Revised for the graduate school of the University of Tokyo Deformation and Strength Characteristics of Granular Materials: from experimental research for the last 35 years by a geotechnical engineering researcher III-3 March 29 – April 6, 2005 Paris, France Tatsuoka, F. Department of Civil Engineering Tokyo University of Science Ageing effect (Hypo) Elasticity Plasticity Viscosity Shear stress, τ Non-linear pre-peak stress-strain behaviour Peak strength Inherent anisotropy Strain softening Rate effects Shear banding with particle size effects Dilatancy Behaviour at small strains 0 Shear strain, γ (averaged for a specimen) Pressure-dependency Non-linear pre-peak stress-strain behaviour: 1. General; strain-non-linearity and pressurenon-linearity 2. Shear and compression yielding mechanisms and the shape of yield loci 3. Effects of isotropic over-compression and isotropic sustained loading 4. Dilatancy 5. Case history Case history: Recent Geotechnical Investigation for a new long suspension bridge at Kitan Strait Akashi Strait Bridge Yura-seto Bridge Akashi strait bridge Topography at the sea bottom Aルート Bルート Yura Seto channel 海底地形測量 海底地形 マルチナロビーム音響測深機 General plan of Yura-Seto Bridge and general ground conditions. ←Awaji Island Okino shima Iskand → Total bridge length: 3,920 m Central span: 2,150 1,000 m 770 m 3P 2P 1A 4A Okino Shima Island Awaji Island Uncemented Holocene and Pleistocene deposits Holocene deposit 0m Osaka group -50 Holocene deposit 100 Hard rock 100 -200 -250 -250 -300 -50 -150 -150 -200 Terrace deposit 0m (Izumi formation) -300 General geological conditions at at the Yura Seto channel Okino Shima Island Awaji Island Uncemented Holocene and Pleistocene deposits Holocene deposit 0m Osaka group -50 Holocene deposit Terrace deposit 0m -50 100 100 -150 -150 -200 Hard rock -250 -250 -300 -200 (Izumi formation) -300 Ground conditions Piers 2P & 3P: hard rock (basically no problem) Anchorage 4A: alternative layers of sandstone and mudstone (hard rock) (bearing capacity of tunnel anchorage; no serious problem) Anchorage 1A: alternative layers of uncemented gravel, sand and clay (as the foundation becomes shallower, the construction cost decreases, but the estimated settlement of the footing increases) Izumi group (hard rock) Pleistocene Terrace deposit Upper Osaka group Lower Osaka group Where is the relevant compromise between a lower cost (by a shallower foundation) and a smaller residual settlement (by a deeper foundation) ? Altitude (T.P.) (m) Holocene Anchorage 1A (route B) Diaphragm walls Holocene deposits Diaphragm walls Terrace deposit Pleistocene deposits Osaka group (upper) TP – 71 m Osaka group (lower) Currently considered design Some characteristic geotechnical engineering issues: 1. Uncemented clay layers exist below a foundation for a long suspension bridge; the first experience in Japan. 2. The feasibility of the construction of Anchorage A1, allowing a limited amount of residual settlement, depends on the reliability of settlement prediction. 3. A relevant compromise between a lower cost (by a shallower foundation) and a smaller residual settlement (by a deeper foundation) should be found. Detailed site investigation and sampling, 1999 – 2000, at A1 site for route B No.1; 1999 (dia.= 200 mm) Investigation in 1998 No. 3; 2000 (dia.= 66 mm) No. 2: 2000 (dia.= 116 mm) Investigation in 1999 & 2000 Yura Seto channel 2000 (dia.= 66 mm) 1999 (dia.= 200 mm) mm) 2000 (dia.= 116 Holocene Bルート 1A柱状図 About 2 million years (m.y.) at the top Pleistocene Hard rock Boring logs at 1A site, route B 2000 (dia.= 66 mm) 1999 (dia.= 200 mm) mm) 2000 (dia.= 116 Pleistocen e Bルート About 20,000 years 1A柱状図 at the top Terrace deposit Osaka group (upper) About 0.27 – 0.87 million years Osaka group (lower) About 1.6 million years at the top: about 2.64 +- 0.57 million years at a depth of 160 m Hard rock Silty sand to sand & gravel Clay to silt Boring logs at 1A site, route B Issues with the Pleistocene deposit - 1 Reliable evaluation of the compressibility (including consolidation property and viscous property), in particular, of thin clay layers a) Very complicated layering, consisting of a number of alternative relatively thin clay, sand and gravel layers - How to model the site ? 1A 2P 3P 4A Uncemented Holocene and Pleistocene deposits Awaji Hard rock (Izumi formation) Okino Shima Island Issues with the Pleistocene deposit - 2 b) Compressibility of clay layers controls the footing settlement - The compressibility of sand & gravel layers; similar* to the one of the gravel layer supporting pier P2 of Akashi bridge, which exhibited allowable settlements, *judged based on the shear wave velocity, dry density and drained TC stress-strain behaviour. 1A 2P 3P 4A Uncemented Holocene and Pleistocene deposits Awaji Hard rock (Izumi formation) Okino Shima Island Issues with the Pleistocene deposit - 3 c) Small strain problem, unlike compression of soft clay - Stiffness from shear wave velocity; useful ? d)Undisturbed sampling - Very difficult with both gravel and clay samples due to complicated layering e)Significant bedding error on oedometer tests on stiff clay: Anisotropic triaxial compression tests using LDTs f) Usefulness of conventional PMTs ? 1A 2P 3P 4A Uncemented Holocene and Pleistocene deposits Awaji Hard rock (Izumi formation) Okino Shima Island BoringNo. 1999 2000 2000 (200mm) (116mm) (66mm) SPTblowcount ρt(t/m3) Water contnet, wn (%) Altitude Layer name 1.7 Sampling Sampling Fieldtests (m) 1.9 2.1 2.3 0 10 20 30 40 50 2.5 Elastic wave velocity (m/sec) 0 1000 Gravel 49.85 -48.7 57.00 -44.1 63.70 -62.5 Clay 66.85 69.60 -65.7 -68.4 Sand 73.75 -72.6 Gravel 80.05 82.65 84.70 -78.9 -81.5 -83.5 92.75 -91.6 99.70 -98.5 Sand 102.60 -101.4 Clay 106.10 -104.9 Gravel Sand Clay Clay Sand S-g with cobbles Sand Sand Holocene 板(3)Down た た き :hole H11年 度 (1999) -20 サ(4)Suspension ス ペ ン シ ョ ン (V:)V p P サ(5)Suspension ス ペ ン シ ョ ン (V:S)V s -30 -44.1 Sand Gravel -21.3 45.30 Sandgravel Sand Gravel 22.50 Clay Gravel Clay -16.1 Sandgravel with cobbles Sand Sandgravel Sand 17.30 -40 Terrace Clay 板(2)Down た た き :hole H12年 度 (2000) -10 (2) SPT blow count, N value -50 -60 Uppper Osaka Sandgravel with cobbles Sandgravel with cobbles Clay 0 Sandgravel with cobbles (3) -70 (3) -80 Sand Clay Clay Fine sand Sand Clay Sand Clay 113.15 -112.0 Sand 116.53 -115.4 Clay 120.30 -119.1 Hard rock (sandstone & gavelstone ) 138.50 -137.3 Loweest Osaka group Clay 3000 サ(1)Suspension ス ペ ン シ ョ ン :H12 (2000) 年 度 0 Sandgravel with cobbles 2000 1.2 Izumi group Very complicated layering, consisting of a number of alternative relatively thin clay, sand and gravel layers Depth Total unit weight -90 Undisturbed samples (2) wn (%) (4) -100 (1) -110 -120 密度 In-situloggin w検 ith層 Field bamma ray density室内土質 -130 logging 試験 -140 (5) Vs VP “Undisturbed” sampling along route B Clay: dia.= 116 mm SAND & gravel: dia.= 20 mm A sufficient amount of sample could not been retrieved from many thin clay layers by 200 mm-dia. RCT sampling, while sand and gravel samples were difficult to retrieve by 116 mm-dia. thin wall tube sampling. Silty sand to sand & gravel Boring log (1) 試験結果深度分布図(1) Total unit weight 湿潤密度ρt (gf/cm3) 調査孔(各々5.0m離れ) H11年 H12年 H12年 200mm 116mm 66mm サンプ リング サンプ 標 高 原位置 リング 試験 About 20,000 years1.2 at the top Terrace deposit Clay to silt 地 層 名 1.7 1.9 2.1 砂質土 0 10 20 30 40 -10 -62.5 中 丘 位 層 段 -81.5 大 上 阪 部 層 層 群 礫質土 砂質土 粘性土 砂質土 玉石混り 砂礫 粘性土 砂質土 粘性土 砂岩, 礫岩 -137.3 Down hole (1999) P wave by suspension (2000) サ ス ペ ン シ ョ ン : Vs S wave by suspension (2000) -70 -80 Water content (%) 密度検層 Gamma ray 室内土質 Undisturbe 試験 d samples -140 3000 Down hole (2000) -60 -130 2000 板 た た き :H11年 度 -90 和 泉 層 群 1000 (2000) -50 -120 0 サ ス ペ ン シ ョ ン : Vp Osaka group 最大 (lower)下 阪 -100 層 About 部 1.6 群 million 層 -110 years at the top: -119.1 50 板 た た き :H12年 度 -48.7 粘性土 Elastic wave velocity 弾性波速度(m/sec) (m/sec) サ ス ペ ン シ ョ ン :H12年 Average for suspension 度 Blow count s Osaka 沖 group-20 積 (upper)層 About 0.27 –-300.87 million years-40 砂礫 2.5 0 粘性土 玉石混り 2.3 Water content (%) 含水比、N値 and SPT blow counts N 値 自 然 含 水 比 Silty sand to sand & gravel Boring log (1) 試験結果深度分布図(1) Total unit weight 湿潤密度ρt (gf/cm3) 調査孔(各々5.0m離れ) H11年 H12年 H12年 200mm 116mm 66mm サンプ リング サンプ 標 高 原位置 リング 試験 About 20,000 years1.2 at the top Terrace deposit Clay to silt 地 層 名 1.7 1.9 2.1 砂質土 0 10 20 30 40 -10 Elastic wave velocity 弾性波速度(m/sec) (m/sec) 50 0 1000 2000 (2000) 板 た た き :H12年 度 Down hole (2000) 板 た た き :H11年 度 Down hole (1999) サ ス ペ ン シ ョ ン : Vp P wave by suspension (2000) サ ス ペ ン シ ョ ン : Vs S wave by suspension (2000) -48.7 -62.5 中 丘 位 層 段 -81.5 大 上 阪 部 層 層 群 粘性土 礫質土 砂質土 粘性土 砂質土 玉石混り 砂礫 粘性土 砂質土 粘性土 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 Osaka group 最大 (lower)下 阪 -100 層 About 部 1.6 群 million 層 -110 years at the top: -120 -119.1 砂岩, 礫岩 -137.3 和 泉 層 群 Water content (%) The density and Vs generally increase with depth, but no clear discontinuity at a depth of 82 m, despite a clear discontinuity in the geological age. 密度検層 Gamma ray -130 室内土質 Undisturbe 試験 d samples -140 3000 サ ス ペ ン シ ョ ン :H12年 Average for suspension 度 Blow count s Osaka 沖 group-20 積 (upper)層 About 0.27 –-300.87 million years-40 砂礫 2.5 0 粘性土 玉石混り 2.3 Water content (%) 含水比、N値 and SPT blow counts N 値 自 然 含 水 比 Pc(kN/m ) Oedometer yield stress2(kPa) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 定ひずみ速度載荷圧密試験 Terrace deposit: about 20,000 years at the top CRS oedometer (strain rate= ( 0.01∼ 0.05%/min) 0.01 – 0.05 %/min.) 三 軸 圧 密 試 験 ( 0.002%/min) Triaxial compression (strain 有 効rate= 土 被 0.002 り 圧 (%/min.) σ ov') In-situ effective overburden O.C.R=1.2 pressure OCR= 1.2 O.C.R=2.2 OCR= 2.2 O.C.R= 6.0 OCR= 8.0 48.7 m Upper Osaka group; about 0.27 – 0.87 million years 62.5 m 2) Young’s modulus stress (MPa) E(MN/m 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Ef: Suspension seismic survey PS検層 EPMT.PB: Pre-bored PMTs (monotonic loading) 水平載荷試験 5000 0 -10 EPMT.SB: Self-bored PMTs (cyclic loading) 水平載荷(セルフボーリングタイプ) E0: Triaxial tests using LDTs -20 三軸圧縮試験(LDT)より求まる微小ひずみ時のE (at axial strains less than 0.001 %) -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 81.5 m Lowest Osaka group: about 1.6 million years at the top and more that 2.60 million years at the bottom -80 -90 -100 -110 119.1 m -120 -130 -140 1) E0 from triaxial tests using LDTs; consistent with Ef from Vs. 2) Pre-bored PMTs tests; very low stiffness and no discontinuity at a depth of 82 m (not very useful in this project). 3) Self-bored PMTs: much larger stiffness, but too time-consuming test ! Pc(kN/m ) Oedometer yield stress2(kPa) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 定ひずみ速度載荷圧密試験 Terrace deposit: about 20,000 years at the top CRS oedometer (strain rate= ( 0.01∼ 0.05%/min) 0.01 – 0.05 %/min.) 三 軸 圧 密 試 験 ( 0.002%/min) Triaxial compression (strain 有 効rate= 土 被 0.002 り 圧 (%/min.) σ ov') In-situ effective overburden O.C.R=1.2 pressure OCR= 1.2 2) Young’s modulus stress (MPa) E(MN/m 0 1000 2000 3000 Ef: Suspension seismic survey PS検層 EPMT.PB: Pre-bored PMTs (monotonic loading) 水平載荷試験 5000 0 -10 EPMT.SB: Self-bored PMTs (cyclic loading) 水平載荷(セルフボーリングタイプ) E0: Triaxial tests using LDTs -20 三軸圧縮試験(LDT)より求まる微小ひずみ時のE (at axial strains less than 0.001 %) O.C.R=2.2 OCR= 2.2 O.C.R= 6.0 OCR= 8.0 48.7 m Upper Osaka group; about 0.27 – 0.87 million years 4000 62.5 m -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 81.5 m Lowest Osaka group: about 1.6 million years at the top and more that 2.60 million years at the bottom -80 -90 -100 -110 119.1 m -120 -130 -140 A very clear discontinuity at a depth of 82 m in the yield pressure from1D compression tests and K0-triaxial compression tests. - consistent with a clear discontinuity in the geological age; - inconsistent with the distribution of density and Vs with depth. Pc付近の間隙水圧/軸圧縮圧力 ∆u / σ v = 0.3 – 5 % around the 0.3∼5.0%、平均2.2% yield stress One-dimensional CRS compression tests 圧密圧力-軸ひずみ:中位段丘層 and K0 TC tests 調 査 孔 ( 各 々 5 .0 m 離 れ ) H 11年 H 12年 2 0 0 mm 1 1 6 mm サンプ リング サンプ リング H 12年 6 6 mm 原位置 試験 標 高 地 層 名 Vertical stress (kPa) 圧密圧力(kN/m2) 1 .2 10 100 1000 0.0 About 20,000 years at the top Terrace deposit 玉石混り 砂礫 沖 積 層 砂質土 -48.7 -62.5 中 丘 位 層 段 -81.5 大 上 阪 部 層 層 群 粘性土 礫質土 砂質土 粘性土 砂質土 玉石混り 砂礫 TC (strain rate= 0.002 %/min.) 1.0 Vertical strain (%) 軸ひずみ(εa)% 粘性土 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Data points: 8.0 CRS oedometer (strain rate= 粘性土 最 下 部 層 砂質土 粘性土 大 阪 層 群 10.0 -119.1 砂岩, 礫岩 -137.3 9.0 実線 三軸圧密(LDT) 点 定ひずみ圧密 0.01 – 0.05 %/min.) 和 泉 層 群 定ひずみ圧密と三軸圧密(LDT) 軸ひずみ(εa)∼圧密圧力の比較:中位段丘層(粘性 土) 10000 0 Anisotropic TC (external) 5 Significant effects of BE in oedometer tests CRS oedimenter 10 Osaka group (upper) Specimen No.21 (TP -64.22m) 15 20 10 100 1000 10000 2 Effective vertical stress, σ'v (kN/m ) Anisotropic TC (LDT) 0 Vertical strain, ε a (%) Vertical strain, ε a (%) Anisotropic TC (LDT) Anostrpopic TC (external) 部変 5 CRS oedometer 10 15 Osaka group (lower) Specimens No. 44 & 45 (TP -86.99m) 20 10 100 1000 10000 Effective vertical stress, σ'a (kN/m2) 100000 One-dimensional CRS compression tests and Pc付近の間隙水圧/軸圧縮圧力 ∆u / σ v = 1.1 –7.4 % around 圧密圧力-軸ひずみ:大阪層群上部層 1.1∼7.4%、平均3.5% K0 TC tests the yield stress Vertical stress (kPa) 圧密圧力(kN/m2) 調 査 孔 ( 各 々 5 .0 m離 れ ) H 12年 H 11年 2 0 0 mm 1 1 6 mm H 12年 6 6 mm サンプ サンプ 原位置 リング リング 試験 標 高 地 層 名 10 100 0.0 1 .2 砂質土 -48.7 -62.5 中 丘 位 層 段 -81.5 大 上 阪 部 層 層 群 粘性土 礫質土 砂質土 粘性土 砂質土 玉石混り 砂礫 軸ひずみ(εa)% 砂礫 Vertical strain (%) Osaka group 沖 積 (upper) 層 About 0.27 – 0.87 million years 玉石混り 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Data points: 8.0 CRS oedometer (strain rate= 粘性土 最 下 部 層 砂質土 粘性土 大 阪 層 群 礫岩 -137.3 9.0 実線 三軸圧密(LDT) 0.01 点 定ひずみ圧密 – 0.05 %/min.) 10.0 -119.1 砂岩, 10000 TC (strain rate= 0.002 %/min.) 1.0 粘性土 1000 和 泉 層 群 定ひずみ圧密と三軸圧密(LDT) 軸ひずみ(εa)∼圧密圧力の比較:大阪層群上部層 Pc付近の One-dimensional CRS compression tests and 間隙水圧/軸圧縮圧力 圧密圧力-軸ひずみ:大阪層群最下部層(上部) ∆ u / σ = 0.0 – 4.2 % around v K0 TC tests 0.0∼4.2% the yield平均1.5 stress4% 調 査 孔 ( 各 々 5 .0 m 離 れ ) H 12年 H 11年 2 0 0 mm 1 1 6 mm サンプ リング サンプ リング H 12年 6 6 mm 原位置 試験 標 高 1 .2 Vertical stress (kPa) 圧密圧力(kN/m2) 地 層 名 10 100 1000 0.0 砂質土 -48.7 -62.5 中 丘 位 層 段 -81.5 大 上 阪 部 層 層 群 粘性土 礫質土 砂質土 粘性土 砂質土 玉石混り 砂礫 粘性土 砂質土 粘性土 砂岩, 礫岩 最 下 部 層 大 阪 層 群 Vertical strain (%) 沖 積 層 砂礫 軸ひずみ(εa)% 玉石混り TC (strain rate= 0.002 %/min.) 1.0 粘性土 10000 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Data points: 実線 三軸圧密(LDT) CRS oedometer (strain rate= 点 定ひずみ圧密 0.01 – 0.05 %/min.) Upper layers of 9.0 Osaka group -119.1 (lower) 10.0 和 定ひずみ圧密と三軸圧密(LDT)) 泉 1.6 million About 層 軸ひずみ(εa)∼圧密圧力の比較:大阪層群最下部 群 at the top: - 1 3 7 .years 3 層(上位) 圧密圧力-軸ひずみ:大阪層群最下部層(下部) One-dimensional CRS compression tests and K0 TC tests Vertical stress (kPa) 圧密圧力(kN/m2) 調 査 孔 ( 各 々 5 .0 m離 れ ) H 12年 H 11年 2 0 0 mm 1 1 6 mm H 12年 6 6 mm サンプ サンプ 原位置 リング リング 試験 標 高 地 層 名 10 1 .2 100 0.0 1000 10000 TC (strain rate= 0.002 %/min.) 1.0 粘性土 沖 積 層 砂礫 砂質土 -48.7 -62.5 中 丘 位 層 段 -81.5 大 上 阪 部 層 層 群 粘性土 礫質土 砂質土 粘性土 砂質土 玉石混り 砂礫 2.0 Vertical strain (%) 軸ひずみ(εa)% 玉石混り 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Data points: 実線 三軸圧密(LDT) CRS oedometer (strain rate= 点 定ひずみ圧密 9.0 0.01 – 0.05 %/min.) 粘性土 砂質土 粘性土 砂岩, 礫岩 最 下 部 層 大 阪 層 群 Lower layers of Osaka group -119.1 (lower) 和 泉 million About 1.6 層 years - 1 3 7 . 3 at群the top: 10.0 定ひずみ圧密と三軸圧密(LDT) 軸ひずみ(εa)∼圧密圧力の比較:大阪層群最下部 層(下位) Anisotropic triaxial compression tests using LDTs 圧密圧力-軸ひずみ:粘土層集積(LDT) Vertical stress (kPa) 圧密圧力(kN/m2) 調 査 孔 ( 各 々 5 .0 m 離 れ ) H 12年 H 11年 2 0 0 mm 1 1 6 mm H 12年 6 6 mm サンプ サンプ 原位置 リング リング 試験 標 高 地 層 名 10 100 1000 0 1 .2 粘性土 玉石混り 沖 積 層 砂質土 -48.7 -62.5 中 丘 位 層 段 -81.5 大 上 阪 部 層 層 群 粘性土 礫質土 砂質土 粘性土 砂質土 玉石混り 砂礫 1 Vertical strain (%) 軸ひずみ εa (%) 砂礫 2 3 粘性土 最 下 部 層 砂質土 粘性土 大 阪 層 群 4 -119.1 砂岩, 礫岩 -137.3 和 泉 層 群 5 Depth (m) 標高:-51.6 中位段丘層 -51: 標高:-64.2 Terrace 大阪層群上部層 deposit -64.2: 標高:-64.5 Osaka group (upper) 大阪層群上部層 -75.2: 標高:-75.2 - 大阪層群上部層 大阪層群最下部層(上位) -87.8: 標高:-87.8 Osaka group (lower) -103.5:標高:-103.5 - 大阪層群最下部層(下位) 10000 3000 Correlation between E0 from TC tests and py from the oedometer tests ●: measured E0 and inter-polated py ○: inter-polated E0 and measured py TP-104.3m 2 Eo (MN/m ) 2000 TP-85.5m 1000 TP-67.1m TP-71.2m TP-75.2m TP-66.6m TP-51.6m 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 2 py (kN/m ) a) A good correlation inside the upper Osaka group b) A clear discontinuous between the data for upper and lower Osaka groups. Correlation between Ef from field shear wave velocity and 圧密降伏応力と変形係数の相関(2) py from the oedometer tests 2500 Relation for depth= -75.2 m or less 2 Inter-polated Ef (MN/m ) 3000 2000 1500 depth= -75.2 m 1000 Depth= 84.5 m or more TP-51.8m 500 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 2 Measured py (kN/m ) a) A good correlation inside the upper Osaka group b) A clear discontinuous between the data for upper and lower Osaka groups. Terrace deposit Osaka group (upper) Osaka group (lower) 降伏前の圧縮指数1/Cs l/”C c before yielding from TC tests using LDTs” 140 120 100 中位 段丘層 大阪層群 最下部層 大阪層群 上部層 80 60 The Osaka group (lower): 1) No particularly large pre-yield stiffness 2) A high yield stress 40 20 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Oedometer yield stress, py (kPa) 10000 Schematic diagram Stress Elastic deformation property: no distinct discontinuity between Osaka groups upper and lower Osaka group (lower) Yield stress: increased by mechanical over-consolidation ? Osaka group (upper) Yield stress 0 Strain Depth Triaxial compression tests on undisturbed samples of clay 0 (m) sandbar 40 0m Alluvium Terrace deposit No.19 No.20 64 65 No.38 No.44 86 88 60 Osaka group (Pleistocene) 100m Hard Rock 200m 80 100 (m) Depth of clay samples Sample No. Sampleing Depth ρt g/cm3 ρd g/cm3 ρs g/cm3 wn % e Sr % No.19 No.20 No.38 No.44 64.68m 65.02m 85.78m 88.07m ∼65.02m ∼65.34m ∼86.28m ∼88.72m 2.009 1.611 2.705 24.7 0.679 98.4 1.901 1.439 2.693 32.1 0.871 99.2 1.926 1.492 2.627 29.1 0.761 100.5 2.065 1.700 2.678 21.5 0.576 100.0 2∼75mm % 75 μm∼2mm % 5∼75 μm % under 5 μm % Uc Uc' mm D50 mm 0.0 42.9 23.3 33.8 * * 2.000 0.0303 0.0 8.3 37.1 54.6 * * 0.425 0.0034 0.0 3.1 43.4 53.5 * * 0.250 0.0042 0.0 1.5 64.3 34.2 * * 0.106 0.0101 wL % wp % Ip 31.9 10.3 21.6 54.7 13.6 41.1 86.1 24.0 62.1 70.3 26.2 44.1 Clay CLS Clay CH-S Clay CH Silt MH 500 Kitan Clay No.19 CD TC Depth= 64.9m σ'h= 340 kPa Deviator Stress, q (kPa) 400 1/5 1/5 0 0.0 1200 1000 Creep (12h) 1/5 Reconstituted (ec= 0.82) (dεv/dt)0= 0.0042 %/m 1/10 10? Axial strain, εv (%) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 No.19 No.20 64 65 No.38 No.44 86 88 60 Osaka group (Pleistocene) 100m Hard Rock 200m 80 Undisturbed (ec= 0.61) (dεv/dt)0= 0.0033 %/m Kitan Clay No.44 CDTC Test Depth= 88 m σ'h= 470 kPa 100 The other changes in the strain rate: 10 times & 1/10 times 100 1/100 400 εvol (%) Alluvium 100 (m) 600 1/100 0 10.0 2 3 4 0m Terrace deposit 5 1/5 800 200 40 1/5 2 1400 0 (m) sandbar 1 1600 Depth 1/5 Creep (24h) 1/5 Creep (12h) 200 εvolume (%) 1/5 1/5 300 100 Daviator Stress, q (kPa) Undistrubend (ec= 1.03) (dεv/dt)0= 0.0076 %/m 1/5 1/10 Reconstituted (ec= 0.79) (dεv/dt)0= 0.0037 %/m 1/5 0.5 1.0 5 10 5 20 1/50 Axial strain, εv (%) 1.5 2.0 Difference in the stress-strain behaviour between the undisturbed sample and reconstituted specimen; -increases with the sampling depth, in particular, suddenly at d= 82 m, due to largely increased ageing 2.5 effects. Summary Between the upper and lower Osaka group deposits: 1) A large discontinuity in the geological age (0.87 versus 1.6 million years). 2) No clear discontinuity in Vs (by both down-hole and suspension methods) and E0. 3) No clear discontinuity in the stiffness from pre-bored PMTs*. *: very low compared to the small strain stiffness. 4) A clear discontinuity in the yield pressure from oedometer tests and anisotropic TC tests. - A discontinuity in the linearity in the stress-strain relations. 5) Large BE in the strains in oedometer tests Viscous property of clay Summary Between upper and lower Osaka group deposits: 1) A large discontinuity in the geological age (0.87 versus 1.6 million years). 2) No clear discontinuity in Vs (by both down-hole and suspension methods) and E0. 3) No clear discontinuity in the stiffness from pre-bored PMTs*. *: very low compared to the small strain stiffness. 4) A clear discontinuity in the yield pressure from oedometer tests and anisotropic TC tests. - A discontinuity in the linearity in the stress-strain relations. 5) Large BE in the strains in oedometer tests Viscous property of clay Preliminary estimate of the settlement of A1 One-dimensional accounting for pressure spreading 1) Sand and gravel layers: drainage layers 2) Estimate using the coefficients of secondary consolidation (ignoring the effects of stress history) Anchorage 1A (route B) Diaphragm walls Holocene deposits Diaphragm walls Terrace deposit Pleistocene deposits Osaka group (upper) Osaka group (lower) TP – 71 m 5.0 Anisotropic TC tests with intermediate drained creep loading stages Anisotropic TC (LDT) Specimen No.54-2 (TP -103.48 m) 4000 3000 3.0 σv' 2000 2.0 1000 1.0 εa(LDT) 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Elapsed time, t (min) 0 Vertical strain, εv (%) 0.5 1 Anisotropic TC (creep loading during otherwise CRS ML) Specimen No.54-2 (TP -103.48m) 1.5 2 10 100 4.0 1000 Effevtive vertical stress, σ'v 10000 2 (kN/m ) 10000 12000 0.0 14000 Vertical strain,εv (%) 2 Effective vertical stress, σv' (kN/m ) 5000 Coefficient of secondary consolidation, Cαε (%) 0.50 T errac e d ep o s it 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 Lo wes t O s aka gro up 0.10 Up p er O s aka gro up 0.05 0.00 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 2 Effec tive vertic al s tres s , σ v '( kN /m ) Coefficient of secondary consolidation: ∆ε creep = Cα ⋅ log10 (t / t0 ) t0: time at the end of primary consolidation in the standard oedometer test. Anchorage 1A (route B) Summary of settlement prediction Diaphragm walls Diaphragm walls Holocene deposits Terrace deposit Pleistocene deposits TP – 71 m Osaka group (upper) Osaka group (lower) Primary Secondary t= 30 yrs t= 50 yrs Upper Osaka group 0.6 cm 1.27 cm 1.33 cm Lower Osaka group 2.4 6.3 6.8 Total 3.0 7.6 8.1 Time history of settlement by preliminary analysis (1.0) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 600.0 計算データ、Mv:三軸圧密(LDT)、Cv:定ひずみ速度圧密、Cαε:長期圧密試験 400.0 Anticipated average contact pressure at the bottom of foundation 0.6 1.7 200.0 0.0 1.2 -200.0 2.1 Primary settlement 3.6 -400.0 5.0 -600.0 7.3 7.9 一次元圧密計算+長期圧密沈下計算(Cαε) Total一次元圧密計算 settlement: primary + secondary 増加荷重(連壁先端-71.0m) -800.0 -1000.0 -1200.0 ここでの長期圧密計算は前の荷重履歴を考慮していない近似計算であり、一次圧密90%終了時から増加荷重(荷重分散 30°)に対応したCαεを用いて計算した値 Not very large settlement, due to: a) a smaller contact pressure, relative to the Akashi strait bridge; and b) relatively thin and old clay deposits. 増加荷重ΔP(kN/m2) Settlement (cm) 沈下量(cm) 0.0 (6.0) (5.0) (4.0) (3.0) (2.0) Average contact pressure (kN/m2) Elapsed time (years) 経過時間(年) Time-dependent settlement behaviour of the foundations for Akashi Strait Bridge 14th Oct. 1989 End of tower construction 6 4 2 0 4 2 Settlement, S (mm) -10 -40 Settlement, S(mm) End of tower construction 0 -20 The 1995 Hygo-ken Nambu Earthquake -60 -80 -100 -140 6 0 10 -2 0 -120 26th Jan. 1990 2 8 8 (p)ave (kgf/cm ) 2 10 Applied pressure, 10 (p)ave(kgf/cm ) Applied pressure, 12 a) -20 -30 -50 2P 500 b) 3P -60 -70 0 The 1995 Hyogo-ken Nambu earthquake -40 1000 1500 2000 Elasped time (days) 2500 3000 3500 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 Elasped time (days) 1500 1750 2000 Anchorage 1A Then, how shallower the foundation could be made ? (route B) Holocene Diaphragm walls Terrace deposit Pleistocene Osaka group (upper) Osaka group (lower) TP – 71 m