judd
La Tejana
O'Connor Bros.
Cisco Ford Equipment
SWT Municipal Gas
Foxworth-Galbraith, Marfa
Dan Newsome
Welsh's Village IGA
Cross Pharmacy
Brad Mund Insurance
Bobby Lassiter
John Rice
Big Bend Coca Cola
Queenie Steen
Rio Grande Distributors
West Texas Gas
Kothmann Commission
Presidio CountyAbstract
Kenneth Smith
Big Bend Smokehouse
Brian Pierce
Lujan Shamrock
Marian Hughes
Big Bend Telephone
Sherman Bales
Mellon Ranch
Morrison True Value
Mike Livingston
Chon Prieto
First Presidio Bank
The Marfa National Bank
Sierra Gas Co;
Conners Shamrock
Clbolo Cattle Co.
Herb Surber
E.H. Nixon Jr.
D.H. Braman Jr.
Manuel Bejarano
Brite Ranch
Stonewall Ranches
Mary O'Connor Braman
Ranchers Store & More
Chavira's Services
Texas PCA
Federal Land Bank • Marfa
Livingston Insurance Agency
Godbold Inc.
Ron & Kim Little
Marfa TV Cable Co.
Mike's Place
. i Dr. Franklin House
J.E. White & Sons
Pierce Purchasing Co.
C.E. Bailey
Mr. 4 Mrs. Clyde Reynold*
Ramrod Inc.
El Chinito
M.B.'s Supermarket
Roxa RoWson
Thunderbird Restaurant -
Brit Webb's
Highland Exxon
Lucy s Tavern
•Bill Webb's Garagej
For alt your gas aid tire needs,
batteries and balancing.
Coldest Beer in Town)
Pizza & Hot Sandwiches
Complete Auto Service
Phone: 729-4955
24-Hour Wrecker Service
Bridal Registry
d A Tk
fo 1991
La Tcjana Mall
Gritkhxfc*! food
your family pharmacy'
with or without hMlwmad* chH* »»oc«
MONDAYt Shorthorns
varsity and JVbuketbell
team vs. Pecos,2 p.m.,
JAN. 2 , 3 , 4 : Shorthorn
and Lady Shorthorns
varsity basketball teams
at tt» Van Horn
See us for your
financial needsl
' '
fot (fee toys vs.. ••''
The Marfa National
THUR., JAN.*: Junior
Shorthorns boy* and girls
: basketball teaasiv* Van •
Hera, 4, Maria.
The Pet Parlor
803 N. Austin, Marfa
729-3418 Of 729-4677-
Professional Pet Grooming .
Grace Eva/man
729-4222 '
72941177, Lucy Oaiindo, owner
Marfa - 729-3429
Cross Pharmacy
Sports Calendar
Only $5 a week
buys you this
The Marfa Knights also contribute to the Knights' statewide
deaf program and participate in
the state highway department's
'Adopt-a-Highway' clean-up
Bill & Brit Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lancaster, Sherry Barth and Steven
Lancaster of San Angelo were
weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy H. Godbold of
Angel Christmas Tree program
sponsored by the Presidio
County Child Welfare Board,
The Marfa National Bank and
the. Texas Department of
Human Services.
The Presidio County Livestock Show Association
would like to thank the following buyers and Pool
Donors for their contribution to the 1991 Presidio
County Livestock Show & Sale.
Sul Ross graduates
several students from area
Far West Texas residents
graduated from Sul Ross State
University in Alpine during
winter commencement exercises Saturday.
State Sen. Bill Sims, D-San
Angelo, was keynote speaker.
MARFA: Robert Franklin
Earney, bachelor of science in
math, Mugna Cum Laude.
FORT DAVIS: Teloa Janet
Sparks Swinnea, master of
The Knights have sponsored a
high school student to the LDZ
Leadership Camp in New
Mexico for the past three years,
and recently donated to the
;•, . ; * •
» • • , . * • ;
Tours avaHablt from 1 to 5
p.m. on Thora; Frl. fc Sat.
Mfrta; 7M4362
conners PtomoncIS
r, b«tV, snacks
IliO UlU b e n d Ij
Illegal haulers targeted
at Big Bend National Park
Rail dis trie t
signs contract
The South Orient Rural Rail
Transportation District moved
closer to buying 394 miles of
West Texas railroad when officers signed a sales contract.
Santa Fe Railway officials
signed a contract to sell the
company's South Orient Line to
the rail district for $5.5 million.
A group of Dallas investors,
who have formed the South
Orient Railroad Company,,
signed the document. Rail district board chairman Robert
Post and secretary Coleta
Stewart of Mertzon added their
The contract solidifies the
district's plans to purchase the
railroad and save it from scrap.
"I'm very encouraged that this
railroad will be here for another
100 years," Post said, praising
the people who worked on the
deal. "I think that it's got the
potential to mean a lot to all 11
counties, in an economic
The South Orient Line runs
from Santa Fe Junction near
Judge Rose Spector
Spector announces
Supreme court
Saying it's time for "a different perspective" on the
state's highest court, San Antonio District Court Judge, Rose
Spector Wednesday formally
announced her candidacy for
the Texas Supreme Court.
If Spector's campaign is successful she would be the first
woman elected to the nine
Colemah to the Mexican border
at Presidio. It passes through
C o l e m a n , Runnels, Tom
Green, Irion, Reagan, Upton,
Crane, Crockett, P e e p s ,
Brewster and Presidio counties.
The board of directors, made
up of representatives from those
11 c o u n t i e s , will meet In
Rankin on Dec. 27 to consider
various resolutions that relate to
closing the deal and leasing the
line to the investor group.
The deal should be closed on
Dec. 30, when rail district representatives meet with Santa Fe
officials and investors in the
Dallas area, Post said.
On the same day, the investors
are expected to enter a contract
with Kiamichi Railroad of
Hugo, O k l a . , which will
operate the line beginning Dec.
31 or Jan. 1, Post said.
Investors will provide $2.5
million of the purchase price
and the remaining $3 will come
from the Texas Department of
member Texas Supreme Court.
Spector, who has been a trial
judge in San Antonio for the
past 17 years, said she plans to
run "a positive campaign that
emphasizes the importance of
an independent judiciary."
"Overall, I believe in our
judicia system, and I believe in
our jury system," Spector said.
"But I also understand that our
system isn't perfect - there is
more to be done."
Increasingly, she added, our
courts - particularly the
Supreme Court - are asked to
rule on legal issues that have a
significant and. lasting effect on
all Texans.
"The decisions the Supreme
Court.' makes today will affect
the lives of our children - and
. , - -'thV
state's highest court to become
an ivory tower in Austin."
"I've a l w a y s had great
reverence for the law," she
added, "but I've never been
afraid of a new idea."
To help ensure an independent
judiciary, Spector said she will
not accept individual campaign
contributions in excess of
According to Superintendent
Robert L. Arnberger, incident
of illegal commercial hauling
through Big Bend National Park
into Mexico appear to be increasing during December.
Park Rangers have been assisted by U.S. Border Patrol
agents on several recent incidents. On December 6, a load
of fireworks; was stopped and
New AARP officers were installed Monday, Dec. 2, and include from turned around, as well as two
left, Irene Hunter, secretary; Lew Black, treasurer; David Jimenez, pickup trucks carrying over
president; Larry Smith, Assistant State Director; Jo Whayne, second 3,000 pairs of new shoes. The
vice-president; and Clarice Ogle, first vice-president. The group drivers were cited into federal
convenes the first Monday of each month at an 11:30 luncheon meeting. magistrate's court.
(Photo by Martha Flora)
On December 17, while carrying a load of electronic appliances such as microwave ovens,
VCRs and TVs, a van caught
American Association of
Retired Persons, Alpine Chapter 2100, officers for 1992 were
installed by Assistant State
Director Larry Smith at the
Dec. 2 meeting at McFarland's
They included David Jimenez,
president; Clarice Ogle, first
vice-president; Jo Whayne,
second vice-president; Irene
Hunter, secretary; and Lew
Black, treasurer.
Also installed were committee
chairs and other board members, including Edith Hale,
nominating; Clarice Ogle,-program; Peggy Quarles, community service; Martha Floro,
public, relations; Miriam
Lowrance, membership; Virginia Little, health care; Clint
Eklund, legislative; John Van
Dreumel, auditor; Ann McCrummen, cheer and visitation;
Eve Trook-White, historian;
Amelia Jimenez, parliamen-
absence of president Jack
State Sen. Bill Sims, D-San
Scott. He was interrupted by Angelo, has paid his filing fete
the appearance of Mr. and Mrs. to the Democratic Party- for la
Santa (Virginia Little and Lew re-election bid to the 25th
Texas Senatorial District.
Black) who distributed
Sims, who is completing hjs
pamphlets on cholesterol and third term, is chairman of the
lowfat foods.
Senate Natural Resources ComLew Black announced a class mittee and is a member of the
in Conversational Spanish to Texas Finance Committee
begin Jan. 8 at the Sunshine which plays a key role in estabHouse. Community Service lishing the state's budgets. He
C h a i r p e r s o n Jo Whayne is also co-chairman of the Interreported that AARP volunteers im Committee on Natural
served 2.092 hours at the Resources. The purpose of the
Museum of the Big Bend in interim committee is to study
environmental issues and
problems throughout the state in
Jeri Westerman presented a order to develop plans to carry
Christmas centerpiece to David the state into the 21st century.
Jimenez-in recognition of his "If we do our job well, the
services to AARP, as president State of Texas should be able to
of the Senior Citizens Club, go into the new century with
and as outstanding Alpine v e r y few environmental
problems." Sims also serves on
volunteer of the year.
The group enjoyed a program the A d m i n i s t r a t i o n and
of Christmas music by Rex Criminal Justice committees.
\Viilso4T.an4severaUSul Ross \ The boundaries of the 25th
\ District are currently being
aynf, telephone, ..State University students.
w>»mfctois Cfcsfr atfd'Wilnia
Strock are members of the
nominating committee.
Joy Parsons was introduced as
a new member. There was one
guest Lois Hazel. Bob Sandlin
and Jan Smith led the group in
a short memorial for the three
members lost during 1991, Lu
Horkay, Felix Howland, and
Harry Whayne.
David Jimenez presided in the
decided in the courts, after
being redrawn behind closed
doors last fall. Sims spent most
of last week in Austin in a
federal court with others challenging the secretly drawn districts. If the courts eventually
rule in favor the secretly drawn
plan, Sims' 25th District could
include more than 220,000 residents of a largely Republican
area of San Antonio.
Sims, 59, was elected to the
Senate in 1982. Born and raised
in Pain Rock, Texas, he has
served as executive secretary of
the T e x a s Sheep & Goat
Raisers' Association for 26
years. He attended San Angelo
Junior College and Texas A&M
and obtained a~B.S. degree in
Animal Husbandry from Texas
Tech. He is married to the
former Sue Lowe of Sterling
City. They have two children,
Sue Ann Setzler of Marlin and
Billy Sims of Paint Rock, and
Jive grandchildren. .
umminftarbo Dieted
. . . •••••...<
to D M * . Tlm» art mxM iwttsfcnt
fire on the River Road across
from the small Mexican village
of San Vicente.
"While the transporters are
apparently trying to avoid
paying export/import duties into
Mexico, the hauling of commercial goods through the Park
is illegal and the drivers will be
turned back, cited into Federal
Magistrate's Court, and the
goods subject to possible
seizure," stated Arnberger.
In an effort to curtail these
and other illegal activities over
the holidays, Arnberger said
that Park Rangers and Border
Patrol agents will increase
patrols along the border over
the next few weeks.
AARP officers installed
for 1992 at McFarland's Sims bids for re-election to
25th Texas Senatorial District
JAN. 1,1992
•• /
Marfa. Texas. Dncambar 24. 1991 (61
(6) The Big Bend Sentinel. Msrfa. Texas. December 34 1991
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
from the directors, officers and staff of
The Marfa National Bank
r».V-'-*'*:'** • " *'-" :.
(front row from left) Linda Ridley, Charles Mertz, Esmeralda Gonzales, W.E. DeVolin Jr., Clementine Bales,
Glenn Garica and Virginia Hernandez.
(back row from left) Esther Pallarez, Joan Webb, Christy Madrid, Elizabeth Villanueva, Peter Gonzales, Mary
Guevara, Cleat Stephens, Laura Hart, Alice Rivera, Babe Shelton, Maria Lujan and Alma Rosa Baeza.
(not pictured) Marlen Gray, Barbara Thompson and Melissa West.
We remember everything Christmas has meant to us over the years,
and hope that you find the joy that this season brings.
Our many thanks to each and all.
SINGE 1907
•15 729-4344 • Past Office Box S • Marfi, TX 7S843
member FDIC
11 to liiy bund Sunlinol. Marfc. Texpa. D§ctmbw 24. 1ftft1 n%
Letters to Santa Claus
Dear Santa:
Thank you for bringing the
scarf and mittens for my mom
that I asked for last year. I
want a bike, a remote control
car, and a nintendo game, if
you can. If that's too much .
you can bring anything you
want to bring me. Thank you
John Cody Cardenas
Dear Santa:
For Christmas I want a BB
gun and a red bike and a football. I have been a very good
boy. Merry Christmas. Thank
you Santa.
Johnny Compos
Dear Santa:
I want a doll, a stuffed bear,
a ring, and a fish. I would also
like a bike, lots of clothes,
ropers, a nintendo and a
chalkboard. But most of all I
would like for my daddy to be
here for Christmas. I like you
Santa very much so I am going
to make you some chocolate
chip cookies. Thank you Santa.
Dear Santa:
I would like some drums for
Christmas, a casio piano also.
Don't forget my sister Sandra
wants hot rollers and something for my brother Chapito.
Stay warm and be careful.
Jucob Guevara
Dear Santa:
How are you? This Christmas
I would like a Sega Genesis
game, spiderman game and a
nice sweater. Thank you Santa.
I love you,
Juime Juarez
Dear Santa:
I have been a good boy this
year. I would like to have a
y e p and a set of cars and'a
jjpol box with tools, for .
Thank you,
Frank Aguilar
Dear Santa:
' I am thankful for baby Jesus.
I want an easy bake oven.
Stephanie Covarrubias
Dear Santa:
Please bring me a remote control car, a computer, and a
walkman. I will leave you milk
and cookies.
Timothy Jon Mata
Dear Santa Claus:
My name is Jennifer. I would
love to meet you someday. I
am in first grade Elementary
School in Marfa, Texas. I am
six years old. For Christmas I
want Baby Wanna Walk,
Stacey two-wheeler, and Oopsie Daisy. I will leave some
cookies and milk on the
kitchen table.
Jennifer Lujan
Dear Santa:
I have been a good girl. I
want some shoes, moose barbie and some pants for
Christmas. P.S. I will have
some milk and cookies for
Thank you,
Louisa Cash
Dear Santa:
How is Rudolf? I have been a
good boy, or at least I try to
be. I would like a power wheel
jeep, like Jake has. I also want
a truck and cowboy trailer, and
a tractor. Hot chocolate and •
cookies will be left on the table
for you. Merry Christmas.
Chester Melvin
Dear Santa:
I would like a pink bicycle
with a radio on it, a computer,
and it would also be nice to
have a horse.
Thank you,
Jana Cross
Dear Santa:
My name is Daniel, I am in
first grade. I am 7 years old.
What I want for Christmas is a
blue bike, two big red trucks,
a checkers game, and a play
car. I promise to leave you
some milk and cookies. Thank
you Santa.
Daniel Cumpos
Dear Santa;
I would like a bike, a new
coat, a play bowling ball set,
mermaid game, legging pants,
shirts, cowboy hat, spurs,
horse. Merry Christmas.
Thank you Santa.
Hullie Smith .
Dear Santa:
Please bring me mermaid
dolls and lots of games. Please
bring my brother some guns
and trucks. We will have
cookies and milk for you.
Thank you Santa.
Naomi Francis
Dear Santa:
I want a bike for me and I
would like to have a barbie
doll too and I would like some
clothes. Bye Santa! Merry
Christmas. Thank you Santa.
Angela Medlano
Dear Santa:
Hit How are you and Mrs.
Santa doing? Please bring me a
nintendo set and other toys.
Thank you Santa.
Joshua ShufTIeld
Dear Santa:
I have been a good boy. I am
interested in science. I would
like a microscope, a
salamander, and if you could I
would really love to have a
book about Navy stuff.
Dear Santa:
How are you? I am fine. I
just wanted you to know what I
want for Christmas. Please
bring me a Go-Go My Walking Pup, and a doll that
shivers, and I want a Barbie
that has a, baby. It is called
Baby Sitter Skipper. Merry '
Christmas. Thank you Santa.
Melissa Lujun
Your friend,
Jonathan Maxwell Buren
Dear Santa:
This Christmas I would like a
Baby Alive doll, a Walking GoGo and a lot of warm clothes.
Thank you,
Murcela Machuca
P.S. How is Rudolph and the
Dear Santa:
I have been a good girl. I
would like a Go-Go My Walking Pup and a game. My baby
sitter Skipper. Thank you
Catrynu Rodriguez
Dear Santa:
I would like a toy washer and
dryer, a sewing machine and a
play bank.
I love you and God bless you,
Rachel Brito
Dear Santa:
I want a remote control car
and water guns and a big
electric jeep and my brother's
wishes to come true too.
Thank you Santa.
David Madrid
Dear Santa:
I have been a good girl and
would like a barbie doll and
Thank you,
Mayra Mediano
Dear Santa:
I want a BB Gun and a soccer
ball. Merry Christmas. Thank
you Santa.
John Garcia
Dear Santa:
I need a drum so I can be in a
band, and a window for my
new house, & a curtain that
goes around my window. I
need a new baby that cries because Oopsie Daisy is broken.
I would like a new chair and a
pretend phone.
Megan Newman
Dear Santa:
I have been a good boy all
year long. I would like to have
a football jersey, a Nintendo,
cars and trucks, afootballand
an archery set. Merry
Christmas. Thank you Santa.
Kit Wood
Dear Santa:
I want a car like my
momma's and some toys like
Hadden "got," and a play knife
like my daddy's and a singing
Santa like my momma "got."
Thank you
Brice Mund
Dear Santa:
Please bring me a Go-Go My
Walking Pup, Stacey Two
Wheeler and a talking mermaid
doll. I love you Santa Merry
Christmas. Thank you Santa.
Rebecca Cordero
Dear Santa:
I will be your helper. Won't
you bring me presents like a
play kitchen, a train, a bat
mobile, & a spiderman costume to wear.
Anthony Cobb
Dear Santa:
I want drums and a guitar and
that's all.
Colin Buren
Dear Santa:
I want a cabbage doll"for
Christmas. My sister wants a
doll that walks. Thank you V
Santa.Grisel Quintela
. De? r Santa:
I have been good. 1 would
like a doll. I would also like a
mermaid doll. I would also
like an alarm clock. Merry
Christmas. Thank you Santa.
Elizabeth Threadgill
Dear Santa:
Since I have been a good boy
I want a bike and I also want a
ninja turtle suit for Christmas.
Thank you Santa.
Maurido Cabezuela
' u r hope is for a world filled with
pi-art' uiiil joy. now and forever.
Chinati Foundation
Celebrate life.
This season in the true Christinas spirit,
please don't drink and drive.
D & S Package Store
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rubio & family
Merd,aradas,Qrat2la, Dante Shane,Spaceba
However you say it,
a world of thanks to all of you.
clients and thairfmmUles
The staff at
Corder Lumber Company
Alpine Travel
Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Alvarado
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Alvarado & Michaela
Hosanna Hosanna!
Celebrate the
joy of giving
and find the true
meaning of
Christmas in
your heart
Texas Production Credit Association Marfa Field Office
Big Bend Coca Co/a
Bottling Company
Wishes a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all area ranchers arid farmers
Ron Little & Linda Jurado
4f 1991
Dear Santa:
Dear Santa:
For Christmas I want a Ninja
Turtle Pizza Thrower, a soccer
ball, and a new nintendo game.
Thank you,
Sammy Martinez
Dear Santa:
The first thing I want for
Christmas is a Barbie bicycle.
And I would '.ike some real
tools and wood to work with,
also some play cooking things.
I hope you have a nice
Shiloh Klein
P.S. I will leave you some
cookies and cocoa.
Dear Santa:
My name is Anthony
Rodriguez. 1 cm 6 years old
and in first grade. I have been
a good boy all year. My
favorite dear is Rudolph. I
want a green and black soccer
balj, the Ninja Turtle Part 2
movie, and a new mountain
bike. Is it cold in the North
Thank you,
Anthony Rodriguez
Dear Santa:
. I want a dog, cat, and a van.
Merry Christmas, Santa. .
Mundy Chambers
Dear Santa:
I have been a good boy this
year. Please bring me a Super
Nintendo game system, a pottery wheel work shop, and a
chow puppy.
Thank you,
Ruben Mudrid
Dear Santa:
I've been a good girl. I want
a nintendo and cassette player
and Baby Wanna Walk. I wish
you a Merry Merry Christmas
'Thank you,
Viviuna Lujun
Dear Santa:
Hi, how are you? As for me I
have been good. All I want for
Christmas is a nintendo game,
new boots, and a new bike.
Please have a safe trip.
Love, v
Nathan Drew Garcia
Christmas Magic
The greatest gift for us has been
getting to know you and your families.
Happy holidays.
Dear Santa:
1 want .Rudolf with a red
nose, and a shirt with Santa on
it, and a little tiny baby.
Ronnie Alvarez
Dear Santa:
I love you, will you please
give me a little horse (this
big), a white and black stallion, a play puppy, a bag to
carry my things, some books
for me to read, two walkie
talkies for me and my brother,
and that's it.
Clay Muench
Merry Christmas
Dear Santa Claus:
I have been a real good boy
so I hope you will bring me
some presents. I would like a
Raiders football suit, and
maybe a new rope. I would
also like to have a new brush
popper shirt and I want the
tape of the Rescuers Down
Under. Please remember
where my house is at the ranch
and don't take our presents to
Your friend,
Culeb Gene Nixon
Happy New Year
Light and laughter
b« yours this
Holiday Season.
Tlie University of Texas
McDonald Observatory
v Dear Santa:
I've been a good boy, please
b r i n g me lots of toys and
Jeremy Roy Hartnett
Q from the
T m s Highway Patrol
keep our
May the joys of
Christmas last
... a lasting gift for all the world.
Big Bend Regional Medical Center staff
Mike's Place
Texas Department of
.Public Safety of
Brewster, Jeff Davis, &
Presidio Countie*
The CWi«m»» ScD People •
SpfcT nmNanltotfvpMtshcr » l |wNk w v u
Mike, Sylvia, April,
Krystina, James & Berna
l!_Merry Christinas and a Happy New Year
from your hospital and district
A Cozy ChristmasTb All!
Wishing you a
warm and wonderful holiday.
Dear Santa Claus:
For Christmas I want a Huffy
Bike Radio, a singing Mermaid, and a Staci Wheeler doll.
Thank you,
KrlMina Carrilk)
Dear Santa:
I want to see a snowman, and
to see "Santa Clause." I want a
truck and trailer too.
Michael Melvin
Dear Santa:
I want a Barbie and a Barbie
Car, and some letters to stick
on my little refrigerator.
Mtrry Christmas.
Dtny Salfado
Fort Davis - Austin
Dear Santa:
I want a batman costume and
a transducer and that's all.
Hadden Elms
Lumber Company
Sierra Gas Company
Alpine, Marfa, Presidio, Fort Davis,
Valentine & Balmorhea
is a special Jjoltbay season for tffose of us
assocutteb faith Jdttional |Iarh Concessions, Jnr. j H e
hatie h,ab trje priuilege of sertring th,e national park
uiiitors for the past 50 {ears, l i e are celebrating our
in 1991, anb fae take
opportunity to express our sincere tfjanks for your
confibence anb support.
Jlatte a ^flftrry Christmas anb may th,e ^icfa ^Jear
of 1992 be ftlleb faith, goob fjealth,,. success anb
Your Friends
Merry Christmastoyou and yours.
' •
• ' ;
" • '
Southwest Texas Municipal
Gas Corporation
Rational ^ark CUmtcfMtmtf, j n c .
Mtmmoth Ctv* Ntttonal Puk, Ktntuefcr, VQ tend Ntttonti Pvk, Twn;
ial« ftoyM NMtonM r J
, s t 4 C<
•' ."•
Tha Bio Band Stmtinnl. Marfa. Tnvn«t nwrwrnhor OA 1OO1 (fll
Christmas without Christ is not Christmas
If Christ wouldn't have been born, than we wouldn't have a
•Christmas to celebrate, for it is' Christ that left us a mass to
Christmas is a day of celebrating Christ's Birthday and is and
has been celebrated since his holy birth. Why Holy Birth?
Because, God the almighty and powerful God assumed our poor
human nature to express the infinite love he has fix EACH OF
Where is your love for him? Is it really Christ's Birthday you
are celebrating this Christmas?
Remember, the Spirit of Christ! Christ came to this world in a
very simple and bumble way. He, being God, came and revealed
himself as a baby, so that you and I and everyone would love
him, touch him and take him without fear. We do that when we
approach him at mass during holy communion.
What a wonderful gift of himself. When Jesus was born he
didn't have the luxury of a fancy crib, warm room and toys that
we parents provide when we are expecting our babies. Instead, he
was clothed with swaddling clothes, straw for his crib and a barn
for his room.
He showed us his way to him that, emptiness of material things
in order that he may replenish us with his gifts.
He was born into this world to give us his eternal happiness in
heaven. He was born to show us that nothing of this world is
important as his love for us. He was born to teach us the way to
His. way of love, poverty and humility.
Happy Birthday Jesus!
May you be loved by the entire human race. We pray that this
Christmas you will be .born in those hearts that have been tom up
by poverty, hatred, injustice and imprisonment by drugs, alcohol,
pornography and abusive sex, so that they will enjoy the true
spirit of Christmas and someday, all of us, will attain that
magnificent day of celebrating it in heaven with him forever.
A Very Blessed and a Merry Christmas to All.
Ida Prieto
Enjoy this M
to the fullest!
It's the perfect opportunii
for us to send you
all our holiday best..
along with our thanks.
Celebrate the
warmth of
Christmas and
the joys of
To our friends
we say thanks.
Newell Oil Company
Chevron West of the Pecos
Mmy Christmas, Friends
Morrison True Value
Bill, Maiy. David
To All!
Wishing oil our patrons
a rasreful and terrific
holiday season I
May every home
be blessed with
holiday cheer.
Our wish for you and your family
is a world filled with love.
Joan Aguirre
& staff
Jay Chancellor Office Supply
We value the opportunity
Ola Mae Renfroe
212 N. Highland
Dairy Queen of Marfa
Presidio"County Abstract Company Marfa
Henry I. Schaffer, D.D.S.
Tl\e Truth,
he true sentiment of
.the Christmas season is
aglow in the hearts and
lives of everyone.
Ramona Lara, Gloria Garda,
Edna Jimenez, & Virgie Ju
Presidio County Clerk's Office
Many thanks
for your kind
Britfti Smiles St Best Wishes
May we take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry
Christmas and a nappy. Healthy and Prosperous New
Year! We also wish to express our gratitude Jor your
continued confidence and trust as we strive to serve the
dental needs ofMarfa and the surrounding area ofFar
Wet Texas.
Fellz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevoi
Pat, Terri & Robert
Gift of the niaii
Elisa, Barbara and Henry
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
May the warm glow
ll«ht up your life.
Luptia Ramirez
& Juanita Alvarn
May the Infant Jesus bless
you and your loved ones at
this holiest of seasons. We
wish you holiday joy!
Mark, Barbara, Joke,
Laura Lte A staff
Look for our after Christinas Sale!
Ranchers Store & More of Marfa
Compliments of the season
610 B. Holland, Alpliu • 91SS37SS61
110) Th# fUa Band SAntinal Marfa Tnyas Deremher 24
Corner-Stone of Masonic
Temple. Marfa, Texas, July 4,
"All Master Masons will meet
at the Lodge room at 9 a.m.
"Masons march to the building site.
"Address of Welcome. 10
C.R. Sutton.
Rev. R.C.
"Consecration Ode.
"Ceremony of Laying Corner
Tom Lea, of El
The Glasscock building under construction in Marfa.
Rev. J.C.
"Master Masons will return to
12 noon to 2
by Pat Godbold
Rev. Eugene
This has been a wonderful nandez. This picture was taken T. Martin.
"Song, 'God Be With You Till
week for receiving bits of area during the construction of the
Meet Again.'
Glasscock Building. This build"Benedictio.n
Rev. J.R.
While in the Post Office, ing still stands, north across the
George Gonzales handed me a
military "dog tag" he found at street from our present Post OfEntertainment at Parade
the golf course. Engraved on fice. It is a picture the museum Grounds near West Heights by
this round disk "REESE B M; did not have. It was done by United States Soldiers, 3 to 5
BUG; TR E 8; CAVALRY; U Arnold's Art Studio.
p.m. Pony Races and other
In the bank, Linda Ridley Sports, by Committee in charge
Shortly afterwards at the brought out more goodies for of these features.
"Rest Rooms for ladies are
grocery store, a lady handed the museum. Richard Gonzales
me a terrific picture she had had left a couple of things with open at The Marfa National
Bank, Chamber of Commerce,
copied for the museum, cour- Mrs. Ridley.
tesy of the owner, Jesus Her-. A "Program; Laying of the several churches and
various residences in the city,
where lady visitors are most
welcome. Ice water is provided
at each of these rest rooms, and
at convenient places in the
This was found May 8, 193S,
old Blackwell School.
The second item from Richard
Mackrecan. D e c . 8, 1946. :
Found this picture."
Thanks to each of you for
helping preserve bits of area
The museum received
memorials for Dorothy Ryan
and W a l t e r P o l s k y , two
wonderful citizens.
Gonzales is a delightful Opera
Puff Cigarette poster featuring
a comely Miss. On the back of
the poster is written, "This old
picture was behind fireplace
mantle at the old Humphris
House on Highway 90 West of
Highland A v e . We were
remodeling this house for Mrs.
New Year's Eve Dance
8 p.m. to 1992 Tuesday, Dec. 31
Museum Musings
the Alpine Civic Center
(formally the Chute)
Rusty Ross will be playing excellent pre-recorded music in
a variety of styles:
County & Western, Swing, Oldies & Rock and Roll
SNACKS, party favors, BYOB
Auto & Furniture
Free Estimates
Free Delivery
313 E. San Antonio St. - Marfa, Ttxas
Call today for trust services and
estate planning ideas.
Hardware supplies. Given paints. House pumps,, windmills, storage tanks,
pressure systems and solar systems.
Aguilar's Upholstery
ABC Pump
Bobby Donaldson, Manager
Bus. 915/729-3161
Res. 915/729-4125
iNVEsmam SINCE im
1 -800-926-513&1
v % .
eiEBDA ISAC nsnniirTe m r ' -
"Your LP dealer for the .
Davis Mountains - Big Bend area"
Propane tanks for lease or sale
Gas appliance sales and service
Marfa. Presidio. Fort Davis. Valentine
CA11 1-800-446-2969
Ph. 915/729-3472
WESTTEX professional carpet cleaning
Luis Aguilar - owner
Box 314
furniture and auto, too
free estimates
quality work
Roach Glass and Mirror
custom work for fume & auto
Jack Roach
Box 371
Alpine, TX 79831
m N. i
or in Alpine 837-3348
Business Card Special
6 months for $143
that's halfprice!
Gas, Inc.
Preston Bowman
1902 W. Sul Ross Ave in Alpine
Call 8367-5903 <
Telephone: 915/837-2518
East Highway 90
P.O. Box 1398 '
Alpine, TX79S31
108 S. Harmon
Alpine, TX 79830
AitythiMg To Do With Moving Dirt
Doacrs, Loaders, Batfchx, Mfttacaradui A Dusmp Tracks
Custom Cabinets & Entry Doors
Etched Glass - Counter Tops
Made to Order - Installation Available
Pb. (915) 426-3107
Propane Conversions
Fort Davis Cabinet & Door Shop
- Accessories
Mlcbclin Tires
Farm Chcmictli
Naturtl G u
BiiUiiit Bus Uvtki
C4THJU4 StpHeSyttm tnmBtr
Stock Tmb
Box 587
Fort Davis, TX 79734
v^* P n •
^^v^BWaj^V MBV S ^ » 3 W W
Fort D«Ti»,TX 7*734
Automotive Paints
For ALL of your insurance needs
\d o H
ar;•[ i i he
[j i t - R
Car-Home - Life - Health
For A1|*N, Mart*
, . K ,
emmm ourl&Msndhmfag* tor-
Brad Mund
Paisano Hotel
Plumbing • Air
Sentinel classifieds
advertisements pay off
i •
. • . • . ; » :
• ••••'•/
• , • • » « , - v i
• ' ' ( \ - ;
• » • ' • , '
The Bio Band Sentinel. Marfn.T«y»«. O«g«mh«r 34.
Bird count
this weekend
Dr. Calvin Morgan Jr.» DC and Lois
McKeo*vn, CA,
announce the opening of
Morgan Chiropractic Clinic
Btslc & Soft Touch Techniques Available
Town Square - Space A • Alpine
For Appointments Call 915-837-2797
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 1 2 p.m. & 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
* Certified. Acupuncturist
Happy Birthday
Going Out Of Business
Gray's Small Engine Repair will close as of
12-31-91. I would like to extend my sincere
appreciation to each and every customer for
allowing me to serve you.
me Gray
4,000-square-foot adobe home, very good condition, commercially
zoned, can be made into three apartments. Lots of shade trees, in
3-bedroom, 2-bath, completely restored brick home on 1/2-block. New
carpet, central heat and air, designed kitchen, redwood deck, carport,
many extras.
Reasonable offer considered
Spanish-style 3-bedroom, 2-bath, large living room/dining room,
garage and carport.
New roof, new paint, 3-bedroom, 1-bath home in nice neighborhood.
Close to school, 3-bedroom, 2 l/2-baths, on corner lot. Modem
kitchen, den, garage, extra-large rooms.
Several choice lots in Marfa.
"Otheriistingrmrhomes; iotrand commercial properties,
Livingston Real Estate
208 San Antonio St., Marfa, 729-4306
I ' i f ' , ; i r l \ Dt-lci'timi nl Breast ( a i u i r
.it iVi\i H«'ii<l lvt"j,ion;il Mt'(li(;tl < V n t r r
Monday through Friday
\ SH-M47 l U k A1T(HVI\1I VI
Superintendent Robert L.
Arnberger of Big Bend National
Park announced that local residents and others around the
state will have the opportunity
to participate in two Audubon
Christmas Bird Counts to be
held at Big Bend National Park
on Saturday and Sunday.
This is only one of around
1,600 similar counts taken from
Hawaii to Labrador and from
Alaska to Venezuela during the
period of mid-December to
early January. It is estimated
that about 35,000 individuals
will participate worldwide.
The Chisos Mountains Bird
Count will be held on Saturday
interested participants should
meet at 7:30 a.m. in the parking lot outside the new Basin
Visitor Center. On Sunday
again at 7:30 a.m. participants
for the Rio Grande Village Bird
Count should meet in the parking lot at the Rio Grande Village store.
The Christmas Bird Count is
undoubtedly the biggest birding
event of the year and, for some
groups, it means weeks and
days of strategy, planning and
logistics trying to amass in a
single calendar day the biggest
possible list of birds in the
designated area. By tradition,
that "count area" is a circle 15
miles in diameter, or roughly,
177 square miles.
Apart from its attraction as a
social, sporting and competitive
outing, the annual event sheds
much light on the eariy winter
distribution of the different
species of our native birds where they are and in what
numbers. Although last year's
counts in BigJJendLwere_successfully, organizers are hoping
for a bigger turnout for this
year's events, particularly in
light of the presence of the rare
tufted flycatcher in Rio Grande
Village. This birdhas been
seen in the park since early
November, and has been found
nowhere else in the United
Arnberger emphasized that
count organizers are attempting
to field as many competent birders as they can. Participants
will be grouped into "parties;"
each party will search a section
of the circle or points on the
map. Ther* is no limit to the
jnumber of participants and all
"are invited to assist in this
count. Normal entrance fees
will be waived for participants,
but the Audubon Society requires a participant to pay $5
for each bird count they attend,
thus helping to pay compilation
and publishing costs.
Information: on the Big Bend
National Park Bird Counts,
contact coordinator Brian Hale
at (512) 443-9075 or Acting
Chief Naturalist Roy Given at
(Disciples of Christ)
DEATHS to Sunday worship syrv'ictw-
whore God's love is shared with a loving,
caring congregation.
Jv* .SundaySchool - 10 a.m.
130 W. Lincoln St,\
W.R. Plumbley, Pastor
Roberto Dean
;. ;
Angie Dean
•. •;..
• :
UtfHai, Texts
"...a wrrtmtteal T-ihirt kita and Southwestern colftctible
ahop.." JFort Worth-Star-Talagram, May 1988
TvUngu*. T§xu 79*52
7thphone .
(91 SI 424-3226
Jacob E. 'Johnny* Fulton, 60,
of Odessa died Dec. 15, 1991,
at his residence.
Service was at 10 a.m. Wednesday in Odessa, directed by
Hubbard-Kelly Funeral Home.
He was born Nov. 3, 1931, in
Sheffield, TXfHe was in the
trucking business and a member
of The Cap Rock Congregation
of Jehovah's Witnesses in
Odessa. He was a U.S. veteran
of the Army Medical Corps
during the Korearyconflict.
': Vioughtfiiify dedicated to
and Presidio Counties
' M . V . 1 . - * * . ' . •>'••.•';'• <".,» v.'.v f . •.'•*.''» V . l / . - - • t ' , ; i A 1 . ' i i - i 1 . :
Survivors include his wife,
Patricia 'Pat* Fulton of Odessa;
a daughter, Deborah Brittain of
Bellville, TX; three sons, Carl
Fulton and Darrell Fulton both
of Odessa and Ormand Fulton
of Goldsmith; a sister, Naomi
Dodson of Marfa; two brothers,
Charles Jones of Baytown, TX
and Robert Jones of Lindsey,
CA: 9 grandchildren.
Abelina "Abby" Gallego, 55,
of Alpine died Wednesday.
Dec. 18. 1991, in'a Midland
Rosary was at 8 p.m. Friday
at Our Lady of Peace Catholic
Church. Mass was at 2 p.m.
Saturday at the church with the
Rev. David Fierro officiating.
Burial followed in Holy Angels
Cemetery, directed by Geeslin
Funeral Home.
She was born Nov. 10, 1936,
in Midland. She married Ruben
Gallego in November 1965 in
She had lived in Alpine for 27
years. She was a graduate of
Sul Ross State University. She
taught school for the Alpine Independent School District for
20 years. She was a member of
the Catholic Church.
Survivors include her husband; two sons, James Gallego
of College Station and Mark
Gallego of Alpine; four sisters,
Janie Trevino, Elisa Reyes and
Tiodora Reyes, all of Midland
and Josie DeLao of Odessa;
five brothers, Santiago Reyes,
Valentine Reyes, John Reyes,
Mike Reyes and Albert Reyes,
all of Midland.
Mary Polsky of Marfa; two
daughters, Gloria Gershun of
Overland, Kan., and Barbara
Dawson of Lewisville; two
stepsons, Robert Holzheuser of
Midland and Louis Holzheuser
of Marfa; and five
Pallbearers were Jerry Garnett, Ike Livingston, Ronnie
Webb, George McCallum.
Eddie Leosiand Hayes Mitchell
Honorary pallbearers were
Bill Earney, Ricky Baker, Carl
Robinson and Abe Gonzales.
Walter Polsky, 92, of Marfa
died Thursday, Dec. 19,1991,
at Alpine Valley Center Nursing Home.
Service was at 2 p.m^Satur-.
day in the Memorial Funeral
Home chapel with the Rev.
Dale Powell officiating. Burial
followed in Marfa Cemetery
under the direction of Memorial
Funeral Home.
He was born Dec. 18,1899,
in St. Louis MO; and was a
longtime resident of Marfa. He
was a retired shot stott owner.
Survivors include his wife,
Public Notices
DtadllM is 5 p.m.
Tuesdays -
(915) 729-4342
Clark Smith Ridout Jr., 39,
died December. 13, 1991, in an
automobile accident near CorMISCELLANEOUS
Graveside services vyere Dec.
17, 1991, in Marfa, j with the others, since 1952, Sew-Vac
Rev. Larry Castillo-Wilson of- Sales and Service, Nita and
Stan Dempsey, 520 N. Austin,
He was born April 27, 1952, Marfa. 729-4292, P.O. Box
inMarfr. '
He resided in Del Rio.
Clark was a Del Rib gradu ite
and attended Southwest Tesias
Junior College and Texas A fcl
v v , 7 ' i •:, '•' •:':!'•.•
'.•;/ \ ! \ h ' \
Ridout is preceeded in di&th
by his father, Clark Smith
Ridout Sr. on Oct. 14, 1901; a
brother, Robert Pate Ridout, on
Nov. 18, 1991.
' Survivors include a son,
Chance Ridout of Overton, TX;
his mpther, Clarene Ridout of
Del Rio; a brother, Ervin
Wayne Ridout of Del Rio; Would like to purchase herd
brother-in-law and sister, Tim broke solid mouse Spanish nan& J a n e t R. St"ygar o f nies. Also interested in gentle
Alamogordo, NM; and seven range Spanish goats. Call
nieces and nephews.
Carlos Melendez, 6 6 , of
Marfa died Sunday, Dec. 22,
1991, at Big Bend Regional^jpLne._
Off List Price
Rosarymwa.s at.7.:.3O p , m v
American Auto Parts "-•
Monday at St. Mary's Catholic
Marfa, TX
Church. Mass will be at 10
a.m. today at the church with
the Rev. John Lucido officiating. Burial will follow at the
Catholic Cemetery, under the
direction of Memorial Funeral
FOR S A L E - 1987 Honda
LX,*4-door Sedan; five
He was born March 21, 1925,
stereo cassette, tilt
in Valentine. He was retired
windows & locks;
f'om the Marfa Water Works
Department, City of M a r f ^ P S / P B - $5,500, OBO
after which he supervised the
'cemetery work for Memorial
Funeral Home up to the time of
his death. He was a member of'
the Catholic Church.
L V N or RN f u l l - t i m e
Survivors include his wife, weekends. Work 32 pay for 40;
Seferina Melendez of Marfa; long term care experience helpfour sons, Ralph Melendez of ful. Call Joann Schorr at
Marfa, Roberto Melendez and 915/859-1650
wife, Gloria of Oklahoma City,
Okla., Carlos Melendez Jr. and
wife, Christina of Hobbs,
A s s e m b l e our
N.M., and Manuel Melendez
and earn up to
and wife, Susan of Odessa;
week. Amazing
three daughters, Corina Melenrecorded
dez of Marfa, Mary Ester'
Fitzwilliam and husband, M.D. details. (404) 880-5541 Dept.
Fitzwilliam, Rosie Tovar and 320.
husband, Joe, both of Hobbs,
N.M.; a brother, Jose MelenEarn up to 40% more as a
dez of Hobbs, N.M.; three career representative for
sisters, Petra Melendez of Mutual of Omaha. Call Roger
Detroit, Mich., Luz Sanchez of Sowers at 915/775-2494. Equal
Hobbs, N.M., and. Maria Cas- Opportunity Co. M/F. 38-tfb
tillo of Artesia, N.M.; 29
grandchildren and one greatCANARY
Pallbearers are Robby MeleriHiring $600 plus weekly.
dez, Charles Melendez, Caesar O v e r .8 0 0 0 o p e n i n g s .
Melendez, Mikey Fitzwilliam, Male/Female. Free TransportaEddie Fitzwilliam and Zach tion. Room and Board. Call
E.I.C. NOW! 1-206-736-7000
EXT. 9087B8
" 40-Itp
The Classifieds
cou-tffeeUve advtrutUig
HOMES at 6720 Andrews
Highway, Odessa, for ALL
your.nstdvMobiie Home needs.
Top quality homes at. affordable
prices. Huge cash discounts,
financing-available. Open daily
& Sunday 'til 6 p.m. Call
Golf Course Road
New Rates!!
Rental Assistance
Availabe Now
•AU Electric
* Energy Efficient
• Modem Apptyucfs
• Central Heat * Air
* Laundry Room A Play Area
One Bedroom
Minimum - $220
Maximum - $234
Two Bedroom~
Minimum - $267
Maximum - $284
Office - 729-4490
FOR SALE: Red brick home
in Fort Davis on three lots. Three
bedrooms, 3 and 1/2 baths, two
car.garage. New metal roof,
many extras. $160,000. Call
Margaret Fitzgerald at 426-3978.
WE'LL PAY YOU to type
names and addresses from
home. $500.00 per 1000. Call
1-900-896-1666 ($0.99
min/18yrs. plus) or Write:
PASSE - C100, 161 S. Lin- W. Galveston in Marfa; 2
colnway, N. Aurora, IL 60542. bedroom, den, living room,
bath, large kitchen and dining
HELP WANTED - Couple to area. P l e m call 72<M23S or
work. He to' be handyman and 915/751-3095.she to do housework. Salary,
•one bedroom h o u s e and
groceries.furnished, Located on
a ranch. Send work history and
references to: Box 2118 Fort
Davis, TX # 7 3 4 .
<12> Tha Big Bend Sentinel. Marfa. Texas. Ducmnbur IM. I'J'JI
THU., DEC. 2<
La MMqaesa da
Disney's Christmas M
Harder. «*•
6 * 8 0 CD Addam Fatally
6*0 ( 2 0 Current Attau-p
(S M M W W i CMMrw
NCanBeTeU .
6 * S 0 G D **•**•. sea
CNM/lffcftf NfwtHeat
Marajese da
7 * 6 0 CD Addams Family
M O CD • PKHIe Statea D
Wtft la
• Btyond RnHty
Larry Ktofl
8:30 ( 2 0 Deer Jete
0 Step by Step
O Ray Bradtary Tweeter
ft) 32 Cortege Basketball
3 ] 0 C D Movie: Ghost
ReesenaUe Doubts
Play: A
'Great Nobel Debate P
El Show da Paul
7*5 0 G D Mov>«: A Wemaa Cated
vie: Ftefllaan C T
Mowe. Tata From ttia
7*1 CD 0 Wffaraal
DMeraat WarM
WjrM Q
0 Cathy Stew P
0 ( Z ) State at BttUaii
1 0 * 0 ( 2 0 0 C D News
A^^b JA • ^M^^^et a\A4^Aaaajea
rmJrW. n R Wajliaiiiif
• caavartatlaa Wlta Ma
iacrtlartts el I
Uovit: CaaWac Maa
U 4 0 J 0 M
I O Ladles Figure Skating
0 C B World News
1 0 ( 2 Tu Musics
0 Beyond Reality
0 United NegreCottegi Fund
Telethon (CeaLf
1HB0] 0 CD. Slnbad: Brain
10:40 0 Elayae Booster. Lhre Nude
11*0 0 S n e r t Previews
0 C D 0News
0CDMowe. Badlaads
^B ^D NavnNignt
11:30 0 Claama Showcasa
O Arumia H a r t Waakand
Jam Q
O HJBraatMt Malariag Challaaga ol №a '90*
0 ( £ Evan and Novak
1 1 : 4 5 0 Movie: Raady, Willing aad
1 2 : 0 0 0 ) 0 Magnum, p.l.
0 Movie: Sarorlty Bates ia tha
SlimaeaU lowl-0-Rama
12:30 0lyroaAHan
O O Mastars Intematioaal
StaaHeg ChamaiaasMp
11:38 JHBO] t ( S Movie: Hartam
8*0 C f i 0 » Bai Heat at BM MgM
Movie: LMte
) NBC News P
AMacNeU/Lehrer MewsMaar
La MarqMbsa da
- T-rttet
htarder, Ste W r a t e D
nsMeff wwii|wj
0 C atelwAHakaBaa
C P C w^T
0CDMW 7 Je« Ver-
7*8 0 CD Movie: Semi-Tough
7*0 (
o r Natteaal
O W A I Mo da la Muerte
0 CD Murphy.Brown P
0Movie: Misery
0 3 ) Qatar Bowl
0 L H e Gees G a p
0 ( O Liberty BowTD
0 CD PrimeNews I X
0 Star Search
(HBO] 0 CD Movie: Black
7:30 0 W H d America P
8:00 ( 2 0 NBC Saaday Night at tte
WWF Prime
0 C C Larry KtogUve!
8 : 3 5 0 Mows. Always
9 * 0 0 Aspen
0 ( 2 La Meier de Perteda
0 CD Northern Exposure P
~ Movie: ABC Monday NfcjM
Sp$rttm (Pt 2 ol 2)
0 Nature •
(Z) Movie: CBS Swday
rie Fact oltStnagtr O
i Funniest Home
9 * 5 0 0 0 Movie: Tha Longest
Lltestyles ol the Rich 4
1 0 * 0 ( 2 0 0 CD News
9 * 9 0 ( 2 « • CM t l Amer
0 ( £ Movie:
• T
Movie: Tarnrtatac Tte
•(Sioii laftaHad
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[HM] 0 S) Far
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12*00 P
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Traasara Watd
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12*0 0 Afov.s Perky'S H:Tte NaU
*' •
0 CD NewsWgM Uadaai
j H W 0 ( D O e e - N i g b l Stead
1 2 : 4 5 0 CD *tov*Ca»W»eh
WED.. JAN. 1
' iTeatgM
Paid Program
N^lnsMa Busrarn
0 Movie: Torch Saag Trilogy
1 1 * 5 ( 2 0 Late M f M WHh D M M
10*5 C D 0 Current Affair Wnktnd
0 CD Movit: Mr, Matestyk
11:450 Movit: tm
12*0 0CpPanaaaj
11*0 0 B U I Meyers'World of Meat
I CD Movie: Treason tslaad
I Comedy Club AR-StarsV
eB HeiefnMM ll
Bajffejwtti Taday
GD MoWe; Silver
Nawt/Warld Report
11:30 0TechnoponBu
0 O D World Tamerrow
Star Trafc Tha Neil
0 CD NeAevNajM Update
12*1 CD • War VJHi M Caato
> 0 Movit: BaejBa Savage
11:58 [HBO] 0 (S Movie: S e a *
TUL. DEC. 31
1 2 * 0 0 Movie: Tanaa, tha Ape
a v W a •a^p^aWW « a > O W g
Stewwti Tedav
Mbvtt: Hay
1 1 : 3 5 C E 0 l J l e Night W » David
0CCShewBb Today
10*8 ( 2 0 Tonight Show
10:45 • Y a k o v
9 4 0 0 t a t t a a t Replay
Waak ra
0 99 Araarita'i Hana
* pv AwWf. n m n fvfivv
1 1 * 6 C D 0 Late M M WH) D M M
tWrWV** 11
0 Movit: TIM Otaattar
0 QD Ntm/Waak Ja Ravtaw
1:30 0
0 Jaon McUaaMhi's Ota pa
12*8 (
0 < a College Bas
1 1 * 8 0 ( 2 J«ta Lab Oaarra y
1 1 * 8 < I j 0 l a t e Night WHh DavM
19*6 CD 0Teaighl Stew
10:35 ( 2 0 Tte Toaight Stew Starring Jateay Carsaa
10*0 0 Cemedy CMi Natwark
11*0 • MacNai/lahrar NewaHaw
B]0CD Tates Frem BM
i Parky*t
M Clark
Clark's New Year's
a' E
-> •!•••.• - V •
10:30 0 C p HardRock Cafe New
9 * 1 0 Masterpiece Theatre P
0Atov/e. Total Reea« ^
0 Movie: ABC Saaday Nteht
Mevie Sputacas (PI 1 el 2)
12401 I Priadptas ol
Medusa: Dare ta Oa
8:30 l i America's Funniest People
1 1 J 0 S MacNta/Laferar NawtHaw
[HBO] 0 CD Madaaaa! Tte
a W AmbWaa WarM Tear
9 : 3 0 0 New Year's Eve WHh BM
8 * 0 ( 2 0 MM Maaday Night at
tte Movies ftemjw O«<rf • /
0 CD News/Sports Sundey
7 * 0 0 Texas Parks and Wildlife
• CD Murder. She Wrote
iUN- DEC. 29
0 Movie: Tte №aa KM
0 CD Larry KiagUvel
• N
0 Y a * . Minister
0 ( 2 Sttmora aa Oemiogo
0 » C Htwt g ^ '
^B Movie'. Mlajilnfa K3
0 CO WarM Today
6 : 3 0 0 Spaceship Earth: A Global
i j i g OtMlA«
Davis Rates
Ttowe: Tf
8 : 0 0 ( 2 0 Movie: NBC Sunday
w want at tha Mavtas BtotlDri
Matte ia BM
Mmie: CM Taaaday
7 * 0 ( 2 0 Fresh Prtoce at Bel Air
) CBS News •
tan Games
I CD News/Inside Business
j ( 2 Movie: La Muerte da un
0 The Commish p
0 Movie: BarbarteTQueen
0 m Werrea MUler's UnHmlted Skiing
0 CD News/Sports Tonight
1 0 : 3 0 ( 2 0 Saturday Night Lhre
0 3D SportsCenter
~ i Capital Gang/News
TMnage MaUat Niaie
ABC News
I CD SpartsWeek la Review
\Movtt: Tte Oraal Baak
H C P Marrtod-Wan CbaaVia
3:35 0 ( D CapWa Ptaatt aad B M
0 C E Paid Program
12*5 CD 0 Raaaway WHhftaWeb
12:30 0 CD Uamfrt aa Damraga
i n
ShmrlaM at Ite
4 : 0 0 0 FMBf Law
i MyTasjDaaa
i iS)EarlyfrtM
4 * 6 0 CD WCW Mala Evaat
CD Marrtad™WBJi
t i l (Mt)gif,Nt) •>••• OB Q
F.O. lox 74»
Your a r M groctjr In I
Afplndj, Marta and
V a n Horn
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