Final December Layout- - Chadwick International


Final December Layout- - Chadwick International
VOL.2 NO.2
December, 2014
The Chadwick Waves
Revealing Santa’s Secret
How old were you when you believed in
Santa Claus? Santa Claus is a symbol of youth and
innocence. Every Christmas Eve, children are excited
and are filled with big expectations of receiving
presents from Santa Claus. Every night before
Christmas, children wonder and try to stay up that
night waiting for Santa Claus to come to their house
through the chimney.
The real history of Santa Claus though, didn’t
begin from a grandfather sneaking into the chimney
of their grandson’s house to give the presents. Saint
Nicholas was an actual man who finally changed over
the years into Santa Claus. He wanted to help a poor
nobleman with three daughters, but he wanted to do it
anonymously. Thus, he decided to throw three bags of
gold through the nobleman’s window. However, the
nobleman found out who had given the gold, and
after that, anonymous gifts of charity often were
attributed to Saint Nicholas.
In 1930, Santa Claus was first being used in
an advertisement for the Coca Cola Company. This
ad made Santa wear red clothes (since the color of
By Serah Park
Coca-Cola is red), and now the prevalent image of
Santa Claus is an exaggerated version of the original
concept of Santa Claus, which is to help the poor or
Even though Santa Claus is a hypothetical
character, he still has a big effect on all age groups.
Adults keep the magic alive for younger generations
who still believe in him. Parents buy presents for
their children, couples buy Christmas gifts for each
other, and sons and daughters buy presents for their
As mentioned before, during the weeks
before Christmas and New Year’s Day, people are
busy buying presents for their family, and it leads to a
huge increase in the consumption rate, which
positively affects the economy.
Even though Santa Claus is an imaginary
character, he makes the world beautiful - even though
he only does so during the Christmas season - full of
children’s smiles, happiness flowing around the
streets, and pleasure for both those who give or
receive presents.
Life Threatening Virus Korean and American School Students
Studying for Scholastic Ability Test
Ebola By Haeji Kim
Ebola is a serious issue all around the
world these days. Many people have been exposed and
many have died due to Ebola. Ebola doesn’t spread
through air or food, but rather through body fluids.
The Ebola virus has been in around for more
than 35 years, however it got serious in March 2014. It is
spreading very quickly through the western part of Africa
and many people are taking action by making treatment
and medicines to prevent more people from dying and
getting infected. Recently, Ebola has been studied and
vaccine trials have started in Baltimore. Also in the
University of Maryland School of Medicine is also
researching new medicines to cure Ebola. Since Ebola is
a very major issue these day, in many parts of the world,
the medicine is being tested and used in trials in
countries such as Britain and Switzerland. Here are some
suggestions that help prevent people from getting
infected by Ebola:
1. Wash your hands frequently with soap
2. Try to avoid other people’s body fluids or blood
3. Avoid places where Ebola patients are being treated.
4. Avoid going to areas where Ebola has been reported
By Yunji Kim
On November 13th, Korean high school
seniors took the Korean Scholastic Ability Test
(수능). It happens only once a year in Korea, so it
was a really important day for the seniors. They
only concentrated on studying for a year because
of the Korean SAT and they had no choice in
what to do. They had to study seven subjects in
total, which were Korean Literature, Math,
English, Social Studies/Scientific Inquiry/
Vocational Education, and a Second Foreign
Language. People in Korea encouraged and
wished them good luck.
After eight hours of nervousness, seniors
finally finished the test and there were not only
people who were crying, but also students who
were smiling because they were done with the
tests. If they are not satisfied with the tests results,
they have to wait another year to take it again
until they are pleased with it. Since the test
happens once a year, it was unlucky for students
who were not feeling well on that day. So, some
were tormented that they had studied for such a
long time only for the Korean SAT test but ended
up with an unfortunate result. In extreme cases, a
few of the students take these results so badly that
they even commit suicide.
Chadwick International students are
studying for the American SAT and there are clear
differences from the Korean SAT. There is more
than one opportunity for students to take the
American SAT in a year, because they can retake
the test even if they are satisfied with the result.
They only take three subjects which are Reading,
Math, and Writing and it takes more than 3 hours.
Not only can seniors can take the test but also
sophomores and juniors are allowed to take it.
They do not have to take it again once they are
done and can turn the American SAT score in
when they apply for university.
Because many people around the world
take the American SAT, there have been incidents
that the tests were leaked and some cheated to get
high scores. Korea was not an exception. America
has lost faith in Korea and there is a high
possibility that some schools in America have
doubts about the scores Korean students turn in.
Korea high school seniors have endured
through the big tests. Students who just took the
Korean SAT said, “I tried not to get nervous
before the test, but I got really nervous when I
was taking the test. I felt like I have to score good
grade in the subjects I’m good at, so I was
burdened about it. After the test, I felt futile.” She
also gave some advice to the next Korean SAT
test takers, “There is a possibility that you might
not get the score you usually get, so to prepare for
that, you should not only apply to higher
universities.” Some CI students are done with
SAT test, while others are still studying for it.
Emily Park (Grade 11), who is the same age as
Korean high school seniors, said, “the American
SAT is better than the Korean test. The American
SAT gives students an opportunity to choose the
date and they can take the test more than once a
year. But the test is in English, and most
international students are not as comfortable as
students who have English as their first
December, 2014
MC Mong’s Comeback Heats South Korea with Debates
By Irene Kim
The title of MC Mong’s new album -“Miss me or
Diss Me”- clearly provides insight into Korea’s
heated controversy over his comeback in September:
people longed for his musical comeback, but also
hate him for what he has done.
“Miss me or Diss me” has 13 tracks overall,
featuring some of the most popular Korean artists Hyorin, Ailee, Lyn, Bumkey and etc. The album’s
listed songs, unlike his previous music, are rather
serious in their styles, like the title track “Did You
Miss Me?” portraying senses of loneliness and fear.
MC Mong gained a huge amount of support from
his fans throughout the first few years of his solo
career. He was mainly known for his upbeat and
comic musical style. Although he first appeared on
Korean TVs as a member of the hip hop group, The
People Crew, in 1998, his existence was often
eclipsed by other members of the group. His rise to
fame only began with his commitment to the Korean
entertainment show “Non-Stop 4” in 2004. Later on,
he began his solo career with his first album “180
Degrees” in 2004. Since then, he had relative
success in his musical achievements.
Then what is the problem with bright musician?
Throughout his career, MC Mong has
continuously been involved in controversy.
Examples include his open criticism against
homosexuals on the entertainment show, “Most
Wanted”, in 2006, and his smoking scene in another
entertainment show, “1 Night 2 Days”, in 2008. The
best known controversy, however, is his avoidance
of our mandatory military service. The Korean
Military Service Laws, as mandated by the South
Korean Constitution, state that all Korean men aged
between 18 to 30 need to fulfill their mandatory
military service. The only exceptions to this law are
those ranking 4 or higher in the physical
examinations. In South Korea, all men need to go
through a series of physical examinations to decide
if they are eligible for enlistment - anyone ranked as
1,2,3 are qualified for military service, while anyone
ranked as 4,5,6 are sentenced to public service or
complete exemption from the service. In 2010,
numerous evidence suggested that MC Mong pulled
out some of his teeth to avoid military service; he
later received a ranking of 5. The evidence was put
forth by a dentist, who claimed to have been offered
₩80 million to pull out his healthy teeth. MC Mong
denied the story, claiming that the money was a
payment back to the dentist, which the dentist first
offered him as an investment source. As a result, he
was cleared of the charge of military dodging.
However, he was found guilty of numerous attempts
to postpone his enlistment date. His excuses include
foreign travel and preparation for the civil service
exam - he actually used the time for his own musical
career. As a punishment, MC Mong went through a
year of probation, was handed a 6-month suspended
American College vs. Korean College
jail sentence and did 120 hours of community
service. He was also banned from both KBS and
MBC. Later on, numerous media still raised
questions about his willingness to join the army; in
response, MC Mong expressed disappointment at
his inability to join the army due to the age limit.
The media, understanding his concern, suggested he
volunteer to fulfill his service -volunteers can fulfill
the service until the age of 35 and at that time MC
Mong was 31 years old. However, MC Mong chose
to stay inactive for 5 more years, leaving one to
wonder whether he intended to miss the mandatory
military service altogether or if he was spending the
time reflecting on his wrong-doings?
His comeback, therefore, was the center of a hot
debate in Korea. Some supported the continuation of
his musical career, while others remained skeptical
of his 5-year inactivity. His supporters listed
examples of other celebrity law-violators - Hyeonggi Jo, Hyuk-Jae Lee, G-Dragon and etc - who had
shorter periods of inactivity, and argued that his five
years of inactivity was enough to be forgiven. In the
eyes of those against MC Mong’s comeback,
however, MC Mong was merely a criminal trying to
avoid his necessary duty by whatever means.
Despite all these disputes, MC Mong’s new
comeback album managed to attain top positions in
all Korean music charts.
The issue of military conscription is a heavy
subject in South Korea. The nation is still officially
at war with the North, and it is considered the
responsibility of every Korean man to show his
patriotic love toward country by fulfilling the
service. While numerous opinions exist for MC
Mong’s actions, it is questionable whether the
musician’s future career will be any more stable.
By Diana Kim
Diana: Hey, what are you thinking about?
make diverse friends?
Minjin: Okay. I’ll be out soon.
Minjin: I’m a junior and I don’t know which college
to go to. Would any college even accept me?
Diana: Sure, do you have any preferences?
Minjin: I can’t choose between a Korean university or
an American one.
Diana: Of course, you should go to an American
college. You are a student at an international school.
You will have a better opportunity to study in the
States. What do your parents say?
Minjin: My parents gave me freedom, so it doesn’t
really matter. But, my home is in Korea, and I don’t
want to leave my family behind.
Diana: You can come back during vacation and I’m
sure they will come and visit you on holidays.
Minjin: Yeah, but that is not the same. I won’t have
them nearby to be able to talk to or spend time with.
Diana: Yes, but you also need to develop your
independence. You are not a child anymore.You need
to learn to take care of yourself and start to learn to
make your own decisions.
<Knocking at the door>
Mother: Minjin-ah? Who are you talking with?
Minjin: Uh…no one, Mother. I’m just talking to
Mother: Ummm…Dinner is ready.
Minjin: Sorry about that. But, I don’t have to study in
a different country to learn independence. I can stay in
a dorm at a university here or I can get a place near
campus. And, honestly, I am afraid to live in a foreign
country. Isn’t it dangerous?
Diana: Not really, it depends on you. If you don’t
make yourself a target for crimes then you’ll be fine.
You are more likely to be killed in a car accident in
Korea than being shot at in a drive-by in the States.
Minjin: Alright...but, you know there is the money
factor, too. We will have to pay more to settle in a
foreign country.
Diana: Yes, that is true. But, there are opportunities
for scholarships to help pay the extra costs. Some big
companies here will cover all your costs to study in
the States if you qualify. And, a college degree is like
an investment that will provide bigger returns in the
end. Also, living and studying in another country will
be so easy. The world is global and systems are
Minjin: Oh, really?
about the systems like
mailing, transportation, etc.
are so difficult to learn.
Then what
Diana: Come on, you should
learn those. It might be hard at first,
but you’ll get used to them. Stop
worrying about those little things. College is a
place to form networks. Don’t you want to
Minjin: Yes, I do. But, I am going to live in Korea
after I graduate, so I need to build relationships with
people here since I will be working with them in the
Diana: That doesn’t mean you don’t need global
relationships. Moreover, an American university can
help you build your path to your future. Korean
universities just give you a degree to let you to end up
in a big company. They don’t educate well and
provide the necessities to succeed and develop your
Minjin: But, there are many things that I would risk.
Diana: Isn’t it very challenging to get into a Korean
college? There are good American universities, that
are less known. In Korean society, if you don’t
go to a top 10 university then you are treated
<Screaming from outside the room>
Mother: Minjin-ah! Stop talking to
yourself and come and eat dinner!
Minjin: Alright,
mother. I’m coming!
Minjin: I guess I still need
to think more. Thanks, Diana.
Diana: No problem. Hurry up
and eat. Planning our future makes
a girl hungry.
December, 2014
By Peter Kang
Photo taken by Mr.Wong
With a great kick off, the basketball season
has finally begun. This year, Chadwick International
has entered a different division to stretch the team
further. Last year, our players’ outstanding
performances enabled Chadwick to step up to a higher
division called the “Red Division”.
A few weeks ago, both the boy’s and girl’s
basketball teams went to KIS to play in a pre-season
tournament. The players played fiercely against other
schools. Chadwick lost all of the games with huge
score differences. However, the Dolphins did not let
their heads go down but rather pondered how they
should play better in the future and showed
Chadwick’s sportsmanship.
On November the 21st, Chadwick
International had their first away game at KIS. Unlike
last season, all the cheerleaders came along with the
basketball players. The support from the cheerleaders
not only excited the players but also helped them
focus. The basketball players were able to strengthen
their energy and were able to concentrate on their
When I asked the players what the score was,
nobody knew. It was very interesting so I asked the
players, “How come none of you know the score?”
They replied, “Because we don’t care about the
score.” This showed how they only care about their
team plays rather the actual scores. Additionally I
asked Jin, one of the varsity players, “What should we
do to improve as a team?” He said, “We should be
more open and need to get used to playing with each
other, not playing for ourselves.”
Looking forward to the rest of the season,
there are many chances to demonstrate our full
potential. Our basketball players are practicing
vigorously and intensely which will eventually help
the players grow as a team.
Iran Beats South Korea In Friendly Match
By Betty Lee
On Tuesday November 18th, Iran’s national
soccer team gained a victory against South Korea
(1-0) in a friendly match in its preparation for the
Asian Cup. The match was held in the Azadi Stadium
in Tehran, the capital of Iran.
South Korea had the control of the ball in the
first half of the game with several scoring
opportunities. However, Iran’s defense and goalkeeper
prevented them from scoring. The atmosphere of the
match changed in the second half. Both teams tried to
keep the ball in the middle of the field, demonstrating
the tension between them.
The Iranian players showed respect toward
South Korea even when the match was over. The
coach of the Iranian national team, Carlos Queiroz,
said, “I’m grateful from the bottom of my heart once
How to Live in Luxuries
By Isaac Lee
Anxiety and insecurity are two of the biggest
problems that people face. There are many healthy
ways to overcome the problems. Those people put
value in money and luxuries, which they believe will
cure them of their insecurities. Often, those people
buy luxuries even if they cannot financially afford
them; this dangerous behavior can lead to credit card
debt which can deprive them of quality of life, jobs,
and social activities. If the problem is with the high
price tag, then the solution is simple; replace your
luxuries with something always affordable and always
available: poop.
Poop is a perfect replacement for Channell or
Loui Vuitton because there is always plenty of Po.
Due to the high supply, the price will inevitably
decrease. Those materialists can buy pounds of poop
again since we
played South
Korea. Please
message to the
Korean officials
and fans for
coming to Iran
and playing us.”
Despite the amount of effort that South
Korean players exemplified, the results of the match
was disappointing. However, these two teams are
likely to confront each other in the Asian Cup semi
finals, whose 16th edition will be held between
January 9 and 31, 2015, in Australia. It will be a
chance for South Korea to triumph against Iran.
with the same pleasure of buying a Loui Vuitton bag
but without the credit debt! What benefit are there in
wearing a chain made of metal around neck or
piercing it through skin? And, in reality, the atomic
difference between a leather purse and poop is hardly
noticeable. The only differences are the different
elements and the different bonding structures.
Everything is about how one values the object. And
just as easily as people appreciating leashes around
their necks or piercing their skin, they can easily value
In fact, poop are better suited as fashion items
since new ones are produced every second and none
are identical. Every morning, department stores can
showcase the new products with whole new designs
and models can catwalk down the runway, carrying
fresh poop. Poop will not only never fall short of the
consumers’ tastes, but will boost the economy! Also,
poop are more malleable than leather and metal are,
allowing the designers to come up with new designs.
More than just fashion items, poop can also serve
to make the materialists feel superior over others. The
Cheer For The
Dolphins By Jae Won Hyun
Photo taken by Mr.Wong
The second trimester has just begun and the
Chadwickian athletes are settled back in their shoes,
ready to take off for another successful season.
Cheerleading, known to be one of the most
competitive sports at school, had a superb start with a
high number of try out participants.
With such an immense team, selecting a
number of captains was necessary. Minsuh Park was
selected as the head captain, taking charge of both
varsity and junior teams. Christine Kang and Susie
Lee cheer with the Varsity up in front while the
Junior-varsity is led by Haeji Kim and Dain Choi.
After weeks of assiduous practice, the team
went to their first away game at KIS to cheer for the
basketball team. Although the team got defeated, the
school spirit and exuberance that the cheerleaders
showed was very compelling. Hyeseong Yoon, a
Junior-varsity cheerleader said, “I felt very proud to
cheer for the basketball players who were playing
against KIS and I’m really aroused to cheer in the
upcoming matches!”.
Currently, the cheerleaders are diligently
preparing for their next cheer on December 3rd
during the game against GSIS and even in the
following games. Chadwick is looking forward to
great teamwork and progress of the cheerleaders in
this season.
smell of the poop will make the pedestrians stay away
from the rich. Just as the materialists feel superior
driving expensive cars and seeing other cars drive at a
distant in the fear of bumping into them, poop will
certainly serve the same function. Such stinking
smells should not be a problem for the owners. After
all, if they can endure the agony of punching holes in
their bodies, the pungent smells of poop will not be
difficult for them at all.
Now how could anyone possibly call poop
worthless, when it serves us much better than
Channell bags? More importantly, it will allow the
materialists to finally satisfy their endless craving for
items. In fact, if any materialists start feeling insecure,
they can simply take a dump in the bathroom, put the
poop in their pocket, and feel secure again. It will save
a trip to the department store and waste fewer
resources that could be utilized more efficiently.
However, if any materialists believe that this is too
savage, then there is better solution: find value in
things that last, such as love, family, and friends.
Journalism Staff
Advisor: Mr.Read
Editor-in-Chief: Yunji Kim
Entertainment Editor: Jay Lee
Photographer: Mr.Wong
Sports Editor: Betty Lee
Features Editor: Irene Kim
Reporters: Diana Kim
Jennifer Rim
Isaac Lee
Jaewon Hyun
Lynn Kim
Peter Kang
Serah Park
"Avengers: Age of Ultron" Secrets Uncovered
Marvel Studios released the second
extended trailer of Avengers: Age of Ultron. In this
new trailer, there seems to be more things added
than the first trailer that Marvel released. Lets take a
look at what this new extended trailer and see what
plot detail it can give us.
In the latest trailer of Age of Ultron which
will hit theaters in May 2015, more shots of the
movie were released along with more dialogue from
Ultron who is voiced and motion captured by James
Spader. Not only were we able to see how Thor
looked in normal Earth clothes, but also a shot of
each Avenger from the film.
There seems to be additional footage of the
soldiers dressed in white and the fortress on the top
of the mountain. We can probably estimate that the
soldiers may be from HYDRA, a terrorist
organization created during the Nazi era. During one
December, 2014
By Jay Lee
of the scenes in the trailer, the soldiers in white were
firing guns that emitted blue rays. In the Marvel
Cinematic Universe, HYDRA is the only
organization that had any artillery that emitted blue
rays. Not only that, when the blonde man and the
brunet woman are standing behind Ultron, we are
able to get a glimpse of the base that they are in.
During the post-credit scenes in Captain America:
The Winter Soldier, we saw a HYDRA base looking
very similar to the one in the trailer.
Another thing that we saw in the trailer was
Loki’s scepter from the first Avengers film. And the
camera emphasizing more on the stone that is
implanted in the scepter. Since Marvel has planned a
whole new line of Phase 3 movies, it is believed
Loki’s scepter may be connected to setting the
background for the third and fourth film of
Avengers: Infinity Wars Part 1 and Part 2.
Furthermore, as we progress throughout the
trailer, we see Thor drop his hammer and scream in
a pool of water. He is also seen choking Tony Stark.
It is possible that there was something that happened
to Thor to make him turn against his own friends.
But another thing that could happen is that the
events of this film will lead to Captain America:
Civil War.
Finally, probably the biggest catch out of
this trailer is that the two new characters,
Quicksilver (the blonde man) and Scarlet Witch (the
brunet woman in red), which are twins, are ally
turned enemies. As seen in the trailer, as they stand
behind Ultron, we get the thought that they are
working for Ultron, but as the trailer progresses, we
can see Quicksilver fighting a what seems to be an
Ultron drone. This gives us a major plot detail that
they may be turning against Ultron and fighting with
the Avengers.
There are still more stuff that hasn’t been
uncovered and we’re going to have to wait for more
trailer releases and learn more about the movie.
Let’s hope that the Avengers kick some butts.
To the magical world,
Musical “Cats”! By Jennifer Rim
Are you stressed out by preparing your final
exams? If you want to relieve stress from studying,
watching Musical Cats will be a great option to
choose. “Cats” is one of the famous broadway
musical worldwide that you might have heard once
before. The musical has perfect harmony of splendid
performance and music that evokes magical
imagination among audiences. Elaborate make up
and elaborate motions efficiently expresses humancat. “Cats” musical might lead you to a completely
magical world that you have never experienced
before. !
The musical is based on T.S Elliot’s “Old
Possum’s Book of Practical Cats”. Each musical
number is a story of different cats who tells its story
by singing a song. The musical tells the story of tribe
of cats called the Jellicles and they make decisions
and the night they make what is known as “the
Jellicle choice” and decides which cat will ascend to
the Heaviside Layer and come back to a new life.
There are several famous songs in the musical and
the most popular song among them is “Memory”,
which is sung by Grizabella, a one time glamour cat
who is now old. The song is a nostalgic reminisce of
her glorious past and a declaration of her hope to
start a new life. The song has made an unforgettable
scene for audience because the lyrics, Elaine Page’s
pure voice and motions completely harmonized well
and touched the audience.
The musical “Cats” tour team came to Korea!
The show will be held around Korea and it will be
held in Incheon art center on December 12 until
December 14 which is close to Songdo. By taking
bus, it only takes about 30 minutes. The ticket fee
varies from 30,000 won to 140,000 won and the
price depends on the seat. !
You should not miss this great opportunity.
Enjoy the musical “Cats” with your family and
friends on December and make memorable events!!