You Alone Are God - Epiphany Fellowship


You Alone Are God - Epiphany Fellowship
You Alone Are God
Written by Shai Linne & Aaron Johnson
Recorded by DOXA on the album Centered
Verse 1: Before all worlds began
You are the great I Am
Father, Spirit, and Son
Eternal Three-in-One
Fulfilled within Yourself
In need of no one else
Even though all things change
You still remain the same
You alone are God
Verse 2:
You spoke, it came to pass
A universe so vast
Most things no eye can see
Yet still bring You glory
The man You made rebelled
Condemned himself to hell
It was all in Your plan
To glorify the Lamb
Mighty is our God
Verse 3:
You left Your awesome throne
To justify Your own
Flesh cloaked Your majesty
Oh, what humility
And though all things are Yours
You made Yourself so poor
You walked a perfect path
Yet bore the Father’s wrath
Holy is our God
Verse 4: So blind, I had no clue
Oh, how I ran from You
Wickedness had me bound
Until You tracked me down
Your law revealed my sin
My corruption within
It drove me to Your cross
Where You paid my sins’ cost
Faithful is our God
Verse 4: Jesus, You died for me
And now abide in me
What can I give to You?
Lord, help me live for You
Help me stay in Your Word
Help me obey You, Lord
And when we finally meet
I’ll cast my crown at Your feet
You alone are God
© Shai Linne & Aaron Johnson
CCLI# Pending
Our Treasure Is Christ
Written by Shai Linne & Aaron Johnson
Recorded by DOXA on the album Centered
Verse 1: We come to worship the King
For His greatness compels us to praise
How can we help but sing
When beholding His glorious ways?
At His right hand are pleasures forevermore
Chorus: Our treasure is Christ
Our joy, our delight
In Jesus alone
Our souls are satisfied
Verse 2: We praise the Name of the Lamb
For He died on the cross for our sins
How can the great “I AM”
Stoop so low to call sinners His friends?
At His right hand are pleasures forevermore
Verse 3: A holy nation of priests
Called from darkness to light, now we’re told
Proclaim His excellencies
For His beauty is sweet to our souls
At His right hand are pleasures forevermore
Verse 4: When Christ returns again
With one word all His foes He’ll destroy
And we’ll be free from sin
Glorified in the fullness of joy
At His right hand are pleasures forevermore
© Shai Linne & Aaron Johnson
CCLI# Pending
Our Dwelling Place: Psalm 84
Written by Aaron Johnson
Recorded by DOXA on the album Centered
Verse 1: My soul is yearning for You
My soul faints for the living God
I’ll find no rest 'til I'm near You
Pre-chorus/Bridge: For a day in Your courts satisfied within
Is better than a thousand in tents of sin
Chorus: Oh how lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord!
Oh how lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord!
Jesus is our Dwelling Place, O Lord!
Verse 2: Longing to abide in Your
Shelter to ever sing Your praise
You're my portion and desire
© Aaron Johnson
CCLI# Pending
Jesus Is
Written by Gary Clarke & Peter Wilson
Recorded by DOXA on the album Centered
Verse: Glory, glory all around
As the universe resounds
And we proclaim that He is Lord
Eternity echoes the song
Creation joining in as one
And we proclaim that He is Lord
Heaven’s cry, my heart sings
Jesus is
Lord of all heaven and earth
Jesus is
Glorious, the greatest of all
Jesus is, Jesus is
Evermore, the King above all
Jesus is, Jesus is
CCLI# 4691053
Trinity (Spoken Word)
Written by Tiffany Johnson
Recorded on DOXA’s album Centered
Three distinct Persons
One unique God
All power is Yours
Creating, designing, sustaining
We look at us
Seeing traces of You
we question
How? When? For how long?
Why are we here?
yet dwelling in fullness
in those who take
Your Son
by Your Spirit
The faithful
live, breathe, move, be
As unreal as it may seem
so real it is
We—all understanding perfection
not fully experiencing it
but people
(right and wrong)—
get the picture that
perfect? we are not
Yet we
in mind’s eye
see faint image
though darkened
of Perfect Maker
That we can conceive
as perfect
Look at earth
Both beauty and pain
live here
The beauty pure:
trees, flowers,
sunsets, crashing waves,
mountains snow-capped, deep calls
to deep
children’s laughter
reflect You as creative, joyful
8th day forward still active and
interacting with what You made
The pain: piercing, bruising, bitter
in sweet moments
© Tiffany Johnson
(Scorned Son understands)
leaves opportunity
for compassion to shine
in every dark corner
the sending God goes forth
stooping to lift heads
turning Pages of Life
as He in Trinity
The Just Justifier
of His very own people
In darkness
Light comes to world
in the flesh
and, not understanding,
World gives Light the boot
choosing darkness
loving evil
hating purity and life
Yet darkness cannot win the fight
Resurrection: proof
This Light is S-O-N
showing Father
Just like Him
fully divine
And fully human
One Person
Source and Sovereign over creation
The full picture of self-giving
To the point of death on a cross
Wrath taken out on Him for sinful
Yet esteemed highly
and exalted highly
by the redeemed of all time
By Father
Above the waters hovering
Breathing life into man
Called Oil, Anointing, Breath of the
Almighty, Gift
Holy Spirit
creating and renewing
Presence and Lamp
Spirit of:
Wisdom and Understanding
Counsel and Power
Knowledge and Fear
Stream in desert lands
Giving rest to earth’s weary
Glorifying those who choose the
Spirit of holiness
Baptizing me
Changing me
to be
all I can and should be
Spirit of glory
Oh Abba
Daughters like me see world-bound
struggle to love
not loving Your example
Heaven-bound fathers
struggle to love
in Your example
Revealed by the S-O-N
The Imperceivable
shows Himself
blinding us with gleaming glory
burning fire not consumed
yet inviting us to partake
and be brilliant, too
Intrinsic in
harmony in Father, Son, Spirit
eternally relating
eternally loving
mutually indwelling
One for All
All for One
Written by Peter Scholtes; additional lyrics by Shai Linne
Recorded by DOXA on the album Centered
Verse 1: Holy, holy, holy Lord
God of power and might
Heaven and earth are filled with Your glory
Hosanna! Hosanna! In the highest!
Verse 2:
Eternal, unchanging, Triune Lord
God of wisdom and truth
Heaven and earth are filled with Your glory
Verse 3:
Sovereign, righteous, jealous Lord
God of justice and wrath
Heaven and earth are filled with Your glory
Verse 4: Gracious, patient, faithful Lord
God of kindness and love
Heaven and earth are filled with Your glory
CCLI# 27006
Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
Public Domain
Recorded by DOXA on the album Centered
Verse 1: Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus,
Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!
Rolling as a mighty ocean,
In its fullness over me!
Underneath me, all around me,
Is the current of Thy love.
Leading onward, leading homeward,
To Thy glorious rest above!
Verse 2: Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus.
Spread His praise from shore to shore!
How He loves us, ever loves us,
Changes never, nevermore!
How He watches over His loved ones,
Died to call them all His own.
How for them He's interceding,
Watching over them from the throne!
Verse 3: Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus,
Love of every love the best!
'Tis an ocean vast of blessing,
'Tis a haven sweet of rest!
Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus,
'Tis a heaven of heavens to me.
And it lifts me up to glory,
For it lifts me up to Thee!
CCLI# 137178
The Power of the Cross (Oh to See the Dawn)
Written by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Recorded by DOXA on the album Centered
Verse 1: Oh, to see the dawn
Of the darkest day
Christ on the road to Calvary
Tried by sinful men
Torn and beaten, then
Nailed to a cross of wood
Chorus: This the pow'r of the cross
Christ became sin for us
Took the blame, bore the wrath
We stand forgiven at the cross
Verse 2: Oh, to see the pain
Written on Your face
Bearing the awesome weight of sin
Every bitter thought
Every evil deed
Crowning Your bloodstained brow
Verse 3: Now the daylight flees
Now the ground beneath
Quakes as its Maker bows His head
Curtain torn in two
Dead are raised to life
"Finished!" the vict'ry cry
Verse 4: Oh, to see my name
Written in the wounds
For through Your suffering I am free
Death is crushed to death
Life is mine to live
Won through Your selfless love
CCLI# 4490766
Nail My Glory
Written by Bob Kauflin, Devon Kauflin, & Isaac Watts
Recorded by DOXA on the album Centered
Verse 1: No more, my God, I boast no more
Of everything my hands have done
I quit the hopes I held before
To trust the merits of Your Son
Chorus: Now for His love I bear His name
My former pride I call my shame
What was my gain I count my loss
And I nail my glory to His cross
Verse 2: And by Your grace I will esteem
All things but loss for Jesus’ sake
Oh may my soul be found in Him
And of His righteousness partake
Verse 3: All of the works of my own hands
I dare not bring before Your throne
My faith responds to Your demands
By pleading what my Lord has done
CCLI# 5173484
To Him Who Sits on the Throne
Written by Debbye Graafsma
Recorded by DOXA on the album Centered
To Him Who sits on the throne
And unto the Lamb
Be blessing and glory and honor and power
To the holy Lamb of God
CCLI# 20429