April 2012


April 2012
April 2012
Volume 12, Issue 4
LWEN Express
Bryan-College Station, TX
LWEN’S VISION STATEMENT: To create a professional community of diverse backgrounds that offers a
positive and energetic atmosphere that nurtures opportunities for leadership, education, networking support
and recognition.
Inside this
President’s Letter
LWEN Calendar
Featured Business
Regional Info.
Executive Board
Photo Gallery
LWEN Business Ads
LWEN Executive
Board Candidates
News Article
Top Ten Candidates
News Article
ABWA Membership
LWEN Meeting
Member News/
President’s Letter
Spring is in the air and it’s exciting to see all the flowers and trees budding. The fields of bluebonnets are so inviting and we look forward to seeing all your photos with family and friends.
Our Spring Recruitment Campaign runs from March 1st through May 30th so “Start a Conversation” today and share your American Business Woman Association (ABWA) story.
This past month, seven members of the Leading Women Express Network attended the 2012
Western Regional Conference, in Oklahoma City, OK. Each receiving some additional KASH:
K-knowledge, A-attitude, S-skills, H-habits. Over the next few months these ladies will be sharing
some of their conference experience with the members through exciting presentations and articles
in our award winning newsletter the “LWEN Express”.
On April 11, 2012 our speaker Germaine Porche will present Leadership: The Art of Engagement.
Germaine is the President of Eagle’s View Consulting and Co-Author of Coach Anyone about
Anything. Our member featured in the Business of the Month will be Lisa Burton with MHMR
Authority of the Brazos Valley.
The New Member Orientation is scheduled for Tuesday, April 24th, 2012. Did you know that we
have had 41 new members to join LWEN since August 1, 2011? How many do you know personally? Remember this event is open to ALL LWEN members. Everyone in attendance is guaranteed
to learn at least one thing new!
Who has their Blue Suede Shoes? This year’s National Women’s Leadership Conference on October 11-13, 2012 in Memphis, Tennessee is shaking up to be another exciting event and one you
don’t want to miss. Don’t forget to log in to WIN for more information today.
In ABWA friendship!
Debbie Holladay
President 2011-2012
LWEN Express is published monthly by Leading Women Express Network of the American Business Women’s Association.
For more information or to submit an article, please contact the LWEN Newsletter Editor:
Miriam Rieck, Newsletter Editor. 979.589.1843 [email protected]
Volume 12, Issue 4
LWEN Celebrations
Stephen Beck-4
Judy Rekieta-7
Greta Messara Woodward-9
Amy Supak-12
Brooke Mason-12
D’angela Manago-24
Tyan Magruder-2009
Brnadi George-2010
Teri Nelson-2010
Kerry Beck-2011
Rebecca Brown-2011
We would like to extend our thanks to and acknowledge the Door Prize Donors for
Geanna Kincanon-G-Con Biotherapeutics, LLC
Lindsay Tadlock-Park Hudson Place
Sheree Boegner-Sassy Sheree
Kathryn Knotts-The Carlson Law Firm
Kathy Norwood–K.Norwood Portraiture
Diane Carmichael-Double Dave’s Pizza
Diane Carmichael-Mary Kay
Greta Messarra-Wells Fargo
Tina Gandy and Lina Lawson-Twinz Co Marketing
Kerry Beck-Send Out Cards
Jessica Lavender-Farmers Insurance
Lisa Burton-MHMR
Nicole Becka-Verizon
Allison Meserole-Bryan Broadcasting
Candace Hollis-American Classifieds
D’Angela Manago-Blue Baker
Volume 12, Issue 4
April 2012
April 11-LWEN Membership Meeting
(11:30 am –1:00 pm at Christopher’s World Grille)
April 24– New Member Orientation
April 26-HAC Quarterly Meeting
April 27-28-Central Regional Conference
Louisville, KY
MAY 2012
May 9-LWEN Membership Meeting and Officer Elections
(11:30 am –1:00 pm at Christopher’s World Grille)
May 17-Go Red for Women Luncheon
American Heart Association, Hilton Hotel
ABWA’s Proud Code of Conduct
1. All members will serve as goodwill ambassadors for the Ameri2.
can Business Women’s Association.
Members will not allow their personal beliefs and convictions to
interfere with the representation of ABWA’s mission.
Members will always treat their member colleagues, guests, vendors and sponsors with honesty, respect, fairness, integrity, responsibility, kindness, and in good faith.
Members will maintain compliance with ABWA National, Chapter and Express Network Bylaws.
Members will not use their personal power to advance their personal interests.
Members will strive for excellence in their professions by maintaining and enhancing their own business knowledge and skills,
and by encouraging the professional development of other members.
Leading Women Express
the 2nd Wednesday of each
11:30 am.- 1:00 pm
Christopher’s World Grille
5001 Boonville Rd, Bryan, TX
To attend meetings, RSVP to
Desarie Hobbs
VP of Arrangements
[email protected]
before 10:00am
Hey LWEN! Get Ready to WIN at www.ABWA.org/WIN
Volume 12, Issue 4
April Featured Business
Lisa Burton
MHMR Authority of Brazos Valley
Marketing & Staff Development
Clients Rights Officer
1504 Texas Avenue
Bryan, TX 77802
(Direct) 979-821-9402
(Fax) 979-361-9806
To sign up for Featured
Business of the month
please contact
Brandi Ring-Cooper
[email protected]
Are YOU taking
advantage of the
provided by the
networking table at
Volume 12, Issue 4
2012 ABWA Regional Conference Information
Volume 12, Issue 4
2012 ABWA Regional Conference Information
Volume 12, Issue 4
2011-2012 LWEN Executive Board Members
Positions and Contact Information
Debbie Holladay (979-680-1099)
[email protected]
Geanna Kincanon
[email protected]
VP of Programs
VP of Finance
Jennifer Burnett
Denise Joiner
J.burnett@ CCCreationsUSA.com
VP of Hospitality
Pamila Johnson
[email protected]
VP of Arrangements
Desarie Hobbs
[email protected]
VP of Public Relations
Sheree Boegner
[email protected]
VP of Membership
Lina Lawson
[email protected]
[email protected]
VP of Networking
Brandi Ring-Cooper
[email protected]
VP of Communication
Carmen Kubu
[email protected]
VP of Education/Resources
Linda Crenshaw
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
Miriam Rieck
[email protected]
Volume 12, Issue 4
March Meeting Photo Gallery
Volume 12, Issue 4
Advertise Your Business
Local & National News
Professional Mentors
Interactive Online Learning & Communication Tool
Professional Development Unit Credits (PDUs)
LWEN Message Board
Log In to WIN Today!!!
Volume 12, Issue 4
Support Your Local Business
Ad Space
Ad Space
Volume 12, Issue 4
2012-2013 Officer Election
Ladies and Gentleman– Presented below is the current slate of candidates for the 20122013 LWEN Executive Board.
President-Elect: Desarie Hobbs
VP Finance: Carma Kubu
VP Communications: Debbie Holladay & Rachel Dunham-Tatum
Newsletter Editor: Lina Lawson & Becky Smith
VP Programming: Pamila Johnson & Kerry Beck
VP Membership: Erika Ervin & Susan Keogh
VP Arrangements: Jana McDonald & Lisa Burton
VP Marketing & Public Relations: Amy Supak, Steven Beck & Daniella Kilgore
VP Networking: Brooke Mason & Linda Crenshaw
VP Hospitality: Jessica Gay Lavendar & Sheree Boegner
VP Education & Resources: Charlene Heath & Nicole Podraza
Officer Elections will take place at the May Membership Meeting.
For more information please contact:
Greta Messarra, LWEN Executive Officer Election Chairwoman at
[email protected]
Volume 12, Issue 4
How to Build Confidence
Submitted by Debbie Holladay
How to Build Confidence
Think only positive thoughts.
Speak your mind.
Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
Walk faster. Walk with purpose.
Stand in a confident manner: head up high, shoulders back, stomach in.
Look people in the eye and smile.
Introduce yourself to others. Don't wait for them to introduce themselves to you.
"You gain strength, courage and confidence every time you look fear in the face." ~Eleanor Roosevelt
The LWEN Express Newsletter won the 2012 Newsletter
Award at
The ABWA District II Regional Conference
Volume 12, Issue 4
Know Your Body Systems
Submitted by Teresa Gregurek
This information was presented by Rhonda Dial in a lecture at NSP Convention in Hawaii on
March 6, 2012.
If you are having a problem in the area between your breastbone and your navel, it is probably a
digestive issue, since this is where your stomach, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder are located. If
you are having a problem in the area between your navel and pubic bone, this is probably an intestinal issue. Most of us do not eat 50-80% of our food raw, if we did, we wouldn’t need enzymes. The cooking process destroys enzymes in our food. Enzymes are necessary for good digestion. Proactazyme and Food Enzymes are supplements that help digest food to avoid reflux
problems. It is important to sip water throughout the day – do not drink 4 oz or more at one time.
She commented she had several clients who had been on dialysis and were able to get off, after
learning how to strengthen their kidneys, which included sipping water throughout the day. For
those who have had gallbladder removed, Hi-Lipase is the enzyme needed to help digest fats, to
avoid digestive problems many of these people have. She also stressed the importance of being
hydrated during the day by sipping the water, so that our bones could renew during the night
while we sleep, to avoid “dry bones” and the many joint problems many people have. KB-C is
the herbal formula to help knee and back problems. Mild cleansing for the intestinal system
helps you have a flatter abdomen – for those with diverticulosis or colitis issues, Everybody’s
Fiber is a soothing blend which does not contain psyllium. For those with real constipation issues, Cascara is the strongest product to use. For those needing to do liver detox (anger issues,
etc.), Liver Balance helps, but it is important to make sure to clean the colon first, to help toxins
from the liver have an easy way out of the body.
I am planning on having some classes soon, based on this information. Call for any questions.
Teresa Gregurek R.N., Certified Natural Health Consultant, Herbs To Go, www.herbstogo.com
[email protected]
Volume 12, Issue 4
It’s Top Ten Time
Submitted by Geanna Kincanon
It is Top Ten time! The Top Ten Committee is pleased to provide the names of LWEN’s eligible
members to submit their candidate application forms to the 2013 Top Ten Business Woman of
ABWA. There are 11 eligible members this year.
Eligibility Requirements are:
Member in good standing both nationally and locally
Currently Employed
Current/Past Network Officer
ABWA member in good standing for at least three years as of May 15 of the nomination year
Have not previously been a Top Ten
Eligible Members:
Linda Crenshaw
Pam Green
Victoria Greene
Desarie Hobbs
Debbie Holladay
Denise Joiner
Pamila Johnson
Cindy May
Greta Messarra
Brandi Ring-Cooper
Debbie Waskow
Congratulations to these outstanding women. The committee encourages members listed above to
submit their application. Applications are due no later than April 6th. Once the application is received, they will be anonymously be presented to a three (3) member panel of judges who are NOT
members of ABWA. These judges will follow the grading procedures set forth under the national
by-laws with the exception of the ABWA Historical Profile section. The ABWA Historical Profile
section of the application will be judged by the three (3) member LWEN Top Ten Committee. The
Top Ten Candidate announcement will be held at the April LWEN meeting. The candidate’s application will then be submitted to ABWA national, no later than May 15th to be judged for the national honor.
For more information: please contact Geanna Kincanon, 2013 Top Ten Committee Chair at
[email protected]
Volume 12, Issue 4
Your Professional Best: Making Every Telephone Call Count
By Joan~Monday Motivators
Submitted by Geanna C. Kincanon, SPHR
Chances are excellent that within the next hour, you'll be picking up the phone to make or take a call. And
when you do, one of two things will happen (beyond the swapping of business-related information, of
1. You'll leave a first impression, or
2. You'll reinforce someone's impression of you.
Critical points, both! And yet, millions of us answer the phone each day sounding harried, disengaged,
deflated or uninterested. Why? Habit, mostly. With a ubiquitous tool like the telephone, it's easy to forget
that every opportunity to communicate either strengthens or weakens work relationships than can make
or break your professional success.
With that in mind, why not motivate yourself to take a different track- one where you pursue excellence
and focus on advancing your career?
Assess you phone skills. Without purposefully changing your tone or behavior, spend a day observing
how you work with the phone. What's your relationship to this critical workplace tool? How would you
rate your performance? Idea: Ask a trusted colleague or mentor to pay attention as able and to gauge this
over a period of time, sharing feedback that may help you improve.
Speak with enthusiasm. Address the person on the other end of the line with a smile on your face and
happiness in your voice. I know people who've intentionally installed small mirrors near their phones so
they can watch how they look when they speak. Trust me: Listeners can always tell when you're smiling.
(Plus, the extra effort to be friendly from the start often quells conflicts over the phone sooner and even
more effectively.)
Enunciate your words. Speak clearly and crisply (though not in a stuffy voice, of course). Although
phones are the next best thing to face-to-face conversation, it's important to respect the limitations of
this imperfect technology- one where static and other problems can easily cause miscommunication
when basic language skills falter.
Make every call count. Be efficient by taking notes as you speak, starting with the person's name and
number. Or, if you're making the call, know in advance the main points you plan to cover. Studies show
preparation and attentiveness can pare down your calling time by 40%. That's something every professional you communicate with by phone can and will appreciate.
Final thought: When's the last time you listened to your own voice mail message? Make a habit of checking it every so often. Call yourself as a client would. Do you sound friendly? Welcoming? If you're placed
on hold for any reason, is the music or message functioning properly?
Make a decision today to put your best voice forward- and choose to advance your career though even
better telephone skills! Good luck!
Volume 12, Issue 4
Volume 12, Issue 4
March Meeting Minutes
Debbie Holladay welcomed the LWEN Members and Guests and called the meeting to order at
11:50 a.m. Debbie led the group in reciting the ABWA Mission Statement
Greta Messarra Woodward, Chairwoman of the Nominating Committee, asked members to please send
her an email nominating someone or self-nominating for a position on the 2012-2013 LWEN Board before
March 31st.
Geanna Kincanon, Chairwoman of Top Ten Nominating Committee, reminded members to apply for
ABWA’s Top Ten Woman of the Year.
Lina Lawson led the Member & Guest Introductions. Lina also asked members to save the date, April
24th, for our new member orientation. She also thanked Jimmy Loup of Grub Burger Bar for hosting our
social and new member solicitation event last Thursday and providing the appetizers.
Debbie Holladay introduced the Professional Development Speaker of the month,
Laura Morlando – The Stress Commando, whose topic was Energizing Your Network Attitude To Market
Your Business and Yourself in 5 Easy Steps.
Brandi Ring-Cooper introduced the Featured Business of the Month, Kathryn Knotts, The Carlson Law
Pamila Johnson drew a ticket for the 50/50 drawing which was won by Allison Meserole.
Brandi Ring-Cooper drew business cards for door prizes while Cindy May and Christi Hendricks assisted in handing out the prizes to the winners.
Debbie Holladay adjourned the meeting at 1:10 p.m. and thanked the Members and Guests for
Respectfully submitted, Carma Kubu, VP of Communications
Volume 12, Issue 4
Member News/Spotlight
Submitted by Pamila Johnson, VP of Hospitality
Silent Auction Description and Winners: Amount Raised: $1010
A huge thank you to all who participated in the February 2012 Silent Auction LWEN fundraiser. Your generosity will assist those members who
wish to attend ABWA conferences and seek professional development. You are an amazing group of women that truly understands the importance of supporting our LWEN members.
Yoga Basket-Susan Keough, A Moment in Time
Winner Desarie Hobbs, Compass Bank Mortgage
Sweetheart Package Basket–Dara Neyland, Dara May Photography
Winner: Desarie Hobbs, Compass Bank Mortgage
Take Pride In Your Look Basket–Heather Simmen , Pride Cleaners
Winner: Desarie Hobbs, Compass Bank Mortgage
Innovative Fitness–One month free Classes – Trevor Carney, Innovative Fitness
Winner: Pam Green, Texas A&M Engineering Communications
One Hour Massage-Trevor Carney with Innovative Fitness
Winner: Dara Neyland, Dara May Photography
“Totally Sweet On You” Basket-Shasta Horn, Total Automotive
Winner: Dara Neyland, Dara May Photography
”Cuddle Up with Me” Valentine Basket–Lina Lawson and Tina Gandy with Twinz Co. Marketing Co.
Winner: Heather Simmen, Pride Cleaners
Queen Basket-Pamila Johnson with Cortiers Real Estate
Winner: Heather Simmens, Pride Cleaners
Barbeque and Grilling Basket-Kathryn Knotts, Carlson Law Firm
Winner: Lina Lawson, Twinz Co. Marketing
“My Space” Basket-Lina Lawson and Tina Gandy with Twinz Co. Marketing
Winner: Amy Payne, The Bank & Trust, BCS
Valentines Basket-Jana McDonald and Kathryn Jackson, TAMU Telecommunications
Winner: Mary Beckmen, Shipwrek Grill
Life Fitness Basket-Erika Ervin, Sky Blue Life Fitness
Winner: Mary Beckmen, Shipwrek Grill
“New Year New You” Basket-Dara Neyland, Dara May Photography
Winner: Susan Keough, A Moment in Time
“Hoop… Here It Is” Basket-Jennifer Burnett, C.C. Creations
Winner: Kathryn Knotts, Carlson Law Firm
“Oops a Daisy” Wine Basket-Lina Lawson and Tina Gandy with Twinz Co. Marketing
Winner: Kathryn Knotts, Carlson Law Firm
A Simple Solution to Your “Website Worries” Basket-Stephen Beck, Simple Solutions
Winner: Stacy Rowse, Compassionate Care Hospice
Beauty Basket-Karrie Mix, Kolor Avenues
Winner: Pamila Johnson, Cortiers Real Estate
Book “Red Mist” by Patricia Cornwell-Christi Hendricks, Carousel Paperback Books
Winner: Pamila Johnson
Nature’s Sunshine Products Basket-Teresa Gregurek, Herbs to Go
Winner: Pamila Johnson, Cortiers Real Estate
“Well Thank You” Basket-Lina Lawson and Tina Gandy, Twinz Co. Marketing
Winner: Carol Crutchfield, C.C. Creations
IPOD Docking Station with Speakers-Kathryn Knotts, Carlson Law Firm
Winner: Karen Kasper, Witt’s End
“Wine and Dine Me” Basket-Lina Lawson and Tina Gandy, Twinz Co. Marketing
Winner: Amie Matejke, Girling Home Health Care
Cash Donations to the Silent Auction:
Lina Lawson, Twinz Co. Marketing -$5
Carol Crutchfield, C.C. Creations -$10
Carma Kubu, Rose Rock Capital Group - $27
Volume 12, Issue 4
ABWA-National Women’s Leadership Conference
Volume 12, Issue 4